MIRNA_TARGETS_README RGD produces 6 miRNA-target files, three containing data for confirmed miRNA target genes and three containing data for predicted miRNA target genes. The files are as follows: File name File size MIRNA_TARGETS_CONFIRMED_HUMAN.txt.gz 89 KB MIRNA_TARGETS_CONFIRMED_MOUSE.txt.gz 36 KB MIRNA_TARGETS_CONFIRMED_RAT.txt.gz 4 KB MIRNA_TARGETS_PREDICTED_HUMAN.txt.gz 1277052 KB MIRNA_TARGETS_PREDICTED_MOUSE.txt.gz 574319 KB MIRNA_TARGETS_PREDICTED_RAT.txt.gz 121497 KB miRNA Target Status data is imported from miRGate (http://mirgate.bioinfo.cnio.es/) on a weekly basis and FTP files are correspondingly updated. For more information about miRGate, see PMID:25858286 (https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/?term=25858286) or access the full paper at http://database.oxfordjournals.org/content/2015/bav035.full.pdf+html. The column headers are as follows: Confirmed Targets: Column # Column title Column Description #1 TARGET_GENE_RGD_ID the RGD_ID of the miRNA target gene #2 TARGET_GENE_SYMBOL official symbol of miRNA target gene #3 MIRNA_GENE_RGD_ID the RGD_ID of the miRNA gene #4 MIRNA_GENE_SYMBOL official symbol of miRNA gene #5 MATURE_MIRNA mature miRNA #6 METHOD_NAME method name #7 RESULT_TYPE result type #8 DATA_TYPE data type #9 SUPPORT_TYPE support type #10 PMID Pubmed Id Predicted Targets: Column # Column title Column Description #1 TARGET_GENE_RGD_ID the RGD_ID of the miRNA target gene #2 TARGET_GENE_SYMBOL official symbol of miRNA target gene #3 MIRNA_GENE_RGD_ID the RGD_ID of the miRNA gene #4 MIRNA_GENE_SYMBOL official symbol of miRNA gene #5 MATURE_MIRNA mature miRNA #6 METHOD_NAME method name #7 RESULT_TYPE result type #8 TARGET_TRANSCRIPT_ACC target transcript accession #9 TRANSCRIPT_BIOTYPE transcript biotype #10 ISOFORM isoform #11 AMPLIFICATION amplification #12 UTR_START UTR Start #13 UTR_END UTR End #14 TARGET_SITE target site #15 SCORE score #16 NORMALIZED_SCORE normalized score #17 ENERGY energy Note that the first 7 columns are the same for confirmed and predicted, and all columns are the same regardless of species.