# RGD-PIPELINE: ftp-file-extracts
# MODULE: annotations-version-1.1.9 (Oct 10, 2019)
# GENERATED-ON: 2025/03/08
# PURPOSE: annotations about active Rat objects extracted from RGD database
# ONTOLOGY: RS: Rat Strains
# CONTACT: rgd.data@mcw.edu
# FORMAT: tab delimited text
# NOTES: multiple values in a single column are separated by '|'
#1 RGD_ID unique RGD_ID of the annotated object
#2 OBJECT_SYMBOL official symbol of the annotated object
#3 OBJECT_NAME official name of the annotated object
#4 OBJECT_TYPE annotated object data type: one of ['gene','qtl','strain']
#5 TERM_ACC_ID ontology term accession id
#6 TERM_NAME ontology term name
#7 QUALIFIER optional qualifier
#8 EVIDENCE evidence
#9 WITH with info
#10 ASPECT aspect
#11 REFERENCES db references (Reference RGDID|PUBMED ID)
#12 CREATED_DATE created date
#13 ASSIGNED_BY assigned by
#14 MESH_OMIM_ID MESH:xxx or OMIM:xxx id corresponding to RDO:xxx id found in TERM_ACC_ID column (RGD/CTD Disease Ontology annotations only)
#15 CURATION_NOTES curation notes provided by RGD curators
#16 ORIGINAL_REFERENCE original reference
10000 ACI/N A X C 9935, Irish strain RS:0000023 ACI/N IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
10001 AVN/Orl strain RS:0000059 AVN/Orl IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
10002 BBDP/Rhw strain RS:0000071 BBDP/Rhw IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
10002743 DA.E3-(D20Rat42-D20Rat49)/Rhd strain RS:0003878 DA.E3-(D20Rat42-D20Rat49)/Rhd IEA S RGD:7241799 20150502 RGD
10002745 DA.E3-(D20Rat47-AA858870)/Rhd strain RS:0003885 DA.E3-(D20Rat47-AA858870)/Rhd IEA S RGD:7241799 20150502 RGD
10002782 SHR-Sbf1m1Ipcv strain RS:0003887 SHR-Sbf1m1Ipcv IEA S RGD:7241799 20170128 RGD
10002787 SD-Krt71m1Yuyi strain RS:0003890 SD-Krt71m1Yuyi IEA S RGD:7241799 20170304 RGD
10002791 SD-Fahem3Mcwi strain RS:0003892 SD-Fahem3Mcwi IEA S RGD:7241799 20200516 RGD
10002794 SD-Il2rgem2Mcwi strain RS:0003896 SD-Il2rgem2Mcwi IEA S RGD:7241799 20200516 RGD
10003 BBDR/Rhw strain RS:0000073 BBDR/Rhw IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
10004 BC/CpbU strain RS:0000082 BC/CpbU IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
10005 BDIX/Han strain RS:0000092 BDIX/Han IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
10006 BDVII/Cub strain RS:0000097 BDVII/Cub IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
10008 BN/SsNHsd strain RS:0000155 BN/SsNHsd IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
10009 BP/Cub strain RS:0000159 BP/Cub IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
10010 BUF/Pit Buffalo strain RS:0000168 BUF/Pit IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
10011 COP/OlaHsd strain RS:0000186 COP/OlaHsd IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
10012 DA/PitN strain RS:0000245 DA/PitN IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
10013 DON/Melb strain RS:0000379 DON/Melb IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
10014 F344/Pit strain RS:0000380 F344/Pit IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
10015 FHH/Eur strain RS:0000018 FHH/Eur IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
10016 GH/Omr Genetically Hypertensive strain RS:0000374 GH/Omr IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
10017 GK/KyoSwe Goto Kakizaki strain RS:0000118 GK/KyoSwe IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
10018 IS/Kyo ishibashi rat strain RS:0000410 IS/Kyo IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
10019 LE/Mol Long Evans strain RS:0000439 LE/Mol IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
10020 LEW/Pit Lewis strain RS:0000527 LEW/Pit IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
10021 LH/Mav strain RS:0000556 LH/Mav IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
10022 LN/Mav strain RS:0000560 LN/Mav IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
10023 LOU/CHan Louvain strain RS:0000562 LOU/CHan IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
10024 M520/N strain RS:0000573 M520/N IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
10025 MHS/Gib Milan Hypertensive Strain strain RS:0000578 MHS/Gib IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
10026 MNR/N Maudsely non-reactive strain RS:0000583 MNR/N IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
10027 MNRA/N strain RS:0000586 MNRA/N IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
10028 MNS/Gib Milan Normotensive Strain strain RS:0000581 MNS/Gib IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
10029 MR/Pit strain RS:0000590 MR/Pit IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
10030 NEDH/K strain RS:0000604 NEDH/K IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
10031 NP9 strain RS:0000611 NP9 IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
10032 ODU/N Osaka Dental University strain RS:0000616 ODU/N IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
10033 OKA/Wsl strain RS:0000619 OKA/Wsl IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
10034 OM/Ztm Osborne-Mendel strain RS:0000630 OM/Ztm IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
10035 P5C strain RS:0000636 P5C IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
10036 PVG/Pit strain RS:0000646 PVG/Pit IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
10037 SD/Rij strain RS:0000700 SD/Rij IEA S RGD:7241799 20200516 RGD
10038 SHR/OlaHsd Spontaneously Hypertensive Rat strain RS:0001429 SHR/OlaHsd IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
10039 SHRSP/Riv Spontaneously Hypertensive Rat, Stroke Prone strain RS:0000776 SHRSP/Riv IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
10040 SR/Jr Salt Resistant strain RS:0000786 SR/Jr IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
10041 SS/Jr Salt Sensitive strain RS:0000817 SS/Jr IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
10042 WAG/RijKyo strain RS:0000971 WAG/RijKyo IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
10043 WF/Pit Wistar Furth strain RS:0001009 WF/Pit IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
10043120 BBDP.ACI-(D2Mit8-D2Rat69)/Sunn strain RS:0003898 BBDP.ACI-(D2Mit8-D2Rat69)/Sunn IEA S RGD:7241799 20150523 RGD
10043122 BBDP.ACI-(D2Mit8-D2Arb16)(D2Rat354-D2Rat69)/Sunn strain RS:0003899 BBDP.ACI-(D2Mit8-D2Arb16)(D2Rat354-D2Rat69)/Sunn IEA S RGD:7241799 20200516 RGD
10043124 BBDP.ACI-(D2Mit8-D2Arb16)/Sunn strain RS:0003900 BBDP.ACI-(D2Mit8-D2Arb16)/Sunn IEA S RGD:7241799 20150523 RGD
10043127 BBDP.ACI-(D2Mit8-D2Rat354)/Sunn strain RS:0003901 BBDP.ACI-(D2Mit8-D2Rat354)/Sunn IEA S RGD:7241799 20150523 RGD
10043129 BBDP.ACI-(D2Arb16-D2Rat63)/Sunn strain RS:0003902 BBDP.ACI-(D2Arb16-D2Rat63)/Sunn IEA S RGD:7241799 20150523 RGD
10043132 BBDP.ACI-(D2Rat50-D2Rat63)/Sunn strain RS:0003903 BBDP.ACI-(D2Rat50-D2Rat63)/Sunn IEA S RGD:7241799 20150523 RGD
10043136 Iddm54 Insulin dependent diabetes mellitus QTL 54 qtl RS:0003900 BBDP.ACI-(D2Mit8-D2Arb16)/Sunn IEA S RGD:10043114|PMID:24920533 20151205 RGD
10043139 Iddm55 Insulin dependent diabetes mellitus QTL 55 qtl RS:0003902 BBDP.ACI-(D2Arb16-D2Rat63)/Sunn IEA S RGD:10043114|PMID:24920533 20151205 RGD
10043368 NER.F344-(D3M2Mit327-D3Arb10)/Kyo strain RS:0003904 NER.F344-(D3M2Mit327-D3Arb10)/Kyo IEA S RGD:7241799 20150613 RGD
10043382 F344.NER-(D1Mgh6-D1Rat73)(D5Mgh4-D5Rat36)Lgi1m1/Kyo strain RS:0003906 F344.NER-(D1Mgh6-D1Rat73)(D5Mgh4-D5Rat36)Lgi1m1/Kyo IEA S RGD:7241799 20150613 RGD
10043385 F344.NER-(D1Mgh6-D1Rat73)(D5Mgh4-D5Rat36)Scn1am1/Kyo strain RS:0003907 F344.NER-(D1Mgh6-D1Rat73)(D5Mgh4-D5Rat36)Scn1am1/Kyo IEA S RGD:7241799 20150613 RGD
10043617 SPRD-Anks6PKD/Fsn strain RS:0003908 SPRD-AnksPKD/Fsn IEA S RGD:7241799 20150613 RGD
10043620 SHRSP.WKY-(D1Smu13)/Izm strain RS:0003909 SHRSP.WKY-(D1Smu13)/Izm IEA S RGD:7241799 20150613 RGD
10043791 SHRSP.SHR-(D1Mgh5-D1Rat213)/Izm strain RS:0003910 SHRSP.SHR-(D1Mgh5-D1Rat213)/Izm IEA S RGD:7241799 20150613 RGD
10043794 WKY.SHRSP-(D1Mgh5-D1Arb21)/Izm strain RS:0003911 WKY.SHRSP-(D1Mgh5-D1Arb21)/Izm IEA S RGD:7241799 20150613 RGD
10043808 WKY.SHRSP-(D1Mgh5-D1Arb21)(D4Mgh7-D4Rat68)/Izm strain RS:0003912 WKY.SHRSP-(D1Mgh5-D1Arb21)(D4Mgh7-D4Rat68)/Izm IEA S RGD:7241799 20150613 RGD
10043811 SHRSP.MES-CybaMES/Izm strain RS:0003914 SHRSP.MES-CybaMES/Izm IEA S RGD:7241799 20150613 RGD
10043813 SHR/HktIzm strain RS:0003915 SHR/HktIzm IEA S RGD:7241799 20150613 RGD
10043816 LEA-Tg(Pou5f1-YFP*)3Ncco strain RS:0003917 LEA-Tg(Pou5f1-YFP*)3Ncco IEA S RGD:7241799 20150613 RGD
10043826 SHR/Kpo strain RS:0003918 SHR/Kpo IEA S RGD:7241799 20150613 RGD
10043828 SHR/2Kpo strain RS:0003919 SHR/2Kpo IEA S RGD:7241799 20150613 RGD
10044 WIST/Nhg Wistar strain RS:0001015 WIST/Nhg IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
10044232 SHRSP/Kpo strain RS:0003920 SHRSP/Kpo IEA S RGD:7241799 20150613 RGD
10045 WN/N Inbred Wistar; W/N strain RS:0001082 WN/N IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
10045545 CDS/Sasz Cohen diabetic-sensitive rat strain RS:0003921 CDS/Sasz IEA S RGD:7241799 20200516 RGD
10045548 CDR/Sasz Cohen diabetic-resistant rat strain RS:0003922 CDR/Sasz IEA S RGD:7241799 20200516 RGD
10045576 SHRSP/2Kpo strain RS:0003923 SHRSP/2Kpo IEA S RGD:7241799 20161008 RGD
10045578 MSHRSP/Kpo strain RS:0003924 MSHRSP/Kpo IEA S RGD:7241799 20150718 RGD
10045580 LE-Tg((ROSA)26Sor-CAG-tdTomato)24Jfhy strain RS:0003925 LE-Tg((ROSA)26Sor-CAG-tdTomato)24Jfhy IEA S RGD:7241799 20150718 RGD
10045582 ODURM/Odu strain RS:0003926 ODURM/Odu IEA S RGD:7241799 20150718 RGD
10045584 SD-Tg(CAG-HRAS*G12V)218Htsu strain RS:0003927 SD-Tg(CAG-HRAS*G12V)218Htsu IEA S RGD:7241799 20150718 RGD
10045589 SD-Tg(CAG-HRAS*G12V)246Htsu strain RS:0003928 SD-Tg(CAG-HRAS*G12V)246Htsu IEA S RGD:7241799 20150718 RGD
10045590 LEA.F344-(D20Rat47-D20Mgh4)/Tj strain RS:0003929 LEA.F344-(D20Rat47-D20Mgh4)/Tj IEA S RGD:7241799 20150718 RGD
10045591 F344-Cacna1agryScn1am1Kyo/Okym strain RS:0003930 F344-Scn1am1Kyo.GRY-Cacna1agry/Okym IEA S RGD:7241799 20150718 RGD
10045593 W-Dmdem1Kykn strain RS:0003932 W-Dmdem1Kykn IEA S RGD:7241799 20200516 RGD
10045597 F344-Nfe2l2em1Kyo strain RS:0003934 F344-Nfe2l2em1Kyo IEA S RGD:7241799 20200516 RGD
10045600 F344-Nfe2l2em2Kyo strain RS:0003935 F344-Nfe2l2em2Kyo IEA S RGD:7241799 20200516 RGD
10045602 W-Tg(CMV-Ddx54)19Tsuy strain RS:0003938 W-Tg(CMV-Ddx54)19Tsuy IEA S RGD:7241799 20150718 RGD
10045606 W-Tg(CMV-Ddx54)37Tsuy strain RS:0003939 W-Tg(CMV-Ddx54)37Tsuy IEA S RGD:7241799 20150718 RGD
10046 WKY/OlaHsd strain RS:0001074 WKY/OlaHsd IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
10046035 SS.SR-(D13Arb5-D13Arb8)/Mcwi strain RS:0003942 SS.SR-(D13Arb5-D13Arb8)/Mcwi IEA S RGD:7241799 20150718 RGD
10047 WTC/Kyo strain RS:0001090 WTC/Kyo IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
10047085 SD-Fusem1Ionsz strain RS:0003943 SD-Fusem1Ionsz IEA S RGD:7241799 20200516 RGD
10047391 LE/OrlBarth Long-Evans/Cryptorchid strain RS:0003944 LE/OrlBarth IEA S RGD:7241799 20170715 RGD
10047393 SDLEF7/Barth strain RS:0003945 SDLEF7/Barth IEA S RGD:7241799 20170715 RGD
10053598 WI-Foxn1em1Nips strain RS:0003947 WI-Foxn1em1Nips IEA S RGD:7241799 20161217 RGD
10053601 WI-Foxn1em2Nips strain RS:0003949 WI-Foxn1em2Nips IEA S RGD:7241799 20161217 RGD
10053603 WI-Foxn1em1Nips, Foxn1em2NipsF1 strain RS:0003950 WI-Foxn1em1Nips, Foxn1em2NipsF1 IEA S RGD:7241799 20230909 RGD
10053700 Scort23 Serum corticosterone level QTL 23 qtl RS:0001334 ISIAH IEA S RGD:10053640|PMID:21029000 20150815 RGD
10053700 Scort23 Serum corticosterone level QTL 23 qtl RS:0003766 WAG/Nov IEA S RGD:10053640|PMID:21029000 20150815 RGD
10053715 Scort24 Serum corticosterone level QTL 24 qtl RS:0001334 ISIAH IEA S RGD:10053640|PMID:21029000 20150815 RGD
10053715 Scort24 Serum corticosterone level QTL 24 qtl RS:0003766 WAG/Nov IEA S RGD:10053640|PMID:21029000 20150815 RGD
10053718 Scort25 Serum corticosterone level QTL 25 qtl RS:0001334 ISIAH IEA S RGD:10053640|PMID:21029000 20150815 RGD
10053718 Scort25 Serum corticosterone level QTL 25 qtl RS:0003766 WAG/Nov IEA S RGD:10053640|PMID:21029000 20150815 RGD
10053720 Scort26 Serum corticosterone level QTL 26 qtl RS:0001334 ISIAH IEA S RGD:10053640|PMID:21029000 20150815 RGD
10053720 Scort26 Serum corticosterone level QTL 26 qtl RS:0003766 WAG/Nov IEA S RGD:10053640|PMID:21029000 20150815 RGD
10053722 Scort27 Serum corticosterone level QTL 27 qtl RS:0001334 ISIAH IEA S RGD:10053640|PMID:21029000 20150815 RGD
10053722 Scort27 Serum corticosterone level QTL 27 qtl RS:0003766 WAG/Nov IEA S RGD:10053640|PMID:21029000 20150815 RGD
10054088 Scort28 Serum corticosterone level QTL 28 qtl RS:0001334 ISIAH IEA S RGD:10053640|PMID:21029000 20150815 RGD
10054088 Scort28 Serum corticosterone level QTL 28 qtl RS:0003766 WAG/Nov IEA S RGD:10053640|PMID:21029000 20150815 RGD
10054123 Srcrt6 Stress Responsive Cort QTL 6 qtl RS:0001334 ISIAH IEA S RGD:10053640|PMID:21029000 20150815 RGD
10054123 Srcrt6 Stress Responsive Cort QTL 6 qtl RS:0003766 WAG/Nov IEA S RGD:10053640|PMID:21029000 20150815 RGD
10054125 Srcrt7 Stress Responsive Cort QTL 7 qtl RS:0001334 ISIAH IEA S RGD:10053640|PMID:21029000 20150815 RGD
10054125 Srcrt7 Stress Responsive Cort QTL 7 qtl RS:0003766 WAG/Nov IEA S RGD:10053640|PMID:21029000 20150815 RGD
10054130 Srcrt8 Stress Responsive Cort QTL 8 qtl RS:0001334 ISIAH IEA S RGD:10053640|PMID:21029000 20150815 RGD
10054130 Srcrt8 Stress Responsive Cort QTL 8 qtl RS:0003766 WAG/Nov IEA S RGD:10053640|PMID:21029000 20150815 RGD
10054132 Srcrt9 Stress Responsive Cort QTL 9 qtl RS:0001334 ISIAH IEA S RGD:10053640|PMID:21029000 20150815 RGD
10054132 Srcrt9 Stress Responsive Cort QTL 9 qtl RS:0003766 WAG/Nov IEA S RGD:10053640|PMID:21029000 20150815 RGD
10054135 Gmadr2 Adrenal mass QTL 2 qtl RS:0001334 ISIAH IEA S RGD:10053640|PMID:21029000 20150815 RGD
10054135 Gmadr2 Adrenal mass QTL 2 qtl RS:0003766 WAG/Nov IEA S RGD:10053640|PMID:21029000 20150815 RGD
10054138 Gmadr3 Adrenal mass QTL 3 qtl RS:0001334 ISIAH IEA S RGD:10053640|PMID:21029000 20150815 RGD
10054138 Gmadr3 Adrenal mass QTL 3 qtl RS:0003766 WAG/Nov IEA S RGD:10053640|PMID:21029000 20150815 RGD
10054141 Gmadr4 Adrenal mass QTL 4 qtl RS:0001334 ISIAH IEA S RGD:10053640|PMID:21029000 20150815 RGD
10054141 Gmadr4 Adrenal mass QTL 4 qtl RS:0003766 WAG/Nov IEA S RGD:10053640|PMID:21029000 20150815 RGD
10054231 HFJ/Hblac strain RS:0003951 HFJ/Hblac IEA S RGD:7241799 20150801 RGD
10054233 MIJ/Hblac strain RS:0003952 MIJ/Hblac IEA S RGD:7241799 20150801 RGD
10054235 MIJN/Hblac strain RS:0003953 MIJN/Hblac IEA S RGD:7241799 20150801 RGD
10054239 DA-Abcd1em2Mcwi strain RS:0004473 DA-Abcd1em2Mcwi IEA S RGD:7241799 20170819 RGD
10054242 DA-Abcd1em4Mcwi strain RS:0004590 DA-Abcd1em4Mcwi IEA S RGD:7241799 20180428 RGD
10054245 SS-Adora1em3Mcwi strain RS:0004668 SS-Adora1em3Mcwi IEA S RGD:7241799 20181027 RGD
10054276 SD-Vcpem1Ionsz strain RS:0003958 SD-Vcpem1Ionsz IEA S RGD:7241799 20200516 RGD
10054279 SD-Gfapem1(2A-Chr2-EYFP)Ionsz strain RS:0003959 SD-Gfapem1Ionsz IEA S RGD:7241799 20200516 RGD
10054284 SS-Adora1em4Mcwi strain RS:0003961 SS-Adora1em4Mcwi IEA S RGD:7241799 20161022 RGD
10054287 SS-Adora2aem3Mcwi strain RS:0003964 SS-Adora2aem3Mcwi IEA S RGD:7241799 20161022 RGD
10054292 SS-Arhgef11em4Mcwi strain RS:0003965 SS-Arhgef11em4Mcwi IEA S RGD:7241799 20161022 RGD
10054296 SS-Arhgef11em5Mcwi strain RS:0003967 SS-Arhgef11em5Mcwi IEA S RGD:7241799 20161022 RGD
10054299 SS.BN-(D13Rat25-rs106935835)-Btg2em11Mcwi strain RS:0003970 SS.BN-(D13Rat25-rs106935835)/Mcwi-Btg2em11Mcwi IEA S RGD:7241799 20161008 RGD
10054304 SS.BN-(D13Rat25-rs106935835)-Btg2em13Mcwi strain RS:0003972 SS.BN-(D13Rat25-rs106935835)/Mcwi-Btg2em13Mcwi IEA S RGD:7241799 20161008 RGD
10054307 SS.BN-(D13Rat25-rs106935835)-Btg2em7Mcwi strain RS:0003973 SS.BN-(D13Rat25-rs106935835)/Mcwi-Btg2em7Mcwi IEA S RGD:7241799 20161008 RGD
10054310 SS-Casrem1Mcwi strain RS:0003975 SS-Casrem1Mcwi IEA S RGD:7241799 20161022 RGD
10054373 LEW-Chrna3em1Mcwi strain RS:0003978 LEW-Chrna3em1Mcwi IEA S RGD:7241799 20230930 RGD
10054376 LEW-Chrna3em9Mcwi strain RS:0003980 LEW-Chrna3em9Mcwi IEA S RGD:7241799 20161008 RGD
10054379 LEW-Chrna4em4Mcwi strain RS:0003981 LEW-Chrna4em4Mcwi IEA S RGD:7241799 20161008 RGD
10054383 LEW-Chrna4em3Mcwi strain RS:0003983 LEW-Chrna4em3Mcwi IEA S RGD:7241799 20161008 RGD
10054386 LEW-Chrna5em1Mcwi strain RS:0003984 LEW-Chrna5em1Mcwi IEA S RGD:7241799 20161022 RGD
10054389 LEW-Chrna5em2Mcwi strain RS:0003985 LEW-Chrna5em2Mcwi IEA S RGD:7241799 20161022 RGD
10054398 DA-Glaem2Mcwi strain RS:0003988 DA-Glaem2Mcwi IEA S RGD:7241799 20161022 RGD
10054401 FHH-Chr 3BN-Helz2em3Mcwi strain RS:0003992 FHH-Chr 3BN-Helz2em3Mcwi IEA S RGD:7241799 20161022 RGD
10054405 FHH-Chr 3BN-Helz2em4Mcwi strain RS:0003994 FHH-Chr 3BN-Helz2em4Mcwi IEA S RGD:7241799 20161022 RGD
10054408 SS-Kcnj10em1Mcwi strain RS:0003995 SS-Kcnj10em1Mcwi IEA S RGD:7241799 20161022 RGD
10054411 SS-Kcnj10em3Mcwi strain RS:0003996 SS-Kcnj10em3Mcwi IEA S RGD:7241799 20161022 RGD
10054414 SS-Mmp9em4Mcwi strain RS:0003997 SS-Mmp9em4Mcwi IEA S RGD:7241799 20161008 RGD
10054417 SS-Mmp9em6Mcwi strain RS:0003999 SS-Mmp9em6Mcwi IEA S RGD:7241799 20161008 RGD
10054420 LEW-Mrpl28em1Mcwi strain RS:0004000 LEW-Mrpl28em1Mcwi IEA S RGD:7241799 20161022 RGD
10054430 LEW-Pkd1em2Mcwi strain RS:0004002 LEW-Pkd1em2Mcwi IEA S RGD:7241799 20161022 RGD
10054433 LEW-Pkd1em3Mcwi strain RS:0004003 LEW-Pkd1em3Mcwi IEA S RGD:7241799 20170128 RGD
10054436 LEW-Pkd1em1Mcwi strain RS:0004004 LEW-Pkd1em1Mcwi IEA S RGD:7241799 20161022 RGD
10054439 LEW-Pkd1em6Mcwi strain RS:0004005 LEW-Pkd1em6Mcwi IEA S RGD:7241799 20161022 RGD
10054444 LEW-Rorcem3Mcwi strain RS:0004007 LEW-Rorcem3Mcwi IEA S RGD:7241799 20161022 RGD
10054447 LEW-Rorcem5Mcwi strain RS:0004008 LEW-Rorcem5Mcwi IEA S RGD:7241799 20161022 RGD
10054450 SS-Sirt3em25Mcwi strain RS:0004010 SS-Sirt3em25Mcwi IEA S RGD:7241799 20161022 RGD
10054453 SS-Sirt3em4Mcwi strain RS:0004011 SS-Sirt3em4Mcwi IEA S RGD:7241799 20161022 RGD
10054456 T2DN-Sirt3em35Mcwi strain RS:0004015 T2DN-Sirt3em35Mcwi IEA S RGD:7241799 20161008 RGD
10054459 T2DN-Sirt3em30Mcwi strain RS:0004016 T2DN-Sirt3em30Mcwi IEA S RGD:7241799 20161008 RGD
10054462 SS-Stk39em5Mcwi strain RS:0004017 SS-Stk39em5Mcwi IEA S RGD:7241799 20161022 RGD
10054465 SS-Stk39em6Mcwi strain RS:0004018 SS-Stk39em6Mcwi IEA S RGD:7241799 20161022 RGD
10054473 SS.BN-(D13Rat124-D13Hmgc3694)/Mcwi strain RS:0004019 SS.BN-(D13Rat124-D13Hmgc3694)/Mcwi IEA S RGD:7241799 20161008 RGD
10058949 Gmadr5 Adrenal mass QTL 5 qtl RS:0001334 ISIAH IEA S RGD:10053640|PMID:21029000 20150815 RGD
10058949 Gmadr5 Adrenal mass QTL 5 qtl RS:0003766 WAG/Nov IEA S RGD:10053640|PMID:21029000 20150815 RGD
10058952 Gmadr6 Adrenal mass QTL 6 qtl RS:0001334 ISIAH IEA S RGD:10053640|PMID:21029000 20150815 RGD
10058952 Gmadr6 Adrenal mass QTL 6 qtl RS:0003766 WAG/Nov IEA S RGD:10053640|PMID:21029000 20150815 RGD
10058954 Gmadr7 Adrenal mass QTL 7 qtl RS:0001334 ISIAH IEA S RGD:10053640|PMID:21029000 20150815 RGD
10058954 Gmadr7 Adrenal mass QTL 7 qtl RS:0003766 WAG/Nov IEA S RGD:10053640|PMID:21029000 20150815 RGD
10059570 WI;WDB-Kiss1tm1Nips strain RS:0004021 WI;WDB-Kiss1tm1Nips IEA S RGD:7241799 20200516 RGD
10059573 SS-Adora2aem5Mcwi strain RS:0004023 SS-Adora2aem5Mcwi IEA S RGD:7241799 20161022 RGD
10059576 WKY-Sik2em4Mcwi strain RS:0004026 WKY-Sik2em4Mcwi IEA S RGD:7241799 20161008 RGD
10059587 Bw173 Body weight QTL 173 qtl RS:0001334 ISIAH IEA S RGD:10053637|PMID:23302051 20151010 RGD
10059587 Bw173 Body weight QTL 173 qtl RS:0003766 WAG/Nov IEA S RGD:10053637|PMID:23302051 20151010 RGD
10059590 Kidm44 Kidney mass QTL 44 qtl RS:0001334 ISIAH IEA S RGD:10045846|PMID:25707311 20151010 RGD
10059590 Kidm44 Kidney mass QTL 44 qtl RS:0003766 WAG/Nov IEA S RGD:10045846|PMID:25707311 20151010 RGD
10059592 Kidm45 Kidney mass QTL 45 qtl RS:0001334 ISIAH IEA S RGD:10045846|PMID:25707311 20151010 RGD
10059592 Kidm45 Kidney mass QTL 45 qtl RS:0003766 WAG/Nov IEA S RGD:10045846|PMID:25707311 20151010 RGD
10059594 Kidm46 Kidney mass QTL 46 qtl RS:0001334 ISIAH IEA S RGD:10045846|PMID:25707311 20151010 RGD
10059594 Kidm46 Kidney mass QTL 46 qtl RS:0003766 WAG/Nov IEA S RGD:10045846|PMID:25707311 20151010 RGD
10059597 Bp377 Blood pressure QTL 377 qtl RS:0001334 ISIAH IEA S RGD:10053637|PMID:23302051 20151010 RGD
10059597 Bp377 Blood pressure QTL 377 qtl RS:0003766 WAG/Nov IEA S RGD:10053637|PMID:23302051 20151010 RGD
10059600 Bp378 Blood pressure QTL 378 qtl RS:0001334 ISIAH IEA S RGD:10053637|PMID:23302051 20151010 RGD
10059600 Bp378 Blood pressure QTL 378 qtl RS:0003766 WAG/Nov IEA S RGD:10053637|PMID:23302051 20151010 RGD
10059603 Bw174 Body weight QTL 174 qtl RS:0001334 ISIAH IEA S RGD:10053637|PMID:23302051 20151010 RGD
10059603 Bw174 Body weight QTL 174 qtl RS:0003766 WAG/Nov IEA S RGD:10053637|PMID:23302051 20151010 RGD
10059605 Kidm47 Kidney mass QTL 47 qtl RS:0001334 ISIAH IEA S RGD:10045846|PMID:25707311 20151010 RGD
10059605 Kidm47 Kidney mass QTL 47 qtl RS:0003766 WAG/Nov IEA S RGD:10045846|PMID:25707311 20151010 RGD
10059635 W-Tg(GnRH-GFP)Mni strain RS:0004028 W-Tg(GnRH-GFP)Mni IEA S RGD:7241799 20150829 RGD
10395226 Sim:LE Long Evans strain RS:0004029 Sim:LE IEA S RGD:7241799 20150829 RGD
10395228 Sim:WI Wistar strain RS:0004030 Sim:WI IEA S RGD:7241799 20150829 RGD
10395233 Sim:SD Sprague-Dawley Derived strain RS:0004031 Sim:SD IEA S RGD:7241799 20150829 RGD
10395235 F344/NSim FISCHER 344 strain RS:0004032 F344/NSim IEA S RGD:7241799 20150829 RGD
10395249 FHH.FHH.3BN-(3p-D3Rat98)/Mcwi strain RS:0004033 FHH.FHH.3BN-(3p-D3Rat98)/Mcwi IEA S RGD:7241799 20150829 RGD
10395251 FHH.FHH.3BN-(D3Hmgc24-3q)/Mcwi strain RS:0004034 FHH.FHH.3BN-(D3Hmgc24-3q)/Mcwi IEA S RGD:7241799 20150829 RGD
10395253 FHH.FHH.3BN-(D3Hmgc24-3q)(3p-D3Rat98)/Mcwi strain RS:0004035 FHH.FHH.3BN-(D3Hmgc24-3q)(3p-D3Rat98)/Mcwi IEA S RGD:7241799 20150829 RGD
10395297 GK/FarMcwi Goto-Kakizaki strain RS:0004036 GK/FarMcwi IEA S RGD:7241799 20151010 RGD
10401195 SD-Tg(CAG.LoxP.EGFP)Zi strain RS:0004037 SD-Tg(CAG.LoxP.EGFP)Zi IEA S RGD:7241799 20151010 RGD
10401201 LE-Tg(Th-cre)3.1Deis strain RS:0004038 LE-Tg(TH-Cre)3.1Deis IEA S RGD:7241799 20151010 RGD
10401204 LE-Tg(ChAT-cre)5.1DeisRrrc strain RS:0004039 LE-Tg(ChAT-Cre)5.1DeisRrrc IEA S RGD:7241799 20151010 RGD
10401208 F344-Tg(Prp-APP,Prp-PS1)19/Rrrc strain RS:0004041 F344-Tg(APP-Prp.PS1-Prp)19 IEA S RGD:7241799 20200516 RGD
10401212 SD-Tg(Thy1.2-NIPA1) strain RS:0004042 SD-Tg(Thy1.2-NIPA1) IEA S RGD:7241799 20151010 RGD
10401796 Kidm48 Kidney mass QTL 48 qtl RS:0001334 ISIAH IEA S RGD:10045846|PMID:25707311 20151205 RGD
10401796 Kidm48 Kidney mass QTL 48 qtl RS:0003766 WAG/Nov IEA S RGD:10045846|PMID:25707311 20151205 RGD
10401800 Kidm49 Kidney mass QTL 49 qtl RS:0001334 ISIAH IEA S RGD:10045846|PMID:25707311 20151205 RGD
10401800 Kidm49 Kidney mass QTL 49 qtl RS:0003766 WAG/Nov IEA S RGD:10045846|PMID:25707311 20151205 RGD
10401803 Kidm50 Kidney mass QTL 50 qtl RS:0001334 ISIAH IEA S RGD:10045846|PMID:25707311 20151205 RGD
10401803 Kidm50 Kidney mass QTL 50 qtl RS:0003766 WAG/Nov IEA S RGD:10045846|PMID:25707311 20151205 RGD
10401805 Kidm51 Kidney mass QTL 51 qtl RS:0001334 ISIAH IEA S RGD:10045846|PMID:25707311 20151205 RGD
10401805 Kidm51 Kidney mass QTL 51 qtl RS:0003766 WAG/Nov IEA S RGD:10045846|PMID:25707311 20151205 RGD
10401807 Kidm52 Kidney mass QTL 52 qtl RS:0001334 ISIAH IEA S RGD:10045846|PMID:25707311 20151205 RGD
10401807 Kidm52 Kidney mass QTL 52 qtl RS:0003766 WAG/Nov IEA S RGD:10045846|PMID:25707311 20151205 RGD
10401810 Kidm53 Kidney mass QTL 53 qtl RS:0001334 ISIAH IEA S RGD:10045846|PMID:25707311 20151010 RGD
10401810 Kidm53 Kidney mass QTL 53 qtl RS:0003766 WAG/Nov IEA S RGD:10045846|PMID:25707311 20151010 RGD
10401812 Kidm54 Kidney mass QTL 54 qtl RS:0001334 ISIAH IEA S RGD:10045846|PMID:25707311 20151205 RGD
10401812 Kidm54 Kidney mass QTL 54 qtl RS:0003766 WAG/Nov IEA S RGD:10045846|PMID:25707311 20151205 RGD
10401835 WKY.F344-(D17Got91-D17Rat51)/Tja strain RS:0004044 WKY.F344-(D17Got91-D17Rat51)/Tja IEA S RGD:7241799 20151010 RGD
10401837 WKY.F344-(D17Got91-D17Rat47)/Tja strain RS:0004046 WKY.F344-(D17Got91-D17Rat47)/Tja IEA S RGD:7241799 20151010 RGD
10401839 WKY.F344-(D17Rat47-D17Rat51)/Tja strain RS:0004047 WKY.F344-(D17Rat47-D17Rat51)/Tja IEA S RGD:7241799 20151010 RGD
10401841 WKY.F344-(D17Rat131-D17Rat51)/Tja strain RS:0004048 WKY.F344-(D17Rat131-D17Rat51)/Tja IEA S RGD:7241799 20151010 RGD
10401843 WKY-Slc39a12em77Tja strain RS:0004053 WKY-Slc39a12em77Tja IEA S RGD:7241799 20200516 RGD
10401845 WKY-Slc39a12em77Tja+/- WKY-Slc39a12em77Tja+/WKY-Slc39a12em77Tja- strain RS:0004054 WKY-Slc39a12em77Tja+/- IEA S RGD:7241799 20200516 RGD
10401848 WKY-Slc39a12em77Tja-/- WKY-Slc39a12em77Tja-/WKY-Slc39a12em77Tja- strain RS:0004055 WKY-Slc39a12em77Tja-/- IEA S RGD:7241799 20200516 RGD
10401851 SD-Lepem1Narl strain RS:0004056 SD-Lepem1Narl IEA S RGD:7241799 20200516 RGD
10401918 BDIX/HanHsd strain RS:0004058 BDIX/HanHsd IEA S RGD:7241799 20151024 RGD
10402051 Gdil2 Gastrointestinal dilation QTL 2 qtl RS:0003208 AR-Ednrbsl/Hkv IEA S RGD:10402048|PMID:25790447 20151017 RGD
10402051 Gdil2 Gastrointestinal dilation QTL 2 qtl RS:0003209 LEH/Hkv IEA S RGD:10402048|PMID:25790447 20151017 RGD
10402160 HCR/1Tol High-capacity runners; generation 5 strain RS:0004059 HCR/1Tol IEA S RGD:7241799 20151024 RGD
10402163 HCR/2Tol High-capacity runners; generation 26 strain RS:0004060 HCR/2Tol IEA S RGD:7241799 20151024 RGD
10402165 LCR/1Tol Low-capacity runners; generation 5 strain RS:0004061 LCR/1Tol IEA S RGD:7241799 20151024 RGD
10402167 LCR/2Tol Low-capacity runners; generation 26 strain RS:0004062 LCR/2Tol IEA S RGD:7241799 20151024 RGD
10402390 BNW/Jer Brown Norway-wild strain RS:0004063 BNW/Jer IEA S RGD:7241799 20151031 RGD
10402393 HPE/Jer Hairless pink eye dilute strain RS:0004064 HPE/Jer IEA S RGD:7241799 20151031 RGD
10402395 HBLS/Jer Hairless black skin pigmented strain RS:0004065 HBLS/Jer IEA S RGD:7241799 20151031 RGD
10402819 DA-Tph2em2Mcwi strain RS:0004067 DA-Tph2em2Mcwi IEA S RGD:7241799 20151107 RGD
10402822 DA-Tph2em3Mcwi strain RS:0004070 DA-Tph2em3Mcwi IEA S RGD:7241799 20151107 RGD
10402834 LEW.SS-(D7Rat27-D7Mgh1)/Ayd strain RS:0004071 LEW.SS-(D7Rat27-D7Mgh1)/Ayd IEA S RGD:7241799 20151107 RGD
10402836 LEW.SS-(D8Chm12-D8Rat15)/Ayd strain RS:0004073 LEW.SS-(D8Chm12-D8Rat15)/Ayd IEA S RGD:7241799 20151107 RGD
10402839 LEW.SS-(D10Mgh6-D10Mgh1)/Ayd strain RS:0004074 LEW.SS-((D10Mgh6-D10Mgh1)/Ayd IEA S RGD:7241799 20151107 RGD
10402842 LEW.SS-(D17Rat15-D17Rat51)/Ayd strain RS:0004075 LEW.SS-(D17Rat15-D17Rat51)/Ayd IEA S RGD:7241799 20151107 RGD
10402850 LEW.SS-(D7Rat27-D7Mgh1)(D17Rat15-D17Rat51)/Ayd strain RS:0004076 LEW.SS-(D7Rat27-D7Mgh1)(D17Rat15-D17Rat51)/Ayd IEA S RGD:7241799 20151107 RGD
10402852 LEW.SS-(D7Rat27-D7Mgh1)(D17Rat15-D17Rat51)(D10Mgh6-D10Mgh1)/Ayd strain RS:0004077 LEW.SS-(D7Rat27-D7Mgh1)(D17Rat15-D17Rat51)(D10Mgh6-D10Mgh1)/Ayd IEA S RGD:7241799 20151107 RGD
10402855 Bp379 Blood pressure QTL 379 qtl RS:0004071 LEW.SS-(D7Rat27-D7Mgh1)/Ayd IEA S RGD:10402053|PMID:25963546 20151205 RGD
10402857 Bp380 Blood pressure QTL 380 qtl RS:0004073 LEW.SS-(D8Chm12-D8Rat15)/Ayd IEA S RGD:10402053|PMID:25963546 20151205 RGD
10402859 Bp381 Blood pressure QTL 381 qtl RS:0004074 LEW.SS-((D10Mgh6-D10Mgh1)/Ayd IEA S RGD:10402053|PMID:25963546 20151205 RGD
10412325 LE-Tg(Drd1-icre)3Ottc strain RS:0004079 LE-Tg(Drd1-icre)3Ottc IEA S RGD:7241799 20160521 RGD
10412327 LE-Tg(Drd2-iCre)1Ottc strain RS:0004080 LE-Tg(Drd2-icre)1Ottc IEA S RGD:7241799 20160521 RGD
10412329 LE-Tg(Pvalb-icre)2Ottc strain RS:0004081 LE-Tg(Pvalb-icre)2Ottc IEA S RGD:7241799 20171125 RGD
10413850 SD-Abcc6em1Qlju-/- strain RS:0004084 SD-Abcc6em1Qlju-/- IEA S RGD:7241799 20161210 RGD
10413852 SD-Abcc6em2Qlju-/- strain RS:0004085 SD-Abcc6em2Qlju-/- IEA S RGD:7241799 20161210 RGD
10413854 SD-Abcc6em3Qlju-/- strain RS:0004086 SD-Abcc6em3Qlju-/- IEA S RGD:7241799 20161210 RGD
10413856 SD-Abcc6em4Qlju-/- strain RS:0004087 SD-Abcc6em4Qlju-/- IEA S RGD:7241799 20161210 RGD
10413858 SD-Abcc6em5Qlju-/- strain RS:0004088 SD-Abcc6em5Qlju-/- IEA S RGD:7241799 20161210 RGD
10450493 Bp382 Blood pressure QTL 382 qtl RS:0004074 LEW.SS-((D10Mgh6-D10Mgh1)/Ayd IEA S RGD:10402053|PMID:25963546 20160116 RGD
10450495 Bp383 Blood pressure QTL 383 qtl RS:0004074 LEW.SS-((D10Mgh6-D10Mgh1)/Ayd IEA S RGD:10402053|PMID:25963546 20160116 RGD
10450498 Bp384 Blood pressure QTL 384 qtl RS:0004074 LEW.SS-((D10Mgh6-D10Mgh1)/Ayd IEA S RGD:10402053|PMID:25963546 20160116 RGD
10450500 Bp385 Blood pressure QTL 385 qtl RS:0004074 LEW.SS-((D10Mgh6-D10Mgh1)/Ayd IEA S RGD:10402053|PMID:25963546 20160116 RGD
10450503 Bp386 Blood pressure QTL 386 qtl RS:0004075 LEW.SS-(D17Rat15-D17Rat51)/Ayd IEA S RGD:10402053|PMID:25963546 20160116 RGD
10450794 Scl69 Serum cholesterol level QTL 69 qtl RS:0000725 SHR.BN-(D8Mit5-D8Mgh6)/Ipcv IEA S RGD:10402111|PMID:25296178 20160123 RGD
10450794 Scl69 Serum cholesterol level QTL 69 qtl RS:0001819 BXH2/Cub IEA S RGD:10402111|PMID:25296178 20160123 RGD
10450804 Scl70 Serum cholesterol level QTL 70 qtl RS:0000725 SHR.BN-(D8Mit5-D8Mgh6)/Ipcv IEA S RGD:10402111|PMID:25296178 20160123 RGD
10450804 Scl70 Serum cholesterol level QTL 70 qtl RS:0001819 BXH2/Cub IEA S RGD:10402111|PMID:25296178 20160123 RGD
10450806 Scl71 Serum cholesterol level QTL 71 qtl RS:0000725 SHR.BN-(D8Mit5-D8Mgh6)/Ipcv IEA S RGD:10402111|PMID:25296178 20160123 RGD
10450806 Scl71 Serum cholesterol level QTL 71 qtl RS:0001819 BXH2/Cub IEA S RGD:10402111|PMID:25296178 20160123 RGD
10450808 Scl72 Serum cholesterol level QTL 72 qtl RS:0000725 SHR.BN-(D8Mit5-D8Mgh6)/Ipcv IEA S RGD:10402111|PMID:25296178 20160123 RGD
10450808 Scl72 Serum cholesterol level QTL 72 qtl RS:0001819 BXH2/Cub IEA S RGD:10402111|PMID:25296178 20160123 RGD
10450811 Scl73 Serum cholesterol level QTL 73 qtl RS:0000725 SHR.BN-(D8Mit5-D8Mgh6)/Ipcv IEA S RGD:10402111|PMID:25296178 20160123 RGD
10450811 Scl73 Serum cholesterol level QTL 73 qtl RS:0001819 BXH2/Cub IEA S RGD:10402111|PMID:25296178 20160123 RGD
10450813 Scl74 Serum cholesterol level QTL 74 qtl RS:0000725 SHR.BN-(D8Mit5-D8Mgh6)/Ipcv IEA S RGD:10402111|PMID:25296178 20160123 RGD
10450813 Scl74 Serum cholesterol level QTL 74 qtl RS:0001819 BXH2/Cub IEA S RGD:10402111|PMID:25296178 20160123 RGD
10450816 Scl75 Serum cholesterol level QTL 75 qtl RS:0000725 SHR.BN-(D8Mit5-D8Mgh6)/Ipcv IEA S RGD:10402111|PMID:25296178 20160123 RGD
10450816 Scl75 Serum cholesterol level QTL 75 qtl RS:0001819 BXH2/Cub IEA S RGD:10402111|PMID:25296178 20160123 RGD
10450818 Scl76 Serum cholesterol level QTL 76 qtl RS:0000725 SHR.BN-(D8Mit5-D8Mgh6)/Ipcv IEA S RGD:10402111|PMID:25296178 20160123 RGD
10450818 Scl76 Serum cholesterol level QTL 76 qtl RS:0001819 BXH2/Cub IEA S RGD:10402111|PMID:25296178 20160123 RGD
10450821 Scl77 Serum cholesterol level QTL 77 qtl RS:0000725 SHR.BN-(D8Mit5-D8Mgh6)/Ipcv IEA S RGD:10402111|PMID:25296178 20160123 RGD
10450821 Scl77 Serum cholesterol level QTL 77 qtl RS:0001819 BXH2/Cub IEA S RGD:10402111|PMID:25296178 20160123 RGD
10450825 Scl78 Serum cholesterol level QTL 78 qtl RS:0000725 SHR.BN-(D8Mit5-D8Mgh6)/Ipcv IEA S RGD:10402111|PMID:25296178 20160123 RGD
10450825 Scl78 Serum cholesterol level QTL 78 qtl RS:0001819 BXH2/Cub IEA S RGD:10402111|PMID:25296178 20160123 RGD
10450828 Scl79 Serum cholesterol level QTL 79 qtl RS:0000725 SHR.BN-(D8Mit5-D8Mgh6)/Ipcv IEA S RGD:10402111|PMID:25296178 20160123 RGD
10450828 Scl79 Serum cholesterol level QTL 79 qtl RS:0001819 BXH2/Cub IEA S RGD:10402111|PMID:25296178 20160123 RGD
10450831 Scl80 Serum cholesterol level QTL 80 qtl RS:0000725 SHR.BN-(D8Mit5-D8Mgh6)/Ipcv IEA S RGD:10402111|PMID:25296178 20160123 RGD
10450831 Scl80 Serum cholesterol level QTL 80 qtl RS:0001819 BXH2/Cub IEA S RGD:10402111|PMID:25296178 20160123 RGD
10450852 Stl33 Serum triglyceride level QTL 33 qtl RS:0000725 SHR.BN-(D8Mit5-D8Mgh6)/Ipcv IEA S RGD:10402111|PMID:25296178 20160123 RGD
10450852 Stl33 Serum triglyceride level QTL 33 qtl RS:0001819 BXH2/Cub IEA S RGD:10402111|PMID:25296178 20160123 RGD
10450854 Stl34 Serum triglyceride level QTL 34 qtl RS:0000725 SHR.BN-(D8Mit5-D8Mgh6)/Ipcv IEA S RGD:10402111|PMID:25296178 20160123 RGD
10450854 Stl34 Serum triglyceride level QTL 34 qtl RS:0001819 BXH2/Cub IEA S RGD:10402111|PMID:25296178 20160123 RGD
10450856 Livw4 Liver weight QTL 4 qtl RS:0000725 SHR.BN-(D8Mit5-D8Mgh6)/Ipcv IEA S RGD:10402111|PMID:25296178 20160123 RGD
10450856 Livw4 Liver weight QTL 4 qtl RS:0001819 BXH2/Cub IEA S RGD:10402111|PMID:25296178 20160123 RGD
10450862 Kidm55 Kidney mass QTL 55 qtl RS:0000725 SHR.BN-(D8Mit5-D8Mgh6)/Ipcv IEA S RGD:10402111|PMID:25296178 20160123 RGD
10450862 Kidm55 Kidney mass QTL 55 qtl RS:0001819 BXH2/Cub IEA S RGD:10402111|PMID:25296178 20160123 RGD
10450865 Bw175 Body weight QTL 175 qtl RS:0000725 SHR.BN-(D8Mit5-D8Mgh6)/Ipcv IEA S RGD:10402111|PMID:25296178 20160123 RGD
10450865 Bw175 Body weight QTL 175 qtl RS:0001819 BXH2/Cub IEA S RGD:10402111|PMID:25296178 20160123 RGD
10755350 F344.ZUC-(Leprfa),OLETF-(D14Rat23-D14Rat12)/Tj strain RS:0004089 F344.ZUC-(Leprfa),OLETF-(D14Rat23-D14Rat12)/Tj IEA S RGD:7241799 20160130 RGD
10755352 LH/MavRrrcAek Lyon Hypertensive strain RS:0004090 LH/MavRrrcAek IEA S RGD:7241799 20160130 RGD
10755354 LN/MavRrrcAek lyon normotensive strain RS:0004091 LN/MavRrrcAek IEA S RGD:7241799 20160319 RGD
10755430 Coatc6 Coat color QTL 6 qtl RS:0003208 AR-Ednrbsl/Hkv IEA S RGD:10755346|PMID:26796131 20160130 RGD
10755430 Coatc6 Coat color QTL 6 qtl RS:0003209 LEH/Hkv IEA S RGD:10755346|PMID:26796131 20160130 RGD
10755434 Coatc7 Coat color QTL 7 qtl RS:0003208 AR-Ednrbsl/Hkv IEA S RGD:10755346|PMID:26796131 20160130 RGD
10755434 Coatc7 Coat color QTL 7 qtl RS:0003209 LEH/Hkv IEA S RGD:10755346|PMID:26796131 20160130 RGD
10755436 Coatc8 Coat color QTL 8 qtl RS:0003208 AR-Ednrbsl/Hkv IEA S RGD:10755346|PMID:26796131 20160130 RGD
10755436 Coatc8 Coat color QTL 8 qtl RS:0003209 LEH/Hkv IEA S RGD:10755346|PMID:26796131 20160130 RGD
10755438 Coatc9 Coat color QTL 9 qtl RS:0003208 AR-Ednrbsl/Hkv IEA S RGD:10755346|PMID:26796131 20160130 RGD
10755438 Coatc9 Coat color QTL 9 qtl RS:0003209 LEH/Hkv IEA S RGD:10755346|PMID:26796131 20160130 RGD
10755440 Coatc10 Coat color QTL 10 qtl RS:0003208 AR-Ednrbsl/Hkv IEA S RGD:10755346|PMID:26796131 20160130 RGD
10755440 Coatc10 Coat color QTL 10 qtl RS:0003209 LEH/Hkv IEA S RGD:10755346|PMID:26796131 20160130 RGD
10755451 Coatc11 Coat color QTL 11 qtl RS:0003208 AR-Ednrbsl/Hkv IEA S RGD:10755346|PMID:26796131 20160130 RGD
10755451 Coatc11 Coat color QTL 11 qtl RS:0003209 LEH/Hkv IEA S RGD:10755346|PMID:26796131 20160130 RGD
10755453 Coatc12 Coat color QTL 12 qtl RS:0003208 AR-Ednrbsl/Hkv IEA S RGD:10755346|PMID:26796131 20160130 RGD
10755453 Coatc12 Coat color QTL 12 qtl RS:0003209 LEH/Hkv IEA S RGD:10755346|PMID:26796131 20160130 RGD
10755455 Coatc13 Coat color QTL 13 qtl RS:0003208 AR-Ednrbsl/Hkv IEA S RGD:10755346|PMID:26796131 20160130 RGD
10755455 Coatc13 Coat color QTL 13 qtl RS:0003209 LEH/Hkv IEA S RGD:10755346|PMID:26796131 20160130 RGD
10755457 Coatc14 Coat color QTL 14 qtl RS:0003208 AR-Ednrbsl/Hkv IEA S RGD:10755346|PMID:26796131 20160130 RGD
10755457 Coatc14 Coat color QTL 14 qtl RS:0003209 LEH/Hkv IEA S RGD:10755346|PMID:26796131 20160130 RGD
10755459 Coatc15 Coat color QTL 15 qtl RS:0003208 AR-Ednrbsl/Hkv IEA S RGD:10755346|PMID:26796131 20160130 RGD
10755459 Coatc15 Coat color QTL 15 qtl RS:0003209 LEH/Hkv IEA S RGD:10755346|PMID:26796131 20160130 RGD
10755461 Coatc16 Coat color QTL 16 qtl RS:0003208 AR-Ednrbsl/Hkv IEA S RGD:10755346|PMID:26796131 20160130 RGD
10755461 Coatc16 Coat color QTL 16 qtl RS:0003209 LEH/Hkv IEA S RGD:10755346|PMID:26796131 20160130 RGD
10755495 Bp387 Blood pressure QTL 387 qtl RS:0001454 SR/JrHsd IEA S RGD:10755344|PMID:22912817 20160206 RGD
10755495 Bp387 Blood pressure QTL 387 qtl RS:0001481 SS/JrHsd IEA S RGD:10755344|PMID:22912817 20160206 RGD
10755497 Bp388 Blood pressure QTL 388 qtl RS:0001454 SR/JrHsd IEA S RGD:10755344|PMID:22912817 20160206 RGD
10755497 Bp388 Blood pressure QTL 388 qtl RS:0001481 SS/JrHsd IEA S RGD:10755344|PMID:22912817 20160206 RGD
10755499 Bp389 Blood pressure QTL 389 qtl RS:0001454 SR/JrHsd IEA S RGD:10755344|PMID:22912817 20160206 RGD
10755499 Bp389 Blood pressure QTL 389 qtl RS:0001481 SS/JrHsd IEA S RGD:10755344|PMID:22912817 20160206 RGD
10755501 Bp390 Blood pressure QTL 390 qtl RS:0001454 SR/JrHsd IEA S RGD:10755344|PMID:22912817 20160206 RGD
10755501 Bp390 Blood pressure QTL 390 qtl RS:0001481 SS/JrHsd IEA S RGD:10755344|PMID:22912817 20160206 RGD
10755503 Bp391 Blood pressure QTL 391 qtl RS:0001454 SR/JrHsd IEA S RGD:10755344|PMID:22912817 20160206 RGD
10755503 Bp391 Blood pressure QTL 391 qtl RS:0001481 SS/JrHsd IEA S RGD:10755344|PMID:22912817 20160206 RGD
10759544 SD-Gcdhem1Dba strain RS:0004096 SD-GCDHem1Dba IEA S RGD:7241799 20230930 RGD
11040455 SHR.BN-(D16Rat88-D16Rat9)/Cub strain RS:0004097 SHR.BN-(D16Rat88-D16Rat9)/Cub IEA S RGD:7241799 20160319 RGD
11040519 SHR-Ndufc2em1Mcwi-/+ SHR-Ndufc2em1Mcwi-/Ndufc2em1Mcwi+ strain RS:0004098 SHR-Ndufc2em1Mcwi-/+ IEA S RGD:7241799 20160319 RGD
11040521 SHR-Ndufc2em2Mcwi-/+ SHR-Ndufc2em2Mcwi-/Ndufc2em2Mcwi+ strain RS:0004099 SHR-Ndufc2em2Mcwi-/+ IEA S RGD:7241799 20160319 RGD
11040525 SHR-Ndufc2em1Mcwi+/+ SHR-Ndufc2em1Mcwi+/Ndufc2em1Mcwi+ strain RS:0004100 SHR-Ndufc2em1Mcwi+/+ IEA S RGD:7241799 20160319 RGD
11040527 SHR-Ndufc2em2Mcwi+/+ SHR-Ndufc2em2Mcwi+/Ndufc2em2Mcwi+ strain RS:0004101 SHR-Ndufc2em2Mcwi+/+ IEA S RGD:7241799 20160319 RGD
11040548 CrlCembe:WI Wistar rats strain RS:0004102 CrlCembe:WI IEA S RGD:7241799 20160326 RGD
11040561 WI-Htr7em1Geh strain RS:0004104 WI-Htr7em1Geh IEA S RGD:7241799 20160326 RGD
11040563 SD-Tg(Adra1a)Vccr strain RS:0004106 SD-Tg(Adra1a)Vccr IEA S RGD:7241799 20160326 RGD
11040565 LEW-Tg(CAG-OFP)Pic strain RS:0004107 LEW-Tg(CAG-OFP)Pic IEA S RGD:7241799 20160326 RGD
11040568 W-Tg(RNB1-116K03-EGFP-mRFP)3Kyo strain RS:0004108 W-Tg(RNB1-116K03-EGFP-mRFP)3Kyo IEA S RGD:7241799 20160326 RGD
11040570 W-Tg(RNB1-116K03-EGFP-mRFP)20Kyo strain RS:0004109 W-Tg(RNB1-116K03-EGFP-mRFP)20Kyo IEA S RGD:7241799 20160326 RGD
11040572 W-Tg(RNB1-116K03-EGFP-mRFP)21Kyo strain RS:0004110 W-Tg(RNB1-116K03-EGFP-mRFP)21Kyo IEA S RGD:7241799 20160326 RGD
11040574 W-Tg(RNB1-116K03-EGFP-mRFP)22Kyo strain RS:0004111 W-Tg(RNB1-116K03-EGFP-mRFP)22Kyo IEA S RGD:7241799 20160326 RGD
11040577 W-Tg(RNB1-116K03-EGFP-mRFP)41Kyo strain RS:0004112 W-Tg(RNB1-116K03-EGFP-mRFP)41Kyo IEA S RGD:7241799 20160326 RGD
11040579 W-Tg(RNB1-116K03-EGFP-mRFP)104Kyo strain RS:0004113 W-Tg(RNB1-116K03-EGFP-mRFP)104Kyo IEA S RGD:7241799 20160326 RGD
11040581 TRM.W-Tg(RNB1-186G14)51Kyo strain RS:0004114 TRM.W-Tg(RNB1-186G14)51Kyo IEA S RGD:7241799 20160326 RGD
11040675 TRM.W-Tg(RNB1-186G14)33Kyo strain RS:0004115 TRM.W-Tg(RNB1-186G14)33Kyo IEA S RGD:7241799 20160326 RGD
11040678 TRMR.W-Tg(RNB1-186G14)51Kyo strain RS:0004116 TRMR.W-Tg(RNB1-186G14)51Kyo IEA S RGD:7241799 20160326 RGD
11040681 TRMR.W-Tg(RNB1-186G14)33Kyo strain RS:0004117 TRMR.W-Tg(RNB1-186G14)33Kyo IEA S RGD:7241799 20160326 RGD
11040683 SER.TRMR.W-Tg(RNB1-186G14)51Kyo strain RS:0004118 SER.TRMR.W-Tg(RNB1-186G14)51Kyo IEA S RGD:7241799 20160326 RGD
11040916 F344-Zeb2em1Kyo strain RS:0004121 F344-Zeb2em1Kyo IEA S RGD:7241799 20160326 RGD
11040918 WTC-furue/Kyo strain RS:0004123 WTC-furue/Kyo IEA S RGD:7241799 20160326 RGD
11040920 WTC.Cg-dmyTg(Mrs2-EGFP)39Kyo strain RS:0004125 WTC.Cg-dmyTg(Mrs2-EGFP)39Kyo IEA S RGD:7241799 20160326 RGD
11040922 WTC.Cg-dmyTg(Mrs2-EGFP)15Kyo strain RS:0004127 WTC.Cg-dmyTg(Mrs2-EGFP)15Kyo IEA S RGD:7241799 20160326 RGD
11040934 WTC.Cg-dmyTg(Mrs2-EGFP)92Kyo strain RS:0004129 WTC.Cg-dmyTg(Mrs2-EGFP)92Kyo IEA S RGD:7241799 20160326 RGD
11040936 WTC.Cg-dmyTg(Mrs2-EGFP)131Kyo strain RS:0004130 WTC.Cg-dmyTg(Mrs2-EGFP)131Kyo IEA S RGD:7241799 20160326 RGD
11040939 STOCK.dmyTg(CMV-Mrs2)Kyo strain RS:0004131 STOCK.dmyTg(CMV-Mrs2)Kyo IEA S RGD:7241799 20160326 RGD
11040941 SD-Tg(Gfap-Tk1)Jog SD-Tg(Gfap-Tk1) strain RS:0004132 SD-Tg(Gfap-Tk)Jog IEA S RGD:7241799 20200516 RGD
11040946 F344-Prkdcem1Kyo strain RS:0004134 F344-Prkdcem1Kyo IEA S RGD:7241799 20160326 RGD
11040948 F344-Prkdcem2KyoIl2rgem6Kyo strain RS:0004136 F344-Prkdcem2KyoIl2rgem6Kyo IEA S RGD:7241799 20160326 RGD
11040950 TM-Prkdcem4KyoIl2rgem5Kyo strain RS:0004141 TM-Prkdcem4KyoIl2rgem5Kyo IEA S RGD:7241799 20160326 RGD
11040952 WKY.SHRSP-(D1Mgh5-D1Arb21)(D3Mgh16-D3Rat144)/Izm strain RS:0004142 WKY.SHRSP-(D1Mgh5-D1Arb21)(D3Mgh16-D3Rat144)/Izm IEA S RGD:7241799 20160326 RGD
11040954 LEA-Tp53tm1(AmCyan1)Ncco strain RS:0004143 LEA-Tp53tm1(AmCyan1)Ncco IEA S RGD:7241799 20160326 RGD
11040957 F344-Tp53m1Kyo strain RS:0004146 F344-Tp53m1Kyo IEA S RGD:7241799 20160326 RGD
11040959 SER.TRMR.W-tmTRMAtrnziTg(RNB1-186G14)/Kyo strain RS:0004147 SER.TRMR.W-tmTRMAtrnziTg(RNB1-186G14)/Kyo IEA S RGD:7241799 20160326 RGD
11040962 F344-Bscl2m1Kyo strain RS:0004148 F344-Bscl2m1Kyo IEA S RGD:7241799 20160326 RGD
11040969 DWH/Iet Dwarfism derived from Wistar Hannover GALAS rats strain RS:0004151 DWH/Iet IEA S RGD:7241799 20160326 RGD
11040971 F344-TyrCKitH/Kyo strain RS:0004152 F344-TyrCKitH/Kyo IEA S RGD:7241799 20160326 RGD
11040974 F344-AsipATyrCKitH/Kyo strain RS:0004158 F344-AsipATyrCKitH/Kyo IEA S RGD:7241799 20160326 RGD
11040977 WI-ROSA26em1(CAG-EGFP)Kyo strain RS:0004162 WI-ROSA26em1(CAG-EGFP)Kyo IEA S RGD:7241799 20160326 RGD
11040980 W-Dmdem2Kykn strain RS:0004163 W-Dmdem2Kykn IEA S RGD:7241799 20200516 RGD
11040985 W-Dmdem3Kykn strain RS:0004165 W-Dmdem3Kykn IEA S RGD:7241799 20200516 RGD
11040987 WIC-Tg(Nanog-YFP*)1Utr strain RS:0004166 WIC-Tg(Nanog-YFP*)1Utr IEA S RGD:7241799 20160326 RGD
11041106 LE-Tg(Pvalb-tTA)15Hio strain RS:0004167 LE-Tg(Pvalb-tTA)15Hio IEA S RGD:7241799 20160326 RGD
11041108 CV/Iet strain RS:0004169 CV/Iet IEA S RGD:7241799 20160326 RGD
11041128 TM.KDP-Cblb(D9Rat13-D9Rat4)(D12Rat5-D12Rat45)(D18Mit9-D18Rat44)/Nyo strain RS:0004171 TM.KDP-Cblb(D9Rat13-D9Rat4)(D12Rat5-D12Rat45)(D18Mit9-D18Rat44)/Nyo IEA S RGD:7241799 20160326 RGD
11041139 F344-Tg(Dct-lacZ)9Kyo strain RS:0004173 F344-Tg(Dct-lacZ)9Kyo IEA S RGD:7241799 20160326 RGD
11041143 PL/Iet strain RS:0004170 PL/Iet IEA S RGD:7241799 20160326 RGD
11049145 SD-Crhem1Ionsz strain RS:0004174 SD-Crhem1Ionsz IEA S RGD:7241799 20160430 RGD
11073612 SS-Chr 13BN-Mir29bem1Mcwi strain RS:0004176 SS-Chr 13BN-Mir29bem1Mcwi IEA S RGD:7241799 20160611 RGD
11073719 SD-Drd1em1Ionsz strain RS:0004179 SD-Drd1em1Ionsz IEA S RGD:7241799 20160611 RGD
11081142 SD-Pgrem1Soar strain RS:0004182 SD-Pgrem1Soar IEA S RGD:7241799 20160611 RGD
11081149 SD-Esr2em1Soar strain RS:0004184 SD-Esr2em1Soar IEA S RGD:7241799 20160611 RGD
11081151 WI-Grm8em1Geh strain RS:0004185 WI-Grm8em1Geh IEA S RGD:7241799 20160611 RGD
11081153 SD-Tg(DIO--iRFP)9Ottc strain RS:0004187 SD-Tg(DIO--iRFP)9Ottc IEA S RGD:7241799 20160611 RGD
11081177 F344tl toothless (tl) strain RS:0004188 F344tl IEA S RGD:7241799 20160611 RGD
11084925 SD-Tg(CD59-HBA1)Bryd strain RS:0004189 SD-Tg(CD59-HBA1)Bryd IEA S RGD:7241799 20160611 RGD
11084928 WKY-Jundem1Tja strain RS:0004190 WKY-Jundem1Tja IEA S RGD:7241799 20160611 RGD
11084931 SD-Tg(RIP7-RLuc-YFP)Vpoit strain RS:0004191 SD-Tg(RIP7-RLuc-YFP)Vpoit IEA S RGD:7241799 20160611 RGD
11087549 LE-Tg(GFAP-TK)Hcam strain RS:0004192 LE-Tg(GFAP-TK)Hcam IEA S RGD:7241799 20160611 RGD
11087551 SD-Il15em1Soar strain RS:0004194 SD-Il15em1Soar IEA S RGD:7241799 20160611 RGD
11087553 SD-Mmp12em1Soar strain RS:0004197 SD-Mmp12em1Soar IEA S RGD:7241799 20160611 RGD
11353947 Bp392 Blood pressure QTL 392 qtl RS:0003337 SS.SHR-(D9Mco72-D9Mco105)/Mco IEA S RGD:11353859|PMID:27113531 20160730 RGD
11353949 Bp393 Blood pressure QTL 393 qtl RS:0003341 SS.SHR-(D9Rat7-D9Rat84)/Mco IEA S RGD:11353859|PMID:27113531 20160730 RGD
11353951 Bp394 Blood pressure QTL 394 qtl RS:0004203 SS.SHR-(D9Mco110-D9Got111)/Bj IEA S RGD:11353859|PMID:27113531 20160813 RGD
11353957 Bmd92 Bone mineral density QTL 92 qtl RS:0004202 SS.SHR-(D9Mco113-D9Mco124)/Bj IEA S RGD:11353859|PMID:27113531 20160813 RGD
11354901 SS.SHR-(D9Mco110-D9Mco124)/Bj strain RS:0004200 SS.SHR-(D9Mco110-D9Mco124)/Bj IEA S RGD:7241799 20160813 RGD
11354903 SS.SHR-(D9Mco110-D9Mco121)/Bj strain RS:0004201 SS.SHR-(D9Mco110-D9Mco121)/Bj IEA S RGD:7241799 20160813 RGD
11354924 SS.SHR-(D9Mco113-D9Mco124)/Bj strain RS:0004202 SS.SHR-(D9Mco113-D9Mco124)/Bj IEA S RGD:7241799 20160813 RGD
11354926 SS.SHR-(D9Mco110-D9Got111)/Bj strain RS:0004203 SS.SHR-(D9Mco110-D9Got111)/Bj IEA S RGD:7241799 20160813 RGD
11354928 SS.SHR-(D9Mco110-D9Mco114)/Bj strain RS:0004204 SS.SHR-(D9Mco110-D9Mco114)/Bj IEA S RGD:7241799 20160813 RGD
11354930 SS.SHR-(D9Mco115-D9Mco124)/Bj strain RS:0004205 SS.SHR-(D9Mco115-D9Mco124)/Bj IEA S RGD:7241799 20160813 RGD
11528524 LE-Tg(Slc17a6-icre)3Ottc strain RS:0004209 LE-Tg(Slc17a6-icre)3Ottc IEA S RGD:7241799 20190202 RGD
11528588 SHR.LEW-(D4Rat76-D4Mgh11)/Anra strain RS:0004206 SHR.LEW-(D4Rat76-D4Mgh11)/Anra IEA S RGD:7241799 20161008 RGD
11528620 Bss113 Bone structure and strength QTL 113 qtl RS:0003205 NAft:HS IEA S RGD:11528619|PMID:26297441 20160820 RGD
11528624 Bss114 Bone structure and strength QTL 114 qtl RS:0003205 NAft:HS IEA S RGD:11528619|PMID:26297441 20160820 RGD
11528631 Bss117 Bone structure and strength QTL 117 qtl RS:0003205 NAft:HS IEA S RGD:11528619|PMID:26297441 20160820 RGD
11528636 Bss120 Bone structure and strength QTL 120 qtl RS:0003205 NAft:HS IEA S RGD:11528619|PMID:26297441 20160820 RGD
11528640 Bss121 Bone structure and strength QTL 121 qtl RS:0003205 NAft:HS IEA S RGD:11528619|PMID:26297441 20160820 RGD
11528644 Bss115 Bone structure and strength QTL 115 qtl RS:0003205 NAft:HS IEA S RGD:11528619|PMID:26297441 20170225 RGD
11528648 Bss118 Bone structure and strength QTL 118 qtl RS:0003205 NAft:HS IEA S RGD:11528619|PMID:26297441 20170225 RGD
11530002 Bss119 Bone structure and strength QTL 119 qtl RS:0003205 NAft:HS IEA S RGD:11528619|PMID:26297441 20160820 RGD
11530004 Niddm71 Non-insulin dependent diabetes mellitus QTL 71 qtl RS:0000181 CDS/Ygl IEA S RGD:11528530|PMID:27463508 20160820 RGD
11530004 Niddm71 Non-insulin dependent diabetes mellitus QTL 71 qtl RS:0000679 SBN/Ygl IEA S RGD:11528530|PMID:27463508 20160820 RGD
11530004 Niddm71 Non-insulin dependent diabetes mellitus QTL 71 qtl RS:0004207 CDS.CDR-(D4Rat9- D4Rat153)/Ygl IEA S RGD:11528530|PMID:27463508 20161008 RGD
11530006 Niddm72 Non-insulin dependent diabetes mellitus QTL 72 qtl RS:0000181 CDS/Ygl IEA S RGD:11528530|PMID:27463508 20160820 RGD
11530006 Niddm72 Non-insulin dependent diabetes mellitus QTL 72 qtl RS:0000679 SBN/Ygl IEA S RGD:11528530|PMID:27463508 20160820 RGD
11530006 Niddm72 Non-insulin dependent diabetes mellitus QTL 72 qtl RS:0004208 CDS.SBN-(D13Rat85-D13Mit4)/Ygl IEA S RGD:11528530|PMID:27463508 20161008 RGD
11530008 CDS.CDR-(D4Rat9-D4Rat153)/Ygl strain RS:0004207 CDS.CDR-(D4Rat9- D4Rat153)/Ygl IEA S RGD:7241799 20161008 RGD
11530011 CDS.SBN-(D13Rat85-D13Mit4)/Ygl strain RS:0004208 CDS.SBN-(D13Rat85-D13Mit4)/Ygl IEA S RGD:7241799 20161008 RGD
11530028 iNP-Npyem6Sage/Iusm strain RS:0004214 iNP-Npyem6Sage/Iusm IEA S RGD:7241799 20161008 RGD
11531089 SD-F8em1Sage+/-/Novo strain RS:0004211 SD-F8em1Sage+/-/Novo IEA S RGD:7241799 20161008 RGD
11531091 SD-F8em1Sage-/-/Novo strain RS:0004212 SD-F8em1Sage-/-/Novo IEA S RGD:7241799 20161008 RGD
11531094 SD-F8em1Sage/Novo strain RS:0004210 SD-F8em1Sage/Novo IEA S RGD:7241799 20161008 RGD
11531104 iNP-Npyem6Sage+/-/Iusm strain RS:0004215 iNP-Npyem6Sage +/-/Iusm IEA S RGD:7241799 20161008 RGD
11531106 iNP-Npyem6Sage-/-/Iusm strain RS:0004216 iNP-Npyem6Sage-/-/Iusm IEA S RGD:7241799 20161008 RGD
11532753 F344.ZUC-(Leprfa),OLETF-(D5Rat166-D5Rat90)/Tj strain RS:0004218 F344.ZUC-(Leprfa),OLETF-(D5Rat166-D5Rat90)/Tj IEA S RGD:7241799 20161008 RGD
11535000 PKD/Mhm PKD strain RS:0004217 PKD/Mhm IEA S RGD:7241799 20161008 RGD
11535031 SD-Tg(hCMV-Anks6PKD)Mhm strain RS:0004586 SD-Tg(hCMV-Anks6PKD)Mhm IEA S RGD:7241799 20180331 RGD
11535955 Crlj:CD(SD) strain RS:0005298 Crlj:CD(SD) IEA S RGD:7241799 20231125 RGD
11553848 WKY-Trpv4em5Mcwi strain RS:0004227 WKY-Trpv4em5Mcwi IEA S RGD:7241799 20170610 RGD
11553850 WKY-Trpv4em4Mcwi strain RS:0004228 WKY-Trpv4em4Mcwi IEA S RGD:7241799 20161022 RGD
11553852 SS-Vnn1em2Mcwi strain RS:0004231 SS-Shc1em1Mcwi IEA S RGD:7241799 20161022 RGD
11553852 SS-Vnn1em2Mcwi strain RS:0004242 SS-Vnn1em2Mcwi IEA S RGD:7241799 20161022 RGD
11553855 SS-Vnn1em1Mcwi strain RS:0004243 SS-Vnn1em1Mcwi IEA S RGD:7241799 20161022 RGD
11553858 SS-Rbm20em5Mcwi strain RS:0004230 SS-Rbm20em5Mcwi IEA S RGD:7241799 20161022 RGD
11553860 DA-Scn5aem2Mcwi strain RS:0004252 DA-Scn5aem2Mcwi IEA S RGD:7241799 20161022 RGD
11553862 SS-Shc1em1Mcwi strain RS:0004231 SS-Shc1em1Mcwi IEA S RGD:7241799 20170527 RGD
11553873 LE-Fmr1em2Mcwi strain RS:0005323 LE-Fmr1em2Mcwi IEA S RGD:7241799 20240323 RGD
11553875 LE-Fmr1em4Mcwi strain RS:0004245 LE-Fmr1em4Mcwi IEA S RGD:7241799 20161022 RGD
11553877 SS-P2rx1em1Mcwi strain RS:0004229 SS-P2rx1em1Mcwi IEA S RGD:7241799 20161022 RGD
11553881 SS-Rbm20em10Mcwi strain RS:0004219 SS-Rbm20em10Mcwi IEA S RGD:7241799 20161022 RGD
11553883 SS-Rbm20em8Mcwi strain RS:0004220 SS-Rbm20em8Mcwi IEA S RGD:7241799 20161022 RGD
11553886 SD-Tp53em3Mcwi strain RS:0004249 SD-Tp53em3Mcwi IEA S RGD:7241799 20161022 RGD
11553889 SS-Trpc3em2Mcwi strain RS:0004221 SS-Trpc3em2Mcwi IEA S RGD:7241799 20161022 RGD
11553892 SS-Trpc3em1Mcwi strain RS:0004222 SS-Trpc3em1Mcwi IEA S RGD:7241799 20161022 RGD
11553894 SS-Tpcn2em1Mcwi strain RS:0004235 SS-Tpcn2em1Mcwi IEA S RGD:7241799 20161022 RGD
11553896 SHRSP-Spp1em1Mcwi strain RS:0004239 SHRSP-Spp1em1Mcwi IEA S RGD:7241799 20161022 RGD
11553899 WKY-Trpv2em1Mcwi strain RS:0004226 WKY-Trpv2em1Mcwi IEA S RGD:7241799 20161022 RGD
11553902 SS-Trpc6em3Mcwi strain RS:0004224 SS-Trpc6em3Mcwi IEA S RGD:7241799 20161022 RGD
11553904 SS-Shc1em3Mcwi strain RS:0004232 SS-Shc1em3Mcwi IEA S RGD:7241799 20161022 RGD
11553908 SS-Trpc6em4Mcwi strain RS:0004223 SS-Trpc6em4Mcwi IEA S RGD:7241799 20161022 RGD
11553912 SS-Trpc6em1Mcwi strain RS:0004225 SS-Trpc6em1Mcwi IEA S RGD:7241799 20161022 RGD
11553914 SS-Shc1em4Mcwi strain RS:0004233 SS-Shc1em4Mcwi IEA S RGD:7241799 20161022 RGD
11553916 SS-Shc1em5Mcwi strain RS:0004234 SS-Shc1em5Mcwi IEA S RGD:7241799 20161022 RGD
11554327 BDIX.BDIV-D10Mit3-D10Mgh16/Zte strain RS:0004257 BDIX.BDIV-D10Mit3-D10Mgh16/Zte IEA S RGD:7241799 20170204 RGD
11554329 BDIX.BDIV-D10Got1-D10Rat45/Zte strain RS:0004258 BDIX.BDIV-D10Got1-D10Rat45/Zte IEA S RGD:7241799 20170204 RGD
11556282 WKY-Tg(UBC-sb10)3Wmukf strain RS:0004270 WKY-Tg(UBC-sb10)3Wmukf IEA S RGD:7241799 20170204 RGD
11556286 Cm81 Cardiac mass QTL 81 qtl RS:0000725 SHR.BN-(D8Mit5-D8Mgh6)/Ipcv IEA S RGD:61054|PMID:9045857 20161105 RGD
11561897 Crl:WI-Lrapem1Geh strain RS:0004298 Crl:WI-Lrapem1Geh IEA S RGD:7241799 20170204 RGD
11561902 WKY-Tg(UBC-pb)5Wmukf strain RS:0004271 WKY-Tg(UBC-pb)5Wmukf IEA S RGD:7241799 20170204 RGD
11561905 WKY-Tg(Gabrb1Tn(pb-Bhr2)1Wmukf) strain RS:0004272 WKY-Tg(Gabrb1Tn(pb-Bhr2)1Wmukf) IEA S RGD:7241799 20170204 RGD
11561909 WKY-Tg(Samt4Tn(pb-Bhr7)1Wmukf) strain RS:0004273 WKY-Tg(Samt4Tn(pb-Bhr7)1Wmukf) IEA S RGD:7241799 20170204 RGD
11561970 WKY-Tg(Zbtb20Tn(pb-Bhr7)1Wmukf) strain RS:0004276 WKY-Tg(Zbtb20Tn(pb-Bhr7)1Wmukf) IEA S RGD:7241799 20170204 RGD
11561976 WKY-Tg(Plcb1Tn(pb-Bhr2)1Wmukf) strain RS:0004277 WKY-Tg(Plcb1Tn(pb-Bhr2)1Wmukf) IEA S RGD:7241799 20170204 RGD
11561979 LE-Tg((ROSA)26Sor-CAG-tdTomato)9Jfhy strain RS:0004278 LE-Tg((ROSA)26Sor-CAG-tdTomato)9Jfhy IEA S RGD:7241799 20170204 RGD
11564343 LE-Tg((ROSA)26Sor-CAG-tdTomato)14Jfhy strain RS:0004279 LE-Tg((ROSA)26Sor-CAG-tdTomato)14Jfhy IEA S RGD:7241799 20170204 RGD
11564346 F344-Aspaem31Kyo strain RS:0004282 F344-Aspaem31Kyo IEA S RGD:7241799 20170204 RGD
11564349 F344-Aspaem34Kyo strain RS:0004283 F344-Aspaem34Kyo IEA S RGD:7241799 20170204 RGD
11564350 SCR/Sscr Shumiya Cataract Rat strain RS:0004284 SCR/Sscr IEA S RGD:7241799 20170204 RGD
11565091 F344-Ccdc85cem1Kyo strain RS:0004285 F344-Ccdc85cem1Kyo IEA S RGD:7241799 20170204 RGD
11565094 F344.LEC-(D4Nirs8-D4Nirs2)/Nrs strain RS:0004287 F344.LEC-(D4Nirs8-D4Nirs2/Nrs IEA S RGD:7241799 20170204 RGD
11565097 F344.LEC-(D4Rat54-D4Got87)/Nrs strain RS:0004288 F344.LEC-(D4Rat54-D4Got87)/Nrs IEA S RGD:7241799 20170204 RGD
11565100 NMC/Nrs strain RS:0004289 NMC/Nrs IEA S RGD:7241799 20170204 RGD
11565116 LE-Tg(Chat-tdTomato)3Yyan strain RS:0004290 LE-Tg(Chat-tdTomato)3Yyan IEA S RGD:7241799 20170204 RGD
11565122 SHR.Cg-Leprcp-Tg(APOB)110/Dmcr strain RS:0004291 SHR.Cg-Leprcp/NDmcr Tg(APOB)110/Dmcr IEA S RGD:7241799 20170204 RGD
11565125 SHRSP.SHR-(D18Rat87-D18Got66)/Izm strain RS:0004293 SHRSP.SHR-(D18Rat87-D18Got66)/Izm IEA S RGD:7241799 20170204 RGD
11565128 SHRSP.SHR-(D18Rat73-D18Rat52)/Izm strain RS:0004294 SHRSP.SHR-(D18Rat73-D18Rat52)/Izm IEA S RGD:7241799 20170204 RGD
11565130 SHRSP.SHR-(D1Rat23-D1Rat213)/Izm strain RS:0004295 SHRSP.SHR-(D1Rat23-D1Rat213)/Izm IEA S RGD:7241799 20170204 RGD
11565132 SHRSP.SHR-(D1Rat95-D1Got87)/Izm strain RS:0004296 SHRSP.SHR-(D1Rat95-D1Got87)/Izm IEA S RGD:7241799 20170204 RGD
11565135 WKY.SHRSP-(D1Rat25-St8sia2)/Izm strain RS:0004297 WKY.SHRSP-(D1Rat25-St8sia2)/Izm IEA S RGD:7241799 20170204 RGD
11565180 Kidm56 Kidney mass QTL 56 qtl RS:0000900 SS.MNS-(D2Chm25-Fgg)/Ayd IEA S RGD:1599557|PMID:17143582 20161126 RGD
11565181 Bw176 Body weight QTL 176 qtl RS:0000900 SS.MNS-(D2Chm25-Fgg)/Ayd IEA S RGD:1599557|PMID:17143582 20161126 RGD
11565451 Bw177 Body weight QTL 177 qtl RS:0001645 SS.LEW-(D3Got33-D3Chm68)/Ayd IEA S RGD:1599557|PMID:17143582 20161126 RGD
11565452 Kidm57 Kidney mass QTL 57 qtl RS:0001645 SS.LEW-(D3Got33-D3Chm68)/Ayd IEA S RGD:1599557|PMID:17143582 20161126 RGD
11565453 Kidm58 Kidney mass QTL 58 qtl RS:0001509 SS.LEW-(D10Chm128-D10Chm169)/Ayd IEA S RGD:1599557|PMID:17143582 20161126 RGD
11565454 Kidm59 Kidney mass QTL 59 qtl RS:0001646 SS.LEW-(D18Rat30-D18Chm29)/Ayd IEA S RGD:1599557|PMID:17143582 20161126 RGD
11565826 F344-Ttnem1Sage strain RS:0004302 F344-Ttnem1Sage IEA S RGD:7241799 20170225 RGD
11565829 F344-Ttnem2Sage strain RS:0004303 F344-Ttnem2Sage IEA S RGD:7241799 20170225 RGD
11567272 SD-Mecp2em1Sage strain RS:0005253 SD-Mecp2em1Sage IEA S RGD:7241799 20230225 RGD
11568040 SD-Fmr1em1Sage strain RS:0004275 SD-Fmr1em1Sage IEA S RGD:7241799 20170225 RGD
11568058 SD-Nrxn1em1Sage strain RS:0004286 SD-Nrxn1em1Sage IEA S RGD:7241799 20170225 RGD
11568062 SD-Ptenem1Sage strain RS:0004307 SD-Ptenem1Sage IEA S RGD:7241799 20170225 RGD
11568067 SD-Grm5em1Sage strain RS:0004308 SD-Grm5em1Sage IEA S RGD:7241799 20170225 RGD
11568071 SD-Metem1Sage strain RS:0004309 SD-Metem1Sage IEA S RGD:7241799 20170225 RGD
11568646 SD-Cntnap2em1Sage strain RS:0004310 SD-Cntnap2em1Sage IEA S RGD:7241799 20170225 RGD
11568700 SD-Nlgn3em1Sage strain RS:0004311 SD-Nlgn3em1Sage IEA S RGD:7241799 20170225 RGD
11568703 SD-Cacna1cem1Sage strain RS:0004312 SD-Cacna1cem1Sage IEA S RGD:7241799 20170225 RGD
11667072 Sway/Rrrc strain RS:0004300 Sway/Rrrc IEA S RGD:7241799 20170204 RGD
11667077 SD-Esr2em2Soar strain RS:0004253 SD-Esr2em2Soar IEA S RGD:7241799 20170204 RGD
11667079 SD-Pgrem2Soar strain RS:0004255 SD-Pgrem2Soar IEA S RGD:7241799 20170204 RGD
11667081 BDIV-Myo5a/StcRrrc strain RS:0004260 BDIV-Myo5a/StcRrrc IEA S RGD:7241799 20170204 RGD
11667084 WCat Wistar Cataract Rat strain RS:0004262 WCat IEA S RGD:7241799 20170204 RGD
11667088 SD-Esr1em1Soar strain RS:0004263 SD-ESR1em1Soar IEA S RGD:7241799 20170204 RGD
11667094 W-Tg(CFH)Crl strain RS:0004299 W-Tg(CFH)Crl IEA S RGD:7241799 20170204 RGD
11667096 WIST-Tulane Tulane rat strain RS:0004254 WIST-Tulane IEA S RGD:7241799 20170204 RGD
12437069 SS.BN-(D13Rat25-rs198199323)-Btg2em21Mcwi strain RS:0004268 SS.BN-(D13Rat25-rs198199323)/Mcwi-Btg2em21Mcwi IEA S RGD:7241799 20170204 RGD
12437071 SS.BN-(D13Rat25-rs198199323)-Btg2em24Mcwi strain RS:0004265 SS.BN-(D13Rat25-rs198199323)/Mcwi-Btg2em24Mcwi IEA S RGD:7241799 20170204 RGD
124713544 W-Cyp27b1em1Thka strain RS:0005034 W-Cyp27b1em1Thka IEA S RGD:7241799 20210821 RGD
124713546 W-Vdrem1Thka strain RS:0005035 W-Vdrem1Thka IEA S RGD:7241799 20210821 RGD
124713548 W-Vdrem2Thka strain RS:0005036 W-Vdrem2Thka IEA S RGD:7241799 20210821 RGD
125093746 SD-Disc1em1Rst strain RS:0004869 SD-Disc1em1Rst IEA S RGD:7241799 20210403 RGD
125097486 SD-Nr3c1em1Kuan strain RS:0004912 SD-Nr3c1em1Kuan IEA S RGD:7241799 20210417 RGD
125097491 WI;WDB-Prdm14tm1(H2BVenus)Nips strain RS:0004911 WI;WDB-Prdm14tm1(H2BVenus)Nips IEA S RGD:7241799 20210417 RGD
125097492 WI-Sall1em1Nips strain RS:0004909 WI-Sall1em1Nips IEA S RGD:7241799 20210417 RGD
125097494 WI;WDB-Sall1tm4(tdTomato)Nips strain RS:0004910 WI;WDB-Sall1tm4(tdTomato)Nips IEA S RGD:7241799 20210417 RGD
125097496 Iar:WIC Iar:Wistar-Imamichi strain RS:0004870 Iar:WIC IEA S RGD:7241799 20210403 RGD
125097497 WIC;WI;WDB-Kiss1tm8Nips strain RS:0004908 WDB-Kiss1tm8Nips IEA S RGD:7241799 20210417 RGD
126777684 WI-Mkxem1Asah strain RS:0004907 WI-Mkxem1Asah IEA S RGD:7241799 20210417 RGD
126777687 WKY-Dnd1ter/Ztm strain RS:0005032 WKY-Dnd1ter/Ztm IEA S RGD:7241799 20210821 RGD
126779578 LOU/MWsl strain RS:0004900 LOU/MWsl IEA S RGD:7241799 20210410 RGD
126779586 SD-Csf1rtm(EGFP)+/-/Tset strain RS:0004904 SD-Csf1rtm(EGFP)+/-/Tset IEA S RGD:7241799 20210417 RGD
126779587 DA-Csf1rtm(EGFP)+/-/Hume strain RS:0004903 DA-Csf1rtm(EGFP)+/-/Hume IEA S RGD:7241799 20210417 RGD
126779591 SD-Csf1rtm(EGFP)-/-/Tset strain RS:0004905 SD-Csf1rtm(EGFP)-/-/Tset IEA S RGD:7241799 20210417 RGD
126779592 DA-Csf1rtm(EGFP)-/-/Hume strain RS:0004906 DA-Csf1rtm(EGFP)-/-/Hume IEA S RGD:7241799 20210417 RGD
126781838 SD-Tg(PDGFB-cre/ERT2)AppscRrrc strain RS:0004917 SD-Tg(PDGFB-cre/ERT2)AppscRrrc IEA S RGD:7241799 20210424 RGD
126781839 SD-Tg(Olfr16-cre/ERT2)AppscRrrc strain RS:0004918 SD-Tg(Olfr16-cre/ERT2)AppscRrrc IEA S RGD:7241799 20210424 RGD
126781841 SD-Tg(Mnx1-cre/ERT2)AppscRrrc strain RS:0004975 SD-Tg(Mnx1-cre/ERT2)AppscRrrc IEA S RGD:7241799 20210724 RGD
126781842 SD-Tg(Drd1-cre/ERT2)AppscRrrc strain RS:0004977 SD-Tg(Drd1-cre/ERT2)AppscRrrc IEA S RGD:7241799 20210724 RGD
126781843 SD-Tg(Gad1-cre/ERT2)AppscRrrc strain RS:0004979 SD-Tg(Gad1-cre/ERT2)AppscRrrc IEA S RGD:7241799 20210724 RGD
126781844 SD-Tg(SMHC-cre/ERT2)AppscRrrc strain RS:0004983 SD-Tg(SMHC-cre/ERT2)AppscRrrc IEA S RGD:7241799 20210724 RGD
126781845 SD-Tg(CAG-GFP-LacZ)AppscRrrc strain RS:0004985 SD-Tg(CAG-GFP-LacZ)AppscRrrc IEA S RGD:7241799 20210724 RGD
126790464 SD-Ube3aem1Jue strain RS:0004921 SD-Ube3aem1Jue IEA S RGD:7241799 20210424 RGD
126790469 F344.Cg-Foxn1rnu-/-/Jcl strain RS:0004919 F344.Cg-Foxn1rnu-/-/Jcl IEA S RGD:7241799 20210424 RGD
126790496 SD-Shank2em13Sage strain RS:0004920 SD-Shank2em13Sage IEA S RGD:7241799 20210424 RGD
126790496 SD-Shank2em13Sage strain RS:0004922 SD-Shank2em13Sage IEA S RGD:7241799 20210424 RGD
126790511 Jcl:WIST strain RS:0004923 Jcl:WIST IEA S RGD:7241799 20210424 RGD
126790547 SD-Rin1em1-/-Hcz strain RS:0005039 SD-Rin1em1-/-Hcz IEA S RGD:7241799 20210821 RGD
126848737 WI- Msh6m1Hubr strain RS:0004924 WI- Msh6m1Hubr IEA S RGD:7241799 20210501 RGD
126848740 SDT.Cg-Leprfa/JttJcl SDT fatty strain RS:0004926 SDT.Cg-Leprfa/JttJcl IEA S RGD:7241799 20210501 RGD
126848751 RCS-Mertkrdyp/LavJcl strain RS:0004927 RCS-Mertkrdyp+/LavJcl IEA S RGD:7241799 20210501 RGD
126848763 ODS-Gulood+/+/ShiJcl Osteogenic disorder Shionagi rat, wild type strain RS:0004928 ODS-Gulood+/+/ShiJcl IEA S RGD:7241799 20210501 RGD
126848776 RCS-Mertkrdy+p/LavJcl strain RS:0004929 RCS-Mertkrdy+p/LavJcl IEA S RGD:7241799 20210501 RGD
126848777 SD-Tg(HRAS)128NccJcl strain RS:0004930 SD-Tg(HRAS)128NccJcl IEA S RGD:7241799 20210501 RGD
126848778 SD-Tg(CAG-KRAS*G12V)301Jcl strain RS:0004931 SD-Tg(CAG-KRAS*G12V)301Jcl IEA S RGD:7241799 20210501 RGD
126848793 SS-Gper1em1Bj-/- strain RS:0004932 SS-Gper1em1Bj-/- IEA S RGD:7241799 20210508 RGD
126848794 SHR-Zbtb16em1Ipcv+/- strain RS:0005033 SHR-Zbtb16em1Ipcv+/- IEA S RGD:7241799 20210821 RGD
126848804 F344-Trpc4Tn(sb)1Bni strain RS:0004933 F344-Trpc4Tn(sb)1Bni IEA S RGD:7241799 20210508 RGD
126908010 SD-Kcnk3em1Ang-/- strain RS:0004935 SD-Kcnk3em1Ang-/- IEA S RGD:7241799 20210515 RGD
126908013 SD-Kcnk3em1Ang-/+ strain RS:0004934 SD-Kcnk3em1Ang-/+ IEA S RGD:7241799 20210515 RGD
126925134 SD-Il36rntm1(Myh6-cre)Mhzh strain RS:0004937 SD-Il36rntm1(Myh6-cre)Mhzh IEA S RGD:7241799 20210515 RGD
126925135 SD-Il1rl2tm1(Myh6-cre)Mhzh strain RS:0004938 SD-Il1rl2tm1(Myh6-cre)Mhzh IEA S RGD:7241799 20210515 RGD
126925136 SD-Mstnem1Cqin strain RS:0004936 SD-Mstnem1Cqin IEA S RGD:7241799 20210515 RGD
126925137 SD-Ogdhem1Yuyi strain RS:0004939 SD-Ogdhem1Yuyi IEA S RGD:7241799 20210515 RGD
126925138 SD-Ubdem1 strain RS:0004941 SD-Ubdem1 IEA S RGD:7241799 20210515 RGD
126925139 SD-Dnmt1tm1(Myh6-cre)Cqin strain RS:0004940 SD-Dnmt1tm1(Myh6-cre)Cqin IEA S RGD:7241799 20210515 RGD
126925196 F344-Slc6a3m1Span strain RS:0004942 F344-Slc6a3m1Span IEA S RGD:7241799 20210515 RGD
126925212 WI- Drd1m1Hubr strain RS:0004943 WI- Drd1m1Hubr IEA S RGD:7241799 20210515 RGD
126925756 SD-Cryba1Nuc1Dbsa strain RS:0004944 SD-Cryba1Nuc1Dbsa IEA S RGD:7241799 20210522 RGD
126925949 SD-Myh7bem1Blar+/- strain RS:0004946 SD-Myh7bem1Blar+/- IEA S RGD:7241799 20210522 RGD
126925952 SD-Myh7bem1Blar-/- strain RS:0004947 SD-Myh7bem1Blar-/- IEA S RGD:7241799 20210522 RGD
126925978 SD-Ercc6em1Cgen strain RS:0004948 SD-Ercc6em1Cgen IEA S RGD:7241799 20210529 RGD
126925992 SD-Cftrem1Ang strain RS:0005021 SD-Cftrem1Ang IEA S RGD:7241799 20210821 RGD
126925994 SD-Cftrem2Ang strain RS:0005022 SD-Cftrem2Ang IEA S RGD:7241799 20210821 RGD
126928141 SD-F8em1Sage/Novo-Tg(ITGA2B-F8*)Mcwi strain RS:0004949 SD-F8em1Sage/Novo-Tg(ITGA2B-F8*)Mcwi IEA S RGD:7241799 20210612 RGD
126928146 ACI.Cg.-Cdkn1bem1Musc strain RS:0005038 ACI.Cg.-Cdkn1bem1Musc IEA S RGD:7241799 20210821 RGD
126928150 ACI.Cg.-Cdkn1bem4Musc strain RS:0005011 ACI.Cg.-Cdkn1bem4Musc IEA S RGD:7241799 20210821 RGD
127284837 GK/Wnsm strain RS:0004950 GK/Wnsm IEA S RGD:7241799 20210612 RGD
127284865 F344-Nppcem1Kyo strain RS:0004951 F344-Nppcem1Kyo IEA S RGD:7241799 20210619 RGD
127284868 F344-Nppcem2Kyo strain RS:0004953 F344-Nppcem2Kyo IEA S RGD:7241799 20210619 RGD
127284870 F344-Nppcem3Kyo strain RS:0004954 F344-Nppcem3Kyo IEA S RGD:7241799 20210619 RGD
127284872 F344-Nppcem4Kyo strain RS:0004955 F344-Nppcem4Kyo IEA S RGD:7241799 20210619 RGD
127284883 SD-Aqp4em1Hrt strain RS:0005027 SD-Aqp4em1Hrt IEA S RGD:7241799 20210821 RGD
127285380 SD-Mir31em1Sage strain RS:0004956 SD-Mir31em1Sage IEA S RGD:7241799 20210619 RGD
127285404 SHR-Cfbem1Tja strain RS:0004957 SHR-Cfbem1Tja IEA S RGD:7241799 20210626 RGD
127285409 SD-Abcc8em1Cgen strain RS:0004958 SD-Abcc8em1Cgen IEA S RGD:7241799 20210626 RGD
127285661 SD-Adgrl3em1Huyc strain RS:0004959 SD-Adgrl3em1Huyc IEA S RGD:7241799 20210626 RGD
127285810 SD-Trpa1em1Gne strain RS:0004960 SD-Trpa1em1Gne IEA S RGD:7241799 20210703 RGD
127338473 WM/Nem strain RS:0004961 WM/Nem IEA S RGD:7241799 20210710 RGD
127338474 BDIX/Nem strain RS:0004962 BDIX/Nem IEA S RGD:7241799 20210710 RGD
127345097 SD-Muc1em1Cgen strain RS:0004963 SD-Muc1em1Cgen IEA S RGD:7241799 20210710 RGD
127345123 F344-Angptl8em1Kyo-/- strain RS:0004964 F344-Angptl8em1Kyo-/- IEA S RGD:7241799 20210710 RGD
127345124 F344-Angptl8em1Kyo+/- strain RS:0004965 F344-Angptl8em1Kyo+/- IEA S RGD:7241799 20210710 RGD
127345125 F344-Angptl8em2Kyo-/- strain RS:0004966 F344-Angptl8em2Kyo-/- IEA S RGD:7241799 20210710 RGD
127345126 F344-Angptl8em2Kyo+/- strain RS:0004967 F344-Angptl8em2Kyo+/- IEA S RGD:7241799 20210710 RGD
12738212 SD-Tg(LRRK2*R1441C)268Rwm strain RS:0004314 SD-Tg(LRRK2*R1441C)268Rwm IEA S RGD:7241799 20170225 RGD
12738218 SD-GEPR-9 strain RS:0004315 SD-GEPR-9 IEA S RGD:7241799 20170225 RGD
12738365 SD-Rag2em2Mcwi strain RS:0004301 SD-Rag2em2Mcwi IEA S RGD:7241799 20170225 RGD
12738372 BDIX.BDIV-D6Mit1-D6Mgh2/Zte strain RS:0004304 BDIX.BDIV-D6Mit1-D6Mgh2/Zte IEA S RGD:7241799 20170408 RGD
12738388 BDIX.BDIV-D6Rat132-D6Mgh3/Zte strain RS:0004305 BDIX.BDIV-D6Rat132-D6Mgh3/Zte IEA S RGD:7241799 20170225 RGD
12738394 BDIX.BDIV-D6Mit8-D6Rat229/Zte strain RS:0004306 BDIX.BDIV-D6Mit8-D6Rat229/Zte IEA S RGD:7241799 20170225 RGD
12738452 ACI.F344-ApcPircUwm strain RS:0004316 ACI.F344-ApcPircUwm IEA S RGD:7241799 20170225 RGD
12738455 DA.F344-(D10Got155-D10Nsi55) strain RS:0004317 DA.F344-(D10Got155-D10Nsi55) IEA S RGD:7241799 20170225 RGD
12738457 DA.F344-(D10Got152-D10Mcw1) strain RS:0004318 DA.F344-(D10Got152-D10Mcw1) IEA S RGD:7241799 20170225 RGD
12738460 DA.F344-(D7Rat15-D7Mit2) strain RS:0004319 DA.F344-(D7Rat15 -D7Mit2) IEA S RGD:7241799 20170225 RGD
12738466 DA-Asipm1 strain RS:0004320 DA-Asipm1 IEA S RGD:7241799 20170225 RGD
12743611 SS-Renem1Mcwi+/- SS-Renem1Mcwi+/Renem1Mcwi- strain RS:0004313 SS-Renem1Mcwi+/- IEA S RGD:7241799 20170225 RGD
12743623 BN.F344-ApcPirc strain RS:0004321 BN.F344-ApcPirc IEA S RGD:7241799 20170225 RGD
12743627 cNLH-Cat congenital NLH Cataract Rat strain RS:0004324 cNLH-Cat IEA S RGD:7241799 20170225 RGD
12743630 BN-Spib spitzenborduere (spib) strain RS:0004325 BN-Spib IEA S RGD:7241799 20170225 RGD
12743640 DA.E3-(RT1-DMa-Ggnbp1) strain RS:0004329 DA.E3-(RT1-DMa-Ggnbp1) IEA S RGD:7241799 20170225 RGD
12743640 DA.E3-(RT1-DMa-Ggnbp1) strain RS:0004331 DA.E3-(RT1-DMa-Mln) IEA S RGD:7241799 20170225 RGD
12743645 DA.KHW-(RT1-Db1-RT1-DMb) strain RS:0004326 DA.KHW-(RT1-Db1-RT1-DMb) IEA S RGD:7241799 20170225 RGD
12743647 DA.E3-(Btnl2-RT1-DMb) strain RS:0004327 DA.E3-(Btnl2-RT1-DMb) IEA S RGD:7241799 20170225 RGD
12743650 DA.AS2-(Tesb-RT1-DMb) strain RS:0004328 DA.F-(Tesb-RT1-DMb) IEA S RGD:7241799 20170225 RGD
12743652 DA.KHW-(RT1-DMa-Mln) strain RS:0004330 DA.KHW-(RT1-DMa-Mln) IEA S RGD:7241799 20170225 RGD
12743655 DA.E3-(RT1-DMa-Mln) strain RS:0004331 DA.E3-(RT1-DMa-Mln) IEA S RGD:7241799 20170225 RGD
12790593 DA.ACI-(Gtf2ird1-D12Rat8)/Nsi strain RS:0004362 DA.ACI-(Gtf2ird1-D12Rat8)/Nsi IEA S RGD:7241799 20170318 RGD
12790595 DA.ACI-(D12Mit2-Gtf2i)/Nsi strain RS:0004363 DA.ACI-(D12Mit2-Gtf2i)/Nsi IEA S RGD:7241799 20170318 RGD
12790599 WKY-Asic3em6Mcwi strain RS:0004332 WKY-Asic3em6Mcwi IEA S RGD:7241799 20170225 RGD
12790602 SS-Axlem1Mcwi strain RS:0004333 SS-Axlem1Mcwi IEA S RGD:7241799 20170225 RGD
12790604 SS-Axlem2Mcwi strain RS:0004334 SS-Axlem2Mcwi IEA S RGD:7241799 20170225 RGD
12790608 SS-Cd14em1Mcwi strain RS:0004336 SS-Cd14em1Mcwi IEA S RGD:7241799 20170225 RGD
12790610 SS-Cd14em2Mcwi strain RS:0004337 SS-Cd14em2Mcwi IEA S RGD:7241799 20170225 RGD
12790615 LEW-Chrna4em5Mcwi strain RS:0004335 LEW-Chrna4em5Mcwi IEA S RGD:7241799 20230930 RGD
12790621 SS-Cybbem1Mcwi strain RS:0004338 SS-Cybbem1Mcwi IEA S RGD:7241799 20170225 RGD
12790623 SS-Cybbem3Mcwi strain RS:0004339 SS-Cybbem3Mcwi IEA S RGD:7241799 20170225 RGD
12790627 LEW-Igh-6em1Mcwi strain RS:0004340 LEW-Igh6em1Mcwi IEA S RGD:7241799 20170225 RGD
12790629 LEW-Igh-6em4Mcwi strain RS:0004341 LEW-Igh6em4Mcwi IEA S RGD:7241799 20170225 RGD
12790632 SS-Il2rgem1Mcwi strain RS:0004343 SS.Il2rgem1Mcwi IEA S RGD:7241799 20170225 RGD
12790659 SD-Il2rgem3Mcwi strain RS:0004344 SD-Il2rgem3Mcwi IEA S RGD:7241799 20170225 RGD
12790662 WKY-Mbem6Mcwi strain RS:0004345 WKY-Mbem6Mcwi IEA S RGD:7241799 20170225 RGD
12790676 SS-P2rx1em6Mcwi strain RS:0004348 SS-P2rx1em6Mcwi IEA S RGD:7241799 20170225 RGD
12790679 PCK-P2rx7em8Mcwi strain RS:0004349 PCK-P2rx7em8Mcwi IEA S RGD:7241799 20170225 RGD
12790692 SS-Pon1em1Mcwi strain RS:0004350 SS-Pon1em1Mcwi IEA S RGD:7241799 20170225 RGD
12790695 SS-Pon1em2Mcwi strain RS:0004351 SS-Pon1em2Mcwi IEA S RGD:7241799 20170225 RGD
12790698 SS-Pon1em3Mcwi strain RS:0004352 SS-Pon1em3Mcwi IEA S RGD:7241799 20170225 RGD
12790702 SS-Pon3em1Mcwi strain RS:0004353 SS-Pon3em1Mcwi IEA S RGD:7241799 20170225 RGD
12790710 SD-Rag2em3Mcwi strain RS:0004354 SD-Rag2em3Mcwi IEA S RGD:7241799 20170318 RGD
12790713 SS-Rag2em1Mcwi strain RS:0004355 SS-Rag2em1Mcwi IEA S RGD:7241799 20170318 RGD
12790717 SS-Rfwd2em1Mcwi strain RS:0004356 SS-Rfwd2em1Mcwi IEA S RGD:7241799 20170318 RGD
12790721 SS.BN-(D13Rat151-D13Rat197)-Serpinc1em2Mcwi strain RS:0004357 SS.BN-(D13Rat151-D13Rat197)-Serpinc1em2Mcwi IEA S RGD:7241799 20170318 RGD
12790944 WKY-Sik2em5Mcwi strain RS:0004358 WKY-Sik2em5Mcwi IEA S RGD:7241799 20170318 RGD
12790947 SS-Sorcs2em7Mcwi strain RS:0004359 SS-Sorcs2em7Mcwi IEA S RGD:7241799 20170318 RGD
12790950 SS-Sorcs2em9Mcwi strain RS:0004360 SS-Sorcs2em9Mcwi IEA S RGD:7241799 20170318 RGD
12790954 WKY-Tertem2Mcwi strain RS:0004361 WKY-Tertem2Mcwi IEA S RGD:7241799 20170318 RGD
12790957 SS.SR-(DXrat11-rs64754598)/Opaz strain RS:0004364 SS.SR-(DXrat11-rs64754598)/Opaz IEA S RGD:7241799 20170318 RGD
12790959 SS.SR-(D1Rat68-rs65309623)/Opaz strain RS:0004365 SS.SR-(D1Rat68-rs65309623)/Opaz IEA S RGD:7241799 20170318 RGD
12790962 SS.SR-(rs106908358-rs105920659)/Opaz strain RS:0004366 SS.SR-(rs106908358-rs105920659)/Opaz IEA S RGD:7241799 20170318 RGD
12790964 SS.SR-(rs66001705-D5Mgh16)/Opaz strain RS:0004367 SS.SR-(rs66001705-D5Mgh16)/Opaz IEA S RGD:7241799 20170318 RGD
12792211 SS.BN-(D13Hmgc1048-D13Hmgc664)/Mcwi strain RS:0004369 SS.BN-(D13Hmgc1048-D13Hmgc664)/Mcwi IEA S RGD:7241799 20170318 RGD
12792212 SS.BN-(D13Hmgc1048-D13Hmgc1045)/Mcwi strain RS:0004370 SS.BN-(D13Hmgc1048-D13Hmgc1045)/Mcwi IEA S RGD:7241799 20170318 RGD
12792213 SS.BN-(D13Hmgc1048-D13Hmgc1050)/Mcwi strain RS:0004371 SS.BN-(D13Hmgc1048-D13Hmgc1050)/Mcwi IEA S RGD:7241799 20170318 RGD
12792214 SS.BN-(D13Hmgc1041-D13Hmgc664)/Mcwi strain RS:0004372 SS.BN-(D13Hmgc1041-D13Hmgc664)/Mcwi IEA S RGD:7241799 20170318 RGD
12792216 SS.BN-(D13Hmgc885-D13Hmgc664)/Mcwi strain RS:0004373 SS.BN-(D13Hmgc885-D13Hmgc664)/Mcwi IEA S RGD:7241799 20170318 RGD
12792217 SS.BN-(D13Hmgc1041-D13Hmgc885)/Mcwi strain RS:0004374 SS.BN-(D13Hmgc1041-D13Hmgc885)/Mcwi IEA S RGD:7241799 20170318 RGD
12792226 SS.BN-(D13Got45-D13Hmgc664)/Mcwi strain RS:0004368 SS.BN-(D13Got45-D13Hmgc664)/Mcwi IEA S RGD:7241799 20170318 RGD
12792939 SS.BN-(D13Got42-D13Rat61)/Mcwi strain RS:0004375 SS.BN-(D13Got42-D13Rat61)/Mcwi IEA S RGD:7241799 20170325 RGD
12792944 SS.BN-(D13Got42-D13Got45)/Mcwi strain RS:0004376 SS.BN-(D13Got42-D13Got45)/Mcwi IEA S RGD:7241799 20170325 RGD
12792945 SS.BN-(D13Got42-D13Rat130)/Mcwi strain RS:0004377 SS.BN-(D13Got42-D13Rat130)/Mcwi IEA S RGD:7241799 20170325 RGD
12792946 SS.BN-(D13Got42-D13Hmgc354)/Mcwi strain RS:0004378 SS.BN-(D13Got42-D13Hmgc354)/Mcwi IEA S RGD:7241799 20170325 RGD
12792947 SS.BN-(D13Got42-D13Hmgc497)/Mcwi strain RS:0004379 SS.BN-(D13Got42-D13Hmgc497)/Mcwi IEA S RGD:7241799 20170325 RGD
12792948 SS.BN-(D13Got42-D13Hmgc885)/Mcwi strain RS:0004380 SS.BN-(D13Got42-D13Hmgc885)/Mcwi IEA S RGD:7241799 20170325 RGD
12792949 SS.BN-(D13Got42-D13Hmgc664)/Mcwi strain RS:0004381 SS.BN-(D13Got42-D13Hmgc664)/Mcwi IEA S RGD:7241799 20170325 RGD
12792950 SS.BN-(D13Mit5-D13Rat32)/Mcwi strain RS:0004382 SS.BN-(D13Mit5-D13Rat32)/Mcwi IEA S RGD:7241799 20170325 RGD
12792951 SS.BN-(D13Hmgc5885-D13Rat32)/Mcwi strain RS:0004383 SS.BN-(D13Hmgc5885-D13Rat32)/Mcwi IEA S RGD:7241799 20170325 RGD
12792952 SS.BN-(D13Hmgc354-D13Rat32)/Mcwi strain RS:0004384 SS.BN-(D13Hmgc354-D13Rat32)/Mcwi IEA S RGD:7241799 20170325 RGD
12792953 SS.BN-(D13Rat130-D13Rat32)/Mcwi strain RS:0004385 SS.BN-(D13Rat130-D13Rat32)/Mcwi IEA S RGD:7241799 20170325 RGD
12792954 SS.BN-(D13Got45-D13Rat32)/Mcwi strain RS:0004386 SS.BN-(D13Got45-D13Rat32)/Mcwi IEA S RGD:7241799 20170325 RGD
12798519 Anxrr54 Anxiety related response QTL 54 qtl RS:0003200 SHR/NCrlAnra IEA S RGD:11566049|PMID:27044679 20170325 RGD
12798519 Anxrr54 Anxiety related response QTL 54 qtl RS:0003201 LEW/HsdUnibAnra IEA S RGD:11566049|PMID:27044679 20170325 RGD
12798520 Anxrr55 Anxiety related response QTL 55 qtl RS:0003200 SHR/NCrlAnra IEA S RGD:11566049|PMID:27044679 20170325 RGD
12798520 Anxrr55 Anxiety related response QTL 55 qtl RS:0003201 LEW/HsdUnibAnra IEA S RGD:11566049|PMID:27044679 20170325 RGD
12798523 Anxrr56 Anxiety related response QTL 56 qtl RS:0003200 SHR/NCrlAnra IEA S RGD:11566049|PMID:27044679 20170325 RGD
12798523 Anxrr56 Anxiety related response QTL 56 qtl RS:0003201 LEW/HsdUnibAnra IEA S RGD:11566049|PMID:27044679 20170325 RGD
12798525 Anxrr57 Anxiety related response QTL 57 qtl RS:0003200 SHR/NCrlAnra IEA S RGD:11566049|PMID:27044679 20170325 RGD
12798525 Anxrr57 Anxiety related response QTL 57 qtl RS:0003201 LEW/HsdUnibAnra IEA S RGD:11566049|PMID:27044679 20170325 RGD
12798527 Anxrr58 Anxiety related response QTL 58 qtl RS:0003200 SHR/NCrlAnra IEA S RGD:11566049|PMID:27044679 20170401 RGD
12798527 Anxrr58 Anxiety related response QTL 58 qtl RS:0003201 LEW/HsdUnibAnra IEA S RGD:11566049|PMID:27044679 20170401 RGD
12798529 SS.BN-(D13Hmgc37-D13Got22)/Mcwi strain RS:0004387 SS.BN-(D13Hmgc37-D13Got22)/Mcwi IEA S RGD:7241799 20170415 RGD
12798530 SS.BN-(D13Rat115-D13Got22)/Mcwi strain RS:0004388 SS.BN-(D13Hmgc115-D13Got22)/Mcwi IEA S RGD:7241799 20170415 RGD
12798531 SS.BN-(D13Hmgc86-D13Got22)/Mcwi strain RS:0004389 SS.BN-(D13Hmgc86-D13Got22)/Mcwi IEA S RGD:7241799 20170415 RGD
12798532 SS.BN-(D13Hmgc40-D13Got22)/Mcwi strain RS:0004390 SS.BN-(D13Hmgc40-D13Got22)/Mcwi IEA S RGD:7241799 20170415 RGD
12798533 SS.BN-(D13Hmgc85-D13Got22)/Mcwi strain RS:0004391 SS.BN-(D13Hmgc85-D13Got22)/Mcwi IEA S RGD:7241799 20170415 RGD
12798534 SS.BN-(D13Rat77-D13Got22)/Mcwi strain RS:0004392 SS.BN-(D13Rat77-D13Got22)/Mcwi IEA S RGD:7241799 20170415 RGD
12798535 SS.BN-(D13Rat111-D13Rat115)/Mcwi strain RS:0004393 SS.BN-(D13Rat111-D13Rat115)/Mcwi IEA S RGD:7241799 20170415 RGD
12798536 SS.BN-(D13Rat111-D13Hmgc86)/Mcwi strain RS:0004394 SS.BN-(D13Rat111-D13Hmgc86)/Mcwi IEA S RGD:7241799 20170415 RGD
12798537 SS.BN-(D13Rat111-D13Rat20)/Mcwi strain RS:0004395 SS.BN-(D13Rat111-D13Rat20)/Mcwi IEA S RGD:7241799 20170415 RGD
12798538 SS.BN-(D13Rat111-D13Hmgc85)/Mcwi strain RS:0004396 SS.BN-(D13Rat111-D13Hmgc85)/Mcwi IEA S RGD:7241799 20170415 RGD
12801411 Schws8 Schwannoma susceptibility QTL 8 qtl RS:0004306 BDIX.BDIV-D6Mit8-D6Rat229/Zte IEA S RGD:11566050|PMID:25303613 20170401 RGD
12801471 Schws9 Schwannoma susceptibility QTL 9 qtl RS:0004304 BDIX.BDIV-D6Mit1-D6Mgh2/Zte IEA S RGD:11566050|PMID:25303613 20170408 RGD
12802362 SS.BN-(D13Rat25-RN34_13048990782)/Mcwi strain RS:0004399 SS.BN-(D13Rat25-RN34_13048990782)/Mcwi IEA S RGD:7241799 20170415 RGD
12802363 SS.BN-(D13Rat25-rs106935835)/Mcwi strain RS:0004401 SS.BN-(D13Rat25-rs106935835)/Mcwi IEA S RGD:7241799 20170415 RGD
12802364 SS.BN-(D13Rat25-rs198199323)/Mcwi strain RS:0004402 SS.BN-(D13Rat25-rs198199323)/Mcwi IEA S RGD:7241799 20170415 RGD
12802365 SS.BN-(D13Hmgc64-D13Hmgc23)/Mcwi strain RS:0004397 SS.BN-(D13Hmgc64-D13Hmgc23)/Mcwi IEA S RGD:7241799 20170415 RGD
12802366 SS.BN-(D13Hmgc64-4582)/Mcwi strain RS:0004398 SS.BN-(D13Hmgc64-4582)/Mcwi IEA S RGD:7241799 20170415 RGD
12802367 SS.BN-(2340-RN34_13048990782)/Mcwi strain RS:0004400 SS.BN-(2340-RN34_13048990782)/Mcwi IEA S RGD:7241799 20170415 RGD
12859278 Slc:ZUC-Leprfa-/- Zucker fatty rats strain RS:0004403 Slc:ZUC-Leprfa-/- IEA S RGD:7241799 20170429 RGD
12859279 Ho:ZFDM-Leprfa Zucker Fatty Diabetes Mellitus rats strain RS:0004404 Ho:ZFDM-Leprfa IEA S RGD:7241799 20170429 RGD
12859287 ZDF-Leprfa/Drt Zucker Diabetic Fatty Rat strain RS:0004405 ZDF-Leprfa/Drt IEA S RGD:7241799 20170429 RGD
12879386 W-Ghsrem1Ottc strain RS:0004406 W-Ghsrem1Ottc IEA S RGD:7241799 20181208 RGD
12879394 F344-Atmm1Kyo Atm missense rats strain RS:0004407 F344-Atmm1Kyo IEA S RGD:7241799 20170429 RGD
12879400 F344-Atmem1Kyo ZFN-Atm rats strain RS:0004408 F344-Atmem1Kyo IEA S RGD:7241799 20170429 RGD
12879423 W-Tg(HCRT-cre-EGFP)B5Ahky orexin-Cre rat strain RS:0004410 W-Tg(HCRT-cre-EGFP)B5Ahky IEA S RGD:7241799 20170429 RGD
12879424 LE-ROSA26em1(CAG-COP4*/EGFP)Kyo strain RS:0004411 LE-ROSA26em1(CAG-COP4*/EGFP)Kyo IEA S RGD:7241799 20170429 RGD
12879426 ExHC.BN-(D14Got74-D14Rat132)/Kyu strain RS:0004412 ExHC.BN-(D14Got74-D14Rat132)/Kyu IEA S RGD:7241799 20170429 RGD
12879428 WKY.SHRSP-(D1Mgh5-D1Arb21)(D3Rat36-D3Rat144)(D4Mgh7-D4Rat68)/Izm strain RS:0004413 WKY.SHRSP-(D1Mgh5-D1Arb21)(D3Rat36-D3Rat144)(D4Mgh7-D4Rat68)/Izm IEA S RGD:7241799 20170429 RGD
12879431 Jcl:WI Wistar rats strain RS:0004409 Jcl:WI IEA S RGD:7241799 20170429 RGD
12879432 W-Ift140em1Kyo strain RS:0004414 W-Ift140em1Kyo IEA S RGD:7241799 20170429 RGD
12879434 W-Ift140em2Kyo strain RS:0004415 W-Ift140em2Kyo IEA S RGD:7241799 20170429 RGD
12879436 Bp395 Blood pressure QTL 395 qtl RS:0004399 SS.BN-(D13Rat25-RN34_13048990782)/Mcwi IEA S RGD:12802369|PMID:23460292 20170422 RGD
12879437 SHC/Ta spontaneously hypercholesterolemic rat strain RS:0004416 SHC/Ta IEA S RGD:7241799 20170429 RGD
12879438 F344-Tg(CAG-EGFP,Acr-EGFP)2Osb strain RS:0004417 F344-Tg(CAG-EGFP,Acr-EGFP)2Osb IEA S RGD:7241799 20170429 RGD
12879439 F344-Tg(CAG-EGFP,Acr-EGFP)6Osb strain RS:0004418 F344-Tg(CAG-EGFP,Acr-EGFP)6Osb IEA S RGD:7241799 20170429 RGD
12879441 Bp396 Blood pressure QTL 396 qtl RS:0004400 SS.BN-(2340-RN34_13048990782)/Mcwi IEA S RGD:12802369|PMID:23460292 20170422 RGD
12879444 Bp397 Blood pressure QTL 397 qtl RS:0004402 SS.BN-(D13Rat25-rs198199323)/Mcwi IEA S RGD:12802368|PMID:23817491 20170422 RGD
12879471 Bp398 Blood pressure QTL 398 qtl RS:0004401 SS.BN-(D13Rat25-rs106935835)/Mcwi IEA S RGD:12802368|PMID:23817491 20170422 RGD
12879472 Bp399 Blood pressure QTL 399 qtl RS:0003366 SS.BN-(D13Rat124-D13Rat101)/Mcwi IEA S RGD:12802368|PMID:23817491 20170422 RGD
12879475 Bp400 Blood pressure QTL 400 qtl RS:0001711 SS.BN-(D13Rat151-D13Rat197)/Mcwi IEA S RGD:9831392|PMID:20009007 20170422 RGD
12879477 Bp401 Blood pressure QTL 401 qtl RS:0001488 SS.BN-(D13Rat20-D13Got22)/Mcwi IEA S RGD:12798539|PMID:21257920 20170422 RGD
12879477 Bp401 Blood pressure QTL 401 qtl RS:0004396 SS.BN-(D13Rat111-D13Hmgc85)/Mcwi IEA S RGD:12798539|PMID:21257920 20170422 RGD
12879506 Pur33 Proteinuria QTL 33 qtl RS:0004203 SS.SHR-(D9Mco110-D9Got111)/Bj IEA S RGD:11353859|PMID:27113531 20170429 RGD
12879830 Bw178 Body weight QTL 178 qtl RS:0000904 SS.MNS-(D2Rat183-D2Chm113)/Ayd IEA S RGD:1599557|PMID:17143582 20170429 RGD
12879831 Cm82 Cardiac mass QTL 82 qtl RS:0000904 SS.MNS-(D2Rat183-D2Chm113)/Ayd IEA S RGD:1599557|PMID:17143582 20170429 RGD
12879832 Cm83 Cardiac mass QTL 83 qtl RS:0000904 SS.MNS-(D2Rat183-D2Chm113)/Ayd IEA S RGD:1599557|PMID:17143582 20170429 RGD
12879833 Cm84 Cardiac mass QTL 84 qtl RS:0000904 SS.MNS-(D2Rat183-D2Chm113)/Ayd IEA S RGD:1599557|PMID:17143582 20170429 RGD
12879834 Am1 Aortic mass QTL 1 qtl RS:0000904 SS.MNS-(D2Rat183-D2Chm113)/Ayd IEA S RGD:1599557|PMID:17143582 20170429 RGD
12879835 Kidm60 Kidney mass QTL 60 qtl RS:0000904 SS.MNS-(D2Rat183-D2Chm113)/Ayd IEA S RGD:1599557|PMID:17143582 20170429 RGD
12879836 Kidm61 Kidney mass QTL 61 qtl RS:0000899 SS.MNS-(D2Chm25-D2Rat131)/Ayd IEA S RGD:1599557|PMID:17143582 20170429 RGD
12879837 Am2 Aortic mass QTL 2 qtl RS:0000899 SS.MNS-(D2Chm25-D2Rat131)/Ayd IEA S RGD:1599557|PMID:17143582 20170429 RGD
12879838 Cm86 Cardiac mass QTL 86 qtl RS:0000899 SS.MNS-(D2Chm25-D2Rat131)/Ayd IEA S RGD:1599557|PMID:17143582 20170429 RGD
12879839 Cm85 Cardiac mass QTL 85 qtl RS:0000899 SS.MNS-(D2Chm25-D2Rat131)/Ayd IEA S RGD:1599557|PMID:17143582 20170429 RGD
12879840 Bw179 Body weight QTL 179 qtl RS:0000899 SS.MNS-(D2Chm25-D2Rat131)/Ayd IEA S RGD:1599557|PMID:17143582 20170429 RGD
12879841 Cm87 Cardiac mass QTL 87 qtl RS:0000902 SS.MNS-(D2Chm51-D2Rat341)/Ayd IEA S RGD:1599557|PMID:17143582 20170429 RGD
12879842 Cm88 Cardiac mass QTL 88 qtl RS:0000902 SS.MNS-(D2Chm51-D2Rat341)/Ayd IEA S RGD:1599557|PMID:17143582 20170429 RGD
12879843 Am3 Aortic mass QTL 3 qtl RS:0000902 SS.MNS-(D2Chm51-D2Rat341)/Ayd IEA S RGD:1599557|PMID:17143582 20170429 RGD
12879844 Kidm62 Kidney mass QTL 62 qtl RS:0000902 SS.MNS-(D2Chm51-D2Rat341)/Ayd IEA S RGD:1599557|PMID:17143582 20170429 RGD
12879845 Cm89 Cardiac mass QTL 89 qtl RS:0000900 SS.MNS-(D2Chm25-Fgg)/Ayd IEA S RGD:1599557|PMID:17143582 20170429 RGD
12879846 Cm90 Cardiac mass QTL 90 qtl RS:0000900 SS.MNS-(D2Chm25-Fgg)/Ayd IEA S RGD:1599557|PMID:17143582 20170429 RGD
12879847 Am4 Aortic mass QTL 4 qtl RS:0000900 SS.MNS-(D2Chm25-Fgg)/Ayd IEA S RGD:1599557|PMID:17143582 20170429 RGD
12879848 Bw181 Body weght QTL 181 qtl RS:0000880 SS.LEW-(D3Mco21-D3Rat17)/Ayd IEA S RGD:1599557|PMID:17143582 20170429 RGD
12879849 Bw180 Body weight QTL 180 qtl RS:0000882 SS.LEW-(D3Rat52-D3Rat130)/Ayd IEA S RGD:1599557|PMID:17143582 20170429 RGD
12879850 Cm91 Cardiac mass QTL 91 qtl RS:0000882 SS.LEW-(D3Rat52-D3Rat130)/Ayd IEA S RGD:1599557|PMID:17143582 20170429 RGD
12879851 Cm92 Cardiac mass QTL 92 qtl RS:0000882 SS.LEW-(D3Rat52-D3Rat130)/Ayd IEA S RGD:1599557|PMID:17143582 20170429 RGD
12879852 Cm93 Cardiac mass QTL 93 qtl RS:0000882 SS.LEW-(D3Rat52-D3Rat130)/Ayd IEA S RGD:1599557|PMID:17143582 20170429 RGD
12879853 Am5 Aortic mass QTL 5 qtl RS:0000882 SS.LEW-(D3Rat52-D3Rat130)/Ayd IEA S RGD:1599557|PMID:17143582 20170429 RGD
12879854 Kidm63 Kidney mass QTL 63 qtl RS:0000882 SS.LEW-(D3Rat52-D3Rat130)/Ayd IEA S RGD:1599557|PMID:17143582 20170429 RGD
12879863 Bp402 Blood pressure QTL 402 qtl RS:0001535 SS.LEW-(D2Rat18-D2Chm277)/Ayd IEA S RGD:1599557|PMID:17143582 20170429 RGD
12879866 Cm94 Cardiac mass QTL 94 qtl RS:0001645 SS.LEW-(D3Got33-D3Chm68)/Ayd IEA S RGD:1599557|PMID:17143582 20170429 RGD
12879867 Cm95 Cardiac mass QTL 95 qtl RS:0001645 SS.LEW-(D3Got33-D3Chm68)/Ayd IEA S RGD:1599557|PMID:17143582 20170429 RGD
12879868 Am6 Aortic mass QTL 6 qtl RS:0001645 SS.LEW-(D3Got33-D3Chm68)/Ayd IEA S RGD:1599557|PMID:17143582 20170429 RGD
12879871 Am7 Aortic mass QTL 7 qtl RS:0001643 SS.LEW-(D3Rat61-D3Wox1)/Ayd IEA S RGD:1599557|PMID:17143582 20170429 RGD
12879872 Cm97 Cardiac mass QTL 97 qtl RS:0001643 SS.LEW-(D3Rat61-D3Wox1)/Ayd IEA S RGD:1599557|PMID:17143582 20170429 RGD
12879873 Cm96 Cardiac mass QTL 96 qtl RS:0001643 SS.LEW-(D3Rat61-D3Wox1)/Ayd IEA S RGD:1599557|PMID:17143582 20170429 RGD
12879874 Cm98 Cardiac mass QTL 98 qtl RS:0001643 SS.LEW-(D3Rat61-D3Wox1)/Ayd IEA S RGD:1599557|PMID:17143582 20170429 RGD
12879875 Kidm64 Kidney mass QTL 64 qtl RS:0001643 SS.LEW-(D3Rat61-D3Wox1)/Ayd IEA S RGD:1599557|PMID:17143582 20170429 RGD
12879876 Bw182 Body weight QTL 182 qtl RS:0001643 SS.LEW-(D3Rat61-D3Wox1)/Ayd IEA S RGD:1599557|PMID:17143582 20170506 RGD
12879878 Bw183 Body weight QTL 183 qtl RS:0000841 SS.LEW-(D8Chm14-D8Rat16)/Ayd IEA S RGD:1599557|PMID:17143582 20170506 RGD
12879879 Cm99 Cardiac mass QTL 99 qtl RS:0000841 SS.LEW-(D8Chm14-D8Rat16)/Ayd IEA S RGD:1599557|PMID:17143582 20170429 RGD
12879880 Cm100 Cardiac mass QTL 100 qtl RS:0000841 SS.LEW-(D8Chm14-D8Rat16)/Ayd IEA S RGD:1599557|PMID:17143582 20170429 RGD
12879881 Cm101 Cardiac mass QTL 101 qtl RS:0000841 SS.LEW-(D8Chm14-D8Rat16)/Ayd IEA S RGD:1599557|PMID:17143582 20170429 RGD
12879882 Am8 Aortic mass QTL 8 qtl RS:0000841 SS.LEW-(D8Chm14-D8Rat16)/Ayd IEA S RGD:1599557|PMID:17143582 20170429 RGD
12879883 Kidm65 Kidney mass QTL 65 qtl RS:0000841 SS.LEW-(D8Chm14-D8Rat16)/Ayd IEA S RGD:1599557|PMID:17143582 20170429 RGD
12880021 SD-Apoeem1Sage strain RS:0004423 SD-Apoeem1Sage IEA S RGD:7241799 20170527 RGD
12880023 Bw184 Body weight QTL 184 qtl RS:0000840 SS.LEW-(D8Rat56-D8Rat51)/Ayd IEA S RGD:1599557|PMID:17143582 20170513 RGD
12880025 Cm102 Cardiac mass QTL 102 qtl RS:0000840 SS.LEW-(D8Rat56-D8Rat51)/Ayd IEA S RGD:1599557|PMID:17143582 20170513 RGD
12880026 SD-Appem1Sage strain RS:0004424 SD-Appem1Sage IEA S RGD:7241799 20170527 RGD
12880028 Cm103 Cardiac mass QTL 103 qtl RS:0000840 SS.LEW-(D8Rat56-D8Rat51)/Ayd IEA S RGD:1599557|PMID:17143582 20170513 RGD
12880037 SD-Dmdem1Ang strain RS:0004419 SD-Dmdem1Ang IEA S RGD:7241799 20170527 RGD
12880044 Am9 Aortic mass QTL 9 qtl RS:0000840 SS.LEW-(D8Rat56-D8Rat51)/Ayd IEA S RGD:1599557|PMID:17143582 20170513 RGD
12880050 Am10 Aortic mass QTL 10 qtl RS:0000853 SS.LEW-(D10Rat27-Igfbp4)/Ayd IEA S RGD:1599557|PMID:17143582 20170513 RGD
12880053 Cm104 Cardiac mass QTL 104 qtl RS:0000853 SS.LEW-(D10Rat27-Igfbp4)/Ayd IEA S RGD:1599557|PMID:17143582 20170513 RGD
12880055 Am11 Aortic mass QTL 11 qtl RS:0000852 SS.LEW-(D10Rat24-Igfbp4)/Ayd IEA S RGD:1599557|PMID:17143582 20170513 RGD
12880368 Bw187 Body weight QTL 187 qtl RS:0001659 SS.LEW-(D18Rat61-D18Rat45)/Ayd IEA S RGD:1599557|PMID:17143582 20170617 RGD
12880370 Cm105 Cardiac mass QTL 105 qtl RS:0001510 SS.LEW-(D10Chm128-D10Chm121)/Ayd IEA S RGD:1599557|PMID:17143582 20170513 RGD
12880371 Cm106 Cardiac mass QTL 106 qtl RS:0001510 SS.LEW-(D10Chm128-D10Chm121)/Ayd IEA S RGD:1599557|PMID:17143582 20170513 RGD
12880372 Am12 Aortic mass QTL 12 qtl RS:0001510 SS.LEW-(D10Chm128-D10Chm121)/Ayd IEA S RGD:1599557|PMID:17143582 20170513 RGD
12880375 Kidm66 Kidney mass QTL 66 qtl RS:0001510 SS.LEW-(D10Chm128-D10Chm121)/Ayd IEA S RGD:1599557|PMID:17143582 20170513 RGD
12880384 Cm107 Cardiac mass QTL 107 qtl RS:0001507 SS.LEW-(D10Chm10-D10Rat11)/Ayd IEA S RGD:1599557|PMID:17143582 20170513 RGD
12880385 Cm108 Cardiac mass QTL 108 qtl RS:0001507 SS.LEW-(D10Chm10-D10Rat11)/Ayd IEA S RGD:1599557|PMID:17143582 20170513 RGD
12880395 Cm109 Cardiac mass QTL 109 qtl RS:0001507 SS.LEW-(D10Chm10-D10Rat11)/Ayd IEA S RGD:1599557|PMID:17143582 20170513 RGD
12880396 Am13 Aortic mass QTL 13 qtl RS:0001507 SS.LEW-(D10Chm10-D10Rat11)/Ayd IEA S RGD:1599557|PMID:17143582 20170513 RGD
12880398 Kidm67 Kidney mass QTL 67 qtl RS:0001507 SS.LEW-(D10Chm10-D10Rat11)/Ayd IEA S RGD:1599557|PMID:17143582 20170513 RGD
12902614 SS.LEW-(D10M11Mit119-D10Rat27)/Ayd strain RS:0004420 SS.LEW-(D10M11Mit119-D10Rat27)/Ayd IEA S RGD:7241799 20170527 RGD
12902615 Bw185 Body weight QTL 185 qtl RS:0001513 SS.LEW-(D10Chm224-D10Chm6)/Ayd IEA S RGD:1599557|PMID:17143582 20170513 RGD
12902616 SD-Apoetm1(APOE*)Sage strain RS:0004425 SD-Apoetm1(APOE*)Sage IEA S RGD:7241799 20170527 RGD
12902621 SD-Bdnfem1Sage+/- strain RS:0004426 SD-Bdnfem1Sage+/- IEA S RGD:7241799 20170527 RGD
12902625 SD-Nr1i2em1Sage strain RS:0004427 SD-Nr1i2em1Sage IEA S RGD:7241799 20170527 RGD
12903245 Cm110 Cardiac mass QTL 110 qtl RS:0001513 SS.LEW-(D10Chm224-D10Chm6)/Ayd IEA S RGD:1599557|PMID:17143582 20170513 RGD
12903246 Cm111 Cardiac mass QTL 111 qtl RS:0001513 SS.LEW-(D10Chm224-D10Chm6)/Ayd IEA S RGD:1599557|PMID:17143582 20170513 RGD
12903247 Cm112 Cardiac mass QTL 112 qtl RS:0001513 SS.LEW-(D10Chm224-D10Chm6)/Ayd IEA S RGD:1599557|PMID:17143582 20170513 RGD
12903248 Am14 Aortic mass QTL 14 qtl RS:0001513 SS.LEW-(D10Chm224-D10Chm6)/Ayd IEA S RGD:1599557|PMID:17143582 20170513 RGD
12903249 Kidm68 Kidney mass QTL 68 qtl RS:0001513 SS.LEW-(D10Chm224-D10Chm6)/Ayd IEA S RGD:1599557|PMID:17143582 20170513 RGD
12903250 SD-Ahrem1Sage strain RS:0004428 SD-Ahrem1Sage IEA S RGD:7241799 20170527 RGD
12903251 LH-Chr 17LN/Aek strain RS:0004422 LH-Chr 17LN/Aek IEA S RGD:7241799 20170527 RGD
12903252 Cm113 Cardiac mass QTL 113 qtl RS:0001509 SS.LEW-(D10Chm128-D10Chm169)/Ayd IEA S RGD:1599557|PMID:17143582 20170513 RGD
12903257 LH.LH-Chr 17LN-(rs199194111-rs105876746)/Aek strain RS:0004421 LH.LH-Chr 17LN-(rs199194111-rs105876746)/Aek IEA S RGD:7241799 20170527 RGD
12903266 Cm114 Cardiac mass QTL 114 qtl RS:0001509 SS.LEW-(D10Chm128-D10Chm169)/Ayd IEA S RGD:1599557|PMID:17143582 20170513 RGD
12903267 SD-Nr1i3em1Sage strain RS:0004429 SD-Nr1i3em1Sage IEA S RGD:7241799 20170527 RGD
12903269 Am15 Aortic mass QTL 15 qtl RS:0001509 SS.LEW-(D10Chm128-D10Chm169)/Ayd IEA S RGD:1599557|PMID:17143582 20170513 RGD
12903270 SD-Nr1i2em1Sage Nr1i3em1Sage strain RS:0004430 SD-Nr1i2em1Sage Nr1i3em1Sage IEA S RGD:7241799 20170527 RGD
12903272 SD-Nr1i2em1Sage Nr1i3em1Sage Ahrem1Sage strain RS:0004431 SD-Nr1i2em1Sage Nr1i3em1Sage Ahrem1Sage IEA S RGD:7241799 20170527 RGD
12903278 Am16 Aortic mass QTL 16 qtl RS:0001644 SS.LEW-(D16Got3-D16Rat112)/Ayd IEA S RGD:1599557|PMID:17143582 20170520 RGD
12903279 Cm115 Cardiac mass QTL 115 qtl RS:0001644 SS.LEW-(D16Got3-D16Rat112)/Ayd IEA S RGD:1599557|PMID:17143582 20170520 RGD
12903281 Cm116 Cardiac mass QTL 116 qtl RS:0001644 SS.LEW-(D16Got3-D16Rat112)/Ayd IEA S RGD:1599557|PMID:17143582 20170520 RGD
12903952 Cm117 Cardiac mass QTL 117 qtl RS:0001644 SS.LEW-(D16Got3-D16Rat112)/Ayd IEA S RGD:1599557|PMID:17143582 20170520 RGD
12903954 Bw186 Body weight QTL 186 qtl RS:0001644 SS.LEW-(D16Got3-D16Rat112)/Ayd IEA S RGD:1599557|PMID:17143582 20170520 RGD
12903955 Kidm69 Kidney mass QTL 69 qtl RS:0001644 SS.LEW-(D16Got3-D16Rat112)/Ayd IEA S RGD:1599557|PMID:17143582 20170520 RGD
12903978 Cm118 Cardiac mass QTL 118 qtl RS:0001491 SS.LEW-(D17Chm14-D17Rat181)/Ayd IEA S RGD:1599557|PMID:17143582 20170520 RGD
12903979 Cm119 Cardiac mass QTL 119 qtl RS:0001491 SS.LEW-(D17Chm14-D17Rat181)/Ayd IEA S RGD:1599557|PMID:17143582 20170520 RGD
12903980 Cm120 Cardiac mass QTL 120 qtl RS:0001491 SS.LEW-(D17Chm14-D17Rat181)/Ayd IEA S RGD:1599557|PMID:17143582 20170520 RGD
12903981 Am17 Aortic mass QTL 17 qtl RS:0001491 SS.LEW-(D17Chm14-D17Rat181)/Ayd IEA S RGD:1599557|PMID:17143582 20170520 RGD
12903982 Kidm70 Kidney mass QTL 70 qtl RS:0001491 SS.LEW-(D17Chm14-D17Rat181)/Ayd IEA S RGD:1599557|PMID:17143582 20170520 RGD
12904057 SD-Abcb1aem1Sage -/- SD-Abcb1aem1-/Abcb1aem1- strain RS:0004432 SD-Abcb1aem1Sage-/- IEA S RGD:7241799 20170527 RGD
12904059 SD-(Abcb1a- Abcb1b)em1Sage strain RS:0004433 SD-(Abcb1a- Abcb1b)em1Sage IEA S RGD:7241799 20170527 RGD
12904063 SD-Abcg2em1Sage strain RS:0004434 SD-Abcg2em1Sage IEA S RGD:7241799 20170527 RGD
12904067 Cm122 Cardiac mass QTL 122 qtl RS:0001659 SS.LEW-(D18Rat61-D18Rat45)/Ayd IEA S RGD:1599557|PMID:17143582 20170520 RGD
12904069 Cm123 Cardiac mass QTL 123 qtl RS:0001659 SS.LEW-(D18Rat61-D18Rat45)/Ayd IEA S RGD:1599557|PMID:17143582 20170520 RGD
12904070 Cm124 Cardiac mass QTL 124 qtl RS:0001659 SS.LEW-(D18Rat61-D18Rat45)/Ayd IEA S RGD:1599557|PMID:17143582 20170520 RGD
12904071 Am18 Aortic mass QTL 18 qtl RS:0001659 SS.LEW-(D18Rat61-D18Rat45)/Ayd IEA S RGD:1599557|PMID:17143582 20170520 RGD
12904073 Kidm71 Kidney mass QTL 71 qtl RS:0001659 SS.LEW-(D18Rat61-D18Rat45)/Ayd IEA S RGD:1599557|PMID:17143582 20170520 RGD
12904668 Bw188 Body weight QTL 188 qtl RS:0001654 SS.LEW-(D18Chm41-D18Rat92)/Ayd IEA S RGD:1599557|PMID:17143582 20170520 RGD
12904669 Cm125 Cardiac mass QTL 125 qtl RS:0001654 SS.LEW-(D18Chm41-D18Rat92)/Ayd IEA S RGD:1599557|PMID:17143582 20170520 RGD
12904670 Cm126 Cardiac mass QTL 126 qtl RS:0001654 SS.LEW-(D18Chm41-D18Rat92)/Ayd IEA S RGD:1599557|PMID:17143582 20170520 RGD
12904673 Cm127 Cardiac mass QTL 127 qtl RS:0001654 SS.LEW-(D18Chm41-D18Rat92)/Ayd IEA S RGD:1599557|PMID:17143582 20170520 RGD
12904675 Am19 Aortic mass QTL 19 qtl RS:0001654 SS.LEW-(D18Chm41-D18Rat92)/Ayd IEA S RGD:1599557|PMID:17143582 20170520 RGD
12904677 Kidm72 Kidney mass QTL 72 qtl RS:0001654 SS.LEW-(D18Chm41-D18Rat92)/Ayd IEA S RGD:1599557|PMID:17143582 20170520 RGD
12904679 WKY-Cyp2j4em1Sage/Tja strain RS:0004589 WKY-Cyp2j4em1Sage/Tja IEA S RGD:7241799 20180428 RGD
12904680 Bw189 Body weight QTL 189 qtl RS:0001655 SS.LEW-(D18Chm91-D18Rat67)/Ayd IEA S RGD:1599557|PMID:17143582 20170520 RGD
12904684 SD-Abcb1aem1Sage Abcg2em1Sage strain RS:0004435 SD-Abcb1aem1SageAbcg2em1Sage IEA S RGD:7241799 20170527 RGD
12904685 SD-Abcc2em1Sage strain RS:0004436 SD-Abcc2em1Sage IEA S RGD:7241799 20170527 RGD
12904689 Cm128 Cardiac mass QTL 128 qtl RS:0001655 SS.LEW-(D18Chm91-D18Rat67)/Ayd IEA S RGD:1599557|PMID:17143582 20170520 RGD
12904690 Cm129 Cardiac mass QTL 129 qtl RS:0001655 SS.LEW-(D18Chm91-D18Rat67)/Ayd IEA S RGD:1599557|PMID:17143582 20170520 RGD
12904691 Cm130 Cardiac mass QTL 130 qtl RS:0001655 SS.LEW-(D18Chm91-D18Rat67)/Ayd IEA S RGD:1599557|PMID:17143582 20170520 RGD
12904693 Am20 Aortic mass QTL 20 qtl RS:0001655 SS.LEW-(D18Chm91-D18Rat67)/Ayd IEA S RGD:1599557|PMID:17143582 20170520 RGD
12904695 Kidm73 Kidney mass QTL 73 qtl RS:0001655 SS.LEW-(D18Chm91-D18Rat67)/Ayd IEA S RGD:1599557|PMID:17143582 20180818 RGD
12904714 Cm131 Cardiac mass QTL 131 qtl RS:0001646 SS.LEW-(D18Rat30-D18Chm29)/Ayd IEA S RGD:1599557|PMID:17143582 20170520 RGD
12904715 Cm132 Cardiac mass QTL 132 qtl RS:0001646 SS.LEW-(D18Rat30-D18Chm29)/Ayd IEA S RGD:1599557|PMID:17143582 20170520 RGD
12904716 Am21 Aortic mass QTL 21 qtl RS:0001646 SS.LEW-(D18Rat30-D18Chm29)/Ayd IEA S RGD:1599557|PMID:17143582 20170520 RGD
12904730 SD-Abcb11em1Sage strain RS:0004437 SD-Abcb11em1Sage IEA S RGD:7241799 20170527 RGD
12904733 SD-Slc22a1em1Sage strain RS:0004438 SD-Slc22a1em1Sage IEA S RGD:7241799 20170527 RGD
12904736 Cm121 Cardiac mass QTL 121 qtl RS:0001494 SS.LEW-(D17Rat65-D17Chm2)/Ayd IEA S RGD:1599557|PMID:17143582 20170520 RGD
12904891 SD-Slc22a2em1Sage strain RS:0004439 SD-Slc22a2em1Sage IEA S RGD:7241799 20170610 RGD
12904892 SD-Slc22a6em1Sage strain RS:0004440 SD-Slc22a6em1Sage IEA S RGD:7241799 20170610 RGD
12904893 SD-Slc22a8em1Sage strain RS:0004441 SD-Slc22a8em1Sage IEA S RGD:7241799 20170610 RGD
12904897 SD-Tp53em1Sage strain RS:0004442 SD-Tp53em1Sage IEA S RGD:7241799 20170610 RGD
12904900 SD-Rag1em1Sage strain RS:0004443 SD-Rag1em1Sage IEA S RGD:7241799 20170610 RGD
12904902 F344-Rag1em1Sage strain RS:0004444 F344-Rag1em1Sage IEA S RGD:7241799 20170610 RGD
12904903 SD-Rag2em1Sage strain RS:0004445 SD-Rag2em1Sage IEA S RGD:7241799 20170610 RGD
12904905 F344-Rag2em1Sage strain RS:0004446 F344-Rag2em1Sage IEA S RGD:7241799 20170610 RGD
12904907 SD-Prkdcem1Sage strain RS:0004447 SD-Prkdcem1Sage IEA S RGD:7241799 20170610 RGD
12904908 SD-Ldlrem1Sage strain RS:0004448 SD-Ldlrem1Sage IEA S RGD:7241799 20170610 RGD
12904912 SD-Lepem1Sage-/- strain RS:0004449 SD-Lepem1Sage-/- IEA S RGD:7241799 20170610 RGD
12905029 SD-Thtm1(cre)Sage strain RS:0004451 SD-Thtm1(cre)Sage IEA S RGD:7241799 20170610 RGD
12905029 SD-Thtm1(cre)Sage strain RS:0004452 SD-Slc6a3tm1(cre)Sage IEA S RGD:7241799 20170610 RGD
12905031 SD-Slc6a3tm1(cre)Sage strain RS:0004452 SD-Slc6a3tm1(cre)Sage IEA S RGD:7241799 20180224 RGD
12905032 LE-Camk2atm1(cre)Sage strain RS:0004453 LE-Camk2atm1(cre)Sage IEA S RGD:7241799 20170610 RGD
12905033 LE-Slc32a1tm1(cre)Sage strain RS:0004454 LE-Slc32a1tm1(cre)Sage IEA S RGD:7241799 20170610 RGD
12905034 LE-Viptm1(cre)Sage strain RS:0004455 LE-Viptm1(cre)Sage IEA S RGD:7241799 20170610 RGD
12905035 LE-Tph2tm1(cre)Sage strain RS:0004456 LE-Tph2tm1(cre)Sage IEA S RGD:7241799 20170610 RGD
12905036 LE-Htr3atm1(cre)Sage strain RS:0004457 LE-Htr3atm1(cre)Sage IEA S RGD:7241799 20170610 RGD
12905037 LE-ROSA26em1(CAG-tdTomato)1Sage strain RS:0004458 LE-ROSA26em1(CAG-tdTomato)1Sage IEA S RGD:7241799 20170610 RGD
12905038 LE-ROSA26em1(CAG-tdTomato-NpHR)1Sage strain RS:0004459 LE-ROSA26em1(CAG-tdTomato-NpHR)1Sage IEA S RGD:7241799 20170610 RGD
12907568 WI-Abcb1aem2Sage strain RS:0004450 WI-Abcb1aem2Sage IEA S RGD:7241799 20170722 RGD
12907570 WI-Abcb1aem3Sage strain RS:0004460 WI-Abcb1aem3Sage IEA S RGD:7241799 20170722 RGD
12910101 SD-Ldlrem1 strain RS:0004461 SD-Ldlrem1 IEA S RGD:7241799 20170722 RGD
12910127 SD-Tg(Th-Ghsros) strain RS:0004462 SD-Tg(Th-Ghsros) IEA S RGD:7241799 20170722 RGD
12910483 Slc:SD Sprague-Dawley Derived strain RS:0001400 Slc:SD IEA S RGD:7241799 20170722 RGD
12910493 LEW.1WR1-Ifnar1em1 strain RS:0004463 LEW.1WR1-Ifnar1em1 IEA S RGD:7241799 20170722 RGD
12910494 LEW.1WR1-Ifnar1em2 strain RS:0004464 LEW.1WR1-Ifnar1em2 IEA S RGD:7241799 20170722 RGD
12910505 SD-Mmp12em2Soar strain RS:0004465 SD-Mmp12em2Soar IEA S RGD:7241799 20170819 RGD
12910514 SD-Leprem1 strain RS:0004466 SD-Leprem1 IEA S RGD:7241799 20170722 RGD
12910517 SD-Leprem2 strain RS:0004467 SD-Leprem2 IEA S RGD:7241799 20170722 RGD
12910519 SD-Leprem3 strain RS:0004468 SD-Leprem3 IEA S RGD:7241799 20170722 RGD
12910762 BN-KitWs strain RS:0004469 BN-KitWs IEA S RGD:7241799 20170722 RGD
12910940 SD-Cdkn1bwe strain RS:0004470 SD-Cdkn1bwe IEA S RGD:7241799 20170722 RGD
1298065 Scl16 Serum cholesterol level QTL 16 qtl RS:0000785 SR/Hsd IEA S RGD:737694|PMID:14739155 20140604 RGD
1298065 Scl16 Serum cholesterol level QTL 16 qtl RS:0000922 SS/Hsd IEA S RGD:737694|PMID:14739155 20140604 RGD
1298066 Bp159 Blood pressure QTL 159 qtl RS:0000914 SS.SR-(D13Mit9-D13Mit1)/Jr IEA S RGD:61047|PMID:9271663 20140604 RGD
1298067 Scl15 Serum cholesterol level QTL 15 qtl RS:0000785 SR/Hsd IEA S RGD:737694|PMID:14739155 20140604 RGD
1298067 Scl15 Serum cholesterol level QTL 15 qtl RS:0000922 SS/Hsd IEA S RGD:737694|PMID:14739155 20140604 RGD
1298068 Bp167 Blood pressure QTL 167 qtl RS:0000786 SR/Jr IEA S RGD:61042|PMID:7963489 20140604 RGD
1298068 Bp167 Blood pressure QTL 167 qtl RS:0000817 SS/Jr IEA S RGD:61042|PMID:7963489 20140604 RGD
1298069 Bp168 Blood pressure QTL 168 qtl RS:0000121 LEW IEA S RGD:61040|PMID:9685318 20140604 RGD
1298069 Bp168 Blood pressure QTL 168 qtl RS:0000817 SS/Jr IEA S RGD:61040|PMID:9685318 20140604 RGD
1298070 Scl18 Serum cholesterol level QTL 18 qtl RS:0000785 SR/Hsd IEA S RGD:737694|PMID:14739155 20140604 RGD
1298070 Scl18 Serum cholesterol level QTL 18 qtl RS:0000922 SS/Hsd IEA S RGD:737694|PMID:14739155 20140604 RGD
1298071 Edpm12 Estrogen-dependent pituitary mass QTL 12 qtl RS:0000155 BN/SsNHsd IEA S RGD:629550|PMID:11003699 20140604 RGD
1298071 Edpm12 Estrogen-dependent pituitary mass QTL 12 qtl RS:0000363 F344/NHsd IEA S RGD:629550|PMID:11003699 20140604 RGD
1298072 Cia26 Collagen induced arthritis QTL 26 qtl RS:0000032 ACI/SegHsd IEA S RGD:1285224|PMID:15334486 20140604 RGD
1298072 Cia26 Collagen induced arthritis QTL 26 qtl RS:0001226 DA/BklArbN IEA S RGD:1285224|PMID:15334486 20140604 RGD
1298073 Cm13 Cardiac mass QTL 13 qtl RS:0000786 SR/Jr IEA S RGD:69705|PMID:9922389 20140604 RGD
1298073 Cm13 Cardiac mass QTL 13 qtl RS:0000817 SS/Jr IEA S RGD:69705|PMID:9922389 20140604 RGD
1298074 Bp164 Blood pressure QTL 164 qtl RS:0000766 SHRSP.WKY-(D2Rat14-D2Mgh12)/Gcrc IEA S RGD:728179|PMID:11980293 20140604 RGD
1298075 Scl17 Serum cholesterol level QTL 17 qtl RS:0000785 SR/Hsd IEA S RGD:737694|PMID:14739155 20140604 RGD
1298075 Scl17 Serum cholesterol level QTL 17 qtl RS:0000922 SS/Hsd IEA S RGD:737694|PMID:14739155 20140604 RGD
1298076 Bp166 Blood pressure QTL 166 qtl RS:0000768 SHRSP.WKY-(D2Wox9-D2Mgh12)/Gcrc IEA S RGD:728179|PMID:11980293 20140604 RGD
1298077 Bp157 Blood pressure QTL 157 qtl RS:0000834 SS.LEW-(D5Rat130-D5Rat108)/Jr IEA S RGD:619649|PMID:11875185 20140604 RGD
1298078 Stresp5 Stress response QTL 5 qtl RS:0000363 F344/NHsd IEA S RGD:737981|PMID:15013833 20140604 RGD
1298078 Stresp5 Stress response QTL 5 qtl RS:0000521 LEW/NHsd IEA S RGD:737981|PMID:15013833 20140604 RGD
1298079 Activ2 Activity QTL 2 qtl RS:0000742 WKY IEA S RGD:631228|PMID:12660808 20140604 RGD
1298079 Activ2 Activity QTL 2 qtl RS:0001021 WKHA/N IEA S RGD:631228|PMID:12660808 20140604 RGD
1298080 Bp163 Blood pressure QTL 163 qtl RS:0001059 WKY.SHRSP-(D2Mit5-D2Mgh12)/Gcrc IEA S RGD:68910|PMID:10642295 20140604 RGD
1298081 Cia25 Collagen induced arthritis QTL 25 qtl RS:0000032 ACI/SegHsd IEA S RGD:1285224|PMID:15334486 20140604 RGD
1298081 Cia25 Collagen induced arthritis QTL 25 qtl RS:0001226 DA/BklArbN IEA S RGD:1285224|PMID:15334486 20140604 RGD
1298082 Stresp4 Stress response QTL 4 qtl RS:0000363 F344/NHsd IEA S RGD:737981|PMID:15013833 20140604 RGD
1298082 Stresp4 Stress response QTL 4 qtl RS:0000521 LEW/NHsd IEA S RGD:737981|PMID:15013833 20140604 RGD
1298083 Bp158 Blood pressure QTL 158 qtl RS:0000580 MNS IEA S RGD:61038|PMID:8040284 20140604 RGD
1298083 Bp158 Blood pressure QTL 158 qtl RS:0000817 SS/Jr IEA S RGD:61038|PMID:8040284 20140604 RGD
1298084 Thym4 Thymus enlargement QTL 4 qtl RS:0000165 BUF/Mna IEA S RGD:70859|PMID:10792781 20140604 RGD
1298084 Thym4 Thymus enlargement QTL 4 qtl RS:0001036 WKY/NCrlCrlj IEA S RGD:70859|PMID:10792781 20140604 RGD
1298085 Bp165 Blood pressure QTL 165 qtl RS:0001061 WKY.SHRSP-(D2Rat14-D2Mgh12) IEA S RGD:728179|PMID:11980293 20140604 RGD
1298086 Bp156 Blood pressure QTL 156 qtl RS:0000834 SS.LEW-(D5Rat130-D5Rat108)/Jr IEA S RGD:619649|PMID:11875185 20140604 RGD
1298087 Iddm18 Insulin dependent diabetes mellitus QTL 18 qtl RS:0000372 BB.SHR-(D6Rat184-D6Rat3)/K IEA S RGD:619685|PMID:11327715 20140604 RGD
1298088 Edpm11 Estrogen-dependent pituitary mass QTL 11 qtl RS:0000155 BN/SsNHsd IEA S RGD:629550|PMID:11003699 20140604 RGD
1298088 Edpm11 Estrogen-dependent pituitary mass QTL 11 qtl RS:0000363 F344/NHsd IEA S RGD:629550|PMID:11003699 20140604 RGD
1298089 Scl14 Serum cholesterol level QTL 14 qtl RS:0000785 SR/Hsd IEA S RGD:737694|PMID:14739155 20140604 RGD
1298089 Scl14 Serum cholesterol level QTL 14 qtl RS:0000922 SS/Hsd IEA S RGD:737694|PMID:14739155 20140604 RGD
1298090 Bp155 Blood pressure QTL 155 qtl RS:0000714 WKY/N IEA S RGD:731210|PMID:14678232 20140604 RGD
1298090 Bp155 Blood pressure QTL 155 qtl RS:0000729 SHR/N IEA S RGD:731210|PMID:14678232 20140604 RGD
1298093 LEW/NHsd strain RS:0000521 LEW/NHsd IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
1298524 Oia8 Oil induced arthritis QTL 8 qtl RS:0000229 DA.PVG.1AV1-(D4Rat63-D4Rat203) IEA S RGD:629560|PMID:12571866 20140604 RGD
1298525 Cm1 Cardiac mass QTL 1 qtl RS:0000786 SR/Jr IEA S RGD:69710|PMID:9383281 20140604 RGD
1298525 Cm1 Cardiac mass QTL 1 qtl RS:0000817 SS/Jr IEA S RGD:69710|PMID:9383281 20140604 RGD
1298526 Arunc3 Aerobic running capacity QTL 3 qtl RS:0000186 COP/OlaHsd IEA S RGD:619535|PMID:12079278 20140604 RGD
1298526 Arunc3 Aerobic running capacity QTL 3 qtl RS:0000244 DA/OlaHsd IEA S RGD:619535|PMID:12079278 20140604 RGD
1298527 Arunc2 Aerobic running capacity QTL 2 qtl RS:0000186 COP/OlaHsd IEA S RGD:619535|PMID:12079278 20140604 RGD
1298527 Arunc2 Aerobic running capacity QTL 2 qtl RS:0000244 DA/OlaHsd IEA S RGD:619535|PMID:12079278 20140604 RGD
1298528 Bp169 Blood pressure QTL 169 qtl RS:0000912 SS.SR-(D7Uia1-D7Mco7)/Jr IEA S RGD:69711|PMID:11247666 20140604 RGD
1298529 Arunc1 Aerobic running capacity QTL 1 qtl RS:0000186 COP/OlaHsd IEA S RGD:619535|PMID:12079278 20140604 RGD
1298529 Arunc1 Aerobic running capacity QTL 1 qtl RS:0000244 DA/OlaHsd IEA S RGD:619535|PMID:12079278 20140604 RGD
1299868 SS.SR-(D7Uia1-D7Mco7)/Jr strain RS:0000912 SS.SR-(D7Uia1-D7Mco7)/Jr IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
1299869 SS.SR-(Cyp11b1)/Jr strain RS:0000909 SS.SR-(Cyp11b1)/Jr IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
1299870 SS.LEW-(D5Uia8-D5Rat108)/Jr strain RS:0000837 SS.LEW-(D5Uia8-D5Rat108)/Jr IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
1299871 DA.F344-(D20Arb2-D20Arb8)/Arb strain RS:0000212 DA.F344-(D20Arb2-D20Arb8)/Arb IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
1299872 DA.F344-(D8Arb15-D8Arb22)/Arb strain RS:0000216 DA.F344-(D8Arb15-D8Arb22)/Arb IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
1299873 SS.LEW-(D5Mco34-D5Rat108)/Jr strain RS:0001502 SS.LEW-(D5Mco34-D5Rat108)/Jr IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
1299874 OLETF.F344-(D1Rat166-D1Rat90)/Tj strain RS:0000624 OLETF.F344-(D1Rat166-D1Rat90)/Tj IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
1299875 DA.F344-(D7Rat22-D7Mit2)/Nsi strain RS:0000214 DA.F344-(D7Rat22-D7Mit2)/Nsi IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
1299876 SS.LEW-(D5Rat54-D5Rat108)/Jr strain RS:0000835 SS.LEW-(D5Rat54-D5Rat108)/Jr IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
1299877 DA.F344-(D10Rat204-D10Arb22)/Arb strain RS:0001225 DA.F344-(D10Rat204-D10Arb22)/Arb IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
1299878 DA.F344-(D4Arb30-D4Arb4)/Arb strain RS:0000213 DA.F344-(D4Arb30-D4Arb4)/Arb IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
1299879 SS.SR-(D7Mco7-D7Wox19)/Jr strain RS:0000911 SS.SR-(D7Mco7-D7Wox19)/Jr IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
1299880 F344.DA-(D20Arb2-D20Arb8)/Arb strain RS:0000276 F344.DA-(D20Arb2-D20Arb8)/Arb IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
1299881 SS.LEW-(D5Wox3-D5Rat108)/Jr strain RS:0000839 SS.LEW-(D5Wox3-D5Rat108)/Jr IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
1300075 Glom7 Glomerulus QTL 7 qtl RS:0000595 MWF/Fub IEA S RGD:730279|PMID:14638907 20140604 RGD
1300075 Glom7 Glomerulus QTL 7 qtl RS:0000743 SHR/Fub IEA S RGD:730279|PMID:14638907 20140604 RGD
1300076 Glom8 Glomerulus QTL 8 qtl RS:0000595 MWF/Fub IEA S RGD:730279|PMID:14638907 20140604 RGD
1300076 Glom8 Glomerulus QTL 8 qtl RS:0000743 SHR/Fub IEA S RGD:730279|PMID:14638907 20140604 RGD
1300107 Rf18 Renal function QTL 18 qtl RS:0000155 BN/SsNHsd IEA S RGD:727992|PMID:14532335 20140604 RGD
1300107 Rf18 Renal function QTL 18 qtl RS:0000811 SS/JrHsdMcwi IEA S RGD:727992|PMID:14532335 20140604 RGD
1300108 Rf8 Renal function QTL 8 qtl RS:0000155 BN/SsNHsd IEA S RGD:727992|PMID:14532335 20160109 RGD
1300108 Rf8 Renal function QTL 8 qtl RS:0000811 SS/JrHsdMcwi IEA S RGD:727992|PMID:14532335 20160109 RGD
1300109 Rf13 Renal function QTL 13 qtl RS:0000155 BN/SsNHsd IEA S RGD:727992|PMID:14532335 20140604 RGD
1300109 Rf13 Renal function QTL 13 qtl RS:0000811 SS/JrHsdMcwi IEA S RGD:727992|PMID:14532335 20140604 RGD
1300110 Stl7 Serum triglyceride level QTL 7 qtl RS:0000155 BN/SsNHsd IEA S RGD:727992|PMID:14532335 20140604 RGD
1300110 Stl7 Serum triglyceride level QTL 7 qtl RS:0000811 SS/JrHsdMcwi IEA S RGD:727992|PMID:14532335 20140604 RGD
1300111 Rf12 Renal function QTL 12 qtl RS:0000155 BN/SsNHsd IEA S RGD:727992|PMID:14532335 20160109 RGD
1300111 Rf12 Renal function QTL 12 qtl RS:0000811 SS/JrHsdMcwi IEA S RGD:727992|PMID:14532335 20160109 RGD
1300112 Bp183 Blood pressure QTL 183 qtl RS:0000155 BN/SsNHsd IEA S RGD:727992|PMID:14532335 20160109 RGD
1300112 Bp183 Blood pressure QTL 183 qtl RS:0000811 SS/JrHsdMcwi IEA S RGD:727992|PMID:14532335 20160109 RGD
1300113 Bp176 Blood pressure QTL 176 qtl RS:0000155 BN/SsNHsd IEA S RGD:727992|PMID:14532335 20140604 RGD
1300113 Bp176 Blood pressure QTL 176 qtl RS:0000811 SS/JrHsdMcwi IEA S RGD:727992|PMID:14532335 20140604 RGD
1300114 Srn2 Serum renin concentration QTL 2 qtl RS:0000155 BN/SsNHsd IEA S RGD:727992|PMID:14532335 20140604 RGD
1300114 Srn2 Serum renin concentration QTL 2 qtl RS:0000811 SS/JrHsdMcwi IEA S RGD:727992|PMID:14532335 20140604 RGD
1300115 Hrtrt7 Heart rate QTL 7 qtl RS:0000155 BN/SsNHsd IEA S RGD:727992|PMID:14532335 20140604 RGD
1300115 Hrtrt7 Heart rate QTL 7 qtl RS:0000811 SS/JrHsdMcwi IEA S RGD:727992|PMID:14532335 20140604 RGD
1300116 Hrtrt5 Heart rate QTL 5 qtl RS:0000155 BN/SsNHsd IEA S RGD:727992|PMID:14532335 20140604 RGD
1300116 Hrtrt5 Heart rate QTL 5 qtl RS:0000811 SS/JrHsdMcwi IEA S RGD:727992|PMID:14532335 20140604 RGD
1300117 Hrtrt8 Heart rate QTL 8 qtl RS:0000155 BN/SsNHsd IEA S RGD:727992|PMID:14532335 20140604 RGD
1300117 Hrtrt8 Heart rate QTL 8 qtl RS:0000811 SS/JrHsdMcwi IEA S RGD:727992|PMID:14532335 20140604 RGD
1300118 Bp190 Blood pressure QTL 190 qtl RS:0000155 BN/SsNHsd IEA S RGD:727992|PMID:14532335 20140604 RGD
1300118 Bp190 Blood pressure QTL 190 qtl RS:0000811 SS/JrHsdMcwi IEA S RGD:727992|PMID:14532335 20140604 RGD
1300119 Bp180 Blood pressure QTL 180 qtl RS:0000155 BN/SsNHsd IEA S RGD:727992|PMID:14532335 20160109 RGD
1300119 Bp180 Blood pressure QTL 180 qtl RS:0000811 SS/JrHsdMcwi IEA S RGD:727992|PMID:14532335 20160109 RGD
1300120 Kidm7 Kidney mass QTL 7 qtl RS:0000155 BN/SsNHsd IEA S RGD:727992|PMID:14532335 20160109 RGD
1300120 Kidm7 Kidney mass QTL 7 qtl RS:0000811 SS/JrHsdMcwi IEA S RGD:727992|PMID:14532335 20160109 RGD
1300121 Hrtrt1 Heart rate QTL 1 qtl RS:0000155 BN/SsNHsd IEA S RGD:727992|PMID:14532335 20140604 RGD
1300121 Hrtrt1 Heart rate QTL 1 qtl RS:0000811 SS/JrHsdMcwi IEA S RGD:727992|PMID:14532335 20140604 RGD
1300122 Wbc1 White blood cell count QTL 1 qtl RS:0000155 BN/SsNHsd IEA S RGD:727992|PMID:14532335 20140604 RGD
1300122 Wbc1 White blood cell count QTL 1 qtl RS:0000811 SS/JrHsdMcwi IEA S RGD:727992|PMID:14532335 20140604 RGD
1300123 Bp194 Blood pressure QTL 194 qtl RS:0000155 BN/SsNHsd IEA S RGD:727992|PMID:14532335 20140604 RGD
1300123 Bp194 Blood pressure QTL 194 qtl RS:0000811 SS/JrHsdMcwi IEA S RGD:727992|PMID:14532335 20140604 RGD
1300124 Cm4 Cardiac mass QTL 4 qtl RS:0000155 BN/SsNHsd IEA S RGD:727992|PMID:14532335 20140604 RGD
1300124 Cm4 Cardiac mass QTL 4 qtl RS:0000811 SS/JrHsdMcwi IEA S RGD:727992|PMID:14532335 20140604 RGD
1300125 Rf26 Renal function QTL 26 qtl RS:0000155 BN/SsNHsd IEA S RGD:727992|PMID:14532335 20140604 RGD
1300125 Rf26 Renal function QTL 26 qtl RS:0000811 SS/JrHsdMcwi IEA S RGD:727992|PMID:14532335 20140604 RGD
1300126 Bp175 Blood pressure QTL 175 qtl RS:0000155 BN/SsNHsd IEA S RGD:727992|PMID:14532335 20140604 RGD
1300126 Bp175 Blood pressure QTL 175 qtl RS:0000811 SS/JrHsdMcwi IEA S RGD:727992|PMID:14532335 20140604 RGD
1300127 Srn1 Serum renin concentration QTL 1 qtl RS:0000155 BN/SsNHsd IEA S RGD:727992|PMID:14532335 20140604 RGD
1300127 Srn1 Serum renin concentration QTL 1 qtl RS:0000811 SS/JrHsdMcwi IEA S RGD:727992|PMID:14532335 20140604 RGD
1300128 Rf16 Renal function QTL 16 qtl RS:0000155 BN/SsNHsd IEA S RGD:727992|PMID:14532335 20140604 RGD
1300128 Rf16 Renal function QTL 16 qtl RS:0000811 SS/JrHsdMcwi IEA S RGD:727992|PMID:14532335 20140604 RGD
1300129 Rf25 Renal function QTL 25 qtl RS:0000155 BN/SsNHsd IEA S RGD:727992|PMID:14532335 20140604 RGD
1300129 Rf25 Renal function QTL 25 qtl RS:0000811 SS/JrHsdMcwi IEA S RGD:727992|PMID:14532335 20140604 RGD
1300130 Rf20 Renal function QTL 20 qtl RS:0000155 BN/SsNHsd IEA S RGD:727992|PMID:14532335 20140604 RGD
1300130 Rf20 Renal function QTL 20 qtl RS:0000811 SS/JrHsdMcwi IEA S RGD:727992|PMID:14532335 20140604 RGD
1300131 Bp193 Blood pressure QTL 193 qtl RS:0000155 BN/SsNHsd IEA S RGD:727992|PMID:14532335 20140604 RGD
1300131 Bp193 Blood pressure QTL 193 qtl RS:0000811 SS/JrHsdMcwi IEA S RGD:727992|PMID:14532335 20140604 RGD
1300132 Bp182 Blood pressure QTL 182 qtl RS:0000155 BN/SsNHsd IEA S RGD:727992|PMID:14532335 20160109 RGD
1300132 Bp182 Blood pressure QTL 182 qtl RS:0000811 SS/JrHsdMcwi IEA S RGD:727992|PMID:14532335 20160109 RGD
1300133 Rf24 Renal function QTL 24 qtl RS:0000155 BN/SsNHsd IEA S RGD:727992|PMID:14532335 20140604 RGD
1300133 Rf24 Renal function QTL 24 qtl RS:0000811 SS/JrHsdMcwi IEA S RGD:727992|PMID:14532335 20140604 RGD
1300134 Bp185 Blood pressure QTL 185 qtl RS:0000155 BN/SsNHsd IEA S RGD:727992|PMID:14532335 20140604 RGD
1300134 Bp185 Blood pressure QTL 185 qtl RS:0000811 SS/JrHsdMcwi IEA S RGD:727992|PMID:14532335 20140604 RGD
1300135 Rf19 Renal function QTL 19 qtl RS:0000155 BN/SsNHsd IEA S RGD:727992|PMID:14532335 20140604 RGD
1300135 Rf19 Renal function QTL 19 qtl RS:0000811 SS/JrHsdMcwi IEA S RGD:727992|PMID:14532335 20140604 RGD
1300136 Rf22 Renal function QTL 22 qtl RS:0000155 BN/SsNHsd IEA S RGD:727992|PMID:14532335 20160109 RGD
1300136 Rf22 Renal function QTL 22 qtl RS:0000811 SS/JrHsdMcwi IEA S RGD:727992|PMID:14532335 20160109 RGD
1300137 Bp186 Blood pressure QTL 186 qtl RS:0000155 BN/SsNHsd IEA S RGD:727992|PMID:14532335 20160109 RGD
1300137 Bp186 Blood pressure QTL 186 qtl RS:0000811 SS/JrHsdMcwi IEA S RGD:727992|PMID:14532335 20160109 RGD
1300138 Hrtrt9 Heart rate QTL 9 qtl RS:0000155 BN/SsNHsd IEA S RGD:727992|PMID:14532335 20140604 RGD
1300138 Hrtrt9 Heart rate QTL 9 qtl RS:0000811 SS/JrHsdMcwi IEA S RGD:727992|PMID:14532335 20140604 RGD
1300139 Hrtrt6 Heart rate QTL 6 qtl RS:0000155 BN/SsNHsd IEA S RGD:727992|PMID:14532335 20140604 RGD
1300139 Hrtrt6 Heart rate QTL 6 qtl RS:0000811 SS/JrHsdMcwi IEA S RGD:727992|PMID:14532335 20140604 RGD
1300140 Srn3 Serum renin concentration QTL 3 qtl RS:0000155 BN/SsNHsd IEA S RGD:727992|PMID:14532335 20140604 RGD
1300140 Srn3 Serum renin concentration QTL 3 qtl RS:0000811 SS/JrHsdMcwi IEA S RGD:727992|PMID:14532335 20140604 RGD
1300141 Bp178 Blood pressure QTL 178 qtl RS:0000155 BN/SsNHsd IEA S RGD:727992|PMID:14532335 20140604 RGD
1300141 Bp178 Blood pressure QTL 178 qtl RS:0000811 SS/JrHsdMcwi IEA S RGD:727992|PMID:14532335 20140604 RGD
1300142 Bp191 Blood pressure QTL 191 qtl RS:0000155 BN/SsNHsd IEA S RGD:727992|PMID:14532335 20140604 RGD
1300142 Bp191 Blood pressure QTL 191 qtl RS:0000811 SS/JrHsdMcwi IEA S RGD:727992|PMID:14532335 20140604 RGD
1300143 Rf14 Renal function QTL 14 qtl RS:0000155 BN/SsNHsd IEA S RGD:727992|PMID:14532335 20160109 RGD
1300143 Rf14 Renal function QTL 14 qtl RS:0000811 SS/JrHsdMcwi IEA S RGD:727992|PMID:14532335 20160109 RGD
1300144 Rf23 Renal function QTL 23 qtl RS:0000155 BN/SsNHsd IEA S RGD:727992|PMID:14532335 20160109 RGD
1300144 Rf23 Renal function QTL 23 qtl RS:0000811 SS/JrHsdMcwi IEA S RGD:727992|PMID:14532335 20160109 RGD
1300145 Rf7 Renal function QTL 7 qtl RS:0000155 BN/SsNHsd IEA S RGD:727992|PMID:14532335 20140604 RGD
1300145 Rf7 Renal function QTL 7 qtl RS:0000811 SS/JrHsdMcwi IEA S RGD:727992|PMID:14532335 20140604 RGD
1300146 Rf17 Renal function QTL 17 qtl RS:0000155 BN/SsNHsd IEA S RGD:727992|PMID:14532335 20160109 RGD
1300146 Rf17 Renal function QTL 17 qtl RS:0000811 SS/JrHsdMcwi IEA S RGD:727992|PMID:14532335 20160109 RGD
1300147 Bp187 Blood pressure QTL 187 qtl RS:0000155 BN/SsNHsd IEA S RGD:727992|PMID:14532335 20160109 RGD
1300147 Bp187 Blood pressure QTL 187 qtl RS:0000811 SS/JrHsdMcwi IEA S RGD:727992|PMID:14532335 20160109 RGD
1300148 Bp192 Blood pressure QTL 192 qtl RS:0000155 BN/SsNHsd IEA S RGD:727992|PMID:14532335 20160109 RGD
1300148 Bp192 Blood pressure QTL 192 qtl RS:0000811 SS/JrHsdMcwi IEA S RGD:727992|PMID:14532335 20160109 RGD
1300149 Cm6 Cardiac mass QTL 6 qtl RS:0000155 BN/SsNHsd IEA S RGD:727992|PMID:14532335 20140604 RGD
1300149 Cm6 Cardiac mass QTL 6 qtl RS:0000811 SS/JrHsdMcwi IEA S RGD:727992|PMID:14532335 20140604 RGD
1300150 Cm3 Cardiac mass QTL 3 qtl RS:0000155 BN/SsNHsd IEA S RGD:727992|PMID:14532335 20140604 RGD
1300150 Cm3 Cardiac mass QTL 3 qtl RS:0000811 SS/JrHsdMcwi IEA S RGD:727992|PMID:14532335 20140604 RGD
1300151 Bp181 Blood pressure QTL 181 qtl RS:0000155 BN/SsNHsd IEA S RGD:727992|PMID:14532335 20140604 RGD
1300151 Bp181 Blood pressure QTL 181 qtl RS:0000811 SS/JrHsdMcwi IEA S RGD:727992|PMID:14532335 20140604 RGD
1300152 Bp195 Blood pressure QTL 195 qtl RS:0000155 BN/SsNHsd IEA S RGD:727992|PMID:14532335 20140604 RGD
1300152 Bp195 Blood pressure QTL 195 qtl RS:0000811 SS/JrHsdMcwi IEA S RGD:727992|PMID:14532335 20140604 RGD
1300153 Bp171 Blood pressure QTL 171 qtl RS:0000155 BN/SsNHsd IEA S RGD:727992|PMID:14532335 20140604 RGD
1300153 Bp171 Blood pressure QTL 171 qtl RS:0000811 SS/JrHsdMcwi IEA S RGD:727992|PMID:14532335 20140604 RGD
1300154 Bp189 Blood pressure QTL 189 qtl RS:0000155 BN/SsNHsd IEA S RGD:727992|PMID:14532335 20140604 RGD
1300154 Bp189 Blood pressure QTL 189 qtl RS:0000811 SS/JrHsdMcwi IEA S RGD:727992|PMID:14532335 20140604 RGD
1300155 Bp174 Blood pressure QTL 174 qtl RS:0000155 BN/SsNHsd IEA S RGD:727992|PMID:14532335 20140604 RGD
1300155 Bp174 Blood pressure QTL 174 qtl RS:0000811 SS/JrHsdMcwi IEA S RGD:727992|PMID:14532335 20140604 RGD
1300156 Bp179 Blood pressure QTL 179 qtl RS:0000155 BN/SsNHsd IEA S RGD:727992|PMID:14532335 20140604 RGD
1300156 Bp179 Blood pressure QTL 179 qtl RS:0000811 SS/JrHsdMcwi IEA S RGD:727992|PMID:14532335 20140604 RGD
1300157 Rf21 Renal function QTL 21 qtl RS:0000155 BN/SsNHsd IEA S RGD:727992|PMID:14532335 20160109 RGD
1300157 Rf21 Renal function QTL 21 qtl RS:0000811 SS/JrHsdMcwi IEA S RGD:727992|PMID:14532335 20160109 RGD
1300158 Bp173 Blood pressure QTL 173 qtl RS:0000155 BN/SsNHsd IEA S RGD:727992|PMID:14532335 20160109 RGD
1300158 Bp173 Blood pressure QTL 173 qtl RS:0000811 SS/JrHsdMcwi IEA S RGD:727992|PMID:14532335 20160109 RGD
1300159 Kidm4 Kidney mass QTL 4 qtl RS:0000155 BN/SsNHsd IEA S RGD:727992|PMID:14532335 20160109 RGD
1300159 Kidm4 Kidney mass QTL 4 qtl RS:0000811 SS/JrHsdMcwi IEA S RGD:727992|PMID:14532335 20160109 RGD
1300160 Hrtrt3 Heart rate QTL 3 qtl RS:0000155 BN/SsNHsd IEA S RGD:727992|PMID:14532335 20140604 RGD
1300160 Hrtrt3 Heart rate QTL 3 qtl RS:0000811 SS/JrHsdMcwi IEA S RGD:727992|PMID:14532335 20140604 RGD
1300161 Rf10 Renal function QTL 10 qtl RS:0000155 BN/SsNHsd IEA S RGD:727992|PMID:14532335 20160109 RGD
1300161 Rf10 Renal function QTL 10 qtl RS:0000811 SS/JrHsdMcwi IEA S RGD:727992|PMID:14532335 20160109 RGD
1300162 Bp188 Blood pressure QTL 188 qtl RS:0000155 BN/SsNHsd IEA S RGD:727992|PMID:14532335 20140604 RGD
1300162 Bp188 Blood pressure QTL 188 qtl RS:0000811 SS/JrHsdMcwi IEA S RGD:727992|PMID:14532335 20140604 RGD
1300163 Cardf1 Cardiac cell morphology QTL 1 qtl RS:0000155 BN/SsNHsd IEA S RGD:727992|PMID:14532335 20140604 RGD
1300163 Cardf1 Cardiac cell morphology QTL 1 qtl RS:0000811 SS/JrHsdMcwi IEA S RGD:727992|PMID:14532335 20140604 RGD
1300164 Rf15 Renal function QTL 15 qtl RS:0000155 BN/SsNHsd IEA S RGD:727992|PMID:14532335 20140604 RGD
1300164 Rf15 Renal function QTL 15 qtl RS:0000811 SS/JrHsdMcwi IEA S RGD:727992|PMID:14532335 20140604 RGD
1300165 Rf9 Renal function QTL 9 qtl RS:0000155 BN/SsNHsd IEA S RGD:727992|PMID:14532335 20140604 RGD
1300165 Rf9 Renal function QTL 9 qtl RS:0000811 SS/JrHsdMcwi IEA S RGD:727992|PMID:14532335 20140604 RGD
1300166 Kidm6 Kidney mass QTL 6 qtl RS:0000155 BN/SsNHsd IEA S RGD:727992|PMID:14532335 20160109 RGD
1300166 Kidm6 Kidney mass QTL 6 qtl RS:0000811 SS/JrHsdMcwi IEA S RGD:727992|PMID:14532335 20160109 RGD
1300167 Hrtrt2 Heart rate QTL 2 qtl RS:0000155 BN/SsNHsd IEA S RGD:727992|PMID:14532335 20140604 RGD
1300167 Hrtrt2 Heart rate QTL 2 qtl RS:0000811 SS/JrHsdMcwi IEA S RGD:727992|PMID:14532335 20140604 RGD
1300168 Bp170 Blood pressure QTL 170 qtl RS:0000155 BN/SsNHsd IEA S RGD:727992|PMID:14532335 20140604 RGD
1300168 Bp170 Blood pressure QTL 170 qtl RS:0000811 SS/JrHsdMcwi IEA S RGD:727992|PMID:14532335 20140604 RGD
1300169 Bp177 Blood pressure QTL 177 qtl RS:0000155 BN/SsNHsd IEA S RGD:727992|PMID:14532335 20160109 RGD
1300169 Bp177 Blood pressure QTL 177 qtl RS:0000811 SS/JrHsdMcwi IEA S RGD:727992|PMID:14532335 20160109 RGD
1300170 Rf6 Renal function QTL 6 qtl RS:0000155 BN/SsNHsd IEA S RGD:727992|PMID:14532335 20140604 RGD
1300170 Rf6 Renal function QTL 6 qtl RS:0000811 SS/JrHsdMcwi IEA S RGD:727992|PMID:14532335 20140604 RGD
1300171 Bp184 Blood pressure QTL 184 qtl RS:0000155 BN/SsNHsd IEA S RGD:727992|PMID:14532335 20160109 RGD
1300171 Bp184 Blood pressure QTL 184 qtl RS:0000811 SS/JrHsdMcwi IEA S RGD:727992|PMID:14532335 20160109 RGD
1300172 Bp172 Blood pressure QTL 172 qtl RS:0000155 BN/SsNHsd IEA S RGD:727992|PMID:14532335 20140604 RGD
1300172 Bp172 Blood pressure QTL 172 qtl RS:0000811 SS/JrHsdMcwi IEA S RGD:727992|PMID:14532335 20140604 RGD
1300173 Rf11 Renal function QTL 11 qtl RS:0000155 BN/SsNHsd IEA S RGD:727992|PMID:14532335 20140604 RGD
1300173 Rf11 Renal function QTL 11 qtl RS:0000811 SS/JrHsdMcwi IEA S RGD:727992|PMID:14532335 20140604 RGD
1300174 Bw15 Body weight QTL 15 qtl RS:0000155 BN/SsNHsd IEA S RGD:727992|PMID:14532335 20140604 RGD
1300174 Bw15 Body weight QTL 15 qtl RS:0000811 SS/JrHsdMcwi IEA S RGD:727992|PMID:14532335 20140604 RGD
1300175 Cm5 Cardiac mass QTL 5 qtl RS:0000155 BN/SsNHsd IEA S RGD:727992|PMID:14532335 20140604 RGD
1300175 Cm5 Cardiac mass QTL 5 qtl RS:0000811 SS/JrHsdMcwi IEA S RGD:727992|PMID:14532335 20140604 RGD
1300176 Hrtrt10 Heart rate QTL 10 qtl RS:0000155 BN/SsNHsd IEA S RGD:727992|PMID:14532335 20140604 RGD
1300176 Hrtrt10 Heart rate QTL 10 qtl RS:0000811 SS/JrHsdMcwi IEA S RGD:727992|PMID:14532335 20140604 RGD
1300177 Cm2 Cardiac mass QTL 2 qtl RS:0000155 BN/SsNHsd IEA S RGD:727992|PMID:14532335 20140604 RGD
1300177 Cm2 Cardiac mass QTL 2 qtl RS:0000811 SS/JrHsdMcwi IEA S RGD:727992|PMID:14532335 20140604 RGD
1300178 Hrtrt4 Heart rate QTL 4 qtl RS:0000155 BN/SsNHsd IEA S RGD:727992|PMID:14532335 20140604 RGD
1300178 Hrtrt4 Heart rate QTL 4 qtl RS:0000811 SS/JrHsdMcwi IEA S RGD:727992|PMID:14532335 20140604 RGD
1300179 Kidm5 Kidney mass QTL 5 qtl RS:0000155 BN/SsNHsd IEA S RGD:727992|PMID:14532335 20140604 RGD
1300179 Kidm5 Kidney mass QTL 5 qtl RS:0000811 SS/JrHsdMcwi IEA S RGD:727992|PMID:14532335 20140604 RGD
1300180 Bw14 Body weight QTL 14 qtl RS:0000155 BN/SsNHsd IEA S RGD:727992|PMID:14532335 20140604 RGD
1300180 Bw14 Body weight QTL 14 qtl RS:0000811 SS/JrHsdMcwi IEA S RGD:727992|PMID:14532335 20140604 RGD
1300432 HAA/FDSC Hatano High Avoidance strain RS:0000388 HAA/FDSC IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
1300433 LAA/FDSC Hatano Low Avoidance strain RS:0000424 LAA/FDSC IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
1300439 SD-Tg(UBC-EGFP)2BalRrrc strain RS:0000683 SD-Tg(GFP)2BalRrrc IEA S RGD:7241799 20200516 RGD
1302359 HsdFcen:SD strain RS:0000699 HsdFcen:SD IEA S RGD:7241799 20200516 RGD
1302360 W/HsdFcen strain RS:0000962 W/HsdFcen IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
1302372 SDDIO/Rrrc strain RS:0000701 SDDIO/Rrrc IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
1302373 SDDR/Rrrc strain RS:0000702 SDDR/Rrrc IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
1302377 SPRD-Anks6PKD/Rrrc strain RS:0000782 SPRD-Anks6PKD/Rrrc IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
1302404 Cia27 Collagen induced arthritis QTL 27 qtl RS:0000013 ACI.DA-(D10Rat2-D10Rat19)/Arb IEA S RGD:61063|PMID:9870869 20140604 RGD
1302416 ACI.DA-(D10Rat2-D10Rat19)/Arb strain RS:0000013 ACI.DA-(D10Rat2-D10Rat19)/Arb IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
1302597 LEXF7C/Stm strain RS:0000550 LEXF7C/Stm IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
1302598 FXLE26/Stm strain RS:0001314 FXLE26/Stm IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
1302599 WKY/Ta strain RS:0001076 WKY/Ta IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
1302600 HTX/Kyo hydrocephalus texas strain RS:0000399 HTX/Kyo IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
1302601 FXLE23/Stm strain RS:0000360 FXLE23/Stm IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
1302602 FXLE12/Stm strain RS:0000349 FXLE12/Stm IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
1302603 FXLE25/Stm strain RS:0001313 FXLE25/Stm IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
1302604 LEXF4/Stm strain RS:0000545 LEXF4/Stm IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
1302605 LEXF2A/Stm strain RS:0000541 LEXF2A/Stm IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
1302606 SHRSP/Ta strain RS:0000778 SHRSP/Ta IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
1302607 FXLE21/Stm strain RS:0000358 FXLE21/Stm IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
1302608 CXH6/Tj strain RS:0000195 CXH6/Tj IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
1302610 KMI/Tky miniature rat ishikawa strain RS:0000417 KMI/Tky IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
1302611 FXLE24/Stm strain RS:0000361 FXLE24/Stm IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
1302612 LEXF10C/Stm strain RS:0000537 LEXF10C/Stm IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
1302613 BN/fMaiHok strain RS:0000157 BN/fMaiHok IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
1302614 WKY/NMna strain RS:0001073 WKY/NMna IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
1302615 FXLE14/Stm strain RS:0000351 FXLE14/Stm IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
1302616 LEXF10B/Stm strain RS:0000536 LEXF10B/Stm IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
1302617 LEXF6B/Stm strain RS:0000547 LEXF6B/Stm IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
1302618 LEXF9/Stm strain RS:0000553 LEXF9/Stm IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
1302619 FXLE16/Stm strain RS:0000353 FXLE16/Stm IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
1302620 SHR/Kyo spontaneous hypertension rat strain RS:0000747 SHR/Kyo IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
1302621 LEXF10A/Stm strain RS:0000535 LEXF10A/Stm IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
1302622 WF/Kop strain RS:0001005 WF/Kop IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
1302623 TM/Kyo tester moriyama rat strain RS:0000934 TM/Kyo IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
1302624 RICO/Ngs strain RS:0000667 RICO/Ngs IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
1302625 F344.OLETF-(D16Wox4-D16Rat13)/Tj strain RS:0000291 F344.OLETF-(D16Wox4-D16Rat13)/Tj IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
1302626 BN.UPL-(D2Rat134-D2Rat2)/Cas strain RS:0000131 BN.UPL-(D2Rat134-D2Rat2)/Cas IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
1302627 F344/NSlc strain RS:0000364 F344/NSlc IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
1302628 ACIS/Hok strain RS:0000365 ACIS/Hok IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
1302629 WKY.SHRSP-(D1Rat49-D1Rat112)/Izm strain RS:0001047 WKY.SHRSP-(D1Rat49-D1Rat112)/Izm IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
1302630 F344.OLETF-(D10Wox7-D10Wox6)/Tj strain RS:0000286 F344.OLETF-(D10Wox7-D10Wox6)/Tj IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
1302631 BN/SsNSlc strain RS:0000156 BN/SsNSlc IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
1302632 WKY.SHRSP-(D1Smu11-D1Arb21)/Izm strain RS:0001049 WKY.SHRSP-(D1Smu11-D1Arb21)/Izm IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
1302633 FXLE20/Stm strain RS:0000357 FXLE20/Stm IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
1302634 BB/WorTky BioBreeding rat strain RS:0000070 BB/WorTky IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
1302635 F344.OLETF-(D12Rat8-D12Rat16)/Tj strain RS:0000288 F344.OLETF-(D12Rat8-D12Rat16)/Tj IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
1302636 WKY.SHRSP-(D1Wox29-D1Arb21)/Izm strain RS:0001054 WKY.SHRSP-(D1Wox29-D1Arb21)/Izm IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
1302637 LAA Hatano Low Avoidance strain RS:0000422 LAA IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
1302638 LEXF11/Stm strain RS:0000538 LEXF11/Stm IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
1302639 KHR/Kyo kaken hairless rat strain RS:0000415 KHR/Kyo IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
1302640 ACI/Tj strain RS:0000033 ACI/Tj IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
1302641 LEXF1A/Stm strain RS:0000539 LEXF1A/Stm IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
1302642 LEA/Hkm strain RS:0000441 LEA/Hkm IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
1302643 ACI/NKyo august copenhagen irish strain RS:0000028 ACI/NKyo IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
1302644 CXA5/Tj strain RS:0000191 CXA5/Tj IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
1302645 DMY/Kyo demyelination rat strain RS:0000252 DMY/Kyo IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
1302646 LEXF2C/Stm strain RS:0000543 LEXF2C/Stm IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
1302647 F344.OLETF-(D5Rat166-D5Rat90)/Tj strain RS:0000478 F344.OLETF-(D5Rat166-D5Rat90)/Tj IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
1302648 LEC/Hok Long Evans Cinnamon strain RS:0000446 LEC/Hok IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
1302649 LEXF7B/Stm strain RS:0000549 LEXF7B/Stm IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
1302650 F344.OLETF-(D9Mgh8-D9Rat15)/Tj strain RS:0000297 F344.OLETF-(D9Mgh8-D9Rat15)/Tj IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
1302651 CXA1/Tj strain RS:0000190 CXA1/Tj IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
1302652 LEXF7A/Stm strain RS:0000548 LEXF7A/Stm IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
1302653 LEXF8A/Stm strain RS:0000551 LEXF8A/Stm IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
1302654 F344.OLETF-(D7Mgh16-D7Mgh20)/Tj strain RS:0001734 F344.OLETF-(D7Mgh16-D7Mgh20)/Tj IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
1302655 TO/Hkm strain RS:0000938 TO/Hkm IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
1302656 LEA/Hok Long Evans Agouti strain RS:0000442 LEA/Hok IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
1302657 DOP/Nem dilute-opisthotonus (dop) strain RS:0000254 DOP/Nem IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
1302658 LEJ/Hkm strain RS:0000450 LEJ/Hkm IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
1302659 CXH5/Tj strain RS:0000194 CXH5/Tj IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
1302660 RCS/Kyo royal college of surgeons rat strain RS:0000659 RCS/Kyo IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
1302661 F344.OLETF-(D14Rat23-D14Rat12)/Tj strain RS:0000289 F344.OLETF-(D14Rat23-D14Rat12)/Tj IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
1302662 CXH2/Tj strain RS:0000193 CXH2/Tj IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
1302663 F344.OLETF-(D11Rat4-D11Rat1)/Tj strain RS:0000287 F344.OLETF-(D11Rat4-D11Rat1)/Tj IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
1302664 WNA/Nshm strain RS:0001083 WNA/Nshm IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
1302665 FXLE13/Stm strain RS:0000350 FXLE13/Stm IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
1302666 LEXF1C/Stm strain RS:0000540 LEXF1C/Stm IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
1302667 F344.OLETF-(D5Mgh5-D5Mgh23)/Tj strain RS:0000293 F344.OLETF-(D5Mgh5-D5Mgh23)/Tj IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
1302668 IS-Tlk/Kyo tail anomaly lethal kyoto strain RS:0000411 IS-Tlk/Kyo IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
1302669 HAA Hatano High Avoidance strain RS:0000387 HAA IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
1302670 ACI/NSlc strain RS:0000031 ACI/NSlc IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
1302671 WM/Tj strain RS:0001080 WM/Tj IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
1302672 W/Kyo strain RS:0000963 W/Kyo IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
1302673 FXLE15/Stm strain RS:0000352 FXLE15/Stm IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
1302674 VF/Kyo vacuole formation rat strain RS:0000953 VF/Kyo IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
1302675 WKY.SHRSP-(D1Smu13-D1Smu11)/Izm strain RS:0001051 WKY.SHRSP-(D1Smu13-D1Smu11)/Izm IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
1302676 NER/Slc noda epileptic rat strain RS:0000607 NER/Slc IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
1302677 NIG-III/Tj strain RS:0000609 NIG-III/Tj IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
1302678 NAR/Slc non albumin rat strain RS:0000600 NAR/Slc IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
1302679 TRMR/Kyo tremor resistant strain RS:0000941 TRMR/Kyo IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
1302680 SHR/Ta strain RS:0000758 SHR/Ta IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
1302681 WKY.SHRSP-(D1Smu11-D1Rat112)/Izm strain RS:0001050 WKY.SHRSP-(D1Smu11-D1Rat112)/Izm IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
1302682 FXLE18/Stm strain RS:0000355 FXLE18/Stm IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
1302683 FXLE22/Stm strain RS:0000359 FXLE22/Stm IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
1302684 F344/NHok strain RS:0000348 F344/NHok IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
1302685 F344.OLETF-(D14Rat8-D14Rat26)/Tj strain RS:0000290 F344.OLETF-(D14Rat8-D14Rat26)/Tj IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
1302686 F344/Stm strain RS:0000428 F344/Stm IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
1302687 WKAH/HkmSlc Wistar King A, Hokkaido strain RS:0001019 WKAH/HkmSlc IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
1302688 ACI/NMna strain RS:0000030 ACI/NMna IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
1302689 WKY.SHRSP-(Ntrk3-D1Smu13)/Izm strain RS:0001063 WKY.SHRSP-(Ntrk3-D1Smu13)/Izm IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
1302690 FXLE19/Stm strain RS:0000356 FXLE19/Stm IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
1302691 ALB/Hok Albany strain RS:0000040 ALB/Hok IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
1302692 WKY.SHRSP-(D1Wox18-D1Rat44)/Izm strain RS:0001052 WKY.SHRSP-(D1Wox18-D1Rat44)/Izm IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
1302693 KZ-LeprfaTky strain RS:0001336 KZ-LeprfaTky IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
1302694 WKA/Seac strain RS:0001018 WKA/Seac IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
1302695 SER/Kyo spontaneously epileptic rat strain RS:0000711 SER/Kyo IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
1302696 FH/HamSlc fawn hooded rat strain RS:0000317 FH/HamSlc IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
1302697 KND/Tky komeda non-diabetic rat strain RS:0000418 KND/Tky IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
1302698 SDR/Slc Spontaneous dwarf rat strain RS:0000708 SDR/Slc IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
1302699 LEXF8D/Stm strain RS:0000552 LEXF8D/Stm IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
1302700 HOB/Snk hobble rat strain RS:0000395 HOB/Snk IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
1302701 LEW/SsNSlc strain RS:0000532 LEW/SsNSlc IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
1302702 TRM/Kyo tremor rat strain RS:0000940 TRM/Kyo IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
1302703 WKY.SHRSP-(D1Wox29-D1Rat112)/Izm strain RS:0001055 WKY.SHRSP-(D1Wox29-D1Rat112)/Izm IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
1302704 WKY.SHRSP-(D1Wox29-D1Rat199)/Izm strain RS:0001056 WKY.SHRSP-(D1Wox29-D1Rat199)/Izm IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
1302705 WKY.SHRSP-(D1Wox29-D1Smu13)/Izm strain RS:0001057 WKY.SHRSP-(D1Wox29-D1Smu13)/Izm IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
1302706 F344.OLETF-(D5Rat32-D5Rat26)/Tj strain RS:0000294 F344.OLETF-(D5Rat32-D5Rat26)/Tj IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
1302707 LEXF3/Stm strain RS:0000544 LEXF3/Stm IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
1302708 FXLE17/Stm strain RS:0000354 FXLE17/Stm IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
1302709 WKY/Hcm strain RS:0001071 WKY/Hcm IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
1302710 LEXF2B/Stm strain RS:0000542 LEXF2B/Stm IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
1302711 ExHC/Seac strain RS:0000269 ExHC/Seac IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
1302712 ZIMY/Kyo Zitter Masao Yamada strain RS:0002287 ZIMY/Kyo IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
1302713 F344.OLETF-(D8Rat58-D8Mgh17)/Tj strain RS:0000296 F344.OLETF-(D8Rat58-D8Mgh17)/Tj IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
1302714 KZC/Tky Komeda Zucker Creeping rat strain RS:0001338 KZC/Tky IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
1302715 WKY.SHRSP-(D1Wox18-D1Wox29)/Izm strain RS:0001053 WKY.SHRSP-(D1Wox18-D1Wox29)/Izm IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
1302716 OM/NSlc Osborne-Mendel rat strain RS:0000632 OM/NSlc IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
1302717 ACI/NHok strain RS:0000026 ACI/NHok IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
1302718 HWY/Slc hairless wistar yagi strain RS:0000400 HWY/Slc IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
1302719 DON/Kyo Donryu rat strain RS:0000378 DON/Kyo IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
1302720 CXH10/Tj strain RS:0000192 CXH10/Tj IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
1302721 LEC/Tj strain RS:0000448 LEC/Tj IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
1302722 PVG/Seac Piebald Virol Glaxo strain RS:0000647 PVG/Seac IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
1302723 LEXF5/Stm strain RS:0000546 LEXF5/Stm IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
1302724 SHR/Hcm strain RS:0000745 SHR/Hcm IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
1302726 ZI/Kyo strain RS:0001103 ZI/Kyo IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
1302727 SHRSR/Ta strain RS:0000780 SHRSR/Ta IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
1302728 MES/Slc Matsumoto Eosinophilia Shinshu strain RS:0000575 MES/Slc IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
1302729 LEA/Tj strain RS:0000444 LEA/Tj IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
1302786 Kidm8 Kidney mass QTL 8 qtl RS:0000642 PKD IEA S RGD:629573|PMID:9097967 20140604 RGD
1302786 Kidm8 Kidney mass QTL 8 qtl RS:0001084 WOK IEA S RGD:629573|PMID:9097967 20140604 RGD
1302787 Stl25 Serum triglyceride level QTL 25 qtl RS:0000121 LEW IEA S RGD:1299960|PMID:14709677 20140604 RGD
1302787 Stl25 Serum triglyceride level QTL 25 qtl RS:0000397 HTG IEA S RGD:1299960|PMID:14709677 20140604 RGD
1302788 Scl19 Serum cholesterol QTL 19 qtl RS:0000121 LEW IEA S RGD:1299960|PMID:14709677 20140604 RGD
1302788 Scl19 Serum cholesterol QTL 19 qtl RS:0000397 HTG IEA S RGD:1299960|PMID:14709677 20140604 RGD
1302789 Stl26 Serum triglyceride level QTL 26 qtl RS:0000121 LEW IEA S RGD:1299960|PMID:14709677 20140604 RGD
1302789 Stl26 Serum triglyceride level QTL 26 qtl RS:0000397 HTG IEA S RGD:1299960|PMID:14709677 20140604 RGD
1302790 Scl20 Serum cholesterol level QTL 20 qtl RS:0000121 LEW IEA S RGD:1299960|PMID:14709677 20140604 RGD
1302790 Scl20 Serum cholesterol level QTL 20 qtl RS:0000397 HTG IEA S RGD:1299960|PMID:14709677 20140604 RGD
1302791 Stl29 Serum triglyceride level QTL 29 qtl RS:0000121 LEW IEA S RGD:1299960|PMID:14709677 20140604 RGD
1302791 Stl29 Serum triglyceride level QTL 29 qtl RS:0000397 HTG IEA S RGD:1299960|PMID:14709677 20140604 RGD
1302792 Scl21 Serum cholesterol level QTL 21 qtl RS:0000121 LEW IEA S RGD:1299960|PMID:14709677 20140604 RGD
1302792 Scl21 Serum cholesterol level QTL 21 qtl RS:0000397 HTG IEA S RGD:1299960|PMID:14709677 20140604 RGD
1302793 Bw16 Body weight QTL 16 qtl RS:0000121 LEW IEA S RGD:1299960|PMID:14709677 20140604 RGD
1302793 Bw16 Body weight QTL 16 qtl RS:0000397 HTG IEA S RGD:1299960|PMID:14709677 20140604 RGD
1302794 Stl27 Serum triglyceride level QTL 27 qtl RS:0000121 LEW IEA S RGD:1299960|PMID:14709677 20140604 RGD
1302794 Stl27 Serum triglyceride level QTL 27 qtl RS:0000397 HTG IEA S RGD:1299960|PMID:14709677 20140604 RGD
1302795 HTG Prague hypertriglyceridemic strain RS:0000397 HTG IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
1302921 F344-Tg(NPHS2-HBEGF)Wig strain RS:0000487 F344-Tg(NPHS2-HBEGF)Wig IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
1303393 LEC/Ncu strain RS:0000447 LEC/Ncu IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
1304487 BBDR/Wor strain RS:0000076 BBDR/Wor IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
13204704 W-Myo7atnd/Hubr Wistar tornado rat strain RS:0004471 W-Myo7atnd /Hubr IEA S RGD:7241799 20170722 RGD
13204756 SS.BN-(D13Hmgc1048-D13Hmgc1050)-Pappa2em4Mcwi strain RS:0004474 SS.BN-(D13Hmgc1048-D13Hmgc1050)-Pappa2em4Mcwi IEA S RGD:7241799 20170819 RGD
13204788 SS.BN-(D13Hmgc1048-D13Hmgc1050)-Pappa2em5Mcwi strain RS:0004475 SS.BN-(D13Hmgc1048-D13Hmgc1050)-Pappa2em5Mcwi IEA S RGD:7241799 20170819 RGD
13207339 LH.LH-Chr 17LN-(Fanccrgdv551196202-C-rs106387478)/Aek strain RS:0004476 LH.LH-Chr 17LN-(Fanccrgdv551196202-C-rs106387478)/Aek IEA S RGD:7241799 20170819 RGD
13207341 LH.LH-Chr 17LN-(Fanccrgdv551196202-C-rs107291522)/Aek strain RS:0004477 LH.LH-Chr 17LN-(Fanccrgdv551196202-C-rs107291522)/Aek IEA S RGD:7241799 20170819 RGD
13207416 LH.LH-Chr 17LN-(rgdv421102132T-rgdv413679765T)/Aek strain RS:0004478 LH.LH-Chr 17LN-(rgdv421102132T-rgdv413679765T))/Aek IEA S RGD:7241799 20170819 RGD
13207488 LEW-Chrnb4em5Mcwi strain RS:0004479 LEW-Chrnb4em5Mcwi IEA S RGD:7241799 20170819 RGD
13207491 SD-Tg(Col3a1-loxP-eGFP-loxP-TurboRFP)Mcwi strain RS:0004480 SD-Tg(Col3a1-loxP-eGFP-loxP-TurboRFP)Mcwi IEA S RGD:7241799 20170819 RGD
13207492 SD-Cd55em6Mcwi strain RS:0004481 SD-Cd55em6Mcwi IEA S RGD:7241799 20170819 RGD
13207494 SD-Cd55em4Mcwi strain RS:0004482 SD-Cd55em4Mcwi IEA S RGD:7241799 20170819 RGD
13207497 SS-Kcnj13em1Mcwi strain RS:0004483 SS-Kcnj13em1Mcwi IEA S RGD:7241799 20170819 RGD
13207501 SS-Nlrp10em2Mcwi strain RS:0004485 SS-Nlrp10em2Mcwi IEA S RGD:7241799 20181117 RGD
13207503 SS-Nlrp10em3Mcwi strain RS:0004486 SS-Nlrp10em3Mcwi IEA S RGD:7241799 20181117 RGD
13207507 SS-Nlrp12em1Mcwi strain RS:0004487 SS-Nlrp12em1Mcwi IEA S RGD:7241799 20181117 RGD
13207509 SS-P2rx1em7Mcwi strain RS:0004488 SS-P2rx1em7Mcwi IEA S RGD:7241799 20170819 RGD
13207511 SS.BN-(D13Rat151-D13Rat197)-Tg(Slc12a1-Ncf2-2A-Luc)26Mcwi strain RS:0004489 SS.BN-(D13Rat151-D13Rat197)-Tg(Slc12a1-Ncf2-2A-Luc)26Mcwi IEA S RGD:7241799 20170819 RGD
13207513 SS-Tg(Slc12a1-Ncf2-2A-Luc)-Ncf2em1Mcwi strain RS:0004490 SS-Tg(Slc12a1-Ncf2-2A-Luc)-Ncf2em1Mcwi IEA S RGD:7241799 20170819 RGD
13207514 SD-ROSA26em1(Epac-SH187)Mcwi strain RS:0004492 SD-ROSA26em1(Epac-SH187)Mcwi IEA S RGD:7241799 20170819 RGD
13207516 SD-Rag2em3McwiIl2rgem2Mcwi strain RS:0004792 SD-Rag2em3McwiIl2rgem2Mcwi IEA S RGD:7241799 20200822 RGD
13207518 SHR-Hspa1em1Mcwi strain RS:0004493 SHR-Hspa1em1Mcwi IEA S RGD:7241799 20170819 RGD
13207525 SS-Spp1em3Mcwi strain RS:0004495 SS-Spp1em3Mcwi IEA S RGD:7241799 20170819 RGD
13207529 SS-Spp1em4Mcwi strain RS:0004496 SS-Spp1em4Mcwi IEA S RGD:7241799 20170819 RGD
13207537 SD-Tg(Cdh5-cre)2Mcwi strain RS:0004498 SD-Tg(Cdh5-cre)2Mcwi IEA S RGD:7241799 20170819 RGD
13207551 SS-Tg(Nphs2-cre/ERT2)4Mcwi strain RS:0004504 SS-Tg(Nphs2-cre/ERT2)4Mcwi IEA S RGD:7241799 20170819 RGD
13207560 SS-Tg(Aqp2-cre/ERT2)4Mcwi strain RS:0004514 SS-Tg(Aqp2-cre/ERT2)4Mcwi IEA S RGD:7241799 20170819 RGD
13207563 SS-Tg(Mylpf-cre/ERT2)22Mcwi strain RS:0004517 SS-Tg(Mylpf-cre/ERT2)22Mcwi IEA S RGD:7241799 20170819 RGD
13207595 WKY-Tph1em1Mcwi strain RS:0004520 WKY-Tph1em1Mcwi IEA S RGD:7241799 20170826 RGD
13208223 LE-ROSA26em1(LTR-nLuc)Ottc strain RS:0004518 LE-ROSA26 em1(LTR-nLuc)Ottc IEA S RGD:7241799 20190202 RGD
13208224 LE-ROSA26 em1(CAG-Cas9)Ottc strain RS:0004519 LE-ROSA26 em1(CAG-Cas9)Ottc IEA S RGD:7241799 20190202 RGD
13208231 WKY-Tph1em3Mcwi strain RS:0004521 WKY-Tph1em3Mcwi IEA S RGD:7241799 20170826 RGD
13208517 SD-Nfe2l2em1Mcwi+/+ SD-Nfe2l2em1Mcwi+/Nfe2l2em1Mcwi+ strain RS:0004500 SD-Nfe2l2em1Mcwi+/+ IEA S RGD:7241799 20170819 RGD
13208518 SD-Nfe2l2em1Mcwi-/- SD-Nfe2l2em1Mcwi-/Nfe2l2em1Mcwi- strain RS:0004501 SD-Nfe2l2em1Mcwi-/- IEA S RGD:7241799 20170819 RGD
13208519 SD-Nfe2l2em1Mcwi+/- SD-Nfe2l2em1Mcwi+/Nfe2l2em1Mcwi- strain RS:0004502 SD-Nfe2l2em1Mcwi+/- IEA S RGD:7241799 20170819 RGD
13208537 HsdFfyb:WI strain RS:0004509 HsdFfyb:WI IEA S RGD:7241799 20170819 RGD
13208540 CrlFfyb:SD Sprague Dawley strain RS:0004813 CrlFfyb:SD IEA S RGD:7241799 20200912 RGD
13208571 SS-Tg(Cyp11b2-cre/ERT2)2Mcwi strain RS:0004524 SS-Tg(Cyp11b2-cre/ERT2)2Mcwi IEA S RGD:7241799 20170826 RGD
13208576 SS-Tg(Slc5a2-cre/ERT2)2Mcwi strain RS:0004529 SS-Tg(Slc5a2-cre/ERT2)2Mcwi IEA S RGD:7241799 20170826 RGD
13208583 SS-Tg(Ubc-Wisp2)2Mcwi strain RS:0004536 SS-Tg(Ubc-Wisp2)2Mcwi IEA S RGD:7241799 20170826 RGD
13208584 SS-Tg(Ubc-Wisp2)3Mcwi strain RS:0004537 SS-Tg(Ubc-Wisp2)3Mcwi IEA S RGD:7241799 20170826 RGD
13208842 SS-Ptgs2em1Mcwi strain RS:0004540 SS-Ptgs2em1Mcwi IEA S RGD:7241799 20170826 RGD
13208844 SS-Ptgs2em2Mcwi strain RS:0004541 SS-Ptgs2em2Mcwi IEA S RGD:7241799 20170826 RGD
13210578 SD-Lepem1 strain RS:0004545 SD-Lepem1 IEA S RGD:7241799 20170916 RGD
13210773 ACI.BN-(Fer1l6rgdv775925951-C-D7Uwm27)/Shul strain RS:0004547 ACI.BN-(Fer1l6rgdv775925951-C-D7Uwm27)/Shul IEA S RGD:7241799 20170916 RGD
13210774 ACI.BN-(Fer1l6rgdv775925951-C-D7Uwm28)/Shul strain RS:0004548 ACI.BN-(Fer1l6rgdv775925951-C-D7Uwm28)/Shul IEA S RGD:7241799 20170916 RGD
1331720 Rf43 Renal function QTL 43 qtl RS:0000155 BN/SsNHsd IEA S RGD:70849|PMID:11721057 20160109 RGD
1331720 Rf43 Renal function QTL 43 qtl RS:0000811 SS/JrHsdMcwi IEA S RGD:70849|PMID:11721057 20160109 RGD
1331721 Bp210 Blood pressure QTL 210 qtl RS:0000155 BN/SsNHsd IEA S RGD:70849|PMID:11721057 20160109 RGD
1331721 Bp210 Blood pressure QTL 210 qtl RS:0000811 SS/JrHsdMcwi IEA S RGD:70849|PMID:11721057 20160109 RGD
1331722 Thshl1 Thyroid stimulating hormone level QTL 1 qtl RS:0000363 F344/NHsd IEA S RGD:1302891|PMID:15514085 20140604 RGD
1331722 Thshl1 Thyroid stimulating hormone level QTL 1 qtl RS:0000916 WKY/NHsd IEA S RGD:1302891|PMID:15514085 20140604 RGD
1331723 Bw25 Body weight QTL 25 qtl RS:0000155 BN/SsNHsd IEA S RGD:70849|PMID:11721057 20160109 RGD
1331723 Bw25 Body weight QTL 25 qtl RS:0000811 SS/JrHsdMcwi IEA S RGD:70849|PMID:11721057 20160109 RGD
1331724 Bp223 Blood pressure QTL 223 qtl RS:0000155 BN/SsNHsd IEA S RGD:70849|PMID:11721057 20140604 RGD
1331724 Bp223 Blood pressure QTL 223 qtl RS:0000811 SS/JrHsdMcwi IEA S RGD:70849|PMID:11721057 20140604 RGD
1331725 Bp212 Blood pressure QTL 212 qtl RS:0000155 BN/SsNHsd IEA S RGD:70849|PMID:11721057 20140604 RGD
1331725 Bp212 Blood pressure QTL 212 qtl RS:0000811 SS/JrHsdMcwi IEA S RGD:70849|PMID:11721057 20140604 RGD
1331726 Bp208 Blood pressure QTL 208 qtl RS:0000155 BN/SsNHsd IEA S RGD:70849|PMID:11721057 20140604 RGD
1331726 Bp208 Blood pressure QTL 208 qtl RS:0000811 SS/JrHsdMcwi IEA S RGD:70849|PMID:11721057 20140604 RGD
1331727 Bp237 Blood pressure QTL 237 qtl RS:0000155 BN/SsNHsd IEA S RGD:70849|PMID:11721057 20140604 RGD
1331727 Bp237 Blood pressure QTL 237 qtl RS:0000811 SS/JrHsdMcwi IEA S RGD:70849|PMID:11721057 20140604 RGD
1331728 Bp214 Blood pressure QTL 214 qtl RS:0000155 BN/SsNHsd IEA S RGD:70849|PMID:11721057 20140604 RGD
1331728 Bp214 Blood pressure QTL 214 qtl RS:0000811 SS/JrHsdMcwi IEA S RGD:70849|PMID:11721057 20140604 RGD
1331729 Rf42 Renal function QTL 42 qtl RS:0000155 BN/SsNHsd IEA S RGD:70849|PMID:11721057 20160109 RGD
1331729 Rf42 Renal function QTL 42 qtl RS:0000811 SS/JrHsdMcwi IEA S RGD:70849|PMID:11721057 20160109 RGD
1331730 Scl27 Serum cholesterol level QTL 27 qtl RS:0000155 BN/SsNHsd IEA S RGD:70849|PMID:11721057 20140604 RGD
1331730 Scl27 Serum cholesterol level QTL 27 qtl RS:0000811 SS/JrHsdMcwi IEA S RGD:70849|PMID:11721057 20140604 RGD
1331731 Bp216 Blood pressure QTL 216 qtl RS:0000155 BN/SsNHsd IEA S RGD:70849|PMID:11721057 20140604 RGD
1331731 Bp216 Blood pressure QTL 216 qtl RS:0000811 SS/JrHsdMcwi IEA S RGD:70849|PMID:11721057 20140604 RGD
1331732 Srn4 Serum renin concentration QTL 4 qtl RS:0000155 BN/SsNHsd IEA S RGD:70849|PMID:11721057 20140604 RGD
1331732 Srn4 Serum renin concentration QTL 4 qtl RS:0000811 SS/JrHsdMcwi IEA S RGD:70849|PMID:11721057 20140604 RGD
1331733 Bp233 Blood pressure QTL 233 qtl RS:0000155 BN/SsNHsd IEA S RGD:70849|PMID:11721057 20140604 RGD
1331733 Bp233 Blood pressure QTL 233 qtl RS:0000811 SS/JrHsdMcwi IEA S RGD:70849|PMID:11721057 20140604 RGD
1331734 Bp204 Blood pressure QTL 204 qtl RS:0000155 BN/SsNHsd IEA S RGD:70849|PMID:11721057 20140604 RGD
1331734 Bp204 Blood pressure QTL 204 qtl RS:0000811 SS/JrHsdMcwi IEA S RGD:70849|PMID:11721057 20140604 RGD
1331735 Rf44 Renal function QTL 44 qtl RS:0000155 BN/SsNHsd IEA S RGD:70849|PMID:11721057 20140604 RGD
1331735 Rf44 Renal function QTL 44 qtl RS:0000811 SS/JrHsdMcwi IEA S RGD:70849|PMID:11721057 20140604 RGD
1331736 Bp227 Blood pressure QTL 227 qtl RS:0000155 BN/SsNHsd IEA S RGD:70849|PMID:11721057 20140604 RGD
1331736 Bp227 Blood pressure QTL 227 qtl RS:0000811 SS/JrHsdMcwi IEA S RGD:70849|PMID:11721057 20140604 RGD
1331737 Uae29 Urinary albumin excretion QTL 29 qtl RS:0000744 SHR/FubRkb IEA S RGD:1300043|PMID:15161966 20140604 RGD
1331737 Uae29 Urinary albumin excretion QTL 29 qtl RS:0000925 SS/JrRkb IEA S RGD:1300043|PMID:15161966 20140604 RGD
1331738 Bp209 Blood pressure QTL 209 qtl RS:0000155 BN/SsNHsd IEA S RGD:70849|PMID:11721057 20140604 RGD
1331738 Bp209 Blood pressure QTL 209 qtl RS:0000811 SS/JrHsdMcwi IEA S RGD:70849|PMID:11721057 20140604 RGD
1331739 Hrtrt14 Heart rate QTL 14 qtl RS:0000155 BN/SsNHsd IEA S RGD:70849|PMID:11721057 20140604 RGD
1331739 Hrtrt14 Heart rate QTL 14 qtl RS:0000811 SS/JrHsdMcwi IEA S RGD:70849|PMID:11721057 20140604 RGD
1331740 Bw26 Body weight QTL 26 qtl RS:0000155 BN/SsNHsd IEA S RGD:70849|PMID:11721057 20140604 RGD
1331740 Bw26 Body weight QTL 26 qtl RS:0000811 SS/JrHsdMcwi IEA S RGD:70849|PMID:11721057 20140604 RGD
1331741 Bp232 Blood pressure QTL 232 qtl RS:0000155 BN/SsNHsd IEA S RGD:70849|PMID:11721057 20140604 RGD
1331741 Bp232 Blood pressure QTL 232 qtl RS:0000811 SS/JrHsdMcwi IEA S RGD:70849|PMID:11721057 20140604 RGD
1331742 Bp228 Blood pressure QTL 228 qtl RS:0000155 BN/SsNHsd IEA S RGD:70849|PMID:11721057 20140604 RGD
1331742 Bp228 Blood pressure QTL 228 qtl RS:0000811 SS/JrHsdMcwi IEA S RGD:70849|PMID:11721057 20140604 RGD
1331743 Uae28 Urinary albumin excretion QTL 28 qtl RS:0000744 SHR/FubRkb IEA S RGD:1300043|PMID:15161966 20140604 RGD
1331743 Uae28 Urinary albumin excretion QTL 28 qtl RS:0000925 SS/JrRkb IEA S RGD:1300043|PMID:15161966 20140604 RGD
1331744 Bp217 Blood pressure QTL 217 qtl RS:0000155 BN/SsNHsd IEA S RGD:70849|PMID:11721057 20140604 RGD
1331744 Bp217 Blood pressure QTL 217 qtl RS:0000811 SS/JrHsdMcwi IEA S RGD:70849|PMID:11721057 20140604 RGD
1331745 Bp203 Blood pressure QTL 203 qtl RS:0000155 BN/SsNHsd IEA S RGD:70849|PMID:11721057 20140604 RGD
1331745 Bp203 Blood pressure QTL 203 qtl RS:0000811 SS/JrHsdMcwi IEA S RGD:70849|PMID:11721057 20140604 RGD
1331746 Kidm9 Kidney mass QTL 9 qtl RS:0000155 BN/SsNHsd IEA S RGD:70849|PMID:11721057 20140604 RGD
1331746 Kidm9 Kidney mass QTL 9 qtl RS:0000811 SS/JrHsdMcwi IEA S RGD:70849|PMID:11721057 20140604 RGD
1331747 Hrtrt16 Heart rate QTL 16 qtl RS:0000155 BN/SsNHsd IEA S RGD:70849|PMID:11721057 20140604 RGD
1331747 Hrtrt16 Heart rate QTL 16 qtl RS:0000811 SS/JrHsdMcwi IEA S RGD:70849|PMID:11721057 20140604 RGD
1331748 Bp215 Blood pressure QTL 215 qtl RS:0000155 BN/SsNHsd IEA S RGD:70849|PMID:11721057 20140604 RGD
1331748 Bp215 Blood pressure QTL 215 qtl RS:0000811 SS/JrHsdMcwi IEA S RGD:70849|PMID:11721057 20140604 RGD
1331749 Hrtrt11 Heart rate QTL 11 qtl RS:0000155 BN/SsNHsd IEA S RGD:70849|PMID:11721057 20140604 RGD
1331749 Hrtrt11 Heart rate QTL 11 qtl RS:0000811 SS/JrHsdMcwi IEA S RGD:70849|PMID:11721057 20140604 RGD
1331750 Bp220 Blood pressure QTL 220 qtl RS:0000155 BN/SsNHsd IEA S RGD:70849|PMID:11721057 20140604 RGD
1331750 Bp220 Blood pressure QTL 220 qtl RS:0000811 SS/JrHsdMcwi IEA S RGD:70849|PMID:11721057 20140604 RGD
1331751 Bp199 Blood pressure QTL 199 qtl RS:0000155 BN/SsNHsd IEA S RGD:70849|PMID:11721057 20140604 RGD
1331751 Bp199 Blood pressure QTL 199 qtl RS:0000811 SS/JrHsdMcwi IEA S RGD:70849|PMID:11721057 20140604 RGD
1331752 Bw27 Body weight QTL 27 qtl RS:0000155 BN/SsNHsd IEA S RGD:70849|PMID:11721057 20140604 RGD
1331752 Bw27 Body weight QTL 27 qtl RS:0000811 SS/JrHsdMcwi IEA S RGD:70849|PMID:11721057 20140604 RGD
1331753 Bp231 Blood pressure QTL 231 qtl RS:0000155 BN/SsNHsd IEA S RGD:70849|PMID:11721057 20140604 RGD
1331753 Bp231 Blood pressure QTL 231 qtl RS:0000811 SS/JrHsdMcwi IEA S RGD:70849|PMID:11721057 20140604 RGD
1331754 Bp230 Blood pressure QTL 230 qtl RS:0000155 BN/SsNHsd IEA S RGD:70849|PMID:11721057 20140604 RGD
1331754 Bp230 Blood pressure QTL 230 qtl RS:0000811 SS/JrHsdMcwi IEA S RGD:70849|PMID:11721057 20140604 RGD
1331755 Bp219 Blood pressure QTL 219 qtl RS:0000155 BN/SsNHsd IEA S RGD:70849|PMID:11721057 20140604 RGD
1331755 Bp219 Blood pressure QTL 219 qtl RS:0000811 SS/JrHsdMcwi IEA S RGD:70849|PMID:11721057 20140604 RGD
1331756 Rf34 Renal function QTL 34 qtl RS:0000155 BN/SsNHsd IEA S RGD:70849|PMID:11721057 20140604 RGD
1331756 Rf34 Renal function QTL 34 qtl RS:0000811 SS/JrHsdMcwi IEA S RGD:70849|PMID:11721057 20140604 RGD
1331757 Cdexp1 CD45RC expression in CD8 T cells QTL 1 qtl RS:0000152 BN/Rj IEA S RGD:1302824|PMID:15322174 20140604 RGD
1331757 Cdexp1 CD45RC expression in CD8 T cells QTL 1 qtl RS:0000528 LEW/Rj IEA S RGD:1302824|PMID:15322174 20140604 RGD
1331758 Bp207 Blood pressure QTL 207 qtl RS:0000155 BN/SsNHsd IEA S RGD:70849|PMID:11721057 20140604 RGD
1331758 Bp207 Blood pressure QTL 207 qtl RS:0000811 SS/JrHsdMcwi IEA S RGD:70849|PMID:11721057 20140604 RGD
1331759 Hrtrt13 Heart rate QTL 13 qtl RS:0000155 BN/SsNHsd IEA S RGD:70849|PMID:11721057 20140604 RGD
1331759 Hrtrt13 Heart rate QTL 13 qtl RS:0000811 SS/JrHsdMcwi IEA S RGD:70849|PMID:11721057 20140604 RGD
1331760 Bp206 Blood pressure QTL 206 qtl RS:0000155 BN/SsNHsd IEA S RGD:70849|PMID:11721057 20140604 RGD
1331760 Bp206 Blood pressure QTL 206 qtl RS:0000811 SS/JrHsdMcwi IEA S RGD:70849|PMID:11721057 20140604 RGD
1331761 Bp218 Blood pressure QTL 218 qtl RS:0000155 BN/SsNHsd IEA S RGD:70849|PMID:11721057 20140604 RGD
1331761 Bp218 Blood pressure QTL 218 qtl RS:0000811 SS/JrHsdMcwi IEA S RGD:70849|PMID:11721057 20140604 RGD
1331762 Rf40 Renal function QTL 40 qtl RS:0000155 BN/SsNHsd IEA S RGD:70849|PMID:11721057 20160109 RGD
1331762 Rf40 Renal function QTL 40 qtl RS:0000811 SS/JrHsdMcwi IEA S RGD:70849|PMID:11721057 20160109 RGD
1331763 Wbc2 White blood cell count QTL 2 qtl RS:0000155 BN/SsNHsd IEA S RGD:70849|PMID:11721057 20140604 RGD
1331763 Wbc2 White blood cell count QTL 2 qtl RS:0000811 SS/JrHsdMcwi IEA S RGD:70849|PMID:11721057 20140604 RGD
1331764 Bp205 Blood pressure QTL 205 qtl RS:0000155 BN/SsNHsd IEA S RGD:70849|PMID:11721057 20140604 RGD
1331764 Bp205 Blood pressure QTL 205 qtl RS:0000811 SS/JrHsdMcwi IEA S RGD:70849|PMID:11721057 20140604 RGD
1331765 Hrtrt15 Heart rate QTL 15 qtl RS:0000155 BN/SsNHsd IEA S RGD:70849|PMID:11721057 20140604 RGD
1331765 Hrtrt15 Heart rate QTL 15 qtl RS:0000811 SS/JrHsdMcwi IEA S RGD:70849|PMID:11721057 20140604 RGD
1331766 Bp236 Blood pressure QTL 236 qtl RS:0000155 BN/SsNHsd IEA S RGD:70849|PMID:11721057 20140604 RGD
1331766 Bp236 Blood pressure QTL 236 qtl RS:0000811 SS/JrHsdMcwi IEA S RGD:70849|PMID:11721057 20140604 RGD
1331767 Hrtrt12 Heart rate QTL 12 qtl RS:0000155 BN/SsNHsd IEA S RGD:70849|PMID:11721057 20140604 RGD
1331767 Hrtrt12 Heart rate QTL 12 qtl RS:0000811 SS/JrHsdMcwi IEA S RGD:70849|PMID:11721057 20140604 RGD
1331768 Kidm10 Kidney mass QTL 10 qtl RS:0000155 BN/SsNHsd IEA S RGD:70849|PMID:11721057 20140604 RGD
1331768 Kidm10 Kidney mass QTL 10 qtl RS:0000811 SS/JrHsdMcwi IEA S RGD:70849|PMID:11721057 20140604 RGD
1331769 Rf39 Renal function QTL 39 qtl RS:0000155 BN/SsNHsd IEA S RGD:70849|PMID:11721057 20140604 RGD
1331769 Rf39 Renal function QTL 39 qtl RS:0000811 SS/JrHsdMcwi IEA S RGD:70849|PMID:11721057 20140604 RGD
1331770 Bp234 Blood pressure QTL 234 qtl RS:0000155 BN/SsNHsd IEA S RGD:70849|PMID:11721057 20140604 RGD
1331770 Bp234 Blood pressure QTL 234 qtl RS:0000811 SS/JrHsdMcwi IEA S RGD:70849|PMID:11721057 20140604 RGD
1331771 Rf35 Renal function QTL 35 qtl RS:0000155 BN/SsNHsd IEA S RGD:70849|PMID:11721057 20160109 RGD
1331771 Rf35 Renal function QTL 35 qtl RS:0000811 SS/JrHsdMcwi IEA S RGD:70849|PMID:11721057 20160109 RGD
1331772 Cdexp2 CD45RC expression in CD8 T cells QTL 2 qtl RS:0000152 BN/Rj IEA S RGD:1302824|PMID:15322174 20140604 RGD
1331772 Cdexp2 CD45RC expression in CD8 T cells QTL 2 qtl RS:0000528 LEW/Rj IEA S RGD:1302824|PMID:15322174 20140604 RGD
1331773 Scl26 Serum cholesterol level QTL 26 qtl RS:0000155 BN/SsNHsd IEA S RGD:70849|PMID:11721057 20140604 RGD
1331773 Scl26 Serum cholesterol level QTL 26 qtl RS:0000811 SS/JrHsdMcwi IEA S RGD:70849|PMID:11721057 20140604 RGD
1331774 Bp226 Blood pressure QTL 226 qtl RS:0000155 BN/SsNHsd IEA S RGD:70849|PMID:11721057 20140604 RGD
1331774 Bp226 Blood pressure QTL 226 qtl RS:0000811 SS/JrHsdMcwi IEA S RGD:70849|PMID:11721057 20140604 RGD
1331775 Bp235 Blood pressure QTL 235 qtl RS:0000155 BN/SsNHsd IEA S RGD:70849|PMID:11721057 20140604 RGD
1331775 Bp235 Blood pressure QTL 235 qtl RS:0000811 SS/JrHsdMcwi IEA S RGD:70849|PMID:11721057 20140604 RGD
1331776 Bp225 Blood pressure QTL 225 qtl RS:0000155 BN/SsNHsd IEA S RGD:70849|PMID:11721057 20140604 RGD
1331776 Bp225 Blood pressure QTL 225 qtl RS:0000811 SS/JrHsdMcwi IEA S RGD:70849|PMID:11721057 20140604 RGD
1331777 Bw24 Body weight QTL 24 qtl RS:0000155 BN/SsNHsd IEA S RGD:70849|PMID:11721057 20140604 RGD
1331777 Bw24 Body weight QTL 24 qtl RS:0000811 SS/JrHsdMcwi IEA S RGD:70849|PMID:11721057 20140604 RGD
1331778 Rf28 Renal function QTL 28 qtl RS:0000155 BN/SsNHsd IEA S RGD:70849|PMID:11721057 20140604 RGD
1331778 Rf28 Renal function QTL 28 qtl RS:0000811 SS/JrHsdMcwi IEA S RGD:70849|PMID:11721057 20140604 RGD
1331779 Rf38 Renal function QTL 38 qtl RS:0000155 BN/SsNHsd IEA S RGD:70849|PMID:11721057 20160109 RGD
1331779 Rf38 Renal function QTL 38 qtl RS:0000811 SS/JrHsdMcwi IEA S RGD:70849|PMID:11721057 20160109 RGD
1331780 Bp238 Blood pressure QTL 238 qtl RS:0000155 BN/SsNHsd IEA S RGD:70849|PMID:11721057 20140604 RGD
1331780 Bp238 Blood pressure QTL 238 qtl RS:0000811 SS/JrHsdMcwi IEA S RGD:70849|PMID:11721057 20140604 RGD
1331781 Scl28 Serum cholesterol level QTL 28 qtl RS:0000155 BN/SsNHsd IEA S RGD:70849|PMID:11721057 20140604 RGD
1331781 Scl28 Serum cholesterol level QTL 28 qtl RS:0000811 SS/JrHsdMcwi IEA S RGD:70849|PMID:11721057 20140604 RGD
1331782 Rf36 Renal function QTL 36 qtl RS:0000155 BN/SsNHsd IEA S RGD:70849|PMID:11721057 20140604 RGD
1331782 Rf36 Renal function QTL 36 qtl RS:0000811 SS/JrHsdMcwi IEA S RGD:70849|PMID:11721057 20140604 RGD
1331783 Bp221 Blood pressure QTL 221 qtl RS:0000155 BN/SsNHsd IEA S RGD:70849|PMID:11721057 20140604 RGD
1331783 Bp221 Blood pressure QTL 221 qtl RS:0000811 SS/JrHsdMcwi IEA S RGD:70849|PMID:11721057 20140604 RGD
1331784 Bp222 Blood pressure QTL 222 qtl RS:0000155 BN/SsNHsd IEA S RGD:70849|PMID:11721057 20140604 RGD
1331784 Bp222 Blood pressure QTL 222 qtl RS:0000811 SS/JrHsdMcwi IEA S RGD:70849|PMID:11721057 20140604 RGD
1331785 Rf27 Renal function QTL 27 qtl RS:0000155 BN/SsNHsd IEA S RGD:70849|PMID:11721057 20140604 RGD
1331785 Rf27 Renal function QTL 27 qtl RS:0000811 SS/JrHsdMcwi IEA S RGD:70849|PMID:11721057 20140604 RGD
1331786 Kidm11 Kidney mass QTL 11 qtl RS:0000155 BN/SsNHsd IEA S RGD:70849|PMID:11721057 20140604 RGD
1331786 Kidm11 Kidney mass QTL 11 qtl RS:0000811 SS/JrHsdMcwi IEA S RGD:70849|PMID:11721057 20140604 RGD
1331787 Rf41 Renal function QTL 41 qtl RS:0000155 BN/SsNHsd IEA S RGD:70849|PMID:11721057 20140604 RGD
1331787 Rf41 Renal function QTL 41 qtl RS:0000811 SS/JrHsdMcwi IEA S RGD:70849|PMID:11721057 20140604 RGD
1331788 Rf45 Renal function QTL 45 qtl RS:0000155 BN/SsNHsd IEA S RGD:70849|PMID:11721057 20160109 RGD
1331788 Rf45 Renal function QTL 45 qtl RS:0000811 SS/JrHsdMcwi IEA S RGD:70849|PMID:11721057 20160109 RGD
1331789 Rf37 Renal function QTL 37 qtl RS:0000155 BN/SsNHsd IEA S RGD:70849|PMID:11721057 20160109 RGD
1331789 Rf37 Renal function QTL 37 qtl RS:0000811 SS/JrHsdMcwi IEA S RGD:70849|PMID:11721057 20160109 RGD
1331790 Bp201 Blood pressure QTL 201 qtl RS:0000155 BN/SsNHsd IEA S RGD:70849|PMID:11721057 20140604 RGD
1331790 Bp201 Blood pressure QTL 201 qtl RS:0000811 SS/JrHsdMcwi IEA S RGD:70849|PMID:11721057 20140604 RGD
1331791 Cm31 Cardiac mass QTL 31 qtl RS:0000155 BN/SsNHsd IEA S RGD:70849|PMID:11721057 20140604 RGD
1331791 Cm31 Cardiac mass QTL 31 qtl RS:0000811 SS/JrHsdMcwi IEA S RGD:70849|PMID:11721057 20140604 RGD
1331792 Rf29 Renal function QTL 29 qtl RS:0000155 BN/SsNHsd IEA S RGD:70849|PMID:11721057 20140604 RGD
1331792 Rf29 Renal function QTL 29 qtl RS:0000811 SS/JrHsdMcwi IEA S RGD:70849|PMID:11721057 20140604 RGD
1331793 Bp200 Blood pressure QTL 200 qtl RS:0000155 BN/SsNHsd IEA S RGD:70849|PMID:11721057 20140604 RGD
1331793 Bp200 Blood pressure QTL 200 qtl RS:0000811 SS/JrHsdMcwi IEA S RGD:70849|PMID:11721057 20140604 RGD
1331794 Bp202 Blood pressure QTL 202 qtl RS:0000155 BN/SsNHsd IEA S RGD:70849|PMID:11721057 20140604 RGD
1331794 Bp202 Blood pressure QTL 202 qtl RS:0000811 SS/JrHsdMcwi IEA S RGD:70849|PMID:11721057 20140604 RGD
1331795 Rf30 Renal function QTL 30 qtl RS:0000155 BN/SsNHsd IEA S RGD:70849|PMID:11721057 20140604 RGD
1331795 Rf30 Renal function QTL 30 qtl RS:0000811 SS/JrHsdMcwi IEA S RGD:70849|PMID:11721057 20140604 RGD
1331796 Thshl2 Thyroid stimulating hormone level QTL 2 qtl RS:0000363 F344/NHsd IEA S RGD:1302891|PMID:15514085 20140604 RGD
1331796 Thshl2 Thyroid stimulating hormone level QTL 2 qtl RS:0000916 WKY/NHsd IEA S RGD:1302891|PMID:15514085 20140604 RGD
1331797 Bp213 Blood pressure QTL 213 qtl RS:0000155 BN/SsNHsd IEA S RGD:70849|PMID:11721057 20140604 RGD
1331797 Bp213 Blood pressure QTL 213 qtl RS:0000811 SS/JrHsdMcwi IEA S RGD:70849|PMID:11721057 20140604 RGD
1331798 Bp224 Blood pressure QTL 224 qtl RS:0000155 BN/SsNHsd IEA S RGD:70849|PMID:11721057 20140604 RGD
1331798 Bp224 Blood pressure QTL 224 qtl RS:0000811 SS/JrHsdMcwi IEA S RGD:70849|PMID:11721057 20140604 RGD
1331799 Bp211 Blood pressure QTL 211 qtl RS:0000155 BN/SsNHsd IEA S RGD:70849|PMID:11721057 20140604 RGD
1331799 Bp211 Blood pressure QTL 211 qtl RS:0000811 SS/JrHsdMcwi IEA S RGD:70849|PMID:11721057 20140604 RGD
1331800 Scl25 Serum cholesterol level QTL 25 qtl RS:0000155 BN/SsNHsd IEA S RGD:70849|PMID:11721057 20140604 RGD
1331800 Scl25 Serum cholesterol level QTL 25 qtl RS:0000811 SS/JrHsdMcwi IEA S RGD:70849|PMID:11721057 20140604 RGD
1331801 Rf33 Renal function QTL 33 qtl RS:0000155 BN/SsNHsd IEA S RGD:70849|PMID:11721057 20160109 RGD
1331801 Rf33 Renal function QTL 33 qtl RS:0000811 SS/JrHsdMcwi IEA S RGD:70849|PMID:11721057 20160109 RGD
1331802 Srn5 Serum renin concentration QTL 5 qtl RS:0000155 BN/SsNHsd IEA S RGD:70849|PMID:11721057 20140604 RGD
1331802 Srn5 Serum renin concentration QTL 5 qtl RS:0000811 SS/JrHsdMcwi IEA S RGD:70849|PMID:11721057 20140604 RGD
1331803 Rf32 Renal function QTL 32 qtl RS:0000155 BN/SsNHsd IEA S RGD:70849|PMID:11721057 20160109 RGD
1331803 Rf32 Renal function QTL 32 qtl RS:0000811 SS/JrHsdMcwi IEA S RGD:70849|PMID:11721057 20160109 RGD
1331804 Cm30 Cardiac mass QTL 30 qtl RS:0000155 BN/SsNHsd IEA S RGD:70849|PMID:11721057 20140604 RGD
1331804 Cm30 Cardiac mass QTL 30 qtl RS:0000811 SS/JrHsdMcwi IEA S RGD:70849|PMID:11721057 20140604 RGD
1331805 Cm29 Cardiac mass QTL 29 qtl RS:0000155 BN/SsNHsd IEA S RGD:70849|PMID:11721057 20140604 RGD
1331805 Cm29 Cardiac mass QTL 29 qtl RS:0000811 SS/JrHsdMcwi IEA S RGD:70849|PMID:11721057 20140604 RGD
1331806 Bp229 Blood pressure QTL 229 qtl RS:0000155 BN/SsNHsd IEA S RGD:70849|PMID:11721057 20140604 RGD
1331806 Bp229 Blood pressure QTL 229 qtl RS:0000811 SS/JrHsdMcwi IEA S RGD:70849|PMID:11721057 20140604 RGD
1331807 Rf31 Renal function QTL 31 qtl RS:0000155 BN/SsNHsd IEA S RGD:70849|PMID:11721057 20140604 RGD
1331807 Rf31 Renal function QTL 31 qtl RS:0000811 SS/JrHsdMcwi IEA S RGD:70849|PMID:11721057 20140604 RGD
1331811 LEW.BN-(D10Rat32-D10Rat133)/Rj strain RS:0000504 LEW.BN-(D10Rat32-D10Rat133)/Rj IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
1331812 LEW.BN-(D10Rat83-D10Rat133)/Rj strain RS:0000507 LEW.BN-(D10Rat83-D10Rat133)/Rj IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
1331813 BN.GK-(D8Rat29-D8Got130)/Ox strain RS:0000119 BN.GK-(D8Rat29-D8Got130)/Ox IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
1331814 BN.GK-(D8Got302-D8Got130)/Ox strain RS:0000117 BN.GK-(D8Got302-D8Got130)/Ox IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
1331815 LEW/Mol LEW/Mol strain RS:0000519 LEW/Mol IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
1331816 DA.ACI-(D10Rat2-D10Rat29)/Kini strain RS:0000199 DA.ACI-(D10Rat2-D10Rat29)/Kini IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
1331817 BN.LEW-(D10Rat32-D10Mgh4)/Rj strain RS:0000122 BN.LEW-(D10Rat32-D10Mgh4)/Rj IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
1331818 LEW.BN-(D10Rat43-D10Mco4)/Rj strain RS:0000505 LEW.BN-(D10Rat43-D10Mco4)/Rj IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
1331819 F344/Eer F344/Eer strain RS:0000308 F344/Eer IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
1331820 LEW.BN-(D10Got9-D10Rat2)/Rj strain RS:0000501 LEW.BN-(D10Got9-D10Rat2)/Rj IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
1331821 LEW.BN-(D10Wox26-D10Arb4)/Rj strain RS:0000508 LEW.BN-(D10Wox26-D10Arb4)/Rj IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
1331822 DA.ACI-(D10Rat2-D10Rat6) strain RS:0000200 DA.ACI-(D10Rat2-D10Rat6) IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
1331823 LEW.BN-(D10Rat43-D10Rat27)/Rj strain RS:0000506 LEW.BN-(D10Rat43-D10Rat27)/Rj IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
1331824 DA.ACI-(D10Rat219-D10Rat29) strain RS:0000201 DA.ACI-(D10Rat219-D10Rat29) IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
1331826 LEW.BN-(D10Mgh7-D10Rat27)/Rj strain RS:0000502 LEW.BN-(D10Mgh7-D10Rat27)/Rj IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
1331827 DA.ACI-(D10Rat10-D10Rat142) strain RS:0000196 DA.ACI-(D10Rat10-D10Rat142) IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
1331828 DA.ACI-(D10Rat12-D10Rat144) strain RS:0000197 DA.ACI-(D10Rat12-D10Rat144) IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
1331829 BN.LEW-(D9Got8-D9Got200)/Rj strain RS:0000124 BN.LEW-(D9Got8-D9Got200)/Rj IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
1331830 F344.BN-(D5Rat1-D5Mit5)/Dlw strain RS:0001297 F344.BN-(D5Rat1-D5Mit5)/Dlw IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
1331831 LEW.BN-(D10Rat173-D10Rat133)/Rj strain RS:0000503 LEW.BN-(D10Rat173-D10Rat133)/Rj IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
1331832 BN.LEW-(D10Rat72-D10Arb4)/Rj strain RS:0000123 BN.LEW-(D10Rat72-D10Arb4)/Rj IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
1331833 DA.ACI-(D10Rat15-D10Rat29) strain RS:0000198 DA.ACI-(D10Rat15-D10Rat29) IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
1331834 BN.LEW-(D10Rat100-D10Rat126)/Rj strain RS:0000120 BN.LEW-(D10Rat100-D10Rat126)/Rj IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
1331836 WKY/Eer WKY/Eer strain RS:0001069 WKY/Eer IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
1331837 Bw23 Body weight QTL 23 qtl RS:0000113 BN IEA S RGD:1300044|PMID:15164172 20140604 RGD
1331837 Bw23 Body weight QTL 23 qtl RS:0000118 GK/KyoSwe IEA S RGD:1300044|PMID:15164172 20140604 RGD
1331838 Niddm61 Non-insulin dependent diabetes mellitus QTL 61 qtl RS:0000113 BN IEA S RGD:1300044|PMID:15164172 20140604 RGD
1331838 Niddm61 Non-insulin dependent diabetes mellitus QTL 61 qtl RS:0000118 GK/KyoSwe IEA S RGD:1300044|PMID:15164172 20140604 RGD
1331839 Eae18b Experimental allergic encephalomyelitis QTL 18b qtl RS:0000198 DA.ACI-(D10Rat15-D10Rat29) IEA S RGD:1302437|PMID:15240732 20140604 RGD
13432148 SS.ZUC-Leprfa-/-/Slc strain RS:0004550 SS.ZUC-Leprfa-/-/Slc IEA S RGD:7241799 20170923 RGD
13432150 SS.ZUC-Leprfa-/+/Slc strain RS:0004551 SS.ZUC-Leprfa-/+/Slc IEA S RGD:7241799 20170923 RGD
13432151 SS.ZUC-Leprfa+/+/Slc strain RS:0004552 SS.ZUC-Leprfa+/+/Slc IEA S RGD:7241799 20170923 RGD
13432199 SHRSP.WKY-(D3Wox20-D3Rat114)/Gcrc strain RS:0004553 SHRSP.WKY-(D3Wox20-D3Rat114)/Gcrc IEA S RGD:7241799 20170930 RGD
13432200 SHRSP.WKY-(D3Mgh16-D3Rat80)/Gcrc strain RS:0004554 SHRSP.WKY-(D3Mgh16-D3Rat80)/Gcrc IEA S RGD:7241799 20170930 RGD
13432201 SHRSP.WKY-(D3Mgh16-D3Wox3)/Gcrc strain RS:0004555 SHRSP.WKY-(D3Mgh16-D3Wox3)/Gcrc IEA S RGD:7241799 20170930 RGD
13432202 SHRSP.WKY-(D3Mgh16-rs65433898)/Gcrc strain RS:0004556 SHRSP.WKY-(D3Mgh16-rs65433898)/Gcrc IEA S RGD:7241799 20170930 RGD
13432203 SHRSP.WKY-(D3Mgh16-rs197649383)/Gcrc strain RS:0004557 SHRSP.WKY-(D3Mgh16-rs197649383)/Gcrc IEA S RGD:7241799 20170930 RGD
13432204 SHRSP.WKY-(D3Mgh16-D3Mit10)/Gcrc strain RS:0004558 SHRSP.WKY-(D3Mgh16-D3Mit10)/Gcrc IEA S RGD:7241799 20170930 RGD
13437612 SS-Adamts16em1Bj strain RS:0004559 SS-Adamts16em1Bj IEA S RGD:7241799 20171202 RGD
13441557 LE-Tg(Cx3cr1-cre/ERT2)3Ottc strain RS:0004588 LE-Tg(Cx3cr1-cre/ERT2)3Ottc IEA S RGD:7241799 20180428 RGD
13446407 SD-Tg(Camk2a-cre/ERT2)/ZiRrrc strain RS:0004560 SD-Tg(Camk2a-cre/ERT2)/ZiRrrc IEA S RGD:7241799 20171202 RGD
13450922 SD-GEPR-3 strain RS:0004561 SD-GEPR-3 IEA S RGD:7241799 20171202 RGD
13451132 BN-Crb1m1 strain RS:0004562 BN-Crb1m1 IEA S RGD:7241799 20171202 RGD
13452382 SD-Tg(Htt*) strain RS:0004563 SD-Tg(Htt*) IEA S RGD:7241799 20171202 RGD
13452406 SHR/NHsdAkr Spontaneously Hypertensive Rat strain RS:0004564 SHR/NHsdAkr IEA S RGD:7241799 20171202 RGD
13452407 WKY/NHsdAkr strain RS:0004565 WKY/NHsdAkr IEA S RGD:7241799 20171202 RGD
13462044 LE-Tg(Thy1-GCaMP6f)9Rrrc strain RS:0004601 LE-Tg(Thy1-GCaMP6f)9Rrrc IEA S RGD:7241799 20180728 RGD
13462045 LE-Tg(Thy1-GCaMP6f)7Rrrc strain RS:0004602 LE-Tg(Thy1-GCaMP6f)7Rrrc IEA S RGD:7241799 20180728 RGD
13464263 F344-Il2rgem1Iexas strain RS:0004566 F344-Il2rgem1Iexas IEA S RGD:7241799 20180127 RGD
13464268 GH/Htru strain RS:0004567 GH/Htru IEA S RGD:7241799 20180127 RGD
13464270 Seac:LIS Lister Rat, Sea:Lister Hooded strain RS:0004569 Seac:LIS IEA S RGD:7241799 20180127 RGD
13464272 CrljJclKud:SD strain RS:0004570 CrljJclKud:SD IEA S RGD:7241799 20180127 RGD
13464273 JclKud:WI Wistar rats strain RS:0004571 JclKud:WI IEA S RGD:7241799 20180127 RGD
13464320 STOCK Aspaem34Kyo Hcn1A354V/Kyo strain RS:0004572 STOCK Aspaem34Kyo Hcn1A354V/Kyo IEA S RGD:7241799 20180127 RGD
13464326 LE.W-Tg(Slc32a1-YFP*)1Yyan/Vip strain RS:0004574 LE.W-Tg(Slc32a1-YFP*)1Yyan/Vip IEA S RGD:7241799 20180127 RGD
13464327 WKY.Cg-clest/Iet strain RS:0004575 WKY.Cg-clest/Iet IEA S RGD:7241799 20180127 RGD
13464329 FPL/Iet Fused pulmonary lobes, FPL strain RS:0004576 FPL/Iet IEA S RGD:7241799 20180127 RGD
13503336 W;Cg-Acrtm1Osb Acr KO, Acr {tm1 Osb} strain RS:0004577 W;Cg-Acrtm1Osb IEA S RGD:7241799 20180127 RGD
13506176 SS-Nox4em2Ncf2em1Mcwi strain RS:0004578 SS-Nox4em2Ncf2em1MCWi IEA S RGD:7241799 20180217 RGD
13506737 GK strain RS:0001299 GK IEA S RGD:7241799 20180217 RGD
13506738 GK/Par strain RS:0004579 GK/Par IEA S RGD:7241799 20180217 RGD
13506739 GK/Jcl strain RS:0004580 GK/Jcl IEA S RGD:7241799 20180217 RGD
13506831 SS-P2rx7em10Mcwi strain RS:0004582 SS-P2rx7em10Mcwi IEA S RGD:7241799 20180317 RGD
13506832 SS-P2rx7em13Mcwi strain RS:0004583 SS-P2rx7em13Mcwi IEA S RGD:7241799 20180317 RGD
13506918 F344/N Fischer strain RS:0003327 F344/N IEA S RGD:7241799 20180317 RGD
13506919 F344/Nctr Fischer strain RS:0004581 F344/Nctr IEA S RGD:7241799 20180317 RGD
13508588 WI Wistar rat strain RS:0001013 WI IEA S RGD:7241799 20180317 RGD
13513909 SD-Tg(Ren2)27-/- strain RS:0004585 SD-Tg(Ren2)27-/- IEA S RGD:7241799 20180317 RGD
13524863 LEC/Crlj Long Evans Cinnamon strain RS:0004591 LEC/Crlj IEA S RGD:7241799 20180519 RGD
13524998 UPL strain RS:0002358 UPL IEA S RGD:7241799 20180519 RGD
13525002 Gunn rats strain RS:0004549 Gunn rats IEA S RGD:7241799 20180519 RGD
1354580 Scort1 Serum corticosterone level QTL 1 qtl RS:0000556 LH/Mav IEA S RGD:1302893|PMID:15452030 20140604 RGD
1354580 Scort1 Serum corticosterone level QTL 1 qtl RS:0000560 LN/Mav IEA S RGD:1302893|PMID:15452030 20140604 RGD
1354581 Bp247 Blood pressure QTL 247 qtl RS:0000556 LH/Mav IEA S RGD:1302893|PMID:15452030 20140604 RGD
1354581 Bp247 Blood pressure QTL 247 qtl RS:0000560 LN/Mav IEA S RGD:1302893|PMID:15452030 20140604 RGD
1354582 Stl11 Serum triglyceride level QTL 11 qtl RS:0000284 OLETF IEA S RGD:737686|PMID:14724732 20140604 RGD
1354582 Stl11 Serum triglyceride level QTL 11 qtl RS:0000313 F344/NRrrc IEA S RGD:737686|PMID:14724732 20140604 RGD
1354583 Despr3 Despair related QTL3 qtl RS:0000363 F344/NHsd IEA S RGD:1302894|PMID:15457344 20140604 RGD
1354583 Despr3 Despair related QTL3 qtl RS:0000916 WKY/NHsd IEA S RGD:1302894|PMID:15457344 20140604 RGD
1354584 Despr6 Despair related QTL 6 qtl RS:0000363 F344/NHsd IEA S RGD:1302894|PMID:15457344 20140604 RGD
1354584 Despr6 Despair related QTL 6 qtl RS:0000916 WKY/NHsd IEA S RGD:1302894|PMID:15457344 20140604 RGD
1354585 Eae18a Experimental allergic encephalomyelitis QTL 18a qtl RS:0000201 DA.ACI-(D10Rat219-D10Rat29) IEA S RGD:1302437|PMID:15240732 20140604 RGD
1354586 Despr1 Despair related QTL 1 qtl RS:0000363 F344/NHsd IEA S RGD:1302894|PMID:15457344 20140604 RGD
1354586 Despr1 Despair related QTL 1 qtl RS:0000916 WKY/NHsd IEA S RGD:1302894|PMID:15457344 20140604 RGD
1354587 Kidm21 Kidney mass QTL 21 qtl RS:0000556 LH/Mav IEA S RGD:1302893|PMID:15452030 20140604 RGD
1354587 Kidm21 Kidney mass QTL 21 qtl RS:0000560 LN/Mav IEA S RGD:1302893|PMID:15452030 20140604 RGD
1354588 Bvd4 Brain ventricular dilatation QTL 4 qtl RS:0000363 F344/NHsd IEA S RGD:1302890|PMID:15473982 20151128 RGD
1354588 Bvd4 Brain ventricular dilatation QTL 4 qtl RS:0000386 HTX/Hcj IEA S RGD:1302890|PMID:15473982 20151128 RGD
1354589 Bw31 Body weight QTL 31 qtl RS:0000556 LH/Mav IEA S RGD:1302893|PMID:15452030 20140604 RGD
1354589 Bw31 Body weight QTL 31 qtl RS:0000560 LN/Mav IEA S RGD:1302893|PMID:15452030 20140604 RGD
1354590 Despr11 Despair related QTL 11 qtl RS:0000363 F344/NHsd IEA S RGD:1302894|PMID:15457344 20160109 RGD
1354590 Despr11 Despair related QTL 11 qtl RS:0000916 WKY/NHsd IEA S RGD:1302894|PMID:15457344 20160109 RGD
1354591 Cm36 Cardiac mass QTL 36 qtl RS:0000556 LH/Mav IEA S RGD:1302893|PMID:15452030 20140604 RGD
1354591 Cm36 Cardiac mass QTL 36 qtl RS:0000560 LN/Mav IEA S RGD:1302893|PMID:15452030 20140604 RGD
1354592 Rf50 Renal function QTL 50 qtl RS:0000556 LH/Mav IEA S RGD:1302893|PMID:15452030 20140604 RGD
1354592 Rf50 Renal function QTL 50 qtl RS:0000560 LN/Mav IEA S RGD:1302893|PMID:15452030 20140604 RGD
1354593 Stl12 Serum triglyceride level QTL 12 qtl RS:0000284 OLETF IEA S RGD:737686|PMID:14724732 20140604 RGD
1354593 Stl12 Serum triglyceride level QTL 12 qtl RS:0000313 F344/NRrrc IEA S RGD:737686|PMID:14724732 20140604 RGD
1354594 Despr10 Despair related QTL 10 qtl RS:0000363 F344/NHsd IEA S RGD:1302894|PMID:15457344 20160109 RGD
1354594 Despr10 Despair related QTL 10 qtl RS:0000916 WKY/NHsd IEA S RGD:1302894|PMID:15457344 20160109 RGD
1354595 Despr4 Despair related QTL 4 qtl RS:0000363 F344/NHsd IEA S RGD:1302894|PMID:15457344 20140604 RGD
1354595 Despr4 Despair related QTL 4 qtl RS:0000916 WKY/NHsd IEA S RGD:1302894|PMID:15457344 20140604 RGD
1354596 Bw32 Body weight QTL 32 qtl RS:0000556 LH/Mav IEA S RGD:1302893|PMID:15452030 20140604 RGD
1354596 Bw32 Body weight QTL 32 qtl RS:0000560 LN/Mav IEA S RGD:1302893|PMID:15452030 20140604 RGD
1354597 Kidm13 Kidney mass QTL 13 qtl RS:0000556 LH/Mav IEA S RGD:1302893|PMID:15452030 20140604 RGD
1354597 Kidm13 Kidney mass QTL 13 qtl RS:0000560 LN/Mav IEA S RGD:1302893|PMID:15452030 20140604 RGD
1354598 Srn6 Serum renin concentration QTL 6 qtl RS:0000556 LH/Mav IEA S RGD:1302893|PMID:15452030 20140604 RGD
1354598 Srn6 Serum renin concentration QTL 6 qtl RS:0000560 LN/Mav IEA S RGD:1302893|PMID:15452030 20140604 RGD
1354599 Bw29 Body weight QTL 29 qtl RS:0000148 BN/OrlIcoCrlf IEA S RGD:1302889|PMID:15252022 20140604 RGD
1354599 Bw29 Body weight QTL 29 qtl RS:0000311 F344/IcoCrlf IEA S RGD:1302889|PMID:15252022 20140604 RGD
1354600 Salc2 Saline consumption QTL 2 qtl RS:0000148 BN/OrlIcoCrlf IEA S RGD:1302889|PMID:15252022 20140604 RGD
1354600 Salc2 Saline consumption QTL 2 qtl RS:0000311 F344/IcoCrlf IEA S RGD:1302889|PMID:15252022 20140604 RGD
1354601 Slep1 Serum leptin concentration QTL 1 qtl RS:0000284 OLETF IEA S RGD:737686|PMID:14724732 20140604 RGD
1354601 Slep1 Serum leptin concentration QTL 1 qtl RS:0000313 F344/NRrrc IEA S RGD:737686|PMID:14724732 20140604 RGD
1354602 Bw35 Body weight QTL 35 qtl RS:0000556 LH/Mav IEA S RGD:1302893|PMID:15452030 20140604 RGD
1354602 Bw35 Body weight QTL 35 qtl RS:0000560 LN/Mav IEA S RGD:1302893|PMID:15452030 20140604 RGD
1354603 Bp243 Blood pressure QTL 243 qtl RS:0000556 LH/Mav IEA S RGD:1302893|PMID:15452030 20140604 RGD
1354603 Bp243 Blood pressure QTL 243 qtl RS:0000560 LN/Mav IEA S RGD:1302893|PMID:15452030 20140604 RGD
1354604 Bw36 Body weight QTL 36 qtl RS:0000556 LH/Mav IEA S RGD:1302893|PMID:15452030 20140604 RGD
1354604 Bw36 Body weight QTL 36 qtl RS:0000560 LN/Mav IEA S RGD:1302893|PMID:15452030 20140604 RGD
1354605 Rf48 Renal function QTL 48 qtl RS:0000556 LH/Mav IEA S RGD:1302893|PMID:15452030 20140604 RGD
1354605 Rf48 Renal function QTL 48 qtl RS:0000560 LN/Mav IEA S RGD:1302893|PMID:15452030 20140604 RGD
1354606 Bp246 Blood pressure QTL 246 qtl RS:0000556 LH/Mav IEA S RGD:1302893|PMID:15452030 20140604 RGD
1354606 Bp246 Blood pressure QTL 246 qtl RS:0000560 LN/Mav IEA S RGD:1302893|PMID:15452030 20140604 RGD
1354607 Gmadr1 Adrenal mass QTL 1 qtl RS:0000148 BN/OrlIcoCrlf IEA S RGD:1302889|PMID:15252022 20140604 RGD
1354607 Gmadr1 Adrenal mass QTL 1 qtl RS:0000311 F344/IcoCrlf IEA S RGD:1302889|PMID:15252022 20140604 RGD
1354608 Cm33 Cardiac mass QTL 33 qtl RS:0000556 LH/Mav IEA S RGD:1302893|PMID:15452030 20140604 RGD
1354608 Cm33 Cardiac mass QTL 33 qtl RS:0000560 LN/Mav IEA S RGD:1302893|PMID:15452030 20140604 RGD
1354609 Niddm62 Non-insulin dependent diabetes mellitus QTL 62 qtl RS:0000113 BN IEA S RGD:1302801|PMID:15266047 20140604 RGD
1354609 Niddm62 Non-insulin dependent diabetes mellitus QTL 62 qtl RS:0000118 GK/KyoSwe IEA S RGD:1302801|PMID:15266047 20140604 RGD
1354610 Bw34 Body weight QTL 34 qtl RS:0000556 LH/Mav IEA S RGD:1302893|PMID:15452030 20140604 RGD
1354610 Bw34 Body weight QTL 34 qtl RS:0000560 LN/Mav IEA S RGD:1302893|PMID:15452030 20140604 RGD
1354611 Despr2 Despair related QTL 2 qtl RS:0000363 F344/NHsd IEA S RGD:1302894|PMID:15457344 20140604 RGD
1354611 Despr2 Despair related QTL 2 qtl RS:0000916 WKY/NHsd IEA S RGD:1302894|PMID:15457344 20140604 RGD
1354612 Foco1 Food consumption QTL 1 qtl RS:0000148 BN/OrlIcoCrlf IEA S RGD:1302889|PMID:15252022 20140604 RGD
1354612 Foco1 Food consumption QTL 1 qtl RS:0000311 F344/IcoCrlf IEA S RGD:1302889|PMID:15252022 20140604 RGD
1354613 Kidm14 Kidney mass QTL 14 qtl RS:0000556 LH/Mav IEA S RGD:1302893|PMID:15452030 20140604 RGD
1354613 Kidm14 Kidney mass QTL 14 qtl RS:0000560 LN/Mav IEA S RGD:1302893|PMID:15452030 20140604 RGD
1354614 Hpcl1 Hepatic cholesterol level QTL 1 qtl RS:0000169 BXH/Ipcv IEA S RGD:629576|PMID:9600105 20140604 RGD
1354614 Hpcl1 Hepatic cholesterol level QTL 1 qtl RS:0000403 HXB-1-43/Ipcv IEA S RGD:629576|PMID:9600105 20140604 RGD
1354615 Cm32 Cardiac mass QTL 32 qtl RS:0000556 LH/Mav IEA S RGD:1302893|PMID:15452030 20140604 RGD
1354615 Cm32 Cardiac mass QTL 32 qtl RS:0000560 LN/Mav IEA S RGD:1302893|PMID:15452030 20140604 RGD
1354616 Despr12 Despair related QTL 12 qtl RS:0000363 F344/NHsd IEA S RGD:1302894|PMID:15457344 20160109 RGD
1354616 Despr12 Despair related QTL 12 qtl RS:0000916 WKY/NHsd IEA S RGD:1302894|PMID:15457344 20160109 RGD
1354617 Bp240 Blood pressure QTL 240 qtl RS:0000556 LH/Mav IEA S RGD:1302893|PMID:15452030 20140604 RGD
1354617 Bp240 Blood pressure QTL 240 qtl RS:0000560 LN/Mav IEA S RGD:1302893|PMID:15452030 20140604 RGD
1354618 Kidm15 Kidney mass QTL 15 qtl RS:0000556 LH/Mav IEA S RGD:1302893|PMID:15452030 20140604 RGD
1354618 Kidm15 Kidney mass QTL 15 qtl RS:0000560 LN/Mav IEA S RGD:1302893|PMID:15452030 20140604 RGD
1354619 Bp242 Blood pressure QTL 242 qtl RS:0000556 LH/Mav IEA S RGD:1302893|PMID:15452030 20140604 RGD
1354619 Bp242 Blood pressure QTL 242 qtl RS:0000560 LN/Mav IEA S RGD:1302893|PMID:15452030 20140604 RGD
1354620 Kidm19 Kidney mass QTL 19 qtl RS:0000556 LH/Mav IEA S RGD:1302893|PMID:15452030 20140604 RGD
1354620 Kidm19 Kidney mass QTL 19 qtl RS:0000560 LN/Mav IEA S RGD:1302893|PMID:15452030 20140604 RGD
1354621 Rf47 Renal function QTL 47 qtl RS:0000556 LH/Mav IEA S RGD:1302893|PMID:15452030 20160109 RGD
1354621 Rf47 Renal function QTL 47 qtl RS:0000560 LN/Mav IEA S RGD:1302893|PMID:15452030 20160109 RGD
1354622 Kidm16 Kidney mass QTL 16 qtl RS:0000556 LH/Mav IEA S RGD:1302893|PMID:15452030 20140604 RGD
1354622 Kidm16 Kidney mass QTL 16 qtl RS:0000560 LN/Mav IEA S RGD:1302893|PMID:15452030 20140604 RGD
1354623 Rf46 Renal function QTL 46 qtl RS:0000556 LH/Mav IEA S RGD:1302893|PMID:15452030 20140604 RGD
1354623 Rf46 Renal function QTL 46 qtl RS:0000560 LN/Mav IEA S RGD:1302893|PMID:15452030 20140604 RGD
1354624 Cm35 Cardiac mass QTL35 qtl RS:0000556 LH/Mav IEA S RGD:1302893|PMID:15452030 20140604 RGD
1354624 Cm35 Cardiac mass QTL35 qtl RS:0000560 LN/Mav IEA S RGD:1302893|PMID:15452030 20140604 RGD
1354625 Despr7 Despair related QTL 7 qtl RS:0000363 F344/NHsd IEA S RGD:1302894|PMID:15457344 20140604 RGD
1354625 Despr7 Despair related QTL 7 qtl RS:0000916 WKY/NHsd IEA S RGD:1302894|PMID:15457344 20140604 RGD
1354626 Bvd1 Brain ventricular dilatation QTL 1 qtl RS:0000363 F344/NHsd IEA S RGD:1302890|PMID:15473982 20151128 RGD
1354626 Bvd1 Brain ventricular dilatation QTL 1 qtl RS:0000386 HTX/Hcj IEA S RGD:1302890|PMID:15473982 20151128 RGD
1354627 Despr14 Despair related QTL 14 qtl RS:0000363 F344/NHsd IEA S RGD:1302894|PMID:15457344 20160109 RGD
1354627 Despr14 Despair related QTL 14 qtl RS:0000916 WKY/NHsd IEA S RGD:1302894|PMID:15457344 20160109 RGD
1354628 Stl13 Serum triglyceride level QTL 13 qtl RS:0000556 LH/Mav IEA S RGD:1302893|PMID:15452030 20140604 RGD
1354628 Stl13 Serum triglyceride level QTL 13 qtl RS:0000560 LN/Mav IEA S RGD:1302893|PMID:15452030 20140604 RGD
1354629 Scl31 Serum cholesterol level QTL 31 qtl RS:0000556 LH/Mav IEA S RGD:1302893|PMID:15452030 20140604 RGD
1354629 Scl31 Serum cholesterol level QTL 31 qtl RS:0000560 LN/Mav IEA S RGD:1302893|PMID:15452030 20140604 RGD
1354630 Cm34 Cardiac mass QTL 34 qtl RS:0000556 LH/Mav IEA S RGD:1302893|PMID:15452030 20140604 RGD
1354630 Cm34 Cardiac mass QTL 34 qtl RS:0000560 LN/Mav IEA S RGD:1302893|PMID:15452030 20140604 RGD
1354631 Swd2 Spike wave discharge measurement QTL 2 qtl RS:0000023 ACI/N IEA S RGD:1302436|PMID:15270755 20140604 RGD
1354631 Swd2 Spike wave discharge measurement QTL 2 qtl RS:0000969 WAG/Rij IEA S RGD:1302436|PMID:15270755 20140604 RGD
1354632 Scl29 Serum cholesterol level QTL 29 qtl RS:0000284 OLETF IEA S RGD:737686|PMID:14724732 20140604 RGD
1354632 Scl29 Serum cholesterol level QTL 29 qtl RS:0000313 F344/NRrrc IEA S RGD:737686|PMID:14724732 20140604 RGD
1354633 Bw28 Body weight QTL 28 qtl RS:0000148 BN/OrlIcoCrlf IEA S RGD:1302889|PMID:15252022 20140604 RGD
1354633 Bw28 Body weight QTL 28 qtl RS:0000311 F344/IcoCrlf IEA S RGD:1302889|PMID:15252022 20140604 RGD
1354634 Kidm12 Kidney mass QTL 12 qtl RS:0000556 LH/Mav IEA S RGD:1302893|PMID:15452030 20140604 RGD
1354634 Kidm12 Kidney mass QTL 12 qtl RS:0000560 LN/Mav IEA S RGD:1302893|PMID:15452030 20140604 RGD
1354635 Bp245 Blood pressure QTL 245 qtl RS:0000556 LH/Mav IEA S RGD:1302893|PMID:15452030 20140604 RGD
1354635 Bp245 Blood pressure QTL 245 qtl RS:0000560 LN/Mav IEA S RGD:1302893|PMID:15452030 20140604 RGD
1354636 Lmblg1 Limb length QTL 1 qtl RS:0000556 LH/Mav IEA S RGD:1302893|PMID:15452030 20140604 RGD
1354636 Lmblg1 Limb length QTL 1 qtl RS:0000560 LN/Mav IEA S RGD:1302893|PMID:15452030 20140604 RGD
1354637 Scl30 Serum cholesterol level QTL 30 qtl RS:0000556 LH/Mav IEA S RGD:1302893|PMID:15452030 20140604 RGD
1354637 Scl30 Serum cholesterol level QTL 30 qtl RS:0000560 LN/Mav IEA S RGD:1302893|PMID:15452030 20140604 RGD
1354638 Insul1 Insulin level QTL 1 qtl RS:0000556 LH/Mav IEA S RGD:1302893|PMID:15452030 20140604 RGD
1354638 Insul1 Insulin level QTL 1 qtl RS:0000560 LN/Mav IEA S RGD:1302893|PMID:15452030 20140604 RGD
1354639 Spl5 Serum phospholipid level QTL 5 qtl RS:0000556 LH/Mav IEA S RGD:1302893|PMID:15452030 20140604 RGD
1354639 Spl5 Serum phospholipid level QTL 5 qtl RS:0000560 LN/Mav IEA S RGD:1302893|PMID:15452030 20140604 RGD
1354640 Scl32 Serum cholesterol level QTL 32 qtl RS:0000556 LH/Mav IEA S RGD:1302893|PMID:15452030 20140604 RGD
1354640 Scl32 Serum cholesterol level QTL 32 qtl RS:0000560 LN/Mav IEA S RGD:1302893|PMID:15452030 20140604 RGD
1354641 Bvd2 Brain ventricular dilatation QTL 2 qtl RS:0000363 F344/NHsd IEA S RGD:1302890|PMID:15473982 20151128 RGD
1354641 Bvd2 Brain ventricular dilatation QTL 2 qtl RS:0000386 HTX/Hcj IEA S RGD:1302890|PMID:15473982 20151128 RGD
1354642 Despr15 Despair related QTL 15 qtl RS:0000363 F344/NHsd IEA S RGD:1302894|PMID:15457344 20160109 RGD
1354642 Despr15 Despair related QTL 15 qtl RS:0000916 WKY/NHsd IEA S RGD:1302894|PMID:15457344 20160109 RGD
1354643 Foco2 Food consumption QTL 2 qtl RS:0000148 BN/OrlIcoCrlf IEA S RGD:1302889|PMID:15252022 20140604 RGD
1354643 Foco2 Food consumption QTL 2 qtl RS:0000311 F344/IcoCrlf IEA S RGD:1302889|PMID:15252022 20140604 RGD
1354644 Spl4 Serum phospholipid level QTL 4 qtl RS:0000556 LH/Mav IEA S RGD:1302893|PMID:15452030 20140604 RGD
1354644 Spl4 Serum phospholipid level QTL 4 qtl RS:0000560 LN/Mav IEA S RGD:1302893|PMID:15452030 20140604 RGD
1354645 Swd1 Spike wave discharge measurement QTL 1 qtl RS:0000023 ACI/N IEA S RGD:1302436|PMID:15270755 20160109 RGD
1354645 Swd1 Spike wave discharge measurement QTL 1 qtl RS:0000969 WAG/Rij IEA S RGD:1302436|PMID:15270755 20160109 RGD
1354646 Kidm18 Kidney mass QTL 18 qtl RS:0000556 LH/Mav IEA S RGD:1302893|PMID:15452030 20140604 RGD
1354646 Kidm18 Kidney mass QTL 18 qtl RS:0000560 LN/Mav IEA S RGD:1302893|PMID:15452030 20140604 RGD
1354647 Despr8 Despair related QTL 8 qtl RS:0000363 F344/NHsd IEA S RGD:1302894|PMID:15457344 20160109 RGD
1354647 Despr8 Despair related QTL 8 qtl RS:0000916 WKY/NHsd IEA S RGD:1302894|PMID:15457344 20160109 RGD
1354648 Bp239 Blood pressure QTL 239 qtl RS:0000886 SS.MNS-(Adh1-D2Mit5)/Mco IEA S RGD:629612|PMID:9260980 20140604 RGD
1354649 Kidm17 Kidney mass QTL 17 qtl RS:0000556 LH/Mav IEA S RGD:1302893|PMID:15452030 20140604 RGD
1354649 Kidm17 Kidney mass QTL 17 qtl RS:0000560 LN/Mav IEA S RGD:1302893|PMID:15452030 20140604 RGD
1354650 Despr5 Despair related QTL 5 qtl RS:0000363 F344/NHsd IEA S RGD:1302894|PMID:15457344 20140604 RGD
1354650 Despr5 Despair related QTL 5 qtl RS:0000916 WKY/NHsd IEA S RGD:1302894|PMID:15457344 20140604 RGD
1354651 Lmblg2 Limb length QTL 2 qtl RS:0000556 LH/Mav IEA S RGD:1302893|PMID:15452030 20140604 RGD
1354651 Lmblg2 Limb length QTL 2 qtl RS:0000560 LN/Mav IEA S RGD:1302893|PMID:15452030 20140604 RGD
1354652 Kidm20 Kidney mass QTL 20 qtl RS:0000556 LH/Mav IEA S RGD:1302893|PMID:15452030 20140604 RGD
1354652 Kidm20 Kidney mass QTL 20 qtl RS:0000560 LN/Mav IEA S RGD:1302893|PMID:15452030 20140604 RGD
1354653 Despr9 Despair related QTL 9 qtl RS:0000363 F344/NHsd IEA S RGD:1302894|PMID:15457344 20160109 RGD
1354653 Despr9 Despair related QTL 9 qtl RS:0000916 WKY/NHsd IEA S RGD:1302894|PMID:15457344 20160109 RGD
1354654 Spl7 Serum phospholipid level QTL 7 qtl RS:0000556 LH/Mav IEA S RGD:1302893|PMID:15452030 20140604 RGD
1354654 Spl7 Serum phospholipid level QTL 7 qtl RS:0000560 LN/Mav IEA S RGD:1302893|PMID:15452030 20140604 RGD
1354655 Bp241 Blood pressure QTL 241 qtl RS:0000556 LH/Mav IEA S RGD:1302893|PMID:15452030 20140604 RGD
1354655 Bp241 Blood pressure QTL 241 qtl RS:0000560 LN/Mav IEA S RGD:1302893|PMID:15452030 20140604 RGD
1354656 Bvd3 Brain ventricular dilatation QTL 3 qtl RS:0000363 F344/NHsd IEA S RGD:1302890|PMID:15473982 20151128 RGD
1354656 Bvd3 Brain ventricular dilatation QTL 3 qtl RS:0000386 HTX/Hcj IEA S RGD:1302890|PMID:15473982 20151128 RGD
1354657 Despr13 Despair related QTL 13 qtl RS:0000363 F344/NHsd IEA S RGD:1302894|PMID:15457344 20160109 RGD
1354657 Despr13 Despair related QTL 13 qtl RS:0000916 WKY/NHsd IEA S RGD:1302894|PMID:15457344 20160109 RGD
1354658 Spl8 Serum phospholipid level QTL 8 qtl RS:0000556 LH/Mav IEA S RGD:1302893|PMID:15452030 20140604 RGD
1354658 Spl8 Serum phospholipid level QTL 8 qtl RS:0000560 LN/Mav IEA S RGD:1302893|PMID:15452030 20140604 RGD
1354659 Scl68 Serum cholesterol level QTL 68 qtl RS:0000556 LH/Mav IEA S RGD:1302893|PMID:15452030 20140604 RGD
1354659 Scl68 Serum cholesterol level QTL 68 qtl RS:0000560 LN/Mav IEA S RGD:1302893|PMID:15452030 20140604 RGD
1354660 Salc1 Saline consumption QTL 1 qtl RS:0000148 BN/OrlIcoCrlf IEA S RGD:1302889|PMID:15252022 20140604 RGD
1354660 Salc1 Saline consumption QTL 1 qtl RS:0000311 F344/IcoCrlf IEA S RGD:1302889|PMID:15252022 20140604 RGD
1354661 Bw33 Body weight QTL 33 qtl RS:0000556 LH/Mav IEA S RGD:1302893|PMID:15452030 20140604 RGD
1354661 Bw33 Body weight QTL 33 qtl RS:0000560 LN/Mav IEA S RGD:1302893|PMID:15452030 20140604 RGD
1354662 Rf49 Renal function QTL 49 qtl RS:0000556 LH/Mav IEA S RGD:1302893|PMID:15452030 20140604 RGD
1354662 Rf49 Renal function QTL 49 qtl RS:0000560 LN/Mav IEA S RGD:1302893|PMID:15452030 20140604 RGD
1354663 Bvd5 Brain ventricular dilatation QTL 5 qtl RS:0000363 F344/NHsd IEA S RGD:1302890|PMID:15473982 20151128 RGD
1354663 Bvd5 Brain ventricular dilatation QTL 5 qtl RS:0000386 HTX/Hcj IEA S RGD:1302890|PMID:15473982 20151128 RGD
1354664 Slep2 Serum leptin concentration QTL 2 qtl RS:0000284 OLETF IEA S RGD:737686|PMID:14724732 20140604 RGD
1354664 Slep2 Serum leptin concentration QTL 2 qtl RS:0000313 F344/NRrrc IEA S RGD:737686|PMID:14724732 20140604 RGD
1354665 Stl10 Serum triglyceride level QTL 10 qtl RS:0000284 OLETF IEA S RGD:737686|PMID:14724732 20140604 RGD
1354665 Stl10 Serum triglyceride level QTL 10 qtl RS:0000313 F344/NRrrc IEA S RGD:737686|PMID:14724732 20140604 RGD
1354666 Bp244 Blood pressure QTL 244 qtl RS:0000556 LH/Mav IEA S RGD:1302893|PMID:15452030 20140604 RGD
1354666 Bp244 Blood pressure QTL 244 qtl RS:0000560 LN/Mav IEA S RGD:1302893|PMID:15452030 20140604 RGD
1354669 BN/OrlIcoCrlf strain RS:0000148 BN/OrlIcoCrlf IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
1354670 F344/IcoCrlf strain RS:0000311 F344/IcoCrlf IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
1357172 WF.BBDR-(D4Arb29-D4Rat44)/Wor strain RS:0000986 WF.BBDR-(D4Arb29-D4Rat44)/Wor IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
1357173 SS.MNS-(Vamp2-D10M11Mit84)/Mco strain RS:0000907 SS.MNS-(Vamp2-D10M11Mit84)/Mco IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
1357174 BBDR.BBDP-(D4Mit6-D4Mit24)/Rhw strain RS:0000075 BBDR.BBDP-(D4Mit6-D4Mit24)/Rhw IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
1357175 F344.DR-(D4Mit6-D4Mit24)-Tg(Gimap5)Mcwi strain RS:0000278 F344.DR-(D4Mit6-D4Mit24)-Tg(Gimap5)Mcwi IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
1357176 WF.BBDR-(D4Arb29-D4Rat96)/Wor strain RS:0000987 WF.BBDR-(D4Arb29-D4Rat96)/Wor IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
1357177 F344.DR(DP)-(D4Mit6-D4Mit24)/Rhw strain RS:0000277 F344.DR(DP)-(D4Mit6-D4Mit24)/Rhw IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
1357178 CD Cohen diabetic rat strain RS:0000177 CD IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
1357179 SS.WKY-(D2N35-Mme),MNS-(D10Mit11-D10M11Mit119)/Mco strain RS:0000920 SS.WKY-(D2N35-Mme),MNS-(D10Mit11-D10M11Mit119)/Mco IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
1357180 SS.LEW-(D8Chm14-D8Rat16)/Ayd strain RS:0000841 SS.LEW-(D8Chm14-D8Rat16)/Ayd IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
1357181 CDR/Ygl strain RS:0000180 CDR/Ygl IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
1357182 Eker-Tg(Tsc2)28Hin strain RS:0000265 Eker-Tg(Tsc2)28Hin IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
1357183 SS.MNS-(D10Mco10-Aldoc)/Jr strain RS:0000893 SS.MNS-(D10Mco10-Aldoc)/Jr IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
1357184 Crl:ZUC-Leprfa Zucker rats strain RS:0001837 Crl:ZUC-Leprfa IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
1357185 RHA.Gunn-Ugt1a1j/N strain RS:0000666 RHA.Gunn-Ugt1a1j/N IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
1357186 Gunn-Ugt1a1j/BluHsd Gunn rat strain RS:0001319 Gunn-Ugt1a1j/BluHsd IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
1357187 WF.BBDR-(D4Rat16-D4Got39)/Wor strain RS:0000990 WF.BBDR-(D4Rat16-D4Got39)/Wor IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
1357189 SS.LEW-(D8Rat56-D8Rat51)/Ayd strain RS:0000840 SS.LEW-(D8Rat56-D8Rat51)/Ayd IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
1357190 SS.MNS-(Adh1-D2Mit5)/Mco strain RS:0000886 SS.MNS-(Adh1-D2Mit5)/Mco IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
1357191 CDS/Ygl Cohen diabetic-sensitive rat strain RS:0000181 CDS/Ygl IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
1357192 WF.BBDR-(D4Got39-D4Rat44)/Wor strain RS:0000988 WF.BBDR-(D4Got39-D4Rat44)/Wor IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
1357193 WF.BBDR-(D4Got51-D4Rat44)/Wor strain RS:0000989 WF.BBDR-(D4Got51-D4Rat44)/Wor IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
1357194 WF.BBDR-(D4Rat96-D4Rat44)/Wor strain RS:0000991 WF.BBDR-(D4Rat96-D4Rat44)/Wor IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
1357195 SS.MNS-(Aldoc-D10Mco1)/Jr strain RS:0000895 SS.MNS-(Aldoc-D10Mco1)/Jr IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
1357196 WF.BBDR-(D4Arb29-D4Rat265)/Wor strain RS:0000985 WF.BBDR-(D4Arb29-D4Rat265)/Wor IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
1357335 Bw39 Body weight QTL 39 qtl RS:0000067 BB/OK IEA S RGD:69707|PMID:9530522 20140604 RGD
1357335 Bw39 Body weight QTL 39 qtl RS:0000749 SHR/Mol IEA S RGD:69707|PMID:9530522 20140604 RGD
1357336 Gluco6 Glucose level QTL 6 qtl RS:0000170 BXS/Ipcv IEA S RGD:619533|PMID:12016513 20140604 RGD
1357337 Gluco3 Glucose level QTL 3 qtl RS:0000753 SHR/NCruk IEA S RGD:61078|PMID:9171835 20140604 RGD
1357337 Gluco3 Glucose level QTL 3 qtl RS:0001072 WKY/NCruk IEA S RGD:61078|PMID:9171835 20140604 RGD
1357338 Stl17 Serum triglyceride level QTL 17 qtl RS:0000065 WOKW IEA S RGD:1357168|PMID:11374884 20140604 RGD
1357338 Stl17 Serum triglyceride level QTL 17 qtl RS:0000243 DA/K IEA S RGD:1357168|PMID:11374884 20140604 RGD
1357339 Stl14 Serum triglyceride level QTL 14 qtl RS:0000065 WOKW IEA S RGD:1357168|PMID:11374884 20140604 RGD
1357339 Stl14 Serum triglyceride level QTL 14 qtl RS:0000243 DA/K IEA S RGD:1357168|PMID:11374884 20140604 RGD
1357340 Bp250 Blood pressure QTL 250 qtl RS:0000897 SS.MNS-(D10Mit11-Vamp2)/Mco IEA S RGD:619625|PMID:9607182 20140604 RGD
1357341 Gluco5 Glucose level QTL 5 qtl RS:0000753 SHR/NCruk IEA S RGD:61078|PMID:9171835 20191207 RGD
1357341 Gluco5 Glucose level QTL 5 qtl RS:0001072 WKY/NCruk IEA S RGD:61078|PMID:9171835 20191207 RGD
1357342 Bw40 Body weight QTL 40 qtl RS:0000067 BB/OK IEA S RGD:69707|PMID:9530522 20140604 RGD
1357342 Bw40 Body weight QTL 40 qtl RS:0000371 BB.SHR-(D4Mit6-Spr)/K IEA S RGD:69707|PMID:9530522 20140604 RGD
1357343 Gluco4 Glucose level QTL 4 qtl RS:0000753 SHR/NCruk IEA S RGD:61078|PMID:9171835 20140604 RGD
1357343 Gluco4 Glucose level QTL 4 qtl RS:0001072 WKY/NCruk IEA S RGD:61078|PMID:9171835 20140604 RGD
1357344 Bp249 Blood pressure QTL 249 qtl RS:0000892 SS.MNS-(D10M11Mit119-D10Mit11)/Jr IEA S RGD:619626|PMID:9096100 20140604 RGD
1357344 Bp249 Blood pressure QTL 249 qtl RS:0000897 SS.MNS-(D10Mit11-Vamp2)/Mco IEA S RGD:619626|PMID:9096100 20140604 RGD
1357345 DA/K Dark Agouti/Karlsburg strain RS:0000243 DA/K IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
1357346 BB.SHR-(D4Mit6-Spr)/K strain RS:0000371 BB.SHR-(D4Mit6-Spr)/K IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
1357396 Bw44 Body weight QTL 44 qtl RS:0000065 WOKW IEA S RGD:1357168|PMID:11374884 20140604 RGD
1357396 Bw44 Body weight QTL 44 qtl RS:0000243 DA/K IEA S RGD:1357168|PMID:11374884 20140604 RGD
1357397 Bw41 Body weight QTL 41 qtl RS:0000065 WOKW IEA S RGD:1357168|PMID:11374884 20140604 RGD
1357397 Bw41 Body weight QTL 41 qtl RS:0000243 DA/K IEA S RGD:1357168|PMID:11374884 20140604 RGD
1357398 Slep3 Serum leptin concentration QTL 3 qtl RS:0000065 WOKW IEA S RGD:1357168|PMID:11374884 20140604 RGD
1357398 Slep3 Serum leptin concentration QTL 3 qtl RS:0000243 DA/K IEA S RGD:1357168|PMID:11374884 20140604 RGD
1357399 Bw45 Body weight QTL 45 qtl RS:0000065 WOKW IEA S RGD:1357168|PMID:11374884 20140604 RGD
1357399 Bw45 Body weight QTL 45 qtl RS:0000243 DA/K IEA S RGD:1357168|PMID:11374884 20140604 RGD
1357400 Bw62 Body weight QTL62 qtl RS:0000065 WOKW IEA S RGD:1357168|PMID:11374884 20140604 RGD
1357400 Bw62 Body weight QTL62 qtl RS:0000243 DA/K IEA S RGD:1357168|PMID:11374884 20140604 RGD
1357401 Bw43 Body weight QTL 43 qtl RS:0000065 WOKW IEA S RGD:1357168|PMID:11374884 20140604 RGD
1357401 Bw43 Body weight QTL 43 qtl RS:0000243 DA/K IEA S RGD:1357168|PMID:11374884 20140604 RGD
1357402 Bw46 Body weight QTL 46 qtl RS:0000065 WOKW IEA S RGD:1357168|PMID:11374884 20140604 RGD
1357402 Bw46 Body weight QTL 46 qtl RS:0000243 DA/K IEA S RGD:1357168|PMID:11374884 20140604 RGD
1357403 Slep4 Serum leptin concentration QTL 4 qtl RS:0000065 WOKW IEA S RGD:1357168|PMID:11374884 20140604 RGD
1357403 Slep4 Serum leptin concentration QTL 4 qtl RS:0000243 DA/K IEA S RGD:1357168|PMID:11374884 20140604 RGD
1357404 Bw42 Body weight QTL 42 qtl RS:0000065 WOKW IEA S RGD:1357168|PMID:11374884 20140604 RGD
1357404 Bw42 Body weight QTL 42 qtl RS:0000243 DA/K IEA S RGD:1357168|PMID:11374884 20140604 RGD
1357417 SD-Tg(Npy)400Mcwi strain RS:0000684 SD-Tg(Npy)400Mcwi IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
1357953 WAG/RijHfr strain RS:0000970 WAG/RijHfr IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
1357954 F344/NHfr strain RS:0000314 F344/NHfr IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
1357955 WF/NHfr Wistar-Furth strain RS:0001008 WF/NHfr IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
1357957 LEW/HanHfr strain RS:0001362 LEW/HanHfr IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
1357958 BN/RijHfr strain RS:0000150 BN/RijHfr IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
1357959 FHH.BN-(D1Hmgc14-D1Hmgc15)/Mcwi strain RS:0000341 FHH.BN-(D1Hmgc14-D1Hmgc15)/Mcwi IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
1357960 LE/CpbHfr strain RS:0000437 LE/CpbHfr IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
1357974 BB.SHR-(D4Got41-Gimap5)/K strain RS:0000062 BB.SHR-(D4Got41-Gimap5)/K IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
1357975 SS.LEW-(D1Mco4-D1Rat18)/Mco strain RS:0000866 SS.LEW-(D1Mco4-D1Rat18)/Mco IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
1357976 BB.SHR-(D4Got41-D4Rat171)/K strain RS:0000080 BB.SHR-(D4Got41-D4Rat171)/K IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
1357977 SS.LEW-(D1Mco8-D1Rat213)/Mco strain RS:0000868 SS.LEW-(D1Mco8-D1Rat213)/Mco IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
1357978 SS.MNS-(D2Mit6-D2Rat303)/Ayd strain RS:0000903 SS.MNS-(D2Mit6-D2Rat303)/Ayd IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
1357979 SS.MNS-(Mme-D2Rat131)/Ayd strain RS:0000906 SS.MNS-(Mme-D2Rat131)/Ayd IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
1357980 BB.SHR-(D4Got41-Tacr1)/K strain RS:0000063 BB.SHR-(D4Got41-Tacr1)/K IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
1357981 SS.LEW-(D3Mco21-D3Rat17)/Ayd strain RS:0000880 SS.LEW-(D3Mco21-D3Rat17)/Ayd IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
1357982 SS.LEW-(D3Rat52-D3Chm63)/Ayd strain RS:0000881 SS.LEW-(D3Rat52-D3Chm63)/Ayd IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
1357983 SS.LEW-(D1Mco75-D1Rat18)/Mco strain RS:0000867 SS.LEW-(D1Mco75-D1Rat18)/Mco IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
1357984 SS.MNS-(D2Mit6-D2Rat166)/Ayd strain RS:0000901 SS.MNS-(D2Mit6-D2Rat166)/Ayd IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
1357985 LOU/Ins strain RS:0000565 LOU/Ins IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
1357986 SS.LEW-(D1Uia8-D1Rat211)/Mco strain RS:0000875 SS.LEW-(D1Uia8-D1Rat211)/Mco IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
1357987 SS.LEW-(D1Uia8-D1Rat18)/Mco strain RS:0000865 SS.LEW-(D1Uia8-D1Rat18)/Mco IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
1357988 SS.LEW-(D3Rat52-D3Rat17)/Ayd strain RS:0000878 SS.LEW-(D3Rat52-D3Rat17)/Ayd IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
1357994 SHR/NCrl strain RS:0000730 SHR/NCrl IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
1358112 WKY/NCrl strain RS:0000731 WKY/NCrl IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
1358114 SS-Chr 5BN/Mcwi strain RS:0000805 SS-Chr 5BN/Mcwi IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
1358150 SS.LEW-(D16Rat12-D16Chm23)/Ayd strain RS:0000859 SS.LEW-(D16Rat12-D16Chm23)/Ayd IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
1358151 FHH-Chr 8BN/Mcwi strain RS:0000337 FHH-Chr 8BN/Mcwi IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
1358152 SS-Chr 14BN/Mcwi strain RS:0000795 SS-Chr 14BN/Mcwi IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
1358153 COP/CrCrl strain RS:0000185 COP/CrCrl IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
1358154 SS-Chr 3BN/Mcwi strain RS:0000803 SS-Chr 3BN/Mcwi IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
1358155 SS.LEW-(D10Rat119-D10Mgh1)(D16Rat21-D16Rat112)/Ayd strain RS:0000847 SS.LEW-(D10Rat119-D10Mgh1)(D16Rat21-D16Rat112)/Ayd IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
1358156 SS.MNS-(D2Rat183-D2Chm113)/Ayd strain RS:0000904 SS.MNS-(D2Rat183-D2Chm113)/Ayd IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
1358157 FHH-Chr 7BN/Mcwi strain RS:0000336 FHH-Chr 7BN/Mcwi IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
1358158 FHH-Chr 16BN/Mcwi strain RS:0000325 FHH-Chr 16BN/Mcwi IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
1358159 FHH-Chr 6BN/Mcwi strain RS:0000335 FHH-Chr 6BN/Mcwi IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
1358160 SS.BN-(D8Rat163-D8Rat81)/Mcwi strain RS:0000815 SS.BN-(D8Rat163-D8Rat81)/Mcwi IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
1358161 SS.LEW-(D16Rat38-D16Chm66)/Ayd strain RS:0000860 SS.LEW-(D16Rat38-D16Chm66)/Ayd IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
1358162 SS-Chr 12BN/Mcwi strain RS:0000793 SS-Chr 12BN/Mcwi IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
1358163 SS-Chr 15BN/Mcwi strain RS:0000796 SS-Chr 15BN/Mcwi IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
1358164 FHH-Chr 17BN/Mcwi strain RS:0000326 FHH-Chr 17BN/Mcwi IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
1358165 SS.MNS-(D2Chm51-D2Rat341)/Ayd strain RS:0000902 SS.MNS-(D2Chm51-D2Rat341)/Ayd IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
1358166 SS.LEW-(D16Mit3-D16Rat112)/Ayd strain RS:0000858 SS.LEW-(D16Mit3-D16Rat112)/Ayd IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
1358167 SS.MNS-(D2Wox27-Adh1)/Ayd strain RS:0000905 SS.MNS-(D2Wox27-Adh1)/Ayd IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
1358168 SS.LEW-(D16Mit2-D16Chm23)/Ayd strain RS:0000857 SS.LEW-(D16Mit2-D16Chm23)/Ayd IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
1358169 SS.MNS-(D2Chm25-D2Rat131)/Ayd strain RS:0000899 SS.MNS-(D2Chm25-D2Rat131)/Ayd IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
1358170 FHH-Chr 5BN/Mcwi strain RS:0000334 FHH-Chr 5BN/Mcwi IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
1358171 SS-Chr 17BN/Mcwi strain RS:0000798 SS-Chr 17BN/Mcwi IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
1358172 SS.MNS-(D2Chm25-Fgg)/Ayd strain RS:0000900 SS.MNS-(D2Chm25-Fgg)/Ayd IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
1358173 FHH-Chr 11BN/Mcwi strain RS:0000320 FHH-Chr 11BN/Mcwi IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
1358174 SS-Chr 19BN/Mcwi strain RS:0000800 SS-Chr 19BN/Mcwi IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
1358175 FHH-Chr 20BN/Mcwi strain RS:0000330 FHH-Chr 20BN/Mcwi IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
1358176 FHH-Chr 18BN/Mcwi strain RS:0000327 FHH-Chr 18BN/Mcwi IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
1358177 SS.MNS-(D2Chm25-D2Mit14)/Ayd strain RS:0000898 SS.MNS-(D2Chm25-D2Mit14)/Ayd IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
1358178 SS-Chr 10BN/Mcwi strain RS:0000790 SS-Chr 10BN/Mcwi IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
1358179 FHH-Chr 13BN/Mcwi strain RS:0000322 FHH-Chr 13BN/Mcwi IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
1358180 FHH-Chr 19BN/Mcwi strain RS:0000328 FHH-Chr 19BN/Mcwi IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
1358185 Ept6 Estrogen-induced pituitary tumorigenesis QTL 6 qtl RS:0000032 ACI/SegHsd IEA S RGD:1334449|PMID:15687265 20140604 RGD
1358185 Ept6 Estrogen-induced pituitary tumorigenesis QTL 6 qtl RS:0000185 COP/CrCrl IEA S RGD:1334449|PMID:15687265 20140604 RGD
1358186 Ept2 Estrogen-induced pituitary tumorigenesis QTL 2 qtl RS:0000032 ACI/SegHsd IEA S RGD:1334449|PMID:15687265 20140604 RGD
1358186 Ept2 Estrogen-induced pituitary tumorigenesis QTL 2 qtl RS:0000185 COP/CrCrl IEA S RGD:1334449|PMID:15687265 20140604 RGD
1358187 Emca1 Estrogen-induced mammary cancer QTL 1 qtl RS:0000032 ACI/SegHsd IEA S RGD:1358124|PMID:15611180 20140604 RGD
1358187 Emca1 Estrogen-induced mammary cancer QTL 1 qtl RS:0000185 COP/CrCrl IEA S RGD:1358124|PMID:15611180 20140604 RGD
1358188 Ept9 Estrogen-induced pituitary tumorigenesis QTL 9 qtl RS:0000032 ACI/SegHsd IEA S RGD:1334449|PMID:15687265 20140604 RGD
1358188 Ept9 Estrogen-induced pituitary tumorigenesis QTL 9 qtl RS:0000185 COP/CrCrl IEA S RGD:1334449|PMID:15687265 20140604 RGD
1358189 Cstrr1 Cold stress response QTL 1 qtl RS:0001054 WKY.SHRSP-(D1Wox29-D1Arb21)/Izm IEA S RGD:1302892|PMID:15480093 20140604 RGD
1358190 Ept1 Estrogen-induced pituitary tumorigenesis QTL 1 qtl RS:0000032 ACI/SegHsd IEA S RGD:1334449|PMID:15687265 20140604 RGD
1358190 Ept1 Estrogen-induced pituitary tumorigenesis QTL 1 qtl RS:0000185 COP/CrCrl IEA S RGD:1334449|PMID:15687265 20140604 RGD
1358191 Ept10 Estrogen-induced pituitary tumorigenesis QTL 10 qtl RS:0000032 ACI/SegHsd IEA S RGD:1334449|PMID:15687265 20140604 RGD
1358191 Ept10 Estrogen-induced pituitary tumorigenesis QTL 10 qtl RS:0000185 COP/CrCrl IEA S RGD:1334449|PMID:15687265 20140604 RGD
1358192 Ept13 Estrogen-induced pituitary tumorigenesis QTL 13 qtl RS:0000032 ACI/SegHsd IEA S RGD:1334449|PMID:15687265 20140604 RGD
1358192 Ept13 Estrogen-induced pituitary tumorigenesis QTL 13 qtl RS:0000185 COP/CrCrl IEA S RGD:1334449|PMID:15687265 20140604 RGD
1358193 Emca2 Estrogen-induced mammary cancer QTL 2 qtl RS:0000032 ACI/SegHsd IEA S RGD:1358124|PMID:15611180 20140604 RGD
1358193 Emca2 Estrogen-induced mammary cancer QTL 2 qtl RS:0000185 COP/CrCrl IEA S RGD:1358124|PMID:15611180 20140604 RGD
1358200 Insglur2 Insulin/glucose ratio QTL 2 qtl RS:0000170 BXS/Ipcv IEA S RGD:619533|PMID:12016513 20140604 RGD
1358201 Gluco12 Glucose level QTL12 qtl RS:0000746 SHR/Izm IEA S RGD:1357415|PMID:15752738 20140604 RGD
1358201 Gluco12 Glucose level QTL12 qtl RS:0000771 WKY/Izm IEA S RGD:1357415|PMID:15752738 20140604 RGD
1358202 Gluco11 Glucose level QTL 11 qtl RS:0000746 SHR/Izm IEA S RGD:1357415|PMID:15752738 20140604 RGD
1358202 Gluco11 Glucose level QTL 11 qtl RS:0000771 WKY/Izm IEA S RGD:1357415|PMID:15752738 20140604 RGD
1358203 Stl19 Serum triglyceride level QTL 19 qtl RS:0000746 SHR/Izm IEA S RGD:1357415|PMID:15752738 20140604 RGD
1358203 Stl19 Serum triglyceride level QTL 19 qtl RS:0000771 WKY/Izm IEA S RGD:1357415|PMID:15752738 20140604 RGD
1358204 Insglur1 Insulin/glucose ratio QTL 1 qtl RS:0000170 BXS/Ipcv IEA S RGD:619533|PMID:12016513 20140604 RGD
1358258 RCS/LavRrrc royal college of surgeons rat strain RS:0000660 RCS/LavRrrc IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
1358259 RCS-p+/LavRrrc strain RS:0000655 RCS-p+/LavRrrc IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
1358277 RCS-rdy+/LavRrrc strain RS:0000654 RCS-rdy+/LavRrrc IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
1358278 RCS-rdy+p+/LavRrrc strain RS:0000656 RCS-rdy+ p+/LavRrrc IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
1358292 Cm37 Cardiac mass QTL 37 qtl RS:0000113 BN IEA S RGD:1334448|PMID:15668357 20140604 RGD
1358292 Cm37 Cardiac mass QTL 37 qtl RS:0000565 LOU/Ins IEA S RGD:1334448|PMID:15668357 20140604 RGD
1358293 Bw38 Body weight QTL 38 qtl RS:0000113 BN IEA S RGD:1334448|PMID:15668357 20140604 RGD
1358293 Bw38 Body weight QTL 38 qtl RS:0000565 LOU/Ins IEA S RGD:1334448|PMID:15668357 20140604 RGD
1358294 Bw37 Body weight QTL 37 qtl RS:0000113 BN IEA S RGD:1334448|PMID:15668357 20140604 RGD
1358294 Bw37 Body weight QTL 37 qtl RS:0000565 LOU/Ins IEA S RGD:1334448|PMID:15668357 20140604 RGD
1358298 SD-Tg(Rho*P23H)1LavRrrc strain RS:0000685 SD-Tg(Rho*P23H)1LavRrrc IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
1358299 SD-Tg(Rho*P23H)2Lav strain RS:0000686 SD-Tg(Rho*P23H)2Lav IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
1358300 SD-Tg(Rho*P23H)3Lav strain RS:0000688 SD-Tg(Rho*P23H)3Lav IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
1358302 SD-Tg(Rho*S334X)3Lav strain RS:0000689 SD-Tg(Rho*S334X)3Lav IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
1358303 SD-Tg(Rho*S334X)4Lav strain RS:0000690 SD-Tg(Rho*S334X)4Lav IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
1358304 SD-Tg(Rho*S334X)5Lav strain RS:0000691 SD-Tg(Rho*S334X)5Lav IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
1358305 SD-Tg(Rho*S334X)7Lav strain RS:0000692 SD-Tg(Rho*S334X)7Lav IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
1358306 SD-Tg(Rho*S334X)9Lav strain RS:0000693 SD-Tg(Rho*S334X)9Lav IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
1358352 Srcrt3 Stress Responsive Cort QTL 3 qtl RS:0000363 F344/NHsd IEA S RGD:1598980|PMID:16895972 20140604 RGD
1358352 Srcrt3 Stress Responsive Cort QTL 3 qtl RS:0000916 WKY/NHsd IEA S RGD:1598980|PMID:16895972 20140604 RGD
1358353 Srcrtb2 Stress Responsive Cort Basal QTL 2 qtl RS:0000363 F344/NHsd IEA S RGD:1598980|PMID:16895972 20140604 RGD
1358353 Srcrtb2 Stress Responsive Cort Basal QTL 2 qtl RS:0000916 WKY/NHsd IEA S RGD:1598980|PMID:16895972 20140604 RGD
1358354 Srcrt5 Stress Responsive Cort QTL 5 qtl RS:0000363 F344/NHsd IEA S RGD:1598980|PMID:16895972 20140604 RGD
1358354 Srcrt5 Stress Responsive Cort QTL 5 qtl RS:0000916 WKY/NHsd IEA S RGD:1598980|PMID:16895972 20140604 RGD
1358355 Srcrt4 Stress Responsive Cort QTL 4 qtl RS:0000363 F344/NHsd IEA S RGD:1598980|PMID:16895972 20140604 RGD
1358355 Srcrt4 Stress Responsive Cort QTL 4 qtl RS:0000916 WKY/NHsd IEA S RGD:1598980|PMID:16895972 20140604 RGD
1358356 Srcrt1 Stress Responsive Cort QTL1 qtl RS:0000363 F344/NHsd IEA S RGD:1598980|PMID:16895972 20140604 RGD
1358356 Srcrt1 Stress Responsive Cort QTL1 qtl RS:0000916 WKY/NHsd IEA S RGD:1598980|PMID:16895972 20140604 RGD
1358357 Srcrtb1 Stress Responsive Cort Basal QTL 1 qtl RS:0000363 F344/NHsd IEA S RGD:1598980|PMID:16895972 20140604 RGD
1358357 Srcrtb1 Stress Responsive Cort Basal QTL 1 qtl RS:0000916 WKY/NHsd IEA S RGD:1598980|PMID:16895972 20140604 RGD
1358358 Sradr6 Stress Responsive Adrenal Weight QTL 6 qtl RS:0000363 F344/NHsd IEA S RGD:1598980|PMID:16895972 20140604 RGD
1358358 Sradr6 Stress Responsive Adrenal Weight QTL 6 qtl RS:0000916 WKY/NHsd IEA S RGD:1598980|PMID:16895972 20140604 RGD
1358359 Sradr1 Stress Responsive Adrenal Weight QTL 1 qtl RS:0000363 F344/NHsd IEA S RGD:1598980|PMID:16895972 20140604 RGD
1358359 Sradr1 Stress Responsive Adrenal Weight QTL 1 qtl RS:0000916 WKY/NHsd IEA S RGD:1598980|PMID:16895972 20140604 RGD
1358360 Sradr2 Stress Responsive Adrenal Weight QTL 2 qtl RS:0000363 F344/NHsd IEA S RGD:1598980|PMID:16895972 20140604 RGD
1358360 Sradr2 Stress Responsive Adrenal Weight QTL 2 qtl RS:0000916 WKY/NHsd IEA S RGD:1598980|PMID:16895972 20140604 RGD
1358361 Sradr5 Stress Responsive Adrenal Weight QTL 5 qtl RS:0000363 F344/NHsd IEA S RGD:1598980|PMID:16895972 20140604 RGD
1358361 Sradr5 Stress Responsive Adrenal Weight QTL 5 qtl RS:0000916 WKY/NHsd IEA S RGD:1598980|PMID:16895972 20140604 RGD
1358362 Srcrt2 Stress Responsive Cort QTL 2 qtl RS:0000363 F344/NHsd IEA S RGD:1598980|PMID:16895972 20140604 RGD
1358362 Srcrt2 Stress Responsive Cort QTL 2 qtl RS:0000916 WKY/NHsd IEA S RGD:1598980|PMID:16895972 20140604 RGD
1358363 Sradr3 Stress Responsive Adrenal Weight QTL 3 qtl RS:0000363 F344/NHsd IEA S RGD:1598980|PMID:16895972 20140604 RGD
1358363 Sradr3 Stress Responsive Adrenal Weight QTL 3 qtl RS:0000916 WKY/NHsd IEA S RGD:1598980|PMID:16895972 20140604 RGD
1358364 Sradr4 Stress Responsive Adrenal Weight QTL 4 qtl RS:0000363 F344/NHsd IEA S RGD:1598980|PMID:16895972 20140604 RGD
1358364 Sradr4 Stress Responsive Adrenal Weight QTL 4 qtl RS:0000916 WKY/NHsd IEA S RGD:1598980|PMID:16895972 20140604 RGD
1358632 MR/Har Maudsely reactive strain RS:0000588 MR/Har IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
1358633 MNRA/Har strain RS:0000585 MNRA/Har IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
1358885 Bp251 Blood pressure QTL 251 qtl RS:0000121 LEW IEA S RGD:1303389|PMID:12545249 20140604 RGD
1358885 Bp251 Blood pressure QTL 251 qtl RS:0000397 HTG IEA S RGD:1303389|PMID:12545249 20140604 RGD
1358886 Bp260 Blood pressure QTL 260 qtl RS:0000121 LEW IEA S RGD:1303386|PMID:14640890 20140604 RGD
1358886 Bp260 Blood pressure QTL 260 qtl RS:0000397 HTG IEA S RGD:1303386|PMID:14640890 20140604 RGD
1358887 Bw50 Body weight QTL 50 qtl RS:0000121 LEW IEA S RGD:1303386|PMID:14640890 20140604 RGD
1358887 Bw50 Body weight QTL 50 qtl RS:0000397 HTG IEA S RGD:1303386|PMID:14640890 20140604 RGD
1358888 Bp264 Blood pressure QTL 264 qtl RS:0000121 LEW IEA S RGD:1303386|PMID:14640890 20140604 RGD
1358888 Bp264 Blood pressure QTL 264 qtl RS:0000397 HTG IEA S RGD:1303386|PMID:14640890 20140604 RGD
1358889 Bp261 Blood pressure QTL 261 qtl RS:0000121 LEW IEA S RGD:1303386|PMID:14640890 20140604 RGD
1358889 Bp261 Blood pressure QTL 261 qtl RS:0000397 HTG IEA S RGD:1303386|PMID:14640890 20140604 RGD
1358890 Bp259 Blood pressure QTL 259 qtl RS:0000121 LEW IEA S RGD:1303386|PMID:14640890 20140604 RGD
1358890 Bp259 Blood pressure QTL 259 qtl RS:0000397 HTG IEA S RGD:1303386|PMID:14640890 20140604 RGD
1358891 Bp265 Blood pressure QTL 265 qtl RS:0000121 LEW IEA S RGD:1303386|PMID:14640890 20140604 RGD
1358891 Bp265 Blood pressure QTL 265 qtl RS:0000397 HTG IEA S RGD:1303386|PMID:14640890 20140604 RGD
1358892 Kidm26 Kidney mass QTL 26 qtl RS:0000121 LEW IEA S RGD:1303386|PMID:14640890 20140604 RGD
1358892 Kidm26 Kidney mass QTL 26 qtl RS:0000397 HTG IEA S RGD:1303386|PMID:14640890 20140604 RGD
1358893 Bp263 Blood pressure QTL 263 qtl RS:0000121 LEW IEA S RGD:1303386|PMID:14640890 20140604 RGD
1358893 Bp263 Blood pressure QTL 263 qtl RS:0000397 HTG IEA S RGD:1303386|PMID:14640890 20140604 RGD
1358894 Kidm24 Kidney mass QTL 24 qtl RS:0000121 LEW IEA S RGD:1303386|PMID:14640890 20140604 RGD
1358894 Kidm24 Kidney mass QTL 24 qtl RS:0000397 HTG IEA S RGD:1303386|PMID:14640890 20140604 RGD
1358895 Bp254 Blood pressure QTL 254 qtl RS:0000121 LEW IEA S RGD:1303389|PMID:12545249 20140604 RGD
1358895 Bp254 Blood pressure QTL 254 qtl RS:0000397 HTG IEA S RGD:1303389|PMID:12545249 20140604 RGD
1358896 Bp262 Blood pressure QTL 262 qtl RS:0000121 LEW IEA S RGD:1303386|PMID:14640890 20140604 RGD
1358896 Bp262 Blood pressure QTL 262 qtl RS:0000397 HTG IEA S RGD:1303386|PMID:14640890 20140604 RGD
1358897 Stresp6 Stress response QTL 6 qtl RS:0000148 BN/OrlIcoCrlf IEA S RGD:1332590|PMID:15547139 20140604 RGD
1358897 Stresp6 Stress response QTL 6 qtl RS:0000397 HTG IEA S RGD:1332590|PMID:15547139 20140604 RGD
1358898 Bp255 Blood pressure QTL 255 qtl RS:0000121 LEW IEA S RGD:1303389|PMID:12545249 20140604 RGD
1358898 Bp255 Blood pressure QTL 255 qtl RS:0000397 HTG IEA S RGD:1303389|PMID:12545249 20140604 RGD
1358899 Kidm23 Kidney mass QTL 23 qtl RS:0000121 LEW IEA S RGD:1303386|PMID:14640890 20140604 RGD
1358899 Kidm23 Kidney mass QTL 23 qtl RS:0000397 HTG IEA S RGD:1303386|PMID:14640890 20140604 RGD
1358900 Bw48 Body weight QTL 48 qtl RS:0000121 LEW IEA S RGD:1303386|PMID:14640890 20140604 RGD
1358900 Bw48 Body weight QTL 48 qtl RS:0000397 HTG IEA S RGD:1303386|PMID:14640890 20140604 RGD
1358901 Cm38 Cardiac mass QTL 38 qtl RS:0000121 LEW IEA S RGD:1303386|PMID:14640890 20140604 RGD
1358901 Cm38 Cardiac mass QTL 38 qtl RS:0000397 HTG IEA S RGD:1303386|PMID:14640890 20140604 RGD
1358902 Bw47 Body weight QTL 47 qtl RS:0000121 LEW IEA S RGD:1303386|PMID:14640890 20140604 RGD
1358902 Bw47 Body weight QTL 47 qtl RS:0000397 HTG IEA S RGD:1303386|PMID:14640890 20140604 RGD
1358903 Bp252 Blood pressure QTL 252 qtl RS:0000121 LEW IEA S RGD:1303389|PMID:12545249 20140604 RGD
1358903 Bp252 Blood pressure QTL 252 qtl RS:0000397 HTG IEA S RGD:1303389|PMID:12545249 20140604 RGD
1358904 Cm39 Cardiac mass QTL 39 qtl RS:0000121 LEW IEA S RGD:1303386|PMID:14640890 20140604 RGD
1358904 Cm39 Cardiac mass QTL 39 qtl RS:0000397 HTG IEA S RGD:1303386|PMID:14640890 20140604 RGD
1358905 Hrtrt17 Heart rate QTL 17 qtl RS:0000742 WKY IEA S RGD:1358133|PMID:9286932 20140604 RGD
1358905 Hrtrt17 Heart rate QTL 17 qtl RS:0000759 SHRSP IEA S RGD:1358133|PMID:9286932 20140604 RGD
1358906 Bp253 Blood pressure QTL 253 qtl RS:0000121 LEW IEA S RGD:1303389|PMID:12545249 20140604 RGD
1358906 Bp253 Blood pressure QTL 253 qtl RS:0000397 HTG IEA S RGD:1303389|PMID:12545249 20140604 RGD
1358907 Cm40 Cardiac mass QTL 40 qtl RS:0000121 LEW IEA S RGD:1303386|PMID:14640890 20140604 RGD
1358907 Cm40 Cardiac mass QTL 40 qtl RS:0000397 HTG IEA S RGD:1303386|PMID:14640890 20140604 RGD
1358908 Bw49 Body weight QTL 49 qtl RS:0000121 LEW IEA S RGD:1303386|PMID:14640890 20140604 RGD
1358908 Bw49 Body weight QTL 49 qtl RS:0000397 HTG IEA S RGD:1303386|PMID:14640890 20140604 RGD
1358909 Kidm25 Kidney mass QTL 25 qtl RS:0000121 LEW IEA S RGD:1303386|PMID:14640890 20140604 RGD
1358909 Kidm25 Kidney mass QTL 25 qtl RS:0000397 HTG IEA S RGD:1303386|PMID:14640890 20140604 RGD
1358910 Kidm27 Kidney mass QTL 27 qtl RS:0000121 LEW IEA S RGD:1303386|PMID:14640890 20140604 RGD
1358910 Kidm27 Kidney mass QTL 27 qtl RS:0000397 HTG IEA S RGD:1303386|PMID:14640890 20140604 RGD
1358911 Kidm28 Kidney mass QTL 28 qtl RS:0000121 LEW IEA S RGD:1303386|PMID:14640890 20140604 RGD
1358911 Kidm28 Kidney mass QTL 28 qtl RS:0000397 HTG IEA S RGD:1303386|PMID:14640890 20140604 RGD
1358912 Bw51 Body weight QTL 51 qtl RS:0000121 LEW IEA S RGD:1303386|PMID:14640890 20140604 RGD
1358912 Bw51 Body weight QTL 51 qtl RS:0000397 HTG IEA S RGD:1303386|PMID:14640890 20140604 RGD
1358913 Cm41 Cardiac mass QTL 41 qtl RS:0000121 LEW IEA S RGD:1303386|PMID:14640890 20140604 RGD
1358913 Cm41 Cardiac mass QTL 41 qtl RS:0000397 HTG IEA S RGD:1303386|PMID:14640890 20140604 RGD
1358914 Bp266 Blood pressure QTL 266 qtl RS:0000121 LEW IEA S RGD:1303386|PMID:14640890 20140604 RGD
1358914 Bp266 Blood pressure QTL 266 qtl RS:0000397 HTG IEA S RGD:1303386|PMID:14640890 20140604 RGD
1358915 Stresp7 Stress response QTL 7 qtl RS:0000148 BN/OrlIcoCrlf IEA S RGD:1332590|PMID:15547139 20140604 RGD
1358915 Stresp7 Stress response QTL 7 qtl RS:0000397 HTG IEA S RGD:1332590|PMID:15547139 20140604 RGD
1358916 Kidm22 Kidney mass QTL 22 qtl RS:0000121 LEW IEA S RGD:1303386|PMID:14640890 20140604 RGD
1358916 Kidm22 Kidney mass QTL 22 qtl RS:0000397 HTG IEA S RGD:1303386|PMID:14640890 20140604 RGD
1358917 Cm42 Cardiac mass QTL 42 qtl RS:0000121 LEW IEA S RGD:1303386|PMID:14640890 20140604 RGD
1358917 Cm42 Cardiac mass QTL 42 qtl RS:0000397 HTG IEA S RGD:1303386|PMID:14640890 20140604 RGD
1358918 W-Plp1md/Nya W-Plp1md strain RS:0000957 W-Plpmd/Nya IEA S RGD:7241799 20200516 RGD
1358919 F344/Seac strain RS:0000427 F344/Seac IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
1358921 WF.DA-(D19Mit1-D19Mit6)/Kop strain RS:0000999 WF.DA-(D19Mit1-D19Mit6)/Kop IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
1358922 BB.WOKW-(D4Got41-Fabp1)/K strain RS:0000066 BB.WOKW-(D4Got41-Fabp1)/K IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
1358923 LE-Mbpmd strain RS:0000426 LE-Mbpmd IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
1358989 WKY.SHR-(D2Rat174-D2Rat28)(D2Rat161-D2Rat185) strain RS:0001034 WKY.SHR-(D2Rat174-D2Rat28)(D2Rat161-D2Rat185) IEA S RGD:7241799 20200516 RGD
1358990 DA.F344-(D10Mit9-D10Rat24)/Nsi strain RS:0000219 DA.F344-(D10Mit9-D10Rat24)/Nsi IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
1358991 F344.HTX-(D11Rat4-D11Arb4)/Hcj strain RS:0000304 F344.HTX-(D11Rat4-D11Arb4)/Hcj IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
1358992 SHR.WKY-(D2Rat40-D2Rat50) strain RS:0000736 SHR.WKY-(D2Rat40-D2Rat50) IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
1358993 WKY.SHR-(D2Rat161-D2Rat185) strain RS:0001028 WKY.SHR-(D2Rat161-D2Rat185) IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
1358994 SHR.WKY-(D2Rat161-D2Rat241) strain RS:0000735 SHR.WKY-(D2Rat161-D2Rat241) IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
1358995 F344.OLETF-(D1Rat166-D1Rat90)/Tj strain RS:0000292 F344.OLETF-(D1Rat166-D1Rat90)/Tj IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
1358996 SHR.WKY-(D2Rat10-D2Mgh13) strain RS:0000733 SHR.WKY-(D2Rat10-D2Mgh13) IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
1358997 WKY.SHR-(D2Rat241-D2Rat185) strain RS:0001031 WKY.SHR-(D2Rat241-D2Rat185) IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
1358998 BUF/NHsd strain RS:0000167 BUF/NHsd IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
1358999 WKY.SHR-(D2Rat174-D2Rat28) strain RS:0001029 WKY.SHR-(D2Rat174-D2Rat28) IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
1359000 DA.F344-(D10Arb27-D10Rat6)/Nsi strain RS:0000217 DA.F344-(D10Arb27-D10Rat6)/Nsi IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
1359001 WKY.SHR-(D2Rat42-D2Rat139) strain RS:0001033 WKY.SHR-(D2Rat42-D2Rat139) IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
1359002 NTac:WKY strain RS:0001077 NTac:WKY IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
1359003 LEW/Jr strain RS:0000516 LEW/Jr IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
1359004 DA.F344-(D10Mit9-D10Rat11)/Nsi strain RS:0000218 DA.F344-(D10Mit9-D10Rat11)/Nsi IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
1359005 SHR.WKY-(D2Rat15-D2Rat50) strain RS:0000734 SHR.WKY-(D2Rat15-D2Rat50) IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
1359006 WKY.SHR-(D2Rat27-D2Rat243) strain RS:0001032 WKY.SHR-(D2Rat27-D2Rat243) IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
1359007 WKY.SHR-(D2Rat174-D2Rat62) strain RS:0001030 WKY.SHR-(D2Rat174-D2Rat62) IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
1359008 F344.HTX-(D11Rat4-D11Arb4)(D17Rat23-D17Rat154)/Hcj strain RS:0000300 F344.HTX-(D11Rat4-D11Arb4)(D17Rat23-D17Rat154)/Hcj IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
1359009 WKY.SHR-(D2Rat174-D2Rat185) strain RS:0001027 WKY.SHR-(D2Rat174-D2Rat185) IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
1359010 WF.BBDR-ART2a/Wor Wistar Furth strain RS:0000992 WF.BBDR-ART2a/Wor IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
1359017 Hrtrt21 Heart rate QTL 21 qtl RS:0000169 BXH/Ipcv IEA S RGD:625381|PMID:11882571 20140604 RGD
1359017 Hrtrt21 Heart rate QTL 21 qtl RS:0000401 HXB/Ipcv IEA S RGD:625381|PMID:11882571 20140604 RGD
1359018 Hrtrt20 Heart rate QTL 20 qtl RS:0000169 BXH/Ipcv IEA S RGD:625381|PMID:11882571 20140604 RGD
1359018 Hrtrt20 Heart rate QTL 20 qtl RS:0000401 HXB/Ipcv IEA S RGD:625381|PMID:11882571 20140604 RGD
1359019 Hrtrt19 Heart rate QTL 19 qtl RS:0000169 BXH/Ipcv IEA S RGD:625381|PMID:11882571 20140604 RGD
1359019 Hrtrt19 Heart rate QTL 19 qtl RS:0000401 HXB/Ipcv IEA S RGD:625381|PMID:11882571 20140604 RGD
1359020 Ppulsi2 Prepulse inhibition QTL 2 qtl RS:0000155 BN/SsNHsd IEA S RGD:629579|PMID:12426667 20140604 RGD
1359020 Ppulsi2 Prepulse inhibition QTL 2 qtl RS:0000731 WKY/NCrl IEA S RGD:629579|PMID:12426667 20140604 RGD
1359021 Bp271 Blood pressure QTL 271 qtl RS:0000169 BXH/Ipcv IEA S RGD:625381|PMID:11882571 20140604 RGD
1359021 Bp271 Blood pressure QTL 271 qtl RS:0000401 HXB/Ipcv IEA S RGD:625381|PMID:11882571 20140604 RGD
1359022 Ppulsi1 Prepulse inhibition QTL 1 qtl RS:0000155 BN/SsNHsd IEA S RGD:629579|PMID:12426667 20140604 RGD
1359022 Ppulsi1 Prepulse inhibition QTL 1 qtl RS:0000731 WKY/NCrl IEA S RGD:629579|PMID:12426667 20140604 RGD
1359023 Bp272 Blood pressure QTL 272 qtl RS:0000169 BXH/Ipcv IEA S RGD:625381|PMID:11882571 20140604 RGD
1359023 Bp272 Blood pressure QTL 272 qtl RS:0000401 HXB/Ipcv IEA S RGD:625381|PMID:11882571 20140604 RGD
1359030 Bp277 Blood pressure QTL 277 qtl RS:0000736 SHR.WKY-(D2Rat40-D2Rat50) IEA S RGD:629618|PMID:12209022 20140604 RGD
1359031 Bp275 Blood pressure QTL 275 qtl RS:0001033 WKY.SHR-(D2Rat42-D2Rat139) IEA S RGD:629618|PMID:12209022 20140604 RGD
1359032 Hrtrt18 Heart rate QTL 18 qtl RS:0000736 SHR.WKY-(D2Rat40-D2Rat50) IEA S RGD:629618|PMID:12209022 20140604 RGD
1359033 Bp273 Blood pressure QTL 273 qtl RS:0000725 SHR.BN-(D8Mit5-D8Mgh6)/Ipcv IEA S RGD:1358955|PMID:12388796 20140604 RGD
1359034 Bp274 Blood pressure QTL 274 qtl RS:0001029 WKY.SHR-(D2Rat174-D2Rat28) IEA S RGD:629618|PMID:12209022 20140604 RGD
1359035 Bp276 Blood pressure QTL 276 qtl RS:0001032 WKY.SHR-(D2Rat27-D2Rat243) IEA S RGD:629618|PMID:12209022 20140604 RGD
13592602 SD-Tg(LRRK2*G2019S)418Rwm strain RS:0004592 SD-Tg(LRRK2G2019S)418Rwm IEA S RGD:7241799 20180519 RGD
13592603 SD-Tg(LRRK2)302Rwn strain RS:0004594 SD-Tg(LRRK2)302Rwn IEA S RGD:7241799 20180519 RGD
13592604 SD-Tg(LRRK2*G2019S)416Rwm strain RS:0004593 SD-Tg(LRRK2G2019S)416Rwm IEA S RGD:7241799 20180519 RGD
13592605 F344-Tg(CAG-loxP-STOP-loxP-ZsGreen)561Bryd F344-Tg(CAG-loxP-STOP-loxP-ZsGreen)561 strain RS:0004595 F344-Tg(CAG-loxP-STOP-loxP-ZsGreen)561Bryd IEA S RGD:7241799 20180519 RGD
13602097 LE.Cg-(ROSA26) em1(CAG-Cas9*D10A)Ottc strain RS:0005129 LE.Cg-ROSA26 em1(CAG-Cas9*D10A)Ottc IEA S RGD:7241799 20220205 RGD
13628730 SD-Il2rgem1Ang strain RS:0004596 SD-Il2rgem1Ang IEA S RGD:7241799 20180623 RGD
13673907 NMcwiWfsm:HS Heterogeneous stock strain RS:0004597 McwiWfsm:HS IEA S RGD:7241799 20180728 RGD
13702080 SD-Ahrem1Soar strain RS:0004598 SD-Ahrem1Soar IEA S RGD:7241799 20180728 RGD
13702084 BBDP.BBDR-Gimap5/Sunn strain RS:0004599 BBDP.BBDR-Gimap5/Sunn IEA S RGD:7241799 20180728 RGD
13702085 BBDP.BBDR-Gimap5, WF-(D13Rat124-D13Mgh5)/Sunn strain RS:0004600 BBDP.BBDR-Gimap5, WF-(D13Rat124-D13Mgh5)/Sunn IEA S RGD:7241799 20180728 RGD
13703119 SD-Lamp2em1 strain RS:0004603 SD-Lamp2em1 IEA S RGD:7241799 20180804 RGD
13781890 SD-Rnaset2em1Sage strain RS:0004604 SD-Rnaset2em1Sage IEA S RGD:7241799 20180811 RGD
13782128 SD-Pde4bem1Sage strain RS:0004605 SD-Pde4bem1Sage IEA S RGD:7241799 20180825 RGD
13782146 SD-Bace1em1Sage-/- SD-Bace1em1Sage-/Bace1em1Sage- strain RS:0004606 SD-Bace1em1Sage-/- IEA S RGD:7241799 20180825 RGD
13782163 SD-Sncatm1(SNCA*)Sage strain RS:0004607 SD-Sncatm1(SNCA*)Sage IEA S RGD:7241799 20180825 RGD
13782164 SD-Sncaem1Sage strain RS:0004608 SD-Sncaem1Sage IEA S RGD:7241799 20180825 RGD
13782280 SS-Kcnj1em1Kasu+/+ strain RS:0004609 SS-Kcnj1em1Kasu+/+ IEA S RGD:7241799 20180901 RGD
13782351 SS-Kcnj1em1Kasu+/- strain RS:0004613 SS-Kcnj1em1Kasu+/- IEA S RGD:7241799 20180908 RGD
13782353 SS-Kcnj1em1Kasu-/- strain RS:0004614 SS-Kcnj1em1Kasu-/- IEA S RGD:7241799 20180908 RGD
13782371 SD-Cacna1f csnb congenital stationary night blindness rat strain RS:0004615 SD-Cacna1f csnb IEA S RGD:7241799 20180908 RGD
13792570 WI-Oprl1m1Hubr+/- strain RS:0004616 WI-Oprl1m1Hubr+/- IEA S RGD:7241799 20180915 RGD
13792572 WI-Oprl1m1Hubr-/- NOPr knockout rat strain RS:0004617 WI-Oprl1m1Hubr-/- IEA S RGD:7241799 20180915 RGD
13792573 SD-Lepem1Sage+/- strain RS:0004620 SD-Lepem1Sage+/- IEA S RGD:7241799 20180915 RGD
13792575 SD-Lepem1Sage+/+ strain RS:0004621 SD-Lepem1Sage+/+ IEA S RGD:7241799 20180915 RGD
13792606 SD-Cd59em1Ask-/- SD-Cd59em1-/Cd59em1- strain RS:0004625 SD-Cd59em1Ask-/- IEA S RGD:7241799 20180922 RGD
13792607 SD-Cd59em1Ask+/+ strain RS:0004626 SD-Cd59em1Ask+/+ IEA S RGD:7241799 20180922 RGD
13792682 SD-Abcc6em2Qlju+/- strain RS:0004627 SD-Abcc6em2Qlju+/- IEA S RGD:7241799 20180922 RGD
13792683 SD-Abcc6em2Qlju+/+ strain RS:0004628 SD-Abcc6em2Qlju+/+ IEA S RGD:7241799 20180922 RGD
13792701 SD-Trpv1em1Sage-/- strain RS:0004629 SD-Trpv1em1Sage-/- IEA S RGD:7241799 20180922 RGD
13792705 SD-Trpv1em1Sage+/+ strain RS:0004630 SD-Trpv1em1Sage+/+ IEA S RGD:7241799 20180922 RGD
13792727 HanRj:WI strain RS:0004631 HanRj:WI IEA S RGD:7241799 20180929 RGD
13792794 SD-Fhem1+/- strain RS:0004632 SD-Fhem1+/- IEA S RGD:7241799 20180929 RGD
13792795 SD-Fhem1+/+ strain RS:0004633 SD-Fhem1+/+ IEA S RGD:7241799 20180929 RGD
13792801 SS-Nlrp3em2Mcwi strain RS:0004634 SS-Nlrp3em2Mcwi IEA S RGD:7241799 20180929 RGD
13792803 SS-P2rx7em12Mcwi strain RS:0004635 SS-P2rx7em12Mcwi IEA S RGD:7241799 20180929 RGD
13792808 SS-Ptk2bem1Mcwi strain RS:0004636 SS-Ptk2bem1Mcwi IEA S RGD:7241799 20181006 RGD
13792811 SS-Ptk2bem3Mcwi strain RS:0004637 SS-Ptk2bem3Mcwi IEA S RGD:7241799 20181006 RGD
13792813 SHRSP-Spp1em2Mcwi strain RS:0004638 SHRSP-Spp1em2Mcwi IEA S RGD:7241799 20181006 RGD
13792821 SD-Tg(CAG-loxP-stop-loxP-Drp1-GFP)1Mcwi SD-Tg(CAG-loxP-stop-loxP-Drp1-GFP)1 strain RS:0004639 SD-Tg(CAG-loxP-stop-loxP-Drp1-GFP)1Mcwi IEA S RGD:7241799 20181006 RGD
13792822 SD-Tg(CAG-loxP-stop-loxP-Drp1-GFP)2Mcwi SD-Tg(CAG-loxP-stop-loxP-Drp1-GFP)2 strain RS:0004640 SD-Tg(CAG-loxP-stop-loxP-Drp1-GFP)2Mcwi IEA S RGD:7241799 20181006 RGD
13792823 SD-Tg(CAG-loxP-stop-loxP-Drp1-GFP)3Mcwi strain RS:0004641 SD-Tg(CAG-loxP-stop-loxP-Drp1-GFP)3Mcwi IEA S RGD:7241799 20181006 RGD
13792825 SD-Tg(CAG-loxP-stop-loxP-Mfn1-GFP)1Mcwi strain RS:0004642 SD-Tg(CAG-loxP-stop-loxP-Mfn1-GFP)1Mcwi IEA S RGD:7241799 20181006 RGD
13792827 WKY-Tg(Ubc-cre/ERT2)4Mcwi strain RS:0004643 WKY-Tg(Ubc-cre/ERT2)4Mcwi IEA S RGD:7241799 20181006 RGD
13792828 WKY-Tg(Ubc-cre/ERT2)5Mcwi strain RS:0004644 WKY-Tg(Ubc-cre/ERT2)5Mcwi IEA S RGD:7241799 20181006 RGD
13793372 SS-Tlr4em1Mcwi strain RS:0004645 SS-Tlr4em1Mcwi IEA S RGD:7241799 20181006 RGD
13793374 DA-Tph1em4Mcwi strain RS:0004646 DA-Tph1em4Mcwi IEA S RGD:7241799 20181006 RGD
13793376 SS-Avpr2em4Mcwi strain RS:0004647 SS-Avpr2em4Mcwi IEA S RGD:7241799 20181006 RGD
13793378 SS-Avpr2em5Mcwi strain RS:0004648 SS-Avpr2em5Mcwi IEA S RGD:7241799 20181006 RGD
13799346 SS-Cgnl1em1Mcwi strain RS:0004649 SS-Cgnl1em1Mcwi IEA S RGD:7241799 20181013 RGD
13799348 SS-Cgnl1em2Mcwi strain RS:0004650 SS-Cgnl1em2Mcwi IEA S RGD:7241799 20181013 RGD
13799350 T2DN-F2rem1Mcwi strain RS:0004651 T2DN-F2rem1Mcwi IEA S RGD:7241799 20181013 RGD
13800555 F344/IcoCrl strain RS:0004652 F344/IcoCrl IEA S RGD:7241799 20181020 RGD
13800556 F344-Hsd11b2em1Jmul-/- F344-Hsd11b2em1Jmul-/Hsd11b2em1Jmul- strain RS:0004653 F344-Hsd11b2em1Jmul-/- IEA S RGD:7241799 20181020 RGD
13800557 F344-Hsd11b2em1Jmul+/+ F344-Hsd11b2em1Jmul+/Hsd11b2em1Jmul+ strain RS:0004656 F344-Hsd11b2em1Jmul+/+ IEA S RGD:7241799 20181020 RGD
13800746 SS-F8em1Mcwi strain RS:0004657 SS-F8em1Mcwi IEA S RGD:7241799 20181020 RGD
13800749 Lew-Glp1rem1Mcwi strain RS:0004672 Lew-Glp1rem1Mcwi IEA S RGD:7241799 20181208 RGD
13800810 SS-Kcnq1em5Mcwi strain RS:0004659 SS-Kcnq1em5Mcwi IEA S RGD:7241799 20181020 RGD
13800825 FHH-Muc1em1Mcwi strain RS:0004661 FHH-Muc1em1Mcwi IEA S RGD:7241799 20181020 RGD
13800838 FHH-Mybphlem1Mcwi strain RS:0004662 FHH-Mybphlem1Mcwi IEA S RGD:7241799 20181020 RGD
13800845 FHH-Mybphlem2Mcwi strain RS:0004663 FHH-Mybphlem2Mcwi IEA S RGD:7241799 20181020 RGD
13800848 SS-Nlrp3em1Mcwi strain RS:0004664 SS-Nlrp3em1Mcwi IEA S RGD:7241799 20230930 RGD
13800869 SS-P2ry2em6Mcwi strain RS:0004665 SS-P2ry2em6Mcwi IEA S RGD:7241799 20181020 RGD
13800871 SS-P2ry2em7Mcwi strain RS:0004669 SS-P2ry2em7Mcwi IEA S RGD:7241799 20181208 RGD
13800875 SS-Prltm1(PRL)Mcwi strain RS:0004670 SS-Prltm1(PRL)Mcwi IEA S RGD:7241799 20181208 RGD
13800877 LH-Chr 17LN-C17h6orf52em2Mcwi strain RS:0004666 LH-Chr 17LN-C17h6orf52em2Mcwi IEA S RGD:7241799 20181020 RGD
13825143 WKY-Gja5em1Mcwi strain RS:0004865 WKY-Gja5em1Mcwi IEA S RGD:7241799 20210313 RGD
13825196 SS-Sh2b3tm1Mcwi strain RS:0004671 SS-Sh2b3tm1Mcwi IEA S RGD:7241799 20181208 RGD
13825199 WI-Mc4rm1Hubr strain RS:0004673 WI-Mc4rm1Hubr IEA S RGD:7241799 20181208 RGD
13838845 SD-Ahrem2Sage strain RS:0004674 SD-Ahrem2Sage IEA S RGD:7241799 20190126 RGD
14390067 WI-Slc6a4m1Hubr-/- strain RS:0004675 WI-Slc6a4m1Hubr-/- IEA S RGD:7241799 20240106 RGD
14390069 WI-Slc6a4m1Hubr+/- strain RS:0004676 WI-Slc6a4m1Hubr+/- IEA S RGD:7241799 20240106 RGD
14390082 SD-Tg(Fos-LacZ)Bhope strain RS:0004678 SD-Tg(Fos-LacZ)Hope IEA S RGD:7241799 20190223 RGD
14390083 WI-Tg(Fos-LacZ)Bhope strain RS:0004677 WI-Tg(Fos-LacZ)Bhope IEA S RGD:7241799 20190223 RGD
14392784 ACI.SD-Esr1em1Soar strain RS:0004679 ACI.SD-Esr1em1Soar IEA S RGD:7241799 20190621 RGD
14392813 SD-Cftrem1Sage+/- strain RS:0004680 SD-Cftrem1Sage+/- IEA S RGD:7241799 20190309 RGD
14392815 SD-Cftrem1Sage-/- strain RS:0004681 SD-Cftrem1Sage-/- IEA S RGD:7241799 20190309 RGD
14392817 SD-Cftrem1Sage+/+ strain RS:0004682 SD-Cftrem1Sage+/+ IEA S RGD:7241799 20190309 RGD
14394485 SD-Bace1em1Sage strain RS:0004683 SD-Bace1em1Sage IEA S RGD:7241799 20190323 RGD
14394486 SD-Bace1em1Sage+/- SD-Bace1em1Sage+/Bace1em1Sage- strain RS:0004684 SD-Bace1em1Sage+/- IEA S RGD:7241799 20190323 RGD
14394487 SD-Bace1em1Sage+/+ SD-Bace1em1Sage+/Bace1em1Sage+ strain RS:0004685 SD-Bace1em1Sage+/+ IEA S RGD:7241799 20190323 RGD
14394488 Lew-Glp1rem2Mcwi strain RS:0004686 Lew-Glp1rem2Mcwi IEA S RGD:7241799 20190323 RGD
14394491 Lew-Glp1rem3Mcwi strain RS:0004687 Lew-Glp1rem3Mcwi IEA S RGD:7241799 20190323 RGD
14394494 SS-Kcnj2em2Mcwi strain RS:0004688 SS-Kcnj2em2Mcwi IEA S RGD:7241799 20190323 RGD
14394496 SS-Kcnj2em4Mcwi strain RS:0004689 SS-Kcnj2em4Mcwi IEA S RGD:7241799 20190323 RGD
14394501 SHR-Klrb1aem1Mcwi strain RS:0004690 SHR-Klrb1aem1Mcwi IEA S RGD:7241799 20190330 RGD
14394504 SHR-Klrb1aem2Mcwi strain RS:0004691 SHR-Klrb1aem2Mcwi IEA S RGD:7241799 20190330 RGD
14394506 SS-P2ry2em5Mcwi strain RS:0004692 SS-P2ry2em5Mcwi IEA S RGD:7241799 20190330 RGD
14394508 BBDR.BBDP-(D4Mit6-D4Mit7)-Tlr4em5Mcwi strain RS:0004693 BBDR.BBDP-(D4Mit6-D4Mit7)-Tlr4em5Mcwi IEA S RGD:7241799 20190330 RGD
14394515 LE-Grin2bem1Mcwi strain RS:0004694 LE-Grin2bem1Mcwi IEA S RGD:7241799 20190330 RGD
14394518 LE-Arid1bem1Mcwi strain RS:0004695 LE-Arid1bem1Mcwi IEA S RGD:7241799 20190330 RGD
14394520 SS-Tg(CAG-loxP-stop-loxP-Rpl10a-GFP)1Mcwi SS-Tg(CAG-loxP-stop-loxP-Rpl10a-GFP)1 strain RS:0004696 SS-Tg(CAG-loxP-stop-loxP-Rpl10a-GFP)1Mcwi IEA S RGD:7241799 20190330 RGD
14394616 DA-Tph2em3Mcwi+/+ strain RS:0004697 DA-Tph2em3Mcwi+/+ IEA S RGD:7241799 20190330 RGD
14394617 DA-Tph2em3Mcwi+/- strain RS:0004702 DA-Tph2em3Mcwi+/- IEA S RGD:7241799 20190330 RGD
14394618 DA-Tph2em3Mcwi-/- strain RS:0004701 DA-Tph2em3Mcwi-/- IEA S RGD:7241799 20190330 RGD
14394619 DA-Tph2em2Mcwi+/+ strain RS:0004703 DA-Tph2em2Mcwi+/+ IEA S RGD:7241799 20190330 RGD
14394620 DA-Tph2em2Mcwi+/- strain RS:0004704 DA-Tph2em2Mcwi+/- IEA S RGD:7241799 20190330 RGD
14394621 DA-Tph2em2Mcwi-/- strain RS:0004705 DA-Tph2em2Mcwi-/- IEA S RGD:7241799 20190330 RGD
14398460 SS-Cd40em1Uthal-/- strain RS:0004706 SS-Cd40em1Uthal-/- IEA S RGD:7241799 20190420 RGD
14398463 SS-Prr5em1Mcwi strain RS:0004840 SS-Prr5em1Mcwi IEA S RGD:7241799 20201121 RGD
14398465 SS-Prr5em2Mcwi strain RS:0004839 SS-Prr5em2Mcwi IEA S RGD:7241799 20201121 RGD
14398479 SS-Xdhem1Mcwi-/- strain RS:0005338 SS-Xdhem1Mcwi IEA S RGD:7241799 20240601 RGD
14398499 LE-Drd1em1(iCre)Berke strain RS:0004708 LE-Drd1em1(iCre)Berke IEA S RGD:7241799 20190427 RGD
14398734 LE-Adora2aem1(iCre)Berke strain RS:0004709 LE-Adora2aem1(iCre)Berke IEA S RGD:7241799 20190427 RGD
14398825 SD-Fahem15Dlli-/- strain RS:0004710 SD-Fahem15Dlli-/- IEA S RGD:7241799 20190504 RGD
14398828 SD-Fahem10Dlli-/- strain RS:0004711 SD-Fahem10Dlli-/- IEA S RGD:7241799 20190504 RGD
14402419 LE-Chrna5em18Pas strain RS:0004712 LE-Chrna5em18Pas IEA S RGD:7241799 20190621 RGD
14402421 LE-Chrna5em20(D398N)Pas strain RS:0004713 LE-Chrna5em20(D398N)Pas IEA S RGD:7241799 20190621 RGD
14694847 LE-Pvalbem1(flpo)Berke/Rrrc strain RS:0004716 LE-Pvalbem1(flpo)Berke/Rrrc IEA S RGD:7241799 20190713 RGD
14694998 SD-Sdhbem1Ast strain RS:0004719 SD-Sdhbem1Ast IEA S RGD:7241799 20190713 RGD
14694999 SD-Sdhbem2Ast strain RS:0004718 SD-Sdhbem2Ast IEA S RGD:7241799 20190713 RGD
14695000 SD-Sdhbem3Ast strain RS:0004717 SD-Sdhbem3Ast IEA S RGD:7241799 20190713 RGD
14695002 SD-L1camem1Jgn strain RS:0004722 SD-L1camem1Jgn IEA S RGD:7241799 20190713 RGD
14695003 SD-L1camem2Jgn strain RS:0004721 SD-L1camem2Jgn IEA S RGD:7241799 20190713 RGD
14695004 BBDR.F344-(D4Mgh24-D4Rhw6),BBDP-(D4Rhw6-D4Rhw10)/Rhw strain RS:0004745 BBDR.F344-(D4Mgh24-D4Rhw6),BBDP-(D4Rhw6-D4Rhw10)/Rhw IEA S RGD:7241799 20190713 RGD
14695026 W-Tg(Crh-cre)Msg strain RS:0004720 W-Tg(Crh-cre)Msg IEA S RGD:7241799 20190713 RGD
14695028 SD.DA-Kcnh2tm(EGFP-Pac)1Qly strain RS:0004724 SD.DA-Kcnh2tm(EGFP-Pac)1Qly IEA S RGD:7241799 20190713 RGD
14695029 SD.DA-Kcnh2tm(CAG-EGFP)1Qly strain RS:0004723 SD.DA-Kcnh2tm(CAG-EGFP)1Qly IEA S RGD:7241799 20190713 RGD
14695030 SD.DA-Pex1Tm(G843D-FRT-CAG-Pac-FRT)1Qly strain RS:0004725 SD.DA-Pex1Tm(G843D-FRT-CAG-Pac-FRT)1Qly IEA S RGD:7241799 20190713 RGD
14695031 SD.DA-Il2rgTm(G843D-FRT-CAG-Pac-FRT)1Qly strain RS:0004726 SD.DA-Il2rgTm(G843D-FRT-CAG-Pac-FRT)1Qly IEA S RGD:7241799 20190713 RGD
14695032 SD-Tg(CAG-loxP-mCherry-loxP-EGFP)1Qly strain RS:0004727 SD-Tg(CAG-loxP-mCherry-loxP-EGFP)1Qly IEA S RGD:7241799 20190713 RGD
14695033 SD-Tg(CAG-Flpe)Qly strain RS:0004728 SD-Tg(CAG-Flpe)Qly IEA S RGD:7241799 20190713 RGD
14695034 ZUC-Leprfa.BN-(D1Rat183-D1Rat90)/Ste strain RS:0004729 ZUC-Leprfa.BN-(D1Rat183-D1Rat90)/Ste IEA S RGD:7241799 20190713 RGD
14695052 ACI-Tg(ROSA26-ALPP)Rrrc strain RS:0004731 ACI-Tg(ROSA26-ALPP)Rrrc IEA S RGD:7241799 20190713 RGD
14695053 ZDF-Cnr1em1/Rrrc ZDF-Cnr1em1 strain RS:0004732 ZDF-Cnr1em1/Rrrc IEA S RGD:7241799 20190713 RGD
14695054 F344-Tg(CAG-loxP-STOP-loxP-ZsGreen)551Bryd F344-Tg(CAG-loxP-STOP-loxP-ZsGreen)551 strain RS:0004715 F344-Tg(CAG-loxP-STOP-loxP-ZsGreen)551Bryd IEA S RGD:7241799 20190706 RGD
14695055 MHS/Roman Milan Hypertensive Strain strain RS:0004734 MHS/Roman IEA S RGD:7241799 20190713 RGD
14695058 SD-Add3em1Roman strain RS:0004735 SD-Add3em1Roman IEA S RGD:7241799 20190713 RGD
14695059 BBDP/WorSunn.WAG-rnu/Sunn strain RS:0004736 BBDP/WorSunn.WAG-rnu/Sunn IEA S RGD:7241799 20190713 RGD
14695060 WKY-Tg(Eef1a1-GFP)Tja strain RS:0004737 WKY-Tg(Eef1a1-GFP)Tja IEA S RGD:7241799 20190713 RGD
14695061 LobRrrc:WI Lobund-Wistar strain RS:0004738 Lob:WI IEA S RGD:7241799 20190713 RGD
14695063 BN.LEW-(D10Rat258 and D10Rat51)/Ssn strain RS:0004739 BN.LEW-(D10Rat258 and D10Rat51)/Ssn IEA S RGD:7241799 20190713 RGD
14695083 W/LnneRrrc Audiogenic Wistar rat strain RS:0004742 W/LnneRrrc IEA S RGD:7241799 20190713 RGD
14695085 SD-Trim63em1(hiLuc)/Rrrc strain RS:0004741 SD-Trim63em1(hiLuc)/Rrrc IEA S RGD:7241799 20190713 RGD
14695086 Zuc/VcJw Zucker fatty strain RS:0004740 Zuc/VcJw IEA S RGD:7241799 20190713 RGD
14695088 WMS/SimfBR Munich Wistar strain RS:0004730 WMS/SimfBR IEA S RGD:7241799 20190713 RGD
14695547 LEW-Tg(HLA-B*2705,B2M)33-3Trg strain RS:0004743 LEW-Tg(HLA-B*2705,B2M)33-3Trg IEA S RGD:7241799 20190713 RGD
14695548 LEW-Tg(HLA-B*2705,B2M)21-4HTrg strain RS:0004744 LEW-Tg(HLA-B*2705,B2M)21-4HTrg IEA S RGD:7241799 20190713 RGD
14696715 SD-Htr7em1Msu strain RS:0004746 SD-Htr7em1Msu IEA S RGD:7241799 20190720 RGD
14696719 F344-Trpc4Tn(sb-T2/Bart3)2.192Mcwi+/+ strain RS:0004748 F344-Trpc4Tn(sb-T2/Bart3)2.192Mcwi+/+ IEA S RGD:7241799 20190720 RGD
14696720 F344-Trpc4Tn(sb-T2/Bart3)2.192Mcwi-/- strain RS:0004749 F344-Trpc4Tn(sb-T2/Bart3)2.192Mcwi-/- IEA S RGD:7241799 20190720 RGD
14696721 F344-Trpc4Tn(sb-T2/Bart3)2.192Mcwi-/+ strain RS:0004750 F344-Trpc4Tn(sb-T2/Bart3)2.192Mcwi-/+ IEA S RGD:7241799 20190720 RGD
14696722 SD-Cyp3a23/3a1em1Myliu,Cyp3a2em1Myliu strain RS:0004751 SD-Cyp3a23/3a1em1Myliu,Cyp3a2em1Myliu IEA S RGD:7241799 20190720 RGD
14700890 SD-Tg(Cx3cr1-cre/ERT2)3Ottc strain RS:0004752 SD-Tg(Cx3cr1-cre/ERT2)3Ottc IEA S RGD:7241799 20191026 RGD
149735334 SD-Wfs1em1Ptsn strain RS:0004968 SD-Wfs1em1Ptsn IEA S RGD:7241799 20210717 RGD
149735336 SD-Wfs1em2Ptsn strain RS:0004969 SD-Wfs1em2Ptsn IEA S RGD:7241799 20210717 RGD
149735338 SD-Wfs1em3Ptsn strain RS:0004970 SD-Wfs1em3Ptsn IEA S RGD:7241799 20210717 RGD
149735356 SD-Tg(Wnt1-cre/ERT2)Appsc strain RS:0004971 SD-Tg(Wnt1-cre/ERT2)Appsc IEA S RGD:7241799 20210724 RGD
149735357 SD-Tg(PDGFB-cre/ERT2)Appsc strain RS:0004972 SD-Tg(PDGFB-cre/ERT2)Appsc IEA S RGD:7241799 20210724 RGD
149735358 SD-Tg(Olfr16-cre/ERT2)Appsc strain RS:0004973 SD-Tg(Olfr16-cre/ERT2)Appsc IEA S RGD:7241799 20210724 RGD
149735359 SD-Tg(Mnx1-cre/ERT2)Appsc strain RS:0004974 SD-Tg(Mnx1-cre/ERT2)Appsc IEA S RGD:7241799 20210724 RGD
149735361 SD-Tg(Drd1-cre/ERT2)Appsc strain RS:0004976 SD-Tg(Drd1-cre/ERT2)Appsc IEA S RGD:7241799 20210724 RGD
149735362 SD-Tg(Gad1-cre/ERT2)Appsc strain RS:0004978 SD-Tg(Gad1-cre/ERT2)Appsc IEA S RGD:7241799 20210724 RGD
149735363 SD-Tg(GFAP-cre/ERT2)Appsc strain RS:0004980 SD-Tg(GFAP-cre/ERT2)Appsc IEA S RGD:7241799 20210724 RGD
149735364 SD-Tg(Tie2-cre/ERT2)Appsc strain RS:0004981 SD-Tg(Tie2-cre/ERT2)Appsc IEA S RGD:7241799 20210724 RGD
149735365 SD-Tg(SMHC-cre/ERT2)Appsc strain RS:0004982 SD-Tg(SMHC-cre/ERT2)Appsc IEA S RGD:7241799 20210724 RGD
149735366 SD-Tg(CAG-GFP-LacZ)Appsc strain RS:0004984 SD-Tg(CAG-GFP-LacZ)Appsc IEA S RGD:7241799 20210724 RGD
149735371 SHR-C3em1Kyo strain RS:0004986 SHR-C3em1Kyo IEA S RGD:7241799 20210724 RGD
149735516 LL/MavRrrcAek Lyon hypotensive strain RS:0004987 LL/MavRrrcAek IEA S RGD:7241799 20210724 RGD
149735517 LEXF10A/StmMcwi strain RS:0004988 LEXF10A/StmMcwi IEA S RGD:7241799 20210724 RGD
149735518 HXB4/IpcvMcwi strain RS:0004989 HXB4/IpcvMcwi IEA S RGD:7241799 20210724 RGD
149735519 HXB31/IpcvMcwi strain RS:0004990 HXB31/IpcvMcwi IEA S RGD:7241799 20210724 RGD
149735520 HXB2/IpcvMcwi strain RS:0004991 HXB2/IpcvMcwi IEA S RGD:7241799 20210724 RGD
149735521 HXB20/IpcvMcwi strain RS:0004992 HXB20/IpcvMcwi IEA S RGD:7241799 20210724 RGD
149735530 BXH2/CubMcwi strain RS:0004994 BXH2/CubMcwi IEA S RGD:7241799 20210724 RGD
149735533 BXH3/CubMcwi strain RS:0004995 BXH3/CubMcwi IEA S RGD:7241799 20210724 RGD
149735557 LE-Tg(Pdyn-cre)2-9Koba strain RS:0004996 LE-Tg(Pdyn-cre)2-9Koba IEA S RGD:7241799 20210724 RGD
149735558 F344.LEA-Ugl/Okt strain RS:0004997 F344.LEA-Ugl/Okt IEA S RGD:7241799 20210724 RGD
149735559 F344.LEA-Idao/Okt strain RS:0004998 F344.LEA-Idao/Okt IEA S RGD:7241799 20210724 RGD
149735560 LE-Gad1em15Yyan strain RS:0004999 LE-Gad1em15Yyan IEA S RGD:7241799 20210724 RGD
149735562 LE-Gad2em24Yyan strain RS:0005000 LE-Gad2em24Yyan IEA S RGD:7241799 20210724 RGD
149735570 F344-Atg16l1em8Rrrc strain RS:0005002 F344-Atg16l1em8Rrrc IEA S RGD:7241799 20210724 RGD
149735895 LEW-Tg(Col2a1-luc,-mCherry)RmptRrrc strain RS:0005004 LEW-Tg(Col2a1-luc,-mCherry)RmptRrrc IEA S RGD:7241799 20210731 RGD
149735896 LEW-Tg(Col2a1-luc,-mCherry)Rmpt strain RS:0005003 LEW-Tg(Col2a1-luc,-mCherry)Rmpt IEA S RGD:7241799 20210731 RGD
149735898 SD-Myh7bem1Blar+/+ strain RS:0005005 SD-Myh7bem1Blar+/+ IEA S RGD:7241799 20210731 RGD
149735906 RCCHan:WIST strain RS:0005006 RCCHan:WIST IEA S RGD:7241799 20210807 RGD
14975242 ACI.FHH-(rs105487995-rs105373896)/Mcwi strain RS:0004753 ACI.FHH-(rs105487995-rs105373896)/Mcwi IEA S RGD:7241799 20191005 RGD
14975243 ACI.FHH-(rs105487995-rs106411696)/Mcwi strain RS:0004754 ACI.FHH-(rs105487995-rs106411696)/Mcwi IEA S RGD:7241799 20191005 RGD
14975244 ACI.FHH-(rgdv393055223-rs107095981)/Mcwi strain RS:0004755 ACI.FHH-(rgdv393055223-rs107095981)/Mcwi IEA S RGD:7241799 20191005 RGD
14975245 ACI.FHH-(rgdv393055223-rs198922144)/Mcwi strain RS:0004756 ACI.FHH-(rgdv393055223-rs198922144)/Mcwi IEA S RGD:7241799 20191005 RGD
14975246 ACI.FHH-(rgdv393055223-rs198076037)/Mcwi strain RS:0004757 ACI.FHH-(rgdv393055223-rs198076037)/Mcwi IEA S RGD:7241799 20191005 RGD
14975247 ACI.FHH-(rs105373896-rgdv253272372)/Mcwi strain RS:0004758 ACI.FHH-(rs105373896-rgdv253272372)/Mcwi IEA S RGD:7241799 20191005 RGD
14975248 ACI.FHH-(rs198076037-rs105278863)/Mcwi strain RS:0004759 ACI.FHH-(rs198076037-rs105278863)/Mcwi IEA S RGD:7241799 20191005 RGD
14975305 F344-Bmpr2em1Sage+/- strain RS:0004761 F344-Bmpr2em1Sage+/- IEA S RGD:7241799 20191012 RGD
14981588 F344-Bmpr2em2Sage+/- strain RS:0004762 F344-Bmpr2em2Sage+/- IEA S RGD:7241799 20191012 RGD
14981597 SD-Tg(SOD1*G93A)26DwcTac strain RS:0004760 SD-Tg(SOD1*G93A)26DwcTac IEA S RGD:7241799 20191012 RGD
14985210 LE-Cyfip1em1Sage+/- strain RS:0005028 LE-Cyfip1em1Sage+/- IEA S RGD:7241799 20210821 RGD
14995941 Wpk Wistar polycystic kidney rat strain RS:0004763 Wpk IEA S RGD:7241799 20191102 RGD
15017093 Wpk +/- Wpk heterozygous rat strain RS:0004765 Wpk +/- IEA S RGD:7241799 20191116 RGD
15017094 Wpk -/- Wpk homozygous rat strain RS:0004764 Wpk -/- IEA S RGD:7241799 20191116 RGD
150340617 SHRSP.SHR-(rs197197017 -rs198445122)/Utx strain RS:0005009 SHRSP.SHR-(rs149735373-rs106170276)/Utx IEA S RGD:7241799 20210821 RGD
150340629 SS-Tgfb1em3Mcwi+/+ SS-Tgfb1em3Mcwi+/Tgfb1em3Mcwi+ strain RS:0005041 SS-Tgfb1em3Mcwi+/+ IEA S RGD:7241799 20210828 RGD
15036806 WKAH/Tj Wistar-King A, WKA strain RS:0004766 WKAH/Tj IEA S RGD:7241799 20191123 RGD
150404267 LEW-Myo15aci2/Ztm strain RS:0005042 LEW-Myo15aci2/Ztm IEA S RGD:7241799 20210904 RGD
150429598 SS-Vwfem4Mcwi strain RS:0005043 SS-Vwfem4Mcwi IEA S RGD:7241799 20210911 RGD
150429601 MWF.SHR-(D6Rat1-D6Rat30)/Rkb strain RS:0005044 MWF.SHR-(D6Rat1-D6Rat30)/Rkb IEA S RGD:7241799 20210911 RGD
150429602 MWF.SHR-(D6Rat1-D6Rat106)/Rkb strain RS:0005045 MWF.SHR-(D6Rat1-D6Rat106)/Rkb IEA S RGD:7241799 20210911 RGD
150429603 MWF.SHR-(D6Rat1-D6Mit8)/Rkb strain RS:0005046 MWF.SHR-(D6Rat1-D6Mit8)/Rkb IEA S RGD:7241799 20210911 RGD
150429604 MWF.SHR-(D6Rat1-D6Rat121)/Rkb strain RS:0005047 MWF.SHR-(D6Rat1-D6Rat121)/Rkb IEA S RGD:7241799 20210911 RGD
150429605 MWF.SHR-(D6Rat1-D6Mgh4)/Rkb strain RS:0005048 MWF.SHR-(D6Rat1-D6Mgh4)/Rkb IEA S RGD:7241799 20210911 RGD
150429606 MWF.SHR-(D6Rat1-D6Rat81)/Rkb strain RS:0005049 MWF.SHR-(D6Rat1-D6Rat81)/Rkb IEA S RGD:7241799 20210911 RGD
150429607 MWF.SHR-(D6Rat1-D6Rat115)/Rkb strain RS:0005050 MWF.SHR-(D6Rat1-D6Rat115)/Rkb IEA S RGD:7241799 20210911 RGD
150429608 MWF.SHR-(D6Rat1-D6Rat184)/Rkb strain RS:0005051 MWF.SHR-(D6Rat1-D6Rat184)/Rkb IEA S RGD:7241799 20210911 RGD
150429614 FHH-Tg(CAG-Add3)McwiRoman strain RS:0005053 FHH-Tg(CAG-Add3)McwiRoman IEA S RGD:7241799 20210911 RGD
150429615 SD-Add3em1Mcwi/ Roman strain RS:0005052 SD-Add3em1Mcwi/ Roman IEA S RGD:7241799 20210911 RGD
150429618 FHH-Chr 1BN-Add3em2Mcwi /Roman strain RS:0005054 FHH-Chr 1BN-Add3em2Mcwi /Roman IEA S RGD:7241799 20210911 RGD
150429707 SD-Cyp2c11em1Nju strain RS:0005055 SD-Cyp2c11em1Nju IEA S RGD:7241799 20210918 RGD
150429760 SHRSP.SHR-(rs198233821-rs198932221)/Utx strain RS:0005056 SHRSP.SHR-(rs198233821 -rs198932221 )/Utx IEA S RGD:7241799 20211002 RGD
150429814 SD-Gnalem1Hpng+/- strain RS:0005057 SD-Gnalem1Hpng+/- IEA S RGD:7241799 20211002 RGD
150429815 SD-Gnalem1Hpng+/+ strain RS:0005058 SD-Gnalem1Hpng+/+ IEA S RGD:7241799 20211002 RGD
150429817 SD-Gnalem1Hpng-/- strain RS:0005059 SD-Gnalem1Hpng-/- IEA S RGD:7241799 20211002 RGD
150429818 BN/HsdMcwiRrrc strain RS:0005060 BN/HsdMcwiRrrc IEA S RGD:7241799 20211002 RGD
150429825 SD-Scn9a*tm1Amgn/Crl strain RS:0005061 SD-Scn9a*tm1Amgn/Crl IEA S RGD:7241799 20211002 RGD
150429828 SD-Tspoem1Vpl strain RS:0005062 SD-Tspoem1Vpl IEA S RGD:7241799 20211002 RGD
150429830 SD-Tspoem2Vpl strain RS:0005063 SD-Tspoem2Vpl IEA S RGD:7241799 20211002 RGD
150429960 WIC-Wwoxlde/Fta strain RS:0005064 WIC-Wwoxlde/Fta IEA S RGD:7241799 20211009 RGD
150429963 WI-Pmchm1Hubr strain RS:0005065 WI-Pmchm1Hubr IEA S RGD:7241799 20211009 RGD
150429965 SD-Apoa4em1Bcgen strain RS:0005066 SD-Apoa4em1Bcgen IEA S RGD:7241799 20211009 RGD
150429988 SHR-Tg(EEF1A1-Wars2)Ipcv strain RS:0005067 SHR-Tg(EEF1A1-Wars2)Ipcv IEA S RGD:7241799 20211016 RGD
15045605 SD-Tg(Prnp-LacZ/EGFP)12084 strain RS:0004767 SD-Tg(Prnp-LacZ/EGFP)12084 IEA S RGD:7241799 20191221 RGD
15045606 SD-Tg(Prnp-LacZ/EGFP)12085 strain RS:0004768 SD-Tg(Prnp-LacZ/EGFP)12085 IEA S RGD:7241799 20191221 RGD
15045607 SD-Tg(Prnp-Prnp)2919 strain RS:0004769 SD-Tg(Prnp-Prnp)2919 IEA S RGD:7241799 20191221 RGD
15045608 SD-Tg(Prnp-Prnp)2922 strain RS:0004770 SD-Tg(Prnp-Prnp)2922 IEA S RGD:7241799 20191221 RGD
150517549 SS.SHR-(D2Rat46- D2Mco48)/Mco strain RS:0005068 SS.SHR-(D2Rat46- D2Mco48)/Mco IEA S RGD:7241799 20211016 RGD
150517550 SS.SHR-(D2Rat127- D2Rat230)/Mco strain RS:0005069 SS.SHR-(D2Rat127- D2Rat230)/Mco IEA S RGD:7241799 20211016 RGD
150519895 SD-Gfapem1Mes /Rrrc strain RS:0005072 SD-Gfapem1Mes /Rrrc IEA S RGD:7241799 20211016 RGD
150519896 SD-Gfapem2Mes /Rrrc strain RS:0005073 SD-Gfapem2Mes /Rrrc IEA S RGD:7241799 20211016 RGD
150519899 F344-Prkar1bem1Tua strain RS:0005070 F344-Prkar1bem1Tua IEA S RGD:7241799 20211016 RGD
150519901 F344-Prkar1bem2Tua strain RS:0005071 F344-Prkar1bem2Tua IEA S RGD:7241799 20211016 RGD
150520049 WBN-Ht/Kob strain RS:0005074 WBN-Ht/Kob IEA S RGD:7241799 20211030 RGD
150520052 SS-Mlycdem1Mcwi strain RS:0005307 SS-Mlycdem1Mcwi IEA S RGD:7241799 20231216 RGD
150520162 Kwl:Wistar strain RS:0005079 Kwl:Wistar IEA S RGD:7241799 20211106 RGD
150520182 LE-ROSA26em1(CAG-tdTomato)Rrrc strain RS:0005192 LE-ROSA26em1(CAG-tdTomato)Rrrc IEA S RGD:7241799 20221105 RGD
150520183 BDIX.BDIV-Mss1c/ZteRrrc strain RS:0005103 BDIX.BDIV-Mss1c/ZteRrrc IEA S RGD:7241799 20211113 RGD
150520189 SD-Apoeem1Ejt strain RS:0005075 SD-Apoeem1Ejt IEA S RGD:7241799 20211106 RGD
150520204 SHR/OlaIpcv-mtLEW/Ipcv strain RS:0005076 SHR/OlaIpcv-mtLEW/Ipcv IEA S RGD:7241799 20211106 RGD
150520205 SHR-Gja8m1+/-Cub strain RS:0005077 SHR-Gja8m1+/-Cub IEA S RGD:7241799 20211106 RGD
150520206 SHR-Tg(EEF1A1-Folr1 )Ipcv strain RS:0005078 SHR-Tg(EEF1A1-Folr1 )Ipcv IEA S RGD:7241799 20211106 RGD
150520207 F344-ROSA26em1(AttP)Davis/Rrrc strain RS:0005081 F344-ROSA26em1(AttP)Davis/Rrrc IEA S RGD:7241799 20211113 RGD
150520208 ACI-Pvt1em1Shul strain RS:0005084 ACI-Pvt1em1Shul IEA S RGD:7241799 20211113 RGD
150520209 ACI-Pvt1em1Shul/Rrrc strain RS:0005085 ACI-Pvt1em1Shul/Rrrc IEA S RGD:7241799 20211113 RGD
150520210 ACI-Pvt1em2Shul strain RS:0005086 ACI-Pvt1em2Shul IEA S RGD:7241799 20211113 RGD
150520211 ACI-Pvt1em2Shul/Rrrc strain RS:0005087 ACI-Pvt1em2Shul/Rrrc IEA S RGD:7241799 20211113 RGD
150520212 ACI-Pvt1em3Shul strain RS:0005088 ACI-Pvt1em3Shul IEA S RGD:7241799 20211113 RGD
150520213 ACI-Pvt1em3Shul/Rrrc strain RS:0005089 ACI-Pvt1em3Shul/Rrrc IEA S RGD:7241799 20211113 RGD
150520214 ACI-Pvt1em4Shul strain RS:0005090 ACI-Pvt1em4Shul IEA S RGD:7241799 20211113 RGD
150520214 ACI-Pvt1em4Shul strain RS:0005091 ACI-Pvt1em4Shul/Rrrc IEA S RGD:7241799 20211113 RGD
150520216 ACI-Pvt1em5Shul strain RS:0005092 ACI-Pvt1em5Shul IEA S RGD:7241799 20211113 RGD
150520217 ACI-Pvt1em5Shul/Rrrc strain RS:0005093 ACI-Pvt1em5Shul/Rrrc IEA S RGD:7241799 20211113 RGD
150520220 SD-Ccdc39em1Jgn strain RS:0005083 SD-Ccdc39em1Jgn IEA S RGD:7241799 20211113 RGD
150520221 SD-Slco1b2em1Myliu strain RS:0005082 SD-Slco1b2em1Myliu IEA S RGD:7241799 20211113 RGD
150521538 SD-Uoxem1Cya strain RS:0005094 SD-Uoxem1Cya IEA S RGD:7241799 20211113 RGD
150521599 SD-Tshrem1Mlit strain RS:0005095 SD-Tshrem1Mlit IEA S RGD:7241799 20211113 RGD
150521602 OFA(SD)-Dsg4hr/Crl strain RS:0005096 OFA(SD)-Dsg4hr/Crl IEA S RGD:7241799 20211113 RGD
150521604 WKY-Tnfrsf14em1Tja/Rrrc strain RS:0005101 WKY-Tnfrsf14em1Tja/Rrrc IEA S RGD:7241799 20211113 RGD
150521605 W/Lnne Audiogenic Wistar rat strain RS:0005097 W/Lnne IEA S RGD:7241799 20211113 RGD
150521606 SD-Lrp5em2Vari/Rrrc strain RS:0005098 SD-Lrp5em2VariRrrc IEA S RGD:7241799 20211113 RGD
150521608 SD-Lrp5em3Vari/Rrrc strain RS:0005100 SD-Lrp5em3Vari/Rrrc IEA S RGD:7241799 20211113 RGD
150521610 SD-Lrp5em1Vari/Rrrc strain RS:0005099 SD-Lrp5em1Vari/Rrrc IEA S RGD:7241799 20211113 RGD
150521611 BDIX.BDIV-D6Mit8-D6Rat229/ZteRrrc strain RS:0005102 BDIX.BDIV-D6Mit8-D6Rat229/ZteRrrc IEA S RGD:7241799 20211113 RGD
150521612 BDIX.BDIV-Mss1b/ZteRrrc strain RS:0005104 BDIX.BDIV-Mss1b/ZteRrrc IEA S RGD:7241799 20211113 RGD
150521613 BDIX.BDIV-D6Mit1-D6Mgh2/ZteRrrc strain RS:0005105 BDIX.BDIV-D6Mit1-D6Mgh2/ZteRrrc IEA S RGD:7241799 20211113 RGD
150521614 BDIX.BDIV-D10Got1-D10Rat45/ZteRrrc strain RS:0005106 BDIX.BDIV-D10Got1-D10Rat45/ZteRrrc IEA S RGD:7241799 20211113 RGD
150521616 BDIX.BDIV-D10Mit3-D10Mgh16/ZteRrrc strain RS:0005107 BDIX.BDIV-D10Mit3-D10Mgh16/ZteRrrc IEA S RGD:7241799 20211113 RGD
150521617 BDIX/IfzRrrc strain RS:0005108 BDIX/IfzRrrc IEA S RGD:7241799 20211113 RGD
150521619 BDIV/lfzRrrc strain RS:0005266 BDIV/lfzRrrc IEA S RGD:7241799 20230527 RGD
150521660 LE-Tg(DIO-mCherry)2Ottc strain RS:0005109 LE-Tg(DIO-mCherry)2Ottc IEA S RGD:7241799 20211120 RGD
150521661 SD-Tg(DIO-mCherry)2OttcRrrc strain RS:0005110 SD-Tg(DIO-mCherry)2OttcRrrc IEA S RGD:7241799 20211120 RGD
150521675 BN/NHsdShul strain RS:0005111 BN/NHsdShul IEA S RGD:7241799 20211120 RGD
150521676 ACI/SegHsdShul strain RS:0005112 ACI/SegHsdShul IEA S RGD:7241799 20211120 RGD
150521677 BN/HsdShulRrrc strain RS:0005113 BN/HsdShulRrrc IEA S RGD:7241799 20211120 RGD
150521708 SD-Tbc1d1Tn(sb)1Fkh strain RS:0005114 SD-Tbc1d1Tn(sb)1Fkh IEA S RGD:7241799 20211120 RGD
150523755 SD-Ighmem1Ang strain RS:0005115 SD-Ighmem1Ang IEA S RGD:7241799 20211120 RGD
150523757 SD-Ighmem2Ang strain RS:0005116 SD-Ighmem2Ang IEA S RGD:7241799 20211120 RGD
150523775 LEW-Tg(HLA-B*2705,B2M)Tg/021-3Reh Rrrc strain RS:0005118 LEW-Tg(HLA-B*2705,B2M)Tg/021-3Reh Rrrc IEA S RGD:7241799 20211120 RGD
150523778 LEW-Tg(B2M)283-2RehRrrc strain RS:0005119 LEW-Tg(B2M)283-2RehRrrc IEA S RGD:7241799 20211120 RGD
150523780 LEW-Erap1em1Reh2786/Rrrc strain RS:0005121 LEW-Erap1em1Reh2786/Rrrc IEA S RGD:7241799 20211120 RGD
150523781 LEW-Erap1em1Reh2786 strain RS:0005120 LEW-Erap1em1Reh2786 IEA S RGD:7241799 20211120 RGD
150524338 SD-Tg(ERAP1*)2793RehRrrc strain RS:0005122 SD-Tg(ERAP1*)2793RehRrrc IEA S RGD:7241799 20211204 RGD
150526809 SD-Artfm/Rrrc strain RS:0005124 SD-Artfm/Rrrc IEA S RGD:7241799 20211204 RGD
150527860 BDIX/OrlIco BDIX Rats strain RS:0005125 BDIX/OrlIco IEA S RGD:7241799 20211211 RGD
150573816 SD-Nkx3-1em1Pjhak+/- strain RS:0005127 SD-Nkx3-1em1Pjhak+/- IEA S RGD:7241799 20220115 RGD
150573818 SD-Nkx3-1em1Pjhak-/- strain RS:0005126 SD-Nkx3-1em1Pjhak-/- IEA S RGD:7241799 20220115 RGD
15090817 WI-Ahrem1Hyama+/- strain RS:0004771 WI-Ahrem1Hyama+/- IEA S RGD:7241799 20191221 RGD
15090819 WI-Ahrem1Hyama-/- strain RS:0004772 WI-Ahrem1Hyama-/- IEA S RGD:7241799 20191221 RGD
151347605 SD-Ddah1em1Ywxu strain RS:0005128 SD-Ddah1em1Ywxu IEA S RGD:7241799 20220129 RGD
151347873 Slc:ZUC-Leprfa+ Zucker lean rats strain RS:0005130 Slc:ZUC-Leprfa+ IEA S RGD:7241799 20220212 RGD
151356741 SD-Tg(Alb-TAg)Mlcr strain RS:0005131 SD-Tg(Alb-TAg)Mlcr IEA S RGD:7241799 20220212 RGD
151356946 LE-ROSA26em1(EEF1A1-TetR, Fos-iCre)/BhopeRrrc strain RS:0005181 LE-ROSA26em1(EEF1A1-TetR, Fos-iCre)/BhopeRrrc IEA S RGD:7241799 20221105 RGD
151356950 WI-Tg(Fos-LacZ)BhopeRrrc strain RS:0005132 WI-Tg(Fos-LacZ)BhopeRrrc IEA S RGD:7241799 20220226 RGD
151356957 Sah:SD strain RS:0005133 Sah:SD IEA S RGD:7241799 20220226 RGD
151356958 SD-Cftrem1Apb strain RS:0005134 SD-Cftrem1Apb IEA S RGD:7241799 20220226 RGD
151356959 SD-Cftrem2Apb strain RS:0005135 SD-Cftrem2Apb IEA S RGD:7241799 20220226 RGD
151356971 RjOrl:LE strain RS:0005136 RjOrl:LE IEA S RGD:7241799 20220226 RGD
151356985 LE-Tg(cFos-eGFP)Bhope strain RS:0005137 LE-Tg(cFos-eGFP)Bhope IEA S RGD:7241799 20220226 RGD
151356988 LE-Tg(cFos-eGFP)BhopeRrrc strain RS:0005138 LE-Tg(cFos-eGFP)BhopeRrrc IEA S RGD:7241799 20220226 RGD
151664748 SD-Slc9a6 em1Moro strain RS:0005139 SD-Slc9a6 em1Moro IEA S RGD:7241799 20220312 RGD
151665772 WI-Tfap2cem1(tdTomato)Nips strain RS:0005140 WI-Tfap2cem1(tdTomato)Nips IEA S RGD:7241799 20220402 RGD
151667414 LE-Ckmtm1(cre)/Rrrc strain RS:0005141 LE-Ckmtm1(cre)/Rrrc IEA S RGD:7241799 20220409 RGD
151893484 SS-Tg(CAG-Fh)A1Mcwi strain RS:0005142 SS-Tg(CAG-Fh)A1Mcwi IEA S RGD:7241799 20220423 RGD
152975964 SS-F8em2Mcwi strain RS:0005143 SS-F8em2Mcwi IEA S RGD:7241799 20220604 RGD
152975965 SS-F8em2Mcwi-Tg(ITGA2B-F8*)Mcwi strain RS:0005144 SS-F8em2Mcwi-Tg(ITGA2B-F8*)Mcwi IEA S RGD:7241799 20220604 RGD
152977766 LE-Tg(Drd2-IL2RA/YFP)1Koba strain RS:0005146 LE-Tg(Drd2-Il2RA/YFP)1Koba IEA S RGD:7241799 20220709 RGD
152995284 W/Nov strain RS:0005145 W/Nov IEA S RGD:7241799 20220618 RGD
152999000 LE-Fxn em2Fara-/+ strain RS:0005147 LE-Fxn em2Fara-/+ IEA S RGD:7241799 20220716 RGD
152999001 LE-Fxn em1Fara-/+ strain RS:0005148 LE-Fxn em1Fara-/+ IEA S RGD:7241799 20220716 RGD
152999002 LE-Fxn em2Fara-/+/Rrrc strain RS:0005149 LE-Fxn em2Fara-/+/Rrrc IEA S RGD:7241799 20220716 RGD
152999003 LE-Fxn em1Fara-/+/Rrrc strain RS:0005150 LE-Fxn em1Fara-/+/Rrrc IEA S RGD:7241799 20220716 RGD
152999023 SD-Aif1tm(EGFP)Apps/Mmmc strain RS:0005151 SD-Aif1tm(EGFP)Apps/Mmmc IEA S RGD:7241799 20220723 RGD
153298963 Taiep/JosvRrrc strain RS:0005166 Taiep/JosvRrrc IEA S RGD:7241799 20221015 RGD
153323320 MR/NRrrc Maudsely reactive strain RS:0005152 MR/NRrrc IEA S RGD:7241799 20220820 RGD
153323324 FXLE12/StmMcwi strain RS:0005153 FXLE12/StmMcwi IEA S RGD:7241799 20220820 RGD
153344518 FXLE15/StmMcwi strain RS:0005154 FXLE15/StmMcwi IEA S RGD:7241799 20220820 RGD
153344519 LEXF1C/StmMcwi strain RS:0005155 LEXF1C/StmMcwi IEA S RGD:7241799 20220820 RGD
153344520 LEXF6B/StmMcwi strain RS:0005156 LEXF6B/StmMcwi IEA S RGD:7241799 20220820 RGD
1547865 FHH-Chr 3BN/Mcwi strain RS:0000332 FHH-Chr 3BN/Mcwi IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
1547866 F344/Jcl strain RS:0000312 F344/Jcl IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
1547867 FHH-Chr 4BN/Mcwi strain RS:0000333 FHH-Chr 4BN/Mcwi IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
1547868 FHH-Chr 2BN/Mcwi strain RS:0000331 FHH-Chr 2BN/Mcwi IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
1547869 ACI/Eur August x Copenhagen Irish strain RS:0000021 ACI/Eur IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
1547870 FHH-Chr 14BN/Mcwi strain RS:0000323 FHH-Chr 14BN/Mcwi IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
1547871 ACI.FHH-(D1Rat324-D1Rat156)/Eur strain RS:0000020 ACI.FHH-(D1Rat324-D1Rat156)/Eur IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
1547872 FHH-Chr XBN/Mcwi FHH-Chr XBN/Mcwi strain RS:0000338 FHH-Chr XBN/Mcwi IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
1547873 FHH-Chr 15BN/Mcwi strain RS:0000324 FHH-Chr 15BN/Mcwi IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
1547874 FHH-Chr YBN/Mcwi FHH-Chr YBN/Mcwi strain RS:0000339 FHH-Chr YBN/Mcwi IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
1547875 ACI.FHH-(D17Rat117-D17Arb5)(D17Rat180-D17Rat51)/Eur strain RS:0000016 ACI.FHH-(D17Rat117-D17Arb5)(D17Rat180-D17Rat51)/Eur IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
1547876 FHH-Chr 10BN/Mcwi strain RS:0000319 FHH-Chr 10BN/Mcwi IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
1549794 SS.LEW-(D2Rat199-D2Mco17)/Ayd strain RS:0000876 SS.LEW-(D2Rat199-D2Mco17)/Ayd IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
1549795 SS.LEW-(D2Rat199-D2Rat143)/Ayd strain RS:0000877 SS.LEW-(D2Rat199-D2Rat143)/Ayd IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
1549796 BN/2Hok strain RS:0001207 BN/2Hok IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
1549797 BUF.ACI-(D16Rat31-D16Arb1)/Ncc strain RS:0000435 BUF.ACI-(D16Rat31-D16Arb1)/Ncc IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
1549798 BB.PVG-RT1u/a/Tky strain RS:0001171 BB.PVG-RT1u/a/Tky IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
1549799 BB.SHR-(D6Rat184-D6Rat3)/K strain RS:0000372 BB.SHR-(D6Rat184-D6Rat3)/K IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
1549800 BN/KunKtsSlc strain RS:0001208 BN/KunKtsSlc IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
1549801 BN/Seac strain RS:0000430 BN/Seac IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
1549802 BN/1Hok strain RS:0001206 BN/1Hok IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
1549803 ACI-Lystbg-Kyo/Kyo strain RS:0000029 ACI-Lystbg-Kyo/Kyo IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
1549804 BUF/NacJcl strain RS:0000467 BUF/NacJcl IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
1549805 BUF.Cg-Foxn1rnu/Mna strain RS:0001213 BUF.Cg-Foxn1rnu/Mna IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
1549806 BUF.ACI-(D3Rat56-D3Rat83)/Ncc strain RS:0000466 BUF.ACI-(D3Rat56-D3Rat83)/Ncc IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
1549808 SS.LEW-(Prlr-D2Rat143)/Ayd strain RS:0000885 SS.LEW-(Prlr-D2Rat143)/Ayd IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
1549809 BN/KtsSlc strain RS:0001209 BN/KtsSlc IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
1549810 AI/Msik amelogenesis imperfecta rat strain RS:0000367 AI/Msik IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
1549811 ACI/NJcl strain RS:0000366 ACI/NJcl IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
1549813 F344.ACI-Lmx1aqc/Kyo strain RS:0000303 F344.ACI-Lmx1aqc/Kyo IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
1549827 Scl46 Serum cholesterol level QTL 46 qtl RS:0000269 ExHC/Seac IEA S RGD:1547851|PMID:16061941 20140604 RGD
1549827 Scl46 Serum cholesterol level QTL 46 qtl RS:0000430 BN/Seac IEA S RGD:1547851|PMID:16061941 20140604 RGD
1549828 Bp258 Blood pressure QTL 258 qtl RS:0000902 SS.MNS-(D2Chm51-D2Rat341)/Ayd IEA S RGD:1599557|PMID:17143582 20140604 RGD
1549829 Scl48 Serum cholesterol level QTL 48 qtl RS:0000269 ExHC/Seac IEA S RGD:1547851|PMID:16061941 20140604 RGD
1549829 Scl48 Serum cholesterol level QTL 48 qtl RS:0000430 BN/Seac IEA S RGD:1547851|PMID:16061941 20140604 RGD
1549830 Bss1 Bone structure and strength QTL 1 qtl RS:0000363 F344/NHsd IEA S RGD:1549683|PMID:16059631 20140604 RGD
1549830 Bss1 Bone structure and strength QTL 1 qtl RS:0000521 LEW/NHsd IEA S RGD:1549683|PMID:16059631 20140604 RGD
1549831 Bss6 Bone structure and strength QTL 6 qtl RS:0000363 F344/NHsd IEA S RGD:1549683|PMID:16059631 20140604 RGD
1549831 Bss6 Bone structure and strength QTL 6 qtl RS:0000521 LEW/NHsd IEA S RGD:1549683|PMID:16059631 20140604 RGD
1549832 Bss3 Bone structure and strength QTL 3 qtl RS:0000363 F344/NHsd IEA S RGD:1549683|PMID:16059631 20140604 RGD
1549832 Bss3 Bone structure and strength QTL 3 qtl RS:0000521 LEW/NHsd IEA S RGD:1549683|PMID:16059631 20140604 RGD
1549833 Bp257 Blood pressure QTL 257 qtl RS:0000899 SS.MNS-(D2Chm25-D2Rat131)/Ayd IEA S RGD:1599557|PMID:17143582 20140604 RGD
1549834 Scl45 Serum cholesterol level QTL 45 qtl RS:0000269 ExHC/Seac IEA S RGD:1547851|PMID:16061941 20140604 RGD
1549834 Scl45 Serum cholesterol level QTL 45 qtl RS:0000430 BN/Seac IEA S RGD:1547851|PMID:16061941 20140604 RGD
1549835 Tcas7 Tongue tumor susceptibility QTL 7 qtl RS:0000999 WF.DA-(D19Mit1-D19Mit6)/Kop IEA S RGD:1358147|PMID:15876484 20140604 RGD
1549836 Bss2 Bone structure and strength QTL 2 qtl RS:0000363 F344/NHsd IEA S RGD:1549683|PMID:16059631 20140604 RGD
1549836 Bss2 Bone structure and strength QTL 2 qtl RS:0000521 LEW/NHsd IEA S RGD:1549683|PMID:16059631 20140604 RGD
1549837 Hcar15 Hepatocarcinoma resistance QTL 15 qtl RS:0001862 DRH.F344-(D1Mgh8-D1Mgh12)/Shigm IEA S RGD:1358145|PMID:15771619 20140604 RGD
1549838 Bss4 Bone structure and strength QTL 4 qtl RS:0000363 F344/NHsd IEA S RGD:1549683|PMID:16059631 20140604 RGD
1549838 Bss4 Bone structure and strength QTL 4 qtl RS:0000521 LEW/NHsd IEA S RGD:1549683|PMID:16059631 20140604 RGD
1549839 Bw52 Body weight QTL 52 qtl RS:0000063 BB.SHR-(D4Got41-Tacr1)/K IEA S RGD:1358143|PMID:15833945 20140604 RGD
1549840 Bss5 Bone structure and strength QTL 5 qtl RS:0000363 F344/NHsd IEA S RGD:1549683|PMID:16059631 20140604 RGD
1549840 Bss5 Bone structure and strength QTL 5 qtl RS:0000521 LEW/NHsd IEA S RGD:1549683|PMID:16059631 20140604 RGD
1549841 Bp256 Blood pressure QTL 256 qtl RS:0000904 SS.MNS-(D2Rat183-D2Chm113)/Ayd IEA S RGD:1599557|PMID:17143582 20140604 RGD
1549842 Bp248 Blood pressure QTL 248 qtl RS:0000857 SS.LEW-(D16Mit2-D16Chm23)/Ayd IEA S RGD:1300037|PMID:15080379 20140604 RGD
1549843 Bw53 Body weight QTL 53 qtl RS:0000066 BB.WOKW-(D4Got41-Fabp1)/K IEA S RGD:1358143|PMID:15833945 20140604 RGD
1549844 Bss7 Bone structure and strength QTL 7 qtl RS:0000363 F344/NHsd IEA S RGD:1549683|PMID:16059631 20140604 RGD
1549844 Bss7 Bone structure and strength QTL 7 qtl RS:0000521 LEW/NHsd IEA S RGD:1549683|PMID:16059631 20140604 RGD
1549845 Scl44 Serum cholesterol level QTL 44 qtl RS:0000269 ExHC/Seac IEA S RGD:1547851|PMID:16061941 20140604 RGD
1549845 Scl44 Serum cholesterol level QTL 44 qtl RS:0000430 BN/Seac IEA S RGD:1547851|PMID:16061941 20140604 RGD
1549846 Scl47 Serum cholesterol level QTL 47 qtl RS:0000269 ExHC/Seac IEA S RGD:1547851|PMID:16061941 20140604 RGD
1549846 Scl47 Serum cholesterol level QTL 47 qtl RS:0000430 BN/Seac IEA S RGD:1547851|PMID:16061941 20140604 RGD
1549847 Bss8 Bone structure and strength QTL 8 qtl RS:0000363 F344/NHsd IEA S RGD:1549683|PMID:16059631 20140604 RGD
1549847 Bss8 Bone structure and strength QTL 8 qtl RS:0000521 LEW/NHsd IEA S RGD:1549683|PMID:16059631 20140604 RGD
1549848 Bvd6 Brain ventricular dilatation QTL 6 qtl RS:0000215 F344 IEA S RGD:68693|PMID:11178739 20180317 RGD
1549848 Bvd6 Brain ventricular dilatation QTL 6 qtl RS:0000386 HTX/Hcj IEA S RGD:68693|PMID:11178739 20151128 RGD
1549897 Stresp12 Stress response QTL 12 qtl RS:0000363 F344/NHsd IEA S RGD:1358767|PMID:15685431 20140604 RGD
1549897 Stresp12 Stress response QTL 12 qtl RS:0000916 WKY/NHsd IEA S RGD:1358767|PMID:15685431 20140604 RGD
1549898 Neuinf3 Neuroinflammation QTL 3 qtl RS:0000242 DA/Ztm IEA S RGD:1358788|PMID:14586010 20140604 RGD
1549898 Neuinf3 Neuroinflammation QTL 3 qtl RS:0000644 PVG.1AV1 IEA S RGD:1358788|PMID:14586010 20140604 RGD
1549899 Stresp8 Stress response QTL 8 qtl RS:0000363 F344/NHsd IEA S RGD:1358767|PMID:15685431 20160109 RGD
1549899 Stresp8 Stress response QTL 8 qtl RS:0000916 WKY/NHsd IEA S RGD:1358767|PMID:15685431 20160109 RGD
1549900 Iddm20 Insulin dependent diabetes mellitus QTL 20 qtl RS:0000076 BBDR/Wor IEA S RGD:1358924|PMID:15793267 20140604 RGD
1549900 Iddm20 Insulin dependent diabetes mellitus QTL 20 qtl RS:0000992 WF.BBDR-ART2a/Wor IEA S RGD:1358924|PMID:15793267 20140604 RGD
1549901 Neudeg2 Neurodegradation QTL 2 qtl RS:0000242 DA/Ztm IEA S RGD:1358788|PMID:14586010 20140604 RGD
1549901 Neudeg2 Neurodegradation QTL 2 qtl RS:0000645 PVG/OlaHsd IEA S RGD:1358788|PMID:14586010 20140604 RGD
1549902 Bp269 Blood pressure QTL 269 qtl RS:0000510 LEW/CrlCrlj IEA S RGD:1358144|PMID:15809361 20140604 RGD
1549902 Bp269 Blood pressure QTL 269 qtl RS:0000789 SS IEA S RGD:1358144|PMID:15809361 20140604 RGD
1549903 Bp267 Blood pressure QTL 267 qtl RS:0000510 LEW/CrlCrlj IEA S RGD:1358144|PMID:15809361 20140604 RGD
1549903 Bp267 Blood pressure QTL 267 qtl RS:0000789 SS IEA S RGD:1358144|PMID:15809361 20140604 RGD
1549904 Neuinf1 Neuroinflammation QTL 1 qtl RS:0000242 DA/Ztm IEA S RGD:1358788|PMID:14586010 20140604 RGD
1549904 Neuinf1 Neuroinflammation QTL 1 qtl RS:0000645 PVG/OlaHsd IEA S RGD:1358788|PMID:14586010 20140604 RGD
1549905 Stresp10 Stress response QTL 10 qtl RS:0000363 F344/NHsd IEA S RGD:1358767|PMID:15685431 20140604 RGD
1549905 Stresp10 Stress response QTL 10 qtl RS:0000916 WKY/NHsd IEA S RGD:1358767|PMID:15685431 20140604 RGD
1549907 Neuinf2 Neuroinflammation QTL 2 qtl RS:0000242 DA/Ztm IEA S RGD:1358788|PMID:14586010 20140604 RGD
1549907 Neuinf2 Neuroinflammation QTL 2 qtl RS:0000645 PVG/OlaHsd IEA S RGD:1358788|PMID:14586010 20140604 RGD
1549908 Neudeg1 Neurodegradation QTL 1 qtl RS:0000242 DA/Ztm IEA S RGD:1358788|PMID:14586010 20140604 RGD
1549908 Neudeg1 Neurodegradation QTL 1 qtl RS:0000645 PVG/OlaHsd IEA S RGD:1358788|PMID:14586010 20140604 RGD
1549909 Stresp11 Stress response QTL 11 qtl RS:0000363 F344/NHsd IEA S RGD:1358767|PMID:15685431 20140604 RGD
1549909 Stresp11 Stress response QTL 11 qtl RS:0000916 WKY/NHsd IEA S RGD:1358767|PMID:15685431 20140604 RGD
1549910 Bw54 Body weight QTL 54 qtl RS:0000292 F344.OLETF-(D1Rat166-D1Rat90)/Tj IEA S RGD:1358859|PMID:15883013 20140604 RGD
1549911 Stresp9 Stress response QTL 9 qtl RS:0000363 F344/NHsd IEA S RGD:1358767|PMID:15685431 20140604 RGD
1549911 Stresp9 Stress response QTL 9 qtl RS:0000916 WKY/NHsd IEA S RGD:1358767|PMID:15685431 20140604 RGD
1549912 Bp268 Blood pressure QTL 268 qtl RS:0000510 LEW/CrlCrlj IEA S RGD:1358144|PMID:15809361 20140604 RGD
1549912 Bp268 Blood pressure QTL 268 qtl RS:0000789 SS IEA S RGD:1358144|PMID:15809361 20140604 RGD
1549913 Stresp13 Stress response QTL 13 qtl RS:0000363 F344/NHsd IEA S RGD:1358767|PMID:15685431 20140604 RGD
1549913 Stresp13 Stress response QTL 13 qtl RS:0000916 WKY/NHsd IEA S RGD:1358767|PMID:15685431 20140604 RGD
155260360 COP/HsdUwmRrrc Copenhagen strain RS:0005157 COP/HsdUwmRrrc IEA S RGD:7241799 20221008 RGD
155260361 SD-Tg(Sycp1-Cas9-eGFP)SynblRrrc strain RS:0005159 SD-Tg(Sycp1-Cas9-eGFP)SynblRrrc IEA S RGD:7241799 20221008 RGD
155260362 SD-Tg(Ddx4-Cas9)SynblRrrc strain RS:0005161 SD-Tg(Ddx4-Cas9)SynblRrrc IEA S RGD:7241799 20221008 RGD
155260363 SD-Tg(Cyp2e1-CYP2E1*-Cas9)SynblRrrc strain RS:0005163 SD-Tg(Cyp2e1-CYP2E1*-Cas9)SynblRrrc IEA S RGD:7241799 20221008 RGD
155260364 SD-Tg(Cyp3a23-3a1-Cyp3A4*-Cas9)SynblRrrc strain RS:0005165 SD-Tg(Cyp3a23-3a1-Cyp3A4*-Cas9)SynblRrrc IEA S RGD:7241799 20221008 RGD
155260365 SD-Tg(Sycp1-Cas9-eGFP)Synbl strain RS:0005158 SD-Tg(Sycp1-Cas9-eGFP)Synbl IEA S RGD:7241799 20221008 RGD
155260366 SD-Tg(Ddx4-Cas9)Synbl strain RS:0005160 SD-Tg(Ddx4-Cas9)Synbl IEA S RGD:7241799 20221008 RGD
155260367 SD-Tg(Cyp2e1-CYP2E1*-Cas9)Synbl strain RS:0005162 SD-Tg(Cyp2e1-CYP2E1*-Cas9)Synbl IEA S RGD:7241799 20221008 RGD
155260368 SD-Tg(Cyp3a23-3a1-Cyp3A4*-Cas9)Synb strain RS:0005164 SD-Tg(Cyp3a23-3a1-Cyp3A4*-Cas9)Synbl IEA S RGD:7241799 20221008 RGD
155269039 WI;WDB-ROSA26tm1(H2B-tdTomato)/Nips strain RS:0005168 WI;WDB-ROSA26tm1(H2B-tdTomato)/Nips IEA S RGD:7241799 20221015 RGD
155269040 F344-Tg(CAG-ACE2)057Bryd strain RS:0005167 F344-Tg(CAG-ACE2)057Bryd IEA S RGD:7241799 20221015 RGD
155269102 McwiWfsmAap:HS Heterogeneous stock strain RS:0005169 McwiWfsmAap:HS IEA S RGD:7241799 20221015 RGD
1554301 WKHA/Bord strain RS:0001022 WKHA/Bord IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
1554302 HOB-Unc5chob/Snk hobble rat strain RS:0000486 HOB-Unc5chob/Snk IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
1554303 CVD/Opu Cerebellar vermis defect rat strain RS:0000469 CVD/Opu IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
1554304 GAERS/Mave Genetic Absence Epilepsy Rats from Strasbourg strain RS:0000481 GAERS/Mave IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
1554305 DA-Tg(CAG-lacZ)30Jmsk strain RS:0000477 DA-Tg(CAG-lacZ)30Jmsk IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
1554306 GK/Slc Goto Kakizaki Rat strain RS:0000482 GK/Slc IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
1554307 W-Tg(LAC3)Ys strain RS:0000960 W-Tg(LAC3)Ys IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
1554308 Gunn-Ugt1a1j/Slc Gunn strain RS:0001320 Gunn-Ugt1a1jSlc IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
1554309 W-Tg(CAG-GFP)184Ys strain RS:0000959 W-Tg(CAG-GFP)184Ys IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
1554310 DA-Tg(CAG-lacZ)19Jmsk strain RS:0000476 DA-Tg(CAG-lacZ)19Jmsk IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
1554317 Bmd4 Bone mineral density QTL 4 qtl RS:0000121 LEW IEA S RGD:1553896|PMID:16180139 20140604 RGD
1554317 Bmd4 Bone mineral density QTL 4 qtl RS:0000215 F344 IEA S RGD:1553896|PMID:16180139 20180317 RGD
1554318 Bmd5 Bone mineral density QTL 5 qtl RS:0000121 LEW IEA S RGD:1553896|PMID:16180139 20140604 RGD
1554318 Bmd5 Bone mineral density QTL 5 qtl RS:0000215 F344 IEA S RGD:1553896|PMID:16180139 20180317 RGD
1554319 Bmd2 Bone mineral density QTL 2 qtl RS:0000121 LEW IEA S RGD:1553896|PMID:16180139 20140604 RGD
1554319 Bmd2 Bone mineral density QTL 2 qtl RS:0000215 F344 IEA S RGD:1553896|PMID:16180139 20180317 RGD
1554320 Bmd1 Bone mineral density QTL 1 qtl RS:0000121 LEW IEA S RGD:1553896|PMID:16180139 20140604 RGD
1554320 Bmd1 Bone mineral density QTL 1 qtl RS:0000215 F344 IEA S RGD:1553896|PMID:16180139 20180317 RGD
1554321 Bmd3 Bone mineral density QTL 3 qtl RS:0000121 LEW IEA S RGD:1553896|PMID:16180139 20140604 RGD
1554321 Bmd3 Bone mineral density QTL 3 qtl RS:0000215 F344 IEA S RGD:1553896|PMID:16180139 20180317 RGD
155598601 SD-Bmal1em1Mcwi strain RS:0005170 SD-Bmal1em1Mcwi IEA S RGD:7241799 20221022 RGD
155630631 CD-Ctnsem2Vjupk strain RS:0005171 CD-Ctnsem2Vjupk IEA S RGD:7241799 20221029 RGD
155630633 CD-Ctnsem3Vjupk strain RS:0005172 CD-Ctnsem3Vjupk IEA S RGD:7241799 20221029 RGD
155630635 CD-Ctnsem4Vjupk strain RS:0005173 CD-Ctnsem4Vjupk IEA S RGD:7241799 20221029 RGD
155631259 Taiep strain RS:0005174 Taiep IEA S RGD:7241799 20221029 RGD
155631261 SD-Brca1em1Kyo strain RS:0005175 SD-Brca1em1Kyo IEA S RGD:7241799 20221029 RGD
155631278 SD-Flnaem1Ang strain RS:0005176 SD-Flnaem1Ang IEA S RGD:7241799 20221105 RGD
155631289 SD-Pde6bem1Cgen strain RS:0005177 SD-Pde6bem1Cgen IEA S RGD:7241799 20221105 RGD
155631293 SD-Pde3aem1Bdr strain RS:0005178 SD-Pde3aem1Bdr IEA S RGD:7241799 20221105 RGD
155631295 SD-Pde3aem2Bdr strain RS:0005179 SD-Pde3aem2Bdr IEA S RGD:7241799 20221105 RGD
155631298 SD-Pde3aem3Bdr strain RS:0005180 SD-Pde3aem3Bdr IEA S RGD:7241799 20221105 RGD
155641233 SD-Tg(Rho*P23H)1Lav strain RS:0005182 SD-Tg(Rho*P23H)1Lav IEA S RGD:7241799 20221105 RGD
155641235 WMI/Eer WKY most immobile strain RS:0005183 WMI/Eer IEA S RGD:7241799 20221105 RGD
155641237 WLI/Eer WKY least immobile strain RS:0005184 WLI/Eer IEA S RGD:7241799 20221105 RGD
155641239 SS.SR-(rs65785750-rs13452155)/OpazRrrc strain RS:0005185 SS.SR-(rs65785750-rs13452155)/OpazRrrc IEA S RGD:7241799 20221105 RGD
155641240 SS.SR-(rs65785750-rs106808193)/OpazRrrc strain RS:0005186 SS.SR-(rs65785750-rs106808193)/OpazRrrc IEA S RGD:7241799 20221105 RGD
155641241 SS.SR-(rs105019230-D17Rat44)/OpazRrrc strain RS:0005187 SS.SR-(rs105019230-D17Rat44)/OpazRrrc IEA S RGD:7241799 20221105 RGD
155641245 SD-Tg(Oprm1-icre)1Ottc strain RS:0005257 Strain: SD-Tg(Oprm1-icre)1Ottc IEA S RGD:7241799 20230318 RGD
155641246 F344-Tg(Cx3cr1-cre/ERT2)3OttcRrrc strain RS:0005189 F344-Tg(Cx3cr1-cre/ERT2)3OttcRrrc IEA S RGD:7241799 20221105 RGD
155641247 F344.LE-ROSA26 em1(LTR-nLuc)Ottc/Rrrc strain RS:0005190 F344.LE-ROSA26 em1(LTR-nLuc)Ottc/Rrrc IEA S RGD:7241799 20221105 RGD
155641248 SD-ROSA26em1(LTR-nLuc)Ottc/Rrrc strain RS:0005191 SD-ROSA26em1(LTR-nLuc)Ottc/Rrrc IEA S RGD:7241799 20221105 RGD
155641251 F344-Tg(CAG-ACE2)057BrydRrrc strain RS:0005193 F344-Tg(CAG-ACE2)057BrydRrrc IEA S RGD:7241799 20221105 RGD
155663364 SD-Del(Yp)1Mcwi strain RS:0005331 SD-Del(Yp)1Mcwi IEA S RGD:7241799 20240525 RGD
155663559 SD-Gcgtm1(iCre)Lrina strain RS:0005194 SD-Gcgtm1(iCre)Lrina IEA S RGD:7241799 20221203 RGD
155663560 SD-Gcgtm1(iCre)Lrina/Rrrc strain RS:0005195 SD-Gcgtm1(iCre)Lrina/Rrrc IEA S RGD:7241799 20221203 RGD
155663675 LE-Tg(ChAT-cre)5.1Deis strain RS:0005196 LE-Tg(ChAT-cre)5.1Deis IEA S RGD:7241799 20221210 RGD
1556747 Calcic1 Intracellular calcium level QTL 1 qtl RS:0000757 SHR/Snk IEA S RGD:1547855|PMID:15882549 20140604 RGD
1556747 Calcic1 Intracellular calcium level QTL 1 qtl RS:0001304 F344/Snk IEA S RGD:1547855|PMID:15882549 20140604 RGD
1556748 F344/Snk strain RS:0001304 F344/Snk IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
155782877 SHRSP/NgskMeltw strain RS:0005197 SHRSP/NgskMeltw IEA S RGD:7241799 20221210 RGD
155782879 SS-Chr3BN.SS-(D3Rat26-D3Mgh30)/Mcwi strain RS:0005361 SS-Chr3BN.SS-(D3Rat26-D3Mgh30)/Mcwi IEA S RGD:7241799 20240831 RGD
155782880 SS-Chr 3BN.SS-(D3Arb3-D3Rat93)( D3Rat78-D3Rat1)/Mcwi strain RS:0005357 SS-Chr 3BN.SS-(D3Arb3-D3Rat93)( D3Rat78-D3Rat1)/Mcwi IEA S RGD:7241799 20240831 RGD
155782881 SS-Chr3BN.SS-(D3Rat222-D3Rat218)/Mcwi strain RS:0005350 SS-Chr3BN.SS-(D3Rat222-D3Rat218)/Mcwi IEA S RGD:7241799 20240831 RGD
155791425 SS-Chr 3BN.Il2rgem1Mcwi/Mcwi strain RS:0005353 SS-Chr 3BN.Il2rgem1Mcwi/Mcwi IEA S RGD:7241799 20240831 RGD
155791431 SS-Chr 3BN.SS-(D3Arb3-D3Rat93)( D3Rat78-D3Rat1).Il2rgem1/Mcwi strain RS:0005358 SS-Chr 3BN.SS-(D3Arb3-D3Rat93)( D3Rat78-D3Rat1).Il2rgem1/Mcwi IEA S RGD:7241799 20240831 RGD
155791432 SS-Chr 3BN.SS-(D3Rat26-D3Mgh30).Il2rgem1/Mcwi strain RS:0005362 SS-Chr 3BN.SS-(D3Rat26-D3Mgh30).Il2rgem1/Mcwi IEA S RGD:7241799 20240831 RGD
155791433 SS-Chr 3BN.SS-(D3Rat222-D3Rat218).Il2rgem1/Mcwi strain RS:0005351 SS-Chr 3BN.SS-(D3Rat222-D3Rat218).Il2rgem1/Mcwi IEA S RGD:7241799 20240831 RGD
155791434 SS-Chr 3BN.SS-(D3Rat222-D3Got42).Il2rgem1/Mcwi strain RS:0005359 SS-Chr 3BN.SS-(D3Rat222-D3Got42).Il2rgem1/Mcwi IEA S RGD:7241799 20240831 RGD
155791435 SS-Chr 3BN.SS-(D3Rat222-D3Mco33).Il2rgem1/Mcwi strain RS:0005356 SS-Chr 3BN.SS-(D3Rat222-D3Mco33).Il2rgem1/Mcwi IEA S RGD:7241799 20240831 RGD
155791436 SS-Chr 3BN.SS-(D3Rat26-D3Rat218).Il2rgem1/Mcwi strain RS:0005355 SS-Chr 3BN.SS-(D3Rat26-D3Rat218).Il2rgem1/Mcwi IEA S RGD:7241799 20240831 RGD
155791437 SS-Chr 3BN.SS-(D3Rat160-D3Rat218).Il2rgem1/Mcwi strain RS:0005354 SS-Chr 3BN.SS-(D3Rat160-D3Rat218).Il2rgem1/Mcwi IEA S RGD:7241799 20240831 RGD
155791438 SS-Chr 3BN.SS-(D3Rat164-D3Rat218).Il2rgem1/Mcwi strain RS:0005363 SS-Chr 3BN.SS-(D3Rat164-D3Rat218).Il2rgem1/Mcwi IEA S RGD:7241799 20240831 RGD
155791439 SS-Chr 3BN.SS-(D3Mgh13-D3Rat218).Il2rgem1/Mcwi strain RS:0005352 SS-Chr 3BN.SS-(D3Mgh13-D3Rat218).l2rgem1/Mcwi IEA S RGD:7241799 20240831 RGD
155791440 SS-Chr 3BN.SS-(D3Rat 86-D3Rat218).Il2rgem1/Mcwi strain RS:0005360 SS-Chr 3BN.SS-(D3Rat 86-D3Rat218).Il2rgem1/Mcwi IEA S RGD:7241799 20240831 RGD
155791645 BN/NOlaHsd strain RS:0005199 BN/NOlaHsd IEA S RGD:7241799 20230107 RGD
155804258 BN/Rij strain RS:0000149 BN/Rij IEA S RGD:7241799 20230114 RGD
1558640 Prcs2 Prostate cancer susceptibility QTL 2 qtl RS:0000032 ACI/SegHsd IEA S RGD:1358944|PMID:15805257 20140604 RGD
1558640 Prcs2 Prostate cancer susceptibility QTL 2 qtl RS:0000312 F344/Jcl IEA S RGD:1358944|PMID:15805257 20140604 RGD
1558641 Cm47 Cardiac mass QTL 47 qtl RS:0001447 SHRSP/Tkyo IEA S RGD:1554311|PMID:16097372 20140604 RGD
1558641 Cm47 Cardiac mass QTL 47 qtl RS:0001603 WKY/Tkyo IEA S RGD:1554311|PMID:16097372 20140604 RGD
1558642 Prcr2 Prostate cancer resistance QTL 2 qtl RS:0000032 ACI/SegHsd IEA S RGD:1358944|PMID:15805257 20140604 RGD
1558642 Prcr2 Prostate cancer resistance QTL 2 qtl RS:0000312 F344/Jcl IEA S RGD:1358944|PMID:15805257 20140604 RGD
1558643 Cm44 Cardiac mass QTL 44 qtl RS:0001447 SHRSP/Tkyo IEA S RGD:1554311|PMID:16097372 20140604 RGD
1558643 Cm44 Cardiac mass QTL 44 qtl RS:0001603 WKY/Tkyo IEA S RGD:1554311|PMID:16097372 20140604 RGD
1558644 Cm45 Cardiac mass QTL 45 qtl RS:0001447 SHRSP/Tkyo IEA S RGD:1554311|PMID:16097372 20140604 RGD
1558644 Cm45 Cardiac mass QTL 45 qtl RS:0001603 WKY/Tkyo IEA S RGD:1554311|PMID:16097372 20140604 RGD
1558645 Bw55 Body weight QTL 55 qtl RS:0001447 SHRSP/Tkyo IEA S RGD:1554311|PMID:16097372 20140604 RGD
1558645 Bw55 Body weight QTL 55 qtl RS:0001603 WKY/Tkyo IEA S RGD:1554311|PMID:16097372 20140604 RGD
1558646 Swd5 Spike wave discharge measurement QTL 5 qtl RS:0000148 BN/OrlIcoCrlf IEA S RGD:1553898|PMID:15030491 20140604 RGD
1558646 Swd5 Spike wave discharge measurement QTL 5 qtl RS:0000481 GAERS/Mave IEA S RGD:1553898|PMID:15030491 20140604 RGD
1558647 Cm46 Cardiac mass QTL 46 qtl RS:0001447 SHRSP/Tkyo IEA S RGD:1554311|PMID:16097372 20140604 RGD
1558647 Cm46 Cardiac mass QTL 46 qtl RS:0001603 WKY/Tkyo IEA S RGD:1554311|PMID:16097372 20140604 RGD
1558648 Smcn1 Smooth muscle cell number QTL 1 qtl RS:0000903 SS.MNS-(D2Mit6-D2Rat303)/Ayd IEA S RGD:1357419|PMID:15741507 20140604 RGD
1558649 Bw58 Body weight QTL 58 qtl RS:0001447 SHRSP/Tkyo IEA S RGD:1554311|PMID:16097372 20140604 RGD
1558649 Bw58 Body weight QTL 58 qtl RS:0001603 WKY/Tkyo IEA S RGD:1554311|PMID:16097372 20140604 RGD
1558650 Cm48 Cardiac mass QTL 48 qtl RS:0001432 SHR/Tkyo IEA S RGD:1554311|PMID:16097372 20140604 RGD
1558650 Cm48 Cardiac mass QTL 48 qtl RS:0001603 WKY/Tkyo IEA S RGD:1554311|PMID:16097372 20140604 RGD
1558651 Swd3 Spike wave discharge measurement QTL 3 qtl RS:0000148 BN/OrlIcoCrlf IEA S RGD:1553898|PMID:15030491 20140604 RGD
1558651 Swd3 Spike wave discharge measurement QTL 3 qtl RS:0000481 GAERS/Mave IEA S RGD:1553898|PMID:15030491 20140604 RGD
1558652 Bw57 Body weight QTL 57 qtl RS:0001447 SHRSP/Tkyo IEA S RGD:1554311|PMID:16097372 20140604 RGD
1558652 Bw57 Body weight QTL 57 qtl RS:0001603 WKY/Tkyo IEA S RGD:1554311|PMID:16097372 20140604 RGD
1558653 Prcr1 Prostate cancer resistance QTL 1 qtl RS:0000032 ACI/SegHsd IEA S RGD:1358944|PMID:15805257 20140604 RGD
1558653 Prcr1 Prostate cancer resistance QTL 1 qtl RS:0000312 F344/Jcl IEA S RGD:1358944|PMID:15805257 20140604 RGD
1558654 Bw56 Body weight QTL 56 qtl RS:0001447 SHRSP/Tkyo IEA S RGD:1554311|PMID:16097372 20140604 RGD
1558654 Bw56 Body weight QTL 56 qtl RS:0001603 WKY/Tkyo IEA S RGD:1554311|PMID:16097372 20140604 RGD
1558655 Swd4 Spike wave discharge measurement QTL 4 qtl RS:0000148 BN/OrlIcoCrlf IEA S RGD:1553898|PMID:15030491 20140604 RGD
1558655 Swd4 Spike wave discharge measurement QTL 4 qtl RS:0000481 GAERS/Mave IEA S RGD:1553898|PMID:15030491 20140604 RGD
1558656 Prcs1 Prostate cancer susceptibility QTL 1 qtl RS:0000032 ACI/SegHsd IEA S RGD:1358944|PMID:15805257 20140604 RGD
1558656 Prcs1 Prostate cancer susceptibility QTL 1 qtl RS:0000312 F344/Jcl IEA S RGD:1358944|PMID:15805257 20140604 RGD
1558657 Cm43 Cardiac mass QTL 43 qtl RS:0001447 SHRSP/Tkyo IEA S RGD:1554311|PMID:16097372 20140604 RGD
1558657 Cm43 Cardiac mass QTL 43 qtl RS:0001603 WKY/Tkyo IEA S RGD:1554311|PMID:16097372 20140604 RGD
1558658 Bw59 Body weight QTL 59 qtl RS:0001432 SHR/Tkyo IEA S RGD:1554311|PMID:16097372 20140604 RGD
1558658 Bw59 Body weight QTL 59 qtl RS:0001603 WKY/Tkyo IEA S RGD:1554311|PMID:16097372 20140604 RGD
1558659 Tescar1 Testicular tumor resistance QTL 1 qtl RS:0000032 ACI/SegHsd IEA S RGD:1358944|PMID:15805257 20140604 RGD
1558659 Tescar1 Testicular tumor resistance QTL 1 qtl RS:0000312 F344/Jcl IEA S RGD:1358944|PMID:15805257 20140604 RGD
1558660 SHRSP/Tkyo strain RS:0001447 SHRSP/Tkyo IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
1558661 WKY/Tkyo strain RS:0001603 WKY/Tkyo IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
1558662 SHR/Tkyo strain RS:0001432 SHR/Tkyo IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
155888488 MWF/SimwMcwi strain RS:0005200 MWF/SimwMcwi IEA S RGD:7241799 20230211 RGD
155888489 MWF/Simw strain RS:0005201 MWF/Simw IEA S RGD:7241799 20230211 RGD
155900755 SD-Chrna6em1Slot strain RS:0005202 SD-Chrna6em1Slot IEA S RGD:7241799 20230211 RGD
155900757 SD-Chrna6em2Slot strain RS:0005203 SD-Chrna6em2Slot IEA S RGD:7241799 20230211 RGD
1559030 LEC-Tg(ATP7B)Tohm strain RS:0001347 LEC-Tg(ATP7B)Tohm IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
1559031 NE/Mave strain RS:0001374 NE/Mave IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
1559032 SS.LEW-(D17Rat65-D17Chm2)/Ayd strain RS:0001494 SS.LEW-(D17Rat65-D17Chm2)/Ayd IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
1559033 SS.LEW-(D17Rat65-Prl)/Ayd strain RS:0001495 SS.LEW-(D17Rat65-Prl)/Ayd IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
1559034 SS.LEW-(D17Chm14-D17Rat97)/Ayd strain RS:0001492 SS.LEW-(D17Chm14-D17Rat97)/Ayd IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
1559035 SS.LEW-(D17Chm14-D17Rat181)/Ayd strain RS:0001491 SS.LEW-(D17Chm14-D17Rat181)/Ayd IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
1559036 LEW/Jms strain RS:0001363 LEW/Jms IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
1559037 SS.LEW-(D17Chm9-D17Rat97)/Ayd strain RS:0001493 SS.LEW-(D17Chm9-D17Rat97)/Ayd IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
1559039 ODS/Shi Osteogenic disorder Shionogi strain RS:0001378 ODS/Shi IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
1559040 MD/Tama myelin deficient rat strain RS:0001370 MD/Tama IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
1559041 SHRSP/Ngsk strain RS:0001446 SHRSP/Ngsk IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
1559042 SHR/Nig strain RS:0001428 SHR/Nig IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
1559043 MV/Opu myelin vacuolation rat strain RS:0001372 MV/Opu IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
1559044 SS.SR-(D3Mco19-D3Mco5)/Jr strain RS:0001562 SS.SR-(D3Mco19-D3Mco5)/Jr IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
1559045 LEW/Crlc strain RS:0000816 LEW/Crlc IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
1559046 SHR-Chr YW/K strain RS:0001417 SHR-Chr YW/K IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
1559047 SHRSP/Ezo strain RS:0001445 SHRSP/Ezo IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
1559048 SHR.ODS-Gulood/Shi strain RS:0001420 SHR.ODS-Gulood/Shi IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
1559055 Bp278 Blood pressure QTL 278 qtl RS:0001491 SS.LEW-(D17Chm14-D17Rat181)/Ayd IEA S RGD:1599557|PMID:17143582 20140604 RGD
1559055 Bp278 Blood pressure QTL 278 qtl RS:0001495 SS.LEW-(D17Rat65-Prl)/Ayd IEA S RGD:1599557|PMID:17143582 20140604 RGD
1559282 Emca5 Estrogen-induced mammary cancer QTL 5 qtl RS:0000032 ACI/SegHsd IEA S RGD:1642522|PMID:16885383 20140604 RGD
1559282 Emca5 Estrogen-induced mammary cancer QTL 5 qtl RS:0000155 BN/SsNHsd IEA S RGD:1642522|PMID:16885383 20140604 RGD
1559283 Emca4 Estrogen-induced mammary cancer QTL 4 qtl RS:0000032 ACI/SegHsd IEA S RGD:1642522|PMID:16885383 20140604 RGD
1559283 Emca4 Estrogen-induced mammary cancer QTL 4 qtl RS:0000155 BN/SsNHsd IEA S RGD:1642522|PMID:16885383 20140604 RGD
156212871 HSRA/Ummc heterogeneous stock-derived renal agenesis rat strain RS:0005204 HSRA/Ummc IEA S RGD:7241799 20230218 RGD
156340304 MWF/HsdMcwi Munich Wistar Fromter strain RS:0005205 MWF/HsdMcwi IEA S RGD:7241799 20230218 RGD
156354230 PVG/SeacMcwi Piebald Virol Glaxo strain RS:0005206 PVG/SeacMcwi IEA S RGD:7241799 20230218 RGD
156362762 RCS/LavRrrcMcwi royal college of surgeons rat strain RS:0005207 RCS/LavRrrcMcwi IEA S RGD:7241799 20230218 RGD
156368567 BDIX/NemOdaMcwi strain RS:0005208 BDIX/NemOdaMcwi IEA S RGD:7241799 20230218 RGD
156403001 BUF/MnaMcwi strain RS:0005209 BUF/MnaMcwi IEA S RGD:7241799 20230218 RGD
156406412 HTX/KyoMcwi hydrocephalus texas strain RS:0005210 HTX/KyoMcwi IEA S RGD:7241799 20230715 RGD
156420138 MR/HarMcwi Maudsely reactive strain RS:0005211 MR/HarMcwi IEA S RGD:7241799 20230218 RGD
156420139 MNS/NMcwi Milan normotensive strain strain RS:0005212 MNS/NMcwi IEA S RGD:7241799 20230218 RGD
156420144 HXB1/IpcvMcwi strain RS:0005213 HXB1/IpcvMcwi IEA S RGD:7241799 20230218 RGD
156420145 HXB7/IpcvMcwi strain RS:0005214 HXB7/IpcvMcwi IEA S RGD:7241799 20230218 RGD
156420146 HXB13/IpcvMcwi strain RS:0005215 HXB13/IpcvMcwi IEA S RGD:7241799 20230218 RGD
156420147 HXB17/IpcvMcwi strain RS:0005216 HXB17/IpcvMcwi IEA S RGD:7241799 20230218 RGD
156420148 HXB18/IpcvMcwi strain RS:0005217 HXB18/IpcvMcwi IEA S RGD:7241799 20230218 RGD
156420149 HXB23/IpcvMcwi strain RS:0005218 HXB23/IpcvMcwi IEA S RGD:7241799 20230218 RGD
156420150 BXH6/CubMcwi strain RS:0005219 BXH6/CubMcwi IEA S RGD:7241799 20230218 RGD
156420151 ZDF-Leprfa/+/Crl strain RS:0005220 ZDF-Leprfa/+/Crl IEA S RGD:7241799 20230218 RGD
156420152 Mlac:WR Wistar rats strain RS:0005221 Mlac:WR IEA S RGD:7241799 20230218 RGD
156420153 Mlac:SD Sprague Dawley rats strain RS:0005222 Mlac:SD IEA S RGD:7241799 20230218 RGD
156430076 LEXF1A/StmMcwi strain RS:0005223 LEXF1A/StmMcwi IEA S RGD:7241799 20230225 RGD
156430077 LEXF2A/StmMcwi strain RS:0005224 LEXF2A/StmMcwi IEA S RGD:7241799 20230225 RGD
156430078 LEXF2B/StmMcwi strain RS:0005225 LEXF2B/StmMcwi IEA S RGD:7241799 20230225 RGD
156430079 LEXF2C/StmMcwi strain RS:0005226 LEXF2C/StmMcwi IEA S RGD:7241799 20230225 RGD
156430080 LEXF3/StmMcwi strain RS:0005227 LEXF3/StmMcwi IEA S RGD:7241799 20230225 RGD
156430081 LEXF4/StmMcwi strain RS:0005228 LEXF4/StmMcwi IEA S RGD:7241799 20230225 RGD
156430082 LEXF5/StmMcwi strain RS:0005229 LEXF5/StmMcwi IEA S RGD:7241799 20230225 RGD
156430083 LEXF7A/StmMcwi strain RS:0005230 LEXF7A/StmMcwi IEA S RGD:7241799 20230225 RGD
156430085 LEXF7B/StmMcwi strain RS:0005231 LEXF7B/StmMcwi IEA S RGD:7241799 20230225 RGD
156430086 LEXF7C/StmMcwi strain RS:0005232 LEXF7C/StmMcwi IEA S RGD:7241799 20230225 RGD
156430087 LEXF8A/StmMcwi strain RS:0005233 LEXF8A/StmMcwi IEA S RGD:7241799 20230225 RGD
156430089 LEXF8D/StmMcwi strain RS:0005234 LEXF8D/StmMcwi IEA S RGD:7241799 20230225 RGD
156430090 LEXF9/StmMcwi strain RS:0005235 LEXF9/StmMcwi IEA S RGD:7241799 20230225 RGD
156430091 LEXF10B/StmMcwi strain RS:0005236 LEXF10B/StmMcwi IEA S RGD:7241799 20230225 RGD
156430092 LEXF10C/StmMcwi strain RS:0005237 LEXF10C/StmMcwi IEA S RGD:7241799 20230225 RGD
156430093 LEXF11/StmMcwi strain RS:0005238 LEXF11/StmMcwi IEA S RGD:7241799 20230225 RGD
156430094 FXLE13/StmMcwi strain RS:0005239 FXLE13/StmMcwi IEA S RGD:7241799 20230225 RGD
156430095 FXLE14/StmMcwi strain RS:0005240 FXLE14/StmMcwi IEA S RGD:7241799 20230225 RGD
156430099 FXLE16/StmMcwi strain RS:0005241 FXLE16/StmMcwi IEA S RGD:7241799 20230225 RGD
156430100 FXLE17/StmMcwi strain RS:0005242 FXLE17/StmMcwi IEA S RGD:7241799 20230225 RGD
156430101 FXLE18/StmMcwi strain RS:0005243 FXLE18/StmMcwi IEA S RGD:7241799 20230225 RGD
156430102 FXLE19/StmMcwi strain RS:0005244 FXLE19/StmMcwi IEA S RGD:7241799 20230225 RGD
156430103 FXLE21/StmMcwi strain RS:0005245 FXLE21/StmMcwi IEA S RGD:7241799 20230225 RGD
156430104 FXLE22/StmMcwi strain RS:0005246 FXLE22/StmMcwi IEA S RGD:7241799 20230225 RGD
156430105 FXLE23/StmMcwi strain RS:0005247 FXLE23/StmMcwi IEA S RGD:7241799 20230225 RGD
156430106 FXLE24/StmMcwi strain RS:0005248 FXLE24/StmMcwi IEA S RGD:7241799 20230225 RGD
156430107 FXLE25/StmMcwi strain RS:0005249 FXLE25/StmMcwi IEA S RGD:7241799 20230225 RGD
156430108 FXLE26/StmMcwi strain RS:0005250 FXLE26/StmMcwi IEA S RGD:7241799 20230225 RGD
156430109 FXLE20/StmMcwi strain RS:0005251 FXLE20/StmMcwi IEA S RGD:7241799 20230225 RGD
156430110 BXH12/CubMcwi strain RS:0005252 BXH12/CubMcwi IEA S RGD:7241799 20230225 RGD
156430169 SD-Mecp2em1Sage/Hsd strain RS:0005254 SD-Mecp2em1Sage/Hsd IEA S RGD:7241799 20230225 RGD
156430327 FSL Flinders Sensitive Line Rat strain RS:0005255 FSL IEA S RGD:7241799 20230304 RGD
156430328 FRL Flinders Resistant Line Rat strain RS:0005256 FRL IEA S RGD:7241799 20230304 RGD
156451369 HAD high-alcohol-drinking strain RS:0000484 HAD IEA S RGD:7241799 20230311 RGD
156451370 LAD low-alcohol-drinking strain RS:0000485 LAD IEA S RGD:7241799 20230311 RGD
1566430 SimTac:LE strain RS:0001346 SimTac:LE IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
1566431 BN/MolTac strain RS:0001210 BN/MolTac IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
1566432 WKY/NMolTac Wistar Kyoto strain RS:0001602 WKY/NMolTac IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
1566433 HanTac:WH strain RS:0001592 HanTac:WH IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
1566434 NTac:SHR strain RS:0001427 NTac:SHR IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
1566437 SS-Chr XBN/Mcwi strain RS:0001109 SS-Chr XBN/Mcwi IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
1566438 DA/MolTac strain RS:0001228 DA/MolTac IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
1566439 F344/NTac strain RS:0001235 F344/NTac IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
1566440 NTac:SD strain RS:0001410 NTac:SD IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
1566443 LEW/MolTac Lewis strain RS:0001364 LEW/MolTac IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
1566444 MolTac:SD strain RS:0001408 MolTac:SD IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
1566445 ACI.BN-(D5Mgh17-D5Rat205)/Shul strain RS:0001156 ACI.BN-(D5Mgh17-D5Rat205)/Shul IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
1566447 GK/MolTac Goto-Kakizaki strain RS:0001317 GK/MolTac IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
1566448 FHH-Chr 9BN/Mcwi strain RS:0001110 FHH-Chr 9BN/Mcwi IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
1566453 SD-Tg(HIV-LacZ)AngRrrc strain RS:0001396 SD-Tg(HIV-LacZ)AngRrrc IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
1566454 BDIV/Zte BDIV/Zte strain RS:0001188 BDIV/Zte IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
1566455 HTX/HcjRrrc strain RS:0001332 HTX/HcjRrrc IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
1566456 BDIX/Zte strain RS:0001189 BDIX/Zte IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
1566457 SPRD Sprague-Dawley strain RS:0000781 SPRD IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
1566458 F344-Tg(ROSA26-ALPP)EpsRrrc strain RS:0001292 F344-Tg(ROSA26-ALPP)EpsRrrc IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
1566459 F344-Tg(ROSA26-EGFP)Eps strain RS:0001291 F344-Tg(ROSA26-EGFP)Eps IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
1566460 SD-Tg(ICAM2-DAF)AngRrrc strain RS:0001397 SD-Tg(ICAM2-DAF)AngRrrc IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
1576302 Schws4 Schwannoma susceptibility QTL 4 qtl RS:0001188 BDIV/Zte IEA S RGD:1559300|PMID:16003739 20140604 RGD
1576302 Schws4 Schwannoma susceptibility QTL 4 qtl RS:0001189 BDIX/Zte IEA S RGD:1559300|PMID:16003739 20140604 RGD
1576303 Ept7 Estrogen-induced pituitary tumorigenesis QTL 7 qtl RS:0000032 ACI/SegHsd IEA S RGD:1642526|PMID:17876666 20140604 RGD
1576303 Ept7 Estrogen-induced pituitary tumorigenesis QTL 7 qtl RS:0000155 BN/SsNHsd IEA S RGD:1642526|PMID:17876666 20140604 RGD
1576304 Schws7 Schwannoma susceptibility QTL 7 qtl RS:0001188 BDIV/Zte IEA S RGD:1559300|PMID:16003739 20140604 RGD
1576304 Schws7 Schwannoma susceptibility QTL 7 qtl RS:0001189 BDIX/Zte IEA S RGD:1559300|PMID:16003739 20140604 RGD
1576304 Schws7 Schwannoma susceptibility QTL 7 qtl RS:0004258 BDIX.BDIV-D10Got1-D10Rat45/Zte IEA S RGD:1559300|PMID:16003739 20170204 RGD
1576305 Emca6 Estrogen-induced mammary cancer QTL 6 qtl RS:0000032 ACI/SegHsd IEA S RGD:1642522|PMID:16885383 20140604 RGD
1576305 Emca6 Estrogen-induced mammary cancer QTL 6 qtl RS:0000155 BN/SsNHsd IEA S RGD:1642522|PMID:16885383 20140604 RGD
1576306 Schws3 Schwannoma susceptibility QTL 3 qtl RS:0001188 BDIV/Zte IEA S RGD:1559300|PMID:16003739 20140604 RGD
1576306 Schws3 Schwannoma susceptibility QTL 3 qtl RS:0001189 BDIX/Zte IEA S RGD:1559300|PMID:16003739 20140604 RGD
1576307 Cia28 Collagen induced arthritis QTL 28 qtl RS:0001225 DA.F344-(D10Rat204-D10Arb22)/Arb IEA S RGD:1359065|PMID:15944295 20140604 RGD
1576308 Schws1 Schwannoma susceptibility QTL 1 qtl RS:0001188 BDIV/Zte IEA S RGD:1559300|PMID:16003739 20140604 RGD
1576308 Schws1 Schwannoma susceptibility QTL 1 qtl RS:0001189 BDIX/Zte IEA S RGD:1559300|PMID:16003739 20140604 RGD
1576308 Schws1 Schwannoma susceptibility QTL 1 qtl RS:0004257 BDIX.BDIV-D10Mit3-D10Mgh16/Zte IEA S RGD:1559300|PMID:16003739 20170204 RGD
1576309 Emca7 Estrogen-induced mammary cancer QTL 7 qtl RS:0000032 ACI/SegHsd IEA S RGD:1642522|PMID:16885383 20140604 RGD
1576309 Emca7 Estrogen-induced mammary cancer QTL 7 qtl RS:0000155 BN/SsNHsd IEA S RGD:1642522|PMID:16885383 20140604 RGD
1576310 Schws2 Schwannoma susceptibility QTL 2 qtl RS:0001188 BDIV/Zte IEA S RGD:1559300|PMID:16003739 20140604 RGD
1576310 Schws2 Schwannoma susceptibility QTL 2 qtl RS:0001189 BDIX/Zte IEA S RGD:1559300|PMID:16003739 20140604 RGD
1576311 Pia26 Pristane induced arthritis QTL 26 qtl RS:0000219 DA.F344-(D10Mit9-D10Rat24)/Nsi IEA S RGD:1359065|PMID:15944295 20140604 RGD
1576312 Emca8 Estrogen-induced mammary cancer QTL 8 qtl RS:0000032 ACI/SegHsd IEA S RGD:1642522|PMID:16885383 20140604 RGD
1576312 Emca8 Estrogen-induced mammary cancer QTL 8 qtl RS:0000155 BN/SsNHsd IEA S RGD:1642522|PMID:16885383 20140604 RGD
1576313 Pia25 Pristane induced arthritis QTL 25 qtl RS:0001225 DA.F344-(D10Rat204-D10Arb22)/Arb IEA S RGD:1359065|PMID:15944295 20140604 RGD
1576314 Eutr1 Estrogen induced uterine response QTL 1 qtl RS:0000032 ACI/SegHsd IEA S RGD:1559292|PMID:16284801 20140604 RGD
1576314 Eutr1 Estrogen induced uterine response QTL 1 qtl RS:0000155 BN/SsNHsd IEA S RGD:1559292|PMID:16284801 20140604 RGD
1576315 Schws6 Schwannoma susceptibility QTL 6 qtl RS:0001188 BDIV/Zte IEA S RGD:1559300|PMID:16003739 20140604 RGD
1576315 Schws6 Schwannoma susceptibility QTL 6 qtl RS:0001189 BDIX/Zte IEA S RGD:1559300|PMID:16003739 20140604 RGD
1576316 Ept5 Estrogen-induced pituitary tumorigenesis QTL 5 qtl RS:0000032 ACI/SegHsd IEA S RGD:1642526|PMID:17876666 20140604 RGD
1576316 Ept5 Estrogen-induced pituitary tumorigenesis QTL 5 qtl RS:0000155 BN/SsNHsd IEA S RGD:1642526|PMID:17876666 20140604 RGD
1576317 Eutr2 Estrogen induced uterine response QTL 2 qtl RS:0001297 F344.BN-(D5Rat1-D5Mit5)/Dlw IEA S RGD:1559291|PMID:16284802 20140604 RGD
1576318 Schws5 Schwannoma susceptibility QTL 5 qtl RS:0001188 BDIV/Zte IEA S RGD:1559300|PMID:16003739 20140604 RGD
1576318 Schws5 Schwannoma susceptibility QTL 5 qtl RS:0001189 BDIX/Zte IEA S RGD:1559300|PMID:16003739 20140604 RGD
1576319 Cia29 Collagen induced arthritis QTL 29 qtl RS:0000218 DA.F344-(D10Mit9-D10Rat11)/Nsi IEA S RGD:1359065|PMID:15944295 20140604 RGD
1578646 Bmd18 Bone mineral density QTL 18 qtl RS:0000363 F344/NHsd IEA S RGD:1578307|PMID:16461031 20140604 RGD
1578646 Bmd18 Bone mineral density QTL 18 qtl RS:0000521 LEW/NHsd IEA S RGD:1578307|PMID:16461031 20140604 RGD
1578647 Bmd17 Bone mineral density QTL 17 qtl RS:0000363 F344/NHsd IEA S RGD:1578307|PMID:16461031 20140604 RGD
1578647 Bmd17 Bone mineral density QTL 17 qtl RS:0000521 LEW/NHsd IEA S RGD:1578307|PMID:16461031 20140604 RGD
1578648 Bss11 Bone structure and strength QTL 11 qtl RS:0000363 F344/NHsd IEA S RGD:1578307|PMID:16461031 20140604 RGD
1578648 Bss11 Bone structure and strength QTL 11 qtl RS:0000521 LEW/NHsd IEA S RGD:1578307|PMID:16461031 20140604 RGD
1578649 Bmd8 Bone mineral density QTL 8 qtl RS:0000363 F344/NHsd IEA S RGD:1578307|PMID:16461031 20140604 RGD
1578649 Bmd8 Bone mineral density QTL 8 qtl RS:0000521 LEW/NHsd IEA S RGD:1578307|PMID:16461031 20140604 RGD
1578650 Bmd6 Bone mineral density QTL 6 qtl RS:0000363 F344/NHsd IEA S RGD:1578307|PMID:16461031 20140604 RGD
1578650 Bmd6 Bone mineral density QTL 6 qtl RS:0000521 LEW/NHsd IEA S RGD:1578307|PMID:16461031 20140604 RGD
1578651 Bmd7 Bone mineral density QTL 7 qtl RS:0000363 F344/NHsd IEA S RGD:1578307|PMID:16461031 20140604 RGD
1578651 Bmd7 Bone mineral density QTL 7 qtl RS:0000521 LEW/NHsd IEA S RGD:1578307|PMID:16461031 20140604 RGD
1578652 Bmd15 Bone mineral density QTL 15 qtl RS:0000363 F344/NHsd IEA S RGD:1578307|PMID:16461031 20140604 RGD
1578652 Bmd15 Bone mineral density QTL 15 qtl RS:0000521 LEW/NHsd IEA S RGD:1578307|PMID:16461031 20140604 RGD
1578653 Vnigr3 Vascular neointimal growth QTL 3 qtl RS:0000155 BN/SsNHsd IEA S RGD:1578306|PMID:16434542 20140604 RGD
1578653 Vnigr3 Vascular neointimal growth QTL 3 qtl RS:0000754 SHR/NHsd IEA S RGD:1578306|PMID:16434542 20140604 RGD
1578654 Bss10 Bone structure and strength QTL 10 qtl RS:0000363 F344/NHsd IEA S RGD:1578307|PMID:16461031 20140604 RGD
1578654 Bss10 Bone structure and strength QTL 10 qtl RS:0000521 LEW/NHsd IEA S RGD:1578307|PMID:16461031 20140604 RGD
1578655 Bmd11 Bone mineral density QTL 11 qtl RS:0000363 F344/NHsd IEA S RGD:1578307|PMID:16461031 20140604 RGD
1578655 Bmd11 Bone mineral density QTL 11 qtl RS:0000521 LEW/NHsd IEA S RGD:1578307|PMID:16461031 20140604 RGD
1578656 Vnigr2 Vascular neointimal growth QTL 2 qtl RS:0000155 BN/SsNHsd IEA S RGD:1578306|PMID:16434542 20140604 RGD
1578656 Vnigr2 Vascular neointimal growth QTL 2 qtl RS:0000754 SHR/NHsd IEA S RGD:1578306|PMID:16434542 20140604 RGD
1578657 Bss12 Bone structure and strength QTL 12 qtl RS:0000363 F344/NHsd IEA S RGD:1578307|PMID:16461031 20140604 RGD
1578657 Bss12 Bone structure and strength QTL 12 qtl RS:0000521 LEW/NHsd IEA S RGD:1578307|PMID:16461031 20140604 RGD
1578658 Bss13 Bone structure and strength QTL 13 qtl RS:0000363 F344/NHsd IEA S RGD:1578307|PMID:16461031 20140604 RGD
1578658 Bss13 Bone structure and strength QTL 13 qtl RS:0000521 LEW/NHsd IEA S RGD:1578307|PMID:16461031 20140604 RGD
1578659 Tspe1 Trichinella spiralis expulsion QTL 1 qtl RS:0000247 DA/Slc IEA S RGD:1578305|PMID:16465509 20140604 RGD
1578659 Tspe1 Trichinella spiralis expulsion QTL 1 qtl RS:0000364 F344/NSlc IEA S RGD:1578305|PMID:16465509 20140604 RGD
1578660 Bss19 Bone structure and strength QTL 19 qtl RS:0000363 F344/NHsd IEA S RGD:1578307|PMID:16461031 20150822 RGD
1578660 Bss19 Bone structure and strength QTL 19 qtl RS:0000521 LEW/NHsd IEA S RGD:1578307|PMID:16461031 20150822 RGD
1578661 Bss20 Bone structure and strength QTL 20 qtl RS:0000363 F344/NHsd IEA S RGD:1578307|PMID:16461031 20140604 RGD
1578661 Bss20 Bone structure and strength QTL 20 qtl RS:0000521 LEW/NHsd IEA S RGD:1578307|PMID:16461031 20140604 RGD
1578662 Bss15 Bone structure and strength QTL 15 qtl RS:0000363 F344/NHsd IEA S RGD:1578307|PMID:16461031 20140604 RGD
1578662 Bss15 Bone structure and strength QTL 15 qtl RS:0000521 LEW/NHsd IEA S RGD:1578307|PMID:16461031 20140604 RGD
1578663 Bss18 Bone structure and strength QTL 18 qtl RS:0000363 F344/NHsd IEA S RGD:1578307|PMID:16461031 20140604 RGD
1578663 Bss18 Bone structure and strength QTL 18 qtl RS:0000521 LEW/NHsd IEA S RGD:1578307|PMID:16461031 20140604 RGD
1578664 Bmd9 Bone mineral QTL density 9 qtl RS:0000363 F344/NHsd IEA S RGD:1578307|PMID:16461031 20140604 RGD
1578664 Bmd9 Bone mineral QTL density 9 qtl RS:0000521 LEW/NHsd IEA S RGD:1578307|PMID:16461031 20140604 RGD
1578665 Bss16 Bone structure and strength QTL 16 qtl RS:0000363 F344/NHsd IEA S RGD:1578307|PMID:16461031 20150822 RGD
1578665 Bss16 Bone structure and strength QTL 16 qtl RS:0000521 LEW/NHsd IEA S RGD:1578307|PMID:16461031 20150822 RGD
1578666 Vnigr1 Vascular neointimal growth QTL 1 qtl RS:0000155 BN/SsNHsd IEA S RGD:1578306|PMID:16434542 20140604 RGD
1578666 Vnigr1 Vascular neointimal growth QTL 1 qtl RS:0000754 SHR/NHsd IEA S RGD:1578306|PMID:16434542 20140604 RGD
1578667 Bss21 Bone structure and strength QTL 21 qtl RS:0000363 F344/NHsd IEA S RGD:1578307|PMID:16461031 20140604 RGD
1578667 Bss21 Bone structure and strength QTL 21 qtl RS:0000521 LEW/NHsd IEA S RGD:1578307|PMID:16461031 20140604 RGD
1578668 Bmd14 Bone mineral density QTL 14 qtl RS:0000363 F344/NHsd IEA S RGD:1578307|PMID:16461031 20140604 RGD
1578668 Bmd14 Bone mineral density QTL 14 qtl RS:0000521 LEW/NHsd IEA S RGD:1578307|PMID:16461031 20140604 RGD
1578669 Bss9 Bone structure and strength QTL 9 qtl RS:0000363 F344/NHsd IEA S RGD:1578307|PMID:16461031 20150822 RGD
1578669 Bss9 Bone structure and strength QTL 9 qtl RS:0000521 LEW/NHsd IEA S RGD:1578307|PMID:16461031 20150822 RGD
1578670 Bss14 Bone structure and strength QTL 14 qtl RS:0000363 F344/NHsd IEA S RGD:1578307|PMID:16461031 20150822 RGD
1578670 Bss14 Bone structure and strength QTL 14 qtl RS:0000521 LEW/NHsd IEA S RGD:1578307|PMID:16461031 20150822 RGD
1578671 Bmd10 Bone mineral density QTL 10 qtl RS:0000363 F344/NHsd IEA S RGD:1578307|PMID:16461031 20140604 RGD
1578671 Bmd10 Bone mineral density QTL 10 qtl RS:0000521 LEW/NHsd IEA S RGD:1578307|PMID:16461031 20140604 RGD
1578672 Bmd16 Bone mineral density QTL 16 qtl RS:0000363 F344/NHsd IEA S RGD:1578307|PMID:16461031 20140604 RGD
1578672 Bmd16 Bone mineral density QTL 16 qtl RS:0000521 LEW/NHsd IEA S RGD:1578307|PMID:16461031 20140604 RGD
1578673 Bmd13 Bone mineral density QTL 13 qtl RS:0000363 F344/NHsd IEA S RGD:1578307|PMID:16461031 20140604 RGD
1578673 Bmd13 Bone mineral density QTL 13 qtl RS:0000521 LEW/NHsd IEA S RGD:1578307|PMID:16461031 20140604 RGD
1578674 Bmd12 Bone mineral density QTL 12 qtl RS:0000363 F344/NHsd IEA S RGD:1578307|PMID:16461031 20140604 RGD
1578674 Bmd12 Bone mineral density QTL 12 qtl RS:0000521 LEW/NHsd IEA S RGD:1578307|PMID:16461031 20140604 RGD
1578675 Bss17 Bone structure and strength QTL 17 qtl RS:0000363 F344/NHsd IEA S RGD:1578307|PMID:16461031 20140604 RGD
1578675 Bss17 Bone structure and strength QTL 17 qtl RS:0000521 LEW/NHsd IEA S RGD:1578307|PMID:16461031 20140604 RGD
1578692 BN.LEW-(D10Rat32-D10Rat116)/Ciml strain RS:0001199 BN.LEW-(D10Rat32-D10Rat116)/Ciml IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
1578693 LEW.BN-(D10Mco17-D10Rat221)/Ciml strain RS:0001358 LEW.BN-(D10Mco17-D10Rat221)/Ciml IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
1578694 AT Alcohol-Tolerant strain RS:0001170 AT IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
1578695 SHA/BruRrrc Syracuse High Avoidance strain RS:0001411 SHA/BruRrrc IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
1578696 LAS1 Low Alcohol Sensitive strain 1 strain RS:0001326 LAS1 IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
1578697 BN.LEW-(D10Rat32-D10Rat31)/Ciml strain RS:0001200 BN.LEW-(D10Rat32-D10Rat31)/Ciml IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
1578698 LAS2 Low Alcohol Sensitive strain 2 strain RS:0001327 LAS2 IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
1578699 BG anemic Belgrade strain RS:0001606 BG IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
1578700 HAS1 High Alcohol Sensitive strain 1 strain RS:0001323 HAS1 IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
1578701 HAS2 High Alcohol Sensitive strain 2 strain RS:0001324 HAS2 IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
1578702 LEW.BN-(D10Rat32-D10Rat133)/Ciml strain RS:0001360 LEW.BN-(D10Rat32-D10Rat133)/Ciml IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
1578703 SLA/BruRrrc Syracuse Low Avoidance strain RS:0001448 SLA/BruRrrc IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
1578704 WLP Warsaw Low Prefering strain RS:0001604 WLP IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
1578705 LEW.BN-(D10Arb4-D10Rat133)/Ciml strain RS:0001355 LEW.BN-(D10Arb4-D10Rat133)/Ciml IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
1578706 LEW.BN-(D10Mco17-D10Mco14)/Ciml strain RS:0001356 LEW.BN-(D10Mco17-D10Mco14)/Ciml IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
1578708 LEW.BN-(D10Mgh7-D10Rat221)/Ciml strain RS:0001359 LEW.BN-(D10Mgh7-D10Rat221)/Ciml IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
1578709 IA incisor absent strain RS:0001333 IA IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
1578710 LEW.1AR1-iddm/Ztm strain RS:0001353 LEW.1AR1-iddm/Ztm IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
1578711 LEW.BN-(D10Mco17-D10Rat133)/Ciml strain RS:0001357 LEW.BN-(D10Mco17-D10Rat133)/Ciml IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
1578712 BN.LEW-(D10Mco17-D10Mco14)/Ciml strain RS:0001202 BN.LEW-(D10Mco17-D10Mco14)/Ciml IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
1578713 BN/Ztm strain RS:0001212 BN/Ztm IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
1578714 BN.LEW-(D10Mco17-D10Rat80)/Ciml strain RS:0001201 BN.LEW-(D10Mco17-D10Rat80)/Ciml IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
1578715 ANT Alcohol-Nontolerant strain RS:0001169 ANT IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
1578716 LEW.1AR1/Ztm strain RS:0001352 LEW.1AR1/Ztm IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
1578717 WHP Warsaw High Prefering strain RS:0001593 WHP IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
1578754 Stresp16 Stress response QTL 16 qtl RS:0000148 BN/OrlIcoCrlf IEA S RGD:1549862|PMID:16151695 20140604 RGD
1578754 Stresp16 Stress response QTL 16 qtl RS:0001022 WKHA/Bord IEA S RGD:1549862|PMID:16151695 20140604 RGD
1578755 Pur5 Proteinuria QTL 5 qtl RS:0000754 SHR/NHsd IEA S RGD:1578520|PMID:16534143 20140604 RGD
1578755 Pur5 Proteinuria QTL 5 qtl RS:0000817 SS/Jr IEA S RGD:1578520|PMID:16534143 20140604 RGD
1578756 Iddm22 Insulin dependent diabetes mellitus QTL 22 qtl RS:0001212 BN/Ztm IEA S RGD:1547853|PMID:16075370 20140604 RGD
1578756 Iddm22 Insulin dependent diabetes mellitus QTL 22 qtl RS:0001353 LEW.1AR1-iddm/Ztm IEA S RGD:1547853|PMID:16075370 20140604 RGD
1578757 Pur6 Proteinuria QTL 6 qtl RS:0000754 SHR/NHsd IEA S RGD:1578520|PMID:16534143 20140604 RGD
1578757 Pur6 Proteinuria QTL 6 qtl RS:0000817 SS/Jr IEA S RGD:1578520|PMID:16534143 20140604 RGD
1578758 Tcas9 Tongue tumor susceptibility QTL 9 qtl RS:0000014 DA IEA S RGD:634723|PMID:11429048 20140604 RGD
1578758 Tcas9 Tongue tumor susceptibility QTL 9 qtl RS:0000982 WF IEA S RGD:634723|PMID:11429048 20140604 RGD
1578759 Uae30 Urinary albumin excretion QTL 30 qtl RS:0000754 SHR/NHsd IEA S RGD:1578520|PMID:16534143 20140604 RGD
1578759 Uae30 Urinary albumin excretion QTL 30 qtl RS:0000817 SS/Jr IEA S RGD:1578520|PMID:16534143 20140604 RGD
1578760 Cm53 Cardiac mass QTL 53 qtl RS:0000754 SHR/NHsd IEA S RGD:1578520|PMID:16534143 20140604 RGD
1578760 Cm53 Cardiac mass QTL 53 qtl RS:0000817 SS/Jr IEA S RGD:1578520|PMID:16534143 20140604 RGD
1578761 Stresp21 Stress response QTL 21 qtl RS:0000148 BN/OrlIcoCrlf IEA S RGD:1549862|PMID:16151695 20140604 RGD
1578761 Stresp21 Stress response QTL 21 qtl RS:0001022 WKHA/Bord IEA S RGD:1549862|PMID:16151695 20140604 RGD
1578762 Toxo1 Toxoplasma gondii resistance QTL 1 qtl RS:0000152 BN/Rj IEA S RGD:1578521|PMID:16407112 20140604 RGD
1578762 Toxo1 Toxoplasma gondii resistance QTL 1 qtl RS:0000528 LEW/Rj IEA S RGD:1578521|PMID:16407112 20140604 RGD
1578763 Kidm29 Kidney mass QTL 29 qtl RS:0000754 SHR/NHsd IEA S RGD:1578520|PMID:16534143 20140604 RGD
1578763 Kidm29 Kidney mass QTL 29 qtl RS:0000817 SS/Jr IEA S RGD:1578520|PMID:16534143 20140604 RGD
1578764 Stresp19 Stress response QTL 19 qtl RS:0000148 BN/OrlIcoCrlf IEA S RGD:1549862|PMID:16151695 20140604 RGD
1578764 Stresp19 Stress response QTL 19 qtl RS:0001022 WKHA/Bord IEA S RGD:1549862|PMID:16151695 20140604 RGD
1578765 Klgr1 Kidney lesion grade QTL 1 qtl RS:0000754 SHR/NHsd IEA S RGD:1578520|PMID:16534143 20140604 RGD
1578765 Klgr1 Kidney lesion grade QTL 1 qtl RS:0000817 SS/Jr IEA S RGD:1578520|PMID:16534143 20140604 RGD
1578766 Tcas11 Tongue tumor susceptibility QTL 11 qtl RS:0000014 DA IEA S RGD:1578522|PMID:16527513 20140604 RGD
1578766 Tcas11 Tongue tumor susceptibility QTL 11 qtl RS:0001004 WF/Kga IEA S RGD:1578522|PMID:16527513 20140604 RGD
1578767 Stresp17 Stress response QTL 17 qtl RS:0000148 BN/OrlIcoCrlf IEA S RGD:1549862|PMID:16151695 20140604 RGD
1578767 Stresp17 Stress response QTL 17 qtl RS:0001022 WKHA/Bord IEA S RGD:1549862|PMID:16151695 20140604 RGD
1578768 Stresp22 Stress response QTL 22 qtl RS:0000148 BN/OrlIcoCrlf IEA S RGD:1549862|PMID:16151695 20140604 RGD
1578768 Stresp22 Stress response QTL 22 qtl RS:0001022 WKHA/Bord IEA S RGD:1549862|PMID:16151695 20140604 RGD
1578769 Uae31 Urinary albumin excretion QTL 31 qtl RS:0000754 SHR/NHsd IEA S RGD:1578520|PMID:16534143 20140604 RGD
1578769 Uae31 Urinary albumin excretion QTL 31 qtl RS:0000817 SS/Jr IEA S RGD:1578520|PMID:16534143 20140604 RGD
1578770 Stresp23 Stress response QTL 23 qtl RS:0001054 WKY.SHRSP-(D1Wox29-D1Arb21)/Izm IEA S RGD:1578503|PMID:16239369 20141011 RGD
1578771 Stresp20 Stress response QTL 20 qtl RS:0000148 BN/OrlIcoCrlf IEA S RGD:1549862|PMID:16151695 20140604 RGD
1578771 Stresp20 Stress response QTL 20 qtl RS:0001022 WKHA/Bord IEA S RGD:1549862|PMID:16151695 20140604 RGD
1578772 Stresp14 Stress response QTL 14 qtl RS:0000148 BN/OrlIcoCrlf IEA S RGD:1549862|PMID:16151695 20140604 RGD
1578772 Stresp14 Stress response QTL 14 qtl RS:0001022 WKHA/Bord IEA S RGD:1549862|PMID:16151695 20140604 RGD
1578773 Iddm23 Insulin dependent diabetes mellitus QTL 23 qtl RS:0001212 BN/Ztm IEA S RGD:1547853|PMID:16075370 20140604 RGD
1578773 Iddm23 Insulin dependent diabetes mellitus QTL 23 qtl RS:0001353 LEW.1AR1-iddm/Ztm IEA S RGD:1547853|PMID:16075370 20140604 RGD
1578774 Tcas8 Tongue tumor susceptibility QTL 8 qtl RS:0000014 DA IEA S RGD:634723|PMID:11429048 20140604 RGD
1578774 Tcas8 Tongue tumor susceptibility QTL 8 qtl RS:0000982 WF IEA S RGD:634723|PMID:11429048 20140604 RGD
1578775 Iddm21 Insulin dependent diabetes mellitus QTL 21 qtl RS:0001212 BN/Ztm IEA S RGD:1547853|PMID:16075370 20140604 RGD
1578775 Iddm21 Insulin dependent diabetes mellitus QTL 21 qtl RS:0001353 LEW.1AR1-iddm/Ztm IEA S RGD:1547853|PMID:16075370 20140604 RGD
1578776 Stresp18 Stress response QTL 18 qtl RS:0000148 BN/OrlIcoCrlf IEA S RGD:1549862|PMID:16151695 20140604 RGD
1578776 Stresp18 Stress response QTL 18 qtl RS:0001022 WKHA/Bord IEA S RGD:1549862|PMID:16151695 20140604 RGD
1578777 Stresp15 Stress response QTL 15 qtl RS:0000148 BN/OrlIcoCrlf IEA S RGD:1549862|PMID:16151695 20140604 RGD
1578777 Stresp15 Stress response QTL 15 qtl RS:0001022 WKHA/Bord IEA S RGD:1549862|PMID:16151695 20140604 RGD
1578778 Pur4 Proteinuria QTL 4 qtl RS:0000754 SHR/NHsd IEA S RGD:1578520|PMID:16534143 20140604 RGD
1578778 Pur4 Proteinuria QTL 4 qtl RS:0000817 SS/Jr IEA S RGD:1578520|PMID:16534143 20140604 RGD
1578779 Tcas10 Tongue tumor susceptibility QTL 10 qtl RS:0000014 DA IEA S RGD:634723|PMID:11429048 20140604 RGD
1578779 Tcas10 Tongue tumor susceptibility QTL 10 qtl RS:0000982 WF IEA S RGD:634723|PMID:11429048 20140604 RGD
1578780 Cm52 Cardiac mass QTL 52 qtl RS:0000754 SHR/NHsd IEA S RGD:1578520|PMID:16534143 20140604 RGD
1578780 Cm52 Cardiac mass QTL 52 qtl RS:0000817 SS/Jr IEA S RGD:1578520|PMID:16534143 20140604 RGD
1579677 FHH-Maddm1Mcwi strain RS:0001112 FHH-Maddm1Mcwi IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
1579678 ACI.FHH-(D3Wox2-D3Rat59)/Eur strain RS:0001168 ACI.FHH-(D3Wox2-D3Rat59)/Eur IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
1579680 Wild/Tku Wild strain RS:0001113 Wild/Tku IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
1579681 BN-Birc3m1Mcwi strain RS:0001118 BN-Birc3m1Mcwi IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
1579682 FHH-Tlr4m1Mcwi strain RS:0001116 FHH-Tlr4m1Mcwi IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
1579683 FHH-Ghsrm1Mcwi strain RS:0001119 FHH-Ghsrm1Mcwi IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
1579684 FHH-Slc8a2m1Mcwi strain RS:0001120 FHH-Slc8a2m1Mcwi IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
1579685 FHH-Tgfbr2m2Mcwi strain RS:0001121 FHH-Tgfbr2m2Mcwi IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
1579686 GH/OmrMcwi strain RS:0001108 GH/OmrMcwi IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
1579687 FHH-Procm1Mcwi strain RS:0001122 FHH-Procm1Mcwi IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
1579688 BN-Tgfbr2m1Mcwi strain RS:0001123 BN-Tgfbr2m1Mcwi IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
1579689 FHH-F10m1Mcwi strain RS:0001124 FHH-F10m1Mcwi IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
1579690 FHH-Slc27a5m1Mcwi strain RS:0001125 FHH-Slc27a5m1Mcwi IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
1579691 SS.SHR-(D11Mgh3-D11Rat31)/Mco strain RS:0001558 SS.SHR-(D11Mgh3-D11Rat31)/Mco IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
1579692 FHH-Lcatm1Mcwi strain RS:0001126 FHH-Lcatm1Mcwi IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
1579693 T2DN/Mcwi strain RS:0001576 T2DN/Mcwi IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
1579694 FHH-Egln3m1Mcwi strain RS:0001127 FHH-Egln3m1Mcwi IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
1579695 ACI.FHH-(D1Rat298-D1Rat90)/Eur strain RS:0001164 ACI.FHH-(D1Rat298-D1Rat90)/Eur IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
1579696 SS.SHR-(D6Wox13-D6Rat84)/Mco strain RS:0001560 SS.SHR-(D6Wox13-D6Rat84)/Mco IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
1579697 SS.SHR-(D13Rat63-D13Mit1)/Mco strain RS:0001556 SS.SHR-(D13Rat63-D13Mit1)/Mco IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
1579698 FHH-Adra1am1Mcwi strain RS:0001128 FHH-Adra1am1Mcwi IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
1579699 WKY.WKHA-(D5Rat45-D5Rat245)/Cfd WKY.WKHA-(D5Rat45-D5Rat245)/Cfd strain RS:0001600 WKY.WKHA-(D5Rat45-D5Rat245)/Cfd IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
1579700 ACI.FHH-(D1Rat475-D1Rat90)(D3Rat84-D3Rat59)/Eur strain RS:0001167 ACI.FHH-(D1Rat475-D1Rat90)(D3Rat84-D3Rat59)/Eur IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
1579701 BN-Nos1m1Mcwi strain RS:0001129 BN-Nos1m1Mcwi IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
1579702 SS.SHR-(D9Wox16-D9Rat64)/Mco strain RS:0001561 SS.SHR-(D9Wox16-D9Rat64)/Mco IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
1579703 SS.SHR-(D2Rat61-D2Mco18)/Mco strain RS:0001559 SS.SHR-(D2Rat61-D2Mco18)/Mco IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
1579704 FHH-Agtr1bm1Mcwi strain RS:0001130 FHH-Agtr1bm1Mcwi IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
1579705 FHH-Nr0b2m1Mcwi strain RS:0001131 FHH-Nr0b2m1Mcwi IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
1579706 FHH-Nr4a1m1Mcwi strain RS:0001132 FHH-Nr4a1m1Mcwi IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
1579707 FHH-Adipoqm2Mcwi strain RS:0001133 FHH-Adipoqm2Mcwi IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
1579708 FHH-Desm1Mcwi strain RS:0001136 FHH-Desm1Mcwi IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
1579709 Wild/Mcwi Wild strain RS:0001114 Wild/Mcwi IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
1579710 GK/Far Goto-Kakizaki strain RS:0001316 GK/Far IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
1579711 FHH-Adipoqm1Mcwi strain RS:0001134 FHH-Adipoqm1Mcwi IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
1579712 FHH-Klf6m1Mcwi strain RS:0001137 FHH-Klf6m1Mcwi IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
1579894 SS.LEW-(D10Rat204-D10Rat9)/Ayd strain RS:0001532 SS.LEW-(D10Rat204-D10Rat9)/Ayd IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
1579895 FHH-Bdkrb2m1Mcwi strain RS:0001138 FHH-Bdkrb2m1Mcwi IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
1579896 SS.LEW-(D2Rat18-D2Chm277)/Ayd strain RS:0001535 SS.LEW-(D2Rat18-D2Chm277)/Ayd IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
1579897 SS.SR-(D9Rat69-D9Mco14)/Mco strain RS:0001572 SS.SR-(D9Rat69-D9Mco14)/Mco IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
1579898 SS.LEW-(D10Chm128-D10Chm121)/Ayd strain RS:0001510 SS.LEW-(D10Chm128-D10Chm121)/Ayd IEA S RGD:7241799 20200516 RGD
1579899 SS.LEW-(D5Rat130-D5Rat31)/JrMcwi SS.LEW-(D5Rat130-D5Rat31)/JrMcwi strain RS:0001537 SS.LEW-(D5Rat130-D5Rat31)/JrMcwi IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
1579900 SS.SR-(D9Rat89-Resp18)/Mco strain RS:0001574 SS.SR-(D9Rat89-Resp18)/Mco IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
1579901 SS.LEW-(D10Chm224-D10Chm6)/Ayd strain RS:0001513 SS.LEW-(D10Chm224-D10Chm6)/Ayd IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
1579902 SS.LEW-(D5Rat130-D5Rat108)/JrMcwi SS.LEW-(D5Rat130-D5Rat108)/JrMcwi strain RS:0001536 SS.LEW-(D5Rat130-D5Rat108)/JrMcwi IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
1579903 SS.LEW-(D10Chm10-D10Rat11)/Ayd strain RS:0001507 SS.LEW-(D10Chm10-D10Rat11)/Ayd IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
1579904 SS.SR-(D9Mgh11-D9Mco33)/Mco strain RS:0001571 SS.SR-(D9Mgh11-D9Mco33)/Mco IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
1579905 SS.SR-(D9Rat89-D9Mco27)/Mco strain RS:0001573 SS.SR-(D9Rat89-D9Mco27)/Mco IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
1579906 FHH-Adipoqm3Mcwi strain RS:0001135 FHH-Adipoqm3Mcwi IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
1579907 SS.LEW-(D10Chm128-D10Chm169)/Ayd strain RS:0001509 SS.LEW-(D10Chm128-D10Chm169)/Ayd IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
1579908 SS.SR-(D9Mco95-Resp18)/Mco strain RS:0001569 SS.SR-(D9Mco95-Resp18)/Mco IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
1579909 FHH-Fgl2m1Mcwi strain RS:0001139 FHH-Fgl2m1Mcwi IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
1579910 FHH-Ccr2m1Mcwi strain RS:0001140 FHH-Ccr2m1Mcwi IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
1579911 SS.LEW-(D5Rat130-D5Rat72)/Mcwi SS.LEW-(D5Rat130-D5Rat72)/Mcwi strain RS:0001538 SS.LEW-(D5Rat130-D5Rat72)/Mcwi IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
1579912 FHH-F10m2Mcwi strain RS:0001142 FHH-F10m2Mcwi IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
1579913 SS.LEW-(D10Chm224-D10Chm222)/Ayd strain RS:0001515 SS.LEW-(D10Chm224-D10Chm222)/Ayd IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
1579914 SS.LEW-(D10Mco30-D10Got92)/Ayd strain RS:0001522 SS.LEW-(D10Mco30-D10Got92)/Ayd IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
1579915 Bp280 Blood pressure QTL 280 qtl RS:0001532 SS.LEW-(D10Rat204-D10Rat9)/Ayd IEA S RGD:1559293|PMID:16286573 20140604 RGD
1579916 Bp270 Blood pressure QTL 270 qtl RS:0000877 SS.LEW-(D2Rat199-D2Rat143)/Ayd IEA S RGD:1358142|PMID:15827238 20140604 RGD
1579916 Bp270 Blood pressure QTL 270 qtl RS:0001535 SS.LEW-(D2Rat18-D2Chm277)/Ayd IEA S RGD:1358142|PMID:15827238 20170429 RGD
1579917 Bp282 Blood pressure QTL 282 qtl RS:0001510 SS.LEW-(D10Chm128-D10Chm121)/Ayd IEA S RGD:1559293|PMID:16286573 20170513 RGD
1579918 Bp279 Blood pressure QTL 279 qtl RS:0001513 SS.LEW-(D10Chm224-D10Chm6)/Ayd IEA S RGD:1599557|PMID:17143582 20170513 RGD
1579919 Bp281 Blood pressure QTL 281 qtl RS:0000852 SS.LEW-(D10Rat24-Igfbp4)/Ayd IEA S RGD:1559293|PMID:16286573 20170513 RGD
1579919 Bp281 Blood pressure QTL 281 qtl RS:0000853 SS.LEW-(D10Rat27-Igfbp4)/Ayd IEA S RGD:1559293|PMID:16286573 20140604 RGD
1579919 Bp281 Blood pressure QTL 281 qtl RS:0001522 SS.LEW-(D10Mco30-D10Got92)/Ayd IEA S RGD:1559293|PMID:16286573 20140604 RGD
158013766 SD-Akt1em1Soar strain RS:0005258 SD-Akt1em1Soar IEA S RGD:7241799 20230318 RGD
1580542 PCK-Pkhd1pck/CrljCrl strain RS:0001381 PCK-Pkhd1pck/CrljCrl IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
1581497 Esta1 Estrogen-induced thymic atrophy QTL 1 qtl RS:0000032 ACI/SegHsd IEA S RGD:1579780|PMID:16688534 20140604 RGD
1581497 Esta1 Estrogen-induced thymic atrophy QTL 1 qtl RS:0000155 BN/SsNHsd IEA S RGD:1579780|PMID:16688534 20140604 RGD
1581499 Esta2 Estrogen-induced thymic atrophy QTL 2 qtl RS:0000032 ACI/SegHsd IEA S RGD:1579780|PMID:16688534 20140604 RGD
1581499 Esta2 Estrogen-induced thymic atrophy QTL 2 qtl RS:0000155 BN/SsNHsd IEA S RGD:1579780|PMID:16688534 20140604 RGD
1581500 Renag1 Renal agenesis QTL 1 qtl RS:0000032 ACI/SegHsd IEA S RGD:1580355|PMID:16845468 20140604 RGD
1581500 Renag1 Renal agenesis QTL 1 qtl RS:0000155 BN/SsNHsd IEA S RGD:1580355|PMID:16845468 20140604 RGD
1581502 Esta3 Estrogen-induced thymic atrophy QTL 3 qtl RS:0000032 ACI/SegHsd IEA S RGD:1579780|PMID:16688534 20140604 RGD
1581502 Esta3 Estrogen-induced thymic atrophy QTL 3 qtl RS:0000155 BN/SsNHsd IEA S RGD:1579780|PMID:16688534 20140604 RGD
1581503 Cm58 Cardiac mass QTL 58 qtl RS:0001023 WKHA/Cfd IEA S RGD:1578726|PMID:16245027 20140604 RGD
1581503 Cm58 Cardiac mass QTL 58 qtl RS:0001068 WKY/Cfd IEA S RGD:1578726|PMID:16245027 20140604 RGD
1581505 Rf54 Renal function QTL 54 qtl RS:0001536 SS.LEW-(D5Rat130-D5Rat108)/JrMcwi IEA S RGD:1578407|PMID:16396943 20140604 RGD
1581505 Rf54 Renal function QTL 54 qtl RS:0001537 SS.LEW-(D5Rat130-D5Rat31)/JrMcwi IEA S RGD:1578407|PMID:16396943 20140604 RGD
1581509 Cm57 Cardiac mass QTL 57 qtl RS:0001023 WKHA/Cfd IEA S RGD:1578726|PMID:16245027 20140604 RGD
1581509 Cm57 Cardiac mass QTL 57 qtl RS:0001068 WKY/Cfd IEA S RGD:1578726|PMID:16245027 20140604 RGD
1581510 Cm54 Cardiac mass QTL 54 qtl RS:0001023 WKHA/Cfd IEA S RGD:1578726|PMID:16245027 20140604 RGD
1581510 Cm54 Cardiac mass QTL 54 qtl RS:0001068 WKY/Cfd IEA S RGD:1578726|PMID:16245027 20140604 RGD
1581512 Cm55 Cardiac mass QTL 55 qtl RS:0001023 WKHA/Cfd IEA S RGD:1578726|PMID:16245027 20140604 RGD
1581512 Cm55 Cardiac mass QTL 55 qtl RS:0001068 WKY/Cfd IEA S RGD:1578726|PMID:16245027 20140604 RGD
1581516 Cm56 Cardiac mass QTL 56 qtl RS:0001023 WKHA/Cfd IEA S RGD:1578726|PMID:16245027 20140604 RGD
1581516 Cm56 Cardiac mass QTL 56 qtl RS:0001068 WKY/Cfd IEA S RGD:1578726|PMID:16245027 20140604 RGD
1581517 Bp284 Blood pressure QTL 284 qtl RS:0001569 SS.SR-(D9Mco95-Resp18)/Mco IEA S RGD:1334447|PMID:15655120 20140604 RGD
1581517 Bp284 Blood pressure QTL 284 qtl RS:0001572 SS.SR-(D9Rat69-D9Mco14)/Mco IEA S RGD:1334447|PMID:15655120 20140604 RGD
1581519 Cm59 Cardiac mass QTL 59 qtl RS:0001023 WKHA/Cfd IEA S RGD:1578726|PMID:16245027 20140604 RGD
1581519 Cm59 Cardiac mass QTL 59 qtl RS:0001068 WKY/Cfd IEA S RGD:1578726|PMID:16245027 20140604 RGD
1581544 Rf52 Renal function QTL 52 qtl RS:0001164 ACI.FHH-(D1Rat298-D1Rat90)/Eur IEA S RGD:1578626|PMID:16541022 20140604 RGD
1581544 Rf52 Renal function QTL 52 qtl RS:0001167 ACI.FHH-(D1Rat475-D1Rat90)(D3Rat84-D3Rat59)/Eur IEA S RGD:1578626|PMID:16541022 20140604 RGD
1581546 Pur13 Proteinuria QTL 13 qtl RS:0000677 SBH/Ygl IEA S RGD:1578625|PMID:16390874 20140604 RGD
1581546 Pur13 Proteinuria QTL 13 qtl RS:0000679 SBN/Ygl IEA S RGD:1578625|PMID:16390874 20140604 RGD
1581550 Pur8 Proteinuria QTL 8 qtl RS:0001560 SS.SHR-(D6Wox13-D6Rat84)/Mco IEA S RGD:1578520|PMID:16534143 20140604 RGD
1581552 Pur12 Proteinuria QTL 12 qtl RS:0000677 SBH/Ygl IEA S RGD:1578625|PMID:16390874 20140604 RGD
1581552 Pur12 Proteinuria QTL 12 qtl RS:0000679 SBN/Ygl IEA S RGD:1578625|PMID:16390874 20140604 RGD
1581553 Pur14 Proteinuria QTL 14 qtl RS:0000677 SBH/Ygl IEA S RGD:1578625|PMID:16390874 20140604 RGD
1581553 Pur14 Proteinuria QTL 14 qtl RS:0000679 SBN/Ygl IEA S RGD:1578625|PMID:16390874 20140604 RGD
1581554 Pur11 Proteinuria QTL 11 qtl RS:0001556 SS.SHR-(D13Rat63-D13Mit1)/Mco IEA S RGD:1578520|PMID:16534143 20140604 RGD
1581555 Eae19 Experimental allergic encephalomyelitis QTL 19 qtl RS:0000014 DA IEA S RGD:1549617|PMID:15716504 20140604 RGD
1581555 Eae19 Experimental allergic encephalomyelitis QTL 19 qtl RS:0000644 PVG.1AV1 IEA S RGD:1549617|PMID:15716504 20140604 RGD
1581557 Eae16 Experimental allergic encephalomyelitis QTL 16 qtl RS:0000491 LEW.1AV1 IEA S RGD:629629|PMID:12517974 20140604 RGD
1581557 Eae16 Experimental allergic encephalomyelitis QTL 16 qtl RS:0000644 PVG.1AV1 IEA S RGD:629629|PMID:12517974 20140604 RGD
1581559 Eae18 Experimental allergic encephalomyelitis QTL 18 qtl RS:0000199 DA.ACI-(D10Rat2-D10Rat29)/Kini IEA S RGD:1302800|PMID:11486278 20140604 RGD
1581561 Eae22 Experimental allergic encephalomyelitis QTL 22 qtl RS:0000014 DA IEA S RGD:1547849|PMID:15634914 20140604 RGD
1581561 Eae22 Experimental allergic encephalomyelitis QTL 22 qtl RS:0000644 PVG.1AV1 IEA S RGD:1547849|PMID:15634914 20140604 RGD
1581563 Uae33 Urinary albumin excretion QTL 33 qtl RS:0001560 SS.SHR-(D6Wox13-D6Rat84)/Mco IEA S RGD:1578520|PMID:16534143 20140604 RGD
1581565 Pur10 Proteinuria QTL 10 qtl RS:0001558 SS.SHR-(D11Mgh3-D11Rat31)/Mco IEA S RGD:1578520|PMID:16534143 20140604 RGD
1581566 Eae21 Experimental allergic encephalomyelitis QTL 21 qtl RS:0000014 DA IEA S RGD:1547849|PMID:15634914 20140604 RGD
1581566 Eae21 Experimental allergic encephalomyelitis QTL 21 qtl RS:0000644 PVG.1AV1 IEA S RGD:1547849|PMID:15634914 20140604 RGD
1581568 Rf53 Renal function QTL 53 qtl RS:0001167 ACI.FHH-(D1Rat475-D1Rat90)(D3Rat84-D3Rat59)/Eur IEA S RGD:1578626|PMID:16541022 20140604 RGD
1581568 Rf53 Renal function QTL 53 qtl RS:0001168 ACI.FHH-(D3Wox2-D3Rat59)/Eur IEA S RGD:1578626|PMID:16541022 20140604 RGD
1581569 Uae32 Urinary albumin excretion QTL 32 qtl RS:0001559 SS.SHR-(D2Rat61-D2Mco18)/Mco IEA S RGD:1578520|PMID:16534143 20140604 RGD
1581570 Eae17 Experimental allergic encephalomyelitis QTL 17 qtl RS:0000491 LEW.1AV1 IEA S RGD:629629|PMID:12517974 20140604 RGD
1581570 Eae17 Experimental allergic encephalomyelitis QTL 17 qtl RS:0000644 PVG.1AV1 IEA S RGD:629629|PMID:12517974 20140604 RGD
1581572 Uae35 Urinary albumin excretion QTL 35 qtl RS:0001558 SS.SHR-(D11Mgh3-D11Rat31)/Mco IEA S RGD:1578520|PMID:16534143 20140604 RGD
1581573 Uae36 Urinary albumin excretion QTL 36 qtl RS:0001556 SS.SHR-(D13Rat63-D13Mit1)/Mco IEA S RGD:1578520|PMID:16534143 20140604 RGD
1581574 Eae20 Experimental allergic encephalomyelitis QTL 20 qtl RS:0000014 DA IEA S RGD:1547849|PMID:15634914 20140604 RGD
1581574 Eae20 Experimental allergic encephalomyelitis QTL 20 qtl RS:0000644 PVG.1AV1 IEA S RGD:1547849|PMID:15634914 20140604 RGD
1581576 Pur7 Proteinuria QTL 7 qtl RS:0001559 SS.SHR-(D2Rat61-D2Mco18)/Mco IEA S RGD:1578520|PMID:16534143 20140604 RGD
1581577 Pur15 Proteinuria QTL 15 qtl RS:0000677 SBH/Ygl IEA S RGD:1578625|PMID:16390874 20140604 RGD
1581577 Pur15 Proteinuria QTL 15 qtl RS:0000679 SBN/Ygl IEA S RGD:1578625|PMID:16390874 20140604 RGD
1581578 Cm49 Cardiac mass QTL 49 qtl RS:0000215 F344 IEA S RGD:1578627|PMID:16286240 20180317 RGD
1581578 Cm49 Cardiac mass QTL 49 qtl RS:0000747 SHR/Kyo IEA S RGD:1578627|PMID:16286240 20140604 RGD
1581580 Uae34 Urinary albumin excretion QTL 34 qtl RS:0001561 SS.SHR-(D9Wox16-D9Rat64)/Mco IEA S RGD:1578520|PMID:16534143 20140604 RGD
1581616 DA.ACI-(D15Rat23-D15Rat71)/Kini DA.ACI-(D15Rat23-D15Rat71)/Kini strain RS:0001220 DA.ACI-(D15Rat23-D15Rat71)/Kini IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
1581617 SD-Tg(Ubc-eGFP-RNAi:Dazl)16-13Gar strain RS:0001404 SD-Tg(Ubc-eGFP-RNAi:Dazl)16-13Gar IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
1581618 SHRSP/Bbb strain RS:0001444 SHRSP/Bbb IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
1581619 BN.PD-(D8Rat39-D8Rat35),SHR-(D2Mit4-D2Rat28),SHR-(D2Rat103-D2Rat107)/Cub strain RS:0001205 BN.PD-(D8Rat39-D8Rat35),SHR-(D2Mit4-D2Rat28),SHR-(D2Rat103-D2Rat107)/Cub IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
1581620 SS.SR-(D9Mco61-D9Mco27)/Mco strain RS:0001570 SS.SR-(D9Mco61-D9Mco27)/Mco IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
1581621 DA.ACI-(D15Rat6-D15Rat48)/Kini DA.ACI-(D15Rat6-D15Rat48)/Kini strain RS:0001222 DA.ACI-(D15Rat6-D15Rat48)/Kini IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
1581622 SD-Tg(Ubc-eGFP-RNAi:Dazl)17-9GarRrrc strain RS:0001405 SD-Tg(Ubc-eGFP-RNAi:Dazl)17-9GarRrrc IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
1581623 LA/Humd low autotomy strain RS:0001342 LA/Humd IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
1581624 FHH-Lipem1Mcwi strain RS:0001144 FHH-Lipem1Mcwi IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
1581625 BN-Hand1m1Mcwi strain RS:0001141 BN-Hand1m1Mcwi IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
1581626 FHL/EurMcwi Fawn Hooded Low blood pressure strain RS:0001312 FHL/EurMcwi IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
1581627 WF.WKY-(D5Uwm66-D5Uwm67)/Uwm strain RS:0001587 WF.WKY-(D5Uwm66-D5Uwm67)/Uwm IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
1581628 DA.ACI-(D15Rat6-D15Rat13)/Kini DA.ACI-(D15Rat 6-D15Rat13)/Kini strain RS:0001221 DA.ACI-(D15Rat6-D15Rat13)/Kini IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
1581629 WF.WKY-(D5Wox8-D5Uwm62)/Uwm strain RS:0001589 WF.WKY-(D5Wox8-D5Uwm62)/Uwm IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
1581630 WF.WKY-(D5Uwm63-D5Uwm64)/Uwm strain RS:0001585 WF.WKY-(D5Uwm63-D5Uwm64)/Uwm IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
1581631 WF.WKY-(D5Uwm61-D5Uwm37)/Uwm strain RS:0001584 WF.WKY-(D5Uwm61-D5Uwm37)/Uwm IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
1581632 WF.WKY-(D5Uwm65-D5Uwm60)/Uwm strain RS:0001586 WF.WKY-(D5Uwm65-D5Uwm60)/Uwm IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
1581633 DA.ACI-(D15Rat6-D15Rat71)/Kini DA.ACI-(D15Rat6-D15Rat71)/Kini strain RS:0001223 DA.ACI-(D15Rat6-D15Rat71)/Kini IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
1581634 BN-Adora2am1Mcwi strain RS:0001143 BN-Adora2am1Mcwi IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
1581635 WKY/Bbb strain RS:0001601 WKY/Bbb IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
1581636 BN-Cebpem1Mcwi strain RS:0001148 BN-Cebpem1Mcwi IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
1581637 FHH-Has1m1Mcwi strain RS:0001146 FHH-Has1m1Mcwi IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
1581638 DA.ACI-(D15Rat126-D15Rat71)/Kini DA.ACI-(D15Rat126-D15Rat71)/Kini strain RS:0001219 DA.ACI-(D15Rat126-D15Rat71)/Kini IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
1581639 HAn/Humd high autotomy new strain RS:0001331 HAn/Humd IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
1581640 HA/Humd high autotomy strain RS:0001321 HA/Humd IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
1581641 WF.WKY-(D5Uwm68-D5Mit4)/Uwm strain RS:0001588 WF.WKY-(D5Uwm68-D5Mit4)/Uwm IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
1581642 FHH-Ccr4m1Mcwi strain RS:0001149 FHH-Ccr4m1Mcwi IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
1581643 LAn/Humd low autotomy new strain RS:0001345 LAn/Humd IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
1581644 FHH-Htr1am1Mcwi strain RS:0001151 FHH-Htr1am1Mcwi IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
1581645 LL/Mav strain RS:0001366 LL/Mav IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
1582184 SR/JrHsd Dahl Salt-Resistant strain RS:0001454 SR/JrHsd IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
1582185 SS.SR-(D3Mco36-D3Got166)/Jr strain RS:0001565 SS.SR-(D3Mco36-D3Got166)/Jr IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
1582186 FHH.FHH.1BN-(D1Rat183-D1Rat76)/Mcwi strain RS:0001308 FHH.FHH.1BN-(D1Rat183-D1Rat76)/Mcwi IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
1582187 SS.SR-(D3Mco24-D3Got130)/Jr strain RS:0001563 SS.SR-(D3Mco24-D3Got130)/Jr IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
1582188 SS.SR-(D3Mco36-D3Mco46)/Jr strain RS:0001566 SS.SR-(D3Mco36-D3Mco46)/Jr IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
1582189 SS.SR-(D3Mco39-D3Got130)/Jr strain RS:0001567 SS.SR-(D3Mco39-D3Got130)/Jr IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
1582190 SS/JrHsd Dahl Salt-Sensitive strain RS:0001481 SS/JrHsd IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
1582191 FHH.FHH.1BN-(D1Rat287-D1Rat84)/Mcwi strain RS:0001310 FHH.FHH.1BN-(D1Rat287-D1Rat84)/Mcwi IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
1582192 SS.SR-(D3Mco36-D3Got159)/Jr strain RS:0001564 SS.SR-(D3Mco36-D3Got159)/Jr IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
1582193 FHH.FHH.1BN-(D1Mgh13-D1Rat89)/Mcwi strain RS:0001306 FHH.FHH.1BN-(D1Mgh13-D1Rat89)/Mcwi IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
1582194 SS.SR-(D3Mco78-D3Got130)/Jr strain RS:0001568 SS.SR-(D3Mco78-D3Got130)/Jr IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
1582195 FHH.FHH.1BN-(D1Rat173F6B-D1Rat84)/Mcwi strain RS:0001307 FHH.FHH.1BN-(D1Rat173F6B-D1Rat84)/Mcwi IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
1582196 FHH.FHH.1BN-(D1Rat234-D1Rat265)/Mcwi strain RS:0001309 FHH.FHH.1BN-(D1Rat234-D1Rat265)/Mcwi IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
1582197 Gluco27 Glucose level QTL 27 qtl RS:0000126 PD/Cub IEA S RGD:1580752|PMID:15728334 20140604 RGD
1582197 Gluco27 Glucose level QTL 27 qtl RS:0000136 BN/Cub IEA S RGD:1580752|PMID:15728334 20140604 RGD
1582199 Insul5 Insulin level QTL 5 qtl RS:0000126 PD/Cub IEA S RGD:1580752|PMID:15728334 20140604 RGD
1582199 Insul5 Insulin level QTL 5 qtl RS:0000136 BN/Cub IEA S RGD:1580752|PMID:15728334 20140604 RGD
1582201 Sffal2 Serum free fatty acids level QTL 2 qtl RS:0000126 PD/Cub IEA S RGD:1580752|PMID:15728334 20140604 RGD
1582201 Sffal2 Serum free fatty acids level QTL 2 qtl RS:0000136 BN/Cub IEA S RGD:1580752|PMID:15728334 20140604 RGD
1582203 Gluco19 Glucose level QTL 19 qtl RS:0000126 PD/Cub IEA S RGD:1580752|PMID:15728334 20140604 RGD
1582203 Gluco19 Glucose level QTL 19 qtl RS:0000136 BN/Cub IEA S RGD:1580752|PMID:15728334 20140604 RGD
1582204 Livw1 Liver weight QTL 1 qtl RS:0000126 PD/Cub IEA S RGD:1580752|PMID:15728334 20140604 RGD
1582204 Livw1 Liver weight QTL 1 qtl RS:0000136 BN/Cub IEA S RGD:1580752|PMID:15728334 20140604 RGD
1582206 Kidm33 Kidney mass QTL 33 qtl RS:0000126 PD/Cub IEA S RGD:1580752|PMID:15728334 20140604 RGD
1582206 Kidm33 Kidney mass QTL 33 qtl RS:0000136 BN/Cub IEA S RGD:1580752|PMID:15728334 20140604 RGD
1582208 Kidm32 Kidney mass QTL 32 qtl RS:0000126 PD/Cub IEA S RGD:1580752|PMID:15728334 20140604 RGD
1582208 Kidm32 Kidney mass QTL 32 qtl RS:0000136 BN/Cub IEA S RGD:1580752|PMID:15728334 20140604 RGD
1582209 Gluco20 Glucose level QTL 20 qtl RS:0000126 PD/Cub IEA S RGD:1580752|PMID:15728334 20140604 RGD
1582209 Gluco20 Glucose level QTL 20 qtl RS:0000136 BN/Cub IEA S RGD:1580752|PMID:15728334 20140604 RGD
1582210 Bw71 Body weight QTL 71 qtl RS:0000126 PD/Cub IEA S RGD:1580752|PMID:15728334 20140604 RGD
1582210 Bw71 Body weight QTL 71 qtl RS:0000136 BN/Cub IEA S RGD:1580752|PMID:15728334 20140604 RGD
1582212 Livw2 Liver weight QTL 2 qtl RS:0000126 PD/Cub IEA S RGD:1580752|PMID:15728334 20140604 RGD
1582212 Livw2 Liver weight QTL 2 qtl RS:0000136 BN/Cub IEA S RGD:1580752|PMID:15728334 20140604 RGD
1582213 Insul6 Insulin level QTL 6 qtl RS:0000126 PD/Cub IEA S RGD:1580752|PMID:15728334 20140604 RGD
1582213 Insul6 Insulin level QTL 6 qtl RS:0000136 BN/Cub IEA S RGD:1580752|PMID:15728334 20140604 RGD
1582214 Stl21 Serum triglyceride level QTL 21 qtl RS:0000126 PD/Cub IEA S RGD:1580752|PMID:15728334 20140604 RGD
1582214 Stl21 Serum triglyceride level QTL 21 qtl RS:0000136 BN/Cub IEA S RGD:1580752|PMID:15728334 20140604 RGD
1582216 Bw65 Body weight QTL 65 qtl RS:0000126 PD/Cub IEA S RGD:1580752|PMID:15728334 20140604 RGD
1582216 Bw65 Body weight QTL 65 qtl RS:0000136 BN/Cub IEA S RGD:1580752|PMID:15728334 20140604 RGD
1582218 Bw74 Body weight QTL 74 qtl RS:0000126 PD/Cub IEA S RGD:1580752|PMID:15728334 20140604 RGD
1582218 Bw74 Body weight QTL 74 qtl RS:0000136 BN/Cub IEA S RGD:1580752|PMID:15728334 20140604 RGD
1582219 Bw63 Body weight QTL 63 qtl RS:0000126 PD/Cub IEA S RGD:1580752|PMID:15728334 20140604 RGD
1582219 Bw63 Body weight QTL 63 qtl RS:0000136 BN/Cub IEA S RGD:1580752|PMID:15728334 20140604 RGD
1582221 Kidm30 Kidney mass QTL 30 qtl RS:0000126 PD/Cub IEA S RGD:1580752|PMID:15728334 20140604 RGD
1582221 Kidm30 Kidney mass QTL 30 qtl RS:0000136 BN/Cub IEA S RGD:1580752|PMID:15728334 20140604 RGD
1582222 Epfw2 Epididymal fat weight QTL 2 qtl RS:0000126 PD/Cub IEA S RGD:1580752|PMID:15728334 20140604 RGD
1582222 Epfw2 Epididymal fat weight QTL 2 qtl RS:0000136 BN/Cub IEA S RGD:1580752|PMID:15728334 20140604 RGD
1582224 Epfw4 Epididymal fat weight QTL 4 qtl RS:0000126 PD/Cub IEA S RGD:1580752|PMID:15728334 20140604 RGD
1582224 Epfw4 Epididymal fat weight QTL 4 qtl RS:0000136 BN/Cub IEA S RGD:1580752|PMID:15728334 20140604 RGD
1582225 Bw67 Body weight QTL 67 qtl RS:0000126 PD/Cub IEA S RGD:1580752|PMID:15728334 20140604 RGD
1582225 Bw67 Body weight QTL 67 qtl RS:0000136 BN/Cub IEA S RGD:1580752|PMID:15728334 20140604 RGD
1582226 Bw64 Body weight QTL 64 qtl RS:0000126 PD/Cub IEA S RGD:1580752|PMID:15728334 20140604 RGD
1582226 Bw64 Body weight QTL 64 qtl RS:0000136 BN/Cub IEA S RGD:1580752|PMID:15728334 20140604 RGD
1582227 Gluco30 Glucose level QTL 30 qtl RS:0000126 PD/Cub IEA S RGD:1580752|PMID:15728334 20140604 RGD
1582227 Gluco30 Glucose level QTL 30 qtl RS:0000136 BN/Cub IEA S RGD:1580752|PMID:15728334 20140604 RGD
1582228 Epfw3 Epididymal fat weight QTL 3 qtl RS:0000126 PD/Cub IEA S RGD:1580752|PMID:15728334 20140604 RGD
1582228 Epfw3 Epididymal fat weight QTL 3 qtl RS:0000136 BN/Cub IEA S RGD:1580752|PMID:15728334 20140604 RGD
1582229 Stl20 Serum triglyceride level QTL 20 qtl RS:0000126 PD/Cub IEA S RGD:1580752|PMID:15728334 20140604 RGD
1582229 Stl20 Serum triglyceride level QTL 20 qtl RS:0000136 BN/Cub IEA S RGD:1580752|PMID:15728334 20140604 RGD
1582230 Bw78 Body weight QTL 78 qtl RS:0000126 PD/Cub IEA S RGD:1580752|PMID:15728334 20140604 RGD
1582230 Bw78 Body weight QTL 78 qtl RS:0000136 BN/Cub IEA S RGD:1580752|PMID:15728334 20140604 RGD
1582232 Gluco25 Glucose level QTL 25 qtl RS:0000126 PD/Cub IEA S RGD:1580752|PMID:15728334 20140604 RGD
1582232 Gluco25 Glucose level QTL 25 qtl RS:0000136 BN/Cub IEA S RGD:1580752|PMID:15728334 20140604 RGD
1582233 Insul10 Insulin level QTL 10 qtl RS:0000126 PD/Cub IEA S RGD:1580752|PMID:15728334 20140604 RGD
1582233 Insul10 Insulin level QTL 10 qtl RS:0000136 BN/Cub IEA S RGD:1580752|PMID:15728334 20140604 RGD
1582234 Gluco18 Glucose level QTL 18 qtl RS:0000126 PD/Cub IEA S RGD:1580752|PMID:15728334 20140604 RGD
1582234 Gluco18 Glucose level QTL 18 qtl RS:0000136 BN/Cub IEA S RGD:1580752|PMID:15728334 20140604 RGD
1582235 Insul8 Insulin level QTL 8 qtl RS:0000126 PD/Cub IEA S RGD:1580752|PMID:15728334 20140604 RGD
1582235 Insul8 Insulin level QTL 8 qtl RS:0000136 BN/Cub IEA S RGD:1580752|PMID:15728334 20140604 RGD
1582236 Gluco22 Glucose level QTL 22 qtl RS:0000126 PD/Cub IEA S RGD:1580752|PMID:15728334 20140604 RGD
1582236 Gluco22 Glucose level QTL 22 qtl RS:0000136 BN/Cub IEA S RGD:1580752|PMID:15728334 20140604 RGD
1582237 Kidm34 Kidney mass QTL 34 qtl RS:0000126 PD/Cub IEA S RGD:1580752|PMID:15728334 20140604 RGD
1582237 Kidm34 Kidney mass QTL 34 qtl RS:0000136 BN/Cub IEA S RGD:1580752|PMID:15728334 20140604 RGD
1582238 Bw68 Body weight QTL 68 qtl RS:0000126 PD/Cub IEA S RGD:1580752|PMID:15728334 20140604 RGD
1582238 Bw68 Body weight QTL 68 qtl RS:0000136 BN/Cub IEA S RGD:1580752|PMID:15728334 20140604 RGD
1582239 Epfw1 Epididymal fat weight QTL 1 qtl RS:0000126 PD/Cub IEA S RGD:1580752|PMID:15728334 20140604 RGD
1582239 Epfw1 Epididymal fat weight QTL 1 qtl RS:0000136 BN/Cub IEA S RGD:1580752|PMID:15728334 20140604 RGD
1582240 Sffal1 Serum free fatty acids level QTL 1 qtl RS:0000126 PD/Cub IEA S RGD:1580752|PMID:15728334 20140604 RGD
1582240 Sffal1 Serum free fatty acids level QTL 1 qtl RS:0000136 BN/Cub IEA S RGD:1580752|PMID:15728334 20140604 RGD
1582241 Bw70 Body weight QTL 70 qtl RS:0000126 PD/Cub IEA S RGD:1580752|PMID:15728334 20140604 RGD
1582241 Bw70 Body weight QTL 70 qtl RS:0000136 BN/Cub IEA S RGD:1580752|PMID:15728334 20140604 RGD
1582242 Gluco28 Glucose level QTL 28 qtl RS:0000126 PD/Cub IEA S RGD:1580752|PMID:15728334 20140604 RGD
1582242 Gluco28 Glucose level QTL 28 qtl RS:0000136 BN/Cub IEA S RGD:1580752|PMID:15728334 20140604 RGD
1582243 Bw66 Body weight QTL 66 qtl RS:0000126 PD/Cub IEA S RGD:1580752|PMID:15728334 20140604 RGD
1582243 Bw66 Body weight QTL 66 qtl RS:0000136 BN/Cub IEA S RGD:1580752|PMID:15728334 20140604 RGD
1582244 Bw79 Body weight QTL 79 qtl RS:0000126 PD/Cub IEA S RGD:1580752|PMID:15728334 20140604 RGD
1582244 Bw79 Body weight QTL 79 qtl RS:0000136 BN/Cub IEA S RGD:1580752|PMID:15728334 20140604 RGD
1582245 Bw73 Body weight QTL 73 qtl RS:0000126 PD/Cub IEA S RGD:1580752|PMID:15728334 20140604 RGD
1582245 Bw73 Body weight QTL 73 qtl RS:0000136 BN/Cub IEA S RGD:1580752|PMID:15728334 20140604 RGD
1582246 Cm60 Cardiac mass QTL 60 qtl RS:0000126 PD/Cub IEA S RGD:1580752|PMID:15728334 20140604 RGD
1582246 Cm60 Cardiac mass QTL 60 qtl RS:0000136 BN/Cub IEA S RGD:1580752|PMID:15728334 20140604 RGD
1582248 Insul7 Insulin level QTL 7 qtl RS:0000126 PD/Cub IEA S RGD:1580752|PMID:15728334 20140604 RGD
1582248 Insul7 Insulin level QTL 7 qtl RS:0000136 BN/Cub IEA S RGD:1580752|PMID:15728334 20140604 RGD
1582249 Bw77 Body weight QTL 77 qtl RS:0000126 PD/Cub IEA S RGD:1580752|PMID:15728334 20140604 RGD
1582249 Bw77 Body weight QTL 77 qtl RS:0000136 BN/Cub IEA S RGD:1580752|PMID:15728334 20140604 RGD
1582250 Gluco26 Glucose level QTL 26 qtl RS:0000126 PD/Cub IEA S RGD:1580752|PMID:15728334 20140604 RGD
1582250 Gluco26 Glucose level QTL 26 qtl RS:0000136 BN/Cub IEA S RGD:1580752|PMID:15728334 20140604 RGD
1582251 Gluco24 Glucose level QTL 24 qtl RS:0000126 PD/Cub IEA S RGD:1580752|PMID:15728334 20140604 RGD
1582251 Gluco24 Glucose level QTL 24 qtl RS:0000136 BN/Cub IEA S RGD:1580752|PMID:15728334 20140604 RGD
1582252 Sual1 Serum uric acid level QTL 1 qtl RS:0000126 PD/Cub IEA S RGD:1580752|PMID:15728334 20140604 RGD
1582252 Sual1 Serum uric acid level QTL 1 qtl RS:0000136 BN/Cub IEA S RGD:1580752|PMID:15728334 20140604 RGD
1582254 Kidm31 Kidney mass QTL 31 qtl RS:0000126 PD/Cub IEA S RGD:1580752|PMID:15728334 20140604 RGD
1582254 Kidm31 Kidney mass QTL 31 qtl RS:0000136 BN/Cub IEA S RGD:1580752|PMID:15728334 20140604 RGD
1582255 Gluco29 Glucose level QTL 29 qtl RS:0000126 PD/Cub IEA S RGD:1580752|PMID:15728334 20140604 RGD
1582255 Gluco29 Glucose level QTL 29 qtl RS:0000136 BN/Cub IEA S RGD:1580752|PMID:15728334 20140604 RGD
1582256 Insul9 Insulin level QTL 9 qtl RS:0000126 PD/Cub IEA S RGD:1580752|PMID:15728334 20140604 RGD
1582256 Insul9 Insulin level QTL 9 qtl RS:0000136 BN/Cub IEA S RGD:1580752|PMID:15728334 20140604 RGD
1582257 Gluco21 Glucose level QTL 21 qtl RS:0000126 PD/Cub IEA S RGD:1580752|PMID:15728334 20140604 RGD
1582257 Gluco21 Glucose level QTL 21 qtl RS:0000136 BN/Cub IEA S RGD:1580752|PMID:15728334 20140604 RGD
1582258 Bw76 Body weight QTL 76 qtl RS:0000126 PD/Cub IEA S RGD:1580752|PMID:15728334 20140604 RGD
1582258 Bw76 Body weight QTL 76 qtl RS:0000136 BN/Cub IEA S RGD:1580752|PMID:15728334 20140604 RGD
1582259 Gluco23 Glucose level QTL 23 qtl RS:0000126 PD/Cub IEA S RGD:1580752|PMID:15728334 20140604 RGD
1582259 Gluco23 Glucose level QTL 23 qtl RS:0000136 BN/Cub IEA S RGD:1580752|PMID:15728334 20140604 RGD
1582260 Bw72 Body weight QTL 72 qtl RS:0000126 PD/Cub IEA S RGD:1580752|PMID:15728334 20140604 RGD
1582260 Bw72 Body weight QTL 72 qtl RS:0000136 BN/Cub IEA S RGD:1580752|PMID:15728334 20140604 RGD
1582261 Bw69 Body weight QTL 69 qtl RS:0000126 PD/Cub IEA S RGD:1580752|PMID:15728334 20140604 RGD
1582261 Bw69 Body weight QTL 69 qtl RS:0000136 BN/Cub IEA S RGD:1580752|PMID:15728334 20140604 RGD
1582262 Bw75 Body weight QTL 75 qtl RS:0000126 PD/Cub IEA S RGD:1580752|PMID:15728334 20140604 RGD
1582262 Bw75 Body weight QTL 75 qtl RS:0000136 BN/Cub IEA S RGD:1580752|PMID:15728334 20140604 RGD
1598797 WF.WKY-(D10Got124-D10Rat187)/Uwm strain RS:0001583 WF.WKY-(D10Got124-D10Rat187)/Uwm IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
1598798 BBDP/WorN strain RS:0001183 BBDP/WorN IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
1598799 ACI.FHH-(D1Rat384-D1Rat452)(D17Rat61-D1Arb5)(D17Rat51)/Eur strain RS:0001166 ACI.FHH-(D1Rat384-D1Rat452)(D17Rat61-D1Arb5)(D17Rat51)/Eur IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
1598800 ACI.FHH-(D1Rat384-D1Rat156)/Eur strain RS:0001165 ACI.FHH-(D1Rat384-D1Rat156)/Eur IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
1598801 ACI.FHH-(D1Mit18-D1Mit8)(D14Mit11-D14Hmgc14b)(D14Rat65-D14Rat90)/Eur strain RS:0001162 ACI.FHH-(D1Mit18-D1Mit8)(D14Mit11-D14Hmgc14b)(D14Rat65-D14Rat90)/Eur IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
1598802 BBDR/WorN strain RS:0001185 BBDR/WorN IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
1598803 BBNB/WorN strain RS:0001187 BBNB/WorN IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
1598804 WKY.GHS-(D1Rat32-D1Mit32) strain RS:0001597 WKY.GHS-(D1Rat32-D1Mit32) IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
1598805 Memor8 Memory QTL 8 qtl RS:0001454 SR/JrHsd IEA S RGD:1581615|PMID:16837653 20160109 RGD
1598805 Memor8 Memory QTL 8 qtl RS:0001481 SS/JrHsd IEA S RGD:1581615|PMID:16837653 20160109 RGD
1598807 Glom12 Glomerulus QTL 12 qtl RS:0001454 SR/JrHsd IEA S RGD:1581737|PMID:16720678 20140604 RGD
1598807 Glom12 Glomerulus QTL 12 qtl RS:0001481 SS/JrHsd IEA S RGD:1581737|PMID:16720678 20140604 RGD
1598809 Memor15 Memory QTL 15 qtl RS:0001454 SR/JrHsd IEA S RGD:1581615|PMID:16837653 20160109 RGD
1598809 Memor15 Memory QTL 15 qtl RS:0001481 SS/JrHsd IEA S RGD:1581615|PMID:16837653 20160109 RGD
1598811 Bp291 Blood pressure QTL 291 qtl RS:0001454 SR/JrHsd IEA S RGD:1581737|PMID:16720678 20140604 RGD
1598811 Bp291 Blood pressure QTL 291 qtl RS:0001481 SS/JrHsd IEA S RGD:1581737|PMID:16720678 20140604 RGD
1598813 Memor9 Memory QTL 9 qtl RS:0001454 SR/JrHsd IEA S RGD:1581615|PMID:16837653 20160109 RGD
1598813 Memor9 Memory QTL 9 qtl RS:0001481 SS/JrHsd IEA S RGD:1581615|PMID:16837653 20160109 RGD
1598814 Mcs13 Mammary carcinoma susceptibility QTL 13 qtl RS:0001586 WF.WKY-(D5Uwm65-D5Uwm60)/Uwm IEA S RGD:1559294|PMID:16266982 20140604 RGD
1598814 Mcs13 Mammary carcinoma susceptibility QTL 13 qtl RS:0001587 WF.WKY-(D5Uwm66-D5Uwm67)/Uwm IEA S RGD:1559294|PMID:16266982 20140604 RGD
1598816 Memor12 Memory QTL 12 qtl RS:0001454 SR/JrHsd IEA S RGD:1581615|PMID:16837653 20160109 RGD
1598816 Memor12 Memory QTL 12 qtl RS:0001481 SS/JrHsd IEA S RGD:1581615|PMID:16837653 20160109 RGD
1598817 Glom13 Glomerulus QTL 13 qtl RS:0001454 SR/JrHsd IEA S RGD:1581737|PMID:16720678 20140604 RGD
1598817 Glom13 Glomerulus QTL 13 qtl RS:0001481 SS/JrHsd IEA S RGD:1581737|PMID:16720678 20140604 RGD
1598819 Bp292 Blood pressure QTL 292 qtl RS:0001454 SR/JrHsd IEA S RGD:1581737|PMID:16720678 20140604 RGD
1598819 Bp292 Blood pressure QTL 292 qtl RS:0001481 SS/JrHsd IEA S RGD:1581737|PMID:16720678 20140604 RGD
1598821 Rf55 Renal function QTL 55 qtl RS:0000329 FHH-Chr 1BN/Mcwi IEA S RGD:1579884|PMID:16303858 20140604 RGD
1598821 Rf55 Renal function QTL 55 qtl RS:0000342 FHH/EurMcwi IEA S RGD:1579884|PMID:16303858 20140604 RGD
1598823 Memor16 Memory QTL 16 qtl RS:0001454 SR/JrHsd IEA S RGD:1581615|PMID:16837653 20160109 RGD
1598823 Memor16 Memory QTL 16 qtl RS:0001481 SS/JrHsd IEA S RGD:1581615|PMID:16837653 20160109 RGD
1598824 Memor4 Memory QTL 4 qtl RS:0001454 SR/JrHsd IEA S RGD:1581615|PMID:16837653 20150822 RGD
1598824 Memor4 Memory QTL 4 qtl RS:0001481 SS/JrHsd IEA S RGD:1581615|PMID:16837653 20150822 RGD
1598826 Anxrr20 Anxiety related response QTL 20 qtl RS:0000363 F344/NHsd IEA S RGD:1578499|PMID:16490266 20140604 RGD
1598826 Anxrr20 Anxiety related response QTL 20 qtl RS:0000916 WKY/NHsd IEA S RGD:1578499|PMID:16490266 20140604 RGD
1598828 Glom14 Glomerulus QTL 14 qtl RS:0001454 SR/JrHsd IEA S RGD:1581737|PMID:16720678 20140604 RGD
1598828 Glom14 Glomerulus QTL 14 qtl RS:0001481 SS/JrHsd IEA S RGD:1581737|PMID:16720678 20140604 RGD
1598830 Bp288 Blood pressure QTL 288 qtl RS:0001454 SR/JrHsd IEA S RGD:1581737|PMID:16720678 20140604 RGD
1598830 Bp288 Blood pressure QTL 288 qtl RS:0001481 SS/JrHsd IEA S RGD:1581737|PMID:16720678 20140604 RGD
1598832 Glom11 Glomerulus QTL 11 qtl RS:0001454 SR/JrHsd IEA S RGD:1581737|PMID:16720678 20140604 RGD
1598832 Glom11 Glomerulus QTL 11 qtl RS:0001481 SS/JrHsd IEA S RGD:1581737|PMID:16720678 20140604 RGD
1598833 Bp295 Blood pressure QTL 295 qtl RS:0001454 SR/JrHsd IEA S RGD:1581737|PMID:16720678 20140604 RGD
1598833 Bp295 Blood pressure QTL 295 qtl RS:0001481 SS/JrHsd IEA S RGD:1581737|PMID:16720678 20140604 RGD
1598834 Memor11 Memory QTL 11 qtl RS:0001454 SR/JrHsd IEA S RGD:1581615|PMID:16837653 20160109 RGD
1598834 Memor11 Memory QTL 11 qtl RS:0001481 SS/JrHsd IEA S RGD:1581615|PMID:16837653 20160109 RGD
1598835 Anxrr18 Anxiety related response QTL 18 qtl RS:0000363 F344/NHsd IEA S RGD:1578499|PMID:16490266 20140604 RGD
1598835 Anxrr18 Anxiety related response QTL 18 qtl RS:0000916 WKY/NHsd IEA S RGD:1578499|PMID:16490266 20140604 RGD
1598837 Memor13 Memory QTL 13 qtl RS:0001454 SR/JrHsd IEA S RGD:1581615|PMID:16837653 20160109 RGD
1598837 Memor13 Memory QTL 13 qtl RS:0001481 SS/JrHsd IEA S RGD:1581615|PMID:16837653 20160109 RGD
1598838 Bp290 Blood pressure QTL 290 qtl RS:0001454 SR/JrHsd IEA S RGD:1581737|PMID:16720678 20140604 RGD
1598838 Bp290 Blood pressure QTL 290 qtl RS:0001481 SS/JrHsd IEA S RGD:1581737|PMID:16720678 20140604 RGD
1598839 Rf56 Renal function QTL 56 qtl RS:0001306 FHH.FHH.1BN-(D1Mgh13-D1Rat89)/Mcwi IEA S RGD:1579884|PMID:16303858 20140604 RGD
1598841 Memor7 Memory QTL 7 qtl RS:0001454 SR/JrHsd IEA S RGD:1581615|PMID:16837653 20150822 RGD
1598841 Memor7 Memory QTL 7 qtl RS:0001481 SS/JrHsd IEA S RGD:1581615|PMID:16837653 20150822 RGD
1598842 Glom10 Glomerulus QTL 10 qtl RS:0001454 SR/JrHsd IEA S RGD:1581737|PMID:16720678 20140604 RGD
1598842 Glom10 Glomerulus QTL 10 qtl RS:0001481 SS/JrHsd IEA S RGD:1581737|PMID:16720678 20140604 RGD
1598843 Cm63 Cardiac mass QTL 63 qtl RS:0001454 SR/JrHsd IEA S RGD:1581737|PMID:16720678 20140604 RGD
1598843 Cm63 Cardiac mass QTL 63 qtl RS:0001481 SS/JrHsd IEA S RGD:1581737|PMID:16720678 20140604 RGD
1598845 Mcs14 Mammary carcinoma susceptibility QTL 14 qtl RS:0001588 WF.WKY-(D5Uwm68-D5Mit4)/Uwm IEA S RGD:1559294|PMID:16266982 20140604 RGD
1598846 Bp293 Blood pressure QTL 293 qtl RS:0001454 SR/JrHsd IEA S RGD:1581737|PMID:16720678 20140604 RGD
1598846 Bp293 Blood pressure QTL 293 qtl RS:0001481 SS/JrHsd IEA S RGD:1581737|PMID:16720678 20140604 RGD
1598847 Cm62 Cardiac mass QTL 62 qtl RS:0001454 SR/JrHsd IEA S RGD:1581737|PMID:16720678 20140604 RGD
1598847 Cm62 Cardiac mass QTL 62 qtl RS:0001481 SS/JrHsd IEA S RGD:1581737|PMID:16720678 20140604 RGD
1598849 Memor17 Memory QTL 17 qtl RS:0001454 SR/JrHsd IEA S RGD:1581615|PMID:16837653 20160109 RGD
1598849 Memor17 Memory QTL 17 qtl RS:0001481 SS/JrHsd IEA S RGD:1581615|PMID:16837653 20160109 RGD
1598850 Bp297 Blood pressure QTL 297 qtl RS:0001454 SR/JrHsd IEA S RGD:1581737|PMID:16720678 20140604 RGD
1598850 Bp297 Blood pressure QTL 297 qtl RS:0001481 SS/JrHsd IEA S RGD:1581737|PMID:16720678 20140604 RGD
1598852 Anxrr19 Anxiety related response QTL 19 qtl RS:0000363 F344/NHsd IEA S RGD:1578499|PMID:16490266 20140604 RGD
1598852 Anxrr19 Anxiety related response QTL 19 qtl RS:0000916 WKY/NHsd IEA S RGD:1578499|PMID:16490266 20140604 RGD
1598853 Memor3 Memory QTL 3 qtl RS:0001454 SR/JrHsd IEA S RGD:1581615|PMID:16837653 20150822 RGD
1598853 Memor3 Memory QTL 3 qtl RS:0001481 SS/JrHsd IEA S RGD:1581615|PMID:16837653 20150822 RGD
1598854 Memor10 Memory QTL 10 qtl RS:0001454 SR/JrHsd IEA S RGD:1581615|PMID:16837653 20160109 RGD
1598854 Memor10 Memory QTL 10 qtl RS:0001481 SS/JrHsd IEA S RGD:1581615|PMID:16837653 20160109 RGD
1598855 Bp294 Blood pressure QTL 294 qtl RS:0001454 SR/JrHsd IEA S RGD:1581737|PMID:16720678 20140604 RGD
1598855 Bp294 Blood pressure QTL 294 qtl RS:0001481 SS/JrHsd IEA S RGD:1581737|PMID:16720678 20140604 RGD
1598856 Memor1 Memory QTL 1 qtl RS:0001454 SR/JrHsd IEA S RGD:1581615|PMID:16837653 20150822 RGD
1598856 Memor1 Memory QTL 1 qtl RS:0001481 SS/JrHsd IEA S RGD:1581615|PMID:16837653 20150822 RGD
1598858 Cm61 Cardiac mass QTL 61 qtl RS:0001454 SR/JrHsd IEA S RGD:1581737|PMID:16720678 20140604 RGD
1598858 Cm61 Cardiac mass QTL 61 qtl RS:0001481 SS/JrHsd IEA S RGD:1581737|PMID:16720678 20140604 RGD
1598859 Cm66 Cardiac mass QTL 66 qtl RS:0001454 SR/JrHsd IEA S RGD:1581737|PMID:16720678 20140604 RGD
1598859 Cm66 Cardiac mass QTL 66 qtl RS:0001481 SS/JrHsd IEA S RGD:1581737|PMID:16720678 20140604 RGD
1598861 Cm64 Cardiac mass QTL 64 qtl RS:0001454 SR/JrHsd IEA S RGD:1581737|PMID:16720678 20140604 RGD
1598861 Cm64 Cardiac mass QTL 64 qtl RS:0001481 SS/JrHsd IEA S RGD:1581737|PMID:16720678 20140604 RGD
1598862 Glom9 Glomerulus QTL 9 qtl RS:0001454 SR/JrHsd IEA S RGD:1581737|PMID:16720678 20140604 RGD
1598862 Glom9 Glomerulus QTL 9 qtl RS:0001481 SS/JrHsd IEA S RGD:1581737|PMID:16720678 20140604 RGD
1598863 Cm65 Cardiac mass QTL 65 qtl RS:0001454 SR/JrHsd IEA S RGD:1581737|PMID:16720678 20140604 RGD
1598863 Cm65 Cardiac mass QTL 65 qtl RS:0001481 SS/JrHsd IEA S RGD:1581737|PMID:16720678 20140604 RGD
1598865 Bp296 Blood pressure QTL 296 qtl RS:0001454 SR/JrHsd IEA S RGD:1581737|PMID:16720678 20140604 RGD
1598865 Bp296 Blood pressure QTL 296 qtl RS:0001481 SS/JrHsd IEA S RGD:1581737|PMID:16720678 20140604 RGD
1598866 Bp287 Blood pressure QTL 287 qtl RS:0001454 SR/JrHsd IEA S RGD:1581737|PMID:16720678 20140604 RGD
1598866 Bp287 Blood pressure QTL 287 qtl RS:0001481 SS/JrHsd IEA S RGD:1581737|PMID:16720678 20140604 RGD
1598868 Mcs12 Mammary carcinoma susceptibility QTL 12 qtl RS:0001585 WF.WKY-(D5Uwm63-D5Uwm64)/Uwm IEA S RGD:1559294|PMID:16266982 20140604 RGD
1598868 Mcs12 Mammary carcinoma susceptibility QTL 12 qtl RS:0001589 WF.WKY-(D5Wox8-D5Uwm62)/Uwm IEA S RGD:1559294|PMID:16266982 20140604 RGD
1598869 Memor6 Memory QTL 6 qtl RS:0001454 SR/JrHsd IEA S RGD:1581615|PMID:16837653 20150822 RGD
1598869 Memor6 Memory QTL 6 qtl RS:0001481 SS/JrHsd IEA S RGD:1581615|PMID:16837653 20150822 RGD
1598870 Bp289 Blood pressure QTL 289 qtl RS:0001454 SR/JrHsd IEA S RGD:1581737|PMID:16720678 20140604 RGD
1598870 Bp289 Blood pressure QTL 289 qtl RS:0001481 SS/JrHsd IEA S RGD:1581737|PMID:16720678 20140604 RGD
1598871 Memor5 Memory QTL 5 qtl RS:0001454 SR/JrHsd IEA S RGD:1581615|PMID:16837653 20150822 RGD
1598871 Memor5 Memory QTL 5 qtl RS:0001481 SS/JrHsd IEA S RGD:1581615|PMID:16837653 20150822 RGD
1598872 Memor14 Memory QTL 14 qtl RS:0001454 SR/JrHsd IEA S RGD:1581615|PMID:16837653 20160109 RGD
1598872 Memor14 Memory QTL 14 qtl RS:0001481 SS/JrHsd IEA S RGD:1581615|PMID:16837653 20160109 RGD
1598873 Memor2 Memory QTL 2 qtl RS:0001454 SR/JrHsd IEA S RGD:1581615|PMID:16837653 20160109 RGD
1598873 Memor2 Memory QTL 2 qtl RS:0001481 SS/JrHsd IEA S RGD:1581615|PMID:16837653 20160109 RGD
1598875 Bp286 Blood pressure QTL 286 qtl RS:0001565 SS.SR-(D3Mco36-D3Got166)/Jr IEA S RGD:1581650|PMID:17028336 20140604 RGD
1598875 Bp286 Blood pressure QTL 286 qtl RS:0001566 SS.SR-(D3Mco36-D3Mco46)/Jr IEA S RGD:1581650|PMID:17028336 20140604 RGD
1598877 Bp285 Blood pressure QTL 285 qtl RS:0001563 SS.SR-(D3Mco24-D3Got130)/Jr IEA S RGD:1581650|PMID:17028336 20140604 RGD
1598877 Bp285 Blood pressure QTL 285 qtl RS:0001565 SS.SR-(D3Mco36-D3Got166)/Jr IEA S RGD:1581650|PMID:17028336 20140604 RGD
1599674 BBDP.WF-(D8Rat59-D8Sunn1467)/Sunn strain RS:0001176 BBDP.WF-(D8Rat59-D8Sunn1467)/Sunn IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
1599675 BBDP.WF-(D13Rat124-D13Mgh5)/Sunn strain RS:0001174 BBDP.WF-(D13Rat124-D13Mgh5)/Sunn IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
1599689 Iddm24 Insulin dependent diabetes mellitus QTL 24 qtl RS:0001176 BBDP.WF-(D8Rat59-D8Sunn1467)/Sunn IEA S RGD:1624306|PMID:17389329 20140604 RGD
1599755 F344.BN-(D16Mit5-D16Rat75) strain RS:0001296 F344.BN-(D16Mit5-D16Rat75) IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
1599756 BN-Has2m1Mcwi strain RS:0001150 BN-Has2m1Mcwi IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
1599757 BN-Adora2am2Mcwi strain RS:0001145 BN-Adora2am2Mcwi IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
1599758 SS-Sod3m1Mcwi strain RS:0001480 SS-Sod3m1Mcwi IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
1599759 GRY/Idr groggy rat strain RS:0001318 GRY/Idr IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
1599760 SPRD.WKY-(D18Wox8-D18Rat44)/Ibmm strain RS:0001450 SPRD.WKY-(D18Wox8-D18Rat44)/Ibmm IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
1599761 BN-Lcatm2Mcwi strain RS:0001152 BN-Lcatm2Mcwi IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
1599762 SS-Bdkrb2m2Mcwi strain RS:0001460 SS-Bdkrb2m2Mcwi IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
1599763 SPRD.WKY-(D5Rat190-D5Rat114)/Ibmm strain RS:0001452 SPRD.WKY-(D5Rat190-D5Rat114)/Ibmm IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
1599764 COP.DA-(D16Rat12-D16Rat90)/Mco strain RS:0001215 COP.DA-(D16Rat12-D16Rat90)/Mco IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
1599765 SS-Klf4m2Mcwi strain RS:0001474 SS-Klf4m2Mcwi IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
1599766 SS-Hps6m1Mcwi strain RS:0001470 SS-Hps6m1Mcwi IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
1599767 SS-Htr1am2Mcwi strain RS:0001471 SS-Htr1am2Mcwi IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
1599768 SS-Klf4m1Mcwi strain RS:0001473 SS-Klf4m1Mcwi IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
1599769 COP.DA-(D3Rat233-D3Mgh14)/Mco strain RS:0001216 COP.DA-(D3Rat233-D3Mgh14)/Mco IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
1600337 F344.GK-(D1Mgh14-D1Rat90)/Swe strain RS:0001298 F344.GK-(D1Mgh14-D1Rat90)/Swe IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
1600338 SHR.F344-(D12Mgh5-D12Mgh6)/Snk strain RS:0001419 SHR.F344-(D12Mgh5-D12Mgh6)/Snk IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
1600339 BN.GK-(D1Wox18-D1Got254)/Ox strain RS:0001197 BN.GK-(D1Wox18-D1Got254)/Ox IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
1600340 DA/BklArbNsi strain RS:0001227 DA/BklArbNsi IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
1600341 LEW-Tg(Ren2)27/Jmul strain RS:0001350 LEW-Tg(Ren2)27/Jmul IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
1600342 F344.GK-(D1Got250-D1Rat90)/Swe strain RS:0001290 F344.GK-(D1Got250-D1Rat90)/Swe IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
1600343 SHRSP.WKY-(D1Wox29-D1Arb21)/Izm strain RS:0001433 SHRSP.WKY-(D1Wox29-D1Arb21)/Izm IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
1600344 F344.GK-(D1Rat175-D1Rat90)/Swe strain RS:0001300 F344.GK-(D1Rat175-D1Rat90)/Swe IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
1600345 F344.GK-(D1Rat83-D1Rat376)/Swe strain RS:0001301 F344.GK-(D1Rat83-D1Rat376)/Swe IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
1600346 F344.GK-(D1Swe4-D1Rat85)/Swe strain RS:0001302 F344.GK-(D1Swe4-D1Rat85)/Swe IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
1600358 Mamtr5 Mammary tumor resistance QTL 5 qtl RS:0001452 SPRD.WKY-(D5Rat190-D5Rat114)/Ibmm IEA S RGD:1599390|PMID:17230524 20140604 RGD
1600360 Mcs16 Mammary carcinoma susceptibility QTL 16 qtl RS:0001070 WKY/Ztm IEA S RGD:1599317|PMID:16596452 20140604 RGD
1600360 Mcs16 Mammary carcinoma susceptibility QTL 16 qtl RS:0001449 SPRD/Ztm IEA S RGD:1599317|PMID:16596452 20140604 RGD
1600362 Mcs19 Mammary carcinoma susceptibility QTL 19 qtl RS:0001070 WKY/Ztm IEA S RGD:1599317|PMID:16596452 20140604 RGD
1600362 Mcs19 Mammary carcinoma susceptibility QTL 19 qtl RS:0001449 SPRD/Ztm IEA S RGD:1599317|PMID:16596452 20140604 RGD
1600363 Hc6 Hypercalciuria QTL 6 qtl RS:0001597 WKY.GHS-(D1Rat32-D1Mit32) IEA S RGD:1582396|PMID:16611718 20140604 RGD
1600365 Mcs20 Mammary carcinoma susceptibility QTL 20 qtl RS:0001070 WKY/Ztm IEA S RGD:1599317|PMID:16596452 20140604 RGD
1600365 Mcs20 Mammary carcinoma susceptibility QTL 20 qtl RS:0001449 SPRD/Ztm IEA S RGD:1599317|PMID:16596452 20140604 RGD
1600367 Mcs15 Mammary carcinoma susceptibility QTL 15 qtl RS:0001583 WF.WKY-(D10Got124-D10Rat187)/Uwm IEA S RGD:1581951|PMID:16568087 20140604 RGD
1600369 Hcas8 Hepatocarcinoma susceptibility QTL 8 qtl RS:0001296 F344.BN-(D16Mit5-D16Rat75) IEA S RGD:1599590|PMID:17079458 20140604 RGD
1600371 Mcs21 Mammary carcinoma susceptibility QTL 21 qtl RS:0001070 WKY/Ztm IEA S RGD:1599317|PMID:16596452 20140604 RGD
1600371 Mcs21 Mammary carcinoma susceptibility QTL 21 qtl RS:0001449 SPRD/Ztm IEA S RGD:1599317|PMID:16596452 20140604 RGD
1600373 Mamtr6 Mammary tumor resistance QTL 6 qtl RS:0001450 SPRD.WKY-(D18Wox8-D18Rat44)/Ibmm IEA S RGD:1599390|PMID:17230524 20140604 RGD
1600374 Mcs17 Mammary carcinoma susceptibility QTL 17 qtl RS:0001070 WKY/Ztm IEA S RGD:1599317|PMID:16596452 20140604 RGD
1600374 Mcs17 Mammary carcinoma susceptibility QTL 17 qtl RS:0001449 SPRD/Ztm IEA S RGD:1599317|PMID:16596452 20140604 RGD
1600375 Mcs22 Mammary carcinoma susceptibility QTL 22 qtl RS:0001070 WKY/Ztm IEA S RGD:1599317|PMID:16596452 20140604 RGD
1600375 Mcs22 Mammary carcinoma susceptibility QTL 22 qtl RS:0001449 SPRD/Ztm IEA S RGD:1599317|PMID:16596452 20140604 RGD
1600376 Arunc5 Aerobic running capacity QTL 5 qtl RS:0001216 COP.DA-(D3Rat233-D3Mgh14)/Mco IEA S RGD:1598978|PMID:17179209 20140604 RGD
1600378 Arunc4 Aerobic running capacity QTL 4 qtl RS:0001215 COP.DA-(D16Rat12-D16Rat90)/Mco IEA S RGD:1598978|PMID:17179209 20140604 RGD
1600379 Mcs18 Mammary carcinoma susceptibility QTL 18 qtl RS:0001070 WKY/Ztm IEA S RGD:1599317|PMID:16596452 20140604 RGD
1600379 Mcs18 Mammary carcinoma susceptibility QTL 18 qtl RS:0001449 SPRD/Ztm IEA S RGD:1599317|PMID:16596452 20140604 RGD
1600380 Niddm70 Non-insulin dependent diabetes mellitus QTL 70 qtl RS:0001197 BN.GK-(D1Wox18-D1Got254)/Ox IEA S RGD:1598974|PMID:16783636 20140604 RGD
1600382 Edcs3 Endometrial carcinoma susceptibility QTL3 qtl RS:0000087 BDII/Ztm IEA S RGD:1599856|PMID:11745480 20140604 RGD
1600382 Edcs3 Endometrial carcinoma susceptibility QTL3 qtl RS:0000140 BN/Han IEA S RGD:1599856|PMID:11745480 20140604 RGD
1600384 Niddm66 Non-insulin dependent diabetes mellitus QTL 66 qtl RS:0001290 F344.GK-(D1Got250-D1Rat90)/Swe IEA S RGD:1599587|PMID:16951059 20140604 RGD
1600384 Niddm66 Non-insulin dependent diabetes mellitus QTL 66 qtl RS:0001300 F344.GK-(D1Rat175-D1Rat90)/Swe IEA S RGD:1599587|PMID:16951059 20140604 RGD
1600386 Calcic2 Intracellular calcium level QTL 2 qtl RS:0001419 SHR.F344-(D12Mgh5-D12Mgh6)/Snk IEA S RGD:1599588|PMID:17261463 20140604 RGD
1600388 Niddm67 Non-insulin dependent diabetes mellitus QTL 67 qtl RS:0000134 BN/Crl IEA S RGD:1598974|PMID:16783636 20140604 RGD
1600388 Niddm67 Non-insulin dependent diabetes mellitus QTL 67 qtl RS:0002495 GK/Ox IEA S RGD:1598974|PMID:16783636 20140604 RGD
1600390 Niddm64 Non-insulin dependent diabetes mellitus QTL 64 qtl RS:0001300 F344.GK-(D1Rat175-D1Rat90)/Swe IEA S RGD:1599587|PMID:16951059 20140604 RGD
1600390 Niddm64 Non-insulin dependent diabetes mellitus QTL 64 qtl RS:0001301 F344.GK-(D1Rat83-D1Rat376)/Swe IEA S RGD:1599587|PMID:16951059 20140604 RGD
1600391 Edcs2 Endometrial carcinoma susceptibility QTL2 qtl RS:0000087 BDII/Ztm IEA S RGD:1599856|PMID:11745480 20140604 RGD
1600391 Edcs2 Endometrial carcinoma susceptibility QTL2 qtl RS:0000140 BN/Han IEA S RGD:1599856|PMID:11745480 20140604 RGD
1600392 Bw123 Body weight QTL 123 qtl RS:0001301 F344.GK-(D1Rat83-D1Rat376)/Swe IEA S RGD:1599587|PMID:16951059 20140604 RGD
1600394 Edcs1 Endometrial carcinoma susceptibility QTL1 qtl RS:0000087 BDII/Ztm IEA S RGD:1599856|PMID:11745480 20140604 RGD
1600394 Edcs1 Endometrial carcinoma susceptibility QTL1 qtl RS:0001449 SPRD/Ztm IEA S RGD:1599856|PMID:11745480 20140604 RGD
1600395 Niddm69 Non-insulin dependent diabetes mellitus QTL 69 qtl RS:0000134 BN/Crl IEA S RGD:1598974|PMID:16783636 20140604 RGD
1600395 Niddm69 Non-insulin dependent diabetes mellitus QTL 69 qtl RS:0002495 GK/Ox IEA S RGD:1598974|PMID:16783636 20140604 RGD
1600396 Niddm68 Non-insulin dependent diabetes mellitus QTL 68 qtl RS:0001197 BN.GK-(D1Wox18-D1Got254)/Ox IEA S RGD:1598974|PMID:16783636 20140604 RGD
1600397 Edcs4 Endometrial carcinoma susceptibility QTL 4 qtl RS:0000087 BDII/Ztm IEA S RGD:1599856|PMID:11745480 20140604 RGD
1600397 Edcs4 Endometrial carcinoma susceptibility QTL 4 qtl RS:0001449 SPRD/Ztm IEA S RGD:1599856|PMID:11745480 20140604 RGD
1600398 Edcs5 Endometrial carcinoma susceptibility QTL 5 qtl RS:0000087 BDII/Ztm IEA S RGD:1599856|PMID:11745480 20140604 RGD
1600398 Edcs5 Endometrial carcinoma susceptibility QTL 5 qtl RS:0001449 SPRD/Ztm IEA S RGD:1599856|PMID:11745480 20140604 RGD
1600399 Niddm65 Non-insulin dependent diabetes mellitus QTL 65 qtl RS:0001302 F344.GK-(D1Swe4-D1Rat85)/Swe IEA S RGD:1599587|PMID:16951059 20140604 RGD
1600490 SS-Chr 1BN/Mcwi strain RS:0001457 SS-Chr 1BN/Mcwi IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
1625284 Wild1/Hubr strain RS:0001115 Wild1/Hubr IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
1626207 BN-Adora2am3Mcwi strain RS:0001794 BN-Adora2am3Mcwi IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
1626210 BN-Lipem2Mcwi strain RS:0001194 BN-Lipem2Mcwi IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
1626213 BN-Oxtrm1Mcwi strain RS:0001195 BN-Oxtrm1Mcwi IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
1626214 BN-Slc27a5m2Mcwi strain RS:0001196 BN-Slc27a5m2Mcwi IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
1641831 MWF-Chr 6SHR/Rkb strain RS:0001373 MWF-Chr 6SHR/Rkb IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
1641833 Alc21 Alcohol consumption QTL 21 qtl RS:0000610 iNP/Iusm IEA S RGD:61483|PMID:9660316 20230311 RGD
1641833 Alc21 Alcohol consumption QTL 21 qtl RS:0000635 iP/Iusm IEA S RGD:61483|PMID:9660316 20230204 RGD
1641849 SS.LEW-(D10Mit1-D10Mgh1)/Jr strain RS:0001530 SS.LEW-(D10Mit1-D10Mgh1)/Jr IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
1641850 SHR.WKY-(D1Got158-D1Got161)/Njs strain RS:0001424 SHR.WKY-(D1Got158-D1Got161)/Njs IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
1641851 SHR.PD-(D8Rat42-D8Arb23)/Cub strain RS:0001423 SHR.PD-(D8Rat42-D8Arb23)/Cub IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
1641852 WF.BBDR-(D4Got48-D4Got43)/Wor strain RS:0001580 WF.BBDR-(D4Got48-D4Got43)/Wor IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
1641853 SS.LEW-(D10Mco38-D10Mgh1)/Jr strain RS:0001524 SS.LEW-(D10Mco38-D10Mgh1)/Jr IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
1641854 HAS.LAS-(D5Rat70-D5Rat37)/Rar strain RS:0001329 HAS.LAS-(D5Rat70-D5Rat37)/Rar IEA S RGD:7241799 20200516 RGD
1641855 BBDP.WF-(D8Rat73-D8Rat20)/Sunn strain RS:0001178 BBDP.WF-(D8Rat73-D8Rat20)/Sunn IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
1641856 P.NP-(D4Rat119-D4Rat55)/Iusm strain RS:0001380 P.NP-(D4Rat119-D4Rat55)/Iusm IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
1641857 BBDP.WF-(D8Rat16-D8Sunn1467)/Sunn strain RS:0001175 BBDP.WF-(D8Rat16-D8Sunn1467)/Sunn IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
1641858 SHR.WKY-(D1Rat420-D1Rat278)/Njs strain RS:0001426 SHR.WKY-(D1Rat420-D1Rat278)/Njs IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
1641859 SS.MNS-(D10Bra1-D10Mit11)/Jr strain RS:0001539 SS.MNS-(D10Bra1-D10Mit11)/Jr IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
1641860 SS.MNS-(D10Mco62-D10Mit1)/Jr strain RS:0001552 SS.MNS-(D10Mco62-D10Mit1)/Jr IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
1641861 HAS.LAS-(D2Rat53-D2Rat138)/Rar strain RS:0001328 HAS.LAS-(D2Rat53-D2Rat138)/Rar IEA S RGD:7241799 20200516 RGD
1641862 F344-ApcPirc/Uwm strain RS:0001236 F344-ApcPirc/Uwm IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
1641863 SHR.PD-(D8Mgh9-D8Rat149)/Cub strain RS:0001422 SHR.PD-(D8Mgh9-D8Rat149)/Cub IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
1641864 WF/CrCrli strain RS:0001590 WF/CrCrli IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
1641865 SD-Brca2m1Uwm strain RS:0001384 SD-Brca2m1Uwm IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
1641866 SS.LEW-(D10Mit10-D10Rat24)/Jr strain RS:0001531 SS.LEW-(D10Mit10-D10Rat24)/Jr IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
1641867 Iusm:P alcohol-preferring strain RS:0001377 Iusm:P IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
1641868 WF.BBDR-(D4Rat93-D4Rat228)/Wor strain RS:0001581 WF.BBDR-(D4Rat93-D4Rat228)/Wor IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
1641869 SS.MNS-(D10Mco31-D10Mit11)/Jr strain RS:0001549 SS.MNS-(D10Mco31-D10Mit11)/Jr IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
1641870 BBDP.WF-(D8Rat73-D8Rat121)/Sunn strain RS:0001177 BBDP.WF-(D8Rat73-D8Rat121)/Sunn IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
1641871 SS.MNS-(D10Mco62-D10Mco31)/Jr strain RS:0001542 SS.MNS-(D10Mco62-D10Mco31)/Jr IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
1641872 SS.LEW-(D10Mco38-D10Mco41)/Jr strain RS:0001523 SS.LEW-(D10Mco38-D10Mco41)/Jr IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
1641873 Iusm:NP alcohol-nonpreferring strain RS:0001375 Iusm:NP IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
1641874 BBDP.WF-(D8Rat73-D8Rat90)/Sunn strain RS:0001179 BBDP.WF-(D8Rat73-D8Rat90)/Sunn IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
1641875 SHR-Chr YBN/Cub strain RS:0001416 SHR-Chr YBN/Cub IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
1641876 BBDP.WF-(D8Rat73-D8Sunn1467)/Sunn strain RS:0001180 BBDP.WF-(D8Rat73-D8Sunn1467)/Sunn IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
1641877 NP.P-(D4Rat119-D4Rat55)/Iusm strain RS:0001376 NP.P-(D4Rat119-D4Rat55)/Iusm IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
1641878 WF.BBDR-(Clcn1-D4Rat228)/Wor strain RS:0001579 WF.BBDR-(Clcn1-D4Rat228)/Wor IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
1641879 SS-Chr 19SHR/Rkb strain RS:0001456 SS-Chr 19SHR/Rkb IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
1641880 SD-Brca1m1Uwm strain RS:0001383 SD-Brca1m1Uwm IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
1641885 Alcrsp9 Alcohol response QTL 9 qtl RS:0001323 HAS1 IEA S RGD:1334439|PMID:15608595 20140604 RGD
1641885 Alcrsp9 Alcohol response QTL 9 qtl RS:0001326 LAS1 IEA S RGD:1334439|PMID:15608595 20140604 RGD
1641887 Alcrsp14 Alcohol response QTL 14 qtl RS:0001323 HAS1 IEA S RGD:1334439|PMID:15608595 20140604 RGD
1641887 Alcrsp14 Alcohol response QTL 14 qtl RS:0001326 LAS1 IEA S RGD:1334439|PMID:15608595 20140604 RGD
1641889 Colcr6 Colorectal carcinoma resistance QTL 6 qtl RS:0000032 ACI/SegHsd IEA S RGD:1625309|PMID:17510081 20140604 RGD
1641889 Colcr6 Colorectal carcinoma resistance QTL 6 qtl RS:0001590 WF/CrCrli IEA S RGD:1625309|PMID:17510081 20140604 RGD
1641891 Alcrsp17 Alcohol response QTL 17 qtl RS:0001328 HAS.LAS-(D2Rat53-D2Rat138)/Rar IEA S RGD:1334439|PMID:15608595 20160109 RGD
1641893 Alcrsp7 Alcohol response QTL 7 qtl RS:0001323 HAS1 IEA S RGD:1334439|PMID:15608595 20160109 RGD
1641893 Alcrsp7 Alcohol response QTL 7 qtl RS:0001326 LAS1 IEA S RGD:1334439|PMID:15608595 20160109 RGD
1641894 Alcrsp12 Alcohol response QTL 12 qtl RS:0001323 HAS1 IEA S RGD:1334439|PMID:15608595 20140604 RGD
1641894 Alcrsp12 Alcohol response QTL 12 qtl RS:0001326 LAS1 IEA S RGD:1334439|PMID:15608595 20140604 RGD
1641895 Bp298 Blood pressure QTL 298 qtl RS:0001433 SHRSP.WKY-(D1Wox29-D1Arb21)/Izm IEA S RGD:1600255|PMID:17327494 20140604 RGD
1641897 Alcrsp1 Alcohol response QTL 1 qtl RS:0001323 HAS1 IEA S RGD:1334439|PMID:15608595 20160109 RGD
1641897 Alcrsp1 Alcohol response QTL 1 qtl RS:0001326 LAS1 IEA S RGD:1334439|PMID:15608595 20160109 RGD
1641898 Colcr4 Colorectal carcinoma resistance QTL4 qtl RS:0000032 ACI/SegHsd IEA S RGD:1625309|PMID:17510081 20140604 RGD
1641898 Colcr4 Colorectal carcinoma resistance QTL4 qtl RS:0001590 WF/CrCrli IEA S RGD:1625309|PMID:17510081 20140604 RGD
1641900 Alcrsp11 Alcohol response QTL 11 qtl RS:0001323 HAS1 IEA S RGD:1334439|PMID:15608595 20140604 RGD
1641900 Alcrsp11 Alcohol response QTL 11 qtl RS:0001326 LAS1 IEA S RGD:1334439|PMID:15608595 20140604 RGD
1641901 Alcrsp6 Alcohol response QTL 6 qtl RS:0001323 HAS1 IEA S RGD:1334439|PMID:15608595 20160109 RGD
1641901 Alcrsp6 Alcohol response QTL 6 qtl RS:0001326 LAS1 IEA S RGD:1334439|PMID:15608595 20160109 RGD
1641902 Colcr7 Colorectal carcinoma resistance QTL 7 qtl RS:0000032 ACI/SegHsd IEA S RGD:1625309|PMID:17510081 20140604 RGD
1641902 Colcr7 Colorectal carcinoma resistance QTL 7 qtl RS:0001590 WF/CrCrli IEA S RGD:1625309|PMID:17510081 20140604 RGD
1641903 Alcrsp3 Alcohol response QTL 3 qtl RS:0001323 HAS1 IEA S RGD:1334439|PMID:15608595 20160109 RGD
1641903 Alcrsp3 Alcohol response QTL 3 qtl RS:0001326 LAS1 IEA S RGD:1334439|PMID:15608595 20160109 RGD
1641904 Alcrsp4 Alcohol response QTL 4 qtl RS:0001323 HAS1 IEA S RGD:1334439|PMID:15608595 20160109 RGD
1641904 Alcrsp4 Alcohol response QTL 4 qtl RS:0001326 LAS1 IEA S RGD:1334439|PMID:15608595 20160109 RGD
1641905 Colcr1 Colorectal carcinoma resistance QTL 1 qtl RS:0000032 ACI/SegHsd IEA S RGD:1625309|PMID:17510081 20140604 RGD
1641905 Colcr1 Colorectal carcinoma resistance QTL 1 qtl RS:0001590 WF/CrCrli IEA S RGD:1625309|PMID:17510081 20140604 RGD
1641906 Alcrsp16 Alcohol response QTL 16 qtl RS:0001323 HAS1 IEA S RGD:1334439|PMID:15608595 20140604 RGD
1641906 Alcrsp16 Alcohol response QTL 16 qtl RS:0001326 LAS1 IEA S RGD:1334439|PMID:15608595 20140604 RGD
1641908 Teswt1 Testicular weight QTL 1 qtl RS:0000534 LEXF/Stm IEA S RGD:1625009|PMID:16651691 20140604 RGD
1641910 Colcr3 Colorectal carcinoma resistance QTL 3 qtl RS:0000032 ACI/SegHsd IEA S RGD:1625309|PMID:17510081 20140604 RGD
1641910 Colcr3 Colorectal carcinoma resistance QTL 3 qtl RS:0001590 WF/CrCrli IEA S RGD:1625309|PMID:17510081 20140604 RGD
1641911 Alcrsp13 Alcohol response QTL 13 qtl RS:0001323 HAS1 IEA S RGD:1334439|PMID:15608595 20140604 RGD
1641911 Alcrsp13 Alcohol response QTL 13 qtl RS:0001326 LAS1 IEA S RGD:1334439|PMID:15608595 20140604 RGD
1641912 Alcrsp18 Alcohol response QTL 18 qtl RS:0001329 HAS.LAS-(D5Rat70-D5Rat37)/Rar IEA S RGD:1334439|PMID:15608595 20160109 RGD
1641913 Colcr2 Colorectal carcinoma resistance QTL 2 qtl RS:0000032 ACI/SegHsd IEA S RGD:1625309|PMID:17510081 20140604 RGD
1641913 Colcr2 Colorectal carcinoma resistance QTL 2 qtl RS:0001590 WF/CrCrli IEA S RGD:1625309|PMID:17510081 20140604 RGD
1641915 Colcr9 Colorectal carcinoma resistance QTL 9 qtl RS:0000032 ACI/SegHsd IEA S RGD:1625309|PMID:17510081 20140604 RGD
1641915 Colcr9 Colorectal carcinoma resistance QTL 9 qtl RS:0001590 WF/CrCrli IEA S RGD:1625309|PMID:17510081 20140604 RGD
1641917 Colcr5 Colorectal carcinoma resistance QTL 5 qtl RS:0000032 ACI/SegHsd IEA S RGD:1625309|PMID:17510081 20140604 RGD
1641917 Colcr5 Colorectal carcinoma resistance QTL 5 qtl RS:0001590 WF/CrCrli IEA S RGD:1625309|PMID:17510081 20140604 RGD
1641918 Alcrsp15 Alcohol response QTL 16 qtl RS:0001323 HAS1 IEA S RGD:1334439|PMID:15608595 20140604 RGD
1641918 Alcrsp15 Alcohol response QTL 16 qtl RS:0001326 LAS1 IEA S RGD:1334439|PMID:15608595 20140604 RGD
1641919 Alc22 Alcohol consumption QTL 22 qtl RS:0001376 NP.P-(D4Rat119-D4Rat55)/Iusm IEA S RGD:1578304|PMID:16470346 20140604 RGD
1641920 Colcs1 Colorectal carcinoma susceptibility QTL 1 qtl RS:0000032 ACI/SegHsd IEA S RGD:1625309|PMID:17510081 20140604 RGD
1641920 Colcs1 Colorectal carcinoma susceptibility QTL 1 qtl RS:0001590 WF/CrCrli IEA S RGD:1625309|PMID:17510081 20140604 RGD
1641922 Alcrsp8 Alcohol response QTL 8 qtl RS:0001323 HAS1 IEA S RGD:1334439|PMID:15608595 20140604 RGD
1641922 Alcrsp8 Alcohol response QTL 8 qtl RS:0001326 LAS1 IEA S RGD:1334439|PMID:15608595 20140604 RGD
1641923 Colcr8 Colorectal carcinoma resistance QTL 8 qtl RS:0000032 ACI/SegHsd IEA S RGD:1625309|PMID:17510081 20140604 RGD
1641923 Colcr8 Colorectal carcinoma resistance QTL 8 qtl RS:0001590 WF/CrCrli IEA S RGD:1625309|PMID:17510081 20140604 RGD
1641925 Alcrsp2 Alcohol response QTL 2 qtl RS:0001323 HAS1 IEA S RGD:1334439|PMID:15608595 20160109 RGD
1641925 Alcrsp2 Alcohol response QTL 2 qtl RS:0001326 LAS1 IEA S RGD:1334439|PMID:15608595 20160109 RGD
1641926 Teswt2 Testicular weight QTL 2 qtl RS:0000534 LEXF/Stm IEA S RGD:1625009|PMID:16651691 20140604 RGD
1641927 Alcrsp10 Alcohol response QTL 10 qtl RS:0001323 HAS1 IEA S RGD:1334439|PMID:15608595 20140604 RGD
1641927 Alcrsp10 Alcohol response QTL 10 qtl RS:0001326 LAS1 IEA S RGD:1334439|PMID:15608595 20140604 RGD
1641928 Alcrsp5 Alcohol response QTL 5 qtl RS:0001323 HAS1 IEA S RGD:1334439|PMID:15608595 20160109 RGD
1641928 Alcrsp5 Alcohol response QTL 5 qtl RS:0001326 LAS1 IEA S RGD:1334439|PMID:15608595 20160109 RGD
1642017 BBDR/WorBrm strain RS:0001184 BBDR/WorBrm IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
1642018 BBDP/WorBrm strain RS:0001182 BBDP/WorBrm IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
1642036 SHR/OlaIpcv-mtBN/Crl strain RS:0001430 SHR/OlaIpcv-mtBN/Crl IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
1642269 SS-Birc3m2Mcwi strain RS:0001461 SS-Birc3m2Mcwi IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
1642270 BN-Lcatm3Mcwi strain RS:0001193 BN-Lcatm3Mcwi IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
1642271 SS-Klf4m3Mcwi strain RS:0001475 SS-Klf4m3Mcwi IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
1642272 SS.LEW-(D10Mco84-D10Got93)/Mco strain RS:0001519 SS.LEW-(D10Mco84-D10Got93)/Mco IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
1642273 SS-Thbdm1Mcwi strain RS:0001485 SS-Thbdm1Mcwi IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
1642274 SS-Has1m2Mcwi strain RS:0001468 SS-Has1m2Mcwi IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
1642275 SS.LEW-(D10Rat29-D10Mco88)/Mco strain RS:0001533 SS.LEW-(D10Rat29-D10Mco88)/Mco IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
1642276 SS-Kcna5m1Mcwi strain RS:0001472 SS-Kcna5m1Mcwi IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
1642277 SS-Cpt2m1Mcwi strain RS:0001463 SS-Cpt2m1Mcwi IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
1642278 SS-Ghsrm2Mcwi strain RS:0001466 SS-Ghsrm2Mcwi IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
1642279 SS.LEW-(D10Arb9-D10Rat161)/Mco strain RS:0001505 SS.LEW-(D10Arb9-D10Rat161)/Mco IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
1642281 SS-Podxlm1Mcwi strain RS:0001478 SS-Podxlm1Mcwi IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
1642282 SS-Cacna1gm1Mcwi strain RS:0001462 SS-Cacna1gm1Mcwi IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
1642283 SS.LEW-(D10Rat29-D10Got93)/Mco strain RS:0001518 SS.LEW-(D10Rat29-D10Got93)/Mco IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
1642284 SS-Fgl2m2Mcwi strain RS:0001464 SS-Fgl2m2Mcwi IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
1642285 SS.LEW-(D10Arb9-D10Rat57)/Mco strain RS:0001506 SS.LEW-(D10Arb9-D10Rat57)/Mco IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
1642287 SS.LEW-(D10Arb9-D10Mco84)/Mco strain RS:0001504 SS.LEW-(D10Arb9-D10Mco84)/Mco IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
1642288 SS.LEW-(D10Mco89-D10Got101)/Mco strain RS:0001529 SS.LEW-(D10Mco89-D10Got101)/Mco IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
1642289 SS-Serpina5m1Mcwi strain RS:0001479 SS-Serpina5m1Mcwi IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
1642290 Bp299 Blood pressure QTL 299 qtl RS:0001519 SS.LEW-(D10Mco84-D10Got93)/Mco IEA S RGD:1599269|PMID:17218081 20140604 RGD
1642362 SS-Has1m3Mcwi strain RS:0001469 SS-Has1m3Mcwi IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
1642363 BN-Fgl2m3Mcwi strain RS:0001192 BN-Fgl2m3Mcwi IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
1642364 SS-Ghsrm3Mcwi strain RS:0001467 SS-Ghsrm3Mcwi IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
1642365 SS-Fgl2m4Mcwi strain RS:0001465 SS-Fgl2m4Mcwi IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
1642366 SS-Lcatm4Mcwi strain RS:0001476 SS-Lcatm4Mcwi IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
1642367 BN-Ccr2m2Mcwi strain RS:0001191 BN-Ccr2m2Mcwi IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
1642439 SS-Lcatm5Mcwi strain RS:0001477 SS-Lcatm5Mcwi IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
1642689 BN.OLETF-(D1Rat169-D1Rat90)/Got strain RS:0001203 BN.OLETF-(D1Rat169-D1Rat90)/Got IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
1642690 LA-cp/NJcr strain RS:0001344 LA-cp/NJcr IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
1642968 SS.LEW-(D10Mco84-D10Rat58)/Mco strain RS:0001528 SS.LEW-(D10Mco84-D10Rat58)/Mco IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
1642969 SS.LEW-(D10Mco84-D10Mco134)/Mco strain RS:0001526 SS.LEW-(D10Mco84-D10Mco134)/Mco IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
1642970 SS.LEW-(D10Mco113-D10Got93)/Mco strain RS:0001520 SS.LEW-(D10Mco113-D10Got93)/Mco IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
1642971 SS.LEW-(D10Mco84-D10Mco129)/Mco strain RS:0001525 SS.LEW-(D10Mco84-D10Mco129)/Mco IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
1642972 SS.LEW-(D10Mco84-D10Mco143)/Mco strain RS:0001527 SS.LEW-(D10Mco84-D10Mco143)/Mco IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
1642976 Bp301 Blood pressure QTL 301 qtl RS:0001528 SS.LEW-(D10Mco84-D10Rat58)/Mco IEA S RGD:1642602|PMID:17893371 20140604 RGD
1642980 Bp300 Blood pressure QTL 300 qtl RS:0001526 SS.LEW-(D10Mco84-D10Mco134)/Mco IEA S RGD:1642602|PMID:17893371 20140604 RGD
1642982 Bp302 Blood pressure QTL 302 qtl RS:0001527 SS.LEW-(D10Mco84-D10Mco143)/Mco IEA S RGD:1642602|PMID:17893371 20140604 RGD
1642989 SS-Tg(CAG-EGFP)1Mcwi strain RS:0001387 SS-Tg(CAG-EGFP)1Mcwi IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
1642990 SD-Tg(CAG-EGFP)63Mcwi strain RS:0001392 SD-Tg(CAG-eGFP)63Mcwi IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
1642991 SS-Tg(CAG-eGFP)18Mcwi strain RS:0001386 SS-Tg(CAG-eGFP)18Mcwi IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
1642992 SS-Tg(CAG-EGFP)28Mcwi strain RS:0001389 SS-Tg(CAG-EGFP)28Mcwi IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
1642993 SD-Tg(CAG-EGFP)97Mcwi strain RS:0001393 SD-Tg(CAG-eGFP)97Mcwi IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
1642994 SS-Tg(CAG-EGFP)43Mcwi strain RS:0001391 SS-Tg(CAG-EGFP)43Mcwi IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
1642995 SS-Tg(CAG-eGFP)10Mcwi strain RS:0001385 SS-Tg(CAG-eGFP)10Mcwi IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
1642996 SS-Tg(CAG-EGFP)2Mcwi strain RS:0001390 SS-Tg(CAG-EGFP)2Mcwi IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
1642997 SS-Tg(CAG-EGFP)23Mcwi strain RS:0001388 SS-Tg(CAG-EGFP)23Mcwi IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
1643001 FH/Unc Fawn-hooded strain RS:0001305 FH/Unc IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
1643002 SHR.WKY-(D1Rat420-D1Got161)/Njs strain RS:0001425 SHR.WKY-(D1Rat420-D1Got161)/Njs IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
1643004 Pain2 Pain QTL 2 qtl RS:0001321 HA/Humd IEA S RGD:1643003|PMID:17560719 20140604 RGD
1643004 Pain2 Pain QTL 2 qtl RS:0001342 LA/Humd IEA S RGD:1643003|PMID:17560719 20140604 RGD
1643006 Pain1 Pain QTL 1 qtl RS:0001321 HA/Humd IEA S RGD:1643003|PMID:17560719 20140604 RGD
1643006 Pain1 Pain QTL 1 qtl RS:0001342 LA/Humd IEA S RGD:1643003|PMID:17560719 20140604 RGD
1643007 DA.ACI-(D12Wox12-D12Rat53)/Arb strain RS:0001217 DA.ACI-(D12Wox12-D12Rat53)/Arb IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
1643010 F344.OLETF-(D7Rat18-D7Mit2)(D14Rat23-D14Rat12)/Tj strain RS:0001303 F344.OLETF-(D7Rat18-D7Mit2)(D14Rat23-D14Rat12)/Tj IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
18182944 SS-Vwfem2Mcwi-/- strain RS:0004773 SS-Vwfem2Mcwi-/- IEA S RGD:7241799 20200125 RGD
18182946 SS-Vwfem3Mcwi-/- strain RS:0004774 SS-Vwfem3Mcwi-/- IEA S RGD:7241799 20200125 RGD
18337282 Iar: LE Long-Evans Rats strain RS:0004775 Iar: LE IEA S RGD:7241799 20200125 RGD
19165133 F344;SD-C3em1Linf strain RS:0005010 F344;SD-C3em1Linf IEA S RGD:7241799 20210821 RGD
19165362 WKY-Krtcap3em3Mcwi-/- strain RS:0005337 WKY-Krtcap3em3-/-Mcwi IEA S RGD:7241799 20240601 RGD
19259464 SHR-Camk2n1em1Tja-/- SHR-Camk2n1em1Tja-/Camk2n1em1Tja- strain RS:0005026 SHR-Camk2n1em1Tja-/- IEA S RGD:7241799 20210821 RGD
21079475 SD-Leprem4Lizh strain RS:0005012 SD-Leprem4Lizh IEA S RGD:7241799 20210821 RGD
21083604 SD-ROSA26 em1(LTR-nLuc)Ottc strain RS:0004915 SD-ROSA26 em1(LTR-nLuc)Ottc IEA S RGD:7241799 20210417 RGD
21409748 DA/Mmab Dark Agouti strain RS:0004776 DA/Mmab IEA S RGD:7241799 20200328 RGD
21409752 DA/Ibiss Dark Agouti strain RS:0004777 DA/Ibiss IEA S RGD:7241799 20200328 RGD
2289819 SS.MNS-(D10Mco62-D10Got99)/Mco strain RS:0001550 SS.MNS-(D10Mco62-D10Got99)/Mco IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
2289820 SS.MNS-(D10Mco30-D10Got91)/1Mco strain RS:0001546 SS.MNS-(D10Mco30-D10Got91)/1Mco IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
2289821 SS.MNS-(D10Mco30-D10Got91)/3Mco strain RS:0001548 SS.MNS-(D10Mco30-D10Got91)/3Mco IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
2289822 SS.MNS-(D10Mco30-D10Got112)/Mco strain RS:0001545 SS.MNS-(D10Mco30-D10Got112)/Mco IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
2289823 SS.MNS-(D10Mco62-D10Mco30)/Mco strain RS:0001551 SS.MNS-(D10Mco62-D10Mco30)/Mco IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
2289824 SS.MNS-(D10Mco30-D10Got101)/Mco strain RS:0001544 SS.MNS-(D10Mco30-D10Got101)/Mco IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
2289825 SS.MNS-(D10Rat24-D10Mco31)/Jr strain RS:0001555 SS.MNS-(D10Rat24-D10Mco31)/Jr IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
2289826 SS.MNS-(D10Mco30-D10Got91)/2Mco strain RS:0001547 SS.MNS-(D10Mco30-D10Got91)/2Mco IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
2289827 SS.MNS-(D10Mco30-D10Mco31)/Jr strain RS:0001543 SS.MNS-(D10Mco30-D10Mco31)/Jr IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
2289913 SS.MNS-(D10Rat13-D10Rat12)/Jr strain RS:0001554 SS.MNS-(D10Rat13-D10Rat12)/Jr IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
2289916 SS.MNS-(D10Mco15-D10Mit11)/Jr strain RS:0001541 SS.MNS-(D10Mco15-D10Mit11)/Jr IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
2289917 SS.MNS-(D10Mco70-D10Mit11)/Jr strain RS:0001553 SS.MNS-(D10Mco70-D10Mit11)/Jr IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
2289982 Bp303 Blood pressure QTL 303 qtl RS:0001542 SS.MNS-(D10Mco62-D10Mco31)/Jr IEA S RGD:1643425|PMID:18175179 20140604 RGD
2289983 Bp304 Blood pressure QTL 304 qtl RS:0001543 SS.MNS-(D10Mco30-D10Mco31)/Jr IEA S RGD:1643425|PMID:18175179 20140604 RGD
2289985 Bp305 Blood pressure QTL 305 qtl RS:0001550 SS.MNS-(D10Mco62-D10Got99)/Mco IEA S RGD:1643425|PMID:18175179 20140604 RGD
2290005 Mcs24 Mammary carcinoma susceptibility QTL 24 qtl RS:0000916 WKY/NHsd IEA S RGD:1601189|PMID:17404222 20140604 RGD
2290005 Mcs24 Mammary carcinoma susceptibility QTL 24 qtl RS:0000984 WF/NHsd IEA S RGD:1601189|PMID:17404222 20140604 RGD
2290007 Mcs23 Mammary carcinoma susceptibility QTL 23 qtl RS:0000916 WKY/NHsd IEA S RGD:1601189|PMID:17404222 20140604 RGD
2290007 Mcs23 Mammary carcinoma susceptibility QTL 23 qtl RS:0000984 WF/NHsd IEA S RGD:1601189|PMID:17404222 20140604 RGD
2290056 F344-Elmod3Tn(sb-T2/Bart3)2.42Mcwi strain RS:0001280 F344-Elmod3Tn(sb-T2/Bart3)2.42Mcwi IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
2290057 F344-TgTn(T2/Bart3)1Ceb strain RS:0001230 F344-TgTn(T2/Bart3)1Ceb IEA S RGD:7241799 20200516 RGD
2290064 F344-Trpc4Tn(sb-T2/Bart3)2.192Mcwi strain RS:0001295 F344-Trpc4Tn(sb-T2/Bart3)2.192Mcwi IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
2290065 F344-CA338503Tn(sb-T2/Bart3)2.196Mcwi strain RS:0001249 F344-CA338503Tn(sb-T2/Bart3)2.196Mcwi IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
2290066 F344-Nell1Tn(sb-T2/Bart3)2.195Mcwi strain RS:0001270 F344-Nell1Tn(sb-T2/Bart3)2.195Mcwi IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
2290067 F344-BI285226Tn(sb-T2/Bart3)2.193Mcwi strain RS:0001243 F344-BI285226Tn(sb-T2/Bart3)2.193Mcwi IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
2290078 F344-Myo9aTn(sb-T2/Bart3)2.186Mcwi strain RS:0001269 F344-Myo9aTn(sb-T2/Bart3)2.186Mcwi IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
2290079 F344-BI285226Tn(sb-T2/Bart3)2.194Mcwi strain RS:0001244 F344-BI285226Tn(sb-T2/Bart3)2.194Mcwi IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
2290080 F344-BI284938Tn(sb-T2/Bart3)2.187Mcwi strain RS:0001241 F344-BI284938Tn(sb-T2/Bart3)2.187Mcwi IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
2290081 F344-BI284934Tn(sb-T2/Bart3)2.185Mcwi strain RS:0001239 F344-BI284934Tn(sb-T2/Bart3)2.185Mcwi IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
2290082 F344-Brinp3Tn(sb-T2/Bart3)2.189Mcwi strain RS:0001246 F344-Brinp3Tn(sb-T2/Bart3)2.189Mcwi IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
2290083 F344-Slc24a3Tn(sb-T2/Bart3)2.188Mcwi strain RS:0001283 F344-Slc24a3Tn(sb-T2/Bart3)2.188Mcwi IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
2290100 F344-Entpd6Tn(sb-T2/Bart3)2.174Mcwi strain RS:0001256 F344-Entpd6Tn(sb-T2/Bart3)2.174Mcwi IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
2290101 F344-CB706876Tn(sb-T2/Bart3)2.181Mcwi strain RS:0001250 F344-CB706876Tn(sb-T2/Bart3)2.181Mcwi IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
2290102 F344-Klhl13Tn(sb-T2/Bart3)2.176Mcwi strain RS:0001261 F344-Klhl13Tn(sb-T2/Bart3)2.176Mcwi IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
2290103 F344-Nrg1Tn(sb-T2/Bart3)2.183Mcwi strain RS:0001271 F344-Nrg1Tn(sb-T2/Bart3)2.183Mcwi IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
2290104 F344-Cadm2Tn(sb-T2/Bart3)2.180Mcwi strain RS:0001259 F344-Cadm2Tn(sb-T2/Bart3)2.180Mcwi IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
2290105 F344-Sptbn4Tn(sb-T2/Bart3)2.179Mcwi strain RS:0001286 F344-Sptbn4Tn(sb-T2/Bart3)2.179Mcwi IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
2290106 F344-BQ195794Tn(sb-T2/Bart3)2.182Mcwi strain RS:0001245 F344-BQ195794Tn(sb-T2/Bart3)2.182Mcwi IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
2290107 F344-CyssTn(sb-T2/Bart3)2.173Mcwi strain RS:0001254 F344-CyssTn(sb-T2/Bart3)2.173Mcwi IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
2290108 F344-LOC290071Tn(sb-T2/Bart3)2.170Mcwi strain RS:0001262 F344-LOC290071Tn(sb-T2/Bart3)2.170Mcwi IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
2290109 F344-CA338503Tn(sb-T2/Bart3)2.168Mcwi strain RS:0001247 F344-CA338503Tn(sb-T2/Bart3)2.168Mcwi IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
2290110 F344-Lims1Tn(sb-T2/Bart3)2.169Mcwi strain RS:0001278 F344-Lims1Tn(sb-T2/Bart3)2.169Mcwi IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
2290111 F344-Cst3Tn(sb-T2/Bart3)2.172Mcwi strain RS:0001253 F344-Cst3Tn(sb-T2/Bart3)2.172Mcwi IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
2290112 F344-CA338503Tn(sb-T2/Bart3)2.175Mcwi strain RS:0001248 F344-CA338503Tn(sb-T2/Bart3)2.175Mcwi IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
2290113 F344-Fam19a2Tn(sb-T2/Bart3)2.184Mcwi strain RS:0001264 F344-Fam19a2Tn(sb-T2/Bart3)2.184Mcwi IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
2290114 F344-Slc24a3Tn(sb-T2/Bart3)2.178Mcwi strain RS:0001282 F344-Slc24a3Tn(sb-T2/Bart3)2.178Mcwi IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
2290135 F344-Chsy1Tn(sb-T2/Bart3)2.165Mcwi strain RS:0001252 F344-Chsy1Tn(sb-T2/Bart3)2.165Mcwi IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
2290136 F344-Slc24a4Tn(sb-T2/Bart3)2.145Mcwi strain RS:0001284 F344-Slc24a4Tn(sb-T2/Bart3)2.145Mcwi IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
2290137 F344-BF522453Tn(sb-T2/Bart3)2.166Mcwi strain RS:0001238 F344-BF522453Tn(sb-T2/Bart3)2.166Mcwi IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
2290138 F344-Glis1Tn(sb-T2/Bart3)2.149Mcwi strain RS:0001257 F344-Glis1Tn(sb-T2/Bart3)2.149Mcwi IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
2290139 F344-AW527406Tn(sb-T2/Bart3)2.156Mcwi strain RS:0001232 F344-AW527406Tn(sb-T2/Bart3)2.156Mcwi IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
2290140 F344-BI285110Tn(sb-T2/Bart3)2.167Mcwi strain RS:0001242 F344-BI285110Tn(sb-T2/Bart3)2.167Mcwi IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
2290141 F344-AbatTn(sb-T2/Bart3)2.163Mcwi strain RS:0001234 F344-AbatTn(sb-T2/Bart3)2.163Mcwi IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
2290142 F344-LOC681893Tn(sb-T2/Bart3)2.161Mcwi strain RS:0001266 F344-LOC681893Tn(sb-T2/Bart3)2.161Mcwi IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
2290143 F344-NapbTn(sb-T2/Bart3)2.162Mcwi strain RS:0001263 F344-NapbTn(sb-T2/Bart3)2.162Mcwi IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
2290144 F344-Adgrl3Tn(sb-T2/Bart3)2.151Mcwi strain RS:0001267 F344-Lphn3Tn(sb-T2/Bart3)2.151Mcwi IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
2290145 F344-BI284938Tn(sb-T2/Bart3)2.155Mcwi strain RS:0001240 F344-BI284938Tn(sb-T2/Bart3)2.155Mcwi IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
2290146 F344-Plce1Tn(sb-T2/Bart3)2.146Mcwi strain RS:0001274 F344-Plce1Tn(sb-T2/Bart3)2.146Mcwi IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
2290147 F344-Sptlc3Tn(sb-T2/Bart3)2.147Mcwi strain RS:0001275 F344-Sptlc3Tn(sb-T2/Bart3)2.147Mcwi IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
2290148 F344-Map2k5Tn(sb-T2/Bart3)2.150Mcwi strain RS:0001268 F344-Map2k5Tn(sb-T2/Bart3)2.150Mcwi IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
2290159 F344-Spetex-2HTn(sb-T2/Bart3)2.136Mcwi strain RS:0001285 F344-Spetex-2HTn(sb-T2/Bart3)2.136Mcwi IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
2290160 F344-Rph3aTn(sb-T2/Bart3)2.104Mcwi strain RS:0001281 F344-Rph3aTn(sb-T2/Bart3)2.104Mcwi IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
2290161 F344-Tmco1Tn(sb-T2/Bart3)2.135Mcwi strain RS:0001294 F344-Tmco1Tn(sb-T2/Bart3)2.135Mcwi IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
2290162 F344-Inpp4bTn(sb-T2/Bart3)2.143Mcwi strain RS:0001260 F344-Inpp4bTn(sb-T2/Bart3)2.143Mcwi IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
2290163 F344-TgTn(T2/Bart3)2Ceb transposon sleeping beauty strain RS:0001231 F344-TgTn(T2/Bart3)2Ceb IEA S RGD:7241799 20200516 RGD
2290164 F344-Syne1Tn(sb-T2/Bart3)2.68Mcwi strain RS:0001288 F344-Syne1Tn(sb-T2/Bart3)2.68Mcwi IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
2290165 F344-NtmTn(sb-T2/Bart3)2.130Mcwi strain RS:0001258 F344-NtmTn(sb-T2/Bart3)2.130Mcwi IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
2290166 F344-Plcb3Tn(sb-T2/Bart3)2.69Mcwi strain RS:0001273 F344-Plcb3Tn(sb-T2/Bart3)2.69Mcwi IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
2290167 F344-Dlg1Tn(sb-T2/Bart3)2.133Mcwi strain RS:0001255 F344-Dlg1Tn(sb-T2/Bart3)2.133Mcwi IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
2290168 F344-Pde5aTn(sb-T2/Bart3)2.144Mcwi strain RS:0001272 F344-Pde5aTn(sb-T2/Bart3)2.144Mcwi IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
2290169 F344-Tg(PGK2-sb11)Ceb Sleeping beauty transposase transgenic strain RS:0001229 F344-Tg(PGK2-sb11)Ceb IEA S RGD:7241799 20200516 RGD
2290170 F344-Cd226Tn(sb-T2/Bart3)2.141Mcwi strain RS:0001251 F344-Cd226Tn(sb-T2/Bart3)2.141Mcwi IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
2290171 F344-LOC681893Tn(sb-T2/Bart3)2.159Mcwi strain RS:0001265 F344-LOC681893Tn(sb-T2/Bart3)2.159Mcwi IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
2290186 SD-Tg(SOD1*G93A)39 strain RS:0001401 SD-Tg(SOD1*G93A)39 IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
2290187 SD-Tg(SOD1*H46R)4 strain RS:0001402 SD-Tg(SOD1*H46R)4 IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
2290272 SS/JrNgs strain RS:0001575 SS/JrNgs IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
2290273 SHRSP.WKY-(D1Mgh5-D1Wox10)(D9Rat83-D9Mit6)/IzmTkyo strain RS:0001438 SHRSP.WKY-(D1Mgh5-D1Wox10)(D9Rat83-D9Mit6)/IzmTkyo IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
2290274 SHRSP.WKY-(D15Rat2-D15Rat94)/Tkyo strain RS:0001435 SHRSP.WKY-(D15Rat2-D15Rat94)/Tkyo IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
2290275 SHRSP.WKY-(D3Tkyo7-D3Rat1)/Tkyo strain RS:0001443 SHRSP.WKY-(D3Tkyo7-D3Rat1)/Tkyo IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
2290276 SHRSP.WKY-(D3Mgh16-D3Mgh15)/Tkyo strain RS:0001439 SHRSP.WKY-(D3Mgh16-D3Mgh15)/Tkyo IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
2290277 SHRSP.WKY-(D3Rat227-D3Rat166)/Tkyo strain RS:0001442 SHRSP.WKY-(D3Rat227-D3Rat166)/Tkyo IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
2290278 SR/JrNgs strain RS:0001455 SR/JrNgs IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
2290279 SHRSP.WKY-(D15Rat68-D15Rat106)/Tkyo strain RS:0001436 SHRSP.WKY-(D15Rat68-D15Rat106)/Tkyo IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
2290280 SHRSP.WKY-(D3Mgh16-D3Rat110)/Tkyo strain RS:0001440 SHRSP.WKY-(D3Mgh16-D3Rat110)/Tkyo IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
2290281 SHRSP.WKY-(D3Rat227-D3Rat1)/Tkyo strain RS:0001441 SHRSP.WKY-(D3Rat227-D3Rat1)/Tkyo IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
2290282 SHRSP.WKY-(D1Mgh5-D1Rat71)(D13Tkyo1-D13Rat51)/IzmTkyo strain RS:0001437 SHRSP.WKY-(D1Mgh5-D1Rat71)(D13Tkyo1-D13Rat51)/IzmTkyo IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
2290298 SHR-Tg(Thy1-MAPT)318 strain RS:0001414 SHR-Tg(Thy1-MAPT)318 IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
2290299 SHR-Tg(Thy1-MAPT)72 strain RS:0001415 SHR-Tg(Thy1-MAPT)72 IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
2290311 SD-Tg(SOD1*G93A)26Dwc strain RS:0001379 SD-Tg(SOD1*G93A)26Dwc IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
2290372 Gluco33 Glucose level QTL 33 qtl RS:0000180 CDR/Ygl IEA S RGD:1626640|PMID:17213368 20140604 RGD
2290372 Gluco33 Glucose level QTL 33 qtl RS:0000181 CDS/Ygl IEA S RGD:1626640|PMID:17213368 20140604 RGD
2290374 Gluco32 Glucose level QTL 32 qtl RS:0000180 CDR/Ygl IEA S RGD:1626640|PMID:17213368 20140604 RGD
2290374 Gluco32 Glucose level QTL 32 qtl RS:0000181 CDS/Ygl IEA S RGD:1626640|PMID:17213368 20140604 RGD
2290375 Gluco34 Glucose level QTL 34 qtl RS:0000180 CDR/Ygl IEA S RGD:1626640|PMID:17213368 20140604 RGD
2290375 Gluco34 Glucose level QTL 34 qtl RS:0000181 CDS/Ygl IEA S RGD:1626640|PMID:17213368 20140604 RGD
2290386 SD-Tg(Wlds)23Cole strain RS:0001406 SD-Tg(Wlds)23Cole IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
2290387 SD-Tg(UbC-APPswe)6590 strain RS:0001403 SD-Tg(UbC-APPswe)6590 IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
2290391 SD-Tg(Wlds)79Cole strain RS:0001407 SD-Tg(Wlds)79Cole IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
2290393 Uae37 Urinary albumin excretion QTL 37 qtl RS:0001373 MWF-Chr 6SHR/Rkb IEA S RGD:1642911|PMID:17953514 20140604 RGD
2290429 SS-Tg(ApoC3-CETP)53Opaz strain RS:0001482 SS-Tg(ApoC3-CETP)53Opaz IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
2290448 Scl54 Serum cholesterol level QTL 54 qtl RS:0001454 SR/JrHsd IEA S RGD:2290428|PMID:17620956 20140604 RGD
2290448 Scl54 Serum cholesterol level QTL 54 qtl RS:0001482 SS-Tg(ApoC3-CETP)53Opaz IEA S RGD:2290428|PMID:17620956 20140604 RGD
2290450 Scl57 Serum cholesterol level QTL 57 qtl RS:0001454 SR/JrHsd IEA S RGD:2290428|PMID:17620956 20140604 RGD
2290450 Scl57 Serum cholesterol level QTL 57 qtl RS:0001482 SS-Tg(ApoC3-CETP)53Opaz IEA S RGD:2290428|PMID:17620956 20140604 RGD
2290451 Scl58 Serum cholesterol level QTL 58 qtl RS:0001454 SR/JrHsd IEA S RGD:2290428|PMID:17620956 20140604 RGD
2290451 Scl58 Serum cholesterol level QTL 58 qtl RS:0001482 SS-Tg(ApoC3-CETP)53Opaz IEA S RGD:2290428|PMID:17620956 20140604 RGD
2290452 Scl56 Serum cholesterol level QTL 56 qtl RS:0001454 SR/JrHsd IEA S RGD:2290428|PMID:17620956 20140604 RGD
2290452 Scl56 Serum cholesterol level QTL 56 qtl RS:0001482 SS-Tg(ApoC3-CETP)53Opaz IEA S RGD:2290428|PMID:17620956 20140604 RGD
2290453 Scl55 Serum cholesterol level QTL 55 qtl RS:0001454 SR/JrHsd IEA S RGD:2290428|PMID:17620956 20140604 RGD
2290453 Scl55 Serum cholesterol level QTL 55 qtl RS:0001482 SS-Tg(ApoC3-CETP)53Opaz IEA S RGD:2290428|PMID:17620956 20140604 RGD
2291840 F344-Dzank1Tn(sb-T2/Bart3)2.164Mcwi strain RS:0001277 F344-RGD1311344Tn(sb-T2/Bart3)2.164Mcwi IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
2292168 ISIAH Inherited stress-induced arterial hypertension strain RS:0001334 ISIAH IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
2292216 Bw80 Body weight QTL 80 qtl RS:0000967 WAG IEA S RGD:1626643|PMID:16700878 20140604 RGD
2292216 Bw80 Body weight QTL 80 qtl RS:0001334 ISIAH IEA S RGD:1626643|PMID:16700878 20140604 RGD
2292218 Kidm35 Kidney mass QTL 35 qtl RS:0000967 WAG IEA S RGD:1626643|PMID:16700878 20140604 RGD
2292218 Kidm35 Kidney mass QTL 35 qtl RS:0001334 ISIAH IEA S RGD:1626643|PMID:16700878 20140604 RGD
2292220 Bp306 Blood pressure QTL 306 qtl RS:0000967 WAG IEA S RGD:1626643|PMID:16700878 20140604 RGD
2292220 Bp306 Blood pressure QTL 306 qtl RS:0001334 ISIAH IEA S RGD:1626643|PMID:16700878 20140604 RGD
2292222 Bp307 Blood pressure QTL 307 qtl RS:0000967 WAG IEA S RGD:1626643|PMID:16700878 20140604 RGD
2292222 Bp307 Blood pressure QTL 307 qtl RS:0001334 ISIAH IEA S RGD:1626643|PMID:16700878 20140604 RGD
2292232 Pur16 Proteinuria QTL 16 qtl RS:0000165 BUF/Mna IEA S RGD:2292230|PMID:18064521 20140604 RGD
2292232 Pur16 Proteinuria QTL 16 qtl RS:0001036 WKY/NCrlCrlj IEA S RGD:2292230|PMID:18064521 20140604 RGD
2292384 SS.LEW-(D10Chm167-D10Chm257)/Ayd strain RS:0001512 SS.LEW-(D10Chm167-D10Chm257)/Ayd IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
2292385 SS.LEW-(D10Mco30-D10Got107)/Ayd strain RS:0001521 SS.LEW-(D10Mco30-D10Got107)/Ayd IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
2292386 SS.LEW-(D10Chm155-D10Rat127)/Ayd strain RS:0001511 SS.LEW-(D10Chm155-D10Rat127)/Ayd IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
2292387 SS.LEW-(D10Chm224-D10Chm259)/Ayd strain RS:0001516 SS.LEW-(D10Chm224-D10Chm259)/Ayd IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
2292388 SS.LEW-(D10Chm246-D10Chm257)/Ayd strain RS:0001517 SS.LEW-(D10Chm246-D10Chm257)/Ayd IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
2292389 SS.LEW-(D10Chm10-D10Chm14)/Ayd strain RS:0001508 SS.LEW-(D10Chm10-D10Chm14)/Ayd IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
2292390 SS.LEW-(D10Rat194-D10Chm243)/Ayd strain RS:0001514 SS.LEW-(D10Rat194-D10Chm243)/Ayd IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
2292436 Bp310 Blood pressure QTL 310 qtl RS:0001507 SS.LEW-(D10Chm10-D10Rat11)/Ayd IEA S RGD:2292238|PMID:18398331 20140604 RGD
2292438 Bp311 Blood pressure QTL 311 qtl RS:0001511 SS.LEW-(D10Chm155-D10Rat127)/Ayd IEA S RGD:2292238|PMID:18398331 20140604 RGD
2292439 Bp309 Blood pressure QTL 309 qtl RS:0001516 SS.LEW-(D10Chm224-D10Chm259)/Ayd IEA S RGD:2292238|PMID:18398331 20140604 RGD
2292440 Bp312 Blood pressure QTL 312 qtl RS:0001517 SS.LEW-(D10Chm246-D10Chm257)/Ayd IEA S RGD:2292238|PMID:18398331 20140604 RGD
2292441 Bp308 Blood pressure QTL 308 qtl RS:0001514 SS.LEW-(D10Rat194-D10Chm243)/Ayd IEA S RGD:2292238|PMID:18398331 20140604 RGD
2292451 F344-Stxbp5lTn(sb-T2/Bart3)2.202Mcwi strain RS:0001287 F344-Stxbp5lTn(sb-T2/Bart3)2.202Mcwi IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
2292452 F344-Syndig1Tn(sb-T2/Bart3)2.171Mcwi strain RS:0001276 F344-Syndig1Tn(sb-T2/Bart3)2.171Mcwi IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
2292453 F344-BE329202Tn(sb-T2/Bart3)2.198Mcwi strain RS:0001237 F344-BE329202Tn(sb-T2/Bart3)2.198Mcwi IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
2292454 F344-RGD1564304Tn(sb-T2/Bart3)2.201Mcwi strain RS:0001279 F344-RGD1564304Tn(sb-T2/Bart3)2.201Mcwi IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
2292459 WF.LEW-RVFV strain RS:0001582 WF.LEW-RVFV IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
2292526 SS-Tg(Atp1a1)48Opaz strain RS:0001483 SS-Tg(Atp1a1)48Opaz IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
2292527 SS-Tg(RA1V9)64Opaz strain RS:0001484 SS-Tg(RA1V9)64Opaz IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
2292528 F344-Tg(APPswe)Opaz strain RS:0001289 F344-Tg(APPswe)Opaz IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
2292529 LEW-Tg((ROSA)26Sor-luc)11Jmsk strain RS:0001351 LEW-Tg((ROSA)26Sor-luc)11Jmsk IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
2292530 SD-Tg(Pou5f1-Dsred) strain RS:0001398 SD-Tg(Pou5f1-Dsred) IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
2292531 SD-Tg(Pou5f1-EGFP) strain RS:0001399 SD-Tg(Pou5f1-EGFP) IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
2292532 F344-Tg(betaCTF-l45F) strain RS:0001293 F344-Tg(betaCTF-l45F) IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
2292564 ACI.COP-(D6Rat80-D6Rat146)/Shul strain RS:0001161 ACI.COP-(D6Rat80-D6Rat146)/Shul IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
2292565 ACI.COP-(D3Mgh16-D3Rat119)/Shul strain RS:0001159 ACI.COP-(D3Mgh16-D3Rat119)/Shul IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
2292566 ACI.COP-(D3Rat130-D3Rat114)/Shul strain RS:0001160 ACI.COP-(D3Rat130-D3Rat114)/Shul IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
2292567 ACI.COP-(D10Mgh20-D10Rat4)/Shul strain RS:0001158 ACI.COP-(D10Mgh8-D10Rat4)/Shul IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
2292589 Emca10 Estrogen-induced mammary cancer QTL 10 qtl RS:0001161 ACI.COP-(D6Rat80-D6Rat146)/Shul IEA S RGD:2292503|PMID:18420736 20140604 RGD
2292591 Esta4 Estrogen-induced thymic atrophy QTL 4 qtl RS:0001160 ACI.COP-(D3Rat130-D3Rat114)/Shul IEA S RGD:2292503|PMID:18420736 20151128 RGD
2292613 Ept16 Estrogen-induced pituitary tumorigenesis QTL 16 qtl RS:0001160 ACI.COP-(D3Rat130-D3Rat114)/Shul IEA S RGD:7175546|PMID:2292503 20140604 RGD
2292615 Ept17 Estrogen-induced pituitary tumorigenesis QTL 17 qtl RS:0001160 ACI.COP-(D3Rat130-D3Rat114)/Shul IEA S RGD:7175546|PMID:2292503 20140604 RGD
2292616 Ept15 Estrogen-induced pituitary tumorigenesis QTL 15 qtl RS:0001161 ACI.COP-(D6Rat80-D6Rat146)/Shul IEA S RGD:7175546|PMID:2292503 20140604 RGD
2292617 Ept18 Estrogen-induced pituitary tumorigenesis QTL 18 qtl RS:0001158 ACI.COP-(D10Mgh8-D10Rat4)/Shul IEA S RGD:7175546|PMID:2292503 20140604 RGD
2292647 SS.LEW-(D1Mco36-D1Rat106)/Mco strain RS:0001497 SS.LEW-(D1Mco36-D1Rat106)/Mco IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
2292648 SS.LEW-(D1Mco36-D1Mco77)/Mco strain RS:0001496 SS.LEW-(D1Mco36-D1Mco77)/Mco IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
2292649 SS.LEW-(D1Mco36-D1Rat131)/1Mco strain RS:0001498 SS.LEW-(D1Mco36-D1Rat131)/1Mco IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
2292650 SS.LEW-(D1Mco36-D1Rat131)/2Mco strain RS:0001499 SS.LEW-(D1Mco36-D1Rat131)/2Mco IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
2292651 SS.LEW-(D1Mco99-D1Rat49)/Mco strain RS:0001501 SS.LEW-(D1Mco99-D1Rat49)/Mco IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
2292652 SS.LEW-(D1Mco85-D1Rat49)/Mco strain RS:0001500 SS.LEW-(D1Mco85-D1Rat49)/Mco IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
2292653 SS.LEW-(D1Mco36-D1Mco101)/Mco strain RS:0001534 SS.LEW-(D1Mco36-D1Mco101)/Mco IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
2293012 ACI.BBDP-(RT1u)(Gimap5)/Sunn strain RS:0001153 ACI.BBDP-(RT1u)(Gimap5)/Sunn IEA S RGD:7241799 20200516 RGD
2293083 Iddm25 Insulin dependent diabetes mellitus QTL 25 qtl RS:0001153 ACI.BBDP-(RT1u)(Gimap5)/Sunn IEA S RGD:2303106|PMID:19168599 20140604 RGD
2293083 Iddm25 Insulin dependent diabetes mellitus QTL 25 qtl RS:0001768 BBDP/WorSunn IEA S RGD:2303106|PMID:19168599 20140604 RGD
2293084 Iddm26 Insulin dependent diabetes mellitus QTL 26 qtl RS:0001153 ACI.BBDP-(RT1u)(Gimap5)/Sunn IEA S RGD:2303106|PMID:19168599 20140604 RGD
2293084 Iddm26 Insulin dependent diabetes mellitus QTL 26 qtl RS:0001768 BBDP/WorSunn IEA S RGD:2303106|PMID:19168599 20140604 RGD
2293085 Iddm29 Insulin dependent diabetes mellitus QTL 29 qtl RS:0001153 ACI.BBDP-(RT1u)(Gimap5)/Sunn IEA S RGD:2303106|PMID:19168599 20140604 RGD
2293086 Iddm30 Insulin dependent diabetes mellitus QTL 30 qtl RS:0001153 ACI.BBDP-(RT1u)(Gimap5)/Sunn IEA S RGD:2303106|PMID:19168599 20140604 RGD
2293086 Iddm30 Insulin dependent diabetes mellitus QTL 30 qtl RS:0001768 BBDP/WorSunn IEA S RGD:2303106|PMID:19168599 20140604 RGD
2293087 Iddm27 Insulin dependent diabetes mellitus QTL 27 qtl RS:0001153 ACI.BBDP-(RT1u)(Gimap5)/Sunn IEA S RGD:2303106|PMID:19168599 20140604 RGD
2293088 Iddm28 Insulin dependent diabetes mellitus QTL 28 qtl RS:0001153 ACI.BBDP-(RT1u)(Gimap5)/Sunn IEA S RGD:2303106|PMID:19168599 20140604 RGD
2293088 Iddm28 Insulin dependent diabetes mellitus QTL 28 qtl RS:0001768 BBDP/WorSunn IEA S RGD:2303106|PMID:19168599 20140604 RGD
2293089 Iddm31 Insulin dependent diabetes mellitus QTL 31 qtl RS:0001153 ACI.BBDP-(RT1u)(Gimap5)/Sunn IEA S RGD:2303106|PMID:19168599 20140604 RGD
2293120 LOU.BN-(D10Mgh1-D10Mgh14)/Ins strain RS:0001368 LOU.BN-(D10Mgh1-D10Mgh14)/Ins IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
2293140 Bp313 Blood pressure QTL 313 qtl RS:0001534 SS.LEW-(D1Mco36-D1Mco101)/Mco IEA S RGD:2291850|PMID:18324438 20140604 RGD
2293142 Bp314 Blood pressure QTL 314 qtl RS:0001500 SS.LEW-(D1Mco85-D1Rat49)/Mco IEA S RGD:2291850|PMID:18324438 20140604 RGD
2293143 SS.BN-(D13Rat20-D13Rat127)/Mcwi strain RS:0001489 SS.BN-(D13Rat20-D13Rat127)/Mcwi IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
2293144 SS.BN-(D13Rat91-D13Rat179)/Mcwi strain RS:0001490 SS.BN-(D13Rat91-D13Rat179)/Mcwi IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
2293145 SS.BN-(D13Hmgc64-RN34_13048990782)/Mcwi strain RS:0001486 SS.BN-(D13Hmgc64-RN34_13048990782)/Mcwi IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
2293146 SS.BN-(D13Rat20-D13Got22)/Mcwi strain RS:0001488 SS.BN-(D13Rat20-D13Got22)/Mcwi IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
2293341 Glom15 Glomerulus QTL 15 qtl RS:0000521 LEW/NHsd IEA S RGD:2293335|PMID:16482158 20140604 RGD
2293341 Glom15 Glomerulus QTL 15 qtl RS:0000731 WKY/NCrl IEA S RGD:2293335|PMID:16482158 20140604 RGD
2293343 Glom16 Glomerulus QTL 16 qtl RS:0000521 LEW/NHsd IEA S RGD:2293335|PMID:16482158 20140604 RGD
2293343 Glom16 Glomerulus QTL 16 qtl RS:0000731 WKY/NCrl IEA S RGD:2293335|PMID:16482158 20140604 RGD
2293354 LEW.WKY-(D16Rat88-D16Rat40)/Tja strain RS:0001361 LEW.WKY-(D16Rat88-D16Rat40)/Tja IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
2293355 WKY.LEW-(D16Rat88-D16Rat40)/Tja strain RS:0001598 WKY.LEW-(D16Rat88-D16Rat40)/Tja IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
2293642 Bss37 Bone structure and strength QTL 37 qtl RS:0000186 COP/OlaHsd IEA S RGD:2293455|PMID:18158281 20140604 RGD
2293642 Bss37 Bone structure and strength QTL 37 qtl RS:0000244 DA/OlaHsd IEA S RGD:2293455|PMID:18158281 20140604 RGD
2293644 Bmd29 Bone mineral density QTL 29 qtl RS:0000186 COP/OlaHsd IEA S RGD:2293456|PMID:18282130 20140604 RGD
2293644 Bmd29 Bone mineral density QTL 29 qtl RS:0000244 DA/OlaHsd IEA S RGD:2293456|PMID:18282130 20140604 RGD
2293646 Bss25 Bone structure and strength QTL 25 qtl RS:0000186 COP/OlaHsd IEA S RGD:2293455|PMID:18158281 20140604 RGD
2293646 Bss25 Bone structure and strength QTL 25 qtl RS:0000244 DA/OlaHsd IEA S RGD:2293455|PMID:18158281 20140604 RGD
2293648 Bmd31 Bone mineral density QTL 31 qtl RS:0000186 COP/OlaHsd IEA S RGD:2293456|PMID:18282130 20140604 RGD
2293648 Bmd31 Bone mineral density QTL 31 qtl RS:0000244 DA/OlaHsd IEA S RGD:2293456|PMID:18282130 20140604 RGD
2293650 Bss31 Bone structure and strength QTL 31 qtl RS:0000186 COP/OlaHsd IEA S RGD:2293455|PMID:18158281 20140604 RGD
2293650 Bss31 Bone structure and strength QTL 31 qtl RS:0000244 DA/OlaHsd IEA S RGD:2293455|PMID:18158281 20140604 RGD
2293652 Bmd22 Bone mineral density QTL 22 qtl RS:0000186 COP/OlaHsd IEA S RGD:2293456|PMID:18282130 20140604 RGD
2293652 Bmd22 Bone mineral density QTL 22 qtl RS:0000244 DA/OlaHsd IEA S RGD:2293456|PMID:18282130 20140604 RGD
2293654 Bss30 Bone structure and strength QTL 30 qtl RS:0000186 COP/OlaHsd IEA S RGD:2293455|PMID:18158281 20140604 RGD
2293654 Bss30 Bone structure and strength QTL 30 qtl RS:0000244 DA/OlaHsd IEA S RGD:2293455|PMID:18158281 20140604 RGD
2293655 Bss36 Bone structure and strength QTL 36 qtl RS:0000186 COP/OlaHsd IEA S RGD:2293455|PMID:18158281 20140604 RGD
2293655 Bss36 Bone structure and strength QTL 36 qtl RS:0000244 DA/OlaHsd IEA S RGD:2293455|PMID:18158281 20140604 RGD
2293656 Bss28 Bone structure and strength QTL 28 qtl RS:0000186 COP/OlaHsd IEA S RGD:2293455|PMID:18158281 20140604 RGD
2293656 Bss28 Bone structure and strength QTL 28 qtl RS:0000244 DA/OlaHsd IEA S RGD:2293455|PMID:18158281 20140604 RGD
2293658 Bmd23 Bone mineral density QTL 23 qtl RS:0000186 COP/OlaHsd IEA S RGD:2293456|PMID:18282130 20140604 RGD
2293658 Bmd23 Bone mineral density QTL 23 qtl RS:0000244 DA/OlaHsd IEA S RGD:2293456|PMID:18282130 20140604 RGD
2293659 Bmd35 Bone mineral density QTL 35 qtl RS:0000186 COP/OlaHsd IEA S RGD:2293456|PMID:18282130 20140604 RGD
2293659 Bmd35 Bone mineral density QTL 35 qtl RS:0000244 DA/OlaHsd IEA S RGD:2293456|PMID:18282130 20140604 RGD
2293661 Bss50 Bone structure and strength QTL 50 qtl RS:0000186 COP/OlaHsd IEA S RGD:2293455|PMID:18158281 20140604 RGD
2293661 Bss50 Bone structure and strength QTL 50 qtl RS:0000244 DA/OlaHsd IEA S RGD:2293455|PMID:18158281 20140604 RGD
2293663 Bss33 Bone structure and strength QTL 33 qtl RS:0000186 COP/OlaHsd IEA S RGD:2293455|PMID:18158281 20140604 RGD
2293663 Bss33 Bone structure and strength QTL 33 qtl RS:0000244 DA/OlaHsd IEA S RGD:2293455|PMID:18158281 20140604 RGD
2293664 Bmd28 Bone mineral density QTL 28 qtl RS:0000186 COP/OlaHsd IEA S RGD:2293456|PMID:18282130 20140604 RGD
2293664 Bmd28 Bone mineral density QTL 28 qtl RS:0000244 DA/OlaHsd IEA S RGD:2293456|PMID:18282130 20140604 RGD
2293666 Bmd38 Bone mineral density QTL 38 qtl RS:0000186 COP/OlaHsd IEA S RGD:2293456|PMID:18282130 20140604 RGD
2293666 Bmd38 Bone mineral density QTL 38 qtl RS:0000244 DA/OlaHsd IEA S RGD:2293456|PMID:18282130 20140604 RGD
2293667 Bss42 Bone structure and strength QTL 42 qtl RS:0000186 COP/OlaHsd IEA S RGD:2293455|PMID:18158281 20140604 RGD
2293667 Bss42 Bone structure and strength QTL 42 qtl RS:0000244 DA/OlaHsd IEA S RGD:2293455|PMID:18158281 20140604 RGD
2293669 Bmd33 Bone mineral density QTL 33 qtl RS:0000186 COP/OlaHsd IEA S RGD:2293456|PMID:18282130 20140604 RGD
2293669 Bmd33 Bone mineral density QTL 33 qtl RS:0000244 DA/OlaHsd IEA S RGD:2293456|PMID:18282130 20140604 RGD
2293671 Bss44 Bone structure and strength QTL 44 qtl RS:0000186 COP/OlaHsd IEA S RGD:2293455|PMID:18158281 20140604 RGD
2293671 Bss44 Bone structure and strength QTL 44 qtl RS:0000244 DA/OlaHsd IEA S RGD:2293455|PMID:18158281 20140604 RGD
2293673 Bss27 Bone structure and strength QTL 27 qtl RS:0000186 COP/OlaHsd IEA S RGD:2293455|PMID:18158281 20140604 RGD
2293673 Bss27 Bone structure and strength QTL 27 qtl RS:0000244 DA/OlaHsd IEA S RGD:2293455|PMID:18158281 20140604 RGD
2293674 Bss39 Bone structure and strength QTL 39 qtl RS:0000186 COP/OlaHsd IEA S RGD:2293455|PMID:18158281 20140604 RGD
2293674 Bss39 Bone structure and strength QTL 39 qtl RS:0000244 DA/OlaHsd IEA S RGD:2293455|PMID:18158281 20140604 RGD
2293676 Bmd19 Bone mineral density QTL 19 qtl RS:0000186 COP/OlaHsd IEA S RGD:2293456|PMID:18282130 20140604 RGD
2293676 Bmd19 Bone mineral density QTL 19 qtl RS:0000244 DA/OlaHsd IEA S RGD:2293456|PMID:18282130 20140604 RGD
2293677 Bss41 Bone structure and strength QTL 41 qtl RS:0000186 COP/OlaHsd IEA S RGD:2293455|PMID:18158281 20140604 RGD
2293677 Bss41 Bone structure and strength QTL 41 qtl RS:0000244 DA/OlaHsd IEA S RGD:2293455|PMID:18158281 20140604 RGD
2293678 Bss24 Bone structure and strength QTL 24 qtl RS:0000186 COP/OlaHsd IEA S RGD:2293455|PMID:18158281 20140604 RGD
2293678 Bss24 Bone structure and strength QTL 24 qtl RS:0000244 DA/OlaHsd IEA S RGD:2293455|PMID:18158281 20140604 RGD
2293679 Bmd30 Bone mineral density QTL 30 qtl RS:0000186 COP/OlaHsd IEA S RGD:2293456|PMID:18282130 20151128 RGD
2293679 Bmd30 Bone mineral density QTL 30 qtl RS:0000244 DA/OlaHsd IEA S RGD:2293456|PMID:18282130 20151128 RGD
2293680 Bss40 Bone structure and strength QTL 40 qtl RS:0000186 COP/OlaHsd IEA S RGD:2293455|PMID:18158281 20140604 RGD
2293680 Bss40 Bone structure and strength QTL 40 qtl RS:0000244 DA/OlaHsd IEA S RGD:2293455|PMID:18158281 20140604 RGD
2293682 Bmd24 Bone mineral density QTL 24 qtl RS:0000186 COP/OlaHsd IEA S RGD:2293456|PMID:18282130 20140604 RGD
2293682 Bmd24 Bone mineral density QTL 24 qtl RS:0000244 DA/OlaHsd IEA S RGD:2293456|PMID:18282130 20140604 RGD
2293684 Bmd26 Bone mineral density QTL 26 qtl RS:0000186 COP/OlaHsd IEA S RGD:2293456|PMID:18282130 20151128 RGD
2293684 Bmd26 Bone mineral density QTL 26 qtl RS:0000244 DA/OlaHsd IEA S RGD:2293456|PMID:18282130 20151128 RGD
2293685 Bmd21 Bone mineral density QTL 21 qtl RS:0000186 COP/OlaHsd IEA S RGD:2293456|PMID:18282130 20140604 RGD
2293685 Bmd21 Bone mineral density QTL 21 qtl RS:0000244 DA/OlaHsd IEA S RGD:2293456|PMID:18282130 20140604 RGD
2293686 Bmd36 Bone mineral density QTL 36 qtl RS:0000186 COP/OlaHsd IEA S RGD:2293456|PMID:18282130 20140604 RGD
2293686 Bmd36 Bone mineral density QTL 36 qtl RS:0000244 DA/OlaHsd IEA S RGD:2293456|PMID:18282130 20140604 RGD
2293687 Bss26 Bone structure and strength QTL 26 qtl RS:0000186 COP/OlaHsd IEA S RGD:2293455|PMID:18158281 20140604 RGD
2293687 Bss26 Bone structure and strength QTL 26 qtl RS:0000244 DA/OlaHsd IEA S RGD:2293455|PMID:18158281 20140604 RGD
2293688 Bss29 Bone structure and strength QTL 29 qtl RS:0000186 COP/OlaHsd IEA S RGD:2293455|PMID:18158281 20140604 RGD
2293688 Bss29 Bone structure and strength QTL 29 qtl RS:0000244 DA/OlaHsd IEA S RGD:2293455|PMID:18158281 20140604 RGD
2293689 Bss47 Bone structure and strength QTL 47 qtl RS:0000186 COP/OlaHsd IEA S RGD:2293455|PMID:18158281 20140604 RGD
2293689 Bss47 Bone structure and strength QTL 47 qtl RS:0000244 DA/OlaHsd IEA S RGD:2293455|PMID:18158281 20140604 RGD
2293690 Bss45 Bone structure and strength QTL 45 qtl RS:0000186 COP/OlaHsd IEA S RGD:2293455|PMID:18158281 20140604 RGD
2293690 Bss45 Bone structure and strength QTL 45 qtl RS:0000244 DA/OlaHsd IEA S RGD:2293455|PMID:18158281 20140604 RGD
2293691 Bmd37 Bone mineral density QTL 37 qtl RS:0000186 COP/OlaHsd IEA S RGD:2293456|PMID:18282130 20140604 RGD
2293691 Bmd37 Bone mineral density QTL 37 qtl RS:0000244 DA/OlaHsd IEA S RGD:2293456|PMID:18282130 20140604 RGD
2293693 Bss22 Bone structure and strength QTL 22 qtl RS:0000186 COP/OlaHsd IEA S RGD:2293455|PMID:18158281 20140604 RGD
2293693 Bss22 Bone structure and strength QTL 22 qtl RS:0000244 DA/OlaHsd IEA S RGD:2293455|PMID:18158281 20140604 RGD
2293694 Bss38 Bone structure and strength QTL 38 qtl RS:0000186 COP/OlaHsd IEA S RGD:2293455|PMID:18158281 20140604 RGD
2293694 Bss38 Bone structure and strength QTL 38 qtl RS:0000244 DA/OlaHsd IEA S RGD:2293455|PMID:18158281 20140604 RGD
2293696 Bmd32 Bone mineral density QTL 32 qtl RS:0000186 COP/OlaHsd IEA S RGD:2293456|PMID:18282130 20140604 RGD
2293696 Bmd32 Bone mineral density QTL 32 qtl RS:0000244 DA/OlaHsd IEA S RGD:2293456|PMID:18282130 20140604 RGD
2293697 Bmd39 Bone mineral density QTL 39 qtl RS:0000186 COP/OlaHsd IEA S RGD:2293456|PMID:18282130 20140604 RGD
2293697 Bmd39 Bone mineral density QTL 39 qtl RS:0000244 DA/OlaHsd IEA S RGD:2293456|PMID:18282130 20140604 RGD
2293698 Bss43 Bone structure and strength QTL 43 qtl RS:0000186 COP/OlaHsd IEA S RGD:2293455|PMID:18158281 20140604 RGD
2293698 Bss43 Bone structure and strength QTL 43 qtl RS:0000244 DA/OlaHsd IEA S RGD:2293455|PMID:18158281 20140604 RGD
2293699 Bss49 Bone structure and strength QTL 49 qtl RS:0000186 COP/OlaHsd IEA S RGD:2293455|PMID:18158281 20140604 RGD
2293699 Bss49 Bone structure and strength QTL 49 qtl RS:0000244 DA/OlaHsd IEA S RGD:2293455|PMID:18158281 20140604 RGD
2293700 Bmd27 Bone mineral density QTL 27 qtl RS:0000186 COP/OlaHsd IEA S RGD:2293456|PMID:18282130 20140604 RGD
2293700 Bmd27 Bone mineral density QTL 27 qtl RS:0000244 DA/OlaHsd IEA S RGD:2293456|PMID:18282130 20140604 RGD
2293701 Bmd34 Bone mineral density QTL 34 qtl RS:0000186 COP/OlaHsd IEA S RGD:2293456|PMID:18282130 20140604 RGD
2293701 Bmd34 Bone mineral density QTL 34 qtl RS:0000244 DA/OlaHsd IEA S RGD:2293456|PMID:18282130 20140604 RGD
2293702 Bss34 Bone structure and strength QTL 34 qtl RS:0000186 COP/OlaHsd IEA S RGD:2293455|PMID:18158281 20140604 RGD
2293702 Bss34 Bone structure and strength QTL 34 qtl RS:0000244 DA/OlaHsd IEA S RGD:2293455|PMID:18158281 20140604 RGD
2293703 Bss48 Bone structure and strength QTL 48 qtl RS:0000186 COP/OlaHsd IEA S RGD:2293455|PMID:18158281 20140604 RGD
2293703 Bss48 Bone structure and strength QTL 48 qtl RS:0000244 DA/OlaHsd IEA S RGD:2293455|PMID:18158281 20140604 RGD
2293704 Bss35 Bone structure and strength QTL 35 qtl RS:0000186 COP/OlaHsd IEA S RGD:2293455|PMID:18158281 20140604 RGD
2293704 Bss35 Bone structure and strength QTL 35 qtl RS:0000244 DA/OlaHsd IEA S RGD:2293455|PMID:18158281 20140604 RGD
2293705 Bmd25 Bone mineral density QTL 25 qtl RS:0000186 COP/OlaHsd IEA S RGD:2293456|PMID:18282130 20140604 RGD
2293705 Bmd25 Bone mineral density QTL 25 qtl RS:0000244 DA/OlaHsd IEA S RGD:2293456|PMID:18282130 20140604 RGD
2293706 Bmd20 Bone mineral density QTL 20 qtl RS:0000186 COP/OlaHsd IEA S RGD:2293456|PMID:18282130 20140604 RGD
2293706 Bmd20 Bone mineral density QTL 20 qtl RS:0000244 DA/OlaHsd IEA S RGD:2293456|PMID:18282130 20140604 RGD
2293707 Bss32 Bone structure and strength QTL 32 qtl RS:0000186 COP/OlaHsd IEA S RGD:2293455|PMID:18158281 20140604 RGD
2293707 Bss32 Bone structure and strength QTL 32 qtl RS:0000244 DA/OlaHsd IEA S RGD:2293455|PMID:18158281 20140604 RGD
2293708 Bss46 Bone structure and strength QTL 46 qtl RS:0000186 COP/OlaHsd IEA S RGD:2293455|PMID:18158281 20140604 RGD
2293708 Bss46 Bone structure and strength QTL 46 qtl RS:0000244 DA/OlaHsd IEA S RGD:2293455|PMID:18158281 20140604 RGD
2293709 Bss23 Bone structure and strength QTL 23 qtl RS:0000186 COP/OlaHsd IEA S RGD:2293455|PMID:18158281 20140604 RGD
2293709 Bss23 Bone structure and strength QTL 23 qtl RS:0000244 DA/OlaHsd IEA S RGD:2293455|PMID:18158281 20140604 RGD
2293729 SHR-Gja8m1-/-Cub strain RS:0001413 SHR-Gja8m1-/-Cub IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
2293761 LH-Chr 17BN/Mav strain RS:0001365 LH-Chr 17BN/Mav IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
2293770 SHHF/Bbb strain RS:0001412 SHHF/Bbb IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
2293832 LOU.BN-(D6Rat128-D6Rat115)/Ins strain RS:0001369 LOU.BN-(D6Rat128-D6Rat115)/Ins IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
2293833 Kiddil8 Kidney dilation QTL 8 qtl RS:0000152 BN/Rj IEA S RGD:2293631|PMID:18523158 20140604 RGD
2293833 Kiddil8 Kidney dilation QTL 8 qtl RS:0000565 LOU/Ins IEA S RGD:2293631|PMID:18523158 20140604 RGD
2293835 Kiddil5 Kidney dilation QTL 5 qtl RS:0000152 BN/Rj IEA S RGD:2293631|PMID:18523158 20140604 RGD
2293835 Kiddil5 Kidney dilation QTL 5 qtl RS:0000565 LOU/Ins IEA S RGD:2293631|PMID:18523158 20140604 RGD
2293837 Kiddil1 Kidney dilation QTL 1 qtl RS:0000152 BN/Rj IEA S RGD:2293631|PMID:18523158 20140604 RGD
2293837 Kiddil1 Kidney dilation QTL 1 qtl RS:0000565 LOU/Ins IEA S RGD:2293631|PMID:18523158 20140604 RGD
2293839 Kiddil2 Kidney dilation QTL 2 qtl RS:0000152 BN/Rj IEA S RGD:2293631|PMID:18523158 20140604 RGD
2293839 Kiddil2 Kidney dilation QTL 2 qtl RS:0000565 LOU/Ins IEA S RGD:2293631|PMID:18523158 20140604 RGD
2293840 Kiddil9 Kidney dilation QTL 9 qtl RS:0000152 BN/Rj IEA S RGD:2293631|PMID:18523158 20140604 RGD
2293840 Kiddil9 Kidney dilation QTL 9 qtl RS:0000565 LOU/Ins IEA S RGD:2293631|PMID:18523158 20140604 RGD
2293841 Kiddil4 Kidney dilation QTL 4 qtl RS:0000152 BN/Rj IEA S RGD:2293631|PMID:18523158 20140604 RGD
2293841 Kiddil4 Kidney dilation QTL 4 qtl RS:0000565 LOU/Ins IEA S RGD:2293631|PMID:18523158 20140604 RGD
2293842 Kiddil3 Kidney dilation QTL 3 qtl RS:0000152 BN/Rj IEA S RGD:2293631|PMID:18523158 20140604 RGD
2293842 Kiddil3 Kidney dilation QTL 3 qtl RS:0000565 LOU/Ins IEA S RGD:2293631|PMID:18523158 20140604 RGD
2293843 Kiddil6 Kidney dilation QTL 6 qtl RS:0000152 BN/Rj IEA S RGD:2293631|PMID:18523158 20140604 RGD
2293843 Kiddil6 Kidney dilation QTL 6 qtl RS:0000565 LOU/Ins IEA S RGD:2293631|PMID:18523158 20140604 RGD
2293844 Kiddil7 Kidney dilation QTL 7 qtl RS:0000152 BN/Rj IEA S RGD:2293631|PMID:18523158 20140604 RGD
2293844 Kiddil7 Kidney dilation QTL 7 qtl RS:0000565 LOU/Ins IEA S RGD:2293631|PMID:18523158 20140604 RGD
2298475 Eau6 Experimental allergic uveoretinitis QTL 6 qtl RS:0000363 F344/NHsd IEA S RGD:2296064|PMID:18453595 20140604 RGD
2298475 Eau6 Experimental allergic uveoretinitis QTL 6 qtl RS:0000521 LEW/NHsd IEA S RGD:2296064|PMID:18453595 20140604 RGD
2298477 Eau4 Experimental allergic uveoretinitis QTL 4 qtl RS:0000363 F344/NHsd IEA S RGD:2296064|PMID:18453595 20140604 RGD
2298477 Eau4 Experimental allergic uveoretinitis QTL 4 qtl RS:0000521 LEW/NHsd IEA S RGD:2296064|PMID:18453595 20140604 RGD
2298478 Eau8 Experimental allergic uveoretinitis QTL 8 qtl RS:0000363 F344/NHsd IEA S RGD:2296064|PMID:18453595 20140604 RGD
2298478 Eau8 Experimental allergic uveoretinitis QTL 8 qtl RS:0000521 LEW/NHsd IEA S RGD:2296064|PMID:18453595 20140604 RGD
2298479 Eau5 Experimental allergic uveoretinitis QTL 5 qtl RS:0000363 F344/NHsd IEA S RGD:2296064|PMID:18453595 20140604 RGD
2298479 Eau5 Experimental allergic uveoretinitis QTL 5 qtl RS:0000521 LEW/NHsd IEA S RGD:2296064|PMID:18453595 20140604 RGD
2298480 Eau7 Experimental allergic uveoretinitis QTL 7 qtl RS:0000363 F344/NHsd IEA S RGD:2296064|PMID:18453595 20140604 RGD
2298480 Eau7 Experimental allergic uveoretinitis QTL 7 qtl RS:0000521 LEW/NHsd IEA S RGD:2296064|PMID:18453595 20140604 RGD
2298481 Eau9 Experimental allergic uveoretinitis QTL 9 qtl RS:0000363 F344/NHsd IEA S RGD:2296064|PMID:18453595 20140604 RGD
2298481 Eau9 Experimental allergic uveoretinitis QTL 9 qtl RS:0000521 LEW/NHsd IEA S RGD:2296064|PMID:18453595 20140604 RGD
2298494 Kini:DA,PVG-G10 strain RS:0001339 Kini:DA,PVG-G10 IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
2298495 Eae23 Experimental allergic encephalomyelitis QTL 23 qtl RS:0001339 Kini:DA,PVG-G10 IEA S RGD:2293859|PMID:16624898 20140604 RGD
2298498 W/Gaox strain RS:0001578 W/Gaox IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
2298542 Neuinf11 Neuroinflammation QTL 11 qtl RS:0000140 BN/Han IEA S RGD:2311085|PMID:19525015 20140604 RGD
2298542 Neuinf11 Neuroinflammation QTL 11 qtl RS:0002062 LEW.1N IEA S RGD:2311085|PMID:19525015 20140604 RGD
2298544 Neuinf9 Neuroinflammation QTL 9 qtl RS:0000140 BN/Han IEA S RGD:2311085|PMID:19525015 20140604 RGD
2298544 Neuinf9 Neuroinflammation QTL 9 qtl RS:0002062 LEW.1N IEA S RGD:2311085|PMID:19525015 20140604 RGD
2298545 Neuinf8 Neuroinflammation QTL 8 qtl RS:0000140 BN/Han IEA S RGD:2311085|PMID:19525015 20140604 RGD
2298545 Neuinf8 Neuroinflammation QTL 8 qtl RS:0002062 LEW.1N IEA S RGD:2311085|PMID:19525015 20140604 RGD
2298546 Neuinf4 Neuroinflammation QTL 4 qtl RS:0000140 BN/Han IEA S RGD:2311085|PMID:19525015 20140604 RGD
2298546 Neuinf4 Neuroinflammation QTL 4 qtl RS:0002062 LEW.1N IEA S RGD:2311085|PMID:19525015 20140604 RGD
2298547 Neuinf5 Neuroinflammation QTL 5 qtl RS:0000140 BN/Han IEA S RGD:2311085|PMID:19525015 20140604 RGD
2298547 Neuinf5 Neuroinflammation QTL 5 qtl RS:0002062 LEW.1N IEA S RGD:2311085|PMID:19525015 20140604 RGD
2298548 Neuinf7 Neuroinflammation QTL 7 qtl RS:0000140 BN/Han IEA S RGD:2311085|PMID:19525015 20140604 RGD
2298548 Neuinf7 Neuroinflammation QTL 7 qtl RS:0002062 LEW.1N IEA S RGD:2311085|PMID:19525015 20140604 RGD
2298549 Neuinf12 Neuroinflammation QTL 12 qtl RS:0000140 BN/Han IEA S RGD:2311085|PMID:19525015 20140604 RGD
2298549 Neuinf12 Neuroinflammation QTL 12 qtl RS:0002062 LEW.1N IEA S RGD:2311085|PMID:19525015 20140604 RGD
2298550 Neuinf6 Neuroinflammation QTL 6 qtl RS:0000140 BN/Han IEA S RGD:2311085|PMID:19525015 20140604 RGD
2298550 Neuinf6 Neuroinflammation QTL 6 qtl RS:0002062 LEW.1N IEA S RGD:2311085|PMID:19525015 20140604 RGD
2298551 Neuinf10 Neuroinflammation QTL 10 qtl RS:0000140 BN/Han IEA S RGD:2311085|PMID:19525015 20140604 RGD
2298551 Neuinf10 Neuroinflammation QTL 10 qtl RS:0002062 LEW.1N IEA S RGD:2311085|PMID:19525015 20140604 RGD
2298772 WFfzHsd Fuzzy rat strain RS:0001591 WFfzHsd IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
2299122 F344-Tasp1Tn(sb-T2/Bart3)2.219Mcwi strain RS:0001608 F344-Tasp1Tn(sb-T2/Bart3)2.219Mcwi IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
2299123 F344-AW921689Tn(sb-T2/Bart3)2.209Mcwi strain RS:0001609 F344-AW921689Tn(sb-T2/Bart3)2.209Mcwi IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
2299124 F344-Ubqln4Tn(sb-T2/Bart3)2.230Mcwi strain RS:0001610 F344-Ubqln4Tn(sb-T2/Bart3)2.230Mcwi IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
2299125 F344-Ccdc85aTn(sb-T2/Bart3)2.248Mcwi strain RS:0001611 F344-Ccdc85aTn(sb-T2/Bart3)2.248Mcwi IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
2299126 F344-Kcnip4Tn(sb-T2/Bart3)2.225Mcwi strain RS:0001612 F344-Kcnip4Tn(sb-T2/Bart3)2.225Mcwi IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
2299127 F344-Eva1aTn(sb-T2/Bart3)2.233Mcwi strain RS:0001613 F344-Fam176aTn(sb-T2/Bart3)2.233Mcwi IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
2299128 F344-Lama2Tn(sb-T2/Bart3)2.2013Mcwi strain RS:0001614 F344-Lama2Tn(sb-T2/Bart3)2.2013Mcwi IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
2299129 F344-Lrrc4cTn(sb-T2/Bart3)2.224Mcwi strain RS:0001615 F344-Lrrc4cTn(sb-T2/Bart3)2.224Mcwi IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
2299130 F344-AdaTn(sb-T2/Bart3)2.237Mcwi strain RS:0001616 F344-AdaTn(sb-T2/Bart3)2.237Mcwi IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
2299131 F344-Grk1Tn(sb-T2/Bart3)2.234Mcwi strain RS:0001617 F344-Grk1Tn(sb-T2/Bart3)2.234Mcwi IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
2299132 F344-Cadm1Tn(sb-T2/Bart3)2.229Mcwi strain RS:0001618 F344-Cadm1Tn(sb-T2/Bart3)2.229Mcwi IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
2299133 F344-Rap1gds1Tn(sb-T2/Bart3)2.251Mcwi strain RS:0001619 F344-Rap1gds1Tn(sb-T2/Bart3)2.251Mcwi IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
2299134 F344-Ppapdc1aTn(sb-T2/Bart3)2.207Mcwi strain RS:0001620 F344-Ppapdc1aTn(sb-T2/Bart3)2.207Mcwi IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
2299135 F344-Mgat4cTn(sb-T2/Bart3)2.244Mcwi strain RS:0001621 F344-Mgat4cTn(sb-T2/Bart3)2.244Mcwi IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
2299136 F344-SnphTn(sb-T2/Bart3)2.214Mcwi strain RS:0001622 F344-SnphTn(sb-T2/Bart3)2.214Mcwi IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
2299137 F344-Erbb4Tn(sb-T2/Bart3)2.208Mcwi strain RS:0001623 F344-Erbb4Tn(sb-T2/Bart3)2.208Mcwi IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
2299138 F344-Nrxn2Tn(sb-T2/Bart3)2.250Mcwi strain RS:0001624 F344-Nrxn2Tn(sb-T2/Bart3)2.250Mcwi IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
2299139 F344-Dnhd1Tn(sb-T2/Bart3)2.243Mcwi strain RS:0001625 F344-Dnhd1Tn(sb-T2/Bart3)2.243Mcwi IEA S RGD:7241799 20200516 RGD
2299140 F344-DccTn(sb-T2/Bart3)2.205Mcwi strain RS:0001626 F344-DccTn(sb-T2/Bart3)2.205Mcwi IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
2299141 F344-Ppp2r2bTn(sb-T2/Bart3)2.239Mcwi strain RS:0001627 F344-Ppp2r2bTn(sb-T2/Bart3)2.239Mcwi IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
2299142 F344-Inpp4bTn(sb-T2/Bart3)2.232Mcwi strain RS:0001628 F344-Inpp4bTn(sb-T2/Bart3)2.232Mcwi IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
2299143 F344-Kif16bTn(sb-T2/Bart3)2.200Mcwi strain RS:0001629 F344-Kif16bTn(sb-T2/Bart3)2.200Mcwi IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
2299144 F344-TrdnTn(sb-T2/Bart3)2.238Mcwi strain RS:0001630 F344-TrdnTn(sb-T2/Bart3)2.238Mcwi IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
2299145 F344-Rprd1aTn(sb-T2/Bart3)2.247Mcwi strain RS:0001631 F344-Rprd1aTn(sb-T2/Bart3)2.247Mcwi IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
2299146 F344-PtpreTn(sb-T2/Bart3)236Mcwi strain RS:0001632 F344-PtpreTn(sb-T2/Bart3)236Mcwi IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
2299147 F344-Prr5lTn(sb-T2/Bart3)2.228Mcwi strain RS:0001633 F344-Prr5lTn(sb-T2/Bart3)2.228Mcwi IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
2299148 F344-Immp1lTn(sb-T2/Bart3)2.246Mcwi strain RS:0001634 F344-Immp1lTn(sb-T2/Bart3)2.246Mcwi IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
2299160 Iddm35 Insulin dependent diabetes mellitus QTL 35 qtl RS:0001153 ACI.BBDP-(RT1u)(Gimap5)/Sunn IEA S RGD:2303106|PMID:19168599 20140604 RGD
2299160 Iddm35 Insulin dependent diabetes mellitus QTL 35 qtl RS:0001768 BBDP/WorSunn IEA S RGD:2303106|PMID:19168599 20140604 RGD
2299161 Iddm33 Insulin dependent diabetes mellitus QTL 33 qtl RS:0001153 ACI.BBDP-(RT1u)(Gimap5)/Sunn IEA S RGD:2303106|PMID:19168599 20140604 RGD
2299162 Iddm32 Insulin dependent diabetes mellitus QTL 32 qtl RS:0001153 ACI.BBDP-(RT1u)(Gimap5)/Sunn IEA S RGD:2303106|PMID:19168599 20140604 RGD
2299162 Iddm32 Insulin dependent diabetes mellitus QTL 32 qtl RS:0001768 BBDP/WorSunn IEA S RGD:2303106|PMID:19168599 20140604 RGD
2299163 Iddm34 Insulin dependent diabetes mellitus QTL 34 qtl RS:0001153 ACI.BBDP-(RT1u)(Gimap5)/Sunn IEA S RGD:2303106|PMID:19168599 20140604 RGD
2299163 Iddm34 Insulin dependent diabetes mellitus QTL 34 qtl RS:0001768 BBDP/WorSunn IEA S RGD:2303106|PMID:19168599 20140604 RGD
2300002 Iddm36 Insulin dependent diabetes mellitus QTL 36 qtl RS:0001153 ACI.BBDP-(RT1u)(Gimap5)/Sunn IEA S RGD:2303106|PMID:19168599 20140604 RGD
2300002 Iddm36 Insulin dependent diabetes mellitus QTL 36 qtl RS:0001768 BBDP/WorSunn IEA S RGD:2303106|PMID:19168599 20140604 RGD
2300018 SHRSP.ZUC-(D5Rat4-D5Rat36)/IzmDmcr strain RS:0001635 SHRSP.ZUC-(D5Rat4-D5Rat36)/IzmDmcr IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
2300157 Bmd66 Bone mineral density QTL 66 qtl RS:0000186 COP/OlaHsd IEA S RGD:2300109|PMID:18707222 20140604 RGD
2300157 Bmd66 Bone mineral density QTL 66 qtl RS:0000244 DA/OlaHsd IEA S RGD:2300109|PMID:18707222 20140604 RGD
2300159 Bmd61 Bone mineral density QTL 61 qtl RS:0000186 COP/OlaHsd IEA S RGD:2300109|PMID:18707222 20140604 RGD
2300159 Bmd61 Bone mineral density QTL 61 qtl RS:0000244 DA/OlaHsd IEA S RGD:2300109|PMID:18707222 20140604 RGD
2300161 Bmd43 Bone mineral density QTL 43 qtl RS:0000186 COP/OlaHsd IEA S RGD:2300109|PMID:18707222 20140604 RGD
2300161 Bmd43 Bone mineral density QTL 43 qtl RS:0000244 DA/OlaHsd IEA S RGD:2300109|PMID:18707222 20140604 RGD
2300163 Bmd64 Bone mineral density QTL 64 qtl RS:0000186 COP/OlaHsd IEA S RGD:2300109|PMID:18707222 20140604 RGD
2300163 Bmd64 Bone mineral density QTL 64 qtl RS:0000244 DA/OlaHsd IEA S RGD:2300109|PMID:18707222 20140604 RGD
2300164 Bmd44 Bone mineral density QTL 44 qtl RS:0000186 COP/OlaHsd IEA S RGD:2300109|PMID:18707222 20140604 RGD
2300164 Bmd44 Bone mineral density QTL 44 qtl RS:0000244 DA/OlaHsd IEA S RGD:2300109|PMID:18707222 20140604 RGD
2300165 Bmd49 Bone mineral density QTL 49 qtl RS:0000186 COP/OlaHsd IEA S RGD:2300109|PMID:18707222 20140604 RGD
2300165 Bmd49 Bone mineral density QTL 49 qtl RS:0000244 DA/OlaHsd IEA S RGD:2300109|PMID:18707222 20140604 RGD
2300167 Bmd63 Bone mineral density QTL 63 qtl RS:0000186 COP/OlaHsd IEA S RGD:2300109|PMID:18707222 20140604 RGD
2300167 Bmd63 Bone mineral density QTL 63 qtl RS:0000244 DA/OlaHsd IEA S RGD:2300109|PMID:18707222 20140604 RGD
2300168 Bmd47 Bone mineral density QTL 47 qtl RS:0000186 COP/OlaHsd IEA S RGD:2300109|PMID:18707222 20140604 RGD
2300168 Bmd47 Bone mineral density QTL 47 qtl RS:0000244 DA/OlaHsd IEA S RGD:2300109|PMID:18707222 20140604 RGD
2300170 Bmd45 Bone mineral density QTL 45 qtl RS:0000186 COP/OlaHsd IEA S RGD:2300109|PMID:18707222 20140604 RGD
2300170 Bmd45 Bone mineral density QTL 45 qtl RS:0000244 DA/OlaHsd IEA S RGD:2300109|PMID:18707222 20140604 RGD
2300171 Bmd58 Bone mineral density QTL 58 qtl RS:0000186 COP/OlaHsd IEA S RGD:2300109|PMID:18707222 20140604 RGD
2300171 Bmd58 Bone mineral density QTL 58 qtl RS:0000244 DA/OlaHsd IEA S RGD:2300109|PMID:18707222 20140604 RGD
2300172 Bmd57 Bone mineral density QTL 57 qtl RS:0000186 COP/OlaHsd IEA S RGD:2300109|PMID:18707222 20140604 RGD
2300172 Bmd57 Bone mineral density QTL 57 qtl RS:0000244 DA/OlaHsd IEA S RGD:2300109|PMID:18707222 20140604 RGD
2300173 Bmd62 Bone mineral density QTL 62 qtl RS:0000186 COP/OlaHsd IEA S RGD:2300109|PMID:18707222 20140604 RGD
2300173 Bmd62 Bone mineral density QTL 62 qtl RS:0000244 DA/OlaHsd IEA S RGD:2300109|PMID:18707222 20140604 RGD
2300174 Bmd42 Bone mineral density QTL 42 qtl RS:0000186 COP/OlaHsd IEA S RGD:2300109|PMID:18707222 20140604 RGD
2300174 Bmd42 Bone mineral density QTL 42 qtl RS:0000244 DA/OlaHsd IEA S RGD:2300109|PMID:18707222 20140604 RGD
2300175 Bmd40 Bone mineral density QTL 40 qtl RS:0000186 COP/OlaHsd IEA S RGD:2300109|PMID:18707222 20140604 RGD
2300175 Bmd40 Bone mineral density QTL 40 qtl RS:0000244 DA/OlaHsd IEA S RGD:2300109|PMID:18707222 20140604 RGD
2300176 Bmd51 Bone mineral density QTL 51 qtl RS:0000186 COP/OlaHsd IEA S RGD:2300109|PMID:18707222 20140604 RGD
2300176 Bmd51 Bone mineral density QTL 51 qtl RS:0000244 DA/OlaHsd IEA S RGD:2300109|PMID:18707222 20140604 RGD
2300177 Bmd65 Bone mineral density QTL 65 qtl RS:0000186 COP/OlaHsd IEA S RGD:2300109|PMID:18707222 20140604 RGD
2300177 Bmd65 Bone mineral density QTL 65 qtl RS:0000244 DA/OlaHsd IEA S RGD:2300109|PMID:18707222 20140604 RGD
2300178 Bmd54 Bone mineral density QTL 54 qtl RS:0000186 COP/OlaHsd IEA S RGD:2300109|PMID:18707222 20140604 RGD
2300178 Bmd54 Bone mineral density QTL 54 qtl RS:0000244 DA/OlaHsd IEA S RGD:2300109|PMID:18707222 20140604 RGD
2300179 Bmd50 Bone mineral density QTL 50 qtl RS:0000186 COP/OlaHsd IEA S RGD:2300109|PMID:18707222 20140604 RGD
2300179 Bmd50 Bone mineral density QTL 50 qtl RS:0000244 DA/OlaHsd IEA S RGD:2300109|PMID:18707222 20140604 RGD
2300180 Bmd67 Bone mineral density QTL 67 qtl RS:0000186 COP/OlaHsd IEA S RGD:2300109|PMID:18707222 20140604 RGD
2300180 Bmd67 Bone mineral density QTL 67 qtl RS:0000244 DA/OlaHsd IEA S RGD:2300109|PMID:18707222 20140604 RGD
2300181 Bmd55 Bone mineral density QTL 55 qtl RS:0000186 COP/OlaHsd IEA S RGD:2300109|PMID:18707222 20140604 RGD
2300181 Bmd55 Bone mineral density QTL 55 qtl RS:0000244 DA/OlaHsd IEA S RGD:2300109|PMID:18707222 20140604 RGD
2300182 Bmd56 Bone mineral density QTL 56 qtl RS:0000186 COP/OlaHsd IEA S RGD:2300109|PMID:18707222 20140604 RGD
2300182 Bmd56 Bone mineral density QTL 56 qtl RS:0000244 DA/OlaHsd IEA S RGD:2300109|PMID:18707222 20140604 RGD
2300183 Bmd60 Bone mineral density QTL 60 qtl RS:0000186 COP/OlaHsd IEA S RGD:2300109|PMID:18707222 20140604 RGD
2300183 Bmd60 Bone mineral density QTL 60 qtl RS:0000244 DA/OlaHsd IEA S RGD:2300109|PMID:18707222 20140604 RGD
2300184 Bmd53 Bone mineral density QTL 53 qtl RS:0000186 COP/OlaHsd IEA S RGD:2300109|PMID:18707222 20140604 RGD
2300184 Bmd53 Bone mineral density QTL 53 qtl RS:0000244 DA/OlaHsd IEA S RGD:2300109|PMID:18707222 20140604 RGD
2300185 Bmd46 Bone mineral density QTL 46 qtl RS:0000186 COP/OlaHsd IEA S RGD:2300109|PMID:18707222 20140604 RGD
2300185 Bmd46 Bone mineral density QTL 46 qtl RS:0000244 DA/OlaHsd IEA S RGD:2300109|PMID:18707222 20140604 RGD
2300186 Bmd59 Bone mineral density QTL 59 qtl RS:0000186 COP/OlaHsd IEA S RGD:2300109|PMID:18707222 20140604 RGD
2300186 Bmd59 Bone mineral density QTL 59 qtl RS:0000244 DA/OlaHsd IEA S RGD:2300109|PMID:18707222 20140604 RGD
2300187 Bmd41 Bone mineral density QTL 41 qtl RS:0000186 COP/OlaHsd IEA S RGD:2300109|PMID:18707222 20140604 RGD
2300187 Bmd41 Bone mineral density QTL 41 qtl RS:0000244 DA/OlaHsd IEA S RGD:2300109|PMID:18707222 20140604 RGD
2300188 Bmd68 Bone mineral density QTL 68 qtl RS:0000186 COP/OlaHsd IEA S RGD:2300109|PMID:18707222 20140604 RGD
2300188 Bmd68 Bone mineral density QTL 68 qtl RS:0000244 DA/OlaHsd IEA S RGD:2300109|PMID:18707222 20140604 RGD
2300189 Bmd48 Bone mineral density QTL 48 qtl RS:0000186 COP/OlaHsd IEA S RGD:2300109|PMID:18707222 20140604 RGD
2300189 Bmd48 Bone mineral density QTL 48 qtl RS:0000244 DA/OlaHsd IEA S RGD:2300109|PMID:18707222 20140604 RGD
2300190 Bmd52 Bone mineral density QTL 52 qtl RS:0000186 COP/OlaHsd IEA S RGD:2300109|PMID:18707222 20140604 RGD
2300190 Bmd52 Bone mineral density QTL 52 qtl RS:0000244 DA/OlaHsd IEA S RGD:2300109|PMID:18707222 20140604 RGD
2300195 EHC.BN-(D14Rat43-D14Rat132)/Kyu strain RS:0001636 EHC.BN-(D14Rat43-D14Rat132)/Kyu IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
2300197 Scl59 Serum cholesterol level QTL 59 qtl RS:0001636 EHC.BN-(D14Rat43-D14Rat132)/Kyu IEA S RGD:2300117|PMID:18753676 20140604 RGD
2300215 SHR.BN-(D10Mgh3-D10Rat85)/Ipcv strain RS:0001638 SHR.BN-(D10Mgh3-D10Rat85)/Ipcv IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
2300216 SHR-Tg(PEPCK-SREBF1)1Ipcv strain RS:0001639 SHR-Tg(PEPCK-SREBF1)1Ipcv IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
2300217 SHR.BN-(D10Mgh3-Srebf1)/Ipcv strain RS:0001637 SHR.BN-(D10Mgh3-Srebf1)/Ipcv IEA S RGD:7241799 20161008 RGD
2300218 Hpcl2 Hepatic cholesterol level QTL 2 qtl RS:0001637 SHR.BN-(D10Mgh3-Srebf1)/Ipcv IEA S RGD:1643359|PMID:18071061 20161008 RGD
2300324 Fetw1 Fetal weight QTL 1 qtl RS:0000169 BXH/Ipcv IEA S RGD:2300320|PMID:16914718 20140604 RGD
2300324 Fetw1 Fetal weight QTL 1 qtl RS:0000401 HXB/Ipcv IEA S RGD:2300320|PMID:16914718 20140604 RGD
2300326 Plaw1 Placental weight QTL 1 qtl RS:0000169 BXH/Ipcv IEA S RGD:2300320|PMID:16914718 20140604 RGD
2300326 Plaw1 Placental weight QTL 1 qtl RS:0000401 HXB/Ipcv IEA S RGD:2300320|PMID:16914718 20140604 RGD
2301079 F344-Lrrc7Tn(sb-T2/Bart3)2.253Mcwi strain RS:0001640 F344-Lrrc7Tn(sb-T2/Bart3)2.253Mcwi IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
2301080 F344-Lrrc4cTn(sb-T2/Bart3)2.254Mcwi strain RS:0001641 F344-Lrrc4cTn(sb-T2/Bart3)2.254Mcwi IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
2301081 F344-Mmel1Tn(sb-T2/Bart3)2.255Mcwi strain RS:0001642 F344-Mmel1Tn(sb-T2/Bart3)2.255Mcwi IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
2301246 SS.LEW-(D3Rat61-D3Wox1)/Ayd strain RS:0001643 SS.LEW-(D3Rat61-D3Wox1)/Ayd IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
2301247 SS.LEW-(D16Got3-D16Rat112)/Ayd strain RS:0001644 SS.LEW-(D16Got3-D16Rat112)/Ayd IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
2301248 SS.LEW-(D3Got33-D3Chm68)/Ayd strain RS:0001645 SS.LEW-(D3Got33-D3Chm68)/Ayd IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
2301249 SS.LEW-(D18Rat30-D18Chm29)/Ayd strain RS:0001646 SS.LEW-(D18Rat30-D18Chm29)/Ayd IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
2301315 LE/Orl Long-Evans/Cryptorchid strain RS:0001647 LE/Orl IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
2301330 KH strain RS:0001648 KH IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
2301367 SHRSP.WKY-(D2Mit5-D2Rat133)/Gcrc strain RS:0001649 SHRSP.WKY-(D2Mit5-D2Rat133)/Gcrc IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
2301368 SHRSP.WKY-(D2Wox15-D2Rat133)/Gcrc strain RS:0001650 SHRSP.WKY-(D2Wox15-D2Rat133)/Gcrc IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
2301369 SHRSP.WKY-(D2Rat132-D2Rat53)/Gcrc strain RS:0001651 SHRSP.WKY-(D2Rat132-D2Rat53)/Gcrc IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
2301370 SHRSP.WKY-(D2Wox9-D2Rat231)/Gcrc strain RS:0001652 SHRSP.WKY-(D2Wox9-D2Rat231)/Gcrc IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
2301371 SHRSP.WKY-(D2Mit21-D2Rat157)/Gcrc strain RS:0001653 SHRSP.WKY-(D2Mit21-D2Rat157)/Gcrc IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
2301381 SS.LEW-(D18Chm41-D18Rat92)/Ayd strain RS:0001654 SS.LEW-(D18Chm41-D18Rat92)/Ayd IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
2301382 SS.LEW-(D18Chm91-D18Rat67)/Ayd strain RS:0001655 SS.LEW-(D18Chm91-D18Rat67)/Ayd IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
2301383 SS.LEW-(D18Chm31-D18Rat55)/Ayd strain RS:0001656 SS.LEW-(D18Chm31-D18Rat55)/Ayd IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
2301384 SS.LEW-(D18Chm41-D18Rat45)/Ayd strain RS:0001657 SS.LEW-(D18Chm41-D18Rat45)/Ayd IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
2301385 SS.LEW-(D18Rat29-D18Rat55)/Ayd strain RS:0001658 SS.LEW-(D18Rat29-D18Rat55)/Ayd IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
2301386 SS.LEW-(D18Rat61-D18Rat45)/Ayd strain RS:0001659 SS.LEW-(D18Rat61-D18Rat45)/Ayd IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
2301387 SS.LEW-(D18Rat67-D18Rat55)/Ayd strain RS:0001660 SS.LEW-(D18Rat67-D18Rat55)/Ayd IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
2301388 SS.LEW-(D18Chm56-D18Rat55)/Ayd strain RS:0001661 SS.LEW-(D18Chm56-D18Rat55)/Ayd IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
2301398 Kidm38 Kidney mass QTL 38 qtl RS:0000852 SS.LEW-(D10Rat24-Igfbp4)/Ayd IEA S RGD:1599557|PMID:17143582 20140604 RGD
2301400 Cm68 Cardiac mass QTL 68 qtl RS:0001645 SS.LEW-(D3Got33-D3Chm68)/Ayd IEA S RGD:1599557|PMID:17143582 20140604 RGD
2301402 Bp316 Blood pressure QTL 316 qtl RS:0000841 SS.LEW-(D8Chm14-D8Rat16)/Ayd IEA S RGD:1599557|PMID:17143582 20140604 RGD
2301404 Bp321 Blood pressure QTL 321 qtl RS:0001644 SS.LEW-(D16Got3-D16Rat112)/Ayd IEA S RGD:1599557|PMID:17143582 20140604 RGD
2301405 Cm69 Cardiac mass QTL 69 qtl RS:0001509 SS.LEW-(D10Chm128-D10Chm169)/Ayd IEA S RGD:1599557|PMID:17143582 20140604 RGD
2301406 Kidm39 Kidney mass QTL 39 qtl RS:0000860 SS.LEW-(D16Rat38-D16Chm66)/Ayd IEA S RGD:1599557|PMID:17143582 20140604 RGD
2301408 Kidm36 Kidney mass QTL 36 qtl RS:0000905 SS.MNS-(D2Wox27-Adh1)/Ayd IEA S RGD:1599557|PMID:17143582 20140604 RGD
2301409 Cm70 Cardiac mass QTL 70 qtl RS:0001646 SS.LEW-(D18Rat30-D18Chm29)/Ayd IEA S RGD:1599557|PMID:17143582 20140604 RGD
2301410 Bp317 Blood pressure QTL 317 qtl RS:0001655 SS.LEW-(D18Chm91-D18Rat67)/Ayd IEA S RGD:1599557|PMID:17143582 20140604 RGD
2301411 Bp320 Blood pressure QTL 320 qtl RS:0001643 SS.LEW-(D3Rat61-D3Wox1)/Ayd IEA S RGD:1599557|PMID:17143582 20140604 RGD
2301412 Kidm40 Kidney mass QTL 40 qtl RS:0001493 SS.LEW-(D17Chm9-D17Rat97)/Ayd IEA S RGD:1599557|PMID:17143582 20140604 RGD
2301412 Kidm40 Kidney mass QTL 40 qtl RS:0001494 SS.LEW-(D17Rat65-D17Chm2)/Ayd IEA S RGD:1599557|PMID:17143582 20140604 RGD
2301413 Bp318 Blood pressure QTL 318 qtl RS:0001654 SS.LEW-(D18Chm41-D18Rat92)/Ayd IEA S RGD:1578386|PMID:16278234 20140604 RGD
2301414 Kidm37 Kidney mass QTL 37 qtl RS:0000880 SS.LEW-(D3Mco21-D3Rat17)/Ayd IEA S RGD:1599557|PMID:17143582 20140604 RGD
2301415 Cm67 Cardiac mass QTL 67 qtl RS:0000900 SS.MNS-(D2Chm25-Fgg)/Ayd IEA S RGD:1599557|PMID:17143582 20140604 RGD
2301416 Bp315 Blood pressure QTL 315 qtl RS:0000840 SS.LEW-(D8Rat56-D8Rat51)/Ayd IEA S RGD:1599557|PMID:17143582 20140604 RGD
2301417 Bp319 Blood pressure QTL 319 qtl RS:0001659 SS.LEW-(D18Rat61-D18Rat45)/Ayd IEA S RGD:1599557|PMID:17143582 20140604 RGD
2301700 F344-Spata13Tn(sb-T2/Bart3)2.267Mcwi strain RS:0001662 F344-Spata13Tn(sb-T2/Bart3)2.267Mcwi IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
2301701 F344-PtpraTn(sb-T2/Bart3)2.261Mcwi strain RS:0001663 F344-PtpraTn(sb-T2/Bart3)2.261Mcwi IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
2301702 F344-Sf4Tn(sb-T2/Bart3)2.264Mcwi strain RS:0001664 F344-Sf4Tn(sb-T2/Bart3)2.264Mcwi IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
2301937 BN.GH-(D18Rat41-D18Mgh4)/Mcwi strain RS:0001665 BN.GH-(D18Rat41-D18Mgh4)/Mcwi IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
2301938 BN.GH-(D6Mit12-D6Rat15)/Mcwi strain RS:0001667 BN.GH-(D6Mit12-D6Rat15)/Mcwi IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
2301939 BN.GH-(D2Rat22-D2Mgh11)/Mcwi strain RS:0001668 BN.GH-(D2Rat22-D2Mgh11)/Mcwi IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
2301962 Cm72 Cardiac mass QTL 72 qtl RS:0000137 BN/Elh IEA S RGD:2301936|PMID:18925692 20140604 RGD
2301962 Cm72 Cardiac mass QTL 72 qtl RS:0000374 GH/Omr IEA S RGD:2301936|PMID:18925692 20140604 RGD
2301964 Bp323 Blood pressure QTL 323 qtl RS:0000137 BN/Elh IEA S RGD:2301936|PMID:18925692 20140604 RGD
2301964 Bp323 Blood pressure QTL 323 qtl RS:0000374 GH/Omr IEA S RGD:2301936|PMID:18925692 20140604 RGD
2301966 Bp322 Blood pressure QTL 322 qtl RS:0000137 BN/Elh IEA S RGD:2301936|PMID:18925692 20140604 RGD
2301966 Bp322 Blood pressure QTL 322 qtl RS:0000374 GH/Omr IEA S RGD:2301936|PMID:18925692 20140604 RGD
2301967 Cm73 Cardiac mass QTL 73 qtl RS:0000137 BN/Elh IEA S RGD:2301936|PMID:18925692 20140604 RGD
2301967 Cm73 Cardiac mass QTL 73 qtl RS:0000374 GH/Omr IEA S RGD:2301936|PMID:18925692 20140604 RGD
2301969 Bp324 Blood pressure QTL 324 qtl RS:0000137 BN/Elh IEA S RGD:2301936|PMID:18925692 20140604 RGD
2301969 Bp324 Blood pressure QTL 324 qtl RS:0000374 GH/Omr IEA S RGD:2301936|PMID:18925692 20140604 RGD
2301970 Bw81 Body weight QTL 81 qtl RS:0000137 BN/Elh IEA S RGD:2301936|PMID:18925692 20140604 RGD
2301970 Bw81 Body weight QTL 81 qtl RS:0000374 GH/Omr IEA S RGD:2301936|PMID:18925692 20140604 RGD
2301971 Cm71 Cardiac mass QTL 71 qtl RS:0000137 BN/Elh IEA S RGD:2301936|PMID:18925692 20140604 RGD
2301971 Cm71 Cardiac mass QTL 71 qtl RS:0000374 GH/Omr IEA S RGD:2301936|PMID:18925692 20140604 RGD
2301972 Bp325 Blood pressure QTL 325 qtl RS:0000137 BN/Elh IEA S RGD:2301936|PMID:18925692 20140604 RGD
2301972 Bp325 Blood pressure QTL 325 qtl RS:0000374 GH/Omr IEA S RGD:2301936|PMID:18925692 20140604 RGD
2301986 BN.GH-(D2Rat22-D2Mgh11)(D18Rat41-D18Mgh4)/Mcwi strain RS:0001669 BN.GH-(D2Rat22-D2Mgh11)(D18Rat41-D18Mgh4)/Mcwi IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
2301987 BN.GH-(D2Rat22-D2Mgh11)(D6Mit12-D6Rat15)/Mcwi strain RS:0001670 BN.GH-(D2Rat22-D2Mgh11)(D6Mit12-D6Rat15)/Mcwi IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
2301988 BN.GH-(D6Mit12-D6Rat15)(D18Rat41-D18Mgh4)/Mcwi strain RS:0001671 BN.GH-(D6Mit12-D6Rat15)(D18Rat41-D18Mgh4)/Mcwi IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
2301989 BN.GH-(D2Rat22-D2Mgh11)(D6Mit12-D6Rat15)(D18Rat41-D18Mgh4)/Mcwi strain RS:0001672 BN.GH-(D2Rat22-D2Mgh11)(D6Mit12-D6Rat15)(D18Rat41-D18Mgh4)/Mcwi IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
2302038 Pia31 Pristane induced arthritis QTL 31 qtl RS:0000208 E3/ZtmRhd IEA S RGD:2302026|PMID:14674011 20140604 RGD
2302038 Pia31 Pristane induced arthritis QTL 31 qtl RS:0001675 DA/ZtmRhd IEA S RGD:2302026|PMID:14674011 20140604 RGD
2302040 Pia35 Pristane induced arthritis QTL 35 qtl RS:0000208 E3/ZtmRhd IEA S RGD:2302026|PMID:14674011 20140604 RGD
2302040 Pia35 Pristane induced arthritis QTL 35 qtl RS:0001675 DA/ZtmRhd IEA S RGD:2302026|PMID:14674011 20140604 RGD
2302042 Pia38 Pristane induced arthritis QTL 38 qtl RS:0000208 E3/ZtmRhd IEA S RGD:2302026|PMID:14674011 20140604 RGD
2302042 Pia38 Pristane induced arthritis QTL 38 qtl RS:0001675 DA/ZtmRhd IEA S RGD:2302026|PMID:14674011 20140604 RGD
2302043 Pia27 Pristane induced arthritis QTL 27 qtl RS:0000208 E3/ZtmRhd IEA S RGD:2302026|PMID:14674011 20140604 RGD
2302043 Pia27 Pristane induced arthritis QTL 27 qtl RS:0001675 DA/ZtmRhd IEA S RGD:2302026|PMID:14674011 20140604 RGD
2302045 Pia39 Pristane induced arthritis QTL 39 qtl RS:0000208 E3/ZtmRhd IEA S RGD:2302026|PMID:14674011 20140604 RGD
2302045 Pia39 Pristane induced arthritis QTL 39 qtl RS:0001675 DA/ZtmRhd IEA S RGD:2302026|PMID:14674011 20140604 RGD
2302047 Pia34 Pristane induced arthritis QTL 34 qtl RS:0000208 E3/ZtmRhd IEA S RGD:2302026|PMID:14674011 20140604 RGD
2302047 Pia34 Pristane induced arthritis QTL 34 qtl RS:0001675 DA/ZtmRhd IEA S RGD:2302026|PMID:14674011 20140604 RGD
2302049 Pia32 Pristane induced arthritis QTL 32 qtl RS:0000208 E3/ZtmRhd IEA S RGD:2302026|PMID:14674011 20140604 RGD
2302049 Pia32 Pristane induced arthritis QTL 32 qtl RS:0001675 DA/ZtmRhd IEA S RGD:2302026|PMID:14674011 20140604 RGD
2302051 Pia28 Pristane induced arthritis QTL 28 qtl RS:0000208 E3/ZtmRhd IEA S RGD:2302026|PMID:14674011 20140604 RGD
2302051 Pia28 Pristane induced arthritis QTL 28 qtl RS:0001675 DA/ZtmRhd IEA S RGD:2302026|PMID:14674011 20140604 RGD
2302053 Pia33 Pristane induced arthritis QTL 33 qtl RS:0000208 E3/ZtmRhd IEA S RGD:2302026|PMID:14674011 20140604 RGD
2302053 Pia33 Pristane induced arthritis QTL 33 qtl RS:0001675 DA/ZtmRhd IEA S RGD:2302026|PMID:14674011 20140604 RGD
2302055 Pia30 Pristane induced arthritis QTL 30 qtl RS:0000208 E3/ZtmRhd IEA S RGD:2302026|PMID:14674011 20140604 RGD
2302055 Pia30 Pristane induced arthritis QTL 30 qtl RS:0001675 DA/ZtmRhd IEA S RGD:2302026|PMID:14674011 20140604 RGD
2302057 Pia29 Pristane induced arthritis QTL 29 qtl RS:0000208 E3/ZtmRhd IEA S RGD:2302026|PMID:14674011 20140604 RGD
2302057 Pia29 Pristane induced arthritis QTL 29 qtl RS:0001675 DA/ZtmRhd IEA S RGD:2302026|PMID:14674011 20140604 RGD
2302059 Pia36 Pristane induced arthritis QTL 36 qtl RS:0000208 E3/ZtmRhd IEA S RGD:2302026|PMID:14674011 20140604 RGD
2302059 Pia36 Pristane induced arthritis QTL 36 qtl RS:0001675 DA/ZtmRhd IEA S RGD:2302026|PMID:14674011 20140604 RGD
2302060 Pia37 Pristane induced arthritis QTL 37 qtl RS:0000208 E3/ZtmRhd IEA S RGD:2302026|PMID:14674011 20140604 RGD
2302060 Pia37 Pristane induced arthritis QTL 37 qtl RS:0001675 DA/ZtmRhd IEA S RGD:2302026|PMID:14674011 20140604 RGD
2302067 F344/DuCrlSwe strain RS:0001673 F344/DuCrlSwe IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
2302080 Rhd:F344,GK-G21 strain RS:0001674 Rhd:F344,GK-G21 IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
2302081 DA.E3-(D11Got79-D11Wox5)/Rhd strain RS:0001676 DA.E3-(D11Got79-D11Wox5)/Rhd IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
2302106 SHRSP.WKY-(D1Rat44-D1Arb21)/Izm strain RS:0001680 SHRSP.WKY-(D1Rat44-D1Arb21)/Izm IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
2302108 SHRSP.WKY-(D1Mgh5-D1Wox29)/Izm strain RS:0001681 SHRSP.WKY-(D1Mgh5-D1Wox29)/Izm IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
2302109 SHRSP.WKY-(D1Mgh5-D1Rat44)/Izm strain RS:0001682 SHRSP.WKY-(D1Mgh5-D1Rat44)/Izm IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
2302110 SHRSP.WKY-(Apbb1-D1Arb21)/Izm strain RS:0001683 SHRSP.WKY-(Apbb1-D1Arb21)/Izm IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
2302132 SHRSP-Tg(Tagln-ACE2)6918Bdr strain RS:0001684 SHRSP-Tg(Tagln-ACE2)6918Bdr IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
2302141 F344-Tg(Cyp1a1-Ren2)10Jmul strain RS:0001685 F344-Tg(Cyp1a1-Ren2)10Jmul IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
2302148 SHR-Tg(EEF1A1-Cd36)10Ipcv strain RS:0001686 SHR-Tg(EEF1A1-Cd36)10Ipcv IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
2302149 SHR-Tg(EEF1A1-Cd36)19Ipcv strain RS:0001688 SHR-Tg(EEF1A1-Cd36)19Ipcv IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
2302150 SHR-Tg(EEF1A1-Cd36)93Ipcv strain RS:0001689 SHR-Tg(EEF1A1-Cd36)93Ipcv IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
2302151 SHR-Tg(EEF1A1-Cd36)106Ipcv strain RS:0001690 SHR-Tg(EEF1A1-Cd36)106Ipcv IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
2302273 Gluco35 Glucose level QTL 35 qtl RS:0000364 F344/NSlc IEA S RGD:2298688|PMID:18612083 20140604 RGD
2302273 Gluco35 Glucose level QTL 35 qtl RS:0000709 SDT/Jcl IEA S RGD:2298688|PMID:18612083 20140604 RGD
2302275 Gluco37 Glucose level QTL 37 qtl RS:0000364 F344/NSlc IEA S RGD:2298688|PMID:18612083 20140604 RGD
2302275 Gluco37 Glucose level QTL 37 qtl RS:0000709 SDT/Jcl IEA S RGD:2298688|PMID:18612083 20140604 RGD
2302276 Bw82 Body weight QTL 82 qtl RS:0000364 F344/NSlc IEA S RGD:2298688|PMID:18612083 20140604 RGD
2302276 Bw82 Body weight QTL 82 qtl RS:0000709 SDT/Jcl IEA S RGD:2298688|PMID:18612083 20140604 RGD
2302277 Gluco38 Glucose level QTL 38 qtl RS:0000364 F344/NSlc IEA S RGD:2298688|PMID:18612083 20140604 RGD
2302277 Gluco38 Glucose level QTL 38 qtl RS:0000709 SDT/Jcl IEA S RGD:2298688|PMID:18612083 20140604 RGD
2302278 Gluco36 Glucose level QTL 36 qtl RS:0000364 F344/NSlc IEA S RGD:2298688|PMID:18612083 20140604 RGD
2302278 Gluco36 Glucose level QTL 36 qtl RS:0000709 SDT/Jcl IEA S RGD:2298688|PMID:18612083 20140604 RGD
2302279 F344.SDT-(D3Wox9-D3Arb20)/Kbe strain RS:0001691 F344.SDT-(D3Wox9-D3Arb20)/Kbe IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
2302365 Gluco40 Glucose level QTL 40 qtl RS:0000243 DA/K IEA S RGD:619689|PMID:10720472 20140604 RGD
2302365 Gluco40 Glucose level QTL 40 qtl RS:0001087 WOKW/K IEA S RGD:619689|PMID:10720472 20140604 RGD
2302367 Slep5 Serum leptin concentration QTL 5 qtl RS:0000243 DA/K IEA S RGD:619689|PMID:10720472 20140604 RGD
2302367 Slep5 Serum leptin concentration QTL 5 qtl RS:0001087 WOKW/K IEA S RGD:619689|PMID:10720472 20140604 RGD
2302369 Scl60 Serum cholesterol level QTL 60 qtl RS:0000243 DA/K IEA S RGD:619689|PMID:10720472 20140604 RGD
2302369 Scl60 Serum cholesterol level QTL 60 qtl RS:0001087 WOKW/K IEA S RGD:619689|PMID:10720472 20140604 RGD
2302371 Stl22 Serum triglyceride level QTL 22 qtl RS:0000243 DA/K IEA S RGD:619689|PMID:10720472 20140604 RGD
2302371 Stl22 Serum triglyceride level QTL 22 qtl RS:0001087 WOKW/K IEA S RGD:619689|PMID:10720472 20140604 RGD
2302373 Gluco39 Glucose level QTL 39 qtl RS:0000243 DA/K IEA S RGD:619689|PMID:10720472 20140604 RGD
2302373 Gluco39 Glucose level QTL 39 qtl RS:0001087 WOKW/K IEA S RGD:619689|PMID:10720472 20140604 RGD
2302375 Bw83 Body weight QTL 83 qtl RS:0000243 DA/K IEA S RGD:619689|PMID:10720472 20140604 RGD
2302375 Bw83 Body weight QTL 83 qtl RS:0001087 WOKW/K IEA S RGD:619689|PMID:10720472 20140604 RGD
2302377 Scl61 Serum cholesterol level QTL 61 qtl RS:0000243 DA/K IEA S RGD:619689|PMID:10720472 20140604 RGD
2302377 Scl61 Serum cholesterol level QTL 61 qtl RS:0001087 WOKW/K IEA S RGD:619689|PMID:10720472 20140604 RGD
2302378 Insul11 Insulin level QTL 11 qtl RS:0000243 DA/K IEA S RGD:619689|PMID:10720472 20140604 RGD
2302378 Insul11 Insulin level QTL 11 qtl RS:0001087 WOKW/K IEA S RGD:619689|PMID:10720472 20140604 RGD
2302380 Slep6 Serum leptin concentration QTL 6 qtl RS:0000243 DA/K IEA S RGD:619689|PMID:10720472 20140604 RGD
2302380 Slep6 Serum leptin concentration QTL 6 qtl RS:0001087 WOKW/K IEA S RGD:619689|PMID:10720472 20140604 RGD
2302381 Bw84 Body weight QTL 84 qtl RS:0000243 DA/K IEA S RGD:619689|PMID:10720472 20140604 RGD
2302381 Bw84 Body weight QTL 84 qtl RS:0001087 WOKW/K IEA S RGD:619689|PMID:10720472 20140604 RGD
2302387 DA.ACI-(D2Mit12-D2Mgh29)/Nsi strain RS:0001692 DA.ACI-(D2Mit12-D2Mgh29)/Nsi IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
2302649 F344-Nsun4Tn(sb-T2/Bart3)2.286Mcwi strain RS:0001693 F344-Nsun4Tn(sb-T2/Bart3)2.286Mcwi IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
2302650 F344-Enox1Tn(sb-T2/Bart3)2.282Mcwi strain RS:0001694 F344-Enox1Tn(sb-T2/Bart3)2.282Mcwi IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
2302651 F344-Klra1Tn(sb-T2/Bart3)2.279Mcwi strain RS:0001695 F344-Klra1Tn(sb-T2/Bart3)2.279Mcwi IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
2302652 F344-Pde4dTn(sb-T2/Bart3)2.285Mcwi strain RS:0001696 F344-Pde4dTn(sb-T2/Bart3)2.285Mcwi IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
2302653 F344-Mov10Tn(sb-T2/Bart3)2.281Mcwi strain RS:0001697 F344-Mov10Tn(sb-T2/Bart3)2.281Mcwi IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
2302654 F344-Csmd3Tn(sb-T2/Bart3)2.288Mcwi strain RS:0001698 F344-Csmd3Tn(sb-T2/Bart3)2.288Mcwi IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
2302655 F344-Tmtc2Tn(sb-T2/Bart3)2.276Mcwi strain RS:0001699 F344-Tmtc2Tn(sb-T2/Bart3)2.276Mcwi IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
2302656 F344-Casp7Tn(sb-T2/Bart3)2.280Mcwi strain RS:0001700 F344-Casp7Tn(sb-T2/Bart3)2.280Mcwi IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
2302657 F344-Orc3Tn(sb-T2/Bart3)2.275Mcwi strain RS:0001701 F344-Orc3Tn(sb-T2/Bart3)2.275Mcwi IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
2302658 F344-BbxTn(sb-T2/Bart3)2.291Mcwi strain RS:0001702 F344-BbxTn(sb-T2/Bart3)2.291Mcwi IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
2302659 F344-Snx25Tn(sb-T2/Bart3)2.270Mcwi strain RS:0001703 F344-Snx25Tn(sb-T2/Bart3)2.270Mcwi IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
2302660 F344-Nectin1Tn(sb-T2/Bart3)2.284Mcwi strain RS:0001704 F344-Pvrl1Tn(sb-T2/Bart3)2.284Mcwi IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
2302661 F344-Gramd1bTn(sb-T2/Bart3)2.287Mcwi strain RS:0001705 F344-Gramd1bTn(sb-T2/Bart3)2.287Mcwi IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
2302662 F344-Slc7a11Tn(sb-T2/Bart3)2.266Mcwi strain RS:0001706 F344-Slc7a11Tn(sb-T2/Bart3)2.266Mcwi IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
2302666 Scr:sP Sardinian alcohol-preferring rats strain RS:0001707 Scr:sP IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
2302984 SS.BN-(D13Rat151-D13Rat197)/Mcwi strain RS:0001711 SS.BN-(D13Rat151-D13Rat197)/Mcwi IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
2302985 SS.BN-(D13Rat111-D13Got22)/Mcwi strain RS:0001709 SS.BN-(D13Rat111-D13Got22)/Mcwi IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
2302987 SS.BN-(D13Rat7-D13Rat60)/Mcwi strain RS:0001708 SS.BN-(D13Rat7-D13Rat60)/Mcwi IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
2302989 SS.BN-(D13Rat57-D13Rat192)/Mcwi strain RS:0001712 SS.BN-(D13Rat57-D13Rat192)/Mcwi IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
2302994 SS.BN-(D13Rat127-D13Rat61)/Mcwi strain RS:0001713 SS.BN-(D13Rat127-D13Rat61)/Mcwi IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
2302995 SS.BN-(D13Rat115-D13Rat101)/Mcwi strain RS:0004842 SS.BN-(D13Rat115-D13Rat101)/Mcwi IEA S RGD:7241799 20201121 RGD
2302996 SS.BN-(D13Rat7-D13Rat88)/Mcwi strain RS:0001715 SS.BN-(D13Rat7-D13Rat88)/Mcwi IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
2302997 SS.BN-(D13Rat91-D13Got45)/Mcwi strain RS:0001716 SS.BN-(D13Rat91-D13Got45)/Mcwi IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
2302999 SS.BN-(D13Rat178-D13Got45)/Mcwi strain RS:0001718 SS.BN-(D13Rat178-D13Got45)/Mcwi IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
2303000 SS.BN-(D13Rat123-D13Rat150)/Mcwi strain RS:0004843 SS.BN-(D13Rat123-D13Rat150)/Mcwi IEA S RGD:7241799 20201121 RGD
2303001 SS.BN-(D13Rat111-D13Rat127)/Mcwi strain RS:0001720 SS.BN-(D13Rat111-D13Rat127)/Mcwi IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
2303002 SS.BN-(D13Rat123-D13Rat197)/Mcwi strain RS:0001721 SS.BN-(D13Rat123-D13Rat197)/Mcwi IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
2303003 SS.BN-(D13Rat7-D13Rat127)/Mcwi strain RS:0001722 SS.BN-(D13Rat7-D13Rat127)/Mcwi IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
2303004 SS.BN-(D13Rat115-D13Rat61)/Mcwi strain RS:0001723 SS.BN-(D13Rat115-D13Rat61)/Mcwi IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
2303005 SS.BN-(D13Rat127-D13Rat77)/Mcwi strain RS:0001724 SS.BN-(D13Rat127-D13Rat77)/Mcwi IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
2303006 SS.BN-(D13Rat101-D13Rat46)/Mcwi strain RS:0001725 SS.BN-(D13Rat101-D13Rat46)/Mcwi IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
2303007 SS.BN-(D13Rat127-D13Rat46)/Mcwi strain RS:0001726 SS.BN-(D13Rat127-D13Rat46)/Mcwi IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
2303008 SS.BN-(D13Rat61-D13GRat197)/Mcwi strain RS:0001727 SS.BN-(D13Rat61-D13GRat197)/Mcwi IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
2303009 SS.BN-(D13Rat183-D13Rat192)/Mcwi strain RS:0001728 SS.BN-(D13Rat183-D13Rat192)/Mcwi IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
2303010 SS.BN-(D13Got51-D13Rat192)/Mcwi strain RS:0001729 SS.BN-(D13Got51-D13Rat192)/Mcwi IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
2303011 SS.BN-(D13Got51-D13Rat57)/Mcwi strain RS:0001730 SS.BN-(D13Got51-D13Rat57)/Mcwi IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
2303028 Bp329 Blood pressure QTL 329 qtl RS:0001711 SS.BN-(D13Rat151-D13Rat197)/Mcwi IEA S RGD:1625678|PMID:17566075 20140604 RGD
2303030 Bp327 Blood pressure QTL 327 qtl RS:0001709 SS.BN-(D13Rat111-D13Got22)/Mcwi IEA S RGD:1625678|PMID:17566075 20140604 RGD
2303031 Bp326 Blood pressure QTL 326 qtl RS:0001708 SS.BN-(D13Rat7-D13Rat60)/Mcwi IEA S RGD:1625678|PMID:17566075 20140604 RGD
2303032 Bp328 Blood pressure QTL 328 qtl RS:0001486 SS.BN-(D13Hmgc64-RN34_13048990782)/Mcwi IEA S RGD:1625678|PMID:17566075 20140604 RGD
2303099 F344-Kcnh7Tn(sb-T2/Bart3)2.295Mcwi strain RS:0001899 F344-Kcnh7Tn(sb-T2/Bart3)2.295Mcwi IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
2303100 F344-Slc16a12Tn(sb-T2/Bart3)2.298Mcwi strain RS:0001916 F344-Slc16a12Tn(sb-T2/Bart3)2.298Mcwi IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
2303101 F344-Kcnab1Tn(sb-T2/Bart3)2.300Mcwi strain RS:0001898 F344-Kcnab1Tn(sb-T2/Bart3)2.300Mcwi IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
2303102 F344-Dnah11Tn(sb-T2/Bart3)2.293Mcwi strain RS:0001891 F344-Dnah11Tn(sb-T2/Bart3)2.293Mcwi IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
2303103 F344-Pebp4Tn(sb-T2/Bart3)2.299Mcwi strain RS:0001907 F344-Pebp4Tn(sb-T2/Bart3)2.299Mcwi IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
2303116 SPRD.WKY-(D10Rat91-D10Rat135)/Ibmm strain RS:0002196 SPRD.WKY-(D10Rat91-D10Rat135)/Ibmm IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
2303117 SPRD.WKY-(D5Rat190-D5Rat114)(D18Rat102-D18Rat44)/Ibmm strain RS:0002197 SPRD.WKY-(D5Rat190-D5Rat114)(D18Rat102-D18Rat44)/Ibmm IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
2303118 Mamtr7 Mammary tumor resistance QTL 7 qtl RS:0002196 SPRD.WKY-(D10Rat91-D10Rat135)/Ibmm IEA S RGD:2302423|PMID:19052818 20140604 RGD
2303120 Mamtr8 Mammary tumor resistance QTL 8 qtl RS:0001450 SPRD.WKY-(D18Wox8-D18Rat44)/Ibmm IEA S RGD:2302423|PMID:19052818 20140604 RGD
2303148 SS.SHR-(D9Wox16-D9Rat76)/Mco strain RS:0002207 SS.SHR-(D9Wox16-D9Rat76)/Mco IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
2303149 SS.SHR-(D9Wox16-D9Mco73)/Mco strain RS:0002204 SS.SHR-(D9Wox16-D9Mco73)/Mco IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
2303150 SS.SHR-(D9Mco74-D9Rat64)/Mco strain RS:0002202 SS.SHR-(D9Mco74-D9Rat64)/Mco IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
2303151 SS.SHR-(D9Wox16-D9Mco77)/Mco strain RS:0002205 SS.SHR-(D9Wox16-D9Mco77)/Mco IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
2303152 SS.SHR-(D9Mco72-D9Mco93)/Mco strain RS:0002201 SS.SHR-(D9Mco72-D9Mco93)/Mco IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
2303153 SS.SHR-(D9Rat7-D9Mco93)/Mco strain RS:0002203 SS.SHR-(D9Rat7-D9Mco93)/Mco IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
2303154 SS.SHR-(D9Wox16-D9Mco85)/Mco strain RS:0002206 SS.SHR-(D9Wox16-D9Mco85)/Mco IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
2303168 Bp330 Blood pressure QTL 330 qtl RS:0000747 SHR/Kyo IEA S RGD:2303163|PMID:8829824 20140604 RGD
2303168 Bp330 Blood pressure QTL 330 qtl RS:0001036 WKY/NCrlCrlj IEA S RGD:2303163|PMID:8829824 20140604 RGD
2303170 Bp332 Blood pressure QTL 332 qtl RS:0000747 SHR/Kyo IEA S RGD:2303163|PMID:8829824 20140604 RGD
2303170 Bp332 Blood pressure QTL 332 qtl RS:0001036 WKY/NCrlCrlj IEA S RGD:2303163|PMID:8829824 20140604 RGD
2303171 Bp331 Blood pressure QTL 331 qtl RS:0000747 SHR/Kyo IEA S RGD:2303163|PMID:8829824 20140604 RGD
2303171 Bp331 Blood pressure QTL 331 qtl RS:0001036 WKY/NCrlCrlj IEA S RGD:2303163|PMID:8829824 20140604 RGD
2303178 Bp334 Blood pressure QTL 334 qtl RS:0002203 SS.SHR-(D9Rat7-D9Mco93)/Mco IEA S RGD:2302803|PMID:18854752 20140604 RGD
2303180 Bp333 Blood pressure QTL 333 qtl RS:0002206 SS.SHR-(D9Wox16-D9Mco85)/Mco IEA S RGD:2302803|PMID:18854752 20140604 RGD
2303504 LEW/JmsNgs congenital hydrocephalus rat strain RS:0002065 LEW/JmsNgs IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
2303559 Gluco54 Glucose level QTL 54 qtl RS:0000363 F344/NHsd IEA S RGD:2312611|PMID:19697080 20140604 RGD
2303559 Gluco54 Glucose level QTL 54 qtl RS:0000916 WKY/NHsd IEA S RGD:2312611|PMID:19697080 20140604 RGD
2303561 Bw91 Body weight QTL 91 qtl RS:0000363 F344/NHsd IEA S RGD:2312611|PMID:19697080 20140604 RGD
2303561 Bw91 Body weight QTL 91 qtl RS:0000916 WKY/NHsd IEA S RGD:2312611|PMID:19697080 20140604 RGD
2303563 Bw89 Body weight QTL 89 qtl RS:0000363 F344/NHsd IEA S RGD:2312611|PMID:19697080 20140604 RGD
2303563 Bw89 Body weight QTL 89 qtl RS:0000916 WKY/NHsd IEA S RGD:2312611|PMID:19697080 20140604 RGD
2303564 Gluco43 Glucose level QTL 43 qtl RS:0000363 F344/NHsd IEA S RGD:2312611|PMID:19697080 20140604 RGD
2303564 Gluco43 Glucose level QTL 43 qtl RS:0000916 WKY/NHsd IEA S RGD:2312611|PMID:19697080 20140604 RGD
2303566 Bw90 Body weight QTL 90 qtl RS:0000363 F344/NHsd IEA S RGD:2312611|PMID:19697080 20140604 RGD
2303566 Bw90 Body weight QTL 90 qtl RS:0000916 WKY/NHsd IEA S RGD:2312611|PMID:19697080 20140604 RGD
2303568 Bw88 Body weight QTL 88 qtl RS:0000363 F344/NHsd IEA S RGD:2312611|PMID:19697080 20140604 RGD
2303568 Bw88 Body weight QTL 88 qtl RS:0000916 WKY/NHsd IEA S RGD:2312611|PMID:19697080 20140604 RGD
2303569 Gluco44 Glucose level QTL 44 qtl RS:0000363 F344/NHsd IEA S RGD:2312611|PMID:19697080 20140604 RGD
2303569 Gluco44 Glucose level QTL 44 qtl RS:0000916 WKY/NHsd IEA S RGD:2312611|PMID:19697080 20140604 RGD
2303570 Gluco48 Glucose level QTL 48 qtl RS:0000363 F344/NHsd IEA S RGD:2312611|PMID:19697080 20140604 RGD
2303570 Gluco48 Glucose level QTL 48 qtl RS:0000916 WKY/NHsd IEA S RGD:2312611|PMID:19697080 20140604 RGD
2303571 Bw92 Body weight QTL 92 qtl RS:0000363 F344/NHsd IEA S RGD:2312611|PMID:19697080 20140604 RGD
2303571 Bw92 Body weight QTL 92 qtl RS:0000916 WKY/NHsd IEA S RGD:2312611|PMID:19697080 20140604 RGD
2303572 Insul13 Insulin level QTL 13 qtl RS:0000363 F344/NHsd IEA S RGD:2312611|PMID:19697080 20140604 RGD
2303572 Insul13 Insulin level QTL 13 qtl RS:0000916 WKY/NHsd IEA S RGD:2312611|PMID:19697080 20140604 RGD
2303574 Gluco42 Glucose level QTL 42 qtl RS:0000363 F344/NHsd IEA S RGD:2312611|PMID:19697080 20140604 RGD
2303574 Gluco42 Glucose level QTL 42 qtl RS:0000916 WKY/NHsd IEA S RGD:2312611|PMID:19697080 20140604 RGD
2303575 Insul14 Insulin level QTL 14 qtl RS:0000363 F344/NHsd IEA S RGD:2312611|PMID:19697080 20140604 RGD
2303575 Insul14 Insulin level QTL 14 qtl RS:0000916 WKY/NHsd IEA S RGD:2312611|PMID:19697080 20140604 RGD
2303576 Gluco45 Glucose level QTL 45 qtl RS:0000363 F344/NHsd IEA S RGD:2312611|PMID:19697080 20140604 RGD
2303576 Gluco45 Glucose level QTL 45 qtl RS:0000916 WKY/NHsd IEA S RGD:2312611|PMID:19697080 20140604 RGD
2303577 Gluco47 Glucose level QTL 47 qtl RS:0000363 F344/NHsd IEA S RGD:2312611|PMID:19697080 20140604 RGD
2303577 Gluco47 Glucose level QTL 47 qtl RS:0000916 WKY/NHsd IEA S RGD:2312611|PMID:19697080 20140604 RGD
2303578 Gluco50 Glucose level QTL 50 qtl RS:0000363 F344/NHsd IEA S RGD:2312611|PMID:19697080 20140604 RGD
2303578 Gluco50 Glucose level QTL 50 qtl RS:0000916 WKY/NHsd IEA S RGD:2312611|PMID:19697080 20140604 RGD
2303579 Insul12 Insulin level QTL 12 qtl RS:0000363 F344/NHsd IEA S RGD:2312611|PMID:19697080 20140604 RGD
2303579 Insul12 Insulin level QTL 12 qtl RS:0000916 WKY/NHsd IEA S RGD:2312611|PMID:19697080 20140604 RGD
2303580 Gluco49 Glucose level QTL 49 qtl RS:0000363 F344/NHsd IEA S RGD:2312611|PMID:19697080 20140604 RGD
2303580 Gluco49 Glucose level QTL 49 qtl RS:0000916 WKY/NHsd IEA S RGD:2312611|PMID:19697080 20140604 RGD
2303581 Bw85 Body weight QTL 85 qtl RS:0000363 F344/NHsd IEA S RGD:2312611|PMID:19697080 20140604 RGD
2303581 Bw85 Body weight QTL 85 qtl RS:0000916 WKY/NHsd IEA S RGD:2312611|PMID:19697080 20140604 RGD
2303582 Gluco53 Glucose level QTL 53 qtl RS:0000363 F344/NHsd IEA S RGD:2312611|PMID:19697080 20140604 RGD
2303582 Gluco53 Glucose level QTL 53 qtl RS:0000916 WKY/NHsd IEA S RGD:2312611|PMID:19697080 20140604 RGD
2303584 Gluco55 Glucose level QTL 55 qtl RS:0000363 F344/NHsd IEA S RGD:2312611|PMID:19697080 20140604 RGD
2303584 Gluco55 Glucose level QTL 55 qtl RS:0000916 WKY/NHsd IEA S RGD:2312611|PMID:19697080 20140604 RGD
2303585 Bw86 Body weight QTL 86 qtl RS:0000363 F344/NHsd IEA S RGD:2312611|PMID:19697080 20140604 RGD
2303585 Bw86 Body weight QTL 86 qtl RS:0000916 WKY/NHsd IEA S RGD:2312611|PMID:19697080 20140604 RGD
2303586 Gluco52 Glucose level QTL 52 qtl RS:0000363 F344/NHsd IEA S RGD:2312611|PMID:19697080 20140604 RGD
2303586 Gluco52 Glucose level QTL 52 qtl RS:0000916 WKY/NHsd IEA S RGD:2312611|PMID:19697080 20140604 RGD
2303587 Bw93 Body weight QTL 93 qtl RS:0000363 F344/NHsd IEA S RGD:2312611|PMID:19697080 20140604 RGD
2303587 Bw93 Body weight QTL 93 qtl RS:0000916 WKY/NHsd IEA S RGD:2312611|PMID:19697080 20140604 RGD
2303589 Bw87 Body weight QTL 87 qtl RS:0000363 F344/NHsd IEA S RGD:2312611|PMID:19697080 20140604 RGD
2303589 Bw87 Body weight QTL 87 qtl RS:0000916 WKY/NHsd IEA S RGD:2312611|PMID:19697080 20140604 RGD
2303591 Gluco41 Glucose level QTL 41 qtl RS:0000363 F344/NHsd IEA S RGD:2312611|PMID:19697080 20140604 RGD
2303591 Gluco41 Glucose level QTL 41 qtl RS:0000916 WKY/NHsd IEA S RGD:2312611|PMID:19697080 20140604 RGD
2303592 Gluco51 Glucose level QTL 51 qtl RS:0000363 F344/NHsd IEA S RGD:2312611|PMID:19697080 20140604 RGD
2303592 Gluco51 Glucose level QTL 51 qtl RS:0000916 WKY/NHsd IEA S RGD:2312611|PMID:19697080 20140604 RGD
2303593 Gluco46 Glucose level QTL 46 qtl RS:0000363 F344/NHsd IEA S RGD:2312611|PMID:19697080 20140604 RGD
2303593 Gluco46 Glucose level QTL 46 qtl RS:0000916 WKY/NHsd IEA S RGD:2312611|PMID:19697080 20140604 RGD
2303610 SD/HsdCwr strain RS:0002134 SD/HsdCwr IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
2303611 BN/HsdMcwiCwr strain RS:0001806 BN/HsdMcwiCwr IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
2303615 Vencon7 Ventilatory control QTL 7 qtl RS:0001806 BN/HsdMcwiCwr IEA S RGD:2303609 20140604 RGD
2303615 Vencon7 Ventilatory control QTL 7 qtl RS:0002134 SD/HsdCwr IEA S RGD:2303609 20140604 RGD
2303618 Vencon1 Ventilatory control QTL 1 qtl RS:0001806 BN/HsdMcwiCwr IEA S RGD:2303609 20140604 RGD
2303618 Vencon1 Ventilatory control QTL 1 qtl RS:0002134 SD/HsdCwr IEA S RGD:2303609 20140604 RGD
2303620 Vencon4 Ventilatory control QTL 4 qtl RS:0001806 BN/HsdMcwiCwr IEA S RGD:2303609 20140604 RGD
2303620 Vencon4 Ventilatory control QTL 4 qtl RS:0002134 SD/HsdCwr IEA S RGD:2303609 20140604 RGD
2303622 Vencon6 Ventilatory control QTL 6 qtl RS:0001806 BN/HsdMcwiCwr IEA S RGD:2303609 20140604 RGD
2303622 Vencon6 Ventilatory control QTL 6 qtl RS:0002134 SD/HsdCwr IEA S RGD:2303609 20140604 RGD
2303623 Vencon2 Ventilatory control QTL 2 qtl RS:0001806 BN/HsdMcwiCwr IEA S RGD:2303609 20140604 RGD
2303623 Vencon2 Ventilatory control QTL 2 qtl RS:0002134 SD/HsdCwr IEA S RGD:2303609 20140604 RGD
2303624 Vencon5 Ventilatory control QTL 5 qtl RS:0001806 BN/HsdMcwiCwr IEA S RGD:2303609 20140604 RGD
2303624 Vencon5 Ventilatory control QTL 5 qtl RS:0002134 SD/HsdCwr IEA S RGD:2303609 20140604 RGD
2303626 Vencon10 Ventilatory control QTL 10 qtl RS:0001806 BN/HsdMcwiCwr IEA S RGD:2303609 20140604 RGD
2303626 Vencon10 Ventilatory control QTL 10 qtl RS:0002134 SD/HsdCwr IEA S RGD:2303609 20140604 RGD
2303627 Vencon8 Ventilatory control QTL 8 qtl RS:0001806 BN/HsdMcwiCwr IEA S RGD:2303609 20140604 RGD
2303627 Vencon8 Ventilatory control QTL 8 qtl RS:0002134 SD/HsdCwr IEA S RGD:2303609 20140604 RGD
2303628 Vencon9 Ventilatory control QTL 9 qtl RS:0001806 BN/HsdMcwiCwr IEA S RGD:2303609 20140604 RGD
2303628 Vencon9 Ventilatory control QTL 9 qtl RS:0002134 SD/HsdCwr IEA S RGD:2303609 20140604 RGD
2303629 Vencon3 Ventilatory control QTL 3 qtl RS:0001806 BN/HsdMcwiCwr IEA S RGD:2303609 20140604 RGD
2303629 Vencon3 Ventilatory control QTL 3 qtl RS:0002134 SD/HsdCwr IEA S RGD:2303609 20140604 RGD
2303640 WAG/RijCmcr strain RS:0002248 WAG/RijCmcr IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
2303739 RDW/UmeSlc strain RS:0002104 RDW/UmeSlc IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
2303759 WT/Jtt whitish teeth rat strain RS:0003249 WT/Jtt IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
2303761 SD-Tg(CAG-EGFP)4Osb Green rat strain RS:0002120 SD-Tg(CAG-EGFP)4Osb IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
2303779 OLETF-Chr 14F344/Tj strain RS:0002081 OLETF-Chr 14F344/Tj IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
2303784 SHR-Chr 4WKY/Tkyo strain RS:0002145 SHR-Chr 4WKY/Tkyo IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
2303785 SHRSP-Chr 3WKY/Tkyo strain RS:0002185 SHRSP-Chr 3WKY/Tkyo IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
2303792 WTC.ZI-Atrnzi/Kyo strain RS:0002282 WTC.ZI-Atrnzi/Kyo IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
2303793 WTC.DMY-dmy/Kyo strain RS:0002279 WTC.DMY-dmy/Kyo IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
2303971 OLETF.F344-(D7Mgh16-D7Mgh20)/Tj strain RS:0002082 OLETF.F344-(D7Mgh16-D7Mgh20)/Tj IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
2303972 BN-Chr 13SS/Mcwi strain RS:0001797 BN-Chr 13SS/Mcwi IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
2303973 OLETF.F344-(D10Wox7-D10Wox6)/Tj strain RS:0002083 OLETF.F344-(D10Wox7-D10Wox6)/Tj IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
2303976 F344-Cyp7b1Tn(sb-T2/Bart3)2.306Mcwi strain RS:0001888 F344-Cyp7b1Tn(sb-T2/Bart3)2.306Mcwi IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
2303977 F344-Ano3Tn(sb-T2/Bart3)2.307Mcwi strain RS:0001924 F344-Ano3Tn(sb-T2/Bart3)2.307Mcwi IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
2303978 F344.OLETF-(D7Mgh16-D7Mgh20)(D14Rat8-D14Rat26)/Tj strain RS:0001974 F344.OLETF-(D7Mgh16-D7Mgh20)(D14Rat8-D14Rat26)/Tj IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
2303979 F344.OLETF-(D7Mgh16-D7Mgh20)(D14Rat23-D14Rat12)/Tj strain RS:0001972 F344.OLETF-(D7Mgh16-D7Mgh20)(D14Rat23-D14Rat12)/Tj IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
2303986 WKAH.LEC-Atp7bhts/Tj strain RS:0002260 WKAH.LEC-Atp7bhts/Tj IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
2303987 F344.OLETF-(D17Mgh4-Edn1)/Tj strain RS:0001963 F344.OLETF-(D17Mgh4-Edn1)/Tj IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
2303988 F344.OLETF-(D14Rat23-D14Rat12)(D8Rat54-D8Mgh17)/Tj strain RS:0001945 F344.OLETF-(D14Rat23-D14Rat12)(D8Rat54-D8Mgh17)/Tj IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
2303989 F344.OLETF-(D9Mgh8-D9Mit2)/Tj strain RS:0001988 F344.OLETF-(D9Mgh8-D9Mit2)/Tj IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
2303990 F344.OLETF-(D1Mit20-D1Mgh26)/Tj strain RS:0001965 F344.OLETF-(D1Mit20-D1Mgh26)/Tj IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
2303991 F344.OLETF-(D7Rat31-D7Rat35)/Tj strain RS:0001982 F344.OLETF-(D7Rat31-D7Rat35)/Tj IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
2303992 F344.OLETF-(D5Mgh29-D5Mgh22)/Tj strain RS:0001968 F344.OLETF-(D5Mgh29-D5Mgh22)/Tj IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
2303993 OLETF.F344-(D9Mgh8-D9Mit2)/Tj strain RS:0002084 OLETF.F344-(D9Mgh8-D9Mit2)/Tj IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
2303994 F344.OLETF-(D5Mgh4-D5Rat21)/Tj strain RS:0001969 F344.OLETF-(D5Mgh4-D5Rat21)/Tj IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
2303995 F344.OLETF-(D8Rat54-D8Mgh17)/Tj strain RS:0001986 F344.OLETF-(D8Rat54-D8Mgh17)/Tj IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
2303996 F344.Cg-Foxn1rnu/Kyo strain RS:0001927 F344.Cg-Foxn1rnu/Kyo IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
2303997 F344.OLETF-(D7Mgh8-D7Mgh16)(D14Rat23-D14Rat26)/Tj strain RS:0001978 F344.OLETF-(D7Mgh8-D7Mgh16)(D14Rat23-D14Rat26)/Tj IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
2303998 WKAH.LEC-Ptprkthid/Tj strain RS:0002261 WKAH.LEC-Ptprkthid/Tj IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
2303999 F344.OLETF-(D14Rat8-D14Rat26)(D14Rat18-D14Rat22)/Tj strain RS:0001957 F344.OLETF-(D14Rat8-D14Rat26)(D14Rat18-D14Rat22)/Tj IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
2304000 F344.OLETF-(D12Wox5-D12Rat21)/Tj strain RS:0001940 F344.OLETF-(D12Wox5-D12Rat21)/Tj IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
2304001 F344.OLETF-(D14Rat23-D14Rat12)(D14Rat8-D14Rat26)/Tj strain RS:0001944 F344.OLETF-(D14Rat23-D14Rat12)(D14Rat8-D14Rat26)/Tj IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
2304002 F344.OLETF-(D11Mgh4-D11Mgh1)/Tj strain RS:0001938 F344.OLETF-(D11Mgh4-D11Mgh1)/Tj IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
2304003 F344.OLETF-(D16Rat19-D16Rat13)/Tj strain RS:0001961 F344.OLETF-(D16Rat19-D16Rat13)/Tj IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
2304004 F344.OLETF-(D7Mit2-D7Mgh16)(D14Rat23-D14Rat26)/Tj strain RS:0001980 F344.OLETF-(D7Mit2-D7Mgh16)(D14Rat23-D14Rat26)/Tj IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
2304016 BUF.ACI-(D4Rat192-D4Rat66)/Ncc strain RS:0001810 BUF.ACI-(D4Rat192-D4Rat66)/Ncc IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
2304017 F344.CVD-Unc5ccvd/Kyo strain RS:0001926 F344.CVD-Unc5ccvd/Kyo IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
2304018 BUF.ACI-(D4Rat226-D4Rat109)/Ncc strain RS:0001811 BUF.ACI-(D4Rat226-D4Rat109)/Ncc IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
2304019 BUF.ACI-(D15Rat68-D15Rat29)/Ncc strain RS:0001807 BUF.ACI-(D15Rat68-D15Rat29)/Ncc IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
2304020 ACI.BUF-(D15Rat97-D15Rat29)/Ncc strain RS:0001744 ACI.BUF-(D15Rat97-D15Rat29)/Ncc IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
2304037 DDI/Ddia dokkyo diabetes insipidus rat strain RS:0001859 DDI/Ddia IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
2304038 OP/Jtt Opacitas strain RS:0001989 OP/Jtt IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
2304039 WIC-Tgrdw/Kts strain RS:0002259 WIC-Tgrdw/Kts IEA S RGD:7241799 20200516 RGD
2304040 F344.OP-Op/Jtt strain RS:0001990 F344.OP-Op/Jtt IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
2304041 SD-Tg(CAG-Rgn)Slc strain RS:0002122 SD-Tg(CAG-Rgn)Slc IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
2304045 F344.ZUC-Leprfa(D14Rat23-D14Rat12)/Tj strain RS:0001992 F344.ZUC-Leprfa(D14Rat23-D14Rat12)/Tj IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
2304046 F344.ZUC-(Leprfa)(D7Rat16-D7Mgh20)/Tj strain RS:0001993 F344.ZUC-(Leprfa)(D7Rat16-D7Mgh20)/Tj IEA S RGD:7241799 20200516 RGD
2304047 F344.ZUC-Leprfa/Tj strain RS:0001991 F344.ZUC-Leprfa/Tj IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
2304050 F344.OLETF-(D14Rat23-D14Rat55)/Tj strain RS:0001948 F344.OLETF-(D14Rat23-D14Rat55)/Tj IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
2304051 F344.OLETF-(D14Rat8-D14Rat12)/Tj strain RS:0001956 F344.OLETF-(D14Rat8-D14Rat12)/Tj IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
2304052 F344.OLETF-(D14Rat55-D14Rat12)/Tj strain RS:0001955 F344.OLETF-(D14Rat55-D14Rat12)/Tj IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
2304053 F344.OLETF-(D14Rat23-D14Rat5)/Tj strain RS:0001949 F344.OLETF-(D14Rat23-D14Rat5)/Tj IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
2304054 F344.OLETF-(D14Rat23-D14Rat10)/Tj strain RS:0001943 F344.OLETF-(D14Rat23-D14Rat10)/Tj IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
2304055 F344.OLETF-(D14Wox1-D14Rat12)/Tj strain RS:0001959 F344.OLETF-(D14Wox1-D14Rat12)/Tj IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
2304056 F344.OLETF-(D14Rat23-D14Wox14)/Tj strain RS:0001950 F344.OLETF-(D14Rat23-D14Wox14)/Tj IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
2304057 F344.OLETF-(D14Rat12)/Tj strain RS:0001941 F344.OLETF-(D14Rat12)/Tj IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
2304058 F344.OLETF-(D14Rat143-D14Rat12)/Tj strain RS:0001942 F344.OLETF-(D14Rat143-D14Rat12)/Tj IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
2304059 F344.OLETF-(D14Rat5-D14Rat12)/Tj strain RS:0001954 F344.OLETF-(D14Rat5-D14Rat12)/Tj IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
2304060 F344.OLETF-(D14Wox14-D14Rat12)/Tj strain RS:0001960 F344.OLETF-(D14Wox14-D14Rat12)/Tj IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
2304061 F344.OLETF-(D14Rat23)/Tj strain RS:0001953 F344.OLETF-(D14Rat23)/Tj IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
2304063 KDP-Tg(H2Kd-Cblb)2Nyo strain RS:0002028 KDP-Tg(H2Kd-Cblb)2Nyo IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
2304064 KDP-Tg(H2Kd-Cblb)1Nyo strain RS:0002027 KDP-Tg(H2Kd-Cblb)1Nyo IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
2304065 KDP-Tg(INS-Cblb)1Nyo strain RS:0002029 KDP-Tg(INS-Cblb)1Nyo IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
2304066 KDP-Tg(CAG-Cblb)1Nyo strain RS:0002026 KDP-Tg(CAG-Cblb)1Nyo IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
2304074 WKY.BUF-Tsr1d/Mna strain RS:0002268 WKY.BUF-Tsr1d/Mna IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
2304075 ACI.BUF-Pur1/Mna strain RS:0001752 ACI.BUF-Pur1/Mna IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
2304076 WKY.BUF-Thym1, Thym2/Mna strain RS:0002265 WKY.BUF-Thym1, Thym2/Mna IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
2304077 WKY.BUF-Pur1s/Mna strain RS:0002263 WKY.BUF-Pur1s/Mna IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
2304078 ACI.BUF-Ten1/Mna strain RS:0001753 ACI.BUF-Ten1/Mna IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
2304079 WKY.BUF-Ten1/Mna strain RS:0002266 WKY.BUF-Ten1/Mna IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
2304080 ACI.BUF-Aftm1/Mna strain RS:0001750 ACI.BUF-Aftm1/Mna IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
2304081 WKY.BUF-Pur1w/Mna strain RS:0002264 WKY.BUF-Pur1w/Mna IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
2304082 WKY.BUF-Ten2/Mna strain RS:0002267 WKY.BUF-Ten2/Mna IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
2304083 ACI.BUF-Ten2/Mna strain RS:0001754 ACI.BUF-Ten2/Mna IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
2304093 SHRSP.WKY-(D1Rat106-D1Arb21)/Izm strain RS:0002483 SHRSP.WKY-(D1Rat106-D1Arb21)/Izm IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
2304094 SHRSP.WKY-(D1Smu12-D1Rat44)/Izm strain RS:0002484 SHRSP.WKY-(D1Smu12-D1Rat44)/Izm IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
2304095 W-Tg(Plcb2-WGA-EGFP)F1Abek strain RS:0002234 W-Tg(Plcb2-WGA-EGFP)F1Abek IEA S RGD:7241799 20200516 RGD
2304096 SHRSP.WKY-(D1Rat49-D1Arb21)/1Izm strain RS:0002485 SHRSP.WKY-(D1Rat49-D1Arb21)/1Izm IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
2304097 SHRSP.WKY-(D1Rat49-D1Arb21)/2Izm strain RS:0002486 SHRSP.WKY-(D1Rat49-D1Arb21)/2Izm IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
2304098 SHRSP.WKY-(D1Smu13-D1Arb21)/Izm strain RS:0002487 SHRSP.WKY-(D1Smu13-D1Arb21)/Izm IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
2304099 SHRSP.WKY-(D1Smu12-D1Arb21)/Izm strain RS:0002488 SHRSP.WKY-(D1Smu12-D1Arb21)/Izm IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
2304100 SHRSP.WKY-(D1Rat39-D1Arb21)/Izm strain RS:0002489 SHRSP.WKY-(D1Rat39-D1Arb21)/Izm IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
2304101 SHRSP.WKY-(D1Rat43-D1Arb21)/Izm strain RS:0002490 SHRSP.WKY-(D1Rat43-D1Arb21)/Izm IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
2304102 SHRSP.WKY-(D1Mgh5-D1Rat106)/Izm strain RS:0002491 SHRSP.WKY-(D1Mgh5-D1Rat106)/Izm IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
2304104 W-Tg(Plcb2-WGA-EGFP)M1Abek strain RS:0002235 W-Tg(Plcb2-WGA-EGFP)M1Abek IEA S RGD:7241799 20200516 RGD
2304120 SHRSP/2Ta strain RS:0000779 SHRSP/2Ta IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
2304121 DA.WF-(D1Mit1-D1Mit3)/Kop strain RS:0001850 DA.WF-(D1Mit1-D1Mit3)/Kop IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
2304122 DA.WF-(D1Mgh21-D1Mgh10)(D4Mit11-Nos3)/Kop strain RS:0001849 DA.WF-(D1Mgh21-D1Mgh10)(D4Mit11-Nos3)/Kop IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
2304123 DA.WF-(D4Mit11-Nos3)/Kop strain RS:0001851 DA.WF-(D4Mit11-Nos3)/Kop IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
2304124 DA.WF-(D1Mgh21-D1Mgh10)(D4Mit11-Nos3)(D1Mit1-D1Mit3)/Kop strain RS:0002507 DA.WF-(D1Mgh21-D1Mgh10)(D4Mit11-Nos3)(D1Mit1-D1Mit3)/Kop IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
2304125 DRH.F344-(D1Mgh8-D1Mgh12)/Shigm strain RS:0001862 DRH.F344-(D1Mgh8-D1Mgh12)/Shigm IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
2304200 W-Tg(CAG-ABO*A)32Jmsk strain RS:0002222 W-Tg(CAG-ABO*A)32Jmsk IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
2304201 F344-Galntl6Tn(sb-T2/Bart3)2.311McwiRrrc strain RS:0001893 F344-Galntl6Tn(sb-T2/Bart3)2.311McwiRrrc IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
2304202 F344-RGD1565323Tn(sb-T2/Bart3)2.312Mcwi strain RS:0001911 F344-RGD1565323Tn(sb-T2/Bart3)2.312Mcwi IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
2304203 W-Tg(CAG-DsRed2/GFP)1Jmsk strain RS:0002226 W-Tg(CAG-DsRed2/GFP)1Jmsk IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
2304204 W-Tg(CAG-ABO*B)13Jmsk strain RS:0002223 W-Tg(CAG-ABO*B)13Jmsk IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
2304205 W-Tg(Alb-DsRed2)34Jmsk strain RS:0002220 W-Tg(Alb-DsRed2)34Jmsk IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
2304206 W-Tg(CAG-DsRed2/GFP)15Jmsk strain RS:0002225 W-Tg(CAG-DsRed2/GFP)15Jmsk IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
2304207 F344-LzicTn(sb-T2/Bart3)2.309Mcwi strain RS:0001905 F344-LzicTn(sb-T2/Bart3)2.309Mcwi IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
2304208 F344-Rapgef4Tn(sb-T2/Bart3)2.314Mcwi strain RS:0001912 F344-Rapgef4Tn(sb-T2/Bart3)2.314Mcwi IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
2304209 F344-RorbTn(sb-T2/Bart3)2.304Mcwi strain RS:0001914 F344-RorbTn(sb-T2/Bart3)2.304Mcwi IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
2304210 W-Tg(Alb-DsRed2)42Jmsk strain RS:0002221 W-Tg(Alb-DsRed2)42Jmsk IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
2304211 W-Tg(CAG-cre)81Jmsk strain RS:0002229 W-Tg(CAG-cre)81Jmsk IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
2304212 F344-RGD1563503Tn(sb-T2/Bart3)2.313Mcwi strain RS:0001910 F344-RGD1563503Tn(sb-T2/Bart3)2.313Mcwi IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
2304213 F344-P3h3Tn(sb-T2/Bart3)2.310Mcwi strain RS:0001903 F344-Leprel2Tn(sb-T2/Bart3)2.310Mcwi IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
2304214 W-Tg(CAG-ABO*B)2Jmsk strain RS:0002224 W-Tg(CAG-ABO*B)2Jmsk IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
2304215 F344-Tg(XPO1)1Hik strain RS:0001923 F344-Tg(XPO1)1Hik IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
2304221 WTC-swh/Kyo strain RS:0002277 WTC-swh/Kyo IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
2304222 WIAR/Iar Inbred Wistar-Imamichi strain RS:0002254 WIAR/Iar IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
2304241 F344-Tg(CXCR4)1Hik strain RS:0001922 F344-Tg(CXCR4)1Hik IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
2304242 WTC-Kcnq1dfkKyo strain RS:0002278 WTC-Kcnq1dfkKyo IEA S RGD:7241799 20200516 RGD
2304277 SHRSP.WKY-(D1Rat36-D1Rat106)/IzmTkyo strain RS:0002508 SHRSP.WKY-(D1Rat36-D1Rat106)/IzmTkyo IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
2304278 DA-Tg(Alb-HSVtk)5Jmsk strain RS:0001842 DA-Tg(Alb-HSVtk)5Jmsk IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
2304279 W-Tg(MT2A-Myc)1Ys strain RS:0002231 W-Tg(MT2A-Myc)1Ys IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
2304280 SHR/Shi strain RS:0002179 SHR/Shi IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
2304281 SERC/Kyo strain RS:0002137 SERC/Kyo IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
2304282 IEW/Ihr strain RS:0002023 IEW/Ihr IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
2304283 SHRSP.WKY-(D1Mgh5-D1Wox18)/IzmTkyo strain RS:0002509 SHRSP.WKY-(D1Mgh5-D1Wox18)/IzmTkyo IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
2304284 SHRSP.WKY-(D1Mgh5-D1Rat116)/IzmTkyo strain RS:0002510 SHRSP.WKY-(D1Mgh5-D1Rat116)/IzmTkyo IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
2304285 BDIX/NemOda strain RS:0001791 BDIX/NemOda IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
2304286 DMYC/Kyo strain RS:0001860 DMYC/Kyo IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
2304287 ACI.F344-(D16Rat17-D16Rat15)/Nkg strain RS:0001765 ACI.F344-(D16Rat17-D16Rat15)/Nkg IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
2304288 ACI.BUF-(D20Img2-D20Rat5)/Ncc strain RS:0001746 ACI.BUF-(D20Img2-D20Rat5)/Ncc IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
2304289 SHRSP.WKY-(D1Mgh5-D1Rat349)/IzmTkyo strain RS:0002511 SHRSP.WKY-(D1Mgh5-D1Rat349)/IzmTkyo IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
2304290 BUF.ACI-(D20Img2-D20Rat5)/Ncc strain RS:0001809 BUF.ACI-(D20Img2-D20Rat5)/Ncc IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
2304291 LEW-Tg(CAG-EGFP)1Ys strain RS:0002055 LEW-Tg(CAG-EGFP)1Ys IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
2304292 LEW-Tg((ROSA)26Sor-luc)21Jmsk strain RS:0002060 LEW-Tg((ROSA)26Sor-luc)21Jmsk IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
2304293 F344.LEC-xhs1/1Nrs strain RS:0001930 F344.LEC-xhs1/1Nrs IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
2304294 MPOD/Kyo strain RS:0002071 MPOD/Kyo IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
2304295 SHRSP.WKY-(Igf1r-D1Rat36)/IzmTkyo strain RS:0002512 SHRSP.WKY-(Igf1r-D1Rat36)/IzmTkyo IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
2304296 KB/Oda strain RS:0002024 KB/Oda IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
2304297 TM.KDP-Cblb/Nyo strain RS:0002218 TM.KDP-Cblb/Nyo IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
2304298 SD-Tg(Tuba1a-EYFP)Okn strain RS:0002133 SD-Tg(Tuba1a-EYFP)Okn IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
2304299 LEW-Tg(Alb-GFP)6Jmsk strain RS:0002054 LEW-Tg(Alb-GFP)6Jmsk IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
2304300 W-Tg(S100b-EGFP)Scell strain RS:0002237 W-Tg(S100b-EGFP)Scell IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
2304301 SHRSP.WKY-(Slco3a1-D1Rat106)/IzmTkyo strain RS:0002513 SHRSP.WKY-(Slco3a1-D1Rat106)/IzmTkyo IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
2304302 SHRSP.WKY-(D1Rat44-D1Arb21)/IzmTkyo strain RS:0002514 SHRSP.WKY-(D1Rat44-D1Arb21)/IzmTkyo IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
2304303 W-Tg(MT2A-Myc)2Ys strain RS:0002232 W-Tg(MT2A-Myc)2Ys IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
2304304 SHRSP.WKY-(D1Rat209-D1Arb21)/IzmTkyo strain RS:0002515 SHRSP.WKY-(D1Rat209-D1Arb21)/IzmTkyo IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
2304305 DOB/Oda strain RS:0001861 DOB/Oda IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
2304306 BUF.ACI-(D20Img2-Cdkn1a)/Ncc strain RS:0001808 BUF.ACI-(D20Img2-Cdkn1a)/Ncc IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
2304307 ACI.BUF-(D20Img2-Cdkn1a)/Ncc strain RS:0001745 ACI.BUF-(D20Img2-Cdkn1a)/Ncc IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
2304308 ICR/Ihr strain RS:0002020 ICR/Ihr IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
2304309 SHRSP.WKY-(D1Mgh5-D1Rat106)/IzmTkyo strain RS:0002516 SHRSP.WKY-(D1Mgh5-D1Rat106)/IzmTkyo IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
2304310 SD-Tg(Nes/Hspa1b-EGFP)Okn strain RS:0002128 SD-Tg(Nes/Hspa1b-EGFP)Okn IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
2304311 LEW-Tg((ROSA)26Sor-lacZ)44JmskRrrc strain RS:0002059 LEW-Tg((ROSA)26Sor-lacZ)44JmskRrrc IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
2304312 SHRSP.WKY-(D1Mgh5-D1Rat36)(D1Rat44-D1Arb21)/IzmTkyo strain RS:0002517 SHRSP.WKY-(D1Mgh5-D1Rat36)(D1Rat44-D1Arb21)/IzmTkyo IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
2304313 SHRSP.WKY-(D1Mgh5-D1Rat178)/IzmTkyo strain RS:0002518 SHRSP.WKY-(D1Mgh5-D1Rat178)/IzmTkyo IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
2304314 BDIX.Cg-Tal/NemOda strain RS:0001788 BDIX.Cg-Tal/NemOda IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
2304315 SHRSP.WKY-(Calca-D1Arb21)/IzmTkyo strain RS:0002519 SHRSP.WKY-(Calca-D1Arb21)/IzmTkyo IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
2304316 F344.LEC-xhs1/2Nrs strain RS:0001931 F344.LEC-xhs1/2Nrs IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
2304329 WKY/Ezo strain RS:0002272 WKY/Ezo IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
2304330 SD-Tg(HRAS)128Ncc strain RS:0002124 SD-Tg(HRAS)128Ncc IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
2304331 F344-Tg(CCR5)1Hik strain RS:0001919 F344-Tg(CCR5)1Hik IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
2304332 HER/Wkmt strain RS:0001997 HER/Wkmt IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
2305926 Iddm37 Insulin dependent diabetes mellitus QTL 37 qtl RS:0002063 LEW.1WR1/WorBrm IEA S RGD:2313174|PMID:19720792 20140604 RGD
2305926 Iddm37 Insulin dependent diabetes mellitus QTL 37 qtl RS:0002250 WF.ART2/Wor IEA S RGD:2313174|PMID:19720792 20140604 RGD
2305934 F344-Spta1Tn(sb-T2/Bart3)2.315Mcwi strain RS:0001917 F344-Spta1Tn(sb-T2/Bart3)2.315Mcwi IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
2305935 F344-Rtn4Tn(sb-T2/Bart3)2.316Mcwi strain RS:0001915 F344-Rtn4Tn(sb-T2/Bart3)2.316Mcwi IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
2305939 SHRSP.WKY-(D9Mit6-D9Rat83)/Tkyo strain RS:0002520 SHRSP.WKY-(D9Mit6-D9Rat83)/Tkyo IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
2305940 SHRSP-Chr 7WKY/Tkyo strain RS:0002187 SHRSP-Chr 7WKY/Tkyo IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
2305941 SHR-Chr 15WKY/Tkyo strain RS:0002139 SHR-Chr 15WKY/Tkyo IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
2305942 SHR-Chr 3WKY/Tkyo strain RS:0002144 SHR-Chr 3WKY/Tkyo IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
2305943 SHRSP-Chr 15WKY/Tkyo strain RS:0002183 SHRSP-Chr 15WKY/Tkyo IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
2305944 SHRSP-Chr 4WKY/Tkyo strain RS:0002186 SHRSP-Chr 4WKY/Tkyo IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
2305945 SHRSP-Chr 13WKY/Tkyo strain RS:0002182 SHRSP-Chr 13WKY/Tkyo IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
2305946 SHR-Chr 1WKY/Tkyo strain RS:0002142 SHR-Chr 1WKY/Tkyo IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
2305947 SHR-Chr 19WKY/Tkyo strain RS:0002140 SHR-Chr 19WKY/Tkyo IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
2305948 SHRSP.WKY-(D8Rat77-D8Rat16)(D8Tkyo10)/Tkyo strain RS:0002522 SHRSP.WKY-(D8Rat77-D8Rat16)(D8Tkyo10)/Tkyo IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
2305949 SHRSP-Chr 1WKY/Tkyo strain RS:0002184 SHRSP-Chr 1WKY/Tkyo IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
2305966 SHR.SHRSP-(D1Rat93-D1Rat269)/Izm strain RS:0002160 SHR.SHRSP-(D1Rat93-D1Rat269)/Izm IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
2305967 SHR.SHRSP-(D18Rat73-D18Rat11)/Izm strain RS:0002159 SHR.SHRSP-(D18Rat73-D18Rat11)/Izm IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
2305968 SHRSP.WKY-(D1Wox18-D1Rat39)/Izm strain RS:0002523 SHRSP.WKY-(D1Wox18-D1Rat39)/Izm IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
2305969 SHRSP.WKY-(D1Mgh5-D1Rat178)/Izm strain RS:0002524 SHRSP.WKY-(D1Mgh5-D1Rat178)/Izm IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
2305970 DA-Tg(Alb-TTR*V30M)7Jmsk strain RS:0001843 DA-Tg(Alb-TTR*V30M)7Jmsk IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
2305971 SHRSP.SHR-(D18Rat73-D18Rat11)/Izm strain RS:0002189 SHRSP.SHR-(D18Rat73-D18Rat11)/Izm IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
2305972 WKY.SHRSP-(D1Wox29-D1Arb21)(D9Mit6-D9Wox4)(Bcl2-D13Mgh7)/Izm strain RS:0002270 WKY.SHRSP-(D1Wox29-D1Arb21)(D9Mit6-D9Wox4)(Bcl2-D13Mgh7)/Izm IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
2305973 SHRSP.SHR-(D1Rat93-D1Rat269)/Izm strain RS:0002190 SHRSP.SHR-(D1Rat93-D1Rat269)/Izm IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
2305974 WKY.SHRSP-(D1Wox29-D1Arb21)(D9Mit6-D9Wox4)/Izm strain RS:0002271 WKY.SHRSP-(D1Wox29-D1Arb21)(D9Mit6-D9Wox4)/Izm IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
2305975 SHRSP.WKY-(D1Mgh5-D1Wox18)/Izm strain RS:0002525 SHRSP.WKY-(D1Mgh5-D1Wox18)/Izm IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
2305976 DA-Tg(Alb-TTR*V30M)9Jmsk strain RS:0001844 DA-Tg(Alb-TTR*V30M)9Jmsk IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
2305977 ACI.F344-(D16Rat12-D16Mco2)/Nkg strain RS:0001755 ACI.F344-(D16Rat12-D16Mco2)/Nkg IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
2305978 LEW-Tg((ROSA)26Sor-DsRed*)7Jmsk strain RS:0002058 LEW-Tg((ROSA)26Sor-DsRed*)7Jmsk IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
2305979 WKY.SHRSP-(D1Wox29-D1Arb21)(Bcl2-D13Mgh7)/Izm strain RS:0002269 WKY.SHRSP-(D1Wox29-D1Arb21)(Bcl2-D13Mgh7)/Izm IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
2305987 F344.OLETF-(D7Mgh16-D7Wox46)/Tj strain RS:0001977 F344.OLETF-(D7Mgh16-D7Wox46)/Tj IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
2305988 (F344.OLETF-(D14Rat23-D14Rat12)(D14Rat8-D14Rat26)/2Tj x F344.Cg-Leprfa(D7Mgh16-D7Mgh20))F1 strain RS:0001731 (F344.OLETF-(D14Rat23-D14Rat12)(D14Rat8-D14Rat26)/2Tj x F344.Cg-Leprfa(D7Mgh16-D7Mgh20))F1 IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
2305989 (F344.OLETF-(D14Rat23-D14Rat12)(D14Rat8-D14Rat26)/2Tj x F344.Z-Leprfa/Tj)F1 strain RS:0001733 (F344.OLETF-(D14Rat23-D14Rat12)(D14Rat8-D14Rat26)/2Tj x F344.Z-Leprfa/Tj)F1 IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
2305990 F344.OLETF-(D14Rat23-D14Rat23)(D14Rat8-D14Rat12)/2Tj strain RS:0001947 F344.OLETF-(D14Rat23-D14Rat23)(D14Rat8-D14Rat12)/2Tj IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
2305991 (F344.OLETF-(D7Mgh16-D7Mgh20)/Tj X F344.OLETF-(D8Rat54-D8Mgh17)/2Tj)F1 strain RS:0001737 (F344.OLETF-(D7Mgh16-D7Mgh20)/Tj X F344.OLETF-(D8Rat54-D8Mgh17)/2Tj)F1 IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
2305992 F344.OLETF-(D7Mit16-D7Mgh20)/Tj strain RS:0001979 F344.OLETF-(D7Mit16-D7Mgh20)/Tj IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
2305993 F344.OLETF-(D14Rat23)(D14Rat12)/2Tj strain RS:0001952 F344.OLETF-(D14Rat23)(D14Rat12)/2Tj IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
2305994 F344.OLETF-(D14Rat23-D14Rat23)(D14Rat8-D14Rat12)/1Tj strain RS:0001946 F344.OLETF-(D14Rat23-D14Rat23)(D14Rat8-D14Rat12)/1Tj IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
2305995 F344.OLETF-(D7Got130-D7Mgh20)/Tj strain RS:0001971 F344.OLETF-(D7Got130-D7Mgh20)/Tj IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
2305996 F344.Cg-Leprfa(D7Rat18-D7Mit2)(D14Rat23-D14Rat12)/Tj strain RS:0001928 F344.Cg-Leprfa(D7Rat18-D7Mit2)(D14Rat23-D14Rat12)/Tj IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
2305997 (F344.OLETF-(D7Mgh16-D7Mgh20)(D14Rat23-D14Rat12)/2Tj x F344.OLETF-(D8Rat54-D8Mgh17)/2Tj)F1 strain RS:0001736 (F344.OLETF-(D7Mgh16-D7Mgh20)(D14Rat23-D14Rat12)/2Tj x F344.OLETF-(D8Rat54-D8Mgh17)/2Tj)F1 IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
2305998 F344.Cg-Leprfa(D8Rat54-D8Mgh17)/Tj strain RS:0001929 F344.Cg-Leprfa(D8Rat54-D8Mgh17)/Tj IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
2305999 F344.OLETF-(D7Mgh16-D7Rat70)/Tj strain RS:0001976 F344.OLETF-(D7Mgh16-D7Rat70)/Tj IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
2306000 F344.OLETF-(D7Rat70-D7Mgh20)/Tj strain RS:0001983 F344.OLETF-(D7Rat70-D7Mgh20)/Tj IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
2306001 F344.OLETF-(D7Rat176-D7Mgh20)/Tj strain RS:0001981 F344.OLETF-(D7Rat176-D7Mgh20)/Tj IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
2306002 F344.OLETF-(D14Rat23)(D14Rat12)/1Tj strain RS:0001951 F344.OLETF-(D14Rat23)(D14Rat12)/1Tj IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
2306003 F344.OLETF-(D7Wox46-D7Mgh20)/Tj strain RS:0001985 F344.OLETF-(D7Wox46-D7Mgh20)/Tj IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
2306004 F344.OLETF-(D7Mgh16-D7Mit16)/Tj strain RS:0001975 F344.OLETF-(D7Mgh16-D7Mit16)/Tj IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
2306013 F344.OLETF-(D14Rat8-D14Rat26)/2Tj strain RS:0001958 F344.OLETF-(D14Rat8-D14Rat26)/2Tj IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
2306014 F344.OLETF-(D8Rat54-D8Mgh17)/2Tj strain RS:0001738 F344.OLETF-(D8Rat54-D8Mgh17)/2Tj IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
2306015 F344.OLETF-(D12Wox5-D12Rat21)/2Tj strain RS:0001939 F344.OLETF-(D12Wox5-D12Rat21)/2Tj IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
2306016 F344.OLETF-(D11Mgh4-D11Mgh1)/2Tj strain RS:0001937 F344.OLETF-(D11Mgh4-D11Mgh1)/2Tj IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
2306017 (F344.OLETF-(D8Rat54-D8Mgh17)/2Tj x F344.Cg-Leprfa(D14Rat23-D14Rat12))F1 strain RS:0001739 (F344.OLETF-(D8Rat54-D8Mgh17)/2Tj x F344.Cg-Leprfa(D14Rat23-D14Rat12))F1 IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
2306018 F344.OLETF-(D9Mgh8-D9Mit2)/2Tj strain RS:0001987 F344.OLETF-(D9Mgh8-D9Mit2)/2Tj IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
2306019 F344.OLETF-(D1Mit20-D1Mgh26)/2Tj strain RS:0001964 F344.OLETF-(D1Mit20-D1Mgh26)/2Tj IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
2306020 (F344.OLETF-(D8Rat54-D8Mgh17)/2Tj x F344.Cg-Leprfa(D7Mgh16-D7Mgh20)(D14Rat23-D14Rat12))F1 strain RS:0001740 (F344.OLETF-(D8Rat54-D8Mgh17)/2Tj x F344.Cg-Leprfa(D7Mgh16-D7Mgh20)(D14Rat23-D14Rat12))F1 IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
2306021 SHR-Chr 2WKY/Tkyo strain RS:0002143 SHR-Chr 2WKY/Tkyo IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
2306022 KCI/Kyo strain RS:0002025 KCI/Kyo IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
2306023 F344-Tg(CCNT1)1Hik strain RS:0001918 F344-Tg(CCNT1)1Hik IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
2306024 FOK/Ncu Furuyama rat strain RS:0001994 FOK/Ncu IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
2306025 WMN/Nrs strain RS:0002274 WMN/Nrs IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
2306026 F344.OLETF-(D16Wox4-D16Rat13)/2Tj strain RS:0001962 F344.OLETF-(D16Wox4-D16Rat13)/2Tj IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
2306027 WM/Nrs strain RS:0002273 WM/Nrs IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
2306028 F344.OLETF-(D14Rat23-D14Rat12)(D14Rat8-D14Rat26)/2Tj strain RS:0001732 F344.OLETF-(D14Rat23-D14Rat12)(D14Rat8-D14Rat26)/2Tj IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
2306029 (F344.OLETF-(D8Rat54-D8Mgh17)/2Tj x F344.Cg-Leprfa(D7Mgh16-D7Mgh20))F1 strain RS:0001741 (F344.OLETF-(D8Rat54-D8Mgh17)/2Tj x F344.Cg-Leprfa(D7Mgh16-D7Mgh20))F1 IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
2306030 F344.OLETF-(D7Mgh16-D7Mgh20)(D14Rat8-D14Rat26)/2Tj strain RS:0001973 F344.OLETF-(D7Mgh16-D7Mgh20)(D14Rat8-D14Rat26)/2Tj IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
2306033 SHR.Cg-Leprcp/NDmcr strain RS:0002157 SHR.Cg-Leprcp/NDmcr IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
2306034 NER.F344-(D1Mgh6-D1Rat132)(D5Rat100-D5Rat234)/Kyo strain RS:0002077 NER.F344-(D1Mgh6-D1Rat132)(D5Rat100-D5Rat234)/Kyo IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
2306035 F344.NER-(D1Mgh6-D1Rat73)(D5Mgh4-D5Rat36)/Kyo strain RS:0001936 F344.NER-(D1Mgh6-D1Rat73)(D5Mgh4-D5Rat36)/Kyo IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
2306036 F344-Apcm1Kyo strain RS:0001868 F344-Apcm1Kyo IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
2306037 F344-Tg(CD4)1Hik strain RS:0001920 F344-Tg(CD4)1Hik IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
2306041 F344-Scn1am2Kyo strain RS:0001878 F344-Scn1am2Kyo IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
2306042 F344-Scn1am1Kyo strain RS:0001877 F344-Scn1am1Kyo IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
2306043 SHR/4Dmcr strain RS:0002178 SHR/4Dmcr IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
2306044 SHRSP/3Dmcr strain RS:0002528 SHRSP/3Dmcr IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
2306045 SHR/2Dmcr strain RS:0002176 SHR/2Dmcr IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
2306046 W-Tg(CAG-EGFP)3Ys strain RS:0002228 W-Tg(CAG-EGFP)3Ys IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
2306047 W-Tg(Gnrh1-EGFP)Nphy strain RS:0002230 W-Tg(Gnrh1-EGFP)Nphy IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
2306048 SHR/3Dmcr strain RS:0002177 SHR/3Dmcr IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
2306049 SHRSP/4Dmcr strain RS:0002529 SHRSP/4Dmcr IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
2306050 SHRSP/5Dmcr strain RS:0002530 SHRSP/5Dmcr IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
2306051 SHRSP/2Dmcr strain RS:0002531 SHRSP/2Dmcr IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
2306058 LEC.W-Tg(CAG-Zfml)30Ncms/Ncms strain RS:0002049 LEC.W-Tg(CAG-Zfml)30Ncms/Ncms IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
2306059 DA.Cg-Foxn1rnu Lystbg/Slc strain RS:0001846 DA.Cg-Foxn1rnu Lystbg/Slc IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
2306060 LEC.W-Tg(CAG-Zfml)26Ncms/Ncms strain RS:0002048 LEC.W-Tg(CAG-Zfml)26Ncms/Ncms IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
2306061 ACI.BUF-Pur1, Thym2/Mna strain RS:0001751 ACI.BUF-Pur1, Thym2/Mna IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
2306062 W-Tg(Per1-luc)1Oa strain RS:0002233 W-Tg(Per1-luc)1Oa IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
2306063 LEC.W-Tg(CAG-Zfml)21Ncms/Ncms strain RS:0002047 LEC.W-Tg(CAG-Zfml)21Ncms/Ncms IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
2306064 MPR/Iar strain RS:0002072 MPR/Iar IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
2306070 WIC-Tg(Wap-GH1)1Mni strain RS:0002257 WIC-Tg(Wap-GH1)1Mni IEA S RGD:7241799 20200516 RGD
2306071 F344-Tg(CAG-EGFP)Ncco strain RS:0000479 F344-Tg(CAG-EGFP)Ncco IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
2306072 ACI.F344-(D16Nkg74)/Nkg strain RS:0001761 ACI.F344-(D16Nkg74)/Nkg IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
2306073 WIC-Tg(Wap-GH1)2Mni strain RS:0002258 WIC-Tg(Wap-GH1)2Mni IEA S RGD:7241799 20200516 RGD
2306076 ACI.F344-(D16Nkg9-D16Nkg38)/Nkg strain RS:0001764 ACI.F344-(D16Nkg9-D16Nkg38)/Nkg IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
2306077 ACI.F344-(D16Rat64-D16Nkg105)/Nkg strain RS:0001762 ACI.F344-(D16Rat64-D16Nkg105)/Nkg IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
2306078 KFRS4A/Kyo strain RS:0002035 KFRS4A/Kyo IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
2306079 ACI.F344-(D16Nkg87-D16Nkg105)/Nkg strain RS:0001763 ACI.F344-(D16Nkg87-D16Nkg105)/Nkg IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
2306085 TCR/Ibu Toyoda Circling Rat strain RS:0002217 TCR/Ibu IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
2306089 ACI.BUF-(D7Wox16-D7Rat69)/Mna strain RS:0001748 ACI.BUF-(D7Wox16-D7Rat69)/Mna IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
2306090 ExHC/Ta Exogenously hypercholesterolemic rat strain RS:0001867 ExHC/Ta IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
2306098 ACI.F344-(D16Nkg30-D16Mgh6)/Nkg strain RS:0001760 ACI.F344-(D16Nkg30-D16Mgh6)/Nkg IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
2306099 SHR.WKY-(D15Tkyo3-D15Rat68)/Tkyo strain RS:0002167 SHR.WKY-(D15Tkyo3-D15Rat68)/Tkyo IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
2306100 SHR.WKY-(D3Tkyo7-D3Rat1)/Tkyo strain RS:0002173 SHR.WKY-(D3Tkyo7-D3Rat1)/Tkyo IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
2306101 LEC.BN-(D4Mgh16-D4Rat233)/Hkv strain RS:0002043 LEC.BN-(D4Mgh16-D4Rat233)/Hkv IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
2306102 BN.LEC-(D4Rat128-D4Rat106)/Hkv strain RS:0001799 BN.LEC-(D4Rat128-D4Rat106)/Hkv IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
2306103 SHRSP/Sums strain RS:0002532 SHRSP/Sums IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
2306104 BN.LEC-(D4Rat184-D4Rat238)/Hkv strain RS:0001802 BN.LEC-(D4Rat184-D4Rat238)/Hkv IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
2306105 BN.LEC-(D4Rat128-D4Rat238)/Hkv strain RS:0001801 BN.LEC-(D4Rat128-D4Rat238)/Hkv IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
2306106 CLX/Ta Circling behavior linked to the X-chromosome (CLX) strain RS:0001825 CLX/Ta IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
2306107 SD-Tg(Sp6)58Tj strain RS:0002130 SD-Tg(Sp6)58Tj IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
2306108 SHR.WKY-(D3Mit9-D3Wox16)/Tkyo strain RS:0002172 SHR.WKY-(D3Mit9-D3Wox16)/Tkyo IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
2306109 SHR.WKY-(D3Mgh6-D3Rat1)/Tkyo strain RS:0002171 SHR.WKY-(D3Mgh6-D3Rat1)/Tkyo IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
2306110 IER/Sums strain RS:0002021 IER/Sums IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
2306111 LEC.BN-(D4Mgh16-D4Rat233)(D4Rat271-D4Rat238)/Hkv strain RS:0002044 LEC.BN-(D4Mgh16-D4Rat233)(D4Rat271-D4Rat238)/Hkv IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
2306112 ZDF-LeprfaCrlCrlj strain RS:0002286 ZDF-LeprfaCrlCrlj IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
2306113 SD-Tg(Sp6)6Tj strain RS:0002132 SD-Tg(Sp6)6Tj IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
2306114 SHR.WKY-(D3Mgh16-D3Rat110)/Tkyo strain RS:0002169 SHR.WKY-(D3Mgh16-D3Rat110)/Tkyo IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
2306115 SHR.WKY-(D3Mgh16-D3Rat166)/Tkyo strain RS:0002170 SHR.WKY-(D3Mgh16-D3Rat166)/Tkyo IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
2306116 SD-Tg(Sp6)5Tj strain RS:0002131 SD-Tg(Sp6)5Tj IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
2306117 ACI.F344-(D16Nkg9-D16Nkg27)/Nkg strain RS:0001758 ACI.F344-(D16Nkg9-D16Nkg27)/Nkg IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
2306118 SHR.WKY-(D15Rat95-D15Rat106)/Tkyo strain RS:0002166 SHR.WKY-(D15Rat95-D15Rat106)/Tkyo IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
2306119 F344-Tg(CD4,CCNT1)1Hik strain RS:0001921 F344-Tg(CD4,CCNT1)1Hik IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
2306120 SHR.WKY-(D4Wox27-D4Rat15)/Tkyo strain RS:0002174 SHR.WKY-(D4Wox27-D4Rat15)/Tkyo IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
2306276 F344-Exoc4Tn(sb-T2/Bart3)2.317Mcwi strain RS:0002533 F344-Exoc4Tn(sb-T2/Bart3)2.317Mcwi IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
2306277 F344-Gng12Tn(sb-T2/Bart3)2.320Mcwi strain RS:0001895 F344-Gng12Tn(sb-T2/Bart3)2.320Mcwi IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
2306278 F344-AW915325Tn(sb-T2/Bart3)2.319Mcwi strain RS:0001883 F344-AW915325Tn(sb-T2/Bart3)2.319Mcwi IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
2306279 F344-Diaph3Tn(sb-T2/Bart3)2.318Mcwi strain RS:0001890 F344-Diaph3Tn(sb-T2/Bart3)2.318Mcwi IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
2306529 BBDR.BBDP-(D4Rhw11-D4Rhw10)/Rhw strain RS:0001772 BBDR.BBDP-(D4Rhw11-D4Rhw10)/Rhw IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
2306532 BBDR.F344-(D4Rat27-D4Rhw8),BBDP-(D4Rhw6-D4Rat62)/Rhw strain RS:0001786 BBDR.F344-(D4Rat27-D4Rhw8),BBDP-(D4Rhw6-D4Rat62)/Rhw IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
2306533 BBDR.F344-(D4Rat102-D4Rhw8),BBDP-(D4Rhw6-D4Rat62)/2Rhw strain RS:0001779 BBDR.F344-(D4Rat102-D4Rhw8),BBDP-(D4Rhw6-D4Rat62)/2Rhw IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
2306534 BBDR.F344-(D4Rat102-D4Rat27),BBDP-(D4Rhw11-D4Rhw10)/Rhw strain RS:0001777 BBDR.F344-(D4Rat102-D4Rat27),BBDP-(D4Rhw11-D4Rhw10)/Rhw IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
2306535 BBDR.F344-(D4Rat253-D4Rat27),BBDP-(D4Rhw11-D4Rhw10)/Rhw strain RS:0001783 BBDR.F344-(D4Rat253-D4Rat27),BBDP-(D4Rhw11-D4Rhw10)/Rhw IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
2306536 BBDR.F344-(D4Arb11-D4Rat27),BBDP-(D4Rhw11-D4Rhw10)/Rhw strain RS:0001773 BBDR.F344-(D4Arb11-D4Rat27),BBDP-(D4Rhw11-D4Rhw10)/Rhw IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
2306537 BBDR.F344-(D4Rat102-D4Rhw8),BBDP-(D4Rhw6-D4Rat62)/1Rhw strain RS:0001778 BBDR.F344-(D4Rat102-D4Rhw8),BBDP-(D4Rhw6-D4Rat62)/1Rhw IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
2306538 BBDR.F344-(D4Rat153-D4Rat27),BBDP-(D4Rhw11-D4Rhw10)/Rhw strain RS:0001781 BBDR.F344-(D4Rat153-D4Rat27),BBDP-(D4Rhw11-D4Rhw10)/Rhw IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
2306539 BBDR.F344-(D4Rat102-D4Rhw8),BBDP-(D4Rhw6-D4Rat62)/3Rhw strain RS:0001780 BBDR.F344-(D4Rat102-D4Rhw8),BBDP-(D4Rhw6-D4Rat62)/3Rhw IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
2306540 BBDR.F344-(D4Got33-D4Rhw8),BBDP-(D4Rhw6-D4Rat62)/Rhw strain RS:0001774 BBDR.F344-(D4Got33-D4Rhw8),BBDP-(D4Rhw6-D4Rat62)/Rhw IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
2306541 BBDR.F344-(D4Rat153-D4Rhw8),BBDP-(D4Rhw6-D4Rat62)/Rhw strain RS:0001782 BBDR.F344-(D4Rat153-D4Rhw6),BBDP-(D4Rhw6-D4Rhw10)/Rhw IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
2306542 BBDR.F344-(D4Rat253-D4Rhw8),BBDP-(D4Rhw6-D4Rat62)/Rhw strain RS:0001784 BBDR.F344-(D4Rat253-D4Rhw8),BBDP-(D4Rhw6-D4Rat62)/Rhw IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
2306543 BBDR.F344-(D4Got59-D4Rhw8),BBDP-(D4Rhw6-D4Rat62)/Rhw strain RS:0001775 BBDR.F344-(D4Got59-D4Rhw8),BBDP-(D4Rhw6-D4Rat62)/Rhw IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
2306544 BBDR.F344-(D4Rat26-D4Rhw8),BBDP-(D4Rhw6-D4Rat62)/Rhw strain RS:0001785 BBDR.F344-(D4Rat26-D4Rhw8),BBDP-(D4Rhw6-D4Rat62)/Rhw IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
2306545 Iddm39 Insulin dependent diabetes mellitus QTL 39 qtl RS:0001775 BBDR.F344-(D4Got59-D4Rhw8),BBDP-(D4Rhw6-D4Rat62)/Rhw IEA S RGD:2306526|PMID:19351909 20140604 RGD
2306547 Iddm38 Insulin dependent diabetes mellitus QTL 38 qtl RS:0001779 BBDR.F344-(D4Rat102-D4Rhw8),BBDP-(D4Rhw6-D4Rat62)/2Rhw IEA S RGD:2306526|PMID:19351909 20140604 RGD
2306709 BBDR.BBDP-(D4Mit6-D4Mit7)/3Rhw strain RS:0001770 BBDR.BBDP-(D4Mit6-D4Mit7)/3Rhw IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
2306710 F344-LmlnTn(sb-T2/Bart3)2.322Mcwi strain RS:0001904 F344-LmlnTn(sb-T2/Bart3)2.322Mcwi IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
2306711 F344-FM117003Tn(sb-T2/Bart3)2.321McwiRrrc strain RS:0001892 F344-FM117003Tn(sb-T2/Bart3)2.321McwiRrrc IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
2306712 BBDR.BBDP-(D4Mit6-D4Mit7)/2Rhw strain RS:0001769 BBDR.BBDP-(D4Mit6-D4Mit7)/2Rhw IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
2306717 BBDP/WorSunn strain RS:0001768 BBDP/WorSunn IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
2306784 Kini:DA,PVG-G12 strain RS:0002040 Kini:DA,PVG-G12 IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
2306787 Ean3 Experimental allergic neuritis QTL 3 qtl RS:0002040 Kini:DA,PVG-G12 IEA S RGD:2306769|PMID:19299744 20140604 RGD
2306789 Ean6 Experimental allergic neuritis QTL 6 qtl RS:0002040 Kini:DA,PVG-G12 IEA S RGD:2306769|PMID:19299744 20140604 RGD
2306790 Ean1 Experimental allergic neuritis QTL 1 qtl RS:0000491 LEW.1AV1 IEA S RGD:2306736|PMID:15342198 20140604 RGD
2306792 Ean4 Experimental allergic neuritis QTL 4 qtl RS:0002040 Kini:DA,PVG-G12 IEA S RGD:2306769|PMID:19299744 20140604 RGD
2306793 Ean5 Experimental allergic neuritis QTL 5 qtl RS:0002040 Kini:DA,PVG-G12 IEA S RGD:2306769|PMID:19299744 20140604 RGD
2306794 Ean2 Experimental allergic neuritis QTL 2 qtl RS:0002040 Kini:DA,PVG-G12 IEA S RGD:2306769|PMID:19299744 20140604 RGD
2306815 SS.SR-(D7Rat67-D7Mco7)/Jr strain RS:0002210 SS.SR-(D7Rat67-D7Mco7)/Jr IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
2306816 SS.SR-(D7Mco19-D7Mco7)/Jr strain RS:0002208 SS.SR-(D7Mco19-D7Mco7)/Jr IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
2306817 SS.SR-(D7Uia1-D7Mco19)/Jr strain RS:0002211 SS.SR-(D7Uia1-D7Mco19)/Jr IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
2306818 SS.SR-(D7Rat131-D7Mco7)/Jr strain RS:0002209 SS.SR-(D7Rat131-D7Mco7)/Jr IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
2306819 SS.SR-(D7Uia1-D7Rat131)/Jr strain RS:0002212 SS.SR-(D7Uia1-D7Rat131)/Jr IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
2306820 SS.SR-(D3Arb14-D3Mco36)/Mco strain RS:0002213 SS.SR-(D3Arb14-D3Mco36)/Mco IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
2306821 Bp335 Blood pressure QTL 335 qtl RS:0002208 SS.SR-(D7Mco19-D7Mco7)/Jr IEA S RGD:629613|PMID:12682779 20140604 RGD
2306823 SS.SR-(D3Arb14-D3Mco36)(D7Mco19-D7Mco7)/Mco strain RS:0002214 SS.SR-(D3Arb14-D3Mco36)(D7Mco19-D7Mco7)/Mco IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
2306840 E3.DA-(D4Wox22-D4Got132)(D12Wox5-D12Rat26)/Rhd strain RS:0001866 E3.DA-(D4Wox22-D4Got132)(D12Wox5-D12Rat26)/Rhd IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
2306841 E3.DA-(D12Wox5-D12Rat26)/Rhd strain RS:0001864 E3.DA-(D12Wox5-D12Rat26)/Rhd IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
2306842 E3.DA-(D20Rat45-D20Rat47)/Rhd strain RS:0001865 E3.DA-(D20Rat45-D20Rat47)/Rhd IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
2306850 Pia40 Pristane induced arthritis QTL 40 qtl RS:0001865 E3.DA-(D20Rat45-D20Rat47)/Rhd IEA S RGD:2306838|PMID:19180494 20140604 RGD
2306874 F344-IntuTn(sb-T2/Bart3)2.324Mcwi strain RS:0001897 F344-IntuTn(sb-T2/Bart3)2.324Mcwi IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
2306875 F344-FaslgTn(sb-T2/Bart3)2.325Mcwi strain RS:0001894 F344-FaslgTn(sb-T2/Bart3)2.325Mcwi IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
2306892 SHR.BN-(D2Rat114-D2Rat123)/Jk strain RS:0002154 SHR.BN-(D2Rat114-D2Rat123)/Jk IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
2306893 SHR.BN-(D16Rat87-D16Mgh1)/Jk strain RS:0002147 SHR.BN-(D16Rat87-D16Mgh1)/Jk IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
2306894 SHR.BN-(D4Rat33-D4Rat54)/Jk strain RS:0002156 SHR.BN-(D4Rat33-D4Rat54)/Jk IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
2306895 SHR.BN-(D2Rat226-D2Rat294)/Jk strain RS:0002155 SHR.BN-(D2Rat226-D2Rat294)/Jk IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
2306899 Bp338 Blood pressure QTL 338 qtl RS:0002156 SHR.BN-(D4Rat33-D4Rat54)/Jk IEA S RGD:2306880|PMID:19126752 20140604 RGD
2306901 Bp337 Blood pressure QTL 337 qtl RS:0002155 SHR.BN-(D2Rat226-D2Rat294)/Jk IEA S RGD:2306880|PMID:19126752 20140604 RGD
2306902 Bp339 Blood pressure QTL 339 qtl RS:0002147 SHR.BN-(D16Rat87-D16Mgh1)/Jk IEA S RGD:2306880|PMID:19126752 20140604 RGD
2306903 Bp336 Blood pressure QTL 336 qtl RS:0002154 SHR.BN-(D2Rat114-D2Rat123)/Jk IEA S RGD:2306880|PMID:19126752 20140604 RGD
2306961 RLA/Verh Roman low avoidance strain RS:0002107 RLA/Verh IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
2306962 RHA/Verh Roman high avoidance strain RS:0002105 RHA/Verh IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
2306968 Anxrr23 Anxiety related response QTL 23 qtl RS:0002105 RHA/Verh IEA S RGD:625384|PMID:11932246 20140604 RGD
2306968 Anxrr23 Anxiety related response QTL 23 qtl RS:0002107 RLA/Verh IEA S RGD:625384|PMID:11932246 20140604 RGD
2306970 Anxrr22 Anxiety related response QTL 22 qtl RS:0002105 RHA/Verh IEA S RGD:625384|PMID:11932246 20140604 RGD
2306970 Anxrr22 Anxiety related response QTL 22 qtl RS:0002107 RLA/Verh IEA S RGD:625384|PMID:11932246 20140604 RGD
2306971 Anxrr21 Anxiety related response QTL 21 qtl RS:0002105 RHA/Verh IEA S RGD:2313899|PMID:18971309 20140604 RGD
2306971 Anxrr21 Anxiety related response QTL 21 qtl RS:0002107 RLA/Verh IEA S RGD:2313899|PMID:18971309 20140604 RGD
2307077 HXB4/Ipcv strain RS:0002016 HXB4/Ipcv IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
2307078 HXB27/Ipcv strain RS:0002012 HXB27/Ipcv IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
2307079 HXB3/Ipcv strain RS:0002014 HXB3/Ipcv IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
2307080 HXB20/Ipcv strain RS:0002006 HXB20/Ipcv IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
2307081 HXB31/Ipcv strain RS:0002015 HXB31/Ipcv IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
2307082 HXB18/Ipcv strain RS:0002004 HXB18/Ipcv IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
2307083 HXB10/Ipcv strain RS:0001999 HXB10/Ipcv IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
2307084 HXB24/Ipcv strain RS:0002010 HXB24/Ipcv IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
2307085 HXB17/Ipcv strain RS:0002003 HXB17/Ipcv IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
2307086 HXB7/Ipcv strain RS:0002018 HXB7/Ipcv IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
2307087 SHR.BN-(D18Rat32-D18Rat12)/Ipcv strain RS:0002149 SHR.BN-(D18Rat32-D18Rat12)/Ipcv IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
2307088 HXB22/Ipcv strain RS:0002008 HXB22/Ipcv IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
2307089 HXB29/Ipcv strain RS:0002013 HXB29/Ipcv IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
2307090 SHR.BN10/Ipcv strain RS:0000232 SHR.BN10/Ipcv IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
2307091 HXB13/Ipcv strain RS:0002000 HXB13/Ipcv IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
2307092 HXB14/Ipcv strain RS:0002001 HXB14/Ipcv IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
2307093 HXB23/Ipcv strain RS:0002009 HXB23/Ipcv IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
2307094 HXB1/Ipcv strain RS:0001998 HXB1/Ipcv IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
2307095 HXB15/Ipcv strain RS:0002002 HXB15/Ipcv IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
2307096 HXB2/Ipcv strain RS:0002005 HXB2/Ipcv IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
2307097 HXB21/Ipcv strain RS:0002007 HXB21/Ipcv IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
2307098 HXB25/Ipcv strain RS:0002011 HXB25/Ipcv IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
2307099 HXB5/Ipcv strain RS:0002017 HXB5/Ipcv IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
2307115 BXH5/Cub strain RS:0001821 BXH5/Cub IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
2307116 PXO3-2/Cub strain RS:0002092 PXO3-2/Cub IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
2307117 PXO5-2/Cub strain RS:0002095 PXO5-2/Cub IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
2307118 PXO9/Cub strain RS:0002103 PXO9/Cub IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
2307119 PXO7-1/Cub strain RS:0002099 PXO7-1/Cub IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
2307120 PXO7-2/Cub strain RS:0002100 PXO7-2/Cub IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
2307121 BXH2/Cub strain RS:0001819 BXH2/Cub IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
2307122 PXO8-1/Cub strain RS:0002101 PXO8-1/Cub IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
2307123 BXH13/Cub strain RS:0001818 BXH13/Cub IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
2307124 BXH10/Cub strain RS:0001814 BXH10/Cub IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
2307125 PXO6-2/Cub strain RS:0002097 PXO6-2/Cub IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
2307126 BXH8/Cub strain RS:0001823 BXH8/Cub IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
2307127 BXH11/Cub strain RS:0001815 BXH11/Cub IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
2307128 PXO5-1/Cub strain RS:0002094 PXO5-1/Cub IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
2307129 BXH9/Cub strain RS:0001824 BXH9/Cub IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
2307130 PXO6-3/Cub strain RS:0002098 PXO6-3/Cub IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
2307131 PXO8-2/Cub strain RS:0002102 PXO8-2/Cub IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
2307132 PXO10/Cub strain RS:0002089 PXO10/Cub IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
2307134 BXH3/Cub strain RS:0001820 BXH3/Cub IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
2307135 PXO4/Cub strain RS:0002093 PXO4/Cub IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
2307136 BXH6/Cub strain RS:0001822 BXH6/Cub IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
2307137 PXO6-1/Cub strain RS:0002096 PXO6-1/Cub IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
2307138 PXO1/Cub strain RS:0002086 PXO1/Cub IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
2307139 BXH12/Cub strain RS:0001816 BXH12/Cub IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
2307155 SHR/1NCrl strain RS:0002175 SHR/1NCrl IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
2307156 DA/ZtmKini strain RS:0001858 DA/ZtmKini IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
2307157 PVG.1AV1/Kini strain RS:0002085 PVG.1AV1/Kini IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
2307159 SHRSR.SHRSP-(Klk1-Mt1-ps1)/Bbb strain RS:0002195 SHRSR.SHRSP-(Klk1-Mt1-ps1)/Bbb IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
2307160 SHRSR.SHRSP-(Klk1-D1Mit3)/Bbb strain RS:0002194 SHRSR.SHRSP-(Klk1-D1Mit3)/Bbb IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
2307161 SHRSR.SHRSP-(D1Rat134-Mt1-ps1)/Bbb strain RS:0002193 SHRSR.SHRSP-(D1Rat134-Mt1-ps1)/Bbb IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
2307166 SHRSP.SHRSR-(Klk1-Mt1-ps1)/Bbb strain RS:0002535 SHRSP.SHRSR-(Klk1-Mt1-ps1)/Bbb IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
2307167 SHRSP.SHRSR-(Klk1-D1Mit3)/Bbb strain RS:0002536 SHRSP.SHRSR-(Klk1-D1Mit3)/Bbb IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
2307168 SHRSR/Bbb Spontaneously Hypertensive Rat, Stroke Resistant strain RS:0002192 SHRSR/Bbb IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
2307169 SHRSP.SHRSR-(D1Rat134-Mt1-ps1)/Bbb strain RS:0002537 SHRSP.SHRSR-(D1Rat134-Mt1-ps1)/Bbb IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
2307172 Activ4 Activity QTL 4 qtl RS:0000967 WAG IEA S RGD:2306974|PMID:19089625 20140604 RGD
2307172 Activ4 Activity QTL 4 qtl RS:0001334 ISIAH IEA S RGD:2306974|PMID:19089625 20140604 RGD
2307174 Activ3 Activity QTL 3 qtl RS:0000967 WAG IEA S RGD:2306974|PMID:19089625 20140604 RGD
2307174 Activ3 Activity QTL 3 qtl RS:0001334 ISIAH IEA S RGD:2306974|PMID:19089625 20140604 RGD
2307298 BN/HanKini strain RS:0001804 BN/HanKini IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
2307299 ACI/ZtmKini strain RS:0001766 ACI/ZtmKini IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
2307300 LEW.1AV1/Kini strain RS:0002061 LEW.1AV1/Kini IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
2307301 DA.LEW.RT1f-(D20Wox15-D20Wox13)/Rhd strain RS:0001847 DA.LEW.RT1f-(D20Wox15-D20Wox13)/Rhd IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
2307317 MHS Milan Hypertensive Strain strain RS:0000577 MHS IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
2307318 BDIX/Ifz strain RS:0001790 BDIX/Ifz IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
2307319 MNS/N Milan normotensive strain strain RS:0002070 MNS/N IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
2307355 PXO3-1/Cub strain RS:0002091 PXO3-1/Cub IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
2307356 PXO2/Cub strain RS:0002090 PXO2/Cub IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
2307357 BDV/Ztm strain RS:0001793 BDV/Ztm IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
2307358 LUDW/OlaHsd Ludwig strain RS:0002069 LUDW/OlaHsd IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
2307359 BUF/SimRijHsd strain RS:0001813 BUF/SimRijHsd IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
2307360 DA.BI.RT1i-(D20Rat42-D20Rat31)/Rhd strain RS:0001845 DA.BI.RT1i-(D20Rat42-D20Rat31)/Rhd IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
2307441 F344-Cyyr1Tn(sb-T2/Bart3)2.328Mcwi strain RS:0001889 F344-Cyyr1Tn(sb-T2/Bart3)2.328Mcwi IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
2307442 F344-Robo1Tn(sb-T2/Bart3)2.327Mcwi strain RS:0001913 F344-Robo1Tn(sb-T2/Bart3)2.327Mcwi IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
2308816 Crl:WI(Han) strain RS:0001833 Crl:WI(Han) IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
2308851 Crl:OP(CD) Obese Prone Rats strain RS:0001831 Crl:OP(CD) IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
2308852 Crl:LE Long-Evans Rats strain RS:0001827 Crl:LE IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
2308853 Crl:OR(CD) Obese Resistant Rats strain RS:0001832 Crl:OR(CD) IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
2308885 GK/CskCrljCrl strain RS:0001995 GK/CskCrljCrl IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
2308886 SS/HsdMcwiCrl strain RS:0002215 SS/HsdMcwiCrl IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
2311049 SHROB/KolGmiCrl-Leprcp/Crl strain RS:0002180 SHROB/KolGmiCrl-Leprcp/Crl IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
2311051 SHRSP/A3NCrl Stroke Prone Rats strain RS:0002538 SHRSP/A3NCrl IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
2311070 BUF/CrCrl Buffalo Rat strain RS:0001812 BUF/CrCrl IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
2311071 ZDF-Leprfa/Crl strain RS:0002285 ZDF-Leprfa/Crl IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
2311072 FHH/EurMcwiCrl strain RS:0000178 FHH/EurMcwiCrl IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
2311073 NBL/CrCrl strain RS:0002075 NBL/CrCrl IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
2311074 BDIX/CrCrl strain RS:0001789 BDIX/CrCrl IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
2311078 Crl:CD-Hrhr CD hairless rats strain RS:0001826 Crl:CD-Hrhr IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
2311079 WF/CrCrl strain RS:0002251 WF/CrCrl IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
2311082 SS-Chr 13BN/McwiCrl strain RS:0002198 SS-Chr 13BN/McwiCrl IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
2311692 F344-Myo1dTn(sb-T2/Bart3)2.334Mcwi strain RS:0001906 F344-Myo1dTn(sb-T2/Bart3)2.334Mcwi IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
2311693 F344-Tmem22Tn(sb-T2/Bart3)2.332Mcwi strain RS:0001925 F344-Tmem22Tn(sb-T2/Bart3)2.332Mcwi IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
2311694 F344-Fam227aTn(sb-T2/Bart3)2.333Mcwi strain RS:0001901 F344-Fam227aTn(sb-T2/Bart3)2.333Mcwi IEA S RGD:7241799 20200516 RGD
2312352 LEW.1N strain RS:0002062 LEW.1N IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
2312418 Kidm41 Kidney mass QTL 41 qtl RS:0000247 DA/Slc IEA S RGD:2312387|PMID:19448344 20140604 RGD
2312418 Kidm41 Kidney mass QTL 41 qtl RS:0000731 WKY/NCrl IEA S RGD:2312387|PMID:19448344 20140604 RGD
2312420 Pur17 Proteinuria QTL 17 qtl RS:0000247 DA/Slc IEA S RGD:2312387|PMID:19448344 20140604 RGD
2312420 Pur17 Proteinuria QTL 17 qtl RS:0000731 WKY/NCrl IEA S RGD:2312387|PMID:19448344 20140604 RGD
2312447 SD-Tg(Pmp22)Kan strain RS:0002129 SD-Tg(Pmp22)Kan IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
2312466 Crl:LIS Lister Hooded Rat strain RS:0001828 Crl:LIS IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
2312471 Crl:ZUC(Orl)-Leprfa strain RS:0001836 Crl:ZUC(Orl)-Leprfa IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
2312472 Crl:WI(WU) Wistar Wu Rat strain RS:0001834 Crl:WI(WU) IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
2312473 BDIX/OrlCrl BDIX Rats strain RS:0001792 BDIX/OrlCrl IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
2312474 Crl:OFA(SD) strain RS:0001830 Crl:OFA(SD) IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
2312498 WAG/RijCrl WAG Rats strain RS:0002249 WAG/RijCrl IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
2312499 Crl:NIH-Foxn1rnu Nude Rats strain RS:0001829 Crl:NIH-Foxn1rnu IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
2312504 Crlj:WI strain RS:0001840 Crlj:WI IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
2312511 WF/IcoCrl Wistar Rats strain RS:0002252 WF/IcoCrl IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
2312512 ZSF1-Leprfa, Leprcp/Crl strain RS:0002288 ZSF1-Leprfa Leprcp/Crl IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
2312513 Crlj:DON strain RS:0001838 Crlj:DON IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
2312514 Crlj:LEC strain RS:0001839 Crlj:LEC IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
2312518 Crlj:ZUC-Leprfa strain RS:0001841 Crlj:ZUC-Leprfa IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
2312558 Glom17 Glomerulus QTL 17 qtl RS:0000518 LEW/Maas IEA S RGD:2312422|PMID:18682577 20140604 RGD
2312558 Glom17 Glomerulus QTL 17 qtl RS:0000519 LEW/Mol IEA S RGD:2312422|PMID:18682577 20140604 RGD
2312560 Pur20 Proteinuria QTL 20 qtl RS:0000518 LEW/Maas IEA S RGD:2312422|PMID:18682577 20140604 RGD
2312560 Pur20 Proteinuria QTL 20 qtl RS:0000519 LEW/Mol IEA S RGD:2312422|PMID:18682577 20140604 RGD
2312562 Pur18 Proteinuria QTL 18 qtl RS:0000518 LEW/Maas IEA S RGD:2312422|PMID:18682577 20140604 RGD
2312562 Pur18 Proteinuria QTL 18 qtl RS:0000519 LEW/Mol IEA S RGD:2312422|PMID:18682577 20140604 RGD
2312564 Glom18 Glomerulus QTL 18 qtl RS:0000518 LEW/Maas IEA S RGD:2312422|PMID:18682577 20140604 RGD
2312564 Glom18 Glomerulus QTL 18 qtl RS:0000519 LEW/Mol IEA S RGD:2312422|PMID:18682577 20140604 RGD
2312566 Glom20 Glomerulus QTL 20 qtl RS:0000518 LEW/Maas IEA S RGD:2312422|PMID:18682577 20140604 RGD
2312566 Glom20 Glomerulus QTL 20 qtl RS:0000519 LEW/Mol IEA S RGD:2312422|PMID:18682577 20140604 RGD
2312567 Glom19 Glomerulus QTL 19 qtl RS:0000518 LEW/Maas IEA S RGD:2312422|PMID:18682577 20140604 RGD
2312567 Glom19 Glomerulus QTL 19 qtl RS:0000519 LEW/Mol IEA S RGD:2312422|PMID:18682577 20140604 RGD
2312568 Glom21 Glomerulus QTL 21 qtl RS:0000518 LEW/Maas IEA S RGD:2312422|PMID:18682577 20140604 RGD
2312568 Glom21 Glomerulus QTL 21 qtl RS:0000519 LEW/Mol IEA S RGD:2312422|PMID:18682577 20140604 RGD
2312569 Pur19 Proteinuria QTL 19 qtl RS:0000518 LEW/Maas IEA S RGD:2312422|PMID:18682577 20140604 RGD
2312569 Pur19 Proteinuria QTL 19 qtl RS:0000519 LEW/Mol IEA S RGD:2312422|PMID:18682577 20140604 RGD
2312577 SHR.BN-(D18Rat99-D18Rat82)/Ipcv strain RS:0002152 SHR.BN-(D18Rat99-D18Rat82)/Ipcv IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
2312578 SHR.BN-(D18Rat82)/Ipcv strain RS:0002151 SHR.BN-(D18Rat82)/Ipcv IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
2312579 SHR.BN-(D18Rat40-D18Rat82)/Ipcv strain RS:0002150 SHR.BN-(D18Rat40-D18Rat82)/Ipcv IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
2312580 SHR.BN-(D18Rat113-D18Rat82)/Ipcv strain RS:0002148 SHR.BN-(D18Rat113-D18Rat82)/Ipcv IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
2312598 Bp340 Blood pressure QTL 340 qtl RS:0002148 SHR.BN-(D18Rat113-D18Rat82)/Ipcv IEA S RGD:2312571|PMID:19620519 20140604 RGD
2312600 Bp341 Blood pressure QTL 341 qtl RS:0002150 SHR.BN-(D18Rat40-D18Rat82)/Ipcv IEA S RGD:2312571|PMID:19620519 20140604 RGD
2312609 MWF-Chr 8SHR/Rkb strain RS:0002073 MWF-Chr 8SHR/Rkb IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
2312644 DA.WOKW-(D3Mit10-D3Rat189)/K strain RS:0001856 DA.WOKW-(D3Mit10-D3Rat189)/K IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
2312645 DA.WOKW-(D16Rat88-D16Wox7)/K strain RS:0001854 DA.WOKW-(D16Rat88-D16Wox7)/K IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
2312646 DA.WOKW-(D5Mgh6-D5Mit5)/K strain RS:0001857 DA.WOKW-(D5Mgh6-D5Mit5)/K IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
2312647 DA.WOKW-(D3Mgh5-D3Rat1)/K strain RS:0001855 DA.WOKW-(D3Mgh5-D3Rat1)/K IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
2312648 DA.WOKW-(D10Mgh2-D10Rat4)/K strain RS:0001853 DA.WOKW-(D10Mgh2-D10Rat4)/K IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
2312659 Slep7 Serum leptin concentration QTL 7 qtl RS:0001855 DA.WOKW-(D3Mgh5-D3Rat1)/K IEA S RGD:2312642|PMID:19584880 20140604 RGD
2312660 Bw95 Body weight QTL 95 qtl RS:0001854 DA.WOKW-(D16Rat88-D16Wox7)/K IEA S RGD:2312642|PMID:19584880 20140604 RGD
2312662 Slep8 Serum leptin concentration QTL 8 qtl RS:0001853 DA.WOKW-(D10Mgh2-D10Rat4)/K IEA S RGD:2312642|PMID:19584880 20140604 RGD
2312663 Slep9 Serum leptin concentration QTL 9 qtl RS:0001854 DA.WOKW-(D16Rat88-D16Wox7)/K IEA S RGD:2312642|PMID:19584880 20140604 RGD
2312664 Scl62 Serum cholesterol level QTL 62 qtl RS:0001856 DA.WOKW-(D3Mit10-D3Rat189)/K IEA S RGD:2312642|PMID:19584880 20140604 RGD
2312666 Insul16 Insulin level QTL 16 qtl RS:0001854 DA.WOKW-(D16Rat88-D16Wox7)/K IEA S RGD:2312642|PMID:19584880 20140604 RGD
2312668 Scl65 Serum cholesterol level QTL 65 qtl RS:0001853 DA.WOKW-(D10Mgh2-D10Rat4)/K IEA S RGD:2312642|PMID:19584880 20140604 RGD
2312669 Stl23 Serum triglyceride level QTL 23 qtl RS:0001854 DA.WOKW-(D16Rat88-D16Wox7)/K IEA S RGD:2312642|PMID:19584880 20140604 RGD
2312670 Bw94 Body weight QTL 94 qtl RS:0001855 DA.WOKW-(D3Mgh5-D3Rat1)/K IEA S RGD:2312642|PMID:19584880 20140604 RGD
2312671 Scl64 Serum cholesterol level QTL 64 qtl RS:0001857 DA.WOKW-(D5Mgh6-D5Mit5)/K IEA S RGD:2312642|PMID:19584880 20140604 RGD
2312672 Insul15 Insulin level QTL 15 qtl RS:0001853 DA.WOKW-(D10Mgh2-D10Rat4)/K IEA S RGD:2312642|PMID:19584880 20140604 RGD
2312673 Scl63 Serum cholesterol level QTL 63 qtl RS:0001855 DA.WOKW-(D3Mgh5-D3Rat1)/K IEA S RGD:2312642|PMID:19584880 20140604 RGD
2312733 BN-Chr 13SS Chr 18SS/Mcwi strain RS:0001795 BN-Chr 13SS Chr 18SS/Mcwi IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
2313046 Bss78 Bone structure and strength QTL 78 qtl RS:0000118 GK/KyoSwe IEA S RGD:2312767|PMID:19113924 20160109 RGD
2313046 Bss78 Bone structure and strength QTL 78 qtl RS:0001673 F344/DuCrlSwe IEA S RGD:2312767|PMID:19113924 20160109 RGD
2313048 Bss84 Bone structure and strength QTL 84 qtl RS:0000118 GK/KyoSwe IEA S RGD:2312767|PMID:19113924 20160109 RGD
2313048 Bss84 Bone structure and strength QTL 84 qtl RS:0001673 F344/DuCrlSwe IEA S RGD:2312767|PMID:19113924 20160109 RGD
2313049 Bss72 Bone structure and strength QTL 72 qtl RS:0000118 GK/KyoSwe IEA S RGD:2312767|PMID:19113924 20160109 RGD
2313049 Bss72 Bone structure and strength QTL 72 qtl RS:0001673 F344/DuCrlSwe IEA S RGD:2312767|PMID:19113924 20160109 RGD
2313051 Bss57 Bone structure and strength QTL 57 qtl RS:0000118 GK/KyoSwe IEA S RGD:2312767|PMID:19113924 20140604 RGD
2313051 Bss57 Bone structure and strength QTL 57 qtl RS:0001673 F344/DuCrlSwe IEA S RGD:2312767|PMID:19113924 20140604 RGD
2313053 Bss51 Bone structure and strength QTL 51 qtl RS:0000118 GK/KyoSwe IEA S RGD:2312767|PMID:19113924 20140604 RGD
2313053 Bss51 Bone structure and strength QTL 51 qtl RS:0001673 F344/DuCrlSwe IEA S RGD:2312767|PMID:19113924 20140604 RGD
2313055 Bw96 Body weight QTL 96 qtl RS:0000118 GK/KyoSwe IEA S RGD:2312767|PMID:19113924 20140604 RGD
2313055 Bw96 Body weight QTL 96 qtl RS:0001673 F344/DuCrlSwe IEA S RGD:2312767|PMID:19113924 20140604 RGD
2313057 Bss76 Bone structure and strength QTL 76 qtl RS:0000118 GK/KyoSwe IEA S RGD:2312767|PMID:19113924 20160109 RGD
2313057 Bss76 Bone structure and strength QTL 76 qtl RS:0001673 F344/DuCrlSwe IEA S RGD:2312767|PMID:19113924 20160109 RGD
2313059 Bss55 Bone structure and strength QTL 55 qtl RS:0000118 GK/KyoSwe IEA S RGD:2312767|PMID:19113924 20160109 RGD
2313059 Bss55 Bone structure and strength QTL 55 qtl RS:0001673 F344/DuCrlSwe IEA S RGD:2312767|PMID:19113924 20160109 RGD
2313060 Bss71 Bone structure and strength QTL 71 qtl RS:0000118 GK/KyoSwe IEA S RGD:2312767|PMID:19113924 20140604 RGD
2313060 Bss71 Bone structure and strength QTL 71 qtl RS:0001673 F344/DuCrlSwe IEA S RGD:2312767|PMID:19113924 20140604 RGD
2313062 Bmd73 Bone mineral density QTL 73 qtl RS:0000118 GK/KyoSwe IEA S RGD:2312767|PMID:19113924 20140604 RGD
2313062 Bmd73 Bone mineral density QTL 73 qtl RS:0001673 F344/DuCrlSwe IEA S RGD:2312767|PMID:19113924 20140604 RGD
2313064 Bmd71 Bone mineral density QTL 71 qtl RS:0000118 GK/KyoSwe IEA S RGD:2312767|PMID:19113924 20140604 RGD
2313064 Bmd71 Bone mineral density QTL 71 qtl RS:0001673 F344/DuCrlSwe IEA S RGD:2312767|PMID:19113924 20140604 RGD
2313065 Bss67 Bone structure and strength QTL 67 qtl RS:0000118 GK/KyoSwe IEA S RGD:2312767|PMID:19113924 20160109 RGD
2313065 Bss67 Bone structure and strength QTL 67 qtl RS:0001673 F344/DuCrlSwe IEA S RGD:2312767|PMID:19113924 20160109 RGD
2313066 Bss63 Bone structure and strength QTL 63 qtl RS:0000118 GK/KyoSwe IEA S RGD:2312767|PMID:19113924 20140604 RGD
2313066 Bss63 Bone structure and strength QTL 63 qtl RS:0001673 F344/DuCrlSwe IEA S RGD:2312767|PMID:19113924 20140604 RGD
2313067 Bss77 Bone structure and strength QTL 77 qtl RS:0000118 GK/KyoSwe IEA S RGD:2312767|PMID:19113924 20160109 RGD
2313067 Bss77 Bone structure and strength QTL 77 qtl RS:0001673 F344/DuCrlSwe IEA S RGD:2312767|PMID:19113924 20160109 RGD
2313069 Bss68 Bone structure and strength QTL 68 qtl RS:0000118 GK/KyoSwe IEA S RGD:2312767|PMID:19113924 20160109 RGD
2313069 Bss68 Bone structure and strength QTL 68 qtl RS:0001673 F344/DuCrlSwe IEA S RGD:2312767|PMID:19113924 20160109 RGD
2313070 Bss52 Bone structure and strength QTL 52 qtl RS:0000118 GK/KyoSwe IEA S RGD:2312767|PMID:19113924 20140604 RGD
2313070 Bss52 Bone structure and strength QTL 52 qtl RS:0001673 F344/DuCrlSwe IEA S RGD:2312767|PMID:19113924 20140604 RGD
2313072 Bss53 Bone structure and strength QTL 53 qtl RS:0000118 GK/KyoSwe IEA S RGD:2312767|PMID:19113924 20140604 RGD
2313072 Bss53 Bone structure and strength QTL 53 qtl RS:0001673 F344/DuCrlSwe IEA S RGD:2312767|PMID:19113924 20140604 RGD
2313073 Bmd75 Bone mineral density QTL 75 qtl RS:0000118 GK/KyoSwe IEA S RGD:2312767|PMID:19113924 20140604 RGD
2313073 Bmd75 Bone mineral density QTL 75 qtl RS:0001673 F344/DuCrlSwe IEA S RGD:2312767|PMID:19113924 20140604 RGD
2313075 Bss66 Bone structure and strength QTL 66 qtl RS:0000118 GK/KyoSwe IEA S RGD:2312767|PMID:19113924 20140604 RGD
2313075 Bss66 Bone structure and strength QTL 66 qtl RS:0001673 F344/DuCrlSwe IEA S RGD:2312767|PMID:19113924 20140604 RGD
2313076 Bss74 Bone structure and strength QTL 74 qtl RS:0000118 GK/KyoSwe IEA S RGD:2312767|PMID:19113924 20160109 RGD
2313076 Bss74 Bone structure and strength QTL 74 qtl RS:0001673 F344/DuCrlSwe IEA S RGD:2312767|PMID:19113924 20160109 RGD
2313077 Bss69 Bone structure and strength QTL 69 qtl RS:0000118 GK/KyoSwe IEA S RGD:2312767|PMID:19113924 20140604 RGD
2313077 Bss69 Bone structure and strength QTL 69 qtl RS:0001673 F344/DuCrlSwe IEA S RGD:2312767|PMID:19113924 20140604 RGD
2313078 Bss54 Bone structure and strength QTL 54 qtl RS:0000118 GK/KyoSwe IEA S RGD:2312767|PMID:19113924 20160109 RGD
2313078 Bss54 Bone structure and strength QTL 54 qtl RS:0001673 F344/DuCrlSwe IEA S RGD:2312767|PMID:19113924 20160109 RGD
2313079 Bss73 Bone structure and strength QTL 73 qtl RS:0000118 GK/KyoSwe IEA S RGD:2312767|PMID:19113924 20160109 RGD
2313079 Bss73 Bone structure and strength QTL 73 qtl RS:0001673 F344/DuCrlSwe IEA S RGD:2312767|PMID:19113924 20160109 RGD
2313080 Bss65 Bone structure and strength QTL 65 qtl RS:0000118 GK/KyoSwe IEA S RGD:2312767|PMID:19113924 20140604 RGD
2313080 Bss65 Bone structure and strength QTL 65 qtl RS:0001673 F344/DuCrlSwe IEA S RGD:2312767|PMID:19113924 20140604 RGD
2313081 Bss64 Bone structure and strength QTL 64 qtl RS:0000118 GK/KyoSwe IEA S RGD:2312767|PMID:19113924 20160109 RGD
2313081 Bss64 Bone structure and strength QTL 64 qtl RS:0001673 F344/DuCrlSwe IEA S RGD:2312767|PMID:19113924 20160109 RGD
2313082 Bss85 Bone structure and strength QTL 85 qtl RS:0000118 GK/KyoSwe IEA S RGD:2312767|PMID:19113924 20140604 RGD
2313082 Bss85 Bone structure and strength QTL 85 qtl RS:0001673 F344/DuCrlSwe IEA S RGD:2312767|PMID:19113924 20140604 RGD
2313083 Bmd74 Bone mineral density QTL 74 qtl RS:0000118 GK/KyoSwe IEA S RGD:2312767|PMID:19113924 20140604 RGD
2313083 Bmd74 Bone mineral density QTL 74 qtl RS:0001673 F344/DuCrlSwe IEA S RGD:2312767|PMID:19113924 20140604 RGD
2313084 Bss83 Bone structure and strength QTL 83 qtl RS:0000118 GK/KyoSwe IEA S RGD:2312767|PMID:19113924 20160109 RGD
2313084 Bss83 Bone structure and strength QTL 83 qtl RS:0001673 F344/DuCrlSwe IEA S RGD:2312767|PMID:19113924 20160109 RGD
2313085 Bss59 Bone structure and strength QTL 59 qtl RS:0000118 GK/KyoSwe IEA S RGD:2312767|PMID:19113924 20140604 RGD
2313085 Bss59 Bone structure and strength QTL 59 qtl RS:0001673 F344/DuCrlSwe IEA S RGD:2312767|PMID:19113924 20140604 RGD
2313086 Bss60 Bone structure and strength QTL 60 qtl RS:0000118 GK/KyoSwe IEA S RGD:2312767|PMID:19113924 20140604 RGD
2313086 Bss60 Bone structure and strength QTL 60 qtl RS:0001673 F344/DuCrlSwe IEA S RGD:2312767|PMID:19113924 20140604 RGD
2313087 Bmd80 Bone mineral density QTL 80 qtl RS:0000118 GK/KyoSwe IEA S RGD:2312767|PMID:19113924 20140604 RGD
2313087 Bmd80 Bone mineral density QTL 80 qtl RS:0001673 F344/DuCrlSwe IEA S RGD:2312767|PMID:19113924 20140604 RGD
2313088 Bss75 Bone structure and strength QTL 75 qtl RS:0000118 GK/KyoSwe IEA S RGD:2312767|PMID:19113924 20140604 RGD
2313088 Bss75 Bone structure and strength QTL 75 qtl RS:0001673 F344/DuCrlSwe IEA S RGD:2312767|PMID:19113924 20140604 RGD
2313089 Bss81 Bone structure and strength QTL 81 qtl RS:0000118 GK/KyoSwe IEA S RGD:2312767|PMID:19113924 20140604 RGD
2313089 Bss81 Bone structure and strength QTL 81 qtl RS:0001673 F344/DuCrlSwe IEA S RGD:2312767|PMID:19113924 20140604 RGD
2313090 Bmd69 Bone mineral density QTL 69 qtl RS:0000118 GK/KyoSwe IEA S RGD:2312767|PMID:19113924 20140604 RGD
2313090 Bmd69 Bone mineral density QTL 69 qtl RS:0001673 F344/DuCrlSwe IEA S RGD:2312767|PMID:19113924 20140604 RGD
2313092 Bmd72 Bone mineral density QTL 72 qtl RS:0000118 GK/KyoSwe IEA S RGD:2312767|PMID:19113924 20140604 RGD
2313092 Bmd72 Bone mineral density QTL 72 qtl RS:0001673 F344/DuCrlSwe IEA S RGD:2312767|PMID:19113924 20140604 RGD
2313093 Bmd77 Bone mineral density QTL 77 qtl RS:0000118 GK/KyoSwe IEA S RGD:2312767|PMID:19113924 20140604 RGD
2313093 Bmd77 Bone mineral density QTL 77 qtl RS:0001673 F344/DuCrlSwe IEA S RGD:2312767|PMID:19113924 20140604 RGD
2313094 Bss58 Bone structure and strength QTL 58 qtl RS:0000118 GK/KyoSwe IEA S RGD:2312767|PMID:19113924 20160109 RGD
2313094 Bss58 Bone structure and strength QTL 58 qtl RS:0001673 F344/DuCrlSwe IEA S RGD:2312767|PMID:19113924 20160109 RGD
2313095 Bss62 Bone structure and strength QTL 62 qtl RS:0000118 GK/KyoSwe IEA S RGD:2312767|PMID:19113924 20160109 RGD
2313095 Bss62 Bone structure and strength QTL 62 qtl RS:0001673 F344/DuCrlSwe IEA S RGD:2312767|PMID:19113924 20160109 RGD
2313096 Bmd78 Bone mineral density QTL 78 qtl RS:0000118 GK/KyoSwe IEA S RGD:2312767|PMID:19113924 20140604 RGD
2313096 Bmd78 Bone mineral density QTL 78 qtl RS:0001673 F344/DuCrlSwe IEA S RGD:2312767|PMID:19113924 20140604 RGD
2313097 Bss70 Bone structure and strength QTL 70 qtl RS:0000118 GK/KyoSwe IEA S RGD:2312767|PMID:19113924 20160109 RGD
2313097 Bss70 Bone structure and strength QTL 70 qtl RS:0001673 F344/DuCrlSwe IEA S RGD:2312767|PMID:19113924 20160109 RGD
2313098 Bmd70 Bone mineral density QTL 70 qtl RS:0000118 GK/KyoSwe IEA S RGD:2312767|PMID:19113924 20140604 RGD
2313098 Bmd70 Bone mineral density QTL 70 qtl RS:0001673 F344/DuCrlSwe IEA S RGD:2312767|PMID:19113924 20140604 RGD
2313099 Bss56 Bone structure and strength QTL 56 qtl RS:0000118 GK/KyoSwe IEA S RGD:2312767|PMID:19113924 20160109 RGD
2313099 Bss56 Bone structure and strength QTL 56 qtl RS:0001673 F344/DuCrlSwe IEA S RGD:2312767|PMID:19113924 20160109 RGD
2313100 Bss82 Bone structure and strength QTL 82 qtl RS:0000118 GK/KyoSwe IEA S RGD:2312767|PMID:19113924 20160109 RGD
2313100 Bss82 Bone structure and strength QTL 82 qtl RS:0001673 F344/DuCrlSwe IEA S RGD:2312767|PMID:19113924 20160109 RGD
2313101 Bmd76 Bone mineral density QTL 76 qtl RS:0000118 GK/KyoSwe IEA S RGD:2312767|PMID:19113924 20140604 RGD
2313101 Bmd76 Bone mineral density QTL 76 qtl RS:0001673 F344/DuCrlSwe IEA S RGD:2312767|PMID:19113924 20140604 RGD
2313102 Bmd79 Bone mineral density QTL 79 qtl RS:0000118 GK/KyoSwe IEA S RGD:2312767|PMID:19113924 20140604 RGD
2313102 Bmd79 Bone mineral density QTL 79 qtl RS:0001673 F344/DuCrlSwe IEA S RGD:2312767|PMID:19113924 20140604 RGD
2313103 Bss80 Bone structure and strength QTL 80 qtl RS:0000118 GK/KyoSwe IEA S RGD:2312767|PMID:19113924 20160109 RGD
2313103 Bss80 Bone structure and strength QTL 80 qtl RS:0001673 F344/DuCrlSwe IEA S RGD:2312767|PMID:19113924 20160109 RGD
2313104 Bss61 Bone structure and strength QTL 61 qtl RS:0000118 GK/KyoSwe IEA S RGD:2312767|PMID:19113924 20160109 RGD
2313104 Bss61 Bone structure and strength QTL 61 qtl RS:0001673 F344/DuCrlSwe IEA S RGD:2312767|PMID:19113924 20160109 RGD
2313105 Bss79 Bone structure and strength QTL 79 qtl RS:0000118 GK/KyoSwe IEA S RGD:2312767|PMID:19113924 20160109 RGD
2313105 Bss79 Bone structure and strength QTL 79 qtl RS:0001673 F344/DuCrlSwe IEA S RGD:2312767|PMID:19113924 20160109 RGD
2313181 LEW.1WR1/WorBrm strain RS:0002063 LEW.1WR1/WorBrm IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
2313209 WF.ART2/Wor strain RS:0002250 WF.ART2/Wor IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
2313221 SHHF-Leprcp/Crl strain RS:0002138 SHHF-Leprcp/Crl IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
2313222 BN/HsdMcwiCrl strain RS:0001805 BN/HsdMcwiCrl IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
2313231 LEWBNF1/Crl strain RS:0002066 LEWBNF1/Crl IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
2313232 WFF344F1/Crl strain RS:0002253 WFF344F1/Crl IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
2313342 BN-Chr 17LH/Mav strain RS:0001798 BN-Chr 17LH/Mav IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
2313343 LH-Chr 13BN/Mav strain RS:0002068 LH-Chr 13BN/Mav IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
2313384 Wild/Nov strain RS:0002284 Wild/Nov IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
2313395 Anxrr26 Anxiety related response QTL 26 qtl RS:0002284 Wild/Nov IEA S RGD:2313383|PMID:19363126 20140604 RGD
2313397 Coatc1 Coat color QTL1 qtl RS:0002284 Wild/Nov IEA S RGD:2313383|PMID:19363126 20140604 RGD
2313399 Anxrr28 Anxiety related response QTL 28 qtl RS:0002284 Wild/Nov IEA S RGD:2313383|PMID:19363126 20140604 RGD
2313400 Anxrr25 Anxiety related response QTL 25 qtl RS:0002284 Wild/Nov IEA S RGD:2313383|PMID:19363126 20140604 RGD
2313401 Anxrr27 Anxiety related response QTL 27 qtl RS:0002284 Wild/Nov IEA S RGD:2313383|PMID:19363126 20140604 RGD
2313402 Anxrr24 Anxiety related response QTL 24 qtl RS:0002284 Wild/Nov IEA S RGD:2313383|PMID:19363126 20140604 RGD
2313463 F344-Ppfia2Tn(sb-T2/Bart3)2.339Mcwi strain RS:0001909 F344-Ppfia2Tn(sb-T2/Bart3)2.339Mcwi IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
2313464 F344-LargeTn(sb-T2/Bart3)2.336Mcwi strain RS:0001902 F344-LargeTn(sb-T2/Bart3)2.336Mcwi IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
2313465 F344-Pld5Tn(sb-T2/Bart3)2.340Mcwi strain RS:0001908 F344-Pld5Tn(sb-T2/Bart3)2.340Mcwi IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
2313466 F344-Agbl4Tn(sb-T2/Bart3)2.337Mcwi strain RS:0001885 F344-Agbl4Tn(sb-T2/Bart3)2.337Mcwi IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
2313588 SD-Tg(Ins2-IAPP)Soel strain RS:0002125 SD-Tg(Ins2-IAPP)Soel IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
2313693 SHR-Tg(PEPCK-SREBF1)2Ipcv strain RS:0002146 SHR-Tg(PEPCK-SREBF1)2Ipcv IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
2313734 SD-Tg(H1/tetO-RNAi:Insr)29Bdr strain RS:0002127 SD-Tg(H1/tetO-RNAi:Insr)29Bdr IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
2313735 SD-Tg(H1/tetO-RNAi:Insr)14Bdr strain RS:0002126 SD-Tg(H1/tetO-RNAi:Insr)14Bdr IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
2313854 Bp343 Blood pressure QTL 343 qtl RS:0000521 LEW/NHsd IEA S RGD:619627|PMID:10432379 20140604 RGD
2313854 Bp343 Blood pressure QTL 343 qtl RS:0000687 SD-Tg(Ren2)27 IEA S RGD:619627|PMID:10432379 20140604 RGD
2313856 Bp342 Blood pressure QTL 342 qtl RS:0000521 LEW/NHsd IEA S RGD:2313695|PMID:19307186 20140604 RGD
2313856 Bp342 Blood pressure QTL 342 qtl RS:0000687 SD-Tg(Ren2)27 IEA S RGD:2313695|PMID:19307186 20140604 RGD
2313922 F344-Tg(Cyp1a1-Ren2)10.LEW-(D10Rat142-D10Rat15)/Jmul strain RS:0001932 F344-Tg(Cyp1a1-Ren2)10.LEW-(D10Rat142-D10Rat15)/Jmul IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
2313923 LEW-Chr YF344-Tg(Cyp1a1-Ren2)10.F344-(D10Rat99-D10Rat11)/Jmul strain RS:0002064 LEW-Chr YF344-Tg(Cyp1a1-Ren2)10.F344-(D10Rat99-D10Rat11)/Jmul IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
2313924 LEW-Chr YF344-Tg(Cyp1a1-Ren2)10/Jmul strain RS:0002053 LEW-Chr YF344-Tg(Cyp1a1-Ren2)10/Jmul IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
2314001 N:HS Heterogeneous stock strain RS:0002074 N:HS IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
2314009 NMcwi:HS Heterogeneous stock strain RS:0002539 NMcwi:HS IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
2314011 Gluco56 Glucose level QTL 56 qtl RS:0002539 NMcwi:HS IEA S RGD:2316693|PMID:20068026 20140604 RGD
2314027 SDT.Cg-Leprfa/Jtt SDT fatty strain RS:0000706 SDT.Cg-Leprfa/Jtt IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
2314161 F344-Kuru1/Kyo Kuru1 strain RS:0001874 F344-Kuru1/Kyo IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
2314162 F344-Oune/Kyo Oune strain RS:0001876 F344-Oune/Kyo IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
2314163 F344-Kcna1Adms/Kyo ADMS (autosomal dominant myokymia and seizures) rat strain RS:0001872 F344-Kcna1Adms/Kyo IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
2314164 F344-Kuru2/Kyo Kuru2 strain RS:0001875 F344-Kuru2/Kyo IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
2314165 ACI-Chib/Kyo Chibi strain RS:0001742 ACI-Chib/Kyo IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
2314166 F344-Tbr2/Kyo Tsubura2 strain RS:0001880 F344-Tbr2/Kyo IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
2314167 F344-Kmch/Kyo Komachi strain RS:0001873 F344-Kmch/Kyo IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
2314168 F344-Tbr1/Kyo Tsubura1 strain RS:0001879 F344-Tbr1/Kyo IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
2314169 WTC.F344-Scn1am1Kyo/Kyo strain RS:0002280 WTC.F344-Scn1am1Kyo/Kyo IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
2314170 F344-Egrm1Kyo EGR (Excessive Grooming Rat), Kaikai, Kyo1897 strain RS:0001870 F344-Egrm1Kyo IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
2314224 F344.OLETF-(D1Rat166-D1Rat90)/2Tj strain RS:0001966 F344.OLETF-(D1Rat166-D1Rat90)/2Tj IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
2314225 F344-Chr 15OLETF/Tj strain RS:0001887 F344-Chr 15OLETF/Tj IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
2314226 WI-Tg(WSCD2)3Tkyo strain RS:0002241 WI-Tg(WSCD2)3Tkyo IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
2314227 WI-Tg(WSCD2)4Tkyo strain RS:0002242 WI-Tg(WSCD2)4Tkyo IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
2314228 WI-Tg(WSCD2)5Tkyo strain RS:0002245 WI-Tg(WSCD2)5Tkyo IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
2314229 F344.OLETF-(D7Uwm22-D7Mgh20)/Tj strain RS:0001984 F344.OLETF-(D7Uwm22-D7Mgh20)/Tj IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
2314230 F344-Hrkrh/Kyo Hairless Kyoto, Hanako strain RS:0001882 F344-HrKrh/Kyo IEA S RGD:7241799 20200516 RGD
2314231 F344.OLETF-(D5Mgh5-D5Mgh23)/2Tj strain RS:0001970 F344.OLETF-(D5Mgh5-D5Mgh23)/2Tj IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
2314232 WI-Tg(WSCD2)1Tkyo strain RS:0002240 WI-Tg(WSCD2)1Tkyo IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
2314243 SHR.WKY-(D1Mgh2-D1Wox10)/IzmTkyo strain RS:0002168 SHR.WKY-(D1Mgh2-D1Wox10)/IzmTkyo IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
2314244 BCR/Nn strain RS:0001787 BCR/Nn IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
2314245 WI-Tg(WSCD2)6Tkyo strain RS:0002246 WI-Tg(WSCD2)6Tkyo IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
2314246 SHRSP.WKY-(D1Rat117-D1Rat90)/IzmTkyo strain RS:0002540 SHRSP.WKY-(D1Rat117-D1Rat90)/IzmTkyo IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
2314247 WI-Tg(Prl-EGFP)Yamp strain RS:0002236 WI-Tg(Prl-EGFP)Yamp IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
2314313 NER.F344-(D5Rat100-D5Rat234)/Kyo strain RS:0002079 NER.F344-(D5Rat100-D5Rat234)/Kyo IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
2314314 NER.F344-(D1Mgh6-D1Rat132)/Kyo strain RS:0002078 NER.F344-(D1Mgh6-D1Rat132)/Kyo IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
2314315 F344.NER-(D5Mgh4-D5Rat36)/Kyo strain RS:0001935 F344.NER-(D5Mgh4-D5Rat36)/Kyo IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
2314316 F344.NER-(D1Mgh6-D1Rat73)/Kyo strain RS:0001934 F344.NER-(D1Mgh6-D1Rat73)/Kyo IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
2314317 WTC.GRY-Cacna1agry/Kyo strain RS:0002281 WTC.GRY-Cacna1agry/Kyo IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
2314339 F344-PatjTn(sb-T2/Bart3)2.343Mcwi strain RS:0001896 F344-InadlTn(sb-T2/Bart3)2.343Mcwi IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
2314340 F344-AcoxlTn(sb-T2/Bart3)2.342Mcwi strain RS:0001884 F344-AcoxlTn(sb-T2/Bart3)2.342Mcwi IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
2314341 F344-Auts2Tn(sb-T2/Bart3)2.344Mcwi strain RS:0001886 F344-Auts2Tn(sb-T2/Bart3)2.344Mcwi IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
2314342 F344-PalldTn(sb-T2/Bart3)2.341Mcwi strain RS:0001900 F344-PalldTn(sb-T2/Bart3)2.341Mcwi IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
2314360 ACI.F344-(D16Mit5-D16Nkg27)/Nkg strain RS:0001757 ACI.F344-(D16Mit5-D16Nkg27)/Nkg IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
2314361 W-Tg(Slc32a1-YFP*)1Yyan strain RS:0002238 W-Tg(Slc32a1-YFP*)1Yyan IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
2314362 F344-Hrdk/Kyo Hairless dominant Kyoto strain RS:0001871 F344-Hrdk/Kyo IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
2314363 W-Tg(Slc32a1-YFP*)2Yyan strain RS:0002239 W-Tg(Slc32a1-YFP*)2Yyan IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
2314364 ACI.F344-(D16Nkg112-D16Nkg27)/Nkg strain RS:0001759 ACI.F344-(D16Nkg112-D16Nkg27)/Nkg IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
2314365 KFRS2/Kyo strain RS:0002031 KFRS2/Kyo IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
2314368 F344-Kcnn2Trdk/Kyo Tremor dominant Kyoto strain RS:0001881 F344-Trdk/Kyo IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
2314375 LE.AR-Ednrbsl/Okkm strain RS:0002042 LE.AR-Ednrbsl/Okkm IEA S RGD:7241799 20200516 RGD
2314376 KFRS4/Kyo strain RS:0002034 KFRS4/Kyo IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
2314377 KFRS3B/Kyo strain RS:0002033 KFRS3B/Kyo IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
2314378 AR-Ednrbsl/Okkm Aganglionosis rat strain RS:0001767 AR-EdnrbslOkkm IEA S RGD:7241799 20200516 RGD
2314379 KFRS6/Kyo strain RS:0002039 KFRS6/Kyo IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
2314380 SD-Tg(CAG-lacZ)541Htsu strain RS:0002123 SD-Tg(CAG-lacZ)541Htsu IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
2314381 KFRS5A/Kyo strain RS:0002036 KFRS5A/Kyo IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
2314382 SD-Tg(CAG-HRAS*G12V)250Htsu strain RS:0002121 SD-Tg(CAG-HRAS*G12V)250Htsu IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
2314383 KFRS3A/Kyo strain RS:0002032 KFRS3A/Kyo IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
2314396 LCR/Mco Low-capacity runners strain RS:0005007 LCR/Tol IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
2314397 HCR/Mco High-capacity runners strain RS:0005008 HCR/Tol IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
2314414 LEW-Tg(H1/tetO-RNAi:Insr)87Hrjb strain RS:0002057 LEW-Tg(H1/tetO-RNAi:Insr)87Hrjb IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
2314415 LEW-Tg(H1/tetO-RNAi:Insr)4Hrjb strain RS:0002056 LEW-Tg(H1/tetO-RNAi:Insr)4Hrjb IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
2314477 LEW-RT1DA/Rrrc strain RS:0002052 LEW-RT1DA/Rrrc IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
2314478 LEW-RT1.Bm1Trg/Rrrc RT1.B strain RS:0002051 LEW-RT1.Bm1Trg/Rrrc IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
2314492 SBN.SBH-(D1Rat148-D1Rat89)/Ygl strain RS:0002118 SBN.SBH-(D1Rat148-D1Rat89)/Ygl IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
2314493 SBH.SBN-(D1Mgh2-D1Rat74)/Ygl strain RS:0002111 SBH.SBN-(D1Mgh2-D1Rat74)/Ygl IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
2314494 SBH.SBN-(D1Rat137-D1Rat123)/Ygl strain RS:0002112 SBH.SBN-(D1Rat137-D1Rat123)/Ygl IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
2314495 SBN.SBH-(D1Rat27-D1Mit7)/Ygl strain RS:0002119 SBN.SBH-(D1Rat27-D1Mit7)/Ygl IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
2314496 SBH.SBN-(D1Mgh2-D1Mgh11)/Ygl strain RS:0002108 SBH.SBN-(D1Mgh2-D1Mgh11)/Ygl IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
2314497 SBN.SBH-(D1Rat101-D1Rat74)/Ygl strain RS:0002117 SBN.SBH-(D1Rat101-D1Rat74)/Ygl IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
2314498 SBH.SBN-(D1Rat137-D1Rat83)/Ygl strain RS:0002113 SBH.SBN-(D1Rat137-D1Rat83)/Ygl IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
2314499 SBN.SBH-(D1Mgh17-D1Mgh14)/Ygl strain RS:0002116 SBN.SBH-(D1Mgh17-D1Mgh14)/Ygl IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
2314500 SBH.SBN-(D1Mgh2-D1Rat101)/Ygl strain RS:0002110 SBH.SBN-(D1Mgh2-D1Rat101)/Ygl IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
2314501 SBH.SBN-(D1Wox11-D1Rat137)/Ygl strain RS:0002114 SBH.SBN-(D1Wox11-D1Rat137)/Ygl IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
2314530 SS.SHR-(D8Uia1-D8Rat90)/Mco strain RS:0002200 SS.SHR-(D8Uia1-D8Rat90)/Mco IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
2314531 SHR.SS-(D13Rat1-D13Mgh6)/Mco strain RS:0002162 SHR.SS-(D13Rat1-D13Mgh6)/Mco IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
2314532 SHR.SS-(D8Uia1-D8Rat90)/Mco strain RS:0002163 SHR.SS-(D8Uia1-D8Rat90)/Mco IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
2314655 BRAT-Avpdi/BluHsd Brattleboro strain RS:0002019 BRAT-Avpdi/BluHsd IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
2314861 WAG/RijYcb strain RS:0003432 WAG/RijYcb IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
2314904 WAG-F8m1Ycb strain RS:0003433 WAG-F8m1Ycb IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
2314928 Slc:W Slc: Wistar strain RS:0002216 Slc:W IEA S RGD:7241799 20200516 RGD
2314934 WST.F344-Ker/Kyo Wistar/ST-Boo strain RS:0002276 WST.F344-Ker/Kyo IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
2314935 WST.F344-Kmch/Kyo Wistar/ST-Komachi strain RS:0002275 WST.F344-Kmch/Kyo IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
2314936 WI-Tg(WSCD2)Tkyo strain RS:0002247 WI-Tg(WSCD2)Tkyo IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
2314937 F344.OLETF-(D5Mgh20-D5Mgh22)/Tj strain RS:0001967 F344.OLETF-(D5Mgh20-D5Mgh22)/Tj IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
2316631 F344.GK-(D1Swe8-D1Gpam-1)/Swe strain RS:0002369 F344.GK-(D1Swe8-D1Gpam-1)/Swe IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
2316632 NEDH/KSim New England Deaconess Hospital strain RS:0002371 NEDH/KSim IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
2316633 F344.GK-(D1Got251-D1Gpam-1)/Swe strain RS:0002370 F344.GK-(D1Got251-D1Gpam-1)/Swe IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
2316649 Bp344 Blood pressure QTL 344 qtl RS:0002373 SS.LEW-(D1Mco102-D1Mco129)/1Mco IEA S RGD:2312639|PMID:19423552 20140604 RGD
2316649 Bp344 Blood pressure QTL 344 qtl RS:0002374 SS.LEW-(D1Mco102-D1Mco129)/2Mco IEA S RGD:2312639|PMID:19423552 20140604 RGD
2316653 SS.LEW-(D1Mco102-D1Got46)/Mco strain RS:0002372 SS.LEW-(D1Mco102-D1Got46)/Mco IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
2316654 SS.LEW-(D1Mco102-D1Mco129)/1Mco strain RS:0002373 SS.LEW-(D1Mco102-D1Mco129)/1Mco IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
2316655 SS.LEW-(D1Mco102-D1Mco129)/2Mco strain RS:0002374 SS.LEW-(D1Mco102-D1Mco129)/2Mco IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
2316896 Gluco57 Glucose level QTL 57 qtl RS:0000118 GK/KyoSwe IEA S RGD:2316856|PMID:19584172 20140604 RGD
2316896 Gluco57 Glucose level QTL 57 qtl RS:0000145 BN/NHsdMcwi IEA S RGD:2316856|PMID:19584172 20140604 RGD
2316925 SHR.BN-(D3Rat159-D3Rat1)/Mco strain RS:0002376 SHR.BN-(D3Rat159-D3Rat1)/Mco IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
2316927 SHR.BN-(D6Rat40-D6Rat170)/Mco strain RS:0002377 SHR.BN-(D6Rat40-D6Rat170)/Mco IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
2316928 SHR.BN-(D3Rat159-D3Rat1)(D6Rat40-D6Rat170)/Mco strain RS:0002378 SHR.BN-(D3Rat159-D3Rat1)(D6Rat40-D6Rat170)/Mco IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
2316947 Rf58 Renal function QTL 58 qtl RS:0000118 GK/KyoSwe IEA S RGD:2316856|PMID:19584172 20140604 RGD
2316947 Rf58 Renal function QTL 58 qtl RS:0000145 BN/NHsdMcwi IEA S RGD:2316856|PMID:19584172 20140604 RGD
2316949 Gluco60 Glucose level QTL 60 qtl RS:0000118 GK/KyoSwe IEA S RGD:2316856|PMID:19584172 20140604 RGD
2316949 Gluco60 Glucose level QTL 60 qtl RS:0000145 BN/NHsdMcwi IEA S RGD:2316856|PMID:19584172 20140604 RGD
2316950 Scl66 Serum cholesterol level QTL 66 qtl RS:0000118 GK/KyoSwe IEA S RGD:2316856|PMID:19584172 20140604 RGD
2316950 Scl66 Serum cholesterol level QTL 66 qtl RS:0000145 BN/NHsdMcwi IEA S RGD:2316856|PMID:19584172 20140604 RGD
2316952 Pur22 Proteinuria QTL 22 qtl RS:0000118 GK/KyoSwe IEA S RGD:2316856|PMID:19584172 20140604 RGD
2316952 Pur22 Proteinuria QTL 22 qtl RS:0000145 BN/NHsdMcwi IEA S RGD:2316856|PMID:19584172 20140604 RGD
2316954 Rf57 Renal function QTL 57 qtl RS:0000118 GK/KyoSwe IEA S RGD:2316856|PMID:19584172 20140604 RGD
2316954 Rf57 Renal function QTL 57 qtl RS:0000145 BN/NHsdMcwi IEA S RGD:2316856|PMID:19584172 20140604 RGD
2316955 Stl24 Serum triglyceride level QTL 24 qtl RS:0000118 GK/KyoSwe IEA S RGD:2316856|PMID:19584172 20140604 RGD
2316955 Stl24 Serum triglyceride level QTL 24 qtl RS:0000145 BN/NHsdMcwi IEA S RGD:2316856|PMID:19584172 20140604 RGD
2316957 Pur21 Proteinuria QTL 21 qtl RS:0000118 GK/KyoSwe IEA S RGD:2316856|PMID:19584172 20140604 RGD
2316957 Pur21 Proteinuria QTL 21 qtl RS:0000145 BN/NHsdMcwi IEA S RGD:2316856|PMID:19584172 20140604 RGD
2316958 Gluco58 Glucose level QTL 58 qtl RS:0000118 GK/KyoSwe IEA S RGD:2316856|PMID:19584172 20140604 RGD
2316958 Gluco58 Glucose level QTL 58 qtl RS:0000145 BN/NHsdMcwi IEA S RGD:2316856|PMID:19584172 20140604 RGD
2316959 Gluco59 Glucose level QTL 59 qtl RS:0000118 GK/KyoSwe IEA S RGD:2316856|PMID:19584172 20140604 RGD
2316959 Gluco59 Glucose level QTL 59 qtl RS:0000145 BN/NHsdMcwi IEA S RGD:2316856|PMID:19584172 20140604 RGD
2317027 Aia22 Adjuvant induced arthritis QTL 22 qtl RS:0000306 F344/NCrl IEA S RGD:2316974|PMID:19526527 20140604 RGD
2317027 Aia22 Adjuvant induced arthritis QTL 22 qtl RS:0000509 LEW/Crl IEA S RGD:2316974|PMID:19526527 20140604 RGD
2317029 Aia19 Adjuvant induced arthritis QTL 19 qtl RS:0000306 F344/NCrl IEA S RGD:2316974|PMID:19526527 20140604 RGD
2317029 Aia19 Adjuvant induced arthritis QTL 19 qtl RS:0000509 LEW/Crl IEA S RGD:2316974|PMID:19526527 20140604 RGD
2317030 Wbc5 White blood cell count QTL 5 qtl RS:0000306 F344/NCrl IEA S RGD:2316974|PMID:19526527 20140604 RGD
2317030 Wbc5 White blood cell count QTL 5 qtl RS:0000509 LEW/Crl IEA S RGD:2316974|PMID:19526527 20140604 RGD
2317032 Ginf2 Gastrointestinal inflammation QTL 2 qtl RS:0000306 F344/NCrl IEA S RGD:2316974|PMID:19526527 20140604 RGD
2317032 Ginf2 Gastrointestinal inflammation QTL 2 qtl RS:0000509 LEW/Crl IEA S RGD:2316974|PMID:19526527 20140604 RGD
2317034 Aia9 Adjuvant induced arthritis QTL 9 qtl RS:0000306 F344/NCrl IEA S RGD:2316974|PMID:19526527 20140604 RGD
2317034 Aia9 Adjuvant induced arthritis QTL 9 qtl RS:0000509 LEW/Crl IEA S RGD:2316974|PMID:19526527 20140604 RGD
2317035 Aia16 Adjuvant induced arthritis QTL 16 qtl RS:0000306 F344/NCrl IEA S RGD:2316974|PMID:19526527 20140604 RGD
2317035 Aia16 Adjuvant induced arthritis QTL 16 qtl RS:0000509 LEW/Crl IEA S RGD:2316974|PMID:19526527 20140604 RGD
2317036 Livw3 Liver weight QTL 3 qtl RS:0000306 F344/NCrl IEA S RGD:2316974|PMID:19526527 20140604 RGD
2317036 Livw3 Liver weight QTL 3 qtl RS:0000509 LEW/Crl IEA S RGD:2316974|PMID:19526527 20140604 RGD
2317038 Ginf3 Gastrointestinal inflammation QTL 3 qtl RS:0000306 F344/NCrl IEA S RGD:2316974|PMID:19526527 20140604 RGD
2317038 Ginf3 Gastrointestinal inflammation QTL 3 qtl RS:0000509 LEW/Crl IEA S RGD:2316974|PMID:19526527 20140604 RGD
2317039 Aia6 Adjuvant induced arthritis QTL 6 qtl RS:0000306 F344/NCrl IEA S RGD:2316974|PMID:19526527 20140604 RGD
2317039 Aia6 Adjuvant induced arthritis QTL 6 qtl RS:0000509 LEW/Crl IEA S RGD:2316974|PMID:19526527 20140604 RGD
2317040 Aia21 Adjuvant induced arthritis QTL 21 qtl RS:0000306 F344/NCrl IEA S RGD:2316974|PMID:19526527 20140604 RGD
2317040 Aia21 Adjuvant induced arthritis QTL 21 qtl RS:0000509 LEW/Crl IEA S RGD:2316974|PMID:19526527 20140604 RGD
2317041 Aia14 Adjuvant induced arthritis QTL 14 qtl RS:0000306 F344/NCrl IEA S RGD:2316974|PMID:19526527 20140604 RGD
2317041 Aia14 Adjuvant induced arthritis QTL 14 qtl RS:0000509 LEW/Crl IEA S RGD:2316974|PMID:19526527 20140604 RGD
2317042 Aia20 Adjuvant induced arthritis QTL 20 qtl RS:0000306 F344/NCrl IEA S RGD:2316974|PMID:19526527 20140604 RGD
2317042 Aia20 Adjuvant induced arthritis QTL 20 qtl RS:0000509 LEW/Crl IEA S RGD:2316974|PMID:19526527 20140604 RGD
2317043 Aia7 Adjuvant induced arthritis QTL 7 qtl RS:0000306 F344/NCrl IEA S RGD:2316974|PMID:19526527 20140604 RGD
2317043 Aia7 Adjuvant induced arthritis QTL 7 qtl RS:0000509 LEW/Crl IEA S RGD:2316974|PMID:19526527 20140604 RGD
2317044 Aia23 Adjuvant induced arthritis QTL 23 qtl RS:0000306 F344/NCrl IEA S RGD:2316974|PMID:19526527 20160109 RGD
2317044 Aia23 Adjuvant induced arthritis QTL 23 qtl RS:0000509 LEW/Crl IEA S RGD:2316974|PMID:19526527 20160109 RGD
2317045 Aia11 Adjuvant induced arthritis QTL 11 qtl RS:0000306 F344/NCrl IEA S RGD:2316974|PMID:19526527 20140604 RGD
2317045 Aia11 Adjuvant induced arthritis QTL 11 qtl RS:0000509 LEW/Crl IEA S RGD:2316974|PMID:19526527 20140604 RGD
2317046 Aia8 Adjuvant induced arthritis QTL 8 qtl RS:0000306 F344/NCrl IEA S RGD:2316974|PMID:19526527 20140604 RGD
2317046 Aia8 Adjuvant induced arthritis QTL 8 qtl RS:0000509 LEW/Crl IEA S RGD:2316974|PMID:19526527 20140604 RGD
2317047 Wbc4 White blood cell count QTL 4 qtl RS:0000306 F344/NCrl IEA S RGD:2316974|PMID:19526527 20140604 RGD
2317047 Wbc4 White blood cell count QTL 4 qtl RS:0000509 LEW/Crl IEA S RGD:2316974|PMID:19526527 20140604 RGD
2317048 Ginf1 Gastrointestinal inflammation QTL 1 qtl RS:0000306 F344/NCrl IEA S RGD:2316974|PMID:19526527 20140604 RGD
2317048 Ginf1 Gastrointestinal inflammation QTL 1 qtl RS:0000509 LEW/Crl IEA S RGD:2316974|PMID:19526527 20140604 RGD
2317050 Aia24 Adjuvant induced arthritis QTL 24 qtl RS:0000306 F344/NCrl IEA S RGD:2316974|PMID:19526527 20140604 RGD
2317050 Aia24 Adjuvant induced arthritis QTL 24 qtl RS:0000509 LEW/Crl IEA S RGD:2316974|PMID:19526527 20140604 RGD
2317051 Aia18 Adjuvant induced arthritis QTL 18 qtl RS:0000306 F344/NCrl IEA S RGD:2316974|PMID:19526527 20140604 RGD
2317051 Aia18 Adjuvant induced arthritis QTL 18 qtl RS:0000509 LEW/Crl IEA S RGD:2316974|PMID:19526527 20140604 RGD
2317052 Aia17 Adjuvant induced arthritis QTL 17 qtl RS:0000306 F344/NCrl IEA S RGD:2316974|PMID:19526527 20140604 RGD
2317052 Aia17 Adjuvant induced arthritis QTL 17 qtl RS:0000509 LEW/Crl IEA S RGD:2316974|PMID:19526527 20140604 RGD
2317053 Aia25 Adjuvant induced arthritis QTL 25 qtl RS:0000306 F344/NCrl IEA S RGD:2316974|PMID:19526527 20140604 RGD
2317053 Aia25 Adjuvant induced arthritis QTL 25 qtl RS:0000509 LEW/Crl IEA S RGD:2316974|PMID:19526527 20140604 RGD
2317054 Aia12 Adjuvant induced arthritis QTL 12 qtl RS:0000306 F344/NCrl IEA S RGD:2316974|PMID:19526527 20140604 RGD
2317054 Aia12 Adjuvant induced arthritis QTL 12 qtl RS:0000509 LEW/Crl IEA S RGD:2316974|PMID:19526527 20140604 RGD
2317055 Aia10 Adjuvant induced arthritis QTL 10 qtl RS:0000306 F344/NCrl IEA S RGD:2316974|PMID:19526527 20140604 RGD
2317055 Aia10 Adjuvant induced arthritis QTL 10 qtl RS:0000509 LEW/Crl IEA S RGD:2316974|PMID:19526527 20140604 RGD
2317056 Wbc3 White blood cell count QTL 3 qtl RS:0000306 F344/NCrl IEA S RGD:2316974|PMID:19526527 20140604 RGD
2317056 Wbc3 White blood cell count QTL 3 qtl RS:0000509 LEW/Crl IEA S RGD:2316974|PMID:19526527 20140604 RGD
2317057 Aia27 Adjuvant induced arthritis QTL 27 qtl RS:0000306 F344/NCrl IEA S RGD:2316974|PMID:19526527 20140604 RGD
2317057 Aia27 Adjuvant induced arthritis QTL 27 qtl RS:0000509 LEW/Crl IEA S RGD:2316974|PMID:19526527 20140604 RGD
2317058 Aia13 Adjuvant induced arthritis QTL 13 qtl RS:0000306 F344/NCrl IEA S RGD:2316974|PMID:19526527 20140604 RGD
2317058 Aia13 Adjuvant induced arthritis QTL 13 qtl RS:0000509 LEW/Crl IEA S RGD:2316974|PMID:19526527 20140604 RGD
2317059 Aia15 Adjuvant induced arthritis QTL 15 qtl RS:0000306 F344/NCrl IEA S RGD:2316974|PMID:19526527 20140604 RGD
2317059 Aia15 Adjuvant induced arthritis QTL 15 qtl RS:0000509 LEW/Crl IEA S RGD:2316974|PMID:19526527 20140604 RGD
2317060 Aia26 Adjuvant induced arthritis QTL 26 qtl RS:0000306 F344/NCrl IEA S RGD:2316974|PMID:19526527 20140604 RGD
2317060 Aia26 Adjuvant induced arthritis QTL 26 qtl RS:0000509 LEW/Crl IEA S RGD:2316974|PMID:19526527 20140604 RGD
2317196 DA.PVG.1AV1-(D8Rat146-D8Got145) strain RS:0002380 DA.PVG.1AV1-(D8Rat146-D8Got145) IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
2317197 DA.PVG.1AV1-(D8Rat41-D8Rat24) strain RS:0002381 DA.PVG.1AV1-(D8Rat41-D8Rat24) IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
2317201 DA.PVG.1AV1-(D8Rat24-D8Got145) strain RS:0002382 DA.PVG.1AV1-(D8Rat24-D8Got145) IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
2317278 Taiep/Dun strain RS:0002383 Taiep/Dun IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
2317577 Eae24 Experimental allergic encephalomyelitis QTL 24 qtl RS:0001858 DA/ZtmKini IEA S RGD:2317591|PMID:19675581 20140604 RGD
2317577 Eae24 Experimental allergic encephalomyelitis QTL 24 qtl RS:0002085 PVG.1AV1/Kini IEA S RGD:2317591|PMID:19675581 20140604 RGD
2317586 Eae25 Experimental allergic encephalomyelitis QTL 25 qtl RS:0001858 DA/ZtmKini IEA S RGD:2317591|PMID:19675581 20140604 RGD
2317586 Eae25 Experimental allergic encephalomyelitis QTL 25 qtl RS:0002085 PVG.1AV1/Kini IEA S RGD:2317591|PMID:19675581 20140604 RGD
2317587 Eae26 Experimental allergic encephalomyelitis QTL 26 qtl RS:0001858 DA/ZtmKini IEA S RGD:2317591|PMID:19675581 20140604 RGD
2317587 Eae26 Experimental allergic encephalomyelitis QTL 26 qtl RS:0002085 PVG.1AV1/Kini IEA S RGD:2317591|PMID:19675581 20140604 RGD
2317588 Eae27 Experimental allergic encephalomyelitis QTL 27 qtl RS:0001858 DA/ZtmKini IEA S RGD:2317591|PMID:19675581 20140604 RGD
2317588 Eae27 Experimental allergic encephalomyelitis QTL 27 qtl RS:0002085 PVG.1AV1/Kini IEA S RGD:2317591|PMID:19675581 20140604 RGD
2317590 DA.PVG.1AV1-(D4Rat23-D4Rat108)/Kini strain RS:0002385 DA.PVG.1AV1-(D4Rat23-D4Rat108)/Kini IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
2317595 DA.PVG.1AV1-(D4Rat23-D4Mit12)/Kini strain RS:0002386 DA.PVG.1AV1-(D4Rat23-D4Mit12)/Kini IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
2317596 DA.PVG.1AV1-(D4Rat103-D4Mit12)/Kini strain RS:0002387 DA.PVG.1AV1-(D4Rat103-D4Mit12)/Kini IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
2317598 DA.PVG.1AV1-(D4Rat231-D4Mit12)/Kini strain RS:0002388 DA.PVG.1AV1-(D4Rat231-D4Mit12)/Kini IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
2317599 DA.PVG.1AV1-(D4Got211-D4Mit12)/Kini strain RS:0002389 DA.PVG.1AV1-(D4Got211-D4Mit12)/Kini IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
2317750 Glom26 Glomerulus QTL 26 qtl RS:0000521 LEW/NHsd IEA S RGD:2293335|PMID:16482158 20140604 RGD
2317750 Glom26 Glomerulus QTL 26 qtl RS:0000731 WKY/NCrl IEA S RGD:2293335|PMID:16482158 20140604 RGD
2317752 Glom23 Glomerulus QTL 23 qtl RS:0000521 LEW/NHsd IEA S RGD:2293335|PMID:16482158 20140604 RGD
2317752 Glom23 Glomerulus QTL 23 qtl RS:0000731 WKY/NCrl IEA S RGD:2293335|PMID:16482158 20140604 RGD
2317753 Glom24 Glomerulus QTL 24 qtl RS:0000521 LEW/NHsd IEA S RGD:2293335|PMID:16482158 20140604 RGD
2317753 Glom24 Glomerulus QTL 24 qtl RS:0000731 WKY/NCrl IEA S RGD:2293335|PMID:16482158 20140604 RGD
2317754 Glom25 Glomerulus QTL 25 qtl RS:0000521 LEW/NHsd IEA S RGD:2293335|PMID:16482158 20140604 RGD
2317754 Glom25 Glomerulus QTL 25 qtl RS:0000731 WKY/NCrl IEA S RGD:2293335|PMID:16482158 20140604 RGD
2317755 Glom22 Glomerulus QTL 22 qtl RS:0000521 LEW/NHsd IEA S RGD:2293335|PMID:16482158 20140604 RGD
2317755 Glom22 Glomerulus QTL 22 qtl RS:0000731 WKY/NCrl IEA S RGD:2293335|PMID:16482158 20140604 RGD
2317791 DA.PVG.1AV1-(D4Got60-D4Kini1)/Kini strain RS:0002390 DA.PVG.1AV1-(D4Got60-D4Kini1)/Kini IEA S RGD:7241799 20200516 RGD
2317812 AT.ANT-(D1Uia12-D1Rat288)/Rar strain RS:0002392 AT.ANT-(D1Uia12-D1Rat288)/Rar IEA S RGD:7241799 20200516 RGD
2317813 AT.ANT-(D1Rat234-D1Rat47)/Rar strain RS:0002393 AT.ANT-(D1Rat234-D1Rat47)/Rar IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
2317814 AT.ANT-(D1Rat273-D1Rat158)/Rar strain RS:0002394 AT.ANT-(D1Rat273-D1Rat158)/Rar IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
2317815 AT.ANT-(D1Rat35-D1Rat47)/Rar strain RS:0002395 AT.ANT-(D1Rat35-D1Rat47)/Rar IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
2317816 AT.ANT-(D1Rat234-D1Rat158)/Rar strain RS:0002396 AT.ANT-(D1Rat234-D1Rat158)/Rar IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
2317817 AT.ANT-(D1Rat183-D1Rat288)/Rar strain RS:0002397 AT.ANT-(D1Rat183-D1Rat288)/Rar IEA S RGD:7241799 20200516 RGD
2317818 AT.ANT-(D1Rat273-D1Rat288)/Rar strain RS:0002398 AT.ANT-(D1Rat273-D1Rat288)/Rar IEA S RGD:7241799 20200516 RGD
2317819 AT.ANT-(D1Rat35-D1Rat288)/Rar strain RS:0002399 AT.ANT-(D1Rat35-D1Rat288)/Rar IEA S RGD:7241799 20200516 RGD
2317820 AT.ANT-(D1Rat158-D1Rat288)/Rar strain RS:0002400 AT.ANT-(D1Rat158-D1Rat288)/Rar IEA S RGD:7241799 20200516 RGD
2317822 AT.ANT-(D1Rat35-D1Rat38)/Rar strain RS:0002401 AT.ANT-(D1Rat35-D1Rat38)/Rar IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
2317825 AT.ANT-(D1Rat234-D1Rat35)/Rar strain RS:0002402 AT.ANT-(D1Rat234-D1Rat35)/Rar IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
2317827 AT.ANT-(D1Rat234-D1Rat38)/Rar strain RS:0002403 AT.ANT-(D1Rat234-D1Rat38)/Rar IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
2317833 Alcrsp19 Alcohol response QTL 19 qtl RS:0001169 ANT IEA S RGD:2317807|PMID:19500156 20151128 RGD
2317833 Alcrsp19 Alcohol response QTL 19 qtl RS:0001170 AT IEA S RGD:2317807|PMID:19500156 20151128 RGD
2317840 Alcrsp20 Alcohol response QTL 20 qtl RS:0001169 ANT IEA S RGD:2317807|PMID:19500156 20151128 RGD
2317840 Alcrsp20 Alcohol response QTL 20 qtl RS:0001170 AT IEA S RGD:2317807|PMID:19500156 20151128 RGD
2317848 Alcrsp21 Alcohol response QTL 21 qtl RS:0001169 ANT IEA S RGD:2317807|PMID:19500156 20151128 RGD
2317848 Alcrsp21 Alcohol response QTL 21 qtl RS:0001170 AT IEA S RGD:2317807|PMID:19500156 20151128 RGD
2317851 Alcrsp22 Alcohol response QTL 22 qtl RS:0001169 ANT IEA S RGD:2317807|PMID:19500156 20151128 RGD
2317851 Alcrsp22 Alcohol response QTL 22 qtl RS:0001170 AT IEA S RGD:2317807|PMID:19500156 20151128 RGD
2317879 Alcrsp27 Alcohol response QTL 27 qtl RS:0001169 ANT IEA S RGD:2317807|PMID:19500156 20151128 RGD
2317879 Alcrsp27 Alcohol response QTL 27 qtl RS:0001170 AT IEA S RGD:2317807|PMID:19500156 20151128 RGD
2317880 Alcrsp25 Alcohol response QTL 25 qtl RS:0001169 ANT IEA S RGD:2317807|PMID:19500156 20151128 RGD
2317880 Alcrsp25 Alcohol response QTL 25 qtl RS:0001170 AT IEA S RGD:2317807|PMID:19500156 20151128 RGD
2317882 Alcrsp24 Alcohol response QTL 24 qtl RS:0001169 ANT IEA S RGD:2317807|PMID:19500156 20151128 RGD
2317882 Alcrsp24 Alcohol response QTL 24 qtl RS:0001170 AT IEA S RGD:2317807|PMID:19500156 20151128 RGD
2317883 Alcrsp26 Alcohol response QTL 26 qtl RS:0001169 ANT IEA S RGD:2317807|PMID:19500156 20151128 RGD
2317883 Alcrsp26 Alcohol response QTL 26 qtl RS:0001170 AT IEA S RGD:2317807|PMID:19500156 20151128 RGD
2317885 Alcrsp28 Alcohol response QTL 28 qtl RS:0001169 ANT IEA S RGD:2317807|PMID:19500156 20151128 RGD
2317885 Alcrsp28 Alcohol response QTL 28 qtl RS:0001170 AT IEA S RGD:2317807|PMID:19500156 20151128 RGD
2317886 Alcrsp23 Alcohol response QTL 23 qtl RS:0001169 ANT IEA S RGD:2317807|PMID:19500156 20151128 RGD
2317886 Alcrsp23 Alcohol response QTL 23 qtl RS:0001170 AT IEA S RGD:2317807|PMID:19500156 20151128 RGD
2317891 SHR-Chr 6MWF/Rkb strain RS:0002404 SHR-Chr 6MWF/Rkb IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
2324617 Coatc2 Coat color QTL 2 qtl RS:0000156 BN/SsNSlc IEA S RGD:2317982|PMID:20364790 20140604 RGD
2324617 Coatc2 Coat color QTL 2 qtl RS:0000444 LEA/Tj IEA S RGD:2317982|PMID:20364790 20140604 RGD
2324619 Coatc4 Coat color QTL 4 qtl RS:0000156 BN/SsNSlc IEA S RGD:2317982|PMID:20364790 20140604 RGD
2324619 Coatc4 Coat color QTL 4 qtl RS:0000444 LEA/Tj IEA S RGD:2317982|PMID:20364790 20140604 RGD
2324620 Coatc3 Coat color QTL 3 qtl RS:0000156 BN/SsNSlc IEA S RGD:2317982|PMID:20364790 20140604 RGD
2324620 Coatc3 Coat color QTL 3 qtl RS:0000444 LEA/Tj IEA S RGD:2317982|PMID:20364790 20140604 RGD
2324621 Coatc5 Coat color QTL 5 qtl RS:0000156 BN/SsNSlc IEA S RGD:2317982|PMID:20364790 20140604 RGD
2324621 Coatc5 Coat color QTL 5 qtl RS:0000444 LEA/Tj IEA S RGD:2317982|PMID:20364790 20140604 RGD
2324631 DA.E3-(D4Wox49-D4Got136)/Rhd strain RS:0002405 DA.E3-(D4Wox49-D4Got136)/Rhd IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
2325143 SHR/NHsdMco Spontaneously Hypertensive Rat strain RS:0002406 SHR/NHsdMco IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
2325145 LEW/CrlMco Lewis strain RS:0002407 LEW/CrlMco IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
2325146 MNS/NMco Milan normotensive strain strain RS:0002408 MNS/NMco IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
2325202 SS/JrSeac Dahl Salt-Sensitive strain RS:0002409 SS/JrSeac IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
2325206 LEW/Seac strain RS:0002367 LEW/Seac IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
2325209 SHRSP/Hos strain RS:0002368 SHRSP/Hos IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
2325724 PVG.LEW-(D1Rat270-D1Rat68)/Kini strain RS:0002410 PVG.LEW-(D1Rat270-D1Rat68)/Kini IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
2325725 Eae31 Experimental allergic encephalomyelitis QTL 31 qtl RS:0001339 Kini:DA,PVG-G10 IEA S RGD:6892695|PMID:20072140 20140604 RGD
2325725 Eae31 Experimental allergic encephalomyelitis QTL 31 qtl RS:0002040 Kini:DA,PVG-G12 IEA S RGD:6892695|PMID:20072140 20140604 RGD
2325726 Eae30 Experimental allergic encephalomyelitis QTL 30 qtl RS:0001339 Kini:DA,PVG-G10 IEA S RGD:6892695|PMID:20072140 20140604 RGD
2325726 Eae30 Experimental allergic encephalomyelitis QTL 30 qtl RS:0002040 Kini:DA,PVG-G12 IEA S RGD:6892695|PMID:20072140 20140604 RGD
2325727 Pia41 Pristane induced arthritis QTL 41 qtl RS:0001339 Kini:DA,PVG-G10 IEA S RGD:6892695|PMID:20072140 20140726 RGD
2325727 Pia41 Pristane induced arthritis QTL 41 qtl RS:0002040 Kini:DA,PVG-G12 IEA S RGD:6892695|PMID:20072140 20140726 RGD
2325754 SD-Pax6Sey/Mce strain RS:0002411 SD-Pax6SeyMce IEA S RGD:7241799 20200516 RGD
2325773 WKY.LEW-(D13Arb15-D13Rat58)/Tja strain RS:0002414 WKY.LEW-(D13Arb10-D13Arb15)/Tja IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
2325774 WKY.LEW-(D13Arb10-D13Arb15)(D16Rat88-D16Rat40)/Tja strain RS:0002415 WKY.LEW-(D13Arb10-D13Arb15)(D16Rat88-D16Rat40)/Tja IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
2325796 SS.LEW-(D3Rat52-D3Chm57)/Ayd strain RS:0002416 SS.LEW-(D3Rat52-D3Chm57)/Ayd IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
2325798 SS.LEW-(D10Got112-Igfbp4)/Ayd strain RS:0002417 SS.LEW-(D10Got112-Igfbp4)/Ayd IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
2325801 SS.LEW-(D16Chm36-D16Mit2)/Ayd strain RS:0002418 SS.LEW-(D16Chm36-D16Mit2)/Ayd IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
2325803 SS.LEW-(D16Rat112-D16Chm60)/Ayd strain RS:0002419 SS.LEW-(D16Rat112-D16Chm60)/Ayd IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
2325836 Bp346 Blood pressure QTL 346 qtl RS:0002417 SS.LEW-(D10Got112-Igfbp4)/Ayd IEA S RGD:2301185|PMID:18806617 20140604 RGD
2325838 Bp347 Blood pressure QTL 347 qtl RS:0002418 SS.LEW-(D16Chm36-D16Mit2)/Ayd IEA S RGD:2301185|PMID:18806617 20140604 RGD
2325838 Bp347 Blood pressure QTL 347 qtl RS:0002419 SS.LEW-(D16Rat112-D16Chm60)/Ayd IEA S RGD:2301185|PMID:18806617 20140604 RGD
2325839 Bp348 Blood pressure QTL 348 qtl RS:0001654 SS.LEW-(D18Chm41-D18Rat92)/Ayd IEA S RGD:2301185|PMID:18806617 20140604 RGD
2325839 Bp348 Blood pressure QTL 348 qtl RS:0001658 SS.LEW-(D18Rat29-D18Rat55)/Ayd IEA S RGD:2301185|PMID:18806617 20140604 RGD
2325840 Bp345 Blood pressure QTL 345 qtl RS:0002416 SS.LEW-(D3Rat52-D3Chm57)/Ayd IEA S RGD:2301185|PMID:18806617 20140604 RGD
25314294 MWF/Ztm Munich Wistar Fromter strain RS:0004778 MWF/Ztm IEA S RGD:7241799 20200404 RGD
25330087 LE-Cntnap2em1Mcwi strain RS:0004782 LE-Cntnap2em1Mcwi IEA S RGD:7241799 20200411 RGD
25330088 LE-Chd8em1Mcwi strain RS:0004781 LE-Chd8em1Mcwi IEA S RGD:7241799 20200411 RGD
25330089 LE-Nrxn1em1Mcwi strain RS:0004783 LE-Nrxn1em1Mcwi IEA S RGD:7241799 20200411 RGD
25330091 SS-Rictorem4Mcwi strain RS:0004838 SS-Rictorem4Mcwi IEA S RGD:7241799 20201121 RGD
25330093 SD-Mir146bem1Mcwi strain RS:0004784 SD-Mir146bem1Mcwi IEA S RGD:7241799 20200411 RGD
25394526 LE-Dyrk1aem3Mcwi strain RS:0004780 LE-Dyrk1aem3Mcwi IEA S RGD:7241799 20200411 RGD
25394528 SD-Ephx2em2Mcwi strain RS:0004788 SD-Ephx2em2Mcwi IEA S RGD:7241799 20200530 RGD
25394530 LE-Scn2aem1Mcwi strain RS:0004785 LE-Scn2aem1Mcwi IEA S RGD:7241799 20200411 RGD
25394532 LE-Scn2aem2Mcwi strain RS:0004786 LE-Scn2aem2Mcwi IEA S RGD:7241799 20230930 RGD
25824850 NHla:SD strain RS:0005265 NHla:SD IEA S RGD:7241799 20230527 RGD
27095885 SS.BN-(D13Hmgc41-D13Rat101)-Renem2Mcwi strain RS:0004787 SS.BN-(D13Hmgc41-D13Rat101)-Renem2Mcwi IEA S RGD:7241799 20200516 RGD
288084580 F344-Txn1m1Kyo age dependent mitochondrial cytopathy rat strain RS:0005260 F344-Txn1m1Kyo IEA S RGD:7241799 20230422 RGD
288084582 F344-Txn1 em1Kyo strain RS:0005259 F344-Txn1 em1Kyo IEA S RGD:7241799 20230422 RGD
291492855 SD-Tg(Prp-DISC1)Uhg strain RS:0005261 SD-Tg(Prp-DISC1)Uhg IEA S RGD:7241799 20230422 RGD
30309956 SS.BN-(D13Hmgc41-D13Rat101)/Mcwi strain RS:0004789 SS.BN-(D13Hmgc41-D13Rat101)/Mcwi IEA S RGD:7241799 20200627 RGD
32716420 BDIX.BDIV-D6Rat132-D6Rat229/Zte strain RS:0004790 BDIX.BDIV-D6Rat132-D6Rat229/Zte IEA S RGD:7241799 20200704 RGD
329322880 SD-Mertkem1Cgen strain RS:0005262 SD-Mertkem1Cgen IEA S RGD:7241799 20230429 RGD
329333019 SD-Spon2em1Holi strain RS:0005263 SD-Spon2em1Holi IEA S RGD:7241799 20230429 RGD
329812004 Ibd:WI Wistar rats strain RS:0005264 Ibd:WI IEA S RGD:7241799 20230520 RGD
329845586 W;WIAR-Izumo1em1Osb strain RS:0005267 W;WIAR-Izumo1em1Osb IEA S RGD:7241799 20230603 RGD
329845597 WKY-Col4a5em1Matsu strain RS:0005268 WKY-Col4a5em1Matsu IEA S RGD:7241799 20230603 RGD
329845599 WKY-Col4a5em2Matsu strain RS:0005269 WKY-Col4a5em2Matsu IEA S RGD:7241799 20230603 RGD
329845600 WKY-Col4a5em3Matsu strain RS:0005270 WKY-Col4a5em3Matsu IEA S RGD:7241799 20230603 RGD
329848962 SHRSP.SHR-(D1Got82-D1Rat97)/Izm strain RS:0005271 SHRSP.SHR-(D1Got82-D1Rat97)/Izm IEA S RGD:7241799 20230610 RGD
329848994 WIC.WDB-Kiss1tm1(tdTomato)Nurep strain RS:0005272 WIC.WDB-Kiss1tm1(tdTomato)Nurep IEA S RGD:7241799 20230610 RGD
329848995 WIC;WDB-Kiss1tm1Nurep strain RS:0005273 WIC;WDB-Kiss1tm1Nurep IEA S RGD:7241799 20230610 RGD
329848998 LE-Tg(Drd2-cre)487-3Koba strain RS:0005274 LE-Tg(Drd2-cre)487-3Koba IEA S RGD:7241799 20230610 RGD
329848999 LE-Tg(Drd2-cre)490-9Koba strain RS:0005275 LE-Tg(Drd2-cre)490-9Koba IEA S RGD:7241799 20230610 RGD
329849003 LE-Pvalbem2(cre)Koba strain RS:0005276 LE-Pvalbem2(cre)Koba IEA S RGD:7241799 20230610 RGD
329849006 LE;LEH-Ednrbsl/Kwb strain RS:0005277 LE;LEH-Ednrbsl/Kwb IEA S RGD:7241799 20230610 RGD
329849009 F344-TyrCKitH/Hkv strain RS:0005278 F344-TyrCKitH/Hkv IEA S RGD:7241799 20230610 RGD
329849010 F344-TyrCKitH.LEA-(Tel-D17Got10)/Hkv strain RS:0005279 F344-TyrCKitH.LEA-(Tel-D17Got10)/Hkv IEA S RGD:7241799 20230610 RGD
329849011 SD-Fosem1Yossi strain RS:0005281 SD-Fosem1Yossi IEA S RGD:7241799 20230610 RGD
329951704 ACI.BBDP-(RT1u)/Sunn strain RS:0005282 ACI.BBDP-(RT1u)/Sunn IEA S RGD:7241799 20230715 RGD
329951705 SD-Cited2em1Soar strain RS:0005283 SD-Cited2em1Soar IEA S RGD:7241799 20230715 RGD
329951706 SD-Adrm1em1Uok strain RS:0005284 SD-Adrm1em1Uok IEA S RGD:7241799 20230715 RGD
329955364 WKY-Tg(CD68-GFP)Kjw strain RS:0005285 WKY-Tg(CD68-GFP)Kjw IEA S RGD:7241799 20230715 RGD
329955365 WKY-Tg(CD68-GFP)KjwRrrc strain RS:0005286 WKY-Tg(CD68-GFP)KjwRrrc IEA S RGD:7241799 20230715 RGD
329955449 SD-Serpina6em1Glha strain RS:0005287 SD-Serpina6em1Glha IEA S RGD:7241799 20230715 RGD
329955451 SD-Serpina6em1Glha/Rrrc strain RS:0005288 SD-Serpina6em1Glha/Rrrc IEA S RGD:7241799 20230715 RGD
329955459 WKY-P2rx7em1Tja strain RS:0005293 WKY-P2rx7em1Tja IEA S RGD:7241799 20230805 RGD
329955557 SD-Ace2em1(ACE2)Prem strain RS:0005289 SD-Ace2em1(ACE2)Prem IEA S RGD:7241799 20230722 RGD
329969882 SD-Tg(Myh6-cre)Lizh strain RS:0005290 Strain: SD-Tg(Myh6-cre)Lizh IEA S RGD:7241799 20230729 RGD
329969883 SD-Trim44em1Lizh strain RS:0005291 SD-Trim44em1Lizh IEA S RGD:7241799 20230729 RGD
329969885 SD-Trim44em1Lizh,Tg(Myh6-cre)Lizh strain RS:0005292 SD-Trim44em1Lizh,Tg(Myh6-cre)Lizh IEA S RGD:7241799 20230729 RGD
35668859 W-Gnrh1tm1(cre)Aeh strain RS:0005024 W-Gnrh1tm1(cre)Aeh IEA S RGD:7241799 20210821 RGD
35668861 LEW-Tg(HLA-B*2705,B2M)Tg/021-3Reh strain RS:0004913 LEW-Tg(HLA-B*2705,B2M)Tg/021-3Reh IEA S RGD:7241799 20210417 RGD
35668863 LEW-Tg(HLA-B*2705,B2M)21-3RehTg/Tg strain RS:0005117 LEW-Tg(HLA-B*2705,B2M)21-3RehTg/Tg IEA S RGD:7241799 20211120 RGD
36174030 SD-Hamp em1Jfcol +/- strain RS:0005013 SD-Hamp em1Jfcol +/- IEA S RGD:7241799 20210821 RGD
36174220 SD-Hamp em1Jfcol -/- strain RS:0005014 SD-Hamp em1Jfcol -/- IEA S RGD:7241799 20210821 RGD
36174221 SD-Hamp em2Jfcol +/- strain RS:0005018 SD-Hamp em2Jfcol +/- IEA S RGD:7241799 20210821 RGD
36174222 SD-Hamp em2Jfcol -/- strain RS:0005015 SD-Hamp em2Jfcol -/- IEA S RGD:7241799 20210821 RGD
36174223 SD-Hamp em3Jfcol +/- strain RS:0005019 SD-Hamp em3Jfcol +/- IEA S RGD:7241799 20210821 RGD
36174224 SD-Hamp em3Jfcol -/- strain RS:0005016 SD-Hamp em3Jfcol -/- IEA S RGD:7241799 20210821 RGD
36174225 SD-Hamp em4Jfcol +/- strain RS:0005020 SD-Hamp em4Jfcol +/- IEA S RGD:7241799 20210821 RGD
36174226 SD-Hamp em4Jfcol -/- strain RS:0005017 SD-Hamp em4Jfcol -/- IEA S RGD:7241799 20210821 RGD
38456008 LOU/C strain RS:0000563 LOU/C IEA S RGD:7241799 20200815 RGD
38500209 NISAG strain RS:0004791 NISAG IEA S RGD:7241799 20200815 RGD
38501059 SD-Cpem1Ang+/+ strain RS:0004801 SD-Cpem1Ang+/+ IEA S RGD:7241799 20200905 RGD
38501060 SD-Cpem1Ang+/- strain RS:0004802 SD-Cpem1Ang+/- IEA S RGD:7241799 20200905 RGD
38501061 SD-Cpem1Ang-/- strain RS:0004803 SD-Cpem1Ang-/- IEA S RGD:7241799 20200905 RGD
38501086 SD-Bmpr2em1Ang+/- strain RS:0004804 SD-Bmpr2em1Ang+/- IEA S RGD:7241799 20200912 RGD
38508891 F344-Tg(Cx3cr1-cre/ERT2)3Ottc strain RS:0004794 F344-Tg(Cx3cr1-cre/ERT2)3Ottc IEA S RGD:7241799 20200829 RGD
38508893 F344.LE-ROSA26 em1(LTR-nLuc)Ottc strain RS:0004795 F344.LE-ROSA26 em1(LTR-nLuc)Ottc IEA S RGD:7241799 20200829 RGD
38543943 SD-Rag2em1Hera strain RS:0004805 SD-Rag2em1Hera IEA S RGD:7241799 20200905 RGD
38548914 SD-Rag1/Rag2em1Mlit strain RS:0005029 SD-Rag1/Rag2em1Mlit IEA S RGD:7241799 20210821 RGD
38548915 SD-Il2rgem1-/y/Mlit strain RS:0005030 SD-Il2rgem1-/y/Mlit IEA S RGD:7241799 20210821 RGD
38548916 SD-Rag1/Rag2em1MlitIl2rgem1Mlit-/y strain RS:0005031 SD-Rag1/Rag2em1MlitIl2rgem1Mlit-/y IEA S RGD:7241799 20210821 RGD
38548927 HsdCpb:WU Wistar Wu Rat strain RS:0004793 HsdCpb:WU IEA S RGD:7241799 20200829 RGD
38549341 RP/AEurRijHsd strain RS:0004796 RP/AEurRijHsd IEA S RGD:7241799 20200829 RGD
38549343 WKY/NIcoCrlf strain RS:0004797 WKY/NIcoCrlf IEA S RGD:7241799 20200829 RGD
38549351 HXB10/IpcvMcwi strain RS:0004798 HXB10/IpcvMcwi IEA S RGD:7241799 20200829 RGD
38549352 SHR/OlaIpcvMcwi strain RS:0004799 SHR/OlaIpcvMcwi IEA S RGD:7241799 20200829 RGD
38549353 SD-Defb23em1Mlit strain RS:0004806 SD-Defb23em1Mlit IEA S RGD:7241799 20200905 RGD
38549354 SD-Defb26em1Mlit strain RS:0004807 SD-Defb26em1Mlit IEA S RGD:7241799 20200905 RGD
38549355 SD-Defb42em1Mlit strain RS:0004808 SD-Defb42em1Mlit IEA S RGD:7241799 20200905 RGD
38549356 SD-Defb23em2MlitDefb26em2Mlit strain RS:0004809 SD-Defb23em2MlitDefb26em2Mlit IEA S RGD:7241799 20200905 RGD
38549357 SD-Defb23em2MlitDefb26em2MlitDefb42em1Mlit strain RS:0004810 SD-Defb23em2MlitDefb26em2MlitDefb42em1Mlit IEA S RGD:7241799 20200905 RGD
38549372 SD-Eif2ak4em1 strain RS:0004800 SD-Eif2ak4em1 IEA S RGD:7241799 20200905 RGD
38596327 WI-Tbc1d4em1Gdcz strain RS:0004812 WI-Tbc1d4em1Gdcz IEA S RGD:7241799 20200905 RGD
38596339 SD-Rarres2em1Msu strain RS:0004811 SD-Rarres2em1Msu IEA S RGD:7241799 20200905 RGD
38599146 BN-Aireem1Ang-/- strain RS:0004814 BN-Aireem1Ang-/- IEA S RGD:7241799 20200912 RGD
38599147 SD.BN-Aireem1Ang-/- strain RS:0004815 SD.BN-Aireem1Ang-/- IEA S RGD:7241799 20200912 RGD
38599152 WI-Lpin1m1Hubr strain RS:0004818 WI-Lpin1m1Hubr IEA S RGD:7241799 20201003 RGD
38599155 BN-Themism1Adej strain RS:0004819 BN-Themism1Adej IEA S RGD:7241799 20201003 RGD
38599157 F344-Depdc5em1Kyo+/- strain RS:0004820 F344-Depdc5em1Kyo+/- IEA S RGD:7241799 20201003 RGD
38599158 F344-Depdc5em2Kyo+/- strain RS:0004821 F344-Depdc5em2Kyo+/- IEA S RGD:7241799 20201003 RGD
38599187 SHRSP.SHR-(D1Mgh5-D1Got87)(D18Rat73-D18Rat11)/Izm strain RS:0004822 SHRSP.SHR-(D1Mgh5-D1Got87)(D18Rat73-D18Rat11)/Izm IEA S RGD:7241799 20201003 RGD
38599188 SHRSP.SHR-(D1Rat23-D1Rat213)(D18Rat73-D18Rat11)/Izm strain RS:0004823 SHRSP.SHR-(D1Rat23-D1Rat213)(D18Rat73-D18Rat11)/Izm IEA S RGD:7241799 20201003 RGD
38599189 F344-Rag2em1Iexas strain RS:0004824 F344-Rag2em1Iexas IEA S RGD:7241799 20201003 RGD
38599190 F344-Il2rgem1IexasRag2em1Iexas strain RS:0004825 F344-Il2rgem1IexasRag2em1Iexas IEA S RGD:7241799 20201003 RGD
38599197 W.F344-Lepm1Kyo strain RS:0004826 W.F344-Lepm1Kyo IEA S RGD:7241799 20201003 RGD
38599201 SHRSP.SHR-(D18Rat73-D18Rat8)/Izm strain RS:0004827 SHRSP.SHR-(D18Rat73-D18Rat8)/Izm IEA S RGD:7241799 20201003 RGD
38599202 SHRSP.SHR-(D1Rat23-D1Rat213)(D18Rat73-D18Rat52)/Izm strain RS:0004880 SHRSP.SHR-(D1Rat23-D1Rat213)(D18Rat73-D18Rat52)/Izm IEA S RGD:7241799 20210403 RGD
38599203 LE-Tg(Gt(ROSA)26Sor-CAG-COP4*C167A/YFP*)2Jfhy strain RS:0004828 LE-Tg(Gt(ROSA)26Sor-CAG-COP4*C167A/YFP*)2Jfhy IEA S RGD:7241799 20201003 RGD
38599204 LE-Tg(Gt(ROSA)26Sor-CAG-COP4*C167A/YFP*)1Jfhy strain RS:0004829 LE-Tg(Gt(ROSA)26Sor-CAG-COP4*C167A/YFP*)1Jfhy IEA S RGD:7241799 20201003 RGD
38599206 SHR-Prdx2em2Izm strain RS:0004881 SHR-Prdx2em2Izm IEA S RGD:7241799 20210403 RGD
38599208 SHR-Prdx2em1Izm strain RS:0004901 SHR-Prdx2em1Izm IEA S RGD:7241799 20210417 RGD
38599241 SD;DA-Tg(Thy1-APP*)1Dspb strain RS:0004891 SD;DA-Tg(Thy1-APP*)1Dspb IEA S RGD:7241799 20210410 RGD
38599242 SD;DA-Tg(Thy1-APP*)6Dspb strain RS:0004892 SD;DA-Tg(Thy1-APP*)6Dspb IEA S RGD:7241799 20210410 RGD
38599243 SD;DA-Tg(Thy1-APP*)12Dspb strain RS:0004893 SD;DA-Tg(Thy1-APP*)12Dspb IEA S RGD:7241799 20210410 RGD
38599244 SD;DA-Tg(Thy1-APP*)14Dspb strain RS:0004894 SD;DA-Tg(Thy1-APP*)14Dspb IEA S RGD:7241799 20210410 RGD
38599245 LE-Tg(Tac1-cre)6-7Koba strain RS:0004895 LE-Tg(Tac1-cre)6-7Koba IEA S RGD:7241799 20210410 RGD
38599247 LE-Tg(Tac1-cre)4-1Koba strain RS:0004886 LE-Tg(Tac1-cre)4-1Koba IEA S RGD:7241799 20210410 RGD
38676250 F344-Hcn1em3Kyo strain RS:0004896 F344-Hcn1em3Kyo IEA S RGD:7241799 20210410 RGD
38676251 F344-Hcn1em2Kyo strain RS:0004897 F344-Hcn1em2Kyo IEA S RGD:7241799 20210410 RGD
38676253 F344-Hcn1em1Kyo strain RS:0004898 F344-Hcn1em1Kyo IEA S RGD:7241799 20210410 RGD
38676254 F344-Ppargm1Kyo strain RS:0004902 F344-Ppargm1Kyo IEA S RGD:7241799 20210417 RGD
38676255 F344-Hcn1em4Kyo strain RS:0004899 F344-Hcn1em4Kyo IEA S RGD:7241799 20210410 RGD
38676310 RjHan:SD strain RS:0004816 RjHan:SD IEA S RGD:7241799 20200919 RGD
38676445 W-Tg(Slc32a1-cre)1_4Fusa strain RS:0004890 W-Tg(Slc32a1-cre)1_4Fusa IEA S RGD:7241799 20210410 RGD
38676446 W-Tg(Slc32a1-cre)2_5Fusa strain RS:0004889 W-Tg(Slc32a1-cre)2_5Fusa IEA S RGD:7241799 20210410 RGD
38676447 W-Tg(Slc32a1-cre)5_9Fusa strain RS:0004888 W-Tg(Slc32a1-cre)5_9Fusa IEA S RGD:7241799 20210410 RGD
38676448 W-Trpa1em1Kcrd strain RS:0004887 W-Trpa1em1Kcrd IEA S RGD:7241799 20210410 RGD
38676450 F344-Phf24em2Kyo strain RS:0004885 F344-Phf24em2Kyo IEA S RGD:7241799 20210410 RGD
38676451 W-Phf24em11Iexas strain RS:0004884 W-Phf24em11Iexas IEA S RGD:7241799 20210410 RGD
38676452 W-Phf24em24Iexas strain RS:0004883 W-Phf24em24Iexas IEA S RGD:7241799 20210410 RGD
38676453 F344; W-Phf24em6(EGFP)Iexas strain RS:0004882 F344; W-Phf24em6(EGFP)Iexas IEA S RGD:7241799 20210410 RGD
38676459 HHR/Hat Hirosaki hairless rat strain RS:0005037 HHR/Hat IEA S RGD:7241799 20210821 RGD
38676461 HiSER/Hat Hirosaki small-eye rat strain RS:0005040 HiSER/Hat IEA S RGD:7241799 20210821 RGD
38676463 HHSE/Hat strain RS:0004945 HHSE/Hat IEA S RGD:7241799 20210522 RGD
38676464 WIC-Cspg4em1Kyst strain RS:0004871 WIC-Cspg4em1Kyst IEA S RGD:7241799 20210403 RGD
38676495 BN-Lx/CubMcwi Brown Norway with polydactyly-luxate strain RS:0004993 BN-Lx/CubMcwi IEA S RGD:7241799 20210724 RGD
39128162 WIC-Cspg4em2Kyst strain RS:0004872 WIC-Cspg4em2Kyst IEA S RGD:7241799 20210403 RGD
39128163 WIC-Cspg4em3Kyst strain RS:0004873 WIC-Cspg4em3Kyst IEA S RGD:7241799 20210403 RGD
39128166 WIC-Sparcem1Kykn strain RS:0004874 WIC-Sparcem1Kykn IEA S RGD:7241799 20210403 RGD
39128167 W-Tg(Grp-YFP*)14Hskmt strain RS:0004875 W-Tg(Grp-YFP*)14Hskmt IEA S RGD:7241799 20210403 RGD
39128170 SHRSP-Stim1em1Izm strain RS:0004876 SHRSP-Stim1em1Izm IEA S RGD:7241799 20210403 RGD
39128171 LE-Tg(Pvalb-cre)2-28Koba strain RS:0004877 LE-Tg(Pvalb-cre)2-28Koba IEA S RGD:7241799 20210403 RGD
39128172 W-Tg(Slc32a1-cre)3_5Fusa strain RS:0004878 W-Tg(Slc32a1-cre)3_5Fusa IEA S RGD:7241799 20210403 RGD
39128239 GK/CskCrlj strain RS:0004817 GK/CskCrlj IEA S RGD:7241799 20201003 RGD
39128242 SD-Vwfem1Mcwi-/- strain RS:0004834 SD-Vwfem1Mcwi-/- IEA S RGD:7241799 20201010 RGD
39131285 SD-Tg(DIO-mCherry)2Ottc strain RS:0005188 SD-Tg(DIO-mCherry)2Ottc IEA S RGD:7241799 20221105 RGD
39456105 F344/StmMcwi strain RS:0004830 F344/StmMcwi IEA S RGD:7241799 20201003 RGD
39456107 LE/StmMcwi strain RS:0004831 LE/StmMcwi IEA S RGD:7241799 20201003 RGD
39456108 SD-Trpv4em1Sage strain RS:0004832 SD-Trpv4em1Sage IEA S RGD:7241799 20201003 RGD
39457682 LCR-mtHCR/Tol strain RS:0005389 LCR-mtHCR/Tol IEA S RGD:7241799 20250208 RGD
39457683 HCR-mtLCR/Tol strain RS:0005388 HCR-mtLCR/Tol IEA S RGD:7241799 20250208 RGD
39457699 LCR/Tol Low-capacity runners strain RS:0005007 LCR/Tol IEA S RGD:7241799 20210821 RGD
39457701 HCR/Tol High-capacity runners strain RS:0005008 HCR/Tol IEA S RGD:7241799 20210821 RGD
39457945 WI- Lpar1m1Hubr strain RS:0004925 WI- Lpar1m1Hubr IEA S RGD:7241799 20210501 RGD
39457947 SD-Bckdkm1Dbsa strain RS:0004833 SD-Bckdkm1Dbsa IEA S RGD:7241799 20201010 RGD
39457950 SD-Ngly1em1Ta-/- strain RS:0005001 SD- Ngly1em1Ta-/- IEA S RGD:7241799 20210724 RGD
401717572 SD-Mpoem1Mcwi strain RS:0005294 SD-Mpoem1Mcwi IEA S RGD:7241799 20230812 RGD
401795481 WI-Nanos3em1(tdTomato)Nips strain RS:0005295 WI-Nanos3em1(tdTomato)Nips IEA S RGD:7241799 20230916 RGD
401795484 CD-Slc30a10em1Sommu strain RS:0005296 CD-Slc30a10em1Sommu IEA S RGD:7241799 20230916 RGD
401827145 LE-Pink1em1Davis strain RS:0005381 LE-Pink1em1Davis IEA S RGD:7241799 20241130 RGD
401827899 BXH13/CubMcwi strain RS:0005297 BXH13/CubMcwi IEA S RGD:7241799 20231007 RGD
401900746 SD-Prl7b1tm1(cre)Soar strain RS:0005299 SD-Prl7b1tm1(cre)Soar IEA S RGD:7241799 20231125 RGD
401900748 SD-Prl7b1tm1(cre)Soar/Rrrc strain RS:0005300 SD-Prl7b1tm1(cre)Soar/Rrrc IEA S RGD:7241799 20231125 RGD
401900749 SD-Prl7b1em1Soar strain RS:0005301 SD-Prl7b1em1Soar IEA S RGD:7241799 20231125 RGD
401900750 SD-Prl7b1em1Soar/Rrrc strain RS:0005302 SD-Prl7b1em1Soar/Rrrc IEA S RGD:7241799 20231125 RGD
401901198 SHHFcp/cp/MccGmiCrl strain RS:0005303 SHHFcp/cp/MccGmiCrl IEA S RGD:7241799 20231209 RGD
401901199 SHHFcp/+/MccGmiCrl strain RS:0005304 SHHFcp/+/MccGmiCrl IEA S RGD:7241799 20231209 RGD
401901201 SHHFcp/+/Mcc strain RS:0005305 SHHFcp/+/Mcc IEA S RGD:7241799 20231209 RGD
401901202 SHHFcp/cp/Mcc strain RS:0005306 SHHFcp/cp/Mcc IEA S RGD:7241799 20231209 RGD
401938647 SD-Slc9a6 em1Moro/Rrrc strain RS:0005308 SD-Slc9a6 em1Moro/Rrrc IEA S RGD:7241799 20231223 RGD
401938650 CD-Slc30a10em1Sommu/Rrrc strain RS:0005309 CD-Slc30a10em1Sommu/Rrrc IEA S RGD:7241799 20231223 RGD
401938653 SD-Ctnsem1Odev strain RS:0005325 SD-Ctnsem1Odev IEA S RGD:7241799 20240420 RGD
401940195 SD-Ahrem1Iexas-/- strain RS:0005312 SD-Ahrem1Iexas-/- IEA S RGD:7241799 20240113 RGD
401940197 SD-Ahrem1Iexas+/- strain RS:0005311 SD-Ahrem1Iexas+/- IEA S RGD:7241799 20240113 RGD
401940198 SD-Ahrem1Iexas+/+ strain RS:0005310 SD-Ahrem1Iexas+/+ IEA S RGD:7241799 20240113 RGD
401959229 LE-Tg(Thy1-GCaMP6f)8Rrrc strain RS:0005313 LE-Tg(Thy1-GCaMP6f)8Rrrc IEA S RGD:7241799 20240120 RGD
401959407 OlaHsd:LE Long Evans strain RS:0005330 OlaHsd:LE IEA S RGD:7241799 20240525 RGD
401959606 Cnc:SD Sprague-Dawley strain RS:0005314 Cnc:SD IEA S RGD:7241799 20240127 RGD
401960080 Yxch:SD strain RS:0005315 Yxch:SD IEA S RGD:7241799 20240203 RGD
401960101 ZSF1-Leprfa/cp/Crl strain RS:0005316 ZSF1-Leprfa/cp/Crl IEA S RGD:7241799 20240203 RGD
401960104 ZSF1-Leprlean/Crl strain RS:0005317 ZSF1-Leprlean/Crl IEA S RGD:7241799 20240203 RGD
401976372 SD-Crhtm1(Cre)Kji strain RS:0005319 SD-Crhtm1(Cre)Kji IEA S RGD:7241799 20240224 RGD
401976374 NTacSam:SD strain RS:0005318 NTacSam:SD IEA S RGD:7241799 20240224 RGD
401976436 Cnc:WI Wistar rats strain RS:0005320 Cnc:WI IEA S RGD:7241799 20240224 RGD
401976445 HsdOla:LIS Lister Hooded strain RS:0005321 HsdOla:LIS IEA S RGD:7241799 20240224 RGD
401976475 CrlNifdc:CD(SD) Sprague-Dawley strain RS:0005322 CrlNifdc:CD(SD) IEA S RGD:7241799 20240302 RGD
404976873 SS-Del(1q)2Mcwi strain RS:0005332 SS-Del(1q)2Mcwi IEA S RGD:7241799 20240525 RGD
405100226 LE-Fmr1em1Pwc strain RS:0005324 LE-Fmr1em1Pwc IEA S RGD:7241799 20240323 RGD
405649860 SD-Esr1em1Bra-/- strain RS:0005326 SD-Esr1em1Bra IEA S RGD:7241799 20240420 RGD
405650195 SD-Esr1em1Bra+/+ strain RS:0005327 SD-Esr1em1Bra+/+ IEA S RGD:7241799 20240420 RGD
405847397 Wakil: bHR High Responder strain RS:0005328 Wakil: bHR IEA S RGD:7241799 20240518 RGD
405847400 Wakil: bLR Low Responder strain RS:0005329 Wakil: bLR IEA S RGD:7241799 20240518 RGD
405849381 SHR-Tti2em1Ipcv+/- strain RS:0005333 SHR-Tti2em1Ipcv+/- IEA S RGD:7241799 20240525 RGD
405849382 SHR-Tti2em1Ipcv+/+ strain RS:0005334 SHR-Tti2em1Ipcv+/+ IEA S RGD:7241799 20240525 RGD
405849385 SD-Tg(DNMT3A+) Feis strain RS:0005335 SD-Tg(DNMT3A+) Feis IEA S RGD:7241799 20240525 RGD
405849386 SD-Tg(DNMT3A)-/- Feis strain RS:0005336 SD-Tg(DNMT3A-) Feis IEA S RGD:7241799 20240525 RGD
405849408 SS-Xdhem1Mcwi+/- strain RS:0005339 SS-Xdhem1Mcwi+/- IEA S RGD:7241799 20240601 RGD
405849409 SS-Xdhem1Mcwi+/+ strain RS:0005340 SS-Xdhem1Mcwi+/+ IEA S RGD:7241799 20240601 RGD
405849411 WKY-Krtcap3em3Mcwi+/+ strain RS:0005341 WKY-Krtcap3em3Mcwi+/+ IEA S RGD:7241799 20240601 RGD
405850241 SD-Mir500 em1Cgen strain RS:0005342 SD-Mir500 em1Cgen IEA S RGD:7241799 20240608 RGD
405850257 Stock Tc(HSA21)1Yakaz strain RS:0005343 Stock Tc(HSA21)1Yakaz IEA S RGD:7241799 20240615 RGD
405855876 SD-Foxo4em1Soar strain RS:0005344 SD-Foxo4em1Soar IEA S RGD:7241799 20240622 RGD
405855877 SD-Foxo4em1Soar+/+ strain RS:0005345 SD-Foxo4em1Soar+/+ IEA S RGD:7241799 20240622 RGD
405878045 ACI August x Copenhagen Irish strain RS:0000012 ACI IEA S RGD:7241799 20240713 RGD
405878046 BUF strain RS:0000163 BUF IEA S RGD:7241799 20240713 RGD
405878047 HTX strain RS:0000398 HTX IEA S RGD:7241799 20240713 RGD
405878048 LH strain RS:0003003 LH IEA S RGD:7241799 20240713 RGD
405878049 LL strain RS:0003004 LL IEA S RGD:7241799 20240713 RGD
405878050 LN strain RS:0003005 LN IEA S RGD:7241799 20240713 RGD
405878051 MR Maudsely reactive strain RS:0000587 MR IEA S RGD:7241799 20240713 RGD
405878052 RCS royal college of surgeons rat strain RS:0002333 RCS IEA S RGD:7241799 20240713 RGD
405878082 PD polydactylous strain RS:0000125 PD IEA S RGD:7241799 20240720 RGD
407420261 SD-Nme7em1Pdra+/- strain RS:0005346 SD-Nme7em1Pdra+/- IEA S RGD:7241799 20240727 RGD
407420262 SD-Nme7em1Pdra-/- strain RS:0005347 SD-Nme7em1Pdra-/- IEA S RGD:7241799 20240727 RGD
407445919 Mmab:W Wistar strain RS:0005348 W/Mmab IEA S RGD:7241799 20240824 RGD
407446370 SD-Cyp2dem1Kg strain RS:0005385 SD-Cyp2dem1Kg IEA S RGD:7241799 20250201 RGD
407446371 SD-Cyp2dem2(CYP2D6)Kg strain RS:0005386 SD-Cyp2dem2(CYP2D6)Kg IEA S RGD:7241799 20250201 RGD
407450403 BN/Slacc strain RS:0005368 BN/Slacc IEA S RGD:7241799 20240907 RGD
407450412 Liuch:WI Wistar rats strain RS:0005369 Liuch:WI IEA S RGD:7241799 20240907 RGD
407450413 SD-Il6em1Yona-/- strain RS:0005370 SD-Il6em1Yona-/- IEA S RGD:7241799 20240907 RGD
407450414 SD-Il6em1Yona+/+ strain RS:0005371 SD-Il6em1Yona+/+ IEA S RGD:7241799 20240907 RGD
407550225 WKYLEWF1/Ebv strain RS:0005372 WKYLEWF1/Ebv IEA S RGD:7241799 20240928 RGD
407570623 Slacc:SD Sprague-Dawley strain RS:0005373 Slacc:SD IEA S RGD:7241799 20240928 RGD
407571697 LE-Nr3c1em1Jhrmn strain RS:0005374 LE-Nr3c1em1Jhrmn IEA S RGD:7241799 20241005 RGD
40818253 LE-Dyrk1aem1Mcwi strain RS:0005025 LE-Dyrk1aem1Mcwi IEA S RGD:7241799 20210821 RGD
40818401 M520/NRrrcMcwi strain RS:0004841 M520/NRrrcMcwi IEA S RGD:7241799 20201121 RGD
408364955 SD-Vdrem1Hfd strain RS:0005375 SD-VDRem1Hfd IEA S RGD:7241799 20241109 RGD
408364956 SD-Vdrem2Hfd strain RS:0005376 SD-VDRem2Hfd IEA S RGD:7241799 20241109 RGD
408364957 F344-ApcPirc/UwmVdrem3Hfd strain RS:0005379 F344-ApcPirc/UwmVDRem3Hfd IEA S RGD:7241799 20241109 RGD
408364958 SD-Cyp27b1em1Hfd strain RS:0005377 SD-Cyp27b1em1Hfd IEA S RGD:7241799 20241109 RGD
408364959 SD-Cyp27b1em2Hfd strain RS:0005378 SD-Cyp27b1em2Hfd IEA S RGD:7241799 20241109 RGD
408364982 WI-C1ql3em1Lian strain RS:0005380 WI-C1ql3em1Lian IEA S RGD:7241799 20241109 RGD
40924649 Beta IIM strain RS:0004844 Beta IIM IEA S RGD:7241799 20210123 RGD
40924650 Alpha IIM strain RS:0004845 Alpha IIM IEA S RGD:7241799 20210123 RGD
40924656 BN.ZUC-Leprfa strain RS:0004847 BN.ZUC-Leprfa IEA S RGD:7241799 20210123 RGD
40924661 LA-cp/NRll strain RS:0004846 LA-cp/NRll IEA S RGD:7241799 20210123 RGD
4107048 SS.SR-(D7Rat16-D7Rat189)/Jr strain RS:0002421 SS.SR-(D7Rat16-D7Rat189)/Jr IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
4107052 SS.SR-(D7Rat16-D7Mgh5)/Jr strain RS:0002420 SS.SR-(D7Rat16-D7Mgh5)/Jr IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
4107055 SS.SR-(D7Rat16-D7Rat176)/Jr strain RS:0002423 SS.SR-(D7Rat16-D7Rat176)/Jr IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
4107057 SS.SR-(D7Mco7-D7Rat81)/Jr strain RS:0002422 SS.SR-(D7Mco7-D7Rat81)/Jr IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
4107063 SS.LEW-(D1Uia8-D1Rat124)/Mco strain RS:0002424 SS.LEW-(D1Uia8-D1Rat124)/Mco IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
4107065 SS.LEW-(D1Uia8-D1Rat213)/Mco strain RS:0002425 SS.LEW-(D1Uia8-D1Rat213)/Mco IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
4139872 SS-Nckap5em2Mcwi strain RS:0002426 SS-Nckap5em2Mcwi IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
4139873 SS-Rag1em2Mcwi strain RS:0002427 SS-Rag1em2Mcwi IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
4139874 SS-Ets1em1Mcwi strain RS:0002428 SS-Ets1em1Mcwi IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
4139875 FHH-Chr 1BN-Sorcs1em1Mcwi strain RS:0002429 FHH-Chr 1BN-Sorcs1em1Mcwi IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
4139876 SS-Mmp2em1Mcwi strain RS:0002430 SS-Mmp2em1Mcwi IEA S RGD:7241799 20231104 RGD
4139877 FHH.BN-(D1Hmgc14-D1Hmgc15)/Mcwi-Rab38em1Mcwi strain RS:0002431 FHH.BN-(D1Hmgc14-D1Hmgc15)/Mcwi-Rab38em1Mcwi IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
4139878 SS-Mmp2em2Mcwi strain RS:0002432 SS-Mmp2em2Mcwi IEA S RGD:7241799 20201121 RGD
4139879 SS-Nckap5em1Mcwi strain RS:0002433 SS-Nckap5em1Mcwi IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
4139880 SS-Renem1Mcwi strain RS:0002434 SS-Renem1Mcwi IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
4139881 SS-Nckap5em3Mcwi strain RS:0002435 SS-Nckap5em3Mcwi IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
4139882 SS-Nppaem4Mcwi strain RS:0002436 SS-Nppaem4Mcwi IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
4139883 SS-Nox4em2Mcwi strain RS:0002437 SS-Nox4em2Mcwi IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
4139884 SS-Rag1em1Mcwi strain RS:0002438 SS-Rag1em1Mcwi IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
4139885 SS-Sh2b3em1Mcwi strain RS:0002439 SS-Sh2b3em1Mcwi IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
4139889 BHD/Dspe Birt-Hogg-Dube rat strain RS:0002440 BHD/Dspe IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
4139890 TT/Sgn strain RS:0002441 TT/Sgn IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
4139891 F344-Chr 3SDT/Nyo strain RS:0002442 F344-Chr 3SDT/Nyo IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
4139892 ALD/Hyo acid lipase deficiency rat strain RS:0002443 ALD/Hyo IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
4140402 W-Tg(Gh1as)Nibs strain RS:0002444 W-Tg(Gh1as)Nibs IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
4140403 SD-Tg(Eno2-ATXN3*64Q)29Kakiz strain RS:0002445 SD-Tg(Eno2-ATXN3*64Q)29Kakiz IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
4140404 ODS-Gulood/od/ShiJcl Osteogenic disorder Shionagi rat strain RS:0002446 ODS-Gulood/od/ShiJcl IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
4140405 LEXF6A/Stm strain RS:0002447 LEXF6A/Stm IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
4140406 SHRSP.WKY-(D1Wox29-D1Arb21)/IzmDmcr strain RS:0002448 SHRSP.WKY-(D1Wox29-D1Arb21)/IzmDmcr IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
4140407 SDT.BN-Gluco13/Nyo strain RS:0002449 SDT.BN-Gluco13/Nyo IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
4140408 LEXF8C/Stm strain RS:0002450 LEXF8C/Stm IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
4140409 COP-Chr 16DA/McoRrrc strain RS:0002451 COP-Chr 16DA/McoRrrc IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
4140410 SD-Tg(Eno2-ATXN3*64Q)16Kakiz strain RS:0002452 SD-Tg(Eno2-ATXN3*64Q)16Kakiz IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
4140411 SDT.BN-Gluco14/Nyo strain RS:0002453 SDT.BN-Gluco14/Nyo IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
4140412 LEXF1D/Stm strain RS:0002454 LEXF1D/Stm IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
4140413 LEXF1B/Stm strain RS:0002455 LEXF1B/Stm IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
4140414 WKY.SHRSP-(D1Wox29-D1Arb21)/IzmDmcr strain RS:0002456 WKY.SHRSP-(D1Wox29-D1Arb21)/IzmDmcr IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
4140415 TRMRC/Kyo strain RS:0002457 TRMRC/Kyo IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
4140416 SD-Tg(Eno2-Vcp)16Kakiz strain RS:0002458 SD-Tg(Eno2-Vcp)16Kakiz IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
41404646 SD-Lrp5em1Vari strain RS:0004848 SD-Lrp5em1Vari IEA S RGD:7241799 20210130 RGD
41404648 SD-Lrp5em2Vari strain RS:0004849 SD-Lrp5em2Vari IEA S RGD:7241799 20210130 RGD
41404651 SD-Lrp5em3Vari strain RS:0004850 SD-Lrp5em3Vari IEA S RGD:7241799 20210130 RGD
41404660 GK/Jpe strain RS:0004851 GK/Jpe IEA S RGD:7241799 20210206 RGD
41404661 W/Jpe strain RS:0004852 W/Jpe IEA S RGD:7241799 20210206 RGD
4140469 F344-Kmch/NSlc Komachi strain RS:0002459 F344-Kmch/NSlc IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
41404705 SD-Shank3em1Bux strain RS:0004853 SD-Shank3em1Bux IEA S RGD:7241799 20210206 RGD
41404723 DA.W-Ncf1W/Rhd strain RS:0004854 DA.W-Ncf1W/Rhd IEA S RGD:7241799 20210213 RGD
41408337 DA.F344-Dpp4DPPIV/SvH strain RS:0004855 DA.F344-Dpp4DPPIV/SvH IEA S RGD:7241799 20210213 RGD
41408339 WI.SD-PcloTn(sb-B-Geo)Fkh strain RS:0004856 WI.SD-PcloTn(sb-B-Geo)Fkh IEA S RGD:7241799 20210213 RGD
41410881 WI-Grm2em1 strain RS:0004857 WI-Grm2em1 IEA S RGD:7241799 20210220 RGD
41412170 BBDR/RhwMcwi strain RS:0004858 BBDR/RhwMcwi IEA S RGD:7241799 20210220 RGD
41412172 BBDR.BBDP-(D4Mit6-D4Mit24)/RhwMcwi strain RS:0004859 BBDR.BBDP-(D4Mit6-D4Mit24)/RhwMcwi IEA S RGD:7241799 20210220 RGD
41412186 BBDP/Wor strain RS:0001181 BBDP/Wor IEA S RGD:7241799 20210227 RGD
4142540 SHR.WKY-(D4Rat10-D4Rat15)/IzmTkyo strain RS:0002466 SHR.WKY-(D4Rat10-D4Rat15)/IzmTkyo IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
4142541 W-Tg(Tek-GFP)1Soh strain RS:0002467 W-Tg(Tek-GFP)1Soh IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
4142542 BN.SDT-Gluco14/Nyo strain RS:0002468 BN.SDT-Gluco14/Nyo IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
4142543 BN.SDT-Gluco13/Nyo strain RS:0002469 BN.SDT-Gluco13/Nyo IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
4142544 WKY/Kiha strain RS:0002470 WKY/Kiha IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
4142545 SHR.WKY-(D3Rat108-D3Rat166)/IzmTkyo strain RS:0002471 SHR.WKY-(D3Rat108-D3Rat166)/IzmTkyo IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
4142546 AMI/Tj strain RS:0002472 AMI/Tj IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
4142547 SHR.WKY-(D4Wox27-D4Rat11)/IzmTkyo strain RS:0002473 SHR.WKY-(D4Wox27-D4Rat11)/IzmTkyo IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
4142548 SHR.WKY-(D4Wox27-D4Rat10)/IzmTkyo strain RS:0002474 SHR.WKY-(D4Wox27-D4Rat10)/IzmTkyo IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
4142549 SHR.WKY-(D4Wox27-D4Rat4)/IzmTkyo strain RS:0002475 SHR.WKY-(D4Wox27-D4Rat4)/IzmTkyo IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
4142550 SHR.WKY-(D4Rat101-D4Rat15)/IzmTkyo strain RS:0002476 SHR.WKY-(D4Rat101-D4Rat15)/IzmTkyo IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
4142799 LEW.SS-(D2Uia5-D2Rat143)/Ayd strain RS:0002462 LEW.SS-(D2Uia5-D2Rat143)/Ayd IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
4142800 LEW.SS-(D18Chm31-D18Mit8)/Ayd strain RS:0002461 LEW.SS-(D18Chm31-D18Mit8)/Ayd IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
4143165 SD-Tg(Aqp5-GFP)ZboroRrrc Aqp5EGFP strain RS:0002477 SD-Tg(Aqp5-GFP)ZboroRrrc IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
4143456 BN.GK-(D2Wox30-D2Wox68)/Ox strain RS:0002464 BN.GK-(D2Wox30-D2Wox68)/Ox IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
4143457 BN.GK-(D2Rat40-D2Wox35)/Ox strain RS:0002465 BN.GK-(D2Rat40-D2Wox35)/Ox IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
4143458 BN.GK-(D2Wox49-D2Rat70)/Ox strain RS:0002463 BN.GK-(D2Wox49-D2Rat70)/Ox IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
4143459 BN.GK-(D2Rat40-D2Got149)/Ox strain RS:0001459 BN.GK-(D2Rat40-D2Got149)/Ox IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
4145088 SS.BN-(D6Rat119-D6Arb3)/Mcwi strain RS:0002478 SS.BN-(D6Rat119-D6Arb3)/Mcwi IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
4145089 SS.BN-(D6Rat149-D6Rat18)/Mcwi strain RS:0002480 SS.BN-(D6Rat149-D6Rat18)/Mcwi IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
4145090 SS.BN-(D6Rat149-D6Got171)/Mcwi strain RS:0002481 SS.BN-(D6Rat149-D6Got171)/Mcwi IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
4145091 SS.BN-(D6Rat149-D6Arb3)/Mcwi strain RS:0002482 SS.BN-(D6Rat149-D6Arb3)/Mcwi IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
4145117 Mcs27 Mammary carcinoma susceptibility QTL 27 qtl RS:0001486 SS.BN-(D13Hmgc64-RN34_13048990782)/Mcwi IEA S RGD:4143380|PMID:20737482 20140604 RGD
4145118 Mcs26 Mammary carcinoma susceptibility QTL 26 qtl RS:0002478 SS.BN-(D6Rat119-D6Arb3)/Mcwi IEA S RGD:4143380|PMID:20737482 20140604 RGD
4145119 Mcs25 Mammary carcinoma susceptibility QTL 25 qtl RS:0002481 SS.BN-(D6Rat149-D6Got171)/Mcwi IEA S RGD:4143380|PMID:20737482 20140604 RGD
4145119 Mcs25 Mammary carcinoma susceptibility QTL 25 qtl RS:0002482 SS.BN-(D6Rat149-D6Arb3)/Mcwi IEA S RGD:4143380|PMID:20737482 20140604 RGD
4145374 ACI.FHH-(D1Mit18-D1Rat90)(D14Rat98-D14Hmgc18)/Mcwi strain RS:0003196 ACI.FHH-(D1Mit18-D1Rat90)(D14Rat98-D14Hmgc18)/Mcwi IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
41457452 WI-Prdm14em10Nips strain RS:0004862 WI-Prdm14em10Nips IEA S RGD:7241799 20210227 RGD
42721973 LEW/SsNArc strain RS:0004860 LEW/SsNArc IEA S RGD:7241799 20210227 RGD
42721974 LEW-Nek8lpk/Arc strain RS:0004861 LEW-Nek8lpk/Arc IEA S RGD:7241799 20210227 RGD
42721977 SD-Pde6bem1Baek strain RS:0004863 SD-Pde6bem1Baek IEA S RGD:7241799 20210227 RGD
42722004 F344-Tg(HIV)1Hsd strain RS:0004864 F344-Tg(HIV)1Hsd IEA S RGD:7241799 20210306 RGD
45073130 SD-Fmr1em1Mzhe strain RS:0004866 SD-Fmr1em1Mzhe IEA S RGD:7241799 20210327 RGD
45073133 SD-Pon1em1Lizh strain RS:0004867 SD-Pon1em1Lizh IEA S RGD:7241799 20210327 RGD
4889411 SHRSP.WKY-(D1Smu13-D1Wox33)/Izm strain RS:0002492 SHRSP.WKY-(D1Smu13-D1Wox33)/Izm IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
4889414 WKY.SHRSP-(D1Rat171-D1Wox33)/Izm strain RS:0002493 WKY.SHRSP-(D1Rat171-D1Wox33)/Izm IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
4889419 Cstrr2 Cold stress response QTL 2 qtl RS:0002492 SHRSP.WKY-(D1Smu13-D1Wox33)/Izm IEA S RGD:4889147|PMID:21063213 20140604 RGD
4889428 Stresp24 Stress response QTL 24 qtl RS:0002493 WKY.SHRSP-(D1Rat171-D1Wox33)/Izm IEA S RGD:4889147|PMID:21063213 20140604 RGD
4889450 DA.PVG.1AV1-(D1Rat248-D1Rat10)/Kini strain RS:0002494 DA.PVG.1AV1-(D1Rat248-D1Rat10)/Kini IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
4889451 Eae29 Experimental allergic encephalomyelitis QTL 29 qtl RS:0002494 DA.PVG.1AV1-(D1Rat248-D1Rat10)/Kini IEA S RGD:4888518|PMID:21041731 20140604 RGD
4889464 GK/Ox strain RS:0002495 GK/Ox IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
4889492 Pancm2 Pancreatic morphology QTL 2 qtl RS:0000134 BN/Crl IEA S RGD:4889455|PMID:20878524 20140604 RGD
4889492 Pancm2 Pancreatic morphology QTL 2 qtl RS:0002495 GK/Ox IEA S RGD:4889455|PMID:20878524 20140604 RGD
4889494 Scort2 Serum corticosterone level QTL 2 qtl RS:0000134 BN/Crl IEA S RGD:4889455|PMID:20878524 20140604 RGD
4889494 Scort2 Serum corticosterone level QTL 2 qtl RS:0002495 GK/Ox IEA S RGD:4889455|PMID:20878524 20140604 RGD
4889499 CDS-Chr 4CDR/Ygl strain RS:0002496 CDS-Chr 4CDR/Ygl IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
4889511 Gluco61 Glucose level QTL 61 qtl RS:0000180 CDR/Ygl IEA S RGD:2326163|PMID:20530722 20140604 RGD
4889511 Gluco61 Glucose level QTL 61 qtl RS:0000181 CDS/Ygl IEA S RGD:2326163|PMID:20530722 20140604 RGD
4889521 Gluco62 Glucose level QTL 62 qtl RS:0000180 CDR/Ygl IEA S RGD:2326163|PMID:20530722 20140604 RGD
4889521 Gluco62 Glucose level QTL 62 qtl RS:0000181 CDS/Ygl IEA S RGD:2326163|PMID:20530722 20140604 RGD
4889606 Gluco63 Glucose level QTL 63 qtl RS:0000180 CDR/Ygl IEA S RGD:2326163|PMID:20530722 20140604 RGD
4889606 Gluco63 Glucose level QTL 63 qtl RS:0000181 CDS/Ygl IEA S RGD:2326163|PMID:20530722 20140604 RGD
4889610 Pancm3 Pancreatic morphology QTL 3 qtl RS:0000180 CDR/Ygl IEA S RGD:2326163|PMID:20530722 20140604 RGD
4889610 Pancm3 Pancreatic morphology QTL 3 qtl RS:0000181 CDS/Ygl IEA S RGD:2326163|PMID:20530722 20140604 RGD
4889817 SBN-Chr 1SBH/Ygl strain RS:0002499 SBN-Chr 1SBH/Ygl IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
4889820 SBH-Chr 1SBN/Ygl strain RS:0002500 SBH-Chr 1SBN/Ygl IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
4889822 SBN-Chr 17SBH/Ygl strain RS:0002501 SBN-Chr 17SBH/Ygl IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
4889834 Pur24 Proteinuria QTL 24 qtl RS:0000677 SBH/Ygl IEA S RGD:4889613|PMID:20876844 20140604 RGD
4889834 Pur24 Proteinuria QTL 24 qtl RS:0000679 SBN/Ygl IEA S RGD:4889613|PMID:20876844 20140604 RGD
4889848 Pur25 Proteinuria QTL 25 qtl RS:0000677 SBH/Ygl IEA S RGD:4889613|PMID:20876844 20140604 RGD
4889848 Pur25 Proteinuria QTL 25 qtl RS:0000679 SBN/Ygl IEA S RGD:4889613|PMID:20876844 20140604 RGD
4889852 Pur26 Proteinuria QTL 26 qtl RS:0000677 SBH/Ygl IEA S RGD:4889613|PMID:20876844 20140604 RGD
4889852 Pur26 Proteinuria QTL 26 qtl RS:0000679 SBN/Ygl IEA S RGD:4889613|PMID:20876844 20140604 RGD
4889857 Pur27 Proteinuria QTL 27 qtl RS:0000677 SBH/Ygl IEA S RGD:4889613|PMID:20876844 20140604 RGD
4889857 Pur27 Proteinuria QTL 27 qtl RS:0000679 SBN/Ygl IEA S RGD:4889613|PMID:20876844 20140604 RGD
4889859 Pur28 Proteinuria QTL 28 qtl RS:0000677 SBH/Ygl IEA S RGD:4889613|PMID:20876844 20140604 RGD
4889859 Pur28 Proteinuria QTL 28 qtl RS:0000679 SBN/Ygl IEA S RGD:4889613|PMID:20876844 20140604 RGD
4889861 Pur29 Proteinuria QTL 29 qtl RS:0000677 SBH/Ygl IEA S RGD:4889613|PMID:20876844 20140604 RGD
4889861 Pur29 Proteinuria QTL 29 qtl RS:0000679 SBN/Ygl IEA S RGD:4889613|PMID:20876844 20140604 RGD
4889870 Pur30 Proteinuria QTL 30 qtl RS:0000677 SBH/Ygl IEA S RGD:4889613|PMID:20876844 20140604 RGD
4889870 Pur30 Proteinuria QTL 30 qtl RS:0000679 SBN/Ygl IEA S RGD:4889613|PMID:20876844 20140604 RGD
4889875 SBH-Chr 2SBN/Ygl strain RS:0002502 SBH-Chr 2SBN/Ygl IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
4889877 SBH-Chr 20SBN/Ygl strain RS:0002503 SBH-Chr 20SBN/Ygl IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
4889879 SBH-Chr XSBN/Ygl strain RS:0002504 SBH-Chr XSBN/Ygl IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
4889882 SBH-Chr 17SBN/Ygl strain RS:0002505 SBH-Chr 17SBN/Ygl IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
4889890 DA.PVG.1AV1-(D17Rat8-D17Rat37)/Kini strain RS:0002506 DA.PVG.1AV1-(D17Rat8-D17Rat37)/Kini IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
4889891 Eae32 Experimental allergic encephalomyelitis QTL 32 qtl RS:0001339 Kini:DA,PVG-G10 IEA S RGD:4889889|PMID:20856809 20140604 RGD
4889894 Eae33 Experimental allergic encephalomyelitis QTL 33 qtl RS:0001339 Kini:DA,PVG-G10 IEA S RGD:4889889|PMID:20856809 20140604 RGD
4889894 Eae33 Experimental allergic encephalomyelitis QTL 33 qtl RS:0002506 DA.PVG.1AV1-(D17Rat8-D17Rat37)/Kini IEA S RGD:4889889|PMID:20856809 20140604 RGD
4889919 Bss86 Bone structure and strength QTL 86 qtl RS:0000118 GK/KyoSwe IEA S RGD:4889918|PMID:20699128 20140604 RGD
4889919 Bss86 Bone structure and strength QTL 86 qtl RS:0001673 F344/DuCrlSwe IEA S RGD:4889918|PMID:20699128 20140604 RGD
4889929 Bss87 Bone structure and strength QTL 87 qtl RS:0000118 GK/KyoSwe IEA S RGD:4889918|PMID:20699128 20140604 RGD
4889929 Bss87 Bone structure and strength QTL 87 qtl RS:0001673 F344/DuCrlSwe IEA S RGD:4889918|PMID:20699128 20140604 RGD
4889933 Bss88 Bone structure and strength QTL 88 qtl RS:0000118 GK/KyoSwe IEA S RGD:4889918|PMID:20699128 20140604 RGD
4889933 Bss88 Bone structure and strength QTL 88 qtl RS:0001673 F344/DuCrlSwe IEA S RGD:4889918|PMID:20699128 20140604 RGD
4889938 Bss89 Bone structure and strength QTL 89 qtl RS:0000118 GK/KyoSwe IEA S RGD:4889918|PMID:20699128 20140604 RGD
4889938 Bss89 Bone structure and strength QTL 89 qtl RS:0001673 F344/DuCrlSwe IEA S RGD:4889918|PMID:20699128 20140604 RGD
4889943 Bss90 Bone structure and strength QTL 90 qtl RS:0000118 GK/KyoSwe IEA S RGD:4889918|PMID:20699128 20140604 RGD
4889943 Bss90 Bone structure and strength QTL 90 qtl RS:0001673 F344/DuCrlSwe IEA S RGD:4889918|PMID:20699128 20140604 RGD
4889948 Bss91 Bone structure and strength QTL 91 qtl RS:0000118 GK/KyoSwe IEA S RGD:4889918|PMID:20699128 20140604 RGD
4889948 Bss91 Bone structure and strength QTL 91 qtl RS:0001673 F344/DuCrlSwe IEA S RGD:4889918|PMID:20699128 20140604 RGD
4889951 Bss92 Bone structure and strength QTL 92 qtl RS:0000118 GK/KyoSwe IEA S RGD:4889918|PMID:20699128 20140604 RGD
4889951 Bss92 Bone structure and strength QTL 92 qtl RS:0001673 F344/DuCrlSwe IEA S RGD:4889918|PMID:20699128 20140604 RGD
4889955 Bss93 Bone structure and strength QTL 93 qtl RS:0000118 GK/KyoSwe IEA S RGD:4889918|PMID:20699128 20140604 RGD
4889955 Bss93 Bone structure and strength QTL 93 qtl RS:0001673 F344/DuCrlSwe IEA S RGD:4889918|PMID:20699128 20140604 RGD
4889962 Bss94 Bone structure and strength QTL 94 qtl RS:0000118 GK/KyoSwe IEA S RGD:4889918|PMID:20699128 20140604 RGD
4889962 Bss94 Bone structure and strength QTL 94 qtl RS:0001673 F344/DuCrlSwe IEA S RGD:4889918|PMID:20699128 20140604 RGD
4889966 Bss95 Bone structure and strength QTL 95 qtl RS:0000118 GK/KyoSwe IEA S RGD:4889918|PMID:20699128 20140604 RGD
4889966 Bss95 Bone structure and strength QTL 95 qtl RS:0001673 F344/DuCrlSwe IEA S RGD:4889918|PMID:20699128 20140604 RGD
4889969 Bss96 Bone structure and strength QTL 96 qtl RS:0000118 GK/KyoSwe IEA S RGD:4889918|PMID:20699128 20140604 RGD
4889969 Bss96 Bone structure and strength QTL 96 qtl RS:0001673 F344/DuCrlSwe IEA S RGD:4889918|PMID:20699128 20140604 RGD
4889972 Bss97 Bone structure and strength QTL 97 qtl RS:0000118 GK/KyoSwe IEA S RGD:4889918|PMID:20699128 20140604 RGD
4889972 Bss97 Bone structure and strength QTL 97 qtl RS:0001673 F344/DuCrlSwe IEA S RGD:4889918|PMID:20699128 20140604 RGD
4889975 Bmd81 Bone mineral density QTL 81 qtl RS:0000118 GK/KyoSwe IEA S RGD:4889918|PMID:20699128 20140604 RGD
4889975 Bmd81 Bone mineral density QTL 81 qtl RS:0001673 F344/DuCrlSwe IEA S RGD:4889918|PMID:20699128 20140604 RGD
4891048 SS.LEW-(D7Rat73-D7Rat128)/Ayd strain RS:0000211 SS.LEW-(D7Rat73-D7Rat128)/Ayd IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
4891051 LEW.SS-(D7Rat73-D7Rat128)/Ayd strain RS:0000301 LEW.SS-(D7Rat73-D7Rat128)/Ayd IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
4891103 WMI/EerRrrc WKY most immobile strain RS:0000376 WMI/EerRrrc IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
4891107 WLI/EerRrrc WKY least immobile strain RS:0000720 WLI/EerRrrc IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
4891165 Wig/Ymas wiggling strain RS:0001067 Wig/Ymas IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
4891380 SS.SR-(D9Mco95-D9Mco98)/Mco strain RS:0001710 SS.SR-(D9Mco95-D9Mco98)/Mco IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
4891383 SS.SR-(D9Mco98-Resp18)/1Mco strain RS:0001714 SS.SR-(D9Mco98-Resp18)/1Mco IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
4891386 SS.SR-(D9Mco98-Resp18)/2Mco strain RS:0001717 SS.SR-(D9Mco98-Resp18)/2Mco IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
4891388 SS.SR-(D9Mco95-D9Mco100)/1Mco strain RS:0001719 SS.SR-(D9Mco95-D9Mco100)/1Mco IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
4891390 SS.SR-(D9Mco95-D9Mco100)/2Mco strain RS:0002542 SS.SR-(D9Mco95-D9Mco100)/2Mco IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
4891392 SS.SR-(D9Mco95-D9Mco102)/Mco strain RS:0002543 SS.SR-(D9Mco95-D9Mco102)/Mco IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
4891394 SS.SR-(D9Mco101-Resp18)/Mco strain RS:0002544 SS.SR-(D9Mco101-Resp18)/Mco IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
4891396 SS.SR-(D9Mco72-Resp18)/Mco strain RS:0002545 SS.SR-(D9Mco72-Resp18)/Mco IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
4891400 SS.SR-(D9Mco14-Resp18)/1Mco strain RS:0002546 SS.SR-(D9Mco14-Resp18)/1Mco IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
4891402 SS.SR-(D9Mco14-Resp18)/2Mco strain RS:0002547 SS.SR-(D9Mco14-Resp18)/2Mco IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
4891404 SS.SR-(D9Mco14-Resp18)/3Mco strain RS:0002548 SS.SR-(D9Mco14-Resp18)/3Mco IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
4892563 WF.WKY-(D5Rat26-D5Uwm42)/Uwm strain RS:0002541 WF.WKY-(D5Rat26-D5Uwm42)/Uwm IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
5130721 HXB1/IpcvPrin strain RS:0002557 HXB1/IpcvPrin IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
5131094 BN-Lx/CubPrin strain RS:0003199 BN-Lx/CubPrin IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
5131095 BXH13/CubPrin strain RS:0002552 BXH13/CubPrin IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
5131097 BXH12/CubPrin strain RS:0002551 BXH12/CubPrin IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
5131099 BXH11/CubPrin strain RS:0002550 BXH11/CubPrin IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
5131101 BXH10/CubPrin strain RS:0002549 BXH10/CubPrin IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
5131104 BXH9/CubPrin strain RS:0002556 BXH9/CubPrin IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
5131106 BXH8/CubPrin strain RS:0002555 BXH8/CubPrin IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
5131108 BXH6/CubPrin strain RS:0002554 BXH6/CubPrin IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
5131110 BXH5/CubPrin strain RS:0002553 BXH5/CubPrin IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
5131113 HXB31/IpcvPrin strain RS:0002571 HXB31/IpcvPrin IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
5131115 HXB29/IpcvPrin strain RS:0002569 HXB29/IpcvPrin IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
5131118 HXB27/IpcvPrin strain RS:0002568 HXB27/IpcvPrin IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
5131120 HXB26/IpcvPrin strain RS:0002567 HXB26/IpcvPrin IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
5131122 HXB25/IpcvPrin strain RS:0002566 HXB25/IpcvPrin IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
5131124 HXB23/IpcvPrin strain RS:0002565 HXB23/IpcvPrin IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
5131126 HXB20/IpcvPrin strain RS:0002564 HXB20/IpcvPrin IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
5131128 HXB17/IpcvPrin strain RS:0002561 HXB17/IpcvPrin IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
5131130 HXB15/IpcvPrin strain RS:0002560 HXB15/IpcvPrin IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
5131132 HXB13/IpcvPrin strain RS:0002559 HXB13/IpcvPrin IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
5131134 HXB10/IpcvPrin strain RS:0002558 HXB10/IpcvPrin IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
5131136 HXB7/IpcvPrin strain RS:0002573 HXB7/IpcvPrin IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
5131138 HXB4/IpcvPrin strain RS:0002572 HXB4/IpcvPrin IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
5131140 HXB3/IpcvPrin strain RS:0002570 HXB3/IpcvPrin IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
5131142 HXB2/IpcvPrin strain RS:0002563 HXB2/IpcvPrin IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
5131144 HXB18/IpcvPrin strain RS:0002562 HXB18/IpcvPrin IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
5131910 SS-Acad10em2Mcwi strain RS:0002578 SS-Acad10em2Mcwi IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
5131911 SS-Alms1em1Mcwi strain RS:0002579 SS-Alms1em1Mcwi IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
5131912 SS-Aldh2em2Mcwi strain RS:0002580 SS-Aldh2em2Mcwi IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
5131920 SS-Apoeem8Mcwi strain RS:0002581 SS-Apoeem8Mcwi IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
5131921 SS-Apoeem7Mcwi strain RS:0002582 SS-Apoeem7Mcwi IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
5131922 SS-Cdh13em1Mcwi strain RS:0002583 SS-Cdh13em1Mcwi IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
5131932 SS-Cyp1a1em1Mcwi strain RS:0002584 SS-Cyp1a1em1Mcwi IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
5131933 SS-Cybaem1Mcwi strain RS:0002585 SS-Cybaem1Mcwi IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
5131934 SS-Cyp1a1em5Mcwi strain RS:0002586 SS-Cyp1a1em5Mcwi IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
5131950 SS-Msraem3Mcwi strain RS:0002587 SS-Msraem3Mcwi IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
5131951 SS-Prokr1em2Mcwi strain RS:0002588 SS-Prokr1em2Mcwi IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
5131952 SS-Mas1em1Mcwi strain RS:0002589 SS-Mas1em1Mcwi IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
5131953 SS-Prokr1em1Mcwi strain RS:0002590 SS-Prokr1em1Mcwi IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
5131954 SS-Mstnem2Mcwi strain RS:0002591 SS-Mstnem2Mcwi IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
5131963 SS-Nox4em1Mcwi strain RS:0002592 SS-Nox4em1Mcwi IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
5131964 SS-Mstnem3Mcwi strain RS:0002593 SS-Mstnem3Mcwi IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
5131965 SS-Mthfrem1Mcwi strain RS:0002594 SS-Mthfrem1Mcwi IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
5131966 SS-Plod1em1Mcwi strain RS:0002595 SS-Plod1em1Mcwi IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
5131974 SS-Rasgrp3em1Mcwi strain RS:0002596 SS-Rasgrp3em1Mcwi IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
5131975 SS-Ptpn11em1Mcwi strain RS:0002597 SS-Ptpn11em1Mcwi IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
5131976 SS-Ptpn11em4Mcwi strain RS:0002598 SS-Ptpn11em4Mcwi IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
5131987 SS-Tgfb1em1Mcwi strain RS:0002599 SS-Tgfb1em1Mcwi IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
5131988 SS-Wdr72em2Mcwi strain RS:0002600 SS-Wdr72em2Mcwi IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
5131989 SS-Tgfb1em3Mcwi strain RS:0002601 SS-Tgfb1em3Mcwi IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
5131990 SS-Slc30a8em2Mcwi strain RS:0002602 SS-Slc30a8em2Mcwi IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
5131991 SS-Slc30a8em1Mcwi strain RS:0002603 SS-Slc30a8em1Mcwi IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
5134683 WF.WKY-(D7Rat171-D7Rat128)/1Uwm strain RS:0002604 WF.WKY-(D7Rat171-D7Rat128)/1Uwm IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
5134685 WF.WKY-(D7Rat171-D7Rat128)/2Uwm strain RS:0002605 WF.WKY-(D7Rat171-D7Rat128)/2Uwm IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
5134687 WF.WKY-(D7Rat51-D7Rat128)/Uwm strain RS:0002606 WF.WKY-(D7Rat51-D7Rat128)/Uwm IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
5134689 WF.WKY-(D7Uwm25-D7Rat128)/Uwm strain RS:0002607 WF.WKY-(D7Uwm25-D7Rat128)/Uwm IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
5134692 WF.WKY-(D7Rat171-D7Rat45)/Uwm strain RS:0002608 WF.WKY-(D7Rat171-D7Rat45)/Uwm IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
5134951 WF.COP-(D7Rat39-D7Uwm12)/1Uwm strain RS:0002609 WF.COP-(D7Rat39-D7Uwm12)/1Uwm IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
5134953 WF.COP-(D7Rat39-D7Uwm12)/2Uwm strain RS:0002610 WF.COP-(D7Rat39-D7Uwm12)/2Uwm IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
5135031 BN.MES-Cyba/Sna strain RS:0002611 BN.MES-Cyba/Sna IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
5135224 Leukc1 Leukocyte quantity QTL 1 qtl RS:0000031 ACI/NSlc IEA S RGD:5135221|PMID:16151696 20140604 RGD
5135224 Leukc1 Leukocyte quantity QTL 1 qtl RS:0000575 MES/Slc IEA S RGD:5135221|PMID:16151696 20140604 RGD
5135226 Leukc2 Leukocyte quantity QTL 2 qtl RS:0000031 ACI/NSlc IEA S RGD:5135221|PMID:16151696 20140604 RGD
5135226 Leukc2 Leukocyte quantity QTL 2 qtl RS:0000575 MES/Slc IEA S RGD:5135221|PMID:16151696 20140604 RGD
5135472 ACI.BN-(D5Uwm70-D5Rat32)/Shul strain RS:0002613 ACI.BN-(D5Uwm70-D5Rat32)/Shul IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
5135473 ACI.BN-(D5Uwm70-D5Got42)/Shul strain RS:0003215 ACI.BN-(D5Uwm70-D5Got42)/Shul IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
5135475 ACI.BN-(D5Rat60-D5Rat115)/Shul strain RS:0002614 ACI.BN-(D5Rat60-D5Rat115)/Shul IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
5135477 ACI.BN-(D5Uwm70-D5Mgh15)/Shul strain RS:0002615 ACI.BN-(D5Uwm70-D5Mgh15)/Shul IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
5135479 ACI.BN-(D5Rat113-D5Rat36)/Shul strain RS:0002616 ACI.BN-(D5Rat113-D5Rat36)/Shul IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
5135481 ACI.BN-(D5Mgh17-D5Rat98)/Shul strain RS:0002617 ACI.BN-(D5Mgh17-D5Rat98)/Shul IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
5143940 ACI.FHH-(D1Rat74-D1Rat90)/Eur strain RS:0002618 ACI.FHH-(D1Rat74-D1Rat90)/Eur IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
5143941 ACI.FHH-(D1Mit18-D1Rat90)(D14Mit11-D14Rat33)(D14Rat65-D14Rat90)/EurMcwi strain RS:0002620 ACI.FHH-(D1Mit18-D1Rat90)(D14Mit11-D14Rat33)(D14Rat65-D14Rat90)/EurMcwi IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
5143942 ACI.FHH-(D1Mit18-D1Rat90)(D14Mit11-D14Rat33)(D14Rat65-D14Rat90)/Eur strain RS:0002619 ACI.FHH-(D1Mit18-D1Rat90)(D14Mit11-D14Rat33)(D14Rat65-D14Rat90)/Eur IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
5143943 ACI.FHH-(D14Mit11-D14Rat82)/Eur strain RS:0002621 ACI.FHH-(D14Mit11-D14Rat82)/Eur IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
5143984 SS-Plekha7em1Mcwi strain RS:0002622 SS-Plekha7em1Mcwi IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
5143985 SS-Mstnem1Mcwi strain RS:0002623 SS-Mstnem1Mcwi IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
5143986 SS-Ulk3em1Mcwi strain RS:0002624 SS-Ulk3em1Mcwi IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
5143987 SS-Gpr183em3Mcwi strain RS:0002625 SS-Gpr183em3Mcwi IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
5143988 SS-Gpr183em2Mcwi strain RS:0002626 SS-Gpr183em2Mcwi IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
5143989 SS-Agtrapem4Mcwi strain RS:0002627 SS-Agtrapem4Mcwi IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
5143990 SS-Ulk3em4Mcwi strain RS:0002628 SS-Ulk3em4Mcwi IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
5143991 SS-Gpr183em1Mcwi strain RS:0002629 SS-Gpr183em1Mcwi IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
5143992 SS-Rasgrp3em3Mcwi strain RS:0002630 SS-Rasgrp3em3Mcwi IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
5143993 SS-Plcd3em4Mcwi strain RS:0002631 SS-Plcd3em4Mcwi IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
5143994 SS-Plcd3em7Mcwi strain RS:0002632 SS-Plcd3em7Mcwi IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
5143995 SS-Plekha7em4Mcwi strain RS:0002633 SS-Plekha7em4Mcwi IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
5143996 SS-Agtrapem8Mcwi strain RS:0002634 SS-Agtrapem8Mcwi IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
5144101 SS-Kcnq1em14Mcwi strain RS:0002635 SS-Kcnq1em14Mcwi IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
5144102 ACI.FHH-(D1Mit18-D1Rat90)(D14Mit11-D14Rat33)(D14Rat65-D14Rat90)/EurMcwi-Asipem1Mcwi strain RS:0002636 ACI.FHH-(D1Mit18-D1Rat90)(D14Mit11-D14Rat33)(D14Rat65-D14Rat90)/EurMcwi-Asipem1Mcwi IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
5144103 SS-Ldlrem1Mcwi strain RS:0002637 SS-Ldlrem1Mcwi IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
5144104 SS-Ncf2em1Mcwi strain RS:0002638 SS-Ncf2em1Mcwi IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
5144105 SS-Hexim2em4Mcwi strain RS:0002639 SS-Hexim2em4Mcwi IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
5144106 SS-Kcnq1em9Mcwi strain RS:0002640 SS-Kcnq1em9Mcwi IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
5144107 SS-Itga9em1Mcwi strain RS:0002641 SS-Itga9em1Mcwi IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
5144108 SS-Ldlrem4Mcwi strain RS:0002642 SS-Ldlrem4Mcwi IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
5144110 ACI.BN-(D5Mgh17-D5Mgh15)/Shul strain RS:0002643 ACI.BN-(D5Mgh17-D5Mgh15)/Shul IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
5147594 FHH.PCK-(D9Rat35-D9Rat70)/Mcwi strain RS:0002296 FHH.PCK-(D9Rat35-D9Rat70)/Mcwi IEA S RGD:7241799 20150124 RGD
529435545 Wakil:bHRxbLRF1 strain RS:0005382 Wakil:bHRxbLRF1 IEA S RGD:7241799 20241207 RGD
53621137 SD-Tg(Wnt1-cre/ERT2)AppscRrrc strain RS:0004868 SD-Tg(Wnt1-cre/ERT2)AppscRrrc IEA S RGD:7241799 20210327 RGD
5490515 FHH.BN(D1Rat265-D1Rat76)/Mcwi strain RS:0002306 FHH.BN(D1Rat265-D1Rat76)/Mcwi IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
5490516 FHH.BN(D14Rat80-D14Hmgc4)/Mcwi strain RS:0002915 FHH.BN-(D14Rat80-D14Hmgc20)/Mcwi IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
5490517 FHH.BN(D14Rat78-D14Hmgc4)/Mcwi strain RS:0002916 FHH.BN-(D14Rat78-D14Hmgc20)/Mcwi IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
5508304 WUN-Abcc2TR-/HsdRrrc strain RS:0002917 WUN-Abcc2TR-/HsdRrrc IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
5508305 F344-Dpp4DPPIV-/DchcHsdRrrc strain RS:0002918 F344-Dpp4DPPIV-/DchcHsdRrrc IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
5508356 SS-Gucy1a3em1Mcwi strain RS:0002919 SS-Gucy1a3em1Mcwi IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
5508357 SS-Tfdp2em2Mcwi strain RS:0002920 SS-Tfdp2em2Mcwi IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
5508358 SS-Wdr72em1Mcwi strain RS:0002921 SS-Wdr72em1Mcwi IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
5508359 SS-Pruneem3Mcwi strain RS:0002922 SS-Pruneem3Mcwi IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
5508360 SS-Dguokem4Mcwi strain RS:0002923 SS-Dguokem4Mcwi IEA S RGD:7241799 20170128 RGD
5508361 SS-Bcas3em4Mcwi strain RS:0002924 SS-Bcas3em4Mcwi IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
5508362 SS-Ncf2em4Mcwi strain RS:0002925 SS-Ncf2em4Mcwi IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
5508363 SS-Sorcs2em4Mcwi strain RS:0002926 SS-Sorcs2em4Mcwi IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
5508364 SS-Pruneem1Mcwi strain RS:0002927 SS-Pruneem1Mcwi IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
5508365 SS-Agtr1aem5Mcwi strain RS:0002928 SS-Agtr1aem5Mcwi IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
5508366 SS-Tfdp2em5Mcwi strain RS:0002929 SS-Tfdp2em5Mcwi IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
5508367 SS-Ulk4em3Mcwi strain RS:0002930 SS-Ulk4em3Mcwi IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
5508368 SS-Trafd1em1Mcwi strain RS:0002931 SS-Trafd1em1Mcwi IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
5508369 SS-Myadml2em1Mcwi strain RS:0002932 SS-Myadml2em1Mcwi IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
5508370 SS-Nppbem2Mcwi strain RS:0002933 SS-Nppbem2Mcwi IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
5508371 SS-Mylipem3Mcwi strain RS:0002934 SS-Mylipem3Mcwi IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
5508380 SS-TgTn(T2ONC)2Mcwi strain RS:0002935 SS-TgTn(T2ONC)2Mcwi IEA S RGD:7241799 20200516 RGD
5508381 SS-TgTn(T2ONC)1Mcwi strain RS:0002936 SS-TgTn(T2ONC)1Mcwi IEA S RGD:7241799 20200516 RGD
5508392 HsdHlr:ZUC-Leprfa strain RS:0002937 HsdHlr:ZUC-Leprfa IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
5508393 BN/RijHsd strain RS:0002938 BN/RijHsd IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
5508394 F344BNF1/Hsd strain RS:0002939 F344BNF1/Hsd IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
5508395 Hsd:RH-Foxn1rnu Athymic Nude strain RS:0002940 Hsd:RH-Foxn1rnu IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
5508396 HsdRccHan:WIST strain RS:0002941 HsdRccHan:WIST IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
5508397 HotHsd:SD Sprague Dawley strain RS:0002942 HotHsd:SD IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
5508398 BluHsd:LE Long Evans (Blue Spruce) strain RS:0002943 BluHsd:LE IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
5508828 Leukc3 Leukocyte quantity QTL 3 qtl RS:0000031 ACI/NSlc IEA S RGD:5135222|PMID:17090969 20140604 RGD
5508828 Leukc3 Leukocyte quantity QTL 3 qtl RS:0000575 MES/Slc IEA S RGD:5135222|PMID:17090969 20140604 RGD
5509086 ACI.BN-(D5Rat72-D5Rat36)/Shul strain RS:0002944 ACI.BN-(D5Rat72-D5Rat36)/Shul IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
5509087 ACI.BN-(D5Rat113-D5Rat159)/Shul strain RS:0002945 ACI.BN-(D5Rat113-D5Rat159)/Shul IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
5509988 SS-Nppbem4Mcwi strain RS:0003006 SS-Nppbem4Mcwi IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
5509989 SS-Msraem4Mcwi strain RS:0003007 SS-Msraem4Mcwi IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
5509990 SS-Cyp1a1em2Mcwi strain RS:0003008 SS-Cyp1a1em2Mcwi IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
5509991 SS-Mylipem2Mcwi strain RS:0003009 SS-Mylipem2Mcwi IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
5509992 SS-Ube2q2em3Mcwi strain RS:0003010 SS-Ube2q2em3Mcwi IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
5509993 SS-Tcf7l2em1Mcwi strain RS:0003011 SS-Tcf7l2em1Mcwi IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
5509994 SS-Sh2b3em2Mcwi strain RS:0003012 SS-Sh2b3em2Mcwi IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
5509995 SS-Adra2aem1Mcwi strain RS:0003013 SS-Adra2aem1Mcwi IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
5509996 SS-Stk39em2Mcwi strain RS:0003014 SS-Stk39em2Mcwi IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
5509997 SS.BN-(D13Rat20-D13Got22)/Mcwi-Nckap5em4Mcwi strain RS:0003032 SS.BN-(D13Rat20-D13Got22)/Mcwi-Nckap5em4Mcwi IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
5529230 ACI.FHH-(D1Hmgc16-D1Rat225)/Mcwi strain RS:0003036 ACI.FHH-(D1Hmgc16-D1Rat225)/Mcwi IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
5529529 ACI.FHH-(D1Hmgc1-D1Hmgc19)/Mcwi strain RS:0003037 ACI.FHH-(D1Hmgc18-D1Hmgc19)/Mcwi IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
5529731 ACI.FHH-(D1Hmgc20-D1Hmgc21)/Mcwi strain RS:0003038 ACI.FHH-(D1Hmgc20-D1Hmgc21)/Mcwi IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
56677892 SD-Tg(GFAP-cre/ERT2)AppscRrrc strain RS:0004916 SD-Tg(GFAP-cre/ERT2)AppscRrrc IEA S RGD:7241799 20210424 RGD
5683886 SS-Chr 12BN.SS-(D12Arb13-D12Mit2)/Mcwi strain RS:0003040 SS-Chr 12BN.SS-(D12Arb13-D12Mit2)/Mcwi IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
5683888 SS-Chr 12BN.SS-(D12Hmgc3-D12Rat79)/Mcwi strain RS:0003041 SS-Chr 12BN.SS-(D12Hmgc3-D12Rat79)/Mcwi IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
5683890 SS-Chr 12BN.SS-(D12Hmgc3-D12Hmgc6)/Mcwi strain RS:0003042 SS-Chr 12BN.SS-(D12Hmgc3-D12Hmgc6)/Mcwi IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
5684888 Pia42 Pristane induced arthritis QTL 42 qtl RS:0001217 DA.ACI-(D12Wox12-D12Rat53)/Arb IEA S RGD:1600250|PMID:17329308 20140604 RGD
5684946 Bss98 Bone structure and strength QTL 98 qtl RS:0000118 GK/KyoSwe IEA S RGD:5684953|PMID:21818327 20140604 RGD
5684946 Bss98 Bone structure and strength QTL 98 qtl RS:0001673 F344/DuCrlSwe IEA S RGD:5684953|PMID:21818327 20140604 RGD
5684963 Bss99 Bone structure and strength QTL 99 qtl RS:0000118 GK/KyoSwe IEA S RGD:5684953|PMID:21818327 20140604 RGD
5684963 Bss99 Bone structure and strength QTL 99 qtl RS:0001673 F344/DuCrlSwe IEA S RGD:5684953|PMID:21818327 20140604 RGD
5684973 Bss100 Bone structure and strength QTL 100 qtl RS:0000118 GK/KyoSwe IEA S RGD:5684953|PMID:21818327 20140604 RGD
5684973 Bss100 Bone structure and strength QTL 100 qtl RS:0001673 F344/DuCrlSwe IEA S RGD:5684953|PMID:21818327 20140604 RGD
5684990 Bmd82 Bone mineral density QTL 82 qtl RS:0000118 GK/KyoSwe IEA S RGD:5684953|PMID:21818327 20140604 RGD
5684990 Bmd82 Bone mineral density QTL 82 qtl RS:0001673 F344/DuCrlSwe IEA S RGD:5684953|PMID:21818327 20140604 RGD
5684992 Bmd83 Bone mineral density QTL 82 qtl RS:0000118 GK/KyoSwe IEA S RGD:5684953|PMID:21818327 20140604 RGD
5684992 Bmd83 Bone mineral density QTL 82 qtl RS:0001673 F344/DuCrlSwe IEA S RGD:5684953|PMID:21818327 20140604 RGD
5684993 Bmd84 Bone mineral density QTL 84 qtl RS:0000118 GK/KyoSwe IEA S RGD:5684953|PMID:21818327 20140604 RGD
5684993 Bmd84 Bone mineral density QTL 84 qtl RS:0001673 F344/DuCrlSwe IEA S RGD:5684953|PMID:21818327 20140604 RGD
5684996 Bmd85 Bone mineral density QTL 85 qtl RS:0000118 GK/KyoSwe IEA S RGD:5684953|PMID:21818327 20140604 RGD
5684996 Bmd85 Bone mineral density QTL 85 qtl RS:0001673 F344/DuCrlSwe IEA S RGD:5684953|PMID:21818327 20140604 RGD
5684998 Bss101 Bone structure and strength QTL 101 qtl RS:0000118 GK/KyoSwe IEA S RGD:5684953|PMID:21818327 20140604 RGD
5684998 Bss101 Bone structure and strength QTL 101 qtl RS:0001673 F344/DuCrlSwe IEA S RGD:5684953|PMID:21818327 20140604 RGD
5684999 Bss102 Bone structure and strength QTL 102 qtl RS:0000118 GK/KyoSwe IEA S RGD:5684953|PMID:21818327 20140604 RGD
5684999 Bss102 Bone structure and strength QTL 102 qtl RS:0001673 F344/DuCrlSwe IEA S RGD:5684953|PMID:21818327 20140604 RGD
5685002 Bss103 Bone structure and strength QTL 103 qtl RS:0000118 GK/KyoSwe IEA S RGD:5684953|PMID:21818327 20140604 RGD
5685002 Bss103 Bone structure and strength QTL 103 qtl RS:0001673 F344/DuCrlSwe IEA S RGD:5684953|PMID:21818327 20140604 RGD
5685004 Bss104 Bone structure and strength QTL 104 qtl RS:0000118 GK/KyoSwe IEA S RGD:5684953|PMID:21818327 20140604 RGD
5685004 Bss104 Bone structure and strength QTL 104 qtl RS:0001673 F344/DuCrlSwe IEA S RGD:5684953|PMID:21818327 20140604 RGD
5685009 Bmd86 Bone mineral density QTL 86 qtl RS:0000118 GK/KyoSwe IEA S RGD:5684953|PMID:21818327 20140604 RGD
5685009 Bmd86 Bone mineral density QTL 86 qtl RS:0001673 F344/DuCrlSwe IEA S RGD:5684953|PMID:21818327 20140604 RGD
5685012 Bmd87 Bone mineral density QTL 87 qtl RS:0000118 GK/KyoSwe IEA S RGD:5684953|PMID:21818327 20140604 RGD
5685012 Bmd87 Bone mineral density QTL 87 qtl RS:0001673 F344/DuCrlSwe IEA S RGD:5684953|PMID:21818327 20140604 RGD
5685369 SS-Agtr1aem1Mcwi strain RS:0003015 SS-Agtr1aem1Mcwi IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
5686300 SS-Adra2aem1Mcwi-/- SS-Adra2aem1Mcwi-/Adra2aem1Mcwi- strain RS:0003016 SS-Adra2aem1Mcwi-/- IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
5686302 SS-Adra2aem1Mcwi+/+ SS-Adra2aem1Mcwi+/Adra2aem1Mcwi+ strain RS:0003017 SS-Adra2aem1Mcwi+/+ IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
5686304 SS-Agtrapem4Mcwi-/- SS-Agtrapem4Mcwi-/Agtrapem4Mcwi- strain RS:0003018 SS-Agtrapem4Mcwi-/- IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
5686306 SS-Agtrapem4Mcwi+/+ SS-Agtrapem4Mcwi+/Agtrapem4Mcwi+ strain RS:0003019 SS-Agtrapem4Mcwi+/+ IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
5686308 SS-Hexim2em4Mcwi-/- SS-Hexim2em4Mcwi-/Hexim2em4Mcwi- strain RS:0003020 SS-Hexim2em4Mcwi-/- IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
5686311 SS-Hexim2em4Mcwi+/+ SS-Hexim2em4Mcwi+/Hexim2em4Mcwi+ strain RS:0003021 SS-Hexim2em4Mcwi+/+ IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
5686314 SS-Rasgrp3em1Mcwi-/- SS-Rasgrp3em1Mcwi-/Rasgrp3em1Mcwi- strain RS:0003022 SS-Rasgrp3em1Mcwi-/- IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
5686316 SS-Rasgrp3em1Mcwi+/+ SS-Rasgrp3em1Mcwi+/Rasgrp3em1Mcwi+ strain RS:0003023 SS-Rasgrp3em1Mcwi+/+ IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
5686318 SS-Sh2b3em1Mcwi-/- SS-Sh2b3em1Mcwi-/Sh2b3em1Mcwi- strain RS:0003024 SS-Sh2b3em1Mcwi-/- IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
5686320 SS-Sh2b3em1Mcwi+/+ SS-Sh2b3em1Mcwi+/Sh2b3em1Mcwi+ strain RS:0003025 SS-Sh2b3em1Mcwi+/+ IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
5686322 SS-Sh2b3em1Mcwi-/+ SS-Sh2b3em1Mcwi-/Sh2b3em1Mcwi+ strain RS:0003031 SS-Sh2b3em1Mcwi-/+ IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
5686326 SS-Ulk3em4Mcwi-/- SS-Ulk3em4Mcwi-/Ulk3em4Mcwi- strain RS:0003026 SS-Ulk3em4Mcwi-/- IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
5686328 SS-Ulk3em4Mcwi+/+ SS-Ulk3em4Mcwi+/Ulk3em4Mcwi+ strain RS:0003027 SS-Ulk3em4Mcwi+/+ IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
5686330 SS-Ulk3em4Mcwi-/+ SS-Ulk3em4Mcwi-/Ulk3em4Mcwi+ strain RS:0003028 SS-Ulk3em4Mcwi-/+ IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
5686332 SS-Wdr72em2Mcwi-/- SS-Wdr72em2Mcwi-/Wdr72em2Mcwi- strain RS:0003029 SS-Wdr72em2Mcwi-/- IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
5686335 SS-Wdr72em2Mcwi+/+ SS-Wdr72em2Mcwi+/Wdr72em2Mcwi+ strain RS:0003030 SS-Wdr72em2Mcwi+/+ IEA S RGD:7241799 20200516 RGD
5686652 SS-Agtr1aem1Mcwi-/- SS-Agtr1aem1Mcwi-/Agtr1aem1Mcwi- strain RS:0003043 SS-Agtr1aem1Mcwi-/- IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
5686654 SS-Agtr1aem1Mcwi+/+ SS-Agtr1aem1Mcwi+/Agtr1aem1Mcwi+ strain RS:0003044 SS-Agtr1aem1Mcwi+/+ IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
5686657 SS-Agtr1aem5Mcwi-/- SS-Agtr1aem5Mcwi-/Agtr1aem5Mcwi- strain RS:0003045 SS-Agtr1aem5Mcwi-/- IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
5686659 SS-Agtrapem8Mcwi-/- SS-Agtrapem8Mcwi-/Agtrapem8Mcwi- strain RS:0003046 SS-Agtrapem8Mcwi-/- IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
5686662 SS-Agtrapem8Mcwi+/+ SS-Agtrapem8Mcwi+/Agtrapem8Mcwi+ strain RS:0003047 SS-Agtrapem8Mcwi+/+ IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
5686664 SS-Aldh2em2Mcwi-/- SS-Aldh2em2Mcwi-/Aldh2em2Mcwi- strain RS:0003048 SS-Aldh2em2Mcwi-/- IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
5686666 SS-Aldh2em2Mcwi+/+ SS-Aldh2em2Mcwi+/Aldh2em2Mcwi+ strain RS:0003049 SS-Aldh2em2Mcwi+/+ IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
5686668 SS-Cdh13em1Mcwi-/- SS-Cdh13em1Mcwi-/Cdh13em1Mcwi- strain RS:0003050 SS-Cdh13em1Mcwi-/- IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
5686670 SS-Cdh13em1Mcwi+/+ SS-Cdh13em1Mcwi+/Cdh13em1Mcwi+ strain RS:0003051 SS-Cdh13em1Mcwi+/+ IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
5686672 SS-Cyp1a1em1Mcwi-/- SS-Cyp1a1em1Mcwi-/Cyp1a1em1Mcwi- strain RS:0003052 SS-Cyp1a1em1Mcwi-/- IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
5686676 SS-Cyp1a1em1Mcwi+/+ SS-Cyp1a1em1Mcwi+/Cyp1a1em1Mcwi+ strain RS:0003053 SS-Cyp1a1em1Mcwi+/+ IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
5686678 SS-Cyp1a1em2Mcwi-/- SS-Cyp1a1em2Mcwi-/Cyp1a1em2Mcwi- strain RS:0003054 SS-Cyp1a1em2Mcwi-/- IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
5686680 SS-Cyp1a1em2Mcwi+/+ SS-Cyp1a1em2Mcwi+/Cyp1a1em2Mcwi+ strain RS:0003055 SS-Cyp1a1em2Mcwi+/+ IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
5686684 SS-Cyp1a1em5Mcwi-/- SS-Cyp1a1em5Mcwi-/Cyp1a1em5Mcwi- strain RS:0003056 SS-Cyp1a1em5Mcwi-/- IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
5686687 SS-Cyp1a1em5Mcwi+/+ SS-Cyp1a1em5Mcwi+/Cyp1a1em5Mcwi+ strain RS:0003057 SS-Cyp1a1em5Mcwi+/+ IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
5686689 SS-Prokr1em1Mcwi-/- SS-Prokr1em1Mcwi-/Prokr1em1Mcwi- strain RS:0003058 SS-Prokr1em1Mcwi-/- IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
5686692 SS-Prokr1em1Mcwi+/+ SS-Prokr1em1Mcwi+/Prokr1em1Mcwi+ strain RS:0003059 SS-Prokr1em1Mcwi+/+ IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
5686695 SS-Prokr1em2Mcwi-/- SS-Prokr1em2Mcwi-/Prokr1em2Mcwi- strain RS:0003060 SS-Prokr1em2Mcwi-/- IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
5686697 SS-Prokr1em2Mcwi+/+ SS-Prokr1em2Mcwi+/Prokr1em2Mcwi+ strain RS:0003061 SS-Prokr1em2Mcwi+/+ IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
5686700 SS-Kcnq1em14Mcwi-/- SS-Kcnq1em14Mcwi-/Kcnq1em14Mcwi- strain RS:0003062 SS-Kcnq1em14Mcwi-/- IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
5686702 SS-Kcnq1em14Mcwi+/+ SS-Kcnq1em14Mcwi+/Kcnq1em14Mcwi+ strain RS:0003063 SS-Kcnq1em14Mcwi+/+ IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
5686704 SS-Msraem3Mcwi-/- SS-Msraem3Mcwi-/Msraem3Mcwi- strain RS:0003064 SS-Msraem3Mcwi-/- IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
5686706 SS-Msraem3Mcwi+/+ SS-Msraem3Mcwi+/Msraem3Mcwi+ strain RS:0003065 SS-Msraem3Mcwi+/+ IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
5686708 SS-Msraem4Mcwi-/- SS-Msraem4Mcwi-/Msraem4Mcwi- strain RS:0003066 SS-Msraem4Mcwi-/- IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
5686710 SS-Msraem4Mcwi+/+ SS-Msraem4Mcwi+/Msraem4Mcwi+ strain RS:0003067 SS-Msraem4Mcwi+/+ IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
5686713 SS-Mstnem1Mcwi-/- SS-Mstnem1Mcwi-/Mstnem1Mcwi- strain RS:0003068 SS-Mstnem1Mcwi-/- IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
5686715 SS-Mstnem1Mcwi+/+ SS-Mstnem1Mcwi+/Mstnem1Mcwi+ strain RS:0003069 SS-Mstnem1Mcwi+/+ IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
5686718 SS-Mstnem3Mcwi-/- SS-Mstnem3Mcwi-/Mstnem3Mcwi- strain RS:0003070 SS-Mstnem3Mcwi-/- IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
5686721 SS-Mstnem3Mcwi+/+ SS-Mstnem3Mcwi+/Mstnem3Mcwi+ strain RS:0003071 SS-Mstnem3Mcwi+/+ IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
5686723 SS-Mstnem3Mcwi-/+ SS-Mstnem3Mcwi-/Mstnem3Mcwi+ strain RS:0003072 SS-Mstnem3Mcwi-/+ IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
5686725 SS-Nppaem4Mcwi-/- SS-Nppaem4Mcwi-/Nppaem4Mcwi- strain RS:0003073 SS-Nppaem4Mcwi-/- IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
5686728 SS-Nppaem4Mcwi+/+ SS-Nppaem4Mcwi+/Nppaem4Mcwi+ strain RS:0003074 SS-Nppaem4Mcwi+/+ IEA S RGD:7241799 20200516 RGD
5686730 SS-Nppbem2Mcwi-/- SS-Nppbem2Mcwi-/Nppbem2Mcwi- strain RS:0003075 SS-Nppbem2Mcwi-/- IEA S RGD:7241799 20200516 RGD
5686732 SS-Nppbem2Mcwi+/+ SS-Nppbem2Mcwi+/Nppbem2Mcwi+ strain RS:0003076 SS-Nppbem2Mcwi+/+ IEA S RGD:7241799 20200516 RGD
5686734 SS-Nppbem4Mcwi-/- SS-Nppbem4Mcwi-/Nppbem4Mcwi- strain RS:0003077 SS-Nppbem4Mcwi-/- IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
5686736 SS-Nppbem4Mcwi+/+ SS-Nppbem4Mcwi+/Nppbem4Mcwi+ strain RS:0003078 SS-Nppbem4Mcwi+/+ IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
5686738 SS-Plcd3em4Mcwi-/- SS-Plcd3em4Mcwi-/Plcd3em4Mcwi- strain RS:0003079 SS-Plcd3em4Mcwi-/- IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
5686740 SS-Plcd3em4Mcwi+/+ SS-Plcd3em4Mcwi+/Plcd3em4Mcwi+ strain RS:0003080 SS-Plcd3em4Mcwi+/+ IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
5686742 SS-Plcd3em7Mcwi-/- SS-Plcd3em7Mcwi-/Plcd3em7Mcwi- strain RS:0003081 SS-Plcd3em7Mcwi-/- IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
5686744 SS-Plcd3em7Mcwi+/+ SS-Plcd3em7Mcwi+/Plcd3em7Mcwi+ strain RS:0003082 SS-Plcd3em7Mcwi+/+ IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
5686747 SS-Plekha7em1Mcwi-/- SS-Plekha7em1Mcwi-/Plekha7em1Mcwi- strain RS:0003083 SS-Plekha7em1Mcwi-/- IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
5686749 SS-Plekha7em1Mcwi+/+ SS-Plekha7em1Mcwi+/Plekha7em1Mcwi+ strain RS:0003084 SS-Plekha7em1Mcwi+/+ IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
5686758 SS-Plekha7em4Mcwi-/- SS-Plekha7em4Mcwi-/Plekha7em4Mcwi- strain RS:0003088 SS-Plekha7em4Mcwi-/- IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
5686760 SS-Plekha7em4Mcwi+/+ SS-Plekha7em4Mcwi+/Plekha7em4Mcwi+ strain RS:0003089 SS-Plekha7em4Mcwi+/+ IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
5686762 SS-Plod1em1Mcwi-/- SS-Plod1em1Mcwi-/Plod1em1Mcwi- strain RS:0003090 SS-Plod1em1Mcwi-/- IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
5686764 SS-Plod1em1Mcwi+/+ SS-Plod1em1Mcwi+/Plod1em1Mcwi+ strain RS:0003091 SS-Plod1em1Mcwi+/+ IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
5686766 SS-Sh2b3em2Mcwi-/- SS-Sh2b3em2Mcwi-/Sh2b3em2Mcwi- strain RS:0003092 SS-Sh2b3em2Mcwi-/- IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
5686768 SS-Slc30a8em1Mcwi-/- SS-Slc30a8em1Mcwi-/Slc30a8em1Mcwi- strain RS:0003093 SS-Slc30a8em1Mcwi-/- IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
5686770 SS-Slc30a8em1Mcwi+/+ SS-Slc30a8em1Mcwi+/Slc30a8em1Mcwi+ strain RS:0003094 SS-Slc30a8em1Mcwi+/+ IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
5686772 SS-Slc30a8em2Mcwi-/- SS-Slc30a8em2Mcwi-/Slc30a8em2Mcwi- strain RS:0003095 SS-Slc30a8em2Mcwi-/- IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
5686776 SS-Slc30a8em2Mcwi+/+ SS-Slc30a8em2Mcwi+/Slc30a8em2Mcwi+ strain RS:0003096 SS-Slc30a8em2Mcwi+/+ IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
5686778 SS-Stk39em2Mcwi-/- SS-Stk39em2Mcwi-/Stk39em2Mcwi- strain RS:0003097 SS-Stk39em2Mcwi-/- IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
5686780 SS-Stk39em2Mcwi+/+ SS-Stk39em2Mcwi+/Stk39em2Mcwi+ strain RS:0003098 SS-Stk39em2Mcwi+/+ IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
5686782 SS-Stk39em2Mcwi-/+ SS-Stk39em2Mcwi-/Stk39em2Mcwi+ strain RS:0003099 SS-Stk39em2Mcwi-/+ IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
5686784 SS-Tcf7l2em1Mcwi-/- SS-Tcf7l2em1Mcwi-/Tcf7l2em1Mcwi- strain RS:0003100 SS-Tcf7l2em1Mcwi-/- IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
5686786 SS-Tcf7l2em1Mcwi+/+ SS-Tcf7l2em1Mcwi+/Tcf7l2em1Mcwi+ strain RS:0003101 SS-Tcf7l2em1Mcwi+/+ IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
5686788 SS-Tcf7l2em1Mcwi-/+ SS-Tcf7l2em1Mcwi-/Tcf7l2em1Mcwi+ strain RS:0003102 SS-Tcf7l2em1Mcwi-/+ IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
5686790 SS-Ulk3em1Mcwi-/- SS-Ulk3em1Mcwi-/Ulk3em1Mcwi- strain RS:0003103 SS-Ulk3em1Mcwi-/- IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
5686792 SS-Ulk3em1Mcwi+/+ SS-Ulk3em1Mcwi+/Ulk3em1Mcwi+ strain RS:0003104 SS-Ulk3em1Mcwi+/+ IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
5686794 SS-Ulk3em1Mcwi-/+ SS-Ulk3em1Mcwi-/Ulk3em1Mcwi+ strain RS:0003105 SS-Ulk3em1Mcwi-/+ IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
5686797 SS-Wdr72em1Mcwi-/- SS-Wdr72em1Mcwi-/Wdr72em1Mcwi- strain RS:0003106 SS-Wdr72em1Mcwi-/- IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
5686799 SS-Wdr72em1Mcwi+/+ SS-Wdr72em1Mcwi+/Wdr72em1Mcwi+ strain RS:0003107 SS-Wdr72em1Mcwi+/+ IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
5686826 ACI.FHH-(D1Mit18-D1Rat90)(D3Rat84-D3Rat59)(D14Mit11-D14Rat33)(D14Rat65-D14Rat90)/Eur strain RS:0003108 ACI.FHH-(D1Mit18-D1Rat90)(D3Rat84-D3Rat59)(D14Mit11-D14Rat33)(D14Rat65-D14Rat90)/Eur IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
5686829 ACI.FHH-(D1Mit18-D1Rat90)(D3Rat6-D3Got149)(D14Mit11-D14Rat33)(D14Rat65-D14Rat90)/Mcwi strain RS:0003109 ACI.FHH-(D1Mit18-D1Rat90)(D3Rat6-D3Got149)(D14Mit11-D14Rat33)(D14Rat65-D14Rat90)/Mcwi IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
5686832 ACI.FHH-(D1Mit18-D1Rat90)(D3Got102-D3Got149)(D14Mit11-D14Rat33)(D14Rat65-D14Rat90)/Mcwi strain RS:0003110 ACI.FHH-(D1Mit18-D1Rat90)(D3Got102-D3Got149)(D14Mit11-D14Rat33)(D14Rat65-D14Rat90)/Mcwi IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
5686842 Rf59 Renal function QTL 59 qtl RS:0003110 ACI.FHH-(D1Mit18-D1Rat90)(D3Got102-D3Got149)(D14Mit11-D14Rat33)(D14Rat65-D14Rat90)/Mcwi IEA S RGD:5684423|PMID:21127141 20140604 RGD
5687688 FHH-Tg(CAG-Rab38)1Mcwi strain RS:0003111 FHH-Tg(CAG-Rab38)1Mcwi IEA S RGD:7241799 20161008 RGD
5687689 FHH-Tg(CAG-Rab38)2Mcwi strain RS:0003113 FHH-Tg(CAG-Rab38)2Mcwi IEA S RGD:7241799 20161008 RGD
5687969 ACI.BN-(D2Rat251-D2Mgh3)/Shul strain RS:0003119 ACI.BN-(D2Rat251-D2Mgh3)/Shul IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
5687971 ACI.BN-(D2Rat10-D2Rat202)/Shul strain RS:0003120 ACI.BN-(D2Rat10-D2Rat202)/Shul IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
5687973 ACI.BN-(D18Rat30-D18Rat89)/Shul strain RS:0003122 ACI.BN-(D18Rat30-D18Rat89)/Shul IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
5687974 SS-Chr 5BN-Cyp4a2em1Mcwi strain RS:0003123 SS-Chr 5BN-Cyp4a2em1Mcwi IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
5687975 SS-Prex1em2Mcwi strain RS:0003124 SS-Prex1em2Mcwi IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
5687977 SS-Acad10em2Mcwi+/+ SS-Acad10em2Mcwi+/Acad10em2Mcwi+ strain RS:0003160 SS-Acad10em2Mcwi+/+ IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
5687979 SS-Acad10em2Mcwi-/- SS-Acad10em2Mcwi-/Acad10em2Mcwi- strain RS:0003130 SS-Acad10em2Mcwi-/- IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
5687981 SS-Alms1em1Mcwi-/- SS-Alms1em1Mcwi-/Alms1em1Mcwi- strain RS:0003131 SS-Alms1em1Mcwi-/- IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
5687983 SS-Alms1em1Mcwi+/+ SS-Alms1em1Mcwi+/Alms1em1Mcwi+ strain RS:0003161 SS-Alms1em1Mcwi+/+ IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
5687985 SS-Apoeem7Mcwi+/+ SS-Apoeem7Mcwi+/Apoeem7Mcwi+ strain RS:0003162 SS-Apoeem7Mcwi+/+ IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
5687987 SS-Apoeem7Mcwi-/- SS-Apoeem7Mcwi-/Apoeem7Mcwi- strain RS:0003132 SS-Apoeem7Mcwi-/- IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
5687989 SS-Apoeem8Mcwi-/- SS-Apoeem8Mcwi-/Apoeem8Mcwi- strain RS:0003133 SS-Apoeem8Mcwi-/- IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
5687992 SS-Apoeem8Mcwi+/+ SS-Apoeem8Mcwi+/Apoeem8Mcwi+ strain RS:0003163 SS-Apoeem8Mcwi+/+ IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
5687994 SS-Bcas3em4Mcwi+/+ SS-Bcas3em4Mcwi+/Bcas3em4Mcwi+ strain RS:0003164 SS-Bcas3em4Mcwi+/+ IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
5687996 SS-Bcas3em4Mcwi-/- SS-Bcas3em4Mcwi-/Bcas3em4Mcwi- strain RS:0003134 SS-Bcas3em4Mcwi-/- IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
5687998 SS-Cybaem1Mcwi-/- SS-Cybaem1Mcwi-/Cybaem1Mcwi- strain RS:0003135 SS-Cybaem1Mcwi-/- IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
5688000 SS-Cybaem1Mcwi+/+ SS-Cybaem1Mcwi+/Cybaem1Mcwi+ strain RS:0003165 SS-Cybaem1Mcwi+/+ IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
5688002 SS-Chr 5BN-Cyp4a2em1Mcwi+/+ SS-Chr 5BN-Cyp4a2em1Mcwi+/Cyp4a2em1Mcwi+ strain RS:0003166 SS-Chr 5BN-Cyp4a2em1Mcwi+/+ IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
5688004 SS-Chr 5BN-Cyp4a2em1Mcwi-/- SS-Chr 5BN-Cyp4a2em1Mcwi-/Cyp4a2em1Mcwi- strain RS:0003136 SS-Chr 5BN-Cyp4a2em1Mcwi-/- IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
5688006 SS-Chr 5BN-Cyp4a2em1Mcwi-/+ SS-Chr 5BN-Cyp4a2em1Mcwi-/Cyp4a2em1Mcwi+ strain RS:0003125 SS-Chr 5BN-Cyp4a2em1Mcwi-/+ IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
5688008 SS-Ets1em1Mcwi+/+ SS-Ets1em1Mcwi+/Ets1em1Mcwi+ strain RS:0003167 SS-Ets1em1Mcwi+/+ IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
5688010 SS-Ets1em1Mcwi-/+ SS-Ets1em1Mcwi-/Ets1em1Mcwi+ strain RS:0003126 SS-Ets1em1Mcwi-/+ IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
5688012 SS-Gpr183em1Mcwi-/- SS-Gpr183em1Mcwi-/Gpr183em1Mcwi- strain RS:0003137 SS-Gpr183em1Mcwi-/- IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
5688014 SS-Gpr183em1Mcwi+/+ SS-Gpr183em1Mcwi+/Gpr183em1Mcwi+ strain RS:0003168 SS-Gpr183em1Mcwi+/+ IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
5688016 SS-Gpr183em2Mcwi-/- SS-Gpr183em2Mcwi-/Gpr183em2Mcwi- strain RS:0003138 SS-Gpr183em2Mcwi-/- IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
5688018 SS-Gpr183em2Mcwi+/+ SS-Gpr183em2Mcwi+/Gpr183em2Mcwi+ strain RS:0003169 SS-Gpr183em2Mcwi+/+ IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
5688020 SS-Gpr183em3Mcwi-/- SS-Gpr183em3Mcwi-/Gpr183em3Mcwi- strain RS:0003139 SS-Gpr183em3Mcwi-/- IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
5688022 SS-Gpr183em3Mcwi+/+ SS-Gpr183em3Mcwi+/Gpr183em3Mcwi+ strain RS:0003170 SS-Gpr183em3Mcwi+/+ IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
5688024 SS-Itga9em1Mcwi+/+ SS-Itga9em1Mcwi+/Itga9em1Mcwi+ strain RS:0003171 SS-Itga9em1Mcwi+/+ IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
5688026 SS-Mas1em1Mcwi+/+ SS-Mas1em1Mcwi+/Mas1em1Mcwi+ strain RS:0003172 SS-Mas1em1Mcwi+/+ IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
5688028 SS-Mas1em1Mcwi-/- SS-Mas1em1Mcwi-/Mas1em1Mcwi- strain RS:0003140 SS-Mas1em1Mcwi-/- IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
5688030 SS-Mmp2em1Mcwi-/- SS-Mmp2em1Mcwi-/Mmp2em1Mcwi- strain RS:0003141 SS-Mmp2em1Mcwi-/- IEA S RGD:7241799 20231104 RGD
5688032 SS-Mmp2em1Mcwi+/+ SS-Mmp2em1Mcwi+/Mmp2em1Mcwi+ strain RS:0003173 SS-Mmp2em1Mcwi+/+ IEA S RGD:7241799 20240113 RGD
5688034 SS-Mmp2em2Mcwi-/- SS-Mmp2em2Mcwi-/Mmp2em2Mcwi- strain RS:0003142 SS-Mmp2em2Mcwi-/- IEA S RGD:7241799 20231104 RGD
5688037 SS-Mmp2em2Mcwi+/+ SS-Mmp2em2Mcwi+/Mmp2em2Mcwi+ strain RS:0003174 SS-Mmp2em2Mcwi+/+ IEA S RGD:7241799 20231104 RGD
5688039 SS-Mthfrem1Mcwi+/+ SS-Mthfrem1Mcwi+/Mthfrem1Mcwi+ strain RS:0003175 SS-Mthfrem1Mcwi+/+ IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
5688041 SS-Mthfrem1Mcwi-/+ SS-Mthfrem1Mcwi-/Mthfrem1Mcwi+ strain RS:0003127 SS-Mthfrem1Mcwi-/+ IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
5688043 SS-Nckap5em1Mcwi-/- SS-Nckap5em1Mcwi-/Nckap5em1Mcwi- strain RS:0003143 SS-Nckap5em1Mcwi-/- IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
5688045 SS-Nckap5em1Mcwi+/+ SS-Nckap5em1Mcwi+/Nckap5em1Mcwi+ strain RS:0003176 SS-Nckap5em1Mcwi+/+ IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
5688047 SS-Nckap5em2Mcwi-/- SS-Nckap5em2Mcwi-/Nckap5em2Mcwi- strain RS:0003144 SS-Nckap5em2Mcwi-/- IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
5688049 SS-Nckap5em2Mcwi+/+ SS-Nckap5em2Mcwi+/Nckap5em2Mcwi+ strain RS:0003177 SS-Nckap5em2Mcwi+/+ IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
5688051 SS-Nckap5em3Mcwi-/- SS-Nckap5em3Mcwi-/Nckap5em3Mcwi- strain RS:0003145 SS-Nckap5em3Mcwi-/- IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
5688053 SS-Nckap5em3Mcwi+/+ SS-Nckap5em3Mcwi+/Nckap5em3Mcwi+ strain RS:0003178 SS-Nckap5em3Mcwi+/+ IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
5688059 SS.BN-(D13Rat20-D13Got22)/Mcwi-Nckap5em4Mcwi-/- SS.BN-(D13Rat20-D13Got22)/Mcwi-Nckap5em4Mcwi-/Nckap5em4Mcwi- strain RS:0003146 SS.BN-(D13Rat20-D13Got22)/Mcwi-Nckap5em4Mcwi-/- IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
5688061 SS.BN-(D13Rat20-D13Got22)/Mcwi-Nckap5em4Mcwi+/+ SS.BN-(D13Rat20-D13Got22)/Mcwi-Nckap5em4Mcwi+/Nckap5em4Mcwi+ strain RS:0003147 SS.BN-(D13Rat20-D13Got22)/Mcwi-Nckap5em4Mcwi+/+ IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
5688063 SS.BN-(D13Rat20-D13Got22)/Mcwi-Nckap5em4Mcwi-/+ SS.BN-(D13Rat20-D13Got22)/Mcwi-Nckap5em4Mcwi-/Nckap5em4Mcwi+ strain RS:0003148 SS.BN-(D13Rat20-D13Got22)/Mcwi-Nckap5em4Mcwi-/+ IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
5688066 SS-Ncf2em1Mcwi-/- SS-Ncf2em1Mcwi-/Ncf2em1Mcwi- strain RS:0003149 SS-Ncf2em1Mcwi-/- IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
5688069 SS-Ncf2em1Mcwi+/+ SS-Ncf2em1Mcwi+/Ncf2em1Mcwi+ strain RS:0003179 SS-Ncf2em1Mcwi+/+ IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
5688074 SS-Nox4em2Mcwi-/- SS-Nox4em2Mcwi-/Nox4em2Mcwi- strain RS:0003150 SS-Nox4em2Mcwi-/- IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
5688077 SS-Nox4em2Mcwi+/+ SS-Nox4em2Mcwi+/Nox4em2Mcwi+ strain RS:0003180 SS-Nox4em2Mcwi+/+ IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
5688080 SS-Nox4em2Mcwi-/+ SS-Nox4em2Mcwi-/Nox4em2Mcwi+ strain RS:0003128 SS-Nox4em2Mcwi-/+ IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
5688083 SS-Prex1em2Mcwi-/- SS-Prex1em2Mcwi-/Prex1em2Mcwi- strain RS:0003151 SS-Prex1em2Mcwi-/- IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
5688087 FHH.BN-(D1Hmgc14-D1Hmgc15)/Mcwi-Rab38em1Mcwi-/- FHH.BN-(D1Hmgc14-D1Hmgc15)/Mcwi-Rab38em1Mcwi-/Rab38em1Mcwi- strain RS:0003152 FHH.BN-(D1Hmgc14-D1Hmgc15)/Mcwi-Rab38em1Mcwi-/- IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
5688090 FHH.BN-(D1Hmgc14-D1Hmgc15)/Mcwi-Rab38em1Mcwi+/+ FHH.BN-(D1Hmgc14-D1Hmgc15)/Mcwi-Rab38em1Mcwi+/Rab38em1Mcwi+ strain RS:0003181 FHH.BN-(D1Hmgc14-D1Hmgc15)/Mcwi-Rab38em1Mcwi+/+ IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
5688092 SS-Rag1em1Mcwi-/- SS-Rag1em1Mcwi-/Rag1em1Mcwi- strain RS:0003153 SS-Rag1em1Mcwi-/- IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
5688094 SS-Rag1em1Mcwi+/+ SS-Rag1em1Mcwi+/Rag1em1Mcwi+ strain RS:0003182 SS-Rag1em1Mcwi+/+ IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
5688096 SS-Rag1em2Mcwi-/- SS-Rag1em2Mcwi-/Rag1em2Mcwi- strain RS:0003154 SS-Rag1em2Mcwi-/- IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
5688098 SS-Rag1em2Mcwi+/+ SS-Rag1em2Mcwi+/Rag1em2Mcwi+ strain RS:0003183 SS-Rag1em2Mcwi+/+ IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
5688100 SS-Renem1Mcwi+/+ SS-Renem1Mcwi+/Renem1Mcwi+ strain RS:0003184 SS-Renem1Mcwi+/+ IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
5688102 SS-Renem1Mcwi-/- SS-Renem1Mcwi-/Renem1Mcwi- strain RS:0003155 SS-Renem1Mcwi-/- IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
5688107 FHH-Chr 1BN-Sorcs1em1Mcwi-/- FHH-Chr 1BN-Sorcs1em1Mcwi-/Sorcs1em1Mcwi- strain RS:0003156 FHH-Chr 1BN-Sorcs1em1Mcwi-/- IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
5688109 FHH-Chr 1BN-Sorcs1em1Mcwi+/+ FHH-Chr 1BN-Sorcs1em1Mcwi+/Sorcs1em1Mcwi+ strain RS:0003185 FHH-Chr 1BN-Sorcs1em1Mcwi+/+ IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
5688111 SS-Tfdp2em2Mcwi-/- SS-Tfdp2em2Mcwi-/Tfdp2em2Mcwi- strain RS:0003157 SS-Tfdp2em2Mcwi-/- IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
5688113 SS-Tfdp2em2Mcwi+/+ SS-Tfdp2em2Mcwi+/Tfdp2em2Mcwi+ strain RS:0003186 SS-Tfdp2em2Mcwi+/+ IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
5688116 SS-Tgfb1em1Mcwi+/+ SS-Tgfb1em1Mcwi+/Tgfb1em1Mcwi+ strain RS:0003187 SS-Tgfb1em1Mcwi+/+ IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
5688119 SS-Tgfb1em3Mcwi+/- SS-Tgfb1em3Mcwi+/Tgfb1em3Mcwi- strain RS:0003129 SS-Tgfb1em3Mcwi+/- IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
5688121 SS-Ube2q2em3Mcwi-/- SS-Ube2q2em3Mcwi-/Ube2q2em3Mcwi- strain RS:0003158 SS-Ube2q2em3Mcwi-/- IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
5688123 SS-Ube2q2em3Mcwi+/+ SS-Ube2q2em3Mcwi+/Ube2q2em3Mcwi+ strain RS:0003188 SS-Ube2q2em3Mcwi+/+ IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
5688125 SS-Ulk4em3Mcwi-/- SS-Ulk4em3Mcwi-/Ulk4em3Mcwi- strain RS:0003159 SS-Ulk4em3Mcwi-/- IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
5688396 ACI.BN-(D3Rat80-D3Rat3)/Shul strain RS:0003189 ACI.BN-(D3Rat80-D3Rat3)/Shul IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
5688400 ACI.BN-(D4Rat5-D4Got131)/Shul strain RS:0003190 ACI.BN-(D4Rat5-D4Got131)/Shul IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
5688402 ACI.BN-(D6Rat148-D6Rat109)/Shul strain RS:0003191 ACI.BN-(D6Rat148-D6Rat109)/Shul IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
5688405 ACI.COP-(D5Rat12-D5Rat205)/Shul strain RS:0003192 ACI.COP-(D5Rat12-D5Rat205)/Shul IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
5688407 ACI.COP-(D5Rat28-D5Rat205)/Shul strain RS:0003194 ACI.COP-(D5Rat28-D5Rat205)/Shul IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
5688409 ACI.COP-(D5Rat28-D5Rat36)/Shul strain RS:0003195 ACI.COP-(D5Rat28-D5Rat36)/Shul IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
58366897 SD-Tg(Tie2-cre/ERT2)AppscRrrc strain RS:0004914 SD-Tg(Tie2-cre/ERT2)AppscRrrc IEA S RGD:7241799 20210417 RGD
596938164 CrlNctr:CD(SD) strain RS:0005383 CrlNctr:CD(SD) IEA S RGD:7241799 20250111 RGD
597538479 SD-Eml1tish/Scrb tish rat strain RS:0005384 SD-Eml1tish/Scrb IEA S RGD:7241799 20250125 RGD
597538592 SD-Tg(SNCA)Nuber strain RS:0005387 SD-Tg(SNCA)Nuber IEA S RGD:7241799 20250201 RGD
597830029 Pha:WI Wistar rats strain RS:0005390 Pha:WI IEA S RGD:7241799 20250301 RGD
60984 GH strain RS:0000318 GH IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
60985 BN BN strain RS:0000113 BN IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
60986 BUF/N strain RS:0000166 BUF/N IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
60987 MHS/N Milan Hypertensive Strain strain RS:0001371 MHS/N IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
60988 LOU/M strain RS:0000566 LOU/M IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
60989 BP strain RS:0000158 BP IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
60990 LH/MavRrrc Lyon Hypertensive strain RS:0000554 LH/MavRrrc IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
60991 LE Long Evans strain RS:0000347 LE (inbred) IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
60992 MNS Milan normotensive strain strain RS:0000580 MNS IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
60993 FHH Fawn Hooded Hypertensive strain RS:0000017 FHH IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
60994 F344 Fischer strain RS:0000215 F344 IEA S RGD:7241799 20180317 RGD
60995 DRY strain RS:0000250 DRY IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
60996 DON Donryu rat strain RS:0000253 DON IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
60997 DA DA strain RS:0000014 DA IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
60998 COP strain RS:0000184 COP IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
60999 LEW Lewis strain RS:0000121 LEW IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
61000 SHR Spontaneously Hypertensive Rat strain RS:0000015 SHR IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
61001 NEDH strain RS:0000603 NEDH IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
61002 BDIX strain RS:0000091 BDIX IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
61003 BC strain RS:0000081 BC IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
61004 WIST/Zihk strain RS:0001016 WIST/Zihk IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
61005 OM/N Osborne-Mendel strain RS:0000631 OM/N IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
61006 PVG PVG strain RS:0000224 PVG IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
61007 WF Wistar Furth strain RS:0000982 WF IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
61008 WAG Wistar Albino Glaxo strain RS:0000967 WAG IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
61009 AVN strain RS:0000058 AVN IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
61010 SHRSP Spontaneously Hypertensive Rat, Stroke Prone strain RS:0000759 SHRSP IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
61011 BB/N BioBreeding rat strain RS:0001172 BB/N IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
61013 E3 strain RS:0000202 E3 IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
61014 OLETF Otsuka Long-Evans Tokushima fatty strain RS:0000284 OLETF IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
61015 LN/MavRrrc lyon normotensive strain RS:0000559 LN/MavRrrc IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
61096 SHR/NCruk Spontaneously Hypertensive Rat strain RS:0000753 SHR/NCruk IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
61097 WKY/NCruk strain RS:0001072 WKY/NCruk IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
61098 BXH/Ipcv strain RS:0000169 BXH/Ipcv IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
61099 HXB/Ipcv strain RS:0000401 HXB/Ipcv IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
61100 SHR/Ola strain RS:0000402 SHR/Ola IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
61103 WKY strain RS:0000742 WKY IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
61104 LEW/NCrl strain RS:0000520 LEW/NCrl IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
61105 WKY/NHsd strain RS:0000916 WKY/NHsd IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
61106 SHR.BN-(D8Mit5-D8Mgh6)/Ipcv strain RS:0000725 SHR.BN-(D8Mit5-D8Mgh6)/Ipcv IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
61107 BB/OK BioBreeding rat strain RS:0000067 BB/OK IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
61109 F344/NHsd F344/NHsd strain RS:0000363 F344/NHsd IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
61110 SHR/Mol strain RS:0000749 SHR/Mol IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
61111 DA/Slc dark agouti strain RS:0000247 DA/Slc IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
61112 13M strain RS:0000003 13M IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
61113 BN-Lx strain RS:0000114 BN-Lx IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
61114 DA/Bkl strain RS:0000239 DA/Bkl IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
61115 BN/SsN strain RS:0000154 BN/SsN IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
61116 SHRSP/A3 strain RS:0000773 SHRSP/A3 IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
61117 BN-Lx/Cub Brown Norway with polydactyly-luxate strain RS:0000116 BN-Lx/Cub IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
61118 BUF/Mna strain RS:0000165 BUF/Mna IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
61119 WKY/NCrlCrlj strain RS:0001036 WKY/NCrlCrlj IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
61324 Eae5 Experimental allergic encephalomyelitis QTL 5 qtl RS:0000014 DA IEA S RGD:61031|PMID:10640775 20140604 RGD
61324 Eae5 Experimental allergic encephalomyelitis QTL 5 qtl RS:0000202 E3 IEA S RGD:61031|PMID:10640775 20140604 RGD
61325 Aia5 Adjuvant induced arthritis QTL 5 qtl RS:0000209 DA.F344-(D10Arb20-D10Arb22)/Arb IEA S RGD:625379|PMID:11953987 20140604 RGD
61325 Aia5 Adjuvant induced arthritis QTL 5 qtl RS:0000239 DA/Bkl IEA S RGD:625379|PMID:11953987 20140604 RGD
61326 Eae6 Experimental allergic encephalomyelitis QTL 6 qtl RS:0000014 DA IEA S RGD:61031|PMID:10640775 20140604 RGD
61326 Eae6 Experimental allergic encephalomyelitis QTL 6 qtl RS:0000202 E3 IEA S RGD:61031|PMID:10640775 20140604 RGD
61327 Eae7 Experimental allergic encephalomyelitis QTL 7 qtl RS:0000014 DA IEA S RGD:61031|PMID:10640775 20140604 RGD
61327 Eae7 Experimental allergic encephalomyelitis QTL 7 qtl RS:0000202 E3 IEA S RGD:61031|PMID:10640775 20140604 RGD
61328 Eae8 Experimental allergic encephalomyelitis QTL 8 qtl RS:0000014 DA IEA S RGD:61031|PMID:10640775 20140604 RGD
61328 Eae8 Experimental allergic encephalomyelitis QTL 8 qtl RS:0000202 E3 IEA S RGD:61031|PMID:10640775 20140604 RGD
61329 Eae9 Experimental allergic encephalomyelitis QTL 9 qtl RS:0000014 DA IEA S RGD:61031|PMID:10640775 20140604 RGD
61329 Eae9 Experimental allergic encephalomyelitis QTL 9 qtl RS:0000202 E3 IEA S RGD:61031|PMID:10640775 20140604 RGD
61330 Eau1 Experimental allergic uveoretinitis QTL 1 qtl RS:0000121 LEW IEA S RGD:61073|PMID:10323205 20140604 RGD
61330 Eau1 Experimental allergic uveoretinitis QTL 1 qtl RS:0000313 F344/NRrrc IEA S RGD:61073|PMID:10323205 20140604 RGD
61331 Eau2 Experimental allergic uveoretinitis QTL 2 qtl RS:0000121 LEW IEA S RGD:61073|PMID:10323205 20140604 RGD
61331 Eau2 Experimental allergic uveoretinitis QTL 2 qtl RS:0000313 F344/NRrrc IEA S RGD:61073|PMID:10323205 20140604 RGD
61332 Eau3 Experimental allergic uveoretinitis QTL 3 qtl RS:0000121 LEW IEA S RGD:61073|PMID:10323205 20140604 RGD
61332 Eau3 Experimental allergic uveoretinitis QTL 3 qtl RS:0000313 F344/NRrrc IEA S RGD:61073|PMID:10323205 20140604 RGD
61333 Gluco16 Glucose level QTL 16 qtl RS:0000753 SHR/NCruk IEA S RGD:61078|PMID:9171835 20140604 RGD
61333 Gluco16 Glucose level QTL 16 qtl RS:0001072 WKY/NCruk IEA S RGD:61078|PMID:9171835 20140604 RGD
61334 Gluco17 Glucose level QTL 17 qtl RS:0000753 SHR/NCruk IEA S RGD:61078|PMID:9171835 20140604 RGD
61334 Gluco17 Glucose level QTL 17 qtl RS:0001072 WKY/NCruk IEA S RGD:61078|PMID:9171835 20140604 RGD
61335 Bp20 Blood pressure QTL 20 qtl RS:0000015 SHR IEA S RGD:61045|PMID:9132270 20140604 RGD
61335 Bp20 Blood pressure QTL 20 qtl RS:0000113 BN IEA S RGD:61045|PMID:9132270 20140604 RGD
61336 Bp21 Blood pressure QTL 21 qtl RS:0000015 SHR IEA S RGD:61045|PMID:9132270 20140604 RGD
61336 Bp21 Blood pressure QTL 21 qtl RS:0000113 BN IEA S RGD:61045|PMID:9132270 20140604 RGD
61337 Bp22 Blood pressure QTL 22 qtl RS:0000015 SHR IEA S RGD:61045|PMID:9132270 20140604 RGD
61337 Bp22 Blood pressure QTL 22 qtl RS:0000113 BN IEA S RGD:61045|PMID:9132270 20140604 RGD
61338 Bp23 Blood pressure QTL 23 qtl RS:0000015 SHR IEA S RGD:61045|PMID:9132270 20140604 RGD
61338 Bp23 Blood pressure QTL 23 qtl RS:0000113 BN IEA S RGD:61045|PMID:9132270 20140604 RGD
61339 Bp24 Blood pressure QTL 24 qtl RS:0000786 SR/Jr IEA S RGD:61046|PMID:8567976 20140604 RGD
61339 Bp24 Blood pressure QTL 24 qtl RS:0000817 SS/Jr IEA S RGD:61046|PMID:8567976 20140604 RGD
61340 Bp25 Blood pressure QTL 25 qtl RS:0000786 SR/Jr IEA S RGD:61047|PMID:9271663 20140604 RGD
61340 Bp25 Blood pressure QTL 25 qtl RS:0000817 SS/Jr IEA S RGD:61047|PMID:9271663 20140604 RGD
61341 Bp26 Blood pressure QTL 26 qtl RS:0000134 BN/Crl IEA S RGD:61048|PMID:9336384 20140604 RGD
61341 Bp26 Blood pressure QTL 26 qtl RS:0000402 SHR/Ola IEA S RGD:61048|PMID:9336384 20140604 RGD
61341 Bp26 Blood pressure QTL 26 qtl RS:0000721 SHR.BN-(D1Mit3-Igf2)/Ipcv IEA S RGD:61048|PMID:9336384 20180310 RGD
61342 Bp27 Blood pressure QTL 27 qtl RS:0000121 LEW IEA S RGD:61049|PMID:8609235 20140604 RGD
61342 Bp27 Blood pressure QTL 27 qtl RS:0000817 SS/Jr IEA S RGD:61049|PMID:8609235 20140604 RGD
61343 Bp28 Blood pressure QTL 28 qtl RS:0000742 WKY IEA S RGD:61050|PMID:8094726 20140604 RGD
61343 Bp28 Blood pressure QTL 28 qtl RS:0000759 SHRSP IEA S RGD:61050|PMID:8094726 20140604 RGD
61344 Bp29 Blood pressure QTL 29 qtl RS:0001039 WKY.SHR-(D1Wox19-D1Mit2)/Njs IEA S RGD:61051|PMID:9774356 20140604 RGD
61344 Bp29 Blood pressure QTL 29 qtl RS:0001072 WKY/NCruk IEA S RGD:61051|PMID:9774356 20140604 RGD
61345 Rf1 Renal disease susceptibility QTL 1 qtl RS:0000018 FHH/Eur IEA S RGD:61060|PMID:8528250 20140604 RGD
61345 Rf1 Renal disease susceptibility QTL 1 qtl RS:0000023 ACI/N IEA S RGD:61060|PMID:8528250 20140604 RGD
61346 Rf2 Renal disease susceptibility QTL 2 qtl RS:0000017 FHH IEA S RGD:61060|PMID:8528250 20140604 RGD
61346 Rf2 Renal disease susceptibility QTL 2 qtl RS:0000023 ACI/N IEA S RGD:61060|PMID:8528250 20140604 RGD
61347 Bp197 Blood pressure QTL 197 qtl RS:0000017 FHH IEA S RGD:61060|PMID:8528250 20140604 RGD
61347 Bp197 Blood pressure QTL 197 qtl RS:0000023 ACI/N IEA S RGD:61060|PMID:8528250 20140604 RGD
61348 Bp30 Blood pressure QTL 30 qtl RS:0000520 LEW/NCrl IEA S RGD:61040|PMID:9685318 20140604 RGD
61348 Bp30 Blood pressure QTL 30 qtl RS:0000817 SS/Jr IEA S RGD:61040|PMID:9685318 20140604 RGD
61349 Bp31 Blood pressure QTL 31 qtl RS:0000015 SHR IEA S RGD:61043|PMID:8952608 20140604 RGD
61349 Bp31 Blood pressure QTL 31 qtl RS:0000742 WKY IEA S RGD:61043|PMID:8952608 20140604 RGD
61350 Bp32 Blood pressure QTL 32 qtl RS:0000169 BXH/Ipcv IEA S RGD:61044|PMID:7560090 20140604 RGD
61350 Bp32 Blood pressure QTL 32 qtl RS:0000401 HXB/Ipcv IEA S RGD:61044|PMID:7560090 20140604 RGD
61351 Bp33 Blood pressure QTL 33 qtl RS:0000169 BXH/Ipcv IEA S RGD:61044|PMID:7560090 20140604 RGD
61351 Bp33 Blood pressure QTL 33 qtl RS:0000401 HXB/Ipcv IEA S RGD:61044|PMID:7560090 20140604 RGD
61352 Bp34 Blood pressure QTL 34 qtl RS:0000786 SR/Jr IEA S RGD:61053|PMID:9722941 20140604 RGD
61352 Bp34 Blood pressure QTL 34 qtl RS:0000817 SS/Jr IEA S RGD:61053|PMID:9722941 20140604 RGD
61353 Bp35 Blood pressure QTL 35 qtl RS:0000725 SHR.BN-(D8Mit5-D8Mgh6)/Ipcv IEA S RGD:61054|PMID:9045857 20140604 RGD
61354 Pia10 Pristane induced arthritis QTL 10 qtl RS:0000209 DA.F344-(D10Arb20-D10Arb22)/Arb IEA S RGD:629569|PMID:12209529 20140604 RGD
61355 Bp36 Blood pressure QTL 36 qtl RS:0000121 LEW IEA S RGD:61040|PMID:9685318 20140604 RGD
61355 Bp36 Blood pressure QTL 36 qtl RS:0000817 SS/Jr IEA S RGD:61040|PMID:9685318 20140604 RGD
61356 Bp37 Blood pressure QTL 37 qtl RS:0000121 LEW IEA S RGD:61040|PMID:9685318 20140604 RGD
61356 Bp37 Blood pressure QTL 37 qtl RS:0000817 SS/Jr IEA S RGD:61040|PMID:9685318 20140604 RGD
61357 Bp38 Blood pressure QTL 38 qtl RS:0000520 LEW/NCrl IEA S RGD:61040|PMID:9685318 20140604 RGD
61357 Bp38 Blood pressure QTL 38 qtl RS:0000817 SS/Jr IEA S RGD:61040|PMID:9685318 20140604 RGD
61358 Bp39 Blood pressure QTL 39 qtl RS:0000786 SR/Jr IEA S RGD:61040|PMID:9685318 20140604 RGD
61358 Bp39 Blood pressure QTL 39 qtl RS:0000817 SS/Jr IEA S RGD:61040|PMID:9685318 20140604 RGD
61359 Eaex Experimental allergic encephalomyelitis QTL x qtl RS:0000014 DA IEA S RGD:61031|PMID:10640775 20140604 RGD
61359 Eaex Experimental allergic encephalomyelitis QTL x qtl RS:0000202 E3 IEA S RGD:61031|PMID:10640775 20140604 RGD
61360 Eaey Experimental allergic encephalomyelitis QTL y qtl RS:0000014 DA IEA S RGD:61031|PMID:10640775 20140604 RGD
61360 Eaey Experimental allergic encephalomyelitis QTL y qtl RS:0000202 E3 IEA S RGD:61031|PMID:10640775 20140604 RGD
61362 Oia2 Oil induced arthritis QTL 2 qtl RS:0000014 DA IEA S RGD:61087|PMID:9600974 20140604 RGD
61362 Oia2 Oil induced arthritis QTL 2 qtl RS:0000491 LEW.1AV1 IEA S RGD:61087|PMID:9600974 20140604 RGD
61363 Oia3 Oil induced arthritis QTL 3 qtl RS:0000494 LEW.1AV1.DA-(D10Rat92-D10Rat135)/Ubc IEA S RGD:61087|PMID:9600974 20140604 RGD
61364 Iddm2 Insulin dependent diabetes mellitus QTL 2 qtl RS:0000071 BBDP/Rhw IEA S RGD:61075|PMID:1303251 20140604 RGD
61364 Iddm2 Insulin dependent diabetes mellitus QTL 2 qtl RS:0000073 BBDR/Rhw IEA S RGD:61075|PMID:1303251 20140604 RGD
61365 Iddm1 Insulin dependent diabetes mellitus QTL 1 qtl RS:0000071 BBDP/Rhw IEA S RGD:61075|PMID:1303251 20140604 RGD
61365 Iddm1 Insulin dependent diabetes mellitus QTL 1 qtl RS:0000121 LEW IEA S RGD:61075|PMID:1303251 20140604 RGD
61366 Iddm3 Insulin dependent diabetes mellitus QTL 3 qtl RS:0000073 BBDR/Rhw IEA S RGD:61481|PMID:10441739 20140604 RGD
61366 Iddm3 Insulin dependent diabetes mellitus QTL 3 qtl RS:0000313 F344/NRrrc IEA S RGD:61481|PMID:10441739 20140604 RGD
61367 Iddm4 Insulin dependent diabetes mellitus QTL 4 qtl RS:0000014 DA IEA S RGD:625443|PMID:8586150 20140604 RGD
61367 Iddm4 Insulin dependent diabetes mellitus QTL 4 qtl RS:0000067 BB/OK IEA S RGD:625443|PMID:8586150 20140604 RGD
61368 Mcs1 Mammary carcinoma susceptibility QTL 1 qtl RS:0000184 COP IEA S RGD:61080|PMID:8168109 20140604 RGD
61368 Mcs1 Mammary carcinoma susceptibility QTL 1 qtl RS:0000982 WF IEA S RGD:61080|PMID:8168109 20140604 RGD
61369 Mcs2 Mammary carcinoma susceptibility QTL 2 qtl RS:0000184 COP IEA S RGD:61081|PMID:9584103 20140604 RGD
61369 Mcs2 Mammary carcinoma susceptibility QTL 2 qtl RS:0000982 WF IEA S RGD:61081|PMID:9584103 20140604 RGD
61370 Mcs3 Mammary carcinoma susceptibility QTL 3 qtl RS:0000184 COP IEA S RGD:61081|PMID:9584103 20140604 RGD
61370 Mcs3 Mammary carcinoma susceptibility QTL 3 qtl RS:0000982 WF IEA S RGD:61081|PMID:9584103 20140604 RGD
61371 Edpm1 Estrogen-dependent pituitary mass QTL 1 qtl RS:0000155 BN/SsNHsd IEA S RGD:61074|PMID:9337394 20140604 RGD
61371 Edpm1 Estrogen-dependent pituitary mass QTL 1 qtl RS:0000363 F344/NHsd IEA S RGD:61074|PMID:9337394 20140604 RGD
61372 Bp40 Blood pressure QTL 40 qtl RS:0000121 LEW IEA S RGD:61040|PMID:9685318 20140604 RGD
61372 Bp40 Blood pressure QTL 40 qtl RS:0000817 SS/Jr IEA S RGD:61040|PMID:9685318 20140604 RGD
61373 Mcs4 Mammary carcinoma susceptibility QTL 4 qtl RS:0000184 COP IEA S RGD:61081|PMID:9584103 20140604 RGD
61373 Mcs4 Mammary carcinoma susceptibility QTL 4 qtl RS:0000982 WF IEA S RGD:61081|PMID:9584103 20140604 RGD
61374 Edpm2 Estrogen-dependent pituitary mass QTL 2 qtl RS:0000155 BN/SsNHsd IEA S RGD:61074|PMID:9337394 20140604 RGD
61374 Edpm2 Estrogen-dependent pituitary mass QTL 2 qtl RS:0000363 F344/NHsd IEA S RGD:61074|PMID:9337394 20140604 RGD
61375 Bp41 Blood pressure QTL 41 qtl RS:0000786 SR/Jr IEA S RGD:61040|PMID:9685318 20140604 RGD
61375 Bp41 Blood pressure QTL 41 qtl RS:0000817 SS/Jr IEA S RGD:61040|PMID:9685318 20140604 RGD
61376 Bp42 Blood pressure QTL 42 qtl RS:0000067 BB/OK IEA S RGD:61055|PMID:9199194 20140604 RGD
61376 Bp42 Blood pressure QTL 42 qtl RS:0000749 SHR/Mol IEA S RGD:61055|PMID:9199194 20140604 RGD
61377 Edpm3 Estrogen-dependent pituitary mass QTL 3 qtl RS:0000155 BN/SsNHsd IEA S RGD:61074|PMID:9337394 20140604 RGD
61377 Edpm3 Estrogen-dependent pituitary mass QTL 3 qtl RS:0000363 F344/NHsd IEA S RGD:61074|PMID:9337394 20140604 RGD
61378 Bp43 Blood pressure QTL 43 qtl RS:0000067 BB/OK IEA S RGD:61055|PMID:9199194 20140604 RGD
61378 Bp43 Blood pressure QTL 43 qtl RS:0000749 SHR/Mol IEA S RGD:61055|PMID:9199194 20140604 RGD
61379 Bp44 Blood pressure QTL 44 qtl RS:0000067 BB/OK IEA S RGD:61055|PMID:9199194 20140604 RGD
61379 Bp44 Blood pressure QTL 44 qtl RS:0000749 SHR/Mol IEA S RGD:61055|PMID:9199194 20140604 RGD
61380 Edpm5 Estrogen-dependent pituitary mass QTL 5 qtl RS:0000155 BN/SsNHsd IEA S RGD:61074|PMID:9337394 20140604 RGD
61380 Edpm5 Estrogen-dependent pituitary mass QTL 5 qtl RS:0000363 F344/NHsd IEA S RGD:61074|PMID:9337394 20140604 RGD
61381 Bp45 Blood pressure QTL 45 qtl RS:0000067 BB/OK IEA S RGD:61055|PMID:9199194 20140604 RGD
61381 Bp45 Blood pressure QTL 45 qtl RS:0000749 SHR/Mol IEA S RGD:61055|PMID:9199194 20140604 RGD
61382 Bp46 Blood pressure QTL 46 qtl RS:0000067 BB/OK IEA S RGD:61055|PMID:9199194 20140604 RGD
61382 Bp46 Blood pressure QTL 46 qtl RS:0000749 SHR/Mol IEA S RGD:61055|PMID:9199194 20140604 RGD
61383 Bp47 Blood pressure QTL 47 qtl RS:0000067 BB/OK IEA S RGD:61055|PMID:9199194 20140604 RGD
61383 Bp47 Blood pressure QTL 47 qtl RS:0000749 SHR/Mol IEA S RGD:61055|PMID:9199194 20140604 RGD
61384 Bp48 Blood pressure QTL 48 qtl RS:0000067 BB/OK IEA S RGD:61055|PMID:9199194 20140604 RGD
61384 Bp48 Blood pressure QTL 48 qtl RS:0000749 SHR/Mol IEA S RGD:61055|PMID:9199194 20140604 RGD
61385 Edpm9 Estrogen-dependent pituitary mass QTL 9 qtl RS:0000155 BN/SsNHsd IEA S RGD:61074|PMID:9337394 20140604 RGD
61385 Edpm9 Estrogen-dependent pituitary mass QTL 9 qtl RS:0000363 F344/NHsd IEA S RGD:61074|PMID:9337394 20140604 RGD
61386 Bp49 Blood pressure QTL 49 qtl RS:0000742 WKY IEA S RGD:61056|PMID:9241273 20140604 RGD
61386 Bp49 Blood pressure QTL 49 qtl RS:0000759 SHRSP IEA S RGD:61056|PMID:9241273 20140604 RGD
61387 Bp1 Blood pressure QTL 1 qtl RS:0000742 WKY IEA S RGD:61036|PMID:1655275 20140604 RGD
61387 Bp1 Blood pressure QTL 1 qtl RS:0000759 SHRSP IEA S RGD:61036|PMID:1655275 20140604 RGD
61388 Bp2 Blood pressure QTL 2 qtl RS:0000742 WKY IEA S RGD:61036|PMID:1655275 20140604 RGD
61388 Bp2 Blood pressure QTL 2 qtl RS:0000759 SHRSP IEA S RGD:61036|PMID:1655275 20140604 RGD
61389 Bp3 Blood pressure QTL 3 qtl RS:0000742 WKY IEA S RGD:61052|PMID:1656270 20140604 RGD
61389 Bp3 Blood pressure QTL 3 qtl RS:0000759 SHRSP IEA S RGD:61052|PMID:1656270 20140604 RGD
61390 Bp4 Blood pressure QTL 4 qtl RS:0000742 WKY IEA S RGD:61052|PMID:1656270 20140604 RGD
61390 Bp4 Blood pressure QTL 4 qtl RS:0000759 SHRSP IEA S RGD:61052|PMID:1656270 20140604 RGD
61391 Bp5 Blood pressure QTL 5 qtl RS:0000556 LH/Mav IEA S RGD:61057|PMID:7981757 20140604 RGD
61391 Bp5 Blood pressure QTL 5 qtl RS:0000560 LN/Mav IEA S RGD:61057|PMID:7981757 20140604 RGD
61392 Bp6 Blood pressure QTL 6 qtl RS:0000556 LH/Mav IEA S RGD:61057|PMID:7981757 20140604 RGD
61392 Bp6 Blood pressure QTL 6 qtl RS:0000560 LN/Mav IEA S RGD:61057|PMID:7981757 20140604 RGD
61393 Bp7 Blood pressure QTL 7 qtl RS:0000520 LEW/NCrl IEA S RGD:61040|PMID:9685318 20140604 RGD
61393 Bp7 Blood pressure QTL 7 qtl RS:0000817 SS/Jr IEA S RGD:61040|PMID:9685318 20140604 RGD
61394 Bp8 Blood pressure QTL 8 qtl RS:0000520 LEW/NCrl IEA S RGD:61040|PMID:9685318 20140604 RGD
61394 Bp8 Blood pressure QTL 8 qtl RS:0000817 SS/Jr IEA S RGD:61040|PMID:9685318 20140604 RGD
61395 Nka1 Natural killer alloreactivity QTL 1 qtl RS:0000014 DA IEA S RGD:61085|PMID:8642329 20140604 RGD
61395 Nka1 Natural killer alloreactivity QTL 1 qtl RS:0000224 PVG IEA S RGD:61085|PMID:8642329 20140604 RGD
61396 Bp9 Blood pressure QTL 9 qtl RS:0000580 MNS IEA S RGD:61039|PMID:7537756 20140604 RGD
61396 Bp9 Blood pressure QTL 9 qtl RS:0000817 SS/Jr IEA S RGD:61039|PMID:7537756 20140604 RGD
61397 Bw17 Body weight QTL 17 qtl RS:0000113 BN IEA S RGD:61061|PMID:8528248 20140604 RGD
61397 Bw17 Body weight QTL 17 qtl RS:0000118 GK/KyoSwe IEA S RGD:61061|PMID:8528248 20140604 RGD
61398 Bp50 Blood pressure QTL 50 qtl RS:0000554 LH/MavRrrc IEA S RGD:61058|PMID:9329963 20140604 RGD
61398 Bp50 Blood pressure QTL 50 qtl RS:0000559 LN/MavRrrc IEA S RGD:61058|PMID:9329963 20140604 RGD
61399 Tcat1 Tongue tumor resistance QTL 1 qtl RS:0000247 DA/Slc IEA S RGD:61091|PMID:9563479 20140604 RGD
61399 Tcat1 Tongue tumor resistance QTL 1 qtl RS:0000982 WF IEA S RGD:61091|PMID:9563479 20140604 RGD
61400 Niddm1 Non-insulin dependent diabetes mellitus QTL 1 qtl RS:0000118 GK/KyoSwe IEA S RGD:61082|PMID:8528247 20140604 RGD
61400 Niddm1 Non-insulin dependent diabetes mellitus QTL 1 qtl RS:0000313 F344/NRrrc IEA S RGD:61082|PMID:8528247 20140604 RGD
61401 Niddm2 Non-insulin dependent diabetes mellitus QTL 2 qtl RS:0000118 GK/KyoSwe IEA S RGD:61082|PMID:8528247 20140604 RGD
61401 Niddm2 Non-insulin dependent diabetes mellitus QTL 2 qtl RS:0000313 F344/NRrrc IEA S RGD:61082|PMID:8528247 20140604 RGD
61402 Niddm3 Non-insulin dependent diabetes mellitus QTL 3 qtl RS:0000118 GK/KyoSwe IEA S RGD:61082|PMID:8528247 20140604 RGD
61402 Niddm3 Non-insulin dependent diabetes mellitus QTL 3 qtl RS:0000313 F344/NRrrc IEA S RGD:61082|PMID:8528247 20140604 RGD
61403 Niddm4 Non-insulin dependent diabetes mellitus QTL 4 qtl RS:0000003 13M IEA S RGD:61083|PMID:9169130 20140604 RGD
61403 Niddm4 Non-insulin dependent diabetes mellitus QTL 4 qtl RS:0000742 WKY IEA S RGD:61083|PMID:9169130 20140604 RGD
61404 Bw120 Body weight QTL 120 qtl RS:0000003 13M IEA S RGD:61083|PMID:9169130 20140604 RGD
61404 Bw120 Body weight QTL 120 qtl RS:0000742 WKY IEA S RGD:61083|PMID:9169130 20140604 RGD
61405 Niddm6 Non-insulin dependent diabetes mellitus QTL 6 qtl RS:0000003 13M IEA S RGD:61083|PMID:9169130 20140604 RGD
61405 Niddm6 Non-insulin dependent diabetes mellitus QTL 6 qtl RS:0000742 WKY IEA S RGD:61083|PMID:9169130 20140604 RGD
61406 Scwia1 Streptococcal cell wall induced arthritis QTL 1 qtl RS:0000121 LEW IEA S RGD:61064|PMID:10331011 20140604 RGD
61406 Scwia1 Streptococcal cell wall induced arthritis QTL 1 qtl RS:0000313 F344/NRrrc IEA S RGD:61064|PMID:10331011 20140604 RGD
61407 Scl12 Serum cholesterol level QTL 12 qtl RS:0000114 BN-Lx IEA S RGD:61079|PMID:8698878 20140604 RGD
61407 Scl12 Serum cholesterol level QTL 12 qtl RS:0000402 SHR/Ola IEA S RGD:61079|PMID:8698878 20140604 RGD
61408 Scl23 Serum cholesterol level QTL 23 qtl RS:0000114 BN-Lx IEA S RGD:61079|PMID:8698878 20140604 RGD
61408 Scl23 Serum cholesterol level QTL 23 qtl RS:0000402 SHR/Ola IEA S RGD:61079|PMID:8698878 20140604 RGD
61409 Scl13 Serum cholesterol level QTL 13 qtl RS:0000114 BN-Lx IEA S RGD:61079|PMID:8698878 20140604 RGD
61409 Scl13 Serum cholesterol level QTL 13 qtl RS:0000402 SHR/Ola IEA S RGD:61079|PMID:8698878 20140604 RGD
61410 Bw19 Body weight QTL 19 qtl RS:0000118 GK/KyoSwe IEA S RGD:61082|PMID:8528247 20140604 RGD
61410 Bw19 Body weight QTL 19 qtl RS:0000313 F344/NRrrc IEA S RGD:61082|PMID:8528247 20140604 RGD
61411 Pia1 Pristane induced arthritis QTL 1 qtl RS:0000014 DA IEA S RGD:61089|PMID:9843218 20140604 RGD
61411 Pia1 Pristane induced arthritis QTL 1 qtl RS:0000202 E3 IEA S RGD:61089|PMID:9843218 20140604 RGD
61412 Pia2 Pristane induced arthritis QTL 2 qtl RS:0000014 DA IEA S RGD:61089|PMID:9843218 20140604 RGD
61412 Pia2 Pristane induced arthritis QTL 2 qtl RS:0000202 E3 IEA S RGD:61089|PMID:9843218 20140604 RGD
61413 Eae10 Experimental allergic encephalomyelitis QTL 10 qtl RS:0000014 DA IEA S RGD:61031|PMID:10640775 20140604 RGD
61413 Eae10 Experimental allergic encephalomyelitis QTL 10 qtl RS:0000202 E3 IEA S RGD:61031|PMID:10640775 20140604 RGD
61414 Pia3 Pristane induced arthritis QTL 3 qtl RS:0000014 DA IEA S RGD:61089|PMID:9843218 20140604 RGD
61414 Pia3 Pristane induced arthritis QTL 3 qtl RS:0000202 E3 IEA S RGD:61089|PMID:9843218 20140604 RGD
61415 Eae11 Experimental allergic encephalomyelitis QTL 11 qtl RS:0000014 DA IEA S RGD:61031|PMID:10640775 20140604 RGD
61415 Eae11 Experimental allergic encephalomyelitis QTL 11 qtl RS:0000202 E3 IEA S RGD:61031|PMID:10640775 20140604 RGD
61416 Pia4 Pristane induced arthritis QTL 4 qtl RS:0000014 DA IEA S RGD:61089|PMID:9843218 20140604 RGD
61416 Pia4 Pristane induced arthritis QTL 4 qtl RS:0000202 E3 IEA S RGD:61089|PMID:9843218 20140604 RGD
61417 Cia10 Collagen induced arthritis QTL 10 qtl RS:0000023 ACI/N IEA S RGD:61063|PMID:9870869 20140604 RGD
61417 Cia10 Collagen induced arthritis QTL 10 qtl RS:0000239 DA/Bkl IEA S RGD:61063|PMID:9870869 20140604 RGD
61418 Pia5 Pristane induced arthritis QTL 5 qtl RS:0000014 DA IEA S RGD:61089|PMID:9843218 20140604 RGD
61418 Pia5 Pristane induced arthritis QTL 5 qtl RS:0000202 E3 IEA S RGD:61089|PMID:9843218 20140604 RGD
61419 Cia11 Collagen induced arthritis QTL 11 qtl RS:0000154 BN/SsN IEA S RGD:61066|PMID:10857786 20140604 RGD
61419 Cia11 Collagen induced arthritis QTL 11 qtl RS:0000239 DA/Bkl IEA S RGD:61066|PMID:10857786 20140604 RGD
61420 Pia6 Pristane induced arthritis QTL 6 qtl RS:0000014 DA IEA S RGD:61089|PMID:9843218 20140604 RGD
61420 Pia6 Pristane induced arthritis QTL 6 qtl RS:0000202 E3 IEA S RGD:61089|PMID:9843218 20140604 RGD
61421 Cia12 Collagen induced arthritis QTL 12 qtl RS:0000154 BN/SsN IEA S RGD:61066|PMID:10857786 20140604 RGD
61421 Cia12 Collagen induced arthritis QTL 12 qtl RS:0000239 DA/Bkl IEA S RGD:61066|PMID:10857786 20140604 RGD
61422 Cia13 Collagen induced arthritis QTL 13 qtl RS:0000073 BBDR/Rhw IEA S RGD:61067|PMID:11001927 20140604 RGD
61422 Cia13 Collagen induced arthritis QTL 13 qtl RS:0000113 BN IEA S RGD:61067|PMID:11001927 20140604 RGD
61423 Cia14 Collagen induced arthritis QTL 14 qtl RS:0000154 BN/SsN IEA S RGD:61066|PMID:10857786 20140604 RGD
61423 Cia14 Collagen induced arthritis QTL 14 qtl RS:0000239 DA/Bkl IEA S RGD:61066|PMID:10857786 20140604 RGD
61424 Scl1 Serum cholesterol level QTL 1 qtl RS:0000771 WKY/Izm IEA S RGD:61092|PMID:10634822 20140604 RGD
61424 Scl1 Serum cholesterol level QTL 1 qtl RS:0000773 SHRSP/A3 IEA S RGD:61092|PMID:10634822 20140604 RGD
61425 Cia15 Collagen induced arthritis QTL 15 qtl RS:0000073 BBDR/Rhw IEA S RGD:61067|PMID:11001927 20140604 RGD
61425 Cia15 Collagen induced arthritis QTL 15 qtl RS:0000113 BN IEA S RGD:61067|PMID:11001927 20140604 RGD
61426 Scl2 Serum cholesterol level QTL 2 qtl RS:0000771 WKY/Izm IEA S RGD:61092|PMID:10634822 20140604 RGD
61426 Scl2 Serum cholesterol level QTL 2 qtl RS:0000773 SHRSP/A3 IEA S RGD:61092|PMID:10634822 20140604 RGD
61427 Cia16 Collagen induced arthritis QTL 16 qtl RS:0000073 BBDR/Rhw IEA S RGD:61067|PMID:11001927 20140604 RGD
61427 Cia16 Collagen induced arthritis QTL 16 qtl RS:0000113 BN IEA S RGD:61067|PMID:11001927 20140604 RGD
61428 Scl3 Serum cholesterol level QTL 3 qtl RS:0000771 WKY/Izm IEA S RGD:61092|PMID:10634822 20140604 RGD
61428 Scl3 Serum cholesterol level QTL 3 qtl RS:0000773 SHRSP/A3 IEA S RGD:61092|PMID:10634822 20140604 RGD
61429 Cia17 Collagen induced arthritis QTL 17 qtl RS:0000073 BBDR/Rhw IEA S RGD:61067|PMID:11001927 20140604 RGD
61429 Cia17 Collagen induced arthritis QTL 17 qtl RS:0000113 BN IEA S RGD:61067|PMID:11001927 20140604 RGD
61430 Cia18 Collagen induced arthritis QTL 18 qtl RS:0000073 BBDR/Rhw IEA S RGD:61067|PMID:11001927 20140604 RGD
61430 Cia18 Collagen induced arthritis QTL 18 qtl RS:0000113 BN IEA S RGD:61067|PMID:11001927 20140604 RGD
61431 Cia19 Collagen induced arthritis QTL 19 qtl RS:0000073 BBDR/Rhw IEA S RGD:61067|PMID:11001927 20140604 RGD
61431 Cia19 Collagen induced arthritis QTL 19 qtl RS:0000113 BN IEA S RGD:61067|PMID:11001927 20140604 RGD
61432 Cia1 Collagen induced arthritis QTL 1 qtl RS:0000239 DA/Bkl IEA S RGD:61062|PMID:8782824 20140604 RGD
61432 Cia1 Collagen induced arthritis QTL 1 qtl RS:0000363 F344/NHsd IEA S RGD:61062|PMID:8782824 20140604 RGD
61433 Cia2 Collagen induced arthritis QTL 2 qtl RS:0000239 DA/Bkl IEA S RGD:61062|PMID:8782824 20140604 RGD
61433 Cia2 Collagen induced arthritis QTL 2 qtl RS:0000363 F344/NHsd IEA S RGD:61062|PMID:8782824 20140604 RGD
61434 Cia3 Collagen induced arthritis QTL 3 qtl RS:0000239 DA/Bkl IEA S RGD:61062|PMID:8782824 20140604 RGD
61434 Cia3 Collagen induced arthritis QTL 3 qtl RS:0000363 F344/NHsd IEA S RGD:61062|PMID:8782824 20140604 RGD
61435 Cia4 Collagen induced arthritis QTL 4 qtl RS:0000239 DA/Bkl IEA S RGD:61062|PMID:8782824 20140604 RGD
61435 Cia4 Collagen induced arthritis QTL 4 qtl RS:0000363 F344/NHsd IEA S RGD:61062|PMID:8782824 20140604 RGD
61436 Cia5 Collagen induced arthritis QTL 5 qtl RS:0000239 DA/Bkl IEA S RGD:61062|PMID:8782824 20140604 RGD
61436 Cia5 Collagen induced arthritis QTL 5 qtl RS:0000363 F344/NHsd IEA S RGD:61062|PMID:8782824 20140604 RGD
61437 Cia6 Collagen induced arthritis QTL 6 qtl RS:0000073 BBDR/Rhw IEA S RGD:61067|PMID:11001927 20140604 RGD
61437 Cia6 Collagen induced arthritis QTL 6 qtl RS:0000113 BN IEA S RGD:61067|PMID:11001927 20140604 RGD
61438 Cia7 Collagen induced arthritis QTL 7 qtl RS:0000073 BBDR/Rhw IEA S RGD:61067|PMID:11001927 20140604 RGD
61438 Cia7 Collagen induced arthritis QTL 7 qtl RS:0000113 BN IEA S RGD:61067|PMID:11001927 20140604 RGD
61439 Cia8 Collagen induced arthritis QTL 8 qtl RS:0000239 DA/Bkl IEA S RGD:61069|PMID:10398805 20140604 RGD
61439 Cia8 Collagen induced arthritis QTL 8 qtl RS:0000363 F344/NHsd IEA S RGD:61069|PMID:10398805 20140604 RGD
61440 Cia9 Collagen induced arthritis QTL 9 qtl RS:0000023 ACI/N IEA S RGD:61063|PMID:9870869 20140604 RGD
61440 Cia9 Collagen induced arthritis QTL 9 qtl RS:0000239 DA/Bkl IEA S RGD:61063|PMID:9870869 20140604 RGD
61441 Btemp1 Thermal response to stress QTL 1 qtl RS:0000116 BN-Lx/Cub IEA S RGD:61094|PMID:10679499 20140604 RGD
61441 Btemp1 Thermal response to stress QTL 1 qtl RS:0000402 SHR/Ola IEA S RGD:61094|PMID:10679499 20140604 RGD
61442 Strs1 Sensitivity to stroke QTL 1 qtl RS:0001444 SHRSP/Bbb IEA S RGD:61093|PMID:8696337 20140604 RGD
61442 Strs1 Sensitivity to stroke QTL 1 qtl RS:0003421 SHR/Bbb IEA S RGD:61093|PMID:8696337 20140604 RGD
61443 Btemp2 Thermal response to stress QTL 2 qtl RS:0000116 BN-Lx/Cub IEA S RGD:61094|PMID:10679499 20140604 RGD
61443 Btemp2 Thermal response to stress QTL 2 qtl RS:0000402 SHR/Ola IEA S RGD:61094|PMID:10679499 20140604 RGD
61444 Strs2 Sensitivity to stroke QTL 2 qtl RS:0001444 SHRSP/Bbb IEA S RGD:61093|PMID:8696337 20140604 RGD
61444 Strs2 Sensitivity to stroke QTL 2 qtl RS:0003421 SHR/Bbb IEA S RGD:61093|PMID:8696337 20140604 RGD
61445 Strs3 Sensitivity to stroke QTL 3 qtl RS:0001444 SHRSP/Bbb IEA S RGD:61093|PMID:8696337 20140604 RGD
61445 Strs3 Sensitivity to stroke QTL 3 qtl RS:0003421 SHR/Bbb IEA S RGD:61093|PMID:8696337 20140604 RGD
61446 Coreg2 Compensatory renal growth QTL 2 qtl RS:0000116 BN-Lx/Cub IEA S RGD:61071|PMID:10864582 20140604 RGD
61446 Coreg2 Compensatory renal growth QTL 2 qtl RS:0000402 SHR/Ola IEA S RGD:61071|PMID:10864582 20140604 RGD
61447 Tcas1 Tongue tumor susceptibility QTL 1 qtl RS:0000247 DA/Slc IEA S RGD:61091|PMID:9563479 20140604 RGD
61447 Tcas1 Tongue tumor susceptibility QTL 1 qtl RS:0000982 WF IEA S RGD:61091|PMID:9563479 20140604 RGD
61448 Ciaa1 CIA Autoantibody QTL 1 qtl RS:0000014 DA IEA S RGD:61067|PMID:11001927 20140604 RGD
61448 Ciaa1 CIA Autoantibody QTL 1 qtl RS:0000113 BN IEA S RGD:61067|PMID:11001927 20140604 RGD
61449 Ciaa2 CIA Autoantibody QTL 2 qtl RS:0000014 DA IEA S RGD:61066|PMID:10857786 20140604 RGD
61449 Ciaa2 CIA Autoantibody QTL 2 qtl RS:0000313 F344/NRrrc IEA S RGD:61066|PMID:10857786 20140604 RGD
61450 Ciaa3 CIA Autoantibody QTL 3 qtl RS:0000014 DA IEA S RGD:61066|PMID:10857786 20140604 RGD
61450 Ciaa3 CIA Autoantibody QTL 3 qtl RS:0000113 BN IEA S RGD:61066|PMID:10857786 20140604 RGD
61451 Ciaa4 CIA Autoantibody QTL 4 qtl RS:0000073 BBDR/Rhw IEA S RGD:61067|PMID:11001927 20140604 RGD
61451 Ciaa4 CIA Autoantibody QTL 4 qtl RS:0000113 BN IEA S RGD:61067|PMID:11001927 20140604 RGD
61452 Ciaa5 CIA Autoantibody QTL 5 qtl RS:0000073 BBDR/Rhw IEA S RGD:61067|PMID:11001927 20140604 RGD
61452 Ciaa5 CIA Autoantibody QTL 5 qtl RS:0000113 BN IEA S RGD:61067|PMID:11001927 20140604 RGD
61453 Pur1 Proteinuria QTL 1 qtl RS:0000165 BUF/Mna IEA S RGD:619599|PMID:9799838 20140604 RGD
61453 Pur1 Proteinuria QTL 1 qtl RS:0001036 WKY/NCrlCrlj IEA S RGD:619599|PMID:9799838 20140604 RGD
61455 Niddm7 Non-insulin dependent diabetes mellitus QTL 7 qtl RS:0000113 BN IEA S RGD:61061|PMID:8528248 20140604 RGD
61455 Niddm7 Non-insulin dependent diabetes mellitus QTL 7 qtl RS:0000118 GK/KyoSwe IEA S RGD:61061|PMID:8528248 20140604 RGD
61457 Niddm8 Non-insulin dependent diabetes mellitus QTL 8 qtl RS:0000113 BN IEA S RGD:61061|PMID:8528248 20140604 RGD
61457 Niddm8 Non-insulin dependent diabetes mellitus QTL 8 qtl RS:0000118 GK/KyoSwe IEA S RGD:61061|PMID:8528248 20140604 RGD
61458 Bp10 Blood pressure QTL 10 qtl RS:0000742 WKY IEA S RGD:61038|PMID:8040284 20140604 RGD
61458 Bp10 Blood pressure QTL 10 qtl RS:0000817 SS/Jr IEA S RGD:61038|PMID:8040284 20140604 RGD
61460 Niddm9 Non-insulin dependent diabetes mellitus QTL 9 qtl RS:0000113 BN IEA S RGD:61061|PMID:8528248 20140604 RGD
61460 Niddm9 Non-insulin dependent diabetes mellitus QTL 9 qtl RS:0000118 GK/KyoSwe IEA S RGD:61061|PMID:8528248 20140604 RGD
61461 Bp11 Blood pressure QTL 11 qtl RS:0000580 MNS IEA S RGD:61037|PMID:1363813 20140604 RGD
61461 Bp11 Blood pressure QTL 11 qtl RS:0000742 WKY IEA S RGD:61037|PMID:1363813 20140604 RGD
61462 Niddm10 Non-insulin dependent diabetes mellitus QTL 10 qtl RS:0000113 BN IEA S RGD:61061|PMID:8528248 20140604 RGD
61462 Niddm10 Non-insulin dependent diabetes mellitus QTL 10 qtl RS:0000118 GK/KyoSwe IEA S RGD:61061|PMID:8528248 20140604 RGD
61463 Bp12 Blood pressure QTL 12 qtl RS:0000580 MNS IEA S RGD:61039|PMID:7537756 20140604 RGD
61463 Bp12 Blood pressure QTL 12 qtl RS:0000817 SS/Jr IEA S RGD:61039|PMID:7537756 20140604 RGD
61464 Niddm11 Non-insulin dependent diabetes mellitus QTL 11 qtl RS:0000113 BN IEA S RGD:61061|PMID:8528248 20140604 RGD
61464 Niddm11 Non-insulin dependent diabetes mellitus QTL 11 qtl RS:0000118 GK/KyoSwe IEA S RGD:61061|PMID:8528248 20140604 RGD
61465 Bp13 Blood pressure QTL 13 qtl RS:0000760 SHRSP/Gcrc IEA S RGD:61041|PMID:8901842 20140604 RGD
61465 Bp13 Blood pressure QTL 13 qtl RS:0000761 WKY/Gcrc IEA S RGD:61041|PMID:8901842 20140604 RGD
61466 Niddm12 Non-insulin dependent diabetes mellitus QTL 12 qtl RS:0000113 BN IEA S RGD:61061|PMID:8528248 20140604 RGD
61466 Niddm12 Non-insulin dependent diabetes mellitus QTL 12 qtl RS:0000118 GK/KyoSwe IEA S RGD:61061|PMID:8528248 20140604 RGD
61467 Bp14 Blood pressure QTL 14 qtl RS:0000760 SHRSP/Gcrc IEA S RGD:61041|PMID:8901842 20140604 RGD
61467 Bp14 Blood pressure QTL 14 qtl RS:0000761 WKY/Gcrc IEA S RGD:61041|PMID:8901842 20140604 RGD
61468 Bp15 Blood pressure QTL 15 qtl RS:0000760 SHRSP/Gcrc IEA S RGD:61041|PMID:8901842 20140604 RGD
61468 Bp15 Blood pressure QTL 15 qtl RS:0000761 WKY/Gcrc IEA S RGD:61041|PMID:8901842 20140604 RGD
61469 Bp16 Blood pressure QTL 16 qtl RS:0000015 SHR IEA S RGD:61043|PMID:8952608 20140604 RGD
61469 Bp16 Blood pressure QTL 16 qtl RS:0000742 WKY IEA S RGD:61043|PMID:8952608 20140604 RGD
61471 Bp18 Blood pressure QTL 18 qtl RS:0000015 SHR IEA S RGD:61045|PMID:9132270 20140604 RGD
61471 Bp18 Blood pressure QTL 18 qtl RS:0000113 BN IEA S RGD:61045|PMID:9132270 20140604 RGD
61472 Aia1 Adjuvant induced arthritis QTL 1 qtl RS:0000014 DA IEA S RGD:61035|PMID:9780220 20140604 RGD
61472 Aia1 Adjuvant induced arthritis QTL 1 qtl RS:0000313 F344/NRrrc IEA S RGD:61035|PMID:9780220 20140604 RGD
61473 Bp19 Blood pressure QTL 19 qtl RS:0000015 SHR IEA S RGD:61045|PMID:9132270 20140604 RGD
61473 Bp19 Blood pressure QTL 19 qtl RS:0000113 BN IEA S RGD:61045|PMID:9132270 20140604 RGD
61474 Eae1 Experimental allergic encephalomyelitis QTL 1 qtl RS:0000014 DA IEA S RGD:61031|PMID:10640775 20140604 RGD
61474 Eae1 Experimental allergic encephalomyelitis QTL 1 qtl RS:0000202 E3 IEA S RGD:61031|PMID:10640775 20140604 RGD
61475 Aia2 Adjuvant induced arthritis QTL 2 qtl RS:0000014 DA IEA S RGD:61035|PMID:9780220 20140604 RGD
61475 Aia2 Adjuvant induced arthritis QTL 2 qtl RS:0000313 F344/NRrrc IEA S RGD:61035|PMID:9780220 20140604 RGD
61476 Aia3 Adjuvant induced arthritis QTL 3 qtl RS:0000014 DA IEA S RGD:61035|PMID:9780220 20140604 RGD
61476 Aia3 Adjuvant induced arthritis QTL 3 qtl RS:0000313 F344/NRrrc IEA S RGD:61035|PMID:9780220 20140604 RGD
61477 Aia4 Adjuvant induced arthritis QTL 4 qtl RS:0000014 DA IEA S RGD:61035|PMID:9780220 20140604 RGD
61477 Aia4 Adjuvant induced arthritis QTL 4 qtl RS:0000313 F344/NRrrc IEA S RGD:61035|PMID:9780220 20140604 RGD
61498 BN/NHsdMcwi strain RS:0000145 BN/NHsdMcwi IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
61499 SS/JrHsdMcwi strain RS:0000811 SS/JrHsdMcwi IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
61517 FHL/Eur Fawn Hooded Low blood pressure strain RS:0000344 FHL/Eur IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
619613 Bp77 Blood pressure QTL 77 qtl RS:0000740 SHR.WKY-(D1Wox34-D1Rat164)/Njs IEA S RGD:70855|PMID:11509479 20140604 RGD
619614 Bp78 Blood pressure QTL 78 qtl RS:0001040 WKY.SHR-(D1Rat236-D1M7Mit206)/Njs IEA S RGD:70855|PMID:11509479 20140604 RGD
619614 Bp78 Blood pressure QTL 78 qtl RS:0001041 WKY.SHR-(D1Rat56-D1M7Mit206)/Njs IEA S RGD:70855|PMID:11509479 20140604 RGD
619615 Bp80 Blood pressure QTL 80 qtl RS:0000067 BB/OK IEA S RGD:70857|PMID:9299556 20140604 RGD
619615 Bp80 Blood pressure QTL 80 qtl RS:0000749 SHR/Mol IEA S RGD:70857|PMID:9299556 20140604 RGD
619616 Bp79 Blood pressure QTL 79 qtl RS:0000067 BB/OK IEA S RGD:70857|PMID:9299556 20140604 RGD
619616 Bp79 Blood pressure QTL 79 qtl RS:0000749 SHR/Mol IEA S RGD:70857|PMID:9299556 20140604 RGD
619617 Bp283 Blood pressure QTL 283 qtl RS:0000018 FHH/Eur IEA S RGD:70856|PMID:11053483 20140604 RGD
619617 Bp283 Blood pressure QTL 283 qtl RS:0000023 ACI/N IEA S RGD:70856|PMID:11053483 20140604 RGD
619618 Rf3 Renal disease susceptibility QTL 3 qtl RS:0000018 FHH/Eur IEA S RGD:70856|PMID:11053483 20140604 RGD
619618 Rf3 Renal disease susceptibility QTL 3 qtl RS:0000023 ACI/N IEA S RGD:70856|PMID:11053483 20140604 RGD
619619 Rf4 Renal disease susceptibility QTL 4 qtl RS:0000018 FHH/Eur IEA S RGD:70856|PMID:11053483 20140604 RGD
619619 Rf4 Renal disease susceptibility QTL 4 qtl RS:0000023 ACI/N IEA S RGD:70856|PMID:11053483 20140604 RGD
619620 Rf5 Renal disease susceptibility QTL 5 qtl RS:0000018 FHH/Eur IEA S RGD:70856|PMID:11053483 20140604 RGD
619620 Rf5 Renal disease susceptibility QTL 5 qtl RS:0000023 ACI/N IEA S RGD:70856|PMID:11053483 20140604 RGD
6218997 SHR/NCrlAnra strain RS:0003200 SHR/NCrlAnra IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
6219002 LEW/HsdUnibAnra strain RS:0003201 LEW/HsdUnibAnra IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
625624 LETsc2Eker/Hin strain RS:0000385 Eker-Tsc2/Hin IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
625659 DRH/Seac strain RS:0000249 DRH/Seac IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
628372 ACI.FHH-(D1Mit34-D1Rat156)/Eur strain RS:0000019 ACI.FHH-(D1Mit34-D1Rat156)/Eur IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
628486 NER/Kyo Noda epileptic rat, GMS strain RS:0000606 NER/Kyo IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
628525 Ni/Hin strain RS:0000614 Ni/Hin IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
628907 SHR.BN-RT1n strain RS:0000728 SHR.BN-RT1n IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
628908 SHR.BN-(D1Mit3-Igf2)/Ipcv strain RS:0000721 SHR.BN-(D1Mit3-Igf2)/Ipcv IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
628909 SHR.BN-(D13Arb5-Ren1)/Ipcv strain RS:0000727 SHR.BN-(D13Arb5-Ren1)/Ipcv IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
629459 ZUC-LeprfaSteJrpz-/- strain RS:0001099 ZUC-LeprfaSteJrpz-/- IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
629462 ZUC-LeprfaSte-/- strain RS:0001098 ZUC-LeprfaSte-/- IEA S RGD:7241799 20200516 RGD
629463 ZUC-Lepr+Ste strain RS:0001095 ZUC-Lepr+Ste IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
629464 ZUC-Leprfa strain RS:0001096 ZUC-Leprfa IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
629465 SHR/NCrlCrlj strain RS:0000752 SHR/NCrlCrlj IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
629481 SHR.WKY-(D1Wox33-D1Got194) strain RS:0000739 SHR.WKY-(D1Wox33-D1Got194) IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
629482 WKY.SHR-(D1Wox19-D1Mit2)/Njs strain RS:0001039 WKY.SHR-(D1Wox19-D1Mit2)/Njs IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
629484 LEW-tl strain RS:0000498 LEW-tl IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
629485 LE/Stm strain RS:0000431 LE/Stm IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
629486 PVG/OlaHsd strain RS:0000645 PVG/OlaHsd IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
629487 SHR.WKY-(D1Wox19-D1Wox34)/Njs strain RS:0000737 SHR.WKY-(D1Wox19-D1Wox34)/Njs IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
629488 SI-Tg(Ednrb)Ywa transgenic spotting lethal strain RS:0001577 SI-Tg(Ednrb)Ywa IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
629489 Eker-Tg(Tsc2)5Hin strain RS:0000266 Eker-Tg(Tsc2)5Hin IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
629490 DA.F344-Aia1/1 strain RS:0000220 DA.F344-Aia1/1 IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
629491 DA.F344-Aia1/2 strain RS:0000221 DA.F344-Aia1/2 IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
629492 Sl strain RS:0000926 Sl IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
629493 DA.F344-Aia1/3 strain RS:0000222 DA.F344-Aia1/3 IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
629494 DA.F344-Aia1/4 strain RS:0000223 DA.F344-Aia1/4 IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
629495 WKY.SHRSP-(Mt1pa-D1Rat57)/Bbb strain RS:0001066 WKY.SHRSP-(Mt1pa-D1Rat57)/Bbb IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
629499 BXS/Ipcv strain RS:0000170 BXS/Ipcv IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
629500 LEXF/Stm strain RS:0000534 LEXF/Stm IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
629501 SD-Tg(Ren2)27 strain RS:0000687 SD-Tg(Ren2)27 IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
629502 SHR.BN-(Il6-Npy) strain RS:0000726 SHR.BN-(Il6-Npy) IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
629503 SHR.BN-(D19Rat57-D19Mit7)/Ipcv strain RS:0000718 SHR.BN-(D19Rat57-D19Mit7)/Ipcv IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
629504 WKY.SHR-(D1Mit3-D1Rat57)/Iwai strain RS:0001037 WKY.SHR-(D1Mit3-D1Rat57)/Iwai IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
629505 SS.MNS-(D10Mit11-D10M11Mit119)/Mco strain RS:0000896 SS.MNS-(D10Mit11-D10M11Mit119)/Mco IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
629506 LEW-tl.BN-(D2Arb16-D2Wox8) strain RS:0000499 LEW-tl.BN-(D2Arb16-D2Wox8) IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
629509 FHH/EurMcwi strain RS:0000342 FHH/EurMcwi IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
629510 SS.BN-(D12Arb13-D12Rat79)/Mcwi strain RS:0000813 SS.BN-(D12Arb13-D12Rat79)/Mcwi IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
629511 SS-Chr 2BN/Mcwi strain RS:0000802 SS-Chr 2BN/Mcwi IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
629512 FHH-Chr 12BN/Mcwi strain RS:0000321 FHH-Chr 12BN/Mcwi IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
629513 SS-Chr 4BN/Mcwi strain RS:0000804 SS-Chr 4BN/Mcwi IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
629514 SS-Chr 6BN/Mcwi strain RS:0000806 SS-Chr 6BN/Mcwi IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
629515 SS-Chr 7BN/Mcwi strain RS:0000807 SS-Chr 7BN/Mcwi IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
629516 SS-Chr 8BN/Mcwi strain RS:0000808 SS-Chr 8BN/Mcwi IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
629517 SS-Chr YBN/Mcwi strain RS:0000810 SS-Chr YBN/Mcwi IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
629518 SS-Chr 9BN/Mcwi strain RS:0000809 SS-Chr 9BN/Mcwi IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
629519 SS.BN-(D13Mgh13-D13Mit4)/Mcwi strain RS:0000814 SS.BN-(D13Mgh13-D13Mit4)/Mcwi IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
629520 FHH-Chr 1BN/Mcwi strain RS:0000329 FHH-Chr 1BN/Mcwi IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
629521 SS-Chr 11BN/Mcwi strain RS:0000792 SS-Chr 11BN/Mcwi IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
629522 SS-Chr 20BN/Mcwi strain RS:0000801 SS-Chr 20BN/Mcwi IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
629523 SS-Chr 13BN/Mcwi strain RS:0000794 SS-Chr 13BN/Mcwi IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
629524 SS-Chr 16BN/Mcwi strain RS:0000797 SS-Chr 16BN/Mcwi IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
629525 SS-Chr 18BN/Mcwi strain RS:0000799 SS-Chr 18BN/Mcwi IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
629548 SHR.BN-(D1Mit3-Igf2)/1lpcv strain RS:0000722 SHR.BN-(D1Mit3-Igf2)/1lpcv IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
629578 SS.LEW-(D5Rat130-D5Mco10)/Jr strain RS:0000832 SS.LEW-(D5Rat130-D5Mco10)/Jr IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
631158 DXE1/Ztm strain RS:0000382 DXE1/Ztm IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
631160 DXE2/Ztm strain RS:0000383 DXE2/Ztm IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
631161 DXE3/Ztm strain RS:0000384 DXE3/Ztm IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
631163 LE/BluGill strain RS:0000436 LE/BluGill IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
631182 DA/BklArbN strain RS:0001226 DA/BklArbN IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
631198 Cm22 Cardiac mass QTL 22 qtl RS:0000250 DRY IEA S RGD:61484|PMID:9495256 20140604 RGD
631198 Cm22 Cardiac mass QTL 22 qtl RS:0000729 SHR/N IEA S RGD:61484|PMID:9495256 20140604 RGD
631199 Cm23 Cardiac mass QTL 23 qtl RS:0000250 DRY IEA S RGD:61484|PMID:9495256 20140604 RGD
631199 Cm23 Cardiac mass QTL 23 qtl RS:0000729 SHR/N IEA S RGD:61484|PMID:9495256 20140604 RGD
631200 Cm25 Cardiac mass QTL 25 qtl RS:0000363 F344/NHsd IEA S RGD:69706|PMID:10205229 20140604 RGD
631200 Cm25 Cardiac mass QTL 25 qtl RS:0001072 WKY/NCruk IEA S RGD:69706|PMID:10205229 20140604 RGD
631201 Panci1 Pancreas inflammation QTL 1 qtl RS:0000133 BN/CrlCrlj IEA S RGD:619682|PMID:11414764 20140604 RGD
631201 Panci1 Pancreas inflammation QTL 1 qtl RS:0000976 WBN/KobSlc IEA S RGD:619682|PMID:11414764 20140604 RGD
631202 Gluco13 Glucose level QTL 13 qtl RS:0000430 BN/Seac IEA S RGD:631173|PMID:12705906 20140604 RGD
631202 Gluco13 Glucose level QTL 13 qtl RS:0000709 SDT/Jcl IEA S RGD:631173|PMID:12705906 20140604 RGD
631203 Gluco14 Glucose level QTL 14 qtl RS:0000430 BN/Seac IEA S RGD:631173|PMID:12705906 20140604 RGD
631203 Gluco14 Glucose level QTL 14 qtl RS:0000709 SDT/Jcl IEA S RGD:631173|PMID:12705906 20140604 RGD
631204 Gluco15 Glucose level QTL 15 qtl RS:0000430 BN/Seac IEA S RGD:631173|PMID:12705906 20140604 RGD
631204 Gluco15 Glucose level QTL 15 qtl RS:0000709 SDT/Jcl IEA S RGD:631173|PMID:12705906 20140604 RGD
631205 Bp196 Blood pressure QTL 196 qtl RS:0000250 DRY IEA S RGD:61484|PMID:9495256 20140604 RGD
631205 Bp196 Blood pressure QTL 196 qtl RS:0000729 SHR/N IEA S RGD:61484|PMID:9495256 20140604 RGD
631206 Niddm40 Non-insulin dependent diabetes mellitus QTL 40 qtl RS:0000284 OLETF IEA S RGD:619671|PMID:10902185 20140604 RGD
631206 Niddm40 Non-insulin dependent diabetes mellitus QTL 40 qtl RS:0000313 F344/NRrrc IEA S RGD:619671|PMID:10902185 20140604 RGD
631207 Niddm41 Non-insulin dependent diabetes mellitus QTL 41 qtl RS:0000284 OLETF IEA S RGD:619671|PMID:10902185 20140604 RGD
631207 Niddm41 Non-insulin dependent diabetes mellitus QTL 41 qtl RS:0000313 F344/NRrrc IEA S RGD:619671|PMID:10902185 20140604 RGD
631208 Bw1 Body weight QTL1 qtl RS:0000284 OLETF IEA S RGD:619690|PMID:11087657 20140604 RGD
631208 Bw1 Body weight QTL1 qtl RS:0000313 F344/NRrrc IEA S RGD:619690|PMID:11087657 20140604 RGD
631209 Bw2 Body weight QTL2 qtl RS:0000284 OLETF IEA S RGD:619690|PMID:11087657 20140604 RGD
631209 Bw2 Body weight QTL2 qtl RS:0000313 F344/NRrrc IEA S RGD:619690|PMID:11087657 20140604 RGD
631210 Bw3 Body weight QTL3 qtl RS:0000284 OLETF IEA S RGD:619690|PMID:11087657 20140604 RGD
631210 Bw3 Body weight QTL3 qtl RS:0000313 F344/NRrrc IEA S RGD:619690|PMID:11087657 20140604 RGD
631211 Bw4 Body weight QTL4 qtl RS:0000284 OLETF IEA S RGD:619690|PMID:11087657 20140604 RGD
631211 Bw4 Body weight QTL4 qtl RS:0000313 F344/NRrrc IEA S RGD:619690|PMID:11087657 20140604 RGD
631212 Bw5 Body weight QTL5 qtl RS:0000284 OLETF IEA S RGD:619690|PMID:11087657 20140604 RGD
631212 Bw5 Body weight QTL5 qtl RS:0000313 F344/NRrrc IEA S RGD:619690|PMID:11087657 20140604 RGD
631213 Bw60 Body weight QTL60 qtl RS:0000284 OLETF IEA S RGD:619690|PMID:11087657 20140604 RGD
631213 Bw60 Body weight QTL60 qtl RS:0000313 F344/NRrrc IEA S RGD:619690|PMID:11087657 20140604 RGD
631214 Bw61 Body weight QTL61 qtl RS:0000284 OLETF IEA S RGD:619672|PMID:11853145 20140604 RGD
631214 Bw61 Body weight QTL61 qtl RS:0000313 F344/NRrrc IEA S RGD:619672|PMID:11853145 20140604 RGD
631215 Stl8 Serum triglyceride level QTL 8 qtl RS:0000113 BN IEA S RGD:70852|PMID:10644432 20140604 RGD
631215 Stl8 Serum triglyceride level QTL 8 qtl RS:0000284 OLETF IEA S RGD:70852|PMID:10644432 20140604 RGD
631216 Stl9 Serum triglyceride level QTL 9 qtl RS:0000113 BN IEA S RGD:70852|PMID:10644432 20140604 RGD
631216 Stl9 Serum triglyceride level QTL 9 qtl RS:0000284 OLETF IEA S RGD:70852|PMID:10644432 20140604 RGD
631217 Activ1 Activity QTL 1 qtl RS:0000742 WKY IEA S RGD:631228|PMID:12660808 20140604 RGD
631217 Activ1 Activity QTL 1 qtl RS:0001021 WKHA/N IEA S RGD:631228|PMID:12660808 20140604 RGD
631219 SDT/Jcl strain RS:0000709 SDT/Jcl IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
631220 SS.LEW-(D10Mco1-D10Mco31)/Ayd strain RS:0000844 SS.LEW-(D10Mco1-D10Mco31)/Ayd IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
631260 Tcas2 Tongue tumor susceptibility QTL 2 qtl RS:0000014 DA IEA S RGD:634723|PMID:11429048 20140604 RGD
631260 Tcas2 Tongue tumor susceptibility QTL 2 qtl RS:0000982 WF IEA S RGD:634723|PMID:11429048 20140604 RGD
631261 Tcas3 Tongue tumor susceptibility QTL 3 qtl RS:0000014 DA IEA S RGD:634723|PMID:11429048 20140604 RGD
631261 Tcas3 Tongue tumor susceptibility QTL 3 qtl RS:0000982 WF IEA S RGD:634723|PMID:11429048 20140604 RGD
631262 Tcas4 Tongue tumor susceptibility QTL 4 qtl RS:0000014 DA IEA S RGD:634723|PMID:11429048 20140604 RGD
631262 Tcas4 Tongue tumor susceptibility QTL 4 qtl RS:0000982 WF IEA S RGD:634723|PMID:11429048 20140604 RGD
631263 Cm24 Cardiac mass QTL 24 qtl RS:0001600 WKY.WKHA-(D5Rat45-D5Rat245)/Cfd IEA S RGD:619659|PMID:11157676 20140604 RGD
631264 Scl22 Serum cholesterol level QTL 22 qtl RS:0000067 BB/OK IEA S RGD:61055|PMID:9199194 20140604 RGD
631264 Scl22 Serum cholesterol level QTL 22 qtl RS:0000749 SHR/Mol IEA S RGD:61055|PMID:9199194 20140604 RGD
631265 Iresp1 Immunoglobin response QTL1 qtl RS:0000152 BN/Rj IEA S RGD:619646|PMID:10898507 20140604 RGD
631265 Iresp1 Immunoglobin response QTL1 qtl RS:0000528 LEW/Rj IEA S RGD:619646|PMID:10898507 20140604 RGD
631266 Bp132 Blood pressure QTL 132 qtl RS:0000763 SHRSP.WKY-(D2Rat13-D2Rat157)/Gcrc IEA S RGD:68910|PMID:10642295 20140604 RGD
631267 Cia20 Collagen induced arthritis QTL 20 qtl RS:0000363 F344/NHsd IEA S RGD:631168|PMID:11003387 20140604 RGD
631267 Cia20 Collagen induced arthritis QTL 20 qtl RS:0001226 DA/BklArbN IEA S RGD:631168|PMID:11003387 20140604 RGD
631268 Cia21 Collagen induced arthritis QTL 21 qtl RS:0000363 F344/NHsd IEA S RGD:631168|PMID:11003387 20140604 RGD
631268 Cia21 Collagen induced arthritis QTL 21 qtl RS:0001226 DA/BklArbN IEA S RGD:631168|PMID:11003387 20140604 RGD
631269 Cia22 Collagen induced arthritis QTL 22 qtl RS:0000155 BN/SsNHsd IEA S RGD:631168|PMID:11003387 20140604 RGD
631269 Cia22 Collagen induced arthritis QTL 22 qtl RS:0001226 DA/BklArbN IEA S RGD:631168|PMID:11003387 20140604 RGD
631270 Cia23 Collagen induced arthritis QTL 23 qtl RS:0000155 BN/SsNHsd IEA S RGD:631168|PMID:11003387 20140604 RGD
631270 Cia23 Collagen induced arthritis QTL 23 qtl RS:0001226 DA/BklArbN IEA S RGD:631168|PMID:11003387 20140604 RGD
631271 Lecl1 Lens clarity QTL 1 qtl RS:0000405 IER/Ihr IEA S RGD:68701|PMID:11252169 20140604 RGD
631271 Lecl1 Lens clarity QTL 1 qtl RS:0000771 WKY/Izm IEA S RGD:68701|PMID:11252169 20140604 RGD
631272 Lanf1 Left ventricular atrial natriuretic factor QTL 1 qtl RS:0001023 WKHA/Cfd IEA S RGD:619659|PMID:11157676 20140604 RGD
631272 Lanf1 Left ventricular atrial natriuretic factor QTL 1 qtl RS:0001068 WKY/Cfd IEA S RGD:619659|PMID:11157676 20140604 RGD
631273 Lecl2 Lens clarity QTL 2 qtl RS:0000405 IER/Ihr IEA S RGD:68701|PMID:11252169 20140604 RGD
631273 Lecl2 Lens clarity QTL 2 qtl RS:0000771 WKY/Izm IEA S RGD:68701|PMID:11252169 20140604 RGD
631274 Sprol1 Serum protein level QTL 1 qtl RS:0000067 BB/OK IEA S RGD:61055|PMID:9199194 20140604 RGD
631274 Sprol1 Serum protein level QTL 1 qtl RS:0000749 SHR/Mol IEA S RGD:61055|PMID:9199194 20140604 RGD
631275 WKY/Cfd WKY/Cfd strain RS:0001068 WKY/Cfd IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
631276 WKHA/Cfd WKHA/Cfd strain RS:0001023 WKHA/Cfd IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
631278 SHRSP.WKY-(D2Rat13-D2Rat157)/Gcrc strain RS:0000763 SHRSP.WKY-(D2Rat13-D2Rat157)/Gcrc IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
631279 SHRSP.WKY-(D2Rat13-D2Mit5)/Gcrc strain RS:0000764 SHRSP.WKY-(D2Rat13-D2Mit5)/Gcrc IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
631280 WKY.SHRSP-(D2Mit5-D2Mgh12)/Gcrc strain RS:0001059 WKY.SHRSP-(D2Mit5-D2Mgh12)/Gcrc IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
631281 WKY.SHRSP-(Fst-Pklr)/Gcrc strain RS:0001062 WKY.SHRSP-(Fst-Pklr)/Gcrc IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
631282 DA.F344-(D10Arb20-D10Arb22)/Arb strain RS:0000209 DA.F344-(D10Arb20-D10Arb22)/Arb IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
631283 DA.F344-(D10Arb21-D10Arb22)/Arb strain RS:0000210 DA.F344-(D10Arb21-D10Arb22)/Arb IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
631285 IER/Ihr strain RS:0000405 IER/Ihr IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
631286 WKY/Izm Wistar-Kyoto strain RS:0000771 WKY/Izm IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
631294 F344.GK-(D1Arb42a-D1Rat90)/Swe strain RS:0000280 F344.GK-(D1Arb42a-D1Rat90)/Swe IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
631494 Bp95 Blood pressure QTL 95 qtl RS:0000871 SS.LEW-(D1Uia8-D1Mco38)/Jr IEA S RGD:68885|PMID:11160999 20140604 RGD
631495 Bp96 Blood pressure QTL 96 qtl RS:0000677 SBH/Ygl IEA S RGD:619642|PMID:9449402 20140604 RGD
631495 Bp96 Blood pressure QTL 96 qtl RS:0000679 SBN/Ygl IEA S RGD:619642|PMID:9449402 20140604 RGD
631496 Bp97 Blood pressure QTL 97 qtl RS:0000677 SBH/Ygl IEA S RGD:619642|PMID:9449402 20140604 RGD
631496 Bp97 Blood pressure QTL 97 qtl RS:0000679 SBN/Ygl IEA S RGD:619642|PMID:9449402 20140604 RGD
631497 Bp98 Blood pressure QTL 98 qtl RS:0000677 SBH/Ygl IEA S RGD:619642|PMID:9449402 20140604 RGD
631497 Bp98 Blood pressure QTL 98 qtl RS:0000679 SBN/Ygl IEA S RGD:619642|PMID:9449402 20140604 RGD
631498 Bp100 Blood pressure QTL 100 qtl RS:0000015 SHR IEA S RGD:619655|PMID:9171954 20140604 RGD
631498 Bp100 Blood pressure QTL 100 qtl RS:0000742 WKY IEA S RGD:619655|PMID:9171954 20140604 RGD
631499 Stl1 Serum triglyceride level QTL 1 qtl RS:0000749 SHR/Mol IEA S RGD:619656|PMID:11414700 20140604 RGD
631499 Stl1 Serum triglyceride level QTL 1 qtl RS:0002283 Wild/K IEA S RGD:619656|PMID:11414700 20140604 RGD
631500 Bp99 Blood pressure QTL 99 qtl RS:0000055 AS IEA S RGD:619650|PMID:7852741 20140604 RGD
631500 Bp99 Blood pressure QTL 99 qtl RS:0000817 SS/Jr IEA S RGD:619650|PMID:7852741 20140604 RGD
631501 Bp101 Blood pressure QTL 101 qtl RS:0000749 SHR/Mol IEA S RGD:619656|PMID:11414700 20140604 RGD
631501 Bp101 Blood pressure QTL 101 qtl RS:0002283 Wild/K IEA S RGD:619656|PMID:11414700 20140604 RGD
631502 Cm26 Cardiac mass QTL 26 qtl RS:0000510 LEW/CrlCrlj IEA S RGD:619658|PMID:11045938 20140604 RGD
631502 Cm26 Cardiac mass QTL 26 qtl RS:0000746 SHR/Izm IEA S RGD:619658|PMID:11045938 20140604 RGD
631503 Bp102 Blood pressure QTL 102 qtl RS:0000749 SHR/Mol IEA S RGD:619656|PMID:11414700 20140604 RGD
631503 Bp102 Blood pressure QTL 102 qtl RS:0002283 Wild/K IEA S RGD:619656|PMID:11414700 20140604 RGD
631504 Cm27 Cardiac mass QTL 27 qtl RS:0000510 LEW/CrlCrlj IEA S RGD:619658|PMID:11045938 20140604 RGD
631504 Cm27 Cardiac mass QTL 27 qtl RS:0000746 SHR/Izm IEA S RGD:619658|PMID:11045938 20140604 RGD
631505 Bp103 Blood pressure QTL 103 qtl RS:0000749 SHR/Mol IEA S RGD:619656|PMID:11414700 20140604 RGD
631505 Bp103 Blood pressure QTL 103 qtl RS:0002283 Wild/K IEA S RGD:619656|PMID:11414700 20140604 RGD
631506 Bp104 Blood pressure QTL 104 qtl RS:0000749 SHR/Mol IEA S RGD:619656|PMID:11414700 20140604 RGD
631506 Bp104 Blood pressure QTL 104 qtl RS:0002283 Wild/K IEA S RGD:619656|PMID:11414700 20140604 RGD
631507 Bp105 Blood pressure QTL 105 qtl RS:0000717 SHR.BN-(D2Rat171-D2Arb24)/Ipcv IEA S RGD:619651|PMID:11403354 20140604 RGD
631508 Sald1 Serum aldosterone level QTL 1 qtl RS:0000082 BC/CpbU IEA S RGD:629577|PMID:12482837 20140604 RGD
631508 Sald1 Serum aldosterone level QTL 1 qtl RS:0000525 LEW/OlaHsd IEA S RGD:629577|PMID:12482837 20140604 RGD
631509 Sald2 Serum aldosterone level QTL 2 qtl RS:0000082 BC/CpbU IEA S RGD:629577|PMID:12482837 20140604 RGD
631509 Sald2 Serum aldosterone level QTL 2 qtl RS:0000525 LEW/OlaHsd IEA S RGD:629577|PMID:12482837 20140604 RGD
631510 Spl2 Serum phospholipid level QTL 2 qtl RS:0000082 BC/CpbU IEA S RGD:629577|PMID:12482837 20140604 RGD
631510 Spl2 Serum phospholipid level QTL 2 qtl RS:0000525 LEW/OlaHsd IEA S RGD:629577|PMID:12482837 20140604 RGD
631511 Pia7 Pristane induced arthritis QTL 7 qtl RS:0000242 DA/Ztm IEA S RGD:629570|PMID:11090241 20140604 RGD
631511 Pia7 Pristane induced arthritis QTL 7 qtl RS:0002405 DA.E3-(D4Wox49-D4Got136)/Rhd IEA S RGD:629570|PMID:11090241 20140604 RGD
631512 Scl6 Serum cholesterol level QTL 6 qtl RS:0000082 BC/CpbU IEA S RGD:629577|PMID:12482837 20140604 RGD
631512 Scl6 Serum cholesterol level QTL 6 qtl RS:0000525 LEW/OlaHsd IEA S RGD:629577|PMID:12482837 20140604 RGD
631513 Scl7 Serum cholesterol level QTL 7 qtl RS:0000082 BC/CpbU IEA S RGD:629577|PMID:12482837 20140604 RGD
631513 Scl7 Serum cholesterol level QTL 7 qtl RS:0000525 LEW/OlaHsd IEA S RGD:629577|PMID:12482837 20140604 RGD
631514 Scl8 Serum cholesterol level QTL8 qtl RS:0000082 BC/CpbU IEA S RGD:629577|PMID:12482837 20140604 RGD
631514 Scl8 Serum cholesterol level QTL8 qtl RS:0000525 LEW/OlaHsd IEA S RGD:629577|PMID:12482837 20140604 RGD
631515 Bw10 Body weight QTL 10 qtl RS:0000749 SHR/Mol IEA S RGD:619656|PMID:11414700 20140604 RGD
631515 Bw10 Body weight QTL 10 qtl RS:0002283 Wild/K IEA S RGD:619656|PMID:11414700 20140604 RGD
631516 Gluco31 Glucose level QTL 31 qtl RS:0000749 SHR/Mol IEA S RGD:619656|PMID:11414700 20140604 RGD
631516 Gluco31 Glucose level QTL 31 qtl RS:0002283 Wild/K IEA S RGD:619656|PMID:11414700 20140604 RGD
631517 Scl9 Serum cholesterol level QTL 9 qtl RS:0000082 BC/CpbU IEA S RGD:629577|PMID:12482837 20140604 RGD
631517 Scl9 Serum cholesterol level QTL 9 qtl RS:0000525 LEW/OlaHsd IEA S RGD:629577|PMID:12482837 20140604 RGD
631518 Bw11 Body weight QTL 11 qtl RS:0000749 SHR/Mol IEA S RGD:619656|PMID:11414700 20140604 RGD
631518 Bw11 Body weight QTL 11 qtl RS:0002283 Wild/K IEA S RGD:619656|PMID:11414700 20140604 RGD
631519 Pia11 Pristane induced arthritis QTL 11 qtl RS:0000202 E3 IEA S RGD:631225|PMID:12111642 20140604 RGD
631519 Pia11 Pristane induced arthritis QTL 11 qtl RS:0000497 LEW.1F IEA S RGD:631225|PMID:12111642 20140604 RGD
631520 Bp73 Blood pressure QTL 73 qtl RS:0000921 SS.WKY-(Mme-D2Wox18)/Mco IEA S RGD:70380|PMID:11773968 20140604 RGD
631521 Pia12 Pristane induced arthritis QTL 12 qtl RS:0000202 E3 IEA S RGD:631225|PMID:12111642 20140604 RGD
631521 Pia12 Pristane induced arthritis QTL 12 qtl RS:0000497 LEW.1F IEA S RGD:631225|PMID:12111642 20140604 RGD
631522 Bp74 Blood pressure QTL 74 qtl RS:0000918 SS.WKY-(D2Mgh8-D2Mgh9)/Mco IEA S RGD:70380|PMID:11773968 20140604 RGD
631523 Pia13 Pristane induced arthritis QTL 13 qtl RS:0000202 E3 IEA S RGD:631225|PMID:12111642 20140604 RGD
631523 Pia13 Pristane induced arthritis QTL 13 qtl RS:0000497 LEW.1F IEA S RGD:631225|PMID:12111642 20140604 RGD
631524 Bp75 Blood pressure QTL 75 qtl RS:0000822 SS.LEW-(D16Mit2-D16Rat12)/Ayd IEA S RGD:70460|PMID:11919686 20140604 RGD
631524 Bp75 Blood pressure QTL 75 qtl RS:0000857 SS.LEW-(D16Mit2-D16Chm23)/Ayd IEA S RGD:70460|PMID:11919686 20140604 RGD
631525 Pia14 Pristane induced arthritis QTL 14 qtl RS:0000202 E3 IEA S RGD:631225|PMID:12111642 20140604 RGD
631525 Pia14 Pristane induced arthritis QTL 14 qtl RS:0000497 LEW.1F IEA S RGD:631225|PMID:12111642 20140604 RGD
631526 Bp76 Blood pressure QTL 76 qtl RS:0000580 MNS IEA S RGD:61039|PMID:7537756 20140604 RGD
631526 Bp76 Blood pressure QTL 76 qtl RS:0000817 SS/Jr IEA S RGD:61039|PMID:7537756 20140604 RGD
631527 Tls1 T-lymphoma susceptibility QTL 1 qtl RS:0000313 F344/NRrrc IEA S RGD:619600|PMID:10360666 20140604 RGD
631527 Tls1 T-lymphoma susceptibility QTL 1 qtl RS:0000534 LEXF/Stm IEA S RGD:619600|PMID:10360666 20140604 RGD
631528 Scl11 Serum cholesterol level QTL 11 qtl RS:0000749 SHR/Mol IEA S RGD:619656|PMID:11414700 20140604 RGD
631528 Scl11 Serum cholesterol level QTL 11 qtl RS:0002283 Wild/K IEA S RGD:619656|PMID:11414700 20140604 RGD
631529 Tls2 T-lymphoma susceptibility QTL 2 qtl RS:0000313 F344/NRrrc IEA S RGD:619600|PMID:10360666 20140604 RGD
631529 Tls2 T-lymphoma susceptibility QTL 2 qtl RS:0000534 LEXF/Stm IEA S RGD:619600|PMID:10360666 20140604 RGD
631530 Tls3 T-lymphoma susceptibility QTL 3 qtl RS:0000313 F344/NRrrc IEA S RGD:619600|PMID:10360666 20140604 RGD
631530 Tls3 T-lymphoma susceptibility QTL 3 qtl RS:0000534 LEXF/Stm IEA S RGD:619600|PMID:10360666 20140604 RGD
631531 Iresp2 Immunoglobin response QTL2 qtl RS:0000506 LEW.BN-(D10Rat43-D10Rat27)/Rj IEA S RGD:619646|PMID:10898507 20140604 RGD
631532 Cm50 Cardiac mass QTL 50 qtl RS:0000113 BN IEA S RGD:619631|PMID:10051321 20140604 RGD
631532 Cm50 Cardiac mass QTL 50 qtl RS:0000817 SS/Jr IEA S RGD:619631|PMID:10051321 20140604 RGD
631533 Iresp3 Immunoglobin response QTL3 qtl RS:0000152 BN/Rj IEA S RGD:619646|PMID:10898507 20140604 RGD
631533 Iresp3 Immunoglobin response QTL3 qtl RS:0000528 LEW/Rj IEA S RGD:619646|PMID:10898507 20140604 RGD
631534 Lnnr1 Liver neoplastic nodule remodeling QTL 1 qtl RS:0000113 BN IEA S RGD:629574|PMID:12672032 20140604 RGD
631534 Lnnr1 Liver neoplastic nodule remodeling QTL 1 qtl RS:0000313 F344/NRrrc IEA S RGD:629574|PMID:12672032 20140604 RGD
631535 Cm51 Cardiac mass QTL 51 qtl RS:0000580 MNS IEA S RGD:619631|PMID:10051321 20140604 RGD
631535 Cm51 Cardiac mass QTL 51 qtl RS:0000817 SS/Jr IEA S RGD:619631|PMID:10051321 20140604 RGD
631536 Lnnr2 Liver neoplastic nodule remodeling QTL 2 qtl RS:0000113 BN IEA S RGD:629574|PMID:12672032 20140604 RGD
631536 Lnnr2 Liver neoplastic nodule remodeling QTL 2 qtl RS:0000313 F344/NRrrc IEA S RGD:629574|PMID:12672032 20140604 RGD
631537 Oia4 Oil induced arthritis QTL 4 qtl RS:0000495 LEW.1AV1.DA-(D10Rat92-D10Wox17)/Ubc IEA S RGD:62404|PMID:11230175 20140604 RGD
631538 Oia5 Oil induced arthritis QTL 5 qtl RS:0000496 LEW.1AV1.DA-(D10Wox17-D10Rat135)/Ubc IEA S RGD:62404|PMID:11230175 20140604 RGD
631539 Oia6 Oil induced arthritis QTL 6 qtl RS:0000492 LEW.1AV1.DA-(D10Got154-D10Rat135)/Ubc IEA S RGD:62404|PMID:11230175 20140604 RGD
631540 Bw9 Body weight QTL 9 qtl RS:0000113 BN IEA S RGD:619631|PMID:10051321 20140604 RGD
631540 Bw9 Body weight QTL 9 qtl RS:0000817 SS/Jr IEA S RGD:619631|PMID:10051321 20140604 RGD
631541 Bp81 Blood pressure QTL 81 qtl RS:0000113 BN IEA S RGD:619631|PMID:10051321 20140604 RGD
631541 Bp81 Blood pressure QTL 81 qtl RS:0000817 SS/Jr IEA S RGD:619631|PMID:10051321 20140604 RGD
631542 Bp82 Blood pressure QTL 82 qtl RS:0000580 MNS IEA S RGD:619631|PMID:10051321 20140604 RGD
631542 Bp82 Blood pressure QTL 82 qtl RS:0000817 SS/Jr IEA S RGD:619631|PMID:10051321 20140604 RGD
631543 Bp83 Blood pressure QTL 83 qtl RS:0000742 WKY IEA S RGD:619631|PMID:10051321 20140604 RGD
631543 Bp83 Blood pressure QTL 83 qtl RS:0000817 SS/Jr IEA S RGD:619631|PMID:10051321 20140604 RGD
631544 Bp84 Blood pressure QTL 84 qtl RS:0000770 SHRSP/Izm IEA S RGD:619634|PMID:10604486 20140604 RGD
631544 Bp84 Blood pressure QTL 84 qtl RS:0000771 WKY/Izm IEA S RGD:619634|PMID:10604486 20140604 RGD
631545 Bp85 Blood pressure QTL 85 qtl RS:0000770 SHRSP/Izm IEA S RGD:619634|PMID:10604486 20140604 RGD
631545 Bp85 Blood pressure QTL 85 qtl RS:0000771 WKY/Izm IEA S RGD:619634|PMID:10604486 20140604 RGD
631546 Bp86 Blood pressure QTL 86 qtl RS:0000770 SHRSP/Izm IEA S RGD:619634|PMID:10604486 20140604 RGD
631546 Bp86 Blood pressure QTL 86 qtl RS:0000771 WKY/Izm IEA S RGD:619634|PMID:10604486 20140604 RGD
631547 Bp87 Blood pressure QTL 87 qtl RS:0000770 SHRSP/Izm IEA S RGD:619634|PMID:10604486 20140604 RGD
631547 Bp87 Blood pressure QTL 87 qtl RS:0000771 WKY/Izm IEA S RGD:619634|PMID:10604486 20140604 RGD
631548 Bp88 Blood pressure QTL 88 qtl RS:0001065 WKY.SHRSP-(Mt1pa-D1Rat200)/Bbb IEA S RGD:619643|PMID:10523340 20140604 RGD
631549 Bp89 Blood pressure QTL 89 qtl RS:0001064 WKY.SHRSP-(Asgr1-Vamp2)/Bbb IEA S RGD:619635|PMID:10779121 20140604 RGD
631550 Bw7 Body weight QTL 7 qtl RS:0000082 BC/CpbU IEA S RGD:629577|PMID:12482837 20140604 RGD
631550 Bw7 Body weight QTL 7 qtl RS:0000525 LEW/OlaHsd IEA S RGD:629577|PMID:12482837 20140604 RGD
631551 Vetf1 Vascular elastic tissue fragility QTL 1 qtl RS:0000137 BN/Elh IEA S RGD:619605|PMID:11526202 20140604 RGD
631551 Vetf1 Vascular elastic tissue fragility QTL 1 qtl RS:0000374 GH/Omr IEA S RGD:619605|PMID:11526202 20140604 RGD
631552 Vetf2 Vascular elastic tissue fragility QTL 2 qtl RS:0000137 BN/Elh IEA S RGD:619605|PMID:11526202 20140604 RGD
631552 Vetf2 Vascular elastic tissue fragility QTL 2 qtl RS:0000374 GH/Omr IEA S RGD:619605|PMID:11526202 20140604 RGD
631554 Bp133 Blood pressure QTL 133 qtl RS:0001064 WKY.SHRSP-(Asgr1-Vamp2)/Bbb IEA S RGD:619633|PMID:7568016 20140604 RGD
631555 Bp134 Blood pressure QTL 134 qtl RS:0001064 WKY.SHRSP-(Asgr1-Vamp2)/Bbb IEA S RGD:619633|PMID:7568016 20140604 RGD
631556 Bp135 Blood pressure QTL 135 qtl RS:0000757 SHR/Snk IEA S RGD:631181|PMID:8476428 20140604 RGD
631556 Bp135 Blood pressure QTL 135 qtl RS:0001075 WKY/Snk IEA S RGD:631181|PMID:8476428 20140604 RGD
631557 Bp136 Blood pressure QTL 136 qtl RS:0000846 SS.LEW-(D10Arb9-D10Got101)/Jr IEA S RGD:628510|PMID:11641286 20140604 RGD
631558 Bp137 Blood pressure QTL 137 qtl RS:0001540 SS.MNS-(D10Rat13-D10Mit11)/Jr IEA S RGD:628510|PMID:11641286 20140604 RGD
631559 Hcuc1 Hepatic copper content QTL 1 qtl RS:0000403 HXB-1-43/Ipcv IEA S RGD:619607|PMID:11741328 20140604 RGD
631560 Apr1 Acute phase response QTL 1 qtl RS:0000014 DA IEA S RGD:629561|PMID:11817600 20140604 RGD
631560 Apr1 Acute phase response QTL 1 qtl RS:0000202 E3 IEA S RGD:629561|PMID:11817600 20140604 RGD
631561 Hcuc2 Hepatic copper content QTL 2 qtl RS:0000403 HXB-1-43/Ipcv IEA S RGD:619607|PMID:11741328 20140604 RGD
631562 Apr2 Acute phase response QTL 2 qtl RS:0000014 DA IEA S RGD:629561|PMID:11817600 20140604 RGD
631562 Apr2 Acute phase response QTL 2 qtl RS:0000202 E3 IEA S RGD:629561|PMID:11817600 20140604 RGD
631563 Hcuc3 Hepatic copper content QTL 3 qtl RS:0000082 BC/CpbU IEA S RGD:629572|PMID:12094018 20140604 RGD
631563 Hcuc3 Hepatic copper content QTL 3 qtl RS:0000525 LEW/OlaHsd IEA S RGD:629572|PMID:12094018 20140604 RGD
631564 Apr3 Acute phase response QTL 3 qtl RS:0000014 DA IEA S RGD:629561|PMID:11817600 20140604 RGD
631564 Apr3 Acute phase response QTL 3 qtl RS:0000202 E3 IEA S RGD:629561|PMID:11817600 20140604 RGD
631565 Hcuc4 Hepatic copper content QTL 4 qtl RS:0000082 BC/CpbU IEA S RGD:629572|PMID:12094018 20140604 RGD
631565 Hcuc4 Hepatic copper content QTL 4 qtl RS:0000525 LEW/OlaHsd IEA S RGD:629572|PMID:12094018 20140604 RGD
631566 Bp90 Blood pressure QTL 90 qtl RS:0000919 SS.WKY-(D2N35-Mme)/Mco IEA S RGD:619640|PMID:9541488 20140604 RGD
631567 Bp91 Blood pressure QTL 91 qtl RS:0000896 SS.MNS-(D10Mit11-D10M11Mit119)/Mco IEA S RGD:619640|PMID:9541488 20140604 RGD
631568 Bp92 Blood pressure QTL 92 qtl RS:0000754 SHR/NHsd IEA S RGD:61516|PMID:11015598 20140604 RGD
631568 Bp92 Blood pressure QTL 92 qtl RS:0000817 SS/Jr IEA S RGD:61516|PMID:11015598 20140604 RGD
631569 Bp93 Blood pressure QTL 93 qtl RS:0000824 SS.LEW-(D1Rat196-D1Mco36)/Jr IEA S RGD:68885|PMID:11160999 20140604 RGD
631570 Bp94 Blood pressure QTL 94 qtl RS:0000872 SS.LEW-(D1Rat39-D1Rat131)/Jr IEA S RGD:68885|PMID:11160999 20140604 RGD
631571 SS.LEW-(D1Uia8-D1Mco38)/Jr strain RS:0000871 SS.LEW-(D1Uia8-D1Mco38)/Jr IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
631572 SBH/Ygl Sabra hypertension prone strain RS:0000677 SBH/Ygl IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
631573 SBN/Ygl Sabra hypertension resistant strain RS:0000679 SBN/Ygl IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
631574 Wild/K strain RS:0002283 Wild/K IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
631576 LEW/CrlCrlj strain RS:0000510 LEW/CrlCrlj IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
631577 SHR/Izm strain RS:0000746 SHR/Izm IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
631578 SHR.BN-(D2Rat171-D2Arb24)/Ipcv strain RS:0000717 SHR.BN-(D2Rat171-D2Arb24)/Ipcv IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
631579 LEW/OlaHsd strain RS:0000525 LEW/OlaHsd IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
631581 LEW.1F strain RS:0000497 LEW.1F IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
631582 SS.WKY-(Mme-D2Wox18)/Mco strain RS:0000921 SS.WKY-(Mme-D2Wox18)/Mco IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
631583 SS.WKY-(D2Mgh8-D2Mgh9)/Mco strain RS:0000918 SS.WKY-(D2Mgh8-D2Mgh9)/Mco IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
631585 SS.LEW-(D16Mit2-D16Rat12)/Ayd strain RS:0000822 SS.LEW-(D16Mit2-D16Rat12)/Ayd IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
631586 SS.MNS-(D10Mco14-D10Mit11)/Jr strain RS:0000888 SS.MNS-(D10Mco14-D10Mit11)/Jr IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
631587 SS.MNS-(D10M11Mit119-D10Mit11)/Jr strain RS:0000892 SS.MNS-(D10M11Mit119-D10Mit11)/Jr IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
631588 SS.MNS-(D10Mit11-Vamp2)/Mco strain RS:0000897 SS.MNS-(D10Mit11-Vamp2)/Mco IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
631589 SHR.WKY-(D1Wox34-D1Rat164)/Njs strain RS:0000740 SHR.WKY-(D1Wox34-D1Rat164)/Njs IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
631590 SHR.WKY-(D1Wox34-Sah)/Njs strain RS:0000741 SHR.WKY-(D1Wox34-Sah)/Njs IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
631591 WKY.SHR-(D1Rat56-D1M7Mit206)/Njs strain RS:0001041 WKY.SHR-(D1Rat56-D1M7Mit206)/Njs IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
631592 WKY.SHR-(D1Rat236-D1M7Mit206)/Njs strain RS:0001040 WKY.SHR-(D1Rat236-D1M7Mit206)/Njs IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
631593 LEW/Rj strain RS:0000528 LEW/Rj IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
631594 BN/Rj strain RS:0000152 BN/Rj IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
631595 LEW.1AV1.DA-(D10Rat92-D10Rat135)/Ubc strain RS:0000494 LEW.1AV1.DA-(D10Rat92-D10Rat135)/Ubc IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
631596 LEW.1AV1.DA-(D10Rat92-D10Wox17)/Ubc strain RS:0000495 LEW.1AV1.DA-(D10Rat92-D10Wox17)/Ubc IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
631597 LEW.1AV1.DA-(D10Wox17-D10Rat135)/Ubc strain RS:0000496 LEW.1AV1.DA-(D10Wox17-D10Rat135)/Ubc IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
631598 LEW.1AV1.DA-(D10Got154-D10Rat135)/Ubc strain RS:0000492 LEW.1AV1.DA-(D10Got154-D10Rat135)/Ubc IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
631599 SHRSP/Izm strain RS:0000770 SHRSP/Izm IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
631600 WKY.SHRSP-(Mt1pa-D1Rat200)/Bbb strain RS:0001065 WKY.SHRSP-(Mt1pa-D1Rat200)/Bbb IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
631601 WKY.SHRSP-(Asgr1-Vamp2)/Bbb strain RS:0001064 WKY.SHRSP-(Asgr1-Vamp2)/Bbb IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
631602 BN/Elh strain RS:0000137 BN/Elh IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
631603 WKY/Snk strain RS:0001075 WKY/Snk IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
631604 SHR/Snk strain RS:0000757 SHR/Snk IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
631605 SS.LEW-(D10Arb9-D10Got101)/Jr strain RS:0000846 SS.LEW-(D10Arb9-D10Got101)/Jr IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
631606 SS.MNS-(D10Rat13-D10Mit11)/Jr strain RS:0001540 SS.MNS-(D10Rat13-D10Mit11)/Jr IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
631607 SS.WKY-(D2N35-Mme)/Mco strain RS:0000919 SS.WKY-(D2N35-Mme)/Mco IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
631610 SS.LEW-(D1Rat39-D1Rat131)/Jr strain RS:0000872 SS.LEW-(D1Rat39-D1Rat131)/Jr IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
631642 Stl2 Serum triglyceride level QTL 2 qtl RS:0000067 BB/OK IEA S RGD:619667|PMID:9633608 20140604 RGD
631642 Stl2 Serum triglyceride level QTL 2 qtl RS:0000749 SHR/Mol IEA S RGD:619667|PMID:9633608 20140604 RGD
631643 Bp120 Blood pressure QTL 120 qtl RS:0000771 WKY/Izm IEA S RGD:629623|PMID:12569259 20140604 RGD
631643 Bp120 Blood pressure QTL 120 qtl RS:0000774 SHRSP/A3Izm IEA S RGD:629623|PMID:12569259 20140604 RGD
631645 Bp121 Blood pressure QTL 121 qtl RS:0000771 WKY/Izm IEA S RGD:629623|PMID:12569259 20140604 RGD
631645 Bp121 Blood pressure QTL 121 qtl RS:0000774 SHRSP/A3Izm IEA S RGD:629623|PMID:12569259 20140604 RGD
631646 Stl4 Serum triglyceride level QTL 4 qtl RS:0000148 BN/OrlIcoCrlf IEA S RGD:631174|PMID:12687333 20140604 RGD
631646 Stl4 Serum triglyceride level QTL 4 qtl RS:0000397 HTG IEA S RGD:631174|PMID:12687333 20140604 RGD
631647 Bp122 Blood pressure QTL 122 qtl RS:0000771 WKY/Izm IEA S RGD:629623|PMID:12569259 20140604 RGD
631647 Bp122 Blood pressure QTL 122 qtl RS:0000774 SHRSP/A3Izm IEA S RGD:629623|PMID:12569259 20140604 RGD
631648 Stl5 Serum triglyceride level QTL 5 qtl RS:0000148 BN/OrlIcoCrlf IEA S RGD:631174|PMID:12687333 20140604 RGD
631648 Stl5 Serum triglyceride level QTL 5 qtl RS:0000397 HTG IEA S RGD:631174|PMID:12687333 20140604 RGD
631649 Bp123 Blood pressure QTL 123 qtl RS:0000771 WKY/Izm IEA S RGD:629623|PMID:12569259 20140604 RGD
631649 Bp123 Blood pressure QTL 123 qtl RS:0000774 SHRSP/A3Izm IEA S RGD:629623|PMID:12569259 20140604 RGD
631650 Stl6 Serum triglyceride level QTL 6 qtl RS:0000148 BN/OrlIcoCrlf IEA S RGD:631174|PMID:12687333 20140604 RGD
631650 Stl6 Serum triglyceride level QTL 6 qtl RS:0000397 HTG IEA S RGD:631174|PMID:12687333 20140604 RGD
631651 Bp124 Blood pressure QTL 124 qtl RS:0000771 WKY/Izm IEA S RGD:629623|PMID:12569259 20140604 RGD
631651 Bp124 Blood pressure QTL 124 qtl RS:0000774 SHRSP/A3Izm IEA S RGD:629623|PMID:12569259 20140604 RGD
631652 Bp106 Blood pressure QTL 106 qtl RS:0001045 WKY.SHRSP-(D1Rat200-D1Rat216)(Shbg-Atp1b2)/Bbb IEA S RGD:629620|PMID:12566390 20140604 RGD
631653 Bp125 Blood pressure QTL 125 qtl RS:0000771 WKY/Izm IEA S RGD:629623|PMID:12569259 20140604 RGD
631653 Bp125 Blood pressure QTL 125 qtl RS:0000774 SHRSP/A3Izm IEA S RGD:629623|PMID:12569259 20140604 RGD
631654 Bp107 Blood pressure QTL 107 qtl RS:0001045 WKY.SHRSP-(D1Rat200-D1Rat216)(Shbg-Atp1b2)/Bbb IEA S RGD:629620|PMID:12566390 20140604 RGD
631654 Bp107 Blood pressure QTL 107 qtl RS:0001046 WKY.SHRSP-(D1Rat200-D1Rat216)/Bbb IEA S RGD:629620|PMID:12566390 20140604 RGD
631655 Bp126 Blood pressure QTL 126 qtl RS:0000771 WKY/Izm IEA S RGD:629623|PMID:12569259 20140604 RGD
631655 Bp126 Blood pressure QTL 126 qtl RS:0000774 SHRSP/A3Izm IEA S RGD:629623|PMID:12569259 20140604 RGD
631656 Bp108 Blood pressure QTL 108 qtl RS:0000744 SHR/FubRkb IEA S RGD:629621|PMID:12775577 20140604 RGD
631656 Bp108 Blood pressure QTL 108 qtl RS:0000925 SS/JrRkb IEA S RGD:629621|PMID:12775577 20140604 RGD
631658 Cm7 Cardiac mass QTL 7 qtl RS:0000744 SHR/FubRkb IEA S RGD:629621|PMID:12775577 20140604 RGD
631658 Cm7 Cardiac mass QTL 7 qtl RS:0000925 SS/JrRkb IEA S RGD:629621|PMID:12775577 20140604 RGD
631660 Hcar1 Hepatocarcinoma resistance QTL 1 qtl RS:0000155 BN/SsNHsd IEA S RGD:619598|PMID:10493520 20200530 RGD
631660 Hcar1 Hepatocarcinoma resistance QTL 1 qtl RS:0000363 F344/NHsd IEA S RGD:619598|PMID:10493520 20200530 RGD
631662 Hcar2 Hepatocarcinoma resistance QTL 2 qtl RS:0000155 BN/SsNHsd IEA S RGD:619598|PMID:10493520 20200530 RGD
631662 Hcar2 Hepatocarcinoma resistance QTL 2 qtl RS:0000363 F344/NHsd IEA S RGD:619598|PMID:10493520 20200530 RGD
631663 Bw6 Body weight QTL 6 qtl RS:0000082 BC/CpbU IEA S RGD:629577|PMID:12482837 20140604 RGD
631663 Bw6 Body weight QTL 6 qtl RS:0000525 LEW/OlaHsd IEA S RGD:629577|PMID:12482837 20140604 RGD
631664 Hcar3 Hepatocarcinoma resistance QTL 3 qtl RS:0000155 BN/SsNHsd IEA S RGD:619598|PMID:10493520 20200530 RGD
631664 Hcar3 Hepatocarcinoma resistance QTL 3 qtl RS:0000363 F344/NHsd IEA S RGD:619598|PMID:10493520 20200530 RGD
631665 Bw8 Body weight QTL 8 qtl RS:0000580 MNS IEA S RGD:619631|PMID:10051321 20140604 RGD
631665 Bw8 Body weight QTL 8 qtl RS:0000817 SS/Jr IEA S RGD:619631|PMID:10051321 20140604 RGD
631666 Iddm5 Insulin dependent diabetes mellitus QTL 5 qtl RS:0000014 DA IEA S RGD:625443|PMID:8586150 20140604 RGD
631666 Iddm5 Insulin dependent diabetes mellitus QTL 5 qtl RS:0000067 BB/OK IEA S RGD:625443|PMID:8586150 20140604 RGD
631667 Iddm6 Insulin dependent diabetes mellitus QTL 6 qtl RS:0000014 DA IEA S RGD:625443|PMID:8586150 20140604 RGD
631667 Iddm6 Insulin dependent diabetes mellitus QTL 6 qtl RS:0000067 BB/OK IEA S RGD:625443|PMID:8586150 20140604 RGD
631668 Iddm7 Insulin dependent diabetes mellitus QTL 7 qtl RS:0000072 BBDP/Hri IEA S RGD:631165|PMID:9080298 20140604 RGD
631668 Iddm7 Insulin dependent diabetes mellitus QTL 7 qtl RS:0000143 BN/Mol IEA S RGD:631165|PMID:9080298 20140604 RGD
631669 Iddm9 Insulin dependent diabetes mellitus QTL 9 qtl RS:0000067 BB/OK IEA S RGD:6903877|PMID:9858659 20140604 RGD
631669 Iddm9 Insulin dependent diabetes mellitus QTL 9 qtl RS:0000749 SHR/Mol IEA S RGD:6903877|PMID:9858659 20140604 RGD
631670 Iddm10 Insulin dependent diabetes mellitus QTL 10 qtl RS:0000067 BB/OK IEA S RGD:6903877|PMID:9858659 20140604 RGD
631670 Iddm10 Insulin dependent diabetes mellitus QTL 10 qtl RS:0000749 SHR/Mol IEA S RGD:6903877|PMID:9858659 20140604 RGD
631671 Iddm11 Insulin dependent diabetes mellitus QTL 11 qtl RS:0001182 BBDP/WorBrm IEA S RGD:61480|PMID:9892222 20140604 RGD
631671 Iddm11 Insulin dependent diabetes mellitus QTL 11 qtl RS:0002251 WF/CrCrl IEA S RGD:61480|PMID:9892222 20140604 RGD
631672 Iddm12 Insulin dependent diabetes mellitus QTL 12 qtl RS:0001182 BBDP/WorBrm IEA S RGD:61480|PMID:9892222 20140604 RGD
631672 Iddm12 Insulin dependent diabetes mellitus QTL 12 qtl RS:0002251 WF/CrCrl IEA S RGD:61480|PMID:9892222 20140604 RGD
631673 Iddm13 Insulin dependent diabetes mellitus QTL 13 qtl RS:0001182 BBDP/WorBrm IEA S RGD:61480|PMID:9892222 20140604 RGD
631673 Iddm13 Insulin dependent diabetes mellitus QTL 13 qtl RS:0002251 WF/CrCrl IEA S RGD:61480|PMID:9892222 20140604 RGD
631674 Iddm14 Insulin dependent diabetes mellitus QTL 14 qtl RS:0001581 WF.BBDR-(D4Rat93-D4Rat228)/Wor IEA S RGD:61479|PMID:10535446 20140604 RGD
631675 Iddm15 Insulin dependent diabetes mellitus QTL 15 qtl RS:0000069 BB.SHR-(Gnal-D18Mit9)/K IEA S RGD:619685|PMID:11327715 20140604 RGD
631676 Cm8 Cardiac mass QTL 8 qtl RS:0000744 SHR/FubRkb IEA S RGD:629621|PMID:12775577 20140604 RGD
631676 Cm8 Cardiac mass QTL 8 qtl RS:0000925 SS/JrRkb IEA S RGD:629621|PMID:12775577 20140604 RGD
631677 Iddm16 Insulin dependent diabetes mellitus QTL 16 qtl RS:0000014 DA IEA S RGD:61077|PMID:9571179 20140604 RGD
631677 Iddm16 Insulin dependent diabetes mellitus QTL 16 qtl RS:0000067 BB/OK IEA S RGD:61077|PMID:9571179 20140604 RGD
631678 Cm9 Cardiac mass QTL 9 qtl RS:0000744 SHR/FubRkb IEA S RGD:629621|PMID:12775577 20140604 RGD
631678 Cm9 Cardiac mass QTL 9 qtl RS:0000925 SS/JrRkb IEA S RGD:629621|PMID:12775577 20140604 RGD
631679 Cm10 Cardiac mass QTL 10 qtl RS:0000744 SHR/FubRkb IEA S RGD:629621|PMID:12775577 20140604 RGD
631679 Cm10 Cardiac mass QTL 10 qtl RS:0000925 SS/JrRkb IEA S RGD:629621|PMID:12775577 20140604 RGD
631680 Cm11 Cardiac mass QTL 11 qtl RS:0000744 SHR/FubRkb IEA S RGD:629621|PMID:12775577 20140604 RGD
631680 Cm11 Cardiac mass QTL 11 qtl RS:0000925 SS/JrRkb IEA S RGD:629621|PMID:12775577 20140604 RGD
631681 Cm12 Cardiac mass QTL 12 qtl RS:0000744 SHR/FubRkb IEA S RGD:629621|PMID:12775577 20140604 RGD
631681 Cm12 Cardiac mass QTL 12 qtl RS:0000925 SS/JrRkb IEA S RGD:629621|PMID:12775577 20140604 RGD
631682 Bp115 Blood pressure QTL 115 qtl RS:0000055 AS IEA S RGD:629622|PMID:12473864 20140604 RGD
631682 Bp115 Blood pressure QTL 115 qtl RS:0000817 SS/Jr IEA S RGD:629622|PMID:12473864 20140604 RGD
631683 Bp116 Blood pressure QTL 116 qtl RS:0000055 AS IEA S RGD:629622|PMID:12473864 20140604 RGD
631683 Bp116 Blood pressure QTL 116 qtl RS:0000817 SS/Jr IEA S RGD:629622|PMID:12473864 20140604 RGD
631684 Bp117 Blood pressure QTL 117 qtl RS:0000771 WKY/Izm IEA S RGD:629623|PMID:12569259 20140604 RGD
631684 Bp117 Blood pressure QTL 117 qtl RS:0000774 SHRSP/A3Izm IEA S RGD:629623|PMID:12569259 20140604 RGD
631685 Bp118 Blood pressure QTL 118 qtl RS:0000771 WKY/Izm IEA S RGD:629623|PMID:12569259 20140604 RGD
631685 Bp118 Blood pressure QTL 118 qtl RS:0000774 SHRSP/A3Izm IEA S RGD:629623|PMID:12569259 20140604 RGD
631686 Bp119 Blood pressure QTL 119 qtl RS:0000771 WKY/Izm IEA S RGD:629623|PMID:12569259 20140604 RGD
631686 Bp119 Blood pressure QTL 119 qtl RS:0000774 SHRSP/A3Izm IEA S RGD:629623|PMID:12569259 20140604 RGD
631687 Hcas1 Hepatocarcinoma susceptibility QTL 1 qtl RS:0000155 BN/SsNHsd IEA S RGD:619598|PMID:10493520 20200530 RGD
631687 Hcas1 Hepatocarcinoma susceptibility QTL 1 qtl RS:0000363 F344/NHsd IEA S RGD:619598|PMID:10493520 20200530 RGD
631688 Hcas2 Hepatocarcinoma susceptibility QTL 2 qtl RS:0000155 BN/SsNHsd IEA S RGD:619598|PMID:10493520 20200530 RGD
631688 Hcas2 Hepatocarcinoma susceptibility QTL 2 qtl RS:0000363 F344/NHsd IEA S RGD:619598|PMID:10493520 20200530 RGD
631689 Scl4 Serum cholesterol level QTL 4 qtl RS:0000067 BB/OK IEA S RGD:619667|PMID:9633608 20140604 RGD
631689 Scl4 Serum cholesterol level QTL 4 qtl RS:0000749 SHR/Mol IEA S RGD:619667|PMID:9633608 20140604 RGD
631690 Scl5 Serum cholesterol level QTL 5 qtl RS:0000067 BB/OK IEA S RGD:619667|PMID:9633608 20140604 RGD
631690 Scl5 Serum cholesterol level QTL 5 qtl RS:0000749 SHR/Mol IEA S RGD:619667|PMID:9633608 20140604 RGD
631691 SHRSP/A3Izm strain RS:0000774 SHRSP/A3Izm IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
631693 WKY.SHRSP-(Shbg-Atp1b2)/Bbb strain RS:0001044 WKY.SHRSP-(Shbg-Atp1b2)/Bbb IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
631694 WKY.SHRSP-(D1Rat200-D1Rat216)/Bbb strain RS:0001046 WKY.SHRSP-(D1Rat200-D1Rat216)/Bbb IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
631695 SS/JrRkb strain RS:0000925 SS/JrRkb IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
631696 SHR/FubRkb strain RS:0000744 SHR/FubRkb IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
631697 BBDP/Hri strain RS:0000072 BBDP/Hri IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
631698 BN/Mol strain RS:0000143 BN/Mol IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
631699 BB.SHR-(D6Rat184-D6Rat101)/K strain RS:0000068 BB.SHR-(D6Rat184-D6Rat101)/K IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
631700 BB.SHR-(Gnal-D18Mit9)/K strain RS:0000069 BB.SHR-(Gnal-D18Mit9)/K IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
631703 SS.LEW-(D10Rat207-D10Mgh1)/Ayd strain RS:0000851 SS.LEW-(D10Rat207-D10Mgh1)/Ayd IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
631827 Alc4 Alcohol consumption QTL 4 qtl RS:0000389 Iusm:HAD1 IEA S RGD:631230|PMID:10979603 20140604 RGD
631827 Alc4 Alcohol consumption QTL 4 qtl RS:0000423 Iusm:LAD1 IEA S RGD:631230|PMID:10979603 20140604 RGD
631828 Alc5 Alcohol consumption QTL 5 qtl RS:0000389 Iusm:HAD1 IEA S RGD:631230|PMID:10979603 20140604 RGD
631828 Alc5 Alcohol consumption QTL 5 qtl RS:0000423 Iusm:LAD1 IEA S RGD:631230|PMID:10979603 20140604 RGD
631829 Alc6 Alcohol consumption QTL 6 qtl RS:0000389 Iusm:HAD1 IEA S RGD:631230|PMID:10979603 20140604 RGD
631829 Alc6 Alcohol consumption QTL 6 qtl RS:0000423 Iusm:LAD1 IEA S RGD:631230|PMID:10979603 20140604 RGD
631830 Alc7 Alcohol consumption QTL 7 qtl RS:0000389 Iusm:HAD1 IEA S RGD:724636|PMID:12960747 20140604 RGD
631830 Alc7 Alcohol consumption QTL 7 qtl RS:0000423 Iusm:LAD1 IEA S RGD:724636|PMID:12960747 20140604 RGD
631831 Alc8 Alcohol consumption QTL 8 qtl RS:0000610 iNP/Iusm IEA S RGD:631229|PMID:11958543 20230311 RGD
631831 Alc8 Alcohol consumption QTL 8 qtl RS:0000635 iP/Iusm IEA S RGD:631229|PMID:11958543 20230204 RGD
631832 Sach1 Saccharin preference QTL 1 qtl RS:0000610 iNP/Iusm IEA S RGD:631229|PMID:11958543 20230311 RGD
631832 Sach1 Saccharin preference QTL 1 qtl RS:0000635 iP/Iusm IEA S RGD:631229|PMID:11958543 20230204 RGD
631833 Sach2 Saccharin preference QTL 2 qtl RS:0000610 iNP/Iusm IEA S RGD:631229|PMID:11958543 20230311 RGD
631833 Sach2 Saccharin preference QTL 2 qtl RS:0000635 iP/Iusm IEA S RGD:631229|PMID:11958543 20230204 RGD
631834 Sach3 Saccharin preference QTL 3 qtl RS:0000610 iNP/Iusm IEA S RGD:631229|PMID:11958543 20230311 RGD
631834 Sach3 Saccharin preference QTL 3 qtl RS:0000635 iP/Iusm IEA S RGD:631229|PMID:11958543 20230204 RGD
631835 Scl67 Serum cholesterol level QTL 67 qtl RS:0000155 BN/SsNHsd IEA S RGD:619669|PMID:11071303 20140604 RGD
631835 Scl67 Serum cholesterol level QTL 67 qtl RS:0000625 OLETF/Got IEA S RGD:619669|PMID:11071303 20140604 RGD
631836 Stl31 Serum triglyceride level QTL 31 qtl RS:0000155 BN/SsNHsd IEA S RGD:619669|PMID:11071303 20140604 RGD
631836 Stl31 Serum triglyceride level QTL 31 qtl RS:0000625 OLETF/Got IEA S RGD:619669|PMID:11071303 20140604 RGD
631837 Niddm35 Non-insulin dependent diabetes mellitus QTL 35 qtl RS:0000280 F344.GK-(D1Arb42a-D1Rat90)/Swe IEA S RGD:619677|PMID:10580437 20140604 RGD
631838 Niddm36 Non-insulin dependent diabetes mellitus QTL 36 qtl RS:0000283 F344.GK-(D1Mit7-D1Mgh25)/Swe IEA S RGD:619688|PMID:11723056 20140604 RGD
631839 Niddm37 Non-insulin dependent diabetes mellitus QTL 37 qtl RS:0000284 OLETF IEA S RGD:619676|PMID:10218444 20140604 RGD
631839 Niddm37 Non-insulin dependent diabetes mellitus QTL 37 qtl RS:0000313 F344/NRrrc IEA S RGD:619676|PMID:10218444 20140604 RGD
631840 Niddm38 Non-insulin dependent diabetes mellitus QTL 38 qtl RS:0000284 OLETF IEA S RGD:619676|PMID:10218444 20140604 RGD
631840 Niddm38 Non-insulin dependent diabetes mellitus QTL 38 qtl RS:0000313 F344/NRrrc IEA S RGD:619676|PMID:10218444 20140604 RGD
631841 Niddm39 Non-insulin dependent diabetes mellitus QTL 39 qtl RS:0000284 OLETF IEA S RGD:619676|PMID:10218444 20140604 RGD
631841 Niddm39 Non-insulin dependent diabetes mellitus QTL 39 qtl RS:0000313 F344/NRrrc IEA S RGD:619676|PMID:10218444 20140604 RGD
631842 Inf1 Infertility severity QTL 1 qtl RS:0000116 BN-Lx/Cub IEA S RGD:631224|PMID:10615258 20140604 RGD
631842 Inf1 Infertility severity QTL 1 qtl RS:0000715 SHR/OlaIpcv IEA S RGD:631224|PMID:10615258 20140604 RGD
631843 Bw116 Body weight QTL 116 qtl RS:0000626 OLETF.F344-(D1Rat169-D1Rat459)/Got IEA S RGD:619669|PMID:11071303 20140604 RGD
631844 Iusm:HAD1 high-alcohol-drinking strain RS:0000389 Iusm:HAD1 IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
631845 Iusm:LAD1 low-alcohol-drinking strain RS:0000423 Iusm:LAD1 IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
631846 F344.GK-(D1Mgh10-D1Rat90)/Swe strain RS:0000282 F344.GK-(D1Mgh10-D1Rat90)/Swe IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
631847 F344.GK-(D1Mit7-D1Mgh25)/Swe strain RS:0000283 F344.GK-(D1Mit7-D1Mgh25)/Swe IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
631848 SHR/OlaIpcv strain RS:0000715 SHR/OlaIpcv IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
634305 Mamtr1 Mammary tumor resistance QTL 1 qtl RS:0001000 WF.WKY-(D5Wox7-D5Uwm37)/Uwm IEA S RGD:631852|PMID:12844486 20140604 RGD
634306 Bp140 Blood pressure QTL 140 qtl RS:0000757 SHR/Snk IEA S RGD:631322|PMID:11924719 20140604 RGD
634306 Bp140 Blood pressure QTL 140 qtl RS:0001075 WKY/Snk IEA S RGD:631322|PMID:11924719 20140604 RGD
634307 Bp141 Blood pressure QTL 141 qtl RS:0000523 LEW/NIcoCrlf IEA S RGD:631324|PMID:10523818 20140604 RGD
634307 Bp141 Blood pressure QTL 141 qtl RS:0000755 SHR/NIcoCrlf IEA S RGD:631324|PMID:10523818 20140604 RGD
634308 Sach6 Saccharin preference QTL 6 qtl RS:0000169 BXH/Ipcv IEA S RGD:631221|PMID:11958542 20140604 RGD
634308 Sach6 Saccharin preference QTL 6 qtl RS:0000401 HXB/Ipcv IEA S RGD:631221|PMID:11958542 20140604 RGD
634310 Bp142 Blood pressure QTL 142 qtl RS:0000523 LEW/NIcoCrlf IEA S RGD:631324|PMID:10523818 20140604 RGD
634310 Bp142 Blood pressure QTL 142 qtl RS:0000755 SHR/NIcoCrlf IEA S RGD:631324|PMID:10523818 20140604 RGD
634311 Sach7 Saccharin preference QTL 7 qtl RS:0000169 BXH/Ipcv IEA S RGD:631221|PMID:11958542 20140604 RGD
634311 Sach7 Saccharin preference QTL 7 qtl RS:0000401 HXB/Ipcv IEA S RGD:631221|PMID:11958542 20140604 RGD
634312 Bp143 Blood pressure QTL 143 qtl RS:0000785 SR/Hsd IEA S RGD:631325|PMID:11984003 20140604 RGD
634312 Bp143 Blood pressure QTL 143 qtl RS:0000922 SS/Hsd IEA S RGD:631325|PMID:11984003 20140604 RGD
634313 Niddm43 Non-insulin dependent diabetes mellitus QTL 43 qtl RS:0000282 F344.GK-(D1Mgh10-D1Rat90)/Swe IEA S RGD:619677|PMID:10580437 20140604 RGD
634314 Niddm44 Non-insulin dependent diabetes mellitus QTL 44 qtl RS:0000281 F344.GK-(D1Mgh10-D1Rat119)/Swe IEA S RGD:619677|PMID:10580437 20140604 RGD
634315 Niddm45 Non-insulin dependent diabetes mellitus QTL 45 qtl RS:0000113 BN IEA S RGD:619678|PMID:10373320 20140604 RGD
634315 Niddm45 Non-insulin dependent diabetes mellitus QTL 45 qtl RS:0000284 OLETF IEA S RGD:619678|PMID:10373320 20140604 RGD
634317 Bw117 Body weight QTL 117 qtl RS:0000113 BN IEA S RGD:619678|PMID:10373320 20140604 RGD
634317 Bw117 Body weight QTL 117 qtl RS:0000284 OLETF IEA S RGD:619678|PMID:10373320 20140604 RGD
634318 Bw118 Body weight QTL 118 qtl RS:0000113 BN IEA S RGD:619678|PMID:10373320 20140604 RGD
634318 Bw118 Body weight QTL 118 qtl RS:0000284 OLETF IEA S RGD:619678|PMID:10373320 20140604 RGD
634319 Bw119 Body weight QTL 119 qtl RS:0000113 BN IEA S RGD:619678|PMID:10373320 20140604 RGD
634319 Bw119 Body weight QTL 119 qtl RS:0000284 OLETF IEA S RGD:619678|PMID:10373320 20140604 RGD
634320 Niddm49 Non-insulin dependent diabetes mellitus QTL 49 qtl RS:0000113 BN IEA S RGD:619678|PMID:10373320 20140604 RGD
634320 Niddm49 Non-insulin dependent diabetes mellitus QTL 49 qtl RS:0000284 OLETF IEA S RGD:619678|PMID:10373320 20140604 RGD
634321 Hc1 Hypercalciuria QTL 1 qtl RS:0000742 WKY IEA S RGD:631855|PMID:12819244 20140604 RGD
634321 Hc1 Hypercalciuria QTL 1 qtl RS:0001315 GHS IEA S RGD:631855|PMID:12819244 20140604 RGD
634322 Bw12 Body weight QTL 12 qtl RS:0000133 BN/CrlCrlj IEA S RGD:619682|PMID:11414764 20140604 RGD
634322 Bw12 Body weight QTL 12 qtl RS:0000976 WBN/KobSlc IEA S RGD:619682|PMID:11414764 20140604 RGD
634323 Hc2 Hypercalciuria QTL 2 qtl RS:0000742 WKY IEA S RGD:631855|PMID:12819244 20140604 RGD
634323 Hc2 Hypercalciuria QTL 2 qtl RS:0001315 GHS IEA S RGD:631855|PMID:12819244 20140604 RGD
634325 Bw13 Body weight QTL 13 qtl RS:0000133 BN/CrlCrlj IEA S RGD:619682|PMID:11414764 20140604 RGD
634325 Bw13 Body weight QTL 13 qtl RS:0000976 WBN/KobSlc IEA S RGD:619682|PMID:11414764 20140604 RGD
634326 Hc3 Hypercalciuria QTL 3 qtl RS:0000742 WKY IEA S RGD:631855|PMID:12819244 20140604 RGD
634326 Hc3 Hypercalciuria QTL 3 qtl RS:0001315 GHS IEA S RGD:631855|PMID:12819244 20140604 RGD
634327 Hc4 Hypercalciuria QTL 4 qtl RS:0000742 WKY IEA S RGD:631855|PMID:12819244 20140604 RGD
634327 Hc4 Hypercalciuria QTL 4 qtl RS:0001315 GHS IEA S RGD:631855|PMID:12819244 20140604 RGD
634328 Hc5 Hypercalciuria QTL 5 qtl RS:0000742 WKY IEA S RGD:631855|PMID:12819244 20140604 RGD
634328 Hc5 Hypercalciuria QTL 5 qtl RS:0001315 GHS IEA S RGD:631855|PMID:12819244 20140604 RGD
634329 Pia15 Pristane induced arthritis QTL 15 qtl RS:0000208 E3/ZtmRhd IEA S RGD:631850|PMID:12817024 20140604 RGD
634329 Pia15 Pristane induced arthritis QTL 15 qtl RS:0001675 DA/ZtmRhd IEA S RGD:631850|PMID:12817024 20140604 RGD
634330 Pia16 Pristane induced arthritis QTL 16 qtl RS:0000208 E3/ZtmRhd IEA S RGD:631850|PMID:12817024 20140604 RGD
634330 Pia16 Pristane induced arthritis QTL 16 qtl RS:0001675 DA/ZtmRhd IEA S RGD:631850|PMID:12817024 20140604 RGD
634331 Pia17 Pristane induced arthritis QTL 17 qtl RS:0000208 E3/ZtmRhd IEA S RGD:631850|PMID:12817024 20140604 RGD
634331 Pia17 Pristane induced arthritis QTL 17 qtl RS:0001675 DA/ZtmRhd IEA S RGD:631850|PMID:12817024 20140604 RGD
634332 Pia18 Pristane induced arthritis QTL 18 qtl RS:0000208 E3/ZtmRhd IEA S RGD:631850|PMID:12817024 20140604 RGD
634332 Pia18 Pristane induced arthritis QTL 18 qtl RS:0001675 DA/ZtmRhd IEA S RGD:631850|PMID:12817024 20140604 RGD
634333 Pia19 Pristane induced arthritis QTL 19 qtl RS:0000208 E3/ZtmRhd IEA S RGD:631850|PMID:12817024 20140604 RGD
634333 Pia19 Pristane induced arthritis QTL 19 qtl RS:0001675 DA/ZtmRhd IEA S RGD:631850|PMID:12817024 20140604 RGD
634334 Xhs3 X-ray hypersensitivity QTL 3 qtl RS:0000153 BN/Sea IEA S RGD:631318|PMID:11381618 20140604 RGD
634334 Xhs3 X-ray hypersensitivity QTL 3 qtl RS:0000443 LEA/Ncu IEA S RGD:631318|PMID:11381618 20140604 RGD
634335 Anxrr16 Anxiety related response QTL 16 qtl RS:0000523 LEW/NIcoCrlf IEA S RGD:631324|PMID:10523818 20140604 RGD
634335 Anxrr16 Anxiety related response QTL 16 qtl RS:0000755 SHR/NIcoCrlf IEA S RGD:631324|PMID:10523818 20140604 RGD
634335 Anxrr16 Anxiety related response QTL 16 qtl RS:0004206 SHR.LEW-(D4Rat76-D4Mgh11)/Anra IEA S RGD:631324|PMID:10523818 20161008 RGD
634336 Anxrr17 Anxiety related response QTL 17 qtl RS:0000523 LEW/NIcoCrlf IEA S RGD:631324|PMID:10523818 20140604 RGD
634336 Anxrr17 Anxiety related response QTL 17 qtl RS:0000755 SHR/NIcoCrlf IEA S RGD:631324|PMID:10523818 20140604 RGD
634338 Hcar4 Hepatocarcinoma resistance QTL 4 qtl RS:0000249 DRH/Seac IEA S RGD:619609|PMID:10850431 20140604 RGD
634338 Hcar4 Hepatocarcinoma resistance QTL 4 qtl RS:0000313 F344/NRrrc IEA S RGD:619609|PMID:10850431 20140604 RGD
634339 Niddm50 Non-insulin dependent diabetes mellitus QTL 50 qtl RS:0000113 BN IEA S RGD:619678|PMID:10373320 20140604 RGD
634339 Niddm50 Non-insulin dependent diabetes mellitus QTL 50 qtl RS:0000284 OLETF IEA S RGD:619678|PMID:10373320 20140604 RGD
634340 Hcar5 Hepatocarcinoma resistance QTL 5 qtl RS:0000249 DRH/Seac IEA S RGD:619609|PMID:10850431 20140604 RGD
634340 Hcar5 Hepatocarcinoma resistance QTL 5 qtl RS:0000313 F344/NRrrc IEA S RGD:619609|PMID:10850431 20140604 RGD
634341 Bw121 Body weight QTL 121 qtl RS:0000113 BN IEA S RGD:619678|PMID:10373320 20140604 RGD
634341 Bw121 Body weight QTL 121 qtl RS:0000284 OLETF IEA S RGD:619678|PMID:10373320 20140604 RGD
634342 Cia24 Collagen induced arthritis QTL 24 qtl RS:0000154 BN/SsN IEA S RGD:61066|PMID:10857786 20140604 RGD
634342 Cia24 Collagen induced arthritis QTL 24 qtl RS:0000239 DA/Bkl IEA S RGD:61066|PMID:10857786 20140604 RGD
634343 Hcar6 Hepatocarcinoma resistance QTL 6 qtl RS:0000249 DRH/Seac IEA S RGD:619609|PMID:10850431 20140604 RGD
634343 Hcar6 Hepatocarcinoma resistance QTL 6 qtl RS:0000313 F344/NRrrc IEA S RGD:619609|PMID:10850431 20140604 RGD
634344 Hcar7 Hepatocarcinoma resistance QTL 7 qtl RS:0000249 DRH/Seac IEA S RGD:619609|PMID:10850431 20140604 RGD
634344 Hcar7 Hepatocarcinoma resistance QTL 7 qtl RS:0000313 F344/NRrrc IEA S RGD:619609|PMID:10850431 20140604 RGD
634346 Insul4 Insulin level QTL 4 qtl RS:0000133 BN/CrlCrlj IEA S RGD:619682|PMID:11414764 20140604 RGD
634346 Insul4 Insulin level QTL 4 qtl RS:0000976 WBN/KobSlc IEA S RGD:619682|PMID:11414764 20140604 RGD
634347 Hcar8 Hepatocarcinoma resistance QTL 8 qtl RS:0000249 DRH/Seac IEA S RGD:619609|PMID:10850431 20140604 RGD
634347 Hcar8 Hepatocarcinoma resistance QTL 8 qtl RS:0000313 F344/NRrrc IEA S RGD:619609|PMID:10850431 20140604 RGD
634348 Bp138 Blood pressure QTL 138 qtl RS:0000770 SHRSP/Izm IEA S RGD:631321|PMID:12358148 20140604 RGD
634348 Bp138 Blood pressure QTL 138 qtl RS:0000771 WKY/Izm IEA S RGD:631321|PMID:12358148 20140604 RGD
634349 Bp139 Blood pressure QTL 139 qtl RS:0000723 SHR.BN-(D5Wox12-D5Wox20)/Ipcv IEA S RGD:631851|PMID:12790759 20140604 RGD
634350 Apr4 Acute phase response QTL 4 qtl RS:0000014 DA IEA S RGD:629561|PMID:11817600 20140604 RGD
634350 Apr4 Acute phase response QTL 4 qtl RS:0000202 E3 IEA S RGD:629561|PMID:11817600 20140604 RGD
634351 Apr5 Acute phase response QTL 5 qtl RS:0000014 DA IEA S RGD:629561|PMID:11817600 20140604 RGD
634351 Apr5 Acute phase response QTL 5 qtl RS:0000202 E3 IEA S RGD:629561|PMID:11817600 20140604 RGD
634352 Apr6 Acute phase response QTL 6 qtl RS:0000014 DA IEA S RGD:629561|PMID:11817600 20140604 RGD
634352 Apr6 Acute phase response QTL 6 qtl RS:0000202 E3 IEA S RGD:629561|PMID:11817600 20140604 RGD
634353 Rends2 Renal damage susceptibility QTL 2 qtl RS:0000015 SHR IEA S RGD:631854|PMID:12874092 20140604 RGD
634353 Rends2 Renal damage susceptibility QTL 2 qtl RS:0000759 SHRSP IEA S RGD:631854|PMID:12874092 20140604 RGD
634354 Rends3 Renal damage susceptibility QTL 3 qtl RS:0000015 SHR IEA S RGD:631854|PMID:12874092 20140604 RGD
634354 Rends3 Renal damage susceptibility QTL 3 qtl RS:0000759 SHRSP IEA S RGD:631854|PMID:12874092 20140604 RGD
634355 Rends4 Renal damage susceptibility QTL 4 qtl RS:0000015 SHR IEA S RGD:631854|PMID:12874092 20140604 RGD
634355 Rends4 Renal damage susceptibility QTL 4 qtl RS:0000759 SHRSP IEA S RGD:631854|PMID:12874092 20140604 RGD
634359 WF.WKY-(D5Pas1-D5Uwm37)/Uwm strain RS:0001000 WF.WKY-(D5Wox7-D5Uwm37)/Uwm IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
634363 LEW/NIcoCrlf strain RS:0000523 LEW/NIcoCrlf IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
634364 SHR/NIcoCrlf strain RS:0000755 SHR/NIcoCrlf IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
634365 SS/Hsd strain RS:0000922 SS/Hsd IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
634366 SR/Hsd strain RS:0000785 SR/Hsd IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
634367 BN/CrlCrlj strain RS:0000133 BN/CrlCrlj IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
634369 WBN/KobSlc wistar bonn/kobori strain RS:0000976 WBN/KobSlc IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
634370 F344.GK-(D1Mgh10-D1Rat119)/Swe strain RS:0000281 F344.GK-(D1Mgh10-D1Rat119)/Swe IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
634372 GHS strain RS:0001315 GHS IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
634373 DA/ZtmRhd strain RS:0001675 DA/ZtmRhd IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
634374 E3/ZtmRhd strain RS:0000208 E3/ZtmRhd IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
634376 LEA/Ncu strain RS:0000443 LEA/Ncu IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
634377 BN/Sea BN/Sea strain RS:0000153 BN/Sea IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
634380 iP/Iusm inbred alcohol-preferring strain RS:0000635 iP/Iusm IEA S RGD:7241799 20230506 RGD
634380 iP/Iusm inbred alcohol-preferring strain RS:0001377 Iusm:P IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
634381 iNP/Iusm alcohol-nonpreferring strain RS:0000610 iNP/Iusm IEA S RGD:7241799 20230506 RGD
634381 iNP/Iusm alcohol-nonpreferring strain RS:0001375 Iusm:NP IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
634382 SHR.BN-(D5Wox12-D5Wox20)/Ipcv strain RS:0000723 SHR.BN-(D5Wox12-D5Wox20)/Ipcv IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
634743 BIL strain RS:0000107 BIL IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
6478680 Anxrr29 Anxiety related response QTL 29 qtl RS:0003200 SHR/NCrlAnra IEA S RGD:6218999|PMID:21516450 20140604 RGD
6478680 Anxrr29 Anxiety related response QTL 29 qtl RS:0003201 LEW/HsdUnibAnra IEA S RGD:6218999|PMID:21516450 20140604 RGD
6478684 Anxrr30 Anxiety related response QTL 30 qtl RS:0003200 SHR/NCrlAnra IEA S RGD:6218999|PMID:21516450 20140604 RGD
6478684 Anxrr30 Anxiety related response QTL 30 qtl RS:0003201 LEW/HsdUnibAnra IEA S RGD:6218999|PMID:21516450 20140604 RGD
6478686 Anxrr31 Anxiety related response QTL 31 qtl RS:0003200 SHR/NCrlAnra IEA S RGD:6218999|PMID:21516450 20140604 RGD
6478686 Anxrr31 Anxiety related response QTL 31 qtl RS:0003201 LEW/HsdUnibAnra IEA S RGD:6218999|PMID:21516450 20140604 RGD
6478693 Anxrr32 Anxiety related response QTL 32 qtl RS:0003200 SHR/NCrlAnra IEA S RGD:6218999|PMID:21516450 20140604 RGD
6478693 Anxrr32 Anxiety related response QTL 32 qtl RS:0003201 LEW/HsdUnibAnra IEA S RGD:6218999|PMID:21516450 20140604 RGD
6478700 Anxrr33 Anxiety related response QTL 33 qtl RS:0003200 SHR/NCrlAnra IEA S RGD:6218999|PMID:21516450 20151128 RGD
6478700 Anxrr33 Anxiety related response QTL 33 qtl RS:0003201 LEW/HsdUnibAnra IEA S RGD:6218999|PMID:21516450 20151128 RGD
6478718 Anxrr34 Anxiety related response QTL 34 qtl RS:0003200 SHR/NCrlAnra IEA S RGD:6218999|PMID:21516450 20151128 RGD
6478718 Anxrr34 Anxiety related response QTL 34 qtl RS:0003201 LEW/HsdUnibAnra IEA S RGD:6218999|PMID:21516450 20151128 RGD
6478720 Alc23 Alcohol consumption QTL 23 qtl RS:0003200 SHR/NCrlAnra IEA S RGD:6218999|PMID:21516450 20140604 RGD
6478720 Alc23 Alcohol consumption QTL 23 qtl RS:0003201 LEW/HsdUnibAnra IEA S RGD:6218999|PMID:21516450 20140604 RGD
6478724 Anxrr35 Anxiety related response QTL 35 qtl RS:0003200 SHR/NCrlAnra IEA S RGD:6218999|PMID:21516450 20151128 RGD
6478724 Anxrr35 Anxiety related response QTL 35 qtl RS:0003201 LEW/HsdUnibAnra IEA S RGD:6218999|PMID:21516450 20151128 RGD
6478728 Anxrr36 Anxiety related response QTL 36 qtl RS:0003200 SHR/NCrlAnra IEA S RGD:6218999|PMID:21516450 20151128 RGD
6478728 Anxrr36 Anxiety related response QTL 36 qtl RS:0003201 LEW/HsdUnibAnra IEA S RGD:6218999|PMID:21516450 20151128 RGD
6478733 Anxrr37 Anxiety related response QTL 37 qtl RS:0003200 SHR/NCrlAnra IEA S RGD:6218999|PMID:21516450 20151128 RGD
6478733 Anxrr37 Anxiety related response QTL 37 qtl RS:0003201 LEW/HsdUnibAnra IEA S RGD:6218999|PMID:21516450 20151128 RGD
6478737 Anxrr38 Anxiety related response QTL 38 qtl RS:0003200 SHR/NCrlAnra IEA S RGD:6218999|PMID:21516450 20151128 RGD
6478737 Anxrr38 Anxiety related response QTL 38 qtl RS:0003201 LEW/HsdUnibAnra IEA S RGD:6218999|PMID:21516450 20151128 RGD
6478740 Anxrr39 Anxiety related response QTL 39 qtl RS:0003200 SHR/NCrlAnra IEA S RGD:6218999|PMID:21516450 20140604 RGD
6478740 Anxrr39 Anxiety related response QTL 39 qtl RS:0003201 LEW/HsdUnibAnra IEA S RGD:6218999|PMID:21516450 20140604 RGD
6478743 Anxrr40 Anxiety related response QTL 40 qtl RS:0003200 SHR/NCrlAnra IEA S RGD:6218999|PMID:21516450 20140604 RGD
6478743 Anxrr40 Anxiety related response QTL 40 qtl RS:0003201 LEW/HsdUnibAnra IEA S RGD:6218999|PMID:21516450 20140604 RGD
6478745 Anxrr41 Anxiety related response QTL 41 qtl RS:0003200 SHR/NCrlAnra IEA S RGD:6218999|PMID:21516450 20140604 RGD
6478745 Anxrr41 Anxiety related response QTL 41 qtl RS:0003201 LEW/HsdUnibAnra IEA S RGD:6218999|PMID:21516450 20140604 RGD
6478748 Anxrr42 Anxiety related response QTL 42 qtl RS:0003200 SHR/NCrlAnra IEA S RGD:6218999|PMID:21516450 20140604 RGD
6478748 Anxrr42 Anxiety related response QTL 42 qtl RS:0003201 LEW/HsdUnibAnra IEA S RGD:6218999|PMID:21516450 20140604 RGD
6478754 Anxrr43 Anxiety related response QTL 43 qtl RS:0003200 SHR/NCrlAnra IEA S RGD:6218999|PMID:21516450 20151128 RGD
6478754 Anxrr43 Anxiety related response QTL 43 qtl RS:0003201 LEW/HsdUnibAnra IEA S RGD:6218999|PMID:21516450 20151128 RGD
6478757 Anxrr44 Anxiety related response QTL 44 qtl RS:0003200 SHR/NCrlAnra IEA S RGD:6218999|PMID:21516450 20151128 RGD
6478757 Anxrr44 Anxiety related response QTL 44 qtl RS:0003201 LEW/HsdUnibAnra IEA S RGD:6218999|PMID:21516450 20151128 RGD
6478760 Anxrr45 Anxiety related response QTL 45 qtl RS:0003200 SHR/NCrlAnra IEA S RGD:6218999|PMID:21516450 20151128 RGD
6478760 Anxrr45 Anxiety related response QTL 45 qtl RS:0003201 LEW/HsdUnibAnra IEA S RGD:6218999|PMID:21516450 20151128 RGD
6478763 Anxrr46 Anxiety related response QTL 46 qtl RS:0003200 SHR/NCrlAnra IEA S RGD:6218999|PMID:21516450 20151128 RGD
6478763 Anxrr46 Anxiety related response QTL 46 qtl RS:0003201 LEW/HsdUnibAnra IEA S RGD:6218999|PMID:21516450 20151128 RGD
6478766 Anxrr47 Anxiety related response QTL 47 qtl RS:0003200 SHR/NCrlAnra IEA S RGD:6218999|PMID:21516450 20140604 RGD
6478766 Anxrr47 Anxiety related response QTL 47 qtl RS:0003201 LEW/HsdUnibAnra IEA S RGD:6218999|PMID:21516450 20140604 RGD
6478769 Anxrr48 Anxiety related response QTL 48 qtl RS:0003200 SHR/NCrlAnra IEA S RGD:6218999|PMID:21516450 20151128 RGD
6478769 Anxrr48 Anxiety related response QTL 48 qtl RS:0003201 LEW/HsdUnibAnra IEA S RGD:6218999|PMID:21516450 20151128 RGD
6478772 Anxrr49 Anxiety related response QTL 49 qtl RS:0003200 SHR/NCrlAnra IEA S RGD:6218999|PMID:21516450 20140604 RGD
6478772 Anxrr49 Anxiety related response QTL 49 qtl RS:0003201 LEW/HsdUnibAnra IEA S RGD:6218999|PMID:21516450 20140604 RGD
6478775 Anxrr50 Anxiety related response QTL 50 qtl RS:0003200 SHR/NCrlAnra IEA S RGD:6218999|PMID:21516450 20140604 RGD
6478775 Anxrr50 Anxiety related response QTL 50 qtl RS:0003201 LEW/HsdUnibAnra IEA S RGD:6218999|PMID:21516450 20140604 RGD
6478778 Anxrr51 Anxiety related response QTL 51 qtl RS:0003200 SHR/NCrlAnra IEA S RGD:6218999|PMID:21516450 20140604 RGD
6478778 Anxrr51 Anxiety related response QTL 51 qtl RS:0003201 LEW/HsdUnibAnra IEA S RGD:6218999|PMID:21516450 20140604 RGD
6478782 Anxrr52 Anxiety related response QTL 52 qtl RS:0003200 SHR/NCrlAnra IEA S RGD:6218999|PMID:21516450 20151128 RGD
6478782 Anxrr52 Anxiety related response QTL 52 qtl RS:0003201 LEW/HsdUnibAnra IEA S RGD:6218999|PMID:21516450 20151128 RGD
6478785 Anxrr53 Anxiety related response QTL 53 qtl RS:0003200 SHR/NCrlAnra IEA S RGD:6218999|PMID:21516450 20151128 RGD
6478785 Anxrr53 Anxiety related response QTL 53 qtl RS:0003201 LEW/HsdUnibAnra IEA S RGD:6218999|PMID:21516450 20151128 RGD
6478788 STOCK-Tp53tm1(EGFP-Pac)Qly/Rrrc p53 knockout rat strain RS:0003202 STOCK-Tp53tm1(EGFP-Pac)Qly/Rrrc IEA S RGD:7241799 20200516 RGD
6478789 LEW-Tg(CAG-EGFP)YsRrrc strain RS:0003203 LEW-Tg(CAG-EGFP)YsRrrc IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
6478791 F344-Tg(UBC-EGFP)F455Rrrc strain RS:0003204 F344-Tg(UBC-EGFP)F455Rrrc IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
6480190 NAft:HS Heterogeneous stock strain RS:0003205 NAft:HS IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
6480205 MWF-Chr 6SHR Chr 8SHR/Rkb strain RS:0003206 MWF-Chr 6SHR Chr 8SHR/Rkb IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
6480210 SHR-Chr 8MWF/Rkb strain RS:0003207 SHR-Chr 8MWF/Rkb IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
6480218 AR-Ednrbsl/Hkv Aganglionosis rat strain RS:0003208 AR-Ednrbsl/Hkv IEA S RGD:7241799 20200516 RGD
6480220 LEH/Hkv Aganglionosis rat strain RS:0003209 LEH/Hkv IEA S RGD:7241799 20200516 RGD
6480223 F344.AR-Ednrbsl/Hkv Aganglionosis rat strain RS:0003210 F344.AR-EdnrbslHkv IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
6480225 Gdil1 Gastrointestinal dilation QTL 1 qtl RS:0003208 AR-Ednrbsl/Hkv IEA S RGD:6480215|PMID:22132166 20140604 RGD
6480225 Gdil1 Gastrointestinal dilation QTL 1 qtl RS:0003210 F344.AR-EdnrbslHkv IEA S RGD:6480215|PMID:22132166 20140604 RGD
6480773 Gluco64 Glucose level QTL 64 qtl RS:0002539 NMcwi:HS IEA S RGD:6893578|PMID:22947656 20140604 RGD
6480777 Insul17 Insulin level QTL 17 qtl RS:0002539 NMcwi:HS IEA S RGD:6893578|PMID:22947656 20140604 RGD
6480780 Insul18 Insulin level QTL 18 qtl RS:0002539 NMcwi:HS IEA S RGD:6893578|PMID:22947656 20140604 RGD
6480783 Insul19 Insulin level QTL 19 qtl RS:0002539 NMcwi:HS IEA S RGD:6893578|PMID:22947656 20140604 RGD
6480786 Bw97 Body weight QTL 97 qtl RS:0002539 NMcwi:HS IEA S RGD:6893578|PMID:22947656 20140604 RGD
6480863 BBDR/RhwRrrc strain RS:0003216 BBDR/RhwRrrc IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
6480866 BN-Chr 13LH/MavRrrc strain RS:0003219 BN-Chr 13LH/MavRrrc IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
6480868 BN-Chr 2LH/MavRrrc strain RS:0003220 BN-Chr 2LH/MavRrrc IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
6480874 COP.DA-(D16Rat12-D16Rat90)/McoRrrc strain RS:0003221 COP.DA-(D16Rat12-D16Rat90)/McoRrrc IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
6482243 WI-CitfhJjlo/Rrrc flathead rat strain RS:0003222 WI-CitfhJjlo/Rrrc IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
6482244 SS-Tg(APOA1)116OpazRrrc strain RS:0003223 SS-Tg(APOA1)116OpazRrrc IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
6482245 SS-Tg(Atp1a1)24OpazRrrc strain RS:0003225 SS-Tg(Atp1a1)24OpazRrrc IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
6482247 FDIO/Rrrc strain RS:0003226 FDIO/Rrrc IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
6482252 F344-Tg(Pgk1-EGFP)/Rrrc strain RS:0003227 F344-Tg(Pgk1-EGFP)/Rrrc IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
6482254 Gunn-Ugt1a1j/BluHsdRrrc Gunn rat strain RS:0000267 Gunn-Ugt1a1j/BluHsdRrrc IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
6482256 HS/Rrrc High Self-Administration strain RS:0003228 HS/Rrrc IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
6482259 LS/Rrrc Low Self-Administration strain RS:0003229 LS/Rrrc IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
6482268 BRAT-Avpdi/BluHsdRrrc Brattleboro strain RS:0003230 BRAT-Avpdi/BluHsdRrrc IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
6482271 LEW.Cg-Foxn1rnu/NRrrc strain RS:0002672 LEW.Cg-Foxn1rnu/NRrrc IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
6482282 LEW-Tg(EGFP)463-5Rrrc Lewis- GFP transgenic strain RS:0003231 LEW-Tg(EGFP)463-5Rrrc IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
6482284 LEW-Tg(EGFP)456-9Rrrc Lewis- GFP transgenic strain RS:0003232 LEW-Tg(EGFP)456-9Rrrc IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
6482286 LEW-Tg(EGFP)458-7Rrrc Lewis- GFP transgenic strain RS:0003233 LEW-Tg(EGFP)458-7Rrrc IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
6482288 LEW-Tg(EGFP)463-1Rrrc Lewis- GFP transgenic strain RS:0003234 LEW-Tg(EGFP)463-1Rrrc IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
6482290 LEW-Tg(EGFP)455Rrrc Lewis- GFP transgenic strain RS:0003235 LEW-Tg(EGFP)455Rrrc IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
6482292 LEW-Tg((ROSA)26Sor-lacZ)15Jmsk strain RS:0003236 LEW-Tg((ROSA)26Sor-lacZ)15Jmsk IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
6482294 LH-Chr 13BN/MavRrrc strain RS:0003238 LH-Chr 13BN/MavRrrc IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
6482296 LH-Chr 17BN/MavRrrc strain RS:0003239 LH-Chr 17BN/MavRrrc IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
6482298 MWF/ZtmRrrc Munich Wistar Fromter strain RS:0003240 MWF/ZtmRrrc IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
6482643 WIN/RhwRrrc strain RS:0003241 WIN/RhwRrrc IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
6482645 SD-Tg(Rho-S334X)3LavRrrc strain RS:0003242 SD-Tg(Rho*S334X)3LavRrrc IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
6482654 ACI.BN-(D7Rat36-D7Rat11)/Shul strain RS:0003243 ACI.BN-(D7Rat36-D7Rat11)/Shul IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
6482674 HIS/NdkRrrc High-Saccharin-Consuming (HiS) Rat strain RS:0003244 HIS/NdkRrrc IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
6482676 LOS/NdkRrrc Low-Saccharin-Consuming (HiS) Rat strain RS:0003245 LOS/NdkRrrc IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
6482680 SD-Tg(MMTV-Erbb2)1UwmRrrc strain RS:0003246 SD-Tg(MMTV-Erbb2)1UwmRrrc IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
6483453 SS-Dguokem2Mcwi strain RS:0004264 SS-Dguokem2Mcwi IEA S RGD:7241799 20170204 RGD
6483454 SS-Dguokem1Mcwi strain RS:0003247 SS-Dguokem1Mcwi IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
6483455 SS-Dguokem3Mcwi strain RS:0003248 SS-Dguokem3Mcwi IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
6483846 HsdFcen:WI Wistar strain RS:0003250 HsdFcen:WI IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
6484519 SS-ROSA26em1(SB11)Mcwi strain RS:0003251 SS-ROSA26em1(SB11)Mcwi IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
6484559 SS-Slc34a1em1Mcwi strain RS:0003252 SS-Slc34a1em1Mcwi IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
6484560 SS-Pdcem2Mcwi strain RS:0003253 SS-Pdcem2Mcwi IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
6484561 SS-Comtem1Mcwi strain RS:0003254 SS-Comtem1Mcwi IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
6484562 SS-Fgf5em1Mcwi strain RS:0003256 SS-Fgf5em1Mcwi IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
6484563 SS-Cst3em3Mcwi strain RS:0003257 SS-Cst3em3Mcwi IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
6484564 SS-Cd247em3Mcwi strain RS:0003258 SS-Cd247em3Mcwi IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
6484565 SS-Ldlrem3Mcwi strain RS:0003259 SS-Ldlrem3Mcwi IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
6484566 SS-Slc6a12em1Mcwi strain RS:0003260 SS-Slc6a12em1Mcwi IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
6484567 FHH-Chr 1BN-Sorcs3em1Mcwi strain RS:0003261 FHH-Chr 1BN-Sorcs3em1Mcwi IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
6484568 SS-Cd247em5Mcwi strain RS:0003262 SS-Cd247em5Mcwi IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
6484569 SS-Adora2bem1Mcwi strain RS:0003263 SS-Adora2bem1Mcwi IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
6484570 SS-Stc1em2Mcwi strain RS:0003264 SS-Stc1em2Mcwi IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
6484571 SS-Myadml2em5Mcwi strain RS:0003265 SS-Myadml2em5Mcwi IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
6484572 SS-Fgf5em5Mcwi strain RS:0003266 SS-Fgf5em5Mcwi IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
6484573 SS-Clcn6em2Mcwi strain RS:0003267 SS-Clcn6em2Mcwi IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
6484574 SS-Umodem1Mcwi strain RS:0003268 SS-Umodem1Mcwi IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
6484575 SS-Resp18em3Mcwi strain RS:0003269 SS-Resp18em3Mcwi IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
6484576 SS-Adipoqem1Mcwi strain RS:0003270 SS-Adipoqem1Mcwi IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
6484577 SS-Gnb3em1Mcwi strain RS:0003271 SS-Gnb3em1Mcwi IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
6484578 SS-Mylipem1Mcwi strain RS:0003272 SS-Mylipem1Mcwi IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
6484579 SS-Chr 5BN-Cyp4a3em3Mcwi strain RS:0003273 SS-Chr 5BN-Cyp4a3em3Mcwi IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
6484580 SS-Ldlrem2Mcwi strain RS:0003274 SS-Ldlrem2Mcwi IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
6484581 SS-Resp18em2Mcwi strain RS:0003275 SS-Resp18em2Mcwi IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
6484582 SS-Cd247em1Mcwi strain RS:0003276 SS-Cd247em1Mcwi IEA S RGD:7241799 20230930 RGD
6484583 SS-Nr2f2em1Mcwi strain RS:0003277 SS-Nr2f2em1Mcwi IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
6484584 SS-Adipoqem2Mcwi strain RS:0003278 SS-Adipoqem2Mcwi IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
6484585 SS-Slc7a9em2Mcwi strain RS:0003279 SS-Slc7a9em2Mcwi IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
6484711 SS-Atp2b1em2Mcwi strain RS:0003280 SS-Atp2b1em2Mcwi IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
6484712 SS-Lpin1em1Mcwi strain RS:0003281 SS-Lpin1em1Mcwi IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
6484713 SS-Cubnem1Mcwi strain RS:0003282 SS-Cubnem1Mcwi IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
6484714 SS-Lssem2Mcwi strain RS:0003283 SS-Lssem2Mcwi IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
6484715 SS-Adora2bem2Mcwi strain RS:0003284 SS-Adora2bem2Mcwi IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
6484716 SS-Bcat1em2Mcwi strain RS:0003285 SS-Bcat1em2Mcwi IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
6484717 SS-Cacna1hem2Mcwi strain RS:0003286 SS-Cacna1hem2Mcwi IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
6484718 SS-Aceem2Mcwi strain RS:0003287 SS-Aceem2Mcwi IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
6484719 SS-Leprem2Mcwi strain RS:0003288 SS-Leprem2Mcwi IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
6484720 SS-Lepem5Mcwi strain RS:0003289 SS-Lepem5Mcwi IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
6484721 SS-Aceem1Mcwi strain RS:0003290 SS-Aceem1Mcwi IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
6766770 BBDR.BBDP-(D4Mit6-D4Mit7)/RhwMcwi strain RS:0003292 BBDR.BBDP-(D4Mit6-D4Mit7)/RhwMcwi IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
67934 WOKA strain RS:0001085 WOKA IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
67935 WOKW strain RS:0000065 WOKW IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
67936 WR strain RS:0001088 WR IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
67937 WST strain RS:0001089 WST IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
67938 Y59 strain RS:0001092 Y59 IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
67939 YA/N strain RS:0001093 YA/N IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
67940 YO strain RS:0001094 YO IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
67941 Z61 strain RS:0001100 Z61 IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
67942 ZI strain RS:0001102 ZI IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
67943 SHE/N-cp strain RS:0000712 SHE/N-cp IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
67945 IS strain RS:0000409 IS IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
67948 JC strain RS:0000412 JC IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
67957 APR strain RS:0000052 APR IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
67958 AS Albino Surgery strain RS:0000055 AS IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
67959 AS2 strain RS:0000373 AS2 IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
67960 AUG strain RS:0000027 AUG IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
67962 AN strain RS:0000048 AN IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
67965 AXC strain RS:0000369 AXC IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
67966 B strain RS:0000060 B IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
67967 B/1N strain RS:0001605 B/1N IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
67971 BBZ strain RS:0000079 BBZ IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
67974 BDE strain RS:0000083 BDE IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
67975 BDI strain RS:0000085 BDI IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
67976 BDII strain RS:0000086 BDII IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
67977 BDIII strain RS:0000088 BDIII IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
67978 BDIV strain RS:0000089 BDIV IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
67981 BDV strain RS:0000094 BDV IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
67983 BDVI strain RS:0000095 BDVI IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
67984 BDVII strain RS:0000096 BDVII IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
67986 BDVIII strain RS:0000098 BDVIII IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
67987 BDX strain RS:0000099 BDX IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
67988 BEG strain RS:0000101 BEG IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
67989 BH strain RS:0000102 BH IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
67990 BI strain RS:0000106 BI IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
67991 BIL/1 strain RS:0000108 BIL/1 IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
67993 BIL/2 strain RS:0000109 BIL/2 IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
68000 BIRMB strain RS:0000111 BIRMB IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
68001 BLK/N strain RS:0000112 BLK/N IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
68007 BROFO strain RS:0000160 BROFO IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
68008 BS strain RS:0000161 BS IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
68011 C strain RS:0000171 C IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
68012 CAP strain RS:0000172 CAP IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
68013 CAR/N Hunt-Hoppert caries resistant; CA/R strain RS:0000174 CAR/N IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
68014 CAS strain RS:0000175 CAS IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
68015 CBH strain RS:0000176 CBH IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
68018 CPB-WE strain RS:0000187 CPB-WE IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
68019 CRDH Cohen Rosenthal Diabetic Hypertensive strain RS:0000188 CRDH IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
68020 CWS strain RS:0000189 CWS IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
68022 DB strain RS:0000248 DB IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
68023 DEBR Dundee experimental bald rat strain RS:0000251 DEBR IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
68026 DSS/1N strain RS:0000256 DSS/1N IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
68027 DSS/2N strain RS:0000257 DSS/2N IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
68028 DSS/3N strain RS:0000258 DSS/3N IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
68029 DXE-1 strain RS:0000381 DXE-1 IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
68031 ET strain RS:0000263 ET IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
68032 EXBH strain RS:0000264 EXBH IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
68034 F6R strain RS:0000429 F6R IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
68035 FCH strain RS:0000315 FCH IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
68036 FH strain RS:0000316 FH IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
68038 FHL strain RS:0000343 FHL IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
68040 FNL strain RS:0000345 FNL IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
68041 G strain RS:0000022 G IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
68042 GEPR strain RS:0000274 GEPR IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
68044 GHA strain RS:0000375 GHA IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
68046 HCS strain RS:0000391 HCS IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
68047 HMT strain RS:0000393 HMT IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
68048 HS strain RS:0000396 HS IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
68049 HXB-1-43/Ipcv strain RS:0000403 HXB-1-43/Ipcv IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
68050 IIM strain RS:0000406 IIM IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
68051 INR/N strain RS:0000407 INR/N IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
68052 IR strain RS:0000408 IR IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
68057 K strain RS:0000413 K IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
68058 KGH/PitN strain RS:0000414 KGH/PitN IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
68059 KIRBY-B strain RS:0000416 KIRBY-B IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
68060 KX strain RS:0000419 KX IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
68061 KYN/Hok strain RS:0000434 KYN/Hok IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
68062 LA/N strain RS:0000420 LA/N IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
68063 LA/N-cp strain RS:0000421 LA/N-cp IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
68065 LEA strain RS:0000440 LEA IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
68066 LEC strain RS:0000445 LEC IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
68067 LEJ/Hok strain RS:0000449 LEJ/Hok IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
68068 LEM strain RS:0000451 LEM IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
68069 LEO strain RS:0000452 LEO IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
68070 LEP strain RS:0000453 LEP IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
68071 LER/N strain RS:0000455 LER/N IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
68072 LET strain RS:0000456 LET IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
68073 LETL strain RS:0001348 LETL IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
68074 LETO strain RS:0001349 LETO IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
68077 LL/MavRrrc Lyon hypotensive strain RS:0000558 LL/MavRrrc IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
68079 LOU strain RS:0000561 LOU IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
68082 LUDW strain RS:0000568 LUDW IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
68083 LXB strain RS:0000569 LXB IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
68084 M14 strain RS:0000570 M14 IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
68085 M17 strain RS:0000571 M17 IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
68086 M520 strain RS:0000572 M520 IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
68087 MAXX strain RS:0000574 MAXX IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
68088 MF strain RS:0000576 MF IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
68091 MLCS Milan low-calpastatin strain strain RS:0000474 MLCS IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
68097 MSUBL strain RS:0000591 MSUBL IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
68098 MW Munich Wistar strain RS:0000592 MW IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
68099 MWF strain RS:0000594 MWF IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
68100 NBL strain RS:0000601 NBL IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
68103 NER noda epileptic rat strain RS:0000605 NER IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
68104 NIG-III/Hok strain RS:0002080 NIG-III/Hok IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
68106 NSD/N strain RS:0000612 NSD/N IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
68107 NZR strain RS:0000613 NZR IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
68109 ODUS strain RS:0000617 ODUS IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
68113 OXYR/Nov strain RS:0000633 OXYR/Nov IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
68114 OXYS/Nov strain RS:0000634 OXYS/Nov IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
68115 P77PMC strain RS:0000637 P77PMC IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
68116 PA strain RS:0000638 PA IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
68117 PETH/N Royal College of Surgeons, RCS strain RS:0000641 PETH/N IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
68118 PKD PKD strain RS:0000642 PKD IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
68119 PSDO/N strain RS:0000643 PSDO/N IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
68121 R strain RS:0000648 R IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
68122 RCS/N strain RS:0000652 RCS/N IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
68123 RHA/N Roman high avoidance strain RS:0000663 RHA/N IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
68124 RII/1 strain RS:0000669 RII/1 IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
68125 RII/2 strain RS:0000670 RII/2 IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
68126 RLA/N strain RS:0000671 RLA/N IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
68127 RP/AEurRij strain RS:0000673 RP/AEurRij IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
68128 S5B strain RS:0000674 S5B IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
68129 SBH Sabra hypertensive strain RS:0000676 SBH IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
68130 SBN strain RS:0000678 SBN IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
68131 SC strain RS:0000680 SC IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
68133 SDJ/Hok strain RS:0000704 SDJ/Hok IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
68134 SDNK strain RS:0000707 SDNK IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
68136 SEL strain RS:0000710 SEL IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
68137 SHHF strain RS:0000713 SHHF IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
68140 SPRD/Hsd strain RS:0000698 Hsd:SD IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
68143 TA strain RS:0000927 TA IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
68144 TE strain RS:0000928 TE IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
68145 TF strain RS:0000929 TF IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
68146 THA strain RS:0000930 THA IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
68147 THE/Utp Tsukuba high-emotional rat strain RS:0000931 THE/Utp IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
68148 TLE/Utp Tsukuba low-emotional rat strain RS:0000932 TLE/Utp IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
68149 TM Tester Moriyama rat strain RS:0000933 TM IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
68150 TMB strain RS:0000935 TMB IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
68151 TMD strain RS:0000936 TMD IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
68152 TO/Hok Tokyo rat strain RS:0000937 TO/Hok IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
68154 TOM strain RS:0000939 TOM IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
68155 TS strain RS:0000942 TS IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
68156 TS1 strain RS:0000943 TS1 IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
68157 TS3/N strain RS:0000944 TS3/N IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
68158 TT strain RS:0000945 TT IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
68160 TU strain RS:0000946 TU IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
68161 TW strain RS:0000947 TW IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
68162 TX strain RS:0000948 TX IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
68163 U strain RS:0000949 U IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
68164 UChA strain RS:0000951 UChA IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
68165 UChB strain RS:0000952 UChB IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
68166 W/Hok strain RS:0000961 W/Hok IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
68167 W/Nhg strain RS:0000964 W/Nhg IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
68168 WA strain RS:0000965 WA IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
68169 WAB strain RS:0000966 WAB IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
68171 WBB/1N strain RS:0000973 WBB/1N IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
68172 WBB/2N strain RS:0000974 WBB/2N IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
68173 WBN strain RS:0000975 WBN IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
68174 WCF strain RS:0000977 WCF IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
68175 WDF strain RS:0000978 WDF IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
68176 WEC strain RS:0000979 WEC IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
68177 WEK strain RS:0000980 WEK IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
68178 WELS strain RS:0000981 WELS IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
68180 WIN strain RS:0001010 WIN IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
68183 WKA strain RS:0001012 WKA IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
68184 WKAH/Hok Wistar-King Aptekman Hokkaido strain RS:0001594 WKAH/Hok IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
68185 WKAM strain RS:0001020 WKAM IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
68186 WKHA/N strain RS:0001021 WKHA/N IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
68187 WKHT/N strain RS:0001024 WKHT/N IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
68188 WKS strain RS:0001025 WKS IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
68189 HTX/Hcj strain RS:0000386 HTX/Hcj IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
6893332 Cm74 Cardiac mass QTL 74 qtl RS:0001447 SHRSP/Tkyo IEA S RGD:1554311|PMID:16097372 20140604 RGD
6893332 Cm74 Cardiac mass QTL 74 qtl RS:0001603 WKY/Tkyo IEA S RGD:1554311|PMID:16097372 20140604 RGD
6893336 Cm75 Cardiac mass QTL 75 qtl RS:0001447 SHRSP/Tkyo IEA S RGD:1554311|PMID:16097372 20140604 RGD
6893336 Cm75 Cardiac mass QTL 75 qtl RS:0001603 WKY/Tkyo IEA S RGD:1554311|PMID:16097372 20140604 RGD
6893338 Cm76 Cardiac mass QTL 76 qtl RS:0001447 SHRSP/Tkyo IEA S RGD:1554311|PMID:16097372 20140604 RGD
6893338 Cm76 Cardiac mass QTL 76 qtl RS:0001603 WKY/Tkyo IEA S RGD:1554311|PMID:16097372 20140604 RGD
6893340 Cm77 Cardiac mass QTL 77 qtl RS:0001432 SHR/Tkyo IEA S RGD:1554311|PMID:16097372 20140604 RGD
6893340 Cm77 Cardiac mass QTL 77 qtl RS:0001603 WKY/Tkyo IEA S RGD:1554311|PMID:16097372 20140604 RGD
6893342 Cm78 Cardiac mass QTL 78 qtl RS:0001432 SHR/Tkyo IEA S RGD:1554311|PMID:16097372 20140604 RGD
6893342 Cm78 Cardiac mass QTL 78 qtl RS:0001603 WKY/Tkyo IEA S RGD:1554311|PMID:16097372 20140604 RGD
6893344 Cm79 Cardiac mass QTL 79 qtl RS:0001432 SHR/Tkyo IEA S RGD:1554311|PMID:16097372 20140604 RGD
6893344 Cm79 Cardiac mass QTL 79 qtl RS:0001603 WKY/Tkyo IEA S RGD:1554311|PMID:16097372 20140604 RGD
6893347 Bw98 Body weight QTL 98 qtl RS:0001447 SHRSP/Tkyo IEA S RGD:1554311|PMID:16097372 20140604 RGD
6893347 Bw98 Body weight QTL 98 qtl RS:0001603 WKY/Tkyo IEA S RGD:1554311|PMID:16097372 20140604 RGD
6893350 Bw99 Body weight QTL 99 qtl RS:0001447 SHRSP/Tkyo IEA S RGD:1554311|PMID:16097372 20140604 RGD
6893350 Bw99 Body weight QTL 99 qtl RS:0001603 WKY/Tkyo IEA S RGD:1554311|PMID:16097372 20140604 RGD
6893352 Bw100 Body weight QTL 100 qtl RS:0001447 SHRSP/Tkyo IEA S RGD:1554311|PMID:16097372 20140604 RGD
6893352 Bw100 Body weight QTL 100 qtl RS:0001603 WKY/Tkyo IEA S RGD:1554311|PMID:16097372 20140604 RGD
6893355 Bw101 Body weight QTL 101 qtl RS:0001447 SHRSP/Tkyo IEA S RGD:1554311|PMID:16097372 20140604 RGD
6893355 Bw101 Body weight QTL 101 qtl RS:0001603 WKY/Tkyo IEA S RGD:1554311|PMID:16097372 20140604 RGD
6893357 Bw102 Body weight QTL 102 qtl RS:0001447 SHRSP/Tkyo IEA S RGD:1554311|PMID:16097372 20140604 RGD
6893357 Bw102 Body weight QTL 102 qtl RS:0001603 WKY/Tkyo IEA S RGD:1554311|PMID:16097372 20140604 RGD
6893359 Bw103 Body weight QTL 103 qtl RS:0001447 SHRSP/Tkyo IEA S RGD:1554311|PMID:16097372 20140604 RGD
6893359 Bw103 Body weight QTL 103 qtl RS:0001603 WKY/Tkyo IEA S RGD:1554311|PMID:16097372 20140604 RGD
6893361 Bw104 Body weight QTL 104 qtl RS:0001432 SHR/Tkyo IEA S RGD:1554311|PMID:16097372 20140604 RGD
6893361 Bw104 Body weight QTL 104 qtl RS:0001603 WKY/Tkyo IEA S RGD:1554311|PMID:16097372 20140604 RGD
6893363 Bw105 Body weight QTL 105 qtl RS:0001432 SHR/Tkyo IEA S RGD:1554311|PMID:16097372 20140604 RGD
6893363 Bw105 Body weight QTL 105 qtl RS:0001603 WKY/Tkyo IEA S RGD:1554311|PMID:16097372 20140604 RGD
6893366 Bw106 Body weight QTL 106 qtl RS:0001432 SHR/Tkyo IEA S RGD:1554311|PMID:16097372 20140604 RGD
6893366 Bw106 Body weight QTL 106 qtl RS:0001603 WKY/Tkyo IEA S RGD:1554311|PMID:16097372 20140604 RGD
6893368 Bw107 Body weight QTL 107 qtl RS:0001432 SHR/Tkyo IEA S RGD:1554311|PMID:16097372 20140604 RGD
6893368 Bw107 Body weight QTL 107 qtl RS:0001603 WKY/Tkyo IEA S RGD:1554311|PMID:16097372 20140604 RGD
6893382 BBDR.BBDP-(D4Mit6-D4Mit7)/RhwMcwi-Il1r1em3Mcwi strain RS:0003293 BBDR.BBDP-(D4Mit6-D4Mit7)/RhwMcwi-Il1r1em3Mcwi IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
6893383 SS-Fynem6Mcwi strain RS:0003294 SS-Fynem6Mcwi IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
6893384 SS-Kcnj11em9Mcwi strain RS:0003295 SS-Kcnj11em9Mcwi IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
6893385 SS-Kcnj11em5Mcwi strain RS:0003296 SS-Kcnj11em5Mcwi IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
6893429 SS-Nos3em8Mcwi strain RS:0003297 SS-Nos3em8Mcwi IEA S RGD:7241799 20161022 RGD
6893430 SS-Nat8em4Mcwi strain RS:0003298 SS-Nat8em4Mcwi IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
6893431 SS-Nos3em13Mcwi strain RS:0003323 SS-Nos3em13Mcwi IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
6893432 SS-Hvcn1em1Mcwi strain RS:0003318 SS-Hvcn1em1Mcwi IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
6893433 SS-Nos3em2Mcwi strain RS:0003324 SS-Nos3em2Mcwi IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
6893434 SS-Kcnj16em1Mcwi-/- strain RS:0003320 SS-Kcnj16em1Mcwi IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
6893435 SS-Tfdp2em6Mcwi strain RS:0003326 SS-Tfdp2em6Mcwi IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
6893436 SS-Kcnmb1em1Mcwi strain RS:0003321 SS-Kcnmb1em1Mcwi IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
6893437 BBDR.BBDP-(D4Mit6-D4Mit7)/RhwMcwi-Il1r1em1Mcwi strain RS:0003302 BBDR.BBDP-(D4Mit6-D4Mit7)/RhwMcwi-Il1r1em1Mcwi IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
6893438 SS-Fgf1em2Mcwi strain RS:0003314 SS-Fgf1em2Mcwi IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
6893439 SS-Hvcn1em2Mcwi-/- strain RS:0003319 SS-Hvcn1em2Mcwi-/- IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
6893440 SS-Fynem1Mcwi strain RS:0003315 SS-Fynem1Mcwi IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
6893441 SS-Grm7em2Mcwi strain RS:0003317 SS-Grm7em2Mcwi IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
6893442 SS-Ppargem1Mcwi strain RS:0003325 SS-Ppargem1Mcwi IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
6893443 BBDR.BBDP-(D4Mit6-D4Mit7)/RhwMcwi-Il1r1em2Mcwi strain RS:0003303 BBDR.BBDP-(D4Mit6-D4Mit7)/RhwMcwi-Il1r1em2Mcwi IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
6893444 SS-Kcnmb1em3Mcwi strain RS:0003322 SS-Kcnmb1em3Mcwi IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
6893530 BBDR.LA-(D5Rat98-D5Rat233)/Rhw strain RS:0003305 BBDR.LA-(D5Rat98-D5Rat233)/Rhw IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
6893535 BBDR.LA-(D5Rat98-D5Rat233), BBDP-(D4Mit6-D4Mit7)/Rhw strain RS:0003308 BBDR.LA-(D5Rat98-D5Rat233), BBDP-(D4Mit6-D4Mit7)/Rhw IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
6893551 DA.PVG.1AV1-(D1Rat32-D1Rat51)/Kini strain RS:0003312 DA.PVG.1AV1-(D1Rat32-D1Rat51)/Kini IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
6893554 DA.PVG.1AV1-(D1Rat193-D1Rat68)/Kini strain RS:0003311 DA.PVG.1AV1-(D1Rat193-D1Rat68)/Kini IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
6893600 SS-Abcb1bem2Mcwi strain RS:0003299 SS-Abcb1bem2Mcwi IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
6893678 Bw108 Body weight QTL 108 qtl RS:0000754 SHR/NHsd IEA S RGD:61516|PMID:11015598 20140604 RGD
6893678 Bw108 Body weight QTL 108 qtl RS:0000817 SS/Jr IEA S RGD:61516|PMID:11015598 20140604 RGD
6893681 Bw109 Body weight QTL 109 qtl RS:0000754 SHR/NHsd IEA S RGD:61516|PMID:11015598 20140604 RGD
6893681 Bw109 Body weight QTL 109 qtl RS:0000817 SS/Jr IEA S RGD:61516|PMID:11015598 20140604 RGD
6893683 Bw110 Body weight QTL 110 qtl RS:0000754 SHR/NHsd IEA S RGD:61516|PMID:11015598 20140604 RGD
6893683 Bw110 Body weight QTL 110 qtl RS:0000817 SS/Jr IEA S RGD:61516|PMID:11015598 20140604 RGD
6893685 Bw111 Body weight QTL 111 qtl RS:0000754 SHR/NHsd IEA S RGD:61516|PMID:11015598 20140604 RGD
6893685 Bw111 Body weight QTL 111 qtl RS:0000817 SS/Jr IEA S RGD:61516|PMID:11015598 20140604 RGD
6902893 BB.SHR-(Acsm3-Igf2)/K strain RS:0003214 BB.SHR-(Acsm3-Igf2)/K IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
6903292 Stl28 Serum triglyceride level QTL 28 qtl RS:0000121 LEW IEA S RGD:1299960|PMID:14709677 20140604 RGD
6903292 Stl28 Serum triglyceride level QTL 28 qtl RS:0000397 HTG IEA S RGD:1299960|PMID:14709677 20140604 RGD
6903294 Stl30 Serum triglyceride level QTL 30 qtl RS:0000121 LEW IEA S RGD:1299960|PMID:14709677 20140604 RGD
6903294 Stl30 Serum triglyceride level QTL 30 qtl RS:0000397 HTG IEA S RGD:1299960|PMID:14709677 20140604 RGD
6903300 Scl33 Serum cholesterol QTL 33 qtl RS:0000121 LEW IEA S RGD:1299960|PMID:14709677 20140604 RGD
6903300 Scl33 Serum cholesterol QTL 33 qtl RS:0000397 HTG IEA S RGD:1299960|PMID:14709677 20140604 RGD
6903303 Scl34 Serum cholesterol QTL 34 qtl RS:0000121 LEW IEA S RGD:1299960|PMID:14709677 20140604 RGD
6903303 Scl34 Serum cholesterol QTL 34 qtl RS:0000397 HTG IEA S RGD:1299960|PMID:14709677 20140604 RGD
6903306 Scl35 Serum cholesterol QTL 35 qtl RS:0000121 LEW IEA S RGD:1299960|PMID:14709677 20140604 RGD
6903306 Scl35 Serum cholesterol QTL 35 qtl RS:0000397 HTG IEA S RGD:1299960|PMID:14709677 20140604 RGD
6903308 Scl36 Serum cholesterol QTL 36 qtl RS:0000121 LEW IEA S RGD:1299960|PMID:14709677 20140604 RGD
6903308 Scl36 Serum cholesterol QTL 36 qtl RS:0000397 HTG IEA S RGD:1299960|PMID:14709677 20140604 RGD
6903312 Bw112 Body weight QTL 112 qtl RS:0000121 LEW IEA S RGD:1299960|PMID:14709677 20140604 RGD
6903312 Bw112 Body weight QTL 112 qtl RS:0000397 HTG IEA S RGD:1299960|PMID:14709677 20140604 RGD
6903316 Bw113 Body weight QTL 113 qtl RS:0000121 LEW IEA S RGD:1299960|PMID:14709677 20140604 RGD
6903316 Bw113 Body weight QTL 113 qtl RS:0000397 HTG IEA S RGD:1299960|PMID:14709677 20140604 RGD
6903319 Bw114 Body weight QTL 114 qtl RS:0000121 LEW IEA S RGD:1299960|PMID:14709677 20140604 RGD
6903319 Bw114 Body weight QTL 114 qtl RS:0000397 HTG IEA S RGD:1299960|PMID:14709677 20140604 RGD
6903345 Bp349 Blood pressure QTL 349 qtl RS:0000145 BN/NHsdMcwi IEA S RGD:69700|PMID:11015589 20140604 RGD
6903345 Bp349 Blood pressure QTL 349 qtl RS:0000811 SS/JrHsdMcwi IEA S RGD:69700|PMID:11015589 20140604 RGD
6903347 Bp350 Blood pressure QTL 350 qtl RS:0000145 BN/NHsdMcwi IEA S RGD:69700|PMID:11015589 20140604 RGD
6903347 Bp350 Blood pressure QTL 350 qtl RS:0000811 SS/JrHsdMcwi IEA S RGD:69700|PMID:11015589 20140604 RGD
6903349 Bp351 Blood pressure QTL 351 qtl RS:0000145 BN/NHsdMcwi IEA S RGD:69700|PMID:11015589 20140604 RGD
6903349 Bp351 Blood pressure QTL 351 qtl RS:0000811 SS/JrHsdMcwi IEA S RGD:69700|PMID:11015589 20140604 RGD
6903351 Bp352 Blood pressure QTL 352 qtl RS:0000145 BN/NHsdMcwi IEA S RGD:69700|PMID:11015589 20140604 RGD
6903351 Bp352 Blood pressure QTL 352 qtl RS:0000811 SS/JrHsdMcwi IEA S RGD:69700|PMID:11015589 20140604 RGD
6903353 Bp353 Blood pressure QTL 353 qtl RS:0000145 BN/NHsdMcwi IEA S RGD:7327193|PMID:24023717 20140604 RGD
6903353 Bp353 Blood pressure QTL 353 qtl RS:0000811 SS/JrHsdMcwi IEA S RGD:7327193|PMID:24023717 20140604 RGD
6903356 Bp354 Blood pressure QTL 354 qtl RS:0000145 BN/NHsdMcwi IEA S RGD:69700|PMID:11015589 20140604 RGD
6903356 Bp354 Blood pressure QTL 354 qtl RS:0000811 SS/JrHsdMcwi IEA S RGD:69700|PMID:11015589 20140604 RGD
6903359 Bp355 Blood pressure QTL 355 qtl RS:0000145 BN/NHsdMcwi IEA S RGD:69700|PMID:11015589 20140604 RGD
6903359 Bp355 Blood pressure QTL 355 qtl RS:0000811 SS/JrHsdMcwi IEA S RGD:69700|PMID:11015589 20140604 RGD
6903879 SS/NEisSlc strain RS:0003328 SS/NEisSlc IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
6903881 SR/NEisSlc strain RS:0003329 SR/NEisSlc IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
6903902 WF.COP-(D2Uwm14-D2Uwm13)/Uwm strain RS:0003331 WF.COP-(D2Uwm14-D2Uwm13)/Uwm IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
6903904 WF.COP-(D2Uwm17-D2Rat16)/Uwm strain RS:0003330 WF.COP-(D2Uwm17-D2Rat16)/Uwm IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
6903912 SS.SHR-(D9Mco72-D9Rat89)/Mco strain RS:0003332 SS.SHR-(D9Mco72-D9Rat89)/Mco IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
6903914 SS.SHR-(D9Mco72-D9Rat55)/Mco strain RS:0003333 SS.SHR-(D9Mco72-D9Rat55)/Mco IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
6903917 SS.SHR-(D9Mco72-D9Mco109)/Mco strain RS:0003334 SS.SHR-(D9Mco72-D9Mco109)/Mco IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
6903920 SS.SHR-(D9Mco72-D9Uia4)/Mco strain RS:0003335 SS.SHR-(D9Mco72-D9Uia4)/Mco IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
6903922 SS.SHR-(D9Mco72-D9Mco106)/Mco strain RS:0003336 SS.SHR-(D9Mco72-D9Mco106)/Mco IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
6903925 SS.SHR-(D9Mco72-D9Mco105)/Mco strain RS:0003337 SS.SHR-(D9Mco72-D9Mco105)/Mco IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
6903928 SS.SHR-(D9Rat7-D9Got111)/Mco strain RS:0003338 SS.SHR-(D9Rat7-D9Got111)/Mco IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
6903932 SS.SHR-(D9Rat7-D9Rat52)/Mco strain RS:0003339 SS.SHR-(D9Rat7-D9Rat52)/Mco IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
6903934 SS.SHR-(D9Rat7-D9Mco91)/Mco strain RS:0003340 SS.SHR-(D9Rat7-D9Mco91)/Mco IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
6903936 SS.SHR-(D9Rat7-D9Rat84)/Mco strain RS:0003341 SS.SHR-(D9Rat7-D9Rat84)/Mco IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
6903937 Bp356 Blood pressure QTL 356 qtl RS:0003337 SS.SHR-(D9Mco72-D9Mco105)/Mco IEA S RGD:6903249|PMID:21814219 20140604 RGD
6903941 Pur31 Proteinuria QTL 31 qtl RS:0003341 SS.SHR-(D9Rat7-D9Rat84)/Mco IEA S RGD:6903249|PMID:21814219 20140604 RGD
6907047 WF.WKY-(D5Uwm63-D5Uwm60)/Uwm strain RS:0003346 WF.WKY-(D5Uwm63-D5Uwm60)/Uwm IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
6907054 WF.WKY-(D5Uwm67-D5Uwm98)/Uwm strain RS:0003347 WF.WKY-(D5Uwm67-D5Uwm98)/Uwm IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
6907057 WF.WKY-(D5Uwm76-D5Uwm61)/Uwm strain RS:0003348 WF.WKY-(D5Uwm76-D5Uwm61)/Uwm IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
6907059 WF.WKY-(D5Uwm76-D5Uwm98)/Uwm strain RS:0003349 WF.WKY-(D5Uwm76-D5Uwm98)/Uwm IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
6907061 WF.WKY-(D5Uwm67-D5Uwm78)/Uwm strain RS:0003350 WF.WKY-(D5Uwm67-D5Uwm78)/Uwm IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
6907063 WF.WKY-(D5Uwm76-D5Got18)/Uwm strain RS:0003351 WF.WKY-(D5Uwm76-D5Got18)/Uwm IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
6907076 WF.WKY-(D5Uwm78-D5Uwm98)/Uwm strain RS:0003352 WF.WKY-(D5Uwm78-D5Uwm98)/Uwm IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
6907078 WF.WKY-(D5Uwm95-D5Uwm98)/Uwm strain RS:0003353 WF.WKY-(D5Uwm95-D5Uwm98)/Uwm IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
6907080 WF.WKY-(D5Uwm67-D5Uwm81)/Uwm strain RS:0003354 WF.WKY-(D5Uwm67-D5Uwm81)/Uwm IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
6907084 WF.WKY-(D5Uwm76-D5Uwm92)/Uwm strain RS:0003355 WF.WKY-(D5Uwm76-D5Uwm92)/Uwm IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
6907087 WF.WKY-(D5Uwm78-D5Uwm84)/Uwm strain RS:0003356 WF.WKY-(D5Uwm78-D5Uwm84)/Uwm IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
6907090 WF.WKY-(D5Uwm78-D5Uwm93)/Uwm strain RS:0003357 WF.WKY-(D5Uwm78-D5Uwm93)/Uwm IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
6907092 WF.WKY-(D5Uwm88-D5Uwm92)/Uwm strain RS:0003358 WF.WKY-(D5Uwm88-D5Uwm92)/Uwm IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
6907094 WF.WKY-(D5Uwm87-D5Uwm92)/Uwm strain RS:0003359 WF.WKY-(D5Uwm87-D5Uwm92)/Uwm IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
6907096 WF.WKY-(D5Uwm85-D5Uwm92)/Uwm strain RS:0003360 WF.WKY-(D5Uwm85-D5Uwm92)/Uwm IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
6907098 WF.WKY-(D5Uwm82-D5Uwm92)/Uwm strain RS:0003361 WF.WKY-(D5Uwm82-D5Uwm92)/Uwm IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
6907100 WF.WKY-(D5Uwm82-D5Uwm91)/Uwm strain RS:0003362 WF.WKY-(D5Uwm82-D5Uwm91)/Uwm IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
6907104 WF.WKY-(D5Uwm77-D5Uwm91)/Uwm strain RS:0003363 WF.WKY-(D5Uwm77-D5Uwm91)/Uwm IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
6907110 Mcs28 Mammary carcinoma susceptibility QTL 28 qtl RS:0003357 WF.WKY-(D5Uwm78-D5Uwm93)/Uwm IEA S RGD:5684388|PMID:21205740 20140604 RGD
6907115 Mcs29 Mammary carcinoma susceptibility QTL 29 qtl RS:0003362 WF.WKY-(D5Uwm82-D5Uwm91)/Uwm IEA S RGD:5684388|PMID:21205740 20140604 RGD
6907363 Bp357 Blood pressure QTL 357 qtl RS:0000554 LH/MavRrrc IEA S RGD:61058|PMID:9329963 20140604 RGD
6907363 Bp357 Blood pressure QTL 357 qtl RS:0000559 LN/MavRrrc IEA S RGD:61058|PMID:9329963 20140604 RGD
6907436 SS.BN-(D13Hmgc41-D13Hmgc23)/Mcwi strain RS:0003364 SS.BN-(D13Hmgc41-D13Hmgc23)/Mcwi IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
6907438 SS.BN-(D13Rat77-D13Rat105)/Mcwi strain RS:0003365 SS.BN-(D13Rat77-D13Rat105)/Mcwi IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
6907445 SS.BN-(D13Rat124-D13Rat101)/Mcwi strain RS:0003366 SS.BN-(D13Rat124-D13Rat101)/Mcwi IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
6909122 Insul22 Insulin level QTL 22 qtl RS:0000180 CDR/Ygl IEA S RGD:1626640|PMID:17213368 20140604 RGD
6909122 Insul22 Insulin level QTL 22 qtl RS:0000181 CDS/Ygl IEA S RGD:1626640|PMID:17213368 20140604 RGD
6909128 Pancm4 Pancreatic morphology QTL 4 qtl RS:0000180 CDR/Ygl IEA S RGD:1626640|PMID:17213368 20140604 RGD
6909128 Pancm4 Pancreatic morphology QTL 4 qtl RS:0000181 CDS/Ygl IEA S RGD:1626640|PMID:17213368 20140604 RGD
69369 SS strain RS:0000789 SS IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
69638 BN/Ka Brown Norway Katholiek (kininogen or kinin deficient) strain RS:0000141 BN/Ka IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
69643 F344/DuCrlCrlj strain RS:0000305 F344/DuCrlCrlj IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
70153 Bp59 Blood pressure QTL 59 qtl RS:0000578 MHS/Gib IEA S RGD:69692|PMID:11082136 20140604 RGD
70153 Bp59 Blood pressure QTL 59 qtl RS:0000581 MNS/Gib IEA S RGD:69692|PMID:11082136 20140604 RGD
70154 Insul2 Insulin level QTL 2 qtl RS:0000313 F344/NRrrc IEA S RGD:69703|PMID:9819774 20140604 RGD
70154 Insul2 Insulin level QTL 2 qtl RS:0000625 OLETF/Got IEA S RGD:69703|PMID:9819774 20140604 RGD
70155 Gcs1 Gastric cancer susceptibility QTL1 qtl RS:0000023 ACI/N IEA S RGD:69698|PMID:10706129 20140604 RGD
70155 Gcs1 Gastric cancer susceptibility QTL1 qtl RS:0000166 BUF/N IEA S RGD:69698|PMID:10706129 20140604 RGD
70156 Niddm30 Non-insulin dependent diabetes mellitus QTL 30 qtl RS:0000305 F344/DuCrlCrlj IEA S RGD:69696|PMID:10594234 20140604 RGD
70156 Niddm30 Non-insulin dependent diabetes mellitus QTL 30 qtl RS:0000625 OLETF/Got IEA S RGD:69696|PMID:10594234 20140604 RGD
70157 Niddm32 Non-insulin dependent diabetes mellitus QTL 32 qtl RS:0000305 F344/DuCrlCrlj IEA S RGD:69696|PMID:10594234 20140604 RGD
70157 Niddm32 Non-insulin dependent diabetes mellitus QTL 32 qtl RS:0000625 OLETF/Got IEA S RGD:69696|PMID:10594234 20140604 RGD
70158 Bp60 Blood pressure QTL 60 qtl RS:0000578 MHS/Gib IEA S RGD:69692|PMID:11082136 20140604 RGD
70158 Bp60 Blood pressure QTL 60 qtl RS:0000581 MNS/Gib IEA S RGD:69692|PMID:11082136 20140604 RGD
70159 Bp61 Blood pressure QTL 61 qtl RS:0000786 SR/Jr IEA S RGD:69710|PMID:9383281 20140604 RGD
70159 Bp61 Blood pressure QTL 61 qtl RS:0000817 SS/Jr IEA S RGD:69710|PMID:9383281 20140604 RGD
70160 Bw18 Body weight QTL 18 qtl RS:0000067 BB/OK IEA S RGD:69701|PMID:9530625 20140604 RGD
70160 Bw18 Body weight QTL 18 qtl RS:0000749 SHR/Mol IEA S RGD:69701|PMID:9530625 20140604 RGD
70161 Bp62 Blood pressure QTL 62 qtl RS:0000754 SHR/NHsd IEA S RGD:61516|PMID:11015598 20140604 RGD
70161 Bp62 Blood pressure QTL 62 qtl RS:0000817 SS/Jr IEA S RGD:61516|PMID:11015598 20140604 RGD
70162 Bp63 Blood pressure QTL 63 qtl RS:0000015 SHR IEA S RGD:61043|PMID:8952608 20140604 RGD
70162 Bp63 Blood pressure QTL 63 qtl RS:0000742 WKY IEA S RGD:61043|PMID:8952608 20140604 RGD
70163 Bw20 Body weight QTL 20 qtl RS:0000067 BB/OK IEA S RGD:69701|PMID:9530625 20140604 RGD
70163 Bw20 Body weight QTL 20 qtl RS:0000749 SHR/Mol IEA S RGD:69701|PMID:9530625 20140604 RGD
70164 Bw21 Body weight QTL 21 qtl RS:0000305 F344/DuCrlCrlj IEA S RGD:69691|PMID:9824537 20140604 RGD
70164 Bw21 Body weight QTL 21 qtl RS:0000625 OLETF/Got IEA S RGD:69691|PMID:9824537 20140604 RGD
70165 Bp64 Blood pressure QTL 64 qtl RS:0000677 SBH/Ygl IEA S RGD:69713|PMID:9931114 20140604 RGD
70165 Bp64 Blood pressure QTL 64 qtl RS:0000679 SBN/Ygl IEA S RGD:69713|PMID:9931114 20140604 RGD
70166 Bp65 Blood pressure QTL 65 qtl RS:0000677 SBH/Ygl IEA S RGD:69713|PMID:9931114 20140604 RGD
70166 Bp65 Blood pressure QTL 65 qtl RS:0000679 SBN/Ygl IEA S RGD:69713|PMID:9931114 20140604 RGD
70167 Bw22 Body weight QTL 22 qtl RS:0000067 BB/OK IEA S RGD:69707|PMID:9530522 20140604 RGD
70167 Bw22 Body weight QTL 22 qtl RS:0000749 SHR/Mol IEA S RGD:69707|PMID:9530522 20140604 RGD
70168 Eae12 Experimental allergic encephalomyelitis QTL 12 qtl RS:0000014 DA IEA S RGD:69695|PMID:10545597 20140604 RGD
70168 Eae12 Experimental allergic encephalomyelitis QTL 12 qtl RS:0000023 ACI/N IEA S RGD:69695|PMID:10545597 20140604 RGD
70169 Eae13 Experimental allergic encephalomyelitis QTL 13 qtl RS:0000014 DA IEA S RGD:69695|PMID:10545597 20140604 RGD
70169 Eae13 Experimental allergic encephalomyelitis QTL 13 qtl RS:0000023 ACI/N IEA S RGD:69695|PMID:10545597 20140604 RGD
70170 Eae14 Experimental allergic encephalomyelitis QTL 14 qtl RS:0000014 DA IEA S RGD:69695|PMID:10545597 20140604 RGD
70170 Eae14 Experimental allergic encephalomyelitis QTL 14 qtl RS:0000023 ACI/N IEA S RGD:69695|PMID:10545597 20140604 RGD
70171 Cari1 Carrageenan-induced inflammation QTL 1 qtl RS:0000121 LEW IEA S RGD:69693|PMID:10087293 20140604 RGD
70171 Cari1 Carrageenan-induced inflammation QTL 1 qtl RS:0000313 F344/NRrrc IEA S RGD:69693|PMID:10087293 20140604 RGD
70172 Eae15 Experimental allergic encephalomyelitis QTL 15 qtl RS:0000014 DA IEA S RGD:69695|PMID:10545597 20140604 RGD
70172 Eae15 Experimental allergic encephalomyelitis QTL 15 qtl RS:0000023 ACI/N IEA S RGD:69695|PMID:10545597 20140604 RGD
70173 Niddm19 Non-insulin dependent diabetes mellitus QTL 19 qtl RS:0001734 F344.OLETF-(D7Mgh16-D7Mgh20)/Tj IEA S RGD:625760|PMID:12420133 20140604 RGD
70174 BpQTLCluster2 Blood pressure QTL cluster 2 qtl RS:0000554 LH/MavRrrc IEA S RGD:68932|PMID:10779487 20140604 RGD
70174 BpQTLCluster2 Blood pressure QTL cluster 2 qtl RS:0000559 LN/MavRrrc IEA S RGD:68932|PMID:10779487 20140604 RGD
70175 BpQTLCluster3 Blood pressure QTL cluster 3 qtl RS:0000015 SHR IEA S RGD:68932|PMID:10779487 20140604 RGD
70175 BpQTLCluster3 Blood pressure QTL cluster 3 qtl RS:0000742 WKY IEA S RGD:68932|PMID:10779487 20140604 RGD
70176 Mcsm1 Mammary carcinoma susceptibility modifier QTL 1 qtl RS:0000916 WKY/NHsd IEA S RGD:62417|PMID:11139513 20140604 RGD
70176 Mcsm1 Mammary carcinoma susceptibility modifier QTL 1 qtl RS:0000984 WF/NHsd IEA S RGD:62417|PMID:11139513 20140604 RGD
70177 Xhs1 X-ray hypersensitivity QTL 1 qtl RS:0000153 BN/Sea IEA S RGD:69702|PMID:11003700 20140604 RGD
70177 Xhs1 X-ray hypersensitivity QTL 1 qtl RS:0000445 LEC IEA S RGD:69702|PMID:11003700 20140604 RGD
70178 Eaez Experimental allergic encephalomyelitis QTL z qtl RS:0000014 DA IEA S RGD:61031|PMID:10640775 20140604 RGD
70178 Eaez Experimental allergic encephalomyelitis QTL z qtl RS:0000202 E3 IEA S RGD:61031|PMID:10640775 20140604 RGD
70179 Xhs2 X-ray hypersensitivity QTL 2 qtl RS:0000153 BN/Sea IEA S RGD:69702|PMID:11003700 20140604 RGD
70179 Xhs2 X-ray hypersensitivity QTL 2 qtl RS:0000445 LEC IEA S RGD:69702|PMID:11003700 20140604 RGD
70180 BpQTLcluster10 Blood pressure QTL cluster 10 qtl RS:0000015 SHR IEA S RGD:68932|PMID:10779487 20140604 RGD
70180 BpQTLcluster10 Blood pressure QTL cluster 10 qtl RS:0000113 BN IEA S RGD:68932|PMID:10779487 20140604 RGD
70181 BpQTLcluster11 Blood pressure QTL cluster 11 qtl RS:0000113 BN IEA S RGD:68932|PMID:10779487 20140604 RGD
70181 BpQTLcluster11 Blood pressure QTL cluster 11 qtl RS:0000789 SS IEA S RGD:68932|PMID:10779487 20140604 RGD
70182 BpQTLcluster12 Blood pressure QTL cluster 12 qtl RS:0000113 BN IEA S RGD:68932|PMID:10779487 20140604 RGD
70182 BpQTLcluster12 Blood pressure QTL cluster 12 qtl RS:0000789 SS IEA S RGD:68932|PMID:10779487 20140604 RGD
70183 BpQTLcluster13 Blood pressure QTL cluster 13 qtl RS:0000015 SHR IEA S RGD:68932|PMID:10779487 20140604 RGD
70183 BpQTLcluster13 Blood pressure QTL cluster 13 qtl RS:0000113 BN IEA S RGD:68932|PMID:10779487 20140604 RGD
70184 BpQTLcluster14 Blood pressure QTL cluster 14 qtl RS:0000017 FHH IEA S RGD:68932|PMID:10779487 20140604 RGD
70184 BpQTLcluster14 Blood pressure QTL cluster 14 qtl RS:0000023 ACI/N IEA S RGD:68932|PMID:10779487 20140604 RGD
70185 BpQTLcluster15 Blood pressure QTL cluster 15 qtl RS:0000113 BN IEA S RGD:68932|PMID:10779487 20140604 RGD
70185 BpQTLcluster15 Blood pressure QTL cluster 15 qtl RS:0000789 SS IEA S RGD:68932|PMID:10779487 20140604 RGD
70186 Niddm26 Non-insulin dependent diabetes mellitus QTL 26 qtl RS:0000305 F344/DuCrlCrlj IEA S RGD:625760|PMID:12420133 20140604 RGD
70186 Niddm26 Non-insulin dependent diabetes mellitus QTL 26 qtl RS:0000625 OLETF/Got IEA S RGD:625760|PMID:12420133 20140604 RGD
70187 Pancm5 Pancreatic morphology QTL 5 qtl RS:0000305 F344/DuCrlCrlj IEA S RGD:69697|PMID:9745032 20140604 RGD
70187 Pancm5 Pancreatic morphology QTL 5 qtl RS:0000625 OLETF/Got IEA S RGD:69697|PMID:9745032 20140604 RGD
70188 BpQTLcluster1 Blood pressure QTL cluster 1 qtl RS:0000015 SHR IEA S RGD:68932|PMID:10779487 20140604 RGD
70188 BpQTLcluster1 Blood pressure QTL cluster 1 qtl RS:0000113 BN IEA S RGD:68932|PMID:10779487 20140604 RGD
70189 Mcs5 Mammary carcinoma susceptibility QTL 5 qtl RS:0000916 WKY/NHsd IEA S RGD:62417|PMID:11139513 20140604 RGD
70189 Mcs5 Mammary carcinoma susceptibility QTL 5 qtl RS:0000984 WF/NHsd IEA S RGD:62417|PMID:11139513 20140604 RGD
70190 Mcs6 Mammary carcinoma susceptibility QTL 6 qtl RS:0000916 WKY/NHsd IEA S RGD:62417|PMID:11139513 20140604 RGD
70190 Mcs6 Mammary carcinoma susceptibility QTL 6 qtl RS:0000984 WF/NHsd IEA S RGD:62417|PMID:11139513 20140604 RGD
70191 BpQTLcluster4 Blood pressure QTL cluster 4 qtl RS:0000015 SHR IEA S RGD:68932|PMID:10779487 20140604 RGD
70191 BpQTLcluster4 Blood pressure QTL cluster 4 qtl RS:0000113 BN IEA S RGD:68932|PMID:10779487 20140604 RGD
70192 BpQTLcluster5 Blood pressure QTL cluster 5 qtl RS:0000015 SHR IEA S RGD:68932|PMID:10779487 20140604 RGD
70192 BpQTLcluster5 Blood pressure QTL cluster 5 qtl RS:0000113 BN IEA S RGD:68932|PMID:10779487 20140604 RGD
70193 Mcs7 Mammary carcinoma susceptibility QTL 7 qtl RS:0000916 WKY/NHsd IEA S RGD:62417|PMID:11139513 20140604 RGD
70193 Mcs7 Mammary carcinoma susceptibility QTL 7 qtl RS:0000984 WF/NHsd IEA S RGD:62417|PMID:11139513 20140604 RGD
70194 BpQTLcluster6 Blood pressure QTL cluster 6 qtl RS:0000015 SHR IEA S RGD:68932|PMID:10779487 20140604 RGD
70194 BpQTLcluster6 Blood pressure QTL cluster 6 qtl RS:0000113 BN IEA S RGD:68932|PMID:10779487 20140604 RGD
70195 Mcs8 Mammary carcinoma susceptibility QTL 8 qtl RS:0000916 WKY/NHsd IEA S RGD:62417|PMID:11139513 20140604 RGD
70195 Mcs8 Mammary carcinoma susceptibility QTL 8 qtl RS:0000984 WF/NHsd IEA S RGD:62417|PMID:11139513 20140604 RGD
70196 BpQTLcluster7 Blood pressure QTL cluster 7 qtl RS:0000113 BN IEA S RGD:68932|PMID:10779487 20140604 RGD
70196 BpQTLcluster7 Blood pressure QTL cluster 7 qtl RS:0000318 GH IEA S RGD:68932|PMID:10779487 20140604 RGD
70197 BpQTLcluster8 Blood pressure QTL cluster 8 qtl RS:0000113 BN IEA S RGD:68932|PMID:10779487 20140604 RGD
70197 BpQTLcluster8 Blood pressure QTL cluster 8 qtl RS:0000789 SS IEA S RGD:68932|PMID:10779487 20140604 RGD
70198 BpQTLcluster9 Blood pressure QTL cluster 9 qtl RS:0000015 SHR IEA S RGD:68932|PMID:10779487 20140604 RGD
70198 BpQTLcluster9 Blood pressure QTL cluster 9 qtl RS:0000113 BN IEA S RGD:68932|PMID:10779487 20140604 RGD
70199 Coreg1 Compensatory renal growth QTL 1 qtl RS:0000116 BN-Lx/Cub IEA S RGD:69708|PMID:10732705 20140604 RGD
70199 Coreg1 Compensatory renal growth QTL 1 qtl RS:0000402 SHR/Ola IEA S RGD:69708|PMID:10732705 20140604 RGD
70200 Alc18 Alcohol consumption QTL 18 qtl RS:0000610 iNP/Iusm IEA S RGD:69704|PMID:9880658 20230311 RGD
70200 Alc18 Alcohol consumption QTL 18 qtl RS:0000635 iP/Iusm IEA S RGD:69704|PMID:9880658 20230204 RGD
70201 Gcr1 Gastric cancer resistance QTL 1 qtl RS:0000023 ACI/N IEA S RGD:69698|PMID:10706129 20140604 RGD
70201 Gcr1 Gastric cancer resistance QTL 1 qtl RS:0000166 BUF/N IEA S RGD:69698|PMID:10706129 20140604 RGD
70202 Alc19 Alcohol consumption QTL 19 qtl RS:0000610 iNP/Iusm IEA S RGD:69704|PMID:9880658 20230311 RGD
70202 Alc19 Alcohol consumption QTL 19 qtl RS:0000635 iP/Iusm IEA S RGD:69704|PMID:9880658 20230204 RGD
70203 Gcr2 Gastric cancer resistance QTL 2 qtl RS:0000023 ACI/N IEA S RGD:69698|PMID:10706129 20140604 RGD
70203 Gcr2 Gastric cancer resistance QTL 2 qtl RS:0000166 BUF/N IEA S RGD:69698|PMID:10706129 20140604 RGD
70204 Niddm20 Non-insulin dependent diabetes mellitus QTL 20 qtl RS:0000305 F344/DuCrlCrlj IEA S RGD:625760|PMID:12420133 20140604 RGD
70204 Niddm20 Non-insulin dependent diabetes mellitus QTL 20 qtl RS:0000625 OLETF/Got IEA S RGD:625760|PMID:12420133 20140604 RGD
70205 Gcr3 Gastric cancer resistance QTL 3 qtl RS:0000023 ACI/N IEA S RGD:69698|PMID:10706129 20140604 RGD
70205 Gcr3 Gastric cancer resistance QTL 3 qtl RS:0000166 BUF/N IEA S RGD:69698|PMID:10706129 20140604 RGD
70206 Alc20 Alcohol consumption QTL 20 qtl RS:0000610 iNP/Iusm IEA S RGD:69704|PMID:9880658 20230311 RGD
70206 Alc20 Alcohol consumption QTL 20 qtl RS:0000635 iP/Iusm IEA S RGD:69704|PMID:9880658 20230204 RGD
70207 Niddm31 Non-insulin dependent diabetes mellitus QTL 31 qtl RS:0000305 F344/DuCrlCrlj IEA S RGD:69696|PMID:10594234 20140604 RGD
70207 Niddm31 Non-insulin dependent diabetes mellitus QTL 31 qtl RS:0000625 OLETF/Got IEA S RGD:69696|PMID:10594234 20140604 RGD
70208 Niddm22 Non-insulin dependent diabetes mellitus QTL 22 qtl RS:0000305 F344/DuCrlCrlj IEA S RGD:625760|PMID:12420133 20140604 RGD
70208 Niddm22 Non-insulin dependent diabetes mellitus QTL 22 qtl RS:0000625 OLETF/Got IEA S RGD:625760|PMID:12420133 20140604 RGD
70209 Niddm23 Non-insulin dependent diabetes mellitus QTL 23 qtl RS:0000305 F344/DuCrlCrlj IEA S RGD:625760|PMID:12420133 20140604 RGD
70209 Niddm23 Non-insulin dependent diabetes mellitus QTL 23 qtl RS:0000625 OLETF/Got IEA S RGD:625760|PMID:12420133 20140604 RGD
70210 Cm15 Cardiac mass QTL 15 qtl RS:0000363 F344/NHsd IEA S RGD:69699|PMID:11157698 20140604 RGD
70210 Cm15 Cardiac mass QTL 15 qtl RS:0001072 WKY/NCruk IEA S RGD:69699|PMID:11157698 20140604 RGD
70210 Cm15 Cardiac mass QTL 15 qtl RS:0004044 WKY.F344-(D17Got91-D17Rat51)/Tja IEA S RGD:69699|PMID:11157698 20151010 RGD
70211 Niddm24 Non-insulin dependent diabetes mellitus QTL 24 qtl RS:0000305 F344/DuCrlCrlj IEA S RGD:625760|PMID:12420133 20140604 RGD
70211 Niddm24 Non-insulin dependent diabetes mellitus QTL 24 qtl RS:0000478 F344.OLETF-(D5Rat166-D5Rat90)/Tj IEA S RGD:625760|PMID:12420133 20160910 RGD
70211 Niddm24 Non-insulin dependent diabetes mellitus QTL 24 qtl RS:0000625 OLETF/Got IEA S RGD:625760|PMID:12420133 20140604 RGD
70212 Niddm25 Non-insulin dependent diabetes mellitus QTL 25 qtl RS:0000305 F344/DuCrlCrlj IEA S RGD:625760|PMID:12420133 20140604 RGD
70212 Niddm25 Non-insulin dependent diabetes mellitus QTL 25 qtl RS:0000625 OLETF/Got IEA S RGD:625760|PMID:12420133 20140604 RGD
70213 Niddm27 Non-insulin dependent diabetes mellitus QTL 27 qtl RS:0000305 F344/DuCrlCrlj IEA S RGD:625760|PMID:12420133 20140604 RGD
70213 Niddm27 Non-insulin dependent diabetes mellitus QTL 27 qtl RS:0000625 OLETF/Got IEA S RGD:625760|PMID:12420133 20140604 RGD
70214 Niddm28 Non-insulin dependent diabetes mellitus QTL 28 qtl RS:0000305 F344/DuCrlCrlj IEA S RGD:625760|PMID:12420133 20140604 RGD
70214 Niddm28 Non-insulin dependent diabetes mellitus QTL 28 qtl RS:0000625 OLETF/Got IEA S RGD:625760|PMID:12420133 20140604 RGD
70215 Niddm29 Non-insulin dependent diabetes mellitus QTL 29 qtl RS:0000305 F344/DuCrlCrlj IEA S RGD:625760|PMID:12420133 20140604 RGD
70215 Niddm29 Non-insulin dependent diabetes mellitus QTL 29 qtl RS:0000625 OLETF/Got IEA S RGD:625760|PMID:12420133 20140604 RGD
70216 Cm14 Cardiac mass QTL 14 qtl RS:0000786 SR/Jr IEA S RGD:69705|PMID:9922389 20140604 RGD
70216 Cm14 Cardiac mass QTL 14 qtl RS:0000817 SS/Jr IEA S RGD:69705|PMID:9922389 20140604 RGD
70218 Cm28 Cardiac mass QTL 28 qtl RS:0000754 SHR/NHsd IEA S RGD:61516|PMID:11015598 20140604 RGD
70218 Cm28 Cardiac mass QTL 28 qtl RS:0000817 SS/Jr IEA S RGD:61516|PMID:11015598 20140604 RGD
70220 Bp55 Blood pressure QTL 55 qtl RS:0000015 SHR IEA S RGD:61043|PMID:8952608 20140604 RGD
70220 Bp55 Blood pressure QTL 55 qtl RS:0000742 WKY IEA S RGD:61043|PMID:8952608 20140604 RGD
70221 Bp56 Blood pressure QTL 56 qtl RS:0000677 SBH/Ygl IEA S RGD:69713|PMID:9931114 20140604 RGD
70221 Bp56 Blood pressure QTL 56 qtl RS:0000679 SBN/Ygl IEA S RGD:69713|PMID:9931114 20140604 RGD
70222 Eae2 Experimental allergic encephalomyelitis QTL 2 qtl RS:0000113 BN IEA S RGD:69694|PMID:9973459 20140604 RGD
70222 Eae2 Experimental allergic encephalomyelitis QTL 2 qtl RS:0000121 LEW IEA S RGD:69694|PMID:9973459 20140604 RGD
70223 Bp57 Blood pressure QTL 57 qtl RS:0000578 MHS/Gib IEA S RGD:69692|PMID:11082136 20140604 RGD
70223 Bp57 Blood pressure QTL 57 qtl RS:0000581 MNS/Gib IEA S RGD:69692|PMID:11082136 20140604 RGD
70224 Eae3 Experimental allergic encephalomyelitis QTL 3 qtl RS:0000113 BN IEA S RGD:69694|PMID:9973459 20140604 RGD
70224 Eae3 Experimental allergic encephalomyelitis QTL 3 qtl RS:0000121 LEW IEA S RGD:69694|PMID:9973459 20140604 RGD
70225 Bp58 Blood pressure QTL 58 qtl RS:0000578 MHS/Gib IEA S RGD:69692|PMID:11082136 20140604 RGD
70225 Bp58 Blood pressure QTL 58 qtl RS:0000581 MNS/Gib IEA S RGD:69692|PMID:11082136 20140604 RGD
70226 Eae4 Experimental allergic encephalomyelitis QTL 4 qtl RS:0000014 DA IEA S RGD:69712|PMID:10072499 20140604 RGD
70226 Eae4 Experimental allergic encephalomyelitis QTL 4 qtl RS:0000113 BN IEA S RGD:69712|PMID:10072499 20140604 RGD
70363 Bp71 Blood pressure QTL 71 qtl RS:0000844 SS.LEW-(D10Mco1-D10Mco31)/Ayd IEA S RGD:69734|PMID:11471055 20140604 RGD
70364 Bp72 Blood pressure QTL 72 qtl RS:0000820 SS.LEW-(D10Rat141-D10Mgh1)/Ayd IEA S RGD:69734|PMID:11471055 20140604 RGD
70410 AA Alko, Alcohol strain RS:0000007 AA IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
70411 ANA Alko, Non-Alcohol strain RS:0000049 ANA IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
70413 WBB strain RS:0000972 WBB IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
70416 ACH strain RS:0000010 ACH IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
70417 A28807/N strain RS:0000005 A28807/N IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
70418 A35322 strain RS:0000011 A35322 IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
70419 A7322 strain RS:0000004 A7322 IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
70420 A990 strain RS:0000006 A990 IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
70421 AAW strain RS:0000008 AAW IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
70422 ABH strain RS:0000009 ABH IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
70423 ACP strain RS:0000035 ACP IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
70424 AGA strain RS:0000036 AGA IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
70425 AGUS strain RS:0000037 AGUS IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
70426 ALB/N Albany strain RS:0000041 ALB/N IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
70427 AM strain RS:0000044 AM IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
70428 AMDIL strain RS:0000045 AMDIL IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
70429 AO strain RS:0000050 AO IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
70440 BIRMA strain RS:0000110 BIRMA IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
70446 LIH/Lac Liverpool Hooded strain RS:0000555 LIH/Lac IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
70447 MNR Maudsely non-reactive strain RS:0000582 MNR IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
70448 MNRA strain RS:0000584 MNRA IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
70449 MR/N Maudsely reactive strain RS:0000589 MR/N IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
70450 NBR strain RS:0000602 NBR IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
70451 OKA strain RS:0000618 OKA IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
70452 OM Osborne-Mendel strain RS:0000629 OM IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
70453 SR strain RS:0000784 SR IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
70454 WKY/N strain RS:0000714 WKY/N IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
70455 WKYO/Kyo strain RS:0001078 WKYO/Kyo IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
70456 WM strain RS:0001079 WM IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
70457 WMS strain RS:0001081 WMS IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
70458 WN strain RS:0002362 WN IEA S RGD:7241799 20240713 RGD
70459 ZDF Vancouver diabetic fatty Zucker strain RS:0001101 ZDF IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
70508 SD Sprague-Dawley strain RS:0000681 SD IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
70509 F344/NRrrc strain RS:0000313 F344/NRrrc IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
71111 Iddm8 Insulin dependent diabetes mellitus QTL 8 qtl RS:0000067 BB/OK IEA S RGD:61077|PMID:9571179 20140604 RGD
71111 Iddm8 Insulin dependent diabetes mellitus QTL 8 qtl RS:0000749 SHR/Mol IEA S RGD:61077|PMID:9571179 20140604 RGD
71112 Bw115 Body weight QTL 115 qtl RS:0000113 BN IEA S RGD:61072|PMID:9585427 20140604 RGD
71112 Bw115 Body weight QTL 115 qtl RS:0000284 OLETF IEA S RGD:61072|PMID:9585427 20140604 RGD
71113 Cari2 Carrageenan-induced inflammation QTL 2 qtl RS:0000121 LEW IEA S RGD:69693|PMID:10087293 20140604 RGD
71113 Cari2 Carrageenan-induced inflammation QTL 2 qtl RS:0000313 F344/NRrrc IEA S RGD:69693|PMID:10087293 20140604 RGD
71114 Niddm14 Non-insulin dependent diabetes mellitus QTL 14 qtl RS:0000284 OLETF IEA S RGD:61072|PMID:9585427 20140604 RGD
71114 Niddm14 Non-insulin dependent diabetes mellitus QTL 14 qtl RS:0000313 F344/NRrrc IEA S RGD:61072|PMID:9585427 20140604 RGD
71115 Niddm15 Non-insulin dependent diabetes mellitus QTL 15 qtl RS:0000284 OLETF IEA S RGD:61072|PMID:9585427 20140604 RGD
71115 Niddm15 Non-insulin dependent diabetes mellitus QTL 15 qtl RS:0000313 F344/NRrrc IEA S RGD:61072|PMID:9585427 20140604 RGD
71116 Niddm16 Non-insulin dependent diabetes mellitus QTL 16 qtl RS:0000113 BN IEA S RGD:619678|PMID:10373320 20140604 RGD
71116 Niddm16 Non-insulin dependent diabetes mellitus QTL 16 qtl RS:0000284 OLETF IEA S RGD:619678|PMID:10373320 20140604 RGD
71117 Niddm17 Non-insulin dependent diabetes mellitus QTL 17 qtl RS:0000133 BN/CrlCrlj IEA S RGD:70861|PMID:8702404 20140604 RGD
71117 Niddm17 Non-insulin dependent diabetes mellitus QTL 17 qtl RS:0000284 OLETF IEA S RGD:70861|PMID:8702404 20140604 RGD
71118 Thym1 Thymus enlargement QTL 1 qtl RS:0000165 BUF/Mna IEA S RGD:70859|PMID:10792781 20140604 RGD
71118 Thym1 Thymus enlargement QTL 1 qtl RS:0001036 WKY/NCrlCrlj IEA S RGD:70859|PMID:10792781 20140604 RGD
71119 Thym2 Thymus enlargement QTL 2 qtl RS:0000165 BUF/Mna IEA S RGD:634747|PMID:8672128 20140604 RGD
71119 Thym2 Thymus enlargement QTL 2 qtl RS:0001036 WKY/NCrlCrlj IEA S RGD:634747|PMID:8672128 20140604 RGD
71120 Niddm21 Non-insulin dependent diabetes mellitus QTL 21 qtl RS:0000305 F344/DuCrlCrlj IEA S RGD:61021|PMID:10051320 20140604 RGD
71120 Niddm21 Non-insulin dependent diabetes mellitus QTL 21 qtl RS:0000625 OLETF/Got IEA S RGD:61021|PMID:10051320 20140604 RGD
7204133 LEW-Rag1em1Ztm strain RS:0003367 LEW-Rag1em1Ztm IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
7204136 SD-Rag1em1Ang strain RS:0003368 SD-Rag1em1Ang IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
7204484 Bp358 Blood pressure QTL 358 qtl RS:0003042 SS-Chr 12BN.SS-(D12Hmgc3-D12Hmgc6)/Mcwi IEA S RGD:7204442|PMID:22868394 20140604 RGD
7205510 Activ5 Activity QTL 5 qtl RS:0000967 WAG IEA S RGD:2306974|PMID:19089625 20160109 RGD
7205510 Activ5 Activity QTL 5 qtl RS:0001334 ISIAH IEA S RGD:2306974|PMID:19089625 20160109 RGD
7207480 Bss105 Bone structure and strength QTL 105 qtl RS:0000363 F344/NHsd IEA S RGD:1549683|PMID:16059631 20140604 RGD
7207480 Bss105 Bone structure and strength QTL 105 qtl RS:0000521 LEW/NHsd IEA S RGD:1549683|PMID:16059631 20140604 RGD
7207481 Bss106 Bone structure and strength QTL 106 qtl RS:0000363 F344/NHsd IEA S RGD:1549683|PMID:16059631 20140604 RGD
7207481 Bss106 Bone structure and strength QTL 106 qtl RS:0000521 LEW/NHsd IEA S RGD:1549683|PMID:16059631 20140604 RGD
7207482 Bss107 Bone structure and strength QTL 107 qtl RS:0000363 F344/NHsd IEA S RGD:1549683|PMID:16059631 20140604 RGD
7207482 Bss107 Bone structure and strength QTL 107 qtl RS:0000521 LEW/NHsd IEA S RGD:1549683|PMID:16059631 20140604 RGD
7207484 Bss108 Bone structure and strength QTL 108 qtl RS:0000363 F344/NHsd IEA S RGD:1549683|PMID:16059631 20140604 RGD
7207484 Bss108 Bone structure and strength QTL 108 qtl RS:0000521 LEW/NHsd IEA S RGD:1549683|PMID:16059631 20140604 RGD
7207486 Bss109 Bone structure and strength QTL 109 qtl RS:0000363 F344/NHsd IEA S RGD:1549683|PMID:16059631 20140604 RGD
7207486 Bss109 Bone structure and strength QTL 109 qtl RS:0000521 LEW/NHsd IEA S RGD:1549683|PMID:16059631 20140604 RGD
7207488 Bss110 Bone structure and strength QTL 1 qtl RS:0000363 F344/NHsd IEA S RGD:1549683|PMID:16059631 20140604 RGD
7207488 Bss110 Bone structure and strength QTL 1 qtl RS:0000521 LEW/NHsd IEA S RGD:1549683|PMID:16059631 20140604 RGD
7207490 Bss111 Bone structure and strength QTL 111 qtl RS:0000363 F344/NHsd IEA S RGD:1549683|PMID:16059631 20140604 RGD
7207490 Bss111 Bone structure and strength QTL 111 qtl RS:0000521 LEW/NHsd IEA S RGD:1549683|PMID:16059631 20140604 RGD
7207491 Bss112 Bone structure and strength QTL 112 qtl RS:0000363 F344/NHsd IEA S RGD:1549683|PMID:16059631 20140604 RGD
7207491 Bss112 Bone structure and strength QTL 112 qtl RS:0000521 LEW/NHsd IEA S RGD:1549683|PMID:16059631 20140604 RGD
7207805 Bmd88 Bone mineral density QTL 88 qtl RS:0000186 COP/OlaHsd IEA S RGD:2293456|PMID:18282130 20140604 RGD
7207805 Bmd88 Bone mineral density QTL 88 qtl RS:0000244 DA/OlaHsd IEA S RGD:2293456|PMID:18282130 20140604 RGD
7207808 Bmd89 Bone mineral density QTL 89 qtl RS:0000186 COP/OlaHsd IEA S RGD:2293456|PMID:18282130 20140604 RGD
7207808 Bmd89 Bone mineral density QTL 89 qtl RS:0000244 DA/OlaHsd IEA S RGD:2293456|PMID:18282130 20140604 RGD
7207811 Bmd90 Bone mineral density QTL 90 qtl RS:0000186 COP/OlaHsd IEA S RGD:2293456|PMID:18282130 20140604 RGD
7207811 Bmd90 Bone mineral density QTL 90 qtl RS:0000244 DA/OlaHsd IEA S RGD:2293456|PMID:18282130 20140604 RGD
7207814 Bmd91 Bone mineral density QTL 91 qtl RS:0000186 COP/OlaHsd IEA S RGD:2293456|PMID:18282130 20140604 RGD
7207814 Bmd91 Bone mineral density QTL 91 qtl RS:0000244 DA/OlaHsd IEA S RGD:2293456|PMID:18282130 20140604 RGD
7207880 LEW.WKY-(D13Arb15-D13Rat58)/Tja strain RS:0003369 LEW.WKY-(D13Arb15-D13Rat58)/Tja IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
7207885 Glom27 Glomerulus QTL 27 qtl RS:0000531 LEW/SsNHsd IEA S RGD:7207870|PMID:22445570 20140604 RGD
7207885 Glom27 Glomerulus QTL 27 qtl RS:0000731 WKY/NCrl IEA S RGD:7207870|PMID:22445570 20140604 RGD
7240510 DA.PVG.1AV1-(D4Rat113-D4Kiru96)/Kiru strain RS:0003370 DA.PVG.1AV1-(D4Rat113-D4Kiru96)/Kiru IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
7240512 DA.PVG.1AV1-(D4Rat113-D4Kiru80)/Kiru strain RS:0003371 DA.PVG.1AV1-(D4Rat113-D4Kiru80)/Kiru IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
7240513 DA.PVG.1AV1-(D4Kiru90-D4Kiru111)/Kiru strain RS:0003372 DA.PVG.1AV1-(D4Kiru90-D4Kiru111)/Kiru IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
7240514 DA.PVG.1AV1-(D4Kiru12-D4Kiru55)/Kiru strain RS:0003373 DA.PVG.1AV1-(D4Kiru12-D4Kiru55)/Kiru IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
7240521 DA.PVG.1AV1-(D4Kini3-D4Rat177)/Kini strain RS:0003374 DA.PVG.1AV1-(D4Kini3-D4Rat177)/Kini IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
7240522 DA.PVG.1AV1-(D4Kini3-D4Mgh14)/Kini strain RS:0003375 DA.PVG.1AV1-(D4Kini3-D4Mgh14)/Kini IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
7241047 LE-Lrrk1em1SageLrrk2em1Sage strain RS:0003377 LE-Lrrk1em1SageLrrk2em1Sage IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
7241048 LE-Park7em1Sage strain RS:0003384 LE-Park7em1Sage IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
7241049 LE-Pink1em1Sage-/- strain RS:0003389 LE-Pink1em1Sage-/- IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
7241050 LE-Lrrk2em1Sage strain RS:0003385 LE-Lrrk2em1Sage IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
7241051 LE-Lrrk1em1Sage strain RS:0003386 LE-Lrrk1em1Sage IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
7241052 LE-Prknem1Sage-/- strain RS:0003390 LE-Park2em1Sage-/- IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
7241053 LE-Lrrk1em1Sage-/-Lrrk2em1Sage-/- strain RS:0003391 LE-Lrrk1em1Sage-/-Lrrk2em1Sage-/- IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
7241054 LE-Pink1em1Sage strain RS:0003387 LE-Pink1em1Sage IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
7241055 LE-Park7em1Sage-/- strain RS:0003392 LE-Park7em1Sage-/- IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
7241056 LE-Lrrk2em1Sage-/- strain RS:0003393 LE-Lrrk2em1Sage-/- IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
7241057 LE-Lrrk1em1Sage-/- strain RS:0003394 LE-Lrrk1em1Sage-/- IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
7241058 LE-Prknem1Sage strain RS:0003388 LE-Park2em1Sage IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
7241239 DA.BN-(D9Wox18-D9Rat20)/Kini strain RS:0003400 DA.BN-(D9Wox18-D9Rat20)/Kini IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
7241240 DA.BN-(D9Mit6-D9Rat29)/Kini strain RS:0003402 DA.BN-(D9Wox17-D9Rat29)/Kini IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
7241241 DA.BN-(D9Mit6-D9Got15)/Kini strain RS:0003403 DA.BN-(D9Wox17-D9Got15)/Kini IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
7241242 DA.BN-(D9Got8-D9Rat139)/Kini strain RS:0003404 DA.BN-(D9Got8-D9Rat139)/Kini IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
7241243 DA.BN-(D9Wox24-D9Rat20)/Kini strain RS:0003405 DA.BN-(D9Wox24-D9Rat20)/Kini IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
7241244 DA.BN-(D9Wox24-D9Wox18)/Kini strain RS:0003406 DA.BN-(D9Wox24-D9Wox18)/Kini IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
7241245 DA.BN-(D9Wox24-D9Rat139)/Kini strain RS:0003407 DA.BN-(D9Wox24-D9Rat139)/Kini IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
7241246 DA.BN-(D9Wox24-D9Rat44)/Kini strain RS:0003408 DA.BN-(D9Wox24-D9Rat44)/Kini IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
7241247 LEW.BN-(D9Got8-D9Got22)/Kini strain RS:0003409 LEW.BN-(D9Got8-D9Got22)/Kini IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
7241248 LEW.BN-(D9Wox24-D9Got22)/Kini strain RS:0003410 LEW.BN-(D9Wox24-D9Got22)/Kini IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
7241265 SHR-Chr YWKY/Akr strain RS:0003412 SHR-Chr YWKY/Akr IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
7241267 WKY-Chr YSHR/Akr strain RS:0003413 WKY-Chr YSHR/Akr IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
7241271 SHR.BN-(D10Mit4-D10Wox11)/Cub strain RS:0003414 SHR.BN-(D10Mit4-D10Wox11)/Cub IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
7241594 (SDxF344)F1-Rbm20m1Mlgw strain RS:0003417 (SDxF344)F1-Rbm20m1Mlgw IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
7241595 (SDxF344)F1xBN-Rbm20m1Mlgw+/+ strain RS:0003419 (SDxF344)F1xBN-Rbm20m1Mlgw+/+ IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
7241596 (SDxF344)F1-Rbm20m1Mlgw+/+ strain RS:0003420 (SDxF344)F1-Rbm20m1Mlgw+/+ IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
7241597 (SDxF344)F1xBN-Rbm20m1Mlgw strain RS:0003418 (SDxF344)F1xBN-Rbm20m1Mlgw IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
7241794 SHR/Bbb strain RS:0003421 SHR/Bbb IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
7241811 BBDP.WF-(D8Rat73-D8Sunn1467)(D13Rat124-D13Mgh5)/Sunn strain RS:0003422 BBDP.WF-(D8Rat73-D8Sunn1467)(D13Rat124-D13Mgh5)/Sunn IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
7243862 Mcs30 Mammary carcinoma susceptibility QTL 30 qtl RS:0000186 COP/OlaHsd IEA S RGD:7327193|PMID:24023717 20140604 RGD
7243862 Mcs30 Mammary carcinoma susceptibility QTL 30 qtl RS:0000363 F344/NHsd IEA S RGD:7327193|PMID:24023717 20140604 RGD
7243955 DA.F344-(D4Got44-D4Arb21)/Arb strain RS:0003425 DA.F344-(D4Got44-D4Arb21)/Arb IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
7243960 DA.F344-(D4Got44-D4Rat128)/Arb strain RS:0003426 DA.F344-(D4Got44-D4Rat128)/Arb IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
7243963 DA.F344-(D4Uia2-D4Wox21)/Arb strain RS:0003427 DA.F344-(D4Uia2-D4Wox21)/Arb IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
7243965 DA.F344-(D4Arb21-D4Arb4)/Arb strain RS:0003428 DA.F344-(D4Arb21-D4Arb4)/Arb IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
7243966 DA.F344-(D4Arb5-D4Arb4)/Arb strain RS:0003429 DA.F344-(D4Arb5-D4Arb4)/Arb IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
7244374 FXLE/Stm strain RS:0000473 FXLE/Stm IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
7244380 DA.F344(Cia3c)/Arb strain RS:0003430 DA.F344(Cia3c)/Arb IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
7244381 DA.F344(Cia3e)/Arb strain RS:0003431 DA.F344(Cia3e)/Arb IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
724513 Uae14 Urinary albumin excretion QTL 14 qtl RS:0000744 SHR/FubRkb IEA S RGD:634633|PMID:12799471 20140604 RGD
724513 Uae14 Urinary albumin excretion QTL 14 qtl RS:0000817 SS/Jr IEA S RGD:634633|PMID:12799471 20140604 RGD
724514 Uae15 Urinary albumin excretion QTL 15 qtl RS:0000744 SHR/FubRkb IEA S RGD:634633|PMID:12799471 20140604 RGD
724514 Uae15 Urinary albumin excretion QTL 15 qtl RS:0000817 SS/Jr IEA S RGD:634633|PMID:12799471 20140604 RGD
724515 Uae16 Urinary albumin excretion QTL 16 qtl RS:0000744 SHR/FubRkb IEA S RGD:634633|PMID:12799471 20140604 RGD
724515 Uae16 Urinary albumin excretion QTL 16 qtl RS:0000817 SS/Jr IEA S RGD:634633|PMID:12799471 20140604 RGD
724516 Uae17 Urinary albumin excretion QTL 17 qtl RS:0000744 SHR/FubRkb IEA S RGD:634633|PMID:12799471 20140604 RGD
724516 Uae17 Urinary albumin excretion QTL 17 qtl RS:0000817 SS/Jr IEA S RGD:634633|PMID:12799471 20140604 RGD
724517 Uae18 Urinary albumin excretion QTL 18 qtl RS:0000744 SHR/FubRkb IEA S RGD:634633|PMID:12799471 20140604 RGD
724517 Uae18 Urinary albumin excretion QTL 18 qtl RS:0000817 SS/Jr IEA S RGD:634633|PMID:12799471 20140604 RGD
724518 Uae19 Urinary albumin excretion QTL 19 qtl RS:0000744 SHR/FubRkb IEA S RGD:634633|PMID:12799471 20140604 RGD
724518 Uae19 Urinary albumin excretion QTL 19 qtl RS:0000817 SS/Jr IEA S RGD:634633|PMID:12799471 20140604 RGD
724519 Bp144 Blood pressure QTL 144 qtl RS:0000169 BXH/Ipcv IEA S RGD:619638|PMID:8938440 20140604 RGD
724520 Bp145 Blood pressure QTL 145 qtl RS:0000529 LEW/Rkb IEA S RGD:634618|PMID:12397040 20140604 RGD
724520 Bp145 Blood pressure QTL 145 qtl RS:0000596 MWF/FubRkb IEA S RGD:634618|PMID:12397040 20140604 RGD
724521 Uae1 Urinary albumin excretion QTL 1 qtl RS:0000529 LEW/Rkb IEA S RGD:634618|PMID:12397040 20140604 RGD
724521 Uae1 Urinary albumin excretion QTL 1 qtl RS:0000596 MWF/FubRkb IEA S RGD:634618|PMID:12397040 20140604 RGD
724522 Bp146 Blood pressure QTL 146 qtl RS:0000529 LEW/Rkb IEA S RGD:634618|PMID:12397040 20140604 RGD
724522 Bp146 Blood pressure QTL 146 qtl RS:0000596 MWF/FubRkb IEA S RGD:634618|PMID:12397040 20140604 RGD
724523 Tsu1 Thymus enlargement suppressive QTL 1 qtl RS:0000165 BUF/Mna IEA S RGD:634729|PMID:9234381 20140604 RGD
724523 Tsu1 Thymus enlargement suppressive QTL 1 qtl RS:0000579 MITE/Mna IEA S RGD:634729|PMID:9234381 20140604 RGD
724524 Uae2 Urinary albumin excretion QTL 2 qtl RS:0000529 LEW/Rkb IEA S RGD:634618|PMID:12397040 20140604 RGD
724524 Uae2 Urinary albumin excretion QTL 2 qtl RS:0000596 MWF/FubRkb IEA S RGD:634618|PMID:12397040 20140604 RGD
724525 Bp147 Blood pressure QTL 147 qtl RS:0000529 LEW/Rkb IEA S RGD:634618|PMID:12397040 20140604 RGD
724525 Bp147 Blood pressure QTL 147 qtl RS:0000596 MWF/FubRkb IEA S RGD:634618|PMID:12397040 20140604 RGD
724526 Uae3 Urinary albumin excretion QTL 3 qtl RS:0000529 LEW/Rkb IEA S RGD:634618|PMID:12397040 20140604 RGD
724526 Uae3 Urinary albumin excretion QTL 3 qtl RS:0000596 MWF/FubRkb IEA S RGD:634618|PMID:12397040 20140604 RGD
724527 Bp148 Blood pressure QTL 148 qtl RS:0004420 SS.LEW-(D10M11Mit119-D10Rat27)/Ayd IEA S RGD:704345|PMID:12939233 20170527 RGD
724528 Uae4 Urinary albumin excretion QTL 4 qtl RS:0000529 LEW/Rkb IEA S RGD:634618|PMID:12397040 20140604 RGD
724528 Uae4 Urinary albumin excretion QTL 4 qtl RS:0000596 MWF/FubRkb IEA S RGD:634618|PMID:12397040 20140604 RGD
724529 Cm16 Cardiac mass QTL 16 qtl RS:0000754 SHR/NHsd IEA S RGD:634617|PMID:12707388 20140604 RGD
724529 Cm16 Cardiac mass QTL 16 qtl RS:0000924 SS/JrTol IEA S RGD:634617|PMID:12707388 20140604 RGD
724530 Bp149 Blood pressure QTL 149 qtl RS:0000850 SS.LEW-(D10Rat17-D10Mgh1)/Ayd IEA S RGD:704345|PMID:12939233 20140604 RGD
724531 Uae5 Urinary albumin excretion QTL 5 qtl RS:0000754 SHR/NHsd IEA S RGD:634617|PMID:12707388 20140604 RGD
724531 Uae5 Urinary albumin excretion QTL 5 qtl RS:0000924 SS/JrTol IEA S RGD:634617|PMID:12707388 20140604 RGD
724532 Cm17 Cardiac mass QTL 17 qtl RS:0000754 SHR/NHsd IEA S RGD:634617|PMID:12707388 20140604 RGD
724532 Cm17 Cardiac mass QTL 17 qtl RS:0000924 SS/JrTol IEA S RGD:634617|PMID:12707388 20140604 RGD
724533 Rf51 Renal function QTL 51 qtl RS:0000015 SHR IEA S RGD:619628|PMID:10545438 20140604 RGD
724533 Rf51 Renal function QTL 51 qtl RS:0000742 WKY IEA S RGD:619628|PMID:10545438 20140604 RGD
724534 Uae6 Urinary albumin excretion QTL 6 qtl RS:0000754 SHR/NHsd IEA S RGD:634617|PMID:12707388 20140604 RGD
724534 Uae6 Urinary albumin excretion QTL 6 qtl RS:0000924 SS/JrTol IEA S RGD:634617|PMID:12707388 20140604 RGD
724535 Cm18 Cardiac mass QTL 18 qtl RS:0000754 SHR/NHsd IEA S RGD:634617|PMID:12707388 20140604 RGD
724535 Cm18 Cardiac mass QTL 18 qtl RS:0000924 SS/JrTol IEA S RGD:634617|PMID:12707388 20140604 RGD
724536 Uae7 Urinary albumin excretion QTL 7 qtl RS:0000754 SHR/NHsd IEA S RGD:634617|PMID:12707388 20140604 RGD
724536 Uae7 Urinary albumin excretion QTL 7 qtl RS:0000924 SS/JrTol IEA S RGD:634617|PMID:12707388 20140604 RGD
724537 Niddm52 Non-insulin dependent diabetes mellitus QTL 52 qtl RS:0000305 F344/DuCrlCrlj IEA S RGD:619670|PMID:11381614 20140604 RGD
724537 Niddm52 Non-insulin dependent diabetes mellitus QTL 52 qtl RS:0000625 OLETF/Got IEA S RGD:619670|PMID:11381614 20140604 RGD
724538 Kidm1 Kidney mass QTL 1 qtl RS:0000754 SHR/NHsd IEA S RGD:634617|PMID:12707388 20140604 RGD
724538 Kidm1 Kidney mass QTL 1 qtl RS:0000924 SS/JrTol IEA S RGD:634617|PMID:12707388 20140604 RGD
724539 Cm19 Cardiac mass QTL 19 qtl RS:0000754 SHR/NHsd IEA S RGD:634617|PMID:12707388 20140604 RGD
724539 Cm19 Cardiac mass QTL 19 qtl RS:0000924 SS/JrTol IEA S RGD:634617|PMID:12707388 20140604 RGD
724540 Uae8 Urinary albumin excretion QTL 8 qtl RS:0000754 SHR/NHsd IEA S RGD:634617|PMID:12707388 20140604 RGD
724540 Uae8 Urinary albumin excretion QTL 8 qtl RS:0000924 SS/JrTol IEA S RGD:634617|PMID:12707388 20140604 RGD
724541 Niddm53 Non-insulin dependent diabetes mellitus QTL 53 qtl RS:0000305 F344/DuCrlCrlj IEA S RGD:619670|PMID:11381614 20140604 RGD
724541 Niddm53 Non-insulin dependent diabetes mellitus QTL 53 qtl RS:0000625 OLETF/Got IEA S RGD:619670|PMID:11381614 20140604 RGD
724542 Kidm2 Kidney mass QTL 2 qtl RS:0000754 SHR/NHsd IEA S RGD:634617|PMID:12707388 20140604 RGD
724542 Kidm2 Kidney mass QTL 2 qtl RS:0000924 SS/JrTol IEA S RGD:634617|PMID:12707388 20140604 RGD
724543 Cm20 Cardiac mass QTL 20 qtl RS:0000754 SHR/NHsd IEA S RGD:634617|PMID:12707388 20140604 RGD
724543 Cm20 Cardiac mass QTL 20 qtl RS:0000924 SS/JrTol IEA S RGD:634617|PMID:12707388 20140604 RGD
724544 Uae9 Urinary albumin excretion QTL 9 qtl RS:0000754 SHR/NHsd IEA S RGD:634617|PMID:12707388 20140604 RGD
724544 Uae9 Urinary albumin excretion QTL 9 qtl RS:0000924 SS/JrTol IEA S RGD:634617|PMID:12707388 20140604 RGD
724545 Niddm54 Non-insulin dependent diabetes mellitus QTL 54 qtl RS:0000305 F344/DuCrlCrlj IEA S RGD:619670|PMID:11381614 20140604 RGD
724545 Niddm54 Non-insulin dependent diabetes mellitus QTL 54 qtl RS:0000625 OLETF/Got IEA S RGD:619670|PMID:11381614 20140604 RGD
724546 Kidm3 Kidney mass QTL 3 qtl RS:0000754 SHR/NHsd IEA S RGD:634617|PMID:12707388 20140604 RGD
724546 Kidm3 Kidney mass QTL 3 qtl RS:0000924 SS/JrTol IEA S RGD:634617|PMID:12707388 20140604 RGD
724547 Cm21 Cardiac mass QTL 21 qtl RS:0000754 SHR/NHsd IEA S RGD:634617|PMID:12707388 20140604 RGD
724547 Cm21 Cardiac mass QTL 21 qtl RS:0000924 SS/JrTol IEA S RGD:634617|PMID:12707388 20140604 RGD
724548 Niddm55 Non-insulin dependent diabetes mellitus QTL 55 qtl RS:0000305 F344/DuCrlCrlj IEA S RGD:619670|PMID:11381614 20140604 RGD
724548 Niddm55 Non-insulin dependent diabetes mellitus QTL 55 qtl RS:0000625 OLETF/Got IEA S RGD:619670|PMID:11381614 20140604 RGD
7245481 SD-Tg(hsMt-LacZ)Reh strain RS:0003434 SD-Tg(hsMt-LacZ)Reh IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
7245482 SD-Tg((ROSA)26-EGFP)RehRrrc strain RS:0003435 SD-Tg((ROSA)26-EGFP)RehRrrc IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
7245488 SD-Tg(Chat-tTA) strain RS:0003436 SD-Tg(Chat-tTA) IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
724549 Niddm56 Non-insulin dependent diabetes mellitus QTL 56 qtl RS:0000305 F344/DuCrlCrlj IEA S RGD:619670|PMID:11381614 20140604 RGD
724549 Niddm56 Non-insulin dependent diabetes mellitus QTL 56 qtl RS:0000625 OLETF/Got IEA S RGD:619670|PMID:11381614 20140604 RGD
7245494 SD-Tg(TRE-TARDBP-M337V) strain RS:0003437 SD-Tg(TRE-TARDBP-M337V) IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
724550 Thym3 Thymus enlargement QTL 3 qtl RS:0000165 BUF/Mna IEA S RGD:70859|PMID:10792781 20140604 RGD
724550 Thym3 Thymus enlargement QTL 3 qtl RS:0000579 MITE/Mna IEA S RGD:70859|PMID:10792781 20140604 RGD
724551 Glom1 Glomerulus QTL 1 qtl RS:0000529 LEW/Rkb IEA S RGD:634618|PMID:12397040 20140604 RGD
724551 Glom1 Glomerulus QTL 1 qtl RS:0000596 MWF/FubRkb IEA S RGD:634618|PMID:12397040 20140604 RGD
724552 Glom2 Glomerulus QTL 2 qtl RS:0000529 LEW/Rkb IEA S RGD:634618|PMID:12397040 20140604 RGD
724552 Glom2 Glomerulus QTL 2 qtl RS:0000596 MWF/FubRkb IEA S RGD:634618|PMID:12397040 20140604 RGD
7245521 SD-Tg(Th-SNCA*)3Ins strain RS:0003438 SD-Tg(Th-SNCA*)3Ins IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
7245523 SD-Tg(Th-SNCA*)4Ins strain RS:0003439 SD-Tg(Th-SNCA*)4Ins IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
7245527 WKHA/Edh strain RS:0003440 WKHA/Edh IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
724553 Glom3 Glomerulus QTL 3 qtl RS:0000529 LEW/Rkb IEA S RGD:634618|PMID:12397040 20140604 RGD
724553 Glom3 Glomerulus QTL 3 qtl RS:0000596 MWF/FubRkb IEA S RGD:634618|PMID:12397040 20140604 RGD
724554 Iddm17 Insulin dependent diabetes mellitus QTL 17 qtl RS:0000433 KDP/Tky IEA S RGD:634732|PMID:9329965 20140604 RGD
724554 Iddm17 Insulin dependent diabetes mellitus QTL 17 qtl RS:0000933 TM IEA S RGD:634732|PMID:9329965 20140604 RGD
724555 Bp150 Blood pressure QTL 150 qtl RS:0000853 SS.LEW-(D10Rat27-Igfbp4)/Ayd IEA S RGD:704345|PMID:12939233 20140604 RGD
7245556 WKHT/Edh strain RS:0003441 WKHT/Edh IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
724556 Pur2 Proteinuria QTL 2 qtl RS:0000754 SHR/NHsd IEA S RGD:634617|PMID:12707388 20140604 RGD
724556 Pur2 Proteinuria QTL 2 qtl RS:0000924 SS/JrTol IEA S RGD:634617|PMID:12707388 20140604 RGD
724557 Plsm1 Polydactyly-luxate syndrome (PLS) morphotypes QTL 1 qtl RS:0000116 BN-Lx/Cub IEA S RGD:632346|PMID:8997636 20140604 RGD
724557 Plsm1 Polydactyly-luxate syndrome (PLS) morphotypes QTL 1 qtl RS:0000402 SHR/Ola IEA S RGD:632346|PMID:8997636 20140604 RGD
724558 Plsm2 Polydactyly-luxate syndrome (PLS) morphotypes QTL 2 qtl RS:0000116 BN-Lx/Cub IEA S RGD:632346|PMID:8997636 20140604 RGD
724558 Plsm2 Polydactyly-luxate syndrome (PLS) morphotypes QTL 2 qtl RS:0000402 SHR/Ola IEA S RGD:632346|PMID:8997636 20140604 RGD
724559 Pancm1 Pancreatic morphology QTL 1 qtl RS:0000003 13M IEA S RGD:61083|PMID:9169130 20140604 RGD
724559 Pancm1 Pancreatic morphology QTL 1 qtl RS:0000742 WKY IEA S RGD:61083|PMID:9169130 20140604 RGD
724560 Plsm3 Polydactyly-luxate syndrome (PLS) morphotypes QTL 3 qtl RS:0000116 BN-Lx/Cub IEA S RGD:632346|PMID:8997636 20140604 RGD
724560 Plsm3 Polydactyly-luxate syndrome (PLS) morphotypes QTL 3 qtl RS:0000402 SHR/Ola IEA S RGD:632346|PMID:8997636 20140604 RGD
724561 Plsm4 Polydactyly-luxate syndrome (PLS) morphotypes QTL 4 qtl RS:0000116 BN-Lx/Cub IEA S RGD:632346|PMID:8997636 20140604 RGD
724561 Plsm4 Polydactyly-luxate syndrome (PLS) morphotypes QTL 4 qtl RS:0000402 SHR/Ola IEA S RGD:632346|PMID:8997636 20140604 RGD
724562 Rends1 Renal damage susceptibility QTL 1 qtl RS:0000134 BN/Crl IEA S RGD:632218|PMID:10454439 20180310 RGD
724562 Rends1 Renal damage susceptibility QTL 1 qtl RS:0000402 SHR/Ola IEA S RGD:632218|PMID:10454439 20180310 RGD
724562 Rends1 Renal damage susceptibility QTL 1 qtl RS:0000721 SHR.BN-(D1Mit3-Igf2)/Ipcv IEA S RGD:632218|PMID:10454439 20140604 RGD
724563 Uae10 Urinary albumin excretion QTL 10 qtl RS:0000754 SHR/NHsd IEA S RGD:634617|PMID:12707388 20140604 RGD
724563 Uae10 Urinary albumin excretion QTL 10 qtl RS:0000924 SS/JrTol IEA S RGD:634617|PMID:12707388 20140604 RGD
724564 Uae11 Urinary albumin excretion QTL 11 qtl RS:0000754 SHR/NHsd IEA S RGD:634617|PMID:12707388 20140604 RGD
724564 Uae11 Urinary albumin excretion QTL 11 qtl RS:0000924 SS/JrTol IEA S RGD:634617|PMID:12707388 20140604 RGD
724565 Tcas5 Tongue tumor susceptibility QTL 5 qtl RS:0000014 DA IEA S RGD:634723|PMID:11429048 20140604 RGD
724565 Tcas5 Tongue tumor susceptibility QTL 5 qtl RS:0000982 WF IEA S RGD:634723|PMID:11429048 20140604 RGD
724566 Uae12 Urinary albumin excretion QTL 12 qtl RS:0000754 SHR/NHsd IEA S RGD:634617|PMID:12707388 20140604 RGD
724566 Uae12 Urinary albumin excretion QTL 12 qtl RS:0000924 SS/JrTol IEA S RGD:634617|PMID:12707388 20140604 RGD
724567 Tcas6 Tongue tumor susceptibility QTL 6 qtl RS:0000014 DA IEA S RGD:634723|PMID:11429048 20140604 RGD
724567 Tcas6 Tongue tumor susceptibility QTL 6 qtl RS:0000982 WF IEA S RGD:634723|PMID:11429048 20140604 RGD
724568 Uae13 Urinary albumin excretion QTL 13 qtl RS:0000744 SHR/FubRkb IEA S RGD:634633|PMID:12799471 20140604 RGD
724568 Uae13 Urinary albumin excretion QTL 13 qtl RS:0000817 SS/Jr IEA S RGD:634633|PMID:12799471 20140604 RGD
724569 MWF/FubRkb Munich Wistar Fromter strain RS:0000596 MWF/FubRkb IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
724570 LEW/Rkb strain RS:0000529 LEW/Rkb IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
724571 MITE/Mna strain RS:0000579 MITE/Mna IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
724572 SS.LEW-(D10Wox51-D10Rat27)/Ayd strain RS:0000856 SS.LEW-(D10Wox51-D10Rat27)/Ayd IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
724573 SS/JrTol Dahl salt-sensitive (SS/Jr) rats strain RS:0000924 SS/JrTol IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
724574 SHR/NHsd strain RS:0000754 SHR/NHsd IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
724575 SS.LEW-(D10Rat17-D10Mgh1)/Ayd strain RS:0000850 SS.LEW-(D10Rat17-D10Mgh1)/Ayd IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
724576 KDP/Tky Komeda diabetes-prone rat strain RS:0000433 KDP/Tky IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
724577 SS.LEW-(D10Rat27-Igfbp4)/Ayd strain RS:0000853 SS.LEW-(D10Rat27-Igfbp4)/Ayd IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
7246924 HanTacFcfiq:WH Wistar Hannover strain RS:0003442 HanTacFcfiq:WH IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
7246927 NTacFcfiq:SD Sprague Dawley strain RS:0003443 NTacFcfiq:SD IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
7246928 NTac:NIH-Foxn1rnu nude strain RS:0003444 NTac:NIH-Foxn1rnu IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
7246929 NTacFcfiq:NIH-Foxn1rnu nude strain RS:0003445 NTacFcfiq:NIH-Foxn1rnu IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
7247278 SD-Tg(Camk2a-tTA)Xgx strain RS:0003446 SD-Tg(Camk2a-tTA)Xgx IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
7247279 SD-Tg(TRE-FUS-R521C)Xgx strain RS:0003447 SD-Tg(TRE-FUS-R521C)Xgx IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
7247280 SD-Tg(TRE-LacZ)Xgx strain RS:0003448 SD-Tg(TRE-LacZ)Xgx IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
7247286 F344-Tg(APP)21Besey strain RS:0003450 F344-Tg(APP)21Besey IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
7247289 SD-Tg(TETRA-EGFP)Besey strain RS:0003451 SD-Tg(TETRA-EGFP)Besey IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
7247290 SD-Tg(Ubc-P2ry2)Besey strain RS:0003452 SD-Tg(Ubc-P2ry2)Besey IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
7247442 Uae39 Urinary albumin excretion QTL 39 qtl RS:0000754 SHR/NHsd IEA S RGD:1578520|PMID:16534143 20140604 RGD
7247442 Uae39 Urinary albumin excretion QTL 39 qtl RS:0000817 SS/Jr IEA S RGD:1578520|PMID:16534143 20140604 RGD
7247594 WKY.SHR-(D1Rat90-D1Mit18)/Iwai strain RS:0003453 WKY.SHR-(D1Rat90-D1Mit18)/Iwai IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
7248453 SS.BN-(D12Hmgc3-AU047911)/Mcwi strain RS:0000368 SS.BN-(D12Hmgc3-AU047911)/Mcwi IEA S RGD:7241799 20140623 RGD
7248454 SS.BN-(D12Hmgc7-D12Hmgc6)/Mcwi strain RS:0000132 SS.BN-(D12Hmgc7-D12Hmgc6)/Mcwi IEA S RGD:7241799 20140623 RGD
7248456 SS.BN-(D12Hmgc3-D12Got29)/Mcwi strain RS:0000298 SS.BN-(D12Hmgc3- D12Got29)/Mcwi IEA S RGD:7241799 20140623 RGD
7248716 NAK/Nokh Nodai aphakia strain RS:0000756 NAK/Nokh IEA S RGD:7241799 20230218 RGD
7248725 ACI.BN-(D7Rat164-D7Uwm27)/Shul strain RS:0001104 ACI.BN-(D7Rat164-D7Uwm27)/Shul IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
7248727 ACI.BN-(D7Rat164-D7Uwm30)/Shul strain RS:0001105 ACI.BN-(D7Rat164-D7Uwm30)/Shul IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
7248729 ACI.BN-(D7Rat206-D7Uwm30)/Shul strain RS:0001106 ACI.BN-(D7Rat206-D7Uwm30)/Shul IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
7248731 ACI.BN-(D7Rat164-D7Uwm31)/Shul strain RS:0001107 ACI.BN-(D7Rat164-D7Uwm31)/Shul IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
7248733 ACI.BN-(D7Rat164-D7Uwm33)/Shul strain RS:0001147 ACI.BN-(D7Rat164-D7Uwm33)/Shul IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
7248736 ACI.BN-(D7Uwm32-D7Uwm27)/Shul strain RS:0001204 ACI.BN-(D7Uwm32-D7Uwm27)/Shul IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
7248738 ACI.BN-(D7Uwm36-D7Uwm27)/Shul strain RS:0001599 ACI.BN-(D7Uwm36-D7Uwm27)/Shul IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
7248740 ACI.BN-(D7Uwm38-D7Uwm27)/Shul strain RS:0003457 ACI.BN-(D7Uwm38-D7Uwm27)/Shul IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
7248742 ACI.BN-(D7Uwm33-D7Mit27)/Shul strain RS:0003458 ACI.BN-(D7Uwm33-D7Mit27)/Shul IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
7248744 ACI.BN-(D7Uwm33-D7Uwm27)/Shul strain RS:0003459 ACI.BN-(D7Uwm33-D7Uwm27)/Shul IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
7248746 ACI.BN-(D7Uwm41-D7Mit16)/Shul strain RS:0003460 ACI.BN-(D7Uwm41-D7Mit16)/Shul IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
7248748 ACI.BN-(D7Uwm28-D7Mit16)/Shul strain RS:0003461 ACI.BN-(D7Uwm28-D7Mit16)/Shul IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
7257663 WI-Tlr4em1Geh strain RS:0003464 WI-Tlr4em1Geh IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
7257722 WKY.SHR-(D1Mgh14-D1Rat77)/Iwai strain RS:0003522 WKY.SHR-(D1Mgh14-D1Rat77)/Iwai IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
728133 BN-RT1n/Rj strain RS:0000115 BN-RT1n/Rj IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
728134 SS.LEW-(D1Rat35-D1Rat49)/Jr strain RS:0000831 SS.LEW-(D1Rat35-D1Rat49)/Jr IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
728135 SS.LEW-(D5Uwm14-D5Uwm31)/Jr strain RS:0000838 SS.LEW-(D5Uwm14-D5Uwm31)/Jr IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
728137 SS.LEW-(D10Rat141-D10Mgh1)/Ayd strain RS:0000820 SS.LEW-(D10Rat141-D10Mgh1)/Ayd IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
728138 SS.MNS-(Mme-Gca)/Ayd strain RS:0000891 SS.MNS-(Mme-Gca)/Ayd IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
728139 WKY.SHRSP-(D1Rat200-D1Rat216)(Shbg-Atp1b2)/Bbb strain RS:0001045 WKY.SHRSP-(D1Rat200-D1Rat216)(Shbg-Atp1b2)/Bbb IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
728140 SS.LEW-(D10Rat11-D10Mgh1)/Ayd strain RS:0000819 SS.LEW-(D10Rat11-D10Mgh1)/Ayd IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
728142 BN.SHR-(Il6-Cd36)/Cub strain RS:0000129 BN.SHR-(Il6-Cd36)/Cub IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
728143 SS.LEW-(D1Mco38-D1Rat49)/Jr strain RS:0000827 SS.LEW-(D1Mco38-D1Rat49)/Jr IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
728144 BN.PD-(D8Rat39-D8Rat35)/Cub strain RS:0000235 BN.PD-(D8Rat39-D8Rat35)/Cub IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
728145 SS.LEW-(D5Rat130-D5Rat108)/Jr strain RS:0000834 SS.LEW-(D5Rat130-D5Rat108)/Jr IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
728146 F344.BN-(D3Mgh13-D3Mgh7)/Dlw strain RS:0000273 F344.BN-(D3Mgh13-D3Mgh7)/Dlw IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
728147 BN.PD-(D8Rat39-D8Rat35),SHR-(D4Mgh2-Cd36),SHR-(D20Wox3-D20Mgh5)/Cub strain RS:0000127 BN.PD-(D8Rat39-D8Rat35),SHR-(D4Mgh2-Cd36),SHR-(D20Wox3-D20Mgh5)/Cub IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
728148 SS.LEW-(D16Uia2-D16Rat12)/Ayd strain RS:0000823 SS.LEW-(D16Uia2-D16Rat12)/Ayd IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
728151 UPL/Ncc strain RS:0000954 UPL/Ncc IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
728152 SS.LEW-(D1Rat196-D1Mgh7)/Jr strain RS:0000825 SS.LEW-(D1Rat196-D1Mgh7)/Jr IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
728153 SS.LEW-(D1Rat196-D1Rat49)/Jr strain RS:0000826 SS.LEW-(D1Rat196-D1Rat49)/Jr IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
728155 BBDR.BBDP-(D4Mit6-D4Mit7)/1Rhw strain RS:0000074 BBDR.BBDP-(D4Mit6-D4Mit7)/1Rhw IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
728156 SS.LEW-(D5Mco34-D5Mco10)/Jr strain RS:0000833 SS.LEW-(D5Mco34-D5Mco10)/Jr IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
728157 SS.LEW-(D5Rat130-D5Mit19)/Jr strain RS:0001503 SS.LEW-(D5Rat130-D5Mco19)/Jr IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
728158 SS.LEW-(D5Uia4-D5Mco10)/Jr strain RS:0000836 SS.LEW-(D5Uia4-D5Mco10)/Jr IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
728159 SS.LEW-(D1Mco36-D1Rat49)/Jr strain RS:0000830 SS.LEW-(D1Mco36-D1Rat49)/Jr IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
728161 PD/Cub polydactylous strain RS:0000126 PD/Cub IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
728162 SS.LEW-(D1Mco87-D1Rat71)/Jr strain RS:0000829 SS.LEW-(D1Mco87-D1Rat71)/Jr IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
728163 SS.LEW-(D1Uia2-D1Rat49)/Jr strain RS:0000828 SS.LEW-(D1Uia2-D1Rat49)/Jr IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
728165 SS.LEW-(D1Rat196-D1Mco36)/Jr strain RS:0000824 SS.LEW-(D1Rat196-D1Mco36)/Jr IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
728166 WKY.SHRSP-(D1Rat112-D1Wox29)/Izm strain RS:0001043 WKY.SHRSP-(D1Rat112-D1Wox29)/Izm IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
728167 SS.LEW-(Nos2-D10M11Mit119)/Ayd strain RS:0000842 SS.LEW-(Nos2-D10M11Mit119)/Ayd IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
728168 WOK strain RS:0001084 WOK IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
728170 SS.MNS-(Mme-D2Mit14)/Ayd strain RS:0000890 SS.MNS-(Mme-D2Mit14)/Ayd IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
728171 LEW-RT11/Rj strain RS:0000488 LEW-RT11/Rj IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
728172 SS.MNS-(D2Mit6-Adh1)/Ayd strain RS:0000889 SS.MNS-(D2Mit6-Adh1)/Ayd IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
728183 WF/N strain RS:0001007 WF/N IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
728184 SHRSP/A3N strain RS:0000775 SHRSP/A3N IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
728185 N:NIH strain RS:0000597 N:NIH IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
728186 LEW/SsN strain RS:0000530 LEW/SsN IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
728187 ACI/N-j strain RS:0000025 ACI/N-j IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
728188 LOU/MN strain RS:0000567 LOU/MN IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
728189 SHR/N-di strain RS:0000751 SHR/N-di IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
728190 RCS-rdy-c Albino retinal dystrophy strain RS:0000653 RCS-rdy-c IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
728191 LOU/CN strain RS:0000564 LOU/CN IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
728192 RCS-rdy-p strain RS:0000658 RCS-rdy-p IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
728193 N:SD Sprague-Dawley strain RS:0001409 N:SD IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
728194 SHR/N strain RS:0000729 SHR/N IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
728195 SHR/N-cp strain RS:0000750 SHR/N-cp IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
728196 RHA/N-j strain RS:0000665 RHA/N-j IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
728197 RCS-rdy-+ strain RS:0000657 RCS-rdy-+ IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
728198 BHE/N Bureau of Home Economics strain RS:0000105 BHE/N IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
728199 RHA Roman high avoidance strain RS:0000661 RHA IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
728200 ACI/N-di strain RS:0000024 ACI/N-di IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
728358 SB strain RS:0000675 SB IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
728383 UPL/Cas Upjohn Pharmaceuticals Limited strain RS:0000130 UPL/Cas IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
728384 SS.LEW-(D10Rat24-Igfbp4)/Ayd strain RS:0000852 SS.LEW-(D10Rat24-Igfbp4)/Ayd IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
728385 WF.COP-(D2Rat2-D2M13Mit286)/Uwm strain RS:0000996 WF.COP-(D2Rat2-D2M13Mit286)/Uwm IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
728386 SS.LEW-(D10Rat119-D10Rat133)/Ayd strain RS:0000849 SS.LEW-(D10Rat119-D10Rat133)/Ayd IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
728387 WF.COP-(D2Mit29-D2Uwm13)/Uwm strain RS:0000995 WF.COP-(D2Mit29-D2Uwm13)/Uwm IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
728388 SS.LEW-(D10Rat119-D10Mgh1)/Ayd strain RS:0000848 SS.LEW-(D10Rat119-D10Mgh1)/Ayd IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
728389 WF.COP-(D2Mit29-D2Rat201)/Uwm strain RS:0000994 WF.COP-(D2Mit29-D2Rat201)/Uwm IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
728391 WF.COP-(D2Rat253-D2Uwm17)/Uwm strain RS:0000997 WF.COP-(D2Rat253-D2Uwm17)/Uwm IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
728392 RHA/N-di Roman high avoidance-di mutation strain RS:0000664 RHA/N-di IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
728393 SS.LEW-(D10Got125-D10Rat120)/Ayd strain RS:0000843 SS.LEW-(D10Got125-D10Rat120)/Ayd IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
728394 SS.LEW-(D10Rat55-D10Rat13)/Ayd strain RS:0000854 SS.LEW-(D10Rat55-D10Rat13)/Ayd IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
728395 SS.LEW-(D10Rat55-D10Rat120)/Ayd strain RS:0000855 SS.LEW-(D10Rat55-D10Rat120)/Ayd IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
728396 SS.LEW-(D10Mco15-D10Mgh1)/Ayd strain RS:0000845 SS.LEW-(D10Mco15-D10Mgh1)/Ayd IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
731164 Uae25 Urinary albumin excretion QTL 25 qtl RS:0000595 MWF/Fub IEA S RGD:730279|PMID:14638907 20140604 RGD
731164 Uae25 Urinary albumin excretion QTL 25 qtl RS:0000743 SHR/Fub IEA S RGD:730279|PMID:14638907 20140604 RGD
731165 Uae21 Urinary albumin excretion QTL 21 qtl RS:0000595 MWF/Fub IEA S RGD:730279|PMID:14638907 20140604 RGD
731165 Uae21 Urinary albumin excretion QTL 21 qtl RS:0000743 SHR/Fub IEA S RGD:730279|PMID:14638907 20140604 RGD
731166 Mamtr2 Mammary tumor resistance QTL 2 qtl RS:0000995 WF.COP-(D2Mit29-D2Uwm13)/Uwm IEA S RGD:724790|PMID:14522903 20140604 RGD
731167 Glom4 Glomerulus QTL 4 qtl RS:0000595 MWF/Fub IEA S RGD:730279|PMID:14638907 20140604 RGD
731167 Glom4 Glomerulus QTL 4 qtl RS:0000743 SHR/Fub IEA S RGD:730279|PMID:14638907 20140604 RGD
731168 Bp154 Blood pressure QTL 154 qtl RS:0000772 SHRSP.WKY-(Klk1-D1Rat116)/Izm IEA S RGD:730283|PMID:14623828 20140604 RGD
731169 Bp153 Blood pressure QTL 153 qtl RS:0000870 SS.LEW-(D1Rat211-D1Rat18)/Mco IEA S RGD:728381|PMID:14597851 20140604 RGD
731170 Pur3 Proteinuria QTL 3 qtl RS:0000595 MWF/Fub IEA S RGD:730279|PMID:14638907 20140604 RGD
731170 Pur3 Proteinuria QTL 3 qtl RS:0000743 SHR/Fub IEA S RGD:730279|PMID:14638907 20140604 RGD
731171 Glom6 Glomerulus QTL 6 qtl RS:0000595 MWF/Fub IEA S RGD:730279|PMID:14638907 20140604 RGD
731171 Glom6 Glomerulus QTL 6 qtl RS:0000743 SHR/Fub IEA S RGD:730279|PMID:14638907 20140604 RGD
731172 Bp151 Blood pressure QTL 151 qtl RS:0000882 SS.LEW-(D3Rat52-D3Rat130)/Ayd IEA S RGD:724791|PMID:14517349 20140604 RGD
731173 Uae22 Urinary albumin excretion QTL 22 qtl RS:0000595 MWF/Fub IEA S RGD:730279|PMID:14638907 20140604 RGD
731173 Uae22 Urinary albumin excretion QTL 22 qtl RS:0000743 SHR/Fub IEA S RGD:730279|PMID:14638907 20140604 RGD
731174 Uae23 Urinary albumin excretion QTL 23 qtl RS:0000595 MWF/Fub IEA S RGD:730279|PMID:14638907 20140604 RGD
731174 Uae23 Urinary albumin excretion QTL 23 qtl RS:0000743 SHR/Fub IEA S RGD:730279|PMID:14638907 20140604 RGD
731175 Uae20 Urinary albumin excretion QTL 20 qtl RS:0000595 MWF/Fub IEA S RGD:730279|PMID:14638907 20140604 RGD
731175 Uae20 Urinary albumin excretion QTL 20 qtl RS:0000743 SHR/Fub IEA S RGD:730279|PMID:14638907 20140604 RGD
731176 Glom5 Glomerulus QTL 5 qtl RS:0000595 MWF/Fub IEA S RGD:730279|PMID:14638907 20140604 RGD
731176 Glom5 Glomerulus QTL 5 qtl RS:0000743 SHR/Fub IEA S RGD:730279|PMID:14638907 20140604 RGD
731177 Uae26 Urinary albumin excretion QTL 26 qtl RS:0000595 MWF/Fub IEA S RGD:730279|PMID:14638907 20140604 RGD
731177 Uae26 Urinary albumin excretion QTL 26 qtl RS:0000743 SHR/Fub IEA S RGD:730279|PMID:14638907 20140604 RGD
731178 Oia7 Oil induced arthritis QTL 7 qtl RS:0000225 DA.PVG-(D4Rat141-D4Mgh11) IEA S RGD:730281|PMID:12915467 20140604 RGD
731179 Mamtr3 Mammary tumor resistance QTL 3 qtl RS:0000997 WF.COP-(D2Rat253-D2Uwm17)/Uwm IEA S RGD:724790|PMID:14522903 20140604 RGD
731180 Bp152 Blood pressure QTL 152 qtl RS:0000879 SS.LEW-(D3Chm64-D3Rat17)/Ayd IEA S RGD:724791|PMID:14517349 20140604 RGD
731181 Uae27 Urinary albumin excretion QTL 27 qtl RS:0000595 MWF/Fub IEA S RGD:730279|PMID:14638907 20140604 RGD
731181 Uae27 Urinary albumin excretion QTL 27 qtl RS:0000743 SHR/Fub IEA S RGD:730279|PMID:14638907 20140604 RGD
731182 Uae24 Urinary albumin excretion QTL 24 qtl RS:0000595 MWF/Fub IEA S RGD:730279|PMID:14638907 20140604 RGD
731182 Uae24 Urinary albumin excretion QTL 24 qtl RS:0000743 SHR/Fub IEA S RGD:730279|PMID:14638907 20140604 RGD
731183 Pia20 Pristane induced arthritis QTL 20 qtl RS:0000204 DA.E3-(D14Wox8-D14Rat64)/Rhd IEA S RGD:730280|PMID:14624754 20140604 RGD
731184 Mamtr4 Mammary tumor resistance QTL 4 qtl RS:0000996 WF.COP-(D2Rat2-D2M13Mit286)/Uwm IEA S RGD:724790|PMID:14522903 20140604 RGD
731185 MWF/Fub Munich Wistar Fromter strain RS:0000595 MWF/Fub IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
731186 SHR/Fub strain RS:0000743 SHR/Fub IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
731187 Iusm:HAD2 high-alcohol-drinking strain RS:0000390 Iusm:HAD2 IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
731188 Iusm:LAD2 low-alcohol-drinking strain RS:0000425 Iusm:LAD2 IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
731189 SHRSP.WKY-(Klk1-D1Rat116)/Izm strain RS:0000772 SHRSP.WKY-(Klk1-D1Rat116)/Izm IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
731190 SS.LEW-(D1Rat211-D1Rat18)/Mco strain RS:0000870 SS.LEW-(D1Rat211-D1Rat18)/Mco IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
731191 SHRSP.WKY-(D2Rat14-D2Mgh12)/Gcrc strain RS:0000766 SHRSP.WKY-(D2Rat14-D2Mgh12)/Gcrc IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
731192 SS.LEW-(D3Rat52-D3Rat130)/Ayd strain RS:0000882 SS.LEW-(D3Rat52-D3Rat130)/Ayd IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
731193 DA.PVG-(D4Rat141-D4Mgh11) strain RS:0000225 DA.PVG-(D4Rat141-D4Mgh11) IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
731194 SS.LEW-(D3Chm64-D3Rat17)/Ayd strain RS:0000879 SS.LEW-(D3Chm64-D3Rat17)/Ayd IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
731195 DA.E3-(D14Wox8-D14Rat64)/Rhd strain RS:0000204 DA.E3-(D14Wox8-D14Rat64)/Rhd IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
734471 SS.LEW-(D1Mgh7-D1Mco41)/Jr strain RS:0000869 SS.LEW-(D1Mgh7-D1Mco41)/Jr IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
734472 SS.LEW-(D1Mco2-D1Wox6)/Jr strain RS:0000864 SS.LEW-(D1Mco2-D1Wox6)/Jr IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
734473 SS.LEW-(D17Mco3-D17Mco10)/Jr strain RS:0000861 SS.LEW-(D17Mco3-D17Mco10)/Jr IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
734474 SS.LEW-(D5Mit9-D5Mco10)/Jr strain RS:0000883 SS.LEW-(D5Mit9-D5Mco10)/Jr IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
734475 DA/OlaHsd strain RS:0000244 DA/OlaHsd IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
734476 Crl:CD(SD) strain RS:0000064 Crl:CD(SD) IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
734478 F344/DuCrl strain RS:0000179 F344/DuCrl IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
734479 SS.LEW-(D1Mco2-D1Rat49)/Jr strain RS:0000863 SS.LEW-(D1Mco2-D1Rat49)/Jr IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
734480 SS.LEW-(D10Mit10-D10Mgh1)/Jr strain RS:0000884 SS.LEW-(D10Mit10-D10Mgh1)/Jr IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
734481 SS.LEW-(D1Mco2-D1Mco35)/Jr strain RS:0000862 SS.LEW-(D1Mco2-D1Mco35)/Jr IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
734482 SS.LEW-(D1Rat45-D1Mco41)/Jr strain RS:0000874 SS.LEW-(D1Rat45-D1Mco41)/Jr IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
734483 SS.LEW-(D1Rat42-D1Wox10)/Jr strain RS:0000873 SS.LEW-(D1Rat42-D1Wox10)/Jr IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
734526 OLETF/Got Otsuka Long Evans Tokushima strain RS:0000625 OLETF/Got IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
734527 OLETF.F344-(D1Rat169-D1Rat459)/Got strain RS:0000626 OLETF.F344-(D1Rat169-D1Rat459)/Got IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
734528 OLETF.BN-(D1Rat76-D1Rat459)/Got strain RS:0000622 OLETF.BN-(D1Rat76-D1Rat459)/Got IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
734531 OLETF.F344-(D1Rat306-D1Rat461)/Got strain RS:0000627 OLETF.F344-(D1Rat306-D1Rat461)/Got IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
734758 DA/Ham Dark-agouti strain RS:0000241 DA/Ham IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
734759 SHRSP/Gcrc Spontaneously hypertensive rat, stroke prone strain RS:0000760 SHRSP/Gcrc IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
734760 WKY/Gcrc Wistar-Kyoto strain RS:0000761 WKY/Gcrc IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
734761 WF/Kga Wistar-Furth strain RS:0001004 WF/Kga IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
734767 Niddm57 Non-insulin dependent diabetes mellitus QTL 57 qtl RS:0000626 OLETF.F344-(D1Rat169-D1Rat459)/Got IEA S RGD:619679|PMID:11355573 20140604 RGD
734768 Niddm59 Non-insulin dependent diabetes mellitus QTL 59 qtl RS:0000627 OLETF.F344-(D1Rat306-D1Rat461)/Got IEA S RGD:734465|PMID:12190994 20140604 RGD
734769 Niddm58 Non-insulin dependent diabetes mellitus QTL 58 qtl RS:0000622 OLETF.BN-(D1Rat76-D1Rat459)/Got IEA S RGD:619683|PMID:11153534 20140604 RGD
7349321 LEXF2D/Stm strain RS:0003521 LEXF2D/Stm IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
7349322 LEXF8B/Stm strain RS:0003523 LEXF8B/Stm IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
7349357 DA.PVG.1AV1-(D4Got128-D4Got136) strain RS:0003524 DA.PVG.1AV1-(D4Got126-D4Got136) IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
7364879 SS-Apoeem9Mcwi strain RS:0003525 SS-Apoeem9Mcwi IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
7364880 SS-Cst3em1Mcwi strain RS:0003526 SS-Cst3em1Mcwi IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
7364881 SS-Slc7a9em1Mcwi strain RS:0003527 SS-Slc7a9em1Mcwi IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
7364882 SS-Sorcs2em1Mcwi strain RS:0003528 SS-Sorcs2em1Mcwi IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
7364902 SS-Chr 2BN/1McwiAek strain RS:0003529 SS-Chr 2BN/1McwiAek IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
7364919 SS.BN-(rs64114288-rs107464428)/Aek strain RS:0003531 SS.BN-(rs64114288-rs107464428)/Aek IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
7364923 SS.BN-(rs106982173-rs65057186)/Aek strain RS:0003532 SS.BN-(rs106982173-rs65057186)/Aek IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
7364927 SS.BN-(rs13453786-rs66377062)/Aek strain RS:0003533 SS.BN-(rs13453786-rs66377062)/Aek IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
7364932 ACI.BN-(D7Rat42-D7Uwm33)/Shul strain RS:0004546 ACI.BN-(D7Rat42-D7Uwm33)/Shul IEA S RGD:7241799 20170916 RGD
7364934 ACI.BN-(rs199006987-D7Uwm27)/Shul strain RS:0002301 ACI.BN-(rs199006987-D7Uwm27)/Shul IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
7364936 ACI.BN-(D7Arb15-D7Uwm27)/Shul strain RS:0003535 ACI.BN-(D7Arb15-D7Uwm27)/Shul IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
7364938 (LE x RCS-p+/LavRrrc)F1 strain RS:0003536 (LE x RCS-p+/LavRrrc)F1 IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
7364940 F344-Tp53tm1(EGFP-Pac)Qly/Rrrc strain RS:0003537 F344-Tp53tm1(EGFP-Pac)Qly/Rrrc IEA S RGD:7241799 20200516 RGD
7364954 DA.ACI-(D2Mit12-D2Got121)/Nsi strain RS:0003540 DA.ACI-(D2Mit12-D2Got121)/Nsi IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
7364956 DA.ACI-(D2Wox20-D2Mit14)/Nsi strain RS:0003541 DA.ACI-(D2Wox20-D2Mit14)/Nsi IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
7364959 DA.ACI-(D2Uwm24-D2Rat54)/Nsi strain RS:0003542 DA.ACI-(D2Uwm24-D2Rat54)/Nsi IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
7364970 DA.ACI-(D12Mit2-D12Got49)/Nsi strain RS:0003543 DA.ACI-(D12Mit2-D12Got49)/Nsi IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
7364974 DA.F344-(D10Rat195-D10Rat92)/Nsi strain RS:0003545 DA.F344-(D10Rat195-D10Rat92)/Nsi IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
7364976 DA.F344-(D10Rat195-D10Arb27)/Nsi strain RS:0003546 DA.F344-(D10Rat195-D10Arb27)/Nsi IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
7364978 DA.F344-(D10Arb27-D10Rat92)/Nsi strain RS:0003547 DA.F344-(D10Arb27-D10Rat92)/Nsi IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
7364981 DA.F344-(D7Rat22-D7Rat15)/Nsi strain RS:0003548 DA.F344-(D7Rat22-D7Rat15)/Nsi IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
7364991 ACI/EurMcwi ACI (August × Copenhagen Irish) strain RS:0003549 ACI/EurMcwi IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
7365040 SS.SR-(rs65785750-rs13452155)/Opaz strain RS:0003552 SS.SR-(rs65785750-rs13452155)/Opaz IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
7365043 SS.SR-(rs65785750-rs106808193)/Opaz strain RS:0003553 SS.SR-(rs65785750-rs106808193)/Opaz IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
7365049 Bp359 Blood pressure QTL 359 qtl RS:0003553 SS.SR-(rs65785750-rs106808193)/Opaz IEA S RGD:7364997|PMID:22860086 20140604 RGD
737657 LEW.1AV1 strain RS:0000491 LEW.1AV1 IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
737658 PVG.1AV1 Piebald-Virol-Glaxo strain RS:0000644 PVG.1AV1 IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
737690 F344/Crli strain RS:0000307 F344/Crli IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
737691 BN/Crli strain RS:0000135 BN/Crli IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
737703 LEW-Tg(HLA-B*0702,B2M)120-4TrgTg/Tg strain RS:0000489 LEW-Tg(HLA-B*0702,B2M)120-4Trg IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
737818 Hcar12 Hepatocarcinoma resistance QTL 12 qtl RS:0000135 BN/Crli IEA S RGD:629566|PMID:12154055 20140604 RGD
737818 Hcar12 Hepatocarcinoma resistance QTL 12 qtl RS:0000307 F344/Crli IEA S RGD:629566|PMID:12154055 20140604 RGD
737819 Hcas4 Hepatocarcinoma susceptibility QTL 4 qtl RS:0000135 BN/Crli IEA S RGD:629566|PMID:12154055 20140604 RGD
737819 Hcas4 Hepatocarcinoma susceptibility QTL 4 qtl RS:0000307 F344/Crli IEA S RGD:629566|PMID:12154055 20140604 RGD
737820 Alc9 Alcohol consumption QTL 9 qtl RS:0000389 Iusm:HAD1 IEA S RGD:731212|PMID:14634485 20140604 RGD
737820 Alc9 Alcohol consumption QTL 9 qtl RS:0000423 Iusm:LAD1 IEA S RGD:731212|PMID:14634485 20140604 RGD
737821 Hcar9 Hepatocarcinoma resistance QTL 9 qtl RS:0000135 BN/Crli IEA S RGD:629566|PMID:12154055 20140604 RGD
737821 Hcar9 Hepatocarcinoma resistance QTL 9 qtl RS:0000307 F344/Crli IEA S RGD:629566|PMID:12154055 20140604 RGD
737822 Alc10 Alcohol consumption QTL 10 qtl RS:0000389 Iusm:HAD1 IEA S RGD:731212|PMID:14634485 20140604 RGD
737822 Alc10 Alcohol consumption QTL 10 qtl RS:0000423 Iusm:LAD1 IEA S RGD:731212|PMID:14634485 20140604 RGD
737823 Alc12 Alcohol consumption QTL 12 qtl RS:0000390 Iusm:HAD2 IEA S RGD:731212|PMID:14634485 20140604 RGD
737823 Alc12 Alcohol consumption QTL 12 qtl RS:0000425 Iusm:LAD2 IEA S RGD:731212|PMID:14634485 20140604 RGD
737824 Hcar10 Hepatocarcinoma resistance QTL 10 qtl RS:0000135 BN/Crli IEA S RGD:629566|PMID:12154055 20140604 RGD
737824 Hcar10 Hepatocarcinoma resistance QTL 10 qtl RS:0000307 F344/Crli IEA S RGD:629566|PMID:12154055 20140604 RGD
737825 Alc13 Alcohol consumption QTL 13 qtl RS:0000390 Iusm:HAD2 IEA S RGD:731212|PMID:14634485 20140604 RGD
737825 Alc13 Alcohol consumption QTL 13 qtl RS:0000425 Iusm:LAD2 IEA S RGD:731212|PMID:14634485 20140604 RGD
737826 Alc11 Alcohol consumption QTL 11 qtl RS:0000389 Iusm:HAD1 IEA S RGD:731212|PMID:14634485 20140604 RGD
737826 Alc11 Alcohol consumption QTL 11 qtl RS:0000423 Iusm:LAD1 IEA S RGD:731212|PMID:14634485 20140604 RGD
737827 Hcar11 Hepatocarcinoma resistance QTL 11 qtl RS:0000135 BN/Crli IEA S RGD:629566|PMID:12154055 20140604 RGD
737827 Hcar11 Hepatocarcinoma resistance QTL 11 qtl RS:0000307 F344/Crli IEA S RGD:629566|PMID:12154055 20140604 RGD
737828 Hcas3 Hepatocarcinoma susceptibility QTL 3 qtl RS:0000135 BN/Crli IEA S RGD:629566|PMID:12154055 20140604 RGD
737828 Hcas3 Hepatocarcinoma susceptibility QTL 3 qtl RS:0000307 F344/Crli IEA S RGD:629566|PMID:12154055 20140604 RGD
737856 Edpm10 Estrogen-dependent pituitary mass QTL 10 qtl RS:0000155 BN/SsNHsd IEA S RGD:61074|PMID:9337394 20140604 RGD
737856 Edpm10 Estrogen-dependent pituitary mass QTL 10 qtl RS:0000363 F344/NHsd IEA S RGD:61074|PMID:9337394 20140604 RGD
737857 DA.PVG.1AV1-(D4Rat155-D4Rat84) strain RS:0000227 DA.PVG.1AV1-(D4Rat155-D4Rat84) IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
737858 DA.PVG.1AV1-(D4Rat155-Spr) strain RS:0000228 DA.PVG.1AV1-(D4Rat155-Spr) IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
737859 DA.PVG.1AV1-(D4Mgh17-D4Rat56) strain RS:0000226 DA.PVG.1AV1-(D4Mgh17-D4Rat56) IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
737861 DA.PVG.1AV1-(D4Rat63-D4Rat203) strain RS:0000229 DA.PVG.1AV1-(D4Rat63-D4Rat203) IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
737862 SHRSP.WKY-(D2Rat14-D2Mit5)/Gcrc strain RS:0000767 SHRSP.WKY-(D2Rat14-D2Mit5)/Gcrc IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
737863 SHRSP.WKY-(D2Wox9-D2Mgh12)/Gcrc strain RS:0000768 SHRSP.WKY-(D2Wox9-D2Mgh12)/Gcrc IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
737864 SS.SR-(D13Mit9-D13Mit1)/Jr strain RS:0000914 SS.SR-(D13Mit9-D13Mit1)/Jr IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
737865 WKY.SHRSP-(D2Rat14-D2Mgh12) strain RS:0001061 WKY.SHRSP-(D2Rat14-D2Mgh12) IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
737866 WKY.SHRSP-(D2Rat14-D2Mit5) strain RS:0001060 WKY.SHRSP-(D2Rat14-D2Mit5) IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
737867 SS.SR-(D13N1-D13Mit1)/Jr strain RS:0000910 SS.SR-(D13N1-D13Mit1)/Jr IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
737868 SS.SR-(Syt2-D13Mit1)/Jr strain RS:0000913 SS.SR-(Syt2-D13Mit1)/Jr IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
737869 OLETF.BN-(D1Rat461-D1Rat459)/Got strain RS:0000621 OLETF.BN-(D1Rat461-D1Rat459)/Got IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
737870 DA.E3-(D20Wox3-D20Mgh4)/Rhd strain RS:0000205 DA.E3-(D20Wox3-D20Mgh4)/Rhd IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
737871 DA.E3-(D12Got46-D12Rat26)/Rhd strain RS:0000203 DA.E3-(D12Got46-D12Rat26)/Rhd IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
737872 DA.E3-(D4Mit16-D4Mgh11)/Rhd strain RS:0000206 DA.E3-(D4Mit16-D4Mgh11)/Rhd IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
737873 DA.E3-(D6Wox5-D6Rat90)/Rhd strain RS:0000207 DA.E3-(D6Wox5-D6Rat90)/Rhd IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
737885 RHA/Kun Roman high avoidance strain RS:0000662 RHA/Kun IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
737886 BDX/Cub strain RS:0000100 BDX/Cub IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
737887 AO/OlaHsd strain RS:0000051 AO/OlaHsd IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
737888 LEW/NHsdCpb strain RS:0000522 LEW/NHsdCpb IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
737889 LEW/Ipcv strain RS:0000515 LEW/Ipcv IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
737891 Crl:SD strain RS:0000695 Crl:SD IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
737892 ACI/SegHsd strain RS:0000032 ACI/SegHsd IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
737893 F344/Ztm strain RS:0000310 F344/Ztm IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
737894 LEW/Orl strain RS:0000526 LEW/Orl IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
737895 WKY/Ztm strain RS:0001070 WKY/Ztm IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
737896 BN/Maas strain RS:0000142 BN/Maas IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
737897 ACI/Kun strain RS:0000299 ACI/Kun IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
737898 WOKA/K strain RS:0001086 WOKA/K IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
737899 BN/Cub strain RS:0000136 BN/Cub IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
737900 WF/Ztm strain RS:0001003 WF/Ztm IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
737901 LH/Ztu strain RS:0000557 LH/Ztu IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
737902 BDIX/Orl strain RS:0000093 BDIX/Orl IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
737903 Hsd:SD Sprague Dawley strain RS:0000698 Hsd:SD IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
737904 U/A strain RS:0000950 U/A IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
737905 LEW/Maas strain RS:0000518 LEW/Maas IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
737906 MWF/Hsd Munich Wistar Fromter strain RS:0000593 MWF/Hsd IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
737907 SS.SR-Inha/Jr strain RS:0000915 SS.SR-Inha/Jr IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
737908 WF/NHsd strain RS:0000984 WF/NHsd IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
737909 R/A strain RS:0000649 R/A IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
737910 ARISTORAT/Wsl strain RS:0000054 ARISTORAT/Wsl IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
737911 BUF/Ztm strain RS:0000164 BUF/Ztm IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
737912 SS/JrIpcv strain RS:0000923 SS/JrIpcv IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
737913 E3/Ztm strain RS:0000261 E3/Ztm IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
737914 SDL/Ipcv strain RS:0000705 SDL/Ipcv IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
737915 R/AWa strain RS:0000651 R/AWa IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
737916 DZB/Gro strain RS:0000260 DZB/Gro IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
737917 WF/Mol strain RS:0001006 WF/Mol IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
737918 BN/Orl strain RS:0000147 BN/Orl IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
737919 LEW/Han strain RS:0000513 LEW/Han IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
737920 BH/Ztm strain RS:0000103 BH/Ztm IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
737921 BDIV/lfz strain RS:0000090 BDIV/lfz IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
737922 LEW/SsNHsd strain RS:0000531 LEW/SsNHsd IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
737923 SHR/Maas strain RS:0000748 SHR/Maas IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
737924 WAG/Rij strain RS:0000969 WAG/Rij IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
737925 BN/Gro strain RS:0000138 BN/Gro IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
737926 F344/NCrl strain RS:0000306 F344/NCrl IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
737927 ALC/Colle strain RS:0000043 ALC/Colle IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
737928 BN/NHsdCpb strain RS:0000144 BN/NHsdCpb IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
737929 Crl:WI Wistar rats strain RS:0001011 Crl:WI IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
737930 LEW/Ztm LEW/Ztm strain RS:0000533 LEW/Ztm IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
737931 GC/Kun strain RS:0000262 GC/Kun IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
737932 LEW/Crl Lewis strain RS:0000509 LEW/Crl IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
737933 SD/A strain RS:0000694 SD/A IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
737934 BN/RijKun strain RS:0000151 BN/RijKun IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
737935 LEW/Nhg strain RS:0000524 LEW/Nhg IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
737936 SR/JrIpcv strain RS:0000787 SR/JrIpcv IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
737937 SDH/Ztu strain RS:0000703 SDH/Ztu IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
737938 AUG/OlaHsd strain RS:0000057 AUG/OlaHsd IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
737939 BBWB/Mol strain RS:0000078 BBWB/Mol IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
737940 PAR/Wsl strain RS:0000639 PAR/Wsl IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
737941 LEP/Cub strain RS:0000454 LEP/Cub IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
737942 LE/Ztm strain RS:0000438 LE/Ztm IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
737943 R/AEurRij strain RS:0000650 R/AEurRij IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
737944 BN/RijN strain RS:0001211 BN/RijN IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
737945 BN/Han strain RS:0000140 BN/Han IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
737946 WAG/OlaHsd strain RS:0000968 WAG/OlaHsd IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
737947 BDII/Ztm strain RS:0000087 BDII/Ztm IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
737948 BDE/Ztm strain RS:0000084 BDE/Ztm IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
737949 A2/Colle strain RS:0000001 A2/Colle IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
737950 DA/Ztm strain RS:0000242 DA/Ztm IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
737951 CAP/Kuv strain RS:0000173 CAP/Kuv IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
737952 ACI/Ztm strain RS:0000034 ACI/Ztm IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
737953 LEW/Gut strain RS:0000512 LEW/Gut IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
737954 AS/Ztm strain RS:0000056 AS/Ztm IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
737955 Hooded/Colle strain RS:0000404 Hooded/Colle IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
737956 WF/Gut strain RS:0001002 WF/Gut IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
737957 WOKW/K strain RS:0001087 WOKW/K IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
737958 CHOC/Cub strain RS:0000183 CHOC/Cub IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
737959 RNU/Mol strain RS:0000672 RNU/Mol IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
737960 Hsd:WI Wistar strain RS:0001014 Hsd:WI IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
737961 SR/JrMol strain RS:0000788 SR/JrMol IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
737962 SPRD/Ztm strain RS:0001449 SPRD/Ztm IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
737963 LEW/Cub strain RS:0000511 LEW/Cub IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
737964 BN/OlaHsd strain RS:0000146 BN/OlaHsd IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
737965 AGUS/OlaHsd strain RS:0000038 AGUS/OlaHsd IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
737966 LEW/Kuv strain RS:0000517 LEW/Kuv IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
737967 BS/Ztm strain RS:0000162 BS/Ztm IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
737968 BN/Gut strain RS:0000139 BN/Gut IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
737969 NAR/SaU non-albumin rat strain RS:0000599 NAR/SaU IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
737970 AMORAT/Wsl strain RS:0000047 AMORAT/Wsl IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
737971 SHRSP/Rivm strain RS:0000777 SHRSP/Rivm IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
737972 BN/Crl strain RS:0000134 BN/Crl IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
737973 Pia21 Pristane induced arthritis QTL 21 qtl RS:0000205 DA.E3-(D20Wox3-D20Mgh4)/Rhd IEA S RGD:631850|PMID:12817024 20140604 RGD
737974 Bp161 Blood pressure QTL 161 qtl RS:0000737 SHR.WKY-(D1Wox19-D1Wox34)/Njs IEA S RGD:61051|PMID:9774356 20140604 RGD
737975 Bw122 Body weight QTL 122 qtl RS:0000621 OLETF.BN-(D1Rat461-D1Rat459)/Got IEA S RGD:737696|PMID:14756694 20140604 RGD
737976 Pia24 Pristane induced arthritis QTL 24 qtl RS:0000207 DA.E3-(D6Wox5-D6Rat90)/Rhd IEA S RGD:728382|PMID:14611807 20140604 RGD
737977 Bp160 Blood pressure QTL 160 qtl RS:0001039 WKY.SHR-(D1Wox19-D1Mit2)/Njs IEA S RGD:61051|PMID:9774356 20140604 RGD
737978 Pia23 Pristane induced arthritis QTL 23 qtl RS:0000206 DA.E3-(D4Mit16-D4Mgh11)/Rhd IEA S RGD:631850|PMID:12817024 20140604 RGD
737979 Pia22 Pristane induced arthritis QTL 22 qtl RS:0000203 DA.E3-(D12Got46-D12Rat26)/Rhd IEA S RGD:631850|PMID:12817024 20140604 RGD
738005 Anxrr11 Anxiety related response QTL 11 qtl RS:0000116 BN-Lx/Cub IEA S RGD:737695|PMID:14739700 20140604 RGD
738005 Anxrr11 Anxiety related response QTL 11 qtl RS:0000402 SHR/Ola IEA S RGD:737695|PMID:14739700 20140604 RGD
738006 Anxrr14 Anxiety related response QTL 14 qtl RS:0000392 HEP IEA S RGD:731213|PMID:12972953 20140604 RGD
738006 Anxrr14 Anxiety related response QTL 14 qtl RS:0000742 WKY IEA S RGD:731213|PMID:12972953 20140604 RGD
738007 Anxrr7 Anxiety related response QTL 7 qtl RS:0000116 BN-Lx/Cub IEA S RGD:737695|PMID:14739700 20140604 RGD
738007 Anxrr7 Anxiety related response QTL 7 qtl RS:0000402 SHR/Ola IEA S RGD:737695|PMID:14739700 20140604 RGD
738008 Hcar14 Hepatocarcinoma resistance QTL 14 qtl RS:0000184 COP IEA S RGD:737884|PMID:15185337 20140604 RGD
738008 Hcar14 Hepatocarcinoma resistance QTL 14 qtl RS:0000313 F344/NRrrc IEA S RGD:737884|PMID:15185337 20140604 RGD
738009 Sach4 Saccharine consumption QTL 4 qtl RS:0000392 HEP IEA S RGD:731213|PMID:12972953 20140604 RGD
738009 Sach4 Saccharine consumption QTL 4 qtl RS:0000742 WKY IEA S RGD:731213|PMID:12972953 20140604 RGD
738010 Lnnr3 Liver neoplastic nodule remodeling QTL 3 qtl RS:0000184 COP IEA S RGD:737884|PMID:15185337 20140604 RGD
738010 Lnnr3 Liver neoplastic nodule remodeling QTL 3 qtl RS:0000313 F344/NRrrc IEA S RGD:737884|PMID:15185337 20140604 RGD
738011 Anxrr9 Anxiety related response QTL 9 qtl RS:0000116 BN-Lx/Cub IEA S RGD:737695|PMID:14739700 20140604 RGD
738011 Anxrr9 Anxiety related response QTL 9 qtl RS:0000402 SHR/Ola IEA S RGD:737695|PMID:14739700 20140604 RGD
738012 Anxrr3 Anxiety related response QTL 3 qtl RS:0000116 BN-Lx/Cub IEA S RGD:737695|PMID:14739700 20140604 RGD
738012 Anxrr3 Anxiety related response QTL 3 qtl RS:0000402 SHR/Ola IEA S RGD:737695|PMID:14739700 20140604 RGD
738013 Alc15 Alcohol consumption QTL 15 qtl RS:0000392 HEP IEA S RGD:731213|PMID:12972953 20140604 RGD
738013 Alc15 Alcohol consumption QTL 15 qtl RS:0000742 WKY IEA S RGD:731213|PMID:12972953 20140604 RGD
738014 Anxrr15 Anxiety related response QTL 15 qtl RS:0000392 HEP IEA S RGD:731213|PMID:12972953 20140604 RGD
738014 Anxrr15 Anxiety related response QTL 15 qtl RS:0000742 WKY IEA S RGD:731213|PMID:12972953 20140604 RGD
738015 Pia9 Pristane induced arthritis QTL 9 qtl RS:0000226 DA.PVG.1AV1-(D4Mgh17-D4Rat56) IEA S RGD:629560|PMID:12571866 20140604 RGD
738016 Alc16 Alcohol consumption QTL 16 qtl RS:0000392 HEP IEA S RGD:731213|PMID:12972953 20140604 RGD
738016 Alc16 Alcohol consumption QTL 16 qtl RS:0000742 WKY IEA S RGD:731213|PMID:12972953 20140604 RGD
738017 Hcas7 Hepatocarcinoma susceptibility QTL 7 qtl RS:0000184 COP IEA S RGD:737884|PMID:15185337 20140604 RGD
738017 Hcas7 Hepatocarcinoma susceptibility QTL 7 qtl RS:0000313 F344/NRrrc IEA S RGD:737884|PMID:15185337 20140604 RGD
738018 Anxrr4 Anxiety related response QTL 4 qtl RS:0000116 BN-Lx/Cub IEA S RGD:737695|PMID:14739700 20140604 RGD
738018 Anxrr4 Anxiety related response QTL 4 qtl RS:0000402 SHR/Ola IEA S RGD:737695|PMID:14739700 20140604 RGD
738019 Anxrr10 Anxiety related response QTL 10 qtl RS:0000116 BN-Lx/Cub IEA S RGD:737695|PMID:14739700 20140604 RGD
738019 Anxrr10 Anxiety related response QTL 10 qtl RS:0000402 SHR/Ola IEA S RGD:737695|PMID:14739700 20140604 RGD
738020 Pia8 Pristane induced arthritis QTL 8 qtl RS:0000242 DA/Ztm IEA S RGD:629570|PMID:11090241 20140604 RGD
738020 Pia8 Pristane induced arthritis QTL 8 qtl RS:0000384 DXE3/Ztm IEA S RGD:629570|PMID:11090241 20140604 RGD
738021 Hcar13 Hepatocarcinoma resistance QTL 13 qtl RS:0000184 COP IEA S RGD:737884|PMID:15185337 20140604 RGD
738021 Hcar13 Hepatocarcinoma resistance QTL 13 qtl RS:0000313 F344/NRrrc IEA S RGD:737884|PMID:15185337 20140604 RGD
738022 Anxrr13 Anxiety related response QTL 13 qtl RS:0000392 HEP IEA S RGD:731213|PMID:12972953 20140604 RGD
738022 Anxrr13 Anxiety related response QTL 13 qtl RS:0000742 WKY IEA S RGD:731213|PMID:12972953 20140604 RGD
738023 Alc17 Alcohol consumption QTL 17 qtl RS:0000392 HEP IEA S RGD:731213|PMID:12972953 20140604 RGD
738023 Alc17 Alcohol consumption QTL 17 qtl RS:0000742 WKY IEA S RGD:731213|PMID:12972953 20140604 RGD
738024 Sach5 Saccharine consumption QTL 5 qtl RS:0000392 HEP IEA S RGD:731213|PMID:12972953 20140604 RGD
738024 Sach5 Saccharine consumption QTL 5 qtl RS:0000742 WKY IEA S RGD:731213|PMID:12972953 20140604 RGD
738026 Lnnr5 Liver neoplastic nodule remodeling QTL 5 qtl RS:0000184 COP IEA S RGD:737884|PMID:15185337 20140604 RGD
738026 Lnnr5 Liver neoplastic nodule remodeling QTL 5 qtl RS:0000313 F344/NRrrc IEA S RGD:737884|PMID:15185337 20140604 RGD
738027 Lnnr6 Liver neoplastic nodule remodeling QTL 6 qtl RS:0000184 COP IEA S RGD:737884|PMID:15185337 20140604 RGD
738027 Lnnr6 Liver neoplastic nodule remodeling QTL 6 qtl RS:0000313 F344/NRrrc IEA S RGD:737884|PMID:15185337 20140604 RGD
738028 Anxrr12 Anxiety related response QTL 12 qtl RS:0000392 HEP IEA S RGD:731213|PMID:12972953 20140604 RGD
738028 Anxrr12 Anxiety related response QTL 12 qtl RS:0000742 WKY IEA S RGD:731213|PMID:12972953 20140604 RGD
738030 Anxrr8 Anxiety related response QTL 8 qtl RS:0000116 BN-Lx/Cub IEA S RGD:737695|PMID:14739700 20140604 RGD
738030 Anxrr8 Anxiety related response QTL 8 qtl RS:0000402 SHR/Ola IEA S RGD:737695|PMID:14739700 20140604 RGD
738031 Alc14 Alcohol consumption QTL 14 qtl RS:0000392 HEP IEA S RGD:731213|PMID:12972953 20140604 RGD
738031 Alc14 Alcohol consumption QTL 14 qtl RS:0000742 WKY IEA S RGD:731213|PMID:12972953 20140604 RGD
738032 Hcas5 Hepatocarcinoma susceptibility QTL 5 qtl RS:0000184 COP IEA S RGD:737884|PMID:15185337 20140604 RGD
738032 Hcas5 Hepatocarcinoma susceptibility QTL 5 qtl RS:0000313 F344/NRrrc IEA S RGD:737884|PMID:15185337 20140604 RGD
738033 Anxrr6 Anxiety related response QTL 6 qtl RS:0000116 BN-Lx/Cub IEA S RGD:737695|PMID:14739700 20140604 RGD
738033 Anxrr6 Anxiety related response QTL 6 qtl RS:0000402 SHR/Ola IEA S RGD:737695|PMID:14739700 20140604 RGD
738034 Anxrr5 Anxiety related response QTL 5 qtl RS:0000116 BN-Lx/Cub IEA S RGD:737695|PMID:14739700 20140604 RGD
738034 Anxrr5 Anxiety related response QTL 5 qtl RS:0000402 SHR/Ola IEA S RGD:737695|PMID:14739700 20140604 RGD
738036 Lnnr4 Liver neoplastic nodule remodeling QTL 4 qtl RS:0000184 COP IEA S RGD:737884|PMID:15185337 20140604 RGD
738036 Lnnr4 Liver neoplastic nodule remodeling QTL 4 qtl RS:0000313 F344/NRrrc IEA S RGD:737884|PMID:15185337 20140604 RGD
738037 Hcas6 Hepatocarcinoma susceptibility QTL 6 qtl RS:0000184 COP IEA S RGD:737884|PMID:15185337 20140604 RGD
738037 Hcas6 Hepatocarcinoma susceptibility QTL 6 qtl RS:0000313 F344/NRrrc IEA S RGD:737884|PMID:15185337 20140604 RGD
738038 HEP high ethanol preferring strain RS:0000392 HEP IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
738120 LEW-Tg(HLA-B*2705m1,B2M)133-1TrgTg/Tg strain RS:0000490 LEW-Tg(HLA-B*2705m1,B2M)133-1Trg IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
738122 SD-Tg(UBC-EGFP)1BalRrrc strain RS:0000682 SD-Tg(GFP)1BalRrrc IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
7387227 Uae40 Urinary albumin excretion QTL 40 qtl RS:0000134 BN/Crl IEA S RGD:7365117|PMID:20159938 20140604 RGD
7387227 Uae40 Urinary albumin excretion QTL 40 qtl RS:0001098 ZUC-LeprfaSte-/- IEA S RGD:7365117|PMID:20159938 20140604 RGD
7387235 Uae41 Urinary albumin excretion QTL 41 qtl RS:0000134 BN/Crl IEA S RGD:7365117|PMID:20159938 20140604 RGD
7387235 Uae41 Urinary albumin excretion QTL 41 qtl RS:0001098 ZUC-LeprfaSte-/- IEA S RGD:7365117|PMID:20159938 20140604 RGD
7387267 Uae42 Urinary albumin excretion QTL 42 qtl RS:0000134 BN/Crl IEA S RGD:7365117|PMID:20159938 20140604 RGD
7387267 Uae42 Urinary albumin excretion QTL 42 qtl RS:0001098 ZUC-LeprfaSte-/- IEA S RGD:7365117|PMID:20159938 20140604 RGD
7387280 Uae43 Urinary albumin excretion QTL 43 qtl RS:0000134 BN/Crl IEA S RGD:7365117|PMID:20159938 20140604 RGD
7387280 Uae43 Urinary albumin excretion QTL 43 qtl RS:0001098 ZUC-LeprfaSte-/- IEA S RGD:7365117|PMID:20159938 20140604 RGD
7387283 Uae44 Urinary albumin excretion QTL 44 qtl RS:0000134 BN/Crl IEA S RGD:7365117|PMID:20159938 20140604 RGD
7387283 Uae44 Urinary albumin excretion QTL 44 qtl RS:0001098 ZUC-LeprfaSte-/- IEA S RGD:7365117|PMID:20159938 20140604 RGD
7387289 Uae45 Urinary albumin excretion QTL 45 qtl RS:0000134 BN/Crl IEA S RGD:7365117|PMID:20159938 20140604 RGD
7387289 Uae45 Urinary albumin excretion QTL 45 qtl RS:0001098 ZUC-LeprfaSte-/- IEA S RGD:7365117|PMID:20159938 20140604 RGD
7387292 Kidm42 Kidney mass QTL 42 qtl RS:0000134 BN/Crl IEA S RGD:7365117|PMID:20159938 20140604 RGD
7387292 Kidm42 Kidney mass QTL 42 qtl RS:0001098 ZUC-LeprfaSte-/- IEA S RGD:7365117|PMID:20159938 20140604 RGD
7387306 Bw124 Body weight QTL 124 qtl RS:0000134 BN/Crl IEA S RGD:7365117|PMID:20159938 20140604 RGD
7387306 Bw124 Body weight QTL 124 qtl RS:0001098 ZUC-LeprfaSte-/- IEA S RGD:7365117|PMID:20159938 20140604 RGD
7387312 Bw125 Body weight QTL 125 qtl RS:0000134 BN/Crl IEA S RGD:7365117|PMID:20159938 20140604 RGD
7387312 Bw125 Body weight QTL 125 qtl RS:0001098 ZUC-LeprfaSte-/- IEA S RGD:7365117|PMID:20159938 20140604 RGD
7387318 Stl32 Serum triglyceride level QTL 32 qtl RS:0000134 BN/Crl IEA S RGD:7365117|PMID:20159938 20140604 RGD
7387318 Stl32 Serum triglyceride level QTL 32 qtl RS:0001098 ZUC-LeprfaSte-/- IEA S RGD:7365117|PMID:20159938 20140604 RGD
7394698 ZUC.BN-(D1Rat42-D1Rat90)/Ste strain RS:0003555 ZUC.BN-(D1Rat42-D1Rat90)/Ste IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
7394701 Uae46 Urinary albumin excretion QTL 46 qtl RS:0000134 BN/Crl IEA S RGD:7365117|PMID:20159938 20140604 RGD
7394701 Uae46 Urinary albumin excretion QTL 46 qtl RS:0001098 ZUC-LeprfaSte-/- IEA S RGD:7365117|PMID:20159938 20140604 RGD
7394708 Emca11 Estrogen-induced mammary cancer QTL 11 qtl RS:0002614 ACI.BN-(D5Rat60-D5Rat115)/Shul IEA S RGD:7364727|PMID:23151807 20140604 RGD
7394710 Emca12 Estrogen-induced mammary cancer QTL 12 qtl RS:0002613 ACI.BN-(D5Uwm70-D5Rat32)/Shul IEA S RGD:7364727|PMID:23151807 20140604 RGD
7394712 Emca13 Estrogen-induced mammary cancer QTL 13 qtl RS:0002945 ACI.BN-(D5Rat113-D5Rat159)/Shul IEA S RGD:7364727|PMID:23151807 20140604 RGD
7394818 P.NP-(D4Mgh16-D4Rat173)/Iusm strain RS:0003561 P.NP-(D4Mgh16-D4Rat173)/Iusm IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
7394821 P.NP-(Snca-D4Rat35)/Iusm strain RS:0003562 P.NP-(Snca-D4Rat35)/Iusm IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
7394826 Bw126 Body weight QTL 126 qtl RS:0003561 P.NP-(D4Mgh16-D4Rat173)/Iusm IEA S RGD:7394775|PMID:23312492 20140604 RGD
7401201 SS.SR-(D17Rat24-rs106534785)/Opaz strain RS:0003564 SS.SR-(D17Rat24-rs106534785)/Opaz IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
7401203 SS.SR-(rs105019230-D17Rat44)/Opaz strain RS:0003565 SS.SR-(rs105019230-D17Rat44)/Opaz IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
7401261 LOU/NimrOlaHsd Louvain strain RS:0003566 LOU/NimrOlaHsd IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
7411542 Bw127 Body weight QTL 127 qtl RS:0000311 F344/IcoCrlf IEA S RGD:7401255|PMID:23596094 20140604 RGD
7411542 Bw127 Body weight QTL 127 qtl RS:0003566 LOU/NimrOlaHsd IEA S RGD:7401255|PMID:23596094 20140604 RGD
7411545 Bw128 Body weight QTL 128 qtl RS:0000311 F344/IcoCrlf IEA S RGD:7401255|PMID:23596094 20140604 RGD
7411545 Bw128 Body weight QTL 128 qtl RS:0003566 LOU/NimrOlaHsd IEA S RGD:7401255|PMID:23596094 20140604 RGD
7411547 Bw129 Body weight QTL 129 qtl RS:0000311 F344/IcoCrlf IEA S RGD:7401255|PMID:23596094 20140604 RGD
7411547 Bw129 Body weight QTL 129 qtl RS:0003566 LOU/NimrOlaHsd IEA S RGD:7401255|PMID:23596094 20140604 RGD
7411549 Bw130 Body weight QTL 130 qtl RS:0000311 F344/IcoCrlf IEA S RGD:7401255|PMID:23596094 20140604 RGD
7411549 Bw130 Body weight QTL 130 qtl RS:0003566 LOU/NimrOlaHsd IEA S RGD:7401255|PMID:23596094 20140604 RGD
7411551 Bw131 Body weight QTL 131 qtl RS:0000311 F344/IcoCrlf IEA S RGD:7401255|PMID:23596094 20140604 RGD
7411551 Bw131 Body weight QTL 131 qtl RS:0003566 LOU/NimrOlaHsd IEA S RGD:7401255|PMID:23596094 20140604 RGD
7411555 Bw132 Body weight QTL 132 qtl RS:0000311 F344/IcoCrlf IEA S RGD:7401255|PMID:23596094 20140604 RGD
7411555 Bw132 Body weight QTL 132 qtl RS:0003566 LOU/NimrOlaHsd IEA S RGD:7401255|PMID:23596094 20140604 RGD
7411558 Bw133 Body weight QTL 133 qtl RS:0000311 F344/IcoCrlf IEA S RGD:7401255|PMID:23596094 20140604 RGD
7411558 Bw133 Body weight QTL 133 qtl RS:0003566 LOU/NimrOlaHsd IEA S RGD:7401255|PMID:23596094 20140604 RGD
7411561 Bw134 Body weight QTL 134 qtl RS:0000311 F344/IcoCrlf IEA S RGD:7401255|PMID:23596094 20140604 RGD
7411561 Bw134 Body weight QTL 134 qtl RS:0003566 LOU/NimrOlaHsd IEA S RGD:7401255|PMID:23596094 20140604 RGD
7411564 Bw135 Body weight QTL 135 qtl RS:0000311 F344/IcoCrlf IEA S RGD:7401255|PMID:23596094 20140604 RGD
7411564 Bw135 Body weight QTL 135 qtl RS:0003566 LOU/NimrOlaHsd IEA S RGD:7401255|PMID:23596094 20140604 RGD
7411566 Bw136 Body weight QTL 136 qtl RS:0000311 F344/IcoCrlf IEA S RGD:7401255|PMID:23596094 20140604 RGD
7411566 Bw136 Body weight QTL 136 qtl RS:0003566 LOU/NimrOlaHsd IEA S RGD:7401255|PMID:23596094 20140604 RGD
7411569 Bw137 Body weight QTL 137 qtl RS:0000311 F344/IcoCrlf IEA S RGD:7401255|PMID:23596094 20140604 RGD
7411569 Bw137 Body weight QTL 137 qtl RS:0003566 LOU/NimrOlaHsd IEA S RGD:7401255|PMID:23596094 20140604 RGD
7411571 Bw138 Body weight QTL 138 qtl RS:0000311 F344/IcoCrlf IEA S RGD:7401255|PMID:23596094 20140604 RGD
7411571 Bw138 Body weight QTL 138 qtl RS:0003566 LOU/NimrOlaHsd IEA S RGD:7401255|PMID:23596094 20140604 RGD
7411573 Bw139 Body weight QTL 139 qtl RS:0000311 F344/IcoCrlf IEA S RGD:7401255|PMID:23596094 20140604 RGD
7411573 Bw139 Body weight QTL 139 qtl RS:0003566 LOU/NimrOlaHsd IEA S RGD:7401255|PMID:23596094 20140604 RGD
7411575 Bw140 Body weight QTL 140 qtl RS:0000311 F344/IcoCrlf IEA S RGD:7401255|PMID:23596094 20140604 RGD
7411575 Bw140 Body weight QTL 140 qtl RS:0003566 LOU/NimrOlaHsd IEA S RGD:7401255|PMID:23596094 20140604 RGD
7411577 Bw141 Body weight QTL 141 qtl RS:0000311 F344/IcoCrlf IEA S RGD:7401255|PMID:23596094 20140604 RGD
7411577 Bw141 Body weight QTL 141 qtl RS:0003566 LOU/NimrOlaHsd IEA S RGD:7401255|PMID:23596094 20140604 RGD
7411579 Bw142 Body weight QTL 142 qtl RS:0000311 F344/IcoCrlf IEA S RGD:7401255|PMID:23596094 20140604 RGD
7411579 Bw142 Body weight QTL 142 qtl RS:0003566 LOU/NimrOlaHsd IEA S RGD:7401255|PMID:23596094 20140604 RGD
7411582 Foco3 Food consumption QTL 3 qtl RS:0000311 F344/IcoCrlf IEA S RGD:7401255|PMID:23596094 20160109 RGD
7411582 Foco3 Food consumption QTL 3 qtl RS:0003566 LOU/NimrOlaHsd IEA S RGD:7401255|PMID:23596094 20160109 RGD
7411584 Foco4 Food consumption QTL 4 qtl RS:0000311 F344/IcoCrlf IEA S RGD:7401255|PMID:23596094 20140604 RGD
7411584 Foco4 Food consumption QTL 4 qtl RS:0003566 LOU/NimrOlaHsd IEA S RGD:7401255|PMID:23596094 20140604 RGD
7411586 Foco5 Food consumption QTL 5 qtl RS:0000311 F344/IcoCrlf IEA S RGD:7401255|PMID:23596094 20140604 RGD
7411586 Foco5 Food consumption QTL 5 qtl RS:0003566 LOU/NimrOlaHsd IEA S RGD:7401255|PMID:23596094 20140604 RGD
7411588 Foco6 Food consumption QTL 6 qtl RS:0000311 F344/IcoCrlf IEA S RGD:7401255|PMID:23596094 20140604 RGD
7411588 Foco6 Food consumption QTL 6 qtl RS:0003566 LOU/NimrOlaHsd IEA S RGD:7401255|PMID:23596094 20140604 RGD
7411590 Foco7 Food consumption QTL 7 qtl RS:0000311 F344/IcoCrlf IEA S RGD:7401255|PMID:23596094 20140604 RGD
7411590 Foco7 Food consumption QTL 7 qtl RS:0003566 LOU/NimrOlaHsd IEA S RGD:7401255|PMID:23596094 20140604 RGD
7411592 Foco8 Food consumption QTL 8 qtl RS:0000311 F344/IcoCrlf IEA S RGD:7401255|PMID:23596094 20140604 RGD
7411592 Foco8 Food consumption QTL 8 qtl RS:0003566 LOU/NimrOlaHsd IEA S RGD:7401255|PMID:23596094 20140604 RGD
7411595 Foco9 Food consumption QTL 9 qtl RS:0000311 F344/IcoCrlf IEA S RGD:7401255|PMID:23596094 20140604 RGD
7411595 Foco9 Food consumption QTL 9 qtl RS:0003566 LOU/NimrOlaHsd IEA S RGD:7401255|PMID:23596094 20140604 RGD
7411597 Foco10 Food consumption QTL 10 qtl RS:0000311 F344/IcoCrlf IEA S RGD:7401255|PMID:23596094 20140604 RGD
7411597 Foco10 Food consumption QTL 10 qtl RS:0003566 LOU/NimrOlaHsd IEA S RGD:7401255|PMID:23596094 20140604 RGD
7411599 Foco11 Food consumption QTL 11 qtl RS:0000311 F344/IcoCrlf IEA S RGD:7401255|PMID:23596094 20140604 RGD
7411599 Foco11 Food consumption QTL 11 qtl RS:0003566 LOU/NimrOlaHsd IEA S RGD:7401255|PMID:23596094 20140604 RGD
7411601 Foco12 Food consumption QTL 12 qtl RS:0000311 F344/IcoCrlf IEA S RGD:7401255|PMID:23596094 20140604 RGD
7411601 Foco12 Food consumption QTL 12 qtl RS:0003566 LOU/NimrOlaHsd IEA S RGD:7401255|PMID:23596094 20140604 RGD
7411603 Foco13 Food consumption QTL 13 qtl RS:0000311 F344/IcoCrlf IEA S RGD:7401255|PMID:23596094 20140604 RGD
7411603 Foco13 Food consumption QTL 13 qtl RS:0003566 LOU/NimrOlaHsd IEA S RGD:7401255|PMID:23596094 20140604 RGD
7411605 Foco14 Food consumption QTL 14 qtl RS:0000311 F344/IcoCrlf IEA S RGD:7401255|PMID:23596094 20140604 RGD
7411605 Foco14 Food consumption QTL 14 qtl RS:0003566 LOU/NimrOlaHsd IEA S RGD:7401255|PMID:23596094 20140604 RGD
7411607 Foco15 Food consumption QTL 15 qtl RS:0000311 F344/IcoCrlf IEA S RGD:7401255|PMID:23596094 20140604 RGD
7411607 Foco15 Food consumption QTL 15 qtl RS:0003566 LOU/NimrOlaHsd IEA S RGD:7401255|PMID:23596094 20140604 RGD
7411609 Foco16 Food consumption QTL 16 qtl RS:0000311 F344/IcoCrlf IEA S RGD:7401255|PMID:23596094 20140604 RGD
7411609 Foco16 Food consumption QTL 16 qtl RS:0003566 LOU/NimrOlaHsd IEA S RGD:7401255|PMID:23596094 20140604 RGD
7411611 Foco17 Food consumption QTL 17 qtl RS:0000311 F344/IcoCrlf IEA S RGD:7401255|PMID:23596094 20140604 RGD
7411611 Foco17 Food consumption QTL 17 qtl RS:0003566 LOU/NimrOlaHsd IEA S RGD:7401255|PMID:23596094 20140604 RGD
7411614 Foco18 Food consumption QTL 18 qtl RS:0000311 F344/IcoCrlf IEA S RGD:7401255|PMID:23596094 20140604 RGD
7411614 Foco18 Food consumption QTL 18 qtl RS:0003566 LOU/NimrOlaHsd IEA S RGD:7401255|PMID:23596094 20140604 RGD
7411634 WDB/Nips strain RS:0003567 WDB/Nips IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
7411641 Foco19 Food consumption QTL 19 qtl RS:0000311 F344/IcoCrlf IEA S RGD:7401255|PMID:23596094 20140604 RGD
7411641 Foco19 Food consumption QTL 19 qtl RS:0003566 LOU/NimrOlaHsd IEA S RGD:7401255|PMID:23596094 20140604 RGD
7411643 Foco20 Food consumption QTL 20 qtl RS:0000311 F344/IcoCrlf IEA S RGD:7401255|PMID:23596094 20140604 RGD
7411643 Foco20 Food consumption QTL 20 qtl RS:0003566 LOU/NimrOlaHsd IEA S RGD:7401255|PMID:23596094 20140604 RGD
7411646 Foco21 Food consumption QTL 21 qtl RS:0000311 F344/IcoCrlf IEA S RGD:7401255|PMID:23596094 20140604 RGD
7411646 Foco21 Food consumption QTL 21 qtl RS:0003566 LOU/NimrOlaHsd IEA S RGD:7401255|PMID:23596094 20140604 RGD
7411648 Foco22 Food consumption QTL 22 qtl RS:0000311 F344/IcoCrlf IEA S RGD:7401255|PMID:23596094 20140604 RGD
7411648 Foco22 Food consumption QTL 22 qtl RS:0003566 LOU/NimrOlaHsd IEA S RGD:7401255|PMID:23596094 20140604 RGD
7411650 Foco23 Food consumption QTL 23 qtl RS:0000311 F344/IcoCrlf IEA S RGD:7401255|PMID:23596094 20140604 RGD
7411650 Foco23 Food consumption QTL 23 qtl RS:0003566 LOU/NimrOlaHsd IEA S RGD:7401255|PMID:23596094 20140604 RGD
7411652 Foco24 Food consumption QTL 24 qtl RS:0000311 F344/IcoCrlf IEA S RGD:7401255|PMID:23596094 20140604 RGD
7411652 Foco24 Food consumption QTL 24 qtl RS:0003566 LOU/NimrOlaHsd IEA S RGD:7401255|PMID:23596094 20140604 RGD
7411654 Foco25 Food consumption QTL 25 qtl RS:0000311 F344/IcoCrlf IEA S RGD:7401255|PMID:23596094 20140604 RGD
7411654 Foco25 Food consumption QTL 25 qtl RS:0003566 LOU/NimrOlaHsd IEA S RGD:7401255|PMID:23596094 20140604 RGD
7411656 Foco26 Food consumption QTL 26 qtl RS:0000311 F344/IcoCrlf IEA S RGD:7401255|PMID:23596094 20140604 RGD
7411656 Foco26 Food consumption QTL 26 qtl RS:0003566 LOU/NimrOlaHsd IEA S RGD:7401255|PMID:23596094 20140604 RGD
7411658 Foco27 Food consumption QTL 27 qtl RS:0000311 F344/IcoCrlf IEA S RGD:7401255|PMID:23596094 20140604 RGD
7411658 Foco27 Food consumption QTL 27 qtl RS:0003566 LOU/NimrOlaHsd IEA S RGD:7401255|PMID:23596094 20140604 RGD
7411660 Foco28 Food consumption QTL 28 qtl RS:0000311 F344/IcoCrlf IEA S RGD:7401255|PMID:23596094 20140604 RGD
7411660 Foco28 Food consumption QTL 28 qtl RS:0003566 LOU/NimrOlaHsd IEA S RGD:7401255|PMID:23596094 20140604 RGD
7411662 Foco29 Food consumption QTL 29 qtl RS:0000311 F344/IcoCrlf IEA S RGD:7401255|PMID:23596094 20140604 RGD
7411662 Foco29 Food consumption QTL 29 qtl RS:0003566 LOU/NimrOlaHsd IEA S RGD:7401255|PMID:23596094 20140604 RGD
7411664 Foco30 Food consumption QTL 30 qtl RS:0000311 F344/IcoCrlf IEA S RGD:7401255|PMID:23596094 20140604 RGD
7411664 Foco30 Food consumption QTL 30 qtl RS:0003566 LOU/NimrOlaHsd IEA S RGD:7401255|PMID:23596094 20140604 RGD
7411666 Foco31 Food consumption QTL 31 qtl RS:0000311 F344/IcoCrlf IEA S RGD:7401255|PMID:23596094 20140604 RGD
7411666 Foco31 Food consumption QTL 31 qtl RS:0003566 LOU/NimrOlaHsd IEA S RGD:7401255|PMID:23596094 20140604 RGD
7411668 Foco32 Food consumption QTL 32 qtl RS:0000311 F344/IcoCrlf IEA S RGD:7401255|PMID:23596094 20140604 RGD
7411668 Foco32 Food consumption QTL 32 qtl RS:0003566 LOU/NimrOlaHsd IEA S RGD:7401255|PMID:23596094 20140604 RGD
7411676 SHRSP.WKY-(D3Mgh16-D3Rat114)/Gcrc strain RS:0003568 SHRSP.WKY-(D3Mgh16-D3Rat114)/Gcrc IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
7411679 SHRSP.WKY-(D2Rat13-D2Rat157)(D3Mgh16-D3Rat114)/Gcrc strain RS:0003570 SHRSP.WKY-(D2Rat13-D2Rat157)(D3Mgh16-D3Rat114)/Gcrc IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
7411703 SHRSP.SHR-(D1Rat93-D1Rat269)(D18Rat73-D18Rat11)/Izm strain RS:0003571 SHRSP.SHR-(D1Rat93-D1Rat269)(D18Rat73-D18Rat11)/Izm IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
7411705 SHR.SHRSP-(D1Rat93-D1Rat269)(D18Rat73-D18Rat11)/Izm strain RS:0003572 SHR.SHRSP-(D1Rat93-D1Rat269)(D18Rat73-D18Rat11)/Izm IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
7411707 SHRSP.SHR-(D1Mgh5-D1Got87)/Izm strain RS:0003573 SHRSP.SHR-(D1Mgh5-D1Got87)/Izm IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
7411709 SHRSP.SHR-(D1Mit30-D1Rat269)/Izm strain RS:0003574 SHRSP.SHR-(D1Mit30-D1Rat269)/Izm IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
7411712 Strs4 Sensitivity to stroke QTL 4 qtl RS:0000746 SHR/Izm IEA S RGD:7411685|PMID:23690346 20140604 RGD
7411712 Strs4 Sensitivity to stroke QTL 4 qtl RS:0000770 SHRSP/Izm IEA S RGD:7411685|PMID:23690346 20140604 RGD
7411719 Strs5 Sensitivity to stroke QTL 5 qtl RS:0000746 SHR/Izm IEA S RGD:7411685|PMID:23690346 20140604 RGD
7411719 Strs5 Sensitivity to stroke QTL 5 qtl RS:0000770 SHRSP/Izm IEA S RGD:7411685|PMID:23690346 20140604 RGD
7411722 Strs6 Sensitivity to stroke QTL 6 qtl RS:0000746 SHR/Izm IEA S RGD:7411685|PMID:23690346 20140604 RGD
7411722 Strs6 Sensitivity to stroke QTL 6 qtl RS:0000770 SHRSP/Izm IEA S RGD:7411685|PMID:23690346 20140604 RGD
7411725 Strs7 Sensitivity to stroke QTL 7 qtl RS:0000746 SHR/Izm IEA S RGD:7411685|PMID:23690346 20140604 RGD
7411725 Strs7 Sensitivity to stroke QTL 7 qtl RS:0000770 SHRSP/Izm IEA S RGD:7411685|PMID:23690346 20140604 RGD
7421599 SS.LEW-(D1Chm64-D1Rat19)/Ayd strain RS:0003578 SS.LEW-(D1Chm64-D1Rat19)/Ayd IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
7421603 SS.LEW-(D1Rat320-D1Mgh32)/Ayd strain RS:0003579 SS.LEW-(D1Rat320-D1Mgh32)/Ayd IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
7421606 SS.LEW-(D1Uia4-D1Rat320)/Ayd strain RS:0003581 SS.LEW-(D1Uia4-D1Rat320)/Ayd IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
7421610 SS.LEW-(D5Mit5-D5M4Mit14)/Ayd strain RS:0003582 SS.LEW-(D5Mit5-D5M4Mit14)/Ayd IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
7421612 SS.LEW-(D16Chm48-D16Chm60)/Ayd strain RS:0003583 SS.LEW-(D16Chm48-D16Chm60)/Ayd IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
7421617 SS.LEW-(D17Chm14-D17Rat65)/Ayd strain RS:0003584 SS.LEW-(D17Chm14-D17Rat65)/Ayd IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
7421619 SS.LEW-(D17Chm85-D17Chm71)/Ayd strain RS:0003585 SS.LEW-(D17Chm85-D17Chm71)/Ayd IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
7421621 SS.LEW-(D17Chm131-D17Chm93)/Ayd strain RS:0003586 SS.LEW-(D17Chm131-D17Chm93)/Ayd IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
7421623 SS.LEW-(D17Rat84-D17Chm17)/Ayd strain RS:0003587 SS.LEW-(D17Rat84-D17Chm17)/Ayd IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
7421626 Bp360 Blood pressure QTL 360 qtl RS:0003578 SS.LEW-(D1Chm64-D1Rat19)/Ayd IEA S RGD:7421500|PMID:23814039 20140604 RGD
7421628 Bp361 Blood pressure QTL 361 qtl RS:0003581 SS.LEW-(D1Uia4-D1Rat320)/Ayd IEA S RGD:7421500|PMID:23814039 20140604 RGD
7421630 Bp362 Blood pressure QTL 362 qtl RS:0003579 SS.LEW-(D1Rat320-D1Mgh32)/Ayd IEA S RGD:7421500|PMID:23814039 20140604 RGD
7421634 SS.MNS-(D2Got93-D2Rat222)/Ayd strain RS:0003588 SS.MNS-(D2Got93-D2Rat222)/Ayd IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
7421636 SS.MNS-(D2Chm90-D2Rat38)/Ayd strain RS:0003589 SS.MNS-(D2Chm90-D2Rat38)/Ayd IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
7421638 SS.MNS-(D2Chm381-D2Chm225)/Ayd strain RS:0003590 SS.MNS-(D2Chm381-D2Chm225)/Ayd IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
7421640 SS.MNS-(D2Rat155-D2Chm161)/Ayd strain RS:0003591 SS.MNS-(D2Rat155-D2Chm161)/Ayd IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
7421643 SS.MNS-(D2Chm254-D2Chm161)/Ayd strain RS:0003592 SS.MNS-(D2Chm254-D2Chm161)/Ayd IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
7421645 SS.MNS-(D2Rat155-D2Chm419)/Ayd strain RS:0003593 SS.MNS-(D2Rat155-D2Chm419)/Ayd IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
7421647 SS.MNS-(D2Chm161-D2Chm410)/Ayd strain RS:0003594 SS.MNS-(D2Chm161-D2Chm410)/Ayd IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
7421649 SS.MNS-(D2Chm153-D2Chm410)/Ayd strain RS:0003595 SS.MNS-(D2Chm153-D2Chm410)/Ayd IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
7421651 SS.MNS-(D2Chm442-D2Chm410)/Ayd strain RS:0003596 SS.MNS-(D2Chm442-D2Chm410)/Ayd IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
7421654 SS.MNS-(D2Chm366-D2Rat52)/Ayd strain RS:0003597 SS.MNS-(D2Chm366-D2Rat52)/Ayd IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
7488904 Bp363 Blood pressure QTL 363 qtl RS:0003593 SS.MNS-(D2Rat155-D2Chm419)/Ayd IEA S RGD:7421631|PMID:19461651 20140604 RGD
7488925 Bp364 Blood pressure QTL 364 qtl RS:0003592 SS.MNS-(D2Chm254-D2Chm161)/Ayd IEA S RGD:7421631|PMID:19461651 20140604 RGD
7488927 Bp365 Blood pressure QTL 365 qtl RS:0003594 SS.MNS-(D2Chm161-D2Chm410)/Ayd IEA S RGD:7421631|PMID:19461651 20140604 RGD
7488929 Bp366 Blood pressure QTL 366 qtl RS:0003597 SS.MNS-(D2Chm366-D2Rat52)/Ayd IEA S RGD:7421631|PMID:19461651 20140604 RGD
7488931 Bp367 Blood pressure QTL 367 qtl RS:0000904 SS.MNS-(D2Rat183-D2Chm113)/Ayd IEA S RGD:7421631|PMID:19461651 20140604 RGD
7488933 Bp368 Blood pressure QTL 368 qtl RS:0003589 SS.MNS-(D2Chm90-D2Rat38)/Ayd IEA S RGD:7421631|PMID:19461651 20140604 RGD
7488963 Bp369 Blood pressure QTL 369 qtl RS:0003586 SS.LEW-(D17Chm131-D17Chm93)/Ayd IEA S RGD:7421500|PMID:23814039 20140604 RGD
7488966 Bp370 Blood pressure QTL 370 qtl RS:0003587 SS.LEW-(D17Rat84-D17Chm17)/Ayd IEA S RGD:7421500|PMID:23814039 20140604 RGD
7771589 SS.SR-(D2Rat352-rs63922710)/Opaz strain RS:0003598 SS.SR-(D2Rat352-rs63922710)/Opaz IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
7771600 SS.SR-(rs106870553-rs63922710)/Opaz strain RS:0003599 SS.SR-(rs106870553-rs63922710)/Opaz IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
7771603 Bp371 Blood pressure QTL 371 qtl RS:0003598 SS.SR-(D2Rat352-rs63922710)/Opaz IEA S RGD:7495755|PMID:23861781 20140604 RGD
7771605 Memor19 Memory QTL 19 qtl RS:0003598 SS.SR-(D2Rat352-rs63922710)/Opaz IEA S RGD:7495755|PMID:23861781 20140604 RGD
7771610 SHRSP-Chr 1F344/Rkb strain RS:0003601 SHRSP-Chr 1F344/Rkb IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
7771612 Cm80 Cardiac mass QTL 80 qtl RS:0000306 F344/NCrl IEA S RGD:7771608|PMID:23901062 20140604 RGD
7771612 Cm80 Cardiac mass QTL 80 qtl RS:0001444 SHRSP/Bbb IEA S RGD:7771608|PMID:23901062 20140604 RGD
7777135 SS.LEW-(D5Mco39-D5Mco57)/1Mco strain RS:0003602 SS.LEW-(D5Mco39-D5Mco57)/1Mco IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
7777138 SS.LEW-(D5Mco41-D5Mco47)/Mco strain RS:0003603 SS.LEW-(D5Mco41-D5Mco47)/Mco IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
7777140 SS.LEW-(D5Mco39-D5Mco57)(D5Mco41-D5Mco47)/Mco strain RS:0003604 SS.LEW-(D5Mco39-D5Mco57)(D5Mco41-D5Mco47)/Mco IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
7777143 SS.LEW-(D5Mco39-D5Mco57)/2Mco strain RS:0003605 SS.LEW-(D5Mco39-D5Mco57)/2Mco IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
7777180 SS.LEW-(D5Mco42-D5Mco47)/1Mco strain RS:0003606 SS.LEW-(D5Mco42-D5Mco47)/1Mco IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
7794691 SS.LEW-(D5Mco39-D5Mco57)(D5Mco42-D5Mco47)/Mco strain RS:0003607 SS.LEW-(D5Mco39-D5Mco57)(D5Mco42-D5Mco47)/Mco IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
7794694 SS.LEW-(D5Mco39-D5Mco57)/3Mco strain RS:0003608 SS.LEW-(D5Mco39-D5Mco57)/3Mco IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
7794696 SS.LEW-(D5Mco43-D5Mco47)/Mco strain RS:0003609 SS.LEW-(D5Mco43-D5Mco47)/Mco IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
7794698 SS.LEW-(D5Mco39-D5Mco57)(D5Mco43-D5Mco47)/Mco strain RS:0003610 SS.LEW-(D5Mco39-D5Mco57)(D5Mco43-D5Mco47)/Mco IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
7794700 SS.LEW-(D5Mco39-D5Mco41)/Mco strain RS:0003611 SS.LEW-(D5Mco39-D5Mco41)/Mco IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
7794704 SS.LEW-(D5Mco42-D5Mco47)/2Mco strain RS:0003612 SS.LEW-(D5Mco42-D5Mco47)/2Mco IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
7794706 SS.LEW-(D5Mco39-D5Mco41)(D5Mco42-D5Mco47)/Mco strain RS:0003613 SS.LEW-(D5Mco39-D5Mco41)(D5Mco42-D5Mco47)/Mco IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
7794739 Bp372 Blood pressure QTL 372 qtl RS:0003611 SS.LEW-(D5Mco39-D5Mco41)/Mco IEA S RGD:7495753|PMID:23757393 20140604 RGD
7794743 Bp373 Blood pressure QTL 373 qtl RS:0003612 SS.LEW-(D5Mco42-D5Mco47)/2Mco IEA S RGD:7495753|PMID:23757393 20140604 RGD
7794784 Mcs31 Mammary carcinoma susceptibility QTL 31 qtl RS:0001454 SR/JrHsd IEA S RGD:7794780|PMID:23967281 20140604 RGD
7794784 Mcs31 Mammary carcinoma susceptibility QTL 31 qtl RS:0001481 SS/JrHsd IEA S RGD:7794780|PMID:23967281 20140604 RGD
7794788 Mcs32 Mammary carcinoma susceptibility QTL 32 qtl RS:0001454 SR/JrHsd IEA S RGD:7794780|PMID:23967281 20140604 RGD
7794788 Mcs32 Mammary carcinoma susceptibility QTL 32 qtl RS:0001481 SS/JrHsd IEA S RGD:7794780|PMID:23967281 20140604 RGD
7794791 Mcs33 Mammary carcinoma susceptibility QTL 33 qtl RS:0001454 SR/JrHsd IEA S RGD:7794780|PMID:23967281 20140604 RGD
7794791 Mcs33 Mammary carcinoma susceptibility QTL 33 qtl RS:0001481 SS/JrHsd IEA S RGD:7794780|PMID:23967281 20140604 RGD
7794793 Mcs34 Mammary carcinoma susceptibility QTL 34 qtl RS:0001454 SR/JrHsd IEA S RGD:7794780|PMID:23967281 20140604 RGD
7794793 Mcs34 Mammary carcinoma susceptibility QTL 34 qtl RS:0001481 SS/JrHsd IEA S RGD:7794780|PMID:23967281 20140604 RGD
7800659 F344.Cg-Du, TyrC/Kyo downunder rat strain RS:0003614 F344.Cg-Du, TyrC/Kyo IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
7800661 F344.Cg-Du, TyrCKyo+/+ downunder rat strain RS:0003617 F344.Cg-Du, TyrCKyo+/+ IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
7800667 F344.Cg-Foxn1rnuKyo-/+ strain RS:0003620 F344.Cg-Foxn1rnuKyo-/+ IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
7800671 F344-Sv2am1Kyo strain RS:0003622 F344-Sv2am1Kyo IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
7800673 KFRS2/Kyo-/+ KFRS2-/+ strain RS:0003623 KFRS2/Kyo-/+ IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
7800676 KFRS3A/Kyo+/+ strain RS:0003626 KFRS3A/Kyo+/+ IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
7800692 MKO/Tami Minko Rat strain RS:0003627 MKO/Tami IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
7800694 NER.F344-(D1Rat132)(D5Rat100)/Kyo strain RS:0003628 NER.F344-(D1Rat132)(D5Rat100)/Kyo IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
7800702 KHR/Kyo-/- kaken hairless rat strain RS:0003634 KHR/Kyo-/- IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
7800705 KHR/Kyo-/+ kaken hairless rat strain RS:0003629 KHR/Kyo-/+ IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
8142383 SHRSP/BbbUtx strain RS:0003635 SHRSP/BbbUtx IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
8142385 SHR/Utx strain RS:0003636 SHR/Utx IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
8547938 CrljJcl:SD strain RS:0000696 CrljJcl:SD IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
8548794 F344-Tg(NC1-269B17)1Nkg strain RS:0003639 F344-Tg(NC1-269B17)1Nkg IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
8548809 F344-Tg(NC1-269B17)2Nkg strain RS:0003640 F344-Tg(NC1-269B17)2Nkg IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
8548812 F344-Tg(NC1-269B17)3Nkg strain RS:0003641 F344-Tg(NC1-269B17)3Nkg IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
8548815 F344-Tg(NC1-269B17)4Nkg strain RS:0003642 F344-Tg(NC1-269B17)4Nkg IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
8548817 KDP.PVG-RT1a/u/Nyo strain RS:0003643 KDP.PVG-RT1a/u/Nyo IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
8549599 BN.LEW-(D10Rat32-D10Rat133)/Ciml strain RS:0003637 BN.LEW-(D10Rat32-D10Rat133)/Ciml IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
8549776 F344-Lepm1Kyo F344 OB rat strain RS:0003644 F344-Lepm1Kyo IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
8549778 PVG.KDP-Cblb/Nyo PVG.KDP-Cblb congenic strain RS:0003645 PVG.KDP-Cblb/Nyo IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
8549779 DRU/Uubc strain RS:0003646 DRU/Uubc IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
8549782 SD.Gunn-Ugt1a1j/Aon strain RS:0003647 SD.Gunn-Ugt1a1j/Aon IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
8549785 W.Gunn-Ugt1a1j/Aon strain RS:0003648 W.Gunn-Ugt1a1j/Aon IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
8549798 WMS/SimNcp strain RS:0003649 WMS/SimNcp IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
8551711 SS.LEW-(D10Rat194-D10Chm243)(D10Chm10-D10Rat11)/Ayd strain RS:0003650 SS.LEW-(D10Rat194-D10Chm243)(D10Chm10-D10Rat11)/Ayd IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
8551714 SS.LEW-(D10Chm10-D10Rat11)(D10Chm246-D10Chm257)/Ayd strain RS:0003651 SS.LEW-(D10Chm10-D10Rat11)(D10Chm246-D10Chm257)/Ayd IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
8551716 SS.LEW-(D10Rat194-D10Chm243)(D16Chm48-D16Chm60)/Ayd strain RS:0003652 SS.LEW-(D10Rat194-D10Chm243)(D16Chm48-D16Chm60)/Ayd IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
8551718 SS.LEW-(D10Chm10-D10Rat11)(D16Chm48-D16Chm60)/Ayd strain RS:0003653 SS.LEW-(D10Chm10-D10Rat11)(D16Chm48-D16Chm60)/Ayd IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
8551721 SS.LEW-(D8Rat58-D8Chm12)(D10Chm10-D10Rat11)/Ayd strain RS:0003654 SS.LEW-(D8Rat58-D8Chm12)(D10Chm10-D10Rat11)/Ayd IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
8551723 SS.LEW-(D8Rat58-D8Chm12)(D10Rat194-D10Chm243)/Ayd strain RS:0003655 SS.LEW-(D8Rat58-D8Chm12)(D10Rat194-D10Chm243)/Ayd IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
8551725 SS.LEW-(D8Chm12-D8Rat15)(D10Rat194-D10Chm243)/Ayd strain RS:0003656 SS.LEW-(D8Chm12-D8Rat15)(D10Rat194-D10Chm243)/Ayd IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
8551727 SS.LEW-(D3Rat2-D3Chm79)(D10Rat194-D10Chm243)/Ayd strain RS:0003657 SS.LEW-(D3Rat2-D3Chm79)(D10Rat194-D10Chm243)/Ayd IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
8551730 SS.LEW-(D3Rat2-D3Chm79)(D10Chm10-D10Rat11)/Ayd strain RS:0003658 SS.LEW-(D3Rat2-D3Chm79)(D10Chm10-D10Rat11)/Ayd IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
8551732 SS.LEW-(D17Chm131-D17Chm93)(D10Chm10-D10Rat11)/Ayd strain RS:0003659 SS.LEW-(D17Chm131-D17Chm93)(D10Chm10-D10Rat11)/Ayd IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
8551734 SS.LEW-(D17Chm131-D17Chm93)(D17Rat84-D17Chm17)/Ayd strain RS:0003660 SS.LEW-(D17Chm131-D17Chm93)(D17Rat84-D17Chm17)/Ayd IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
8551737 SS.LEW-(D2Uia5-D2Mit6)(D10Chm10-D10Rat11)/Ayd strain RS:0003661 SS.LEW-(D2Uia5-D2Mit6)(D10Chm10-D10Rat11)/Ayd IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
8551739 SS.LEW-(D2Uia5-D2Mit6)(D10Rat194-D10Chm243)/Ayd strain RS:0003662 SS.LEW-(D2Uia5-D2Mit6)(D10Rat194-D10Chm243)/Ayd IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
8551742 SS.LEW-(D16Chm48-D16Chm60)(D18Rat101-D18Rat92)/Ayd strain RS:0003663 SS.LEW-(D16Chm48-D16Chm60)(D18Rat101-D18Rat92)/Ayd IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
8551748 SS.LEW-(D3Rat17-D3Mco80)(D10Rat194-D10Chm243)/Ayd strain RS:0003665 SS.LEW-(D3Rat17-D3Mco80)(D10Rat194-D10Chm243)/Ayd IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
8551750 SS.LEW-(D1Uia4-D1Rat320)(D10Chm10-D10Rat11)/Ayd strain RS:0003666 SS.LEW-(D1Uia4-D1Rat320)(D10Chm10-D10Rat11)/Ayd IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
8551752 SS.LEW-(D1Rat320-D1Mgh32)(D10Rat194-D10Chm243)(D10Chm10-D10Rat11)/Ayd strain RS:0003667 SS.LEW-(D1Rat320-D1Mgh32)(D10Rat194-D10Chm243)(D10Chm10-D10Rat11)/Ayd IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
8551755 SS.LEW-(D1Chm64-D1Rat19)(D10Rat194-D10Chm243)(D10Chm10-D10Rat11)/Ayd strain RS:0003668 SS.LEW-(D1Chm64-D1Rat19)(D10Rat194-D10Chm243)(D10Chm10-D10Rat11)/Ayd IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
8551757 SS.LEW-(D7Uia3-D7Mgh1)(D10Rat194-D10Chm243)(D10Chm10-D10Rat11)/Ayd strain RS:0003669 SS.LEW-(D7Uia3-D7Mgh1)(D10Rat194-D10Chm243)(D10Chm10-D10Rat11)/Ayd IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
8551759 SS.MNS-(D2Chm90-D2Rat38),LEW-(D10Chm10-D10Rat11)/Ayd strain RS:0003670 SS.MNS-(D2Chm90-D2Rat38),LEW-(D10Chm10-D10Rat11)/Ayd IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
8551761 SS.MNS-(D2Chm90-D2Rat38),LEW-(D10Got112-Igfbp4)/Ayd strain RS:0003671 SS.MNS-(D2Chm90-D2Rat38),LEW-(D10Got112-Igfbp4)/Ayd IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
8551763 SS.MNS-(D2Rat155-D2Chm419),LEW-(D10Rat194-D10Chm243)/Ayd strain RS:0003672 SS.MNS-(D2Rat155-D2Chm419),LEW-(D10Rat194-D10Chm243)/Ayd IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
8551766 SS.MNS-(D2Rat155-D2Chm419),LEW-(D10Chm10-D10Rat11)/Ayd strain RS:0003673 SS.MNS-(D2Rat155-D2Chm419),LEW-(D10Chm10-D10Rat11)/Ayd IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
8551772 SS.MNS-(D2Chm33-Tm2sf1),LEW-(D10Rat194-D10Chm243),LEW-(D10Chm10-D10Rat11)/Ayd strain RS:0003674 SS.MNS-(D2Chm33-Tm2sf1),LEW-(D10Rat194-D10Chm243),LEW-(D10Chm10-D10Rat11)/Ayd IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
8551774 SS.MNS-(D2Chm33-Tm2sf1),LEW-(D10Chm10-D10Rat11)/Ayd strain RS:0003675 SS.MNS-(D2Chm33-Tm2sf1),LEW-(D10Chm10-D10Rat11)/Ayd IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
8551776 SS.MNS-(D2Chm33-Tm2sf1),LEW-(D10Rat194-D10Chm243)/Ayd strain RS:0003676 SS.MNS-(D2Chm33-Tm2sf1),LEW-(D10Rat194-D10Chm243)/Ayd IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
8551778 SS.MNS-(D2Chm33-Tm2sf1),LEW-(D3Rat2-D3Chm79)/Ayd strain RS:0003677 SS.MNS-(D2Chm33-Tm2sf1),LEW-(D3Rat2-D3Chm79)/Ayd IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
8551782 SS.LEW-(D18Chm90-D18Chm4)/Ayd strain RS:0003678 SS.LEW-(D18Chm90-D18Chm4)/Ayd IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
8551785 SS.LEW-(D18Wox7-D18Rat67)/Ayd strain RS:0003679 SS.LEW-(D18Wox7-D18Rat67)/Ayd IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
8551787 SS.LEW-(D18Rat55-D18Mgh2)/Ayd strain RS:0003680 SS.LEW-(D18Rat55-D18Mgh2)/Ayd IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
8551789 SS.LEW-(D18Chm59-D18Rat1)/Ayd strain RS:0003681 SS.LEW-(D18Chm59-D18Rat1)/Ayd IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
8551864 DA.LEW.1AV1-(D4Mgh17-D4Mgh21)/Kiru strain RS:0003683 DA.LEW.1AV1-(D4Mgh17-D4Mgh21)/Kiru IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
8551866 LEW.1AV1.DA-(D4Mgh17-D4Rat203)/Kiru strain RS:0003684 LEW.1AV1.DA-(D4Mgh17-D4Rat203)/Kiru IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
8551868 PVG.1AV1.DA-(D4Mgh17-D4Rat84)/Kiru strain RS:0003687 PVG.1AV1.DA-(D4Mgh17-D4Rat84)/Kiru IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
8551872 DA.PVG.1AV1-(D4Rat155-D4Rat113)/Kiru strain RS:0003688 DA.PVG.1AV1-(D4Rat155-D4Rat113)/Kiru IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
8551874 DA.PVG.1AV1-(D4Rat63-D4Rat84)/Kiru strain RS:0003689 DA.PVG.1AV1-(D4Rat63-D4Rat84)/Kiru IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
8551876 DA.PVG.1AV1-(D4Rat203-D4Got130)/Kiru strain RS:0003690 DA.PVG.1AV1-(D4Rat203-D4Got130)/Kiru IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
8551880 DA.PVG.1AV1-(D4Rat63-D4Rat203)/Kiru strain RS:0003691 DA.PVG.1AV1-(D4Rat63-D4Rat203)/Kiru IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
8551882 DA.PVG.1AV1-(D4Rat203-D4Mit22)/Kiru strain RS:0003692 DA.PVG.1AV1-(D4Rat203-D4Mit22)/Kiru IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
8551885 DA.PVG.1AV1-(D4Mit22-D4Rat84)/Kiru strain RS:0003693 DA.PVG.1AV1-(D4Mit22-D4Rat84)/Kiru IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
8551887 DA.PVG.1AV1-(D4Got126-D4Rat203)/Kiru strain RS:0003694 DA.PVG.1AV1-(D4Got126-D4Rat203)/Kiru IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
8551889 DA.PVG.1AV1-(D4Rat62-D4Got136)/Kiru strain RS:0003695 DA.PVG.1AV1-(D4Rat62-D4Got136)/Kiru IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
8551892 DA.PVG.1AV1-(D4Rat113-D4Rat62)/Kiru strain RS:0003696 DA.PVG.1AV1-(D4Rat113-D4Rat62)/Kiru IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
8552235 SD-Tg(Pbsn-TAg)1Obs strain RS:0003697 SD-Tg(Pbsn-TAg)1Obs IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
8552237 WI-Tg(Nanog-GFP-PuroR)22Kyo strain RS:0003698 WI-Tg(Nanog-GFP-PuroR)22Kyo IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
8552239 F344.WI-Tg(Nanog-GFP-PuroR)Kyo strain RS:0003699 F344.WI-Tg(Nanog-GFP-PuroR)Kyo IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
8552242 ETR/Eis Eisai Turning Rat strain RS:0003700 ETR/Eis IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
8552244 SD-Tg(Dsp-mCherry-DTR)Jfln strain RS:0003701 SD-Tg(Dsp-mCherry-DTR)Jfln IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
8552247 SD-Tg(Neurod6-mCherry-DTR)Jfln strain RS:0003702 SD-Tg(Neurod6-mCherry-DTR)Jfln IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
8552249 SD-Tg(Camk2a-FLPo)Jfln strain RS:0003703 SD-Tg(Camk2a-FLPo)Jfln IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
8552252 ACI.BUF-Aftm1/2Mna strain RS:0003704 ACI.BUF-Aftm1/2Mna IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
8552255 LAP/Hshyo low alcohol preference rat strain RS:0003705 LAP/Hshyo IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
8552257 HAP/Hshyo high alcohol preference rat strain RS:0003706 HAP/Hshyo IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
8552259 F344-Ldlrm1Kyo/Ta strain RS:0003707 F344-Ldlrm1Kyo/Ta IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
8552261 WIAR.MPR-Arsbabd/Ncchd strain RS:0003708 WIAR.MPR-Arsbabd/Ncchd IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
8552267 SHRSP.WKY-(D1Rat116-D1Wox10)/Tkyo strain RS:0003711 SHRSP.WKY-(D1Rat116-D1Wox10)/Tkyo IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
8552269 SHRSP.WKY-(D1Tkyo58-D1Rat90)/Tkyo strain RS:0003712 SHRSP.WKY-(D1Tkyo58-D1Rat90)/Tkyo IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
8552271 SHRSP.WKY-(D1Rat27-D1Wox18)/Tkyo strain RS:0003713 SHRSP.WKY-(D1Rat27-D1Wox18)/Tkyo IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
8552273 SHRSP.WKY-(D1Tkyo57-D1Wox18)/Tkyo strain RS:0003714 SHRSP.WKY-(D1Tkyo57-D1Wox18)/Tkyo IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
8552275 F344-Lgi1m1Kyo strain RS:0003717 F344-Lgi1m1Kyo IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
8552279 WI-Tg(Per1-luc)Ylab strain RS:0003718 WI-Tg(Per1-luc)Ylab IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
8552285 F344.WI-Tg(Per1-luc)Ylab strain RS:0003719 F344.WI-Tg(Per1-luc)Ylab IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
8552287 F344.WIC-TgrdwKts strain RS:0003720 F344.WIC-TgrdwKts IEA S RGD:7241799 20200516 RGD
8552289 A5M/Khos strain RS:0003721 A5M/Khos IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
8552293 SR/JrSeac Dahl Salt-Resistant strain RS:0003722 SR/JrSeac IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
8552296 UPL/CasTakeu strain RS:0003723 UPL/CasTakeu IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
8552298 DA-Tyrem1Kyo strain RS:0003724 DA-Tyrem1Kyo IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
8552303 DA-Tyrem2Kyo strain RS:0003727 DA-Tyrem2Kyo IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
8552309 ODUS/Odu strain RS:0003728 ODUS/Odu IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
8552311 ODUR/Odu strain RS:0003729 ODUR/Odu IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
8552313 DA.PVG.1AV1-(D10Rat81-D10Rat238)/Kini strain RS:0003731 DA.PVG.1AV1-(D10Rat81-D10Rat238)/Kini IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
8552315 W-Tg(Thy1-COP4/YFP*)4Jfhy strain RS:0003733 W-Tg(Thy1-COP4/YFP*)4Jfhy IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
8552317 W-Tg(Thy1-COP4/YFP*)5Jfhy strain RS:0003734 W-Tg(Thy1-COP4/YFP*)5Jfhy IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
8552319 W-Tg(Thy1-COP4/YFP*)6Jfhy strain RS:0003735 W-Tg(Thy1-COP4/YFP*)6Jfhy IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
8552321 SHR-Tg(APOC3-CETP)1Tkyo strain RS:0003737 SHR-Tg(APOC3-CETP)1Tkyo IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
8552323 SHR-Tg(APOC3-CETP)2Tkyo strain RS:0003738 SHR-Tg(APOC3-CETP)2Tkyo IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
8552325 SHR-Tg(APOC3-CETP)3Tkyo strain RS:0003739 SHR-Tg(APOC3-CETP)3Tkyo IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
8552327 SHR-Tg(APOC3-CETP)4Tkyo strain RS:0003740 SHR-Tg(APOC3-CETP)4Tkyo IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
8552329 W-Tg(Nqo1)Kop strain RS:0003741 W-Tg(Nqo1)Kop IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
8552331 F344-Il2rgem7Kyo strain RS:0003743 F344-Il2rgem7Kyo IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
8552337 DA.PVG.1AV1-(D10Got406-D10Rat93)/Kini strain RS:0003746 DA.PVG.1AV1-(D10Got406-D10Rat93)/Kini IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
8552341 DA.PVG.1AV1-(D10Got6-D10Rat184)/Kini strain RS:0003747 DA.PVG.1AV1-(D10Got6-D10Rat184)/Kini IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
8552346 DA.PVG.1AV1-(D4Rat107-D4Got132)/Kini strain RS:0003748 DA.PVG.1AV1-(D4Rat107-D4Got132)/Kini IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
8552348 DA.PVG.1AV1-(D13Rat105-D13Rat131)/Kini strain RS:0003749 DA.PVG.1AV1-(D13Rat105-D13Rat131)/Kini IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
8552351 DA.PVG.1AV1-(D9Wox24-D9Rat44)/Kini strain RS:0003750 DA.PVG.1AV1-(D9Wox24-D9Rat44)/Kini IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
8552364 WI-Tg(L2-Venus)Nips strain RS:0003751 WI-Tg(L2-Venus)Nips IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
8552366 WI-Tg(CAG-cre)Nips strain RS:0003752 WI-Tg(CAG-Cre)Nips IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
8552368 WI-Tg(CAG-Venus)Nips strain RS:0003753 WI-Tg(CAG-Venus)Nips IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
8552371 WDB-ROSA26em1(RT2)Nips strain RS:0003755 WDB-ROSA26em1(RT2)Nips IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
8552782 Vie1 Viral induced encephalitis QTL 1 qtl RS:0001858 DA/ZtmKini IEA S RGD:7240516|PMID:22761571 20140604 RGD
8552782 Vie1 Viral induced encephalitis QTL 1 qtl RS:0002085 PVG.1AV1/Kini IEA S RGD:7240516|PMID:22761571 20140604 RGD
8552791 Vie2 Viral induced encephalitis QTL 2 qtl RS:0001858 DA/ZtmKini IEA S RGD:7240516|PMID:22761571 20140604 RGD
8552791 Vie2 Viral induced encephalitis QTL 2 qtl RS:0002085 PVG.1AV1/Kini IEA S RGD:7240516|PMID:22761571 20140604 RGD
8552796 Vie3 Viral induced encephalitis QTL 3 qtl RS:0001858 DA/ZtmKini IEA S RGD:7240516|PMID:22761571 20140604 RGD
8552796 Vie3 Viral induced encephalitis QTL 3 qtl RS:0002085 PVG.1AV1/Kini IEA S RGD:7240516|PMID:22761571 20140604 RGD
8552801 Bw143 Body weight QTL 143 qtl RS:0001858 DA/ZtmKini IEA S RGD:7240516|PMID:22761571 20140604 RGD
8552801 Bw143 Body weight QTL 143 qtl RS:0002085 PVG.1AV1/Kini IEA S RGD:7240516|PMID:22761571 20140604 RGD
8552803 Bw144 Body weight QTL 144 qtl RS:0001858 DA/ZtmKini IEA S RGD:7240516|PMID:22761571 20140604 RGD
8552803 Bw144 Body weight QTL 144 qtl RS:0002085 PVG.1AV1/Kini IEA S RGD:7240516|PMID:22761571 20140604 RGD
8552805 Bw145 Body weight QTL 145 qtl RS:0001858 DA/ZtmKini IEA S RGD:7240516|PMID:22761571 20140604 RGD
8552805 Bw145 Body weight QTL 145 qtl RS:0002085 PVG.1AV1/Kini IEA S RGD:7240516|PMID:22761571 20140604 RGD
8552807 Vie4 Viral induced encephalitis QTL 4 qtl RS:0001858 DA/ZtmKini IEA S RGD:7240516|PMID:22761571 20140604 RGD
8552807 Vie4 Viral induced encephalitis QTL 4 qtl RS:0002085 PVG.1AV1/Kini IEA S RGD:7240516|PMID:22761571 20140604 RGD
8552809 Vie5 Viral induced encephalitis QTL 5 qtl RS:0001858 DA/ZtmKini IEA S RGD:7240516|PMID:22761571 20140604 RGD
8552809 Vie5 Viral induced encephalitis QTL 5 qtl RS:0002085 PVG.1AV1/Kini IEA S RGD:7240516|PMID:22761571 20140604 RGD
8552891 Epfw5 Epididymal fat weight QTL 5 qtl RS:0000746 SHR/Izm IEA S RGD:8552892|PMID:24099777 20140604 RGD
8552891 Epfw5 Epididymal fat weight QTL 5 qtl RS:0000752 SHR/NCrlCrlj IEA S RGD:8552892|PMID:24099777 20140604 RGD
8552900 Pigfal1 Plasma insulin-like growth factor 1 level QTL 1 qtl RS:0000311 F344/IcoCrlf IEA S RGD:7794844|PMID:24028904 20140604 RGD
8552900 Pigfal1 Plasma insulin-like growth factor 1 level QTL 1 qtl RS:0003566 LOU/NimrOlaHsd IEA S RGD:7794844|PMID:24028904 20140604 RGD
8552903 Pigfal2 Plasma insulin-like growth factor 1 level QTL 2 qtl RS:0000311 F344/IcoCrlf IEA S RGD:7794844|PMID:24028904 20140604 RGD
8552903 Pigfal2 Plasma insulin-like growth factor 1 level QTL 2 qtl RS:0003566 LOU/NimrOlaHsd IEA S RGD:7794844|PMID:24028904 20140604 RGD
8552906 Pigfal3 Plasma insulin-like growth factor 1 level QTL 3 qtl RS:0000311 F344/IcoCrlf IEA S RGD:7794844|PMID:24028904 20140604 RGD
8552906 Pigfal3 Plasma insulin-like growth factor 1 level QTL 3 qtl RS:0003566 LOU/NimrOlaHsd IEA S RGD:7794844|PMID:24028904 20140604 RGD
8552908 Pigfal4 Plasma insulin-like growth factor 1 level QTL 4 qtl RS:0000311 F344/IcoCrlf IEA S RGD:7794844|PMID:24028904 20140604 RGD
8552908 Pigfal4 Plasma insulin-like growth factor 1 level QTL 4 qtl RS:0003566 LOU/NimrOlaHsd IEA S RGD:7794844|PMID:24028904 20140604 RGD
8552910 Pigfal5 Plasma insulin-like growth factor 1 level QTL 5 qtl RS:0000311 F344/IcoCrlf IEA S RGD:7794844|PMID:24028904 20140604 RGD
8552910 Pigfal5 Plasma insulin-like growth factor 1 level QTL 5 qtl RS:0003566 LOU/NimrOlaHsd IEA S RGD:7794844|PMID:24028904 20140604 RGD
8552912 Pigfal6 Plasma insulin-like growth factor 1 level QTL 6 qtl RS:0000311 F344/IcoCrlf IEA S RGD:7794844|PMID:24028904 20140604 RGD
8552912 Pigfal6 Plasma insulin-like growth factor 1 level QTL 6 qtl RS:0003566 LOU/NimrOlaHsd IEA S RGD:7794844|PMID:24028904 20140604 RGD
8552918 Pigfal7 Plasma insulin-like growth factor 1 level QTL 7 qtl RS:0000311 F344/IcoCrlf IEA S RGD:7794844|PMID:24028904 20140604 RGD
8552918 Pigfal7 Plasma insulin-like growth factor 1 level QTL 7 qtl RS:0003566 LOU/NimrOlaHsd IEA S RGD:7794844|PMID:24028904 20140604 RGD
8552920 Pigfal8 Plasma insulin-like growth factor 1 level QTL 8 qtl RS:0000311 F344/IcoCrlf IEA S RGD:7794844|PMID:24028904 20140604 RGD
8552920 Pigfal8 Plasma insulin-like growth factor 1 level QTL 8 qtl RS:0003566 LOU/NimrOlaHsd IEA S RGD:7794844|PMID:24028904 20140604 RGD
8552928 Pigfal9 Plasma insulin-like growth factor 1 level QTL 9 qtl RS:0000311 F344/IcoCrlf IEA S RGD:7794844|PMID:24028904 20140604 RGD
8552928 Pigfal9 Plasma insulin-like growth factor 1 level QTL 9 qtl RS:0003566 LOU/NimrOlaHsd IEA S RGD:7794844|PMID:24028904 20140604 RGD
8552935 Pigfal10 Plasma insulin-like growth factor 1 level QTL 10 qtl RS:0000311 F344/IcoCrlf IEA S RGD:7794844|PMID:24028904 20140604 RGD
8552935 Pigfal10 Plasma insulin-like growth factor 1 level QTL 10 qtl RS:0003566 LOU/NimrOlaHsd IEA S RGD:7794844|PMID:24028904 20140604 RGD
8552948 Pigfal11 Plasma insulin-like growth factor 1 level QTL 11 qtl RS:0000311 F344/IcoCrlf IEA S RGD:7794844|PMID:24028904 20140604 RGD
8552948 Pigfal11 Plasma insulin-like growth factor 1 level QTL 11 qtl RS:0003566 LOU/NimrOlaHsd IEA S RGD:7794844|PMID:24028904 20140604 RGD
8552950 Pigfal12 Plasma insulin-like growth factor 1 level QTL 12 qtl RS:0000311 F344/IcoCrlf IEA S RGD:7794844|PMID:24028904 20140604 RGD
8552950 Pigfal12 Plasma insulin-like growth factor 1 level QTL 12 qtl RS:0003566 LOU/NimrOlaHsd IEA S RGD:7794844|PMID:24028904 20140604 RGD
8552952 Pigfal13 Plasma insulin-like growth factor 1 level QTL 13 qtl RS:0000311 F344/IcoCrlf IEA S RGD:7794844|PMID:24028904 20140604 RGD
8552952 Pigfal13 Plasma insulin-like growth factor 1 level QTL 13 qtl RS:0003566 LOU/NimrOlaHsd IEA S RGD:7794844|PMID:24028904 20140604 RGD
8552954 Pigfal14 Plasma insulin-like growth factor 1 level QTL 14 qtl RS:0000311 F344/IcoCrlf IEA S RGD:7794844|PMID:24028904 20140604 RGD
8552954 Pigfal14 Plasma insulin-like growth factor 1 level QTL 14 qtl RS:0003566 LOU/NimrOlaHsd IEA S RGD:7794844|PMID:24028904 20140604 RGD
8552960 Pigfal15 Plasma insulin-like growth factor 1 level QTL 15 qtl RS:0000311 F344/IcoCrlf IEA S RGD:7794844|PMID:24028904 20140604 RGD
8552960 Pigfal15 Plasma insulin-like growth factor 1 level QTL 15 qtl RS:0003566 LOU/NimrOlaHsd IEA S RGD:7794844|PMID:24028904 20140604 RGD
8552962 Pigfal16 Plasma insulin-like growth factor 1 level QTL 16 qtl RS:0000311 F344/IcoCrlf IEA S RGD:7794844|PMID:24028904 20140604 RGD
8552962 Pigfal16 Plasma insulin-like growth factor 1 level QTL 16 qtl RS:0003566 LOU/NimrOlaHsd IEA S RGD:7794844|PMID:24028904 20140604 RGD
8552964 Pigfal17 Plasma insulin-like growth factor 1 level QTL 17 qtl RS:0000311 F344/IcoCrlf IEA S RGD:7794844|PMID:24028904 20140604 RGD
8552964 Pigfal17 Plasma insulin-like growth factor 1 level QTL 17 qtl RS:0003566 LOU/NimrOlaHsd IEA S RGD:7794844|PMID:24028904 20140604 RGD
8552966 Pigfal18 Plasma insulin-like growth factor 1 level QTL 18 qtl RS:0000311 F344/IcoCrlf IEA S RGD:7794844|PMID:24028904 20140604 RGD
8552966 Pigfal18 Plasma insulin-like growth factor 1 level QTL 18 qtl RS:0003566 LOU/NimrOlaHsd IEA S RGD:7794844|PMID:24028904 20140604 RGD
8552968 Pigfal19 Plasma insulin-like growth factor 1 level QTL 19 qtl RS:0000311 F344/IcoCrlf IEA S RGD:7794844|PMID:24028904 20140604 RGD
8552968 Pigfal19 Plasma insulin-like growth factor 1 level QTL 19 qtl RS:0003566 LOU/NimrOlaHsd IEA S RGD:7794844|PMID:24028904 20140604 RGD
8552996 F344/Arc strain RS:0003756 F344/Arc IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
8553001 ArcCrl:CD(SD) strain RS:0003757 ArcCrl:CD(SD) IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
8553003 ArcCrl:WI Wistar rats strain RS:0003758 ArcCrl:WI IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
8553005 BN/RijHsdArc strain RS:0003759 BN/RijHsdArc IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
8553006 DA/Arc strain RS:0003760 DA/Arc IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
8553008 LEW/CrlArc Lewis strain RS:0003761 LEW/CrlArc IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
8553010 PVG/Arc strain RS:0003762 PVG/Arc IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
8553013 SHR/NCrlArc strain RS:0003763 SHR/NCrlArc IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
8553015 WKY/NCrlArc strain RS:0003764 WKY/NCrlArc IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
8553187 FHH.BN(D14Rat98-D14Hmgc4)/Mcwi strain RS:0003765 FHH.BN(D14Rat98-D14Hmgc4)/Mcwi IEA S RGD:7241799 20150117 RGD
8655639 WAG/Nov strain RS:0003766 WAG/Nov IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
8655649 Arrd1 Age-related retinal degeneration QTL 1 qtl RS:0000634 OXYS/Nov IEA S RGD:7794750|PMID:22300709 20140628 RGD
8655649 Arrd1 Age-related retinal degeneration QTL 1 qtl RS:0003766 WAG/Nov IEA S RGD:7794750|PMID:22300709 20140628 RGD
8655655 Arrd2 Age-related retinal degeneration QTL 2 qtl RS:0000634 OXYS/Nov IEA S RGD:7794750|PMID:22300709 20140628 RGD
8655655 Arrd2 Age-related retinal degeneration QTL 2 qtl RS:0003766 WAG/Nov IEA S RGD:7794750|PMID:22300709 20140628 RGD
8655660 WAG.OXYS-(D1Rat30-D1Rat219)/Nov strain RS:0003769 WAG.OXYS-(D1Rat30-D1Rat219)/Nov IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
8655663 WAG.OXYS-(D1Rat219-D1Rat81)/Nov strain RS:0003770 WAG.OXYS-(D1Rat219-D1Rat81)/Nov IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
8655855 Arrd3 Age-related retinal degeneration QTL 3 qtl RS:0000634 OXYS/Nov IEA S RGD:7794750|PMID:22300709 20140628 RGD
8655855 Arrd3 Age-related retinal degeneration QTL 3 qtl RS:0003766 WAG/Nov IEA S RGD:7794750|PMID:22300709 20140628 RGD
8655906 Rf60 Renal function QTL 60 qtl RS:0000181 CDS/Ygl IEA S RGD:8552897|PMID:24192394 20140604 RGD
8655906 Rf60 Renal function QTL 60 qtl RS:0000679 SBN/Ygl IEA S RGD:8552897|PMID:24192394 20140604 RGD
8655945 Rf61 Renal function QTL 61 qtl RS:0000181 CDS/Ygl IEA S RGD:8552897|PMID:24192394 20140604 RGD
8655945 Rf61 Renal function QTL 61 qtl RS:0000679 SBN/Ygl IEA S RGD:8552897|PMID:24192394 20140604 RGD
8655949 Rf62 Renal function QTL 62 qtl RS:0000181 CDS/Ygl IEA S RGD:8552897|PMID:24192394 20140604 RGD
8655949 Rf62 Renal function QTL 62 qtl RS:0000679 SBN/Ygl IEA S RGD:8552897|PMID:24192394 20140604 RGD
8655951 Rf63 Renal function QTL 63 qtl RS:0000181 CDS/Ygl IEA S RGD:8552897|PMID:24192394 20140604 RGD
8655951 Rf63 Renal function QTL 63 qtl RS:0000679 SBN/Ygl IEA S RGD:8552897|PMID:24192394 20140604 RGD
8655959 Pur32 Proteinuria QTL 32 qtl RS:0000181 CDS/Ygl IEA S RGD:8552897|PMID:24192394 20140604 RGD
8655959 Pur32 Proteinuria QTL 32 qtl RS:0000679 SBN/Ygl IEA S RGD:8552897|PMID:24192394 20140604 RGD
8655961 Kidm43 Kidney mass QTL 43 qtl RS:0000181 CDS/Ygl IEA S RGD:8552897|PMID:24192394 20140604 RGD
8655961 Kidm43 Kidney mass QTL 43 qtl RS:0000679 SBN/Ygl IEA S RGD:8552897|PMID:24192394 20140604 RGD
8655977 W-Lepr+/+/Nin Wistar NIN lean strain RS:0003771 W/Nin IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
8655992 W-LeprfaNin strain RS:0003774 W-LeprfaNin IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
8657050 Bw146 Body weight QTL 146 qtl RS:0003772 F344/Nin IEA S RGD:8657042|PMID:24204914 20140604 RGD
8657050 Bw146 Body weight QTL 146 qtl RS:0003774 W-LeprfaNin IEA S RGD:8657042|PMID:24204914 20140604 RGD
8657051 F344/Nin strain RS:0003772 F344/Nin IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
8657079 SS.LEW-(D18Chm124-D18Chm126)/Ayd strain RS:0003775 SS.LEW-(D18Chm124-D18Chm126)/Ayd IEA S RGD:7241799 20140604 RGD
8657135 SS.LEW-(D10Chm280-D10Chm216)/Ayd strain RS:0003776 SS.LEW-(D10Chm280-D10Chm216)/Ayd IEA S RGD:7241799 20140623 RGD
8657348 SS.LEW-(D17Chm131-D17Chm93),MNS-(D2Rat155-D2Chm161),LEW-(D18Chm41-D18Rat92)/Ayd strain RS:0003777 SS.LEW-(D17Chm131-D17Chm93),MNS-(D2Rat155-D2Chm161),LEW-(D18Chm41-D18Rat92)/Ayd IEA S RGD:7241799 20140623 RGD
8657351 SS.MNS-(D2Chm366-D2Rat52),LEW-(D18Rat61-D18Rat45),LEW-(D10Chm128-D10Chm121)/Ayd strain RS:0003778 SS.MNS-(D2Chm366-D2Rat52),LEW-(D18Rat61-D18Rat45),LEW-(D10Chm128-D10Chm121)/Ayd IEA S RGD:7241799 20140623 RGD
8657361 SS.MNS-(D2Chm254-D2Chm161),LEW-(D10Chm246-D10Chm257),LEW-(D16Chm48-D16Chm60),LEW-(D18Rat55-D18Mgh2)/Ayd strain RS:0003779 SS.MNS-(D2Chm254-D2Chm161),LEW-(D10Chm246-D10Chm257),LEW-(D16Chm48-D16Chm60),LEW-(D18Rat55-D18Mgh2)/Ayd IEA S RGD:7241799 20140623 RGD
8657392 SS.LEW-(D10Rat155-D10Chm171)/Ayd strain RS:0003780 SS.LEW-(D10Rat155-D10Chm171)/Ayd IEA S RGD:7241799 20140623 RGD
8657399 SS.MNS-(D2Chm214-D2Chm302)/Ayd strain RS:0003781 SS.MNS-(D2Chm214-D2Chm302)/Ayd IEA S RGD:7241799 20140623 RGD
8657402 SS.LEW-(D3Rat52-D3Chm57),MNS-(D2Chm214-D2Chm302),LEW-(D10Rat194-D10Chm243)/Ayd strain RS:0003782 SS.LEW-(D3Rat52-D3Chm57),MNS-(D2Chm214-D2Chm302),LEW-(D10Rat194-D10Chm243)/Ayd IEA S RGD:7241799 20140623 RGD
8657410 Bp374 Blood pressure QTL 374 qtl RS:0003780 SS.LEW-(D10Rat155-D10Chm171)/Ayd IEA S RGD:8657382|PMID:23773896 20151205 RGD
8661233 SS-TgTn(T2GFP)53Mcwi strain RS:0003783 SS-TgTn(T2GFP)53Mcwi IEA S RGD:7241799 20151107 RGD
8661234 SS-TgTn(T2ePet-eGFP)11Mcwi strain RS:0003784 SS-TgTn(T2ePet-eGFP)11Mcwi IEA S RGD:7241799 20200516 RGD
8661235 FHH-TgTn(T2/Rab38)1Mcwi strain RS:0003785 FHH-TgTn(T2/Rab38)1Mcwi IEA S RGD:7241799 20200516 RGD
8662350 Eae35 Experimental allergic encephalomyelitis QTL 35 qtl RS:0001858 DA/ZtmKini IEA S RGD:8662331|PMID:20505148 20140621 RGD
8662350 Eae35 Experimental allergic encephalomyelitis QTL 35 qtl RS:0002085 PVG.1AV1/Kini IEA S RGD:8662331|PMID:20505148 20140621 RGD
8662449 LOU/MBbb strain RS:0003786 LOU/MBbb IEA S RGD:7241799 20140705 RGD
8662454 Vetf3 Vascular elastic tissue fragility QTL 3 qtl RS:0000152 BN/Rj IEA S RGD:8662443|PMID:17356016 20150801 RGD
8662454 Vetf3 Vascular elastic tissue fragility QTL 3 qtl RS:0003786 LOU/MBbb IEA S RGD:8662443|PMID:17356016 20150801 RGD
8662816 Vetf4 Vascular elastic tissue fragility QTL 4 qtl RS:0000152 BN/Rj IEA S RGD:8662443|PMID:17356016 20150801 RGD
8662816 Vetf4 Vascular elastic tissue fragility QTL 4 qtl RS:0003786 LOU/MBbb IEA S RGD:8662443|PMID:17356016 20150801 RGD
8662823 Vetf5 Vascular elastic tissue fragility QTL 5 qtl RS:0000152 BN/Rj IEA S RGD:8662443|PMID:17356016 20150801 RGD
8662823 Vetf5 Vascular elastic tissue fragility QTL 5 qtl RS:0003786 LOU/MBbb IEA S RGD:8662443|PMID:17356016 20150801 RGD
8662828 Vetf6 Vascular elastic tissue fragility QTL 6 qtl RS:0000152 BN/Rj IEA S RGD:8662443|PMID:17356016 20150801 RGD
8662828 Vetf6 Vascular elastic tissue fragility QTL 6 qtl RS:0003786 LOU/MBbb IEA S RGD:8662443|PMID:17356016 20150801 RGD
8662832 Vetf7 Vascular elastic tissue fragility QTL 7 qtl RS:0000152 BN/Rj IEA S RGD:8662443|PMID:17356016 20150801 RGD
8662832 Vetf7 Vascular elastic tissue fragility QTL 7 qtl RS:0003786 LOU/MBbb IEA S RGD:8662443|PMID:17356016 20150801 RGD
8662836 Vetf8 Vascular elastic tissue fragility QTL 8 qtl RS:0000152 BN/Rj IEA S RGD:8662443|PMID:17356016 20150801 RGD
8662836 Vetf8 Vascular elastic tissue fragility QTL 8 qtl RS:0003786 LOU/MBbb IEA S RGD:8662443|PMID:17356016 20150801 RGD
8662843 Vetf9 Vascular elastic tissue fragility QTL 9 qtl RS:0000152 BN/Rj IEA S RGD:8662443|PMID:17356016 20150801 RGD
8662843 Vetf9 Vascular elastic tissue fragility QTL 9 qtl RS:0003786 LOU/MBbb IEA S RGD:8662443|PMID:17356016 20150801 RGD
8662860 Vetf10 Vascular elastic tissue fragility QTL 10 qtl RS:0000152 BN/Rj IEA S RGD:8662443|PMID:17356016 20150801 RGD
8662860 Vetf10 Vascular elastic tissue fragility QTL 10 qtl RS:0003786 LOU/MBbb IEA S RGD:8662443|PMID:17356016 20150801 RGD
8662861 LOU.BN-(D5Rat59-D5Rat133)/Bbb strain RS:0003788 LOU.BN-(D5Rat59-D5Rat133)/Bbb IEA S RGD:7241799 20140705 RGD
8662874 LOU.BN-(D5Rat59-D5Rat127)/Bbb strain RS:0003790 LOU.BN-(D5Rat59-D5Rat127)/Bbb IEA S RGD:7241799 20140705 RGD
8662878 LOU.BN-(D5Rat59-D5Rat125)/Bbb strain RS:0003791 LOU.BN-(D5Rat59-D5Rat125)/Bbb IEA S RGD:7241799 20140705 RGD
8662925 LOU.BN-(D5Rat59-rs13448399)/Bbb strain RS:0003792 LOU.BN-(D5Rat59-rs13448399)/Bbb IEA S RGD:7241799 20140705 RGD
8662933 LOU.BN-(rs65016308-D5Rat133)/Bbb strain RS:0003793 LOU.BN-(rs65016308-D5Rat133)/Bbb IEA S RGD:7241799 20140705 RGD
8662955 LOU.BN-(rs13448399-D5Rat133)/Bbb strain RS:0003794 LOU.BN-(rs13448399-D5Rat133)/Bbb IEA S RGD:7241799 20140705 RGD
8662958 LOU.BN-(D5Rat59-rs13448399)/Bbb-/+ strain RS:0003795 LOU.BN-(D5Rat59-rs13448399)/Bbb-/+ IEA S RGD:7241799 20140705 RGD
8663453 BN.ACI-(D14Uwm4-D14Rat39)/Shul strain RS:0003798 BN.ACI-(D14Uwm4-D14Rat39)/Shul IEA S RGD:7241799 20140726 RGD
8663455 BN.ACI-(D14Uwm1-D14Uwm5)/Shul strain RS:0003799 BN.ACI-(D14Uwm1-D14Uwm5)/Shul IEA S RGD:7241799 20140726 RGD
8663458 ACI.BN-(D7Rat164-D7Rat142)/Shul strain RS:0003800 ACI.BN-(D7Rat164-D7Rat142)/Shul IEA S RGD:7241799 20140726 RGD
8663462 ACI.BN-(D7Uwm32-D7Uwm43)/Shul strain RS:0003801 ACI.BN-(D7Uwm32-D7Uwm43)/Shul IEA S RGD:7241799 20140726 RGD
8663464 ACI.BN-(D7Uwm33-D7Uwm43)/Shul strain RS:0003802 ACI.BN-(D7Uwm33-D7Uwm43)/Shul IEA S RGD:7241799 20140726 RGD
8693598 LE-Tg(DIO-mCherry)2OttcRrrc strain RS:0003804 LE-Tg(DIO-mCherry)2OttcRrrc IEA S RGD:7241799 20160206 RGD
8693608 Alc24 Alcohol consumption QTL 24 qtl RS:0000169 BXH/Ipcv IEA S RGD:8663441|PMID:24961585 20140719 RGD
8693608 Alc24 Alcohol consumption QTL 24 qtl RS:0000401 HXB/Ipcv IEA S RGD:8663441|PMID:24961585 20140719 RGD
8693618 Alc25 Alcohol consumption QTL 25 qtl RS:0000169 BXH/Ipcv IEA S RGD:8663441|PMID:24961585 20140719 RGD
8693618 Alc25 Alcohol consumption QTL 25 qtl RS:0000401 HXB/Ipcv IEA S RGD:8663441|PMID:24961585 20140719 RGD
8693622 Alc26 Alcohol consumption QTL 26 qtl RS:0000169 BXH/Ipcv IEA S RGD:8663441|PMID:24961585 20140719 RGD
8693622 Alc26 Alcohol consumption QTL 26 qtl RS:0000401 HXB/Ipcv IEA S RGD:8663441|PMID:24961585 20140719 RGD
8693632 Alc27 Alcohol consumption QTL 27 qtl RS:0000169 BXH/Ipcv IEA S RGD:8663441|PMID:24961585 20140719 RGD
8693632 Alc27 Alcohol consumption QTL 27 qtl RS:0000401 HXB/Ipcv IEA S RGD:8663441|PMID:24961585 20140719 RGD
8693635 Alc28 Alcohol consumption QTL 28 qtl RS:0000169 BXH/Ipcv IEA S RGD:8663441|PMID:24961585 20140719 RGD
8693635 Alc28 Alcohol consumption QTL 28 qtl RS:0000401 HXB/Ipcv IEA S RGD:8663441|PMID:24961585 20140719 RGD
8693637 Alc29 Alcohol consumption QTL 29 qtl RS:0000169 BXH/Ipcv IEA S RGD:8663441|PMID:24961585 20140719 RGD
8693637 Alc29 Alcohol consumption QTL 29 qtl RS:0000401 HXB/Ipcv IEA S RGD:8663441|PMID:24961585 20140719 RGD
8693641 Alc30 Alcohol consumption QTL 30 qtl RS:0000169 BXH/Ipcv IEA S RGD:8663441|PMID:24961585 20140719 RGD
8693641 Alc30 Alcohol consumption QTL 30 qtl RS:0000401 HXB/Ipcv IEA S RGD:8663441|PMID:24961585 20140719 RGD
8693645 Alc31 Alcohol consumption QTL 31 qtl RS:0000169 BXH/Ipcv IEA S RGD:8663441|PMID:24961585 20140719 RGD
8693645 Alc31 Alcohol consumption QTL 31 qtl RS:0000401 HXB/Ipcv IEA S RGD:8663441|PMID:24961585 20140719 RGD
8693654 Alc32 Alcohol consumption QTL 32 qtl RS:0000169 BXH/Ipcv IEA S RGD:8663441|PMID:24961585 20140719 RGD
8693654 Alc32 Alcohol consumption QTL 32 qtl RS:0000401 HXB/Ipcv IEA S RGD:8663441|PMID:24961585 20140719 RGD
8693658 Alc33 Alcohol consumption QTL 33 qtl RS:0000169 BXH/Ipcv IEA S RGD:8663441|PMID:24961585 20140719 RGD
8693658 Alc33 Alcohol consumption QTL 33 qtl RS:0000401 HXB/Ipcv IEA S RGD:8663441|PMID:24961585 20140719 RGD
8693661 Alc34 Alcohol consumption QTL 34 qtl RS:0000169 BXH/Ipcv IEA S RGD:8663441|PMID:24961585 20140719 RGD
8693661 Alc34 Alcohol consumption QTL 34 qtl RS:0000401 HXB/Ipcv IEA S RGD:8663441|PMID:24961585 20140719 RGD
8693690 Alc35 Alcohol consumption QTL 35 qtl RS:0000169 BXH/Ipcv IEA S RGD:8663441|PMID:24961585 20140719 RGD
8693690 Alc35 Alcohol consumption QTL 35 qtl RS:0000401 HXB/Ipcv IEA S RGD:8663441|PMID:24961585 20140719 RGD
8693697 Alc36 Alcohol consumption QTL 36 qtl RS:0000169 BXH/Ipcv IEA S RGD:8663441|PMID:24961585 20140719 RGD
8693697 Alc36 Alcohol consumption QTL 36 qtl RS:0000401 HXB/Ipcv IEA S RGD:8663441|PMID:24961585 20140719 RGD
8693699 Alc37 Alcohol consumption QTL 37 qtl RS:0000169 BXH/Ipcv IEA S RGD:8663441|PMID:24961585 20140719 RGD
8693699 Alc37 Alcohol consumption QTL 37 qtl RS:0000401 HXB/Ipcv IEA S RGD:8663441|PMID:24961585 20140719 RGD
8694166 Bw147 Body weight QTL 147 qtl RS:0000311 F344/IcoCrlf IEA S RGD:8694157|PMID:25003539 20140802 RGD
8694166 Bw147 Body weight QTL 147 qtl RS:0003566 LOU/NimrOlaHsd IEA S RGD:8694157|PMID:25003539 20140802 RGD
8694169 Bw148 Body weight QTL 148 qtl RS:0000311 F344/IcoCrlf IEA S RGD:8694157|PMID:25003539 20140802 RGD
8694169 Bw148 Body weight QTL 148 qtl RS:0003566 LOU/NimrOlaHsd IEA S RGD:8694157|PMID:25003539 20140802 RGD
8694173 Bw149 Body weight QTL 149 qtl RS:0000311 F344/IcoCrlf IEA S RGD:8694157|PMID:25003539 20140802 RGD
8694173 Bw149 Body weight QTL 149 qtl RS:0003566 LOU/NimrOlaHsd IEA S RGD:8694157|PMID:25003539 20140802 RGD
8694179 Bw150 Body weight QTL 150 qtl RS:0000311 F344/IcoCrlf IEA S RGD:8694157|PMID:25003539 20140802 RGD
8694179 Bw150 Body weight QTL 150 qtl RS:0003566 LOU/NimrOlaHsd IEA S RGD:8694157|PMID:25003539 20140802 RGD
8694181 Bw151 Body weight QTL 151 qtl RS:0000311 F344/IcoCrlf IEA S RGD:8694157|PMID:25003539 20140802 RGD
8694181 Bw151 Body weight QTL 151 qtl RS:0003566 LOU/NimrOlaHsd IEA S RGD:8694157|PMID:25003539 20140802 RGD
8694186 Bw152 Body weight QTL 152 qtl RS:0000311 F344/IcoCrlf IEA S RGD:8694157|PMID:25003539 20140802 RGD
8694186 Bw152 Body weight QTL 152 qtl RS:0003566 LOU/NimrOlaHsd IEA S RGD:8694157|PMID:25003539 20140802 RGD
8694189 Bw153 Body weight QTL 153 qtl RS:0000311 F344/IcoCrlf IEA S RGD:8694157|PMID:25003539 20140802 RGD
8694189 Bw153 Body weight QTL 153 qtl RS:0003566 LOU/NimrOlaHsd IEA S RGD:8694157|PMID:25003539 20140802 RGD
8694194 Abfw1 Abdominal fat weight QTL 1 qtl RS:0000311 F344/IcoCrlf IEA S RGD:8694157|PMID:25003539 20141129 RGD
8694194 Abfw1 Abdominal fat weight QTL 1 qtl RS:0003566 LOU/NimrOlaHsd IEA S RGD:8694157|PMID:25003539 20141129 RGD
8694196 Abfw2 Abdominal fat weight QTL 2 qtl RS:0000311 F344/IcoCrlf IEA S RGD:8694157|PMID:25003539 20141129 RGD
8694196 Abfw2 Abdominal fat weight QTL 2 qtl RS:0003566 LOU/NimrOlaHsd IEA S RGD:8694157|PMID:25003539 20141129 RGD
8694198 Abfw3 Abdominal fat weight QTL 3 qtl RS:0000311 F344/IcoCrlf IEA S RGD:8694157|PMID:25003539 20141129 RGD
8694198 Abfw3 Abdominal fat weight QTL 3 qtl RS:0003566 LOU/NimrOlaHsd IEA S RGD:8694157|PMID:25003539 20141129 RGD
8694200 Abfw4 Abdominal fat weight QTL 4 qtl RS:0000311 F344/IcoCrlf IEA S RGD:8694157|PMID:25003539 20141129 RGD
8694200 Abfw4 Abdominal fat weight QTL 4 qtl RS:0003566 LOU/NimrOlaHsd IEA S RGD:8694157|PMID:25003539 20141129 RGD
8694359 Abfw5 Abdominal fat weight QTL 5 qtl RS:0000311 F344/IcoCrlf IEA S RGD:8694157|PMID:25003539 20141129 RGD
8694359 Abfw5 Abdominal fat weight QTL 5 qtl RS:0003566 LOU/NimrOlaHsd IEA S RGD:8694157|PMID:25003539 20141129 RGD
8694361 Abfw6 Abdominal fat weight QTL 6 qtl RS:0000311 F344/IcoCrlf IEA S RGD:8694157|PMID:25003539 20141129 RGD
8694361 Abfw6 Abdominal fat weight QTL 6 qtl RS:0003566 LOU/NimrOlaHsd IEA S RGD:8694157|PMID:25003539 20141129 RGD
8694364 Abfw7 Abdominal fat weight QTL 7 qtl RS:0000311 F344/IcoCrlf IEA S RGD:8694157|PMID:25003539 20141129 RGD
8694364 Abfw7 Abdominal fat weight QTL 7 qtl RS:0003566 LOU/NimrOlaHsd IEA S RGD:8694157|PMID:25003539 20141129 RGD
8694366 Abfw8 Abdominal fat weight QTL 8 qtl RS:0000311 F344/IcoCrlf IEA S RGD:8694157|PMID:25003539 20141129 RGD
8694366 Abfw8 Abdominal fat weight QTL 8 qtl RS:0003566 LOU/NimrOlaHsd IEA S RGD:8694157|PMID:25003539 20141129 RGD
8694370 Bw154 Body weight QTL 154 qtl RS:0000311 F344/IcoCrlf IEA S RGD:8694157|PMID:25003539 20141129 RGD
8694370 Bw154 Body weight QTL 154 qtl RS:0003566 LOU/NimrOlaHsd IEA S RGD:8694157|PMID:25003539 20141129 RGD
8694374 Bw155 Body weight QTL 155 qtl RS:0000311 F344/IcoCrlf IEA S RGD:8694157|PMID:25003539 20141129 RGD
8694374 Bw155 Body weight QTL 155 qtl RS:0003566 LOU/NimrOlaHsd IEA S RGD:8694157|PMID:25003539 20141129 RGD
8694376 Bw156 Body weight QTL 156 qtl RS:0000311 F344/IcoCrlf IEA S RGD:8694157|PMID:25003539 20141129 RGD
8694376 Bw156 Body weight QTL 156 qtl RS:0003566 LOU/NimrOlaHsd IEA S RGD:8694157|PMID:25003539 20141129 RGD
8694378 Bw157 Body weight QTL 157 qtl RS:0000311 F344/IcoCrlf IEA S RGD:8694157|PMID:25003539 20141129 RGD
8694378 Bw157 Body weight QTL 157 qtl RS:0003566 LOU/NimrOlaHsd IEA S RGD:8694157|PMID:25003539 20141129 RGD
8694383 Bw158 Body weight QTL 158 qtl RS:0000311 F344/IcoCrlf IEA S RGD:8694157|PMID:25003539 20141129 RGD
8694383 Bw158 Body weight QTL 158 qtl RS:0003566 LOU/NimrOlaHsd IEA S RGD:8694157|PMID:25003539 20141129 RGD
8694386 Bw159 Body weight QTL 159 qtl RS:0000311 F344/IcoCrlf IEA S RGD:8694157|PMID:25003539 20141129 RGD
8694386 Bw159 Body weight QTL 159 qtl RS:0003566 LOU/NimrOlaHsd IEA S RGD:8694157|PMID:25003539 20141129 RGD
8694389 Bw160 Body weight QTL 160 qtl RS:0000311 F344/IcoCrlf IEA S RGD:8694157|PMID:25003539 20141129 RGD
8694389 Bw160 Body weight QTL 160 qtl RS:0003566 LOU/NimrOlaHsd IEA S RGD:8694157|PMID:25003539 20141129 RGD
8694392 Bw161 Body weight QTL 161 qtl RS:0000311 F344/IcoCrlf IEA S RGD:8694157|PMID:25003539 20141129 RGD
8694392 Bw161 Body weight QTL 161 qtl RS:0003566 LOU/NimrOlaHsd IEA S RGD:8694157|PMID:25003539 20141129 RGD
8694424 Bw162 Body weight QTL 162 qtl RS:0000311 F344/IcoCrlf IEA S RGD:8694157|PMID:25003539 20141129 RGD
8694424 Bw162 Body weight QTL 162 qtl RS:0003566 LOU/NimrOlaHsd IEA S RGD:8694157|PMID:25003539 20141129 RGD
8694427 Bw163 Body weight QTL 163 qtl RS:0000311 F344/IcoCrlf IEA S RGD:8694157|PMID:25003539 20141129 RGD
8694427 Bw163 Body weight QTL 163 qtl RS:0003566 LOU/NimrOlaHsd IEA S RGD:8694157|PMID:25003539 20141129 RGD
8694429 Bw164 Body weight QTL 164 qtl RS:0000311 F344/IcoCrlf IEA S RGD:8694157|PMID:25003539 20141129 RGD
8694429 Bw164 Body weight QTL 164 qtl RS:0003566 LOU/NimrOlaHsd IEA S RGD:8694157|PMID:25003539 20141129 RGD
8694432 Bw165 Body weight QTL 165 qtl RS:0000311 F344/IcoCrlf IEA S RGD:8694157|PMID:25003539 20141129 RGD
8694432 Bw165 Body weight QTL 165 qtl RS:0003566 LOU/NimrOlaHsd IEA S RGD:8694157|PMID:25003539 20141129 RGD
8694435 Bw166 Body weight QTL 166 qtl RS:0000311 F344/IcoCrlf IEA S RGD:8694157|PMID:25003539 20141129 RGD
8694435 Bw166 Body weight QTL 166 qtl RS:0003566 LOU/NimrOlaHsd IEA S RGD:8694157|PMID:25003539 20141129 RGD
8694437 Bw167 Body weight QTL 167 qtl RS:0000311 F344/IcoCrlf IEA S RGD:8694157|PMID:25003539 20141129 RGD
8694437 Bw167 Body weight QTL 167 qtl RS:0003566 LOU/NimrOlaHsd IEA S RGD:8694157|PMID:25003539 20141129 RGD
8694439 Bw168 Body weight QTL 168 qtl RS:0000311 F344/IcoCrlf IEA S RGD:8694157|PMID:25003539 20141129 RGD
8694439 Bw168 Body weight QTL 168 qtl RS:0003566 LOU/NimrOlaHsd IEA S RGD:8694157|PMID:25003539 20141129 RGD
8694441 Bw169 Body weight QTL 169 qtl RS:0000311 F344/IcoCrlf IEA S RGD:8694157|PMID:25003539 20141129 RGD
8694441 Bw169 Body weight QTL 169 qtl RS:0003566 LOU/NimrOlaHsd IEA S RGD:8694157|PMID:25003539 20141129 RGD
8694446 Bw170 Body weight QTL 170 qtl RS:0000311 F344/IcoCrlf IEA S RGD:8694157|PMID:25003539 20141129 RGD
8694446 Bw170 Body weight QTL 170 qtl RS:0003566 LOU/NimrOlaHsd IEA S RGD:8694157|PMID:25003539 20141129 RGD
8694450 Bw171 Body weight QTL 171 qtl RS:0000311 F344/IcoCrlf IEA S RGD:8694157|PMID:25003539 20141129 RGD
8694450 Bw171 Body weight QTL 171 qtl RS:0003566 LOU/NimrOlaHsd IEA S RGD:8694157|PMID:25003539 20141129 RGD
8694453 Bw172 Body weight QTL 172 qtl RS:0000311 F344/IcoCrlf IEA S RGD:8694157|PMID:25003539 20141129 RGD
8694453 Bw172 Body weight QTL 172 qtl RS:0003566 LOU/NimrOlaHsd IEA S RGD:8694157|PMID:25003539 20141129 RGD
9586448 SHR/NCrlPrin strain RS:0003805 SHR/NCrlPrin IEA S RGD:7241799 20141004 RGD
9586450 SHR/OlaIpcvPrin strain RS:0003806 SHR/OlaIpcvPrin IEA S RGD:7241799 20141004 RGD
9587428 Epfw6 Epididymal fat weight QTL 6 qtl RS:0000311 F344/IcoCrlf IEA S RGD:8694157|PMID:25003539 20141129 RGD
9587428 Epfw6 Epididymal fat weight QTL 6 qtl RS:0003566 LOU/NimrOlaHsd IEA S RGD:8694157|PMID:25003539 20141129 RGD
9587464 SD-Tg(UBC-DsRedT3-emGFP)18Narl SD-Tg(UBC-DsRedT3-emGFP)18 strain RS:0003808 SD-Tg(UBC-DsRedT3-emGFP)18Narl IEA S RGD:7241799 20141018 RGD
9587466 SD-Tg(UBC-cre/ERT2)7Narl strain RS:0003809 SD-Tg(UBC-Cre/ERT2)7Narl IEA S RGD:7241799 20141018 RGD
9587470 SD-Tg(UBC-DsRedT3-emGFP)26Narl strain RS:0003810 SD-Tg(UBC-DsRedT3-emGFP)26Narl IEA S RGD:7241799 20141018 RGD
9587473 SD-Tg(UBC-emGFP)18Narl strain RS:0003811 SD-Tg(UBC-emGFP)18Narl IEA S RGD:7241799 20141018 RGD
9587475 SD-Tg(UBC-DsRed-GFP)(Col1a(5A)-cre)Narl strain RS:0003812 SD-Tg(UBC-DsRed-GFP)(Col1a(5A)-Cre)Narl IEA S RGD:7241799 20141018 RGD
9587825 BN/SsNNarl strain RS:0003816 BN/SsNNarl IEA S RGD:7241799 20141108 RGD
9587827 F344/NNarl strain RS:0003817 F344/NNarl IEA S RGD:7241799 20141108 RGD
9587829 LEW/SsNNarl strain RS:0003818 LEW/SsNNarl IEA S RGD:7241799 20141108 RGD
9587831 SHR/NCrlNarl strain RS:0003819 SHR/NCrlNarl IEA S RGD:7241799 20141108 RGD
9587833 WKY/NCrlNarl strain RS:0003820 WKY/NCrlNarl IEA S RGD:7241799 20141108 RGD
9587835 CrlNarl:LE strain RS:0003822 CrlNarl:LE IEA S RGD:7241799 20141108 RGD
9588294 CrljKwl:SD strain RS:0003814 CrljKwl:SD IEA S RGD:7241799 20141025 RGD
9588298 Kwl:LE strain RS:0003815 Kwl:LE IEA S RGD:7241799 20141025 RGD
9588544 SHR-Ndufc2em1Mcwi strain RS:0003826 SHR-Ndufc2em1Mcwi IEA S RGD:7241799 20141108 RGD
9588546 SHR-Ndufc2em2Mcwi strain RS:0003827 SHR-Ndufc2em2Mcwi IEA S RGD:7241799 20141108 RGD
9588552 SD-Nfe2l2em1Mcwi strain RS:0003831 SD-Nfe2l2em1Mcwi IEA S RGD:7241799 20141108 RGD
9588559 LE-Tg(DIO-iRFP)3Ottc strain RS:0003832 LE-Tg(DIO--iRFP)3Ottc IEA S RGD:7241799 20200516 RGD
9588570 LE-Tg(cFos-eGFP)2Ottc strain RS:0003833 LE-Tg(cFos-eGFP)2Ottc IEA S RGD:7241799 20160521 RGD
9588572 LE-Tg(Slc6a3-icre)1Ottc strain RS:0003835 LE-Tg(Slc6a3-icre)1Ottc IEA S RGD:7241799 20180203 RGD
9588576 LE-Tg(Slc6a3-icre)5Ottc strain RS:0003836 LE-Tg(Slc6a3-icre)5Ottc IEA S RGD:7241799 20190202 RGD
9588578 LE-Tg(Slc6a3-icre)6Ottc strain RS:0003837 LE-Tg(Slc6a3-icre)6Ottc IEA S RGD:7241799 20160430 RGD
9588581 LE-Tg(cFos-LacZ)1Ottc strain RS:0003838 LE-Tg(cFos-LacZ)1Ottc IEA S RGD:7241799 20160604 RGD
9588583 LE-Tg(cFos-TetO-iCre)4Ottc strain RS:0003839 LE-Tg(cFos-TetO-icre)4Ottc IEA S RGD:7241799 20160604 RGD
9588585 LE-Tg(cFos-TetO-iCre)6Ottc strain RS:0003840 LE-Tg(cFos-TetO-icre)6Ottc IEA S RGD:7241799 20150328 RGD
9588587 LE-Tg(EEF1A1-TetR)1Ottc strain RS:0003841 LE-Tg(EEF1A1-TetR)1Ottc IEA S RGD:7241799 20160521 RGD
9588589 LE-Tg(EEF1A1-TetR)2Ottc strain RS:0003842 LE-Tg(EEF1A1-TetR)2Ottc IEA S RGD:7241799 20150328 RGD
9588591 LE-Tg(Gad1-iCre)2Ottc strain RS:0003843 LE-Tg(Gad1-icre)2Ottc IEA S RGD:7241799 20190202 RGD
9588593 LE-Tg(Gad1-icre)3Ottc strain RS:0003844 LE-Tg(Gad11-icre)3Ottc IEA S RGD:7241799 20160521 RGD
9588595 LE-Tg(Slc6a5-icre)1Ottc strain RS:0003845 LE-Tg(Slc6a5-icre)1Ottc IEA S RGD:7241799 20160604 RGD
9589025 Epfw7 Epididymal fat weight QTL 7 qtl RS:0000311 F344/IcoCrlf IEA S RGD:8694157|PMID:25003539 20141129 RGD
9589025 Epfw7 Epididymal fat weight QTL 7 qtl RS:0003566 LOU/NimrOlaHsd IEA S RGD:8694157|PMID:25003539 20141129 RGD
9589028 Epfw8 Epididymal fat weight QTL 8 qtl RS:0000311 F344/IcoCrlf IEA S RGD:8694157|PMID:25003539 20141129 RGD
9589028 Epfw8 Epididymal fat weight QTL 8 qtl RS:0003566 LOU/NimrOlaHsd IEA S RGD:8694157|PMID:25003539 20141129 RGD
9589030 Epfw9 Epididymal fat weight QTL 9 qtl RS:0000311 F344/IcoCrlf IEA S RGD:8694157|PMID:25003539 20141129 RGD
9589030 Epfw9 Epididymal fat weight QTL 9 qtl RS:0003566 LOU/NimrOlaHsd IEA S RGD:8694157|PMID:25003539 20141129 RGD
9589032 Epfw10 Epididymal fat weight QTL 10 qtl RS:0000311 F344/IcoCrlf IEA S RGD:8694157|PMID:25003539 20141129 RGD
9589032 Epfw10 Epididymal fat weight QTL 10 qtl RS:0003566 LOU/NimrOlaHsd IEA S RGD:8694157|PMID:25003539 20141129 RGD
9589034 Epfw11 Epididymal fat weight QTL 11 qtl RS:0000311 F344/IcoCrlf IEA S RGD:8694157|PMID:25003539 20141129 RGD
9589034 Epfw11 Epididymal fat weight QTL 11 qtl RS:0003566 LOU/NimrOlaHsd IEA S RGD:8694157|PMID:25003539 20141129 RGD
9589041 Epfw12 Epididymal fat weight QTL 12 qtl RS:0000311 F344/IcoCrlf IEA S RGD:8694157|PMID:25003539 20141129 RGD
9589041 Epfw12 Epididymal fat weight QTL 12 qtl RS:0003566 LOU/NimrOlaHsd IEA S RGD:8694157|PMID:25003539 20141129 RGD
9589044 Scfw1 Subcutaneous fat weight QTL 1 qtl RS:0000311 F344/IcoCrlf IEA S RGD:8694157|PMID:25003539 20141129 RGD
9589044 Scfw1 Subcutaneous fat weight QTL 1 qtl RS:0003566 LOU/NimrOlaHsd IEA S RGD:8694157|PMID:25003539 20141129 RGD
9589046 Scfw2 Subcutaneous fat weight QTL 2 qtl RS:0000311 F344/IcoCrlf IEA S RGD:8694157|PMID:25003539 20141129 RGD
9589046 Scfw2 Subcutaneous fat weight QTL 2 qtl RS:0003566 LOU/NimrOlaHsd IEA S RGD:8694157|PMID:25003539 20141129 RGD
9589048 Scfw3 Subcutaneous fat weight QTL 3 qtl RS:0000311 F344/IcoCrlf IEA S RGD:8694157|PMID:25003539 20141129 RGD
9589048 Scfw3 Subcutaneous fat weight QTL 3 qtl RS:0003566 LOU/NimrOlaHsd IEA S RGD:8694157|PMID:25003539 20141129 RGD
9589051 Scfw4 Subcutaneous fat weight QTL 4 qtl RS:0000311 F344/IcoCrlf IEA S RGD:8694157|PMID:25003539 20141129 RGD
9589051 Scfw4 Subcutaneous fat weight QTL 4 qtl RS:0003566 LOU/NimrOlaHsd IEA S RGD:8694157|PMID:25003539 20141129 RGD
9589055 Scfw5 Subcutaneous fat weight QTL 5 qtl RS:0000311 F344/IcoCrlf IEA S RGD:8694157|PMID:25003539 20141129 RGD
9589055 Scfw5 Subcutaneous fat weight QTL 5 qtl RS:0003566 LOU/NimrOlaHsd IEA S RGD:8694157|PMID:25003539 20141129 RGD
9589057 Scfw6 Subcutaneous fat weight QTL 6 qtl RS:0000311 F344/IcoCrlf IEA S RGD:8694157|PMID:25003539 20141129 RGD
9589057 Scfw6 Subcutaneous fat weight QTL 6 qtl RS:0003566 LOU/NimrOlaHsd IEA S RGD:8694157|PMID:25003539 20141129 RGD
9589088 ACI.COP-(D3Rat130-D3Rat114)(D6Rat80-D6Rat146)/Shul strain RS:0003846 ACI.COP-(D3Rat130-D3Rat114)(D6Rat80-D6Rat146)/Shul IEA S RGD:7241799 20141108 RGD
9589093 Slep10 Serum leptin concentration QTL 10 qtl RS:0000311 F344/IcoCrlf IEA S RGD:8694157|PMID:25003539 20141129 RGD
9589093 Slep10 Serum leptin concentration QTL 10 qtl RS:0003566 LOU/NimrOlaHsd IEA S RGD:8694157|PMID:25003539 20141129 RGD
9589097 Slep11 Serum leptin concentration QTL 11 qtl RS:0000311 F344/IcoCrlf IEA S RGD:8694157|PMID:25003539 20141129 RGD
9589097 Slep11 Serum leptin concentration QTL 11 qtl RS:0003566 LOU/NimrOlaHsd IEA S RGD:8694157|PMID:25003539 20141129 RGD
9589100 Slep12 Serum leptin concentration QTL 12 qtl RS:0000311 F344/IcoCrlf IEA S RGD:8694157|PMID:25003539 20141129 RGD
9589100 Slep12 Serum leptin concentration QTL 12 qtl RS:0003566 LOU/NimrOlaHsd IEA S RGD:8694157|PMID:25003539 20141129 RGD
9589102 Slep13 Serum leptin concentration QTL 13 qtl RS:0000311 F344/IcoCrlf IEA S RGD:8694157|PMID:25003539 20141129 RGD
9589102 Slep13 Serum leptin concentration QTL 13 qtl RS:0003566 LOU/NimrOlaHsd IEA S RGD:8694157|PMID:25003539 20141129 RGD
9589106 Insul23 Insulin level QTL 23 qtl RS:0000311 F344/IcoCrlf IEA S RGD:8694157|PMID:25003539 20141129 RGD
9589106 Insul23 Insulin level QTL 23 qtl RS:0003566 LOU/NimrOlaHsd IEA S RGD:8694157|PMID:25003539 20141129 RGD
9589129 Insul24 Insulin level QTL 24 qtl RS:0000311 F344/IcoCrlf IEA S RGD:8694157|PMID:25003539 20141129 RGD
9589129 Insul24 Insulin level QTL 24 qtl RS:0003566 LOU/NimrOlaHsd IEA S RGD:8694157|PMID:25003539 20141129 RGD
9589131 Insul25 Insulin level QTL 25 qtl RS:0000311 F344/IcoCrlf IEA S RGD:8694157|PMID:25003539 20141129 RGD
9589131 Insul25 Insulin level QTL 25 qtl RS:0003566 LOU/NimrOlaHsd IEA S RGD:8694157|PMID:25003539 20141129 RGD
9589133 Insul26 Insulin level QTL 26 qtl RS:0000311 F344/IcoCrlf IEA S RGD:8694157|PMID:25003539 20141129 RGD
9589133 Insul26 Insulin level QTL 26 qtl RS:0003566 LOU/NimrOlaHsd IEA S RGD:8694157|PMID:25003539 20141129 RGD
9589136 Insul27 Insulin level QTL 27 qtl RS:0000311 F344/IcoCrlf IEA S RGD:8694157|PMID:25003539 20141129 RGD
9589136 Insul27 Insulin level QTL 27 qtl RS:0003566 LOU/NimrOlaHsd IEA S RGD:8694157|PMID:25003539 20141129 RGD
9589141 Insul28 Insulin level QTL 28 qtl RS:0000311 F344/IcoCrlf IEA S RGD:8694157|PMID:25003539 20141129 RGD
9589141 Insul28 Insulin level QTL 28 qtl RS:0003566 LOU/NimrOlaHsd IEA S RGD:8694157|PMID:25003539 20141129 RGD
9589149 Insul29 Insulin level QTL 29 qtl RS:0000311 F344/IcoCrlf IEA S RGD:8694157|PMID:25003539 20141129 RGD
9589149 Insul29 Insulin level QTL 29 qtl RS:0003566 LOU/NimrOlaHsd IEA S RGD:8694157|PMID:25003539 20141129 RGD
9589151 Insul30 Insulin level QTL 30 qtl RS:0000311 F344/IcoCrlf IEA S RGD:8694157|PMID:25003539 20141213 RGD
9589151 Insul30 Insulin level QTL 30 qtl RS:0003566 LOU/NimrOlaHsd IEA S RGD:8694157|PMID:25003539 20141213 RGD
9589153 Insul31 Insulin level QTL 31 qtl RS:0000311 F344/IcoCrlf IEA S RGD:8694157|PMID:25003539 20141213 RGD
9589153 Insul31 Insulin level QTL 31 qtl RS:0003566 LOU/NimrOlaHsd IEA S RGD:8694157|PMID:25003539 20141213 RGD
9589155 Insul32 Insulin level QTL 32 qtl RS:0000311 F344/IcoCrlf IEA S RGD:8694157|PMID:25003539 20141213 RGD
9589155 Insul32 Insulin level QTL 32 qtl RS:0003566 LOU/NimrOlaHsd IEA S RGD:8694157|PMID:25003539 20141213 RGD
9589158 Gluco65 Glucose level QTL 65 qtl RS:0000311 F344/IcoCrlf IEA S RGD:8694157|PMID:25003539 20141129 RGD
9589158 Gluco65 Glucose level QTL 65 qtl RS:0003566 LOU/NimrOlaHsd IEA S RGD:8694157|PMID:25003539 20141129 RGD
9589164 Gluco66 Glucose level QTL 66 qtl RS:0000311 F344/IcoCrlf IEA S RGD:8694157|PMID:25003539 20141129 RGD
9589164 Gluco66 Glucose level QTL 66 qtl RS:0003566 LOU/NimrOlaHsd IEA S RGD:8694157|PMID:25003539 20141129 RGD
9589814 Gluco67 Glucose level QTL 67 qtl RS:0000311 F344/IcoCrlf IEA S RGD:8694157|PMID:25003539 20141129 RGD
9589814 Gluco67 Glucose level QTL 67 qtl RS:0003566 LOU/NimrOlaHsd IEA S RGD:8694157|PMID:25003539 20141129 RGD
9589816 Gluco68 Glucose level QTL 68 qtl RS:0000311 F344/IcoCrlf IEA S RGD:8694157|PMID:25003539 20141129 RGD
9589816 Gluco68 Glucose level QTL 68 qtl RS:0003566 LOU/NimrOlaHsd IEA S RGD:8694157|PMID:25003539 20141129 RGD
9589820 Insglur3 Insulin/glucose ratio QTL 3 qtl RS:0000311 F344/IcoCrlf IEA S RGD:8694157|PMID:25003539 20141129 RGD
9589820 Insglur3 Insulin/glucose ratio QTL 3 qtl RS:0003566 LOU/NimrOlaHsd IEA S RGD:8694157|PMID:25003539 20141129 RGD
9590080 Insglur4 Insulin/glucose ratio QTL 4 qtl RS:0000311 F344/IcoCrlf IEA S RGD:8694157|PMID:25003539 20141129 RGD
9590080 Insglur4 Insulin/glucose ratio QTL 4 qtl RS:0003566 LOU/NimrOlaHsd IEA S RGD:8694157|PMID:25003539 20141129 RGD
9590084 Insglur5 Insulin/glucose ratio QTL 5 qtl RS:0000311 F344/IcoCrlf IEA S RGD:8694157|PMID:25003539 20141129 RGD
9590084 Insglur5 Insulin/glucose ratio QTL 5 qtl RS:0003566 LOU/NimrOlaHsd IEA S RGD:8694157|PMID:25003539 20141129 RGD
9590086 Insglur6 Insulin/glucose ratio QTL 6 qtl RS:0000311 F344/IcoCrlf IEA S RGD:8694157|PMID:25003539 20141129 RGD
9590086 Insglur6 Insulin/glucose ratio QTL 6 qtl RS:0003566 LOU/NimrOlaHsd IEA S RGD:8694157|PMID:25003539 20141129 RGD
9590088 Insglur7 Insulin/glucose ratio QTL 7 qtl RS:0000311 F344/IcoCrlf IEA S RGD:8694157|PMID:25003539 20141129 RGD
9590088 Insglur7 Insulin/glucose ratio QTL 7 qtl RS:0003566 LOU/NimrOlaHsd IEA S RGD:8694157|PMID:25003539 20141129 RGD
9590090 Insglur8 Insulin/glucose ratio QTL 8 qtl RS:0000311 F344/IcoCrlf IEA S RGD:8694157|PMID:25003539 20141129 RGD
9590090 Insglur8 Insulin/glucose ratio QTL 8 qtl RS:0003566 LOU/NimrOlaHsd IEA S RGD:8694157|PMID:25003539 20141129 RGD
9590092 Insglur9 Insulin/glucose ratio QTL 9 qtl RS:0000311 F344/IcoCrlf IEA S RGD:8694157|PMID:25003539 20141129 RGD
9590092 Insglur9 Insulin/glucose ratio QTL 9 qtl RS:0003566 LOU/NimrOlaHsd IEA S RGD:8694157|PMID:25003539 20141129 RGD
9590095 Sffal3 Serum free fatty acids level QTL 3 qtl RS:0000311 F344/IcoCrlf IEA S RGD:8694157|PMID:25003539 20141213 RGD
9590095 Sffal3 Serum free fatty acids level QTL 3 qtl RS:0003566 LOU/NimrOlaHsd IEA S RGD:8694157|PMID:25003539 20141213 RGD
9590100 Sffal4 Serum free fatty acids level QTL 4 qtl RS:0000311 F344/IcoCrlf IEA S RGD:8694157|PMID:25003539 20141213 RGD
9590100 Sffal4 Serum free fatty acids level QTL 4 qtl RS:0003566 LOU/NimrOlaHsd IEA S RGD:8694157|PMID:25003539 20141213 RGD
9590102 Sffal5 Serum free fatty acids level QTL 5 qtl RS:0000311 F344/IcoCrlf IEA S RGD:8694157|PMID:25003539 20141213 RGD
9590102 Sffal5 Serum free fatty acids level QTL 5 qtl RS:0003566 LOU/NimrOlaHsd IEA S RGD:8694157|PMID:25003539 20141213 RGD
9590104 Sffal6 Serum free fatty acids level QTL 6 qtl RS:0000311 F344/IcoCrlf IEA S RGD:8694157|PMID:25003539 20141213 RGD
9590104 Sffal6 Serum free fatty acids level QTL 6 qtl RS:0003566 LOU/NimrOlaHsd IEA S RGD:8694157|PMID:25003539 20141213 RGD
9590107 Sffal7 Serum free fatty acids level QTL 7 qtl RS:0000311 F344/IcoCrlf IEA S RGD:8694157|PMID:25003539 20141213 RGD
9590107 Sffal7 Serum free fatty acids level QTL 7 qtl RS:0003566 LOU/NimrOlaHsd IEA S RGD:8694157|PMID:25003539 20141213 RGD
9590109 Sffal8 Serum free fatty acids level QTL 8 qtl RS:0000311 F344/IcoCrlf IEA S RGD:8694157|PMID:25003539 20141213 RGD
9590109 Sffal8 Serum free fatty acids level QTL 8 qtl RS:0003566 LOU/NimrOlaHsd IEA S RGD:8694157|PMID:25003539 20141213 RGD
9590136 Scort3 Serum corticosterone level QTL 3 qtl RS:0000311 F344/IcoCrlf IEA S RGD:8694157|PMID:25003539 20141213 RGD
9590136 Scort3 Serum corticosterone level QTL 3 qtl RS:0003566 LOU/NimrOlaHsd IEA S RGD:8694157|PMID:25003539 20141213 RGD
9590140 Scort4 Serum corticosterone level QTL 4 qtl RS:0000311 F344/IcoCrlf IEA S RGD:8694157|PMID:25003539 20141213 RGD
9590140 Scort4 Serum corticosterone level QTL 4 qtl RS:0003566 LOU/NimrOlaHsd IEA S RGD:8694157|PMID:25003539 20141213 RGD
9590142 Scort5 Serum corticosterone level QTL 5 qtl RS:0000311 F344/IcoCrlf IEA S RGD:8694157|PMID:25003539 20141213 RGD
9590142 Scort5 Serum corticosterone level QTL 5 qtl RS:0003566 LOU/NimrOlaHsd IEA S RGD:8694157|PMID:25003539 20141213 RGD
9590144 Scort6 Serum corticosterone level QTL 6 qtl RS:0000311 F344/IcoCrlf IEA S RGD:8694157|PMID:25003539 20141213 RGD
9590144 Scort6 Serum corticosterone level QTL 6 qtl RS:0003566 LOU/NimrOlaHsd IEA S RGD:8694157|PMID:25003539 20141213 RGD
9590147 Scort7 Serum corticosterone level QTL 7 qtl RS:0000311 F344/IcoCrlf IEA S RGD:8694157|PMID:25003539 20141213 RGD
9590147 Scort7 Serum corticosterone level QTL 7 qtl RS:0003566 LOU/NimrOlaHsd IEA S RGD:8694157|PMID:25003539 20141213 RGD
9590151 Scort8 Serum corticosterone level QTL 8 qtl RS:0000311 F344/IcoCrlf IEA S RGD:8694157|PMID:25003539 20141213 RGD
9590151 Scort8 Serum corticosterone level QTL 8 qtl RS:0003566 LOU/NimrOlaHsd IEA S RGD:8694157|PMID:25003539 20141213 RGD
9590154 Scort9 Serum corticosterone level QTL 9 qtl RS:0000311 F344/IcoCrlf IEA S RGD:8694157|PMID:25003539 20141213 RGD
9590154 Scort9 Serum corticosterone level QTL 9 qtl RS:0003566 LOU/NimrOlaHsd IEA S RGD:8694157|PMID:25003539 20141213 RGD
9590248 Scort10 Serum corticosterone level QTL 10 qtl RS:0000311 F344/IcoCrlf IEA S RGD:8694157|PMID:25003539 20141213 RGD
9590248 Scort10 Serum corticosterone level QTL 10 qtl RS:0003566 LOU/NimrOlaHsd IEA S RGD:8694157|PMID:25003539 20141213 RGD
9590250 Scort11 Serum corticosterone level QTL 11 qtl RS:0000311 F344/IcoCrlf IEA S RGD:8694157|PMID:25003539 20141213 RGD
9590250 Scort11 Serum corticosterone level QTL 11 qtl RS:0003566 LOU/NimrOlaHsd IEA S RGD:8694157|PMID:25003539 20141213 RGD
9590252 Scort12 Serum corticosterone level QTL 12 qtl RS:0000311 F344/IcoCrlf IEA S RGD:8694157|PMID:25003539 20141213 RGD
9590252 Scort12 Serum corticosterone level QTL 12 qtl RS:0003566 LOU/NimrOlaHsd IEA S RGD:8694157|PMID:25003539 20141213 RGD
9590268 Scort13 Serum corticosterone level QTL 13 qtl RS:0000311 F344/IcoCrlf IEA S RGD:8694157|PMID:25003539 20141213 RGD
9590268 Scort13 Serum corticosterone level QTL 13 qtl RS:0003566 LOU/NimrOlaHsd IEA S RGD:8694157|PMID:25003539 20141213 RGD
9590272 Scort14 Serum corticosterone level QTL 14 qtl RS:0000311 F344/IcoCrlf IEA S RGD:8694157|PMID:25003539 20141213 RGD
9590272 Scort14 Serum corticosterone level QTL 14 qtl RS:0003566 LOU/NimrOlaHsd IEA S RGD:8694157|PMID:25003539 20141213 RGD
9590275 Scort15 Serum corticosterone level QTL 15 qtl RS:0000311 F344/IcoCrlf IEA S RGD:8694157|PMID:25003539 20141213 RGD
9590275 Scort15 Serum corticosterone level QTL 15 qtl RS:0003566 LOU/NimrOlaHsd IEA S RGD:8694157|PMID:25003539 20141213 RGD
9590284 SS-Tg(ApoC3-CETP)25Opaz strain RS:0003847 SS-Tg(ApoC3-CETP)25Opaz IEA S RGD:7241799 20141129 RGD
9590286 Uminl1 Urine mineral level QTL 1 qtl RS:0000311 F344/IcoCrlf IEA S RGD:8694157|PMID:25003539 20141220 RGD
9590286 Uminl1 Urine mineral level QTL 1 qtl RS:0003566 LOU/NimrOlaHsd IEA S RGD:8694157|PMID:25003539 20141220 RGD
9590290 Uminl2 Urine mineral level QTL 2 qtl RS:0000311 F344/IcoCrlf IEA S RGD:8694157|PMID:25003539 20141220 RGD
9590290 Uminl2 Urine mineral level QTL 2 qtl RS:0003566 LOU/NimrOlaHsd IEA S RGD:8694157|PMID:25003539 20141220 RGD
9590292 Uminl3 Urine mineral level QTL 3 qtl RS:0000311 F344/IcoCrlf IEA S RGD:8694157|PMID:25003539 20141220 RGD
9590292 Uminl3 Urine mineral level QTL 3 qtl RS:0003566 LOU/NimrOlaHsd IEA S RGD:8694157|PMID:25003539 20141220 RGD
9590294 Uminl4 Urine mineral level QTL 4 qtl RS:0000311 F344/IcoCrlf IEA S RGD:8694157|PMID:25003539 20141220 RGD
9590294 Uminl4 Urine mineral level QTL 4 qtl RS:0003566 LOU/NimrOlaHsd IEA S RGD:8694157|PMID:25003539 20141220 RGD
9590298 Uminl5 Urine mineral level QTL 5 qtl RS:0000311 F344/IcoCrlf IEA S RGD:8694157|PMID:25003539 20141220 RGD
9590298 Uminl5 Urine mineral level QTL 5 qtl RS:0003566 LOU/NimrOlaHsd IEA S RGD:8694157|PMID:25003539 20141220 RGD
9590300 Scort16 Serum corticosterone level QTL 16 qtl RS:0000311 F344/IcoCrlf IEA S RGD:8694157|PMID:25003539 20141213 RGD
9590300 Scort16 Serum corticosterone level QTL 16 qtl RS:0003566 LOU/NimrOlaHsd IEA S RGD:8694157|PMID:25003539 20141213 RGD
9590304 Scort17 Serum corticosterone level QTL 17 qtl RS:0000311 F344/IcoCrlf IEA S RGD:8694157|PMID:25003539 20141213 RGD
9590304 Scort17 Serum corticosterone level QTL 17 qtl RS:0003566 LOU/NimrOlaHsd IEA S RGD:8694157|PMID:25003539 20141213 RGD
9590306 Scort18 Serum corticosterone level QTL 18 qtl RS:0000311 F344/IcoCrlf IEA S RGD:8694157|PMID:25003539 20141213 RGD
9590306 Scort18 Serum corticosterone level QTL 18 qtl RS:0003566 LOU/NimrOlaHsd IEA S RGD:8694157|PMID:25003539 20141213 RGD
9590310 Scort19 Serum corticosterone level QTL 19 qtl RS:0000311 F344/IcoCrlf IEA S RGD:8694157|PMID:25003539 20141213 RGD
9590310 Scort19 Serum corticosterone level QTL 19 qtl RS:0003566 LOU/NimrOlaHsd IEA S RGD:8694157|PMID:25003539 20141213 RGD
9590313 Scort20 Serum corticosterone level QTL 20 qtl RS:0000311 F344/IcoCrlf IEA S RGD:8694157|PMID:25003539 20141213 RGD
9590313 Scort20 Serum corticosterone level QTL 20 qtl RS:0003566 LOU/NimrOlaHsd IEA S RGD:8694157|PMID:25003539 20141213 RGD
9590316 Scort21 Serum corticosterone level QTL 21 qtl RS:0000311 F344/IcoCrlf IEA S RGD:8694157|PMID:25003539 20141213 RGD
9590316 Scort21 Serum corticosterone level QTL 21 qtl RS:0003566 LOU/NimrOlaHsd IEA S RGD:8694157|PMID:25003539 20141213 RGD
9590318 Scort22 Serum corticosterone level QTL 22 qtl RS:0000311 F344/IcoCrlf IEA S RGD:8694157|PMID:25003539 20141213 RGD
9590318 Scort22 Serum corticosterone level QTL 22 qtl RS:0003566 LOU/NimrOlaHsd IEA S RGD:8694157|PMID:25003539 20141213 RGD
9685065 Swd6 Spike wave discharge measurement QTL 6 qtl RS:0000537 LEXF10C/Stm IEA S RGD:7794751|PMID:23903052 20141220 RGD
9685068 Swd7 Spike wave discharge measurement QTL 7 qtl RS:0000537 LEXF10C/Stm IEA S RGD:7794751|PMID:23903052 20141220 RGD
9685623 SD-Pax6Sey2/Mce strain RS:0003848 SD-Pax6Sey2Mce IEA S RGD:7241799 20150307 RGD
9685625 F344-Il2rgem1Kyo strain RS:0003849 F344-Il2rgem1Kyo IEA S RGD:7241799 20150307 RGD
9685748 F344-Il2rgem2Kyo strain RS:0003850 F344-Il2rgem2Kyo IEA S RGD:7241799 20150307 RGD
9685750 F344-Il2rgem3Kyo strain RS:0003852 F344-Il2rgem3Kyo IEA S RGD:7241799 20150307 RGD
9685752 TM-Il2rgem4Kyo strain RS:0003854 F344-Il2rgem4Kyo IEA S RGD:7241799 20150307 RGD
9685754 TM-Il2rgem5Kyo strain RS:0003855 F344-Il2rgem5Kyo IEA S RGD:7241799 20150307 RGD
9685755 W-Tg(tetO-Pou5f1,-Klf4,-Sox2,Ubc-rtTA,-EGFP)T1-3Hina strain RS:0003856 W-Tg(tetO-Pou5f1,-Klf4,-Sox2,Ubc-rtTA,-EGFP)T1-3Hina IEA S RGD:7241799 20150307 RGD
9685757 W-Il2rgem1Hina strain RS:0003857 W-Il2rgem1Hina IEA S RGD:7241799 20150307 RGD
9685759 LEW.WKY-(D13Arb15-D13Rat77)(D16Rat40-D16Rat88)/Tja strain RS:0003858 LEW.WKY-(D13Arb15-D13Rat77)(D16Rat40-D16Rat88)/Tja IEA S RGD:7241799 20150307 RGD
9685785 SS.LEW-(D1Mco36-D1Mco54)/Bj strain RS:0003859 SS.LEW-(D1Mco36-D1Mco54)/Bj IEA S RGD:7241799 20150307 RGD
9685787 SS.LEW-(D1Mco36-D1Rat200)/Bj strain RS:0003860 SS.LEW-(D1Mco36-D1Rat200)/Bj IEA S RGD:7241799 20150307 RGD
9685791 SS.LEW-(D1Mco36-D1Mco61)/Bj strain RS:0003861 SS.LEW-(D1Mco36-D1Mco61)/Bj IEA S RGD:7241799 20150307 RGD
9685793 SS.LEW-(D1Rat200-D1Mco136)/Bj strain RS:0003862 SS.LEW-(D1Rat200-D1Mco136)/Bj IEA S RGD:7241799 20150307 RGD
9685795 SS.LEW-(D1Mco55-D1Wox6)/Bj strain RS:0003863 SS.LEW-(D1Mco55-D1Wox6)/Bj IEA S RGD:7241799 20150307 RGD
9685797 SS.LEW-(D1Mco134-D1Wox6)/Bj strain RS:0003864 SS.LEW-(D1Mco134-D1Wox6)/Bj IEA S RGD:7241799 20150307 RGD
9685799 Bp375 Blood pressure QTL 375 qtl RS:0003862 SS.LEW-(D1Rat200-D1Mco136)/Bj IEA S RGD:9685377|PMID:25231251 20151010 RGD
9685802 Bp376 Blood pressure QTL 376 qtl RS:0003863 SS.LEW-(D1Mco55-D1Wox6)/Bj IEA S RGD:9685377|PMID:25231251 20151010 RGD
9831158 Y59/Zgd strain RS:0003865 Y59/Zgd IEA S RGD:7241799 20150307 RGD
9835401 ZDF-Leprm1Rll strain RS:0003867 ZDF-Leprm1Rll IEA S RGD:7241799 20200516 RGD
9835403 WDF-Leprm1Rll strain RS:0003868 WDF-Leprm1Rll IEA S RGD:7241799 20200516 RGD
9854707 SHR.WKY-(D4Rat143-D4Rat10)/Tja strain RS:0003869 SHR.WKY-(D4Rat143-D4Rat10)/Tja IEA S RGD:7241799 20150502 RGD
9854709 SHR.WKY-(D12Rat1-D12Mit3)/Tja strain RS:0003871 SHR.WKY-(D12Rat1-D12Mit3)/Tja IEA S RGD:7241799 20150502 RGD
9854711 SHR.WKY-(D16Rat88-D16Rat15)/Tja strain RS:0003874 SHR.WKY-(D16Rat88-D16Rat15)/Tja IEA S RGD:7241799 20150502 RGD
9999141 IRL/NCr strain RS:0003875 IRL/NCr IEA S RGD:7241799 20150502 RGD
9999143 LOU/MNCr strain RS:0003876 LOU/MNCr IEA S RGD:7241799 20150502 RGD
9999145 F344/NCr strain RS:0003877 F344/NCr IEA S RGD:7241799 20150502 RGD