# RGD-PIPELINE: ftp-file-extracts # MODULE: orthologs-version-2020-01-15 # GENERATED-ON: 2024/07/19 # RGD Ortholog FTP file # From: RGD # URL: http://rgd.mcw.edu # Contact: RGD.Data@mcw.edu # ### As of Dec 19 2011 v. 2.0.1: no data changes; improved internal QC. ### As of Feb 11 2013 v. 2.1.0: added column HUMAN_ORTHOLOG_HGNC_ID as the last column in the file ### As of Feb 4 2015 v. 2.1.1: updated description in header # # Format: # Comment lines begin with '#' # Tab delimited fields, one line per rat gene. # Fields in order: # 1. RAT_GENE_SYMBOL # 2. RAT_GENE_RGD_ID # 3. RAT_GENE_NCBI_GENE_ID # 4. HUMAN_ORTHOLOG_SYMBOL - human ortholog(s) to rat gene # 5. HUMAN_ORTHOLOG_RGD_ID # 6. HUMAN_ORTHOLOG_NCBI_GENE_ID # 7. HUMAN_ORTHOLOG_SOURCE - RGD or HGNC # 8. MOUSE_ORTHOLOG_SYMBOL - mouse ortholog(s) to rat gene # 9. MOUSE_ORTHOLOG_RGD_ID #10. MOUSE_ORTHOLOG_NCBI_GENE_ID #11. MOUSE_ORTHOLOG_MGI_ID #12. MOUSE_ORTHOLOG_SOURCE - RGD or MGI #13. HUMAN_ORTHOLOG_HGNC_ID # # Most orthologs listed will be one-to-one-to-one across all three species. # Where multiple human or mouse homologs are present in RGD the human and mouse # fields will contain multiple entries separated by '|'. # # There may not be a curated ortholog for human or mouse in which case the fields # for the respective species will be blank # # Multiple orthologs may be redundant when assigned by both RGD and MGI. These will # be resolved over time. # # SOURCE fields will be either 'RGD', for orthologs manually created by RGD curators, # or 'HGNC' for ortholog data derived from the HGNC Comparison of Orthology Predictions (HCOP) data compiled by: # HUGO Gene Nomenclature Committee, European Bioinformatics Institute (EMBL-EBI) # Wellcome Trust Genome Campus, Hinxton, Cambridge, UK # URL: http://www.genenames.org/ # # Reference for HGNC and HCOP: # Gray KA, Yates B, Seal RL, Wright MW, Bruford EA. # Genenames.org: the HGNC resources in 2015. # Nucleic Acids Res. 2015 Jan 28;43(Database issue):D1079-85. # PMID: 25361968, doi: 10.1093/nar/gku1071. # RAT_GENE_SYMBOL RAT_GENE_RGD_ID RAT_GENE_NCBI_GENE_ID HUMAN_ORTHOLOG_SYMBOL HUMAN_ORTHOLOG_RGD HUMAN_ORTHOLOG_NCBI_GENE_ID HUMAN_ORTHOLOG_SOURCE MOUSE_ORTHOLOG_SYMBOL MOUSE_ORTHOLOG_RGD MOUSE_ORTHOLOG_NCBI_GENE_ID MOUSE_ORTHOLOG_MGI MOUSE_ORTHOLOG_SOURCE HUMAN_ORTHOLOG_HGNC_ID 1700012A03Rikl 1597444 689042 1700012A03Rik 1616701 76382 MGI:1923632 RGD 1700013D24Rik 1307916 362433 1700013D24Rik 1317387 76921 MGI:1924171 RGD 2510039O18Rikl 1305350 313699 KIAA2013 1602668 90231 HGNC 2510039O18Rik 1313325 77034 MGI:1924284 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:28513 2610318N02Rikl 1308065 287935 AP000553.5 16570462 107985532 NCBI 2610318N02Rik 1317621 70458 MGI:1917708 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline 4921524L21Rikl 1560860 498767 4921524L21Rik 1618335 70901 MGI:1918151 RGD 4933405O20Rikl 1642415 100125384 AC099730.1 16553205 100631258 NCBI 4933405O20Rik 1617305 243996 MGI:2142174 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline 4933427D14Rikl 1304728 360560 KIAA0753 1605106 9851 HGNC 4933427D14Rik 1312340 74477 MGI:1921727 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:29110 6330403K07Rikl 1593297 691995 AC055839.2 16571318 728392 HGNC 6330403K07Rik 1615772 103712 MGI:1918001 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline 6430548M08Rikl 1304884 307907 KIAA0513 1351889 9764 HGNC 6430548M08Rik 1312580 234797 MGI:2443793 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:29058 A1bg 69417 140656 A1BG 69466 1 HGNC A1bg 69467 117586 MGI:2152878 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:5 A1cf 619834 170912 A1CF 733348 29974 HGNC A1cf 733349 69865 MGI:1917115 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:24086 A2m 2004 24153 A2M 735738 2 HGNC A2m 10050 232345 MGI:2449119 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:7 A2ml1 1565709 362442 AC024940.1 16550838 144203 HGNC A2ml1 1322224 232400 MGI:3039594 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline A3galt2 727913 171553 A3GALT2 1606731 127550 HGNC A3galt2 1616578 215493 MGI:2685279 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:30005 A4galt 621583 63888 A4GALT 734223 53947 HGNC A4galt 1621298 239559 MGI:3512453 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:18149 A4gnt 1590210 685758 A4GNT 1348447 51146 HGNC A4gnt 1618773 333424 MGI:2143261 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:17968 A630010A05Rikl 9438191 103693260 POTEA 1603854 340441 HGNC HGNC:33893 Aaas 1308701 300259 AAAS 1318625 8086 HGNC Aaas 1551060 223921 MGI:2443767 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:13666 Aacs 708522 65984 AACS 732340 65985 HGNC Aacs 1332110 78894 MGI:1926144 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:21298 Aadac 631440 57300 AADAC 737554 13 HGNC Aadac 734422 67758 MGI:1915008 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:17 Aadacl2 1563197 295076 AADACL2 1606396 344752 RGD Aadacl2 1623443 639634 MGI:3646333 RGD HGNC:24427 Aadacl2fm2 1561998 502533 Aadacl2fm2 2300041 433597 MGI:3779495 RGD Aadacl2fm3 1560324 295072 Aadacl2fm3 1613745 666803 MGI:3643798 RGD Aadacl3 1563257 313686 AADACL3 1602438 126767 HGNC Aadacl3 1618150 230883 MGI:2685281 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:32037 Aadacl4 1565761 313688 AADACL4 1603850 343066 RGD Aadacl4 2294760 435815 MGI:3650257 RGD HGNC:32038 Aadacl4fm2 1563334 502999 Aadacl4fm2 2295479 627085 MGI:3652194 RGD AAdacl4fm3 1559644 366498 AAdacl4fm3 2294202 546849 MGI:3650721 RGD Aadat 2948 29416 AADAT 1606004 51166 HGNC Aadat 735758 23923 MGI:1345167 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:17929 Aagab 621601 171435 AAGAB 1605954 79719 HGNC Aagab 1619195 66939 MGI:1914189 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:25662 Aak1 1305520 500244 AAK1 1313595 22848 HGNC Aak1 1618841 269774 MGI:1098687 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:19679 Aamdc 1561459 361606 AAMDC 1603054 28971 HGNC Aamdc 1558160 66273 MGI:1913523 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:30205 Aamp 1306281 301512 AAMP 1607091 14 HGNC Aamp 1314813 227290 MGI:107809 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:18 Aanat 2006 25120 AANAT 736736 15 HGNC Aanat 736737 11298 MGI:1328365 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:19 Aar2 1311066 296312 AAR2 1322325 25980 HGNC Aar2 1322326 68295 MGI:1915545 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:15886 Aard 631378 246323 AARD 2311262 441376 HGNC Aard 736762 239435 MGI:2181621 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:33842 Aars1 1304832 292023 AARS1 1312500 16 HGNC Aars1 1312501 234734 MGI:2384560 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:20 Aars2 1310617 301254 AARS2 1321623 57505 HGNC Aars2 1321624 224805 MGI:2681839 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:21022 Aarsd1 1561650 619440 AARSD1 1606776 80755 HGNC Aarsd1 1618340 69684 MGI:1916934 RGD HGNC:28417 Aasdh 1311135 364136 AASDH 1606160 132949 HGNC Aasdh 1322434 231326 MGI:2442517 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:23993 Aasdhppt 1311360 300328 AASDHPPT 1322778 60496 HGNC Aasdhppt 1623988 67618 MGI:1914868 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:14235 Aass 1310811 296925 AASS 1321929 10157 HGNC Aass 1321930 30956 MGI:1353573 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:17366 Aatf 620685 114512 AATF 734398 26574 HGNC Aatf 734399 56321 MGI:1929608 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:19235 Aatk 1590980 690853 AATK 1317702 9625 HGNC Aatk 1317703 11302 MGI:1197518 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:21 Abat 620948 81632 ABAT 732065 18 HGNC Abat 1332048 268860 MGI:2443582 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:23 Abca1 631344 313210 ABCA1 736157 19 HGNC Abca1 1332354 11303 MGI:99607 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:29 Abca12 1304586 301482 ABCA12 1312110 26154 HGNC Abca12 1620735 74591 MGI:2676312 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:14637 Abca13 1305895 289797 ABCA13 1352197 154664 HGNC Abca13 1314199 268379 MGI:2388707 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:14638 Abca2 620238 79248 ABCA2 732200 20 HGNC Abca2 732201 11305 MGI:99606 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:32 Abca3 1307174 302973 ABCA3 1316207 21 RGD Abca3 1316208 27410 MGI:1351617 RGD HGNC:33 Abca4 1309445 310836 ABCA4 1319792 24 HGNC Abca4 1616873 11304 MGI:109424 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:34 Abca5 628661 286970 ABCA5 1300038 23461 HGNC Abca5 1551371 217265 MGI:2386607 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:35 Abca6 1308998 303639 ABCA6 1319094 23460 HGNC Abca6 1319095 76184 MGI:1923434 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:36 Abca7 1303134 299609 ABCA7 1601775 10347 HGNC Abca7 1552857 27403 MGI:1351646 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:37 Abca8 1307069 303637 ABCA8 1316041 10351 HGNC Abca8b 1316042 27404 MGI:1351668 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:38 Abca8a 1307333 303638 ABCA10 1347313 10349 HGNC HGNC:30 Abca9 1305931 287788 ABCA9 1314254 10350 HGNC Abca9 1314255 217262 MGI:2386796 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:39 Abcb10 1311222 361439 ABCB10 1322567 23456 HGNC Abcb10 1322568 56199 MGI:1860508 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:41 Abcb11 619930 83569 ABCB11 730944 8647 HGNC Abcb11 730945 27413 MGI:1351619 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:42 Abcb1a 619951 170913 ABCB1 730823 5243 RGD Abcb1a 1620890 18671 MGI:97570 RGD HGNC:40 Abcb1b 3318 24646 Abcb1b 1332185 18669 MGI:97568 RGD Abcb4 620248 24891 ABCB4 736946 5244 HGNC Abcb4 11094 18670 MGI:97569 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:45 Abcb5 1566342 314537 ABCB5 1351002 340273 HGNC Abcb5 1615796 77706 MGI:1924956 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:46 Abcb6 71077 140669 ABCB6 731735 10058 HGNC Abcb6 731736 74104 MGI:1921354 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:47 Abcb7 1303086 302395 ABCB7 1351480 22 HGNC Abcb7 1550653 11306 MGI:109533 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:48 Abcb8 1307655 362302 ABCB8 1316973 11194 HGNC Abcb8 1550782 74610 MGI:1351667 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:49 Abcb9 620254 63886 ABCB9 733003 23457 HGNC Abcb9 733004 56325 MGI:1861729 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:50 Abcc1 3112 24565 ABCC1 1344624 4363 HGNC Abcc1 10919 17250 MGI:102676 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:51 Abcc10 1306696 316231 ABCC10 1315462 89845 HGNC Abcc10 1315463 224814 MGI:2386976 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:52 Abcc12 735100 291923 ABCC12 1342698 94160 HGNC Abcc12 1550860 244562 MGI:2441679 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:14640 Abcc2 2366 25303 ABCC2 619569 1244 HGNC Abcc2 10368 12780 MGI:1352447 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:53 Abcc3 71101 140668 ABCC3 736866 8714 HGNC Abcc3 736867 76408 MGI:1923658 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:54 Abcc4 620266 170924 ABCC4 1352399 10257 HGNC Abcc4 1623761 239273 MGI:2443111 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:55 Abcc5 70913 116721 ABCC5 734363 10057 HGNC Abcc5 737464 27416 MGI:1351644 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:56 Abcc6 620268 81642 ABCC6 734433 368 HGNC Abcc6 734434 27421 MGI:1351634 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:57 Abcc8 3786 25559 ABCC8 733938 6833 HGNC Abcc8 736889 20927 MGI:1352629 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:59 Abcc9 3787 25560 ABCC9 735726 10060 HGNC Abcc9 11362 20928 MGI:1352630 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:60 Abcd1 1562128 363516 ABCD1 1352747 215 HGNC Abcd1 1557916 11666 MGI:1349215 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:61 Abcd2 69244 84356 ABCD2 730967 225 HGNC Abcd2 730968 26874 MGI:1349467 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:66 Abcd3 2007 25270 ABCD3 736620 5825 HGNC Abcd3 10051 19299 MGI:1349216 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:67 Abcd4 1307273 299196 ABCD4 1316370 5826 HGNC Abcd4 1316371 19300 MGI:1349217 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:68 Abce1 1305301 361390 ABCE1 1313249 6059 HGNC Abce1 1313250 24015 MGI:1195458 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:69 Abcf1 620286 85493 ABCF1 734018 23 HGNC Abcf1 736982 224742 MGI:1351658 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:70 Abcf2 1304942 311959 ABCF2 1312673 10061 HGNC Abcf2 1312674 27407 MGI:1351657 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:71 Abcf3 1310468 287982 ABCF3 1321386 55324 HGNC Abcf3 1321387 27406 MGI:1351656 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:72 Abcg1 620294 85264 ABCG1 732853 9619 HGNC Abcg1 732854 11307 MGI:107704 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:73 Abcg2 631345 312382 ABCG2 1352615 9429 HGNC Abcg2 1551496 26357 MGI:1347061 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:74 Abcg4 1305840 300664 ABCG4 1314115 64137 HGNC Abcg4 1314116 192663 MGI:1890594 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:13884 Abcg5 620298 114628 ABCG5 732219 64240 HGNC Abcg5 732220 27409 MGI:1351659 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:13886 Abcg8 620300 155192 ABCG8 732770 64241 HGNC Abcg8 732771 67470 MGI:1914720 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:13887 Abhd1 1310988 313917 ABHD1 1322201 84696 HGNC Abhd1 1322202 57742 MGI:1931013 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:17553 Abhd10 1308084 303953 ABHD10 1346003 55347 HGNC Abhd10 1552471 213012 MGI:2442422 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:25656 Abhd11 1304681 360831 ABHD11 1606493 83451 HGNC Abhd11 1615093 68758 MGI:1916008 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:16407 Abhd11-as1 1585479 686120 BICDL3P 1342590 171022 HGNC Abhd11os 1609306 69812 MGI:1917062 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:18289 Abhd12 1562570 499913 ABHD12 1314604 26090 HGNC Abhd12 1314605 76192 MGI:1923442 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:15868 Abhd12b 1303145 408202 ABHD12B 1349841 145447 HGNC Abhd12b 1619703 100504285 MGI:2685650 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:19837 Abhd13 1308317 306630 ABHD13 1318018 84945 HGNC Abhd13 1318019 68904 MGI:1916154 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:20293 Abhd14a 1309721 300982 ABHD14A 1601874 25864 HGNC Abhd14a 1552533 68644 MGI:1915894 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:24538 Abhd14b 1359649 300983 ABHD14B 1603002 84836 HGNC Abhd14b 1550394 76491 MGI:1923741 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:28235 Abhd15 1304598 303343 ABHD15 1605591 116236 HGNC Abhd15 1332503 67477 MGI:1914727 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:26971 Abhd16a 1303164 361796 ABHD16A 1351609 7920 HGNC Abhd16a 1623843 193742 MGI:99476 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:13921 Abhd16b 1309726 311720 ABHD16B 1320221 140701 HGNC Abhd16b 1623756 241850 MGI:3607711 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:16128 Abhd17a 1359682 299617 ABHD17A 1347246 81926 HGNC Abhd17a 1621358 216169 MGI:106388 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:28756 Abhd17b 1305246 309399 ABHD17B 1313162 51104 HGNC Abhd17b 1313163 226016 MGI:1917816 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:24278 Abhd17c 1308210 361601 ABHD17C 1603613 58489 HGNC Abhd17c 1317856 70178 MGI:1917428 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:26925 Abhd18 1563987 499602 ABHD18 1604791 80167 HGNC Abhd18 1621250 269423 MGI:1915468 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:26111 Abhd2 1311389 293050 ABHD2 1322825 11057 HGNC Abhd2 1322826 54608 MGI:1914344 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:18717 Abhd3 1310655 291793 ABHD3 1321686 171586 HGNC Abhd3 1321687 106861 MGI:2147183 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:18718 Abhd4 1311858 364380 ABHD4 1323534 63874 HGNC Abhd4 1323535 105501 MGI:1915938 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:20154 Abhd5 1303237 316122 ABHD5 1342875 51099 HGNC Abhd5 1551382 67469 MGI:1914719 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:21396 Abhd6 1359323 305795 ABHD6 1351429 57406 HGNC Abhd6 1551139 66082 MGI:1913332 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:21398 Abhd8 1305693 306338 ABHD8 1313870 79575 HGNC Abhd8 1313871 64296 MGI:1918946 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:23759 Abi1 621008 79249 ABI1 1604650 10006 HGNC Abi1 731884 11308 MGI:104913 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:11320 Abi2 628771 286928 ABI2 1353143 10152 HGNC Abi2 735242 329165 MGI:106913 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:24011 Abi3 1311794 303476 ABI3 1323432 51225 HGNC Abi3 1323433 66610 MGI:1913860 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:29859 Abi3bp 1562717 363767 ABI3BP 1349467 25890 HGNC Abi3bp 1616439 320712 MGI:2444583 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:17265 Abitram 1594560 298018 ABITRAM 1352417 54942 HGNC Abitram 1622960 230234 MGI:2677850 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:1364 Abl1 1584969 311860 ABL1 1342972 25 HGNC Abl1 1332211 11350 MGI:87859 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:76 Abl2 1590898 304883 ABL2 1352263 27 HGNC Abl2 10053 11352 MGI:87860 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:77 Ablim1 1565768 307989 ABLIM1 1346152 3983 HGNC Ablim1 1623793 226251 MGI:1194500 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:78 Ablim2 1303094 360958 ABLIM2 1349528 84448 HGNC Ablim2 1550676 231148 MGI:2385758 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:19195 Ablim3 1565118 307395 ABLIM3 1354406 22885 HGNC Ablim3 1557708 319713 MGI:2442582 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:29132 Abo 2307241 100301568 ABO 730884 28 RGD Abo 730885 80908 MGI:2135738 RGD HGNC:79 Abr 1306279 287537 ABR 1314808 29 HGNC Abr 1314809 109934 MGI:107771 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:81 Abra 708493 286965 ABRA 1603582 137735 HGNC Abra 1332356 223513 MGI:2444891 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:30655 Abracl 1583256 685045 ABRACL 1351168 58527 HGNC Abracl 1621494 73112 MGI:1920362 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:21230 Abraxas1 1305287 289468 ABRAXAS1 1604576 84142 HGNC Abraxas1 1332240 70681 MGI:1917931 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:25829 Abraxas2 1308918 293570 ABRAXAS2 1318962 23172 HGNC Abraxas2 1318963 109359 MGI:1926116 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:28975 Abt1 1310785 306960 ABT1 1321888 29777 HGNC Abt1 1321889 30946 MGI:1353636 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:17369 Abtb1 1359363 297432 ABTB1 1349137 80325 HGNC Abtb1 1550163 80283 MGI:1933148 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:18275 Abtb2 620724 171440 ABTB2 733617 25841 HGNC Abtb2 1551708 99382 MGI:2139365 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:23842 Abtb3 1308647 314675 ABTB3 1318539 121551 HGNC Abtb3 1318540 74007 MGI:1921257 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:23844 Acaa1a 67379 24157 ACAA1 69012 30 RGD Acaa1a 735985 113868 MGI:2148491 RGD HGNC:82 Acaa1b 1562373 501072 Acaa1b 1621308 235674 MGI:3605455 RGD Acaa2 620482 170465 ACAA2 733990 10449 HGNC Acaa2 1551809 52538 MGI:1098623 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:83 Acaca 621248 60581 ACACA 736015 31 HGNC Acaca 1552388 107476 MGI:108451 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:84 Acacb 620500 116719 ACACB 731908 32 HGNC Acacb 1619056 100705 MGI:2140940 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:85 Acad10 1310159 304500 ACAD10 1346668 80724 RGD Acad10 1620764 71985 MGI:1919235 RGD HGNC:21597 Acad11 1306270 315973 ACAD11 1604580 84129 HGNC Acad11 1314794 102632 MGI:2143169 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:30211 Acad8 1564209 367196 ACAD8 1344764 27034 HGNC Acad8 1558276 66948 MGI:1914198 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:87 Acad9 727973 294973 ACAD9 1348095 28976 HGNC Acad9 1331972 229211 MGI:1914272 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:21497 Acadl 2011 25287 ACADL 733759 33 HGNC Acadl 10056 11363 MGI:87866 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:88 Acadm 2012 24158 ACADM 735259 34 HGNC Acadm 10057 11364 MGI:87867 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:89 Acads 620514 64304 ACADS 732202 35 HGNC Acads 732203 11409 MGI:87868 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:90 Acadsb 2013 25618 ACADSB 735869 36 HGNC Acadsb 735870 66885 MGI:1914135 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:91 Acadvl 2014 25363 ACADVL 735407 37 HGNC Acadvl 10058 11370 MGI:895149 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:92 Acan 68358 58968 ACAN 68507 176 HGNC Acan 735902 11595 MGI:99602 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:319 Acap1 1305360 287443 ACAP1 1313339 9744 HGNC Acap1 1313340 216859 MGI:2388270 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:16467 Acap2 1562939 619382 ACAP2 1347120 23527 HGNC Acap2 1619079 78618 MGI:1925868 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:16469 Acap3 1310711 313772 ACAP3 1321777 116983 HGNC Acap3 1321778 140500 MGI:2153589 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:16754 Acat1 2016 25014 ACAT1 737017 38 HGNC Acat1 10060 110446 MGI:87870 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:93 Acat2 1359366 308100 ACAT2 1354229 39 HGNC Acat2 1552173 110460 MGI:87871 RGD HGNC:94 Acbd3 727851 289312 ACBD3 1348505 64746 HGNC Acbd3 1550727 170760 MGI:2181074 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:15453 Acbd4 1308404 303577 ACBD4 1318153 79777 HGNC Acbd4 1318154 67131 MGI:1914381 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:23337 Acbd5 1309411 307170 ACBD5 1319743 91452 HGNC Acbd5 1319744 74159 MGI:1921409 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:23338 Acbd6 1305030 289125 ACBD6 1312817 84320 RGD Acbd6 1312818 72482 MGI:1919732 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:23339 Acbd7 1564164 361277 ACBD7 1350250 414149 HGNC Acbd7 1557312 78245 MGI:1925495 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:17715 Accs 1309314 311218 ACCS 1606762 84680 HGNC Accs 1319595 329470 MGI:1919717 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:23989 Accsl 1596039 690470 ACCSL 2302255 390110 HGNC Accsl 1619684 381411 MGI:3584519 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:34391 Acd 1565053 307798 ACD 1351362 65057 HGNC Acd 1615450 497652 MGI:87873 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:25070 Ace 2493 24310 ACE 737323 1636 HGNC Ace 10468 11421 MGI:87874 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:2707 Ace2 728890 302668 ACE2 1347174 59272 HGNC Ace2 1550521 70008 MGI:1917258 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:13557 Acer1 1588582 301118 ACER1 1344470 125981 HGNC Acer1 1557915 171168 MGI:2181962 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:18356 Acer2 1304629 313339 ACER2 1312176 340485 HGNC Acer2 1622080 230379 MGI:1920932 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:23675 Acer3 1561254 499210 ACER3 1346570 55331 HGNC Acer3 1558553 66190 MGI:1913440 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:16066 Ache 69313 83817 ACHE 735878 43 HGNC Ache 735879 11423 MGI:87876 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:108 Acin1 1311945 305884 ACIN1 1323663 22985 HGNC Acin1 1323664 56215 MGI:1891824 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:17066 Ackr1 1596198 689105 ACKR1 1347611 2532 HGNC Ackr1 1621633 13349 MGI:1097689 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:4035 Ackr2 620323 140473 ACKR2 1353783 1238 HGNC Ackr2 731576 59289 MGI:1891697 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:1565 Ackr3 620601 84348 ACKR3 1343702 57007 HGNC Ackr3 734310 12778 MGI:109562 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:23692 Ackr4 1596453 685243 ACKR4 1602221 51554 HGNC Ackr4 1618934 252837 MGI:2181676 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:1611 Acly 2018 24159 ACLY 10065 47 HGNC Acly 10064 104112 MGI:103251 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:115 Acmsd 620868 171385 ACMSD 732597 130013 HGNC Acmsd 732598 266645 MGI:2386323 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:19288 Aco1 2019 50655 ACO1 10067 48 HGNC Aco1 10066 11428 MGI:87879 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:117 Aco2 621360 79250 ACO2 733187 50 HGNC Aco2 1332293 11429 MGI:87880 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:118 Acod1 1563454 306127 ACOD1 2292071 730249 HGNC Acod1 1557035 16365 MGI:103206 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:33904 Acot1 70894 50559 ACOT1 1605748 641371 RGD Acot1 1617592 26897 MGI:1349396 RGD HGNC:33128 Acot11 2324815 100363074 ACOT11 1317612 26027 HGNC Acot11 1615550 329910 MGI:1913736 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:18156 Acot12 619752 170570 ACOT12 736721 134526 HGNC Acot12 1557713 74156 MGI:1921406 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:24436 Acot13 1306513 291135 ACOT13 1315172 55856 HGNC Acot13 1315173 66834 MGI:1914084 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:20999 Acot2 621055 192272 ACOT2 1605691 10965 HGNC Acot2 1616634 171210 MGI:2159605 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:18431 Acot3 1564089 314304 Acot3 1558054 171281 MGI:2159619 RGD Acot4 1596753 681337 ACOT4 1605006 122970 HGNC Acot4 1557399 171282 MGI:2159621 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:19748 Acot6 1309669 299193 ACOT6 1605747 641372 HGNC Acot6 1619003 217700 MGI:1921287 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:33159 Acot7 628856 26759 ACOT7 733878 11332 HGNC Acot7 1558456 70025 MGI:1917275 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:24157 Acot8 70368 170588 ACOT8 70372 10005 HGNC Acot8 1620647 170789 MGI:2158201 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:15919 Acot9 1359188 302640 ACOT9 1606811 23597 HGNC Acot9 1620856 56360 MGI:1928939 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:17152 Acox1 619757 50681 ACOX1 1344840 51 HGNC Acox1 732685 11430 MGI:1330812 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:119 Acox2 628684 252898 ACOX2 735528 8309 HGNC Acox2 731459 93732 MGI:1934852 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:120 Acox3 69245 83522 ACOX3 736892 8310 HGNC Acox3 736893 80911 MGI:1933156 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:121 Acoxl 1306814 296138 ACOXL 1315641 55289 HGNC Acoxl 1550576 74121 MGI:1921371 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:25621 Acp1 2020 24161 ACP1 10069 52 HGNC Acp1 10068 11431 MGI:87881 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:122 Acp2 2021 24162 ACP2 10071 53 HGNC Acp2 10070 11432 MGI:87882 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:123 Acp3 2023 56780 ACP3 736505 55 HGNC Acp3 736506 56318 MGI:1928480 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:125 Acp4 1308270 308569 ACP4 1317948 93650 HGNC Acp4 1616331 100503991 MGI:3644563 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:14376 Acp5 2022 25732 ACP5 10073 54 HGNC Acp5 10072 11433 MGI:87883 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:124 Acp6 1306336 295305 ACP6 1314899 51205 HGNC Acp6 1314900 66659 MGI:1931010 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:29609 Acp7 1585399 687403 ACP7 1604436 390928 HGNC Acp7 1621417 101744 MGI:2142121 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:33781 Acr 2024 24163 ACR 736688 49 HGNC Acr 10076 11434 MGI:87884 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:126 Acrbp 1564880 500316 ACRBP 1344974 84519 HGNC Acrbp 1557851 54137 MGI:1859515 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:17195 Acrv1 620153 60353 ACRV1 1351105 56 HGNC Acrv1 733455 11451 MGI:104590 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:127 Acsbg1 708557 171410 ACSBG1 733957 23205 HGNC Acsbg1 1557638 94180 MGI:2385656 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:29567 Acsbg2 1588580 301120 ACSBG2 1604279 81616 HGNC Acsbg2 1614057 328845 MGI:3587728 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:24174 Acsbg3 1595856 316124 Acsbg3 1619077 78625 MGI:1925875 RGD Acsf2 1562656 619561 ACSF2 1604594 80221 HGNC Acsf2 1616476 264895 MGI:2388287 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:26101 Acsf3 1586037 498962 ACSF3 1604214 197322 HGNC Acsf3 1314580 257633 MGI:2182591 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:27288 Acsl1 2015 25288 ACSL1 1342971 2180 HGNC Acsl1 737089 14081 MGI:102797 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:3569 Acsl3 70552 114024 ACSL3 1602231 2181 HGNC Acsl3 733171 74205 MGI:1921455 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:3570 Acsl4 69401 113976 ACSL4 1344693 2182 HGNC Acsl4 69444 50790 MGI:1354713 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:3571 Acsl5 69402 94340 ACSL5 1604361 51703 HGNC Acsl5 69445 433256 MGI:1919129 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:16526 Acsl6 69403 117243 ACSL6 1349836 23305 HGNC Acsl6 69447 216739 MGI:894291 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:16496 Acsm1 1306813 361638 ACSM1 1315639 116285 RGD Acsm1 1315640 117147 MGI:2152200 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:18049 Acsm2 708383 246263 ACSM2A 1606171 123876 RGD Acsm2 1615672 233799 MGI:2385289 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:32017 Acsm3 62086 24763 ACSM3 735798 6296 HGNC Acsm3 1618411 20216 MGI:99538 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:10522 Acsm4 727928 353317 ACSM4 1642901 341392 HGNC Acsm4 1614919 233801 MGI:2681844 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:32016 Acsm5 1309578 361637 ACSM5 1603027 54988 HGNC Acsm5 1319990 272428 MGI:2444086 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:26060 Acss1 1306246 296259 ACSS1 1314754 84532 HGNC Acss1 1615097 68738 MGI:1915988 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:16091 Acss2 1305489 311569 ACSS2 1313544 55902 HGNC Acss2 1618386 60525 MGI:1890410 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:15814 Acss3 1307051 314800 ACSS3 1603012 79611 HGNC Acss3 1316017 380660 MGI:2685720 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:24723 Acta1 2025 29437 ACTA1 737580 58 HGNC Acta1 737581 11459 MGI:87902 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:129 Acta2 621676 81633 ACTA2 1348351 59 RGD Acta2 1616012 11475 MGI:87909 RGD HGNC:130 Actb 628837 81822 ACTB 735801 60 HGNC Actb 735802 11461 MGI:87904 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:132 Actbl2 1309504 294732 ACTBL2 1603843 345651 HGNC Actbl2 1319879 238880 MGI:2444552 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:17780 Actc1 2026 29275 ACTC1 735789 70 HGNC Actc1 735790 11464 MGI:87905 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:143 Actg1 1304556 287876 ACTG1 1312061 71 HGNC Actg1 1549970 11465 MGI:87906 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:144 Actg2 2027 25365 ACTG2 737318 72 HGNC Actg2 10077 11468 MGI:104589 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:145 Actl10 6491130 100911682 ACTL10 1346529 170487 HGNC Actl10 1623185 70362 MGI:1917612 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:16127 Actl6a 1307747 361925 ACTL6A 1603412 86 HGNC Actl6a 1552144 56456 MGI:1861453 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:24124 Actl6b 1307763 288563 ACTL6B 1351133 51412 HGNC Actl6b 1550804 83766 MGI:1933548 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:160 Actl7a 1304697 298017 ACTL7A 1312292 10881 HGNC Actl7a 1312293 11470 MGI:1343051 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:161 Actl7b 1305655 313183 ACTL7B 1313810 10880 HGNC Actl7b 1313811 11471 MGI:1343053 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:162 Actl9 1306886 314659 ACTL9 1602048 284382 RGD Actl9 1332083 69481 MGI:1916731 RGD HGNC:28494 Actmap 1560854 499106 ACTMAP 1604490 284325 HGNC Actmap 1618721 414069 MGI:3041247 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:24758 Actn1 70907 81634 ACTN1 736411 87 HGNC Actn1 736412 109711 MGI:2137706 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:163 Actn2 1308097 291245 ACTN2 1317671 88 HGNC Actn2 1317672 11472 MGI:109192 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:164 Actn3 621792 171009 ACTN3 734136 89 HGNC Actn3 734137 11474 MGI:99678 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:165 Actn4 61816 63836 ACTN4 735302 81 HGNC Actn4 62108 60595 MGI:1890773 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:166 Actr10 1306515 299121 ACTR10 1315176 55860 HGNC Actr10 1315177 56444 MGI:1891654 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:17372 Actr1a 1307025 294010 ACTR1A 1315973 10121 HGNC Actr1a 1315974 54130 MGI:1858964 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:167 Actr1b 1307380 316333 ACTR1B 1316546 10120 HGNC Actr1b 1316547 226977 MGI:1917446 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:168 Actr2 1310826 289820 ACTR2 1321952 10097 HGNC Actr2 1321953 66713 MGI:1913963 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:169 Actr3 71024 81732 ACTR3 736322 10096 HGNC Actr3 736323 74117 MGI:1921367 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:170 Actr3b 1565759 362298 ACTR3B 1603621 57180 HGNC Actr3b 1557300 242894 MGI:2661120 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:17256 Actr5 1307958 362258 ACTR5 1317453 79913 HGNC Actr5 1317454 109275 MGI:1924748 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:14671 Actr6 1304609 314718 ACTR6 1312146 64431 HGNC Actr6 1312147 67019 MGI:1914269 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:24025 Actr8 1311878 361107 ACTR8 1323563 93973 HGNC Actr8 1323564 56249 MGI:1860775 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:14672 Actrt1 1359559 302796 ACTRT1 1605289 139741 HGNC Actrt1 1558589 73360 MGI:1920610 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:24027 Actrt2 1359657 298671 ACTRT2 1606455 140625 HGNC Actrt2 1557047 73353 MGI:1920603 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:24026 Actrt3 1561457 365763 ACTRT3 1607001 84517 HGNC Actrt3 1557481 76652 MGI:1923902 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:24022 Acvr1 620200 79558 ACVR1 1344480 90 HGNC Acvr1 734161 11477 MGI:87911 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:171 Acvr1b 735207 29381 ACVR1B 1349804 91 HGNC Acvr1b 1332207 11479 MGI:1338944 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:172 Acvr1c 621789 245921 ACVR1C 734123 130399 HGNC Acvr1c 1552650 269275 MGI:2661081 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:18123 Acvr2a 70911 29263 ACVR2A 731811 92 HGNC Acvr2a 1550139 11480 MGI:102806 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:173 Acvr2b 2028 25366 ACVR2B 737613 93 HGNC Acvr2b 10078 11481 MGI:87912 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:174 Acvrl1 2029 25237 ACVRL1 737253 94 HGNC Acvrl1 10079 11482 MGI:1338946 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:175 Acy1 2030 300981 ACY1 1351880 95 RGD Acy1 10080 109652 MGI:87913 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:177 Acy3 1305394 293653 ACY3 1352202 91703 HGNC Acy3 1553036 71670 MGI:1918920 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:24104 Acyp1 1311327 299203 ACYP1 1351089 97 HGNC Acyp1 1322720 66204 MGI:1913454 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:179 Acyp2 1595836 364224 ACYP2 1350765 98 HGNC Acyp2 1557676 75572 MGI:1922822 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:180 Ada 2031 24165 ADA 736149 100 HGNC Ada 10081 11486 MGI:87916 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:186 Adad1 1359309 294979 ADAD1 1606972 132612 HGNC Adad1 1552126 21744 MGI:103258 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:30713 Adad2 1586236 691275 ADAD2 1602291 161931 HGNC Adad2 1557626 75773 MGI:1923023 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:30714 Adal 1359517 311352 ADAL 1605272 161823 HGNC Adal 1551777 75894 MGI:1923144 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:31853 Adam10 2032 29650 ADAM10 735847 102 HGNC Adam10 735848 11487 MGI:109548 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:188 Adam11 1307515 360638 ADAM11 1316754 4185 HGNC Adam11 1316755 11488 MGI:1098667 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:189 Adam12 1583652 679837 ADAM12 1317265 8038 HGNC Adam12 1317266 11489 MGI:105378 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:190 Adam15 620402 57025 ADAM15 733223 8751 HGNC Adam15 733224 11490 MGI:1333882 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:193 Adam17 620404 57027 ADAM17 731400 6868 HGNC Adam17 731401 11491 MGI:1096335 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:195 Adam18 620405 57029 ADAM18 1350533 8749 HGNC Adam18 734328 13524 MGI:105986 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:196 Adam19 1585017 303068 ADAM19 735923 8728 HGNC Adam19 735924 11492 MGI:105377 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:197 Adam1a 621467 56777 ADAM1A 1345474 8759 RGD Adam1a 1552279 280668 MGI:2429504 RGD HGNC:187 Adam1b 2322512 100360238 ADAM1B 6898435 100420505 RGD Adam1b 1614829 280667 MGI:2429506 RGD HGNC:44366 Adam2 69299 56806 ADAM2 69085 2515 HGNC Adam2 69086 11495 MGI:1340894 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:198 Adam21 6499950 100910087 ADAM21 1314846 8747 HGNC Adam21 1314847 56622 MGI:1861229 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:200 Adam22 1585016 57033 ADAM22 1352892 53616 HGNC Adam22 1616011 11496 MGI:1340046 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:201 Adam23 1305739 301460 ADAM23 1313949 8745 HGNC Adam23 1313950 23792 MGI:1345162 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:202 Adam24 1309066 290774 ADAM29 1342886 11086 HGNC Adam24 1319199 13526 MGI:105984 RGD HGNC:207 Adam28 727820 290344 ADAM28 1347348 10863 HGNC Adam28 1550496 13522 MGI:105988 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:206 Adam30 1594713 690547 ADAM30 1314448 11085 HGNC Adam30 1314449 71078 MGI:1918328 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:208 Adam32 735114 361170 ADAM32 1345583 203102 HGNC Adam32 1332535 353188 MGI:2653822 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:15479 Adam33 1305278 311425 ADAM33 1313212 80332 RGD Adam33 1313213 110751 MGI:1341813 RGD HGNC:15478 Adam3a 621469 57021 ADAM3A 1350597 1587 RGD Adam3 733784 11497 MGI:102518 RGD HGNC:209 Adam5 621471 498654 ADAM5 1353792 255926 HGNC Adam5 1558287 11499 MGI:104730 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:212 Adam6 621472 192271 ADAM6 1351124 8755 RGD Adam6a 1619823 238406 MGI:2676316 RGD HGNC:213 Adam7 62032 29641 ADAM7 736113 8756 HGNC Adam7 62324 11500 MGI:107247 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:214 Adam8 1566394 499285 ADAM8 1343050 101 HGNC Adam8 1320020 11501 MGI:107825 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:215 Adam9 621473 290834 ADAM9 1321127 8754 HGNC Adam9 1321128 11502 MGI:105376 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:216 Adamdec1 1309861 290338 ADAMDEC1 1320430 27299 HGNC Adamdec1 1320431 58860 MGI:1917650 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:16299 Adamts1 621241 79252 ADAMTS1 736845 9510 HGNC Adamts1 733905 11504 MGI:109249 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:217 Adamts10 1598320 314655 ADAMTS10 1314467 81794 HGNC Adamts10 1557306 224697 MGI:2449112 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:13201 Adamts12 1307323 294809 ADAMTS12 1316449 81792 HGNC Adamts12 1316450 239337 MGI:2146046 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:14605 Adamts13 1311594 102554393 ADAMTS13 1323132 11093 HGNC Adamts13 1323133 279028 MGI:2685556 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:1366 Adamts14 1308899 309837 ADAMTS14 1318933 140766 HGNC Adamts14 1618137 237360 MGI:2179942 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:14899 Adamts15 1309770 300474 ADAMTS15 1320284 170689 HGNC Adamts15 1320285 235130 MGI:2449569 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:16305 Adamts16 1310046 306664 ADAMTS16 1320722 170690 HGNC Adamts16 1320723 271127 MGI:2429637 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:17108 Adamts17 1308783 293004 ADAMTS17 1318756 170691 HGNC Adamts17 1618964 233332 MGI:3588195 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:17109 Adamts18 1560118 361412 ADAMTS18 1353739 170692 HGNC Adamts18 1558314 208936 MGI:2442600 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:17110 Adamts19 1308359 361332 ADAMTS19 1318082 171019 HGNC Adamts19 1318083 240322 MGI:2442875 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:17111 Adamts2 1565950 287899 ADAMTS2 1321433 9509 HGNC Adamts2 1321434 216725 MGI:1347356 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:218 Adamts20 1307725 315263 ADAMTS20 1317084 80070 HGNC Adamts20 1317085 223838 MGI:2660628 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:17178 Adamts3 1310750 305253 ADAMTS3 1321838 9508 HGNC Adamts3 1614056 330119 MGI:3045353 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:219 Adamts4 621242 66015 ADAMTS4 1346398 9507 HGNC Adamts4 1550099 240913 MGI:1339949 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:220 Adamts5 735196 304135 ADAMTS5 1343923 11096 HGNC Adamts5 1552871 23794 MGI:1346321 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:221 Adamts6 1307678 361886 ADAMTS6 1317007 11174 HGNC Adamts6 1622161 108154 MGI:1347348 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:222 Adamts7 1306713 315879 ADAMTS7 1315487 11173 HGNC Adamts7 1315488 108153 MGI:1347346 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:223 Adamts8 1308511 300475 ADAMTS8 1318322 11095 HGNC Adamts8 1318323 30806 MGI:1353468 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:224 Adamts9 1306889 312566 ADAMTS9 1315761 56999 HGNC Adamts9 1613350 101401 MGI:1916320 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:13202 Adamtsl1 1306439 362539 ADAMTSL1 1315056 92949 HGNC Adamtsl1 1315057 77739 MGI:1924989 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:14632 Adamtsl2 1305459 311827 ADAMTSL2 1343515 9719 HGNC Adamtsl2 1550215 77794 MGI:1925044 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:14631 Adamtsl3 1305155 308787 ADAMTSL3 1313018 57188 HGNC Adamtsl3 1313019 269959 MGI:3028499 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:14633 Adamtsl4 1561012 310670 ADAMTSL4 1351069 54507 HGNC Adamtsl4 1557679 229595 MGI:2389008 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:19706 Adamtsl5 1305607 314626 ADAMTSL5 1313735 339366 HGNC Adamtsl5 1313736 66548 MGI:1913798 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:27912 Adap1 621418 171097 ADAP1 733651 11033 HGNC Adap1 1332398 231821 MGI:2442201 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:16486 Adap2 708487 56826 ADAP2 734306 55803 HGNC Adap2 734307 216991 MGI:2663075 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:16487 Adar 71099 81635 ADAR 736989 103 HGNC Adar 732453 56417 MGI:1889575 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:225 Adarb1 2033 25367 ADARB1 732582 104 HGNC Adarb1 10082 110532 MGI:891999 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:226 Adarb2 621519 117088 ADARB2 736199 105 HGNC Adarb2 733468 94191 MGI:2151118 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:227 Adat1 1591020 690810 ADAT1 1320789 23536 HGNC Adat1 1320790 30947 MGI:1353631 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:228 Adat2 1309642 361453 ADAT2 1320091 134637 HGNC Adat2 1320092 66757 MGI:1914007 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:21172 Adat3 1642417 100125374 ADAT3 1603369 113179 HGNC Adat3 2301280 100113398 MGI:1924344 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:25151 Adck1 1308263 366698 ADCK1 1317936 57143 HGNC Adck1 1317937 72113 MGI:1919363 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:19038 Adck2 1311058 312258 ADCK2 1322312 90956 HGNC Adck2 1322313 57869 MGI:1889336 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:19039 Adck5 1305504 362943 ADCK5 1313570 203054 HGNC Adck5 1313571 268822 MGI:2679274 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:21738 Adcy1 1309318 305509 ADCY1 1319601 107 HGNC Adcy1 1319602 432530 MGI:99677 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:232 Adcy10 708450 59320 ADCY10 737484 55811 HGNC Adcy10 737485 271639 MGI:2660854 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:21285 Adcy2 619965 81636 ADCY2 734219 108 HGNC Adcy2 737238 210044 MGI:99676 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:233 Adcy3 71009 64508 ADCY3 732499 109 HGNC Adcy3 732500 104111 MGI:99675 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:234 Adcy4 2034 54223 ADCY4 736108 196883 HGNC Adcy4 731839 104110 MGI:99674 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:235 Adcy5 71014 64532 ADCY5 736882 111 HGNC Adcy5 736883 224129 MGI:99673 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:236 Adcy6 2035 25289 ADCY6 735837 112 HGNC Adcy6 10083 11512 MGI:87917 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:237 Adcy7 619966 84420 ADCY7 735780 113 HGNC Adcy7 735781 11513 MGI:102891 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:238 Adcy8 2036 29241 ADCY8 733733 114 HGNC Adcy8 736586 11514 MGI:1341110 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:239 Adcy9 1304747 302950 ADCY9 1312370 115 RGD Adcy9 1312371 11515 MGI:108450 RGD HGNC:240 Adcyap1 2037 24166 ADCYAP1 732730 116 HGNC Adcyap1 10084 11516 MGI:105094 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:241 Adcyap1r1 2038 24167 ADCYAP1R1 736792 117 HGNC Adcyap1r1 10085 11517 MGI:108449 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:242 Add1 2041 24170 ADD1 733925 118 HGNC Add1 10086 11518 MGI:87918 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:243 Add2 2042 24171 ADD2 736575 119 HGNC Add2 10087 11519 MGI:87919 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:244 Add3 2043 25230 ADD3 735411 120 HGNC Add3 10088 27360 MGI:1351615 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:245 Adgb 1564259 292477 ADGB 1343309 79747 HGNC Adgb 1614196 215772 MGI:3605549 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:21212 Adgra1 1308241 309097 ADGRA1 1317902 84435 HGNC Adgra1 1552915 52389 MGI:1277167 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:13838 Adgra2 2323365 100363275 ADGRA2 1312494 25960 HGNC Adgra2 1619926 78560 MGI:1925810 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:17849 Adgra3 1304914 305408 ADGRA3 1312627 166647 HGNC Adgra3 1550058 70693 MGI:1917943 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:13839 Adgrb1 1305608 362931 ADGRB1 1313737 575 HGNC Adgrb1 1313738 107831 MGI:1933736 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:943 Adgrb2 1309431 313058 ADGRB2 1319770 576 HGNC Adgrb2 1319771 230775 MGI:2451244 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:944 Adgrb3 1309703 301309 ADGRB3 1320187 577 HGNC Adgrb3 1320188 210933 MGI:2441837 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:945 Adgrd1 1594795 689257 ADGRD1 1344919 283383 HGNC Adgrd1 1622915 243277 MGI:3041203 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:19893 Adgrd2 402289764 134486217 ADGRD2 1350453 347088 NCBI Adgrd2-ps 2311269 674251 MGI:2685845 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:18651 Adgre1 1359214 316137 ADGRE1 1342649 2015 HGNC Adgre1 1553497 13733 MGI:106912 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:3336 Adgre4 1359641 450235 ADGRE4P 1606914 326342 HGNC Adgre4 1550875 52614 MGI:1196464 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:19240 Adgre5 1305595 361383 ADGRE5 1313717 976 HGNC Adgre5 1313718 26364 MGI:1347095 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:1711 Adgrf1 1310285 301266 ADGRF1 1321097 266977 HGNC Adgrf1 1321098 77596 MGI:1924846 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:18990 Adgrf2 1306718 301269 ADGRF2P 1343922 222611 HGNC Adgrf2 1623550 435529 MGI:2182728 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:18991 Adgrf3 1305868 298857 ADGRF3 1314157 165082 HGNC Adgrf3 1550327 381628 MGI:2685887 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:18989 Adgrf4 1565216 501106 ADGRF4 1315496 221393 HGNC Adgrf4 1315497 78249 MGI:1925499 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:19011 Adgrf5 621679 245977 ADGRF5 1347693 221395 HGNC Adgrf5 1558369 224792 MGI:2182928 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:19030 Adgrg1 628617 260326 ADGRG1 1352005 9289 HGNC Adgrg1 732043 14766 MGI:1340051 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:4512 Adgrg2 628618 266735 ADGRG2 735317 10149 HGNC Adgrg2 735318 237175 MGI:2446854 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:4516 Adgrg3 1305674 291854 ADGRG3 1313843 222487 HGNC Adgrg3 1550278 54672 MGI:1859670 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:13728 Adgrg4 1564057 302860 ADGRG4 1346347 139378 HGNC Adgrg4 1622932 236798 MGI:2685213 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:18992 Adgrg5 1305559 307645 ADGRG5 1313657 221188 HGNC Adgrg5 1550253 382045 MGI:2685955 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:19010 Adgrg6 1308551 308376 ADGRG6 1318390 57211 HGNC Adgrg6 1551030 215798 MGI:1916151 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:13841 Adgrg7 1307217 304014 ADGRG7 1316279 84873 HGNC Adgrg7 1316280 239853 MGI:2441732 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:19241 Adgrl1 620768 65096 ADGRL1 733163 22859 HGNC Adgrl1 1550720 330814 MGI:1929461 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:20973 Adgrl2 620835 171447 ADGRL2 732054 23266 HGNC Adgrl2 1331928 99633 MGI:2139714 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:18582 Adgrl3 620836 170641 ADGRL3 1353351 23284 HGNC Adgrl3 1553247 319387 MGI:2441950 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:20974 Adgrl4 621136 64124 ADGRL4 1347532 64123 HGNC Adgrl4 732484 170757 MGI:2655562 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:20822 Adgrv1 1562101 100362255 ADGRV1 1318161 84059 HGNC Adgrv1 1318162 110789 MGI:1274784 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:17416 Adh1c 2044 24172 ADH1C 1344246 126 RGD Adh1 10090 11522 MGI:87921 RGD HGNC:251 Adh4 71028 29646 ADH4 735489 127 HGNC Adh4 735490 26876 MGI:1349472 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:252 Adh5 2292706 100145871 ADH5 1351578 128 HGNC Adh5 1615209 11532 MGI:87929 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:253 Adh6 1306313 310903 ADH6 1314863 130 HGNC Adh6b 1615687 100417514 MGI:2446626 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:255 Adh7 621638 171178 ADH7 737541 131 HGNC Adh7 732808 11529 MGI:87926 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:256 Adhfe1 1308863 362474 ADHFE1 1318880 137872 HGNC Adhfe1 1318881 76187 MGI:1923437 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:16354 Adi1 727828 298934 ADI1 1602478 55256 HGNC Adi1 1616656 104923 MGI:2144929 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:30576 Adig 2320953 100361007 ADIG 1606699 149685 HGNC Adig 1615621 246747 MGI:2675492 RGD HGNC:28606 Adipoq 628748 246253 ADIPOQ 1351472 9370 HGNC Adipoq 1552054 11450 MGI:106675 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:13633 Adipor1 1303151 289036 ADIPOR1 1344545 51094 HGNC Adipor1 1332010 72674 MGI:1919924 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:24040 Adipor2 1307891 312670 ADIPOR2 1317349 79602 HGNC Adipor2 1317350 68465 MGI:93830 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:24041 Adissp 1311739 311428 ADISSP 1323352 54976 HGNC Adissp 1332373 67326 MGI:1914576 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:15873 Adk 2046 25368 ADK 737582 132 HGNC Adk 10091 11534 MGI:87930 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:257 Adm 2047 25026 ADM 730917 133 HGNC Adm 730918 11535 MGI:108058 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:259 Adm2 1302971 399475 ADM2 1348112 79924 HGNC Adm2 1622982 223780 MGI:2675256 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:28898 Adnp 71030 64622 ADNP 737453 23394 HGNC Adnp 737454 11538 MGI:1338758 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:15766 Adnp2 1308279 307236 ADNP2 1605090 22850 HGNC Adnp2 1332284 240442 MGI:2448562 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:23803 Ado 1308233 309732 ADO 1317890 84890 HGNC Ado 1617388 211488 MGI:2685083 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:23506 Adora1 2048 29290 ADORA1 730817 134 HGNC Adora1 730818 11539 MGI:99401 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:262 Adora2a 2049 25369 ADORA2A 730999 135 HGNC Adora2a 10092 11540 MGI:99402 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:263 Adora2b 2050 29316 ADORA2B 731019 136 HGNC Adora2b 731020 11541 MGI:99403 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:264 Adora3 2051 100911796 ADORA3 735600 140 RGD Adora3 10093 11542 MGI:104847 RGD HGNC:268 Adpgk 1306103 315722 ADPGK 1353628 83440 HGNC Adpgk 1553784 72141 MGI:1919391 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:25250 Adprh 2052 25371 ADPRH 732427 141 HGNC Adprh 10094 11544 MGI:1098234 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:269 Adprhl1 1305641 290880 ADPRHL1 1313790 113622 HGNC Adprhl1 1552256 234072 MGI:2442168 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:21303 Adprm 1309906 287406 ADPRM 1604325 56985 HGNC Adprm 1332389 66358 MGI:1913608 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:30925 Adprs 1309068 362600 ADPRS 1319201 54936 HGNC Adprs 1319202 100206 MGI:2140364 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:21304 Adra1a 2055 29412 ADRA1A 736081 148 HGNC Adra1a 736082 11549 MGI:104773 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:277 Adra1b 2054 24173 ADRA1B 733119 147 HGNC Adra1b 10096 11548 MGI:104774 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:278 Adra1d 62064 29413 ADRA1D 734051 146 HGNC Adra1d 62356 11550 MGI:106673 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:280 Adra2a 2056 25083 ADRA2A 737381 150 HGNC Adra2a 10098 11551 MGI:87934 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:281 Adra2b 2057 24174 ADRA2B 731080 151 HGNC Adra2b 10101 11552 MGI:87935 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:282 Adra2c 2058 24175 ADRA2C 737142 152 HGNC Adra2c 10103 11553 MGI:87936 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:283 Adrb1 2059 24925 ADRB1 731289 153 HGNC Adrb1 10106 11554 MGI:87937 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:285 Adrb2 2060 24176 ADRB2 733595 154 HGNC Adrb2 10109 11555 MGI:87938 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:286 Adrb3 2061 25645 ADRB3 737467 155 HGNC Adrb3 10110 11556 MGI:87939 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:288 Adrm1 69248 65138 ADRM1 736707 11047 HGNC Adrm1 736708 56436 MGI:1929289 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:15759 Adsl 1307617 315150 ADSL 1316916 158 HGNC Adsl 1316917 11564 MGI:103202 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:291 Adss1 1590342 684425 ADSS1 1351020 122622 RGD Adss1 1615207 11565 MGI:87947 RGD HGNC:20093 Adss2 1310508 289276 ADSS2 1321450 159 HGNC Adss2 1551552 11566 MGI:87948 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:292 Adtrp 1305679 361228 ADTRP 1313849 84830 HGNC Adtrp 1313850 109254 MGI:1924596 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:21214 Aebp1 1306922 305494 AEBP1 1315812 165 HGNC Aebp1 1315813 11568 MGI:1197012 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:303 Aebp2 1307233 297705 AEBP2 1316303 121536 HGNC Aebp2 1316304 11569 MGI:1338038 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:24051 Aen 1305051 361594 AEN 1601976 64782 HGNC Aen 1551717 68048 MGI:1915298 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:25722 Afap1 619959 140935 AFAP1 1605642 60312 HGNC Afap1 1623955 70292 MGI:1917542 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:24017 Afap1l1 1311580 291565 AFAP1L1 1606158 134265 HGNC Afap1l1 1323113 106877 MGI:2147199 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:26714 Afap1l2 1310668 292130 AFAP1L2 1321706 84632 HGNC Afap1l2 1321707 226250 MGI:2147658 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:25901 Afdn 708561 26955 AFDN 731514 4301 HGNC Afdn 1620895 17356 MGI:1314653 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:7137 Aff1 1307940 305152 AFF1 1317426 4299 HGNC Aff1 1620896 17355 MGI:1100819 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:7135 Aff2 1565592 293922 AFF2 1343236 2334 HGNC Aff2 1558270 14266 MGI:1202294 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:3776 Aff3 1308527 363220 AFF3 1318349 3899 HGNC Aff3 1551023 16764 MGI:106927 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:6473 Aff4 1311694 303132 AFF4 1601873 27125 HGNC Aff4 1553808 93736 MGI:2136171 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:17869 Afg1l 1561501 502479 AFG1L 1349497 246269 HGNC Afg1l 1622996 215951 MGI:2148801 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:16411 Afg2a 1310478 361935 AFG2A 1321404 166378 HGNC Afg2a 1321405 57815 MGI:1927170 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:18119 Afg2b 1595990 691729 AFG2B 1317463 79029 HGNC Afg2b 1623001 214616 MGI:3036261 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:28762 Afg3l2 1305259 307350 AFG3L2 1313183 10939 HGNC Afg3l2 1313184 69597 MGI:1916847 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:315 Afm 628614 282708 AFM 1352528 173 HGNC Afm 735381 280662 MGI:2429409 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:316 Afmid 1591143 688283 AFMID 1606470 125061 HGNC Afmid 1623948 71562 MGI:2448704 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:20910 Afp 2065 24177 AFP 736278 174 HGNC Afp 10116 11576 MGI:87951 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:317 Aftph 1311920 305544 AFTPH 1606558 54812 HGNC Aftph 1332280 216549 MGI:1923012 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:25951 Aga 1309646 290923 AGA 1320096 175 HGNC Aga 1320097 11593 MGI:104873 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:318 Agap1 1309244 316611 AGAP1 1319477 116987 HGNC Agap1 1319478 347722 MGI:2653690 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:16922 Agap2 628844 65218 AGAP2 1349110 116986 HGNC Agap2 1619007 216439 MGI:3580016 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:16921 Agap3 1310751 362300 AGAP3 1321839 116988 HGNC Agap3 1321840 213990 MGI:2183446 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:16923 Agbl1 1560280 308724 AGBL1 1345768 123624 HGNC Agbl1 1616513 244071 MGI:3646469 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:26504 Agbl2 1306827 366124 AGBL2 1602682 79841 HGNC Agbl2 1552040 271813 MGI:2443254 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:26296 Agbl3 1561995 500076 AGBL3 1604170 340351 HGNC Agbl3 1558047 76223 MGI:1923473 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:27981 Agbl4 6493177 100911395 AGBL4 1606202 84871 HGNC Agbl4 1616676 78933 MGI:1918244 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:25892 Agbl5 1598311 362710 AGBL5 1605057 60509 HGNC Agbl5 1616545 231093 MGI:2441745 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:26147 Ager 69258 81722 AGER 737312 177 HGNC Ager 737313 11596 MGI:893592 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:320 Agfg1 1560041 363266 AGFG1 1321481 3267 HGNC Agfg1 1321482 15463 MGI:1333754 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:5175 Agfg2 1306590 304375 AGFG2 1315293 3268 HGNC Agfg2 1315294 231801 MGI:2443267 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:5177 Aggf1 1310888 310005 AGGF1 1350142 55109 HGNC Aggf1 1551247 66549 MGI:1913799 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:24684 Agk 1562046 502749 AGK 1352363 55750 HGNC Agk 1615867 69923 MGI:1917173 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:21869 Agl 1306376 362029 AGL 1314958 178 HGNC Agl 1617454 77559 MGI:1924809 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:321 Agmat 1308424 298607 AGMAT 1318183 79814 HGNC Agmat 1318184 75986 MGI:1923236 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:18407 Agmo 1312038 362732 AGMO 1606863 392636 HGNC Agmo 1323813 319660 MGI:2442495 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:33784 Ago1 1304619 313594 AGO1 1312163 26523 HGNC Ago1 1312164 236511 MGI:2446630 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:3262 Ago2 621255 59117 AGO2 732767 27161 HGNC Ago2 732768 239528 MGI:2446632 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:3263 Ago3 1309163 313593 AGO3 1319350 192669 HGNC Ago3 1616587 214150 MGI:2446634 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:18421 Ago4 1304583 298533 AGO4 1312105 192670 RGD Ago4 1312106 76850 MGI:1924100 RGD HGNC:18424 Agpat1 1303287 406165 AGPAT1 1348475 10554 HGNC Agpat1 1551668 55979 MGI:1932075 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:324 Agpat2 1309229 311821 AGPAT2 1319453 10555 HGNC Agpat2 1319454 67512 MGI:1914762 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:325 Agpat3 1305787 294324 AGPAT3 1314029 56894 HGNC Agpat3 1314030 28169 MGI:1336186 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:326 Agpat4 619916 170919 AGPAT4 1354001 56895 HGNC Agpat4 732107 68262 MGI:1915512 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:20885 Agpat5 1306405 306582 AGPAT5 1347516 55326 HGNC Agpat5 1550737 52123 MGI:1196345 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:20886 Agps 620364 84114 AGPS 732011 8540 RGD Agps 732012 228061 MGI:2443065 RGD HGNC:327 Agr2 1304606 298961 AGR2 1312142 10551 HGNC Agr2 1312143 23795 MGI:1344405 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:328 Agr3 1565406 298959 AGR3 1604981 155465 HGNC Agr3 1621930 403205 MGI:2685734 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:24167 Agrn 2067 25592 AGRN 1606873 375790 HGNC Agrn 10117 11603 MGI:87961 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:329 Agrp 2068 25582 AGRP 736333 181 HGNC Agrp 733559 11604 MGI:892013 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:330 Agt 2069 24179 AGT 731070 183 HGNC Agt 10118 11606 MGI:87963 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:333 Agtpbp1 1306307 290986 AGTPBP1 1314853 23287 HGNC Agtpbp1 1314854 67269 MGI:2159437 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:17258 Agtr1a 2070 24180 AGTR1 68977 185 HGNC Agtr1a 737190 11607 MGI:87964 RGD HGNC:336 Agtr1b 2071 81638 Agtr1b 10123 11608 MGI:87965 RGD Agtr2 2072 24182 AGTR2 619558 186 HGNC Agtr2 10126 11609 MGI:87966 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:338 Agtrap 1359346 298646 AGTRAP 1350151 57085 HGNC Agtrap 1552153 11610 MGI:1339977 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:13539 Agxt 2073 24792 AGXT 736336 189 HGNC Agxt 736337 11611 MGI:1329033 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:341 Agxt2 621767 83784 AGXT2 1352542 64902 HGNC Agxt2 1616473 268782 MGI:2146052 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:14412 Ahctf1 1561291 360886 AHCTF1 1603679 25909 HGNC Ahctf1 1558212 226747 MGI:1915033 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:24618 Ahcy 69260 29443 AHCY 731745 191 HGNC Ahcy 736014 269378 MGI:87968 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:343 Ahcyl1 1309768 362013 AHCYL1 1320280 10768 HGNC Ahcyl1 1320281 229709 MGI:2385184 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:344 Ahcyl2 1564895 312192 AHCYL2 1601771 23382 HGNC Ahcyl2 1558124 74340 MGI:1921590 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:22204 Ahdc1 1310031 362617 AHDC1 1603658 27245 HGNC Ahdc1 1552164 230793 MGI:2444218 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:25230 Ahi1 1303040 308923 AHI1 1348620 54806 HGNC Ahi1 1552406 52906 MGI:87971 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:21575 Ahnak 619779 191572 AHNAK 1345625 79026 HGNC Ahnak 1623993 66395 MGI:1316648 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:347 Ahnak2 1309696 314478 AHNAK2 1320178 113146 HGNC Ahnak2 1620422 100041194 MGI:2144831 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:20125 Ahr 2074 25690 AHR 731071 196 HGNC Ahr 10127 11622 MGI:105043 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:348 Ahrr 1559857 498999 AHRR 1348641 57491 HGNC Ahrr 1557053 11624 MGI:1333776 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:346 Ahsa1 1589285 681996 AHSA1 1346562 10598 HGNC Ahsa1 1618999 217737 MGI:2387603 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:1189 Ahsa2 1307171 305577 AHSA2P 1316203 130872 HGNC Ahsa2 1316204 268390 MGI:1916133 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:20437 Ahsg 2075 25373 AHSG 736027 197 HGNC Ahsg 10128 11625 MGI:107189 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:349 Ahsp 1306725 293522 AHSP 1315507 51327 HGNC Ahsp 1619900 170812 MGI:2158492 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:18075 Aicda 1303222 399679 AICDA 1347771 57379 HGNC Aicda 1551301 11628 MGI:1342279 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:13203 Aida 1592746 682999 AIDA 1603969 64853 HGNC Aida 1615763 108909 MGI:1919737 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:25761 Aif1 61924 29427 AIF1 735562 199 HGNC Aif1 62217 11629 MGI:1343098 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:352 Aif1l 1305081 362107 AIF1L 1312901 83543 HGNC Aif1l 1312902 108897 MGI:1919598 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:28904 Aifm1 620817 83533 AIFM1 731380 9131 HGNC Aifm1 731381 26926 MGI:1349419 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:8768 Aifm2 1304964 361843 AIFM2 1312709 84883 HGNC Aifm2 1312710 71361 MGI:1918611 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:21411 Aifm3 1306028 303786 AIFM3 1604991 150209 HGNC Aifm3 1314409 72168 MGI:1919418 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:26398 Aig1 1562920 292486 AIG1 1346084 51390 HGNC Aig1 1556876 66253 MGI:1913503 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:21607 Aim2 1307283 304987 AIM2 1316387 9447 HGNC Aim2 1622795 383619 MGI:2686159 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:357 Aimp1 620466 114632 AIMP1 1344147 9255 HGNC Aimp1 1553720 13722 MGI:102774 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:10648 Aimp2 1560787 288480 AIMP2 1603320 7965 HGNC Aimp2 1558472 231872 MGI:2385237 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:20609 Aip 628619 282827 AIP 1354071 9049 HGNC Aip 1550715 11632 MGI:109622 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:358 Aipl1 70906 59110 AIPL1 735610 23746 HGNC Aipl1 733112 114230 MGI:2148800 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:359 Aire 1311139 294328 AIRE 1322440 326 HGNC Aire 1322441 11634 MGI:1338803 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:360 Airim 1560436 500546 AIRIM 1606277 54955 HGNC Airim 1619891 194268 MGI:3041172 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:26039 Ajap1 1590138 687031 AJAP1 1603390 55966 HGNC Ajap1 1609478 230959 MGI:2685419 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:30801 Ajm1 1560470 362083 AJM1 3302853 389813 HGNC Ajm1 1620433 381353 MGI:2685842 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:37284 Ajuba 620407 85265 AJUBA 1343876 84962 HGNC Ajuba 1553393 16475 MGI:1341886 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:20250 Ak1 2076 24183 AK1 736701 203 HGNC Ak1 10129 11636 MGI:87977 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:361 Ak2 2077 24184 AK2 735291 204 HGNC Ak2 10130 11637 MGI:87978 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:362 Ak3 619885 26956 AK3 737588 50808 HGNC Ak3 1551951 56248 MGI:1860835 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:17376 Ak4 2078 29223 AK4 1606591 205 HGNC Ak4 1551504 11639 MGI:87979 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:363 Ak5 1590818 365985 AK5 1353587 26289 HGNC Ak5 1557503 229949 MGI:2677491 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:365 Ak6 7387335 102238592 AK6 7382322 102157402 RGD Ak6 7401162 102216272 MGI:5510732 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:49151 Ak7 1309600 314416 AK7 1320025 122481 HGNC Ak7 1617449 78801 MGI:1926051 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:20091 Ak8 1303144 311833 AK8 1350831 158067 HGNC Ak8 1332480 68870 MGI:1916120 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:26526 Ak9 1559879 294521 AK9 1354002 221264 HGNC Ak9 2301662 633979 MGI:2685080 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:33814 Akain1 2324352 100362606 AKAIN1 5131749 642597 HGNC Akain1 1616438 320722 MGI:2444600 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:28285 Akap1 620826 114124 AKAP1 1343676 8165 HGNC Akap1 731357 11640 MGI:104729 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:367 Akap10 1308869 360540 AKAP10 70080 11216 HGNC Akap10 70081 56697 MGI:1890218 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:368 Akap11 2079 498549 AKAP11 736276 11215 HGNC Akap11 1332372 219181 MGI:2684060 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:369 Akap12 70988 83425 AKAP12 737243 9590 HGNC Akap12 737244 83397 MGI:1932576 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:370 Akap13 727893 293024 AKAP13 736118 11214 HGNC Akap13 1623129 75547 MGI:2676556 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:371 Akap14 708510 60332 AKAP14 1353822 158798 HGNC Akap14 1619634 434756 MGI:3618288 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:24061 Akap17a 1564640 288526 AKAP17A 1606031 8227 HGNC Akap17b 1557444 338351 MGI:2443758 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:18783 Akap3 1359735 312720 AKAP3 1348905 10566 HGNC Akap3 1553405 11642 MGI:1341149 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:373 Akap4 620828 79254 AKAP4 732830 8852 HGNC Akap4 732831 11643 MGI:102794 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:374 Akap5 620829 171026 AKAP5 1345297 9495 HGNC Akap5 1621303 238276 MGI:2685104 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:375 Akap6 69412 64553 AKAP6 69458 9472 HGNC Akap6 1550845 238161 MGI:3050566 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:376 Akap7 1303071 361458 AKAP7 1350760 9465 HGNC Akap7 1617174 432442 MGI:1859150 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:377 Akap8 620832 116633 AKAP8 731444 10270 HGNC Akap8 731445 56399 MGI:1928488 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:378 Akap8l 1359200 299569 AKAP8L 1347470 26993 HGNC Akap8l 1551047 54194 MGI:1860606 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:29857 Akap9 620833 246150 AKAP9 1349720 10142 HGNC Akap9 1550755 100986 MGI:2178217 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:379 Akip1 1306959 361624 AKIP1 1315871 56672 HGNC Akip1 1623242 57373 MGI:3041226 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:1170 Akirin1 1585989 595134 AKIRIN1 1606232 79647 HGNC Akirin1 1319976 68050 MGI:1915300 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:25744 Akirin2 1307791 297968 AKIRIN2 1317188 55122 HGNC Akirin2 1617911 433693 MGI:1889364 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:21407 Akna 1308202 362530 AKNA 1317844 80709 HGNC Akna 1623868 100182 MGI:2140340 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:24108 Aknad1 1583957 691416 AKNAD1 1604964 254268 HGNC Aknad1 1617222 329738 MGI:3584453 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:28398 Akr1a1 68346 78959 AKR1A1 68486 10327 HGNC Akr1a1 1331936 58810 MGI:1929955 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:380 Akr1b1 2092 24192 AKR1B1 732178 231 HGNC Akr1b1 736610 11677 MGI:1353494 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:381 Akr1b10 1308277 296972 AKR1B10 1317959 57016 RGD Akr1b10 1317960 67861 MGI:1915111 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:382 Akr1b7 620257 116463 Akr1b7 730835 11997 MGI:101918 RGD Akr1b8 708475 286921 AKR1B15 3516654 441282 HGNC HGNC:37281 Akr1c1 1306847 307092 AKR1C1 1315695 1645 RGD Akr1c6 1315696 83702 MGI:1933427 RGD HGNC:384 Akr1c15 1307514 361267 AKR1C8 1316753 340811 HGNC Gm18857 5142697 100417836 MGI:5011042 RGD HGNC:23469 Akr1c2 1311841 291283 AKR1C2 1353901 1646 HGNC Akr1c21 1323510 77337 MGI:1924587 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:385 Akr1c3 708428 171516 AKR1C3 1352888 8644 HGNC Akr1c18 733290 105349 MGI:2145420 RGD HGNC:386 Akr1d1 620752 192242 AKR1D1 736637 6718 HGNC Akr1d1 733770 208665 MGI:2384785 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:388 Akr1e2 1309599 307091 AKR1E2 1320023 83592 HGNC Akr1e1 1320024 56043 MGI:1914758 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:23437 Akr7a2 620311 171445 AKR7A2 732683 8574 HGNC Akr7a5 732684 110198 MGI:107796 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:389 Akr7a3 628635 26760 AKR7A3 733693 22977 HGNC HGNC:390 Akt1 2081 24185 AKT1 732909 207 HGNC Akt1 735336 11651 MGI:87986 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:391 Akt1s1 1312049 292887 AKT1S1 1323832 84335 HGNC Akt1s1 1323833 67605 MGI:1914855 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:28426 Akt2 2082 25233 AKT2 732407 208 HGNC Akt2 10132 11652 MGI:104874 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:392 Akt3 62390 29414 AKT3 735623 10000 HGNC Akt3 62395 23797 MGI:1345147 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:393 Aktip 1311170 291906 AKTIP 1322487 64400 HGNC Aktip 1624089 14339 MGI:3693832 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:16710 Alad 2083 25374 ALAD 736545 210 HGNC Alad 10133 17025 MGI:96853 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:395 Alas1 68392 65155 ALAS1 68572 211 HGNC Alas1 68573 11655 MGI:87989 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:396 Alas2 2084 25748 ALAS2 736755 212 HGNC Alas2 732282 11656 MGI:87990 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:397 Alb 2085 24186 ALB 735404 213 HGNC Alb 10136 11657 MGI:87991 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:399 Albfm1 1561929 360919 Albfm1 1607784 622307 MGI:1923342 RGD Alcam 619972 79559 ALCAM 733283 214 HGNC Alcam 733284 11658 MGI:1313266 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:400 Aldh16a1 1566295 361571 ALDH16A1 1350465 126133 HGNC Aldh16a1 1557520 69748 MGI:1916998 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:28114 Aldh18a1 1311431 361755 ALDH18A1 1350073 5832 HGNC Aldh18a1 1553733 56454 MGI:1888908 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:9722 Aldh1a1 2087 24188 ALDH1A1 736747 216 HGNC Aldh1a1 1332089 11668 MGI:1353450 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:402 Aldh1a2 620250 116676 ALDH1A2 734163 8854 HGNC Aldh1a2 734164 19378 MGI:107928 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:15472 Aldh1a3 628662 266603 ALDH1A3 1353558 220 HGNC Aldh1a3 733398 56847 MGI:1861722 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:409 Aldh1b1 1306737 298079 ALDH1B1 1315525 219 HGNC Aldh1b1 1315526 72535 MGI:1919785 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:407 Aldh1l1 621294 64392 ALDH1L1 1606025 10840 HGNC Aldh1l1 1614993 107747 MGI:1340024 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:3978 Aldh1l2 1309458 299699 ALDH1L2 1345617 160428 HGNC Aldh1l2 1551620 216188 MGI:2444680 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:26777 Aldh2 69219 29539 ALDH2 69220 217 HGNC Aldh2 69218 11669 MGI:99600 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:404 Aldh3a1 2088 25375 ALDH3A1 733180 218 HGNC Aldh3a1 733181 11670 MGI:1353451 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:405 Aldh3a2 61866 65183 ALDH3A2 737085 224 HGNC Aldh3a2 62158 11671 MGI:1353452 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:403 Aldh3b1 1359546 309147 ALDH3B1 1349903 221 HGNC Aldh3b1 1551312 67689 MGI:1914939 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:410 Aldh3b2 1584166 688800 ALDH3B2 1318187 222 RGD Aldh3b2 1318188 621603 MGI:2147613 RGD HGNC:411 Aldh3b3 1585230 688778 ALDH3B2 1318187 222 RGD Aldh3b3 1323823 73458 MGI:1920708 RGD HGNC:411 Aldh4a1 1624206 641316 ALDH4A1 1346272 8659 HGNC Aldh4a1 1618187 212647 MGI:2443883 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:406 Aldh5a1 621422 291133 ALDH5A1 735245 7915 HGNC Aldh5a1 1623821 214579 MGI:2441982 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:408 Aldh6a1 621556 81708 ALDH6A1 1344188 4329 HGNC Aldh6a1 733434 104776 MGI:1915077 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:7179 Aldh7a1 1308614 291450 ALDH7A1 1318489 501 HGNC Aldh7a1 1318490 110695 MGI:108186 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:877 Aldh8a1 1590218 685750 ALDH8A1 1319646 64577 HGNC Aldh8a1 1319647 237320 MGI:2653900 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:15471 Aldh9a1 68409 64040 ALDH9A1 68603 223 HGNC Aldh9a1 68604 56752 MGI:1861622 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:412 Aldoa 2089 24189 ALDOA 30308195 226 HGNC HGNC:414 Aldoart2 1359133 299052 ALDOA 735815 112694756 HGNC Aldoart2 1623093 79459 MGI:1931052 RGD Aldob 2090 24190 ALDOB 737371 229 HGNC Aldob 10140 230163 MGI:87995 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:417 Aldoc 2091 24191 ALDOC 69125 230 HGNC Aldoc 10143 11676 MGI:101863 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:418 Alg1 1310700 360475 ALG1 1321758 56052 HGNC Alg1 1321759 208211 MGI:2384774 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:18294 Alg10 708500 245960 ALG10 1345350 84920 HGNC HGNC:23162 Alg11 1564725 361174 ALG11 1604899 440138 HGNC Alg11 1614213 207958 MGI:2142632 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:32456 Alg12 1304826 315212 ALG12 1312492 79087 HGNC Alg12 1622983 223774 MGI:2385025 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:19358 Alg13 11453602 108349244 ALG13 1351399 79868 RGD Alg13 1550222 67574 MGI:1914824 RGD HGNC:30881 Alg14 1312003 362031 ALG14 1604512 199857 HGNC Alg14 1323757 66789 MGI:1914039 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:28287 Alg2 1309940 313231 ALG2 1320554 85365 HGNC Alg2 1320555 56737 MGI:1914731 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:23159 Alg3 1306004 287983 ALG3 1314369 10195 HGNC Alg3 1314370 208624 MGI:1098592 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:23056 Alg5 1308900 295051 ALG5 1318934 29880 HGNC Alg5 1318935 66248 MGI:1913498 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:20266 Alg6 1308815 362547 ALG6 1318803 29929 HGNC Alg6 1318804 320438 MGI:2444031 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:23157 Alg8 1305468 293129 ALG8 1313512 79053 HGNC Alg8 1313513 381903 MGI:2141959 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:23161 Alg9 1311272 367083 ALG9 1342764 79796 HGNC Alg9 1322641 102580 MGI:1924753 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:15672 Alk 628622 266802 ALK 1353820 238 HGNC Alk 1553242 11682 MGI:103305 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:427 Alkal1 1583530 100910984 ALKAL1 1604440 389658 HGNC Alkal1 1621850 620393 MGI:3645495 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:33775 Alkal2 1587117 679566 ALKAL2 1602961 285016 HGNC Alkal2 2306863 100294583 MGI:3697448 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:27683 Alkbh1 1308327 362766 ALKBH1 1318033 8846 HGNC Alkbh1 30309698 211064 MGI:2384034 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:17911 Alkbh2 1306377 304578 ALKBH2 1605008 121642 HGNC Alkbh2 1314959 231642 MGI:2141032 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:32487 Alkbh3 1359731 362169 ALKBH3 1606677 221120 HGNC Alkbh3 1550946 69113 MGI:1916363 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:30141 Alkbh4 1308608 288587 ALKBH4 1603303 54784 HGNC Alkbh4 1318481 72041 MGI:1919291 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:21900 Alkbh5 1309496 303193 ALKBH5 1603209 54890 HGNC Alkbh5 1319866 268420 MGI:2144489 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:25996 Alkbh6 1566318 292780 ALKBH6 1605913 84964 HGNC Alkbh6 1621325 233065 MGI:2142037 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:28243 Alkbh7 1598126 679944 ALKBH7 1352016 84266 HGNC Alkbh7 1623236 66400 MGI:1913650 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:21306 Alkbh8 1304687 366783 ALKBH8 1602194 91801 HGNC Alkbh8 1312278 67667 MGI:1914917 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:25189 Allc 621804 246758 ALLC 736731 55821 HGNC Allc 1552268 94041 MGI:2136971 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:17377 Alms1 1311590 297408 ALMS1 1323128 7840 HGNC Alms1 1616534 236266 MGI:1934606 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:428 Alox12 1311159 287454 ALOX12 1322469 239 HGNC Alox12 1322470 11684 MGI:87998 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:429 Alox12b 1305330 287425 ALOX12B 1313295 242 HGNC Alox12b 1313296 11686 MGI:1274782 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:430 Alox15 70493 81639 ALOX15 1352372 246 HGNC Alox15 733626 11687 MGI:87997 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:433 Alox15b 628809 266604 ALOX15B 731629 247 HGNC Alox8 731630 11688 MGI:1098228 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:434 Alox5 2096 25290 ALOX5 732775 240 HGNC Alox5 10147 11689 MGI:87999 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:435 Alox5ap 2097 29624 ALOX5AP 736460 241 HGNC Alox5ap 736461 11690 MGI:107505 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:436 Aloxe3 1306252 287424 ALOXE3 1314765 59344 HGNC Aloxe3 1314766 23801 MGI:1345140 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:13743 Alpg 1565100 367308 ALPG 1347925 251 RGD Alppl2 1314396 11650 MGI:108009 RGD HGNC:441 Alpi 2099 24197 ALPI 737157 248 RGD Alpi 1623897 76768 MGI:1924018 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:437 Alpk1 1304613 310879 ALPK1 1351787 80216 HGNC Alpk1 1550001 71481 MGI:1918731 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:20917 Alpk2 1564431 498875 ALPK2 1343226 115701 HGNC Alpk2 1557978 225638 MGI:2449492 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:20565 Alpk3 1309860 365298 ALPK3 1344760 57538 HGNC Alpk3 1551376 116904 MGI:2151224 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:17574 Alpl 2100 25586 ALPL 1346147 249 HGNC Alpl 731885 11647 MGI:87983 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:438 Alpp 2325055 100359675 ALPP 1314395 250 RGD HGNC:439 Als2 1310372 363235 ALS2 1321241 57679 HGNC Als2 1321242 74018 MGI:1921268 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:443 Als2cl 1305208 316017 ALS2CL 1605837 259173 HGNC Als2cl 1553626 235633 MGI:2447532 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:20605 Alx1 2273 25401 ALX1 732877 8092 HGNC Alx1 10288 216285 MGI:104621 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:1494 Alx3 1359270 365900 ALX3 1352384 257 HGNC Alx3 1614475 11694 MGI:1277097 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:449 Alx4 1310201 296511 ALX4 1320963 60529 HGNC Alx4 1320964 11695 MGI:108359 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:450 Alyref 1594679 690585 ALYREF 1322669 10189 HGNC Alyref 1322670 21681 MGI:1341044 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:19071 Amacr 3048 25284 AMACR 735888 23600 HGNC Amacr 735889 17117 MGI:1098273 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:451 Ambn 2101 25376 AMBN 736409 258 HGNC Ambn 10149 11698 MGI:104655 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:452 Ambp 2102 25377 AMBP 735479 259 HGNC Ambp 10150 11699 MGI:88002 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:453 Ambra1 621330 59319 AMBRA1 1604349 55626 HGNC Ambra1 1551408 228361 MGI:2443564 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:25990 Amd1 2104 81640 AMD1 1351440 262 HGNC Amd1 10151 11702 MGI:88004 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:457 Amdhd1 1308879 299735 AMDHD1 1603900 144193 HGNC Amdhd1 1318903 71761 MGI:1919011 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:28577 Amdhd2 1304601 302972 AMDHD2 1603049 51005 HGNC Amdhd2 1332011 245847 MGI:2443978 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:24262 Amelx 2107 29160 AMELX 735379 265 HGNC Amelx 735380 11704 MGI:88005 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:461 Amer1 1560322 501584 AMER1 1606716 139285 HGNC Amer1 1617499 72345 MGI:1919595 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:26837 Amer2 1559605 498529 AMER2 1604720 219287 HGNC Amer2 1619126 72125 MGI:1919375 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:26360 Amer3 1560420 501122 AMER3 1601927 205147 HGNC Amer3 1618189 211383 MGI:3026939 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:26771 Amfr 1311551 361367 AMFR 1323068 267 HGNC Amfr 1323069 23802 MGI:1345634 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:463 Amh 2108 25378 AMH 736161 268 HGNC Amh 10152 11705 MGI:88006 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:464 Amhr2 70964 29530 AMHR2 733276 269 HGNC Amhr2 733277 110542 MGI:105062 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:465 Amigo1 1303079 295365 AMIGO1 1606525 57463 HGNC Amigo1 1552604 229715 MGI:2653612 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:20824 Amigo2 727911 300186 AMIGO2 736884 347902 HGNC Amigo2 1553273 105827 MGI:2145995 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:24073 Amigo3 631413 316003 AMIGO3 735629 386724 HGNC Amigo3 735630 320844 MGI:2444854 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:24075 Ammecr1 1561004 501539 AMMECR1 1347096 9949 HGNC Ammecr1 1557442 56068 MGI:1860206 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:467 Ammecr1l 1307915 307526 AMMECR1L 1605931 83607 HGNC Ammecr1l 1317386 225339 MGI:2442711 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:28658 Amn 1308634 314459 AMN 1318522 81693 HGNC Amn 1318523 93835 MGI:1934943 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:14604 Amn1 1308119 302032 AMN1 1606942 196394 HGNC Amn1 1317708 232566 MGI:2442933 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:27281 Amot 1564027 300289 AMOT 1344662 154796 HGNC Amot 1558295 27494 MGI:108440 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:17810 Amotl1 1305268 315430 AMOTL1 1313196 154810 HGNC Amotl1 1313197 75723 MGI:1922973 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:17811 Amotl2 70977 65157 AMOTL2 737053 51421 HGNC Amotl2 737054 56332 MGI:1929286 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:17812 Ampd1 2109 25028 AMPD1 735799 270 HGNC Ampd1 10154 229665 MGI:88015 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:468 Ampd2 2110 362015 AMPD2 1346106 271 HGNC Ampd2 736818 109674 MGI:88016 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:469 Ampd3 2111 25095 AMPD3 732010 272 HGNC Ampd3 10155 11717 MGI:1096344 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:470 Amph 620274 60668 AMPH 733884 273 RGD Amph 733885 218038 MGI:103574 RGD HGNC:471 Amt 1359408 306586 AMT 1343884 275 HGNC Amt 1621879 434437 MGI:3646700 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:473 Amtn 1592356 689404 AMTN 1604908 401138 HGNC Amtn 1614326 71421 MGI:1918671 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:33188 Amy1 2113 24203 AMY2B 1319648 280 HGNC Amy2a5 1618232 109959 MGI:88020 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:478 Amz1 1311314 304317 AMZ1 1605859 155185 HGNC Amz1 1322703 231842 MGI:2442258 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:22231 Amz2 1304846 360650 AMZ2 1605392 51321 HGNC Amz2 1312519 13929 MGI:104837 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:28041 Anapc1 1306629 311412 ANAPC1 1353292 64682 HGNC Anapc1 1315354 17222 MGI:103097 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:19988 Anapc10 1308936 361389 ANAPC10 1318993 10393 HGNC Anapc10 1318994 68999 MGI:1916249 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:24077 Anapc11 1561880 498030 ANAPC11 1343647 51529 HGNC Anapc11 1557950 66156 MGI:1913406 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:14452 Anapc13 1583270 685029 ANAPC13 1346286 25847 HGNC Anapc13 1623197 69010 MGI:1916260 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:24540 Anapc15 1311634 293155 ANAPC15 1601769 25906 HGNC Anapc15 1323195 75430 MGI:1922680 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:24531 Anapc16 2321124 100360936 ANAPC16 1345646 119504 HGNC Anapc16 1618395 52717 MGI:1289325 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:26976 Anapc2 1305546 296558 ANAPC2 1313636 29882 HGNC Anapc2 1313637 99152 MGI:2139135 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:19989 Anapc4 1306572 305420 ANAPC4 1315264 29945 HGNC Anapc4 1315265 52206 MGI:1098673 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:19990 Anapc5 1306125 288671 ANAPC5 1314558 51433 HGNC Anapc5 1314559 59008 MGI:1929722 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:15713 Anapc7 1311927 304490 ANAPC7 1344930 51434 HGNC Anapc7 1323638 56317 MGI:1929711 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:17380 Andpro 2115 25030 CST4 1345836 1472 HGNC HGNC:2476 Ang 1594539 305843 ANG 1349500 283 RGD Ang 1558200 11727 MGI:88022 RGD HGNC:483 Ang2 1359373 497229 Ang2 1624110 11731 MGI:104984 RGD Angel1 1306238 362765 ANGEL1 1314740 23357 HGNC Angel1 1551421 68737 MGI:1915987 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:19961 Angel2 1305056 305035 ANGEL2 1601837 90806 HGNC Angel2 1551319 52477 MGI:1196310 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:30534 Angpt1 628896 89807 ANGPT1 733136 284 HGNC Angpt1 1551549 11600 MGI:108448 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:484 Angpt2 621861 89805 ANGPT2 730844 285 HGNC Angpt2 1550503 11601 MGI:1202890 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:485 Angpt4 1307539 296269 ANGPT4 1316792 51378 HGNC Angpt4 1550750 11602 MGI:1336887 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:487 Angptl1 1598128 679942 ANGPTL1 1347249 9068 HGNC Angptl1 1614318 72713 MGI:1919963 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:489 Angptl2 620004 171100 ANGPTL2 733949 23452 HGNC Angptl2 733950 26360 MGI:1347002 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:490 Angptl3 1564505 502970 ANGPTL3 1346260 27329 HGNC Angptl3 1557682 30924 MGI:1353627 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:491 Angptl4 735058 362850 ANGPTL4 1344384 51129 HGNC Angptl4 1553412 57875 MGI:1888999 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:16039 Angptl6 1311141 298698 ANGPTL6 1322443 83854 HGNC Angptl6 1322444 70726 MGI:1917976 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:23140 Angptl7 7553363 102552055 ANGPTL7 1350833 10218 HGNC Angptl7 1616240 654812 MGI:3605801 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:24078 Angptl8 2320121 100361444 ANGPTL8 1607022 55908 HGNC Angptl8 1621827 624219 MGI:3643534 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:24933 Anhx 41216075 120099340 ANHX 6483645 647589 HGNC Traj37 11324913 100124352 MGI:4439595 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:40024 Ank1 1309620 306570 ANK1 1320055 286 HGNC Ank1 1320056 11733 MGI:88024 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:492 Ank2 620156 362036 ANK2 1317291 287 HGNC Ank2 1620669 109676 MGI:88025 RGD HGNC:493 Ank3 620157 361833 ANK3 1318779 288 HGNC Ank3 734217 11735 MGI:88026 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:494 Ankar 1561071 501138 ANKAR 1603564 150709 HGNC Ankar 1614820 319695 MGI:2442559 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:26350 Ankdd1a 1586052 100362785 ANKDD1A 1604469 348094 HGNC Ankdd1a 1622790 330963 MGI:2686319 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:28002 Ankdd1b 2325067 100359662 ANKDD1B 2301773 728780 HGNC Ankdd1b 1314965 271144 MGI:2444730 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:32525 Ankef1 1304809 296184 ANKEF1 1312470 63926 HGNC Ankef1 1312471 319196 MGI:2441685 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:15803 Ankfn1 7736477 102551403 ANKFN1 1604222 162282 HGNC Ankfn1 1621183 382543 MGI:2686021 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:26766 Ankfy1 1309598 303292 ANKFY1 1320021 51479 HGNC Ankfy1 1320022 11736 MGI:1337008 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:20763 Ankh 619925 114506 ANKH 734405 56172 HGNC Ank 734406 11732 MGI:3045421 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:15492 Ankhd1 4892133 100529260 ANKHD1 1606539 54882 RGD Ankhd1 1616644 108857 MGI:1921733 RGD HGNC:24714 Ankib1 1597088 368062 ANKIB1 1316285 54467 HGNC Ankib1 1552648 70797 MGI:1918047 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:22215 Ankk1 1305538 367080 ANKK1 1313623 255239 HGNC Ankk1 1620554 244859 MGI:3045301 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:21027 Ankle1 1308184 361122 ANKLE1 1605878 126549 HGNC Ankle1 1550241 234396 MGI:1918775 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:26812 Ankle2 1310191 360829 ANKLE2 1604388 23141 HGNC Ankle2 1622270 71782 MGI:1261856 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:29101 Ankmy1 1595229 684015 ANKMY1 1345862 51281 HGNC Ankmy1 1618943 241158 MGI:3045261 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:20987 Ankmy2 1306017 314046 ANKMY2 1314392 57037 HGNC Ankmy2 1552350 217473 MGI:2144755 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:25370 Ankra2 1303108 294679 ANKRA2 1347651 57763 RGD Ankra2 1552699 68558 MGI:1915808 RGD HGNC:13208 Ankrd1 61989 27064 ANKRD1 1348352 27063 HGNC Ankrd1 62281 107765 MGI:1097717 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:15819 Ankrd10 1310501 361183 ANKRD10 1321439 55608 HGNC Ankrd10 1321440 102334 MGI:1921840 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:20265 Ankrd11 1306679 365023 ANKRD11 1315433 29123 HGNC Ankrd11 1552507 77087 MGI:1924337 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:21316 Ankrd12 1310118 316775 ANKRD12 1320836 23253 HGNC Ankrd12 1320837 106585 MGI:1914357 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:29135 Ankrd13a 1308577 360823 ANKRD13A 1318431 88455 HGNC Ankrd13a 1617543 68420 MGI:1915670 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:21268 Ankrd13b 1564005 360575 ANKRD13B 1606740 124930 HGNC Ankrd13b 1618850 268445 MGI:2144501 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:26363 Ankrd13c 1595074 685374 ANKRD13C 1604586 81573 HGNC Ankrd13c 1617912 433667 MGI:2139746 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:25374 Ankrd13d 1309156 361699 ANKRD13D 1605234 338692 HGNC Ankrd13d 1553076 68423 MGI:1915673 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:27880 Ankrd16 1311405 307102 ANKRD16 1322851 54522 HGNC Ankrd16 1553724 320816 MGI:2444796 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:23471 Ankrd17 1562348 289521 ANKRD17 1607057 26057 HGNC Ankrd17 1615004 81702 MGI:1932101 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:23575 Ankrd2 1305104 309374 ANKRD2 1312939 26287 HGNC Ankrd2 1312940 56642 MGI:1861447 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:495 Ankrd22 1307862 294093 ANKRD22 1317302 118932 HGNC Ankrd22 1624033 52024 MGI:1277101 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:28321 Ankrd23 1310398 316330 ANKRD23 1321281 200539 HGNC Ankrd23 1321282 78321 MGI:1925571 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:24470 Ankrd24 1311385 299639 ANKRD24 1322819 170961 HGNC Ankrd24 1553716 70615 MGI:1890394 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:29424 Ankrd26 1310736 312667 ANKRD26 1314711 22852 HGNC Ankrd26 1558016 232339 MGI:1917887 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:29186 Ankrd27 1307106 361555 ANKRD27 1316102 84079 HGNC Ankrd27 1316103 245886 MGI:2444103 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:25310 Ankrd28 1559931 306264 ANKRD28 1343361 23243 HGNC Ankrd28 1558077 105522 MGI:2145661 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:29024 Ankrd29 1587260 498823 ANKRD29 1317259 147463 RGD Ankrd29 1317260 225187 MGI:2687055 RGD HGNC:27110 Ankrd31 2323520 100359720 ANKRD31 1354086 256006 HGNC Ankrd31 5134233 625662 MGI:5006716 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:26853 Ankrd33 1586880 683410 ANKRD33 1344617 341405 HGNC Ankrd33 1622137 208258 MGI:2443398 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:13788 Ankrd33b 1564227 310200 ANKRD33B 2307384 651746 HGNC Ankrd33b 1558105 67434 MGI:1917904 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:35240 Ankrd34a 1308412 295283 ANKRD34A 1347090 284615 HGNC Ankrd34a 1617128 545554 MGI:3617846 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:27639 Ankrd34b 1594383 499506 ANKRD34B 1604706 340120 HGNC Ankrd34b 1558098 218440 MGI:2443245 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:33736 Ankrd34c 1305403 300889 ANKRD34C 2291762 390616 HGNC Ankrd34c 1313415 330998 MGI:2685617 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:33888 Ankrd35 1305527 365881 ANKRD35 1352290 148741 HGNC Ankrd35 1552869 213121 MGI:2442590 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:26323 Ankrd36 735187 305491 ANKRD36 1342961 375248 RGD Ankrd48 1557920 76389 MGI:1923639 RGD HGNC:24079 Ankrd37 1565715 361149 ANKRD37 1604164 353322 HGNC Ankrd37 1616237 654824 MGI:3603344 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:29593 Ankrd39 1559504 367251 ANKRD39 1602717 51239 HGNC Ankrd39 1558519 109346 MGI:1914816 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:28640 Ankrd40 1594678 690586 ANKRD40 1602991 91369 HGNC Ankrd40 1553519 71452 MGI:1918702 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:28233 Ankrd40cl 41070601 120095278 ANKRD40CL 2302584 55018 HGNC Ankrd40cl 9604387 102639132 MGI:5434049 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:26080 Ankrd42 1310789 293117 ANKRD42 1605233 338699 HGNC Ankrd42 1550078 73845 MGI:1921095 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:26752 Ankrd44 1561893 301415 ANKRD44 1605602 91526 HGNC Ankrd44 1621976 329154 MGI:3045243 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:25259 Ankrd45 1311153 289152 ANKRD45 1606657 339416 HGNC Ankrd45 1551926 73844 MGI:1921094 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:24786 Ankrd46 1309382 299982 ANKRD46 1606443 157567 HGNC Ankrd46 1552824 68839 MGI:1916089 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:27229 Ankrd49 1311759 315434 ANKRD49 1606551 54851 HGNC Ankrd49 1556900 56503 MGI:1930842 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:25970 Ankrd50 1311665 294988 ANKRD50 1603620 57182 HGNC Ankrd50 1323242 99696 MGI:2139777 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:29223 Ankrd52 1307124 362811 ANKRD52 1601705 283373 HGNC Ankrd52 1316132 237615 MGI:2444029 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:26614 Ankrd53 1561200 500230 ANKRD53 1605329 79998 HGNC Ankrd53 1558621 75305 MGI:1922555 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:25691 Ankrd54 1309552 362957 ANKRD54 1605877 129138 HGNC Ankrd54 1319954 223690 MGI:2444209 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:25185 Ankrd55 1307735 361898 ANKRD55 1605952 79722 HGNC Ankrd55 1331898 77318 MGI:1924568 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:25681 Ankrd6 1583731 500430 ANKRD6 1317569 22881 HGNC Ankrd6 1317570 140577 MGI:2154278 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:17280 Ankrd60 9091054 103691988 ANKRD60 1315900 140731 RGD Ankrd60 1315901 70065 MGI:1917315 RGD HGNC:16217 Ankrd61 1586393 689907 ANKRD61 7111868 100310846 HGNC Ankrd61 1620845 66729 MGI:1913979 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:22467 Ankrd63 1595953 691770 ANKRD63 5132170 100131244 HGNC Ankrd63 1621933 383787 MGI:2686183 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:40027 Ankrd65 1588232 680734 ANKRD65 5508531 441869 HGNC Ankrd65 1615645 242805 MGI:2685285 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:42950 Ankrd66 1560151 501105 ANKRD66 7204990 100287718 HGNC Ankrd66 2307815 100043332 MGI:1925106 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:44669 Ankrd7 1564660 502733 ANKRD7 1352130 56311 HGNC Ankrd7 1557426 75196 MGI:1922446 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:18588 Ankrd9 1307662 314457 ANKRD9 1316983 122416 HGNC Ankrd9 1316984 74251 MGI:1921501 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:20096 Anks1a 1309183 309639 ANKS1A 1319381 23294 HGNC Anks1 1319382 224650 MGI:2446180 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:20961 Anks1b 1565556 314721 ANKS1B 1602104 56899 RGD Anks1b 1556867 77531 MGI:1924781 RGD HGNC:24600 Anks3 1305833 302937 ANKS3 1604545 124401 HGNC Anks3 1332403 72615 MGI:1919865 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:29422 Anks4b 1584204 687561 ANKS4B 1606413 257629 HGNC Anks4b 1619981 72074 MGI:1919324 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:26795 Anks6 3334 362515 ANKS6 1319654 203286 HGNC Anks6 1622226 75691 MGI:1922941 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:26724 Ankub1 2320491 100361272 ANKUB1 1348688 389161 HGNC Ankub1 1622039 242037 MGI:2685256 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:29642 Ankzf1 1359242 363255 ANKZF1 1602704 55139 HGNC Ankzf1 1622346 52231 MGI:1098746 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:25527 Anln 1561367 363031 ANLN 1320339 54443 HGNC Anln 1320340 68743 MGI:1920174 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:14082 Ano1 1310786 309135 ANO1 1321890 55107 HGNC Ano1 1551631 101772 MGI:2142149 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:21625 Ano10 1308260 301111 ANO10 1605667 55129 HGNC Ano10 1317932 102566 MGI:2143103 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:25519 Ano2 1591606 100361584 ANO2 1352763 57101 RGD Ano2 1619806 243634 MGI:2387214 RGD HGNC:1183 Ano3 1308873 311287 ANO3 1318896 63982 HGNC Ano3 1616556 228432 MGI:3613666 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:14004 Ano4 1310252 299714 ANO4 1321043 121601 HGNC Ano4 1321044 320091 MGI:2443344 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:23837 Ano5 1564265 308637 ANO5 1342534 203859 HGNC Ano5 1557613 233246 MGI:3576659 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:27337 Ano6 1304765 315272 ANO6 1312398 196527 HGNC Ano6 1312399 105722 MGI:2145890 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:25240 Ano7 1302987 367318 ANO7 1351029 50636 HGNC Ano7 1557827 404545 MGI:3052714 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:31677 Ano8 1563946 306340 ANO8 1349559 57719 HGNC Ano8 1614781 382014 MGI:2687327 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:29329 Ano9 1560565 499287 ANO9 1345920 338440 HGNC Ano9 1615067 71345 MGI:1918595 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:20679 Anos1 2318138 100362450 ANOS1 1350490 3730 HGNC Wfdc17 1624871 100034251 MGI:3649773 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:6211 Anp32a 11508551 25379 ANP32A 1606331 8125 RGD Anp32a 10162 11737 MGI:108447 RGD HGNC:13233 Anp32b 621285 170724 ANP32B 731659 10541 HGNC Anp32b 731660 67628 MGI:1914878 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:16677 Anp32e 1310611 361999 ANP32E 1321615 81611 HGNC Anp32e 1321616 66471 MGI:1913721 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:16673 Anpep 2991 81641 ANPEP 737099 290 HGNC Anpep 10858 16790 MGI:5000466 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:500 Antkmt 1306126 287150 ANTKMT 1343313 65990 HGNC Antkmt 1332340 214917 MGI:2384888 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:14152 Antxr1 1307144 362393 ANTXR1 1316162 84168 HGNC Antxr1 1316163 69538 MGI:1916788 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:21014 Antxr2 1561294 305633 ANTXR2 1346318 118429 RGD Antxr2 1620775 71914 MGI:1919164 RGD HGNC:21732 Antxrl1 1563190 364513 ANTXRL 1602061 195977 HGNC Antxrl 1558486 239029 MGI:1925726 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:27277 Anxa1 2118 25380 ANXA1 730873 301 HGNC Anxa1 10164 16952 MGI:96819 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:533 Anxa10 1560956 498622 ANXA10 1318989 11199 HGNC Anxa10 1318990 26359 MGI:1347090 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:534 Anxa11 1309911 290527 ANXA11 1320510 311 HGNC Anxa11 1553345 11744 MGI:108481 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:535 Anxa13 1307545 362915 ANXA13 1316801 312 HGNC Anxa13 1316802 69787 MGI:1917037 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:536 Anxa2 621170 56611 ANXA2 736099 302 HGNC Anxa2 731825 12306 MGI:88246 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:537 Anxa3 2119 25291 ANXA3 735865 306 HGNC Anxa3 731665 11745 MGI:1201378 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:541 Anxa4 621171 79124 ANXA4 735938 307 HGNC Anxa4 735939 11746 MGI:88030 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:542 Anxa5 2120 25673 ANXA5 734268 308 HGNC Anxa5 734269 11747 MGI:106008 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:543 Anxa6 621172 79125 ANXA6 733718 309 HGNC Anxa6 733719 11749 MGI:88255 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:544 Anxa7 621173 155423 ANXA7 731625 310 HGNC Anxa7 731626 11750 MGI:88031 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:545 Anxa8 1307719 306283 ANXA8 1317074 653145 RGD Anxa8 1317075 11752 MGI:1201374 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:546 Anxa9 1587550 689830 ANXA9 1352405 8416 HGNC Anxa9 1622268 71790 MGI:1923711 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:547 Aoah 1560514 498757 AOAH 1352932 313 HGNC Aoah 1557248 27052 MGI:1350928 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:548 Aoc1 61296 65029 AOC1 732341 26 HGNC Aoc1 732342 76507 MGI:1923757 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:80 Aoc2-ps1 727941 353257 AOC2 1344698 314 RGD Aoc2 1623766 237940 MGI:2668431 RGD HGNC:549 Aoc3 62058 29473 AOC3 1347849 8639 HGNC Aoc3 62350 11754 MGI:1306797 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:550 Aopep 1309592 290963 AOPEP 1320010 84909 HGNC Aopep 1320011 72061 MGI:1919311 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:1361 Aox1 620528 54349 AOX1 733539 316 HGNC Aox1 733540 11761 MGI:88035 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:553 Ap1ar 1311435 362037 AP1AR 1347570 55435 HGNC Ap1ar 1322897 211556 MGI:2384822 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:28808 Ap1b1 2064 29663 AP1B1 1350470 162 HGNC Ap1b1 737610 11764 MGI:1096368 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:554 Ap1g1 619785 171494 AP1G1 1346195 164 HGNC Ap1g1 1551601 11765 MGI:101919 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:555 Ap1g2 2324507 100362547 AP1G2 1313902 8906 HGNC Ap1g2 1313903 11766 MGI:1328307 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:556 Ap1m1 1307653 306332 AP1M1 1316969 8907 HGNC Ap1m1 1316970 11767 MGI:102776 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:13667 Ap1m2 1561490 367038 AP1M2 1354372 10053 HGNC Ap1m2 1624109 11768 MGI:1336974 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:558 Ap1s1 1305911 360785 AP1S1 1314226 1174 HGNC Ap1s1 1314227 11769 MGI:1098244 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:559 Ap1s2 1561862 302671 AP1S2 1348501 8905 HGNC Ap1s2 1558591 108012 MGI:1889383 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:560 Ap1s3 1311772 367304 AP1S3 1323403 130340 HGNC Ap1s3 1557609 252903 MGI:1891304 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:18971 Ap2a1 1306254 308578 AP2A1 1314769 160 HGNC Ap2a1 1314770 11771 MGI:101921 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:561 Ap2a2 71015 81637 AP2A2 735567 161 HGNC Ap2a2 733080 11772 MGI:101920 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:562 Ap2b1 71048 140670 AP2B1 734047 163 HGNC Ap2b1 737012 71770 MGI:1919020 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:563 Ap2m1 620135 116563 AP2M1 1350921 1173 HGNC Ap2m1 732951 11773 MGI:1298405 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:564 Ap2s1 620188 65046 AP2S1 732482 1175 HGNC Ap2s1 1552332 232910 MGI:2141861 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:565 Ap3b1 1310256 309969 AP3B1 1321051 8546 HGNC Ap3b1 1321052 11774 MGI:1333879 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:566 Ap3b2 1308950 308777 AP3B2 1319021 8120 HGNC Ap3b2 1319022 11775 MGI:1100869 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:567 Ap3d1 1308659 314633 AP3D1 1318559 8943 HGNC Ap3d1 1553020 11776 MGI:107734 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:568 Ap3m1 620417 171126 AP3M1 734238 26985 HGNC Ap3m1 734239 55946 MGI:1929212 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:569 Ap3m2 70969 140667 AP3M2 735940 10947 HGNC Ap3m2 733286 64933 MGI:1929214 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:570 Ap3s1 1311115 302290 AP3S1 1322400 1176 HGNC Ap3s1 1322401 11777 MGI:1337062 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:2013 Ap3s2 1586888 683402 AP3S2 1350010 10239 HGNC Ap3s2 1624108 11778 MGI:1337060 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:571 Ap4b1 1310529 310746 AP4B1 1321485 10717 HGNC Ap4b1 1321486 67489 MGI:1337130 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:572 Ap4e1 1562199 311404 AP4E1 1343936 23431 HGNC Ap4e1 1558286 108011 MGI:1336993 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:573 Ap4m1 1310233 304344 AP4M1 1321015 9179 HGNC Ap4m1 1321016 11781 MGI:1337063 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:574 Ap4s1 1311990 366618 AP4S1 1348189 11154 HGNC Ap4s1 1323737 11782 MGI:1337065 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:575 Ap5b1 1562657 361709 AP5B1 1606994 91056 HGNC Ap5b1 1621200 381201 MGI:2685808 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:25104 Ap5m1 1308087 305861 AP5M1 1317656 55745 HGNC Ap5m1 1317657 74385 MGI:1921635 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:20192 Ap5s1 1561852 499893 AP5S1 1345016 55317 HGNC Ap5s1 1619148 69596 MGI:1916846 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:15875 Ap5z1 1593125 641386 AP5Z1 1626268 9907 HGNC Ap5z1 1320093 231855 MGI:1924908 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:22197 Apaf1 620575 78963 APAF1 733293 317 HGNC Apaf1 733294 11783 MGI:1306796 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:576 Apba1 620844 83589 APBA1 732461 320 HGNC Apba1 1553293 319924 MGI:1860297 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:578 Apba2 620845 83610 APBA2 733396 321 HGNC Apba2 733397 11784 MGI:1261791 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:579 Apba3 620846 83611 APBA3 737449 9546 HGNC Apba3 734359 57267 MGI:1888527 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:580 Apbb1 2122 29722 APBB1 1349313 322 HGNC Apbb1 736983 11785 MGI:107765 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:581 Apbb1ip 1304795 307171 APBB1IP 1312445 54518 HGNC Apbb1ip 1312446 54519 MGI:1861354 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:17379 Apbb2 1562438 305338 APBB2 1342475 323 HGNC Apbb2 1558141 11787 MGI:108405 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:582 Apbb3 620853 117026 APBB3 733384 10307 HGNC Apbb3 733385 225372 MGI:108404 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:20708 Apc 2123 24205 APC 736624 324 HGNC Apc 10166 11789 MGI:88039 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:583 Apc2 1308256 299611 APC2 1317926 10297 HGNC Apc2 1317927 23805 MGI:1346052 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:24036 Apcdd1 1589962 689616 APCDD1 1351282 147495 HGNC Apcdd1 1619610 494504 MGI:3513977 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:15718 Apcdd1l 1562045 499949 APCDD1L 1605849 164284 HGNC HGNC:26892 Apcs 68322 29339 APCS 68444 325 HGNC Apcs 736001 20219 MGI:98229 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:584 Apeh 2125 24206 APEH 735668 327 HGNC Apeh 10170 235606 MGI:88041 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:586 Apela 9299863 103693925 APELA 7870140 100506013 HGNC Apela 1624719 100038489 MGI:3642370 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:48925 Apex1 2126 79116 APEX1 1606343 328 HGNC Apex1 735443 11792 MGI:88042 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:587 Apex2 1565983 317628 APEX2 1350631 27301 HGNC Apex2 1558522 77622 MGI:1924872 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:17889 Aph1a 1311546 365872 APH1A 1349695 51107 HGNC Aph1a 1550286 226548 MGI:2385110 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:29509 Aph1b 1562468 300802 APH1B 1344589 83464 RGD Aph1b 1558362 208117 MGI:3522097 RGD HGNC:24080 Api5 1309772 362170 API5 1320288 8539 HGNC Api5 1320289 11800 MGI:1888993 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:594 Apip 1564562 295961 APIP 1603043 51074 HGNC Apip 1558159 56369 MGI:1926788 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:17581 Aplf 1565557 500247 APLF 1344091 200558 HGNC Aplf 1619131 72103 MGI:1919353 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:28724 Apln 620672 58812 APLN 1351986 8862 HGNC Apln 1332289 30878 MGI:1353624 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:16665 Aplnr 621645 83518 APLNR 733537 187 HGNC Aplnr 733538 23796 MGI:1346086 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:339 Aplp1 69257 502317 APLP1 736696 333 HGNC Aplp1 736697 11803 MGI:88046 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:597 Aplp2 2128 64312 APLP2 731852 334 RGD Aplp2 10172 11804 MGI:88047 RGD HGNC:598 Apmap 1308874 366227 APMAP 1318897 57136 HGNC Apmap 1318898 71881 MGI:1919131 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:13238 Apoa1 2130 25081 APOA1 735962 335 HGNC Apoa1 10173 11806 MGI:88049 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:600 Apoa2 2131 25649 APOA2 737360 336 HGNC Apoa2 732677 11807 MGI:88050 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:601 Apoa4 2132 25080 APOA4 737553 337 HGNC Apoa4 734420 11808 MGI:88051 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:602 Apoa5 70903 140638 APOA5 736192 116519 HGNC Apoa5 733458 66113 MGI:1913363 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:17288 Apob 2129 54225 APOB 735787 338 HGNC Apob 735788 238055 MGI:88052 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:603 Apobec1 2133 25383 APOBEC1 736126 339 HGNC Apobec1 10174 11810 MGI:103298 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:604 Apobec2 1308727 301226 APOBEC2 1318670 10930 HGNC Apobec2 1318671 11811 MGI:1343178 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:605 Apobec3 1307800 315137 APOBEC3H 1604731 164668 HGNC Apobec3 1317203 80287 MGI:1933111 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:24100 Apobec4 1560256 498251 APOBEC4 1606067 403314 HGNC Apobec4 1615851 71281 MGI:1918531 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:32152 Apobr 1565169 499264 APOBR 1607021 55911 HGNC Apobr 1558455 171504 MGI:2176230 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:24087 Apoc1 2134 25292 APOC1 735472 341 HGNC Apoc1 10175 11812 MGI:88053 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:607 Apoc2 2135 292697 APOC2 1352001 344 HGNC Apoc2 10176 11813 MGI:88054 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:609 Apoc3 2136 24207 APOC3 737569 345 HGNC Apoc3 10179 11814 MGI:88055 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:610 Apoc4 70959 680551 APOC4 736043 346 HGNC Apoc4 736044 11425 MGI:87878 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:611 Apod 2137 25239 APOD 737460 347 HGNC Apod 10180 11815 MGI:88056 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:612 Apoe 2138 25728 APOE 736378 348 HGNC Apoe 733604 11816 MGI:88057 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:613 Apof 1560713 500761 APOF 1344329 319 HGNC Apof 1620678 103161 MGI:104539 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:615 Apoh 1310625 287774 APOH 1321637 350 HGNC Apoh 1321638 11818 MGI:88058 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:616 Apol11a 1309798 300060 Apol11a 1623488 626615 MGI:3649094 RGD Apol2 1309591 315111 APOL2 1320008 23780 HGNC Apol8 1553272 239552 MGI:2444921 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:619 Apol7al1 11460844 108351606 Apol7a 1621467 75761 MGI:1923011 RGD Apol7b 401950492 133667826 Apol7b 1620480 278679 MGI:3583950 RGD Apol9a 1562332 503164 APOL4 1343358 80832 HGNC Apol9a 1623802 223672 MGI:3606001 RGD HGNC:14867 Apold1 1303123 444983 APOLD1 1604585 81575 HGNC Apold1 1616403 381823 MGI:2685921 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:25268 Apom 620773 55939 APOM 1351807 55937 HGNC Apom 1551634 55938 MGI:1930124 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:13916 Apoo 1565289 363474 APOO 1603962 79135 HGNC Apoo 1618363 68316 MGI:1915566 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:28727 Apool 1549725 317191 APOOL 1351827 139322 HGNC Apool 1620026 68117 MGI:1915367 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:24009 App 2139 54226 APP 736021 351 HGNC App 736022 11820 MGI:88059 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:620 Appbp2 1306488 303396 APPBP2 1315134 10513 HGNC Appbp2 1315135 66884 MGI:1914134 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:622 Appl1 1309388 290537 APPL1 1607055 26060 HGNC Appl1 1331963 72993 MGI:1920243 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:24035 Appl2 1563028 362860 APPL2 1605653 55198 HGNC Appl2 1558154 216190 MGI:2384914 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:18242 Aprt 1307758 292072 APRT 1317133 353 HGNC Aprt 1317134 11821 MGI:88061 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:626 Aptr 9685233 104968332 APTR 6767468 100505854 HGNC A630072M18Rik 1608921 320770 MGI:2444702 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:44173 Aptx 628740 259271 APTX 1606553 54840 HGNC Aptx 733411 66408 MGI:1913658 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:15984 Aqp1 2141 25240 AQP1 70369 358 HGNC Aqp1 10181 11826 MGI:103201 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:633 Aqp10 1596307 686596 AQP10 1344809 89872 HGNC Aqp10-ps 2313448 435743 MGI:4356425 RGD HGNC:16029 Aqp11 628763 286758 AQP11 736750 282679 HGNC Aqp11 736751 66333 MGI:1913583 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:19940 Aqp12a 1562727 367316 AQP12A 1346803 375318 HGNC Aqp12 1557329 208760 MGI:2664636 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:19941 Aqp2 2142 25386 AQP2 70370 359 HGNC Aqp2 10182 11827 MGI:1096865 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:634 Aqp3 68428 65133 AQP3 68638 360 HGNC Aqp3 68639 11828 MGI:1333777 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:636 Aqp4 2143 25293 AQP4 735519 361 HGNC Aqp4 10183 11829 MGI:107387 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:637 Aqp5 2144 25241 AQP5 70371 362 HGNC Aqp5 10184 11830 MGI:106215 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:638 Aqp6 71100 29170 AQP6 737143 363 HGNC Aqp6 737144 11831 MGI:1341204 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:639 Aqp7 2145 29171 AQP7 736375 364 HGNC Aqp7 736376 11832 MGI:1314647 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:640 Aqp8 2146 29172 AQP8 737411 343 HGNC Aqp8 737412 11833 MGI:1195271 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:642 Aqp9 68433 65054 AQP9 735505 366 HGNC Aqp9 68648 64008 MGI:1891066 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:643 Aqr 1306223 366163 AQR 1314717 9716 HGNC Aqr 1314718 11834 MGI:1276102 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:29513 Ar 2147 24208 AR 735652 367 HGNC Ar 10187 11835 MGI:88064 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:644 Araf 2148 64363 ARAF 1348364 369 HGNC Araf 10188 11836 MGI:88065 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:646 Arap1 1310385 361617 ARAP1 1321262 116985 HGNC Arap1 1617534 69710 MGI:1916960 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:16925 Arap2 1306452 305367 ARAP2 1315077 116984 RGD Arap2 1315078 212285 MGI:2684416 RGD HGNC:16924 Arap3 1304938 361314 ARAP3 1347923 64411 RGD Arap3 1621402 106952 MGI:2147274 RGD HGNC:24097 Arb2a 1305526 294606 ARB2A 1605018 83989 HGNC Arb2a 1615875 68675 MGI:1915925 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:25365 Arc 62037 54323 ARC 730952 23237 HGNC Arc 62329 11838 MGI:88067 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:648 Arcn1 1359110 300674 ARCN1 1344658 372 HGNC Arcn1 1551466 213827 MGI:2387591 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:649 Areg 2149 29183 AREG 1345760 374 HGNC Areg 736382 11839 MGI:88068 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:651 Arel1 1307597 299197 AREL1 1316884 9870 HGNC Arel1 1316885 68497 MGI:1915747 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:20363 Arf1 621270 64310 ARF1 1353880 375 HGNC Arf1 1553445 11840 MGI:99431 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:652 Arf2 621271 79119 ARL17B 1605146 100506084 HGNC Arf2 731334 11841 MGI:99595 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:32387 Arf3 621273 140940 ARF3 1354397 377 HGNC Arf3 1558092 11842 MGI:99432 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:654 Arf4 621275 79120 ARF4 1352328 378 HGNC Arf4 1550566 11843 MGI:99433 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:655 Arf5 621278 79117 ARF5 732462 381 HGNC Arf5 1552329 11844 MGI:99434 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:658 Arf6 621279 79121 ARF6 734181 382 HGNC Arf6 734182 11845 MGI:99435 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:659 Arfgap1 708452 246310 ARFGAP1 1352175 55738 HGNC Arfgap1 732019 228998 MGI:2183559 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:15852 Arfgap2 1306177 362162 ARFGAP2 1314646 84364 HGNC Arfgap2 1314647 77038 MGI:1924288 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:13504 Arfgap3 1560066 503165 ARFGAP3 1344539 26286 RGD Arfgap3 1614378 66251 MGI:1913501 RGD HGNC:661 Arfgef1 1560793 312915 ARFGEF1 1348298 10565 HGNC Arfgef1 1615720 211673 MGI:2442988 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:15772 Arfgef2 631430 296380 ARFGEF2 736641 10564 HGNC Arfgef2 1332439 99371 MGI:2139354 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:15853 Arfgef3 1309903 292947 ARFGEF3 1320499 57221 HGNC Arfgef3 1320500 215821 MGI:106387 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:21213 Arfip1 708401 60382 ARFIP1 732747 27236 HGNC Arfip1 1615779 99889 MGI:1277120 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:21496 Arfip2 1303204 293344 ARFIP2 1349532 23647 HGNC Arfip2 1551239 76932 MGI:1924182 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:17160 Arfrp1 621683 117051 ARFRP1 732355 10139 HGNC Arfrp1 736870 76688 MGI:1923938 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:662 Arg1 2150 29221 ARG1 1353986 383 HGNC Arg1 736430 11846 MGI:88070 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:663 Arg2 2151 29215 ARG2 732329 384 HGNC Arg2 736823 11847 MGI:1330806 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:664 Arglu1 1310061 290912 ARGLU1 1605984 55082 HGNC Arglu1 1320746 234023 MGI:2442985 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:25482 Arhgap1 1306068 311193 ARHGAP1 1314470 392 HGNC Arhgap1 1314471 228359 MGI:2445003 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:673 Arhgap10 1588859 688429 ARHGAP10 1322908 79658 HGNC Arhgap10 1322909 78514 MGI:1925764 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:26099 Arhgap11a 1309107 296060 ARHGAP11A 1602334 9824 HGNC Arhgap11a 1550340 228482 MGI:2444300 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:15783 Arhgap12 1310017 307016 ARHGAP12 1320676 94134 HGNC Arhgap12 1320677 75415 MGI:1922665 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:16348 Arhgap15 1359304 295635 ARHGAP15 1348610 55843 HGNC Arhgap15 1618285 76117 MGI:1923367 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:21030 Arhgap17 628767 63994 ARHGAP17 1343283 55114 HGNC Arhgap17 1551368 70497 MGI:1917747 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:18239 Arhgap18 1305053 293947 ARHGAP18 1312852 93663 RGD Arhgap18 1312853 73910 MGI:1921160 RGD HGNC:21035 Arhgap19 1593044 679082 ARHGAP19 1351019 84986 HGNC Arhgap19 1617509 71085 MGI:1918335 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:23724 Arhgap20 1303160 367085 ARHGAP20 1350363 57569 HGNC Arhgap20 1550452 244867 MGI:2445175 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:18357 Arhgap21 1311028 307178 ARHGAP21 1322263 57584 HGNC Arhgap21 1322264 71435 MGI:1918685 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:23725 Arhgap22 1307237 306279 ARHGAP22 1316310 58504 HGNC Arhgap22 1316311 239027 MGI:2443418 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:30320 Arhgap23 1309742 303501 ARHGAP23 1320244 57636 HGNC Arhgap23 7987884 58996 MGI:3697726 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:29293 Arhgap24 1306669 305156 ARHGAP24 1315415 83478 HGNC Arhgap24 1315416 231532 MGI:1922647 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:25361 Arhgap25 1562105 500246 ARHGAP25 1351716 9938 HGNC Arhgap25 1617350 232201 MGI:2443687 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:28951 Arhgap26 1310923 307459 ARHGAP26 1322105 23092 HGNC Arhgap26 1551670 71302 MGI:1918552 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:17073 Arhgap27 735202 303583 ARHGAP27 1346833 201176 HGNC Arhgap27 1622635 544817 MGI:1916903 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:31813 Arhgap28 1559882 301709 ARHGAP28 1347841 79822 HGNC Arhgap28 1557867 268970 MGI:2147003 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:25509 Arhgap29 1306185 310833 ARHGAP29 1606326 9411 HGNC Arhgap29 1552150 214137 MGI:2443818 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:30207 Arhgap30 1561419 498282 ARHGAP30 1604190 257106 HGNC Arhgap30 1620610 226652 MGI:2684948 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:27414 Arhgap31 1306093 288093 ARHGAP31 1606256 57514 HGNC Arhgap31 1314510 12549 MGI:1333857 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:29216 Arhgap32 1305267 315530 ARHGAP32 1605412 9743 HGNC Arhgap32 1313195 330914 MGI:2450166 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:17399 Arhgap33 2318374 100362311 ARHGAP33 1318751 115703 HGNC Arhgap33 1318752 233071 MGI:2673998 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:23085 Arhgap35 1308738 306400 ARHGAP35 1603059 2909 HGNC Arhgap35 1622073 232906 MGI:1929494 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:4591 Arhgap36 1565967 302819 ARHGAP36 1603262 158763 HGNC Arhgap36 1623921 75404 MGI:1922654 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:26388 Arhgap39 1593158 500901 ARHGAP39 1606778 80728 HGNC Arhgap39 1623803 223666 MGI:107858 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:29351 Arhgap4 628901 246249 ARHGAP4 1343373 393 HGNC Arhgap4 733399 171207 MGI:2159577 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:674 Arhgap40 1562428 296323 ARHGAP40 1343259 343578 HGNC Arhgap40 2295493 545481 MGI:3649852 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:16226 Arhgap42 1564081 500943 ARHGAP42 3500508 143872 HGNC Arhgap42 1623949 71544 MGI:1918794 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:26545 Arhgap44 1305664 303222 ARHGAP44 1604841 9912 HGNC Arhgap44 1332239 216831 MGI:2144423 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:29096 Arhgap45 1308662 314618 ARHGAP45 1606818 23526 HGNC Arhgap45 1318564 70719 MGI:1917969 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:17102 Arhgap5 1308507 299012 ARHGAP5 1318315 394 HGNC Arhgap5 1318316 11855 MGI:1332637 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:675 Arhgap6 2323364 100363276 ARHGAP6 1349829 395 HGNC Arhgap6 1623320 11856 MGI:1196332 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:676 Arhgap8 1303143 300115 ARHGAP8 1606315 23779 HGNC Arhgap8 1550902 73167 MGI:1920417 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:677 Arhgap9 1305342 362893 ARHGAP9 1313314 64333 HGNC Arhgap9 1313315 216445 MGI:2143764 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:14130 Arhgdia 1359547 360678 ARHGDIA 1354371 396 HGNC Arhgdia 1552296 192662 MGI:2178103 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:678 Arhgdib 1305383 362456 ARHGDIB 1313380 397 HGNC Arhgdib 1313381 11857 MGI:101940 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:679 Arhgdig 1310739 360500 ARHGDIG 1321818 398 HGNC Arhgdig 1331946 14570 MGI:108430 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:680 Arhgef1 620951 60323 ARHGEF1 30307884 9138 HGNC Arhgef1 732383 16801 MGI:1353510 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:681 Arhgef10 1565043 306618 ARHGEF10 1346816 9639 HGNC Arhgef10 1623777 234094 MGI:2444453 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:14103 Arhgef10l 1585585 684811 ARHGEF10L 1605662 55160 HGNC Arhgef10l 1614309 72754 MGI:1920004 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:25540 Arhgef11 619705 78966 ARHGEF11 734056 9826 HGNC Arhgef11 1332317 213498 MGI:2441869 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:14580 Arhgef12 1305111 367072 ARHGEF12 1312950 23365 HGNC Arhgef12 1312951 69632 MGI:1916882 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:14193 Arhgef15 1306961 287418 ARHGEF15 1315873 22899 HGNC Arhgef15 1617148 442801 MGI:3045246 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:15590 Arhgef16 1588981 687105 ARHGEF16 1347062 27237 HGNC Arhgef16 1617353 230972 MGI:2446219 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:15515 Arhgef17 1309890 120099896 ARHGEF17 1320476 9828 HGNC Arhgef17 1320477 207212 MGI:2673002 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:21726 Arhgef18 1311448 304193 ARHGEF18 1322915 23370 HGNC Arhgef18 1619050 102098 MGI:2142567 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:17090 Arhgef19 1304766 362648 ARHGEF19 1312400 128272 HGNC Arhgef19 1550020 213649 MGI:1925912 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:26604 Arhgef2 1304659 310635 ARHGEF2 1312226 9181 HGNC Arhgef2 1312227 16800 MGI:103264 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:682 Arhgef25 735210 314904 ARHGEF25 1601833 115557 HGNC Arhgef25 1619220 52666 MGI:1277173 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:30275 Arhgef26 1562559 310460 ARHGEF26 1603402 26084 HGNC Arhgef26 1615422 622434 MGI:1918053 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:24490 Arhgef28 1307061 361882 ARHGEF28 6892765 64283 HGNC Arhgef28 1316029 110596 MGI:1346016 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:30322 Arhgef3 1310672 290541 ARHGEF3 1321712 50650 HGNC Arhgef3 1321713 71704 MGI:1918954 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:683 Arhgef33 1560224 500608 ARHGEF33 3516342 100271715 HGNC Arhgef33 1621955 381112 MGI:2685787 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:37252 Arhgef37 1560471 307398 ARHGEF37 1602402 389337 HGNC Arhgef37 1623704 328967 MGI:3045339 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:34430 Arhgef38 1311728 295449 ARHGEF38 1603216 54848 RGD Arhgef38 1557565 77669 MGI:1924919 RGD HGNC:25968 Arhgef39 1310376 298404 ARHGEF39 1321248 84904 HGNC Arhgef39 1321249 230098 MGI:3036286 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:25909 Arhgef4 1586179 301334 ARHGEF4 1312054 50649 HGNC Arhgef4 1312055 226970 MGI:2442507 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:684 Arhgef40 1308093 361034 ARHGEF40 1603998 55701 HGNC Arhgef40 1317665 268739 MGI:2685515 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:25516 Arhgef5 620718 140898 ARHGEF5 735723 7984 HGNC Arhgef5 735724 54324 MGI:1858952 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:13209 Arhgef6 1359674 363509 ARHGEF6 1343816 9459 HGNC Arhgef6 1550432 73341 MGI:1920591 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:685 Arhgef7 620624 114559 ARHGEF7 736143 8874 HGNC Arhgef7 736144 54126 MGI:1860493 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:15607 Arhgef9 620719 66013 ARHGEF9 1348513 23229 HGNC Arhgef9 1332530 236915 MGI:2442233 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:14561 Arid1a 1310500 297867 ARID1A 1321437 8289 HGNC Arid1a 1321438 93760 MGI:1935147 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:11110 Arid1b 708504 282546 ARID1B 1316702 57492 HGNC Arid1b 1316703 239985 MGI:1926129 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:18040 Arid2 1311105 366980 ARID2 1322383 196528 HGNC Arid2 1322384 77044 MGI:1924294 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:18037 Arid3a 1305299 314616 ARID3A 1313245 1820 HGNC Arid3a 1313246 13496 MGI:1328360 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:3031 Arid3b 1306335 367092 ARID3B 1314897 10620 HGNC Arid3b 1314898 56380 MGI:1930768 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:14350 Arid3c 1560943 502946 ARID3C 1342507 138715 HGNC Arid3c 1617878 550619 MGI:3650624 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:21209 Arid4a 1307442 314205 ARID4A 1316636 5926 HGNC Arid4a 1316637 238247 MGI:2444354 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:9885 Arid4b 619919 84481 ARID4B 1604359 51742 HGNC Arid4b 1552420 94246 MGI:2137512 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:15550 Arid5a 1311041 316327 ARID5A 1322287 10865 HGNC Arid5a 1322288 214855 MGI:2443039 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:17361 Arid5b 1311735 309728 ARID5B 1323345 84159 HGNC Arid5b 1323346 71371 MGI:2175912 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:17362 Arih1 1308131 300756 ARIH1 1317726 25820 HGNC Arih1 1317727 23806 MGI:1344363 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:689 Arih2 1305839 316005 ARIH2 1314113 10425 HGNC Arih2 1314114 23807 MGI:1344361 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:690 Ark2c 1560744 307251 ARK2C 1343595 494470 HGNC Ark2c 1617374 225743 MGI:2444521 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:31696 Ark2n 1308601 307249 ARK2N 1318467 147339 HGNC Ark2n 1318468 212163 MGI:2444951 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:28172 Arl1 621326 64187 ARL1 732961 400 HGNC Arl1 732962 104303 MGI:99436 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:692 Arl10 1303298 306767 ARL10 1344087 285598 HGNC Arl10 1551746 56795 MGI:1930788 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:22042 Arl11 1308083 364396 ARL11 1317649 115761 HGNC Arl11 1552881 219144 MGI:2444054 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:24046 Arl13a 1562947 501617 ARL13A 1343034 392509 HGNC Arl13a 1558058 74448 MGI:1921698 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:31709 Arl13b 1584979 304037 ARL13B 1349356 200894 HGNC Arl13b 1557633 68146 MGI:1915396 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:25419 Arl14 9465124 103690167 ARL14 1349632 80117 RGD Arl14 1623177 71619 MGI:1918869 RGD HGNC:22974 Arl14ep 1311463 311279 ARL14EP 1602076 120534 HGNC Arl14ep 1322936 212772 MGI:1926020 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:26798 Arl14epl 1595054 685394 ARL14EPL 6771193 644100 HGNC Arl14epl 1621950 381142 MGI:2685795 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:44201 Arl15 1597407 689079 ARL15 1323226 54622 HGNC Arl15 1323227 218639 MGI:2442308 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:25945 Arl16 1590059 688311 ARL16 1601700 339231 HGNC Arl16 1623187 70317 MGI:1917567 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:27902 Arl2 69326 65142 ARL2 735885 402 HGNC Arl2 735886 56327 MGI:1928393 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:693 Arl2bp 1561471 498910 ARL2BP 1344137 23568 HGNC Arl2bp 1616652 107566 MGI:1349429 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:17146 Arl3 69327 64664 ARL3 734227 403 HGNC Arl3 737247 56350 MGI:1929699 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:694 Arl4a 2152 29308 ARL4A 1604399 10124 HGNC Arl4a 736211 11861 MGI:99437 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:695 Arl4c 1589685 103693239 ARL4C 1345856 10123 RGD Arl4c 1614814 320982 MGI:2445172 RGD HGNC:698 Arl4d 1306875 303559 ARL4D 1315741 379 HGNC Arl4d 1621438 80981 MGI:1933155 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:656 Arl5a 621327 117050 ARL5A 1346010 26225 HGNC Arl5a 1551451 75423 MGI:1922673 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:696 Arl5b 1305569 364788 ARL5B 1313675 221079 HGNC Arl5b 1313676 75869 MGI:1923119 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:23052 Arl5c 1563128 497990 ARL5C 1316723 390790 HGNC Arl5c 1316724 217151 MGI:3028577 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:31111 Arl6 1305535 363760 ARL6 1313618 84100 HGNC Arl6 1313619 56297 MGI:1927136 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:13210 Arl6ip1 735205 293551 ARL6IP1 1345801 23204 HGNC Arl6ip1 1557340 54208 MGI:1858943 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:697 Arl6ip4 1307657 288656 ARL6IP4 1316976 51329 HGNC Arl6ip4 1316977 65105 MGI:1929500 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:18076 Arl6ip5 708572 66028 ARL6IP5 1344465 10550 HGNC Arl6ip5 1331961 65106 MGI:1929501 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:16937 Arl6ip6 1564819 499798 ARL6IP6 1347021 151188 HGNC Arl6ip6 1623238 65103 MGI:1929507 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:24048 Arl8a 1565940 498234 ARL8A 1348114 127829 HGNC Arl8a 1557054 68724 MGI:1915974 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:25192 Arl8b 1562830 500282 ARL8B 1351870 55207 HGNC Arl8b 1557811 67166 MGI:1914416 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:25564 Arl9 1303337 289565 ARL9 1606161 132946 HGNC Arl9 1551947 384185 MGI:1915496 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:23592 Armc1 1560393 294948 ARMC1 1343337 55156 HGNC Armc1 1558153 74252 MGI:1921502 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:17684 Armc10 1305915 296758 ARMC10 1605608 83787 HGNC Armc10 1332021 67211 MGI:1914461 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:21706 Armc12 1306008 294301 ARMC12 1314376 221481 HGNC Armc12 1314377 67645 MGI:1914895 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:21099 Armc2 1562413 499470 ARMC2 1350350 84071 HGNC Armc2 1622123 213402 MGI:1916449 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:23045 Armc3 2319961 100361506 ARMC3 1312695 219681 RGD Armc3 1312696 70882 MGI:1918132 RGD HGNC:30964 Armc5 1306553 361653 ARMC5 1315235 79798 HGNC Armc5 1315236 233912 MGI:2384586 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:25781 Armc6 1306691 306352 ARMC6 1348624 93436 HGNC Armc6 1550702 76813 MGI:1924063 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:25049 Armc7 1310043 287827 ARMC7 1347915 79637 HGNC Armc7 1553065 276905 MGI:2679719 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:26168 Armc8 1310477 315949 ARMC8 1601876 25852 HGNC Armc8 1552873 74125 MGI:1921375 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:24999 Armc9 1305615 301579 ARMC9 1604597 80210 HGNC Armc9 1313748 78795 MGI:1926045 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:20730 Armcx1 1561629 501619 ARMCX1 1345943 51309 HGNC Armcx1 1622204 78248 MGI:1925498 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:18073 Armcx2 1359132 367903 ARMCX2 1602335 9823 HGNC Armcx2 1551491 67416 MGI:1914666 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:16869 Armcx3 1549739 367902 ARMCX3 1604814 51566 HGNC Armcx3 1557689 71703 MGI:1918953 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:24065 Armcx4 2325053 100359678 ARMCX4 1347581 100131755 HGNC Armcx4 1622174 100503043 MGI:2147887 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:28615 Armcx5 7586448 102552920 ARMCX5 1350791 64860 HGNC Armcx5 1620361 494468 MGI:2148026 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:25772 Armcx6 1359303 363496 ARMCX6 1352776 54470 HGNC Armcx6 1614831 278097 MGI:2147993 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:26094 Armh1 1563714 500531 ARMH1 1606401 339541 HGNC Armh1 1618755 381544 MGI:2686507 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:34345 Armh2 7707229 102548126 ARMH2 7779583 101928603 HGNC Armh2 1608993 666145 MGI:1916676 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:49394 Armh3 9299787 103689959 ARMH3 1313900 79591 HGNC Armh3 1313901 71617 MGI:1918867 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:25788 Armh4 1310110 361032 ARMH4 1351933 145407 HGNC Armh4 1320825 67419 MGI:1914669 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:19846 Armt1 1305235 292267 ARMT1 1313144 79624 HGNC Armt1 1313145 73419 MGI:1920669 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:17872 Arnt 2153 25242 ARNT 732739 405 HGNC Arnt 10189 11863 MGI:88071 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:700 Arnt2 2154 25243 ARNT2 736413 9915 HGNC Arnt2 10190 11864 MGI:107188 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:16876 Arpc1a 620834 81824 ARPC1A 1344294 10552 RGD Arpc1a 731262 56443 MGI:1928896 RGD HGNC:703 Arpc1b 2155 54227 ARPC1B 736395 10095 HGNC Arpc1b 736396 11867 MGI:1343142 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:704 Arpc2 1305848 301511 ARPC2 1314126 10109 HGNC Arpc2 1314127 76709 MGI:1923959 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:705 Arpc3 1311985 288669 ARPC3 1323728 10094 HGNC Arpc3 1323729 56378 MGI:1928375 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:706 Arpc4 1310096 297518 ARPC4 1320803 10093 HGNC Arpc4 1320804 68089 MGI:1915339 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:707 Arpc5 1311791 360854 ARPC5 1323427 10092 HGNC Arpc5 1323428 67771 MGI:1915021 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:708 Arpc5l 1308867 296710 ARPC5L 1318888 81873 RGD Arpc5l 1318889 74192 MGI:1921442 RGD HGNC:23366 Arpin 1311021 308765 ARPIN 1604167 348110 HGNC Arpin 1322252 70420 MGI:1917670 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:28782 Arpp19 71054 60336 ARPP19 1606318 10776 HGNC Arpp19 737447 59046 MGI:1891691 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:16967 Arpp21 1593239 363153 ARPP21 1606317 10777 HGNC Arpp21 1623934 74100 MGI:107562 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:16968 Arr3 621385 171107 ARR3 1350252 407 HGNC Arr3 1550852 170735 MGI:2159617 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:710 Arrb1 2156 25387 ARRB1 732370 408 HGNC Arrb1 10191 109689 MGI:99473 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:711 Arrb2 2157 25388 ARRB2 731570 409 HGNC Arrb2 10192 216869 MGI:99474 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:712 Arrdc1 1309961 366001 ARRDC1 1320585 92714 HGNC Arrdc1 1320586 215705 MGI:2446136 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:28633 Arrdc2 1309659 306344 ARRDC2 1320117 27106 HGNC Arrdc2 1320118 70807 MGI:1918057 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:25225 Arrdc3 1359478 309945 ARRDC3 1348140 57561 HGNC Arrdc3 1550271 105171 MGI:2145242 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:29263 Arrdc4 1311763 293019 ARRDC4 1323388 91947 HGNC Arrdc4 1323389 66412 MGI:1913662 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:28087 Arrdc5 1591748 680452 ARRDC5 1353583 645432 HGNC Arrdc5 1622224 76920 MGI:1924170 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:31407 Arsa 1310381 315222 ARSA 1321256 410 HGNC Arsa 1321257 11883 MGI:88077 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:713 Arsb 2158 25227 ARSB 737370 411 HGNC Arsb 10193 11881 MGI:88075 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:714 Arsg 1306571 303631 ARSG 1602225 22901 HGNC Arsg 1331908 74008 MGI:1921258 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:24102 Arsi 1310242 307404 ARSI 1604953 340075 HGNC Arsi 1321030 545260 MGI:2670959 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:32521 Arsj 1307640 311013 ARSJ 1606235 79642 HGNC Arsj 1316948 271970 MGI:2443513 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:26286 Arsk 1310182 365619 ARSK 1606445 153642 HGNC Arsk 1320932 77041 MGI:1924291 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:25239 Arsl 1304917 310326 ARSL 1312633 415 HGNC HGNC:719 Art1 1304591 308873 ART1 1312119 417 HGNC Art1 1312120 11870 MGI:107511 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:723 Art3 628833 305235 ART3 1320437 419 HGNC Art3 1320438 109979 MGI:1202729 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:725 Art4 1306456 312806 ART4 1315084 420 HGNC Art4 1315085 109978 MGI:1202710 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:726 Art5 628834 259167 ART5 1347628 116969 HGNC Art5 1550298 11875 MGI:107948 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:24049 Artn 621427 362572 ARTN 1347630 9048 HGNC Artn 733582 11876 MGI:1333791 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:727 Arv1 1310264 292097 ARV1 1349198 64801 HGNC Arv1 1550411 68865 MGI:1916115 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:29561 Arvcf 1306655 303798 ARVCF 1315392 421 HGNC Arvcf 1315393 11877 MGI:109620 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:728 Arx 1562672 317268 ARX 1344380 170302 HGNC Arx 1557424 11878 MGI:1097716 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:18060 Arxes1 1563536 317409 Arxes1 1617466 76219 MGI:1923469 RGD As3mt 621325 140925 AS3MT 1350697 57412 HGNC As3mt 733292 57344 MGI:1929882 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:17452 Asah1 621568 84431 ASAH1 734135 427 HGNC Asah1 1551184 11886 MGI:1277124 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:735 Asah2 69410 114104 ASAH2 1605058 56624 HGNC Asah2 69455 54447 MGI:1859310 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:18860 Asap1 1307379 314961 ASAP1 1354069 50807 HGNC Asap1 1316545 13196 MGI:1342335 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:2720 Asap2 1305263 362719 ASAP2 1313189 8853 HGNC Asap2 1623831 211914 MGI:2685438 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:2721 Asap3 1593929 684122 ASAP3 1346642 55616 HGNC Asap3 1618153 230837 MGI:2684986 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:14987 Asb1 1310760 316628 ASB1 1321850 51665 HGNC Asb1 1321851 65247 MGI:1929735 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:16011 Asb10 1562922 499972 ASB10 1353086 136371 HGNC Asb10 1557421 117590 MGI:2152836 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:17185 Asb11 1566298 302666 ASB11 1344351 140456 HGNC Asb11 1558592 68854 MGI:1916104 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:17186 Asb12 1561142 503446 ASB12 1349928 142689 HGNC Asb12 1557739 70392 MGI:1917642 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:19763 Asb13 1310387 361268 ASB13 1321264 79754 HGNC Asb13 1616639 142688 MGI:2145525 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:19765 Asb14 1596812 680076 ASB14 1343044 142686 HGNC Asb14 1616640 142687 MGI:2655107 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:19766 Asb15 727860 500050 ASB15 1346506 142685 HGNC Asb15 1616681 78910 MGI:1926160 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:19767 Asb16 1563878 498005 ASB16 1313384 92591 HGNC Asb16 1313385 217217 MGI:2654437 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:19768 Asb17 1586533 687364 ASB17 1343895 127247 HGNC Asb17 1620839 66772 MGI:1914022 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:19769 Asb18 1310850 316614 ASB18 1602398 401036 HGNC Asb18 1321991 208372 MGI:2655109 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:19770 Asb2 1306414 299266 ASB2 1315012 51676 HGNC Asb2 1315013 65256 MGI:1929743 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:16012 Asb3 1308462 364227 ASB3 1318243 51130 HGNC Asb3 1318244 65257 MGI:1929749 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:16013 Asb4 1563114 500017 ASB4 1348810 51666 HGNC Asb4 1557659 65255 MGI:1929751 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:16009 Asb5 1565973 361187 ASB5 1352084 140458 HGNC Asb5 1557785 76294 MGI:1923544 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:17180 Asb6 1308445 296627 ASB6 1318216 140459 HGNC Asb6 1318217 72323 MGI:1919573 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:17181 Asb7 1305154 365277 ASB7 1313017 140460 HGNC Asb7 1619902 117589 MGI:2152835 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:17182 Asb8 1309246 315287 ASB8 1319481 140461 HGNC Asb8 1319482 78541 MGI:1925791 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:17183 Asb9 1560537 367785 ASB9 1344669 140462 HGNC Asb9 1557401 69299 MGI:1916549 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:17184 Ascc1 1359255 294512 ASCC1 1350086 51008 HGNC Ascc1 1551573 69090 MGI:1916340 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:24268 Ascc2 1561422 498402 ASCC2 1347917 84164 HGNC Ascc2 1623910 75452 MGI:1922702 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:24103 Ascc3 1307995 309887 ASCC3 1344771 10973 HGNC Ascc3 1552861 77987 MGI:1925237 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:18697 Ascl1 71010 64186 ASCL1 736393 429 HGNC Ascl1 732027 17172 MGI:96919 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:738 Ascl2 2159 24209 ASCL2 735625 430 HGNC Ascl2 10194 17173 MGI:96920 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:739 Ascl3 621631 246301 ASCL3 1315779 56676 HGNC Ascl3 733791 56787 MGI:1928820 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:740 Ascl4 1307533 299687 ASCL4 1316784 121549 HGNC Ascl4 1615892 67341 MGI:1914591 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:24311 Ascl5 1561854 363991 ASCL5 1603722 647219 HGNC Ascl5 1622088 226439 MGI:2685043 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:33169 Asdurf 41174017 120094682 ASDURF 13207374 110599588 HGNC Asdurf 15567082 110599589 MGI:6324750 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:53619 Asf1a 1311941 294408 ASF1A 1323657 25842 HGNC Asf1a 1323658 66403 MGI:1913653 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:20995 Asf1b 1304918 304648 ASF1B 1312634 55723 HGNC Asf1b 1312635 66929 MGI:1914179 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:20996 Asgr1 2160 24210 ASGR1 737103 432 HGNC Asgr1 10197 11889 MGI:88081 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:742 Asgr2 2161 29403 ASGR2 1343618 433 HGNC Asgr2 736035 11890 MGI:88082 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:743 Ash1l 1306350 310638 ASH1L 1314918 55870 HGNC Ash1l 1314919 192195 MGI:2183158 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:19088 Ash2l 1305632 290829 ASH2L 1313775 9070 HGNC Ash2l 1313776 23808 MGI:1344416 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:744 Asic1 71062 79123 ASIC1 731360 41 HGNC Asic1 735409 11419 MGI:1194915 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:100 Asic2 2017 25364 ASIC2 737359 40 HGNC Asic2 10061 11418 MGI:1100867 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:99 Asic3 708578 286920 ASIC3 1353665 9311 HGNC Asic3 1332245 171209 MGI:2159339 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:101 Asic4 621068 63882 ASIC4 1604616 55515 HGNC Asic4 732139 241118 MGI:2652846 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:21263 Asic5 69295 63866 ASIC5 736018 51802 HGNC Asic5 736019 58170 MGI:1929259 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:17537 Asip 2003 24152 ASIP 69199 434 HGNC a 69200 50518 MGI:87853 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:745 Asl 619974 59085 ASL 731559 435 HGNC Asl 731560 109900 MGI:88084 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:746 Asmt 708472 246281 ASMT 1353638 438 RGD Asmt 3731974 107626 MGI:96090 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:750 Asmtl 1306877 288527 ASMTL 1315744 8623 HGNC HGNC:751 Asns 2162 25612 ASNS 1343754 440 HGNC Asns 619559 27053 MGI:1350929 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:753 Asnsd1 1306332 299507 ASNSD1 1603641 54529 HGNC Asnsd1 1314893 70396 MGI:1917646 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:24910 Aspa 621693 79251 ASPA 1350952 443 HGNC Aspa 733059 11484 MGI:87914 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:756 Aspdh 1310111 292875 ASPDH 1605752 554235 HGNC Aspdh 1320826 68352 MGI:1915602 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:33856 Aspg 708388 246266 ASPG 1344860 374569 HGNC Aspg 1617431 104816 MGI:2144822 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:20123 Asph 1312000 312981 ASPH 1323751 444 RGD Asph 1323752 65973 MGI:1914186 RGD HGNC:757 Asphd1 1306636 293498 ASPHD1 1605839 253982 HGNC Asphd1 1315363 233879 MGI:2685014 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:27380 Asphd2 1306020 364948 ASPHD2 1601744 57168 HGNC Asphd2 1314397 72898 MGI:1920148 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:30437 Aspm 1307111 289054 ASPM 1316111 259266 HGNC Aspm 1619289 12316 MGI:1334448 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:19048 Aspn 1549776 306805 ASPN 1345823 54829 HGNC Aspn 1558288 66695 MGI:1913945 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:14872 Asprv1 1560859 500243 ASPRV1 1604987 151516 HGNC Asprv1 1558009 67855 MGI:1915105 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:26321 Aspscr1 1588666 691026 ASPSCR1 1344232 79058 HGNC Aspscr1 1623973 68938 MGI:1916188 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:13825 Asrgl1 708526 246307 ASRGL1 1343525 80150 HGNC Asrgl1 1550169 66514 MGI:1913764 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:16448 Ass1 2163 25698 ASS1 736136 445 HGNC Ass1 736137 11898 MGI:88090 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:758 Aste1 1304643 363130 ASTE1 1606299 28990 HGNC Aste1 1312202 66595 MGI:1913845 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:25021 Astl 1562279 296129 ASTL 1349169 431705 HGNC Astl 1556969 215095 MGI:3046414 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:31704 Astn1 727799 304900 ASTN1 1602904 460 HGNC Astn1 1331863 11899 MGI:1098567 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:773 Astn2 2320342 100361323 ASTN2 1314130 23245 HGNC Astn2 1314131 56079 MGI:1889277 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:17021 Asxl1 1561878 311553 ASXL1 1344611 171023 HGNC Asxl1 1557697 228790 MGI:2684063 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:18318 Asxl2 1304710 313922 ASXL2 1312315 55252 HGNC Asxl2 1614292 75302 MGI:1922552 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:23805 Asxl3 1305869 307555 ASXL3 1344717 80816 RGD Asxl3 1314159 211961 MGI:2685175 RGD HGNC:29357 Asz1 621579 170578 ASZ1 1348719 136991 HGNC Asz1 735327 74068 MGI:1921318 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:1350 Atad1 1308570 309532 ATAD1 1318420 84896 HGNC Atad1 1318421 67979 MGI:1915229 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:25903 Atad2 1304849 314993 ATAD2 1312522 29028 HGNC Atad2 1312523 70472 MGI:1917722 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:30123 Atad2b 1566199 500625 ATAD2B 1604011 54454 HGNC Atad2b 1615565 320817 MGI:2444798 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:29230 Atad3a 1305964 298682 ATAD3A 1314304 55210 HGNC Atad3a 1314305 108888 MGI:1919214 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:25567 Atad3aos 7575268 102547290 Atad3aos 2311284 70448 MGI:1917698 RGD Atad5 1561464 303348 ATAD5 1605345 79915 HGNC Atad5 1557158 237877 MGI:2442925 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:25752 Atat1 1303066 361789 ATAT1 1347627 79969 HGNC Atat1 1552512 73242 MGI:1913869 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:21186 Atcay 1309312 362826 ATCAY 1319593 85300 HGNC Atcay 1617620 16467 MGI:2448730 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:779 Ate1 1309335 293526 ATE1 1319626 11101 HGNC Ate1 1319627 11907 MGI:1333870 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:782 Atf1 1307360 315305 ATF1 1316513 466 HGNC Atf1 1316514 11908 MGI:1298366 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:783 Atf2 621862 81647 ATF2 732287 1386 HGNC Atf2 736761 11909 MGI:109349 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:784 Atf3 2165 25389 ATF3 735760 467 HGNC Atf3 10198 11910 MGI:109384 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:785 Atf4 621863 79255 ATF4 733712 468 HGNC Atf4 733713 11911 MGI:88096 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:786 Atf5 628902 282840 ATF5 1350993 22809 HGNC Atf5 1553130 107503 MGI:2141857 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:790 Atf6 1305471 304962 ATF6 1313517 22926 HGNC Atf6 1313518 226641 MGI:1926157 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:791 Atf6b 1303317 406169 ATF6B 1346168 1388 HGNC Atf6b 1551853 12915 MGI:105121 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:2349 Atf7 1304940 315333 ATF7 1312669 11016 HGNC Atf7 1312670 223922 MGI:2443472 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:792 Atf7ip 1306030 312800 ATF7IP 1314412 55729 HGNC Atf7ip 1552354 54343 MGI:1858965 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:20092 Atf7ip2 1583744 497859 ATF7IP2 1314578 80063 HGNC Atf7ip2 1614288 75329 MGI:1922579 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:20397 Atg10 1587624 688555 ATG10 1351458 83734 HGNC Atg10 1557023 66795 MGI:1914045 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:20315 Atg101 1359310 300240 ATG101 1602213 60673 HGNC Atg101 1552128 68118 MGI:1915368 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:25679 Atg12 1306306 361321 ATG12 1314851 9140 HGNC Atg12 1558563 67526 MGI:1914776 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:588 Atg13 1310685 362164 ATG13 1602498 9776 HGNC Atg13 1332180 51897 MGI:1196429 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:29091 Atg14 1304610 305831 ATG14 1312148 22863 HGNC Atg14 1312149 100504663 MGI:1261775 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:19962 Atg16l1 1310631 363278 ATG16L1 1321647 55054 HGNC Atg16l1 1553543 77040 MGI:1924290 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:21498 Atg16l2 1311400 308865 ATG16L2 1606757 89849 HGNC Atg16l2 1617481 73683 MGI:1920933 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:25464 Atg2a 1589890 689688 ATG2A 1604391 23130 HGNC Atg2a 1622842 329015 MGI:1916291 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:29028 Atg2b 1304878 314415 ATG2B 1312572 55102 HGNC Atg2b 1312573 76559 MGI:1923809 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:20187 Atg3 708464 171415 ATG3 1353416 64422 HGNC Atg3 1557224 67841 MGI:1915091 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:20962 Atg4a 1596915 678769 ATG4A 1604759 115201 RGD Atg4a 1616955 666468 MGI:2147903 RGD HGNC:16489 Atg4b 1309664 316640 ATG4B 1320126 23192 HGNC Atg4b 1558262 66615 MGI:1913865 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:20790 Atg4c 1598323 313391 ATG4C 1317140 84938 HGNC Atg4c 1618118 242557 MGI:2651854 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:16040 Atg4d 1596392 686505 ATG4D 1348604 84971 RGD Atg4d 1615670 235040 MGI:2444308 RGD HGNC:20789 Atg5 1359580 365601 ATG5 1353398 9474 RGD Atg5 1556965 11793 MGI:1277186 RGD HGNC:589 Atg7 1304817 312647 ATG7 1312481 10533 HGNC Atg7 1558502 74244 MGI:1921494 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:16935 Atg9a 1310450 363254 ATG9A 1353328 79065 HGNC Atg9a 1557205 245860 MGI:2138446 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:22408 Atg9b 1560887 499973 ATG9B 1352218 285973 HGNC Atg9b 1556917 213948 MGI:2685420 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:21899 Atic 70879 81643 ATIC 731594 471 HGNC Atic 731595 108147 MGI:1351352 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:794 Atl1 1359232 362750 ATL1 1352093 51062 HGNC Atl1 1553508 73991 MGI:1921241 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:11231 Atl2 1305125 298757 ATL2 1312973 64225 HGNC Atl2 1312974 56298 MGI:1929492 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:24047 Atl3 1309871 309187 ATL3 1601766 25923 HGNC Atl3 1320446 109168 MGI:1924270 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:24526 Atm 1593265 300711 ATM 1606040 472 HGNC Atm 10199 11920 MGI:107202 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:795 Atmin 1305781 315037 ATMIN 1603699 23300 HGNC Atmin 1314018 234776 MGI:2682328 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:29034 Atn1 61832 29515 ATN1 1352790 1822 RGD Atn1 1620917 13498 MGI:104725 RGD HGNC:3033 Atoh1 1565171 500156 ATOH1 1349240 474 HGNC Atoh1 1558062 11921 MGI:104654 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:797 Atoh7 1304957 365564 ATOH7 1312698 220202 HGNC Atoh7 1312699 53404 MGI:1355553 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:13907 Atoh8 1561512 500200 ATOH8 1350083 84913 HGNC Atoh8 1557505 71093 MGI:1918343 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:24126 Atosa 1310552 300836 ATOSA 1606264 56204 HGNC Atosa 1321521 235493 MGI:2387648 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:25609 Atosb 1311249 298201 ATOSB 1322605 80256 HGNC Atosb 1322606 230088 MGI:2441854 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:25666 Atox1 621684 84355 ATOX1 737338 475 HGNC Atox1 732672 11927 MGI:1333855 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:798 Atp10a 1306150 365266 ATP10A 1314601 57194 HGNC Atp10a 1314602 11982 MGI:1330809 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:13542 Atp10b 1565126 303056 ATP10B 1345428 23120 HGNC Atp10b 1614067 319767 MGI:2442688 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:13543 Atp10d 1588541 360932 ATP10D 1316047 57205 HGNC Atp10d 1316048 231287 MGI:2450125 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:13549 Atp11a 1308688 306600 ATP11A 1318606 23250 HGNC Atp11a 1318607 50770 MGI:1354735 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:13552 Atp11b 1561719 361929 ATP11B 1348822 23200 HGNC Atp11b 1557223 76295 MGI:1923545 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:13553 Atp11c 1564481 317599 ATP11C 1351598 286410 HGNC Atp11c 1558024 320940 MGI:1859661 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:13554 Atp12a 620569 171028 ATP12A 734042 479 HGNC Atp12a 737007 192113 MGI:1926943 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:13816 Atp13a1 1306033 290673 ATP13A1 1346886 57130 HGNC Atp13a1 1550377 170759 MGI:2180801 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:24215 Atp13a2 1307977 362645 ATP13A2 1342911 23400 HGNC Atp13a2 1551948 74772 MGI:1922022 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:30213 Atp13a3 1590881 678704 ATP13A3 1353842 79572 RGD Atp13a3 1620617 224088 MGI:2685387 RGD HGNC:24113 Atp13a4 1306927 288026 ATP13A4 1346317 84239 HGNC Atp13a4 1553672 224079 MGI:1924456 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:25422 Atp13a5 1306792 303856 ATP13A5 1343803 344905 HGNC Atp13a5 1551193 268878 MGI:2444068 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:31789 Atp1a1 2167 24211 ATP1A1 735332 476 HGNC Atp1a1 10203 11928 MGI:88105 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:799 Atp1a2 2168 24212 ATP1A2 736008 477 HGNC Atp1a2 10206 98660 MGI:88106 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:800 Atp1a3 2169 24213 ATP1A3 732644 478 HGNC Atp1a3 10207 232975 MGI:88107 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:801 Atp1a4 61952 29132 ATP1A4 733097 480 HGNC Atp1a4 62245 27222 MGI:1351335 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:14073 Atp1b1 2170 25650 ATP1B1 735774 481 HGNC Atp1b1 731614 11931 MGI:88108 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:804 Atp1b2 2171 24214 ATP1B2 736555 482 HGNC Atp1b2 10208 11932 MGI:88109 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:805 Atp1b3 2172 25390 ATP1B3 733031 483 HGNC Atp1b3 10209 11933 MGI:107788 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:806 Atp1b4 620994 84396 ATP1B4 736275 23439 HGNC Atp1b4 733509 67821 MGI:1915071 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:808 Atp23 1588587 299828 ATP23 1605901 91419 HGNC Atp23 1557369 68876 MGI:1916984 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:29452 Atp2a1 621293 116601 ATP2A1 731640 487 HGNC Atp2a1 1622417 11937 MGI:105058 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:811 Atp2a2 2174 29693 ATP2A2 731733 488 HGNC Atp2a2 735992 11938 MGI:88110 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:812 Atp2a3 2175 25391 ATP2A3 732893 489 HGNC Atp2a3 10210 53313 MGI:1194503 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:813 Atp2b1 621303 29598 ATP2B1 732984 490 HGNC Atp2b1 735441 67972 MGI:104653 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:814 Atp2b2 2176 24215 ATP2B2 736839 491 HGNC Atp2b2 10211 11941 MGI:105368 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:815 Atp2b3 621304 29599 ATP2B3 731628 492 HGNC Atp2b3 735805 320707 MGI:1347353 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:816 Atp2b4 621305 29600 ATP2B4 1348952 493 HGNC Atp2b4 1550638 381290 MGI:88111 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:817 Atp2c1 621311 170699 ATP2C1 733912 27032 HGNC Atp2c1 736851 235574 MGI:1889008 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:13211 Atp2c2 620647 171496 ATP2C2 732511 9914 RGD Atp2c2 1623195 69047 MGI:1916297 RGD HGNC:29103 Atp4a 2177 24216 ATP4A 734000 495 HGNC Atp4a 10212 11944 MGI:88113 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:819 Atp4b 2178 24217 ATP4B 737185 496 HGNC Atp4b 10213 11945 MGI:88114 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:820 Atp5f1a 619993 65262 ATP5F1A 734400 498 HGNC Atp5f1a 734401 11946 MGI:88115 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:823 Atp5f1b 621368 171374 ATP5F1B 1344847 506 HGNC Atp5f1b 1557957 11947 MGI:107801 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:830 Atp5f1c 620011 116550 ATP5F1C 732616 509 HGNC Atp5f1c 732617 11949 MGI:1261437 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:833 Atp5f1d 621372 245965 ATP5F1D 1353040 513 HGNC Atp5f1d 731351 66043 MGI:1913293 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:837 Atp5f1e 621374 245958 ATP5F1E 1346801 514 HGNC Atp5f1e 736528 67126 MGI:1855697 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:838 Atp5if1 2181 25392 ATP5IF1 1312589 93974 HGNC Atp5if1 1552540 11983 MGI:1196457 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:871 Atp5mc1 61933 29754 ATP5MC1 1348420 516 HGNC Atp5mc1 62226 11951 MGI:107653 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:841 Atp5mc2 620051 171082 ATP5MC2 736098 517 HGNC Atp5mc2 731824 67942 MGI:1915192 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:842 Atp5mc3 620052 114630 ATP5MC3 734314 518 HGNC Atp5mc3 734315 228033 MGI:2442035 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:843 Atp5me 621377 140608 ATP5ME 1350783 521 HGNC Atp5me 733939 11958 MGI:106636 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:846 Atp5mf 1596067 690441 ATP5MF 1345847 9551 HGNC Atp5mf 1622341 57423 MGI:1927558 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:848 Atp5mg 1303259 300677 ATP5MG 1352647 10632 HGNC Atp5mg 1551535 27425 MGI:1351597 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:14247 Atp5mj-ps1 41368180 120099911 ATP5MJ 1352128 9556 RGD HGNC:1188 Atp5mk 631426 171069 ATP5MK 1347198 84833 RGD Atp5mk 1332517 66477 MGI:1891435 RGD HGNC:30889 Atp5mpl 6486223 100912557 Atp5mj 1623957 70257 MGI:1917507 RGD Atp5pb 620041 171375 ATP5PB 736319 515 RGD Atp5pb 733542 11950 MGI:1100495 RGD HGNC:840 Atp5pd 620083 641434 ATP5PD 1351705 10476 RGD Atp5pd 733750 71679 MGI:1918929 RGD HGNC:845 Atp5pf 621376 94271 ATP5PF 735304 522 HGNC Atp5pf 731290 11957 MGI:107777 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:847 Atp5po 621379 192241 ATP5PO 1348097 539 HGNC Atp5po 734072 28080 MGI:106341 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:850 Atp6ap1 620423 83615 ATP6AP1 733467 537 HGNC Atp6ap1 1550133 54411 MGI:109629 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:868 Atp6ap1l 1564936 361875 ATP6AP1L 1603596 92270 HGNC Atp6ap1l 1614699 435376 MGI:3648665 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:28091 Atp6ap2 1561269 302526 ATP6AP2 1346001 10159 HGNC Atp6ap2 1557796 70495 MGI:1917745 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:18305 Atp6v0a1 68405 29757 ATP6V0A1 1605737 535 HGNC Atp6v0a1 1332226 11975 MGI:103286 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:865 Atp6v0a2 621006 116455 ATP6V0A2 1320849 23545 HGNC Atp6v0a2 1320850 21871 MGI:104855 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:18481 Atp6v0a4 1305055 296981 ATP6V0A4 1312856 50617 HGNC Atp6v0a4 1312857 140494 MGI:2153480 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:866 Atp6v0b 1308303 298451 ATP6V0B 1317997 533 HGNC Atp6v0b 1317998 114143 MGI:1890510 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:861 Atp6v0c 621394 170667 ATP6V0C 731892 527 HGNC Atp6v0c 731893 11984 MGI:88116 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:855 Atp6v0d1 1306159 291969 ATP6V0D1 1314615 9114 HGNC Atp6v0d1 1314616 11972 MGI:1201778 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:13724 Atp6v0d2 1306900 297932 ATP6V0D2 1315777 245972 HGNC Atp6v0d2 1315778 242341 MGI:1924415 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:18266 Atp6v0e1 621393 94170 ATP6V0E1 1350958 8992 HGNC Atp6v0e 1553358 11974 MGI:1328318 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:863 Atp6v0e2 1303238 436582 ATP6V0E2 1606137 155066 HGNC Atp6v0e2 1550183 76252 MGI:1923502 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:21723 Atp6v1a 1596464 685232 ATP6V1A 1323585 523 HGNC Atp6v1a 1622415 11964 MGI:1201780 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:851 Atp6v1b1 1310619 312488 ATP6V1B1 1321627 525 HGNC Atp6v1b1 1321628 110935 MGI:103285 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:853 Atp6v1b2 620284 117596 ATP6V1B2 732120 526 HGNC Atp6v1b2 732121 11966 MGI:109618 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:854 Atp6v1c1 1311082 299971 ATP6V1C1 1322350 528 HGNC Atp6v1c1 1322351 66335 MGI:1913585 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:856 Atp6v1c2 1359430 362802 ATP6V1C2 1354342 245973 HGNC Atp6v1c2 1551733 68775 MGI:1916025 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:18264 Atp6v1d 735119 299159 ATP6V1D 1348353 51382 HGNC Atp6v1d 1553446 73834 MGI:1921084 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:13527 Atp6v1e1 735157 297566 ATP6V1E1 1347206 529 HGNC Atp6v1e1 1549999 11973 MGI:894326 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:857 Atp6v1e2 1311680 366545 ATP6V1E2 1323263 90423 HGNC Atp6v1e2 1323264 74915 MGI:1922165 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:18125 Atp6v1f 621552 116664 ATP6V1F 1351850 9296 HGNC Atp6v1f 1332038 66144 MGI:1913394 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:16832 Atp6v1g1 1310088 298103 ATP6V1G1 1320793 9550 HGNC Atp6v1g1 1320794 66290 MGI:1913540 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:864 Atp6v1g2 1303186 368044 ATP6V1G2 1347481 534 HGNC Atp6v1g2 1551130 66237 MGI:1913487 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:862 Atp6v1g3 1304635 289407 ATP6V1G3 1312186 127124 HGNC Atp6v1g3 1312187 338375 MGI:2450548 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:18265 Atp6v1h 1562450 297797 ATP6V1H 1320995 51606 HGNC Atp6v1h 1320996 108664 MGI:1914864 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:18303 Atp7a 2179 24941 ATP7A 10216 538 HGNC Atp7a 10215 11977 MGI:99400 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:869 Atp7b 2180 24218 ATP7B 731392 540 HGNC Atp7b 10217 11979 MGI:103297 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:870 Atp8a1 1309619 289615 ATP8A1 1320053 10396 HGNC Atp8a1 1320054 11980 MGI:1330848 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:13531 Atp8a2 1594597 691889 ATP8A2 1344629 51761 HGNC Atp8a2 30309656 50769 MGI:1354710 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:13533 Atp8b1 1308488 291555 ATP8B1 1318284 5205 HGNC Atp8b1 1551010 54670 MGI:1859665 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:3706 Atp8b2 1597731 685152 ATP8B2 1318635 57198 HGNC Atp8b2 1318636 54667 MGI:1859660 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:13534 Atp8b3 1307622 299616 ATP8B3 1316924 148229 HGNC Atp8b3 1550775 67331 MGI:1914581 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:13535 Atp8b4 1306712 311396 ATP8B4 1315485 79895 HGNC Atp8b4 1315486 241633 MGI:1859664 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:13536 Atp8b5 1587460 691125 ATP8B5P 1604224 158381 RGD Atp8b5 1617985 320571 MGI:2444287 RGD HGNC:27245 Atp9a 621421 84011 ATP9A 735480 10079 HGNC Atp9a 735481 11981 MGI:1330826 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:13540 Atp9b 1563006 291411 ATP9B 1353015 374868 HGNC Atp9b 1557120 50771 MGI:1354757 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:13541 Atpaf1 1305417 313510 ATPAF1 1313436 64756 HGNC Atpaf1 1619843 230649 MGI:2180560 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:18803 Atpaf2 1305161 303190 ATPAF2 1313025 91647 HGNC Atpaf2 1313026 246782 MGI:2180561 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:18802 Atpsckmt 1560629 499561 ATPSCKMT 1603183 134145 HGNC Atpsckmt 1557471 68073 MGI:1915323 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:27029 Atr 1305796 685055 ATR 1314047 545 RGD Atr 1557923 245000 MGI:108028 RGD HGNC:882 Atraid 1311605 298841 ATRAID 1323150 51374 HGNC Atraid 1323151 381629 MGI:1918918 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:24090 Atrip 1626390 301014 ATRIP 1625848 111822955 HGNC Gm53191 1323749 111828493 MGI:6721469 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline Atrn 69063 83526 ATRN 69117 8455 HGNC Atrn 69118 11990 MGI:1341628 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:885 Atrnl1 1563485 307992 ATRNL1 1607060 26033 HGNC Atrnl1 1556919 226255 MGI:2147749 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:29063 Atrx 619795 246284 ATRX 1605736 546 HGNC Atrx 1553098 22589 MGI:103067 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:886 Atxn1 3624 25049 ATXN1 1344585 6310 HGNC Atxn1 11258 20238 MGI:104783 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:10548 Atxn10 621813 170821 ATXN10 1351525 25814 HGNC Atxn10 733417 54138 MGI:1859293 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:10549 Atxn1l 9319286 103694328 ATXN1L 1626546 342371 RGD Atxn1l 1621566 52335 MGI:3694797 RGD HGNC:33279 Atxn2 1306637 288663 ATXN2 1347160 6311 HGNC Atxn2 1315365 20239 MGI:1277223 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:10555 Atxn2l 1565868 361649 ATXN2L 1604832 11273 HGNC Atxn2l 1614916 233871 MGI:2446242 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:31326 Atxn3 621567 60331 ATXN3 1606333 4287 HGNC Atxn3 1332234 110616 MGI:1099442 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:7106 Atxn7 1562692 361015 ATXN7 1350255 6314 HGNC Atxn7 1558157 246103 MGI:2179277 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:10560 Atxn7l1 1305730 362726 ATXN7L1 1345348 222255 HGNC Atxn7l1 1614792 380753 MGI:3584458 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:22210 Atxn7l2 1307047 310781 ATXN7L2 1350736 127002 HGNC Atxn7l2 1615844 72522 MGI:1919772 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:28713 Atxn7l3 1311493 287734 ATXN7L3 1342958 56970 HGNC Atxn7l3 1622991 217218 MGI:3036270 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:25416 Atxn7l3b 2301984 100192313 ATXN7L3B 2816966 552889 HGNC Atxn7l3b 1621942 382423 MGI:1914971 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:37931 Auh 1306087 361215 AUH 1314501 549 HGNC Auh 1314502 11992 MGI:1338011 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:890 Aunip 1589922 689656 AUNIP 1601974 79000 HGNC Aunip 1616755 69885 MGI:1917135 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:28363 Aup1 1591777 680423 AUP1 1602731 550 HGNC Aup1 1320623 11993 MGI:107789 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:891 Aurka 628895 261730 AURKA 1353168 6790 HGNC Aurka 1552819 20878 MGI:894678 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:11393 Aurkb 621625 114592 AURKB 731309 9212 HGNC Aurkb 731310 20877 MGI:107168 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:11390 Aurkc 1309573 292554 AURKC 1343852 6795 HGNC Aurkc 1319982 20871 MGI:1321119 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:11391 Auts2 2323959 304419 AUTS2 1320604 26053 HGNC Auts2 1622851 319974 MGI:1919847 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:14262 Aven 1309928 311299 AVEN 1320536 57099 HGNC Aven 1623150 74268 MGI:1921518 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:13509 Avil 620301 79253 AVIL 731808 10677 HGNC Avil 731809 11567 MGI:1333798 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:14188 Avl9 1564615 312371 AVL9 1604629 23080 HGNC Avl9 1616674 78937 MGI:1926187 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:28994 Avp 2184 24221 AVP 68968 551 HGNC Avp 10220 11998 MGI:88121 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:894 Avpi1 621721 171386 AVPI1 1353971 60370 HGNC Avpi1 733578 69534 MGI:1916784 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:30898 Avpr1a 2185 25107 AVPR1A 68986 552 HGNC Avpr1a 68987 54140 MGI:1859216 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:895 Avpr1b 6502812 100909648 AVPR1B 619562 553 HGNC Avpr1b 62179 26361 MGI:1347010 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:896 Avpr2 2186 25108 AVPR2 730975 554 HGNC Avpr2 10222 12000 MGI:88123 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:897 Awat1 1587163 679520 AWAT1 1346796 158833 HGNC Awat1 1614875 245533 MGI:3588200 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:23252 Awat2 1565111 302425 AWAT2 1606441 158835 HGNC Awat2 1558296 245532 MGI:3045345 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:23251 Axdnd1 1566124 501861 AXDND1 1605000 126859 HGNC Axdnd1 1619082 77352 MGI:1924602 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:26564 Axin1 620859 79257 AXIN1 736564 8312 HGNC Axin1 1552250 12005 MGI:1096327 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:903 Axin2 69259 29134 AXIN2 1349667 8313 HGNC Axin2 735540 12006 MGI:1270862 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:904 Axl 620028 308444 AXL 1323764 558 HGNC Axl 1323765 26362 MGI:1347244 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:905 Azgp1 2187 25294 AZGP1 735517 563 HGNC Azgp1 10223 12007 MGI:103163 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:910 Azi2 1310530 316051 AZI2 1605352 64343 HGNC Azi2 1321487 27215 MGI:1351332 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:24002 Azin1 61934 58961 AZIN1 731863 51582 HGNC Azin1 1550033 54375 MGI:1859169 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:16432 Azin2 1564776 366473 AZIN2 1606188 113451 HGNC Azin2 1617315 242669 MGI:2442093 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:29957 B2m 2189 24223 B2M 735892 567 HGNC B2m 10224 12010 MGI:88127 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:914 B3galnt1 1304797 310508 B3GALNT1 1312449 8706 HGNC B3galnt1 1312450 26879 MGI:1349405 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:918 B3galnt2 1306946 291212 B3GALNT2 1345395 148789 HGNC B3galnt2 1621423 97884 MGI:2145517 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:28596 B3galt1 1311898 366064 B3GALT1 1323596 8708 HGNC B3galt1 1323597 26877 MGI:1349403 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:916 B3galt2 1586615 686081 B3GALT2 1347261 8707 HGNC B3galt2 1617595 26878 MGI:1349461 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:917 B3galt4 620328 171079 B3GALT4 1343637 8705 HGNC B3galt4 731504 54218 MGI:1859517 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:919 B3galt5 1306727 288161 B3GALT5 1315510 10317 HGNC B3galt5 1315511 93961 MGI:2136878 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:920 B3galt6 1309558 298690 B3GALT6 1319963 126792 HGNC B3galt6 1319964 117592 MGI:2152819 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:17978 B3galt9 9424697 103691796 B3GALT9 13462034 100288842 RGD B3galt9 9612879 102637973 MGI:5593812 RGD HGNC:53652 B3gat1 70880 117108 B3GAT1 733365 27087 HGNC B3gat1 736059 76898 MGI:1924148 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:921 B3gat2 620903 64544 B3GAT2 1348026 135152 HGNC B3gat2 1551342 280645 MGI:2389490 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:922 B3gat3 1311968 293722 B3GAT3 1323698 26229 HGNC B3gat3 1323699 72727 MGI:1919977 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:923 B3glct 1588723 689765 B3GLCT 1604745 145173 RGD B3glct 1617946 381694 MGI:2685903 RGD HGNC:20207 B3gnt2 1310077 305571 B3GNT2 1320774 10678 HGNC B3gnt2 1320775 53625 MGI:1889505 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:15629 B3gnt3 1305151 290638 B3GNT3 1313012 10331 HGNC B3gnt3 1313013 72297 MGI:2152535 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:13528 B3gnt4 1309612 288752 B3GNT4 1320043 79369 HGNC B3gnt4 1320044 231727 MGI:2680208 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:15683 B3gnt5 70955 116740 B3GNT5 735674 84002 HGNC B3gnt5 735675 108105 MGI:2137302 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:15684 B3gnt6 1310926 292325 B3GNT6 1601928 192134 HGNC B3gnt6 1322109 272411 MGI:3039603 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:24141 B3gnt7 1310580 316583 B3GNT7 1321569 93010 HGNC B3gnt7 1321570 227327 MGI:2384394 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:18811 B3gnt8 1305374 308440 B3GNT8 1313364 374907 HGNC B3gnt8 1622061 232984 MGI:2385269 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:24139 B3gnt9 1310170 291958 B3GNT9 1603192 84752 HGNC B3gnt9 1320915 97440 MGI:2142841 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:28714 B3gntl1 1359497 367384 B3GNTL1 1603899 146712 HGNC B3gntl1 1551772 210004 MGI:2441705 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:21727 B4galnt1 620490 64828 B4GALNT1 731293 2583 HGNC B4galnt1 731294 14421 MGI:1342057 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:4117 B4galnt2 1592405 688155 B4GALNT2 1354479 124872 HGNC B4galnt2 1623312 14422 MGI:1342058 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:24136 B4galnt3 1561056 500306 B4GALNT3 1603523 283358 HGNC B4galnt3 1621971 330406 MGI:3041155 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:24137 B4galnt4 1310052 309105 B4GALNT4 1602277 338707 HGNC B4galnt4 1320731 330671 MGI:2652891 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:26315 B4galt1 620900 24390 B4GALT1 1349315 2683 HGNC B4galt1 10640 14595 MGI:95705 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:924 B4galt2 1305358 313536 B4GALT2 1313336 8704 HGNC B4galt2 1313337 53418 MGI:1858493 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:925 B4galt3 1359221 494342 B4GALT3 1354334 8703 HGNC B4galt3 1553504 57370 MGI:1928767 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:926 B4galt4 1307880 303923 B4GALT4 1317330 8702 HGNC B4galt4 1317331 56375 MGI:1928387 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:927 B4galt5 1310062 362275 B4GALT5 1320747 9334 HGNC B4galt5 1320748 56336 MGI:1927169 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:928 B4galt6 71046 65196 B4GALT6 737376 9331 HGNC B4galt6 737377 56386 MGI:1928380 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:929 B4galt7 1309214 364675 B4GALT7 1354325 11285 HGNC B4galt7 1319431 218271 MGI:2384987 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:930 B4gat1 1309541 293667 B4GAT1 1319932 11041 HGNC B4gat1 1615764 108902 MGI:1919680 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:15685 B9d1 1305522 287383 B9D1 1602004 27077 HGNC B9d1 1313598 27078 MGI:1351471 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:24123 B9d2 1566122 308443 B9D2 1603296 80776 HGNC B9d2 1622060 232987 MGI:2387643 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:28636 Baalc 628703 140720 BAALC 736795 79870 HGNC Baalc 733883 118452 MGI:1928704 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:14333 Baat 2190 29725 BAAT 735913 570 HGNC Baat 10225 12012 MGI:106642 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:932 Babam1 1359516 290631 BABAM1 1602893 29086 HGNC Babam1 1619174 68251 MGI:1915501 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:25008 Babam2 735111 362704 BABAM2 1343026 9577 HGNC Babam2 1551221 107976 MGI:1333875 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:1106 Bace1 2191 29392 BACE1 1606566 23621 HGNC Bace1 1332039 23821 MGI:1346542 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:933 Bace2 1303241 288227 BACE2 1350115 25825 HGNC Bace2 1551409 56175 MGI:1860440 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:934 Bach1 1306693 304127 BACH1 1315457 571 HGNC Bach1 1315458 12013 MGI:894680 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:935 Bach2 1562865 313125 BACH2 1319503 60468 HGNC Bach2 1621642 12014 MGI:894679 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:14078 Bad 620103 64639 BAD 735541 572 HGNC Bad 733062 12015 MGI:1096330 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:936 Bag1 1305203 297994 BAG1 1313091 573 HGNC Bag1 1313092 12017 MGI:108047 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:937 Bag2 1585173 690038 BAG2 1343744 9532 HGNC Bag2 1621366 213539 MGI:1891254 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:938 Bag3 1307794 293524 BAG3 1317192 9531 HGNC Bag3 1317193 29810 MGI:1352493 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:939 Bag4 1560875 361167 BAG4 1350570 9530 HGNC Bag4 1615882 67384 MGI:1914634 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:940 Bag5 1310847 366734 BAG5 1321985 9529 RGD Bag5 1321986 70369 MGI:1917619 RGD HGNC:941 Bag6 71064 94342 BAG6 733092 7917 HGNC Bag6 735577 224727 MGI:1919439 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:13919 Bahcc1 1306500 360674 BAHCC1 1606249 57597 HGNC Bahcc1 1316266 268515 MGI:2679272 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:29279 Bahd1 1563127 362194 BAHD1 1345980 22893 HGNC Bahd1 1615692 228536 MGI:2139371 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:29153 Baiap2 619814 117542 BAIAP2 732926 10458 HGNC Baiap2 732927 108100 MGI:2137336 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:947 Baiap2l1 1308452 304282 BAIAP2L1 1352215 55971 HGNC Baiap2l1 1552518 66898 MGI:1914148 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:21649 Baiap2l2 1595091 685357 BAIAP2L2 1342805 80115 HGNC Baiap2l2 1550162 207495 MGI:2652819 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:26203 Baiap3 10059729 106146145 BAIAP3 1318052 8938 HGNC Baiap3 1611478 545192 MGI:2685783 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:948 Bak1 621635 116502 BAK1 1353034 578 HGNC Bak1 1552456 12018 MGI:1097161 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:949 Bambi 621831 83837 BAMBI 1346993 25805 HGNC Bambi 736709 68010 MGI:1915260 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:30251 Banf1 620662 114087 BANF1 1342836 8815 HGNC Banf1 732240 23825 MGI:1346330 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:17397 Banf2 1307909 296198 BANF2 1317375 140836 HGNC Banf2 1622777 403171 MGI:2684961 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:16172 Bank1 1564639 365948 BANK1 1342509 55024 HGNC Bank1 1558247 242248 MGI:2442120 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:18233 Banp 1307464 292064 BANP 1316673 54971 HGNC Banp 1316674 53325 MGI:1889023 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:13450 Bap1 1311938 306257 BAP1 1323652 8314 HGNC Bap1 1323653 104416 MGI:1206586 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:950 Bard1 621072 64557 BARD1 736238 580 HGNC Bard1 733490 12021 MGI:1328361 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:952 Barhl1 620648 117232 BARHL1 733588 56751 HGNC Barhl1 733589 54422 MGI:1859288 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:953 Barhl2 620726 65050 BARHL2 1344726 343472 HGNC Barhl2 1621406 104382 MGI:1859314 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:954 Barx1 1310884 364680 BARX1 1322041 56033 HGNC Barx1 1322042 12022 MGI:103124 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:955 Barx2 1584840 679701 BARX2 1350102 8538 RGD Barx2 1621640 12023 MGI:109617 RGD HGNC:956 Basp1 621491 64160 BASP1 1347703 10409 RGD Basp1 733369 70350 MGI:1917600 RGD HGNC:957 Batf 1304923 299206 BATF 1312643 10538 HGNC Batf 1312644 53314 MGI:1859147 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:958 Batf2 1311481 309178 BATF2 1602989 116071 HGNC Batf2 1322964 74481 MGI:1921731 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:25163 Batf3 620501 60462 BATF3 1602111 55509 HGNC Batf3 731749 381319 MGI:1925491 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:28915 Bax 2192 24887 BAX 70373 581 HGNC Bax 10226 12028 MGI:99702 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:959 Baz1a 1306199 314126 BAZ1A 1314679 11177 HGNC Baz1a 1620625 217578 MGI:1309478 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:960 Baz1b 1597089 368002 BAZ1B 1314248 9031 HGNC Baz1b 1314249 22385 MGI:1353499 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:961 Baz2a 1305037 304601 BAZ2A 1312828 11176 HGNC Baz2a 1552099 116848 MGI:2151152 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:962 Baz2b 1309801 317627 BAZ2B 1320334 29994 HGNC Baz2b 1616372 407823 MGI:2442782 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:963 Bbc3 631434 317673 BBC3 735389 27113 HGNC Bbc3 1552484 170770 MGI:2181667 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:17868 Bbip1 6498801 100910342 BBIP1 2300355 92482 HGNC Bbip1 1613633 100503572 MGI:1913610 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:28093 Bbln 1561113 499780 BBLN 1342591 79095 HGNC Bbln 1558230 73737 MGI:1920987 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:17823 Bbof1 1560978 500693 BBOF1 1346239 80127 HGNC Bbof1 1623937 72873 MGI:1920123 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:19855 Bbox1 619756 64564 BBOX1 732171 8424 HGNC Bbox1 732172 170442 MGI:1891372 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:964 Bbs1 1307581 309156 BBS1 1316858 582 HGNC Bbs1 1316859 52028 MGI:1277215 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:966 Bbs10 1560748 500832 BBS10 1605944 79738 HGNC Bbs10 1622272 71769 MGI:1919019 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:26291 Bbs12 1561608 365770 BBS12 1603548 166379 HGNC Bbs12 1622919 241950 MGI:2686651 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:26648 Bbs2 71091 113948 BBS2 732435 583 HGNC Bbs2 732436 67378 MGI:2135267 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:967 Bbs4 1309134 300754 BBS4 1319306 585 HGNC Bbs4 1319307 102774 MGI:2143311 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:969 Bbs5 1310718 362142 BBS5 1321789 129880 HGNC Bbs5 1553562 72569 MGI:1919819 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:970 Bbs7 1309264 361930 BBS7 1319511 55212 HGNC Bbs7 1319512 71492 MGI:1918742 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:18758 Bbs9 1308472 315484 BBS9 1603660 27241 HGNC Bbs9 1318260 319845 MGI:2442833 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:30000 Bbx 1309769 303970 BBX 1320282 56987 HGNC Bbx 1320283 70508 MGI:1917758 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:14422 Bcam 68378 78958 BCAM 68545 4059 HGNC Bcam 1624017 57278 MGI:1929940 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:6722 Bcan 2194 25393 BCAN 736888 63827 RGD Bcan 10227 12032 MGI:1096385 RGD HGNC:23059 Bcap29 1359431 298943 BCAP29 1347055 55973 HGNC Bcap29 1551235 12033 MGI:101917 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:24131 Bcap31 1302944 293852 BCAP31 1349319 10134 HGNC Bcap31 1552028 27061 MGI:1350933 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:16695 Bcar1 2406 25414 BCAR1 734116 9564 HGNC Bcar1 737122 12927 MGI:108091 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:971 Bcar3 1311688 310838 BCAR3 36174057 8412 HGNC Bcar3 1323277 29815 MGI:1352501 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:973 Bcas1 628644 246755 BCAS1 1351231 8537 HGNC Bcas1 1622218 76960 MGI:1924210 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:974 Bcas2 1306485 295334 BCAS2 1315129 10286 HGNC Bcas2 1315130 68183 MGI:1915433 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:975 Bcas3 1560788 363662 BCAS3 1319844 54828 HGNC Bcas3 1615741 192197 MGI:2385848 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:14347 Bcat1 2195 29592 BCAT1 1345403 586 HGNC Bcat1 735669 12035 MGI:104861 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:976 Bcat2 68948 64203 BCAT2 69002 587 HGNC Bcat2 69003 12036 MGI:1276534 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:977 Bccip 1307362 361666 BCCIP 1316516 56647 HGNC Bccip 1316517 66165 MGI:1913415 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:978 Bcdin3d 1306433 363001 BCDIN3D 1601723 144233 HGNC Bcdin3d 1332365 75284 MGI:1922534 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:27050 Bche 619996 65036 BCHE 732174 590 HGNC Bche 732175 12038 MGI:894278 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:983 Bckdha 2196 25244 BCKDHA 734102 593 HGNC Bckdha 10228 12039 MGI:107701 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:986 Bckdhb 2197 29711 BCKDHB 1351460 594 HGNC Bckdhb 736924 12040 MGI:88137 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:987 Bckdk 2198 29603 BCKDK 69214 10295 HGNC Bckdk 69215 12041 MGI:1276121 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:16902 Bcl10 620544 83477 BCL10 1347575 8915 HGNC Bcl10 733736 12042 MGI:1337994 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:989 Bcl11a 1309923 305589 BCL11A 1320527 53335 HGNC Bcl11a 1320528 14025 MGI:106190 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:13221 Bcl11b 1311128 314423 BCL11B 1322422 64919 HGNC Bcl11b 1322423 58208 MGI:1929913 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:13222 Bcl2 2199 24224 BCL2 733100 596 HGNC Bcl2 10230 12043 MGI:88138 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:990 Bcl2a1 620621 170929 BCL2A1 733985 597 HGNC Bcl2a1b 1621639 12045 MGI:1278326 RGD HGNC:991 Bcl2l1 2200 24888 BCL2L1 735516 598 HGNC Bcl2l1 1552009 12048 MGI:88139 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:992 Bcl2l10 621015 114552 BCL2L10 1353095 10017 HGNC Bcl2l10 731990 12049 MGI:1330841 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:993 Bcl2l11 628774 64547 BCL2L11 734299 10018 HGNC Bcl2l11 734300 12125 MGI:1197519 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:994 Bcl2l12 1307361 361567 BCL2L12 1606211 83596 HGNC Bcl2l12 1316515 75736 MGI:1922986 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:13787 Bcl2l13 1306985 312682 BCL2L13 1315911 23786 HGNC Bcl2l13 1315912 94044 MGI:2136959 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:17164 Bcl2l14 1562777 500348 BCL2L14 1603380 79370 HGNC Bcl2l14 1557691 66813 MGI:1914063 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:16657 Bcl2l15 1562344 295337 BCL2L15 1603456 440603 HGNC Bcl2l15 2302590 229672 MGI:2685412 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:33624 Bcl2l2 620717 60434 BCL2L2 1352362 599 HGNC Bcl2l2 1551699 12050 MGI:108052 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:995 Bcl3 1589465 680611 BCL3 1314971 602 HGNC Bcl3 1314972 12051 MGI:88140 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:998 Bcl6 1309345 303836 BCL6 1319642 604 HGNC Bcl6 1319643 12053 MGI:107187 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:1001 Bcl6b 1563179 360551 BCL6B 1349060 255877 HGNC Bcl6b 1557797 12029 MGI:1278332 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:1002 Bcl7a 1585128 690085 BCL7A 1319851 605 HGNC Bcl7a 1319852 77045 MGI:1924295 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:1004 Bcl7b 1597090 368001 BCL7B 1349003 9275 HGNC Bcl7b 1557893 12054 MGI:1332238 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:1005 Bcl7c 1308439 293514 BCL7C 1318207 9274 HGNC Bcl7c 1550993 12055 MGI:1332237 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:1006 Bcl9 1306934 310704 BCL9 1315830 607 HGNC Bcl9 1315831 77578 MGI:1924828 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:1008 Bcl9l 1309096 300673 BCL9L 1319242 283149 HGNC Bcl9l 1319243 80288 MGI:1933114 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:23688 Bclaf1 1309704 293017 BCLAF1 1320189 9774 HGNC Bclaf1 1320190 72567 MGI:1917580 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:16863 Bclaf3 1562161 501559 BCLAF3 1348660 256643 HGNC Bclaf3 1623667 382252 MGI:2685992 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:27413 Bco1 70981 114106 BCO1 1346552 53630 HGNC Bco1 1332399 63857 MGI:1926923 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:13815 Bco2 1309022 315644 BCO2 1319131 83875 HGNC Bco2 1319132 170752 MGI:2177469 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:18503 Bcor 1562735 317346 BCOR 1606540 54880 HGNC Bcor 1557301 71458 MGI:1918708 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:20893 Bcorl1 1566108 302810 BCORL1 1346589 63035 HGNC Bcorl1 1558544 320376 MGI:2443910 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:25657 Bcr 1307993 309696 BCR 1317506 613 HGNC Bcr 1615754 110279 MGI:88141 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:1014 Bcs1l 1359658 301514 BCS1L 1347169 617 HGNC Bcs1l 1553825 66821 MGI:1914071 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:1020 Bdh1 620131 117099 BDH1 737289 622 HGNC Bdh1 737290 71911 MGI:1919161 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:1027 Bdh2 1309898 295458 BDH2 1604606 56898 HGNC Bdh2 1320492 69772 MGI:1917022 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:32389 Bdkrb1 620401 81509 BDKRB1 730874 623 HGNC Bdkrb1 731358 12061 MGI:88144 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:1029 Bdkrb2 2201 25245 BDKRB2 737386 624 HGNC Bdkrb2 10232 12062 MGI:102845 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:1030 Bdnf 2202 24225 BDNF 731027 627 HGNC Bdnf 10235 12064 MGI:88145 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:1033 Bdp1 1308512 294687 BDP1 1318324 55814 HGNC Bdp1 1556946 544971 MGI:1347077 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:13652 Bean1 1562003 361358 BEAN1 4144982 146227 HGNC Bean1 1623237 65115 MGI:1929597 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:24160 Becn1 620190 114558 BECN1 733440 8678 HGNC Becn1 736173 56208 MGI:1891828 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:1034 Becn2 1563293 289269 BECN2 4106408 441925 HGNC Becn2 1619855 226720 MGI:2684950 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:38606 Begain 708347 79146 BEGAIN 731845 57596 HGNC Begain 1614788 380785 MGI:3044626 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:24163 Bend2 41287312 120099333 BEND2 1350095 139105 NCBI Bend2 12436784 108168453 MGI:3705232 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:28509 Bend3 1596570 683923 BEND3 1347685 57673 HGNC Bend3 1622831 331623 MGI:2677212 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:23040 Bend4 1584735 681008 BEND4 1605502 389206 HGNC Bend4 1623384 666938 MGI:3648414 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:23815 Bend5 1584958 362564 BEND5 1606228 79656 HGNC Bend5 1315113 67621 MGI:1914871 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:25668 Bend6 1310392 363212 BEND6 1321272 221336 HGNC Bend6 1321273 320705 MGI:2444572 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:20871 Bend7 1305898 361275 BEND7 1314203 222389 HGNC Bend7 1314204 209645 MGI:2443100 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:23514 Best1 1311656 293735 BEST1 1323228 7439 HGNC Best1 1323229 24115 MGI:1346332 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:12703 Best2 1305377 364973 BEST2 1313368 54831 HGNC Best2 1313369 212989 MGI:2387588 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:17107 Best3 1305439 314847 BEST3 1313470 144453 HGNC Best3 1550212 382427 MGI:3580298 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:17105 Best4 1596200 689103 BEST4 1344321 266675 HGNC HGNC:17106 Bet1 2203 29631 BET1 732892 10282 HGNC Bet1 735305 12068 MGI:1343104 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:14562 Bet1l 71051 54400 BET1L 1602713 51272 HGNC Bet1l 735665 54399 MGI:1913128 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:19348 Bex1 1564643 501625 BEX2 1353223 84707 RGD Bex1 1622373 19716 MGI:1328321 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:30933 Bex2 1564466 363498 BEX1 1343764 55859 RGD Bex2 1558492 12069 MGI:1338017 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:1036 Bex3 3148 117089 BEX3 735398 27018 HGNC Bex3 731350 12070 MGI:1338016 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:13388 Bex4 1564749 501624 BEX4 1352390 56271 HGNC Bex4 1618728 406217 MGI:3606746 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:25475 Bfar 1304791 304709 BFAR 1312438 51283 HGNC Bfar 1312439 67118 MGI:1914368 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:17613 Bfsp1 2205 25394 BFSP1 737302 631 HGNC Bfsp1 10237 12075 MGI:101770 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:1040 Bfsp2 1591927 501046 BFSP2 1347093 8419 HGNC Bfsp2 1314243 107993 MGI:1333828 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:1041 Bglap 2206 25295 BGLAP 619567 632 HGNC Bglap 1621634 12096 MGI:88156 RGD HGNC:1043 Bgn 2207 25181 BGN 737524 633 HGNC Bgn 10239 12111 MGI:88158 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:1044 Bhlha15 3091 25334 BHLHA15 737550 168620 HGNC Bhlha15 1551446 17341 MGI:891976 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:22265 Bhlha9 1311234 363656 BHLHA9 2302834 727857 HGNC Bhlha9 1322584 320522 MGI:2444198 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:35126 Bhlhe22 1305451 365748 BHLHE22 1313486 27319 HGNC Bhlhe22 1313487 59058 MGI:1930001 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:11963 Bhlhe23 1559760 499952 BHLHE23 1346145 128408 HGNC Bhlhe23 1557310 140489 MGI:2153710 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:16093 Bhlhe40 68439 79431 BHLHE40 68659 8553 HGNC Bhlhe40 68660 20893 MGI:1097714 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:1046 Bhlhe41 70900 117095 BHLHE41 731061 79365 HGNC Bhlhe41 731062 79362 MGI:1930704 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:16617 Bhmt 621496 81508 BHMT 1346951 635 HGNC Bhmt 1550381 12116 MGI:1339972 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:1047 Bhmt2 1359418 365972 BHMT2 1352435 23743 HGNC Bhmt2 1614386 64918 MGI:1891379 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:1048 Bicc1 1307459 361832 BICC1 1316665 80114 HGNC Bicc1 1316666 83675 MGI:1933388 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:19351 Bicd1 1309444 362466 BICD1 1319790 636 HGNC Bicd1 1319791 12121 MGI:1101760 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:1049 Bicd2 735093 306809 BICD2 1352041 23299 HGNC Bicd2 1623107 76895 MGI:1924145 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:17208 Bicdl1 1310292 304537 BICDL1 1603186 92558 HGNC Bicdl1 1321110 75665 MGI:1922915 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:28095 Bicdl2 1306729 302964 BICDL2 1626601 146439 HGNC Bicdl2 1315514 212733 MGI:2388267 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:33584 Bicra 1306385 292622 BICRA 1314970 29998 HGNC Bicra 1618114 243842 MGI:2154263 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:4332 Bicral 1305680 301235 BICRAL 1313851 23506 HGNC Bicral 1313852 210982 MGI:2673855 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:21111 Bid 620160 64625 BID 1346183 637 HGNC Bid 732539 12122 MGI:108093 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:1050 Bik 621547 114496 BIK 1347683 638 HGNC Bik 732887 12124 MGI:1206591 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:1051 Bin1 621786 117028 BIN1 732350 274 HGNC Bin1 732351 30948 MGI:108092 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:1052 Bin2 1306789 366988 BIN2 1315604 51411 HGNC Bin2 1623351 668218 MGI:3611448 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:1053 Bin3 1308253 361065 BIN3 1317921 55909 HGNC Bin3 1317922 57784 MGI:1929883 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:1054 Birc2 620690 60371 BIRC2 1347209 329 HGNC Birc2 732625 11797 MGI:1197009 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:590 Birc3 621282 78971 BIRC3 732624 330 HGNC Birc3 733266 11796 MGI:1197007 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:591 Birc5 70499 64041 BIRC5 737482 332 HGNC Birc5 732772 11799 MGI:1203517 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:593 Birc6 1307247 313876 BIRC6 1316326 57448 HGNC Birc6 1316327 12211 MGI:1276108 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:13516 Birc7 1562883 296468 BIRC7 1345581 79444 HGNC Birc7 1618780 329581 MGI:2676458 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:13702 Bivm 1311888 102548228 BIVM 1323580 54841 HGNC HGNC:16034 Blacat1 402419174 134481496 BLACAT1 7245155 101669762 NCBI Gm29695 9672269 100505034 MGI:5588854 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:48597 Blcap 621666 171113 BLCAP 1347383 10904 HGNC Blcap 1553326 53619 MGI:1858907 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:1055 Bles03 628612 266609 C11orf68 1602858 83638 HGNC AI837181 733661 107242 MGI:2147598 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:28801 Blk 1308859 364403 BLK 1318874 640 HGNC Blk 1318875 12143 MGI:88169 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:1057 Blm 1308810 308755 BLM 1318795 641 HGNC Blm 1318796 12144 MGI:1328362 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:1058 Blmh 1304668 287552 BLMH 1312244 642 RGD Blmh 1312245 104184 MGI:1345186 RGD HGNC:1059 Blnk 1561933 499356 BLNK 1347273 29760 HGNC Blnk 1558103 17060 MGI:96878 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:14211 Bloc1s1 1307564 288785 BLOC1S1 1316833 2647 HGNC Bloc1s1 1316834 14533 MGI:1195276 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:4200 Bloc1s2 1306551 293938 BLOC1S2 1315231 282991 HGNC Bloc1s2 1315232 73689 MGI:1920939 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:20984 Bloc1s3 1591724 680476 BLOC1S3 1321173 388552 HGNC Bloc1s3 1321174 232946 MGI:2678952 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:20914 Bloc1s4 1306037 364183 BLOC1S4 1602324 55330 HGNC Bloc1s4 1332125 117197 MGI:1929230 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:24206 Bloc1s5 1306846 306868 BLOC1S5 1315693 63915 HGNC Bloc1s5 1315694 17828 MGI:2178598 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:18561 Bloc1s6 1310208 317630 BLOC1S6 1320975 26258 HGNC Bloc1s6 1320976 18457 MGI:1927580 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:8549 Bltp1 1307100 294978 BLTP1 1344341 84162 HGNC Bltp1 1320624 229227 MGI:2444631 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:26953 Bltp2 1307929 303280 BLTP2 1605423 9703 HGNC Bltp2 1317409 72503 MGI:1919753 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:28960 Bltp3a 1307264 309637 BLTP3A 1316354 54887 HGNC Bltp3a 1316355 224648 MGI:3041238 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:21216 Bltp3b 1594520 363009 BLTP3B 1604632 23074 RGD Bltp3b 1616711 75089 MGI:2442888 RGD HGNC:29102 Blvra 620721 116599 BLVRA 733010 644 HGNC Blvra 733011 109778 MGI:88170 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:1062 Blvrb 1306080 292737 BLVRB 1314490 645 RGD Blvrb 1314491 233016 MGI:2385271 RGD HGNC:1063 Blzf1 1562452 498266 BLZF1 1349052 8548 HGNC Blzf1 1624003 66352 MGI:1201607 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:1065 Bmal1 62003 29657 BMAL1 732520 406 HGNC Bmal1 62295 11865 MGI:1096381 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:701 Bmal2 620230 362464 BMAL2 737603 56938 RGD Bmal2 1551457 272322 MGI:2684845 RGD HGNC:18984 Bmerb1 1305733 360459 BMERB1 1345550 89927 HGNC Bmerb1 1313939 67254 MGI:1914504 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:19213 Bmf 628658 246142 BMF 1342866 90427 HGNC Bmf 1553883 171543 MGI:2176433 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:24132 Bmi1 1307403 307151 BMI1 1348038 648 HGNC Bmi1 1316582 12151 MGI:88174 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:1066 Bmp1 620739 83470 BMP1 1605441 649 HGNC Bmp1 1551822 12153 MGI:88176 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:1067 Bmp10 1562986 500245 BMP10 1353352 27302 HGNC Bmp10 1558624 12154 MGI:1338820 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:20869 Bmp15 70990 59302 BMP15 730933 9210 HGNC Bmp15 730934 12155 MGI:1316745 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:1068 Bmp2 2211 29373 BMP2 733110 650 HGNC Bmp2 735602 12156 MGI:88177 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:1069 Bmp2k 1564828 498333 BMP2K 1604611 55589 HGNC Bmp2k 1621389 140780 MGI:2155456 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:18041 Bmp3 2212 25667 BMP3 735356 651 HGNC Bmp3 731333 110075 MGI:88179 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:1070 Bmp4 2213 25296 BMP4 730832 652 HGNC Bmp4 10244 12159 MGI:88180 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:1071 Bmp5 1305979 315824 BMP5 1314330 653 HGNC Bmp5 1314331 12160 MGI:88181 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:1072 Bmp6 2214 25644 BMP6 1353193 654 HGNC Bmp6 732562 12161 MGI:88182 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:1073 Bmp7 620743 85272 BMP7 1344234 655 HGNC Bmp7 1553810 12162 MGI:103302 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:1074 Bmp8a 1585858 680931 BMP8A 1350211 353500 HGNC Bmp8a 1620926 12163 MGI:104515 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:21650 Bmp8b 1591873 679119 BMP8B 1353706 656 HGNC HGNC:1075 Bmper 1563373 300455 BMPER 1604514 168667 HGNC Bmper 1557017 73230 MGI:1920480 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:24154 Bmpr1a 70989 81507 BMPR1A 734372 657 HGNC Bmpr1a 734373 12166 MGI:1338938 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:1076 Bmpr1b 1595863 310914 BMPR1B 1354405 658 HGNC Bmpr1b 1558564 12167 MGI:107191 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:1077 Bmpr2 71082 140590 BMPR2 735373 659 HGNC Bmpr2 735374 12168 MGI:1095407 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:1078 Bms1 1308043 362426 BMS1 1345685 9790 HGNC Bms1 1317584 213895 MGI:2446132 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:23505 Bmt2 1588441 500034 BMT2 1606951 154743 HGNC Bmt2 1615774 101148 MGI:2141466 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:26475 Bmx 1565643 367786 BMX 1605440 660 HGNC Bmx 1557616 12169 MGI:1101778 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:1079 Bnc1 1309042 365299 BNC1 1319162 646 HGNC Bnc1 1319163 12173 MGI:1097164 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:1081 Bnc2 1310694 298189 BNC2 1321747 54796 HGNC Bnc2 1332260 242509 MGI:2443805 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:30988 Bnip1 620799 140932 BNIP1 732440 662 HGNC Bnip1 736978 224630 MGI:109328 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:1082 Bnip2 1308944 300811 BNIP2 1319009 663 HGNC Bnip2 1319010 12175 MGI:109327 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:1083 Bnip3 620800 84480 BNIP3 1350913 664 HGNC Bnip3 733814 12176 MGI:109326 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:1084 Bnip3l 621354 140923 BNIP3L 1350585 665 HGNC Bnip3l 1549974 12177 MGI:1332659 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:1085 Bnip5 1591066 689561 BNIP5 1605195 389384 HGNC Bnip5 1614967 207819 MGI:1925441 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:33769 Bnipl 1309478 361994 BNIPL 1319839 149428 HGNC Bnipl 1319840 171388 MGI:2384749 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:16976 Boc 1304550 360715 BOC 1605311 91653 RGD Boc 1312052 117606 MGI:2151153 RGD HGNC:17173 Bod1 1305622 287173 BOD1 1348370 91272 HGNC Bod1 1332058 69556 MGI:1916806 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:25114 Bod1l1 621413 207118 BOD1L1 1344806 259282 HGNC Bod1l 1622507 665775 MGI:2444804 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:31792 Bok 70984 29884 BOK 737138 666 HGNC Bok 737139 51800 MGI:1858494 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:1087 Bola1 1310586 365875 BOLA1 1606296 51027 HGNC Bola1 1552442 69168 MGI:1916418 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:24263 Bola2 1565363 502367 BOLA2 1605757 552900 RGD Bola2 1320647 66162 MGI:1913412 RGD HGNC:29488 Bola3 1305975 297388 BOLA3 1606380 388962 HGNC Bola3 1551723 78653 MGI:1925903 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:24415 Boll 1559527 501143 BOLL 1352689 66037 RGD Boll 1322550 75388 MGI:1922638 RGD HGNC:14273 Bop1 1310589 300050 BOP1 1321585 23246 HGNC Bop1 1321586 12181 MGI:1334460 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:15519 Bora 1309522 306102 BORA 1605625 79866 HGNC Bora 1331937 77744 MGI:1924994 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:24724 Borcs5 1307624 362452 BORCS5 1316927 118426 HGNC Borcs5 1316928 67774 MGI:1915024 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:17950 Borcs6 1563885 497934 BORCS6 1603302 54785 HGNC Borcs6 1620771 71923 MGI:1919173 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:25939 Borcs7 1311783 294012 BORCS7 1323417 119032 HGNC Borcs7 1623226 66439 MGI:1913689 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:23516 Borcs8 1582941 688966 BORCS8 5131351 729991 HGNC Borcs8 1617497 72368 MGI:1919618 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:37247 Bpgm 735018 296973 BPGM 1605438 669 HGNC Bpgm 1551134 12183 MGI:1098242 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:1093 Bphl 1307572 361239 BPHL 1316844 670 HGNC Bphl 1316845 68021 MGI:1915271 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:1094 Bpi 1303179 296321 BPI 1352137 671 HGNC Bpi 1551102 329547 MGI:3045315 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:1095 Bpifa1 619818 246238 BPIFA1 736029 51297 HGNC Bpifa1 736030 18843 MGI:1338036 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:15749 Bpifa2 3431 50585 BPIFA2 1351299 140683 HGNC Bpifa2 737193 19194 MGI:97787 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:16203 Bpifa3 1596102 690402 BPIFA3 1347929 128861 HGNC Bpifa3 1619961 73388 MGI:1920638 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:16204 Bpifa5 1559748 311559 BPIFA4P 2303462 317716 HGNC Bpifa5 1557327 67135 MGI:1914385 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:20469 Bpifb1 1563047 499926 BPIFB1 1343435 92747 HGNC Bpifb1 1623790 228801 MGI:2137431 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:16108 Bpifb2 1310866 296290 BPIFB2 1322016 80341 HGNC Bpifb2 1553601 66557 MGI:1913807 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:16177 Bpifb3 1565613 499924 BPIFB3 1604466 359710 HGNC Bpifb3 1620444 378700 MGI:2675077 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:16178 Bpifb4 1561174 499925 BPIFB4 1344811 149954 HGNC Bpifb4 1620426 381399 MGI:2685852 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:16179 Bpifb6 1311602 311558 BPIFB6 1323145 128859 HGNC Bpifb6 1323146 228796 MGI:2684965 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:16504 Bpifc 1311686 299685 BPIFC 1323273 254240 HGNC Bpifc 1323274 270757 MGI:3026884 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:16503 Bpnt1 621833 64473 BPNT1 1350405 10380 HGNC Bpnt1 1552696 23827 MGI:1338800 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:1096 Bpnt2 1306455 312952 BPNT2 1603038 54928 HGNC Bpnt2 1553656 242291 MGI:1915720 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:26019 Bptf 1307039 303617 BPTF 1315998 2186 HGNC Bptf 1315999 207165 MGI:2444008 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:3581 Braf 619908 114486 BRAF 735645 673 HGNC Braf 735646 109880 MGI:88190 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:1097 Brap 1586551 687346 BRAP 1348068 8315 HGNC Brap 1617494 72399 MGI:1919649 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:1099 Brat1 1565146 498150 BRAT1 1318809 221927 HGNC Brat1 1318810 231841 MGI:1891679 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:21701 Brca1 2218 497672 BRCA1 69132 672 HGNC Brca1 10246 12189 MGI:104537 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:1100 Brca2 2219 360254 BRCA2 736254 675 HGNC Brca2 10247 12190 MGI:109337 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:1101 Brcc3 1588543 316794 BRCC3 1344323 79184 HGNC Brcc3 1557359 210766 MGI:2389572 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:24185 Brcc3dc 9447173 103692848 Brcc3dc 1621202 368203 MGI:3647286 RGD Brd1 1311855 315210 BRD1 1323531 23774 HGNC Brd1 1622985 223770 MGI:1924161 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:1102 Brd10 1311595 309307 BRD10 1323134 158358 HGNC Brd10 1323135 240613 MGI:2444398 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:23378 Brd2 1303324 294276 BRD2 1350574 6046 HGNC Brd2 1551876 14312 MGI:99495 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:1103 Brd3 1308925 362092 BRD3 1318974 8019 HGNC Brd3 1318975 67382 MGI:1914632 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:1104 Brd3os 6492996 100911432 BRD3OS 2300360 266655 HGNC Brd3os 5138451 100504116 MGI:106557 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:24742 Brd4 1307282 362844 BRD4 1316385 23476 HGNC Brd4 1316386 57261 MGI:1888520 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:13575 Brd7 1309891 361374 BRD7 1320478 29117 HGNC Brd7 1320479 26992 MGI:1349766 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:14310 Brd8 1307003 291691 BRD8 1315939 10902 HGNC Brd8 1619071 78656 MGI:1925906 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:19874 Brd9 1307359 308067 BRD9 1316511 65980 HGNC Brd9 1316512 105246 MGI:2145317 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:25818 Brdt 1306678 305123 BRDT 1315431 676 HGNC Brdt 1315432 114642 MGI:1891374 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:1105 Brf1 1311158 299347 BRF1 1322467 2972 HGNC Brf1 1322468 72308 MGI:1919558 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:11551 Brf2 1308817 306542 BRF2 1318806 55290 HGNC Brf2 1318807 66653 MGI:1913903 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:17298 Bri3 1309187 304284 BRI3 1319388 25798 HGNC Bri3 1319389 55950 MGI:1933174 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:1109 Bri3bp 1561711 498176 BRI3BP 1348808 140707 HGNC Bri3bp 1623117 76809 MGI:1924059 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:14251 Bricd5 1596720 681370 BRICD5 1602822 283870 HGNC Bricd5 1617999 319259 MGI:2441766 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:28309 Brinp1 708519 140610 BRINP1 1352710 1620 HGNC Brinp1 734244 56710 MGI:1928478 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:2687 Brinp2 708419 286895 BRINP2 1605645 57795 HGNC Brinp2 1552798 240843 MGI:2443333 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:13746 Brinp3 708421 286901 BRINP3 1606655 339479 HGNC Brinp3 1550498 215378 MGI:2443035 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:22393 Brip1 1307659 360588 BRIP1 1316979 83990 HGNC Brip1 1550783 237911 MGI:2442836 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:20473 Brix1 1308508 294799 BRIX1 1605358 55299 HGNC Brix1 1552934 67832 MGI:1915082 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:24170 Brk1 1598136 679934 BRK1 1352437 55845 HGNC Brk1 1614238 101314 MGI:1915406 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:23057 Brme1 1306072 304654 BRME1 1603955 79173 HGNC Brme1 1314478 74666 MGI:1921916 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:28153 Brms1 1311057 293668 BRMS1 1322310 25855 RGD Brms1 1322311 107392 MGI:2388804 RGD HGNC:17262 Brms1l 1306006 299053 BRMS1L 1314372 84312 HGNC Brms1l 1314373 52592 MGI:1196337 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:20512 Brox 1307161 305031 BROX 1606705 148362 HGNC Brox 1316188 71678 MGI:1918928 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:26512 Brpf1 1584828 679713 BRPF1 1316705 7862 HGNC Brpf1 1316706 78783 MGI:1926033 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:14255 Brpf3 1306868 309647 BRPF3 1315730 27154 HGNC Brpf3 1315731 268936 MGI:2146836 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:14256 Brs3 628645 260319 BRS3 733512 680 HGNC Brs3 733513 12209 MGI:1100501 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:1113 Brsk1 1563268 499073 BRSK1 1353238 84446 HGNC Brsk1 1557530 381979 MGI:2685946 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:18994 Brsk2 1566256 293631 BRSK2 1345228 9024 HGNC Brsk2 1621464 75770 MGI:1923020 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:11405 Brwd1 1309030 304061 BRWD1 1345101 54014 HGNC Brwd1 1553111 93871 MGI:1890651 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:12760 Brwd3 1559445 317213 BRWD3 1354337 254065 HGNC Brwd3 1623671 382236 MGI:3029414 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:17342 Bscl2 1308135 361722 BSCL2 1317732 26580 HGNC Bscl2 1317733 14705 MGI:1298392 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:15832 Bsdc1 1311622 297890 BSDC1 1605672 55108 HGNC Bsdc1 1553042 100383 MGI:1913466 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:25501 Bsg 2220 25246 BSG 10249 682 HGNC Bsg 10248 12215 MGI:88208 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:1116 Bsn 2223 29138 BSN 735544 8927 HGNC Bsn 10251 12217 MGI:1277955 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:1117 Bsnd 621139 192675 BSND 1346772 7809 HGNC Bsnd 731636 140475 MGI:2153465 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:16512 Bsph1 1594649 103691065 BSPH1 2306586 100131137 HGNC Bsph1 1621967 330470 MGI:2685613 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:33906 Bspry 708400 64027 BSPRY 1347567 54836 HGNC Bspry 731719 192120 MGI:2177191 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:18232 Bst1 620344 81506 BST1 1342632 683 HGNC Bst1 732142 12182 MGI:105370 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:1118 Bst2 727849 378947 BST2 1346555 684 HGNC Bst2 1619156 69550 MGI:1916800 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:1119 Bsx 1565120 500982 BSX 1626189 390259 HGNC Bsx 1557168 244813 MGI:2669849 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:20450 Btaf1 1564130 368042 BTAF1 1352187 9044 HGNC Btaf1 1553462 107182 MGI:2147538 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:17307 Btbd1 1310962 293060 BTBD1 1322160 53339 HGNC Btbd1 1322161 83962 MGI:1933765 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:1120 Btbd10 1306301 308890 BTBD10 1601947 84280 HGNC Btbd10 1614346 68815 MGI:1916065 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:21445 Btbd16 1311454 361658 BTBD16 1322924 118663 HGNC Btbd16 1620449 330660 MGI:3045247 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:26340 Btbd17 1563331 303660 BTBD17 2301265 388419 HGNC Btbd17 1619988 72014 MGI:1919264 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:33758 Btbd18 2323370 100363270 BTBD18 2923345 643376 HGNC Btbd18 3587874 100270744 MGI:3650217 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:37214 Btbd19 2320529 100361234 BTBD19 3031244 149478 HGNC Btbd19 2299994 78611 MGI:1925861 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:27145 Btbd2 1566094 500793 BTBD2 1344972 55643 HGNC Btbd2 1557677 208198 MGI:1933831 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:15504 Btbd3 1311623 311462 BTBD3 1323177 22903 HGNC Btbd3 1323178 228662 MGI:2385155 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:15854 Btbd35f28 41259032 120099275 Btbd35f28 1625167 627264 MGI:3709183 RGD Btbd6 1597323 690367 BTBD6 1352605 90135 HGNC Btbd6 1620404 399566 MGI:3026623 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:19897 Btbd7 1306262 362772 BTBD7 1345329 55727 HGNC Btbd7 1314781 238386 MGI:1917858 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:18269 Btbd8 2321418 100364240 BTBD8 1347221 284697 HGNC Btbd8 1619519 100503185 MGI:3646208 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:21019 Btbd9 1306975 294318 BTBD9 1315893 114781 HGNC Btbd9 1315894 224671 MGI:1916625 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:21228 Btc 620275 64022 BTC 736353 685 HGNC Btc 733574 12223 MGI:99439 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:1121 Btd 1305316 306262 BTD 1313273 686 HGNC Btd 1313274 26363 MGI:1347001 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:1122 Btf3 1308095 294680 BTF3 1317667 689 HGNC Btf3 1317668 218490 MGI:1202875 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:1125 Btf3l4 1311774 366434 BTF3L4 1605903 91408 RGD Btf3l4 1550817 70533 MGI:1915312 RGD HGNC:30547 Btg1 2224 29618 BTG1 736072 694 HGNC Btg1 736073 12226 MGI:88215 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:1130 Btg1b 1598239 367975 Btg1b 1618695 436199 MGI:3588262 RGD Btg1c 1563150 298349 Btg1c 1615736 194735 MGI:3588265 RGD Btg2 2225 29619 BTG2 69157 7832 HGNC Btg2 69158 12227 MGI:108384 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:1131 Btg3 2226 54230 BTG3 733952 10950 HGNC Btg3 733953 12228 MGI:109532 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:1132 Btg4 1308809 315650 BTG4 1318793 54766 HGNC Btg4 1318794 56057 MGI:1860140 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:13862 Btk 1359683 367901 BTK 1342660 695 HGNC Btk 1551411 12229 MGI:88216 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:1133 Btla 1303280 407756 BTLA 1350737 151888 HGNC Btla 1551622 208154 MGI:2658978 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:21087 Btn1a1 1306984 306956 BTN1A1 1315909 696 HGNC Btn1a1 1315910 12231 MGI:103118 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:1135 Btn2a2 1306973 306957 BTN2A2 1315891 10385 HGNC Btn2a2 1618951 238555 MGI:3606486 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:1137 Btnl10 1559732 497912 BTNL10P 6480792 100129094 HGNC Btnl10 1615742 192194 MGI:2182073 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:42540 Btnl12 7554618 102552404 BTNL12P 38636366 100130701 RGD Btnl12 9633462 102639802 MGI:5595187 RGD HGNC:52935 Btnl2 620731 309620 BTNL2 1353557 56244 HGNC Btnl2 1622608 547431 MGI:1859549 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:1142 Btnl4 1624210 686977 Btnl4 1621047 632126 MGI:1932036 RGD Btnl9 1590287 684480 BTNL9 1353775 153579 HGNC Btnl9 1614904 237754 MGI:2442439 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:24176 Btrc 1359721 361765 BTRC 1347748 8945 HGNC Btrc 1552424 12234 MGI:1338871 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:1144 Bub1 1311707 296137 BUB1 1323304 699 HGNC Bub1 1323305 12235 MGI:1100510 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:1148 Bub1b 619791 171576 BUB1B 1316316 701 HGNC Bub1b 1316317 12236 MGI:1333889 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:1149 Bub3 1306654 361662 BUB3 1315390 9184 HGNC Bub3 1315391 12237 MGI:1343463 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:1151 Bud13 1308076 300687 BUD13 1606207 84811 HGNC Bud13 1331901 215051 MGI:2443443 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:28199 Bud23 1589742 368084 BUD23 1344086 114049 HGNC Bud23 1557601 66138 MGI:1913388 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:16405 Bud31 621103 89819 BUD31 1604400 8896 HGNC Bud31 733527 231889 MGI:2141291 RGD HGNC:29629 Bves 1561100 365603 BVES 1344210 11149 HGNC Bves 1620880 23828 MGI:1346013 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:1152 Bysl 727959 359727 BYSL 1352999 705 RGD Bysl 1623252 53414 MGI:1858419 RGD HGNC:1157 Bzw1 735129 363232 BZW1 1347888 9689 HGNC Bzw1 1550746 66882 MGI:1914132 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:18380 Bzw2 621507 171439 BZW2 731291 28969 HGNC Bzw2 731292 66912 MGI:1914162 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:18808 C10h16orf89 1565166 287059 C16orf89 1602067 146556 HGNC AU021092 1620570 239691 MGI:2146559 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:28687 C10h16orf90 1561796 360483 C16orf90 2303333 646174 HGNC 1700037C18Rik 1620749 73261 MGI:1920511 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:34455 C10h16orf96 2320756 100361104 C16orf96 5487050 342346 HGNC 4930562C15Rik 1617446 78809 MGI:1926059 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:40031 C10h17orf100 6486589 100912483 C17orf100 2299982 388327 HGNC 4930563E22Rik 1614291 75304 MGI:1922554 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:34494 C10h17orf107 1597577 687707 C17orf107 3051040 100130311 HGNC 4930544D05Rik 1608441 668433 MGI:2148639 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:37238 C10h17orf49 1308134 287452 C17orf49 1606738 124944 HGNC 0610010K14Rik 1317731 104457 MGI:1915609 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:28737 C10h17orf50 1597447 689039 C17orf50 1603574 146853 HGNC 1700020L24Rik 1624010 66330 MGI:1913580 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:29581 C10h17orf58 1565033 498014 C17orf58 1605250 284018 HGNC 1810010H24Rik 1623194 69066 MGI:1916316 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:27568 C10h17orf67 1592433 688126 C17orf67 1603500 339210 HGNC Gm525 1614191 217071 MGI:2685371 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:27900 C10h17orf75 1310429 303764 C17orf75 1602870 64149 HGNC 5730455P16Rik 1321325 70591 MGI:1917841 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:30173 C10h17orf78 7517962 102552988 C17orf78 1602416 284099 HGNC Gm11437 1616274 628813 MGI:3650287 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:26831 C10h17orf99 1591144 688282 C17orf99 2299182 100141515 HGNC 6030468B19Rik 1615794 77727 MGI:1924977 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:34490 C10h1orf35 1304587 303180 C1orf35 1312112 79169 HGNC 2310033P09Rik 1312113 67862 MGI:1915112 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:19032 C10h5orf15 1310352 303122 C5orf15 1321206 56951 HGNC 9530068E07Rik 1321207 213673 MGI:2654705 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:20656 C10h5orf47 1311343 360506 C5orf47 2298818 133491 HGNC 4930524B15Rik 1322748 67592 MGI:1914842 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:27026 C10h5orf58 11411272 108352200 C5orf58 3403707 133874 HGNC 4930469K13Rik 1613028 76874 MGI:1924124 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:37272 C11h21orf140 1560327 498063 C21orf140 7406701 101928147 HGNC Fam243 1614289 75328 MGI:1922578 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:39602 C11h21orf91 1563888 360692 C21orf91 1352771 54149 HGNC D16Ertd472e 1617559 67102 MGI:1196400 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:16459 C11h22orf39 1595717 498122 C22orf39 1606462 128977 HGNC 2510002D24Rik 1617503 72307 MGI:1919557 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:27012 C11h3orf38 1359320 304176 C3orf38 1602632 285237 HGNC 4930453N24Rik 1551629 67609 MGI:1914859 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:28384 C11h3orf52 1591333 685680 C3orf52 1606226 79669 HGNC BC016579 1615716 212998 MGI:2384848 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:26255 C11h3orf70 1562339 498107 C3orf70 1605238 285382 HGNC 2510009E07Rik 1619118 72190 MGI:1919440 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:33731 C11H3orf85 402368338 134480925 C3orf85 12907514 401081 NCBI Gm5485 1622669 433023 MGI:3647875 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:53432 C12h12orf43 1311899 288704 C12orf43 1603965 64897 HGNC 2210016L21Rik 1323598 72357 MGI:1919607 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:25719 C12h12orf76 1560398 498192 C12orf76 1604429 400073 HGNC 1500011B03Rik 1614380 66236 MGI:1913486 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:33790 C12h7orf50 1566418 498154 C7orf50 1603950 84310 HGNC 3110082I17Rik 1620758 73212 MGI:1920462 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:22421 C13h1orf105 1309106 360864 C1orf105 1603371 92346 HGNC 4930558K02Rik 1332082 75368 MGI:1922618 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:29591 C13h1orf115 1310587 360894 C1orf115 1605938 79762 HGNC C130074G19Rik 1321582 226777 MGI:2444831 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:25873 C13h1orf116 1565034 498222 C1orf116 1604289 79098 HGNC AA986860 1619880 212439 MGI:2138143 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:28667 C13H1orf202 402314525 134481535 C1orf202 150429680 122455338 NCBI HGNC:56760 C13h1orf21 1309104 289084 C1orf21 1319257 81563 HGNC 1700025G04Rik 1319258 69399 MGI:1916649 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:15494 C13h1orf226 2320873 100361087 C1orf226 2301261 400793 HGNC Gm7694 1613760 665574 MGI:3649135 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:34351 C13h1orf53 1566099 360851 C1orf53 1606868 388722 HGNC 2310009B15Rik 1619157 69549 MGI:1916799 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:30003 C13h1orf74 1642423 100125367 C1orf74 1606707 148304 HGNC A130010J15Rik 1617998 319266 MGI:2441776 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:26319 C13h2orf76 1594584 288978 C2orf76 1606162 130355 HGNC 3110009E18Rik 1621496 73103 MGI:1920353 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:27017 C14h1orf146 1586315 689986 C1orf146 1603476 388649 HGNC 1700028K03Rik 1615807 76421 MGI:1923671 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:24032 C14H22orf31 402046207 134481692 C22orf31 1604374 25770 NCBI Gm30172 9672302 102631980 MGI:5589331 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:26931 C14h2orf73 1562229 498431 C2orf73 1603909 129852 HGNC 4930505A04Rik 1626388 75087 MGI:1922337 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:26861 C14h2orf74 1597336 690352 C2orf74 2298736 339804 HGNC 1700093K21Rik 1615887 67358 MGI:1914608 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:34439 C14h4orf19 1561612 498368 C4orf19 1602474 55286 HGNC 0610040J01Rik 1617462 76261 MGI:1923511 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:25618 C14h4orf36 1564576 498330 C4orf36 1606159 132989 HGNC 1700016H13Rik 1623161 74218 MGI:1921468 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:28386 C14h4orf50 7596857 102553825 C4orf50 1602802 389197 HGNC Gm1043 1617957 381634 MGI:2685889 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:33766 C14h5orf52 1308775 305476 C5orf52 2303474 100190949 HGNC 4921536K21Rik 1318744 67430 MGI:1914680 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:35121 C14h7orf57 1587626 688553 C7orf57 1642900 136288 HGNC Gm11992 1621797 626870 MGI:3651127 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:22247 C15h13orf42 7683338 102554746 C13orf42 7242868 647166 HGNC Gm4131 2308024 100042960 MGI:3782307 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:42693 C15h14orf119 1308430 361038 C14orf119 1318193 55017 HGNC 1700123O20Rik 1318194 58248 MGI:1920893 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:20270 C15h14orf93 1565222 498514 C14orf93 1348927 60686 HGNC 4931414P19Rik 1622251 74359 MGI:1921609 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:20162 C15h3orf49 7634115 102550375 C3orf49 1602072 132200 HGNC Gm11100 9591073 102633458 MGI:3779338 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:25190 C15h8orf58 1308117 361066 C8orf58 1604880 541565 HGNC 9930012K11Rik 1317705 268759 MGI:2145726 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:32233 C15h8orf74 1565212 498534 C8orf74 1606427 203076 HGNC 4930578I06Rik 1623206 67750 MGI:1915000 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:32296 C16h10orf53 1586999 680885 C10orf53 1345709 282966 HGNC 1700024G13Rik 1618369 67085 MGI:1914335 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:27421 C16h10orf71 1564899 498579 C10orf71 1353451 118461 HGNC 3425401B19Rik 1613941 100504518 MGI:3588196 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:26973 C16h13orf46 1565445 290876 C13orf46 13462007 100507747 HGNC 1700029H14Rik 1622335 66501 MGI:1913751 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:53786 C16h19orf44 1311847 290615 C19orf44 1602089 84167 HGNC 1700030K09Rik 1323519 72254 MGI:1919504 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:26141 C16h8orf48 1585243 688765 C8orf48 2304146 157773 HGNC AI429214 1616310 621080 MGI:2142538 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:26345 C17h10orf67 1598031 681241 C10orf67 1350054 256815 HGNC 4921504E06Rik 1618334 70909 MGI:1918087 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:28716 C17h5orf24 1566359 498701 C5orf24 1605291 134553 HGNC B230219D22Rik 1619930 78521 MGI:1925771 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:26746 C17h6orf52 1562963 498729 C6orf52 1348700 347744 HGNC HGNC:20881 C17h6orf62 6491729 100911664 C6orf62 1347069 81688 HGNC BC005537 1622199 79555 MGI:2441726 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:20998 C17h7orf25 1308147 307008 C7orf25 1317752 79020 HGNC AW209491 1317753 105351 MGI:2145422 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:21703 C17h9orf153 6488044 100912252 C9orf153 1604152 389766 HGNC 4921517D22Rik 1618336 70900 MGI:1918150 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:31456 C18h18orf21 1564673 498830 C18orf21 1347622 83608 HGNC 2700062C07Rik 1620828 68046 MGI:1915296 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:28802 C18h18orf32 1562987 498886 C18orf32 1626573 497661 HGNC BC031181 1616374 407819 MGI:3039614 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:31690 C18h18orf54 1563837 361346 C18orf54 1348374 162681 HGNC 4930503L19Rik 1614091 269033 MGI:1922045 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:13796 C18h18orf63 2323488 100359752 C18orf63 5132403 644041 HGNC Gm17266 5146005 100503964 MGI:4936900 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:40037 C18h5orf46 1563060 291608 C5orf46 1605197 389336 HGNC Gm94 1619858 225443 MGI:2684940 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:33768 C18h5orf63 2299854 100174910 C5orf63 5132119 401207 HGNC C330018D20Rik 1313542 77422 MGI:1924672 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:40051 C19h16orf46 1586501 687399 C16orf46 1345260 123775 HGNC 1700030J22Rik 1619164 69528 MGI:1916778 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:26525 C19h16orf74 1309651 361424 C16orf74 1606366 404550 HGNC 1190005I06Rik 1320104 68918 MGI:1916168 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:23362 C19h16orf78 1585876 680913 C16orf78 1605880 123970 HGNC 4933402J07Rik 1618778 330820 MGI:3607717 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:28479 C19h16orf86 1561415 498943 C16orf86 1604692 388284 HGNC 4933405L10Rik 1617514 71046 MGI:1918296 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:33755 C19h16orf87 1308706 291925 C16orf87 1604693 388272 HGNC 4921524J17Rik 1318634 66714 MGI:1913964 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:33754 C19h16orf95 1584205 687560 C16orf95 5132711 100506581 HGNC 1700018B08Rik 1615814 76405 MGI:1923655 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:40033 C19h19orf53 735128 288913 C19orf53 1606305 28974 HGNC D8Ertd738e 1619914 101966 MGI:1289231 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:24991 C19h19orf67 1586683 686013 C19orf67 2311616 646457 HGNC 1700067K01Rik 1619106 73453 MGI:1920703 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:34354 C19h1orf131 1562218 292100 C1orf131 1605298 128061 HGNC 2810004N23Rik 1622329 66523 MGI:1913773 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:25332 C19h1orf198 1559896 498967 C1orf198 1602995 84886 HGNC 2310022B05Rik 1619155 69551 MGI:1916801 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:25900 C19h4orf51 1561806 498933 C4orf51 2974931 646603 HGNC 1700011L22Rik 1623979 67687 MGI:1914937 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:37264 C1d 1560600 289810 C1D 1607075 10438 HGNC C1d 1558441 57316 MGI:1927354 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:29911 C1galt1 621105 65044 C1GALT1 732029 56913 HGNC C1galt1 732030 94192 MGI:2151071 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:24337 C1galt1c1 1311230 302499 C1GALT1C1 1344219 29071 HGNC C1galt1c1 1620053 59048 MGI:1913493 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:24338 C1h10orf120 1562283 499276 C10orf120 1604915 399814 HGNC 4933402N03Rik 1614162 233918 MGI:1914681 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:25707 C1h10orf143 2318344 100362342 C10orf143 7245630 387723 HGNC 9430038I01Rik 1619935 77252 MGI:1924502 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:48677 C1h10orf88 1305014 309029 C10orf88 1312790 80007 HGNC 2310057M21Rik 1312791 68277 MGI:1915527 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:25822 C1h10orf90 2311471 100302465 C10orf90 1313898 118611 HGNC D7Ertd443e 1313899 71007 MGI:1196431 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:26563 C1h10orf95 40933704 120100046 C10orf95 1349493 79946 HGNC 2310034G01Rik 1623122 75579 MGI:1922829 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:25880 C1h11orf16 1565905 499240 C11orf16 1347638 56673 HGNC BC051019 1623243 57355 MGI:1928824 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:1169 C1h11orf24 1311946 309145 C11orf24 1323665 53838 HGNC 1810055G02Rik 1323666 72056 MGI:1919306 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:1174 C1h11orf42 1561034 308908 C11orf42 1602976 160298 HGNC Gm5901 1613892 100503879 MGI:3643909 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:28541 C1h11orf58 1311703 293160 C11orf58 1605695 10944 HGNC 1110004F10Rik 1332456 56372 MGI:1929274 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:16990 C1h11orf86 1597421 689065 C11orf86 2298933 254439 HGNC 2010003K11Rik 1616760 69861 MGI:1917111 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:34442 C1h11orf98 1597339 690349 C11orf98 9587562 102288414 HGNC 1810009A15Rik 1332075 66276 MGI:1913526 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:51238 C1h15orf40 1305713 293059 C15orf40 1604247 123207 HGNC 3110040N11Rik 1313908 67290 MGI:1914540 RGD HGNC:28443 C1h16orf54 1564503 308990 C16orf54 1605828 283897 HGNC AI467606 1622178 101602 MGI:2141979 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:26649 C1h16orf82 2304343 100271845 C16orf82 1602175 162083 HGNC 4930571K23Rik 1611771 75861 MGI:1923111 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:30755 C1h16orf92 1563217 499265 C16orf92 2306470 146378 HGNC 4930451I11Rik 1623103 78118 MGI:1925368 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:26346 C1h19orf12 1585208 690000 C19orf12 1319491 83636 HGNC 1600014C10Rik 1319492 72244 MGI:1919494 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:25443 C1h19orf18 1595996 691722 C19orf18 1342903 147685 HGNC 2900092C05Rik 1622261 73090 MGI:1920340 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:28642 C1h19orf33 2319167 100361913 C19orf33 1354281 64073 HGNC 2200002D01Rik 1610316 72275 MGI:1919525 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:16668 C1h19orf47 1307554 292739 C19orf47 1605879 126526 HGNC 2310022A10Rik 1332313 66367 MGI:1913617 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:26723 C1h19orf81 1309036 292874 C19orf81 5489342 342918 HGNC 1700008O03Rik 1319152 69349 MGI:1916599 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:40041 C1h19orf84 9101016 103691102 C19orf84 7778770 147646 HGNC Gm38999 10035815 105242927 MGI:5621884 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:27112 C1h19orf85 1586703 684792 C19orf85 13208900 111064650 HGNC Gm36210 9610361 102640043 MGI:5595369 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:53653 C1h2orf78 1582830 690284 C2orf78 2298835 388960 HGNC Gm5114 1621221 330513 MGI:3647631 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:34349 C1h6orf120 1642424 100125364 C6orf120 1348768 387263 HGNC 1600012H06Rik 1621537 67912 MGI:1915162 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:21247 C1h9orf40 1563237 499331 C9orf40 1350600 55071 HGNC D030056L22Rik 1615693 225995 MGI:3583960 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:23433 C1h9orf57 6490675 100911842 C9orf57 1342941 138240 HGNC HGNC:27037 C1h9orf85 1359158 361740 C9orf85 1605873 138241 HGNC 1110059E24Rik 1614382 66206 MGI:1913456 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:28784 C1qa 1306716 298566 C1QA 1315493 712 HGNC C1qa 1315494 12259 MGI:88223 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:1241 C1qb 2229 29687 C1QB 1346671 713 HGNC C1qb 736495 12260 MGI:88224 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:1242 C1qbp 2230 29681 C1QBP 1342690 708 HGNC C1qbp 735533 12261 MGI:1194505 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:1243 C1qc 1306828 362634 C1QC 1315664 714 HGNC C1qc 1315665 12262 MGI:88225 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:1245 C1ql1 1306039 363686 C1QL1 1314427 10882 HGNC C1ql1 1314428 23829 MGI:1344400 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:24182 C1ql2 1594583 288979 C1QL2 1350440 165257 HGNC C1ql2 1622977 226359 MGI:3032521 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:24181 C1ql3 1591795 680404 C1QL3 1322092 389941 HGNC C1ql3 1558310 227580 MGI:2387350 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:19359 C1ql4 1565968 300220 C1QL4 1604955 338761 HGNC C1ql4 1620572 239659 MGI:3579909 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:31416 C1qtnf1 1359204 303701 C1QTNF1 1350694 114897 HGNC C1qtnf1 1550047 56745 MGI:1919254 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:14324 C1qtnf12 1307059 313774 C1QTNF12 1603827 388581 HGNC C1qtnf12 1316027 67389 MGI:1914639 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:32308 C1qtnf2 1561041 497886 C1QTNF2 1348725 114898 HGNC C1qtnf2 1558095 69183 MGI:1916433 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:14325 C1qtnf3 1305010 294806 C1QTNF3 1312783 114899 HGNC C1qtnf3 1312784 81799 MGI:1932136 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:14326 C1qtnf4 1311006 311184 C1QTNF4 1322231 114900 HGNC C1qtnf4 1322232 67445 MGI:1914695 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:14346 C1qtnf5 1308802 315598 C1QTNF5 1318784 114902 HGNC C1qtnf5 1553055 235312 MGI:2385958 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:14344 C1qtnf6 1307057 315114 C1QTNF6 1316024 114904 HGNC C1qtnf6 1316025 72709 MGI:1919959 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:14343 C1qtnf7 1306978 305423 C1QTNF7 1315898 114905 HGNC C1qtnf7 1315899 109323 MGI:1925911 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:14342 C1qtnf9 1560876 364395 C1QTNF9B 1605504 387911 HGNC C1qtnf9 1614146 239126 MGI:3045252 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:34072 C1r 1309091 312705 C1R 1319235 715 HGNC C1rb 2306261 667277 MGI:3779804 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:1246 C1rl 1302936 408246 C1RL 1346889 51279 HGNC C1rl 1549998 232371 MGI:2660692 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:21265 C1s 619983 192262 C1S 1605130 716 HGNC C1s1 1557933 50908 MGI:1355312 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:1247 C2 2231 24231 C2 1353499 717 RGD C2 10255 12263 MGI:88226 RGD HGNC:1248 C20h10orf105 2320942 100361018 C10orf105 1346064 414152 HGNC Gm17455 5145448 100302688 MGI:4937089 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:20304 C20h21orf58 1564149 499419 C21orf58 1351432 54058 HGNC 2610028H24Rik 1558274 76964 MGI:1924214 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:1300 C20h22orf15 1564162 499421 C22orf15 1349066 150248 HGNC Gm867 1617211 333670 MGI:2685713 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:15558 C20h6orf136 1302996 294231 C6orf136 1348259 221545 HGNC 2310061I04Rik 1332228 69662 MGI:1916912 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:21301 C20h6orf15 1562885 502412 C6orf15 1348540 29113 HGNC 2300002M23Rik 1619161 69542 MGI:1916792 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:13927 C20h6orf89 735065 294311 C6orf89 1348833 221477 HGNC BC004004 1623090 80748 MGI:2136782 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:21114 C2cd2 735112 304055 C2CD2 1351796 25966 HGNC C2cd2 1615730 207781 MGI:1891883 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:1266 C2cd2l 1310281 300666 C2CD2L 1321089 9854 HGNC C2cd2l 1321090 71764 MGI:1919014 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:29000 C2cd3 1307366 293148 C2CD3 1607065 26005 HGNC C2cd3 1316524 277939 MGI:2142166 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:24564 C2cd4a 1596010 691703 C2CD4A 1606712 145741 HGNC C2cd4a 1619802 244911 MGI:3645763 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:33627 C2cd4b 1591932 108351734 C2CD4B 1604924 388125 HGNC C2cd4b 1317818 75697 MGI:1922947 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:33628 C2cd4c 1561354 500798 C2CD4C 1351171 126567 HGNC C2cd4c 1618134 237397 MGI:2685084 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:29417 C2cd4d 2324777 100363111 C2CD4D 3563711 100191040 HGNC C2cd4d 1621991 271944 MGI:2685505 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:37210 C2cd5 1304592 362461 C2CD5 736134 9847 HGNC C2cd5 1312121 74741 MGI:1921991 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:29062 C2cd6 1565450 501147 C2CD6 1345082 151254 HGNC C2cd6 1619104 73463 MGI:1920713 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:14438 C2h1orf162 2323412 100363228 C1orf162 1604535 128346 HGNC I830077J02Rik 1617918 433638 MGI:3588284 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:28344 C2h1orf52 1560065 499724 C1orf52 1346419 148423 HGNC 2410004B18Rik 1623234 66421 MGI:1913671 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:24871 C2h1orf54 41092593 120093057 C1orf54 1606237 79630 HGNC BC028528 1617365 229600 MGI:2385885 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:26258 C2h1orf56 1359334 295265 C1orf56 1603033 54964 HGNC Gm128 1618158 229588 MGI:2684974 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:26045 C2h3orf33 1565059 499630 C3orf33 1605242 285315 HGNC E130311K13Rik 1617973 329659 MGI:3607716 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:26434 C2h3orf80 2318708 100362176 C3orf80 5486719 401097 HGNC 1110032F04Rik 1615100 68725 MGI:1915975 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:40048 C2h4orf17 1309170 362047 C4orf17 1352720 84103 HGNC 4930579F01Rik 1319362 67741 MGI:1914991 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:25274 C2h4orf3 1594660 691807 C4orf3 1604907 401152 HGNC 1810037I17Rik 1623215 67704 MGI:1914954 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:19225 C2h4orf33 1359508 361941 C4orf33 1601935 132321 HGNC D3Ertd751e 1615830 73852 MGI:1289213 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:27025 C2h4orf46 1560010 310537 C4orf46 1606430 201725 HGNC 4930579G24Rik 1619942 75939 MGI:1923189 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:27320 C2h4orf54 7695964 102555814 C4orf54 13506853 285556 HGNC 1110002E22Rik 2299792 102634333 MGI:1915066 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:27741 C2h5orf22 1306502 310158 C5orf22 1605070 55322 HGNC 6030458C11Rik 1331879 77877 MGI:1925127 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:25639 C2h5orf34 1306227 310377 C5orf34 1601916 375444 HGNC 4833420G17Rik 1314723 67392 MGI:1914642 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:24738 C3 2232 24232 C3 735504 718 HGNC C3 10256 12266 MGI:88227 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:1318 C3ar1 620537 84007 C3AR1 1353843 719 HGNC C3ar1 731620 12267 MGI:1097680 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:1319 C3h11orf91 1563222 362175 C11orf91 2301118 100131378 HGNC A930018P22Rik 1619176 68243 MGI:1915493 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:34444 C3h11orf96 1564664 499839 C11orf96 4108561 387763 HGNC Gm13889 2294753 620695 MGI:3652053 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:38675 C3h15orf48 1359583 302884 C15orf48 1601736 84419 HGNC AA467197 1619640 433470 MGI:3034182 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:29898 C3h15orf62 1583955 691418 C15orf62 2299194 643338 HGNC Gm14137 1615409 623781 MGI:3651144 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:34489 C3h20orf144 1561517 499927 C20orf144 1348206 128864 HGNC 1700003F12Rik 1623904 75480 MGI:1922730 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:16137 C3h20orf173 7514905 102550306 C20orf173 1351674 140873 HGNC 6430550D23Rik 1621981 320095 MGI:2443361 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:16166 C3h20orf96 1559448 502684 C20orf96 1346131 140680 HGNC 6820408C15Rik 1614171 228778 MGI:3045333 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:16227 C3h9orf50 1311084 311852 C9orf50 1606874 375759 HGNC 1700001O22Rik 1322353 73598 MGI:1923631 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:23677 C3h9orf78 1305178 311855 C9orf78 1313051 51759 HGNC BC005624 1313052 227707 MGI:2385132 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:24932 C4a 620005 24233 C4A 1350864 720 RGD C4a 1615407 625018 MGI:98320 RGD HGNC:1323 C4b 1591983 406161 C4B 1605129 721 RGD C4b 10257 12268 MGI:88228 RGD HGNC:1324 C4bpa 2235 24235 C4BPA 736103 722 HGNC Zp3r 1550604 22789 MGI:104965 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:1325 C4bpb 2236 24236 C4BPB 736875 725 HGNC HGNC:1328 C4h12orf60 1563896 500354 C12orf60 1606152 144608 HGNC BC049715 1621240 320135 MGI:3605234 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:28726 C4h12orf71 1592184 690784 C12orf71 2302460 728858 HGNC 1700034J05Rik 1619968 73344 MGI:1920594 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:34452 C4h2orf42 1306746 312511 C2orf42 1603029 54980 HGNC C87436 1315541 232196 MGI:2141787 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:26056 C4h2orf68 1587471 691113 C2orf68 1606379 388969 HGNC 0610030E20Rik 1618356 68364 MGI:1915614 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:34353 C4h2orf81 1566019 500227 C2orf81 2298834 388963 HGNC 1700003E16Rik 1621506 71837 MGI:1919087 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:34350 C4h3orf20 1560289 500258 C3orf20 1343380 84077 HGNC 4930590J08Rik 1617195 381798 MGI:2685917 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:25320 C4h3orf22 1587811 685964 C3orf22 1603560 152065 HGNC BC048671 1620557 243535 MGI:2679261 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:28534 C5 2237 362119 C5 735934 727 HGNC Hc 10261 15139 MGI:96031 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:1331 C5ar1 70553 113959 C5AR1 1350810 728 HGNC C5ar1 733148 12273 MGI:88232 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:1338 C5ar2 1303027 445269 C5AR2 1354173 27202 HGNC C5ar2 1616450 319430 MGI:2442013 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:4527 C5h1orf122 1559909 362592 C1orf122 1606463 127687 HGNC 1110065P20Rik 1623975 68920 MGI:1916170 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:24789 C5h1orf127 1585063 691354 C1orf127 1606706 148345 HGNC Gm572 1617356 230909 MGI:2685418 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:26730 C5h1orf141 1562532 500513 C1orf141 1606070 400757 HGNC 4921539E11Rik 1618330 70941 MGI:1918191 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:32044 C5h1orf159 1311517 313775 C1orf159 1606269 54991 HGNC 9430015G10Rik 1617351 230996 MGI:2444364 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:26062 C5h1orf167 7658417 102551309 C1orf167 1604177 284498 HGNC Gm13201 9661253 102634746 MGI:3649941 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:25262 C5h1orf174 1304567 362671 C1orf174 1603248 339448 HGNC A430005L14Rik 1312080 97159 MGI:2140680 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:27915 C5h1orf185 1591038 689589 C1orf185 1601806 284546 HGNC 4930522H14Rik 1623983 67646 MGI:1914896 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:28096 C5h1orf210 1305347 362576 C1orf210 1603568 149466 HGNC 2610528J11Rik 1332060 66451 MGI:1913701 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:28755 C5h1orf216 1563072 313595 C1orf216 1602984 127703 HGNC 5730409E04Rik 1618973 230757 MGI:3609248 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:26800 C5h1orf232 11378091 108351043 C1orf232 13208375 110806296 HGNC Gm30191 9604106 115489946 MGI:5589350 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:53426 C5h1orf50 1564804 313551 C1orf50 1350429 79078 HGNC AU022252 1619840 230696 MGI:2140466 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:28795 C5h1orf87 1560146 500505 C1orf87 1602983 127795 HGNC Gm12695 2299475 620779 MGI:3650206 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:28547 C5h1orf94 1586982 682102 C1orf94 1602848 84970 HGNC CK137956 2294653 635169 MGI:3616080 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:28250 C5h6orf163 1563056 500434 C6orf163 1604202 206412 HGNC Gm136 1623823 214568 MGI:2684982 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:21403 C5h8orf34 1564053 500390 C8orf34 1605303 116328 HGNC A830018L16Rik 1618798 320492 MGI:2444149 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:30905 C5h8orf88 6487307 100912373 C8orf88 7409763 100127983 HGNC Gm11837 1624671 100038514 MGI:3702175 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:44672 C5h8orf89 6487565 100912291 C8orf89 9586312 100130301 HGNC 4930444P10Rik 1621460 75799 MGI:1923049 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:51258 C5h9orf152 1589037 685849 C9orf152 1342470 401546 HGNC D630039A03Rik 1618939 242484 MGI:2442889 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:31455 C5h9orf43 1563460 500475 C9orf43 1345519 257169 HGNC 4933430I17Rik 1616588 214106 MGI:3045314 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:23570 C6 2238 24237 C6 1352972 729 HGNC C6 1552917 12274 MGI:88233 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:1339 C6h14orf132 6501064 100909954 C14orf132 1350098 56967 HGNC D430019H16Rik 1618014 268595 MGI:2443127 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:20346 C6h14orf180 1583888 691485 C14orf180 1603812 400258 HGNC A530016L24Rik 1622857 319942 MGI:2443020 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:33795 C6h14orf28 1307621 314168 C14orf28 1316923 122525 HGNC Gm527 1619865 217648 MGI:2685373 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:19834 C6h2orf50 1582838 690276 C2orf50 1604753 130813 HGNC 2410004P03Rik 1617486 73667 MGI:1920917 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:26324 C7 620318 117517 C7 1317399 730 HGNC C7 1619048 109828 MGI:88235 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:1346 C7h12orf42 1560034 679534 C12orf42 1606876 374470 HGNC 1700113H08Rik 1557607 76640 MGI:1923890 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:24729 C7h12orf50 1563125 500827 C12orf50 1605567 160419 HGNC 1700017N19Rik 1621548 66605 MGI:1913855 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:26665 C7h12orf54 1590570 680590 C12orf54 1606175 121273 RGD 1700031M16Rik 1619975 73302 MGI:1920552 RGD HGNC:28553 C7h12orf56 1561648 500841 C12orf56 1603368 115749 HGNC D930020B18Rik 1619870 216393 MGI:2442001 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:26967 C7h12orf75 6495714 100910996 C12orf75 2303668 387882 HGNC 1500009L16Rik 1617522 69784 MGI:1917034 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:35164 C7h19orf25 1359127 299612 C19orf25 1352315 148223 HGNC 2310011J03Rik 1623998 66374 MGI:1913624 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:26711 C7h22orf23 1359634 315126 C22orf23 1351784 84645 HGNC 1700088E04Rik 1553807 27660 MGI:1920774 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:18589 C7h8orf33 1597990 681282 C8orf33 1606509 65265 HGNC 1110038F14Rik 1312330 117171 MGI:2152337 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:26104 C7h8orf76 1310852 314992 C8orf76 1602854 84933 HGNC 9130401M01Rik 1332287 75758 MGI:1923008 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:25924 C7h8orf82 1359663 362946 C8orf82 1606363 414919 HGNC C030006K11Rik 1550412 223665 MGI:1925941 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:33826 C8a 1308355 298288 C8A 1318077 731 HGNC C8a 1318078 230558 MGI:2668347 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:1352 C8b 2239 313421 C8B 1352674 732 HGNC C8b 10264 110382 MGI:88236 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:1353 C8g 1309074 296545 C8G 1319211 733 HGNC C8g 1620800 69379 MGI:88237 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:1354 C8h11orf52 1586341 689959 C11orf52 1604761 91894 HGNC 2310030G06Rik 1332412 66952 MGI:1914202 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:30531 C8h11orf54 1309534 363016 C11orf54 1603055 28970 HGNC 4931406C07Rik 1319924 70984 MGI:1918234 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:30204 C8h11orf65 1311251 315665 C11orf65 1603171 160140 HGNC 4930550C14Rik 1332504 75311 MGI:1922561 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:28519 C8h11orf71 1563941 500993 C11orf71 1604001 54494 HGNC Gm5617 1621886 434402 MGI:3643566 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:25937 C8h11orf87 1642426 100125362 C11orf87 1604683 399947 HGNC AI593442 1617969 330941 MGI:2143099 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:33788 C8h11orf97 1561795 500945 C11orf97 7821812 643037 HGNC 1700012B09Rik 1620813 69325 MGI:1916575 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:49544 C8h15orf39 1305464 315702 C15orf39 1604333 56905 HGNC 1700017B05Rik 1313506 74211 MGI:1921461 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:24497 C8h15orf61 1309779 363074 C15orf61 2302457 145853 HGNC 2300009A05Rik 1320301 69478 MGI:1916728 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:34453 C8h19orf38 1587445 691141 C19orf38 2302125 255809 HGNC AB124611 1614775 382062 MGI:3043001 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:34073 C8h3orf18 1307461 300990 C3orf18 1343802 51161 HGNC 6430571L13Rik 1332538 235599 MGI:2445137 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:24837 C8h3orf62 1589651 498675 C3orf62 1602042 375341 HGNC 1700102P08Rik 1619042 112418 MGI:2148248 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:24771 C8h3orf84 1596842 680045 C3orf84 7254257 646498 HGNC BC048562 1621877 434439 MGI:3618861 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:44666 C8h3orf86 41400612 120094305 C3orf86P 7175031 102724231 HGNC Gm35549 9610331 102639178 MGI:5594708 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:44570 C9 620319 117512 C9 1320687 735 HGNC C9 732832 12279 MGI:1098282 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:1358 C9H2orf15 402147634 134480568 C2orf15 1349020 150590 NCBI HGNC:28436 C9h2orf49 1310553 301374 C2orf49 1604297 79074 HGNC AI597479 1321522 98404 MGI:2138299 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:28772 C9h2orf66 1586666 686030 C2orf66 1602399 401027 HGNC Gm34066 9591205 102637189 MGI:5593225 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:33809 C9h2orf69 1306941 316406 C2orf69 1603539 205327 HGNC 1700066M21Rik 1332576 73467 MGI:1920717 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:26799 C9h2orf72 2318569 100362216 C2orf72 2298740 257407 HGNC 2810459M11Rik 1614306 72792 MGI:1920042 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:27418 C9h2orf88 1596493 685203 C2orf88 1601946 84281 HGNC 1700019D03Rik 1618372 67080 MGI:1914330 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:28191 C9h2orf92 6501168 100909859 C2orf92 7371926 728537 HGNC 4933424G06Rik 1616742 71166 MGI:1918416 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:49272 C9h6orf132 1561662 301232 C6orf132 1354360 647024 HGNC AI661453 1614184 224833 MGI:2146908 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:21288 C9h6orf141 1588829 688459 C6orf141 1342733 135398 HGNC 9130008F23Rik 1623944 71583 MGI:1918833 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:21351 C9h6orf226 1596723 681367 C6orf226 1602792 441150 HGNC 2310039H08Rik 1617560 67101 MGI:1914351 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:34431 Caap1 1560251 500501 CAAP1 1344567 79886 HGNC Caap1 1623203 67770 MGI:1915020 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:25834 Cab39 1306390 301574 CAB39 1314979 51719 HGNC Cab39 1314980 12283 MGI:107438 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:20292 Cab39l 1308945 290291 CAB39L 1319011 81617 HGNC Cab39l 1551124 69008 MGI:1914081 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:20290 Cabcoco1 1306739 361834 CABCOCO1 1315529 219621 HGNC Cabcoco1 1315530 73287 MGI:1920537 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:28678 Cabin1 620263 94165 CABIN1 732324 23523 HGNC Cabin1 736812 104248 MGI:1298375 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:24187 Cables1 1305516 307585 CABLES1 1313589 91768 HGNC Cables1 1313590 63955 MGI:1927065 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:25097 Cables2 1310089 311703 CABLES2 1345026 81928 HGNC Cables2 1320795 252966 MGI:2182335 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:16143 Cabp1 620385 171051 CABP1 731282 9478 HGNC Cabp1 731283 29867 MGI:1352750 RGD HGNC:1384 Cabp2 1563670 499298 CABP2 1348224 51475 HGNC Cabp2 1558197 29866 MGI:1352749 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:1385 Cabp4 1306083 365394 CABP4 1314493 57010 HGNC Cabp4 1314494 73660 MGI:1920910 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:1386 Cabp5 1308108 365194 CABP5 1317691 56344 HGNC Cabp5 1317692 29865 MGI:1352746 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:13714 Cabp7 1359269 360970 CABP7 1348796 164633 HGNC Cabp7 1552101 192650 MGI:2183437 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:20834 Cabs1 620592 64029 CABS1 1604567 85438 HGNC Cabs1 1332138 70977 MGI:1918227 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:30710 Cabyr 1585413 686189 CABYR 1349000 26256 RGD Cabyr 1616750 71132 MGI:1918382 RGD HGNC:15569 Cacfd1 1311501 296599 CACFD1 1322993 11094 HGNC Cacfd1 1322994 381356 MGI:1924317 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:1365 Cachd1 1310770 298267 CACHD1 1605969 57685 HGNC Cachd1 1553261 320508 MGI:2444177 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:29314 Cacna1a 2244 25398 CACNA1A 735950 773 HGNC Cacna1a 10265 12286 MGI:109482 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:1388 Cacna1b 628852 257648 CACNA1B 1347795 774 HGNC Cacna1b 735793 12287 MGI:88296 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:1389 Cacna1c 2245 24239 CACNA1C 10268 775 HGNC Cacna1c 1550302 12288 MGI:103013 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:1390 Cacna1d 70973 29716 CACNA1D 735457 776 HGNC Cacna1d 735458 12289 MGI:88293 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:1391 Cacna1e 2246 54234 CACNA1E 733702 777 HGNC Cacna1e 733703 12290 MGI:106217 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:1392 Cacna1f 621535 114493 CACNA1F 731992 778 HGNC Cacna1f 731993 54652 MGI:1859639 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:1393 Cacna1g 68942 29717 CACNA1G 68989 8913 HGNC Cacna1g 68990 12291 MGI:1201678 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:1394 Cacna1h 68943 114862 CACNA1H 68993 8912 HGNC Cacna1h 68994 58226 MGI:1928842 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:1395 Cacna1i 68944 56827 CACNA1I 68996 8911 HGNC Cacna1i 1621299 239556 MGI:2178051 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:1396 Cacna1s 70983 682930 CACNA1S 736857 779 RGD Cacna1s 733918 12292 MGI:88294 RGD HGNC:1397 Cacna2d1 2247 25399 CACNA2D1 731942 781 HGNC Cacna2d1 10269 12293 MGI:88295 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:1399 Cacna2d2 631360 300992 CACNA2D2 737609 9254 HGNC Cacna2d2 1332210 56808 MGI:1929813 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:1400 Cacna2d3 631361 306243 CACNA2D3 1349571 55799 HGNC Cacna2d3 1331982 12294 MGI:1338890 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:15460 Cacna2d4 1562038 312668 CACNA2D4 1346782 93589 HGNC Cacna2d4 1614075 319734 MGI:2442632 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:20202 Cacnb1 68382 50688 CACNB1 68552 782 HGNC Cacnb1 68553 12295 MGI:102522 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:1401 Cacnb2 67385 116600 CACNB2 732576 783 HGNC Cacnb2 732577 12296 MGI:894644 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:1402 Cacnb3 2248 25297 CACNB3 735859 784 HGNC Cacnb3 10270 12297 MGI:103307 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:1403 Cacnb4 68385 58942 CACNB4 68558 785 HGNC Cacnb4 68559 12298 MGI:103301 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:1404 Cacng1 2249 29658 CACNG1 732630 786 HGNC Cacng1 737287 12299 MGI:1206582 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:1405 Cacng2 71095 84347 CACNG2 731676 10369 HGNC Cacng2 731677 12300 MGI:1316660 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:1406 Cacng3 628803 140724 CACNG3 736548 10368 HGNC Cacng3 732127 54376 MGI:1859165 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:1407 Cacng4 628804 140725 CACNG4 735495 27092 HGNC Cacng4 731428 54377 MGI:1859167 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:1408 Cacng5 628805 140726 CACNG5 734378 27091 HGNC Cacng5 734379 140723 MGI:2157946 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:1409 Cacng6 628806 140727 CACNG6 735845 59285 HGNC Cacng6 735846 54378 MGI:1859168 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:13625 Cacng7 628807 140728 CACNG7 732586 59284 HGNC Cacng7 732587 81904 MGI:1932374 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:13626 Cacng8 628808 140729 CACNG8 732322 59283 HGNC Cacng8 732323 81905 MGI:1932376 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:13628 Cactin 1563634 500790 CACTIN 1344995 58509 HGNC Cactin 1320551 70312 MGI:1917562 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:29938 Cacul1 1308127 365493 CACUL1 1317719 143384 HGNC Cacul1 1317720 78832 MGI:1926082 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:23727 Cacybp 1303146 289144 CACYBP 1346732 27101 HGNC Cacybp 1331981 12301 MGI:1270839 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:30423 Cad 1588606 24240 CAD 1348167 790 HGNC Cad 1557585 69719 MGI:1916969 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:1424 Cadm1 1310999 363058 CADM1 1322220 23705 HGNC Cadm1 1322221 54725 MGI:1889272 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:5951 Cadm2 1305678 360687 CADM2 1313847 253559 HGNC Cadm2 1313848 239857 MGI:2442722 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:29849 Cadm3 1307035 360882 CADM3 1315991 57863 HGNC Cadm3 1315992 94332 MGI:2137858 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:17601 Cadm4 1304722 365216 CADM4 1312331 199731 HGNC Cadm4 1312332 260299 MGI:2449088 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:30825 Cadps 708573 26989 CADPS 1344966 8618 HGNC Cadps 734411 27062 MGI:1350922 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:1426 Cadps2 1559440 312166 CADPS2 1342691 93664 HGNC Cadps2 1557036 320405 MGI:2443963 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:16018 Cage1 1306102 306872 CAGE1 1604175 285782 HGNC Cage1 1557711 71213 MGI:1918463 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:21622 Cahm 10059728 106182183 CAHM 6480342 100526820 HGNC Cahm 4889399 100526796 MGI:4462384 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:42860 Calb1 69340 83839 CALB1 732083 793 HGNC Calb1 736482 12307 MGI:88248 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:1434 Calb2 620981 117059 CALB2 731363 794 HGNC Calb2 1552967 12308 MGI:101914 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:1435 Calca 2254 24241 CALCA 730992 796 HGNC Calca 10274 12310 MGI:2151253 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:1437 Calcb 620997 171519 CALCB 1350431 797 HGNC Calcb 734038 116903 MGI:2151254 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:1438 Calcoco1 619812 246047 CALCOCO1 731717 57658 RGD Calcoco1 1551114 67488 MGI:1914738 RGD HGNC:29306 Calcoco2 1559974 303479 CALCOCO2 1601886 10241 HGNC Calcoco2 1623116 76815 MGI:1343177 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:29912 Calcr 621001 116506 CALCR 731272 799 HGNC Calcr 10276 12311 MGI:101950 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:1440 Calcrl 2255 25029 CALCRL 733108 10203 HGNC Calcrl 735601 54598 MGI:1926944 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:16709 Cald1 2256 25687 CALD1 730856 800 HGNC Cald1 730857 109624 MGI:88250 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:1441 Calhm1 1564891 499367 CALHM1 1603161 255022 HGNC Calhm1 1617884 546729 MGI:3643383 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:23494 Calhm2 1308276 294019 CALHM2 1317957 51063 HGNC Calhm2 1317958 72691 MGI:1919941 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:23493 Calhm3 1560215 499368 CALHM3 1347189 119395 HGNC Calhm3 1622925 240669 MGI:3645665 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:23458 Calhm4 1595701 499445 CALHM4 1314099 221301 HGNC Calhm4 1314100 270711 MGI:2685489 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:21094 Calhm5 1310405 294431 CALHM5 1321291 254228 HGNC Calhm5 1321292 103511 MGI:2143897 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:21568 Calhm6 1304835 294430 CALHM6 1605771 441168 HGNC Calhm6 1312506 215900 MGI:2443082 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:33391 Calm1 2257 24242 CALM1 735369 801 HGNC Calm1 735370 12313 MGI:88251 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:1442 Calm2 2258 50663 CALM2 736342 805 RGD Calm2 10278 12314 MGI:103250 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:1445 Calm3 2259 24244 CALM3 737387 808 HGNC Calm3 10282 12315 MGI:103249 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:1449 Calml3 1305499 307100 CALML3 1313562 810 HGNC Calml3 1313563 70405 MGI:1917655 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:1452 Calml4 1583918 691455 CALML4 1344788 91860 HGNC Calml4 1622245 75600 MGI:1922850 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:18445 Calml5 1310047 364774 CALML5 1320724 51806 HGNC Calm4 1320725 80796 MGI:1931464 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:18180 Caln1 1305843 363909 CALN1 1314120 83698 HGNC Caln1 1314121 140904 MGI:2155987 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:13248 Calr 620288 64202 CALR 731575 811 HGNC Calr 1550061 12317 MGI:88252 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:1455 Calr3 1309243 364529 CALR3 1319475 125972 HGNC Calr3 1319476 73316 MGI:1920566 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:20407 Calu 620383 64366 CALU 733017 813 HGNC Calu 733018 12321 MGI:1097158 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:1458 Caly 621719 192349 CALY 1601759 50632 HGNC Caly 731668 68566 MGI:1915816 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:17938 Camk1 629473 171503 CAMK1 731618 8536 HGNC Camk1 731619 52163 MGI:1098535 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:1459 Camk1d 1560691 307124 CAMK1D 1603628 57118 HGNC Camk1d 1557315 227541 MGI:2442190 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:19341 Camk1g 621800 171358 CAMK1G 732495 57172 HGNC Camk1g 737057 215303 MGI:2388073 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:14585 Camk2a 2261 25400 CAMK2A 736752 815 HGNC Camk2a 10284 12322 MGI:88256 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:1460 Camk2b 2262 24245 CAMK2B 735326 816 HGNC Camk2b 10285 12323 MGI:88257 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:1461 Camk2d 2263 24246 CAMK2D 736174 817 HGNC Camk2d 736175 108058 MGI:1341265 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:1462 Camk2g 621802 171140 CAMK2G 1604851 818 HGNC Camk2g 737215 12325 MGI:88259 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:1463 Camk2n1 708430 287005 CAMK2N1 1602218 55450 HGNC Camk2n1 1614375 66259 MGI:1913509 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:24190 Camk2n2 708411 59314 CAMK2N2 732268 94032 HGNC Camk2n2 1622265 73047 MGI:1920297 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:24197 Camk4 2264 25050 CAMK4 731356 814 HGNC Camk4 735406 12326 MGI:88258 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:1464 Camkk1 62023 60341 CAMKK1 1349409 84254 HGNC Camkk1 62315 55984 MGI:1891766 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:1469 Camkk2 620092 83506 CAMKK2 737324 10645 HGNC Camkk2 732643 207565 MGI:2444812 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:1470 Camkmt 1310453 299521 CAMKMT 1605634 79823 HGNC Camkmt 1332422 73582 MGI:1920832 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:26276 Camkv 621488 79011 CAMKV 1604302 79012 HGNC Camkv 1621313 235604 MGI:2384296 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:28788 Camlg 69297 81715 CAMLG 1347931 819 HGNC Caml 1332140 12328 MGI:104728 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:1471 Camp 1559878 316010 CAMP 1343513 820 HGNC Camp 1557770 12796 MGI:108443 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:1472 Camsap1 1565022 296580 CAMSAP1 1321992 157922 HGNC Camsap1 1321993 227634 MGI:3036242 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:19946 Camsap2 1310950 289400 CAMSAP2 1604039 23271 HGNC Camsap2 1622307 67886 MGI:1922434 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:29188 Camsap3 1597412 689074 CAMSAP3 1316325 57662 HGNC Camsap3 1618338 69697 MGI:1916947 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:29307 Camta1 1562703 362665 CAMTA1 1318785 23261 HGNC Camta1 1551086 100072 MGI:2140230 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:18806 Camta2 1311296 287462 CAMTA2 1322678 23125 HGNC Camta2 1322679 216874 MGI:2135957 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:18807 Cand1 620479 117152 CAND1 733696 55832 HGNC Cand1 736521 71902 MGI:1261820 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:30688 Cand2 620480 192226 CAND2 733192 23066 HGNC Cand2 1551563 67088 MGI:1914338 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:30689 Cant1 628743 246272 CANT1 1348972 124583 HGNC Cant1 1332333 76025 MGI:1923275 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:19721 Canx 2266 29144 CANX 737068 821 HGNC Canx 737069 12330 MGI:88261 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:1473 Cap1 620309 64185 CAP1 1349457 10487 HGNC Cap1 733088 12331 MGI:88262 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:20040 Cap2 620310 116653 CAP2 733378 10486 HGNC Cap2 733379 67252 MGI:1914502 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:20039 Capg 1311724 297339 CAPG 1323330 822 HGNC Capg 1323331 12332 MGI:1098259 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:1474 Capn1 2267 29153 CAPN1 736980 823 HGNC Capn1 736981 12333 MGI:88263 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:1476 Capn10 69354 63834 CAPN10 732443 11132 HGNC Capn10 736979 23830 MGI:1344392 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:1477 Capn11 1302946 408218 CAPN11 1342957 11131 HGNC Capn11 1552037 268958 MGI:1352490 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:1478 Capn12 1307341 308476 CAPN12 1316482 147968 HGNC Capn12 1316483 60594 MGI:1891369 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:13249 Capn13 1562682 362701 CAPN13 1349624 92291 HGNC Capn13 1621953 381122 MGI:2685789 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:16663 Capn15 1306514 303000 CAPN15 1315174 6650 HGNC Capn15 1315175 50817 MGI:1355075 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:11182 Capn2 2268 29154 CAPN2 732800 824 HGNC Capn2 737526 12334 MGI:88264 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:1479 Capn3 2269 29155 CAPN3 731876 825 HGNC Capn3 736171 12335 MGI:107437 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:1480 Capn5 620084 171495 CAPN5 731758 726 HGNC Capn5 731759 12337 MGI:1100859 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:1482 Capn6 70960 83685 CAPN6 734276 827 HGNC Capn6 734277 12338 MGI:1100850 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:1483 Capn7 1304855 306260 CAPN7 1312532 23473 HGNC Capn7 1312533 12339 MGI:1338030 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:1484 Capn8 620085 170808 CAPN8 736537 388743 HGNC Capn8 732117 170725 MGI:2181366 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:1485 Capn9 70965 116694 CAPN9 731611 10753 HGNC Capn9 731612 73647 MGI:1920897 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:1486 Capns1 2270 29156 CAPNS1 735486 826 RGD Capns1 735487 12336 MGI:88266 RGD HGNC:1481 Capns2 1583620 679870 CAPNS2 1345503 84290 HGNC Capns2 1619160 69543 MGI:1916793 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:16371 Caprin1 1305707 362173 CAPRIN1 1313896 4076 HGNC Caprin1 1313897 53872 MGI:1858234 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:6743 Caprin2 1593683 686779 CAPRIN2 1604605 65981 HGNC Caprin2 1614922 232560 MGI:2448541 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:21259 Caps 41237504 120094827 CAPS 1348480 828 HGNC Tnfrsf23 1614256 79201 MGI:1930269 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:1487 Caps2 1309826 366891 CAPS2 1320373 84698 HGNC Caps2 1320374 353025 MGI:2441980 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:16471 Capsl 1308776 294795 CAPSL 1601932 133690 HGNC Capsl 1552171 75568 MGI:1922818 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:28375 Capza1 1587438 691149 CAPZA1 1314786 829 HGNC Capza1 1314787 12340 MGI:106227 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:1488 Capza2 1549770 493810 CAPZA2 1350794 830 HGNC Capza2 1558430 12343 MGI:106222 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:1490 Capza3 2271 29324 CAPZA3 1353508 93661 HGNC Capza3 736848 12344 MGI:106221 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:24205 Capzb 1359099 298584 CAPZB 1347618 832 HGNC Capzb 1549975 12345 MGI:104652 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:1491 Car1 1309780 310218 CA1 1320302 759 HGNC Car1 1320303 12346 MGI:88268 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:1368 Car10 2322930 100360015 CA10 1352724 56934 HGNC Car10 1558371 72605 MGI:1919855 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:1369 Car11 735155 308588 CA11 1348503 770 HGNC Car11 1550538 12348 MGI:1336193 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:1370 Car12 1306612 363085 CA12 1315327 771 HGNC Car12 1315328 76459 MGI:1923709 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:1371 Car13 1560453 499566 CA13 1322168 377677 HGNC Car13 1322169 71934 MGI:1931322 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:14914 Car14 1599277 791259 CA14 1317436 23632 HGNC Car14 1317437 23831 MGI:1344341 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:1372 Car2 2240 54231 CA2 737257 760 HGNC Car2 732618 12349 MGI:88269 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:1373 Car3 2241 54232 CA3 1353547 761 HGNC Car3 1332219 12350 MGI:88270 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:1374 Car4 2242 29242 CA4 1353429 762 HGNC Car4 1332428 12351 MGI:1096574 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:1375 Car5a 2243 54233 CA5A 1347153 763 HGNC Car5a 731919 12352 MGI:101946 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:1377 Car5b 1549783 302669 CA5B 1343079 11238 HGNC Car5b 1623247 56078 MGI:1926249 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:1378 Car6 70516 298657 CA6 1323700 765 HGNC Car6 1323701 12353 MGI:1333786 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:1380 Car7 1306842 291819 CA7 1315686 766 HGNC Car7 1315687 12354 MGI:103100 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:1381 Car8 1304709 297814 CA8 1312313 767 HGNC Car8 1312314 12319 MGI:88253 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:1382 Car9 1306426 313495 CA9 1315034 768 HGNC Car9 1315035 230099 MGI:2447188 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:1383 Card10 1304949 315120 CARD10 1312685 29775 HGNC Card10 1312686 105844 MGI:2146012 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:16422 Card11 2323211 100363332 CARD11 1319685 84433 HGNC Card11 1319686 108723 MGI:1916978 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:16393 Card14 1591135 688292 CARD14 1350189 79092 HGNC Card14 1620658 170720 MGI:2386258 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:16446 Card19 1306058 361224 CARD19 1314456 84270 HGNC Card19 1332175 68480 MGI:1915730 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:28148 Card6 1305805 294770 CARD6 1314062 84674 HGNC Card6 1314063 239319 MGI:3032959 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:16394 Card9 708370 64171 CARD9 732385 64170 HGNC Card9 1615540 332579 MGI:2685628 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:16391 Carf 1306822 301446 CARF 1315654 79800 HGNC Carf 1315655 241066 MGI:2182269 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:14435 Carhsp1 708415 260416 CARHSP1 733909 23589 HGNC Carhsp1 1332093 52502 MGI:1196368 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:17150 Carm1 1305879 363026 CARM1 1314176 10498 HGNC Carm1 1314177 59035 MGI:1913208 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:23393 Carmil1 1306623 306941 CARMIL1 1315346 55604 HGNC Carmil1 1315347 68732 MGI:1915982 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:21581 Carmil2 1562390 307797 CARMIL2 1605284 146206 HGNC Carmil2 1618961 234695 MGI:2685431 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:27089 Carmil3 1359120 361041 CARMIL3 1349280 90668 HGNC Carmil3 1616474 268747 MGI:2448573 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:20272 Carmn 10401674 120098113 CARMN 5490463 728264 HGNC Carmn 7181169 328968 MGI:4439832 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:42872 Carnmt1 1311863 293871 CARNMT1 1323541 138199 HGNC Carnmt1 1323542 67383 MGI:1914633 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:23435 Carns1 1308234 309150 CARNS1 2301770 57571 HGNC Carns1 1317891 107239 MGI:2147595 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:29268 Cars1 1310747 293638 CARS1 1321833 833 HGNC Cars1 1321834 27267 MGI:1351477 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:1493 Cars2 1311612 361184 CARS2 1606504 79587 HGNC Cars2 1323162 71941 MGI:1919191 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:25695 Cartpt 2272 29131 CARTPT 1605714 9607 HGNC Cartpt 736802 27220 MGI:1351330 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:24323 Casc3 628766 259170 CASC3 1353876 22794 HGNC Casc3 732814 192160 MGI:2179723 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:17040 Casd1 1596912 678772 CASD1 1603612 64921 HGNC Casd1 1619011 213819 MGI:2384865 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:16014 Cask 62004 29647 CASK 733678 8573 HGNC Cask 62296 12361 MGI:1309489 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:1497 Caskin1 620191 140722 CASKIN1 1351061 57524 HGNC Caskin1 1551499 268932 MGI:2442952 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:20879 Caskin2 1309738 303678 CASKIN2 1320238 57513 HGNC Caskin2 1320239 140721 MGI:2157062 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:18200 Casp1 2274 25166 CASP1 735988 834 HGNC Casp1 731729 12362 MGI:96544 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:1499 Casp12 621758 156117 CASP12 1348077 100506742 HGNC Casp12 731442 12364 MGI:1312922 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:19004 Casp14 1311781 299587 CASP14 1323414 23581 HGNC Casp14 1323415 12365 MGI:1335092 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:1502 Casp16 1588238 680728 CASP16P 5688796 197350 HGNC Casp16 1622808 381070 MGI:3646305 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:27290 Casp2 69274 64314 CASP2 1604850 835 HGNC Casp2 731460 12366 MGI:97295 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:1503 Casp3 2275 25402 CASP3 731002 836 HGNC Casp3 10289 12367 MGI:107739 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:1504 Casp4 621757 114555 CASP4 1343162 837 HGNC Casp4 1553228 12363 MGI:107700 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:1505 Casp6 70967 83584 CASP6 732006 839 HGNC Casp6 732007 12368 MGI:1312921 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:1507 Casp7 620944 64026 CASP7 1298347 840 HGNC Casp7 1553182 12369 MGI:109383 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:1508 Casp8 620945 64044 CASP8 730846 841 HGNC Casp8 730847 12370 MGI:1261423 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:1509 Casp8ap2 1305771 313128 CASP8AP2 1314005 9994 HGNC Casp8ap2 1314006 26885 MGI:1349399 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:1510 Casp9 61867 58918 CASP9 69147 842 HGNC Casp9 62159 12371 MGI:1277950 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:1511 Casq1 1586677 686019 CASQ1 1344349 844 HGNC Casq1 1619288 12372 MGI:1309468 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:1512 Casq2 2276 29209 CASQ2 737298 845 HGNC Casq2 737299 12373 MGI:1309469 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:1513 Casr 2277 24247 CASR 10291 846 HGNC Casr 1553551 12374 MGI:1351351 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:1514 Cass4 1310643 296409 CASS4 1321668 57091 HGNC Cass4 1321669 320664 MGI:2444482 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:15878 Cast 2278 25403 CAST 737362 831 HGNC Cast 10292 12380 MGI:1098236 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:1515 Castor1 1304774 360969 CASTOR1 2306475 652968 HGNC Castor1 1312411 71962 MGI:1919212 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:34423 Castor2 1304672 304410 CASTOR2 2306471 729438 HGNC Castor2 1312251 80909 MGI:1933384 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:37073 Casz1 1563533 313713 CASZ1 1606535 54897 HGNC Casz1 1557539 69743 MGI:1196251 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:26002 Cat 2279 24248 CAT 732740 847 HGNC Cat 737448 12359 MGI:88271 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:1516 Catip 1596071 690437 CATIP 1602043 375307 HGNC Catip 1618946 241112 MGI:2685062 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:25062 Catsper1 1593515 689349 CATSPER1 1321252 117144 HGNC Catsper1 1321253 225865 MGI:2179947 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:17116 Catsper2 1307620 366174 CATSPER2 1316921 117155 HGNC Catsper2 1316922 212670 MGI:2387404 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:18810 Catsper3 1305700 290989 CATSPER3 1313883 347732 HGNC Catsper3 1313884 76856 MGI:1924106 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:20819 Catsper4 1565213 362623 CATSPER4 1350186 378807 HGNC Catsper4 1615545 329954 MGI:3043288 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:23220 Catsperb 6500065 100910102 CATSPERB 1345422 79820 HGNC Catsperb 1618837 271036 MGI:2443988 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:20500 Catsperd 1594167 680264 CATSPERD 1604493 257062 HGNC Catsperd 1623044 106757 MGI:2147030 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:28598 Catspere 1565309 689786 CATSPERE 1604494 257044 HGNC Catspere2 1618679 545391 MGI:5589632 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:28491 Catsperg 1310942 292767 CATSPERG 1322128 57828 HGNC Catsperg1 1620474 320225 MGI:2443617 RGD HGNC:25243 Catsperz 2318763 100362120 CATSPERZ 2302458 25858 HGNC Catsperz 1618373 67077 MGI:1914327 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:19231 Cav1 2280 25404 CAV1 619568 857 HGNC Cav1 1553438 12389 MGI:102709 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:1527 Cav2 620348 363425 CAV2 1343117 858 HGNC Cav2 1551950 12390 MGI:107571 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:1528 Cav3 2281 29161 CAV3 1344208 859 HGNC Cav3 735906 12391 MGI:107570 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:1529 Cavin1 1307685 287710 CAVIN1 1317017 284119 HGNC Cavin1 1317018 19285 MGI:1277968 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:9688 Cavin2 1359345 316384 CAVIN2 1348108 8436 HGNC Cavin2 1617607 20324 MGI:99513 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:10690 Cavin3 628755 85332 CAVIN3 1353748 112464 HGNC Cavin3 731913 109042 MGI:1923422 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:9400 Cavin4 1310395 313225 CAVIN4 1606650 347273 HGNC Cavin4 1321277 68016 MGI:1915266 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:33742 Cbarp 1307185 314622 CBARP 1316225 255057 HGNC Cbarp 1316226 100503659 MGI:1354170 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:28617 Cbfa2t2 1309088 296293 CBFA2T2 1319231 9139 HGNC Cbfa2t2 1619284 12396 MGI:1333833 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:1536 Cbfa2t3 1310547 361431 CBFA2T3 1321512 863 HGNC Cbfa2t3 1619282 12398 MGI:1338013 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:1537 Cbfb 620493 361391 CBFB 1320589 865 HGNC Cbfb 1320590 12400 MGI:99851 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:1539 Cbl 1561386 500985 CBL 1345184 867 HGNC Cbl 1558608 12402 MGI:88279 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:1541 Cblb 620535 171136 CBLB 733798 868 HGNC Cblb 733799 208650 MGI:2146430 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:1542 Cblc 1307651 292699 CBLC 1316966 23624 HGNC Cblc 1316967 80794 MGI:1931457 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:15961 Cblif 62084 29319 CBLIF 735662 2694 HGNC Cblif 62376 14603 MGI:1202394 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:4268 Cbll1 1310703 314028 CBLL1 1321764 79872 HGNC Cbll1 1321765 104836 MGI:2144842 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:21225 Cbln1 1562813 498922 CBLN1 1348062 869 HGNC Cbln1 1557010 12404 MGI:88281 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:1543 Cbln2 1309715 291388 CBLN2 1320203 147381 HGNC Cbln2 1320204 12405 MGI:88282 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:1544 Cbln3 1563731 501998 CBLN3 1343800 643866 HGNC Cbln3 1557277 56410 MGI:1889286 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:20146 Cbln4 1589642 499947 CBLN4 1346675 140689 HGNC Cbln4 1318249 228942 MGI:2154433 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:16231 Cbr1 2286 29224 CBR1 737546 873 RGD Cbr1 737547 12408 MGI:88284 RGD HGNC:1548 Cbr2 1590051 688320 Cbr2 1618441 12409 MGI:107200 RGD Cbr3 1309728 304078 CBR3 1320224 874 HGNC Cbr3 1320225 109857 MGI:1309992 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:1549 Cbr4 727826 359725 CBR4 1602997 84869 HGNC Cbr4 1621320 234309 MGI:2384567 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:25891 Cbs 2287 24250 CBS 737316 875 HGNC Cbs 10297 12411 MGI:88285 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:1550 Cbx1 1310714 360609 CBX1 1321782 10951 HGNC Cbx1 1321783 12412 MGI:105369 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:1551 Cbx2 1588561 303730 CBX2 1342823 84733 HGNC Cbx2 1558585 12416 MGI:88289 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:1552 Cbx3 1549705 297093 CBX3 1352044 11335 RGD Cbx3 1557409 12417 MGI:108515 RGD HGNC:1553 Cbx4 1587243 501403 CBX4 1348844 8535 HGNC Cbx4 1558399 12418 MGI:1195985 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:1554 Cbx5 1306619 300266 CBX5 1315340 23468 HGNC Cbx5 1315341 12419 MGI:109372 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:1555 Cbx6 1307314 315136 CBX6 1316437 23466 HGNC Cbx6 1620362 494448 MGI:3512628 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:1556 Cbx7 735027 362962 CBX7 1353483 23492 HGNC Cbx7 1550491 52609 MGI:1196439 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:1557 Cbx8 1565375 303731 CBX8 1351003 57332 HGNC Cbx8 1558087 30951 MGI:1353589 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:15962 Cby1 708481 246768 CBY1 1343969 25776 HGNC Cby1 1616726 73739 MGI:1920989 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:1307 Cby2 1561044 498572 CBY2 1606126 220082 HGNC Cby2 1621535 67926 MGI:1915176 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:30720 Cby3 1594715 690544 CBY3 1605449 646019 HGNC Cby3 1614269 76653 MGI:1923903 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:33278 Cc2d1a 1306108 288908 CC2D1A 1606546 54862 HGNC Cc2d1a 1552526 212139 MGI:2384831 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:30237 Cc2d1b 1306630 313478 CC2D1B 1603884 200014 HGNC Cc2d1b 1551516 319965 MGI:2443076 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:29386 Cc2d2a 1561042 498386 CC2D2A 2289739 57545 HGNC Cc2d2a 1331854 231214 MGI:1924487 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:29253 Cc2d2b 1310408 294054 CC2D2B 1321297 387707 HGNC Cc2d2b 1622457 668310 MGI:3645359 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:31666 Ccar1 1560358 361849 CCAR1 1345566 55749 HGNC Ccar1 1557006 67500 MGI:1914750 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:24236 Ccar2 1309922 306007 CCAR2 1605357 57805 HGNC Ccar2 1320526 219158 MGI:2444228 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:23360 Ccbe1 1307670 361341 CCBE1 1349047 147372 HGNC Ccbe1 1551471 320924 MGI:2445053 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:29426 Ccdc102a 1308684 361363 CCDC102A 1605307 92922 HGNC Ccdc102a 1318599 234582 MGI:2686927 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:28097 Ccdc103 1562370 498006 CCDC103 1602038 388389 HGNC Ccdc103 1620747 73293 MGI:1920543 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:32700 Ccdc106 1566222 499071 CCDC106 1607037 29903 HGNC Ccdc106 1622952 232821 MGI:2385900 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:30181 Ccdc107 1560252 313496 CCDC107 1605844 203260 HGNC Ccdc107 13792742 622404 MGI:1913423 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:28465 Ccdc110 1564538 290755 CCDC110 1606416 256309 HGNC Ccdc110 1620628 212392 MGI:2685018 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:28504 Ccdc112 1561942 498858 CCDC112 1606143 153733 HGNC Ccdc112 1615652 240261 MGI:1918800 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:28599 Ccdc113 1565763 291847 CFAP263 1606018 29070 HGNC Ccdc113 1622028 244608 MGI:3606076 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:25002 Ccdc115 1304653 363213 CCDC115 1603946 84317 HGNC Ccdc115 1312217 69668 MGI:1916918 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:28178 Ccdc116 1310080 287936 CCDC116 1602289 164592 HGNC Ccdc116 1623109 76872 MGI:1924122 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:26688 Ccdc117 1561762 498404 CCDC117 1602294 150275 HGNC Ccdc117 1620675 104479 MGI:2144383 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:26599 Ccdc12 1306081 363151 CCDC12 1343271 151903 HGNC Ccdc12 1615054 72654 MGI:1919904 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:28332 Ccdc120 1561596 317377 CCDC120 1606197 90060 HGNC Ccdc120 1624027 54648 MGI:1859619 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:28910 Ccdc121 1560110 366565 CCDC121 1603009 79635 RGD Ccdc121 1623981 67656 MGI:1914906 RGD HGNC:25833 Ccdc121rt1 1566190 289329 Ccdc121rt1 1622772 403180 MGI:2685601 RGD Ccdc122 2321506 100360752 CCDC122 1602063 160857 HGNC Ccdc122 1616648 108811 MGI:1918358 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:26478 Ccdc124 1310931 290642 CCDC124 1605304 115098 HGNC Ccdc124 1332007 234388 MGI:1916403 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:25171 Ccdc125 1561673 499518 CCDC125 1604973 202243 HGNC Ccdc125 1619089 76041 MGI:1923291 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:28924 Ccdc126 1561171 500117 CCDC126 1602081 90693 HGNC Ccdc126 1619205 57895 MGI:1889376 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:22398 Ccdc127 735106 308060 CCDC127 1603363 133957 HGNC Ccdc127 1615111 67433 MGI:1914683 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:30520 Ccdc13 1586605 686091 CCDC13 1350707 152206 HGNC Ccdc13 1621875 100502861 MGI:1920144 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:26358 Ccdc134 1559657 500909 CCDC134 1605621 79879 HGNC Ccdc134 1615802 76457 MGI:1923707 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:26185 Ccdc136 1564459 362331 CCDC136 1604321 64753 HGNC Ccdc136 1614165 232664 MGI:1918128 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:22225 Ccdc137 1591129 688298 CCDC137 1625086 339230 HGNC Ccdc137 1616782 67291 MGI:1914541 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:33451 Ccdc138 1566050 499442 CCDC138 1603550 165055 HGNC Ccdc138 1625909 76138 MGI:1923388 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:26531 Ccdc14 1562189 288054 CCDC14 1348740 64770 HGNC Ccdc14 1618948 239839 MGI:2443448 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:25766 Ccdc141 1593250 311134 CCDC141 1606113 285025 HGNC Ccdc141 1617893 545428 MGI:1919735 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:26821 Ccdc142 1561779 297380 CCDC142 1606203 84865 HGNC Ccdc142 1620559 243510 MGI:3045292 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:25889 Ccdc144b 1585492 686106 CCDC144CP 1626596 348254 HGNC HGNC:29073 Ccdc146 1559535 499980 CCDC146 1605975 57639 HGNC Ccdc146 1615819 75172 MGI:1922422 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:29296 Ccdc148 1561169 311051 CCDC148 1604533 130940 HGNC Ccdc148 1620606 227933 MGI:3039583 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:25191 Ccdc149 1582968 688939 CCDC149 1606995 91050 HGNC Ccdc149 1607769 100503884 MGI:2685293 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:25405 Ccdc15 1305591 367056 CCDC15 1605034 80071 HGNC Ccdc15 1622023 245902 MGI:2444488 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:25798 Ccdc150 1304775 316399 CCDC150 1606406 284992 HGNC Ccdc150 1312412 78016 MGI:1925266 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:26834 Ccdc152 1561503 499536 CCDC152 2298815 100129792 HGNC Ccdc152 2293926 100039139 MGI:3641617 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:34438 Ccdc154 1559998 287131 CCDC154 2299193 645811 HGNC Ccdc154 1619887 207209 MGI:2685163 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:34454 Ccdc157 1584653 681091 CCDC157 1604878 550631 HGNC Ccdc157 1618178 216516 MGI:3041210 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:33854 Ccdc158 1308523 289502 CCDC158 1602411 339965 HGNC Ccdc158 1318343 320696 MGI:2444555 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:26374 Ccdc159 1308031 300442 CCDC159 3566767 126075 HGNC Ccdc159 1317565 67119 MGI:1914369 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:26996 Ccdc160 1597791 683891 CCDC160 3379453 347475 HGNC Ccdc160 1619627 434778 MGI:3588225 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:37286 Ccdc162 7514220 102554658 CCDC162P 1344430 221262 HGNC Ccdc162 1619939 75973 MGI:1923223 RGD HGNC:21565 Ccdc163 1564486 298442 CCDC163 3441755 126661 HGNC Ccdc163 1618354 68394 MGI:1915644 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:27003 Ccdc166 1588167 680799 CCDC166 5134207 100130274 HGNC Ccdc166 2311287 223648 MGI:1925902 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:41910 Ccdc167 1588733 689755 CCDC167 1352845 154467 HGNC Ccdc167 1609308 68597 MGI:1915847 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:21239 Ccdc168 7680407 102548013 CCDC168 4109693 643677 HGNC Ccdc168 1614550 102636082 MGI:3647616 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:26851 Ccdc169 1593170 499618 CCDC169 2302126 728591 HGNC Ccdc169 1617236 320604 MGI:2444356 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:34361 Ccdc17 1598211 500528 CCDC17 1603565 149483 HGNC Ccdc17 13781967 622665 MGI:1915667 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:26574 Ccdc170 1310945 292266 CCDC170 1322133 80129 HGNC Ccdc170 1618954 100504234 MGI:2685067 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:21177 Ccdc171 1560884 502957 CCDC171 1348779 203238 HGNC Ccdc171 1620473 320226 MGI:1922152 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:29828 Ccdc172 1359412 361776 CCDC172 1346141 374355 HGNC Ccdc172 1622235 75645 MGI:1922895 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:30524 Ccdc174 1305225 297458 CCDC174 1348248 51244 HGNC Ccdc174 1313126 232236 MGI:2444652 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:28033 Ccdc175 1560894 500668 CCDC175 1347710 729665 HGNC Ccdc175 1615047 73936 MGI:1921186 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:19847 Ccdc177 1561115 500686 CCDC177 1354013 56936 HGNC Ccdc177 1614790 380768 MGI:2686414 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:23243 Ccdc178 1308160 307556 CCDC178 1317773 374864 HGNC Ccdc178 1317774 70950 MGI:1918200 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:29588 Ccdc179 1559980 499158 CCDC179 7205404 100500938 HGNC Ccdc179 1623134 100503036 MGI:1922779 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:44653 Ccdc18 1564165 305628 CCDC18 1601798 343099 HGNC Ccdc18 1558244 73254 MGI:1922974 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:30370 Ccdc180 6498132 100910460 CCDC180 4110705 100499483 HGNC Ccdc180 1610443 381522 MGI:2685871 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:29303 Ccdc181 1309708 360867 CCDC181 1602471 57821 HGNC Ccdc181 1320195 74895 MGI:1922145 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:28051 Ccdc182 1586338 689962 CCDC182 7407969 101927581 HGNC Ccdc182 1623143 74297 MGI:1921547 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:49392 Ccdc183 1560370 499754 CCDC183 1350546 84960 HGNC Ccdc183 1621450 77058 MGI:1924308 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:28236 Ccdc184 1593153 500925 CCDC184 1605794 387856 HGNC Ccdc184 1620573 239650 MGI:2146066 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:33749 Ccdc185 1560145 289334 CCDC185 1602974 164127 HGNC Ccdc185 1620388 433386 MGI:3618292 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:26654 Ccdc186 1307158 361773 CCDC186 1316183 55088 HGNC Ccdc186 1316184 213993 MGI:2445022 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:24349 Ccdc187 1565512 499759 CCDC187 1602621 399693 HGNC Ccdc187 1620454 329366 MGI:3045295 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:30942 Ccdc188 1563782 498115 CCDC188 10400964 388849 HGNC Ccdc188 1621006 102638083 MGI:3647803 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:51899 Ccdc190 1560672 498270 CCDC190 1606402 339512 HGNC Ccdc190 1620711 78465 MGI:1925715 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:28736 Ccdc191 1566314 288106 CCDC191 1350923 57577 HGNC Ccdc191 1622125 212153 MGI:1922661 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:29272 Ccdc194 11373735 108353095 CCDC194 13208416 110806280 HGNC Ccdc194 1611476 619297 MGI:3588239 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:53438 Ccdc195 402184683 134480296 CCDC195 13208296 110806281 NCBI HGNC:53441 Ccdc196 1562540 500678 CCDC196 1604895 440184 HGNC Ccdc196 1616286 626215 MGI:3645257 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:20100 Ccdc198 7568824 102556129 CCDC198 1350908 55195 HGNC Ccdc198 1618371 67082 MGI:1914332 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:20189 Ccdc200 7612562 102555975 CCDC200 6769766 100874261 HGNC Ccdc200 11082609 667306 MGI:3650266 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:43658 Ccdc22 1560910 317381 CCDC22 1352329 28952 HGNC Ccdc22 1557229 54638 MGI:1859608 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:28909 Ccdc24 1562911 500534 CCDC24 1603566 149473 RGD Ccdc24 1618754 381546 MGI:2685874 RGD HGNC:28688 Ccdc25 1307689 361059 CCDC25 1605370 55246 HGNC Ccdc25 1552103 67179 MGI:1914429 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:25591 Ccdc27 1587099 679584 CCDC27 1602432 148870 HGNC Ccdc27 1618750 381580 MGI:2685881 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:26546 Ccdc28a 1310326 361454 CCDC28A 1351078 25901 HGNC Ccdc28a 1321165 215814 MGI:2443508 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:21098 Ccdc28b 1583447 682445 CCDC28B 1603961 79140 HGNC Ccdc28b 1614371 66264 MGI:1913514 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:28163 Ccdc3 1559473 498795 CCDC3 1351886 83643 HGNC Ccdc3 1623925 74186 MGI:1921436 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:23813 Ccdc30 1305604 362580 CCDC30 1605139 728621 HGNC Ccdc30 1313731 73332 MGI:1920582 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:26103 Ccdc32 1307516 296081 CCDC32 1605016 90416 HGNC Ccdc32 1316756 269336 MGI:2685477 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:28295 Ccdc33 1561126 315712 CCDC33 1602211 80125 HGNC Ccdc33 1318776 382077 MGI:1922464 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:26552 Ccdc34 1560583 362187 CCDC34 1606993 91057 HGNC Ccdc34 1619187 68201 MGI:1915451 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:25079 Ccdc38 1564046 500823 CCDC38 1603366 120935 HGNC Ccdc38 1617338 237465 MGI:2444738 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:26843 Ccdc39 1306277 310315 CCDC39 1605540 339829 HGNC Ccdc39 1332183 51938 MGI:1289263 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:25244 Ccdc40 1592118 287867 CCDC40 1605992 55036 HGNC Ccdc40 1558436 207607 MGI:2443893 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:26090 Ccdc42 1565925 303234 CCDC42 1601721 146849 HGNC Ccdc42 1623720 276920 MGI:3045254 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:26528 Ccdc43 1311929 360637 CCDC43 1606980 124808 HGNC Ccdc43 1323640 52715 MGI:1289318 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:26472 Ccdc47 1308813 303606 CCDC47 1603982 57003 HGNC Ccdc47 1331876 67163 MGI:1914413 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:24856 Ccdc50 727841 288022 CCDC50 1606954 152137 HGNC Ccdc50 1614360 67501 MGI:1914751 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:18111 Ccdc51 1311466 316008 CCDC51 1602866 79714 HGNC Ccdc51 1332494 66658 MGI:1913908 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:25714 Ccdc54 1559779 498073 CCDC54 1606758 84692 HGNC Ccdc54 1620810 69339 MGI:1916589 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:30703 Ccdc57 1590047 688324 CCDC57 1605253 284001 HGNC Ccdc57 1615852 71276 MGI:1918526 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:27564 Ccdc59 1311912 314799 CCDC59 1606017 29080 HGNC Ccdc59 1323618 52713 MGI:1289302 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:25005 Ccdc6 1587433 691155 CCDC6 1344180 8030 HGNC Ccdc6 1615024 76551 MGI:1923801 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:18782 Ccdc60 1564283 498190 CCDC60 1602176 160777 HGNC Ccdc60 1619722 269693 MGI:2141043 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:28610 Ccdc61 1307390 292680 CCDC61 2290511 729440 RGD Ccdc61 1316564 232933 MGI:2685005 RGD HGNC:33629 Ccdc62 1586391 689909 CCDC62 1603292 84660 HGNC Ccdc62 1616590 208908 MGI:2684996 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:30723 Ccdc63 1562334 304484 CCDC63 1604733 160762 HGNC Ccdc63 1614047 330188 MGI:3607777 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:26669 Ccdc65 1595842 362994 CCDC65 1604557 85478 HGNC Ccdc65 1312127 105833 MGI:2146001 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:29937 Ccdc66 1560873 306238 CCDC66 1605241 285331 HGNC Ccdc66 1620471 320234 MGI:2443639 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:27709 Ccdc68 1561424 291530 CCDC68 1601959 80323 HGNC Ccdc68 1621946 381175 MGI:3612676 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:24350 Ccdc69 1562251 497906 CCDC69 1603313 26112 HGNC Ccdc69 1620076 52570 MGI:1196234 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:24487 Ccdc70 1559811 498657 CCDC70 1603195 83446 HGNC Ccdc70 1621533 67929 MGI:1915179 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:25303 Ccdc71 1566341 498678 CCDC71 1601742 64925 HGNC Ccdc71 1616737 72454 MGI:1919704 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:25760 Ccdc71l 1560812 500640 CCDC71L 1602288 168455 HGNC Ccdc71l 2311290 72123 MGI:1919373 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:26685 Ccdc73 1563448 499848 CCDC73 1601781 493860 HGNC Ccdc73 1623830 211936 MGI:3606488 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:23261 Ccdc74a 1588214 680752 CCDC74A 1604765 90557 HGNC Ccdc74a 1617502 72315 MGI:1919565 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:25197 Ccdc77 1310710 312677 CCDC77 1601842 84318 HGNC Ccdc77 1321776 67200 MGI:1914450 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:28203 Ccdc78 1560244 302996 CCDC78 1345830 124093 HGNC Ccdc78 1622805 381077 MGI:2685784 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:14153 Ccdc7a 1565448 498971 Ccdc7a 1619099 74703 MGI:1921953 RGD Ccdc7b 1359250 497041 CCDC7 1346795 79741 HGNC Ccdc7b 1623909 75453 MGI:1922703 RGD HGNC:26533 Ccdc8 1359717 494320 CCDC8 1351060 83987 HGNC Ccdc8 2294131 434130 MGI:3612184 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:25367 Ccdc80 69421 64387 CCDC80 736330 151887 HGNC Ccdc80 731978 67896 MGI:1915146 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:30649 Ccdc81 1306766 308810 CCDC81 1605353 60494 HGNC Ccdc81 1315572 70884 MGI:1918134 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:26281 Ccdc82 1359666 300359 CCDC82 1602861 79780 HGNC Ccdc82 1623992 66396 MGI:1913646 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:26282 Ccdc83 1594161 680270 CCDC83 1606128 220047 RGD Ccdc83 1614287 75338 MGI:1918255 RGD HGNC:28535 Ccdc85a 1311700 289855 CCDC85A 1605892 114800 HGNC Ccdc85a 1332191 216613 MGI:2445069 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:29400 Ccdc85b 1565319 309161 CCDC85B 1605406 11007 HGNC Ccdc85b 1623760 240514 MGI:2147607 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:24926 Ccdc85c 1589818 690965 CCDC85C 1344482 317762 HGNC Ccdc85c 1613682 668158 MGI:3644008 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:35459 Ccdc86 1359280 293738 CCDC86 1604295 79080 HGNC Ccdc86 1618235 108673 MGI:1277220 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:28359 Ccdc87 1596153 689151 CCDC87 1602481 55231 HGNC Ccdc87 1620399 399599 MGI:3026882 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:25579 Ccdc88a 1306694 305605 CCDC88A 1347801 55704 HGNC Ccdc88a 1315459 108686 MGI:1925177 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:25523 Ccdc88b 1311475 293698 CCDC88B 1603867 283234 HGNC Ccdc88b 1322955 78317 MGI:1925567 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:26757 Ccdc88c 1307429 362770 CCDC88C 1604894 440193 HGNC Ccdc88c 1618358 68339 MGI:1915589 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:19967 Ccdc89 1305335 293107 CCDC89 1602421 220388 HGNC Ccdc89 1313303 70054 MGI:1917304 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:26762 Ccdc9 1584422 684934 CCDC9 1348427 26093 HGNC Ccdc9 1618113 243846 MGI:1921443 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:24560 Ccdc90b 1308637 308820 CCDC90B 1605354 60492 HGNC Ccdc90b 1318526 66365 MGI:1913615 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:28108 Ccdc91 1359502 312863 CCDC91 1605359 55297 HGNC Ccdc91 1618382 67015 MGI:1914265 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:24855 Ccdc92 1601131 100036765 CCDC92 1604596 80212 HGNC Ccdc92 1313410 215707 MGI:106485 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:29563 Ccdc92b 1562276 360567 CCDC92B 10449362 101928991 HGNC Ccdc92b 1616364 432582 MGI:3588240 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:52279 Ccdc93 1560504 304743 CCDC93 1603642 54520 HGNC Ccdc93 1619143 70829 MGI:1918079 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:25611 Ccdc96 1305153 289716 CFAP184 1603873 257236 HGNC Ccdc96 1332091 66717 MGI:1913967 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:26900 Ccdc97 1309393 292724 CCDC97 1602452 90324 HGNC Ccdc97 1319715 52132 MGI:1196455 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:28289 Ccdc9b 1565536 311323 CCDC9B 1602266 388115 HGNC Ccdc9b 1615715 214239 MGI:2685199 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:33488 Ccer1 1560042 500825 CCER1 1606687 196477 HGNC Ccer1 1620848 66716 MGI:1913966 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:28373 Ccer2 6502457 100909701 CCER2 7777261 643669 HGNC Ccer2 1616290 100504112 MGI:3645242 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:44662 Cchcr1 1302992 406196 CCHCR1 1344859 54535 HGNC Cchcr1 1617323 240084 MGI:2385321 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:13930 Ccin 1359369 298392 CCIN 1343153 881 HGNC Ccin 1617144 442829 MGI:3045316 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:1568 Cck 2288 25298 CCK 737505 885 HGNC Cck 10298 12424 MGI:88297 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:1569 Cckar 2289 24889 CCKAR 731770 886 HGNC Cckar 10299 12425 MGI:99478 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:1570 Cckbr 2290 25706 CCKBR 735565 887 HGNC Cckbr 10300 12426 MGI:99479 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:1571 Ccl1 1586495 688605 CCL1 1353511 6346 HGNC Ccl1 1618405 20290 MGI:98258 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:10609 Ccl11 3644 29397 CCL11 1351854 6356 HGNC Ccl11 1551429 20292 MGI:103576 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:10610 Ccl12 1309255 287562 CCL13 1353724 6357 RGD Ccl12 1319498 20293 MGI:108224 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:10611 Ccl17 619924 117518 CCL17 1349365 6361 HGNC Ccl17 733477 20295 MGI:1329039 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:10615 Ccl19 1310336 362506 CCL19 1321181 6363 HGNC Ccl19 1321182 24047 MGI:1346316 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:10617 Ccl2 3645 24770 CCL2 731046 6347 RGD Ccl2 11275 20296 MGI:98259 RGD HGNC:10618 Ccl20 3646 29538 CCL20 1347908 6364 HGNC Ccl20 1332345 20297 MGI:1329031 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:10619 Ccl21 1311996 298006 CCL21 1323745 6366 HGNC Ccl21a 1323746 18829 MGI:1349183 RGD HGNC:10620 Ccl22 619933 117551 CCL22 1351526 6367 HGNC Ccl22 1551080 20299 MGI:1306779 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:10621 Ccl24 1310245 288593 CCL24 1321033 6369 HGNC Ccl24 1321034 56221 MGI:1928953 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:10623 Ccl25 1305530 360750 CCL25 1313608 6370 HGNC Ccl25 1313609 20300 MGI:1099448 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:10624 Ccl26 1587817 685958 CCL26 1344177 10344 HGNC Ccl26 1619597 541307 MGI:3589281 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:10625 Ccl27 1304660 362505 CCL27 1312228 10850 RGD Ccl27a 1312229 20301 MGI:1343459 RGD HGNC:10626 Ccl28 619937 114492 CCL28 1349737 56477 HGNC Ccl28 1552437 56838 MGI:1861731 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:17700 Ccl3 3647 25542 CCL3 735784 6348 RGD Ccl3 11276 20302 MGI:98260 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:10627 Ccl4 620441 116637 CCL4 1353278 6351 RGD Ccl4 1550761 20303 MGI:98261 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:10630 Ccl5 69069 81780 CCL5 1604061 6352 HGNC Ccl5 69127 20304 MGI:98262 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:10632 Ccl6 1303200 287910 CCL15-CCL14 6904431 348249 HGNC HGNC:44436 Ccl7 1359152 287561 CCL7 1352377 6354 HGNC Ccl7 1551007 20306 MGI:99512 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:10634 Ccl9 1310563 360579 CCL15 1321539 6359 HGNC Ccl6 1553178 20305 MGI:98263 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:10613 Ccm2 1308067 305505 CCM2 1317623 83605 HGNC Ccm2 1317624 216527 MGI:2384924 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:21708 Ccm2l 1305202 311550 CCM2L 1344204 140706 HGNC Ccm2l 1313090 228788 MGI:2385159 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:16153 Ccn1 620763 83476 CCN1 731720 3491 HGNC Ccn1 731721 16007 MGI:88613 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:2654 Ccn2 621392 64032 CCN2 731013 1490 HGNC Ccn2 731014 14219 MGI:95537 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:2500 Ccn3 621553 81526 CCN3 732996 4856 HGNC Ccn3 1551511 18133 MGI:109185 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:7885 Ccn4 69431 65154 CCN4 69487 8840 HGNC Ccn4 69488 22402 MGI:1197008 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:12769 Ccn5 621867 29576 CCN5 1351496 8839 HGNC Ccn5 737121 22403 MGI:1328326 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:12770 Ccn6 1564120 499461 CCN6 1345324 8838 HGNC Ccn6 1622848 327743 MGI:2685581 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:12771 Ccna1 1310639 295052 CCNA1 1321661 8900 HGNC Ccna1 1321662 12427 MGI:108042 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:1577 Ccna2 621059 114494 CCNA2 1348754 890 HGNC Ccna2 1550849 12428 MGI:108069 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:1578 Ccnb1 2291 25203 CCNB1 733179 891 HGNC Ccnb1 735742 268697 MGI:88302 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:1579 Ccnb1ip1 1561930 498492 CCNB1IP1 1342952 57820 HGNC Ccnb1ip1 1614894 239083 MGI:2685134 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:19437 Ccnb2 1308176 363088 CCNB2 1317801 9133 HGNC Ccnb2 1317802 12442 MGI:88311 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:1580 Ccnb3 1564367 317389 CCNB3 1352366 85417 HGNC Ccnb3 1557342 209091 MGI:2183443 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:18709 Ccnc 70905 114839 CCNC 736281 892 HGNC Ccnc 736282 51813 MGI:1858199 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:1581 Ccnd1 68384 58919 CCND1 68556 595 HGNC Ccnd1 68557 12443 MGI:88313 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:1582 Ccnd2 621083 64033 CCND2 730903 894 HGNC Ccnd2 730904 12444 MGI:88314 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:1583 Ccnd3 2293 25193 CCND3 736176 896 HGNC Ccnd3 733443 12445 MGI:88315 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:1585 Ccndbp1 1304669 362201 CCNDBP1 1312246 23582 HGNC Ccndbp1 1312247 17151 MGI:109595 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:1587 Ccne1 2294 25729 CCNE1 736488 898 HGNC Ccne1 736489 12447 MGI:88316 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:1589 Ccne2 1307783 362485 CCNE2 1317175 9134 HGNC Ccne2 1317176 12448 MGI:1329034 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:1590 Ccnf 67401 117524 CCNF 736837 899 HGNC Ccnf 732333 12449 MGI:102551 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:1591 Ccng1 2295 25405 CCNG1 735830 900 HGNC Ccng1 735831 12450 MGI:102890 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:1592 Ccng2 1305002 29157 CCNG2 1312769 901 HGNC Ccng2 1312770 12452 MGI:1095734 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:1593 Ccnh 69419 84389 CCNH 69470 902 HGNC Ccnh 69471 66671 MGI:1913921 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:1594 Ccni 1309209 289500 CCNI 1319424 10983 HGNC Ccni 1319425 12453 MGI:1341077 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:1595 Ccnj 1306399 294053 CCNJ 1314992 54619 HGNC Ccnj 1314993 240665 MGI:2443297 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:23434 Ccnjl 1561384 303059 CCNJL 1606241 79616 RGD Ccnjl 1615520 380694 MGI:2685723 RGD HGNC:25876 Ccnk 1595690 500715 CCNK 1317544 8812 HGNC Ccnk 1317545 12454 MGI:1276106 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:1596 Ccnl1 620864 114121 CCNL1 733406 57018 HGNC Ccnl1 733407 56706 MGI:1922664 RGD HGNC:20569 Ccnl2 1309149 298686 CCNL2 1319329 81669 HGNC Ccnl2 1319330 56036 MGI:1927119 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:20570 Ccno 1565217 499528 CCNO 1346890 10309 HGNC Ccno 1622097 218630 MGI:2145534 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:18576 Ccnq 1305651 303321 CCNQ 1604257 92002 HGNC Ccnq 1313805 69109 MGI:1916359 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:28434 Ccnt1 1311151 315291 CCNT1 1322457 904 HGNC Ccnt1 1322458 12455 MGI:1328363 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:1599 Ccnt2 1309205 304758 CCNT2 1319417 905 HGNC Ccnt2 1319418 72949 MGI:1920199 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:1600 Ccny 1565969 361261 CCNY 1347341 219771 HGNC Ccny 1557522 67974 MGI:1915224 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:23354 Ccnyl1 1310683 316452 CCNYL1 1606146 151195 HGNC Ccnyl1 1321728 227210 MGI:2138614 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:26868 Ccp110 1310509 361634 CCP110 1605415 9738 HGNC Ccp110 1321452 101565 MGI:2141942 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:24342 Ccpg1 1311261 363098 CCPG1 1322623 9236 HGNC Ccpg1 1618308 72278 MGI:1196419 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:24227 Ccr1 708446 57301 CCR1 1349625 1230 HGNC Ccr1 732280 12768 MGI:104618 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:1602 Ccr10 1310716 363682 CCR10 1606584 2826 HGNC Ccr10 1321787 12777 MGI:1096320 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:4474 Ccr2 620876 60463 CCR2 1603716 729230 RGD Ccr2 1552061 12772 MGI:106185 RGD HGNC:1603 Ccr3 620593 117027 CCR3 1345616 1232 HGNC Ccr3 733966 12771 MGI:104616 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:1604 Ccr4 620594 171054 CCR4 1347259 1233 HGNC Ccr4 1552492 12773 MGI:107824 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:1605 Ccr5 620596 117029 CCR5 1351344 1234 HGNC Ccr5 733487 12774 MGI:107182 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:1606 Ccr6 1308562 308163 CCR6 1318406 1235 HGNC Ccr6 1318407 12458 MGI:1333797 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:1607 Ccr7 735151 287673 CCR7 1347245 1236 HGNC Ccr7 1553451 12775 MGI:103011 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:1608 Ccr8 1304893 301066 CCR8 1312592 1237 HGNC Ccr8 1312593 12776 MGI:1201402 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:1609 Ccr9 628750 282832 CCR9 1352272 10803 HGNC Ccr9 1550219 12769 MGI:1341902 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:1610 Ccrl2 1311811 316019 CCRL2 1323460 9034 HGNC Ccrl2 1323461 54199 MGI:1920904 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:1612 Ccs 620403 84485 CCS 733606 9973 RGD Ccs 733607 12460 MGI:1333783 RGD HGNC:1613 Ccsap 1563235 307926 CCSAP 1602440 126731 HGNC Ccsap 1619112 73420 MGI:1920670 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:29578 Ccser1 1565731 500153 CCSER1 1602258 401145 HGNC Ccser1 1618965 232035 MGI:3045354 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:29349 Ccser2 1304626 306306 CCSER2 1312172 54462 HGNC Ccser2 1551286 72972 MGI:101859 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:29197 Cct2 1359143 299809 CCT2 1352326 10576 HGNC Cct2 1552962 12461 MGI:107186 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:1615 Cct3 735038 295230 CCT3 1342982 7203 HGNC Cct3 1551227 12462 MGI:104708 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:1616 Cct4 727937 29374 CCT4 1345648 10575 HGNC Cct4 735766 12464 MGI:104689 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:1617 Cct5 735161 294864 CCT5 1354396 22948 HGNC Cct5 1551615 12465 MGI:107185 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:1618 Cct6a 1304763 288620 CCT6A 1312394 908 HGNC Cct6a 1312395 12466 MGI:107943 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:1620 Cct6b 1359453 363658 CCT6B 1345746 10693 HGNC Cct6b 1618437 12467 MGI:1329013 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:1621 Cct7 1306422 297406 CCT7 1315027 10574 HGNC Cct7 1315028 12468 MGI:107184 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:1622 Cct8 1305452 288305 CCT8 1313488 10694 HGNC Cct8 1313489 12469 MGI:107183 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:1623 Cct8l2 1561536 499967 CCT8L2 1605278 150160 HGNC Cct8l1 1615639 242891 MGI:2685289 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:15553 Ccz1 1306410 360768 CCZ1 1315007 51622 RGD Ccz1 1620597 231874 MGI:2141070 RGD HGNC:21691 Cd101 1311453 310727 CD101 1322923 9398 HGNC Cd101 1624690 630146 MGI:2685862 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:5949 Cd109 1311287 363104 CD109 1322663 135228 HGNC Cd109 1322664 235505 MGI:2445221 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:21685 Cd14 620588 60350 CD14 1347263 929 HGNC Cd14 733890 12475 MGI:88318 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:1628 Cd151 621290 64315 CD151 733300 977 HGNC Cd151 733301 12476 MGI:1096360 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:1630 Cd160 1563598 502585 CD160 1342532 11126 HGNC Cd160 1558307 54215 MGI:1860383 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:17013 Cd163 1310382 312701 CD163 1321258 9332 HGNC Cd163 1321259 93671 MGI:2135946 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:1631 Cd164 70942 83689 CD164 736961 8763 HGNC Cd164 736962 53599 MGI:1859568 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:1632 Cd164l2 2323068 100359977 CD164L2 1603478 388611 HGNC Cd164l2 1557940 69655 MGI:1916905 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:32043 Cd177 1562941 499099 CD177 1603627 57126 HGNC Cd177 1557208 68891 MGI:1916141 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:30072 Cd180 1308170 294706 CD180 1317791 4064 HGNC Cd180 1552899 17079 MGI:1194924 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:6726 Cd19 1309086 365367 CD19 1319228 930 HGNC Cd19 1319229 12478 MGI:88319 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:1633 Cd1d1 2296 25109 CD1D 1353762 912 HGNC Cd1d1 1552895 12479 MGI:107674 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:1637 Cd2 2297 497761 CD2 10305 914 HGNC Cd2 10304 12481 MGI:88320 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:1639 Cd200 3104 24560 CD200 1606033 4345 HGNC Cd200 1332092 17470 MGI:1196990 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:7203 Cd200l2 1590252 685716 Cd200l2 5143795 100047671 MGI:5009947 RGD Cd200r1 61837 64357 CD200R1 1606724 131450 HGNC Cd200r1 1331865 57781 MGI:1889024 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:24235 Cd200r1l 1563387 501779 CD200R1L 1602956 344807 HGNC Cd200r4 1618947 239849 MGI:3036289 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:24665 Cd207 1565913 502852 CD207 1347897 50489 HGNC Cd207 1558017 246278 MGI:2180021 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:17935 Cd209a 1308239 288375 Cd209a 1317899 170786 MGI:2157942 RGD Cd209d 1561104 363856 CD209 1320216 30835 HGNC Cd209d 1558208 170779 MGI:2157947 RGD HGNC:1641 Cd22 1311610 308501 CD22 1323159 933 HGNC Cd22 1323160 12483 MGI:88322 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:1643 Cd226 1311513 307199 CD226 1323011 10666 HGNC Cd226 1551810 225825 MGI:3039602 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:16961 Cd24 2298 25145 CD24 736340 100133941 HGNC Cd24a 10306 12484 MGI:88323 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:1645 Cd244 9330179 103692282 CD244 736436 51744 RGD Cd244a 733643 18106 MGI:109294 RGD HGNC:18171 Cd247 2305 25300 CD247 736538 919 HGNC Cd247 10308 12503 MGI:88334 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:1677 Cd248 1310404 293669 CD248 1353954 57124 HGNC Cd248 1551533 70445 MGI:1917695 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:18219 Cd27 1560499 500318 CD27 1353701 939 HGNC Cd27 1556981 21940 MGI:88326 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:11922 Cd274 1566211 499342 CD274 1605684 29126 HGNC Cd274 1553554 60533 MGI:1926446 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:17635 Cd276 727815 315716 CD276 1604282 80381 HGNC Cd276 1552363 102657 MGI:2183926 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:19137 Cd28 2299 25660 CD28 735932 940 HGNC Cd28 10307 12487 MGI:88327 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:1653 Cd2ap 727803 316258 CD2AP 1347906 23607 HGNC Cd2ap 1550249 12488 MGI:1330281 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:14258 Cd2bp2 1311741 293505 CD2BP2 1323355 10421 HGNC Cd2bp2 1323356 70233 MGI:1917483 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:1656 Cd300a 1583719 501736 CD300A 1344130 11314 HGNC Cd300a 1558372 217303 MGI:2443411 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:19319 Cd300c 1565161 501745 CD300C 1349208 10871 RGD Cd300c 1558358 387565 MGI:3032626 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:19320 Cd300c2 1561778 303666 Cd300c2 1557636 140497 MGI:2153249 RGD Cd300e 1585137 690076 CD300E 1605230 342510 HGNC Cd300e 1553486 217306 MGI:2387602 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:28874 Cd300lb 1583718 501738 CD300LB 1604243 124599 HGNC Cd300lb 1550864 217304 MGI:2685099 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:30811 Cd300ld 2319739 100361633 CD300LD 2290269 100131439 RGD Cd300ld 1622107 217305 MGI:2442358 RGD HGNC:16848 Cd300lf 1309733 287818 CD300LF 1603897 146722 HGNC Cd300lf 1553776 246746 MGI:2442359 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:29883 Cd300lg 1584376 684984 CD300LG 1601720 146894 HGNC Cd300lg 1553454 52685 MGI:1289168 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:30455 Cd302 1307606 295629 CD302 1350388 9936 HGNC Cd302 1552342 66205 MGI:1913455 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:30843 Cd320 1305860 362851 CD320 1352822 51293 HGNC Cd320 1552632 54219 MGI:1860083 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:16692 Cd33 1596020 690492 CD33 1347694 945 RGD Cd33 1556894 12489 MGI:99440 RGD HGNC:1659 Cd34 1306863 305081 CD34 1315723 947 RGD Cd34 1315724 12490 MGI:88329 RGD HGNC:1662 Cd36 2301 29184 CD36 619554 948 HGNC Cd36 619555 12491 MGI:107899 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:1663 Cd37 62035 29185 CD37 1346523 951 HGNC Cd37 62327 12493 MGI:88330 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:1666 Cd38 2303 25668 CD38 735841 952 HGNC Cd38 731646 12494 MGI:107474 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:1667 Cd3d 2304 25710 CD3D 736987 915 HGNC Cd3d 734020 12500 MGI:88331 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:1673 Cd3e 1309222 315609 CD3E 1319442 916 HGNC Cd3e 1319443 12501 MGI:88332 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:1674 Cd3g 1307718 300678 CD3G 1317072 917 HGNC Cd3g 1317073 12502 MGI:88333 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:1675 Cd4 2306 24932 CD4 735603 920 HGNC Cd4 10309 12504 MGI:88335 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:1678 Cd40 619830 171369 CD40 1604657 958 HGNC Cd40 1615152 21939 MGI:88336 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:11919 Cd40lg 708418 84349 CD40LG 1352959 959 HGNC Cd40lg 1615151 21947 MGI:88337 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:11935 Cd44 2307 25406 CD44 737036 960 HGNC Cd44 10310 12505 MGI:88338 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:1681 Cd46 3061 29333 CD46 1346662 4179 HGNC Cd46 736683 17221 MGI:1203290 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:6953 Cd47 2308 29364 CD47 737350 961 HGNC Cd47 737351 16423 MGI:96617 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:1682 Cd48 620620 245962 CD48 1352782 962 HGNC Cd48 732945 12506 MGI:88339 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:1683 Cd5 2309 54236 CD5 736702 921 HGNC Cd5 736703 12507 MGI:88340 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:1685 Cd52 620627 117054 CD52 1348187 1043 HGNC Cd52 731436 23833 MGI:1346088 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:1804 Cd53 2310 24251 CD53 737207 963 HGNC Cd53 10313 12508 MGI:88341 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:1686 Cd55 620651 64036 CD55 737499 1604 HGNC Cd55 734384 13136 MGI:104850 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:2665 Cd59b 2311 25407 CD59 736600 966 HGNC Cd59b 1615538 333883 MGI:1888996 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:1689 Cd5l 1308526 310693 CD5L 1318347 922 HGNC Cd5l 1318348 11801 MGI:1334419 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:1690 Cd6 2312 25752 CD6 1351600 923 HGNC Cd6 1553441 12511 MGI:103566 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:1691 Cd63 62080 29186 CD63 735587 967 HGNC Cd63 62372 12512 MGI:99529 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:1692 Cd68 1305970 287435 CD68 1314316 968 HGNC Cd68 1314317 12514 MGI:88342 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:1693 Cd69 61318 29187 CD69 1351395 969 HGNC Cd69 735248 12515 MGI:88343 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:1694 Cd7 1310015 303747 CD7 1320672 924 HGNC Cd7 1320673 12516 MGI:88344 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:1695 Cd70 1588573 301132 CD70 1351721 970 HGNC Cd70 1557740 21948 MGI:1195273 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:11937 Cd72 1309757 313498 CD72 1320264 971 HGNC Cd72 1320265 12517 MGI:88345 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:1696 Cd74 2313 25599 CD74 1350471 972 HGNC Cd74 1553657 16149 MGI:96534 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:1697 Cd79a 6484896 100913063 CD79A 1346600 973 HGNC Cd79a 1617637 12518 MGI:101774 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:1698 Cd79b 620012 171055 CD79B 730908 974 HGNC Cd79b 733368 15985 MGI:96431 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:1699 Cd80 2314 25408 CD80 737082 941 HGNC Cd80 10316 12519 MGI:101775 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:1700 Cd81 2315 25621 CD81 731700 975 HGNC Cd81 731701 12520 MGI:1096398 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:1701 Cd82 69070 83628 CD82 1604068 3732 HGNC Cd82 1617636 12521 MGI:104651 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:6210 Cd83 1309677 361226 CD83 1320150 9308 HGNC Cd83 1320151 12522 MGI:1328316 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:1703 Cd84 1564553 501872 CD84 1349028 8832 HGNC Cd84 1557065 12523 MGI:1336885 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:1704 Cd86 628714 56822 CD86 1604658 942 HGNC Cd86 734336 12524 MGI:101773 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:1705 Cd8a 2316 24930 CD8A 735285 925 HGNC Cd8a 10317 12525 MGI:88346 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:1706 Cd8b 2317 24931 CD8B 736307 926 HGNC Cd8b1 1553149 12526 MGI:88347 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:1707 Cd9 2318 24936 CD9 732702 928 HGNC Cd9 732703 12527 MGI:88348 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:1709 Cd93 621251 84398 CD93 1351917 22918 HGNC Cd93 732769 17064 MGI:106664 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:15855 Cd96 1565249 498079 CD96 1343806 10225 HGNC Cd96 1558040 84544 MGI:1934368 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:16892 Cd99 1594332 652929 CD99 1344139 4267 HGNC Cd99 1616112 673094 MGI:1913728 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:7082 Cd99l2 620896 171485 CD99L2 735542 83692 HGNC Cd99l2 1551532 171486 MGI:2177151 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:18237 Cda 1311101 362638 CDA 1322377 978 HGNC Cda 1322378 72269 MGI:1919519 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:1712 Cdadc1 1311845 361052 CDADC1 1323516 81602 HGNC Cdadc1 1323517 71891 MGI:1919141 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:20299 Cdan1 1306771 311348 CDAN1 1315579 146059 HGNC Cdan1 1623968 68968 MGI:1916218 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:1713 Cdc123 619766 116656 CDC123 733862 8872 HGNC Cdc123 733863 98828 MGI:2138811 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:16827 Cdc14a 1304649 310806 CDC14A 1312211 8556 HGNC Cdc14a 1312212 229776 MGI:2442676 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:1718 Cdc14b 1311163 361195 CDC14B 1322476 8555 HGNC Cdc14b 1322477 218294 MGI:2441808 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:1719 Cdc16 1305076 290875 CDC16 1312892 8881 HGNC Cdc16 1312893 69957 MGI:1917207 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:1720 Cdc20 620477 64515 CDC20 731833 991 HGNC Cdc20 731834 107995 MGI:1859866 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:1723 Cdc20b 1584143 688823 CDC20B 1602643 166979 HGNC Cdc20b 1616527 238896 MGI:3644472 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:24222 Cdc23 1304819 291689 CDC23 1312484 8697 HGNC Cdc23 1312485 52563 MGI:1098815 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:1724 Cdc25a 621498 171102 CDC25A 731492 993 HGNC Cdc25a 731493 12530 MGI:103198 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:1725 Cdc25b 621500 171103 CDC25B 1604653 994 HGNC Cdc25b 731684 12531 MGI:99701 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:1726 Cdc25c 1311875 307511 CDC25C 1323559 995 HGNC Cdc25c 1323560 12532 MGI:88350 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:1727 Cdc26 1311342 366381 CDC26 1322746 246184 HGNC Cdc26 1322747 66440 MGI:1913690 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:17839 Cdc27 1304921 360643 CDC27 1312639 996 HGNC Cdc27 1312640 217232 MGI:102685 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:1728 Cdc34 1305411 299602 CDC34 1313428 997 HGNC Cdc34 1313429 216150 MGI:102657 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:1734 Cdc37 71006 114562 CDC37 732258 11140 HGNC Cdc37 732259 12539 MGI:109531 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:1735 Cdc37l1 1309295 293886 CDC37L1 1319564 55664 HGNC Cdc37l1 1551215 67072 MGI:1914322 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:17179 Cdc40 1307063 361859 CDC40 1316032 51362 HGNC Cdc40 1622282 71713 MGI:1918963 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:17350 Cdc42 71043 64465 CDC42 730976 998 HGNC Cdc42 730977 12540 MGI:106211 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:1736 Cdc42bpa 621406 114116 CDC42BPA 1351605 8476 HGNC Cdc42bpa 733007 226751 MGI:2441841 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:1737 Cdc42bpb 621753 113960 CDC42BPB 1351337 9578 HGNC Cdc42bpb 737417 217866 MGI:2136459 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:1738 Cdc42bpg 1307260 293693 CDC42BPG 1350948 55561 HGNC Cdc42bpg 1552361 240505 MGI:2652845 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:29829 Cdc42ep1 1311131 315121 CDC42EP1 1322427 11135 HGNC Cdc42ep1 1322428 104445 MGI:1929763 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:17014 Cdc42ep2 1310253 309175 CDC42EP2 1321045 10435 HGNC Cdc42ep2 1321046 104252 MGI:1929744 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:16263 Cdc42ep3 1305858 313838 CDC42EP3 1314141 10602 HGNC Cdc42ep3 1314142 260409 MGI:2384718 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:16943 Cdc42ep4 1311567 303653 CDC42EP4 1323093 23580 HGNC Cdc42ep4 1323094 56699 MGI:1929760 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:17147 Cdc42ep5 1308382 361505 CDC42EP5 1318117 148170 HGNC Cdc42ep5 1318118 58804 MGI:1929745 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:17408 Cdc42se1 1561700 499672 CDC42SE1 1346360 56882 HGNC Cdc42se1 1557993 57912 MGI:1889510 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:17719 Cdc42se2 1563924 691031 CDC42SE2 1343863 56990 RGD Cdc42se2 1614316 72729 MGI:1919979 RGD HGNC:18547 Cdc45 1590928 287961 CDC45 1352573 8318 HGNC Cdc45 1557775 12544 MGI:1338073 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:1739 Cdc5l 70892 85434 CDC5L 731949 988 HGNC Cdc5l 736292 71702 MGI:1918952 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:1743 Cdc6 1309157 360621 CDC6 1319341 990 HGNC Cdc6 1319342 23834 MGI:1345150 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:1744 Cdc7 1308351 360908 CDC7 1318070 8317 HGNC Cdc7 1318071 12545 MGI:1309511 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:1745 Cdc73 1311766 304832 CDC73 1323393 79577 HGNC Cdc73 1614198 214498 MGI:2384876 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:16783 Cdca2 1311003 305984 CDCA2 1322226 157313 HGNC Cdca2 1615762 108912 MGI:1919787 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:14623 Cdca3 1359093 297594 CDCA3 1345166 83461 HGNC Cdca3 1620907 14793 MGI:1315198 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:14624 Cdca4 1563593 500727 CDCA4 1348557 55038 HGNC Cdca4 1557160 71963 MGI:1919213 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:14625 Cdca5 1560863 684771 CDCA5 1350338 113130 RGD Cdca5 1622313 67849 MGI:1915099 RGD HGNC:14626 Cdca7 1309363 311742 CDCA7 1319671 83879 HGNC Cdca7 1319672 66953 MGI:1914203 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:14628 Cdca7l 1564080 619566 CDCA7L 1602109 55536 HGNC Cdca7l 1617380 217946 MGI:2384982 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:30777 Cdca8 1566306 500545 CDCA8 1346860 55143 HGNC Cdca8 1622345 52276 MGI:1196274 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:14629 Cdcp1 1305578 301082 CDCP1 1601855 64866 HGNC Cdcp1 1550104 109332 MGI:2442010 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:24357 Cdcp2 1563467 298306 CDCP2 1603885 200008 HGNC Cdcp2 1617317 242603 MGI:3045328 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:27297 Cdh1 69279 83502 CDH1 737413 999 HGNC Cdh1 737414 12550 MGI:88354 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:1748 Cdh10 619741 29181 CDH10 1350088 1008 HGNC Cdh10 736212 320873 MGI:107436 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:1749 Cdh11 619742 84407 CDH11 1351773 1009 HGNC Cdh11 1552978 12552 MGI:99217 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:1750 Cdh12 1566350 301887 CDH12 1343875 1010 HGNC Cdh12 1557592 215654 MGI:109503 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:1751 Cdh13 619745 192248 CDH13 734374 1012 HGNC Cdh13 734375 12554 MGI:99551 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:1753 Cdh15 1303000 361432 CDH15 1353127 1013 HGNC Cdh15 1552311 12555 MGI:106672 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:1754 Cdh16 1311638 307614 CDH16 1323200 1014 HGNC Cdh16 1323201 12556 MGI:106671 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:1755 Cdh17 619748 117048 CDH17 733806 1015 HGNC Cdh17 733807 12557 MGI:1095414 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:1756 Cdh18 1305430 310174 CDH18 1313454 1016 HGNC Cdh18 1615561 320865 MGI:1344366 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:1757 Cdh19 1307169 360835 CDH19 1316200 28513 HGNC Cdh19 1614177 227485 MGI:3588198 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:1758 Cdh2 69280 83501 CDH2 731820 1000 HGNC Cdh2 731821 12558 MGI:88355 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:1759 Cdh20 1305438 363948 CDH20 1313468 28316 HGNC Cdh20 1313469 23836 MGI:1346069 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:1760 Cdh22 2321 29182 CDH22 732591 64405 HGNC Cdh22 737229 104010 MGI:1341843 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:13251 Cdh23 619760 114102 CDH23 733851 64072 HGNC Cdh23 733852 22295 MGI:1890219 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:13733 Cdh24 1560161 498515 CDH24 1353170 64403 HGNC Cdh24 1558613 239096 MGI:1928330 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:14265 Cdh26 1311632 311693 CDH26 1323191 60437 HGNC Cdh26 1619686 381409 MGI:2685856 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:15902 Cdh3 621089 116777 CDH3 1353368 1001 HGNC Cdh3 1617635 12560 MGI:88356 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:1762 Cdh4 621091 114588 CDH4 1343938 1002 HGNC Cdh4 1617634 12561 MGI:99218 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:1763 Cdh5 1307370 307618 CDH5 1316530 1003 HGNC Cdh5 1316531 12562 MGI:105057 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:1764 Cdh6 2322 25409 CDH6 735712 1004 HGNC Cdh6 10320 12563 MGI:107435 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:1765 Cdh7 1306856 29162 CDH7 1315712 1005 HGNC Cdh7 1315713 241201 MGI:2442792 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:1766 Cdh8 69286 84408 CDH8 735375 1006 HGNC Cdh8 735376 12564 MGI:107434 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:1767 Cdh9 1308343 29163 CDH9 1354185 1007 HGNC Cdh9 1318058 12565 MGI:107433 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:1768 Cdhr1 620420 93662 CDHR1 737398 92211 HGNC Cdhr1 1550136 170677 MGI:2157782 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:14550 Cdhr17 7747752 102551166 Cdhr17 9677744 102640594 MGI:5579416 RGD Cdhr18 1565725 289926 CDHR18P 38652534 100130345 NCBI Cdhr18 1615657 238939 MGI:2685127 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:53742 Cdhr2 1560576 291002 CDHR2 1606556 54825 HGNC Cdhr2 1617254 268663 MGI:2687323 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:18231 Cdhr3 1591286 686932 CDHR3 1603532 222256 HGNC Cdhr3 1615091 68764 MGI:1916014 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:26308 Cdhr4 1306603 363144 CDHR4 1605792 389118 HGNC Cdhr4 1557702 69398 MGI:1916648 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:34527 Cdhr5 620504 171554 CDHR5 1605676 53841 HGNC Cdhr5 732044 72040 MGI:1919290 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:7521 Cdin1 1563680 499864 CDIN1 1607000 84529 HGNC Cdin1 1620403 399568 MGI:3026886 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:26929 Cdip1 1310686 360480 CDIP1 1321732 29965 HGNC Cdip1 1321733 66626 MGI:1913876 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:13234 Cdipt 620576 192260 CDIPT 736670 10423 HGNC Cdipt 732224 52858 MGI:105491 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:1769 Cdiptos 7676737 102552638 CDIPTOSP 7244483 440356 RGD Cdiptos 11049307 381922 MGI:2443610 RGD HGNC:48609 Cdk1 2319 54237 CDK1 731889 983 HGNC Cdk1 731890 12534 MGI:88351 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:1722 Cdk10 1304851 361434 CDK10 1312526 8558 HGNC Cdk10 1312527 234854 MGI:2448549 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:1770 Cdk11b 628604 252879 CDK11B 1604656 984 RGD Cdk11b 732629 12537 MGI:88353 RGD HGNC:1729 Cdk12 621111 192350 CDK12 733880 51755 HGNC Cdk12 733881 69131 MGI:1098802 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:24224 Cdk13 1311226 306998 CDK13 1322573 8621 HGNC Cdk13 1322574 69562 MGI:1916812 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:1733 Cdk14 1305544 362316 CDK14 1313632 5218 HGNC Cdk14 1313633 18647 MGI:894318 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:8883 Cdk15 1306205 301440 CDK15 1314644 65061 RGD Cdk15 1614085 271697 MGI:3583944 RGD HGNC:14434 Cdk16 620584 81741 CDK16 734014 5127 HGNC Cdk16 734015 18555 MGI:97516 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:8749 Cdk17 1565593 314743 CDK17 1343326 5128 HGNC Cdk17 1558207 237459 MGI:97517 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:8750 Cdk18 1309523 289019 CDK18 1319906 5129 HGNC Cdk18 1319907 18557 MGI:97518 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:8751 Cdk19 1305435 309804 CDK19 1343762 23097 HGNC Cdk19 1550211 78334 MGI:1925584 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:19338 Cdk2 70486 362817 CDK2 1352010 1017 HGNC Cdk2 70501 12566 MGI:104772 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:1771 Cdk20 1305219 364666 CDK20 1313116 23552 HGNC Cdk20 1313117 105278 MGI:2145349 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:21420 Cdk2ap1 1308664 360804 CDK2AP1 1318567 8099 HGNC Cdk2ap1 1318568 13445 MGI:1202069 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:14002 Cdk2ap2 1588883 688405 CDK2AP2 1604051 10263 HGNC Cdk2ap2 1624036 52004 MGI:1098779 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:30833 Cdk4 621120 94201 CDK4 732061 1019 RGD Cdk4 732062 12567 MGI:88357 RGD HGNC:1773 Cdk5 70514 140908 CDK5 70825 1020 HGNC Cdk5 70826 12568 MGI:101765 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:1774 Cdk5r1 629472 116671 CDK5R1 733787 8851 HGNC Cdk5r1 1553698 12569 MGI:101764 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:1775 Cdk5r2 1562530 501164 CDK5R2 1349470 8941 HGNC Cdk5r2 1558190 12570 MGI:1330828 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:1776 Cdk5rap1 708387 252827 CDK5RAP1 1602114 51654 HGNC Cdk5rap1 733201 66971 MGI:1914221 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:15880 Cdk5rap2 708451 286919 CDK5RAP2 1347674 55755 HGNC Cdk5rap2 1552560 214444 MGI:2384875 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:18672 Cdk5rap3 620002 80278 CDK5RAP3 731437 80279 HGNC Cdk5rap3 1616671 80280 MGI:1933126 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:18673 Cdk6 621121 114483 CDK6 735400 1021 HGNC Cdk6 735401 12571 MGI:1277162 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:1777 Cdk7 621124 171150 CDK7 734279 1022 HGNC Cdk7 734280 12572 MGI:102956 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:1778 Cdk8 1560888 498140 CDK8 1348539 1024 HGNC Cdk8 1622878 264064 MGI:1196224 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:1779 Cdk9 1359638 362110 CDK9 1346548 1025 HGNC Cdk9 1552365 107951 MGI:1328368 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:1780 Cdkal1 1310246 361243 CDKAL1 1321035 54901 RGD Cdkal1 1321036 68916 MGI:1921765 RGD HGNC:21050 Cdkl1 1305080 314198 CDKL1 1312899 8814 HGNC Cdkl1 1312900 71091 MGI:1918341 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:1781 Cdkl2 1309625 305242 CDKL2 1320063 8999 HGNC Cdkl2 1320064 53886 MGI:1858227 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:1782 Cdkl3 619874 60396 CDKL3 731372 51265 HGNC Cdkl3 731373 213084 MGI:2388268 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:15483 Cdkl4 1583704 503009 CDKL4 1603844 344387 HGNC Cdkl4 1621954 381113 MGI:3587025 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:19287 Cdkl5 2324133 100362725 CDKL5 1353625 6792 HGNC Cdkl5 1623666 382253 MGI:1278336 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:11411 Cdkn1a 69328 114851 CDKN1A 735341 1026 HGNC Cdkn1a 732911 12575 MGI:104556 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:1784 Cdkn1b 69062 83571 CDKN1B 69115 1027 HGNC Cdkn1b 69116 12576 MGI:104565 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:1785 Cdkn1c 727892 246060 CDKN1C 1322980 1028 HGNC Cdkn1c 1322981 12577 MGI:104564 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:1786 Cdkn2a 2323 25163 CDKN2A 737039 1029 RGD Cdkn2a 10322 12578 MGI:104738 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:1787 Cdkn2aip 1305302 306455 CDKN2AIP 1604354 55602 HGNC Cdkn2aip 1313251 70925 MGI:1918175 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:24325 Cdkn2aipnl 1308696 287278 CDKN2AIPNL 1602992 91368 HGNC Cdkn2aipnl 1332376 52626 MGI:1261797 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:30545 Cdkn2b 2324 25164 CDKN2B 1348731 1030 HGNC Cdkn2b 731792 12579 MGI:104737 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:1788 Cdkn2c 2325 54238 CDKN2C 1604405 1031 HGNC Cdkn2c 734347 12580 MGI:105388 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:1789 Cdkn2d 1593190 494444 CDKN2D 1346352 1032 HGNC Cdkn2d 1617633 12581 MGI:105387 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:1790 Cdkn3 1307781 289993 CDKN3 1317172 1033 HGNC Cdkn3 1317173 72391 MGI:1919641 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:1791 Cdnf 1307600 361276 CDNF 1316888 441549 HGNC Cdnf 1623792 227526 MGI:3606576 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:24913 Cdo1 69262 81718 CDO1 737394 1036 HGNC Cdo1 737395 12583 MGI:105925 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:1795 Cdon 708433 50938 CDON 1345886 50937 HGNC Cdon 733697 57810 MGI:1926387 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:17104 Cdpf1 1306001 362975 CDPF1 1604737 150383 HGNC Cdpf1 1314365 72355 MGI:1919605 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:33710 Cdr2 1310578 308958 CDR2 1321565 1039 HGNC Cdr2 1321566 12585 MGI:1100885 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:1799 Cdr2l 1306881 360656 CDR2L 1602123 30850 HGNC Cdr2l 1315750 237988 MGI:2684867 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:29999 Cdrt15l2 1559804 498591 CDRT15L2 2298814 256223 HGNC HGNC:34075 Cdrt4 2323961 100362817 CDRT4 1351857 284040 HGNC Cdrt4 1624007 66338 MGI:1913588 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:14383 Cds1 621185 81925 CDS1 734044 1040 HGNC Cds1 737009 74596 MGI:1921846 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:1800 Cds2 621186 114101 CDS2 731362 8760 HGNC Cds2 735412 110911 MGI:1332236 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:1801 Cdsn 1598543 682408 CDSN 1353195 1041 RGD Cdsn 1621174 386463 MGI:3505689 RGD HGNC:1802 Cdt1 1309211 292071 CDT1 1604278 81620 HGNC Cdt1 1319428 67177 MGI:1914427 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:24576 Cdv3 1359113 315970 CDV3 1602107 55573 HGNC Cdv3 1614062 321022 MGI:2448759 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:26928 Cdx1 621233 364883 CDX1 1321203 1044 HGNC Cdx1 1321204 12590 MGI:88360 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:1805 Cdx2 621234 66019 CDX2 730914 1045 HGNC Cdx2 730915 12591 MGI:88361 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:1806 Cdx4 1561529 302400 CDX4 1351181 1046 HGNC Cdx4 1557534 12592 MGI:88362 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:1808 Cdyl 1549745 361237 CDYL 1606325 9425 HGNC Cdyl 1556912 12593 MGI:1339956 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:1811 Cdyl2 1309548 292044 CDYL2 1319946 124359 HGNC Cdyl2 1319947 75796 MGI:1923046 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:23030 Ceacam1 67396 81613 CEACAM1 10241 634 HGNC Ceacam1 10240 26365 MGI:1347245 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:1814 Ceacam15 11382285 108349752 CEACAM21 1605603 90273 RGD Ceacam15 1623866 101434 MGI:2141810 RGD HGNC:28834 Ceacam16 1306386 292700 CEACAM16 1603834 388551 HGNC Ceacam16 1621965 330483 MGI:2685615 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:31948 Ceacam18 1563539 502334 CEACAM18 1642767 729767 RGD Ceacam18 1557824 72431 MGI:1919681 RGD HGNC:31949 Ceacam19 1589436 680640 CEACAM19 1601983 56971 HGNC Ceacam19 1622860 319930 MGI:2443001 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:31951 Ceacam20 1311281 292701 CEACAM20 1601830 125931 HGNC Ceacam20 1553877 71601 MGI:1918851 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:24879 Ceacam3 2333 24926 Ceacam3 1615501 384557 MGI:3646296 RGD Ceacam4 708435 287009 CEACAM4 1347882 1089 HGNC Ceacam10 1621575 26366 MGI:1347248 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:1816 Ceacam6 1642421 100125369 CEACAM6 1350005 4680 HGNC HGNC:1818 Cebpa 2326 24252 CEBPA 69121 1050 HGNC Cebpa 10325 12606 MGI:99480 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:1833 Cebpb 2327 24253 CEBPB 736208 1051 HGNC Cebpb 10326 12608 MGI:88373 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:1834 Cebpd 2328 25695 CEBPD 736554 1052 HGNC Cebpd 10327 12609 MGI:103573 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:1835 Cebpe 2329 25410 CEBPE 733093 1053 HGNC Cebpe 10328 110794 MGI:103572 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:1836 Cebpg 2330 25301 CEBPG 735927 1054 HGNC Cebpg 10329 12611 MGI:104982 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:1837 Cebpz 1304994 362686 CEBPZ 1312755 10153 HGNC Cebpz 1312756 12607 MGI:109386 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:24218 Cebpzos 9177508 103692531 CEBPZOS 7380495 100505876 HGNC Cebpzos 1616773 68554 MGI:1915804 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:49288 Cecr2 1564182 500308 CECR2 1350048 27443 HGNC Cecr2 1557284 330409 MGI:1923799 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:1840 Cel 2331 24254 CEL 737498 1056 HGNC Cel 10330 12613 MGI:88374 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:1848 Cela1 2547 24331 CELA1 736392 1990 HGNC Cela1 10516 109901 MGI:95314 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:3308 Cela2a 2548 24332 CELA2A 1602468 63036 HGNC Cela2a 1551422 13706 MGI:95316 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:24609 Cela3b 1307819 298567 CELA3B 1317234 23436 HGNC Cela3b 1317235 67868 MGI:1915118 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:15945 Celf1 1307721 362160 CELF1 1317078 10658 HGNC Celf1 1317079 13046 MGI:1342295 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:2549 Celf2 68347 29428 CELF2 68488 10659 HGNC Celf2 68489 14007 MGI:1338822 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:2550 Celf3 1563168 499669 CELF3 1319873 11189 HGNC Celf3 1319874 78784 MGI:1926034 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:11967 Celf4 1307630 307540 CELF4 1316936 56853 HGNC Celf4 1623039 108013 MGI:1932407 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:14015 Celf5 1565016 314647 CELF5 1345217 60680 HGNC Celf5 1557373 319586 MGI:2442333 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:14058 Celf6 1310451 300758 CELF6 1321359 60677 HGNC Celf6 1553490 76183 MGI:1923433 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:14059 Celsr1 1560078 300128 CELSR1 1354258 9620 HGNC Celsr1 1558142 12614 MGI:1100883 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:1850 Celsr2 69237 83465 CELSR2 733345 1952 HGNC Celsr2 736028 53883 MGI:1858235 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:3231 Celsr3 621787 83466 CELSR3 1342685 1951 HGNC Celsr3 732288 107934 MGI:1858236 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:3230 Cemip 1305254 308797 CEMIP 1313176 57214 HGNC Cemip 1621437 80982 MGI:2443629 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:29213 Cemip2 1307941 309400 CEMIP2 1317427 23670 HGNC Cemip2 1317428 83921 MGI:1890373 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:11869 Cenatac 1597440 689046 CENATAC 1602413 338657 HGNC Cenatac 1315662 382073 MGI:2685960 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:30460 Cend1 1309401 361675 CEND1 1602711 51286 RGD Cend1 1319728 57754 MGI:1929898 RGD HGNC:24153 Cenpa 1563607 298850 CENPA 1349480 1058 HGNC Cenpa 1558182 12615 MGI:88375 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:1851 Cenpb 1304794 362217 CENPB 1312443 1059 HGNC Cenpb 1312444 12616 MGI:88376 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:1852 Cenpc 1303061 305270 CENPC 1354407 1060 HGNC Cenpc1 1553164 12617 MGI:99700 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:1854 Cenpe 1307115 362044 CENPE 1316119 1062 HGNC Cenpe 1316120 229841 MGI:1098230 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:1856 Cenpf 628667 257649 CENPF 1352971 1063 HGNC Cenpf 1623040 108000 MGI:1313302 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:1857 Cenph 1583506 681185 CENPH 1312617 64946 HGNC Cenph 1312618 26886 MGI:1349448 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:17268 Cenpi 2631 25448 CENPI 733555 2491 HGNC Cenpi 733556 102920 MGI:2147897 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:3968 Cenpj 1310464 305909 CENPJ 1321379 55835 HGNC Cenpj 1553493 219103 MGI:2684927 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:17272 Cenpk 1310461 294712 CENPK 1605966 64105 HGNC Cenpk 1321375 60411 MGI:1926210 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:29479 Cenpl 1311868 289150 CENPL 1605310 91687 HGNC Cenpl 1323549 70454 MGI:1917704 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:17879 Cenpm 1307309 315164 CENPM 1316428 79019 HGNC Cenpm 1316429 66570 MGI:1913820 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:18352 Cenpn 1310953 361416 CENPN 1603636 55839 HGNC Cenpn 1322146 72155 MGI:1919405 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:30873 Cenpo 1590328 684439 CENPO 1603956 79172 HGNC Cenpo 1620078 52504 MGI:1923800 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:28152 Cenpp 1589530 679342 CENPP 1603809 401541 HGNC Cenpp 1624009 66336 MGI:1913586 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:32933 Cenpq 1359451 363198 CENPQ 1344338 55166 HGNC Cenpq 1619066 83815 MGI:1933744 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:21347 Cenps 5128728 100534597 CENPS 1602808 378708 HGNC Cenps 1321032 69928 MGI:1917178 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:23163 Cenpt 1309383 307805 CENPT 1604795 80152 HGNC Cenpt 1331925 320394 MGI:2443939 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:25787 Cenpu 1562566 306464 CENPU 1351502 79682 HGNC Cenpu 1621498 71876 MGI:1919126 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:21348 Cenpv 1565681 501702 CENPV 1351678 201161 HGNC Cenpv 1557288 73139 MGI:1920389 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:29920 Cenpw 1593465 689399 CENPW 1350206 387103 RGD Cenpw 1624012 66311 MGI:1913561 RGD HGNC:21488 Cenpx 1590057 688314 CENPX 1349037 201254 HGNC Cenpx 1624071 20892 MGI:894324 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:11422 Cep104 708505 246295 CEP104 1605416 9731 HGNC Cep104 1617354 230967 MGI:2687282 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:24866 Cep112 1564168 287776 CEP112 1604510 201134 HGNC Cep112 1616702 76380 MGI:1923673 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:28514 Cep120 1565619 307302 CEP120 1601819 153241 HGNC Cep120 1618987 225523 MGI:2147298 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:26690 Cep126 1563556 315409 CEP126 1606251 57562 HGNC Cep126 1616536 234915 MGI:2680221 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:29264 Cep128 1595693 500700 CEP128 1344060 145508 HGNC Cep128 1615039 75216 MGI:1922466 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:20359 Cep131 1307745 360672 CEP131 1346806 22994 HGNC Cep131 1317117 12009 MGI:107440 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:29511 Cep135 1310726 305288 CEP135 1350849 9662 HGNC Cep135 1617956 381644 MGI:2681869 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:29086 Cep15 1306063 289928 CEP15 1347639 57415 HGNC Cep15 1314463 218734 MGI:1917937 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:25024 Cep152 1305348 311391 CEP152 1604825 22995 HGNC Cep152 1313323 99100 MGI:2139083 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:29298 Cep162 1307365 300880 CEP162 1316522 22832 HGNC Cep162 1614767 382090 MGI:1925343 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:21107 Cep164 1561243 363055 CEP164 1605084 22897 HGNC Cep164 1623824 214552 MGI:2384878 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:29182 Cep170 621868 171457 CEP170 1605104 9859 HGNC Cep170 1618680 545389 MGI:1918348 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:28920 Cep170b 1595689 500726 CEP170B 1345091 283638 HGNC Cep170b 1618176 217882 MGI:2145043 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:20362 Cep19 621352 192229 CEP19 1602846 84984 HGNC Cep19 733390 66994 MGI:1914244 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:28209 Cep192 1562797 307347 CEP192 1605669 55125 HGNC Cep192 1557631 70799 MGI:1918049 RGD HGNC:25515 Cep20 1305823 360461 CEP20 1606173 123811 HGNC Cep20 1314088 66086 MGI:1913336 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:26435 Cep250 1562262 311573 CEP250 1347521 11190 HGNC Cep250 1618420 16328 MGI:108084 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:1859 Cep290 1311640 314787 CEP290 1604786 80184 HGNC Cep290 1323204 216274 MGI:2384917 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:29021 Cep295 1311723 363018 CEP295 1602084 85459 HGNC Cep295 1323329 319675 MGI:2442521 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:29366 Cep295nl 1597046 498028 CEP295NL 8695876 100653515 HGNC Cep295nl 1615908 58251 MGI:1929713 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:44659 Cep350 621162 246304 CEP350 1605105 9857 HGNC Cep350 1550857 74081 MGI:1921331 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:24238 Cep41 1562034 500069 CEP41 1346248 95681 HGNC Cep41 1558165 83922 MGI:1891414 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:12370 Cep43 1583370 683722 CEP43 1313011 11116 HGNC Cep43 1558504 75296 MGI:1922546 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:17012 Cep44 1308517 290722 CEP44 1318333 80817 HGNC Cep44 1614782 382010 MGI:3525111 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:29356 Cep55 1305340 294074 CEP55 1313311 55165 HGNC Cep55 1623932 74107 MGI:1921357 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:1161 Cep57 1309884 315423 CEP57 1602500 9702 HGNC Cep57 1320468 74360 MGI:1915551 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:30794 Cep57l1 1311358 294519 CEP57L1 1347020 285753 HGNC Cep57l1 1551958 103268 MGI:1915511 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:21561 Cep63 1561183 300963 CEP63 1602096 80254 HGNC Cep63 1617588 28135 MGI:2158560 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:25815 Cep68 1309101 289822 CEP68 1319252 23177 HGNC Cep68 1319253 216543 MGI:2667663 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:29076 Cep70 1561486 367153 CEP70 1601960 80321 HGNC Cep70 1558228 68121 MGI:1915371 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:29972 Cep72 1566336 308064 CEP72 1603993 55722 HGNC Cep72 1556870 74470 MGI:1921720 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:25547 Cep76 1305183 291540 CEP76 1313060 79959 HGNC Cep76 1313061 225659 MGI:1923401 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:25727 Cep78 620464 60347 CEP78 1346976 84131 HGNC Cep78 734128 208518 MGI:1924386 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:25740 Cep83 1359593 366872 CEP83 1606008 51134 HGNC Cep83 1621453 77048 MGI:1924298 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:17966 Cep85 1311520 362622 CEP85 1604312 64793 HGNC Cep85 1615082 70012 MGI:1917262 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:25309 Cep85l 2319745 100365935 CEP85L 1346539 387119 HGNC Cep85l 1624448 100038725 MGI:3642684 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:21638 Cep89 1311730 292811 CEP89 1605924 84902 HGNC Cep89 1332519 72140 MGI:1919390 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:25907 Cep95 1309655 287766 CEP95 1601939 90799 HGNC Cep95 1320111 320162 MGI:2443502 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:25141 Cep97 1307400 304007 CEP97 1343045 79598 HGNC Cep97 1550468 74201 MGI:1921451 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:26244 Cept1 1359727 310773 CEPT1 1345389 10390 HGNC Cept1 1552429 99712 MGI:2139793 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:24289 Cer1 1563046 500485 CER1 1347243 9350 HGNC Cer1 1557890 12622 MGI:1201414 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:1862 Cercam 1304778 296616 CERCAM 1312417 51148 HGNC Cercam 1621421 99151 MGI:2139134 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:23723 Cerk 1305019 300129 CERK 1312799 64781 HGNC Cerk 1312800 223753 MGI:2386052 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:19256 Cerkl 1561057 502640 CERKL 1346381 375298 RGD Cerkl 1619852 228094 MGI:3037816 RGD HGNC:21699 Cers1 1305974 290658 CERS1 1314323 10715 HGNC Cers1 1622181 93898 MGI:2136690 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:14253 Cers2 1310059 310667 CERS2 1320742 29956 HGNC Cers2 1320743 76893 MGI:1924143 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:14076 Cers3 1564356 499174 CERS3 1319080 204219 HGNC Cers3 1613897 545975 MGI:2681008 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:23752 Cers4 1309303 304208 CERS4 1319578 79603 HGNC Cers4 1319579 67260 MGI:1914510 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:23747 Cers5 1311597 366984 CERS5 1323138 91012 HGNC Cers5 1323139 71949 MGI:1919199 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:23749 Cers6 1561599 366065 CERS6 1343383 253782 HGNC Cers6 1557464 241447 MGI:2442564 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:23826 Cert1 1309131 365652 CERT1 1319300 10087 HGNC Cert1 1319301 68018 MGI:1915268 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:2205 Ces1d 70896 113902 CES1 1352960 1066 HGNC Ces1d 735261 104158 MGI:2148202 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:1863 Ces2c 621510 171118 Ces2c 736536 234671 MGI:2385905 RGD Ces2e 621563 192257 Ces2e 1557204 234673 MGI:2443170 RGD Ces2f 6499616 100910259 Ces2f 1620778 71903 MGI:1919153 RGD Ces2h 1560889 498940 CES2 736535 8824 HGNC Ces2h 1619614 436059 MGI:3648740 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:1864 Ces3a 1588734 689754 CES3 735260 23491 RGD Ces3b 1616868 13909 MGI:3644960 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:1865 Ces4a 1307418 291955 CES4A 1602823 283848 HGNC Ces4a 1316604 234677 MGI:2384581 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:26741 Ces5a 1549717 307660 CES5A 1606422 221223 HGNC Ces5a 1556940 67935 MGI:1915185 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:26459 Cetn1 620246 84592 CETN1 1344937 1068 HGNC Cetn1 1552948 26369 MGI:1347086 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:1866 Cetn2 620247 84593 CETN2 736112 1069 HGNC Cetn2 10283 26370 MGI:1347085 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:1867 Cetn3 620249 170895 CETN3 733085 1070 HGNC Cetn3 733086 12626 MGI:1097706 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:1868 Cfap100 1305768 297444 CFAP100 1602811 348807 HGNC Cfap100 1314000 243538 MGI:2141635 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:26842 Cfap107 1587426 691162 CFAP107 1602191 93190 HGNC Cfap107 1620805 69364 MGI:1916614 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:28567 Cfap119 1593368 691909 CFAP119 1603940 90835 HGNC Cfap119 1614911 233899 MGI:2685012 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:28078 Cfap126 1562658 498278 CFAP126 1604188 257177 HGNC Cfap126 1623905 75472 MGI:1922722 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:32325 Cfap141 1564171 499656 CFAP141 1606869 388701 HGNC Cfap141 1618301 73545 MGI:1920795 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:32305 Cfap144 1561932 287346 CFAP144 2299984 440585 HGNC Cfap144 1623919 75429 MGI:1922679 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:34347 Cfap157 1560002 499781 CFAP157 1343575 286207 HGNC Cfap157 1622083 227736 MGI:2447809 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:27843 Cfap161 1310371 308794 CFAP161 1321239 161502 HGNC Cfap161 1321240 75556 MGI:1922806 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:26782 Cfap20 1308493 307642 CFAP20 1605686 29105 HGNC Cfap20 1318292 14894 MGI:107428 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:29523 Cfap206 1310641 366347 CFAP206 1321665 154313 HGNC Cfap206 1321666 69329 MGI:1916579 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:21405 Cfap20dc 1359720 361016 CFAP20DC 1605264 200844 HGNC Cfap20dc 1552422 74430 MGI:1926154 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:24763 Cfap210 1308818 311113 CFAP210 2298833 129881 HGNC Cfap210 1616717 75051 MGI:1923100 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:25064 Cfap221 1584968 313149 CFAP221 1606685 200373 HGNC Cfap221 1622978 226356 MGI:2684947 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:33720 Cfap251 1564948 304498 CFAP251 1606715 144406 HGNC Cfap251 1558282 269701 MGI:1918495 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:28506 Cfap276 1309139 362020 CFAP276 1604538 127003 HGNC Cfap276 1319313 75504 MGI:1922754 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:32331 Cfap298 1306954 288269 CFAP298 1315861 56683 HGNC Cfap298 1315862 68001 MGI:1915251 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:1301 Cfap299 1597725 685158 CFAP299 1606121 255119 HGNC Cfap299 1621461 75784 MGI:1916571 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:28554 Cfap300 1591894 654482 CFAP300 1605606 85016 HGNC Cfap300 1616537 234912 MGI:3045346 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:28188 Cfap36 1311732 289859 CFAP36 1603927 112942 HGNC Cfap36 1332491 216618 MGI:1913994 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:30540 Cfap410 1309594 309681 CFAP410 1320014 755 HGNC Cfap410 1320015 67884 MGI:1915134 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:1260 Cfap418 1549749 362483 CFAP418 1606135 157657 HGNC Cfap418 1617552 67157 MGI:1914407 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:27232 Cfap43 1560545 365476 CFAP43 1350133 80217 HGNC Cfap43 1619147 100048534 MGI:1289258 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:26684 Cfap44 1559942 363782 CFAP44 1343890 55779 HGNC Cfap44 1619017 212517 MGI:1277238 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:25631 Cfap45 1561559 304984 CFAP45 1604370 25790 HGNC Cfap45 1621500 71870 MGI:1919120 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:17229 Cfap46 1559985 499282 CFAP46 1350822 54777 HGNC Cfap46 1622126 212124 MGI:2444387 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:25247 Cfap47 1587070 501568 CFAP47 1605820 286464 RGD Cfap47 1620260 636104 MGI:3781475 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:26708 Cfap52 1308151 303233 CFAP52 1348671 146845 HGNC Cfap52 1621503 71860 MGI:1919110 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:16053 Cfap53 1306734 364899 CFAP53 1344036 220136 HGNC Cfap53 1621480 74453 MGI:1921703 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:26530 Cfap54 1565866 314740 CFAP54 1603180 144535 HGNC Cfap54 1615526 380654 MGI:1922208 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:26456 Cfap57 1585948 679641 CFAP57 1603569 149465 HGNC Cfap57 1619670 68625 MGI:2686209 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:26485 Cfap58 7656374 102553148 CFAP58 1317458 159686 HGNC Cfap58 1621194 381229 MGI:2685815 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:26676 Cfap61 1311519 311496 CFAP61 1323021 26074 HGNC Cfap61 1618265 78774 MGI:1926024 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:15872 Cfap65 1563002 301521 CFAP65 1606123 255101 HGNC Cfap65 1618945 241116 MGI:2444274 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:25325 Cfap68 1564937 500995 CFAP68 1345294 64776 HGNC Cfap68 1558373 68721 MGI:1915971 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:1163 Cfap69 6496360 100910867 CFAP69 1605631 79846 HGNC Cfap69 1321066 207686 MGI:2443778 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:26107 Cfap70 1307577 361006 CFAP70 1316851 118491 HGNC Cfap70 1316852 76670 MGI:1923920 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:30726 Cfap73 1561303 304509 CFAP73 2311614 387885 HGNC Cfap73 2299343 546886 MGI:3779542 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:37100 Cfap74 2324110 100362748 CFAP74 1604563 85452 HGNC Cfap74 1613912 544678 MGI:1917130 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:29368 Cfap77 1564114 499765 CFAP77 1604151 389799 HGNC Cfap77 1620452 329375 MGI:2685669 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:33776 Cfap90 1308544 361192 CFAP90 2298811 134121 HGNC Cfap90 1318378 69315 MGI:1916565 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:27028 Cfap91 1305539 303920 CFAP91 1346781 89876 HGNC Cfap91 1313624 320214 MGI:2443598 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:24010 Cfap92 2323785 100362908 CFAP92 1603021 57501 HGNC Cfap92 1608877 613264 MGI:3586838 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:29231 Cfap95 1560242 499334 CFAP95 1605872 138255 HGNC Cfap95 1615106 67483 MGI:1914733 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:31422 Cfap96 1564308 502086 CFAP96 2298813 441054 HGNC Cfap96 1620001 69479 MGI:1916729 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:34346 Cfap97 1307325 306469 CFAP97 1316452 57587 HGNC Cfap97 1316453 66756 MGI:1914006 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:29276 Cfap97d1 1565533 498004 CFAP97D1 3458383 284067 HGNC Cfap97d1 1623916 75437 MGI:1922687 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:37241 Cfap97d2 1584165 688801 CFAP97D2 13463569 101929355 HGNC Cfap97d2 1622770 403185 MGI:2685952 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:53789 Cfap99 1564567 305453 CFAP99 8695362 402160 HGNC Cfap99 7179809 100862066 MGI:5434801 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:51180 Cfb 2204 294257 CFB 1350557 629 RGD Cfb 10236 14962 MGI:105975 RGD HGNC:1037 Cfc1 1562188 501121 CFC1B 2289769 653275 HGNC Cfc1 1557732 12627 MGI:109448 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:33983 Cfd 2498 54249 CFD 736531 1675 HGNC Cfd 732114 11537 MGI:87931 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:2771 Cfdp1 735080 292027 CFDP1 1346060 10428 HGNC Cfdp1 1551306 23837 MGI:1344403 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:1873 Cfh 620428 155012 CFH 1353869 3075 HGNC Cfh 733427 12628 MGI:88385 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:4883 Cfhr1 1310510 289057 CFHR1 1346225 3078 HGNC Cfhr1 1321454 50702 MGI:2138169 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:4888 Cfhr4 1564614 498241 CFHR4 1351940 10877 RGD Cfhr4 1614202 214403 MGI:3646434 RGD HGNC:16979 Cfi 620429 79126 CFI 736809 3426 HGNC Cfi 732319 12630 MGI:105937 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:5394 Cfl1 69285 29271 CFL1 732970 1072 HGNC Cfl1 735417 12631 MGI:101757 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:1874 Cfl2 1306982 366624 CFL2 1315906 1073 HGNC Cfl2 1315907 12632 MGI:101763 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:1875 Cflar 620847 117279 CFLAR 1347509 8837 HGNC Cflar 731977 12633 MGI:1336166 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:1876 Cfp 1594557 299314 CFP 1351689 5199 HGNC Cfp 1557720 18636 MGI:97545 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:8864 Cftr 2332 24255 CFTR 619566 1080 HGNC Cftr 10331 12638 MGI:88388 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:1884 Cga 620436 116700 CGA 1348590 1081 HGNC Cga 731838 12640 MGI:88390 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:1885 Cgas 1586939 682147 CGAS 1353865 115004 HGNC Cgas 1622113 214763 MGI:2442261 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:21367 Cggbp1 1308129 288353 CGGBP1 1317722 8545 HGNC Cggbp1 1317723 106143 MGI:2146370 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:1888 Cgn 1311992 310655 CGN 1323740 57530 HGNC Cgn 1619995 70737 MGI:1927237 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:17429 Cgnl1 1304623 315795 CGNL1 1353387 84952 HGNC Cgnl1 1620019 68178 MGI:1915428 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:25931 Cgref1 620801 245918 CGREF1 1353373 10669 HGNC Cgref1 1332120 68567 MGI:1915817 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:16962 Cgrrf1 620803 116679 CGRRF1 733810 10668 HGNC Cgrrf1 1550544 68755 MGI:1916368 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:15528 Ch25h 1310575 309527 CH25H 1321560 9023 HGNC Ch25h 1321561 12642 MGI:1333869 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:1907 Chac1 1307153 362196 CHAC1 1604291 79094 HGNC Chac1 1316176 69065 MGI:1916315 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:28680 Chac2 1309120 360994 CHAC2 1606619 494143 HGNC Chac2 1319283 68044 MGI:1915294 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:32363 Chad 2336 29195 CHAD 734435 1101 HGNC Chad 737572 12643 MGI:1096866 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:1909 Chadl 6504353 100910434 CHADL 2292054 150356 HGNC Chadl 1322575 214685 MGI:3036284 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:25165 Chaf1a 1590865 363333 CHAF1A 1353205 10036 HGNC Chaf1a 1614395 27221 MGI:1351331 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:1910 Chaf1b 1307634 288242 CHAF1B 1316940 8208 HGNC Chaf1b 1316941 110749 MGI:1314881 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:1911 Champ1 1311283 306647 CHAMP1 1322656 283489 HGNC Champ1 1322657 101994 MGI:1196398 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:20311 Chat 1304627 290567 CHAT 1312173 1103 HGNC Chat 1549990 12647 MGI:88392 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:1912 Chchd1 1307134 361005 CHCHD1 1316148 118487 HGNC Chchd1 1615133 66121 MGI:1913371 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:23518 Chchd10 1359417 361824 CHCHD10 1347670 400916 HGNC Chchd10 1558033 103172 MGI:2143558 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:15559 Chchd2 6496638 100910788 CHCHD2 1320361 51142 RGD Chchd2 1320362 14004 MGI:1261428 RGD HGNC:21645 Chchd3 1310325 296966 CHCHD3 1321163 54927 HGNC Chchd3 1321164 66075 MGI:1913325 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:21906 Chchd4 1310746 312559 CHCHD4 1321831 131474 RGD Chchd4 1321832 72170 MGI:1919420 RGD HGNC:26467 Chchd5 1307809 296147 CHCHD5 1317218 84269 HGNC Chchd5 1550815 66170 MGI:1913420 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:17840 Chchd6 1304561 297436 CHCHD6 1312070 84303 HGNC Chchd6 1549972 66098 MGI:1913348 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:28184 Chchd7 1592689 684258 CHCHD7 1347837 79145 HGNC Chchd7 1623229 66433 MGI:1913683 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:28314 Chct1 1310166 303395 CHCT1 1603589 124773 HGNC Chct1 1331976 73634 MGI:1920884 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:26990 Chd1 1306794 308215 CHD1 1315610 1105 HGNC Chd1 1315611 12648 MGI:88393 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:1915 Chd1l 1311935 310707 CHD1L 1323647 9557 HGNC Chd1l 1323648 68058 MGI:1915308 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:1916 Chd2 1310056 308738 CHD2 1320737 1106 HGNC Chd2 1616514 244059 MGI:2448567 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:1917 Chd3 1311923 303241 CHD3 1349317 1107 HGNC Chd3 1323633 216848 MGI:1344395 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:1918 Chd4 620064 117535 CHD4 1322684 1108 HGNC Chd4 1322685 107932 MGI:1344380 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:1919 Chd5 1582725 691589 CHD5 1317694 26038 HGNC Chd5 1550898 269610 MGI:3036258 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:16816 Chd6 1310465 311607 CHD6 1321381 84181 HGNC Chd6 1551542 71389 MGI:1918639 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:19057 Chd7 1311921 312974 CHD7 1323630 55636 HGNC Chd7 1616427 320790 MGI:2444748 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:20626 Chd8 620696 65027 CHD8 1342489 57680 HGNC Chd8 1623202 67772 MGI:1915022 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:20153 Chd9 1306795 307726 CHD9 1315612 80205 HGNC Chd9 1614227 109151 MGI:1924001 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:25701 Chd9nb 402440348 134483616 CHD9NB 16568284 105371267 NCBI Gm19935 5139096 100503868 MGI:5012120 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:53436 Chdh 735166 290551 CHDH 1347167 55349 HGNC Chdh 1620624 218865 MGI:1860776 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:24288 Chek1 620545 140583 CHEK1 732292 1111 HGNC Chek1 732293 12649 MGI:1202065 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:1925 Chek2 621543 114212 CHEK2 732861 11200 HGNC Chek2 732862 50883 MGI:1355321 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:16627 Cherp 1305279 290614 CHERP 1313214 10523 HGNC Cherp 1313215 27967 MGI:106417 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:16930 Chfr 1306360 288734 CHFR 1314932 55743 HGNC Chfr 1314933 231600 MGI:2444898 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:20455 Chga 2338 24258 CHGA 730836 1113 HGNC Chga 10339 12652 MGI:88394 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:1929 Chgb 2339 24259 CHGB 737067 1114 HGNC Chgb 10340 12653 MGI:88395 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:1930 Chi3l1 620874 89824 CHI3L1 732419 1116 HGNC Chi3l1 1552317 12654 MGI:1340899 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:1932 Chia 1303058 113901 CHIA 1604020 27159 HGNC Chia1 1615785 81600 MGI:1932052 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:17432 Chic1 1589722 363484 CHIC1 1349014 53344 HGNC Chic1 1620128 12212 MGI:1344694 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:1934 Chic2 1309278 83835 CHIC2 1319536 26511 HGNC Chic2 1623149 74277 MGI:1921527 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:1935 Chid1 1308955 293628 CHID1 1604307 66005 HGNC Chid1 1319030 68038 MGI:1915288 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:28474 Chit1 1305646 289032 CHIT1 1313797 1118 HGNC Chit1 1313798 71884 MGI:1919134 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:1936 Chka 61944 29194 CHKA 1604072 1119 HGNC Chka 62237 12660 MGI:107760 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:1937 Chkb 61826 29367 CHKB 1604071 1120 HGNC Chkb 62117 12651 MGI:1328313 RGD HGNC:1938 Chl1 620122 89828 CHL1 1346370 10752 HGNC Chl1 1616869 12661 MGI:1098266 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:1939 Chm 2340 24942 CHM 732475 1121 HGNC Chm 10343 12662 MGI:892979 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:1940 Chml 1596201 689102 CHML 1313260 1122 HGNC Chml 1313261 12663 MGI:101913 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:1941 Chmp1a 1311083 365024 CHMP1A 1346526 5119 HGNC Chmp1a 1322352 234852 MGI:1920159 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:8740 Chmp1b 1593500 689364 CHMP1B 1603626 57132 RGD Chmp1b 1618375 67064 MGI:1914314 RGD HGNC:24287 Chmp1b2 1566265 363487 CHMP1B2P 7400219 101060146 RGD Chmp1b2 1557642 67028 MGI:1914278 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:49380 Chmp2a 1305050 365191 CHMP2A 1603659 27243 HGNC Chmp2a 1550598 68953 MGI:1916203 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:30216 Chmp2b 1306781 363720 CHMP2B 1603668 25978 RGD Chmp2b 1551412 68942 MGI:1916192 RGD HGNC:24537 Chmp3 708556 282834 CHMP3 1351348 51652 HGNC Chmp3 1553078 66700 MGI:1913950 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:29865 Chmp4b 1309846 100359642 CHMP4B 1320409 128866 RGD Chmp4b 1552660 75608 MGI:1922858 RGD HGNC:16171 Chmp4c 1564543 361916 CHMP4C 1606751 92421 HGNC Chmp4c 1623999 66371 MGI:1913621 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:30599 Chmp5 1305968 297995 CHMP5 1314312 51510 HGNC Chmp5 1550717 76959 MGI:1924209 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:26942 Chmp6 1565325 287873 CHMP6 1606234 79643 HGNC Chmp6 1623838 208092 MGI:3583942 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:25675 Chmp7 1308779 364419 CHMP7 1602310 91782 HGNC Chmp7 1550410 105513 MGI:1913922 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:28439 Chn1 620139 84030 CHN1 732086 1123 RGD Chn1 1332053 108699 MGI:1915674 RGD HGNC:1943 Chn2 620140 84031 CHN2 329961580 1124 HGNC Chn2 1332162 69993 MGI:1917243 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:1944 Chodl 1309885 288289 CHODL 1320469 140578 HGNC Chodl 1320470 246048 MGI:2179069 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:17807 Chordc1 1304679 315447 CHORDC1 1312263 26973 HGNC Chordc1 1312264 66917 MGI:1914167 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:14525 Chp1 620447 64152 CHP1 736499 11261 HGNC Chp1 736500 56398 MGI:1927185 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:17433 Chp2 727796 308965 CHP2 1606515 63928 HGNC Chp2 1550110 70261 MGI:1917511 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:24927 Chpf 1359458 316533 CHPF 1603198 79586 HGNC Chpf 1623154 74241 MGI:106576 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:24291 Chpf2 1306404 296733 CHPF2 1604004 54480 HGNC Chpf2 1314999 100910 MGI:1917522 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:29270 Chpt1 1359283 362866 CHPT1 1349185 56994 HGNC Chpt1 1553074 212862 MGI:2384841 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:17852 Chrac1 1309321 315058 CHRAC1 1319606 54108 HGNC Chrac1 1623874 93696 MGI:2135796 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:13544 Chrd 620181 117275 CHRD 1348275 8646 HGNC Chrd 1550370 12667 MGI:1313268 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:1949 Chrdl1 735215 363455 CHRDL1 1349204 91851 HGNC Chrdl1 1553872 83453 MGI:1933172 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:29861 Chrdl2 1306179 308854 CHRDL2 1314650 25884 HGNC Chrdl2 1314651 69121 MGI:1916371 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:24168 Chrm1 2342 25229 CHRM1 731068 1128 HGNC Chrm1 731069 12669 MGI:88396 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:1950 Chrm2 620023 81645 CHRM2 733234 1129 HGNC Chrm2 1552578 243764 MGI:88397 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:1951 Chrm3 2343 24260 CHRM3 734195 1131 HGNC Chrm3 737208 12671 MGI:88398 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:1952 Chrm4 2344 25111 CHRM4 68976 1132 HGNC Chrm4 10353 12672 MGI:88399 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:1953 Chrm5 620027 53949 CHRM5 1350007 1133 HGNC Chrm5 1619876 213788 MGI:109248 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:1954 Chrna1 69277 79557 CHRNA1 732599 1134 HGNC Chrna1 732600 11435 MGI:87885 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:1955 Chrna10 620142 64574 CHRNA10 735581 57053 HGNC Chrna10 1615449 504186 MGI:3609260 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:13800 Chrna2 621533 170945 CHRNA2 735907 1135 HGNC Chrna2 735908 110902 MGI:87886 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:1956 Chrna3 2345 25101 CHRNA3 732613 1136 HGNC Chrna3 732614 110834 MGI:87887 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:1957 Chrna4 2346 25590 CHRNA4 10356 1137 HGNC Chrna4 10355 11438 MGI:87888 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:1958 Chrna5 2347 25102 CHRNA5 734445 1138 HGNC Chrna5 737575 110835 MGI:87889 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:1959 Chrna6 69281 81721 CHRNA6 733511 8973 HGNC Chrna6 736285 11440 MGI:106213 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:15963 Chrna7 2348 25302 CHRNA7 736847 1139 HGNC Chrna7 10357 11441 MGI:99779 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:1960 Chrna9 621534 65024 CHRNA9 733287 55584 HGNC Chrna9 733288 231252 MGI:1202403 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:14079 Chrnb1 2349 24261 CHRNB1 733898 1140 HGNC Chrnb1 10358 11443 MGI:87890 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:1961 Chrnb2 2350 54239 CHRNB2 733218 1141 HGNC Chrnb2 735795 11444 MGI:87891 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:1962 Chrnb3 621544 171131 CHRNB3 1347400 1142 HGNC Chrnb3 733269 108043 MGI:106212 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:1963 Chrnb4 2351 25103 CHRNB4 732764 1143 HGNC Chrnb4 732765 108015 MGI:87892 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:1964 Chrnd 2352 54240 CHRND 733359 1144 HGNC Chrnd 733360 11447 MGI:87893 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:1965 Chrne 2353 29422 CHRNE 734106 1145 HGNC Chrne 737109 11448 MGI:87894 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:1966 Chrng 2354 25753 CHRNG 732695 1146 HGNC Chrng 737384 11449 MGI:87895 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:1967 Chst1 1308142 295934 CHST1 1317743 8534 HGNC Chst1 1317744 76969 MGI:1924219 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:1969 Chst10 621216 140568 CHST10 1353236 9486 HGNC Chst10 1552574 98388 MGI:2138283 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:19650 Chst11 1308400 314694 CHST11 1318147 50515 HGNC Chst11 1318148 58250 MGI:1927166 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:17422 Chst12 1308214 304322 CHST12 1317861 55501 HGNC Chst12 1317862 59031 MGI:1929064 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:17423 Chst13 1562825 500257 CHST13 1347829 166012 HGNC Chst13 1622266 71797 MGI:1919047 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:21755 Chst14 1585023 691394 CHST14 1348543 113189 HGNC Chst14 1619123 72136 MGI:1919386 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:24464 Chst15 628881 286974 CHST15 1602484 51363 HGNC Chst15 1553039 77590 MGI:1924840 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:18137 Chst2 1306988 367145 CHST2 1315916 9435 HGNC Chst2 1315917 54371 MGI:1891160 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:1970 Chst3 620355 84468 CHST3 1352183 9469 HGNC Chst3 732189 53374 MGI:1858224 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:1971 Chst4 1310798 307838 CHST4 1321907 10164 HGNC Chst4 1321908 26887 MGI:1349479 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:1972 Chst5 1561144 307859 CHST6 1342606 4166 HGNC Chst5 1557219 56773 MGI:1931825 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:6938 Chst7 1303028 302302 CHST7 1344494 56548 HGNC Chst7 1552383 60322 MGI:1891767 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:13817 Chst8 1308979 308511 CHST8 1319067 64377 HGNC Chst8 1319068 68947 MGI:1916197 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:15993 Chst9 1307302 291770 CHST9 1316417 83539 HGNC Chst9 1316418 71367 MGI:1918617 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:19898 Chsy1 1311904 292999 CHSY1 1323606 22856 HGNC Chsy1 1323607 269941 MGI:2681120 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:17198 Chsy3 1560819 291577 CHSY3 1603860 337876 RGD Chsy3 1616679 78923 MGI:1926173 RGD HGNC:24293 Chtf18 1310473 287146 CHTF18 1321395 63922 HGNC Chtf18 1321396 214901 MGI:2384887 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:18435 Chtf8 1306894 364996 CHTF8 1606282 54921 RGD Chtf8 1315770 214987 MGI:2443370 RGD HGNC:24353 Chtop 1359407 361990 CHTOP 1607051 26097 HGNC Chtop 1622332 66511 MGI:1913761 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:24511 Chuk 1306661 309361 CHUK 1315401 1147 HGNC Chuk 1315402 12675 MGI:99484 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:1974 Churc1 1305116 299154 CHURC1 1312958 91612 HGNC Churc1 1550122 211151 MGI:1923684 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:20099 Ciao1 1307285 29231 CIAO1 1354495 9391 HGNC Ciao1 1552657 26371 MGI:1346998 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:14280 Ciao2a 1307481 300797 CIAO2A 1602086 84191 HGNC Ciao2a 1316701 68250 MGI:1915500 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:26235 Ciao2b 1585802 680987 CIAO2B 1602116 51647 HGNC Ciao2b 1332407 68523 MGI:1915773 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:24261 Ciao3 1305982 360496 CIAO3 1314335 64428 HGNC Ciao3 1314336 67563 MGI:1914813 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:14179 Ciapin1 1549737 307649 CIAPIN1 1346049 57019 HGNC Ciapin1 1557639 109006 MGI:1922083 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:28050 Ciart 1566380 365871 CIART 1347816 148523 HGNC Ciart 1618157 229599 MGI:2684975 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:25200 Cib1 620133 81823 CIB1 732228 10519 HGNC Cib1 732229 23991 MGI:1344418 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:16920 Cib2 1308718 300719 CIB2 1318655 10518 HGNC Cib2 1318656 56506 MGI:1929293 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:24579 Cib3 1590245 685723 CIB3 1312677 117286 HGNC Cib3 1620590 234421 MGI:2685953 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:24580 Cib4 1584147 688819 CIB4 1606728 130106 HGNC Cib4 1620750 73259 MGI:1920509 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:33703 Cibar1 1310681 297903 CIBAR1 1604747 137392 HGNC Cibar1 1332560 68099 MGI:1915349 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:30452 Cibar2 1560673 361423 CIBAR2 1603858 339145 HGNC Cibar2 1619613 436062 MGI:3588213 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:24781 Cic 1310706 308435 CIC 1321769 23152 HGNC Cic 1321770 71722 MGI:1918972 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:14214 Cidea 1305106 291541 CIDEA 1312942 1149 HGNC Cidea 1312943 12683 MGI:1270845 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:1976 Cideb 1310000 364388 CIDEB 1320650 27141 HGNC Cideb 1320651 12684 MGI:1270844 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:1977 Cidec 1562113 500292 CIDEC 1354006 63924 HGNC Cidec 1557270 14311 MGI:95585 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:24229 Ciita 619813 85483 CIITA 1348941 4261 HGNC Ciita 734236 12265 MGI:108445 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:7067 Cilk1 71050 84411 CILK1 1345110 22858 HGNC Cilk1 737218 56542 MGI:1934157 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:21219 Cilp 1305124 315761 CILP 1312971 8483 HGNC Cilp 1312972 214425 MGI:2444507 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:1980 Cilp2 1311157 306356 CILP2 1322465 148113 HGNC Cilp2 1615103 68709 MGI:1915959 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:24213 Cimap1a 1310028 365387 CIMAP1A 1320693 113746 HGNC Cimap1a 1320694 69287 MGI:1916537 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:19905 Cimap1b 1564322 500917 CIMAP1B 1606628 440836 HGNC Cimap1b 1320336 70113 MGI:1917363 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:34388 Cimap1c 1304976 315695 CIMAP1C 1348133 161753 HGNC Cimap1c 1614770 382075 MGI:2681875 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:28735 Cimap1d 1310260 299600 CIMAP1D 1321058 284451 HGNC Cimap1d 1622798 382384 MGI:2686003 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:26841 Cimap2 1559493 500516 CIMAP2 1603553 163747 HGNC Cimap2 1617318 242602 MGI:2681853 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:26854 Cimap3 1586282 691223 CIMAP3 1604536 128344 HGNC Cimap3 1615808 100503311 MGI:1923670 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:27009 Cimip1 1589960 689618 CIMIP1 1342910 128602 HGNC Cimip1 1618318 72221 MGI:1919471 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:16216 Cimip2a 1562762 311797 CIMIP2A 1603805 401565 HGNC Cimip2a 1619183 68222 MGI:3605773 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:33818 Cimip2b 2318060 100365928 CIMIP2B 2293907 730112 HGNC Cimip2b 1616424 329831 MGI:2445194 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:34242 Cimip2c 1559683 500620 CIMIP2C 2298820 339778 HGNC Cimip2c 1623917 75434 MGI:1922684 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:27938 Cimip3 6485345 100912849 CIMIP3 1318644 114841037 HGNC Cimip3 1623907 75462 MGI:1922712 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:55126 Cimip4 1592508 686841 CIMIP4 1606105 339669 HGNC Cimip4 1619964 73376 MGI:1920626 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:28568 Cinp 1563395 299334 CINP 1602222 51550 HGNC Cinp 1616788 67236 MGI:1914486 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:23789 Cip2a 1310335 360711 CIP2A 1343416 57650 HGNC Cip2a 1332288 224171 MGI:2146335 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:29302 Cipc 1309492 314330 CIPC 1319859 85457 HGNC Cipc 1319860 217732 MGI:1919185 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:20365 Cir1 1309199 362149 CIR1 1602899 9541 HGNC Cir1 1319407 66935 MGI:1914185 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:24217 Cirbp 620756 81825 CIRBP 1343841 1153 HGNC Cirbp 1553458 12696 MGI:893588 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:1982 Cirop 1560492 361039 CIROP 13208685 100128908 HGNC Cirop 9671025 101056084 MGI:5588935 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:53647 Cisd1 1309529 294362 CISD1 1319915 55847 HGNC Cisd1 1319916 52637 MGI:1261855 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:30880 Cisd2 1566242 295457 CISD2 1603794 493856 HGNC Cisd2 1558185 67006 MGI:1914256 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:24212 Cisd3 1559720 287661 CISD3 1626692 284106 HGNC Cisd3 1623812 217149 MGI:101788 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:27578 Cish 69261 83681 CISH 735426 1154 HGNC Cish 735427 12700 MGI:103159 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:1984 Cist1 41373121 120093089 CIST1 16570556 729966 HGNC Gm3336 2299258 100502950 MGI:3781514 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:55823 Cistr 7365122 102216270 CISTR 7822457 102216268 HGNC Cistr 10036174 102216269 MGI:5621321 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:49426 Cit 70878 83620 CIT 731048 11113 HGNC Cit 731049 12704 MGI:105313 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:1985 Cited1 620781 64466 CITED1 1344879 4435 HGNC Cited1 734446 12705 MGI:108023 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:1986 Cited2 620112 114490 CITED2 734120 10370 HGNC Cited2 734121 17684 MGI:1306784 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:1987 Cited4 620113 114491 CITED4 1354399 163732 HGNC Cited4 1551253 56222 MGI:1861694 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:18696 Ciz1 1305336 296639 CIZ1 1313304 25792 HGNC Ciz1 1313305 68379 MGI:1920234 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:16744 Ckap2 1311631 306575 CKAP2 1323189 26586 RGD Ckap2 1323190 80986 MGI:1931797 RGD HGNC:1990 Ckap2l 1590645 680515 CKAP2L 1602064 150468 HGNC Ckap2l 1622285 70466 MGI:1917716 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:26877 Ckap4 1311989 362859 CKAP4 1323735 10970 HGNC Ckap4 1323736 216197 MGI:2444926 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:16991 Ckap5 1563596 311191 CKAP5 1605408 9793 HGNC Ckap5 1557177 75786 MGI:1923036 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:28959 Ckb 2357 24264 CKB 730974 1152 HGNC Ckb 10364 12709 MGI:88407 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:1991 Cklf 620708 245978 CKLF 1606001 51192 HGNC Cklf 1551832 75458 MGI:1922708 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:13253 Ckm 2358 24265 CKM 737472 1158 HGNC Ckm 737473 12715 MGI:88413 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:1994 Ckmt1 61976 29593 CKMT1B 1345536 1159 HGNC Ckmt1 62269 12716 MGI:99441 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:1995 Ckmt2 61977 688698 CKMT2 1343148 1160 HGNC Ckmt2 737608 76722 MGI:1923972 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:1996 Cks1b 1561797 499655 CKS1B 1344929 1163 HGNC Cks1b 1617575 54124 MGI:1889208 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:19083 Cks2 1562047 498709 CKS2 1348782 1164 HGNC Cks2 1557386 66197 MGI:1913447 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:2000 Clasp1 1310970 304740 CLASP1 1322173 23332 HGNC Clasp1 1322174 76707 MGI:1923957 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:17088 Clasp2 619789 114514 CLASP2 733933 23122 HGNC Clasp2 736878 76499 MGI:1923749 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:17078 Clasrp 1563538 499390 CLASRP 1347770 11129 HGNC Clasrp 1621560 53609 MGI:1855695 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:17731 Clba1 1307315 362793 CLBA1 1316438 122616 HGNC Clba1 1316439 217887 MGI:2443738 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:20126 Clca1 1306258 308015 CLCA1 1314775 1179 HGNC Clca1 1314776 23844 MGI:1346342 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:2015 Clca2 1304894 308016 CLCA2 1312594 9635 HGNC Clca2 1552051 229933 MGI:2139758 RGD HGNC:2016 Clca4 1303234 362053 CLCA4 1351138 22802 HGNC Clca4a 1558268 99663 MGI:2139744 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:2018 Clcc1 708359 170927 CLCC1 1604384 23155 HGNC Clcc1 732898 229725 MGI:2385186 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:29675 Clcf1 1303171 365395 CLCF1 1606817 23529 HGNC Clcf1 1550082 56708 MGI:1930088 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:17412 Clcn1 2360 25688 CLCN1 734112 1180 HGNC Clcn1 737113 12723 MGI:88417 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:2019 Clcn2 2361 29232 CLCN2 733366 1181 HGNC Clcn2 736064 12724 MGI:105061 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:2020 Clcn3 621219 84360 CLCN3 730986 1182 HGNC Clcn3 730987 12725 MGI:103555 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:2021 Clcn4 708381 60586 CLCN4 1342594 1183 HGNC Clcn4 732620 12727 MGI:104571 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:2022 Clcn5 2362 25749 CLCN5 733029 1184 HGNC Clcn5 735491 12728 MGI:99486 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:2023 Clcn6 1305379 295586 CLCN6 1313372 1185 HGNC Clcn6 1313373 26372 MGI:1347049 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:2024 Clcn7 61836 29233 CLCN7 731480 1186 HGNC Clcn7 62127 26373 MGI:1347048 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:2025 Clcnka 68435 79425 CLCNKA 68651 1187 RGD Clcnka 68652 12733 MGI:1329026 RGD HGNC:2026 Clcnkb 628639 79430 CLCNKB 736095 1188 HGNC Clcnkb 736096 56365 MGI:1930643 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:2027 Cldn1 68422 65129 CLDN1 68626 9076 HGNC Cldn1 68627 12737 MGI:1276109 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:2032 Cldn10 1308027 290485 CLDN10 1317558 9071 HGNC Cldn10 1317559 58187 MGI:1913101 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:2033 Cldn11 71081 84588 CLDN11 732844 5010 HGNC Cldn11 737604 18417 MGI:106925 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:8514 Cldn12 1561053 500000 CLDN12 1314174 9069 HGNC Cldn12 1314175 64945 MGI:1929288 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:2034 Cldn14 1309165 304073 CLDN14 1319353 23562 HGNC Cldn14 1319354 56173 MGI:1860425 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:2035 Cldn15 1310678 304388 CLDN15 1321720 24146 HGNC Cldn15 1321721 60363 MGI:1913103 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:2036 Cldn16 620322 155268 CLDN16 1351544 10686 HGNC Cldn16 733040 114141 MGI:2148742 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:2037 Cldn17 1307462 304125 CLDN17 1316669 26285 HGNC Cldn17 1316670 239931 MGI:2652030 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:2038 Cldn18 1359696 315953 CLDN18 1351425 51208 HGNC Cldn18 1552402 56492 MGI:1929209 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:2039 Cldn19 1305000 298487 CLDN19 1312766 149461 HGNC Cldn19 1312767 242653 MGI:3033992 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:2040 Cldn2 1560247 300920 CLDN2 1352349 9075 HGNC Cldn2 1558320 12738 MGI:1276110 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:2041 Cldn20 1595446 680178 CLDN20 1343820 49861 HGNC Cldn20 1621845 621628 MGI:3646757 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:2042 Cldn22 1305271 306454 CLDN22 1349320 53842 HGNC Cldn22 1313201 75677 MGI:1922927 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:2044 Cldn23 1309001 290789 CLDN23 1319100 137075 HGNC Cldn23 1319101 71908 MGI:1919158 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:17591 Cldn24 1562043 502083 CLDN24 3378218 100132463 HGNC Cldn24 6893260 100039801 MGI:3712484 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:37200 Cldn25 2322263 100360390 CLDN25 3436494 644672 HGNC Cldn25 2294969 100042785 MGI:3642767 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:37218 Cldn3 68425 65130 CLDN3 68632 1365 HGNC Cldn3 68633 12739 MGI:1329044 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:2045 Cldn34a 1594343 503435 Cldn34a 2302337 635396 MGI:3779684 RGD Cldn34b3 1595434 680190 Cldn34b3 1616530 238829 MGI:3648293 RGD Cldn34b4 2318711 100362173 CLDN34 9837188 100288814 RGD Cldn34b4 1620336 619294 MGI:3588232 RGD HGNC:51259 Cldn4 1307932 304407 CLDN4 1317413 1364 HGNC Cldn4 1317414 12740 MGI:1313314 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:2046 Cldn5 68431 65131 CLDN5 68644 7122 HGNC Cldn5 68645 12741 MGI:1276112 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:2047 Cldn6 1308837 287098 CLDN6 1318839 9074 HGNC Cldn6 1318840 54419 MGI:1859284 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:2048 Cldn7 68432 65132 CLDN7 68646 1366 HGNC Cldn7 68647 53624 MGI:1859285 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:2049 Cldn8 1308575 304124 CLDN8 1318427 9073 HGNC Cldn8 1318428 54420 MGI:1859286 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:2050 Cldn9 1308999 287099 CLDN9 1319096 9080 HGNC Cldn9 1319097 56863 MGI:1913100 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:2051 Cldnd1 1359273 288182 CLDND1 1349033 56650 HGNC Cldnd1 1618991 224250 MGI:2447860 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:1322 Cldnd2 1566413 499140 CLDND2 1604242 125875 HGNC Cldnd2 1558256 74276 MGI:1921526 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:28511 Clec10a 621158 64195 CLEC10A 1603407 10462 HGNC Clec10a 732289 17312 MGI:96975 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:16916 Clec11a 3627 29313 CLEC11A 1604062 6320 HGNC Clec11a 1552233 20256 MGI:1298219 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:10576 Clec12a 1592991 680338 CLEC12A 1605851 160364 HGNC Clec12a 1615680 232413 MGI:3040968 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:31713 Clec12b 1560487 502900 CLEC12B 1605796 387837 HGNC Clec12b 1558110 71183 MGI:1918433 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:31966 Clec14a 1306232 314148 CLEC14A 1603556 161198 HGNC Clec14a 1552656 66864 MGI:1914114 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:19832 Clec16a 1305773 287044 CLEC16A 1604037 23274 HGNC Clec16a 1314008 74374 MGI:1921624 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:29013 Clec18a 1559899 307851 CLEC18A 1601919 348174 HGNC Clec18a 1616409 353287 MGI:2672935 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:30388 Clec19a 6503302 100909498 CLEC19A 5484502 728276 HGNC Gm32766 9628420 102635420 MGI:5591925 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:34522 Clec1a 1566110 500337 CLEC1A 1343742 51267 HGNC Clec1a 1557137 243653 MGI:2444151 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:24355 Clec1b 1563517 500336 CLEC1B 1346944 51266 HGNC Clec1b 1558144 56760 MGI:1913287 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:24356 Clec20a 7603387 102555826 CLEC20A 9586377 400797 HGNC Gm30694 9625799 102632688 MGI:5589853 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:34521 Clec2d 620070 113937 CLEC2D 1349023 29121 RGD Clec2d 1550186 93694 MGI:2135589 RGD HGNC:14351 Clec2l 1565373 296985 CLEC2L 1351189 154790 HGNC Clec2l 1609383 665180 MGI:2141402 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:21969 Clec2m 1564770 500335 Clec2m 1557648 381816 MGI:2685920 RGD Clec3a 1306295 365009 CLEC3A 1604398 10143 HGNC Clec3a 1621172 403395 MGI:2685642 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:2052 Clec3b 1311031 100912012 CLEC3B 1602501 7123 RGD Clec3b 1553639 21922 MGI:104540 RGD HGNC:11891 Clec4a1 1359109 362430 ZNF705A 1605174 440077 HGNC Clec4a1 1618839 269799 MGI:3036291 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:32281 Clec4a3 1359528 362431 CLEC4A 1352867 50856 HGNC Clec4a3 1550790 73149 MGI:1920399 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:13257 Clec4b2 1359354 450222 CLEC4C 1349387 170482 HGNC Clec4b1 1616764 69810 MGI:1917060 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:13258 Clec4d 1303339 362432 CLEC4D 1347298 338339 HGNC Clec4d 1553885 17474 MGI:1298389 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:14554 Clec4e 1359298 450223 CLEC4E 1344050 26253 HGNC Clec4e 1551121 56619 MGI:1861232 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:14555 Clec4f 621062 114598 CLEC4F 1354444 165530 HGNC Clec4f 1553051 51811 MGI:1859834 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:25357 Clec4g 1597482 689004 CLEC4G 1354383 339390 HGNC Clec4g 1557774 75863 MGI:1923113 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:24591 Clec4m 1561466 288378 CLEC4M 1603701 10332 HGNC Cd209b 1557900 69165 MGI:1916415 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:13523 Clec5a 1584755 679787 CLEC5A 1343085 23601 HGNC Clec5a 1620879 23845 MGI:1345151 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:2054 Clec6a-ps1 1359505 474144 CLEC6A 1351045 93978 HGNC HGNC:14556 Clec7a 1565140 502902 CLEC7A 1350458 64581 HGNC Clec7a 1558559 56644 MGI:1861431 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:14558 Clec9a 1562513 502901 CLEC9A 1343177 283420 HGNC Clec9a 1557780 232414 MGI:2444608 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:26705 Clgn 1592643 685504 CLGN 1343269 1047 HGNC Clgn 1616006 12745 MGI:107472 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:2060 Clhc1 1307937 289865 CLHC1 1606727 130162 HGNC Clhc1 1317422 73324 MGI:1920574 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:26453 Clic1 1303043 406864 CLIC1 1353337 1192 HGNC Clic1 1623030 114584 MGI:2148924 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:2062 Clic2 1306580 294141 CLIC2 1315278 1193 HGNC HGNC:2063 Clic3 1307249 296566 CLIC3 1316330 9022 HGNC Clic3 1316331 69454 MGI:1916704 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:2064 Clic4 61857 83718 CLIC4 737114 25932 HGNC Clic4 62149 29876 MGI:1352754 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:13518 Clic5 620659 94272 CLIC5 1351761 53405 HGNC Clic5 732922 224796 MGI:1917912 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:13517 Clic6 727938 304081 CLIC6 735803 54102 HGNC Clic6 735804 209195 MGI:2146607 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:2065 Clint1 1303328 360515 CLINT1 1602726 9685 HGNC Clint1 1616577 216705 MGI:2144243 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:23186 Clip1 67404 65201 CLIP1 69221 6249 HGNC Clip1 69217 56430 MGI:1928401 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:10461 Clip2 62019 29264 CLIP2 734383 7461 HGNC Clip2 62311 269713 MGI:1313136 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:2586 Clip3 1306245 308493 CLIP3 1603664 25999 RGD Clip3 1331911 76686 MGI:1923936 RGD HGNC:24314 Clip4 1311049 298801 CLIP4 1350068 79745 HGNC Clip4 1551111 78785 MGI:1919100 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:26108 Clk1 1311469 301434 CLK1 1322944 1195 HGNC Clk1 1550637 12747 MGI:107403 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:2068 Clk2 1359711 365842 CLK2 1343354 1196 HGNC Clk2 1553389 12748 MGI:1098669 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:2069 Clk3 621259 171305 CLK3 733625 1198 HGNC Clk3 1553651 102414 MGI:1098670 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:2071 Clk4 1310274 287269 CLK4 1321078 57396 HGNC Clk4 1321079 12750 MGI:1098551 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:13659 Clmn 1306741 299285 CLMN 1315532 79789 HGNC Clmn 1315533 94040 MGI:2136957 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:19972 Clmp 708569 286939 CLMP 1602686 79827 HGNC Clmp 1313983 71566 MGI:1918816 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:24039 Cln3 1359537 293485 CLN3 1345435 1201 HGNC Cln3 1552285 12752 MGI:107537 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:2074 Cln5 1306965 306128 CLN5 1315879 1203 RGD Cln5 1315880 211286 MGI:2442253 RGD HGNC:2076 Cln6 1309714 315746 CLN6 1320201 54982 HGNC Cln6 1320202 76524 MGI:2159324 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:2077 Cln8 1359518 306619 CLN8 1346223 2055 HGNC Cln8 1552276 26889 MGI:1349447 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:2079 Clnk 1562417 295518 CLNK 1605010 116449 HGNC Clnk 1557394 27278 MGI:1351468 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:17438 Clns1a 61884 65160 CLNS1A 732210 1207 HGNC Clns1a 62176 12729 MGI:109638 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:2080 Clock 620271 60447 CLOCK 1348034 9575 RGD Clock 1552430 12753 MGI:99698 RGD HGNC:2082 Clp1 1307679 311166 CLP1 1602724 10978 HGNC Clp1 1317008 98985 MGI:2138968 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:16999 Clpb 621328 65041 CLPB 731315 81570 HGNC Clpb 731316 20480 MGI:1100517 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:30664 Clpp 1588583 301117 CLPP 1343928 8192 HGNC Clpp 1557209 53895 MGI:1858213 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:2084 Clps 2363 25680 CLPS 731525 1208 HGNC Clps 10367 109791 MGI:88421 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:2085 Clpsl2 1592336 689425 CLPSL2 1605196 389383 HGNC Clpsl2 1614810 328788 MGI:2685595 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:21250 Clptm1 1310959 292696 CLPTM1 1322154 1209 HGNC Clptm1 1322155 56457 MGI:1927155 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:2087 Clptm1l 1307896 316916 CLPTM1L 1605932 81037 HGNC Clptm1l 1317357 218335 MGI:2442892 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:24308 Clpx 1304883 300786 CLPX 1312578 10845 HGNC Clpx 1312579 270166 MGI:1346017 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:2088 Clrn1 628779 261738 CLRN1 737108 7401 HGNC Clrn1 734105 229320 MGI:2388124 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:12605 Clrn2 1591112 689515 CLRN2 2291757 645104 HGNC Clrn2 1621826 624224 MGI:3646230 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:33939 Clrn3 1305043 309082 CLRN3 1603923 119467 HGNC Clrn3 1312836 212070 MGI:2142022 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:20795 Clspn 1309083 298534 CLSPN 1319224 63967 HGNC Clspn 1620487 269582 MGI:2445153 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:19715 Clstn1 1306458 313717 CLSTN1 1315087 22883 HGNC Clstn1 1315088 65945 MGI:1929895 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:17447 Clstn2 621151 171394 CLSTN2 1350123 64084 HGNC Clstn2 732701 64085 MGI:1929897 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:17448 Clstn3 621153 171393 CLSTN3 732033 9746 HGNC Clstn3 732034 232370 MGI:2178323 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:18371 Clta 70919 83800 CLTA 733774 1211 HGNC Clta 733775 12757 MGI:894297 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:2090 Cltb 621353 116561 CLTB 733395 1212 HGNC Cltb 1550649 74325 MGI:1921575 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:2091 Cltc 2364 54241 CLTC 732795 1213 HGNC Cltc 737521 67300 MGI:2388633 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:2092 Cltrn 708489 57395 CLTRN 1354044 57393 HGNC Cltrn 1623240 57394 MGI:1926234 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:29437 Clu 3907 24854 CLU 68978 1191 HGNC Clu 68979 12759 MGI:88423 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:2095 Cluap1 1359189 363544 CLUAP1 1354421 23059 HGNC Cluap1 1623896 76779 MGI:1924029 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:19009 Cluh 1307222 303300 CLUH 1601881 23277 HGNC Cluh 1332433 74148 MGI:1921398 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:29094 Clul1 1306852 367345 CLUL1 1315705 27098 HGNC HGNC:2096 Clvs1 1564200 366311 CLVS1 1602646 157807 HGNC Clvs1 1621482 74438 MGI:1921688 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:23139 Clvs2 1306801 361459 CLVS2 1604529 134829 HGNC Clvs2 1315622 215890 MGI:2443223 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:23046 Clxn 1594548 301957 CLXN 1603006 79645 HGNC Clxn 1557707 66793 MGI:1914043 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:25678 Clybl 1304615 306198 CLYBL 1312156 171425 HGNC Clybl 1312157 69634 MGI:1916884 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:18355 Cma1 2365 25627 CMA1 735367 1215 HGNC Cma1 735368 17228 MGI:96941 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:2097 Cmahp 1311930 361245 CMAHP 1352628 8418 HGNC Cmah 1323641 12763 MGI:103227 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:2098 Cmas 1310911 312826 CMAS 1322088 55907 HGNC Cmas 1322089 12764 MGI:1337124 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:18290 Cmbl 1306952 310201 CMBL 1606460 134147 HGNC Cmbl 1315858 69574 MGI:1916824 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:25090 Cmc1 1305283 363162 CMC1 1606956 152100 HGNC Cmc1 1313221 67899 MGI:1915149 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:28783 Cmc2 2324599 100363376 CMC2 1601986 56942 HGNC Cmc2 1622325 66531 MGI:1913781 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:24447 Cmc4 7647017 102546764 CMC4 2308876 100272147 HGNC Cmc4 10045908 105886298 MGI:5637812 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:35428 Cmip 1306101 292051 CMIP 1603294 80790 HGNC Cmip 1314521 74440 MGI:1921690 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:24319 Cmklr1 69359 60669 CMKLR1 1348723 1240 HGNC Cmklr1 733439 14747 MGI:109603 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:2121 Cmklr2 2728 25457 CMKLR2 732710 2825 HGNC Cmklr2 732711 241070 MGI:2385324 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:4463 Cmpk1 1310116 298410 CMPK1 1604360 51727 HGNC Cmpk1 1551089 66588 MGI:1913838 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:18170 Cmpk2 1305881 314004 CMPK2 1602074 129607 HGNC Cmpk2 1314179 22169 MGI:99830 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:27015 Cmss1 1309437 288176 CMSS1 1601841 84319 HGNC Cmss1 1319781 66497 MGI:1913747 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:28666 Cmtm1 1560130 291823 CMTM1 1316732 113540 HGNC Cmtm1 1614033 100504164 MGI:2447159 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:19172 Cmtm2b 7687446 102554842 CMTM2 1342693 146225 RGD Cmtm2b 1623142 75502 MGI:2447311 RGD HGNC:19173 Cmtm3 1308763 291813 CMTM3 1318724 123920 HGNC Cmtm3 1318725 68119 MGI:2447162 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:19174 Cmtm4 1565098 498902 CMTM4 1320683 146223 HGNC Cmtm4 1320684 97487 MGI:2142888 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:19175 Cmtm5 1307045 290214 CMTM5 1316008 116173 HGNC Cmtm5 1616785 67272 MGI:2447164 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:19176 Cmtm6 1307765 316035 CMTM6 1317145 54918 HGNC Cmtm6 1317146 67213 MGI:2447165 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:19177 Cmtm7 1591926 501065 CMTM7 1313855 112616 HGNC Cmtm7 1313856 102545 MGI:2447166 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:19178 Cmtm8 735040 301045 CMTM8 1351246 152189 HGNC Cmtm8 1550493 70031 MGI:2447167 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:19179 Cmtr1 1307801 309656 CMTR1 1317204 23070 HGNC Cmtr1 1317205 74157 MGI:1921407 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:21077 Cmtr2 1309394 292016 CMTR2 1601859 55783 HGNC Cmtr2 1319716 234728 MGI:2384580 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:25635 Cmya5 1582992 688915 CMYA5 1321357 202333 HGNC Cmya5 1558237 76469 MGI:1923719 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:14305 Cnbd1 1592300 689462 CNBD1 1603547 168975 HGNC Cnbd1 1625992 435772 MGI:3650508 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:26663 Cnbd2 1311678 296311 CNBD2 1323261 140894 HGNC Cnbd2 1551783 70873 MGI:1918123 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:16145 Cnbp 621807 64530 CNBP 733498 7555 HGNC Cnbp 1332404 12785 MGI:88431 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:13164 Cndp1 1359493 307212 CNDP1 1344598 84735 HGNC Cndp1 1550277 338403 MGI:2451097 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:20675 Cndp2 1305827 291394 CNDP2 1314094 55748 HGNC Cndp2 1314095 66054 MGI:1913304 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:24437 Cnep1r1 1308816 291914 CNEP1R1 1603875 255919 HGNC Cnep1r1 1318805 382030 MGI:1921981 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:26759 Cnfn 1563577 365217 CNFN 1350274 84518 HGNC Cnfn 1557453 72383 MGI:1919633 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:30183 Cnga1 621815 85259 CNGA1 730948 1259 HGNC Cnga1 732648 12788 MGI:88436 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:2148 Cnga2 2367 25411 CNGA2 736824 1260 HGNC Cnga2 736825 12789 MGI:108040 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:2149 Cnga3 70948 85257 CNGA3 733295 1261 HGNC Cnga3 735957 12790 MGI:1341818 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:2150 Cnga4 619844 85258 CNGA4 1603715 1262 HGNC Cnga4 733208 233649 MGI:2664099 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:2152 Cngb1 621809 83686 CNGB1 732601 1258 HGNC Cngb1 1553335 333329 MGI:2664102 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:2151 Cngb3 1565364 500418 CNGB3 1352344 54714 HGNC Cngb3 1557161 30952 MGI:1353562 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:2153 Cnih1 1312030 289994 CNIH1 1323800 10175 HGNC Cnih1 1323801 12793 MGI:1277202 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:19431 Cnih2 1304930 361705 CNIH2 1352659 254263 HGNC Cnih2 1552794 12794 MGI:1277225 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:28744 Cnih3 1582859 690252 CNIH3 1343893 149111 HGNC Cnih3 1557344 72978 MGI:1920228 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:26802 Cnih4 1559740 289324 CNIH4 1606011 29097 HGNC Cnih4 1558327 98417 MGI:1925828 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:25013 Cnksr1 1311879 298545 CNKSR1 1323565 10256 HGNC Cnksr1 1323566 194231 MGI:2670958 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:19700 Cnksr2 708454 59322 CNKSR2 1350323 22866 HGNC Cnksr2 1552333 245684 MGI:2661175 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:19701 Cnksr3 1307544 308113 CNKSR3 1316799 154043 HGNC Cnksr3 1552721 215748 MGI:2674130 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:23034 Cnmd 620176 81512 CNMD 1347278 11061 HGNC Cnmd 1551991 16840 MGI:1341171 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:17005 Cnn1 621883 65204 CNN1 731921 1264 HGNC Cnn1 736252 12797 MGI:104979 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:2155 Cnn2 1589807 690976 CNN2 1350375 1265 HGNC Cnn2 1616005 12798 MGI:105093 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:2156 Cnn3 71044 54321 CNN3 731963 1266 HGNC Cnn3 731964 71994 MGI:1919244 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:2157 Cnnm1 1308728 309387 CNNM1 1318672 26507 HGNC Cnnm1 1318673 83674 MGI:1891366 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:102 Cnnm2 1308162 294014 CNNM2 1317777 54805 HGNC Cnnm2 1317778 94219 MGI:2151054 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:103 Cnnm3 1307926 301345 CNNM3 1317403 26505 HGNC Cnnm3 1317404 94218 MGI:2151055 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:104 Cnnm4 1305571 363216 CNNM4 1313679 26504 HGNC Cnnm4 1313680 94220 MGI:2151060 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:105 Cnot1 1308009 291841 CNOT1 1602129 23019 HGNC Cnot1 1552621 234594 MGI:2442402 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:7877 Cnot10 1359219 316034 CNOT10 1343563 25904 HGNC Cnot10 1553028 78893 MGI:1926143 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:23817 Cnot11 1560909 363221 CNOT11 1348103 55571 HGNC Cnot11 1617580 52846 MGI:106580 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:25217 Cnot2 1311672 299805 CNOT2 1323253 4848 HGNC Cnot2 1323254 72068 MGI:1919318 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:7878 Cnot3 1304771 308311 CNOT3 1312407 4849 HGNC Cnot3 1312408 232791 MGI:2385261 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:7879 Cnot4 1310318 312227 CNOT4 1321153 4850 HGNC Cnot4 1321154 53621 MGI:1859026 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:7880 Cnot6 1310783 287249 CNOT6 1347023 57472 HGNC Cnot6 1551782 104625 MGI:2144529 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:14099 Cnot6l 1309128 360917 CNOT6L 1319296 246175 HGNC Cnot6l 1551166 231464 MGI:2443154 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:18042 Cnot7 1305313 306492 CNOT7 1313268 29883 HGNC Cnot7 1313269 18983 MGI:1298230 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:14101 Cnot8 1306401 363603 CNOT8 1314995 9337 HGNC Cnot8 1314996 69125 MGI:1916375 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:9207 Cnot9 1311495 301513 CNOT9 1322982 9125 HGNC Cnot9 1322983 58184 MGI:1928902 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:10445 Cnp 2368 25275 CNP 736298 1267 HGNC Cnp 736299 12799 MGI:88437 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:2158 Cnppd1 735175 316530 CNPPD1 1343498 27013 HGNC Cnppd1 1332579 69171 MGI:1916421 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:25220 Cnpy1 1583296 685001 CNPY1 1603862 285888 HGNC Cnpy1 1619723 269637 MGI:2442451 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:27786 Cnpy2 1589072 685814 CNPY2 1350709 10330 HGNC Cnpy2 1619212 56530 MGI:1928477 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:13529 Cnpy3 1597709 685174 CNPY3 1319430 10695 HGNC Cnpy3 1619984 72029 MGI:1919279 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:11968 Cnpy4 1307636 363886 CNPY4 1606674 245812 HGNC Cnpy4 1332074 66455 MGI:1913705 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:28631 Cnr1 2369 25248 CNR1 735525 1268 HGNC Cnr1 10370 12801 MGI:104615 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:2159 Cnr2 619713 57302 CNR2 732246 1269 HGNC Cnr2 1553231 12802 MGI:104650 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:2160 Cnrip1 1308373 364208 CNRIP1 1318105 25927 HGNC Cnrip1 1615521 380686 MGI:1917505 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:24546 Cnst 1564833 498297 CNST 1606946 163882 HGNC Cnst 1323397 226744 MGI:2445141 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:26486 Cntd1 1564542 498001 CNTD1 1603365 124817 HGNC Cntd1 1556979 68107 MGI:1923965 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:26847 Cntf 2370 25707 CNTF 734034 1270 HGNC Cntf 737002 12803 MGI:88439 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:2169 Cntfr 1303100 313173 CNTFR 1344115 1271 HGNC Cntfr 1550710 12804 MGI:99605 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:2170 Cntln 1308101 679640 CNTLN 1317678 54875 HGNC Cntln 1621214 338349 MGI:2443104 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:23432 Cntn1 621300 117258 CNTN1 732231 1272 HGNC Cntn1 732232 12805 MGI:105980 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:2171 Cntn2 3821 25356 CNTN2 734311 6900 HGNC Cntn2 11392 21367 MGI:104518 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:2172 Cntn3 3253 54279 CNTN3 732842 5067 HGNC Cntn3 732843 18488 MGI:99534 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:2173 Cntn4 621361 116658 CNTN4 1349263 152330 HGNC Cntn4 735277 269784 MGI:1095737 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:2174 Cntn5 621302 114589 CNTN5 734326 53942 HGNC Cntn5 1622026 244682 MGI:3042287 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:2175 Cntn6 62008 27256 CNTN6 733383 27255 HGNC Cntn6 62300 53870 MGI:1858223 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:2176 Cntnap1 70902 84008 CNTNAP1 734159 8506 HGNC Cntnap1 734160 53321 MGI:1858201 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:8011 Cntnap2 1307076 500105 CNTNAP2 1352756 26047 RGD Cntnap2 1316053 66797 MGI:1914047 RGD HGNC:13830 Cntnap3 1563615 290952 CNTNAP3 1348176 79937 HGNC Cntnap3 1618131 238680 MGI:3588199 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:13834 Cntnap4 1306459 307865 CNTNAP4 1315089 85445 HGNC Cntnap4 1315090 170571 MGI:2183572 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:18747 Cntnap5b 1565194 301650 CNTNAP5 1313519 129684 HGNC Cntnap5a 1614603 636808 MGI:3643623 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:18748 Cntrl 1305317 311886 CNTRL 1313275 11064 HGNC Cntrl 1557555 26920 MGI:1889576 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:1858 Cntrob 1307488 303240 CNTROB 1603924 116840 HGNC Cntrob 1316712 216846 MGI:2443290 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:29616 Coa3 1564337 498000 COA3 1606307 28958 HGNC Coa3 1620863 52469 MGI:1098757 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:24990 Coa4 1562228 499214 COA4 1602710 51287 HGNC Coa4 1557183 68185 MGI:1915435 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:24604 Coa5 1565095 503252 COA5 1604134 493753 HGNC Coa5 1618277 76178 MGI:1923428 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:33848 Coa6 7559315 102556031 COA6 1352912 388753 HGNC Coa6 1622305 67892 MGI:1915142 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:18025 Coa7 1305274 298377 COA7 1606511 65260 HGNC Coa7 1313206 69893 MGI:1917143 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:25716 Coa8 1304719 299341 COA8 1312327 84334 HGNC Coa8 1620831 68020 MGI:1915270 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:20492 Coasy 1549767 287711 COASY 1354088 80347 HGNC Coasy 1558125 71743 MGI:1918993 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:29932 Cobl 1312002 305497 COBL 1323755 23242 HGNC Cobl 1323756 12808 MGI:105056 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:22199 Cobll1 1308954 311088 COBLL1 1319028 22837 HGNC Cobll1 1319029 319876 MGI:2442894 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:23571 Coch 1308536 362735 COCH 1318365 1690 RGD Coch 1318366 12810 MGI:1278313 RGD HGNC:2180 Cog1 1304594 303652 COG1 1312123 9382 HGNC Cog1 1312124 16834 MGI:1333873 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:6545 Cog2 1589822 690961 COG2 1312615 22796 HGNC Cog2 1312616 76332 MGI:1923582 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:6546 Cog3 1304555 361073 COG3 1312059 83548 HGNC Cog3 1312060 338337 MGI:2450151 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:18619 Cog4 1310549 361407 COG4 1321515 25839 HGNC Cog4 1321516 102339 MGI:2142808 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:18620 Cog5 1563296 314030 COG5 1319696 10466 HGNC Cog5 1612419 238123 MGI:2145130 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:14857 Cog6 1303283 310411 COG6 1346233 57511 HGNC Cog6 1551639 67542 MGI:1914792 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:18621 Cog7 1566058 293456 COG7 1349178 91949 HGNC Cog7 1614917 233824 MGI:2685013 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:18622 Cog8 1307074 291990 COG8 1316049 84342 HGNC Cog8 1316050 97484 MGI:2142885 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:18623 Coil 62031 50998 COIL 735624 8161 HGNC Coil 62323 12812 MGI:104842 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:2184 Col10a1 2371 25681 COL10A1 735281 1300 HGNC Col10a1 735282 12813 MGI:88445 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:2185 Col11a1 2372 25654 COL11A1 735396 1301 HGNC Col11a1 735397 12814 MGI:88446 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:2186 Col11a2 2373 294279 COL11A2 1350403 1302 HGNC Col11a2 10371 12815 MGI:88447 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:2187 Col12a1 2374 25683 COL12A1 735743 1303 HGNC Col12a1 10372 12816 MGI:88448 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:2188 Col13a1 1595704 499431 COL13A1 1607090 1305 HGNC Col13a1 1312682 12817 MGI:1277201 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:2190 Col14a1 1305806 314981 COL14A1 1314064 7373 HGNC Col14a1 1552297 12818 MGI:1341272 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:2191 Col15a1 1310820 298069 COL15A1 1321941 1306 HGNC Col15a1 1321942 12819 MGI:88449 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:2192 Col16a1 1310982 366474 COL16A1 1322191 1307 HGNC Col16a1 1322192 107581 MGI:1095396 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:2193 Col17a1 1311130 294027 COL17A1 1322425 1308 HGNC Col17a1 1322426 12821 MGI:88450 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:2194 Col18a1 70936 85251 COL18A1 736032 80781 HGNC Col18a1 736033 12822 MGI:88451 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:2195 Col19a1 1308920 367236 COL19A1 1318965 1310 HGNC Col19a1 1318966 12823 MGI:1095415 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:2196 Col1a1 61817 29393 COL1A1 734049 1277 HGNC Col1a1 62109 12842 MGI:88467 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:2197 Col1a2 621351 84352 COL1A2 730984 1278 HGNC Col1a2 730985 12843 MGI:88468 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:2198 Col20a1 1563901 311716 COL20A1 1602872 57642 HGNC Col20a1 1557228 73368 MGI:1920618 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:14670 Col22a1 1309081 315071 COL22A1 1319222 169044 HGNC Col22a1 1617535 69700 MGI:1916950 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:22989 Col23a1 727898 353303 COL23A1 1353219 91522 HGNC Col23a1 1553169 237759 MGI:2653243 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:22990 Col24a1 1565539 499723 COL24A1 1349074 255631 HGNC Col24a1 1557419 71355 MGI:1918605 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:20821 Col25a1 1590105 687064 COL25A1 1603375 84570 HGNC Col25a1 1621457 77018 MGI:1924268 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:18603 Col26a1 1591401 685612 COL26A1 1345849 136227 HGNC Col26a1 1621390 140709 MGI:2155345 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:18038 Col27a1 735115 298101 COL27A1 1350673 85301 HGNC Col27a1 1553742 373864 MGI:2672118 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:22986 Col28a1 1564680 312115 COL28A1 1604476 340267 HGNC Col28a1 1618185 213945 MGI:2685312 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:22442 Col2a1 2375 25412 COL2A1 734037 1280 HGNC Col2a1 10373 12824 MGI:88452 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:2200 Col3a1 71029 84032 COL3A1 737225 1281 HGNC Col3a1 732584 12825 MGI:88453 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:2201 Col4a1 1307148 290905 COL4A1 1316170 1282 HGNC Col4a1 1316171 12826 MGI:88454 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:2202 Col4a2 1308085 306628 COL4A2 1317652 1284 HGNC Col4a2 1317653 12827 MGI:88455 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:2203 Col4a3 71085 363265 COL4A3 736518 1285 HGNC Col4a3 736519 12828 MGI:104688 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:2204 Col4a4 1305355 301562 COL4A4 1313332 1286 RGD Col4a4 1313333 12829 MGI:104687 RGD HGNC:2206 Col4a5 1565499 363457 COL4A5 1351504 1287 HGNC Col4a5 1557379 12830 MGI:88456 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:2207 Col4a6 1589724 363458 COL4A6 1343037 1288 HGNC Col4a6 1619065 94216 MGI:2152695 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:2208 Col5a1 70920 85490 COL5A1 733435 1289 HGNC Col5a1 733436 12831 MGI:88457 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:2209 Col5a2 70921 85250 COL5A2 736788 1290 HGNC Col5a2 736789 12832 MGI:88458 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:2210 Col5a3 70922 60379 COL5A3 736080 50509 HGNC Col5a3 731805 53867 MGI:1858212 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:14864 Col6a1 1565398 294337 COL6A1 1352880 1291 HGNC Col6a1 1558231 12833 MGI:88459 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:2211 Col6a2 1305585 361821 COL6A2 1313701 1292 HGNC Col6a2 1313702 12834 MGI:88460 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:2212 Col6a3 1308704 367313 COL6A3 1318630 1293 HGNC Col6a3 1318631 12835 MGI:88461 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:2213 Col6a5 1565804 501047 COL6A5 1601707 256076 HGNC Col6a5 1617784 665033 MGI:3648134 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:26674 Col6a6 1309172 315979 COL6A6 3052729 131873 HGNC Col6a6 1319364 245026 MGI:2444259 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:27023 Col7a1 1311417 301012 COL7A1 1322869 1294 HGNC Col7a1 1322870 12836 MGI:88462 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:2214 Col8a1 1309361 304021 COL8A1 1319668 1295 HGNC Col8a1 1319669 12837 MGI:88463 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:2215 Col8a2 1305182 313592 COL8A2 1313058 1296 HGNC Col8a2 1313059 329941 MGI:88464 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:2216 Col9a1 1309425 305104 COL9A1 1298223 1297 HGNC Col9a1 1319762 12839 MGI:88465 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:2217 Col9a2 1307029 362584 COL9A2 1315981 1298 HGNC Col9a2 1315982 12840 MGI:88466 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:2218 Col9a3 1310255 362285 COL9A3 1321049 1299 RGD Col9a3 1321050 12841 MGI:894686 RGD HGNC:2219 Colec10 1307149 299928 COLEC10 1316172 10584 HGNC Colec10 1622045 239447 MGI:3606482 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:2220 Colec11 1309678 366588 COLEC11 1320152 78989 HGNC Colec11 1320153 71693 MGI:1918943 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:17213 Colec12 735039 361289 COLEC12 1347237 81035 HGNC Colec12 1553600 140792 MGI:2152907 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:16016 Colgalt1 1309002 290637 COLGALT1 1344980 79709 HGNC Colgalt1 1550707 234407 MGI:1924348 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:26182 Colgalt2 1304702 289081 COLGALT2 1602008 23127 HGNC Colgalt2 1552303 269132 MGI:2138232 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:16790 Colq 2377 29755 COLQ 736660 8292 HGNC Colq 736661 382864 MGI:1338761 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:2226 Commd1 1311771 289831 COMMD1 1323402 150684 HGNC Commd1 1616845 17846 MGI:109474 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:23024 Commd10 1303015 361323 COMMD10 1346630 51397 HGNC Commd10 1332145 69456 MGI:1916706 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:30201 Commd2 1588810 688478 COMMD2 1319139 51122 HGNC Commd2 1319140 52245 MGI:1098806 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:24993 Commd3 735116 291339 COMMD3 1349755 23412 HGNC Commd3 1551310 12238 MGI:88218 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:23332 Commd4 1306104 363068 COMMD4 1314525 54939 HGNC Commd4 1314526 66199 MGI:1913449 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:26027 Commd5 621468 245974 COMMD5 1348607 28991 HGNC Commd5 732992 66398 MGI:1913648 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:17902 Commd6 1560745 498559 COMMD6 1606132 170622 HGNC Commd6 1614384 66200 MGI:1913450 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:24015 Commd7 1307786 296285 COMMD7 1317181 149951 HGNC Commd7 1557965 99311 MGI:1914197 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:16223 Commd8 1305402 289603 COMMD8 1313413 54951 HGNC Commd8 1313414 27784 MGI:1343485 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:26036 Commd9 1307706 295956 COMMD9 1317050 29099 HGNC Commd9 1317051 76501 MGI:1923751 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:25014 Comp 2378 25304 COMP 736605 1311 HGNC Comp 10374 12845 MGI:88469 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:2227 Comt 2379 24267 COMT 737102 1312 HGNC Comt 10378 12846 MGI:88470 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:2228 Comtd1 1306581 305685 COMTD1 1315279 118881 HGNC Comtd1 1315280 69156 MGI:1916406 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:26309 Cop1 1304773 360860 COP1 1346229 64326 HGNC Cop1 1550065 26374 MGI:1347046 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:17440 Copa 1310525 304978 COPA 1321477 1314 HGNC Copa 1321478 12847 MGI:1334462 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:2230 Copb1 620861 114023 COPB1 731922 1315 HGNC Copb1 731923 70349 MGI:1917599 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:2231 Copb2 628746 60384 COPB2 732794 9276 HGNC Copb2 1550457 50797 MGI:1354962 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:2232 Cope 1306785 290659 COPE 1315598 11316 HGNC Cope 1315599 59042 MGI:1891702 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:2234 Copg1 1565292 297428 COPG1 1345265 22820 HGNC Copg1 1617573 54161 MGI:1858696 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:2236 Copg2 1566215 301742 COPG2 1347391 26958 HGNC Copg2 1556929 54160 MGI:1858683 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:2237 Coprs 1565675 290925 COPRS 1602321 55352 HGNC Coprs 1623233 66423 MGI:1913673 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:28848 Cops2 628791 261736 COPS2 1353959 9318 HGNC Cops2 732439 12848 MGI:1330276 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:30747 Cops3 1303002 287367 COPS3 1350505 8533 HGNC Cops3 1550334 26572 MGI:1349409 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:2239 Cops4 1302952 360915 COPS4 1345570 51138 HGNC Cops4 1552047 26891 MGI:1349414 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:16702 Cops5 1310301 312916 COPS5 1321125 10987 HGNC Cops5 1321126 26754 MGI:1349415 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:2240 Cops6 1309919 304343 COPS6 1320520 10980 HGNC Cops6 1320521 26893 MGI:1349439 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:21749 Cops7a 1310070 312710 COPS7A 1320761 50813 HGNC Cops7a 1320762 26894 MGI:1349400 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:16758 Cops7b 1306918 363273 COPS7B 1315805 64708 HGNC Cops7b 1315806 26895 MGI:1349388 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:16760 Cops8 1311404 363283 COPS8 1322849 10920 HGNC Cops8 1322850 108679 MGI:1915363 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:24335 Cops9 1596701 681389 COPS9 1601821 150678 HGNC Cops9 1619199 66915 MGI:1914165 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:21314 Copz1 1306154 315345 COPZ1 1314607 22818 HGNC Copz1 1314608 56447 MGI:1929063 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:2243 Copz2 1306948 360611 COPZ2 1315851 51226 HGNC Copz2 1315852 56358 MGI:1929008 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:19356 Coq10a 1562447 362810 COQ10A 1602309 93058 HGNC Coq10a 1614205 210582 MGI:2684847 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:26515 Coq10b 1359509 301416 COQ10B 1604595 80219 HGNC Coq10b 1622308 67876 MGI:1915126 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:25819 Coq2 1306722 498332 COQ2 1603662 27235 HGNC Coq2 1551898 71883 MGI:1919133 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:25223 Coq3 2380 29309 COQ3 732708 51805 HGNC Coq3 737404 230027 MGI:101813 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:18175 Coq4 1304638 366013 COQ4 1312192 51117 HGNC Coq4 1551979 227683 MGI:1098826 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:19693 Coq5 1310857 304542 COQ5 1604266 84274 HGNC Coq5 1322001 52064 MGI:1098643 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:28722 Coq6 1311149 299195 COQ6 1322454 51004 HGNC Coq6 1322455 217707 MGI:1924408 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:20233 Coq7 2381 25249 COQ7 737189 10229 HGNC Coq7 10379 12850 MGI:107207 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:2244 Coq8a 1308245 360887 COQ8A 1343862 56997 HGNC Coq8a 1317910 67426 MGI:1914676 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:16812 Coq8b 1311356 308453 COQ8B 1322771 79934 HGNC Coq8b 1322772 76889 MGI:1924139 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:19041 Coq9 1586040 498909 COQ9 1603980 57017 HGNC Coq9 1558131 67914 MGI:1915164 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:25302 Corin 727887 289596 CORIN 1343750 10699 HGNC Corin 1551691 53419 MGI:1349451 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:19012 Coro1a 620009 155151 CORO1A 732928 11151 HGNC Coro1a 732929 12721 MGI:1345961 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:2252 Coro1b 2382 29474 CORO1B 736068 57175 HGNC Coro1b 736069 23789 MGI:1345963 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:2253 Coro1c 1564490 501841 CORO1C 1314425 23603 HGNC Coro1c 1314426 23790 MGI:1345964 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:2254 Coro2a 1309719 313235 CORO2A 1320210 7464 HGNC Coro2a 1320211 107684 MGI:1345966 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:2255 Coro2b 1561953 300768 CORO2B 1352370 10391 HGNC Coro2b 1558236 235431 MGI:2444283 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:2256 Coro6 708560 245982 CORO6 1354094 84940 HGNC Coro6 731661 216961 MGI:2183448 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:21356 Coro7 621591 192276 CORO7 1351326 79585 HGNC Coro7 1551149 78885 MGI:1926135 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:26161 Cort 2383 25305 CORT 736209 1325 HGNC Cort 10380 12854 MGI:109538 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:2257 Cotl1 1305498 361422 COTL1 1313560 23406 HGNC Cotl1 1313561 72042 MGI:1919292 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:18304 Cox10 1594623 691853 COX10 1321106 1352 HGNC Cox10 1321107 70383 MGI:1917633 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:2260 Cox11 9174727 103693419 COX11 1320366 1353 HGNC Cox11 1553317 69802 MGI:1917052 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:2261 Cox14 1598052 681219 COX14 1602844 84987 HGNC Cox14 1623995 66379 MGI:1913629 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:28216 Cox15 1312043 309391 COX15 1323821 1355 RGD Cox15 1323822 226139 MGI:1920112 RGD HGNC:2263 Cox16 2311610 100302447 COX16 1321882 51241 HGNC Cox16 1614368 66272 MGI:1913522 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:20213 Cox17 620548 89786 COX17 733581 10063 HGNC Cox17 1615205 12856 MGI:1333806 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:2264 Cox18 1559547 289522 COX18 1604709 285521 HGNC Cox18 1623782 231430 MGI:2448532 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:26801 Cox19 1305631 304330 COX19 1604553 90639 HGNC Cox19 1313774 68033 MGI:1915283 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:28074 Cox20 1309105 289278 COX20 1319259 116228 HGNC Cox20 1319260 66359 MGI:1913609 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:26970 Cox4i1 68374 29445 COX4I1 68539 1327 HGNC Cox4i1 736849 12857 MGI:88473 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:2265 Cox4i2 69422 84683 COX4I2 735839 84701 HGNC Cox4i2 735840 84682 MGI:2135755 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:16232 Cox5a 620607 252934 COX5A 732301 9377 HGNC Cox5a 732302 12858 MGI:88474 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:2267 Cox5b 620608 94194 COX5B 734145 1329 HGNC Cox5b 734146 12859 MGI:88475 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:2269 Cox6a1 2384 25282 COX6A1 735899 1337 HGNC Cox6a1 10381 12861 MGI:103099 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:2277 Cox6a2 2385 25278 COX6A2 736247 1339 HGNC Cox6a2 10382 12862 MGI:104649 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:2279 Cox6b1 1584097 688869 COX6B1 1343660 1340 RGD Cox6b1 1614989 110323 MGI:107460 RGD HGNC:2280 Cox6b2 1591896 654441 COX6B2 1349779 125965 HGNC Cox6b2 1550721 333182 MGI:3044182 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:24380 Cox6c 620616 54322 COX6C 736850 1345 HGNC Cox6c 732349 12864 MGI:104614 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:2285 Cox7a1 6496527 687508 COX7A1 1348243 1346 HGNC Cox7a1 1615204 12865 MGI:1316714 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:2287 Cox7a2 68365 29507 COX7A2 1342607 1347 RGD Cox7a2 68522 12866 MGI:1316715 RGD HGNC:2288 Cox7a2l 1306111 298762 COX7A2L 1314534 9167 HGNC Cox7a2l 1557452 20463 MGI:106015 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:2289 Cox7a2l2 1589992 688386 COX7A2P2 1347060 1348 HGNC HGNC:2290 Cox7b 727789 303393 COX7B 1344241 1349 HGNC Cox7b 1550051 66142 MGI:1913392 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:2291 Cox7b2 2319120 100361960 COX7B2 1353874 170712 HGNC Cox7b2 1623099 78174 MGI:1925424 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:24381 Cox7c 2300145 100188937 COX7C 1353652 1350 HGNC Cox7c 1615203 12867 MGI:103226 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:2292 Cox8a 620638 171335 COX8A 1348555 1351 HGNC Cox8a 1615202 12868 MGI:105959 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:2294 Cox8c 727840 360229 COX8C 1344927 341947 HGNC Cox8c 1623903 75483 MGI:1922733 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:24382 Cp 2387 24268 CP 736782 1356 HGNC Cp 10384 12870 MGI:88476 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:2295 Cpa1 2388 24269 CPA1 733563 1357 HGNC Cpa1 733564 109697 MGI:88478 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:2296 Cpa2 1305563 296959 CPA2 1313664 1358 HGNC Cpa2 1614164 232680 MGI:3617840 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:2297 Cpa3 2390 54242 CPA3 733833 1359 HGNC Cpa3 733834 12873 MGI:88479 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:2298 Cpa4 1563619 502736 CPA4 1345742 51200 HGNC Cpa4 1622267 71791 MGI:1919041 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:15740 Cpa5 1303098 408212 CPA5 1345322 93979 HGNC Cpa5 1552661 74649 MGI:1921899 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:15722 Cpa6 1311764 312913 CPA6 1323390 57094 HGNC Cpa6 1551879 329093 MGI:3045348 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:17245 Cpamd8 1566313 297572 CPAMD8 1347044 27151 HGNC Gm7298 1616243 640530 MGI:3648717 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:23228 Cpb1 2391 24271 CPB1 737246 1360 HGNC Cpb1 734226 76703 MGI:1923953 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:2299 Cpb2 71035 113936 CPB2 731734 1361 HGNC Cpb2 736000 56373 MGI:1891837 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:2300 Cpd 2393 25306 CPD 731463 1362 HGNC Cpd 10388 12874 MGI:107265 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:2301 Cpe 2394 25669 CPE 732381 1363 HGNC Cpe 732382 12876 MGI:101932 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:2303 Cpeb1 1310421 293056 CPEB1 1321314 64506 HGNC Cpeb1 1321315 12877 MGI:108442 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:21744 Cpeb2 1307485 360949 CPEB2 1316707 132864 HGNC Cpeb2 1316708 231207 MGI:2442640 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:21745 Cpeb3 1564670 309510 CPEB3 1348549 22849 HGNC Cpeb3 1557269 208922 MGI:2443075 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:21746 Cpeb4 1311931 303010 CPEB4 1323642 80315 HGNC Cpeb4 1323643 67579 MGI:1914829 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:21747 Cped1 1563491 500046 CPED1 1605333 79974 HGNC Cped1 1623000 214642 MGI:2444814 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:26159 Cphx1 1565219 502042 CPHXL2 38622700 112268164 HGNC Cphx1 1557753 105594 MGI:2145733 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:55919 Cplane1 1310081 310137 CPLANE1 1606513 65250 HGNC Cplane1 1320782 73692 MGI:1920942 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:25801 Cplane2 1561421 500576 CPLANE2 1603381 79363 HGNC Cplane2 1618278 76166 MGI:1923416 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:28127 Cplx1 70944 64832 CPLX1 735999 10815 HGNC Cplx1 733328 12889 MGI:104727 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:2309 Cplx2 70945 116657 CPLX2 732283 10814 HGNC Cplx2 732284 12890 MGI:104726 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:2310 Cplx3 1560104 501005 CPLX3 1604870 594855 HGNC Cplx3 1622942 235415 MGI:2384571 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:27652 Cplx4 1307643 361342 CPLX4 1316951 339302 HGNC Cplx4 1618169 225644 MGI:2685803 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:24330 Cpm 1310532 314855 CPM 1321490 1368 HGNC Cpm 1553514 70574 MGI:1917824 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:2311 Cpn1 70931 365466 CPN1 734334 1369 HGNC Cpn1 734335 93721 MGI:2135874 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:2312 Cpn2 1305170 303861 CPN2 1346122 1370 HGNC Cpn2 1551729 71756 MGI:1919006 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:2313 Cpne1 1311148 362249 CPNE1 1322452 8904 HGNC Cpne1 1322453 266692 MGI:2386621 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:2314 Cpne2 1586036 498972 CPNE2 1319355 221184 HGNC Cpne2 1319356 234577 MGI:2387578 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:2315 Cpne3 1310178 313087 CPNE3 1320926 8895 HGNC Cpne3 1320927 70568 MGI:1917818 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:2316 Cpne4 1308844 367160 CPNE4 1318850 131034 HGNC Cpne4 1551101 74020 MGI:1921270 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:2317 Cpne5 1308021 309650 CPNE5 1317548 57699 HGNC Cpne5 1317549 240058 MGI:2385908 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:2318 Cpne6 1583895 691478 CPNE6 1313396 9362 HGNC Cpne6 1313397 12891 MGI:1334445 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:2319 Cpne7 1307466 361433 CPNE7 1316677 27132 HGNC Cpne7 1316678 102278 MGI:2142747 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:2320 Cpne8 1307939 362988 CPNE8 1317425 144402 HGNC Cpne8 1620032 66871 MGI:1914121 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:23498 Cpne9 1309212 297516 CPNE9 1604226 151835 HGNC Cpne9 1319429 211232 MGI:2443052 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:24336 Cpo 1588771 689717 CPO 1342793 130749 HGNC Gm13754 2311771 102637534 MGI:3651213 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:21011 Cpox 1311817 304024 CPOX 1323470 1371 HGNC Cpox 1323471 12892 MGI:104841 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:2321 Cpped1 1306568 302890 CPPED1 1602325 55313 HGNC Cpped1 1315258 223978 MGI:2443300 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:25632 Cpq 628610 58952 CPQ 736012 10404 HGNC Cpq 736013 54381 MGI:1889205 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:16910 Cps1 2395 497840 CPS1 70833 1373 HGNC Cps1 10389 227231 MGI:891996 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:2323 Cpsf1 1306406 366952 CPSF1 1315001 29894 HGNC Cpsf1 1550477 94230 MGI:2679722 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:2324 Cpsf2 1309687 299256 CPSF2 1320166 53981 HGNC Cpsf2 1320167 51786 MGI:1861601 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:2325 Cpsf3 1305767 298916 CPSF3 1313998 51692 HGNC Cpsf3 1313999 54451 MGI:1859328 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:2326 Cpsf4 620440 304277 CPSF4 736724 10898 RGD Cpsf4 733825 54188 MGI:1861602 RGD HGNC:2327 Cpsf4l 1306397 287799 CPSF4L 2290025 642843 HGNC Cpsf4l 1314989 52670 MGI:1277182 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:33632 Cpsf6 1304640 299811 CPSF6 1312196 11052 HGNC Cpsf6 1557044 432508 MGI:1913948 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:13871 Cpsf7 1305441 365407 CPSF7 1602680 79869 HGNC Cpsf7 1332109 269061 MGI:1917826 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:30098 Cpt1a 2396 25757 CPT1A 735945 1374 HGNC Cpt1a 10390 12894 MGI:1098296 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:2328 Cpt1b 2397 25756 CPT1B 619557 1375 HGNC Cpt1b 10391 12895 MGI:1098297 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:2329 Cpt1c 1305384 308579 CPT1C 1313382 126129 HGNC Cpt1c 1313383 78070 MGI:2446526 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:18540 Cpt2 2398 25413 CPT2 736835 1376 HGNC Cpt2 10392 12896 MGI:109176 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:2330 Cptp 1359656 313771 CPTP 2289752 80772 HGNC Cptp 1622200 79554 MGI:1933107 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:28116 Cpvl 1563609 502774 CPVL 1345667 54504 HGNC Cpvl 1557438 71287 MGI:1918537 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:14399 Cpxcr1 2321886 100360571 CPXCR1 1345373 53336 HGNC Cpxcr1 1623670 382239 MGI:2685989 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:2332 Cpxm1 1306937 296156 CPXM1 1315836 56265 HGNC Cpxm1 1315837 56264 MGI:1934569 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:15771 Cpxm2 1310955 293566 CPXM2 1345488 119587 HGNC Cpxm2 1332318 55987 MGI:1926006 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:26977 Cpz 620496 83575 CPZ 731300 8532 HGNC Cpz 731301 242939 MGI:88487 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:2333 Cr1l 2399 54243 CR1L 1348835 1379 HGNC Cr1l 732956 12946 MGI:88513 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:2335 Cr2 1310065 289395 CR2 1320753 1380 HGNC Cr2 1320754 12902 MGI:88489 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:2336 Crabp1 2400 25061 CRABP1 1345653 1381 HGNC Crabp1 1557239 12903 MGI:88490 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:2338 Crabp2 62070 29563 CRABP2 731412 1382 RGD Crabp2 62362 12904 MGI:88491 RGD HGNC:2339 Cracd 1311575 289568 CRACD 2303430 57482 HGNC Cracd 1323106 320827 MGI:2444817 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:29219 Cracdl 1310819 301351 CRACDL 1602270 343990 HGNC Cracdl 1321940 72097 MGI:1919347 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:33454 Cracr2a 1563719 500324 CRACR2A 1603191 84766 HGNC Cracr2a 1616405 381812 MGI:2685919 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:28657 Cracr2b 1560911 309112 CRACR2B 1603869 283229 RGD Cracr2b 1621365 213573 MGI:2446129 RGD HGNC:28703 Cradd 1311010 314756 CRADD 1322237 8738 HGNC Cradd 1322238 12905 MGI:1336168 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:2340 Cramp1 1311948 287127 CRAMP1 1323669 57585 HGNC Cramp1 1558547 57354 MGI:1930190 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:14122 Crat 1303031 311849 CRAT 1350289 1384 HGNC Crat 1550428 12908 MGI:109501 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:2342 Crb1 1309947 304825 CRB1 1320564 23418 HGNC Crb1 1320565 170788 MGI:2136343 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:2343 Crb2 1309368 366031 CRB2 1347869 286204 HGNC Crb2 1551852 241324 MGI:2679260 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:18688 Crb3 1565035 301112 CRB3 1348954 92359 HGNC Crb3 1623795 224912 MGI:2670904 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:20237 Crbn 1310533 297498 CRBN 1321492 51185 HGNC Crbn 1551562 58799 MGI:1913277 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:30185 Crcp 620753 114205 CRCP 1601760 27297 HGNC Crcp 1553079 12909 MGI:1100818 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:17888 Crct1 1588886 120100590 CRCT1 1353300 54544 HGNC Crct1 1623928 74175 MGI:1921425 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:29875 Creb1 620218 81646 CREB1 730886 1385 HGNC Creb1 730887 12912 MGI:88494 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:2345 Creb3 1308831 298400 CREB3 1318829 10488 HGNC Creb3 1318830 12913 MGI:99946 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:2347 Creb3l1 1359613 362165 CREB3L1 1342471 90993 HGNC Creb3l1 1552347 26427 MGI:1347062 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:18856 Creb3l2 1306040 362339 CREB3L2 1314429 64764 HGNC Creb3l2 1550380 208647 MGI:2442695 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:23720 Creb3l3 1308152 314638 CREB3L3 1317760 84699 HGNC Creb3l3 1317761 208677 MGI:2384786 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:18855 Creb3l4 1359278 310616 CREB3L4 1347233 148327 HGNC Creb3l4 1550621 78284 MGI:1916603 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:18854 Creb5 1566107 500131 CREB5 1606026 9586 HGNC Creb5 1619836 231991 MGI:2443973 RGD HGNC:16844 Crebbp 2401 54244 CREBBP 619552 1387 HGNC Crebbp 619553 12914 MGI:1098280 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:2348 Crebl2 1309502 362453 CREBL2 1319876 1389 HGNC Crebl2 1615677 232430 MGI:1889385 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:2350 Crebrf 1310862 303016 CREBRF 1603892 153222 HGNC Crebrf 1331877 77128 MGI:1924378 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:24050 Crebzf 1565584 293112 CREBZF 1603614 58487 HGNC Crebzf 1557041 233490 MGI:2675296 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:24905 Creg1 1306804 289185 CREG1 1348156 8804 HGNC Creg1 1558375 433375 MGI:1344382 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:2351 Creg2 1564056 316353 CREG2 1350803 200407 RGD Creg2 1614842 263764 MGI:1928333 RGD HGNC:14272 Creld1 1309412 312638 CRELD1 1319745 78987 HGNC Creld1 1551256 171508 MGI:2152539 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:14630 Creld2 1310614 362978 CRELD2 1603954 79174 HGNC Creld2 1321619 76737 MGI:1923987 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:28150 Crem 2402 25620 CREM 735941 1390 HGNC Crem 735942 12916 MGI:88495 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:2352 Crh 620505 81648 CRH 730946 1392 HGNC Crh 730947 12918 MGI:88496 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:2355 Crhbp 2403 29625 CRHBP 730851 1393 HGNC Crhbp 730852 12919 MGI:88497 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:2356 Crhr1 61276 58959 CRHR1 734061 1394 HGNC Crhr1 737026 12921 MGI:88498 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:2357 Crhr2 70547 64680 CRHR2 733138 1395 HGNC Crhr2 733139 12922 MGI:894312 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:2358 Crim1 1308710 298744 CRIM1 1318641 51232 HGNC Crim1 1318642 50766 MGI:1354756 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:2359 Crip1 1597237 691657 CRIP1 1348993 1396 HGNC Crip1 1614474 12925 MGI:88501 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:2360 Crip2 1302959 338401 CRIP2 1351980 1397 HGNC Crip2 1331956 68337 MGI:1915587 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:2361 Crip3 1565018 501100 CRIP3 1343897 401262 HGNC Crip3 1319892 114570 MGI:2152434 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:17751 Cript 621545 56725 CRIPT 736668 9419 HGNC Cript 736669 56724 MGI:1929655 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:14312 Cripto 1594185 680246 CRIPTO 1352791 6997 HGNC Cripto 1617601 21667 MGI:98658 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:11701 Crisp1 1590757 654517 CRISP1 1603324 167 HGNC Crisp4 1623883 78081 MGI:1925331 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:304 Crisp2 621653 360445 CRISP2 1315322 7180 HGNC Crisp2 733785 22024 MGI:98815 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:12024 Crisp3 619846 64827 CRISP3 1352578 10321 HGNC Crisp3 1615206 11572 MGI:102552 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:16904 Crispld1 1564813 316482 CRISPLD1 1605927 83690 HGNC Crispld1 1620695 83691 MGI:1934666 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:18206 Crispld2 620860 171547 CRISPLD2 1605611 83716 HGNC Crispld2 1553189 78892 MGI:1926142 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:25248 Crk 2405 54245 CRK 736380 1398 HGNC Crk 736381 12928 MGI:88508 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:2362 Crkl 1308531 287942 CRKL 1318357 1399 RGD Crkl 1318358 12929 MGI:104686 RGD HGNC:2363 Crlf1 1311371 290655 CRLF1 1322794 9244 HGNC Crlf1 1322795 12931 MGI:1340030 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:2364 Crlf2 621078 171499 CRLF2 1352132 64109 HGNC Crlf2 1618389 57914 MGI:1889506 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:14281 Crlf3 621517 54395 CRLF3 1342810 51379 HGNC Crlf3 732134 54394 MGI:1860086 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:17177 Crls1 1311037 366196 CRLS1 1322279 54675 HGNC Crls1 1322280 66586 MGI:1913836 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:16148 Crmp1 2407 25415 CRMP1 731741 1400 HGNC Crmp1 10395 12933 MGI:107793 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:2365 Crnde 10398753 106456572 CRNDE 4107742 101927480 HGNC Crnkl1 620507 100910202 CRNKL1 733946 51340 RGD Crnkl1 1550317 66877 MGI:1914127 RGD HGNC:15762 Crnn 1311778 295186 CRNN 1323410 49860 HGNC Crnn 1619680 381457 MGI:2685861 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:1230 Crocc 1305364 313663 CROCC 1313346 9696 HGNC Crocc 1618151 230872 MGI:3529431 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:21299 Crocc2 7728853 102551034 CROCC2 10040878 728763 HGNC Crocc2 1621187 381284 MGI:3045962 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:51677 Crot 70908 83842 CROT 732197 54677 HGNC Crot 732198 74114 MGI:1921364 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:2366 Crp 2411 25419 CRP 736633 1401 HGNC Crp 10398 12944 MGI:88512 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:2367 Crppa 1359368 493574 CRPPA 3160581 729920 HGNC Crppa 1550679 75847 MGI:1923097 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:37276 Crtac1 621085 171438 CRTAC1 737274 55118 HGNC Crtac1 737275 72832 MGI:1920082 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:14882 Crtam 1304602 300649 CRTAM 1606263 56253 HGNC Crtam 1312136 54698 MGI:1859822 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:24313 Crtap 1565180 363158 CRTAP 1320245 10491 HGNC Crtap 1320246 56693 MGI:1891221 RGD HGNC:2379 Crtc1 1589158 684527 CRTC1 1320323 23373 HGNC Crtc1 1614777 382056 MGI:2142523 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:16062 Crtc2 1308903 310615 CRTC2 1603540 200186 HGNC Crtc2 1332035 74343 MGI:1921593 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:27301 Crtc3 1309666 365297 CRTC3 1604314 64784 HGNC Crtc3 1622286 70461 MGI:1917711 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:26148 Crx 620511 60446 CRX 733182 1406 HGNC Crx 733183 12951 MGI:1194883 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:2383 Cry1 735083 299691 CRY1 1353919 1407 HGNC Cry1 1553489 12952 MGI:1270841 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:2384 Cry2 620935 170917 CRY2 732507 1408 HGNC Cry2 1558359 12953 MGI:1270859 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:2385 Cryaa 2413 24273 CRYAA 735272 1409 HGNC Cryaa 10399 12954 MGI:88515 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:2388 Cryab 2414 25420 CRYAB 737518 1410 HGNC Cryab 10400 12955 MGI:88516 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:2389 Cryba1 2415 25583 CRYBA1 736650 1411 HGNC Cryba1 736651 12957 MGI:88518 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:2394 Cryba2 628768 286925 CRYBA2 1343426 1412 HGNC Cryba2 1551141 12958 MGI:104336 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:2395 Cryba4 61962 64348 CRYBA4 733543 1413 HGNC Cryba4 62255 12959 MGI:102716 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:2396 Crybb1 2416 25421 CRYBB1 731502 1414 HGNC Crybb1 10401 12960 MGI:104992 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:2397 Crybb2 2417 25422 CRYBB2 734352 1415 HGNC Crybb2 1552898 12961 MGI:88519 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:2398 Crybb3 61980 64349 CRYBB3 733594 1417 HGNC Crybb3 62272 12962 MGI:102717 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:2400 Crybg1 1308629 309866 CRYBG1 1318513 202 HGNC Crybg1 1318514 11630 MGI:109544 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:356 Crybg2 1308621 298543 CRYBG2 1318501 55057 HGNC Crybg2 1318502 230806 MGI:1334463 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:17295 Crybg3 1305628 288204 CRYBG3 2301266 131544 HGNC Crybg3 1313769 224273 MGI:2676311 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:34427 Cryga 1595217 684028 CRYGA 1351411 1418 RGD Cryga 10406 12964 MGI:88521 RGD HGNC:2408 Crygb 1584991 301468 CRYGB 1347974 1419 HGNC Crygb 10407 12965 MGI:88522 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:2409 Crygc 2421 24277 CRYGC 736578 1420 HGNC Crygc 10408 12966 MGI:88523 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:2410 Crygd 2422 24278 CRYGD 735833 1421 HGNC Crygd 10409 12967 MGI:88524 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:2411 Crygn 1308547 296730 CRYGN 1318382 155051 HGNC Crygn 1318383 214301 MGI:2449167 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:20458 Crygs 1587483 689897 CRYGS 1320030 1427 HGNC Crygs 1320031 12970 MGI:1298216 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:2417 Cryl1 631427 290277 CRYL1 735568 51084 HGNC Cryl1 735569 68631 MGI:1915881 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:18246 Crym 620943 117024 CRYM 734218 1428 RGD Crym 1614466 12971 MGI:102675 RGD HGNC:2418 Cryz 1311639 362061 CRYZ 1323202 1429 HGNC Cryz 1323203 12972 MGI:88527 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:2419 Cryzl1 1310219 288256 CRYZL1 1320993 9946 HGNC Cryzl1 1320994 66609 MGI:1913859 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:2420 Cryzl2 1304982 289138 CRYZL2P 13439143 730102 RGD Cryzl2 1621341 226527 MGI:2448516 RGD HGNC:52164 Cs 620330 170587 CS 1606843 1431 HGNC Cs 733217 12974 MGI:88529 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:2422 Csad 621030 60356 CSAD 732204 51380 HGNC Csad 732205 246277 MGI:2180098 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:18966 Csdc2 628780 266600 CSDC2 1603657 27254 HGNC Csdc2 1557846 105859 MGI:2146027 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:30359 Csde1 619726 117180 CSDE1 1607084 7812 HGNC Csde1 1617362 229663 MGI:92356 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:29905 Cse1l 1307536 362273 CSE1L 1316788 1434 HGNC Cse1l 1316789 110750 MGI:1339951 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:2431 Csf1 621063 78965 CSF1 731066 1435 HGNC Csf1 731067 12977 MGI:1339753 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:2432 Csf1r 2425 307403 CSF1R 737004 1436 HGNC Csf1r 10412 12978 MGI:1339758 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:2433 Csf2 621065 116630 CSF2 1354508 1437 HGNC Csf2 1551314 12981 MGI:1339752 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:2434 Csf2ra 1594330 652957 CSF2RA 1351351 1438 HGNC Csf2ra 1614464 12982 MGI:1339754 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:2435 Csf2rb 620189 171081 CSF2RB 1348418 1439 HGNC Csf2rb2 1614463 12984 MGI:1339760 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:2436 Csf3 2426 25610 CSF3 1350955 1440 HGNC Csf3 731416 12985 MGI:1339751 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:2438 Csf3r 1309114 298518 CSF3R 1319271 1441 HGNC Csf3r 1319272 12986 MGI:1339755 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:2439 Csgalnact1 1307618 306375 CSGALNACT1 1601858 55790 HGNC Csgalnact1 1316918 234356 MGI:2442354 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:24290 Csgalnact2 1563660 297554 CSGALNACT2 1604805 55454 HGNC Csgalnact2 1556873 78752 MGI:1926002 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:24292 Csk 1308800 315707 CSK 1318780 1445 HGNC Csk 1318781 12988 MGI:88537 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:2444 Csmd1 1305103 364634 CSMD1 1312937 64478 HGNC Csmd1 1312938 94109 MGI:2137383 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:14026 Csmd2 1565728 313040 CSMD2 1347365 114784 HGNC Csmd2 1615546 329942 MGI:2386401 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:19290 Csmd3 1594530 314942 CSMD3 1316806 114788 HGNC Csmd3 1316807 239420 MGI:2386403 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:19291 Csn1s1 2430 24284 CSN1S1 1606842 1446 HGNC Csn1s1 10414 12990 MGI:88540 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:2445 Csn2 61981 29173 CSN2 1352883 1447 HGNC Csn2 62273 12991 MGI:88541 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:2447 Csn3 61990 29188 CSN3 1349233 1448 HGNC Csn3 62282 12994 MGI:107461 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:2446 Csnk1a1 71098 113927 CSNK1A1 736167 1452 HGNC Csnk1a1 736168 93687 MGI:1934950 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:2451 Csnk1d 71031 64462 CSNK1D 733311 1453 HGNC Csnk1d 735980 104318 MGI:1355272 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:2452 Csnk1e 62045 58822 CSNK1E 732829 1454 HGNC Csnk1e 62337 27373 MGI:1351660 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:2453 Csnk1g1 621404 64086 CSNK1G1 733469 53944 HGNC Csnk1g1 736200 214897 MGI:2660884 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:2454 Csnk1g2 621407 65278 CSNK1G2 734368 1455 HGNC Csnk1g2 734369 103236 MGI:1920014 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:2455 Csnk1g3 621408 64823 CSNK1G3 731819 1456 HGNC Csnk1g3 1331990 70425 MGI:1917675 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:2456 Csnk2a1 621663 116549 CSNK2A1 733323 1457 HGNC Csnk2a1 733324 12995 MGI:88543 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:2457 Csnk2a2 1306882 307641 CSNK2A2 1315751 1459 HGNC Csnk2a2 1315752 13000 MGI:88547 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:2459 Csnk2b 619978 81650 CSNK2B 1347139 1460 HGNC Csnk2b 1624107 13001 MGI:88548 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:2460 Csnka2ip 1562102 498036 CSNKA2IP 13208907 111064647 HGNC Csnka2ip 1618989 224291 MGI:2676295 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:53637 Cspg4 619942 81651 CSPG4 730838 1464 HGNC Cspg4 730839 121021 MGI:2153093 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:2466 Cspg4b 1561161 294747 Cspg4b 11083214 408066 MGI:3040697 RGD Cspg5 2431 50568 CSPG5 733098 10675 HGNC Cspg5 735589 29873 MGI:1352747 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:2467 Cspp1 1307055 362472 CSPP1 1605630 79848 HGNC Cspp1 1615722 211660 MGI:2681832 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:26193 Csrnp1 1305999 363165 CSRNP1 1314362 64651 HGNC Csrnp1 1314363 215418 MGI:2387989 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:14300 Csrnp2 1308916 315308 CSRNP2 1318958 81566 HGNC Csrnp2 1318959 207785 MGI:2386852 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:16006 Csrnp3 1306214 311093 CSRNP3 1605039 80034 HGNC Csrnp3 1314705 77771 MGI:1925021 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:30729 Csrp1 62053 29276 CSRP1 737489 1465 HGNC Csrp1 737490 13007 MGI:88549 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:2469 Csrp2 61950 29317 CSRP2 1352848 1466 HGNC Csrp2 62243 13008 MGI:1202907 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:2470 Csrp3 71092 117505 CSRP3 733068 8048 HGNC Csrp3 733069 13009 MGI:1330824 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:2472 Cst11 620589 245916 CST11 735574 140880 HGNC Cst11 731484 78240 MGI:1925490 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:15959 Cst3 2432 25307 CST3 736914 1471 HGNC Cst3 10415 13010 MGI:102519 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:2475 Cst5 1310978 366219 CST5 1322184 1473 HGNC Cst5 1322185 58214 MGI:1930004 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:2477 Cst6 628799 171096 CST6 1352727 1474 HGNC Cst6 733622 73720 MGI:1920970 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:2478 Cst7 1309154 296257 CST7 1342542 8530 HGNC Cst7 1319337 13011 MGI:1298217 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:2479 Cst8 2434 29679 CST8 736077 10047 HGNC Cst8 736078 13012 MGI:107161 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:2480 Cst9l 1311032 362231 CST9L 1322270 128821 HGNC Cst9 1322271 13013 MGI:1340053 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:16233 Csta 1309603 288067 CSTA 1320029 1475 HGNC Csta2 1322022 76770 MGI:1924020 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:2481 Csta3 1594822 689230 Csta3 1613950 408196 MGI:3644688 RGD Cstb 2435 25308 CSTB 735434 1476 HGNC Cstb 10417 13014 MGI:109514 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:2482 Cstdc2 1597405 689081 Cstdc2 1615797 77705 MGI:1924955 RGD Cstdc4 2323715 100362978 Cstdc4 1622672 433016 MGI:3645124 RGD Cstf1 1309267 311670 CSTF1 1319516 1477 HGNC Cstf1 1319517 67337 MGI:1914587 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:2483 Cstf2 1596566 683927 CSTF2 1351144 1478 HGNC Cstf2 1623038 108062 MGI:1343054 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:2484 Cstf2t 1310026 309338 CSTF2T 1320690 23283 HGNC Cstf2t 1320691 83410 MGI:1932622 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:17086 Cstf3 1305901 362178 CSTF3 1314208 1479 HGNC Cstf3 1552322 228410 MGI:1351825 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:2485 Cstl1 1307417 296220 CSTL1 1316602 128817 HGNC Cstl1 1316603 228756 MGI:2652834 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:15958 Cstpp1 1309540 295930 CSTPP1 1604290 79096 HGNC Cstpp1 1319931 228356 MGI:1915079 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:28720 Ct45a9 1592859 681682 CT45A9 9587877 102723680 HGNC HGNC:51262 Ct47b1 7519078 102553745 CT47B1 2306151 643311 HGNC HGNC:33293 Ct55 1560456 317310 CT55 1353544 54967 RGD Ct55 1616720 75013 MGI:1922263 RGD HGNC:26047 Ctag2 1561702 501655 CTAG2 1344888 30848 HGNC Ctag2 2310697 70062 MGI:1917312 RGD HGNC:2492 Ctag2l1 1597340 690348 Ctag2l1 1619512 628456 MGI:3644285 RGD Ctag2l2 7585162 102552182 Ctag2l2 1618626 628518 MGI:3645826 RGD Ctbp1 2441 29382 CTBP1 732729 1487 HGNC Ctbp1 737438 13016 MGI:1201685 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:2494 Ctbp2 68372 81717 CTBP2 68535 1488 HGNC Ctbp2 68536 13017 MGI:1201686 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:2495 Ctbs 621338 81652 CTBS 1351227 1486 HGNC Ctbs 732348 74245 MGI:1921495 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:2496 Ctc1 1563106 303238 CTC1 1604790 80169 HGNC Ctc1 1319365 68964 MGI:1916214 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:26169 Ctcf 621344 83726 CTCF 733105 10664 HGNC Ctcf 733106 13018 MGI:109447 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:13723 Ctcfl1 2321501 100360757 CTCFL 1313529 140690 HGNC Ctcfl 1620240 664799 MGI:3652571 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:16234 Ctcfl2 6493594 100911357 CTCF-DT 16562422 107984813 HGNC HGNC:55409 Ctdnep1 1310172 287447 CTDNEP1 1320917 23399 HGNC Ctdnep1 1320918 67181 MGI:1914431 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:19085 Ctdp1 1311755 291414 CTDP1 1323374 9150 HGNC Ctdp1 1323375 67655 MGI:1926953 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:2498 Ctdsp1 1305629 363249 CTDSP1 1313770 58190 HGNC Ctdsp1 1313771 227292 MGI:2654470 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:21614 Ctdsp2 2319209 100365370 CTDSP2 1342553 10106 HGNC Ctdsp2 1620864 52468 MGI:1098748 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:17077 Ctdspl 1304841 301056 CTDSPL 1345284 10217 HGNC Ctdspl 1312513 69274 MGI:1916524 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:16890 Ctdspl2 1309219 311368 CTDSPL2 1605073 51496 HGNC Ctdspl2 1319439 329506 MGI:1196405 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:26936 Ctf1 2442 29201 CTF1 1350898 1489 HGNC Ctf1 736471 13019 MGI:105115 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:2499 Cth 2443 24962 CTH 732084 1491 HGNC Cth 732085 107869 MGI:1339968 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:2501 Cthrc1 628801 282836 CTHRC1 1352911 115908 HGNC Cthrc1 1550461 68588 MGI:1915838 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:18831 Ctif 1311887 364900 CTIF 1350648 9811 HGNC Ctif 1323579 269037 MGI:2685518 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:23925 Ctla4 61975 63835 CTLA4 737465 1493 HGNC Ctla4 737466 12477 MGI:88556 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:2505 Ctnna1 1359485 307505 CTNNA1 1348842 1495 HGNC Ctnna1 1553700 12385 MGI:88274 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:2509 Ctnna2 1305060 297357 CTNNA2 1312865 1496 HGNC Ctnna2 1619285 12386 MGI:88275 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:2510 Ctnna3 1562230 361839 CTNNA3 1320341 29119 HGNC Ctnna3 1622110 216033 MGI:2661445 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:2511 Ctnnal1 1311434 298019 CTNNAL1 1322895 8727 HGNC Ctnnal1 1553734 54366 MGI:1859649 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:2512 Ctnnb1 70487 84353 CTNNB1 733705 1499 HGNC Ctnnb1 1550466 12387 MGI:88276 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:2514 Ctnnbip1 1562749 503000 CTNNBIP1 1350422 56998 HGNC Ctnnbip1 1558093 67087 MGI:1915756 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:16913 Ctnnbl1 1563558 296320 CTNNBL1 1346196 56259 HGNC Ctnnbl1 1557138 66642 MGI:1913892 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:15879 Ctnnd1 1305643 311163 CTNND1 1313793 1500 HGNC Ctnnd1 1552257 12388 MGI:105100 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:2515 Ctnnd2 620734 114028 CTNND2 1353744 1501 HGNC Ctnnd2 1551365 18163 MGI:1195966 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:2516 Ctns 1308466 287478 CTNS 1318250 1497 HGNC Ctns 1318251 83429 MGI:1932872 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:2518 Ctps1 1311060 313560 CTPS1 1322315 1503 HGNC Ctps1 1322316 51797 MGI:1858304 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:2519 Ctps2 1563369 619580 CTPS2 1602693 56474 HGNC Ctps2 1624024 55936 MGI:1933185 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:2520 Ctr9 1311097 293184 CTR9 1322372 9646 HGNC Ctr9 1322373 22083 MGI:109345 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:16850 Ctrb1 2444 24291 CTRB2 1347928 440387 HGNC Ctrb1 1551072 66473 MGI:88559 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:2522 Ctrc 1308379 362653 CTRC 1318112 11330 HGNC Ctrc 1318113 76701 MGI:1923951 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:2523 Ctrl 621501 117184 CTRL 1346038 1506 HGNC Ctrl 733172 109660 MGI:88558 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:2524 Cts7 1309226 290970 Cts7 1319450 56092 MGI:1860262 RGD Ctsa 1309070 296370 CTSA 1319205 5476 HGNC Ctsa 1319206 19025 MGI:97748 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:9251 Ctsb 621509 64529 CTSB 734437 1508 HGNC Ctsb 1558619 13030 MGI:88561 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:2527 Ctsc 2445 25423 CTSC 736291 1075 HGNC Ctsc 10421 13032 MGI:109553 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:2528 Ctsd 621511 171293 CTSD 1351014 1509 HGNC Ctsd 732637 13033 MGI:88562 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:2529 Ctse 2446 25424 CTSE 736046 1510 HGNC Ctse 10422 13034 MGI:107361 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:2530 Ctsf 1308181 361704 CTSF 1317809 8722 HGNC Ctsf 1317810 56464 MGI:1861434 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:2531 Ctsg 1307681 290257 CTSG 1317010 1511 HGNC Ctsg 1317011 13035 MGI:88563 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:2532 Ctsh 2447 25425 CTSH 735454 1512 HGNC Ctsh 10423 13036 MGI:107285 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:2535 Ctsk 61810 29175 CTSK 734172 1513 HGNC Ctsk 62102 13038 MGI:107823 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:2536 Ctsl 2448 25697 CTSL 736036 1514 RGD Ctsl 10424 13039 MGI:88564 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:2537 Ctso 1589156 684529 CTSO 1343138 1519 HGNC Ctso 1618981 229445 MGI:2139628 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:2542 Ctss 621513 50654 CTSS 1350928 1520 HGNC Ctss 731651 13040 MGI:107341 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:2545 Ctsw 1309354 293676 CTSW 1319657 1521 HGNC Ctsw 1319658 13041 MGI:1338045 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:2546 Ctsz 708479 252929 CTSZ 1352898 1522 RGD Ctsz 733536 64138 MGI:1891190 RGD HGNC:2547 Cttn 619839 60465 CTTN 1352162 2017 HGNC Cttn 731566 13043 MGI:99695 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:3338 Cttnbp2 628691 282587 CTTNBP2 1353355 83992 HGNC Cttnbp2 1617585 30785 MGI:1353467 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:15679 Cttnbp2nl 1310822 310760 CTTNBP2NL 1607020 55917 HGNC Cttnbp2nl 1321945 80281 MGI:1933137 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:25330 Ctu1 1308740 292847 CTU1 1602450 90353 HGNC Ctu1 1318691 233189 MGI:2385277 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:29590 Ctu2 1562594 292069 CTU2 1604165 348180 HGNC Ctu2 1551092 66965 MGI:1914215 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:28005 Ctxn1 2449 29145 CTXN1 1353903 404217 HGNC Ctxn1 1620446 330695 MGI:88566 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:31108 Ctxn2 2311261 100302373 CTXN2 1351200 399697 HGNC Ctxn2 1611008 381418 MGI:2139444 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:31109 Ctxn3 2300148 100188934 CTXN3 1604412 613212 HGNC Ctxn3 1613815 629147 MGI:3642816 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:31110 Ctxnd1 7557291 102553298 CTXND1 8655729 100996492 HGNC Ctxnd1 2308741 100039239 MGI:3780284 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:50507 Cubn 68355 80848 CUBN 68502 8029 HGNC Cubn 68503 65969 MGI:1931256 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:2548 Cuedc1 1304861 303419 CUEDC1 1349850 404093 HGNC Cuedc1 1550586 103841 MGI:2144281 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:31350 Cuedc2 1308096 294009 CUEDC2 1317669 79004 HGNC Cuedc2 1317670 67116 MGI:1914366 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:28352 Cul1 1308157 362356 CUL1 1317768 8454 HGNC Cul1 1317769 26965 MGI:1349658 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:2551 Cul2 1310644 361258 CUL2 1321670 8453 HGNC Cul2 1321671 71745 MGI:1918995 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:2552 Cul3 1308190 301555 CUL3 1317824 8452 HGNC Cul3 1317825 26554 MGI:1347360 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:2553 Cul4a 1563853 361181 CUL4A 1351332 8451 HGNC Cul4a 1619917 99375 MGI:1914487 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:2554 Cul4b 1564494 302502 CUL4B 1342683 8450 HGNC Cul4b 1557902 72584 MGI:1919834 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:2555 Cul5 621742 64624 CUL5 733947 8065 HGNC Cul5 733948 75717 MGI:1922967 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:2556 Cul7 1587048 680835 CUL7 1314380 9820 HGNC Cul7 1622331 66515 MGI:1913765 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:21024 Cul9 1562008 316228 CUL9 1604392 23113 HGNC Cul9 1621446 78309 MGI:1925559 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:15982 Cuta 1303306 294288 CUTA 1346513 51596 HGNC Cuta 1553737 67675 MGI:1914925 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:21101 Cutc 1304966 361760 CUTC 1312713 51076 HGNC Cutc 1312714 66388 MGI:1913638 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:24271 Cux1 620618 116639 CUX1 1319831 1523 HGNC Cux1 733203 13047 MGI:88568 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:2557 Cux2 1305967 288665 CUX2 1314310 23316 HGNC Cux2 1314311 13048 MGI:107321 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:19347 Cuzd1 619771 117179 CUZD1 1353922 50624 HGNC Cuzd1 733940 16433 MGI:1202881 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:17937 Cwc15 1310669 300361 CWC15 1604821 51503 HGNC Cwc15 1321708 66070 MGI:1913320 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:26939 Cwc22 1565385 362153 CWC22 1605651 57703 RGD Cwc22 1623091 80744 MGI:2136773 RGD HGNC:29322 Cwc25 1305258 360613 CWC25 1603211 54883 HGNC Cwc25 1332196 67480 MGI:1914730 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:25989 Cwc27 1310697 361887 CWC27 1321752 10283 HGNC Cwc27 1321753 67285 MGI:1914535 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:10664 Cwf19l1 1304716 365465 CWF19L1 1312323 55280 HGNC Cwf19l1 1312324 72502 MGI:1919752 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:25613 Cwf19l2 1310083 362804 CWF19L2 1320784 143884 HGNC Cwf19l2 1320785 244672 MGI:1918023 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:26508 Cwh43 1310958 305307 CWH43 1602204 80157 HGNC Cwh43 1332079 231293 MGI:2444131 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:26133 Cx3cl1 620458 89808 CX3CL1 735910 6376 HGNC Cx3cl1 731691 20312 MGI:1097153 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:10647 Cx3cr1 620137 171056 CX3CR1 1352124 1524 HGNC Cx3cr1 1552004 13051 MGI:1333815 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:2558 Cxadr 619794 89843 CXADR 1346916 1525 HGNC Cxadr 733573 13052 MGI:1201679 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:2559 Cxcl1 619869 81503 CXCL1 1343759 2919 RGD Cxcl1 732415 14825 MGI:108068 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:4602 Cxcl10 620209 245920 CXCL10 1352024 3627 HGNC Cxcl10 1550709 15945 MGI:1352450 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:10637 Cxcl11 727827 305236 CXCL11 1316122 6373 HGNC Cxcl11 1316123 56066 MGI:1860203 RGD HGNC:10638 Cxcl12 3651 24772 CXCL12 737223 6387 HGNC Cxcl12 11280 20315 MGI:103556 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:10672 Cxcl13 1564256 498335 CXCL13 1342514 10563 HGNC Cxcl13 1556887 55985 MGI:1888499 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:10639 Cxcl14 1307406 306748 CXCL14 1316586 9547 HGNC Cxcl14 1316587 57266 MGI:1888514 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:10640 Cxcl16 1562928 497942 CXCL16 1354459 58191 HGNC Cxcl16 1558593 66102 MGI:1932682 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:16642 Cxcl17 1304717 308436 CXCL17 1602051 284340 HGNC Cxcl17 1312325 232983 MGI:2387642 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:19232 Cxcl2 70069 114105 CXCL2 735621 2920 RGD Cxcl2 733118 20310 MGI:1340094 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:4603 Cxcl3 621812 171551 CXCL1 1343759 2919 RGD Cxcl3 1614055 330122 MGI:3037818 RGD HGNC:4602 Cxcl6 708540 60665 CXCL6 1345336 6372 RGD Cxcl5 1552792 20311 MGI:1096868 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:10643 Cxcl9 628798 246759 CXCL9 1348195 4283 HGNC Cxcl9 1332044 17329 MGI:1352449 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:7098 Cxcr1 2905 54258 CXCR1 1353194 3577 HGNC Cxcr1 733954 227288 MGI:2448715 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:6026 Cxcr2 2906 29385 CXCR2 735299 3579 HGNC Cxcr2 735300 12765 MGI:105303 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:6027 Cxcr3 621528 84475 CXCR3 1350447 2833 HGNC Cxcr3 733057 12766 MGI:1277207 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:4540 Cxcr4 620465 60628 CXCR4 732176 7852 HGNC Cxcr4 732177 12767 MGI:109563 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:2561 Cxcr5 62010 29363 CXCR5 1345690 643 HGNC Cxcr5 62302 12145 MGI:103567 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:1060 Cxcr6 1642118 100124593 CXCR6 1352090 10663 HGNC Cxcr6 1621441 80901 MGI:1934582 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:16647 Cxhxorf38 1565685 317344 CXorf38 1352581 159013 HGNC 1810030O07Rik 1622300 69155 MGI:1916405 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:28589 Cxhxorf49 2320498 100361265 CXorf49 2303429 100130361 HGNC Gm4779 1617385 102634296 MGI:3646776 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:30891 Cxhxorf58 1590267 685700 CXorf58 1605257 254158 HGNC HGNC:26356 Cxhxorf66 1584124 688842 CXorf66 1606098 347487 HGNC Gm7073 2308500 631784 MGI:3779666 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:33743 Cxxc1 1310755 291440 CXXC1 1321844 30827 HGNC Cxxc1 1321845 74322 MGI:1921572 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:24343 Cxxc4 69228 83824 CXXC4 1354389 80319 HGNC Cxxc4 736358 319478 MGI:2442112 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:24593 Cxxc5 1359466 291670 CXXC5 1345048 51523 HGNC Cxxc5 1553694 67393 MGI:1914643 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:26943 Cyb561 1310987 303601 CYB561 1322199 1534 HGNC Cyb561 1322200 13056 MGI:103253 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:2571 Cyb561a3 1304670 361729 CYB561A3 1350964 220002 HGNC Cyb561a3 1615697 225912 MGI:2686925 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:23014 Cyb561d1 1310829 362017 CYB561D1 1321956 284613 HGNC Cyb561d1 1619986 72023 MGI:1919273 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:26804 Cyb561d2 1359644 363137 CYB561D2 155782982 11068 HGNC Cyb561d2 1552368 56368 MGI:1929280 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:30253 Cyb5a 620558 64001 CYB5A 736806 1528 HGNC Cyb5a 732318 109672 MGI:1926952 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:2570 Cyb5b 621551 80773 CYB5B 735287 80777 HGNC Cyb5b 731276 66427 MGI:1913677 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:24374 Cyb5d1 1559567 363629 CYB5D1 1603917 124637 HGNC Cyb5d1 1621235 327951 MGI:2685586 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:26516 Cyb5d2 1359124 303293 CYB5D2 1606739 124936 HGNC Cyb5d2 1619895 192986 MGI:2684848 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:28471 Cyb5r1 1306084 304805 CYB5R1 1314495 51706 HGNC Cyb5r1 1619987 72017 MGI:1919267 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:13397 Cyb5r2 1308421 365345 CYB5R2 1602002 51700 HGNC Cyb5r2 1553052 320635 MGI:2444415 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:24376 Cyb5r3 2502 25035 CYB5R3 731731 1727 HGNC Cyb5r3 1557763 109754 MGI:94893 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:2873 Cyb5r4 621834 171015 CYB5R4 733318 51167 HGNC Cyb5r4 1622875 266690 MGI:2386848 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:20147 Cyb5rl 1597451 689035 CYB5RL 2302325 606495 HGNC Cyb5rl 1313425 230582 MGI:1919657 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:32220 Cyba 620573 79129 CYBA 734174 1535 HGNC Cyba 734175 13057 MGI:1316658 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:2577 Cybb 620574 66021 CYBB 1350492 1536 HGNC Cybb 733265 13058 MGI:88574 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:2578 Cybc1 1562022 619574 CYBC1 1606782 79415 HGNC Cybc1 1622099 217370 MGI:2384959 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:28672 Cybrd1 1305740 295669 CYBRD1 1313951 79901 HGNC Cybrd1 1313952 73649 MGI:2654575 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:20797 Cyc1 1306597 300047 CYC1 1315303 1537 HGNC Cyc1 1315304 66445 MGI:1913695 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:2579 Cycs 2451 25309 CYCS 1604618 54205 RGD Cycs 10425 13063 MGI:88578 RGD HGNC:19986 Cyct 2452 25310 CYCTP 2859621 360163 RGD Cyct 10426 13067 MGI:88579 RGD HGNC:24424 Cyfip1 1310332 308666 CYFIP1 1321175 23191 HGNC Cyfip1 1321176 20430 MGI:1338801 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:13759 Cyfip2 1305048 303073 CYFIP2 1312845 26999 HGNC Cyfip2 1312846 76884 MGI:1924134 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:13760 Cygb 69415 170520 CYGB 1345183 114757 HGNC Cygb 733634 114886 MGI:2149481 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:16505 Cylc1 2323810 100359483 CYLC1 1348149 1538 HGNC Cylc1 1615114 67407 MGI:1914657 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:2582 Cylc2 1562799 500458 CYLC2 1344761 1539 HGNC Cylc2 1609730 74914 MGI:1922164 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:2583 Cyld 1308346 312937 CYLD 1319183 1540 HGNC Cyld 1319184 74256 MGI:1921506 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:2584 Cym 708486 56825 PGA4 1606055 643847 HGNC HGNC:8886 Cyp11a1 69325 29680 CYP11A1 735631 1583 HGNC Cyp11a1 735632 13070 MGI:88582 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:2590 Cyp11b2 2454 24294 CYP11B1 70835 1584 HGNC HGNC:2591 Cyp11b3 727886 353498 CYP11B2 736494 1585 HGNC Cyp11b2 10430 13072 MGI:88584 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:2592 Cyp17a1 2456 25146 CYP17A1 1350540 1586 HGNC Cyp17a1 737222 13074 MGI:88586 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:2593 Cyp19a1 2457 25147 CYP19A1 1606587 1588 HGNC Cyp19a1 737520 13075 MGI:88587 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:2594 Cyp1a1 2458 24296 CYP1A1 730870 1543 HGNC Cyp1a1 10436 13076 MGI:88588 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:2595 Cyp1a2 2459 24297 CYP1A2 735711 1544 HGNC Cyp1a2 10438 13077 MGI:88589 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:2596 Cyp1b1 2460 25426 CYP1B1 736765 1545 HGNC Cyp1b1 10439 13078 MGI:88590 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:2597 Cyp20a1 735221 316435 CYP20A1 1606532 57404 HGNC Cyp20a1 1553472 77951 MGI:1925201 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:20576 Cyp21a1 2461 24298 CYP21A1P 1347734 1590 RGD HGNC:2599 Cyp24a1 2462 25279 CYP24A1 1606586 1591 HGNC Cyp24a1 737342 13081 MGI:88593 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:2602 Cyp26a1 620161 154985 CYP26A1 731375 1592 HGNC Cyp26a1 731376 13082 MGI:1096359 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:2603 Cyp26b1 631379 312495 CYP26B1 736189 56603 HGNC Cyp26b1 1332006 232174 MGI:2176159 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:20581 Cyp26c1 1308843 308190 CYP26C1 1318849 340665 HGNC Cyp26c1 1617885 546726 MGI:2679699 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:20577 Cyp27a1 727915 301517 CYP27A1 1346613 1593 HGNC Cyp27a1 1550475 104086 MGI:88594 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:2605 Cyp27b1 69192 114700 CYP27B1 69201 1594 HGNC Cyp27b1 736283 13115 MGI:1098274 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:2606 Cyp2a1 2463 24894 CYP2A13 1352512 1553 HGNC Cyp2a22 1621331 233005 MGI:3648316 RGD HGNC:2608 Cyp2a3 2465 24299 CYP2A7 1353273 1549 HGNC Cyp2a4 1624100 13086 MGI:88596 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:2611 Cyp2b2 2467 361523 Cyp2b13 1624099 13089 MGI:88599 RGD Cyp2b3 628627 286953 CYP2B6 1346751 1555 HGNC Cyp2b10 1558311 13088 MGI:88598 RGD HGNC:2615 Cyp2c11 2469 29277 CYP2C18 1322740 1562 RGD Cyp2c52-ps 2295251 209753 MGI:3716994 RGD HGNC:2620 Cyp2c24 1563697 499353 Cyp2c55 1322741 72082 MGI:1919332 RGD Cyp2c6 619934 293989 CYP2C19 737416 1557 HGNC Cyp2c29 734157 13095 MGI:103238 RGD HGNC:2621 Cyp2c66 6488119 100912265 Cyp2c66 1616754 69888 MGI:1917138 RGD Cyp2c79 1308166 293985 CYP2C8 1606589 1558 RGD HGNC:2622 Cyp2d1 708427 266684 CYP2D7 1346997 1564 HGNC HGNC:2624 Cyp2d4 620640 171522 CYP2D6 736217 1565 HGNC Cyp2d22 736218 56448 MGI:1929474 RGD HGNC:2625 Cyp2e1 2475 25086 CYP2E1 1345007 1571 HGNC Cyp2e1 10451 13106 MGI:88607 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:2631 Cyp2f4 2476 54246 CYP2F1 1351527 1572 HGNC Cyp2f2 733763 13107 MGI:88608 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:2632 Cyp2g1 2477 25251 CYP2G1P 1347954 22952 HGNC Cyp2g1 10452 13108 MGI:109612 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:2633 Cyp2j4 620007 65210 CYP2J2 1354467 1573 HGNC Cyp2j9 1550962 74519 MGI:1921769 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:2634 Cyp2r1 1311866 361631 CYP2R1 1348432 120227 HGNC Cyp2r1 1323547 244209 MGI:2449771 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:20580 Cyp2s1 1306078 308445 CYP2S1 1314487 29785 HGNC Cyp2s1 1314488 74134 MGI:1921384 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:15654 Cyp2u1 1309433 310848 CYP2U1 1319774 113612 HGNC Cyp2u1 1319775 71519 MGI:1918769 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:20582 Cyp2w1 1305193 288517 CYP2W1 1313076 54905 HGNC Cyp2w1 1614687 545817 MGI:3616076 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:20243 Cyp39a1 1307471 301264 CYP39A1 1316685 51302 HGNC Cyp39a1 1316686 56050 MGI:1927096 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:17449 Cyp3a18 628709 252931 CYP3A43 1350489 64816 HGNC HGNC:17450 Cyp3a2 708379 266682 CYP3A4 1352962 1576 HGNC HGNC:2637 Cyp3a9 708392 171352 CYP3A5 1348646 1577 RGD Cyp3a13 731686 13113 MGI:88610 RGD HGNC:2638 Cyp46a1 1306605 362782 CYP46A1 1315314 10858 HGNC Cyp46a1 1315315 13116 MGI:1341877 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:2641 Cyp4a1 68945 50549 CYP4A22 1603864 284541 HGNC Cyp4a12b 1623316 13118 MGI:3611747 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:20575 Cyp4b1 2480 24307 CYP4B1 736540 1580 RGD Cyp4b1 10457 13120 MGI:103225 RGD HGNC:2644 Cyp4f1 70926 56266 CYP4F12 1351749 66002 HGNC Cyp4f14 737265 64385 MGI:1927669 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:18857 Cyp4f18 1305261 290623 CYP4F3 1349362 4051 HGNC Cyp4f18 1313186 72054 MGI:1919304 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:2646 Cyp4f39 1308796 299566 CYP4F22 1606166 126410 HGNC Cyp4f39 1318775 320997 MGI:2445210 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:26820 Cyp4f40 1559596 503122 CYP4F11 1349925 57834 HGNC HGNC:13265 Cyp4f6 708365 266689 CYP4F8 1353889 11283 HGNC Cyp4f16 1614332 70101 MGI:1917351 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:2648 Cyp4v3 708530 266761 CYP4V2 1312886 285440 HGNC Cyp4v3 1312887 102294 MGI:2142763 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:23198 Cyp4x1 628719 246767 CYP4X1 731278 260293 HGNC Cyp4x1 731279 81906 MGI:1932403 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:20244 Cyp51 2481 25427 CYP51A1 1345262 1595 HGNC Cyp51 70832 13121 MGI:106040 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:2649 Cyp7a1 2482 25428 CYP7A1 69210 1581 HGNC Cyp7a1 10458 13122 MGI:106091 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:2651 Cyp7b1 2483 25429 CYP7B1 735270 9420 HGNC Cyp7b1 10459 13123 MGI:104978 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:2652 Cyp8b1 71016 81924 CYP8B1 736649 1582 HGNC Cyp8b1 732213 13124 MGI:1338044 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:2653 Cyren 1563238 500077 CYREN 1602100 78996 HGNC Cyren 1620718 78412 MGI:1925662 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:22432 Cyria 1305961 298890 CYRIA 1348694 81553 HGNC Cyria 1623114 76820 MGI:1261783 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:25373 Cyrib 1307697 299909 CYRIB 1354500 51571 HGNC Cyrib 1332100 223601 MGI:1923520 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:25216 Cys1 1596023 690489 CYS1 1606435 192668 HGNC Cys1 1615201 12879 MGI:2177632 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:18525 Cysltr1 619796 114099 CYSLTR1 732524 10800 HGNC Cysltr1 732525 58861 MGI:1926218 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:17451 Cysltr2 619797 170926 CYSLTR2 1352313 57105 HGNC Cysltr2 732045 70086 MGI:1917336 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:18274 Cysrt1 1560880 499747 CYSRT1 1603334 375791 HGNC Cysrt1 1622310 67859 MGI:1915109 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:30529 Cystm1 2323233 100363310 CYSTM1 1603605 84418 HGNC Cystm1 1615904 66060 MGI:1913310 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:30239 Cyth1 620397 116691 CYTH1 736054 9267 HGNC Cyth1 736055 19157 MGI:1334257 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:9501 Cyth2 620398 116692 CYTH2 737071 9266 HGNC Cyth2 734081 19158 MGI:1334255 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:9502 Cyth3 620399 116693 CYTH3 1348510 9265 HGNC Cyth3 1550153 19159 MGI:1335107 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:9504 Cyth4 1564842 500906 CYTH4 1345777 27128 HGNC Cyth4 1557551 72318 MGI:2441702 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:9505 Cytip 1307990 311047 CYTIP 1317500 9595 HGNC Cytip 1317501 227929 MGI:2183535 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:9506 Cytl1 1561846 498392 CYTL1 1351161 54360 HGNC Cytl1 1615683 231162 MGI:2684993 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:24435 Cyyr1 1359578 304138 CYYR1 1354035 116159 HGNC Cyyr1 1617376 224405 MGI:2152187 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:16274 Czib 1559786 298384 CZIB 1603028 54987 HGNC Czib 1558596 74098 MGI:1921348 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:26059 D2hgdh 1307976 301624 D2HGDH 1606344 728294 HGNC D2hgdh 1317480 98314 MGI:2138209 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:28358 D430041D05Rikl 2323964 100362814 KIAA1549L 1604377 25758 HGNC D430041D05Rik 1321843 241589 MGI:2181743 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:24836 Daam1 1305119 314212 DAAM1 1346826 23002 HGNC Daam1 1312963 208846 MGI:1914596 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:18142 Daam2 1306128 316201 DAAM2 1314563 23500 HGNC Daam2 1314564 76441 MGI:1923691 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:18143 Dab1 628770 266729 DAB1 1353804 1600 HGNC Dab1 1558041 13131 MGI:108554 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:2661 Dab2 621007 79128 DAB2 30302009 1601 HGNC Dab2 731452 13132 MGI:109175 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:2662 Dab2ip 621686 192126 DAB2IP 732352 153090 HGNC Dab2ip 1331914 69601 MGI:1916851 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:17294 Dach1 1592073 306096 DACH1 1606339 1602 HGNC Dach1 1623315 13134 MGI:1277991 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:2663 Dach2 1561687 302333 DACH2 1354112 117154 HGNC Dach2 1558216 93837 MGI:1890446 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:16814 Dact1 1564008 500666 DACT1 1348421 51339 HGNC Dact1 1620056 59036 MGI:1891740 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:17748 Dact2 1310742 308212 DACT2 1321823 168002 HGNC Dact2 1321824 240025 MGI:1920347 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:21231 Dact3 1563892 499088 DACT3 1601931 147906 HGNC Dact3 1622550 629378 MGI:3654828 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:30745 Dad1 621028 192275 DAD1 1350029 1603 HGNC Dad1 1551626 13135 MGI:101912 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:2664 Dag1 621890 114489 DAG1 1344302 1605 HGNC Dag1 1552006 13138 MGI:101864 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:2666 Dagla 1359461 309207 DAGLA 1343376 747 HGNC Dagla 1614089 269060 MGI:2677061 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:1165 Daglb 1310193 304289 DAGLB 1604501 221955 HGNC Daglb 1332458 231871 MGI:2442032 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:28923 Dalrd3 1359206 363146 DALRD3 1352602 55152 HGNC Dalrd3 1623200 67789 MGI:1915039 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:25536 Dancr 6489076 100912083 DANCR 1603384 57291 HGNC Dancr 1615079 70036 MGI:1917286 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:28964 Dand5 1590249 685719 DAND5 1342724 199699 HGNC Dand5 1620875 23863 MGI:1344365 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:26780 Dao 621138 114027 DAO 1350103 1610 HGNC Dao 731443 13142 MGI:94859 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:2671 Dap 620641 64322 DAP 737267 1611 HGNC Dap 737268 223453 MGI:1918190 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:2672 Dap3 1305339 295238 DAP3 1313309 7818 HGNC Dap3 1313310 65111 MGI:1929538 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:2673 Dapk1 1311629 306722 DAPK1 1323186 1612 HGNC Dapk1 1323187 69635 MGI:1916885 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:2674 Dapk2 1304708 300799 DAPK2 1312311 23604 HGNC Dapk2 1312312 13143 MGI:1341297 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:2675 Dapk3 621766 64391 DAPK3 731385 1613 HGNC Dapk3 731386 13144 MGI:1203520 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:2676 Dapl1 1309610 362136 DAPL1 1603932 92196 HGNC Dapl1 1320040 76747 MGI:1923997 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:21490 Dapp1 1310189 362046 DAPP1 1320943 27071 HGNC Dapp1 1320944 26377 MGI:1347063 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:16500 Dars1 621167 116483 DARS1 732389 1615 HGNC Dars1 732390 226414 MGI:2442544 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:2678 Dars2 1308286 304919 DARS2 1605663 55157 HGNC Dars2 1550719 226539 MGI:2442510 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:25538 Daw1 1561436 363267 DAW1 1602062 164781 HGNC Daw1 1615857 71227 MGI:1923089 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:26383 Daxx 621227 140926 DAXX 1345950 1616 HGNC Daxx 732822 13163 MGI:1197015 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:2681 Dazap1 1305280 362836 DAZAP1 1313216 26528 HGNC Dazap1 1313217 70248 MGI:1917498 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:2683 Dazap2 1307407 300235 DAZAP2 1316588 9802 HGNC Dazap2 1316589 23994 MGI:1344344 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:2684 Dazl 1591714 680486 DAZL 1352695 1618 RGD Dazl 1557990 13164 MGI:1342328 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:2685 Dbf4 1305854 312046 DBF4 1605697 10926 HGNC Dbf4 1314137 27214 MGI:1351328 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:17364 Dbf4b 7649594 102547755 DBF4B 1604789 80174 HGNC Gm39501 10034467 105243670 MGI:5622386 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:17883 Dbh 2489 25699 DBH 736659 1621 HGNC Dbh 10460 13166 MGI:94864 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:2689 Dbi 2490 25045 DBI 736302 1622 HGNC Dbi 10463 13167 MGI:94865 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:2690 Dbn1 70885 81653 DBN1 732725 1627 HGNC Dbn1 737436 56320 MGI:1931838 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:2695 Dbndd1 1310008 361437 DBNDD1 1604304 79007 HGNC Dbndd1 1320662 72185 MGI:1919435 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:28455 Dbndd2 1559521 499941 DBNDD2 1313063 55861 HGNC Dbndd2 1323207 52840 MGI:106562 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:15881 Dbnl 70941 83527 DBNL 1606301 28988 HGNC Dbnl 732540 13169 MGI:700006 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:2696 Dbp 2491 24309 DBP 733159 1628 HGNC Dbp 10464 13170 MGI:94866 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:2697 Dbr1 1598038 681234 DBR1 1323625 51163 HGNC Dbr1 1619922 83703 MGI:1931520 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:15594 Dbt 68403 29611 DBT 68592 1629 HGNC Dbt 68593 13171 MGI:105386 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:2698 Dbx1 1308896 292934 DBX1 1605302 120237 HGNC Dbx1 1318929 13172 MGI:94867 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:33185 Dbx2 1359605 541457 DBX2 1605171 440097 HGNC Dbx2 1612423 223843 MGI:107445 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:33186 Dcaf1 1305176 315987 DCAF1 1605417 9730 HGNC Dcaf1 1313049 321006 MGI:2445220 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:30911 Dcaf10 1304730 313242 DCAF10 1352348 79269 HGNC Dcaf10 1550323 242418 MGI:2140179 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:23686 Dcaf11 1311288 305895 DCAF11 1322665 80344 HGNC Dcaf11 1322666 28199 MGI:90168 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:20258 Dcaf12 1594034 682812 DCAF12 1346609 25853 RGD Dcaf12 1623967 68970 MGI:1916220 RGD HGNC:19911 Dcaf12l1 1563873 313296 DCAF12L1 1347831 139170 HGNC Dcaf12l1 1558330 245404 MGI:2444462 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:29395 Dcaf12l2 1560768 298159 DCAF12L2 1603495 340578 HGNC Dcaf12l2 1556896 245403 MGI:2445178 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:32950 Dcaf13 1308458 362902 DCAF13 1604028 25879 HGNC Dcaf13 1614943 223499 MGI:2684929 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:24535 Dcaf15 1304881 304653 DCAF15 2306328 90379 HGNC Dcaf15 1312576 212123 MGI:2684420 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:25095 Dcaf16 7661830 102551890 DCAF16 1603212 54876 HGNC Gm43367 14997231 115490140 MGI:5663504 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:25987 Dcaf17 1565551 499807 DCAF17 1605035 80067 HGNC Dcaf17 1621466 75763 MGI:1923013 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:25784 Dcaf4 1306241 362762 DCAF4 1314746 26094 HGNC Dcaf4 1314747 73828 MGI:1921078 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:20229 Dcaf5 1306535 314273 DCAF5 1315207 8816 HGNC Dcaf5 1315208 320808 MGI:2444785 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:20224 Dcaf6 1561961 289181 DCAF6 1350946 55827 HGNC Dcaf6 1557468 74106 MGI:1921356 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:30002 Dcaf7 1305140 303602 DCAF7 1604053 10238 HGNC Dcaf7 1553300 71833 MGI:1919083 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:30915 Dcaf8 1308513 364050 DCAF8 1349472 50717 HGNC Dcaf8 1619059 98193 MGI:91860 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:24891 Dcaf8l1 1584985 302762 DCAF8L1 1346743 139425 HGNC HGNC:31810 Dcakd 1359211 360639 DCAKD 1602678 79877 HGNC Dcakd 1552046 68087 MGI:1915337 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:26238 Dcbld1 1307211 309773 DCBLD1 1353460 285761 HGNC Dcbld1 1316270 66686 MGI:1913936 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:21479 Dcbld2 620543 155696 DCBLD2 1346250 131566 HGNC Dcbld2 735559 73379 MGI:1920629 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:24627 Dcc 2492 25311 DCC 731288 1630 HGNC Dcc 10465 13176 MGI:94869 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:2701 Dcdc1-ps1 1562221 295980 DCDC1 1351849 341019 HGNC Gm9342 1619698 329482 MGI:3779848 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:20625 Dcdc2 1310227 291130 DCDC2 1321007 51473 HGNC Dcdc2a 1622142 195208 MGI:2652818 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:18141 Dcdc2b 1583476 682416 DCDC2B 1604739 149069 RGD Dcdc2b 5509679 100504491 MGI:2686212 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:32576 Dcdc2c 1559651 500637 DCDC2C 4144303 728597 HGNC Dcdc2c 1616780 68511 MGI:1915761 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:32696 Dchs1 1309878 308912 DCHS1 1349063 8642 HGNC Dchs1 1616539 233651 MGI:2685011 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:13681 Dchs2 1563329 310550 DCHS2 1603301 54798 RGD Dchs2 1618980 100534287 MGI:2685263 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:23111 Dck 620667 79127 DCK 1344747 1633 HGNC Dck 1552352 13178 MGI:102726 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:2704 Dclk1 68437 83825 DCLK1 68655 9201 HGNC Dclk1 68656 13175 MGI:1330861 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:2700 Dclk2 1308384 310698 DCLK2 1348460 166614 HGNC Dclk2 1619992 70762 MGI:1918012 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:19002 Dclk3 1309232 316023 DCLK3 1352758 85443 HGNC Dclk3 1618935 245038 MGI:3039580 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:19005 Dclre1a 1306156 292127 DCLRE1A 1314610 9937 HGNC Dclre1a 1314611 55947 MGI:1930042 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:17660 Dclre1b 1310343 310745 DCLRE1B 1321192 64858 HGNC Dclre1b 1321193 140917 MGI:2156057 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:17641 Dclre1c 708574 259171 DCLRE1C 1348428 64421 HGNC Dclre1c 733256 227525 MGI:2441769 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:17642 Dcn 61895 29139 DCN 1346102 1634 HGNC Dcn 62188 13179 MGI:94872 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:2705 Dcp1a 1561298 361109 DCP1A 1350050 55802 HGNC Dcp1a 1557050 75901 MGI:1923151 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:18714 Dcp1b 1562214 500305 DCP1B 1348381 196513 HGNC Dcp1b 1614826 319618 MGI:2442404 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:24451 Dcp2 1562909 291604 DCP2 1349747 167227 HGNC Dcp2 1558618 70640 MGI:1917890 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:24452 Dcps 628887 266605 DCPS 1344529 28960 HGNC Dcps 1551275 69305 MGI:1916555 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:29812 Dcst1 1307756 295246 DCST1 1602181 149095 HGNC Dcst1 1615791 77772 MGI:1925022 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:26539 Dcst2 1564557 295247 DCST2 1606730 127579 RGD Dcst2 1617224 329702 MGI:2685606 RGD HGNC:26562 Dcstamp 1310435 103690326 DCSTAMP 1321334 81501 HGNC Dcstamp 1321335 75766 MGI:1923016 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:18549 Dct 1564975 290484 DCT 1342702 1638 HGNC Dct 1557406 13190 MGI:102563 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:2709 Dctd 1359671 290741 DCTD 1349899 1635 HGNC Dctd 1553363 320685 MGI:2444529 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:2710 Dctn1 62038 29167 DCTN1 1603060 1639 HGNC Dctn1 62330 13191 MGI:107745 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:2711 Dctn2 1303182 299850 DCTN2 1352908 10540 HGNC Dctn2 1553080 69654 MGI:107733 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:2712 Dctn3 1309547 362504 DCTN3 1319944 11258 HGNC Dctn3 1319945 53598 MGI:1859251 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:2713 Dctn4 71023 84428 DCTN4 736897 51164 HGNC Dctn4 733942 67665 MGI:1914915 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:15518 Dctn5 1305654 308961 DCTN5 1603378 84516 HGNC Dctn5 1332187 59288 MGI:1891689 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:24594 Dctn6 1307549 290798 DCTN6 1316808 10671 HGNC Dctn6 1316809 22428 MGI:1343154 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:16964 Dctpp1 620933 192252 DCTPP1 1601967 79077 HGNC Dctpp1 733252 66422 MGI:1913672 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:28777 Dcun1d1 1309668 310324 DCUN1D1 1602219 54165 HGNC Dcun1d1 1320133 114893 MGI:2150386 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:18184 Dcun1d2 1582994 688913 DCUN1D2 1323358 55208 RGD Dcun1d2 1616661 102323 MGI:2142792 RGD HGNC:20328 Dcun1d3 1308893 309035 DCUN1D3 1602987 123879 HGNC Dcun1d3 1318924 233805 MGI:2679003 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:28734 Dcun1d4 1310422 360928 DCUN1D4 1604387 23142 HGNC Dcun1d4 1321316 100737 MGI:2140972 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:28998 Dcun1d5 1307008 315405 DCUN1D5 1601949 84259 HGNC Dcun1d5 1315947 76863 MGI:1924113 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:28409 Dcx 620670 84394 DCX 1348637 1641 HGNC Dcx 731627 13193 MGI:1277171 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:2714 Dcxr 620031 171408 DCXR 733826 51181 HGNC Dcxr 733827 67880 MGI:1915130 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:18985 Dda1 1584153 688813 DDA1 1601973 79016 RGD Dda1 1623216 66498 MGI:1913748 RGD HGNC:28360 Ddah1 70968 64157 DDAH1 1343347 23576 HGNC Ddah1 736772 69219 MGI:1916469 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:2715 Ddah2 1302955 294239 DDAH2 1346413 23564 HGNC Ddah2 1550062 51793 MGI:1859016 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:2716 Ddb1 621889 64470 DDB1 734016 1642 HGNC Ddb1 734017 13194 MGI:1202384 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:2717 Ddb2 1310164 100362121 DDB2 1320906 1643 HGNC Ddb2 1320907 107986 MGI:1355314 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:2718 Ddc 2494 24311 DDC 734177 1644 HGNC Ddc 10469 13195 MGI:94876 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:2719 Ddhd1 1308576 305816 DDHD1 1318429 80821 HGNC Ddhd1 1551033 114874 MGI:2150302 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:19714 Ddhd2 1585818 680971 DDHD2 1318138 23259 HGNC Ddhd2 1619129 72108 MGI:1919358 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:29106 Ddi1 1559430 367012 DDI1 1604424 414301 HGNC Ddi1 1621508 71829 MGI:1919079 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:18961 Ddi2 1311815 313668 DDI2 1603951 84301 HGNC Ddi2 1323467 68817 MGI:1917244 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:24578 Ddias 1559690 499204 DDIAS 1602966 220042 HGNC Ddias 1614299 74041 MGI:1921291 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:26351 Ddit3 62391 29467 DDIT3 69165 1649 HGNC Ddit3 62396 13198 MGI:109247 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:2726 Ddit4 621731 140942 DDIT4 1346554 54541 HGNC Ddit4 733067 74747 MGI:1921997 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:24944 Ddit4l 2322961 100363484 DDIT4L 1342784 115265 RGD Ddit4l 733457 73284 MGI:1920534 RGD HGNC:30555 Ddn 2497 25113 DDN 1345220 23109 HGNC Ddn 69017 13199 MGI:108101 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:24458 Ddo 1595123 685325 DDO 1314668 8528 RGD Ddo 1621516 70503 MGI:1925528 RGD HGNC:2727 Ddost 1308970 313648 DDOST 1319052 1650 HGNC Ddost 1319053 13200 MGI:1194508 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:2728 Ddr1 2252 25678 DDR1 735912 780 HGNC Ddr1 10271 12305 MGI:99216 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:2730 Ddr2 619855 685781 DDR2 1312254 4921 HGNC Ddr2 1312255 18214 MGI:1345277 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:2731 Ddrgk1 1309979 296162 DDRGK1 1320614 65992 HGNC Ddrgk1 1557559 77006 MGI:1924256 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:16110 Ddt 61923 29318 DDT 1353002 1652 HGNC Ddt 62216 13202 MGI:1298381 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:2732 Ddx1 619903 84474 DDX1 737232 1653 HGNC Ddx1 737233 104721 MGI:2144727 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:2734 Ddx10 1308990 300710 DDX10 1319083 1662 HGNC Ddx10 1617452 77591 MGI:1924841 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:2735 Ddx11 1306675 316767 DDX11 1315426 1663 HGNC Ddx11 1550550 320209 MGI:2443590 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:2736 Ddx17 1304945 315133 DDX17 1312679 10521 HGNC Ddx17 1550068 67040 MGI:1914290 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:2740 Ddx18 1549712 308490 DDX18 1348568 8886 HGNC Ddx18 1557640 66942 MGI:1914192 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:2741 Ddx19a 1303136 292022 DDX19A 1349788 55308 RGD Ddx19a 1550254 13680 MGI:99526 RGD HGNC:25628 Ddx19b 1593382 690693 DDX19B 1346558 11269 RGD Ddx19b 1557225 234733 MGI:2148251 RGD HGNC:2742 Ddx20 621744 84473 DDX20 1320818 11218 HGNC Ddx20 1320819 53975 MGI:1858415 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:2743 Ddx21 1307306 317399 DDX21 1312763 9188 HGNC Ddx21 1312764 56200 MGI:1860494 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:2744 Ddx23 1308685 300208 DDX23 1318600 9416 HGNC Ddx23 1318601 74351 MGI:1921601 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:17347 Ddx24 727929 373065 DDX24 1353174 57062 HGNC Ddx24 1551493 27225 MGI:1351337 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:13266 Ddx25 68381 58856 DDX25 1353633 29118 HGNC Ddx25 68551 30959 MGI:1353582 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:18698 Ddx27 1305634 362274 DDX27 1313779 55661 HGNC Ddx27 1313780 228889 MGI:2385884 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:15837 Ddx28 1311976 364995 DDX28 1323712 55794 HGNC Ddx28 1323713 71986 MGI:1919236 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:17330 Ddx31 1304895 311835 DDX31 1312596 64794 HGNC Ddx31 1312597 227674 MGI:2682639 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:16715 Ddx39a 619920 89827 DDX39A 1350107 10212 HGNC Ddx39a 1551523 68278 MGI:1915528 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:17821 Ddx39b 70923 114612 DDX39B 737407 7919 HGNC Ddx39b 737408 53817 MGI:99240 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:13917 Ddx3x 1564771 317335 DDX3X 1352934 1654 HGNC Ddx3x 1557808 13205 MGI:103064 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:2745 Ddx3y 2314437 100312982 DDX3Y 1348882 8653 HGNC Ddx3y 1616820 26900 MGI:1349406 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:2699 Ddx4 1308793 310090 DDX4 1318770 54514 HGNC Ddx4 1318771 13206 MGI:102670 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:18700 Ddx41 1311758 314336 DDX41 1323380 51428 HGNC Ddx41 1323381 72935 MGI:1920185 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:18674 Ddx42 1304909 303607 DDX42 1312619 11325 HGNC Ddx42 1312620 72047 MGI:1919297 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:18676 Ddx43 1586947 682138 DDX43 1345973 55510 HGNC Ddx43 2295355 100048658 MGI:3642857 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:18677 Ddx46 708480 245957 DDX46 734266 9879 HGNC Ddx46 734267 212880 MGI:1920895 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:18681 Ddx47 1310437 297685 DDX47 1321338 51202 HGNC Ddx47 1321339 67755 MGI:1915005 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:18682 Ddx49 1311124 290660 DDX49 1322415 54555 HGNC Ddx49 1621314 234374 MGI:2136689 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:18684 Ddx5 619906 287765 DDX5 1345493 1655 HGNC Ddx5 1550564 13207 MGI:105037 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:2746 Ddx50 1310934 361848 DDX50 1322118 79009 HGNC Ddx50 1322119 94213 MGI:2182303 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:17906 Ddx51 1309580 304570 DDX51 1319993 317781 HGNC Ddx51 1553266 69663 MGI:1916913 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:20082 Ddx52 621743 85432 DDX52 1349454 11056 HGNC Ddx52 1551975 78394 MGI:1925644 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:20038 Ddx54 1562539 360815 DDX54 1354287 79039 HGNC Ddx54 1558473 71990 MGI:1919240 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:20084 Ddx55 2324094 100362764 DDX55 1323439 57696 HGNC Ddx55 1323440 67848 MGI:1915098 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:20085 Ddx56 1303195 289780 DDX56 1349129 54606 HGNC Ddx56 1553134 52513 MGI:1277172 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:18193 Ddx59 1359520 289402 DDX59 1606490 83479 HGNC Ddx59 1552756 67997 MGI:1915247 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:25360 Ddx6 1564560 500988 DDX6 1349712 1656 HGNC Ddx6 10470 13209 MGI:104976 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:2747 Ddx60 1560014 100360801 DDX60 1604355 55601 HGNC Ddx60 1621319 234311 MGI:2384570 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:25942 Deaf1 620671 83632 DEAF1 731970 10522 HGNC Deaf1 731971 54006 MGI:1858496 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:14677 Decr1 70999 117543 DECR1 733605 1666 HGNC Decr1 736377 67460 MGI:1914710 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:2753 Decr2 71002 64461 DECR2 735964 26063 HGNC Decr2 735965 26378 MGI:1347059 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:2754 Dedd 620050 83631 DEDD 731723 9191 HGNC Dedd 1550108 21945 MGI:1333874 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:2755 Dedd2 1588968 687118 DEDD2 1353632 162989 HGNC Dedd2 1615883 67379 MGI:1914629 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:24450 Def6 1307945 309642 DEF6 1317434 50619 HGNC Def6 1317435 23853 MGI:1346328 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:2760 Def8 1309008 307973 DEF8 1603215 54849 HGNC Def8 1319110 23854 MGI:1346331 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:25969 Defa31 1587187 613221 Defa31 1622406 13226 MGI:102509 RGD Defa5 727951 286995 DEFA5 1345754 1670 HGNC Defa21 1614361 66298 MGI:1913548 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:2764 Defb1 619943 83687 DEFB1 737379 1672 HGNC Defb1 732690 13214 MGI:1096878 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:2766 Defb105a 41355023 120097377 DEFB105A 1344017 245908 HGNC Defb12 1616684 77674 MGI:1924924 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:18087 Defb105b 1564879 641643 DEFB105B 1604132 504180 HGNC HGNC:29930 Defb13 1559883 641626 DEFB107B 1602611 503614 HGNC Defb13 1621278 246083 MGI:2179203 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:31918 Defb14 1561378 641627 DEFB103A 1354414 414325 HGNC Defb14 1614133 244332 MGI:2675345 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:15967 Defb15 1563061 641645 DEFB106B 1604881 503841 HGNC Defb15 1621279 246082 MGI:2179202 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:28879 Defb17 1565718 641658 DEFB110 1348391 245913 HGNC Defb41 1616685 77673 MGI:1924923 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:18091 Defb18 1559758 641655 DEFB113 1346729 245927 HGNC Defb18 1619473 654460 MGI:3648148 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:18094 Defb2 1566125 641631 Defb2 1622413 13215 MGI:1338754 RGD Defb20 1565177 641641 DEFB128 1352295 245939 HGNC Defb20 1615569 319579 MGI:2442320 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:18106 Defb21 1562393 641636 DEFB118 1344518 117285 HGNC Defb21 1622776 403172 MGI:2684967 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:16196 Defb22 708352 171412 DEFB126 1352735 81623 HGNC Defb22 1617141 442835 MGI:3045368 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:15900 Defb23 1560097 641621 DEFB129 1347595 140881 HGNC Defb23 1613820 629114 MGI:3644405 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:16218 Defb24 1559541 641632 DEFB119 1606419 245932 HGNC Defb19 1615624 246700 MGI:2385955 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:18099 Defb25 1564765 641644 DEFB124 1347867 245937 HGNC Defb25 1619474 654459 MGI:3651158 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:18104 Defb26 1564413 641629 DEFB125 1342634 245938 HGNC Defb26 1619476 654457 MGI:3643488 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:18105 Defb28 1565792 641628 DEFB115 1351953 245929 HGNC Defb28 1617890 545475 MGI:3650536 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:18096 Defb29 1564030 641519 DEFB116 1344787 245930 HGNC Defb29 1623922 75400 MGI:1922650 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:18097 Defb30 1559641 641656 DEFB135 2307454 613209 HGNC Defb30 1617485 73670 MGI:1920920 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:32400 Defb34 41124527 120097516 DEFB106A 1347359 245909 RGD Defb34 1622827 360211 MGI:2672979 RGD HGNC:18088 Defb36 1564902 641640 DEFB123 1351372 245936 HGNC Defb36 1622876 266620 MGI:2385956 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:18103 Defb4 619944 64389 DEFB4B 1625102 100289462 HGNC Defb7 1621281 246080 MGI:2179200 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:30193 Defb41 1562459 641650 DEFB130B 12879523 100133267 HGNC Defb47 1619471 654465 MGI:3644478 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:39814 Defb42 1560445 641657 DEFB109B 2311618 641517 HGNC Defb48 1613936 432867 MGI:3646223 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:33469 Defb43 1566384 641651 DEFB131A 1343551 644414 HGNC Defb43 1619475 654458 MGI:3647180 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:18108 Defb44 1562179 641652 DEFB136 2307453 613210 HGNC Defb42 1617873 619548 MGI:3033850 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:34433 Defb49 1560245 641653 DEFB133 1348474 403339 HGNC HGNC:31331 Defb5 1563630 641624 DEFB4A 1348794 1673 HGNC Defb4 733314 56519 MGI:1927667 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:2767 Degs1 70917 58970 DEGS1 1605117 8560 HGNC Degs1 1552689 13244 MGI:1097711 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:13709 Degs2 1305023 314438 DEGS2 1352357 123099 HGNC Degs2 1551204 70059 MGI:1917309 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:20113 Dek 1303246 306817 DEK 1349075 7913 HGNC Dek 1553392 110052 MGI:1926209 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:2768 Dele1 735029 307480 DELE1 1353765 9812 HGNC Dele1 1553180 66839 MGI:1914089 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:28969 Dennd10 1308326 308009 DENND10 1344685 404636 HGNC Dennd10 1318032 67894 MGI:1915144 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:31793 Dennd11 1563986 312270 DENND11 1603618 57189 HGNC Dennd11 1618937 243780 MGI:2444256 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:29472 Dennd1a 1307927 311913 DENND1A 1317405 57706 HGNC Dennd1a 1621336 227801 MGI:2442794 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:29324 Dennd1b 1308441 289051 DENND1B 1318210 163486 HGNC Dennd1b 1621225 329260 MGI:2447812 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:28404 Dennd1c 1590869 363326 DENND1C 1345609 79958 HGNC Dennd1c 1557410 70785 MGI:1918035 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:26225 Dennd2a 1306142 312257 DENND2A 1314588 27147 HGNC Dennd2a 1620636 209773 MGI:2444961 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:22212 Dennd2b 1308995 308944 DENND2B 1319089 6764 HGNC Dennd2b 1622220 76954 MGI:108517 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:11350 Dennd2c 1308197 295333 DENND2C 1604979 163259 HGNC Dennd2c 1317836 329727 MGI:3036254 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:24748 Dennd2d 1305120 310772 DENND2D 1602459 79961 HGNC Dennd2d 1619128 72121 MGI:2181193 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:26192 Dennd3 1311559 315055 DENND3 1605083 22898 HGNC Dennd3 1619909 105841 MGI:2146009 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:29134 Dennd4a 1562639 315756 DENND4A 1349929 10260 HGNC Dennd4a 1323101 102442 MGI:2142979 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:24321 Dennd4b 1560320 361987 DENND4B 1344276 9909 HGNC Dennd4b 1618163 229541 MGI:2446201 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:29044 Dennd4c 1308489 313340 DENND4C 1318285 55667 HGNC Dennd4c 1318286 329877 MGI:1914769 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:26079 Dennd5a 1306759 308942 DENND5A 1315561 23258 HGNC Dennd5a 1315562 19347 MGI:1201681 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:19344 Dennd5b 2318606 100365679 DENND5B 1605273 160518 HGNC Dennd5b 1617988 320560 MGI:2444273 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:28338 Dennd6a 1306064 306229 DENND6A 1606682 201627 HGNC Dennd6a 1314464 211922 MGI:2442980 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:26635 Dennd6b 1308012 362983 DENND6B 1606364 414918 HGNC Dennd6b 1317536 69440 MGI:1916690 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:32690 Denr 1584200 687565 DENR 1351149 8562 HGNC Denr 1318002 68184 MGI:1915434 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:2769 Depdc1 1306987 295538 DEPDC1 1315914 55635 HGNC Depdc1a 1552596 76131 MGI:1923381 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:22949 Depdc1b 1305799 310074 DEPDC1B 1314052 55789 HGNC Depdc1b 1550310 218581 MGI:2145425 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:24902 Depdc5 1311535 305464 DEPDC5 1323042 9681 HGNC Depdc5 1323043 277854 MGI:2141101 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:18423 Depdc7 1309720 295971 DEPDC7 1602447 91614 HGNC Depdc7 1320212 211896 MGI:2139258 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:29899 Depp1 1565700 500300 DEPP1 1352536 11067 HGNC Depp1 1623004 213393 MGI:1918730 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:23355 Deptor 1561030 314979 DEPTOR 1344261 64798 RGD Deptor 1620688 97998 MGI:2146322 RGD HGNC:22953 Dera 1589836 690945 DERA 1352250 51071 RGD Dera 1551123 232449 MGI:1913762 RGD HGNC:24269 Derl1 1311835 362912 DERL1 1346784 79139 HGNC Derl1 1553812 67819 MGI:1915069 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:28454 Derl2 6496100 100910823 DERL2 1344289 51009 HGNC Derl2 1614978 116891 MGI:2151483 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:17943 Derl3 1597373 690315 DERL3 1353725 91319 HGNC Derl3 1558335 70377 MGI:1917627 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:14236 Derpc 21079726 116621582 DERPC 13825203 113455421 HGNC Derpc 39128734 116621581 MGI:6303050 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:54084 Des 620686 64362 DES 1347887 1674 HGNC Des 1551179 13346 MGI:94885 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:2770 Desi1 1305776 315160 DESI1 1607044 27351 HGNC Desi1 1314012 28075 MGI:106313 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:24577 Desi2 1359392 289277 DESI2 1603047 51029 HGNC Desi2 1552667 78825 MGI:1926075 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:24264 Det1 1309793 308775 DET1 1348990 55070 HGNC Det1 1616703 76375 MGI:1923625 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:25477 Deup1 1306632 315438 DEUP1 1606948 159989 HGNC Deup1 1315358 234964 MGI:2443026 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:26344 Dexi 1564938 497857 DEXI 1603056 28955 HGNC Dexi 1615912 58239 MGI:1926236 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:13267 Dffa 620334 114214 DFFA 1606338 1676 HGNC Dffa 734110 13347 MGI:1196227 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:2772 Dffb 620335 84359 DFFB 731033 1677 HGNC Dffb 731034 13368 MGI:1196287 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:2773 Dgat1 628673 84497 DGAT1 731052 8694 HGNC Dgat1 731053 13350 MGI:1333825 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:2843 Dgat2 620329 252900 DGAT2 1352737 84649 HGNC Dgat2 1551902 67800 MGI:1915050 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:16940 Dgat2l6 1596935 678749 DGAT2L6 1602812 347516 HGNC Dgat2l6 1607119 668257 MGI:3045268 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:23250 Dgcr2 1310567 360742 DGCR2 1321547 9993 RGD Dgcr2 1321548 13356 MGI:892866 RGD HGNC:2845 Dgcr6 1309390 303794 DGCR6 1319711 8214 HGNC Dgcr6 1319712 13353 MGI:1202877 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:2846 Dgcr8 1306365 287954 DGCR8 1314941 54487 HGNC Dgcr8 1619064 94223 MGI:2151114 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:2847 Dgka 70904 140866 DGKA 732760 1606 HGNC Dgka 732761 13139 MGI:102952 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:2849 Dgkb 2488 54248 DGKB 731815 1607 HGNC Dgkb 736089 217480 MGI:2442474 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:2850 Dgkd 1563309 368088 DGKD 1323099 8527 HGNC Dgkd 1323100 227333 MGI:2138334 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:2851 Dgke 1560914 497978 DGKE 1347499 8526 HGNC Dgke 1623248 56077 MGI:1889276 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:2852 Dgkg 2499 25666 DGKG 733742 1608 HGNC Dgkg 733743 110197 MGI:105060 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:2853 Dgkh 1561955 361076 DGKH 1352279 160851 HGNC Dgkh 1623684 380921 MGI:2444188 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:2854 Dgki 735049 688705 DGKI 1343674 9162 HGNC Dgki 1621241 320127 MGI:2443430 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:2855 Dgkk 1561510 367745 DGKK 1603361 139189 HGNC Dgkk 1614802 331374 MGI:3580254 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:32395 Dgkq 2320722 100361138 DGKQ 1318208 1609 HGNC Dgkq 1318209 110524 MGI:102918 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:2856 Dgkz 70929 81821 DGKZ 733860 8525 HGNC Dgkz 736760 104418 MGI:1278339 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:2857 Dglucy 1311756 362769 DGLUCY 1323376 80017 HGNC Dglucy 1323377 217830 MGI:2444813 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:20498 Dguok 1304799 297389 DGUOK 1312453 1716 HGNC Dguok 1312454 27369 MGI:1351602 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:2858 Dhcr24 1306529 298298 DHCR24 1315197 1718 HGNC Dhcr24 1315198 74754 MGI:1922004 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:2859 Dhcr7 621769 64191 DHCR7 731755 1717 HGNC Dhcr7 731756 13360 MGI:1298378 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:2860 Dhdds 1311560 298541 DHDDS 1323083 79947 HGNC Dhdds 1323084 67422 MGI:1914672 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:20603 Dhdh 1588686 691002 DHDH 1323810 27294 HGNC Dhdh 1553886 71755 MGI:1919005 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:17887 Dhfr 2500 24312 DHFR 736871 1719 HGNC Dhfr 10471 13361 MGI:94890 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:2861 Dhh 620711 84380 DHH 1345874 50846 HGNC Dhh 1552726 13363 MGI:94891 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:2865 Dhodh 68352 65156 DHODH 68497 1723 HGNC Dhodh 68498 56749 MGI:1928378 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:2867 Dhps 1303326 288923 DHPS 1602903 1725 HGNC Dhps 1551890 330817 MGI:2683592 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:2869 Dhrs1 1359172 290234 DHRS1 1352104 115817 HGNC Dhrs1 1551026 52585 MGI:1196314 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:16445 Dhrs11 1307935 360583 DHRS11 1601851 79154 HGNC Dhrs11 1317419 192970 MGI:2652816 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:28639 Dhrs13 1305508 303275 DHRS13 1603266 147015 HGNC Dhrs13 1332457 70451 MGI:1917701 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:28326 Dhrs2 1583909 691464 DHRS2 1321774 10202 HGNC Dhrs2 1553561 71412 MGI:1918662 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:18349 Dhrs3 1305584 313689 DHRS3 1313699 9249 HGNC Dhrs3 1313700 20148 MGI:1315215 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:17693 Dhrs4 708482 266686 DHRS4 732149 10901 HGNC Dhrs4 732150 28200 MGI:90169 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:16985 Dhrs7 1565002 299135 DHRS7 1317573 51635 HGNC Dhrs7 1557400 66375 MGI:1913625 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:21524 Dhrs7b 1311243 287380 DHRS7B 1601764 25979 HGNC Dhrs7b 1322597 216820 MGI:2384931 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:24547 Dhrs7c 1306989 287411 DHRS7C 1602060 201140 HGNC Dhrs7c 1315918 68460 MGI:1915710 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:32423 Dhrs9 620655 170635 DHRS9 736293 10170 HGNC Dhrs9 733519 241452 MGI:2442798 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:16888 Dhrsx 1305017 288525 DHRSX 1344855 207063 HGNC Dhrsx 1312796 236082 MGI:2181510 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:18399 Dhtkd1 1308092 361272 DHTKD1 1317663 55526 HGNC Dhtkd1 1317664 209692 MGI:2445096 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:23537 Dhx15 1308072 289693 DHX15 1317633 1665 RGD Dhx15 1317634 13204 MGI:1099786 RGD HGNC:2738 Dhx16 1302963 294232 DHX16 1344132 8449 HGNC Dhx16 1552119 69192 MGI:1916442 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:2739 Dhx29 2318361 100362324 DHX29 1318664 54505 HGNC Dhx29 1318665 218629 MGI:2145374 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:15815 Dhx30 1308888 367172 DHX30 1318916 22907 HGNC Dhx30 1318917 72831 MGI:1920081 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:16716 Dhx32 1311740 361667 DHX32 1323353 55760 HGNC Dhx32 1323354 101437 MGI:2141813 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:16717 Dhx33 1307239 287464 DHX33 1316314 56919 HGNC Dhx33 1316315 216877 MGI:2445102 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:16718 Dhx34 1584452 684903 DHX34 1605422 9704 HGNC Dhx34 1622281 71723 MGI:1918973 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:16719 Dhx35 1311165 362260 DHX35 1322480 60625 HGNC Dhx35 1322481 71715 MGI:1918965 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:15861 Dhx36 1308767 310461 DHX36 1318732 170506 HGNC Dhx36 1318733 72162 MGI:1919412 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:14410 Dhx37 1306837 288647 DHX37 1315679 57647 HGNC Dhx37 1623018 208144 MGI:3028576 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:17210 Dhx38 1310345 292007 DHX38 1321196 9785 HGNC Dhx38 1321197 64340 MGI:1927617 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:17211 Dhx40 1359618 287595 DHX40 1350869 79665 HGNC Dhx40 1553793 67487 MGI:1914737 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:18018 Dhx57 1310340 366532 DHX57 1321188 90957 HGNC Dhx57 1623041 106794 MGI:2147067 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:20086 Dhx58 1310093 303538 DHX58 1603964 79132 HGNC Dhx58 1320800 80861 MGI:1931560 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:29517 Dhx8 1310723 287727 DHX8 1321795 1659 HGNC Dhx8 1321796 217207 MGI:1306823 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:2749 Dhx9 1308548 304859 DHX9 1318384 1660 HGNC Dhx9 1318385 13211 MGI:108177 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:2750 Diablo 1310885 288753 DIABLO 1322043 56616 RGD Diablo 1322044 66593 MGI:1913843 RGD HGNC:21528 Diaph1 1310707 307483 DIAPH1 1321771 1729 HGNC Diaph1 1321772 13367 MGI:1194490 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:2876 Diaph2 1564399 317189 DIAPH2 1346222 1730 HGNC Diaph2 1557319 54004 MGI:1858500 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:2877 Diaph3 1593287 290396 DIAPH3 1350370 81624 HGNC Diaph3 1314906 56419 MGI:1927222 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:15480 Dicer1 1309381 299284 DICER1 1319699 23405 HGNC Dicer1 1319700 192119 MGI:2177178 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:17098 Dido1 1311173 362286 DIDO1 1322490 11083 HGNC Dido1 30309588 23856 MGI:1344352 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:2680 Dimt1 1311752 294718 DIMT1 1603655 27292 HGNC Dimt1 1323370 66254 MGI:1913504 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:30217 Dio1 2504 25430 DIO1 735269 1733 HGNC Dio1 10474 13370 MGI:94896 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:2883 Dio2 68418 65162 DIO2 735779 1734 HGNC Dio2 68620 13371 MGI:1338833 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:2884 Dio3 68420 29475 DIO3 68623 1735 HGNC Dio3 68624 107585 MGI:1306782 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:2885 Dio3os 7653627 102546650 DIO3OS 1349148 64150 HGNC Dio3os 1614034 353504 MGI:2664395 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:20348 Dip2a 1582897 690211 DIP2A 1319135 23181 HGNC Dip2a 1558474 64451 MGI:2385920 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:17217 Dip2b 1305671 300231 DIP2B 1605978 57609 HGNC Dip2b 1313839 239667 MGI:2145977 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:29284 Dip2c 1560155 307067 DIP2C 1346607 22982 HGNC Dip2c 1620639 208440 MGI:1920179 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:29150 Dipk1a 1308581 360906 DIPK1A 1603475 388650 HGNC Dipk1a 1318436 67266 MGI:1914516 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:32213 Dipk1b 1308600 362090 DIPK1B 1602652 138311 HGNC Dipk1b 1332377 56279 MGI:1927576 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:28290 Dipk1c 1559694 498891 DIPK1C 1353681 125704 HGNC Dipk1c 1614139 240479 MGI:3041188 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:31729 Dipk2a 1309079 315891 DIPK2A 1603352 205428 HGNC Dipk2a 1319219 68861 MGI:1916111 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:28490 Dipk2b 1559731 501512 DIPK2B 1343794 79742 HGNC Dipk2b 1619946 75905 MGI:1923155 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:25866 Diras1 1310445 366826 DIRAS1 1321350 148252 HGNC Diras1 1321351 208666 MGI:2183442 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:19127 Diras2 1305580 291006 DIRAS2 1313693 54769 HGNC Diras2 1619186 68203 MGI:1915453 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:19323 Diras3 1565168 366733 DIRAS3 1343615 9077 HGNC Gm266 1619015 212539 MGI:2685112 RGD HGNC:687 Dis3 1304646 306103 DIS3 1312206 22894 HGNC Dis3 1312207 72662 MGI:1919912 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:20604 Dis3l 1308959 363077 DIS3L 1606984 115752 HGNC Dis3l 1332008 213550 MGI:2143272 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:28698 Dis3l2 1560168 367307 DIS3L2 1604754 129563 HGNC Dis3l2 1557512 208718 MGI:2442555 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:28648 Disc1 631359 307940 DISC1 736704 27185 HGNC Disc1 1332081 244667 MGI:2447658 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:2888 Disp1 1307675 289338 DISP1 1317002 84976 HGNC Disp1 1317003 68897 MGI:1916147 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:19711 Disp2 1309569 311324 DISP2 1319977 85455 HGNC Disp2 1319978 214240 MGI:2388733 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:19712 Disp3 1305820 313705 DISP3 1603018 57540 HGNC Disp3 1552022 242748 MGI:2444403 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:29251 Dixdc1 1309902 363062 DIXDC1 1320498 85458 HGNC Dixdc1 1617970 330938 MGI:2679721 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:23695 Dkc1 621780 170944 DKC1 1349510 1736 HGNC Dkc1 1615626 245474 MGI:1861727 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:2890 Dkk1 1307313 293897 DKK1 1316435 22943 RGD Dkk1 1316436 13380 MGI:1329040 RGD HGNC:2891 Dkk2 1308639 295445 DKK2 1344026 27123 HGNC Dkk2 1558139 56811 MGI:1890663 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:2892 Dkk3 621846 171548 DKK3 1353433 27122 HGNC Dkk3 732521 50781 MGI:1354952 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:2893 Dkk4 1563172 502097 DKK4 1318528 27121 HGNC Dkk4 1318529 234130 MGI:2385299 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:2894 Dkkl1 1563523 499150 DKKL1 1350645 27120 HGNC Dkkl1 1624042 50722 MGI:1354963 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:16528 Dlat 619859 81654 DLAT 735273 1737 HGNC Dlat 735274 235339 MGI:2385311 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:2896 Dlc1 68416 58834 DLC1 68616 10395 HGNC Dlc1 68617 50768 MGI:1354949 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:2897 Dld 735073 298942 DLD 1348290 1738 HGNC Dld 1552468 13382 MGI:107450 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:2898 Dlec1 1561649 501070 DLEC1 1604836 9940 HGNC Dlec1 1620468 320256 MGI:2443671 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:2899 Dleu7 1305071 290308 DLEU7 1605843 220107 HGNC Dleu7 1614145 239133 MGI:2447771 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:17567 Dlg1 2505 25252 DLG1 731903 1739 HGNC Dlg1 10475 13383 MGI:107231 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:2900 Dlg2 619895 64053 DLG2 731938 1740 HGNC Dlg2 731939 23859 MGI:1344351 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:2901 Dlg3 68423 58948 DLG3 68628 1741 HGNC Dlg3 68629 53310 MGI:1888986 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:2902 Dlg4 68424 29495 DLG4 68630 1742 HGNC Dlg4 68631 13385 MGI:1277959 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:2903 Dlg5 1308753 305645 DLG5 1318707 9231 HGNC Dlg5 1318708 71228 MGI:1918478 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:2904 Dlgap1 620223 65040 DLGAP1 734098 9229 HGNC Dlgap1 1332498 224997 MGI:1346065 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:2905 Dlgap2 620224 116681 DLGAP2 1345358 9228 HGNC Dlgap2 1332049 244310 MGI:2443181 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:2906 Dlgap3 708349 286923 DLGAP3 1347439 58512 HGNC Dlgap3 1331884 242667 MGI:3039563 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:30368 Dlgap4 708350 286930 DLGAP4 1605091 22839 HGNC Dlgap4 1331940 228836 MGI:2138865 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:24476 Dlgap5 1311247 289997 DLGAP5 1322602 9787 HGNC Dlgap5 1322603 218977 MGI:2183453 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:16864 Dlk1 619931 114587 DLK1 732542 8788 HGNC Dlk1 732543 13386 MGI:94900 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:2907 Dlk2 1309143 316232 DLK2 1319320 65989 HGNC Dlk2 1319321 106565 MGI:2146838 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:21113 Dll1 70949 84010 DLL1 733842 28514 HGNC Dll1 733843 13388 MGI:104659 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:2908 Dll3 70953 114125 DLL3 735462 10683 HGNC Dll3 731402 13389 MGI:1096877 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:2909 Dll4 1309740 311332 DLL4 1320241 54567 HGNC Dll4 1320242 54485 MGI:1859388 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:2910 Dlst 1359615 299201 DLST 1351694 1743 HGNC Dlst 1551842 78920 MGI:1926170 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:2911 Dlx1 1309593 296500 DLX1 1320012 1745 HGNC Dlx1 1320013 13390 MGI:94901 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:2914 Dlx2 1304853 296499 DLX2 1312529 1746 HGNC Dlx2 1312530 13392 MGI:94902 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:2915 Dlx3 1304875 287638 DLX3 1312567 1747 HGNC Dlx3 1312568 13393 MGI:94903 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:2916 Dlx4 1308744 303469 DLX4 1318695 1748 HGNC Dlx4 1318696 13394 MGI:94904 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:2917 Dlx5 2506 25431 DLX5 733723 1749 HGNC Dlx5 10476 13395 MGI:101926 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:2918 Dlx6 1561539 500023 DLX6 1347834 1750 HGNC Dlx6 1557991 13396 MGI:101927 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:2919 Dmac1 1309148 298147 DMAC1 1319327 90871 HGNC Dmac1 1319328 66928 MGI:1914178 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:30536 Dmac2 1549698 361520 DMAC2 1605674 55101 HGNC Dmac2 1557140 66349 MGI:1913599 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:25496 Dmac2l 1359208 362749 DMAC2L 1343474 27109 HGNC Dmac2l 1620826 68055 MGI:1915305 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:18799 Dmap1 1311295 298447 DMAP1 1322676 55929 HGNC Dmap1 1322677 66233 MGI:1913483 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:18291 Dmbt1 61984 170568 DMBT1 735357 1755 HGNC Dmbt1 62276 12945 MGI:106210 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:2926 Dmbt1l1 1593322 691970 DMBT1L1 1606387 375940 RGD Cdcp3 1615059 71395 MGI:1918645 RGD HGNC:49497 Dmbx1 1308265 313512 DMBX1 1317940 127343 HGNC Dmbx1 1623847 140477 MGI:2153518 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:19026 Dmc1 1307611 362960 DMC1 1316904 11144 HGNC Dmc1 1316905 13404 MGI:105393 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:2927 Dmd 2507 24907 DMD 736976 1756 HGNC Dmd 10479 13405 MGI:94909 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:2928 Dmgdh 620453 245961 DMGDH 731431 29958 HGNC Dmgdh 731432 74129 MGI:1921379 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:24475 Dmkn 1561521 361548 DMKN 1605012 93099 HGNC Dmkn 1557282 73712 MGI:1920962 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:25063 Dmp1 2508 25312 DMP1 736576 1758 HGNC Dmp1 736577 13406 MGI:94910 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:2932 Dmpk 1309825 308405 DMPK 1320371 1760 RGD Dmpk 1553318 13400 MGI:94906 RGD HGNC:2933 Dmrt1 621640 114498 DMRT1 732173 1761 HGNC Dmrt1 1553207 50796 MGI:1354733 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:2934 Dmrt2 1309047 309430 DMRT2 1319169 10655 HGNC Dmrt2 1319170 226049 MGI:1330307 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:2935 Dmrt3 1306043 293976 DMRT3 1314434 58524 HGNC Dmrt3 1314435 240590 MGI:2449470 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:13909 Dmrta1 1309796 313352 DMRTA1 1320325 63951 HGNC Dmrta1 1320326 242523 MGI:2653627 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:13826 Dmrta2 1308173 313471 DMRTA2 1343593 63950 HGNC Dmrta2 1317797 242620 MGI:2653629 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:13908 Dmrtb1 1560921 313484 DMRTB1 1349847 63948 HGNC Dmrtb1 1557880 56296 MGI:1927125 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:13913 Dmrtc1a 11451771 108348153 DMRTC1 1346508 63947 RGD Dmrtc1a 1619135 70887 MGI:1918137 RGD HGNC:13910 Dmrtc1c1 1359563 363483 DMRTC1B 2301775 728656 HGNC Dmrtc1c1 1617510 71083 MGI:1918333 RGD HGNC:31686 Dmrtc2 1583739 499100 DMRTC2 1345316 63946 RGD Dmrtc2 1557115 71241 MGI:1918491 RGD HGNC:13911 Dmtf1 70966 114485 DMTF1 736177 9988 HGNC Dmtf1 736178 23857 MGI:1344415 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:14603 Dmtf1l 1559460 501612 Dmtf1l 1620586 237029 MGI:3045322 RGD Dmtn 1311419 361069 DMTN 1322873 2039 HGNC Dmtn 1322874 13829 MGI:99670 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:3382 Dmwd 1594179 680252 DMWD 1346083 1762 HGNC Dmwd 1315600 13401 MGI:94907 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:2936 Dmxl1 1307692 307429 DMXL1 1317027 1657 RGD Dmxl1 1552763 240283 MGI:2443926 RGD HGNC:2937 Dmxl2 1586163 315676 DMXL2 1347338 23312 RGD Dmxl2 1623772 235380 MGI:2444630 RGD HGNC:2938 Dnaaf1 1310542 361419 DNAAF1 1606172 123872 HGNC Dnaaf1 1552620 68270 MGI:1915520 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:30539 Dnaaf10 1563863 498418 DNAAF10 1605887 116143 HGNC Dnaaf10 1615768 103784 MGI:2144224 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:25176 Dnaaf11 1559937 299920 DNAAF11 1351490 23639 HGNC Dnaaf11 1557730 54562 MGI:1859553 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:16725 Dnaaf2 1310311 362746 DNAAF2 1321142 55172 HGNC Dnaaf2 1321143 109065 MGI:1923566 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:20188 Dnaaf3 2323487 100359753 DNAAF3 1602406 352909 HGNC Dnaaf3 1619616 436022 MGI:3588207 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:30492 Dnaaf4 1549760 363096 DNAAF4 1343869 161582 HGNC Dnaaf4 1558065 67685 MGI:1914935 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:21493 Dnaaf5 1566028 304332 DNAAF5 1606283 54919 HGNC Dnaaf5 1615463 433956 MGI:3616079 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:26013 Dnaaf6 1566312 315915 DNAAF6 1353450 139212 HGNC Dnaaf6 1623690 331537 MGI:3607720 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:28570 Dnaaf8 1359596 360479 DNAAF8 1604523 146562 HGNC Dnaaf8 6907029 74684 MGI:1921934 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:25081 Dnaaf9 1565616 499891 DNAAF9 1349038 25943 HGNC Dnaaf9 1558328 228602 MGI:1923029 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:17721 Dnah1 621795 171339 DNAH1 1343402 25981 HGNC Dnah1 1617422 110084 MGI:107721 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:2940 Dnah10 619988 117252 DNAH10 733008 196385 HGNC Dnah10 733009 56087 MGI:1860299 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:2941 Dnah11 621088 117253 DNAH11 1348566 8701 HGNC Dnah11 1620923 13411 MGI:1100864 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:2942 Dnah12 619990 252959 DNAH12 1603257 201625 HGNC Dnah12 2292264 110083 MGI:107720 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:2943 Dnah14 1582826 690288 DNAH14 1350731 127602 HGNC Dnah14 1620566 240960 MGI:2444525 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:2945 Dnah17 1563805 287845 DNAH17 1345551 8632 HGNC Dnah17 1557330 69926 MGI:1917176 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:2946 Dnah2 1565087 303242 DNAH2 1343596 146754 HGNC Dnah2 1557075 327954 MGI:107731 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:2948 Dnah3 1305855 117249 DNAH3 1314138 55567 HGNC Dnah3 1615518 381917 MGI:2683040 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:2949 Dnah5 1560828 294854 DNAH5 1348406 1767 HGNC Dnah5 1558622 110082 MGI:107718 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:2950 Dnah6 621797 117250 DNAH6 1347757 1768 HGNC Dnah6 1551162 330355 MGI:107744 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:2951 Dnah7 621798 252893 DNAH7 1317528 56171 HGNC Dnah7b 1617371 227058 MGI:2684953 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:18661 Dnah8 619986 207117 DNAH8 1348996 1769 HGNC Dnah8 1552725 13417 MGI:107714 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:2952 Dnah9 621799 117251 DNAH9 1313302 1770 HGNC Dnah9 1322974 237806 MGI:1289279 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:2953 Dnai1 1565671 500442 DNAI1 1346895 27019 HGNC Dnai1 1556874 68922 MGI:1916172 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:2954 Dnai2 1359602 360654 DNAI2 1347605 64446 HGNC Dnai2 1615480 432611 MGI:2685574 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:18744 Dnai3 1563105 292165 DNAI3 1605003 126820 HGNC Dnai3 1620564 242253 MGI:3045269 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:30711 Dnai4 1311027 313417 DNAI4 1605635 79819 HGNC Dnai4 1551829 242584 MGI:2385328 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:26252 Dnai7 1311213 297720 DNAI7 1322554 55259 HGNC Dnai7 1617228 320662 MGI:2444480 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:29599 Dnaja1 620942 65028 DNAJA1 734413 3301 HGNC Dnaja1 1552918 15502 MGI:1270129 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:5229 Dnaja2 71001 84026 DNAJA2 732533 10294 HGNC Dnaja2 732534 56445 MGI:1931882 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:14884 Dnaja3 1306527 360481 DNAJA3 1315195 9093 HGNC Dnaja3 1552474 83945 MGI:1933786 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:11808 Dnaja4 1310035 300721 DNAJA4 1320703 55466 HGNC Dnaja4 1320704 58233 MGI:1927638 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:14885 Dnajb1 1304725 361384 DNAJB1 1312336 3337 HGNC Dnajb1 1312337 81489 MGI:1931874 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:5270 Dnajb11 1307373 360734 DNAJB11 1316536 51726 HGNC Dnajb11 1316537 67838 MGI:1915088 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:14889 Dnajb12 1359677 294513 DNAJB12 1348292 54788 HGNC Dnajb12 1558423 56709 MGI:1931881 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:14891 Dnajb13 1359131 308857 DNAJB13 1603338 374407 HGNC Dnajb13 1553442 69387 MGI:1916637 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:30718 Dnajb14 1591949 499716 DNAJB14 1605332 79982 HGNC Dnajb14 1620789 70604 MGI:1917854 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:25881 Dnajb2 1591035 689593 DNAJB2 1318848 3300 HGNC Dnajb2 1616809 56812 MGI:1928739 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:5228 Dnajb3 1594215 680216 DNAJB3 1602396 414061 HGNC Dnajb3 1614453 15504 MGI:1306822 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:32397 Dnajb4 1305826 295549 DNAJB4 1314092 11080 HGNC Dnajb4 1314093 67035 MGI:1914285 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:14886 Dnajb5 1307453 313811 DNAJB5 1316654 25822 HGNC Dnajb5 1620860 56323 MGI:1930018 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:14887 Dnajb6 1308207 362293 DNAJB6 1349519 10049 HGNC Dnajb6 1317852 23950 MGI:1344381 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:14888 Dnajb7 1589047 685839 DNAJB7 1353448 150353 HGNC Dnajb7 1620062 57755 MGI:1914012 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:24986 Dnajb8 1561981 500253 DNAJB8 1343992 165721 HGNC Dnajb8 1557173 56691 MGI:1922801 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:23699 Dnajb9 3070 24908 DNAJB9 737476 4189 HGNC Dnajb9 737477 27362 MGI:1351618 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:6968 Dnajc1 2322144 100360412 DNAJC1 1318035 64215 HGNC Dnajc1 1318036 13418 MGI:103268 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:20090 Dnajc10 1307813 295690 DNAJC10 1317224 54431 HGNC Dnajc10 1317225 66861 MGI:1914111 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:24637 Dnajc11 1307731 362666 DNAJC11 1317094 55735 HGNC Dnajc11 1317095 230935 MGI:2443386 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:25570 Dnajc12 1591898 619393 DNAJC12 1602472 56521 HGNC Dnajc12 1623260 30045 MGI:1353428 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:28908 Dnajc13 1308046 363127 DNAJC13 1317589 23317 HGNC Dnajc13 1317590 235567 MGI:2676368 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:30343 Dnajc14 620489 114481 DNAJC14 1349604 85406 HGNC Dnajc14 731984 74330 MGI:1921580 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:24581 Dnajc15 1307154 290370 DNAJC15 1316177 29103 HGNC Dnajc15 1615130 66148 MGI:1913398 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:20325 Dnajc16 1359395 362652 DNAJC16 1603691 23341 HGNC Dnajc16 1551694 214063 MGI:2442146 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:29157 Dnajc17 1308015 311329 DNAJC17 1602696 55192 HGNC Dnajc17 1552145 69408 MGI:1916658 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:25556 Dnajc18 1310237 291677 DNAJC18 1602641 202052 HGNC Dnajc18 1551212 76594 MGI:1923844 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:28429 Dnajc19 1560220 502525 DNAJC19 1603908 131118 HGNC Dnajc19 1623214 67713 MGI:1914963 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:30528 Dnajc2 620524 116456 DNAJC2 733241 27000 HGNC Dnajc2 733242 22791 MGI:99470 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:13192 Dnajc21 621729 192210 DNAJC21 734039 134218 HGNC Dnajc21 1622206 78244 MGI:1925371 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:27030 Dnajc22 1311098 362998 DNAJC22 1602458 79962 HGNC Dnajc22 1332532 72778 MGI:1920028 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:25802 Dnajc24 1564710 362184 DNAJC24 1350551 120526 HGNC Dnajc24 1558096 99349 MGI:1919522 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:26979 Dnajc25 1561488 362526 DNAJC25 1603327 548645 HGNC Dnajc25 1616740 72429 MGI:1919679 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:34187 Dnajc27 1564414 298859 DNAJC27 1602712 51277 HGNC Dnajc27 1557308 217378 MGI:2443036 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:30290 Dnajc28 1359589 360699 DNAJC28 1353353 54943 HGNC Dnajc28 1551340 246738 MGI:2181053 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:1297 Dnajc3 708518 63880 DNAJC3 1347817 5611 HGNC Dnajc3 733235 100037258 MGI:107373 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:9439 Dnajc30 1595783 368190 DNAJC30 1348350 84277 HGNC Dnajc30 1557907 66114 MGI:1913364 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:16410 Dnajc4 1308693 361717 DNAJC4 1318614 3338 HGNC Dnajc4 1318615 57431 MGI:1927346 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:5271 Dnajc5 620516 79130 DNAJC5 1344057 80331 HGNC Dnajc5 731705 13002 MGI:892995 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:16235 Dnajc5b 1562486 499579 DNAJC5B 1348913 85479 HGNC Dnajc5b 1557658 66326 MGI:1913576 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:24138 Dnajc5g 1307426 366567 DNAJC5G 1316617 285126 HGNC Dnajc5g 1616544 231098 MGI:3045263 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:24844 Dnajc6 1309900 313409 DNAJC6 1320495 9829 HGNC Dnajc6 1320496 72685 MGI:1919935 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:15469 Dnajc7 1303226 303536 DNAJC7 1349384 7266 HGNC Dnajc7 1551318 56354 MGI:1928373 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:12392 Dnajc8 1306024 313035 DNAJC8 1314401 22826 HGNC Dnajc8 1314402 68598 MGI:1915848 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:15470 Dnajc9 1305009 364240 DNAJC9 1312781 23234 HGNC Dnajc9 1312782 108671 MGI:1915326 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:19123 Dnal1 1591349 685664 DNAL1 1320134 83544 HGNC Dnal1 1320135 105000 MGI:1921462 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:23247 Dnal4 1309099 300078 DNAL4 1319248 10126 RGD Dnal4 1319249 54152 MGI:1859217 RGD HGNC:2955 Dnali1 1309260 298524 DNALI1 1319504 7802 HGNC Dnali1 1319505 75563 MGI:1922813 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:14353 Dnase1 2510 25633 DNASE1 736197 1773 HGNC Dnase1 736198 13419 MGI:103157 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:2956 Dnase1l1 1359588 363522 DNASE1L1 1348755 1774 HGNC Dnase1l1 1550351 69537 MGI:109628 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:2957 Dnase1l2 1583566 681124 DNASE1L2 1318821 1775 HGNC Dnase1l2 1318822 66705 MGI:1913955 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:2958 Dnase1l3 620669 116687 DNASE1L3 733865 1776 HGNC Dnase1l3 733866 13421 MGI:1314633 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:2959 Dnase2 621457 171575 DNASE2 1343662 1777 HGNC Dnase2a 733013 13423 MGI:1329019 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:2960 Dnase2b 70901 59296 DNASE2B 1607010 58511 HGNC Dnase2b 1332002 56629 MGI:1913283 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:28875 Dnd1 1583648 679841 DND1 1321748 373863 HGNC Dnd1 1321749 213236 MGI:2447763 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:23799 Dner 1359385 316573 DNER 1605895 92737 HGNC Dner 1550695 227325 MGI:2152889 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:24456 Dnhd1 1584052 690115 DNHD1 1601824 144132 RGD Dnhd1 1323171 77505 MGI:1924755 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:26532 Dnlz 1308635 296587 DNLZ 2289758 728489 HGNC Dnlz 1617581 52838 MGI:106559 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:33879 Dnm1 71096 140694 DNM1 733748 1759 HGNC Dnm1 1552716 13429 MGI:107384 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:2972 Dnm1l 620416 114114 DNM1L 733618 10059 HGNC Dnm1l 733619 74006 MGI:1921256 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:2973 Dnm2 2513 25751 DNM2 730970 1785 HGNC Dnm2 730971 13430 MGI:109547 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:2974 Dnm3 727949 171574 DNM3 1354127 26052 HGNC Dnm3 1557919 103967 MGI:1341299 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:29125 Dnmbp 1583840 309362 DNMBP 1349665 23268 HGNC Dnmbp 1558161 71972 MGI:1917352 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:30373 Dnmt1 620979 84350 DNMT1 1354178 1786 HGNC Dnmt1 1552151 13433 MGI:94912 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:2976 Dnmt3a 1303336 444984 DNMT3A 1606038 1788 HGNC Dnmt3a 1620920 13435 MGI:1261827 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:2978 Dnmt3b 1303274 444985 DNMT3B 1606037 1789 HGNC Dnmt3b 1551604 13436 MGI:1261819 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:2979 Dnmt3l 1303239 309680 DNMT3L 1343645 29947 HGNC Dnmt3l 1615141 54427 MGI:1859287 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:2980 Dnpep 1583848 301529 DNPEP 1313575 23549 HGNC Dnpep 1313576 13437 MGI:1278328 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:2981 Dnph1 620382 171047 DNPH1 1603316 10591 HGNC Dnph1 1621958 381101 MGI:3039376 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:21218 Dntt 1305054 294051 DNTT 1312854 1791 HGNC Dntt 1312855 21673 MGI:98659 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:2983 Dnttip1 621627 171437 DNTTIP1 1322651 116092 HGNC Dnttip1 1322652 76233 MGI:1923483 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:16160 Dnttip2 6497192 100910753 DNTTIP2 1604625 30836 HGNC Dnttip2 1319226 99480 MGI:1923173 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:24013 Doc2a 620518 65031 DOC2A 731423 8448 HGNC Doc2a 731424 13446 MGI:109446 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:2985 Doc2b 620519 81820 DOC2B 732162 8447 HGNC Doc2b 732163 13447 MGI:1100497 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:2986 Dock1 1566072 309081 DOCK1 1315227 1793 HGNC Dock1 1315228 330662 MGI:2429765 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:2987 Dock10 1561963 301556 DOCK10 1348168 55619 HGNC Dock10 1556955 210293 MGI:2146320 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:23479 Dock11 1564707 313438 DOCK11 1348616 139818 HGNC Dock11 1557777 75974 MGI:1923224 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:23483 Dock2 1564189 360509 DOCK2 1323174 1794 HGNC Dock2 1323175 94176 MGI:2149010 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:2988 Dock3 1306677 315992 DOCK3 1315429 1795 HGNC Dock3 1315430 208869 MGI:2429763 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:2989 Dock4 1561724 366608 DOCK4 1350295 9732 HGNC Dock4 1557693 238130 MGI:1918006 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:19192 Dock5 1306872 305987 DOCK5 1315737 80005 HGNC Dock5 1315738 68813 MGI:2652871 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:23476 Dock6 1306517 367039 DOCK6 1315180 57572 HGNC Dock6 1556889 319899 MGI:1914789 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:19189 Dock7 1309790 313388 DOCK7 1352133 85440 HGNC Dock7 1320319 67299 MGI:1914549 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:19190 Dock8 1561588 499337 DOCK8 1603953 81704 HGNC Dock8 1317066 76088 MGI:1921396 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:19191 Dock9 629617 259237 DOCK9 1348065 23348 HGNC Dock9 732835 105445 MGI:106321 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:14132 Dohh 1304783 314644 DOHH 1606491 83475 HGNC Dohh 1552021 102115 MGI:1915964 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:28662 Dok1 1309499 312477 DOK1 1319871 1796 HGNC Dok1 1319872 13448 MGI:893587 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:2990 Dok2 1310966 290361 DOK2 1322166 9046 HGNC Dok2 1322167 13449 MGI:1332623 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:2991 Dok3 1311840 306760 DOK3 1323508 79930 HGNC Dok3 1323509 27261 MGI:1351490 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:24583 Dok4 1310084 361364 DOK4 1320786 55715 HGNC Dok4 1320787 114255 MGI:2148865 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:19868 Dok5 1562846 502694 DOK5 1343098 55816 HGNC Dok5 1623113 76829 MGI:1924079 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:16173 Dok6 1564376 498898 DOK6 1346452 220164 HGNC Dok6 1619543 623279 MGI:3639495 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:28301 Dok7 1566416 305448 DOK7 1604958 285489 HGNC Dok7 1615685 231134 MGI:3584043 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:26594 Dolk 1310821 311847 DOLK 1321943 22845 HGNC Dolk 1321944 227697 MGI:2677836 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:23406 Dolpp1 1307447 296624 DOLPP1 1316643 57171 HGNC Dolpp1 1316644 57170 MGI:1914093 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:29565 Donson 1306823 288257 DONSON 1603397 29980 HGNC Donson 1315657 60364 MGI:1890621 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:2993 Dop1a 1305534 315864 DOP1A 1313616 23033 HGNC Dop1a 1617233 320615 MGI:1289294 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:21194 Dop1b 1306097 304077 DOP1B 1314515 9980 HGNC Dop1b 1314516 70028 MGI:1917278 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:1291 Dot1l 1306644 362831 DOT1L 1315376 84444 HGNC Dot1l 1315377 208266 MGI:2143886 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:24948 Dpagt1 735124 300668 DPAGT1 1349923 1798 HGNC Dpagt1 1620919 13478 MGI:1196396 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:2995 Dpcd 1307648 294004 DPCD 1601768 25911 RGD Dpcd 1316961 226162 MGI:1924407 RGD HGNC:24542 Dpep1 620324 94199 DPEP1 1350537 1800 HGNC Dpep1 733978 13479 MGI:94917 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:3002 Dpep2 1305746 291984 DPEP2 1313962 64174 HGNC Dpep2 1313963 319446 MGI:2442042 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:23028 Dpep3 1305484 364994 DPEP3 1313538 64180 HGNC Dpep3 1313539 71854 MGI:1919104 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:23029 Dpf1 61868 50545 DPF1 1606329 8193 HGNC Dpf1 62160 29861 MGI:1352748 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:20225 Dpf2 1311699 361711 DPF2 1323292 5977 HGNC Dpf2 1323293 19708 MGI:109529 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:9964 Dpf3 1309052 299186 DPF3 1319176 8110 HGNC Dpf3 1319177 70127 MGI:1917377 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:17427 Dph1 1562694 287523 DPH1 1352320 1801 HGNC Dph1 1557600 116905 MGI:2151233 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:3003 Dph2 1304634 298452 DPH2 1312184 1802 HGNC Dph2 1623210 67728 MGI:1914978 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:3004 Dph3 1590566 680594 DPH3 1346924 285381 HGNC Dph3 1621404 105638 MGI:1922658 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:27717 Dph5 1307867 295394 DPH5 1602122 51611 HGNC Dph5 1551663 69740 MGI:1916990 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:24270 Dph6 1310006 362191 DPH6 1603188 89978 HGNC Dph6 1320659 66632 MGI:1913882 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:30543 Dph7 1304868 296550 DPH7 1312556 92715 HGNC Dph7 1312557 67228 MGI:1914478 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:25199 Dpm1 1310120 296394 DPM1 1320840 8813 HGNC Dpm1 1320841 13480 MGI:1330239 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:3005 Dpm2 2514 29640 DPM2 736541 8818 HGNC Dpm2 736542 13481 MGI:1330238 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:3006 Dpm3 1561807 502017 DPM3 1349412 54344 RGD Dpm3 1616770 68563 MGI:1915813 RGD HGNC:3007 Dpp10 1306427 363972 DPP10 1315036 57628 HGNC Dpp10 1552444 269109 MGI:2442409 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:20823 Dpp3 621127 114591 DPP3 736150 10072 HGNC Dpp3 736151 75221 MGI:1922471 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:3008 Dpp4 2515 25253 DPP4 737491 1803 HGNC Dpp4 10481 13482 MGI:94919 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:3009 Dpp6 68402 29272 DPP6 68590 1804 HGNC Dpp6 68591 13483 MGI:94921 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:3010 Dpp7 71073 83799 DPP7 733882 29952 HGNC Dpp7 736791 83768 MGI:1933213 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:14892 Dpp8 1310901 315758 DPP8 1322072 54878 HGNC Dpp8 1322073 74388 MGI:1921638 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:16490 Dpp9 1588575 301130 DPP9 1350502 91039 HGNC Dpp9 1557116 224897 MGI:2443967 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:18648 Dppa2 1589201 683282 DPPA2 1348790 151871 RGD Dppa2 1616734 73703 MGI:2157523 RGD HGNC:19197 Dppa3 1310932 297576 DPPA3 1352490 359787 RGD Dppa3 1322116 73708 MGI:1920958 RGD HGNC:19199 Dppa4 1595070 685378 DPPA4 1343152 55211 HGNC Dppa4 1617480 73693 MGI:2157525 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:19200 Dppa5 1305838 301101 DPPA5 1344123 340168 RGD Dppa5a 1314112 434423 MGI:101800 RGD HGNC:19201 Dpt 1307176 289178 DPT 1316210 1805 HGNC Dpt 1316211 56429 MGI:1928392 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:3011 Dpy19l1 1305822 315496 DPY19L1 1603693 23333 HGNC Dpy19l1 1621284 244745 MGI:1915685 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:22205 Dpy19l2 1564311 300461 DPY19L2 1606928 283417 HGNC Dpy19l2 1608928 320752 MGI:2444662 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:19414 Dpy19l3 1308334 308519 DPY19L3 1604230 147991 HGNC Dpy19l3 1620595 233115 MGI:2443952 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:27120 Dpy19l4 1305828 297824 DPY19L4 1606660 286148 HGNC Dpy19l4 1618762 381510 MGI:2685869 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:27829 Dpy30 708575 286897 DPY30 1603291 84661 HGNC Dpy30 1550806 66310 MGI:1913560 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:24590 Dpyd 621218 81656 DPYD 731730 1806 HGNC Dpyd 1550111 99586 MGI:2139667 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:3012 Dpys 68376 65135 DPYS 68541 1807 HGNC Dpys 68542 64705 MGI:1928679 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:3013 Dpysl2 2517 25416 DPYSL2 737388 1808 HGNC Dpysl2 737389 12934 MGI:1349763 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:3014 Dpysl3 2410 25418 DPYSL3 735265 1809 HGNC Dpysl3 10397 22240 MGI:1349762 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:3015 Dpysl4 2409 25417 DPYSL4 737533 10570 HGNC Dpysl4 10396 26757 MGI:1349764 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:3016 Dpysl5 620467 65208 DPYSL5 733917 56896 RGD Dpysl5 1331988 65254 MGI:1929772 RGD HGNC:20637 Dqx1 1591766 680434 DQX1 1312375 165545 HGNC Dqx1 1312376 93838 MGI:2136388 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:20410 Dr1 1305201 289881 DR1 1313088 1810 RGD Dr1 1313089 13486 MGI:1100515 RGD HGNC:3017 Dram1 1598133 679937 DRAM1 1605066 55332 HGNC Dram1 1622283 71712 MGI:1918962 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:25645 Dram2 1564099 362011 DRAM2 1604537 128338 HGNC Dram2 1617548 67171 MGI:1914421 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:28769 Drap1 1308477 293674 DRAP1 1318268 10589 HGNC Drap1 1318269 66556 MGI:1913806 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:3019 Draxin 1585098 691317 DRAXIN 1605526 374946 HGNC Draxin 1622288 70433 MGI:1917683 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:25054 Drc1 1359318 362712 DRC1 1605894 92749 HGNC Drc1 1617201 381738 MGI:2685906 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:24245 Drc12 1305351 300663 DRC12 1604184 283152 HGNC Ccdc153 1313326 270150 MGI:2448587 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:27446 Drc3 1309150 287371 DRC3 1606494 83450 HGNC Drc3 1552835 74665 MGI:1921915 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:25384 Drc7 1565601 291853 DRC7 1604275 84229 HGNC Drc7 1618777 330830 MGI:2685616 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:25289 Drd1 2518 24316 DRD1 70828 1812 HGNC Drd1 10485 13488 MGI:99578 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:3020 Drd2 2520 24318 DRD2 736796 1813 HGNC Drd2 10486 13489 MGI:94924 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:3023 Drd3 2521 29238 DRD3 1605735 1814 HGNC Drd3 735750 13490 MGI:94925 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:3024 Drd4 2522 25432 DRD4 736138 1815 HGNC Drd4 10487 13491 MGI:94926 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:3025 Drd5 2523 25195 DRD5 731837 1816 HGNC Drd5 10489 13492 MGI:94927 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:3026 Drg1 1304993 305470 DRG1 1312753 4733 HGNC Drg1 1312754 13494 MGI:1343297 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:3029 Drg2 1562380 497915 DRG2 1343223 1819 HGNC Drg2 1620918 13495 MGI:1342307 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:3030 Drgx 628616 252880 DRGX 1353814 644168 HGNC Drgx 736758 107751 MGI:2148204 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:21536 Drosha 1307626 310159 DROSHA 1605687 29102 RGD Drosha 1550774 14000 MGI:1261425 RGD HGNC:17904 Drp2 621750 66027 DRP2 732671 1821 HGNC Drp2 1550423 13497 MGI:107432 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:3032 Dsc1 1310768 291759 DSC1 1321863 1823 RGD Dsc1 1321864 13505 MGI:109173 RGD HGNC:3035 Dsc2 1309426 291760 DSC2 1319763 1824 HGNC Dsc2 1319764 13506 MGI:103221 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:3036 Dsc3 1311782 307563 DSC3 1323416 1825 HGNC Dsc3 1551885 13507 MGI:1194993 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:3037 Dscam 619992 171119 DSCAM 732493 1826 HGNC Dscam 732494 13508 MGI:1196281 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:3039 Dscaml1 1304887 315615 DSCAML1 1312583 57453 HGNC Dscaml1 1312584 114873 MGI:2150309 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:14656 Dscc1 1561749 299933 DSCC1 1604296 79075 HGNC Dscc1 1619130 72107 MGI:1919357 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:24453 Dse 1305079 365583 DSE 1312897 29940 HGNC Dse 1312898 212898 MGI:2443455 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:21144 Dsel 1307724 297865 DSEL 1317082 92126 HGNC Dsel 1317083 319901 MGI:2442948 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:18144 Dsg1 1309925 291755 DSG1 1320531 1828 HGNC Dsg1a 1620127 13510 MGI:94930 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:3048 Dsg2 1311143 307562 DSG2 1322446 1829 HGNC Dsg2 1322447 13511 MGI:1196466 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:3049 Dsg3 1592103 291752 DSG3 1348238 1830 HGNC Dsg3 1620126 13512 MGI:99499 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:3050 Dsg4 735015 291754 DSG4 1348036 147409 HGNC Dsg4 1550419 16769 MGI:2661061 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:21307 Dsn1 1565179 499933 DSN1 1353084 79980 HGNC Dsn1 1619196 66934 MGI:1914184 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:16165 Dsp 1305794 306871 DSP 1314043 1832 HGNC Dsp 1620673 109620 MGI:109611 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:3052 Dspp 2525 25254 DSPP 69028 1834 HGNC Dspp 10493 666279 MGI:109172 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:3054 Dst 1306566 316313 DST 1605439 667 HGNC Dst 1315255 13518 MGI:104627 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:1090 Dstn 1588366 502674 DSTN 1312065 11034 RGD Dstn 1312066 56431 MGI:1929270 RGD HGNC:15750 Dstyk 735051 304791 DSTYK 1604373 25778 HGNC Dstyk 1551598 213452 MGI:1925064 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:29043 Dtd1 1311821 362227 DTD1 1323478 92675 HGNC Dtd1 1323479 66044 MGI:1913294 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:16219 Dtd2 1309138 366619 DTD2 1319312 112487 HGNC Dtd2 1552090 328092 MGI:1923485 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:20277 Dthd1 2323176 134478879 DTHD1 3103432 401124 HGNC Dthd1 5144970 100322896 MGI:4937018 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:37261 Dtl 1310439 305073 DTL 1604818 51514 HGNC Dtl 1551993 76843 MGI:1924093 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:30288 Dtna 1561985 307548 DTNA 1343196 1837 RGD Dtna 1558551 13527 MGI:106039 RGD HGNC:3057 Dtnb 1309579 362715 DTNB 1319991 1838 HGNC Dtnb 1319992 13528 MGI:1203728 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:3058 Dtnbp1 1590759 641528 DTNBP1 1342501 84062 RGD Dtnbp1 1619063 94245 MGI:2137586 RGD HGNC:17328 Dtwd1 1311144 296119 DTWD1 1604324 56986 HGNC Dtwd1 1551698 69185 MGI:1916435 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:30926 Dtwd2 1306423 361326 DTWD2 1604482 285605 HGNC Dtwd2 1553361 68857 MGI:1916107 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:19334 Dtx1 1585380 687424 DTX1 1353899 1840 HGNC Dtx1 1624086 14357 MGI:1352744 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:3060 Dtx2 1561790 304591 DTX2 1322389 113878 HGNC Dtx2 1322390 74198 MGI:1921448 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:15973 Dtx3 1566181 500847 DTX3 1347578 196403 HGNC Dtx3 1557271 80904 MGI:2135752 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:24457 Dtx3l 1565144 498089 DTX3L 1344833 151636 HGNC Dtx3l 1557213 209200 MGI:2656973 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:30323 Dtx4 1311767 293774 DTX4 1323395 23220 HGNC Dtx4 1323396 207521 MGI:2672905 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:29151 Dtymk 1309614 301622 DTYMK 1320047 1841 HGNC Dtymk 1320048 21915 MGI:108396 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:3061 Duox1 628760 266807 DUOX1 1345114 53905 HGNC Duox1 1550105 99439 MGI:2139422 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:3062 Duox2 628761 79107 DUOX2 1353863 50506 HGNC Duox2 1332300 214593 MGI:3036280 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:13273 Duoxa1 1306601 311374 DUOXA1 1602196 90527 HGNC Duoxa1 1315309 213696 MGI:2384861 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:26507 Duoxa2 1560628 499879 DUOXA2 1603235 405753 HGNC Duoxa2 1620045 66811 MGI:1914061 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:32698 Dus1l 708389 246185 DUS1L 1605962 64118 HGNC Dus1l 1615098 68730 MGI:1915980 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:30086 Dus2 1305612 291978 DUS2 1603040 54920 HGNC Dus2 1553224 66369 MGI:1913619 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:26014 Dus3l 1563228 301122 DUS3L 1604330 56931 HGNC Dus3l 1623797 224907 MGI:2147092 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:26920 Dus4l 1311445 366593 DUS4L 1602492 11062 HGNC Dus4l 1550991 71916 MGI:1919166 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:21517 Dusp1 620897 114856 DUSP1 732954 1843 HGNC Dusp1 732955 19252 MGI:105120 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:3064 Dusp10 1310844 63995 DUSP10 1321979 11221 HGNC Dusp10 1321980 63953 MGI:1927070 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:3065 Dusp11 1307038 297412 DUSP11 1315996 8446 HGNC Dusp11 1315997 72102 MGI:1919352 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:3066 Dusp12 68375 64014 DUSP12 731810 11266 HGNC Dusp12 736084 80915 MGI:1890614 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:3067 Dusp13a 163748611 128932650 DUSP13A 158012654 128854680 NCBI Dusp13a 163705727 128932648 MGI:7470874 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:56772 Dusp13b 1359712 361002 DUSP13B 1344710 51207 HGNC Dusp13b 1550454 27389 MGI:1351599 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:19681 Dusp14 1307415 360580 DUSP14 1316598 11072 RGD Dusp14 1316599 56405 MGI:1927168 RGD HGNC:17007 Dusp15 1305990 362238 DUSP15 1314347 128853 HGNC Dusp15 1314348 252864 MGI:1934928 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:16236 Dusp16 1310721 297682 DUSP16 1321793 80824 HGNC Dusp16 1620783 70686 MGI:1917936 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:17909 Dusp18 1306929 305477 DUSP18 1315821 150290 HGNC Dusp18 1315822 75219 MGI:1922469 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:18484 Dusp19 1307457 311151 DUSP19 1316661 142679 HGNC Dusp19 1316662 68082 MGI:1915332 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:18894 Dusp2 1305804 311406 DUSP2 1314060 1844 HGNC Dusp2 1314061 13537 MGI:101911 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:3068 Dusp21 1560427 302867 DUSP21 1343692 63904 HGNC Dusp21 1557718 73547 MGI:1920797 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:20476 Dusp22 1307146 361242 DUSP22 1316166 56940 HGNC Dusp22 1316167 105352 MGI:1915926 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:16077 Dusp23 1309202 360881 DUSP23 1319412 54935 HGNC Dusp23 1319413 68440 MGI:1915690 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:21480 Dusp26 1310090 306527 DUSP26 1604602 78986 HGNC Dusp26 1551807 66959 MGI:1914209 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:28161 Dusp28 1595220 684024 DUSP28 1605823 285193 HGNC Dusp28 1615110 67446 MGI:1914696 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:33237 Dusp29 1310229 361003 DUSP29 1321010 338599 HGNC Dusp29 1614697 435391 MGI:3647127 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:23481 Dusp3 1560049 498003 DUSP3 1345861 1845 HGNC Dusp3 1558500 72349 MGI:1919599 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:3069 Dusp4 620625 60587 DUSP4 1348525 1846 HGNC Dusp4 1332569 319520 MGI:2442191 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:3070 Dusp5 620854 171109 DUSP5 1345576 1847 HGNC Dusp5 1622924 240672 MGI:2685183 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:3071 Dusp6 70978 116663 DUSP6 731297 1848 HGNC Dusp6 731298 67603 MGI:1914853 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:3072 Dusp7 735026 300980 DUSP7 1350752 1849 HGNC Dusp7 1550083 235584 MGI:2387100 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:3073 Dusp8 1306425 361679 DUSP8 1315032 1850 HGNC Dusp8 1315033 18218 MGI:106626 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:3074 Dusp9 1565535 293847 DUSP9 1345424 1852 HGNC Dusp9 1558179 75590 MGI:2387107 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:3076 Dut 620849 497778 DUT 1349758 1854 HGNC Dut 1550877 110074 MGI:1346051 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:3078 Dux4 1311053 306226 DUX4 8663052 100288687 HGNC Duxbl1 1322305 278672 MGI:1916048 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:50800 Dvl1 620632 83721 DVL1 733042 1855 HGNC Dvl1 733043 13542 MGI:94941 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:3084 Dvl2 1309725 303251 DVL2 1320219 1856 RGD Dvl2 1320220 13543 MGI:106613 RGD HGNC:3086 Dvl3 1308834 303811 DVL3 1318833 1857 HGNC Dvl3 1318834 13544 MGI:108100 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:3087 Dxo 1303267 361799 DXO 1348619 1797 HGNC Dxo 1619046 112403 MGI:1890444 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:2992 Dydc1 1588855 688433 DYDC1 1352824 143241 HGNC Dydc1 1620000 69496 MGI:1916746 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:23460 Dydc2 1588866 688422 DYDC2 1352468 84332 HGNC Dydc2 1615860 71200 MGI:1918450 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:23468 Dym 1309111 291433 DYM 1350887 54808 HGNC Dym 1622292 69190 MGI:1918480 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:21317 Dynap 1596811 680077 DYNAP 1344523 284254 HGNC Dynap 1623123 75577 MGI:1922827 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:26808 Dync1h1 2511 29489 DYNC1H1 1351274 1778 HGNC Dync1h1 1332334 13424 MGI:103147 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:2961 Dync1i1 2512 29564 DYNC1I1 734329 1780 HGNC Dync1i1 1332553 13426 MGI:107743 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:2963 Dync1i2 620174 116659 DYNC1I2 732025 1781 HGNC Dync1i2 732026 13427 MGI:107750 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:2964 Dync1li1 71072 252902 DYNC1LI1 1606006 51143 HGNC Dync1li1 736406 235661 MGI:2135610 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:18745 Dync1li2 621130 81655 DYNC1LI2 1344148 1783 HGNC Dync1li2 1550833 234663 MGI:107738 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:2966 Dync2h1 71042 65209 DYNC2H1 1606227 79659 HGNC Dync2h1 735308 110350 MGI:107736 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:2962 Dync2i1 1306493 314523 DYNC2I1 1605671 55112 HGNC Dync2i1 1315142 217935 MGI:2445085 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:21862 Dync2i2 1359465 296618 DYNC2I2 1342520 89891 HGNC Dync2i2 1550264 71820 MGI:1919070 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:28296 Dync2li1 1310286 298767 DYNC2LI1 1602120 51626 HGNC Dync2li1 1332135 213575 MGI:1913996 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:24595 Dynll1 619866 58945 DYNLL1 731010 8655 HGNC Dynll1 731011 56455 MGI:1861457 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:15476 Dynll2 619860 140734 DYNLL2 730979 140735 HGNC Dynll2 736251 68097 MGI:1915347 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:24596 Dynlrb1 619910 170714 DYNLRB1 734301 83658 HGNC Dynlrb1 1553440 67068 MGI:1914318 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:15468 Dynlrb2 1306930 361415 DYNLRB2 1315823 83657 HGNC Dynlrb2 1315824 75465 MGI:1922715 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:15467 Dynlt1 620261 83462 DYNLT1 732244 6993 HGNC Dynlt1b 732245 21648 MGI:98643 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:11697 Dynlt2 1310947 365153 DYNLT2 1322136 6991 HGNC Dynlt2a1 1322137 21647 MGI:98642 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:11695 Dynlt2b 1563597 498095 DYNLT2B 1604497 255758 HGNC Dynlt2b 1557776 66061 MGI:1913311 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:28482 Dynlt3 1549755 363448 DYNLT3 1350586 6990 HGNC Dynlt3 1556957 67117 MGI:1914367 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:11694 Dynlt4 1565942 102551208 DYNLT4 1606104 343521 HGNC Dynlt4 1617316 242646 MGI:3045358 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:32315 Dynlt5 1311932 362553 DYNLT5 1603544 200132 HGNC Dynlt5 1323644 67344 MGI:1914594 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:26882 Dyrk1a 2528 25255 DYRK1A 737237 1859 HGNC Dyrk1a 10495 13548 MGI:1330299 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:3091 Dyrk1b 1307223 308468 DYRK1B 1316288 9149 HGNC Dyrk1b 1316289 13549 MGI:1330302 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:3092 Dyrk2 1312039 314862 DYRK2 1323814 8445 HGNC Dyrk2 1622296 69181 MGI:1330301 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:3093 Dyrk3 1310924 304775 DYRK3 1322106 8444 HGNC Dyrk3 1322107 226419 MGI:1330300 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:3094 Dyrk4 1306800 312721 DYRK4 1351667 8798 HGNC Dyrk4 1557302 101320 MGI:1330292 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:3095 Dysf 1311023 312492 DYSF 1322255 8291 HGNC Dysf 1322256 26903 MGI:1349385 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:3097 Dytn 2320917 100361043 DYTN 1606642 391475 HGNC Dytn 1619811 241073 MGI:2685061 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:23279 Dzank1 1311344 311486 DZANK1 1322749 55184 HGNC Dzank1 1322750 241688 MGI:2139080 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:15858 Dzip1 1307701 364475 DZIP1 1317042 22873 HGNC Dzip1 1550795 66573 MGI:1914311 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:20908 Dzip1l 1311430 315952 DZIP1L 1344571 199221 HGNC Dzip1l 1549981 72507 MGI:1919757 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:26551 Dzip3 1563278 303963 DZIP3 1602727 9666 HGNC Dzip3 1557465 224170 MGI:1917433 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:30938 E2f1 728892 399489 E2F1 730923 1869 HGNC E2f1 730924 13555 MGI:101941 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:3113 E2f2 1593939 684111 E2F2 1348982 1870 HGNC E2f2 1616520 242705 MGI:1096341 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:3114 E2f3 1561600 291105 E2F3 1320122 1871 HGNC E2f3 1320123 13557 MGI:1096340 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:3115 E2f4 2322129 100360427 E2F4 1323111 1874 HGNC E2f4 1323112 104394 MGI:103012 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:3118 E2f5 621357 116651 E2F5 731057 1875 HGNC E2f5 731058 13559 MGI:105091 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:3119 E2f6 631412 313978 E2F6 1605732 1876 HGNC E2f6 1552292 50496 MGI:1354159 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:3120 E2f7 1310258 314818 E2F7 1321054 144455 HGNC E2f7 1321055 52679 MGI:1289147 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:23820 E2f8 1308091 308607 E2F8 1605946 79733 HGNC E2f8 1615757 108961 MGI:1922038 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:24727 E4f1 1596731 681359 E4F1 1348626 1877 HGNC E4f1 1558388 13560 MGI:109530 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:3121 Eaf1 1310057 306261 EAF1 1320738 85403 HGNC Eaf1 1320739 74427 MGI:1921677 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:20907 Eaf2 628879 266787 EAF2 736664 55840 HGNC Eaf2 733786 106389 MGI:2146616 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:23115 Eapp 1309624 299043 EAPP 1320061 55837 HGNC Eapp 1320062 66266 MGI:1913516 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:19312 Ears2 1307904 361641 EARS2 1604541 124454 HGNC Ears2 1317368 67417 MGI:1914667 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:29419 Ebag9 1307293 299864 EBAG9 1316400 9166 HGNC Ebag9 1316401 55960 MGI:1859920 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:3123 Ebf1 620953 116543 EBF1 1349579 1879 HGNC Ebf1 732633 13591 MGI:95275 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:3126 Ebf2 1310805 361060 EBF2 1321920 64641 HGNC Ebf2 1620120 13592 MGI:894332 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:19090 Ebf3 1304956 361668 EBF3 1346410 253738 HGNC Ebf3 1312697 13593 MGI:894289 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:19087 Ebf4 1588215 680751 EBF4 1625812 57593 HGNC Ebf4 1615690 228598 MGI:2385972 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:29278 Ebi3 1589467 680609 EBI3 1353395 10148 HGNC Ebi3 1615927 50498 MGI:1354171 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:3129 Ebln1 41393922 120095344 EBLN1 5132975 340900 HGNC Igkv8-24 11315446 677858 MGI:4947958 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:39430 Ebna1bp2 1305762 114021 EBNA1BP2 1313990 10969 HGNC Ebna1bp2 1313991 69072 MGI:1916322 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:15531 Ebp 620957 117278 EBP 1345811 10682 HGNC Ebp 733162 13595 MGI:107822 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:3133 Ebpl 1304571 361054 EBPL 1312086 84650 HGNC Ebpl 1312087 68177 MGI:1915427 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:18061 Ecd 1565023 688968 ECD 1604642 11319 HGNC Ecd 1620790 70601 MGI:1917851 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:17029 Ece1 620293 94204 ECE1 731823 1889 HGNC Ece1 1552140 230857 MGI:1101357 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:3146 Ece2 1303039 408243 ECE2 1349338 9718 RGD Eef1ece2 1550450 110599584 MGI:6121518 RGD HGNC:13275 Ecel1 61806 60417 ECEL1 731078 9427 HGNC Ecel1 62098 13599 MGI:1343461 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:3147 Ech1 69353 64526 ECH1 732278 1891 HGNC Ech1 732279 51798 MGI:1858208 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:3149 Echdc1 1359654 361465 ECHDC1 1346197 55862 HGNC Echdc1 1553337 52665 MGI:1277169 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:21489 Echdc2 1308525 298381 ECHDC2 1349844 55268 HGNC Echdc2 1550558 52430 MGI:1289238 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:23408 Echdc3 1589147 684538 ECHDC3 1351756 79746 HGNC Echdc3 1622311 67856 MGI:1915106 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:23489 Echs1 69330 140547 ECHS1 734312 1892 HGNC Echs1 734313 93747 MGI:2136460 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:3151 Eci1 61892 29740 ECI1 1352961 1632 HGNC Eci1 62185 13177 MGI:94871 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:2703 Eci2 1359427 291075 ECI2 1607074 10455 HGNC Eci2 1553667 23986 MGI:1346064 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:14601 Ecm1 620357 116662 ECM1 1605731 1893 HGNC Ecm1 1553518 13601 MGI:103060 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:3153 Ecm2 2320282 100361383 ECM2 1318155 1842 RGD Ecm2 1552953 407800 MGI:3039578 RGD HGNC:3154 Ecpas 1306148 313196 ECPAS 1314598 23392 HGNC Ecpas 1314599 230249 MGI:2140220 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:29020 Ecrg4 1305645 363225 ECRG4 1603606 84417 HGNC Ecrg4 1313796 78896 MGI:1926146 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:24642 Ecscr 1594804 689248 ECSCR 2303680 641700 RGD Ecscr 1616775 68545 MGI:1915795 RGD HGNC:35454 Ecsit 1359488 300447 ECSIT 1602709 51295 HGNC Ecsit 1557226 26940 MGI:1349469 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:29548 Ect2 1308524 361921 ECT2 1318344 1894 HGNC Ect2 1318345 13605 MGI:95281 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:3155 Ect2l 9246970 103689991 ECT2L 1353624 345930 HGNC Ect2l 2295615 100045792 MGI:3641723 RGD HGNC:21118 Eda 1563178 302424 EDA 1348155 1896 HGNC Eda 1557590 13607 MGI:1195272 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:3157 Eda2r 1564025 296872 EDA2R 1344270 60401 HGNC Eda2r 1557218 245527 MGI:2442860 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:17756 Edar 1561714 365581 EDAR 1344202 10913 HGNC Edar 1557662 13608 MGI:1343498 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:2895 Edaradd 1564010 498769 EDARADD 1351297 128178 HGNC Edaradd 1558198 171211 MGI:1931001 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:14341 Edc3 1306898 315708 EDC3 1604794 80153 HGNC Edc3 1315775 353190 MGI:2142951 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:26114 Edc4 1562009 361399 EDC4 1606564 23644 RGD Edc4 1319084 234699 MGI:2446249 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:17157 Eddm13 9080077 103691035 EDDM13 12799211 100506374 HGNC Eddm13 1613833 627821 MGI:3643580 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:53168 Eddm3b 631349 290032 EDDM3B 1344731 64184 RGD Eddm3b 1618995 219026 MGI:2684921 RGD HGNC:19223 Edem1 1563633 297504 EDEM1 1349759 9695 HGNC Edem1 1557813 192193 MGI:2180139 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:18967 Edem2 1303074 296304 EDEM2 1354312 55741 HGNC Edem2 1332424 108687 MGI:1915540 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:15877 Edem3 1561496 289085 EDEM3 1353394 80267 HGNC Edem3 1619192 66967 MGI:1914217 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:16787 Edf1 1308073 296570 EDF1 1317635 8721 HGNC Edf1 1317636 59022 MGI:1891227 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:3164 Edil3 1588887 688400 EDIL3 1343635 10085 RGD Edil3 1557383 13612 MGI:1329025 RGD HGNC:3173 Edn1 2532 24323 EDN1 730848 1906 HGNC Edn1 10499 13614 MGI:95283 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:3176 Edn2 2533 24324 EDN2 737548 1907 HGNC Edn2 737549 13615 MGI:95284 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:3177 Edn3 2534 366270 EDN3 1344952 1908 HGNC Edn3 1557152 13616 MGI:95285 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:3178 Ednra 2535 24326 EDNRA 737537 1909 HGNC Ednra 737538 13617 MGI:105923 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:3179 Ednrb 2536 50672 EDNRB 736090 1910 HGNC Ednrb 10505 13618 MGI:102720 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:3180 Edrf1 1306820 309069 EDRF1 1322314 26098 HGNC Edrf1 1315651 214764 MGI:1919831 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:24640 Eea1 1310167 314764 EEA1 1320911 8411 HGNC Eea1 1320912 216238 MGI:2442192 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:3185 Eed 1309782 293104 EED 1320306 8726 HGNC Eed 1320307 13626 MGI:95286 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:3188 Eef1a1 67387 171361 EEF1A1 68966 1915 HGNC Eef1a1 68967 13627 MGI:1096881 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:3189 Eef1a2 3781 24799 EEF1A2 1344342 1917 HGNC Eef1a2 734248 13628 MGI:1096317 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:3192 Eef1akmt1 1306762 290279 EEF1AKMT1 1606676 221143 HGNC Eef1akmt1 1315567 68043 MGI:1915293 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:27351 Eef1akmt2 1306300 361664 EEF1AKMT2 1604914 399818 HGNC Eef1akmt2 1314843 72096 MGI:1919346 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:33787 Eef1akmt3 1590711 679247 EEF1AKMT3 1604024 25895 HGNC Eef1akmt3 1620342 100504608 MGI:3645330 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:24936 Eef1akmt4 7732114 102551435 EEF1AKMT4 12914190 110599564 HGNC Eef1akmt4 13792741 110599566 MGI:5903914 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:53611 Eef1b2 1311415 363241 EEF1B2 1322866 1933 HGNC Eef1b2 1322867 55949 MGI:1929520 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:3208 Eef1d 621174 300033 EEF1D 1323465 1936 HGNC Eef1d 1323466 66656 MGI:1913906 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:3211 Eef1e1 1311056 291057 EEF1E1 1322308 9521 HGNC Eef1e1 1322309 66143 MGI:1913393 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:3212 Eef1g 1302939 293725 EEF1G 1349957 1937 HGNC Eef1g 1550009 67160 MGI:1914410 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:3213 Eef2 61979 29565 EEF2 1343628 1938 HGNC Eef2 62271 13629 MGI:95288 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:3214 Eef2k 2538 25435 EEF2K 1351780 29904 HGNC Eef2k 10506 13631 MGI:1195261 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:24615 Eef2kmt 1304969 302931 EEF2KMT 1603258 196483 HGNC Eef2kmt 1621515 70511 MGI:1917761 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:32221 Eefsec 1560552 500255 EEFSEC 1604801 60678 HGNC Eefsec 1558368 65967 MGI:2137092 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:24614 Eeig1 1597535 687750 EEIG1 1605493 399665 HGNC Eeig1 1623059 98952 MGI:2138935 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:31419 Eeig2 1310037 365903 EEIG2 1603518 284611 HGNC Eeig2 1320706 329739 MGI:3036259 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:27637 Eepd1 1307401 315500 EEPD1 1606501 80820 HGNC Eepd1 1316579 67484 MGI:1914734 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:22223 Efcab10 1307943 362727 EFCAB10 2301274 100130771 HGNC Efcab10 1317431 75040 MGI:1922290 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:34531 Efcab11 1565006 500705 EFCAB11 1343471 90141 HGNC Efcab11 1556951 78767 MGI:1926017 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:20357 Efcab12 1586985 680899 EFCAB12 1602666 90288 HGNC Efcab12 1619018 212516 MGI:2681834 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:28061 Efcab14 1310351 298425 EFCAB14 1605111 9813 HGNC Efcab14 1321205 230648 MGI:2442397 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:29051 Efcab15 2319718 100361655 EFCAB15P 39128296 118568824 RGD Efcab15 1620009 69441 MGI:1916691 RGD HGNC:55140 Efcab2 1308593 289280 EFCAB2 1604261 84288 HGNC Efcab2 1550749 68226 MGI:1915476 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:28166 Efcab3 1305423 303589 EFCAB3 1603895 146779 HGNC Efcab3 1313445 70894 MGI:1918144 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:26379 Efcab5 1309650 363653 EFCAB5 1606096 374786 HGNC Efcab5 1320103 319634 MGI:2442440 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:24801 Efcab6 1309065 315179 EFCAB6 1601856 64800 HGNC Efcab6 1332012 77627 MGI:1924877 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:24204 Efcab7 1561825 362549 EFCAB7 1603602 84455 HGNC Efcab7 1620604 230500 MGI:2385199 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:29379 Efcab8 1597364 499923 EFCAB8 2301262 388795 RGD Efcab8 1618784 100504221 MGI:3644206 RGD HGNC:34532 Efcab9 1588807 688481 EFCAB9 2301263 285588 HGNC HGNC:34530 Efcc1 1596494 685202 EFCC1 1602687 79825 HGNC Efcc1 1615914 58229 MGI:3611451 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:25692 Efemp1 1308528 305604 EFEMP1 1318351 2202 HGNC Efemp1 1318352 216616 MGI:1339998 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:3218 Efemp2 1359496 293677 EFEMP2 1349728 30008 HGNC Efemp2 1551771 58859 MGI:1891209 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:3219 Efhb 1566407 301168 EFHB 1349676 151651 HGNC Efhb 1558042 211482 MGI:3045296 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:26330 Efhc1 1587365 301295 EFHC1 1317534 114327 HGNC Efhc1 1317535 71877 MGI:1919127 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:16406 Efhc2 1563388 302507 EFHC2 1348000 80258 HGNC Efhc2 1557891 74405 MGI:1921655 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:26233 Efhd1 1559565 501181 EFHD1 1350827 80303 HGNC Efhd1 1557726 98363 MGI:1921607 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:29556 Efhd2 1307585 298609 EFHD2 1316863 79180 HGNC Efhd2 1316864 27984 MGI:106504 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:28670 Efl1 1306521 308789 EFL1 1352796 79631 HGNC Efl1 1315186 101592 MGI:2141969 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:25789 Efna1 620388 94268 EFNA1 730990 1942 HGNC Efna1 730991 13636 MGI:103236 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:3221 Efna2 620389 84358 EFNA2 1314277 1943 HGNC Efna2 1314278 13637 MGI:102707 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:3222 Efna3 620390 170901 EFNA3 1352863 1944 HGNC Efna3 1619281 13638 MGI:106644 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:3223 Efna4 1307808 310643 EFNA4 1317216 1945 HGNC Efna4 1317217 13639 MGI:106643 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:3224 Efna5 620391 116683 EFNA5 1350398 1946 HGNC Efna5 732052 13640 MGI:107444 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:3225 Efnb1 2540 25186 EFNB1 737327 1947 HGNC Efnb1 10508 13641 MGI:102708 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:3226 Efnb2 1309497 306636 EFNB2 1319867 1948 HGNC Efnb2 1319868 13642 MGI:105097 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:3227 Efnb3 2541 360546 EFNB3 1346330 1949 HGNC Efnb3 10509 13643 MGI:109196 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:3228 Efr3a 1305976 362923 EFR3A 1604382 23167 HGNC Efr3a 1314325 76740 MGI:1923990 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:28970 Efr3b 1310845 313928 EFR3B 1602224 22979 HGNC Efr3b 1623354 668212 MGI:2444851 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:29155 Efs 1308966 290212 EFS 1319047 10278 HGNC Efs 1319048 13644 MGI:105311 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:16898 Eftud2 1560116 287739 EFTUD2 1606577 9343 HGNC Eftud2 1557328 20624 MGI:1336880 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:30858 Egf 2542 25313 EGF 736832 1950 HGNC Egf 10510 13645 MGI:95290 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:3229 Egfl6 1563321 317470 EGFL6 1354247 25975 HGNC Egfl6 1557004 54156 MGI:1858599 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:3235 Egfl7 708507 245963 EGFL7 1602888 51162 HGNC Egfl7 1332497 353156 MGI:2449923 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:20594 Egfl8 1549706 406166 EGFL8 1347289 80864 HGNC Egfl8 1615005 81701 MGI:1932094 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:13944 Egflam 1306592 365691 EGFLAM 1602070 133584 HGNC Egflam 1332080 268780 MGI:2146149 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:26810 Egfr 2543 24329 EGFR 69152 1956 HGNC Egfr 10511 13649 MGI:95294 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:3236 Egln1 631375 308913 EGLN1 735297 54583 HGNC Egln1 1332220 112405 MGI:1932286 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:1232 Egln2 631376 308457 EGLN2 736328 112398 HGNC Egln2 1551687 112406 MGI:1932287 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:14660 Egln3 71019 54702 EGLN3 732652 112399 HGNC Egln3 732653 112407 MGI:1932288 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:14661 Egr1 2544 24330 EGR1 737111 1958 HGNC Egr1 10512 13653 MGI:95295 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:3238 Egr2 621608 114090 EGR2 1352442 1959 HGNC Egr2 733541 13654 MGI:95296 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:3239 Egr3 2545 25148 EGR3 736598 1960 HGNC Egr3 736599 13655 MGI:1306780 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:3240 Egr4 2546 25129 EGR4 735817 1961 HGNC Egr4 735818 13656 MGI:99252 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:3241 Ehbp1 1310604 305556 EHBP1 1346487 23301 HGNC Ehbp1 1550974 216565 MGI:2667252 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:29144 Ehbp1l1 1563823 309169 EHBP1L1 1342687 254102 HGNC Ehbp1l1 1622154 114601 MGI:3612340 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:30682 Ehd1 1309017 293692 EHD1 1319124 10938 HGNC Ehd1 1619277 13660 MGI:1341878 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:3242 Ehd2 1560856 361512 EHD2 1348695 30846 HGNC Ehd2 1557952 259300 MGI:2154274 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:3243 Ehd3 621762 192249 EHD3 1346639 30845 HGNC Ehd3 1553109 57440 MGI:1928900 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:3244 Ehd4 628883 192204 EHD4 734140 30844 HGNC Ehd4 734141 98878 MGI:1919619 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:3245 Ehf 1310282 295965 EHF 1321091 26298 HGNC Ehf 1321092 13661 MGI:1270840 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:3246 Ehhadh 621441 171142 EHHADH 1349142 1962 HGNC Ehhadh 731537 74147 MGI:1277964 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:3247 Ehmt1 1307588 362078 EHMT1 1316868 79813 HGNC Ehmt1 1316869 77683 MGI:1924933 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:24650 Ehmt2 1302972 361798 EHMT2 1605700 10919 HGNC Ehmt2 1550173 110147 MGI:2148922 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:14129 Ei24 1309868 300514 EI24 1320441 9538 HGNC Ei24 1320442 13663 MGI:108090 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:13276 Eid1 1562702 499882 EID1 1348426 23741 HGNC Eid1 1624016 58521 MGI:1889651 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:1191 Eid2 1591322 685691 EID2 1351030 163126 HGNC Eid2 1619657 386655 MGI:2681174 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:28292 Eid2b 9381183 103690162 EID2B 1603273 126272 HGNC Eid2b 1607175 434156 MGI:1924095 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:26796 Eid3 1597206 691688 EID3 1603793 493861 HGNC Eid3 1624005 66341 MGI:1913591 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:32961 Eif1 1306308 287703 EIF1 1342567 10209 RGD Eif1 1314855 20918 MGI:105125 RGD HGNC:3249 Eif1a 1306331 317163 Eif1a 1314892 13664 MGI:95298 RGD Eif1ad 1304686 293673 EIF1AD 1601944 84285 HGNC Eif1ad 1312277 69860 MGI:1917110 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:28147 Eif1ax 1560198 302697 EIF1AX 1351588 1964 RGD Eif1ax 1557493 66235 MGI:1913485 RGD HGNC:3250 Eif1b 1309241 301068 EIF1B 1601885 10289 HGNC Eif1b 1319472 68969 MGI:1916219 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:30792 Eif2a 1589591 502531 EIF2A 1605026 83939 HGNC Eif2a 1619851 229317 MGI:1098684 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:3254 Eif2ak1 70883 27137 EIF2AK1 1354333 27102 HGNC Eif2ak1 737179 15467 MGI:1353448 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:24921 Eif2ak2 3402 54287 EIF2AK2 1345835 5610 HGNC Eif2ak2 1616839 19106 MGI:1353449 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:9437 Eif2ak3 70884 29702 EIF2AK3 1354090 9451 HGNC Eif2ak3 736260 13666 MGI:1341830 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:3255 Eif2ak4 1311439 114859 EIF2AK4 1322904 440275 HGNC Eif2ak4 1332170 27103 MGI:1353427 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:19687 Eif2b1 620819 64514 EIF2B1 733321 1967 HGNC Eif2b1 733322 209354 MGI:2384802 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:3257 Eif2b2 620820 84005 EIF2B2 731256 8892 HGNC Eif2b2 731257 217715 MGI:2145118 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:3258 Eif2b3 620821 171145 EIF2B3 732190 8891 HGNC Eif2b3 1552242 108067 MGI:1313286 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:3259 Eif2b4 620208 117019 EIF2B4 733707 8890 HGNC Eif2b4 733708 13667 MGI:95300 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:3260 Eif2b5 708380 192234 EIF2B5 731553 8893 HGNC Eif2b5 731554 224045 MGI:2446176 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:3261 Eif2d 1561765 498225 EIF2D 1322883 1939 HGNC Eif2d 1322884 16865 MGI:109342 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:6583 Eif2s1 620963 54318 EIF2S1 735608 1965 HGNC Eif2s1 731513 13665 MGI:95299 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:3265 Eif2s2 735192 296302 EIF2S2 1343864 8894 HGNC Eif2s2 1550333 67204 MGI:1914454 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:3266 Eif2s3 1561279 299027 EIF2S3 1346365 1968 RGD Eif2s3x 1557800 26905 MGI:1349431 RGD HGNC:3267 Eif2s3y 2314438 100312984 EIF2S3B 13461885 255308 HGNC Eif2s3y 1616817 26908 MGI:1349430 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:43863 Eif3a 1307269 292148 EIF3A 1316362 8661 HGNC Eif3a 1316363 13669 MGI:95301 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:3271 Eif3b 1309018 288516 EIF3B 1319125 8662 HGNC Eif3b 1319126 27979 MGI:106478 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:3280 Eif3c 1308871 293484 EIF3C 1318894 8663 HGNC Eif3c 1557927 56347 MGI:1926966 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:3279 Eif3d 1303255 362952 EIF3D 1352969 8664 HGNC Eif3d 1551512 55944 MGI:1933181 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:3278 Eif3e 1311521 299872 EIF3E 1323023 3646 RGD Eif3e 1323024 16341 MGI:99257 RGD HGNC:3277 Eif3f 1306112 293427 EIF3F 1314535 8665 HGNC Eif3f 1314536 66085 MGI:1913335 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:3275 Eif3g 1307191 298700 EIF3G 1316234 8666 HGNC Eif3g 1316235 53356 MGI:1858258 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:3274 Eif3h 735178 299899 EIF3H 1351668 8667 HGNC Eif3h 1552864 68135 MGI:1915385 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:3273 Eif3i 1584560 682390 EIF3I 1350072 8668 HGNC Eif3i 1557170 54709 MGI:1860763 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:3272 Eif3j 1593338 691947 EIF3J 1317118 8669 HGNC Eif3j1 1317119 78655 MGI:1925905 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:3270 Eif3k 1309221 292762 EIF3K 1342979 27335 HGNC Eif3k 1551195 73830 MGI:1921080 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:24656 Eif3l 1308230 300069 EIF3L 1317885 51386 HGNC Eif3l 1317886 223691 MGI:2386251 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:18138 Eif3m 1565840 295975 EIF3M 1607072 10480 HGNC Eif3m 1618258 98221 MGI:1351744 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:24460 Eif4a1 735141 287436 EIF4A1 1354204 1973 HGNC Eif4a1 1552610 13681 MGI:95303 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:3282 Eif4a2 1309225 303831 EIF4A2 1319448 1974 HGNC Eif4a2 1319449 13682 MGI:106906 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:3284 Eif4a3 1591139 688288 EIF4A3 1352000 9775 HGNC Eif4a3 1615746 192170 MGI:1923731 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:18683 Eif4b 1306479 300253 EIF4B 1315118 1975 HGNC Eif4b 1315119 75705 MGI:95304 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:3285 Eif4e 69647 117045 EIF4E 732833 1977 HGNC Eif4e 732834 13684 MGI:95305 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:3287 Eif4e1b 1585494 686104 EIF4E1B 1601810 253314 HGNC Eif4e1b 1614948 218268 MGI:2685119 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:33179 Eif4e2 1307790 363275 EIF4E2 1348644 9470 HGNC Eif4e2 1550810 26987 MGI:1914440 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:3293 Eif4e3 1586185 297481 EIF4E3 1348241 317649 HGNC Eif4e3 1620031 66892 MGI:1914142 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:31837 Eif4ebp1 620259 116636 EIF4EBP1 1353500 1978 HGNC Eif4ebp1 733442 13685 MGI:103267 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:3288 Eif4ebp2 1310824 361845 EIF4EBP2 1321948 1979 HGNC Eif4ebp2 1321949 13688 MGI:109198 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:3289 Eif4ebp3 2324556 100365872 EIF4EBP3 1347749 8637 RGD Eif4ebp3 1622163 108112 MGI:1270847 RGD HGNC:3290 Eif4enif1 1560908 305468 EIF4ENIF1 1320332 56478 HGNC Eif4enif1 1320333 74203 MGI:1921453 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:16687 Eif4g1 1306144 287986 EIF4G1 1314591 1981 RGD Eif4g1 1550408 208643 MGI:2384784 RGD HGNC:3296 Eif4g2 1305294 361628 EIF4G2 1313238 1982 HGNC Eif4g2 1313239 13690 MGI:109207 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:3297 Eif4g3 1311370 298573 EIF4G3 1322792 8672 HGNC Eif4g3 1322793 230861 MGI:1923935 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:3298 Eif4h 1359222 288599 EIF4H 1347903 7458 HGNC Eif4h 1552543 22384 MGI:1341822 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:12741 Eif5 619861 108348073 EIF5 736122 1983 HGNC Eif5 736123 217869 MGI:95309 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:3299 Eif5a 1308029 287444 EIF5A 1317562 1984 HGNC Eif5a 1317563 276770 MGI:106248 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:3300 Eif5a2 1306196 310261 EIF5A2 1314674 56648 HGNC Eif5a2 1314675 208691 MGI:1933735 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:3301 Eif5b 735017 308306 EIF5B 1353401 9669 HGNC Eif5b 1618165 226982 MGI:2441772 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:30793 Eif5bl 41035860 120100682 LOC100129098 38675928 100129098 NCBI Eif6 1305373 305506 EIF6 1313362 3692 HGNC Eif6 1313363 16418 MGI:1196288 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:6159 Eipr1 1305817 362721 EIPR1 1314080 7260 HGNC Eipr1 1550318 380752 MGI:1289332 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:12383 Elac1 1304757 307604 ELAC1 1312386 55520 HGNC Elac1 1622152 114615 MGI:1890495 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:14197 Elac2 628882 282826 ELAC2 1342597 60528 HGNC Elac2 1552652 68626 MGI:1890496 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:14198 Elane 1307968 299606 ELANE 1317469 1991 HGNC Elane 1624045 50701 MGI:2679229 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:3309 Elapor1 1310209 362019 ELAPOR1 1606254 57535 HGNC Elapor1 1320977 229722 MGI:1923930 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:29618 Elapor2 1563349 502727 ELAPOR2 1603535 222223 HGNC Elapor2 1314672 231014 MGI:2443264 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:21945 Elavl1 1308649 363854 ELAVL1 1318543 1994 HGNC Elavl1 735284 15568 MGI:1100851 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:3312 Elavl2 628611 286973 ELAVL2 1314763 1993 HGNC Elavl2 1314764 15569 MGI:1100887 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:3313 Elavl3 628892 282824 ELAVL3 1343972 1995 HGNC Elavl3 1550050 15571 MGI:109157 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:3314 Elavl4 1560027 432358 ELAVL4 1348119 1996 HGNC Elavl4 1557144 15572 MGI:107427 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:3315 Elf1 620697 85424 ELF1 734281 1997 HGNC Elf1 734282 13709 MGI:107180 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:3316 Elf2 1310585 361944 ELF2 1321579 1998 HGNC Elf2 1321580 69257 MGI:1916507 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:3317 Elf3 1310687 304815 ELF3 1321734 1999 HGNC Elf3 1321735 13710 MGI:1101781 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:3318 Elf4 1560743 302811 ELF4 1351734 2000 HGNC Elf4 1558337 56501 MGI:1928377 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:3319 Elf5 1305859 366142 ELF5 1314143 2001 HGNC Elf5 1314144 13711 MGI:1335079 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:3320 Elfn1 1308787 288512 ELFN1 1642766 392617 HGNC Elfn1 1318760 243312 MGI:2442479 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:33154 Elfn2 1559693 100910536 ELFN2 1606182 114794 RGD Elfn2 1619028 207393 MGI:3608416 RGD HGNC:29396 Elk1 1598663 314436 ELK1 1349633 2002 HGNC Elk1 10518 13712 MGI:101833 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:3321 Elk3 1307764 362871 ELK3 1317143 2004 HGNC Elk3 1317144 13713 MGI:101762 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:3325 Elk4 1310504 304786 ELK4 1321444 2005 HGNC Elk4 1321445 13714 MGI:102853 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:3326 Ell 1311121 306347 ELL 1322410 8178 HGNC Ell 1322411 13716 MGI:109377 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:23114 Ell2 1309296 309918 ELL2 1319566 22936 HGNC Ell2 1319567 192657 MGI:2183438 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:17064 Ell3 1309917 296102 ELL3 1320517 80237 HGNC Ell3 1621992 269344 MGI:2673679 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:23113 Elmo1 1308182 361251 ELMO1 1317811 9844 HGNC Elmo1 1317812 140580 MGI:2153044 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:16286 Elmo2 1305784 362271 ELMO2 1314023 63916 HGNC Elmo2 1314024 140579 MGI:2153045 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:17233 Elmo3 1304734 291962 ELMO3 1312348 79767 HGNC Elmo3 1312349 234683 MGI:2679007 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:17289 Elmod1 1564186 315670 ELMOD1 1349956 55531 HGNC Elmod1 1615583 270162 MGI:3583900 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:25334 Elmod2 1587598 688581 ELMOD2 1352550 255520 HGNC Elmod2 1550322 244548 MGI:2445165 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:28111 Elmod3 1306408 297342 ELMOD3 1353080 84173 HGNC Elmod3 1558565 232089 MGI:2445168 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:26158 Eln 67394 25043 ELN 736469 2006 HGNC Eln 733666 13717 MGI:95317 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:3327 Eloa 3827 25562 ELOA 736026 6924 HGNC Eloa 11395 27224 MGI:1351315 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:11620 Eloa2l 1586821 683469 ELOA3P 1346594 162699 HGNC HGNC:24617 Elob 621200 81807 ELOB 734149 6923 HGNC Elob 737163 67673 MGI:1914923 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:11619 Eloc 620658 64525 ELOC 733902 6921 HGNC Eloc 1332469 67923 MGI:1915173 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:11617 Elof1 1587399 691193 ELOF1 1601839 84337 HGNC Elof1 1551730 66126 MGI:1913376 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:28691 Elovl1 1587151 679532 ELOVL1 1349015 64834 HGNC Elovl1 1615926 54325 MGI:1858959 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:14418 Elovl2 1308605 498728 ELOVL2 1318475 54898 HGNC Elovl2 1318476 54326 MGI:1858960 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:14416 Elovl3 1307263 309449 ELOVL3 1316352 83401 HGNC Elovl3 1316353 12686 MGI:1195976 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:18047 Elovl4 1305630 315851 ELOVL4 1313772 6785 HGNC Elovl4 1313773 83603 MGI:1933331 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:14415 Elovl5 620583 171400 ELOVL5 1353049 60481 HGNC Elovl5 1332308 68801 MGI:1916051 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:21308 Elovl6 620585 171402 ELOVL6 1345221 79071 HGNC Elovl6 1332205 170439 MGI:2156528 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:15829 Elovl7 1310560 361895 ELOVL7 1321534 79993 HGNC Elovl7 1321535 74559 MGI:1921809 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:26292 Elp1 620072 140934 ELP1 734035 8518 HGNC Elp1 734036 230233 MGI:1914544 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:5959 Elp2 1306419 307545 ELP2 1315022 55250 HGNC Elp2 1315023 58523 MGI:1889642 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:18248 Elp3 2324506 100362548 ELP3 1316051 55140 HGNC Elp3 1316052 74195 MGI:1921445 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:20696 Elp4 1566052 687694 ELP4 1352223 26610 RGD Elp4 1558136 77766 MGI:1925016 RGD HGNC:1171 Elp5 1303303 287446 ELP5 1606812 23587 HGNC Elp5 1615924 54351 MGI:1859017 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:30617 Elp6 1305478 363150 ELP6 1606547 54859 HGNC Elp6 1313528 72341 MGI:1919349 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:25976 Emb 621067 114511 EMB 1342878 133418 HGNC Emb 734099 13723 MGI:95321 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:30465 Emc1 1310427 362643 EMC1 1602125 23065 HGNC Emc1 1332122 230866 MGI:2443696 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:28957 Emc10 1303214 292878 EMC10 1602050 284361 HGNC Emc10 1618341 69683 MGI:1916933 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:27609 Emc2 1310430 362905 EMC2 1321326 9694 HGNC Emc2 1321327 66736 MGI:1913986 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:28963 Emc3 1311566 312640 EMC3 1601753 55831 HGNC Emc3 1332121 66087 MGI:1913337 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:23999 Emc4 1310905 296049 EMC4 1605682 51234 HGNC Emc4 1332257 68032 MGI:1915282 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:28032 Emc6 1309231 287477 EMC6 1606492 83460 HGNC Emc6 1332419 66048 MGI:1913298 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:28430 Emc7 1305045 296050 EMC7 1312839 56851 HGNC Emc7 1312840 73024 MGI:1920274 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:24301 Emc8 1311219 361425 EMC8 1322563 10328 HGNC Emc8 1614445 18117 MGI:1343095 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:7864 Emc9 1308113 290224 EMC9 1317698 51016 HGNC Emc9 1317699 85308 MGI:1934682 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:20273 Emcn 1303218 295490 EMCN 1602001 51705 HGNC Emcn 1558156 59308 MGI:1891716 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:16041 Emd 2551 25437 EMD 735605 2010 HGNC Emd 10519 13726 MGI:108117 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:3331 Eme1 1309067 287634 EME1 1319200 146956 HGNC Eme1 1618849 268465 MGI:3576783 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:24965 Eme2 1304924 302982 EME2 1344240 197342 RGD Eme2 1312645 193838 MGI:1919889 RGD HGNC:27289 Emg1 1307665 312706 EMG1 1607076 10436 HGNC Emg1 1316987 14791 MGI:1315195 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:16912 Emid1 1593795 685462 EMID1 1349411 129080 HGNC Emid1 1621391 140703 MGI:2155091 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:18036 Emilin1 1311209 298845 EMILIN1 1322548 11117 HGNC Emilin1 1322549 100952 MGI:1926189 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:19880 Emilin2 1305343 316736 EMILIN2 1313316 84034 HGNC Emilin2 1313317 246707 MGI:2389136 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:19881 Emilin3 1309607 362262 EMILIN3 1320036 90187 HGNC Emilin3 1320037 280635 MGI:2389142 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:16123 Eml1 1306374 362783 EML1 1343308 2009 HGNC Eml1 1314955 68519 MGI:1915769 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:3330 Eml2 621066 192360 EML2 734198 24139 HGNC Eml2 734199 72205 MGI:1919455 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:18035 Eml3 7630023 102551660 EML3 1606414 256364 HGNC Eml3 1551985 225898 MGI:2387612 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:26666 Eml4 1304690 313861 EML4 1351948 27436 HGNC Eml4 1312282 78798 MGI:1926048 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:1316 Eml5 1303275 444982 EML5 1350172 161436 HGNC Eml5 1551606 319670 MGI:2442513 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:18197 Eml6 1561672 305610 EML6 2302327 400954 HGNC Eml6 1557570 237711 MGI:2442895 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:35412 Emp1 2552 25314 EMP1 735990 2012 HGNC Emp1 10520 13730 MGI:107941 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:3333 Emp2 1359629 360468 EMP2 1344065 2013 HGNC Emp2 1552846 13731 MGI:1098726 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:3334 Emp3 621094 81505 EMP3 731841 2014 HGNC Emp3 731842 13732 MGI:1098729 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:3335 Emsy 1310712 361607 EMSY 1345109 56946 HGNC Emsy 1321779 233545 MGI:1924203 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:18071 Emx1 1564002 500235 EMX1 1345106 2016 HGNC Emx1 1557750 13796 MGI:95387 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:3340 Emx2 1564797 499380 EMX2 1322367 2018 HGNC Emx2 1322368 13797 MGI:95388 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:3341 Emx2os 9281507 103691392 EMX2OS 1352483 196047 RGD Emx2os 1622837 329078 MGI:3052329 RGD HGNC:18511 En1 1595088 685360 EN1 1351603 2019 HGNC En1 1618434 13798 MGI:95389 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:3342 En2 1561842 499964 EN2 1343015 2020 HGNC En2 1557783 13799 MGI:95390 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:3343 Enah 1307666 360891 ENAH 1316988 55740 HGNC Enah 1332566 13800 MGI:108360 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:18271 Enam 1306796 289525 ENAM 1315614 10117 HGNC Enam 1315615 13801 MGI:1333772 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:3344 Enc1 1303152 294674 ENC1 1352868 8507 HGNC Enc1 1550934 13803 MGI:109610 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:3345 Endod1 1310444 363015 ENDOD1 1602126 23052 HGNC Endod1 1321349 71946 MGI:1919196 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:29129 Endog 1310763 362100 ENDOG 1321856 2021 HGNC Endog 1321857 13804 MGI:1261433 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:3346 Endou 1593011 680317 ENDOU 1604059 8909 HGNC Endou 1617614 19011 MGI:97746 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:14369 Endov 1562414 498029 ENDOV 1602281 284131 HGNC Endov 1558476 338371 MGI:2444688 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:26640 Eng 1593188 497010 ENG 1351093 2022 RGD Eng 1617632 13805 MGI:95392 RGD HGNC:3349 Engase 1310868 303702 ENGASE 1601977 64772 HGNC Engase 1322019 217364 MGI:2443788 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:24622 Enho 6487582 100912292 ENHO 1603336 375704 HGNC Enho 1618349 69638 MGI:1916888 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:24838 Enkd1 1307357 291975 ENKD1 1353138 84080 HGNC Enkd1 1316509 102124 MGI:2142593 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:25246 Enkur 1309839 291354 ENKUR 1320397 219670 HGNC Enkur 1320398 71233 MGI:1918483 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:28388 Eno1 2553 24333 ENO1 735808 2023 HGNC Eno1 10521 13806 MGI:95393 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:3350 Eno2 2554 24334 ENO2 733932 2026 HGNC Eno2 10527 13807 MGI:95394 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:3353 Eno3 2555 25438 ENO3 732414 2027 HGNC Eno3 10528 13808 MGI:95395 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:3354 Eno4 1308333 292138 ENO4 1351322 387712 HGNC Eno4 1318042 226265 MGI:2441717 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:31670 Enoph1 1309016 305177 ENOPH1 1603616 58478 HGNC Enoph1 1332278 67870 MGI:1915120 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:24599 Enosf1 40958853 120094592 ENOSF1 1346972 55556 HGNC HGNC:30365 Enox1 1306118 306038 ENOX1 1605985 55068 HGNC Enox1 1314546 239188 MGI:2444896 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:25474 Enox2 1563643 302817 ENOX2 1345108 10495 HGNC Enox2 1557428 209224 MGI:2384799 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:2259 Enpep 621228 64017 ENPEP 732266 2028 HGNC Enpep 732267 13809 MGI:106645 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:3355 Enpp1 628825 85496 ENPP1 1351327 5167 HGNC Enpp1 733393 18605 MGI:97370 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:3356 Enpp2 69298 84050 ENPP2 734409 5168 HGNC Enpp2 737530 18606 MGI:1321390 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:3357 Enpp3 708511 54410 ENPP3 1344691 5169 HGNC Enpp3 1331960 209558 MGI:2143702 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:3358 Enpp4 1308689 301261 ENPP4 1318608 22875 HGNC Enpp4 1318609 224794 MGI:2682634 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:3359 Enpp5 1359199 316249 ENPP5 1349666 59084 HGNC Enpp5 1552524 83965 MGI:1933830 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:13717 Enpp6 1311645 306460 ENPP6 1323210 133121 HGNC Enpp6 1323211 320981 MGI:2445171 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:23409 Enpp7 1359324 303729 ENPP7 1342953 339221 HGNC Enpp7 1622931 238011 MGI:3027917 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:23764 Ensa 62007 60334 ENSA 736594 2029 HGNC Ensa 62299 56205 MGI:1891189 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:3360 Enthd1 1587874 685900 ENTHD1 1602180 150350 HGNC Enthd1 1617193 383075 MGI:2686088 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:26352 Entpd1 69265 64519 ENTPD1 733329 953 HGNC Entpd1 733330 12495 MGI:102805 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:3363 Entpd2 69266 64467 ENTPD2 733255 954 HGNC Entpd2 735884 12496 MGI:1096863 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:3364 Entpd3 631326 316077 ENTPD3 1346927 956 HGNC Entpd3 1552865 215446 MGI:1321386 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:3365 Entpd4 1309511 361063 ENTPD4 1319889 9583 HGNC Entpd4 1319890 67464 MGI:1914714 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:14573 Entpd5 735219 314312 ENTPD5 1343601 957 HGNC Entpd5 1552435 12499 MGI:1321385 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:3367 Entpd6 619725 85260 ENTPD6 1345865 955 HGNC Entpd6 1552199 12497 MGI:1202295 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:3368 Entpd7 1310638 309390 ENTPD7 1321659 57089 HGNC Entpd7 1321660 93685 MGI:2135885 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:19745 Entpd8 1561793 613267 ENTPD8 1602162 377841 HGNC Entpd8 1619978 72090 MGI:1919340 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:24860 Entr1 1305930 306322 ENTR1 1314253 10807 RGD Entr1 1620028 68112 MGI:1915362 RGD HGNC:10667 Entrep1 1307524 309415 ENTREP1 1316770 9413 HGNC Entrep1 1621198 381217 MGI:2685813 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:24820 Entrep2 1592985 680344 ENTREP2 2311472 23359 HGNC Entrep2 1316771 70638 MGI:1917888 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:29075 Entrep3 1306107 310640 ENTREP3 1314529 10712 HGNC Entrep3 1314530 68521 MGI:1915771 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:1233 Eny2 1596439 685258 ENY2 1601985 56943 HGNC Eny2 1614187 223527 MGI:1919286 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:24449 Eogt 1359357 494219 EOGT 1602633 285203 HGNC Eogt 1550671 101351 MGI:2141669 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:28526 Eola2 1562747 292328 EOLA2 1604879 541578 HGNC HGNC:17402 Eomes 1359706 316052 EOMES 1353316 8320 HGNC Eomes 1552408 13813 MGI:1201683 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:3372 Ep300 620036 170915 EP300 1348463 2033 HGNC Ep300 1552027 328572 MGI:1276116 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:3373 Ep400 1304733 304569 EP400 1312347 57634 HGNC Ep400 1557068 75560 MGI:1276124 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:11958 Epas1 68404 29452 EPAS1 68594 2034 HGNC Epas1 68595 13819 MGI:109169 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:3374 Epb41 1564762 313052 EPB41 1605128 2035 HGNC Epb41 1557540 269587 MGI:95401 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:3377 Epb41l1 71087 59317 EPB41L1 733700 2036 HGNC Epb41l1 733701 13821 MGI:103010 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:3378 Epb41l2 1563977 309557 EPB41L2 1348118 2037 HGNC Epb41l2 1558000 13822 MGI:103009 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:3379 Epb41l3 71089 116724 EPB41L3 732325 23136 HGNC Epb41l3 732326 13823 MGI:103008 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:3380 Epb41l4a 1306034 307514 EPB41L4A 1314419 64097 HGNC Epb41l4a 1314420 13824 MGI:103007 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:13278 Epb41l4b 1562988 500464 EPB41L4B 1320612 54566 HGNC Epb41l4b 1320613 54357 MGI:1859149 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:19818 Epb41l5 1311366 304733 EPB41L5 1322786 57669 HGNC Epb41l5 1322787 226352 MGI:103006 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:19819 Epb42 1305306 362202 EPB42 1313258 2038 HGNC Epb42 1313259 13828 MGI:95402 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:3381 Epc1 2324280 100362678 EPC1 1314407 80314 HGNC Epc1 1314408 13831 MGI:1278322 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:19876 Epc2 1307271 362132 EPC2 1316366 26122 HGNC Epc2 1316367 227867 MGI:1278321 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:24543 Epcam 621365 171577 EPCAM 1345999 4072 HGNC Epcam 732608 17075 MGI:106653 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:11529 Epcip 1562726 498060 EPCIP 1343736 56245 HGNC Epcip 1622247 74387 MGI:1921637 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:1305 Epdr1 1359161 291180 EPDR1 1343278 54749 HGNC Epdr1 1550015 105298 MGI:2145369 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:17572 Epg5 1306286 364902 EPG5 1347008 57724 HGNC Epg5 1314820 100502841 MGI:1918673 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:29331 Epgn 1560084 289515 EPGN 1605556 255324 HGNC Epgn 1557934 71920 MGI:1919170 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:17470 Epha1 1304680 312279 EPHA1 1312265 2041 HGNC Epha1 1312266 13835 MGI:107381 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:3385 Epha10 1562679 298528 EPHA10 1347579 284656 HGNC Epha10 1618975 230735 MGI:3586824 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:19987 Epha2 1307204 366492 EPHA2 1316258 1969 HGNC Epha2 1316259 13836 MGI:95278 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:3386 Epha3 68389 29210 EPHA3 68566 2042 HGNC Epha3 68567 13837 MGI:99612 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:3387 Epha4 1560587 316539 EPHA4 1345605 2043 HGNC Epha4 1558389 13838 MGI:98277 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:3388 Epha5 620831 79208 EPHA5 1605127 2044 HGNC Epha5 733204 13839 MGI:99654 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:3389 Epha6 1304614 29202 EPHA6 1605546 285220 HGNC Epha6 1312155 13840 MGI:108034 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:19296 Epha7 70957 171287 EPHA7 732959 2045 HGNC Epha7 732960 13841 MGI:95276 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:3390 Epha8 708543 60589 EPHA8 1350663 2046 HGNC Epha8 1552295 13842 MGI:109378 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:3391 Ephb1 2556 24338 EPHB1 1353347 2047 HGNC Ephb1 1551682 270190 MGI:1096337 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:3392 Ephb2 1564232 313633 EPHB2 1605126 2048 HGNC Ephb2 1617631 13844 MGI:99611 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:3393 Ephb3 1305602 287989 EPHB3 1313727 2049 HGNC Ephb3 1313728 13845 MGI:104770 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:3394 Ephb4 1583193 686310 EPHB4 1353692 2050 HGNC Ephb4 1617630 13846 MGI:104757 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:3395 Ephb6 1306163 312275 EPHB6 1314623 2051 HGNC Ephb6 1314624 13848 MGI:1096338 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:3396 Ephx1 2557 25315 EPHX1 736560 2052 HGNC Ephx1 10529 13849 MGI:95405 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:3401 Ephx2 620732 65030 EPHX2 731054 2053 HGNC Ephx2 731055 13850 MGI:99500 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:3402 Ephx3 1307206 366836 EPHX3 1316262 79852 HGNC Ephx3 1316263 71932 MGI:1919182 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:23760 Ephx4 1308891 289440 EPHX4 1318921 253152 HGNC Ephx4 1617940 384214 MGI:2686228 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:23758 Epm2a 71047 114005 EPM2A 736258 7957 HGNC Epm2a 731931 13853 MGI:1341085 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:3413 Epm2aip1 1310977 316021 EPM2AIP1 1322182 9852 HGNC Epm2aip1 1322183 77781 MGI:1925031 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:19735 Epn1 619772 117277 EPN1 1342807 29924 HGNC Epn1 1332250 13854 MGI:1333763 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:21604 Epn2 619773 60443 EPN2 1351510 22905 HGNC Epn2 732374 13855 MGI:1333766 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:18639 Epn3 1306416 360605 EPN3 1315016 55040 HGNC Epn3 1315017 71889 MGI:1919139 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:18235 Epo 2559 24335 EPO 735849 2056 HGNC Epo 10531 13856 MGI:95407 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:3415 Epop 1587434 691153 EPOP 2299176 100170841 HGNC Epop 1617432 103551 MGI:2143991 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:34493 Epor 2560 24336 EPOR 736105 2057 HGNC Epor 10532 13857 MGI:95408 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:3416 Eppin 1597722 685161 EPPIN 1315316 57119 RGD Eppin 1315317 75526 MGI:1922776 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:15932 Eppk1 1587023 680860 EPPK1 1343625 83481 RGD Eppk1 1623804 223650 MGI:2386306 RGD HGNC:15577 Eprs1 1310952 289352 EPRS1 1322145 2058 HGNC Eprs1 1553620 107508 MGI:97838 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:3418 Eps15 1305550 313474 EPS15 1313642 2060 HGNC Eps15 1313643 13858 MGI:104583 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:3419 Eps15l1 1565708 361120 EPS15L1 1345399 58513 HGNC Eps15l1 1558414 13859 MGI:104582 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:24634 Eps8 1310590 312812 EPS8 1321587 2059 HGNC Eps8 1321588 13860 MGI:104684 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:3420 Eps8l1 1311146 361503 EPS8L1 1322450 54869 HGNC Eps8l1 1615112 67425 MGI:1914675 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:21295 Eps8l2 1310912 361674 EPS8L2 1322090 64787 HGNC Eps8l2 1322091 98845 MGI:2138828 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:21296 Eps8l3 11498829 295361 EPS8L3 1318007 79574 RGD Eps8l3 1318008 99662 MGI:2139743 RGD HGNC:21297 Epsti1 1563207 498547 EPSTI1 1353297 94240 HGNC Epsti1 1618236 108670 MGI:1915168 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:16465 Epx 1311882 303414 EPX 1323569 8288 HGNC Epx 1323570 13861 MGI:107569 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:3423 Epyc 1305904 314772 EPYC 1314212 1833 HGNC Epyc 1314213 13516 MGI:107942 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:3053 Eqtn 1563332 500502 EQTN 1342522 54586 HGNC Eqtn 1623205 67753 MGI:1915003 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:1359 Eral1 1304714 363646 ERAL1 1312320 26284 HGNC Eral1 1312321 57837 MGI:1889295 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:3424 Erap1 708542 80897 ERAP1 732566 51752 HGNC Erap1 732567 80898 MGI:1933403 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:18173 Eras 1585907 679682 ERAS 1345319 3266 RGD Eras 1556987 353283 MGI:2665023 RGD HGNC:5174 Erbb2 2561 24337 ERBB2 619563 2064 HGNC Erbb2 10533 13866 MGI:95410 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:3430 Erbb3 69323 29496 ERBB3 733426 2065 HGNC Erbb3 736142 13867 MGI:95411 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:3431 Erbb4 620486 59323 ERBB4 732538 2066 HGNC Erbb4 1551357 13869 MGI:104771 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:3432 Erbin 1562952 365661 ERBIN 1321667 55914 HGNC Erbin 1558339 59079 MGI:1890169 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:15842 Erc1 628733 266806 ERC1 1604628 23085 HGNC Erc1 731980 111173 MGI:2151013 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:17072 Erc2 708372 259269 ERC2 1607056 26059 HGNC Erc2 1615655 238988 MGI:1098749 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:31922 Ercc1 1306992 292673 ERCC1 1315921 2067 HGNC Ercc1 1315922 13870 MGI:95412 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:3433 Ercc2 1309109 308415 ERCC2 1319264 2068 RGD Ercc2 1319265 13871 MGI:95413 RGD HGNC:3434 Ercc3 1307139 291703 ERCC3 1316156 2071 HGNC Ercc3 1316157 13872 MGI:95414 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:3435 Ercc4 1560340 304719 ERCC4 1312517 2072 HGNC Ercc4 1312518 50505 MGI:1354163 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:3436 Ercc5 1586176 301382 ERCC5 1342473 2073 HGNC Ercc5 10534 22592 MGI:103582 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:3437 Ercc6 1311509 306274 ERCC6 1323005 2074 HGNC Ercc6 1622854 319955 MGI:1100494 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:3438 Ercc6l 1565734 317252 ERCC6L 1606557 54821 HGNC Ercc6l 1558137 236930 MGI:2654144 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:20794 Ercc6l2 1561537 361197 ERCC6L2 1606875 375748 HGNC Ercc6l2 1557339 76251 MGI:1923501 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:26922 Ercc8 1311570 310071 ERCC8 1601889 1161 HGNC Ercc8 1553774 71991 MGI:1919241 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:3439 Ereg 620299 59325 EREG 730898 2069 HGNC Ereg 730899 13874 MGI:107508 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:3443 Erf 1311991 292721 ERF 1323738 2077 HGNC Erf 1323739 13875 MGI:109637 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:3444 Erfe 1584688 681056 ERFE 1606147 151176 HGNC Erfe 1614932 227358 MGI:3606476 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:26727 Erfl 1563034 292720 ERFL 14696661 390937 HGNC Erfl 1622062 232974 MGI:3642958 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:53894 Erg 621108 170909 ERG 1348469 2078 HGNC Erg 1550130 13876 MGI:95415 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:3446 Erg28 1310769 299207 ERG28 1321865 11161 HGNC Erg28 1321866 58520 MGI:1915571 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:1187 Ergic1 1585015 287177 ERGIC1 1607015 57222 HGNC Ergic1 1558384 67458 MGI:1914708 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:29205 Ergic2 1310606 297728 ERGIC2 1605678 51290 HGNC Ergic2 1321609 67456 MGI:1914706 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:30208 Ergic3 1308144 296306 ERGIC3 1317746 51614 HGNC Ergic3 1317747 66366 MGI:1913616 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:15927 Erh 1595409 681415 ERH 1320463 2079 HGNC Erh 1320464 13877 MGI:108089 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:3447 Eri1 1308378 361159 ERI1 1605015 90459 HGNC Eri1 1552517 67276 MGI:1914526 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:23994 Eri2 1583889 691484 ERI2 1605306 112479 HGNC Eri2 1332128 71151 MGI:1918401 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:30541 Eri3 1595859 313535 ERI3 1318310 79033 HGNC Eri3 1318311 140546 MGI:2153887 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:17276 Erich1 1559872 306622 ERICH1 1602977 157697 HGNC Erich1 1623778 234086 MGI:3588201 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:27234 Erich2 1563852 499806 ERICH2 6903373 285141 HGNC Erich2 1620842 66748 MGI:1913998 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:44395 Erich3 1593279 295528 ERICH3 1603912 127254 HGNC Erich3 1621375 209601 MGI:1919095 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:25346 Erich4 1583255 685046 ERICH4 2299179 100170765 HGNC Erich4 1616254 632778 MGI:3646269 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:34497 Erich5 1590540 681820 ERICH5 1606129 203111 HGNC Erich5 1622927 239368 MGI:2447772 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:26823 Erich6 1559451 499626 ERICH6 1605578 131831 HGNC Erich6 1617134 545527 MGI:3588212 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:28602 Erich6b 6491099 100911795 ERICH6B 1606127 220081 HGNC Erich6b 1615032 75272 MGI:1922522 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:26523 Erlec1 1306508 289874 ERLEC1 1315163 27248 HGNC Erlec1 1315164 66753 MGI:1914003 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:25222 Erlin1 1307058 293939 ERLIN1 1344396 10613 HGNC Erlin1 1551377 226144 MGI:2387613 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:16947 Erlin2 1309010 290823 ERLIN2 1350824 11160 HGNC Erlin2 1552488 244373 MGI:2387215 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:1356 Ermap 1309996 298485 ERMAP 1320643 114625 HGNC Ermap 1320644 27028 MGI:1349816 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:15743 Ermard 1309374 361485 ERMARD 1319689 55780 HGNC Ermard 2292271 381062 MGI:1917317 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:21056 Ermn 1308367 295619 ERMN 1318095 57471 HGNC Ermn 1318096 77767 MGI:1925017 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:29208 Ermp1 727831 373544 ERMP1 1348332 79956 HGNC Ermp1 1614936 226090 MGI:106250 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:23703 Ern1 1559716 498013 ERN1 1605125 2081 HGNC Ern1 1558600 78943 MGI:1930134 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:3449 Ern2 1308743 365363 ERN2 1346348 10595 HGNC Ern2 1318694 26918 MGI:1349436 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:16942 Ero1a 621713 171562 ERO1A 1317870 30001 HGNC Ero1a 732479 50527 MGI:1354385 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:13280 Ero1b 1563548 364755 ERO1B 1344502 56605 HGNC Ero1b 1557809 67475 MGI:1914725 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:14355 Erp27 1565381 297698 ERP27 1605301 121506 HGNC Erp27 1557250 69187 MGI:1916437 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:26495 Erp29 619781 117030 ERP29 735473 10961 HGNC Erp29 735474 67397 MGI:1914647 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:13799 Erp44 1309176 298066 ERP44 1319370 23071 HGNC Erp44 1319371 76299 MGI:1923549 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:18311 Errfi1 1307599 313729 ERRFI1 1604617 54206 HGNC Errfi1 1332254 74155 MGI:1921405 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:18185 Ervfrd-1 1563240 288602 ERVFRD-1 1606632 405754 HGNC Syna 1615713 214292 MGI:2684898 RGD HGNC:33823 Ervv-2 9302596 103691893 ERVV-2 5132012 100271846 HGNC Gm27179 39129649 118567354 MGI:5521022 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:39051 Esam 1303286 300519 ESAM 1348841 90952 HGNC Esam 1551659 69524 MGI:1916774 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:17474 Esco1 1596873 680014 ESCO1 1353486 114799 HGNC Esco1 1615016 77805 MGI:1925055 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:24645 Esco2 1593313 691979 ESCO2 1350541 157570 HGNC Esco2 1620763 71988 MGI:1919238 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:27230 Esd 1592114 290401 ESD 1354034 2098 HGNC Esd 10550 13885 MGI:95421 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:3465 Esf1 1306067 366203 ESF1 1314468 51575 HGNC Esf1 1314469 66580 MGI:1913830 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:15898 Esm1 71013 64536 ESM1 737594 11082 HGNC Esm1 737595 71690 MGI:1918940 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:3466 Espl1 1306266 315330 ESPL1 1314788 9700 HGNC Espl1 1550440 105988 MGI:2146156 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:16856 Espn 620652 56227 ESPN 731924 83715 HGNC Espn 10825 56226 MGI:1861630 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:13281 Espnl 1562432 301606 ESPNL 1602816 339768 HGNC Espnl 1614933 227357 MGI:2685402 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:27937 Esr1 2581 24890 ESR1 736559 2099 HGNC Esr1 10551 13982 MGI:1352467 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:3467 Esr2 2582 25149 ESR2 69213 2100 HGNC Esr2 10552 13983 MGI:109392 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:3468 Esrp1 1560481 500409 ESRP1 1606552 54845 HGNC Esrp1 1314096 207920 MGI:1917326 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:25966 Esrp2 1310855 307810 ESRP2 1605047 80004 HGNC Esrp2 1332322 77411 MGI:1924661 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:26152 Esrra 1583866 293701 ESRRA 730826 2101 HGNC Esrra 730827 26379 MGI:1346831 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:3471 Esrrb 1359557 299210 ESRRB 1342767 2103 HGNC Esrrb 1621573 26380 MGI:1346832 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:3473 Esrrg 1303236 360896 ESRRG 1349366 2104 HGNC Esrrg 1551381 26381 MGI:1347056 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:3474 Ess2 1308218 360741 ESS2 1317866 8220 HGNC Ess2 1317867 27886 MGI:107854 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:16817 Esx1 1590738 679219 ESX1 1350335 80712 HGNC Esx1 1616867 13984 MGI:1096388 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:14865 Esyt1 3053 29579 ESYT1 733690 23344 HGNC Esyt1 736516 23943 MGI:1344426 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:29534 Esyt2 1565705 299488 ESYT2 1606520 57488 HGNC Esyt2 1619222 52635 MGI:1261845 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:22211 Esyt3 1561304 363120 ESYT3 1605327 83850 HGNC Esyt3 1616460 272636 MGI:1098699 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:24295 Etaa1 1560957 498420 ETAA1 1604009 54465 RGD Etaa1 1322598 68145 MGI:1915395 RGD HGNC:24648 Etdc 40982935 120099290 ETDC 13461897 110806299 HGNC HGNC:53450 Etf1 1305712 307503 ETF1 1313906 2107 HGNC Etf1 1313907 225363 MGI:2385071 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:3477 Etfa 628747 300726 ETFA 1342675 2108 HGNC Etfa 735340 110842 MGI:106092 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:3481 Etfb 1303312 292845 ETFB 1347524 2109 HGNC Etfb 1557710 110826 MGI:106098 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:3482 Etfbkmt 735147 316976 ETFBKMT 1602640 254013 HGNC Etfbkmt 1552244 320204 MGI:2443575 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:28739 Etfdh 735052 295143 ETFDH 1354191 2110 HGNC Etfdh 1551726 66841 MGI:106100 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:3483 Etfrf1 2320673 100361188 ETFRF1 1606960 144363 HGNC Etfrf1 1557403 67636 MGI:1914886 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:27052 Ethe1 1311034 292710 ETHE1 1322274 23474 HGNC Ethe1 1322275 66071 MGI:1913321 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:23287 Etl4 1563437 291356 KIAA1217 1352431 56243 HGNC Etl4 1619026 208618 MGI:95454 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:25428 Etnk1 1308204 312828 ETNK1 1317846 55500 HGNC Etnk1 1317847 75320 MGI:1922570 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:24649 Etnk2 1305304 360843 ETNK2 1313254 55224 HGNC Etnk2 1313255 214253 MGI:2443760 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:25575 Etnppl 1590098 687071 ETNPPL 1350227 64850 HGNC Etnppl 1622275 71760 MGI:1919010 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:14404 Ets1 2583 24356 ETS1 737031 2113 HGNC Ets1 10554 23871 MGI:95455 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:3488 Ets2 1584977 304063 ETS2 1352353 2114 HGNC Ets2 10555 23872 MGI:95456 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:3489 Etv1 1312007 362733 ETV1 1323762 2115 HGNC Etv1 1323763 14009 MGI:99254 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:3490 Etv2 1310603 361544 ETV2 1351650 2116 HGNC Etv2 1616004 14008 MGI:99253 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:3491 Etv3 1311577 295297 ETV3 1348851 2117 HGNC Etv3 1557083 27049 MGI:1350926 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:3492 Etv3l 1562620 499651 ETV3L 1603450 440695 HGNC Etv3l 1617123 546801 MGI:3646099 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:33834 Etv4 1306524 360635 ETV4 1315190 2118 HGNC Etv4 1315191 18612 MGI:99423 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:3493 Etv5 1309590 303828 ETV5 1320007 2119 HGNC Etv5 1623051 104156 MGI:1096867 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:3494 Etv6 1559537 312777 ETV6 1345405 2120 HGNC Etv6 1616003 14011 MGI:109336 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:3495 Eva1a 1559797 500221 EVA1A 1604577 84141 HGNC Eva1a 1618148 232146 MGI:2385247 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:25816 Eva1b 1308876 362597 EVA1B 1602695 55194 HGNC Eva1b 1318900 230752 MGI:1922063 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:25558 Eva1c 1307569 360695 EVA1C 1316841 59271 HGNC Eva1c 1552780 70967 MGI:1918217 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:13239 Evc 735186 289712 EVC 1342513 2121 HGNC Evc 1620051 59056 MGI:1890596 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:3497 Evc2 1310417 289711 EVC2 1321308 132884 HGNC Evc2 1321309 68525 MGI:1915775 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:19747 Evi2a 1593824 685433 EVI2A 1350066 2123 HGNC Evi2a 1616002 14017 MGI:95458 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:3499 Evi2b 6495961 100910940 EVI2B 1347396 2124 HGNC Evi2 9663110 101488212 MGI:5439444 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:3500 Evi5 2322879 100360066 EVI5 1350871 7813 HGNC Evi5 1616001 14020 MGI:104736 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:3501 Evi5l 1561962 304201 EVI5L 1347720 115704 HGNC Evi5l 1614964 213027 MGI:2442167 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:30464 Evl 621150 79115 EVL 1605079 51466 HGNC Evl 733603 14026 MGI:1194884 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:20234 Evpl 1306141 303687 EVPL 1314586 2125 HGNC Evpl 1314587 14027 MGI:107507 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:3503 Evx1 11434685 103690342 EVX1 1344299 2128 RGD Evx1 1558128 14028 MGI:95461 RGD HGNC:3506 Evx2 1305594 288155 EVX2 1348415 344191 HGNC Evx2 1313716 14029 MGI:95462 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:3507 Ewsr1 1307258 289752 EWSR1 1316345 2130 RGD Ewsr1 1550683 14030 MGI:99960 RGD HGNC:3508 Exd1 1561009 311334 EXD1 1605271 161829 HGNC Exd1 1614890 241624 MGI:3045306 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:28507 Exd2 1311087 362759 EXD2 1322357 55218 HGNC Exd2 1552272 97827 MGI:1922485 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:20217 Exo1 1309465 305000 EXO1 1319820 9156 HGNC Exo1 1319821 26909 MGI:1349427 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:3511 Exo5 1309802 313563 EXO5 1601975 64789 HGNC Exo5 1320335 73172 MGI:1920422 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:26115 Exoc1 1304939 305287 EXOC1 1312667 55763 HGNC Exoc1 1312668 69940 MGI:2445020 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:30380 Exoc1l 1591303 686911 EXOC1L 12907524 644145 HGNC Exoc1l 1613787 639545 MGI:3647743 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:53433 Exoc2 619961 171455 EXOC2 1348584 55770 HGNC Exoc2 1551015 66482 MGI:1913732 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:24968 Exoc3 621790 252881 EXOC3 1344149 11336 HGNC Exoc3 1332374 211446 MGI:2443972 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:30378 Exoc3l1 1311132 291961 EXOC3L1 1605832 283849 HGNC Exoc3l 1322429 277978 MGI:3041195 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:27540 Exoc3l2 1592539 686809 EXOC3L2 1605316 90332 HGNC Exoc3l2 1621478 74463 MGI:1921713 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:30162 Exoc3l4 1307749 299338 EXOC3L4 1349636 91828 HGNC Exoc3l4 1317122 74190 MGI:1921363 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:20120 Exoc4 621791 116654 EXOC4 1353036 60412 HGNC Exoc4 733006 20336 MGI:1096376 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:30389 Exoc5 708408 60627 EXOC5 731494 10640 HGNC Exoc5 1622168 105504 MGI:2145645 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:10696 Exoc6 3653 50556 EXOC6 733206 54536 HGNC Exoc6 1332295 107371 MGI:1351611 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:23196 Exoc6b 1560638 500233 EXOC6B 1349809 23233 HGNC Exoc6b 1619943 75914 MGI:1923164 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:17085 Exoc7 620236 64632 EXOC7 1347556 23265 HGNC Exoc7 731371 53413 MGI:1859270 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:23214 Exoc8 620245 245709 EXOC8 1343470 149371 HGNC Exoc8 1551410 102058 MGI:2142527 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:24659 Exog 1304628 301062 EXOG 1312174 9941 HGNC Exog 1312175 208194 MGI:2143333 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:3347 Exosc1 1591855 679140 EXOSC1 1352643 51013 HGNC Exosc1 1622319 66583 MGI:1913833 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:17286 Exosc10 1593248 313707 EXOSC10 1349336 5394 RGD Exosc10 1622350 50912 MGI:1355322 RGD HGNC:9138 Exosc2 1306573 366017 EXOSC2 1315266 23404 HGNC Exosc2 1315267 227715 MGI:2385133 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:17097 Exosc3 1304739 313243 EXOSC3 1312357 51010 HGNC Exosc3 1312358 66362 MGI:1913612 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:17944 Exosc4 1310986 300045 EXOSC4 1322197 54512 HGNC Exosc4 1322198 109075 MGI:1923576 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:18189 Exosc5 1307861 308441 EXOSC5 1317301 56915 HGNC Exosc5 1550827 27998 MGI:107889 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:24662 Exosc6 1309832 307850 EXOSC6 1320385 118460 HGNC Exosc6 1320386 72544 MGI:1919794 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:19055 Exosc7 1309758 316098 EXOSC7 1320266 23016 HGNC Exosc7 1320267 66446 MGI:1913696 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:28112 Exosc8 1306169 295050 EXOSC8 1314633 11340 HGNC Exosc8 1314634 69639 MGI:1916889 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:17035 Exosc9 1307888 294975 EXOSC9 1317344 5393 HGNC Exosc9 1317345 50911 MGI:1355319 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:9137 Exph5 1560308 315663 EXPH5 1604627 23086 HGNC Exph5 1558064 320051 MGI:2443248 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:30578 Ext1 1587375 299907 EXT1 1313966 2131 HGNC Ext1 1313967 14042 MGI:894663 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:3512 Ext2 1307707 311215 EXT2 1317052 2132 HGNC Ext2 1317053 14043 MGI:108050 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:3513 Extl1 1309572 313610 EXTL1 1319981 2134 HGNC Extl1 1553263 56219 MGI:1888742 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:3515 Extl2 1307684 310803 EXTL2 1317015 2135 HGNC Extl2 1317016 58193 MGI:1889574 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:3516 Extl3 62065 56819 EXTL3 735783 2137 HGNC Extl3 62357 54616 MGI:1860765 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:3518 Eya1 1584849 502935 EYA1 1317054 2138 HGNC Eya1 1317055 14048 MGI:109344 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:3519 Eya2 620096 156826 EYA2 1350703 2139 HGNC Eya2 1552840 14049 MGI:109341 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:3520 Eya3 1309932 313027 EYA3 1320540 2140 HGNC Eya3 1320541 14050 MGI:109339 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:3521 Eya4 1307099 292172 EYA4 1316090 2070 HGNC Eya4 1316091 14051 MGI:1337104 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:3522 Ezh1 1305028 303547 EZH1 1312813 2145 HGNC Ezh1 1312814 14055 MGI:1097695 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:3526 Ezh2 1595860 312299 EZH2 1312683 2146 HGNC Ezh2 1312684 14056 MGI:107940 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:3527 Ezhip 7681336 102547118 EZHIP 1603340 340602 HGNC Ezhip 1622169 102991 MGI:2147968 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:33738 Ezr 621161 54319 EZR 1350208 7430 HGNC Ezr 732447 22350 MGI:98931 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:12691 F10 61850 29243 F10 1342967 2159 HGNC F10 62142 14058 MGI:103107 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:3528 F11 1309364 290757 F11 1319673 2160 HGNC F11 1319674 109821 MGI:99481 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:3529 F11r 621842 116479 F11R 1348345 50848 HGNC F11r 1553576 16456 MGI:1321398 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:14685 F12 1359175 306761 F12 1345372 2161 HGNC F12 1552499 58992 MGI:1891012 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:3530 F13a1 621495 60327 F13A1 732286 2162 HGNC F13a1 1550288 74145 MGI:1921395 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:3531 F13b 1311668 289055 F13B 1323246 2165 HGNC F13b 1323247 14060 MGI:88379 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:3534 F2 61996 29251 F2 1353256 2147 HGNC F2 62288 14061 MGI:88380 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:3535 F2r 2586 25439 F2R 735960 2149 HGNC F2r 10556 14062 MGI:101802 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:3537 F2rl1 620866 116677 F2RL1 733704 2150 HGNC F2rl1 1553673 14063 MGI:101910 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:3538 F2rl2 620871 29636 F2RL2 1348825 2151 HGNC F2rl2 736561 14064 MGI:1298208 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:3539 F2rl3 620872 116498 F2RL3 1351365 9002 HGNC F2rl3 731394 14065 MGI:1298207 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:3540 F3 2587 25584 F3 737354 2152 HGNC F3 734290 14066 MGI:88381 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:3541 F5 1589758 304929 F5 1344593 2153 HGNC F5 10557 14067 MGI:88382 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:3542 F7 628678 260320 F7 1345586 2155 HGNC F7 731512 14068 MGI:109325 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:3544 F8 727845 302470 F8 1343567 2157 HGNC F8 1550694 14069 MGI:88383 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:3546 F8a1 1566014 501661 F8A1 1342562 8263 HGNC HGNC:3547 F9 2589 24946 F9 735620 2158 HGNC F9 10559 14071 MGI:88384 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:3551 Fa2h 1310347 307855 FA2H 1318772 79152 HGNC Fa2h 1318773 338521 MGI:2443327 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:21197 Faah 61808 100911581 FAAH 737052 2166 RGD Faah 62100 14073 MGI:109609 RGD HGNC:3553 Faap100 1306926 303742 FAAP100 1604593 80233 HGNC Faap100 1332450 71885 MGI:1919135 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:26171 Faap20 1308923 362678 FAAP20 1604208 199990 HGNC Faap20 1318971 67513 MGI:1914763 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:26428 Faap24 1564719 502320 FAAP24 1605898 91442 HGNC Faap24 1620683 101831 MGI:2142208 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:28467 Fabp1 2590 24360 FABP1 736881 2168 HGNC Fabp1 10563 14080 MGI:95479 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:3555 Fabp12 1565000 499570 FABP12 2302158 646486 HGNC Fabp12 1557752 75497 MGI:1922747 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:34524 Fabp2 2591 25598 FABP2 735842 2169 HGNC Fabp2 10564 14079 MGI:95478 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:3556 Fabp3 69048 79131 FABP3 69087 2170 HGNC Fabp3 69088 14077 MGI:95476 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:3557 Fabp4 69309 79451 FABP4 733453 2167 HGNC Fabp4 733454 11770 MGI:88038 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:3559 Fabp5 70997 140868 FABP5 736313 2171 HGNC Fabp5 731966 16592 MGI:101790 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:3560 Fabp6 2592 25440 FABP6 737077 2172 HGNC Fabp6 10565 16204 MGI:96565 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:3561 Fabp7 69312 80841 FABP7 1353760 2173 HGNC Fabp7 736052 12140 MGI:101916 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:3562 Fabp9 620285 64822 FABP9 1343200 646480 HGNC Fabp9 732063 21884 MGI:1194881 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:3563 Fadd 628700 266610 FADD 1345195 8772 HGNC Fadd 732106 14082 MGI:109324 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:3573 Fads1 621678 84575 FADS1 1344024 3992 HGNC Fads1 731322 76267 MGI:1923517 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:3574 Fads2 68339 83512 FADS2 68475 9415 HGNC Fads2 68476 56473 MGI:1930079 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:3575 Fads2b 1311224 295714 FADS2B 5683941 643181 HGNC Fads2b 1322570 228151 MGI:2687041 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:43618 Fads3 628876 286922 FADS3 1352711 3995 HGNC Fads3 1551526 60527 MGI:1928740 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:3576 Fads6 1311950 303671 FADS6 1351054 283985 HGNC Fads6 1620461 328035 MGI:3039592 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:30459 Faf1 70987 140657 FAF1 733981 11124 HGNC Faf1 733982 14084 MGI:109419 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:3578 Faf2 1306577 291000 FAF2 1604379 23197 HGNC Faf2 1315274 76577 MGI:1923827 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:24666 Fah 61932 29383 FAH 733367 2184 HGNC Fah 62225 14085 MGI:95482 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:3579 Fahd1 1304560 302980 FAHD1 1348488 81889 HGNC Fahd1 1553439 68636 MGI:1915886 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:14169 Fahd2a 1563674 296131 FAHD2B 1602649 151313 HGNC HGNC:25318 Faim 620572 140930 FAIM 1605660 55179 HGNC Faim 734131 23873 MGI:1344387 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:18703 Faim2 628744 246274 FAIM2 1348169 23017 HGNC Faim2 733738 72393 MGI:1919643 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:17067 Faiml 1590301 684466 Faiml 1617844 623459 MGI:3647754 RGD Fam107a 1306327 361018 FAM107A 1605094 11170 HGNC Fam107a 1314886 268709 MGI:3041256 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:30827 Fam107b 1561482 498796 FAM107B 1346416 83641 HGNC Fam107b 1557686 66540 MGI:1913790 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:23726 Fam110a 1308904 311535 FAM110A 1318939 83541 HGNC Fam110a 1318940 73847 MGI:1921097 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:16188 Fam110b 1563403 500400 FAM110B 1605314 90362 HGNC Fam110b 1620560 242297 MGI:1916593 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:28587 Fam110c 1564713 500638 FAM110C 1606851 642273 HGNC Fam110c 1616655 104943 MGI:1918813 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:33340 Fam110d 1564994 500563 FAM110D 1602464 79927 HGNC Fam110d 1615050 72690 MGI:1919940 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:25860 Fam111a 1560913 499322 FAM111A 1606517 63901 HGNC Fam111a 1618239 107373 MGI:1915508 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:24725 Fam114a1 1560201 498366 FAM114A1 1606191 92689 RGD Fam114a1 1320185 68303 MGI:1915553 RGD HGNC:25087 Fam114a2 1305362 303155 FAM114A2 1313342 10827 HGNC Fam114a2 1313343 67726 MGI:1917629 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:1333 Fam117a 1561062 497983 FAM117A 1604587 81558 HGNC Fam117a 1615712 215512 MGI:2144564 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:24179 Fam117b 1307676 363236 FAM117B 1317004 150864 HGNC Fam117b 1614310 72750 MGI:1920000 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:14440 Fam118a 1560783 300120 FAM118A 1345510 55007 HGNC Fam118a 1620757 73225 MGI:1920475 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:1313 Fam118b 1307173 315549 FAM118B 1603013 79607 HGNC Fam118b 1332352 109229 MGI:1924483 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:26110 Fam120a 1306643 291019 FAM120A 1315374 23196 HGNC Fam120a 1315375 218236 MGI:2446163 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:13247 Fam120b 1310304 308218 FAM120B 1321130 84498 HGNC Fam120b 1321131 67544 MGI:1914794 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:21109 Fam120c 1564253 317423 FAM120C 1603035 54954 HGNC Fam120c 1619029 207375 MGI:2387687 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:16949 Fam124a 1593344 691938 FAM124A 1602826 220108 HGNC Fam124a 1624474 629059 MGI:3645930 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:26413 Fam124b 1589866 103690021 FAM124B 1602681 79843 HGNC Fam124b 1618944 241128 MGI:3026880 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:26224 Fam131a 2322069 100360487 FAM131A 1606725 131408 HGNC Fam131a 1332346 78408 MGI:1925658 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:28308 Fam131b 1560653 500102 FAM131B 1605421 9715 HGNC Fam131b 1618282 76156 MGI:1923406 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:22202 Fam131c 1590955 690880 FAM131C 1606908 348487 HGNC Fam131c 1617243 277743 MGI:2685539 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:26717 Fam133b 1306302 362320 FAM133B 1606931 257415 HGNC Fam133b 1314845 68152 MGI:1915402 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:28629 Fam135a 1304927 367235 FAM135A 1312650 57579 HGNC Fam135a 1312651 68187 MGI:1915437 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:21084 Fam135b 1308133 315069 FAM135B 1606292 51059 HGNC Fam135b 1317730 70363 MGI:1917613 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:28029 Fam136a 1304825 297415 FAM136A 1605923 84908 RGD Fam136a 1312491 66488 MGI:1913738 RGD HGNC:25911 Fam13a 1309807 362378 FAM13A 1320343 10144 HGNC Fam13a 1320344 58909 MGI:1889842 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:19367 Fam13b 1310484 291694 FAM13B 1321412 51306 HGNC Fam13b 1553142 225358 MGI:2447834 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:1335 Fam13c 1310149 294565 FAM13C 1320881 220965 HGNC Fam13c 1320882 71721 MGI:1918971 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:19371 Fam149a 1586153 361153 FAM149A 1604030 25854 HGNC Fam149a 1315506 212326 MGI:2387177 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:24527 Fam149b1 1359592 289900 FAM149B1 1351219 317662 HGNC Fam149b 1623048 105428 MGI:2145567 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:29162 Fam151a 1359194 313430 FAM151A 1603341 338094 HGNC Fam151a 1620602 230579 MGI:2657115 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:25032 Fam151b 1561110 499507 FAM151B 1603888 167555 HGNC Fam151b 1615046 73942 MGI:1921192 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:33716 Fam161a 1304999 289833 FAM161A 2293814 84140 HGNC Fam161a 1312765 73873 MGI:1921123 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:25808 Fam161b 1309058 314311 FAM161B 1319187 145483 HGNC Fam161b 1319188 217705 MGI:2443027 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:19854 Fam162a 1590883 360721 FAM162A 1603057 26355 HGNC Fam162a 1331986 70186 MGI:1917436 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:17865 Fam163a 1565760 498257 FAM163A 1605572 148753 HGNC Fam163a 1621224 329274 MGI:3618859 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:28274 Fam163b 1597714 685169 FAM163B 1604863 642968 HGNC Fam163b 1623035 109349 MGI:1926106 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:33277 Fam167a 1561302 498533 FAM167A 1344184 83648 HGNC Fam167a 1618172 219148 MGI:3606565 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:15549 Fam167b 1584589 682360 FAM167B 1606487 84734 HGNC Fam167b 1618972 230766 MGI:2668032 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:28133 Fam168a 1308929 361614 FAM168A 1604050 23201 HGNC Fam168a 1318982 319604 MGI:2442372 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:28999 Fam168b 1583985 690188 FAM168B 1606974 130074 HGNC Fam168b 1614200 214469 MGI:2448487 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:27016 Fam169a 1590893 310013 FAM169A 2300032 26049 HGNC Fam169a 1617989 320557 MGI:2444268 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:29138 Fam169b 1585883 680906 FAM169BP 1602962 283777 HGNC Fam169b 1613916 434197 MGI:3644026 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:26835 Fam170a 1565393 498864 FAM170A 1602273 340069 HGNC Fam170a 1619856 225497 MGI:2684939 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:27963 Fam170b 2318714 100362169 FAM170B 1346857 170370 HGNC Fam170b 1622167 105511 MGI:2145650 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:19736 Fam171a1 1594172 680259 FAM171A1 1313160 221061 HGNC Fam171a1 1313161 269233 MGI:2442917 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:23522 Fam171a2 1307966 100361389 FAM171A2 2298821 284069 HGNC Fam171a2 1317466 217219 MGI:2448496 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:30480 Fam171b 1562526 499821 FAM171B 1354368 165215 HGNC Fam171b 1615649 241520 MGI:2444579 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:29412 Fam174a 1309973 301634 FAM174A 1601696 345757 HGNC Fam174a 1320605 67698 MGI:1914948 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:24943 Fam174b 1596692 681398 FAM174B 1606862 400451 HGNC Fam174b 1624860 100038347 MGI:3698178 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:34339 Fam174c 1562114 500795 FAM174C 1346714 55009 HGNC Fam174c 1617523 69770 MGI:1917020 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:26073 Fam177a1 2323636 100359558 FAM177A1 30308104 283635 HGNC Fam177a 1619962 73385 MGI:1920635 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:19829 Fam177b 7728997 102551887 FAM177B 1605784 400823 HGNC Gm34287 9592065 102637494 MGI:5593446 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:34395 Fam178b 1564591 501125 FAM178B 1605679 51252 HGNC Fam178b 1620437 381337 MGI:3026913 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:28036 Fam180a 1308013 362336 FAM180A 1604688 389558 HGNC Fam180a 1317537 208164 MGI:3039626 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:33773 Fam180b 11469551 134486323 FAM180B 2298817 399888 HGNC Gm32514 9637947 102635091 MGI:5591673 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:34451 Fam181a 6504274 299265 FAM181A 1319141 90050 RGD Fam181a 1622625 100504156 MGI:3647570 RGD HGNC:20491 Fam181b 1564695 499205 FAM181B 1605261 220382 HGNC Fam181b 1615913 58238 MGI:1930951 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:28512 Fam184a 1311294 361853 FAM184A 1322675 79632 RGD Fam184a 1619945 75906 MGI:1923156 RGD HGNC:20991 Fam184b 1564950 289671 FAM184B 2301273 27146 HGNC Fam184b 1557131 58227 MGI:2442958 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:29235 Fam185a 1562135 499979 FAM185A 1601709 222234 HGNC Fam185a 1614805 330050 MGI:2140983 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:22412 Fam186a 2323958 100362820 FAM186A 2301117 121006 RGD Fam186a 1618309 72277 MGI:2685766 RGD HGNC:26980 Fam186b 1559522 500931 FAM186B 1604773 84070 HGNC Fam186b 1620352 545136 MGI:3647604 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:25296 FAM187A 1307851 287741 FAM187A 6482918 100528020 HGNC Fam187a 1317286 66784 MGI:1914034 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:35153 Fam187b 1597448 689048 FAM187B 1603571 148109 RGD Fam187b 1615811 76415 MGI:1923665 RGD HGNC:26366 Fam193a 1309634 305452 FAM193A 1320077 8603 HGNC Fam193a 1320078 231128 MGI:2447768 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:16822 Fam193b 1562335 498703 FAM193B 1601757 54540 HGNC Fam193b 1619879 212483 MGI:2385851 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:25524 Fam199x 1591830 679168 FAM199X 1348985 139231 HGNC Fam199x 1614128 245622 MGI:2384304 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:25195 Fam204a 1305500 308004 FAM204A 1313564 63877 HGNC Fam204a 1313565 76539 MGI:1289174 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:25794 Fam209 1307805 296411 FAM209B 1342812 388799 HGNC Fam209 1317212 76426 MGI:1923676 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:16101 Fam20a 1306364 303635 FAM20A 1314939 54757 HGNC Fam20a 1314940 208659 MGI:2388266 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:23015 Fam20b 1311162 304885 FAM20B 1322474 9917 HGNC Fam20b 1322475 215015 MGI:2443990 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:23017 Fam20c 1311980 304334 FAM20C 1323719 56975 HGNC Fam20c 1323720 80752 MGI:2136853 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:22140 Fam210a 1359600 307343 FAM210A 1352066 125228 HGNC Fam210a 1552822 108654 MGI:1914000 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:28346 Fam210b 1311378 296408 FAM210B 1322807 116151 HGNC Fam210b 1322808 67017 MGI:1914267 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:16102 Fam216a 1310861 288667 FAM216A 1607038 29902 HGNC Fam216a 1332390 68948 MGI:1916198 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:30180 Fam216b 1560137 290372 FAM216B 1605573 144809 HGNC Fam216b 1618171 219170 MGI:2145738 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:26883 Fam217a 1566214 498735 FAM217A 1345120 222826 HGNC Fam217a 1621501 71864 MGI:1919114 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:21362 Fam217b 1311952 311692 FAM217B 1323673 63939 HGNC Fam217b 1623950 71532 MGI:1918782 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:16170 Fam219a 1588668 691024 FAM219A 1350147 203259 HGNC Fam219a 1620779 71901 MGI:1919151 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:19920 Fam219b 1310727 363070 FAM219B 1321800 57184 HGNC Fam219b 1321801 78323 MGI:1925573 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:24695 Fam220a 1561923 498145 FAM220A 1606484 84792 HGNC Fam220a 1616787 67238 MGI:1914488 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:22422 Fam221a 1563175 500118 FAM221A 1604475 340277 HGNC Fam221a 1619837 231946 MGI:2442161 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:27977 Fam221b 1310425 298398 FAM221B 1321320 392307 HGNC Fam221b 1321321 242408 MGI:2441678 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:30762 Fam222a 1565883 498193 FAM222A 1605921 84915 HGNC Fam222a 1615465 433940 MGI:3605543 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:25915 Fam222b 1566149 497960 FAM222B 1603991 55731 HGNC Fam222b 1614953 216971 MGI:2384939 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:25563 Fam227a 1305939 300074 FAM227A 6767369 646851 HGNC Fam227a 1314265 75729 MGI:1922979 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:44197 Fam227b 1359452 296118 FAM227B 1605268 196951 HGNC Fam227b 1611791 75823 MGI:1923073 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:26543 Fam228a 1359275 313936 FAM228A 2303337 653140 HGNC Fam228a 1618292 74855 MGI:1922105 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:34418 Fam228b 2324744 100363146 FAM228B 2305665 375190 HGNC Fam228b 1614215 207921 MGI:2442121 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:24736 Fam229a 1564163 500554 FAM229A 7204883 100128071 HGNC Fam229a 1619178 68233 MGI:1915483 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:44652 Fam229b 2300149 100188933 FAM229B 2298836 619208 HGNC Fam229b 1624008 66337 MGI:1913587 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:33858 Fam234a 1311484 360502 FAM234A 1345598 83986 HGNC Fam234a 1322968 106581 MGI:2146854 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:14163 Fam234b 1306151 362455 FAM234B 1605976 57613 HGNC Fam234b 1314603 74525 MGI:1921775 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:29288 Fam236d 1564177 501592 FAM236D 11577340 105373251 HGNC Fam236e 1623913 75443 MGI:1922693 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:52642 Fam237a 9235481 103690541 FAM237A 12799605 200726 HGNC Fam237a 10036941 105243944 MGI:5622538 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:52388 Fam237b 41220038 120102225 FAM237B 12800916 107986818 HGNC Fam237b 1616943 667705 MGI:3646213 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:53217 Fam240a 7555836 120094266 FAM240A 12801639 100132146 HGNC Fam240a 1621309 235634 MGI:2685436 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:52390 Fam240b 41389000 120097920 FAM240B 13208417 110806297 HGNC Fam240b 1614337 68880 MGI:1916130 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:53430 Fam241a 1593351 691931 FAM241A 1606723 132720 HGNC Fam241a 1620788 70617 MGI:1917867 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:26813 Fam241b 1305587 294499 FAM241B 1313704 219738 HGNC Fam241b 1313705 69894 MGI:1917144 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:23519 Fam24a 1560948 499278 FAM24A 1342610 118670 HGNC Fam24a 1619182 68223 MGI:1915473 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:23470 Fam24b 1560958 499277 FAM24B 1352359 196792 HGNC HGNC:23475 Fam25a 1584388 684972 FAM25A 1347345 643161 RGD Fam25a 1622303 69134 MGI:1916384 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:23436 Fam32a 1561287 498600 FAM32A 1316761 26017 HGNC Fam32a 1316762 67922 MGI:1915172 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:24563 Fam3a 1562076 501664 FAM3A 1349782 60343 HGNC Fam3a 1614363 66294 MGI:1913544 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:13749 Fam3b 1311662 304050 FAM3B 1323237 54097 HGNC Fam3b 1323238 52793 MGI:1270150 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:1253 Fam3c 735193 312159 FAM3C 1345832 10447 HGNC Fam3c 1619224 27999 MGI:107892 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:18664 Fam3d 1305512 289949 FAM3D 1313583 131177 HGNC Fam3d 1313584 18300 MGI:1201784 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:18665 Fam43a 1304790 288031 FAM43A 1343774 131583 HGNC Fam43a 1312437 224093 MGI:2676309 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:26888 Fam43b 1560959 313650 FAM43B 1346194 163933 HGNC Fam43b 2294561 625638 MGI:3651622 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:31791 Fam47a 2324262 100362696 FAM47A 1347430 158724 HGNC HGNC:29962 Fam47e 1585459 686140 FAM47E 2302124 100129583 RGD Fam47e 1618735 384198 MGI:2686227 RGD HGNC:34343 Fam50a 1560964 293862 FAM50A 1344714 9130 RGD Fam50a 1622159 108160 MGI:1351626 RGD HGNC:18786 Fam50b 1563458 306883 FAM50B 1352003 26240 HGNC Fam50b 1622158 108161 MGI:1351640 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:18789 Fam53a 1563315 305461 FAM53A 1604984 152877 HGNC Fam53a 1620744 74504 MGI:1919225 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:31860 Fam53b 1310799 309060 FAM53B 1350576 9679 HGNC Fam53b 1321910 77938 MGI:1925188 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:28968 Fam53c 1593851 685405 FAM53C 36174034 51307 HGNC Fam53c 1322260 66306 MGI:1913556 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:1336 Fam72a 1598023 681249 FAM72A 1626688 729533 HGNC Fam72a 1615765 108900 MGI:1919669 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:24044 Fam76a 1305162 362618 FAM76A 1604511 199870 HGNC Fam76a 1313027 230789 MGI:2385211 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:28530 Fam76b 1311077 367021 FAM76B 1605286 143684 HGNC Fam76b 1322343 72826 MGI:1920076 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:28492 Fam78a 1566351 499776 FAM78A 1354321 286336 HGNC Fam78a 1617321 241303 MGI:2443569 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:25465 Fam78b 1564387 498269 FAM78B 1604229 149297 HGNC Fam78b 1620611 226610 MGI:2443050 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:13495 Fam81a 1311958 315789 FAM81A 1603268 145773 HGNC Fam81a 1332402 76886 MGI:1924136 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:28379 Fam81b 1561830 309925 FAM81B 1603176 153643 HGNC Fam81b 1617336 238726 MGI:2685122 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:26335 Fam83a 1565606 500873 FAM83A 1602845 84985 HGNC Fam83a 1622044 239463 MGI:2447773 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:28210 Fam83b 1311988 315829 FAM83B 1323733 222584 HGNC Fam83b 1323734 208994 MGI:2685362 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:21357 Fam83c 1585687 683506 FAM83C 1344185 128876 HGNC Fam83c 1614328 71405 MGI:1918655 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:16121 Fam83d 1565583 311598 FAM83D 1347604 81610 HGNC Fam83d 1558410 71878 MGI:1919128 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:16122 Fam83e 1309316 292913 FAM83E 1606549 54854 HGNC Fam83e 1319598 73813 MGI:1921063 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:25972 Fam83f 1562089 315145 FAM83F 1602306 113828 HGNC Fam83f 1618184 213956 MGI:2146227 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:25148 Fam83g 2322345 100360307 FAM83G 1606850 644815 HGNC Fam83g 1618348 69640 MGI:1916890 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:32554 Fam83h 1305866 362937 FAM83H 1603342 286077 HGNC Fam83h 1314154 105732 MGI:2145900 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:24797 Fam89a 1309879 361441 FAM89A 1602405 375061 HGNC Fam89a 1320460 69627 MGI:1916877 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:25057 Fam89b 1311544 309170 FAM89B 1606565 23625 HGNC Fam89b 1323059 17826 MGI:106595 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:16708 Fam8a1 1307845 291031 FAM8A1 1351875 51439 HGNC Fam8a1 1621424 97863 MGI:2145496 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:16372 Fam90a1a 2318111 100362477 FAM90A1 1605664 55138 HGNC Fam90a1a 1614246 97476 MGI:2142877 RGD HGNC:25526 Fam91a1 1586304 689997 FAM91A1 1605857 157769 HGNC Fam91a1 1621371 210998 MGI:1277178 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:26306 Fam95c 9147085 103690053 FAM95C 7242150 100289137 HGNC Gm57858 1622921 241943 MGI:2681852 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:45272 Fam98a 1305486 313873 FAM98A 1603675 25940 HGNC Fam98a 1313541 72722 MGI:1919972 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:24520 Fam98b 1564603 499866 FAM98B 1606116 283742 HGNC Fam98b 1619184 68215 MGI:1915465 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:26773 Fam98c 1303117 292764 FAM98C 1604231 147965 HGNC Fam98c 1615832 73833 MGI:1921083 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:27119 Fan1 1566323 309256 FAN1 1604829 22909 HGNC Fan1 1621218 330554 MGI:3045266 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:29170 Fanca 1311380 361435 FANCA 1322810 2175 HGNC Fanca 1322811 14087 MGI:1341823 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:3582 Fancb 1561555 501552 FANCB 1351449 2187 HGNC Fancb 1618957 237211 MGI:2448558 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:3583 Fancc 2593 24361 FANCC 735813 2176 HGNC Fancc 10566 14088 MGI:95480 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:3584 Fancd2 1303172 312641 FANCD2 1343234 2177 HGNC Fancd2 1615723 211651 MGI:2448480 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:3585 Fancd2os 1565997 500294 FANCD2OS 1603367 115795 HGNC Fancd2os 1618323 70979 MGI:1918229 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:28623 Fance 1561045 309643 FANCE 1354425 2178 HGNC Fance 1614308 72775 MGI:1920025 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:3586 Fancf 1561456 499155 FANCF 1345063 2188 HGNC Fancf 2290337 100040608 MGI:3689889 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:3587 Fancg 1587477 691105 FANCG 1350702 2189 HGNC Fancg 1618385 60534 MGI:1926471 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:3588 Fanci 2321863 100360594 FANCI 1605380 55215 HGNC Fanci 1321934 208836 MGI:2384790 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:25568 Fancl 1311427 305600 FANCL 1322885 55120 HGNC Fancl 1618380 67030 MGI:1914280 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:20748 Fancm 1307897 314172 FANCM 1317358 57697 HGNC Fancm 1557665 104806 MGI:2442306 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:23168 Fank1 1304756 309071 FANK1 1312384 92565 HGNC Fank1 1312385 66930 MGI:1914180 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:23527 Fap 621253 192203 FAP 732069 2191 HGNC Fap 732070 14089 MGI:109608 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:3590 Far1 1306647 293173 FAR1 1315381 84188 HGNC Far1 1558194 67420 MGI:1914670 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:26222 Far2 1565966 500368 FAR2 1344680 55711 HGNC Far2 1556953 330450 MGI:2687035 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:25531 Farp1 1305346 306183 FARP1 1313320 10160 HGNC Farp1 1313321 223254 MGI:2446173 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:3591 Farp2 1308003 316639 FARP2 1317522 9855 HGNC Farp2 1317523 227377 MGI:2385126 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:16460 Fars2 1309416 306879 FARS2 1342814 10667 HGNC Fars2 1553213 69955 MGI:1917205 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:21062 Farsa 1310314 288917 FARSA 1321146 2193 HGNC Farsa 1321147 66590 MGI:1913840 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:3592 Farsb 1303210 301544 FARSB 1348852 10056 HGNC Farsb 1558316 23874 MGI:1346035 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:17800 Fas 619831 246097 FAS 1346266 355 HGNC Fas 1552455 14102 MGI:95484 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:11920 Faslg 3880 25385 FASLG 1606342 356 HGNC Fasl 1553064 14103 MGI:99255 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:11936 Fasn 620665 50671 FASN 1347691 2194 RGD Fasn 1615200 14104 MGI:95485 RGD HGNC:3594 Fastk 1311601 296741 FASTK 1605699 10922 HGNC Fastk 1323144 66587 MGI:1913837 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:24676 Fastkd1 1563531 311112 FASTKD1 1606223 79675 HGNC Fastkd1 1558579 320720 MGI:2444596 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:26150 Fastkd2 1307883 301463 FASTKD2 1317335 22868 HGNC Fastkd2 1317336 75619 MGI:1922869 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:29160 Fastkd3 1309729 290946 FASTKD3 1604298 79072 HGNC Fastkd3 1320226 69577 MGI:1916827 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:28758 Fastkd5 1563839 366192 FASTKD5 1602469 60493 RGD Fastkd5 1615529 380601 MGI:2139469 RGD HGNC:25790 Fat1 621254 83720 FAT1 732531 2195 HGNC Fat1 732532 14107 MGI:109168 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:3595 Fat2 620656 65048 FAT2 732170 2196 HGNC Fat2 1622912 245827 MGI:2685369 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:3596 Fat3 620657 191571 FAT3 1351260 120114 HGNC Fat3 1615587 270120 MGI:2444314 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:23112 Fat4 1564291 310341 FAT4 1342504 79633 HGNC Fat4 1617975 329628 MGI:3045256 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:23109 Fau 61938 29752 FAU 1351680 2197 RGD Fau 62231 14109 MGI:102547 RGD HGNC:3597 Faxc 1562449 366333 FAXC 1347110 84553 HGNC Faxc 1618284 76132 MGI:1923382 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:20742 Faxdc2 1586284 691221 FAXDC2 1319694 10826 HGNC Faxdc2 2313880 676527 MGI:3651124 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:1334 Fbf1 1310662 287836 FBF1 1321696 85302 HGNC Fbf1 1622104 217335 MGI:1922033 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:24674 Fbh1 1306298 291293 FBH1 1314839 84893 HGNC Fbh1 1314840 50755 MGI:1354699 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:13620 Fbl 1305542 292747 FBL 1313628 2091 HGNC Fbl 1313629 14113 MGI:95486 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:3599 Fblim1 1359551 362650 FBLIM1 1606792 54751 HGNC Fblim1 1553271 74202 MGI:1921452 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:24686 Fbll1 1562841 363563 FBLL1 2303694 345630 HGNC Fbll1 1614906 237730 MGI:3034689 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:35458 Fbln1 1308667 315191 FBLN1 1318572 2192 HGNC Fbln1 1318573 14114 MGI:95487 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:3600 Fbln2 628685 282583 FBLN2 1345931 2199 HGNC Fbln2 1550886 14115 MGI:95488 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:3601 Fbln5 2594 29158 FBLN5 736145 10516 HGNC Fbln5 736146 23876 MGI:1346091 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:3602 Fbln7 1310131 296145 FBLN7 1601826 129804 HGNC Fbln7 1331944 70370 MGI:1917620 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:26740 Fbn1 620908 83727 FBN1 731577 2200 HGNC Fbn1 731578 14118 MGI:95489 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:3603 Fbn2 620910 689008 FBN2 733428 2201 HGNC Fbn2 733429 14119 MGI:95490 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:3604 Fbp1 2595 24362 FBP1 735552 2203 HGNC Fbp1 731473 14121 MGI:95492 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:3606 Fbp2 620930 114508 FBP2 732425 8789 HGNC Fbp2 732426 14120 MGI:95491 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:3607 Fbrs 1594591 691899 FBRS 1342852 64319 HGNC Fbrs 1615196 14123 MGI:104648 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:20442 Fbrsl1 1563342 304572 FBRSL1 2303695 57666 HGNC Fbrsl1 1617951 381668 MGI:1920907 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:29308 Fbxl12 1305528 313782 FBXL12 1313605 54850 HGNC Fbxl12 1550238 30843 MGI:1354738 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:13611 Fbxl13 1642425 100125363 FBXL13 1353687 222235 HGNC Fbxl13 1621242 320118 MGI:2443416 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:21658 Fbxl14 1305523 312675 FBXL14 1313599 144699 HGNC Fbxl14 1313600 101358 MGI:2141676 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:28624 Fbxl15 1306444 309453 FBXL15 1315065 79176 HGNC Fbxl15 1315066 68431 MGI:1915681 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:28155 Fbxl16 1309127 494223 FBXL16 1319294 146330 HGNC Fbxl16 1319295 214931 MGI:2448488 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:14150 Fbxl17 1309773 316663 FBXL17 1348950 64839 HGNC Fbxl17 1320290 50758 MGI:1354704 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:13615 Fbxl18 1596958 678726 FBXL18 1352891 80028 RGD Fbxl18 1620599 231863 MGI:2444450 RGD HGNC:21874 Fbxl19 1310989 308999 FBXL19 1322203 54620 HGNC Fbxl19 1551690 233902 MGI:3039600 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:25300 Fbxl2 1562243 363156 FBXL2 736852 25827 HGNC Fbxl2 736853 72179 MGI:1919429 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:13598 Fbxl20 621722 64039 FBXL20 1345687 84961 HGNC Fbxl20 1619116 72194 MGI:1919444 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:24679 Fbxl21 1305555 306750 FBXL21P 1343721 26223 HGNC Fbxl21 1623006 213311 MGI:2442921 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:13600 Fbxl22 1311830 363083 FBXL22 1350469 283807 HGNC Fbxl22 1550513 74165 MGI:1921415 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:27537 Fbxl3 1305660 306129 FBXL3 1343078 26224 HGNC Fbxl3 1552263 50789 MGI:1354702 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:13599 Fbxl4 1305724 313101 FBXL4 1313923 26235 HGNC Fbxl4 1313924 269514 MGI:2140367 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:13601 Fbxl5 1306887 305424 FBXL5 1315757 26234 HGNC Fbxl5 1315758 242960 MGI:2152883 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:13602 Fbxl6 1359687 362941 FBXL6 1353759 26233 HGNC Fbxl6 1551415 30840 MGI:1354705 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:13603 Fbxl7 1305813 361907 FBXL7 1314074 23194 HGNC Fbxl7 1620364 448987 MGI:3052506 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:13604 Fbxl8 1566420 498941 FBXL8 1352579 55336 HGNC Fbxl8 1557311 50788 MGI:1354697 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:17875 Fbxo10 1305465 362511 FBXO10 1313507 26267 HGNC Fbxo10 1313508 269529 MGI:2686937 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:13589 Fbxo11 727935 301674 FBXO11 1348534 80204 HGNC Fbxo11 1553509 225055 MGI:2147134 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:13590 Fbxo15 1310628 361354 FBXO15 1321642 201456 HGNC Fbxo15 1624039 50764 MGI:1354755 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:13617 Fbxo16 1305049 305970 FBXO16 1312847 157574 HGNC Fbxo16 1312848 50759 MGI:1354706 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:13618 Fbxo17 1308308 292757 FBXO17 1318004 115290 HGNC Fbxo17 1318005 50760 MGI:1354707 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:18754 Fbxo2 621751 85273 FBXO2 732900 26232 HGNC Fbxo2 732901 230904 MGI:2446216 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:13581 Fbxo21 1307346 360818 FBXO21 1316490 23014 HGNC Fbxo21 1316491 231670 MGI:1924223 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:13592 Fbxo22 1306664 300724 FBXO22 1315406 26263 HGNC Fbxo22 1315407 71999 MGI:1926014 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:13593 Fbxo24 1305095 304374 FBXO24 1312922 26261 HGNC Fbxo24 1312923 71176 MGI:1918426 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:13595 Fbxo25 1359105 364637 FBXO25 1603223 26260 HGNC Fbxo25 1620041 66822 MGI:1914072 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:13596 Fbxo27 1563982 499114 FBXO27 1343305 126433 HGNC Fbxo27 1557437 233040 MGI:2685007 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:18753 Fbxo28 1304584 305105 FBXO28 1312107 23219 HGNC Fbxo28 1549977 67948 MGI:1261890 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:29046 Fbxo3 1593433 690634 FBXO3 1314921 26273 HGNC Fbxo3 1314922 57443 MGI:1929084 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:13582 Fbxo30 1359367 308283 FBXO30 1347238 84085 HGNC Fbxo30 1551167 71865 MGI:1919115 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:15600 Fbxo31 1561069 498959 FBXO31 1351564 79791 HGNC Fbxo31 1615803 76454 MGI:1354708 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:16510 Fbxo32 620373 171043 FBXO32 734419 114907 HGNC Fbxo32 737552 67731 MGI:1914981 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:16731 Fbxo33 1307543 314157 FBXO33 1316797 254170 HGNC Fbxo33 1316798 70611 MGI:1917861 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:19833 Fbxo34 1310108 305830 FBXO34 1320823 55030 HGNC Fbxo34 1616673 78938 MGI:1926188 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:20201 Fbxo36 1307870 363268 FBXO36 1317314 130888 HGNC Fbxo36 1317315 66153 MGI:1289192 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:27020 Fbxo38 1311505 307390 FBXO38 1322999 81545 HGNC Fbxo38 1332184 107035 MGI:2444639 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:28844 Fbxo39 1311464 303287 FBXO39 1322937 162517 HGNC Fbxo39 1621231 628100 MGI:3505735 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:28565 Fbxo4 1307580 310363 FBXO4 1316856 26272 HGNC Fbxo4 1316857 106052 MGI:2146220 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:13583 Fbxo40 1309781 363790 FBXO40 1320304 51725 HGNC Fbxo40 1320305 207215 MGI:2443753 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:29816 Fbxo41 1566130 312504 FBXO41 1351223 150726 HGNC Fbxo41 1557931 330369 MGI:1261912 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:29409 Fbxo42 1304787 362646 FBXO42 1312431 54455 HGNC Fbxo42 1550029 213499 MGI:1924992 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:29249 Fbxo43 1310225 315034 FBXO43 1321003 286151 HGNC Fbxo43 1553428 78803 MGI:1926053 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:28521 Fbxo44 1562463 500587 FBXO44 1606989 93611 HGNC Fbxo44 1558178 230903 MGI:1354744 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:24847 Fbxo45 1311861 288042 FBXO45 1349858 200933 HGNC Fbxo45 1553097 268882 MGI:2447775 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:29148 Fbxo46 1308393 292686 FBXO46 1318136 23403 HGNC Fbxo46 1318137 243867 MGI:2444918 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:25069 Fbxo47 1559709 360615 FBXO47 1606618 494188 HGNC Fbxo47 1623166 72973 MGI:1920223 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:31969 Fbxo48 1309073 364205 FBXO48 1605751 554251 HGNC Fbxo48 1319210 319701 MGI:2442569 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:33857 Fbxo5 1309405 292263 FBXO5 1319734 26271 HGNC Fbxo5 1319735 67141 MGI:1914391 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:13584 Fbxo6 620418 192351 FBXO6 1352122 26270 HGNC Fbxo6 732299 50762 MGI:1354743 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:13585 Fbxo7 1305648 366854 FBXO7 1313800 25793 HGNC Fbxo7 1313801 69754 MGI:1917004 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:13586 Fbxo8 1307596 306436 FBXO8 1316882 26269 HGNC Fbxo8 1316883 50753 MGI:1354696 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:13587 Fbxo9 1310374 300849 FBXO9 1321245 26268 HGNC Fbxo9 1321246 71538 MGI:1918788 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:13588 Fbxw10 1563889 303215 FBXW10 1344414 10517 RGD Fbxw10 1618183 213980 MGI:3052463 RGD HGNC:1211 Fbxw11 1309121 303024 FBXW11 1319284 23291 HGNC Fbxw11 1553129 103583 MGI:2144023 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:13607 Fbxw12 1307859 301015 FBXW12 1352427 285231 HGNC Fbxw13 1618191 211305 MGI:3505590 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:20729 Fbxw2 1310460 311881 FBXW2 1321373 26190 HGNC Fbxw2 1321374 30050 MGI:1353435 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:13608 Fbxw4 1306518 309444 FBXW4 1603710 6468 HGNC Fbxw4 1315183 30838 MGI:1354698 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:10847 Fbxw5 1305661 362081 FBXW5 1313822 54461 HGNC Fbxw5 1313823 30839 MGI:1354731 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:13613 Fbxw7 2321145 100360914 FBXW7 1347453 55294 HGNC Fbxw7 1624041 50754 MGI:1354695 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:16712 Fbxw8 1306032 304522 FBXW8 1314415 26259 HGNC Fbxw8 1552356 231672 MGI:1923041 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:13597 Fbxw9 1307002 288921 FBXW9 1315938 84261 HGNC Fbxw9 1332534 68628 MGI:1915878 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:28136 Fcamr 1584674 681070 FCAMR 1605024 83953 HGNC Fcamr 1316611 64435 MGI:1927803 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:24692 Fcar 1303082 365183 FCAR 1344251 2204 HGNC HGNC:3608 Fcer1a 2597 25047 FCER1A 736318 2205 HGNC Fcer1a 10570 14125 MGI:95494 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:3609 Fcer1g 2599 25441 FCER1G 736226 2207 HGNC Fcer1g 10572 14127 MGI:95496 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:3611 Fcer2 619997 171075 FCER2 1354370 2208 HGNC Fcer2a 732256 14128 MGI:95497 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:3612 Fcf1 1310899 299198 FCF1 1322068 51077 HGNC Fcf1 1322069 73736 MGI:1920986 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:20220 Fcgbp 2313189 100303643 FCGBP 1350128 8857 RGD Fcgbp 1617384 215384 MGI:2444336 RGD HGNC:13572 Fcgbpl1 1311906 292746 Fcgbpl1 1323610 319482 MGI:2442118 RGD Fcgr1a 1309912 295279 FCGR1A 1320511 2209 HGNC Fcgr1 10573 14129 MGI:95498 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:3613 Fcgr2a 71069 116591 FCGR2A 1316933 2212 RGD Fcgr3 736451 14131 MGI:95500 RGD HGNC:3616 Fcgr2b 631331 289211 FCGR2B 1346227 2213 HGNC Fcgr2b 1332447 14130 MGI:95499 RGD HGNC:3618 Fcgr3a 1303067 304966 FCGR3A 736450 2214 HGNC Fcgr4 1550776 246256 MGI:2179523 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:3619 Fcgrt 61811 29558 FCGRT 736100 2217 HGNC Fcgrt 62103 14132 MGI:103017 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:3621 Fcho1 1307683 290639 FCHO1 1317013 23149 HGNC Fcho1 1317014 74015 MGI:1921265 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:29002 Fcho2 1565396 309129 FCHO2 1348405 115548 HGNC Fcho2 1557937 218503 MGI:3505790 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:25180 Fchsd1 1308240 307482 FCHSD1 1317900 89848 HGNC Fchsd1 1317901 319262 MGI:2441771 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:25463 Fchsd2 1304812 308864 FCHSD2 1312475 9873 HGNC Fchsd2 1312476 207278 MGI:2448475 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:29114 Fcmr 1359282 548326 FCMR 1603318 9214 HGNC Fcmr 1622299 69169 MGI:1916419 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:14315 Fcnb 621222 114091 FCN1 1351597 2219 HGNC Fcnb 732192 14134 MGI:1341158 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:3623 Fcrl2 1306885 310694 FCRL2 1323109 79368 RGD Fcrl2 1315755 80891 MGI:1933397 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:14875 Fcrl5 1589379 680697 FCRL5 1606497 83416 HGNC Fcrl5 1617972 329693 MGI:3053558 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:18508 Fcrl6 1563939 305103 FCRL6 1606397 343413 HGNC Fcrl6 1624404 677296 MGI:3618339 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:31910 Fcrla 1306176 304965 FCRLA 1606206 84824 HGNC Fcrla 1553453 98752 MGI:2138647 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:18504 Fcrlb 1563018 498275 FCRLB 1605583 127943 HGNC Fcrlb 1622639 435653 MGI:3576487 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:26431 Fcsk 1307000 307848 FCSK 1315934 197258 HGNC Fcsk 1315935 234730 MGI:1916071 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:29500 Fdcsp 1359468 494224 FDCSP 1353265 260436 HGNC BC037156 1620360 494497 MGI:3512757 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:19215 Fdft1 61834 29580 FDFT1 731891 2222 HGNC Fdft1 62125 14137 MGI:102706 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:3629 Fdps 68953 83791 FDPS 69022 2224 HGNC Fdps 69023 110196 MGI:104888 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:3631 Fdx1 62036 29189 FDX1 1347130 2230 HGNC Fdx1 62328 14148 MGI:103224 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:3638 Fdx2 1561264 313786 FDX2 1604250 112812 HGNC Fdx2 1620021 68165 MGI:1915415 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:30546 Fdxacb1 1562252 315646 FDXACB1 2301592 91893 HGNC Fdxacb1 1614016 382137 MGI:3584513 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:25110 Fdxr 621648 79122 FDXR 734233 2232 HGNC Fdxr 734234 14149 MGI:104724 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:3642 Fech 1307556 361338 FECH 1316819 2235 HGNC Fech 1316820 14151 MGI:95513 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:3647 Fem1a 1561112 316131 FEM1A 1353975 55527 HGNC Fem1a 1557632 14154 MGI:1335089 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:16934 Fem1b 1304569 315745 FEM1B 1312083 10116 HGNC Fem1b 1312084 14155 MGI:1335087 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:3649 Fem1c 1309322 302288 FEM1C 1319607 56929 HGNC Fem1c 1553183 240263 MGI:2444737 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:16933 Fen1 621821 84490 FEN1 732679 2237 HGNC Fen1 732680 14156 MGI:102779 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:3650 Fendrr 9685086 104845258 FENDRR 6482955 400550 HGNC Fendrr 1608137 68790 MGI:1916040 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:43894 Fer 1306273 301737 FER 1314798 2241 HGNC Fer 1314799 14158 MGI:105917 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:3655 Fer1l4 1308250 296307 FER1L4 1350956 80307 RGD Fer1l4 1317917 74562 MGI:1921812 RGD HGNC:15801 Fer1l5 1583681 679806 FER1L5 1625097 90342 RGD Fer1l5 1617392 100534273 MGI:3616091 RGD HGNC:19044 Fer1l6 1564703 314997 FER1L6 1625099 654463 HGNC Fer1l6 1613808 631797 MGI:3645398 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:28065 Ferd3l 1311812 366598 FERD3L 1323462 222894 HGNC Ferd3l 1323463 114712 MGI:2150010 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:16660 Fermt1 1306816 296179 FERMT1 1315645 55612 HGNC Fermt1 1315646 241639 MGI:2443583 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:15889 Fermt2 1311799 289992 FERMT2 1323441 10979 HGNC Fermt2 1323442 218952 MGI:2385001 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:15767 Fermt3 1310168 309186 FERMT3 1602673 83706 HGNC Fermt3 1320913 108101 MGI:2147790 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:23151 Ferry3 1311164 297607 FERRY3 1322478 57102 HGNC D6Wsu163e 1322479 28040 MGI:107893 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:1184 Fes 1564385 361597 FES 1319652 2242 HGNC Fes 1319653 14159 MGI:95514 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:3657 Fetub 69293 83928 FETUB 1348659 26998 HGNC Fetub 737305 59083 MGI:1890221 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:3658 Fev 628860 246271 FEV 1351543 54738 HGNC Fev 734421 260298 MGI:2449712 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:18562 Fez1 619708 81730 FEZ1 732377 9638 HGNC Fez1 732378 235180 MGI:2670976 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:3659 Fez2 619709 94269 FEZ2 735511 9637 HGNC Fez2 731448 225020 MGI:2675856 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:3660 Fezf1 1560480 500048 FEZF1 1604689 389549 HGNC Fezf1 1558609 73191 MGI:1920441 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:22788 Fezf2 1311068 305719 FEZF2 1346685 55079 HGNC Fezf2 1322329 54713 MGI:1859823 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:13506 Ffar1 628613 266607 FFAR1 736481 2864 HGNC Ffar1 732081 233081 MGI:2684079 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:4498 Ffar2 1359614 292794 FFAR2 1347517 2867 HGNC Ffar2 1552346 233079 MGI:2441731 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:4501 Ffar3 1311035 365228 FFAR3 1322276 2865 HGNC Ffar3 1621323 233080 MGI:2685324 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:4499 Ffar4 1308252 294075 FFAR4 1317919 338557 HGNC Ffar4 1317920 107221 MGI:2147577 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:19061 Fga 2603 361969 FGA 737209 2243 HGNC Fga 10576 14161 MGI:1316726 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:3661 Fgb 2604 24366 FGB 734251 2244 HGNC Fgb 734252 110135 MGI:99501 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:3662 Fgd1 1565188 363460 FGD1 1351228 2245 HGNC Fgd1 1558012 14163 MGI:104566 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:3663 Fgd2 1309840 309653 FGD2 1320399 221472 HGNC Fgd2 1320400 26382 MGI:1347084 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:3664 Fgd3 1311725 361223 FGD3 1323332 89846 HGNC Fgd3 1323333 30938 MGI:1353657 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:16027 Fgd4 708357 246174 FGD4 732078 121512 HGNC Fgd4 1332050 224014 MGI:2183747 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:19125 Fgd5 1305589 362402 FGD5 1313708 152273 HGNC Fgd5 1313709 232237 MGI:2443369 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:19117 Fgd6 1565609 500824 FGD6 1319292 55785 HGNC Fgd6 1319293 13998 MGI:1261419 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:21740 Fgf1 2605 25317 FGF1 735698 2246 HGNC Fgf1 10577 14164 MGI:95515 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:3665 Fgf10 2606 25443 FGF10 734330 2255 HGNC Fgf10 10578 14165 MGI:1099809 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:3666 Fgf11 620162 170632 FGF11 734211 2256 HGNC Fgf11 734212 14166 MGI:109167 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:3667 Fgf12 620163 170630 FGF12 1348702 2257 HGNC Fgf12 1551372 14167 MGI:109183 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:3668 Fgf13 620164 84488 FGF13 733500 2258 HGNC Fgf13 1553609 14168 MGI:109178 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:3670 Fgf14 620165 63851 FGF14 1343584 2259 HGNC Fgf14 1552930 14169 MGI:109189 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:3671 Fgf16 71052 60464 FGF16 733065 8823 HGNC Fgf16 733066 80903 MGI:1931627 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:3672 Fgf17 2607 29368 FGF17 733951 8822 HGNC Fgf17 736903 14171 MGI:1202401 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:3673 Fgf18 2608 29369 FGF18 737083 8817 HGNC Fgf18 737084 14172 MGI:1277980 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:3674 Fgf19 620166 170582 FGF19 1344909 9965 HGNC Fgf15 1550725 14170 MGI:1096383 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:3675 Fgf2 2609 54250 FGF2 70822 2247 HGNC Fgf2 70823 14173 MGI:95516 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:3676 Fgf20 71068 66017 FGF20 731457 26281 HGNC Fgf20 731458 80857 MGI:1891346 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:3677 Fgf21 620175 170580 FGF21 1344631 26291 HGNC Fgf21 732404 56636 MGI:1861377 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:3678 Fgf22 620177 170579 FGF22 733776 27006 HGNC Fgf22 733777 67112 MGI:1914362 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:3679 Fgf23 620178 170583 FGF23 1351456 8074 HGNC Fgf23 734317 64654 MGI:1891427 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:3680 Fgf3 620126 170633 FGF3 1346722 2248 HGNC Fgf3 732330 14174 MGI:95517 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:3681 Fgf4 620127 116499 FGF4 1343486 2249 HGNC Fgf4 733355 14175 MGI:95518 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:3682 Fgf5 620129 60662 FGF5 1350517 2250 HGNC Fgf5 732050 14176 MGI:95519 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:3683 Fgf6 620130 170700 FGF6 732549 2251 HGNC Fgf6 1557013 14177 MGI:95520 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:3684 Fgf7 61805 29348 FGF7 69203 2252 HGNC Fgf7 62097 14178 MGI:95521 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:3685 Fgf8 70891 29349 FGF8 733956 2253 HGNC Fgf8 1553752 14179 MGI:99604 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:3686 Fgf9 2610 25444 FGF9 735806 2254 HGNC Fgf9 10579 14180 MGI:104723 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:3687 Fgfbp1 621211 64535 FGFBP1 1350352 9982 HGNC Fgfbp1 1552581 14181 MGI:1096350 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:19695 Fgfbp3 1560326 499349 FGFBP3 1347294 143282 HGNC Fgfbp3 1557579 72514 MGI:1919764 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:23428 Fgfr1 620713 79114 FGFR1 732290 2260 HGNC Fgfr1 732291 14182 MGI:95522 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:3688 Fgfr1op2 1303233 362463 FGFR1OP2 1348205 26127 HGNC Fgfr1op2 1332316 67529 MGI:1914779 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:23098 Fgfr2 2611 25022 FGFR2 736865 2263 HGNC Fgfr2 10581 14183 MGI:95523 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:3689 Fgfr3 620714 84489 FGFR3 733044 2261 HGNC Fgfr3 733045 14184 MGI:95524 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:3690 Fgfr4 2612 25114 FGFR4 736644 2264 HGNC Fgfr4 736645 14186 MGI:95525 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:3691 Fgfrl1 735156 360903 FGFRL1 1354107 53834 HGNC Fgfrl1 1552790 116701 MGI:2150920 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:3693 Fgg 2613 24367 FGG 731481 2266 HGNC Fgg 10586 99571 MGI:95526 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:3694 Fggy 1359429 298250 FGGY 1605365 55277 HGNC Fggy 1558424 75578 MGI:1922828 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:25610 Fgl1 620169 246186 FGL1 737041 2267 HGNC Fgl1 737042 234199 MGI:102795 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:3695 Fgl2 620170 84586 FGL2 1347654 10875 HGNC Fgl2 732675 14190 MGI:103266 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:3696 Fgr 621319 79113 FGR 733253 2268 HGNC Fgr 733254 14191 MGI:95527 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:3697 Fh 2614 24368 FH 735599 2271 HGNC Fh1 10587 14194 MGI:95530 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:3700 Fhad1 1563444 500577 FHAD1 1605889 114827 HGNC Fhad1 1557840 329977 MGI:1920323 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:29408 Fhdc1 1311955 295161 FHDC1 1604560 85462 HGNC Fhdc1 1323677 229474 MGI:2684972 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:29363 Fhip1a 1565007 365834 FHIP1A 2293812 729830 HGNC Fhip1a 1618979 229488 MGI:2444746 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:34237 Fhip1b 1359585 293343 FHIP1B 1604775 84067 HGNC Fhip1b 1622253 74349 MGI:1921599 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:25378 Fhip2a 1306116 361774 FHIP2A 1314542 57700 HGNC Fhip2a 1314543 226252 MGI:2147545 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:29320 Fhip2b 1308870 306015 FHIP2B 1318892 64760 HGNC Fhip2b 1614142 239170 MGI:3036290 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:16492 Fhit 620448 60398 FHIT 1344220 2272 HGNC Fhit 732571 14198 MGI:1277947 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:3701 Fhl1 2615 25177 FHL1 1342641 2273 HGNC Fhl1 10588 14199 MGI:1298387 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:3702 Fhl2 61963 63839 FHL2 1350947 2274 HGNC Fhl2 62256 14200 MGI:1338762 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:3703 Fhl3 1307180 313582 FHL3 1316216 2275 HGNC Fhl3 1316217 14201 MGI:1341092 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:3704 Fhl5 1307056 297954 FHL5 1316022 9457 HGNC Fhl5 1316023 57756 MGI:1913192 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:17371 Fhod1 1589776 291964 FHOD1 1315466 29109 HGNC Fhod1 1315467 234686 MGI:2679008 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:17905 Fhod3 2322319 100360334 FHOD3 1314439 80206 HGNC Fhod3 1621343 225288 MGI:1925847 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:26178 Fibcd1 1309097 311861 FIBCD1 1319244 84929 RGD Fibcd1 1553690 98970 MGI:2138953 RGD HGNC:25922 Fibin 1563711 499856 FIBIN 1606090 387758 HGNC Fibin 1623989 67606 MGI:1914856 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:33747 Fibp 628715 282837 FIBP 1353732 9158 HGNC Fibp 1551373 58249 MGI:1926233 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:3705 Ficd 1359391 288741 FICD 1602333 11153 HGNC Ficd 1622077 231630 MGI:1098550 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:18416 Fig4 1311375 309855 FIG4 1322801 9896 HGNC Fig4 1322802 103199 MGI:2143585 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:16873 Figla 1564754 500239 FIGLA 1602165 344018 HGNC Figla 1557106 26910 MGI:1349421 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:24669 Fign 1308174 295649 FIGN 1317798 55137 HGNC Fign 1317799 60344 MGI:1890647 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:13285 Fignl1 1307112 289777 FIGNL1 1316113 63979 HGNC Fignl1 1316114 60530 MGI:1890648 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:13286 Fignl2 1566321 102555469 FIGNL2 1603328 401720 HGNC Fignl2 1623348 668225 MGI:3646919 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:13287 Filip1 628597 246776 FILIP1 1347231 27145 HGNC Filip1 1621511 70598 MGI:1917848 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:21015 Filip1l 1565927 304020 FILIP1L 1604834 11259 HGNC Filip1l 1618267 78749 MGI:1925999 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:24589 Fip1l1 1309336 289582 FIP1L1 1319628 81608 HGNC Fip1l1 1319629 66899 MGI:1914149 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:19124 Firrm 1563470 498265 FIRRM 1603990 55732 HGNC Firrm 1620443 381306 MGI:3590554 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:25565 Fis1 1306668 288584 FIS1 1315413 51024 HGNC Fis1 1315414 66437 MGI:1913687 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:21689 Fitm1 1306911 290223 FITM1 1603355 161247 HGNC Fitm1 1315793 68680 MGI:1915930 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:33714 Fitm2 1307696 311617 FITM2 1317034 128486 HGNC Fitm2 1317035 228859 MGI:2444508 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:16135 Fiz1 1306359 292584 FIZ1 1605920 84922 HGNC Fiz1 1332395 23877 MGI:1344336 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:25917 Fjx1 1306113 366140 FJX1 1314537 24147 HGNC Fjx1 1314538 14221 MGI:1341907 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:17166 Fkbp10 1549751 360627 FKBP10 1319279 60681 HGNC Fkbp10 1319280 14230 MGI:104769 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:18169 Fkbp11 1306161 300211 FKBP11 1314619 51303 HGNC Fkbp11 1314620 66120 MGI:1913370 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:18624 Fkbp14 1311705 362366 FKBP14 1323300 55033 HGNC Fkbp14 1553813 231997 MGI:2387639 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:18625 Fkbp15 1304816 362528 FKBP15 1312480 23307 HGNC Fkbp15 1621210 338355 MGI:2444782 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:23397 Fkbp1a 2617 25639 FKBP1A 737539 2280 HGNC Fkbp1a 737540 14225 MGI:95541 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:3711 Fkbp1b 61835 58950 FKBP1B 735951 2281 HGNC Fkbp1b 62126 14226 MGI:1336205 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:3712 Fkbp2 1560660 293702 FKBP2 1349147 114841035 HGNC Gm51400 735749 114841036 MGI:6468425 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline Fkbp3 1304992 299104 FKBP3 1312751 2287 HGNC Fkbp3 1312752 30795 MGI:1353460 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:3719 Fkbp4 628729 260321 FKBP4 733402 2288 HGNC Fkbp4 1551632 14228 MGI:95543 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:3720 Fkbp5 1309155 361810 FKBP5 1319338 2289 HGNC Fkbp5 1319339 14229 MGI:104670 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:3721 Fkbp6 1308926 288597 FKBP6 1318976 8468 HGNC Fkbp6 1318977 94244 MGI:2137612 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:3722 Fkbp7 1305293 295672 FKBP7 1313236 51661 HGNC Fkbp7 1313237 14231 MGI:1336879 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:3723 Fkbp8 1308670 290652 FKBP8 1318578 23770 HGNC Fkbp8 1318579 14232 MGI:1341070 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:3724 Fkbp9 1549757 297123 FKBP9 1354428 11328 HGNC Fkbp9 1557781 27055 MGI:1350921 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:3725 Fkbpl 1303227 406168 FKBPL 1353952 63943 HGNC Fkbpl 1621552 56299 MGI:1932127 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:13949 Fkrp 1305852 308390 FKRP 1314133 79147 HGNC Fkrp 1314134 243853 MGI:2447586 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:17997 Fktn 1310087 362520 FKTN 1320791 2218 HGNC Fktn 1320792 246179 MGI:2179507 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:3622 Flacc1 1359362 316413 FLACC1 1343894 130540 HGNC Flacc1 1616647 108812 MGI:1918359 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:14439 Flad1 1593292 751787 FLAD1 1604288 80308 HGNC Flad1 1622855 319945 MGI:2443030 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:24671 Flcn 735088 303185 FLCN 1604509 201163 HGNC Flcn 1615711 216805 MGI:2442184 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:27310 Flg 2620 24641 FLG 737239 2312 RGD Flg 10592 14246 MGI:95553 RGD HGNC:3748 Flg2 1566121 310586 FLG2 1603471 388698 HGNC Flg2 1618159 229574 MGI:3645678 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:33276 Fli1 1309837 315532 FLI1 1320394 2313 HGNC Fli1 1320395 14247 MGI:95554 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:3749 Flii 1307590 287375 FLII 1316872 2314 HGNC Flii 1316873 14248 MGI:1342286 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:3750 Flna 1560614 293860 FLNA 1354471 2316 HGNC Flna 1558370 192176 MGI:95556 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:3754 Flnb 1311915 306204 FLNB 1323621 2317 HGNC Flnb 1323622 286940 MGI:2446089 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:3755 Flnc 1308807 362332 FLNC 1318791 2318 HGNC Flnc 1558082 68794 MGI:95557 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:3756 Flot1 70991 64665 FLOT1 736684 10211 HGNC Flot1 733800 14251 MGI:1100500 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:3757 Flot2 70993 83764 FLOT2 735666 2319 HGNC Flot2 735667 14252 MGI:103309 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:3758 Flrt1 1565152 499308 FLRT1 1345456 23769 HGNC Flrt1 1616378 396184 MGI:3026647 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:3760 Flrt2 1308574 299236 FLRT2 1318426 23768 HGNC Flrt2 1620405 399558 MGI:3603594 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:3761 Flrt3 1566005 366205 FLRT3 1350548 23767 HGNC Flrt3 1558376 71436 MGI:1918686 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:3762 Flt1 2621 54251 FLT1 737202 2321 HGNC Flt1 734184 14254 MGI:95558 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:3763 Flt3 61308 140635 FLT3 1321714 2322 HGNC Flt3 1321715 14255 MGI:95559 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:3765 Flt3lg 2322792 103691134 FLT3LG 1353824 2323 HGNC Flt3l 1557069 14256 MGI:95560 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:3766 Flt4 621737 114110 FLT4 733488 2324 HGNC Flt4 733489 14257 MGI:95561 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:3767 Flvcr1 1596541 108348225 FLVCR1 1606303 28982 HGNC Flvcr1 1618983 226844 MGI:2444881 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:24682 Flvcr2 735098 314323 FLVCR2 1352163 55640 HGNC Flvcr2 1619000 217721 MGI:2384974 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:20105 Flywch1 1309385 360488 FLYWCH1 1346259 84256 HGNC Flywch1 1552290 224613 MGI:2442638 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:25404 Flywch2 11436072 108352059 FLYWCH2 1602659 114984 HGNC Flywch2 1332127 76917 MGI:1924167 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:25178 Fmc1 1559476 500087 FMC1 1606950 154791 HGNC Fmc1 1321794 66117 MGI:1913367 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:26946 Fmn1 1306349 296512 FMN1 1606398 342184 HGNC Fmn1 1553201 14260 MGI:101815 RGD HGNC:3768 Fmn2 2322099 100360457 FMN2 1345437 56776 HGNC Fmn2 1316778 54418 MGI:1859252 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:14074 Fmnl1 1311042 287746 FMNL1 1322289 752 HGNC Fmnl1 1620059 57778 MGI:1888994 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:1212 Fmnl2 1560248 499797 FMNL2 1315771 114793 HGNC Fmnl2 1315772 71409 MGI:1918659 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:18267 Fmnl3 1583854 300225 FMNL3 1606996 91010 RGD Fmnl3 1622353 22379 MGI:109569 RGD HGNC:23698 Fmo1 2622 25256 FMO1 736452 2326 HGNC Fmo1 10593 14261 MGI:1310002 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:3769 Fmo2 628600 246245 FMO2 733627 2327 HGNC Fmo2 733628 55990 MGI:1916776 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:3770 Fmo3 619761 84493 FMO3 734270 2328 HGNC Fmo3 734271 14262 MGI:1100496 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:3771 Fmo4 628601 246247 FMO4 731768 2329 HGNC Fmo4 731769 226564 MGI:2429497 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:3772 Fmo5 628602 246248 FMO5 733168 2330 HGNC Fmo5 733169 14263 MGI:1310004 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:3773 Fmo6 1559491 304922 FMO6P 1603333 388714 HGNC Fmo6 1621338 226565 MGI:2681841 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:24024 Fmod 619769 64507 FMOD 1353289 2331 HGNC Fmod 733886 14264 MGI:1328364 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:3774 Fmr1 2623 24948 FMR1 735919 2332 HGNC Fmr1 735920 14265 MGI:95564 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:3775 Fmr1nb 1564059 293918 FMR1NB 1346520 158521 HGNC Fmr1nb 1558148 207854 MGI:2672032 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:26372 Fn1 2624 25661 FN1 736627 2335 HGNC Fn1 10594 14268 MGI:95566 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:3778 Fn3k 1559983 498034 FN3K 1350348 64122 HGNC Fn3k 1557210 63828 MGI:1926834 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:24822 Fn3krp 1304570 303755 FN3KRP 1606224 79672 HGNC Fn3krp 1312085 238024 MGI:2679256 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:25700 Fnbp1 621350 192348 FNBP1 1350700 23048 HGNC Fnbp1 731302 14269 MGI:109606 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:17069 Fnbp1l 1305386 310839 FNBP1L 1346897 54874 HGNC Fnbp1l 1550269 214459 MGI:1925642 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:20851 Fnbp4 1309238 311183 FNBP4 1319467 23360 HGNC Fnbp4 1319468 55935 MGI:1860513 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:19752 Fndc1 1310640 308099 FNDC1 1321663 84624 HGNC Fndc1 1321664 68655 MGI:1915905 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:21184 Fndc10 1589420 680656 FNDC10 6480141 643988 HGNC Fndc10 1617352 230991 MGI:2444790 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:42951 Fndc11 1564340 499953 FNDC11 1601971 79025 HGNC Fndc11 1614037 332713 MGI:3051572 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:28764 Fndc3a 1304736 306022 FNDC3A 1354235 22862 HGNC Fndc3a 1551997 319448 MGI:1196463 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:20296 Fndc3b 1311673 294925 FNDC3B 1343110 64778 HGNC Fndc3b 1551864 72007 MGI:1919257 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:24670 Fndc4 6496095 100910821 FNDC4 1345842 64838 HGNC Fndc4 1619201 64339 MGI:1917195 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:20239 Fndc5 708525 260327 FNDC5 1348160 252995 HGNC Fndc5 1557788 384061 MGI:1917614 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:20240 Fndc7 1309189 310787 FNDC7 1604516 163479 HGNC Fndc7 1551490 320181 MGI:2443535 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:26668 Fndc8 1310708 303376 FNDC8 1603304 54752 HGNC Fndc8 1332331 78919 MGI:1926169 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:25286 Fndc9 2318580 100362205 FNDC9 1606861 408263 HGNC Fndc9 1621243 320116 MGI:2443410 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:33547 Fnip1 2318339 100362347 FNIP1 1606476 96459 HGNC Fnip1 1312177 216742 MGI:2444668 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:29418 Fnip2 1562174 310538 FNIP2 2292121 57600 HGNC Fnip2 1609892 329679 MGI:2683054 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:29280 Fnta 2625 25318 FNTA 730816 2339 HGNC Fnta 10595 14272 MGI:104683 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:3782 Fntb 620119 64511 FNTB 736901 2342 HGNC Fntb 732388 110606 MGI:1861305 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:3785 Focad 1311849 313346 FOCAD 1352316 54914 HGNC Focad 1323521 230393 MGI:2676921 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:23377 Folh1 70963 85309 FOLH1 734060 2346 HGNC Folh1 737025 53320 MGI:1858193 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:3788 Folr1 71032 171049 FOLR1 1346305 2348 HGNC Folr1 734402 14275 MGI:95568 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:3791 Folr2 1308515 293154 FOLR2 1318329 2350 HGNC Folr2 1318330 14276 MGI:95569 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:3793 Fos 2626 314322 FOS 735729 2353 HGNC Fos 10596 14281 MGI:95574 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:3796 Fosb 1308198 100360880 FOSB 1317837 2354 HGNC Fosb 1317838 14282 MGI:95575 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:3797 Fosl1 2627 25445 FOSL1 732196 8061 HGNC Fosl1 10597 14283 MGI:107179 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:13718 Fosl2 2628 25446 FOSL2 733116 2355 HGNC Fosl2 10598 14284 MGI:102858 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:3798 Foxa1 2807 25098 FOXA1 1605727 3169 HGNC Foxa1 10718 15375 MGI:1347472 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:5021 Foxa2 2808 25099 FOXA2 1605726 3170 HGNC Foxa2 10719 15376 MGI:1347476 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:5022 Foxa3 2809 25100 FOXA3 1605725 3171 HGNC Foxa3 10720 15377 MGI:1347477 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:5023 Foxb1 1305217 367106 FOXB1 1313112 27023 HGNC Foxb1 1313113 64290 MGI:1927549 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:3799 Foxb2 1585019 691398 FOXB2 1605769 442425 HGNC Foxb2 1313276 14240 MGI:1347468 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:23315 Foxc1 1589718 364706 FOXC1 1353830 2296 HGNC Foxc1 1620902 17300 MGI:1347466 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:3800 Foxc2 621703 171356 FOXC2 1347315 2303 RGD Foxc2 1614461 14234 MGI:1347481 RGD HGNC:3801 Foxd1 621712 171299 FOXD1 1343882 2297 HGNC Foxd1 1551715 15229 MGI:1347463 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:3802 Foxd2 1304642 313504 FOXD2 1312200 2306 HGNC Foxd2 1312201 17301 MGI:1347471 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:3803 Foxd3 621715 29203 FOXD3 1347778 27022 HGNC Foxd3 736441 15221 MGI:1347473 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:3804 Foxd4 621716 252886 FOXD4 1346778 2298 HGNC Foxd4 1614459 14237 MGI:1347467 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:3805 Foxe1 621723 192274 FOXE1 735499 2304 HGNC Foxe1 735500 110805 MGI:1353500 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:3806 Foxe3 621727 171302 FOXE3 1316815 2301 HGNC Foxe3 1316816 30923 MGI:1353569 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:3808 Foxf1 1584229 687536 FOXF1 1348211 2294 HGNC Foxf1 1616863 15227 MGI:1347470 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:3809 Foxf2 1589717 364707 FOXF2 1352114 2295 HGNC Foxf2 1614458 14238 MGI:1347479 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:3810 Foxg1 2619 24370 FOXG1 737514 2290 HGNC Foxg1 10591 15228 MGI:1347464 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:3811 Foxh1 1311275 300054 FOXH1 1322645 8928 HGNC Foxh1 1322646 14106 MGI:1347465 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:3814 Foxi1 1307421 287185 FOXI1 1316609 2299 HGNC Foxi1 1316610 14233 MGI:1096329 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:3815 Foxi2 621739 246073 FOXI2 1602262 399823 HGNC Foxi2 1551546 270004 MGI:3028075 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:32448 Foxi3 1561816 502846 FOXI3 2302532 344167 HGNC Foxi3 9586081 232077 MGI:3511278 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:35123 Foxj1 621764 116557 FOXJ1 732358 2302 RGD Foxj1 732359 15223 MGI:1347474 RGD HGNC:3816 Foxj2 1565101 502886 FOXJ2 1344904 55810 HGNC Foxj2 1557346 60611 MGI:1926805 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:24818 Foxj3 1311770 313554 FOXJ3 1323400 22887 HGNC Foxj3 1551880 230700 MGI:2443432 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:29178 Foxk1 1309643 304298 FOXK1 1604502 221937 HGNC Foxk1 1557105 17425 MGI:1347488 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:23480 Foxk2 1305408 303753 FOXK2 1313423 3607 HGNC Foxk2 1614344 68837 MGI:1916087 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:6036 Foxl1 1584212 687553 FOXL1 1353210 2300 HGNC Foxl1 1614457 14241 MGI:1347469 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:3817 Foxl2 1310041 367152 FOXL2 1320713 668 HGNC Foxl2 1320714 26927 MGI:1349428 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:1092 Foxl3 1594158 680273 FOXL3 14995956 116033993 HGNC Foxl3 1617936 384244 MGI:3646467 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:54201 Foxm1 61807 58921 FOXM1 1604404 2305 HGNC Foxm1 62099 14235 MGI:1347487 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:3818 Foxn1 3970 287469 FOXN1 1349825 8456 HGNC Foxn1 11489 15218 MGI:102949 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:12765 Foxn2 1562291 301676 FOXN2 1343664 3344 HGNC Foxn2 1614460 14236 MGI:1347478 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:5281 Foxn3 1305711 314374 FOXN3 1313904 1112 HGNC Foxn3 1313905 71375 MGI:1918625 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:1928 Foxn4 1306389 288736 FOXN4 1314977 121643 HGNC Foxn4 1314978 116810 MGI:2151057 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:21399 Foxo1 620283 84482 FOXO1 737155 2308 HGNC Foxo1 737156 56458 MGI:1890077 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:3819 Foxo3 1309196 294515 FOXO3 1319403 2309 HGNC Foxo3 1553155 56484 MGI:1890081 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:3821 Foxo4 1561201 302415 FOXO4 1353756 4303 HGNC Foxo4 1556902 54601 MGI:1891915 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:7139 Foxo6 1595858 313558 FOXO6 2292467 100132074 HGNC Foxo6 1615547 329934 MGI:2676586 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:24814 Foxp1 1308669 297480 FOXP1 1318576 27086 HGNC Foxp1 1318577 108655 MGI:1914004 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:3823 Foxp2 1559697 500037 FOXP2 1351861 93986 HGNC Foxp2 1615752 114142 MGI:2148705 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:13875 Foxp3 1562112 317382 FOXP3 1348507 50943 HGNC Foxp3 1557838 20371 MGI:1891436 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:6106 Foxp4 1311386 363185 FOXP4 1322820 116113 RGD Foxp4 1322821 74123 MGI:1921373 RGD HGNC:20842 Foxq1 621572 64826 FOXQ1 732997 94234 HGNC Foxq1 732998 15220 MGI:1298228 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:20951 Foxr1 1309739 315601 FOXR1 1320240 283150 HGNC Foxr1 1614771 382074 MGI:2685961 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:29980 Foxr2 1564437 302583 FOXR2 1352257 139628 HGNC Foxr2 1617900 436240 MGI:3511682 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:30469 Foxred1 1311785 315547 FOXRED1 1604612 55572 HGNC Foxred1 1323419 235169 MGI:2446262 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:26927 Foxred2 1306763 315112 FOXRED2 1602317 80020 HGNC Foxred2 1621301 239554 MGI:106315 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:26264 Foxs1 1310679 311547 FOXS1 1321722 2307 HGNC Foxs1 1321723 14239 MGI:95546 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:3735 Fpgs 1587713 687266 FPGS 1346571 2356 RGD Fpgs 10599 14287 MGI:95576 RGD HGNC:3824 Fpgt 735121 310935 FPGT 1342569 8790 HGNC Fpgt 1550180 75540 MGI:1922790 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:3825 Fpr1 1310883 292409 FPR1 1322039 2357 HGNC Fpr1 1322040 14293 MGI:107443 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:3826 Fpr2 1584013 690158 FPR2 1316624 2358 HGNC Fpr2 1557793 14289 MGI:1278319 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:3827 Fra10ac1 1309482 365458 FRA10AC1 1319845 118924 HGNC Fra10ac1 1319846 70567 MGI:1917817 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:1162 Fras1 1306516 289486 FRAS1 1315178 80144 HGNC Fras1 1315179 231470 MGI:2385368 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:19185 Frat1 9147096 103691373 FRAT1 1604648 10023 RGD Frat1 1614454 14296 MGI:109450 RGD HGNC:3944 Frat2 1591882 679110 FRAT2 1350986 23401 HGNC Frat2 1620627 212398 MGI:2673967 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:16048 Frem1 1306981 298185 FREM1 1345384 158326 HGNC Frem1 1616422 329872 MGI:2670972 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:23399 Frem2 1566012 310418 FREM2 1347992 341640 HGNC Frem2 1622040 242022 MGI:2444465 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:25396 Frem3 1562701 307767 FREM3 1343703 166752 HGNC Frem3 1619691 333315 MGI:2685641 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:25172 Frey1 1563263 499836 FREY1 3543119 143678 HGNC Frey1 1622237 75641 MGI:1916742 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:37213 Frg1 1585495 686103 FRG1 1320772 2483 HGNC Frg1 1320773 14300 MGI:893597 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:3954 Frg2 1592623 685524 FRG2 1606060 448831 RGD HGNC:19136 Frk 621423 79209 FRK 734122 2444 HGNC Frk 1624094 14302 MGI:103265 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:3955 Frmd1 1588779 689709 FRMD1 1352660 79981 HGNC HGNC:21240 Frmd3 1304802 298141 FRMD3 1312459 257019 HGNC Frmd3 1312460 242506 MGI:2442466 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:24125 Frmd4a 1309050 307128 FRMD4A 1350302 55691 HGNC Frmd4a 1553121 209630 MGI:1919850 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:25491 Frmd4b 620172 252858 FRMD4B 1348430 23150 HGNC Frmd4b 1331954 232288 MGI:2141794 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:24886 Frmd5 1561554 311362 FRMD5 1605911 84978 HGNC Frmd5 1557005 228564 MGI:2442557 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:28214 Frmd6 727810 257646 FRMD6 1347019 122786 HGNC Frmd6 1550347 319710 MGI:2442579 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:19839 Frmd7 1562057 302826 FRMD7 1352948 90167 HGNC Frmd7 1619663 385354 MGI:2686379 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:8079 Frmd8 1310323 309172 FRMD8 1602672 83786 HGNC Frmd8 1321161 67457 MGI:1914707 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:25462 Frmpd1 1305229 313244 FRMPD1 1313132 22844 HGNC Frmpd1 1313133 666060 MGI:2446274 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:29159 Frmpd2 1565652 498583 FRMPD2 1349524 143162 HGNC Frmpd2 1616475 268729 MGI:2685472 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:28572 Frmpd3 1563753 315916 FRMPD3 1601735 84443 HGNC Frmpd3 1614126 245643 MGI:3646547 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:29382 Frmpd4 1566031 302656 FRMPD4 1353602 9758 HGNC Frmpd4 1617215 333605 MGI:3042378 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:29007 Frrs1 1306883 310810 FRRS1 1604148 391059 HGNC Frrs1 1315753 20321 MGI:108076 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:27622 Frrs1l 1309978 366376 FRRS1L 1346527 23732 HGNC Frrs1l 2302587 230235 MGI:2442704 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:1362 Frs2 1308201 314850 FRS2 1317842 10818 HGNC Frs2 1317843 327826 MGI:1100860 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:16971 Frs3 1310226 316213 FRS3 1321005 10817 HGNC Frs3 1321006 107971 MGI:2135965 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:16970 Fry 1307034 304244 FRY 1349911 10129 HGNC Fry 1315990 320365 MGI:2443895 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:20367 Fryl 1311309 364144 FRYL 1352555 285527 HGNC Fryl 1322695 72313 MGI:1919563 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:29127 Frzb 1311315 295691 FRZB 1322704 2487 HGNC Frzb 1322705 20378 MGI:892032 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:3959 Fsbp 7611658 102550523 FSBP 5685708 100861412 HGNC Fsbp 5686458 100503583 MGI:5301008 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:43653 Fscb 1561721 500659 FSCB 1343697 84075 HGNC Fscb 1621096 623046 MGI:3646964 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:20494 Fscn1 1583309 683788 FSCN1 1344433 6624 RGD Fscn1 1615998 14086 MGI:1352745 RGD HGNC:11148 Fscn2 1308941 303741 FSCN2 1319003 25794 HGNC Fscn2 1319004 238021 MGI:2443337 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:3960 Fscn3 1303047 296947 FSCN3 1353847 29999 HGNC Fscn3 1550470 56223 MGI:1890386 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:3961 Fsd1 1583850 301506 FSD1 1345798 79187 HGNC Fsd1 1557034 240121 MGI:1934858 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:13745 Fsd1l 1564809 313208 FSD1L 1353389 83856 HGNC Fsd1l 1614823 319636 MGI:2442443 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:13753 Fsd2 1305167 308779 FSD2 1346005 123722 HGNC Fsd2 1313035 244091 MGI:2444310 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:18024 Fshb 2630 25447 FSHB 69084 2488 HGNC Fshb 10600 14308 MGI:95582 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:3964 Fshr 2632 25449 FSHR 735571 2492 HGNC Fshr 10601 14309 MGI:95583 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:3969 Fsip1 1306874 296074 FSIP1 1315740 161835 HGNC Fsip1 1615069 71313 MGI:1918563 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:21674 Fsip2 1593013 680315 FSIP2 1602400 401024 HGNC Fsip2 1615650 241516 MGI:2664111 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:21675 Fst 2633 24373 FST 734008 10468 HGNC Fst 10603 14313 MGI:95586 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:3971 Fstl1 68955 79210 FSTL1 69033 11167 HGNC Fstl1 1332393 14314 MGI:102793 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:3972 Fstl3 621811 114031 FSTL3 1348302 10272 HGNC Fstl3 731393 83554 MGI:1890391 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:3973 Fstl4 1307227 303130 FSTL4 1316293 23105 HGNC Fstl4 1552649 320027 MGI:2443199 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:21389 Fstl5 1306858 365823 FSTL5 1315715 56884 HGNC Fstl5 1315716 213262 MGI:2442179 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:21386 Ftcd 70915 89833 FTCD 733688 10841 HGNC Ftcd 736511 14317 MGI:1339962 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:3974 Ftdc2 1590640 680520 Ftdc2 1618992 224247 MGI:3045360 RGD Fth1 2635 25319 FTH1 732498 2495 HGNC Fth1 1550357 14319 MGI:95588 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:3976 Fthl17a 1584678 681066 FTHL17 1347675 53940 HGNC Fthl17a 1558614 71996 MGI:1919246 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:3987 Fthl17b 1594594 691895 FTHL18P 1344497 441490 HGNC HGNC:3988 Ftl1 61813 29292 FTL 1346340 2512 RGD Ftl1 62105 14325 MGI:95589 RGD HGNC:3999 Ftmt 1306563 291470 FTMT 1348564 94033 HGNC Ftmt 1315253 67634 MGI:1914884 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:17345 Fto 1305121 291905 FTO 1625089 79068 HGNC Fto 1621572 26383 MGI:1347093 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:24678 Ftsj1 1561061 363450 FTSJ1 1345273 24140 HGNC Ftsj1 1557881 54632 MGI:1859648 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:13254 Ftsj3 1307110 303608 FTSJ3 1316109 117246 HGNC Ftsj3 1316110 56095 MGI:1860295 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:17136 Ftx 1564124 302873 FTX 2312697 100302692 HGNC Ftx 1617445 78878 MGI:1926128 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:37190 Fubp1 1591892 654496 FUBP1 1344155 8880 HGNC Fubp1 1615144 51886 MGI:1196294 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:4004 Fubp3 1307004 362106 FUBP3 1315940 8939 HGNC Fubp3 1620465 320267 MGI:2443699 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:4005 Fuca1 2636 24375 FUCA1 735673 2517 HGNC Fuca1 1553501 71665 MGI:95593 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:4006 Fuca2 1303053 292485 FUCA2 1344103 2519 HGNC Fuca2 1552462 66848 MGI:1914098 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:4008 Fundc1 1563372 363442 FUNDC1 1351437 139341 HGNC Fundc1 1557033 72018 MGI:1919268 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:28746 Fundc2 1560916 361288 FUNDC2 1351400 65991 RGD Fundc2 1557611 67391 MGI:1914641 RGD HGNC:24925 Fundc2b 1359533 365778 Fundc2b 1620745 73297 MGI:1920547 RGD Fuom 1311186 293587 FUOM 1322512 282969 HGNC Fuom 1557064 69064 MGI:1916314 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:24733 Furin 3274 54281 FURIN 1323167 5045 HGNC Furin 732508 18550 MGI:97513 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:8568 Fus 1308864 317385 FUS 1318882 2521 HGNC Fus 1318883 233908 MGI:1353633 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:4010 Fut1 2638 81919 FUT1 737372 2523 HGNC Fut1 737373 14343 MGI:109375 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:4012 Fut10 1359164 497619 FUT10 1354084 84750 HGNC Fut10 1617421 171167 MGI:2384748 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:19234 Fut11 628731 286971 FUT11 735764 170384 HGNC Fut11 735765 73068 MGI:1920318 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:19233 Fut2 2639 58924 FUT2 735387 2524 HGNC Fut2 735388 14344 MGI:109374 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:4013 Fut4 619954 60670 FUT4 1342617 2526 HGNC Fut4 732009 14345 MGI:95594 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:4015 Fut4-ps1 1588473 367454 FUT6 1350852 2528 HGNC HGNC:4017 Fut7 735019 296564 FUT7 1353646 2529 HGNC Fut7 1552874 14347 MGI:107692 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:4018 Fut8 1303096 432392 FUT8 1344316 2530 HGNC Fut8 1550689 53618 MGI:1858901 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:4019 Fut9 619955 84597 FUT9 732098 10690 HGNC Fut9 732099 14348 MGI:1330859 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:4020 Fuz 1310608 308577 FUZ 1602203 80199 HGNC Fuz 1332516 70300 MGI:1917550 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:26219 Fv1 1309326 308568 C19orf48P 1603189 84798 HGNC 2410002F23Rik 1319613 668661 MGI:1914226 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:29667 Fxn 1565754 499335 FXN 1604403 2395 HGNC Fxn 1551716 14297 MGI:1096879 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:3951 Fxr1 1311733 361927 FXR1 1323342 8087 RGD Fxr1 1323343 14359 MGI:104860 RGD HGNC:4023 Fxr2 1307011 287433 FXR2 1315950 9513 HGNC Fxr2 1315951 23879 MGI:1346074 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:4024 Fxyd1 69306 58971 FXYD1 734187 5348 HGNC Fxyd1 737203 56188 MGI:1889273 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:4025 Fxyd2 2173 29639 FXYD2 1342669 486 HGNC Fxyd2 736423 11936 MGI:1195260 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:4026 Fxyd3 620825 116831 FXYD3 1348403 5349 HGNC Fxyd3 1553033 17178 MGI:107497 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:4027 Fxyd4 70998 64190 FXYD4 735874 53828 HGNC Fxyd4 735875 108017 MGI:1889005 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:4028 Fxyd5 620827 60338 FXYD5 1605677 53827 HGNC Fxyd5 737320 18301 MGI:1201785 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:4029 Fxyd6 69315 63847 FXYD6 735925 53826 HGNC Fxyd6 735926 59095 MGI:1890226 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:4030 Fxyd7 620830 63848 FXYD7 732780 53822 HGNC Fxyd7 737495 57780 MGI:1889006 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:4034 Fyb1 1563421 499537 FYB1 1603714 2533 HGNC Fyb1 1316290 23880 MGI:1346327 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:4036 Fyb2 1564074 500514 FYB2 1604211 199920 HGNC Fyb2 1618117 242594 MGI:2685466 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:27295 Fyco1 1309069 301085 FYCO1 1319203 79443 HGNC Fyco1 1319204 17281 MGI:107277 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:14673 Fyn 2641 25150 FYN 731929 2534 HGNC Fyn 731930 14360 MGI:95602 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:4037 Fyttd1 1306899 360726 FYTTD1 1345293 84248 HGNC Fyttd1 1550112 69823 MGI:1917955 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:25407 Fzd1 61916 58868 FZD1 736261 8321 HGNC Fzd1 62209 14362 MGI:1196625 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:4038 Fzd10 1583825 363913 FZD10 1347205 11211 RGD Fzd10 1622182 93897 MGI:2136761 RGD HGNC:4039 Fzd2 71012 64512 FZD2 732091 2535 HGNC Fzd2 732092 57265 MGI:1888513 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:4040 Fzd3 628814 266715 FZD3 732935 7976 RGD Fzd3 732936 14365 MGI:108476 RGD HGNC:4041 Fzd4 71017 64558 FZD4 736680 8322 HGNC Fzd4 733796 14366 MGI:108520 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:4042 Fzd5 631406 317674 FZD5 1345907 7855 HGNC Fzd5 1551974 14367 MGI:108571 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:4043 Fzd6 628816 282581 FZD6 1343855 8323 HGNC Fzd6 1550465 14368 MGI:108474 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:4044 Fzd7 2321905 100360552 FZD7 1314691 8324 RGD Fzd7 1314692 14369 MGI:108570 RGD HGNC:4045 Fzd8 1560525 364754 FZD8 1350514 8325 RGD Fzd8 1558526 14370 MGI:108460 RGD HGNC:4046 Fzd9 628817 266608 FZD9 734067 8326 HGNC Fzd9 734068 14371 MGI:1313278 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:4047 Fzr1 1308713 314642 FZR1 1318646 51343 HGNC Fzr1 1318647 56371 MGI:1926790 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:24824 G0s2 1311675 289388 G0S2 1604363 50486 HGNC G0s2 1323257 14373 MGI:1316737 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:30229 G2e3 1310263 299002 G2E3 1321062 55632 HGNC G2e3 1321063 217558 MGI:2444298 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:20338 G3bp1 621140 171092 G3BP1 1604397 10146 HGNC G3bp1 1557408 27041 MGI:1351465 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:30292 G3bp2 1309571 305240 G3BP2 1602228 9908 HGNC G3bp2 1319980 23881 MGI:2442040 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:30291 G4 1303038 406868 C6orf47 1354435 57827 HGNC D17H6S53E 1623029 114585 MGI:90673 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:19076 G6pc1 2644 25634 G6PC1 736011 2538 HGNC G6pc1 733336 14377 MGI:95607 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:4056 G6pc2 69398 681817 G6PC2 1344189 57818 HGNC G6pc2 69438 14378 MGI:1277193 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:28906 G6pc3 727875 303565 G6PC3 735418 92579 HGNC G6pc3 1332017 68401 MGI:1915651 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:24861 G6pd 2645 24377 G6PD 736474 2539 HGNC G6pdx 10608 14381 MGI:105979 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:4057 Gaa 735227 367562 GAA 1353184 2548 HGNC Gaa 1550659 14387 MGI:95609 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:4065 Gab1 1311085 361388 GAB1 1322354 2549 HGNC Gab1 1322355 14388 MGI:108088 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:4066 Gab2 621367 84477 GAB2 737428 9846 HGNC Gab2 734338 14389 MGI:1333854 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:14458 Gabarap 61911 58974 GABARAP 736805 11337 HGNC Gabarap 62204 56486 MGI:1861742 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:4067 Gabarapl1 1596143 689161 GABARAPL1 1317596 23710 HGNC Gabarapl1 1317597 57436 MGI:1914980 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:4068 Gabarapl2 620510 64670 GABARAPL2 735450 11345 RGD Gabarapl2 732993 93739 MGI:1890602 RGD HGNC:13291 Gabbr1 621537 81657 GABBR1 734108 2550 HGNC Gabbr1 734109 54393 MGI:1860139 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:4070 Gabbr2 619864 83633 GABBR2 731754 9568 HGNC Gabbr2 1618940 242425 MGI:2386030 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:4507 Gabpa 1310802 363735 GABPA 1321915 2551 HGNC Gabpa 1321916 14390 MGI:95610 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:4071 Gabpb1 1560391 499883 GABPB1 1321019 2553 RGD Gabpb1 1321020 14391 MGI:95611 RGD HGNC:4074 Gabpb2 1565234 295263 GABPB2 1602655 126626 HGNC Gabpb2 1558094 213054 MGI:95612 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:28441 Gabra1 61855 29705 GABRA1 730902 2554 HGNC Gabra1 62147 14394 MGI:95613 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:4075 Gabra2 61856 289606 GABRA2 1349486 2555 HGNC Gabra2 62148 14395 MGI:95614 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:4076 Gabra3 2648 24947 GABRA3 732437 2556 HGNC Gabra3 10610 14396 MGI:95615 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:4077 Gabra4 621670 140675 GABRA4 734147 2557 HGNC Gabra4 734148 14397 MGI:95616 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:4078 Gabra5 61859 29707 GABRA5 736048 2558 HGNC Gabra5 62151 110886 MGI:95617 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:4079 Gabra6 61861 29708 GABRA6 732651 2559 HGNC Gabra6 62153 14399 MGI:95618 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:4080 Gabrb1 2649 25450 GABRB1 731063 2560 HGNC Gabrb1 10611 14400 MGI:95619 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:4081 Gabrb2 2650 25451 GABRB2 735355 2561 HGNC Gabrb2 10612 14401 MGI:95620 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:4082 Gabrb3 2651 24922 GABRB3 736139 2562 HGNC Gabrb3 10614 14402 MGI:95621 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:4083 Gabrd 61901 29689 GABRD 733681 2563 HGNC Gabrd 62194 14403 MGI:95622 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:4084 Gabre 68320 65191 GABRE 68441 2564 HGNC Gabre 68442 14404 MGI:1330235 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:4085 Gabrg1 621732 140674 GABRG1 732733 2565 HGNC Gabrg1 737444 14405 MGI:103156 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:4086 Gabrg2 61966 29709 GABRG2 1344590 2566 HGNC Gabrg2 62259 14406 MGI:95623 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:4087 Gabrg3 621735 79211 GABRG3 733632 2567 HGNC Gabrg3 733633 14407 MGI:95624 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:4088 Gabrp 620532 81658 GABRP 737032 2568 HGNC Gabrp 737033 216643 MGI:2387597 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:4089 Gabrq 68331 65187 GABRQ 731793 55879 HGNC Gabrq 68462 57249 MGI:1888498 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:14454 Gabrr1 61900 29694 GABRR1 1346666 2569 HGNC Gabrr1 62193 14408 MGI:95625 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:4090 Gabrr2 61902 29695 GABRR2 733076 2570 HGNC Gabrr2 62195 14409 MGI:95626 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:4091 Gabrr3 621564 192258 GABRR3 1352541 200959 HGNC Gabrr3 1615551 328699 MGI:3588203 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:17969 Gad1 2652 24379 GAD1 730853 2571 HGNC Gad1 10615 14415 MGI:95632 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:4092 Gad2 2653 24380 GAD2 733945 2572 HGNC Gad2 10616 14417 MGI:95634 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:4093 Gadd45a 2654 25112 GADD45A 733803 1647 HGNC Gadd45a 736689 13197 MGI:107799 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:4095 Gadd45b 1309080 299626 GADD45B 1319220 4616 HGNC Gadd45b 1319221 17873 MGI:107776 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:4096 Gadd45g 1311796 291005 GADD45G 1323436 10912 HGNC Gadd45g 1323437 23882 MGI:1346325 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:4097 Gadd45gip1 1309249 288916 GADD45GIP1 1319487 90480 HGNC Gadd45gip1 1319488 102060 MGI:1914947 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:29996 Gadl1 1565145 367181 GADL1 1351528 339896 HGNC Gadl1 1616724 73748 MGI:1920998 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:27949 Gak 621589 81659 GAK 731643 2580 HGNC Gak 735838 231580 MGI:2442153 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:4113 Gal 61954 29141 GAL 737194 51083 HGNC Gal 62247 14419 MGI:95637 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:4114 Gal3st1 1583379 683713 GAL3ST1 1350287 9514 HGNC Gal3st1 1620070 53897 MGI:1858277 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:24240 Gal3st2 1593854 685402 GAL3ST2 1346582 64090 HGNC Gal3st2 1620438 381334 MGI:2685834 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:24869 Gal3st3 1564991 499302 GAL3ST3 1343263 89792 HGNC Gal3st3 1619584 545276 MGI:3617843 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:24144 Gal3st4 1561105 498166 GAL3ST4 1351990 79690 HGNC Gal3st4 1623702 330217 MGI:1916254 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:24145 Galc 1359384 314360 GALC 1347926 2581 HGNC Galc 1552188 14420 MGI:95636 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:4115 Gale 621493 114860 GALE 733015 2582 HGNC Gale 733016 74246 MGI:1921496 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:4116 Galk1 1305375 287835 GALK1 1313365 2584 HGNC Galk1 10617 14635 MGI:95730 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:4118 Galk2 1308691 296117 GALK2 1318611 2585 HGNC Galk2 1318612 69976 MGI:1917226 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:4119 Galm 1359459 313843 GALM 1350990 130589 HGNC Galm 1553208 319625 MGI:2442420 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:24063 Galns 1565391 292073 GALNS 1343157 2588 HGNC Galns 1558089 50917 MGI:1355303 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:4122 Galnt1 620358 79214 GALNT1 736264 2589 HGNC Galnt1 733502 14423 MGI:894693 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:4123 Galnt10 69409 170501 GALNT10 1348778 55568 HGNC Galnt10 1332335 171212 MGI:1890480 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:19873 Galnt11 735097 311952 GALNT11 1346736 63917 HGNC Galnt11 1616547 231050 MGI:2444392 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:19875 Galnt12 1562001 313233 GALNT12 1323692 79695 HGNC Galnt12 1323693 230145 MGI:2444664 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:19877 Galnt13 735044 311039 GALNT13 1343318 114805 HGNC Galnt13 1332421 271786 MGI:2139447 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:23242 Galnt14 1310068 313878 GALNT14 1320757 79623 HGNC Galnt14 1320758 71685 MGI:1918935 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:22946 Galnt15 2322081 100360475 GALNT15 1312992 117248 HGNC Galnt15 1312993 78754 MGI:1926004 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:21531 Galnt16 1310202 362760 GALNT16 1320965 57452 HGNC Galnt16 1320966 108760 MGI:1917754 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:23233 Galnt17 1563452 288611 GALNT17 1342451 64409 HGNC Galnt17 1557091 212996 MGI:2137594 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:16347 Galnt18 1309623 293181 GALNT18 1347297 374378 HGNC Galnt18 1550696 233733 MGI:2446239 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:30488 Galnt2 1310692 292090 GALNT2 1321743 2590 HGNC Galnt2 1321744 108148 MGI:894694 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:4124 Galnt3 1306443 366061 GALNT3 1315063 2591 HGNC Galnt3 1315064 14425 MGI:894695 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:4125 Galnt4 1564589 500826 GALNT4 1345094 8693 HGNC Galnt4 1557722 14426 MGI:894692 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:4126 Galnt5 620361 83627 GALNT5 737016 11227 HGNC Galnt5 732470 241391 MGI:2179403 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:4127 Galnt6 2319726 100361647 GALNT6 1321517 11226 HGNC Galnt6 1321518 207839 MGI:1891640 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:4128 Galnt7 620362 29750 GALNT7 1347952 51809 HGNC Galnt7 731861 108150 MGI:1349449 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:4129 Galnt8 9174049 103690194 GALNT8 1350587 26290 HGNC Gm29788 9650346 101056148 MGI:5588947 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:4130 Galnt9 1311523 304571 GALNT9 69656 50614 HGNC Galnt9 1323027 231605 MGI:2677965 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:4131 Galntl5 1565271 499968 GALNTL5 1351459 168391 HGNC Galntl5 1558051 67909 MGI:1915159 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:21725 Galntl6 1564773 361142 GALNTL6 2301498 442117 HGNC Galntl6 1616468 270049 MGI:1913581 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:33844 Galp 620187 64568 GALP 1604259 85569 HGNC Galp 1557709 232836 MGI:2663979 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:24840 Galr1 2656 50577 GALR1 735654 2587 HGNC Galr1 735655 14427 MGI:1096364 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:4132 Galr2 2657 29234 GALR2 733781 8811 RGD Galr2 736654 14428 MGI:1337018 RGD HGNC:4133 Galr3 2658 29235 GALR3 735333 8484 HGNC Galr3 735334 14429 MGI:1329003 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:4134 Galt 1306483 298003 GALT 1315126 2592 HGNC Galt 1315127 14430 MGI:95638 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:4135 Gamt 2659 25257 GAMT 732024 2593 HGNC Gamt 10618 14431 MGI:1098221 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:4136 Gan 1307766 307893 GAN 1317147 8139 HGNC Gan 1317148 209239 MGI:1890619 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:4137 Ganab 1309775 293721 GANAB 1320293 23193 HGNC Ganab 1551350 14376 MGI:1097667 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:4138 Ganc 2660 24382 GANC 1350162 2595 HGNC Ganc 1552977 76051 MGI:1923301 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:4139 Gap43 62071 29423 GAP43 730980 2596 HGNC Gap43 737443 14432 MGI:95639 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:4140 Gapdh 2661 24383 GAPDH 735871 2597 RGD Gapdh 10619 14433 MGI:95640 RGD HGNC:4141 Gapdhs 620150 66020 GAPDHS 1354511 26330 HGNC Gapdhs 1550865 14447 MGI:95653 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:24864 Gapt 1586621 686075 GAPT 1604723 202309 HGNC Gapt 1616528 238875 MGI:3608341 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:26588 Gapvd1 1307479 311880 GAPVD1 1606808 26130 HGNC Gapvd1 1551308 66691 MGI:1913941 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:23375 Gar1 1563995 499709 GAR1 1346713 54433 HGNC Gar1 1557110 68147 MGI:1930948 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:14264 Garem1 1591842 679154 GAREM1 1342843 64762 HGNC Garem1 1621952 381126 MGI:2685790 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:26136 Garem2 1597138 362801 GAREM2 1603263 150946 HGNC Garem2 1614887 242915 MGI:2685290 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:27172 Garin1a 1561814 500060 GARIN1A 1604702 346653 HGNC Garin1a 1622905 245884 MGI:2141439 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:27998 Garin1b 1564147 500061 GARIN1B 1606759 84691 HGNC Garin1b 1623697 330277 MGI:3032524 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:30704 Garin2 1564393 366671 GARIN2 1353197 161142 HGNC Garin2 1619132 70897 MGI:1918147 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:20101 Garin3 1563555 497888 GARIN3 1606142 153745 HGNC Garin3 1616367 432552 MGI:3650836 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:28397 Garin4 1561646 498311 GARIN4 1606700 149647 HGNC Garin4 1620338 619288 MGI:3588202 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:26541 Garin5a 1311142 361564 GARIN5A 1604551 112703 HGNC Garin5a 1322445 75538 MGI:1922788 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:25107 Garin5b 1310169 308344 GARIN5B 1348410 284418 HGNC Garin5b 1618115 243822 MGI:3045311 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:25278 Garnl3 1564019 499783 GARNL3 1346418 84253 HGNC Garnl3 1557262 99326 MGI:2139309 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:25425 Garre1 1308428 308509 GARRE1 1318189 9710 HGNC Garre1 1318190 233103 MGI:1924311 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:29016 Gars1 1307856 297113 GARS1 1317292 2617 HGNC Gars1 1317293 353172 MGI:2449057 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:4162 Gart 1308717 288259 GART 1318653 2618 HGNC Gart 1318654 14450 MGI:95654 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:4163 Gas1 1586820 683470 GAS1 1345993 2619 HGNC Gas1 1623311 14451 MGI:95655 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:4165 Gas2 1563167 499156 GAS2 1348959 2620 HGNC Gas2 1558248 14453 MGI:95657 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:4167 Gas2l1 1311206 360973 GAS2L1 1322543 10634 HGNC Gas2l1 1616678 78926 MGI:1926176 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:16955 Gas2l2 1307868 287570 GAS2L2 1317311 246176 RGD Gas2l2 1614148 237891 MGI:3652048 RGD HGNC:24846 Gas2l3 1594151 680280 GAS2L3 1315710 283431 HGNC Gas2l3 1617339 237436 MGI:1918780 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:27475 Gas5 621549 81714 GAS5 1346877 60674 HGNC Gas5 737110 14455 MGI:95659 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:16355 Gas6 61913 58935 GAS6 736280 2621 HGNC Gas6 62206 14456 MGI:95660 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:4168 Gas7 621550 85246 GAS7 1349821 8522 HGNC Gas7 1552259 14457 MGI:1202388 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:4169 Gas8 1307817 361438 GAS8 1317230 2622 HGNC Gas8 1317231 104346 MGI:1202386 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:4166 Gask1a 1305157 316090 GASK1A 1606802 729085 HGNC Gask1a 1313021 245050 MGI:3041196 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:24485 Gask1b 735075 310540 GASK1B 1605394 51313 HGNC Gask1b 1332262 68659 MGI:1915909 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:25312 Gast 2662 25320 GAST 735826 2520 HGNC Gast 10620 14459 MGI:104768 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:4164 Gata1 2663 25172 GATA1 731384 2623 RGD Gata1 10621 14460 MGI:95661 RGD HGNC:4170 Gata2 2664 25159 GATA2 734291 2624 HGNC Gata2 69110 14461 MGI:95662 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:4171 Gata3 621250 85471 GATA3 733638 2625 HGNC Gata3 733639 14462 MGI:95663 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:4172 Gata4 2665 54254 GATA4 737140 2626 HGNC Gata4 737141 14463 MGI:95664 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:4173 Gata5 1561365 499951 GATA5 1354270 140628 HGNC Gata5 1558341 14464 MGI:109497 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:15802 Gata6 2666 29300 GATA6 735650 2627 HGNC Gata6 735651 14465 MGI:107516 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:4174 Gatad1 1562004 500005 GATAD1 1605644 57798 HGNC Gatad1 1558217 67210 MGI:1914460 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:29941 Gatad2a 1310596 290669 GATAD2A 1603219 54815 HGNC Gatad2a 1550747 234366 MGI:2384585 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:29989 Gatad2b 1308533 310614 GATAD2B 1606527 57459 HGNC Gatad2b 1550116 229542 MGI:2443225 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:30778 Gatb 1307864 361974 GATB 1317305 5188 HGNC Gatb 1317306 229487 MGI:2442496 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:8849 Gatc 1309698 360821 GATC 1606925 283459 HGNC Gatc 1320181 384281 MGI:1923776 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:25068 Gatd1 1304836 309110 GATD1 1604948 347862 HGNC Gatd1 1332465 213350 MGI:2387178 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:26616 Gatd3a 1303003 294326 GATD3 1343023 8209 HGNC Gatd3a 1616812 28295 MGI:1351861 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:1273 Gatm 71090 81660 GATM 731936 2628 HGNC Gatm 731937 67092 MGI:1914342 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:4175 Gba1 1589149 684536 GBA1 1607089 2629 RGD Gba1 1623310 14466 MGI:95665 RGD HGNC:4177 Gba2 1305598 298399 GBA2 1313721 57704 HGNC Gba2 1313722 230101 MGI:2654325 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:18986 Gba3 1309539 289687 GBA3 1319930 57733 HGNC HGNC:19069 Gbe1 1309968 288333 GBE1 1320598 2632 HGNC Gbe1 1320599 74185 MGI:1921435 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:4180 Gbf1 1307160 309451 GBF1 1316187 8729 HGNC Gbf1 1618242 107338 MGI:1861607 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:4181 Gbgt1 1591938 499764 GBGT1 1351614 26301 HGNC Gbgt1 1622968 227671 MGI:2449143 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:20460 Gbp1 1311877 304266 GBP1 1323562 2633 HGNC Gbp2b 1623309 14468 MGI:95666 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:4182 Gbp2 621810 171164 GBP2 736152 2634 RGD Gbp2 736153 14469 MGI:102772 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:4183 Gbp3 1597766 685116 GBP3 1349801 2635 HGNC HGNC:4184 Gbp4 1310579 310917 GBP4 1321567 115361 RGD Gbp3 1553529 55932 MGI:1926263 RGD HGNC:20480 Gbp5 1311040 362050 GBP5 1322285 115362 HGNC Gbp5 1322286 229898 MGI:2429943 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:19895 Gbp6 1561523 305139 GBP6 1354251 163351 HGNC Gbp9 1614157 236573 MGI:3605620 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:25395 Gbp7 1583235 685067 GBP7 1601687 388646 RGD Gbp7 1614928 229900 MGI:2444421 RGD HGNC:29606 Gbx1 621864 246149 GBX1 1352199 2636 HGNC Gbx1 1616549 231044 MGI:95667 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:4185 Gbx2 621866 114500 GBX2 1348762 2637 HGNC Gbx2 1553014 14472 MGI:95668 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:4186 Gc 2667 24384 GC 736902 2638 HGNC Gc 10624 14473 MGI:95669 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:4187 Gca 1306589 295647 GCA 1315291 25801 HGNC Gca 1315292 227960 MGI:1918521 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:15990 Gcat 1307291 366959 GCAT 1316396 23464 RGD Gcat 1316397 26912 MGI:1349389 RGD HGNC:4188 Gcc1 2319954 100361513 GCC1 1352654 79571 HGNC Gcc1 1557700 74375 MGI:1921625 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:19095 Gcc2 1305732 309798 GCC2 1605713 9648 HGNC Gcc2 1623954 70297 MGI:1917547 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:23218 Gcdh 1308829 364975 GCDH 1318826 2639 HGNC Gcdh 1318827 270076 MGI:104541 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:4189 Gcfc2 1304792 312474 GCFC2 1312440 6936 HGNC Gcfc2 1312441 330361 MGI:2141656 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:1317 Gcg 2668 24952 GCG 68970 2641 HGNC Gcg 10626 14526 MGI:95674 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:4191 Gcgr 2669 24953 GCGR 69010 2642 HGNC Gcgr 1332263 14527 MGI:99572 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:4192 Gch1 61992 29244 GCH1 1345739 2643 HGNC Gch1 1551245 14528 MGI:95675 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:4193 Gchfr 621746 171128 GCHFR 1349515 2644 HGNC Gchfr 1551561 320415 MGI:2443977 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:4194 Gck 2670 24385 GCK 735697 2645 HGNC Gck 731555 103988 MGI:1270854 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:4195 Gckr 2671 25658 GCKR 69130 2646 HGNC Gckr 69131 231103 MGI:1096345 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:4196 Gclc 619868 25283 GCLC 736793 2729 HGNC Gclc 10652 14629 MGI:104990 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:4311 Gclm 619871 29739 GCLM 731551 2730 HGNC Gclm 735691 14630 MGI:104995 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:4312 Gcm1 61852 29394 GCM1 1348704 8521 HGNC Gcm1 62144 14531 MGI:108045 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:4197 Gcm2 1311127 291047 GCM2 1322420 9247 HGNC Gcm2 1322421 107889 MGI:1861438 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:4198 Gcn1 1593434 690632 GCN1 1312843 10985 HGNC Gcn1 1550093 231659 MGI:2444248 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:4199 Gcnt1 621370 64043 GCNT1 1351431 2650 HGNC Gcnt1 1550192 14537 MGI:95676 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:4203 Gcnt2 1303198 306860 GCNT2 1607088 2651 HGNC Gcnt2 1552410 14538 MGI:1100870 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:4204 Gcnt3 631333 286976 GCNT3 1344597 9245 HGNC Gcnt3 1553706 72077 MGI:1919327 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:4205 Gcnt4 1563891 120100673 GCNT4 1602489 51301 HGNC Gcnt4 1613284 218476 MGI:2684919 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:17973 Gcnt7 7496421 102550196 GCNT7 1354424 140687 HGNC Gcnt7 1616238 654821 MGI:3606143 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:16099 Gcsam 1591321 685692 GCSAM 1343482 257144 HGNC Gcsam 1622402 14525 MGI:102969 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:20253 Gcsh 619946 171133 GCSH 1348453 2653 HGNC Gcsh 1551580 68133 MGI:1915383 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:4208 Gda 621617 83585 GDA 734048 9615 HGNC Gda 1553769 14544 MGI:95678 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:4212 Gdap1 1309005 312890 GDAP1 1319106 54332 HGNC Gdap1 1319107 14545 MGI:1338002 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:15968 Gdap1l1 1304960 311616 GDAP1L1 1312703 78997 HGNC Gdap1l1 1623785 228858 MGI:2385163 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:4213 Gdap2 1306050 362004 GDAP2 1314445 54834 HGNC Gdap2 1314446 14547 MGI:1338001 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:18010 Gde1 621788 60418 GDE1 734410 51573 HGNC Gde1 737531 56209 MGI:1891827 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:29644 Gdf1 1304678 306351 GDF1 1312261 2657 HGNC Gdf1 1312262 14559 MGI:95683 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:4214 Gdf10 621512 79216 GDF10 1342570 2662 HGNC Gdf10 732797 14560 MGI:95684 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:4215 Gdf11 2673 29454 GDF11 731907 10220 HGNC Gdf11 736225 14561 MGI:1338027 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:4216 Gdf15 2674 29455 GDF15 1344001 9518 HGNC Gdf15 735622 23886 MGI:1346047 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:30142 Gdf2 1586196 290921 GDF2 1353215 2658 HGNC Gdf2 1558587 12165 MGI:1321394 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:4217 Gdf3 1564178 500311 GDF3 1345464 9573 HGNC Gdf3 1557417 14562 MGI:95686 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:4218 Gdf5 620102 252835 GDF5 1345266 8200 RGD Gdf5 1622400 14563 MGI:95688 RGD HGNC:4220 Gdf6 620104 252834 GDF6 1347722 392255 HGNC Gdf6 1550536 242316 MGI:95689 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:4221 Gdf7 620105 252833 GDF7 1322500 151449 HGNC Gdf7 1322501 238057 MGI:95690 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:4222 Gdf9 71038 59304 GDF9 736579 2661 HGNC Gdf9 736580 14566 MGI:95692 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:4224 Gdi1 2676 25183 GDI1 731728 2664 HGNC Gdi1 10630 14567 MGI:99846 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:4226 Gdi2 61802 29662 GDI2 1346683 2665 HGNC Gdi2 731527 14569 MGI:99845 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:4227 Gdnf 2677 25453 GDNF 735823 2668 HGNC Gdnf 10631 14573 MGI:107430 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:4232 Gdpd1 1311813 303407 GDPD1 1349545 284161 HGNC Gdpd1 1551027 66569 MGI:1913819 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:20883 Gdpd2 1560780 302421 GDPD2 1346004 54857 HGNC Gdpd2 1557766 71584 MGI:1918834 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:25974 Gdpd3 1308386 293490 GDPD3 1601852 79153 HGNC Gdpd3 1553087 68616 MGI:1915866 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:28638 Gdpd4 1585799 680990 GDPD4 1602967 220032 HGNC Gdpd4 1617346 233537 MGI:3606573 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:24849 Gdpd5 1559673 499211 GDPD5 1604590 81544 HGNC Gdpd5 1558515 233552 MGI:2686926 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:28804 Gdpgp1 1560277 308763 GDPGP1 1605191 390637 HGNC Gdpgp1 1617249 269952 MGI:2443429 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:34360 Gem 1307386 297902 GEM 1316557 2669 HGNC Gem 1316558 14579 MGI:99844 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:4234 Gemin2 620842 84404 GEMIN2 1351557 8487 HGNC Gemin2 1553818 66603 MGI:1913853 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:10884 Gemin4 1563715 497958 GEMIN4 1344278 50628 HGNC Gemin4 1623721 276919 MGI:2449313 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:15717 Gemin5 1586275 691231 GEMIN5 1321352 25929 HGNC Gemin5 1321353 216766 MGI:2449311 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:20043 Gemin6 1311168 362688 GEMIN6 1322484 79833 HGNC Gemin6 1322485 67242 MGI:1914492 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:20044 Gemin7 1597035 499391 GEMIN7 1354242 79760 HGNC Gemin7 1617529 69731 MGI:1916981 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:20045 Gemin8 1359160 363462 GEMIN8 1343150 54960 HGNC Gemin8 1618956 237221 MGI:2384300 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:26044 Gen1 1559792 298884 GEN1 1606393 348654 HGNC Gen1 1558475 209334 MGI:2443149 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:26881 Get1 735104 288233 GET1 1352136 7485 HGNC Get1 1552109 71446 MGI:2136882 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:12790 Get3 1307906 288919 GET3 1317371 439 HGNC Get3 1620065 56495 MGI:1928379 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:752 Get4 1311660 288518 GET4 1323234 51608 HGNC Get4 1323235 67604 MGI:1914854 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:21690 Gfap 2679 24387 GFAP 619574 2670 HGNC Gfap 10633 14580 MGI:95697 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:4235 Gfer 61845 27100 GFER 736290 2671 HGNC Gfer 62137 11692 MGI:107757 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:4236 Gfi1 2680 24388 GFI1 733642 2672 HGNC Gfi1 10634 14581 MGI:103170 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:4237 Gfi1b 1311727 311832 GFI1B 1323334 8328 HGNC Gfi1b 1323335 14582 MGI:1276578 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:4238 Gfm1 631396 114017 GFM1 1604558 85476 HGNC Gfm1 1552746 28030 MGI:107339 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:13780 Gfm2 1309854 294672 GFM2 1603941 84340 HGNC Gfm2 1550444 320806 MGI:2444783 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:29682 Gfod1 1311507 306842 GFOD1 1323002 54438 HGNC Gfod1 1618795 328232 MGI:2145304 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:21096 Gfod2 1311198 307801 GFOD2 1604583 81577 HGNC Gfod2 1332212 70575 MGI:1917825 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:28159 Gfpt1 1549703 297417 GFPT1 1353383 2673 HGNC Gfpt1 1557517 14583 MGI:95698 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:4241 Gfpt2 1303097 360518 GFPT2 1351553 9945 HGNC Gfpt2 1622399 14584 MGI:1338883 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:4242 Gfra1 2681 25454 GFRA1 733164 2674 HGNC Gfra1 10635 14585 MGI:1100842 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:4243 Gfra2 61809 25136 GFRA2 732295 2675 HGNC Gfra2 62101 14586 MGI:1195462 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:4244 Gfra3 620502 84422 GFRA3 731370 2676 HGNC Gfra3 1552970 14587 MGI:1201403 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:4245 Gfra4 620503 66023 GFRA4 1343287 64096 HGNC Gfra4 733662 14588 MGI:1341873 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:13821 Gfral 1565220 501023 GFRAL 1604920 389400 HGNC Gfral 1614749 404194 MGI:3607786 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:32789 Gfus 1307028 300036 GFUS 1315979 7264 HGNC Gfus 1315980 22122 MGI:98857 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:12390 Gfy 6500406 100910047 GFY 7818825 100507003 HGNC Gfy 2308384 100039953 MGI:2685427 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:44663 Gga1 1307770 300066 GGA1 1317154 26088 HGNC Gga1 1317155 106039 MGI:2146207 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:17842 Gga2 1304800 293455 GGA2 1312455 23062 HGNC Gga2 1312456 74105 MGI:1921355 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:16064 Gga3 1309553 360658 GGA3 1319955 23163 HGNC Gga3 1319956 260302 MGI:2384159 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:17079 Ggact 1304748 290500 GGACT 2299985 87769 HGNC Ggact 1312372 223267 MGI:2385008 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:25100 Ggct 1304876 362368 GGCT 1312569 79017 HGNC Ggct 2302840 110175 MGI:95700 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:21705 Ggcx 68383 81716 GGCX 68554 2677 HGNC Ggcx 68555 56316 MGI:1927655 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:4247 Ggh 2682 25455 GGH 735324 8836 HGNC Ggh 10636 14590 MGI:1329035 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:4248 Ggn 1306765 292765 GGN 1315571 199720 HGNC Ggn 1618107 243897 MGI:2181461 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:18869 Ggnbp1 1359729 494520 GGNBP1 1642110 449520 HGNC Ggnbp1 1619991 70772 MGI:3055306 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:19427 Ggnbp2 1302978 360584 GGNBP2 1343556 79893 HGNC Ggnbp2 1614194 217039 MGI:2387356 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:19357 Ggps1 1359680 291211 GGPS1 1343459 9453 HGNC Ggps1 1552894 14593 MGI:1341724 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:4249 Ggt1 2683 116568 GGT1 735681 2678 HGNC Ggt1 731835 14598 MGI:95706 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:4250 Ggt5 2684 29566 GGT5 733414 2687 HGNC Ggt5 736130 23887 MGI:1346063 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:4260 Ggt6 1303335 408206 GGT6 1603275 124975 HGNC Ggt6 1551934 71522 MGI:1918772 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:26891 Ggt7 619870 156275 GGT7 731694 2686 HGNC Ggt7 731695 207182 MGI:1913385 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:4259 Ggta1 629476 246766 GGTA1 1350501 2681 HGNC Ggta1 1553353 14594 MGI:95704 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:4253 Gh1 2686 24391 GH1 69101 2688 RGD Gh 10643 14599 MGI:95707 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:4261 Ghdc 1308881 303542 GHDC 1603379 84514 HGNC Ghdc 1318905 80860 MGI:1931556 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:24438 Ghitm 1359301 290596 GHITM 1345873 27069 HGNC Ghitm 1552120 66092 MGI:1913342 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:17281 Ghr 2687 25235 GHR 69149 2690 HGNC Ghr 10644 14600 MGI:95708 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:4263 Ghrh 61883 29446 GHRH 737566 2691 HGNC Ghrh 62175 14601 MGI:95709 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:4265 Ghrhr 2688 25321 GHRHR 734452 2692 HGNC Ghrhr 10645 14602 MGI:95710 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:4266 Ghrl 632283 59301 GHRL 730950 51738 HGNC Ghrl 732655 58991 MGI:1930008 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:18129 Ghsr 621397 84022 GHSR 730941 2693 HGNC Ghsr 737310 208188 MGI:2441906 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:4267 Gid4 1588894 687192 GID4 1322085 79018 HGNC Gid4 1322086 66771 MGI:1914021 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:28453 Gid8 735024 296466 GID8 1346039 54994 HGNC Gid8 1332414 76425 MGI:1923675 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:15857 Gigyf1 1309933 304378 GIGYF1 1320542 64599 HGNC Gigyf1 1320543 57330 MGI:1888677 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:9126 Gigyf2 2318130 100362458 GIGYF2 1314368 26058 HGNC Gigyf2 1614934 227331 MGI:2138584 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:11960 Gimap1 1306777 312312 GIMAP1 1350070 170575 HGNC Gimap1 1619256 16205 MGI:109368 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:23237 Gimap4 628765 286938 GIMAP4 1351937 55303 HGNC Gimap4 1553360 107526 MGI:1349656 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:21872 Gimap5 628871 246774 GIMAP5 1349853 55340 HGNC Gimap5 1551178 317757 MGI:2442232 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:18005 Gimap6 1305041 297076 GIMAP6 1603796 474344 HGNC Gimap6 1550092 231931 MGI:1918876 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:21918 Gimap7 1565750 500113 GIMAP7 1343694 168537 HGNC Gimap7 1558281 231932 MGI:1349657 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:22404 Gimap8 1564570 500112 GIMAP8 1344762 155038 HGNC Gimap8 1622031 243374 MGI:2685303 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:21792 Gimd1 1563706 362042 GIMD1 6770684 100507096 HGNC Gimd1 1617915 433653 MGI:3647547 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:44141 Gin1 1307449 316687 GIN1 1603218 54826 HGNC Gin1 1316647 252876 MGI:2182036 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:25959 Ginm1 1309759 361448 GINM1 1320268 116254 HGNC Ginm1 1320269 215751 MGI:2384905 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:21074 Gins1 1562246 499914 GINS1 1605108 9837 HGNC Gins1 1558168 69270 MGI:1916520 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:28980 Gins2 1311055 292058 GINS2 1602113 51659 HGNC Gins2 1322307 272551 MGI:1921019 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:24575 Gins3 1308153 307639 GINS3 1604313 64785 HGNC Gins3 1332506 78833 MGI:1926083 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:25851 Gins4 1307397 290842 GINS4 1601940 84296 HGNC Gins4 1332311 109145 MGI:1923847 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:28226 Giot1 620184 171090 Gm4924 10044040 237412 MGI:3643133 RGD Gip 2709 25040 GIP 1353884 2695 HGNC Gip 1552008 14607 MGI:107504 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:4270 Gipc1 68338 83823 GIPC1 733913 10755 HGNC Gipc1 1621539 67903 MGI:1926252 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:1226 Gipc2 1560751 365960 GIPC2 1603220 54810 HGNC Gipc2 1617576 54120 MGI:1889209 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:18177 Gipc3 1563255 500789 GIPC3 1606469 126326 HGNC Gipc3 1557844 209047 MGI:2387006 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:18183 Gipr 2689 25024 GIPR 732777 2696 HGNC Gipr 1557958 381853 MGI:1352753 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:4271 Git1 69331 83709 GIT1 732720 28964 HGNC Git1 737425 216963 MGI:1927140 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:4272 Git2 1359708 304546 GIT2 1345420 9815 HGNC Git2 1550927 26431 MGI:1347053 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:4273 Gja1 2690 24392 GJA1 736925 2697 HGNC Gja1 10649 14609 MGI:95713 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:4274 Gja10 1309630 313126 GJA10 1603289 84694 HGNC Gja10 1332573 14610 MGI:1339969 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:16995 Gja3 621820 79217 GJA3 1349664 2700 HGNC Gja3 733782 14611 MGI:95714 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:4277 Gja4 2691 25655 GJA4 731518 2701 HGNC Gja4 731519 14612 MGI:95715 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:4278 Gja5 2692 50563 GJA5 736164 2702 HGNC Gja5 736165 14613 MGI:95716 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:4279 Gja8 628890 29601 GJA8 732563 2703 HGNC Gja8 732564 14616 MGI:99953 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:4281 Gjb1 61926 29584 GJB1 732555 2705 HGNC Gjb1 62219 14618 MGI:95719 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:4283 Gjb2 728891 394266 GJB2 1351211 2706 HGNC Gjb2 1550135 14619 MGI:95720 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:4284 Gjb3 2695 29585 GJB3 1347813 2707 HGNC Gjb3 735535 14620 MGI:95721 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:4285 Gjb4 621829 117055 GJB4 1352157 127534 HGNC Gjb4 1556992 14621 MGI:95722 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:4286 Gjb5 2696 29586 GJB5 732046 2709 HGNC Gjb5 736420 14622 MGI:95723 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:4287 Gjb6 621830 84403 GJB6 1349249 10804 HGNC Gjb6 1551751 14623 MGI:107588 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:4288 Gjc1 628889 266706 GJC1 1350984 10052 RGD Gjc1 1621631 14615 MGI:95718 RGD HGNC:4280 Gjc2 1562712 497913 GJC2 1346209 57165 HGNC Gjc2 1623025 118454 MGI:2153060 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:17494 Gjc3 727930 288529 GJC3 1353703 349149 HGNC Gjc3 1553447 118446 MGI:2153041 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:17495 Gjd2 2694 50564 GJD2 733205 57369 HGNC Gjd2 735768 14617 MGI:1334209 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:19154 Gjd3 1308942 363677 GJD3 1319005 125111 HGNC Gjd3 1319006 353155 MGI:2384150 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:19147 Gjd4 628621 266707 GJD4 1603351 219770 HGNC Gjd4 1550043 225152 MGI:2444990 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:23296 Gje1 1598009 681263 GJE1 2302326 100126572 HGNC Gje1 1317823 76743 MGI:1923993 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:33251 Gk 70893 79223 GK 1344759 2710 RGD Gk 737445 14933 MGI:106594 RGD HGNC:4289 Gk2 1303263 289481 GK2 1353777 2712 HGNC Gk2 1553485 14626 MGI:1329027 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:4291 Gk5 1311223 367146 GK5 1606415 256356 HGNC Gk5 1331933 235533 MGI:2443336 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:28635 Gkap1 1306955 361202 GKAP1 1315863 80318 HGNC Gkap1 1315864 56278 MGI:1891694 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:17496 Gkn1 735014 297418 GKN1 1351595 56287 HGNC Gkn1 1549983 66283 MGI:1913533 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:23217 Gkn2 1311934 297419 GKN2 1606131 200504 HGNC Gkn2 1332561 66284 MGI:1913534 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:24588 Gkn3 1597754 685128 GKN3P 3378226 100132413 HGNC Gkn3 1316989 68888 MGI:1916138 RGD HGNC:37701 Gla 1589721 363494 GLA 1344140 2717 HGNC Gla 10650 11605 MGI:1347344 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:4296 Glb1 1597145 316033 GLB1 1347574 2720 HGNC Glb1 10651 12091 MGI:88151 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:4298 Glb1l 1309474 301525 GLB1L 1319832 79411 HGNC Glb1l 1611811 74577 MGI:1921827 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:28129 Glb1l2 1564436 503194 GLB1L2 1606483 89944 HGNC Glb1l2 1621283 244757 MGI:2388283 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:25129 Glb1l3 1561462 500961 GLB1L3 1603928 112937 HGNC Glb1l3 1556861 70893 MGI:1918143 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:25147 Glcci1 1563612 296884 GLCCI1 1347258 113263 HGNC Glcci1 1620649 170772 MGI:2179717 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:18713 Glce 1565253 363073 GLCE 1607059 26035 HGNC Glce 1557997 93683 MGI:2136405 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:17855 Gldc 1308660 309312 GLDC 1318561 2731 HGNC Gldc 1623050 104174 MGI:1341155 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:4313 Gldn 727879 315675 GLDN 1344164 342035 HGNC Gldn 1332161 235379 MGI:2388361 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:29514 Gle1 1307329 362098 GLE1 1316460 2733 HGNC Gle1 1316461 74412 MGI:1921662 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:4315 Glg1 69345 29476 GLG1 734388 2734 HGNC Glg1 737509 20340 MGI:104967 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:4316 Gli1 621673 140589 GLI1 1344225 2735 HGNC Gli1 1550011 14632 MGI:95727 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:4317 Gli2 1309270 304729 GLI2 1606840 2736 HGNC Gli2 1319523 14633 MGI:95728 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:4318 Gli3 620272 140588 GLI3 1314553 2737 HGNC Gli3 1314554 14634 MGI:95729 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:4319 Gli4 1560906 500893 GLI4 1354466 2738 HGNC 2810039B14Rik 1608069 72665 MGI:1919915 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:4320 Glipr1 1305978 299783 GLIPR1 1314328 11010 HGNC Glipr1 1314329 73690 MGI:1920940 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:17001 Glipr1l1 1563000 503139 GLIPR1L1 1605255 256710 HGNC Glipr1l1 1621517 69286 MGI:1916536 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:28392 Glipr1l2 1310205 366890 GLIPR1L2 1606963 144321 HGNC Glipr1l2 1320970 67537 MGI:1914787 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:28592 Glipr2 1583669 679819 GLIPR2 1316497 152007 HGNC Glipr2 1316498 384009 MGI:1917770 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:18007 Glis1 1308030 298732 GLIS1 1343612 148979 HGNC Glis1 1317564 230587 MGI:2386723 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:29525 Glis2 1309177 302946 GLIS2 1345602 84662 HGNC Glis2 1319372 83396 MGI:1932535 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:29450 Glis3 1565505 680671 GLIS3 1348907 169792 HGNC Glis3 1557009 226075 MGI:2444289 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:28510 Glmn 1588600 289437 GLMN 1315584 11146 HGNC Glmn 1315585 170823 MGI:2141180 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:14373 Glmp 1303130 295231 GLMP 1602078 112770 HGNC Glmp 1332499 56700 MGI:1913318 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:29436 Glo1 2702 294320 GLO1 1350387 2739 HGNC Glo1 10653 109801 MGI:95742 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:4323 Glod4 1307010 363644 GLOD4 1315949 51031 HGNC Glod4 1616794 67201 MGI:1914451 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:14111 Glod5 1564596 302554 GLOD5 1603816 392465 HGNC Glod5 1557832 69824 MGI:1917074 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:33358 Glp1r 2703 25051 GLP1R 736638 2740 HGNC Glp1r 10655 14652 MGI:99571 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:4324 Glp2r 620270 60432 GLP2R 731561 9340 HGNC Glp2r 735703 93896 MGI:2136733 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:4325 Glra1 2704 25674 GLRA1 730939 2741 HGNC Glra1 730940 14654 MGI:95747 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:4326 Glra2 2705 24397 GLRA2 731909 2742 RGD Glra2 10656 237213 MGI:95748 RGD HGNC:4327 Glra3 621229 114516 GLRA3 732840 8001 HGNC Glra3 732841 110304 MGI:95749 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:4328 Glra4 1564103 367912 GLRA4 1602141 441509 HGNC Glra4 1558616 14657 MGI:95750 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:31715 Glrb 2706 25456 GLRB 731361 2743 HGNC Glrb 10657 14658 MGI:95751 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:4329 Glrx 70951 64045 GLRX 736383 2745 HGNC Glrx 736384 93692 MGI:2135625 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:4330 Glrx2 1307950 114022 GLRX2 1317443 51022 HGNC Glrx2 1317444 69367 MGI:1916617 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:16065 Glrx3 69414 58815 GLRX3 69462 10539 HGNC Glrx3 69463 30926 MGI:1353653 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:15987 Glrx5 1308383 362776 GLRX5 1318119 51218 HGNC Glrx5 1318120 73046 MGI:1920296 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:20134 Gls 2707 24398 GLS 736636 2744 HGNC Gls 10659 14660 MGI:95752 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:4331 Gls2 620359 192268 GLS2 1604019 27165 HGNC Gls2 735898 216456 MGI:2143539 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:29570 Glt1d1 1304896 304445 GLT1D1 1606714 144423 HGNC Glt1d1 1312598 319804 MGI:2442755 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:26483 Glt6d1 1311348 296577 GLT6D1 1350682 360203 HGNC Glt6d1 1616753 71103 MGI:1918353 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:23671 Glt8d1 1359293 306253 GLT8D1 1348884 55830 HGNC Glt8d1 1550632 76485 MGI:1923735 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:24870 Glt8d2 1560432 366859 GLT8D2 1353062 83468 HGNC Glt8d2 1557430 74782 MGI:1922032 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:24890 Gltp 1564442 288707 GLTP 1602720 51228 HGNC Gltp 1620857 56356 MGI:1929253 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:24867 Gltpd2 1560459 497943 GLTPD2 1604453 388323 HGNC Gltpd2 1615708 216871 MGI:2444527 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:33756 Glud1 2708 24399 GLUD1 733213 2746 HGNC Glud1 1551567 14661 MGI:95753 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:4335 Glul 2710 24957 GLUL 730955 2752 HGNC Glul 736181 14645 MGI:95739 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:4341 Glyat 1307163 293779 GLYAT 1316190 10249 HGNC Glyat 1316191 107146 MGI:2147502 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:13734 Glyatl3 1587643 688536 GLYATL3 1348263 389396 HGNC Glyatl3 1623551 435528 MGI:3647683 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:21349 Glyctk 1591498 684314 GLYCTK 1604750 132158 RGD Glyctk 1622056 235582 MGI:2444085 RGD HGNC:24247 Glyr1 1309459 360477 GLYR1 1606767 84656 HGNC Glyr1 1319811 74022 MGI:1921272 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:24434 Gm2a 628651 282838 GM2A 1353976 2760 HGNC Gm2a 1552138 14667 MGI:95762 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:4367 Gm3045l 1562024 498699 AC114296.1 16558849 107986453 HGNC Gm3045 2302336 100040926 MGI:3781223 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline Gmcl1 1359265 312516 GMCL1 1605349 64395 HGNC Gmcl1 1552095 23885 MGI:1345156 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:23843 Gmds 1311008 291095 GMDS 1322234 2762 HGNC Gmds 1322235 218138 MGI:1891112 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:4369 Gmeb1 1563208 500558 GMEB1 1603227 10691 HGNC Gmeb1 1557253 56809 MGI:2135604 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:4370 Gmeb2 620481 83635 GMEB2 736932 26205 HGNC Gmeb2 736933 229004 MGI:2652836 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:4371 Gmfb 70910 81661 GMFB 735553 2764 HGNC Gmfb 735554 63985 MGI:1927133 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:4373 Gmfg 620506 113940 GMFG 736890 9535 HGNC Gmfg 736891 63986 MGI:1927135 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:4374 Gmip 1565577 306357 GMIP 1344953 51291 HGNC Gmip 1558305 78816 MGI:1926066 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:24852 Gml 1307850 300019 GML 1317284 2765 HGNC Gml 1621804 625599 MGI:3644767 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:4375 Gmnc 1563170 498102 GMNC 5455041 647309 HGNC Gmnc 1619818 239789 MGI:2685452 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:40049 Gmnn 1308137 291137 GMNN 1317736 51053 HGNC Gmnn 1317737 57441 MGI:1927344 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:17493 Gmppa 1560644 501167 GMPPA 1607034 29926 HGNC Gmppa 1557489 69080 MGI:1916330 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:22923 Gmppb 1560458 363145 GMPPB 1607035 29925 HGNC Gmppb 1617219 331026 MGI:2660880 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:22932 Gmpr 70980 117533 GMPR 733310 2766 HGNC Gmpr 735981 66355 MGI:1913605 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:4376 Gmpr2 628875 192357 GMPR2 1343245 51292 HGNC Gmpr2 1623046 105446 MGI:1917903 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:4377 Gmps 1310063 295088 GMPS 1320749 8833 HGNC Gmps 1320750 229363 MGI:2448526 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:4378 Gna11 619749 81662 GNA11 1342605 2767 HGNC Gna11 1551128 14672 MGI:95766 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:4379 Gna12 71018 81663 GNA12 732491 2768 HGNC Gna12 732492 14673 MGI:95767 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:4380 Gna13 1310221 303634 GNA13 1320997 10672 HGNC Gna13 1320998 14674 MGI:95768 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:4381 Gna14 1308122 309242 GNA14 1317712 9630 HGNC Gna14 1317713 14675 MGI:95769 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:4382 Gna15 619751 89788 GNA15 732130 2769 HGNC Gna15 732131 14676 MGI:95770 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:4383 Gnai1 2713 25686 GNAI1 730824 2770 HGNC Gnai1 730825 14677 MGI:95771 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:4384 Gnai2 620243 81664 GNAI2 730993 2771 HGNC Gnai2 730994 14678 MGI:95772 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:4385 Gnai3 2714 25643 GNAI3 731003 2773 HGNC Gnai3 731004 14679 MGI:95773 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:4387 Gnal 2715 24611 GNAL 1349997 2774 HGNC Gnal 69021 14680 MGI:95774 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:4388 Gnao1 628732 50664 GNAO1 731076 2775 HGNC Gnao1 1550478 14681 MGI:95775 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:4389 Gnaq 620770 81666 GNAQ 731425 2776 HGNC Gnaq 1550022 14682 MGI:95776 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:4390 Gnas 2716 24896 GNAS 736916 2778 HGNC Gnas 10669 14683 MGI:95777 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:4392 Gnat1 1304683 363143 GNAT1 1312271 2779 HGNC Gnat1 1312272 14685 MGI:95778 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:4393 Gnat2 1309514 365901 GNAT2 1319893 2780 RGD Gnat2 1319894 14686 MGI:95779 RGD HGNC:4394 Gnat3 727817 286924 GNAT3 1604949 346562 HGNC Gnat3 1615642 242851 MGI:3588268 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:22800 Gnaz 2717 25740 GNAZ 733341 2781 HGNC Gnaz 736020 14687 MGI:95780 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:4395 Gnb1 2718 24400 GNB1 732785 2782 HGNC Gnb1 737510 14688 MGI:95781 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:4396 Gnb1l 1594165 680266 GNB1L 1322292 54584 HGNC Gnb1l 1322293 13972 MGI:1338057 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:4397 Gnb2 69319 81667 GNB2 733685 2783 HGNC Gnb2 736509 14693 MGI:95784 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:4398 Gnb3 708344 60449 GNB3 1346162 2784 HGNC Gnb3 1550853 14695 MGI:95785 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:4400 Gnb4 1359321 294962 GNB4 1348614 59345 HGNC Gnb4 1621628 14696 MGI:104581 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:20731 Gnb5 620759 83579 GNB5 731985 10681 HGNC Gnb5 731986 14697 MGI:101848 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:4401 Gne 69239 114711 GNE 732554 10020 HGNC Gne 737180 50798 MGI:1354951 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:23657 Gng10 621514 114119 GNG10 1606839 2790 HGNC Gng10 1552976 14700 MGI:1336169 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:4402 Gng11 621515 64199 GNG11 735931 2791 RGD Gng11 731706 66066 MGI:1913316 RGD HGNC:4403 Gng12 621516 114120 GNG12 1319444 55970 HGNC Gng12 1319445 14701 MGI:1336171 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:19663 Gng13 1593806 685451 GNG13 1318585 51764 HGNC Gng13 1318586 64337 MGI:1925616 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:14131 Gng14 1592634 685513 GNG14 12914182 105372280 HGNC Gng14 1619615 100503710 MGI:3645690 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:53439 Gng2 69268 80850 GNG2 736477 54331 HGNC Gng2 736478 14702 MGI:102705 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:4404 Gng3 620805 114117 GNG3 1350428 2785 HGNC Gng3 1620915 14704 MGI:102704 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:4405 Gng4 620806 114118 GNG4 1353997 2786 HGNC Gng4 1620914 14706 MGI:102703 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:4407 Gng5 620807 79218 GNG5 737441 2787 RGD Gng5 737442 14707 MGI:109164 RGD HGNC:4408 Gng5-ps4 11463329 108352369 GNG5B 1626539 347687 HGNC Gng5c 2299415 100043318 MGI:3782541 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:24826 Gng7 61860 58979 GNG7 1348974 2788 HGNC Gng7 62152 14708 MGI:95787 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:4410 Gng8 620808 245986 GNG8 735730 94235 HGNC Gng8 735731 14709 MGI:109163 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:19664 Gngt1 1595475 680149 GNGT1 1351801 2792 HGNC Gngt1 1621627 14699 MGI:109165 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:4411 Gngt2 1591007 690825 GNGT2 1343902 2793 HGNC Gngt2 1620913 14710 MGI:893584 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:4412 Gnl1 1303051 309593 GNL1 1352530 2794 HGNC Gnl1 1552449 14670 MGI:95764 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:4413 Gnl2 1305006 362593 GNL2 1343978 29889 HGNC Gnl2 1553517 230737 MGI:2385207 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:29925 Gnl3 631354 290556 GNL3 1606313 26354 HGNC Gnl3 1551904 30877 MGI:1353651 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:29931 Gnl3l 1600217 100034253 GNL3L 1346519 54552 HGNC Gnl3l 1619824 237107 MGI:2448557 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:25553 Gnmt 2719 25134 GNMT 732912 27232 HGNC Gnmt 10671 14711 MGI:1202304 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:4415 Gnpat 620179 84470 GNPAT 733936 8443 HGNC Gnpat 733937 14712 MGI:1343460 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:4416 Gnpda1 1585624 683570 GNPDA1 1349274 10007 HGNC Gnpda1 1621571 26384 MGI:1347054 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:4417 Gnpda2 1305521 289608 GNPDA2 1313596 132789 HGNC Gnpda2 1313597 67980 MGI:1915230 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:21526 Gnpnat1 1563144 498486 GNPNAT1 1351197 64841 HGNC Gnpnat1 1557547 54342 MGI:1858963 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:19980 Gnptab 1564821 362865 GNPTAB 1603959 79158 HGNC Gnptab 1617164 432486 MGI:3643902 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:29670 Gnptg 1311614 287134 GNPTG 1353704 84572 HGNC Gnptg 1553787 214505 MGI:2147006 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:23026 Gnrh1 2720 25194 GNRH1 69083 2796 HGNC Gnrh1 1553302 14714 MGI:95789 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:4419 Gnrhr 70513 81668 GNRHR 737339 2798 HGNC Gnrhr 737340 14715 MGI:95790 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:4421 Gns 1305877 299825 GNS 1314172 2799 HGNC Gns 1314173 75612 MGI:1922862 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:4422 Golga1 1311305 311919 GOLGA1 1322690 2800 HGNC Golga1 1623106 76899 MGI:1924149 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:4424 Golga2 620282 64528 GOLGA2 1347402 2801 HGNC Golga2 1619058 99412 MGI:2139395 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:4425 Golga3 1305262 312077 GOLGA3 1313187 2802 HGNC Golga3 1313188 269682 MGI:96958 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:4426 Golga4 1591925 501069 GOLGA4 1352947 2803 HGNC Golga4 1557150 54214 MGI:1859646 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:4427 Golga5 1308163 299258 GOLGA5 1317779 9950 HGNC Golga5 1317780 27277 MGI:1351475 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:4428 Golga6l9 1306441 290425 GOLGA6L9 1602143 440295 HGNC Ccdc202 1315060 66732 MGI:1913982 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:37229 Golga7 1359725 361171 GOLGA7 1351077 51125 HGNC Golga7 1622337 57437 MGI:1931029 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:24876 Golga7b 1583839 309378 GOLGA7B 1312882 401647 HGNC Golga7b 1312883 71146 MGI:1918396 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:31668 Golgb1 708429 192243 GOLGB1 1351894 2804 HGNC Golgb1 1557666 224139 MGI:1099447 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:4429 Golim4 1310948 310526 GOLIM4 1322138 27333 HGNC Golim4 1322139 73124 MGI:1920374 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:15448 Golm1 1589384 680692 GOLM1 1322921 51280 HGNC Golm1 1322922 105348 MGI:1917329 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:15451 Golm2 1305985 362204 GOLM2 1603284 113201 HGNC Golm2 1622850 319996 MGI:2443129 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:24892 Golph3 621226 78961 GOLPH3 1349293 64083 HGNC Golph3 732497 66629 MGI:1913879 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:15452 Golph3l 1359281 310669 GOLPH3L 1347625 55204 HGNC Golph3l 1550624 229593 MGI:1917129 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:24882 Golt1a 1566310 498230 GOLT1A 1346868 127845 HGNC Golt1a 1557321 68338 MGI:1915588 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:24766 Golt1b 1310691 362460 GOLT1B 1349948 51026 HGNC Golt1b 1552821 66964 MGI:1914214 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:20175 Gon4l 1564691 499653 GON4L 1606548 54856 HGNC Gon4l 2312710 76022 MGI:1917579 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:25973 Gon7 2302582 100233176 GON7 1346081 84520 HGNC Gon7 4890917 100233175 MGI:4845848 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:20356 Gopc 1309512 309774 GOPC 1319891 57120 HGNC Gopc 1551284 94221 MGI:2149946 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:17643 Gorab 1564990 304923 GORAB 1603372 92344 HGNC Gorab 1557657 98376 MGI:2138271 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:25676 Gorasp1 621122 56082 GORASP1 1348402 64689 HGNC Gorasp1 733107 74498 MGI:1921748 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:16769 Gorasp2 619911 113961 GORASP2 736034 26003 HGNC Gorasp2 731767 70231 MGI:2135962 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:17500 Gosr1 71093 94189 GOSR1 737606 9527 HGNC Gosr1 737607 53334 MGI:1858260 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:4430 Gosr2 62079 64154 GOSR2 731739 9570 HGNC Gosr2 62371 56494 MGI:1927204 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:4431 Got1 2721 24401 GOT1 735827 2805 HGNC Got1 10675 14718 MGI:95791 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:4432 Got1l1 1307172 306540 GOT1L1 1602185 137362 HGNC Got1l1 1316205 76615 MGI:1923865 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:28487 Got2 2722 25721 GOT2 734091 2806 HGNC Got2 734092 14719 MGI:95792 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:4433 Gp1ba 1310239 691992 GP1BA 1321026 2811 HGNC Gp1ba 1321027 14723 MGI:1333744 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:4439 Gp1bb 621050 116727 GP1BB 1345881 2812 HGNC Gp1bb 732124 14724 MGI:107852 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:4440 Gp2 621695 171459 GP2 737446 2813 HGNC Gp2 734355 67133 MGI:1914383 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:4441 Gp5 2724 25259 GP5 736629 2814 RGD Gp5 10676 14729 MGI:1096363 RGD HGNC:4443 Gp6 1589130 684555 GP6 1343427 51206 RGD Gp6 1618116 243816 MGI:1889810 RGD HGNC:14388 Gp9 1561601 502858 GP9 1351167 2815 HGNC Gp9 1615922 54368 MGI:1860137 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:4444 Gpa33 1306711 360873 GPA33 1315484 10223 HGNC Gpa33 1618387 59290 MGI:1891703 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:4445 Gpaa1 1303197 300046 GPAA1 1353728 8733 HGNC Gpaa1 1553154 14731 MGI:1202392 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:4446 Gpalpp1 1307254 298712 GPALPP1 1316340 55425 HGNC Gpalpp1 1316341 67467 MGI:1914717 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:20298 Gpam 61847 29653 GPAM 1345985 57678 HGNC Gpam 62139 14732 MGI:109162 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:24865 Gpank1 1303304 415064 GPANK1 1321766 7918 HGNC Gpank1 1321767 81845 MGI:2148975 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:13920 Gpat2 1304904 296130 GPAT2 1601718 150763 HGNC Gpat2 1312611 215456 MGI:2684962 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:27168 Gpat3 1565703 305166 GPAT3 1606210 84803 HGNC Gpat3 1622958 231510 MGI:3603816 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:28157 Gpat4 1310520 290843 GPAT4 1606717 137964 HGNC Gpat4 1617435 102247 MGI:2142716 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:20880 Gpatch1 1308935 292810 GPATCH1 1318991 55094 HGNC Gpatch1 1318992 67471 MGI:1914721 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:24658 Gpatch11 1311424 362685 GPATCH11 1606673 253635 HGNC Gpatch11 1322881 53951 MGI:1858435 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:26768 Gpatch2 1308865 289362 GPATCH2 1318884 55105 HGNC Gpatch2 1318885 67769 MGI:1915019 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:25499 Gpatch2l 1308907 314325 GPATCH2L 1318945 55668 HGNC Gpatch2l 1623183 70373 MGI:1917623 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:20210 Gpatch3 1311216 362615 GPATCH3 1347677 63906 HGNC Gpatch3 1553684 242691 MGI:2442492 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:25720 Gpatch4 1311086 295228 GPATCH4 1606544 54865 HGNC Gpatch4 1553630 66614 MGI:1913864 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:25982 Gpatch8 1596463 685233 GPATCH8 1604390 23131 HGNC Gpatch8 1623765 237943 MGI:1918667 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:29066 Gpbar1 631400 338443 GPBAR1 736919 151306 HGNC Gpbar1 1331948 227289 MGI:2653863 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:19680 Gpbp1 1305492 294734 GPBP1 1607008 65056 HGNC Gpbp1 1313550 73274 MGI:1920524 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:29520 Gpbp1l1 1359562 313519 GPBP1L1 1605641 60313 RGD Gpbp1l1 1620722 77110 MGI:1924360 RGD HGNC:28843 Gpc1 61853 58920 GPC1 730930 2817 HGNC Gpc1 62145 14733 MGI:1194891 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:4449 Gpc2 621363 171517 GPC2 731703 221914 HGNC Gpc2 731704 71951 MGI:1919201 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:4450 Gpc3 2725 25236 GPC3 737615 2719 HGNC Gpc3 10677 14734 MGI:104903 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:4451 Gpc4 1359399 317322 GPC4 1347282 2239 HGNC Gpc4 1552673 14735 MGI:104902 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:4452 Gpc5 1308835 306157 GPC5 1318835 2262 HGNC Gpc5 1318836 103978 MGI:1194894 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:4453 Gpc6 1593308 691984 GPC6 1352914 10082 HGNC Gpc6 1620874 23888 MGI:1346322 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:4454 Gpcpd1 735140 362219 GPCPD1 1606261 56261 HGNC Gpcpd1 1623926 74182 MGI:104898 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:26957 Gpd1 621381 60666 GPD1 733156 2819 HGNC Gpd1 1331950 14555 MGI:95679 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:4455 Gpd1l 1560123 363159 GPD1L 1345791 23171 HGNC Gpd1l 1557243 333433 MGI:1289257 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:28956 Gpd2 2726 25062 GPD2 737186 2820 HGNC Gpd2 1332152 14571 MGI:99778 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:4456 Gper1 619845 171104 GPER1 735664 2852 HGNC Gper1 731530 76854 MGI:1924104 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:4485 Gpha2 621748 171158 GPHA2 1346484 170589 HGNC Gpha2 1551473 170458 MGI:2156541 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:18054 Gphb5 1359264 366668 GPHB5 1342611 122876 HGNC Gphb5 1553060 217674 MGI:2156540 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:18055 Gphn 69194 64845 GPHN 69477 10243 HGNC Gphn 1331858 268566 MGI:109602 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:15465 Gpi 2727 292804 GPI 1344852 2821 HGNC Gpi1 10680 14751 MGI:95797 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:4458 Gpihbp1 1564237 300027 GPIHBP1 1606107 338328 HGNC Gpihbp1 1557418 68453 MGI:1915703 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:24945 Gpkow 1583600 679890 GPKOW 1343451 27238 HGNC Gpkow 1557449 209416 MGI:1859610 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:30677 Gpld1 631371 291132 GPLD1 1606585 2822 HGNC Gpld1 1552812 14756 MGI:106604 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:4459 Gpm6a 631368 306439 GPM6A 736321 2823 HGNC Gpm6a 1332029 234267 MGI:107671 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:4460 Gpm6b 620580 192179 GPM6B 1349867 2824 HGNC Gpm6b 1551405 14758 MGI:107672 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:4461 Gpn1 1589985 688393 GPN1 1319547 11321 HGNC Gpn1 1319548 74254 MGI:1921504 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:17030 Gpn2 1311749 362614 GPN2 1603309 54707 HGNC Gpn2 1623058 100210 MGI:2140368 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:25513 Gpn3 1303034 360810 GPN3 1606002 51184 HGNC Gpn3 1557274 68080 MGI:1289326 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:30186 Gpnmb 71008 113955 GPNMB 736300 10457 HGNC Gpnmb 733525 93695 MGI:1934765 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:4462 Gpr101 1564196 317608 GPR101 1344763 83550 HGNC Gpr101 1557597 245424 MGI:2685211 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:14963 Gpr107 1305882 311857 GPR107 1314180 57720 HGNC Gpr107 1314181 277463 MGI:2139054 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:17830 Gpr108 735149 316136 GPR108 1344702 56927 HGNC Gpr108 1551501 78308 MGI:1925558 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:17829 Gpr119 727808 302813 GPR119 736973 139760 HGNC Gpr119 736974 236781 MGI:2668412 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:19060 Gpr12 68333 80840 GPR12 68465 2835 HGNC Gpr12 68466 14738 MGI:101909 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:4466 Gpr132 1310817 314480 GPR132 1321937 29933 HGNC Gpr132 1321938 56696 MGI:1890220 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:17482 Gpr135 727844 314213 GPR135 736248 64582 HGNC Gpr135 736249 238252 MGI:2676315 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:19991 Gpr137 1586317 689984 GPR137 1604608 56834 HGNC Gpr137 1319754 107173 MGI:2147529 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:24300 Gpr137b 1307342 289287 GPR137B 1316484 7107 HGNC Gpr137b 1316485 83924 MGI:1891463 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:11862 Gpr137c 1563070 305812 GPR137C 1603253 283554 HGNC Gpr137c 1619998 70713 MGI:1917963 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:25445 Gpr139 1311729 293545 GPR139 1323337 124274 HGNC Gpr139 1620635 209776 MGI:2685341 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:19995 Gpr141 727906 291179 GPR141 736698 353345 HGNC Gpr141 736699 353346 MGI:2672983 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:19997 Gpr142 1559926 501735 GPR142 1352818 350383 HGNC Gpr142 1622108 217302 MGI:2668437 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:20088 Gpr143 1565799 302619 GPR143 1353035 4935 HGNC Gpr143 1558529 18241 MGI:107193 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:20145 Gpr146 1560731 498153 GPR146 1345247 115330 HGNC Gpr146 1556911 80290 MGI:1933113 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:21718 Gpr149 619890 192251 GPR149 1346454 344758 HGNC Gpr149 1619848 229357 MGI:2443628 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:23627 Gpr15 1306639 288181 GPR15 1315368 2838 HGNC Gpr15 1615859 71223 MGI:1918473 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:4469 Gpr150 1564729 499486 GPR150 1343055 285601 HGNC Gpr150 1558517 238725 MGI:2441872 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:23628 Gpr151 727873 307475 GPR151 1350857 134391 HGNC Gpr151 1332559 240239 MGI:2441887 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:23624 Gpr152 1584082 688884 GPR152 1354216 390212 HGNC Gpr152 1614090 269053 MGI:2685519 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:23622 Gpr153 1564170 619550 GPR153 1319513 387509 HGNC Gpr153 1553171 100129 MGI:1916157 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:23618 Gpr155 1309162 311730 GPR155 1319348 151556 HGNC Gpr155 1319349 68526 MGI:1915776 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:22951 Gpr156 708438 260430 GPR156 736790 165829 HGNC Gpr156 732018 239845 MGI:2653880 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:20844 Gpr157 1311096 313725 GPR157 1322370 80045 HGNC Gpr157 1322371 269604 MGI:2442046 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:23687 Gpr158 1305841 291352 GPR158 1314117 57512 HGNC Gpr158 1552307 241263 MGI:2441697 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:23689 Gpr15lg 1566160 290595 GPR15LG 1342639 387695 HGNC Gpr15lg 1615078 70045 MGI:1917295 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:31428 Gpr160 1560200 499588 GPR160 1345785 26996 HGNC Gpr160 1557254 71862 MGI:1919112 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:23693 Gpr161 1563245 289180 GPR161 1607069 23432 HGNC Gpr161 1557831 240888 MGI:2685054 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:23694 Gpr162 1307437 362436 GPR162 1603661 27239 HGNC Gpr162 1550728 14788 MGI:1315214 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:16693 Gpr17 1589785 767613 GPR17 1347471 2840 HGNC Gpr17 1614668 574402 MGI:3584514 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:4471 Gpr171 1585271 688737 GPR171 1353149 29909 HGNC Gpr171 1619850 229323 MGI:2442043 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:30057 Gpr173 620748 64021 GPR173 1347737 54328 HGNC Gpr173 1551591 70771 MGI:1918021 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:18186 Gpr174 1564689 302373 GPR174 1345699 84636 HGNC Gpr174 1622120 213439 MGI:2685222 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:30245 Gpr176 621718 117257 GPR176 737562 11245 HGNC Gpr176 1619683 381413 MGI:2685858 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:32370 Gpr179 1560033 287657 GPR179 1601901 440435 HGNC Gpr179 1623813 217143 MGI:2443409 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:31371 Gpr18 1304889 679957 GPR18 1344300 2841 HGNC Gpr18 1312587 110168 MGI:107859 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:4472 Gpr180 1359193 306165 GPR180 1604518 160897 HGNC Gpr180 1615910 58245 MGI:1930949 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:28899 Gpr182 61903 29307 GPR182 736455 11318 HGNC Gpr182 62196 11536 MGI:109545 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:13708 Gpr183 1598095 679975 GPR183 1346200 1880 HGNC Gpr183 1322854 321019 MGI:2442034 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:3128 Gpr19 71045 312787 GPR19 1344105 2842 HGNC Gpr19 735548 14760 MGI:892973 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:4473 Gpr20 620034 60667 GPR20 733771 2843 HGNC Gpr20 733772 239530 MGI:2441803 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:4475 Gpr21 1586383 689917 GPR21 1351876 2844 HGNC Gpr21 1621215 338346 MGI:2441890 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:4476 Gpr22 1310848 298944 GPR22 1321987 2845 HGNC Gpr22 1321988 73010 MGI:1920260 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:4477 Gpr25 1311611 363993 GPR25 1323161 2848 HGNC Gpr25 1623661 383563 MGI:2686146 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:4480 Gpr26 619843 192153 GPR26 736769 2849 HGNC Gpr26 736770 233919 MGI:2441758 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:4481 Gpr27 71067 65275 GPR27 733557 2850 HGNC Gpr27 733558 14761 MGI:1202299 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:4482 Gpr3 628686 266769 GPR3 1350754 2827 HGNC Gpr3 1550084 14748 MGI:101908 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:4484 Gpr31 1305187 292310 GPR31 1313066 2853 HGNC Gpr31b 1616350 436440 MGI:1354372 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:4486 Gpr32 11496573 108349763 GPR32 1343074 2854 HGNC HGNC:4487 Gpr33-ps1 1306830 299007 GPR33 1351733 2856 HGNC Gpr33 1315667 14762 MGI:1277106 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:4489 Gpr34 1563681 554353 GPR34 1349710 2857 HGNC Gpr34 1620873 23890 MGI:1346334 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:4490 Gpr35 1309404 367315 GPR35 1319732 2859 HGNC Gpr35 1319733 64095 MGI:1929509 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:4492 Gpr37 619848 117549 GPR37 735262 2861 HGNC Gpr37 735263 14763 MGI:1313297 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:4494 Gpr37l1 628835 252939 GPR37L1 1606828 9283 HGNC Gpr37l1 731318 171469 MGI:1928503 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:14923 Gpr39 1306745 288995 GPR39 1315539 2863 HGNC Gpr39 1315540 71111 MGI:1918361 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:4496 Gpr4 1311604 308408 GPR4 1323148 2828 HGNC Gpr4 1323149 319197 MGI:2441992 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:4497 Gpr45 1306253 301372 GPR45 1314767 11250 HGNC Gpr45 1314768 93690 MGI:2135882 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:4503 Gpr50 619863 117097 GPR50 1346636 9248 HGNC Gpr50 1551046 14765 MGI:1333877 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:4506 Gpr52 1587949 684623 GPR52 1353875 9293 HGNC Gpr52 1622603 620246 MGI:3643278 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:4508 Gpr55 1559828 501177 GPR55 1348516 9290 HGNC Gpr55 1614935 227326 MGI:2685064 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:4511 Gpr6 70939 83683 GPR6 737528 2830 HGNC Gpr6 737529 140741 MGI:2155249 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:4515 Gpr61 1310176 310780 GPR61 1320923 83873 HGNC Gpr61 1320924 229714 MGI:2441719 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:13300 Gpr62 1560166 501049 GPR62 1351718 118442 HGNC Gpr62 1610965 436090 MGI:3525078 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:13301 Gpr63 1306460 297952 GPR63 1315091 81491 HGNC Gpr63 1315092 81006 MGI:2135884 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:13302 Gpr65 1311832 299242 GPR65 1323495 8477 HGNC Gpr65 1323496 14744 MGI:108031 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:4517 Gpr68 1309559 314386 GPR68 1319965 8111 HGNC Gpr68 1319966 238377 MGI:2441763 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:4519 Gpr75 1566385 498434 GPR75 1343209 10936 HGNC Gpr75 1557132 237716 MGI:2441843 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:4526 Gpr82 2318147 100362441 GPR82 1354119 27197 HGNC Gpr82 1618006 319200 MGI:2441734 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:4533 Gpr83 619891 140595 GPR83 1352259 10888 HGNC Gpr83 733083 14608 MGI:95712 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:4523 Gpr84 1585277 688730 GPR84 1323208 53831 HGNC Gpr84 1621440 80910 MGI:1934129 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:4535 Gpr85 71011 64020 GPR85 736296 54329 HGNC Gpr85 733520 64450 MGI:1927851 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:4536 Gpr87 1307852 310443 GPR87 1317287 53836 HGNC Gpr87 1317288 84111 MGI:1934133 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:4538 Gpr88 61921 64443 GPR88 735493 54112 HGNC Gpr88 62214 64378 MGI:1927653 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:4539 Gpr89b 1304837 362003 GPR89B 1348396 51463 HGNC HGNC:13840 Gprasp1 621343 171407 GPRASP1 1349786 9737 HGNC Gprasp1 1553101 67298 MGI:1917418 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:24834 Gprasp2 1561019 317405 GPRASP2 1346303 114928 HGNC Gprasp2 1614131 245607 MGI:2442071 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:25169 Gprasp3 1303224 317407 GPRASP3 1347976 80823 HGNC Bhlhb9 1552602 70237 MGI:1917487 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:29353 Gprc5a 1310804 312790 GPRC5A 1603705 9052 HGNC Gprc5a 1615676 232431 MGI:1891250 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:9836 Gprc5b 1309510 293546 GPRC5B 1319887 51704 HGNC Gprc5b 1319888 64297 MGI:1927596 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:13308 Gprc5c 1311408 287805 GPRC5C 1322855 55890 HGNC Gprc5c 1322856 70355 MGI:1917605 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:13309 Gprc5d 1563887 500349 GPRC5D 1344418 55507 HGNC Gprc5d 1557066 93746 MGI:1935037 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:13310 Gprc6a 735077 294394 GPRC6A 1352441 222545 HGNC Gprc6a 1552947 210198 MGI:2429498 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:18510 Gprin1 1308762 364676 GPRIN1 1606183 114787 HGNC Gprin1 1318723 26913 MGI:1349455 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:24835 Gprin2 1308922 306284 GPRIN2 1318969 9721 HGNC Gprin2 1318970 432839 MGI:2444560 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:23730 Gprin3 1565690 502784 GPRIN3 1604710 285513 HGNC Gprin3 1622029 243385 MGI:1924785 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:27733 Gps1 621532 117039 GPS1 732073 2873 HGNC Gps1 732074 209318 MGI:2384801 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:4549 Gps2 1562746 497941 GPS2 1317604 2874 HGNC Gps2 1620861 56310 MGI:1891751 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:4550 Gpsm1 628682 246254 GPSM1 1348855 26086 HGNC Gpsm1 735956 67839 MGI:1915089 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:17858 Gpsm2 1560967 362021 GPSM2 1351498 29899 HGNC Gpsm2 1556993 76123 MGI:1923373 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:29501 Gpsm3 1303014 406163 GPSM3 1343729 63940 HGNC Gpsm3 1614233 106512 MGI:2146785 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:13945 Gpt 621720 81670 GPT 734191 2875 HGNC Gpt 734192 76282 MGI:95802 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:4552 Gpt2 1305462 307759 GPT2 1313502 84706 HGNC Gpt2 1313503 108682 MGI:1915391 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:18062 Gpx1 2729 24404 GPX1 737005 2876 HGNC Gpx1 10681 14775 MGI:104887 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:4553 Gpx2 727780 29326 GPX2 1345750 2877 HGNC Gpx2 735351 14776 MGI:106609 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:4554 Gpx3 69224 64317 GPX3 1343858 2878 HGNC Gpx3 737382 14778 MGI:105102 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:4555 Gpx4 69226 29328 GPX4 736049 2879 HGNC Gpx4 736050 625249 MGI:104767 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:4556 Gpx5 69227 113919 GPX5 1352844 2880 HGNC Gpx5 735451 14780 MGI:104886 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:4557 Gpx6 628789 259233 GPX6 735998 257202 HGNC Gpx6 733327 75512 MGI:1922762 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:4558 Gpx7 1306999 298376 GPX7 1315932 2882 HGNC Gpx7 1315933 67305 MGI:1914555 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:4559 Gpx8 1307506 294744 GPX8 1603792 493869 HGNC Gpx8 1316741 69590 MGI:1916840 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:33100 Gramd1a 1311022 361550 GRAMD1A 1322253 57655 HGNC Gramd1a 1322254 52857 MGI:105490 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:29305 Gramd1b 1305443 300644 GRAMD1B 1606522 57476 HGNC Gramd1b 1313474 235283 MGI:1925037 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:29214 Gramd1c 1305433 360717 GRAMD1C 1606791 54762 RGD Gramd1c 1313460 207798 MGI:2443024 RGD HGNC:25252 Gramd2a 1564007 300761 GRAMD2A 1605266 196996 HGNC Gramd2a 1622621 546134 MGI:3528937 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:27287 Gramd2b 1311016 307288 GRAMD2B 1604604 65983 HGNC Gramd2b 1322246 107022 MGI:1914815 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:24911 Gramd4 1309983 315203 GRAMD4 1604385 23151 HGNC Gramd4 1320621 223752 MGI:2676308 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:29113 Grap 1306884 363616 GRAP 1353606 10750 HGNC Grap 1315754 71520 MGI:1918770 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:4562 Grap2 1307605 366962 GRAP2 1316895 9402 HGNC Grap2 1552736 17444 MGI:1333842 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:4563 Grb10 1566234 498416 GRB10 1352618 2887 HGNC Grb10 1620908 14783 MGI:103232 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:4564 Grb14 61869 58844 GRB14 732013 2888 HGNC Grb14 62161 50915 MGI:1355324 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:4565 Grb2 619758 81504 GRB2 732473 2885 HGNC Grb2 732474 14784 MGI:95805 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:4566 Grb7 619759 84427 GRB7 733273 2886 HGNC Grb7 733274 14786 MGI:102683 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:4567 Grcc10 2318975 100362005 C12orf57 1606749 113246 HGNC Grcc10 1332336 14790 MGI:1315201 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:29521 Greb1 1564091 500633 GREB1 1605705 9687 HGNC Greb1 1618016 268527 MGI:2149712 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:24885 Greb1l 1562371 498819 GREB1L 1351643 80000 RGD Greb1l 1621948 381157 MGI:3576497 RGD HGNC:31042 Grem1 2359 50566 GREM1 1346462 26585 HGNC Grem1 735959 23892 MGI:1344337 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:2001 Grem2 1560008 289264 GREM2 1350364 64388 HGNC Grem2 1556883 23893 MGI:1344367 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:17655 Grep1 1307032 360486 GREP1 5683682 283875 HGNC Grep1 1315987 320309 MGI:2443785 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:27549 Grhl1 1305735 313993 GRHL1 1313942 29841 HGNC Grhl1 1618199 195733 MGI:2182540 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:17923 Grhl2 1561191 299979 GRHL2 1342517 79977 HGNC Grhl2 1558066 252973 MGI:2182543 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:2799 Grhl3 1308320 298555 GRHL3 1318023 57822 HGNC Grhl3 1618154 230824 MGI:2655333 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:25839 Grhpr 1308851 680021 GRHPR 1318860 9380 HGNC Grhpr 1318861 76238 MGI:1923488 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:4570 Gria1 621531 50592 GRIA1 731547 2890 HGNC Gria1 735685 14799 MGI:95808 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:4571 Gria2 61862 29627 GRIA2 732446 2891 HGNC Gria2 62154 14800 MGI:95809 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:4572 Gria3 70958 29628 GRIA3 737336 2892 HGNC Gria3 737337 53623 MGI:95810 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:4573 Gria4 61863 29629 GRIA4 733821 2893 HGNC Gria4 62155 14802 MGI:95811 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:4574 Grid1 68366 79219 GRID1 68523 2894 HGNC Grid1 68524 14803 MGI:95812 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:4575 Grid2 68368 79220 GRID2 68527 2895 HGNC Grid2 68528 14804 MGI:95813 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:4576 Grid2ip 1310492 288484 GRID2IP 1351156 392862 HGNC Grid2ip 1321424 170935 MGI:2176213 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:18464 Grifin 71055 117130 GRIFIN 1345419 402635 HGNC Grifin 731366 77998 MGI:1925248 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:4577 Grik1 2732 29559 GRIK1 731546 2897 HGNC Grik1 735687 14805 MGI:95814 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:4579 Grik2 2733 54257 GRIK2 733691 2898 HGNC Grik2 736517 14806 MGI:95815 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:4580 Grik3 71027 298521 GRIK3 735713 2899 HGNC Grik3 735714 14807 MGI:95816 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:4581 Grik4 2734 24406 GRIK4 733741 2900 HGNC Grik4 10683 110637 MGI:95817 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:4582 Grik5 2735 24407 GRIK5 730907 2901 HGNC Grik5 10684 14809 MGI:95818 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:4583 Grin1 2736 24408 GRIN1 731784 2902 HGNC Grin1 10685 14810 MGI:95819 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:4584 Grin2a 2737 24409 GRIN2A 732269 2903 HGNC Grin2a 10686 14811 MGI:95820 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:4585 Grin2b 2738 24410 GRIN2B 731079 2904 HGNC Grin2b 10687 14812 MGI:95821 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:4586 Grin2c 2739 24411 GRIN2C 736076 2905 HGNC Grin2c 10688 14813 MGI:95822 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:4587 Grin2d 2740 24412 GRIN2D 732718 2906 HGNC Grin2d 732719 14814 MGI:95823 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:4588 Grin3a 621704 191573 GRIN3A 733376 116443 HGNC Grin3a 1552619 242443 MGI:1933206 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:16767 Grin3b 621705 170796 GRIN3B 1353575 116444 HGNC Grin3b 731617 170483 MGI:2150393 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:16768 Grina 628873 266668 GRINA 1606337 2907 HGNC Grina 732456 66168 MGI:1913418 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:4589 Grip1 621667 84016 GRIP1 1345662 23426 HGNC Grip1 733446 74053 MGI:1921303 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:18708 Grip2 621668 171571 GRIP2 1354510 80852 HGNC Grip2 1620556 243547 MGI:2681173 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:23841 Gripap1 621249 116493 GRIPAP1 732724 56850 HGNC Gripap1 1624028 54645 MGI:1859616 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:18706 Grk1 619712 81760 GRK1 1345543 6011 HGNC Grk1 731414 24013 MGI:1345146 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:10013 Grk2 2062 25238 GRK2 731036 156 HGNC Grk2 10111 110355 MGI:87940 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:289 Grk3 2063 25372 GRK3 730840 157 HGNC Grk3 10112 320129 MGI:87941 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:290 Grk4 61858 59077 GRK4 1606583 2868 HGNC Grk4 62150 14772 MGI:95801 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:4543 Grk5 61985 59075 GRK5 1348499 2869 HGNC Grk5 62277 14773 MGI:109161 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:4544 Grk6 61986 59076 GRK6 1350771 2870 HGNC Grk6 62278 26385 MGI:1347078 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:4545 Grm1 2742 24414 GRM1 736303 2911 HGNC Grm1 731957 14816 MGI:1351338 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:4593 Grm2 2743 24415 GRM2 732930 2912 HGNC Grm2 1557983 108068 MGI:1351339 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:4594 Grm3 2744 24416 GRM3 732815 2913 HGNC Grm3 737551 108069 MGI:1351340 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:4595 Grm4 2745 24417 GRM4 731311 2914 HGNC Grm4 1551969 268934 MGI:1351341 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:4596 Grm5 2746 24418 GRM5 730960 2915 HGNC Grm5 736778 108071 MGI:1351342 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:4597 Grm6 2747 24419 GRM6 70075 2916 HGNC Grm6 736813 108072 MGI:1351343 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:4598 Grm7 619857 81672 GRM7 1603058 2917 HGNC Grm7 1557347 108073 MGI:1351344 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:4599 Grm8 619858 60590 GRM8 1350769 2918 HGNC Grm8 731666 14823 MGI:1351345 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:4600 Grn 61983 29143 GRN 1345254 2896 HGNC Grn 62275 14824 MGI:95832 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:4601 Grp 621740 171101 GRP 737598 2922 HGNC Grp 732839 225642 MGI:95833 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:4605 Grpel1 70947 79563 GRPEL1 1345534 80273 HGNC Grpel1 732640 17713 MGI:1334417 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:19696 Grpel2 1585231 688777 GRPEL2 1342740 134266 HGNC Grpel2 1617618 17714 MGI:1334416 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:21060 Grpr 2750 24938 GRPR 731959 2925 HGNC Grpr 731960 14829 MGI:95836 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:4609 Grsf1 1310858 305256 GRSF1 1322002 2926 HGNC Grsf1 1322003 231413 MGI:106479 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:4610 Grtp1 1309210 361180 GRTP1 1319426 79774 HGNC Grtp1 1319427 66790 MGI:1914040 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:20310 Grwd1 1310649 308592 GRWD1 1344190 83743 HGNC Grwd1 1321677 101612 MGI:2141989 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:21270 Grxcr1 1564635 498355 GRXCR1 2298825 389207 HGNC Grxcr1 1616352 433899 MGI:3577767 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:31673 Grxcr2 1584696 681048 GRXCR2 2301277 643226 HGNC Grxcr2 1617216 332309 MGI:2685697 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:33862 Gsap 1563271 311984 GSAP 1604809 54103 HGNC Gsap 1558204 212167 MGI:2442259 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:28042 Gsc 631425 317715 GSC 736937 145258 HGNC Gsc 1332107 14836 MGI:95841 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:4612 Gsc2 1305333 363831 GSC2 1313301 2928 HGNC Gsc2 1621378 195333 MGI:892006 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:4613 Gsdma 1592062 360619 GSDMA 1347779 284110 HGNC Gsdma 1618390 57911 MGI:1889509 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:13311 Gsdmc 1308989 299908 GSDMC 1319081 56169 HGNC Gsdmc 1319082 83492 MGI:1933176 RGD HGNC:7151 Gsdmd 1307261 315084 GSDMD 1316349 79792 HGNC Gsdmd 1332101 69146 MGI:1916396 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:25697 Gsdme 727871 353316 GSDME 1349553 1687 HGNC Gsdme 1550975 54722 MGI:1889850 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:2810 Gse1 1562686 307913 GSE1 1604378 23199 HGNC Gse1 1614779 382034 MGI:1098275 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:28979 Gsg1 1306546 312793 GSG1 1315222 83445 HGNC Gsg1 1550517 14840 MGI:1194499 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:19716 Gsg1l 1562278 499263 GSG1L 1604995 146395 HGNC Gsg1l 1319768 269994 MGI:2685483 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:28283 Gsg1l2 9156678 103693370 GSG1L2 10053574 644070 HGNC Gsg1l2 2293965 544792 MGI:3650209 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:51826 Gsk3a 620351 50686 GSK3A 731783 2931 HGNC Gsk3a 1618666 606496 MGI:2152453 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:4616 Gsk3b 70982 84027 GSK3B 733891 2932 HGNC Gsk3b 733892 56637 MGI:1861437 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:4617 Gskip 1308470 362778 GSKIP 1318256 51527 HGNC Gskip 1318257 66787 MGI:1914037 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:20343 Gsn 1303089 296654 GSN 1346375 2934 HGNC Gsn 1550660 227753 MGI:95851 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:4620 Gspt1 2751 24420 GSPT1 1344503 2935 RGD Gspt1 10693 14852 MGI:1316728 RGD HGNC:4621 Gspt2 1563213 501582 GSPT2 1354196 23708 HGNC Gspt2 1557889 14853 MGI:1316727 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:4622 Gsr 621747 116686 GSR 732221 2936 HGNC Gsr 732222 14782 MGI:95804 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:4623 Gss 2752 25458 GSS 735330 2937 HGNC Gss 10694 14854 MGI:95852 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:4624 Gsta1 2753 24421 GSTA1 1349200 2938 RGD HGNC:4626 Gsta2 2754 24422 GSTA2 737133 2939 RGD Gsta2 10696 14858 MGI:95863 RGD HGNC:4627 Gsta4 1309970 300850 GSTA4 1320601 2941 RGD Gsta4 1320602 14860 MGI:1309515 RGD HGNC:4629 Gsta5 1593189 494499 GSTA5 1344623 221357 HGNC Gsta1 1620118 14857 MGI:1095417 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:19662 Gstcd 1311822 310855 GSTCD 1602688 79807 HGNC Gstcd 1323480 67553 MGI:1914803 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:25806 Gstk1 735188 297029 GSTK1 1606879 373156 HGNC Gstk1 1332271 76263 MGI:1923513 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:16906 Gstm1 2755 24423 GSTM1 736060 2944 RGD Gstm1 10697 14862 MGI:95860 RGD HGNC:4632 Gstm2 2756 24424 GSTM2 735264 2946 RGD Gstm2 10698 14863 MGI:95861 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:4634 Gstm3 620381 57298 Gstm3 1620117 14864 MGI:106026 RGD Gstm4 1565825 499689 GSTM4 1606334 2948 HGNC Gstm4 1557217 14865 MGI:95862 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:4636 Gstm5 61964 64352 GSTM3 1349768 2947 RGD Gstm5 62257 14866 MGI:1309466 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:4635 Gstm5l 1311731 295362 GSTM5 1343128 2949 HGNC HGNC:4637 Gsto1 70952 114846 GSTO1 1345331 9446 HGNC Gsto1 737431 14873 MGI:1342273 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:13312 Gsto2 1310764 309465 GSTO2 1321858 119391 RGD Gsto2 1553577 68214 MGI:1915464 RGD HGNC:23064 Gstp1 2758 24426 GSTP1 732257 2950 HGNC Gstp1 1620115 14870 MGI:95865 RGD HGNC:4638 Gstp3 1307603 293656 Gstp3 1316892 225884 MGI:2385078 RGD Gstt1 2765 25260 GSTT1 736934 2952 RGD Gstt1 10700 14871 MGI:107379 RGD HGNC:4641 Gstt2 69362 29487 GSTT2 1349485 2953 HGNC HGNC:4642 Gstt4 1591294 686922 GSTT4 1602006 25774 HGNC Gstt4 1620724 75886 MGI:1923136 RGD HGNC:26930 Gstz1 1589363 681913 GSTZ1 1352057 2954 RGD Gstz1 1620114 14874 MGI:1341859 RGD HGNC:4643 Gsx1 1310020 288457 GSX1 1320681 219409 HGNC Gsx1 1320682 14842 MGI:95842 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:20374 Gsx2 1308047 364140 GSX2 1602642 170825 HGNC Gsx2 1317591 14843 MGI:95843 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:24959 Gtdc1 1563393 362129 GTDC1 1354274 79712 HGNC Gtdc1 1621335 227835 MGI:2444269 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:20887 Gtf2a1 69246 83830 GTF2A1 733620 2957 HGNC Gtf2a1 733621 83602 MGI:1933277 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:4646 Gtf2a1l 1308625 316711 GTF2A1L 1602495 11036 HGNC Gtf2a1l 1318508 71828 MGI:1919078 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:30727 Gtf2a2 620720 83828 GTF2A2 737167 2958 RGD Gtf2a2 737168 235459 MGI:1933289 RGD HGNC:4647 Gtf2b 619735 81673 GTF2B 731364 2959 HGNC Gtf2b 731365 229906 MGI:2385191 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:4648 Gtf2e1 1306851 303918 GTF2E1 1315703 2960 HGNC Gtf2e1 1315704 74197 MGI:1921447 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:4650 Gtf2e2 1310134 306516 GTF2E2 1320859 2961 HGNC Gtf2e2 1320860 68153 MGI:1915403 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:4651 Gtf2f1 1359646 316123 GTF2F1 1343690 2962 HGNC Gtf2f1 1552863 98053 MGI:1923848 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:4652 Gtf2f2 620772 81674 GTF2F2 733447 2963 HGNC Gtf2f2 736180 68705 MGI:1915955 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:4653 Gtf2h1 1308225 361580 GTF2H1 1317878 2965 HGNC Gtf2h1 1317879 14884 MGI:1277216 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:4655 Gtf2h2 1310499 294693 GTF2H2C 2302830 728340 HGNC Gtf2h2 1321436 23894 MGI:1345669 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:31394 Gtf2h3 1305494 288651 GTF2H3 1313552 2967 HGNC Gtf2h3 1552220 209357 MGI:1277143 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:4657 Gtf2h4 1303309 294236 GTF2H4 1352501 2968 HGNC Gtf2h4 1553762 14885 MGI:1338799 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:4658 Gtf2h5 1560991 502227 GTF2H5 1345695 404672 HGNC Gtf2h5 1558521 66467 MGI:107227 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:21157 Gtf2i 727961 353256 GTF2I 1347498 2969 HGNC Gtf2i 1620113 14886 MGI:1202722 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:4659 Gtf2ird1 620856 246770 GTF2IRD1 733836 9569 RGD Gtf2ird1 733837 57080 MGI:1861942 RGD HGNC:4661 Gtf2ird2 1307435 288606 GTF2IRD2 1604573 84163 HGNC Gtf2ird2 1552644 114674 MGI:2149780 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:30775 Gtf3a 619746 246299 GTF3A 732489 2971 HGNC Gtf3a 732490 66596 MGI:1913846 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:4662 Gtf3c1 621048 171063 GTF3C1 736274 2975 HGNC Gtf3c1 731944 233863 MGI:107887 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:4664 Gtf3c2 1560392 313914 GTF3C2 1343562 2976 HGNC Gtf3c2 1622277 71752 MGI:1919002 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:4665 Gtf3c3 1309185 316810 GTF3C3 1319385 9330 HGNC Gtf3c3 1616665 98488 MGI:2138383 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:4666 Gtf3c4 1592609 685539 GTF3C4 1349733 9329 HGNC Gtf3c4 1622873 269252 MGI:2138937 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:4667 Gtf3c5 1305173 362095 GTF3C5 1313045 9328 HGNC Gtf3c5 1313046 70239 MGI:1917489 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:4668 Gtf3c6 1307434 361858 GTF3C6 1316627 112495 HGNC Gtf3c6 1316628 67371 MGI:1914621 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:20872 Gtpbp1 1306758 300077 GTPBP1 1315559 9567 HGNC Gtpbp1 1315560 14904 MGI:109443 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:4669 Gtpbp10 1305878 312054 GTPBP10 36947605 85865 HGNC Gtpbp10 1615733 207704 MGI:2385599 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:25106 Gtpbp2 1306367 363195 GTPBP2 1314943 54676 HGNC Gtpbp2 1314944 56055 MGI:1860138 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:4670 Gtpbp3 1305367 290633 GTPBP3 1313350 84705 HGNC Gtpbp3 1313351 70359 MGI:1917609 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:14880 Gtpbp4 620783 114300 GTPBP4 732875 23560 HGNC Gtpbp4 732876 69237 MGI:1916487 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:21535 Gtpbp6 1305954 363931 GTPBP6 1353569 8225 HGNC Gtpbp6 1551369 107999 MGI:1306825 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:30189 Gtpbp8 1310025 360714 GTPBP8 1606015 29083 HGNC Gtpbp8 1332557 66067 MGI:1913317 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:25007 Gtse1 1563164 300126 GTSE1 1350308 51512 HGNC Gtse1 1614390 29870 MGI:1352755 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:13698 Gtsf1 1310791 315347 GTSF1 1605883 121355 HGNC Gtsf1 1332542 74174 MGI:1921424 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:26565 Gtsf1l 1306224 366244 GTSF1L 1314719 149699 RGD Gtsf1l 1314720 68236 MGI:1915486 RGD HGNC:16198 Gtsf2 1563200 500938 Gtsf2 1621349 223927 MGI:2652828 RGD Guca1a 1308712 301233 GUCA1A 30301436 2978 HGNC Guca1a 1318645 14913 MGI:102770 RGD HGNC:4678 Guca1b 1308191 316218 GUCA1B 1317826 2979 HGNC Guca1b 1317827 107477 MGI:1194489 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:4679 Guca2a 2766 25656 GUCA2A 735414 2980 HGNC Guca2a 1550522 14915 MGI:102738 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:4682 Guca2b 620044 64055 GUCA2B 736719 2981 HGNC Guca2b 732250 14916 MGI:1270851 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:4683 Gucd1 1597571 687713 GUCD1 1353154 83606 HGNC Gucd1 1615088 68778 MGI:1916028 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:14237 Gucy1a1 68436 497757 GUCY1A1 68653 2982 HGNC Gucy1a1 68654 60596 MGI:1926562 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:4685 Gucy1a2 621655 66012 GUCY1A2 732908 2977 HGNC Gucy1a2 735329 234889 MGI:2660877 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:4684 Gucy1b1 2769 25202 GUCY1B1 731814 2983 HGNC Gucy1b1 736088 54195 MGI:1860604 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:4687 Gucy1b2 2770 25206 GUCY1B2 732506 2974 HGNC Gucy1b2 737076 239134 MGI:2660873 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:4686 Gucy2c 2771 25711 GUCY2C 732111 2984 HGNC Gucy2c 736529 14917 MGI:106903 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:4688 Gucy2d 69322 113911 Gucy2d 735728 14918 MGI:106030 RGD Gucy2e 620438 79222 GUCY2D 1343485 3000 HGNC Gucy2e 733871 14919 MGI:105123 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:4689 Gucy2f 620439 116556 GUCY2F 731765 2986 HGNC Gucy2f 731766 245650 MGI:105119 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:4691 Guf1 1310774 305317 GUF1 1602319 60558 HGNC Guf1 1332409 231279 MGI:2140726 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:25799 Guk1 1309638 303179 GUK1 1320084 2987 HGNC Guk1 1320085 14923 MGI:95871 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:4693 Gulp1 1306380 314543 GULP1 1314963 51454 HGNC Gulp1 1314964 70676 MGI:1920407 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:18649 Gusb 2772 24434 GUSB 737258 2990 HGNC Gusb 1557024 110006 MGI:95872 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:4696 Gvin1 1598220 499229 GVINP1 1602952 387751 HGNC Gvin2 2308080 100042856 MGI:3782245 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:25813 Gxylt1 1563062 300173 GXYLT1 1606923 283464 HGNC Gxylt1 1622093 223827 MGI:2684933 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:27482 Gxylt2 1586482 688618 GXYLT2 1625085 727936 HGNC Gxylt2 1616543 232313 MGI:2682940 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:33383 Gyg1 621785 81675 GYG1 1348748 2992 HGNC Gyg1 733753 27357 MGI:1351614 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:4699 Gypa 1582935 688972 GYPA 1342753 2993 HGNC Gypa 1619274 14934 MGI:95880 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:4702 Gypc 1310295 364837 GYPC 1321115 2995 HGNC Gypc 1623172 71683 MGI:1098566 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:4704 Gys1 1589798 690987 GYS1 1320086 2997 HGNC Gys1 1320087 14936 MGI:101805 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:4706 Gys2 2773 25623 GYS2 733991 2998 HGNC Gys2 733992 232493 MGI:2385254 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:4707 Gzf1 1562321 311508 GZF1 1318777 64412 HGNC Gzf1 1318778 74533 MGI:1921783 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:15808 Gzma 628640 266708 GZMA 1348122 3001 HGNC Gzma 732689 14938 MGI:109266 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:4708 Gzmb 620018 171528 GZMB 1353495 3002 RGD Gzmb 733022 14939 MGI:109267 RGD HGNC:4709 Gzmf 628603 266704 GZMH 1348061 2999 HGNC Gzmf 1619271 14943 MGI:109254 RGD HGNC:4710 Gzmk 68401 29165 GZMK 68588 3003 HGNC Gzmk 68589 14945 MGI:1298232 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:4711 Gzmm 620022 29252 GZMM 1344003 3004 HGNC Gzmm 736056 16904 MGI:99549 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:4712 H19 2775 309122 H19 1604187 283120 RGD H19 69025 14955 MGI:95891 RGD HGNC:4713 H1f0 2777 24437 H1-0 736127 3005 HGNC H1f0 10703 14958 MGI:95893 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:4714 H1f1 1305706 291145 H1-1 1313894 3024 HGNC H1f1 1313895 80838 MGI:1931523 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:4715 H1f10 1565596 500252 H1-10 1354284 8971 HGNC H1f10 1620558 243529 MGI:2685307 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:4722 H1f2 1587893 684681 H1-2 1343160 3006 HGNC H1f2 1624044 50708 MGI:1931526 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:4716 H1f4 2776 201097 H1-4 1345558 3008 HGNC H1f4 1624043 50709 MGI:1931527 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:4718 H1f5 1590638 680522 H1-5 1351111 3009 HGNC H1f5 1617569 56702 MGI:1861461 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:4719 H1f6 2778 24438 H1-6 737047 3010 HGNC H1f6 737048 107970 MGI:1888530 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:4720 H1f7 1560024 500928 H1-7 1604474 341567 HGNC H1f7 1615075 70069 MGI:1917319 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:24893 H1f8 1566236 502875 H1-8 1347696 132243 HGNC H1f8 1557500 171506 MGI:2176207 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:18463 H2ab3 1561666 302783 H2AB1 1346656 474382 HGNC H2ab2 1622584 624153 MGI:3644980 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:22516 H2ac1 3854 24828 H2AC1 1349225 221613 HGNC H2ac1 1618821 319163 MGI:2448285 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:18729 H2ac10 41047719 120097726 H2ac10 1618814 319173 MGI:2448309 RGD H2ac12 1593006 680322 H2AC12 1349795 85235 HGNC H2ac12 1618817 319168 MGI:2448295 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:13671 H2ac18 1307165 365877 H2AC18 1316194 8337 HGNC H2ac18 732082 15267 MGI:96097 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:4736 H2ac20 1560965 499675 H2AC20 1353344 8338 HGNC H2ac20 1557357 319176 MGI:2448316 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:4738 H2ac21 1584064 690102 H2AC21 1350646 317772 HGNC H2ac21 1620317 621893 MGI:2448314 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:20508 H2ac25 621437 64646 H2AC25 1320935 92815 HGNC H2ac25 1320936 319162 MGI:2448458 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:20507 H2ac4 1589461 680615 H2AC4 1345991 8335 HGNC H2ac4 1618815 319172 MGI:2448306 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:4734 H2aj 1592176 690795 H2AJ 1343634 55766 HGNC H2aj 1615675 232440 MGI:3606192 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:14456 H2al3 2324764 100363125 H2AL3 14700715 115482686 HGNC H2al3 1611001 385317 MGI:1922521 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:53960 H2ap 1563155 367734 H2AP 1353521 25763 HGNC H2ap 1558187 67334 MGI:1914584 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:18417 H2ax 1566119 500987 H2AX 1346464 3014 HGNC H2ax 1558155 15270 MGI:102688 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:4739 H2az1 621464 58940 H2AZ1 731613 3015 HGNC H2az1 735769 51788 MGI:1888388 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:4741 H2az2 1587865 685909 H2AZ2 1322551 94239 HGNC H2az2 1551747 77605 MGI:1924855 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:20664 H2bc1 3855 24829 H2BC1 1352004 255626 HGNC H2bc1 1553567 319177 MGI:2448375 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:18730 H2bc12 1593016 680312 H2BC12 1353528 85236 HGNC H2bc12 1618808 319184 MGI:2448399 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:13954 H2bc18 6487821 100912338 H2BC18 1603451 440689 HGNC H2bc18 1618806 319189 MGI:2448413 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:24700 H2bc3 7729692 102549061 H2BC3 1343461 3018 HGNC H2bc3 1618812 319178 MGI:2448377 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:4751 H2bc6 2320230 100364835 H2BC6 1350317 8344 RGD H2bc6 1618811 319179 MGI:2448380 RGD HGNC:4753 H2bc8 1308088 306969 H2BC8 1346575 8339 HGNC H2bc8 1618809 319181 MGI:2448386 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:4746 H2bc9 2325039 100359692 H2BC9 1343164 8345 HGNC H2bc9 1312786 319182 MGI:2448387 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:4755 H2bu1 1583885 691488 H2BC26 1312718 128312 HGNC H2bc27 1316763 78303 MGI:1925553 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:20514 H3-7l 1564548 500882 H3-7 1603452 440686 HGNC HGNC:32060 H3c1 1598076 679994 H3C1 1345402 8350 HGNC H3c1 1623688 360198 MGI:2668828 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:4766 H3c13 1586732 684762 H3C13 1604125 653604 HGNC H3c13 1618825 319154 MGI:2448351 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:25311 H3cl 7709329 102549173 H3Y1 14700602 391769 HGNC HGNC:43735 H3f3a 2319910 100361558 H3-3A 1317993 3020 RGD H3f3a 1317994 15078 MGI:1097686 RGD HGNC:4764 H3f3b 621095 117056 H3-3B 733608 3021 RGD H3f3b 733609 15081 MGI:1101768 RGD HGNC:4765 H3f4 1583877 691496 H3-4 1317808 8290 HGNC H3f4 2295243 382523 MGI:3651326 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:4778 H4c14 1307448 295277 H4C2 1342856 8366 HGNC HGNC:4789 H4cl1 7725170 102548682 H4C6 1354264 8361 HGNC H4c3 1618824 319155 MGI:2448421 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:4783 H4f3 1585568 684828 H1-3 1343145 3007 HGNC H1f3 1557147 14957 MGI:107502 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:4717 H6pd 1306562 298655 H6PD 1315252 9563 HGNC H6pd 1623867 100198 MGI:2140356 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:4795 Haao 71071 56823 HAAO 731775 23498 HGNC Haao 731776 107766 MGI:1349444 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:4796 Habp2 1302979 292126 HABP2 1350340 3026 HGNC Habp2 1550193 226243 MGI:1196378 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:4798 Habp4 1306486 361196 HABP4 1315131 22927 HGNC Habp4 1315132 56541 MGI:1891713 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:17062 Hacd1 1595507 680115 HACD1 1343988 9200 HGNC Hacd1 1615929 30963 MGI:1353592 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:9639 Hacd2 1306337 102551408 HACD2 1314901 201562 HGNC Hacd2 1314902 70757 MGI:1918007 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:9640 Hacd3 1565496 300783 HACD3 1605074 51495 RGD Hacd3 1619207 57874 MGI:1889341 RGD HGNC:24175 Hacd4 1310339 362540 HACD4 1601904 401494 HGNC Hacd4 1321187 66775 MGI:1914025 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:20920 Hace1 1306114 361866 HACE1 1314539 57531 HGNC Hace1 1552372 209462 MGI:2446110 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:21033 Hacl1 619849 85255 HACL1 1607054 26061 HGNC Hacl1 1553280 56794 MGI:1929657 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:17856 Hadh 69321 113965 HADH 1351201 3033 HGNC Hadh 737567 15107 MGI:96009 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:4799 Hadha 620512 170670 HADHA 733877 3030 HGNC Hadha 1552757 97212 MGI:2135593 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:4801 Hadhb 620513 171155 HADHB 736480 3032 HGNC Hadhb 733673 231086 MGI:2136381 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:4803 Hagh 2779 24439 HAGH 736814 3029 HGNC Hagh 736815 14651 MGI:95745 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:4805 Haghl 1308042 302995 HAGHL 1317582 84264 HGNC Haghl 1317583 68977 MGI:1919877 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:14177 Hal 68363 29301 HAL 68517 3034 HGNC Hal 68518 15109 MGI:96010 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:4806 Hamp 70971 84604 HAMP 736414 57817 HGNC Hamp 1550218 84506 MGI:1933533 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:15598 Hand1 621206 59112 HAND1 737010 9421 HGNC Hand1 737011 15110 MGI:103577 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:4807 Hand2 621207 64637 HAND2 731603 9464 HGNC Hand2 731604 15111 MGI:103580 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:4808 Hao1 1589750 311446 HAO1 1353845 54363 HGNC Hao1 1332098 15112 MGI:96011 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:4809 Hao2 70972 84029 HAO2 1346012 51179 HGNC Hao2 733654 56185 MGI:96012 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:4810 Hap1 68327 29430 HAP1 68454 9001 HGNC Hap1 68455 15114 MGI:1261831 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:4812 Hapln1 2412 29331 HAPLN1 1346855 1404 HGNC Hapln1 737597 12950 MGI:1337006 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:2380 Hapln2 621854 64057 HAPLN2 1351001 60484 HGNC Hapln2 736584 73940 MGI:2137300 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:17410 Hapln3 1308098 308773 HAPLN3 1317673 145864 HGNC Hapln3 1317674 67666 MGI:1914916 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:21446 Hapln4 1308408 361129 HAPLN4 1348635 404037 HGNC Hapln4 1318159 330790 MGI:2679531 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:31357 Hapstr1 1309748 302913 HAPSTR1 1606021 29035 HGNC Hapstr1 1320252 69053 MGI:1916303 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:30103 Hapstr2 1560171 367949 HAPSTR2 38668552 389895 NCBI Gm715 1622865 279618 MGI:2685561 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:55138 Harbi1 1584007 690164 HARBI1 1601808 283254 HGNC Harbi1 1312490 241547 MGI:2443194 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:26522 Hars1 1310695 307492 HARS1 1350214 3035 HGNC Hars1 1617628 15115 MGI:108087 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:4816 Hars2 1308426 307491 HARS2 1352732 23438 HGNC Hars2 1558290 70791 MGI:1918041 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:4817 Has1 708528 282821 HAS1 1343910 3036 HGNC Has1 1552209 15116 MGI:106590 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:4818 Has2 2781 25694 HAS2 732743 3037 HGNC Has2 732744 15117 MGI:107821 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:4819 Has3 628656 266805 HAS3 1350380 3038 HGNC Has3 1553481 15118 MGI:109599 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:4820 Haspin 1596276 687827 HASPIN 1353091 83903 HGNC Haspin 1620119 14841 MGI:1194498 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:19682 Hat1 1305716 296501 HAT1 1313912 8520 HGNC Hat1 1313913 107435 MGI:96013 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:4821 Haus1 619909 192228 HAUS1 1346730 115106 HGNC Haus1 1617373 225745 MGI:2385076 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:25174 Haus2 9250626 103691872 HAUS2 1321425 55142 HGNC Haus2 1614362 66296 MGI:1913546 RGD HGNC:25530 Haus3 1591723 680477 HAUS3 1312658 79441 HGNC Haus3 1312659 231123 MGI:2387633 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:28719 Haus4 1305288 305882 HAUS4 1313228 54930 HGNC Haus4 1313229 219072 MGI:1261794 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:20163 Haus5 2318093 100362495 HAUS5 1317198 23354 HGNC Haus5 1317199 71909 MGI:1919159 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:29130 Haus6 15203474 366403 HAUS6 1320176 54801 RGD Haus6 1622081 230376 MGI:1923389 RGD HGNC:25948 Haus7 1562991 293844 HAUS7 1604614 55559 HGNC Haus7 1616727 73738 MGI:1920988 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:32979 Haus8 1311565 290626 HAUS8 1604254 93323 HGNC Haus8 1323091 76478 MGI:1923728 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:30532 Havcr1 708425 286934 HAVCR1 1352552 26762 RGD Havcr1 1553522 171283 MGI:2159680 RGD HGNC:17866 Havcr2 1305233 363578 HAVCR2 1313140 84868 HGNC Havcr2 1313141 171285 MGI:2159682 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:18437 Hax1 727960 291202 HAX1 1607073 10456 HGNC Hax1 1620872 23897 MGI:1346319 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:16915 Hba-a1 2782 25632 Hba-a1 734079 15122 MGI:96015 RGD Hba-a2 1359364 360504 HBA1 1351471 3039 RGD Hba-a2 1624586 110257 MGI:96016 RGD HGNC:4823 Hba-a3 1359209 287167 HBA2 737064 3040 HGNC HGNC:4824 Hbb 2783 24440 HBB 736606 3043 RGD Hbb-b1 1617626 15129 MGI:96021 RGD HGNC:4827 Hbb-b1 1595848 361619 HBD 1353990 3045 HGNC HGNC:4829 Hbb-b2 41201883 120093065 Hbb-b2 733746 15130 MGI:96022 RGD Hbe1 1305115 293267 HBE1 1312957 3046 HGNC Hbb-y 1550121 15135 MGI:96027 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:4830 Hbegf 2526 25433 HBEGF 1605733 1839 HGNC Hbegf 1552258 15200 MGI:96070 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:3059 Hbg1 620306 94164 HBG1 1345458 3047 RGD Hbb-bh1 1550622 15132 MGI:96024 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:4831 Hbp1 620444 27080 HBP1 733921 26959 HGNC Hbp1 733922 73389 MGI:894659 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:23200 Hbq1b 2320907 100361053 HBQ1 1313995 3049 HGNC Hbq1b 1623541 544763 MGI:3613460 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:4833 Hbs1l 1308509 293408 HBS1L 1318318 10767 HGNC Hbs1l 1318319 56422 MGI:1891704 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:4834 Hbz 1307486 287168 HBZ 1316709 3050 HGNC Hba-x 1316710 15126 MGI:96019 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:4835 Hcar1 1586364 689936 HCAR1 1316071 27198 HGNC Hcar1 1316072 243270 MGI:2441671 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:4532 Hcar2 727952 353250 HCAR2 1352808 338442 HGNC HGNC:24827 Hccs 1563855 317444 HCCS 1352684 3052 HGNC Hccs 1558032 15159 MGI:106911 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:4837 Hcfc1 1563804 363519 HCFC1 1345622 3054 HGNC Hcfc1 1557256 15161 MGI:105942 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:4839 Hcfc1r1 727975 287097 HCFC1R1 1351730 54985 HGNC Hcfc1r1 1614035 353502 MGI:2663619 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:21198 Hcfc2 1307385 314704 HCFC2 1316555 29915 HGNC Hcfc2 1316556 67933 MGI:1915183 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:24972 Hck 2785 25734 HCK 732471 3055 HGNC Hck 732472 15162 MGI:96052 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:4840 Hcls1 1304754 288077 HCLS1 1312380 3059 HGNC Hcls1 1312381 15163 MGI:104568 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:4844 Hcn1 620688 84390 HCN1 733930 348980 HGNC Hcn1 733931 15165 MGI:1096392 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:4845 Hcn2 620689 114244 HCN2 732305 610 HGNC Hcn2 732306 15166 MGI:1298210 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:4846 Hcn3 620691 114245 HCN3 1605973 57657 HGNC Hcn3 731813 15168 MGI:1298211 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:19183 Hcn4 71065 59266 HCN4 737126 10021 HGNC Hcn4 737127 330953 MGI:1298209 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:16882 Hcrt 2786 25723 HCRT 731040 3060 HGNC Hcrt 731041 15171 MGI:1202306 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:4847 Hcrtr1 2787 25593 HCRTR1 734418 3061 HGNC Hcrtr1 737545 230777 MGI:2385650 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:4848 Hcrtr2 2788 25605 HCRTR2 1351591 3062 HGNC Hcrtr2 1553616 387285 MGI:2680765 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:4849 Hcst 1359238 474146 HCST 1350033 10870 HGNC Hcst 1550588 23900 MGI:1344360 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:16977 Hdac1 1309799 297893 HDAC1 1320330 3065 HGNC Hdac1 1320331 433759 MGI:108086 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:4852 Hdac10 1305874 362981 HDAC10 1314168 83933 HGNC Hdac10 1620648 170787 MGI:2158340 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:18128 Hdac11 1311706 297453 HDAC11 1323302 79885 HGNC Hdac11 1323303 232232 MGI:2385252 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:19086 Hdac2 619976 84577 HDAC2 1312509 3066 HGNC Hdac2 1312510 15182 MGI:1097691 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:4853 Hdac3 619977 84578 HDAC3 731326 8841 HGNC Hdac3 731327 15183 MGI:1343091 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:4854 Hdac4 619979 363287 HDAC4 1316832 9759 HGNC Hdac4 1550759 208727 MGI:3036234 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:14063 Hdac5 619980 84580 HDAC5 1604649 10014 HGNC Hdac5 1551616 15184 MGI:1333784 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:14068 Hdac6 619981 108348065 HDAC6 1351463 10013 HGNC Hdac6 1552302 15185 MGI:1333752 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:14064 Hdac7 619982 84582 HDAC7 1349346 51564 HGNC Hdac7 1552552 56233 MGI:1891835 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:14067 Hdac8 1562895 363481 HDAC8 1344478 55869 RGD Hdac8 1558090 70315 MGI:1917565 RGD HGNC:13315 Hdac9 1310748 687001 HDAC9 1353912 9734 RGD Hdac9 1614254 79221 MGI:1931221 RGD HGNC:14065 Hdc 2790 24443 HDC 736253 3067 HGNC Hdc 10706 15186 MGI:96062 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:4855 Hddc2 1307562 361462 HDDC2 1316830 51020 HGNC Hddc2 1618339 69692 MGI:1916942 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:21078 Hddc3 1311839 308758 HDDC3 1606390 374659 HGNC Hddc3 1615869 68695 MGI:1915945 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:30522 Hdgf 70961 114499 HDGF 735331 3068 HGNC Hdgf 731325 15191 MGI:1194494 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:4856 Hdgfl1 621012 171074 HDGFL1 1344578 154150 HGNC Hdgfl1 1550745 15192 MGI:1194493 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:21095 Hdgfl2 621013 171073 HDGFL2 1606489 84717 HGNC Hdgfl2 731397 15193 MGI:1194492 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:14680 Hdgfl3 628773 252941 HDGFL3 1606795 50810 HGNC Hdgfl3 1557704 29877 MGI:1352760 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:24937 Hdhd2 1308579 361351 HDHD2 1348609 84064 HGNC Hdhd2 1552973 76987 MGI:1924237 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:25364 Hdhd3 1585262 688746 HDHD3 1351910 81932 HGNC Hdhd3 1614312 72748 MGI:1919998 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:28171 Hdhd5 1306557 312680 HDHD5 1315242 27440 HGNC Hdhd5 1315243 214932 MGI:2136976 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:1843 Hdlbp 620962 64474 HDLBP 732166 3069 HGNC Hdlbp 732167 110611 MGI:99256 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:4857 Hdx 1563666 317617 HDX 1348226 139324 HGNC Hdx 1614869 245596 MGI:2685226 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:26411 Heatr1 1564769 361262 HEATR1 1605668 55127 HGNC Heatr1 1557705 217995 MGI:2442524 RGD HGNC:25517 Heatr3 1308267 361375 HEATR3 1602884 55027 HGNC Heatr3 1332478 234549 MGI:2444491 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:26087 Heatr4 1566220 500692 HEATR4 1602622 399671 HGNC Heatr4 9653406 101055670 MGI:4937307 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:16761 Heatr5a 1561116 362737 HEATR5A 1347266 25938 HGNC Heatr5a 1557819 320487 MGI:2444133 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:20276 Heatr5b 1359216 362683 HEATR5B 1604000 54497 HGNC Heatr5b 1557227 320473 MGI:2444098 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:29273 Heatr6 1566204 497972 HEATR6 1606785 63897 HGNC Heatr6 1557606 217026 MGI:1919790 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:24076 Heatr9 1559875 497970 HEATR9 1604716 256957 HGNC Heatr9 1622554 629303 MGI:3650286 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:26548 Hebp1 1304581 362454 HEBP1 1312101 50865 HGNC Hebp1 1312102 15199 MGI:1333880 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:17176 Hebp2 1311553 308632 HEBP2 1323071 23593 HGNC Hebp2 1323072 56016 MGI:1860084 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:15716 Heca 1304818 308624 HECA 1312483 51696 HGNC Heca 1615528 380629 MGI:2685715 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:21041 Hectd1 1561653 362736 HECTD1 1350415 25831 HGNC Hectd1 1557564 207304 MGI:2384768 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:20157 Hectd2 1305536 309514 HECTD2 1313620 143279 HGNC Hectd2 1313621 226098 MGI:2442663 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:26736 Hectd3 1309823 313525 HECTD3 1606229 79654 HGNC Hectd3 1551375 76608 MGI:1923858 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:26117 Hectd4 1309762 304503 HECTD4 1606926 283450 HGNC Hectd4 1320272 269700 MGI:3647820 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:26611 Hecw1 1561038 291209 HECW1 1352203 23072 HGNC Hecw1 1558407 94253 MGI:2444115 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:22195 Hecw2 1593244 316395 HECW2 1349400 57520 HGNC Hecw2 1557475 329152 MGI:2685817 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:29853 Heg1 1564641 689710 HEG1 1603204 57493 HGNC Heg1 1558285 77446 MGI:1924696 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:29227 Helb 1560103 500837 HELB 1344471 92797 HGNC Helb 1619901 117599 MGI:2152895 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:17196 Hells 1309820 294071 HELLS 1346644 3070 RGD Hells 1616865 15201 MGI:106209 RGD HGNC:4861 Helq 1560216 360912 HELQ 1605893 113510 HGNC Helq 1557864 191578 MGI:2176740 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:18536 Helt 1564073 498633 HELT 2292703 391723 RGD Helt 1556948 234219 MGI:3040955 RGD HGNC:33783 Helz 1307049 287773 HELZ 1316013 9931 HGNC Helz 1316014 78455 MGI:1925705 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:16878 Helz2 1306056 296474 HELZ2 1604565 85441 HGNC Helz2 1314454 229003 MGI:2385169 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:30021 Hemgn 621569 113882 HEMGN 1351335 55363 HGNC Hemgn 1332378 93966 MGI:2136910 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:17509 Hemk1 1308293 300989 HEMK1 1343848 51409 HGNC Hemk1 1550585 69536 MGI:1916786 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:24923 Henmt1 1306230 100363095 HENMT1 1602307 113802 HGNC Henmt1 1314727 66715 MGI:1913965 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:26400 Hepacam 1306811 300517 HEPACAM 1605560 220296 HGNC Hepacam 1315637 72927 MGI:1920177 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:26361 Hepacam2 1305697 296846 HEPACAM2 1602173 253012 HGNC Hepacam2 1313878 101202 MGI:2141520 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:27364 Heph 71060 117240 HEPH 734284 9843 HGNC Heph 737349 15203 MGI:1332240 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:4866 Hephl1 1564835 500946 HEPHL1 1345614 341208 HGNC Hephl1 1622024 244698 MGI:2685355 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:30477 Herc1 1306366 315771 HERC1 1314942 8925 HGNC Herc1 1552425 235439 MGI:2384589 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:4867 Herc2 1307989 308669 HERC2 1317498 8924 HGNC Herc2 1317499 15204 MGI:103234 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:4868 Herc3 1307803 362377 HERC3 1351757 8916 HGNC Herc3 1317208 73998 MGI:1921248 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:4876 Herc4 1310971 309758 HERC4 1322175 26091 HGNC Herc4 1551683 67345 MGI:1914595 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:24521 Herc6 1561739 362376 HERC6 1348683 55008 HGNC Herc6 1557741 67138 MGI:1914388 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:26072 Herpud1 620818 85430 HERPUD1 733943 9709 HGNC Herpud1 733944 64209 MGI:1927406 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:13744 Herpud2 1307343 300463 HERPUD2 1605640 64224 HGNC Herpud2 1316486 80517 MGI:1915393 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:21915 Hes1 62081 29577 HES1 1605434 3280 HGNC Hes1 62373 15205 MGI:104853 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:5192 Hes2 62082 29567 HES2 736308 54626 HGNC Hes2 62374 15206 MGI:1098624 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:16005 Hes3 621339 64628 HES3 1604433 390992 HGNC Hes3 733887 15207 MGI:104877 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:26226 Hes5 621340 79225 HES5 1353774 388585 HGNC Hes5 733924 15208 MGI:104876 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:19764 Hes6 1312047 316626 HES6 1323828 55502 HGNC Hes6 1323829 55927 MGI:1859852 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:18254 Hes7 1305914 287423 HES7 1314231 84667 HGNC Hes7 1314232 84653 MGI:2135679 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:15977 Hesx1 1563858 498575 HESX1 1353119 8820 HGNC Hesx1 1558586 15209 MGI:96071 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:4877 Hexa 2792 300757 HEXA 1352150 3073 HGNC Hexa 10707 15211 MGI:96073 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:4878 Hexb 1307607 294673 HEXB 1316898 3074 HGNC Hexb 1316899 15212 MGI:96074 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:4879 Hexd 2302323 100216475 HEXD 1602417 284004 HGNC Hexd 1622930 238023 MGI:3605542 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:26307 Hexim1 1559851 498008 HEXIM1 1606576 10614 HGNC Hexim1 1614974 192231 MGI:2385923 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:24953 Hexim2 1311635 303580 HEXIM2 1601726 124790 HGNC Hexim2 1617513 71059 MGI:1918309 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:28591 Hey1 621403 155437 HEY1 735762 23462 HGNC Hey1 735763 15213 MGI:1341800 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:4880 Hey2 621405 155430 HEY2 1354369 23493 HGNC Hey2 1553745 15214 MGI:1341884 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:4881 Heyl 1305022 313575 HEYL 1312805 26508 HGNC Heyl 1312806 56198 MGI:1860511 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:4882 Hfe 2793 29199 HFE 1345296 3077 HGNC Hfe 736272 15216 MGI:109191 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:4886 Hfm1 1584010 690161 HFM1 1606438 164045 HGNC Hfm1 1614052 330149 MGI:3036246 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:20193 Hgd 1308757 360719 HGD 1318713 3081 HGNC Hgd 1318714 15233 MGI:96078 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:4892 Hgf 2794 24446 HGF 70837 3082 HGNC Hgf 10708 15234 MGI:96079 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:4893 Hgfac 70909 58947 HGFAC 1350664 3083 HGNC Hgfac 737200 54426 MGI:1859281 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:4894 Hgh1 1359226 315094 HGH1 1602718 51236 HGNC Hgh1 1550056 59053 MGI:1930628 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:24161 Hgs 69225 56084 HGS 733649 9146 HGNC Hgs 733650 15239 MGI:104681 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:4897 Hgsnat 1560755 361165 HGSNAT 1606456 138050 HGNC Hgsnat 1623253 52120 MGI:1196297 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:26527 Hhat 1311746 289344 HHAT 1351064 55733 HGNC Hhat 1552712 226861 MGI:2444681 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:18270 Hhatl 1311911 301073 HHATL 1344894 57467 HGNC Hhatl 1619094 74770 MGI:1922020 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:13242 Hhex 619932 79237 HHEX 1350411 3087 HGNC Hhex 731855 15242 MGI:96086 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:4901 Hhip 1564108 291936 HHIP 1354359 64399 HGNC Hhip 1557623 15245 MGI:1341847 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:14866 Hhipl1 1311698 362781 HHIPL1 1349549 84439 HGNC Hhipl1 1551505 214305 MGI:1919265 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:19710 Hhipl2 1311317 317051 HHIPL2 1605638 79802 HGNC Hhipl2 1332172 78772 MGI:1926022 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:25842 Hhla1 15008789 120093074 HHLA1 1353531 10086 HGNC Hhla1 2303490 654498 MGI:3615329 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:4904 Hhla2 11472061 108352332 HHLA2 1350112 11148 HGNC Gm35938 9596523 102639684 MGI:5595097 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:4905 Hibadh 708399 63938 HIBADH 732658 11112 HGNC Hibadh 1332315 58875 MGI:1889802 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:4907 Hibch 1308392 301384 HIBCH 1318134 26275 HGNC Hibch 1318135 227095 MGI:1923792 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:4908 Hic1 1307527 303310 HIC1 1316774 3090 HGNC Hic1 1316775 15248 MGI:1338010 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:4909 Hic2 1305338 287940 HIC2 1313307 23119 HGNC Hic2 1313308 58180 MGI:1929869 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:18595 Hid1 1311422 287822 HID1 1322878 283987 HGNC Hid1 1322879 217310 MGI:2445087 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:15736 Hif1a 61928 29560 HIF1A 730935 3091 HGNC Hif1a 62221 15251 MGI:106918 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:4910 Hif1an 1308281 309434 HIF1AN 1317966 55662 HGNC Hif1an 1550949 319594 MGI:2442345 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:17113 Hif3a 70332 64345 HIF3A 1605351 64344 HGNC Hif3a 732650 53417 MGI:1859778 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:15825 Higd1a 620215 140937 HIGD1A 1603666 25994 RGD Higd1a 1557641 56295 MGI:1930666 RGD HGNC:29527 Higd1b 1306907 287738 HIGD1B 1601998 51751 HGNC Higd1b 1622228 75689 MGI:1922939 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:24318 Higd1c 7641479 102555170 HIGD1C 1602019 613227 HGNC Higd1c 1626274 380975 MGI:2685767 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:28044 Higd2a 1309691 290999 HIGD2A 1603886 192286 RGD Higd2a 1618378 67044 MGI:1914294 RGD HGNC:28311 Hikeshi 1359455 293103 HIKESHI 1604822 51501 HGNC Hikeshi 1623980 67669 MGI:96738 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:26938 Hilpda 2319900 100361568 HILPDA 1607036 29923 HGNC Hilpda 1619151 69573 MGI:1916823 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:28859 Hils1 1585185 690026 H1-9P 1604942 373861 HGNC H1f9 1615920 54388 MGI:2136691 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:30616 Hinfp 1311492 300665 HINFP 1603667 25988 HGNC Hinfp 1322978 102423 MGI:2429620 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:17850 Hint1 1593411 690660 HINT1 1606034 3094 HGNC Hint1 1317233 15254 MGI:1321133 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:4912 Hint2 1308910 313491 HINT2 1318948 84681 HGNC Hint2 1318949 68917 MGI:1916167 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:18344 Hint3 621603 246769 HINT3 1347010 135114 HGNC Hint3 1550488 66847 MGI:1914097 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:18468 Hip1 620305 192154 HIP1 736003 3092 HGNC Hip1 736004 215114 MGI:1099804 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:4913 Hip1r 621615 81917 HIP1R 733372 9026 HGNC Hip1r 733373 29816 MGI:1352504 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:18415 Hipk1 1304941 365895 HIPK1 1312671 204851 HGNC Hipk1 1312672 15257 MGI:1314873 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:19006 Hipk2 1309349 362342 HIPK2 1319649 28996 HGNC Hipk2 1319650 15258 MGI:1314872 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:14402 Hipk3 619884 83617 HIPK3 731500 10114 HGNC Hipk3 731501 15259 MGI:1314882 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:4915 Hipk4 1307541 308449 HIPK4 1316795 147746 HGNC Hipk4 1621330 233020 MGI:2685008 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:19007 Hira 1584950 363849 HIRA 1346310 7290 HGNC Hira 1556958 15260 MGI:99430 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:4916 Hirip3 1306463 361650 HIRIP3 1315096 8479 HGNC Hirip3 1614914 233876 MGI:2142364 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:4917 Hist1h2af 1564767 498753 H2AC8 1353821 3012 HGNC H2ac13 1323074 319191 MGI:2448457 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:4724 Hist1h2ah 1594367 502125 H2AC11 1344301 8969 HGNC H2ac22 1319218 319170 MGI:2448300 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:4737 Hist1h2ail1 1311554 291159 H3C6 1351707 8353 HGNC H3c10 1618827 319152 MGI:2448349 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:4769 Hist1h2al1 9087157 103690190 H2AC6 1345959 8334 HGNC HGNC:4733 Hist1h2bc 1591796 680403 H2BC21 1343213 8349 HGNC H2bc4 1620830 68024 MGI:1915274 RGD HGNC:4760 Hist1h2bd 1307126 361247 H2BC5 1316135 3017 HGNC H2bc14 1316136 319186 MGI:2448404 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:4747 Hist1h2bq 1305011 306945 H2BC7 1346859 8343 HGNC HGNC:4752 Hist1h4b 620814 64627 H4C9 1342673 8294 HGNC H4c8 1314498 69386 MGI:2448427 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:4793 Hist1h4m 1306905 291152 H4C1 1315697 8359 HGNC H4c1 1315698 326619 MGI:2448419 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:4781 Hist2h2be 1562346 295274 H2BC11 1348596 8970 HGNC H2bc21 1618805 319190 MGI:2448415 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:4761 Hist2h3c2 1306445 310678 H3C14 1349967 126961 HGNC H3c15 1315067 97114 MGI:2448357 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:20503 Hivep1 727847 117140 HIVEP1 736425 3096 HGNC Hivep1 736426 110521 MGI:96100 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:4920 Hivep2 61988 29721 HIVEP2 734342 3097 HGNC Hivep2 62280 15273 MGI:1338076 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:4921 Hivep3 1311252 313557 HIVEP3 1322610 59269 HGNC Hivep3 1322611 16656 MGI:106589 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:13561 Hjurp 1305846 316602 HJURP 2292108 55355 HGNC Hjurp 1314124 381280 MGI:2685821 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:25444 Hjv 1310195 310681 HJV 1320952 148738 HGNC Hjv 1551463 69585 MGI:1916835 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:4887 Hk1 2796 25058 HK1 737450 3098 HGNC Hk1 10710 15275 MGI:96103 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:4922 Hk2 2797 25059 HK2 733090 3099 HGNC Hk2 735576 15277 MGI:1315197 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:4923 Hk3 2798 25060 HK3 736939 3101 HGNC Hk3 736940 212032 MGI:2670962 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:4925 Hkdc1 2321830 100364027 HKDC1 1354446 80201 HGNC Hkdc1 1622112 216019 MGI:2384910 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:23302 Hlcs 1565360 288240 HLCS 1320489 3141 HGNC Hlcs 1320490 110948 MGI:894646 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:4976 Hlf 1582828 690286 HLF 1347027 3131 HGNC Hlf 1614190 217082 MGI:96108 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:4977 Hltf 1309031 295568 HLTF 1319146 6596 HGNC Hltf 1615944 20585 MGI:1196437 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:11099 Hlx 1311961 364069 HLX 1323685 3142 HGNC Hlx 1551935 15284 MGI:96109 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:4978 Hm13 1308946 311545 HM13 1319013 81502 HGNC H13 1319014 14950 MGI:95886 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:16435 Hmbox1 1306787 305968 HMBOX1 1603011 79618 HGNC Hmbox1 1332147 219150 MGI:2445066 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:26137 Hmbs 2801 25709 HMBS 733095 3145 HGNC Hmbs 733096 15288 MGI:96112 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:4982 Hmces 1559800 500251 HMCES 1604329 56941 HGNC Hmces 1558059 232210 MGI:1914053 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:24446 Hmcn1 1564772 289094 HMCN1 1605323 83872 HGNC Hmcn1 1618686 545370 MGI:2685047 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:19194 Hmcn2 1585467 686132 HMCN2 1626387 256158 RGD Hmcn2 1319714 665700 MGI:2677838 RGD HGNC:21293 Hmg20a 1564760 315689 HMG20A 1350467 10363 HGNC Hmg20a 1620035 66867 MGI:1914117 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:5001 Hmg20b 1309235 362825 HMG20B 1347672 10362 HGNC Hmg20b 1319463 15353 MGI:1341190 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:5002 Hmga1 628699 117062 HMGA1 1345409 3159 HGNC Hmga1 1553686 15361 MGI:96160 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:5010 Hmga2 620617 84017 HMGA2 1348013 8091 HGNC Hmga2 1552855 15364 MGI:101761 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:5009 Hmgb1 2802 25459 HMGB1 1605729 3146 RGD Hmgb1 10711 15289 MGI:96113 RGD HGNC:4983 Hmgb1-ps33 1587112 679571 HMGB1P1 1345595 10357 HGNC HGNC:4993 Hmgb2 69291 29395 HMGB2 1605728 3148 RGD Hmgb2 736524 97165 MGI:96157 RGD HGNC:5000 Hmgb3 1564407 305373 HMGB3 1350742 3149 HGNC Hmgb3 1557332 15354 MGI:1098219 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:5004 Hmgb4 1596426 685271 HMGB4 1606732 127540 HGNC Hmgb4 1323371 69317 MGI:1916567 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:24954 Hmgcl 620554 79238 HMGCL 733716 3155 HGNC Hmgcl 733717 15356 MGI:96158 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:5005 Hmgcll1 1565090 367112 HMGCLL1 1352812 54511 HGNC Hmgcll1 1616589 208982 MGI:2446108 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:21359 Hmgcr 2803 25675 HMGCR 731579 3156 HGNC Hmgcr 731580 15357 MGI:96159 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:5006 Hmgcs1 70970 29637 HMGCS1 735555 3157 HGNC Hmgcs1 731474 208715 MGI:107592 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:5007 Hmgcs2 2804 24450 HMGCS2 737571 3158 HGNC Hmgcs2 10713 15360 MGI:101939 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:5008 Hmgn1 1307761 360704 HMGN1 1317138 3150 RGD Hmgn1 1317139 15312 MGI:96120 RGD HGNC:4984 Hmgn2 620649 114637 HMGN2 1350424 3151 HGNC Hmgn2 1550392 15331 MGI:96136 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:4986 Hmgn2-ps3 2323648 100359546 HMGN4 1344098 10473 HGNC Gm20379 5136841 115488195 MGI:5012564 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:4989 Hmgn3 1359106 113990 HMGN3 1352330 9324 HGNC Hmgn3 1549978 94353 MGI:2138069 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:12312 Hmgn5 6497694 100910616 HMGN5 1318685 79366 RGD Hmgn5 1318686 50887 MGI:1355295 RGD HGNC:8013 Hmgxb3 1560009 361335 HMGXB3 2302190 22993 HGNC Hmgxb3 1558535 106894 MGI:2441817 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:28982 Hmgxb4 1305783 307667 HMGXB4 1314021 10042 HGNC Hmgxb4 1314022 70823 MGI:1918073 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:5003 Hmmr 2805 25460 HMMR 737426 3161 HGNC Hmmr 10714 15366 MGI:104667 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:5012 Hmox1 2806 24451 HMOX1 730901 3162 HGNC Hmox1 10717 15368 MGI:96163 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:5013 Hmox2 67402 79239 HMOX2 68991 3163 HGNC Hmox2 68992 15369 MGI:109373 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:5014 Hmx1 1304928 360960 HMX1 1312652 3166 HGNC Hmx1 1312653 15371 MGI:107178 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:5017 Hmx2 1565366 293538 HMX2 1344941 3167 HGNC Hmx2 1558027 15372 MGI:107159 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:5018 Hmx3 1559927 293537 HMX3 1603243 340784 HGNC Hmx3 1557349 15373 MGI:107160 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:5019 Hnf1a 3828 24817 HNF1A 737153 6927 HGNC Hnf1a 11397 21405 MGI:98504 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:11621 Hnf1b 3830 25640 HNF1B 69136 6928 HGNC Hnf1b 11398 21410 MGI:98505 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:11630 Hnf4a 2810 25735 HNF4A 69093 3172 HGNC Hnf4a 1550718 15378 MGI:109128 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:5024 Hnf4g 1310102 365744 HNF4G 1320814 3174 HGNC Hnf4g 1320815 30942 MGI:1353604 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:5026 Hnmt 71049 81676 HNMT 733644 3176 HGNC Hnmt 733645 140483 MGI:2153181 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:5028 Hnrnpa0 1563684 681410 HNRNPA0 1318867 10949 RGD Hnrnpa0 1551106 77134 MGI:1924384 RGD HGNC:5030 Hnrnpa1 69234 29578 HNRNPA1 1348965 3178 HGNC Hnrnpa1 735271 15382 MGI:104820 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:5031 Hnrnpa2b1 1310403 362361 HNRNPA2B1 1321287 3181 HGNC Hnrnpa2b1 1321288 53379 MGI:104819 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:5033 Hnrnpa3 727807 362152 HNRNPA3 1343696 220988 RGD Hnrnpa3 1556899 229279 MGI:1917171 RGD HGNC:24941 Hnrnpab 69255 83498 HNRNPAB 730896 3182 HGNC Hnrnpab 730897 15384 MGI:1330294 RGD HGNC:5034 Hnrnpc 1309982 290046 HNRNPC 1320619 3183 HGNC Hnrnpc 1320620 15381 MGI:107795 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:5035 Hnrnpd 620365 79256 HNRNPD 733451 3184 HGNC Hnrnpd 733452 11991 MGI:101947 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:5036 Hnrnpdl 1309950 305178 HNRNPDL 1320569 9987 HGNC Hnrnpdl 1320570 50926 MGI:1355299 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:5037 Hnrnpf 620366 64200 HNRNPF 1349083 3185 HGNC Hnrnpf 731709 98758 MGI:2138741 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:5039 Hnrnph1 620840 140931 HNRNPH1 1347066 3187 HGNC Hnrnph1 731536 59013 MGI:1891925 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:5041 Hnrnph2 1549784 308650 HNRNPH2 1605724 3188 HGNC Hnrnph2 1621555 56258 MGI:1201779 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:5042 Hnrnph3 1310019 361838 HNRNPH3 1320680 3189 RGD Hnrnph3 1617168 432467 MGI:1926462 RGD HGNC:5043 Hnrnpk 71058 117282 HNRNPK 733485 3190 HGNC Hnrnpk 733486 15387 MGI:99894 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:5044 Hnrnpl 71059 80846 HNRNPL 737263 3191 HGNC Hnrnpl 737264 15388 MGI:104816 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:5045 Hnrnpll 1305861 313842 HNRNPLL 1353271 92906 HGNC Hnrnpll 1552104 72692 MGI:1919942 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:25127 Hnrnpm 620369 116655 HNRNPM 731710 4670 HGNC Hnrnpm 731711 76936 MGI:1926465 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:5046 Hnrnpr 631348 319110 HNRNPR 736504 10236 HGNC Hnrnpr 1332056 74326 MGI:1891692 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:5047 Hnrnpu 620372 117280 HNRNPU 731482 3192 HGNC Hnrnpu 731483 51810 MGI:1858195 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:5048 Hnrnpul1 1307456 361522 HNRNPUL1 1316659 11100 HGNC Hnrnpul1 1316660 232989 MGI:2443517 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:17011 Hnrnpul2 1562784 309197 HNRNPUL2 1606938 221092 HGNC Hnrnpul2 1615871 68693 MGI:1915943 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:25451 Hoatz 2323814 100359479 HOATZ 1602158 399949 HGNC Hoatz 1623773 235345 MGI:1921013 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:25061 Hoga1 1310475 293949 HOGA1 1321399 112817 HGNC Hoga1 1321400 67432 MGI:1914682 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:25155 Homer1 628725 29546 HOMER1 1354218 9456 HGNC Homer1 737500 26556 MGI:1347345 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:17512 Homer2 620705 29547 HOMER2 1354175 9455 HGNC Homer2 736904 26557 MGI:1347354 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:17513 Homer3 620706 29548 HOMER3 731655 9454 HGNC Homer3 735853 26558 MGI:1347359 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:17514 Homez 628904 260325 HOMEZ 735425 57594 HGNC Homez 732976 239099 MGI:2678023 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:20164 Hook1 1309987 313370 HOOK1 1320626 51361 HGNC Hook1 1320627 77963 MGI:1925213 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:19884 Hook2 1310171 304669 HOOK2 1320916 29911 HGNC Hook2 1557904 170833 MGI:2181664 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:19885 Hook3 1560960 306548 HOOK3 1346925 84376 HGNC Hook3 1557637 320191 MGI:2443554 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:23576 Hopx 621841 171160 HOPX 1603377 84525 HGNC Hopx 1557434 74318 MGI:1916782 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:24961 Hormad1 1564960 365868 HORMAD1 1346134 84072 HGNC Hormad1 1621529 67981 MGI:1915231 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:25245 Hormad2 1565447 498400 HORMAD2 1348799 150280 RGD Hormad2 1620730 75828 MGI:1923078 RGD HGNC:28383 Hotairm1 7716070 102548178 HOTAIRM1 5133393 100506311 HGNC Hotairm1 5145930 105242658 MGI:3705155 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:37117 Hoxa1 11414885 103690132 HOXA1 737614 3198 RGD Hoxa1 732851 15394 MGI:96170 RGD HGNC:5099 Hoxa10 9410935 100911668 HOXA10 1320375 3206 RGD Hoxa10 1320376 15395 MGI:96171 RGD HGNC:5100 Hoxa11 1564605 103692131 HOXA11 735680 3207 RGD Hoxa11 1558060 15396 MGI:96172 RGD HGNC:5101 Hoxa11-as 1564419 500128 HOXA11-AS 2300356 221883 HGNC Hoxa11os 1608864 15397 MGI:107208 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:24957 Hoxa13 1562483 500129 HOXA13 1346914 3209 HGNC Hoxa13 1557892 15398 MGI:96173 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:5102 Hoxa2 11468112 103690123 HOXA2 1353431 3199 RGD Hoxa2 731539 15399 MGI:96174 RGD HGNC:5103 Hoxa3 1561431 103690130 HOXA3 1344896 3200 HGNC Hoxa3 1557652 15400 MGI:96175 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:5104 Hoxa4 2814 100912525 HOXA4 736245 3201 HGNC Hoxa4 736246 15401 MGI:96176 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:5105 Hoxa5 620609 79241 HOXA5 734224 3202 HGNC Hoxa5 734225 15402 MGI:96177 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:5106 Hoxa6 1590236 685732 HOXA6 1352106 3203 HGNC Hoxa6 1615194 15403 MGI:96178 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:5107 Hoxa7 1587253 500126 HOXA7 1343560 3204 HGNC Hoxa7 1557455 15404 MGI:96179 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:5108 Hoxa9 1310001 297099 HOXA9 1320652 3205 HGNC Hoxa9 1320653 15405 MGI:96180 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:5109 Hoxb1 1310298 303491 HOXB1 1321119 3211 HGNC Hoxb1 1321120 15407 MGI:96182 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:5111 Hoxb13 1309113 303480 HOXB13 1319269 10481 HGNC Hoxb13 1319270 15408 MGI:107730 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:5112 Hoxb2 2319509 100361765 HOXB2 1320419 3212 HGNC Hoxb2 1320420 103889 MGI:96183 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:5113 Hoxb3 1310780 303488 HOXB3 1321880 3213 HGNC Hoxb3 1321881 15410 MGI:96184 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:5114 Hoxb4 1560113 497988 HOXB4 1344417 3214 HGNC Hoxb4 1557963 15412 MGI:96185 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:5115 Hoxb5 1562292 497987 HOXB5 1342680 3215 HGNC Hoxb5 1556931 15413 MGI:96186 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:5116 Hoxb6 1562142 497986 HOXB6 1602502 3216 HGNC Hoxb6 1558163 15414 MGI:96187 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:5117 Hoxb7 1559918 497985 HOXB7 1349103 3217 HGNC Hoxb7 1557126 15415 MGI:96188 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:5118 Hoxb8 1586211 24457 HOXB8 1345658 3218 HGNC Hoxb8 1557995 15416 MGI:96189 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:5119 Hoxb9 1306158 287647 HOXB9 1314613 3219 HGNC Hoxb9 1314614 15417 MGI:96190 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:5120 Hoxc10 1307250 315338 HOXC10 1316332 3226 HGNC Hoxc10 1316333 209448 MGI:96192 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:5122 Hoxc11 6489991 100911859 HOXC11 1313485 3227 HGNC Hoxc11 1620670 109663 MGI:96193 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:5123 Hoxc12 1310539 300262 HOXC12 1321500 3228 HGNC Hoxc12 1321501 15421 MGI:96194 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:5124 Hoxc13 1563984 315337 HOXC13 1349214 3229 HGNC Hoxc13 1557146 15422 MGI:99560 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:5125 Hoxc4 1586210 24459 HOXC4 1351931 3221 HGNC Hoxc4 1558279 15423 MGI:96195 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:5126 Hoxc5 1307584 315341 HOXC5 1344989 3222 HGNC Hoxc5 1316862 15424 MGI:96196 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:5127 Hoxc6 620626 252885 HOXC6 1348360 3223 HGNC Hoxc6 1553275 15425 MGI:96197 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:5128 Hoxc8 2821 24460 HOXC8 1353627 3224 HGNC Hoxc8 1556890 15426 MGI:96198 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:5129 Hoxc9 1595784 368178 HOXC9 1314056 3225 HGNC Hoxc9 1314057 15427 MGI:96199 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:5130 Hoxd1 1309179 288151 HOXD1 1319375 3231 HGNC Hoxd1 1319376 15429 MGI:96201 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:5132 Hoxd10 1306511 303991 HOXD10 1315169 3236 HGNC Hoxd10 1315170 15430 MGI:96202 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:5133 Hoxd11 7730597 102553842 HOXD11 1346896 3237 HGNC Hoxd11 1615193 15431 MGI:96203 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:5134 Hoxd12 1309797 366082 HOXD12 1320327 3238 HGNC Hoxd12 1320328 15432 MGI:96204 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:5135 Hoxd13 1308417 288154 HOXD13 1318172 3239 HGNC Hoxd13 1318173 15433 MGI:96205 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:5136 Hoxd3 1588601 288152 HOXD3 1344554 3232 HGNC Hoxd3 1557215 15434 MGI:96207 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:5137 Hoxd4 1309690 288153 HOXD4 1320172 3233 HGNC Hoxd4 1615192 15436 MGI:96208 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:5138 Hoxd8 6489440 100912936 HOXD8 1351859 3234 HGNC Hoxd8 1615191 15437 MGI:96209 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:5139 Hoxd9 1582908 688999 HOXD9 1354432 3235 HGNC Hoxd9 1615190 15438 MGI:96210 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:5140 Hp 2825 24464 HP 737269 3240 HGNC Hp 10728 15439 MGI:96211 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:5141 Hp1bp3 735099 313647 HP1BP3 1606796 50809 HGNC Hp1bp3 1332167 15441 MGI:109369 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:24973 Hpca 620060 29177 HPCA 735421 3208 HGNC Hpca 735422 15444 MGI:1336200 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:5144 Hpcal1 708375 50871 HPCAL1 1348150 3241 HGNC Hpcal1 1551333 53602 MGI:1855689 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:5145 Hpcal4 708491 50872 HPCAL4 1348718 51440 HGNC Hpcal4 1551560 170638 MGI:2157521 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:18212 Hpd 61974 29531 HPD 731782 3242 HGNC Hpd 62267 15445 MGI:96213 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:5147 Hpdl 1310014 313521 HPDL 1606204 84842 HGNC Hpdl 1332429 242642 MGI:2444646 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:28242 Hpf1 1311747 290706 HPF1 1606274 54969 HGNC Hpf1 1323364 72612 MGI:1919862 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:26051 Hpgd 620087 79242 HPGD 736886 3248 HGNC Hpgd 736887 15446 MGI:108085 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:5154 Hpgds 69251 58962 HPGDS 732845 27306 HGNC Hpgds 737605 54486 MGI:1859384 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:17890 Hpn 61982 29135 HPN 732957 3249 HGNC Hpn 62274 15451 MGI:1196620 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:5155 Hprt1 2826 24465 HPRT1 731296 3251 HGNC Hprt1 1549982 15452 MGI:96217 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:5157 Hps1 69193 114638 HPS1 1605436 3257 HGNC Hps1 69205 192236 MGI:2177763 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:5163 Hps3 1310548 310288 HPS3 1321513 84343 HGNC Hps3 1321514 12807 MGI:2153839 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:15597 Hps4 1308070 304555 HPS4 1317629 89781 HGNC Hps4 1317630 192232 MGI:2177742 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:15844 Hps5 1311916 308598 HPS5 1323623 11234 HGNC Hps5 1323624 246694 MGI:2180307 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:17022 Hps6 631341 309446 HPS6 1347712 79803 HGNC Hps6 1619246 20170 MGI:2181763 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:18817 Hpse 61969 64537 HPSE 736250 10855 HGNC Hpse 62262 15442 MGI:1343124 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:5164 Hpse2 1307959 368128 HPSE2 1317455 60495 HGNC Hpse2 1621195 545291 MGI:2685814 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:18374 Hpx 62040 58917 HPX 737150 3263 HGNC Hpx 62332 15458 MGI:105112 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:5171 Hr 620634 60563 HR 1344984 55806 HGNC Hr 735796 15460 MGI:96223 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:5172 Hras 2827 293621 HRAS 730881 3265 HGNC Hras 10730 15461 MGI:96224 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:5173 Hrc 727864 292905 HRC 1343095 3270 HGNC Hrc 1550883 15464 MGI:96226 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:5178 Hrct1 2323278 100359865 HRCT1 2301113 646962 HGNC Hrct1 1611882 100039781 MGI:1917945 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:33872 Hrg 619808 171016 HRG 736906 3273 HGNC Hrg 736907 94175 MGI:2146636 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:5181 Hrh1 2830 24448 HRH1 736085 3269 HGNC Hrh1 10731 15465 MGI:107619 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:5182 Hrh2 2831 25461 HRH2 735725 3274 HGNC Hrh2 10732 15466 MGI:108482 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:5183 Hrh3 620630 85268 HRH3 732356 11255 HGNC Hrh3 732357 99296 MGI:2139279 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:5184 Hrh4 620631 170704 HRH4 735405 59340 HGNC Hrh4 732950 225192 MGI:2429635 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:17383 Hrk 70549 117271 HRK 731025 8739 HGNC Hrk 1620927 12123 MGI:1201608 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:5185 Hrnr 1307660 134485935 HRNR 1603472 388697 HGNC Hrnr 1551503 68723 MGI:3046938 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:20846 Hrob 1305385 303566 HROB 1602101 78995 HGNC Hrob 1622992 217216 MGI:2387601 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:28460 Hrurf 402444115 134482144 HRURF 124713588 120766137 NCBI HGNC:55085 Hs1bp3 1311331 313950 HS1BP3 1602467 64342 HGNC Hs1bp3 1553147 58240 MGI:1913224 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:24979 Hs2st1 1305366 292155 HS2ST1 1313348 9653 HGNC Hs2st1 1313349 23908 MGI:1346049 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:5193 Hs3st1 71084 84406 HS3ST1 731446 9957 HGNC Hs3st1 731447 15476 MGI:1201606 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:5194 Hs3st2 727787 293451 HS3ST2 1346040 9956 HGNC Hs3st2 1619030 195646 MGI:1333802 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:5195 Hs3st3a1 1561262 363618 HS3ST3A1 1322170 9955 HGNC Hs3st3a1 1615189 15478 MGI:1333861 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:5196 Hs3st3b1 1307326 303218 HS3ST3B1 1316454 9953 HGNC Hs3st3b1 1550701 54710 MGI:1333853 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:5198 Hs3st4 11422907 108349781 HS3ST4 1352921 9951 RGD Hs3st4 1617055 628779 MGI:1333792 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:5200 Hs3st5 1306379 294449 HS3ST5 1314962 222537 HGNC Hs3st5 1616451 319415 MGI:2441996 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:19419 Hs3st6 1584381 684979 HS3ST6 1344226 64711 HGNC Hs3st6 1614812 328779 MGI:3580487 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:14178 Hs6st1 1309218 316325 HS6ST1 1319437 9394 HGNC Hs6st1 1319438 50785 MGI:1354958 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:5201 Hs6st2 1564397 302489 HS6ST2 1605906 90161 HGNC Hs6st2 1557635 50786 MGI:1354959 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:19133 Hs6st3 1305888 364476 HS6ST3 1314189 266722 RGD Hs6st3 1314190 50787 MGI:1354960 RGD HGNC:19134 Hsbp1 628632 286899 HSBP1 736685 3281 HGNC Hsbp1 736686 68196 MGI:1915446 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:5203 Hsbp1l1 2301798 100192205 HSBP1L1 2902676 440498 HGNC Hsbp1l1 1614377 66255 MGI:1913505 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:37243 Hscb 1311005 360826 HSCB 1602295 150274 HGNC Hscb 1322230 100900 MGI:2141135 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:28913 Hsd11b1 2834 25116 HSD11B1 737091 3290 HGNC Hsd11b1 10734 15483 MGI:103562 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:5208 Hsd11b2 2835 25117 HSD11B2 737468 3291 HGNC Hsd11b2 10735 15484 MGI:104720 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:5209 Hsd17b1 2836 25322 HSD17B1 736216 3292 HGNC Hsd17b1 10736 15485 MGI:105077 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:5210 Hsd17b10 69231 63864 HSD17B10 732223 3028 HGNC Hsd17b10 1332361 15108 MGI:1333871 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:4800 Hsd17b11 1303235 289456 HSD17B11 1352920 51170 HGNC Hsd17b11 1332160 114664 MGI:2149821 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:22960 Hsd17b12 708367 84013 HSD17B12 1346748 51144 HGNC Hsd17b12 734129 56348 MGI:1926967 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:18646 Hsd17b13 1359553 305150 HSD17B13 1342842 345275 HGNC Hsd17b13 1623754 243168 MGI:2140804 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:18685 Hsd17b14 1588673 691018 HSD17B14 1312097 51171 HGNC Hsd17b14 1312098 66065 MGI:1913315 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:23238 Hsd17b2 621803 79243 HSD17B2 1353008 3294 HGNC Hsd17b2 733207 15486 MGI:1096386 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:5211 Hsd17b3 621805 117182 HSD17B3 1344400 3293 HGNC Hsd17b3 732551 15487 MGI:107177 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:5212 Hsd17b4 621806 79244 HSD17B4 731284 3295 HGNC Hsd17b4 731285 15488 MGI:105089 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:5213 Hsd17b6 708343 286964 HSD17B6 1602229 8630 HGNC Hsd17b6 1553161 27400 MGI:1351670 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:23316 Hsd17b7 2837 29540 HSD17B7 735953 51478 HGNC Hsd17b7 735954 15490 MGI:1330808 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:5215 Hsd17b8 1303158 361802 HSD17B8 1351353 7923 HGNC Hsd17b8 1550967 14979 MGI:95911 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:3554 Hsd3b1 1308676 360348 HSD3B1 1347893 3283 RGD Hsd3b1 1318589 15492 MGI:96233 RGD HGNC:5217 Hsd3b2 67377 29632 HSD3B2 1318588 3284 HGNC HGNC:5218 Hsd3b3 1592771 682974 Hsd3b3 1615187 15494 MGI:96235 RGD Hsd3b7 628727 246211 HSD3B7 734010 80270 HGNC Hsd3b7 734011 101502 MGI:2141879 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:18324 Hsdl1 1308433 361418 HSDL1 1354077 83693 HGNC Hsdl1 1552016 72552 MGI:1919802 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:16475 Hsdl2 1305387 313200 HSDL2 1350650 84263 HGNC Hsdl2 1551494 72479 MGI:1919729 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:18572 Hsf1 620913 79245 HSF1 730995 3297 HGNC Hsf1 730996 15499 MGI:96238 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:5224 Hsf2 68395 64441 HSF2 68578 3298 HGNC Hsf2 68579 15500 MGI:96239 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:5225 Hsf2bp 1565879 499413 HSF2BP 1349418 11077 HGNC Hsf2bp 1558419 74377 MGI:1921627 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:5226 Hsf3 2321468 100360790 Hsf3 1614876 245525 MGI:3045337 RGD Hsf4 1310808 291960 HSF4 1321924 3299 RGD Hsf4 1321925 26386 MGI:1347058 RGD HGNC:5227 Hsf5 1592448 688111 HSF5 1604244 124535 HGNC Hsf5 1621228 327992 MGI:2685585 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:26862 Hsfx3l 11428339 108348228 HSFX3 12801022 101928917 HGNC HGNC:52395 Hsfy2 1311885 316409 HSFY2 1348679 159119 HGNC Hsfy2 1557392 71066 MGI:1918316 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:23950 Hsh2d 2321939 100360518 HSH2D 1313876 84941 HGNC Hsh2d 1313877 209488 MGI:2676364 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:24920 Hsp90aa1 631409 299331 HSP90AA1 1347335 3320 HGNC Hsp90aa1 1553279 15519 MGI:96250 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:5253 Hsp90ab1 1303075 301252 HSP90AB1 1346893 3326 HGNC Hsp90ab1 1552591 15516 MGI:96247 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:5258 Hsp90b1 1310482 362862 HSP90B1 1321409 7184 HGNC Hsp90b1 1321410 22027 MGI:98817 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:12028 Hspa12a 1305531 307997 HSPA12A 1313610 259217 HGNC Hspa12a 1313611 73442 MGI:1920692 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:19022 Hspa12b 1312004 311427 HSPA12B 1323758 116835 HGNC Hspa12b 1323759 72630 MGI:1919880 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:16193 Hspa13 3775 29734 HSPA13 735529 6782 HGNC Hspa13 735530 110920 MGI:1309463 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:11375 Hspa14 1303296 307133 HSPA14 38549391 51182 HGNC HGNC:29526 Hspa1a 1593284 108348108 HSPA1A 1349475 3303 RGD Hspa1a 1558069 193740 MGI:96244 RGD HGNC:5232 Hspa1b 2840 24472 HSPA1B 736398 3304 RGD Hspa1b 736399 15511 MGI:99517 RGD HGNC:5233 Hspa1l 1595925 24963 HSPA1L 1353078 3305 HGNC Hspa1l 10741 15482 MGI:96231 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:5234 Hspa2 620664 60460 HSPA2 735843 3306 HGNC Hspa2 10740 15512 MGI:96243 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:5235 Hspa4 628878 266759 HSPA4 733190 3308 HGNC Hspa4 733191 15525 MGI:1342292 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:5237 Hspa4l 1306528 294993 HSPA4L 1350877 22824 HGNC Hspa4l 1550507 18415 MGI:107422 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:17041 Hspa5 2843 25617 HSPA5 736447 3309 HGNC Hspa5 10742 14828 MGI:95835 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:5238 Hspa6l-ps1 1586661 686035 HSPA6 1346401 3310 HGNC HGNC:5239 Hspa8 621725 24468 HSPA8 736219 3312 HGNC Hspa8 10733 15481 MGI:105384 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:5241 Hspa9 1311806 291671 HSPA9 1323451 3313 HGNC Hspa9 1323452 15526 MGI:96245 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:5244 Hspb1 61306 24471 HSPB1 732480 3315 HGNC Hspb1 732481 15507 MGI:96240 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:5246 Hspb2 70914 161476 HSPB2 731772 3316 HGNC Hspb2 731773 69253 MGI:1916503 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:5247 Hspb3 68345 78951 HSPB3 68484 8988 HGNC Hspb3 68485 56534 MGI:1928479 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:5248 Hspb6 621554 192245 HSPB6 1343256 126393 HGNC Hspb6 1552911 243912 MGI:2685325 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:26511 Hspb7 62021 50565 HSPB7 736091 27129 HGNC Hspb7 736092 29818 MGI:1352494 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:5249 Hspb8 71003 113906 HSPB8 1346187 26353 HGNC Hspb8 735524 80888 MGI:2135756 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:30171 Hspb9 1309122 363681 HSPB9 1319285 94086 HGNC Hspb9 1319286 75482 MGI:1922732 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:30589 Hspbap1 620870 171460 HSPBAP1 1352308 79663 HGNC Hspbap1 732068 66667 MGI:1913917 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:16389 Hspbp1 628677 246146 HSPBP1 734029 23640 HGNC Hspbp1 734030 66245 MGI:1913495 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:24989 Hspd1 621314 63868 HSPD1 733895 3329 HGNC Hspd1 733896 15510 MGI:96242 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:5261 Hspe1 2844 25462 HSPE1 733544 3336 HGNC Hspe1 10743 15528 MGI:104680 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:5269 Hspg2 621770 313641 HSPG2 1351428 3339 RGD Hspg2 1558001 15530 MGI:96257 RGD HGNC:5273 Hsph1 1311609 288444 HSPH1 1323157 10808 HGNC Hsph1 1323158 15505 MGI:105053 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:16969 Htatip2 1309941 292935 HTATIP2 1320556 10553 HGNC Htatip2 1320557 53415 MGI:1859271 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:16637 Htatsf1 1563377 317612 HTATSF1 1344524 27336 HGNC Htatsf1 1558079 72459 MGI:1919709 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:5276 Htd2 41186814 120100570 HTD2 12904515 109703458 HGNC Htd2 13208237 109729085 MGI:5827763 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:53111 Htr1a 2845 24473 HTR1A 69020 3350 HGNC Htr1a 10745 15550 MGI:96273 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:5286 Htr1b 2846 25075 HTR1B 731005 3351 HGNC Htr1b 10746 15551 MGI:96274 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:5287 Htr1d 2847 25323 HTR1D 736440 3352 HGNC Htr1d 10747 15552 MGI:96276 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:5289 Htr1f 71083 60448 HTR1F 734005 3355 HGNC Htr1f 734006 15557 MGI:99842 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:5292 Htr2a 61800 29595 HTR2A 734107 3356 HGNC Htr2a 62092 15558 MGI:109521 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:5293 Htr2b 61801 29581 HTR2B 731795 3357 HGNC Htr2b 62093 15559 MGI:109323 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:5294 Htr2c 2848 25187 HTR2C 736842 3358 HGNC Htr2c 10748 15560 MGI:96281 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:5295 Htr3a 61818 79246 HTR3A 731037 3359 HGNC Htr3a 10749 15561 MGI:96282 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:5297 Htr3b 61820 58963 HTR3B 730958 9177 HGNC Htr3b 62111 57014 MGI:1861899 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:5298 Htr4 2850 25324 HTR4 736061 3360 HGNC Htr4 10750 15562 MGI:109246 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:5299 Htr5a 2851 25689 HTR5A 735325 3361 HGNC Htr5a 10751 15563 MGI:96283 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:5300 Htr5b 62388 79247 Htr5b 62393 15564 MGI:96284 RGD Htr6 62044 64354 HTR6 733226 3362 HGNC Htr6 62336 15565 MGI:1196627 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:5301 Htr7 71034 65032 HTR7 1346949 3363 HGNC Htr7 732164 15566 MGI:99841 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:5302 Htra1 69235 65164 HTRA1 732659 5654 HGNC Htra1 1621557 56213 MGI:1929076 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:9476 Htra2 1308906 297376 HTRA2 1318943 27429 HGNC Htra2 1318944 64704 MGI:1928676 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:14348 Htra3 1308120 360959 HTRA3 1354015 94031 HGNC Htra3 1553754 78558 MGI:1925808 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:30406 Htra4 1306242 306564 HTRA4 1350689 203100 HGNC Htra4 1619696 330723 MGI:3036260 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:26909 Htt 68337 29424 HTT 68472 3064 HGNC Htt 68473 15194 MGI:96067 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:4851 Hunk 1565091 288275 HUNK 1344314 30811 HGNC Hunk 1558191 26559 MGI:1347352 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:13326 Hus1 1591976 498411 HUS1 1318030 3364 HGNC Hus1 1318031 15574 MGI:1277962 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:5309 Hus1b 1585035 691382 HUS1B 1346290 135458 HGNC Hus1b 1614208 210554 MGI:2671003 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:16485 Huwe1 1561763 501546 HUWE1 1343412 10075 HGNC Huwe1 1557240 59026 MGI:1926884 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:30892 Hvcn1 1310788 304485 HVCN1 1603943 84329 HGNC Hvcn1 1321893 74096 MGI:1921346 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:28240 Hyal1 1303060 367166 HYAL1 1352194 3373 HGNC Hyal1 1550529 15586 MGI:96298 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:5320 Hyal2 620321 64468 HYAL2 733698 8692 HGNC Hyal2 733699 15587 MGI:1196334 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:5321 Hyal3 1303334 300993 HYAL3 1344724 8372 HGNC Hyal3 1620668 109685 MGI:1330288 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:5322 Hyal4 1303194 404783 HYAL4 1347409 23553 HGNC Hyal4 1553131 77042 MGI:1924292 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:5323 Hycc1 1562906 499975 HYCC1 1606763 84668 HGNC Hycc1 1623087 84652 MGI:2149839 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:24587 Hycc2 1309752 316415 HYCC2 1605824 285172 HGNC Hycc2 1320257 213056 MGI:1098784 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:28593 Hydin 1562254 292017 HYDIN 1347981 54768 HGNC Hydin 1558533 244653 MGI:2389007 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:19368 Hyi 1561416 500536 HYI 1601737 81888 HGNC Hyi 1620018 68180 MGI:1915430 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:26948 Hykk 1308677 300723 HYKK 1606741 123688 HGNC Hykk 1318590 235386 MGI:2443139 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:34403 Hyls1 1594169 680262 HYLS1 1606679 219844 HGNC Hyls1 1623112 76832 MGI:1924082 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:26558 Hyou1 621146 192235 HYOU1 1606826 10525 HGNC Hyou1 734201 12282 MGI:108030 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:16931 Hypk 1311457 311359 HYPK 1604376 25764 HGNC Hypk 1322928 67693 MGI:1914943 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:18418 Iah1 727866 298917 IAH1 1605825 285148 HGNC Iah1 1550362 67732 MGI:1914982 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:27696 Iapp 2854 24476 IAPP 737044 3375 HGNC Iapp 10754 15874 MGI:96382 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:5329 Iars1 621022 306804 IARS1 1317850 3376 HGNC Iars1 1317851 105148 MGI:2145219 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:5330 Iars2 1311857 364070 IARS2 1604336 55699 HGNC Iars2 1550834 381314 MGI:1919586 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:29685 Iba57 1306000 363611 IBA57 1606941 200205 HGNC Iba57 1314364 216792 MGI:3041174 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:27302 Ibsp 2855 24477 IBSP 735575 3381 HGNC Ibsp 10755 15891 MGI:96389 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:5341 Ibtk 1311697 315858 IBTK 1323289 25998 HGNC Ibtk 1553811 108837 MGI:1918677 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:17853 Ica1 621465 81024 ICA1 733652 3382 HGNC Ica1 733653 15893 MGI:96391 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:5343 Ica1l 735110 316432 ICA1L 1346474 130026 HGNC Ica1l 1552045 70375 MGI:1917625 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:14442 Icam1 2857 25464 ICAM1 69659 3383 HGNC Icam1 10756 15894 MGI:96392 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:5344 Icam2 1359660 360647 ICAM2 1351795 3384 HGNC Icam2 1551881 15896 MGI:96394 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:5345 Icam4 1308971 298702 ICAM4 1319054 3386 HGNC Icam4 1319055 78369 MGI:1925619 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:5347 Icam5 1305039 313785 ICAM5 1312830 7087 HGNC Icam5 1312831 15898 MGI:109430 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:5348 Ice1 1309747 306665 ICE1 2311267 23379 HGNC Ice1 1320251 218333 MGI:2385865 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:29154 Ice2 1585038 691379 ICE2 1351476 79664 HGNC Ice2 1623873 93697 MGI:2135947 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:29885 Icmt 621618 170818 ICMT 1603405 23463 HGNC Icmt 1550037 57295 MGI:1888594 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:5350 Icos 620123 64545 ICOS 1344621 29851 RGD Icos 732863 54167 MGI:1858745 RGD HGNC:5351 Icoslg 1562791 499415 ICOSLG 1354040 23308 HGNC Icosl 1557113 50723 MGI:1354701 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:17087 Id1 2858 25261 ID1 736819 3397 HGNC Id1 1552283 15901 MGI:96396 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:5360 Id2 2859 25587 ID2 732001 3398 HGNC Id2 1551192 15902 MGI:96397 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:5361 Id3 2860 25585 ID3 734069 3399 HGNC Id3 1553777 15903 MGI:96398 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:5362 Id4 631428 291023 ID4 736051 3400 HGNC Id4 1550640 15904 MGI:99414 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:5363 Ide 2861 25700 IDE 732801 3416 HGNC Ide 732802 15925 MGI:96412 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:5381 Idh1 2862 24479 IDH1 737145 3417 HGNC Idh1 10758 15926 MGI:96413 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:5382 Idh2 1597139 361596 IDH2 1313391 3418 HGNC Idh2 1557355 269951 MGI:96414 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:5383 Idh3a 70889 114096 IDH3A 733177 3419 HGNC Idh3a 733178 67834 MGI:1915084 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:5384 Idh3b 621881 94173 IDH3B 1349945 3420 HGNC Idh3b 1550265 170718 MGI:2158650 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:5385 Idh3g 2863 25179 IDH3G 731354 3421 HGNC Idh3g 10759 15929 MGI:1099463 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:5386 Idi1 621835 89784 IDI1 735459 3422 HGNC Idi1 735460 319554 MGI:2442264 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:5387 Idi2 1559783 502143 IDI2 1317828 91734 RGD Idi2 1321674 320581 MGI:2444315 RGD HGNC:23487 Idnk 1564546 498695 IDNK 1347065 414328 HGNC Idnk 1557894 75731 MGI:1922981 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:31367 Ido1 619989 66029 IDO1 1346818 3620 HGNC Ido1 731346 15930 MGI:96416 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:6059 Ido2 1596771 681319 IDO2 1602972 169355 HGNC Ido2 1316595 209176 MGI:2142489 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:27269 Ids 1560491 363513 IDS 1351665 3423 HGNC Ids 1557423 15931 MGI:96417 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:5389 Idua 1310943 360904 IDUA 1322129 3425 RGD Idua 1322130 15932 MGI:96418 RGD HGNC:5391 Ier2 1359581 494344 IER2 1343257 9592 HGNC Ier2 1552809 15936 MGI:104815 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:28871 Ier3 1303321 294235 IER3 1347080 8870 HGNC Ier3 1621625 15937 MGI:104814 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:5392 Ier3ip1-ps1 1561565 500270 IER3IP1 1352833 51124 HGNC HGNC:18550 Ier5 69252 498256 IER5 737469 51278 HGNC Ier5 737470 15939 MGI:1337072 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:5393 Ier5l 1561058 499772 IER5L 1349464 389792 HGNC Ier5l 1557703 72500 MGI:1919750 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:23679 Iffo1 1308257 362437 IFFO1 1603680 25900 HGNC Iffo1 1317928 320678 MGI:2444516 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:24970 Iffo2 1624207 641315 IFFO2 2301100 126917 HGNC Iffo2 1618188 212632 MGI:2140675 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:27006 Ifi27 69404 170512 IFI27 1351661 3429 RGD Ifi27 732169 52668 MGI:1277180 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:5397 Ifi27l2a 1559721 299269 IFI27L2 1344421 83982 HGNC Ifi27l2a 1622222 76933 MGI:1924183 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:19753 Ifi30 1310758 290644 IFI30 1321848 10437 HGNC Ifi30 1321849 65972 MGI:2137648 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:5398 Ifi35 1304553 287719 IFI35 1312056 3430 HGNC Ifi35 1312057 70110 MGI:1917360 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:5399 Ifi44 1310523 310969 IFI44 1321473 10561 HGNC Ifi44 1615778 99899 MGI:2443016 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:16938 Ifi44l 1595861 310968 IFI44L 1352700 10964 HGNC Ifi44l 1618423 15061 MGI:95975 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:17817 Ifih1 1560496 499801 IFIH1 1347526 64135 HGNC Ifih1 1557966 71586 MGI:1918836 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:18873 Ifit1 620599 56824 IFIT1B 1344579 439996 HGNC Ifit1 733854 15957 MGI:99450 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:23442 Ifit2 1307804 294091 IFIT2 1317209 3433 HGNC Ifit2 1317210 15958 MGI:99449 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:5409 Ifit3 1359681 309526 IFIT3 1353716 3437 HGNC Ifit3 1550441 15959 MGI:1101055 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:5411 Ifitm1 1307601 293618 IFITM1 1316889 8519 RGD Ifitm1 1316890 68713 MGI:1915963 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:5412 Ifitm10 1563319 293632 IFITM10 5132175 402778 HGNC Ifitm10 1615566 320802 MGI:2444776 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:40022 Ifitm2 69332 114709 IFITM2 1352409 10581 RGD Ifitm2 736841 80876 MGI:1933382 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:5413 Ifitm3 1595844 361673 IFITM3 1343642 10410 RGD Ifitm3 1557912 66141 MGI:1913391 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:5414 Ifitm5 1307900 293617 IFITM5 1606092 387733 HGNC Ifitm5 1317362 73835 MGI:1934923 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:16644 Ifna1 1306135 690894 IFNA1 1354356 3439 RGD Ifna1 1320512 15962 MGI:107668 RGD HGNC:5417 Ifna4 1306334 298205 IFNA4 1314896 3441 HGNC HGNC:5425 Ifnar1 1305399 288264 IFNAR1 1313408 3454 HGNC Ifnar1 1313409 15975 MGI:107658 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:5432 Ifnar2 1583177 686326 IFNAR2 1346107 3455 HGNC Ifnar2 1621616 15976 MGI:1098243 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:5433 Ifnb1 2865 24481 IFNB1 736615 3456 HGNC Ifnb1 1552719 15977 MGI:107657 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:5434 Ifne 1565065 108350996 IFNE 1606106 338376 HGNC Ifne 1557325 230405 MGI:2667156 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:18163 Ifng 2866 25712 IFNG 737487 3458 HGNC Ifng 737488 15978 MGI:107656 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:5438 Ifngr1 620570 116465 IFNGR1 1349807 3459 HGNC Ifngr1 1551263 15979 MGI:107655 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:5439 Ifngr2 1307532 360697 IFNGR2 1316782 3460 HGNC Ifngr2 1316783 15980 MGI:107654 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:5440 Ifnk 1309045 313152 IFNK 1319166 56832 HGNC Ifnk 1553115 387510 MGI:2683287 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:21714 Ifnl1 6493686 100911249 IFNL1 1347142 282618 HGNC HGNC:18363 Ifnl3 1589046 685840 IFNL3 1348657 282617 HGNC Ifnl2 1621961 330496 MGI:3647279 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:18365 Ifnlr1 1562689 362628 IFNLR1 1603554 163702 HGNC Ifnlr1 1616521 242700 MGI:2429859 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:18584 Ifrd1 2867 29596 IFRD1 69163 3475 HGNC Ifrd1 69164 15982 MGI:1316717 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:5456 Ifrd2 1310222 300994 IFRD2 1320999 7866 HGNC Ifrd2 1321000 15983 MGI:1316708 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:5457 Ift122 1311302 312651 IFT122 1349473 55764 HGNC Ift122 1322686 81896 MGI:1932386 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:13556 Ift140 2318759 100362124 IFT140 1605413 9742 HGNC Ift140 1553664 106633 MGI:2146906 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:29077 Ift172 620744 116475 IFT172 731569 26160 HGNC Ift172 1552058 67661 MGI:2682064 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:30391 Ift20 1309400 287541 IFT20 1605017 90410 HGNC Ift20 1319727 55978 MGI:1915585 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:30989 Ift22 1305370 288585 IFT22 1313356 64792 HGNC Ift22 1313357 67286 MGI:1914536 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:21895 Ift25 1596413 685284 IFT25 1345374 51668 HGNC Ift25 1623169 72938 MGI:1920188 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:25019 Ift27 1308703 300062 IFT27 1318628 11020 HGNC Ift27 1318629 67042 MGI:1914292 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:18626 Ift43 1307392 299209 IFT43 1602079 112752 HGNC Ift43 1332267 76411 MGI:1923661 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:29669 Ift46 1307682 300675 IFT46 1604332 56912 HGNC Ift46 1317012 76568 MGI:1923818 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:26146 Ift52 1311004 362265 IFT52 1322228 51098 HGNC Ift52 1322229 245866 MGI:2387217 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:15901 Ift56 1561363 500086 IFT56 1605330 79989 HGNC Ift56 1621994 264134 MGI:2444853 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:21882 Ift57 1305947 303968 IFT57 1314279 55081 HGNC Ift57 1314280 73916 MGI:1921166 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:17367 Ift70a1 2318157 100362431 Ift70a1 1318920 78802 MGI:1926052 RGD Ift70a2 1560121 311123 IFT70A 1603937 92104 HGNC Ift70a2 1619563 620631 MGI:3700200 RGD HGNC:25853 Ift70b 1590784 499814 IFT70B 1603563 150737 HGNC Ift70b 1616741 72421 MGI:1919671 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:26425 Ift74 1359704 313365 IFT74 1342560 80173 HGNC Ift74 1623977 67694 MGI:1914944 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:21424 Ift80 1312006 295106 IFT80 1606252 57560 HGNC Ift80 1550300 68259 MGI:1915509 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:29262 Ift81 727862 373066 IFT81 1606304 28981 HGNC Ift81 1550871 12589 MGI:1098597 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:14313 Ift88 1309717 305918 IFT88 1320207 8100 HGNC Ift88 1551338 21821 MGI:98715 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:20606 Iftap 1309730 295952 IFTAP 1603277 119710 HGNC Iftap 1320227 68170 MGI:1915420 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:25142 Igbp1 62011 58845 IGBP1 732872 3476 HGNC Igbp1 62303 18518 MGI:1346500 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:5461 Igdcc3 1307338 315759 IGDCC3 1316476 9543 HGNC Igdcc3 1316477 19289 MGI:1202390 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:9700 Igdcc4 1310919 363081 IGDCC4 1602692 57722 HGNC Igdcc4 1322099 56741 MGI:1858497 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:13770 Igf1 2868 24482 IGF1 70506 3479 HGNC Igf1 10765 16000 MGI:96432 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:5464 Igf1r 2869 25718 IGF1R 68997 3480 HGNC Igf1r 10766 16001 MGI:96433 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:5465 Igf2 2870 24483 IGF2 737149 3481 HGNC Igf2 10770 16002 MGI:96434 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:5466 Igf2bp1 708580 303477 IGF2BP1 1606571 10642 HGNC Igf2bp1 1623845 140486 MGI:1890357 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:28866 Igf2bp2 1305614 303824 IGF2BP2 1606569 10644 HGNC Igf2bp2 1614069 319765 MGI:1890358 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:28867 Igf2bp3 1306512 312320 IGF2BP3 1606570 10643 HGNC Igf2bp3 1332348 140488 MGI:1890359 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:28868 Igf2r 2871 25151 IGF2R 732660 3482 HGNC Igf2r 732661 16004 MGI:96435 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:5467 Igfals 68429 79438 IGFALS 68640 3483 HGNC Igfals 68641 16005 MGI:107973 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:5468 Igfbp1 2872 25685 IGFBP1 69038 3484 HGNC Igfbp1 69039 16006 MGI:96436 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:5469 Igfbp2 2873 25662 IGFBP2 737357 3485 HGNC Igfbp2 10771 16008 MGI:96437 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:5471 Igfbp3 2874 24484 IGFBP3 736042 3486 HGNC Igfbp3 10774 16009 MGI:96438 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:5472 Igfbp4 2875 360622 IGFBP4 69043 3487 HGNC Igfbp4 10775 16010 MGI:96439 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:5473 Igfbp5 2876 25285 IGFBP5 732384 3488 HGNC Igfbp5 10776 16011 MGI:96440 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:5474 Igfbp6 2877 25641 IGFBP6 735616 3489 HGNC Igfbp6 733117 16012 MGI:96441 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:5475 Igfbp7 1306201 289560 IGFBP7 1314683 3490 HGNC Igfbp7 1314684 29817 MGI:1352480 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:5476 Igfbpl1 1305656 366366 IGFBPL1 1313812 347252 HGNC Igfbpl1 1313813 75426 MGI:1933198 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:20081 Igflr1 1563574 499126 IGFLR1 1605956 79713 HGNC Igflr1 1620680 101883 MGI:3655979 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:23620 Igfn1 1565384 304823 IGFN1 1606752 91156 RGD Igfn1 1622089 226438 MGI:3045352 RGD HGNC:24607 IgG-2a 1359626 367586 IGHG4 1346926 3503 HGNC HGNC:5528 Igh-6-ps1 2323067 100359978 IGHV2-70 1347322 28454 HGNC HGNC:5577 Ighe 2880 299351 IGHE 735929 3497 RGD Ighe 11308558 380792 MGI:2685746 RGD HGNC:5522 Ighg1 1359539 299354 IGHG1 1344505 3500 HGNC Ighg1 11302549 16017 MGI:96446 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:5525 Ighl12 2321747 100360610 IGHV1OR21-1 4752521 390530 HGNC Ighv1-62-3 11253793 668549 MGI:3648544 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:38040 Ighl16 7592549 691828 IGHV3OR16-13 1347647 100287372 HGNC Ighv4-1 11315711 780802 MGI:4439536 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:5637 Ighl2 2323052 100359993 IGHV3OR16-9 1352799 28307 HGNC HGNC:5644 Ighl7 2320341 100361324 IGHV4-31 1344694 28396 HGNC HGNC:5649 Ighmbp2 68325 29532 IGHMBP2 68450 3508 HGNC Ighmbp2 68451 20589 MGI:99954 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:5542 Ighv3-72l1 2321497 100360761 IGHV3-72 1349216 28410 HGNC HGNC:5622 Igip 2323374 100363266 IGIP 1604414 492311 HGNC Igip 1614225 109169 MGI:1924271 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:33847 Igkc 1562743 500183 IGKC 1345887 3514 HGNC Igkc 10783 16071 MGI:96495 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:5716 Igkv5-45l1 2319042 102550533 IGKV6D-41 1343087 28869 HGNC Igkv5-37 11321108 384417 MGI:2686256 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:5838 Igkv8-30l1 11052049 102551491 IGKV4-1 1346817 28908 HGNC Igkv8-27 11266467 434041 MGI:4439868 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:5834 Igkvl-ps13 11362919 108353269 IGKV2D-30 1349672 28881 HGNC Igkv1-133 11284073 628027 MGI:3648380 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:5801 Igkvl-ps6 41075263 120102531 IGKV1OR2-108 1342671 28862 HGNC Igkv20-101-2 11291586 724035 MGI:5009884 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:5767 Igkvl12 6495277 100911032 TRAV2 1342589 28691 HGNC HGNC:12116 Igkvl13 2318882 100365500 IGKV3OR2-268 1351330 3523 HGNC HGNC:5830 Iglc1 2319568 100361706 IGLC1 1349723 3537 RGD Iglc1 11269910 110785 MGI:99546 RGD HGNC:5855 Igll1 2321140 100360919 IGLL5 3362168 100423062 HGNC HGNC:38476 Iglon5 1305344 308557 IGLON5 2302828 402665 HGNC Iglon5 1313318 210094 MGI:2686277 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:34550 Igsf1 631402 302822 IGSF1 1353839 3547 HGNC Igsf1 1332129 209268 MGI:2147913 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:5948 Igsf10 735030 310448 IGSF10 1352652 285313 HGNC Igsf10 1622038 242050 MGI:1923481 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:26384 Igsf11 1308758 303926 IGSF11 1318715 152404 HGNC Igsf11 1318716 207683 MGI:2388477 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:16669 Igsf21 1310117 298591 IGSF21 1602849 84966 HGNC Igsf21 1550607 230868 MGI:2681842 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:28246 Igsf22 11452860 108349764 IGSF22 1601807 283284 HGNC LOC102637012 9678612 102637012 MGI:5593086 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:26750 Igsf23 1564357 502306 IGSF23 5132191 147710 HGNC Igsf23 1615074 70080 MGI:1917330 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:40040 Igsf3 1307796 295325 IGSF3 1317196 3321 HGNC Igsf3 1317197 78908 MGI:1926158 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:5950 Igsf5 1359642 304000 IGSF5 1352549 150084 HGNC Igsf5 1553817 72058 MGI:1919308 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:5952 Igsf6 620663 171064 IGSF6 1343123 10261 HGNC Igsf6 733663 80719 MGI:1891393 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:5953 Igsf8 1311500 304979 IGSF8 1322991 93185 HGNC Igsf8 1322992 140559 MGI:2154090 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:17813 Igsf9 1304566 304982 IGSF9 1312078 57549 HGNC Igsf9 1312079 93842 MGI:2135283 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:18132 Igsf9b 1564717 315510 IGSF9B 1604824 22997 HGNC Igsf9b 1615664 235086 MGI:2685354 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:32326 Ihh 620021 84399 IHH 1350368 3549 HGNC Ihh 1552237 16147 MGI:96533 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:5956 Iho1 1596869 680018 IHO1 1605539 339834 HGNC Iho1 1621878 434438 MGI:3612242 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:27945 Ik 1359352 291659 IK 1347168 3550 HGNC Ik 1550156 24010 MGI:1345142 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:5958 Ikbip 1305457 314730 IKBIP 1605589 121457 HGNC Ikbip 1615109 67454 MGI:1914704 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:26430 Ikbkb 621375 84351 IKBKB 733968 3551 HGNC Ikbkb 733969 16150 MGI:1338071 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:5960 Ikbke 1308352 363984 IKBKE 1318072 9641 HGNC Ikbke 1318073 56489 MGI:1929612 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:14552 Ikbkg 735223 309295 IKBKG 1347094 8517 HGNC Ikbkg 1620111 16151 MGI:1338074 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:5961 Ikzf1 1562979 305501 IKZF1 1345718 10320 RGD Ikzf1 1558562 22778 MGI:1342540 RGD HGNC:13176 Ikzf2 1308686 301476 IKZF2 1318602 22807 HGNC Ikzf2 1318603 22779 MGI:1342541 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:13177 Ikzf3 1307024 303511 IKZF3 1315971 22806 HGNC Ikzf3 1315972 22780 MGI:1342542 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:13178 Ikzf4 2319157 100361923 IKZF4 1312328 64375 HGNC Ikzf4 1312329 22781 MGI:1343139 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:13179 Ikzf5 1310965 309031 IKZF5 1322164 64376 HGNC Ikzf5 1322165 67143 MGI:1914393 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:14283 Il10 2886 25325 IL10 735591 3586 HGNC Il10 10785 16153 MGI:96537 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:5962 Il10ra 620138 117539 IL10RA 731000 3587 HGNC Il10ra 731001 16154 MGI:96538 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:5964 Il10rb 1560373 304091 IL10RB 1345772 3588 HGNC Il10rb 1556884 16155 MGI:109380 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:5965 Il11 621475 171040 IL11 736550 3589 HGNC Il11 732129 16156 MGI:107613 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:5966 Il11ra1 621332 245983 IL11RA 732444 3590 HGNC Il11ra1 1553290 16157 MGI:107426 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:5967 Il12a 620562 84405 IL12A 1351047 3592 HGNC Il12a 732140 16159 MGI:96539 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:5969 Il12b 628704 64546 IL12B 1353629 3593 HGNC Il12b 732857 16160 MGI:96540 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:5970 Il12rb1 620025 171333 IL12RB1 1349194 3594 HGNC Il12rb1 1550152 16161 MGI:104579 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:5971 Il12rb2 620026 171334 IL12RB2 1346577 3595 HGNC Il12rb2 1552409 16162 MGI:1270861 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:5972 Il13 68949 116553 IL13 69008 3596 HGNC Il13 69009 16163 MGI:96541 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:5973 Il13ra1 628741 252963 IL13RA1 1347132 3597 RGD Il13ra1 732736 16164 MGI:105052 RGD HGNC:5974 Il13ra2 620838 171060 IL13RA2 1347847 3598 HGNC Il13ra2 732072 16165 MGI:1277954 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:5975 Il15 2887 25670 IL15 737535 3600 HGNC Il15 10786 16168 MGI:103014 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:5977 Il15ra 1305149 690369 IL15RA 1313009 3601 HGNC Il15ra 1313010 16169 MGI:104644 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:5978 Il16 1583872 116996 IL16 1351288 3603 HGNC Il16 1557964 16170 MGI:1270855 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:5980 Il17a 2888 301289 IL17A 735883 3605 HGNC Il17a 10787 16171 MGI:107364 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:5981 Il17b 620614 116472 IL17B 1352071 27190 HGNC Il17b 1553356 56069 MGI:1928397 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:5982 Il17c 1582798 691516 IL17C 1351651 27189 HGNC Il17c 1617344 234836 MGI:2446486 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:5983 Il17d 1595926 691799 IL17D 1348652 53342 HGNC Il17d 1558575 239114 MGI:2446510 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:5984 Il17f 1311398 301291 IL17F 1322840 112744 HGNC Il17f 1322841 257630 MGI:2676631 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:16404 Il17ra 1306559 312679 IL17RA 1315246 23765 HGNC Il17ra 1315247 16172 MGI:107399 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:5985 Il17rb 1311392 306247 IL17RB 1322830 55540 HGNC Il17rb 1622351 50905 MGI:1355292 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:18015 Il17rc 1306392 297520 IL17RC 1314983 84818 HGNC Il17rc 1618205 171095 MGI:2159336 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:18358 Il17rd 1565237 498576 IL17RD 1353408 54756 HGNC Il17rd 1558113 171463 MGI:2159727 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:17616 Il17re 735148 362417 IL17RE 1602300 132014 HGNC Il17re 1619206 57890 MGI:1889371 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:18439 Il18 2889 29197 IL18 730894 3606 HGNC Il18 730895 16173 MGI:107936 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:5986 Il18bp 620042 84388 IL18BP 1348622 10068 HGNC Il18bp 1551696 16068 MGI:1333800 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:5987 Il18r1 1308589 301365 IL18R1 1318449 8809 HGNC Il18r1 1318450 16182 MGI:105383 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:5988 Il18rap 727867 373540 IL18RAP 1315691 8807 RGD Il18rap 1315692 16174 MGI:1338888 RGD HGNC:5989 Il19 1583546 681145 IL19 1315107 29949 HGNC Il19 1315108 329244 MGI:1890472 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:5990 Il1a 2890 24493 IL1A 735707 3552 HGNC Il1a 10789 16175 MGI:96542 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:5991 Il1b 2891 24494 IL1B 730981 3553 HGNC Il1b 10790 16176 MGI:96543 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:5992 Il1f10 1305635 362077 IL1F10 1313781 84639 HGNC Il1f10 1313782 215274 MGI:2652548 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:15552 Il1r1 2892 25663 IL1R1 735430 3554 HGNC Il1r1 735431 16177 MGI:96545 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:5993 Il1r2 621147 117022 IL1R2 1352690 7850 HGNC Il1r2 731689 16178 MGI:96546 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:5994 Il1rap 2893 25466 IL1RAP 732294 3556 HGNC Il1rap 10791 16180 MGI:104975 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:5995 Il1rapl1 727891 317553 IL1RAPL1 735979 11141 HGNC Il1rapl1 1614042 331461 MGI:2687319 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:5996 Il1rapl2 1561761 300913 IL1RAPL2 1349606 26280 HGNC Il1rapl2 1557433 60367 MGI:1913106 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:5997 Il1rl1 2894 25556 IL1RL1 736158 9173 HGNC Il1rl1 736159 17082 MGI:98427 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:5998 Il1rl2 621782 171106 IL1RL2 1353187 8808 HGNC Il1rl2 733637 107527 MGI:1913107 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:5999 Il1rn 621159 60582 IL1RN 1344540 3557 HGNC Il1rn 733437 16181 MGI:96547 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:6000 Il2 620047 116562 IL2 730858 3558 HGNC Il2 733315 16183 MGI:96548 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:6001 Il20 1583578 681112 IL20 1353403 50604 HGNC Il20 1616803 58181 MGI:1890473 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:6002 Il20ra 1307335 308716 IL20RA 1316471 53832 HGNC Il20ra 1618138 237313 MGI:3605069 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:6003 Il20rb 1566151 501043 IL20RB 1349896 53833 HGNC Il20rb 1623828 213208 MGI:2143266 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:6004 Il21 1307384 365769 IL21 1316553 59067 HGNC Il21 1316554 60505 MGI:1890474 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:6005 Il21r 1304950 308977 IL21R 1312687 50615 HGNC Il21r 1312688 60504 MGI:1890475 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:6006 Il22 1561292 500836 IL22 1344987 50616 HGNC Il22 1556865 50929 MGI:1355307 RGD HGNC:14900 Il22ra1 1559655 362629 IL22RA1 1352751 58985 HGNC Il22ra1 1557122 230828 MGI:2663588 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:13700 Il22ra2 1303169 444986 IL22RA2 1322028 116379 HGNC Il22ra2 1322029 237310 MGI:2665114 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:14901 Il23a 620873 155140 IL23A 731906 51561 HGNC Il23a 1552166 83430 MGI:1932410 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:15488 Il23r 1586368 689932 IL23R 1351657 149233 HGNC Il23r 1622129 209590 MGI:2181693 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:19100 Il24 621484 170819 IL24 1605405 11009 HGNC Il24 1332032 93672 MGI:2135548 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:11346 Il25 1561632 501996 IL25 1344819 64806 HGNC Il25 1557614 140806 MGI:2155888 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:13765 Il27 1561420 365368 IL27 1343577 246778 HGNC Il27 1615620 246779 MGI:2384409 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:19157 Il27ra 1305029 288905 IL27RA 1312815 9466 HGNC Il27ra 1312816 50931 MGI:1355318 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:17290 Il2ra 2895 25704 IL2RA 735947 3559 HGNC Il2ra 735948 16184 MGI:96549 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:6008 Il2rb 2896 25746 IL2RB 737611 3560 HGNC Il2rb 732849 16185 MGI:96550 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:6009 Il2rg 621466 140924 IL2RG 731533 3561 HGNC Il2rg 731534 16186 MGI:96551 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:6010 Il3 2897 24495 IL3 737391 3562 HGNC Il3 10793 16187 MGI:96552 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:6011 Il31 1585183 690028 IL31 1353267 386653 HGNC Il31 1616695 76399 MGI:1923649 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:19372 Il31ra 1586478 688622 IL31RA 1344882 133396 HGNC Il31ra 1622098 218624 MGI:2180511 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:18969 Il33 1311155 361749 IL33 1322461 90865 HGNC Il33 1322462 77125 MGI:1924375 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:16028 Il34 1586038 498951 IL34 1602184 146433 HGNC Il34 1313868 76527 MGI:1923777 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:28529 Il36a 1306869 296541 IL36A 1315732 27179 HGNC Il36a 1315733 54448 MGI:1859324 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:15562 Il36b 1307847 362076 IL36B 1317278 27177 HGNC Il36b 1317279 69677 MGI:1916927 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:15564 Il36g 1563019 499744 IL36G 1351778 56300 HGNC Il36g 1557109 215257 MGI:2449929 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:15741 Il36rn 1311212 311783 IL36RN 1322552 26525 HGNC Il36rn 1322553 54450 MGI:1859325 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:15561 Il3ra 628728 246144 IL3RA 1348134 3563 HGNC Il3ra 1552983 16188 MGI:96553 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:6012 Il4 2898 287287 IL4 736306 3565 HGNC Il4 10796 16189 MGI:96556 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:6014 Il4i1 1304831 100360621 IL4I1 1312498 259307 HGNC Il4i1 1312499 14204 MGI:109552 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:19094 Il4r 2899 25084 IL4R 735615 3566 HGNC Il4ra 10798 16190 MGI:105367 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:6015 Il5 2900 24497 IL5 730927 3567 HGNC Il5 10799 16191 MGI:96557 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:6016 Il5ra 70938 114103 IL5RA 735921 3568 HGNC Il5ra 735922 16192 MGI:96558 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:6017 Il6 2901 24498 IL6 1352582 3569 HGNC Il6 10802 16193 MGI:96559 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:6018 Il6r 2902 24499 IL6R 736525 3570 HGNC Il6ra 10803 16194 MGI:105304 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:6019 Il6st 2903 25205 IL6ST 731409 3572 HGNC Il6st 731410 16195 MGI:96560 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:6021 Il7 2904 25647 IL7 737457 3574 HGNC Il7 737458 16196 MGI:96561 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:6023 Il7r 1309776 294797 IL7R 1320295 3575 RGD Il7r 1320296 16197 MGI:96562 RGD HGNC:6024 Il9 620049 116558 IL9 735276 3578 HGNC Il9 1620109 16198 MGI:96563 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:6029 Il9r 2907 24500 IL9R 735670 3581 HGNC Il9r 733144 16199 MGI:96564 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:6030 Ildr1 1307792 303914 ILDR1 1348957 286676 HGNC Ildr1 1552760 106347 MGI:2146574 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:28741 Ildr2 1596420 685277 ILDR2 1345788 387597 HGNC Ildr2 1611458 100039795 MGI:1196370 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:18131 Ilf2 1305734 310612 ILF2 1313940 3608 HGNC Ilf2 1313941 67781 MGI:1915031 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:6037 Ilf3 619734 84472 ILF3 731671 3609 HGNC Ilf3 731672 16201 MGI:1339973 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:6038 Ilk 620063 170922 ILK 732855 3611 HGNC Ilk 732856 16202 MGI:1195267 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:6040 Ilkap 620128 64538 ILKAP 731849 80895 HGNC Ilkap 1552991 67444 MGI:1914694 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:15566 Ilrun 1559829 294154 ILRUN 1601978 64771 HGNC Ilrun 1320880 224647 MGI:106281 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:21215 Ilvbl 1307988 362843 ILVBL 1317496 10994 HGNC Ilvbl 1317497 216136 MGI:1351911 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:6041 Immp1l 1587441 691145 IMMP1L 1601711 196294 HGNC Immp1l 1622322 66541 MGI:1913791 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:26317 Immp2l 2323665 100359529 IMMP2L 1350569 83943 HGNC Immp2l 1623061 93757 MGI:2135611 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:14598 Immt 1310684 312444 IMMT 1321729 10989 HGNC Immt 1321730 76614 MGI:1923864 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:6047 Imp3 1306825 315697 IMP3 1315660 55272 HGNC Imp3 1550494 102462 MGI:1916119 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:14497 Imp4 1308463 316317 IMP4 1605599 92856 HGNC Imp4 1552567 27993 MGI:106572 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:30856 Impa1 69254 83523 IMPA1 737559 3612 HGNC Impa1 737560 55980 MGI:1933158 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:6050 Impa2 628692 282636 IMPA2 1347157 3613 HGNC Impa2 1553391 114663 MGI:2149728 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:6051 Impact 1591977 497198 IMPACT 1605062 55364 HGNC Impact 1619255 16210 MGI:1098233 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:20387 Impdh1 1311108 362329 IMPDH1 1322388 3614 HGNC Impdh1 1551714 23917 MGI:96567 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:6052 Impdh2 735092 301005 IMPDH2 1353070 3615 HGNC Impdh2 1552951 23918 MGI:109367 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:6053 Impg1 620499 66014 IMPG1 1352807 3617 HGNC Impg1 733126 63859 MGI:1926876 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:6055 Impg2 708358 245919 IMPG2 1348827 50939 HGNC Impg2 1551510 224224 MGI:3044955 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:18362 Ina 2911 24503 INA 69037 9118 HGNC Ina 10806 226180 MGI:96568 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:6057 Inafm1 2301983 100192314 INAFM1 3518440 255783 HGNC Inafm1 1624015 66300 MGI:1913550 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:27406 Inafm2 11361547 108350443 INAFM2 7247411 100505573 HGNC Inafm2 1609984 100043272 MGI:1915354 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:35165 Inava 1311892 289399 INAVA 1601862 55765 HGNC Inava 1615896 67313 MGI:1921579 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:25599 Inca1 1306656 360555 INCA1 1604452 388324 HGNC Inca1 1315394 103844 MGI:2144284 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:32224 Incenp 1305292 293733 INCENP 1313235 3619 HGNC Incenp 1552170 16319 MGI:1313288 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:6058 Inf2 1308350 362790 INF2 1343033 64423 HGNC Inf2 1318069 70435 MGI:1917685 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:23791 Ing1 1306330 306626 ING1 1314890 3621 HGNC Ing1 1314891 26356 MGI:1349481 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:6062 Ing2 1307347 290744 ING2 1348017 3622 HGNC Ing2 1316493 69260 MGI:1916510 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:6063 Ing3 1310556 312154 ING3 1321527 54556 HGNC Ing3 1321528 71777 MGI:1919027 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:14587 Ing4 1309407 297597 ING4 1319738 51147 HGNC Ing4 1319739 28019 MGI:107307 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:19423 Ing5 1307908 363292 ING5 1317373 84289 HGNC Ing5 1317374 66262 MGI:1922816 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:19421 Inha 2912 24504 INHA 736727 3623 HGNC Inha 10808 16322 MGI:96569 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:6065 Inhba 62074 29200 INHBA 732688 3624 HGNC Inhba 62366 16323 MGI:96570 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:6066 Inhbb 2913 25196 INHBB 735395 3625 HGNC Inhbb 10810 16324 MGI:96571 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:6067 Inhbc 621194 64549 INHBC 733811 3626 HGNC Inhbc 733812 16325 MGI:105932 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:6068 Inhbe 621196 83711 INHBE 737308 83729 HGNC Inhbe 732636 16326 MGI:109269 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:24029 Inhca 1310507 315963 Inhca 1321449 71775 MGI:1919025 RGD Inip 1307983 298032 INIP 1317489 58493 HGNC Inip 1614381 66209 MGI:1913459 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:24994 Inka1 1560778 316001 INKA1 1602805 389119 HGNC Inka1 1620020 68176 MGI:1915426 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:32480 Inka2 1306526 310764 INKA2 1603392 55924 HGNC Inka2 1315194 109050 MGI:1923497 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:28045 Inmt 1597087 368066 INMT 1316407 11185 HGNC Inmt 1550692 21743 MGI:102963 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:6069 Ino80 1310969 296084 INO80 1607029 54617 HGNC Ino80 1322172 68142 MGI:1915392 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:26956 Ino80b 1562258 500225 INO80B 1347975 83444 HGNC Ino80b 1557374 70020 MGI:1917270 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:13324 Ino80c 1310199 291737 INO80C 1320959 125476 HGNC Ino80c 1320960 225280 MGI:2443014 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:26994 Ino80d 1304808 316440 INO80D 1606537 54891 HGNC Ino80d 1616557 227195 MGI:3027003 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:25997 Ino80e 1359572 293494 INO80E 1605827 283899 HGNC Ino80e 1614915 233875 MGI:2141881 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:26905 Inpp1 1306071 316376 INPP1 1314476 3628 HGNC Inpp1 1314477 16329 MGI:104848 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:6071 Inpp4a 68386 80849 INPP4A 68560 3631 HGNC Inpp4a 68561 269180 MGI:1931123 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:6074 Inpp4b 620470 116699 INPP4B 734292 8821 HGNC Inpp4b 737358 234515 MGI:2158925 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:6075 Inpp5a 1306168 365382 INPP5A 1314631 3632 HGNC Inpp5a 1314632 212111 MGI:2686961 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:6076 Inpp5b 1311511 362590 INPP5B 1342739 3633 HGNC Inpp5b 1323008 16330 MGI:103257 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:6077 Inpp5d 2914 54259 INPP5D 1348251 3635 HGNC Inpp5d 1551628 16331 MGI:107357 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:6079 Inpp5e 620478 114089 INPP5E 1343997 56623 HGNC Inpp5e 1332343 64436 MGI:1927753 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:21474 Inpp5f 1305777 309008 INPP5F 1314013 22876 HGNC Inpp5f 1314014 101490 MGI:2141867 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:17054 Inpp5j 620541 171088 INPP5J 1349321 27124 HGNC Inpp5j 1332320 170835 MGI:2158663 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:8956 Inpp5k 1359130 287533 INPP5K 1604357 51763 HGNC Inpp5k 1558265 19062 MGI:1194899 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:33882 Inppl1 68396 65038 INPPL1 68580 3636 HGNC Inppl1 68581 16332 MGI:1333787 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:6080 Ins1 2915 24505 INS-IGF2 1642400 723961 HGNC Ins1 10811 16333 MGI:96572 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:33527 Ins2 2916 24506 INS 731056 3630 RGD Ins2 10812 16334 MGI:96573 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:6081 Insc 1311379 293166 INSC 1606091 387755 HGNC Insc 1322809 233752 MGI:1917942 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:33116 Insig1 708457 64194 INSIG1 1347615 3638 HGNC Insig1 1332305 231070 MGI:1916289 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:6083 Insig2 631417 288985 INSIG2 735428 51141 HGNC Insig2 735429 72999 MGI:1920249 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:20452 Insl3 620117 114215 INSL3 736797 3640 HGNC Insl3 732313 16336 MGI:108427 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:6086 Insl5 7747960 102554482 INSL5 1350939 10022 HGNC Insl5 1620084 23919 MGI:1346085 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:6088 Insl6 62061 50546 INSL6 737125 11172 HGNC Insl6 62353 27356 MGI:1351595 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:6089 Insm1 6486258 100912563 INSM1 1319934 3642 HGNC Insm1 1319935 53626 MGI:1859980 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:6090 Insm2 1306949 314131 INSM2 1315853 84684 HGNC Insm2 1315854 56856 MGI:1930787 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:17539 Insr 2917 24954 INSR 69029 3643 HGNC Insr 10813 16337 MGI:96575 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:6091 Insrr 67399 60663 INSRR 1346961 3645 HGNC Insrr 1551855 23920 MGI:1346037 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:6093 Insyn1 1562618 501007 INSYN1 2298735 388135 HGNC Insyn1 1616444 319477 MGI:2442108 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:33753 Insyn2a 2302685 100233213 INSYN2A 2290515 642938 HGNC Insyn2a 1618633 627214 MGI:3605068 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:33859 Insyn2b 2320105 100361460 INSYN2B 3497372 100131897 HGNC Insyn2b 1614667 574403 MGI:3643491 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:37271 Ints1 1308908 288514 INTS1 1606801 26173 HGNC Ints1 1558510 68510 MGI:1915760 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:24555 Ints10 1304711 290679 INTS10 1602701 55174 HGNC Ints10 1332281 70885 MGI:1918135 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:25548 Ints11 1306841 298688 INTS11 1603031 54973 HGNC Ints11 1315685 71957 MGI:1919207 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:26052 Ints12 1359136 295448 INTS12 1601748 57117 HGNC Ints12 1551987 71793 MGI:1919043 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:25067 Ints13 1592236 690728 INTS13 1342865 55726 HGNC Ints13 1332382 71177 MGI:1918427 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:20174 Ints14 1359616 300782 INTS14 1604589 81556 HGNC Ints14 1551352 69882 MGI:1917132 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:25372 Ints15 1584479 683674 INTS15 1317382 79034 HGNC Ints15 1317383 231868 MGI:2442621 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:21702 Ints2 1305547 360589 INTS2 1606257 57508 HGNC Ints2 1313638 70422 MGI:1917672 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:29241 Ints3 1304593 361988 INTS3 1603299 65123 HGNC Ints3 1331924 229543 MGI:2140050 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:26153 Ints4 1305036 308837 INTS4 1603936 92105 HGNC Ints4 1312827 101861 MGI:1917164 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:25048 Ints5 1309370 309200 INTS5 1603295 80789 HGNC Ints5 1319683 109077 MGI:1923578 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:29352 Ints6 1309480 361057 INTS6 1319842 26512 HGNC Ints6 1319843 18130 MGI:1202397 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:14879 Ints6l 1592872 681665 INTS6L 1343446 203522 RGD Ints6l 1622934 236790 MGI:2442593 RGD HGNC:27334 Ints7 1308014 289382 INTS7 1604023 25896 HGNC Ints7 1332046 77065 MGI:1924315 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:24484 Ints8 1310592 297823 INTS8 1604344 55656 HGNC Ints8 1321590 72656 MGI:1919906 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:26048 Ints9 1311539 290322 INTS9 1603989 55756 HGNC Ints9 1323050 210925 MGI:1098533 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:25592 Intu 1309446 108348166 INTU 1319793 27152 HGNC Intu 1551267 380614 MGI:2443752 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:29239 Invs 1563359 313228 INVS 1604022 27130 HGNC Invs 1557314 16348 MGI:1335082 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:17870 Ip6k1 71025 50560 IP6K1 1343323 9807 HGNC Ip6k1 736874 27399 MGI:1351633 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:18360 Ip6k2 620529 59268 IP6K2 731328 51447 HGNC Ip6k2 1550594 76500 MGI:1923750 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:17313 Ip6k3 1584104 688862 IP6K3 1350328 117283 HGNC Ip6k3 1615581 271424 MGI:3045325 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:17269 Ipcef1 735159 361474 IPCEF1 1603404 26034 HGNC Ipcef1 1618797 320495 MGI:2444159 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:21204 Ipmk 620954 171458 IPMK 737355 253430 HGNC Ipmk 1552742 69718 MGI:1916968 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:20739 Ipo11 1311133 310056 IPO11 1322430 101180901 HGNC Ipo13 620071 116458 IPO13 731320 9670 HGNC Ipo13 731321 230673 MGI:2385205 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:16853 Ipo4 1305206 290228 IPO4 1313095 79711 HGNC Ipo4 1313096 75751 MGI:1923001 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:19426 Ipo5 1308715 306182 IPO5 1603712 3843 HGNC Ipo5 1551065 70572 MGI:1917822 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:6402 Ipo7 1310849 308939 IPO7 1321989 10527 HGNC Ipo7 1321990 233726 MGI:2152414 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:9852 Ipo8 1593688 686774 IPO8 1343350 10526 HGNC Ipo8 1616437 320727 MGI:2444611 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:9853 Ipo9 1310537 304817 IPO9 1321497 55705 HGNC Ipo9 1321498 226432 MGI:1918944 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:19425 Ipp 1306299 298439 IPP 1314841 3652 HGNC Ipp 1314842 16351 MGI:96581 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:6108 Ippk 1311271 306808 IPPK 1322638 64768 HGNC Ippk 1322639 75678 MGI:1922928 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:14645 Iqank1 1563870 500895 IQANK1 12789538 642574 HGNC Iqank1 1623575 432964 MGI:3588184 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:49576 Iqca1 1305311 316616 IQCA1 1349054 79781 HGNC Iqca1 1553411 74918 MGI:1922168 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:26195 Iqca1l 1564789 499971 IQCA1L 2303439 392843 HGNC Iqca1l 1616548 231045 MGI:3045319 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:22831 Iqcb1 1310069 303915 IQCB1 1320759 9657 HGNC Iqcb1 1551428 320299 MGI:2443764 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:28949 Iqcc 1583461 682431 IQCC 1343946 55721 HGNC Iqcc 1618971 230767 MGI:2446212 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:25545 Iqcd 1560757 498184 IQCD 1346446 115811 HGNC Iqcd 1557074 75732 MGI:1922982 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:25168 Iqce 1311349 304318 IQCE 1350439 23288 HGNC Iqce 1551794 74239 MGI:1921489 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:29171 Iqcf1 1565640 503227 IQCF1 1348129 132141 HGNC Iqcf1 1558133 74267 MGI:1921517 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:28607 Iqcf2 1594787 689265 IQCF2 1350039 389123 HGNC Iqcf2 1615436 547049 MGI:3646813 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:31815 Iqcf3 1565277 501050 IQCF3 1353537 401067 NCBI Iqcf3 1619171 68265 MGI:1915515 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:31816 Iqcf5 1560754 503228 IQCF5 2303477 389124 HGNC Iqcf5 1557768 75470 MGI:1922720 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:35159 Iqcf6 1562645 503229 IQCF6 2302686 440956 HGNC Iqcf6 2299394 100041096 MGI:3781315 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:35158 Iqcg 1311606 363796 IQCG 1345008 84223 HGNC Iqcg 1551664 69707 MGI:1916957 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:25251 Iqch 1310670 300776 IQCH 1604310 64799 HGNC Iqch 1321709 78250 MGI:1925500 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:25721 Iqck 6502881 100909537 IQCK 1605300 124152 HGNC Iqck 1623560 434232 MGI:3612188 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:28556 Iqcm 1359286 367515 IQCM 12879734 285423 HGNC Iqcm 1558243 71831 MGI:1919081 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:53443 Iqcn 7549926 102547294 IQCN 1353790 80726 HGNC Iqcn 1617527 637079 MGI:3708784 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:29350 Iqgap1 1311884 361598 IQGAP1 1323573 8826 HGNC Iqgap1 1323574 29875 MGI:1352757 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:6110 Iqgap2 2321734 100360623 IQGAP2 1350713 10788 HGNC Iqgap2 1621864 544963 MGI:2449975 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:6111 Iqgap3 1305951 310621 IQGAP3 1314286 128239 HGNC Iqgap3 1620397 404710 MGI:3028642 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:20669 Iqsec1 1596313 686590 IQSEC1 1343743 9922 HGNC Iqsec1 1617348 232227 MGI:1196356 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:29112 Iqsec2 1596452 685244 IQSEC2 1353175 23096 HGNC Iqsec2 1558257 245666 MGI:3528396 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:29059 Iqsec3 1593191 404781 IQSEC3 1605175 440073 HGNC Iqsec3 1557973 243621 MGI:2677208 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:29193 Iqub 4145674 296936 IQUB 1606694 154865 HGNC Iqub 1622116 214704 MGI:3041159 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:21995 Irag1 1309828 308899 IRAG1 1320377 10335 HGNC Irag1 1320378 17540 MGI:1338023 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:7237 Irag2 1562062 500361 IRAG2 1343006 4033 HGNC Irag2 1558360 16970 MGI:108424 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:6690 Irak1 1563841 363520 IRAK1 1348457 3654 HGNC Irak1 1557574 16179 MGI:107420 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:6112 Irak1bp1 1305012 300862 IRAK1BP1 1312787 134728 HGNC Irak1bp1 1312788 65099 MGI:1929475 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:17368 Irak2 1309584 362418 IRAK2 1319999 3656 HGNC Irak2 1320000 108960 MGI:2429603 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:6113 Irak3 1308846 314870 IRAK3 1318853 11213 HGNC Irak3 1318854 73914 MGI:1921164 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:17020 Irak4 1305303 300177 IRAK4 1313252 51135 HGNC Irak4 1313253 266632 MGI:2182474 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:17967 Ireb2 621539 64831 IREB2 733858 3658 HGNC Ireb2 736754 64602 MGI:1928268 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:6115 Irf1 2920 24508 IRF1 735989 3659 HGNC Irf1 10815 16362 MGI:96590 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:6116 Irf2 1304922 290749 IRF2 1312641 3660 HGNC Irf2 1312642 16363 MGI:96591 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:6117 Irf2bp1 1308312 308404 IRF2BP1 1318010 26145 HGNC Irf2bp1 1318011 272359 MGI:2442159 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:21728 Irf2bp2 1589517 679357 IRF2BP2 1603839 359948 HGNC Irf2bp2 1615589 270110 MGI:2443921 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:21729 Irf2bpl 1310994 314329 IRF2BPL 1322211 64207 HGNC Irf2bpl 1322212 238330 MGI:2442463 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:14282 Irf3 1549774 292892 IRF3 1344104 3661 HGNC Irf3 1558245 54131 MGI:1859179 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:6118 Irf4 1308050 291100 IRF4 1317594 3662 HGNC Irf4 1317595 16364 MGI:1096873 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:6119 Irf5 1310447 296953 IRF5 1321354 3663 HGNC Irf5 1321355 27056 MGI:1350924 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:6120 Irf6 1309645 364081 IRF6 1320095 3664 HGNC Irf6 1551327 54139 MGI:1859211 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:6121 Irf7 1307828 293624 IRF7 1317251 3665 HGNC Irf7 1317252 54123 MGI:1859212 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:6122 Irf8 1312024 292060 IRF8 1351360 3394 HGNC Irf8 1621626 15900 MGI:96395 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:5358 Irf9 1308766 305896 IRF9 1318730 10379 HGNC Irf9 1318731 16391 MGI:107587 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:6131 Irgc 1311107 308428 IRGC 1606259 56269 HGNC Irgc 1617396 210145 MGI:2685948 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:28835 Irgm 1305163 303090 IRGM 1601797 345611 HGNC Irgm1 1621624 15944 MGI:107567 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:29597 Irgq 1309409 292708 IRGQ 1606733 126298 HGNC Irgq 1617395 210146 MGI:2667176 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:24868 Irs1 2922 25467 IRS1 733473 3667 HGNC Irs1 10816 16367 MGI:99454 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:6125 Irs2 69316 29376 IRS2 736204 8660 HGNC Irs2 736205 384783 MGI:109334 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:6126 Irs4 1562442 315350 IRS4 1352224 8471 RGD Irs4 1557772 16370 MGI:1338009 RGD HGNC:6128 Irx1 1309060 306659 IRX1 1349465 79192 HGNC Irx1 1319190 16371 MGI:1197515 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:14358 Irx2 1309834 306657 IRX2 1346652 153572 HGNC Irx2 1557850 16372 MGI:1197526 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:14359 Irx3 1307424 307721 IRX3 1316613 79191 HGNC Irx3 1316614 16373 MGI:1197522 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:14360 Irx4 1309309 306655 IRX4 1319589 50805 HGNC Irx4 1319590 50916 MGI:1355275 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:6129 Irx5 1565518 498918 IRX5 1320389 10265 HGNC Irx5 1320390 54352 MGI:1859086 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:14361 Irx6 1564830 307715 IRX6 1344383 79190 HGNC Irx6 1558577 64379 MGI:1927642 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:14675 Isca1 727792 290985 ISCA1 1350652 81689 HGNC Isca1 1550512 69046 MGI:1916296 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:28660 Isca2 1563216 500694 ISCA2 1319881 122961 HGNC Isca2 1622257 74316 MGI:1921566 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:19857 Iscu 1309562 288740 ISCU 1607067 23479 HGNC Iscu 1553245 66383 MGI:1913633 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:29882 Isg15 1310312 298693 ISG15 1321144 9636 HGNC Isg15 2301782 100038882 MGI:1855694 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:4053 Isg20 1306407 293052 ISG20 1315002 3669 HGNC Isg20 1315003 57444 MGI:1928895 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:6130 Isg20l2 1359413 361977 ISG20L2 1601738 81875 RGD Isg20l2 1553652 229504 MGI:2140076 RGD HGNC:25745 Isl1 61957 64444 ISL1 736062 3670 HGNC Isl1 62250 16392 MGI:101791 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:6132 Isl2 621849 57233 ISL2 732662 64843 HGNC Isl2 732663 104360 MGI:109156 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:18524 Islr 1596359 686539 ISLR 1602010 3671 HGNC Islr 1616813 26968 MGI:1349645 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:6133 Islr2 6497037 100910729 ISLR2 1605977 57611 HGNC Islr2 1617987 320563 MGI:2444277 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:29286 Ism1 1562551 311760 ISM1 1351413 140862 HGNC Ism1 1622862 319909 MGI:2442963 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:16213 Ism2 1589343 681936 ISM2 1603577 145501 HGNC Ism2 1618998 217738 MGI:2685110 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:23176 Isoc1 1307632 364879 ISOC1 1347473 51015 HGNC Isoc1 1550976 66307 MGI:1913557 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:24254 Isoc2b 1309062 361501 ISOC2 1350867 79763 HGNC HGNC:26278 Ist1 1307799 307833 IST1 1605407 9798 HGNC Ist1 1317201 71955 MGI:1919205 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:28977 Isx 1592776 682968 ISX 1605896 91464 HGNC Isx 1623943 71597 MGI:1918847 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:28084 Isy1 1307688 362394 ISY1 1606526 57461 HGNC Isy1 1317021 57905 MGI:1923310 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:29201 Isyna1 1359423 290651 ISYNA1 1605077 51477 HGNC Isyna1 1557022 71780 MGI:1919030 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:29821 Itch 1359556 311567 ITCH 1343086 83737 HGNC Itch 1552304 16396 MGI:1202301 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:13890 Itfg1 619898 171083 ITFG1 735534 81533 HGNC Itfg1 731464 71927 MGI:106419 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:30697 Itfg2 1311944 362441 ITFG2 1603635 55846 HGNC Itfg2 1323662 101142 MGI:1915450 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:30879 Itga1 2923 25118 ITGA1 69006 3672 HGNC Itga1 69007 109700 MGI:96599 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:6134 Itga10 1305152 310683 ITGA10 1313014 8515 HGNC Itga10 1313015 213119 MGI:2153482 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:6135 Itga11 1311711 315744 ITGA11 1323311 22801 HGNC Itga11 1323312 319480 MGI:2442114 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:6136 Itga2 621632 170921 ITGA2 1348738 3673 HGNC Itga2 1553829 16398 MGI:96600 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:6137 Itga2b 1596428 685269 ITGA2B 1349627 3674 HGNC Itga2b 1557725 16399 MGI:96601 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:6138 Itga3 1310333 360606 ITGA3 1321177 3675 RGD Itga3 1321178 16400 MGI:96602 RGD HGNC:6139 Itga4 1593249 311144 ITGA4 1348031 3676 HGNC Itga4 1558454 16401 MGI:96603 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:6140 Itga5 2925 315346 ITGA5 1351478 3678 HGNC Itga5 10817 16402 MGI:96604 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:6141 Itga6 621633 114517 ITGA6 731429 3655 HGNC Itga6 731430 16403 MGI:96605 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:6142 Itga7 71022 81008 ITGA7 734343 3679 HGNC Itga7 734344 16404 MGI:102700 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:6143 Itga8 621634 364786 ITGA8 736147 8516 HGNC Itga8 736148 241226 MGI:109442 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:6144 Itga9 1311191 685004 ITGA9 1322518 3680 HGNC Itga9 1322519 104099 MGI:104756 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:6145 Itgad 71075 64350 ITGAD 731798 3681 RGD Itgad 1615517 381924 MGI:3578624 RGD HGNC:6146 Itgae 621644 83577 ITGAE 1346113 3682 RGD Itgae 732971 16407 MGI:1298377 RGD HGNC:6147 Itgal 631424 308995 ITGAL 1352170 3683 HGNC Itgal 1550382 16408 MGI:96606 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:6148 Itgam 2926 25021 ITGAM 1343608 3684 RGD Itgam 732433 16409 MGI:96607 RGD HGNC:6149 Itgav 1310613 296456 ITGAV 1321618 3685 HGNC Itgav 1617623 16410 MGI:96608 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:6150 Itgax 1561123 499271 ITGAX 1348968 3687 HGNC Itgax 736063 16411 MGI:96609 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:6152 Itgb1 2927 24511 ITGB1 736631 3688 HGNC Itgb1 733764 16412 MGI:96610 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:6153 Itgb1bp1 1307810 298914 ITGB1BP1 1317220 9270 HGNC Itgb1bp1 1317221 16413 MGI:1306802 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:23927 Itgb1bp2 1565015 317258 ITGB1BP2 1350069 26548 HGNC Itgb1bp2 1558623 26549 MGI:1353420 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:6154 Itgb2 1305581 309684 ITGB2 1313694 3689 HGNC Itgb2 1313695 16414 MGI:96611 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:6155 Itgb3 628868 29302 ITGB3 1345363 3690 RGD Itgb3 737483 16416 MGI:96612 RGD HGNC:6156 Itgb3bp 1310044 362548 ITGB3BP 1320718 23421 HGNC Itgb3bp 1320719 67733 MGI:1914983 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:6157 Itgb4 2928 25724 ITGB4 733257 3691 HGNC Itgb4 733258 192897 MGI:96613 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:6158 Itgb5 628869 257645 ITGB5 1349145 3693 HGNC Itgb5 1617621 16419 MGI:96614 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:6160 Itgb6 1303119 311061 ITGB6 1346382 3694 HGNC Itgb6 1552765 16420 MGI:96615 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:6161 Itgb7 2929 25713 ITGB7 1343409 3695 HGNC Itgb7 731277 16421 MGI:96616 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:6162 Itgb8 1311374 362800 ITGB8 1322799 3696 HGNC Itgb8 1322800 320910 MGI:1338035 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:6163 Itgbl1 1560635 498564 ITGBL1 1348863 9358 HGNC Itgbl1 1557020 223272 MGI:2443439 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:6164 Itih1 1306099 306251 ITIH1 1314518 3697 HGNC Itih1 1314519 16424 MGI:96618 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:6166 Itih2 1565426 498793 ITIH2 1345234 3698 HGNC Itih2 1557553 16425 MGI:96619 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:6167 Itih3 620633 50693 ITIH3 732422 3699 HGNC Itih3 1550151 16426 MGI:96620 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:6168 Itih4 70881 54404 ITIH4 737492 3700 HGNC Itih4 737493 16427 MGI:109536 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:6169 Itih5 1591485 684327 ITIH5 1606774 80760 HGNC Itih5 1623835 209378 MGI:1925751 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:21449 Itih6 1595851 317416 ITIH6 1345462 347365 HGNC Itih6 1610499 634882 MGI:2685232 RGD HGNC:28907 Itk 1311618 363577 ITK 1323169 3702 HGNC Itk 1323170 16428 MGI:96621 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:6171 Itln1 1561048 498284 ITLN1 1346201 55600 HGNC Itln1 1556984 16429 MGI:1333831 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:18259 Itm2a 1559423 317218 ITM2A 1354301 9452 HGNC Itm2a 1556860 16431 MGI:107706 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:6173 Itm2b 620727 290364 ITM2B 1353059 9445 HGNC Itm2b 1557698 16432 MGI:1309517 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:6174 Itm2c 1309503 301575 ITM2C 1319877 81618 HGNC Itm2c 1319878 64294 MGI:1927594 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:6175 Itpa 1589751 311422 ITPA 1348154 3704 HGNC Itpa 10820 16434 MGI:96622 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:6176 Itpk1 1595691 500709 ITPK1 1312967 3705 HGNC Itpk1 1312968 217837 MGI:2446159 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:6177 Itpka 619950 81677 ITPKA 732603 3706 HGNC Itpka 732604 228550 MGI:1333822 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:6178 Itpkb 2932 54260 ITPKB 1345915 3707 HGNC Itpkb 1618804 320404 MGI:109235 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:6179 Itpkc 631336 308451 ITPKC 1345351 80271 HGNC Itpkc 1553751 233011 MGI:2442554 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:14897 Itpr1 2933 25262 ITPR1 732978 3708 HGNC Itpr1 10821 16438 MGI:96623 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:6180 Itpr2 69649 81678 ITPR2 734228 3709 HGNC Itpr2 737250 16439 MGI:99418 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:6181 Itpr3 2934 25679 ITPR3 733997 3710 HGNC Itpr3 10822 16440 MGI:96624 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:6182 Itprid1 1561131 500139 ITPRID1 1604967 223075 HGNC Itprid1 1618966 232016 MGI:2685304 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:27363 Itprid2 1310767 311146 ITPRID2 1321861 6744 HGNC Itprid2 1321862 70599 MGI:1917849 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:11319 Itprip 6488464 100912218 ITPRIP 1344498 85450 HGNC Itprip 1622677 414801 MGI:3042776 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:29370 Itpripl1 1564158 499885 ITPRIPL1 1603562 150771 HGNC Itpripl1 1619969 73338 MGI:1920588 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:29371 Itpripl2 1564255 499253 ITPRIPL2 1604732 162073 HGNC Itpripl2 1614825 319622 MGI:2442416 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:27257 Itsn1 2935 29491 ITSN1 737072 6453 HGNC Itsn1 1332367 16443 MGI:1338069 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:6183 Itsn2 1590890 313934 ITSN2 1353883 50618 HGNC Itsn2 1558192 20403 MGI:1338049 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:6184 Ivd 2936 24513 IVD 735606 3712 HGNC Ivd 735607 56357 MGI:1929242 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:6186 Ivl 620141 60583 IVL 1314662 3713 HGNC Ivl 1314663 16447 MGI:96626 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:6187 Ivns1abp 1306290 289089 IVNS1ABP 1314824 10625 HGNC Ivns1abp 1314825 117198 MGI:2152389 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:16951 Iws1 1304762 291705 IWS1 1604340 55677 HGNC Iws1 1331881 73473 MGI:1920723 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:25467 Iyd 1309288 308129 IYD 1345868 389434 HGNC Iyd 1319553 70337 MGI:1917587 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:21071 Izumo1 1565454 499152 IZUMO1 1604485 284359 HGNC Izumo1 1619105 73456 MGI:1920706 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:28539 Izumo1r 1585174 690037 IZUMO1R 2303851 390243 HGNC Izumo1r 1318624 64931 MGI:1929185 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:32565 Izumo2 1562619 499147 IZUMO2 1606978 126123 RGD Izumo2 1623140 75510 MGI:1922760 RGD HGNC:28518 Izumo3 2324467 100362588 IZUMO3 1351856 100129669 HGNC Izumo3 1620817 69314 MGI:1916564 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:31421 Izumo4 1564722 362832 IZUMO4 1349340 113177 HGNC Izumo4 1623947 71564 MGI:1918814 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:26950 Jade1 1306920 310352 JADE1 1315809 79960 HGNC Jade1 1315810 269424 MGI:1925835 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:30027 Jade2 1309152 303113 JADE2 1319333 23338 HGNC Jade2 1319334 76901 MGI:1924151 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:22984 Jade3 1563945 299305 JADE3 1344107 9767 HGNC Jade3 1556968 382207 MGI:2148019 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:22982 Jag1 2937 29146 JAG1 1353888 182 HGNC Jag1 735466 16449 MGI:1095416 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:6188 Jag2 2938 29147 JAG2 733495 3714 HGNC Jag2 736241 16450 MGI:1098270 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:6189 Jagn1 1565488 502872 JAGN1 1342770 84522 HGNC Jagn1 1623204 67767 MGI:1915017 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:26926 Jak1 69056 84598 JAK1 69102 3716 HGNC Jak1 69103 16451 MGI:96628 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:6190 Jak2 2939 24514 JAK2 731748 3717 HGNC Jak2 10823 16452 MGI:96629 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:6192 Jak3 2940 25326 JAK3 737593 3718 HGNC Jak3 10824 16453 MGI:99928 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:6193 Jakmip1 1562401 305434 JAKMIP1 1605275 152789 HGNC Jakmip1 1619087 76071 MGI:1923321 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:26460 Jakmip2 1559742 307479 JAKMIP2 1605109 9832 HGNC Jakmip2 1617468 76217 MGI:1923467 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:29067 Jakmip3 1307177 365380 JAKMIP3 1316212 282973 HGNC Jakmip3 1316213 74004 MGI:1921254 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:23523 Jam2 1561692 619374 JAM2 1343747 58494 HGNC Jam2 1615884 67374 MGI:1933820 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:14686 Jam3 1303248 315509 JAM3 1346212 83700 HGNC Jam3 1551450 83964 MGI:1933825 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:15532 Jaml 1562572 315610 JAML 1344740 120425 HGNC Jaml 1558021 270152 MGI:2685484 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:19084 Jarid2 1591663 681740 JARID2 1354253 3720 HGNC Jarid2 1617619 16468 MGI:104813 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:6196 Jazf1 1589007 685879 JAZF1 1604718 221895 HGNC Jazf1 1320174 231986 MGI:2141450 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:28917 Jcad 1562037 498764 JCAD 1346091 57608 HGNC Jcad 1312319 240185 MGI:2685174 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:29283 Jchain 1310155 360922 JCHAIN 1320892 3512 HGNC Jchain 1320893 16069 MGI:96493 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:5713 Jdp2 621611 116674 JDP2 1602305 122953 HGNC Jdp2 1558226 81703 MGI:1932093 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:17546 Jhy 1309108 315578 JHY 1605626 79864 HGNC Jhy 1332541 70989 MGI:1918239 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:26288 Jkamp 1308917 299127 JKAMP 1318960 51528 HGNC Jkamp 1318961 104771 MGI:1915057 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:20184 Jkampl 1562515 500204 Jkampl 1557450 66740 MGI:1913990 RGD Jmjd1c 708458 171120 JMJD1C 1320591 221037 HGNC Jmjd1c 1551400 108829 MGI:1918614 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:12313 Jmjd4 1307186 287359 JMJD4 1607006 65094 HGNC Jmjd4 1550764 194952 MGI:2144404 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:25724 Jmjd6 1305395 360665 JMJD6 1313400 23210 HGNC Jmjd6 1313401 107817 MGI:1858910 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:19355 Jmjd7 2290039 100137086 JMJD7 2298734 100137047 HGNC Jmjd7 2308010 433466 MGI:3845785 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:34397 Jmjd8 1307381 360498 JMJD8 1601801 339123 HGNC Jmjd8 1316548 72106 MGI:1919356 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:14148 Jmy 1585601 683593 JMY 1603907 133746 HGNC Jmy 1556972 57748 MGI:1913096 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:28916 Josd1 1305388 315134 JOSD1 1604837 9929 HGNC Josd1 1313390 74158 MGI:1921408 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:28953 Josd2 1307305 292876 JOSD2 1606979 126119 HGNC Josd2 1316423 66124 MGI:1913374 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:28853 Jph1 1308789 297748 JPH1 1318763 56704 HGNC Jph1 1318764 57339 MGI:1891495 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:14201 Jph2 1305196 296345 JPH2 1313081 57158 HGNC Jph2 1313082 59091 MGI:1891496 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:14202 Jph3 1308416 307916 JPH3 1318170 57338 HGNC Jph3 1318171 57340 MGI:1891497 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:14203 Jph4 1303170 445271 JPH4 1315305 84502 HGNC Jph4 1553007 319984 MGI:2443113 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:20156 Jpt1 1359325 287828 JPT1 1348734 51155 HGNC Jpt1 1615996 15374 MGI:1096361 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:14569 Jpt2 1305117 360492 JPT2 1312960 90861 HGNC Jpt2 1312961 52009 MGI:1196260 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:14137 Jpx 7726681 102555331 JPX 3322361 554203 HGNC Jpx 1613602 70252 MGI:2180008 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:37191 Jrk 1306316 315073 JRK 1314867 8629 HGNC Jrk 1314868 16469 MGI:106214 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:6199 Jrkl 1308986 315417 JRKL 1319078 8690 HGNC Jrkl 1617457 77532 MGI:1924782 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:6200 Jsrp1 1596084 690423 JSRP1 1603184 105372240 HGNC Jsrp1 1620777 71912 MGI:1916700 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline Jtb 2942 29439 JTB 736325 10899 HGNC Jtb 736326 23922 MGI:1346082 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:6201 Jun 2943 24516 JUN 734356 3725 HGNC Jun 10828 16476 MGI:96646 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:6204 Junb 2944 24517 JUNB 737195 3726 HGNC Junb 737196 16477 MGI:96647 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:6205 Jund 2945 24518 JUND 735346 3727 HGNC Jund 735347 16478 MGI:96648 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:6206 Jup 620412 81679 JUP 732396 3728 HGNC Jup 732397 16480 MGI:96650 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:6207 Kalrn 621865 84009 KALRN 1601887 8997 HGNC Kalrn 1557535 545156 MGI:2685385 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:4814 Kank1 1307714 309429 KANK1 1317065 23189 HGNC Kank1 1618240 107351 MGI:2147707 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:19309 Kank2 2320289 100361376 KANK2 1352192 25959 HGNC Kank2 1557688 235041 MGI:2384568 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:29300 Kank3 1308853 366848 KANK3 1602171 256949 HGNC Kank3 1622197 80880 MGI:1098615 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:24796 Kank4 1307635 313385 KANK4 1603552 163782 HGNC Kank4 1618119 242553 MGI:3043381 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:27263 Kansl1 1311429 360642 KANSL1 1605247 284058 HGNC Kansl1 1322888 76719 MGI:1923969 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:24565 Kansl1l 1590799 367289 KANSL1L 1606446 151050 HGNC Kansl1l 1615872 68691 MGI:1915941 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:26310 Kansl2 1303127 300206 KANSL2 1606280 54934 HGNC Kansl2 1618351 69612 MGI:1916862 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:26024 Kansl3 1309220 316328 KANSL3 1604339 55683 HGNC Kansl3 1319440 226976 MGI:1918055 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:25473 Kantr 10045415 105841230 KANTR 7779000 102723508 HGNC Kantr 1623164 72997 MGI:1920247 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:49510 Kap 2947 24937 TVP23C-CDRT4 5508061 100533496 HGNC HGNC:42961 Kars1 1359653 292028 KARS1 1345099 3735 HGNC Kars1 1550396 85305 MGI:1934754 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:6215 Kash5 1561972 308581 KASH5 1602065 147872 RGD Kash5 1614760 384619 MGI:2687329 RGD HGNC:26520 Kat14 1309538 362224 KAT14 1319928 57325 HGNC Kat14 1319929 228714 MGI:1917264 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:15904 Kat2a 1307242 303539 KAT2A 1316319 2648 HGNC Kat2a 1316320 14534 MGI:1343101 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:4201 Kat2b 1305902 301164 KAT2B 1314209 8850 HGNC Kat2b 1314210 18519 MGI:1343094 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:8638 Kat5 621061 192218 KAT5 732354 10524 HGNC Kat5 1550306 81601 MGI:1932051 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:5275 Kat6a 1304892 306571 KAT6A 1312590 7994 HGNC Kat6a 1312591 244349 MGI:2442415 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:13013 Kat6b 1566399 688634 KAT6B 1353532 23522 HGNC Kat6b 1617572 54169 MGI:1858746 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:17582 Kat7 727966 303470 KAT7 737003 11143 HGNC Kat7 1332547 217127 MGI:2182799 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:17016 Kat8 1311512 310194 KAT8 1323009 84148 HGNC Kat8 1323010 67773 MGI:1915023 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:17933 Katna1 1303062 292464 KATNA1 1353857 11104 HGNC Katna1 1550533 23924 MGI:1344353 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:6216 Katnal1 1359252 288449 KATNAL1 1346255 84056 RGD Katnal1 1619838 231912 MGI:2387638 RGD HGNC:28361 Katnal2 1564708 307253 KATNAL2 1350599 83473 HGNC Katnal2 1557532 71206 MGI:1924234 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:25387 Katnb1 1311256 291852 KATNB1 1322615 10300 HGNC Katnb1 1322616 74187 MGI:1921437 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:6217 Katnbl1 1582771 691543 KATNBL1 1314664 79768 HGNC Katnbl1 1314665 72425 MGI:1919675 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:26199 Katnip 1595846 361646 KATNIP 1604044 23247 HGNC Katnip 1316451 233865 MGI:2442760 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:29068 Kazald1 1310698 293997 KAZALD1 1321754 81621 HGNC Kazald1 1551609 107250 MGI:2147606 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:25460 Kazn 1359147 313672 KAZN 1604041 23254 HGNC Kazn 1551497 71529 MGI:1918779 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:29173 Kbtbd11 1563576 306617 KBTBD11 1604839 9920 HGNC Kbtbd11 1558023 74901 MGI:1922151 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:29104 Kbtbd12 1585999 502859 KBTBD12 1603549 166348 HGNC Kbtbd12 1557941 74589 MGI:1918481 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:25731 Kbtbd13 1311093 300789 KBTBD13 3130125 390594 HGNC Kbtbd13 1322366 74492 MGI:1921742 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:37227 Kbtbd2 1310317 312372 KBTBD2 1321151 25948 HGNC Kbtbd2 1321152 210973 MGI:2384811 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:21751 Kbtbd3 1310895 315394 KBTBD3 1322060 143879 HGNC Kbtbd3 1322061 69149 MGI:1916399 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:22934 Kbtbd4 1310234 311185 KBTBD4 1321017 55709 HGNC Kbtbd4 1321018 67136 MGI:1914386 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:23761 Kbtbd6 1305086 306073 KBTBD6 1346287 89890 HGNC Kbtbd6 1613934 432879 MGI:3643058 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:25340 Kbtbd7 6501695 100909827 KBTBD7 1312909 84078 RGD Kbtbd7 1619021 211255 MGI:2685141 RGD HGNC:25266 Kbtbd8 1563166 500262 KBTBD8 1606999 84541 HGNC Kbtbd8 1557457 243574 MGI:2661430 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:30691 Kcmf1 1591490 684322 KCMF1 1315004 56888 HGNC Kcmf1 1315005 74287 MGI:1921537 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:20589 Kcna1 2949 24520 KCNA1 1346938 3736 HGNC Kcna1 1552897 16485 MGI:96654 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:6218 Kcna10 1304667 295360 KCNA10 1312242 3744 RGD Kcna10 1621289 242151 MGI:3037820 RGD HGNC:6219 Kcna2 2950 25468 KCNA2 735518 3737 HGNC Kcna2 10830 16490 MGI:96659 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:6220 Kcna3 2951 29731 KCNA3 1342945 3738 HGNC Kcna3 736591 16491 MGI:96660 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:6221 Kcna4 2952 25469 KCNA4 731771 3739 HGNC Kcna4 10831 16492 MGI:96661 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:6222 Kcna5 2953 25470 KCNA5 731065 3741 HGNC Kcna5 10832 16493 MGI:96662 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:6224 Kcna6 62083 64358 KCNA6 731012 3742 HGNC Kcna6 62375 16494 MGI:96663 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:6225 Kcna7 1309632 365241 KCNA7 1320074 3743 HGNC Kcna7 1320075 16495 MGI:96664 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:6226 Kcnab1 61827 29737 KCNAB1 1607081 7881 HGNC Kcnab1 62118 16497 MGI:109155 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:6228 Kcnab2 61828 29738 KCNAB2 1354203 8514 HGNC Kcnab2 62119 16498 MGI:109239 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:6229 Kcnab3 61830 58981 KCNAB3 1350747 9196 HGNC Kcnab3 62121 16499 MGI:1336208 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:6230 Kcnb1 2954 25736 KCNB1 732211 3745 HGNC Kcnb1 732212 16500 MGI:96666 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:6231 Kcnb2 621349 117105 KCNB2 732631 9312 HGNC Kcnb2 1614245 98741 MGI:99632 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:6232 Kcnc1 2955 25327 KCNC1 735437 3746 HGNC Kcnc1 10833 16502 MGI:96667 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:6233 Kcnc2 628829 246153 KCNC2 736950 3747 HGNC Kcnc2 736951 268345 MGI:96668 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:6234 Kcnc3 621358 117101 KCNC3 733063 3748 HGNC Kcnc3 733064 16504 MGI:96669 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:6235 Kcnc4 1589169 684516 KCNC4 1348258 3749 HGNC Kcnc4 1616662 99738 MGI:96670 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:6236 Kcnd1 621364 116695 KCND1 1347714 3750 HGNC Kcnd1 731639 16506 MGI:96671 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:6237 Kcnd2 68393 65180 KCND2 68574 3751 HGNC Kcnd2 68575 16508 MGI:102663 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:6238 Kcnd3 68394 65195 KCND3 68576 3752 HGNC Kcnd3 68577 56543 MGI:1928743 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:6239 Kcne1 2956 25471 KCNE1 736969 3753 HGNC Kcne1 10834 16509 MGI:96673 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:6240 Kcne2 621383 171138 KCNE2 731917 9992 HGNC Kcne2 1552174 246133 MGI:1891123 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:6242 Kcne3 621384 63883 KCNE3 1347000 10008 HGNC Kcne3 734232 57442 MGI:1891124 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:6243 Kcne4 1302957 367302 KCNE4 1346142 23704 HGNC Kcne4 1552068 57814 MGI:1891125 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:6244 Kcne5 1583501 681190 KCNE5 1345038 23630 HGNC Kcne5 1614379 66240 MGI:1913490 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:6241 Kcnf1 631414 298908 KCNF1 735852 3754 HGNC Kcnf1 1621180 382571 MGI:2687399 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:6246 Kcng1 631416 296395 KCNG1 1604067 3755 HGNC Kcng1 1614136 241794 MGI:3616086 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:6248 Kcng2 1309521 307234 KCNG2 1319904 26251 HGNC Kcng2 1614140 240444 MGI:3694646 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:6249 Kcng3 628832 171011 KCNG3 735863 170850 HGNC Kcng3 735864 225030 MGI:2663923 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:18306 Kcng4 1308553 307900 KCNG4 1318394 93107 HGNC Kcng4 1318395 66733 MGI:1913983 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:19697 Kcnh1 68398 65198 KCNH1 68584 3756 HGNC Kcnh1 68585 16510 MGI:1341721 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:6250 Kcnh2 621414 117018 KCNH2 732101 3757 HGNC Kcnh2 732102 16511 MGI:1341722 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:6251 Kcnh3 71070 27150 KCNH3 733984 23416 HGNC Kcnh3 736943 16512 MGI:1341723 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:6252 Kcnh4 621415 114032 KCNH4 733889 23415 HGNC Kcnh4 1607166 380728 MGI:2156184 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:6253 Kcnh5 621417 171146 KCNH5 731415 27133 HGNC Kcnh5 1621304 238271 MGI:3584508 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:6254 Kcnh6 620304 116745 KCNH6 737542 81033 HGNC Kcnh6 1332067 192775 MGI:2684139 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:18862 Kcnh7 621112 170739 KCNH7 734396 90134 HGNC Kcnh7 734397 170738 MGI:2159566 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:18863 Kcnh8 2549 246325 KCNH8 1352658 131096 HGNC Kcnh8 1617391 211468 MGI:2445160 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:18864 Kcnip1 70886 65023 KCNIP1 732298 30820 HGNC Kcnip1 736764 70357 MGI:1917607 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:15521 Kcnip2 70887 56817 KCNIP2 734096 30819 HGNC Kcnip2 737095 80906 MGI:2135916 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:15522 Kcnip3 70888 65199 KCNIP3 735835 30818 HGNC Kcnip3 735836 56461 MGI:1929258 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:15523 Kcnip4 708539 259243 KCNIP4 733209 80333 HGNC Kcnip4 1552015 80334 MGI:1933131 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:30083 Kcnj1 2957 24521 KCNJ1 732016 3758 HGNC Kcnj1 736363 56379 MGI:1927248 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:6255 Kcnj10 61822 29718 KCNJ10 731912 3766 HGNC Kcnj10 62113 16513 MGI:1194504 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:6256 Kcnj11 69247 83535 KCNJ11 69098 3767 HGNC Kcnj11 69099 16514 MGI:107501 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:6257 Kcnj12 621660 117052 KCNJ12 733298 3768 HGNC Kcnj12 733299 16515 MGI:108495 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:6258 Kcnj13 621661 94341 KCNJ13 734216 3769 HGNC Kcnj13 2299525 100040591 MGI:3781032 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:6259 Kcnj14 628872 276720 KCNJ14 735432 3770 HGNC Kcnj14 735433 211480 MGI:2384820 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:6260 Kcnj15 621662 170847 KCNJ15 731050 3772 HGNC Kcnj15 731051 16516 MGI:1310000 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:6261 Kcnj16 61824 29719 KCNJ16 1343172 3773 HGNC Kcnj16 62115 16517 MGI:1314842 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:6262 Kcnj2 61968 29712 KCNJ2 1352992 3759 HGNC Kcnj2 62261 16518 MGI:104744 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:6263 Kcnj3 2958 50599 KCNJ3 733789 3760 HGNC Kcnj3 736667 16519 MGI:104742 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:6264 Kcnj4 621436 116649 KCNJ4 733316 3761 HGNC Kcnj4 733317 16520 MGI:104743 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:6265 Kcnj5 61971 29713 KCNJ5 1349904 3762 HGNC Kcnj5 62264 16521 MGI:104755 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:6266 Kcnj6 2959 25743 KCNJ6 1313992 3763 HGNC Kcnj6 731945 16522 MGI:104781 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:6267 Kcnj8 2960 25472 KCNJ8 731904 3764 HGNC Kcnj8 10835 16523 MGI:1100508 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:6269 Kcnj9 621440 116560 KCNJ9 1343442 3765 HGNC Kcnj9 734275 16524 MGI:108007 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:6270 Kcnk1 621447 59324 KCNK1 731790 3775 HGNC Kcnk1 731791 16525 MGI:109322 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:6272 Kcnk10 619732 65272 KCNK10 732934 54207 HGNC Kcnk10 1618313 72258 MGI:1919508 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:6273 Kcnk12 68940 64119 KCNK12 68984 56660 HGNC Kcnk12 1331941 210741 MGI:2684043 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:6274 Kcnk13 68941 64120 KCNK13 68985 56659 HGNC Kcnk13 732338 217826 MGI:2384976 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:6275 Kcnk15 619733 156873 KCNK15 1345243 60598 HGNC Kcnk15 1614137 241769 MGI:2675209 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:13814 Kcnk16 1582911 688996 KCNK16 1319410 83795 HGNC Kcnk16 1319411 74571 MGI:1921821 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:14464 Kcnk18 1303091 445371 KCNK18 1346775 338567 HGNC Kcnk18 1552636 332396 MGI:2685627 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:19439 Kcnk2 621448 170899 KCNK2 1354126 3776 HGNC Kcnk2 732064 16526 MGI:109366 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:6277 Kcnk3 61997 29553 KCNK3 1345497 3777 HGNC Kcnk3 62289 16527 MGI:1100509 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:6278 Kcnk4 621449 116489 KCNK4 733987 50801 HGNC Kcnk4 733988 16528 MGI:1298234 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:6279 Kcnk5 1564985 364241 KCNK5 1345390 8645 HGNC Kcnk5 1558222 16529 MGI:1336175 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:6280 Kcnk6 621450 116491 KCNK6 735903 9424 HGNC Kcnk6 1550095 52150 MGI:1891291 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:6281 Kcnk7 1565025 499303 KCNK7 1604643 10089 HGNC Kcnk7 1558451 16530 MGI:1341841 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:6282 Kcnk9 621451 84429 KCNK9 734260 51305 HGNC Kcnk9 1623809 223604 MGI:3521816 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:6283 Kcnma1 620715 83731 KCNMA1 731981 3778 HGNC Kcnma1 731982 16531 MGI:99923 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:6284 Kcnmb1 2961 29747 KCNMB1 733456 3779 HGNC Kcnmb1 736975 16533 MGI:1334203 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:6285 Kcnmb2 631398 294961 KCNMB2 1343870 10242 HGNC Kcnmb2 1331983 72413 MGI:1919663 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:6286 Kcnmb3 1311852 310303 KCNMB3 1323526 27094 HGNC Kcnmb3 1621871 100502876 MGI:3612244 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:6287 Kcnmb4 620728 66016 KCNMB4 1343155 27345 HGNC Kcnmb4 732910 58802 MGI:1913272 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:6289 Kcnn1 2962 54261 KCNN1 731634 3780 HGNC Kcnn1 735814 84036 MGI:1933993 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:6290 Kcnn2 2963 54262 KCNN2 734125 3781 HGNC Kcnn2 734126 140492 MGI:2153182 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:6291 Kcnn3 2964 54263 KCNN3 733381 3782 HGNC Kcnn3 733382 140493 MGI:2153183 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:6292 Kcnn4 621476 65206 KCNN4 732698 3783 HGNC Kcnn4 732699 16534 MGI:1277957 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:6293 Kcnq1 621503 84020 KCNQ1 1353354 3784 HGNC Kcnq1 731777 16535 MGI:108083 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:6294 Kcnq2 621504 170848 KCNQ2 736657 3785 HGNC Kcnq2 736658 16536 MGI:1309503 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:6296 Kcnq3 69222 29682 KCNQ3 735595 3786 HGNC Kcnq3 735596 110862 MGI:1336181 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:6297 Kcnq4 61799 298496 KCNQ4 736263 9132 HGNC Kcnq4 62091 60613 MGI:1926803 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:6298 Kcnq5 628848 259273 KCNQ5 1351630 56479 HGNC Kcnq5 1550963 226922 MGI:1924937 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:6299 Kcnrg 1307199 305947 KCNRG 1316250 283518 HGNC Kcnrg 1617227 328424 MGI:2685591 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:18893 Kcns1 621524 117023 KCNS1 735720 3787 HGNC Kcns1 735721 16538 MGI:1197019 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:6300 Kcns2 621525 66022 KCNS2 1342899 3788 HGNC Kcns2 732195 16539 MGI:1197011 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:6301 Kcns3 621527 83588 KCNS3 731286 3790 HGNC Kcns3 731287 238076 MGI:1098804 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:6302 Kcnt1 621106 60444 KCNT1 734382 57582 HGNC Kcnt1 1622971 227632 MGI:1924627 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:18865 Kcnt2 735074 304827 KCNT2 1351112 343450 HGNC Kcnt2 1622042 240776 MGI:3036273 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:18866 Kcnu1 1585877 680912 KCNU1 1348220 157855 HGNC Kcnu1 1616853 16532 MGI:1202300 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:18867 Kcnv1 621264 60326 KCNV1 731335 27012 HGNC Kcnv1 731336 67498 MGI:1914748 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:18861 Kcnv2 1309271 294065 KCNV2 1319524 169522 HGNC Kcnv2 1319525 240595 MGI:2670981 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:19698 Kcp 1561119 296952 KCP 1601689 375616 HGNC Kcp 1557784 333088 MGI:2141640 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:17585 Kctd1 621566 291772 KCTD1 1352985 284252 HGNC Kctd1 1551590 106931 MGI:1918269 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:18249 Kctd10 1591979 494521 KCTD10 1347079 83892 HGNC Kctd10 1614050 330171 MGI:2141207 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:23236 Kctd11 1307125 363634 KCTD11 1316133 147040 HGNC Kctd11 1316134 216858 MGI:2448712 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:21302 Kctd12 1309421 364458 KCTD12 1319755 115207 RGD Kctd12 1319756 239217 MGI:2145823 RGD HGNC:14678 Kctd12b 1596735 681355 Kctd12b 1618196 207474 MGI:2444667 RGD Kctd13 735189 293497 KCTD13 1345683 253980 HGNC Kctd13 1332528 233877 MGI:1923739 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:22234 Kctd14 1306430 308836 KCTD14 1315042 65987 HGNC Kctd14 1550487 233529 MGI:1289222 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:23295 Kctd15 1583737 499129 KCTD15 1313572 79047 HGNC Kctd15 1313573 233107 MGI:2385276 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:23297 Kctd16 1559856 291618 KCTD16 1320838 57528 HGNC Kctd16 1320839 383348 MGI:1914659 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:29244 Kctd17 1311154 300317 KCTD17 1353287 79734 HGNC Kctd17 1623939 72844 MGI:1920094 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:25705 Kctd18 1564820 301436 KCTD18 1346294 130535 HGNC Kctd18 1614388 51960 MGI:3603813 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:26446 Kctd19 1561326 291965 KCTD19 1349783 146212 HGNC Kctd19 1614079 279499 MGI:3045294 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:24753 Kctd2 1566063 498024 KCTD2 1348745 23510 HGNC Kctd2 1623182 70382 MGI:1917632 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:21294 Kctd20 1309887 294307 KCTD20 1320472 222658 HGNC Kctd20 1320473 66989 MGI:1914239 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:21052 Kctd21 1559529 499209 KCTD21 1603870 283219 HGNC Kctd21 1616303 622320 MGI:3643121 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:27452 Kctd3 1310658 305055 KCTD3 1321690 51133 HGNC Kctd3 1321691 226823 MGI:2444629 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:21305 Kctd4 1594637 691835 KCTD4 1353413 386618 HGNC Kctd4 1614356 67516 MGI:1914766 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:23227 Kctd5 1304990 287109 KCTD5 1312748 54442 HGNC Kctd5 1312749 69259 MGI:1916509 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:21423 Kctd6 1308208 305792 KCTD6 1317853 200845 HGNC Kctd6 1317854 71393 MGI:1918643 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:22235 Kctd7 1582914 688993 KCTD7 1314738 154881 HGNC Kctd7 1314739 212919 MGI:2442265 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:21957 Kctd8 1312020 364148 KCTD8 1323784 386617 HGNC Kctd8 1323785 243043 MGI:2443804 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:22394 Kctd9 1312010 364410 KCTD9 1323768 54793 HGNC Kctd9 1323769 105440 MGI:2145579 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:22401 Kdelr1 1306764 361577 KDELR1 1315569 10945 HGNC Kdelr1 1315570 68137 MGI:1915387 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:6304 Kdelr2 1304618 304290 KDELR2 1312161 11014 HGNC Kdelr2 1312162 66913 MGI:1914163 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:6305 Kdelr3 1311536 315131 KDELR3 1323044 11015 HGNC Kdelr3 1323045 105785 MGI:2145953 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:6306 Kdf1 1303271 313018 KDF1 1602654 126695 RGD Kdf1 1623191 69073 MGI:1916323 RGD HGNC:26624 Kdm1a 1562975 500569 KDM1A 1346422 23028 HGNC Kdm1a 1558503 99982 MGI:1196256 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:29079 Kdm1b 1310701 306819 KDM1B 1321760 221656 HGNC Kdm1b 1321761 218214 MGI:2145261 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:21577 Kdm2a 1309419 361700 KDM2A 1319753 22992 HGNC Kdm2a 1616561 225876 MGI:1354736 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:13606 Kdm2b 1310217 304495 KDM2B 1320989 84678 HGNC Kdm2b 1320990 30841 MGI:1354737 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:13610 Kdm3a 708351 312440 KDM3A 1346048 55818 HGNC Kdm3a 737255 104263 MGI:98847 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:20815 Kdm3b 1583423 682469 KDM3B 1343523 51780 HGNC Kdm3b 1621246 277250 MGI:1923356 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:1337 Kdm4a 1306378 313539 KDM4A 1314960 9682 HGNC Kdm4a 1314961 230674 MGI:2446210 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:22978 Kdm4b 1588576 301128 KDM4B 1349901 23030 HGNC Kdm4b 1558448 193796 MGI:2442355 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:29136 Kdm4c 1307528 298144 KDM4C 1316776 23081 HGNC Kdm4c 1316777 76804 MGI:1924054 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:17071 Kdm4d 1591045 689582 KDM4D 1353550 55693 RGD Kdm4d 1622025 244694 MGI:3606484 RGD HGNC:25498 Kdm5a 1305429 312678 KDM5A 1313452 5927 HGNC Kdm5a 1313453 214899 MGI:2136980 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:9886 Kdm5b 1565602 304809 KDM5B 1322449 10765 HGNC Kdm5b 1557118 75605 MGI:1922855 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:18039 Kdm5c 1560601 317432 KDM5C 1349337 8242 RGD Kdm5c 1558152 20591 MGI:99781 RGD HGNC:11114 Kdm5d 2314436 100312983 KDM5D 1346764 8284 HGNC Kdm5d 1615943 20592 MGI:99780 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:11115 Kdm6a 9275041 103689969 KDM6A 1354488 7403 HGNC Kdm6a 1558450 22289 MGI:1095419 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:12637 Kdm6b 1307629 363630 KDM6B 1316934 23135 HGNC Kdm6b 1316935 216850 MGI:2448492 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:29012 Kdm7a 1592650 684297 KDM7A 1606499 80853 HGNC Kdm7a 1619690 338523 MGI:2443388 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:22224 Kdm8 1304823 308976 KDM8 1602684 79831 HGNC Kdm8 1312489 77035 MGI:1924285 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:25840 Kdr 2965 25589 KDR 731018 3791 HGNC Kdr 10836 16542 MGI:96683 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:6307 Kdsr 1307775 360833 KDSR 1317161 2531 HGNC Kdsr 1317162 70750 MGI:1918000 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:4021 Keap1 621619 117519 KEAP1 1605110 9817 HGNC Keap1 733529 50868 MGI:1858732 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:23177 Kel 1565470 297025 KEL 1316929 3792 HGNC Kel 1316930 23925 MGI:1346053 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:6308 Kera 1305816 314771 KERA 1314078 11081 HGNC Kera 1314079 16545 MGI:1202398 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:6309 Kgd4 1309315 294696 KGD4 1319596 92259 HGNC Mrps36 1319597 66128 MGI:1913378 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:16631 Khdc1 1597396 689090 KHDC1 1348536 80759 HGNC Khdc1c 1621159 433278 MGI:3583007 RGD HGNC:21366 Khdc1b 1596202 689101 Khdc1b 1615780 98582 MGI:2138477 RGD Khdc3 1311617 300826 KHDC3L 1604735 154288 HGNC Khdc3 1323168 66991 MGI:1914241 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:33699 Khdc4 1565775 361980 KHDC4 1605086 22889 HGNC Khdc4 1623163 74200 MGI:1921450 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:29145 Khdrbs1 621459 117268 KHDRBS1 734416 10657 HGNC Khdrbs1 734417 20218 MGI:893579 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:18116 Khdrbs2 621738 170843 KHDRBS2 1349535 202559 HGNC Khdrbs2 1332454 170771 MGI:2159649 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:18114 Khdrbs3 620921 64015 KHDRBS3 1354239 10656 HGNC Khdrbs3 1550027 13992 MGI:1313312 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:18117 Khk 2966 25659 KHK 69145 3795 HGNC Khk 10837 16548 MGI:1096353 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:6315 Khnyn 1565688 498517 KHNYN 1316201 23351 RGD Khnyn 1316202 219094 MGI:2451333 RGD HGNC:20166 Khsrp 621828 171137 KHSRP 1346672 8570 HGNC Khsrp 1332086 16549 MGI:1336214 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:6316 Kiaa0040 2311260 100302372 KIAA0040 2290033 9674 HGNC 4930523C07Rik 2311288 67647 MGI:1914897 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:28950 Kiaa0232 1596848 680039 KIAA0232 1602497 9778 HGNC D5Ertd579e 1313294 320661 MGI:1261849 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:28992 Kiaa0319 1307443 361244 KIAA0319 1348294 9856 HGNC D130043K22Rik 1316638 210108 MGI:3036268 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:21580 KIAA0319l 2306719 100294508 KIAA0319L 1605339 79932 HGNC AU040320 1316713 100317 MGI:2140475 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:30071 Kiaa0408L 1307525 292199 KIAA0408 1345855 9729 HGNC 9330159F19Rik 1320727 212448 MGI:3036239 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:21636 Kiaa0586 1585176 690035 KIAA0586 1323087 9786 HGNC 2700049A03Rik 1323088 76967 MGI:1924217 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:19960 Kiaa0825 1560883 294603 KIAA0825 1604483 285600 HGNC 2210408I21Rik 1617496 72371 MGI:1919621 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:28532 Kiaa0930 1304694 362974 KIAA0930 1312287 23313 HGNC 5031439G07Rik 1312288 223739 MGI:2444899 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:1314 Kiaa1191 1359256 306766 KIAA1191 1601743 57179 HGNC 4833439L19Rik 1621426 97820 MGI:1921162 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:29209 Kiaa1210 1561445 298320 KIAA1210 2301934 57481 HGNC Gm14569 9631927 101055983 MGI:3705243 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:29218 Kiaa1328 1562608 498831 KIAA1328 1343837 57536 HGNC AW554918 1621342 225289 MGI:2147376 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:29248 Kiaa1549 1306271 312246 KIAA1549 2292705 57670 HGNC D630045J12Rik 1314795 330286 MGI:2669829 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:22219 Kiaa1614 1304622 305101 KIAA1614 1605647 57710 HGNC BC034090 1312167 207792 MGI:2672904 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:29327 Kiaa1671 1306556 288744 KIAA1671 2311473 85379 HGNC 2900026A02Rik 1315241 243219 MGI:1920194 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:29345 Kiaa1755 1563354 311592 KIAA1755 2289756 85449 HGNC D630003M21Rik 1623786 228846 MGI:3606579 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:29372 Kiaa1958 1310951 100361585 KIAA1958 1322143 158405 HGNC E130308A19Rik 1322144 230259 MGI:2442164 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:23427 Kiaa2012 1562029 501150 KIAA2012 9586122 100652824 HGNC Gm973 1621190 381260 MGI:2685819 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:51250 Kics2 1565498 500843 KICS2 1603179 144577 HGNC Kics2 1620486 270802 MGI:2670984 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:26517 Kidins220 619949 116478 KIDINS220 732181 57498 HGNC Kidins220 736611 77480 MGI:1924730 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:29508 Kif11 621258 171304 KIF11 1346274 3832 HGNC Kif11 1553797 16551 MGI:1098231 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:6388 Kif12 1308487 313254 KIF12 1318282 113220 HGNC Kif12 1318283 16552 MGI:1098232 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:21495 Kif13a 1307825 308173 KIF13A 1317245 63971 HGNC Kif13a 1317246 16553 MGI:1098264 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:14566 Kif13b 1303307 305967 KIF13B 1349792 23303 HGNC Kif13b 1553738 16554 MGI:1098265 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:14405 Kif14 1310650 360849 KIF14 1321678 9928 HGNC Kif14 1621185 381293 MGI:1098226 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:19181 Kif15 727790 353302 KIF15 1351410 56992 HGNC Kif15 1552063 209737 MGI:1098258 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:17273 Kif16b 1310146 311478 KIF16B 1320877 55614 HGNC Kif16b 1320878 16558 MGI:1098240 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:15869 Kif17 1562511 500571 KIF17 1344438 57576 HGNC Kif17 1558537 16559 MGI:1098229 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:19167 Kif18a 1561740 362186 KIF18A 1352766 81930 HGNC Kif18a 1319363 228421 MGI:2446977 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:29441 Kif18b 1310360 303575 KIF18B 2292085 146909 HGNC Kif18b 1321221 70218 MGI:2446979 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:27102 Kif19 1559936 303659 KIF19 1603919 124602 HGNC Kif19a 1616454 286942 MGI:2447024 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:26735 Kif19b 1598146 679924 KIF19BP 36947654 645357 RGD Kif19b 1620600 101055939 MGI:3646257 RGD HGNC:55167 Kif1a 1304996 363288 KIF1A 1312759 547 RGD Kif1a 1312760 16560 MGI:108391 RGD HGNC:888 Kif1b 621520 117548 KIF1B 732615 23095 HGNC Kif1b 1317949 16561 MGI:108426 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:16636 Kif1c 70928 113886 KIF1C 731799 10749 HGNC Kif1c 731800 16562 MGI:1098260 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:6317 Kif20a 1307695 361308 KIF20A 1317032 10112 HGNC Kif20a 1317033 19348 MGI:1201682 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:9787 Kif20b 1308497 309523 KIF20B 1318298 9585 HGNC Kif20b 1318299 240641 MGI:2444576 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:7212 Kif21a 1305126 300158 KIF21A 1312975 55605 HGNC Kif21a 1312976 16564 MGI:109188 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:19349 Kif21b 1306206 289397 KIF21B 1343896 23046 HGNC Kif21b 1314693 16565 MGI:109234 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:29442 Kif22 1311886 293502 KIF22 1323577 3835 HGNC Kif22 1323578 110033 MGI:109233 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:6391 Kif23 1308596 315740 KIF23 1318460 9493 HGNC Kif23 1318461 71819 MGI:1919069 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:6392 Kif24 1307723 313170 KIF24 1317081 347240 HGNC Kif24 1623857 109242 MGI:1918345 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:19916 Kif26a 1307957 314473 KIF26A 1317452 26153 HGNC Kif26a 1550867 668303 MGI:2447072 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:20226 Kif26b 1560022 305012 KIF26B 1605983 55083 HGNC Kif26b 1623725 269152 MGI:2447076 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:25484 Kif27 621071 246209 KIF27 1344489 55582 HGNC Kif27 1553484 75050 MGI:1922300 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:18632 Kif28p 1559696 289309 KIF28P 7381295 100130097 HGNC Kif28 1623660 383592 MGI:2686151 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:49205 Kif2a 70974 84391 KIF2A 735496 3796 HGNC Kif2a 735497 16563 MGI:108390 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:6318 Kif2b 1359248 287624 KIF2B 1351135 84643 HGNC Kif2b 1552078 73470 MGI:1920720 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:29443 Kif2c 620239 171529 KIF2C 734428 11004 HGNC Kif2c 734429 73804 MGI:1921054 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:6393 Kif3a 621536 84392 KIF3A 1352051 11127 HGNC Kif3a 1552608 16568 MGI:107689 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:6319 Kif3b 1306815 296284 KIF3B 1315643 9371 HGNC Kif3b 1315644 16569 MGI:107688 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:6320 Kif3c 621538 85248 KIF3C 731540 3797 HGNC Kif3c 731541 16570 MGI:107979 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:6321 Kif4a 620526 84393 KIF4A 1342700 24137 HGNC Kif4 1551183 16571 MGI:108389 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:13339 Kif5a 1303035 314906 KIF5A 1347916 3798 HGNC Kif5a 1550437 16572 MGI:109564 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:6323 Kif5b 621559 117550 KIF5B 1344841 3799 HGNC Kif5b 1552703 16573 MGI:1098268 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:6324 Kif5c 1308539 311024 KIF5C 1318370 3800 HGNC Kif5c 1318371 16574 MGI:1098269 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:6325 Kif6 621070 171291 KIF6 1346574 221458 HGNC Kif6 1551544 319991 MGI:1098238 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:21202 Kif7 1310310 293047 KIF7 1343265 374654 HGNC Kif7 1321141 16576 MGI:1098239 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:30497 Kif9 1565187 501059 KIF9 1313687 64147 HGNC Kif9 1313688 16578 MGI:1098237 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:16666 Kifap3 1305191 289168 KIFAP3 1313072 22920 HGNC Kifap3 1313073 16579 MGI:107566 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:17060 Kifbp 1593126 606294 KIFBP 1317800 26128 HGNC Kifbp 1617501 72320 MGI:1919570 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:23419 Kifc1 1359118 294286 KIFC1 1349353 3833 HGNC Kifc1 1552470 100502766 MGI:109596 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:6389 Kifc2 735021 300053 KIFC2 1352702 90990 HGNC Kifc2 1332388 16581 MGI:109187 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:29530 Kifc3 1307693 307644 KIFC3 1317029 3801 HGNC Kifc3 1317030 16582 MGI:109202 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:6326 Kin 1596107 689197 KIN 1315717 22944 HGNC Kin 1315718 16588 MGI:96676 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:6327 Kir3dl1 727836 353253 KIR3DL1 735895 3811 HGNC HGNC:6338 Kirrel1 727883 310695 KIRREL1 1349040 55243 HGNC Kirrel1 1551642 170643 MGI:1891396 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:15734 Kirrel2 1308456 100359836 KIRREL2 1318234 84063 HGNC Kirrel2 1318235 243911 MGI:2442334 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:18816 Kirrel3 1311382 315546 KIRREL3 1322814 84623 HGNC Kirrel3 1322815 67703 MGI:1914953 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:23204 Kiss1 727850 289023 KISS1 1352127 3814 HGNC Kiss1 1618007 280287 MGI:2663985 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:6341 Kiss1r 70930 78976 KISS1R 731975 84634 HGNC Kiss1r 731976 114229 MGI:2148793 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:4510 Kit 620568 64030 KIT 731382 3815 HGNC Kit 731383 16590 MGI:96677 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:6342 Kitlg 3086 60427 KITLG 737118 4254 HGNC Kitl 737119 17311 MGI:96974 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:6343 Kiz 1307071 311502 KIZ 1316045 55857 HGNC Kiz 1614175 228730 MGI:2684960 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:15865 Kl 620396 83504 KL 732783 9365 HGNC Kl 732784 16591 MGI:1101771 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:6344 Klb 1308227 289625 KLB 1604985 152831 RGD Klb 1331989 83379 MGI:1932466 RGD HGNC:15527 Klc1 621411 171041 KLC1 1352040 3831 HGNC Klc1 1553197 16593 MGI:107978 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:6387 Klc2 1307377 309159 KLC2 1603973 64837 HGNC Klc2 1316543 16594 MGI:107953 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:20716 Klc3 621432 171549 KLC3 1604744 147700 HGNC Klc3 733879 232943 MGI:1277971 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:20717 Klc4 1306555 316226 KLC4 1315239 89953 HGNC Klc4 1550520 74764 MGI:1922014 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:21624 Klf1 1309398 304666 KLF1 1319723 10661 HGNC Klf1 1319724 16596 MGI:1342771 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:6345 Klf10 621652 81813 KLF10 1348365 7071 HGNC Klf10 1551756 21847 MGI:1101353 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:11810 Klf11 1306646 313994 KLF11 1605424 8462 HGNC Klf11 1616592 194655 MGI:2653368 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:11811 Klf12 1309204 306110 KLF12 1319416 11278 HGNC Klf12 1616852 16597 MGI:1333796 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:6346 Klf13 1565099 499171 KLF13 1344641 51621 HGNC Klf13 1558350 50794 MGI:1354948 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:13672 Klf14 1306012 312203 KLF14 1343776 136259 HGNC Klf14 1617115 619665 MGI:3577024 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:23025 Klf15 70918 85497 KLF15 737261 28999 HGNC Klf15 737262 66277 MGI:1929988 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:14536 Klf16 1305966 690820 KLF16 1314308 83855 HGNC Klf16 1314309 118445 MGI:2153049 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:16857 Klf17 1307711 298449 KLF17 1344784 128209 HGNC Klf17 1317060 75753 MGI:2181068 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:18830 Klf2 1359220 306330 KLF2 1351701 10365 HGNC Klf2 1552542 16598 MGI:1342772 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:6347 Klf3 1593290 114845 KLF3 1343244 51274 HGNC Klf3 69111 16599 MGI:1342773 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:16516 Klf4 621445 114505 KLF4 1342656 9314 HGNC Klf4 1553264 16600 MGI:1342287 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:6348 Klf5 621446 84410 KLF5 1345927 688 HGNC Klf5 1551083 12224 MGI:1338056 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:6349 Klf6 62389 58954 KLF6 1349381 1316 HGNC Klf6 1553632 23849 MGI:1346318 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:2235 Klf7 1306029 363243 KLF7 1314410 8609 HGNC Klf7 1314411 93691 MGI:1935151 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:6350 Klf8 1565831 302582 KLF8 1348117 11279 RGD Klf8 1557857 245671 MGI:2442430 RGD HGNC:6351 Klf9 70934 117560 KLF9 1350312 687 HGNC Klf9 1550343 16601 MGI:1333856 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:1123 Klhdc1 1308211 314190 KLHDC1 1317857 122773 HGNC Klhdc1 1317858 271005 MGI:2672853 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:19836 Klhdc10 1309792 312199 KLHDC10 1602130 23008 HGNC Klhdc10 1320321 76788 MGI:1924038 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:22194 Klhdc2 1306504 299113 KLHDC2 1315157 23588 HGNC Klhdc2 1315158 69554 MGI:1916804 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:20231 Klhdc3 1307105 363192 KLHDC3 1316101 116138 HGNC Klhdc3 1622274 71765 MGI:2651568 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:20704 Klhdc4 1561676 307917 KLHDC4 1322601 54758 RGD Klhdc4 1557251 234825 MGI:2384569 RGD HGNC:25272 Klhdc7a 1309439 298590 KLHDC7A 1606164 127707 HGNC Klhdc7a 1331871 242721 MGI:2444612 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:26791 Klhdc7b 1562257 300150 KLHDC7B 1602443 113730 HGNC Klhdc7b 1618673 546648 MGI:3648212 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:25145 Klhdc8a 1305132 305096 KLHDC8A 1605377 55220 HGNC Klhdc8a 1332094 213417 MGI:2442630 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:25573 Klhdc8b 1359445 306589 KLHDC8B 1602285 200942 HGNC Klhdc8b 1550251 78267 MGI:1925517 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:28557 Klhdc9 1561025 360878 KLHDC9 1605002 126823 HGNC Klhdc9 1557067 68874 MGI:1916124 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:28489 Klhl1 1307452 290426 KLHL1 1316652 57626 HGNC Klhl1 1316653 93688 MGI:2136335 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:6352 Klhl10 1303290 303533 KLHL10 1344199 317719 HGNC Klhl10 1553628 66720 MGI:2181067 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:18829 Klhl11 1306673 287706 KLHL11 1315423 55175 HGNC Klhl11 1315424 217194 MGI:2388648 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:19008 Klhl12 628717 266772 KLHL12 1346633 59349 HGNC Klhl12 731419 240756 MGI:2385619 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:19360 Klhl13 1559646 313445 KLHL13 1342476 90293 HGNC Klhl13 1556963 67455 MGI:1914705 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:22931 Klhl14 1566178 364823 KLHL14 1321388 57565 HGNC Klhl14 1621344 225266 MGI:1921249 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:29266 Klhl15 1563101 314111 KLHL15 1351915 80311 HGNC Klhl15 1557222 236904 MGI:1923400 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:29347 Klhl17 708444 246757 KLHL17 1348319 339451 HGNC Klhl17 1550698 231003 MGI:2678948 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:24023 Klhl18 1310570 316012 KLHL18 1351976 23276 HGNC Klhl18 1553255 270201 MGI:2143315 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:29120 Klhl2 1306388 290692 KLHL2 1314975 11275 HGNC Klhl2 1314976 77113 MGI:1924363 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:6353 Klhl20 1309490 304920 KLHL20 1343100 27252 HGNC Klhl20 1550848 226541 MGI:2444855 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:25056 Klhl21 1305863 313743 KLHL21 1351698 9903 HGNC Klhl21 1616516 242785 MGI:1919288 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:29041 Klhl22 1306288 303792 KLHL22 1602999 84861 HGNC Klhl22 1553856 224023 MGI:1337995 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:25888 Klhl23 1307166 311114 KLHL23 1605864 100526832 HGNC Klhl23 1552180 277396 MGI:2683536 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline Klhl24 727971 303803 KLHL24 1603221 54800 HGNC Klhl24 1557847 75785 MGI:1923035 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:25947 Klhl25 1310815 293023 KLHL25 1605054 64410 HGNC Klhl25 1321935 207952 MGI:2668031 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:25732 Klhl26 1312034 290657 KLHL26 1602473 55295 HGNC Klhl26 1332066 234378 MGI:2443079 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:25623 Klhl28 1311326 299103 KLHL28 1322718 54813 HGNC Klhl28 1322719 66689 MGI:1913939 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:19741 Klhl29 1311076 298867 KLHL29 1605890 114818 HGNC Klhl29 1322342 208439 MGI:2683857 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:29404 Klhl3 1565218 498697 KLHL3 1346820 26249 HGNC Klhl3 1607697 100503085 MGI:2445185 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:6354 Klhl30 1309644 316624 KLHL30 1606872 377007 HGNC Klhl30 1320094 70788 MGI:1918038 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:24770 Klhl31 1560540 315833 KLHL31 1348720 401265 HGNC Klhl31 1619800 244923 MGI:3045305 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:21353 Klhl32 1310364 313111 KLHL32 1321228 114792 HGNC Klhl32 1620629 212390 MGI:3612790 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:21221 Klhl33 2324282 100362676 KLHL33 1642111 123103 HGNC Klhl33 1618678 546611 MGI:3644593 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:31952 Klhl34 1560439 302703 KLHL34 1603872 257240 HGNC Klhl34 1614122 245683 MGI:2685234 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:26634 Klhl35 1565895 308850 KLHL35 1603871 283212 HGNC Klhl35 1557884 72184 MGI:1919434 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:26597 Klhl36 1561366 498957 KLHL36 1350475 79786 HGNC Klhl36 1618140 234796 MGI:2385305 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:17844 Klhl38 1564169 314996 KLHL38 2300033 340359 HGNC Klhl38 1615594 268807 MGI:3045310 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:34435 Klhl4 1565441 317196 KLHL4 1349490 56062 HGNC Klhl4 1557259 237010 MGI:2442829 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:6355 Klhl40 1305368 316088 KLHL40 1313352 131377 HGNC Klhl40 1313353 72330 MGI:1919580 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:30372 Klhl41 620852 117537 KLHL41 1351992 10324 HGNC Klhl41 1332188 228003 MGI:2683854 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:16905 Klhl42 1560924 500367 KLHL42 1348247 57542 HGNC Klhl42 1557446 232539 MGI:2444786 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:29252 Klhl5 1309661 305351 KLHL5 1320120 51088 HGNC Klhl5 1320121 71778 MGI:1919028 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:6356 Klhl6 1307521 287974 KLHL6 1316764 89857 HGNC Klhl6 1316765 239743 MGI:2686922 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:18653 Klhl7 1305564 362303 KLHL7 1313665 55975 HGNC Klhl7 1313666 52323 MGI:1196453 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:15646 Klhl8 1304685 289457 KLHL8 1312275 57563 HGNC Klhl8 1312276 246293 MGI:2179430 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:18644 Klhl9 1304814 313348 KLHL9 1347061 55958 HGNC Klhl9 1551887 242521 MGI:2180122 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:18732 Klk1 2969 24523 KLK1 1349866 3816 RGD Klk1 1313338 16612 MGI:102850 RGD HGNC:6357 Klk10 1303242 292850 KLK10 1606032 5655 HGNC Klk10 1553373 69540 MGI:1916790 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:6358 Klk11 1308690 292849 KLK11 1318610 11012 HGNC Klk11 1553029 56538 MGI:1929977 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:6359 Klk12 1308975 308564 KLK12 1319061 43849 HGNC Klk12 1553094 69511 MGI:1916761 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:6360 Klk13 1309337 292848 KLK13 1319630 26085 HGNC Klk13 1621802 626834 MGI:3615275 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:6361 Klk14 1308606 308562 KLK14 1318477 43847 HGNC Klk14 1318478 317653 MGI:2447564 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:6362 Klk15 1310995 102553035 KLK15 1322213 55554 RGD Klk15 1322214 317652 MGI:2447533 RGD HGNC:20453 Klk1b3 3175 24594 Klk1b3 1615173 18050 MGI:97322 RGD Klk1c10 1561403 292858 KLK3 1343198 354 HGNC HGNC:6364 Klk4 1303228 408210 KLK4 1353266 9622 HGNC Klk4 1551322 56640 MGI:1861379 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:6365 Klk5 1593461 102546758 KLK5 1320514 25818 RGD Klk5 1615877 68668 MGI:1915918 RGD HGNC:6366 Klk6 3419 29245 KLK6 736738 5653 HGNC Klk6 733840 19144 MGI:1343166 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:6367 Klk7 1306420 292852 KLK7 1315024 5650 HGNC Klk7 1315025 23993 MGI:1346336 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:6368 Klk8 1305998 308565 KLK8 1314360 11202 HGNC Klk8 1314361 259277 MGI:1343327 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:6369 Klk9 1308280 292851 KLK9 1317964 284366 HGNC Klk9 1317965 101533 MGI:1921082 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:6370 Klkb1 67382 25048 KLKB1 736915 3818 HGNC Klkb1 10843 16621 MGI:102849 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:6371 Klln 7720631 102551694 KLLN 5013846 100144748 HGNC Gm36566 9656722 102640527 MGI:5595725 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:37212 Klrb1 1587563 689817 KLRF1 1343603 51348 HGNC HGNC:13342 Klrb1a 1586149 362443 KLRB1 1343225 3820 RGD Klrb1a 1557953 17057 MGI:107540 RGD HGNC:6373 Klrc1 2976 29683 KLRC1 1353186 3821 HGNC Klrc1 1332552 16641 MGI:1336161 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:6374 Klrc2 2977 29684 KLRC2 1349370 3822 RGD Klrc2 1615968 16642 MGI:1336162 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:6375 Klrc3 1560637 500338 KLRC3 1346640 3823 RGD Klrc3 1616804 58179 MGI:1929720 RGD HGNC:6376 Klrd1 2978 25110 KLRD1 735531 3824 HGNC Klrd1 10845 16643 MGI:1196275 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:6378 Klre1 727903 297645 KLRC4-KLRK1 7380820 100528032 HGNC HGNC:48357 Klrg1 61978 58975 KLRG1 737284 10219 HGNC Klrg1 62270 50928 MGI:1355294 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:6380 Klrg2 1587495 689885 KLRG2 1604700 346689 HGNC Klrg2 1623151 74253 MGI:1921503 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:24778 Klrk1 3180 24934 KLRK1 735993 22914 HGNC Klrk1 735994 27007 MGI:1196250 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:18788 Kmo 620610 59113 KMO 737300 8564 HGNC Kmo 734253 98256 MGI:2138151 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:6381 Kmt2a 1586165 315606 KMT2A 1347719 4297 HGNC Kmt2a 10900 214162 MGI:96995 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:7132 Kmt2b 7678027 102550344 KMT2B 1605411 9757 HGNC Kmt2b 1623920 75410 MGI:109565 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:15840 Kmt2c 1587205 502710 KMT2C 1347083 58508 HGNC Kmt2c 1616546 231051 MGI:2444959 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:13726 Kmt2d 2324324 100362634 KMT2D 1350607 8085 HGNC Kmt2d 1319223 381022 MGI:2682319 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:7133 Kmt2e 1309641 311968 KMT2E 1320090 55904 HGNC Kmt2e 1622294 69188 MGI:1924825 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:18541 Kmt5a 1587560 689820 KMT5A 1602807 387893 RGD Kmt5a 1332274 67956 MGI:1915206 RGD HGNC:29489 Kmt5b 1311637 361688 KMT5B 1348608 51111 HGNC Kmt5b 1323199 225888 MGI:2444557 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:24283 Kmt5c 1305226 308345 KMT5C 1346503 84787 HGNC Kmt5c 1313127 232811 MGI:2385262 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:28405 Kncn 1584061 690105 KNCN 1604992 148930 HGNC Kncn 1619472 654462 MGI:3614952 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:26488 Kndc1 1565261 361672 KNDC1 1351519 85442 HGNC Kndc1 1615799 76484 MGI:1923734 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:29374 Kng1 1359376 288001 KNG1 1603713 3827 RGD Kng1 1332018 16644 MGI:1097705 RGD HGNC:6383 Kng2 2980 24903 Kng2 1617185 385643 MGI:3027157 RGD Knl1 1307498 311327 KNL1 1603976 57082 HGNC Knl1 1615801 76464 MGI:1923714 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:24054 Knop1 1565096 499255 KNOP1 1606640 400506 HGNC Knop1 1315152 66356 MGI:1913606 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:34404 Knstrn 1303240 311325 KNSTRN 1344647 90417 HGNC Knstrn 1614389 51944 MGI:1289298 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:30767 Kntc1 1307905 304477 KNTC1 1317369 9735 HGNC Kntc1 1317370 208628 MGI:2673709 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:17255 Kplce 1585456 686143 KPLCE 1602382 100129271 HGNC Kplce 1612746 66533 MGI:1913783 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:29468 Kpna1 735064 288064 KPNA1 1347998 3836 HGNC Kpna1 1552944 16646 MGI:103560 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:6394 Kpna2 621419 85245 KPNA2 1344039 3838 HGNC Kpna2 732238 16647 MGI:103561 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:6395 Kpna3 1311339 361055 KPNA3 1322742 3839 HGNC Kpna3 1322743 16648 MGI:1100863 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:6396 Kpna4 1311483 361959 KPNA4 1322966 3840 HGNC Kpna4 1322967 16649 MGI:1100848 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:6397 Kpna5 1561324 294392 KPNA5 1343568 3841 HGNC HGNC:6398 Kpna6 1306570 362607 KPNA6 1315261 23633 HGNC Kpna6 1315262 16650 MGI:1100836 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:6399 Kpna7 1594749 690504 KPNA7 2306472 402569 HGNC Kpna7 1617948 381686 MGI:2141165 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:21839 Kpnb1 2909 24917 KPNB1 737037 3837 HGNC Kpnb1 10804 16211 MGI:107532 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:6400 Kprp 1303244 432393 KPRP 1353027 448834 HGNC Kprp 1617925 433619 MGI:1920981 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:31823 Kptn 1310341 308107 KPTN 1321189 11133 HGNC Kptn 1623180 70394 MGI:1890380 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:6404 Kras 2981 24525 KRAS 1350859 3845 HGNC Kras 1550157 16653 MGI:96680 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:6407 Krba1 1306967 362358 KRBA1 1603293 84626 HGNC Krba1 1315882 77827 MGI:1925077 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:22228 Krbox1 2321744 100360613 KRBOX1 5130419 100506243 HGNC HGNC:38708 Krcc1 1306495 312437 KRCC1 1605393 51315 HGNC Krcc1 1315144 57896 MGI:1889377 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:28039 Kremen1 620789 114107 KREMEN1 733267 83999 HGNC Kremen1 1553545 84035 MGI:1933988 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:17550 Kremen2 1310795 287102 KREMEN2 1321902 79412 HGNC Kremen2 1321903 73016 MGI:1920266 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:18797 Kri1 1588903 687183 KRI1 1607005 65095 HGNC Kri1 1619009 215194 MGI:2384899 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:25769 Krit1 1305929 362317 KRIT1 1314251 889 HGNC Krit1 1614252 79264 MGI:1930618 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:1573 Krr1 1306183 314830 KRR1 1314657 11103 HGNC Krr1 1314658 52705 MGI:1289274 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:5176 Krt1 1359664 300250 KRT1 1346930 3848 HGNC Krt1 1551889 16678 MGI:96698 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:6412 Krt10 1359092 450225 KRT10 1354394 3858 HGNC Krt10 1550484 16661 MGI:96685 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:6413 Krt12 1304805 360625 KRT12 1312464 3859 HGNC Krt12 1618846 268482 MGI:96687 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:6414 Krt13 1302937 287699 KRT13 1349257 3860 HGNC Krt13 1332221 16663 MGI:101925 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:6415 Krt14 1307463 287701 KRT14 1316671 3861 HGNC Krt14 1316672 16664 MGI:96688 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:6416 Krt15 1303044 287700 KRT15 1342638 3866 HGNC Krt15 1552418 16665 MGI:96689 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:6421 Krt16 1590901 303530 KRT16 1345926 3868 HGNC Krt16 1557926 16666 MGI:96690 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:6423 Krt17 1303181 287702 KRT17 1353171 3872 HGNC Krt17 1553073 16667 MGI:96691 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:6427 Krt18 619935 294853 KRT18 735767 3875 HGNC Krt18 1557581 16668 MGI:96692 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:6430 Krt19 619936 360626 KRT19 733914 3880 HGNC Krt19 733915 16669 MGI:96693 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:6436 Krt2 1303297 406228 KRT2 1342754 3849 HGNC Krt2 1553683 16681 MGI:96699 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:6439 Krt20 628646 286912 KRT20 1347381 54474 HGNC Krt20 1557654 66809 MGI:1914059 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:20412 Krt222 1560383 497994 KRT222 1606170 125113 HGNC Krt222 1312338 268481 MGI:2442728 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:28695 Krt23 1308838 287678 KRT23 1318841 25984 HGNC Krt23 1318842 94179 MGI:2148866 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:6438 Krt24 1303157 287675 KRT24 1349415 192666 HGNC Krt24 1550968 75706 MGI:1922956 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:18527 Krt25 1359097 303519 KRT25 1353851 147183 HGNC Krt25 1551961 70810 MGI:1918060 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:30839 Krt26 1303322 407758 KRT26 1343053 353288 HGNC Krt26 1615562 320864 MGI:2444913 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:30840 Krt27 1359115 450229 KRT27 1345701 342574 HGNC Krt27 1551970 16675 MGI:1339999 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:30841 Krt28 1309530 360623 KRT28 1319917 162605 HGNC Krt28 1610866 70843 MGI:1918093 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:30842 Krt31 1359411 450228 KRT31 1315199 3881 HGNC Krt31 1615966 16660 MGI:1309993 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:6448 Krt32 1359701 450230 KRT32 1313247 3882 HGNC Krt32 1313248 16670 MGI:1309995 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:6449 Krt33a 1306249 303527 KRT33A 1314759 3883 RGD Krt33a 1314760 71888 MGI:1919138 RGD HGNC:6450 Krt34 1306530 303528 KRT34 1350893 3885 HGNC Krt34 1315200 16672 MGI:1309994 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:6452 Krt35 1305300 287697 KRT35 1354440 3886 HGNC Krt35 1621558 53617 MGI:1858899 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:6453 Krt36 1305792 287698 KRT36 1314039 8689 HGNC Krt36 1314040 16673 MGI:109364 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:6454 Krt39 1303032 303523 KRT39 1604916 390792 HGNC Krt39 1623767 237934 MGI:3588208 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:32971 Krt4 1359272 315323 KRT4 1342912 3851 HGNC Krt4 1553546 16682 MGI:96701 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:6441 Krt40 1359145 287679 KRT40 1606169 125115 HGNC Krt40 1618725 406221 MGI:3629968 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:26707 Krt42 1359182 450231 IGLV3-27 1352617 28791 HGNC HGNC:5910 Krt5 727894 369017 KRT5 1343872 3852 HGNC Krt5 1553117 110308 MGI:96702 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:6442 Krt6c 1588056 683313 KRT6C 1351268 286887 HGNC HGNC:20406 Krt7 1310865 300242 KRT7 1322014 3855 HGNC Krt7 1322015 110310 MGI:96704 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:6445 Krt71 1584538 683613 KRT71 1604251 112802 HGNC Krt71 1617567 56735 MGI:1861586 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:28927 Krt72 1303216 406227 KRT72 1605869 140807 HGNC Krt72 1619907 105866 MGI:2146034 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:28932 Krt73 1359597 300248 KRT73 1605236 319101 HGNC Krt73 1621352 223915 MGI:3607712 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:28928 Krt75 1359576 300247 KRT75 1603409 9119 HGNC Krt75 1550338 109052 MGI:1923500 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:24431 Krt76 1303078 407757 KRT76 1605387 51350 HGNC Krt76 1621451 77055 MGI:1924305 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:24430 Krt77 1302968 406226 KRT77 1352886 374454 HGNC Krt77 1618726 406220 MGI:3588209 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:20411 Krt78 1591341 315324 KRT78 1606944 196374 HGNC Krt78 1618775 332131 MGI:1917529 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:28926 Krt79 1583372 683720 KRT79 1602275 338785 HGNC Krt79 1621351 223917 MGI:2385030 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:28930 Krt8 2984 25626 KRT8 735536 3856 RGD Krt8 735537 16691 MGI:96705 RGD HGNC:6446 Krt80 1359177 315318 KRT80 1606454 144501 HGNC Krt80 1623931 74127 MGI:1921377 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:27056 Krt81 1303316 407761 KRT81 1352979 3887 HGNC Krt81 1551851 64818 MGI:1928858 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:6458 Krt82 1359276 366991 KRT82 1350237 3888 HGNC Krt82 1552106 114566 MGI:2149248 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:6459 Krt83 1303024 407759 KRT83 1318342 3889 RGD Krt83 1615965 100126226 MGI:3690448 RGD HGNC:6460 Krt84 1359402 315320 KRT84 1343377 3890 HGNC Krt84 1550711 16680 MGI:96700 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:6461 Krt85 1303149 407762 KRT85 1350889 3891 HGNC Krt85 1552900 53622 MGI:1859268 RGD HGNC:6462 Krt86 1303215 407760 KRT86 1348087 3892 HGNC Krt86 1553237 16679 MGI:109362 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:6463 Krt87 1583565 681126 KRT83|KRT87P 1318342|1348943 3889|85349 RGD|RGD Krt87 1618727 406219 MGI:3665486 RGD HGNC:6460|HGNC:30198 Krt88 1305207 366990 KRT88P 1351826 85348 RGD Krt88 1313097 66322 MGI:1913572 RGD HGNC:30197 Krt9 628785 266717 KRT9 736715 3857 HGNC Krt9 1552735 107656 MGI:96696 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:6447 Krt90 1565564 366992 KRT90P 1347780 85340 RGD Krt90 1620571 239673 MGI:3045312 RGD HGNC:30195 Krtap1-1 2324575 100361571 KRTAP1-5 1347123 83895 HGNC Krtap1-4 1618614 629873 MGI:3651229 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:16777 Krtap1-5 1598224 497995 KRTAP1-4 1349275 728255 HGNC HGNC:18904 Krtap10-1 1583076 687631 KRTAP10-1 1605520 386677 RGD Krtap10-23 2307659 100041281 MGI:3781428 RGD HGNC:22966 Krtap10-10 1596076 690431 KRTAP10-10 1345335 353333 RGD Krtap10-10 1623545 544710 MGI:3645300 RGD HGNC:22972 Krtap10-2 1596048 690460 KRTAP10-2 1605519 386679 HGNC HGNC:22967 Krtap10-8 1593740 686720 KRTAP10-8 1342479 386681 RGD Krtap10-34 5140427 100503388 MGI:5011853 RGD HGNC:20525 Krtap10-9 1596032 690478 KRTAP10-9 1605521 386676 HGNC Krtap10-33 5141827 100502831 MGI:5011587 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:22971 Krtap11-1 2323257 100359886 KRTAP11-1 1350814 337880 HGNC Krtap11-1 1608862 16693 MGI:99447 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:18922 Krtap12-1 2319481 100361793 KRTAP12-1 1343627 353332 RGD Krtap12-1 1615962 16694 MGI:1328315 RGD HGNC:20529 Krtap12-2 2319746 100361626 KRTAP12-2 1352453 353323 RGD Krtap12-22 5147346 100009614 MGI:3641784 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:20530 Krtap12-4 2319709 100361664 KRTAP12-4 1347376 386684 HGNC HGNC:20532 Krtap13 2323353 100363287 KRTAP13-4 1343476 284827 RGD Krtap13 1615961 16699 MGI:1330835 RGD HGNC:18926 Krtap13-1 2323555 100363184 KRTAP13-1 1343187 140258 HGNC Krtap13-1 1614841 268905 MGI:2146359 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:18924 Krtap14 1564302 501768 KRTAP23-1 1354302 337963 HGNC Krtap14 1323266 23927 MGI:1346079 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:18928 Krtap15-1 1311088 288297 KRTAP15-1 1322358 254950 HGNC Krtap15-1 1620080 26560 MGI:1347350 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:18927 Krtap16-1 2318578 100909661 KRTAP16-1 1602313 100505753 HGNC Krtap16-1 5135423 100504183 MGI:3650326 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:18916 Krtap16-5 1588263 680703 KRTAP19-7 1346372 337974 HGNC HGNC:18942 Krtap17-1 7611738 102554371 KRTAP17-1 1343387 83902 HGNC Krtap17-1 1614261 77914 MGI:1925164 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:18917 Krtap2-1 1561281 680152 KRTAP2-1 1344432 81872 HGNC Krtap2-4 1558004 71453 MGI:1918703 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:16775 Krtap2-4l2 1561684 501721 KRTAP2-4 1343099 85294 HGNC HGNC:18891 Krtap20-1 7729737 102550816 KRTAP20-1 1344445 337975 HGNC Krtap20-21 1624579 640627 MGI:3642043 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:18943 Krtap24-1 2320810 100364550 KRTAP24-1 2292073 643803 HGNC Krtap24-1 1618127 239932 MGI:2685158 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:33902 Krtap26-1 1589096 684589 KRTAP26-1 1603240 388818 HGNC Krtap26-1 1619163 69533 MGI:1916783 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:33760 Krtap27-1 2320648 100364613 KRTAP27-1 2292072 643812 HGNC Krtap27-1 1618126 239933 MGI:3646229 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:33864 Krtap29-1 7702025 120095335 KRTAP29-1 5129240 100533177 RGD Krtap29-1 15037996 100462664 MGI:3652056 RGD HGNC:34211 Krtap3-1 1596817 680071 KRTAP3-1 1314968 83896 HGNC Krtap3-1 1620002 69473 MGI:1916723 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:16778 Krtap3-2 1596828 680060 KRTAP3-2 1346288 83897 RGD Krtap3-2 1620850 66708 MGI:1913958 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:16779 Krtap3-3 1307504 363678 KRTAP3-3 1316737 85293 RGD Krtap3-3 1316738 66380 MGI:1913630 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:18890 Krtap31-2 1591758 680442 Krtap31-2 1615481 432602 MGI:3650789 RGD Krtap4-3 1566146 100910731 KRTAP4-8 1342775 728224 HGNC Krtap4-25 2295075 100040248 MGI:3650330 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:17230 Krtap4-6 2318949 100362031 KRTAP4-6 1346065 81871 RGD Krtap4-6 1615090 68768 MGI:1916018 RGD HGNC:18909 Krtap4-8 11372181 108348279 Krtap4-8 2301648 665992 MGI:3652306 RGD Krtap5-1 9278179 103691265 KRTAP5-1 1352638 387264 HGNC Krtap5-1 1624038 50774 MGI:1354732 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:23596 Krtap5-8 1592604 685544 KRTAP5-8 1605356 57830 HGNC Krtap5-21 1615345 105243090 MGI:3647476 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:23603 Krtap7-1 1560879 363741 KRTAP7-1 1352307 337878 HGNC Krtap7-1 1608089 71363 MGI:1918613 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:18934 Krtap8-1 2323315 100359826 KRTAP8-1 1354331 337879 HGNC Krtap8-1 1615181 16703 MGI:1330293 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:18935 Krtap9-1 1593000 680328 KRTAP9-1 1347378 728318 RGD Krtap9-5 2295330 435286 MGI:3650333 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:18912 Krtap9-1-ps1 11470817 108348235 KRTAP9-9 1343161 81870 HGNC Krtap9-20 1624584 100415785 MGI:3652067 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:16773 Krtap9-7 1592933 680396 KRTAP9-7 1349870 100505724 HGNC Krtap9-22 2313452 670533 MGI:3649436 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:18915 Krtcap2 1308413 295243 KRTCAP2 1318165 200185 HGNC Krtcap2 1318166 66059 MGI:1913309 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:28942 Krtcap3 1596516 683980 KRTCAP3 1342898 200634 RGD Krtcap3 1616763 69815 MGI:1917065 RGD HGNC:28943 Krtdap 71086 65186 KRTDAP 1603836 388533 HGNC Krtdap 736288 64661 MGI:1928282 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:16313 Ksr1 1308105 108348076 KSR1 1317686 8844 HGNC Ksr1 1317687 16706 MGI:105051 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:6465 Ksr2 1562674 288691 KSR2 1351357 283455 HGNC Ksr2 1621959 333050 MGI:3610315 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:18610 Kti12 1591357 685656 KTI12 1603926 112970 HGNC Kti12 1614240 100087 MGI:1923547 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:25160 Ktn1 1308719 361029 KTN1 1343201 3895 HGNC Ktn1 1318657 16709 MGI:109153 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:6467 Kxd1 1562866 498606 KXD1 1601969 79036 HGNC Kxd1 1622240 75620 MGI:1922870 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:28420 Ky 1305407 315962 KY 1313421 339855 HGNC Ky 1313422 16716 MGI:96709 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:26576 Kyat1 1306912 311844 KYAT1 1315794 883 HGNC Kyat1 1315795 70266 MGI:1917516 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:1564 Kyat3 1359262 541589 KYAT3 1606260 56267 HGNC Kyat3 1614927 229905 MGI:2677849 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:33238 Kynu 71061 116682 KYNU 734173 8942 HGNC Kynu 737184 70789 MGI:1918039 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:6469 L1cam 619777 50687 L1CAM 1352608 3897 HGNC L1cam 10850 16728 MGI:96721 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:6470 L1td1 1595093 685355 L1TD1 1603640 54596 HGNC L1td1 1618746 381591 MGI:3578435 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:25595 L2hgdh 1306250 314196 L2HGDH 1314761 79944 HGNC L2hgdh 1550752 217666 MGI:2384968 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:20499 L3hypdh 1305721 314214 L3HYPDH 1313918 112849 HGNC L3hypdh 1313919 67217 MGI:1914467 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:20488 L3mbtl1 1307316 311613 L3MBTL1 1344736 26013 HGNC L3mbtl1 1558501 241764 MGI:2676663 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:15905 L3mbtl2 1308569 300320 L3MBTL2 1318418 83746 HGNC L3mbtl2 1318419 214669 MGI:2443584 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:18594 L3mbtl3 1305474 309550 L3MBTL3 1313522 84456 HGNC L3mbtl3 1313523 237339 MGI:2143628 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:23035 L3mbtl4 1587524 103690158 L3MBTL4 1353313 91133 HGNC L3mbtl4 1316440 320858 MGI:2444889 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:26677 Lacc1 1310185 313790 LACC1 1602651 144811 HGNC Lacc1 1332215 210808 MGI:2445077 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:26789 Lactb 1304788 300803 LACTB 1312433 114294 HGNC Lactb 1312434 80907 MGI:1933395 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:16468 Lactb2 1307876 297768 LACTB2 1317324 51110 HGNC Lactb2 1317325 212442 MGI:2442551 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:18512 Lactbl1 1561426 362633 LACTBL1 3077861 646262 HGNC Lactbl1 1616519 242707 MGI:2448566 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:35445 Lad1 1310652 313325 LAD1 1321680 3898 HGNC Lad1 1321681 16763 MGI:109343 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:6472 Lag3 1302990 297596 LAG3 1344873 3902 HGNC Lag3 1552253 16768 MGI:106588 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:6476 Lage3 1562476 293863 LAGE3 1602901 8270 HGNC Lage3 1615117 66192 MGI:1913442 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:26058 Lair1 1560048 574531 LAIR1 1344054 3903 HGNC Lair1 1617579 52855 MGI:105492 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:6477 Lalba 2987 24528 LALBA 737361 3906 HGNC Lalba 10853 16770 MGI:96742 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:6480 Lama1 1307207 316758 LAMA1 1316264 284217 HGNC Lama1 1316265 16772 MGI:99892 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:6481 Lama2 1308889 309368 LAMA2 1318918 3908 HGNC Lama2 1318919 16773 MGI:99912 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:6482 Lama3 628776 307582 LAMA3 1345784 3909 HGNC Lama3 1615178 16774 MGI:99909 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:6483 Lama4 1560062 309816 LAMA4 1320894 3910 HGNC Lama4 1558366 16775 MGI:109321 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:6484 Lama5 621023 140433 LAMA5 1354079 3911 HGNC Lama5 1551147 16776 MGI:105382 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:6485 Lamb1 1306311 298941 LAMB1 1314859 3912 HGNC Lamb1 1314860 16777 MGI:96743 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:6486 Lamb2 2988 25473 LAMB2 733412 3913 HGNC Lamb2 10854 16779 MGI:99916 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:6487 Lamb3 1562668 305078 LAMB3 1344175 3914 HGNC Lamb3 1558574 16780 MGI:99915 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:6490 Lamc1 621052 117036 LAMC1 1318553 3915 HGNC Lamc1 1318554 226519 MGI:99914 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:6492 Lamc2 621053 192362 LAMC2 1315384 3918 HGNC Lamc2 1315385 16782 MGI:99913 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:6493 Lamc3 1309399 311862 LAMC3 1319725 10319 HGNC Lamc3 1319726 23928 MGI:1344394 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:6494 Lamp1 2989 25328 LAMP1 737544 3916 HGNC Lamp1 10855 16783 MGI:96745 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:6499 Lamp2 2990 24944 LAMP2 735952 3920 HGNC Lamp2 10857 16784 MGI:96748 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:6501 Lamp3 1307928 303801 LAMP3 1317407 27074 HGNC Lamp3 1317408 239739 MGI:2441659 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:14582 Lamp5 1306991 362220 LAMP5 1315920 24141 HGNC Lamp5 1618280 76161 MGI:1923411 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:16097 Lamtor1 735078 308869 LAMTOR1 1605997 55004 RGD Lamtor1 1622333 66508 MGI:1913758 RGD HGNC:26068 Lamtor2 1562501 295234 LAMTOR2 1606308 28956 HGNC Lamtor2 1557191 83409 MGI:1932697 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:29796 Lamtor3 1307133 362045 LAMTOR3 1316146 8649 HGNC Lamtor3 1316147 56692 MGI:1929467 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:15606 Lamtor4 1309735 360776 LAMTOR4 1604690 389541 HGNC Lamtor4 1320233 66096 MGI:1913346 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:33772 Lamtor5 1305005 295357 LAMTOR5 1312775 10542 HGNC Lamtor5 1312776 68576 MGI:1915826 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:17955 Lancl1 69416 114515 LANCL1 69464 10314 HGNC Lancl1 69465 14768 MGI:1336997 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:6508 Lancl2 1310809 362375 LANCL2 1321926 55915 HGNC Lancl2 1321927 71835 MGI:1919085 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:6509 Lancl3 1563642 302540 LANCL3 1349608 347404 HGNC Lancl3 1557051 236285 MGI:2443335 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:24767 Lap3 1307985 289668 LAP3 1317491 51056 HGNC Lap3 1317492 66988 MGI:1914238 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:18449 Laptm4a 735179 298875 LAPTM4A 1346215 9741 HGNC Laptm4a 1550933 17775 MGI:108017 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:6924 Laptm4b 1311853 315047 LAPTM4B 1323527 55353 HGNC Laptm4b 1323528 114128 MGI:1890494 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:13646 Laptm5 621838 89783 LAPTM5 1354375 7805 HGNC Laptm5 733307 16792 MGI:108046 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:29612 Large1 1308895 361368 LARGE1 1318927 9215 RGD Large1 1318928 16795 MGI:1342270 RGD HGNC:6511 Large2 735214 311202 LARGE2 1605885 120071 HGNC Large2 1331921 228366 MGI:2443769 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:16522 Larp1 1306683 303158 LARP1 1603686 23367 HGNC Larp1 1550388 73158 MGI:1890165 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:29531 Larp1b 1307509 310348 LARP1B 1605666 55132 HGNC Larp1b 1316745 214048 MGI:1914604 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:24704 Larp4 6499275 100910299 LARP4 1603283 113251 HGNC Larp4 1313891 207214 MGI:2443114 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:24320 Larp4b 1310713 307070 LARP4B 1321780 23185 HGNC Larp4b 1550617 217980 MGI:106330 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:28987 Larp6 1308414 315731 LARP6 1605069 55323 HGNC Larp6 1551190 67557 MGI:1914807 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:24012 Larp7 1592474 686883 LARP7 1604813 51574 RGD Larp7 1618398 28036 MGI:107634 RGD HGNC:24912 Lars1 1304962 291624 LARS1 1312707 51520 HGNC Lars1 1550076 107045 MGI:1913808 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:6512 Lars2 1308429 363172 LARS2 1318191 23395 HGNC Lars2 1318192 102436 MGI:2142973 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:17095 Las1l 1565755 296865 LAS1L 1354295 81887 HGNC Las1l 1557511 76130 MGI:1923380 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:25726 Lasp1 68408 29278 LASP1 68601 3927 HGNC Lasp1 68602 16796 MGI:109656 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:6513 Lat 620802 81511 LAT 1342944 27040 HGNC Lat 734455 16797 MGI:1342293 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:18874 Lat2 631397 317676 LAT2 1342914 7462 HGNC Lat2 1617564 56743 MGI:1926479 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:12749 Lats1 1564085 308265 LATS1 1349703 9113 HGNC Lats1 1557546 16798 MGI:1333883 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:6514 Lats2 1305906 305922 LATS2 1314216 26524 HGNC Lats2 1314217 50523 MGI:1354386 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:6515 Lax1 1563522 498232 LAX1 1606285 54900 HGNC Lax1 1558462 240754 MGI:2443362 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:26005 Layn 1564444 500996 LAYN 1604525 143903 HGNC Layn 1620553 244864 MGI:2685357 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:29471 Lbh 1584525 683626 LBH 1604281 81606 HGNC Lbh 1615008 77889 MGI:1925139 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:29532 Lbhd2 1560608 500724 LBHD2 13440437 107984640 HGNC Lbhd2 1614787 380787 MGI:2685744 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:52384 Lbp 61865 29469 LBP 1347766 3929 HGNC Lbp 62157 16803 MGI:1098776 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:6517 Lbr 620813 89789 LBR 736984 3930 HGNC Lbr 732448 98386 MGI:2138281 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:6518 Lbx1 1564197 499362 LBX1 1606568 10660 HGNC Lbx1 1558594 16814 MGI:104867 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:16960 Lbx2 1561172 500224 LBX2 1347358 85474 RGD Lbx2 1558117 16815 MGI:1342288 RGD HGNC:15525 Lca5 1308555 300866 LCA5 1318396 167691 HGNC Lca5 1318397 75782 MGI:1923032 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:31923 Lca5l 1562512 498065 LCA5L 1345568 150082 HGNC Lca5l 1617183 385668 MGI:3041157 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:1255 Lcat 2993 24530 LCAT 737383 3931 HGNC Lcat 10859 16816 MGI:96755 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:6522 Lce1b 40964741 120100587 LCE1B 1349264 353132 RGD Lce1b 1615101 68720 MGI:1915970 RGD HGNC:16611 Lce1e 1585474 686125 LCE1E 1342802 353135 HGNC Lce1e 1615870 68694 MGI:1915944 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:29466 Lce1f 1565626 499663 LCE1F 1346167 353137 HGNC Lce1f 1622315 67828 MGI:1915078 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:29467 Lce1m 1588875 688413 LCE5A 1352803 254910 NCBI Lce1m 1614383 66203 MGI:1913453 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:16614 Lce3e 2319129 100361951 LCE3B 1346486 353143 HGNC Lce3c 1620692 94060 MGI:2135932 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:29462 Lce6a 2319721 100361652 LCE6A 1343793 448835 HGNC Lce6a 1612150 78382 MGI:1925632 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:31824 Lce7a 402369583 134485746 LCE7A 150429722 122526777 NCBI HGNC:55921 Lck 2994 313050 LCK 1344945 3932 HGNC Lck 10861 16818 MGI:96756 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:6524 Lclat1 1565906 362702 LCLAT1 1347425 253558 HGNC Lclat1 1622981 225010 MGI:2684937 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:26756 Lcmt1 735118 361643 LCMT1 1351587 51451 HGNC Lcmt1 1552905 30949 MGI:1353593 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:17557 Lcmt2 1305829 296098 LCMT2 1314097 9836 HGNC Lcmt2 1314098 329504 MGI:1353659 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:17558 Lcn1 619872 65039 LCN1 1344178 3933 HGNC Lcn3 1316803 16820 MGI:102669 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:6525 Lcn10 1564362 499756 LCN10 1347368 414332 HGNC Lcn10 1557478 332578 MGI:1925000 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:20892 Lcn12 1589474 680602 LCN12 1350830 286256 HGNC Lcn12 1558056 77701 MGI:1924951 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:28733 Lcn15l1 11355973 108350339 AL354761.1 16556570 102723971 HGNC Gm13539 2294571 620858 MGI:3651926 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline Lcn2 69408 170496 LCN2 69453 3934 HGNC Lcn2 69454 16819 MGI:96757 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:6526 Lcn6 1302986 414138 LCN6 1349815 158062 HGNC Lcn6 1611507 620709 MGI:3045364 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:17337 Lcn8 1306747 366008 LCN8 1343207 138307 HGNC Lcn8 1551878 78076 MGI:2135945 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:27038 Lcn9 1306341 296578 LCN9 1345733 392399 HGNC Lcn9 1552570 77704 MGI:1924954 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:17442 Lcor 1311704 365462 LCOR 1603601 84458 HGNC Lcor 1557397 212391 MGI:2443930 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:29503 Lcorl 1561241 498385 LCORL 1604965 254251 HGNC Lcorl 1620638 209707 MGI:2651932 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:30776 Lcp1 1308288 306071 LCP1 1317977 3936 HGNC Lcp1 1317978 18826 MGI:104808 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:6528 Lcp2 619743 155918 LCP2 732713 3937 HGNC Lcp2 732714 16822 MGI:1321402 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:6529 Lct 620823 116569 LCT 1344800 3938 HGNC Lct 1551051 226413 MGI:104576 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:6530 Lctl 1305177 315750 LCTL 1602287 197021 HGNC Lctl 1313050 235435 MGI:2183549 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:15583 Ldaf1 727895 378467 LDAF1 1601747 57146 HGNC Ldaf1 1614918 233806 MGI:1925752 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:30136 Ldah 1311648 313949 LDAH 1605056 60526 HGNC Ldah 1323216 68832 MGI:1916082 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:26145 Ldb1 1310359 309447 LDB1 1321219 8861 HGNC Ldb1 1321220 16825 MGI:894762 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:6532 Ldb2 1307921 289664 LDB2 1317395 9079 HGNC Ldb2 1317396 16826 MGI:894670 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:6533 Ldb3 1564875 498587 LDB3 1351488 11155 RGD Ldb3 1557802 24131 MGI:1344412 RGD HGNC:15710 Ldc1 1562036 297899 Ldc1 1622829 332942 MGI:2685699 RGD Ldha 2996 24533 LDHA 736025 3939 HGNC Ldha 10862 16828 MGI:96759 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:6535 Ldhal6b 727955 369018 LDHAL6B 1342929 92483 HGNC Ldhal6b 1553108 106557 MGI:2146830 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:21481 Ldhb 2997 24534 LDHB 735463 3945 HGNC Ldhb 10863 16832 MGI:96763 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:6541 Ldhc 69366 29634 LDHC 1349750 3948 HGNC Ldhc 1552776 16833 MGI:96764 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:6544 Ldhd 1308107 307858 LDHD 1317689 197257 HGNC Ldhd 1317690 52815 MGI:106428 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:19708 Ldlr 2998 300438 LDLR 735594 3949 HGNC Ldlr 10864 16835 MGI:96765 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:6547 Ldlrad1 1597398 689088 LDLRAD1 1603477 388633 HGNC Ldlrad1 2294204 546840 MGI:3652166 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:32069 Ldlrad2 1564888 502992 LDLRAD2 1606368 401944 HGNC Ldlrad2 1621150 435811 MGI:3588210 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:32071 Ldlrad3 1307846 366138 LDLRAD3 1605868 143458 HGNC Ldlrad3 1317277 241576 MGI:2138856 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:27046 Ldlrad4 1587105 679578 LDLRAD4 1313099 753 HGNC Ldlrad4 1313100 52662 MGI:1277150 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:1224 Ldlrap1 1563417 500564 LDLRAP1 1606809 26119 HGNC Ldlrap1 1614243 100017 MGI:2140175 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:18640 Ldoc1 1565644 367956 LDOC1 1344664 23641 HGNC Ldoc1 1619625 434784 MGI:2685212 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:6548 Leap2 1561235 497901 LEAP2 1601831 116842 HGNC Leap2 1618851 259301 MGI:2672795 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:29571 Lect2 1305404 361205 LECT2 1313416 3950 HGNC Lect2 1313417 16841 MGI:1278342 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:6550 Lef1 620241 161452 LEF1 735736 51176 HGNC Lef1 735737 16842 MGI:96770 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:6551 Lefty1 1561867 498299 LEFTY1 1350904 10637 HGNC Lefty1 1558349 13590 MGI:107405 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:6552 Leg1 1311933 308056 C6orf58 1350193 352999 HGNC 2310057J18Rik 1323645 67719 MGI:1914969 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:20960 Lekr1 1565425 361953 LEKR1 1605790 389170 HGNC Lekr1 1617076 624866 MGI:3645902 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:33765 Lemd1 2322707 102556277 LEMD1 1346619 93273 HGNC Lemd1 1622122 213409 MGI:1922403 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:18725 Lemd2 1305341 361807 LEMD2 1313312 221496 HGNC Lemd2 1552183 224640 MGI:2385045 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:21244 Lemd3 1596822 680066 LEMD3 1343559 23592 HGNC Lemd3 1615524 380664 MGI:3580376 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:28887 Lenep 69433 113917 LENEP 69166 55891 HGNC Lenep 69167 57275 MGI:1930020 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:14429 Leng1 1307933 292535 LENG1 1317415 79165 HGNC Leng1 1317416 69757 MGI:1917007 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:15502 Leng8 1306180 361506 LENG8 1314652 114823 HGNC Leng8 1314653 232798 MGI:2142195 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:15500 Leng9 6488215 100912286 LENG9 1317999 94059 HGNC Leng9 1552929 243813 MGI:2444509 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:16306 Leo1 1549772 300837 LEO1 1602075 123169 HGNC Leo1 1556952 235497 MGI:2685031 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:30401 Lep 3000 25608 LEP 69123 3952 HGNC Lep 69124 16846 MGI:104663 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:6553 Lepr 3001 24536 LEPR 735832 3953 HGNC Lepr 10865 16847 MGI:104993 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:6554 Leprot 621034 56766 LEPROT 1353937 54741 HGNC Leprot 1553364 230514 MGI:2687005 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:29477 Leprotl1 1307168 361160 LEPROTL1 1316198 23484 HGNC Leprotl1 1316199 68192 MGI:1915442 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:6555 Letm1 1359678 305457 LETM1 1352340 3954 HGNC Letm1 1553847 56384 MGI:1932557 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:6556 Letm2 1311220 361169 LETM2 1322565 137994 HGNC Letm2 1616469 270035 MGI:2444979 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:14648 Letmd1 1596738 681352 LETMD1 1344708 25875 HGNC Letmd1 1552508 68614 MGI:1915864 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:24241 Lfng 620587 170905 LFNG 1350319 3955 HGNC Lfng 732418 16848 MGI:1095413 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:6560 Lgals1 69355 56646 LGALS1 1347735 3956 HGNC Lgals1 737568 16852 MGI:96777 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:6561 Lgals12 1306914 293710 LGALS12 1315798 85329 HGNC Lgals12 1315799 56072 MGI:1929094 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:15788 Lgals2 621269 171134 LGALS2 735390 3957 HGNC Lgals2 732946 107753 MGI:895068 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:6562 Lgals3 69356 83781 LGALS3 736304 3958 HGNC Lgals3 736305 16854 MGI:96778 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:6563 Lgals3bp 620837 245955 LGALS3BP 1352457 3959 HGNC Lgals3bp 734457 19039 MGI:99554 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:6564 Lgals4 3003 25474 LGALS4 1351726 3960 HGNC Lgals4 1614448 16855 MGI:107536 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:6565 Lgals5 3004 25475 LGALS16 5485768 148003 HGNC HGNC:40039 Lgals7 61951 29518 LGALS7 1350412 3963 HGNC Lgals7 62244 16858 MGI:1316742 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:6568 Lgals8 621272 116641 LGALS8 1354427 3964 HGNC Lgals8 732579 56048 MGI:1928481 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:6569 Lgals9 3005 25476 LGALS9 736794 3965 HGNC Lgals9 10868 16859 MGI:109496 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:6570 Lgalsl 1307414 360983 LGALSL 1606012 29094 HGNC Lgalsl 1316597 216551 MGI:1916114 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:25012 Lgi1 628742 252892 LGI1 733103 9211 HGNC Lgi1 733104 56839 MGI:1861691 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:6572 Lgi2 1310391 305417 LGI2 1321270 55203 HGNC Lgi2 1321271 246316 MGI:2180196 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:18710 Lgi3 1311079 306013 LGI3 1322345 203190 HGNC Lgi3 1322346 213469 MGI:2182619 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:18711 Lgi4 735035 361549 LGI4 1344124 163175 HGNC Lgi4 1617311 243914 MGI:2180197 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:18712 Lgmn 619832 63865 LGMN 731860 5641 HGNC Lgmn 1552555 19141 MGI:1330838 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:9472 Lgr4 628615 286994 LGR4 1605061 55366 HGNC Lgr4 1616653 107515 MGI:1891468 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:13299 Lgr5 1307733 299802 LGR5 1605118 8549 HGNC Lgr5 1550798 14160 MGI:1341817 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:4504 Lgr6 1560339 498233 LGR6 1353750 59352 HGNC Lgr6 1557093 329252 MGI:2441805 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:19719 Lgsn 727925 316304 LGSN 1344000 51557 HGNC Lgsn 1332353 266744 MGI:2672844 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:21016 Lhb 3006 25329 LHB 69097 3972 HGNC Lhb 10869 16866 MGI:96782 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:6584 Lhcgr 3007 25477 LHCGR 737217 3973 HGNC Lhcgr 10870 16867 MGI:96783 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:6585 Lhfpl1 727927 300286 LHFPL1 1601697 340596 HGNC Lhfpl1 1620583 237091 MGI:1891214 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:6587 Lhfpl2 1309869 294643 LHFPL2 1320443 10184 HGNC Lhfpl2 1320444 218454 MGI:2145236 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:6588 Lhfpl3 1559727 499977 LHFPL3 1349891 375612 HGNC Lhfpl3 1619725 269629 MGI:1925076 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:6589 Lhfpl4 727967 353230 LHFPL4 1604456 375323 HGNC Lhfpl4 1618840 269788 MGI:3057108 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:29568 Lhfpl5 1359370 294303 LHFPL5 1347478 222662 HGNC Lhfpl5 1614809 328789 MGI:1915382 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:21253 Lhfpl6 1560177 499615 LHFPL6 1347444 10186 HGNC Lhfpl6 1615761 108927 MGI:1920048 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:6586 Lhfpl7 1584759 679783 LHFPL7 1605555 255349 HGNC Lhfpl7 1621960 333048 MGI:2685700 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:33725 Lhpp 1359187 361663 LHPP 1606248 64077 HGNC Lhpp 1557275 76429 MGI:1923679 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:30042 Lhx1 71074 257634 LHX1 732963 3975 HGNC Lhx1 732964 16869 MGI:99783 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:6593 Lhx2 71076 296706 LHX2 733849 9355 HGNC Lhx2 733850 16870 MGI:96785 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:6594 Lhx3 71078 170671 LHX3 1352685 8022 HGNC Lhx3 736998 16871 MGI:102673 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:6595 Lhx4 1308044 360858 LHX4 1317585 89884 HGNC Lhx4 1317586 16872 MGI:101776 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:21734 Lhx5 71079 124451 LHX5 732692 64211 HGNC Lhx5 732693 16873 MGI:107792 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:14216 Lhx6 1306174 311901 LHX6 1314642 26468 HGNC Lhx6 1314643 16874 MGI:1306803 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:21735 Lhx8 1308749 365963 LHX8 1606630 431707 HGNC Lhx8 1318701 16875 MGI:1096343 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:28838 Lhx9 727956 289048 LHX9 1354474 56956 HGNC Lhx9 1551735 16876 MGI:1316721 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:14222 Lias 1307270 305348 LIAS 1316364 11019 HGNC Lias 1316365 79464 MGI:1934604 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:16429 Liat1 1565611 497957 LIAT1 1606638 400566 HGNC Liat1 1623156 74230 MGI:1921480 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:33800 Lif 620865 60584 LIF 736774 3976 HGNC Lif 736775 16878 MGI:96787 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:6596 Lifr 621431 81680 LIFR 1354198 3977 HGNC Lifr 732565 16880 MGI:96788 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:6597 Lig1 621424 81513 LIG1 731763 3978 RGD Lig1 731764 16881 MGI:101789 RGD HGNC:6598 Lig3 1309875 303369 LIG3 1320452 3980 HGNC Lig3 1320453 16882 MGI:109152 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:6600 Lig4 1304639 290907 LIG4 1312194 3981 HGNC Lig4 1312195 319583 MGI:1335098 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:6601 Lilra5 1582781 691533 LILRA5 1601693 353514 HGNC Lilra5 1622956 232801 MGI:3647196 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:16309 Lilrb3 1566307 308350 LILRB5 1351276 10990 HGNC HGNC:6609 Lilrb4 1359090 292594 LILRB4 1347745 11006 RGD Lilrb4b 1620910 14727 MGI:102702 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:6608 Lim2 621482 114903 LIM2 1342579 3982 HGNC Lim2 733737 233187 MGI:104698 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:6610 Lima1 1564050 300228 LIMA1 1602328 51474 HGNC Lima1 1616795 65970 MGI:1920992 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:24636 Limch1 1305269 305332 LIMCH1 1604823 22998 HGNC Limch1 1313198 77569 MGI:1924819 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:29191 Limd1 1309830 316101 LIMD1 1320381 8994 HGNC Limd1 1320382 29806 MGI:1352502 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:6612 Limd2 1309967 360646 LIMD2 1603297 80774 HGNC Limd2 1320597 67803 MGI:1915053 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:28142 Lime1 1562795 362289 LIME1 1603039 54923 HGNC Lime1 1615049 72699 MGI:1919949 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:26016 Limk1 62055 65172 LIMK1 732406 3984 HGNC Limk1 62347 16885 MGI:104572 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:6613 Limk2 62056 29524 LIMK2 733238 3985 HGNC Limk2 62348 16886 MGI:1197517 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:6614 Lims1 1560732 499443 LIMS1 1313937 3987 HGNC Lims1 1313938 110829 MGI:1195263 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:6616 Lims2 1305273 361303 LIMS2 1313204 55679 HGNC Lims2 1313205 225341 MGI:2385067 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:16084 Lin28a 1566408 500562 LIN28A 1316876 79727 HGNC Lin28a 1316877 83557 MGI:1890546 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:15986 Lin28b 1597432 689054 LIN28B 1604919 389421 HGNC Lin28b 1615523 380669 MGI:3584032 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:32207 Lin37 1308901 292787 LIN37 1603391 55957 HGNC Lin37 1318936 75660 MGI:1922910 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:33234 Lin52 1306798 362763 LIN52 1315617 91750 HGNC Lin52 1619002 217708 MGI:3045391 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:19856 Lin54 1311361 305171 LIN54 1606970 132660 HGNC Lin54 1332217 231506 MGI:2140902 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:25397 Lin7a 621256 85327 LIN7A 731642 8825 HGNC Lin7a 1332164 108030 MGI:2135609 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:17787 Lin7b 620730 60377 LIN7B 734321 64130 HGNC Lin7b 734322 22342 MGI:1330858 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:17788 Lin7c 621164 60442 LIN7C 735828 55327 HGNC Lin7c 735829 22343 MGI:1330839 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:17789 Lin9 1591104 689523 LIN9 1348970 286826 HGNC Lin9 1552262 72568 MGI:1919818 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:30830 Lingo1 1308668 315691 LINGO1 1318574 84894 HGNC Lingo1 1318575 235402 MGI:1915522 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:21205 Lingo2 1310773 313156 LINGO2 1344562 158038 HGNC Lingo2 1551074 242384 MGI:2442298 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:21207 Lingo3 1592209 690755 LINGO3 1354064 645191 HGNC Lingo3 1617342 237403 MGI:3609246 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:21206 Lingo4 1562025 499668 LINGO4 1606911 339398 HGNC Lingo4 1616434 320747 MGI:2444651 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:31814 Lins1 1308792 308704 LINS1 1602699 55180 HGNC Lins1 1615057 72635 MGI:1919885 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:30922 Lipa 3008 25055 LIPA 736562 3988 HGNC Lipa 736563 16889 MGI:96789 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:6617 Lipc 3009 24538 LIPC 736877 3990 HGNC Lipc 10871 15450 MGI:96216 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:6619 Lipe 3010 25330 LIPE 737132 3991 HGNC Lipe 10872 16890 MGI:96790 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:6621 Lipf 708441 50682 LIPF 1343616 8513 HGNC Lipf 731696 67717 MGI:1914967 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:6622 Lipg 1310740 291437 LIPG 1321819 9388 HGNC Lipg 1321820 16891 MGI:1341803 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:6623 Liph 1592849 681694 LIPH 1320902 200879 RGD Liph 1320903 239759 MGI:2388029 RGD HGNC:18483 Lipi 1310162 288322 LIPI 1605865 149998 HGNC Lipi 1619705 320355 MGI:2443868 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:18821 Lipj 2321667 100360690 LIPJ 1603579 142910 HGNC HGNC:21773 Lipk 1309724 294094 LIPK 1320217 643414 HGNC Lipk 1553299 240633 MGI:2679259 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:23444 Lipm 1304912 309528 LIPM 1312623 340654 HGNC Lipm 1552056 78753 MGI:1926003 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:23455 Lipn 1560354 499345 LIPN 1349924 643418 HGNC Lipn 1557538 70166 MGI:1917416 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:23452 Lipo1 1565682 294097 Lipo1 1622840 329055 MGI:3647308 RGD Lipt1 1310276 316342 LIPT1 1321082 51601 HGNC Lipt1 1616295 623661 MGI:3645211 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:29569 Lipt2 1305211 365314 LIPT2 2947567 387787 HGNC Lipt2 1313102 67164 MGI:1914414 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:37216 Litaf 69294 65161 LITAF 735583 9516 HGNC Litaf 735584 56722 MGI:1929512 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:16841 Litafd 1564086 497862 LITAFD 14394528 101929989 HGNC Litafd 1617150 436336 MGI:3643507 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:53927 Lix1 1309454 292381 LIX1 1343566 167410 HGNC Lix1 1319805 66643 MGI:1913893 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:18581 Lix1l 1593161 499677 LIX1L 1350339 128077 HGNC Lix1l 1608990 280411 MGI:3036267 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:28715 Lkaaear1 1306208 296483 LKAAEAR1 1604727 198437 HGNC Lkaaear1 1314696 277496 MGI:2685538 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:33718 Llcfc1 1595510 680112 LLCFC1 1345356 135927 HGNC Llcfc1 1614279 76606 MGI:1923856 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:21750 Llgl1 3012 54265 LLGL1 733152 3996 HGNC Llgl1 733153 16897 MGI:102682 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:6628 Llgl2 1560307 360661 LLGL2 1353110 3993 HGNC Llgl2 1557962 217325 MGI:1918843 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:6629 Llph 1308261 299818 LLPH 1604260 84298 RGD Llph 1317933 66225 MGI:1913475 RGD HGNC:28229 Lman1 71020 116666 LMAN1 732234 3998 HGNC Lman1 732235 70361 MGI:1917611 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:6631 Lman1l 1310538 300743 LMAN1L 1321499 79748 HGNC Lman1l 1622941 235416 MGI:2667537 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:6632 Lman2 1308965 290994 LMAN2 1319046 10960 HGNC Lman2 1551129 66890 MGI:1914140 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:16986 Lman2l 1311393 301343 LMAN2L 1322831 81562 RGD Lman2l 1322832 214895 MGI:2443010 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:19263 Lmbr1 1563910 362295 LMBR1 1352056 64327 HGNC Lmbr1 1616805 56873 MGI:1861746 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:13243 Lmbr1l 1309631 300215 LMBR1L 1603995 55716 HGNC Lmbr1l 1551220 74775 MGI:1289247 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:18268 Lmbrd1 708471 246046 LMBRD1 733977 55788 HGNC Lmbrd1 1551808 68421 MGI:1915671 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:23038 Lmbrd2 1563920 499539 LMBRD2 1603597 92255 HGNC Lmbrd2 1557554 320506 MGI:2444173 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:25287 Lmcd1 1308963 494021 LMCD1 1319043 29995 HGNC Lmcd1 1319044 30937 MGI:1353635 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:6633 Lmf1 1310180 360495 LMF1 1348602 64788 HGNC Lmf1 1332379 76483 MGI:1923733 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:14154 Lmf2 1306274 315218 LMF2 1606481 91289 HGNC Lmf2 1314800 105847 MGI:2146015 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:25096 Lmln 1311465 363795 LMLN 1322938 89782 HGNC Lmln 1322939 239833 MGI:2444736 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:15991 Lmna 620456 60374 LMNA 732790 4000 HGNC Lmna 732791 16905 MGI:96794 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:6636 Lmnb1 620522 116685 LMNB1 733220 4001 HGNC Lmnb1 733221 16906 MGI:96795 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:6637 Lmnb2 1563803 299625 LMNB2 1345535 84823 HGNC Lmnb2 1624084 16907 MGI:96796 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:6638 Lmntd1 1560077 500362 LMNTD1 1602644 160492 HGNC Lmntd1 1557587 74071 MGI:1921321 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:26683 Lmntd2 1307439 309108 LMNTD2 1603159 256329 HGNC Lmntd2 1316632 72000 MGI:1919250 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:28561 Lmo1 621166 245979 LMO1 1352109 4004 HGNC Lmo1 1621395 109594 MGI:102812 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:6641 Lmo2 1307101 362176 LMO2 1316093 4005 HGNC Lmo2 1316094 16909 MGI:102811 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:6642 Lmo3 1561357 497798 LMO3 1346701 55885 HGNC Lmo3 1621396 109593 MGI:102810 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:6643 Lmo4 1305670 362051 LMO4 1313837 8543 HGNC Lmo4 1313838 16911 MGI:109360 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:6644 Lmo7 1302984 361084 LMO7 1351855 4008 HGNC Lmo7 1552223 380928 MGI:1353586 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:6646 Lmod1 1307236 304816 LMOD1 1316308 25802 HGNC Lmod1 1316309 93689 MGI:2135671 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:6647 Lmod2 1592092 296935 LMOD2 1603238 442721 HGNC Lmod2 1557393 93677 MGI:2135672 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:6648 Lmod3 1564924 500267 LMOD3 1603025 56203 HGNC Lmod3 1617991 320502 MGI:2444169 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:6649 Lmtk2 1598332 304286 LMTK2 1315801 22853 HGNC Lmtk2 1315802 231876 MGI:3036247 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:17880 Lmtk3 1588641 691056 LMTK3 1351306 114783 HGNC Lmtk3 1615511 381983 MGI:3039582 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:19295 Lmx1a 1304784 289201 LMX1A 1312426 4009 HGNC Lmx1a 1312427 110648 MGI:1888519 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:6653 Lmx1b 620843 114501 LMX1B 1345352 4010 HGNC Lmx1b 1552590 16917 MGI:1100513 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:6654 Lnp1 2323126 100359918 LNP1 2291790 348801 HGNC Lnp1 5139775 100503609 MGI:5011982 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:28014 Lnpep 621752 171105 LNPEP 732137 4012 HGNC Lnpep 732138 240028 MGI:2387123 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:6656 Lnpk 1312042 362151 LNPK 1323819 80856 HGNC Lnpk 1323820 69605 MGI:1918115 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:21610 Lnx1 1308159 360926 LNX1 1317771 84708 HGNC Lnx1 1317772 16924 MGI:1278335 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:6657 Lnx2 1308222 360761 LNX2 1317872 222484 HGNC Lnx2 1317873 140887 MGI:2155959 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:20421 LOC100361879 2319299 100361879 ATP5F1EP2 2291819 432369 HGNC HGNC:34026 LOC100362109 2318773 100362109 C22orf46P 1606236 79640 HGNC 4930407I10Rik 1616425 328573 MGI:2685593 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:26294 LOC100909936 6500970 100909936 PRAMEF9 1603847 343070 HGNC HGNC:27996 LOC100909998 6500748 100909998 ZNF2 1320138 7549 HGNC Zfp661 1553291 72180 MGI:1919430 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:12991 LOC100910814 6496829 100910814 KRTAP9-2 1350529 83899 HGNC HGNC:16926 LOC100911576 6491888 100911576 HNRNPCL4 9587498 101060301 HGNC HGNC:51333 LOC100912195 6488322 100912195 BEX5 1348519 340542 HGNC HGNC:27990 LOC100912356 6487214 100912356 IFNA5 1352508 3442 HGNC HGNC:5426 LOC102546572 7531244 102546572 ZNF20 1349406 7568 HGNC HGNC:12992 LOC102547287 7718701 102547287 ZNF98 1352835 148198 HGNC HGNC:13174 LOC102548041 7565604 102548041 LOC105371153 38630812 105371153 NCBI 4933440M02Rik 5685468 71208 MGI:1918458 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline LOC102551003 7637203 102551003 KRTAP22-1 1352120 337979 HGNC Krtap20-24 1614343 115488617 MGI:1916094 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:18947 LOC102551082 11051997 102551082 TRAV18 1348530 28665 HGNC Trav12-1 11339962 630086 MGI:4440525 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:12114 LOC102552269 7618014 102552269 LOC400499 4140188 400499 HGNC LOC103689958 9074148 103689958 OR6T1 1344490 219874 HGNC HGNC:14848 LOC103691076 9264595 103691076 ZNF570 1349071 148268 HGNC HGNC:26416 LOC103693823 9134184 103693823 EDDM3A 1354159 10876 HGNC HGNC:16978 LOC108351956 11455030 108351956 RNF228 150340634 122319436 NCBI Gm2102 2308747 100039210 MGI:3780270 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:55809 LOC120093061 41216714 120093061 5_8S_rRNA 16570194 110467518 HGNC LOC120093278 41103385 120093278 RNU6-8 7248844 101954278 HGNC Gm23296 14998103 115488101 MGI:5453073 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:34285 LOC120093280 41087372 120093280 RNU6-468P 10449055 106865374 HGNC Gm25799 14997354 115487942 MGI:5455576 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:47431 LOC120093282 41392415 120093282 RNU6-582P 10399901 106481365 HGNC Gm26125 14998812 115489279 MGI:5455902 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:47545 LOC120093283 41279995 120093283 RNU6-549P 10413836 106479810 HGNC HGNC:47512 LOC120093284 41350299 120093284 RNU6-14P 6481595 100873746 HGNC Gm24457 15003019 115489766 MGI:5454234 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:34258 LOC120093285 41340231 120093285 RNU6-1111P 10413327 106481530 HGNC HGNC:48074 LOC120093288 41324021 120093288 RNU6-1090P 10399962 106480045 HGNC HGNC:48053 LOC120093289 41010483 120093289 RNU6-451P 10412443 106479765 HGNC HGNC:47414 LOC120093296 40972135 120093296 RNU6-876P 10413495 106481455 HGNC Gm25132 14999835 115489768 MGI:5454909 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:47839 LOC120093297 41061512 120093297 RNU6-268P 10412508 106479685 HGNC HGNC:47231 LOC120093299 41194476 120093299 RNU6-606P 10399314 106479834 HGNC Gm23032 14998376 115487630 MGI:5452809 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:47569 LOC120093304 41101949 120093304 RNU6-519P 10400818 106479796 HGNC HGNC:47482 LOC120093306 41239514 120093306 RNU6-261P 10400152 106481885 HGNC Gm22458 14996086 115489770 MGI:5452235 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:47224 LOC120093308 41082530 120093308 RNU6-871P 10399590 106479950 HGNC Gm26017 14996331 115490010 MGI:5455794 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:47834 LOC120093310 40963012 120093310 RNU6-739P 10399449 106481413 HGNC Gm26327 15001200 115486573 MGI:5456104 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:47702 LOC120093312 41148650 120093312 RNU6-205P 10401690 106633815 HGNC Gm24223 14997004 115489801 MGI:5454000 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:47168 LOC120093314 41271388 120093314 RNU6-1325P 10400549 106480145 HGNC HGNC:48288 LOC120093315 41040147 120093315 RNU6-464P 10400215 106479771 HGNC HGNC:47427 LOC120093317 41195602 120093317 SNORA73 16551373 124904363 HGNC Gm24948 14996943 115488046 MGI:5454725 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline LOC120093318 41162031 120093318 RNU7-99P 10413171 106480814 HGNC HGNC:45633 LOC120093321 41356638 120093321 LOC124903418 16551123 124903418 HGNC LOC120093357 41114950 120093357 RNVU1-2A 1345451 6063 HGNC Gm22809 15001979 115486595 MGI:5452586 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:54430 LOC120093368 41021534 120093368 U1 16566962 124904631 HGNC Gm24524 14998763 115490294 MGI:5454301 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline LOC120093379 41343341 120093379 RNU1-45P 10400487 106481610 HGNC Gm23447 15000035 115488845 MGI:5453224 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:48387 LOC120093383 41378797 120093383 SNORD114-13 1602511 767591 HGNC HGNC:33001 LOC120093427 41104368 120093427 RNU11-5P 10400665 106479563 HGNC HGNC:46945 LOC120093443 41025079 120093443 RNU2-25P 10399556 106480208 HGNC HGNC:48518 LOC120093446 41002896 120093446 LOC124900297 16551927 124900297 HGNC Gm22074 15002397 115486231 MGI:5451851 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline LOC120093454 41050981 120093454 RNU2-9P 10412393 106481636 HGNC HGNC:48502 LOC120093465 41343863 120093465 RNU2-40P 10400077 106480671 HGNC Gm26256 15000168 115488086 MGI:5456033 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:48533 LOC120093474 41270223 120093474 LOC124900381 16559419 124900381 HGNC AF357399 6909115 100302567 MGI:5439844 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline LOC120093484 41226908 120093484 LOC124904380 16557152 124904380 HGNC LOC120093899 41061317 120093899 RNU6-1039P 10413742 106481931 HGNC Gm24856 15002551 115487932 MGI:5454633 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:48002 LOC120093901 41327720 120093901 RNU6-450P 10400320 106481321 HGNC Gm23025 15002621 115489793 MGI:5452802 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:47413 LOC120093906 40985792 120093906 RNU6-952P 10399154 106479987 HGNC Gm24382 14999436 115489788 MGI:5454159 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:47915 LOC120093909 41134950 120093909 RNU6-509P 10399079 106479792 HGNC HGNC:47472 LOC120093910 41093664 120093910 RNU6-702P 10399695 106481912 HGNC HGNC:47665 LOC120093912 41326720 120093912 RNU6-192P 10399167 106481237 HGNC HGNC:47155 LOC120093914 41393725 120093914 RNU6-1218P 10399437 106480099 HGNC HGNC:48181 LOC120093915 41293978 120093915 RNU6-83P 6481544 100873782 HGNC HGNC:42573 LOC120093916 41182883 120093916 RNU6-898P 10400689 106481462 HGNC Gm26063 14996471 115488593 MGI:5455840 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:47861 LOC120093917 41067915 120093917 RNU6-1330P 10399804 106480411 HGNC Gm23819 15002650 115487496 MGI:5453596 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:48293 LOC120093918 41050819 120093918 RNU6-1117P 10400193 106481532 HGNC HGNC:48080 LOC120093919 41098017 120093919 RNU6-713P 10400762 106479882 HGNC Gm24508 14998339 115488733 MGI:5454285 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:47676 LOC120093920 41030959 120093920 RNU6-419P 10400214 106479751 HGNC Gm26129 14998865 115488246 MGI:5455906 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:47382 LOC120093921 41098964 120093921 RNU6-88P 10398956 106479605 HGNC Gm26359 14997052 115487493 MGI:5456136 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:47051 LOC120093923 41216819 120093923 RNU6-422P 10399160 106480580 HGNC HGNC:47385 LOC120093924 41036871 120093924 RNU6-1237P 10413784 106480651 HGNC HGNC:48200 LOC120093927 40964218 120093927 RNU6-780P 10398862 106481427 HGNC Gm23210 15002030 115488682 MGI:5452987 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:47743 LOC120093928 41210402 120093928 RNU6-1066P 10399188 106480035 HGNC Gm22236 15002465 115487495 MGI:5452013 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:48029 LOC120094012 41364644 120094012 LOC124900449 16559440 124900449 HGNC LOC120094023 41345827 120094023 LOC124906189 16557141 124906189 HGNC LOC120094026 41008610 120094026 RNU2-54P 10399100 106481651 HGNC HGNC:48547 LOC120094034 41211778 120094034 RNU2-10P 10400765 106480201 HGNC HGNC:48503 LOC120094039 41150744 120094039 U3 16566133 124900922 HGNC LOC120094040 41261583 120094040 RNU4-35P 10399606 106481182 HGNC Gm22249 14998165 115490319 MGI:5452026 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:46971 LOC120094041 41274423 120094041 RNU4-63P 10398831 106479587 HGNC HGNC:46999 LOC120094042 41319180 120094042 RNU4-87P 10413717 106479598 HGNC HGNC:47023 LOC120094043 41008048 120094043 RNU4-6P 1351832 26838 HGNC Gm22720 14997631 115487321 MGI:5452497 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:10199 LOC120094045 41051307 120094045 RNU5E-8P 6481481 100873837 HGNC HGNC:42528 LOC120094050 41086182 120094050 RNU6-25P 10399162 106480704 HGNC HGNC:34251 LOC120094053 41035867 120094053 RNU6-429P 10399227 106479755 HGNC Gm26335 14999311 115490220 MGI:5456112 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:47392 LOC120094056 41261377 120094056 RNU6-110P 10400341 106479615 HGNC HGNC:47073 LOC120094403 41307598 120094403 RNU6-1304P 10400305 106480135 HGNC HGNC:48267 LOC120094404 41181783 120094404 RNU6-78P 6481541 100873778 HGNC Gm25718 14998616 115488978 MGI:5455495 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:42568 LOC120094405 40988634 120094405 RNU6-254P 10400088 106479679 HGNC HGNC:47217 LOC120094406 41216811 120094406 RNU6-951P 10399206 106481480 HGNC Gm23958 14998954 115489191 MGI:5453735 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:47914 LOC120094407 41257143 120094407 RNU6-251P 10413537 106481257 HGNC HGNC:47214 LOC120094408 41044483 120094408 RNU6-349P 10398835 106479721 HGNC HGNC:47312 LOC120094409 41382517 120094409 RNU6-266P 10400042 106479684 HGNC Gm23567 15000877 115487237 MGI:5453344 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:47229 LOC120094410 41392215 120094410 RNU6-1146P 10399833 106480070 HGNC Gm23316 14997453 115487245 MGI:5453093 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:48109 LOC120094413 41036261 120094413 RNU6-1318P 10399236 106480141 HGNC HGNC:48281 LOC120094416 41333950 120094416 RNU1-97P 10413473 106480182 HGNC Gm26150 14996587 115486987 MGI:5455927 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:48439 LOC120094417 41005006 120094417 RNU6-1212P 10399696 106481943 HGNC Gm23231 15002779 115490458 MGI:5453008 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:48175 LOC120094420 41356779 120094420 RNU6-940P 10399475 106479982 HGNC HGNC:47903 LOC120094421 41292084 120094421 RNU6-566P 10399300 106481903 HGNC HGNC:47529 LOC120094424 40960317 120094424 RNU6-947P 10399554 106479985 HGNC Gm25045 15002001 115487243 MGI:5454822 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:47910 LOC120094425 41074420 120094425 RNU6-995P 10400024 106481494 HGNC Gm24905 14997960 115489582 MGI:5454682 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:47958 LOC120094440 40979856 120094440 SNORD18A 1602021 595098 HGNC HGNC:32714 LOC120094467 41101567 120094467 SNORA17B 1605446 677824 HGNC Snora43 2313705 100306955 MGI:4360066 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:32636 LOC120094469 41362891 120094469 LOC124900472 16551840 124900472 HGNC LOC120094475 41074293 120094475 LOC124901826 16550986 124901826 HGNC Gm24339 15001649 115487283 MGI:5454116 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline LOC120094493 40971005 120094493 RNU2-61P 10399178 106480673 HGNC HGNC:48554 LOC120094504 41374875 120094504 RNU2-70P 10413272 106480227 HGNC Gm26108 15002401 115489258 MGI:5455885 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:48563 LOC120094516 40940921 120094516 RNU2-51P 10399564 106480415 HGNC Gm23118 14999932 115489647 MGI:5452895 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:48544 LOC120094530 41324543 120094530 RNU2-71P 10399677 106480228 HGNC HGNC:48564 LOC120094535 41300456 120094535 RNU2-44P 10413056 106481648 HGNC HGNC:48537 LOC120094541 41387742 120094541 RNU4-61P 10399853 106481191 HGNC Gm22116 14998612 115488442 MGI:5451893 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:46997 LOC120094543 41389138 120094543 RNU4-25P 10399694 106481870 HGNC HGNC:46961 LOC120094549 41227585 120094549 RNU5A-1 1353881 26831 HGNC HGNC:10211 LOC120094550 41235349 120094550 RNU5B-1 1345743 26832 HGNC Gm25313 14997032 115487325 MGI:5455090 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:10212 LOC120094551 41336355 120094551 RNU6-1 1343798 26827 HGNC Gm25064 14996422 115487326 MGI:5454841 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:10227 LOC120094553 41286225 120094553 RNU6-1316P 10413400 106480140 HGNC HGNC:48279 LOC120094555 41126221 120094555 RNU6-1228P 10400800 106480103 HGNC HGNC:48191 LOC120094556 41323214 120094556 RNU6-23P 6481603 100873755 HGNC HGNC:34267 LOC120094557 40957589 120094557 RNU6-850P 10399655 106481919 HGNC Gm25633 14996769 115487335 MGI:5455410 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:47813 LOC120094558 41303672 120094558 RNU6-1141P 10399650 106481540 HGNC HGNC:48104 LOC120094860 41329502 120094860 RNU6-839P 10399097 106481446 HGNC Gm25204 15000931 115488455 MGI:5454981 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:47802 LOC120094862 41290364 120094862 RNU6-640P 10413617 106479850 HGNC Gm26439 15002092 115487852 MGI:5456216 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:47603 LOC120094866 41057302 120094866 RNU6-853P 10413403 106479943 HGNC HGNC:47816 LOC120094867 41251599 120094867 RNU6-724P 10398878 106479887 HGNC HGNC:47687 LOC120094868 41327487 120094868 RNU6-326P 10399289 106481282 HGNC HGNC:47289 LOC120094869 41178156 120094869 RNU6-125P 10413773 106479621 HGNC HGNC:47088 LOC120094872 41052886 120094872 RNU6-662P 10400501 106479860 HGNC Gm24765 14999522 115487601 MGI:5454542 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:47625 LOC120094873 41291055 120094873 RNU6-334P 10399881 106479714 HGNC Gm24268 15003045 115489166 MGI:5454045 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:47297 LOC120094877 41011003 120094877 RNU7-179P 10400619 106479092 HGNC Gm25424 14999878 115486594 MGI:5455201 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:45713 LOC120094884 40940879 120094884 RNU1-70P 10450704 107105264 HGNC Gm25926 14997875 115488083 MGI:5455703 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:48412 LOC120094894 41289198 120094894 RNU1-8P 10413291 106481604 HGNC Gm23470 14997070 115488423 MGI:5453247 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:48307 LOC120094905 41022835 120094905 RNU1-76P 10399572 106481617 HGNC Gm25721 14998514 115490301 MGI:5455498 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:48418 LOC120094916 41119832 120094916 RNVU1-17 7249808 101954269 HGNC HGNC:48322 LOC120094927 41297475 120094927 RNVU1-34 10413453 106480177 HGNC Gm23099 14999897 115486648 MGI:5452876 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:48427 LOC120094945 41176457 120094945 RNU6ATAC7P 10400795 106479546 HGNC Gm23494 15002727 115487057 MGI:5453271 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:46906 LOC120094949 41178953 120094949 LOC124904795 16557198 124904795 HGNC LOC120094954 41294134 120094954 U2 16568434 124904138 HGNC LOC120094959 40976196 120094959 RNU2-39P 10412400 106480214 HGNC Gm22984 14998950 115488431 MGI:5452761 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:48532 LOC120094975 40952464 120094975 RNU6-507P 10413333 106481341 HGNC Gm24178 14996632 115487248 MGI:5453955 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:47470 LOC120094976 41332032 120094976 RNU6-882P 10413055 106481457 HGNC Gm23678 14997307 115489278 MGI:5453455 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:47845 LOC120094979 41202132 120094979 RNU6-407P 10413735 106479745 HGNC HGNC:47370 LOC120094980 41056788 120094980 RNU6-615P 10400355 106480595 HGNC Gm22056 14997210 115490238 MGI:5451833 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:47578 LOC120094982 41017258 120094982 RNU6-732P 10413435 106479890 HGNC HGNC:47695 LOC120094984 41372167 120094984 RNU6-856P 10413135 106481451 HGNC Gm26402 14998218 115487501 MGI:5456179 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:47819 LOC120094985 41132162 120094985 RNU6-639P 10399036 106479849 HGNC HGNC:47602 LOC120095349 41179444 120095349 RNU6-855P 10398879 106479944 HGNC HGNC:47818 LOC120095350 41351485 120095350 RNU6-384P 10399056 106481299 HGNC HGNC:47347 LOC120095351 41135105 120095351 RNU6-652P 10413397 106481388 HGNC Gm25160 15002226 115487031 MGI:5454937 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:47615 LOC120095353 41210406 120095353 RNU6-22P 10412572 106478917 HGNC HGNC:34266 LOC120095354 41212192 120095354 RNU6-414P 10413577 106479749 HGNC HGNC:47377 LOC120095355 41200060 120095355 U6 16570204 124900887 HGNC LOC120095357 41380343 120095357 RNU6-923P 10413210 106481471 HGNC Gm24851 14997698 115489799 MGI:5454628 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:47886 LOC120095358 41100961 120095358 RNU6-878P 10399317 106479954 HGNC HGNC:47841 LOC120095359 41243160 120095359 RNU6-1305P 10413458 106481592 HGNC Gm22883 15002996 115487855 MGI:5452660 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:48268 LOC120095360 41115213 120095360 RNU6-984P 10413187 106481927 HGNC Gm26255 14996278 115488463 MGI:5456032 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:47947 LOC120095364 41293538 120095364 RNU6-304P 10399980 106481275 HGNC Gm25268 14999090 115489072 MGI:5455045 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:47267 LOC120095367 41126172 120095367 RNU6-988P 10413701 106480003 HGNC Gm25968 14998513 115487861 MGI:5455745 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:47951 LOC120095368 41351834 120095368 RNU6-973P 10412621 106479996 HGNC HGNC:47936 LOC120095370 40962770 120095370 RNU6-132P 10413761 106481219 HGNC HGNC:47095 LOC120095371 41021983 120095371 RNU6-604P 10412493 106479833 HGNC Gm23194 14997001 115487871 MGI:5452971 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:47567 LOC120095373 40966030 120095373 RNU6-1168P 10400742 106481548 HGNC HGNC:48131 LOC120095378 41249496 120095378 RNU6-904P 10412418 106479966 HGNC HGNC:47867 LOC120095403 41327418 120095403 LOC124900432 16551880 124900432 HGNC Gm24029 15554325 115487878 MGI:5453806 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline LOC120095411 41236916 120095411 LOC124900524 16551469 124900524 HGNC Gm24460 14999343 115489215 MGI:5454237 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline LOC120095420 41140926 120095420 LOC124905268 16551196 124905268 HGNC Gm27991 14997495 115486824 MGI:5531373 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline LOC120095430 41071609 120095430 LOC124900531 16551697 124900531 HGNC Gm25200 15000716 115487049 MGI:5454977 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline LOC120095457 40971048 120095457 LOC124900463 16551863 124900463 HGNC LOC120095472 41140059 120095472 SNORA78 1602553 677844 HGNC Snora78 2313707 100306952 MGI:4360056 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:32664 LOC120095482 40975049 120095482 U2 16568667 124904146 HGNC LOC120095486 41113907 120095486 U2 16566947 124904641 HGNC Gm23661 15002631 115490305 MGI:5453438 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline LOC120095500 41247591 120095500 RNU6-843P 10400769 106480614 HGNC Gm22302 14997941 115486564 MGI:5452079 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:47806 LOC120095501 41354756 120095501 RNU6-244P 10449092 106866981 HGNC HGNC:47207 LOC120095503 41220484 120095503 RNU6-86P 10400376 106479604 HGNC Gm25008 14999013 115488875 MGI:5454785 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:47049 LOC120095507 40937829 120095507 RNU6-656P 10399884 106479857 HGNC HGNC:47619 LOC120095536 41025228 120095536 FAM246C 26923936 117134596 NCBI HGNC:54842 LOC120095693 41241227 120095693 SUMO4 1349888 387082 HGNC HGNC:21181 LOC120095707 41178532 120095707 RNU6-711P 10400257 106479881 HGNC HGNC:47674 LOC120095708 41352287 120095708 RNU6-257P 10399697 106479681 HGNC HGNC:47220 LOC120095709 41169778 120095709 RNU6-466P 10413594 106481770 HGNC Gm25740 14998486 115487573 MGI:5455517 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:47429 LOC120095711 41074576 120095711 RNU6-961P 10400838 106481483 HGNC Gm25924 15000559 115486580 MGI:5455701 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:47924 LOC120095713 41021352 120095713 RNU6-478P 10399670 106479778 HGNC HGNC:47441 LOC120095718 41115113 120095718 RNU6-782P 10413194 106481917 HGNC HGNC:47745 LOC120095720 40982162 120095720 SNORA71 16551372 124904975 HGNC LOC120095726 41192302 120095726 SNORA63E 12738314 109617007 HGNC Gm25852 14996738 115490466 MGI:5455629 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:52212 LOC120095727 41281933 120095727 SNORA63B 12738284 109617006 HGNC Gm24201 15554245 115488690 MGI:5453978 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:52209 LOC120095751 41352856 120095751 RNU1-39P 10400407 106481953 HGNC Gm25704 15001958 115489625 MGI:5455481 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:48381 LOC120095762 41081753 120095762 RNU1-98P 10399861 106481622 HGNC Gm23796 14997221 115489849 MGI:5453573 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:48440 LOC120095776 41167741 120095776 SNORA79 1602552 677845 HGNC HGNC:32665 LOC120095786 41107969 120095786 RNU2-37P 10399557 106480213 HGNC HGNC:48530 LOC120095792 41183084 120095792 RNU2-53P 10400002 106480220 HGNC HGNC:48546 LOC120095803 41227328 120095803 RNU4-82P 10413256 106481198 HGNC HGNC:47018 LOC120095804 41081391 120095804 RNU5A-5P 6481477 100873835 HGNC HGNC:42525 LOC120095806 41063304 120095806 RNU6-737P 10399542 106481914 HGNC Gm25577 14996462 115488097 MGI:5455354 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:47700 LOC120095808 41132892 120095808 RNU6-343P 10413164 106479719 HGNC Gm24968 15000722 115488726 MGI:5454745 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:47306 LOC120095809 41327136 120095809 RNU6-19P 6481604 100873754 HGNC HGNC:34263 LOC120095811 40983549 120095811 RNU6-1013P 10399393 106480012 HGNC HGNC:47976 LOC120095812 41168066 120095812 RNU6-945P 10398918 106479984 HGNC Gm25684 14999832 115486861 MGI:5455461 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:47908 LOC120095815 41061186 120095815 RNU6-920P 10413787 106481470 HGNC Gm24592 15002048 115489324 MGI:5454369 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:47883 LOC120095817 41135138 120095817 RNU6-757P 10413578 106479901 HGNC Gm23244 15002715 115490525 MGI:5453021 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:47720 LOC120095818 41162418 120095818 RNU6-637P 10399277 106479848 HGNC Gm26002 14996447 115487004 MGI:5455779 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:47600 LOC120095819 40969584 120095819 RNU6-916P 10399732 106481468 HGNC Rnu6-ps2 1621585 19864 MGI:97991 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:47879 LOC120095820 41034013 120095820 RNU6-1215P 10413141 106480097 HGNC Gm24651 15003122 115488751 MGI:5454428 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:48178 LOC120095955 40984024 120095955 MUC12 1347863 10071 NCBI HGNC:7510 LOC120096085 41129606 120096085 RNU4-1 1342825 26835 HGNC Gm24265 14997267 115490317 MGI:5454042 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:10192 LOC120096086 41278455 120096086 RNU4-56P 10413104 106480547 HGNC HGNC:46992 LOC120096092 40948516 120096092 RNU6-1067P 10399942 106481516 HGNC Gm23947 14997835 115488870 MGI:5453724 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:48030 LOC120096095 40927760 120096095 RNU6-60P 10413297 106480750 HGNC Gm23503 15001355 115489669 MGI:5453280 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:42550 LOC120096096 40965707 120096096 RNU6-838P 10413827 106479937 HGNC Gm23350 14996058 115488977 MGI:5453127 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:47801 LOC120096097 41148403 120096097 RNU6-195P 10413379 106479653 HGNC HGNC:47158 LOC120096100 41028659 120096100 RNU6-1310P 10400008 106480658 HGNC Gm22523 14997858 115490034 MGI:5452300 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:48273 LOC120096102 41240022 120096102 RNU6-293P 10412386 106481271 HGNC HGNC:47256 LOC120096106 41013557 120096106 LOC124900221 16551820 124900221 HGNC Gm24147 14999766 115489212 MGI:5453924 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline LOC120096108 41308945 120096108 SNORA15B-2 12738317 109617022 HGNC HGNC:52192 LOC120096125 41014265 120096125 LOC124900411 16559506 124900411 HGNC Gm22519 15556720 115486001 MGI:5452296 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline LOC120096127 41161287 120096127 LOC124900469 16557140 124900469 HGNC LOC120096366 41316423 120096366 RNU6-537P 10400217 106479804 HGNC HGNC:47500 LOC120096368 41361058 120096368 RNU6-889P 10399522 106480402 HGNC HGNC:47852 LOC120096371 41066519 120096371 RNU1-15P 1342987 26858 HGNC HGNC:10140 LOC120096372 41165305 120096372 RNU7-140P 10399503 106479077 HGNC HGNC:45674 LOC120096381 41152662 120096381 LOC124900891 16551073 124900891 HGNC Gm23017 15557932 115487271 MGI:5452794 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline LOC120096384 41271594 120096384 SNORD74B 12738359 109617014 HGNC Gm26224 15554207 115487643 MGI:5456001 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:52234 LOC120096392 41261293 120096392 RNU2-49P 10399518 106480219 HGNC HGNC:48542 LOC120096422 40994115 120096422 LOC124900542 16552484 124900542 HGNC Gm22489 15554684 115487678 MGI:5452266 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline LOC120096436 41220427 120096436 U3 16569966 124906377 HGNC Gm24949 15002414 115487926 MGI:5454726 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline LOC120096438 41362831 120096438 RNU4-72P 10412541 106479591 HGNC Gm24141 14998894 115487317 MGI:5453918 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:47008 LOC120096440 41231914 120096440 RNU5E-4P 6481471 100873829 HGNC Gm23143 15001660 115490088 MGI:5452920 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:42513 LOC120096446 41216393 120096446 RNU6-465P 10399857 106481326 HGNC HGNC:47428 LOC120096450 40993432 120096450 RNU6-842P 10400440 106481447 HGNC HGNC:47805 LOC120096452 41226902 120096452 RNU6-363P 10399960 106479727 HGNC HGNC:47326 LOC120096453 41330862 120096453 RNU6-597P 10412506 106481905 HGNC HGNC:47560 LOC120096454 41208883 120096454 RNU6-94P 10413266 106481206 HGNC Gm26227 14996099 115489567 MGI:5456004 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:47057 LOC120096455 41197062 120096455 RNU6-598P 10399919 106479830 HGNC HGNC:47561 LOC120096456 41125122 120096456 RNU6-674P 10412414 106481773 HGNC HGNC:47637 LOC120096457 40994150 120096457 RNU6-43P 10412591 106478921 HGNC HGNC:34287 LOC120096458 41319216 120096458 RNU6-44P 10400369 106478922 HGNC Gm22740 15001170 115490228 MGI:5452517 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:34288 LOC120096459 41017587 120096459 U6 16567798 124903275 HGNC Gm23056 14997287 115487593 MGI:5452833 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline LOC120096460 41178723 120096460 RNU6-902P 10412469 106480619 HGNC HGNC:47865 LOC120096462 41184906 120096462 RNU6-809P 10399998 106479924 HGNC Gm24919 15001471 115487605 MGI:5454696 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:47772 LOC120096464 40929865 120096464 RNU6-967P 10398998 106479993 HGNC Gm26420 15002878 115489786 MGI:5456197 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:47930 LOC120096465 41168767 120096465 RNU6-497P 10400667 106479786 HGNC Gm25609 14996533 115487600 MGI:5455386 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:47460 LOC120096466 41009483 120096466 RNU6-352P 10400140 106480573 HGNC Gm25269 15000162 115487623 MGI:5455046 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:47315 LOC120096740 41168377 120096740 RNU6-659P 10400148 106481390 HGNC Gm24846 15556640 115486587 MGI:5454623 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:47622 LOC120096741 41282244 120096741 RNU6-463P 10399251 106481325 HGNC HGNC:47426 LOC120096742 41026202 120096742 RNU6-834P 10399038 106479935 HGNC HGNC:47797 LOC120096743 40995005 120096743 RNU6-1064P 10399811 106481515 HGNC HGNC:48027 LOC120096747 41126636 120096747 RNU6-756P 10413311 106479900 HGNC HGNC:47719 LOC120096750 41363359 120096750 RNU6-432P 10400628 106479757 HGNC HGNC:47395 LOC120096751 41283680 120096751 RNU6-128P 10399012 106481217 HGNC HGNC:47091 LOC120096755 41062143 120096755 RNU6-324P 10413443 106479710 HGNC Gm24304 14997160 115490249 MGI:5454081 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:47287 LOC120096757 41300422 120096757 RNU6-197P 10399793 106479654 HGNC HGNC:47160 LOC120096758 41336455 120096758 RNU6-918P 10399339 106481469 HGNC HGNC:47881 LOC120096759 41191145 120096759 RNU6-994P 10400423 106480006 HGNC Gm24131 14996123 115490250 MGI:5453908 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:47957 LOC120096761 41196480 120096761 RNU6-561P 10400465 106479815 HGNC HGNC:47524 LOC120096762 41039274 120096762 RNU6-449P 10400532 106481896 HGNC Gm24003 14997379 115490244 MGI:5453780 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:47412 LOC120096766 40971467 120096766 RNU7-169P 10399023 106480827 HGNC HGNC:45703 LOC120096767 41224647 120096767 RNU7-197P 10400225 106480455 HGNC HGNC:45731 LOC120096774 41249459 120096774 RNVU1-21 10399397 106480190 HGNC Gm22847 14996491 115490302 MGI:5452624 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:48464 LOC120096780 40926627 120096780 SNORA70 16551458 124900556 HGNC Gm22725 15001966 115485930 MGI:5452502 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline LOC120096784 41127835 120096784 SNORA5A 1602780 654319 HGNC Gm24313 14999126 115487881 MGI:5454090 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:32588 LOC120096833 41233454 120096833 LOC124900452 16552477 124900452 HGNC LOC120096835 41081832 120096835 RNU6ATAC6P 10399668 106479545 HGNC HGNC:46905 LOC120096838 41117376 120096838 LOC124904813 16557133 124904813 HGNC LOC120096840 41054942 120096840 AL024493.1 16559395 124900505 HGNC Gm22156 15000079 115485857 MGI:5451933 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline LOC120096847 41402058 120096847 RNU2-55P 10399302 106481961 HGNC Gm24666 14997918 115490306 MGI:5454443 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:48548 LOC120096853 41230670 120096853 RNU2-46P 10399558 106480218 HGNC HGNC:48539 LOC120096856 40939875 120096856 RNU4-41P 10400645 106481184 HGNC HGNC:46977 LOC120096857 41151227 120096857 RNU4-69P 10399122 106479590 HGNC Gm24695 14997020 115488722 MGI:5454472 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:47005 LOC120096858 41008473 120096858 RNU4-62P 10413160 106479586 HGNC HGNC:46998 LOC120096865 41025388 120096865 RNU6-4P 10400203 106478914 HGNC Gm25829 14998207 115487701 MGI:5455606 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:34253 LOC120096869 41376292 120096869 RNU6-771P 10399278 106479907 HGNC Gm22969 15557751 115486835 MGI:5452746 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:47734 LOC120096871 40944653 120096871 RNU6-553P 10412623 106480589 HGNC HGNC:47516 LOC120097194 40989554 120097194 RNU6-150P 10399224 106479632 HGNC HGNC:47113 LOC120097196 41166239 120097196 RNU6-577P 10413629 106479822 HGNC HGNC:47540 LOC120097197 41229534 120097197 RNU6-632P 10400422 106479846 HGNC HGNC:47595 LOC120097198 41114645 120097198 RNU6-643P 10400046 106479851 HGNC HGNC:47606 LOC120097200 41082665 120097200 RNU6-1245P 10400506 106480109 HGNC HGNC:48208 LOC120097202 41310164 120097202 RNU6-1128P 10412594 106480062 HGNC Gm24668 14998563 115488604 MGI:5454445 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:48091 LOC120097214 41031107 120097214 LOC124900203 16559479 124900203 HGNC Gm22331 14999696 115485769 MGI:5452108 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline LOC120097215 41349636 120097215 LOC124900341 16551112 124900341 HGNC Gm23212 15555563 115487644 MGI:5452989 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline LOC120097220 41328343 120097220 LOC124900558 16551739 124900558 HGNC Gm26147 14996495 115485612 MGI:5455924 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline LOC120097226 41074932 120097226 LOC124900243 16551313 124900243 HGNC LOC120097272 41286265 120097272 SNORA40C 12738307 109616968 HGNC Gm22382 15000880 115487304 MGI:5452159 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:52205 LOC120097273 41175466 120097273 LOC124900448 16551857 124900448 HGNC LOC120097275 41170420 120097275 RNU6ATAC22P 10399387 106479553 HGNC HGNC:46921 LOC120097276 41210769 120097276 SNORD126 1626524 100113391 HGNC HGNC:33565 LOC120097296 41368185 120097296 RNU6-990P 10399844 106480627 HGNC Gm24164 15001468 115488741 MGI:5453941 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:47953 LOC120097304 41276913 120097304 RNU6-1007P 10399757 106480629 HGNC Gm23790 15001102 115487567 MGI:5453567 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:47970 LOC120097305 41010480 120097305 RNU6-1201P 10413646 106481942 HGNC Gm24121 15001039 115490227 MGI:5453898 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:48164 LOC120097306 41338783 120097306 RNU6-1130P 10399555 106480063 HGNC HGNC:48093 LOC120097308 41086981 120097308 RNU6-1011P 10399797 106480011 HGNC Gm23678 14997307 115489278 MGI:5453455 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:47974 LOC120097311 41255204 120097311 RNU6-420P 10400074 106481769 HGNC HGNC:47383 LOC120097312 40965506 120097312 RNU6-958P 10412548 106481482 HGNC HGNC:47921 LOC120097314 41089018 120097314 RNU6-880P 10398917 106479955 HGNC Gm24378 15000154 115488464 MGI:5454155 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:47843 LOC120097315 41238556 120097315 RNU6-917P 10399279 106479971 HGNC Gm26204 15001173 115489752 MGI:5455981 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:47880 LOC120097316 41397731 120097316 RNU6-1322P 10412589 106480143 HGNC HGNC:48285 LOC120097317 41363119 120097317 RNU6-99P 10400714 106479610 HGNC HGNC:47062 LOC120097318 41363845 120097318 RNU6-715P 10400237 106481405 HGNC Gm25549 14998843 115487624 MGI:5455326 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:47678 LOC120097581 41234213 120097581 SNORA68B 12738269 109616972 HGNC HGNC:52213 LOC120097634 41262859 120097634 RNU4-36P 10398876 106479573 HGNC HGNC:46972 LOC120097642 41067752 120097642 RNU6-487P 10399521 106480393 HGNC Gm26324 14996107 115487931 MGI:5456101 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:47450 LOC120097648 40933446 120097648 RNU6-395P 10412442 106479740 HGNC HGNC:47358 LOC120097649 41268023 120097649 RNU6-336P 10400020 106481285 HGNC HGNC:47299 LOC120097651 41224408 120097651 RNU6-476P 10400169 106479777 HGNC HGNC:47439 LOC120097652 41066745 120097652 RNU6-1144P 10399656 106481938 HGNC HGNC:48107 LOC120097654 41187174 120097654 RNU6-97P 10413755 106480551 HGNC Gm26437 14996205 115489171 MGI:5456214 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:47060 LOC120097655 41205149 120097655 RNU6-215P 10412417 106481245 HGNC HGNC:47178 LOC120097657 41037906 120097657 RNU6-864P 10399215 106481776 HGNC HGNC:47827 LOC120097658 41053970 120097658 RNU6-953P 10399999 106479988 HGNC Gm25147 15002220 115489572 MGI:5454924 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:47916 LOC120097659 41325054 120097659 RNU6-66P 6481535 100873770 HGNC HGNC:42556 LOC120097660 41008204 120097660 RNU6-924P 10412437 106480621 HGNC HGNC:47887 LOC120097661 41141043 120097661 RNU6-300P 10398994 106479700 HGNC HGNC:47263 LOC120097663 41287367 120097663 RNU6-1294P 10413073 106480131 HGNC HGNC:48257 LOC120097664 41392674 120097664 RNU6-242P 10400104 106481254 HGNC HGNC:47205 LOC120097670 41345083 120097670 SNORA74C-2 12738291 109617009 HGNC Gm23946 15554546 115488402 MGI:5453723 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:52218 LOC120097964 40955953 120097964 RNU6-932P 10412522 106481474 HGNC Gm23378 14997915 115489176 MGI:5453155 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:47895 LOC120097966 41202653 120097966 RNU6-376P 10400783 106479732 HGNC Gm24716 14999829 115488262 MGI:5454493 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:47339 LOC120098014 41067460 120098014 RNU2-31P 10400260 106480210 HGNC Gm25572 15000129 115489867 MGI:5455349 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:48524 LOC120098027 40981689 120098027 RNU4-81P 10413378 106479595 HGNC HGNC:47017 LOC120098028 41270336 120098028 RNU4-84P 10412480 106481873 HGNC Gm25899 14997678 115490084 MGI:5455676 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:47020 LOC120098033 41350807 120098033 RNU6-9 7251742 101954271 HGNC Gm25547 14999445 115488724 MGI:5455324 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:34269 LOC120098036 41335356 120098036 RNU6-431P 10413275 106481314 HGNC HGNC:47394 LOC120098037 41108695 120098037 RNU6-922P 10400049 106479974 HGNC HGNC:47885 LOC120098040 41086015 120098040 RNU6-858P 10399885 106479945 HGNC Gm25482 14998369 115489071 MGI:5455259 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:47821 LOC120098043 41013042 120098043 RNU6-505P 10399275 106479790 HGNC Gm23641 15000210 115490260 MGI:5453418 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:47468 LOC120098044 41044963 120098044 RNU6-866P 10412451 106481454 HGNC HGNC:47829 LOC120098045 41097826 120098045 RNU6-587P 10399014 106481366 HGNC HGNC:47550 LOC120098046 41187136 120098046 RNU6-547P 10400032 106481902 HGNC Gm23412 14999426 115490095 MGI:5453189 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:47510 LOC120098050 41014789 120098050 RNU6-532P 10412383 106481349 HGNC Gm23725 15000178 115489769 MGI:5453502 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:47495 LOC120098052 41015448 120098052 RNU1-56P 10398921 106480165 HGNC Gm22739 15000053 115487530 MGI:5452516 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:48398 LOC120098053 41197928 120098053 RNU6-877P 10399199 106480617 HGNC HGNC:47840 LOC120098055 41116272 120098055 RNU6-92P 10399182 106479607 HGNC HGNC:47055 LOC120098056 41288532 120098056 RNU6-815P 10398849 106480611 HGNC Gm25886 14999270 115488386 MGI:5455663 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:47778 LOC120098057 41071758 120098057 RNU6-707P 10450461 107075318 HGNC Gm22975 14999095 115489564 MGI:5452752 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:47670 LOC120098139 41104312 120098139 TRAV26-2 1344253 28656 HGNC Trav21-dv12 1625859 100101940 MGI:3652097 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:12124 LOC120098313 41186981 120098313 LOC131768270 401794548 131768270 NCBI LOC120098341 41187398 120098341 RNU6-957P 10413569 106479989 HGNC Gm23570 14997996 115490235 MGI:5453347 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:47920 LOC120098342 40950388 120098342 RNU6-931P 10399232 106479978 HGNC Gm25600 15000287 115490028 MGI:5455377 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:47894 LOC120098352 41237717 120098352 SNORD58A 1354480 26791 HGNC Gm23301 14997387 115488997 MGI:5453078 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:10208 LOC120098354 41307513 120098354 SNORD63 1348341 26785 HGNC Gm26109 15000851 115488999 MGI:5455886 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:10220 LOC120098355 41184218 120098355 SNORD63B 12738318 109617013 HGNC Gm22200 15000719 115489001 MGI:5451977 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:52230 LOC120098356 40977739 120098356 SNORA70 16551137 124900430 HGNC Gm24000 15000384 115485828 MGI:5453777 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline LOC120098357 41103344 120098357 RNVU1-4 7254608 101954264 HGNC Gm23928 15000799 115486615 MGI:5453705 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:48312 LOC120098360 41093685 120098360 SNORA13 1602777 654322 HGNC HGNC:32601 LOC120098363 41204336 120098363 SNORA80A 1602551 677846 HGNC HGNC:32666 LOC120098365 41181979 120098365 LOC124900327 16551035 124900327 HGNC LOC120098366 41313779 120098366 RNU1-34P 10413662 106481607 HGNC HGNC:48376 LOC120098377 41006340 120098377 RNVU1-7 1350487 26864 HGNC Gm57479 9625097 115489800 MGI:7510168 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:37500 LOC120098404 41139103 120098404 LOC124900247 16551928 124900247 HGNC LOC120098411 41298473 120098411 U2 16568148 124905166 HGNC LOC120098422 40955792 120098422 RNU4-89P 10399579 106481200 HGNC HGNC:47025 LOC120098423 41307046 120098423 RNU6-46P 6481525 100873760 HGNC Gm23721 14997710 115487938 MGI:5453498 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:34290 LOC120098429 41168943 120098429 RNU6-524P 10400649 106481346 HGNC Gm25929 14996117 115487940 MGI:5455706 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:47487 LOC120098433 41024760 120098433 RNU6-269P 10400318 106481263 HGNC HGNC:47232 LOC120098435 41231671 120098435 RNU6-927P 10399474 106479976 HGNC HGNC:47890 LOC120098437 41044127 120098437 RNU6-143P 10413767 106479629 HGNC HGNC:47106 LOC120098438 41105457 120098438 RNU6-673P 10399486 106481394 HGNC HGNC:47636 LOC120098439 41230128 120098439 RNU6-512P 10412384 106480394 HGNC HGNC:47475 LOC120098440 41155797 120098440 RNU6-716P 10399961 106479883 HGNC Gm25698 15002230 115487936 MGI:5455475 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:47679 LOC120098441 41187572 120098441 RNU6-313P 10413660 106480569 HGNC HGNC:47276 LOC120098442 41138415 120098442 RNU6-907P 10412502 106480620 HGNC Gm23111 15002237 115488885 MGI:5452888 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:47870 LOC120098445 40974709 120098445 RNU6-1272P 10413062 106480121 HGNC HGNC:48235 LOC120098447 41239909 120098447 RNU6-795P 10400472 106480610 HGNC Gm24149 14998788 115487933 MGI:5453926 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:47758 LOC120098448 40969390 120098448 RNU6-339P 10399612 106481888 HGNC Gm23205 14997236 115488985 MGI:5452982 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:47302 LOC120098666 41333231 120098666 RNA5S12 2303868 100169763 HGNC n-R5s146 7179073 100861500 MGI:4422002 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:34373 LOC120098667 41366346 120098667 RNU6-218P 10400213 106479663 HGNC Gm22148 14996444 115487023 MGI:5451925 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:47181 LOC120098668 41197473 120098668 RNU6-153P 10399746 106479634 HGNC Gm22215 15000507 115488890 MGI:5451992 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:47116 LOC120098669 40927555 120098669 RNU6-415P 10400401 106481309 HGNC HGNC:47378 LOC120098671 41258260 120098671 RNU6-1035P 10400442 106481507 HGNC HGNC:47998 LOC120098672 41264674 120098672 RNA5S4 2303876 100169755 HGNC n-R5s141 7179135 100861495 MGI:4421997 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:34365 LOC120098677 40940624 120098677 SNORD68 1602248 606500 HGNC HGNC:32729 LOC120098679 41285650 120098679 SNORA14B 1602594 677802 HGNC Gm26397 15554301 115487043 MGI:5456174 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:32603 LOC120098682 41078651 120098682 SNORA50A 1602567 677830 HGNC Gm26265 15000072 115487047 MGI:5456042 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:32643 LOC120098686 41357379 120098686 LOC124900473 16551745 124900473 HGNC Gm24454 14997931 115487890 MGI:5454231 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline LOC120098711 41190846 120098711 RNA5S1 2303879 100169751 HGNC n-R5s121 7179111 100861482 MGI:4421973 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:34362 LOC120098718 41093667 120098718 RNA5S15 2303865 100169766 HGNC Gm25212 9589843 100861499 MGI:5454989 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:34376 LOC120098722 41022570 120098722 RNA5S9 2303871 100169760 HGNC Rn5s 11240 19804 MGI:97949 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:34370 LOC120098731 41093326 120098731 RNU2-69P 10400811 106481656 HGNC HGNC:48562 LOC120098733 41247345 120098733 U3 16552542 124902596 HGNC Gm24826 14999610 115487696 MGI:5454603 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline LOC120098734 41394269 120098734 U3 16551434 124901858 HGNC LOC120098738 41167744 120098738 RNU4-27P 10399413 106481180 HGNC HGNC:46963 LOC120098739 41127970 120098739 RNU4-86P 10400683 106481199 HGNC HGNC:47022 LOC120098741 41276582 120098741 RNU5F-8P 6481485 100873839 HGNC HGNC:42531 LOC120098743 41085371 120098743 RNU6-145P 10400666 106479630 HGNC Gm24389 14999067 115488864 MGI:5454166 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:47108 LOC120098747 41210962 120098747 RNU6-377P 10413526 106479733 HGNC Gm24381 14997935 115489369 MGI:5454158 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:47340 LOC120098748 41366977 120098748 RNA5S8 2303872 100169759 HGNC n-R5s123 7179114 100861484 MGI:4421975 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:34369 LOC120098749 41265159 120098749 RNU6-670P 10413304 106479863 HGNC Gm26061 14997704 115487868 MGI:5455838 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:47633 LOC120099029 41017433 120099029 LOC124900285 16551895 124900285 HGNC Gm24233 14999632 115485895 MGI:5454010 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline LOC120099030 41100321 120099030 SNORD65C 12738273 109616981 HGNC HGNC:52232 LOC120099037 41119808 120099037 U3 16551934 124904666 HGNC Snord3a 1621591 19850 MGI:97977 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline LOC120099039 41034537 120099039 U3 16551351 124905291 HGNC LOC120099040 41100586 120099040 RNU6-283P 10398834 106479692 HGNC HGNC:47246 LOC120099041 41043910 120099041 RNU6-364P 10412390 106481293 HGNC Gm22281 14999546 115487614 MGI:5452058 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:47327 LOC120099044 41360668 120099044 RNU6-558P 10413143 106481358 HGNC Gm22070 15003140 115487568 MGI:5451847 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:47521 LOC120099046 41089744 120099046 RNU6-369P 10399552 106479730 HGNC HGNC:47332 LOC120099050 41106045 120099050 RNU6-828P 10413312 106479932 HGNC HGNC:47791 LOC120099051 41067580 120099051 RNU6-301P 10413615 106481274 HGNC Gm24661 14998861 115488886 MGI:5454438 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:47264 LOC120099052 41069236 120099052 RNU6-1077P 10398881 106480039 HGNC HGNC:48040 LOC120099053 41206442 120099053 RNU6-79P 6481545 100873779 HGNC HGNC:42569 LOC120099054 41055569 120099054 RNU6-164P 10399378 106479639 HGNC Gm26479 15000687 115487492 MGI:5456256 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:47127 LOC120099056 41079206 120099056 SNORD84 1602533 692199 HGNC Gm22589 15554411 115488830 MGI:5452366 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:32743 LOC120099058 40944525 120099058 SNORA70 16559515 124900278 HGNC Gm25862 14996689 115485731 MGI:5455639 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline LOC120099063 41283369 120099063 LOC124905069 16564287 124905069 HGNC Gm22871 15557637 115487515 MGI:5452648 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline LOC120099065 41366610 120099065 LOC124905068 16563914 124905068 HGNC Gm22394 15557706 115487516 MGI:5452171 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline LOC120099068 41142093 120099068 SNORA24B 12738265 109617003 HGNC Gm24918 14996029 115485685 MGI:5454695 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:52198 LOC120099071 41301348 120099071 SNORA9B 12738282 109616977 HGNC HGNC:52223 LOC120099074 41360187 120099074 LOC124900530 16551682 124900530 HGNC Gm22298 15001412 115489610 MGI:5452075 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline LOC120099390 41232192 120099390 RNU6-654P 10399107 106481909 HGNC HGNC:47617 LOC120099392 41222918 120099392 RNU6-584P 10400761 106479825 HGNC HGNC:47547 LOC120099394 41379055 120099394 RNU6-140P 10400069 106481221 HGNC Gm23520 15002505 115487934 MGI:5453297 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:47103 LOC120099395 41052230 120099395 RNU6-975P 10413162 106479997 HGNC Gm25784 15001641 115486574 MGI:5455561 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:47938 LOC120099396 40943956 120099396 U6 16570270 124902819 HGNC Gm25918 14998822 115490240 MGI:5455695 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline LOC120099398 41319403 120099398 RNU6-64P 6481528 100873769 HGNC HGNC:42554 LOC120099401 41058279 120099401 U6 16570253 124900883 HGNC Gm23641 15000210 115490260 MGI:5453418 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline LOC120099402 40974168 120099402 RNU6-812P 10399081 106479926 HGNC Gm23354 15002554 115490023 MGI:5453131 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:47775 LOC120099403 41260282 120099403 RNU6-905P 10413799 106479967 HGNC HGNC:47868 LOC120099404 40983609 120099404 RNU6-697P 10413117 106479874 HGNC HGNC:47660 LOC120099405 41000055 120099405 RNU6-514P 10399566 106480586 HGNC HGNC:47477 LOC120099406 41355427 120099406 RNU6-89P 10400138 106480550 HGNC HGNC:47052 LOC120099409 41102911 120099409 RNU6-709P 10399624 106479879 HGNC HGNC:47672 LOC120099410 41047538 120099410 RNU6-1266P 10399322 106480118 HGNC HGNC:48229 LOC120099411 41122471 120099411 RNU6-1187P 10400521 106481554 HGNC HGNC:48150 LOC120099412 41360383 120099412 RNU6-325P 10399803 106480390 HGNC HGNC:47288 LOC120099413 41182840 120099413 RNU6-879P 10400608 106481456 HGNC Gm25039 15000251 115489772 MGI:5454816 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:47842 LOC120099414 41329173 120099414 RNU6-837P 10399357 106479936 HGNC HGNC:47800 LOC120099415 41228863 120099415 RNU6-90P 10413740 106481205 HGNC Gm23790 15001102 115487567 MGI:5453567 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:47053 LOC120099419 41096957 120099419 RNU6-365P 10399917 106479728 HGNC HGNC:47328 LOC120099420 41250824 120099420 RNU6-934P 10412556 106481475 HGNC Gm25006 14996841 115489179 MGI:5454783 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:47897 LOC120099421 41012133 120099421 RNU6-491P 10399185 106479784 HGNC Gm24035 15001980 115487013 MGI:5453812 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:47454 LOC120099423 41271235 120099423 RNU6-986P 10413217 106481491 HGNC Gm22576 15002336 115488743 MGI:5452353 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:47949 LOC120099424 40960339 120099424 RNU6-763P 10400569 106481421 HGNC HGNC:47726 LOC120099426 41124784 120099426 RNU6-693P 10400149 106481399 HGNC HGNC:47656 LOC120099428 40935967 120099428 RNU6-231P 10400234 106481251 HGNC HGNC:47194 LOC120099429 41377716 120099429 RNU6-314P 10400647 106481278 HGNC Gm26000 15000372 115489194 MGI:5455777 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:47277 LOC120099431 40941259 120099431 RNU6-808P 10413413 106481436 HGNC Gm22108 15000447 115488253 MGI:5451885 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:47771 LOC120099436 41192127 120099436 RNU1-96P 10399396 106480181 HGNC Gm25130 15000487 115488425 MGI:5454907 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:48438 LOC120099440 41337432 120099440 SNORA72 1349239 26775 HGNC Gm24523 15554332 115488553 MGI:5454300 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:10234 LOC120099445 41215909 120099445 LOC124905266 16551315 124905266 HGNC Gm23454 14997922 115489208 MGI:5453231 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline LOC120099456 41290015 120099456 SNORA80C 12738292 109616959 HGNC HGNC:50434 LOC120099461 41215506 120099461 LOC124900561 16569975 124900561 HGNC LOC120099502 41084699 120099502 RNU2-50P 10413516 106481650 HGNC Gm23628 14997185 115489261 MGI:5453405 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:48543 LOC120099513 41006369 120099513 RNU2-3P 1351079 26854 HGNC HGNC:10153 LOC120099524 41219400 120099524 SNORA11D 1642096 100124541 HGNC HGNC:33622 LOC120099525 41322845 120099525 SNORA11 1602751 677799 HGNC HGNC:32599 LOC120099528 41370240 120099528 RNU2-65P 10399002 106480226 HGNC Gm25106 14996385 115487922 MGI:5454883 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:48558 LOC120099549 40935279 120099549 RNU4-88P 10400212 106479599 HGNC HGNC:47024 LOC120099555 41037235 120099555 RNU6-1175P 10400221 106480082 HGNC Gm26497 15000481 115487007 MGI:5456274 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:48138 LOC120099557 41163761 120099557 RNU6-15P 2312691 100302741 HGNC Gm25173 14999449 115490093 MGI:5454950 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:34259 LOC120099617 41131650 120099617 RNU4-40P 10413109 106479576 HGNC HGNC:46976 LOC120099618 41285230 120099618 RNU6-583P 10413340 106479824 HGNC HGNC:47546 LOC120099619 41351800 120099619 RNU6-692P 10399709 106479871 HGNC HGNC:47655 LOC120099635 41002573 120099635 RNA5SP532 13542111 112441442 HGNC n-R5s101 14996707 115487065 MGI:4421949 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:53801 LOC120100110 41053224 120100110 RNA5SP533 13464313 111644138 HGNC HGNC:53802 LOC120100111 41113145 120100111 RNU4-77P 10399898 106481196 HGNC HGNC:47013 LOC120100113 41074929 120100113 RNU4-50P 10413539 106481871 HGNC HGNC:46986 LOC120100114 41246778 120100114 RNU4-22P 10450265 107057646 HGNC HGNC:46958 LOC120100118 41006009 120100118 RNU4-30P 10399623 106479571 HGNC HGNC:46966 LOC120100127 41211547 120100127 RNU6-495P 10399649 106481337 HGNC Gm23264 14999439 115488872 MGI:5453041 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:47458 LOC120100128 41014533 120100128 RNU6-1289P 10399059 106481587 HGNC Gm25623 14996149 115490025 MGI:5455400 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:48252 LOC120100129 41325772 120100129 RNU6-112P 10450407 107057647 HGNC Gm23421 15000217 115488876 MGI:5453198 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:47075 LOC120100130 41387258 120100130 RNU6-37P 10413572 106478920 HGNC HGNC:34281 LOC120100137 40932419 120100137 RNU6-11P 10412512 106478915 HGNC HGNC:34255 LOC120100140 41082835 120100140 RNU6-435P 10399749 106479758 HGNC HGNC:47398 LOC120100143 41071539 120100143 RNU6-949P 10398861 106481925 HGNC HGNC:47912 LOC120100148 41089904 120100148 RNU6-540P 10413584 106479806 HGNC Gm22509 14998674 115487005 MGI:5452286 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:47503 LOC120100151 40964929 120100151 RNU6-137P 10412376 106481220 HGNC HGNC:47100 LOC120100152 41066878 120100152 RNU6-59P 6481533 100873767 HGNC HGNC:42549 LOC120100153 41148576 120100153 RNU6-426P 10399356 106479754 HGNC HGNC:47389 LOC120100169 41312082 120100169 RNU6-908P 10399435 106479968 HGNC Gm25740 14998486 115487573 MGI:5455517 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:47871 LOC120100171 41131410 120100171 RNU6-1186P 10400093 106480086 HGNC HGNC:48149 LOC120100172 41192708 120100172 RNU6-398P 10398958 106479742 HGNC HGNC:47361 LOC120100178 41376744 120100178 RNU1-80P 10399082 106480174 HGNC Gm23464 14999416 115489859 MGI:5453241 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:48422 LOC120100185 41237401 120100185 RNU6-935P 10399598 106480403 HGNC HGNC:47898 LOC120100188 41239575 120100188 RNU6-960P 10400172 106479991 HGNC Gm23058 14996243 115487570 MGI:5452835 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:47923 LOC120100194 41267784 120100194 RNU6-987P 10413732 106480002 HGNC HGNC:47950 LOC120100195 41008230 120100195 RNU6-706P 10400587 106479878 HGNC Gm22378 14998999 115487869 MGI:5452155 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:47669 LOC120100208 40956048 120100208 SNORA71D 1602557 677840 HGNC Gm22684 15001622 115489079 MGI:5452461 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:32657 LOC120100232 41186103 120100232 SNORD31B 12738278 109616978 HGNC Gm23246 15554289 115489087 MGI:5453023 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:52226 LOC120100287 41247311 120100287 SNORD115-48 1606592 100033822 HGNC Gm25499 14998046 115486745 MGI:5455276 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:33343 LOC120100291 41108358 120100291 SNORD115-47 5483724 100036567 HGNC HGNC:33065 LOC120100295 41064894 120100295 SNORD116 16551917 124903255 HGNC LOC120100339 41127338 120100339 SNORD32B 1602734 692092 HGNC HGNC:32719 LOC120100351 41091704 120100351 LOC124900397 16559459 124900397 HGNC LOC120100358 41016838 120100358 LOC124906346 16551708 124906346 HGNC LOC120100368 41188207 120100368 LOC124900508 16559508 124900508 HGNC LOC120100462 41336906 120100462 LOC124900299 16559403 124900299 HGNC Gm26251 15001656 115488426 MGI:5456028 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline LOC120100485 41159195 120100485 LOC124905270 16557166 124905270 HGNC LOC120100486 41322145 120100486 RNU2-35P 10413597 106480212 HGNC HGNC:48528 LOC120100487 41346008 120100487 LOC124903808 16559399 124903808 HGNC Gm23897 15000265 115489853 MGI:5453674 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline LOC120100492 41322568 120100492 U3 16551906 124905065 HGNC LOC120100493 41343048 120100493 U3 16551287 124902100 HGNC LOC120100496 41291421 120100496 RNU4-90P 10399074 106479600 HGNC HGNC:47026 LOC120101108 41253766 120101108 U2 16570293 124902096 HGNC LOC120101119 41179135 120101119 RNU2-28P 10399971 106480670 HGNC HGNC:48521 LOC120101122 41349360 120101122 U3 16552494 124906195 HGNC LOC120101129 41185079 120101129 RNU4-59P 10413352 106481764 HGNC HGNC:46995 LOC120101139 41068304 120101139 RNU6-5P 10412637 106478913 HGNC HGNC:34249 LOC120101147 41176454 120101147 RNU6-30P 6481598 100873747 HGNC HGNC:34274 LOC120101151 41112298 120101151 RNU6-40P 10399929 106480703 HGNC HGNC:34248 LOC120101166 41008005 120101166 RNU6-900P 10412456 106481463 HGNC Gm25401 14999150 115487344 MGI:5455178 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:47863 LOC120101172 40929196 120101172 RNU6-664P 10412537 106479861 HGNC Gm22977 14998266 115488731 MGI:5452754 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:47627 LOC120101173 41024443 120101173 U6 16570275 124906340 HGNC Gm25552 15000157 115489201 MGI:5455329 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline LOC120101181 41132845 120101181 RNU6-1180P 10412518 106481552 HGNC HGNC:48143 LOC120101182 41153941 120101182 RNU6-550P 10398978 106481355 HGNC HGNC:47513 LOC120101183 41049452 120101183 RNU6-593P 10413551 106479828 HGNC HGNC:47556 LOC120101201 40986804 120101201 RNU6-793P 10399152 106479917 HGNC HGNC:47756 LOC120101204 41172133 120101204 RNU6-873P 10400130 106479951 HGNC Gm23676 14998093 115488118 MGI:5453453 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:47836 LOC120101207 41219350 120101207 RNU6-687P 10413305 106479869 HGNC Gm23463 15002641 115489575 MGI:5453240 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:47650 LOC120101208 41382679 120101208 RNU6-992P 10412432 106481493 HGNC HGNC:47955 LOC120101209 41251367 120101209 RNU6-1205P 10399834 106480093 HGNC HGNC:48168 LOC120101210 40929886 120101210 RNU6-748P 10413595 106481416 HGNC HGNC:47711 LOC120101211 41077530 120101211 SNORD36B 1350667 26814 HGNC Gm22879 15554242 115489587 MGI:5452656 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:10164 LOC120101251 41000064 120101251 LOC124904808 16551094 124904808 HGNC Gm25896 14999686 115488692 MGI:5455673 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline LOC120101257 41320820 120101257 LOC124900443 16551712 124900443 HGNC Gm24454 14997931 115487890 MGI:5454231 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline LOC120101277 41264039 120101277 RNVU1-27 16567122 124904621 HGNC Gm23737 14997984 115488594 MGI:5453514 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:54431 LOC120101369 41156848 120101369 RNU6ATAC39P 10413499 106481172 HGNC HGNC:46938 LOC120101378 40948032 120101378 RNVU1-15 7257328 101954267 HGNC Gm24046 15554261 115489840 MGI:5453823 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:48320 LOC120101379 41175922 120101379 RNU1-22P 6481508 100873863 HGNC HGNC:41963 LOC120101383 41124781 120101383 RNU1-38P 10399019 106481608 HGNC Gm25280 14999673 115490076 MGI:5455057 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:48380 LOC120101398 41043122 120101398 RNU2-56P 10399001 106480221 HGNC HGNC:48549 LOC120101941 41357829 120101941 RNU6V 1346459 6071 HGNC Gm25987 15002496 115488587 MGI:5455764 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:10230 LOC120101948 41206203 120101948 RNU6-539P 10400276 106481351 HGNC Gm22543 14999139 115488745 MGI:5452320 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:47502 LOC120101949 41098665 120101949 RNU6-830P 10400516 106480613 HGNC HGNC:47793 LOC120101962 40992840 120101962 RNU6-294P 10413042 106479697 HGNC HGNC:47257 LOC120101963 41042908 120101963 U6 16570245 124904721 HGNC LOC120101970 40955793 120101970 RNU6-410P 10399142 106481893 HGNC HGNC:47373 LOC120101972 41364680 120101972 RNU6-758P 10398979 106481419 HGNC HGNC:47721 LOC120101973 41255595 120101973 RNU6-315P 10400759 106479707 HGNC Gm23390 14997214 115489576 MGI:5453167 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:47278 LOC120101977 41032087 120101977 RNU6-1271P 10399673 106480120 HGNC HGNC:48234 LOC120101982 41069721 120101982 SNORD36A 1352325 26815 HGNC Gm24134 15554288 115489586 MGI:5453911 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:10163 LOC120101984 41339187 120101984 SNORD36C 1347255 26813 HGNC HGNC:10165 LOC120102001 41085601 120102001 RNU1-89P 10400804 106480412 HGNC HGNC:48431 LOC120102019 41328501 120102019 LOC124900562 16551145 124900562 HGNC LOC120102023 41001010 120102023 RNU1-150P 10400053 106480413 HGNC HGNC:48492 LOC120102034 41300198 120102034 RNU1-74P 10400630 106480171 HGNC Gm24624 15001111 115489241 MGI:5454401 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:48416 LOC120102040 41386871 120102040 RNA5SP524 13506851 111644143 HGNC HGNC:53793 LOC120102046 41286650 120102046 RNU1-78P 10399161 106480665 HGNC Gm23230 14996484 115490077 MGI:5453007 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:48420 LOC120102083 41113215 120102083 AC104066.1 16551907 124900185 HGNC LOC120102084 41110934 120102084 LOC124900464 16551910 124900464 HGNC LOC120102095 41126259 120102095 SNORA11F 12738352 109617000 HGNC Gm22676 14996902 115489637 MGI:5452453 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:52189 LOC120102099 40998754 120102099 LOC124904812 16557165 124904812 HGNC LOC120102100 41403195 120102100 RNU2-6P 6481465 100873825 HGNC HGNC:42506 LOC120102101 41097145 120102101 LOC124902081 16557177 124902081 HGNC LOC120102116 41135936 120102116 RNU2-41P 10412382 106480215 HGNC HGNC:48534 LOC120102120 41378879 120102120 U3 16551916 124902847 HGNC LOC120102121 41382617 120102121 RNU4-92P 10399354 106479601 HGNC HGNC:47028 LOC120102124 41374491 120102124 U4 16568529 124902105 HGNC LOC120102127 41339341 120102127 RNU4-91P 10413111 106481201 HGNC Gm22956 14998265 115490322 MGI:5452733 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:47027 LOC120102133 41362151 120102133 RNU6-611P 10413139 106479836 HGNC Gm22747 15001221 115486776 MGI:5452524 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:47574 LOC120102134 41005833 120102134 RNU6-80P 10398865 106478990 HGNC HGNC:42570 LOC120102553 40996046 120102553 RNU4-4P 1346431 26840 HGNC HGNC:10197 LOC120102560 40982331 120102560 RNU4-60P 10400254 106479585 HGNC HGNC:46996 LOC120102565 41321497 120102565 RNU6-820P 10399143 106479929 HGNC HGNC:47783 LOC120102567 41258840 120102567 U6 16570300 124904687 HGNC Gm24311 15002989 115490232 MGI:5454088 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline LOC120102568 41226242 120102568 RNU6-61P 10400553 106480435 HGNC Gm48909 10001738 105245868 MGI:6117475 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:42551 LOC120102571 40955874 120102571 RNU6-901P 10400589 106479965 HGNC Gm25412 14997348 115489276 MGI:5455189 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:47864 LOC120102572 41390098 120102572 RNU6-230P 10413575 106479669 HGNC HGNC:47193 LOC120102573 41372663 120102573 RNU6-822P 10400302 106479930 HGNC Gm26245 15001331 115487705 MGI:5456022 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:47785 LOC120102574 41120297 120102574 RNU6-1014P 10400000 106480013 HGNC HGNC:47977 LOC120102575 41351763 120102575 RNU6-413P 10399226 106479748 HGNC Gm25629 14997777 115489180 MGI:5455406 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:47376 LOC120102576 41188942 120102576 RNU6-728P 10398914 106479888 HGNC Gm22287 15000088 115489175 MGI:5452064 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:47691 LOC120102579 40974521 120102579 RNU6-1184P 10412472 106481553 HGNC HGNC:48147 LOC120102581 41323200 120102581 RNU6-138P 10400420 106479627 HGNC HGNC:47101 LOC120102583 41114178 120102583 RNU6-833P 10400238 106481444 HGNC HGNC:47796 LOC120102586 41216201 120102586 RNU6-965P 10400570 106481484 HGNC Gm25362 15000971 115487873 MGI:5455139 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:47928 LOC120102587 41030033 120102587 RNU6-270P 10400168 106479686 HGNC Gm24947 14998584 115490448 MGI:5454724 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:47233 LOC120102588 41299916 120102588 RNU6-1101P 10399319 106480050 HGNC HGNC:48064 LOC120102593 41317445 120102593 RNU6-943P 10413417 106480623 HGNC Gm25524 15001325 115487588 MGI:5455301 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:47906 LOC120102599 41073923 120102599 U6 16570224 124903587 HGNC Gm23792 15001604 115487616 MGI:5453569 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline LOC120102600 40926323 120102600 RNU6-408P 10400089 106479746 HGNC Gm25205 14996372 115490449 MGI:5454982 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:47371 LOC120102601 41180729 120102601 RNU6-752P 10399337 106481417 HGNC Gm25416 14998259 115486577 MGI:5455193 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:47715 LOC120102603 41334218 120102603 RNU6-82P 6481547 100873781 HGNC HGNC:42572 LOC120102605 41399876 120102605 RNU6-942P 10412411 106481477 HGNC Gm22045 14996778 115488589 MGI:5451822 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:47905 LOC120102607 41361992 120102607 RNU6-430P 10399748 106479756 HGNC HGNC:47393 LOC120102619 40977562 120102619 RNU7-45P 2293255 100147832 HGNC HGNC:34141 LOC120102627 41303418 120102627 SNORA31B 12738286 109616966 HGNC HGNC:52201 LOC120102628 40956028 120102628 LOC124900263 16552478 124900263 HGNC Gm22673 15000550 115485863 MGI:5452450 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline LOC120102637 41348576 120102637 SNORA7B 1602753 677797 HGNC HGNC:32593 LOC120102741 41054799 120102741 LOC124903100 16552492 124903100 HGNC LOC120102747 41081789 120102747 SCARNA12 1602762 677777 HGNC HGNC:32569 LOC120102752 41402055 120102752 RNU2-23P 10398982 106481641 HGNC HGNC:48516 LOC120102759 40972881 120102759 RNU2-20P 10413112 106481640 HGNC HGNC:48513 LOC120102773 41302375 120102773 RNU4-55P 10413821 106481189 HGNC Gm25131 14999549 115488576 MGI:5454908 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:46991 LOC120103107 40938591 120103107 ZNF585B 1353931 92285 HGNC Zfp27 1557650 22689 MGI:99174 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:30948 LOC120103187 41257289 120103187 RNU6-787P 10400171 106479914 HGNC Gm24448 15001946 115490101 MGI:5454225 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:47750 LOC120103190 41185038 120103190 RNU6-730P 10400047 106479889 HGNC Gm26178 14997908 115488582 MGI:5455955 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:47693 LOC120103193 41293031 120103193 RNU6-273P 10399989 106480566 HGNC HGNC:47236 LOC120103194 41069886 120103194 RNU6-511P 10400574 106479793 HGNC HGNC:47474 LOC120103196 41329014 120103196 RNU6-910P 10400404 106481777 HGNC Gm22297 15002434 115487846 MGI:5452074 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:47873 LOC120103198 41152372 120103198 RNU6-47P 10399845 106480710 HGNC Gm22749 14996033 115488098 MGI:5452526 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:34291 LOC120103199 41075354 120103199 RNU6-1300P 10400669 106480134 HGNC Gm22308 14997650 115490330 MGI:5452085 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:48263 LOC120103202 41252684 120103202 RNU1-84P 10399171 106481618 HGNC HGNC:48426 LOC120103203 41171666 120103203 RNU6-720P 10399391 106479885 HGNC HGNC:47683 LOC120103204 41102148 120103204 RNU6-867P 10400379 106479949 HGNC HGNC:47830 LOC120103206 41271559 120103206 RNU6-733P 10413373 106479891 HGNC HGNC:47696 LOC120103208 41262738 120103208 U6 16570289 124903092 HGNC Gm25897 14996954 115488597 MGI:5455674 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline LOC120103209 41025543 120103209 RNU6-831P 10413383 106481443 HGNC HGNC:47794 LOC120103210 41113193 120103210 RNU6-689P 10399315 106479870 HGNC HGNC:47652 LOC120103213 41094677 120103213 RNVU1-33 10413118 106480178 HGNC Gm25260 15554252 115490498 MGI:5455037 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:48429 LOC120103214 41350556 120103214 RNU6-844P 10400378 106479939 HGNC HGNC:47807 LOC120103215 41316018 120103215 U6 16570144 124904715 HGNC LOC120103217 41340414 120103217 RNU6-939P 10412595 106481476 HGNC Gm22675 15000172 115489578 MGI:5452452 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:47902 LOC120103218 41206420 120103218 RNU6-972P 10399039 106479995 HGNC Gm26065 14996563 115489167 MGI:5455842 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:47935 LOC120103219 40944019 120103219 RNU6-813P 10399983 106481438 HGNC HGNC:47776 LOC120103221 41246143 120103221 RNU6-76P 6481536 100873777 HGNC Gm23167 15003069 115488042 MGI:5452944 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:42566 LOC120103222 41335677 120103222 RNU6-914P 10450280 107063540 HGNC Gm24400 14999722 115489076 MGI:5454177 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:47877 LOC120103223 41078950 120103223 RNU6-1279P 10413338 106480655 HGNC HGNC:48242 LOC120103232 41199780 120103232 RNU6-576P 10399471 106479821 HGNC Gm24552 15001014 115486582 MGI:5454329 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:47539 LOC120103233 41183954 120103233 RNU6-964P 10412504 106479992 HGNC Gm23792 15001604 115487616 MGI:5453569 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:47927 LOC120103234 40948141 120103234 RNU6-881P 10413197 106479956 HGNC HGNC:47844 LOC120103236 41394794 120103236 U6 16570281 124904972 HGNC Gm22605 15001190 115490024 MGI:5452382 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline LOC120103243 41108935 120103243 RNU7-96P 10412436 106480361 HGNC Gm23665 15001917 115488544 MGI:5453442 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:45630 LOC120103270 41038477 120103270 SNORA8 1602779 654320 HGNC HGNC:32596 LOC120103284 41053919 120103284 SNORA55 1602563 677834 HGNC HGNC:32649 LOC120103300 41282557 120103300 RNU2-38P 10399489 106481646 HGNC HGNC:48531 LOC120103350 41210398 120103350 LOC124900462 16551847 124900462 HGNC LOC120103367 41078263 120103367 U3 16551206 124903437 HGNC LOC120103369 41358971 120103369 RNU4-7P 1343871 6069 HGNC Gm25284 14996728 115490318 MGI:5455061 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:10194 LOC120103371 41194781 120103371 RNU4-29P 10399936 106481181 HGNC HGNC:46965 LOC120103376 41391363 120103376 RNU5F-1 1344416 26828 HGNC Gm23143 15001660 115490088 MGI:5452920 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:10216 LOC120103381 41015825 120103381 RNU6-6P 1350166 26826 HGNC HGNC:10228 LOC120103385 41181073 120103385 RNU6-98P 10399878 106479609 HGNC HGNC:47061 LOC120103386 41373048 120103386 RNU6-84P 10399877 106479603 HGNC Gm25628 15000773 115488588 MGI:5455405 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:47047 LOC120103387 41143086 120103387 U6 16570207 124902567 HGNC Gm25815 15001700 115486856 MGI:5455592 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline LOC130046242 329845491 130046242 ZNF57 1343175 126295 HGNC HGNC:13125 LOC134479581 402348346 134479581 LOC122455340 150429682 122455340 NCBI Gm9918 11082574 432988 MGI:3646315 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline LOC134479709 402273966 134479709 LOC128125814 155791634 128125814 NCBI LOC134479940 402096099 134479940 MIURF 155782944 127898561 NCBI LOC134480818 402108151 134480818 LOC122526780 150429716 122526780 NCBI Gm57849 150429728 122526781 MGI:7512645 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline LOC134486098 401987591 134486098 LOC122513141 150429679 122513141 NCBI Lonp1 621598 170916 LONP1 734453 9361 HGNC Lonp1 734454 74142 MGI:1921392 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:9479 Lonp2 1305466 291922 LONP2 1605609 83752 HGNC Lonp2 1332507 66887 MGI:1914137 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:20598 Lonrf1 1562583 306505 LONRF1 1605309 91694 HGNC Lonrf1 1623751 244421 MGI:3609241 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:26302 Lonrf2 1562137 301361 LONRF2 1604220 164832 HGNC Lonrf2 1558254 381338 MGI:1920209 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:24788 Lonrf3 1565451 298322 LONRF3 1351493 79836 HGNC Lonrf3 1557791 74365 MGI:1921615 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:21152 Loricrin 1559993 502541 LORICRIN 1347914 4014 HGNC Loricrin 1624083 16939 MGI:96816 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:6663 Lox 3015 24914 LOX 736846 4015 HGNC Lox 732343 16948 MGI:96817 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:6664 Loxhd1 1304815 291427 LOXHD1 1312479 125336 HGNC Loxhd1 1614141 240411 MGI:1914609 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:26521 Loxl1 1308752 315714 LOXL1 1318705 4016 HGNC Loxl1 1318706 16949 MGI:106096 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:6665 Loxl2 1308435 290350 LOXL2 1318201 4017 HGNC Loxl2 1318202 94352 MGI:2137913 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:6666 Loxl3 1311011 312478 LOXL3 1322239 84695 HGNC Loxl3 1322240 16950 MGI:1337004 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:13869 Loxl4 1308588 309380 LOXL4 1318447 84171 HGNC Loxl4 1318448 67573 MGI:1914823 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:17171 Lpal2 1597362 690326 LPAL2 1601956 80350 HGNC HGNC:21210 Lpar1 620563 116744 LPAR1 731581 1902 HGNC Lpar1 731582 14745 MGI:108429 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:3166 Lpar2 1561336 498609 LPAR2 1312931 9170 HGNC Lpar2 1312932 53978 MGI:1858422 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:3168 Lpar3 620565 66025 LPAR3 1323219 23566 HGNC Lpar3 734097 65086 MGI:1929469 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:14298 Lpar4 1563686 302378 LPAR4 1350247 2846 HGNC Lpar4 1557960 78134 MGI:1925384 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:4478 Lpar5 1562580 500317 LPAR5 1348840 57121 HGNC Lpar5 1557596 381810 MGI:2685918 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:13307 Lpar6 1595950 691774 LPAR6 1349646 10161 HGNC Lpar6 1617549 67168 MGI:1914418 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:15520 Lpcat1 1311599 361467 LPCAT1 1602676 79888 HGNC Lpcat1 1323142 210992 MGI:2384812 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:25718 Lpcat2 2325051 100359680 LPCAT2 1606279 54947 HGNC Lpcat2 1616465 270084 MGI:3606214 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:26032 Lpcat3 1310223 362434 LPCAT3 1604396 10162 HGNC Lpcat3 1321001 14792 MGI:1315211 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:30244 Lpcat4 1311177 296048 LPCAT4 1604192 254531 HGNC Lpcat4 1322497 99010 MGI:2138993 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:30059 Lpgat1 1585897 679692 LPGAT1 1353817 9926 HGNC Lpgat1 1551029 226856 MGI:2446186 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:28985 Lpin1 1307646 313977 LPIN1 1316957 23175 HGNC Lpin1 1316958 14245 MGI:1891340 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:13345 Lpin2 1304588 316737 LPIN2 1312114 9663 HGNC Lpin2 1312115 64898 MGI:1891341 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:14450 Lpin3 1588534 362261 LPIN3 1342644 64900 HGNC Lpin3 1320606 64899 MGI:1891342 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:14451 Lpl 3017 24539 LPL 70836 4023 HGNC Lpl 10876 16956 MGI:96820 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:6677 Lpo 1310051 287610 LPO 1320729 4025 HGNC Lpo 1320730 76113 MGI:1923363 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:6678 Lpp 1310535 288010 LPP 1321494 4026 HGNC Lpp 1321495 210126 MGI:2441849 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:6679 Lpxn 1304981 293783 LPXN 1312734 9404 HGNC Lpxn 1312735 107321 MGI:2147677 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:14061 Lrat 68362 64047 LRAT 68515 9227 HGNC Lrat 68516 79235 MGI:1891259 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:6685 Lratd1 1305779 313969 LRATD1 1602648 151354 HGNC Lratd1 1314016 105005 MGI:2145011 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:20743 Lratd2 1562236 120093666 LRATD2 1606136 157638 HGNC Lratd2 2311276 399603 MGI:3026924 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:24166 Lrba 1311428 361975 LRBA 1322886 987 HGNC Lrba 1322887 80877 MGI:1933162 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:1742 Lrch1 1595678 502020 LRCH1 1313845 23143 HGNC Lrch1 1558043 380916 MGI:2443390 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:20309 Lrch2 1590569 680591 LRCH2 1354195 57631 HGNC Lrch2 1558385 210297 MGI:2147870 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:29292 Lrch3 1306200 303883 LRCH3 1314681 84859 HGNC Lrch3 1314682 70144 MGI:1917394 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:28637 Lrch4 1306145 360779 LRCH4 1314592 4034 HGNC Lrch4 1552375 231798 MGI:1917193 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:6691 Lrcol1 2323402 100363238 LRCOL1 6770658 100507055 HGNC Lrcol1 1617952 381667 MGI:2686525 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:44160 Lrfn1 1304707 365222 LRFN1 1312309 57622 HGNC Lrfn1 1312310 80749 MGI:2136810 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:29290 Lrfn2 1311831 316205 LRFN2 1323493 57497 HGNC Lrfn2 1323494 70530 MGI:1917780 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:21226 Lrfn3 1305567 308495 LRFN3 1313671 79414 HGNC Lrfn3 1313672 233067 MGI:2442512 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:28370 Lrfn4 1585286 688721 LRFN4 1350359 78999 HGNC Lrfn4 1616562 225875 MGI:2385612 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:28456 Lrfn5 1309357 314164 LRFN5 1319662 145581 HGNC Lrfn5 1319663 238205 MGI:2144814 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:20360 Lrg1 1359464 367455 LRG1 1349039 116844 HGNC Lrg1 1551755 76905 MGI:1924155 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:29480 Lrguk 1308226 296968 LRGUK 1603904 136332 HGNC Lrguk 1317880 74354 MGI:1921604 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:21964 Lrif1 1306520 310775 LRIF1 1603986 55791 HGNC Lrif1 1315185 321000 MGI:2445214 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:30299 Lrig1 1306788 312574 LRIG1 1315602 26018 HGNC Lrig1 1315603 16206 MGI:107935 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:17360 Lrig2 1309554 310753 LRIG2 1319957 9860 HGNC Lrig2 1319958 269473 MGI:2443718 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:20889 Lrig3 1561255 299830 LRIG3 1347856 121227 HGNC Lrig3 1557293 320398 MGI:2443955 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:30991 Lrit1 628607 246214 LRIT1 736558 26103 HGNC Lrit1 732135 239037 MGI:2385320 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:23404 Lrit2 1564668 498594 LRIT2 1352534 340745 HGNC Lrit2 1558439 239038 MGI:2444885 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:23443 Lrit3 1559637 502596 LRIT3 1605227 345193 HGNC Lrit3 1620565 242235 MGI:2685267 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:24783 Lrmda 1596707 681383 LRMDA 1321229 83938 HGNC Lrmda 1614274 76633 MGI:1923883 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:23405 Lrp1 1307535 299858 LRP1 1316786 4035 HGNC Lrp1 1316787 16971 MGI:96828 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:6692 Lrp10 1310471 305880 LRP10 1321391 26020 HGNC Lrp10 1321392 65107 MGI:1929480 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:14553 Lrp11 1308602 292462 LRP11 1318469 84918 HGNC Lrp11 1318470 237253 MGI:2442989 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:16936 Lrp12 1304943 314941 LRP12 1312675 29967 HGNC Lrp12 1550067 239393 MGI:2443132 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:31708 Lrp1b 1306160 311926 LRP1B 1314617 53353 HGNC Lrp1b 1314618 94217 MGI:2151136 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:6693 Lrp2 68407 29216 LRP2 68599 4036 HGNC Lrp2 68600 14725 MGI:95794 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:6694 Lrp2bp 1305896 290753 LRP2BP 1601755 55805 HGNC Lrp2bp 1552193 67620 MGI:1914870 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:25434 Lrp3 619729 89787 LRP3 733839 4037 HGNC Lrp3 1620370 435965 MGI:3584516 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:6695 Lrp4 619731 83469 LRP4 731744 4038 HGNC Lrp4 1331974 228357 MGI:2442252 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:6696 Lrp5 1309329 293649 LRP5 1319617 4041 HGNC Lrp5 1319618 16973 MGI:1278315 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:6697 Lrp6 1304749 312781 LRP6 1312373 4040 HGNC Lrp6 1312374 16974 MGI:1298218 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:6698 Lrp8 1305729 362558 LRP8 1313932 7804 HGNC Lrp8 1313933 16975 MGI:1340044 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:6700 Lrpap1 620700 116565 LRPAP1 1354477 4043 HGNC Lrpap1 732762 16976 MGI:96829 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:6701 Lrpprc 1306575 313867 LRPPRC 1315270 10128 HGNC Lrpprc 1315271 72416 MGI:1919666 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:15714 Lrr1 1589026 685860 LRR1 1322717 122769 HGNC Lrr1 1332019 69706 MGI:1916956 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:19742 Lrrc1 1549773 367113 LRRC1 1318108 55227 HGNC Lrrc1 1332496 214345 MGI:2442313 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:14307 Lrrc10 1307358 314848 LRRC10 1348592 376132 RGD Lrrc10 1316510 237560 MGI:2448063 RGD HGNC:20264 Lrrc10b 1564983 309208 LRRC10B 3208116 390205 HGNC Lrrc10b 1619718 278795 MGI:2685551 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:37215 Lrrc14 1560202 500900 LRRC14 1348401 9684 HGNC Lrrc14 1557756 223664 MGI:2445060 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:20419 Lrrc14b 1564978 502225 LRRC14B 3418715 389257 HGNC Lrrc14b 1614724 432779 MGI:2145269 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:37268 Lrrc15 70551 246296 LRRC15 733250 131578 HGNC Lrrc15 733251 74488 MGI:1921738 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:20818 Lrrc17 1560165 502715 LRRC17 1344845 10234 HGNC Lrrc17 1611829 74511 MGI:1921761 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:16895 Lrrc18 1311738 306278 LRRC18 1352045 474354 HGNC Lrrc18 1323351 67580 MGI:1914830 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:23199 Lrrc19 1591722 680478 LRRC19 1350270 64922 HGNC Lrrc19 1614242 100061 MGI:2140219 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:23379 Lrrc2 1311716 301033 LRRC2 1323318 79442 HGNC Lrrc2 1556954 74249 MGI:1921499 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:14676 Lrrc20 1566140 499430 LRRC20 1602483 55222 HGNC Lrrc20 1556914 216011 MGI:2387182 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:23421 Lrrc23 1304779 312707 LRRC23 1604054 10233 HGNC Lrrc23 1312419 16977 MGI:1315192 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:19138 Lrrc24 1308720 362945 LRRC24 1605162 441381 HGNC Lrrc24 1618765 378937 MGI:3605040 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:28947 Lrrc25 1564818 498605 LRRC25 1352396 126364 HGNC Lrrc25 1558321 211228 MGI:2445284 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:29806 Lrrc26 1308398 311803 LRRC26 1603823 389816 HGNC Lrrc26 1318145 227618 MGI:2385129 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:31409 Lrrc27 1559981 499281 LRRC27 1318562 80313 HGNC Lrrc27 1553021 76612 MGI:1923862 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:29346 Lrrc28 1307209 361588 LRRC28 1316267 123355 HGNC Lrrc28 1550675 67867 MGI:1915689 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:28355 Lrrc29 1593150 502201 FBXL9P 1353942 26231 RGD Fbxl9 1618962 234684 MGI:2443262 RGD HGNC:13605 Lrrc3 628861 246773 LRRC3 732363 81543 HGNC Lrrc3 732364 237387 MGI:2447899 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:14965 Lrrc30 1563832 301711 LRRC30 1343727 339291 HGNC Lrrc30 1616524 240131 MGI:2685172 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:30219 Lrrc31 1561499 310256 LRRC31 1346329 79782 HGNC Lrrc31 10043434 320352 MGI:2443864 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:26261 Lrrc32 1309087 293135 LRRC32 1319230 2615 HGNC Lrrc32 1623564 434215 MGI:93882 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:4161 Lrrc34 1565052 499589 LRRC34 1604227 151827 HGNC Lrrc34 1557463 71827 MGI:1919077 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:28408 Lrrc36 1303118 361394 LRRC36 1605363 55282 HGNC Lrrc36 1616464 270091 MGI:2448585 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:25615 Lrrc37a 1559753 303556 LRRC37A3 1605801 374819 HGNC Lrrc37a 1623764 237954 MGI:2685097 RGD HGNC:32427 Lrrc38 1311416 313681 LRRC38 1602439 126755 HGNC Lrrc38 1551248 242735 MGI:2442845 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:27005 Lrrc39 1585106 691307 LRRC39 1606975 127495 HGNC Lrrc39 1623856 109245 MGI:1924557 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:28228 Lrrc3b 1311897 305705 LRRC3B 1345434 116135 HGNC Lrrc3b 1621353 218763 MGI:2384996 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:28105 Lrrc3c 1563281 287668 LRRC3C 5131999 100505591 HGNC Lrrc3c 1620646 192852 MGI:2684858 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:40034 Lrrc4 1560026 641521 LRRC4 1349330 64101 HGNC Lrrc4 1615740 192198 MGI:2182081 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:15586 Lrrc40 1562017 310946 LRRC40 1601993 55631 HGNC Lrrc40 1617555 67144 MGI:1914394 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:26004 Lrrc41 1311221 362566 LRRC41 1607070 10489 HGNC Lrrc41 1553116 230654 MGI:2441984 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:16917 Lrrc42 1308919 298309 LRRC42 1604548 115353 HGNC Lrrc42 1550226 77809 MGI:1925059 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:28792 Lrrc43 1561461 288751 LRRC43 1602639 254050 HGNC Lrrc43 1617200 381741 MGI:2685907 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:28562 Lrrc45 1590053 688318 LRRC45 1604206 201255 HGNC Lrrc45 1622100 217366 MGI:2387183 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:28302 Lrrc46 1303311 287653 LRRC46 1602198 90506 HGNC Lrrc46 1553771 69297 MGI:1916547 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:25047 Lrrc47 1308599 362672 LRRC47 1603205 57470 HGNC Lrrc47 1551152 72946 MGI:1920196 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:29207 Lrrc49 1309466 300763 LRRC49 1606554 54839 HGNC Lrrc49 1552098 102747 MGI:2442689 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:25965 Lrrc4b 1307121 308571 LRRC4B 1316128 94030 HGNC Lrrc4b 1618834 272381 MGI:3027390 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:25042 Lrrc4c 1311013 311236 LRRC4C 1605967 57689 HGNC Lrrc4c 1615646 241568 MGI:2442636 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:29317 Lrrc51 1565856 293156 LRRC51 41410865 120356739 HGNC Lrrc51 1558466 69358 MGI:1916608 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:55526 Lrrc52 1312014 289199 LRRC52 1603449 440699 HGNC Lrrc52 1551915 240899 MGI:1924118 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:32156 Lrrc53 7683241 102555624 LRRC53 2292704 105378803 HGNC Gm18589 5142967 100417396 MGI:5010774 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:25255 Lrrc55 1561726 311171 LRRC55 1603880 219527 HGNC Lrrc55 1615647 241528 MGI:2685197 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:32324 Lrrc56 1311654 365389 LRRC56 1604547 115399 HGNC Lrrc56 1323225 70552 MGI:1917802 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:25430 Lrrc57 1307128 311346 LRRC57 1602825 255252 HGNC Lrrc57 1316138 66606 MGI:1913856 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:26719 Lrrc58 1307440 303919 LRRC58 1606179 116064 HGNC Lrrc58 1316633 320184 MGI:2443542 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:26968 Lrrc59 1305092 287633 LRRC59 1605059 55379 HGNC Lrrc59 1332550 98238 MGI:2138133 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:28817 Lrrc61 1561800 500111 LRRC61 1602102 65999 HGNC Lrrc61 1622032 243371 MGI:2652848 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:21704 Lrrc63 1559507 364427 LRRC63 1604970 220416 HGNC Lrrc63 1558138 70859 MGI:1918109 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:34296 Lrrc66 1306094 289587 LRRC66 1602410 339977 HGNC Lrrc66 1314511 231296 MGI:2387634 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:34299 Lrrc69 1583733 500415 LRRC69 2293909 100130742 HGNC Lrrc69 1558352 73314 MGI:1920564 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:34303 Lrrc7 708527 117284 LRRC7 1349743 57554 HGNC Lrrc7 1550331 242274 MGI:2676665 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:18531 Lrrc70 41272581 120100696 LRRC70 2302535 100130733 HGNC Lrrc70 15038080 113523645 MGI:5317337 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:35155 Lrrc71 1309453 310689 LRRC71 1601719 149499 HGNC Lrrc71 1319803 74485 MGI:1921735 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:26556 Lrrc72 1560395 298963 LRRC72 5508492 100506049 HGNC Lrrc72 1616747 71156 MGI:1920830 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:42972 Lrrc73 1561390 501101 LRRC73 1346466 221424 HGNC Lrrc73 1614186 224813 MGI:2684934 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:21375 Lrrc74a 1564488 314328 LRRC74A 1351641 145497 HGNC Lrrc74a 1615385 627607 MGI:3646959 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:23346 Lrrc74b 2319134 100361946 LRRC74B 1602795 400891 HGNC Lrrc74b 1619949 74685 MGI:1921935 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:34301 Lrrc75a 1595947 691777 LRRC75A 1604449 388341 HGNC Lrrc75a 1619896 192976 MGI:2682293 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:32403 Lrrc75b 2318441 100365744 LRRC75B 1606646 388886 HGNC Lrrc75b 1621380 192734 MGI:2143657 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:33155 Lrrc78 7718778 102551788 LRRC78P 13825066 646730 HGNC Gm28729 9603142 102635744 MGI:5579435 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:54091 Lrrc8a 1311690 311846 LRRC8A 1323279 56262 HGNC Lrrc8a 1323280 241296 MGI:2652847 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:19027 Lrrc8b 1563429 305135 LRRC8B 1606820 23507 HGNC Lrrc8b 1615468 433926 MGI:2141353 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:30692 Lrrc8c 1306585 289443 LRRC8C 1604274 84230 HGNC Lrrc8c 1550691 100604 MGI:2140839 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:25075 Lrrc8d 1309601 305131 LRRC8D 1320026 55144 HGNC Lrrc8d 1320027 231549 MGI:1922368 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:16992 Lrrc8e 1311979 304203 LRRC8E 1604796 80131 HGNC Lrrc8e 1551820 72267 MGI:1919517 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:26272 Lrrc9 1565716 299129 LRRC9 1603492 341883 HGNC Lrrc9 1557738 78257 MGI:1925507 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:19848 Lrrcc1 628722 266808 LRRCC1 1604564 85444 HGNC Lrrcc1 1557504 71710 MGI:1918960 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:29373 Lrrd1 1562785 296836 LRRD1 5132687 401387 HGNC Lrrd1 1615643 242838 MGI:3045299 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:34300 Lrrfip1 1359548 367314 LRRFIP1 1348771 9208 HGNC Lrrfip1 1550313 16978 MGI:1342770 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:6702 Lrrfip2 1306234 301035 LRRFIP2 1314733 9209 HGNC Lrrfip2 1314734 71268 MGI:1918518 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:6703 Lrriq1 1564903 299759 LRRIQ1 1343054 84125 HGNC Lrriq1 1558067 74978 MGI:1922228 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:25708 Lrriq3 1591943 499732 LRRIQ3 1603911 127255 HGNC Lrriq3 1558037 74435 MGI:1921685 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:28318 Lrriq4 2323202 100363341 LRRIQ4 2293898 344657 HGNC Lrriq4 1320765 68307 MGI:1915557 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:34298 Lrrk1 1308000 308703 LRRK1 1317516 79705 HGNC Lrrk1 1317517 233328 MGI:2142227 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:18608 Lrrk2 1561168 300160 LRRK2 1353141 120892 HGNC Lrrk2 1557751 66725 MGI:1913975 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:18618 Lrrn1 1564145 500280 LRRN1 1345511 57633 HGNC Lrrn1 1557480 16979 MGI:106038 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:20980 Lrrn2 1305482 289020 LRRN2 1313534 10446 HGNC Lrrn2 1313535 16980 MGI:106037 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:16914 Lrrn3 71066 81514 LRRN3 734364 54674 HGNC Lrrn3 734365 16981 MGI:106036 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:17200 Lrrn4 1305256 311443 LRRN4 1313178 164312 HGNC Lrrn4 1313179 320974 MGI:2445154 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:16208 Lrrn4cl 1597359 690329 LRRN4CL 1603349 221091 HGNC Lrrn4cl 1614342 68852 MGI:1916102 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:33724 LRRTM1 1585921 679668 LRRTM1 1351021 347730 HGNC Lrrtm1 1622254 74342 MGI:2389173 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:19408 Lrrtm2 1593785 685472 LRRTM2 1345909 26045 HGNC Lrrtm2 1320356 107065 MGI:2389174 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:19409 Lrrtm3 1304866 294380 LRRTM3 1312552 347731 HGNC Lrrtm3 1312553 216028 MGI:2389177 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:19410 Lrrtm4 1560707 500219 LRRTM4 1352645 80059 HGNC Lrrtm4 1621287 243499 MGI:2389180 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:19411 Lrsam1 1564403 311866 LRSAM1 1343012 90678 HGNC Lrsam1 1558134 227738 MGI:2684789 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:25135 Lrtm1 2321691 100360666 LRTM1 1606530 57408 RGD Lrtm1 1616445 319476 MGI:2442106 RGD HGNC:25023 Lrtm2 1587001 680883 LRTM2 1605448 654429 HGNC Lrtm2 1619882 211187 MGI:2141485 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:32443 Lrtomt 1561509 308868 LRTOMT 1602965 220074 HGNC Tomt 1625156 791260 MGI:3769724 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:25033 Lrwd1 1359442 304396 LRWD1 1603534 222229 HGNC Lrwd1 1550246 71735 MGI:1918985 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:21769 Lsamp 71102 29561 LSAMP 1347242 4045 HGNC Lsamp 736079 268890 MGI:1261760 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:6705 Lsg1 1309089 288029 LSG1 1605064 55341 HGNC Lsg1 1332513 224092 MGI:107236 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:25652 Lsm1 1304967 364624 LSM1 1312715 27257 HGNC Lsm1 1558112 67207 MGI:1914457 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:20472 Lsm10 1584914 366468 LSM10 1350873 84967 HGNC Lsm10 1556915 116748 MGI:2151045 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:17562 Lsm11 1565523 501688 LSM11 1354131 134353 HGNC Lsm11 1618307 72290 MGI:1919540 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:30860 Lsm12 1309441 287731 LSM12 1606981 124801 HGNC Lsm12 1319786 268490 MGI:1919592 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:26407 Lsm14a 1305695 361554 LSM14A 1313874 26065 HGNC Lsm14a 1313875 67070 MGI:1914320 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:24489 Lsm14b 1563798 100362102 LSM14B 1351489 149986 HGNC Lsm14b 1623757 241846 MGI:3040677 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:15887 Lsm2 1598536 684148 LSM2 1350592 57819 HGNC Lsm2 1620867 27756 MGI:90676 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:13940 Lsm3 1305971 297455 LSM3 1314318 27258 HGNC Lsm3 1314319 67678 MGI:1914928 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:17874 Lsm4 1306808 290647 LSM4 1315632 25804 HGNC Lsm4 1315633 50783 MGI:1354692 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:17259 Lsm5 1308655 306222 LSM5 1318552 23658 RGD Lsm5 1557645 66373 MGI:1913623 RGD HGNC:17162 Lsm6 1561937 498934 LSM6 1345160 11157 RGD Lsm6 1557011 78651 MGI:1925901 RGD HGNC:17017 Lsm7 1305354 362829 LSM7 1313330 51690 HGNC Lsm7 1313331 66094 MGI:1913344 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:20470 Lsm8 1308442 296913 LSM8 1318211 51691 HGNC Lsm8 1318212 76522 MGI:1923772 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:20471 Lsmem1 1587073 680810 LSMEM1 1606916 286006 HGNC Lsmem1 1614791 380755 MGI:2685735 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:22036 Lsmem2 1589957 689621 LSMEM2 1602071 132228 HGNC Lsmem2 1621880 434436 MGI:3612240 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:26781 Lsp1 1306133 361680 LSP1 1314573 4046 HGNC Lsp1 1314574 16985 MGI:96832 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:6707 Lsr 69236 64355 LSR 736744 51599 HGNC Lsr 736745 54135 MGI:1927471 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:29572 Lss 620955 81681 LSS 736635 4047 HGNC Lss 733768 16987 MGI:1336155 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:6708 Lst1 620077 64569 LST1 1350273 7940 HGNC Lst1 733805 16988 MGI:1096324 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:14189 Lta 3020 25008 LTA 1345394 4049 HGNC Lta 733657 16992 MGI:104797 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:6709 Lta4h 1311333 299732 LTA4H 1322731 4048 HGNC Lta4h 1322732 16993 MGI:96836 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:6710 Ltb 1303162 361795 LTB 1353964 4050 HGNC Ltb 1551006 16994 MGI:104796 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:6711 Ltb4r 620410 59264 LTB4R 1348020 1241 HGNC Ltb4r1 1550123 16995 MGI:1309472 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:6713 Ltb4r2 621029 114098 LTB4R2 1353949 56413 HGNC Ltb4r2 732977 57260 MGI:1888501 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:19260 Ltbp1 68379 59107 LTBP1 68547 4052 HGNC Ltbp1 68548 268977 MGI:109151 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:6714 Ltbp2 68380 59106 LTBP2 68549 4053 HGNC Ltbp2 68550 16997 MGI:99502 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:6715 Ltbp3 62057 83838 LTBP3 736405 4054 HGNC Ltbp3 62349 16998 MGI:1101355 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:6716 Ltbp4 1307033 292734 LTBP4 1315988 8425 HGNC Ltbp4 1315989 108075 MGI:1321395 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:6717 Ltbr 1309448 297604 LTBR 1319795 4055 HGNC Ltbr 1319796 17000 MGI:104875 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:6718 Ltc4s 620677 114097 LTC4S 733491 4056 HGNC Ltc4s 733492 17001 MGI:107498 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:6719 Ltf 1305445 301034 LTF 1313477 4057 HGNC Ltf 1313478 17002 MGI:96837 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:6720 Ltk 1309323 311337 LTK 1319608 4058 HGNC Ltk 1319609 17005 MGI:96840 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:6721 Ltn1 1311238 288308 LTN1 1322590 26046 HGNC Ltn1 1322591 78913 MGI:1926163 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:13082 Lto1 1304637 309136 LTO1 1312190 220064 HGNC LTO1 1312191 72284 MGI:1919534 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:17589 Ltv1 1311264 361452 LTV1 1322627 84946 HGNC Ltv1 1322628 353258 MGI:2447810 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:21173 Luc7l 1307542 360503 LUC7L 1316796 55692 HGNC Luc7l 1550753 66978 MGI:1914228 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:6723 Luc7l2 1308651 312251 LUC7L2 1318546 51631 HGNC Luc7l2 1551050 192196 MGI:2183260 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:21608 Luc7l3 1307981 360602 LUC7L3 1604358 51747 HGNC Luc7l3 1317487 67684 MGI:1914934 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:24309 Lum 620984 81682 LUM 1344357 4060 HGNC Lum 734193 17022 MGI:109347 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:6724 Lurap1 1566001 500527 LURAP1 1605156 541468 HGNC Lurap1 1620823 68075 MGI:1915325 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:32327 Lurap1l 1308059 362535 LURAP1L 1317610 286343 HGNC Lurap1l 1317611 52829 MGI:106510 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:31452 Luzp1 61839 79428 LUZP1 736317 7798 HGNC Luzp1 62130 269593 MGI:107629 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:14985 Luzp2 6496163 100910839 LUZP2 1347178 338645 HGNC Luzp2 1619831 233271 MGI:1889615 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:23206 Luzp4 1584898 367753 LUZP4 1352485 51213 HGNC Ott 1622380 18422 MGI:107573 RGD HGNC:24971 Lvrn 1562779 502160 LVRN 1604505 206338 HGNC Lvrn 1557180 74574 MGI:1921824 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:26904 Lxn 68361 59073 LXN 737325 56925 HGNC Lxn 68514 17035 MGI:107633 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:13347 Ly6a 1307571 362935 Ly6a 1316843 110454 MGI:107527 RGD Ly6al1 1586182 300024 LY6S 38648935 105375795 HGNC HGNC:54397 Ly6d 1306132 315075 LY6D 1314571 8581 HGNC Ly6d 1314572 17068 MGI:96881 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:13348 Ly6e 1565342 362934 LY6E 1351321 4061 HGNC Ly6e 1556880 17069 MGI:106651 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:6727 Ly6g5b 1303101 406867 LY6G5B 1349012 58496 HGNC Ly6g5b 1622877 266614 MGI:2385809 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:13931 Ly6g5c 735180 294245 LY6G5C 1346509 80741 HGNC Ly6g5c 1550448 114652 MGI:2148974 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:13932 Ly6g6c 1302999 294241 LY6G6C 1344908 80740 HGNC Ly6g6c 1617542 68468 MGI:2148930 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:13936 Ly6g6d 1303064 415062 LY6G6D 1354154 58530 HGNC Ly6g6d 1622149 114654 MGI:2148931 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:13935 Ly6g6e 1303112 406866 LY6G6E 1348643 79136 HGNC Ly6g6e 1550763 70274 MGI:1917524 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:13934 Ly6g6f 1303333 309609 LY6G6F 1342827 259215 HGNC Ly6g6f 1622660 433099 MGI:3616082 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:13933 Ly6h 1311896 300025 LY6H 1323593 4062 HGNC Ly6h 1323594 23934 MGI:1346030 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:6728 Ly6k 2322953 100363492 LY6K 1345514 54742 RGD Ly6k 1550824 76486 MGI:1923736 RGD HGNC:24225 Ly6l 1597652 686432 LY6L 11052114 101928108 HGNC Ly6l 9623411 102637705 MGI:5313101 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:52284 Ly6m 2324576 100361556 Ly6m 1618379 67038 MGI:1914288 RGD Ly75 1565962 499800 LY75 1343680 4065 HGNC Ly75 1557871 17076 MGI:106662 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:6729 Ly86 1309936 291359 LY86 1320546 9450 HGNC Ly86 1320547 17084 MGI:1321404 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:16837 Ly9 1308341 289227 LY9 1318055 4063 HGNC Ly9 1318056 17085 MGI:96885 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:6730 Ly96 1302993 448830 LY96 1349135 23643 HGNC Ly96 1623303 17087 MGI:1341909 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:17156 Lyar 1305352 289707 LYAR 1604346 55646 HGNC Lyar 1313327 17089 MGI:107470 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:26021 Lyg1 1560332 503254 LYG1 1602188 129530 RGD Lyg1 1558283 69541 MGI:1916791 RGD HGNC:27014 Lyg2 6496811 100910813 LYG2 1603530 254773 HGNC Lyg2 1616419 332427 MGI:2685622 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:29615 Lyl1 1359244 304663 LYL1 1343769 4066 HGNC Lyl1 1552564 17095 MGI:96891 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:6734 Lyn 621017 81515 LYN 732668 4067 HGNC Lyn 732669 17096 MGI:96892 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:6735 Lynx1 1312017 300018 LYNX1 1604308 66004 RGD Lynx1 1323781 23936 MGI:1345180 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:29604 Lypd1 1549754 360838 LYPD1 1349683 116372 HGNC Lypd1 1557169 72585 MGI:1919835 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:28431 Lypd10 1564380 292711 Lypd10 1622064 232972 MGI:2681843 RGD Lypd2 1307892 300017 LYPD2 1352251 137797 HGNC Lypd2 1557472 68311 MGI:1915561 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:25215 Lypd3 69053 60378 LYPD3 70834 27076 HGNC Lypd3 1616739 72434 MGI:1919684 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:24880 Lypd4 1583497 681194 LYPD4 1602183 147719 HGNC Lypd4 1622063 232973 MGI:2687054 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:28659 Lypd5 1560355 502308 LYPD5 1604488 284348 HGNC Lypd5 1558620 76942 MGI:1924192 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:26397 Lypd6 1587119 679564 LYPD6 1605579 130574 HGNC Lypd6 1619707 320343 MGI:2443848 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:28751 Lypd6b 1562767 362133 LYPD6B 1602653 130576 HGNC Lypd6b 1557326 71897 MGI:1919147 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:27018 Lypd8 1586251 691259 LYPD8 6771298 646627 HGNC Lypd8 1315993 70163 MGI:1917413 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:44208 Lypd9 1586225 691286 LYPD9P 14394843 101928226 RGD Lypd9 1621931 403200 MGI:2685370 RGD HGNC:53735 Lypla1 3025 25514 LYPLA1 735384 10434 HGNC Lypla1 735385 18777 MGI:1344588 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:6737 Lypla2 620210 83510 LYPLA2 733893 11313 HGNC Lypla2 733894 26394 MGI:1347000 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:6738 Lyplal1 1311195 289357 LYPLAL1 1322525 127018 HGNC Lyplal1 1322526 226791 MGI:2385115 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:20440 Lyrm1 1563498 365361 LYRM1 1601746 57149 HGNC Lyrm1 1557141 73919 MGI:1921169 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:25074 Lyrm2 1597334 690354 LYRM2 1603386 57226 HGNC Lyrm2 1617427 108755 MGI:1917573 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:25229 Lyrm4 7672286 102550385 LYRM4 1345825 57128 HGNC Lyrm4 1614030 380840 MGI:2683538 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:21365 Lyrm7 1596391 686506 LYRM7 1602082 90624 HGNC Lyrm7 1623133 75530 MGI:1922780 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:28072 Lyrm9 1562012 497962 LYRM9 3210028 201229 HGNC Lyrm9 1614367 66274 MGI:1913524 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:27314 Lyset 1566396 100360358 LYSET 1349199 26175 HGNC Lyset 1619706 320351 MGI:2443862 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:20218 Lysmd1 1561865 499671 LYSMD1 1603473 388695 HGNC Lysmd1 1558432 217779 MGI:1919409 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:32070 Lysmd2 1304585 300839 LYSMD2 1605838 256586 HGNC Lysmd2 1553061 70082 MGI:1917332 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:28571 Lysmd3 1308805 315923 LYSMD3 1606178 116068 HGNC Lysmd3 1552044 80289 MGI:1915906 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:26969 Lysmd4 1592887 681647 LYSMD4 1606711 145748 HGNC Lysmd4 1616708 75099 MGI:1922349 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:26571 Lyst 621837 85419 LYST 1604070 1130 HGNC Lyst 731450 17101 MGI:107448 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:1968 Lyve1 1310864 293186 LYVE1 1322012 10894 HGNC Lyve1 1322013 114332 MGI:2136348 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:14687 Lyz2 3026 25211 LYZ 735254 4069 HGNC Lyz2 735255 17105 MGI:96897 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:6740 Lyzl1 1559869 364745 LYZL1 1350038 84569 HGNC Lyzl1 1557184 67328 MGI:1914578 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:30502 Lyzl4 1308401 363168 LYZL4 1348547 131375 HGNC Lyzl4 1553873 69032 MGI:1916282 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:28387 Lyzl6 1306968 287751 LYZL6 1342780 57151 HGNC Lyzl6 1552186 69444 MGI:1916694 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:29614 Lzic 1309253 366507 LZIC 1319494 84328 HGNC Lzic 1319495 69151 MGI:1916401 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:17497 Lztfl1 1306628 316102 LZTFL1 1315352 54585 HGNC Lztfl1 1315353 93730 MGI:1934860 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:6741 Lztr1 1309100 360745 LZTR1 1319250 8216 HGNC Lztr1 1319251 66863 MGI:1914113 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:6742 Lzts1 708565 266711 LZTS1 736900 11178 HGNC Lzts1 1331874 211134 MGI:2684762 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:13861 Lzts2 1359249 365468 LZTS2 1343241 84445 HGNC Lzts2 1552566 226154 MGI:2385095 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:29381 Lzts3 631327 280670 LZTS3 737584 9762 HGNC Lzts3 737585 241638 MGI:2656976 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:30139 M1ap 1563842 500223 M1AP 1604532 130951 HGNC M1ap 1620665 110958 MGI:1315200 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:25183 M6pr 1359355 312689 M6PR 1354089 4074 RGD M6pr 1551656 17113 MGI:96904 RGD HGNC:6752 Mab21l1 1589984 688394 MAB21L1 1343203 4081 HGNC Mab21l1 1622397 17116 MGI:1333773 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:6757 Mab21l2 1595520 680102 MAB21L2 1323458 10586 HGNC Mab21l2 1323459 23937 MGI:1346022 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:6758 Mab21l3 1308694 295326 MAB21L3 1602303 126868 HGNC Mab21l3 1318616 242125 MGI:2446273 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:26787 Mab21l4 1563692 501185 MAB21L4 1605342 79919 HGNC Mab21l4 1621499 71874 MGI:1919124 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:26216 Macc1 1309838 314539 MACC1 1602631 346389 HGNC Macc1 1320396 238455 MGI:2685113 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:30215 Macf1 1306057 362587 MACF1 1352225 23499 HGNC Macf1 1314455 11426 MGI:108559 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:13664 Macir 1562136 501195 MACIR 1602449 90355 HGNC Macir 1621563 52392 MGI:1277184 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:25052 Maco1 1561685 313618 MACO1 1605378 55219 HGNC Maco1 1558568 66146 MGI:1913396 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:25572 Macrod1 628701 246233 MACROD1 1603052 28992 HGNC Macrod1 731899 107227 MGI:2147583 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:29598 Macrod2 1591318 685695 MACROD2 1347920 140733 HGNC Macrod2 1623935 72899 MGI:1920149 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:16126 Macroh2a1 621462 29384 MACROH2A1 731902 9555 HGNC Macroh2a1 736206 26914 MGI:1349392 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:4740 Macroh2a2 1561371 361844 MACROH2A2 1347144 55506 HGNC Macroh2a2 1557111 404634 MGI:3037658 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:14453 Mad1l1 1596881 680006 MAD1L1 1312218 8379 HGNC Mad1l1 1312219 17120 MGI:1341857 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:6762 Mad2l1 1310889 297176 MAD2L1 1322050 4085 HGNC Mad2l1 1322051 56150 MGI:1860374 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:6763 Mad2l1bp 1309175 316237 MAD2L1BP 1319368 9587 HGNC Mad2l1bp 1319369 66591 MGI:1913841 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:21059 Mad2l2 1307499 313702 MAD2L2 1316729 10459 HGNC Mad2l2 1316730 71890 MGI:1919140 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:6764 Madcam1 3029 54266 MADCAM1 1344591 8174 HGNC Madcam1 731299 17123 MGI:103579 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:6765 Madd 619922 94193 MADD 732838 8567 HGNC Madd 737590 228355 MGI:2444672 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:6766 Maea 1309877 298982 MAEA 1320456 10296 HGNC Maea 1320457 59003 MGI:1891748 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:13731 Mael 1309333 364039 MAEL 1605917 84944 HGNC Mael 1615781 98558 MGI:2138453 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:25929 Maf 3034 54267 MAF 731331 4094 HGNC Maf 735352 17132 MGI:96909 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:6776 Maf1 1359315 315093 MAF1 1601952 84232 HGNC Maf1 1614338 68877 MGI:1916127 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:24966 Mafa 1562627 366949 MAFA 1604438 389692 HGNC Mafa 1557163 378435 MGI:2673307 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:23145 Mafb 2982 54264 MAFB 732545 9935 HGNC Mafb 732546 16658 MGI:104555 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:6408 Maff 1309531 366960 MAFF 1319919 23764 HGNC Maff 1319920 17133 MGI:96910 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:6780 Mafg 619953 64188 MAFG 1352039 4097 HGNC Mafg 1551005 17134 MGI:96911 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:6781 Mafk 628633 246760 MAFK 1350091 7975 HGNC Mafk 730843 17135 MGI:99951 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:6782 Mag 3035 29409 MAG 732303 4099 HGNC Mag 736776 17136 MGI:96912 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:6783 Magea10 1563693 293832 MAGEA10 1345818 4109 HGNC Magea10 1622052 236852 MGI:3588211 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:6797 Magea14 1561901 317324 Magea14 1557196 74279 MGI:1921529 RGD Magea8 1565778 302638 Magea8 1557882 17144 MGI:1333827 RGD Magea9 1565494 317297 MAGEA9 1344901 4108 HGNC Magea9 1557634 70696 MGI:1917946 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:6807 Mageb1 1565746 302748 MAGEB4 1346783 4115 HGNC HGNC:6811 Mageb11 1594017 682831 Mageb11 1615718 212952 MGI:2684890 RGD Mageb16 1562365 317274 MAGEB16 1353190 139604 HGNC Mageb16-ps1 1617087 100039436 MGI:3644898 RGD HGNC:21188 Mageb18 1560369 317270 MAGEB18 1605545 286514 HGNC Mageb18 1614956 215641 MGI:3045344 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:28515 Mageb2 1560904 102553413 MAGEB2 1350701 4113 HGNC Mageb4 1617910 434903 MGI:2148568 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:6809 Mageb3 1562343 302746 MAGEB3 1353042 4114 HGNC HGNC:6810 Mageb4 1561997 317271 MAGEB6B 1351509 392433 HGNC Mageb6b1 1614081 278167 MGI:3643982 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:28824 Mageb5 1563078 302442 MAGEB5 1349538 347541 HGNC Mageb5 1557903 74271 MGI:2148169 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:23795 Mageb6 1565662 302441 MAGEB6 1348631 158809 RGD Mageb2 1622389 17146 MGI:105117 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:23796 Magec2 1563272 317590 MAGEC2 1351080 51438 HGNC Magec2 1558175 74437 MGI:1921687 RGD HGNC:13574 Maged1 70898 84469 MAGED1 736331 9500 HGNC Maged1 736332 94275 MGI:1930187 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:6813 Maged2 70899 113947 MAGED2 734427 10916 HGNC Maged2 737563 80884 MGI:1933391 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:16353 Magee1 1560259 317232 MAGEE1 1349261 57692 HGNC Magee1 1556925 107528 MGI:2148149 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:24934 Magee2 1564872 302392 MAGEE2 1346034 139599 HGNC Magee2 1557922 272790 MGI:2148316 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:24935 Mageh1 1359316 367767 MAGEH1 1349577 28986 HGNC Mageh1 1551132 75625 MGI:1922875 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:24092 Magel2 1583615 679875 MAGEL2 1320098 54551 HGNC Magel2 1320099 27385 MGI:1351648 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:6814 Magi1 1586025 500261 MAGI1 1322871 9223 HGNC Magi1 1619275 14924 MGI:1203522 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:946 Magi2 621855 113970 MAGI2 735850 9863 HGNC Magi2 1550979 50791 MGI:1354953 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:18957 Magi3 621362 245903 MAGI3 1605836 260425 HGNC Magi3 1553709 99470 MGI:1923484 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:29647 Magix 1549729 317379 MAGIX 1605344 79917 HGNC Magix 1557030 54634 MGI:1859644 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:30006 Magoh 1305174 298385 MAGOH 1313047 4116 HGNC Magoh 1313048 17149 MGI:1330312 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:6815 Magohb 1597384 690303 MAGOHB 1602707 55110 HGNC Magohb 1623225 66441 MGI:1913691 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:25504 Magt1 620094 116967 MAGT1 731507 84061 HGNC Magt1 731508 67075 MGI:1914325 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:28880 Maip1 1303159 301418 MAIP1 1603199 79568 HGNC Maip1 1620027 68115 MGI:1915365 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:26198 Majin 1563886 499306 MAJIN 1604186 283129 HGNC Majin 1607350 622554 MGI:1923913 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:27441 Mak 3036 25677 MAK 733464 4117 HGNC Mak 733465 17152 MGI:96913 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:6816 Mak16 1311297 306526 MAK16 1350635 84549 HGNC Mak16 1553625 67920 MGI:1915170 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:13703 Mal 3037 25263 MAL 735676 4118 HGNC Mal 10882 17153 MGI:892970 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:6817 Mal2 735066 362911 MAL2 1348409 114569 HGNC Mal2 1550794 105853 MGI:2146021 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:13634 Mall 1310869 362211 MALL 1342796 7851 HGNC Mall 1322020 228576 MGI:2385152 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:6818 Malrd1 2320868 100361092 MALRD1 1346421 340895 HGNC Malrd1 10053762 102635496 MGI:1928271 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:24331 Malsu1 1306936 297082 MALSU1 1315834 115416 HGNC Malsu1 1315835 75593 MGI:1922843 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:21721 Malt1 1309195 307366 MALT1 1319401 10892 HGNC Malt1 1319402 240354 MGI:2445027 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:6819 Mamdc2 1305129 309410 MAMDC2 1312980 256691 HGNC Mamdc2 1312981 71738 MGI:1918988 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:23673 Mamdc4 708583 252882 MAMDC4 1604980 158056 HGNC Mamdc4 1620434 381352 MGI:2685841 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:24083 Maml1 1308631 303101 MAML1 1318517 9794 HGNC Maml1 1318518 103806 MGI:1890504 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:13632 Maml2 1587536 689844 MAML2 1313593 84441 HGNC Maml2 1615588 270118 MGI:2389460 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:16259 Maml3 1308177 310405 MAML3 1317803 55534 HGNC Maml3 1618713 433586 MGI:2389461 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:16272 Mamstr 1588652 691041 MAMSTR 1604486 284358 HGNC Mamstr 1621473 74490 MGI:1921740 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:26689 Man1a1 1310891 294410 MAN1A1 1322054 4121 HGNC Man1a 1322055 17155 MGI:104677 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:6821 Man1a2 1309767 295319 MAN1A2 1320278 10905 HGNC Man1a2 1551348 17156 MGI:104676 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:6822 Man1b1 1563595 499751 MAN1B1 1347467 11253 HGNC Man1b1 1622975 227619 MGI:2684954 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:6823 Man1c1 1309672 362625 MAN1C1 1320140 57134 HGNC Man1c1 1320141 230815 MGI:2446214 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:19080 Man2a1 3038 25478 MAN2A1 735705 4124 HGNC Man2a1 735706 17158 MGI:104669 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:6824 Man2a2 1310238 308757 MAN2A2 1321024 4122 HGNC Man2a2 1321025 140481 MGI:2150656 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:6825 Man2b1 3039 361378 MAN2B1 1348586 4125 HGNC Man2b1 1551052 17159 MGI:107286 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:6826 Man2b2 1308840 360955 MAN2B2 1318845 23324 HGNC Man2b2 1318846 17160 MGI:1195262 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:29623 Man2c1 628787 246136 MAN2C1 733679 4123 HGNC Man2c1 736490 73744 MGI:1920994 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:6827 Manba 1305785 310864 MANBA 1314025 4126 HGNC Manba 1314026 110173 MGI:88175 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:6831 Manbal 1561447 499934 MANBAL 1353788 63905 HGNC Manbal 1558218 69161 MGI:1916411 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:15799 Manea 620327 140808 MANEA 1345544 79694 HGNC Manea 1619809 242362 MGI:2444484 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:21072 Maneal 1563973 366466 MANEAL 1604520 149175 HGNC Maneal 1619871 215090 MGI:2684896 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:26452 Manf 1307252 315989 MANF 1316336 7873 HGNC Manf 1316337 74840 MGI:1922090 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:15461 Mansc1 1593458 690606 MANSC1 1353615 54682 HGNC Mansc1 1623209 67729 MGI:1914979 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:25505 Mansc4 1585055 691362 MANSC4 5132067 100287284 HGNC Mansc4 1614676 545893 MGI:3645619 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:40023 Maoa 61898 29253 MAOA 735751 4128 HGNC Maoa 62191 17161 MGI:96915 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:6833 Maob 3041 25750 MAOB 732580 4129 HGNC Maob 732581 109731 MGI:96916 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:6834 Map10 1308644 307948 MAP10 1607026 54627 HGNC Map10 1318536 74393 MGI:1921643 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:29265 Map1a 3042 25152 MAP1A 736437 4130 HGNC Map1a 736438 17754 MGI:1306776 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:6835 Map1b 3043 29456 MAP1B 733041 4131 HGNC Map1b 735510 17755 MGI:1306778 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:6836 Map1lc3a 735183 362245 MAP1LC3A 1347480 84557 HGNC Map1lc3a 1332294 66734 MGI:1915661 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:6838 Map1lc3b 621315 64862 MAP1LC3B 1350223 81631 HGNC Map1lc3b 1551009 67443 MGI:1914693 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:13352 Map1s 1308266 290640 MAP1S 1317942 55201 HGNC Map1s 1616467 270058 MGI:2443304 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:15715 Map2 3044 25595 MAP2 733668 4133 HGNC Map2 733669 17756 MGI:97175 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:6839 Map2k1 70495 170851 MAP2K1 732023 5604 HGNC Map2k1 1550208 26395 MGI:1346866 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:6840 Map2k2 61888 58960 MAP2K2 1343460 5605 HGNC Map2k2 62181 26396 MGI:1346867 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:6842 Map2k3 1306620 303200 MAP2K3 1315342 5606 RGD Map2k3 1315343 26397 MGI:1346868 RGD HGNC:6843 Map2k3os 9217344 103693340 Map2k3os 2293076 24082 MGI:1344334 RGD Map2k4 1307040 287398 MAP2K4 1316000 6416 HGNC Map2k4 1316001 26398 MGI:1346869 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:6844 Map2k5 61890 29568 MAP2K5 735708 5607 HGNC Map2k5 62183 23938 MGI:1346345 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:6845 Map2k6 620666 114495 MAP2K6 732805 5608 HGNC Map2k6 1552419 26399 MGI:1346870 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:6846 Map2k7 1560043 363855 MAP2K7 1347407 5609 HGNC Map2k7 1557151 26400 MGI:1346871 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:6847 Map3k1 620966 116667 MAP3K1 733801 4214 HGNC Map3k1 733802 26401 MGI:1346872 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:6848 Map3k10 1308381 308463 MAP3K10 1318115 4294 HGNC Map3k10 1318116 269881 MGI:1346879 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:6849 Map3k11 1359261 309168 MAP3K11 1347603 4296 HGNC Map3k11 1557593 26403 MGI:1346880 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:6850 Map3k12 3988 25579 MAP3K12 737536 7786 HGNC Map3k12 11503 26404 MGI:1346881 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:6851 Map3k13 1561227 303823 MAP3K13 1351586 9175 HGNC Map3k13 1622278 71751 MGI:2444243 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:6852 Map3k14 1310487 360640 MAP3K14 1321416 9020 HGNC Map3k14 1321417 53859 MGI:1858204 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:6853 Map3k15 1560603 501558 MAP3K15 1345894 389840 HGNC Map3k15 1612412 270672 MGI:2448588 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:31689 Map3k19 1566400 289001 MAP3K19 1604798 80122 HGNC Map3k19 1558511 22625 MGI:1203481 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:26249 Map3k2 620967 171492 MAP3K2 1354206 10746 HGNC Map3k2 1551486 26405 MGI:1346873 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:6854 Map3k20 1561394 311743 MAP3K20 1601997 51776 HGNC Map3k20 1616796 65964 MGI:2443258 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:17797 Map3k21 1306091 307950 MAP3K21 1601734 84451 HGNC Map3k21 1314508 234878 MGI:2385307 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:29798 Map3k3 1304575 303604 MAP3K3 1312092 4215 HGNC Map3k3 1312093 26406 MGI:1346874 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:6855 Map3k4 1311192 308106 MAP3K4 1322520 4216 HGNC Map3k4 1322521 26407 MGI:1346875 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:6856 Map3k5 1306565 365057 MAP3K5 1315043 4217 HGNC Map3k5 1315044 26408 MGI:1346876 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:6857 Map3k6 1304625 313022 MAP3K6 1312170 9064 HGNC Map3k6 1312171 53608 MGI:1855691 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:6858 Map3k7 1309438 313121 MAP3K7 1319782 6885 HGNC Map3k7 1319783 26409 MGI:1346877 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:6859 Map3k7cl 1359474 304131 MAP3K7CL 1347445 56911 HGNC Map3k7cl 1617375 224419 MGI:2446584 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:16457 Map3k8 620969 116596 MAP3K8 731488 1326 HGNC Map3k8 731489 26410 MGI:1346878 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:6860 Map3k9 1562149 500690 MAP3K9 1352186 4293 HGNC Map3k9 1557381 338372 MGI:2449952 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:6861 Map4 1564359 367171 MAP4 1343248 4134 HGNC Map4 1557729 17758 MGI:97178 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:6862 Map4k1 1305463 292763 MAP4K1 1313504 11184 HGNC Map4k1 1313505 26411 MGI:1346882 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:6863 Map4k2 1308199 293694 MAP4K2 1317839 5871 HGNC Map4k2 1317840 26412 MGI:1346883 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:6864 Map4k3 621280 170920 MAP4K3 732595 8491 HGNC Map4k3 737235 225028 MGI:2154405 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:6865 Map4k4 1305322 301363 MAP4K4 1313282 9448 HGNC Map4k4 1313283 26921 MGI:1349394 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:6866 Map4k5 1562028 503027 MAP4K5 1346481 11183 HGNC Map4k5 1620407 399510 MGI:1925503 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:6867 Map6 61804 29457 MAP6 1606581 4135 HGNC Map6 62096 17760 MGI:1201690 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:6868 Map6d1 1560102 363823 MAP6D1 1602463 79929 HGNC Map6d1 1623016 208158 MGI:3607784 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:25753 Map7 1308866 293016 MAP7 1318886 9053 HGNC Map7 1318887 17761 MGI:1328328 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:6869 Map7d1 1597986 681287 MAP7D1 1603999 55700 HGNC Map7d1 1622907 245877 MGI:2384297 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:25514 Map7d2 1564852 317508 MAP7D2 1605254 256714 HGNC Map7d2 1558088 78283 MGI:1917474 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:25899 Map7d3 1565514 317614 MAP7D3 1606231 79649 HGNC Map7d3 1614817 320923 MGI:2445051 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:25742 Map9 1560368 310544 MAP9 1605620 79884 HGNC Map9 1621364 213582 MGI:2442208 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:26118 Mapk1 70500 116590 MAPK1 732502 5594 HGNC Mapk1 732503 26413 MGI:1346858 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:6871 Mapk10 3663 25272 MAPK10 733441 5602 HGNC Mapk10 11285 26414 MGI:1346863 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:6872 Mapk11 1309340 689314 MAPK11 1319634 5600 HGNC Mapk11 1319635 19094 MGI:1338024 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:6873 Mapk12 70975 60352 MAPK12 731716 6300 HGNC Mapk12 735968 29857 MGI:1353438 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:6874 Mapk13 3045 29513 MAPK13 737240 5603 HGNC Mapk13 737241 26415 MGI:1346864 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:6875 Mapk14 70496 81649 MAPK14 619564 1432 HGNC Mapk14 619565 26416 MGI:1346865 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:6876 Mapk15 628675 286997 MAPK15 1604966 225689 HGNC Mapk15 1550931 332110 MGI:2652894 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:24667 Mapk1ip1l 1311455 361028 MAPK1IP1L 1322925 93487 HGNC Mapk1ip1l 1322926 218975 MGI:2444022 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:19840 Mapk3 3046 50689 MAPK3 619570 5595 HGNC Mapk3 619571 26417 MGI:1346859 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:6877 Mapk4 3047 54268 MAPK4 736964 5596 HGNC Mapk4 736965 225724 MGI:2444559 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:6878 Mapk6 62087 58840 MAPK6 733646 5597 HGNC Mapk6 62379 50772 MGI:1354946 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:6879 Mapk7 621505 114509 MAPK7 1345735 5598 HGNC Mapk7 1550055 23939 MGI:1346347 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:6880 Mapk8 621506 116554 MAPK8 732271 5599 HGNC Mapk8 732272 26419 MGI:1346861 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:6881 Mapk8ip1 70937 116457 MAPK8IP1 733615 9479 HGNC Mapk8ip1 1552682 19099 MGI:1309464 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:6882 Mapk8ip2 1309727 315220 MAPK8IP2 1320222 23542 HGNC Mapk8ip2 1320223 60597 MGI:1926555 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:6883 Mapk8ip3 1563691 302983 MAPK8IP3 1347522 23162 HGNC Mapk8ip3 1558435 30957 MGI:1353598 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:6884 Mapk9 628847 50658 MAPK9 736023 5601 HGNC Mapk9 736024 26420 MGI:1346862 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:6886 Mapkap1 1305363 296648 MAPKAP1 1313344 79109 HGNC Mapkap1 1313345 227743 MGI:2444554 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:18752 Mapkapk2 631362 289014 MAPKAPK2 1606829 9261 HGNC Mapkapk2 1622387 17164 MGI:109298 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:6887 Mapkapk3 1304980 315994 MAPKAPK3 1312732 7867 HGNC Mapkapk3 1552084 102626 MGI:2143163 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:6888 Mapkapk5 1564113 498183 MAPKAPK5 1354160 8550 HGNC Mapkapk5 1557680 17165 MGI:1333110 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:6889 Mapkbp1 1307578 362197 MAPKBP1 1604640 23005 HGNC Mapkbp1 1316853 26390 MGI:1347004 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:29536 Mapre1 621781 114764 MAPRE1 1353139 22919 HGNC Mapre1 1620121 13589 MGI:891995 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:6890 Mapre2 1590736 679221 MAPRE2 1344538 10982 RGD Mapre2 1620631 212307 MGI:106271 RGD HGNC:6891 Mapre3 1359297 298848 MAPRE3 1343455 22924 HGNC Mapre3 1552116 100732 MGI:2140967 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:6892 Mapt 69329 29477 MAPT 736496 4137 HGNC Mapt 736497 17762 MGI:97180 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:6893 Marchf1 1305148 361135 MARCHF1 1354489 55016 HGNC Marchf1 1552868 72925 MGI:1920175 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:26077 Marchf10 1311692 303596 MARCHF10 1601818 162333 HGNC Marchf10 1617043 632687 MGI:2443469 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:26655 Marchf11 1559945 499558 MARCHF11 1642105 441061 HGNC Marchf11 1619883 211147 MGI:3608327 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:33609 Marchf2 1306395 362849 MARCHF2 1351107 51257 HGNC Marchf2 1553878 224703 MGI:1925915 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:28038 Marchf3 1359308 364878 MARCHF3 1344254 115123 HGNC Marchf3 1552609 320253 MGI:2443667 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:28728 Marchf4 1590797 367295 MARCHF4 1353584 57574 HGNC Marchf4 1621188 381270 MGI:2683550 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:29269 Marchf5 1305617 294079 MARCHF5 1346314 54708 HGNC Marchf5 1557961 69104 MGI:1915207 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:26025 Marchf6 1565757 294862 MARCHF6 1343716 10299 HGNC Marchf6 1614945 223455 MGI:2442773 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:30550 Marchf7 1308993 311059 MARCHF7 1603971 64844 HGNC Marchf7 1551140 57438 MGI:1931053 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:17393 Marchf8 1309339 312656 MARCHF8 1353860 220972 HGNC Marchf8 1551233 71779 MGI:1919029 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:23356 Marchf9 1590688 679272 MARCHF9 1351043 92979 HGNC Marchf9 1619008 216438 MGI:2446144 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:25139 Marcks 3028 25603 MARCKS 735485 4082 HGNC Marcks 10881 17118 MGI:96907 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:6759 Marcksl1 621197 81520 MARCKSL1 1352052 65108 HGNC Marcksl1 1620894 17357 MGI:97143 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:7142 Marco 1589662 367391 MARCO 1349062 8685 HGNC Marco 1558468 17167 MGI:1309998 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:6895 Marcol 41001054 120098316 MARCOL 13208776 105378220 HGNC Marcol 15000761 115488943 MGI:5611025 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:53644 Marf1 619770 170946 MARF1 1605711 9665 RGD Marf1 1621347 223989 MGI:2444505 RGD HGNC:29562 Mark1 619882 117016 MARK1 732241 4139 HGNC Mark1 732242 226778 MGI:2664902 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:6896 Mark2 708483 60328 MARK2 1344457 2011 HGNC Mark2 1551063 13728 MGI:99638 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:3332 Mark3 619883 170577 MARK3 1353156 4140 HGNC Mark3 1622386 17169 MGI:1341865 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:6897 Mark4 1591792 680407 MARK4 1321076 57787 HGNC Mark4 1321077 232944 MGI:1920955 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:13538 Mars1 1305321 299851 MARS1 1313280 4141 HGNC Mars1 1313281 216443 MGI:1345633 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:6898 Mars2 1311527 100911305 MARS2 1349073 92935 RGD Mars2 1553072 212679 MGI:2444136 RGD HGNC:25133 Marveld1 1309811 120097610 MARVELD1 1353944 83742 HGNC Marveld1 2315719 277010 MGI:2147570 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:28674 Marveld2 1306909 365657 MARVELD2 1345417 153562 HGNC Marveld2 1550600 218518 MGI:2446166 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:26401 Marveld3 1562056 498950 MARVELD3 1347121 91862 HGNC Marveld3 1552593 73608 MGI:1920858 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:30525 Mas1 3049 25153 MAS1 731461 4142 HGNC Mas1 731462 17171 MGI:96918 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:6899 Mas1l 738049 404641 MAS1L 1351772 116511 HGNC Mrgprh 1321599 80978 MGI:1934134 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:13961 Masp1 620213 64023 MASP1 733853 5648 HGNC Masp1 1552750 17174 MGI:88492 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:6901 Masp2 620214 64459 MASP2 1606320 10747 HGNC Masp2 1553528 17175 MGI:1330832 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:6902 MAST1 631372 353118 MAST1 1354102 22983 HGNC Mast1 1332131 56527 MGI:1861901 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:19034 Mast2 1304573 313819 MAST2 1312089 23139 HGNC Mast2 1312090 17776 MGI:894676 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:19035 Mast3 1587639 688540 MAST3 1316095 23031 HGNC Mast3 1623530 546071 MGI:2683541 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:19036 Mast4 1310139 103690045 MAST4 1601915 375449 HGNC Mast4 1552653 328329 MGI:1918885 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:19037 Mastl 1309186 307169 MASTL 1319386 84930 HGNC Mastl 1319387 67121 MGI:1914371 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:19042 Mat1a 3050 25331 MAT1A 732753 4143 HGNC Mat1a 10883 11720 MGI:88017 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:6903 Mat2a 619985 171347 MAT2A 737506 4144 HGNC Mat2a 732781 232087 MGI:2443731 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:6904 Mat2b 1593534 683630 MAT2B 1606800 27430 HGNC Mat2b 1618238 108645 MGI:1913667 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:6905 Matcap1 1585272 688736 MATCAP1 2302259 653319 HGNC Matcap1 1622252 74356 MGI:1921606 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:34408 Matcap2 1561444 315473 MATCAP2 1603687 23366 HGNC Matcap2 1557513 68283 MGI:1915533 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:22206 Matk 69058 60450 MATK 69108 4145 HGNC Matk 69109 17179 MGI:99259 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:6906 Matn1 1359410 297894 MATN1 1352772 4146 HGNC Matn1 1550216 17180 MGI:106591 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:6907 Matn2 1305353 299996 MATN2 1313328 4147 HGNC Matn2 1313329 17181 MGI:109613 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:6908 Matn3 1305085 313954 MATN3 1312907 4148 HGNC Matn3 1312908 17182 MGI:1328350 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:6909 Matn4 1309732 296358 MATN4 1320229 8785 HGNC Matn4 1320230 17183 MGI:1328314 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:6910 Matr3 3052 29150 MATR3 736833 9782 HGNC Matr3 736834 17184 MGI:1298379 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:6912 Mau2 1308759 290668 MAU2 1318717 23383 HGNC Mau2 1318718 74549 MGI:1921799 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:29140 Mavs 1359371 311430 MAVS 1606258 57506 HGNC Mavs 1614930 228607 MGI:2444773 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:29233 Max 621101 60661 MAX 731306 4149 HGNC Max 1551968 17187 MGI:96921 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:6913 Maz 1594632 691842 MAZ 1315360 4150 HGNC Maz 1315361 17188 MGI:1338823 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:6914 Mb 620411 59108 MB 1354197 4151 HGNC Mb 1552831 17189 MGI:96922 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:6915 Mb21d2 1559643 498100 MB21D2 1601820 151963 HGNC Mb21d2 1619816 239796 MGI:1917028 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:30438 Mbd1 1305980 291439 MBD1 1314332 4152 HGNC Mbd1 1314333 17190 MGI:1333811 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:6916 Mbd2 1595452 680172 MBD2 1312368 8932 HGNC Mbd2 1312369 17191 MGI:1333813 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:6917 Mbd3 1307389 362834 MBD3 1316562 53615 HGNC Mbd3 1316563 17192 MGI:1333812 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:6918 Mbd3l1 1308259 300389 MBD3L1 1317930 85509 HGNC Mbd3l1 1317931 73503 MGI:1920753 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:15774 Mbd3l2 1308833 300375 MBD3L2 1601828 125997 HGNC Mbd3l2 1318832 234988 MGI:2158460 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:18532 Mbd4 1585874 680915 MBD4 1313885 8930 HGNC Mbd4 1313886 17193 MGI:1333850 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:6919 Mbd5 1562961 311026 MBD5 1344111 55777 HGNC Mbd5 1623858 109241 MGI:2138934 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:20444 Mbd6 1311050 362892 MBD6 1322301 114785 HGNC Mbd6 1620664 110962 MGI:106378 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:20445 Mbip 1306310 362740 MBIP 1314857 51562 HGNC Mbip 1314858 217588 MGI:1918320 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:20427 Mbl1 3055 24548 MBL1P 1343390 8512 RGD Mbl1 732763 17194 MGI:96923 RGD HGNC:6921 Mbl2 67380 64668 MBL2 735547 4153 RGD Mbl2 731472 17195 MGI:96924 RGD HGNC:6922 Mblac1 1306932 304346 MBLAC1 1602638 255374 HGNC Mblac1 1315827 330216 MGI:2679717 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:22180 Mblac2 1306703 365627 MBLAC2 1601715 153364 HGNC Mblac2 1315472 72852 MGI:1920102 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:33711 Mbnl1 628668 282635 MBNL1 1606580 4154 HGNC Mbnl1 1552938 56758 MGI:1928482 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:6923 Mbnl2 1591755 680445 MBNL2 1315628 10150 HGNC Mbnl2 1315629 105559 MGI:2145597 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:16746 Mbnl3 1565834 302492 MBNL3 1603984 55796 HGNC Mbnl3 1558071 171170 MGI:2444912 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:20564 Mboat1 1565561 498741 MBOAT1 1322766 154141 HGNC Mboat1 1322767 218121 MGI:2387184 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:21579 Mboat2 1305798 313997 MBOAT2 1314050 129642 HGNC Mboat2 1314051 67216 MGI:1914466 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:25193 Mboat4 1566335 306515 MBOAT4 1602605 619373 HGNC Mboat4 1622944 234155 MGI:2685017 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:32311 Mboat7 1306945 308309 MBOAT7 1353967 79143 RGD Mboat7 1551274 77582 MGI:1924832 RGD HGNC:15505 Mbp 3054 24547 MBP 736262 4155 HGNC Mbp 10884 17196 MGI:96925 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:6925 Mbtd1 1592427 688133 MBTD1 1348935 54799 HGNC Mbtd1 1617433 103537 MGI:2143977 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:19866 Mbtps1 70935 89842 MBTPS1 732575 8720 HGNC Mbtps1 737210 56453 MGI:1927235 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:15456 Mbtps2 1566171 302705 MBTPS2 1342985 51360 HGNC Mbtps2 1558498 270669 MGI:2444506 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:15455 Mc1r 1312046 102552838 MC1R 1323826 4157 RGD Mc1r 1323827 17199 MGI:99456 RGD HGNC:6929 Mc2r 628649 282839 MC2R 1348934 4158 HGNC Mc2r 1553230 17200 MGI:96928 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:6930 Mc3r 3056 29310 MC3R 1345990 4159 HGNC Mc3r 735312 17201 MGI:96929 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:6931 Mc4r 3057 25635 MC4R 733058 4160 HGNC Mc4r 735526 17202 MGI:99457 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:6932 Mc5r 3058 25726 MC5R 732421 4161 HGNC Mc5r 10886 17203 MGI:99420 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:6933 Mcam 620463 78967 MCAM 732868 4162 HGNC Mcam 732869 84004 MGI:1933966 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:6934 Mcat 1306698 315173 MCAT 1607045 27349 HGNC Mcat 1315465 223722 MGI:2388651 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:29622 Mcc 1561988 307449 MCC 1351997 4163 HGNC Mcc 1623705 328949 MGI:96930 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:6935 Mccc1 1310615 294972 MCCC1 1321620 56922 HGNC Mccc1 1321621 72039 MGI:1919289 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:6936 Mccc2 1310279 361884 MCCC2 1352586 64087 HGNC Mccc2 1321087 78038 MGI:1925288 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:6937 Mcee 1309966 293829 MCEE 1320595 84693 HGNC Mcee 1320596 73724 MGI:1920974 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:16732 Mcemp1 1565374 498128 MCEMP1 1604975 199675 HGNC Mcemp1 1622293 69189 MGI:1916439 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:27291 Mcf2 1566098 317598 MCF2 1345996 4168 HGNC Mcf2 1618234 109904 MGI:96932 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:6940 Mcf2l 619782 117020 MCF2L 737008 23263 HGNC Mcf2l 734041 17207 MGI:103263 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:14576 Mcfd2 628690 246117 MCFD2 1350244 90411 HGNC Mcfd2 733145 193813 MGI:2183439 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:18451 Mchr1 619841 83567 MCHR1 733421 2847 HGNC Mchr1 733422 207911 MGI:2180756 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:4479 Mcidas 1584164 688802 MCIDAS 6771255 345643 HGNC Mcidas 1615424 622408 MGI:3648807 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:40050 Mcl1 620525 60430 MCL1 735512 4170 HGNC Mcl1 735513 17210 MGI:101769 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:6943 Mcm10 1311330 307126 MCM10 1322725 55388 HGNC Mcm10 1322726 70024 MGI:1917274 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:18043 Mcm2 1305577 312538 MCM2 1313689 4171 HGNC Mcm2 1313690 17216 MGI:105380 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:6944 Mcm3 1305168 316273 MCM3 1313036 4172 HGNC Mcm3 1313037 17215 MGI:101845 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:6945 Mcm3ap 1306834 294339 MCM3AP 1315674 8888 HGNC Mcm3ap 1315675 54387 MGI:1930089 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:6946 Mcm4 3060 29728 MCM4 735578 4173 HGNC Mcm4 735579 17217 MGI:103199 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:6947 Mcm5 1306616 291885 MCM5 1315334 4174 HGNC Mcm5 1315335 17218 MGI:103197 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:6948 Mcm6 61967 29685 MCM6 1352854 4175 HGNC Mcm6 62260 17219 MGI:1298227 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:6949 Mcm7 1303018 288532 MCM7 1347363 4176 HGNC Mcm7 1557018 17220 MGI:1298398 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:6950 Mcm8 1305218 296178 MCM8 1313114 84515 HGNC Mcm8 1313115 66634 MGI:1913884 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:16147 Mcm9 1560557 499437 MCM9 1313696 254394 HGNC Mcm9 1313697 71567 MGI:1918817 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:21484 Mcmbp 1306730 309009 MCMBP 1315515 79892 HGNC Mcmbp 1315516 210711 MGI:1920977 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:25782 Mcmdc2 1561068 500392 MCMDC2 1605856 157777 HGNC Mcmdc2 1622923 240697 MGI:3045334 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:26368 Mcoln1 1308953 288371 MCOLN1 1319026 57192 HGNC Mcoln1 1319027 94178 MGI:1890498 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:13356 Mcoln2 1308884 292168 MCOLN2 1318909 255231 HGNC Mcoln2 1318910 68279 MGI:1915529 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:13357 Mcoln3 1308420 308022 MCOLN3 1318177 55283 HGNC Mcoln3 1318178 171166 MGI:1890500 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:13358 Mcph1 1560642 306594 MCPH1 1349111 79648 HGNC Mcph1 1557042 244329 MGI:2443308 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:6954 Mcrip1 1311925 360677 MCRIP1 1603840 348262 HGNC Mcrip1 1323636 192173 MGI:2384752 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:28007 Mcrip2 1592603 685545 MCRIP2 1346193 84331 HGNC Mcrip2 1322642 68241 MGI:1915491 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:14142 Mcrs1 1311607 300222 MCRS1 1323153 10445 HGNC Mcrs1 1323154 51812 MGI:1858420 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:6960 Mctp1 1305199 309928 MCTP1 1605937 79772 RGD Mctp1 1331997 78771 MGI:1926021 RGD HGNC:26183 Mctp2 1562967 308742 MCTP2 1603987 55784 HGNC Mctp2 1616515 244049 MGI:2685335 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:25636 Mcts1 1566390 302500 MCTS1 1351081 28985 HGNC Mcts1 1558603 68995 MGI:1916245 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:23357 Mcu 1589771 294560 MCU 1343502 90550 HGNC Mcu 1622994 215999 MGI:3026965 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:23526 Mcub 1305326 295462 MCUB 1602886 55013 HGNC Mcub 1332347 66815 MGI:1914065 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:26076 Mcur1 1307673 291034 MCUR1 1349094 63933 HGNC Mcur1 1316999 76137 MGI:1923387 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:21097 Mdc1 1559468 309595 MDC1 1348817 9656 HGNC Mdc1 1556882 240087 MGI:3525201 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:21163 Mdfi 1560271 501097 MDFI 1353332 4188 HGNC Mdfi 1621612 17240 MGI:107687 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:6967 Mdfic 1309532 362325 MDFIC 1607030 29969 HGNC Mdfic 1553252 16543 MGI:104611 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:28870 Mdfic2 2323009 100363436 MDFIC2 13434606 107986096 HGNC Mdfic2 1622832 330390 MGI:2685611 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:53442 Mdga1 1307031 309659 MDGA1 1315985 266727 HGNC Mdga1 1619095 74762 MGI:1922012 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:19267 Mdga2 735131 314180 MDGA2 1343433 161357 HGNC Mdga2 1550141 320772 MGI:2444706 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:19835 Mdh1 3072 24551 MDH1 732327 4190 HGNC Mdh1 732328 17449 MGI:97051 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:6970 Mdh1b 1307874 316444 MDH1B 1317321 130752 HGNC Mdh1b 1550831 76668 MGI:1923918 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:17836 Mdh2 619719 81829 MDH2 733026 4191 HGNC Mdh2 10889 17448 MGI:97050 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:6971 Mdk 69073 81517 MDK 69142 4192 HGNC Mdk 69143 17242 MGI:96949 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:6972 Mdm1 1561092 314859 MDM1 1352515 56890 HGNC Mdm1 1621610 17245 MGI:96951 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:29917 Mdm2 1305332 314856 MDM2 1313299 4193 HGNC Mdm2 1313300 17246 MGI:96952 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:6973 Mdm4 1309306 304798 MDM4 1319584 4194 HGNC Mdm4 1319585 17248 MGI:107934 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:6974 Mdn1 1306394 362498 MDN1 1314985 23195 HGNC Mdn1 1314986 100019 MGI:1926159 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:18302 Mdp1 1311147 290230 MDP1 1601722 145553 HGNC Mdp1 1322451 67881 MGI:1915131 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:28781 Me1 3074 24552 ME1 736133 4199 HGNC Me1 10890 17436 MGI:97043 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:6983 Me2 1310321 307270 ME2 1321157 4200 HGNC Me2 1321158 107029 MGI:2147351 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:6984 Me3 1311070 361602 ME3 1322332 10873 HGNC Me3 1553653 109264 MGI:1916679 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:6985 Mea1 1597751 685131 MEA1 1346327 4201 HGNC Mea1 1621609 17256 MGI:96957 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:6986 Meaf6 1310440 362594 MEAF6 1604318 64769 HGNC Meaf6 1321343 70088 MGI:1917338 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:25674 Meak7 1308461 307901 MEAK7 1605650 57707 HGNC Meak7 1318242 74347 MGI:1921597 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:29325 Mecom 1310997 294924 MECOM 1322216 2122 HGNC Mecom 1322217 14013 MGI:95457 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:3498 Mecp2 3075 29386 MECP2 1349232 4204 HGNC Mecp2 736671 17257 MGI:99918 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:6990 Mecr 3208 29470 MECR 733084 51102 HGNC Mecr 1616816 26922 MGI:1349441 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:19691 Med1 1559552 497991 MED1 1351174 5469 HGNC Med1 1617613 19014 MGI:1100846 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:9234 Med10 1310128 290939 MED10 1604270 84246 HGNC Med10 1320854 28077 MGI:106331 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:28760 Med11 1563202 287456 MED11 1606637 400569 HGNC Med11 1615123 66172 MGI:1913422 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:32687 Med12 1585896 679693 MED12 1350145 9968 HGNC Med12 1557537 59024 MGI:1926212 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:11957 Med12l 1592212 690752 MED12L 1352033 116931 HGNC Med12l 1312160 329650 MGI:2139916 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:16050 Med13 1304829 303403 MED13 1312495 9969 HGNC Med13 1312496 327987 MGI:3029632 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:22474 Med13l 1305884 360817 MED13L 1314183 23389 RGD Med13l 1618275 76199 MGI:2670178 RGD HGNC:22962 Med14 1560170 317343 MED14 1343127 9282 HGNC Med14 1617593 26896 MGI:1349442 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:2370 Med15 1307560 360743 MED15 1316826 51586 HGNC Med15 1316827 94112 MGI:2137379 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:14248 Med16 1308001 299607 MED16 1317518 10025 HGNC Med16 1317519 216154 MGI:2158394 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:17556 Med17 1311120 300367 MED17 1322408 9440 HGNC Med17 1322409 234959 MGI:2182585 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:2375 Med18 1592757 682988 MED18 1347067 54797 HGNC Med18 1616792 67219 MGI:1914469 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:25944 Med19 1311926 311165 MED19 1344644 219541 HGNC Med19 1620429 381379 MGI:1914234 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:29600 Med20 1306415 316209 MED20 1606323 9477 HGNC Med20 1617563 56771 MGI:1929648 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:16840 Med21 1309836 312849 MED21 1320392 9412 HGNC Med21 1320393 108098 MGI:1347064 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:11473 Med22 1564893 499762 MED22 1606332 6837 RGD Med22 1623280 20933 MGI:98446 RGD HGNC:11477 Med23 1307671 309565 MED23 1316995 9439 HGNC Med23 1316996 70208 MGI:1917458 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:2372 Med24 1564565 619436 MED24 1348876 9862 HGNC Med24 1620081 23989 MGI:1344385 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:22963 Med25 1305137 292889 MED25 1347126 81857 HGNC Med25 1553314 75613 MGI:1922863 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:28845 Med26 1309524 306328 MED26 1352604 9441 HGNC Med26 1557558 70625 MGI:1917875 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:2376 Med27 1564993 296612 MED27 1349942 9442 HGNC Med27 1623965 68975 MGI:1916225 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:2377 Med28 1305875 305391 MED28 1354293 80306 HGNC Med28 1619188 66999 MGI:1914249 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:24628 Med29 1311009 292751 MED29 1351639 55588 HGNC Med29 1616790 67224 MGI:1914474 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:23074 Med30 1309369 299905 MED30 1319681 90390 HGNC Med30 1319682 69790 MGI:1917040 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:23032 Med31 1309457 287475 MED31 1343042 51003 HGNC Med31 1553215 67279 MGI:1914529 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:24260 Med4 1306671 306030 MED4 1354139 29079 HGNC Med4 1315420 67381 MGI:1914631 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:17903 Med6 1310296 299180 MED6 1321116 10001 HGNC Med6 1321117 69792 MGI:1917042 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:19970 Med7 6494481 100911235 MED7 1321085 9443 HGNC Med7 1321086 66213 MGI:1913463 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:2378 Med8 1305552 362575 MED8 1313646 112950 HGNC Med8 1614251 80509 MGI:1915269 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:19971 Med9 1563669 497914 MED9 1349775 55090 HGNC Med9 1557335 192191 MGI:2183151 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:25487 Medag 1307396 360757 MEDAG 1605918 84935 HGNC Medag 1316572 70717 MGI:1917967 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:25926 Mef2a 1359360 309957 MEF2A 1322126 4205 RGD Mef2a 1621608 17258 MGI:99532 RGD HGNC:6993 Mef2b 1561733 498607 MEF2B 1351770 100271849 HGNC Mef2b 1558238 17259 MGI:104526 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:6995 Mef2c 1563119 499497 MEF2C 1349172 4208 HGNC Mef2c 1621607 17260 MGI:99458 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:6996 Mef2d 621489 81518 MEF2D 733415 4209 HGNC Mef2d 733416 17261 MGI:99533 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:6997 Mefv 61889 58923 MEFV 737570 4210 HGNC Mefv 62182 54483 MGI:1859396 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:6998 Meg3 1566401 500717 MEG3 1351308 55384 RGD Meg3 1621606 17263 MGI:1202886 RGD HGNC:14575 Megf10 735084 291445 MEGF10 1601732 84466 HGNC Megf10 1558549 70417 MGI:2685177 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:29634 Megf11 1582797 691517 MEGF11 1603600 84465 HGNC Megf11 1557497 214058 MGI:1920951 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:29635 Megf6 621188 65049 MEGF6 736662 1953 RGD Megf6 736663 230971 MGI:1919351 RGD HGNC:3232 Megf8 621190 114029 MEGF8 737434 1954 HGNC Megf8 737435 269878 MGI:2446294 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:3233 Megf9 1308330 313270 MEGF9 1342735 1955 HGNC Megf9 1318038 230316 MGI:1918264 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:3234 Mei1 1307210 315162 MEI1 1642765 150365 HGNC Mei1 1316269 74369 MGI:3028590 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:28613 Mei4 1583682 679805 MEI4 7255827 101928601 HGNC Mei4 1616719 75033 MGI:1922283 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:43638 Meig1 1583655 679834 MEIG1 1348116 644890 HGNC Meig1 1621412 104362 MGI:1202878 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:23429 Meikin 1566120 497904 MEIKIN 9685644 728637 HGNC Meikin 1618295 74847 MGI:1922097 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:51253 Meiob 1583204 685099 MEIOB 1604193 254528 HGNC Meiob 1615817 75178 MGI:1922428 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:28569 Meioc 1563746 303572 MEIOC 1605246 284071 HGNC Meioc 1618845 268491 MGI:2686410 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:26670 Meiosin 7528935 102553424 MEIOSIN 9479475 388553 HGNC Meiosin 1618110 243866 MGI:3647482 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:44318 Meis1 1585482 686117 MEIS1 1315277 4211 HGNC Meis1 1550525 17268 MGI:104717 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:7000 Meis2 1305198 311311 MEIS2 1313085 4212 HGNC Meis2 1550144 17536 MGI:108564 RGD HGNC:7001 Meis3 1308532 361514 MEIS3 1318359 56917 HGNC Meis3 1318360 17537 MGI:108519 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:29537 Melk 1308974 362510 MELK 1319059 9833 HGNC Melk 1319060 17279 MGI:106924 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:16870 Meltf 1308155 288038 MELTF 1317764 4241 HGNC Meltf 1317765 30060 MGI:1353421 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:7037 Memo1 1309929 298787 MEMO1 1320537 51072 HGNC Memo1 1552554 76890 MGI:1924140 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:14014 Men1 3078 29417 MEN1 736443 4221 HGNC Men1 736444 17283 MGI:1316736 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:7010 Meox1 1308911 363684 MEOX1 1318950 4222 HGNC Meox1 1318951 17285 MGI:103220 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:7013 Meox2 3079 29279 MEOX2 733480 4223 HGNC Meox2 736210 17286 MGI:103219 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:7014 Mep1a 3080 25684 MEP1A 735747 4224 HGNC Mep1a 10892 17287 MGI:96963 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:7015 Mep1b 3081 25727 MEP1B 737385 4225 HGNC Mep1b 10893 17288 MGI:96964 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:7020 Mepce 1560550 304361 MEPCE 1603022 56257 RGD Mepce 1557769 231803 MGI:106477 RGD HGNC:20247 Mepe 71036 79110 MEPE 736255 56955 HGNC Mepe 731927 94111 MGI:2137384 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:13361 Mertk 69283 65037 MERTK 731631 10461 HGNC Mertk 731632 17289 MGI:96965 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:7027 Mesd 1310344 308796 MESD 1321194 23184 HGNC Mesd 1321195 67943 MGI:1891421 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:13520 Mesp1 1311751 308766 MESP1 1603631 55897 HGNC Mesp1 1323369 17292 MGI:107785 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:29658 Mesp2 1305959 293046 MESP2 1606451 145873 HGNC Mesp2 1314297 17293 MGI:1096325 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:29659 Mest 1594589 58827 MEST 1345318 4232 HGNC Mest 1621604 17294 MGI:96968 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:7028 Met 3082 24553 MET 70824 4233 HGNC Met 10894 17295 MGI:96969 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:7029 Metap1 1305545 295500 METAP1 1313634 23173 HGNC Metap1 1313635 75624 MGI:1922874 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:15789 Metap1d 1307413 311748 METAP1D 1605558 254042 HGNC Metap1d 1316596 66559 MGI:1913809 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:32583 Metap2 70995 64370 METAP2 732103 10988 HGNC Metap2 732104 56307 MGI:1929701 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:16672 Metrn 1306222 287151 METRN 1353878 79006 HGNC Metrn 1615072 70083 MGI:1917333 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:14151 Metrnl 1359271 316842 METRNL 1348183 284207 HGNC Metrnl 1618193 210029 MGI:2384806 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:27584 Mettl1 1593036 679091 METTL1 1352209 4234 HGNC Mettl1 1621603 17299 MGI:1339986 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:7030 Mettl13 1311526 289159 METTL13 1604624 51603 HGNC Mettl13 1332206 71449 MGI:1918699 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:24248 Mettl14 1304822 295428 METTL14 1605646 57721 HGNC Mettl14 1332193 210529 MGI:2442926 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:29330 Mettl15 1304978 295985 METTL15 1604216 196074 HGNC Mettl15 1553712 76894 MGI:1924144 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:26606 Mettl16 1593242 360568 METTL16 1604299 79066 HGNC Mettl16 1314856 67493 MGI:1914743 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:28484 Mettl17 1559895 305845 METTL17 1601980 64745 HGNC Mettl17 1620077 52535 MGI:1098577 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:19280 Mettl18 1306783 304928 METTL18 1603373 92342 HGNC Mettl18 1331939 69962 MGI:1917212 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:28793 Mettl2 1310240 363687 METTL2A 1601800 339175 HGNC Mettl2 1321028 52686 MGI:1289171 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:25755 Mettl21a 7651604 102553119 METTL21A 1602980 151194 HGNC Mettl21a 1323482 67099 MGI:1914349 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:30476 Mettl21c 1561425 301378 METTL21C 1606433 196541 HGNC Mettl21c 1621157 433294 MGI:3611450 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:33717 Mettl21cl1 1596736 681354 METTL21EP 5490883 121952 HGNC Mettl21e 1622771 403183 MGI:2685837 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:41948 Mettl22 1311433 287054 METTL22 1601964 79091 HGNC Mettl22 1332327 239706 MGI:2384301 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:28368 Mettl23 1306284 287918 METTL23 2298732 124512 HGNC Mettl23 1314817 74319 MGI:1921569 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:26988 Mettl24 1564857 499465 METTL24 1343913 728464 HGNC Mettl24 1622847 327747 MGI:3045338 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:21566 Mettl25 1310270 314798 METTL25 1602087 84190 HGNC Mettl25 1321072 216292 MGI:3041259 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:26228 Mettl25b 1311265 361976 METTL25B 1603041 51093 HGNC Mettl25b 1322629 229503 MGI:2387197 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:24273 Mettl26 1307155 302998 METTL26 1603944 84326 HGNC Mettl26 1316179 68347 MGI:1915597 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:14141 Mettl27 1588881 688407 METTL27 1352777 155368 HGNC Mettl27 1551225 79565 MGI:1933146 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:19068 Mettl3 1311750 361035 METTL3 1348378 56339 HGNC Mettl3 1323368 56335 MGI:1927165 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:17563 Mettl4 1306451 316731 METTL4 1346719 64863 HGNC Mettl4 1623895 76781 MGI:1924031 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:24726 Mettl5 1566062 502632 METTL5 1606016 29081 HGNC Mettl5 1558420 75422 MGI:1922672 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:25006 Mettl6 1359565 290564 METTL6 1605295 131965 HGNC Mettl6 1552314 67011 MGI:1914261 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:28343 Mettl8 1561059 502633 METTL8 1605633 79828 HGNC Mettl8 1619853 228019 MGI:2385142 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:25856 Mettl9 2311609 100302453 METTL9 1602890 51108 RGD Mettl9 1312743 59052 MGI:1914862 RGD HGNC:24586 Mex3a 1564904 310631 MEX3A 1625811 92312 HGNC Mex3a 1615056 72640 MGI:1919890 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:33482 Mex3b 1306790 308790 MEX3B 1346115 84206 HGNC Mex3b 1315605 108797 MGI:1918252 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:25297 Mex3c 1309023 307271 MEX3C 1319133 51320 HGNC Mex3c 1319134 240396 MGI:2652843 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:28040 Mex3d 1310576 299613 MEX3D 1321562 399664 HGNC Mex3d 1321563 237400 MGI:2681847 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:16734 Mfap1a 1562232 499878 MFAP1 1321226 4236 HGNC Mfap1a 1321227 67532 MGI:1914782 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:7032 Mfap2 1306031 313662 MFAP2 1314413 4237 HGNC Mfap2 1314414 17150 MGI:99559 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:7033 Mfap3 1359463 287299 MFAP3 1350797 4238 HGNC Mfap3 1553691 216760 MGI:1924068 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:7034 Mfap3l 1311274 306424 MFAP3L 1322643 9848 HGNC Mfap3l 1551762 71306 MGI:1918556 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:29083 Mfap4 1307841 287382 MFAP4 1317270 4239 RGD Mfap4 1317271 76293 MGI:1342276 RGD HGNC:7035 Mfap5 1307919 362429 MFAP5 1317391 8076 HGNC Mfap5 1317392 50530 MGI:1354387 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:29673 Mff 1310230 301563 MFF 1321011 56947 RGD Mff 1321012 75734 MGI:1922984 RGD HGNC:24858 Mfge8 3083 25277 MFGE8 736002 4240 HGNC Mfge8 10895 17304 MGI:102768 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:7036 Mfhas1 1308812 306508 MFHAS1 1318798 9258 HGNC Mfhas1 1318799 52065 MGI:1098644 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:16982 Mfn1 621460 192647 MFN1 731663 55669 HGNC Mfn1 731664 67414 MGI:1914664 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:18262 Mfn2 628843 64476 MFN2 732569 9927 HGNC Mfn2 732570 170731 MGI:2442230 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:16877 Mfng 735126 315119 MFNG 1349900 4242 HGNC Mfng 1552305 17305 MGI:1095404 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:7038 Mfrp 1307477 315597 MFRP 1316695 83552 HGNC Mfrp 1620492 259172 MGI:2385957 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:18121 Mfsd1 1305751 361957 MFSD1 1346472 64747 HGNC Mfsd1 1550118 66868 MGI:1914118 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:25874 Mfsd10 1311900 305449 MFSD10 1604055 10227 HGNC Mfsd10 1323599 68294 MGI:1915544 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:16894 Mfsd11 1307394 360667 MFSD11 1603960 79157 HGNC Mfsd11 1316569 69900 MGI:1917150 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:25458 Mfsd12 1307722 362824 MFSD12 1317080 126321 HGNC Mfsd12 1615836 73822 MGI:3604804 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:28299 Mfsd13a 1309313 309454 MFSD13A 1319594 79847 HGNC Mfsd13a 1615821 75146 MGI:1922396 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:26196 Mfsd13b 1582763 691551 MFSD13B 10402981 105371130 RGD Mfsd13b 1621477 74466 MGI:1921716 RGD HGNC:52163 Mfsd14a 9294064 103689987 MFSD14A 1313218 64645 HGNC Mfsd14a 1313219 15247 MGI:1201609 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:23363 Mfsd14b 1308377 306687 MFSD14B 1606770 84641 HGNC Mfsd14b 1553421 66631 MGI:1913881 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:23376 Mfsd2a 1310174 298504 MFSD2A 1606200 84879 HGNC Mfsd2a 1615020 76574 MGI:1923824 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:25897 Mfsd2b 1561716 500624 MFSD2B 3476989 388931 HGNC Mfsd2b 1615478 432628 MGI:3583946 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:37207 Mfsd3 1560274 500899 MFSD3 1605597 113655 HGNC Mfsd3 1556932 69572 MGI:1916822 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:25157 Mfsd4a 1566090 498228 MFSD4A 1605282 148808 HGNC Mfsd4a 1614965 213006 MGI:2442786 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:25433 Mfsd4b2 1304770 309810 MFSD4B 1321427 91749 HGNC Mfsd4b1 1321428 215929 MGI:2143575 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:21053 Mfsd5 1305138 315329 MFSD5 1605912 84975 HGNC Mfsd5 1312995 106073 MGI:2145901 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:28156 Mfsd6 1562317 301388 MFSD6 1603217 54842 HGNC Mfsd6 1558177 98682 MGI:1922925 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:24711 Mfsd6l 1307767 287414 MFSD6L 1603890 162387 HGNC Mfsd6l 1317149 215723 MGI:2384904 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:26656 Mfsd8 1310132 361939 MFSD8 1606119 256471 HGNC Mfsd8 1331917 72175 MGI:1919425 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:28486 Mfsd9 1562212 316356 MFSD9 1606209 84804 HGNC Mfsd9 1558052 211798 MGI:2443548 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:28158 Mga 1561597 499874 MGA 1351170 23269 HGNC Mga 1614393 29808 MGI:1352483 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:14010 Mgam 9369725 103690059 MGAM 1318097 8972 RGD Mgam 1318098 232714 MGI:1203495 RGD HGNC:7043 Mgam2 1308368 312272 MGAM2 9849972 93432 RGD Mgam2-ps 1618605 638904 MGI:3645497 RGD HGNC:28101 Mgarp 1586369 689931 MGARP 1603194 84709 HGNC Mgarp 1623207 67749 MGI:1914999 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:29969 Mgat1 620097 81519 MGAT1 1349279 4245 HGNC Mgat1 732273 17308 MGI:96973 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:7044 Mgat2 620098 94273 MGAT2 731495 4247 HGNC Mgat2 731496 217664 MGI:2384966 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:7045 Mgat3 3084 29582 MGAT3 1343088 4248 HGNC Mgat3 736510 17309 MGI:104532 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:7046 Mgat4a 1305650 367252 MGAT4A 1313803 11320 HGNC Mgat4a 1313804 269181 MGI:2662992 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:7047 Mgat4b 1562836 303100 MGAT4B 1602226 11282 HGNC Mgat4b 1617434 103534 MGI:2143974 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:7048 Mgat4c 1307871 299756 MGAT4C 1604033 25834 HGNC Mgat4c 1317316 67569 MGI:1914819 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:30871 Mgat4d 1310572 304646 MGAT4D 1605861 152586 HGNC Mgat4d 1321556 67555 MGI:1914805 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:43619 Mgat4e 1308112 289038 MGAT4EP 8694056 641515 HGNC Mgat4e 1317697 71001 MGI:1918251 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:49418 Mgat5 620100 65271 MGAT5 737363 4249 HGNC Mgat5 732678 107895 MGI:894701 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:7049 Mgat5b 1305188 303693 MGAT5B 1313067 146664 HGNC Mgat5b 1618017 268510 MGI:3606200 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:24140 MGC93861 1588156 682010 C10orf62 1351899 414157 HGNC 4933411K16Rik 1620841 66765 MGI:1914015 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:23294 MGC94891 1598061 681210 C6orf118 1349789 168090 HGNC 1700010I14Rik 1619198 66931 MGI:1914181 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:21233 Mgll 71039 29254 MGLL 734078 11343 HGNC Mgll 737065 23945 MGI:1346042 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:17038 Mgme1 1307465 296200 MGME1 1316675 92667 HGNC Mgme1 1316676 74528 MGI:1921778 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:16205 Mgmt 3087 25332 MGMT 735904 4255 HGNC Mgmt 10896 17314 MGI:96977 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:7059 Mgp 3088 25333 MGP 737291 4256 HGNC Mgp 1550887 17313 MGI:96976 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:7060 Mgrn1 1311862 302938 MGRN1 1353673 23295 HGNC Mgrn1 1558478 17237 MGI:2447670 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:20254 Mgst1 70927 171341 MGST1 737343 4257 HGNC Mgst1 734278 56615 MGI:1913850 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:7061 Mgst2 1311218 295037 MGST2 1322562 4258 HGNC Mgst2 1615721 211666 MGI:2448481 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:7063 Mgst3 1306373 289197 MGST3 1314953 4259 HGNC Mgst3 1314954 66447 MGI:1913697 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:7064 Mia 620883 81510 MIA 732144 8190 HGNC Mia 1553187 12587 MGI:109615 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:7076 Mia2 6488546 100912115 MIA2 1351524 4253 HGNC Mia2 1319986 338320 MGI:2159614 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:18432 Mia3 1591600 683007 MIA3 1605216 375056 HGNC Mia3 1621207 338366 MGI:2443183 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:24008 Miat 7567380 102552664 MIAT 1606629 440823 RGD Miat 1614051 330166 MGI:2444886 RGD HGNC:33425 Mib1 1307195 307594 MIB1 1316242 57534 HGNC Mib1 1316243 225164 MGI:2443157 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:21086 Mib2 1359469 474147 MIB2 1349487 142678 HGNC Mib2 1615019 76580 MGI:2679684 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:30577 Mical1 1309386 294520 MICAL1 1604315 64780 HGNC Mical1 1614217 171580 MGI:2385847 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:20619 Mical2 1311773 365352 MICAL2 1602728 9645 HGNC Mical2 1551960 320878 MGI:2444947 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:24693 Mical3 1359504 362427 MICAL3 1603016 57553 HGNC Mical3 1550281 194401 MGI:2442733 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:24694 Micall1 1305415 362958 MICALL1 1602200 85377 HGNC Micall1 1313434 27008 MGI:105870 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:29804 Micall2 1307875 288515 MICALL2 1605936 79778 HGNC Micall2 1317323 231830 MGI:2444818 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:29672 Micb 1564508 365212 MICB 1354237 4277 HGNC Mill2 1618111 243864 MGI:2179989 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:7091 Micos10 1560187 362641 MICOS10 1603802 440574 RGD Micos10 1617154 433771 MGI:1913628 RGD HGNC:32068 Micos13 1588578 301124 MICOS13 1601829 125988 HGNC Micos13 1623798 224904 MGI:2442174 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:33702 Micu1 735033 365567 MICU1 1353540 10367 HGNC Micu1 1550677 216001 MGI:2384909 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:1530 Micu2 619739 171433 MICU2 1353196 221154 HGNC Micu2 1550726 68514 MGI:1915764 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:31830 Micu3 1563411 364601 MICU3 1344142 286097 HGNC Micu3 1619932 78506 MGI:1925756 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:27820 Mid1 2640 54252 MID1 732275 4281 HGNC Mid1 732276 17318 MGI:1100537 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:7095 Mid1ip1 1303258 404280 MID1IP1 1344749 58526 HGNC Mid1ip1 1553477 68041 MGI:1915291 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:20715 Mid2 1565674 363502 MID2 1602493 11043 HGNC Mid2 1558445 23947 MGI:1344333 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:7096 Mideas 1306119 314306 MIDEAS 1314547 91748 HGNC Mideas 1314548 238317 MGI:2685106 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:19853 Midn 1309629 314623 MIDN 1320070 90007 HGNC Midn 1320071 59090 MGI:1890222 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:16298 Mief1 1359173 315141 MIEF1 1604008 54471 HGNC Mief1 1621300 239555 MGI:2146020 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:25979 Mief2 1560728 497916 MIEF2 1347197 125170 HGNC Mief2 1614899 237781 MGI:2144199 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:17920 Mien1 1306682 360617 MIEN1 1315438 84299 HGNC Mien1 1315439 103742 MGI:1913678 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:28230 Mier1 1562337 313418 MIER1 1605649 57708 HGNC Mier1 1557063 71148 MGI:1918398 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:29657 Mier2 1307278 362841 MIER2 1316379 54531 HGNC Mier2 1557046 70427 MGI:1917677 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:29210 Mier3 1311241 310086 MIER3 1605562 166968 HGNC Mier3 1322595 218613 MGI:2442317 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:26678 Mif 621163 81683 MIF 734203 4282 HGNC Mif 734204 17319 MGI:96982 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:7097 Mif4gd 1309685 360659 MIF4GD 1606529 57409 HGNC Mif4gd 1320163 69674 MGI:1916924 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:24030 Miga1 1559958 362058 MIGA1 1605523 374986 HGNC Miga1 1322127 215708 MGI:1924567 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:24741 Miga2 1310887 296623 MIGA2 1322047 84895 HGNC Miga2 1322048 108958 MGI:1922035 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:23621 Miip 1587376 298643 MIIP 1602214 60672 HGNC Miip 1313578 28010 MGI:106506 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:25715 Mill1 1311714 292671 MICA 1345713 100507436 HGNC HGNC:7090 Milr1 620488 59105 MILR1 1605249 284021 HGNC Milr1 1614793 380732 MGI:2685731 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:27570 Minar1 1591930 501033 MINAR1 1604043 23251 HGNC Minar1 1620637 209743 MGI:2667167 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:29172 Minar2 1312005 291580 MINAR2 2291767 100127206 HGNC Minar2 1323760 225583 MGI:2442934 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:33914 Mindy1 1559660 310665 MINDY1 1603985 55793 HGNC Mindy1 1558166 75007 MGI:1922257 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:25648 Mindy2 1311456 363089 MINDY2 1607025 54629 HGNC Mindy2 1322927 235461 MGI:2443086 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:26954 Mindy3 1309605 291320 MINDY3 1320032 80013 HGNC Mindy3 1320033 66960 MGI:1914210 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:23578 Mindy4 1562590 312365 MINDY4 1604570 84182 HGNC Mindy4 1622834 330323 MGI:3583959 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:21916 Mindy4b 11362385 108350017 MINDY4B 2306135 646951 HGNC Mindy4b-ps 2299609 100040293 MGI:2140018 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:35475 Mink1 1359135 303259 MINK1 1604362 50488 HGNC Mink1 1622349 50932 MGI:1355329 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:17565 Minpp1 3089 29688 MINPP1 733356 9562 HGNC Minpp1 736045 17330 MGI:1336159 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:7102 Mios 1308432 362324 MIOS 1601868 54468 HGNC Mios 1318197 252875 MGI:2182066 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:21905 Miox 628739 252899 MIOX 737368 55586 HGNC Miox 1552815 56727 MGI:1891725 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:14522 Mip 3090 25480 MIP 735323 4284 HGNC Mip 10898 17339 MGI:96990 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:7103 Mipep 621680 81684 MIPEP 1344343 4285 HGNC Mipep 732556 70478 MGI:1917728 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:7104 Mipol1 6504372 100911970 MIPOL1 1344580 145282 HGNC Mipol1 1619101 73490 MGI:1920740 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:21460 Mir1 2325528 100314077 MIR1-2 1350943 406905 RGD Mir1a-2 1607564 723959 MGI:3618746 RGD HGNC:31500 Mir100 2325389 100314234 MIR100 1345382 406892 HGNC Mir100 1608164 723892 MGI:3619057 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:31487 Mir101-2 2325609 100313988 MIR101-2 1347793 406894 HGNC Mir101b 1625921 724062 MGI:3618696 RGD HGNC:31489 Mir101a 2325348 100314279 MIR101-1 1345212 406893 HGNC Mir101a 1608346 387143 MGI:2676803 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:31488 Mir103a1 2325579 100314021 MIR103A1 1351023 406895 HGNC Mir103-1 1608227 723824 MGI:3619058 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:31490 Mir103a2 7489028 100314020 MIR103A2 1345954 406896 HGNC Mir103-2 1608226 723825 MGI:3619059 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:31491 Mir105 2325340 100314287 MIR105-2 1350334 406898 HGNC Mir105 2314082 100124463 MGI:3718453 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:31493 Mir106a 2325506 100314101 MIR106A 1353045 406899 HGNC Mir106a 1608222 723829 MGI:3619120 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:31494 Mir106b 2325388 100314235 MIR106B 1346496 406900 HGNC Mir106b 1607597 723925 MGI:3619060 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:31495 Mir107 2325578 100314022 MIR107 1346170 406901 HGNC Mir107 1608225 723826 MGI:3619063 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:31496 Mir10a 2325601 100313996 MIR10A 1348739 406902 HGNC Mir10a 1608163 723893 MGI:3619064 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:31497 Mir10b 2325397 100314226 MIR10B 1352164 406903 HGNC Mir10b 1608345 387144 MGI:2676804 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:31498 Mir122 2325577 100314023 MIR122 1347392 406906 RGD Mir122 1614752 387231 MGI:2676805 RGD HGNC:31501 Mir1224 2325484 100314125 MIR1224 2312874 100187716 HGNC Mir1224 4805279 100316739 MGI:3764925 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:33923 Mir124-1 2325336 100314291 MIR124-1 1349266 406907 HGNC Mir124a-1 1614751 387233 MGI:2676807 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:31502 Mir124-2 2325576 100314024 MIR124-2 1346807 406908 HGNC Mir124a-2 1607573 723950 MGI:3618700 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:31503 Mir124-3 2325458 100314155 MIR124-3 1342588 406909 HGNC Mir124a-3 1607572 723951 MGI:3618704 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:31504 Mir1249 4888573 100526607 MIR1249 2312970 100302149 HGNC Mir1249 4888691 100526461 MGI:4834217 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:35315 Mir125a 2325387 100314236 MIR125A 1353053 406910 HGNC Mir125a 1607653 387235 MGI:2676809 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:31505 Mir125b1 2325457 100314156 MIR125B1 1352829 406911 HGNC Mir125b-1 1607652 387236 MGI:2676810 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:31506 Mir125b2 2325575 100314025 MIR125B2 1342678 406912 RGD Mir125b-2 1607571 723952 MGI:3618706 RGD HGNC:31507 Mir126a 4888595 100526582 MIR126 1348236 406913 RGD Mir126a 1608344 387145 MGI:2676811 RGD HGNC:31508 Mir126b 2325386 100314237 Mir126b 9626801 102465787 MGI:5562755 RGD Mir127 2325430 100314190 MIR127 1344992 406914 HGNC Mir127 1608343 387146 MGI:2676812 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:31509 Mir128-1 2325574 100314026 MIR128-1 1343624 406915 HGNC Mir128-1 1608342 387147 MGI:2676813 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:31510 Mir128-2 7489034 100314027 MIR128-2 1347002 406916 HGNC Mir128-2 1608236 723815 MGI:3618709 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:31511 Mir129-1 2325456 100314157 MIR129-1 1350855 406917 HGNC Mir129-1 1607651 387237 MGI:2676815 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:31512 Mir129-2 2325612 100313984 MIR129-2 1347371 406918 HGNC Mir129b 9662629 102465777 MGI:5562757 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:31513 Mir1306 7489022 102465144 MIR1306 2312937 100302197 HGNC Mir1306 4862109 100316814 MGI:3836985 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:35371 Mir130a 2325385 100314238 MIR130A 1347329 406919 HGNC Mir130a 1608340 387149 MGI:2676816 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:31514 Mir130b 2325573 100314028 MIR130B 1344051 406920 HGNC Mir130b 1608235 723816 MGI:3618716 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:31515 Mir132 2325572 100314029 MIR132 1346883 406921 HGNC Mir132 1608339 387150 MGI:2676817 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:31516 Mir133a1 2325571 100314030 MIR133A1 1352770 406922 RGD Mir133a-1 1615488 387151 MGI:2676818 RGD HGNC:31517 Mir133b 2325527 100314078 MIR133B 1352188 442890 HGNC Mir133b 1608234 723817 MGI:3618720 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:31759 Mir134 2325429 100314191 MIR134 1347046 406924 HGNC Mir134 1608338 387152 MGI:2676819 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:31519 Mir135a 2325347 100314280 MIR135A2 1348256 406926 HGNC Mir135a-2 1607568 723955 MGI:3618729 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:31521 Mir135b 2325610 100313987 MIR135B 1349548 442891 HGNC Mir135b 1608233 723818 MGI:3618732 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:31760 Mir136 2325384 100314239 MIR136 1349910 406927 HGNC Mir136 1608336 387154 MGI:2676821 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:31522 Mir137 2325570 100314031 MIR137 1345919 406928 HGNC Mir137 1608335 387155 MGI:2676822 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:31523 Mir138-1 2325568 100314033 MIR138-1 1354224 406929 HGNC Mir138-1 1608334 387156 MGI:2676823 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:31524 Mir138-2 2325569 100314032 MIR138-2 1350565 406930 HGNC Mir138-2 1607567 723956 MGI:3618733 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:31525 Mir139 2325383 100314240 MIR139 1354349 406931 HGNC Mir139 1608333 387157 MGI:2676824 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:31526 Mir140 2325351 100314276 MIR140 1353953 406932 HGNC Mir140 1608332 387158 MGI:2676825 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:31527 Mir141 2325407 100314215 MIR141 1345345 406933 HGNC Mir141 1608331 387159 MGI:2676826 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:31528 Mir142 2325567 100314034 MIR142 1342882 406934 HGNC Mir142 1615487 387160 MGI:2676827 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:31529 Mir143 2325566 100314035 MIR143 1346221 406935 HGNC Mir143 1608330 387161 MGI:2676828 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:31530 Mir144 2325428 100314192 MIR144 1350288 406936 HGNC Mir144 1608329 387162 MGI:2676829 RGD HGNC:31531 Mir145 2325565 100314036 MIR145 1353686 406937 HGNC Mir145a 1608328 387163 MGI:2676830 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:31532 Mir146a 2325382 100314241 MIR146A 1344673 406938 HGNC Mir146 1608327 387164 MGI:2676831 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:31533 Mir146b 2314885 100314121 MIR146B 1603775 574447 HGNC Mir146b 1625939 751550 MGI:3629945 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:32079 Mir147 2325507 100314100 MIR147B 2290243 100126311 HGNC Mir147 1608326 387165 MGI:2676832 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:33655 Mir148a 9685082 104795669 MIR148A 1346027 406940 HGNC Mir148a 1608325 387166 MGI:2676833 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:31535 Mir148b 2325617 100313977 MIR148B 1351245 442892 HGNC Mir148b 1625919 724064 MGI:3618734 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:31761 Mir150 2325455 100314158 MIR150 1342949 406942 HGNC Mir150 1608323 387168 MGI:2676835 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:31537 Mir151 2325400 100314223 MIR151A 1345628 442893 RGD Mir151 1608322 387169 MGI:2676836 RGD HGNC:31762 Mir151b 4888536 100526641 MIR151B 5133856 100616247 HGNC HGNC:41588 Mir152 2325564 100314037 MIR152 1349588 406943 HGNC Mir152 1608321 387170 MGI:2676837 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:31538 Mir153 2325563 100314038 MIR153-2 1352876 406945 HGNC Mir153 1608320 387171 MGI:2676838 RGD HGNC:31540 Mir154 2325562 100314039 MIR154 1343557 406946 HGNC Mir154 1608319 387172 MGI:2676839 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:31541 Mir155 7489038 102465831 MIR155 2299183 406947 HGNC Mir155 1608318 387173 MGI:2676840 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:31542 Mir155hg 10045371 105841163 MIR155HG 1350378 114614 HGNC Mir155hg 11040463 100653389 MGI:5477161 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:35460 Mir15b 7488977 100314150 MIR15B 1343014 406949 HGNC Mir15b 1608316 387175 MGI:2676842 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:31544 Mir16 7488974 100313997 MIR16-2 1342848 406951 HGNC Mir16-2 1607574 723949 MGI:3618690 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:31546 Mir17 2325600 100313998 MIR17 1348634 406952 HGNC Mir17 1607616 723905 MGI:3619065 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:31547 Mir181a2 2325335 100314292 MIR181A2 1344915 406954 HGNC Mir181a-2 1608315 387176 MGI:2676845 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:31549 Mir181b1 2325561 100314040 MIR181B1 1351688 406955 HGNC Mir181b-1 1608166 723890 MGI:3618735 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:31550 Mir181b2 2325454 100314159 MIR181B2 1349974 406956 HGNC Mir181b-2 1607618 723903 MGI:3618736 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:31551 Mir181c 2325381 100314242 MIR181C 1350100 406957 HGNC Mir181c 1608232 723819 MGI:3618737 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:31552 Mir181d 2325361 100314262 MIR181D 1603765 574457 HGNC Mir181d 1625892 100049549 MGI:3709847 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:32089 Mir183 2325560 100314041 MIR183 1342756 406959 HGNC Mir183 1608313 387178 MGI:2676847 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:31554 Mir184 2325559 100314042 MIR184 1351164 406960 HGNC Mir184 1608312 387179 MGI:2676848 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:31555 Mir185 2325380 100314243 MIR185 1347667 406961 HGNC Mir185 1608311 387180 MGI:2676849 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:31556 Mir186 2325558 100314043 MIR186 1346900 406962 HGNC Mir186 1608310 387181 MGI:2676850 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:31557 Mir187 2325557 100314044 MIR187 1343777 406963 HGNC Mir187 1608309 387182 MGI:2676851 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:31558 Mir188 2325505 100314102 MIR188 1352314 406964 HGNC Mir188 1608308 387183 MGI:2676852 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:31559 Mir18a 2325396 100314227 MIR18A 1350945 406953 HGNC Mir18 1608351 387135 MGI:2676844 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:31548 Mir190 2325453 100314160 MIR190A 1347802 406965 HGNC Mir190a 1608306 387185 MGI:2676854 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:31560 Mir190b 2325504 100314103 MIR190B 2290210 100126346 HGNC Mir190b 2314066 100124481 MGI:3718457 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:33656 Mir191 2325556 100314045 MIR191 1345210 406966 RGD Mir191 1608305 387186 MGI:2676855 RGD HGNC:31561 Mir1912 4888584 100526592 MIR1912 2312975 100302144 HGNC Mir1912 4888644 100526529 MGI:4834332 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:35396 Mir192 2325427 100314193 MIR192 1353067 406967 HGNC Mir192 1608304 387187 MGI:2676856 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:31562 Mir193a 4888546 100526630 MIR193A 1350382 406968 HGNC Mir193a 1608303 387188 MGI:2676857 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:31563 Mir193b 9685090 104797223 MIR193B 1603767 574455 HGNC Mir193b 2314108 100124432 MGI:3718458 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:32087 Mir194-1 2325555 100314046 MIR194-1 1348209 406969 HGNC Mir194-1 1608302 387189 MGI:2676858 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:31564 Mir194-2 2325554 100314047 MIR194-2 1344358 406970 HGNC Mir194-2 1607566 723957 MGI:3618738 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:31565 Mir195 2325346 100314281 MIR195 1343846 406971 HGNC Mir195a 1608301 387190 MGI:2676859 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:31566 Mir196a 2314888 100314048 MIR196A2 1353191 406973 HGNC Mir196a-2 1607565 723958 MGI:3618739 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:31568 Mir196b 2314882 100314164 MIR196B 1350479 442920 HGNC Mir196b 1608231 723820 MGI:3618741 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:31790 Mir196c 2325418 100314204 MIR196A1 1353314 406972 HGNC Mir196a-1 1608300 387191 MGI:2676860 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:31567 Mir199a2 2325378 100314245 MIR199A2 1349796 406977 HGNC Mir199a-2 1608230 723821 MGI:3618742 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:31572 Mir19a 2325462 100314151 MIR19A 1347994 406979 HGNC Mir19a 1608165 723891 MGI:3618743 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:31574 Mir19b1 2325433 100314186 MIR19B1 1346116 406980 HGNC Mir19b-1 1625961 751527 MGI:3629917 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:31575 Mir19b2 2325599 100313999 MIR19B2 1347760 406981 HGNC Mir19b-2 1608296 387195 MGI:2676868 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:31576 Mir1b 9685084 104796289 MIR1-1 1346542 406904 HGNC Mir1a-1 1615489 387136 MGI:2676869 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:31499 Mir200a 2325426 100314194 MIR200A 1348162 406983 RGD Mir200a 1607646 387242 MGI:2676874 RGD HGNC:31578 Mir200b 2325552 100314050 MIR200B 1343713 406984 HGNC Mir200b 1607645 387243 MGI:2676875 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:31579 Mir200c 2325553 100314049 MIR200C 1353057 406985 RGD Mir200c 1607578 723944 MGI:3618750 RGD HGNC:31580 Mir202 2325486 100314122 MIR202 1603774 574448 HGNC Mir202 1608293 387198 MGI:2676877 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:32080 Mir204 2325551 100314051 MIR204 1346904 406987 HGNC Mir204 1607685 387200 MGI:2676879 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:31582 Mir205 2325377 100314246 MIR205 1350430 406988 HGNC Mir205 1607684 387201 MGI:2676880 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:31583 Mir206 2325550 100314052 MIR206 1352988 406989 HGNC Mir206 1614753 387202 MGI:2676881 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:31584 Mir208a 7489029 100314162 MIR208A 1346072 406990 RGD Mir208a 1607682 387204 MGI:2676883 RGD HGNC:31585 Mir208b 4888543 100526635 MIR208B 2290220 100126336 HGNC Mir208b 2314107 100124433 MGI:3718461 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:33669 Mir20a 2325401 100314222 MIR20A 1352718 406982 HGNC Mir20a 1608350 387139 MGI:2676872 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:31577 Mir20b 2325420 100314201 MIR20B 1604874 574032 HGNC Mir20b 1607599 723923 MGI:3618748 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:32024 Mir21 2325598 100314000 MIR21 1349265 406991 HGNC Mir21a 1608349 387140 MGI:2676885 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:31586 Mir210 2314887 100314053 MIR210 1345765 406992 RGD Mir210 1607680 387206 MGI:2676886 RGD HGNC:31587 Mir211 2325549 100314054 MIR211 1344448 406993 HGNC Mir211 1607679 387207 MGI:2676887 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:31588 Mir212 2325376 100314247 MIR212 1352239 406994 HGNC Mir212 1607678 387208 MGI:2676888 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:31589 Mir214 2325548 100314055 MIR214 1347052 406996 HGNC Mir214 1607676 387210 MGI:2676890 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:31591 Mir216a 2325406 100314216 MIR216A 1353818 406998 HGNC Mir216a 1607674 387212 MGI:2676892 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:31593 Mir216b 4888592 100526583 MIR216B 2290236 100126319 HGNC Mir216b 1625862 735308 MGI:3640613 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:33668 Mir217 2325547 100314056 MIR217 1345644 406999 HGNC Mir217 1607673 387213 MGI:2676893 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:31594 Mir218-2 2325546 100314057 MIR218-2 1347035 407001 HGNC Mir218-2 1607598 723924 MGI:3618752 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:31596 Mir219a1 2325545 100314058 MIR219A1 1351642 407002 HGNC Mir219a-1 1608228 723823 MGI:3618753 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:31597 Mir22 2325597 100314001 MIR22 1345864 407004 HGNC Mir22 1608348 387141 MGI:2676896 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:31599 Mir221 2325451 100314163 MIR221 1349484 407006 HGNC Mir221 1608224 723827 MGI:3619066 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:31601 Mir222 2325544 100314059 MIR222 1352986 407007 HGNC Mir222 1608223 723828 MGI:3619118 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:31602 Mir223 2325543 100314060 MIR223 1342661 407008 HGNC Mir223 1608237 723814 MGI:2684360 RGD HGNC:31603 Mir224 2325530 100314075 MIR224 1346129 407009 HGNC Mir224 1608162 723894 MGI:3619129 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:31604 Mir23a 2325395 100314228 MIR23A 1351663 407010 HGNC Mir23a 1607670 387216 MGI:2676897 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:31605 Mir23b 2325596 100314002 MIR23B 1349177 407011 HGNC Mir23b 1607669 387217 MGI:2676898 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:31606 Mir24-2 2325349 100314278 MIR24-2 1344925 407013 HGNC Mir24-2 1607563 723960 MGI:3618755 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:31608 Mir25 2325594 100314004 MIR25 1351042 407014 HGNC Mir25 1607596 723926 MGI:3619266 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:31609 Mir26a 2325337 100314290 MIR26A1 1347029 407015 HGNC Mir26a-1 1607668 387218 MGI:2676900 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:31610 Mir26b 2325394 100314229 MIR26B 1350106 407017 HGNC Mir26b 1607667 387219 MGI:2676901 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:31612 Mir27a 2325592 100314006 MIR27A 1345708 407018 HGNC Mir27a 1607666 387220 MGI:2676902 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:31613 Mir27b 2325593 100314005 MIR27B 1343068 407019 HGNC Mir27b 1607665 387221 MGI:2676903 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:31614 Mir28 2325461 100314152 MIR28 1342536 407020 HGNC Mir28a 1608221 723830 MGI:3619267 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:31615 Mir293 2325475 100314136 MIR371A 1346361 442916 HGNC Mir293 2314112 100049714 MGI:3711326 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:31785 Mir295-1 4108499 100314273 MIR372 1350950 442917 HGNC Mir291b 2301127 100124471 MGI:3718464 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:31786 Mir296 2325345 100314282 MIR296 1349952 407022 HGNC Mir296 1607615 723906 MGI:3619269 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:31617 Mir2964 4888575 100526601 MIR219B 5134098 100616335 HGNC Mir219b 9620836 102466839 MGI:5562756 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:41823 Mir298 2325373 100314250 MIR298 2290256 100126296 HGNC Mir298 1608220 723832 MGI:3619321 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:33634 Mir299b 4888603 100526578 MIR299 1345678 407023 HGNC Mir299a 1607595 723927 MGI:3619322 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:31618 Mir29a 2325393 100314230 MIR29A 1347397 407021 RGD Mir29a 1607664 387222 MGI:2676904 RGD HGNC:31616 Mir29b1 2325591 100314008 MIR29B1 1347389 407024 HGNC Mir29b-1 1607663 387223 MGI:2676905 RGD HGNC:31619 Mir29b2 2314889 100314007 MIR29B2 1343298 407025 HGNC Mir29b-2 1607561 723963 MGI:3619047 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:31620 Mir300 2325424 100314196 MIR300 2290255 100126297 HGNC HGNC:33636 Mir301a 2325405 100314217 MIR301A 1345841 407027 HGNC Mir301 1608218 723834 MGI:3619324 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:31622 Mir301b 2325503 100314104 MIR301B 2290237 100126318 HGNC Mir301b 1625987 791069 MGI:3691602 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:33667 Mir30a 2325588 100314011 MIR30A 1352516 407029 HGNC Mir30a 1607661 387225 MGI:2676907 RGD HGNC:31624 Mir30b 2325392 100314231 MIR30B 1349241 407030 HGNC Mir30b 1607660 387226 MGI:2676908 RGD HGNC:31625 Mir30c1 2325590 100314009 MIR30C1 1351898 407031 HGNC Mir30c-1 1607659 387227 MGI:2676909 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:31626 Mir30c2 2325587 100314012 MIR30C2 1348464 407032 HGNC Mir30c-2 1607560 723964 MGI:3619048 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:31627 Mir30d 2325589 100314010 MIR30D 1344201 407033 HGNC Mir30d 1607658 387228 MGI:2676910 RGD HGNC:31628 Mir30e 2325460 100314153 MIR30E 1354313 407034 HGNC Mir30e 1608216 723836 MGI:3619329 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:31629 Mir31 2325391 100314232 MIR31 1343532 407035 RGD Mir31 1608161 723895 MGI:3619330 RGD HGNC:31630 Mir3120 4888566 100526611 MIR3120 4109026 100422882 HGNC HGNC:38295 Mir32 2325586 100314013 MIR32 1348727 407036 HGNC Mir32 1608215 723837 MGI:3619331 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:31631 Mir320a 2325539 100314065 MIR320A 1344856 407037 HGNC Mir320 1608214 723838 MGI:3619332 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:31632 Mir322 2325467 100314144 MIR424 1353446 494336 HGNC Mir322 1607614 723907 MGI:3619333 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:31881 Mir323 2325625 100313969 MIR323A 1348331 442897 HGNC Mir323 1608213 723839 MGI:3619334 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:31766 Mir324 2325436 100314181 MIR324 1343418 442898 HGNC Mir324 1608160 723896 MGI:3619335 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:31767 Mir326 2325623 100313971 MIR326 1348728 442900 HGNC Mir326 1608212 723840 MGI:3619338 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:31769 Mir328 2325404 100314218 MIR328 1348110 442901 HGNC Mir328 1608211 723841 MGI:3619340 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:31770 Mir33 2325408 100314214 MIR33A 1348329 407039 HGNC Mir33 1615229 723897 MGI:3619343 RGD HGNC:31634 Mir330 2325620 100313974 MIR330 1351782 442902 HGNC Mir330 1625920 724063 MGI:3619345 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:31771 Mir331 2325619 100313975 MIR331 1349160 442903 HGNC Mir331 1607613 723908 MGI:3619347 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:31772 Mir337 2325618 100313976 MIR337 1351844 442905 HGNC Mir337 1608210 723843 MGI:3619351 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:31774 Mir339 2325466 100314146 MIR339 1345058 442907 HGNC Mir339 1608159 723898 MGI:3619354 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:31776 Mir340-1 14398588 100314220 MIR340 1352110 442908 HGNC Mir340 1608208 723845 MGI:3619355 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:31777 Mir342 2325615 100313980 MIR342 1348172 442909 HGNC Mir342 1607612 723909 MGI:3619358 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:31778 Mir345 2325465 100314147 MIR345 1343414 442910 HGNC Mir345 1607577 723946 MGI:3619361 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:31779 Mir346 2325402 100314221 MIR346 1352152 442911 HGNC Mir346 1608207 723847 MGI:3619362 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:31780 Mir34a 2325584 100314015 MIR34A 1343452 407040 HGNC Mir34a 1608206 723848 MGI:3619363 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:31635 Mir34b 2325432 100314188 MIR34B 1352034 407041 HGNC Mir34b 1608205 723849 MGI:3619364 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:31636 Mir34c 2325585 100314014 MIR34C 1348685 407042 HGNC Mir34c 1607590 723932 MGI:3619365 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:31637 Mir3545 4888612 100526564 MIR203B 5134172 100616173 HGNC Mir203 1608292 387199 MGI:2676878 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:41811 Mir3557 4888557 100526621 MIR378D2 5133854 100616169 HGNC HGNC:41797 Mir3581 4888593 100526595 MIR656 1601673 724026 HGNC HGNC:32912 Mir3582 4888581 100526597 MIR133A2 1343982 406923 HGNC Mir133a-2 1607569 723954 MGI:3618718 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:31518 Mir3585 4888578 100526600 MIR513C 2974685 100302114 HGNC HGNC:33934 Mir361 2325532 100314073 MIR361 1346686 494323 HGNC Mir361 1608204 723850 MGI:3619368 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:31867 Mir363 2325446 100314169 MIR363 1604875 574031 HGNC Mir363 1608202 723852 MGI:3619370 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:32023 Mir365b 2325371 100314252 MIR365B 2290202 100126356 HGNC Mir365-2 1608201 723853 MGI:3619372 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:33693 Mir370 2325369 100314254 MIR370 1343857 442915 HGNC Mir370 1608200 723854 MGI:3619375 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:31784 Mir374b 2325517 100314088 MIR374B 2290238 100126317 HGNC Mir374c 4888652 100526513 MGI:4834330 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:33665 Mir375 2325360 100314263 MIR375 1345165 494324 HGNC Mir375 1607621 723900 MGI:3619376 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:31868 Mir377 2325344 100314283 MIR377 1342565 494326 HGNC Mir377 1608197 723857 MGI:3619382 RGD HGNC:31870 Mir381 2325521 100314084 MIR381 1346769 494330 HGNC Mir381 1607587 723935 MGI:3619391 RGD HGNC:31874 Mir383 2325533 100314072 MIR383 1348316 494332 HGNC Mir383 1608194 723860 MGI:3619393 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:31876 Mir409 2325366 100314257 MIR409 1603786 574413 RGD Mir409 1608192 723862 MGI:3619396 RGD HGNC:32055 Mir410 2325501 100314106 MIR410 1603784 574434 HGNC Mir410 1608191 723863 MGI:3619398 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:32065 Mir411 2325500 100314107 MIR411 1603135 693121 HGNC Mir411 1607586 723936 MGI:3619399 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:32792 Mir412 2325529 100314076 MIR412 1603785 574433 HGNC Mir412 1607608 723913 MGI:3619400 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:32064 Mir423 2325359 100314264 MIR423 1350017 494335 HGNC Mir423 1625969 751519 MGI:3629888 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:31880 Mir425 2325499 100314108 MIR425 1352547 494337 HGNC Mir425 1608190 723864 MGI:3619401 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:31882 Mir429 2325537 100314067 MIR429 1605756 554210 HGNC Mir429 1608189 723865 MGI:3619402 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:13784 Mir431 2325450 100314165 MIR431 1604871 574038 HGNC Mir431 1608188 723866 MGI:3619403 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:32027 Mir433 2325423 100314197 MIR433 1604872 574034 HGNC Mir433 1607585 723937 MGI:3619404 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:32026 Mir448 2325372 100314251 MIR448 1605755 554212 HGNC Mir448 1607607 723914 MGI:3619406 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:26069 Mir449a 2325536 100314068 MIR449A 1605754 554213 HGNC Mir449a 1608186 723868 MGI:3619407 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:27645 Mir449c 4888547 100526629 MIR449C 3476300 100313923 HGNC Mir449c 1625861 735309 MGI:3639505 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:37302 Mir450a1 2325535 100314069 MIR450A1 1605753 554214 HGNC Mir450-1 1625988 723869 MGI:3619410 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:28008 Mir450b-1 14398596 104795677 MIR450A2 1603436 574505 HGNC Mir450-2 1607584 723938 MGI:3619411 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:32137 Mir451a 2325534 100314070 MIR451A 1603788 574411 RGD Mir451a 1608185 723870 MGI:3619412 RGD HGNC:32053 Mir455 2325417 100314205 MIR455 1604864 619556 HGNC Mir455 1625885 735262 MGI:3629649 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:32344 Mir484 2325341 100314286 MIR484 1604867 619553 HGNC Mir484 1607606 723916 MGI:3619421 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:32341 Mir486 15006684 104796156 MIR486-1 1604866 619554 HGNC Mir486 1608179 723876 MGI:3619423 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:32342 Mir487b 2325343 100314284 MIR487B 1606044 664616 HGNC Mir487b 1607582 723940 MGI:3619424 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:32533 Mir488 2325487 100314120 MIR488 1603781 574441 HGNC Mir488 1625890 735253 MGI:3629597 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:32073 Mir489 2314886 100314071 MIR489 1603780 574442 HGNC Mir489 1608178 723877 MGI:3619425 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:32074 Mir490 2325414 100314208 MIR490 1603779 574443 HGNC Mir490 1625871 735279 MGI:3629662 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:32075 Mir494 2325523 100314082 MIR494 1603770 574452 HGNC Mir494 1608177 723878 MGI:3619426 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:32084 Mir496 2325410 100314212 MIR496 1603768 574454 HGNC Mir496a 1625964 751524 MGI:3629907 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:32086 Mir497 2325364 100314259 MIR497 1603766 574456 HGNC Mir497 1625952 751537 MGI:3629886 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:32088 Mir499a 2325514 100314091 MIR499A 1603440 574501 HGNC Mir499 1625875 735275 MGI:3629633 RGD HGNC:32133 Mir500 2325495 100314112 MIR502 1603437 574504 HGNC Mir500 1625973 723974 MGI:3624341 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:32136 Mir503 2325516 100314089 MIR503 1603435 574506 HGNC Mir503 1615230 723879 MGI:3619428 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:32138 Mir504 2325482 100314127 MIR504 1603434 574507 HGNC Mir504 2314070 100124476 MGI:3718543 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:32139 Mir509 7489026 102465143 MIR514B 4109060 100422847 HGNC Mir509 2314094 100124449 MGI:3718545 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:38292 Mir532 2325358 100314265 MIR532 1603132 693124 HGNC Mir532 1625945 751544 MGI:3629950 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:32795 Mir541 2325525 100314080 MIR541 2290246 100126308 HGNC Mir541 1607581 723941 MGI:3619430 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:33650 Mir542 2325422 100314199 MIR542 1606043 664617 HGNC Mir542 1607620 723901 MGI:3619431 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:32534 Mir544 2325481 100314128 MIR544A 1606047 664613 HGNC Mir544 2314093 100124450 MGI:3718547 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:32530 Mir551b 2325355 100314268 MIR551B 1603120 693136 HGNC Mir551b 1625984 791072 MGI:3691605 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:32807 Mir582 2325413 100314209 MIR582 1603093 693167 HGNC Mir582 2314059 100124489 MGI:3718550 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:32838 Mir592 2314878 100314270 MIR592 1603083 693177 HGNC Mir592 1625882 735266 MGI:3629661 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:32848 Mir598 2325416 100314206 MIR598 1603078 693183 HGNC Mir598 2314091 100124452 MGI:3718554 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:32854 Mir615 2314884 100314129 MIR615 2312878 693200 HGNC Mir615 1625932 751557 MGI:3629927 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:32871 Mir628 2325480 100314130 MIR628 1602925 693213 HGNC HGNC:32884 Mir632 2325479 100314131 MIR632 1602921 693217 HGNC HGNC:32888 Mir652 2325439 100314177 MIR652 1601677 724022 HGNC Mir652 1625971 723976 MGI:3624350 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:32908 Mir653 2314881 100314179 MIR653 1601676 724023 HGNC Mir653 2314077 100124468 MGI:3718555 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:32909 Mir665 2325437 100314180 MIR665 2290240 100126315 HGNC Mir665 1625934 751555 MGI:3629896 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:33662 Mir671 2325494 100314113 MIR671 2290267 768213 HGNC Mir671 1625883 735264 MGI:3629656 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:33134 Mir675 2314883 100314133 MIR675 2290195 100033819 HGNC Mir675 1625870 735280 MGI:3629709 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:33351 Mir676 9685079 104796155 MIR676 4888781 100500887 HGNC Mir676 1625955 751534 MGI:3629957 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:38880 Mir7-1 2325464 100314148 MIR7-1 1351622 407043 HGNC Mir7-1 1607619 723902 MGI:3619436 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:31638 Mir708 2325357 100314266 MIR708 2290222 100126333 HGNC Mir708 1625867 735284 MGI:3629686 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:33654 Mir711 2325468 100314143 MIR711 3497324 100313843 HGNC Mir711 1625953 751536 MGI:3629883 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:37316 Mir760 2325489 100314118 MIR760 2290208 100126348 HGNC Mir760 1625979 791077 MGI:3691613 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:33666 Mir761 2325411 100314211 MIR761 3497320 100313892 HGNC Mir761 1625981 791075 MGI:3691609 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:37305 Mir764 2325352 100314274 MIR764 3497329 100313838 HGNC Mir764 1625975 791081 MGI:3691610 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:37306 Mir770 2325415 100314207 MIR770 2290258 768222 HGNC Mir770 1625977 791079 MGI:3691606 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:33143 Mir8 2325398 100314225 MIR7-2 1344921 407044 HGNC HGNC:31639 Mir802 2325478 100314132 MIR802 2290261 768219 HGNC Mir802 1625982 791074 MGI:3691608 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:33140 Mir873 2325356 100314267 MIR873 2290239 100126316 HGNC Mir873a 2314088 100124457 MGI:3718563 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:33663 Mir874 2325511 100314096 MIR874 2290213 100126343 HGNC Mir874 2314058 100124491 MGI:3718564 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:33643 Mir875 2325477 100314134 MIR875 2290245 100126309 HGNC Mir875 2314076 100124469 MGI:3718565 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:33652 Mir876 2325412 100314210 MIR876 2290244 100126310 HGNC Mir876 2314087 100124458 MGI:3718566 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:33653 Mir877 2325510 100314097 MIR877 2290241 100126314 HGNC Mir877 2314086 100124459 MGI:3718567 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:33660 Mir9 2325434 100314185 MIR7-3 1348311 407045 HGNC Mir7b 1608173 723883 MGI:3619435 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:31640 Mir9-2hg 40960165 120100659 MIR9-2HG 5484684 645323 RGD Mir9-2hg 2292361 320203 MGI:2443574 RGD HGNC:42810 Mir9-3 2325463 100314149 MIR9-3 1345298 407051 RGD Mir9-3 1607556 723968 MGI:3619443 RGD HGNC:31646 Mir9-3hg 7530616 102555346 Mir9-3hg 1622175 101694 MGI:2142071 RGD Mir92a1 2325390 100314233 MIR92A1 1346101 407048 HGNC Mir92-1 1625940 751549 MGI:3629918 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:31643 Mir92a2 2325583 100314016 MIR92A2 1347660 407049 HGNC Mir92-2 1607580 723942 MGI:3619438 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:31644 Mir92b 2325488 100314119 MIR92B 2312875 693235 HGNC Mir92b 2314075 100124470 MGI:3718577 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:32920 Mir93 2325459 100314154 MIR93 1344413 407050 HGNC Mir93 1608171 723885 MGI:3619439 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:31645 Mir96 2325582 100314017 MIR96 1349367 407053 HGNC Mir96 1608170 723886 MGI:3619440 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:31648 Mir98 2325581 100314018 MIR98 1344194 407054 HGNC Mir98 1607576 723947 MGI:3619441 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:31649 Mir99a 2325580 100314019 MIR99A 1349808 407055 HGNC Mir99a 1607657 387229 MGI:2676912 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:31650 Mir99b 2325431 100314189 MIR99B 1351824 407056 HGNC Mir99b 1607656 387230 MGI:2676913 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:31651 Mirlet7a1 2325409 100314213 MIRLET7A1 1347279 406881 HGNC Mirlet7a-1 1607644 387244 MGI:2676793 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:31476 Mirlet7b 2325607 100313990 MIRLET7B 1348805 406884 HGNC Mirlet7b 1607643 387245 MGI:2676794 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:31479 Mirlet7bhg 10398754 106456573 MIRLET7BHG 2304161 400931 HGNC Lncppara 9999811 102800312 MGI:5568843 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:37189 Mirlet7c1 2325435 100314184 MIRLET7C 1345563 406885 HGNC Mirlet7c-1 1607642 387246 MGI:2676795 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:31480 Mirlet7c2 2325399 100314224 MIRLET7A3 1353923 406883 HGNC Mirlet7c-2 1607558 723966 MGI:3619050 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:31478 Mirlet7d 2325622 100313972 MIRLET7D 1343706 406886 HGNC Mirlet7d 1607641 387247 MGI:2676796 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:31481 Mirlet7f-1 4888607 100526574 MIRLET7F1 1350549 406888 HGNC Mirlet7f-1 1607636 387252 MGI:2676798 RGD HGNC:31483 Mirlet7f2 2325605 100313992 MIRLET7F2 1347408 406889 HGNC Mirlet7f-2 1607635 387253 MGI:2676799 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:31484 Mirlet7g 9685094 104796557 MIRLET7G 1344572 406890 HGNC Mirlet7g 1607639 387249 MGI:2676800 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:31485 Mirlet7i 2325604 100313993 MIRLET7I 1348497 406891 HGNC Mirlet7i 1607637 387251 MGI:2676802 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:31486 Mis12 1564837 501706 MIS12 1346036 79003 HGNC Mis12 1557060 67139 MGI:1914389 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:24967 Mis18a 1310778 288272 MIS18A 1321877 54069 HGNC Mis18a 1622320 66578 MGI:1913828 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:1286 Mis18bp1 1594757 689296 MIS18BP1 1313558 55320 HGNC Mis18bp1 1313559 217653 MGI:2145099 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:20190 Misfa 6491878 100911574 MISFA 6766625 100506540 NCBI Misfa 1613816 629141 MGI:3642801 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:44122 Misp 1595680 500797 MISP 1317766 126353 HGNC Misp 1317767 78906 MGI:1926156 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:27000 Misp3 1310262 304650 MISP3 11352787 113230 HGNC Misp3 1321061 70134 MGI:1917384 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:26963 Mitd1 1307700 363219 MITD1 1602187 129531 HGNC Mitd1 1332302 69028 MGI:1916278 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:25207 Mitf 3092 25094 MITF 735982 4286 HGNC Mitf 735983 17342 MGI:104554 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:7105 Mix23 1564582 288065 MIX23 1604240 131076 HGNC Mix23 1622815 381045 MGI:2146423 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:31136 Mixl1 1310011 289311 MIXL1 1320666 83881 HGNC Mixl1 1320667 27217 MGI:1351322 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:13363 Mki67 1305476 291234 MKI67 1313525 4288 HGNC Mki67 1313526 17345 MGI:106035 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:7107 Mkks 1308814 311456 MKKS 1318801 8195 HGNC Mkks 1318802 59030 MGI:1891836 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:7108 Mkln1 620076 83536 MKLN1 734391 4289 HGNC Mkln1 734392 27418 MGI:1351638 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:7109 Mknk1 1559603 500526 MKNK1 1605115 8569 HGNC Mknk1 1557490 17346 MGI:894316 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:7110 Mknk2 1305728 299618 MKNK2 1313930 2872 HGNC Mknk2 1313931 17347 MGI:894279 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:7111 Mkrn1 1303251 296988 MKRN1 1347564 23608 HGNC Mkrn1 1551460 54484 MGI:1859353 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:7112 Mkrn2 1310618 297525 MKRN2 1321625 23609 HGNC Mkrn2 1321626 67027 MGI:1914277 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:7113 Mkrn2os 2320714 100361147 MKRN2OS 6481351 100129480 HGNC Mkrn2os 1623956 70291 MGI:1917541 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:40375 Mkrn3 1311197 292988 MKRN3 1322529 7681 HGNC Mkrn3 1322530 22652 MGI:2181178 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:7114 Mks1 1565186 287612 MKS1 1352123 54903 HGNC Mks1 1614795 380718 MGI:3584243 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:7121 Mkx 1305652 291228 MKX 1313806 283078 HGNC Mkx 1313807 210719 MGI:2687286 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:23729 Mlana 1306525 293890 MLANA 1315192 2315 HGNC Mlana 1315193 77836 MGI:108454 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:7124 Mlc1 1308552 315215 MLC1 1318392 23209 HGNC Mlc1 1318393 170790 MGI:2157910 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:17082 Mlec 1307736 304543 MLEC 1354476 9761 RGD Mlec 1332077 109154 MGI:1924015 RGD HGNC:28973 Mlf1 1306854 310483 MLF1 1315708 4291 HGNC Mlf1 1315709 17349 MGI:1341819 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:7125 Mlf2 1306294 312709 MLF2 1314832 8079 HGNC Mlf2 1314833 30853 MGI:1353554 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:7126 Mlh1 620937 81685 MLH1 733729 4292 HGNC Mlh1 733730 17350 MGI:101938 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:7127 Mlh3 1309227 314320 MLH3 1319451 27030 HGNC Mlh3 1553165 217716 MGI:1353455 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:7128 Mlip 1590513 681849 MLIP 1315218 90523 HGNC Mlip 1618346 69642 MGI:1916892 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:21355 Mlkl 1592221 690743 MLKL 1352072 197259 HGNC Mlkl 1550818 74568 MGI:1921818 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:26617 Mllt1 1588581 301119 MLLT1 1345161 4298 HGNC Mllt1 1557615 64144 MGI:1927238 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:7134 Mllt10 1310874 361285 MLLT10 1322026 8028 HGNC Mllt10 1620897 17354 MGI:1329038 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:16063 Mllt11 1305525 295264 MLLT11 1605692 10962 HGNC Mllt11 1617562 56772 MGI:1929671 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:16997 Mllt3 620940 114510 MLLT3 737507 4300 HGNC Mllt3 737508 70122 MGI:1917372 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:7136 Mllt6 1306689 303504 MLLT6 1315450 4302 HGNC Mllt6 1315451 246198 MGI:1935145 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:7138 Mln 1642907 100126231 MLN 1347043 4295 HGNC HGNC:7141 Mlph 1310733 316620 MLPH 1321808 79083 HGNC Mlph 1321809 171531 MGI:2176380 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:29643 Mlst8 69242 64226 MLST8 736229 64223 HGNC Mlst8 736230 56716 MGI:1929514 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:24825 Mlx 1308590 360631 MLX 1602902 6945 HGNC Mlx 1619244 21428 MGI:108398 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:11645 Mlxip 1560774 304479 MLXIP 1602332 22877 HGNC Mlxip 1623020 208104 MGI:2141183 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:17055 Mlxipl 620400 171078 MLXIPL 1343873 51085 RGD Mlxipl 1621550 58805 MGI:1927999 RGD HGNC:12744 Mlycd 620234 85239 MLYCD 731588 23417 HGNC Mlycd 1551067 56690 MGI:1928485 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:7150 Mmaa 1305035 291939 MMAA 1312825 166785 HGNC Mmaa 1312826 109136 MGI:1923805 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:18871 Mmab 1596242 687861 MMAB 1347796 326625 RGD Mmab 1616682 77697 MGI:1924947 RGD HGNC:19331 Mmachc 1310806 313520 MMACHC 1601765 25974 HGNC Mmachc 1321921 67096 MGI:1914346 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:24525 Mmadhc 1303272 362134 MMADHC 1346733 27249 HGNC Mmadhc 1331945 109129 MGI:1923786 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:25221 Mmd 1592079 303439 MMD 1346726 23531 HGNC Mmd 1615108 67468 MGI:1914718 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:7153 Mmd2 1306506 304301 MMD2 1315160 221938 HGNC Mmd2 1315161 75104 MGI:1922354 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:30133 Mme 3098 24590 MME 737353 4311 HGNC Mme 734285 17380 MGI:97004 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:7154 Mmel1 1309299 313755 MMEL1 1603610 79258 HGNC Mmel1 1319572 27390 MGI:1351603 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:14668 Mmgt1 1566339 302864 MMGT1 1343591 93380 HGNC Mmgt1 1622933 236792 MGI:2384305 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:28100 Mmp1 1307917 300339 MMP1 1317388 4312 HGNC Mmp1b 1315688 83996 MGI:1933847 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:7155 Mmp10 620192 117061 MMP10 1347586 4319 HGNC Mmp10 733757 17384 MGI:97007 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:7156 Mmp11 3099 25481 MMP11 735298 4320 HGNC Mmp11 10905 17385 MGI:97008 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:7157 Mmp12 620195 117033 MMP12 1350336 4321 HGNC Mmp12 732694 17381 MGI:97005 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:7158 Mmp13 620196 171052 MMP13 1343267 4322 HGNC Mmp13 1552243 17386 MGI:1340026 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:7159 Mmp14 620198 81707 MMP14 734118 4323 HGNC Mmp14 734119 17387 MGI:101900 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:7160 Mmp15 1308937 291848 MMP15 1318995 4324 HGNC Mmp15 1318996 17388 MGI:109320 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:7161 Mmp16 620199 65205 MMP16 735917 4325 HGNC Mmp16 735918 17389 MGI:1276107 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:7162 Mmp17 1311541 288626 MMP17 1323053 4326 HGNC Mmp17 1323054 23948 MGI:1346076 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:7163 Mmp19 1311376 304608 MMP19 1322803 4327 HGNC Mmp19 1322804 58223 MGI:1927899 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:7165 Mmp2 621316 81686 MMP2 730821 4313 HGNC Mmp2 730822 17390 MGI:97009 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:7166 Mmp20 1308730 300341 MMP20 1318675 9313 HGNC Mmp20 1318676 30800 MGI:1353466 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:7167 Mmp21 1309332 293573 MMP21 1319622 118856 HGNC Mmp21 1319623 214766 MGI:2664387 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:14357 Mmp23 620201 94339 MMP23B 1344169 8510 HGNC Mmp23 732709 26561 MGI:1347361 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:7171 Mmp24 620202 83513 MMP24 732592 10893 HGNC Mmp24 732593 17391 MGI:1341867 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:7172 Mmp24os 28912741 117903915 MMP24OS 7243077 101410538 HGNC Mmp24os1 2292338 613262 MGI:3584273 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:44421 Mmp25 1308298 302963 MMP25 1317990 64386 HGNC Mmp25 1317991 240047 MGI:2443938 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:14246 Mmp27 1306642 300340 MMP27 1315373 64066 HGNC Mmp27 1616538 234911 MGI:3039232 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:14250 Mmp28 1311573 303384 MMP28 1323102 79148 HGNC Mmp28 1323103 118453 MGI:2153062 RGD HGNC:14366 Mmp3 621317 171045 MMP3 1345848 4314 HGNC Mmp3 733756 17392 MGI:97010 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:7173 Mmp7 3100 25335 MMP7 736005 4316 HGNC Mmp7 10906 17393 MGI:103189 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:7174 Mmp8 631408 63849 MMP8 1351878 4317 HGNC Mmp8 732885 17394 MGI:1202395 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:7175 Mmp9 621320 81687 MMP9 1348437 4318 HGNC Mmp9 731911 17395 MGI:97011 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:7176 Mmrn1 1587248 500152 MMRN1 1352887 22915 HGNC Mmrn1 1618329 70945 MGI:1918195 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:7178 Mmrn2 1311461 306288 MMRN2 1322933 79812 HGNC Mmrn2 1322934 105450 MGI:2385618 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:19888 Mms19 727890 171124 MMS19 1354311 64210 HGNC Mms19 1619115 72199 MGI:1919449 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:13824 Mms22l 1304693 313108 MMS22L 1312286 253714 HGNC Mms22l 1620630 212377 MGI:2684980 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:21475 Mmut 1587662 688517 MMUT 1344450 4594 HGNC Mmut 1558195 17850 MGI:97239 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:7526 Mn1 1565571 498194 MN1 1348081 4330 HGNC Mn1 1615466 433938 MGI:1261813 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:7180 Mnat1 628874 266713 MNAT1 733503 4331 HGNC Mnat1 733504 17420 MGI:106207 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:7181 Mnd1 1309007 295160 MND1 1604777 84057 HGNC Mnd1 1332406 76915 MGI:1924165 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:24839 Mnda 1306089 304988 MNDA 1314505 4332 RGD Ifi211|Ifi204 1314506|1557521 381308|15951 MGI:3041120|MGI:96429 RGD|RGD HGNC:7183 Mns1 1549718 363093 MNS1 1605067 55329 HGNC Mns1 1620108 17427 MGI:107933 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:29636 Mnt 1308683 287521 MNT 1318597 4335 HGNC Mnt 1318598 17428 MGI:109150 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:7188 Mnx1 1588091 682076 MNX1 1344566 3110 HGNC Mnx1 1616862 15285 MGI:109160 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:4979 Moap1 1307230 299261 MOAP1 1316298 64112 HGNC Moap1 1316299 64113 MGI:1915555 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:16658 Mob1a 1307014 297387 MOB1A 1315956 55233 HGNC Mob1a 1315957 232157 MGI:2442631 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:16015 Mob1b 1305114 360920 MOB1B 1312955 92597 HGNC Mob1b 1617540 68473 MGI:1915723 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:29801 Mob2 1562983 499288 MOB2 1602095 81532 HGNC Mob2 1557436 101513 MGI:1919891 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:24904 Mob3a 1308187 362833 MOB3A 1317819 126308 HGNC Mob3a 1622138 208228 MGI:3050117 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:29802 Mob3b 1560696 366352 MOB3B 1346999 79817 HGNC Mob3b 1317820 214944 MGI:2664539 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:23825 Mob3c 1307821 313511 MOB3C 1317238 148932 HGNC Mob3c 1317239 100465 MGI:2140623 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:29800 Mob4 620183 171050 MOB4 1601878 25843 HGNC Mob4 737406 19070 MGI:104899 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:17261 Mobp 3101 25037 MOBP 736574 4336 HGNC Mobp 10908 17433 MGI:108511 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:7189 Mocos 1308496 361300 MOCOS 1318297 55034 HGNC Mocos 1616767 68591 MGI:1915841 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:18234 Mocs1 1308471 301221 MOCS1 1318258 4337 HGNC Mocs1 1318259 56738 MGI:1928904 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:7190 Mocs2 1359477 294753 MOCS2 1347583 4338 HGNC Mocs2 1553221 17434 MGI:1336894 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:7193 Mocs3 1307044 311655 MOCS3 1316006 27304 HGNC Mocs3 1620801 69372 MGI:1916622 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:15765 Mog 3102 24558 MOG 736817 4340 HGNC Mog 10909 17441 MGI:97435 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:7197 Mogat1 1311644 363261 MOGAT1 1323209 116255 HGNC Mogat1 1618355 68393 MGI:1915643 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:18210 Mogat2 1598060 681211 MOGAT2 1316028 80168 HGNC Mogat2 1552612 233549 MGI:2663253 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:23248 Mogat3 1592588 685560 MOGAT3 1350436 346606 HGNC Gm7284 2311936 102632711 MGI:3647125 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:23249 Mogs 69240 78947 MOGS 732423 7841 HGNC Mogs 732424 57377 MGI:1929872 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:24862 Mok 1309274 362787 MOK 1319529 5891 HGNC Mok 1319530 26448 MGI:1336881 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:9833 Mon1a 1308823 315999 MON1A 1601843 84315 HGNC Mon1a 1550257 72825 MGI:1920075 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:28207 Mon1b 1309977 307868 MON1B 1605088 22879 HGNC Mon1b 1552142 270096 MGI:1923231 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:25020 Mon2 1308808 314894 MON2 1604635 23041 HGNC Mon2 1318792 67074 MGI:1914324 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:29177 Morc1 1565610 360712 MORC1 1321422 27136 HGNC Morc1 1620107 17450 MGI:1316740 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:7198 Morc2 1310842 289736 MORC2 1321976 22880 HGNC Morc2a 1551651 74522 MGI:1921772 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:23573 Morc3 1307924 304074 MORC3 1317400 23515 HGNC Morc3 1552838 338467 MGI:2136841 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:23572 Morc4 1559905 315914 MORC4 1345473 79710 HGNC Morc4 1558053 75746 MGI:1922996 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:23485 Morf4l1 1307938 300891 MORF4L1 1317423 10933 RGD Morf4l1 1317424 21761 MGI:1096551 RGD HGNC:16989 Morf4l2 1359471 317413 MORF4L2 1347861 9643 HGNC Morf4l2 1551261 56397 MGI:1927167 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:16849 Morn1 1359433 298676 MORN1 1602465 79906 HGNC Morn1 1550734 76866 MGI:1924116 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:25852 Morn2 1563988 500606 MORN2 2303892 729967 HGNC Morn2 1622819 378462 MGI:2674071 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:30166 Morn3 1583091 687615 MORN3 1603521 283385 HGNC Morn3 1618290 74890 MGI:1922140 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:29807 Morn4 1307336 293950 MORN4 1316472 118812 HGNC Morn4 1316473 226123 MGI:2449568 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:24001 Morn5 1307739 362122 MORN5 1317107 254956 HGNC Morn5 1317108 75495 MGI:1922745 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:17841 Mos 3103 24559 MOS 735699 4342 HGNC Mos 10910 17451 MGI:97052 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:7199 Mosmo 7606925 102547219 MOSMO 2302534 730094 HGNC Mosmo 1316742 233812 MGI:2446240 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:27087 Mospd1 1359486 317312 MOSPD1 1347086 56180 RGD Mospd1 1557230 70380 MGI:1917630 RGD HGNC:25235 Mospd2 1563952 363463 MOSPD2 1350806 158747 HGNC Mospd2 1558011 76763 MGI:1924013 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:28381 Mospd3 1304973 288557 MOSPD3 1312722 64598 HGNC Mospd3 1312723 68929 MGI:1916179 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:25078 Mov10 1598327 310756 MOV10 1321654 4343 HGNC Mov10 1620106 17454 MGI:97054 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:7200 Mov10l1 1304735 300141 MOV10L1 1345883 54456 HGNC Mov10l1 1312350 83456 MGI:1891384 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:7201 Moxd1 1310033 294119 MOXD1 1320700 26002 HGNC Moxd1 1320701 59012 MGI:1921582 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:21063 Moxd2 1564286 500092 MOXD2P 1641965 100289017 HGNC Moxd2 1558176 194357 MGI:2388042 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:33605 Mpc1 620902 171087 MPC1 1352706 51660 HGNC Mpc1 1553003 55951 MGI:1915240 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:21606 Mpc1l 1563528 503429 MPC1L 6892656 347411 HGNC Gm4984 1616511 245347 MGI:3644533 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:44205 Mpc2 1563422 100359982 MPC2 1604029 25874 RGD Mpc2 1622287 70456 MGI:1917706 RGD HGNC:24515 Mpdu1 1307699 303244 MPDU1 1317039 9526 HGNC Mpdu1 1317040 24070 MGI:1346040 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:7207 Mpdz 3105 29365 MPDZ 737285 8777 HGNC Mpdz 737286 17475 MGI:1343489 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:7208 Mpeg1 69275 64552 MPEG1 736355 219972 HGNC Mpeg1 736356 17476 MGI:1333743 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:29619 Mpg 3106 24561 MPG 731894 4350 HGNC Mpg 10914 268395 MGI:97073 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:7211 Mphosph10 1307633 293828 MPHOSPH10 1316939 10199 HGNC Mphosph10 1552748 67973 MGI:1915223 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:7213 Mphosph6 1591222 686999 MPHOSPH6 1321401 10200 RGD Mphosph6 1321402 68533 MGI:1915783 RGD HGNC:7214 Mphosph8 1305133 290270 MPHOSPH8 1603305 54737 HGNC Mphosph8 1332275 75339 MGI:1922589 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:29810 Mphosph9 1598368 288654 MPHOSPH9 1313543 10198 HGNC Mphosph9 1618843 269702 MGI:2443138 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:7215 Mpi 3107 300741 MPI 1349436 4351 HGNC Mpi 10915 110119 MGI:97075 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:7216 Mpig6b 1303269 406865 MPIG6B 1354388 80739 HGNC Mpig6b 1623045 106722 MGI:2146995 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:13937 Mpl 1311069 366455 MPL 1322330 4352 HGNC Mpl 1322331 17480 MGI:97076 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:7217 Mplkip 1584365 684996 MPLKIP 1344320 136647 HGNC Mplkip 1624013 66308 MGI:1913558 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:16002 Mpnd 1589335 681944 MPND 1605915 84954 HGNC Mpnd 1620827 68047 MGI:1915297 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:25934 Mpo 1592081 303413 MPO 1346384 4353 HGNC Mpo 10916 17523 MGI:97137 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:7218 Mpp1 1594331 652956 MPP1 1347904 4354 HGNC Mpp1 1619254 17524 MGI:105941 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:7219 Mpp2 620014 85275 MPP2 1346408 4355 HGNC Mpp2 1551998 50997 MGI:1858257 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:7220 Mpp3 620015 114202 MPP3 1343815 4356 HGNC Mpp3 1556970 13384 MGI:1328354 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:7221 Mpp4 620016 58808 MPP4 733195 58538 HGNC Mpp4 733196 227157 MGI:2386681 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:13680 Mpp7 1305675 307035 MPP7 1344792 143098 HGNC Mpp7 1313844 75739 MGI:1922989 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:26542 Mppe1 1309184 361344 MPPE1 1319383 65258 HGNC Mppe1 1319384 225651 MGI:2661311 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:15988 Mpped1 1308244 362971 MPPED1 1317908 758 HGNC Mpped1 1317909 223726 MGI:106316 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:1306 Mpped2 735060 362185 MPPED2 1347972 744 HGNC Mpped2 1612204 77015 MGI:1924265 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:1180 Mprip 619947 116504 MPRIP 736941 23164 HGNC Mprip 733983 26936 MGI:1349438 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:30321 Mpst 620065 192172 MPST 735977 4357 HGNC Mpst 733309 246221 MGI:2179733 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:7223 Mptx1 1590926 289243 MPTX1 7244110 649458 HGNC Mptx1 1614365 66289 MGI:1913539 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:48364 Mpv17 1310512 360463 MPV17 1353525 4358 HGNC Mpv17 1619253 17527 MGI:97138 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:7224 Mpv17l 2324483 100362572 MPV17L 1606418 255027 HGNC Mpv17l 1321456 93734 MGI:2135951 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:26827 Mpv17l2 1308064 290645 MPV17L2 1603190 84769 HGNC Mpv17l2 1317620 234384 MGI:2681846 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:28177 Mpz 3109 24564 MPZ 737128 4359 HGNC Mpz 10917 17528 MGI:103177 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:7225 Mpzl1 1359140 360871 MPZL1 1343477 9019 HGNC Mpzl1 1550994 68481 MGI:1915731 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:7226 Mpzl2 1307196 300679 MPZL2 1316244 10205 HGNC Mpzl2 1550674 14012 MGI:1289160 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:3496 Mpzl3 1310980 363054 MPZL3 1601712 196264 HGNC Mpzl3 1322188 319742 MGI:2442647 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:27279 Mr1 1593291 25119 MR1 1343564 3140 HGNC Mr1 1557817 15064 MGI:1195463 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:4975 Mrap 1310648 288271 MRAP 1603024 56246 HGNC Mrap 1621455 77037 MGI:1924287 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:1304 Mrap2 1309873 363112 MRAP2 1320449 112609 HGNC Mrap2 2295926 244958 MGI:3609239 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:21232 Mras 3111 25482 MRAS 733433 22808 HGNC Mras 10918 17532 MGI:1100856 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:7227 Mrc1 1309353 291327 MRC1 1319655 4360 HGNC Mrc1 1319656 17533 MGI:97142 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:7228 Mrc2 1559436 498011 MRC2 1320297 9902 HGNC Mrc2 1320298 17534 MGI:107818 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:16875 Mre11 69263 64046 MRE11 1344886 4361 HGNC Mre11a 735478 17535 MGI:1100512 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:7230 Mreg 1562333 501162 MREG 1604338 55686 HGNC Mreg 1621189 381269 MGI:2151839 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:25478 Mrfap1 628631 282585 MRFAP1 1606988 93621 HGNC Mrfap1 1315362 67568 MGI:1914818 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:24549 Mrgbp 1308612 311713 MRGBP 1318486 55257 RGD Mrgbp 1318487 73247 MGI:1920497 RGD HGNC:15866 Mrgprb2 1591915 502338 MRGPRX1 1605552 259249 HGNC HGNC:17962 Mrgprd 738040 293648 MRGPRD 1344076 116512 HGNC Mrgprd 1553636 211578 MGI:3033142 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:29626 Mrgpre 738045 404660 MRGPRE 1344531 116534 HGNC Mrgpre 1550915 244238 MGI:2441884 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:30694 Mrgprf 708478 266762 MRGPRF 1346995 116535 HGNC Mrgprf 731633 211577 MGI:2384823 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:24828 Mrgprg 738044 309133 MRGPRG 1351155 386746 HGNC Mrgprg 1332153 381974 MGI:3033145 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:24829 Mrgprx1 632284 282547 MRGPRX4 1603278 117196 HGNC Mrgprx1 1556901 404242 MGI:3033139 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:17617 Mrgprx2 738048 404640 MRGPRX2 1603280 117194 HGNC Mrgprx2 1617306 243978 MGI:3588270 RGD HGNC:17983 Mrgprx3 632282 252960 MRGPRX3 1603279 117195 RGD Mrgpra1 1619835 233221 MGI:3033095 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:17980 Mri1 1307789 288912 MRI1 1604271 84245 HGNC Mri1 1332408 67873 MGI:1915123 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:28469 Mrln 6490783 100911740 MRLN 7245912 100507027 HGNC Mrln 1619153 69563 MGI:1916813 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:48649 Mrm1 1566232 363661 MRM1 1605341 79922 HGNC Mrm1 1323413 217038 MGI:2443470 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:26202 Mrm2 1305944 304323 MRM2 1314273 29960 HGNC Mrm2 1550350 68017 MGI:1915267 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:16352 Mrm3 1309077 360569 MRM3 1351342 55178 HGNC Mrm3 1550089 67390 MGI:1914640 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:18485 Mrnip 1564036 497895 MRNIP 1606005 51149 HGNC Mrnip 1620824 68067 MGI:1915317 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:30817 Mro 1559803 361348 MRO 1342837 83876 HGNC Mro 1558395 71263 MGI:2152817 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:24121 Mroh1 1642414 100125385 MROH1 2302193 727957 HGNC Mroh1 1557492 223658 MGI:2442558 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:26958 Mroh2a 1565687 301596 MROH2A 2302189 339766 HGNC Mroh2a 2311480 100040766 MGI:3705228 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:27936 Mroh2b 1305413 361902 MROH2B 1604530 133558 HGNC Mroh2b 1313431 223825 MGI:1921905 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:26857 Mroh3 1562634 498236 MROH3P 1601890 647215 RGD Mroh3 1615806 76422 MGI:1923672 RGD HGNC:33122 Mroh5 1559695 500889 MROH5 1602032 389690 HGNC Mroh5 1615592 268816 MGI:2685474 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:42976 Mroh6 2323632 100359562 MROH6 1603139 642475 HGNC Mroh6 5140973 223645 MGI:5011755 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:27814 Mroh7 1563440 298301 MROH7 1605524 374977 HGNC Mroh7 1618756 381538 MGI:2685873 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:24802 Mroh8 2321481 100360777 MROH8 1352113 140699 HGNC Mroh8 1621779 629499 MGI:3603828 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:16125 Mroh9 1564745 501864 MROH9 1602210 80133 HGNC Mroh9 1556974 78258 MGI:1925508 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:26287 Mrpl1 1306850 289491 MRPL1 1315701 65008 RGD Mrpl1 1315702 94061 MGI:2137202 RGD HGNC:14275 Mrpl10 1588626 691075 MRPL10 1315061 124995 HGNC Mrpl10 1315062 107732 MGI:1333801 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:14055 mrpl11 1359665 293666 MRPL11 1347202 65003 HGNC Mrpl11 1550891 66419 MGI:2137215 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:14042 Mrpl12 1588559 303746 MRPL12 1343345 6182 HGNC Mrpl12 1557028 56282 MGI:1926273 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:10378 Mrpl13 1359587 299938 MRPL13 1351918 28998 HGNC Mrpl13 1551339 68537 MGI:2137218 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:14278 Mrpl14 1306240 301250 MRPL14 1314744 64928 HGNC Mrpl14 1314745 68463 MGI:1333864 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:14279 Mrpl15 1304796 297799 MRPL15 1312447 29088 HGNC Mrpl15 1312448 27395 MGI:1351639 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:14054 Mrpl16 735195 293754 MRPL16 1354403 54948 HGNC Mrpl16 1553286 94063 MGI:2137219 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:14476 Mrpl17 70943 171061 MRPL17 1351017 63875 HGNC Mrpl17 732428 27397 MGI:1351608 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:14053 Mrpl18 1306387 292244 MRPL18 1314973 29074 HGNC Mrpl18 1314974 67681 MGI:1914931 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:14477 Mrpl19 1587381 297372 MRPL19 1349255 9801 HGNC Mrpl19 1558315 56284 MGI:1926274 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:14052 Mrpl2 1307147 301240 MRPL2 1316168 51069 HGNC Mrpl2 1316169 27398 MGI:1351622 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:14056 Mrpl20 1588219 680747 MRPL20 1319575 55052 HGNC Mrpl20 1623223 66448 MGI:2137221 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:14478 Mrpl21 1310203 309140 MRPL21 1320967 219927 HGNC Mrpl21 1553419 353242 MGI:2660674 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:14479 Mrpl22 1309277 287302 MRPL22 1319534 29093 HGNC Mrpl22 1319535 216767 MGI:1333794 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:14480 Mrpl23 68343 64360 MRPL23 68481 6150 HGNC Mrpl23 62359 19935 MGI:1196612 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:10322 mrpl24 1359289 295224 MRPL24 1344820 79590 HGNC Mrpl24 1551607 67707 MGI:1914957 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:14037 Mrpl27 1309090 287635 MRPL27 1319233 51264 HGNC Mrpl27 1319234 94064 MGI:2137224 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:14483 Mrpl28 1583741 497876 MRPL28 1349308 10573 HGNC Mrpl28 1615880 68611 MGI:1915861 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:14484 Mrpl3 1306391 300974 MRPL3 1314981 11222 HGNC Mrpl3 1314982 94062 MGI:2137204 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:10379 Mrpl30 1308196 301352 MRPL30 1317834 51263 RGD Mrpl30 1317835 107734 MGI:1333820 RGD HGNC:14036 Mrpl32 1310541 291206 MRPL32 1321503 64983 HGNC Mrpl32 1321504 75398 MGI:2137226 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:14035 Mrpl33 2322809 100363539 MRPL33 1343335 9553 HGNC Mrpl33 1620037 66845 MGI:2137225 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:14487 Mrpl34 1359397 290632 MRPL34 1345591 64981 HGNC Mrpl34 1553633 94065 MGI:2137227 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:14488 Mrpl35 1307065 297334 MRPL35 1316034 51318 HGNC Mrpl35 1316035 66223 MGI:1913473 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:14489 Mrpl36 1306375 364656 MRPL36 1314956 64979 HGNC Mrpl36 1314957 94066 MGI:2137228 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:14490 Mrpl37 619820 56281 MRPL37 1348769 51253 HGNC Mrpl37 1621554 56280 MGI:1926268 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:14034 Mrpl38 1311180 303685 MRPL38 1322502 64978 HGNC Mrpl38 1322503 60441 MGI:1926269 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:14033 Mrpl39 1591507 684304 MRPL39 1348143 54148 HGNC Mrpl39 1624046 27393 MGI:1351620 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:14027 Mrpl4 1311777 363023 MRPL4 1323408 51073 HGNC Mrpl4 1323409 66163 MGI:2137210 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:14276 Mrpl40 1565444 287962 MRPL40 1343765 64976 HGNC Mrpl40 1614447 18100 MGI:1332635 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:14491 Mrpl41 1310241 296551 MRPL41 1321029 64975 RGD Mrpl41 1614995 107733 MGI:1333816 RGD HGNC:14492 Mrpl42 1304915 299743 MRPL42 1312629 28977 RGD Mrpl42 1616786 67270 MGI:1333774 RGD HGNC:14493 Mrpl43 1307593 309440 MRPL43 1316878 84545 HGNC Mrpl43 1316879 94067 MGI:2137229 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:14517 Mrpl44 1309556 301552 MRPL44 1319960 65080 HGNC Mrpl44 1319961 69163 MGI:1916413 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:16650 Mrpl45 1304913 287656 MRPL45 1312625 84311 HGNC Mrpl45 1312626 67036 MGI:1914286 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:16651 Mrpl46 1309123 293054 MRPL46 1319287 26589 HGNC Mrpl46 1319288 67308 MGI:1914558 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:1192 Mrpl47 1307531 294963 MRPL47 1316780 57129 HGNC Mrpl47 1550748 74600 MGI:1921850 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:16652 Mrpl48 1307576 293149 MRPL48 1316849 51642 HGNC Mrpl48 1316850 52443 MGI:1289321 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:16653 Mrpl49 1309920 309176 MRPL49 1320522 740 HGNC Mrpl49 1320523 18120 MGI:108180 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:1176 Mrpl50 1308008 362517 MRPL50 1317530 54534 HGNC Mrpl50 1317531 28028 MGI:107329 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:16654 Mrpl51 1306686 297601 MRPL51 1315444 51258 HGNC Mrpl51 1315445 66493 MGI:1913743 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:14044 Mrpl52 1309297 361037 MRPL52 1319568 122704 HGNC Mrpl52 1319569 68836 MGI:1916086 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:16655 Mrpl53 1306709 362388 MRPL53 1315480 116540 HGNC Mrpl53 1315481 68499 MGI:1915749 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:16684 Mrpl54 1305694 299628 MRPL54 1313872 116541 HGNC Mrpl54 1313873 66047 MGI:1913297 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:16685 Mrpl55 1308161 287356 MRPL55 1317775 128308 HGNC Mrpl55 1317776 67212 MGI:1914462 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:16686 Mrpl57 1594654 691814 MRPL57 1321750 78988 HGNC Mrpl57 1321751 67840 MGI:1915090 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:14514 Mrpl58 1307942 303673 MRPL58 1317429 3396 HGNC Mrpl58 1317430 68572 MGI:1915822 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:5359 mrpl9 1359171 310653 MRPL9 1350314 65005 HGNC Mrpl9 1552988 78523 MGI:2137211 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:14277 Mrps10 1311516 363187 MRPS10 1323017 55173 HGNC Mrps10 1323018 64657 MGI:1928139 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:14502 Mrps11 1559901 499185 MRPS11 1350817 64963 HGNC Mrps11 1557955 67994 MGI:1915244 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:14050 Mrps12 1306221 292758 MRPS12 1314714 6183 HGNC Mrps12 1552385 24030 MGI:1346333 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:10380 Mrps14 1309432 289143 MRPS14 1319772 63931 HGNC Mrps14 1319773 64659 MGI:1928141 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:14049 Mrps15 1359675 298517 MRPS15 1347502 64960 HGNC Mrps15 1553846 66407 MGI:1913657 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:14504 Mrps16 1582995 688912 MRPS16 1321233 51021 HGNC Mrps16 1321234 66242 MGI:1913492 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:14048 Mrps17 1307650 288621 MRPS17 1316964 51373 HGNC Mrps17 1316965 66258 MGI:1913508 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:14047 Mrps18a 735229 301249 MRPS18A 1346345 55168 HGNC Mrps18a 1551643 68565 MGI:1915815 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:14515 Mrps18b 1302998 294230 MRPS18B 1349132 28973 HGNC Mrps18b 1552294 66973 MGI:1914223 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:14516 Mrps18c 1307997 289469 MRPS18C 1317511 51023 HGNC Mrps18c 1317512 68735 MGI:1915985 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:16633 Mrps2 1309116 362094 MRPS2 1319275 51116 HGNC Mrps2 1319276 118451 MGI:2153089 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:14495 Mrps21 1592330 689432 MRPS21 1316574 54460 HGNC Mrps21 1316575 66292 MGI:1913542 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:14046 Mrps22 1585674 683519 MRPS22 1353996 56945 HGNC Mrps22 1616801 64655 MGI:1928137 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:14508 Mrps23 1306963 360594 MRPS23 1315875 51649 HGNC Mrps23 1315876 64656 MGI:1928138 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:14509 Mrps24 1306014 498406 MRPS24 1314387 64951 HGNC Mrps24 1314388 64660 MGI:1928142 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:14510 Mrps25 1308770 297459 MRPS25 1318737 64432 HGNC Mrps25 1318738 64658 MGI:1928140 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:14511 Mrps26 1308733 362216 MRPS26 1318680 64949 HGNC Mrps26 1622180 99045 MGI:1333830 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:14045 Mrps27 1311829 361883 MRPS27 1323490 23107 HGNC Mrps27 1323491 218506 MGI:1919064 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:14512 Mrps28 1597461 689025 MRPS28 1313591 28957 HGNC Mrps28 1313592 66230 MGI:1913480 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:14513 Mrps30 1309697 294767 MRPS30 1320179 10884 HGNC Mrps30 1320180 59054 MGI:1926237 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:8769 Mrps31 1307668 290850 MRPS31 1316990 10240 HGNC Mrps31 1316991 57312 MGI:1913153 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:16632 Mrps33 1309217 296995 MRPS33 1319435 51650 HGNC Mrps33 1319436 14548 MGI:1338046 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:16634 Mrps34 1305623 287126 MRPS34 1313761 65993 HGNC Mrps34 1313762 79044 MGI:1930188 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:16618 Mrps35 1306720 297727 MRPS35 1315499 60488 HGNC Mrps35 1315500 232536 MGI:2385255 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:16635 Mrps5 1308318 296134 MRPS5 1318020 64969 HGNC Mrps5 1318021 77721 MGI:1924971 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:14498 Mrps6 2322928 100360017 MRPS6 1312391 64968 HGNC Mrps6 1312392 121022 MGI:2153111 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:14051 Mrps7 1309164 113958 MRPS7 1319351 51081 HGNC Mrps7 1319352 50529 MGI:1354367 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:14499 Mrps9 1306558 301371 MRPS9 1315244 64965 HGNC Mrps9 1315245 69527 MGI:1916777 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:14501 Mrrf 1305897 311903 MRRF 1314201 92399 HGNC Mrrf 1314202 67871 MGI:1915121 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:7234 Mrs2 708529 79032 MRS2 732788 57380 HGNC Mrs2 1614032 380836 MGI:2685748 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:13785 Mrtfa 1304873 315151 MRTFA 1312564 57591 HGNC Mrtfa 1312565 223701 MGI:2384495 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:14334 Mrtfb 1560833 100362470 MRTFB 1345947 57496 HGNC Mrtfb 1557548 239719 MGI:3050795 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:29819 Mrto4 1311709 298586 MRTO4 1323307 51154 HGNC Mrto4 1323308 69902 MGI:1917152 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:18477 Ms4a1 1311999 309217 MS4A1 1323750 931 HGNC Ms4a1 1618435 12482 MGI:88321 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:7315 Ms4a10 1307478 293739 MS4A10 1316696 341116 HGNC Ms4a10 1316697 69826 MGI:1917076 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:13368 Ms4a12 1307162 293741 MS4A12 1316189 54860 HGNC Ms4a12 1611959 381213 MGI:2685812 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:13370 Ms4a13-ps1 1564175 499319 MS4A13 1606059 503497 HGNC Ms4a13 1619103 73466 MGI:1920716 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:16674 Ms4a14 727900 293743 MS4A14 1606761 84689 HGNC Ms4a14 1614011 383435 MGI:2686122 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:30706 Ms4a15 1561158 365408 MS4A15 1603162 219995 HGNC Ms4a15 1619583 545279 MGI:3617853 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:28573 Ms4a18 2323808 100359485 MS4A18 3457221 728588 HGNC Ms4a18 1619093 76002 MGI:1923252 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:37636 Ms4a19 6487805 100912336 MS4A19P 18183034 116435280 RGD Ms4a19 1620015 69416 MGI:1916666 RGD HGNC:53877 Ms4a2 2598 25316 MS4A2 1350065 2206 HGNC Ms4a2 1552198 14126 MGI:95495 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:7316 Ms4a20 7639871 102557108 Ms4a20 1620803 69369 MGI:1916619 RGD Ms4a3 1310598 293753 MS4A3 1321597 932 HGNC Ms4a3 1321598 170813 MGI:2158468 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:7317 Ms4a4a 1307006 361734 MS4A4A 1315944 51338 RGD Ms4a4a 1623399 666907 MGI:3643932 RGD HGNC:13371 Ms4a5 1594968 686680 MS4A5 1350963 64232 HGNC Ms4a5 1614088 269063 MGI:2670985 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:13374 Ms4a6a 1305800 361735 MS4A6A 1323386 64231 HGNC Ms4a6c 1617487 73656 MGI:2385644 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:13375 Ms4a7 1305549 293744 MS4A7 1313641 58475 HGNC Ms4a7 1552232 109225 MGI:1918846 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:13378 Ms4a8 1309035 361733 MS4A8 1319151 83661 HGNC Ms4a8a 1556962 64381 MGI:1927657 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:13380 Msantd1 1565796 498394 MSANTD1 1604952 345222 HGNC Msantd1 1622775 403174 MGI:2684990 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:33741 Msantd2 1562840 500974 MSANTD2 1606219 79684 HGNC Msantd2 1614909 235184 MGI:2384579 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:26266 Msantd3 1308165 362516 MSANTD3 1603187 91283 HGNC Msantd3 1317783 66665 MGI:1913915 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:23370 Msantd4 1565380 500941 MSANTD4 1603604 84437 HGNC Msantd4 1623105 78100 MGI:1925350 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:29383 Msantd5 1561674 497899 MSANTD5 16571062 102724657 HGNC Msantd5 2295123 622699 MGI:3650740 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:55184 Msantd7 7640129 102547897 MSANTD7 1350459 100421372 HGNC Hspa14 1551742 50497 MGI:1354164 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:56248 Msc 1305496 312897 MSC 1313556 9242 HGNC Msc 1313557 17681 MGI:1333884 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:7321 Msgn1 1587516 689864 MSGN1 1602271 343930 HGNC Msgn1 1321039 56184 MGI:1860483 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:14907 Msh2 620786 81709 MSH2 732745 4436 HGNC Msh2 732746 17685 MGI:101816 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:7325 Msh3 1563954 499505 MSH3 1353031 4437 HGNC Msh3 1557363 17686 MGI:109519 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:7326 Msh4 1309190 295541 MSH4 1319392 4438 HGNC Msh4 1319393 55993 MGI:1860077 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:7327 Msh5 1303008 294252 MSH5 1343663 4439 HGNC Msh5 1552336 17687 MGI:1329021 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:7328 Msh6 2322311 100360342 MSH6 1321738 2956 HGNC Msh6 1321739 17688 MGI:1343961 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:7329 Msi1 628778 259272 MSI1 731816 4440 HGNC Msi1 731817 17690 MGI:107376 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:7330 Msi2 1560397 360596 MSI2 1352746 124540 HGNC Msi2 1614276 76626 MGI:1923876 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:18585 Msl1 1564778 303514 MSL1 2307385 339287 HGNC Msl1 1614302 74026 MGI:1921276 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:27905 Msl2 1310355 315959 MSL2 1343514 55167 HGNC Msl2 1551343 77853 MGI:1925103 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:25544 Msl3 1549763 317464 MSL3 1605696 10943 HGNC Msl3 1557090 17692 MGI:1341851 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:7370 Msl3l2 1308699 309790 MSL3B 1344504 151507 HGNC HGNC:17837 Msln 69333 60333 MSLN 1349818 10232 HGNC Msln 737061 56047 MGI:1888992 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:7371 Mslnl 1561732 363554 MSLNL 1351302 401827 HGNC Mslnl 1614811 328783 MGI:3607710 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:14170 Msmb 3113 29311 MSMB 69208 4477 HGNC Msmb 69209 17695 MGI:97166 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:7372 Msmo1 620281 140910 MSMO1 737148 6307 HGNC Msmo1 732537 66234 MGI:1913484 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:10545 Msmp 2323536 100365008 MSMP 2304156 692094 HGNC Msmp 2295612 100039672 MGI:3652339 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:29663 Msn 621260 81521 MSN 732547 4478 HGNC Msn 732548 17698 MGI:97167 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:7373 Msr1 1564316 498638 MSR1 1347158 4481 HGNC Msr1 1557852 20288 MGI:98257 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:7376 Msra 70979 29447 MSRA 737220 4482 HGNC Msra 732583 110265 MGI:106916 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:7377 Msrb1 1583243 685059 MSRB1 1312916 51734 HGNC Msrb1 1312917 27361 MGI:1351642 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:14133 Msrb2 1306026 361286 MSRB2 1345900 22921 HGNC Msrb2 1552353 76467 MGI:1923717 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:17061 Msrb3 1596851 680036 MSRB3 1351511 253827 HGNC Msrb3 1552761 320183 MGI:2443538 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:27375 Mss51 1309408 289904 MSS51 1319740 118490 HGNC Mss51 1332446 74843 MGI:1922093 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:21000 Mst1 3114 24566 MST1 736655 4485 HGNC Mst1 736656 15235 MGI:96080 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:7380 Mst1r 1306465 300999 MST1R 1315099 4486 HGNC Mst1r 1315100 19882 MGI:99614 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:7381 Mstn 3115 29152 MSTN 736334 2660 HGNC Mstn 736335 17700 MGI:95691 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:4223 Msto1 1306110 295237 MSTO1 1602702 55154 HGNC Msto1 1553066 229524 MGI:2385175 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:29678 Msx1 620929 81710 MSX1 731562 4487 HGNC Msx1 731563 17701 MGI:97168 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:7391 Msx2 3116 25483 MSX2 735997 4488 HGNC Msx2 10921 17702 MGI:97169 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:7392 Msx3 620932 114504 Msx3 1550289 17703 MGI:106587 RGD Mt-atp6 621239 26197 MT-ATP6 1350040 4508 HGNC mt-Atp6 736804 17705 MGI:99927 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:7414 Mt-atp8 621240 26196 MT-ATP8 1344922 4509 HGNC mt-Atp8 735408 17706 MGI:99926 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:7415 Mt-co1 621871 26195 MT-CO1 1343025 4512 HGNC mt-Co1 736621 17708 MGI:102504 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:7419 Mt-co2 621872 26198 MT-CO2 1605433 4513 HGNC mt-Co2 736071 17709 MGI:102503 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:7421 Mt-co3 621873 26204 MT-CO3 1350980 4514 HGNC mt-Co3 735455 17710 MGI:102502 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:7422 Mt-cyb 620081 26192 MT-CYB 1344890 4519 HGNC mt-Cytb 736618 17711 MGI:102501 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:7427 Mt-nd1 620555 26193 MT-ND1 1349540 4535 HGNC mt-Nd1 1609862 17716 MGI:101787 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:7455 Mt-nd2 620556 26194 MT-ND2 1350157 4536 HGNC mt-Nd2 736520 17717 MGI:102500 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:7456 Mt-nd3 620557 26199 MT-ND3 1343728 4537 HGNC mt-Nd3 1609861 17718 MGI:102499 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:7458 Mt-nd4 620559 26201 MT-ND4 1344993 4538 HGNC mt-Nd4 737390 17719 MGI:102498 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:7459 Mt-nd4l 620494 26200 MT-ND4L 1346946 4539 HGNC mt-Nd4l 736729 17720 MGI:102497 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:7460 Mt-nd5 620560 26202 MT-ND5 1347448 4540 HGNC mt-Nd5 736401 17721 MGI:102496 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:7461 Mt-nd6 620561 26203 MT-ND6 1348759 4541 HGNC mt-Nd6 735386 17722 MGI:102495 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:7462 Mt1 3117 24567 MT1A 737231 4489 HGNC Mt1 10922 17748 MGI:97171 RGD HGNC:7393 Mt1-ps3 1642516 100125598 MT1E 1351881 4493 HGNC HGNC:7397 Mt2A 1592345 689415 MT2A 1352146 4502 RGD Mt2 1617617 17750 MGI:97172 RGD HGNC:7406 Mt3 621252 117038 MT3 730879 4504 HGNC Mt3 1553329 17751 MGI:97173 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:7408 Mt4 1565500 498911 MT4 1343695 84560 HGNC Mt4 1617616 17752 MGI:99692 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:18705 Mta1 621018 64520 MTA1 731516 9112 HGNC Mta1 735614 116870 MGI:2150037 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:7410 Mta2 1306743 361724 MTA2 1315535 9219 HGNC Mta2 1315536 23942 MGI:1346340 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:7411 Mta3 1306803 100362346 MTA3 1315624 57504 HGNC Mta3 1315625 116871 MGI:2151172 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:23784 Mtap 1310114 298227 MTAP 1320830 4507 HGNC Mtap 1320831 66902 MGI:1914152 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:7413 Mtarc1 1592219 690745 MTARC1 1604320 64757 HGNC Mtarc1 1615135 66112 MGI:1913362 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:26189 Mtarc2 621257 171451 MTARC2 1606267 54996 HGNC Mtarc2 1551984 67247 MGI:1914497 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:26064 Mtbp 1565672 500870 MTBP 1354048 27085 HGNC Mtbp 1619910 105837 MGI:2146005 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:7417 Mtch1 1309262 294313 MTCH1 1319508 23787 HGNC Mtch1 1319509 56462 MGI:1929261 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:17586 Mtch2 1308080 295922 MTCH2 1317645 23788 HGNC Mtch2 1552880 56428 MGI:1929260 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:17587 Mtcl1 1308319 316764 MTCL1 1348438 23255 HGNC Mtcl1 1615879 68617 MGI:1915867 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:29121 Mtcl2 1563627 311578 MTCL2 1352015 140710 HGNC Mtcl2 1318022 320706 MGI:2444575 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:16111 Mtcl3 11479453 108349256 MTCL3 1347447 387104 HGNC Mtcl3 1316772 67412 MGI:1914662 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:21494 Mtcp1 1561352 498814 MTCP1 1343111 4515 HGNC Mtcp1 1617615 17763 MGI:102699 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:7423 Mtdh 620992 170910 MTDH 735692 92140 HGNC Mtdh 1332296 67154 MGI:1914404 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:29608 Mterf1 621318 85261 MTERF1 736231 7978 HGNC Mterf1a 1615446 545725 MGI:1918240 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:21463 Mterf2 1311836 366856 MTERF2 1604591 80298 HGNC Mterf2 1551524 74238 MGI:1921488 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:30779 Mterf3 735158 299514 MTERF3 1603051 51001 HGNC Mterf3 1553838 66410 MGI:1913660 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:24258 Mterf4 1562440 363289 MTERF4 1602073 130916 HGNC Mterf4 1557136 69821 MGI:1918355 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:28785 Mtf1 1308956 362591 MTF1 1319031 4520 HGNC Mtf1 1319032 17764 MGI:101786 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:7428 Mtf2 1304727 360905 MTF2 1605093 22823 HGNC Mtf2 1332459 17765 MGI:105050 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:29535 Mtfmt 1309462 315763 MTFMT 1604246 123263 HGNC Mtfmt 1553284 69606 MGI:1916856 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:29666 Mtfp1 1359705 289745 MTFP1 1604816 51537 HGNC Mtfp1 1621541 67900 MGI:1916686 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:26945 Mtfr1 1304936 311403 MTFR1 1605712 9650 HGNC Mtfr1 1615107 67472 MGI:1914722 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:29510 Mtfr1l 1305453 298549 MTFR1L 1606533 56181 HGNC Mtfr1l 1332255 76824 MGI:1924074 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:28836 Mtfr2 6494892 100911069 MTFR2 1344625 113115 HGNC Mtfr2 1315955 71804 MGI:1919054 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:21115 Mtg1 6497155 100910751 MTG1 1603933 92170 HGNC Mtg1 1619019 212508 MGI:2685015 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:32159 Mtg2 1359243 296462 MTG2 1344224 26164 HGNC Mtg2 1550071 52856 MGI:106565 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:16239 Mthfd1 708531 64300 MTHFD1 732147 4522 HGNC Mthfd1 732148 108156 MGI:1342005 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:7432 Mthfd1l 1307311 361472 MTHFD1L 1342984 25902 HGNC Mthfd1l 1550697 270685 MGI:1924836 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:21055 Mthfd2 1311313 680308 MTHFD2 1322701 10797 RGD Mthfd2 1322702 17768 MGI:1338850 RGD HGNC:7434 Mthfd2l 1310879 305248 MTHFD2L 1345478 441024 HGNC Mthfd2l 1322032 665563 MGI:1915871 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:31865 Mthfr 1309952 362657 MTHFR 733483 4524 HGNC Mthfr 1551392 17769 MGI:106639 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:7436 Mthfs 1306876 300886 MTHFS 1315743 10588 HGNC Mthfs 1557764 107885 MGI:1340032 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:7437 Mthfsd 1584226 687539 MTHFSD 1604316 64779 HGNC Mthfsd 1617345 234814 MGI:2679252 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:25778 Mtif2 1303046 305606 MTIF2 1347555 4528 HGNC Mtif2 1552423 76784 MGI:1924034 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:7441 Mtif3 1592673 684274 MTIF3 1604201 219402 HGNC Mtif3 1616704 76366 MGI:1923616 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:29788 Mtln 10401149 106631776 MTLN 2303856 205251 HGNC Mtln 2292400 67885 MGI:1915135 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:27339 Mtm1 1304582 288762 MTM1 1312103 4534 HGNC Mtm1 1312104 17772 MGI:1099452 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:7448 Mtmr1 1306569 317296 MTMR1 1315259 8776 HGNC Mtmr1 1315260 53332 MGI:1858271 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:7449 Mtmr10 1305958 309255 MTMR10 1606536 54893 HGNC Mtmr10 1314296 233315 MGI:2142292 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:25999 Mtmr11 1589965 689613 MTMR11 1605703 10903 HGNC Mtmr11 1620644 194126 MGI:2652817 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:24307 Mtmr12 1307902 310155 MTMR12 1317364 54545 HGNC Mtmr12 1616472 268783 MGI:2443034 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:18191 Mtmr14 1304842 312634 MTMR14 1605051 64419 HGNC Mtmr14 1332381 97287 MGI:1916075 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:26190 Mtmr2 1311865 315422 MTMR2 1323545 8898 HGNC Mtmr2 1323546 77116 MGI:1924366 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:7450 Mtmr3 1310972 305482 MTMR3 1343929 8897 HGNC Mtmr3 1322176 74302 MGI:1921552 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:7451 Mtmr4 1310306 287607 MTMR4 1321134 9110 HGNC Mtmr4 1321135 170749 MGI:2180699 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:7452 Mtmr6 1305378 305935 MTMR6 1313370 9107 HGNC Mtmr6 1313371 219135 MGI:2145637 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:7453 Mtmr7 1306608 306490 MTMR7 1315320 9108 HGNC Mtmr7 1315321 54384 MGI:1891693 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:7454 Mtmr9 628840 282584 MTMR9 735915 66036 HGNC Mtmr9 735916 210376 MGI:2442842 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:14596 Mtnap1 1359207 287798 MTNAP1 1602883 55028 HGNC Mtnap1 1614083 276852 MGI:106356 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:29601 Mtnr1a 620797 114211 MTNR1A 1352571 4543 HGNC Mtnr1a 734169 17773 MGI:102967 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:7463 Mtnr1b 620798 192646 MTNR1B 736711 4544 HGNC Mtnr1b 733819 244701 MGI:2181726 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:7464 Mto1 1308830 300852 MTO1 1318828 25821 HGNC Mto1 1553062 68291 MGI:1915541 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:19261 Mtor 68371 56718 MTOR 68533 2475 HGNC Mtor 68534 56717 MGI:1928394 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:3942 Mtpap 1310900 307050 MTPAP 1322070 55149 HGNC Mtpap 1322071 67440 MGI:1914690 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:25532 Mtpn 619806 79215 MTPN 1603905 136319 HGNC Mtpn 732852 14489 MGI:99445 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:15667 Mtr 621283 81522 MTR 731933 4548 HGNC Mtr 1552179 238505 MGI:894292 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:7468 Mtres1 1597785 683897 MTRES1 1346285 51250 HGNC Mtres1 1622312 67851 MGI:1915101 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:17971 Mtrex 1305984 365668 MTREX 1606819 23517 HGNC Mtrex 1551388 72198 MGI:1919448 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:18734 Mtrf1 1584329 686234 MTRF1 1352853 9617 HGNC Mtrf1 1619022 211253 MGI:2384815 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:7469 Mtrf1l 1598312 361473 MTRF1L 1316759 54516 HGNC Mtrf1l 1552717 108853 MGI:1918830 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:21051 Mtrfr 1563482 498179 MTRFR 1605601 91574 HGNC Mtrfr 1615055 72650 MGI:1919900 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:26784 Mtrr 1308671 290947 MTRR 1318580 4552 HGNC Mtrr 1318581 210009 MGI:1891037 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:7473 Mtss1 1309883 362918 MTSS1 1320466 9788 HGNC Mtss1 1320467 211401 MGI:2384818 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:20443 Mtss2 1309731 307845 MTSS2 1603934 92154 HGNC Mtss2 1320228 244654 MGI:3039591 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:25094 Mttp 1308388 310900 MTTP 1318126 4547 HGNC Mttp 1318127 17777 MGI:106926 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:7467 Mturn 1549700 297109 MTURN 1603878 222166 HGNC Mturn 1619177 68235 MGI:1915485 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:25457 Mtus1 631381 306487 MTUS1 1343554 57509 HGNC Mtus1 736682 102103 MGI:2142572 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:29789 Mtus2 1562533 498136 MTUS2 1346037 23281 HGNC Mtus2 1617459 77521 MGI:1915388 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:20595 Mtx1 1559791 295241 MTX1 1351611 4580 HGNC Mtx1 1616851 17827 MGI:103025 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:7504 Mtx2 1306473 288150 MTX2 1315110 10651 HGNC Mtx2 1315111 53375 MGI:1859652 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:7506 Mtx3 1583002 688905 MTX3 1601695 345778 HGNC Mtx3 1611002 382793 MGI:2686040 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:24812 Muc1 3122 24571 MUC1 737252 4582 HGNC Muc1 10927 17829 MGI:97231 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:7508 Muc13 708547 207126 MUC13 1350619 56667 HGNC Muc13 1553384 17063 MGI:103190 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:7511 Muc15 1589864 690914 MUC15 1351658 143662 HGNC Muc15 1621993 269328 MGI:2442110 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:14956 Muc16 1308422 315451 MUC16 1346263 94025 HGNC Muc16 1318180 73732 MGI:1920982 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:15582 Muc19 1624205 497227 MUC19 1343631 283463 RGD Muc19 1320940 239611 MGI:2676278 RGD HGNC:14362 Muc2 3123 24572 MUC2 735987 4583 RGD Muc2 10928 17831 MGI:1339364 RGD HGNC:7512 Muc20 1304865 303886 MUC20 1312550 200958 HGNC Muc20 1312551 224116 MGI:2385039 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:23282 Muc3 3124 687030 MUC17 1312511 140453 HGNC Muc17 10929 666339 MGI:1203527 RGD HGNC:16800 Muc3a 6485223 100912943 MUC3A 736898 4584 RGD Muc3a 1619574 619309 MGI:3588263 RGD HGNC:7513 Muc4 621331 303887 MUC4 735893 4585 HGNC Muc4 735894 140474 MGI:2153525 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:7514 Muc5ac 62001 682837 MUC5AC 737024 4586 RGD Muc5ac 62293 17833 MGI:104697 RGD HGNC:7515 Muc5b 1561983 309114 MUC5B 1347084 727897 HGNC Muc5b 1623927 74180 MGI:1921430 RGD HGNC:7516 Muc6 628826 282586 MUC6 1353445 4588 HGNC Muc6 1552161 353328 MGI:2663233 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:7517 Mucl3 1303125 406199 MUCL3 1346376 135656 HGNC Mucl3 1614839 268949 MGI:2685476 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:21666 Mug1 621366 497794 Mug1 1557027 17836 MGI:99837 RGD Mug2 1302962 408236 PZP 736140 5858 HGNC Mug2 1616849 17837 MGI:99836 RGD HGNC:9750 Mul1 1309944 298576 MUL1 1606503 79594 HGNC Mul1 1320561 68350 MGI:1915600 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:25762 Mup18 1583727 500473 Mup18 2302848 100048884 MGI:3705220 RGD Mup4 735211 362527 Mup4 1552405 17843 MGI:97236 RGD Mus81 1311957 293678 MUS81 1323679 80198 HGNC Mus81 1323680 71711 MGI:1918961 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:29814 Musk 3211 81725 MUSK 731781 4593 HGNC Musk 11021 18198 MGI:103581 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:7525 Mustn1 727804 290553 MUSTN1 1352078 389125 HGNC Mustn1 1331916 66175 MGI:1913425 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:22144 Mutyh 620045 170841 MUTYH 731074 4595 HGNC Mutyh 731075 70603 MGI:1917853 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:7527 Mvb12a 735220 290635 MVB12A 1604253 93343 HGNC Mvb12a 1331926 73711 MGI:1920961 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:25153 Mvb12b 1309709 362118 MVB12B 1320196 89853 HGNC Mvb12b 1320197 72543 MGI:1919793 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:23368 Mvd 621292 81726 MVD 736074 4597 HGNC Mvd 736075 192156 MGI:2179327 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:7529 Mvk 621295 81727 MVK 732031 4598 HGNC Mvk 732032 17855 MGI:107624 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:7530 Mvp 70932 64681 MVP 732476 9961 HGNC Mvp 737022 78388 MGI:1925638 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:7531 Mx1 3127 24575 MX1 1353561 4599 RGD Mx1 1552414 17857 MGI:97243 RGD HGNC:7532 Mx2 628821 286918 MX2 1351068 4600 HGNC Mx2 1550081 17858 MGI:97244 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:7533 Mxd1 1564525 362391 MXD1 1353608 4084 HGNC Mxd1 1557837 17119 MGI:96908 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:6761 Mxd3 628624 252915 MXD3 734323 83463 RGD Mxd3 734324 17121 MGI:104987 RGD HGNC:14008 Mxd4 1305093 360961 MXD4 1312919 10608 RGD Mxd4 1312920 17122 MGI:104991 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:13906 Mxi1 3128 25701 MXI1 736546 4601 HGNC Mxi1 736547 17859 MGI:97245 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:7534 Mxra7 1594666 690599 MXRA7 1348883 439921 HGNC Mxra7 1623987 67622 MGI:1914872 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:7541 Mxra8 1359356 313770 MXRA8 1346231 54587 HGNC Mxra8 1550161 74761 MGI:1922011 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:7542 Myadm 727835 369016 MYADM 1353717 91663 HGNC Myadm 1552588 50918 MGI:1355332 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:7544 Myadml2 1311499 303744 MYADML2 2303467 255275 HGNC Myadml2 1322990 68515 MGI:1915765 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:34548 Myb 1560020 498982 MYB 1349179 4602 HGNC Myb 10933 17863 MGI:97249 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:7545 Mybbp1a 62062 60571 MYBBP1A 69133 10514 HGNC Mybbp1a 62354 18432 MGI:106181 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:7546 Mybl1 1306940 297783 MYBL1 1315840 4603 HGNC Mybl1 1315841 17864 MGI:99925 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:7547 Mybl2 1308474 296344 MYBL2 1318263 4605 HGNC Mybl2 1318264 17865 MGI:101785 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:7548 Mybpc1 735102 362867 MYBPC1 1351602 4604 HGNC Mybpc1 1550682 109272 MGI:1336213 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:7549 Mybpc2 1311596 292879 MYBPC2 1323136 4606 HGNC Mybpc2 1323137 233199 MGI:1336170 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:7550 Mybpc3 1305950 295929 MYBPC3 1314284 4607 HGNC Mybpc3 1314285 17868 MGI:102844 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:7551 Mybph 620287 83708 MYBPH 734272 4608 HGNC Mybph 734273 53311 MGI:1858196 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:7552 Mybphl 1310511 310782 MYBPHL 1606910 343263 HGNC Mybphl 1321455 68753 MGI:1916003 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:30434 Myc 3130 24577 MYC 731438 4609 HGNC Myc 10940 17869 MGI:97250 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:7553 Mycbp 2320727 100361133 MYCBP 1315945 26292 HGNC Mycbp 1315946 56309 MGI:1891750 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:7554 Mycbp2 1312048 290447 MYCBP2 1323830 23077 HGNC Mycbp2 1323831 105689 MGI:2179432 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:23386 Mycbpap 1359123 494192 MYCBPAP 1345665 84073 HGNC Mycbpap 1619049 104601 MGI:2388726 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:19677 Mycl 1588591 298506 MYCL 1346068 4610 HGNC Mycl 10941 16918 MGI:96799 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:7555 Mycn 1584995 298894 MYCN 1344499 4613 HGNC Mycn 1614446 18109 MGI:97357 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:7559 Myct1 1311467 292264 MYCT1 1322941 80177 HGNC Myct1 1322942 68632 MGI:1915882 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:23172 Myd88 735043 301059 MYD88 1345144 4615 HGNC Myd88 1551097 17874 MGI:108005 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:7562 Mydgf 1589603 501282 MYDGF 1345552 56005 HGNC Mydgf 1617591 28106 MGI:2156020 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:16948 Myef2 1306547 679712 MYEF2 1315223 50804 HGNC Myef2 1315224 17876 MGI:104592 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:17940 Myf5 1308322 299766 MYF5 1318025 4617 HGNC Myf5 1318026 17877 MGI:97252 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:7565 Myf6 3134 25714 MYF6 731932 4618 HGNC Myf6 10946 17878 MGI:97253 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:7566 Myg1 1359237 300258 MYG1 1350875 60314 HGNC Myg1 1557946 60315 MGI:1929864 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:17590 Myh1 735061 287408 MYH1 1350148 4619 HGNC Myh1 1550486 17879 MGI:1339711 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:7567 Myh10 71000 79433 MYH10 1353980 4628 HGNC Myh10 736408 77579 MGI:1930780 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:7568 Myh11 3136 24582 MYH11 737424 4629 HGNC Myh11 10947 17880 MGI:102643 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:7569 Myh13 3137 103693367 MYH13 737050 8735 HGNC Myh13 737051 544791 MGI:1339967 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:7571 Myh14 1306821 308572 MYH14 1315652 79784 HGNC Myh14 1315653 71960 MGI:1919210 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:23212 Myh15 1565858 303965 MYH15 1348086 22989 HGNC Myh15 1616922 667772 MGI:3643515 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:31073 Myh2 620354 691644 MYH2 1347033 4620 HGNC Myh2 1616843 17882 MGI:1339710 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:7572 Myh3 3138 24583 MYH3 731491 4621 HGNC Myh3 10950 17883 MGI:1339709 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:7573 Myh4 3139 360543 MYH4 1323747 4622 HGNC Myh4 1616842 17884 MGI:1339713 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:7574 Myh6 62029 29556 MYH6 737147 4624 HGNC Myh6 733823 17888 MGI:97255 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:7576 Myh7 62030 29557 MYH7 736718 4625 HGNC Myh7 62322 140781 MGI:2155600 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:7577 Myh7b 1307994 311570 MYH7B 1317507 57644 HGNC Myh7b 1625474 668940 MGI:3710243 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:15906 Myh8 620356 252942 MYH8 1345305 4626 HGNC Myh8 1616841 17885 MGI:1339712 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:7578 Myh9 3140 25745 MYH9 732401 4627 RGD Myh9 732402 17886 MGI:107717 RGD HGNC:7579 Myl1 1598796 56781 MYL1 733783 4632 HGNC Myl1 1557603 17901 MGI:97269 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:7582 Myl10 1561258 501831 MYL10 1603931 93408 RGD Myl10 1557470 59310 MGI:1891705 RGD HGNC:29825 Myl11 3141 24584 MYL11 1603646 29895 HGNC Mylpf 1615959 17907 MGI:97273 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:29824 Myl12a 1309537 501203 MYL12A 1606574 10627 HGNC Myl12a 1319927 67268 MGI:1914518 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:16701 Myl12b 628855 50685 MYL12B 1601728 103910 HGNC Myl12b 1332202 67938 MGI:107494 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:29827 Myl2 1564245 363925 MYL2 737270 4633 HGNC Myl2 737271 17906 MGI:97272 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:7583 Myl3 3142 24585 MYL3 736456 4634 HGNC Myl3 736457 17897 MGI:97268 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:7584 Myl4 1591197 688228 MYL4 1350723 4635 RGD Myl4 1616840 17896 MGI:97267 RGD HGNC:7585 Myl6 1589019 685867 MYL6 1313756 4637 RGD Myl6 1313757 17904 MGI:109318 RGD HGNC:7587 Myl6b 1560334 317454 MYL6B 1606964 140465 HGNC Myl6b 1320702 216459 MGI:1917789 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:29823 Myl7 1308262 289759 MYL7 1317934 58498 HGNC Myl7 1317935 17898 MGI:107495 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:21719 Myl9 1311235 296313 MYL9 1322585 10398 HGNC Myl9 1322586 98932 MGI:2138915 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:15754 Mylip 1305761 306825 MYLIP 1313988 29116 HGNC Mylip 1313989 218203 MGI:2388271 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:21155 Mylk 1310915 288057 MYLK 1322095 4638 RGD Mylk 1616651 107589 MGI:894806 RGD HGNC:7590 Mylk2 620934 117558 MYLK2 737455 85366 HGNC Mylk2 737456 228785 MGI:2139434 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:16243 Mylk3 1305801 291926 MYLK3 1604762 91807 HGNC Mylk3 1331868 213435 MGI:2443063 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:29826 Mylk4 6494757 100911165 MYLK4 1604705 340156 HGNC Mylk4 1618950 238564 MGI:3643758 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:27972 Mymk 1306074 296601 MYMK 3302829 389827 HGNC Mymk 1314480 66139 MGI:1913389 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:33778 Mymx 11426996 108352018 MYMX 12904116 101929726 HGNC Mymx 1620251 653016 MGI:3649059 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:52391 Mynn 1307889 361924 MYNN 1317346 55892 HGNC Mynn 1317347 80732 MGI:1931415 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:14955 Myo10 1307193 310178 MYO10 1316238 4651 HGNC Myo10 1316239 17909 MGI:107716 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:7593 Myo15a 1561873 501699 MYO15A 1343693 51168 HGNC Myo15a 1615958 17910 MGI:1261811 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:7594 Myo15b 1597365 690323 MYO15B 1345573 80022 HGNC Myo15b 1622105 217328 MGI:2685534 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:14083 Myo16 621561 192253 MYO16 1604637 23026 HGNC Myo16 1614883 244281 MGI:2685951 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:29822 Myo18a 1562698 360570 MYO18A 1605490 399687 HGNC Myo18a 1322233 360013 MGI:2667185 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:31104 Myo18b 1594542 304551 MYO18B 1349934 84700 HGNC Myo18b 1557058 74376 MGI:1921626 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:18150 Myo19 1559961 497974 MYO19 1352895 80179 HGNC Myo19 1557289 66196 MGI:1913446 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:26234 Myo1a 3135 299509 MYO1A 1345169 4640 HGNC Myo1a 70079 432516 MGI:107732 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:7595 Myo1b 70994 117057 MYO1B 735320 4430 RGD Myo1b 731319 17912 MGI:107752 RGD HGNC:7596 Myo1c 620443 65261 MYO1C 737188 4641 HGNC Myo1c 10960 17913 MGI:106612 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:7597 Myo1d 621321 25485 MYO1D 1349117 4642 HGNC Myo1d 1621206 338367 MGI:107728 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:7598 Myo1e 3144 25484 MYO1E 1350355 4643 HGNC Myo1e 10959 71602 MGI:106621 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:7599 Myo1f 1309750 314654 MYO1F 1320254 4542 HGNC Myo1f 1551347 17916 MGI:107711 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:7600 Myo1g 1306016 289785 MYO1G 1314390 64005 HGNC Myo1g 1314391 246177 MGI:1927091 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:13880 Myo1h 1596237 687866 MYO1H 1350940 283446 HGNC Myo1h 1622075 231646 MGI:1914674 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:13879 Myo3a 1560083 498806 MYO3A 1349635 53904 HGNC Myo3a 1557290 667663 MGI:2183924 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:7601 Myo3b 1560313 366069 MYO3B 1352249 140469 HGNC Myo3b 1619701 329421 MGI:2448580 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:15576 Myo5a 3143 25017 MYO5A 731453 4644 HGNC Myo5a 731454 17918 MGI:105976 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:7602 Myo5b 621347 25132 MYO5B 736652 4645 HGNC Myo5b 10962 17919 MGI:106598 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:7603 Myo5c 1309994 315820 MYO5C 1320640 55930 HGNC Myo5c 1551407 208943 MGI:2442485 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:7604 Myo6 1560646 315840 MYO6 1352294 4646 HGNC Myo6 1557473 17920 MGI:104785 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:7605 Myo7a 628830 266714 MYO7A 732206 4647 HGNC Myo7a 732207 17921 MGI:104510 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:7606 Myo7b 1561153 498834 MYO7B 1352567 4648 HGNC Myo7b 1557767 17922 MGI:107709 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:7607 Myo9a 621395 171296 MYO9A 732261 4649 HGNC Myo9a 1551281 270163 MGI:107735 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:7608 Myo9b 3146 25486 MYO9B 736717 4650 HGNC Myo9b 10961 17925 MGI:106624 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:7609 Myoc 620430 81523 MYOC 737429 4653 HGNC Myoc 734341 17926 MGI:1202864 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:7610 Myocd 631347 246297 MYOCD 1344327 93649 HGNC Myocd 1614957 214384 MGI:2137495 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:16067 Myod1 631429 337868 MYOD1 1353183 4654 HGNC Myod1 1332500 17927 MGI:97275 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:7611 Myof 1564216 309499 MYOF 1343142 26509 HGNC Myof 1557416 226101 MGI:1919192 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:3656 Myog 620432 29148 MYOG 736712 4656 HGNC Myog 736713 17928 MGI:97276 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:7612 Myom1 631436 316740 MYOM1 1346217 8736 HGNC Myom1 1558449 17929 MGI:1341430 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:7613 Myom2 631437 306616 MYOM2 1343651 9172 HGNC Myom2 1332168 17930 MGI:1328358 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:7614 Myom3 1310060 313625 MYOM3 1320744 127294 HGNC Myom3 1320745 242702 MGI:2685280 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:26679 Myorg 1309821 366360 MYORG 1320364 57462 HGNC Myorg 1320365 329828 MGI:2140300 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:19918 Myot 1310569 291605 MYOT 1321551 9499 RGD Myot 1620853 58916 MGI:1889800 RGD HGNC:12399 Myoz1 1561064 498440 MYOZ1 1351397 58529 HGNC Myoz1 1557747 59011 MGI:1929471 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:13752 Myoz2 1307669 295426 MYOZ2 1316992 51778 HGNC Myoz2 1316993 59006 MGI:1913063 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:1330 Myoz3 1594778 689274 MYOZ3 1318422 91977 HGNC Myoz3 1318423 170947 MGI:2179296 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:18565 Mypn 1308510 309760 MYPN 1318320 84665 HGNC Mypn 1551017 68802 MGI:1916052 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:23246 Mypop 1565160 499090 MYPOP 1606912 339344 HGNC Mypop 1557799 232934 MGI:2446472 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:20178 Myrf 1306622 293736 MYRF 1315345 745 HGNC Myrf 1615698 225908 MGI:2684944 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:1181 Myrfl 1562127 362879 MYRFL 1603259 196446 HGNC Myrfl 1616532 237558 MGI:2685085 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:26316 Myrip 727731 360034 MYRIP 1351320 25924 HGNC Myrip 1552941 245049 MGI:2384407 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:19156 Mysm1 1311787 298247 MYSM1 1602839 114803 HGNC Mysm1 1551048 320713 MGI:2444584 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:29401 Myt1 1304899 362291 MYT1 1312603 4661 HGNC Myt1 1312604 17932 MGI:1100535 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:7622 Myt1l 620550 116668 MYT1L 731726 23040 HGNC Myt1l 731727 17933 MGI:1100511 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:7623 Myzap 1359197 363091 MYZAP 5509958 100820829 RGD Myzap 1616660 102371 MGI:2142908 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:43444 Mzb1 1310251 291675 MZB1 1605681 51237 HGNC Mzb1 1321042 69816 MGI:1917066 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:30125 Mzf1 1308391 361508 MZF1 1318132 7593 HGNC Mzf1 1318133 109889 MGI:107457 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:13108 Mzt1 1592140 692032 MZT1 2300357 440145 HGNC Mzt1 1623893 76789 MGI:1924039 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:33830 Mzt2b 1308126 287929 MZT2A 1603721 653784 HGNC Mzt2 1317718 72083 MGI:1922845 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:33187 N4bp1 1305179 291921 N4BP1 1605706 9683 HGNC N4bp1 1313053 80750 MGI:2136825 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:29850 N4bp2 1565738 305342 N4BP2 1603992 55728 HGNC N4bp2 1616417 333789 MGI:2684414 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:29851 N4bp2l1 1595713 498131 N4BP2L1 1604555 90634 HGNC N4bp2l1 1332467 100637 MGI:2140872 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:25037 N4bp2l2 1359603 288416 N4BP2L2 1603408 10443 HGNC N4bp2l2 1617945 381695 MGI:2687207 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:26916 N4bp3 1308356 303112 N4BP3 4145242 23138 RGD N4bp3 1318079 212706 MGI:2442218 RGD HGNC:29852 N6amt1 1311843 288309 N6AMT1 1323512 29104 HGNC N6amt1 1323513 67768 MGI:1915018 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:16021 Naa10 1565315 363518 NAA10 1349422 8260 HGNC Naa10 1556999 56292 MGI:1915255 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:18704 Naa11 1564723 289482 NAA11 1625645 84779 HGNC Naa11 1615782 97243 MGI:2141314 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:28125 Naa15 1310984 310399 NAA15 1343133 80155 HGNC Naa15 1322194 74838 MGI:1922088 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:30782 Naa16 1584324 686240 NAA16 1606244 79612 HGNC Naa16 1620030 66897 MGI:1914147 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:26164 Naa20 1307713 362228 NAA20 1317063 51126 HGNC Naa20 1317064 67877 MGI:1915127 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:15908 Naa25 1305685 360811 NAA25 1605042 80018 HGNC Naa25 1313860 231713 MGI:2442563 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:25783 Naa30 1559923 498489 NAA30 1346528 122830 HGNC Naa30 1558569 70646 MGI:1922259 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:19844 Naa35 621771 64472 NAA35 1347911 60560 HGNC Naa35 732697 78689 MGI:1925939 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:24340 Naa38 1559617 287429 NAA38 1603947 84316 HGNC Naa38 1558416 78304 MGI:1925554 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:28212 Naa40 1565838 361718 NAA40 1602685 79829 HGNC Naa40 1557405 70999 MGI:1918249 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:25845 Naa50 1310944 288108 NAA50 1322131 80218 HGNC Naa50 1322132 72117 MGI:1919367 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:29533 Naa60 1308915 363545 NAA60 1605347 79903 HGNC Naa60 1318957 74763 MGI:1922013 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:25875 Naa80 6496422 100910872 NAA80 1350941 24142 HGNC Naa80 1620066 56441 MGI:1888902 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:30252 Naaa 1307267 497009 NAAA 1316359 27163 HGNC Naaa 1557586 67111 MGI:1914361 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:736 Naalad2 1305872 300384 NAALAD2 1314164 10003 HGNC Naalad2 1314165 72560 MGI:1919810 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:14526 Naaladl1 620987 83568 NAALADL1 732561 10004 HGNC Naaladl1 1621199 381204 MGI:2685810 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:23536 Naaladl2 1565147 499583 NAALADL2 1606935 254827 HGNC Naaladl2 1623455 635702 MGI:2685867 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:23219 Nab1 70882 64824 NAB1 736700 4664 HGNC Nab1 733808 17936 MGI:107564 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:7626 Nab2 1311712 314910 NAB2 1323313 4665 HGNC Nab2 1323314 17937 MGI:107563 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:7627 Nabp1 1306658 363227 NABP1 1603967 64859 HGNC Nabp1 1331947 109019 MGI:1923258 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:26232 Nabp2 1308158 362813 NABP2 1601970 79035 HGNC Nabp2 1331927 69917 MGI:1917167 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:28412 Naca 1308642 288770 NACA 1318533 4666 HGNC Naca 1557413 17938 MGI:106095 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:7629 Nacad 1559824 289786 NACAD 1625090 23148 HGNC Nacad 1619897 192950 MGI:3603030 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:22196 Nacc1 621003 171454 NACC1 732621 112939 HGNC Nacc1 732622 66830 MGI:1914080 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:20967 Nacc2 1309292 296583 NACC2 1319559 138151 HGNC Nacc2 1319560 67991 MGI:1915241 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:23846 Nadk 1642420 100125370 NADK 1606514 65220 HGNC Nadk 1615744 192185 MGI:2183149 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:29831 Nadk2 1306809 365699 NADK2 1604237 133686 HGNC Nadk2 1315634 68646 MGI:1915896 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:26404 Nadsyn1 727801 353255 NADSYN1 1602697 55191 HGNC Nadsyn1 1556961 78914 MGI:1926164 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:29832 Nae1 619945 84019 NAE1 733941 8883 HGNC Nae1 736896 234664 MGI:2384561 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:621 Naf1 1306802 306387 NAF1 1606990 92345 HGNC Naf1 1315623 234344 MGI:2682306 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:25126 Naga 1306025 315165 NAGA 1314403 4668 HGNC Naga 1314404 17939 MGI:1261422 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:7631 Nagk 1305057 297393 NAGK 1312859 55577 HGNC Nagk 1312860 56174 MGI:1860418 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:17174 Naglu 1564228 360630 NAGLU 1351904 4669 HGNC Naglu 1623263 27419 MGI:1351641 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:7632 Nagpa 1308972 360476 NAGPA 1319056 51172 HGNC Nagpa 1319057 27426 MGI:1351598 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:17378 Nags 1565783 303563 NAGS 1349520 162417 HGNC Nags 1557286 217214 MGI:2387600 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:17996 Naif1 1597546 687739 NAIF1 1348051 203245 HGNC Naif1 1615854 71254 MGI:1918504 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:25446 Naip6 621281 191568 NAIP 1343112 4671 HGNC Naip2 1552321 17948 MGI:1298226 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:7634 Nalcn 628710 266760 NALCN 733715 259232 HGNC Nalcn 1621205 338370 MGI:2444306 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:19082 Nalf1 1559498 498667 NALF1 2293495 728215 HGNC Nalf1 1616470 270028 MGI:2142765 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:33877 Nalf2 1584125 688841 NALF2 1350785 27112 HGNC Nalf2 1620324 620592 MGI:3648377 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:30701 Nampt 631365 297508 NAMPT 1351636 10135 HGNC Nampt 1332214 59027 MGI:1929865 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:30092 Nanog 1303178 414065 NANOG 1347686 79923 HGNC Nanog 1553059 71950 MGI:1919200 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:20857 Nanos1 1308194 365494 NANOS1 1317831 340719 HGNC Nanos1 1317832 332397 MGI:2669254 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:23044 Nanos2 1562436 365213 NANOS2 1354099 339345 HGNC Nanos2 1622821 378430 MGI:2676627 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:23292 Nanos3 1306672 288909 NANOS3 1315421 342977 HGNC Nanos3 1315422 244551 MGI:2675387 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:22048 Nanp 1306009 311530 NANP 1345004 140838 HGNC Nanp 1551900 67311 MGI:1914561 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:16140 Nans 1311943 298071 NANS 1323660 54187 HGNC Nans 1323661 94181 MGI:2149820 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:19237 Nap1l1 71094 89825 NAP1L1 737279 4673 HGNC Nap1l1 732628 53605 MGI:1855693 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:7637 Nap1l2 1563260 317247 NAP1L2 1345486 4674 HGNC Nap1l2 1558258 17954 MGI:106654 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:7638 Nap1l3 620990 170914 NAP1L3 1343656 4675 HGNC Nap1l3 734361 54561 MGI:1859565 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:7639 Nap1l4 1305391 361684 NAP1L4 1313394 4676 HGNC Nap1l4 1313395 17955 MGI:1316687 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:7640 Nap1l5 1584123 688843 NAP1L5 1348887 266812 HGNC Nap1l5 1615911 58243 MGI:1923555 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:19968 Napa 620855 140673 NAPA 733353 8775 HGNC Napa 733354 108124 MGI:104563 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:7641 Napb 1589649 499903 NAPB 1317299 63908 HGNC Napb 1317300 17957 MGI:104562 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:15751 Napepld 735197 296757 NAPEPLD 1603533 222236 HGNC Napepld 1615640 242864 MGI:2140885 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:21683 Napg 1310109 307382 NAPG 1320824 8774 HGNC Napg 1551440 108123 MGI:104561 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:7642 Naprt 1302945 315085 NAPRT 1602193 93100 HGNC Naprt 1558072 223646 MGI:2442664 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:30450 Napsa 61940 60575 NAPSA 1347374 9476 HGNC Napsa 62233 16541 MGI:109365 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:13395 Narf 1310894 360681 NARF 1605690 26502 HGNC Narf 1322059 67608 MGI:1914858 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:29916 Nars1 1307238 291556 NARS1 1316312 4677 HGNC Nars1 1316313 70223 MGI:1917473 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:7643 Nars2 1305145 293128 NARS2 1605947 79731 HGNC Nars2 1313005 244141 MGI:2142075 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:26274 Nasp 1359609 298441 NASP 1605124 4678 HGNC Nasp 1552828 50927 MGI:1355328 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:7644 Nat1 70490 116631 NAT1 1344668 9 RGD Nat1 735739 17960 MGI:97279 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:7645 Nat10 1306717 311257 NAT10 1605376 55226 HGNC Nat10 1315495 98956 MGI:2138939 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:29830 Nat14 1565991 361500 NAT14 1601749 57106 HGNC Nat14 1618012 269854 MGI:3039561 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:28918 Nat2 70492 116632 NAT2 732527 10 RGD Nat2 732528 17961 MGI:109201 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:7646 Nat8 621609 64570 NAT8 1350744 9027 RGD Nat8 736259 68396 MGI:1915646 RGD HGNC:18069 Nat8b 621605 171084 NAT8B 1605078 51471 RGD Nat8b-ps 1614716 434057 MGI:3644831 RGD HGNC:30235 Nat8f1 621606 59300 Nat8f1 1551627 66116 MGI:1913366 RGD Nat8f2 1561619 500237 Nat8f2 1623877 93673 MGI:2136446 RGD Nat8f3 621607 113892 Nat8f3 732676 93674 MGI:2136449 RGD Nat8f4 7636572 102549803 Nat8f4 1558513 75541 MGI:1922791 RGD Nat8f5 621610 114020 Nat8f5 735696 69049 MGI:1916299 RGD Nat8l 1305719 289727 NAT8L 1602409 339983 HGNC Nat8l 1313916 269642 MGI:2447776 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:26742 Nat9 1307096 303669 NAT9 1606805 26151 HGNC Nat9 1551508 66176 MGI:1913426 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:23133 Natd1 1307740 363614 NATD1 1606417 256302 HGNC Natd1 1317109 24083 MGI:1344388 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:30770 Nav1 1590261 685707 NAV1 1315590 89796 HGNC Nav1 1315591 215690 MGI:2183683 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:15989 Nav2 619778 171563 NAV2 1320655 89797 HGNC Nav2 1619832 78286 MGI:2183691 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:15997 Nav3 1306259 314814 NAV3 1314915 89795 HGNC Nav3 1621252 260315 MGI:2183703 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:15998 Naxd 1562691 361185 NAXD 1601864 55739 HGNC Naxd 1557905 69225 MGI:1913353 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:25576 Naxe 1304699 295229 NAXE 1312295 128240 HGNC Naxe 1312296 246703 MGI:2180167 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:18453 Nbas 1585140 690073 NBAS 1604810 51594 HGNC Nbas 1557815 71169 MGI:1918419 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:15625 Nbdy 402460988 134484180 NBDY 8662134 550643 NCBI Nbdy 1614330 70123 MGI:1917373 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:50713 Nbea 1562629 361948 NBEA 1323716 26960 HGNC Nbea 1323717 26422 MGI:1347075 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:7648 Nbeal1 1594799 689253 NBEAL1 1349211 65065 RGD Nbeal1 1623724 269198 MGI:2444343 RGD HGNC:20681 Nbeal2 1306501 316014 NBEAL2 1604049 23218 RGD Nbeal2 1551459 235627 MGI:2448554 RGD HGNC:31928 Nbl1 3151 50594 NBL1 736912 4681 HGNC Nbl1 736913 17965 MGI:104591 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:7650 Nbn 621420 85482 NBN 1348611 4683 HGNC Nbn 732723 27354 MGI:1351625 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:7652 Nbr1 69195 303554 NBR1 1322877 4077 HGNC Nbr1 69459 17966 MGI:108498 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:6746 Ncald 1560287 553106 NCALD 1348281 83988 HGNC Ncald 1620075 52589 MGI:1196326 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:7655 Ncam1 67378 24586 NCAM1 734022 4684 HGNC Ncam1 736988 17967 MGI:97281 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:7656 Ncam2 1303131 288280 NCAM2 1342930 4685 HGNC Ncam2 1550856 17968 MGI:97282 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:7657 Ncan 619941 58982 NCAN 1344259 1463 RGD Ncan 736053 13004 MGI:104694 RGD HGNC:2465 Ncapd2 1562596 362438 NCAPD2 1604840 9918 HGNC Ncapd2 1558524 68298 MGI:1915548 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:24305 Ncapd3 1562176 315508 NCAPD3 1603696 23310 HGNC Ncapd3 1558356 78658 MGI:2142989 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:28952 Ncapg 1562646 305392 NCAPG 1605960 64151 HGNC Ncapg 1608855 54392 MGI:1930197 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:24304 Ncapg2 1308406 362798 NCAPG2 1603208 54892 HGNC Ncapg2 1550874 76044 MGI:1923294 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:21904 Ncaph 1596799 680089 NCAPH 1352198 23397 HGNC Ncaph 1617383 215387 MGI:2444777 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:1112 Ncaph2 1565937 300149 NCAPH2 1601870 29781 HGNC Ncaph2 1619218 52683 MGI:1289164 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:25071 Ncbp1 1308973 298075 NCBP1 1319058 4686 HGNC Ncbp1 1617160 433702 MGI:1891840 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:7658 Ncbp2 1596188 689116 NCBP2 1313360 22916 HGNC Ncbp2 1313361 68092 MGI:1915342 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:7659 Ncbp2as2 41269461 120095671 NCBP2AS2 2291780 152217 HGNC Ncbp2as2 2292395 106264 MGI:1913301 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:25121 Ncbp3 1308139 360563 NCBP3 1604808 55421 HGNC Ncbp3 1317739 66874 MGI:1914124 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:24612 Nccrp1 1305932 292755 NCCRP1 1602046 342897 HGNC Nccrp1 1314256 233038 MGI:2685009 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:33739 Ncdn 621734 89791 NCDN 734133 23154 HGNC Ncdn 734134 26562 MGI:1347351 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:17597 Nceh1 1311104 294930 NCEH1 1606253 57552 HGNC Nceh1 1552527 320024 MGI:2443191 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:29260 Ncf1 61307 114553 NCF1 1348698 653361 HGNC Ncf1 734055 17969 MGI:97283 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:7660 Ncf2 1309424 364018 NCF2 1319760 4688 HGNC Ncf2 1319761 17970 MGI:97284 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:7661 Ncf4 1593157 500904 NCF4 1314271 4689 HGNC Ncf4 1314272 17972 MGI:109186 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:7662 Nck1 1310688 300955 NCK1 1321736 4690 HGNC Nck1 1321737 17973 MGI:109601 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:7664 Nck2 1305965 316369 NCK2 1314306 8440 HGNC Nck2 1314307 17974 MGI:1306821 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:7665 Nckap1 61939 58823 NCKAP1 732467 10787 HGNC Nckap1 62232 50884 MGI:1355333 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:7666 Nckap1l 1312032 315348 NCKAP1L 1323803 3071 HGNC Nckap1l 1619908 105855 MGI:1926063 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:4862 Nckap5 1564507 363974 NCKAP5 1625092 344148 HGNC Nckap5 1615726 210356 MGI:2686394 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:29847 Nckap5l 1561571 315297 NCKAP5L 1605652 57701 HGNC Nckap5l 1623680 380969 MGI:3609653 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:29321 Nckipsd 1311323 301009 NCKIPSD 1322714 51517 HGNC Nckipsd 1322715 80987 MGI:1931834 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:15486 Ncl 3153 25135 NCL 1342988 4691 HGNC Ncl 1553077 17975 MGI:97286 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:7667 Ncln 1309355 314648 NCLN 1343218 56926 HGNC Ncln 1618256 103425 MGI:1926081 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:26923 Ncmap 1587554 689826 NCMAP 1606072 400746 HGNC Ncmap 1618155 230822 MGI:2444888 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:29332 Ncoa1 1309046 313929 NCOA1 1319167 8648 HGNC Ncoa1 1319168 17977 MGI:1276523 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:7668 Ncoa2 620108 83724 NCOA2 732737 10499 HGNC Ncoa2 732738 17978 MGI:1276533 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:7669 Ncoa3 620109 84584 NCOA3 1344181 8202 HGNC Ncoa3 732296 17979 MGI:1276535 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:7670 Ncoa4 1563014 619385 NCOA4 1348400 8031 HGNC Ncoa4 1615936 27057 MGI:1350932 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:7671 Ncoa5 1307702 296372 NCOA5 1317043 57727 HGNC Ncoa5 1317044 228869 MGI:2385165 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:15909 Ncoa6 620111 116464 NCOA6 735677 23054 HGNC Ncoa6 735678 56406 MGI:1929915 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:15936 Ncoa7 1566426 498995 NCOA7 1603583 135112 HGNC Ncoa7 1557252 211329 MGI:2444847 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:21081 Ncor1 3612 54299 NCOR1 730890 9611 HGNC Ncor1 730891 20185 MGI:1349717 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:7672 Ncor2 1310293 360801 NCOR2 1321111 9612 HGNC Ncor2 1321112 20602 MGI:1337080 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:7673 Ncr1 621288 117547 NCR1 1348186 9437 HGNC Ncr1 733815 17086 MGI:1336212 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:6731 Ncr2 1311406 367216 NCR2 1342633 9436 RGD A530064D06Rik 1322853 328830 MGI:2443476 RGD HGNC:6732 Ncr3 727881 294251 NCR3 1353948 259197 HGNC Ncr3-ps 1617714 667612 MGI:2149332 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:19077 Ncr3lg1 1588614 691092 NCR3LG1 1601692 374383 HGNC HGNC:42400 Ncs1 68417 65153 NCS1 68618 23413 HGNC Ncs1 68619 14299 MGI:109166 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:3953 Ncstn 631418 289231 NCSTN 1351739 23385 HGNC Ncstn 1551174 59287 MGI:1891700 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:17091 Ndc1 1560173 362557 NDC1 1601865 55706 HGNC Ndc1 1614307 72787 MGI:1920037 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:25525 Ndc80 1310154 301701 NDC80 1320890 10403 HGNC Ndc80 1320891 67052 MGI:1914302 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:16909 Nde1 620038 83836 NDE1 1348797 54820 HGNC Nde1 1332410 67203 MGI:1914453 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:17619 Ndel1 621235 170845 NDEL1 1352165 81565 HGNC Ndel1 732510 83431 MGI:1932915 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:17620 Ndfip1 1310053 291609 NDFIP1 1320732 80762 HGNC Ndfip1 1320733 65113 MGI:1929601 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:17592 Ndfip2 1309716 361089 NDFIP2 1320205 54602 HGNC Ndfip2 1320206 76273 MGI:1923523 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:18537 Ndn 1310526 308690 NDN 1321479 4692 HGNC Ndn 1321480 17984 MGI:97290 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:7675 Ndnf 1311080 312401 NDNF 1606239 79625 HGNC Ndnf 1332106 68169 MGI:1915419 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:26256 Ndor1 1308479 311799 NDOR1 1318271 27158 HGNC Ndor1 1318272 78797 MGI:1926047 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:29838 Ndp 1563968 363443 NDP 1343189 4693 HGNC Ndp 1558298 17986 MGI:102570 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:7678 Ndrg1 1307303 299923 NDRG1 1316419 10397 HGNC Ndrg1 1316420 17988 MGI:1341799 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:7679 Ndrg2 621874 171114 NDRG2 732058 57447 HGNC Ndrg2 732059 29811 MGI:1352498 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:14460 Ndrg3 1359424 296318 NDRG3 1315300 57446 RGD Ndrg3 1557954 29812 MGI:1352499 RGD HGNC:14462 Ndrg4 621593 64457 NDRG4 1353588 65009 HGNC Ndrg4 1332043 234593 MGI:2384590 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:14466 Ndst1 69303 29633 NDST1 733822 3340 HGNC Ndst1 736720 15531 MGI:104719 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:7680 Ndst2 1304700 114002 NDST2 1312297 8509 RGD Ndst2 1312298 17423 MGI:97040 RGD HGNC:7681 Ndst3 1310960 295430 NDST3 1322156 9348 HGNC Ndst3 1322157 83398 MGI:1932544 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:7682 Ndst4 1306531 362035 NDST4 1315201 64579 HGNC Ndst4 1315202 64580 MGI:1932545 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:20779 Ndufa1 1560955 363441 NDUFA1 1350497 4694 HGNC Ndufa1 1615142 54405 MGI:1929511 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:7683 Ndufa10 727968 678759 NDUFA10 1351390 4705 RGD Ndufa10 1553782 67273 MGI:1914523 RGD HGNC:7684 Ndufa11 1303292 301123 NDUFA11 1353803 126328 HGNC Ndufa11 1553646 69875 MGI:1917125 RGD HGNC:20371 Ndufa12 1311462 299739 NDUFA12 1603389 55967 RGD Ndufa12 1552514 66414 MGI:1913664 RGD HGNC:23987 Ndufa13 6492821 100911483 NDUFA13 1606289 51079 HGNC Ndufa13 1557595 67184 MGI:1914434 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:17194 Ndufa2 1309997 291660 NDUFA2 1320645 4695 HGNC Ndufa2 1320646 17991 MGI:1343103 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:7685 Ndufa3 1588687 691001 NDUFA3 1323447 4696 RGD Ndufa3 1323448 66091 MGI:1913341 RGD HGNC:7686 Ndufa4 1584719 681024 NDUFA4 1352480 4697 HGNC Ndufa4 1615952 17992 MGI:107686 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:7687 Ndufa4l2 2324558 100362331 NDUFA4L2 1601990 56901 HGNC Ndufa4l2 1617178 407790 MGI:3039567 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:29836 Ndufa5 3155 25488 NDUFA5 735249 4698 HGNC Ndufa5 731254 68202 MGI:1915452 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:7688 Ndufa6 1309818 315167 NDUFA6 1320359 4700 HGNC Ndufa6 1320360 67130 MGI:1914380 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:7690 Ndufa7 1304597 299643 NDUFA7 1312128 4701 RGD Ndufa7 1312129 66416 MGI:1913666 RGD HGNC:7691 Ndufa8 1306283 296658 NDUFA8 1314815 4702 HGNC Ndufa8 1314816 68375 MGI:1915625 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:7692 Ndufa9 1307307 362440 NDUFA9 1316424 4704 HGNC Ndufa9 1316425 66108 MGI:1913358 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:7693 Ndufab1 1305619 293453 NDUFAB1 1313754 4706 RGD Ndufab1 1313755 70316 MGI:1917566 RGD HGNC:7694 Ndufaf1 1306202 296086 NDUFAF1 1314685 51103 HGNC Ndufaf1 1314686 69702 MGI:1916952 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:18828 Ndufaf2 1560158 361894 NDUFAF2 1604552 91942 HGNC Ndufaf2 1557755 75597 MGI:1922847 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:28086 Ndufaf3 708545 56769 NDUFAF3 1601767 25915 HGNC Ndufaf3 732122 66706 MGI:1913956 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:29918 Ndufaf4 735162 362495 NDUFAF4 1343021 29078 HGNC Ndufaf4 1550117 68493 MGI:1915743 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:21034 Ndufaf5 1309829 296190 NDUFAF5 1603963 79133 HGNC Ndufaf5 1320380 69487 MGI:1916737 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:15899 Ndufaf6 1309085 297821 NDUFAF6 1603903 137682 HGNC Ndufaf6 1332397 76947 MGI:1924197 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:28625 Ndufaf7 1311578 298748 NDUFAF7 1602217 55471 HGNC Ndufaf7 1323110 73694 MGI:1920944 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:28816 Ndufaf8 1590963 690871 NDUFAF8 1626571 284184 HGNC Ndufaf8 1619885 208501 MGI:1913676 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:33551 Ndufb1 6487218 100912357 NDUFB1 1350721 4707 RGD Ndufb1 2299608 102631912 MGI:3780865 RGD HGNC:7695 Ndufb10 1310782 681418 NDUFB10 1321883 4716 HGNC Ndufb10 1321884 68342 MGI:1915592 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:7696 Ndufb11 1563698 299310 NDUFB11 1347474 54539 HGNC Ndufb11 1623052 104130 MGI:1349919 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:20372 Ndufb11b 1306782 300091 Ndufb11b 1315595 66346 MGI:1913596 RGD Ndufb2 1308130 362344 NDUFB2 1317724 4708 HGNC Ndufb2 1317725 68198 MGI:1915448 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:7697 Ndufb3 1310737 301427 NDUFB3 1321815 4709 RGD Ndufb3 1321816 66495 MGI:1913745 RGD HGNC:7698 Ndufb4 1307072 288088 NDUFB4 1316046 4710 RGD Ndufb4 1550639 68194 MGI:1915444 RGD HGNC:7699 Ndufb5 1305909 294964 NDUFB5 1314222 4711 HGNC Ndufb5 1314223 66046 MGI:1913296 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:7700 Ndufb6 1311354 297990 NDUFB6 1322768 4712 HGNC Ndufb6 1614168 230075 MGI:2684983 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:7701 Ndufb7 1308550 361385 NDUFB7 1318388 4713 HGNC Ndufb7 1318389 66916 MGI:1914166 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:7702 Ndufb8 1309129 293991 NDUFB8 1319298 4714 HGNC Ndufb8 1319299 67264 MGI:1914514 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:7703 Ndufb9 1307114 299954 NDUFB9 1316117 4715 HGNC Ndufb9 1316118 66218 MGI:1913468 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:7704 Ndufc1 1586362 689938 NDUFC1 1353150 4717 HGNC Ndufc1 1623996 66377 MGI:1913627 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:7705 Ndufc2 1307511 293130 NDUFC2 1316748 4718 HGNC Ndufc2 1552715 68197 MGI:1344370 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:7706 Ndufs1 1359670 301458 NDUFS1 1350002 4719 HGNC Ndufs1 1551403 227197 MGI:2443241 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:7707 Ndufs2 1307109 289218 NDUFS2 1316107 4720 HGNC Ndufs2 1316108 226646 MGI:2385112 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:7708 Ndufs3 1309406 295923 NDUFS3 1319736 4722 HGNC Ndufs3 1319737 68349 MGI:1915599 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:7710 Ndufs4 1594380 499529 NDUFS4 1342584 4724 HGNC Ndufs4 1556886 17993 MGI:1343135 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:7711 Ndufs5 1311081 362588 NDUFS5 1322348 4725 RGD Ndufs5 1322349 595136 MGI:1890889 RGD HGNC:7712 Ndufs6 1584802 679739 NDUFS6 732792 4726 RGD Ndufs6 737515 407785 MGI:107932 RGD HGNC:7713 Ndufs7 1310013 362837 NDUFS7 1320669 374291 HGNC Ndufs7 1320670 75406 MGI:1922656 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:7714 Ndufs8 1309436 293652 NDUFS8 1319779 4728 HGNC Ndufs8 1319780 225887 MGI:2385079 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:7715 Ndufv1 1359247 293655 NDUFV1 1350455 4723 HGNC Ndufv1 1553520 17995 MGI:107851 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:7716 Ndufv2 621733 81728 NDUFV2 734286 4729 HGNC Ndufv2 734287 72900 MGI:1920150 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:7717 Ndufv3 621020 64539 NDUFV3 1343620 4731 HGNC Ndufv3 1621444 78330 MGI:1890894 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:7719 Neb 1311134 311029 NEB 1322432 4703 HGNC Neb 1322433 17996 MGI:97292 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:7720 Nebl 1308315 307189 NEBL 1318016 10529 HGNC Nebl 1623933 74103 MGI:1921353 RGD HGNC:16932 Necab1 708548 64169 NECAB1 1342968 64168 HGNC Necab1 1551678 69352 MGI:1916602 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:20983 Necab2 621844 170928 NECAB2 1345623 54550 HGNC Necab2 731345 117148 MGI:2152211 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:23746 Necap1 1306053 312694 NECAP1 1603669 25977 HGNC Necap1 1623990 67602 MGI:1914852 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:24539 Necap2 735063 298598 NECAP2 1603996 55707 HGNC Necap2 1615131 66147 MGI:1913397 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:25528 Nectin1 620791 192183 NECTIN1 1350722 5818 HGNC Nectin1 1556913 58235 MGI:1926483 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:9706 Nectin2 1309505 308417 NECTIN2 1319880 5819 HGNC Nectin2 1553240 19294 MGI:97822 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:9707 Nectin3 1309516 288124 NECTIN3 1319897 25945 HGNC Nectin3 1319898 58998 MGI:1930171 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:17664 Nectin4 1559826 498281 NECTIN4 1347607 81607 HGNC Nectin4 1557617 71740 MGI:1918990 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:19688 Nedd1 1307750 299730 NEDD1 1317123 121441 HGNC Nedd1 1317124 17997 MGI:97293 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:7723 Nedd4 3157 25489 NEDD4 736612 4734 HGNC Nedd4 10967 17999 MGI:97297 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:7727 Nedd4l 735047 291553 NEDD4L 1344203 23327 HGNC Nedd4l 1551161 83814 MGI:1933754 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:7728 Nedd8 3158 25490 NEDD8 735521 4738 HGNC Nedd8 10968 18002 MGI:97301 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:7732 Nedd9 1306276 291044 NEDD9 1314803 4739 HGNC Nedd9 1314804 18003 MGI:97302 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:7733 Nefh 3159 24587 NEFH 736723 4744 HGNC Nefh 10969 380684 MGI:97309 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:7737 Nefl 621458 83613 NEFL 1344238 4747 HGNC Nefl 1552280 18039 MGI:97313 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:7739 Nefm 3160 24588 NEFM 735476 4741 HGNC Nefm 10970 18040 MGI:97314 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:7734 Negr1 708416 59318 NEGR1 1348692 257194 HGNC Negr1 1332157 320840 MGI:2444846 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:17302 Neil1 1306077 367090 NEIL1 1314485 79661 HGNC Neil1 1314486 72774 MGI:1920024 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:18448 Neil2 1312033 305957 NEIL2 1323805 252969 HGNC Neil2 1553884 382913 MGI:2686058 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:18956 Neil3 1310562 290729 NEIL3 1352319 55247 HGNC Neil3 1551801 234258 MGI:2384588 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:24573 Nek1 1309375 290705 NEK1 1319690 4750 HGNC Nek1 1319691 18004 MGI:97303 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:7744 Nek10 1564342 305710 NEK10 1350326 152110 HGNC Nek10 1615656 674895 MGI:2685128 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:18592 Nek11 1308801 315978 NEK11 1318782 79858 HGNC Nek11 1318783 208583 MGI:2442276 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:18593 Nek2 619792 114482 NEK2 732517 4751 HGNC Nek2 1551349 18005 MGI:109359 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:7745 Nek3 1307419 306576 NEK3 1316605 4752 HGNC Nek3 1316606 23954 MGI:1344371 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:7746 Nek4 1304995 306252 NEK4 1312757 6787 HGNC Nek4 1312758 23955 MGI:1344404 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:11399 Nek5 1593817 685440 NEK5 1344374 341676 HGNC Nek5 1619697 330721 MGI:2142824 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:7748 Nek6 727779 360161 NEK6 1347059 10783 HGNC Nek6 1551972 59126 MGI:1891638 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:7749 Nek7 1311160 360850 NEK7 1322471 140609 HGNC Nek7 1322472 59125 MGI:1890645 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:13386 Nek8 1306897 287473 NEK8 1315774 284086 HGNC Nek8 1552572 140859 MGI:1890646 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:13387 Nek9 1307187 299204 NEK9 1316228 91754 HGNC Nek9 1619001 217718 MGI:2387995 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:18591 Nelfa 1305556 305455 NELFA 1313651 7469 HGNC Nelfa 1313652 24116 MGI:1346098 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:12768 Nelfb 1307832 311796 NELFB 1603677 25920 HGNC Nelfb 1317256 58202 MGI:1931035 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:24324 Nelfcd 1590753 679203 NELFCD 1346942 51497 HGNC Nelfcd 1623245 57314 MGI:1926424 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:15934 Nelfe 1303325 294258 NELFE 1344973 7936 HGNC Nelfe 1621569 27632 MGI:102744 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:13974 Nell1 620998 81733 NELL1 733264 4745 HGNC Nell1 1621212 338352 MGI:2443902 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:7750 Nell2 620999 81734 NELL2 732316 4753 HGNC Nell2 732317 54003 MGI:1858510 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:7751 Nemf 2315525 100322884 NEMF 1317135 9147 HGNC Nemf 1317136 66244 MGI:1918305 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:10663 Nemp1 1587179 679504 NEMP1 1603697 23306 HGNC Nemp1 1618192 210035 MGI:2446113 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:29001 Nemp2 1560421 503257 NEMP2 2293905 100131211 HGNC Nemp2 1617368 227094 MGI:2444113 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:33700 Nenf 1303289 289380 NENF 1603399 29937 HGNC Nenf 1551689 66208 MGI:1913458 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:30384 Neo1 619837 81735 NEO1 733424 4756 HGNC Neo1 733425 18007 MGI:1097159 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:7754 Nepro 1311458 303948 NEPRO 1352471 25871 HGNC Nepro 1331857 212547 MGI:2384836 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:24496 Nes 3162 25491 NES 737242 10763 HGNC Nes 10971 18008 MGI:101784 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:7756 Net1 1305034 307098 NET1 1312823 10276 HGNC Net1 1312824 56349 MGI:1927138 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:14592 Neto1 1566269 307206 NETO1 1348864 81832 HGNC Neto1 1558106 246317 MGI:2180216 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:13823 Neto2 1305310 307757 NETO2 1313264 81831 HGNC Neto2 1313265 74513 MGI:1921763 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:14644 Neu1 3163 24591 NEU1 735984 4758 HGNC Neu1 10972 18010 MGI:97305 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:7758 Neu2 3164 29204 NEU2 736190 4759 HGNC Neu2 736191 23956 MGI:1344417 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:7759 Neu3 619881 117185 NEU3 1347886 10825 HGNC Neu3 734190 50877 MGI:1355305 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:7760 Neu4 1308624 316642 NEU4 1318506 129807 HGNC Neu4 1318507 241159 MGI:2661364 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:21328 Neurl1 1307021 309459 NEURL1 1315966 9148 RGD Neurl1a 1557823 18011 MGI:1334263 RGD HGNC:7761 Neurl1b 1564984 303019 NEURL1B 2303667 54492 HGNC Neurl1b 1617330 240055 MGI:3643092 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:35422 Neurl2 1306409 311633 NEURL2 1315006 140825 HGNC Neurl2 1620396 415115 MGI:3043305 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:16156 Neurl3 1359633 316326 NEURL3 1605013 93082 HGNC Neurl3 1557237 214854 MGI:2429944 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:25162 Neurl4 1308056 303248 NEURL4 1601733 84461 HGNC Neurl4 1317605 216860 MGI:1921092 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:34410 Neurod1 3165 29458 NEUROD1 731467 4760 HGNC Neurod1 735545 18012 MGI:1339708 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:7762 Neurod2 3166 54276 NEUROD2 1344395 4761 HGNC Neurod2 732920 18013 MGI:107755 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:7763 Neurod4 1310434 288821 NEUROD4 1321332 58158 HGNC Neurod4 1321333 11923 MGI:108055 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:13802 Neurod6 1562793 500137 NEUROD6 1343073 63974 HGNC Neurod6 1557246 11922 MGI:106593 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:13804 Neurog1 3167 29410 NEUROG1 1352814 4762 HGNC Neurog1 1550476 18014 MGI:107754 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:7764 Neurog2 1309061 295475 NEUROG2 1319191 63973 HGNC Neurog2 1319192 11924 MGI:109619 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:13805 Neurog3 631350 60329 NEUROG3 1344822 50674 HGNC Neurog3 1552201 11925 MGI:893591 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:13806 Nexmif 1561931 302396 NEXMIF 1603497 340533 HGNC Nexmif 1614872 245555 MGI:2148050 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:29433 Nexn 708354 246172 NEXN 1354261 91624 HGNC Nexn 1331922 68810 MGI:1916060 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:29557 Nf1 3168 24592 NF1 737471 4763 HGNC Nf1 10973 18015 MGI:97306 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:7765 Nf2 3169 25744 NF2 731858 4771 HGNC Nf2 731859 18016 MGI:97307 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:7773 Nfam1 1308316 362966 NFAM1 1348005 150372 HGNC Nfam1 1550462 74039 MGI:1921289 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:29872 Nfasc 620911 116690 NFASC 733496 23114 HGNC Nfasc 736244 269116 MGI:104753 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:29866 Nfat5 1309142 307820 NFAT5 1319318 10725 HGNC Nfat5 1319319 54446 MGI:1859333 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:7774 Nfatc1 2319357 100361818 NFATC1 1346235 4772 HGNC Nfatc1 1557692 18018 MGI:102469 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:7775 Nfatc2 1307690 311658 NFATC2 1317023 4773 HGNC Nfatc2 1317024 18019 MGI:102463 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:7776 Nfatc2ip 1359096 308983 NFATC2IP 1349771 84901 HGNC Nfatc2ip 1549973 18020 MGI:1329015 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:25906 Nfatc3 1308692 361400 NFATC3 1318613 4775 HGNC Nfatc3 1615176 18021 MGI:103296 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:7777 Nfatc4 1310749 305897 NFATC4 1321836 4776 HGNC Nfatc4 1321837 73181 MGI:1920431 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:7778 Nfe2 1306888 366998 NFE2 1315759 4778 HGNC Nfe2 1315760 18022 MGI:97308 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:7780 Nfe2l1 1311972 360610 NFE2L1 1323705 4779 HGNC Nfe2l1 1323706 18023 MGI:99421 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:7781 Nfe2l2 620360 83619 NFE2L2 734431 4780 HGNC Nfe2l2 734432 18024 MGI:108420 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:7782 Nfe2l3 1307730 312331 NFE2L3 1317092 9603 HGNC Nfe2l3 1317093 18025 MGI:1339958 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:7783 Nfia 3170 25492 NFIA 69144 4774 HGNC Nfia 10974 18027 MGI:108056 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:7784 Nfib 62015 29227 NFIB 733820 4781 HGNC Nfib 62307 18028 MGI:103188 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:7785 Nfic 62016 29228 NFIC 69148 4782 HGNC Nfic 62308 18029 MGI:109591 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:7786 Nfil3 620972 114519 NFIL3 1345604 4783 HGNC Nfil3 732632 18030 MGI:109495 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:7787 Nfilz 7708626 102546838 NFILZ 11569668 105372267 HGNC Nfilz 2299514 100042953 MGI:3782301 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:52681 Nfix 69080 81524 NFIX 69161 4784 HGNC Nfix 69162 18032 MGI:97311 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:7788 Nfkb1 70498 81736 NFKB1 730892 4790 HGNC Nfkb1 730893 18033 MGI:97312 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:7794 Nfkb2 1307189 309452 NFKB2 1316230 4791 HGNC Nfkb2 1316231 18034 MGI:1099800 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:7795 Nfkbia 3171 25493 NFKBIA 735440 4792 HGNC Nfkbia 10975 18035 MGI:104741 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:7797 Nfkbib 621887 81525 NFKBIB 732611 4793 HGNC Nfkbib 732612 18036 MGI:104752 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:7798 Nfkbid 1308055 308496 NFKBID 1603004 84807 HGNC Nfkbid 1317603 243910 MGI:3041243 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:15671 Nfkbie 735070 316241 NFKBIE 1352834 4794 HGNC Nfkbie 1615175 18037 MGI:1194908 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:7799 Nfkbil1 1303310 361794 NFKBIL1 1351897 4795 HGNC Nfkbil1 1551821 18038 MGI:1340031 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:7800 Nfkbiz 1310834 304005 NFKBIZ 1350232 64332 HGNC Nfkbiz 1553089 80859 MGI:1931595 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:29805 Nfrkb 1310558 315523 NFRKB 1321531 4798 HGNC Nfrkb 1614910 235134 MGI:2442410 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:7802 Nfs1 620912 84594 NFS1 1350532 9054 HGNC Nfs1 734360 18041 MGI:1316706 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:15910 Nfu1 1307823 297416 NFU1 1317241 27247 HGNC Nfu1 1317242 56748 MGI:1913290 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:16287 Nfx1 1310277 313166 NFX1 1321083 4799 HGNC Nfx1 1321084 74164 MGI:1921414 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:7803 Nfxl1 1359201 289595 NFXL1 1347533 152518 HGNC Nfxl1 1617436 100978 MGI:1923646 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:18726 Nfya 70976 29508 NFYA 733450 4800 HGNC Nfya 1551652 18044 MGI:97316 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:7804 Nfyb 3172 25336 NFYB 1352074 4801 HGNC Nfyb 10976 18045 MGI:97317 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:7805 Nfyc 3173 25337 NFYC 731843 4802 HGNC Nfyc 10977 18046 MGI:107901 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:7806 Ngb 621461 85382 NGB 1352460 58157 HGNC Ngb 1553611 64242 MGI:2151886 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:14077 Ngdn 1310211 305887 NGDN 1320980 25983 HGNC Ngdn 1558336 68966 MGI:1916216 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:20271 Ngef 1309055 246217 NGEF 1319181 25791 HGNC Ngef 1319182 53972 MGI:1858414 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:7807 Ngf 1598328 310738 NGF 1352304 4803 HGNC Ngf 10978 18049 MGI:97321 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:7808 Ngfr 3177 24596 NGFR 730911 4804 HGNC Ngfr 10983 18053 MGI:97323 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:7809 Ngly1 1308518 361014 NGLY1 1318334 55768 HGNC Ngly1 1318335 59007 MGI:1913276 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:17646 Ngrn 1583734 499191 NGRN 1605389 51335 HGNC Ngrn 1622190 83485 MGI:1933212 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:18077 Nhej1 1359338 363251 NHEJ1 1602683 79840 HGNC Nhej1 1623125 75570 MGI:1922820 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:25737 Nherf1 708538 59114 NHERF1 1342625 9368 HGNC Nherf1 732281 26941 MGI:1349482 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:11075 Nherf2 620380 116501 NHERF2 733001 9351 HGNC Nherf2 733002 65962 MGI:1890662 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:11076 Nherf4 1559807 500986 NHERF4 1348843 79849 HGNC Nherf4 1558465 170761 MGI:2429554 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:19891 Nhlh1 1310261 289230 NHLH1 1321059 4807 HGNC Nhlh1 1321060 18071 MGI:98481 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:7817 Nhlh2 1308294 295327 NHLH2 1317985 4808 HGNC Nhlh2 1317986 18072 MGI:97324 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:7818 Nhlrc1 735081 364682 NHLRC1 1350688 378884 HGNC Nhlrc1 1550145 105193 MGI:2145264 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:21576 Nhlrc2 1307348 307986 NHLRC2 1316494 374354 HGNC Nhlrc2 1316495 66866 MGI:1914116 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:24731 Nhlrc3 1565414 310416 NHLRC3 1605503 387921 HGNC Nhlrc3 1558308 212114 MGI:2444520 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:33751 Nhp2 1309435 287273 NHP2 1319777 55651 HGNC HGNC:14377 Nhs 1561818 317494 NHS 1352036 4810 HGNC Nhs 1618200 195727 MGI:2684894 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:7820 Nhsl1 1308124 308631 NHSL1 1349811 57224 HGNC Nhsl1 1623818 215819 MGI:106390 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:21021 Nhsl2 1564117 317253 NHSL2 1603499 340527 HGNC Nhsl2 1616309 100042480 MGI:3645090 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:33737 Nhsl3 1561149 500552 NHSL3 1602871 57648 HGNC Nhsl3 1616669 97130 MGI:2140651 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:29301 Niban1 71088 63912 NIBAN1 736616 116496 HGNC Niban1 736617 63913 MGI:2137237 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:16784 Niban2 1307018 362115 NIBAN2 1315963 64855 HGNC Niban2 1315964 227737 MGI:2442910 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:25282 Niban3 1566103 498604 NIBAN3 1604724 199786 HGNC Niban3 1615124 100037278 MGI:3686743 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:24130 Nicn1 1589574 619581 NICN1 1350970 84276 HGNC Nicn1 1614376 66257 MGI:1913507 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:18317 Nicol1 1560394 289728 NICOL1 2301122 401115 HGNC Nicol1 1617958 381633 MGI:2686519 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:34437 Nid1 3178 25494 NID1 737172 4811 HGNC Nid1 737173 18073 MGI:97342 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:7821 Nid2 1311685 302248 NID2 1323271 22795 HGNC Nid2 1323272 18074 MGI:1298229 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:13389 Nif3l1 1310329 301431 NIF3L1 1321170 60491 HGNC Nif3l1 1321171 65102 MGI:1929485 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:13390 Nifk 708462 246042 NIFK 1345364 84365 HGNC Nifk 1553126 67949 MGI:1915199 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:17838 Nim1k 1308116 310376 NIM1K 1604515 167359 HGNC Nim1k 1317704 245269 MGI:2442399 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:28646 Nin 1306492 299117 NIN 1315140 51199 HGNC Nin 1315141 18080 MGI:105108 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:14906 Ninj1 3179 25338 NINJ1 737046 4814 HGNC Ninj1 10985 18081 MGI:1196617 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:7824 Ninj2 620552 59115 NINJ2 1352493 4815 HGNC Ninj2 731786 29862 MGI:1352751 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:7825 Ninl 1306152 311529 NINL 1604826 22981 HGNC Ninl 1558313 78177 MGI:1925427 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:29163 Nip7 620069 192180 NIP7 732109 51388 HGNC Nip7 732110 66164 MGI:1913414 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:24328 Nipa1 1305401 308668 NIPA1 1606742 123606 HGNC Nipa1 1550198 233280 MGI:2442058 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:17043 Nipa2 1306051 308667 NIPA2 1348761 81614 HGNC Nipa2 1550631 93790 MGI:1913918 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:17044 Nipal1 1310092 289594 NIPAL1 1602833 152519 HGNC Nipal1 1320799 70701 MGI:1917951 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:27194 Nipal2 1564315 362899 NIPAL2 1605636 79815 HGNC Nipal2 1614944 223473 MGI:1924488 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:25854 Nipal3 1563439 502990 NIPAL3 1603619 57185 HGNC Nipal3 1620738 74552 MGI:1921802 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:25233 Nipal4 1309452 303070 NIPAL4 2306343 348938 HGNC Nipal4 1319802 214112 MGI:2444671 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:28018 Nipbl 1306393 294787 NIPBL 1604032 25836 HGNC Nipbl 1550472 71175 MGI:1913976 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:28862 Nipsnap1 1310419 360971 NIPSNAP1 1321311 8508 HGNC Nipsnap1 1321312 18082 MGI:1278344 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:7827 Nipsnap2 1566421 498174 NIPSNAP2 1345241 2631 HGNC Nipsnap2 1556903 14467 MGI:1278343 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:4179 Nipsnap3b 1359688 313211 NIPSNAP3A 1352624 25934 HGNC Nipsnap3b 1553857 66536 MGI:1913786 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:23619 Nisch 1306950 306255 NISCH 1315855 11188 HGNC Nisch 1616802 64652 MGI:1928323 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:18006 Nit1 727821 289222 NIT1 1349751 4817 HGNC Nit1 1552466 27045 MGI:1350916 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:7828 Nit2 1310494 288174 NIT2 1346727 56954 HGNC Nit2 1552531 52633 MGI:1261838 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:29878 Nkain1 1561205 500557 NKAIN1 1606507 79570 HGNC Nkain1 1320311 67149 MGI:1914399 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:25743 Nkain2 7740967 102551716 NKAIN2 1349938 154215 HGNC Nkain2 1617172 432450 MGI:1923447 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:16443 Nkain3 1591051 689576 NKAIN3 1606659 286183 HGNC Nkain3 1316324 269513 MGI:2444830 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:26829 Nkain4 1305809 296469 NKAIN4 1314067 128414 HGNC Nkain4 1314068 58237 MGI:1915372 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:16191 Nkap 1565955 298342 NKAP 1606506 79576 HGNC Nkap 1557790 67050 MGI:1914300 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:29873 Nkapd1 2293296 100151767 NKAPD1 1605379 55216 HGNC Nkapd1 1615585 270156 MGI:2143205 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:25569 Nkapl 1311667 291165 NKAPL 1323244 222698 HGNC Nkapl 1323245 66707 MGI:1913957 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:21584 Nkd1 1308491 364952 NKD1 1318289 85407 HGNC Nkd1 1318290 93960 MGI:2135954 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:17045 Nkd2 1311459 308068 NKD2 1322930 85409 HGNC Nkd2 1322931 72293 MGI:1919543 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:17046 Nkg7 621523 171062 NKG7 1347836 4818 HGNC Nkg7 732782 72310 MGI:1931250 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:7830 Nkiras1 1308560 305751 NKIRAS1 1318403 28512 HGNC Nkiras1 1318404 69721 MGI:1916971 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:17899 Nkiras2 1307363 287707 NKIRAS2 1316518 28511 HGNC Nkiras2 1316519 71966 MGI:1919216 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:17898 Nkpd1 1591760 680440 NKPD1 1323472 284353 HGNC Nkpd1 1619158 69547 MGI:1916797 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:24739 Nkrf 6500424 100910054 NKRF 1343355 55922 RGD Nkrf 1619934 77286 MGI:1924536 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:19374 Nktr 2321593 100364165 NKTR 1353165 4820 HGNC Nktr 1615172 18087 MGI:97346 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:7833 Nkx1-1 1564874 298981 NKX1-1 1603306 54729 HGNC Nkx1-1 1557971 672284 MGI:109346 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:24975 Nkx1-2 1306744 293568 NKX1-2 1315537 390010 HGNC Nkx1-2 1315538 20231 MGI:104806 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:31652 Nkx2-1 3866 25628 NKX2-1 732483 7080 HGNC Nkx2-1 11420 21869 MGI:108067 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:11825 Nkx2-2 1308443 366214 NKX2-2 1318213 4821 HGNC Nkx2-2 1318214 18088 MGI:97347 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:7835 Nkx2-3 1308521 309389 NKX2-3 1318340 159296 HGNC Nkx2-3 1318341 18089 MGI:97348 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:7836 Nkx2-4 1304985 366213 NKX2-4 1343785 644524 HGNC Nkx2-4 1312740 228731 MGI:97349 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:7837 Nkx2-5 620520 114109 NKX2-5 1606841 1482 HGNC Nkx2-5 731878 18091 MGI:97350 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:2488 Nkx2-6 1306149 364418 NKX2-6 1603362 137814 HGNC Nkx2-6 1314600 18092 MGI:97351 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:32940 Nkx2-8 1310629 299061 NKX2-8 1321643 26257 HGNC Nkx2-9 1321644 18094 MGI:1270158 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:16364 Nkx3-1 1305369 305999 NKX3-1 1313354 4824 HGNC Nkx3-1 1313355 18095 MGI:97352 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:7838 Nkx3-2 1584617 682329 NKX3-2 1353604 579 HGNC Nkx3-2 1621641 12020 MGI:108015 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:951 Nkx6-1 69318 65193 NKX6-1 1346979 4825 HGNC Nkx6-1 1332174 18096 MGI:1206039 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:7839 Nkx6-2 1307280 309095 NKX6-2 1316381 84504 HGNC Nkx6-2 1316382 14912 MGI:1352738 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:19321 Nkx6-3 1597780 685102 NKX6-3 1605569 157848 HGNC Nkx6-3 1558625 74561 MGI:1921811 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:26328 Nle1 1308301 303372 NLE1 1604007 54475 HGNC Nle1 1552972 217011 MGI:2429770 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:19889 Nlgn1 621117 116647 NLGN1 736453 22871 HGNC Nlgn1 736454 192167 MGI:2179435 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:14291 Nlgn2 621118 117096 NLGN2 732705 57555 HGNC Nlgn2 732706 216856 MGI:2681835 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:14290 Nlgn3 621119 171297 NLGN3 733571 54413 HGNC Nlgn3 733572 245537 MGI:2444609 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:14289 Nlk 1561602 497961 NLK 1321854 51701 HGNC Nlk 1321855 18099 MGI:1201387 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:29858 Nln 621518 117041 NLN 731408 57486 HGNC Nln 1331894 75805 MGI:1923055 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:16058 Nlrc3 1304902 287070 NLRC3 1604212 197358 RGD Nlrc3 1312609 268857 MGI:2444070 RGD HGNC:29889 Nlrc4 1309831 298784 NLRC4 1320383 58484 HGNC Nlrc4 1614838 268973 MGI:3036243 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:16412 Nlrc5 1309166 291861 NLRC5 1604572 84166 HGNC Nlrc5 1622656 434341 MGI:3612191 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:29933 Nlrp10 1307387 293426 NLRP10 1316559 338322 HGNC Nlrp10 1316560 244202 MGI:2444084 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:21464 Nlrp12 1309415 292541 NLRP12 1319748 91662 HGNC Nlrp12 1622822 378425 MGI:2676630 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:22938 Nlrp14 1598218 499234 NLRP14 1315283 338323 HGNC Nlrp14 1623111 76858 MGI:1924108 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:22939 Nlrp1a 1310963 360557 NLRP1 1322162 22861 RGD Nlrp1a 1623841 195046 MGI:2684861 RGD HGNC:14374 Nlrp2 1589140 684545 NLRP2 1344725 55655 HGNC Nlrp2 1622951 232827 MGI:3041206 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:22948 Nlrp3 1308314 287362 NLRP3 1318014 114548 HGNC Nlrp3 1318015 216799 MGI:2653833 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:16400 Nlrp4 1563529 499069 NLRP4 1323147 147945 RGD Nlrp4c 1621432 83564 MGI:1890518 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:22943 Nlrp4a 1561918 292545 Nlrp4a 1556879 243880 MGI:2443697 RGD Nlrp5 1307446 308325 NLRP5 1348361 126206 HGNC Nlrp5 1316642 23968 MGI:1345193 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:21269 Nlrp6 708549 171390 NLRP6 1350327 171389 HGNC Nlrp6 1552887 101613 MGI:2141990 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:22944 Nlrp9 1308981 292577 NLRP9 1319070 338321 HGNC Nlrp9b 1319071 243874 MGI:2675377 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:22941 Nlrx1 1311293 315599 NLRX1 1606225 79671 HGNC Nlrx1 1322674 270151 MGI:2429611 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:29890 Nmb 1562710 499194 NMB 1315040 4828 HGNC Nmb 1315041 68039 MGI:1915289 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:7842 Nmbr 3181 25264 NMBR 731785 4829 HGNC Nmbr 10987 18101 MGI:1100525 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:7843 Nmd3 1308468 310512 NMD3 1348373 51068 HGNC Nmd3 1552469 97112 MGI:2140103 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:24250 Nme1 70497 191575 NME1 735393 4830 HGNC Nme1 735394 18102 MGI:97355 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:7849 Nme2 619877 83782 NME2 1346564 4831 HGNC Nme2 1552274 18103 MGI:97356 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:7850 Nme3 619879 85269 NME3 733554 4832 HGNC Nme3 1551685 79059 MGI:1930182 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:7851 Nme4 1591334 685679 NME4 1318408 4833 HGNC Nme4 1318409 56520 MGI:1931148 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:7852 Nme5 1583004 688903 NME5 1343010 8382 HGNC Nme5 1623132 75533 MGI:1922783 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:7853 Nme6 61896 58964 NME6 1604057 10201 HGNC Nme6 62189 54369 MGI:1861676 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:20567 Nme7 619880 171566 NME7 733959 29922 HGNC Nme7 733960 171567 MGI:2449121 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:20461 Nme8 735069 364729 NME8 1344206 51314 HGNC Nme8 1552832 73412 MGI:1920662 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:16473 Nme9 1564871 315947 NME9 1351445 347736 HGNC Nme9 2313605 623534 MGI:4359686 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:21343 Nmi 1311721 311021 NMI 1323327 9111 HGNC Nmi 1323328 64685 MGI:1928368 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:7854 Nmnat1 1310996 298653 NMNAT1 1322215 64802 HGNC Nmnat1 1623222 66454 MGI:1913704 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:17877 Nmnat2 1307331 289095 NMNAT2 1316464 23057 HGNC Nmnat2 1552668 226518 MGI:2444155 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:16789 Nmnat3 1309140 363118 NMNAT3 1319314 349565 HGNC Nmnat3 1553136 74080 MGI:1921330 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:20989 Nmral1 1311451 287063 NMRAL1 1603207 57407 HGNC Nmral1 1322920 67824 MGI:1915074 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:24987 Nmrk1 1564687 499330 NMRK1 1343469 54981 HGNC Nmrk1 1615694 225994 MGI:2147434 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:26057 Nmrk2 6486791 100912521 NMRK2 1344874 27231 HGNC Nmrk2 1619152 69564 MGI:1916814 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:17871 NMS 1359122 497196 NMS 1604755 129521 HGNC Nms 1557404 433292 MGI:3583618 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:32203 Nmt1 628642 259274 NMT1 1352076 4836 HGNC Nmt1 731344 18107 MGI:102579 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:7857 Nmt2 1303175 291318 NMT2 1349505 9397 HGNC Nmt2 1552755 18108 MGI:1202298 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:7858 Nmu 68388 63887 NMU 68564 10874 HGNC Nmu 68565 56183 MGI:1860476 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:7859 Nmur1 619867 65276 NMUR1 1348049 10316 HGNC Nmur1 1552625 14767 MGI:1341898 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:4518 Nmur2 621155 64042 NMUR2 1343070 56923 HGNC Nmur2 1332115 216749 MGI:2441765 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:16454 Nnat 620155 94270 NNAT 730841 4826 HGNC Nnat 730842 18111 MGI:104716 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:7860 Nnmt 1309606 300691 NNMT 1320034 4837 HGNC Nnmt 1320035 18113 MGI:1099443 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:7861 Nnt 1587346 310378 NNT 1351355 23530 HGNC Nnt 10988 18115 MGI:109279 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:7863 Noa1 1359460 289562 NOA1 1354431 84273 HGNC Noa1 1550744 56412 MGI:1914306 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:28473 Nob1 735222 291996 NOB1 1603053 28987 HGNC Nob1 1553773 67619 MGI:1914869 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:29540 Nobox 1563929 502759 NOBOX 1604996 135935 HGNC Nobox 1557267 18291 MGI:108011 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:22448 Noc2l 1309387 313777 NOC2L 1606804 26155 HGNC Noc2l 1553840 57741 MGI:1931051 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:24517 Noc3l 1560656 361753 NOC3L 1316739 64318 HGNC Noc3l 1620063 57753 MGI:1932610 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:24034 Noc4l 1310661 360828 NOC4L 1604300 79050 HGNC Noc4l 1551202 100608 MGI:2140843 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:28461 Noct 1587344 310395 NOCT 1349348 25819 HGNC Noct 1618439 12457 MGI:109382 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:14254 Nod1 1562269 500133 NOD1 1344653 10392 HGNC Nod1 1557544 107607 MGI:1341839 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:16390 Nod2 1306368 291912 NOD2 1314945 64127 HGNC Nod2 1314946 257632 MGI:2429397 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:5331 Nodal 1305994 294503 NODAL 1314354 4838 HGNC Nodal 1314355 18119 MGI:97359 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:7865 Nog 3183 25495 NOG 735776 9241 HGNC Nog 10989 18121 MGI:104327 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:7866 Nol10 1359447 313981 NOL10 1602460 79954 HGNC Nol10 1621355 217431 MGI:2684913 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:25862 Nol11 1584081 688885 NOL11 1603676 25926 HGNC Nol11 1623964 68979 MGI:1916229 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:24557 Nol12 1305327 362955 NOL12 1601850 79159 HGNC Nol12 1313291 97961 MGI:2146285 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:28585 Nol3 708558 85383 NOL3 1352407 8996 HGNC Nol3 1552509 78688 MGI:1925938 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:7869 Nol4 1310663 307553 NOL4 1321698 8715 HGNC Nol4 1618005 319211 MGI:2441684 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:7870 Nol4l 1563510 362240 NOL4L 1348785 140688 HGNC Nol4l 1618785 329540 MGI:1918765 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:16106 Nol6 1308033 313167 NOL6 1317567 65083 HGNC Nol6 1317568 230082 MGI:2140151 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:19910 Nol7 1565934 498727 NOL7 1343047 51406 RGD Nol7 1558496 70078 MGI:1917328 RGD HGNC:21040 Nol8 1309551 361221 NOL8 1319952 55035 HGNC Nol8 1319953 70930 MGI:1918180 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:23387 Nol9 1566167 313744 NOL9 1605957 79707 HGNC Nol9 1614300 74035 MGI:1921285 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:26265 Nolc1 621578 64896 NOLC1 1354376 9221 HGNC Nolc1 1332150 70769 MGI:1918019 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:15608 Nom1 1588109 682058 NOM1 1345070 64434 HGNC Nom1 1616357 433864 MGI:1861749 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:13244 Nomo1 1305240 361578 NOMO3 1354081 408050 RGD Nomo1 1553308 211548 MGI:2385850 RGD HGNC:25242 Nono 1549738 317259 NONO 1343083 4841 HGNC Nono 1557128 53610 MGI:1855692 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:7871 Nop10 1582780 691534 NOP10 1353461 55505 RGD Nop10 1615121 66181 MGI:1913431 RGD HGNC:14378 Nop14 1305605 289724 NOP14 1313732 8602 HGNC Nop14 1313733 75416 MGI:1922666 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:16821 Nop16 1305727 306768 NOP16 1605076 51491 HGNC Nop16 1313929 28126 MGI:107862 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:26934 Nop2 1304616 314969 NOP2 1312158 4839 HGNC Nop2 1312159 110109 MGI:107891 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:7867 Nop53 1303085 292624 NOP53 1353107 29997 HGNC Nop53 1558540 68077 MGI:2154441 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:4333 Nop56 1308892 362214 NOP56 1318922 10528 HGNC Nop56 1318923 67134 MGI:1914384 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:15911 Nop58 620484 60373 NOP58 733462 51602 HGNC Nop58 733463 55989 MGI:1933184 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:29926 Nop9 1308396 290235 NOP9 1318142 161424 HGNC Nop9 1318143 67842 MGI:1915092 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:19826 Nopchap1 1563365 299700 NOPCHAP1 1606744 121053 HGNC Nopchap1 1617590 28109 MGI:106381 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:28628 Nos1 3184 24598 NOS1 619551 4842 HGNC Nos1 10991 18125 MGI:97360 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:7872 Nos1ap 620106 192363 NOS1AP 732118 9722 HGNC Nos1ap 1619996 70729 MGI:1917979 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:16859 Nos2 3185 24599 NOS2 730951 4843 RGD Nos2 10996 18126 MGI:97361 RGD HGNC:7873 Nos3 3186 24600 NOS3 735618 4846 HGNC Nos3 10997 18127 MGI:97362 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:7876 Nosip 1309992 292894 NOSIP 1320636 51070 HGNC Nosip 1320637 66394 MGI:1913644 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:17946 Nostrin 727920 311111 NOSTRIN 1348478 115677 HGNC Nostrin 1619702 329416 MGI:3606242 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:20203 Notch1 3187 25496 NOTCH1 737367 4851 HGNC Notch1 10998 18128 MGI:97363 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:7881 Notch2 3188 29492 NOTCH2 733357 4853 HGNC Notch2 736047 18129 MGI:97364 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:7882 Notch3 620761 56761 NOTCH3 732750 4854 HGNC Notch3 1552400 18131 MGI:99460 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:7883 Notch4 1303282 406162 NOTCH4 1354309 4855 HGNC Notch4 1553588 18132 MGI:107471 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:7884 Noto 1562910 502857 NOTO 1348141 344022 HGNC Noto 1557459 384452 MGI:3053002 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:31839 Notum 1307119 303743 NOTUM 1606450 147111 HGNC Notum 1316125 77583 MGI:1924833 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:27106 Nova1 621345 298992 NOVA1 1346053 4857 HGNC Nova1 1550966 664883 MGI:104297 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:7886 Nova2 1308032 292681 NOVA2 1317566 4858 HGNC Nova2 1615500 384569 MGI:104296 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:7887 Nox1 620598 114243 NOX1 732308 27035 HGNC Nox1 732309 237038 MGI:2450016 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:7889 Nox3 1303190 292279 NOX3 1351952 50508 HGNC Nox3 1553107 224480 MGI:2681162 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:7890 Nox4 620600 85431 NOX4 731542 50507 HGNC Nox4 731543 50490 MGI:1354184 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:7891 Noxa1 1306687 311793 NOXA1 1315446 10811 HGNC Noxa1 1315447 241275 MGI:2449980 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:10668 Noxo1 1307802 302976 NOXO1 1317206 124056 HGNC Noxo1 1317207 71893 MGI:1919143 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:19404 Noxred1 1589353 681924 NOXRED1 1348173 122945 HGNC Noxred1 1615853 71275 MGI:1918525 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:20487 Np4 727857 286958 DEFA4 1353794 1669 HGNC HGNC:2763 Npas1 1310040 308387 NPAS1 1320711 4861 HGNC Npas1 1320712 18142 MGI:109205 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:7894 Npas2 1309681 316351 NPAS2 1320157 4862 HGNC Npas2 1320158 18143 MGI:109232 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:7895 Npas3 1307181 299016 NPAS3 1316218 64067 HGNC Npas3 1316219 27386 MGI:1351610 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:19311 Npas4 628866 266734 NPAS4 734007 266743 HGNC Npas4 1550814 225872 MGI:2664186 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:18983 Npat 1311947 315666 NPAT 1323667 4863 HGNC Npat 1323668 244879 MGI:107605 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:7896 Npb 708513 259222 NPB 736156 256933 HGNC Npb 731868 208990 MGI:2387153 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:30099 Npbwr1 1305917 297795 NPBWR1 1314235 2831 HGNC Npbwr1 1622979 226304 MGI:891989 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:4522 Npc1 628693 266732 NPC1 1318462 4864 HGNC Npc1 1553002 18145 MGI:1097712 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:7897 Npc1l1 1303135 432367 NPC1L1 1345181 29881 RGD Npc1l1 1615659 237636 MGI:2685089 RGD HGNC:7898 Npc2 628756 286898 NPC2 1353089 10577 HGNC Npc2 1553506 67963 MGI:1915213 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:14537 Npdc1 1303156 296562 NPDC1 1353727 56654 HGNC Npdc1 1552932 18146 MGI:1099802 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:7899 Npepl1 1311351 311671 NPEPL1 151931291 79716 HGNC Npepl1 1322763 228961 MGI:2448523 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:16244 Npepps 619962 50558 NPEPPS 1354170 9520 HGNC Npepps 1331966 19155 MGI:1101358 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:7900 Npff 62033 60337 NPFF 736374 8620 HGNC Npff 62325 54615 MGI:1891708 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:7901 Npffr1 621570 64107 NPFFR1 1351737 64106 HGNC Npffr1 1618135 237362 MGI:2685082 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:17425 Npffr2 620168 78964 NPFFR2 733261 10886 HGNC Npffr2 733262 104443 MGI:1860130 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:4525 Nphp1 1308136 296136 NPHP1 1317734 4867 HGNC Nphp1 1317735 53885 MGI:1858233 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:7905 Nphp3 1563856 363126 NPHP3 1342817 27031 HGNC Nphp3 1556941 74025 MGI:1921275 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:7907 Nphp4 1560172 313749 NPHP4 1351118 261734 HGNC Nphp4 1621253 260305 MGI:2384210 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:19104 Nphs1 620460 64563 NPHS1 732787 107985317 HGNC Nphs1 737511 54631 MGI:1859637 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline Nphs2 620461 170672 NPHS2 736986 7827 HGNC Nphs2 732449 170484 MGI:2157018 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:13394 Npl 1549702 304860 NPL 1348386 80896 HGNC Npl 1557816 74091 MGI:1921341 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:16781 Nploc4 620794 140639 NPLOC4 735438 55666 HGNC Nploc4 735439 217365 MGI:2679787 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:18261 Npm1 3192 25498 NPM1 735682 4869 HGNC Npm1 11000 18148 MGI:106184 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:7910 Npm2 727816 290359 NPM2 737293 10361 HGNC Npm2 737294 328440 MGI:1890811 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:7930 Npm3 1565542 502389 NPM3 1349032 10360 HGNC Npm3 1558531 18150 MGI:894653 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:7931 Npnt 1593709 686753 NPNT 1604498 255743 HGNC Npnt 1614982 114249 MGI:2148811 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:27405 Nppa 3193 24602 NPPA 730878 4878 HGNC Nppa 11003 230899 MGI:97367 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:7939 Nppb 3194 25105 NPPB 69139 4879 HGNC Nppb 11004 18158 MGI:97368 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:7940 Nppc 620850 114593 NPPC 1351265 4880 HGNC Nppc 1551929 18159 MGI:97369 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:7941 Npr1 3195 24603 NPR1 732882 4881 HGNC Npr1 11007 18160 MGI:97371 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:7943 Npr2 620851 116564 NPR2 733765 4882 HGNC Npr2 736630 230103 MGI:97372 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:7944 Npr3 3196 25339 NPR3 731641 4883 HGNC Npr3 11008 18162 MGI:97373 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:7945 Nprl2 1308927 363138 NPRL2 1318978 10641 HGNC Nprl2 1318979 56032 MGI:1914482 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:24969 Nprl3 1308665 360505 NPRL3 1606330 8131 HGNC Nprl3 1551104 17168 MGI:109258 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:14124 Nps 2324597 100360071 NPS 2291750 594857 HGNC Nps 1625927 100043254 MGI:3642232 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:33940 Npsr1 1564154 300458 NPSR1 1347629 387129 HGNC Npsr1 1558020 319239 MGI:2441738 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:23631 Nptn 620296 56064 NPTN 733531 27020 HGNC Nptn 733532 20320 MGI:108077 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:17867 Nptx1 628894 266777 NPTX1 1321571 4884 HGNC Nptx1 1321572 18164 MGI:107811 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:7952 Nptx2 1309447 288475 NPTX2 1319794 4885 HGNC Nptx2 1558215 53324 MGI:1858209 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:7953 Nptxr 628898 81005 NPTXR 1607068 23467 HGNC Nptxr 735862 73340 MGI:1920590 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:7954 Npvf 61815 60570 NPVF 1350677 64111 HGNC Npvf 62107 60531 MGI:1926488 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:13782 Npw 727858 259224 NPW 1605830 283869 HGNC Npw 1622806 381073 MGI:2685781 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:30509 Npy 3197 24604 NPY 730830 4852 HGNC Npy 11016 109648 MGI:97374 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:7955 Npy1r 3198 29358 NPY1R 1347163 4886 HGNC Npy1r 737212 18166 MGI:104963 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:7956 Npy2r 620475 66024 NPY2R 1348310 4887 RGD Npy2r 1551786 18167 MGI:108418 RGD HGNC:7957 Npy4r 61864 29471 NPY4R 731662 5540 HGNC Npy4r 62156 19065 MGI:105374 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:9329 Npy5r 3199 25340 NPY5R 731586 4889 HGNC Npy5r 11017 18168 MGI:108082 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:7958 Nqo1 2503 24314 NQO1 735868 1728 HGNC Nqo1 10473 18104 MGI:103187 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:2874 Nqo2 1303320 291084 NQO2 1351629 4835 HGNC Nqo2 1551869 18105 MGI:104513 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:7856 Nr0b1 62028 58850 NR0B1 1350844 190 HGNC Nr0b1 737230 11614 MGI:1352460 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:7960 Nr0b2 621032 117274 NR0B2 732873 8431 HGNC Nr0b2 732874 23957 MGI:1346344 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:7961 Nr1d1 628827 252917 NR1D1 731848 9572 HGNC Nr1d1 736119 217166 MGI:2444210 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:7962 Nr1d2 628828 259241 NR1D2 737421 9975 HGNC Nr1d2 737422 353187 MGI:2449205 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:7963 Nr1h2 61906 58851 NR1H2 1352469 7376 HGNC Nr1h2 62199 22260 MGI:1352463 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:7965 Nr1h3 61909 58852 NR1H3 733364 10062 HGNC Nr1h3 62202 22259 MGI:1352462 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:7966 Nr1h4 628831 60351 NR1H4 734103 9971 HGNC Nr1h4 734104 20186 MGI:1352464 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:7967 Nr1i2 69057 84385 NR1I2 69105 8856 HGNC Nr1i2 69106 18171 MGI:1337040 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:7968 Nr1i3 621400 65035 NR1I3 1344163 9970 HGNC Nr1i3 1552629 12355 MGI:1346307 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:7969 Nr2c1 3200 252924 NR2C1 1344559 7181 HGNC Nr2c1 731685 22025 MGI:1352465 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:7971 Nr2c2 3201 50659 NR2C2 1353162 7182 HGNC Nr2c2 735810 22026 MGI:1352466 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:7972 Nr2c2ap 1561190 361128 NR2C2AP 1606467 126382 HGNC Nr2c2ap 1622225 75692 MGI:1922942 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:30763 Nr2e1 1595162 684085 NR2E1 1346337 7101 HGNC Nr2e1 1615158 21907 MGI:1100526 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:7973 Nr2e3 2318602 100365683 NR2E3 1351565 10002 HGNC Nr2e3 1620083 23958 MGI:1346317 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:7974 Nr2f1 621682 81808 NR2F1 732429 7025 HGNC Nr2f1 1317579 13865 MGI:1352451 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:7975 Nr2f2 69305 113984 NR2F2 735361 7026 HGNC Nr2f2 735362 11819 MGI:1352452 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:7976 Nr2f6 621685 245980 NR2F6 733507 2063 HGNC Nr2f6 733508 13864 MGI:1352453 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:7977 Nr3c1 2741 24413 NR3C1 732227 2908 HGNC Nr3c1 10691 14815 MGI:95824 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:7978 Nr3c2 3094 25672 NR3C2 733363 4306 HGNC Nr3c2 1553569 110784 MGI:99459 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:7979 Nr4a1 620029 79240 NR4A1 732751 3164 HGNC Nr4a1 732752 15370 MGI:1352454 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:7980 Nr4a2 3202 54278 NR4A2 732028 4929 HGNC Nr4a2 736400 18227 MGI:1352456 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:7981 Nr4a3 61882 58853 NR4A3 1348747 8013 HGNC Nr4a3 62174 18124 MGI:1352457 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:7982 Nr5a1 68350 83826 NR5A1 68493 2516 HGNC Nr5a1 68494 26423 MGI:1346833 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:7983 Nr5a2 68353 60349 NR5A2 68499 2494 HGNC Nr5a2 68500 26424 MGI:1346834 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:7984 Nr6a1 1564740 362125 NR6A1 1345014 2649 HGNC Nr6a1 1557794 14536 MGI:1352459 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:7985 Nradd 708524 246143 Nradd 734424 67169 MGI:1914419 RGD Nrap 1306731 307982 NRAP 1315517 4892 HGNC Nrap 1315518 18175 MGI:1098765 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:7988 Nrarp 1591939 499745 NRARP 1604888 441478 RGD Nrarp 1314007 67122 MGI:1914372 RGD HGNC:33843 Nras 3205 24605 NRAS 735648 4893 HGNC Nras 11018 18176 MGI:97376 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:7989 Nrbf2 61937 58839 NRBF2 1346110 29982 RGD Nrbf2 62230 641340 MGI:1354950 RGD HGNC:19692 Nrbp1 1589575 619579 NRBP1 1354113 29959 HGNC Nrbp1 1614973 192292 MGI:2183436 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:7993 Nrbp2 1591749 680451 NRBP2 1351329 340371 HGNC Nrbp2 1623805 223649 MGI:2385017 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:19339 Nrcam 3209 497815 NRCAM 731343 4897 HGNC Nrcam 735378 319504 MGI:104750 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:7994 Nrdc 3210 25499 NRDC 731928 4898 HGNC Nrdc 11020 230598 MGI:1201386 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:7995 Nrde2 1565082 314381 NRDE2 1351142 55051 HGNC Nrde2 1618177 217827 MGI:2670969 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:20186 Nrep 631411 338475 NREP 1351571 9315 HGNC Nrep 1622352 27528 MGI:99444 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:16834 Nrf1 1304603 312195 NRF1 1312137 4899 HGNC Nrf1 1312138 18181 MGI:1332235 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:7996 Nrg1 621341 112400 NRG1 731515 3084 HGNC Nrg1 735609 211323 MGI:96083 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:7997 Nrg2 1303302 432361 NRG2 1606028 9542 HGNC Nrg2 1612360 100042150 MGI:1098246 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:7998 Nrg3 1559678 498596 NRG3 1317640 10718 HGNC Nrg3 1317641 18183 MGI:1097165 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:7999 Nrg4 1589860 690919 NRG4 1606150 145957 HGNC Nrg4 1618260 83961 MGI:1933833 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:29862 Nrgn 61833 64356 NRGN 733655 4900 HGNC Nrgn 62124 64011 MGI:1927184 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:8000 Nrip1 1311850 304157 NRIP1 1323522 8204 HGNC Nrip1 1323523 268903 MGI:1315213 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:8001 Nrip2 1589959 689619 NRIP2 1350542 83714 HGNC Nrip2 1620050 60345 MGI:1891884 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:23078 Nrip3 1304777 361625 NRIP3 1312415 56675 HGNC Nrip3 1312416 78593 MGI:1925843 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:1167 Nrk 1566163 315907 NRK 1344667 203447 HGNC Nrk 1557114 27206 MGI:1351326 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:25391 Nrl 1305197 290221 NRL 1313083 4901 HGNC Nrl 1313084 18185 MGI:102567 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:8002 Nrm 1302966 361791 NRM 1352240 11270 HGNC Nrm 1614232 106582 MGI:2146855 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:8003 Nrn1 621586 83834 NRN1 1351872 51299 HGNC Nrn1 1617544 68404 MGI:1915654 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:17972 Nrn1l 2301010 100189544 NRN1L 1605881 123904 HGNC Nrn1l 1319310 234700 MGI:2443642 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:29811 Nrp1 621588 246331 NRP1 733081 8829 HGNC Nrp1 1552955 18186 MGI:106206 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:8004 Nrp2 621442 81527 NRP2 732191 8828 HGNC Nrp2 1551257 18187 MGI:1100492 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:8005 Nrros 1310771 303875 NRROS 1602040 375387 HGNC Nrros 1553461 224109 MGI:2445095 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:24613 Nrsn1 1307833 291129 NRSN1 1317257 140767 HGNC Nrsn1 1317258 22360 MGI:894662 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:17881 Nrsn2 1586322 689978 NRSN2 1313267 80023 HGNC Nrsn2 1614172 228777 MGI:2684969 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:16229 Nrtn 621494 84423 NRTN 731950 4902 HGNC Nrtn 731951 18188 MGI:108417 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:8007 Nrxn1 628659 60391 NRXN1 734185 9378 HGNC Nrxn1 734186 18189 MGI:1096391 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:8008 Nrxn2 620211 116595 NRXN2 735900 9379 HGNC Nrxn2 735901 18190 MGI:1096362 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:8009 Nrxn3 620212 116508 NRXN3 1353595 9369 HGNC Nrxn3 1553035 18191 MGI:1096389 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:8010 Ns5atp4 1359625 361985 C1orf43 1603678 25912 HGNC 4933434E20Rik 1553185 99650 MGI:1914027 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:29876 Nsa2 621335 171456 NSA2 1607078 10412 HGNC Nsa2 1620052 59050 MGI:1913883 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:30728 Nsd1 1307748 306764 NSD1 1317121 64324 HGNC Nsd1 1614441 18193 MGI:1276545 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:14234 Nsd2 1307955 680537 NSD2 1317450 7468 RGD Nsd2 1614230 107823 MGI:1276574 RGD HGNC:12766 Nsd3 1308980 290831 NSD3 1319069 54904 HGNC Nsd3 1551135 234135 MGI:2142581 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:12767 Nsdhl 1359337 309262 NSDHL 1343590 50814 HGNC Nsdhl 1550149 18194 MGI:1099438 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:13398 Nsf 621594 60355 NSF 733160 4905 HGNC Nsf 733161 18195 MGI:104560 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:8016 Nsfl1c 619952 83809 NSFL1C 734170 55968 HGNC Nsfl1c 1553394 386649 MGI:3042273 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:15912 Nsg1 2222 25247 NSG1 737576 27065 HGNC Nsg1 10250 18196 MGI:109149 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:18790 Nsg2 1563944 497878 NSG2 1602121 51617 HGNC Nsg2 1320562 18197 MGI:1202070 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:24955 Nsl1 1562052 498310 NSL1 1345295 25936 RGD Nsl1 1620440 381318 MGI:2685830 RGD HGNC:24548 Nsmaf 727868 353233 NSMAF 1352100 8439 HGNC Nsmaf 1550941 18201 MGI:1341864 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:8017 Nsmce1 1307760 361645 NSMCE1 1350522 197370 HGNC Nsmce1 1550917 67711 MGI:1914961 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:29897 Nsmce2 1305156 299957 NSMCE2 1606915 286053 HGNC Nsmce2 1331905 68501 MGI:1915751 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:26513 Nsmce3 1309206 309259 NSMCE3 1319419 56160 RGD Nsmce3 1319420 66647 MGI:1913897 RGD HGNC:7677 Nsmce4a 1309025 293528 NSMCE4A 1319136 54780 HGNC Nsmce4a 1319137 67872 MGI:1915122 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:25935 Nsmf 619819 117536 NSMF 733597 26012 HGNC Nsmf 733598 56876 MGI:1861755 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:29843 Nsrp1 1309863 303346 NSRP1 1604770 84081 HGNC Nsrp1 1320434 237859 MGI:2144305 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:25305 Nsun2 1311954 361191 NSUN2 1348039 54888 HGNC Nsun2 1551238 28114 MGI:107252 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:25994 Nsun3 2322119 100360437 NSUN3 1351028 63899 HGNC Nsun3 1557003 106338 MGI:2146565 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:26208 Nsun4 1559652 298426 NSUN4 1343230 387338 HGNC Nsun4 1558130 72181 MGI:1919431 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:31802 Nsun5 1309268 288595 NSUN5 1319518 55695 HGNC Nsun5 1553063 100609 MGI:2140844 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:16385 Nsun6 1309535 307148 NSUN6 1344487 221078 HGNC Nsun6 1553253 74455 MGI:1921705 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:23529 Nsun7 1310137 305339 NSUN7 1602865 79730 HGNC Nsun7 1320864 70918 MGI:1918168 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:25857 Nt5c 2321875 100360582 NT5C 1353894 30833 HGNC Nt5c 1556950 50773 MGI:1354954 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:17144 Nt5c1a 1310908 313574 NT5C1A 1322084 84618 HGNC Nt5c1a 1618977 230718 MGI:2155700 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:17819 Nt5c1b 1309705 298881 NT5C1B 1354038 93034 HGNC Nt5c1b 1619136 70881 MGI:1918131 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:17818 Nt5c2 2323387 100363253 NT5C2 1322721 22978 HGNC Nt5c2 1322722 76952 MGI:2178563 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:8022 Nt5c3a 1312013 312373 NT5C3A 1323774 51251 HGNC Nt5c3 1323775 107569 MGI:1927186 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:17820 Nt5c3b 1359229 360629 NT5C3B 1602442 115024 HGNC Nt5c3b 1550057 68106 MGI:1915356 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:28300 Nt5dc1 1305214 294456 NT5DC1 1313107 221294 HGNC Nt5dc1 1550148 319638 MGI:2442446 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:21556 Nt5dc2 1305524 290558 NT5DC2 1601740 64943 HGNC Nt5dc2 1313601 70021 MGI:1917271 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:25717 Nt5dc3 1593358 691922 NT5DC3 1602220 51559 HGNC Nt5dc3 1557782 103466 MGI:3513266 RGD HGNC:30826 Nt5e 61956 58813 NT5E 734028 4907 HGNC Nt5e 62249 23959 MGI:99782 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:8021 Nt5m 1309622 287368 NT5M 1320058 56953 HGNC Nt5m 1320059 103850 MGI:1917127 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:15769 Ntan1 1305160 360462 NTAN1 1350127 123803 HGNC Ntan1 1332072 18203 MGI:108471 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:29909 Ntaq1 1311362 362914 NTAQ1 1602877 55093 HGNC Ntaq1 1332133 76773 MGI:1924023 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:25490 Ntf3 619728 81737 NTF3 732368 4908 HGNC Ntf3 732369 18205 MGI:97380 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:8023 Ntf4 3212 25730 NTF4 733149 4909 HGNC Ntf5 1553502 78405 MGI:97381 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:8024 Nthl1 1309289 29541 NTHL1 1319554 4913 HGNC Nthl1 1319555 18207 MGI:1313275 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:8028 Ntm 620958 50864 NTM 1603310 50863 HGNC Ntm 1557897 235106 MGI:2446259 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:17941 Ntmt1 1306582 362103 NTMT1 1606300 28989 HGNC Ntmt1 1315281 66617 MGI:1913867 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:23373 Ntmt2 1564106 289167 NTMT2 1601929 149281 HGNC Ntmt2 1621293 240879 MGI:2685053 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:31932 Ntn1 619809 114523 NTN1 735501 9423 HGNC Ntn1 735502 18208 MGI:105088 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:8029 Ntn3 619811 114524 NTN3 732796 4917 HGNC Ntn3 1551433 18209 MGI:1341188 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:8030 Ntn4 1565947 299737 NTN4 1348678 59277 HGNC Ntn4 1620060 57764 MGI:1888978 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:13658 Ntn5 1565197 308587 NTN5 1606977 126147 HGNC Ntn5 1617307 243967 MGI:2685330 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:25208 Ntng1 1563465 295382 NTNG1 1350531 22854 HGNC Ntng1 1557996 80883 MGI:1934028 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:23319 Ntng2 1307089 311836 NTNG2 1316073 84628 HGNC Ntng2 1316074 171171 MGI:2159341 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:14288 Ntpcr 1306192 361443 NTPCR 1604264 84284 HGNC Ntpcr 1331907 66566 MGI:1913816 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:28204 Ntrk1 620144 59109 NTRK1 734274 4914 HGNC Ntrk1 1624082 18211 MGI:97383 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:8031 Ntrk2 3213 25054 NTRK2 731305 4915 HGNC Ntrk2 11023 18212 MGI:97384 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:8032 Ntrk3 3214 29613 NTRK3 1354062 4916 HGNC Ntrk3 737043 18213 MGI:97385 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:8033 Nts 621612 299757 NTS 1319092 4922 HGNC Nts 1319093 67405 MGI:1328351 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:8038 Ntsr1 1306076 366274 NTSR1 1314483 4923 HGNC Ntsr1 1552366 18216 MGI:97386 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:8039 Ntsr2 70962 64636 NTSR2 733351 23620 HGNC Ntsr2 733352 18217 MGI:108018 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:8040 Nuak1 1309956 299694 NUAK1 1605098 9891 HGNC Nuak1 1551398 77976 MGI:1925226 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:14311 Nuak2 1359167 289419 NUAK2 1603952 81788 HGNC Nuak2 1551018 74137 MGI:1921387 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:29558 Nub1 1359489 296731 NUB1 1602112 51667 HGNC Nub1 1552732 53312 MGI:1889001 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:17623 Nubp1 1310514 287042 NUBP1 1321458 4682 HGNC Nubp1 1321459 26425 MGI:1347073 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:8041 Nubp2 1305113 287125 NUBP2 1312953 10101 HGNC Nubp2 1312954 26426 MGI:1347072 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:8042 Nubpl 1307232 299008 NUBPL 1343672 80224 HGNC Nubpl 1552806 76826 MGI:1924076 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:20278 Nucb1 620030 84595 NUCB1 734023 4924 HGNC Nucb1 1552768 18220 MGI:97388 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:8043 Nucb2 620888 59295 NUCB2 734220 4925 HGNC Nucb2 734221 53322 MGI:1858179 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:8044 Nucks1 620993 64709 NUCKS1 736162 64710 HGNC Nucks1 1616667 98415 MGI:1934811 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:29923 Nudc 3215 29648 NUDC 731477 10726 HGNC Nudc 735566 18221 MGI:106014 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:8045 Nudcd1 1310624 362906 NUDCD1 1349940 84955 HGNC Nudcd1 1553534 67429 MGI:1914679 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:24306 Nudcd2 1307203 287199 NUDCD2 1353286 134492 HGNC Nudcd2 1551612 52653 MGI:1277103 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:30535 Nudcd3 1642416 100125378 NUDCD3 1344595 23386 HGNC Nudcd3 1622131 209586 MGI:2144158 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:22208 Nudt1 621080 117260 NUDT1 731881 4521 HGNC Nudt1 731882 17766 MGI:109280 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:8048 Nudt11 1594183 680248 NUDT11 1343668 55190 HGNC Nudt10 1622170 102954 MGI:2147931 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:18011 Nudt12 1310902 367323 NUDT12 1322074 83594 HGNC Nudt12 1322075 67993 MGI:1915243 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:18826 Nudt13 1592767 682978 NUDT13 1349007 25961 HGNC Nudt13 1623211 67725 MGI:1914975 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:18827 Nudt14 1310583 299346 NUDT14 1321575 256281 HGNC Nudt14 1321576 66174 MGI:1913424 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:20141 Nudt15 1308292 290365 NUDT15 1317982 55270 HGNC Nudt15 1317983 214254 MGI:2443366 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:23063 Nudt16 1311387 363129 NUDT16 1347227 131870 HGNC Nudt16 1551737 75686 MGI:1922936 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:26442 Nudt16l1 1561451 497867 NUDT16L1 1342997 84309 HGNC Nudt16l1 1323540 66911 MGI:1914161 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:28154 Nudt16l2 1584138 688828 NUDT16L2P 1603358 152195 RGD Nudt16l2 1618303 73532 MGI:1920782 RGD HGNC:27189 Nudt17 1565469 502584 NUDT17 1350013 200035 HGNC Nudt17 1558514 78373 MGI:1925623 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:26618 Nudt18 1311802 361068 NUDT18 1605623 79873 HGNC Nudt18 1553634 213484 MGI:2385853 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:26194 Nudt19 1302935 308518 NUDT19 1602031 390916 HGNC Nudt19 1551965 110959 MGI:94203 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:32036 Nudt2 1303023 297998 NUDT2 1352613 318 HGNC Nudt2 1550397 66401 MGI:1913651 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:8049 Nudt21 1305766 291877 NUDT21 1313996 11051 HGNC Nudt21 1552286 68219 MGI:1915469 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:13870 Nudt22 735224 293703 NUDT22 1601846 84304 HGNC Nudt22 1618361 68323 MGI:1915573 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:28189 Nudt3 1310183 294292 NUDT3 1320933 11165 HGNC Nudt3 1320934 56409 MGI:1928484 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:8050 Nudt4 621355 94267 NUDT4 1320353 11163 HGNC Nudt4 1320354 71207 MGI:1918457 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:8051 Nudt5 1359284 361274 NUDT5 1345366 11164 HGNC Nudt5 1553075 53893 MGI:1858232 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:8052 Nudt6 621356 207120 NUDT6 735257 11162 HGNC Nudt6 735258 229228 MGI:2387618 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:8053 Nudt7 1306719 361413 NUDT7 1350832 283927 HGNC Nudt7 1315498 67528 MGI:1914778 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:8054 Nudt8 1309040 361692 NUDT8 1319158 254552 HGNC Nudt8 1319159 66387 MGI:1913637 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:8055 Nudt9 1359522 305149 NUDT9 1352650 53343 HGNC Nudt9 1550787 74167 MGI:1921417 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:8056 Nuf2 1307952 304951 NUF2 1317446 83540 HGNC Nuf2 1317447 66977 MGI:1914227 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:14621 Nufip1 1359440 364430 NUFIP1 1347229 26747 HGNC Nufip1 1552701 27275 MGI:1351474 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:8057 Nufip2 1596719 681371 NUFIP2 1606255 57532 HGNC Nufip2 1616769 68564 MGI:1915814 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:17634 Nuggc 1562099 290325 NUGGC 1626574 389643 HGNC Nuggc 1614144 100503545 MGI:2685446 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:33550 Numa1 1308777 308870 NUMA1 1318746 4926 HGNC Numa1 1553045 101706 MGI:2443665 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:8059 Numb 620107 29419 NUMB 1348962 8650 HGNC Numb 736286 18222 MGI:107423 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:8060 Numbl 1307579 292732 NUMBL 1316854 9253 HGNC Numbl 1316855 18223 MGI:894702 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:8061 Nup107 621160 116555 NUP107 732596 57122 HGNC Nup107 1550391 103468 MGI:2143854 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:29914 Nup133 1307827 292085 NUP133 1317249 55746 HGNC Nup133 1317250 234865 MGI:2442620 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:18016 Nup153 3216 25281 NUP153 731840 9972 HGNC Nup153 736109 218210 MGI:2385621 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:8062 Nup155 621199 117021 NUP155 734441 9631 HGNC Nup155 734442 170762 MGI:2181182 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:8063 Nup160 1311052 311182 NUP160 1322303 23279 HGNC Nup160 1322304 59015 MGI:1926227 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:18017 Nup188 1306022 366016 NUP188 1348104 23511 RGD Nup188 1314399 227699 MGI:2446190 RGD HGNC:17859 Nup205 1309413 362335 NUP205 1319746 23165 HGNC Nup205 1620780 70699 MGI:2141625 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:18658 Nup210 69339 58958 NUP210 1346505 23225 HGNC Nup210 1331883 54563 MGI:1859555 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:30052 Nup210l 1310250 365844 NUP210L 1344758 91181 HGNC Nup210l 1617450 77595 MGI:1924845 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:29915 Nup214 1304977 296634 NUP214 1316779 8021 HGNC Nup214 1622085 227720 MGI:1095411 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:8064 Nup35 1303069 295692 NUP35 1353367 129401 HGNC Nup35 1550583 69482 MGI:1916732 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:29797 Nup37 1307774 299706 NUP37 1317159 79023 HGNC Nup37 1317160 69736 MGI:1919964 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:29929 Nup42 1560934 499974 NUP42 1344412 11097 HGNC Nup42 1557563 231042 MGI:2387631 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:17010 Nup43 1596513 683983 NUP43 1605529 348995 RGD Nup43 1615868 69912 MGI:1917162 RGD HGNC:21182 Nup50 3191 25497 NUP50 736309 10762 HGNC Nup50 736310 18141 MGI:1351502 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:8065 Nup54 619926 53372 NUP54 732578 53371 HGNC Nup54 1623726 269113 MGI:1920460 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:17359 Nup58 631334 245922 NUP58 1353907 9818 HGNC Nup58 1332099 71844 MGI:1919094 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:20261 Nup62 619938 65274 NUP62 1349933 23636 HGNC Nup62 1557886 18226 MGI:1351500 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:8066 Nup62cl 1564353 300923 NUP62CL 1606555 54830 HGNC Nup62cl 1621989 279706 MGI:2685565 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:25960 Nup85 1311942 287830 NUP85 1323659 79902 HGNC Nup85 1551928 445007 MGI:3046173 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:8734 Nup88 620182 113929 NUP88 733611 4927 HGNC Nup88 733612 19069 MGI:104900 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:8067 Nup93 1311525 291874 NUP93 1323029 9688 HGNC Nup93 1323030 71805 MGI:1919055 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:28958 Nup98 71033 81738 NUP98 733793 4928 HGNC Nup98 1617247 269966 MGI:109404 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:8068 Nupr1 69363 100912108 NUPR1 736958 26471 RGD Nupr1 732432 56312 MGI:1891834 RGD HGNC:29990 Nupr2 1560258 360799 NUPR2 6770124 389493 HGNC Nupr2 1557970 69034 MGI:1923099 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:44164 Nus1 1307879 294400 NUS1 1317328 116150 HGNC Nus1 1317329 52014 MGI:1196365 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:21042 Nusap1 1305764 311336 NUSAP1 1313993 51203 HGNC Nusap1 1313994 108907 MGI:2675669 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:18538 Nutf2 1359213 291981 NUTF2 1345837 10204 HGNC Nutf2 1553023 68051 MGI:1915301 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:13722 Nutm1 1564529 366153 NUTM1 1605553 256646 HGNC Nutm1 1619877 213765 MGI:2661384 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:29919 Nutm2 1566043 306798 NUTM2A 1602054 728118 RGD Nutm2 1618793 328250 MGI:2685652 RGD HGNC:23438 Nvl 1311270 289323 NVL 1322636 4931 HGNC Nvl 1322637 67459 MGI:1914709 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:8070 Nwd1 2321209 100364350 NWD1 1604179 284434 HGNC Nwd1 1615572 319555 MGI:2442268 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:27619 Nwd2 1563065 289633 NWD2 1603203 57495 RGD Nwd2 1557317 319807 MGI:1920464 RGD HGNC:29229 Nxf1 62014 59087 NXF1 737301 10482 HGNC Nxf1 62306 53319 MGI:1858330 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:8071 Nxf2 1559530 308653 NXF2B 1626558 728343 HGNC Nxf7 1620657 170722 MGI:2159343 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:23984 Nxf3 1564923 302591 NXF3 1354288 56000 HGNC Nxf3 1614130 245610 MGI:2685230 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:8073 Nxf7 1566170 501621 NXF5 1346108 55998 HGNC Nxf2 1622191 83454 MGI:1933192 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:8075 Nxn 1310489 360577 NXN 1321419 64359 HGNC Nxn 1321420 18230 MGI:109331 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:18008 Nxnl1 1308296 306342 NXNL1 1350601 115861 HGNC Nxnl1 1317988 234404 MGI:1924446 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:25179 Nxnl2 1594820 689232 NXNL2 1351751 158046 HGNC Nxnl2 1319592 75124 MGI:1922374 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:30482 Nxpe1 1566243 500992 NXPE1 1352335 120400 HGNC HGNC:28527 Nxpe2 2323193 100363350 NXPE2 1349773 120406 HGNC Nxpe2 1622202 78252 MGI:1925502 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:26331 Nxpe3 1584648 681096 NXPE3 1348429 91775 HGNC Nxpe3 1617184 385658 MGI:2686598 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:28238 Nxpe4 1560781 500991 NXPE4 1350536 54827 HGNC Nxpe4 1620555 244853 MGI:1924792 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:23117 Nxph1 3218 25501 NXPH1 737134 30010 HGNC Nxph1 11024 18231 MGI:107492 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:20693 Nxph2 1598138 679932 NXPH2 1344701 11249 HGNC Nxph2 1321622 18232 MGI:107491 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:8076 Nxph3 620693 59315 NXPH3 735663 11248 HGNC Nxph3 731531 104079 MGI:1336188 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:8077 Nxph4 628723 59316 NXPH4 736634 11247 HGNC Nxph4 733769 104080 MGI:1336197 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:8078 Nxt1 1309327 296219 NXT1 1319614 29107 HGNC Nxt1 1319615 56488 MGI:1929619 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:15913 Nxt2 1560204 315352 NXT2 1350653 55916 HGNC Nxt2 1556935 237082 MGI:2147914 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:18151 Nyap1 1310964 304376 NYAP1 1602420 222950 HGNC Nyap1 1332487 243300 MGI:2443880 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:22009 Nyap2 9171458 103690221 NYAP2 2311477 57624 HGNC Nyap2 1313659 241134 MGI:2443135 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:29291 Nynrin 6486974 100912447 NYNRIN 1345252 57523 HGNC Nynrin 1621990 277154 MGI:2652872 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:20165 Nyx 1561300 302516 NYX 1350886 60506 HGNC Nyx 1557199 236690 MGI:2448607 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:8082 Oaf 1305890 315594 OAF 1602422 220323 HGNC Oaf 1614236 102644 MGI:94852 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:28752 Oard1 1308299 367214 OARD1 1317992 221443 HGNC Oard1 1622165 106821 MGI:2146818 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:21257 Oas1a 621760 192281 OAS1 1345660 4938 HGNC Oas1g 733565 23960 MGI:97429 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:8086 Oas2 1359697 363938 OAS2 1348906 4939 HGNC Oas2 1553377 246728 MGI:2180852 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:8087 Oas3 1359319 494202 OAS3 1347854 4940 HGNC Oas3 1615623 246727 MGI:2180850 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:8088 Oasl 1308586 304545 OASL 1318443 8638 HGNC Oasl1 1318444 231655 MGI:2180849 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:8090 Oat 621724 64313 OAT 1350711 4942 HGNC Oat 734013 18242 MGI:97394 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:8091 Oaz1 3219 25502 OAZ1 733111 4946 HGNC Oaz1 735611 18245 MGI:109433 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:8095 Oaz2 1562933 501454 OAZ2 1344023 4947 HGNC Oaz2 1624081 18247 MGI:109492 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:8096 Oaz3 1599278 689588 OAZ3 1347463 51686 HGNC Oaz3 1620074 53814 MGI:1858170 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:8097 Obi1 1564706 361088 OBI1 1354147 79596 HGNC Obi1 1616736 72486 MGI:1919736 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:20308 Obp2a 1588212 680754 OBP2A 1344089 29991 RGD Obp2a 1622974 227627 MGI:2387617 RGD HGNC:23380 Obp2b 708374 286933 OBP2B 1347589 29989 RGD Obp2b 2294213 383678 MGI:3651927 RGD HGNC:23381 Obscn 631335 338458 OBSCN 737583 84033 RGD Obscn 1332578 380698 MGI:2681862 RGD HGNC:15719 Obsl1 1306073 363259 OBSL1 1603688 23363 HGNC Obsl1 1314479 98733 MGI:2138628 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:29092 Oc90 1593441 690625 OC90 1606848 729330 RGD Oc90 1624079 18256 MGI:1313269 RGD HGNC:8100 Oca2 2318412 100365773 OCA2 1352949 4948 HGNC Oca2 11027 18431 MGI:97454 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:8101 Ocel1 1565407 290628 OCEL1 1603010 79629 HGNC Ocel1 1558555 77090 MGI:1924340 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:26221 Ociad1 1359549 289590 OCIAD1 1351024 54940 HGNC Ociad1 1550314 68095 MGI:1915345 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:16074 Ociad2 2319541 100361733 OCIAD2 1349620 132299 HGNC Ociad2 1557007 433904 MGI:1916377 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:28685 Ocln 620089 83497 OCLN 732985 100506658 HGNC Ocln 1624078 18260 MGI:106183 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:8104 Ocm 3222 25503 OCM 737307 654231 RGD Ocm 11028 18261 MGI:97401 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:8105 Ocrl 1594526 317576 OCRL 1350136 4952 HGNC Ocrl 1617231 320634 MGI:109589 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:8108 Ocstamp 1308620 311639 OCSTAMP 1352743 128506 HGNC Ocstamp 1619957 74614 MGI:1921864 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:16116 Odad1 1308141 308594 ODAD1 1602080 93233 HGNC Odad1 1332432 211535 MGI:2446120 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:26560 Odad2 1306933 307036 ODAD2 1315828 55130 HGNC Odad2 1315829 74934 MGI:1922184 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:25583 Odad3 1310048 315465 ODAD3 1603185 115948 HGNC Odad3 1331977 77609 MGI:1924859 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:28303 Odad4 1311859 303534 ODAD4 1606214 83538 HGNC Odad4 1557055 74407 MGI:1921657 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:25280 Odam 1561883 641555 ODAM 1603034 54959 HGNC Odam 1319207 69592 MGI:1916842 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:26043 Odaph 6489816 100911949 ODAPH 1604986 152816 HGNC Odaph 1617954 381651 MGI:2685891 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:26300 Odc1 3227 24609 ODC1 731324 4953 HGNC Odc1 1551973 18263 MGI:97402 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:8109 Odf1 3228 24610 ODF1 733828 4956 HGNC Odf1 11032 18285 MGI:97424 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:8113 Odf2 3229 29479 ODF2 731998 4957 HGNC Odf2 736352 18286 MGI:1098824 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:8114 Odf2l 1593831 685425 ODF2L 1606519 57489 HGNC Odf2l 1318144 52184 MGI:1098600 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:29225 Odf4 1359332 303236 ODF4 1346133 146852 HGNC Odf4 1618933 252868 MGI:2182079 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:19056 Odr4 1307830 304863 ODR4 1346906 54953 HGNC Odr4 1317254 226499 MGI:2385108 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:24299 Ofcc1 1589812 690971 OFCC1 1352821 266553 HGNC Ofcc1 1615704 218165 MGI:2658851 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:21017 Ofd1 1562231 302661 OFD1 1348587 8481 HGNC Ofd1 1558019 237222 MGI:1350328 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:2567 Oga 621077 154968 OGA 732641 10724 HGNC Oga 732642 76055 MGI:1932139 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:7056 Ogdh 1561359 360975 OGDH 1353072 4967 HGNC Ogdh 1558013 18293 MGI:1098267 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:8124 Ogdhl 1310916 290566 OGDHL 1322096 55753 HGNC Ogdhl 1614897 239017 MGI:3616088 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:25590 Ogfod1 1308848 307657 OGFOD1 1605373 55239 HGNC Ogfod1 1318856 270086 MGI:2442978 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:25585 Ogfod2 1310594 288657 OGFOD2 1606222 79676 HGNC Ogfod2 1321593 66627 MGI:1913877 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:25823 Ogfod3 1305007 303749 OGFOD3 1602867 79701 HGNC Ogfod3 1332449 66179 MGI:1913429 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:26174 Ogfr 69324 83525 OGFR 737296 11054 HGNC Ogfr 737297 72075 MGI:1919325 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:15768 Ogfrl1 1308498 316290 OGFRL1 1318300 79627 HGNC Ogfrl1 1318301 70155 MGI:1917405 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:21378 Ogg1 621168 81528 OGG1 1353911 4968 HGNC Ogg1 732766 18294 MGI:1097693 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:8125 Ogn 1308171 291015 OGN 1317793 4969 HGNC Ogn 1317794 18295 MGI:109278 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:8126 Ogt 62060 26295 OGT 736466 8473 HGNC Ogt 62352 108155 MGI:1339639 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:8127 Oip5 1564263 499873 OIP5 1345771 11339 HGNC Oip5 1620786 70645 MGI:1917895 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:20300 Oip5-as1 6496122 100910827 OIP5-AS1 5552939 729082 HGNC Oip5os1 1612334 66602 MGI:1913852 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:43563 Oit3 735082 294559 OIT3 1345970 170392 HGNC Oit3 1552866 18302 MGI:1201782 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:29953 Ola1 1307982 296488 OLA1 1604016 29789 HGNC Ola1 1317488 67059 MGI:1914309 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:28833 Olah 621115 64669 OLAH 1352519 55301 HGNC Olah 1332375 99035 MGI:2139018 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:25625 Olfm1 620320 93667 OLFM1 733478 10439 HGNC Olfm1 733479 56177 MGI:1860437 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:17187 Olfm2 1309741 313783 OLFM2 1320243 93145 HGNC Olfm2 1621285 244723 MGI:3045350 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:17189 Olfm3 628672 252920 OLFM3 735294 118427 HGNC Olfm3 735295 229759 MGI:2387329 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:17990 Olfm4 1311708 290409 OLFM4 1323306 10562 HGNC Olfm4 1623683 380924 MGI:2685142 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:17190 Olfm5 1310717 293288 Olfm5 1321788 244180 MGI:2443346 RGD Olfml1 1311854 361621 OLFML1 1323529 283298 HGNC Olfml1 1615633 244198 MGI:2679264 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:24473 Olfml2a 1311651 296708 OLFML2A 1323220 169611 HGNC Olfml2a 1553798 241327 MGI:2444741 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:27270 Olfml2b 1309257 304960 OLFML2B 1319500 25903 HGNC Olfml2b 1551206 320078 MGI:2443310 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:24558 Olfml3 1311106 310743 OLFML3 1322385 56944 HGNC Olfml3 1322386 99543 MGI:1914877 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:24956 Olig1 621129 60394 OLIG1 1350271 116448 HGNC Olig1 1552169 50914 MGI:1355334 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:16983 Olig2 1307098 304103 OLIG2 1316088 10215 HGNC Olig2 1316089 50913 MGI:1355331 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:9398 Olig3 1305997 293012 OLIG3 1314358 167826 HGNC Olig3 1314359 94222 MGI:2149955 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:18003 Olr1 620515 140914 OLR1 731042 4973 HGNC Olr1 731043 108078 MGI:1261434 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:8133 Olr1057 1333363 288866 OR6C70 1346205 390327 HGNC Or6c70 1557663 259165 MGI:3030648 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:31299 Olr1088 1333182 299582 OR10R2 1354093 343406 HGNC Or10b1 1617285 258224 MGI:3031192 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:14820 Olr1096 1334055 302027 OR2Z1 1347587 284383 HGNC Or2z9 1551359 258532 MGI:3030207 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:15391 Olr1271 631358 286959 OR8D1 1350153 283159 HGNC Or8d1b 1615609 258433 MGI:3030767 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:8481 Olr1433 1332706 363606 OR2W3 1343372 343171 HGNC Or2w3 1623623 404346 MGI:3030156 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:15021 Olr1469 1359186 404976 OR1E3 1351004 8389 HGNC Or1e16 1552082 258923 MGI:102698 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:8191 Olr1523 1333064 404962 OR4D1 1346867 26689 HGNC Or4d1 1615617 258407 MGI:3030298 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:8293 Olr1877 1560560 500927 OR10AD1 1319909 121275 HGNC Or10ad1 1619774 634104 MGI:3030121 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:14819 Olr35 1333428 293140 OR2AT4 1348041 341152 HGNC Or2at4 1550703 259066 MGI:3030354 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:19620 Olr59 628858 170816 OR51E2 736827 81285 HGNC Or51e2 736828 170639 MGI:2157548 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:15195 Olr765 1334032 499860 OR4F17 1345738 81099 HGNC Or4f17-ps1 1620544 623583 MGI:3031127 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:15381 Olr947 1334110 288876 OR6C65 1349043 403282 HGNC Or6c65 1553332 258930 MGI:3030642 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:31295 Oma1 1304821 298282 OMA1 1349527 115209 HGNC Oma1 1550363 67013 MGI:1914263 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:29661 Omd 621818 83717 OMD 736115 4958 RGD Omd 733410 27047 MGI:1350918 RGD HGNC:8134 Omg 1359125 450224 OMG 30306369 4974 HGNC Omg 1550981 18377 MGI:106586 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:8135 Omp 3231 24612 OMP 734264 4975 HGNC Omp 11034 18378 MGI:97436 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:8136 Onecut1 2811 25231 ONECUT1 732947 3175 HGNC Onecut1 10721 15379 MGI:1196423 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:8138 Onecut2 1564677 307376 ONECUT2 1354460 9480 HGNC Onecut2 1557656 225631 MGI:1891408 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:8139 Onecut3 1591005 120093758 ONECUT3 1351058 390874 HGNC Onecut3 1314458 246086 MGI:1891409 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:13399 Ooep 1311103 301100 OOEP 1351084 441161 HGNC Ooep 1322381 67968 MGI:1915218 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:21382 Oog3 1565870 502996 Oog3 1614244 100012 MGI:2684047 RGD Oosp1 1590944 690893 OOSP1 7370081 255649 HGNC Oosp1 1619898 170834 MGI:2149290 RGD HGNC:49233 Oosp2 1590948 690888 OOSP2 1603163 219990 HGNC Oosp2 1615696 225922 MGI:2684945 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:26699 Oosp4a 40933068 120098508 OOSP4A 15037046 112577462 NCBI HGNC:53904 Opa1 708423 171116 OPA1 1344166 4976 HGNC Opa1 1551416 74143 MGI:1921393 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:8140 Opa3 1309147 308409 OPA3 1319326 80207 HGNC Opa3 1622768 403187 MGI:2686271 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:8142 Opalin 1307776 361757 OPALIN 1317163 93377 HGNC Opalin 1317164 226115 MGI:2657025 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:20707 Opcml 620635 116597 OPCML 731778 4978 HGNC Opcml 736041 330908 MGI:97397 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:8143 Ophn1 1563435 312108 OPHN1 1345567 4983 HGNC Ophn1 1557080 94190 MGI:2151070 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:8148 Oplah 620956 116684 OPLAH 733077 26873 HGNC Oplah 733078 75475 MGI:1922725 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:8149 Opn1mw 620978 89810 OPN1MW 1347075 2652 HGNC Opn1mw 734180 14539 MGI:1097692 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:4206 Opn1sw 621033 81644 OPN1SW 736424 611 HGNC Opn1sw 732047 12057 MGI:99438 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:1012 Opn3 1594385 498289 OPN3 1345705 23596 HGNC Opn3 1558030 13603 MGI:1338022 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:14007 Opn4 621701 192223 OPN4 1349299 94233 HGNC Opn4 734208 30044 MGI:1353425 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:14449 Opn5 727869 316259 OPN5 737573 221391 HGNC Opn5 737574 353344 MGI:2662912 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:19992 Oprd1 3233 24613 OPRD1 731961 4985 HGNC Oprd1 11036 18386 MGI:97438 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:8153 Oprk1 69426 29335 OPRK1 69478 4986 HGNC Oprk1 69479 18387 MGI:97439 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:8154 Oprl1 68438 29256 OPRL1 68657 4987 HGNC Oprl1 1550574 18389 MGI:97440 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:8155 Oprm1 3234 25601 OPRM1 737513 4988 HGNC Oprm1 1551432 18390 MGI:97441 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:8156 Oprpn 620983 65182 OPRPN 1351065 58503 HGNC HGNC:17279 Optc 1304916 304802 OPTC 1312631 26254 HGNC Optc 1312632 269120 MGI:2151113 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:8158 Optn 628886 246294 OPTN 736202 10133 HGNC Optn 733470 71648 MGI:1918898 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:17142 Or10a2 1334002 293374 OR10A2 1342541 341276 HGNC Or10a2 1552823 259035 MGI:3030548 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:8161 Or10a3 1333752 293424 OR10A3 1351222 26496 HGNC Or10a3 1552751 258303 MGI:3030352 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:8162 Or10a4 1333909 293375 OR10A4 1350333 283297 HGNC Or10a4 1550812 18314 MGI:109148 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:15130 Or10a48 1334387 293421 OR10A6 1344283 390093 HGNC Or10a48 1552426 258721 MGI:3030348 RGD HGNC:15132 Or10a5 1332598 293370 OR10A5 1353648 144124 HGNC Or10a5 1551957 259036 MGI:3030547 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:15131 Or10ab5 1592197 690767 OR10AB1P 1350101 390091 HGNC Or10ab5 1550890 258369 MGI:3030343 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:14804 Or10ac1 1333381 405142 OR10AC1 1353230 392133 HGNC Or10ac1 1617117 546896 MGI:3030289 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:14758 Or10ag2 1333264 311173 OR10AG1 1350024 282770 HGNC Or10ag2 1551648 258347 MGI:3030957 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:19607 Or10al6 1333123 294158 Or10al6 1552595 258285 MGI:2177505 RGD Or10am5 1332869 292559 OR10A7 1346847 121364 HGNC Or10am5 1553482 269862 MGI:3031183 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:15329 Or10c1 1332620 294198 OR10C1 1353336 442194 HGNC Or10c1 1550964 258506 MGI:2177478 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:8165 Or10d3 1333668 300607 OR10D3 1354061 26497 HGNC Or10d3 1550267 258327 MGI:3030792 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:8168 Or10d4c 1333074 300613 OR10D4P 1354039 390266 HGNC Or10d4c 1552582 258497 MGI:3030795 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:14770 Or10g1b 1333427 290050 OR10G2 1343948 26534 HGNC Or10g1 1551572 258423 MGI:3031344 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:8170 Or10g3 1334263 290049 OR10G3 1346604 26533 HGNC Or10g3 1553370 258424 MGI:3031346 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:8171 Or10g6 41199729 120094367 OR10G6 1354122 79490 HGNC Or10g6 1617262 258283 MGI:3030815 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:14836 Or10g9 1333039 300634 OR10G9 1349215 219870 HGNC Or10g9 1551578 259112 MGI:3030813 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:15129 Or10g9b 1333391 300635 OR10G4 1349061 390264 HGNC Or10g9b 1551676 259110 MGI:3030814 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:14809 Or10h1 1333631 366843 OR10H2 1350293 26538 HGNC HGNC:8173 Or10h1d 1333565 299576 OR10H1 1353311 26539 HGNC Or10h1 1617272 100038860 MGI:3030073 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:8172 Or10h28 6502391 100909683 OR10H4 1344881 126541 HGNC Or10h28 1622013 258939 MGI:1335096 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:15388 Or10j2 1595361 681470 OR10J1 1353981 26476 HGNC Or10j2 1316838 258645 MGI:3030252 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:8175 Or10j3 1333672 289240 OR10J3 1347047 441911 HGNC Or10j3 1551264 258880 MGI:3030052 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:14992 Or10j5 1333702 304985 OR10J5 1349251 127385 HGNC Or10j5 1552731 18313 MGI:106648 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:14993 Or10k2 1333116 364979 OR10K2 1349498 391107 HGNC Or10k2 1550102 258267 MGI:3030204 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:14826 Or10p1 1332909 288858 OR10P1 1346412 121130 HGNC Or10p1 1551547 258933 MGI:3030630 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:15378 Or10q1 1333050 405935 OR10Q1 1352906 219960 HGNC Or10q1 1553054 258992 MGI:3031328 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:15134 Or10s1 1333299 300637 OR10S1 1349590 219873 HGNC Or10s1 1553603 258853 MGI:3030816 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:14807 Or10v1 1333276 309222 OR10V1 1350461 390201 HGNC Or10v1 1550665 258405 MGI:3031254 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:15136 Or10w1 1333289 405934 OR10W1 1349715 81341 HGNC Or10w1 1550668 258098 MGI:3031324 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:15139 Or10x1 1333184 289260 OR10X1 1342523 128367 HGNC Or10x1 1551265 258238 MGI:3030251 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:14995 Or10z1 1333906 405222 OR10Z1 1350384 128368 HGNC Or10z1 1552320 258710 MGI:3030253 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:14996 Or11a4 1333000 294197 OR11A1 1346770 26531 HGNC Or11a4 1552079 258507 MGI:2177479 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:8176 Or11g2 1333151 290018 OR11G2 1354303 390439 HGNC Or11g2 1557865 257884 MGI:3030578 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:15346 Or11g26 9076871 103693383 OR11H2 1349951 79334 HGNC Or11j4 1551650 258660 MGI:3030570 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:14716 Or11h23b 1334259 405127 OR11H7 1346960 390441 HGNC Or11h7 1551738 258295 MGI:3030580 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:15350 Or11h4 1333574 405325 OR11H4 1345740 390442 HGNC Or11h4b 1550414 258264 MGI:3030581 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:15347 Or11h6 1334349 290020 OR11H6 1344961 122748 HGNC Or11h6 1312820 258296 MGI:3030579 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:15349 Or11l3 1334164 287321 OR11L1 1342706 391189 HGNC Or11l3 1553830 258373 MGI:3030157 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:14998 Or12d13 1334232 406018 OR12D1 1354423 26530 HGNC HGNC:8177 Or12d14c 1333138 406039 OR12D2 1345064 26529 HGNC Or12d2 1617287 258218 MGI:2177485 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:8178 Or12d17 1303153 408030 OR12D3 1352207 81797 HGNC Or12d17 1622895 258832 MGI:2177492 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:13963 Or13a1 1333902 405352 OR13A1 1603609 79290 HGNC Or13a1 1550811 258914 MGI:3030045 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:14772 Or13c25 1333398 298040 OR13C8 1343666 138802 HGNC Or13c25 1552185 258836 MGI:3030106 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:15103 Or13c3 1332612 298042 OR13C4 1344868 138804 HGNC HGNC:14722 Or13c3c 1333321 298045 OR13C3 1354005 138803 HGNC Or13c3 1550164 258821 MGI:3030107 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:14704 Or13c7 1333374 298733 OR2S2 1346182 56656 HGNC Or13c7 1614392 29845 MGI:1352681 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:8276 Or13c7c 1332747 298734 OR13C7 1351941 81377 HGNC HGNC:15102 Or13c9 1333551 298039 OR13C9 1353189 286362 HGNC Or13c9 1622888 258856 MGI:3030105 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:15104 Or13d1 1334138 298038 OR13D1 1350154 286365 HGNC Or13d1 1550400 258600 MGI:3030104 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:14695 Or13f5 1583730 500460 OR13F1 1342816 138805 HGNC Or13f5 1550013 258857 MGI:3030109 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:14723 Or13g1 1333584 365302 OR13G1 1349302 441933 HGNC Or13g1 1552229 258196 MGI:3030143 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:14999 Or13j1 1333724 298396 OR13J1 1347486 392309 HGNC Or13j1 1553235 56015 MGI:1860080 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:15108 Or13p4 1333749 366456 Or13p4 1552749 258708 MGI:3031176 RGD Or14a257c 1333387 404895 OR14A2 1342601 388761 HGNC Or14a256 1619795 257904 MGI:3030128 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:15024 Or14c39b 1333057 293091 OR14C36 1353060 127066 HGNC Or14c39 1551584 258613 MGI:3030126 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:15026 Or14j1 1333127 365523 OR14J1 1344262 442191 HGNC Or14j1 1552108 258287 MGI:2177508 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:13971 Or14p1 1334058 290957 OR14A16 1352394 284532 HGNC HGNC:15022 Or1a1 1332685 287513 OR1A1 1351186 8383 HGNC Or1a1b 1549992 258706 MGI:1333770 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:8179 Or1a1b 1334436 287514 OR1A2 1348312 26189 HGNC HGNC:8180 Or1ad5 1333596 405064 OR1G1 1321692 8390 HGNC HGNC:8204 Or1b1 1333333 296687 OR1B1 1342799 347169 HGNC Or1b1 1550678 259053 MGI:3030196 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:8181 Or1d2 1333845 287517 OR1D2 1353920 4991 HGNC Or1d2 1552293 258153 MGI:3030246 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:8183 Or1e1e 1333253 404967 OR1E2 1347026 8388 HGNC Or1e1c 1551908 258924 MGI:3030210 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:8190 Or1e34 1596222 687881 Or1e34 1621271 259009 MGI:3030228 RGD Or1f19 1332671 287090 OR1F2P 1353348 26184 HGNC HGNC:8196 Or1f34 1334086 287084 OR1F1 1348262 4992 HGNC Or1f19 1552952 258859 MGI:3032605 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:8194 Or1i2 1334246 299586 OR1I1 1350140 126370 HGNC Or1i2 1551406 257883 MGI:3031191 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:8207 Or1j1 1332682 296675 OR1J1 1346374 347168 HGNC Or1j1 1557699 18328 MGI:102697 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:8208 Or1j19 1333882 405116 OR1J2 1347114 26740 HGNC Or1j19 1550805 258946 MGI:3030182 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:8209 Or1j4 1333082 405115 OR1J4 1354380 26219 HGNC Or1j4 1552585 258620 MGI:3030184 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:8211 Or1l4 1332944 296689 OR1L6 1344733 392390 HGNC Or1l4 1552546 258656 MGI:3030199 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:8218 Or1l4b 1332825 405112 OR1L4 1352858 254973 HGNC Or1l4b 1622082 227794 MGI:3030198 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:8216 Or1l8 1333496 405114 OR1L8 1351781 138881 HGNC Or1l8 1551209 258618 MGI:3030189 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:15110 Or1m1 1333021 315452 OR1M1 1350413 125963 HGNC Or1m1 1553046 18322 MGI:109311 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:8220 Or1n1 621629 56821 OR1N1 1351301 138883 HGNC Or1n1 1552950 258944 MGI:3030185 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:8221 Or1n2 1333103 296679 OR1N2 1347218 138882 HGNC Or1n2 1551597 258941 MGI:3030188 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:15111 Or1p1e 1332804 405994 OR1P1 1347497 8391 HGNC Or1p1c 1618031 258181 MGI:3030240 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:8222 Or1q1 1333656 296682 OR1Q1 1345044 158131 HGNC Or1q1 1552247 258616 MGI:3030191 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:8223 Or1r1 1333058 287508 OR1R1P 1352741 9596 HGNC Or1r1 1553056 258705 MGI:3030232 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:8226 Or1s2 1333888 293809 OR1S1 1343888 219959 HGNC HGNC:8227 Or1x2b 1333846 405063 OR1K1 1352434 392392 HGNC HGNC:8212 Or2a14 1333098 405134 OR2A14 1344604 135941 HGNC Or2a56 1614106 258650 MGI:3030278 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:15084 Or2a25 1332716 405136 OR2A25 1343005 392138 HGNC Or2a25 1550998 258990 MGI:3030281 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:19562 Or2a5 1334415 405137 OR2A5 1343457 393046 HGNC Or2a5 1553880 258270 MGI:3030282 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:8232 Or2a51 1332872 405132 OR2A1 1352035 346528 HGNC Or2a51 1551537 258647 MGI:3030269 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:8229 Or2a52 1587195 502758 OR2A2 1348102 442361 HGNC Or2a52 1617257 258293 MGI:3030271 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:8230 Or2a7 1334209 405133 OR2A7 1348744 401427 HGNC Or2a7 1553836 18310 MGI:104812 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:8234 Or2ab1 1334088 405054 OR4S1 1348625 256148 HGNC Or4c101 1622016 258921 MGI:3031022 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:14705 Or2ag1 1332882 293364 OR2AG1 1351829 144125 HGNC Or2ag1 1552522 259034 MGI:3030539 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:15142 Or2ag2 1332846 365340 OR2AG2 1351300 338755 HGNC Or2ag2b 1553225 66786 MGI:3030535 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:15143 Or2aj4b 1333751 405218 OR2AJ1 1606466 127608 HGNC Or2aj5 1622006 258959 MGI:3030004 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:15001 Or2ak5f 1332943 405051 OR2AK2 1343468 391191 HGNC Or2ak6 1615595 258493 MGI:3030153 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:19569 Or2b11 1333777 405993 OR2B11 1349718 127623 HGNC Or2b11 1551294 257962 MGI:3030056 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:31249 Or2b2 621794 60451 OR2B2 733998 81697 HGNC Or2b2 1618876 258067 MGI:3031193 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:13966 Or2bd2 9210095 103691061 Or2bd2 1620538 257882 MGI:3031178 RGD Or2c1 1334376 302954 OR2C1 1342915 4993 HGNC Or2c1 1551438 18312 MGI:106182 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:8242 Or2d2 1333500 293377 OR2D2 1345086 120776 HGNC Or2d2b 1614003 384732 MGI:3647188 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:8244 Or2d36 1333621 293379 OR2D3 1354348 120775 HGNC Or2d36 1553680 258597 MGI:3030550 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:15146 Or2f2 1333950 405140 OR2F2 1349873 135948 HGNC Or2f2 1550344 258207 MGI:3030286 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:8247 Or2g25 1333714 294157 OR2G3 1343786 81469 HGNC HGNC:15008 Or2h1 1333311 294203 OR2H1 1353217 26716 HGNC Or2h1 1551660 258470 MGI:2177474 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:8252 Or2h2c 1332725 405201 OR2H2 1348875 7932 HGNC Or2h2 1551538 258469 MGI:2177473 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:8253 Or2j3 1333177 294138 OR2J2 1353815 26707 HGNC Or2j3 1551614 258481 MGI:2177520 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:8260 Or2k2 1332920 366377 OR2K2 1342486 26248 HGNC Or2k2 1552048 258922 MGI:3030101 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:8264 Or2l13 1333362 287969 OR2L13 1348735 284521 HGNC Or2l13 1550681 259071 MGI:3030000 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:19578 Or2l5 1334380 363826 OR2L2 1347355 26246 HGNC HGNC:8266 Or2m12 1333258 287968 OR2M3 1343135 127062 HGNC Or2m12 1550662 258443 MGI:3029998 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:8269 Or2t1 1334361 305711 OR2T1 1353113 26696 HGNC Or2t1 1551939 18330 MGI:109304 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:8277 Or2t26 1589570 641659 OR2M7 1352477 391196 HGNC Or2t26 1622885 258877 MGI:3031229 RGD HGNC:19594 Or2t29 1332688 405056 OR2T29 1342637 343563 HGNC HGNC:31253 Or2t35 1333947 289923 OR2T35 1354420 403244 HGNC Or2t35 1619745 257982 MGI:3030555 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:31257 Or2t44 1334326 405305 OR2T8 1351258 343172 HGNC Or2t44 1550920 257917 MGI:3030148 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:15020 Or2t44b 1333990 405048 OR2T33 1343251 391195 HGNC HGNC:31255 Or2t47 1332670 287316 OR2T5 1351819 401993 HGNC Or2t47 1556927 258495 MGI:3030162 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:15017 Or2t47d 1333736 287309 OR2T4 1351833 127074 HGNC Or2t46 1551571 258261 MGI:3030159 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:15016 Or2t6 1334102 364275 OR2T6 1343167 254879 HGNC Or2t6 1553815 258387 MGI:3030554 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:15018 Or2v1 1334353 287237 OR2V1 1605397 26693 HGNC Or2v1 1550930 18356 MGI:1333785 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:8280 Or2v2 1333024 287236 OR2V2 1342510 285659 RGD Or2v2 1616496 258334 MGI:3031230 RGD HGNC:15341 Or2w1 1334041 291361 OR2W1 1348465 26692 HGNC Or2w1 1550854 18341 MGI:3030097 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:8281 Or2w6 1333996 364726 OR2W6P 1349332 81406 HGNC Or2w6 1550358 258534 MGI:3031195 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:15072 Or2y13 735025 287245 OR2G6 1603468 391211 HGNC Or2y13 1557101 404337 MGI:3031217 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:27019 Or2y1h 1333100 405066 OR2G2 1346302 81470 HGNC HGNC:15007 Or2y1i 1333858 405986 OR2Y1 1606719 134083 HGNC Or2y1 1618909 258027 MGI:3031219 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:14837 Or3a1 1333892 287516 OR3A1 1347194 4994 HGNC Or3a1c 1623746 258703 MGI:3030236 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:8282 Or3a1e 1334237 287511 OR3A2 1350655 4995 HGNC Or3a1 1550325 258702 MGI:3030244 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:8283 Or3a4 1334195 363642 OR3A4P 1349592 390756 HGNC Or3a4 1551397 259006 MGI:3030233 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:15510 Or4a15 1333480 405952 OR4A15 1348504 81328 HGNC Or4a15 1551701 258975 MGI:3031068 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:15152 Or4a47 1333140 405955 OR4A47 1351568 403253 HGNC Or4a47 1553433 258985 MGI:3031090 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:31266 Or4a68 1334144 295900 OR4A16 1344335 81327 HGNC HGNC:15153 Or4a71 1332635 295890 OR4A8 1349506 81315 HGNC Or4a80 1616485 258370 MGI:3031393 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:15165 Or4a77c 1332997 295907 OR4A5 1343611 81318 HGNC Or4a77 1553521 258967 MGI:3031084 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:15162 Or4b1c 1334071 366122 OR4B1 1352354 119765 HGNC Or4b1 1551287 258987 MGI:3031104 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:8290 Or4c103b 1333354 404832 OR4C16 1349325 219428 HGNC Or4c103 1552663 258748 MGI:3031029 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:15172 Or4c105 1334176 295865 OR4C13 1342612 283092 HGNC Or4c10b 1621999 258984 MGI:3031091 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:15169 Or4c10b 1333833 366114 OR4C46 1343294 119749 HGNC Or4c10 1553267 258980 MGI:3031092 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:31271 Or4c11 1332834 404828 OR4C11 1354381 219429 HGNC Or4c11 1551035 258896 MGI:3031040 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:15167 Or4c12 1333962 366115 OR4C12 1350996 283093 HGNC Or4c12b 1622002 258979 MGI:3031089 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:15168 Or4c123 1333562 404821 OR4C6 1345291 219432 HGNC Or4c123 1553670 258785 MGI:3031064 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:14743 Or4c127 1333254 404811 OR4C45 1346442 403257 HGNC Or4c52 1557531 258790 MGI:3031097 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:31270 Or4c15 1333985 295869 OR4C15 1352775 81309 HGNC Or4c15 1551833 258025 MGI:3031045 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:15171 Or4c3 1333798 366116 OR4C3 1342934 256144 HGNC Or4c3 1552282 258206 MGI:3031098 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:14697 Or4c35 1334210 311180 OR4C5 1353934 79346 HGNC Or4c35 1551903 258983 MGI:3031094 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:14702 Or4d10 1332621 405036 OR4D9 1606644 390199 HGNC Or4d10 1552452 258155 MGI:3031259 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:15178 Or4d10c 1333126 293761 OR4D10 1348576 390197 HGNC Or4d10b 1614101 258676 MGI:3031258 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:15173 Or4d11 1334346 293759 OR4D11 1351925 219986 HGNC Or4d11 1553388 258675 MGI:3031257 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:15174 Or4d2b 1333783 287613 OR4D2 1344303 124538 HGNC Or4d2 1549971 258408 MGI:3030297 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:8294 Or4d5 1332863 300639 OR4D5 1343066 219875 HGNC Or4d5 1552034 258601 MGI:3030818 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:14852 Or4d6 1333601 293763 OR4D6 1345921 219983 HGNC Or4d6 1550244 258673 MGI:3031262 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:15175 Or4e1 1334197 290055 OR4E1 1344385 26687 HGNC Or4e1 1551895 57270 MGI:3031342 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:8296 Or4e2 1334073 364306 OR4E2 1352705 26686 HGNC Or4e2 1553803 57271 MGI:3031343 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:8297 Or4f15 1333867 404794 OR4F15 1351117 390649 HGNC Or4f15 1551798 258439 MGI:3031143 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:15078 Or4f4b 1561276 499857 OR4F4 1350427 26682 RGD Or4f4b 1317907 258399 MGI:3031123 RGD HGNC:8301 Or4f5 1566059 499858 OR4F5 1346395 79501 HGNC HGNC:14825 Or4f6 1332734 296037 OR4F6 1343983 390648 HGNC Or4f6 1550003 258441 MGI:3031144 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:15372 Or4f7 1334011 366151 OR4F29 1344305 729759 HGNC Or4f7 1616477 258397 MGI:3031137 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:31275 Or4f7b 1334162 405233 OR4F16 1349131 81399 HGNC HGNC:15079 Or4f7c 1333335 404797 OR4F21 1354367 441308 HGNC HGNC:19583 Or4k1 1333529 405389 OR4K1 1354130 79544 HGNC Or4k1 1550722 258039 MGI:3030562 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:14726 Or4k15 1334431 290003 OR4K15 1351884 81127 HGNC Or4k15 1550956 258316 MGI:3030561 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:15353 Or4k2 1333964 290006 OR4K2 1351442 390431 HGNC Or4k2 1551830 258486 MGI:3030564 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:14728 Or4k5 1334248 290005 OR4K5 1349816 79317 HGNC Or4k5 1551914 258275 MGI:3030563 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:14745 Or4k6 1333849 405328 OR4K3 1350165 283617 HGNC HGNC:14731 Or4l1 1332610 405326 OR4L1 1349097 122742 HGNC Or4l1 1553414 259147 MGI:3030557 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:15356 Or4m1 1333393 290010 OR4M1 1354390 441670 HGNC Or4m1 1552184 258658 MGI:3030568 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:14735 Or4n4 1333578 290009 OR4N4 1344920 283694 HGNC Or4n4 1553167 258659 MGI:3030566 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:15375 Or4n5 1334059 290001 OR4N5 1322544 390437 HGNC Or4n5 1553799 258487 MGI:3030556 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:15358 Or4p4 1333456 404834 OR4P4 1349189 81300 HGNC Or4p19 1551216 258920 MGI:3031014 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:15180 Or4q3 1561412 498490 OR4Q3 1344620 441669 HGNC Or4q3 1556916 257909 MGI:3030569 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:15426 Or4s2 1333439 404833 OR4S2 1345934 219431 HGNC Or4s2b 1553631 329460 MGI:3031027 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:15183 Or4x13 1333461 366123 OR4X2 1353376 119764 HGNC Or4x11 1553649 258340 MGI:3031099 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:15184 Or4x5 1332801 405238 OR4X1 1350139 390113 HGNC Or4x5-ps1 1622001 258981 MGI:3031102 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:14854 Or51a39 1334421 293201 Or51a39 1551953 18332 MGI:109302 RGD Or51a41 1333720 405015 OR51A2 1348064 401667 HGNC Or51a5 1620524 259115 MGI:3030420 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:14764 Or51a7 1334397 365324 OR51A7 1352941 119687 HGNC Or51a7 1551447 258248 MGI:3030410 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:15188 Or51b17 1333394 405071 OR51B2 1351923 79345 HGNC Or51b17 1623292 18366 MGI:1341900 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:14703 Or51b4 1333816 293268 OR51B4 1344392 79339 HGNC Or51b4 1552770 18367 MGI:1341906 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:14708 Or51b6 1333371 293271 OR51B6 1350324 390058 HGNC Or51b6 1623293 18365 MGI:1341910 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:19600 Or51b6b 1334425 293255 OR51B5 1343909 282763 HGNC Or51ai2 1620521 259123 MGI:3030466 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:19599 Or51d1 1592737 684208 OR51D1 1344581 390038 HGNC Or51d1 1616487 258358 MGI:3030391 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:15193 Or51e1 1332833 365323 OR51E1 1605574 143503 HGNC Or51e1 1552510 259097 MGI:3030392 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:15194 Or51f1 1593886 684170 OR51F1 1353833 256892 HGNC Or51f1 1618042 258168 MGI:3030400 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:15196 Or51f2 1332773 405904 OR51F2 1317227 119694 HGNC Or51f2 1317228 259095 MGI:3030402 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:15197 Or51f23c 1333218 293205 OR51C1P 1343067 401661 HGNC Or51f23c-ps1 1621256 259090 MGI:3030396 RGD HGNC:15191 Or51g1 1334292 293215 OR51G1 1345426 79324 HGNC Or51g1 1551921 259119 MGI:3030412 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:14738 Or51g2 1332641 365326 OR51G2 1351753 81282 HGNC Or51g2 1549985 259113 MGI:3030411 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:15198 Or51h1 1593885 684171 OR51H1 1353617 401663 HGNC Or51h1 1620526 259107 MGI:3030389 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:14833 Or51i1 1334127 365330 OR51I1 1349575 390063 HGNC Or51i1 1551370 258819 MGI:3030474 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:15200 Or51i2 1332767 293281 OR51I2 1346805 390064 HGNC Or51i2 1551509 259075 MGI:3030475 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:15201 Or51k7 1333481 293273 OR51J1 1349282 79470 HGNC Or51k7 1619771 257949 MGI:3030468 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:14856 Or51l1 1333532 293221 OR51L1 1343610 119682 HGNC Or51l1-ps1 1622760 404407 MGI:3030421 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:14759 Or51q1d 1334354 405003 OR51Q1 1343317 390061 HGNC Or51q1 1550910 259122 MGI:3030469 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:14851 Or51s1 1333161 293211 OR51S1 1347151 119692 HGNC Or51s1 1550633 259089 MGI:3030405 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:15204 Or51t1 1563481 502357 OR51T1 1352520 401665 HGNC Or51t4 1557187 258357 MGI:3030408 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:15205 Or51v8b 1334390 405297 OR51V1 1343262 283111 HGNC Or51v8 1552883 258189 MGI:3030458 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:19597 Or52a5 1333141 405911 OR52A1 1342762 23538 HGNC Or52a5 1550628 18369 MGI:1341790 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:8318 Or52a5b 1333008 293262 OR52A5 1344467 390054 HGNC Or52a5b 1552571 18370 MGI:1341789 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:19580 Or52b1 1333229 293342 OR52B1P 1348903 81274 HGNC Or52b1 1553582 56860 MGI:3030524 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:15206 Or52b2 1332958 365337 OR52B2 1347309 255725 HGNC Or52b2 1552064 259063 MGI:3030525 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:15207 Or52b4 1334081 293195 OR52B4 1316140 143496 HGNC Or52b4 1316141 259083 MGI:3030381 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:15209 Or52d1 1333972 293285 OR52D1 1344092 390066 HGNC Or52d1 1550353 259058 MGI:3030480 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:15212 Or52e2 1334015 293223 OR52E2 1347048 119678 HGNC Or52e2 1552826 259054 MGI:3030423 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:14769 Or52e4 1332780 405918 OR52E4 1353810 390081 HGNC Or52e4 1550018 258355 MGI:3030511 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:15213 Or52e5 1332760 405917 OR52E5 1344315 390082 HGNC Or52e5 1551176 258753 MGI:3030512 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:15214 Or52e51 1333697 405014 OR52E1 1346521 79296 HGNC Or52e19 2294231 100041187 MGI:3030430 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:14766 Or52e8 1334364 293327 OR52E8 1349859 390079 HGNC Or52e8 1619791 257910 MGI:3030505 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:15217 Or52h1 1333715 293289 OR52H1 1344719 390067 HGNC Or52h1 1553702 258746 MGI:3030482 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:15218 Or52i2 1593877 684179 OR52I2 1352778 143502 RGD Or52i2 1623734 258749 MGI:3030390 RGD HGNC:15221 Or52j3 1333934 293226 OR52J3 1353752 119679 HGNC Or52j3 1552323 404317 MGI:3030426 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:14799 Or52k1 1333293 405365 OR52K1 1345673 390036 HGNC HGNC:15222 Or52k2 1333028 293192 OR52K2 1349972 119774 HGNC Or52k2 1553049 259106 MGI:3030386 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:15223 Or52l1b 1334283 405293 OR52L1 1352155 338751 HGNC Or52l1 1551514 258160 MGI:3030519 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:14785 Or52m1 1333547 293188 OR52M1 1349652 119772 HGNC Or52m1 1552221 258322 MGI:3030388 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:15225 Or52n1 1333881 293316 OR52N1 1348757 79473 HGNC Or52n1 1615259 667918 MGI:3030498 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:14853 Or52n2 1332903 293319 OR52N2 1346756 390077 HGNC Or52n2 1551545 259100 MGI:3030500 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:15228 Or52n4c 1333167 293309 OR52N4 1352153 390072 HGNC Or52n4 1551131 259051 MGI:3030492 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:15230 Or52p1 1334093 293304 OR52P1 1346171 81248 HGNC Or52p1 1552364 259078 MGI:3030490 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:15232 Or52r1c 1332815 293218 OR52R1 1354346 119695 HGNC Or52r1 1552723 259092 MGI:3030403 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:15235 Or52w1 1594988 686660 OR52W1 1353462 120787 HGNC Or52w1 1616490 258352 MGI:3030526 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:15239 Or52x1 1333835 293339 OR52N5 1347388 390075 HGNC Or52n5 1621261 259045 MGI:3030503 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:15231 Or52z1 1334327 293263 OR52Z1P 1351783 283110 HGNC Or52z1 1551427 18368 MGI:1341911 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:19596 Or52z13 1333560 405006 OR52B6 1351225 340980 HGNC Or52b6-ps1 1617291 258212 MGI:3030484 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:15211 Or56a3b 1332687 293334 OR56A3 1351120 390083 HGNC Or56a3 1551982 259046 MGI:3030513 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:14786 Or56a5 1332789 365336 OR56A4 1347825 120793 HGNC Or56a4 1553012 244187 MGI:3030518 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:14791 Or56b1 1334411 365334 OR56B1 1347435 387748 HGNC Or56b1 1553399 258309 MGI:3030491 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:15245 Or56b2 1333757 405364 OR56B2P 1348024 390073 HGNC Or56b2 1550591 258743 MGI:3030495 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:15246 Or56b6 1333227 405919 OR56B4 1348653 196335 HGNC Or56b34 1620495 259161 MGI:3030522 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:15248 Or5a1 1333796 293764 OR5A1 1354277 219982 HGNC Or5a1 1551302 258677 MGI:2153205 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:8319 Or5a21 1333575 293769 OR5A2 1349600 219981 HGNC Or5a21 1618082 258116 MGI:3031272 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:15249 Or5ac16 1333853 404984 OR5AC2 1349503 81050 HGNC Or5ac16 1557980 258036 MGI:3030032 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:15431 Or5ae2 1590363 684403 Or5ae2 1615616 258410 MGI:3030125 RGD Or5ak24 1333144 295712 OR5AK2 1348283 390181 HGNC Or5ak23 1551413 258427 MGI:3030827 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:15251 Or5al1 1333774 404890 OR5AL1 1342502 79482 HGNC HGNC:14844 Or5an1 1334070 405034 OR5AN1 1349496 390195 HGNC Or5an9 1552337 258409 MGI:3031265 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:15255 Or5ap2 1333086 405255 OR5AP2 1350041 338675 HGNC Or5ap2 1553538 258573 MGI:3030854 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:15258 Or5ar1 1333623 295732 OR5AR1 1346704 219493 HGNC Or5ar1 1552236 259017 MGI:3030853 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:15260 Or5as1 1333932 405940 OR5AS1 1343270 219447 HGNC Or5as1 1553766 258586 MGI:3030945 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:15261 Or5au1 1333383 405123 OR5AU1 1343321 390445 HGNC Or5au1 1553618 258420 MGI:3030055 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:15362 Or5b12b 1334063 293785 OR5B12 1354162 390191 HGNC Or5b12b 1552845 258694 MGI:3031279 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:15432 Or5b17 1590072 687097 OR5B17 1347466 219965 HGNC Or5b113 1614098 258686 MGI:3031301 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:15267 Or5b21 1334091 405303 OR5B21 1345076 219968 HGNC Or5b21 1552852 258697 MGI:3031278 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:19616 Or5b3 1334416 405025 OR5B3 1354314 441608 HGNC Or5b3 1552925 258690 MGI:3031303 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:8324 Or5b99 1333625 293789 OR5B2 1350221 390190 HGNC Or5b99 1623747 258700 MGI:3031285 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:8323 Or5c1 1333139 296694 OR5C1 1604145 392391 HGNC Or5c1 1552597 258371 MGI:3030202 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:8331 Or5d14 1332951 295834 OR5D14 1350020 219436 HGNC Or5d14 1618091 258105 MGI:3030996 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:15281 Or5d18 1594965 686683 OR5D18 1345975 219438 HGNC Or5d18 1623850 117004 MGI:2151908 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:15285 Or5d20 1334192 295835 OR5D13 1348417 390142 HGNC Or5d43 1623635 404329 MGI:3031007 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:15280 Or5d3 1586409 688691 OR5D3P 1345537 8594 RGD Or5d3 1620532 545443 MGI:3031011 RGD HGNC:8336 Or5d45 1586443 688657 Or5d45 1618881 546770 MGI:3031009 RGD Or5d47 1333473 404855 OR5D16 1352687 390144 HGNC Or5d16 1614111 258636 MGI:3030989 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:15283 Or5e1 1588967 687119 OR5E1P 1354065 26343 RGD Or5e1 1623743 258718 MGI:3030347 RGD HGNC:8342 Or5g29 1333624 405937 OR5G3 1346393 81193 HGNC Or5g29 1552709 258428 MGI:3030832 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:15287 Or5h17 1332847 288192 OR5H6 1347959 79295 HGNC Or5h19 1616500 258319 MGI:3030021 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:14767 Or5h18 1333073 404981 OR5H2 1349856 79310 HGNC Or5h26 1623730 258775 MGI:3030030 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:14752 Or5h25d 1333633 406003 OR5H14 1347228 403273 HGNC HGNC:31286 Or5i1 1333671 295822 OR5I1 1351255 10798 HGNC Or5i1 1552727 258640 MGI:1313139 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:8347 Or5j1 1333285 295790 OR5J2 1354256 282775 HGNC Or5j3 1621269 259012 MGI:3030886 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:19612 Or5k14 1333929 288185 OR5K2 1345283 402135 HGNC Or5k1b 1621274 259003 MGI:3030006 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:14774 Or5k17 1333626 404978 OR5K4 1342893 403278 HGNC Or5k16 1618033 258178 MGI:3030014 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:31291 Or5k3 1332965 363763 OR5K3 1347767 403277 HGNC Or5k3 1552556 259000 MGI:3030029 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:31290 Or5l14b 1333645 295829 OR5L2 1342923 26338 HGNC Or5l14 1550259 258846 MGI:3030991 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:8351 Or5m10 1332636 295736 OR5M1 1349395 390168 HGNC HGNC:8352 Or5m10b 1333556 295735 OR5M10 1353504 390167 HGNC Or5m10b 1553188 258582 MGI:3030856 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:15290 Or5m11 1332745 295741 OR5M11 1343585 219487 HGNC Or5m11b 1618052 258154 MGI:3030863 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:15291 Or5m3 1332991 295744 OR5M3 1353329 219482 HGNC Or5m3 1550073 258572 MGI:3030866 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:14806 Or5m8 1333400 295743 OR5M8 1343653 219484 HGNC Or5m8 1551680 257916 MGI:3030865 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:14846 Or5m9 1332647 404891 OR5M9 1347852 390162 HGNC Or5m9b 1617274 258245 MGI:3030870 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:15294 Or5p52 1333958 293384 OR5P3 1352607 120066 HGNC Or5p57 1616808 56861 MGI:3030314 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:14784 Or5p76b 1332675 404986 OR5P2 1344577 120065 HGNC Or5p76 1552981 258734 MGI:3030336 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:14783 Or5p80 1590087 687082 Or5p80 1550642 258769 MGI:3030342 RGD Or5t16 1334282 404876 OR5T2 1347254 219464 HGNC Or5t7 1550138 258585 MGI:3030920 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:15296 Or5t5b 1334112 295772 OR5T3 1351333 390154 HGNC Or5t5 1550837 258363 MGI:3030927 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:15297 Or5t9b 1333437 404879 OR5T1 1354464 390155 HGNC Or5t17 1618164 228228 MGI:3030936 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:14821 Or5v1b 1334062 294187 OR5V1 1348304 81696 HGNC Or5v1b 1619595 545205 MGI:2177494 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:13972 Or5w11 1334372 295813 OR5W2 1342811 390148 HGNC Or5w8 1550248 258631 MGI:3030985 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:15299 Or6a2 68340 65140 OR6A2 1605112 8590 HGNC Or6a2 68477 18317 MGI:97432 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:15301 Or6ae1 1333221 365384 OR6Q1 1352757 219952 HGNC Or6ae1 1553099 258954 MGI:3030356 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:15302 Or6b1 1333367 405138 OR6B1 1351550 135946 HGNC Or6b1 1550172 259067 MGI:3030283 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:8354 Or6b2 1332746 405982 OR6B3 1350028 150681 HGNC Or6b3 1553823 259041 MGI:3031248 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:15042 Or6c1h 1334017 288813 OR6C1 1342545 390321 HGNC Or6c1b 1553786 258542 MGI:3030620 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:8355 Or6c2 1334254 288816 OR6C2 1604704 341416 HGNC Or6c2 1552391 258932 MGI:3030625 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:15436 Or6c3 1333196 405964 OR6C3 1343219 254786 HGNC Or6c3 1550319 258544 MGI:3030622 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:15437 Or6c68 1333022 288886 OR6C68 1347505 403284 HGNC Or6c68 1551082 258281 MGI:3030614 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:31297 Or6c6b 1334418 288887 OR6C6 1352413 283365 HGNC Or6c6c 1618875 258068 MGI:3030638 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:31293 Or6c74 1332775 405966 OR6C74 1350920 254783 HGNC Or6c74 1550535 258772 MGI:3030655 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:31303 Or6c75 1333361 404920 OR6C75 1353505 390323 HGNC HGNC:31304 Or6c76b 1334198 366802 OR6C76 1350278 390326 HGNC Or6c76b 1617271 258252 MGI:3030647 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:31305 OR6c8 1332910 304610 OR2AP1 1344568 121129 HGNC Or6c8 1616501 258315 MGI:3030601 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:15335 Or6e1 1333203 290202 OR6J1 1350971 79549 HGNC Or6e1 1552133 18348 MGI:1333764 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:14707 Or6f1 1334399 293075 OR6F1 1352611 343169 HGNC Or6f1 1551946 258614 MGI:3030142 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:15027 Or6k2 1333784 304991 OR6K2 1352681 81448 HGNC Or6k2 1550292 258302 MGI:3030254 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:15029 Or6k4 1332672 289255 OR6K3 1352543 391114 HGNC Or6k4 1553436 258716 MGI:3030258 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:15030 Or6k6 1333957 289254 OR6K6 1351378 128371 HGNC Or6k6 1613981 404222 MGI:3030065 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:15033 Or6n1 1334435 289251 OR6N1 1347518 128372 HGNC Or6n1 1553890 258717 MGI:3030263 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:15034 Or6n2 1333597 289250 OR6N2 1350201 81442 HGNC Or6n2 1553200 258713 MGI:3030264 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:15035 Or6p1 1332986 289261 OR6P1 1347277 128366 HGNC Or6p1 1551076 258756 MGI:3030248 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:15036 Or6s1 1333368 305841 OR6S1 1348726 341799 HGNC Or6s1 1550174 404319 MGI:3030584 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:15363 Or6x1 1334385 300643 OR6X1 1349187 390260 HGNC Or6x1 1553875 258608 MGI:3030820 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:14737 Or6y1 1334224 405219 OR6Y1 1347188 391112 HGNC Or6y1 1617883 546747 MGI:3030054 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:14823 Or7a41 1333658 299596 OR7A5 1353918 26659 HGNC Or7a41 1551759 18357 MGI:1333808 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:8368 Or7a44 1332740 405362 OR7A10 1604685 390892 HGNC HGNC:8356 Or7c70 1334014 299588 OR7C2 1344773 26658 HGNC Or7c70 1552343 258305 MGI:3031190 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:8374 Or7c74 1584028 690140 Or7c74 1617894 545417 MGI:3030201 RGD Or7d9 1334297 405155 OR7D4 1346280 125958 HGNC Or7d9 1551923 258822 MGI:1313142 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:8380 Or7e173 1333610 405373 Or7e173 1550074 258551 MGI:3030700 RGD Or7e177 2323270 100359873 OR7E24 1351971 26648 HGNC Or7e178 1623301 18315 MGI:109317 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:8396 Or7g12 1333031 405180 OR7G3 1345338 390883 HGNC Or7g12 1551577 258074 MGI:3030668 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:8467 Or7g17 1593713 686748 Or7g17 1621257 259070 MGI:3030663 RGD Or7g31 1333665 405174 OR7G2 1348157 390882 HGNC Or7g27 1550995 258249 MGI:3030679 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:8466 Or7g34b 1334335 300414 OR7G1 1350658 125962 HGNC Or7g34 1553868 258515 MGI:3030688 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:8465 Or7h8 2320667 100361194 OR7D2 1353359 162998 HGNC Or7c19 1557687 258858 MGI:3030205 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:8378 Or8a1b 1334242 405108 OR8A1 1349349 390275 HGNC Or8a1b 1552401 80706 MGI:1931271 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:8469 Or8b12 1334306 300524 OR8B12 1350337 219858 HGNC Or8b12 1622884 258882 MGI:3030708 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:15307 Or8b3 1334039 300560 OR8B2 1350735 26595 HGNC HGNC:8471 Or8b4 1333142 405105 OR8B4 1342821 283162 HGNC Or8b4 1550107 258794 MGI:3030712 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:8473 Or8b8 1334188 405106 OR8B8 1347370 26493 HGNC Or8b8 1553834 258310 MGI:2177528 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:8477 Or8d4 1333740 300640 OR8D4 1319573 338662 HGNC Or8d4 1319574 258854 MGI:3030819 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:14840 Or8g17d 1333840 405085 OR8G1 1346948 26494 HGNC HGNC:8484 Or8g2 1332693 367067 OR8G2P 1353161 26492 HGNC Or8g2 1552957 258606 MGI:3030063 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:8485 Or8g30 1333894 367064 OR8G5 1352593 219865 HGNC HGNC:19622 Or8g35 1334352 300602 Or8g35 1556863 258242 MGI:3030789 RGD Or8h6 1334405 404878 OR8H3 1348145 390152 HGNC HGNC:15309 Or8h7b 1333046 366100 OR8H2 1346035 390151 HGNC Or8h10 1551148 258587 MGI:3030934 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:15308 Or8i2 1334050 366103 OR8I2 1352416 120586 HGNC Or8i2 1552842 258763 MGI:3030938 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:15310 Or8j3 1333455 295750 OR8J3 1342544 81168 HGNC Or8j3 1553637 259019 MGI:3030879 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:15312 Or8j3b 1333916 295759 OR8J2 1346057 81169 HGNC Or8j3c 1551813 259082 MGI:3030896 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:15311 Or8k1 1333365 295751 OR8K1 1347124 390157 HGNC Or8k1 1551672 258575 MGI:3030880 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:14831 Or8k16b 1333472 405253 OR8K5 1351237 219453 HGNC Or8k18 1550625 259018 MGI:3030883 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:15315 Or8k3 1332674 404887 OR8K3 1342730 219473 HGNC Or8k40 1553591 258844 MGI:3030924 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:15313 Or8s5 1333494 405968 OR8S1 1351418 341568 HGNC Or8s2 1621262 259038 MGI:3030117 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:19628 Or8u3 1332967 295747 OR8U3 1351573 219479 HGNC Or8u3-ps 1551068 259015 MGI:3030872 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:14841 Or8u9 1333859 366099 OR8U1 1353375 219417 HGNC Or8u9 1550316 259013 MGI:3030878 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:19611 Or9a2 1562066 502755 OR9A2 1348029 135924 HGNC Or9a2 1614847 258569 MGI:3030293 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:15093 Or9a4 1332737 405144 OR9A4 1352661 130075 HGNC Or9a4 1552971 258381 MGI:3030294 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:15095 Or9g20 1332820 295729 OR9G1 1342549 390174 HGNC Or9g20 1550549 257915 MGI:3030850 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:15319 Or9g4 1334313 295721 OR9G4 1349445 283189 HGNC Or9g4 1552903 258563 MGI:3030840 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:15322 Or9i1b 1333930 293817 OR9I1 1345505 219954 HGNC Or9i1 1553289 258793 MGI:3031336 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:14718 Or9k2 1333055 366816 OR9K2 1345121 441639 HGNC Or9k2b 1550467 258671 MGI:3030660 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:15339 Or9q1 1334108 293812 OR9Q1 1349735 219956 HGNC Or9q1 1551868 258097 MGI:3031334 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:14724 Or9q2 1333595 293810 OR9Q2 1351092 219957 HGNC Or9q2 1550735 258736 MGI:3031331 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:15328 Or9s18 1333425 406035 OR9H1P 1350629 81439 HGNC Or9s18 1553158 258816 MGI:3030300 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:15038 Orai1 1311873 304496 ORAI1 1606201 84876 HGNC Orai1 1332545 109305 MGI:1925542 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:25896 Orai2 1310213 304592 ORAI2 1320982 80228 HGNC Orai2 1320983 269717 MGI:2443195 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:21667 Orai3 1306538 309000 ORAI3 1602192 93129 HGNC Orai3 1315211 269999 MGI:3039586 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:28185 Orc1 631435 313479 ORC1 1350406 4998 HGNC Orc1 1332182 18392 MGI:1328337 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:8487 Orc2 1311844 301430 ORC2 1323514 4999 HGNC Orc2 1323515 18393 MGI:1328306 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:8488 Orc3 1308457 313138 ORC3 1318236 23595 HGNC Orc3 1318237 50793 MGI:1354944 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:8489 Orc4 735212 295596 ORC4 1343496 5000 HGNC Orc4 1553879 26428 MGI:1347043 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:8490 Orc5 1561088 362304 ORC5 1320971 5001 HGNC Orc5 1320972 26429 MGI:1347044 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:8491 Orc6 1311437 291927 ORC6 1322900 23594 HGNC Orc6 1322901 56452 MGI:1929285 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:17151 Orm1 67390 24614 ORM1 1351569 5004 HGNC Orm1 1332159 18405 MGI:97443 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:8498 Ormdl1 2300146 100188936 ORMDL1 1347149 94101 HGNC Ormdl1 1616560 227102 MGI:2181669 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:16036 Ormdl2 1305642 288783 ORMDL2 1313791 29095 HGNC Ormdl2 1313792 66844 MGI:1914094 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:16037 Ormdl3 1560577 360618 ORMDL3 1352369 94103 HGNC Ormdl3 1558251 66612 MGI:1913862 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:16038 Os9 1359574 362891 OS9 1605693 10956 HGNC Os9 1553296 216440 MGI:1924301 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:16994 Osbp 1308069 365410 OSBP 1317627 5007 HGNC Osbp 1317628 76303 MGI:97447 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:8503 Osbp2 1310505 305475 OSBP2 1321446 23762 HGNC Osbp2 1321447 74309 MGI:1921559 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:8504 Osbpl10 1561652 316039 OSBPL10 1350183 114884 HGNC Osbpl10 1558470 74486 MGI:1921736 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:16395 Osbpl11 1307294 303888 OSBPL11 1316402 114885 HGNC Osbpl11 1316403 106326 MGI:2146553 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:16397 Osbpl1a 628888 259221 OSBPL1A 731675 114876 HGNC Osbpl1a 1620047 64291 MGI:1927551 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:16398 Osbpl2 1311312 296461 OSBPL2 35315983 9885 HGNC HGNC:15761 Osbpl3 1564287 362360 OSBPL3 1350234 26031 HGNC Osbpl3 1557486 71720 MGI:1918970 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:16370 Osbpl5 1308402 361686 OSBPL5 1318150 114879 HGNC Osbpl5 1318151 79196 MGI:1930265 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:16392 Osbpl6 1308887 311129 OSBPL6 1318914 114880 HGNC Osbpl6 1318915 99031 MGI:2139014 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:16388 Osbpl7 1309141 303497 OSBPL7 1319316 114881 HGNC Osbpl7 1319317 71240 MGI:1918490 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:16387 Osbpl8 1561474 314824 OSBPL8 1348483 114882 HGNC Osbpl8 1558525 237542 MGI:2443807 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:16396 Osbpl9 1311508 298369 OSBPL9 1323003 114883 HGNC Osbpl9 1323004 100273 MGI:1923784 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:16386 Oscar 1559897 292537 OSCAR 1603587 126014 HGNC Oscar 1556936 232790 MGI:2179720 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:29960 Oscp1 1306596 362595 OSCP1 1606165 127700 HGNC Oscp1 1315302 230751 MGI:1916308 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:29971 Oser1 1303142 296346 OSER1 1350756 51526 HGNC Oser1 1331969 66680 MGI:1913930 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:16105 Osgep 1308578 290028 OSGEP 1318432 55644 HGNC Osgep 1318433 66246 MGI:1913496 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:18028 Osgepl1 1305575 314548 OSGEPL1 1313685 64172 HGNC Osgepl1 1313686 72085 MGI:1919335 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:23075 Osgin1 620679 171493 OSGIN1 1607033 29948 HGNC Osgin1 1551649 71839 MGI:1919089 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:30093 Osgin2 1306323 313085 OSGIN2 1314879 734 HGNC Osgin2 1314880 209212 MGI:2384798 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:1355 Osm 1585012 289747 OSM 69134 5008 HGNC Osm 69135 18413 MGI:104749 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:8506 Osmr 1302983 310132 OSMR 1352311 9180 HGNC Osmr 1552210 18414 MGI:1330819 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:8507 Osr1 1311807 298878 OSR1 1605876 130497 HGNC Osr1 1620082 23967 MGI:1344424 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:8111 Osr2 1305812 315039 OSR2 1345615 116039 HGNC Osr2 1314073 107587 MGI:1930813 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:15830 Ost4 2300150 100188932 OST4 3418321 100128731 HGNC Ost4 1623976 67695 MGI:1914945 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:32483 Ostc 1560708 362040 OSTC 1607011 58505 HGNC Ostc 1624000 66357 MGI:1913607 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:24448 Ostf1 628849 259275 OSTF1 733236 26578 HGNC Ostf1 733237 20409 MGI:700012 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:8510 Ostm1 1564976 499474 OSTM1 1345018 28962 HGNC Ostm1 1621630 14628 MGI:2655574 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:21652 Ostn 1303110 360730 OSTN 1342782 344901 HGNC Ostn 1619817 239790 MGI:2677164 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:29961 Otc 3236 25611 OTC 732939 5009 HGNC Otc 11039 18416 MGI:97448 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:8512 Otoa 1562741 499260 OTOA 1348640 146183 HGNC Otoa 1620548 246190 MGI:2149209 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:16378 Otof 620646 84573 OTOF 1344284 9381 HGNC Otof 1550733 83762 MGI:1891247 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:8515 Otog 1306610 292918 OTOG 1315323 340990 HGNC Otog 1315324 18419 MGI:1202064 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:8516 Otogl 1589018 685868 OTOGL 1603526 283310 RGD Otogl 1616266 628870 MGI:3647600 RGD HGNC:26901 Otol1 1562064 295117 OTOL1 4140314 131149 HGNC Otol1 1619847 229389 MGI:2685260 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:34071 Otop1 631389 305427 OTOP1 735811 133060 HGNC Otop1 735812 21906 MGI:2388363 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:19656 Otop2 1304830 287820 OTOP2 1312497 92736 HGNC Otop2 1623762 237987 MGI:2388365 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:19657 Otop3 1306663 287821 OTOP3 1315404 347741 HGNC Otop3 1315405 69602 MGI:1916852 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:19658 Otor 1305253 366206 OTOR 1313174 56914 HGNC Otor 1313175 57329 MGI:1888678 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:8517 Otos 708465 246044 OTOS 1349689 150677 HGNC Otos 1332171 260301 MGI:2672814 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:22644 Otp 727945 294640 OTP 1345021 23440 HGNC Otp 1553593 18420 MGI:99835 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:8518 Otub1 1311329 293705 OTUB1 1322723 55611 HGNC Otub1 1322724 107260 MGI:2147616 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:23077 Otub2 1306688 314405 OTUB2 1315448 78990 HGNC Otub2 1550553 68149 MGI:1915399 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:20351 Otud1 1563344 498803 OTUD1 1344729 220213 HGNC Otud1 1557283 71198 MGI:1918448 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:27346 Otud3 1560468 500572 OTUD3 1604042 23252 HGNC Otud3 1621489 73162 MGI:1920412 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:29038 Otud4 1305606 307774 OTUD4 1603307 54726 HGNC Otud4 1313734 73945 MGI:1098801 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:24949 Otud5 1563027 363452 OTUD5 1604609 55593 HGNC Otud5 1624029 54644 MGI:1859615 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:25402 Otud6a 1560855 302426 OTUD6A 1605871 139562 HGNC Otud6a 1613952 408193 MGI:3644685 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:32312 Otud6b 1310024 297911 OTUD6B 1602119 51633 HGNC Otud6b 1320688 72201 MGI:1919451 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:24281 Otud7a 1563721 309252 OTUD7A 1351552 161725 HGNC Otud7a 1620659 170711 MGI:2158505 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:20718 Otud7b 1308111 310677 OTUD7B 1352780 56957 HGNC Otud7b 1617364 229603 MGI:2654703 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:16683 Otulin 2324500 100362554 OTULIN 1602667 90268 HGNC Otulin 1623582 432940 MGI:3577015 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:25118 Otulinl 1563205 310190 OTULINL 1604002 54491 HGNC Otulinl 1614947 223433 MGI:2687281 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:25629 Otx1 3237 25646 OTX1 736236 5013 HGNC Otx1 736237 18423 MGI:97450 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:8521 Otx2 1305705 305858 OTX2 1313892 5015 RGD Otx2 1313893 18424 MGI:97451 RGD HGNC:8522 Ovca2 1564623 497954 OVCA2 1603916 124641 HGNC Ovca2 1557194 246257 MGI:2179725 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:24203 Ovch2 1564636 308919 OVCH2 1602408 341277 RGD Ovch2 1615632 244199 MGI:3045251 RGD HGNC:29970 Ovol1 1306956 309164 OVOL1 1315865 5017 HGNC Ovol1 1315866 18426 MGI:1330290 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:8525 Ovol2 1306130 296201 OVOL2 1314567 58495 HGNC Ovol2 1314568 107586 MGI:1338039 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:15804 Ovol3 1583800 365226 OVOL3 5683924 728361 HGNC HGNC:14186 Oxa1l 1585024 691393 OXA1L 1316768 5018 HGNC Oxa1l 1316769 69089 MGI:1916339 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:8526 Oxct1 1584008 690163 OXCT1 1312252 5019 HGNC Oxct1 1312253 67041 MGI:1914291 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:8527 Oxct2a 2320924 100361036 Oxct2a 1315860 64059 MGI:1891061 RGD Oxct2b 1306953 366463 OXCT2 1315859 64064 RGD Oxct2b 1615532 353371 MGI:2664115 RGD HGNC:18606 Oxgr1 1303155 290493 OXGR1 1346637 27199 HGNC Oxgr1 1550957 239283 MGI:2685145 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:4531 Oxld1 1590060 103693495 OXLD1 2290031 339229 HGNC Oxld1 1623231 66431 MGI:1913681 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:27901 Oxnad1 1311534 306270 OXNAD1 1603935 92106 HGNC Oxnad1 1332484 218885 MGI:1916953 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:25128 Oxr1 621857 117520 OXR1 736990 55074 HGNC Oxr1 736991 170719 MGI:2179326 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:15822 Oxsm 1311092 289934 OXSM 1603026 54995 HGNC Oxsm 1322365 71147 MGI:1918397 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:26063 Oxsr1 1310466 316064 OXSR1 1351310 9943 HGNC Oxsr1 1553494 108737 MGI:1917378 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:8508 Oxt 3238 25504 OXT 737586 5020 HGNC Oxt 11040 18429 MGI:97453 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:8528 Oxtr 3239 25342 OXTR 736017 5021 HGNC Oxtr 11041 18430 MGI:109147 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:8529 P2rx1 3240 25505 P2RX1 736780 5023 HGNC P2rx1 11042 18436 MGI:1098235 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:8533 P2rx2 620251 114115 P2RX2 733979 22953 HGNC P2rx2 733980 231602 MGI:2665170 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:15459 P2rx3 620253 81739 P2RX3 735321 5024 HGNC P2rx3 735322 228139 MGI:1097160 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:8534 P2rx4 62073 29659 P2RX4 732285 5025 HGNC P2rx4 62365 18438 MGI:1338859 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:8535 P2rx5 620256 113995 P2RX5 737418 5026 HGNC P2rx5 734331 94045 MGI:2137026 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:8536 P2rx6 3243 25041 P2RX6 736820 9127 HGNC P2rx6 11045 18440 MGI:1337113 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:8538 P2rx7 3241 29665 P2RX7 730814 5027 HGNC P2rx7 730815 18439 MGI:1339957 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:8537 P2ry1 3242 25265 P2RY1 736104 5028 HGNC P2ry1 11043 18441 MGI:105049 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:8539 P2ry10 1561912 317219 P2RY10 1343009 27334 HGNC P2ry10 1557233 78826 MGI:1926076 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:19906 P2ry10b 1560455 302377 P2RY10BP 5684195 449518 RGD P2ry10b 1556909 213438 MGI:2441814 RGD HGNC:32924 P2ry12 621681 64803 P2RY12 1354000 64805 HGNC P2ry12 733568 70839 MGI:1918089 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:18124 P2ry13 1302941 310444 P2RY13 1602708 53829 HGNC P2ry13 1551996 74191 MGI:1921441 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:4537 P2ry14 70912 171108 P2RY14 1347256 9934 HGNC P2ry14 1332276 140795 MGI:2155705 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:16442 P2ry2 62088 29597 P2RY2 1352486 5029 HGNC P2ry2 62380 18442 MGI:105107 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:8541 P2ry4 61798 63843 P2RY4 731552 5030 HGNC P2ry4 62090 57385 MGI:1926594 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:8542 P2ry6 620269 117264 P2RY6 736435 5031 HGNC P2ry6 732055 233571 MGI:2673874 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:8543 P3h1 628823 114200 P3H1 1602868 64175 HGNC P3h1 732133 56401 MGI:1888921 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:19316 P3h2 1304568 288016 P3H2 1312081 55214 HGNC P3h2 1312082 210530 MGI:2146663 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:19317 P3h3 1305699 297595 P3H3 1313881 10536 HGNC P3h3 1313882 14789 MGI:1315208 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:19318 P3h4 620767 59101 P3H4 732924 10609 HGNC P3h4 735364 66180 MGI:1913430 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:16946 P3r3urf 6491750 100911669 P3R3URF 13825218 110117498 HGNC P3r3urf 1608850 67323 MGI:1914573 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:53451 P4ha1 621000 64475 P4HA1 731788 5033 HGNC P4ha1 731789 18451 MGI:97463 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:8546 P4ha2 1309673 360526 P4HA2 1320142 8974 HGNC P4ha2 1320143 18452 MGI:894286 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:8547 P4ha3 735150 361612 P4HA3 1346978 283208 HGNC P4ha3 1551556 320452 MGI:2444049 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:30135 P4hb 3244 25506 P4HB 733481 5034 HGNC P4hb 11046 18453 MGI:97464 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:8548 P4htm 1311848 301008 P4HTM 1607023 54681 HGNC P4htm 1323520 74443 MGI:1921693 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:28858 Pa2g4 1302994 288778 PA2G4 1354307 5036 HGNC Pa2g4 1332087 18813 MGI:894684 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:8550 Pabir1 1310316 309420 PABIR1 1321149 116224 HGNC Pabir1 1321150 68034 MGI:1915284 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:23490 Pabir2 1560129 501647 PABIR2 1605855 159090 HGNC Pabir2 1618266 78755 MGI:1926005 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:30490 Pabir3 1590266 685701 PABIR3 1605854 159091 HGNC Pabir3 1615829 73866 MGI:1921116 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:25202 Pabpc1 619838 171350 PABPC1 1349848 26986 HGNC Pabpc1 1552448 18458 MGI:1349722 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:8554 Pabpc1l 1563142 296351 PABPC1L 1346773 80336 HGNC Pabpc1l 1612607 381404 MGI:1922908 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:15797 Pabpc1l2a 1566367 302405 PABPC1L2A 1603498 340529 HGNC HGNC:27989 Pabpc1l2b 402146755 134484067 PABPC1L2B 1642212 645974 NCBI Pabpc1l2b 1622425 668382 MGI:3644774 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:31852 Pabpc4 1305015 298510 PABPC4 1312792 8761 HGNC Pabpc4 1312793 230721 MGI:2385206 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:8557 Pabpc4l 1559517 295010 PABPC4L 2290032 132430 HGNC Pabpc4l 1622918 241989 MGI:3643087 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:31955 Pabpc5 1587661 688518 PABPC5 1348533 140886 HGNC Pabpc5 1558487 93728 MGI:2136401 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:13629 Pabpc6 1311201 292295 PABPC3 1343398 5042 HGNC Pabpc6 1322536 67543 MGI:1914793 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:8556 Pabpn1 619928 116697 PABPN1 1345820 8106 HGNC Pabpn1 1550881 54196 MGI:1859158 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:8565 Pabpn1l 1562761 307920 PABPN1L 3078328 390748 HGNC Pabpn1l 1557279 382035 MGI:2685954 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:37237 Pacc1 1359339 305070 PACC1 1602479 55248 HGNC Pacc1 1619193 66950 MGI:1914200 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:25593 Pacrg 1561027 499021 PACRG 1352616 135138 RGD Pacrg 1620819 69310 MGI:1916560 RGD HGNC:19152 Pacrgl 1311045 360947 PACRGL 1605875 133015 HGNC Pacrgl 1322294 66768 MGI:1914018 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:28442 Pacs1 620579 171444 PACS1 735286 55690 HGNC Pacs1 732881 107975 MGI:1277113 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:30032 Pacs2 1597262 691631 PACS2 1604046 23241 HGNC Pacs2 1618175 217893 MGI:1924399 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:23794 Pacsin1 3247 29704 PACSIN1 736787 29993 HGNC Pacsin1 69655 23969 MGI:1345181 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:8570 Pacsin2 69411 124461 PACSIN2 69456 11252 HGNC Pacsin2 69457 23970 MGI:1345153 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:8571 Pacsin3 1307327 311187 PACSIN3 1316456 29763 HGNC Pacsin3 1316457 80708 MGI:1891410 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:8572 Padi1 3287 54282 PADI1 1344006 29943 HGNC Padi1 734124 18599 MGI:1338893 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:18367 Padi2 3288 29511 PADI2 1348232 11240 HGNC Padi2 1332199 18600 MGI:1338892 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:18341 Padi3 3289 29520 PADI3 732756 51702 HGNC Padi3 1332064 18601 MGI:1338891 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:18337 Padi4 3290 29512 PADI4 1348860 23569 HGNC Padi4 1332512 18602 MGI:1338898 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:18368 Padi6 1560424 298595 PADI6 1354366 353238 HGNC Padi6 1556988 242726 MGI:2655198 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:20449 Paep 2293817 100169711 PAEP 1347038 5047 HGNC Lcn11 1622973 227630 MGI:2684955 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:8573 Paf1 1306219 361531 PAF1 1607027 54623 HGNC Paf1 1553781 54624 MGI:1923988 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:25459 Pafah1b1 620331 83572 PAFAH1B1 1349260 5048 HGNC Pafah1b1 1622377 18472 MGI:109520 RGD HGNC:8574 Pafah1b2 620332 64189 PAFAH1B2 733676 5049 HGNC Pafah1b2 733677 18475 MGI:108415 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:8575 Pafah1b3 620333 114113 PAFAH1B3 732942 5050 HGNC Pafah1b3 732943 18476 MGI:108414 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:8576 Pafah2 631399 313611 PAFAH2 1349698 5051 HGNC Pafah2 1551210 100163 MGI:2140321 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:8579 Pag1 620394 64019 PAG1 1603638 55824 HGNC Pag1 731574 94212 MGI:2443160 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:30043 Pagr1 1305592 293500 PAGR1 1606780 79447 HGNC Pagr1a 1313714 67278 MGI:1914528 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:28707 Pah 3248 24616 PAH 735410 5053 HGNC Pah 11050 18478 MGI:97473 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:8582 Paics 620066 140946 PAICS 1346725 10606 HGNC Paics 732393 67054 MGI:1914304 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:8587 Paip1 1305668 365684 PAIP1 1313834 10605 HGNC Paip1 1313835 218693 MGI:2384993 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:16945 Paip2 1359176 361309 PAIP2 1312240 51247 HGNC Paip2 1312241 67869 MGI:1915119 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:17970 Paip2b 1307930 312490 PAIP2B 1605487 400961 HGNC Paip2b 1317410 232164 MGI:2386865 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:29200 Pak1 3250 29431 PAK1 1346880 5058 HGNC Pak1 736234 18479 MGI:1339975 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:8590 Pak1ip1 1565353 361232 PAK1IP1 1353310 55003 HGNC Pak1ip1 1558380 68083 MGI:1915333 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:20882 Pak2 61953 29432 PAK2 732793 5062 HGNC Pak2 62246 224105 MGI:1339984 RGD HGNC:8591 Pak3 3251 29433 PAK3 731864 5063 HGNC Pak3 736155 18481 MGI:1339656 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:8592 Pak4 1307705 292756 PAK4 1317048 10298 HGNC Pak4 1317049 70584 MGI:1917834 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:16059 Pak5 1312009 311450 PAK5 1323766 57144 HGNC Pak5 1323767 241656 MGI:1920334 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:15916 Pak6 1306213 296078 PAK6 1314703 56924 HGNC Pak6 1314704 214230 MGI:2679420 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:16061 Pakap 1305135 298024 PALM2AKAP2 1603446 445815 HGNC Pakap 2308242 677884 MGI:5141924 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:33529 Palb2 1304759 293452 PALB2 1605949 79728 HGNC Palb2 1312388 233826 MGI:3040695 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:26144 Pald1 1305933 294508 PALD1 1346451 27143 HGNC Pald1 1624055 27355 MGI:1351623 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:23530 Palld 2322545 100360205 PALLD 1604638 23022 HGNC Palld 1312486 72333 MGI:1919583 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:17068 Palm 620341 170673 PALM 1344376 5064 HGNC Palm 732090 18483 MGI:1261814 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:8594 Palm3 2323602 100359592 PALM3 2803038 342979 HGNC Palm3 1622256 74337 MGI:1921587 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:33274 Palmd 1305624 310811 PALMD 1313763 54873 HGNC Palmd 1313764 114301 MGI:2148896 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:15846 Pals1 1308071 314259 PALS1 1317631 64398 HGNC Pals1 1317632 56217 MGI:1927339 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:18669 Pals2 1311833 362359 PALS2 1323497 51678 HGNC Pals2 1323498 56524 MGI:1927340 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:18167 Pam 3252 25508 PAM 735807 5066 HGNC Pam 11056 18484 MGI:97475 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:8596 Pam16 1598163 679907 PAM16 1603048 51025 HGNC Pam16 1557778 66449 MGI:1913699 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:29679 Pamr1 1308745 311252 PAMR1 1604026 25891 HGNC Pamr1 1332113 210622 MGI:2445082 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:24554 Pan2 1303301 408200 PAN2 1348496 9924 HGNC Pan2 1553696 103135 MGI:1918984 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:20074 Pan3 1590880 360760 PAN3 1603874 255967 HGNC Pan3 1316061 72587 MGI:1919837 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:29991 Pank1 1304677 294088 PANK1 1312259 53354 HGNC Pank1 1312260 75735 MGI:1922985 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:8598 Pank2 1305169 296167 PANK2 1313038 80025 HGNC Pank2 1313039 74450 MGI:1921700 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:15894 Pank3 1310531 360511 PANK3 1321488 79646 RGD Pank3 1321489 211347 MGI:2387464 RGD HGNC:19365 Pank4 628857 171053 PANK4 731329 55229 HGNC Pank4 1550985 269614 MGI:2387466 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:19366 Pantr1 7688151 102547353 PANTR1 7778875 100506421 HGNC Pantr1 2290341 66297 MGI:1913547 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:49513 Panx1 735204 315435 PANX1 1347653 24145 HGNC Panx1 1552235 55991 MGI:1860055 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:8599 Panx2 735191 362979 PANX2 1349764 56666 HGNC Panx2 1550200 406218 MGI:1890615 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:8600 Panx3 735137 315567 PANX3 1351582 116337 HGNC Panx3 1552785 208098 MGI:1918881 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:20573 Paox 1561125 293589 PAOX 1320571 196743 HGNC Paox 1320572 212503 MGI:1916983 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:20837 Papln 1311176 314297 PAPLN 1322495 89932 HGNC Papln 1322496 170721 MGI:2386139 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:19262 Papola 1308673 314417 PAPOLA 1318583 10914 HGNC Papola 1318584 18789 MGI:109301 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:14981 Papolb 1310946 304300 PAPOLB 1322134 56903 RGD Papolb 1322135 56522 MGI:1932115 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:15970 Papolg 1310337 305586 PAPOLG 1321183 64895 HGNC Papolg 1553464 216578 MGI:2442119 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:14982 Pappa 1307742 313262 PAPPA 1317112 5069 HGNC Pappa 1317113 18491 MGI:97479 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:8602 Pappa2 1591785 680415 PAPPA2 1312133 60676 HGNC Pappa2 1620878 23850 MGI:3051647 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:14615 Papss1 1308081 295443 PAPSS1 1317646 9061 HGNC Papss1 1317647 23971 MGI:1330587 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:8603 Papss2 1307012 294103 PAPSS2 1315952 9060 HGNC Papss2 1315953 23972 MGI:1330223 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:8604 Paqr3 1310426 305203 PAQR3 1321322 152559 HGNC Paqr3 1623781 231474 MGI:2679683 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:30130 Paqr4 1309533 302967 PAQR4 1319922 124222 HGNC Paqr4 1551292 76498 MGI:1923748 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:26386 Paqr5 1311259 315741 PAQR5 1606550 54852 HGNC Paqr5 1553682 74090 MGI:1921340 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:29645 Paqr6 1584722 681021 PAQR6 1323634 79957 HGNC Paqr6 1553862 68957 MGI:1916207 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:30132 Paqr7 1563621 313615 PAQR7 1606437 164091 HGNC Paqr7 1557175 71904 MGI:1919154 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:23146 Paqr8 1311710 316275 PAQR8 1323309 85315 HGNC Paqr8 1550307 74229 MGI:1921479 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:15708 Paqr9 1311515 315904 PAQR9 1323015 344838 HGNC Paqr9 1553758 75552 MGI:1922802 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:30131 Pard3 620374 81918 PARD3 731593 56288 HGNC Pard3 735752 93742 MGI:2135608 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:16051 Pard3b 1584992 301455 PARD3B 1312545 117583 HGNC Pard3b 1623941 72823 MGI:1919301 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:14446 Pard6a 1303273 307799 PARD6A 1345737 50855 HGNC Pard6a 1551602 56513 MGI:1927223 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:15943 Pard6b 1308205 362279 PARD6B 1317848 84612 HGNC Pard6b 1317849 58220 MGI:2135605 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:16245 Pard6g 1305016 307237 PARD6G 1312794 84552 HGNC Pard6g 1312795 93737 MGI:2135606 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:16076 Parg 620387 83507 PARG 1351666 8505 HGNC Parg 733120 26430 MGI:1347094 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:8605 Park7 621808 117287 PARK7 1344212 11315 HGNC Park7 1552781 57320 MGI:2135637 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:16369 Parl 1306191 287979 PARL 1314669 55486 HGNC Parl 1550418 381038 MGI:1277152 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:18253 Parm1 708342 286894 PARM1 1604031 25849 HGNC Parm1 1332438 231440 MGI:2443349 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:24536 Parn 1565449 360464 PARN 1348471 5073 HGNC Parn 1558057 74108 MGI:1921358 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:8609 Parp1 2053 25591 PARP1 1345118 142 HGNC Parp1 1551988 11545 MGI:1340806 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:270 Parp10 7744876 102548778 PARP10 1348193 84875 HGNC Parp10 2311830 671535 MGI:3712326 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:25895 Parp11 1561791 500323 PARP11 1344916 57097 HGNC Parp11 1557039 101187 MGI:2141505 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:1186 Parp12 1308628 362343 PARP12 1318511 64761 HGNC Parp12 1551043 243771 MGI:2143990 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:21919 Parp14 1310490 303903 PARP14 1344897 54625 HGNC Parp14 1613887 547253 MGI:1919489 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:29232 Parp16 1306243 315760 PARP16 1350046 54956 HGNC Parp16 1551462 214424 MGI:2446133 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:26040 Parp2 1310568 290027 PARP2 1602134 10038 HGNC Parp2 1553525 11546 MGI:1341112 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:272 Parp3 1305189 300985 PARP3 1604647 10039 HGNC Parp3 1550140 235587 MGI:1891258 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:273 Parp4 1310524 361046 PARP4 1606845 143 HGNC Parp4 1553510 328417 MGI:2685589 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:271 Parp6 1310937 300759 PARP6 1344996 56965 HGNC Parp6 1553819 67287 MGI:1914537 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:26921 Parp8 1587384 294762 PARP8 1350347 79668 HGNC Parp8 1550781 52552 MGI:1098713 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:26124 Parp9 1307534 303905 PARP9 1347584 83666 HGNC Parp9 1552550 80285 MGI:1933117 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:24118 Parpbp 2314264 100310874 PARPBP 1605996 55010 HGNC Parpbp 1614290 75317 MGI:1922567 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:26074 Pars2 1305345 313429 PARS2 1603670 25973 HGNC Pars2 1551635 230577 MGI:2386296 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:30563 Parva 71021 57341 PARVA 1352322 55742 HGNC Parva 731888 57342 MGI:1931144 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:14652 Parvb 1311485 362973 PARVB 1322969 29780 HGNC Parvb 1322970 170736 MGI:2153063 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:14653 Parvg 1597417 689069 PARVG 1322037 64098 HGNC Parvg 1322038 64099 MGI:2158329 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:14654 Pasd1 7496877 102554647 PASD1 1346433 139135 HGNC Pasd1 1623674 382221 MGI:2685987 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:20686 Pask 1306146 301617 PASK 1314594 23178 HGNC Pask 1314595 269224 MGI:2155936 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:17270 Pate1 2319716 100361657 PATE1 1606693 160065 HGNC Pate1 5144791 100312987 MGI:4936886 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:24664 Pate2 2320100 100361465 PATE2 1602157 399967 HGNC Pate2 1617971 330921 MGI:2685692 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:32249 Pate3 2320151 100361414 PATE3 2302531 100169851 HGNC Pate3 5132577 100312956 MGI:4936999 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:35426 Pate4 1311172 363041 PATE4 2302529 399968 HGNC Pate4 1322489 56872 MGI:1930790 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:35427 Pate5 2318904 100362078 Pate5 1621449 77080 MGI:3839959 RGD Pate7 1304554 363043 Pate7 5144937 100312986 MGI:4937361 RGD Patj 1565362 140581 PATJ 1604056 10207 HGNC Patj 1558483 12695 MGI:1277960 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:28881 Patl1 1305514 361736 PATL1 1606423 219988 HGNC Patl1 1332387 225929 MGI:2147679 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:26721 Patl2 1307887 366176 PATL2 2303478 197135 HGNC Patl2 1317343 67578 MGI:1914828 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:33630 Patz1 1308337 305471 PATZ1 1318048 23598 HGNC Patz1 1318049 56218 MGI:1891832 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:13071 Pawr 69065 64513 PAWR 69120 5074 HGNC Pawr 737403 114774 MGI:2149961 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:8614 Pax1 1588548 311505 PAX1 1350216 5075 HGNC Pax1 11058 18503 MGI:97485 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:8615 Pax2 1305568 293992 PAX2 1313673 5076 HGNC Pax2 1313674 18504 MGI:97486 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:8616 Pax3 620431 114502 PAX3 1351352 5077 HGNC Pax3 1552573 18505 MGI:97487 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:8617 Pax4 620433 83630 PAX4 1347682 5078 HGNC Pax4 733722 18506 MGI:97488 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:8618 Pax5 1565236 500453 PAX5 1352156 5079 HGNC Pax5 1621602 18507 MGI:97489 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:8619 Pax6 3258 25509 PAX6 737459 5080 HGNC Pax6 11059 18508 MGI:97490 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:8620 Pax7 1564360 500574 PAX7 1604064 5081 HGNC Pax7 1557569 18509 MGI:97491 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:8621 Pax8 620434 81819 PAX8 730849 7849 HGNC Pax8 730850 18510 MGI:97492 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:8622 Pax9 1560838 362741 PAX9 1352334 5083 HGNC Pax9 1557350 18511 MGI:97493 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:8623 Paxbp1 1584739 681004 PAXBP1 1353290 94104 HGNC Paxbp1 1615885 67367 MGI:1914617 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:13579 Paxip1 1307547 311944 PAXIP1 1316804 22976 HGNC Paxip1 1316805 55982 MGI:1890430 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:8624 Paxx 1306215 296565 PAXX 1606404 286257 HGNC Paxx 1314706 227622 MGI:2442831 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:27849 Pbdc1 1562502 363485 PBDC1 1344013 51260 HGNC Pbdc1 1558469 67683 MGI:1914933 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:28790 Pbk 1309565 290326 PBK 1351038 55872 HGNC Pbk 1319973 52033 MGI:1289156 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:18282 Pbld1 621263 171564 PBLD 1606247 64081 HGNC Pbld1 734354 68371 MGI:1915621 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:23301 Pbp2 621707 246145 Pbp2 1550255 76400 MGI:1923650 RGD Pbrm1 1565549 306254 PBRM1 1605656 55193 HGNC Pbrm1 1557721 66923 MGI:1923998 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:30064 Pbx1 1308213 304947 PBX1 1317860 5087 HGNC Pbx1 1552910 18514 MGI:97495 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:8632 Pbx2 1303084 406164 PBX2 1350680 5089 HGNC Pbx2 1621601 18515 MGI:1341793 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:8633 Pbx3 1307198 311876 PBX3 1316248 5090 HGNC Pbx3 1316249 18516 MGI:97496 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:8634 Pbx4 1305100 361131 PBX4 1345476 80714 HGNC Pbx4 1623092 80720 MGI:1931321 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:13403 Pbxip1 1305180 310644 PBXIP1 1313054 57326 HGNC Pbxip1 1313055 229534 MGI:2441670 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:21199 Pc 3262 25104 PC 733418 5091 HGNC Pcx 733419 18563 MGI:97520 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:8636 Pcare 1304963 313891 PCARE 2298744 388939 HGNC Pcare 1312708 225004 MGI:2385061 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:34383 Pcbd1 3263 29700 PCBD1 1604063 5092 HGNC Pcbd1 1551016 13180 MGI:94873 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:8646 Pcbd2 1590239 685729 PCBD2 1353306 84105 RGD Pcbd2 1615841 72562 MGI:1919812 RGD HGNC:24474 Pcbp1 1561319 500242 PCBP1 1353218 5093 HGNC Pcbp1 1557062 23983 MGI:1345635 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:8647 Pcbp2 1309626 363005 PCBP2 1320065 5094 HGNC Pcbp2 1320066 18521 MGI:108202 RGD HGNC:8648 Pcbp3 1307430 294336 PCBP3 1316622 54039 HGNC Pcbp3 1316623 59093 MGI:1890470 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:8651 Pcbp4 1307910 363133 PCBP4 1317376 57060 HGNC Pcbp4 1317377 59092 MGI:1890471 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:8652 Pcca 3264 687008 PCCA 736733 5095 HGNC Pcca 733831 110821 MGI:97499 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:8653 Pccb 3265 24624 PCCB 731965 5096 HGNC Pccb 736314 66904 MGI:1914154 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:8654 Pcdh1 1308490 307481 PCDH1 1318287 5097 HGNC Pcdh1 1623120 75599 MGI:104692 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:8655 Pcdh10 1565811 361943 PCDH10 1348202 57575 HGNC Pcdh10 1557192 18526 MGI:1338042 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:13404 Pcdh11x 1562864 317204 PCDH11X 1353305 27328 HGNC Pcdh11x 1557959 245578 MGI:2442849 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:8656 Pcdh12 619917 116808 PCDH12 1348823 51294 HGNC Pcdh12 1550321 53601 MGI:1855700 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:8657 Pcdh15 1590969 690865 PCDH15 1353280 65217 HGNC Pcdh15 1622414 11994 MGI:1891428 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:14674 Pcdh17 1304753 306055 PCDH17 1312379 27253 HGNC Pcdh17 1617378 219228 MGI:2684924 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:14267 Pcdh18 1305870 295027 PCDH18 1314160 54510 HGNC Pcdh18 1314161 73173 MGI:1920423 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:14268 Pcdh19 1565392 317183 PCDH19 1354208 57526 HGNC Pcdh19 1622864 279653 MGI:2685563 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:14270 Pcdh20 1306297 306081 PCDH20 1314837 64881 HGNC Pcdh20 1314838 219257 MGI:2443376 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:14257 Pcdh7 1303209 360942 PCDH7 1346973 5099 HGNC Pcdh7 1616811 54216 MGI:1860487 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:8659 Pcdh8 69350 64865 PCDH8 735353 5100 HGNC Pcdh8 735354 18530 MGI:1306800 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:8660 Pcdh9 1306348 306091 PCDH9 1314916 5101 HGNC Pcdh9 1556980 211712 MGI:1306801 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:8661 Pcdha1 735016 393085 PCDHA1 1352837 56147 RGD Pcdha1 1615751 116731 MGI:2150982 RGD HGNC:8663 Pcdha10 620749 116778 PCDHA10 1352620 56139 HGNC Pcdha9 1615748 192161 MGI:2447322 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:8664 Pcdha11 1594480 394223 PCDHA11 1349379 56138 RGD Pcdha11 1614469 12942 MGI:1298372 RGD HGNC:8665 Pcdha12 620750 116779 PCDHA12 1345752 56137 RGD Pcdha12 731585 192164 MGI:1298370 RGD HGNC:8666 Pcdha13 620751 116742 PCDHA13 1342552 56136 HGNC HGNC:8667 Pcdha2 735182 393086 PCDHA2 1315965 56146 HGNC Pcdha2 1616414 353234 MGI:2681880 RGD HGNC:8668 Pcdha3 620336 116780 PCDHA3 732264 56145 HGNC Pcdha3 1615747 192163 MGI:2447313 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:8669 Pcdha4 620337 116741 PCDHA4 733347 56144 HGNC Pcdha4 1614473 12936 MGI:1298406 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:8670 Pcdha5 735200 393087 PCDHA5 1347310 56143 HGNC Pcdha5 1614470 12941 MGI:1298371 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:8671 Pcdha6 735165 393088 PCDHA6 1344704 56142 HGNC Pcdha6 1614472 12937 MGI:1298367 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:8672 Pcdha7 735055 393089 PCDHA7 1353324 56141 HGNC Pcdha7 1614471 12939 MGI:1298369 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:8673 Pcdha8 620338 116781 PCDHA8 1346741 56140 HGNC HGNC:8674 Pcdha9 735153 393090 PCDHA9 1343466 9752 HGNC Pcdha8 1616413 353235 MGI:2681879 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:8675 Pcdhac1 41150048 120098165 PCDHAC1 1353050 56135 HGNC Pcdhac1 1616412 353236 MGI:1891442 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:8676 Pcdhac2 735216 393092 PCDHAC2 1346435 56134 HGNC Pcdhac2 1616411 353237 MGI:1891443 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:8677 Pcdhb1 1308760 364841 PCDHB1 1318719 29930 HGNC Pcdhb1 1318720 93872 MGI:2136730 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:8680 Pcdhb12 3266 25133 Pcdhb12 1552504 93883 MGI:2136747 RGD Pcdhb15 11368541 108348201 PCDHB7 1314071 56129 RGD Pcdhb15 1314072 93886 MGI:2136750 RGD HGNC:8692 Pcdhb16 11492646 108348771 PCDHB16 1343753 57717 HGNC Pcdhb16 1313626 93887 MGI:2136752 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:14546 Pcdhb19 1549697 548106 PCDHB12 1350553 56124 HGNC Pcdhb19 1622184 93890 MGI:2136757 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:8683 Pcdhb2 1563132 498843 PCDHB2 1316874 56133 HGNC Pcdhb2 1558599 93873 MGI:2136735 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:8687 Pcdhb20 1594228 680203 PCDHB14 1322463 56122 HGNC Pcdhb20 1322464 93891 MGI:2136758 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:8685 Pcdhb21 1305349 307487 PCDHB9 1345982 56127 HGNC HGNC:8694 Pcdhb22 1310328 307486 PCDHB15 1321168 56121 HGNC Pcdhb22 1321169 93893 MGI:2136760 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:8686 Pcdhb3 1305171 291656 PCDHB3 1313041 56132 HGNC Pcdhb3 1313042 93874 MGI:2136737 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:8688 Pcdhb5 1304665 291654 PCDHB4 1312238 56131 HGNC Pcdhb5 1312239 93876 MGI:2136739 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:8689 Pcdhb6 1306123 291653 Pcdhb6 1314556 93877 MGI:2136740 RGD Pcdhb6l 11376545 108348233 PCDHB6 1321102 56130 HGNC Pcdhb13 1321103 93884 MGI:2136748 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:8691 Pcdhb8 1309895 680020 PCDHB5 1314555 26167 HGNC Pcdhb4 1318952 93875 MGI:2136738 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:8690 Pcdhga1 1590761 553129 PCDHGA1 1353144 56114 HGNC Pcdhga1 1623076 93709 MGI:1935212 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:8696 Pcdhga10 1308289 498849 PCDHGA10 1317979 56106 HGNC Pcdhga10 1557236 93722 MGI:1935227 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:8697 Pcdhga11 621232 252897 PCDHGA11 1349006 56105 HGNC Pcdhga11 1623071 93723 MGI:1935228 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:8698 Pcdhga12 1587258 498850 PCDHGA12 1352537 26025 HGNC Pcdhga12 1623070 93724 MGI:1935229 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:8699 Pcdhga2 1587259 498846 PCDHGA2 1345135 56113 HGNC Pcdhga2 1623075 93710 MGI:1935214 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:8700 Pcdhga3 1598664 498847 PCDHGA3 1349153 56112 HGNC Pcdhga3 1552175 93711 MGI:1935215 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:8701 Pcdhga4 620725 252894 PCDHGA4 1351804 56111 RGD Pcdhga4 1623074 93712 MGI:1935216 RGD HGNC:8702 Pcdhga5 1311949 291637 PCDHGA5 1323670 56110 HGNC Pcdhga5 1553867 93713 MGI:1935217 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:8703 Pcdhga7 1305108 291635 PCDHGA7 1312946 56108 HGNC Pcdhga7 1552117 93715 MGI:1935219 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:8705 Pcdhga8 1310676 364843 PCDHGA8 1321718 9708 HGNC Pcdhga8 1553555 93716 MGI:1935221 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:8706 Pcdhga9 620729 252895 PCDHGA9 1345022 56107 HGNC Pcdhga9 1551674 93717 MGI:1935226 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:8707 Pcdhgb1 1560482 498848 PCDHGB1 1349950 56104 HGNC Pcdhgb1 1623872 93699 MGI:1935169 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:8708 Pcdhgb7 1588516 364844 PCDHGB7 1344386 56099 HGNC HGNC:8714 Pcdhgb8 1307432 364845 PCDHGB3 1343116 56102 HGNC HGNC:8710 Pcdhgc3 620746 116782 PCDHGC3 1349055 5098 HGNC Pcdhgc3 1623079 93706 MGI:1935201 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:8716 Pcdhgc5 2312582 641525 PCDHGC5 1353179 56097 HGNC Pcdhgc5 1623077 93708 MGI:1935205 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:8718 Pced1a 1308836 296158 PCED1A 1318837 64773 HGNC Pced1a 1318838 319513 MGI:2442177 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:16212 Pced1b 1561028 315283 PCED1B 1602665 91523 HGNC Pced1b 1620574 239647 MGI:2446270 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:28255 Pcf11 1563397 361605 PCF11 1604812 51585 HGNC Pcf11 1557488 74737 MGI:1919579 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:30097 Pcgf1 1549782 312480 PCGF1 1349943 84759 HGNC Pcgf1 1557454 69837 MGI:1917087 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:17615 Pcgf2 1305097 287662 PCGF2 1352511 7703 RGD Pcgf2 1550113 22658 MGI:99161 RGD HGNC:12929 Pcgf3 1311479 305624 PCGF3 1344033 10336 HGNC Pcgf3 1551802 69587 MGI:1916837 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:10066 Pcgf5 1583513 681178 PCGF5 1351153 84333 HGNC Pcgf5 1619085 76073 MGI:1923505 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:28264 Pcgf6 1306904 309457 PCGF6 1353848 84108 HGNC Pcgf6 1550599 71041 MGI:1918291 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:21156 Pcid2 1307041 361182 PCID2 1601857 55795 HGNC Pcid2 1316002 234069 MGI:2443003 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:25653 Pcif1 1310800 362269 PCIF1 1321911 63935 HGNC Pcif1 1321912 228866 MGI:2443858 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:16200 Pck1 3267 362282 PCK1 1347922 5105 HGNC Pck1 11062 18534 MGI:97501 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:8724 Pck2 1311112 361042 PCK2 1322394 5106 HGNC Pck2 1553662 74551 MGI:1860456 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:8725 Pclaf 1303041 300795 PCLAF 1353661 9768 HGNC Pclaf 1332466 68026 MGI:1915276 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:28961 Pclo 69406 56768 PCLO 69449 27445 HGNC Pclo 69450 26875 MGI:1349390 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:13406 Pcm1 620901 81740 PCM1 1349730 5108 HGNC Pcm1 1621600 18536 MGI:1277958 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:8727 Pcmt1 3268 25604 PCMT1 733720 5110 HGNC Pcmt1 733721 18537 MGI:97502 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:8728 Pcmtd1 1586096 366300 PCMTD1 1602190 115294 HGNC Pcmtd1 1317493 319263 MGI:2441773 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:30483 Pcmtd2 1305684 311726 PCMTD2 1313858 55251 HGNC Pcmtd2 1313859 245867 MGI:1923927 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:15882 Pcna 3269 25737 PCNA 732094 5111 HGNC Pcna 732095 18538 MGI:97503 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:8729 Pcnp 1563775 288165 PCNP 1603975 57092 HGNC Pcnp 1616707 76302 MGI:1923552 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:30023 Pcnt 1595865 309692 PCNT 1317411 5116 HGNC Pcnt 1317412 18541 MGI:102722 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:16068 Pcnx1 1306115 314288 PCNX1 1352404 22990 HGNC Pcnx1 1314541 54604 MGI:1891924 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:19740 Pcnx2 1305883 307949 PCNX2 1605048 80003 HGNC Pcnx2 1314182 270109 MGI:2445010 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:8736 Pcnx3 1305529 309167 PCNX3 1602160 399909 HGNC Pcnx3 1313607 104401 MGI:1861733 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:18760 Pcnx4 1582892 690217 PCNX4 1348042 64430 HGNC Pcnx4 1313007 67708 MGI:1914958 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:20349 Pcolce 3270 29569 PCOLCE 733466 5118 HGNC Pcolce 736196 18542 MGI:105099 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:8738 PCOLCE2 1595195 684050 PCOLCE2 1346123 26577 HGNC Pcolce2 1615800 76477 MGI:1923727 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:8739 Pcp2 1306217 304195 PCP2 1314709 126006 HGNC Pcp2 1314710 18545 MGI:97508 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:30209 Pcp4 3271 25510 PCP4 731616 5121 HGNC Pcp4 11063 18546 MGI:97509 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:8742 Pcp4l1 1593809 685448 PCP4L1 1602138 654790 HGNC Pcp4l1 1623232 66425 MGI:1913675 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:20448 Pcsk1 3272 25204 PCSK1 734345 5122 RGD Pcsk1 734346 18548 MGI:97511 RGD HGNC:8743 Pcsk1n 3617 246333 PCSK1N 737617 27344 HGNC Pcsk1n 737618 30052 MGI:1353431 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:17301 Pcsk2 3273 25121 PCSK2 736345 5126 HGNC Pcsk2 736346 18549 MGI:97512 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:8744 Pcsk4 620325 171085 PCSK4 1345180 54760 HGNC Pcsk4 731802 18551 MGI:97514 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:8746 Pcsk5 620326 116548 PCSK5 732125 5125 HGNC Pcsk5 1552230 18552 MGI:97515 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:8747 Pcsk6 3246 25507 PCSK6 1604066 5046 HGNC Pcsk6 1553015 18553 MGI:102897 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:8569 Pcsk7 3275 29606 PCSK7 733505 9159 HGNC Pcsk7 733506 18554 MGI:107421 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:8748 Pcsk9 728909 298296 PCSK9 731023 255738 HGNC Pcsk9 731024 100102 MGI:2140260 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:20001 Pctp 3276 29510 PCTP 1353620 58488 HGNC Pctp 735337 18559 MGI:107375 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:8752 Pcyox1 628652 246302 PCYOX1 1350972 51449 HGNC Pcyox1 733109 66881 MGI:1914131 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:20588 Pcyox1l 1563290 307396 PCYOX1L 1604601 78991 HGNC Pcyox1l 1614891 240334 MGI:3606062 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:28477 Pcyt1a 70515 140544 PCYT1A 737380 5130 HGNC Pcyt1a 734305 13026 MGI:88557 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:8754 Pcyt1b 708434 286936 PCYT1B 1348765 9468 HGNC Pcyt1b 1551569 236899 MGI:2147987 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:8755 Pcyt2 619970 89841 PCYT2 736348 5833 HGNC Pcyt2 731991 68671 MGI:1915921 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:8756 Pdap1 620442 64527 PDAP1 733658 11333 HGNC Pdap1 1332073 231887 MGI:2448536 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:14634 Pdc 3277 25343 PDC 737392 5132 HGNC Pdc 737393 20028 MGI:98090 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:8759 Pdcd1 1311658 301626 PDCD1 1323231 5133 HGNC Pdcd1 1323232 18566 MGI:104879 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:8760 Pdcd10 1359329 494345 PDCD10 1351056 11235 HGNC Pdcd10 1550654 56426 MGI:1928396 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:8761 Pdcd11 1304933 309458 PDCD11 1354347 22984 HGNC Pdcd11 1312660 18572 MGI:1341788 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:13408 Pdcd1lg2 1306403 309304 PDCD1LG2 1314998 80380 HGNC Pdcd1lg2 1552436 58205 MGI:1930125 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:18731 Pdcd2 61887 58934 PDCD2 733734 5134 HGNC Pdcd2 62180 18567 MGI:104643 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:8762 Pdcd2l 1589941 689637 PDCD2L 1601844 84306 HGNC Pdcd2l 1332227 68079 MGI:1915329 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:28194 Pdcd4 620816 64031 PDCD4 732159 27250 HGNC Pdcd4 732160 18569 MGI:107490 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:8763 Pdcd5 1310561 292814 PDCD5 1321536 9141 RGD Pdcd5 1321537 56330 MGI:1913538 RGD HGNC:8764 Pdcd6 1311239 308061 PDCD6 1322592 10016 HGNC Pdcd6 1322593 18570 MGI:109283 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:8765 Pdcd6ip 68357 501083 PDCD6IP 68505 10015 HGNC Pdcd6ip 68506 18571 MGI:1333753 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:8766 Pdcd7 1308961 363082 PDCD7 1319039 10081 HGNC Pdcd7 1319040 50996 MGI:1859170 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:8767 Pdcl 621135 64013 PDCL 735514 5082 HGNC Pdcl 735515 67466 MGI:1914716 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:8770 Pdcl2 1559712 498352 PDCL2 1344096 132954 HGNC Pdcl2 1558552 79455 MGI:1890655 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:29524 Pdcl3 1309663 316348 PDCL3 1320124 79031 HGNC Pdcl3 1320125 68833 MGI:1916083 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:28860 Pde10a 68434 63885 PDE10A 68649 10846 HGNC Pde10a 68650 23984 MGI:1345143 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:8772 Pde11a 621793 140928 PDE11A 737612 50940 HGNC Pde11a 1616522 241489 MGI:3036251 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:8773 Pde12 1310975 306231 PDE12 1606683 201626 HGNC Pde12 1322180 211948 MGI:2443226 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:25386 Pde1a 68329 81529 PDE1A 68458 5136 HGNC Pde1a 68459 18573 MGI:1201792 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:8774 Pde1b 3278 29691 PDE1B 735556 5153 HGNC Pde1b 735557 18574 MGI:97523 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:8775 Pde1c 68332 81742 PDE1C 68463 5137 HGNC Pde1c 68464 18575 MGI:108413 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:8776 Pde2a 620965 81743 PDE2A 730957 5138 HGNC Pde2a 737365 207728 MGI:2446107 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:8777 Pde3a 61942 50678 PDE3A 734436 5139 HGNC Pde3a 62235 54611 MGI:1860764 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:8778 Pde3b 61943 29516 PDE3B 732966 5140 HGNC Pde3b 62236 18576 MGI:1333863 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:8779 Pde4a 3279 25638 PDE4A 737080 5141 HGNC Pde4a 737081 18577 MGI:99558 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:8780 Pde4b 3280 24626 PDE4B 733361 5142 HGNC Pde4b 11065 18578 MGI:99557 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:8781 Pde4c 727918 290646 PDE4C 737216 5143 HGNC Pde4c 1557746 110385 MGI:99556 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:8782 Pde4d 3281 24627 PDE4D 736102 5144 HGNC Pde4d 11066 238871 MGI:99555 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:8783 Pde4dip 708410 64183 PDE4DIP 1352019 9659 HGNC Pde4dip 1620696 83679 MGI:1891434 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:15580 Pde5a 620995 171115 PDE5A 732674 8654 HGNC Pde5a 737352 242202 MGI:2651499 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:8784 Pde6a 1306835 307401 PDE6A 1315676 5145 HGNC Pde6a 1315677 225600 MGI:97524 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:8785 Pde6b 1311039 289878 PDE6B 1322283 5158 HGNC Pde6b 1322284 18587 MGI:97525 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:8786 Pde6c 1309844 361752 PDE6C 1320406 5146 HGNC Pde6c 1320407 110855 MGI:105956 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:8787 Pde6d 1306204 363272 PDE6D 1314689 5147 HGNC Pde6d 1314690 18582 MGI:1270843 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:8788 Pde6g 1591130 688297 PDE6G 735391 5148 HGNC Pde6g 1621597 18588 MGI:97526 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:8789 Pde6h 70933 114248 PDE6H 1353241 5149 HGNC Pde6h 1551955 78600 MGI:1925850 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:8790 Pde7a 68391 81744 PDE7A 68570 5150 HGNC Pde7a 68571 18583 MGI:1202402 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:8791 Pde7b 621016 140929 PDE7B 732248 27115 HGNC Pde7b 732249 29863 MGI:1352752 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:8792 Pde8a 735125 308776 PDE8A 1601777 5151 HGNC Pde8a 1550182 18584 MGI:1277116 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:8793 Pde8b 735041 309962 PDE8B 1348334 8622 HGNC Pde8b 1552413 218461 MGI:2443999 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:8794 Pde9a 621035 191569 PDE9A 733534 5152 HGNC Pde9a 733535 18585 MGI:1277179 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:8795 Pdf 1582894 690214 PDF 1605961 64146 HGNC Pdf 1611920 68023 MGI:1915273 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:30012 Pdgfa 3282 25266 PDGFA 736070 5154 HGNC Pdgfa 11067 18590 MGI:97527 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:8799 Pdgfb 3283 24628 PDGFB 737124 5155 HGNC Pdgfb 11068 18591 MGI:97528 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:8800 Pdgfc 68410 79429 PDGFC 68605 56034 HGNC Pdgfc 68606 54635 MGI:1859631 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:8801 Pdgfd 621880 66018 PDGFD 1604286 80310 HGNC Pdgfd 1552654 71785 MGI:1919035 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:30620 Pdgfra 3284 25267 PDGFRA 730916 5156 HGNC Pdgfra 11069 18595 MGI:97530 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:8803 Pdgfrb 3285 24629 PDGFRB 732897 5159 HGNC Pdgfrb 11070 18596 MGI:97531 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:8804 Pdgfrl 1308028 290771 PDGFRL 1317560 5157 HGNC Pdgfrl 1317561 68797 MGI:1916047 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:8805 Pdha1 3286 29554 PDHA1 736556 5160 HGNC Pdha1 736557 18597 MGI:97532 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:8806 Pdha2 620095 117098 PDHA2 1351234 5161 RGD Pdha2 731275 18598 MGI:97533 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:8807 Pdhb 1359146 289950 PDHB 1343920 5162 HGNC Pdhb 1552486 68263 MGI:1915513 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:8808 Pdhx 1566332 311254 PDHX 1352009 8050 RGD Pdhx 1623264 27402 MGI:1351627 RGD HGNC:21350 Pdia2 1305164 287164 PDIA2 1313029 64714 HGNC Pdia2 1622291 69191 MGI:1916441 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:14180 Pdia3 68430 29468 PDIA3 1606336 2923 HGNC Pdia3 1553192 14827 MGI:95834 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:4606 Pdia4 619835 116598 PDIA4 1605716 9601 HGNC Pdia4 1551534 12304 MGI:104864 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:30167 Pdia5 1359236 360722 PDIA5 1605694 10954 HGNC Pdia5 1550584 72599 MGI:1919849 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:24811 Pdia6 628688 286906 PDIA6 1354298 10130 HGNC Pdia6 1553668 71853 MGI:1919103 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:30168 Pdik1l 1307476 313609 PDIK1L 1352576 149420 HGNC Pdik1l 1618156 230809 MGI:2385213 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:18981 Pdilt 1307822 293544 PDILT 1602970 204474 HGNC Pdilt 1331856 71830 MGI:1919080 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:27338 Pdk1 69427 116551 PDK1 69480 5163 HGNC Pdk1 1552738 228026 MGI:1926119 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:8809 Pdk2 69428 81530 PDK2 69481 5164 HGNC Pdk2 69482 18604 MGI:1343087 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:8810 Pdk3 1593276 296849 PDK3 1343163 5165 HGNC Pdk3 1557432 236900 MGI:2384308 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:8811 Pdk4 69061 89813 PDK4 69113 5166 HGNC Pdk4 69114 27273 MGI:1351481 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:8812 Pdlim1 68324 54133 PDLIM1 68448 9124 HGNC Pdlim1 68449 54132 MGI:1860611 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:2067 Pdlim2 1359203 290354 PDLIM2 1345506 64236 HGNC Pdlim2 1553016 213019 MGI:2384850 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:13992 Pdlim3 620427 114108 PDLIM3 1351346 27295 HGNC Pdlim3 733817 53318 MGI:1859274 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:20767 Pdlim4 3575 24915 PDLIM4 1353458 8572 HGNC Pdlim4 731916 30794 MGI:1353470 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:16501 Pdlim5 621076 64353 PDLIM5 1344700 10611 HGNC Pdlim5 1553828 56376 MGI:1927489 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:17468 Pdlim7 628769 286908 PDLIM7 1606830 9260 HGNC Pdlim7 1332514 67399 MGI:1914649 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:22958 Pdp1 620393 54705 PDP1 731545 54704 HGNC Pdp1 1618761 381511 MGI:2685870 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:9279 Pdp2 628812 246311 PDP2 1603017 57546 HGNC Pdp2 1557901 382051 MGI:1918878 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:30263 Pdpk1 620307 81745 PDPK1 732664 5170 HGNC Pdpk1 732665 18607 MGI:1338068 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:8816 Pdpn 61819 54320 PDPN 1606573 10630 HGNC Pdpn 1620911 14726 MGI:103098 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:29602 Pdpr 1308307 307852 PDPR 1602881 55066 HGNC Pdpr 1318003 319518 MGI:2442188 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:30264 Pdrg1 1305096 296278 PDRG1 1349373 81572 HGNC Pdrg1 1616771 68559 MGI:1915809 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:16119 Pds5a 1307094 305343 PDS5A 1604045 23244 HGNC Pds5a 1316082 71521 MGI:1918771 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:29088 Pds5b 1310838 304218 PDS5B 1321969 23047 HGNC Pds5b 1321970 100710 MGI:2140945 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:20418 Pdss1 2319976 100364990 PDSS1 1354063 23590 HGNC Pdss1 1623249 56075 MGI:1889278 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:17759 Pdss2 1359372 365592 PDSS2 1353926 57107 HGNC Pdss2 1615065 71365 MGI:1918615 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:23041 Pdx1 62387 29535 PDX1 736367 3651 HGNC Pdx1 736368 18609 MGI:102851 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:6107 Pdxdc1 1562597 304721 PDXDC1 1604634 23042 HGNC Pdxdc1 1619919 94184 MGI:1920909 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:28995 Pdxk 621324 83578 PDXK 1352351 105372824 HGNC Pdxk 1553638 216134 MGI:1351869 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline Pdxp 1586212 727679 PDXP 1351799 57026 HGNC Pdxp 1615139 57028 MGI:1919282 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:30259 Pdyn 62054 29190 PDYN 1343954 5173 HGNC Pdyn 62346 18610 MGI:97535 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:8820 Pdzd11 1560007 302422 PDZD11 1350594 51248 HGNC Pdzd11 1557523 72621 MGI:1919871 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:28034 Pdzd2 619958 65034 PDZD2 735643 23037 HGNC Pdzd2 735644 68070 MGI:1922394 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:18486 Pdzd4 1561214 293856 PDZD4 1343770 57595 HGNC Pdzd4 1557939 245469 MGI:2443483 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:21167 Pdzd7 1309882 293996 PDZD7 1320465 79955 HGNC Pdzd7 1618186 100503041 MGI:3608325 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:26257 Pdzd8 1308622 308000 PDZD8 1318503 118987 HGNC Pdzd8 1318504 107368 MGI:2677270 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:26974 Pdzd9 1560558 308954 PDZD9 1604496 255762 HGNC Pdzd9 1621528 67983 MGI:1915233 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:28740 Pdzk1 70924 65144 PDZK1 732823 5174 HGNC Pdzk1 737558 59020 MGI:1928901 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:8821 Pdzk1ip1 620952 81916 PDZK1IP1 737282 10158 HGNC Pdzk1ip1 1617546 67182 MGI:1914432 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:16887 Pdzph1 1560925 501196 PDZPH1P 10755593 105379197 RGD Pdzph1 1621522 69239 MGI:1916489 RGD HGNC:51488 Pdzrn3 1305250 312607 PDZRN3 1313169 23024 HGNC Pdzrn3 1313170 55983 MGI:1933157 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:17704 Pdzrn4 1308860 315250 PDZRN4 1318876 29951 HGNC Pdzrn4 1620575 239618 MGI:3056996 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:30552 Pea15 1306055 364052 PEA15 1314452 8682 HGNC Pea15a 1314453 18611 MGI:104799 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:8822 Peak1 1312026 315686 PEAK1 7374592 79834 HGNC Peak1 1323794 244895 MGI:2442366 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:29431 Pear1 1305653 295293 PEAR1 1642918 375033 HGNC Pear1 1313808 73182 MGI:1920432 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:33631 Pebp1 62017 29542 PEBP1 736840 5037 HGNC Pebp1 62309 23980 MGI:1344408 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:8630 Pebp4 1593295 691997 PEBP4 1606949 157310 HGNC Pebp4 1618304 73523 MGI:1920773 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:28319 Pecam1 61927 29583 PECAM1 1349615 5175 HGNC Pecam1 62220 18613 MGI:97537 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:8823 Pecr 70925 113956 PECR 1603637 55825 HGNC Pecr 735672 111175 MGI:2148199 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:18281 Peds1 1309093 362278 PEDS1 1603242 387521 HGNC Peds1 1319239 407243 MGI:2142624 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:16735 Pef1 1359536 297900 PEF1 1605152 553115 HGNC Pef1 1551305 67898 MGI:1915148 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:30009 Peg10 1595574 102553587 PEG10 1349907 23089 HGNC Peg10 1621381 170676 MGI:2157785 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:14005 Peg3 2323590 103691034 PEG3 1322359 5178 HGNC Peg3 1322360 18616 MGI:104748 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:8826 Peli1 1311199 305549 PELI1 1322532 57162 HGNC Peli1 1322533 67245 MGI:1914495 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:8827 Peli2 1565884 305835 PELI2 1353013 57161 HGNC Peli2 1557898 93834 MGI:1891445 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:8828 Peli3 1305989 309157 PELI3 1605259 246330 HGNC Peli3 1552312 240518 MGI:1924963 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:30010 Pelo 1359591 294754 PELO 1343336 53918 HGNC Pelo 1552813 105083 MGI:2145154 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:8829 Pelp1 1306320 360552 PELP1 1604366 27043 HGNC Pelp1 1314874 75273 MGI:1922523 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:30134 Pemt 3297 25511 PEMT 732310 10400 HGNC Pemt 736786 18618 MGI:104535 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:8830 Penk 68946 29237 PENK 68998 5179 HGNC Penk 68999 18619 MGI:104629 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:8831 Pepd 1594571 292808 PEPD 1354493 5184 HGNC Pepd 11075 18624 MGI:97542 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:8840 Per1 727863 287422 PER1 1349050 5187 HGNC Per1 1552867 18626 MGI:1098283 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:8845 Per2 61945 63840 PER2 737181 8864 HGNC Per2 62238 18627 MGI:1195265 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:8846 Per3 621581 78962 PER3 1352533 8863 HGNC Per3 731847 18628 MGI:1277134 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:8847 Percc1 9344254 103693290 PERCC1 14696710 105371045 HGNC Percc1 10021856 102643076 MGI:5621540 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:52293 Perm1 1304931 313776 PERM1 1606208 84808 HGNC Perm1 1312657 74183 MGI:1921433 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:28208 Perp 1310294 292949 PERP 1321113 64065 HGNC Perp 1321114 64058 MGI:1929938 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:17637 Pes1 1559814 289740 PES1 1345815 23481 HGNC Pes1 1614385 64934 MGI:1890613 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:8848 Pet100 1585222 688786 PET100 5135069 100131801 HGNC Pet100 1610959 100503890 MGI:3615306 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:40038 Pet117 402087899 134486458 PET117 5688594 100303755 NCBI Pet117 5683850 100048644 MGI:5295678 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:40045 Pex1 1559939 500006 PEX1 1346322 5189 HGNC Pex1 1557211 71382 MGI:1918632 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:8850 Pex10 1591776 680424 PEX10 1319563 5192 HGNC Pex10 1607093 668173 MGI:2684988 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:8851 Pex11a 619842 85249 PEX11A 1348303 8800 HGNC Pex11a 731523 18631 MGI:1338788 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:8852 Pex11b 1310353 310682 PEX11B 1321208 8799 HGNC Pex11b 1321209 18632 MGI:1338882 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:8853 Pex11g 1307070 288369 PEX11G 1316043 92960 HGNC Pex11g 1316044 69129 MGI:1920905 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:20208 Pex12 620757 116718 PEX12 731687 5193 HGNC Pex12 731688 103737 MGI:2144177 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:8854 Pex13 1310682 305581 PEX13 1321726 5194 HGNC Pex13 1321727 72129 MGI:1919379 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:8855 Pex14 68336 64460 PEX14 68470 5195 HGNC Pex14 68471 56273 MGI:1927868 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:8856 Pex16 1311372 311203 PEX16 1322796 9409 HGNC Pex16 1322797 18633 MGI:1338829 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:8857 Pex19 1306913 289233 PEX19 1315796 5824 RGD Pex19 1315797 19298 MGI:1334458 RGD HGNC:9713 Pex2 61814 29534 PEX2 1349650 5828 HGNC Pex2 62106 19302 MGI:107486 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:9717 Pex26 1584998 297570 PEX26 1350248 55670 HGNC Pex26 1557100 74043 MGI:1921293 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:22965 Pex3 621636 83519 PEX3 1352714 8504 HGNC Pex3 1550342 56535 MGI:1929646 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:8858 Pex5 1307612 312703 PEX5 1316906 5830 RGD Pex5 1316907 19305 MGI:1098808 RGD HGNC:9719 Pex5l 708407 286937 PEX5L 1345397 51555 HGNC Pex5l 1552463 58869 MGI:1916672 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:30024 Pex6 621637 117265 PEX6 734166 5190 HGNC Pex6 734167 224824 MGI:2385054 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:8859 Pex7 1308483 308718 PEX7 1318278 5191 HGNC Pex7 1318279 18634 MGI:1321392 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:8860 Pf4 3305 360918 PF4 735657 5196 HGNC Pf4 735658 56744 MGI:1888711 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:8861 Pfas 1304926 287420 PFAS 1312648 5198 RGD Pfas 1614154 237823 MGI:2684864 RGD HGNC:8863 Pfdn1 1305603 361310 PFDN1 1313729 5201 HGNC Pfdn1 1313730 67199 MGI:1914449 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:8866 Pfdn2 1591406 685607 PFDN2 1349968 5202 HGNC Pfdn2 1620892 18637 MGI:1276111 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:8867 Pfdn4 2324021 100366237 PFDN4 1347549 5203 HGNC Pfdn4 1614991 109054 MGI:1923512 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:8868 Pfdn5 1311436 300257 PFDN5 1322898 5204 HGNC Pfdn5 1322899 56612 MGI:1928753 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:8869 Pfdn6 1303006 309629 PFDN6 1351314 10471 HGNC Pfdn6 1332268 14976 MGI:95908 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:4926 Pfkfb1 3307 24638 PFKFB1 732809 5207 HGNC Pfkfb1 11083 18639 MGI:107816 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:8872 Pfkfb2 3309 24640 PFKFB2 69042 5208 HGNC Pfkfb2 11085 18640 MGI:107815 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:8873 Pfkfb3 619776 117276 PFKFB3 735560 5209 HGNC Pfkfb3 735561 170768 MGI:2181202 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:8874 Pfkfb4 3310 54283 PFKFB4 1344643 5210 HGNC Pfkfb4 1552032 270198 MGI:2687284 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:8875 Pfkl 3311 25741 PFKL 731398 5211 HGNC Pfkl 731399 18641 MGI:97547 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:8876 Pfkm 68419 65152 PFKM 68621 5213 HGNC Pfkm 68622 18642 MGI:97548 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:8877 Pfkp 61893 60416 PFKP 731015 5214 HGNC Pfkp 62186 56421 MGI:1891833 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:8878 Pfn1 621825 64303 PFN1 733332 5216 HGNC Pfn1 733333 18643 MGI:97549 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:8881 Pfn2 621826 81531 PFN2 734176 5217 RGD Pfn2 1553804 18645 MGI:97550 RGD HGNC:8882 Pfn3 1587838 685936 PFN3 1604471 345456 HGNC Pfn3 1322225 75477 MGI:2178800 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:18627 Pfn4 1359707 494222 PFN4 1347216 375189 HGNC Pfn4 1553383 382562 MGI:1920121 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:31103 Pga3 621573 60372 PGA3|PGA5 1345189|1350538 643834|5222 RGD|HGNC Pga5 734325 58803 MGI:1915935 RGD HGNC:8885|HGNC:8887 Pgam1 3312 24642 PGAM1 737211 5223 HGNC Pgam1 732574 18648 MGI:97552 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:8888 Pgam2 3313 24959 PGAM2 68971 5224 HGNC Pgam2 732778 56012 MGI:1933118 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:8889 Pgam5 1312028 288731 PGAM5 1604217 192111 HGNC Pgam5 1323797 72542 MGI:1919792 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:28763 Pgap1 1303213 316400 PGAP1 1605037 80055 HGNC Pgap1 1619812 241062 MGI:2443342 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:25712 Pgap2 619744 116675 PGAP2 733101 27315 HGNC Pgap2 733102 233575 MGI:2385286 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:17893 Pgap3 1592386 688174 PGAP3 1352306 93210 HGNC Pgap3 1617229 320655 MGI:2444461 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:23719 Pgap4 1307218 362518 PGAP4 1316281 84302 HGNC Pgap4 1316282 67063 MGI:1914313 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:28180 Pgap6 1311395 303004 PGAP6 1322834 58986 HGNC Pgap6 1322835 60455 MGI:1926283 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:17205 Pgbd1 9394854 103694097 PGBD1 1352422 84547 HGNC Pgbd1 2311291 319207 MGI:2441675 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:19398 Pgbd5 1310825 292098 PGBD5 1321950 79605 HGNC Pgbd5 1321951 209966 MGI:2429955 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:19405 Pgc 3943 24864 PGC 735292 5225 HGNC Pgc 735293 109820 MGI:98909 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:8890 Pgd 1583832 100360180 PGD 1343939 5226 HGNC Pgd 11087 110208 MGI:97553 RGD HGNC:8891 Pgf 619850 94203 PGF 1347328 5228 HGNC Pgf 1550266 18654 MGI:105095 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:8893 Pgghg 1306015 309103 PGGHG 1604792 80162 HGNC Pgghg 1314389 212974 MGI:2444047 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:26210 Pggt1b 621754 81746 PGGT1B 734288 5229 HGNC Pggt1b 1332546 225467 MGI:1917514 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:8895 Pgk1 619878 24644 PGK1 1353723 5230 HGNC Pgk1 11088 18655 MGI:97555 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:8896 Pgk2 1306627 316265 PGK2 1315351 5232 HGNC Pgk2 1558442 18663 MGI:97563 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:8898 Pgls 1307001 290636 PGLS 1315936 25796 HGNC Pgls 1625472 66171 MGI:1913421 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:8903 Pglyrp1 621429 84387 PGLYRP1 1351704 8993 HGNC Pglyrp1 1332455 21946 MGI:1345092 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:8904 Pglyrp2 1359183 299567 PGLYRP2 1346354 114770 RGD Pglyrp2 1620061 57757 MGI:1928099 RGD HGNC:30013 Pglyrp3 1593164 499658 PGLYRP3 1312063 114771 HGNC Pglyrp3 1312064 242100 MGI:2685266 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:30014 Pglyrp4 1308520 310611 PGLYRP4 1318338 57115 RGD Pglyrp4 1318339 384997 MGI:2686324 RGD HGNC:30015 Pgm1 3316 24645 PGM1 734179 5236 HGNC Pgm1 11091 72157 MGI:97565 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:8905 Pgm2 1306061 289632 PGM2 1314459 55276 HGNC Pgm2 1314460 66681 MGI:97564 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:8906 Pgm2l1 1583226 685076 PGM2L1 1316099 283209 HGNC Pgm2l1 1316100 70974 MGI:1918224 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:20898 Pgm3 1305221 363109 PGM3 1603410 5238 HGNC Pgm3 1313121 109785 MGI:97566 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:8907 Pgm5 1307969 679990 PGM5 1346061 5239 HGNC Pgm5 1317470 226041 MGI:1925668 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:8908 Pgp 1307773 287115 PGP 1351096 283871 HGNC Pgp 1332004 67078 MGI:1914328 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:8909 Pgpep1 1303133 290648 PGPEP1 1348411 54858 HGNC Pgpep1 1552850 66522 MGI:1913772 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:13568 Pgpep1l 1561859 365280 PGPEP1L 3052652 145814 HGNC Pgpep1l 1558018 78444 MGI:1925694 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:27080 Pgr 3317 25154 PGR 731081 5241 HGNC Pgr 11092 18667 MGI:97567 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:8910 Pgrmc1 70890 291948 PGRMC1 733484 10857 HGNC Pgrmc1 736221 53328 MGI:1858305 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:16090 Pgrmc2 1308804 361940 PGRMC2 1318787 10424 HGNC Pgrmc2 1318788 70804 MGI:1918054 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:16089 Pgs1 1305052 303698 PGS1 1606322 9489 HGNC Pgs1 1312851 74451 MGI:1921701 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:30029 Phactr1 1303187 306844 PHACTR1 1353173 221692 HGNC Phactr1 1615702 218194 MGI:2659021 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:20990 Phactr2 1303141 308291 PHACTR2 1344472 9749 HGNC Phactr2 1614195 215789 MGI:2446138 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:20956 Phactr3 1303029 362284 PHACTR3 1605886 116154 HGNC Phactr3 1623923 74189 MGI:1921439 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:15833 Phactr4 1592823 682920 PHACTR4 1351091 65979 HGNC Phactr4 1623869 100169 MGI:2140327 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:25793 Phaf1 621098 207123 PHAF1 1604592 80262 HGNC Phaf1 1550197 234678 MGI:2443049 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:29564 Phax 708448 286917 PHAX 1346002 51808 HGNC Phax 1618391 56698 MGI:1891839 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:10241 Phb1 3322 25344 PHB1 736948 5245 RGD Phb1 11096 18673 MGI:97572 RGD HGNC:8912 Phb2 620203 114766 PHB2 1604641 11331 HGNC Phb2 1558597 12034 MGI:102520 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:30306 Phc1 1309203 312690 PHC1 1319414 1911 HGNC Phc1 1319415 13619 MGI:103248 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:3182 Phc2 1307912 313038 PHC2 1317380 1912 HGNC Phc2 1317381 54383 MGI:1860454 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:3183 Phc3 1307998 310258 PHC3 1317513 80012 HGNC Phc3 1552862 241915 MGI:2181434 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:15682 Pheta1 1310656 288664 PHETA1 1602835 144717 HGNC Pheta1 1321688 231717 MGI:2442708 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:26509 Pheta2 1586415 688685 PHETA2 1604738 150368 HGNC Pheta2 1322251 338368 MGI:2443609 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:27161 Phex 3323 25512 PHEX 733664 5251 HGNC Phex 11097 18675 MGI:107489 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:8918 Phf1 1303205 294287 PHF1 1344150 5252 HGNC Phf1 1553204 21652 MGI:98647 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:8919 Phf10 1305266 292404 PHF10 1313192 55274 HGNC Phf10 1313193 72057 MGI:1919307 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:18250 Phf11 1310853 361051 PHF11 1321995 51131 HGNC Phf11d 1321996 219132 MGI:1277133 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:17024 Phf12 1305731 303274 PHF12 1313935 57649 HGNC Phf12 1313936 268448 MGI:1924057 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:20816 Phf13 1308145 313742 PHF13 1317748 148479 HGNC Phf13 1317749 230936 MGI:2446217 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:22983 Phf14 1563764 500030 PHF14 1349780 9678 HGNC Phf14 1557742 75725 MGI:1923539 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:22203 Phf19 1310390 296653 PHF19 1321268 26147 HGNC Phf19 1551529 74016 MGI:1921266 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:24566 Phf2 1305228 306814 PHF2 1313130 5253 HGNC Phf2 1313131 18676 MGI:1338034 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:8920 Phf20 1305020 311575 PHF20 1605683 51230 HGNC Phf20 1623787 228829 MGI:2444148 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:16098 Phf20l1 1560141 314964 PHF20L1 1606010 51105 HGNC Phf20l1 1551706 239510 MGI:2444412 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:24280 Phf21a 1560612 362166 PHF21A 1354499 51317 HGNC Phf21a 1557670 192285 MGI:2384756 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:24156 Phf21b 1308739 300117 PHF21B 1344183 112885 HGNC Phf21b 1553053 271305 MGI:2443812 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:25161 Phf23 1302969 360550 PHF23 1601853 79142 RGD Phf23 1622205 78246 MGI:1925496 RGD HGNC:28428 Phf24 1559864 500446 PHF24 1342853 23349 HGNC Phf24 1614167 230085 MGI:2140712 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:29180 Phf3 1304925 363210 PHF3 1312646 23469 HGNC Phf3 1312647 213109 MGI:2446126 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:8921 Phf5a 621555 192246 PHF5A 1348043 84844 HGNC Phf5a 733975 68479 MGI:2156864 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:18000 Phf6 2323526 100359714 PHF6 1354174 84295 HGNC Phf6 1557948 70998 MGI:1918248 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:18145 Phf7 1308638 364510 PHF7 1318527 51533 HGNC Phf7 1551044 71838 MGI:1919088 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:18458 Phf8 1561065 317425 PHF8 1347460 23133 HGNC Phf8 1617982 320595 MGI:2444341 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:20672 Phgdh 61987 58835 PHGDH 737224 26227 HGNC Phgdh 62279 236539 MGI:1355330 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:8923 Phgr1 1566202 499867 PHGR1 3398935 644844 HGNC Phgr1 2304165 53906 MGI:1858382 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:37226 Phip 1564964 315843 PHIP 1345138 55023 HGNC Phip 1618261 83946 MGI:1932404 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:15673 Phka1 621522 64561 PHKA1 733215 5255 HGNC Phka1 733216 18679 MGI:97576 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:8925 Phka2 1596945 678739 PHKA2 1344785 5256 HGNC Phka2 11098 110094 MGI:97577 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:8926 Phkb 620186 361377 PHKB 1343205 5257 HGNC Phkb 1552167 102093 MGI:97578 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:8927 Phkg1 3325 29353 PHKG1 731844 5260 HGNC Phkg1 1551143 18682 MGI:97579 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:8930 Phkg2 620024 140671 PHKG2 732798 5261 RGD Phkg2 732799 68961 MGI:1916211 RGD HGNC:8931 Phlda1 3836 29380 PHLDA1 733133 22822 HGNC Phlda1 1332326 21664 MGI:1096880 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:8933 Phlda2 1304755 293637 PHLDA2 1312382 7262 HGNC Phlda2 1312383 22113 MGI:1202307 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:12385 Phlda3 1310502 363989 PHLDA3 1321441 23612 HGNC Phlda3 1321442 27280 MGI:1351485 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:8934 Phldb1 620878 171434 PHLDB1 1354110 23187 HGNC Phldb1 1550929 102693 MGI:2143230 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:23697 Phldb2 1591402 685611 PHLDB2 1350676 90102 HGNC Phldb2 1558249 208177 MGI:2444981 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:29573 Phldb3 1561121 308431 PHLDB3 1345533 653583 HGNC Phldb3 1622065 232970 MGI:3642959 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:30499 Phlpp1 621308 59265 PHLPP1 731281 23239 HGNC Phlpp1 1550945 98432 MGI:2138327 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:20610 Phlpp2 1562857 498949 PHLPP2 1604636 23035 HGNC Phlpp2 1556866 244650 MGI:2444928 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:29149 Phospho1 1306182 287644 PHOSPHO1 1314655 162466 HGNC Phospho1 1314656 237928 MGI:2447348 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:16815 Phospho2 1359274 295663 PHOSPHO2 1603445 493911 HGNC Phospho2 1551105 73373 MGI:1920623 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:28316 Phox2a 621323 116648 PHOX2A 733682 401 HGNC Phox2a 733683 11859 MGI:106633 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:691 Phox2b 1560582 364152 PHOX2B 1347823 8929 HGNC Phox2b 1557466 18935 MGI:1100882 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:9143 Phpt1 1311355 296571 PHPT1 1322769 29085 HGNC Phpt1 1322770 75454 MGI:1922704 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:30033 Phrf1 708360 245925 PHRF1 1605972 57661 HGNC Phrf1 1623865 101471 MGI:2141847 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:24351 Phtf1 620426 252962 PHTF1 1353546 10745 HGNC Phtf1 1552671 18685 MGI:1332671 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:8939 Phtf2 1310593 296762 PHTF2 1321591 57157 HGNC Phtf2 1321592 68770 MGI:1916020 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:13411 Phyh 620317 114209 PHYH 731796 5264 HGNC Phyh 731797 16922 MGI:891978 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:8940 Phyhd1 1310377 296621 PHYHD1 1321250 254295 HGNC Phyhd1 1622966 227696 MGI:3612860 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:23396 Phyhip 1305790 290356 PHYHIP 1314035 9796 RGD Phyhip 1314036 105653 MGI:1860417 RGD HGNC:16865 Phyhipl 1307967 309901 PHYHIPL 1317467 84457 HGNC Phyhipl 1317468 70911 MGI:1918161 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:29378 Phykpl 2293818 100169747 PHYKPL 1602671 85007 HGNC Phykpl 1317661 72947 MGI:1920197 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:28249 Pi15 1309577 301489 PI15 1319988 51050 HGNC Pi15 1319989 94227 MGI:1934659 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:8946 Pi16 1304760 294312 PI16 1312389 221476 HGNC Pi16 1550019 74116 MGI:1921366 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:21245 Pi4k2a 620485 114554 PI4K2A 1605063 55361 HGNC Pi4k2a 732544 84095 MGI:1934031 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:30031 Pi4k2b 1359515 305419 PI4K2B 1602326 55300 HGNC Pi4k2b 1553250 67073 MGI:1914323 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:18215 Pi4ka 621213 64161 PI4KA 736810 5297 HGNC Pi4ka 736811 224020 MGI:2448506 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:8983 Pi4kb 621214 81747 PI4KB 732673 5298 HGNC Pi4kb 737344 107650 MGI:1334433 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:8984 Pianp 1304952 312711 PIANP 1606434 196500 HGNC Pianp 1312691 319352 MGI:2441908 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:25338 Pias1 1307843 300772 PIAS1 1317273 8554 HGNC Pias1 1317274 56469 MGI:1913125 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:2752 Pias2 71056 83422 PIAS2 1603704 9063 HGNC Pias2 735930 17344 MGI:1096566 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:17311 Pias3 708413 83614 PIAS3 1344818 10401 HGNC Pias3 1332134 229615 MGI:1913126 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:16861 Pias4 1308737 362827 PIAS4 1318687 51588 HGNC Pias4 1318688 59004 MGI:2136940 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:17002 Pibf1 1305077 306104 PIBF1 1312894 10464 HGNC Pibf1 1624034 52023 MGI:1261910 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:23352 Picalm 621054 89816 PICALM 732553 8301 HGNC Picalm 737178 233489 MGI:2385902 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:15514 Pick1 69437 84591 PICK1 69496 9463 HGNC Pick1 69497 18693 MGI:894645 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:9394 Pid1 1560766 501174 PID1 1605994 55022 HGNC Pid1 1616664 98496 MGI:2138391 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:26084 Pidd1 1311792 293625 PIDD1 1323429 55367 RGD Pidd1 1323430 57913 MGI:1889507 RGD HGNC:16491 Pierce1 1306233 296608 PIERCE1 1353369 138162 HGNC Pierce1 1314732 69327 MGI:1916577 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:28435 Pierce2 1594626 691849 PIERCE2 7245658 145788 HGNC Pierce2 1622620 546143 MGI:3648770 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:44654 Piezo1 1308822 361430 PIEZO1 1318815 9780 HGNC Piezo1 1625473 234839 MGI:3603204 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:28993 Piezo2 1582973 307380 PIEZO2 1345467 63895 HGNC Piezo2 1613572 667742 MGI:1918781 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:26270 Pif1 1586053 367645 PIF1 1316743 80119 HGNC Pif1 1316744 208084 MGI:2143057 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:26220 Piga 1589723 363464 PIGA 1607087 5277 HGNC Piga 11100 18700 MGI:99461 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:8957 Pigb 1307251 315807 PIGB 1316334 9488 HGNC Pigb 1316335 55981 MGI:1891825 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:8959 Pigbos1 6502569 100909598 PIGBOS1 8662154 101928527 RGD Pigbos1 1613632 66364 MGI:1913614 RGD HGNC:50696 Pigc 1311337 364032 PIGC 1322738 5279 HGNC Pigc 1322739 67292 MGI:1914542 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:8960 Pigf 1584658 681086 PIGF 1351645 5281 HGNC Pigf 1557016 18701 MGI:99462 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:8962 Pigg 1560335 100910143 PIGG 1603213 54872 RGD Pigg 1615467 433931 MGI:3576484 RGD HGNC:25985 Pigh 1311438 362756 PIGH 1322902 5283 HGNC Pigh 1322903 110417 MGI:99463 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:8964 Pigk 1306753 295543 PIGK 1315550 10026 HGNC Pigk 1315551 329777 MGI:1913863 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:8965 Pigl 620437 192263 PIGL 1342664 9487 HGNC Pigl 736135 327942 MGI:2681271 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:8966 Pigm 71041 79112 PIGM 1346161 93183 HGNC Pigm 737175 67556 MGI:1914806 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:18858 Pign 1311346 309051 PIGN 1322753 23556 HGNC Pign 1322754 27392 MGI:1351629 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:8967 Pigo 1309498 313341 PIGO 1319869 84720 HGNC Pigo 1319870 56703 MGI:1861452 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:23215 Pigp 1307205 288238 PIGP 1316260 51227 HGNC Pigp 1316261 56176 MGI:1860433 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:3046 Pigq 1359535 287159 PIGQ 1347377 9091 HGNC Pigq 1550299 14755 MGI:1333114 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:14135 Pigr 3328 25046 PIGR 737525 5284 HGNC Pigr 11102 18703 MGI:103080 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:8968 Pigs 1359436 303277 PIGS 1354267 94005 HGNC Pigs 1614084 276846 MGI:2687325 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:14937 Pigt 1307156 296360 PIGT 1316180 51604 HGNC Pigt 1316181 78928 MGI:1926178 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:14938 Pigu 727825 353304 PIGU 1352875 128869 HGNC Pigu 1623788 228812 MGI:3039607 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:15791 Pigv 1309526 366478 PIGV 1349310 55650 HGNC Pigv 1551568 230801 MGI:2442480 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:26031 Pigw 727962 378774 PIGW 1352879 284098 HGNC Pigw 1553736 70325 MGI:1917575 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:23213 Pigx 1307289 288041 PIGX 1343989 54965 HGNC Pigx 1619979 72084 MGI:1919334 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:26046 Pigy 2318067 100365921 PIGY 1605909 84992 HGNC Pigyl 1614370 66268 MGI:1913518 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:28213 Pigz 1307107 303872 PIGZ 1602097 80235 HGNC Pigz 1316104 239827 MGI:2443822 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:30596 Pih1d1 1309809 292898 PIH1D1 1605995 55011 HGNC Pih1d1 1332059 68845 MGI:1916095 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:26075 Pih1d2 1310503 315645 PIH1D2 1605009 120379 HGNC Pih1d2 1321443 72614 MGI:1919864 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:25210 Pik3ap1 1307744 294048 PIK3AP1 1317115 118788 RGD Pik3ap1 1317116 83490 MGI:1933177 RGD HGNC:30034 Pik3c2a 1310389 361632 PIK3C2A 1321266 5286 HGNC Pik3c2a 1321267 18704 MGI:1203729 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:8971 Pik3c2b 1306541 289021 PIK3C2B 1315215 5287 HGNC Pik3c2b 1315216 240752 MGI:2685045 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:8972 Pik3c2g 620231 116720 PIK3C2G 735800 5288 HGNC Pik3c2g 1332298 18705 MGI:1203730 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:8973 Pik3c3 620899 65052 PIK3C3 732994 5289 HGNC Pik3c3 732995 225326 MGI:2445019 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:8974 Pik3ca 620916 170911 PIK3CA 1352691 5290 HGNC Pik3ca 1551142 18706 MGI:1206581 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:8975 Pik3cb 620917 85243 PIK3CB 732496 5291 HGNC Pik3cb 737058 74769 MGI:1922019 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:8976 Pik3cd 1310990 366508 PIK3CD 1322205 5293 HGNC Pik3cd 1322206 18707 MGI:1098211 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:8977 Pik3cg 1306468 298947 PIK3CG 1315103 5294 HGNC Pik3cg 1315104 30955 MGI:1353576 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:8978 Pik3ip1 1311203 305472 PIK3IP1 1605305 113791 HGNC Pik3ip1 1322539 216505 MGI:1917016 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:24942 Pik3r1 3329 25513 PIK3R1 731958 5295 HGNC Pik3r1 11103 18708 MGI:97583 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:8979 Pik3r2 68341 29741 PIK3R2 68478 5296 HGNC Pik3r2 68479 18709 MGI:1098772 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:8980 Pik3r3 621042 60664 PIK3R3 1353925 8503 HGNC Pik3r3 1553584 18710 MGI:109277 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:8981 Pik3r4 1311809 363131 PIK3R4 1323457 30849 HGNC Pik3r4 1557573 75669 MGI:1922919 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:8982 Pik3r5 1563261 497931 PIK3R5 1346928 23533 HGNC Pik3r5 1620477 320207 MGI:2443588 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:30035 Pik3r6 1560850 497932 PIK3R6 1353016 146850 HGNC Pik3r6 1618254 104709 MGI:2144613 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:27101 Pikfyve 1592067 316457 PIKFYVE 1313818 200576 HGNC Pikfyve 1313819 18711 MGI:1335106 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:23785 Pilra 6497409 100910669 PILRA 1318381 29992 HGNC Pilra 1620601 231805 MGI:2450529 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:20396 Pilrb1 1584675 681341 PILRB 1603396 29990 RGD Pilrb1 1323256 170741 MGI:2450532 RGD HGNC:18297 Pilrb2l8 40977068 120095898 ZNF37A 1352896 7587 HGNC HGNC:13102 Pim1 3330 24649 PIM1 737516 5292 HGNC Pim1 11104 18712 MGI:97584 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:8986 Pim2 1560759 317366 PIM2 1347613 11040 HGNC Pim2 1620105 18715 MGI:97587 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:8987 Pim3 620462 64534 PIM3 1344275 415116 HGNC Pim3 731524 223775 MGI:1355297 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:19310 Pimreg 1308747 360559 PIMREG 1604005 54478 HGNC Pimreg 1331951 109212 MGI:1924434 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:25483 Pin1 1310299 298696 PIN1 1321121 5300 RGD Pin1 1321122 23988 MGI:1346036 RGD HGNC:8988 Pin4 1590326 684441 PIN4 1345088 5303 HGNC Pin4 1617533 69713 MGI:1916963 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:8992 Pink1 1305769 298575 PINK1 1314001 65018 HGNC Pink1 1314002 68943 MGI:1916193 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:14581 Pinlyp 1565787 308429 PINLYP 6771275 390940 HGNC Pinlyp 1620254 641361 MGI:3615324 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:44206 Pinx1 1566025 305963 PINX1 1606271 54984 HGNC Pinx1 1557812 72400 MGI:1919650 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:30046 Pip 70946 64673 PIP 1351325 5304 HGNC Pip 737423 18716 MGI:102696 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:8993 Pip4k2a 621708 116723 PIP4K2A 734348 5305 HGNC Pip4k2a 734349 18718 MGI:1298206 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:8997 Pip4k2b 621710 89812 PIP4K2B 736672 8396 HGNC Pip4k2b 733792 108083 MGI:1934234 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:8998 Pip4k2c 621711 140607 PIP4K2C 733243 79837 HGNC Pip4k2c 733244 117150 MGI:2152214 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:23786 Pip4p1 1307475 364298 PIP4P1 1316692 90809 HGNC Pip4p1 1618996 219024 MGI:2448501 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:19299 Pip4p2 1306225 362490 PIP4P2 1602110 55529 HGNC Pip4p2 1615845 72519 MGI:1919769 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:25452 Pip5k1a 1306127 365865 PIP5K1A 1314561 8394 HGNC Pip5k1a 1314562 18720 MGI:107929 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:8994 Pip5k1b 1310914 309419 PIP5K1B 1322093 8395 HGNC Pip5k1b 1322094 18719 MGI:107930 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:8995 Pip5k1c 1309938 314641 PIP5K1C 1320550 23396 HGNC Pip5k1c 1558334 18717 MGI:1298224 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:8996 Pip5kl1 1597527 687758 PIP5KL1 1346757 138429 HGNC Pip5kl1 1622084 227733 MGI:2448520 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:28711 Pipox 1311347 303272 PIPOX 1322755 51268 HGNC Pipox 1322756 19193 MGI:1197006 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:17804 Pir 1359212 363465 PIR 1342511 8544 HGNC Pir 1550049 69656 MGI:1916906 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:30048 Pira12 1562625 502291 Pira12 2314277 100038909 MGI:3709645 RGD Pira2 1307219 361493 LILRA6 1603957 79168 HGNC Pira2 1317898 18725 MGI:1195970 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:15495 Pirb 1589827 683463 LILRB3 1316283 11025 HGNC Pirb 1620100 18733 MGI:894311 RGD HGNC:6607 Pirt 1565284 497929 PIRT 3539788 644139 HGNC Pirt 1619036 193003 MGI:2443635 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:37239 Pisd 1596729 681361 PISD 1352965 23761 HGNC Pisd 1553340 320951 MGI:2445114 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:8999 Pithd1 1308048 298557 PITHD1 1603974 57095 HGNC Pithd1 1317592 66193 MGI:1913443 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:25022 Pitpna 61885 29525 PITPNA 1352423 5306 HGNC Pitpna 1550960 18738 MGI:99887 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:9001 Pitpnb 620143 114561 PITPNB 736239 23760 HGNC Pitpnb 736240 56305 MGI:1927542 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:9002 Pitpnc1 1597047 498015 PITPNC1 1312467 26207 HGNC Pitpnc1 1552011 71795 MGI:1919045 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:21045 Pitpnm1 1306710 361694 PITPNM1 1315482 9600 HGNC Pitpnm1 1550561 18739 MGI:1197524 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:9003 Pitpnm2 1310867 304474 PITPNM2 1322017 57605 HGNC Pitpnm2 1322018 19679 MGI:1336192 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:21044 Pitpnm3 1308200 287467 PITPNM3 1317841 83394 HGNC Pitpnm3 1621232 327958 MGI:2685726 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:21043 Pitrm1 1310998 307081 PITRM1 1322218 10531 HGNC Pitrm1 1322219 69617 MGI:1916867 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:17663 Pitx1 69253 113983 PITX1 733838 5307 HGNC Pitx1 736734 18740 MGI:107374 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:9004 Pitx2 3331 54284 PITX2 731390 5308 HGNC Pitx2 731391 18741 MGI:109340 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:9005 Pitx3 3332 29609 PITX3 732297 5309 HGNC Pitx3 736766 18742 MGI:1100498 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:9006 Piwil1 1306980 363912 PIWIL1 1315902 9271 HGNC Piwil1 1315903 57749 MGI:1928897 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:9007 Piwil2 1306964 306011 PIWIL2 1315877 55124 HGNC Piwil2 1315878 57746 MGI:1930036 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:17644 Piwil4 1311015 689972 PIWIL4 1322245 143689 HGNC Piwil4 1618776 330890 MGI:3041167 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:18444 Pja1 1591532 683077 PJA1 1353522 64219 HGNC Pja1 1620099 18744 MGI:1101765 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:16648 Pja2 620273 192256 PJA2 733552 9867 HGNC Pja2 733553 224938 MGI:2159342 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:17481 Pjvk 1587131 679552 PJVK 1352291 494513 HGNC Pjvk 1620430 381375 MGI:2685847 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:29502 Pkd1 3333 24650 PKD1 736706 5310 HGNC Pkd1 11105 18763 MGI:97603 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:9008 Pkd1l1 1564724 289796 PKD1L1 1352736 168507 HGNC Pkd1l1 1615749 171395 MGI:2156538 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:18053 Pkd1l2 1588631 691069 PKD1L2 1343423 114780 HGNC Pkd1l2 1614271 76645 MGI:2664668 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:21715 Pkd1l3 2324490 100362565 PKD1L3 1317476 342372 HGNC Pkd1l3 1317477 244646 MGI:2664670 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:21716 Pkd2 1559992 498328 PKD2 1353787 5311 HGNC Pkd2 1558338 18764 MGI:1099818 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:9009 Pkd2l1 1306261 293937 PKD2L1 1314779 9033 HGNC Pkd2l1 1622839 329064 MGI:1352448 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:9011 Pkd2l2 1310272 291683 PKD2L2 1321074 27039 HGNC Pkd2l2 1321075 53871 MGI:1858231 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:9012 Pkdcc 1311939 313860 PKDCC 1605897 91461 HGNC Pkdcc 1332319 106522 MGI:2147077 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:25123 Pkdrej 1306587 300124 PKDREJ 1315287 10343 HGNC Pkdrej 1315288 18766 MGI:1338786 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:9015 Pkhd1 1308476 301287 PKHD1 1318266 5314 RGD Pkhd1 1318267 241035 MGI:2155808 RGD HGNC:9016 Pkhd1l1 1310406 314917 PKHD1L1 1321293 93035 HGNC Pkhd1l1 1321294 192190 MGI:2183153 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:20313 Pkia 621021 114906 PKIA 731267 5569 HGNC Pkia 731268 18767 MGI:104747 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:9017 Pkib 3335 24678 PKIB 736855 5570 HGNC Pkib 736856 18768 MGI:101937 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:9018 Pkig 628775 266709 PKIG 1350390 11142 HGNC Pkig 1332391 18769 MGI:1343086 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:9019 Pklr 3336 24651 PKLR 737364 5313 HGNC Pklr 11113 18770 MGI:97604 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:9020 Pkm 3337 25630 PKM 737501 5315 HGNC Pkm 737502 18746 MGI:97591 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:9021 Pkmyt1 1305434 287101 PKMYT1 1603703 9088 HGNC Pkmyt1 1552537 268930 MGI:2137630 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:29650 Pkn1 69308 29355 PKN1 1352784 5585 HGNC Pkn1 68610 320795 MGI:108022 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:9405 Pkn2 620146 207122 PKN2 1352598 5586 HGNC Pkn2 1553287 109333 MGI:109211 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:9406 Pkn3 1305921 296619 PKN3 1314240 29941 HGNC Pkn3 1314241 263803 MGI:2388285 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:17999 Pknox1 1305003 294322 PKNOX1 1312771 5316 HGNC Pknox1 1312772 18771 MGI:1201409 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:9022 Pknox2 1590611 680549 PKNOX2 1348448 63876 HGNC Pknox2 1623840 208076 MGI:2445415 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:16714 Pkp1 1307472 304822 PKP1 1316687 5317 HGNC Pkp1 1316688 18772 MGI:1328359 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:9023 Pkp2 1306533 287925 PKP2 1315204 5318 HGNC Pkp2 1550508 67451 MGI:1914701 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:9024 Pkp3 1309133 293619 PKP3 1319304 11187 HGNC Pkp3 1319305 56460 MGI:1891830 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:9025 Pkp4 1307840 295625 PKP4 1317269 8502 HGNC Pkp4 1550821 227937 MGI:109281 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:9026 Pla1a 621261 85311 PLA1A 1343434 51365 HGNC Pla1a 1332024 85031 MGI:1934677 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:17661 Pla2g10 61935 29359 PLA2G10 736427 8399 HGNC Pla2g10 62228 26565 MGI:1347522 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:9029 Pla2g12a 1304662 362039 PLA2G12A 1312232 81579 HGNC Pla2g12a 1312233 66350 MGI:1913600 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:18554 Pla2g12b 1588484 367415 PLA2G12B 1351879 84647 HGNC Pla2g12b 1558545 69836 MGI:1917086 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:18555 Pla2g15 1302982 361401 PLA2G15 1344350 23659 HGNC Pla2g15 1552207 192654 MGI:2178076 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:17163 Pla2g1b 61949 29526 PLA2G1B 735909 5319 HGNC Pla2g1b 62242 18778 MGI:101842 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:9030 Pla2g2a 620857 29692 PLA2G2A 731016 5320 HGNC Pla2g2a 731017 18780 MGI:104642 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:9031 Pla2g2c 3340 29387 PLA2G2C 1349993 391013 HGNC Pla2g2c 735314 18781 MGI:106638 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:9032 Pla2g2d 1309862 298579 PLA2G2D 1320432 26279 HGNC Pla2g2d 1320433 18782 MGI:1341796 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:9033 Pla2g2e 1309611 298581 PLA2G2E 1320041 30814 HGNC Pla2g2e 1320042 26970 MGI:1349660 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:13414 Pla2g2f 1597305 690388 PLA2G2F 1322150 64600 HGNC Pla2g2f 1551679 26971 MGI:1349661 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:30040 Pla2g3 1305323 289733 PLA2G3 1313284 50487 HGNC Pla2g3 1552182 237625 MGI:2444945 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:17934 Pla2g4a 67366 24653 PLA2G4A 735872 5321 HGNC Pla2g4a 11116 18783 MGI:1195256 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:9035 Pla2g4b 1308658 311341 PLA2G4B 1318557 100137049 HGNC HGNC:9036 Pla2g4c 1594658 691810 PLA2G4C 1348684 8605 HGNC Pla2g4c 1550570 232889 MGI:1196403 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:9037 Pla2g4d 1593372 691905 PLA2G4D 1352050 283748 HGNC Pla2g4d 1313220 78390 MGI:1925640 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:30038 Pla2g4e 1310595 296091 PLA2G4E 1606471 123745 HGNC Pla2g4e 1321594 329502 MGI:1919144 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:24791 Pla2g4f 1593370 691907 PLA2G4F 1606120 255189 HGNC Pla2g4f 1622870 271844 MGI:2685493 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:27396 Pla2g5 62051 29354 PLA2G5 735328 5322 HGNC Pla2g5 62343 18784 MGI:101899 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:9038 Pla2g6 628867 360426 PLA2G6 732454 8398 HGNC Pla2g6 732455 53357 MGI:1859152 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:9039 Pla2g7 1310734 301265 PLA2G7 1321810 7941 HGNC Pla2g7 1321811 27226 MGI:1351327 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:9040 Pla2r1 1309777 295631 PLA2R1 1350138 22925 HGNC Pla2r1 1558543 18779 MGI:102468 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:9042 Plaa 621245 116645 PLAA 737277 9373 HGNC Plaa 732623 18786 MGI:104810 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:9043 Plaat1 1309485 288025 PLAAT1 1319850 57110 HGNC Plaat1 1553234 27281 MGI:1351473 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:14922 Plaat3 2829 24913 PLAAT3 737532 11145 HGNC Plaat3 734412 225845 MGI:2179715 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:17825 Plaat5 1308376 293711 PLAAT5 1606473 117245 HGNC Plaat5 1318109 66727 MGI:1913977 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:24978 Plac1 1563777 317316 PLAC1 1351974 10761 HGNC Plac1 1623246 56096 MGI:1926287 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:9044 Plac8 1308102 360914 PLAC8 1317680 51316 HGNC Plac8 1317681 231507 MGI:2445289 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:19254 Plac8l1 1588513 364853 PLAC8L1 1342779 153770 HGNC Plac8l1 1620016 69401 MGI:1916651 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:31746 Plac9 1306662 361105 PLAC9 1315403 219348 HGNC Plac9 1615724 211623 MGI:2663998 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:19255 Plag1 1305286 297804 PLAG1 1313225 5324 HGNC Plag1 1313226 56711 MGI:1891916 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:9045 Plagl1 3014 25157 PLAGL1 736872 5325 HGNC Plagl1 736873 22634 MGI:1100874 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:9046 Plagl2 1307999 296281 PLAGL2 1317514 5326 HGNC Plagl2 1317515 54711 MGI:1933165 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:9047 Plat 3342 25692 PLAT 736468 5327 HGNC Plat 732079 18791 MGI:97610 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:9051 Plau 3343 25619 PLAU 735727 5328 HGNC Plau 733174 18792 MGI:97611 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:9052 Plaur 620597 50692 PLAUR 735638 5329 HGNC Plaur 733132 18793 MGI:97612 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:9053 Plb1 621565 192259 PLB1 1346755 151056 HGNC Plb1 1616210 665270 MGI:1922406 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:30041 Plbd1 1308734 297694 PLBD1 1605619 79887 HGNC Plbd1 1318682 66857 MGI:1914107 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:26215 Plbd2 708461 246120 PLBD2 1606689 196463 HGNC Plbd2 1551454 71772 MGI:1919022 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:27283 Plcb1 3344 24654 PLCB1 733094 23236 HGNC Plcb1 735582 18795 MGI:97613 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:15917 Plcb2 621004 85240 PLCB2 732409 5330 HGNC Plcb2 1557476 18796 MGI:107465 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:9055 Plcb3 61993 29322 PLCB3 731269 5331 HGNC Plcb3 62285 18797 MGI:104778 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:9056 Plcb4 3345 25031 PLCB4 733727 5332 HGNC Plcb4 11120 18798 MGI:107464 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:9059 Plcd1 3346 24655 PLCD1 733331 5333 HGNC Plcd1 1553559 18799 MGI:97614 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:9060 Plcd3 1310903 287745 PLCD3 1322076 113026 HGNC Plcd3 1322077 72469 MGI:107451 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:9061 Plcd4 621025 140693 PLCD4 1346447 84812 HGNC Plcd4 731869 18802 MGI:107469 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:9062 Plce1 69424 114633 PLCE1 1606000 51196 HGNC Plce1 735564 74055 MGI:1921305 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:17175 Plcg1 3347 25738 PLCG1 735936 5335 HGNC Plcg1 735937 18803 MGI:97615 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:9065 Plcg2 3348 29337 PLCG2 732989 5336 HGNC Plcg2 735444 234779 MGI:97616 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:9066 Plch1 1561991 310463 PLCH1 1349228 23007 HGNC Plch1 1558193 269437 MGI:2683547 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:29185 Plch2 1304675 313756 PLCH2 1346590 9651 HGNC Plch2 1312256 269615 MGI:2443078 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:29037 Plcl1 708420 84587 PLCL1 733121 5334 HGNC Plcl1 1616558 227120 MGI:3036262 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:9063 Plcl2 1305941 301173 PLCL2 1314267 23228 HGNC Plcl2 1314268 224860 MGI:1352756 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:9064 Plcxd1 1560935 100909600 PLCXD1 1349595 55344 HGNC Plcxd1 1622773 403178 MGI:2685422 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:23148 Plcxd2 1563504 363781 PLCXD2 1345610 257068 HGNC Plcxd2 1622670 433022 MGI:3647874 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:26462 Plcxd3 1308448 310358 PLCXD3 1604168 345557 HGNC Plcxd3 1550959 239318 MGI:2442605 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:31822 Plcz1 1359567 497197 PLCZ1 1347399 89869 HGNC Plcz1 1553755 114875 MGI:2150308 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:19218 Pld1 3349 25096 PLD1 70829 5337 HGNC Pld1 70830 18805 MGI:109585 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:9067 Pld2 3350 25097 PLD2 733873 5338 HGNC Pld2 736771 18806 MGI:892877 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:9068 Pld3 1308248 361527 PLD3 1317914 23646 HGNC Pld3 1317915 18807 MGI:1333782 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:17158 Pld4 1598308 362792 PLD4 1347934 122618 HGNC Pld4 1557943 104759 MGI:2144765 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:23792 Pld5 1562609 289270 PLD5 1603543 200150 HGNC Pld5 1616447 319455 MGI:2442056 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:26879 Pld6 1311987 287366 PLD6 1602058 201164 HGNC Pld6 1323732 194908 MGI:2687283 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:30447 Plec 621649 64204 PLEC 731690 5339 HGNC Plec 735905 18810 MGI:1277961 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:9069 Plek 1308269 364206 PLEK 1317946 5341 HGNC Plek 1317947 56193 MGI:1860485 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:9070 Plek2 1305786 314260 PLEK2 1314027 26499 HGNC Plek2 1314028 27260 MGI:1351466 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:19238 Plekha1 1564153 361659 PLEKHA1 1345011 59338 HGNC Plekha1 1557672 101476 MGI:2442213 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:14335 Plekha2 1586710 684785 PLEKHA2 1352018 59339 RGD Plekha2 1556918 83436 MGI:1928144 RGD HGNC:14336 Plekha3 1305244 295674 PLEKHA3 1313158 65977 HGNC Plekha3 1313159 83435 MGI:1932515 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:14338 Plekha4 735133 308584 PLEKHA4 1346745 57664 HGNC Plekha4 1552055 69217 MGI:1916467 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:14339 Plekha5 621175 246237 PLEKHA5 1344659 54477 HGNC Plekha5 1550285 109135 MGI:1923802 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:30036 Plekha6 1564395 360842 PLEKHA6 1353676 22874 HGNC Plekha6 1557987 240753 MGI:2388662 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:17053 Plekha7 1598216 499249 PLEKHA7 1350975 144100 HGNC Plekha7 1615673 233765 MGI:2445094 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:27049 Plekha8 1563940 500132 PLEKHA8 1348276 84725 HGNC Plekha8 1557515 231999 MGI:2681164 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:30037 Plekhb1 621614 64471 PLEKHB1 1343334 58473 HGNC Plekhb1 733631 27276 MGI:1351469 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:19079 Plekhb2 1310954 301337 PLEKHB2 1322147 55041 HGNC Plekhb2 1322148 226971 MGI:2385825 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:19236 Plekhd1 1566112 500685 PLEKHD1 1347482 400224 HGNC Plekhd1 1619864 217682 MGI:3036228 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:20148 Plekhf1 1310544 308543 PLEKHF1 1321508 79156 HGNC Plekhf1 1321509 72287 MGI:1919537 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:20764 Plekhf2 1312029 362484 PLEKHF2 1323798 79666 HGNC Plekhf2 1323799 71801 MGI:1919051 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:20757 Plekhg1 1583676 679812 PLEKHG1 1321123 57480 HGNC Plekhg1 1321124 213783 MGI:2676551 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:20884 Plekhg2 1310112 292750 PLEKHG2 1349345 64857 HGNC Plekhg2 1551748 101497 MGI:2141874 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:29515 Plekhg3 1308089 314249 PLEKHG3 1346378 26030 HGNC Plekhg3 1617255 263406 MGI:2388284 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:20364 Plekhg4 1310790 307796 PLEKHG4 1604025 25894 HGNC Plekhg4 1553050 102075 MGI:2142544 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:24501 Plekhg5 1303132 310999 PLEKHG5 1603206 57449 HGNC Plekhg5 1550862 269608 MGI:2652860 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:29105 Plekhg6 2318544 100362241 PLEKHG6 1605382 55200 HGNC Plekhg6 1621367 213522 MGI:2682298 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:25562 Plekhg7 7576392 102549681 PLEKHG7 1604901 440107 HGNC Gm49817 39128834 118567780 MGI:6270484 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:33829 Plekhh1 1308362 314262 PLEKHH1 1318086 57475 HGNC Plekhh1 1318087 211945 MGI:2144989 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:17733 Plekhh2 1304935 313866 PLEKHH2 1351016 130271 HGNC Plekhh2 1553122 213556 MGI:2146813 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:30506 Plekhh3 1304854 360634 PLEKHH3 1602457 79990 HGNC Plekhh3 1312531 217198 MGI:2384950 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:26105 Plekhj1 1307213 314634 PLEKHJ1 1316273 55111 HGNC Plekhj1 1316274 78670 MGI:1925920 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:18211 Plekhm1 1308010 303584 PLEKHM1 1354234 9842 HGNC Plekhm1 1317533 353047 MGI:2443207 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:29017 Plekhm2 1307005 313667 PLEKHM2 1315942 23207 HGNC Plekhm2 1552600 69582 MGI:1916832 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:29131 Plekhm3 1307151 316455 PLEKHM3 2292191 389072 HGNC Plekhm3 1316174 241075 MGI:2443627 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:34006 Plekhn1 1311019 298694 PLEKHN1 1604774 84069 HGNC Plekhn1 1551541 231002 MGI:2387630 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:25284 Plekho1 1311487 310674 PLEKHO1 1606003 51177 HGNC Plekho1 1322972 67220 MGI:1914470 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:24310 Plekho2 1305718 315764 PLEKHO2 1601963 80301 HGNC Plekho2 1332434 102595 MGI:2143132 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:30026 Plekhs1 1559884 499377 PLEKHS1 1344870 79949 HGNC Plekhs1 1556898 226245 MGI:2443041 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:26285 Plet1 1359217 363060 PLET1 1343359 349633 HGNC Plet1 1615026 76509 MGI:1923759 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:30053 Plg 619893 85253 PLG 1343043 5340 HGNC Plg 1550861 18815 MGI:97620 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:9071 Plgrkt 1306839 293888 PLGRKT 1315681 55848 HGNC Plgrkt 1315682 67759 MGI:1915009 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:23633 Plin1 3351 25629 PLIN1 733482 5346 HGNC Plin1 736220 103968 MGI:1890505 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:9076 Plin2 728889 298199 PLIN2 730882 123 HGNC Plin2 730883 11520 MGI:87920 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:248 Plin3 1595854 316130 PLIN3 1343845 10226 HGNC Plin3 1557089 66905 MGI:1914155 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:16893 Plin4 1590867 363331 PLIN4 1347657 729359 HGNC Plin4 1556875 57435 MGI:1929709 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:29393 Plin5 1589602 501283 PLIN5 2881444 440503 HGNC Plin5 1557014 66968 MGI:1914218 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:33196 Plk1 3352 25515 PLK1 1353801 5347 HGNC Plk1 11121 18817 MGI:97621 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:9077 Plk2 620760 83722 PLK2 1348089 10769 HGNC Plk2 733048 20620 MGI:1099790 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:19699 Plk3 62039 58936 PLK3 1350781 1263 HGNC Plk3 62331 12795 MGI:109604 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:2154 Plk4 1305390 310344 PLK4 1313392 10733 HGNC Plk4 1313393 20873 MGI:101783 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:11397 Plk5 1305038 314627 PLK5 2302687 126520 HGNC Plk5 1312829 216166 MGI:3026984 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:27001 Pllp 621478 64364 PLLP 736785 51090 HGNC Pllp 1622317 67801 MGI:1915051 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:18553 Pln 619894 64672 PLN 1349244 5350 HGNC Pln 732405 18821 MGI:97622 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:9080 Plod1 621382 116552 PLOD1 1353726 5351 HGNC Plod1 733675 18822 MGI:99907 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:9081 Plod2 3353 300901 PLOD2 1606836 5352 HGNC Plod2 1551507 26432 MGI:1347007 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:9082 Plod3 631339 288583 PLOD3 1346467 8985 HGNC Plod3 1553789 26433 MGI:1347008 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:9083 Plp1 3354 24943 PLP1 732304 5354 HGNC Plp1 1551293 18823 MGI:97623 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:9086 Plp2 1587363 302562 PLP2 1349250 5355 HGNC Plp2 11123 18824 MGI:1298382 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:9087 Plpbp 1308962 306544 PLPBP 1319041 11212 HGNC Plpbp 1319042 114863 MGI:1891207 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:9457 Plpp1 621832 64369 PLPP1 1344834 8611 HGNC Plpp1 732311 19012 MGI:108412 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:9228 Plpp2 628893 246115 PLPP2 734254 8612 HGNC Plpp2 1550889 50784 MGI:1354945 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:9230 Plpp3 620454 192270 PLPP3 1604845 8613 HGNC Plpp3 731972 67916 MGI:1915166 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:9229 Plpp4 1306289 309014 PLPP4 1351368 196051 HGNC Plpp4 1314823 381925 MGI:2685936 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:23531 Plpp5 1591734 680466 PLPP5 1607002 84513 HGNC Plpp5 1553809 71910 MGI:1919160 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:25026 Plpp6 1566000 619549 PLPP6 1606068 403313 HGNC Plpp6 1621485 74411 MGI:1921661 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:23682 Plpp7 1305821 296635 PLPP7 1314085 84814 HGNC Plpp7 1552575 227721 MGI:2445183 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:28174 Plppr1 1303116 298062 PLPPR1 1603210 54886 HGNC Plppr1 1331993 272031 MGI:2445015 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:25993 Plppr2 1597171 300443 PLPPR2 1604322 64748 HGNC Plppr2 1615668 235044 MGI:2384575 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:29566 Plppr3 727823 314614 PLPPR3 1602461 79948 HGNC Plppr3 1621361 216152 MGI:2388640 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:23497 Plppr4 727806 295401 PLPPR4 1605099 9890 HGNC Plppr4 1616551 229791 MGI:106530 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:23496 Plppr5 1309567 310812 PLPPR5 1604517 163404 HGNC Plppr5 1319975 75769 MGI:1923019 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:31703 Plrg1 621047 60376 PLRG1 733629 5356 HGNC Plrg1 733630 53317 MGI:1858197 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:9089 Pls1 1307142 315926 PLS1 1316159 5357 HGNC Pls1 1316160 102502 MGI:104809 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:9090 Pls3 621409 81748 PLS3 731591 5358 HGNC Pls3 731592 102866 MGI:104807 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:9091 Plscr1 620521 117540 PLSCR1 1350472 5359 HGNC Plscr1 731879 22038 MGI:893575 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:9092 Plscr3 1307016 360549 PLSCR3 1315960 57048 HGNC Plscr3 1315961 70310 MGI:1917560 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:16495 Plscr4 1311693 300900 PLSCR4 1323284 57088 HGNC Plscr4 1323285 235527 MGI:2143267 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:16497 Plscr5 1564500 501036 PLSCR5 1349492 389158 HGNC Plscr5 2300037 100504689 MGI:3779462 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:19952 Pltp 1306695 296371 PLTP 1315460 5360 HGNC Pltp 1315461 18830 MGI:103151 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:9093 Plvap 619971 56765 PLVAP 1353643 83483 HGNC Plvap 733497 84094 MGI:1890497 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:13635 Plxdc1 1307496 303505 PLXDC1 1352937 57125 HGNC Plxdc1 1557577 72324 MGI:1919574 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:20945 Plxdc2 1305962 361282 PLXDC2 1314300 84898 HGNC Plxdc2 1314301 67448 MGI:1914698 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:21013 Plxna1 1560871 362398 PLXNA1 1342576 5361 HGNC Plxna1 1557807 18844 MGI:107685 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:9099 Plxna2 1305325 289392 PLXNA2 1313288 5362 HGNC Plxna2 1313289 18845 MGI:107684 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:9100 Plxna3 1584973 309280 PLXNA3 1349180 55558 HGNC Plxna3 1558162 18846 MGI:107683 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:9101 Plxna4 1308074 312213 PLXNA4 1602663 91584 HGNC Plxna4 1317637 243743 MGI:2179061 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:9102 Plxnb1 1310564 316009 PLXNB1 1321541 5364 HGNC Plxnb1 1321542 235611 MGI:2154238 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:9103 Plxnb2 1305495 315217 PLXNB2 1313554 23654 HGNC Plxnb2 1313555 140570 MGI:2154239 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:9104 Plxnb3 1560615 363517 PLXNB3 1350171 5365 HGNC Plxnb3 1623021 140571 MGI:2154240 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:9105 Plxnc1 1307420 362873 PLXNC1 1316607 10154 HGNC Plxnc1 1316608 54712 MGI:1890127 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:9106 Plxnd1 1310796 312652 PLXND1 1321904 23129 HGNC Plxnd1 1553585 67784 MGI:2154244 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:9107 Pm20d1 1564063 498226 PM20D1 1602433 148811 HGNC Pm20d1 1557073 212933 MGI:2442939 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:26518 Pm20d2 1307853 313130 PM20D2 1317289 135293 HGNC Pm20d2 1619808 242377 MGI:2685270 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:21408 Pmaip1 1359266 492821 PMAIP1 1347426 5366 HGNC Pmaip1 1621551 58801 MGI:1930146 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:9108 Pmch 3358 24659 PMCH 731886 5367 HGNC Pmch 1553120 110312 MGI:97629 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:9109 Pmel 1307513 362818 PMEL 1316751 6490 HGNC Pmel 1316752 20431 MGI:98301 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:10880 Pmepa1 1308255 311676 PMEPA1 1317924 56937 HGNC Pmepa1 1317925 65112 MGI:1929600 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:14107 Pmf1 1584694 681050 PMF1 1317520 11243 HGNC Pmf1 1317521 67037 MGI:1914287 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:9112 Pmfbp1 621677 171414 PMFBP1 1345041 83449 HGNC Pmfbp1 732904 56523 MGI:1930136 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:17728 Pmis2 6487791 100912333 PMIS2 13439628 111216276 NCBI Pmis2 2311160 74927 MGI:1922177 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:53649 Pml 1562602 315713 PML 1345145 5371 HGNC Pml 1557220 18854 MGI:104662 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:9113 Pmm1 1310897 300089 PMM1 1322064 5372 HGNC Pmm1 1322065 29858 MGI:1353418 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:9114 Pmm2 1309366 302915 PMM2 1319677 5373 HGNC Pmm2 1557829 54128 MGI:1859214 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:9115 Pmp2 1585218 688790 PMP2 1316684 5375 HGNC Pmp2 1619249 18857 MGI:102667 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:9117 Pmp22 3359 24660 PMP22 69112 5376 HGNC Pmp22 11125 18858 MGI:97631 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:9118 Pmpca 727897 296588 PMPCA 1346872 23203 HGNC Pmpca 1551182 66865 MGI:1918568 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:18667 Pmpcb 621297 64198 PMPCB 733027 9512 HGNC Pmpcb 733028 73078 MGI:1920328 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:9119 Pms1 1359511 494322 PMS1 1349068 5378 HGNC Pms1 1617367 227099 MGI:1202302 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:9121 Pms2 1305483 288479 PMS2 1313536 5395 RGD Pms2 1313537 18861 MGI:104288 RGD HGNC:9122 Pmvk 1310812 310645 PMVK 1321931 10654 HGNC Pmvk 1553587 68603 MGI:1915853 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:9141 Pnck 69249 29660 PNCK 1605290 139728 HGNC Pnck 736714 93843 MGI:1347357 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:13415 Pnisr 1307395 297942 PNISR 1316570 25957 HGNC Pnisr 1316571 66625 MGI:1913875 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:21222 Pnkd 2300155 100188944 PNKD 1346850 25953 HGNC Pnkd 1618392 56695 MGI:1930773 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:9153 Pnkp 1303331 308576 PNKP 1344743 11284 HGNC Pnkp 1551919 59047 MGI:1891698 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:9154 Pnldc1 1308678 361478 PNLDC1 1318591 154197 HGNC Pnldc1 1617335 240023 MGI:2685159 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:21185 Pnlip 3360 25702 PNLIP 734222 5406 HGNC Pnlip 1552870 69060 MGI:97722 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:9155 Pnliprp1 620792 84028 PNLIPRP1 732485 5407 HGNC Pnliprp1 732486 18946 MGI:97723 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:9156 Pnliprp2 620793 117554 PNLIPRP2 733600 5408 HGNC Pnliprp2 733601 18947 MGI:1336202 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:9157 Pnma1 621230 170636 PNMA1 737176 9240 HGNC Pnma1 734168 70481 MGI:2180564 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:9158 Pnma2 1307266 305977 PNMA2 1316357 10687 HGNC Pnma2 1316358 239157 MGI:2444129 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:9159 Pnma3 1563752 293840 PNMA3 1349093 29944 HGNC Pnma3 1557773 245468 MGI:2180565 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:18742 Pnma5 1565857 309266 PNMA5 1347764 114824 HGNC Pnma5 1619662 385377 MGI:2180566 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:18743 Pnma6e 9254548 103694532 PNMA6E 12790877 649238 HGNC Pnma6e 5143222 100416956 MGI:5010521 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:50767 Pnma8a 1310803 361515 PNMA8A 1605375 55228 HGNC Pnma8a 1321917 71691 MGI:1918941 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:25578 Pnma8b 1560435 308393 PNMA8B 2290513 57469 HGNC Pnma8b 1613927 434128 MGI:3645856 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:29206 Pnma8c 41230706 120099770 PNMA8C 13208335 110806277 HGNC Pnma8c 10034604 105247240 MGI:5625257 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:53427 Pnmt 3361 24661 PNMT 732850 5409 HGNC Pnmt 11126 18948 MGI:97724 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:9160 Pnn 1597086 368070 PNN 1313105 5411 HGNC Pnn 1313106 18949 MGI:1100514 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:9162 Pno1 727882 289809 PNO1 1604334 56902 HGNC Pno1 1553017 66249 MGI:1913499 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:32790 Pnoc 3362 25516 PNOC 733566 5368 HGNC Pnoc 736341 18155 MGI:105308 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:9163 Pnp 1597189 290029 PNP 1349909 4860 HGNC Pnp2 2292250 667034 MGI:3712328 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:7892 Pnpla1 1306685 361812 PNPLA1 1315443 285848 HGNC Pnpla1 1622661 433091 MGI:3617850 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:21246 Pnpla2 1309044 361676 PNPLA2 1354502 57104 RGD Pnpla2 1552545 66853 MGI:1914103 RGD HGNC:30802 Pnpla3 1595843 362972 PNPLA3 1601958 80339 HGNC Pnpla3 1314261 116939 MGI:2151796 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:18590 Pnpla4 1562200 363471 PNPLA4 1346226 8228 HGNC HGNC:24887 Pnpla5 1307495 300108 PNPLA5 1343707 150379 HGNC Pnpla5 1553143 75772 MGI:1923022 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:24888 Pnpla6 1564611 360753 PNPLA6 1605701 10908 HGNC Pnpla6 1558075 50767 MGI:1354723 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:16268 Pnpla7 708466 246246 PNPLA7 1353397 375775 HGNC Pnpla7 733340 241274 MGI:2385325 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:24768 Pnpla8 1311444 314075 PNPLA8 1603644 50640 HGNC Pnpla8 1322912 67452 MGI:1914702 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:28900 Pnpo 621456 64533 PNPO 1352951 55163 HGNC Pnpo 733973 103711 MGI:2144151 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:30260 Pnpt1 1307987 360992 PNPT1 1317494 87178 HGNC Pnpt1 1317495 71701 MGI:1918951 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:23166 Pnrc1 628753 286988 PNRC1 1354036 10957 HGNC Pnrc1 1617426 108767 MGI:1917838 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:17278 Pnrc2 1642418 100125373 PNRC2 1351134 55629 HGNC Pnrc2 1617583 52830 MGI:106512 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:23158 Poc1a 1565004 501048 POC1A 1353956 25886 HGNC Poc1a 1623960 70235 MGI:1917485 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:24488 Poc1b 2323942 100362836 POC1B 1350683 282809 HGNC Poc1b 1621944 382406 MGI:1918511 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:30836 Poc5 1310597 294667 POC5 1605874 134359 HGNC Poc5 1331935 67463 MGI:1914713 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:26658 Podn 7545693 102552895 PODN 1320634 127435 HGNC Podn 1320635 242608 MGI:2674939 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:23174 Podnl1 1307753 288907 PODNL1 1602677 79883 HGNC Podnl1 1317127 244550 MGI:2685352 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:26275 Podxl 621878 192181 PODXL 736843 5420 HGNC Podxl 736844 27205 MGI:1351317 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:9171 Podxl2 1305815 297433 PODXL2 1347781 50512 HGNC Podxl2 1552380 319655 MGI:2442488 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:17936 Pof1b 1560798 302328 POF1B 1351618 79983 HGNC Pof1b 1557390 69693 MGI:1916943 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:13711 Pofut1 1303001 311551 POFUT1 1348314 23509 HGNC Pofut1 1623846 140484 MGI:2153207 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:14988 Pofut2 1307334 309686 POFUT2 1316469 23275 HGNC Pofut2 1316470 80294 MGI:1916863 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:14683 Pogk 1308951 304941 POGK 1319023 57645 HGNC Pogk 1319024 71592 MGI:1918842 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:18800 Poglut1 1306248 288091 POGLUT1 1604326 56983 HGNC Poglut1 1332013 224143 MGI:2444232 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:22954 Poglut2 1304684 316370 POGLUT2 1312273 79070 HGNC Poglut2 1312274 72050 MGI:1919300 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:19350 Poglut3 1562027 315664 POGLUT3 1347684 143888 HGNC Poglut3 1618366 68304 MGI:1923765 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:28496 Pogz 1309980 310658 POGZ 1320615 23126 HGNC Pogz 1320616 229584 MGI:2442117 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:18801 Pola1 621816 85241 POLA1 732365 5422 HGNC Pola1 732366 18968 MGI:99660 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:9173 Pola2 621817 85242 POLA2 731623 23649 HGNC Pola2 731624 18969 MGI:99690 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:30073 Polb 3363 29240 POLB 736608 5423 HGNC Polb 736609 18970 MGI:97740 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:9174 Pold1 621839 59294 POLD1 734076 5424 HGNC Pold1 734077 18971 MGI:97741 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:9175 Pold2 1304954 289758 POLD2 1312693 5425 HGNC Pold2 1312694 18972 MGI:1097163 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:9176 Pold3 1312027 293144 POLD3 1323795 10714 HGNC Pold3 1323796 67967 MGI:1915217 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:20932 Pold4 1308519 361698 POLD4 1318336 57804 HGNC Pold4 1318337 69745 MGI:1916995 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:14106 Poldip2 1307022 287544 POLDIP2 1315967 26073 HGNC Poldip2 1315968 67811 MGI:1915061 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:23781 Poldip3 1311073 315170 POLDIP3 1322337 84271 HGNC Poldip3 1322338 73826 MGI:1921076 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:23782 Pole 1594540 304573 POLE 1348983 5426 HGNC Pole 11127 18973 MGI:1196391 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:9177 Pole2 1311962 299112 POLE2 1323687 5427 HGNC Pole2 1323688 18974 MGI:1197514 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:9178 Pole3 1359475 298098 POLE3 1344068 54107 RGD Pole3 1553218 59001 MGI:1933378 RGD HGNC:13546 Pole4 1307793 362385 POLE4 1317190 56655 HGNC Pole4 1317191 66979 MGI:1914229 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:18755 Polg 620057 85472 POLG 732179 5428 HGNC Polg 732180 18975 MGI:1196389 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:9179 Polg2 1305128 303612 POLG2 1312978 11232 HGNC Polg2 1312979 50776 MGI:1354947 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:9180 Polh 1309893 316235 POLH 1320482 5429 HGNC Polh 1320483 80905 MGI:1891457 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:9181 Poli 1305212 291526 POLI 1313103 11201 HGNC Poli 1313104 26447 MGI:1347081 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:9182 Polk 620058 171525 POLK 1343998 51426 HGNC Polk 1550402 27015 MGI:1349767 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:9183 Poll 1308053 361767 POLL 1317600 27343 HGNC Poll 1317601 56626 MGI:1889000 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:9184 Polm 1308247 289757 POLM 1317912 27434 HGNC Polm 1317913 54125 MGI:1860191 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:9185 Poln 7675413 102555079 POLN 1354283 353497 HGNC Poln 1558417 272158 MGI:2675617 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:18870 Polq 1309795 288079 POLQ 1320324 10721 HGNC Polq 1551353 77782 MGI:2155399 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:9186 Polr1a 620824 83581 POLR1A 1345694 25885 HGNC Polr1a 733035 20019 MGI:1096397 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:17264 Polr1b 620822 83582 POLR1B 1348858 84172 HGNC Polr1b 731265 20017 MGI:108014 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:20454 Polr1c 1309689 301246 POLR1C 1320170 9533 HGNC Polr1c 1320171 20016 MGI:103288 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:20194 Polr1d 1564358 360762 POLR1D 1343756 51082 HGNC Polr1d 1620098 20018 MGI:108403 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:20422 Polr1e 1565773 313245 POLR1E 1602318 64425 HGNC Polr1e 1556937 64424 MGI:1929022 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:17631 Polr1f 1307824 362728 POLR1F 1317243 221830 HGNC Polr1f 1317244 28071 MGI:106292 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:18027 Polr1g 1591707 680493 POLR1G 1606023 10849 HGNC Polr1g 1623186 70333 MGI:1917583 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:24219 Polr1h 1303114 361784 POLR1H 1351679 30834 HGNC Polr1h 1332448 66136 MGI:1913386 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:13182 Polr1has 1590246 685722 POLR1HASP 1351959 80862 HGNC Polr1has 1615810 76416 MGI:1923666 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:13924 Polr2a 1587326 363633 POLR2A 1352013 5430 HGNC Polr2a 1557071 20020 MGI:98086 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:9187 Polr2b 1309477 289561 POLR2B 1319837 5431 HGNC Polr2b 1319838 231329 MGI:2388280 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:9188 Polr2c 1306935 361365 POLR2C 1315832 5432 HGNC Polr2c 1315833 20021 MGI:109299 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:9189 Polr2d 1308565 364834 POLR2D 1318411 5433 HGNC Polr2d 1552995 69241 MGI:1916491 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:9191 Polr2e 1589817 690966 POLR2E 1313437 5434 HGNC Polr2e 1313438 66420 MGI:1913670 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:9192 Polr2f 708567 83503 POLR2F 734063 5435 HGNC Polr2f 1551553 69833 MGI:1349393 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:9193 Polr2g 621284 117017 POLR2G 733856 5436 HGNC Polr2g 733857 67710 MGI:1914960 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:9194 Polr2h 1561203 498109 POLR2H 1314889 5437 RGD Polr2h 1622909 245841 MGI:2384309 RGD HGNC:9195 Polr2i 1309395 292778 POLR2I 1319717 5438 RGD Polr2i 1319718 69920 MGI:1917170 RGD HGNC:9196 Polr2j 1310198 288588 POLR2J 1320957 5439 HGNC Polr2j 1320958 20022 MGI:109582 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:9197 Polr2k 2319895 100361574 POLR2K 1352672 5440 HGNC Polr2k 1315045 17749 MGI:102725 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:9198 Polr2l 1566209 502374 POLR2L 1349201 5441 RGD Polr2l 1623217 66491 MGI:1913741 RGD HGNC:9199 Polr2m 619847 192147 POLR2M 731440 81488 RGD Polr2m 731441 28015 MGI:107282 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:14862 Polr3a 1305574 361102 POLR3A 1351863 11128 HGNC Polr3a 1313684 218832 MGI:2681836 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:30074 Polr3b 1565311 362858 POLR3B 1351468 55703 HGNC Polr3b 1557860 70428 MGI:1917678 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:30348 Polr3c 1311545 310685 POLR3C 1323060 10623 HGNC Polr3c 1323061 74414 MGI:1921664 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:30076 Polr3d 1311816 306012 POLR3D 1323468 661 HGNC Polr3d 1323469 67065 MGI:1914315 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:1080 Polr3e 1308086 361640 POLR3E 1317654 55718 HGNC Polr3e 1317655 26939 MGI:1349452 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:30347 Polr3f 1306428 311487 POLR3F 1315038 10621 HGNC Polr3f 1552445 70408 MGI:1924086 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:15763 Polr3g 1593792 685465 POLR3G 1348674 10622 HGNC Polr3g 1615105 67486 MGI:1914736 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:30075 Polr3gl 1582857 690254 POLR3GL 1353647 84265 HGNC Polr3gl 1616757 69870 MGI:1917120 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:28466 Polr3h 1305889 300088 POLR3H 1314191 171568 HGNC Polr3h 1314192 78929 MGI:1926179 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:30349 Polr3k 1587294 366277 POLR3K 1350025 51728 HGNC Polr3k 1551431 67005 MGI:1914255 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:14121 Polrmt 1304599 299604 POLRMT 1312131 5442 HGNC Polrmt 1312132 216151 MGI:1915843 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:9200 Pom121 620680 113975 POM121 1605101 9883 HGNC Pom121 733167 107939 MGI:2137624 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:19702 Pom121l12 2320735 100361125 POM121L12 1601803 285877 HGNC Pom121l12 1616368 432536 MGI:1920677 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:25369 Pom121l2 1594366 502128 POM121L2 1343533 94026 HGNC Pom121l2 2311283 195236 MGI:2684870 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:13973 Pomc 3366 24664 POMC 1352097 5443 HGNC Pomc 1331975 18976 MGI:97742 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:9201 Pomgnt1 1359396 362567 POMGNT1 1601994 55624 HGNC Pomgnt1 1553166 68273 MGI:1915523 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:19139 Pomgnt2 1304827 316091 POMGNT2 1606199 84892 HGNC Pomgnt2 1332253 215494 MGI:2143424 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:25902 Pomk 1310810 306549 POMK 1602085 84197 HGNC Pomk 1321928 74653 MGI:1921903 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:26267 Pomp 1305831 288455 POMP 1314101 51371 RGD Pomp 1314102 66537 MGI:1913787 RGD HGNC:20330 Pomt1 620078 84430 POMT1 1348575 10585 HGNC Pomt1 732789 99011 MGI:2138994 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:9202 Pomt2 1586427 688673 POMT2 1313480 29954 HGNC Pomt2 1313481 217734 MGI:2444430 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:19743 Pon1 620062 84024 PON1 1349272 5444 HGNC Pon1 733240 18979 MGI:103295 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:9204 Pon2 1309954 296851 PON2 1320575 5445 HGNC Pon2 1551394 330260 MGI:106687 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:9205 Pon3 1302965 312086 PON3 1344009 5446 HGNC Pon3 1552156 269823 MGI:106686 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:9206 Pop1 1308609 315045 POP1 1318482 10940 HGNC Pop1 1318483 67724 MGI:1914974 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:30129 Pop4 1305955 292831 POP4 1314291 10775 HGNC Pop4 1314292 66161 MGI:1913411 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:30081 Pop5 1311819 117241 POP5 1323474 51367 HGNC Pop5 1323475 117109 MGI:2151221 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:17689 Pop7 1306413 288564 POP7 1315010 10248 HGNC Pop7 1315011 74097 MGI:1921347 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:19949 Popdc2 735226 360718 POPDC2 1352577 64091 HGNC Popdc2 1550026 64082 MGI:1930150 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:17648 Popdc3 1590760 641520 POPDC3 1343916 64208 HGNC Popdc3 1616672 78977 MGI:1930153 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:17649 Por 68335 29441 POR 68468 5447 HGNC Por 68469 18984 MGI:97744 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:9208 Porcn 1564947 317368 PORCN 1603972 64840 HGNC Porcn 1557351 53627 MGI:1890212 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:17652 Postn 1305285 361945 POSTN 1313223 10631 HGNC Postn 1313224 50706 MGI:1926321 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:16953 Pot1 1562696 500054 POT1 1344340 25913 HGNC Pot1a 1557758 101185 MGI:2141503 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:17284 Potec 1308454 364798 POTEC 2291751 388468 HGNC HGNC:33894 Poted 9472036 691693 POTED 1353593 317754 HGNC Potefam3e 2293071 626415 MGI:1923056 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:23822 Potef 1584390 684969 POTEF 2289881 728378 RGD HGNC:33905 Potefam1 1309783 295999 ANKRD30A 1350593 91074 HGNC Potefam1 1320308 67575 MGI:1914825 RGD HGNC:17234 Potefam2 7545650 102548067 Potefam2 1617099 622251 MGI:3644757 RGD Poteg 1359470 364620 POTEG 1605777 404785 RGD Poteg 1557508 70952 MGI:1918202 RGD HGNC:33896 Poteh 2323175 100363368 POTEH 1346397 23784 HGNC Potegl 1318231 70981 MGI:1918231 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:133 Potem 1563748 306365 POTEM 3378638 641455 HGNC 9530057J20Rik 1619069 78672 MGI:1925922 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:37096 Pou1f1 3367 25517 POU1F1 732450 5449 HGNC Pou1f1 11129 18736 MGI:97588 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:9210 Pou2af1 1594728 690528 POU2AF1 1323347 5450 HGNC Pou2af1 1323348 18985 MGI:105086 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:9211 Pou2af2 1562914 500997 POU2AF2 1605809 341032 HGNC Pou2af2 1616765 69809 MGI:1917059 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:30527 Pou2af3 1563866 315652 POU2AF3 2798065 120376 HGNC Pou2af3 1615584 100502940 MGI:2685530 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:26978 Pou2f1 621689 171068 POU2F1 1344654 5451 HGNC Pou2f1 1552758 18986 MGI:101898 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:9212 Pou2f2 621690 117058 POU2F2 1347223 5452 HGNC Pou2f2 1551110 18987 MGI:101897 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:9213 Pou2f3 621691 116544 POU2F3 1351293 25833 HGNC Pou2f3 1331943 18988 MGI:102565 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:19864 Pou3f1 619767 192110 POU3F1 730819 5453 HGNC Pou3f1 730820 18991 MGI:101896 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:9214 Pou3f2 61946 29588 POU3F2 1351786 5454 HGNC Pou3f2 62239 18992 MGI:101895 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:9215 Pou3f3 619768 192109 POU3F3 1349087 5455 HGNC Pou3f3 1552994 18993 MGI:102564 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:9216 Pou3f4 61947 29589 POU3F4 732459 5456 HGNC Pou3f4 62240 18994 MGI:101894 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:9217 Pou4f1 620074 114503 POU4F1 1346307 5457 HGNC Pou4f1 1550443 18996 MGI:102525 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:9218 Pou4f2 620075 171355 POU4F2 1346191 5458 HGNC Pou4f2 1552160 18997 MGI:102524 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:9219 Pou4f3 1310459 364855 POU4F3 1321371 5459 HGNC Pou4f3 1321372 18998 MGI:102523 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:9220 Pou5f1 1359491 294562 POU5F1 1350605 5460 HGNC Pou5f1 1552733 18999 MGI:101893 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:9221 Pou5f2 1589456 680620 POU5F2 1606459 134187 HGNC Pou5f2 1313603 75507 MGI:1922757 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:26367 Pou6f1 620615 116545 POU6F1 731653 5463 HGNC Pou6f1 1551087 19009 MGI:102935 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:9224 Pou6f2 1584652 681092 POU6F2 1322006 11281 HGNC Pou6f2 1551654 218030 MGI:2443631 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:21694 Pp2d1 1564811 316157 PP2D1 1604736 151649 HGNC Pp2d1 1614988 110332 MGI:3612067 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:28406 Ppa1 1589773 294504 PPA1 1352864 5464 HGNC Ppa1 11130 67895 MGI:97831 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:9226 Ppa2 1307965 310856 PPA2 1604365 27068 HGNC Ppa2 1317465 74776 MGI:1922026 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:28883 Ppan 1306325 298699 PPAN 1314882 56342 HGNC Ppan 1314883 235036 MGI:2178445 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:9227 Ppara 3369 25747 PPARA 737309 5465 HGNC Ppara 732638 19013 MGI:104740 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:9232 Ppard 3370 25682 PPARD 736289 5467 HGNC Ppard 731946 19015 MGI:101884 RGD HGNC:9235 Pparg 3371 25664 PPARG 69168 5468 HGNC Pparg 69169 19016 MGI:97747 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:9236 Ppargc1a 620925 83516 PPARGC1A 1342674 10891 HGNC Ppargc1a 1332548 19017 MGI:1342774 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:9237 Ppargc1b 727948 291567 PPARGC1B 1350671 133522 HGNC Ppargc1b 1331978 170826 MGI:2444934 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:30022 Ppat 620237 117544 PPAT 733613 5471 HGNC Ppat 736394 231327 MGI:2387203 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:9238 Ppbp 70548 246358 PPBP 736390 5473 HGNC Ppbp 736391 57349 MGI:1888712 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:9240 Ppcdc 1306267 363069 PPCDC 1605355 60490 HGNC Ppcdc 1550663 66812 MGI:1914062 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:28107 Ppcs 1311399 298490 PPCS 1605955 79717 HGNC Ppcs 1553139 106564 MGI:1915237 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:25686 Ppdpf 1310660 296470 PPDPF 1321693 79144 HGNC Ppdpf 1321694 66496 MGI:1913746 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:16142 Ppef1 1562772 317498 PPEF1 1606579 5475 HGNC Ppef1 1558567 237178 MGI:1097157 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:9243 Ppef2 1307093 305246 PPEF2 1316080 5470 HGNC Ppef2 1316081 19023 MGI:1342304 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:9244 Ppfia1 1309009 293645 PPFIA1 1319111 8500 HGNC Ppfia1 1319112 233977 MGI:1924750 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:9245 Ppfia2 1305021 362876 PPFIA2 1312803 8499 HGNC Ppfia2 1621980 327814 MGI:2443834 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:9246 Ppfia3 620054 140591 PPFIA3 1312318 8541 HGNC Ppfia3 1623894 76787 MGI:1924037 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:9247 Ppfia4 620055 140592 PPFIA4 737078 8497 HGNC Ppfia4 737079 68507 MGI:1915757 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:9248 Ppfibp1 1310010 312855 PPFIBP1 1320664 8496 HGNC Ppfibp1 1320665 67533 MGI:1914783 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:9249 Ppfibp2 1565383 308918 PPFIBP2 1316733 8495 HGNC Ppfibp2 1316734 19024 MGI:894649 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:9250 Pphln1 1306207 366975 PPHLN1 1314694 51535 HGNC Pphln1 1622092 223828 MGI:1917029 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:19369 Ppia 3372 25518 PPIA 731273 5478 HGNC Ppia 11131 268373 MGI:97749 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:9253 Ppial4g 1559682 361080 PPIAL4G 2301115 644591 HGNC HGNC:33996 Ppib 620312 64367 PPIB 732990 5479 HGNC Ppib 732991 19035 MGI:97750 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:9255 Ppic 1303221 291463 PPIC 1344607 5480 HGNC Ppic 1551298 19038 MGI:97751 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:9256 Ppid 1303174 361967 PPID 1342741 5481 RGD Ppid 1553037 67738 MGI:1914988 RGD HGNC:9257 Ppie 1311411 298508 PPIE 1322860 10450 HGNC Ppie 1322861 56031 MGI:1917118 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:9258 Ppif 628670 282819 PPIF 1354243 10105 HGNC Ppif 1332155 105675 MGI:2145814 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:9259 Ppig 620315 83624 PPIG 731455 9360 HGNC Ppig 1619854 228005 MGI:2445173 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:14650 Ppih 1564921 366461 PPIH 1347300 10465 HGNC Ppih 1615137 66101 MGI:106499 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:14651 Ppil1 1309119 309651 PPIL1 1319281 51645 HGNC Ppil1 1319282 68816 MGI:1916066 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:9260 Ppil2 1309484 360746 PPIL2 1319848 23759 RGD Ppil2 1319849 66053 MGI:2447857 RGD HGNC:9261 Ppil3 631415 301432 PPIL3 1350391 53938 HGNC Ppil3 1332231 70225 MGI:1917475 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:9262 Ppil4 1311051 361449 PPIL4 1322302 85313 HGNC Ppil4 1553645 67418 MGI:1914668 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:15702 Ppil6 1592581 685567 PPIL6 1352974 285755 HGNC Ppil6 1622262 73075 MGI:1920325 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:21557 Ppip5k1 1311552 311355 PPIP5K1 1605707 9677 HGNC Ppip5k1 1323070 327655 MGI:2443281 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:29023 Ppip5k2 1590765 501194 PPIP5K2 1604040 23262 HGNC Ppip5k2 1317745 227399 MGI:2142810 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:29035 Ppl 1305511 302934 PPL 1313581 5493 HGNC Ppl 1313582 19041 MGI:1194898 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:9273 Ppm1a 3373 24666 PPM1A 731572 5494 HGNC Ppm1a 731573 19042 MGI:99878 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:9275 Ppm1b 3374 24667 PPM1B 733846 5495 HGNC Ppm1b 733847 19043 MGI:101841 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:9276 Ppm1d 1305460 287585 PPM1D 1313498 8493 HGNC Ppm1d 1313499 53892 MGI:1858214 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:9277 Ppm1e 735028 360593 PPM1E 1350294 22843 HGNC Ppm1e 1550961 320472 MGI:2444096 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:19322 Ppm1f 631363 287931 PPM1F 737169 9647 HGNC Ppm1f 737170 68606 MGI:1918464 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:19388 Ppm1g 628676 259229 PPM1G 732734 5496 HGNC Ppm1g 732735 14208 MGI:106065 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:9278 Ppm1h 1309528 314897 PPM1H 1319913 57460 HGNC Ppm1h 1551289 319468 MGI:2442087 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:18583 Ppm1j 1359104 295341 PPM1J 1603861 333926 HGNC Ppm1j 1552937 71887 MGI:1919137 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:20785 Ppm1k 1308501 312381 PPM1K 1353112 152926 HGNC Ppm1k 1552216 243382 MGI:2442111 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:25415 Ppm1l 1305220 310506 PPM1L 1313118 151742 HGNC Ppm1l 1313119 242083 MGI:2139740 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:16381 Ppm1m 1584266 686298 PPM1M 1602186 132160 HGNC Ppm1m 1621538 67905 MGI:1915155 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:26506 Ppm1n 1562091 292690 PPM1N 1604993 147699 HGNC Ppm1n 1622070 232941 MGI:2142330 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:26845 Ppme1 1309683 361613 PPME1 1605082 51400 HGNC Ppme1 1320160 72590 MGI:1919840 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:30178 Ppox 1310543 289219 PPOX 1321506 5498 HGNC Ppox 1321507 19044 MGI:104968 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:9280 Ppp1ca 3375 24668 PPP1CA 732541 5499 HGNC Ppp1ca 11132 19045 MGI:103016 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:9281 Ppp1cb 3376 25594 PPP1CB 731669 5500 HGNC Ppp1cb 731670 19046 MGI:104871 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:9282 Ppp1cc 3377 24669 PPP1CC 734001 5501 HGNC Ppp1cc 736959 19047 MGI:104872 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:9283 Ppp1r10 620079 65045 PPP1R10 732967 5514 HGNC Ppp1r10 1551502 52040 MGI:1289273 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:9284 Ppp1r11 1303163 294207 PPP1R11 1350582 6992 HGNC Ppp1r11 1552966 76497 MGI:1923747 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:9285 Ppp1r12a 620013 116670 PPP1R12A 1350163 4659 HGNC Ppp1r12a 732779 17931 MGI:1309528 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:7618 Ppp1r12b 1309287 304813 PPP1R12B 1319551 4660 HGNC Ppp1r12b 1319552 329251 MGI:1916417 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:7619 Ppp1r12c 1584883 499076 PPP1R12C 1343542 54776 HGNC Ppp1r12c 1622955 232807 MGI:1924258 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:14947 Ppp1r13b 1304651 314465 PPP1R13B 1312214 23368 HGNC Ppp1r13b 1312215 21981 MGI:1336199 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:14950 Ppp1r13l 1593681 686781 PPP1R13L 1347285 10848 HGNC Ppp1r13l 1617213 333654 MGI:3525053 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:18838 Ppp1r14a 620536 114004 PPP1R14A 733523 94274 HGNC Ppp1r14a 733524 68458 MGI:1931139 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:14871 Ppp1r14b 628702 259225 PPP1R14B 1344402 26472 HGNC Ppp1r14b 731418 18938 MGI:107682 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:9057 Ppp1r14c 620538 171010 PPP1R14C 735966 81706 HGNC Ppp1r14c 735967 76142 MGI:1923392 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:14952 Ppp1r14d 628891 259226 PPP1R14D 1350290 54866 HGNC Ppp1r14d 731953 72112 MGI:1919362 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:14953 Ppp1r15a 621526 171071 PPP1R15A 1342864 23645 HGNC Ppp1r15a 732704 17872 MGI:1927072 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:14375 Ppp1r15b 1307944 304799 PPP1R15B 1317432 84919 HGNC Ppp1r15b 1317433 108954 MGI:2444211 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:14951 Ppp1r16a 1307962 362944 PPP1R16A 1317459 84988 HGNC Ppp1r16a 1317460 73062 MGI:1920312 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:14941 Ppp1r16b 1589460 680616 PPP1R16B 1322272 26051 HGNC Ppp1r16b 1322273 228852 MGI:2151841 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:15850 Ppp1r17 628647 266705 PPP1R17 1344493 10842 HGNC Ppp1r17 733728 19051 MGI:1333876 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:16973 Ppp1r18 1309543 361790 PPP1R18 1319936 170954 HGNC Ppp1r18 1319937 76448 MGI:1923698 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:29413 Ppp1r1a 62018 58977 PPP1R1A 737038 5502 HGNC Ppp1r1a 62310 58200 MGI:1889595 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:9286 Ppp1r1b 621859 360616 PPP1R1B 1347073 84152 HGNC Ppp1r1b 736949 19049 MGI:94860 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:9287 Ppp1r1c 1562095 499818 PPP1R1C 1351328 151242 HGNC Ppp1r1c 11133 75276 MGI:1923185 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:14940 Ppp1r2 621099 192361 PPP1R2 1343622 5504 HGNC Ppp1r2 1552965 66849 MGI:1914099 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:9288 Ppp1r21 1565310 362697 PPP1R21 1605582 129285 HGNC Ppp1r21 1615834 73825 MGI:1921075 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:30595 Ppp1r26 1595050 685398 PPP1R26 1352865 9858 HGNC Ppp1r26 1618124 241289 MGI:2685193 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:29089 Ppp1r27 1308861 287881 PPP1R27 1346366 116729 HGNC Ppp1r27 1550870 68701 MGI:1915951 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:16813 Ppp1r35 1584367 684993 PPP1R35 1604503 221908 RGD Ppp1r35 1331996 69871 MGI:1922853 RGD HGNC:28320 Ppp1r36 1309051 299153 PPP1R36 1319175 145376 HGNC Ppp1r36 1623010 210762 MGI:2684916 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:20097 Ppp1r37 1595870 308398 PPP1R37 2293904 284352 HGNC Ppp1r37 1622069 232947 MGI:2687042 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:27607 Ppp1r3a 1561312 500036 PPP1R3A 1343572 5506 HGNC Ppp1r3a 1558275 140491 MGI:2153588 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:9291 Ppp1r3b 621600 192280 PPP1R3B 1344962 79660 HGNC Ppp1r3b 733420 244416 MGI:2177268 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:14942 Ppp1r3c 1309132 309513 PPP1R3C 1319302 5507 HGNC Ppp1r3c 1319303 53412 MGI:1858229 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:9293 Ppp1r3d 1586306 689995 PPP1R3D 1315049 5509 HGNC Ppp1r3d 1622963 228966 MGI:1917664 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:9294 Ppp1r3e 1583926 691447 PPP1R3E 1318988 90673 HGNC Ppp1r3e 1621403 105651 MGI:2145790 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:14943 Ppp1r3f 1566398 363453 PPP1R3F 1353330 89801 HGNC Ppp1r3f 1558607 54646 MGI:1859617 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:14944 Ppp1r3g 1308930 291069 PPP1R3G 1346810 648791 HGNC Ppp1r3g 1553432 76487 MGI:1923737 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:14945 Ppp1r42 1585679 683514 PPP1R42 1606658 286187 HGNC Ppp1r42 1620818 69312 MGI:1921138 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:33732 Ppp1r7 1308169 301618 PPP1R7 1317789 5510 HGNC Ppp1r7 1317790 66385 MGI:1913635 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:9295 Ppp1r8 1306280 313030 PPP1R8 1314810 5511 HGNC Ppp1r8 1314811 100336 MGI:2140494 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:9296 Ppp1r9a 632280 84685 PPP1R9A 1350094 55607 HGNC Ppp1r9a 1552999 243725 MGI:2442401 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:14946 Ppp1r9b 632281 84686 PPP1R9B 733635 84687 HGNC Ppp1r9b 1552611 217124 MGI:2387581 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:9298 Ppp2ca 3380 24672 PPP2CA 735585 5515 HGNC Ppp2ca 735586 19052 MGI:1321159 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:9299 Ppp2cb 3381 24673 PPP2CB 736927 5516 HGNC Ppp2cb 736928 19053 MGI:1321161 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:9300 Ppp2r1a 620907 117281 PPP2R1A 1345219 5518 HGNC Ppp2r1a 1550262 51792 MGI:1926334 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:9302 Ppp2r1b 1304764 315648 PPP2R1B 1312396 5519 HGNC Ppp2r1b 1552002 73699 MGI:1920949 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:9303 Ppp2r2a 620919 117104 PPP2R2A 733714 5520 HGNC Ppp2r2a 736551 71978 MGI:1919228 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:9304 Ppp2r2b 631441 60660 PPP2R2B 1352838 5521 HGNC Ppp2r2b 1557998 72930 MGI:1920180 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:9305 Ppp2r2c 620920 117256 PPP2R2C 732376 5522 HGNC Ppp2r2c 1550315 269643 MGI:2442660 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:9306 Ppp2r2d 708356 246255 PPP2R2D 1351294 55844 HGNC Ppp2r2d 732899 52432 MGI:1289252 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:23732 Ppp2r3a 1306958 363122 PPP2R3A 1315869 5523 HGNC Ppp2r3a 1315870 235542 MGI:2442104 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:9307 Ppp2r3b 1588134 682033 PPP2R3B 1604626 28227 HGNC Ppp2r3d 1617612 19054 MGI:1335093 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:13417 Ppp2r3c 1309207 362739 PPP2R3C 1319421 55012 HGNC Ppp2r3c 1319422 59032 MGI:1930009 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:17485 Ppp2r5a 1308022 312754 PPP2R5A 1317550 5525 HGNC Ppp2r5a 1317551 226849 MGI:2388479 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:9309 Ppp2r5b 727786 309179 PPP2R5B 1353441 5526 HGNC Ppp2r5b 1550042 225849 MGI:2388480 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:9310 Ppp2r5c 1585097 691318 PPP2R5C 1319620 5527 HGNC Ppp2r5c 1319621 26931 MGI:1349475 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:9311 Ppp2r5d 1306666 363193 PPP2R5D 1315410 5528 RGD Ppp2r5d 1315411 21770 MGI:2388481 RGD HGNC:9312 Ppp2r5e 1305657 299147 PPP2R5E 1313814 5529 HGNC Ppp2r5e 1313815 26932 MGI:1349473 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:9313 Ppp3ca 3382 24674 PPP3CA 730900 5530 HGNC Ppp3ca 11134 19055 MGI:107164 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:9314 Ppp3cb 3383 24675 PPP3CB 733965 5532 HGNC Ppp3cb 11135 19056 MGI:107163 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:9315 Ppp3cc 621616 171378 PPP3CC 1347828 5533 HGNC Ppp3cc 1553619 19057 MGI:107162 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:9316 Ppp3r1 69230 29748 PPP3R1 1350432 5534 HGNC Ppp3r1 735592 19058 MGI:107172 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:9317 Ppp3r2 69232 29749 PPP3R2 1346251 5535 HGNC Ppp3r2 736124 19059 MGI:107171 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:9318 Ppp4c 621225 171366 PPP4C 1352781 5531 HGNC Ppp4c 1551024 56420 MGI:1891763 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:9319 Ppp4r1 619798 140943 PPP4R1 735851 9989 HGNC Ppp4r1 731654 70351 MGI:1917601 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:9320 Ppp4r2 1307312 297486 PPP4R2 1316433 151987 HGNC Ppp4r2 1316434 232314 MGI:3027896 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:18296 Ppp4r3a 1309059 314388 PPP4R3A 1319189 55671 HGNC Ppp4r3a 1552432 68734 MGI:1915984 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:20219 Ppp4r3b 1309450 360993 PPP4R3B 1603387 57223 HGNC Ppp4r3b 1319799 104570 MGI:2144474 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:29267 Ppp4r3c 1559817 302756 PPP4R3C 1602982 139420 HGNC Ppp4r3c1 1614879 245511 MGI:3588286 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:33146 Ppp4r4 1560932 500711 PPP4R4 1344077 57718 HGNC Ppp4r4 1557678 74521 MGI:1921771 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:23788 Ppp5c 68415 65179 PPP5C 68614 5536 HGNC Ppp5c 68615 19060 MGI:102666 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:9322 Ppp6c 708460 171121 PPP6C 734407 5537 HGNC Ppp6c 734408 67857 MGI:1915107 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:9323 Ppp6r1 1311409 361502 PPP6R1 1322857 22870 HGNC Ppp6r1 1322858 243819 MGI:2442163 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:29195 Ppp6r2 1563990 300146 PPP6R2 1347490 9701 HGNC Ppp6r2 1557411 71474 MGI:1918724 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:19253 Ppp6r3 1307145 309144 PPP6R3 1316164 55291 RGD Ppp6r3 1316165 52036 MGI:1921807 RGD HGNC:1173 Pprc1 1309688 294007 PPRC1 1320168 23082 HGNC Pprc1 1320169 226169 MGI:2385096 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:30025 Ppt1 61994 29411 PPT1 736552 5538 HGNC Ppt1 736553 19063 MGI:1298204 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:9325 Ppt2 620375 54398 PPT2 731722 9374 HGNC Ppt2 735972 54397 MGI:1860075 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:9326 Pptc7 1310383 304488 PPTC7 1604734 160760 HGNC Pptc7 1321260 320717 MGI:2444593 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:30695 Ppwd1 1310204 294711 PPWD1 1601770 23398 HGNC Ppwd1 1550282 238831 MGI:2443069 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:28954 Ppy 3385 24677 PPY 737129 5539 HGNC Ppy 11138 19064 MGI:97753 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:9327 Pqbp1 1549750 302557 PQBP1 1604644 10084 HGNC Pqbp1 1556922 54633 MGI:1859638 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:9330 Pradc1 1583112 686393 PRADC1 1352558 84279 HGNC Pradc1 1619972 73327 MGI:1920577 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:16047 Praf2 1566287 367743 PRAF2 1350856 11230 HGNC Praf2 1558158 54637 MGI:1859607 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:28911 Prag1 1311793 306506 PRAG1 11554295 157285 HGNC Prag1 1332292 244418 MGI:1196223 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:25438 Pram1 1564330 362848 PRAM1 1604582 84106 HGNC Pram1 1622820 378460 MGI:3576625 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:30091 Pramef17 1587447 691139 PRAMEF17 1602373 391004 RGD Pramel14 2295570 626943 MGI:3650199 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:29485 Pramef20 1587437 691150 PRAMEF20 1626252 645425 HGNC Pramel15 1620289 627009 MGI:3712553 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:25224 Pramef20l1 1561699 501890 Pramef27 1588644 691051 PRAMEF6 1603804 440561 HGNC HGNC:30583 Pramef8 1564061 502994 PRAMEF8 1604149 391002 HGNC HGNC:24074 Pramel18 1587828 685946 Pramel18 11082015 381535 MGI:3652120 RGD Pramel34 1590186 685782 Pramel34 1617953 381654 MGI:2141341 RGD Pramel36 1565660 501896 Pramel36 1624892 100040981 MGI:3704105 RGD Pramel38 1561977 501903 Pramel38 2299399 100041032 MGI:3781282 RGD Pramel53 6499239 100910292 Pramel53 1623504 622744 MGI:3647817 RGD Pramex1 1596887 680000 PRAME 1349908 23532 RGD Pramex1 1620729 75829 MGI:1923079 RGD HGNC:9336 Pramex2 1566159 503466 Pramex2 1613876 621322 MGI:3643636 RGD Prap1 61876 60574 PRAP1 1354045 118471 HGNC Prap1 1332324 22264 MGI:893573 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:23304 Prb1 628796 257652 PRB1 1348170 5542 HGNC HGNC:9337 Prb3 620386 245985 PRB3 1345078 5544 RGD HGNC:9339 Prc1 1311754 308761 PRC1 1323372 9055 HGNC Prc1 1323373 233406 MGI:1858961 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:9341 Prcc 1309037 310687 PRCC 1319153 5546 HGNC Prcc 1319154 94315 MGI:2137738 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:9343 Prcd 6488422 100912216 PRCD 1603415 768206 HGNC Prcd 1624618 100038570 MGI:3649529 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:32528 Prcp 1307842 293118 PRCP 1317272 5547 HGNC Prcp 1550822 72461 MGI:1919711 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:9344 Prdm1 1311765 309871 PRDM1 1323391 639 HGNC Prdm1 1323392 12142 MGI:99655 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:9346 Prdm10 1560384 500964 PRDM10 1348926 56980 HGNC Prdm10 1614773 382066 MGI:2682952 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:13995 Prdm11 1597330 690358 PRDM11 1343614 56981 HGNC Prdm11 1313842 100042784 MGI:2685553 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:13996 Prdm12 1586401 688699 PRDM12 1351660 59335 HGNC Prdm12 1620432 381359 MGI:2685844 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:13997 Prdm13 1589883 689695 PRDM13 1322406 59336 HGNC Prdm13 1322407 230025 MGI:2448528 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:13998 Prdm14 2319590 100365184 PRDM14 1316344 63978 HGNC Prdm14 1614007 383491 MGI:3588194 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:14001 Prdm15 1310055 304054 PRDM15 1320736 63977 HGNC Prdm15 1553380 114604 MGI:1930121 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:13999 Prdm16 2324431 100366024 PRDM16 1353101 63976 HGNC Prdm16 1620785 70673 MGI:1917923 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:14000 Prdm2 1594531 313678 PRDM2 1348506 7799 HGNC Prdm2 1557467 110593 MGI:107628 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:9347 Prdm4 619929 170820 PRDM4 732265 11108 HGNC Prdm4 736741 72843 MGI:1920093 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:9348 Prdm5 1588700 689788 PRDM5 1318295 11107 HGNC Prdm5 1318296 70779 MGI:1918029 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:9349 Prdm6 1559594 307305 PRDM6 1350258 93166 HGNC Prdm6 1618988 225518 MGI:2684938 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:9350 Prdm8 1311628 305198 PRDM8 1323184 56978 HGNC Prdm8 1551840 77630 MGI:1924880 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:13993 Prdm9 1305247 365155 PRDM9 1349245 56979 HGNC Prdm9 1623005 213389 MGI:2384854 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:13994 Prdx1 620039 117254 PRDX1 733744 5052 RGD Prdx1 733745 18477 MGI:99523 RGD HGNC:9352 Prdx2 3838 29338 PRDX2 733019 7001 HGNC Prdx2 735477 21672 MGI:109486 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:9353 Prdx3 620040 64371 PRDX3 1349610 10935 HGNC Prdx3 732403 11757 MGI:88034 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:9354 Prdx4 620043 85274 PRDX4 731497 10549 HGNC Prdx4 731498 53381 MGI:1859815 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:17169 Prdx5 71007 113898 PRDX5 1347956 25824 HGNC Prdx5 733919 54683 MGI:1859821 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:9355 Prdx6 71005 94167 PRDX6 1602898 9588 HGNC Prdx6 736132 11758 MGI:894320 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:16753 Preb 61929 58842 PREB 1352675 10113 HGNC Preb 62222 50907 MGI:1355326 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:9356 Prelid1 1308082 290995 PRELID1 1604018 27166 HGNC Prelid1 1331953 66494 MGI:1913744 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:30255 Prelid2 1584707 681037 PRELID2 1606141 153768 HGNC Prelid2 1616693 77619 MGI:1924869 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:28306 Prelid3a 1582858 690253 PRELID3A 1315398 10650 HGNC Prelid3a 1315399 225655 MGI:2442865 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:24639 Prelid3b 1594395 494346 PRELID3B 1345443 51012 RGD Prelid3b 1623994 66390 MGI:1913640 RGD HGNC:15892 Prelp 620226 84400 PRELP 732559 5549 HGNC Prelp 732560 116847 MGI:2151110 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:9357 Prep 620841 83471 PREP 732518 5550 HGNC Prep 732519 19072 MGI:1270863 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:9358 Prepl 1310143 298771 PREPL 1606027 9581 HGNC Prepl 1550884 213760 MGI:2441932 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:30228 Prex1 1306534 311647 PREX1 1603014 57580 HGNC Prex1 1315206 277360 MGI:3040696 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:32594 Prex2 1307865 312912 PREX2 1317307 80243 HGNC Prex2 1618283 109294 MGI:1923385 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:22950 Prf1 708463 50669 PRF1 1350272 5551 HGNC Prf1 1553597 18646 MGI:97551 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:9360 Prg2 69336 58826 PRG2 737332 5553 HGNC Prg2 737333 19074 MGI:103294 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:9362 Prg3 1309904 295706 PRG3 1320501 10394 HGNC Prg3 1320502 53856 MGI:1858200 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:9363 Prg4 1308976 289104 PRG4 1319063 10216 RGD Prg4 1619061 96875 MGI:1891344 RGD HGNC:9364 Prh1 619775 120093082 PRH1 1343411 5554 HGNC Prh1 11170 19131 MGI:97773 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:9366 Prickle1 735090 315259 PRICKLE1 1346789 144165 HGNC Prickle1 1618248 106042 MGI:1916034 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:17019 Prickle2 1306723 312563 PRICKLE2 1315504 166336 HGNC Prickle2 1552513 243548 MGI:1925144 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:20340 Prickle3 1359685 317380 PRICKLE3 1350042 4007 HGNC Prickle3 1553854 54630 MGI:1859635 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:6645 Prickle4 1563979 316212 PRICKLE4 1347495 29964 HGNC Prickle4 1612362 381104 MGI:2685785 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:16805 Prim1 621380 246327 PRIM1 1348091 5557 HGNC Prim1 1617611 19075 MGI:97757 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:9369 Prim2 631433 301323 PRIM2 1353751 5558 HGNC Prim2 1552817 19076 MGI:97758 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:9370 Prima1 1583978 690195 PRIMA1 1315672 145270 HGNC Prima1 1315673 170952 MGI:1926097 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:18319 Primpol 1562119 361147 PRIMPOL 1605846 201973 HGNC Primpol 1614747 408022 MGI:3603756 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:26575 Prkaa1 3387 65248 PRKAA1 732865 5562 HGNC Prkaa1 1550489 105787 MGI:2145955 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:9376 Prkaa2 620893 78975 PRKAA2 730888 5563 HGNC Prkaa2 730889 108079 MGI:1336173 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:9377 Prkab1 71057 83803 PRKAB1 735402 5564 HGNC Prkab1 735403 19079 MGI:1336167 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:9378 Prkab2 620905 64562 PRKAB2 735943 5565 HGNC Prkab2 735944 108097 MGI:1336185 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:9379 Prkaca 3389 25636 PRKACA 1344608 5566 HGNC Prkaca 1552640 18747 MGI:97592 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:9380 Prkacb 1310574 293508 PRKACB 1321558 5567 HGNC Prkacb 1321559 18749 MGI:97594 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:9381 Prkag1 3388 25520 PRKAG1 734389 5571 HGNC Prkag1 11139 19082 MGI:108411 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:9385 Prkag2 727782 373545 PRKAG2 1346463 51422 HGNC Prkag2 1549995 108099 MGI:1336153 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:9386 Prkag3 1308698 301518 PRKAG3 1318621 53632 HGNC Prkag3 1318622 241113 MGI:1891343 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:9387 Prkar1a 3391 25725 PRKAR1A 735732 5573 HGNC Prkar1a 735733 19084 MGI:104878 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:9388 Prkar1b 3392 25521 PRKAR1B 1351287 5575 HGNC Prkar1b 11140 19085 MGI:97759 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:9390 Prkar2a 3393 29699 PRKAR2A 732434 5576 HGNC Prkar2a 736960 19087 MGI:108025 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:9391 Prkar2b 3394 24679 PRKAR2B 735310 5577 HGNC Prkar2b 735311 19088 MGI:97760 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:9392 Prkca 3395 24680 PRKCA 737062 5578 HGNC Prkca 737063 18750 MGI:97595 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:9393 Prkcb 3396 25023 PRKCB 731404 5579 HGNC Prkcb 1550017 18751 MGI:97596 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:9395 Prkcd 67383 170538 PRKCD 69026 5580 HGNC Prkcd 69027 18753 MGI:97598 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:9399 Prkce 61925 29340 PRKCE 736442 5581 HGNC Prkce 62218 18754 MGI:97599 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:9401 Prkcg 3397 24681 PRKCG 732858 5582 HGNC Prkcg 11147 18752 MGI:97597 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:9402 Prkch 621888 81749 PRKCH 735345 5583 HGNC Prkch 732913 18755 MGI:97600 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:9403 Prkci 620961 84006 PRKCI 732937 5584 HGNC Prkci 1331958 18759 MGI:99260 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:9404 Prkcq 620968 85420 PRKCQ 1350580 5588 HGNC Prkcq 1551360 18761 MGI:97601 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:9410 Prkcsh 1309628 300445 PRKCSH 1320068 5589 HGNC Prkcsh 1320069 19089 MGI:107877 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:9411 Prkcz 3399 25522 PRKCZ 736361 5590 HGNC Prkcz 736362 18762 MGI:97602 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:9412 Prkd1 620964 85421 PRKD1 1351212 5587 HGNC Prkd1 1551913 18760 MGI:99879 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:9407 Prkd2 1308054 292658 PRKD2 1342931 25865 HGNC Prkd2 1553757 101540 MGI:2141917 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:17293 Prkd3 1310236 313834 PRKD3 1353868 23683 HGNC Prkd3 1321022 75292 MGI:1922542 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:9408 Prkdc 1308982 360748 PRKDC 1319072 5591 HGNC Prkdc 1319073 19090 MGI:104779 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:9413 Prkg1 1587390 54286 PRKG1 1322442 5592 HGNC Prkg1 1617610 19091 MGI:108174 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:9414 Prkg2 3401 25523 PRKG2 733228 5593 HGNC Prkg2 11149 19092 MGI:108173 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:9416 Prkn 61797 56816 PRKN 730938 5071 HGNC Prkn 62089 50873 MGI:1355296 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:8607 Prkra 1306707 311130 PRKRA 1315476 8575 HGNC Prkra 1315477 23992 MGI:1344375 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:9438 Prkrip1 1595708 498171 PRKRIP1 1316893 79706 HGNC Prkrip1 1316894 66801 MGI:1914051 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:21894 Prkx 1564076 501563 PRKX 1353983 5613 HGNC Prkx 1557445 19108 MGI:1309999 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:9441 Prl 3403 24683 PRL 736187 5617 HGNC Prl 11152 19109 MGI:97762 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:9445 Prl7c1 1593943 684107 Prl7c1 1614359 67505 MGI:1914755 RGD Prl8a1 1582807 691507 Prl8a1 1620755 73244 MGI:1920494 RGD Prlh 628634 63850 PRLH 1352450 51052 HGNC Prlh 1617091 623503 MGI:3644668 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:17945 Prlhr 71037 246075 PRLHR 732732 2834 HGNC Prlhr 1552398 226278 MGI:2135956 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:4464 Prlr 3407 24684 PRLR 730871 5618 HGNC Prlr 11157 19116 MGI:97763 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:9446 Prm1 1583873 24685 PRM1 1350304 5619 HGNC Prm1 11158 19118 MGI:97765 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:9447 Prm2 3409 25345 PRM2 737276 5620 HGNC Prm2 11159 19119 MGI:97766 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:9448 Prm3 1587265 442921 PRM3 1345034 58531 HGNC Prm3 1616837 19120 MGI:106601 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:13732 Prmt1 62020 60421 PRMT1 731338 3276 HGNC Prmt1 62312 15469 MGI:107846 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:5187 Prmt2 1565519 499420 PRMT2 1605435 3275 HGNC Prmt2 1558167 15468 MGI:1316652 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:5186 Prmt3 620413 89820 PRMT3 1604394 10196 HGNC Prmt3 732049 71974 MGI:1919224 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:30163 Prmt5 1309053 364382 PRMT5 1319178 10419 HGNC Prmt5 1319179 27374 MGI:1351645 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:10894 Prmt6 1304701 295384 PRMT6 1312299 55170 RGD Prmt6 1550002 99890 MGI:2139971 RGD HGNC:18241 Prmt7 1304869 361402 PRMT7 1601867 54496 HGNC Prmt7 1312558 214572 MGI:2384879 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:25557 Prmt8 1587677 688502 PRMT8 1605979 56341 HGNC Prmt8 1558440 381813 MGI:3043083 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:5188 Prmt9 1306157 291947 PRMT9 1601836 90826 HGNC Prmt9 1314612 102182 MGI:2142651 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:25099 Prnd 1306618 113910 PRND 1315338 23627 HGNC Prnd 1315339 26434 MGI:1346999 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:15748 Prnp 3410 24686 PRNP 737306 5621 HGNC Prnp 11160 19122 MGI:97769 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:9449 Prob1 1594845 689207 PROB1 5486560 389333 HGNC Prob1 1621949 381148 MGI:2686460 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:41906 Proc 3411 25268 PROC 737321 5624 HGNC Proc 11161 19123 MGI:97771 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:9451 Proca1 1561727 497959 PROCA1 1603267 147011 HGNC Proca1 1614952 216974 MGI:1918274 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:28600 Procr 1305991 362248 PROCR 1314349 10544 HGNC Procr 1314350 19124 MGI:104596 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:9452 Prodh 1590932 680409 PRODH 1343717 5625 HGNC Prodh 735636 19125 MGI:97770 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:9453 Prodh2 1306761 361538 PRODH2 1315565 58510 HGNC Prodh2 1315566 56189 MGI:1929093 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:17325 Prok1 620898 192205 PROK1 736057 84432 HGNC Prok1 736058 246691 MGI:2180370 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:18454 Prok2 620280 192206 PROK2 1350776 60675 HGNC Prok2 1552878 50501 MGI:1354178 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:18455 Prokr1 708443 192648 PROKR1 733659 10887 HGNC Prokr1 1551071 58182 MGI:1929676 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:4524 Prokr2 708445 192649 PROKR2 1353227 128674 HGNC Prokr2 1550147 246313 MGI:2181363 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:15836 Prom1 69367 60357 PROM1 1345263 8842 HGNC Prom1 1331934 19126 MGI:1100886 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:9454 Prom2 621435 192211 PROM2 1353767 150696 HGNC Prom2 734240 192212 MGI:2138997 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:20685 Prop1 628759 266738 PROP1 1344010 5626 HGNC Prop1 733046 19127 MGI:109330 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:9455 Prorp 1305089 299050 PRORP 1312913 9692 HGNC Prorp 1312914 66132 MGI:1913382 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:19958 Prorsd1 1308179 289864 PRORSD1P 2303855 344405 HGNC Prorsd1 1317807 67939 MGI:1915189 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:34379 Pros1 620971 81750 PROS1 1342781 5627 HGNC Pros1 1550610 19128 MGI:1095733 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:9456 Proser1 1309403 310417 PROSER1 1319730 80209 HGNC Proser1 1319731 212127 MGI:1919933 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:20291 Proser2 1586830 683460 PROSER2 1351835 254427 HGNC Proser2 1623791 227545 MGI:2442238 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:23728 Proser3 1565712 361541 PROSER3 1603570 148137 HGNC Proser3 1621216 333193 MGI:2681861 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:25204 Prox1 1306890 305066 PROX1 1315763 5629 HGNC Prox1 1315764 19130 MGI:97772 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:9459 Prox2 1310315 314319 PROX2 1606668 283571 HGNC Prox2 1321148 73422 MGI:1920672 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:26715 Proz 1308666 306608 PROZ 1318570 8858 HGNC Proz 1318571 66901 MGI:1860488 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:9460 Prp2 1305082 362450 Prp2 1312903 83380 MGI:1932491 RGD Prpf18 708550 171552 PRPF18 731692 8559 HGNC Prpf18 1558527 67229 MGI:1914479 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:17351 Prpf19 708496 246216 PRPF19 1353674 27339 HGNC Prpf19 732635 28000 MGI:106247 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:17896 Prpf3 1310555 361995 PRPF3 1321525 9129 HGNC Prpf3 1321526 70767 MGI:1918017 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:17348 Prpf31 1305832 292536 PRPF31 1314103 26121 HGNC Prpf31 1552306 68988 MGI:1916238 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:15446 Prpf38a 1311129 298374 PRPF38A 1602851 84950 HGNC Prpf38a 1553707 230596 MGI:1916962 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:25930 Prpf38b 1562940 499691 PRPF38B 1605670 55119 HGNC Prpf38b 1557874 66921 MGI:1914171 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:25512 Prpf39 1308702 314171 PRPF39 1318626 55015 HGNC Prpf39 1318627 328110 MGI:104602 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:20314 Prpf4 1311303 298095 PRPF4 1322687 9128 HGNC Prpf4 1322688 70052 MGI:1917302 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:17349 Prpf40a 1311401 295607 PRPF40A 1322844 55660 HGNC Prpf40a 1322845 56194 MGI:1860512 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:16463 Prpf40b 1565411 363000 PRPF40B 1604375 25766 HGNC Prpf40b 1624030 54614 MGI:1925583 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:25031 Prpf4b 1307784 291078 PRP4K 1317177 8899 HGNC Prpf4b 1317178 19134 MGI:109584 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:17346 Prpf6 1307103 366276 PRPF6 1316097 24148 HGNC Prpf6 1316098 68879 MGI:1922946 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:15860 Prpf8 1305467 287530 PRPF8 1313510 10594 HGNC Prpf8 1313511 192159 MGI:2179381 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:17340 Prph 3414 24688 PRPH 733911 5630 HGNC Prph 11166 19132 MGI:97774 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:9461 Prph2 3549 25534 PRPH2 735709 5961 HGNC Prph2 735710 19133 MGI:102791 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:9942 Prps1 61955 29562 PRPS1 736625 5631 HGNC Prps1 62248 19139 MGI:97775 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:9462 Prps1l1 1306328 298954 PRPS1L1 1314887 221823 HGNC Prps1l1 1314888 75456 MGI:1922706 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:9463 Prps2 3415 24689 PRPS2 737326 5634 HGNC Prps2 11168 110639 MGI:97776 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:9465 Prpsap1 620206 64390 PRPSAP1 733778 5635 HGNC Prpsap1 733779 67763 MGI:1915013 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:9466 Prpsap2 620207 117272 PRPSAP2 732905 5636 HGNC Prpsap2 732906 212627 MGI:2384838 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:9467 Prr11 1561541 360591 PRR11 1601861 55771 HGNC Prr11 1619721 270906 MGI:2444496 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:25619 Prr12 1309896 361569 PRR12 1320487 57479 HGNC Prr12 1320488 233210 MGI:2679002 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:29217 Prr13 1307129 363004 PRR13 1604010 54458 HGNC Prr13 1331964 66151 MGI:1913401 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:24528 Prr14 1594592 691898 PRR14 1604599 78994 HGNC Prr14 1614912 233895 MGI:2384565 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:28458 Prr14l 1305469 305466 PRR14L 1604500 253143 HGNC Prr14l 1616579 215476 MGI:2443658 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:28738 Prr15 1311589 312358 PRR15 1603877 222171 HGNC Prr15 1323127 78004 MGI:1925254 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:22310 Prr15l 1592397 688163 PRR15L 1601848 79170 HGNC Prr15l 1623814 217138 MGI:2387599 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:28149 Prr16 1564528 361327 PRR16 1602486 51334 HGNC Prr16 1615063 71373 MGI:1918623 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:29654 Prr18 1564079 361481 PRR18 1601804 285800 HGNC Prr18 1621244 320111 MGI:2443403 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:28574 Prr19 1595416 681408 PRR19 1604489 284338 HGNC Prr19 1620315 623131 MGI:3648539 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:33728 Prr20e 1591392 685621 PRR20E 3322124 729250 HGNC 4933427D06Rik 1617349 232217 MGI:3026922 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:37223 Prr22 1595447 680177 PRR22 1602428 163154 HGNC Prr22 1623796 100504446 MGI:2685392 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:28354 Prr23a1 1591440 684372 PRR23A 2312708 729627 HGNC Prr23a1 1620312 623166 MGI:3645743 RGD HGNC:37172 Prr23a2 1591431 684381 Prr23a2 1620306 623186 MGI:3645937 RGD Prr23a3 1591417 684395 Prr23a3 1620766 71979 MGI:1919229 RGD Prr23d1 1592646 685501 PRR23C 1602803 389152 HGNC HGNC:37173 Prr27 1310384 289530 PRR27 1604909 401137 HGNC Prr27 1321261 73779 MGI:1921029 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:33193 Prr29 1307288 287761 PRR29 1603374 92340 RGD Prr29 1316393 75573 MGI:1922823 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:25673 Prr3 1303270 361788 PRR3 1343981 80742 HGNC Prr3 1553544 75210 MGI:1922460 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:21149 Prr30 2315526 100322897 PRR30 1602815 339779 HGNC Prr30 1607365 76627 MGI:1923877 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:28677 Prr32 1583341 683753 PRR32 2299192 100130613 HGNC Prr32 1614348 68800 MGI:1916050 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:34498 Prr33 1592568 685580 PRR33 9588192 102724536 HGNC Prr33 1613667 677289 MGI:3642289 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:35118 Prr35 1598335 302999 PRR35 1602296 146325 HGNC Prr35 11082624 100034748 MGI:2442713 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:14139 Prr36 1566084 501795 PRR36 9588105 80164 HGNC Prr36 1622263 73072 MGI:3605626 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:26172 Prr4 735181 360395 PRR4 1346469 11272 HGNC 5530400C23Rik 1615678 232426 MGI:1918650 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:18020 Prr5 1307954 315189 PRR5 1604351 55615 HGNC Prr5 1317449 109270 MGI:1924714 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:31682 Prr5l 1309969 362171 PRR5L 1605618 79899 HGNC Prr5l 1320600 72446 MGI:1919696 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:25878 Prr7 1561898 498704 PRR7 1345236 80758 HGNC Prr7 1614729 432763 MGI:3487246 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:28130 Prr9 2320351 100361314 PRR9 4143661 574414 HGNC Prr9 1623037 109314 MGI:1925680 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:32057 Prrc1 1565632 291444 PRRC1 1601934 133619 HGNC Prrc1 1621490 73137 MGI:1916106 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:28164 Prrc2a 1303025 294250 PRRC2A 1350670 7916 HGNC Prrc2a 1552374 53761 MGI:1915467 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:13918 Prrc2b 1595906 296637 PRRC2B 1346299 84726 HGNC Prrc2b 1312610 227723 MGI:1923304 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:28121 Prrc2c 1566064 360865 PRRC2C 1351775 23215 HGNC Prrc2c 1621339 226562 MGI:1913754 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:24903 Prrg1 1561320 363472 PRRG1 1350141 5638 HGNC Prrg1 1621123 546336 MGI:1917364 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:9469 Prrg2 1305444 361570 PRRG2 1313475 5639 HGNC Prrg2 1313476 65116 MGI:1929596 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:9470 Prrg3 1560309 293935 PRRG3 1343058 79057 HGNC Prrg3 1618195 208748 MGI:2685214 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:30798 Prrg4 1560542 499847 PRRG4 1346309 79056 HGNC Prrg4 1552014 228413 MGI:2442211 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:30799 Prrt1 1359348 406167 PRRT1 1345386 80863 HGNC Prrt1 1621995 260297 MGI:1932118 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:13943 Prrt1b 7582623 102546892 PRRT1B 13208757 642515 HGNC Prrt1b 2294771 433415 MGI:3649917 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:53642 Prrt2 1564195 361651 PRRT2 1602444 112476 HGNC Prrt2 1613176 69017 MGI:1916267 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:30500 Prrt3 1562419 502873 PRRT3 1605239 285368 HGNC Prrt3 1623832 210673 MGI:2444810 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:26591 Prrt4 1559885 500059 PRRT4 3051273 401399 HGNC Prrt4 1614237 101359 MGI:2141677 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:37280 Prrx1 628884 266813 PRRX1 1606834 5396 HGNC Prrx1 1553420 18933 MGI:97712 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:9142 Prrx2 1311471 113931 PRRX2 1322947 51450 HGNC Prrx2 1322948 20204 MGI:98218 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:21338 Prss1 3417 24691 PRSS1 735824 5644 HGNC Try10 1615456 436522 MGI:3687012 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:9475 Prss12 69238 85266 PRSS12 733403 8492 HGNC Prss12 733404 19142 MGI:1100881 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:9477 Prss16 1306652 364719 PRSS16 1315387 10279 HGNC Prss16 1315388 54373 MGI:1859181 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:9480 Prss21 727870 353251 PRSS21 1344108 10942 HGNC Prss21 1624019 57256 MGI:1916698 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:9485 Prss22 1310880 302971 PRSS22 1322033 64063 HGNC Prss22 1322034 70835 MGI:1918085 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:14368 Prss23 1359545 308807 PRSS23 1346659 11098 HGNC Prss23 1551311 76453 MGI:1923703 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:14370 Prss27 1303256 287108 PRSS27 1353298 83886 HGNC Prss27 1551519 213171 MGI:2450123 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:15475 Prss29 1305856 287136 PRSS29P 1343422 123787 RGD Prss29 1557482 114662 MGI:2149952 RGD HGNC:17542 Prss3 1311446 362347 PRSS3 734183 5646 HGNC Try4 1614404 22074 MGI:102757 RGD HGNC:9486 Prss33 1583742 497873 PRSS33 1323608 260429 HGNC Prss33 1558437 353130 MGI:2661234 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:30405 Prss35 1311282 315866 PRSS35 1322654 167681 HGNC Prss35 1322655 244954 MGI:2444800 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:21387 Prss36 1593186 497040 PRSS36 1604524 146547 HGNC Prss36 1556905 77613 MGI:1924863 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:26906 Prss37 1311823 362346 PRSS37 1604236 136242 HGNC Prss37 1323481 67690 MGI:1914940 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:29211 Prss38 1565729 287358 PRSS38 1606403 339501 HGNC Prss38 1616574 216797 MGI:2685095 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:29625 Prss39 1309276 363215 PRSS40B 13515102 646743 HGNC Prss39 1557135 21755 MGI:1270856 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:27164 Prss41 1584711 681033 PRSS41 2301124 360226 HGNC Prss41 1312405 71003 MGI:1918253 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:30715 Prss42 1562548 301027 PRSS42P 1602412 339906 HGNC Prss42 1621310 235628 MGI:2665280 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:30716 Prss44 1560940 501060 PRSS44P 3207614 729756 HGNC Prss44 1319550 73336 MGI:1920586 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:37324 Prss45 1303021 408244 PRSS45P 1606871 377047 HGNC Prss45 1620491 260408 MGI:3605764 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:30717 Prss46 1302970 408245 PRSS46P 3184187 100287362 HGNC Prss46 1552176 74306 MGI:1921556 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:37325 Prss47 1592951 680378 PRSS47P 9586643 138652 HGNC Prss47 1614189 218304 MGI:2685120 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:37326 Prss48 11436036 108350052 PRSS48 1605534 345062 HGNC Prss48 1621203 368202 MGI:2685865 RGD HGNC:24635 Prss50 6499372 100910205 PRSS50 1605685 29122 HGNC Prss50 1558297 235631 MGI:2447303 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:17910 Prss51 6498506 100910401 PRSS51 6895556 346702 HGNC Prss51 1623162 100504162 MGI:1921465 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:37321 Prss52 1586868 683422 PRSS52P 6896923 100419209 RGD Prss52 1619963 73382 MGI:1920632 RGD HGNC:37322 Prss53 1566127 499270 PRSS53 2860194 339105 HGNC Prss53 1322648 330657 MGI:2652890 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:34407 Prss54 1307877 291846 PRSS54 3438752 221191 HGNC Prss54 1317326 70993 MGI:1918243 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:26336 Prss55 1586875 683415 PRSS55 1603165 203074 HGNC Prss55 1617516 71037 MGI:1918287 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:30824 Prss56 1563955 363274 PRSS56 5128927 646960 HGNC Prss56 1620006 69453 MGI:1916703 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:39433 Prss57 1303330 408241 PRSS57 1342482 400668 HGNC Prss57 1621495 73106 MGI:1920356 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:31397 Prss58 1303054 408204 PRSS58 1606966 136541 HGNC Prss58 1623780 232717 MGI:3608323 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:39125 Prss59 1302947 408205 Prss59 1552038 73481 MGI:1920731 RGD Prss8 619973 192107 PRSS8 730925 5652 HGNC Prss8 730926 76560 MGI:1923810 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:9491 Prtfdc1 1310177 291355 PRTFDC1 1320925 56952 HGNC Gm13377 2311928 675912 MGI:3649914 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:23333 Prtg 1307157 315806 PRTG 1606409 283659 HGNC Prtg 1622939 235472 MGI:2444710 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:26373 Prtn3 1304898 314615 PRTN3 1312601 5657 HGNC Prtn3 1312602 19152 MGI:893580 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:9495 Prune1 1359521 310664 PRUNE1 1350944 58497 HGNC Prune1 1551781 229589 MGI:1925152 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:13420 Prune2 1311350 293823 PRUNE2 1322392 158471 HGNC Prune2 1322761 353211 MGI:1925004 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:25209 Prx 619960 78960 PRX 1351983 57716 HGNC Prx 733692 19153 MGI:108176 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:13797 Prxl2a 1309676 361118 PRXL2A 1320148 84293 HGNC Prxl2a 1320149 70564 MGI:1917814 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:28651 Prxl2b 1308251 362676 PRXL2B 1603910 127281 HGNC Prxl2b 1317918 66469 MGI:1913719 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:28390 Prxl2c 1589650 498685 PRXL2C 1313944 195827 HGNC Prxl2c 1313945 66129 MGI:1913379 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:16881 Psap 3423 25524 PSAP 736284 5660 HGNC Psap 11178 19156 MGI:97783 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:9498 Psapl1 1307368 289720 PSAPL1 1603414 768239 HGNC Psapl1 1316527 76943 MGI:1924193 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:33131 Psat1 735170 293820 PSAT1 1607031 29968 HGNC Psat1 1550459 107272 MGI:2183441 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:19129 Psca 1594221 680210 PSCA 1321185 8000 HGNC Psca 1321186 72373 MGI:1919623 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:9500 Psd 620297 171381 PSD 733797 5662 HGNC Psd 1550537 73728 MGI:1920978 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:9507 Psd2 1311075 307500 PSD2 1322340 84249 HGNC Psd2 1322341 74002 MGI:1921252 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:19092 Psd3 1559968 306380 PSD3 1603689 23362 HGNC Psd3 1557268 234353 MGI:1918215 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:19093 Psd4 1310289 311785 PSD4 1321104 23550 HGNC Psd4 1321105 215632 MGI:2674093 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:19096 Psen1 3425 29192 PSEN1 731724 5663 HGNC Psen1 735973 19164 MGI:1202717 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:9508 Psen2 621060 81751 PSEN2 733569 5664 HGNC Psen2 733570 19165 MGI:109284 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:9509 Psenen 1312037 292788 PSENEN 1347919 55851 HGNC Psenen 1624006 66340 MGI:1913590 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:30100 Psg29 1565741 292666 PSG7 1347251 5676 HGNC HGNC:9524 Psip1 631439 313323 PSIP1 1350264 11168 HGNC Psip1 1332291 101739 MGI:2142116 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:9527 Pskh1 1304648 364993 PSKH1 1312210 5681 HGNC Pskh1 1551980 244631 MGI:3528383 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:9529 Psma1 61841 29668 PSMA1 733996 5682 HGNC Psma1 62133 26440 MGI:1347005 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:9530 Psma2 61842 29669 PSMA2 732886 5683 HGNC Psma2 62134 19166 MGI:104885 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:9531 Psma3 61844 29670 PSMA3 732188 5684 HGNC Psma3 62136 19167 MGI:104883 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:9532 Psma4 61846 29671 PSMA4 735266 5685 HGNC Psma4 62138 26441 MGI:1347060 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:9533 Psma5 61848 29672 PSMA5 734293 5686 HGNC Psma5 62140 26442 MGI:1347009 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:9534 Psma6 61849 29673 PSMA6 736338 5687 HGNC Psma6 62141 26443 MGI:1347006 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:9535 Psma7 61851 29674 PSMA7 737158 5688 HGNC Psma7 62143 26444 MGI:1347070 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:9536 Psma8 1311659 364814 PSMA8 1349882 143471 HGNC Psma8 1617483 73677 MGI:1920927 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:22985 Psmb1 621092 94198 PSMB1 733154 5689 HGNC Psmb1 733155 19170 MGI:104884 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:9537 Psmb10 1307428 291983 PSMB10 1316619 5699 HGNC Psmb10 1316620 19171 MGI:1096380 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:9538 Psmb11 1308773 290206 PSMB11 2291820 122706 HGNC Psmb11 1318742 73902 MGI:1921152 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:31963 Psmb2 61874 29675 PSMB2 732759 5690 HGNC Psmb2 62166 26445 MGI:1347045 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:9539 Psmb3 61875 29676 PSMB3 734194 5691 HGNC Psmb3 62167 26446 MGI:1347014 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:9540 Psmb4 61877 58854 PSMB4 1344491 5692 HGNC Psmb4 62169 19172 MGI:1098257 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:9541 Psmb5 61879 29425 PSMB5 735704 5693 HGNC Psmb5 62171 19173 MGI:1194513 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:9542 Psmb6 61881 29666 PSMB6 1349289 5694 RGD Psmb6 62173 19175 MGI:104880 RGD HGNC:9543 Psmb7 621093 85492 PSMB7 732115 5695 HGNC Psmb7 732116 19177 MGI:107637 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:9544 Psmb8 3426 24968 PSMB8 731895 5696 HGNC Psmb8 736194 16913 MGI:1346527 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:9545 Psmb9 3427 24967 PSMB9 737219 5698 HGNC Psmb9 11180 16912 MGI:1346526 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:9546 Psmc1 621097 117263 PSMC1 734425 5700 HGNC Psmc1 734426 19179 MGI:106054 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:9547 Psmc2 3428 25581 PSMC2 732979 5701 HGNC Psmc2 732980 19181 MGI:109555 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:9548 Psmc3 61905 29677 PSMC3 732077 5702 HGNC Psmc3 62198 19182 MGI:1098754 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:9549 Psmc3ip 621885 140938 PSMC3IP 730859 29893 HGNC Psmc3ip 730860 19183 MGI:1098610 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:17928 Psmc4 621102 117262 PSMC4 731556 5704 HGNC Psmc4 731557 23996 MGI:1346093 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:9551 Psmc5 708376 81827 PSMC5 732741 5705 HGNC Psmc5 732742 19184 MGI:105047 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:9552 Psmc6 1308825 289990 PSMC6 1318819 5706 HGNC Psmc6 1318820 67089 MGI:1914339 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:9553 Psmd1 621669 83806 PSMD1 734088 5707 HGNC Psmd1 734089 70247 MGI:1917497 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:9554 Psmd10 620350 116722 PSMD10 736379 5716 HGNC Psmd10 732022 53380 MGI:1858898 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:9555 Psmd11 1306450 303353 PSMD11 1315074 5717 HGNC Psmd11 1315075 69077 MGI:1916327 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:9556 Psmd12 1359305 287772 PSMD12 1348717 5718 HGNC Psmd12 1553565 66997 MGI:1914247 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:9557 Psmd13 1305236 365388 PSMD13 1313146 5719 HGNC Psmd13 1313147 23997 MGI:1345192 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:9558 Psmd14 1594532 311078 PSMD14 1315018 10213 HGNC Psmd14 1315019 59029 MGI:1913284 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:16889 Psmd2 1305752 287984 PSMD2 1313972 5708 HGNC Psmd2 1313973 21762 MGI:1096584 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:9559 Psmd3 1311470 287670 PSMD3 1322945 5709 HGNC Psmd3 1322946 22123 MGI:98858 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:9560 Psmd4 621109 83499 PSMD4 734297 5710 HGNC Psmd4 734298 19185 MGI:1201670 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:9561 Psmd5 1308434 296651 PSMD5 1318199 5711 HGNC Psmd5 1318200 66998 MGI:1914248 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:9563 Psmd6 735127 289924 PSMD6 1351950 9861 HGNC Psmd6 1553613 66413 MGI:1913663 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:9564 Psmd7 1306902 307821 PSMD7 1315780 5713 HGNC Psmd7 1315781 17463 MGI:1351511 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:9565 Psmd8 1309842 292766 PSMD8 1320403 5714 HGNC Psmd8 1553327 57296 MGI:1888669 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:9566 Psmd9 621110 161475 PSMD9 737461 5715 HGNC Psmd9 734362 67151 MGI:1914401 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:9567 Psme1 3429 29630 PSME1 733032 5720 HGNC Psme1 735503 19186 MGI:1096367 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:9568 Psme2 3430 29614 PSME2 733724 5721 RGD Psme2 736572 19188 MGI:1096365 RGD HGNC:9569 Psme3 1306996 287716 PSME3 1315927 10197 HGNC Psme3 1315928 19192 MGI:1096366 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:9570 Psme3ip1 1307433 307652 PSME3IP1 1605044 80011 HGNC Psme3ip1 1332299 102122 MGI:1919637 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:29856 Psme4 1591971 498433 PSME4 1345096 23198 HGNC Psme4 1557625 103554 MGI:2143994 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:20635 Psmf1 1587528 689852 PSMF1 1345633 9491 HGNC Psmf1 1614173 228769 MGI:1346072 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:9571 Psmg1 1305454 288236 PSMG1 1313491 8624 HGNC Psmg1 1313492 56088 MGI:1860263 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:3043 Psmg2 1304867 291539 PSMG2 1312554 56984 HGNC Psmg2 1312555 107047 MGI:1922901 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:24929 Psmg3 2319950 100361517 PSMG3 1601948 84262 HGNC Psmg3 1313715 66506 MGI:1913756 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:22420 Psmg4 1589955 689623 PSMG4 1347146 389362 HGNC Psmg4 1313627 69666 MGI:1916916 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:21108 Psors1c2 1591981 686254 PSORS1C2 1349813 170680 HGNC Psors1c2 1623241 57390 MGI:1930025 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:17199 Pspc1 1310122 305910 PSPC1 1320843 55269 HGNC Pspc1 1320844 66645 MGI:1913895 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:20320 Psph 1308764 304429 PSPH 1318726 5723 HGNC Psph 1318727 100678 MGI:97788 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:9577 Pspn 3432 25525 PSPN 736997 5623 HGNC Pspn 11181 19197 MGI:1201684 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:9579 Psrc1 1585037 691380 PSRC1 1606488 84722 HGNC Psrc1 1617565 56742 MGI:1913099 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:24472 Pstk 1564300 361661 PSTK 1350761 118672 HGNC Pstk 1623820 214580 MGI:2685945 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:28578 Pstpip1 1307557 300732 PSTPIP1 1316821 9051 HGNC Pstpip1 1316822 19200 MGI:1321396 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:9580 Pstpip2 1563090 307248 PSTPIP2 1352589 9050 HGNC Pstpip2 1558463 19201 MGI:1335088 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:9581 Ptafr 61897 58949 PTAFR 733075 5724 HGNC Ptafr 62190 19204 MGI:106066 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:9582 Ptar1 708369 286972 PTAR1 1313649 375743 HGNC Ptar1 1617498 72351 MGI:1921875 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:30449 Ptbp1 62047 29497 PTBP1 732339 5725 HGNC Ptbp1 62339 19205 MGI:97791 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:9583 Ptbp2 1359267 310820 PTBP2 1343835 58155 HGNC Ptbp2 1550611 56195 MGI:1860489 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:17662 Ptbp3 621671 83515 PTBP3 732344 9991 HGNC Ptbp3 732345 230257 MGI:1923334 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:10253 Ptcd1 1311473 304278 ATP5MF-PTCD1 5013862 100526740 HGNC HGNC:38844 Ptcd2 1310308 310025 PTCD2 1321137 79810 HGNC Ptcd2 1321138 68927 MGI:1916177 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:25734 Ptcd3 1565582 500199 PTCD3 1605991 55037 HGNC Ptcd3 1557081 69956 MGI:1917206 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:24717 Ptch1 621425 89830 PTCH1 1319156 5727 HGNC Ptch1 1319157 19206 MGI:105373 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:9585 Ptch2 1309039 366452 PTCH2 1604843 8643 RGD Ptch2 1615950 19207 MGI:1095405 RGD HGNC:9586 Ptchd1 1564527 317517 PTCHD1 1352131 139411 HGNC Ptchd1 1615725 211612 MGI:2685233 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:26392 Ptchd3 1590039 688333 PTCHD3 1603484 374308 HGNC Ptchd3 1619950 74675 MGI:1921925 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:24776 Ptchd4 1563020 301271 PTCHD4 1606357 442213 HGNC Ptchd4 1611867 627626 MGI:1920485 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:21345 Ptcra 621388 116462 PTCRA 1342695 171558 HGNC Ptcra 1615949 19208 MGI:104857 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:21290 Ptdss1 1308949 314553 PTDSS1 1319019 9791 HGNC Ptdss1 1319020 19210 MGI:1276575 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:9587 Ptdss2 1307914 293620 PTDSS2 1317384 81490 HGNC Ptdss2 1317385 27388 MGI:1351664 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:15463 Pten 61995 50557 PTEN 69119 5728 HGNC Pten 62287 19211 MGI:109583 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:9588 Pter 61313 63852 PTER 1352492 9317 HGNC Pter 733585 19212 MGI:107372 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:9590 Ptf1a 621709 117034 PTF1A 1346483 256297 HGNC Ptf1a 731252 19213 MGI:1328312 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:23734 Ptgdr 619707 63889 PTGDR 1349248 5729 RGD Ptgdr 1551031 19214 MGI:102966 RGD HGNC:9591 Ptgdr2 1311986 309212 PTGDR2 1323730 11251 HGNC Ptgdr2 1323731 14764 MGI:1330275 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:4502 Ptgds 3433 25526 PTGDS 737496 5730 HGNC Ptgds 11182 19215 MGI:99261 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:9592 Ptger1 3434 25637 PTGER1 733054 5731 HGNC Ptger1 735522 19216 MGI:97793 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:9593 Ptger2 620020 81752 PTGER2 1342884 5732 HGNC Ptger2 734162 19217 MGI:97794 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:9594 Ptger3 3435 24929 PTGER3 731378 5733 HGNC Ptger3 731379 19218 MGI:97795 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:9595 Ptger4 628641 84023 PTGER4 736498 5734 HGNC Ptger4 732089 19219 MGI:104311 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:9596 Ptges 62076 59103 PTGES 69032 9536 HGNC Ptges 62368 64292 MGI:1927593 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:9599 Ptges2 1310836 311865 PTGES2 1321966 80142 HGNC Ptges2 1321967 96979 MGI:1917592 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:17822 Ptges3 1561913 362809 PTGES3 1606321 10728 HGNC Ptges3 1620858 56351 MGI:1929282 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:16049 Ptges3l 9413039 103693432 PTGES3L 6483690 100885848 HGNC Ptges3l 1617490 73635 MGI:1916146 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:43943 Ptgfr 3436 25652 PTGFR 737369 5737 HGNC Ptgfr 734294 19220 MGI:97796 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:9600 Ptgfrn 3437 29602 PTGFRN 733934 5738 HGNC Ptgfrn 736879 19221 MGI:1277114 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:9601 Ptgir 1310890 292661 PTGIR 1322052 5739 HGNC Ptgir 1322053 19222 MGI:99535 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:9602 Ptgis 3438 25527 PTGIS 736622 5740 HGNC Ptgis 11183 19223 MGI:1097156 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:9603 Ptgr1 621195 192227 PTGR1 732819 22949 HGNC Ptgr1 732820 67103 MGI:1914353 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:18429 Ptgr2 1310518 299194 PTGR2 1321465 145482 HGNC Ptgr2 1551555 77219 MGI:1916372 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:20149 Ptgr3 1309999 291403 PTGR3 1320648 284273 HGNC Ptgr3 1553368 225791 MGI:2444835 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:28697 Ptgs1 3439 24693 PTGS1 736739 5742 HGNC Ptgs1 11184 19224 MGI:97797 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:9604 Ptgs2 620349 29527 PTGS2 731006 5743 HGNC Ptgs2 731007 19225 MGI:97798 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:9605 Ptgs2os 6491293 100911717 Ptgs2os 1621986 320019 MGI:2443180 RGD Pth 3440 24694 PTH 69107 5741 HGNC Pth 11186 19226 MGI:97799 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:9606 Pth1r 3442 56813 PTH1R 731312 5745 HGNC Pth1r 731313 19228 MGI:97801 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:9608 Pth2 1559447 499149 PTH2 1601727 113091 HGNC Pth2 1622151 114640 MGI:2152297 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:30828 Pth2r 620612 81753 PTH2R 730965 5746 HGNC Pth2r 730966 213527 MGI:2180917 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:9609 Pthlh 3441 24695 PTHLH 736996 5744 HGNC Pthlh 11188 19227 MGI:97800 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:9607 Ptk2 3443 25614 PTK2 732757 5747 HGNC Ptk2 732758 14083 MGI:95481 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:9611 Ptk2b 628758 50646 PTK2B 1346204 2185 HGNC Ptk2b 733599 19229 MGI:104908 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:9612 Ptk6 1309098 366275 PTK6 1319246 5753 HGNC Ptk6 1319247 20459 MGI:99683 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:9617 Ptk7 1310472 301242 PTK7 1344975 5754 RGD Ptk7 1614323 71461 MGI:1918711 RGD HGNC:9618 Ptma 61829 29222 PTMA 733876 5757 HGNC Ptma 62120 19231 MGI:97803 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:9623 Ptms 621529 83801 PTMS 734337 5763 HGNC Ptms 1558550 69202 MGI:1916452 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:9629 Ptn 3444 24924 PTN 736479 5764 HGNC Ptn 11190 19242 MGI:97804 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:9630 Ptov1 1306977 292888 PTOV1 1315896 53635 HGNC Ptov1 1315897 84113 MGI:1933946 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:9632 Ptp4a1 61970 29463 PTP4A1 1352872 7803 HGNC Ptp4a1 62263 19243 MGI:1277096 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:9634 Ptp4a2 619786 85237 PTP4A2 734245 8073 RGD Ptp4a2 734246 19244 MGI:1277117 RGD HGNC:9635 Ptp4a3 1308687 362930 PTP4A3 1318604 11156 HGNC Ptp4a3 1318605 19245 MGI:1277098 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:9636 Ptpa 1308354 362102 PTPA 1318076 5524 HGNC Ptpa 1550971 110854 MGI:1346006 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:9308 Ptpdc1 1307698 291022 PTPDC1 1317037 138639 HGNC Ptpdc1 1317038 218232 MGI:2145430 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:30184 Ptpmt1 1589783 29390 PTPMT1 1605594 114971 HGNC Ptpmt1 1557162 66461 MGI:1913711 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:26965 Ptpn1 61965 24697 PTPN1 1343639 5770 HGNC Ptpn1 62258 19246 MGI:97805 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:9642 Ptpn11 3447 25622 PTPN11 731746 5781 HGNC Ptpn11 731747 19247 MGI:99511 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:9644 Ptpn12 620894 117255 PTPN12 1346224 5782 HGNC Ptpn12 732478 19248 MGI:104673 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:9645 Ptpn13 1563360 498331 PTPN13 1349944 5783 HGNC Ptpn13 1557469 19249 MGI:103293 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:9646 Ptpn14 1307885 305064 PTPN14 1317339 5784 HGNC Ptpn14 1317340 19250 MGI:102467 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:9647 Ptpn18 1311586 301333 PTPN18 1323122 26469 HGNC Ptpn18 1323123 19253 MGI:108410 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:9649 Ptpn2 620710 117063 PTPN2 733575 5771 HGNC Ptpn2 733576 19255 MGI:97806 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:9650 Ptpn20 1309812 306281 PTPN20 1353047 26095 HGNC Ptpn20 1320350 19256 MGI:1196295 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:23423 Ptpn21 620216 171070 PTPN21 734205 11099 HGNC Ptpn21 734206 24000 MGI:1344406 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:9651 Ptpn22 1307992 295338 PTPN22 1317504 26191 HGNC Ptpn22 1552858 19260 MGI:107170 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:9652 Ptpn23 619892 117552 PTPN23 1348801 25930 HGNC Ptpn23 1331971 104831 MGI:2144837 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:14406 Ptpn3 1311363 362524 PTPN3 1322781 5774 HGNC Ptpn3 1322782 545622 MGI:105307 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:9655 Ptpn4 620712 246116 PTPN4 1316480 5775 HGNC Ptpn4 1316481 19258 MGI:1099792 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:9656 Ptpn5 3448 29644 PTPN5 736589 84867 HGNC Ptpn5 736590 19259 MGI:97807 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:9657 Ptpn6 620660 116689 PTPN6 734188 5777 HGNC Ptpn6 1553000 15170 MGI:96055 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:9658 Ptpn7 708516 246781 PTPN7 1605720 5778 HGNC Ptpn7 1550868 320139 MGI:2156893 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:9659 Ptpn9 628726 266611 PTPN9 1353327 5780 HGNC Ptpn9 1550433 56294 MGI:1928376 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:9661 Ptpra 3450 25167 PTPRA 736543 5786 HGNC Ptpra 11194 19262 MGI:97808 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:9664 Ptprb 1305922 314843 PTPRB 1314242 5787 HGNC Ptprb 1552328 19263 MGI:97809 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:9665 Ptprc 3451 24699 PTPRC 736371 5788 HGNC Ptprc 11196 19264 MGI:97810 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:9666 Ptprcap 1559601 499300 PTPRCAP 1349193 5790 HGNC Ptprcap 1615948 19265 MGI:97811 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:9667 Ptprd 1561090 313278 PTPRD 1348083 5789 HGNC Ptprd 1558606 19266 MGI:97812 RGD HGNC:9668 Ptpre 620771 114767 PTPRE 1346203 5791 HGNC Ptpre 1551707 19267 MGI:97813 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:9669 Ptprf 3453 360406 PTPRF 734202 5792 HGNC Ptprf 737214 19268 MGI:102695 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:9670 Ptprg 620774 171357 PTPRG 735532 5793 HGNC Ptprg 11192 19270 MGI:97814 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:9671 Ptprh 620553 171125 PTPRH 1345629 5794 HGNC Ptprh 1610968 545902 MGI:3026877 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:9672 Ptprj 3454 29645 PTPRJ 736433 5795 HGNC Ptprj 736434 19271 MGI:104574 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:9673 Ptprk 619706 360302 PTPRK 1354114 5796 HGNC Ptprk 1615947 19272 MGI:103310 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:9674 Ptprm 620776 29616 PTPRM 1347501 5797 HGNC Ptprm 737015 19274 MGI:102694 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:9675 Ptprn 620777 116660 PTPRN 734153 5798 HGNC Ptprn 734154 19275 MGI:102765 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:9676 Ptprn2 61904 29714 PTPRN2 1349626 5799 HGNC Ptprn2 62197 19276 MGI:107418 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:9677 Ptpro 62068 50677 PTPRO 731757 5800 HGNC Ptpro 62360 19277 MGI:1097152 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:9678 Ptprq 620779 360417 PTPRQ 1345897 374462 HGNC Ptprq 736320 237523 MGI:1096349 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:9679 Ptprr 620780 94202 PTPRR 1348456 5801 HGNC Ptprr 733749 19279 MGI:109559 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:9680 Ptprs 3452 25529 PTPRS 734357 5802 HGNC Ptprs 734358 19280 MGI:97815 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:9681 Ptprt 1309653 362263 PTPRT 1320107 11122 HGNC Ptprt 1320108 19281 MGI:1321152 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:9682 Ptpru 620782 116680 PTPRU 1353626 10076 HGNC Ptpru 1331918 19273 MGI:1321151 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:9683 Ptprz1 3455 25613 PTPRZ1 731607 5803 HGNC Ptprz1 735761 19283 MGI:97816 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:9685 Ptrh1 1310165 362113 PTRH1 1320908 138428 HGNC Ptrh1 1320909 329384 MGI:1913779 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:27039 Ptrh2 1306819 287593 PTRH2 1602115 51651 HGNC Ptrh2 1315650 217057 MGI:2444848 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:24265 Ptrhd1 1561792 298861 PTRHD1 1606864 391356 HGNC Ptrhd1 5129059 69709 MGI:1916959 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:33782 Pts 68367 29498 PTS 68525 5805 HGNC Pts 68526 19286 MGI:1338783 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:9689 Pttg1 68359 64193 PTTG1 68511 9232 HGNC Pttg1 68512 30939 MGI:1353578 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:9690 Pttg1ip 1305983 365548 PTTG1IP 1314337 754 HGNC Pttg1ip 1314338 108705 MGI:2652132 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:13524 Pttg1ip2 9118001 103692048 PTTG1IP2 38654874 102723899 HGNC Pttg1ip2 1617203 381716 MGI:2686532 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:55318 Ptx3 1593476 689388 PTX3 1343528 5806 HGNC Ptx3 1557644 19288 MGI:104641 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:9692 Ptx4 1311190 287130 PTX4 1605189 390667 HGNC Ptx4 1322517 68509 MGI:1915759 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:14171 Pudp 1305101 291585 PUDP 1344399 8226 HGNC Pudp 1550115 67365 MGI:1914615 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:16818 Puf60 621674 84401 PUF60 731253 22827 HGNC Puf60 1331899 67959 MGI:1915209 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:17042 Pum1 1307190 362609 PUM1 1316232 9698 HGNC Pum1 1316233 80912 MGI:1931749 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:14957 Pum2 1311024 298874 PUM2 1322257 23369 HGNC Pum2 1322258 80913 MGI:1931751 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:14958 Pum3 1564753 499339 PUM3 1318702 9933 HGNC Pum3 1318703 52874 MGI:106253 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:29676 Pura 1308543 102557111 PURA 1318376 5813 HGNC Pura 1318377 19290 MGI:103079 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:9701 Purb 1559465 498407 PURB 1353565 5814 HGNC Purb 1557360 19291 MGI:1338779 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:9702 Purg 1305088 361162 PURG 1312911 29942 HGNC Purg 1312912 75029 MGI:1922279 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:17930 Pus1 1311871 304567 PUS1 1323553 80324 HGNC Pus1 1323554 56361 MGI:1929237 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:15508 Pus10 1306402 305583 PUS10 1606697 150962 HGNC Pus10 1314997 74467 MGI:1921717 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:26505 Pus3 1310757 315554 PUS3 1345902 83480 HGNC Pus3 1550407 67049 MGI:1914299 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:25461 Pus7 1307054 296751 PUS7 1603643 54517 HGNC Pus7 1316020 78697 MGI:1925947 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:26033 Pus7l 1304692 315264 PUS7L 1606495 83448 HGNC Pus7l 1332437 78895 MGI:1926145 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:25276 Pusl1 1559560 362681 PUSL1 1353807 126789 HGNC Pusl1 1616361 433813 MGI:3047787 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:26914 Pvalb 3457 25269 PVALB 735961 5816 HGNC Pvalb 11199 19293 MGI:97821 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:9704 Pvr 3813 25066 PVR 736513 5817 HGNC Pvr 736514 52118 MGI:107741 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:9705 Pvrig 1585866 680923 PVRIG 1604301 79037 HGNC Pvrig 9676783 102640920 MGI:5596028 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:32190 Pvt1 6496716 100910797 PVT1 1348372 5820 RGD Pvt1 11200 19296 MGI:97824 RGD HGNC:9709 Pwp1 1310705 362856 PWP1 1605095 11137 HGNC Pwp1 1553512 103136 MGI:1914735 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:17015 Pwp2 1582817 690297 PWP2 1317740 5822 HGNC Pwp2 1317741 110816 MGI:1341200 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:9711 Pwwp2a 1305891 303060 PWWP2A 1642916 114825 HGNC Pwwp2a 1314194 70802 MGI:1918052 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:29406 Pwwp2b 1307108 361671 PWWP2B 1316105 170394 HGNC Pwwp2b 1622177 101631 MGI:2142008 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:25150 Pwwp3a 1308340 362838 PWWP3A 1318053 84939 HGNC Pwwp3a 1552936 68114 MGI:1915364 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:29641 Pwwp3b 1565148 501630 PWWP3B 1349980 139221 HGNC Pwwp3b 1557605 245631 MGI:2445062 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:26583 Pwwp4 1585131 690082 PWWP4 16568676 728317 HGNC Pwwp4a 1625471 574404 MGI:3710618 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:55197 Pxdc1 1311307 361238 PXDC1 1322692 221749 HGNC Pxdc1 1322693 66895 MGI:1914145 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:21361 Pxdn 1560694 554172 PXDN 1607083 7837 HGNC Pxdn 1318658 69675 MGI:1916925 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:14966 Pxk 727819 306203 PXK 1348394 54899 HGNC Pxk 1332209 218699 MGI:1289230 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:23326 Pxmp2 61812 29533 PXMP2 1347054 5827 HGNC Pxmp2 62104 19301 MGI:107487 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:9716 Pxmp4 628782 282634 PXMP4 1348847 11264 HGNC Pxmp4 1620055 59038 MGI:1891701 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:15920 Pxn 1305759 360820 PXN 1313984 5829 HGNC Pxn 1313985 19303 MGI:108295 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:9718 Pxt1 2321717 100360640 PXT1 1349206 222659 HGNC Pxt1 1620820 69307 MGI:1916557 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:18312 Pxylp1 1359617 315939 PXYLP1 1342803 92370 HGNC Pxylp1 1553792 235534 MGI:2442444 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:26303 Pycard 628637 282817 PYCARD 1602723 29108 HGNC Pycard 1553376 66824 MGI:1931465 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:16608 Pycr1 1307863 287877 PYCR1 1317303 5831 HGNC Pycr1 1317304 209027 MGI:2384795 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:9721 Pycr2 1310074 364064 PYCR2 1320768 29920 HGNC Pycr2 1320769 69051 MGI:1277956 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:30262 Pycr3 1309115 300035 PYCR3 1319273 65263 HGNC Pycr3 1319274 66194 MGI:1913444 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:25846 Pygb 3460 25739 PYGB 736182 5834 HGNC Pygb 736183 110078 MGI:97828 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:9723 Pygl 620687 64035 PYGL 731803 5836 HGNC Pygl 731804 110095 MGI:97829 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:9725 Pygm 3461 24701 PYGM 737329 5837 HGNC Pygm 737330 19309 MGI:97830 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:9726 Pygo1 1594620 691857 PYGO1 1346093 26108 HGNC Pygo1 1619124 72135 MGI:1919385 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:30256 Pygo2 1308535 295251 PYGO2 1343524 90780 HGNC Pygo2 1551758 68911 MGI:1916161 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:30257 Pym1 1306096 366790 PYM1 1601845 84305 HGNC Pym1 1620716 78428 MGI:1925678 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:30258 Pyroxd1 1303253 297708 PYROXD1 1605346 79912 HGNC Pyroxd1 1332116 232491 MGI:2676395 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:26162 Pyroxd2 1303232 309381 PYROXD2 1353326 84795 HGNC Pyroxd2 1553330 74580 MGI:1921830 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:23517 Pyurf 1565524 502782 PYURF 6893022 100996939 HGNC Pyurf 1557913 66459 MGI:1913709 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:44317 Pyy 1593289 287730 PYY 1348512 5697 HGNC Pyy 1557736 217212 MGI:99924 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:9748 Qars1 1359448 290868 QARS1 1346181 5859 RGD Qars1 1550740 97541 MGI:1915851 RGD HGNC:9751 Qdpr 619915 64192 QDPR 734380 5860 HGNC Qdpr 734381 110391 MGI:97836 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:9752 Qki 1584886 499022 QKI 1319346 9444 RGD Qki 1319347 19317 MGI:97837 RGD HGNC:21100 Qng1 1311345 361201 QNG1 1322751 84267 HGNC Qng1 1322752 70153 MGI:1917403 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:28144 Qpct 1562284 313837 QPCT 735639 25797 HGNC Qpct 735640 70536 MGI:1917786 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:9753 Qpctl 1308128 292687 QPCTL 1350934 54814 HGNC Qpctl 1553294 67369 MGI:1914619 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:25952 Qprt 1310309 293504 QPRT 1321139 23475 HGNC Qprt 1321140 67375 MGI:1914625 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:9755 Qrfp 735020 379044 QRFP 1606909 347148 HGNC Qrfp 1622086 227717 MGI:3630329 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:29982 Qrfpr 728380 310327 QRFPR 1351393 84109 HGNC Qrfpr 1332510 229214 MGI:2677633 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:15565 Qrfprl 1560028 500157 Qrfprl 1557088 243407 MGI:2441881 RGD Qrich1 1311095 301004 QRICH1 1606541 54870 HGNC Qrich1 1332052 69232 MGI:1916482 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:24713 Qrich2 1562974 501747 QRICH2 1604772 84074 HGNC Qrich2 1622103 217341 MGI:2684912 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:25326 Qrsl1 1359490 309911 QRSL1 1343877 55278 HGNC Qrsl1 1552264 76563 MGI:1923813 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:21020 Qser1 1311804 311266 QSER1 1605632 79832 HGNC Qser1 1323449 99003 MGI:2138986 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:26154 Qsox1 68957 84491 QSOX1 69035 5768 HGNC Qsox1 69036 104009 MGI:1330818 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:9756 Qsox2 1584720 681023 QSOX2 1316813 169714 HGNC Qsox2 1316814 227638 MGI:2387194 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:30249 Qtrt1 620996 64016 QTRT1 732681 81890 HGNC Qtrt1 737366 60507 MGI:1931441 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:23797 Qtrt2 1310054 288364 QTRT2 1320734 79691 HGNC Qtrt2 1553381 106248 MGI:1922194 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:25771 R3hcc1 1311790 361064 R3HCC1 1603166 203069 HGNC R3hcc1 1612281 71843 MGI:1919093 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:27329 R3hcc1l 1307934 293953 R3HCC1L 1317417 27291 HGNC R3hcc1l 1317418 52013 MGI:1196316 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:23512 R3hdm1 1307497 304763 R3HDM1 1316725 23518 HGNC R3hdm1 1622090 226412 MGI:2448514 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:9757 R3hdm2 1310066 362894 R3HDM2 1605089 22864 HGNC R3hdm2 1320755 71750 MGI:1919000 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:29167 R3hdm4 1307067 362840 R3HDM4 1316037 91300 HGNC R3hdm4 1316038 109284 MGI:1924814 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:28270 R3hdml 1305296 366245 R3HDML 1313241 140902 HGNC R3hdml 2293981 100043899 MGI:3650937 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:16249 Rab10 620879 50993 RAB10 735722 10890 HGNC Rab10 733173 19325 MGI:105066 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:9759 Rab11a 619762 81830 RAB11A 1343833 8766 HGNC Rab11a 732394 53869 MGI:1858202 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:9760 Rab11b 68369 79434 RAB11B 68529 9230 HGNC Rab11b 68530 19326 MGI:99425 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:9761 Rab11fip1 1562965 498650 RAB11FIP1 1347457 80223 HGNC Rab11fip1 1621465 75767 MGI:1923017 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:30265 Rab11fip2 1308538 308003 RAB11FIP2 1344867 22841 HGNC Rab11fip2 1617469 74998 MGI:1922248 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:29152 Rab11fip3 1308952 303002 RAB11FIP3 1353989 9727 HGNC Rab11fip3 1551905 215445 MGI:2444431 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:17224 Rab11fip4 1305063 303337 RAB11FIP4 1348691 84440 HGNC Rab11fip4 1550606 268451 MGI:2442920 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:30267 Rab11fip5 1592069 312502 RAB11FIP5 1346029 26056 HGNC Rab11fip5 1624032 52055 MGI:1098586 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:24845 Rab12 3527 25530 RAB12 1346694 201475 HGNC Rab12 11211 19328 MGI:894284 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:31332 Rab13 620880 81756 RAB13 733233 5872 HGNC Rab13 1618360 68328 MGI:1927232 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:9762 Rab14 620881 94197 RAB14 737104 51552 HGNC Rab14 734101 68365 MGI:1915615 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:16524 Rab15 735172 299156 RAB15 1351715 376267 HGNC Rab15 1332034 104886 MGI:1916865 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:20150 Rab17 1562478 503269 RAB17 1346493 64284 HGNC Rab17 1558242 19329 MGI:104640 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:16523 Rab18 1308905 307039 RAB18 1318941 22931 HGNC Rab18 1318942 19330 MGI:102790 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:14244 Rab19 1565263 500088 RAB19 1604143 401409 HGNC Rab19 1558002 19331 MGI:103292 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:19982 Rab1a 619736 81754 RAB1A 1350604 5861 HGNC Rab1a 731304 19324 MGI:97842 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:9758 Rab1b 1642882 100126191 RAB1B 1345480 81876 RGD Rab1b 1553174 76308 MGI:1923558 RGD HGNC:18370 Rab20 1593487 689377 RAB20 1315116 55647 HGNC Rab20 1315117 19332 MGI:102789 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:18260 Rab21 1303150 299799 RAB21 1350890 23011 HGNC Rab21 1552904 216344 MGI:894308 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:18263 Rab22a 1311959 366265 RAB22A 1323682 57403 HGNC Rab22a 1323683 19334 MGI:105072 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:9764 Rab23 1306867 367242 RAB23 1315728 51715 HGNC Rab23 1315729 19335 MGI:99833 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:14263 Rab24 1309112 361208 RAB24 1344346 53917 RGD Rab24 1319268 19336 MGI:105065 RGD HGNC:9765 Rab25 1308447 310632 RAB25 1318219 57111 HGNC Rab25 1318220 53868 MGI:1858203 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:18238 Rab26 620890 171111 RAB26 736116 25837 HGNC Rab26 736117 328778 MGI:2443284 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:14259 Rab27a 620918 50645 RAB27A 1354398 5873 HGNC Rab27a 1551470 11891 MGI:1861441 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:9766 Rab27b 620114 84590 RAB27B 732208 5874 HGNC Rab27b 1553220 80718 MGI:1931295 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:9767 Rab28 620891 117049 RAB28 736462 9364 HGNC Rab28 736463 100972 MGI:1917285 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:9768 Rab29 620892 171122 RAB29 736472 8934 HGNC Rab29 733667 226422 MGI:2385107 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:9789 Rab2a 68323 65158 RAB2A 68446 5862 HGNC Rab2a 68447 59021 MGI:1928750 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:9763 Rab2b 1309117 305853 RAB2B 1319277 84932 HGNC Rab2b 1551165 76338 MGI:1923588 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:20246 Rab30 1309507 308821 RAB30 1319882 27314 HGNC Rab30 1319883 75985 MGI:1923235 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:9770 Rab31 628598 246324 RAB31 734458 11031 HGNC Rab31 1551909 106572 MGI:1914603 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:9771 Rab32 1559997 365042 RAB32 1345972 10981 HGNC Rab32 1558536 67844 MGI:1915094 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:9772 Rab33a 1563280 317580 RAB33A 1344985 9363 HGNC Rab33a 1558145 19337 MGI:109493 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:9773 Rab33b 1308353 365793 RAB33B 1318074 83452 HGNC Rab33b 1318075 19338 MGI:1330805 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:16075 Rab34 1305058 360571 RAB34 1312861 83871 HGNC Rab34 1312862 19376 MGI:104606 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:16519 Rab35 1306362 288700 RAB35 1314936 11021 HGNC Rab35 1552421 77407 MGI:1924657 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:9774 Rab36 1596098 690407 RAB36 1347973 9609 HGNC Rab36 1623108 76877 MGI:1924127 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:9775 Rab37 2319982 100364984 RAB37 1312361 326624 HGNC Rab37 1312362 58222 MGI:1929945 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:30268 Rab38 628752 252916 RAB38 734295 23682 HGNC Rab38 734296 72433 MGI:1919683 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:9776 Rab39a 1311286 315668 RAB39A 1322661 54734 HGNC Rab39 1322662 270160 MGI:2442855 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:16521 Rab3a 3528 25531 RAB3A 735498 5864 HGNC Rab3a 11212 19339 MGI:97843 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:9777 Rab3b 620922 81755 RAB3B 736582 5865 HGNC Rab3b 736583 69908 MGI:1917158 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:9778 Rab3c 620923 171058 RAB3C 732895 115827 HGNC Rab3c 732896 67295 MGI:1914545 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:30269 Rab3d 620924 140665 RAB3D 736647 9545 HGNC Rab3d 736648 19340 MGI:97844 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:9779 Rab3gap1 1306487 304759 RAB3GAP1 1604828 22930 HGNC Rab3gap1 1315133 226407 MGI:2445001 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:17063 Rab3gap2 1311518 289350 RAB3GAP2 1604372 25782 HGNC Rab3gap2 1323020 98732 MGI:1916043 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:17168 Rab3il1 619764 171452 RAB3IL1 1354248 5866 HGNC Rab3il1 733813 74760 MGI:1922010 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:9780 Rab3ip 620650 29885 RAB3IP 732155 117177 HGNC Rab3ip 732156 216363 MGI:105933 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:16508 Rab40b 1305663 303754 RAB40B 1313826 10966 HGNC Rab40b 1313827 217371 MGI:2183451 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:18284 Rab40c 727914 359728 RAB40C 1349011 57799 HGNC Rab40c 1615700 224624 MGI:2183454 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:18285 Rab42 1593983 682865 RAB42 1604758 115273 HGNC Rab42 1617314 242681 MGI:2441753 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:28702 Rab43 1565300 500249 RAB43 1603859 339122 HGNC Rab43 1616761 69834 MGI:1917084 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:19983 Rab44 1560150 309649 RAB44 1602152 401258 HGNC Rab44 1617145 442827 MGI:3045302 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:21068 Rab4a 3529 25532 RAB4A 1351964 5867 HGNC Rab4a 11213 19341 MGI:105069 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:9781 Rab4b 620931 50866 RAB4B 733928 53916 HGNC Rab4b 736876 19342 MGI:105071 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:9782 Rab5a 620936 64633 RAB5A 1342715 5868 RGD Rab5a 1558367 271457 MGI:105926 RGD HGNC:9783 Rab5b 1306489 288779 RAB5B 1315136 5869 HGNC Rab5b 1315137 19344 MGI:105938 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:9784 Rab5c 1307095 287709 RAB5C 1316083 5878 HGNC Rab5c 1316084 19345 MGI:105306 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:9785 Rab5if 1307752 296315 RAB5IF 1317125 55969 HGNC Rab5if 1317126 67388 MGI:1914638 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:15870 Rab6a 619737 84379 RAB6A 1320484 5870 HGNC Rab6a 1320485 19346 MGI:894313 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:9786 Rab6b 1309958 363123 RAB6B 1320580 51560 HGNC Rab6b 1553355 270192 MGI:107283 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:14902 Rab7a 61908 29448 RAB7A 1351789 7879 HGNC Rab7 62201 19349 MGI:105068 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:9788 Rab7b 1562617 501854 RAB7B 1346465 338382 RGD Rab7b 1557690 226421 MGI:2442295 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:30513 Rab8a 621144 117103 RAB8A 1354512 4218 HGNC Rab8a 1621605 17274 MGI:96960 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:7007 Rab8b 628764 266688 RAB8B 1350755 51762 HGNC Rab8b 1553090 235442 MGI:2442982 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:30273 Rab9a 619740 84589 RAB9A 1350613 9367 HGNC Rab9 1550780 56382 MGI:1890695 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:9792 Rab9b 1562951 367915 RAB9B 1353231 51209 HGNC Rab9b 1556869 319642 MGI:2442454 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:14090 Rabac1 621002 83583 RABAC1 736141 10567 HGNC Rabac1 733423 14470 MGI:1201692 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:9794 Rabep1 708568 54190 RABEP1 1346664 9135 HGNC Rabep1 733344 54189 MGI:1860236 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:17677 Rabep2 621416 80754 RABEP2 1344154 79874 HGNC Rabep2 733514 70314 MGI:1917564 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:24817 Rabepk 1310612 296649 RABEPK 1604052 10244 HGNC Rabepk 1550030 227746 MGI:2139530 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:16896 Rabgap1 1304691 311911 RABGAP1 1312283 23637 HGNC Rabgap1 1312284 227800 MGI:2385139 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:17155 Rabgap1l 1304620 304914 RABGAP1L 1347519 9910 HGNC Rabgap1l 1312165 29809 MGI:1352507 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:24663 Rabgef1 1307295 360797 RABGEF1 1316404 27342 HGNC Rabgef1 1316405 56715 MGI:1929459 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:17676 Rabggta 621697 58983 RABGGTA 1345525 5875 HGNC Rabggta 735604 56187 MGI:1860443 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:9795 Rabggtb 3530 25533 RABGGTB 736470 5876 HGNC Rabggtb 11214 19352 MGI:99537 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:9796 Rabif 1359331 304807 RABIF 1344362 5877 RGD Rabif 1550143 98710 MGI:2138605 RGD HGNC:9797 Rabl2 1306749 362987 RABL2B 1353591 11158 HGNC Rabl2 1332463 68708 MGI:1915958 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:9800 Rabl3 1306436 360720 RABL3 1315050 285282 HGNC Rabl3 1315051 67657 MGI:1914907 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:18072 Rabl6 1307615 362084 RABL6 1316912 55684 HGNC Rabl6 1316913 227624 MGI:2442633 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:24703 Rac1 619755 363875 RAC1 1605432 5879 HGNC Rac1 1553531 19353 MGI:97845 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:9801 Rac2 1307568 366957 RAC2 1316839 5880 HGNC Rac2 1316840 19354 MGI:97846 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:9802 Rac3 1590052 688319 RAC3 1344542 5881 HGNC Rac3 1620652 170758 MGI:2180784 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:9803 Racgap1 1305912 315298 RACGAP1 1314228 29127 RGD Racgap1 1314229 26934 MGI:1349423 RGD HGNC:9804 Rack1 69229 83427 RACK1 733289 10399 HGNC Rack1 735946 14694 MGI:101849 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:4399 Rad1 1306496 294800 RAD1 1315145 5810 HGNC Rad1 1315146 19355 MGI:1316678 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:9806 Rad17 1309515 310034 RAD17 1319895 5884 HGNC Rad17 1319896 19356 MGI:1333807 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:9807 Rad18 1306993 362412 RAD18 1315923 56852 HGNC Rad18 1315924 58186 MGI:1890476 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:18278 Rad21 1594529 314949 RAD21 1317642 5885 HGNC Rad21 1317643 19357 MGI:108016 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:9811 Rad21l1 1587557 689823 RAD21L1 1348792 642636 HGNC Rad21l 1625905 668929 MGI:3652039 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:16271 Rad23a 1309899 361381 RAD23A 1320493 5886 HGNC Rad23a 1320494 19358 MGI:105126 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:9812 Rad23b 1562958 298012 RAD23B 1351559 5887 HGNC Rad23b 1558312 19359 MGI:105128 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:9813 Rad50 621542 64012 RAD50 733899 10111 HGNC Rad50 733900 19360 MGI:109292 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:9816 Rad51 1563603 499870 RAD51 1316727 5888 RGD Rad51 1316728 19361 MGI:97890 RGD HGNC:9817 Rad51ap1 1597431 689055 RAD51AP1 1353541 10635 HGNC Rad51ap1 1315620 19362 MGI:1098224 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:16956 Rad51ap2 2322652 100360197 RAD51AP2 2311158 729475 HGNC Rad51ap2 1622132 209550 MGI:3644580 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:34417 Rad51b 1560681 500679 RAD51B 1344706 5890 RGD Rad51b 1557356 19363 MGI:1099436 RGD HGNC:9822 Rad51c 1563765 497976 RAD51C 1350974 5889 HGNC Rad51c 1557876 114714 MGI:2150020 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:9820 Rad51d 1306944 303375 RAD51D 1315846 5892 HGNC Rad51d 1315847 19364 MGI:1261809 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:9823 Rad52 1304975 297561 RAD52 1312725 5893 HGNC Rad52 1312726 19365 MGI:101949 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:9824 Rad54b 1306507 313063 RAD54B 1604371 25788 HGNC Rad54b 1315162 623474 MGI:3605986 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:17228 Rad54l 1310600 298429 RAD54L 1321600 8438 HGNC Rad54l 1321601 19366 MGI:894697 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:9826 Rad54l2 1561889 363135 RAD54L2 1604389 23132 HGNC Rad54l2 1556895 81000 MGI:1933196 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:29123 Rad9a 2319938 100361529 RAD9A 1321649 5883 HGNC Rad9a 1321650 19367 MGI:1328356 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:9827 Rad9b 1308223 363924 RAD9B 1317874 144715 HGNC Rad9b 1317875 231724 MGI:2385231 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:21700 Radil 1306155 304299 RADIL 1604337 55698 HGNC Radil 1314609 231858 MGI:2443088 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:22226 Radx 1589413 680663 RADX 1605981 55086 HGNC Radx 1623054 102871 MGI:2147848 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:25486 Rae1 1311540 362281 RAE1 1323051 8480 HGNC Rae1 1323052 66679 MGI:1913929 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:9828 Raet1e 1311118 292450 RAET1E 1322405 135250 RGD Raet1e 1617962 379043 MGI:2675273 RGD HGNC:16793 Raet1l 1308785 292461 RAET1L 1318758 154064 HGNC Raet1d 1619208 56554 MGI:1861032 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:16798 Raf1 3531 24703 RAF1 737596 5894 HGNC Raf1 11215 110157 MGI:97847 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:9829 Rag1 619790 84600 RAG1 1317876 5896 HGNC Rag1 1317877 19373 MGI:97848 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:9831 Rag2 1305588 295953 RAG2 1313706 5897 HGNC Rag2 1313707 19374 MGI:97849 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:9832 Rai1 1308500 303188 RAI1 1318304 10743 HGNC Rai1 1318305 19377 MGI:103291 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:9834 Rai14 1305942 294804 RAI14 1314269 26064 HGNC Rai14 1314270 75646 MGI:1922896 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:14873 Rai2 1560139 501555 RAI2 1353493 10742 HGNC Rai2 1619229 24004 MGI:1344378 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:9835 Rala 619851 81757 RALA 1354223 5898 HGNC Rala 1553390 56044 MGI:1927243 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:9839 Ralb 619852 116546 RALB 1351800 5899 HGNC Ralb 1553723 64143 MGI:1927244 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:9840 Ralbp1 621134 84014 RALBP1 737281 10928 HGNC Ralbp1 732627 19765 MGI:108466 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:9841 Ralgapa1 620642 56785 RALGAPA1 731635 253959 HGNC Ralgapa1 735820 56784 MGI:1931050 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:17770 Ralgapa2 1308023 296211 RALGAPA2 1343955 57186 HGNC Ralgapa2 1317552 241694 MGI:3036245 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:16207 Ralgapb 1306861 362257 RALGAPB 1603624 57148 HGNC Ralgapb 1315721 228850 MGI:2444531 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:29221 Ralgds 3533 29622 RALGDS 1351009 5900 HGNC Ralgds 736476 19730 MGI:107485 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:9842 Ralgdsl1 1308947 289080 RGL1 1319015 23179 HGNC Rgl1 1319016 19731 MGI:107484 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:30281 Ralgdsl2 1302985 294283 RGL2 1347432 5863 HGNC Rgl2 1552224 19732 MGI:107483 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:9769 Ralgdsl3 1309756 300444 RGL3 1320262 57139 HGNC Rgl3 1320263 71746 MGI:1918996 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:30282 Ralgdsl6 7654081 102553110 CDRT15 1603575 146822 HGNC HGNC:14395 Ralgps1 2319500 100361774 RALGPS1 1344179 9649 HGNC Ralgps1 1617320 241308 MGI:1922008 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:16851 Ralgps2 1311537 304887 RALGPS2 1323046 55103 HGNC Ralgps2 1323047 78255 MGI:1925505 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:30279 Raly 1307228 296301 RALY 1316295 22913 HGNC Raly 1316296 19383 MGI:97850 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:15921 Ralyl 1305844 294883 RALYL 1606457 138046 HGNC Ralyl 1314122 76897 MGI:1924147 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:27036 Ramac 1310022 293058 RAMAC 1320685 83640 HGNC Ramac 1320686 67148 MGI:1914398 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:31022 Ramp1 61870 58965 RAMP1 735949 10267 HGNC Ramp1 62162 51801 MGI:1858418 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:9843 Ramp2 61872 58966 RAMP2 735315 10266 HGNC Ramp2 62164 54409 MGI:1859650 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:9844 Ramp3 61873 56820 RAMP3 737378 10268 HGNC Ramp3 62165 56089 MGI:1860292 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:9845 Ran 620367 84509 RAN 1348006 5901 HGNC Ran 1550054 19384 MGI:1333112 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:9846 Ranbp1 1310521 360739 RANBP1 1321469 5902 RGD Ranbp1 1321470 19385 MGI:96269 RGD HGNC:9847 Ranbp10 1311587 361396 RANBP10 1343804 57610 HGNC Ranbp10 1553256 74334 MGI:1921584 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:29285 Ranbp17 1562576 303029 RANBP17 1345238 64901 HGNC Ranbp17 1615907 66011 MGI:1929706 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:14428 Ranbp2 1560047 294429 RANBP2 1351414 5903 RGD Ranbp2 1558482 19386 MGI:894323 RGD HGNC:9848 Ranbp3 1589604 501281 RANBP3 1313698 8498 HGNC Ranbp3 1557627 71810 MGI:1919060 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:9850 Ranbp3l 1307559 294789 RANBP3L 1602423 202151 HGNC Ranbp3l 1316825 223332 MGI:2444654 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:26353 Ranbp6 1305165 309326 RANBP6 1313031 26953 HGNC Ranbp6 1313032 240614 MGI:2683212 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:9851 Ranbp9 1561940 364686 RANBP9 1344686 10048 HGNC Ranbp9 1617568 56705 MGI:1928741 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:13727 Rangap1 1310380 362965 RANGAP1 1321254 5905 HGNC Rangap1 1321255 19387 MGI:103071 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:9854 Rangrf 1563195 287419 RANGRF 1602892 29098 HGNC Rangrf 1557008 57785 MGI:1889073 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:17679 Rap1a 1359694 295347 RAP1A 1352228 5906 HGNC Rap1a 1552399 109905 MGI:97852 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:9855 Rap1b 620577 171337 RAP1B 736930 5908 HGNC Rap1b 736931 215449 MGI:894315 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:9857 Rap1gap 1309908 313644 RAP1GAP 1320507 5909 HGNC Rap1gap 1551379 110351 MGI:109338 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:9858 Rap1gap2 1304590 303298 RAP1GAP2 1346377 23108 HGNC Rap1gap2 1312118 380711 MGI:3028623 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:29176 Rap1gds1 1308558 310909 RAP1GDS1 1318400 5910 HGNC Rap1gds1 1318401 229877 MGI:2385189 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:9859 Rap2a 620590 114560 RAP2A 1348992 5911 RGD Rap2a 1618286 76108 MGI:97855 RGD HGNC:9861 Rap2b 620591 170923 RAP2B 736861 5912 HGNC Rap2b 736862 74012 MGI:1921262 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:9862 Rap2c 1588562 302495 RAP2C 1353605 57826 HGNC Rap2c 1619982 72065 MGI:1919315 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:21165 Rapgef1 619793 63881 RAPGEF1 731405 2889 HGNC Rapgef1 1614994 107746 MGI:104580 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:4568 Rapgef2 1306434 310533 RAPGEF2 1315047 9693 HGNC Rapgef2 1315048 76089 MGI:2659071 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:16854 Rapgef3 621869 59326 RAPGEF3 1351216 10411 HGNC Rapgef3 732974 223864 MGI:2441741 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:16629 Rapgef4 621886 252857 RAPGEF4 1351048 11069 HGNC Rapgef4 737131 56508 MGI:1917723 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:16626 Rapgef5 1561668 362799 RAPGEF5 1343059 9771 HGNC Rapgef5 1557976 217944 MGI:2444365 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:16862 Rapgef6 1307645 303141 RAPGEF6 1316955 51735 HGNC Rapgef6 1621379 192786 MGI:2384761 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:20655 Rapgefl1 1563269 303515 RAPGEFL1 1347798 51195 HGNC Rapgefl1 1618847 268480 MGI:3611446 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:17428 Raph1 1308387 363239 RAPH1 1318125 65059 HGNC Raph1 1619084 77300 MGI:1924550 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:14436 Rapsn 1311592 362161 RAPSN 1314835 5913 HGNC Rapsn 1314836 19400 MGI:99422 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:9863 Rara 3534 24705 RARA 733999 5914 HGNC Rara 11216 19401 MGI:97856 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:9864 Rarb 3535 24706 RARB 737497 5915 HGNC Rarb 11217 218772 MGI:97857 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:9865 Rarg 1583230 685072 RARG 735465 5916 HGNC Rarg 11218 19411 MGI:97858 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:9866 Rarres1 1309509 310486 RARRES1 1319886 5918 HGNC Rarres1 1551283 109222 MGI:1924461 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:9867 Rarres2 1309874 297073 RARRES2 1320450 5919 HGNC Rarres2 1320451 71660 MGI:1918910 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:9868 Rars1 1309215 287191 RARS1 1319432 5917 HGNC Rars1 1319433 104458 MGI:1914297 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:9870 Rars2 1305419 297969 RARS2 1313439 57038 HGNC Rars2 1313440 109093 MGI:1923596 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:21406 Rasa1 3537 25676 RASA1 732468 5921 HGNC Rasa1 732469 218397 MGI:97860 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:9871 Rasa2 3538 25597 RASA2 735538 5922 HGNC Rasa2 735539 114713 MGI:2149960 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:9872 Rasa3 69365 29372 RASA3 1343935 22821 HGNC Rasa3 737295 19414 MGI:1197013 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:20331 Rasa4 1565457 288589 RASA4B 2306251 100271927 HGNC Rasa4 1557598 54153 MGI:1858600 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:35202 Rasal1 1311820 360814 RASAL1 1323476 8437 HGNC Rasal1 1323477 19415 MGI:1330842 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:9873 Rasal2 1307566 304893 RASAL2 1316836 9462 HGNC Rasal2 1558084 226525 MGI:2443881 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:9874 Rasal3 1309019 314596 RASAL3 2302537 64926 HGNC Rasal3 1332123 320484 MGI:2444128 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:26129 Rasd1 619727 64455 RASD1 731548 51655 HGNC Rasd1 731549 19416 MGI:1270848 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:15828 Rasd2 628594 171099 RASD2 1346276 23551 HGNC Rasd2 1332452 75141 MGI:1922391 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:18229 Rasef 1306418 298138 RASEF 1315020 158158 HGNC Rasef 1618122 242505 MGI:2448565 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:26464 Rasgef1a 1305836 312664 RASGEF1A 1314108 221002 HGNC Rasgef1a 1314109 70727 MGI:1917977 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:24246 Rasgef1b 1562220 100361238 RASGEF1B 1348873 153020 HGNC Rasgef1b 1557260 320292 MGI:2443755 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:24881 Rasgef1c 1311549 360519 RASGEF1C 1323065 255426 HGNC Rasgef1c 1323066 74563 MGI:1921813 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:27400 Rasgrf1 620395 192213 RASGRF1 1344062 5923 HGNC Rasgrf1 1551710 19417 MGI:99694 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:9875 Rasgrf2 69413 114513 RASGRF2 69460 5924 HGNC Rasgrf2 69461 19418 MGI:109137 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:9876 Rasgrp1 3539 29434 RASGRP1 69137 10125 HGNC Rasgrp1 69138 19419 MGI:1314635 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:9878 Rasgrp2 1311630 361714 RASGRP2 1323188 10235 HGNC Rasgrp2 1556892 19395 MGI:1333849 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:9879 Rasgrp3 1304612 313874 RASGRP3 1312152 25780 HGNC Rasgrp3 1312153 240168 MGI:3028579 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:14545 Rasgrp4 620476 170668 RASGRP4 733193 115727 HGNC Rasgrp4 733194 233046 MGI:2386851 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:18958 Rasip1 1305291 292912 RASIP1 1313233 54922 HGNC Rasip1 1313234 69903 MGI:1917153 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:24716 Rasl10a 1306100 364190 RASL10A 1606572 10633 HGNC Rasl10a 1314520 75668 MGI:1922918 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:16954 Rasl10b 1310873 303382 RASL10B 1322024 91608 HGNC Rasl10b 1623719 276952 MGI:2685575 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:30295 Rasl11a 1303231 304268 RASL11A 1343885 387496 HGNC Rasl11a 1551355 68895 MGI:1916145 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:23802 Rasl11b 1303099 305302 RASL11B 1353496 65997 HGNC Rasl11b 1550706 68939 MGI:1916189 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:23804 Rasl12 1306268 315762 RASL12 1314790 51285 HGNC Rasl12 1314791 70784 MGI:1918034 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:30289 Rassf1 1359383 363140 RASSF1 1343966 11186 HGNC Rassf1 1621553 56289 MGI:1928386 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:9882 Rassf10 1309847 308894 RASSF10 2290196 644943 HGNC Rassf10 1320411 78748 MGI:1925998 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:33984 Rassf2 1305551 311437 RASSF2 1313644 9770 HGNC Rassf2 1313645 215653 MGI:2442060 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:9883 Rassf3 1311450 362886 RASSF3 1322918 283349 HGNC Rassf3 1322919 192678 MGI:2179722 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:14271 Rassf4 1307785 362423 RASSF4 1317179 83937 HGNC Rassf4 1317180 213391 MGI:2386853 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:20793 Rassf5 621694 54355 RASSF5 1606212 83593 HGNC Rassf5 733134 54354 MGI:1926375 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:17609 Rassf6 1566082 305251 RASSF6 1605848 166824 HGNC Rassf6 1558221 73246 MGI:1920496 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:20796 Rassf7 1306244 293623 RASSF7 1314751 8045 HGNC Rassf7 1619191 66985 MGI:1914235 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:1166 Rassf8 1308820 312846 RASSF8 1318811 11228 HGNC Rassf8 1615068 71323 MGI:1918573 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:13232 Rassf9 621329 65053 RASSF9 731307 9182 HGNC Rassf9 731308 237504 MGI:2384307 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:15739 Raver1 1359190 298705 RAVER1 1603914 125950 HGNC Raver1 1622273 71766 MGI:1919016 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:30296 Raver2 1307610 362551 RAVER2 1602482 55225 HGNC Raver2 1316903 242570 MGI:2443623 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:25577 Rax 620371 114213 RAX 1606797 30062 HGNC Rax 736269 19434 MGI:109632 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:18662 Rb1 3540 24708 RB1 731712 5925 HGNC Rb1 11219 19645 MGI:97874 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:9884 Rb1cc1 1309346 312927 RB1CC1 1319644 9821 HGNC Rb1cc1 1319645 12421 MGI:1341850 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:15574 Rbak 1562875 288489 RBAK 1602691 57786 HGNC Rbak 1558489 57782 MGI:1927369 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:17680 Rbbp4 1593768 313048 RBBP4 1323349 5928 HGNC Rbbp4 1323350 19646 MGI:1194912 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:9887 Rbbp5 1305532 304794 RBBP5 1313612 5929 HGNC Rbbp5 1313613 213464 MGI:1918367 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:9888 Rbbp6 1311964 308968 RBBP6 1323690 5930 HGNC Rbbp6 1323691 19647 MGI:894835 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:9889 Rbbp7 620125 83712 RBBP7 732412 5931 HGNC Rbbp7 732413 245688 MGI:1194910 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:9890 Rbbp8 1308872 291787 RBBP8 1317354 5932 HGNC Rbbp8 1622091 225182 MGI:2442995 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:9891 Rbbp8nl 1596090 690416 RBBP8NL 1353930 140893 HGNC Rbbp8nl 1622869 271887 MGI:3606212 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:16144 Rbbp9 3542 29459 RBBP9 1349258 10741 HGNC Rbbp9 736826 26450 MGI:1347074 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:9892 Rbck1 708404 60383 RBCK1 731853 10616 HGNC Rbck1 731854 24105 MGI:1344372 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:15864 Rbfa 1311910 307235 RBFA 1323615 79863 HGNC Rbfa 1323616 68731 MGI:1915981 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:26120 Rbfox1 1311210 302920 RBFOX1 1606794 54715 HGNC Rbfox1 1615591 268859 MGI:1926224 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:18222 Rbfox2 1311838 362950 RBFOX2 1323505 23543 HGNC Rbfox2 1323506 93686 MGI:1933973 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:9906 Rbfox3 1560070 287847 RBFOX3 1603898 146713 HGNC Rbfox3 1617577 52897 MGI:106368 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:27097 Rbis 1565641 499567 RBIS 1604140 401466 HGNC Rbis 1622304 69126 MGI:1916376 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:32235 Rbks 1310064 362706 RBKS 1320751 64080 HGNC Rbks 1320752 71336 MGI:1918586 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:30325 Rbl1 1595511 680111 RBL1 1313374 5933 HGNC Rbl1 1313375 19650 MGI:103300 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:9893 Rbl2 3541 81758 RBL2 733260 5934 HGNC Rbl2 11220 19651 MGI:105085 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:9894 Rbm10 631366 64510 RBM10 732878 8241 HGNC Rbm10 732879 236732 MGI:2384310 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:9896 Rbm11 1305195 288321 RBM11 1313079 54033 HGNC Rbm11 1313080 224344 MGI:2447622 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:9897 Rbm12 1594333 652928 RBM12 1343633 10137 HGNC Rbm12 1621471 75710 MGI:1922960 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:9898 Rbm12b 1307658 313069 RBM12B 1602033 389677 HGNC Rbm12b1 1557899 72397 MGI:1919647 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:32310 Rbm14 620542 170900 RBM14 1321805 10432 RGD Rbm14 1321806 56275 MGI:1929092 RGD HGNC:14219 Rbm15 1592713 684233 RBM15 1343999 64783 HGNC Rbm15 1616555 229700 MGI:2443205 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:14959 Rbm15b 1305937 315988 RBM15B 1350628 29890 HGNC Rbm15b 1550290 109095 MGI:1923598 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:24303 Rbm17 1311208 291295 RBM17 1322546 84991 HGNC Rbm17 1322547 76938 MGI:1924188 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:16944 Rbm18 1307411 311902 RBM18 1316593 92400 HGNC Rbm18 1316594 67889 MGI:1915139 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:28413 Rbm19 1308928 304512 RBM19 1318980 9904 HGNC Rbm19 1551120 74111 MGI:1921361 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:29098 Rbm20 1307427 309544 RBM20 1316618 282996 HGNC Rbm20 1616733 73713 MGI:1920963 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:27424 Rbm22 1305770 307410 RBM22 1314003 55696 HGNC Rbm22 1314004 66810 MGI:1914060 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:25503 Rbm24 1584029 690139 RBM24 1317276 221662 HGNC Rbm24 1614519 666794 MGI:3610364 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:21539 Rbm25 1308755 366693 RBM25 1318710 58517 RGD Rbm25 1553041 67039 MGI:1914289 RGD HGNC:23244 Rbm26 1308297 306137 RBM26 1317989 64062 HGNC Rbm26 1551126 74213 MGI:1921463 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:20327 Rbm27 1311966 361317 RBM27 1323694 54439 HGNC Rbm27 1323695 225432 MGI:2147194 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:29243 Rbm28 1311336 312182 RBM28 1322736 55131 HGNC Rbm28 1322737 68272 MGI:2655711 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:21863 Rbm3 620145 114488 RBM3 1350280 5935 HGNC Rbm3 1550980 19652 MGI:1099460 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:9900 Rbm33 1310651 362297 RBM33 1604982 155435 HGNC Rbm33 1617959 381626 MGI:1919670 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:27223 Rbm34 1310161 307956 RBM34 1602128 23029 HGNC Rbm34 1551444 52202 MGI:1098653 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:28965 Rbm38 1308503 366262 RBM38 1318308 55544 HGNC Rbm38 1318309 56190 MGI:1889294 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:15818 Rbm39 1310071 362251 RBM39 1320763 9584 HGNC Rbm39 1320764 170791 MGI:2157953 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:15923 Rbm4 1306891 293663 RBM4 1315765 5936 HGNC Rbm4 1315766 19653 MGI:1100865 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:9901 Rbm41 1590579 680581 RBM41 1605361 55285 HGNC Rbm41 1620584 237073 MGI:2444923 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:25617 Rbm42 1306184 361545 RBM42 1601847 79171 HGNC Rbm42 1314659 68035 MGI:1915285 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:28117 Rbm43 1306676 311020 RBM43 1604694 375287 HGNC Rbm43 1315428 71684 MGI:1918934 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:24790 Rbm44 1566074 501183 RBM44 1625816 375316 HGNC Rbm44 1621227 329207 MGI:2685663 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:24756 Rbm45 628862 266631 RBM45 730942 129831 HGNC Rbm45 731439 241490 MGI:2387367 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:24468 Rbm46 1560205 310548 RBM46 1602830 166863 HGNC Rbm46 1622535 633285 MGI:3645057 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:28401 Rbm47 1359713 305340 RBM47 1642917 54502 HGNC Rbm47 1622022 245945 MGI:2384294 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:30358 Rbm48 1310794 296840 RBM48 1602202 84060 HGNC Rbm48 1332071 269623 MGI:2442653 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:21785 Rbm4b 1359343 474154 RBM4B 1351687 83759 HGNC Rbm4b 1620851 66704 MGI:1913954 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:28842 Rbm5 1305059 300996 RBM5 1312863 10181 HGNC Rbm5 1312864 83486 MGI:1933204 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:9902 Rbm6 1560367 315997 RBM6 1342651 10180 HGNC Rbm6 1558558 19654 MGI:1338037 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:9903 Rbm7 1308017 315634 RBM7 1317542 10179 HGNC Rbm7 1317543 67010 MGI:1914260 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:9904 Rbm8a 1310099 295284 RBM8A 1320809 9939 HGNC Rbm8a 1551436 60365 MGI:1913129 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:9905 Rbms1 1307777 362138 RBMS1 1317165 5937 HGNC Rbms1 1317166 56878 MGI:1861774 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:9907 Rbms2 1304813 288771 RBMS2 1312477 5939 HGNC Rbms2 1550035 56516 MGI:1861776 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:9909 Rbms3 1588240 680726 RBMS3 1343809 27303 HGNC Rbms3 1557443 207181 MGI:2444477 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:13427 Rbmx 1565256 302855 RBMX 1349812 27316 HGNC Rbmx 1558143 19655 MGI:1343044 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:9910 Rbmx2 1562693 367930 RBMX2 1345969 51634 HGNC Rbmx2 1558460 209003 MGI:1919414 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:24282 Rbmxl1 1306751 307779 RBMXL1 1603234 494115 HGNC Rbmxl1 1315547 19656 MGI:1343045 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:25073 Rbmxl2 1598286 108349440 RBMXL2 1603656 27288 RGD Rbmxl2 1615022 76572 MGI:1923822 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:17886 Rbmy1j 9125062 103694544 RBMY1J 1345023 378951 HGNC Rbmyf2 2308073 100042874 MGI:3710530 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:23917 Rbp1 3543 25056 RBP1 732391 5947 HGNC Rbp1 11221 19659 MGI:97876 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:9919 Rbp2 3544 24710 RBP2 734415 5948 HGNC Rbp2 11226 19660 MGI:97877 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:9920 Rbp3 3545 24711 RBP3 735986 5949 HGNC Rbp3 11227 19661 MGI:97878 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:9921 Rbp4 3546 25703 RBP4 735251 5950 HGNC Rbp4 735252 19662 MGI:97879 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:9922 Rbp7 1562168 362662 RBP7 1348730 116362 HGNC Rbp7 1557977 63954 MGI:1890409 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:30316 Rbpj 1593096 679028 RBPJ 1321529 3516 RGD Rbpj 1321530 19664 MGI:96522 RGD HGNC:5724 Rbpjl 1304786 362268 RBPJL 1312429 11317 HGNC Rbpjl 1312430 19668 MGI:1196616 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:13761 Rbpms 1561067 498642 RBPMS 1342648 11030 HGNC Rbpms 1623288 19663 MGI:1334446 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:19097 Rbpms2 1561222 503214 RBPMS2 1351025 348093 HGNC Rbpms2 1557612 71973 MGI:1919223 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:19098 Rbsn 1305397 312562 RBSN 1313404 64145 HGNC Rbsn 1313405 78287 MGI:1925537 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:20759 Rbx1 1308453 300084 RBX1 1318229 9978 HGNC Rbx1 1318230 56438 MGI:1891829 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:9928 Rc3h1 1563512 680586 RC3H1 1604740 149041 HGNC Rc3h1 1557447 381305 MGI:2685397 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:29434 Rc3h2 1304833 311909 RC3H2 1312502 54542 HGNC Rc3h2 1312503 319817 MGI:2442789 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:21461 Rcan1 631338 266766 RCAN1 735348 1827 HGNC Rcan1 731330 54720 MGI:1890564 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:3040 Rcan2 69198 140666 RCAN2 69211 10231 HGNC Rcan2 69498 53901 MGI:1858219 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:3041 Rcan3 1311826 362627 RCAN3 1323485 11123 HGNC Rcan3 1323486 53902 MGI:1858220 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:3042 Rcbtb1 1308467 361050 RCBTB1 1318252 55213 HGNC Rcbtb1 1318253 71330 MGI:1918580 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:18243 Rcbtb2 735048 290363 RCBTB2 1351172 1102 HGNC Rcbtb2 1557599 105670 MGI:1917200 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:1914 Rcc1 1592835 682908 RCC1 1343250 1104 RGD Rcc1 1614239 100088 MGI:1913989 RGD HGNC:1913 Rcc1l 1307558 360796 RCC1L 1316823 81554 HGNC Rcc1l 1316824 94254 MGI:2137600 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:14948 Rcc2 1309986 298594 RCC2 1603393 55920 HGNC Rcc2 1550801 108911 MGI:1919784 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:30297 Rccd1 1309901 308760 RCCD1 1605899 91433 HGNC Rccd1 1320497 269955 MGI:2444156 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:30457 Rce1 1309261 309153 RCE1 1319506 9986 HGNC Rce1 1319507 19671 MGI:1336895 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:13721 Rchy1 1359180 289508 RCHY1 1353437 25898 HGNC Rchy1 1551530 68098 MGI:1915348 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:17479 Rcl1 1305320 309301 RCL1 1313278 10171 HGNC Rcl1 1313279 59028 MGI:1913275 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:17687 Rcn1 1311292 362182 RCN1 1322672 5954 HGNC Rcn1 1551766 19672 MGI:104559 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:9934 Rcn2 3548 29218 RCN2 733014 5955 HGNC Rcn2 735471 26611 MGI:1349765 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:9935 Rcn3 1359365 494125 RCN3 1346169 57333 HGNC Rcn3 1550555 52377 MGI:1277122 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:21145 Rcor1 7505493 102554884 RCOR1 1313957 23186 HGNC Rcor1 1550294 217864 MGI:106340 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:17441 Rcor2 1359467 305811 RCOR2 1353932 283248 RGD Rcor2 1552246 104383 MGI:1859854 RGD HGNC:27455 Rcor3 1593864 684192 RCOR3 1350848 55758 HGNC Rcor3 1622114 214742 MGI:2441920 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:25594 Rcsd1 1304715 360872 RCSD1 1603598 92241 HGNC Rcsd1 1621337 226594 MGI:2676394 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:28310 Rcvrn 620258 140936 RCVRN 734065 5957 HGNC Rcvrn 734066 19674 MGI:97883 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:9937 Rd3 1593897 684158 RD3 1603852 343035 HGNC Rd3 1614303 74023 MGI:1921273 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:19689 Rd3l 1305627 314467 RD3L 5683670 647286 HGNC Rd3l 1313768 217874 MGI:2675860 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:40912 Rdh10 727793 353252 RDH10 1351497 157506 HGNC Rdh10 1552069 98711 MGI:1924238 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:19975 Rdh11 1312001 362757 RDH11 1323753 51109 HGNC Rdh11 1323754 17252 MGI:102581 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:17964 Rdh12 1310462 314264 RDH12 1321376 145226 HGNC Rdh12 1321377 77974 MGI:1925224 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:19977 Rdh13 1304959 361504 RDH13 1312701 112724 HGNC Rdh13 1312702 108841 MGI:1918732 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:19978 Rdh14 1565196 500629 RDH14 1320191 57665 HGNC Rdh14 1320192 105014 MGI:1920402 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:19979 Rdh16 735050 299511 RDH16 1604846 8608 HGNC Rdh1 1615766 107605 MGI:1195275 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:29674 Rdh5 1308849 366791 RDH5 1318857 5959 HGNC Rdh5 1318858 19682 MGI:1201412 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:9940 Rdh8 1589829 690953 RDH8 1319361 50700 HGNC Rdh8 1615671 235033 MGI:2685028 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:14423 Rdh9 1561812 503146 Rdh9 1620679 103142 MGI:2143528 RGD Rdm1 1310432 287726 RDM1 1321329 201299 HGNC Rdm1 1321330 66599 MGI:1913849 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:19950 Rdx 1359472 315655 RDX 1348654 5962 HGNC Rdx 1553217 19684 MGI:97887 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:9944 Rec114 1311874 300751 REC114 2307386 283677 HGNC Rec114 1323558 73673 MGI:1920923 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:25065 Rec8 1309376 290227 REC8 1319692 9985 HGNC Rec8 1319693 56739 MGI:1929645 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:16879 Reck 1308845 313488 RECK 1318851 8434 HGNC Reck 1318852 53614 MGI:1855698 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:11345 Recql 1311071 312824 RECQL 1322333 5965 HGNC Recql 1322334 19691 MGI:103021 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:9948 Recql4 1307732 300057 RECQL4 1317096 9401 HGNC Recql4 1317097 79456 MGI:1931028 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:9949 Recql5 1310823 287834 RECQL5 1321946 9400 HGNC Recql5 1321947 170472 MGI:2156841 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:9950 Redic1 1584027 690142 REDIC1 1606924 283461 HGNC Redic1 11081846 545126 MGI:3613655 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:26846 Reeld1 41160673 120098656 REELD1 13208696 345051 HGNC Gm47209 15002785 115486879 MGI:6096013 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:53638 Reep1 1305230 362384 REEP1 1313134 65055 HGNC Reep1 1313135 52250 MGI:1098827 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:25786 Reep2 1586980 682105 REEP2 1346917 51308 HGNC Reep2 1620614 225362 MGI:2385070 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:17975 Reep3 1560401 294375 REEP3 1603350 221035 HGNC Reep3 1617587 28193 MGI:88930 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:23711 Reep4 1306561 306014 REEP4 1315250 80346 HGNC Reep4 1315251 72549 MGI:1919799 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:26176 Reep5 1306047 364838 REEP5 1314440 7905 HGNC Reep5 1314441 13476 MGI:1270152 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:30077 Reep6 1309508 362835 REEP6 1319884 92840 HGNC Reep6 1319885 70335 MGI:1917585 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:30078 Reg1a 3552 24714 REG1A 737018 5967 HGNC Reg1 737019 19692 MGI:97895 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:9951 Reg3a 621401 171162 Reg3a 733989 19694 MGI:109408 RGD Reg3b 3254 24618 REG3A 1604065 5068 HGNC Reg3b 11057 18489 MGI:97478 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:8601 Reg3g 3256 24620 REG3G 1351031 130120 RGD Reg3g 1552800 19695 MGI:109406 RGD HGNC:29595 Reg4 1303341 445583 REG4 1352664 83998 HGNC Reg4 1553892 67709 MGI:1914959 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:22977 Rel 1311231 305584 REL 1322580 5966 HGNC Rel 1322581 19696 MGI:97897 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:9954 Rela 727889 309165 RELA 1352761 5970 HGNC Rela 1551095 19697 MGI:103290 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:9955 Relb 2321078 100360982 RELB 1353567 5971 HGNC Relb 1558382 19698 MGI:103289 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:9956 Relch 1307235 309053 RELCH 1316306 57614 HGNC Relch 1316307 227446 MGI:1922832 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:29289 Rell1 1307468 289635 RELL1 1625842 768211 HGNC Rell1 1316681 100532 MGI:2140767 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:27379 Rell2 1305276 361313 RELL2 1313209 285613 HGNC Rell2 1313210 225392 MGI:1918044 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:26902 Reln 3553 24718 RELN 735880 5649 HGNC Reln 735881 19699 MGI:103022 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:9957 Relt 1305381 361615 RELT 1313376 84957 HGNC Relt 1313377 320100 MGI:2443373 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:13764 Rem1 1306560 366232 REM1 1315248 28954 HGNC Rem1 1315249 19700 MGI:1097696 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:15922 Rem2 69081 64626 REM2 733550 161253 HGNC Rem2 733551 140743 MGI:2155260 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:20248 Ren 3554 24715 REN 736366 5972 HGNC Ren1 1332384 19701 MGI:97898 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:9958 Renbp 621688 81759 RENBP 732186 5973 HGNC Renbp 732187 19703 MGI:105940 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:9959 Rep15 1562899 500366 REP15 2306721 387849 HGNC Rep15 1622324 66532 MGI:1913782 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:33748 Repin1 1549707 445541 REPIN1 1347617 29803 HGNC Repin1 1557278 58887 MGI:1889817 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:17922 Reps1 1307131 292944 REPS1 1316142 85021 HGNC Reps1 1316143 19707 MGI:1196373 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:15578 Reps2 1561642 363466 REPS2 1347143 9185 RGD Reps2 1617403 194590 MGI:2663511 RGD HGNC:9963 Rer1 1306324 298675 RER1 1351700 11079 HGNC Rer1 1550846 67830 MGI:1915080 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:30309 Rere 629475 116665 RERE 1344336 473 HGNC Rere 1552225 68703 MGI:2683486 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:9965 Rerg 1562829 502916 RERG 1349252 85004 HGNC Rerg 1557619 232441 MGI:2665139 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:15980 Rergl 1560090 500356 RERGL 1602860 79785 HGNC Rergl 1614607 632971 MGI:3642998 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:26213 Resf1 1309621 316982 RESF1 1605655 55196 HGNC Resf1 1320057 67246 MGI:1914496 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:25559 Resp18 3555 50561 RESP18 2305853 389075 HGNC Resp18 736207 19711 MGI:1098222 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:33762 Rest 621069 83618 REST 1347756 5978 HGNC Rest 732239 19712 MGI:104897 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:9966 Ret 3556 24716 RET 735296 5979 HGNC Ret 11234 19713 MGI:97902 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:9967 Retn 628781 246250 RETN 1349693 56729 HGNC Retn 730829 57264 MGI:1888506 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:20389 Retnlb 1624215 498074 RETNLB 1345045 84666 HGNC Retnlb 1558099 57263 MGI:1888505 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:20388 Retreg1 1565003 619558 RETREG1 1601869 54463 HGNC Retreg1 1614369 66270 MGI:1913520 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:25964 Retreg2 1306844 363252 RETREG2 1315689 79137 HGNC Retreg2 1315690 227298 MGI:2388278 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:28450 Retreg3 1561189 360632 RETREG3 1601713 162427 HGNC Retreg3 1621525 67998 MGI:1915248 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:27258 Retsat 628802 246298 RETSAT 731874 54884 HGNC Retsat 731875 67442 MGI:1914692 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:25991 Rev1 1306715 316344 REV1 1315491 51455 HGNC Rev1 1315492 56210 MGI:1929074 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:14060 Rev3l 1307087 309812 REV3L 1316069 5980 HGNC Rev3l 1316070 19714 MGI:1337131 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:9968 Rex1bd 1566239 306348 REX1BD 1605988 55049 HGNC Rex1bd 1623220 66462 MGI:1913712 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:26098 Rex2 1586256 691254 ZNF888 4109179 388559 HGNC Rex2 2301516 100043034 MGI:1328322 RGD HGNC:38695 Rexo1 1309872 314630 REXO1 1320447 57455 HGNC Rexo1 1619197 66932 MGI:1914182 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:24616 Rexo2 1304874 300689 REXO2 1603665 25996 HGNC Rexo2 1620676 104444 MGI:1888981 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:17851 Rexo4 1306220 311826 REXO4 1314713 57109 HGNC Rexo4 1622969 227656 MGI:2684957 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:12820 Rexo5 1305412 309036 REXO5 1601954 81691 HGNC Rexo5 1332310 434234 MGI:1919402 RGD HGNC:24661 Rfc1 620619 89809 RFC1 1353491 5981 HGNC Rfc1 1550066 19687 MGI:97891 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:9969 Rfc2 621198 116468 RFC2 1348076 5982 HGNC Rfc2 1551480 19718 MGI:1341868 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:9970 Rfc3 1306832 288414 RFC3 1315670 5983 HGNC Rfc3 1315671 69263 MGI:1916513 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:9971 Rfc4 1310142 288003 RFC4 1320871 5984 HGNC Rfc4 1320872 106344 MGI:2146571 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:9972 Rfc5 1309280 304528 RFC5 1319540 5985 HGNC Rfc5 1319541 72151 MGI:1919401 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:9973 Rfesd 1308284 361871 RFESD 1605818 317671 HGNC Rfesd 1317971 218341 MGI:2145198 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:29587 Rffl 727916 282844 RFFL 1605590 117584 HGNC Rffl 1552495 67338 MGI:1914588 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:24821 Rfk 1549748 499328 RFK 1313443 55312 RGD Rfk 1558007 54391 MGI:1914688 RGD HGNC:30324 Rflna 1588777 689711 RFLNA 1606962 100533183 HGNC Rflna 1621493 73121 MGI:1920371 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline Rflnb 1359691 287534 RFLNB 1601917 359845 HGNC Rflnb 1615023 76566 MGI:1923816 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:28705 Rfng 621322 60433 RFNG 1345692 5986 RGD Rfng 733358 19719 MGI:894275 RGD HGNC:9974 Rfpl4a 1307409 292583 RFPL4A 1349182 342931 HGNC Rfpl4 1316591 192658 MGI:2149590 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:16449 Rfpl4b 2323304 100359838 RFPL4B 1606355 442247 HGNC Rfpl4b 1622999 215919 MGI:2684908 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:33264 Rft1 1562654 290552 RFT1 1342907 91869 HGNC Rft1 1617977 328370 MGI:3607791 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:30220 Rftn1 1563347 501095 RFTN1 1604380 23180 HGNC Rftn1 1321876 76438 MGI:1923688 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:30278 Rftn2 1307304 363231 RFTN2 1316421 130132 HGNC Rftn2 1316422 74013 MGI:1921263 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:26402 Rfwd3 1305243 103690025 RFWD3 1349611 55159 HGNC Rfwd3 1618142 234736 MGI:2384584 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:25539 Rfx1 1306574 288906 RFX1 1315268 5989 HGNC Rfx1 1315269 19724 MGI:105982 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:9982 Rfx2 1588579 301121 RFX2 1343231 5990 HGNC Rfx2 1557906 19725 MGI:106583 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:9983 Rfx3 1307779 361746 RFX3 1317168 5991 HGNC Rfx3 1317169 19726 MGI:106582 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:9984 Rfx4 1562092 500818 RFX4 1354416 5992 HGNC Rfx4 1557863 71137 MGI:1918387 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:9985 Rfx5 1311677 310659 RFX5 1323259 5993 HGNC Rfx5 1323260 53970 MGI:1858421 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:9986 Rfx6 1307491 294395 RFX6 1316716 222546 HGNC Rfx6 1316717 320995 MGI:2445208 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:21478 Rfx7 1308795 315804 RFX7 1603966 64864 HGNC Rfx7 1614072 319758 MGI:2442675 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:25777 Rfx8 1560724 501127 RFX8 2793201 731220 HGNC Rfx8 1620337 619289 MGI:3588206 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:37253 Rfxank 1311390 306353 RFXANK 1322827 8625 HGNC Rfxank 1322828 19727 MGI:1333865 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:9987 Rfxap 1565351 499617 RFXAP 1348538 5994 RGD Rfxap 1620650 170767 MGI:2180854 RGD HGNC:9988 Rgcc 619721 117183 RGCC 733140 28984 HGNC Rgcc 733141 66214 MGI:1913464 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:20369 RGD1311745 1311745 301079 KIAA1143 1606528 57456 HGNC 1110059G10Rik 1323361 66202 MGI:1913452 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:29198 RGD1359108 1359108 313155 C9orf72 1602828 203228 HGNC C9orf72 1620759 73205 MGI:1920455 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:28337 RGD1559747 1559747 312310 LOC728743 38615265 728743 HGNC AI854703 2304166 243373 MGI:2141510 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline Rgma 1311983 308739 RGMA 1323724 56963 HGNC Rgma 1323725 244058 MGI:2679262 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:30308 Rgmb 1595392 681433 RGMB 1350725 285704 HGNC Rgmb 1615086 68799 MGI:1916049 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:26896 Rgn 3560 25106 RGN 732128 9104 HGNC Rgn 11237 19733 MGI:108024 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:9989 Rgp1 1311757 313493 RGP1 1323378 9827 HGNC Rgp1 1323379 242406 MGI:1915956 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:21965 Rgr 1309174 306307 RGR 1319366 5995 HGNC Rgr 1319367 57811 MGI:1929473 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:9990 Rgs1 3561 54289 RGS1 735445 5996 HGNC Rgs1 735446 50778 MGI:1354694 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:9991 Rgs10 3562 54290 RGS10 737086 6001 HGNC Rgs10 737087 67865 MGI:1915115 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:9992 Rgs11 3563 54291 RGS11 1321340 8786 HGNC Rgs11 1321341 50782 MGI:1354739 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:9993 Rgs12 3564 54292 RGS12 731521 6002 HGNC Rgs12 731522 71729 MGI:1918979 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:9994 Rgs13 1562103 498246 RGS13 1604849 6003 HGNC Rgs13 1557969 246709 MGI:2180585 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:9995 Rgs14 620003 114705 RGS14 733515 10636 HGNC Rgs14 733516 51791 MGI:1859709 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:9996 Rgs16 1589741 360857 RGS16 1343291 6004 HGNC Rgs16 11238 19734 MGI:108407 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:9997 Rgs17 1305515 308118 RGS17 1313587 26575 HGNC Rgs17 1313588 56533 MGI:1927469 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:14088 Rgs18 1306522 289076 RGS18 1315187 64407 HGNC Rgs18 1315188 64214 MGI:1927498 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:14261 Rgs19 629471 59293 RGS19 1353904 10287 HGNC Rgs19 1551522 56470 MGI:1915153 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:13735 Rgs2 621665 84583 RGS2 732360 5997 HGNC Rgs2 732361 19735 MGI:1098271 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:9998 Rgs20 1586146 362477 RGS20 1312560 8601 HGNC Rgs20 1312561 58175 MGI:1929866 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:14600 Rgs21 2320695 100361166 RGS21 1353958 431704 HGNC Rgs21 1616291 624910 MGI:3645243 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:26839 Rgs22 1565493 500853 RGS22 1606803 26166 HGNC Rgs22 1613838 626596 MGI:3613651 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:24499 Rgs3 3566 54293 RGS3 731031 5998 HGNC Rgs3 731032 50780 MGI:1354734 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:9999 Rgs4 3567 29480 RGS4 70082 5999 HGNC Rgs4 70083 19736 MGI:108409 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:10000 Rgs5 3568 54294 RGS5 730866 8490 HGNC Rgs5 730867 19737 MGI:1098434 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:10001 Rgs6 3569 54295 RGS6 736970 9628 HGNC Rgs6 736971 50779 MGI:1354730 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:10002 Rgs7 3570 54296 RGS7 733586 6000 HGNC Rgs7 733587 24012 MGI:1346089 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:10003 Rgs7bp 1309360 294715 RGS7BP 1604905 401190 HGNC Rgs7bp 1319667 52882 MGI:106334 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:23271 Rgs8 3571 54297 RGS8 737105 85397 HGNC Rgs8 737106 67792 MGI:108408 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:16810 Rgs9 3572 29481 RGS9 732260 8787 HGNC Rgs9 736730 19739 MGI:1338824 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:10004 Rgs9bp 1561747 499132 RGS9BP 1601793 388531 HGNC Rgs9bp 1617310 243923 MGI:2384418 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:30304 Rgsl1 1584051 690116 RGSL1 1353178 353299 HGNC Rgsl1 1621297 240816 MGI:2685048 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:18636 Rhag 61871 65207 RHAG 731598 6005 HGNC Rhag 62163 19743 MGI:1202713 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:10006 Rhbdd1 1306477 316557 RHBDD1 1601951 84236 HGNC Rhbdd1 1315115 76867 MGI:1924117 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:23081 Rhbdd2 1308231 360793 RHBDD2 1317887 57414 HGNC Rhbdd2 1552913 215160 MGI:1915612 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:23082 Rhbdd3 1311827 289753 RHBDD3 1323487 25807 HGNC Rhbdd3 1323488 279766 MGI:2444684 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:1308 Rhbdf1 1305075 303008 RHBDF1 1312890 64285 HGNC Rhbdf1 1312891 13650 MGI:104328 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:20561 Rhbdf2 1309699 303690 RHBDF2 1320182 79651 HGNC Rhbdf2 1320183 217344 MGI:2442473 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:20788 Rhbdl1 620699 117025 RHBDL1 1347230 9028 HGNC Rhbdl1 1550950 214951 MGI:2384891 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:10007 Rhbdl2 1308295 298512 RHBDL2 1317987 54933 HGNC Rhbdl2 1618976 230726 MGI:3608413 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:16083 Rhbdl3 1311901 287556 RHBDL3 1352464 162494 HGNC Rhbdl3 1323601 246104 MGI:2179276 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:16502 Rhbg 727813 310625 RHBG 1351825 57127 HGNC Rhbg 1552349 58176 MGI:1927379 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:14572 Rhcg 727859 293048 RHCG 1345053 51458 HGNC Rhcg 1552784 56315 MGI:1888517 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:18140 Rhd 620451 60414 RHD 736735 6007 HGNC Rhd 732262 19746 MGI:1202882 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:10009 Rheb 621840 26954 RHEB 1353122 6009 HGNC Rheb 734450 19744 MGI:97912 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:10011 Rhebl1 727778 359959 RHEBL1 1346400 121268 HGNC Rhebl1 1331869 69159 MGI:1916409 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:21166 Rhno1 1359404 297627 RHNO1 1602857 83695 RGD Rhno1 1616738 72440 MGI:1915315 RGD HGNC:28206 Rho 3573 24717 RHO 731395 6010 HGNC Rho 11239 212541 MGI:97914 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:10012 Rhoa 619921 117273 RHOA 1347797 387 HGNC Rhoa 731060 11848 MGI:1096342 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:667 Rhob 621309 64373 RHOB 1351195 388 HGNC Rhob 1552942 11852 MGI:107949 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:668 Rhobtb1 1306871 309722 RHOBTB1 1315735 9886 HGNC Rhobtb1 1315736 69288 MGI:1916538 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:18738 Rhobtb2 1309924 306004 RHOBTB2 1320529 23221 HGNC Rhobtb2 1320530 246710 MGI:2180557 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:18756 Rhobtb3 1311683 309922 RHOBTB3 1323267 22836 HGNC Rhobtb3 1323268 73296 MGI:1920546 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:18757 Rhoc 1304965 295342 RHOC 1312711 389 HGNC Rhoc 1312712 11853 MGI:106028 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:669 Rhod 1310985 293660 RHOD 1322195 29984 HGNC Rhod 1322196 11854 MGI:108446 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:670 Rhof 1584038 690130 RHOF 1352247 54509 HGNC Rhof 1620085 23912 MGI:1345629 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:15703 Rhog 621310 308875 RHOG 1316030 391 HGNC Rhog 1316031 56212 MGI:1928370 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:672 Rhoh 1307623 305341 RHOH 1316925 399 HGNC Rhoh 1316926 74734 MGI:1921984 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:686 Rhoj 1310528 299145 RHOJ 1321483 57381 HGNC Rhoj 1321484 80837 MGI:1931551 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:688 Rhoq 621626 85428 RHOQ 1345983 23433 HGNC Rhoq 734158 104215 MGI:1931553 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:17736 Rhot1 1307023 303351 RHOT1 1315969 55288 HGNC Rhot1 1315970 59040 MGI:1926078 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:21168 Rhot2 727970 287156 RHOT2 1347429 89941 HGNC Rhot2 1552334 214952 MGI:2384892 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:21169 Rhou 1596918 678766 RHOU 1347334 58480 HGNC Rhou 1619149 69581 MGI:1916831 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:17794 Rhov 628824 171581 RHOV 1604729 171177 HGNC Rhov 733025 228543 MGI:2444227 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:18313 Rhox13 1586264 691244 RHOXF1 1603173 158800 HGNC Rhox13 1558431 73614 MGI:1920864 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:29993 Rhox8 1561047 503423 Rhox8 1619629 434768 MGI:3579898 RGD Rhox9 1563844 298352 Rhox9 1557297 104384 MGI:1890128 RGD Rhoxf2b 1588607 363439 RHOXF2B 1626578 727940 HGNC Rhox6 1615951 19202 MGI:1202888 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:33519 Rhpn1 1305688 300030 RHPN1 1313863 114822 HGNC Rhpn1 1313864 14787 MGI:1098783 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:19973 Rhpn2 1308366 308516 RHPN2 1318093 85415 HGNC Rhpn2 1318094 52428 MGI:1289234 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:19974 Ribc1 1359621 317431 RIBC1 1344064 158787 HGNC Ribc1 1551849 66611 MGI:1913861 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:26537 Ribc2 1309033 300122 RIBC2 1351194 26150 HGNC Ribc2 1552722 67747 MGI:1914997 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:13241 Ric1 1310016 309306 RIC1 1320674 57589 HGNC Ric1 1614937 226089 MGI:1924893 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:17686 Ric3 1588939 687147 RIC3 1606245 79608 HGNC Ric3 1619704 320360 MGI:2443887 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:30338 Ric8a 727957 293614 RIC8A 1604802 60626 HGNC Ric8a 1558180 101489 MGI:2141866 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:29550 Ric8b 631419 314681 RIC8B 1605657 55188 HGNC Ric8b 1558426 237422 MGI:2682307 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:25555 Rictor 1307224 310131 RICTOR 1604194 253260 HGNC Rictor 1556939 78757 MGI:1926007 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:28611 Rida 70940 65151 RIDA 1343199 10247 HGNC Rida 735303 15473 MGI:1095401 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:16897 Rif1 1562474 295602 RIF1 1352449 55183 HGNC Rif1 1615146 51869 MGI:1098622 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:23207 Rig1 1309460 297989 RIGI 1319812 23586 HGNC Rigi 1319813 230073 MGI:2442858 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:19102 Riiad1 2303311 100270669 RIIAD1 2302530 284485 HGNC Riiad1 1624002 66353 MGI:1913603 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:26686 Rilp 1307691 287531 RILP 1317025 83547 HGNC Rilp 1616455 280408 MGI:2144271 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:30266 Rilpl1 1307973 304469 RILPL1 1602163 353116 HGNC Rilpl1 1317475 75695 MGI:1922945 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:26814 Rilpl2 1303140 288652 RILPL2 1606943 196383 HGNC Rilpl2 1332151 80291 MGI:1933112 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:28787 Rimbp2 708533 266780 RIMBP2 1606822 23504 HGNC Rimbp2 733346 231760 MGI:2443235 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:30339 Rimbp3 1563657 303785 RIMBP3C 2291772 150221 HGNC Rimbp3 1619821 239731 MGI:2685449 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:33892 Rimkla 1306880 313553 RIMKLA 1606921 284716 HGNC Rimkla 1315749 194237 MGI:3040686 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:28725 Rimklb 1560851 362428 RIMKLB 1606518 57494 RGD Rimklb 1558408 108653 MGI:1918325 RGD HGNC:29228 Rimoc1 1305938 310362 RIMOC1 1604481 285636 HGNC Rimoc1 1314264 106064 MGI:2146232 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:27750 Rims1 620000 84556 RIMS1 731818 22999 HGNC Rims1 1558300 116837 MGI:2152971 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:17282 Rims2 620001 116839 RIMS2 1351338 9699 HGNC Rims2 732588 116838 MGI:2152972 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:17283 Rims3 628762 65025 RIMS3 1347880 9783 HGNC Rims3 731615 242662 MGI:2443331 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:21292 Rims4 628695 266976 RIMS4 1350639 140730 HGNC Rims4 1552853 241770 MGI:2674366 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:16183 Rin1 620006 207119 RIN1 1348032 9610 HGNC Rin1 733526 225870 MGI:2385695 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:18749 Rin2 1305873 311494 RIN2 1314166 54453 HGNC Rin2 1314167 74030 MGI:1921280 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:18750 Rin3 1305849 314397 RIN3 1314128 79890 HGNC Rin3 1314129 217835 MGI:2385708 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:18751 Ring1 3576 309626 RING1 1353088 6015 HGNC Ring1 1332085 19763 MGI:1101770 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:10018 Rinl 1310133 292760 RINL 1602985 126432 HGNC Rinl 1320858 320435 MGI:2444024 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:24795 Rint1 1560433 296750 RINT1 1605055 60561 HGNC Rint1 1558034 72772 MGI:1916233 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:21876 Riok1 1306086 291061 RIOK1 1314499 83732 HGNC Riok1 1314500 71340 MGI:1918590 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:18656 Riok2 1311588 308201 RIOK2 1323125 55781 HGNC Riok2 1323126 67045 MGI:1914295 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:18999 Riok3 1310833 361293 RIOK3 1321961 8780 HGNC Riok3 1321962 66878 MGI:1914128 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:11451 Riox1 1307704 314300 RIOX1 1317046 79697 HGNC Riox1 1317047 71952 MGI:1919202 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:20968 Riox2 708521 266670 RIOX2 1602998 84864 HGNC Riox2 733166 67014 MGI:1914264 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:19441 Ripk1 1310158 306886 RIPK1 1320896 8737 HGNC Ripk1 1320897 19766 MGI:108212 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:10019 Ripk2 1309167 362491 RIPK2 1319357 8767 HGNC Ripk2 1319358 192656 MGI:1891456 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:10020 Ripk3 628899 246240 RIPK3 1342902 11035 HGNC Ripk3 734463 56532 MGI:2154952 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:10021 Ripk4 1311691 304053 RIPK4 1323281 54101 HGNC Ripk4 1323282 72388 MGI:1919638 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:496 Ripor1 1307772 291974 RIPOR1 1606508 79567 HGNC Ripor1 1332090 75687 MGI:1922937 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:25836 Ripor2 1306939 306934 RIPOR2 1315839 9750 HGNC Ripor2 1550332 193385 MGI:2444879 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:13872 Ripor3 1587669 688510 RIPOR3 1313101 140876 HGNC Ripor3 1619154 69553 MGI:1916803 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:16168 Ripply1 1588264 680702 RIPPLY1 1641968 92129 HGNC Ripply1 1615419 622473 MGI:3614797 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:25117 Ripply2 1308746 363111 RIPPLY2 1604749 134701 HGNC Ripply2 1318698 382089 MGI:2685968 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:21390 Ripply3 1308788 288239 RIPPLY3 1318761 53820 HGNC Ripply3 1318762 170765 MGI:2181192 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:3047 Rit1 1559874 499652 RIT1 1343782 6016 HGNC Rit1 1316972 19769 MGI:108053 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:10023 Rit2 1307654 291713 RIT2 1316971 6014 HGNC Rit2 1622371 19762 MGI:108054 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:10017 Rita1 1306772 288683 RITA1 1602853 84934 HGNC Rita1 1331861 100764 MGI:1922021 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:25925 Rlbp1 1309649 293049 RLBP1 1320101 6017 HGNC Rlbp1 1320102 19771 MGI:97930 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:10024 Rlf 1305297 313566 RLF 1313242 6018 HGNC Rlf 1552172 109263 MGI:1924705 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:10025 Rlig1 1307947 314788 RLIG1 1606480 91298 HGNC Rlig1 1317438 68281 MGI:1921197 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:25322 Rlim 1559832 317241 RLIM 1352466 51132 RGD Rlim 1557038 19820 MGI:1342291 RGD HGNC:13429 Rln1 3579 25616 RLN1 1344895 6013 HGNC Rln1 732015 19773 MGI:97931 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:10026 Rln3 628745 266997 RLN3 1345239 117579 HGNC Rln3 1551268 212108 MGI:2158015 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:17135 Rmc1 1311805 291784 RMC1 1323450 29919 HGNC Rmc1 1552395 76482 MGI:1916528 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:24326 Rmdn1 1563085 500419 RMDN1 1606009 51115 HGNC Rmdn1 1624014 66302 MGI:1913552 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:24285 Rmdn2 1559836 313840 RMDN2 1605570 151393 HGNC Rmdn2 1621956 381110 MGI:2147043 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:26567 Rmdn3 1308697 311328 RMDN3 1602700 55177 HGNC Rmdn3 1318620 67809 MGI:1915059 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:25550 Rmi1 1310671 306734 RMI1 1321710 80010 HGNC Rmi1 1321711 74386 MGI:1921636 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:25764 Rmi2 1563163 497856 RMI2 1606180 116028 HGNC Rmi2 1621348 223970 MGI:2685383 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:28349 Rmnd1 1309546 292268 RMND1 1319942 55005 HGNC Rmnd1 1319943 66084 MGI:1913334 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:21176 Rmnd5a 1309766 312439 RMND5A 1604311 64795 HGNC Rmnd5a 1320277 68477 MGI:1915727 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:25850 Rmnd5b 1559511 497900 RMND5B 1604317 64777 RGD Rmnd5b 1331885 66089 MGI:1913339 RGD HGNC:26181 Rn5-8s 5687331 100861534 RNA5-8SP10 12907523 109910384 HGNC HGNC:53559 Rn5s 3581 24720 RNA5SP506 6481803 100873557 HGNC HGNC:43406 Rn7sl1 8157638 102723236 RN7SL1 1351215 6029 HGNC HGNC:10038 Rna5s13 40984105 120098736 RNA5S13 2303867 100169764 HGNC HGNC:34374 Rna5s6 41019155 120098725 RNA5S6 2303874 100169757 HGNC n-R5s138 7179138 100861492 MGI:4421994 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:34367 Rna5s7 41367669 120098715 RNA5S7 2303873 100169758 HGNC n-R5s144 7179070 100861498 MGI:4422000 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:34368 Rnase1 3574 364304 RNASE1 1320822 6035 HGNC Rnase1 737475 19752 MGI:97919 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:10044 Rnase10 1310415 305840 RNASE10 1347818 338879 HGNC Rnase10 1552958 75019 MGI:1922269 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:19275 Rnase11 1359723 497651 RNASE11 1602837 122651 HGNC Rnase11 1551445 497113 MGI:3528583 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:19269 Rnase12 1307829 364302 RNASE12 1353641 493901 HGNC Rnase12 1558278 497106 MGI:3528588 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:24211 Rnase13 1359386 497194 RNASE13 1344390 440163 HGNC Rnase13 1550187 497071 MGI:3528592 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:25285 Rnase2 1359432 474169 RNASE2 1349318 6036 HGNC Rnase2a 732983 93726 MGI:1890465 RGD HGNC:10045 Rnase3 621580 192264 RNASE3 1352667 6037 HGNC Ear1 1620123 13586 MGI:108021 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:10046 Rnase4 61823 56759 RNASE4 736007 6038 HGNC Rnase4 62114 58809 MGI:1926217 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:10047 Rnase6 1303020 305842 RNASE6 1353772 6039 HGNC Rnase6 1331923 78416 MGI:1925666 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:10048 Rnase9 1359501 364301 RNASE9 1343484 390443 HGNC Rnase9 1552741 328401 MGI:3057273 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:20673 Rnaseh1 1309012 298933 RNASEH1 1319116 246243 HGNC Rnaseh1 1319117 19819 MGI:1335073 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:18466 Rnaseh2a 1307248 364974 RNASEH2A 1316328 10535 HGNC Rnaseh2a 1316329 69724 MGI:1916974 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:18518 Rnaseh2b 1359710 361056 RNASEH2B 1606240 79621 HGNC Rnaseh2b 1617554 67153 MGI:1914403 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:25671 Rnaseh2c 2319141 100361939 RNASEH2C 1604574 84153 HGNC Rnaseh2c 1332339 68209 MGI:1915459 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:24116 Rnasek 1305687 287453 RNASEK 1604138 440400 HGNC Rnasek 1313862 52898 MGI:106369 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:33911 Rnasel 727933 359726 RNASEL 1346643 6041 HGNC Rnasel 1553469 24014 MGI:1098272 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:10050 Rnaset2 1309918 292306 RNASET2 1320518 8635 HGNC Rnaset2a 1320519 100037283 MGI:1915445 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:21686 Rnd1 1306338 362993 RND1 1314903 27289 HGNC Rnd1 1314904 223881 MGI:2444878 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:18314 Rnd2 1306172 303553 RND2 1346063 8153 HGNC Rnd2 1550413 11858 MGI:1338755 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:18315 Rnd3 1359690 295588 RND3 1351005 390 HGNC Rnd3 1551418 74194 MGI:1921444 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:671 Rnf10 1309282 288710 RNF10 1319543 9921 HGNC Rnf10 1319544 50849 MGI:1859162 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:10055 Rnf103 620586 84508 RNF103 1349364 7844 HGNC Rnf103 731597 22644 MGI:109483 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:12859 Rnf11 2321596 100364162 RNF11 1314582 26994 RGD Rnf11 1314583 29864 MGI:1352759 RGD HGNC:10056 Rnf111 1310097 300813 RNF111 1320805 54778 HGNC Rnf111 1320806 93836 MGI:1934919 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:17384 Rnf112 3986 24916 RNF112 68995 7732 HGNC Rnf112 11502 22671 MGI:106611 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:12968 Rnf113a1 1359693 313450 RNF113A 1344435 7737 HGNC Rnf113a1 1551423 69942 MGI:1917192 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:12974 Rnf113a2 1303128 314313 Rnf113a2 1552818 66381 MGI:1913631 RGD Rnf114 1303139 362277 RNF114 1349716 55905 HGNC Rnf114 1557377 81018 MGI:1933159 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:13094 Rnf115 1305315 362002 RNF115 1313271 27246 HGNC Rnf115 1313272 67845 MGI:1915095 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:18154 Rnf121 1307857 308871 RNF121 1317294 55298 HGNC Rnf121 1317295 75212 MGI:1922462 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:21070 Rnf122 1561238 502091 RNF122 1352221 79845 HGNC Rnf122 1614340 68867 MGI:1916117 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:21147 Rnf123 2301394 100190936 RNF123 1350672 63891 HGNC Rnf123 1623878 84585 MGI:2148796 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:21148 Rnf125 1306757 361296 RNF125 1315557 54941 HGNC Rnf125 1315558 67664 MGI:1914914 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:21150 Rnf126 1306011 314613 RNF126 1314381 55658 HGNC Rnf126 1314382 70294 MGI:1917544 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:21151 Rnf128 1566282 315911 RNF128 1603197 79589 HGNC Rnf128 1558135 66889 MGI:1914139 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:21153 Rnf13 1594062 681578 RNF13 1351392 11342 HGNC Rnf13 1619228 24017 MGI:1346341 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:10057 Rnf130 1562041 652955 RNF130 1343865 55819 HGNC Rnf130 1620054 59044 MGI:1891717 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:18280 Rnf133 1596695 681395 RNF133 1350521 168433 HGNC Rnf133 1619660 386611 MGI:2677436 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:21154 Rnf135 1305252 303350 RNF135 1313173 84282 HGNC Rnf135 1552157 71956 MGI:1919206 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:21158 Rnf138 621485 94196 RNF138 1605080 51444 HGNC Rnf138 731898 56515 MGI:1929211 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:17765 Rnf139 1306670 315000 RNF139 1315417 11236 HGNC Rnf139 1550548 75841 MGI:1923091 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:17023 Rnf14 1589576 619577 RNF14 1605715 9604 HGNC Rnf14 1617566 56736 MGI:1929668 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:10058 rnf141 1303154 308900 RNF141 1350770 50862 HGNC Rnf141 1550951 67150 MGI:1914400 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:21159 Rnf144a 1561737 500636 RNF144A 1343789 9781 HGNC Rnf144a 1558351 108089 MGI:1344401 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:20457 Rnf144b 1308856 364681 RNF144B 1318869 255488 HGNC Rnf144b 1318870 218215 MGI:2384986 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:21578 Rnf145 1309561 287212 RNF145 1602832 153830 HGNC Rnf145 1319969 74315 MGI:1921565 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:20853 Rnf146 1306482 308051 RNF146 1315124 81847 HGNC Rnf146 1552458 68031 MGI:1915281 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:21336 Rnf148 1595417 681407 RNF148 1348165 378925 HGNC Rnf148 1615071 71300 MGI:1918550 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:22411 Rnf149 1308460 363222 RNF149 1318240 284996 HGNC Rnf149 1318241 67702 MGI:2677438 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:23137 Rnf150 1304572 364983 RNF150 1322589 57484 HGNC Rnf150 1312088 330812 MGI:2443860 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:23138 Rnf151 1309302 302977 RNF151 1319576 146310 HGNC Rnf151 1553176 67504 MGI:1914754 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:23235 Rnf152 1305251 293561 RNF152 1313171 220441 HGNC Rnf152 1550154 320311 MGI:2443787 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:26811 Rnf157 1591154 688272 RNF157 1348356 114804 HGNC Rnf157 1612425 217340 MGI:2442484 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:29402 Rnf166 1302950 365022 RNF166 1351592 115992 HGNC Rnf166 1615102 68718 MGI:1915968 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:28856 Rnf167 1305972 360554 RNF167 1348849 26001 HGNC Rnf167 1550836 70510 MGI:1917760 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:24544 Rnf168 1585168 690043 RNF168 1347950 165918 HGNC Rnf168 1623959 70238 MGI:1917488 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:26661 Rnf169 1583288 685009 RNF169 1602283 254225 RGD Rnf169 1608452 108937 MGI:1920257 RGD HGNC:26961 Rnf17 1310486 305908 RNF17 1321415 56163 HGNC Rnf17 1623257 30054 MGI:1353419 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:10060 Rnf170 1590842 364654 RNF170 1352237 81790 HGNC Rnf170 1615793 77733 MGI:1924983 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:25358 Rnf180 1595064 685384 RNF180 1347772 285671 HGNC Rnf180 1320560 71816 MGI:1919066 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:27752 Rnf181 1359698 297337 RNF181 1602715 51255 HGNC Rnf181 1551424 66510 MGI:1913760 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:28037 Rnf182 1560399 498726 RNF182 1351673 221687 HGNC Rnf182 1618794 328234 MGI:3045355 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:28522 Rnf183 1564412 500474 RNF183 1603182 138065 HGNC Rnf183 1619086 76072 MGI:1923322 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:28721 Rnf185 1564777 360967 RNF185 1602840 91445 HGNC Rnf185 1557095 193670 MGI:1922078 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:26783 Rnf186 1596075 690433 RNF186 1601756 54546 HGNC Rnf186 1620040 66825 MGI:1914075 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:25978 Rnf187 1308636 360533 RNF187 1606704 149603 HGNC Rnf187 1553499 108660 MGI:1914224 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:27146 Rnf19a 1307807 362900 RNF19A 1317214 25897 HGNC Rnf19a 1317215 30945 MGI:1353623 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:13432 Rnf19b 1305470 313806 RNF19B 1313515 127544 HGNC Rnf19b 1615038 75234 MGI:1922484 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:26886 Rnf2 1305491 304850 RNF2 1313548 6045 HGNC Rnf2 1313549 19821 MGI:1101759 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:10061 Rnf20 1311936 313216 RNF20 1323649 56254 HGNC Rnf20 1323650 109331 MGI:1925927 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:10062 Rnf207 1586262 691246 RNF207 1603826 388591 HGNC Rnf207 1323007 433809 MGI:2684989 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:32947 Rnf208 1565957 499748 RNF208 1603720 727800 HGNC Rnf208 1557929 68846 MGI:1916096 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:25420 Rnf212 1588767 689721 RNF212 1604957 285498 HGNC Rnf212 1625993 671564 MGI:3645767 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:27729 Rnf212b 7500178 102550789 RNF212B 1347248 100507650 HGNC Rnf212b 13207461 102632837 MGI:5589964 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:20438 Rnf213 1308168 303735 RNF213 1351712 57674 HGNC Rnf213 1317788 672511 MGI:1289196 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:14539 Rnf214 1307500 363056 RNF214 1604189 257160 HGNC Rnf214 1316731 235315 MGI:2444451 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:25335 Rnf215 1310738 305478 RNF215 1606686 200312 HGNC Rnf215 1321817 71673 MGI:1918923 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:33434 Rnf216 1565135 304294 RNF216 1604006 54476 HGNC Rnf216 1557999 108086 MGI:1344349 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:21698 Rnf217 1306836 292188 RNF217 1315678 154214 HGNC Rnf217 1620489 268291 MGI:3610311 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:21487 Rnf220 1598210 500532 RNF220 1605659 55182 HGNC Rnf220 1620843 66743 MGI:1913993 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:25552 Rnf222 1310573 363627 RNF222 2299989 643904 HGNC Rnf222 1321557 320040 MGI:2443227 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:34517 Rnf223 1587009 680874 RNF223 5132242 401934 HGNC Rnf223 1621149 100045778 MGI:3588193 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:40020 Rnf224 1564535 366004 RNF224 5132816 643596 HGNC Rnf224 1620455 329360 MGI:2685603 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:41912 Rnf225 1561909 502300 RNF225 9587522 646862 HGNC Rnf225 1556986 381845 MGI:1924198 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:51249 Rnf227 1563441 497935 RNF227 13434539 284023 HGNC Rnf227 1614250 80515 MGI:1915359 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:27571 Rnf24 1309384 362218 RNF24 1319703 11237 HGNC Rnf24 1319704 51902 MGI:1261771 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:13779 Rnf25 1311557 301515 RNF25 1323079 64320 HGNC Rnf25 1323080 57751 MGI:1890215 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:14662 Rnf26 1305953 300659 RNF26 1314288 79102 HGNC Rnf26 1314289 213211 MGI:2388131 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:14646 Rnf31 1305513 364386 RNF31 1348836 55072 HGNC Rnf31 1313585 268749 MGI:1934704 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:16031 Rnf32 1308287 311936 RNF32 1317975 140545 HGNC Rnf32 1317976 56874 MGI:1861747 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:17118 Rnf34 628636 282845 RNF34 1352323 80196 HGNC Rnf34 1332141 80751 MGI:2153340 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:17297 Rnf38 621856 171501 RNF38 737292 152006 HGNC Rnf38 734249 73469 MGI:1920719 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:18052 Rnf39 628854 171387 RNF39 1604283 80352 HGNC Rnf39 1621175 386454 MGI:2156378 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:18064 Rnf4 3583 29274 RNF4 737478 6047 HGNC Rnf4 737479 19822 MGI:1201691 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:10067 Rnf40 628638 266712 RNF40 732458 9810 HGNC Rnf40 737000 233900 MGI:2142048 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:16867 Rnf41 1309557 362814 RNF41 1319962 10193 HGNC Rnf41 1551303 67588 MGI:1914838 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:18401 Rnf43 1305204 303412 RNF43 1342772 54894 HGNC Rnf43 1332400 207742 MGI:2442609 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:18505 Rnf44 1307212 361212 RNF44 1316271 22838 HGNC Rnf44 1316272 105239 MGI:2145310 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:19180 Rnf5 1588458 407784 RNF5 1352556 6048 HGNC Rnf5 1617571 54197 MGI:1860076 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:10068 Rnf6 1306092 304271 RNF6 1314509 6049 HGNC Rnf6 1550389 74132 MGI:1921382 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:10069 Rnf7 1311048 300948 RNF7 1322298 9616 HGNC Rnf7 1322299 19823 MGI:1337096 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:10070 Rnf8 1308035 361815 RNF8 1317571 9025 HGNC Rnf8 1317572 58230 MGI:1929069 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:10071 Rnft1 1562411 360595 RNFT1 1606007 51136 RGD Rnft1 1557343 76892 MGI:1924142 RGD HGNC:30206 Rnft2 1560195 304521 RNFT2 1605925 84900 HGNC Rnft2 1556942 269695 MGI:2442859 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:25905 Rngtt 1311410 313131 RNGTT 1322859 8732 HGNC Rngtt 1553727 24018 MGI:1329041 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:10073 Rnh1 621398 100360501 RNH1 735371 6050 HGNC Rnh1 735372 107702 MGI:1195456 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:10074 Rnls 1309804 361751 RNLS 1320337 55328 HGNC Rnls 1320338 67795 MGI:1915045 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:25641 Rnmt 1309242 291534 RNMT 1319473 8731 HGNC Rnmt 1319474 67897 MGI:1915147 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:10075 Rnpc3 1582776 691538 RNPC3 1350307 55599 HGNC Rnpc3 1616789 67225 MGI:1914475 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:18666 Rnpep 621137 81761 RNPEP 733030 6051 HGNC Rnpep 735492 215615 MGI:2384902 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:10078 Rnpepl1 1595210 684035 RNPEPL1 1352195 57140 HGNC Rnpepl1 1618237 108657 MGI:1914170 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:10079 Rnps1 1307522 287113 RNPS1 1316766 10921 RGD Rnps1 1316767 19826 MGI:97960 RGD HGNC:10080 Rnu1-136 41345559 120101990 RNU1-136P 10400108 106481632 HGNC Gm24924 14997868 115488991 MGI:5454701 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:48478 Rnu1-149 40980043 120101384 RNU1-149P 10450418 107048983 HGNC Gm22456 15001783 115487876 MGI:5452233 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:48491 Rnu1-39 41018009 120102012 RNU1-44P 10399439 106480160 HGNC Gm25650 15001907 115487529 MGI:5455427 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:48386 Rnu1-83 40998299 120101377 RNU1-83P 10413083 106480176 HGNC Gm24622 14997436 115489248 MGI:5454399 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:48425 Rnu105c 41284704 120101981 RNU105C 1349469 26766 HGNC Gm22053 14999987 115488394 MGI:5451830 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:10104 Rnu12 40957660 120094037 RNU12 1344410 267010 HGNC Rnu12 1612046 104307 MGI:1336893 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:19380 Rnu12-2l 41263002 120100491 RNU12-2P 1349922 26823 HGNC Gm23502 14996036 115488440 MGI:5453279 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:10109 Rnu2-12 41244972 120102766 RNU2-12P 10400801 106480202 HGNC HGNC:48505 Rnu2-18 41007407 120102113 RNU2-18P 10413454 106480205 HGNC HGNC:48511 Rnu2-24 41137062 120101105 RNU2-58P 10413095 106481652 HGNC HGNC:48551 Rnu2-45 41361185 120102758 RNU2-45P 10400051 106480217 HGNC HGNC:48538 Rnu2-57 41252116 120100322 RNU2-57P 10413542 106480222 HGNC Gm24623 14996297 115490304 MGI:5454400 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:48550 Rnu2-62 41126597 120100300 RNU2-62P 10399891 106480224 HGNC HGNC:48555 Rnu2-63 41113925 120102754 RNU2-8P 10400001 106480200 HGNC HGNC:48501 Rnu2-64 41089394 120101397 RNU2-64P 10399813 106481654 HGNC Gm22973 14996224 115488085 MGI:5452750 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:48557 Rnu2-66 41235450 120101111 RNU2-66P 10413440 106481655 HGNC HGNC:48559 Rnu2-7 41321946 120101117 RNU2-7P 6481467 100873824 HGNC Gm24764 14998124 115487314 MGI:5454541 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:42505 Rnu2-72 41144425 120101106 RNU2-72P 10413420 106480702 HGNC Gm23744 14998569 115487692 MGI:5453521 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:48565 Rnu4-2 41086853 120103368 RNU4-2 1354125 26834 HGNC Gm24407 15001585 115490316 MGI:5454184 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:10193 Rnu4-5 40941038 120100497 RNU4-5P 1343805 26839 HGNC Gm23214 15000990 115489875 MGI:5452991 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:10198 Rnu4-64 41007563 120101130 RNU4-64P 10400199 106481872 HGNC Gm24459 14996942 115486995 MGI:5454236 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:47000 Rnu5e-5 41195544 120101134 RNU5E-9P 6481480 100873840 HGNC HGNC:42532 Rnu6-1001 40938986 120100163 RNU6-786P 10413603 106481429 HGNC HGNC:47749 Rnu6-1015 41199365 120103230 RNU6-788P 10400141 106480609 HGNC HGNC:47751 Rnu6-105 41130624 120100205 RNU6-206P 10400326 106481882 HGNC Gm24356 15554238 115486571 MGI:5454133 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:47169 Rnu6-107 41288477 120101954 RNU6-107P 10413772 106479614 HGNC HGNC:47070 Rnu6-1089 41346969 120101938 RNU6-865P 10399186 106479948 HGNC Gm25672 15002600 115490328 MGI:5455449 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:47828 Rnu6-1136 41098957 120101969 RNU6-913P 10413346 106481467 HGNC Gm23462 14997811 115489349 MGI:5453239 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:47876 Rnu6-1158 41355076 120101180 RNU6-915P 10412535 106481923 HGNC Gm23846 14999494 115489670 MGI:5453623 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:47878 Rnu6-1162 41209988 120101975 RNU6-1307P 10400073 106481593 HGNC HGNC:48270 Rnu6-1168 41171990 120100176 RNU6-1209P 10413679 106480095 HGNC HGNC:48172 Rnu6-1205 40983107 120100204 RNU6-701P 10413786 106481402 HGNC Gm22681 14998097 115487606 MGI:5452458 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:47664 Rnu6-1256 41148686 120101971 RNU6-440P 10412446 106481895 HGNC HGNC:47403 Rnu6-1267 41092905 120100206 RNU6-545P 10400045 106479808 HGNC Gm26099 15002499 115489202 MGI:5455876 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:47508 Rnu6-1277 41364185 120101200 RNU6-619P 10413129 106479840 HGNC HGNC:47582 Rnu6-1286 41368909 120101195 RNU6-328P 10399032 106479711 HGNC HGNC:47291 Rnu6-1297 40943670 120103212 RNU6-579P 10400604 106481364 HGNC HGNC:47542 Rnu6-1303 41343648 120101152 RNU6-1303P 10413050 106481949 HGNC HGNC:48266 Rnu6-131 41335347 120102596 RNU6-20P 10399405 106480706 HGNC Gm26011 15001105 115490526 MGI:5455788 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:34264 Rnu6-136 41390852 120101956 RNU6-885P 10400450 106481458 HGNC Gm25851 14998638 115489170 MGI:5455628 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:47848 Rnu6-180 40929069 120101190 RNU6-70P 10400533 106478988 HGNC HGNC:42560 Rnu6-181 41104858 120101951 RNU6-933P 10398962 106479979 HGNC HGNC:47896 Rnu6-198 41248999 120101958 RNU6-660P 10400471 106480599 HGNC Gm22069 14999018 115487342 MGI:5451846 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:47623 Rnu6-210 41017590 120102597 RNU6-210P 10399311 106479659 HGNC Gm24164 15001468 115488741 MGI:5453941 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:47173 Rnu6-212 41268541 120102582 RNU6-212P 10413620 106481243 HGNC HGNC:47175 Rnu6-22 41047996 120101940 U6 16570248 124906339 HGNC Rnu6-233 41197686 120103216 RNU6-824P 10399681 106480612 HGNC Gm22965 14997303 115490256 MGI:5452742 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:47787 Rnu6-249 41179729 120101952 RNU6-650P 10412412 106481387 HGNC Gm23515 14996805 115487012 MGI:5453292 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:47613 Rnu6-259 41323823 120101184 RNU6-678P 10400547 106479865 HGNC HGNC:47641 Rnu6-26 40976055 120100133 RNU6-26P 6481586 100873741 HGNC HGNC:34252 Rnu6-278 40986118 120101202 RNU6-278P 10413391 106481767 HGNC Gm24185 14997393 115489783 MGI:5453962 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:47241 Rnu6-28 41267676 120100149 RNU6-424P 10399514 106479753 HGNC Gm24927 14996569 115488735 MGI:5454704 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:47387 Rnu6-304 41302851 120103238 RNU6-332P 10400822 106481284 HGNC HGNC:47295 Rnu6-317 41069559 120100138 RNU6-766P 10399338 106481422 HGNC HGNC:47729 Rnu6-318 40964035 120101156 RNU6-318P 10399771 106481589 HGNC Gm22805 15000333 115487338 MGI:5452582 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:47281 Rnu6-321 41126584 120102570 RNU6-321P 10413504 106479709 HGNC Gm25414 14998043 115488109 MGI:5455191 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:47284 Rnu6-33 41007168 120101141 RNU6-33P 6481593 100873748 HGNC HGNC:34277 Rnu6-383 41367619 120101974 RNU6-383P 10400043 106479736 HGNC Gm24002 14996140 115489370 MGI:5453779 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:47346 Rnu6-395 41010141 120100207 RNU6-776P 10413326 106480608 HGNC HGNC:47739 Rnu6-406 41223454 120101193 RNU6-406P 10399093 106481306 HGNC HGNC:47369 Rnu6-433 41327928 120102566 RNU6-433P 10412584 106481315 HGNC HGNC:47396 Rnu6-434 41105165 120101942 RNU6-434P 10399716 106480581 HGNC Gm23690 15001301 115487595 MGI:5453467 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:47397 Rnu6-446 41213451 120101199 RNU6-446P 10413315 106481319 HGNC Gm24319 14997972 115489065 MGI:5454096 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:47409 Rnu6-45 41377672 120101959 RNU6-45P 6481523 100873759 HGNC HGNC:34289 Rnu6-48 41257904 120103382 RNU6-48P 6483751 100887744 HGNC Gm24261 14999477 115488247 MGI:5454038 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:34292 Rnu6-480 41312347 120101943 RNU6-646P 10400071 106481386 HGNC HGNC:47609 Rnu6-482 41214852 120101194 RNU6-482P 10413106 106481332 HGNC HGNC:47445 Rnu6-492 41211607 120101143 RNU6-492P 10400482 106481335 HGNC Gm23730 14996731 115487337 MGI:5453507 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:47455 Rnu6-503 41219769 120101177 RNU6-998P 10413643 106481495 HGNC HGNC:47961 Rnu6-524 41159423 120101967 RNU6-725P 10412598 106481408 HGNC HGNC:47688 Rnu6-525 41277114 120100139 RNU6-525P 10399389 106479799 HGNC HGNC:47488 Rnu6-543 41303880 120102604 RNU6-543P 10400629 106479807 HGNC HGNC:47506 Rnu6-546 41191607 120100170 RNU6-623P 10400147 106481378 HGNC Gm22004 15002058 115488113 MGI:5451781 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:47586 Rnu6-571 41136177 120100191 RNU6-991P 10400050 106480004 HGNC Gm24116 15554510 115486569 MGI:5453893 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:47954 Rnu6-572 40942807 120101187 RNU6-572P 10399095 106481362 HGNC HGNC:47535 Rnu6-592 41017381 120101964 RNU6-227P 10400744 106481883 HGNC HGNC:47190 Rnu6-603 40927741 120101978 RNU6-928P 10413618 106479977 HGNC Gm25112 15002686 115488034 MGI:5454889 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:47891 Rnu6-604 41161250 120102577 RNU6-887P 10400688 106481459 HGNC HGNC:47850 Rnu6-630 40956323 120100198 RNU6-1024P 10399941 106481504 HGNC HGNC:47987 Rnu6-632 41249606 120101203 RNU6-700P 10400721 106480398 HGNC HGNC:47663 Rnu6-641 41194913 120101939 RNU6-641P 10400745 106481908 HGNC HGNC:47604 Rnu6-65 40955348 120100202 RNU6-65P 10400474 106480751 HGNC HGNC:42555 Rnu6-651 41201048 120100196 RNU6-979P 10413067 106479999 HGNC HGNC:47942 Rnu6-658 40990384 120100166 RNU6-658P 10413532 106479858 HGNC HGNC:47621 Rnu6-663 40958335 120101976 RNU6-663P 10400190 106481391 HGNC Gm22359 15002311 115489174 MGI:5452136 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:47626 Rnu6-67 41104723 120103225 RNU6-1189P 10413789 106480646 HGNC Gm26056 15001684 115486860 MGI:5455833 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:48152 Rnu6-672 40933799 120100159 RNU6-672P 10413193 106481910 HGNC Gm26164 15000627 115487020 MGI:5455941 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:47635 Rnu6-698 41388855 120103383 RNU6-698P 10399253 106481401 HGNC Gm23815 14998109 115486825 MGI:5453592 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:47661 Rnu6-722 40944166 120101960 RNU6-722P 10399292 106481407 HGNC Gm24535 15002185 115489158 MGI:5454312 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:47685 Rnu6-738 41075467 120101935 RNU6-738P 10399473 106479892 HGNC Gm25801 14999699 115488106 MGI:5455578 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:47701 Rnu6-75 41167968 120100192 RNU6-75P 6481539 100873776 HGNC HGNC:42565 Rnu6-760 40987626 120101932 RNU6-818P 10412574 106481439 HGNC Gm25235 15001453 115487591 MGI:5455012 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:47781 Rnu6-767 41307645 120101174 RNU6-767P 10413596 106481916 HGNC HGNC:47730 Rnu6-777 41114961 120101198 RNU6-777P 10398856 106481426 HGNC Gm24750 15000063 115488043 MGI:5454527 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:47740 Rnu6-783 40962765 120100144 RNU6-783P 10400346 106479912 HGNC Gm25652 15002594 115488595 MGI:5455429 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:47746 Rnu6-799 41045503 120100162 RNU6-926P 10400809 106481472 HGNC Gm23219 15002024 115487870 MGI:5452996 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:47889 Rnu6-806 41391465 120100193 RNU6-806P 10413317 106481435 HGNC Gm24263 14999030 115489073 MGI:5454040 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:47769 Rnu6-826 40980061 120100141 RNU6-826P 10413140 106479931 HGNC HGNC:47789 Rnu6-840 41228509 120102606 RNU6-448P 10399184 106479764 HGNC HGNC:47411 Rnu6-841 41156540 120101947 RNU6-841P 10412608 106480699 HGNC Gm24925 14998635 115488736 MGI:5454702 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:47804 Rnu6-856 41041613 120100157 RNU6-997P 10413059 106480007 HGNC HGNC:47960 Rnu6-857 41384817 120101189 RNU6-857P 10399366 106480615 HGNC Gm25814 15002055 115487604 MGI:5455591 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:47820 Rnu6-859 41247671 120100180 RNU6-937P 10399920 106479980 HGNC Gm25898 14997739 115489585 MGI:5455675 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:47900 Rnu6-884 41326680 120100187 RNU6-884P 10400798 106479957 HGNC Gm22226 14996507 115486579 MGI:5452003 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:47847 Rnu6-886 41299235 120101937 RNU6-886P 10399187 106479958 HGNC Gm26138 14996114 115490094 MGI:5455915 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:47849 Rnu6-891 41067967 120100135 RNU6-891P 10412483 106479960 HGNC Gm24521 14997313 115489062 MGI:5454298 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:47854 Rnu6-894 41359684 120100186 RNU6-894P 10400191 106481461 HGNC HGNC:47857 Rnu6-897 41046177 120101980 RNU6-906P 10400520 106481465 HGNC HGNC:47869 Rnu6-899 41245138 120101946 RNU6-899P 10399153 106479964 HGNC HGNC:47862 Rnu6-909 40950497 120101179 RNU6-921P 10399796 106479973 HGNC Gm22019 14997990 115486578 MGI:5451796 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:47884 Rnu6-936 41205249 120102578 RNU6-936P 10413645 106481924 HGNC Gm26049 14996120 115490020 MGI:5455826 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:47899 Rnu6-946 41049822 120100201 RNU6-946P 10413709 106481478 HGNC Gm25705 14998147 115490013 MGI:5455482 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:47909 Rnu6-95 41358238 120100136 RNU6-95P 10400076 106479608 HGNC Gm22061 14999170 115487939 MGI:5451838 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:47058 Rnu6-959 41206076 120100183 RNU6-959P 10412441 106479990 HGNC Gm25812 14998358 115489282 MGI:5455589 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:47922 Rnu6-968 41346041 120100132 RNU6-968P 10400277 106481485 HGNC Gm26314 14996680 115489164 MGI:5456091 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:47931 Rnu6-982 41256121 120100197 RNU6-982P 10400202 106481979 HGNC Gm26008 9672037 115490450 MGI:5455785 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:47945 Rnu6-985 41072327 120101185 RNU6-985P 10400219 106480001 HGNC Gm25518 14996051 115489661 MGI:5455295 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:47948 Rnu6-993 41222380 120100173 RNU6-993P 10412635 106480005 HGNC Gm23629 14997123 115488452 MGI:5453406 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:47956 Rnu6-999 41007682 120101178 RNU6-999P 10413243 106480008 HGNC Gm26371 14997672 115488609 MGI:5456148 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:47962 Rnu6atac 40933303 120101368 RNU6ATAC 2302446 100151684 HGNC Gm25541 15001142 115489638 MGI:5455318 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:34017 Rnu7-151 41315350 120101216 RNU7-69P 2293230 100151666 HGNC HGNC:34165 Rnu7-62 41009982 120101215 RNU7-62P 2293236 124904732 HGNC Rnu7-97 41330287 120103245 RNU7-97P 10399546 106479063 HGNC Gm23779 15001155 115488273 MGI:5453556 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:45631 Rnvu1-6 40994666 120101344 RNVU1-6 7249811 101954276 HGNC Gm23741 14997722 115486637 MGI:5453518 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:48314 Ro60 1305083 304833 RO60 1312904 6738 HGNC Ro60 1624075 20822 MGI:106652 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:11313 Robo1 61941 58946 ROBO1 735617 6091 HGNC Robo1 62234 19876 MGI:1274781 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:10249 Robo2 620167 84409 ROBO2 736256 6092 HGNC Robo2 736257 268902 MGI:1890110 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:10250 Robo3 1311018 315564 ROBO3 1322248 64221 HGNC Robo3 1322249 19649 MGI:1343102 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:13433 Robo4 6494870 100911068 ROBO4 1345935 54538 HGNC Robo4 1551657 74144 MGI:1921394 RGD HGNC:17985 Rock1 620424 81762 ROCK1 733751 6093 HGNC Rock1 733752 19877 MGI:107927 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:10251 Rock2 3590 25537 ROCK2 731503 9475 HGNC Rock2 11243 19878 MGI:107926 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:10252 Rogdi 1560021 287061 ROGDI 1603007 79641 HGNC Rogdi 1615906 66049 MGI:1913299 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:29478 Rom1 1306070 309201 ROM1 1314474 6094 HGNC Rom1 1314475 19881 MGI:97998 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:10254 Romo1 1587111 679572 ROMO1 1349152 140823 HGNC Romo1 1618374 67067 MGI:1914317 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:16185 Ropn1 1310675 288053 ROPN1 1344223 54763 HGNC Ropn1 1321717 76378 MGI:1923628 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:17692 Ropn1l 1591367 685646 ROPN1L 1319640 83853 HGNC Ropn1l 1319641 252967 MGI:2182357 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:24060 Ror1 1559469 362550 ROR1 1352147 4919 HGNC Ror1 1557099 26563 MGI:1347520 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:10256 Ror2 1305275 306782 ROR2 1313207 4920 HGNC Ror2 1313208 26564 MGI:1347521 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:10257 Rora 1308419 300807 RORA 1318175 6095 HGNC Rora 1318176 19883 MGI:104661 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:10258 Rorb 1306778 309288 RORB 1315588 6096 HGNC Rorb 1315589 225998 MGI:1343464 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:10259 Rorc 1595785 368158 RORC 1317896 6097 RGD Rorc 1317897 19885 MGI:104856 RGD HGNC:10260 Ros1 3591 25346 ROS1 736329 6098 HGNC Ros1 11244 19886 MGI:97999 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:10261 Rp1 1596713 681377 RP1 1318061 6101 HGNC Rp1 1318062 19888 MGI:1341105 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:10263 Rp1l1 1586886 683404 RP1L1 1319776 94137 HGNC Rp1l1 1617245 271209 MGI:2384303 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:15946 Rp2 1565124 367714 RP2 1345059 6102 RGD Rp2 1558232 19889 MGI:1277953 RGD HGNC:10274 Rp9 1559759 363032 RP9 1342620 6100 HGNC Rp9 1624025 55934 MGI:2157166 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:10288 Rpa1 1307376 287524 RPA1 1316541 6117 HGNC Rpa1 1316542 68275 MGI:1915525 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:10289 Rpa2 619714 59102 RPA2 1344829 6118 HGNC Rpa2 734242 19891 MGI:1339939 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:10290 Rpa3 1306810 296883 RPA3 1315635 6119 HGNC Rpa3 1315636 68240 MGI:1915490 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:10291 Rpain 1308492 287463 RPAIN 1604268 84268 HGNC Rpain 1331906 69723 MGI:1916973 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:28641 Rpap1 1590891 311338 RPAP1 1342806 26015 HGNC Rpap1 1557494 68925 MGI:1916175 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:24567 Rpap2 1309034 305120 RPAP2 1602679 79871 HGNC Rpap2 1331896 231571 MGI:2141142 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:25791 Rpap3 1303036 300189 RPAP3 1603005 79657 HGNC Rpap3 1620772 71919 MGI:1277218 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:26151 Rpe 1564890 501157 RPE 1320609 6120 HGNC Rpe 1557951 66646 MGI:1913896 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:10293 Rpe65 621396 89826 RPE65 732416 6121 RGD Rpe65 732417 19892 MGI:98001 RGD HGNC:10294 Rpf1 1559755 499725 RPF1 1602209 80135 HGNC Rpf1 1557000 70285 MGI:1917535 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:30350 Rpf2 1306906 294436 RPF2 1315787 84154 HGNC Rpf2 1315788 67239 MGI:1914489 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:20870 Rpgr 1560136 367733 RPGR 1352855 6103 HGNC Rpgr 1557212 19893 MGI:1344037 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:10295 Rpgrip1 1310807 305850 RPGRIP1 1321922 57096 RGD Rpgrip1 1321923 77945 MGI:1932134 RGD HGNC:13436 Rpgrip1l 1311099 307724 RPGRIP1L 1603695 23322 HGNC Rpgrip1l 1322375 244585 MGI:1920563 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:29168 Rph3a 620073 171039 RPH3A 1347244 22895 HGNC Rph3a 733780 19894 MGI:102788 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:17056 Rph3al 620342 171123 RPH3AL 1347963 9501 HGNC Rph3al 1551619 380714 MGI:1923492 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:10296 Rpia 1311377 362383 RPIA 1322805 22934 HGNC Rpia 1322806 19895 MGI:103254 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:10297 Rpl10 621178 81764 RPL10 1350175 6134 HGNC Rpl10 733413 110954 MGI:105943 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:10298 Rpl10a 620497 81729 RPL10A 732410 4736 HGNC Rpl10a 732411 19896 MGI:1343877 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:10299 Rpl10l 1305913 299106 RPL10L 1314230 140801 HGNC Rpl10l 1621305 238217 MGI:3647985 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:17976 Rpl11 1308681 362631 RPL11 1318594 6135 HGNC Rpl11 1318595 67025 MGI:1914275 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:10301 Rpl12 1565106 499782 RPL12 1314871 6136 RGD Rpl12 1314872 269261 MGI:98002 RGD HGNC:10302 Rpl13 621179 81765 RPL13 732066 6137 HGNC Rpl13 732067 270106 MGI:105922 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:10303 Rpl13a 628697 317646 RPL13A 1351312 23521 HGNC Rpl13a 1552963 22121 MGI:1351455 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:10304 Rpl14 621180 65043 RPL14 733020 9045 HGNC Rpl14 1551517 67115 MGI:1914365 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:10305 Rpl15 621181 245981 RPL15 736821 6138 HGNC Rpl15 736822 66480 MGI:1913730 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:10306 Rpl17 1303019 291434 RPL17 1347180 6139 HGNC Rpl17 1552369 319195 MGI:2448270 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:10307 Rpl18 621182 81766 RPL18 733647 6141 HGNC Rpl18 733648 19899 MGI:98003 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:10310 Rpl18a 1302976 290641 RPL18A 1345925 6142 HGNC Rpl18a 1552187 76808 MGI:1924058 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:10311 Rpl19 621183 81767 RPL19 734460 6143 HGNC Rpl19 734461 19921 MGI:98020 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:10312 Rpl21 68390 79449 RPL21 68568 6144 HGNC Rpl21 68569 19933 MGI:1278340 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:10313 Rpl22 621189 81768 RPL22 733560 6146 HGNC Rpl22 733561 19934 MGI:99262 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:10315 Rpl22l1 1309517 361923 RPL22L1 1602286 200916 HGNC Rpl22l1 1552260 68028 MGI:1915278 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:27610 Rpl23 62067 29282 RPL23 1354324 9349 HGNC Rpl23 737094 65019 MGI:1929455 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:10316 Rpl23a 1304897 360572 RPL23A 1312599 6147 RGD Rpl23a 1550053 268449 MGI:3040672 RGD HGNC:10317 Rpl24 621191 64307 RPL24 731426 6152 HGNC Rpl24 731427 68193 MGI:1915443 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:10325 Rpl26 1310607 287417 RPL26 1321610 6154 HGNC Rpl26 1321611 19941 MGI:106022 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:10327 Rpl26l1 6497652 100910596 RPL26L1 1352940 51121 RGD HGNC:17050 Rpl27 621192 64306 RPL27 735597 6155 HGNC Rpl27 735598 19942 MGI:98036 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:10328 Rpl27a 1309771 293418 RPL27A 1320286 6157 HGNC Rpl27a 1320287 26451 MGI:1347076 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:10329 Rpl28 621193 64638 RPL28 733961 6158 HGNC Rpl28 733962 19943 MGI:101839 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:10330 Rpl28l4 2318912 100362069 MIR6805 8550114 102465483 HGNC HGNC:50215 Rpl29 62069 29283 RPL29 737093 6159 HGNC Rpl29 62361 19944 MGI:99687 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:10331 Rpl3 735105 300079 RPL3 1345939 6122 HGNC Rpl3 1332509 27367 MGI:1351605 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:10332 Rpl30 621201 64640 RPL30 731558 6156 HGNC Rpl30 1551057 19946 MGI:98037 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:10333 Rpl31 621202 64298 RPL31 734080 6160 HGNC Rpl31 737066 114641 MGI:2149632 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:10334 Rpl32 621203 28298 RPL32 1347014 6161 RGD Rpl32 1552615 19951 MGI:98038 RGD HGNC:10336 Rpl34 1309402 362041 RPL34 1319729 6164 HGNC Rpl34 1557841 68436 MGI:1915686 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:10340 Rpl35 1303007 296709 RPL35 1353068 11224 HGNC Rpl35 1332563 66489 MGI:1913739 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:10344 Rpl35a 2323795 57809 RPL35A 733438 6165 RGD Rpl35a 736166 57808 MGI:1928894 RGD HGNC:10345 Rpl36 62085 58927 RPL36 736673 25873 HGNC Rpl36 62377 54217 MGI:1860603 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:13631 Rpl36a 1306640 292964 RPL36A 1315369 6173 RGD Rpl36a 1315370 19982 MGI:1201789 RGD HGNC:10359 Rpl36al1 621156 81769 RPL36AL 733562 6166 RGD Rpl36al 1332325 66483 MGI:1913733 RGD HGNC:10346 Rpl37 41394010 120093056 RPL37 731374 6167 RGD Rpl37 735424 67281 MGI:1914531 RGD HGNC:10347 Rpl37a 2319947 363248 RPL37A 1317728 6168 RGD Rpl37a 1317729 19981 MGI:98068 RGD HGNC:10348 Rpl37a-ps5 1564849 294530 RPL37AP8 2305513 644338 HGNC HGNC:35645 Rpl38 1305573 689284 RPL38 1313682 6169 RGD Rpl38 1313683 67671 MGI:1914921 RGD HGNC:10349 Rpl39 3593 25347 RPL39 735612 6170 HGNC Rpl39 735613 67248 MGI:1914498 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:10350 Rpl39l1 1561345 497860 RPL39L 1347635 116832 HGNC Rpl39l 1556943 68172 MGI:1915422 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:17094 Rpl3l 1306315 287122 RPL3L 1314865 6123 HGNC Rpl3l 1314866 66211 MGI:1913461 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:10351 Rpl4 619824 64302 RPL4 732803 6124 HGNC Rpl4 732804 67891 MGI:1915141 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:10353 Rpl41 621210 124440 RPL41 736920 6171 HGNC Rpl41 736921 67945 MGI:1915195 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:10354 Rpl5 619825 81763 RPL5 731697 6125 HGNC Rpl5 731698 100503670 MGI:102854 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:10360 Rpl6 619826 117042 RPL6 733694 6128 HGNC Rpl6 733695 19988 MGI:108057 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:10362 Rpl7 735169 297755 RPL7 1350931 6129 HGNC Rpl7 1332238 19989 MGI:98073 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:10363 Rpl7a 1307586 296596 RPL7A 1316865 6130 HGNC Rpl7a 1316866 27176 MGI:1353472 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:10364 Rpl7l1 1308469 317275 RPL7L1 1352288 285855 HGNC Rpl7l1 1553496 66229 MGI:1913479 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:21370 Rpl8 619827 26962 RPL8 735772 6132 RGD Rpl8 735773 26961 MGI:1350927 RGD HGNC:10368 Rpl9 62049 29257 RPL9 736467 6133 HGNC Rpl9 62341 20005 MGI:1298373 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:10369 Rplp0 621247 64205 RPLP0 1344368 6175 HGNC Rplp0 1610911 11837 MGI:1927636 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:10371 Rplp0l1 1564469 295340 RPLP0P6 2304376 220717 HGNC HGNC:36404 Rplp1 621774 140661 RPLP1 736952 6176 HGNC Rplp1 736953 56040 MGI:1927099 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:10372 Rplp2 621775 140662 RPLP2 735289 6181 RGD Rplp2 735290 67186 MGI:1914436 RGD HGNC:10377 Rpn1 3594 25596 RPN1 731637 6184 HGNC Rpn1 731638 103963 MGI:98084 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:10381 Rpn2 62075 64701 RPN2 732277 6185 HGNC Rpn2 62367 20014 MGI:98085 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:10382 Rpp14 1305436 361020 RPP14 1313464 11102 HGNC Rpp14 1313465 67053 MGI:1914303 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:30327 Rpp21 1303090 406230 RPP21 1346051 79897 HGNC Rpp21 1550661 67676 MGI:1914926 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:21300 Rpp25 1305290 315705 RPP25 1313231 54913 HGNC Rpp25 1313232 102614 MGI:2143151 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:30361 Rpp25l 1306576 298002 RPP25L 1315272 138716 HGNC Rpp25l 1315273 69961 MGI:1917211 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:19909 Rpp30 1595116 685332 RPP30 1321878 10556 HGNC Rpp30 1321879 54364 MGI:1859683 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:17688 Rpp38 1307474 291317 RPP38 1316690 10557 HGNC Rpp38 1316691 227522 MGI:2443607 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:30329 Rpp40 1310228 291071 RPP40 1321008 10799 HGNC Rpp40 1321009 208366 MGI:1346084 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:20992 Rpph1 3580 29536 RPPH1 1344011 85495 HGNC Rpph1 1619921 85029 MGI:1934664 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:19273 Rprd1a 1307374 291736 RPRD1A 1605654 55197 HGNC Rprd1a 1316538 225283 MGI:2385066 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:25560 Rprd1b 1304782 311591 RPRD1B 1312424 58490 HGNC Rprd1b 1550090 70470 MGI:1917720 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:16209 Rprd2 2320792 100364568 RPRD2 1601883 23248 HGNC Rprd2 1317945 75137 MGI:1922387 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:29039 Rprm 1595512 680110 RPRM 1350669 56475 HGNC Rprm 1622309 67874 MGI:1915124 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:24201 Rprml 1589060 685826 RPRML 1604446 388394 HGNC Rprml 1619911 104582 MGI:2144486 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:32422 Rps10 621024 81773 RPS10 733640 6204 RGD Rps10 733641 67097 MGI:1914347 RGD HGNC:10383 Rps10l2 1559708 290678 RPS10P5 1352265 93144 HGNC HGNC:15795 Rps10l6 2320523 100361240 RPS10-NUDT3 7365593 100529239 HGNC HGNC:49181 Rps11 621026 81774 RPS11 733888 6205 HGNC Rps11 1550792 27207 MGI:1351329 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:10384 Rps12 62024 65139 RPS12 735309 6206 HGNC Rps12 62316 20042 MGI:98105 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:10385 Rps13 621027 161477 RPS13 737303 6207 HGNC Rps13 737304 68052 MGI:1915302 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:10386 Rps14 62025 29284 RPS14 731753 6208 HGNC Rps14 62317 20044 MGI:98107 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:10387 Rps15 62026 29285 RPS15 736357 6209 HGNC Rps15 62318 20054 MGI:98117 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:10388 Rps15a 619939 117053 RPS15A 735975 6210 HGNC Rps15a 735976 267019 MGI:2389091 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:10389 Rps16 621031 140655 RPS16 737248 6217 HGNC Rps16 737249 20055 MGI:98118 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:10396 Rps17 62027 29286 RPS17 1351474 6218 RGD Rps17 62319 20068 MGI:1309526 RGD HGNC:10397 Rps18 3595 294282 RPS18 1342484 6222 RGD Rps18 1332565 20084 MGI:98146 RGD HGNC:10401 Rps19 68440 29287 RPS19 68661 6223 RGD Rps19 68662 20085 MGI:1333780 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:10402 Rps19bp1 1562823 500907 RPS19BP1 1602664 91582 HGNC Rps19bp1 1622323 66538 MGI:1913788 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:28749 Rps2 619887 83789 RPS2 732314 6187 HGNC Rps2 732315 16898 MGI:105110 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:10404 Rps20 621037 122772 RPS20 736603 6224 HGNC Rps20 736604 67427 MGI:1914677 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:10405 Rps21-ps1 2323583 100363012 RPS21 1348628 6227 HGNC Rps21 1332349 66481 MGI:1913731 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:10409 Rps23 621039 124323 RPS23 1343302 6228 HGNC Rps23 736387 66475 MGI:1913725 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:10410 Rps24 621040 81776 RPS24 734142 6229 HGNC Rps24 734143 20088 MGI:98147 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:10411 Rps25 621043 122799 RPS25 1353637 6230 HGNC Rps25 736674 75617 MGI:1922867 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:10413 Rps26 621044 27139 RPS26 1344988 6231 RGD Rps26 732712 27370 MGI:1351628 RGD HGNC:10414 Rps26l1 1565117 299848 RPS26P11 1602142 441502 HGNC HGNC:31817 Rps27 621045 94266 RPS27 732460 6232 HGNC Rps27 737001 57294 MGI:1888676 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:10416 Rps27a 6489478 100912032 RPS27A 736388 6233 RGD Rps27a 736389 78294 MGI:1925544 RGD HGNC:10417 Rps27a-ps12 1564290 498837 UBBP4 1346838 23666 HGNC Gm8797 1616925 667759 MGI:3643769 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:12467 Rps27a-ps6 1588826 688462 RPS27AP5 2304778 100271374 HGNC HGNC:36867 Rps27l 1595396 681429 RPS27L 1344574 51065 RGD Rps27l 1621531 67941 MGI:1915191 RGD HGNC:18476 Rps28 621046 691531 RPS28 735338 6234 RGD Rps28 735339 54127 MGI:1859516 RGD HGNC:10418 Rps29 3596 25348 RPS29 734258 6235 HGNC Rps29 11245 20090 MGI:107681 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:10419 Rps3 619888 140654 RPS3 736568 6188 HGNC Rps3 736569 27050 MGI:1350917 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:10420 Rps3a 62078 29288 RPS3A 1348881 6189 HGNC Rps3a1 62370 20091 MGI:1202063 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:10421 Rps4x 2324318 100362640 RPS4X 1353859 6191 RGD Rps4x 737146 20102 MGI:98158 RGD HGNC:10424 Rps4y2 1590988 690845 RPS4Y2 1353093 140032 HGNC Gm15013 5147038 100417274 MGI:3644991 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:18501 Rps5 3601 25538 RPS5 736632 6193 HGNC Rps5 11246 20103 MGI:1097682 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:10426 Rps6 3602 29304 RPS6 735279 6194 RGD Rps6 735280 20104 MGI:98159 RGD HGNC:10429 Rps6ka1 620675 81771 RPS6KA1 732451 6195 HGNC Rps6ka1 732452 20111 MGI:104558 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:10430 Rps6ka2 620676 117269 RPS6KA2 1348784 6196 HGNC Rps6ka2 1550581 20112 MGI:1342290 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:10431 Rps6ka3 1563860 501560 RPS6KA3 1354498 6197 HGNC Rps6ka3 1558377 110651 MGI:104557 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:10432 Rps6ka4 1307277 361715 RPS6KA4 1316377 8986 HGNC Rps6ka4 1316378 56613 MGI:1930076 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:10433 Rps6ka5 1308336 314384 RPS6KA5 1318046 9252 RGD Rps6ka5 1318047 73086 MGI:1920336 RGD HGNC:10434 Rps6ka6 1560817 317203 RPS6KA6 1350176 27330 HGNC Rps6ka6 1557870 67071 MGI:1914321 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:10435 Rps6kb1 620683 83840 RPS6KB1 731644 6198 HGNC Rps6kb1 731645 72508 MGI:1270849 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:10436 Rps6kb2 1305144 361696 RPS6KB2 1313003 6199 HGNC Rps6kb2 1313004 58988 MGI:1927343 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:10437 Rps6kc1 1306578 289342 RPS6KC1 1315275 26750 HGNC Rps6kc1 1550524 320119 MGI:2443419 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:10439 Rps6kl1 1309493 299202 RPS6KL1 1319861 83694 HGNC Rps6kl1 1319862 238323 MGI:2443413 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:20222 Rps7 61907 29258 RPS7 1348295 6201 RGD Rps7 62200 20115 MGI:1333818 RGD HGNC:10440 Rps8 61910 65136 RPS8 731589 6202 HGNC Rps8 62203 20116 MGI:98166 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:10441 Rps9 619889 103689992 RPS9 734165 6203 RGD Rps9 1551854 76846 MGI:1924096 RGD HGNC:10442 Rpsa 71026 29236 RPSA 1344885 3921 HGNC Rpsa 1615177 16785 MGI:105381 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:6502 Rptn 1311687 295190 RPTN 1605586 126638 HGNC Rptn 1323275 20129 MGI:1099055 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:26809 Rptor 1311784 287871 RPTOR 1603019 57521 HGNC Rptor 1323418 74370 MGI:1921620 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:30287 Rpusd1 1304934 287148 RPUSD1 1344939 113000 HGNC Rpusd1 1552089 106707 MGI:1919186 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:14173 Rpusd2 1306147 311326 RPUSD2 1343031 27079 RGD Rpusd2 1552411 271842 MGI:1918066 RGD HGNC:24180 Rpusd3 1307582 362416 RPUSD3 1351633 285367 HGNC Rpusd3 1615775 101122 MGI:2141440 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:28437 Rpusd4 1311268 315550 RPUSD4 1345355 84881 HGNC Rpusd4 1550291 71989 MGI:1919239 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:25898 Rrad 69357 83521 RRAD 736416 6236 HGNC Rrad 736417 56437 MGI:1930943 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:10446 Rraga 619804 117044 RRAGA 1349440 10670 HGNC Rraga 1550375 68441 MGI:1915691 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:16963 RragB 619805 117043 RRAGB 1343212 10325 RGD Rragb 1614123 245670 MGI:3038613 RGD HGNC:19901 Rragc 1311760 298514 RRAGC 1323384 64121 HGNC Rragc 1323385 54170 MGI:1858751 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:19902 Rragd 1310007 297960 RRAGD 1320660 58528 HGNC Rragd 1320661 52187 MGI:1098604 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:19903 Rras 1311443 361568 RRAS 1322910 6237 HGNC Rras 1322911 20130 MGI:98179 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:10447 Rras2 1310793 365355 RRAS2 1321899 22800 HGNC Rras2 1321900 66922 MGI:1914172 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:17271 Rrbp1 1306536 311483 RRBP1 1315209 6238 HGNC Rrbp1 1552478 81910 MGI:1932395 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:10448 Rreb1 1310904 306873 RREB1 1322078 6239 HGNC Rreb1 1553608 68750 MGI:2443664 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:10449 Rrh 1308948 310869 RRH 1319017 10692 HGNC Rrh 1319018 20132 MGI:1097709 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:10450 Rrm1 1592569 685579 RRM1 737409 6240 HGNC Rrm1 11247 20133 MGI:98180 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:10451 Rrm2 1598310 362720 RRM2 736125 6241 RGD Rrm2 11248 20135 MGI:98181 RGD HGNC:10452 Rrm2b 1306045 299976 RRM2B 1314438 50484 HGNC Rrm2b 1557502 382985 MGI:2155865 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:17296 Rrn3 1305001 304714 RRN3 1347637 54700 RGD Rrn3 1553236 106298 MGI:1925255 RGD HGNC:30346 Rrp1 1307286 309674 RRP1 1605116 8568 HGNC Rrp1 1316390 18114 MGI:1203500 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:18785 Rrp12 1591867 679127 RRP12 1343951 23223 HGNC Rrp12 1620674 107094 MGI:2147437 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:29100 Rrp15 1306106 360895 RRP15 1606298 51018 HGNC Rrp15 1332363 67223 MGI:1914473 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:24255 Rrp1b 1305633 309673 RRP1B 1313777 23076 HGNC Rrp1b 1313778 72462 MGI:1919712 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:23818 Rrp36 2321693 100360664 RRP36 1317478 88745 HGNC Rrp36 1317479 224823 MGI:2385053 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:21374 Rrp7a 1311547 362967 RRP7A 1607047 27341 HGNC Rrp7a 1323063 74778 MGI:1922028 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:24286 Rrp8 1308302 308911 RRP8 1603685 23378 HGNC Rrp8 1317996 101867 MGI:1914251 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:29030 Rrp9 1307881 363134 RRP9 1317332 9136 HGNC Rrp9 1317333 27966 MGI:2384313 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:16829 Rrs1 1311403 297784 RRS1 1322847 23212 HGNC Rrs1 1322848 59014 MGI:1929721 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:17083 Rs1 1642515 100125595 RS1 1347162 6247 HGNC Rs1 1557176 20147 MGI:1336189 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:10457 Rsad1 1592414 688146 RSAD1 1347932 55316 HGNC Rsad1 1623768 237926 MGI:3039628 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:25634 Rsad2 620495 65190 RSAD2 1345303 91543 HGNC Rsad2 1557123 58185 MGI:1929628 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:30908 Rsbn1 1307231 310749 RSBN1 1347428 54665 HGNC Rsbn1 1617361 229675 MGI:2444993 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:25642 Rsbn1l 1308748 311987 RSBN1L 1351057 222194 HGNC Rsbn1l 1615641 242860 MGI:3036237 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:24765 Rsf1 1311245 308839 RSF1 1322599 51773 HGNC Rsf1 1322600 233532 MGI:2682305 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:18118 Rskr 1596488 120093092 RSKR 1603276 124923 HGNC Rskr 1614951 216976 MGI:2652869 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:26314 Rsl1d1 1359295 302898 RSL1D1 1350657 26156 HGNC Rsl1d1 1558081 66409 MGI:1913659 RGD HGNC:24534 Rsl24d1 1309784 363099 RSL24D1 1320309 51187 HGNC Rsl24d1 1320310 225215 MGI:2681840 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:18479 Rsph1 1307712 361818 RSPH1 1317061 89765 HGNC Rsph1 1317062 22092 MGI:1194909 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:12371 Rsph10b 1311893 288478 RSPH10B 1605260 222967 HGNC HGNC:27362 Rsph14 1305601 365552 RSPH14 1313725 27156 HGNC Rsph14 1550260 71236 MGI:1918486 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:13437 Rsph3 1311306 361476 RSPH3 1322691 83861 HGNC Rsph3a 1624888 66832 MGI:1914082 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:21054 Rsph4a 1307229 309767 RSPH4A 1348763 345895 HGNC Rsph4a 1316297 212892 MGI:3027894 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:21558 Rsph6a 1306786 292684 RSPH6A 1344817 81492 HGNC Rsph6a 1622193 83434 MGI:1927643 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:14241 Rsph9 1310693 316238 RSPH9 1321745 221421 HGNC Rsph9 1321746 75564 MGI:1922814 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:21057 Rspo1 1565558 313589 RSPO1 1603515 284654 HGNC Rspo1 1615739 192199 MGI:2183426 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:21679 Rspo2 1562331 500863 RSPO2 1603855 340419 HGNC Rspo2 1558100 239405 MGI:1922667 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:28583 Rspo3 1563246 498997 RSPO3 1345376 84870 HGNC Rspo3 1558214 72780 MGI:1920030 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:20866 Rspo4 1563415 499918 RSPO4 1344766 343637 HGNC Rspo4 1557925 228770 MGI:1924467 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:16175 Rspry1 1308847 689249 RSPRY1 1606482 89970 HGNC Rspry1 1318855 67610 MGI:1914860 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:29420 Rsrc1 1304968 361956 RSRC1 1602488 51319 HGNC Rsrc1 1551518 66880 MGI:1914130 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:24152 Rsrc2 1564882 360807 RSRC2 1606784 65117 HGNC Rsrc2 1323317 208606 MGI:1913489 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:30559 Rsrp1 1359529 362626 RSRP1 1603978 57035 HGNC Rsrp1 1619225 27981 MGI:106498 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:25234 Rsu1 1591781 680419 RSU1 1313402 6251 HGNC Rsu1 1313403 20163 MGI:103040 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:10464 RT1-A2 1595923 24974 HLA-E 1353823 3133 HGNC H2-T23 1558332 15040 MGI:95957 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:4962 RT1-Ba 1595867 309621 HLA-DQA1 1351810 3117 HGNC H2-Aa 1619269 14960 MGI:95895 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:4942 RT1-Bb 3469 309622 HLA-DQB1 1353906 3119 HGNC H2-Ab1 1557975 14961 MGI:103070 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:4944 RT1-CE16 1359403 414819 HLA-A 1349444 3105 HGNC H2-Q1 1618432 15006 MGI:95928 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:4931 RT1-CE5 1595868 309607 HLA-F 1345133 3134 HGNC Gm7030 5131415 630294 MGI:3647514 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:4963 RT1-Da 1593283 294269 HLA-DRA 1344093 3122 HGNC H2-Ea 1558302 100504404 MGI:95900 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:4947 RT1-Db1 1593282 294270 HLA-DRB1 1349823 3123 HGNC H2-Eb1 1558147 14969 MGI:95901 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:4948 RT1-DMa 735053 294274 HLA-DMA 1346716 3108 HGNC H2-DMa 1551725 14998 MGI:95921 RGD HGNC:4934 RT1-DMb 735096 294273 HLA-DMB 1349438 3109 HGNC H2-DMb1 1619257 14999 MGI:95922 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:4935 RT1-DOa 3477 24984 HLA-DOA 1342704 3111 HGNC H2-Oa 1551754 15001 MGI:95924 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:4936 RT1-DOb 1595814 365542 HLA-DOB 1346079 3112 HGNC H2-Ob 1556924 15002 MGI:95925 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:4937 RT1-Ha 1595921 24986 HLA-DPA1 1605730 3113 HGNC H2-Pa 1618433 15003 MGI:105314 RGD HGNC:4938 RT1-Hb-ps1 1595866 688544 HLA-DPB1 1347386 3115 HGNC HGNC:4940 RT1-M3-1 3494 24747 HLA-G 1347423 3135 HGNC H2-M3 11205 14991 MGI:95915 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:4964 RT1-M5 1595816 499400 H2-M5 1617322 240095 MGI:95917 RGD Rtbdn 1308534 304667 RTBDN 1606213 83546 RGD Rtbdn 1318363 234542 MGI:2443686 RGD HGNC:30310 Rtca 1303111 295395 RTCA 1344520 8634 HGNC Rtca 1332441 66368 MGI:1913618 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:17981 Rtcb 1303261 362855 RTCB 1605075 51493 HGNC Rtcb 1332057 28088 MGI:106379 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:26935 Rtel1 1306721 362288 RTEL1 1345647 51750 HGNC Rtel1 1550955 269400 MGI:2139369 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:15888 Rtf1 1310654 366169 RTF1 1321684 23168 HGNC Rtf1 1321685 76246 MGI:1309480 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:28996 Rtfdc1 1311072 296410 RTF2 1322335 51507 HGNC Rtf2 1322336 66404 MGI:1913654 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:15890 Rtkn 727874 297383 RTKN 1354382 6242 HGNC Rtkn 1619247 20166 MGI:107371 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:10466 Rtkn2 1304834 309729 RTKN2 1312504 219790 HGNC Rtkn2 1312505 170799 MGI:2158417 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:19364 Rtl1 11378340 108351300 RTL1 1602404 388015 HGNC Rtl1 1316561 353326 MGI:2656842 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:14665 Rtl3 1564805 317221 RTL3 1346934 203430 HGNC Rtl3 1622121 213436 MGI:2685221 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:22997 Rtl4 1588188 680778 RTL4 1603494 340595 HGNC Rtl4 1620339 619287 MGI:3588192 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:25214 Rtl5 6490575 100911832 RTL5 1350874 340526 HGNC Rtl5 1614041 331474 MGI:3045324 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:29430 Rtl6 1306472 300114 RTL6 1345067 84247 HGNC Rtl6 1622987 223732 MGI:2675858 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:13343 Rtl8a 1593086 679038 RTL8A 1603403 26071 RGD Rtl8a 1615127 66158 MGI:1913408 RGD HGNC:24514 Rtl9 6486824 100912526 RTL9 1352806 57529 HGNC Rtl9 1622133 209540 MGI:2685231 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:29245 Rtn1 620986 116644 RTN1 732399 6252 HGNC Rtn1 732400 104001 MGI:1933947 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:10467 Rtn2 1303245 308410 RTN2 1351891 6253 HGNC Rtn2 1553387 20167 MGI:107612 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:10468 Rtn3 620988 140945 RTN3 1349287 10313 HGNC Rtn3 1551155 20168 MGI:1339970 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:10469 Rtn4 620989 83765 RTN4 730919 57142 HGNC Rtn4 730920 68585 MGI:1915835 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:14085 Rtn4ip1 1563384 309912 RTN4IP1 1348834 84816 HGNC Rtn4ip1 1620656 170728 MGI:2178759 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:18647 Rtn4r 620810 113912 RTN4R 1607007 65078 HGNC Rtn4r 734084 65079 MGI:2136886 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:18601 Rtn4rl1 727812 303311 RTN4RL1 1348623 146760 HGNC Rtn4rl1 737136 237847 MGI:2661375 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:21329 Rtn4rl2 727797 311169 RTN4RL2 1344970 349667 HGNC Rtn4rl2 736094 269295 MGI:2669796 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:23053 Rtp1 1560980 288006 RTP1 1604751 132112 HGNC Rtp1 1619819 239766 MGI:2685450 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:28580 Rtp2 1565722 303835 RTP2 1606102 344892 HGNC Rtp2 1620619 224055 MGI:2685451 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:32486 Rtp3 1310546 316018 RTP3 1353966 83597 HGNC Rtp3 1321511 235636 MGI:2446841 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:15572 Rtp4 1306974 360733 RTP4 1605965 64108 HGNC Rtp4 1315892 67775 MGI:1915025 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:23992 Rtraf 1304704 302247 RTRAF 1312305 51637 HGNC Rtraf 1312306 68045 MGI:1915295 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:23169 Rttn 1306706 291377 RTTN 1315475 25914 HGNC Rttn 1550559 246102 MGI:2179288 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:18654 Rubcn 1305422 303885 RUBCN 1353596 9711 HGNC Rubcn 1313444 100502698 MGI:1915160 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:28991 Rubcnl 1304929 290403 RUBCNL 1312654 80183 HGNC Rubcnl 1312655 271221 MGI:2685590 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:20420 Rufy1 1305099 360521 RUFY1 1312929 80230 HGNC Rufy1 1312930 216724 MGI:2429762 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:19760 Rufy2 1592188 690777 RUFY2 1312074 55680 HGNC Rufy2 1312075 70432 MGI:1917682 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:19761 Rufy3 1565242 360921 RUFY3 1604831 22902 HGNC Rufy3 1617584 52822 MGI:106484 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:30285 Rufy4 1560678 301510 RUFY4 1602820 285180 HGNC Rufy4 1622643 435626 MGI:3588214 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:24804 Rundc1 1307490 303552 RUNDC1 1316714 146923 HGNC Rundc1 1622993 217201 MGI:2144506 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:25418 Rundc3a 735057 303569 RUNDC3A 1605704 10900 HGNC Rundc3a 1551040 51799 MGI:1858752 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:16984 Rundc3b 1587590 688590 RUNDC3B 1601714 154661 HGNC Rundc3b 1615644 242819 MGI:2685286 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:30286 Runx1 2283 50662 RUNX1 30309966 861 HGNC Runx1 736527 12394 MGI:99852 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:10471 Runx1t1 1305490 362489 RUNX1T1 1350261 862 HGNC Runx1t1 1313547 12395 MGI:104793 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:1535 Runx2 2282 367218 RUNX2 1348975 860 HGNC Runx2 735753 12393 MGI:99829 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:10472 Runx3 620082 156726 RUNX3 1351530 864 HGNC Runx3 734144 12399 MGI:102672 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:10473 Rusc1 2322139 100360417 RUSC1 1349680 23623 HGNC Rusc1 1556891 72296 MGI:1919546 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:17153 Rusc2 1592688 684259 RUSC2 1351272 9853 HGNC Rusc2 1623057 100213 MGI:2140371 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:23625 Rusf1 1310127 361654 RUSF1 1601979 64755 HGNC Rusf1 1320853 233913 MGI:2384572 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:25848 Ruvbl1 68373 65137 RUVBL1 68537 8607 HGNC Ruvbl1 68538 56505 MGI:1928760 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:10474 Ruvbl2 1306509 292907 RUVBL2 1315165 10856 HGNC Ruvbl2 1315166 20174 MGI:1342299 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:10475 Rwdd1 631337 259218 RWDD1 732573 51389 HGNC Rwdd1 1622330 66521 MGI:1913771 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:20993 Rwdd2a 1306231 363110 RWDD2A 1314728 112611 HGNC Rwdd2a 1314729 69519 MGI:1916769 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:21385 Rwdd2b 1305062 304132 RWDD2B 1312868 10069 HGNC Rwdd2b 1312869 53858 MGI:1858215 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:1302 Rwdd3 620472 65026 RWDD3 1314557 25950 HGNC Rwdd3 1622321 66568 MGI:1920420 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:21393 Rwdd4 1564132 502084 RWDD4 1605847 201965 HGNC Rwdd4a 1615745 192174 MGI:2681000 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:23750 Rxfp1 1302973 295144 RXFP1 1351067 59350 HGNC Rxfp1 1552181 381489 MGI:2682211 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:19718 Rxfp2 1309449 363866 RXFP2 1319797 122042 HGNC Rxfp2 1319798 140498 MGI:2153463 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:17318 Rxfp3 1311550 294807 RXFP3 1352408 51289 HGNC Rxfp3 1553763 239336 MGI:2441827 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:24883 Rxfp4 2322332 102549653 RXFP4 1348831 339403 HGNC Rxfp4 1622037 242093 MGI:2182926 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:14666 Rxra 3610 25271 RXRA 736929 6256 HGNC Rxra 11250 20181 MGI:98214 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:10477 Rxrb 3611 361801 RXRB 735628 6257 HGNC Rxrb 11251 20182 MGI:98215 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:10478 Rxrg 620046 83574 RXRG 733408 6258 HGNC Rxrg 733409 20183 MGI:98216 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:10479 Rxylt1 1309356 299841 RXYLT1 1319660 10329 HGNC Rxylt1 1319661 216395 MGI:2384919 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:13530 Rybp 1307077 312603 RYBP 1316054 23429 HGNC Rybp 1316055 56353 MGI:1929059 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:10480 Ryk 620549 140585 RYK 1346179 6259 HGNC Ryk 1553888 20187 MGI:101766 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:10481 Ryr1 1586637 114207 RYR1 1316413 6261 HGNC Ryr1 1316414 20190 MGI:99659 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:10483 Ryr2 620314 689560 RYR2 1317019 6262 HGNC Ryr2 1557868 20191 MGI:99685 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:10484 Ryr3 68952 170546 RYR3 69015 6263 HGNC Ryr3 69016 20192 MGI:99684 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:10485 S100a1 3614 295214 S100A1 1349517 6271 HGNC S100a1 736911 20193 MGI:1338917 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:10486 S100a10 628655 81778 S100A10 733247 6281 HGNC S100a10 733248 20194 MGI:1339468 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:10487 S100a11 1303295 445415 S100A11 1323591 6282 HGNC S100a11 1323592 20195 MGI:1338798 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:10488 S100a13 1304919 295213 S100A13 1312636 6284 HGNC S100a13 1312637 20196 MGI:109581 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:10490 S100a14 1595063 685385 S100A14 1344968 57402 HGNC S100a14 1615126 66166 MGI:1913416 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:18901 S100a16 1306770 361991 S100A16 1315577 140576 HGNC S100a16 1315578 67860 MGI:1915110 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:20441 S100a2 6500254 100910139 S100A2 1353498 6273 HGNC S100a2 1620280 628324 MGI:3510999 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:10492 S100a3 620260 114216 S100A3 732253 6274 HGNC S100a3 732254 20197 MGI:1338849 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:10493 S100a4 3245 24615 S100A4 69040 6275 HGNC S100a4 69041 20198 MGI:1330282 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:10494 S100a5 1308996 295211 S100A5 1319090 6276 HGNC S100a5 1319091 20199 MGI:1338915 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:10495 S100a6 620264 85247 S100A6 1354055 6277 HGNC S100a6 732143 20200 MGI:1339467 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:10496 S100a7a 1593779 685479 S100A7A 1346957 338324 HGNC S100a7a 1321094 381493 MGI:2687194 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:21657 S100a7l2 1562234 499657 S100A7L2 1343763 645922 HGNC HGNC:21655 S100a8 620265 116547 S100A8 1349531 6279 HGNC S100a8 733916 20201 MGI:88244 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:10498 S100a9 620267 94195 S100A9 1352981 6280 HGNC S100a9 733175 20202 MGI:1338947 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:10499 S100b 3615 25742 S100B 737117 6285 HGNC S100b 11252 20203 MGI:98217 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:10500 S100g 2253 24249 S100G 1344914 795 HGNC S100g 1332355 12309 MGI:104528 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:1436 S100pbp 1564943 500551 S100PBP 1604319 64766 HGNC S100pbp 1619952 74648 MGI:1921898 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:25768 S100z 1562902 294661 S100Z 1348648 170591 HGNC S100z 1617252 268686 MGI:2685471 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:30367 S1pr1 61958 29733 S1PR1 1346165 1901 HGNC S1pr1 62251 13609 MGI:1096355 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:3165 S1pr2 68334 29415 S1PR2 1343937 9294 HGNC S1pr2 68467 14739 MGI:99569 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:3169 S1pr3 1583843 306792 S1PR3 1352881 1903 HGNC S1pr3 62254 13610 MGI:1339365 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:3167 S1pr4 1304801 314649 S1PR4 1312457 8698 HGNC S1pr4 1312458 13611 MGI:1333809 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:3170 S1pr5 620566 60399 S1PR5 733271 53637 HGNC S1pr5 733272 94226 MGI:2150641 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:14299 Saa4 1307371 365245 SAA4 1316532 6291 RGD Saa4 1316533 20211 MGI:98224 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:10516 Saal1 1587443 691143 SAAL1 1606985 113174 RGD Saal1 1616675 78935 MGI:1926185 RGD HGNC:25158 Sac3d1 1308049 293690 SAC3D1 1607039 29901 HGNC Sac3d1 1550969 66406 MGI:1913656 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:30179 Sacm1l 69223 116482 SACM1L 733012 22908 HGNC Sacm1l 735467 83493 MGI:1933169 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:17059 Sacs 1307281 305940 SACS 1316383 26278 HGNC Sacs 1316384 50720 MGI:1354724 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:10519 Sae1 1306098 308384 SAE1 1604646 10055 HGNC Sae1 1314517 56459 MGI:1929264 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:30660 Safb 620613 64196 SAFB 733074 6294 HGNC Safb 1623799 224903 MGI:2146974 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:10520 Safb2 1588577 301126 SAFB2 1342747 9667 HGNC Safb2 1623800 224902 MGI:2146808 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:21605 Sag 3619 25539 SAG 736449 6295 HGNC Sag 11254 20215 MGI:98227 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:10521 Sall1 1309916 307740 SALL1 1320515 6299 HGNC Sall1 1320516 58198 MGI:1889585 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:10524 Sall2 1309272 305854 SALL2 1345005 6297 HGNC Sall2 1319526 50524 MGI:1354373 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:10526 Sall3 1310232 364910 SALL3 1321014 27164 HGNC Sall3 1551477 20689 MGI:109295 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:10527 Sall4 1597672 686412 SALL4 1351271 57167 HGNC Sall4 1619916 99377 MGI:2139360 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:15924 Samd1 7529921 102550189 SAMD1 1343473 90378 HGNC Samd1 1614554 666704 MGI:2142433 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:17958 Samd10 1563203 499957 SAMD10 1351691 140700 HGNC Samd10 1556872 229011 MGI:2443872 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:16129 Samd11 1310271 102549710 SAMD11 1353453 148398 HGNC HGNC:28706 Samd12 1561402 362910 SAMD12 1344782 401474 HGNC Samd12 1558518 320679 MGI:2444518 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:31750 Samd13 708544 56764 SAMD13 1606448 148418 HGNC Samd13 1550587 75015 MGI:2686498 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:24582 Samd14 1306138 287637 SAMD14 1602057 201191 HGNC Samd14 1314581 217125 MGI:2384945 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:27312 Samd15 1589368 681908 SAMD15 1606691 161394 HGNC Samd15 1620580 238333 MGI:2685109 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:18631 Samd3 1587834 685940 SAMD3 1322660 154075 HGNC Samd3 1620490 268288 MGI:2685469 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:21574 Samd4a 1310361 305826 SAMD4A 1321222 23034 HGNC Samd4 1321223 74480 MGI:1921730 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:23023 Samd4b 1305597 308473 SAMD4B 1605980 55095 HGNC Samd4b 1313720 233033 MGI:2448542 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:25492 Samd5 1311012 365038 SAMD5 1353343 389432 HGNC Samd5 1322241 320825 MGI:2444815 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:21180 Samd7 1308931 310257 SAMD7 1318984 344658 HGNC Samd7 1553081 75953 MGI:1923203 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:25394 Samd8 1306447 305684 SAMD8 1315069 142891 HGNC Samd8 1315070 67630 MGI:1914880 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:26320 Samd9 1563091 500011 SAMD9 1352885 54809 HGNC HGNC:1348 Samd9l 1562531 103690031 SAMD9L 1353410 219285 HGNC Samd9l 1557974 209086 MGI:1343184 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:1349 Samhd1 1308369 311580 SAMHD1 1318099 25939 HGNC Samhd1 1318100 56045 MGI:1927468 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:15925 Samm50 1303219 300111 SAMM50 1604035 25813 HGNC Samm50 1332216 68653 MGI:1915903 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:24276 Samsn1 620926 170637 SAMSN1 1348552 64092 HGNC Samsn1 1551487 67742 MGI:1914992 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:10528 Samt2 1589067 685819 Samt2 1618705 434881 MGI:3646587 RGD Samt4 1590194 685774 Samt4 1615816 75185 MGI:1922435 RGD Sanbr 1305110 305579 SANBR 1606998 84542 HGNC Sanbr 1312949 71675 MGI:1918925 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:29387 Sap130 1311657 307527 SAP130 1606502 79595 HGNC Sap130 1332063 269003 MGI:1919782 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:29813 Sap18 1310388 290284 SAP18 1321265 10284 RGD Sap18 1551528 20220 MGI:1277978 RGD HGNC:10530 Sap25 1562406 288559 SAP25 5132311 100316904 HGNC Sap25 2300047 751865 MGI:3802945 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:41908 Sap30 1595501 680122 SAP30 1354225 8819 HGNC Sap30 1619204 60406 MGI:1929129 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:10532 Sap30bp 1565537 360662 SAP30BP 1602722 29115 HGNC Sap30bp 1558415 57230 MGI:1927479 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:30785 Sap30l 1309585 360531 SAP30L 1606218 79685 HGNC Sap30l 1331962 50724 MGI:1354709 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:25663 Sapcd1 1359359 406170 SAPCD1 1352760 401251 HGNC Sapcd1 1621443 78376 MGI:2388100 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:13938 Sapcd2 1590629 680531 SAPCD2 1345696 89958 HGNC Sapcd2 1619980 72080 MGI:1919330 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:28055 Sar1a 1359540 361842 SAR1A 1350460 56681 HGNC Sar1a 1552772 20224 MGI:98230 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:10534 Sar1b 1305590 287276 SAR1B 1313710 51128 HGNC Sar1b 1313711 66397 MGI:1913647 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:10535 Saraf 1303011 290796 SARAF 1604621 51669 HGNC Saraf 1552339 67887 MGI:1915137 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:28789 Sardh 621125 114123 SARDH 735740 1757 HGNC Sardh 731587 192166 MGI:2183102 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:10536 Sarm1 1310078 287545 SARM1 1320776 23098 HGNC Sarm1 1320777 237868 MGI:2136419 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:17074 Sarnp 1305692 362819 SARNP 1603945 84324 HGNC Sarnp 1313869 66118 MGI:1913368 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:24432 Sars1 628813 266975 SARS1 1348583 6301 HGNC Sars1 1552505 20226 MGI:102809 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:10537 Sars2 1309456 292759 SARS2 1319808 54938 HGNC Sars2 1553226 71984 MGI:1919234 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:17697 Sart1 61930 29678 SART1 736742 9092 HGNC Sart1 62223 20227 MGI:1309453 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:10538 Sart3 1311646 304582 SART3 1323212 9733 HGNC Sart3 1323213 53890 MGI:1858230 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:16860 Sash1 1566017 365037 SASH1 1350407 23328 HGNC Sash1 1557371 70097 MGI:1917347 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:19182 Sash3 1560293 317578 SASH3 1353862 54440 HGNC Sash3 1557861 74131 MGI:1921381 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:15975 Sass6 1306255 310807 SASS6 1603551 163786 HGNC Sass6 1314771 72776 MGI:1920026 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:25403 Sat1 1586174 302642 SAT1 1346323 6303 HGNC Sat1 1331984 20229 MGI:98233 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:10540 Sat2 1307869 360547 SAT2 1317312 112483 HGNC Sat2 1317313 69215 MGI:1916465 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:23160 Satb1 1305561 316164 SATB1 1313660 6304 HGNC Satb1 1313661 20230 MGI:105084 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:10541 Satb2 1562369 501145 SATB2 1343440 23314 HGNC Satb2 1558379 212712 MGI:2679336 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:21637 Satl1 1565932 302325 SATL1 1343887 340562 HGNC Satl1 1557706 73809 MGI:1921059 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:27992 Sav1 1307253 299116 SAV1 1316338 60485 HGNC Sav1 1316339 64010 MGI:1927144 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:17795 Saxo1 1583685 679802 SAXO1 1322281 158297 HGNC Saxo1 1322282 75811 MGI:1923061 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:28566 Saxo2 1562653 293061 SAXO2 1606117 283726 HGNC Saxo2 1621217 330577 MGI:1914618 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:33727 Saxo3 402122545 134483105 SAXO3 16565023 101059948 NCBI Saxo3 151665717 100040019 MGI:7482583 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:56771 Saxo4 708532 252958 SAXO4 735928 220004 HGNC Saxo4 731702 67752 MGI:1915002 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:28869 Saxo5 1563425 498129 SAXO5 1602810 374877 HGNC Saxo5 1615813 76406 MGI:1923656 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:24745 Saysd1 1310877 305667 SAYSD1 1322030 55776 HGNC Saysd1 1614357 67509 MGI:1914759 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:21025 Sbds 1311043 288615 SBDS 1322290 51119 HGNC Sbds 1322291 66711 MGI:1913961 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:19440 Sbf1 1307090 300147 SBF1 1316075 6305 HGNC Sbf1 1316076 77980 MGI:1925230 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:10542 Sbf2 1588657 691042 SBF2 1354184 81846 RGD Sbf2 1622859 319934 MGI:1921831 RGD HGNC:2135 Sbk1 628713 113907 SBK1 1344532 388228 HGNC Sbk1 1553557 104175 MGI:2135937 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:17699 Sbk2 1563279 691411 SBK2 2302831 646643 HGNC Sbk2 1616398 381836 MGI:2685925 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:34416 Sbk3 1583965 691408 SBK3 7386817 100130827 HGNC Sbk3 1616399 381835 MGI:2685924 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:44121 Sbno1 1310005 304470 SBNO1 1320657 55206 HGNC Sbno1 1320658 243272 MGI:2384298 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:22973 Sbno2 1307194 314619 SBNO2 1316240 22904 HGNC Sbno2 1621359 216161 MGI:2448490 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:29158 Sbp 3623 25540 Sbp 11256 20234 MGI:106021 RGD Sbsn 1562305 292793 SBSN 1602809 374897 HGNC Sbsn 1619717 282619 MGI:2446326 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:24950 Sbspon 1559717 297757 SBSPON 1602645 157869 HGNC Sbspon 1618982 226866 MGI:2684952 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:30362 Sc5d 620775 114100 SC5D 1351356 6309 HGNC Sc5d 1551825 235293 MGI:1353611 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:10547 Scaf1 708405 56081 SCAF1 733391 58506 HGNC Scaf1 1332054 233208 MGI:2141980 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:30403 Scaf11 1598325 312030 SCAF11 1354010 9169 HGNC Scaf11 1619117 72193 MGI:1919443 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:10784 Scaf4 727896 245924 SCAF4 1317892 57466 HGNC Scaf4 1609479 224432 MGI:2146350 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:19304 Scaf8 708362 245926 SCAF8 1342919 22828 HGNC Scaf8 1553693 106583 MGI:1925212 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:20959 Scai 1594720 690538 SCAI 1316447 286205 HGNC Scai 1316448 320271 MGI:2443716 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:26709 Scamp1 3625 29521 SCAMP1 731550 9522 HGNC Scamp1 735690 107767 MGI:1349480 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:10563 Scamp2 68348 65168 SCAMP2 68490 10066 HGNC Scamp2 68491 24044 MGI:1346518 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:10564 Scamp3 68351 65169 SCAMP3 68495 10067 HGNC Scamp3 68496 24045 MGI:1346346 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:10565 Scamp4 68354 65170 SCAMP4 1345872 113178 HGNC Scamp4 68501 56214 MGI:1928947 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:30385 Scamp5 68356 65171 SCAMP5 1343509 192683 HGNC Scamp5 68504 56807 MGI:1928948 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:30386 Scand1 1308530 362252 SCAND1 1318355 51282 RGD Scand1 1318356 19018 MGI:1343132 RGD HGNC:10566 Scap 1309378 301024 SCAP 1604827 22937 HGNC Scap 1319695 235623 MGI:2135958 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:30634 Scaper 621585 117521 SCAPER 1345518 49855 HGNC Scaper 1317268 244891 MGI:1925976 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:13081 Scara3 1309269 364405 SCARA3 1319520 51435 HGNC Scara3 1319521 219151 MGI:2444418 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:19000 Scara5 1306539 305974 SCARA5 1606661 286133 HGNC Scara5 1315212 71145 MGI:1918395 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:28701 Scarb1 2302 25073 SCARB1 735633 949 HGNC Scarb1 735634 20778 MGI:893578 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:1664 Scarb2 621882 117106 SCARB2 732465 950 HGNC Scarb2 732466 12492 MGI:1196458 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:1665 Scarf1 1309330 303313 SCARF1 1319619 8578 HGNC Scarf1 1614796 380713 MGI:2449455 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:16820 Scarf2 1306013 287949 SCARF2 1314385 91179 HGNC Scarf2 1314386 224024 MGI:1858430 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:19869 Scarna1 41243667 120103287 SCARNA1 1602765 677774 RGD Gm22767 15003059 115490051 MGI:5452544 RGD HGNC:32555 Scarna10 41366642 120102748 SCARNA10 1602538 692148 HGNC Scarna10 2303934 100217413 MGI:3819482 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:32567 Scarna11 40942840 120102738 SCARNA11 1602760 677780 RGD Gm23751 15000758 115490492 MGI:5453528 RGD HGNC:32568 Scarna13 41139916 120093414 SCARNA13 1602771 677768 RGD Scarna13 2313710 100306943 MGI:4360027 RGD HGNC:32570 Scarna14 41018855 120094523 SCARNA14 1602537 692149 RGD Gm24289 14999226 115487307 MGI:5454066 RGD HGNC:32571 Scarna15 7489047 102466617 SCARNA15 1602761 677778 HGNC Mir1839 4820263 100316717 MGI:3837345 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:32572 Scarna16 41249041 120095426 SCARNA16 1602759 677781 RGD Gm25434 14998632 115490473 MGI:5455211 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:32573 Scarna17 41170335 120098358 SCARNA17 1602770 677769 RGD Scarna17 2303921 100217466 MGI:3819483 RGD HGNC:32574 Scarna18 41267733 120101372 SCARNA18 1602774 677765 HGNC Gm24507 14998554 115488238 MGI:5454284 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:32559 Scarna18b 41216273 120096427 SCARNA18B 11041824 107397392 HGNC Gm25663 15556505 115487685 MGI:5455440 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:52236 Scarna2 41369072 120101374 SCARNA2 1602773 677766 RGD Scarna2 2303928 100217438 MGI:3819484 RGD HGNC:32558 Scarna21 41160913 120095464 SCARNA21 1602775 677763 RGD Gm22442 14998417 115487906 MGI:5452219 RGD HGNC:32579 Scarna3 7489043 102465142 SCARNA3 1602938 677679 HGNC Scarna3a 2303933 100217414 MGI:3819485 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:32577 Scarna4 41162707 120101254 Gm25820 14997612 115489824 MGI:5455597 RGD Scarna6 41104869 120094896 SCARNA6 1602767 677772 RGD Scarna6 2303932 100217415 MGI:3819487 RGD HGNC:32562 Scarna7 41026718 120101376 SCARNA7 1602772 677767 RGD Gm22009 14997328 115489854 MGI:5451786 RGD HGNC:32563 Scarna8 41394140 120103266 SCARNA8 1602763 677776 RGD Scarna8 2303925 100217448 MGI:3819488 RGD HGNC:32564 Scart1 1307378 293591 SCART1 12792009 619207 HGNC Scart1 1316544 244233 MGI:2443796 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:32411 Sccpdh 1311440 305021 SCCPDH 1606286 51097 RGD Sccpdh 1553379 109232 MGI:1924486 RGD HGNC:24275 Scd 621176 246074 SCD 735301 6319 RGD Scd1 736587 20249 MGI:98239 RGD HGNC:10571 Scd2 621177 83792 Scd2 1331867 20250 MGI:98240 RGD Scd3 1595370 681458 Scd3 1623259 30049 MGI:1353437 RGD Scd4 1563648 499358 Scd4 1558438 329065 MGI:2670997 RGD Scel 1305102 361086 SCEL 1312935 8796 HGNC Scel 1312936 64929 MGI:1891228 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:10573 Scfd1 619828 54350 SCFD1 1350281 23256 HGNC Scfd1 1332178 76983 MGI:1924233 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:20726 Scfd2 1562708 498353 SCFD2 1348082 152579 HGNC Scfd2 1615717 212986 MGI:2443446 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:30676 Scg2 3626 24765 SCG2 734327 7857 HGNC Scg2 11259 20254 MGI:103033 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:10575 Scg3 621209 116635 SCG3 732003 29106 HGNC Scg3 732004 20255 MGI:103032 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:13707 Scg5 3669 25719 SCG5 731406 6447 HGNC Scg5 731407 20394 MGI:98289 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:10816 Scgb1a1 3934 25575 SCGB1A1 735247 7356 HGNC Scgb1a1 11475 22287 MGI:98919 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:12523 Scgb1c1 1561432 309100 SCGB1C1 1351548 147199 HGNC Scgb1c1 1620445 338417 MGI:2655401 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:18394 Scgb1d2 708459 309203 SCGB1D2 1345787 10647 HGNC Gm38656 10032107 102643088 MGI:5621541 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:18396 Scgb1d4 1302961 293731 SCGB1D4 1606365 404552 HGNC HGNC:31748 Scgb2a1 735031 361725 SCGB2A1 1347983 4246 RGD Scgb2a2 2300044 102639117 MGI:3780828 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:7051 Scgb3a1 727901 338418 SCGB3A1 1343531 92304 HGNC Scgb3a1 1331973 68662 MGI:1915912 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:18384 Scgb3a2 1564790 498854 SCGB3A2 1346821 117156 HGNC Scgb3a2 1558355 117158 MGI:2153470 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:18391 Scgn 1303281 306942 SCGN 1347901 10590 HGNC Scgn 1616585 214189 MGI:2384873 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:16941 Schip1 1309962 295105 SCHIP1 1320587 29970 HGNC Schip1 1320588 30953 MGI:1353557 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:15678 Scimp 1593299 691993 SCIMP 1604451 388325 HGNC Scimp 1621233 327957 MGI:3610314 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:33504 Scin 735034 298975 SCIN 1350815 85477 HGNC Scin 1552451 20259 MGI:1306794 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:21695 Sclt1 628721 266809 SCLT1 731355 132320 HGNC Sclt1 1617550 67161 MGI:1914411 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:26406 Scly 1359514 363285 SCLY 1343598 51540 HGNC Scly 1552754 50880 MGI:1355310 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:18161 Scmh1 1305788 362581 SCMH1 1314031 22955 HGNC Scmh1 1314032 29871 MGI:1352762 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:19003 Scml1 7723901 102550809 SCML1 1343784 6322 HGNC Scml1 1618201 195726 MGI:2684893 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:10580 Scml2 1564289 367793 SCML2 1352337 10389 HGNC Scml2 1614231 107815 MGI:1340042 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:10581 Scml4 1310898 309859 SCML4 1322066 256380 HGNC Scml4 1322067 268297 MGI:2446140 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:21397 Scn10a 3629 29571 SCN10A 1349086 6336 HGNC Scn10a 736179 20264 MGI:108029 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:10582 Scn11a 3630 29701 SCN11A 1342640 11280 HGNC Scn11a 735313 24046 MGI:1345149 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:10583 Scn1a 69364 81574 SCN1A 735777 6323 HGNC Scn1a 735778 20265 MGI:98246 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:10585 Scn1b 3631 29686 SCN1B 1350483 6324 HGNC Scn1b 737154 20266 MGI:98247 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:10586 Scn2a 3632 24766 SCN2A 1354096 6326 HGNC Scn2a 1621393 110876 MGI:98248 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:10588 Scn2b 3633 25349 SCN2B 736397 6327 HGNC Scn2b 11266 72821 MGI:106921 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:10589 Scn3a 3635 497770 SCN3A 736601 6328 HGNC Scn3a 736602 20269 MGI:98249 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:10590 Scn3b 621657 245956 SCN3B 1350710 55800 HGNC Scn3b 1332251 235281 MGI:1918882 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:20665 Scn4a 3636 25722 SCN4A 732165 6329 HGNC Scn4a 11268 110880 MGI:98250 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:10591 Scn4b 631404 315611 SCN4B 735494 6330 HGNC Scn4b 1620406 399548 MGI:2687406 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:10592 Scn5a 3637 25665 SCN5A 731255 6331 HGNC Scn5a 735253 20271 MGI:98251 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:10593 Scn7a 61922 64155 SCN7A 1601888 6332 HGNC Scn7a 736880 20272 MGI:102965 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:10594 Scn8a 3638 29710 SCN8A 1351349 6334 HGNC Scn8a 736507 20273 MGI:103169 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:10596 Scn9a 69368 78956 SCN9A 737151 6335 HGNC Scn9a 737152 20274 MGI:107636 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:10597 Scnm1 1308968 310662 SCNM1 1319050 100534012 HGNC Scnn1a 3639 25122 SCNN1A 736324 6337 HGNC Scnn1a 11269 20276 MGI:101782 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:10599 Scnn1b 3640 24767 SCNN1B 734263 6338 HGNC Scnn1b 11272 20277 MGI:104696 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:10600 Scnn1g 3641 24768 SCNN1G 732847 6340 HGNC Scnn1g 732848 20278 MGI:104695 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:10602 Sco1 1559538 497930 SCO1 1344696 6341 HGNC Sco1 1617578 52892 MGI:106362 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:10603 Scoc 1311860 364981 SCOC 1323537 60592 HGNC Scoc 1323538 56367 MGI:1927654 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:20335 Scp2 3642 25541 SCP2 733061 6342 RGD Scp2 11273 20280 MGI:98254 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:10606 Scp2d1 1308385 311491 SCP2D1 1318122 140856 HGNC Scp2d1 1318123 66328 MGI:1913578 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:16211 Scpep1 620067 114861 SCPEP1 1351146 59342 HGNC Scpep1 731456 74617 MGI:1921867 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:29507 Scpppq1 2323137 100359907 SCPPPQ1 38624342 105377321 NCBI Scpppq1 5144823 100271704 MGI:4937294 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:56851 Scrg1 68377 64458 SCRG1 68543 11341 HGNC Scrg1 68544 20284 MGI:1328308 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:17036 Scrib 1565055 362938 SCRIB 1321471 23513 HGNC Scrib 1321472 105782 MGI:2145950 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:30377 Scrn1 1560999 502776 SCRN1 1348666 9805 HGNC Scrn1 1557661 69938 MGI:1917188 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:22192 Scrn2 1307741 360612 SCRN2 1317110 90507 HGNC Scrn2 1317111 217140 MGI:1343092 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:30381 Scrn3 1305064 311731 SCRN3 1312871 79634 HGNC Scrn3 1550100 74616 MGI:1921866 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:30382 Scrt1 1306236 366951 SCRT1 1314736 83482 HGNC Scrt1 1314737 170729 MGI:2176606 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:15950 Scrt2 1564796 366229 SCRT2 1348701 85508 HGNC Scrt2 1617891 545474 MGI:2139287 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:15952 Sct 3643 24769 SCT 735506 6343 HGNC Sct 735507 20287 MGI:99466 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:10607 Sctr 621342 81779 SCTR 736213 6344 HGNC Sctr 736214 319229 MGI:2441720 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:10608 Scube1 1309015 315174 SCUBE1 1319121 80274 HGNC Scube1 1319122 64706 MGI:1890616 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:13441 Scube2 1563998 499241 SCUBE2 1352842 57758 RGD Scube2 1617561 56788 MGI:1928765 RGD HGNC:30425 Scube3 1304880 294297 SCUBE3 1312575 222663 HGNC Scube3 1614840 268935 MGI:3045253 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:13655 Scx 1588254 680712 SCX 1625822 642658 HGNC Scx 1618406 20289 MGI:102934 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:32322 Scyl1 1307330 293684 SCYL1 1316462 57410 HGNC Scyl1 1316463 78891 MGI:1931787 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:14372 Scyl2 1305665 314717 SCYL2 1343640 55681 HGNC Scyl2 1550516 213326 MGI:1289172 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:19286 Scyl3 1308992 360866 SCYL3 1603625 57147 HGNC Scyl3 1319085 240880 MGI:1921385 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:19285 Sdad1 1359112 289504 SDAD1 1353066 55153 HGNC Sdad1 1552461 231452 MGI:2140779 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:25537 Sdc1 3648 25216 SDC1 730864 6382 HGNC Sdc1 730865 20969 MGI:1349162 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:10658 Sdc2 3649 25615 SDC2 734386 6383 HGNC Sdc2 734387 15529 MGI:1349165 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:10659 Sdc3 621486 116673 SDC3 1343030 9672 HGNC Sdc3 732076 20970 MGI:1349163 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:10660 Sdc4 3650 24771 SDC4 730877 6385 HGNC Sdc4 11279 20971 MGI:1349164 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:10661 Sdcbp 621497 83841 SDCBP 1343667 6386 HGNC Sdcbp 733371 53378 MGI:1337026 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:10662 Sdcbp2 1307709 311532 SDCBP2 1317056 27111 HGNC Sdcbp2 1317057 228765 MGI:2385156 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:15756 Sdccag8 727781 305002 SDCCAG8 1344755 10806 HGNC Sdccag8 1623115 76816 MGI:1924066 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:10671 Sde2 1305572 289315 SDE2 1603354 163859 HGNC Sde2 1313681 208768 MGI:2384788 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:26643 Sdf2 1307274 287470 SDF2 1316372 6388 HGNC Sdf2 1316373 20316 MGI:108019 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:10675 Sdf2l1 1585844 680945 SDF2L1 1320780 23753 HGNC Sdf2l1 1320781 64136 MGI:2149842 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:10676 Sdf4 621521 155173 SDF4 731601 51150 HGNC Sdf4 731602 20318 MGI:108079 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:24188 Sdha 621557 157074 SDHA 733521 6389 HGNC Sdha 733522 66945 MGI:1914195 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:10680 Sdhaf1 1562079 499125 SDHAF1 2307455 644096 HGNC Sdhaf1 1618359 68332 MGI:1915582 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:33867 Sdhaf2 1309216 361726 SDHAF2 1606278 54949 HGNC Sdhaf2 1331887 66072 MGI:1913322 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:26034 Sdhaf3 1305143 362323 SDHAF3 1313002 57001 HGNC Sdhaf3 1550129 71238 MGI:1913288 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:21752 Sdhaf4 1588998 685888 SDHAF4 1319485 135154 HGNC Sdhaf4 1319486 68002 MGI:1915252 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:20957 Sdhb 1308598 298596 SDHB 1318463 6390 HGNC Sdhb 1318464 67680 MGI:1914930 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:10681 Sdhc 1359454 289217 SDHC 1354327 6391 HGNC Sdhc 1553681 66052 MGI:1913302 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:10682 Sdhd 735231 363061 SDHD 1345704 6392 HGNC Sdhd 1332252 66925 MGI:1914175 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:10683 Sdk1 1560686 304297 SDK1 1352696 221935 HGNC Sdk1 1623701 330222 MGI:2444413 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:19307 Sdk2 1310397 360652 SDK2 1321280 54549 HGNC Sdk2 1558528 237979 MGI:2443847 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:19308 Sdr16c5 1565999 297805 SDR16C5 1604728 195814 HGNC Sdr16c5 1620562 242285 MGI:2668443 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:30311 Sdr39u1 1309307 361044 SDR39U1 1319586 56948 HGNC Sdr39u1 1617027 654795 MGI:1916876 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:20275 Sdr42e1 1308481 307897 SDR42E1 1601729 93517 HGNC Sdr42e1 1318275 74032 MGI:1921282 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:29834 Sdr42e2 6504299 100910280 SDR42E2 5688458 100288072 HGNC Sdr42e2 1619618 436008 MGI:3645276 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:35414 Sdr9c7 628716 259235 SDR9C7 732810 121214 HGNC Sdr9c7 737543 70061 MGI:1917311 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:29958 Sds 67376 25044 SDS 734053 10993 HGNC Sds 734054 231691 MGI:98270 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:10691 Sdsl 1309192 360816 SDSL 1319395 113675 HGNC Sdsl 1319396 257635 MGI:2182607 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:30404 Sebox 62077 58922 SEBOX 1626595 645832 RGD Sebox 62369 18292 MGI:108012 RGD HGNC:32942 Sec11a 69360 65166 SEC11A 1344783 23478 HGNC Sec11a 1553779 56529 MGI:1929464 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:17718 Sec11c 628665 266758 SEC11C 1348413 90701 HGNC Sec11c 1551401 66286 MGI:1913536 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:23400 Sec13 1359555 297522 SEC13 1344614 6396 HGNC Sec13 1550802 110379 MGI:99832 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:10697 Sec14l1 1563123 360668 SEC14L1 1320418 6397 HGNC Sec14l1 1558038 74136 MGI:1921386 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:10698 Sec14l2 621779 116486 SEC14L2 736725 23541 HGNC Sec14l2 736726 67815 MGI:1915065 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:10699 Sec14l3 620812 64543 SEC14L3 1346355 266629 HGNC Sec14l3 1615522 380683 MGI:3617848 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:18655 Sec14l4 1565810 498399 SEC14L4 1343842 284904 HGNC Sec14l4 1616659 103655 MGI:2144095 RGD HGNC:20627 Sec14l5 1564638 287060 SEC14L5 1605420 9717 HGNC Sec14l5 1617018 665119 MGI:3616084 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:29032 Sec16a 2322350 100360302 SEC16A 1354294 9919 HGNC Sec16a 1622970 227648 MGI:2139207 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:29006 Sec16b 621658 89868 SEC16B 737396 89866 HGNC Sec16b 1623086 89867 MGI:2148802 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:30301 Sec22a 621659 117513 SEC22A 1344636 26984 HGNC Sec22a 1550126 317717 MGI:2447876 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:20260 Sec22b 1309988 310710 SEC22B 1320628 9554 HGNC Sec22b 1320629 20333 MGI:1338759 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:10700 Sec22c 1590146 687022 SEC22C 1607079 9117 HGNC Sec22c 1616580 215474 MGI:2447871 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:16828 Sec23a 1309103 58817 SEC23A 1354109 10484 HGNC Sec23a 1319256 20334 MGI:1349635 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:10701 Sec23b 1310699 362226 SEC23B 1321756 10483 HGNC Sec23b 1321757 27054 MGI:1350925 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:10702 Sec23ip 1309328 309010 SEC23IP 1319616 11196 HGNC Sec23ip 1551226 207352 MGI:2450915 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:17018 Sec24a 1309451 287275 SEC24A 1319800 10802 HGNC Sec24a 1319801 77371 MGI:1924621 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:10703 Sec24b 1309358 295461 SEC24B 1319664 10427 HGNC Sec24b 1617437 99683 MGI:2139764 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:10704 Sec24c 1597739 685144 SEC24C 1321602 9632 HGNC Sec24c 1551587 218811 MGI:1919746 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:10705 Sec24d 1311720 310843 SEC24D 1323325 9871 HGNC Sec24d 1323326 69608 MGI:1916858 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:10706 Sec31a 620233 93646 SEC31A 1350188 22872 HGNC Sec31a 737199 69162 MGI:1916412 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:17052 Sec31b 1598329 309433 SEC31B 1317006 25956 HGNC Sec31b 1622926 240667 MGI:2685187 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:23197 Sec61a1 68321 80843 SEC61A1 1351813 29927 HGNC Sec61a1 68443 53421 MGI:1858417 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:18276 Sec61a2 1305948 361273 SEC61A2 1314281 55176 HGNC Sec61a2 1314282 57743 MGI:1931071 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:17702 Sec61b 1304997 298068 SEC61B 1312761 10952 HGNC Sec61b 1312762 66212 MGI:1913462 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:16993 Sec61g 1596170 689134 SEC61G 1314869 23480 RGD Sec61g 1314870 20335 MGI:1202066 RGD HGNC:18277 Sec62 1308862 294912 SEC62 1318878 7095 HGNC Sec62 1318879 69276 MGI:1916526 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:11846 Sec63 1304984 309858 SEC63 1312738 11231 HGNC Sec63 1312739 140740 MGI:2155302 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:21082 Secisbp2 620991 79049 SECISBP2 1343356 79048 HGNC Secisbp2 1332097 75420 MGI:1922670 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:30972 Secisbp2l 1559930 296115 SECISBP2L 1605418 9728 HGNC Secisbp2l 1558294 70354 MGI:1917604 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:28997 Sectm1b 735132 287884 SECTM1 1314321 6398 HGNC Sectm1a 1314322 209588 MGI:2384805 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:10707 Seh1l 6490353 100911798 SEH1L 1352568 81929 RGD Seh1l 1619127 72124 MGI:1919374 RGD HGNC:30379 Sel1l 620147 314352 SEL1L 1351070 6400 HGNC Sel1l 1553402 20338 MGI:1329016 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:10717 Sel1l2 1311278 311470 SEL1L2 1322649 80343 HGNC Sel1l2 1614929 228684 MGI:2684964 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:15897 Sel1l3 1562860 360945 SEL1L3 1604048 23231 HGNC Sel1l3 1321230 231238 MGI:1916941 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:29108 Sele 3654 25544 SELE 736831 6401 HGNC Sele 11283 20339 MGI:98278 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:10718 Selenbp1 620571 103689947 SELENBP1 733754 8991 RGD Selenbp1 1552441 20341 MGI:96825 RGD HGNC:10719 Selenof 621291 113922 SELENOF 736154 9403 HGNC Selenof 1623875 93684 MGI:1927947 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:17705 Selenoh 1563348 502642 SELENOH 1354417 280636 HGNC Selenoh 1615052 72657 MGI:1919907 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:18251 Selenoi 1560938 362713 SELENOI 1604559 85465 HGNC Selenoi 1618397 28042 MGI:107898 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:29361 Selenok 1303129 290549 SELENOK 1603383 58515 HGNC Selenok 1623089 80795 MGI:1931466 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:30394 Selenom 1565037 498398 SELENOM 1603181 140606 HGNC Selenom 1622145 114679 MGI:2149786 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:30397 Selenon 1304574 362624 SELENON 1603617 57190 HGNC Selenon 1312091 74777 MGI:2151208 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:15999 Selenoo 1311907 315216 SELENOO 1605929 83642 HGNC Selenoo 1323611 223776 MGI:1919007 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:30395 Selenop 3660 29360 SELENOP 737591 6414 HGNC Selenop 737592 20363 MGI:894288 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:10751 Selenos 628897 286900 SELENOS 1601754 55829 HGNC Selenos 1332533 109815 MGI:95994 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:30396 Selenot 1359128 365802 SELENOT 1602000 51714 HGNC Selenot 1553437 69227 MGI:1916477 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:18136 Selenov 1562943 499113 SELENOV 1603489 348303 HGNC Selenov 1614830 280621 MGI:3608324 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:30399 Selenow 3661 25545 SELENOW 737006 6415 HGNC Selenow 11284 20364 MGI:1100878 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:10752 Sell 3655 29259 SELL 1342543 6402 HGNC Sell 737030 20343 MGI:98279 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:10720 Selp 3656 25651 SELP 737162 6403 HGNC Selp 734150 20344 MGI:98280 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:10721 Selplg 1307971 363930 SELPLG 1317472 6404 HGNC Selplg 1317473 20345 MGI:106689 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:10722 Sem1 1590628 680532 SEM1 1349756 7979 HGNC Sem1 1616831 20422 MGI:109238 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:10845 Sema3a 3657 29751 SEMA3A 730921 10371 HGNC Sema3a 730922 20346 MGI:107558 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:10723 Sema3b 1310079 363142 SEMA3B 1320778 7869 HGNC Sema3b 1320779 20347 MGI:107561 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:10724 Sema3c 1309343 296787 SEMA3C 1319638 10512 HGNC Sema3c 1319639 20348 MGI:107557 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:10725 Sema3d 727939 246262 SEMA3D 1348225 223117 HGNC Sema3d 1332117 108151 MGI:1860118 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:10726 Sema3e 1310973 296789 SEMA3E 1322177 9723 HGNC Sema3e 1617605 20349 MGI:1340034 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:10727 Sema3f 1308514 315996 SEMA3F 1318327 6405 HGNC Sema3f 1318328 20350 MGI:1096347 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:10728 Sema3g 1306079 290562 SEMA3G 1601989 56920 HGNC Sema3g 1620623 218877 MGI:3041242 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:30400 Sema4a 1304636 310630 SEMA4A 1312188 64218 HGNC Sema4a 1312189 20351 MGI:107560 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:10729 Sema4b 1307872 293042 SEMA4B 1317317 10509 HGNC Sema4b 1317318 20352 MGI:107559 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:10730 Sema4c 1562837 301346 SEMA4C 1354487 54910 HGNC Sema4c 1558048 20353 MGI:109252 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:10731 Sema4d 1310554 306790 SEMA4D 1321523 10507 HGNC Sema4d 1321524 20354 MGI:109244 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:10732 Sema4f 3658 29745 SEMA4F 735857 10505 HGNC Sema4f 735858 20355 MGI:1340055 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:10734 Sema4g 1310436 361764 SEMA4G 1321336 57715 HGNC Sema4g 1321337 26456 MGI:1347047 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:10735 Sema5a 1308650 310207 SEMA5A 1318544 9037 HGNC Sema5a 1318545 20356 MGI:107556 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:10736 Sema5b 1308914 303901 SEMA5B 1318955 54437 HGNC Sema5b 1318956 20357 MGI:107555 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:10737 Sema6a 1305493 361324 SEMA6A 1313551 57556 HGNC Sema6a 1617604 20358 MGI:1203727 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:10738 Sema6b 69278 84609 SEMA6B 731900 10501 HGNC Sema6b 736203 20359 MGI:1202889 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:10739 Sema6c 3659 29744 SEMA6C 732717 10500 HGNC Sema6c 737419 20360 MGI:1338032 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:10740 Sema6d 1310910 311384 SEMA6D 1605040 80031 HGNC Sema6d 1322087 214968 MGI:2387661 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:16770 Sema7a 1305192 315711 SEMA7A 1313074 8482 HGNC Sema7a 1313075 20361 MGI:1306826 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:10741 Semg1 3790 25013 SEMG1 1349203 6406 HGNC Semg1 734353 53878 MGI:1858275 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:10742 Senp1 1310275 300193 SENP1 1321080 29843 HGNC Senp1 1321081 223870 MGI:2445054 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:17927 Senp2 708378 78973 SENP2 1351152 59343 HGNC Senp2 733308 75826 MGI:1923076 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:23116 Senp3 1312040 303245 SENP3 1323815 26168 HGNC Senp3 1323816 80886 MGI:2158736 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:17862 Senp5 1304604 103689978 SENP5 1312139 205564 RGD Senp5 1312140 320213 MGI:2443596 RGD HGNC:28407 Senp6 1304565 300860 SENP6 1312076 26054 HGNC Senp6 1312077 215351 MGI:1922075 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:20944 Senp7 1305510 288167 SENP7 1313579 57337 HGNC Senp7 1550234 66315 MGI:1913565 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:30402 Senp8 1309955 315723 SENP8 1320576 123228 HGNC Senp8 1320577 71599 MGI:1918849 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:22992 Sephs1 1311182 291314 SEPHS1 1322506 22929 HGNC Sephs1 1322507 109079 MGI:1923580 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:19685 Sephs2 1308827 308993 SEPHS2 1318823 22928 HGNC Sephs2 1318824 20768 MGI:108388 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:19686 Sepsecs 1589491 679383 SEPSECS 1606287 51091 HGNC Sepsecs 1620633 211006 MGI:1098791 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:30605 Septin1 1307216 293507 SEPTIN1 1316277 1731 HGNC Septin1 1316278 54204 MGI:1858916 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:2879 Septin10 1359307 309891 SEPTIN10 1606447 151011 HGNC Septin10 1621415 103080 MGI:1918110 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:14349 Septin11 1307405 305227 SEPTIN11 1349067 55752 HGNC Septin11 1558541 52398 MGI:1277214 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:25589 Septin12 1565511 363542 SEPTIN12 1604543 124404 HGNC Septin12 1558530 71089 MGI:1918339 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:26348 Septin14 1596186 689118 SEPTIN14 1602813 346288 HGNC Septin14 1623158 74222 MGI:1921472 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:33280 Septin2 620056 117515 SEPTIN2 1342947 4735 HGNC Septin2 1550552 18000 MGI:97298 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:7729 Septin3 621745 56003 SEPTIN3 736597 55964 HGNC Septin3 1332427 24050 MGI:1345148 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:10750 Septin4 1308781 287606 SEPTIN4 1349607 5414 HGNC Septin4 1318754 18952 MGI:1270156 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:9165 Septin5 621763 116728 SEPTIN5 30304160 5413 HGNC Septin5 1550240 18951 MGI:1195461 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:9164 Septin6 1585082 691335 SEPTIN6 1316585 23157 HGNC Septin6 1557031 56526 MGI:1888939 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:15848 Septin7 620469 64551 SEPTIN7 1604654 989 HGNC Septin7 1552252 235072 MGI:1335094 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:1717 Septin8 1308449 303135 SEPTIN8 1318222 23176 HGNC Septin8 1318223 20362 MGI:894310 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:16511 Septin9 708523 83788 SEPTIN9 1349459 10801 HGNC Septin9 1332581 53860 MGI:1858222 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:7323 Serac1 1565064 499015 SERAC1 1349770 84947 HGNC Serac1 1557153 321007 MGI:2447813 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:21061 Serbp1 619907 246303 SERBP1 1606807 26135 HGNC Serbp1 1620033 66870 MGI:1914120 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:17860 Serf1 1565105 502503 SERF1A 1350108 8293 HGNC Serf1 1558344 20365 MGI:1337114 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:10755 Serf2 1588368 502663 SERF2 1344606 10169 HGNC Serf2 1315009 378702 MGI:1337041 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:10757 Sergef 1563497 365243 SERGEF 1603222 26297 HGNC Sergef 1557264 27414 MGI:1351630 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:17499 Serhl2 1563386 500911 SERHL2 1602055 253190 HGNC Serhl 1556998 68607 MGI:1890404 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:29446 Serinc1 727843 294421 SERINC1 1349070 57515 HGNC Serinc1 1553085 56442 MGI:1926228 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:13464 Serinc2 1311396 313057 SERINC2 1322836 347735 HGNC Serinc2 1553721 230779 MGI:1919132 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:23231 Serinc3 1308390 296350 SERINC3 1318130 10955 HGNC Serinc3 1318131 26943 MGI:1349457 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:11699 Serinc4 1566077 311358 SERINC4 1606056 619189 HGNC Serinc4 13708381 574418 MGI:2441842 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:32237 Serinc5 621571 170907 SERINC5 1604715 256987 HGNC Serinc5 1557938 218442 MGI:2444223 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:18825 Serp1 620790 80881 SERP1 1601762 27230 HGNC Serp1 732786 28146 MGI:92638 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:10759 Serp2 1566076 498546 SERP2 1346471 387923 HGNC Serp2 1558325 72661 MGI:1919911 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:20607 Serpina1 3326 24648 SERPINA1 1349357 5265 HGNC HGNC:8941 Serpina10 621220 171154 SERPINA10 1353693 51156 RGD Serpina10 732336 217847 MGI:2667725 RGD HGNC:15996 Serpina11 1359239 362774 SERPINA11 1345910 256394 HGNC Serpina11 1614789 380780 MGI:2685741 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:19193 Serpina12 708485 191570 SERPINA12 1348482 145264 HGNC Serpina12 1553887 68054 MGI:1915304 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:18359 Serpina16 727888 299271 Serpina16 1616594 194604 MGI:2684892 RGD Serpina1f 1307899 314406 SERPINA2 1345816 390502 HGNC Serpina1f 1317361 68348 MGI:1915598 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:8985 Serpina3j 1595900 299277 Serpina3j 1620577 238395 MGI:2182843 RGD Serpina3n 3747 24795 SERPINA3 1343168 12 HGNC Serpina3n 731762 20716 MGI:105045 RGD HGNC:16 Serpina4 708581 246328 SERPINA4 1348774 5267 HGNC Serpina4-ps1 1614064 321018 MGI:2448363 RGD HGNC:8948 Serpina5 619817 65051 SERPINA5 1346137 5104 HGNC Serpina5 734302 268591 MGI:107817 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:8723 Serpina6 1595901 299270 SERPINA6 1353758 866 HGNC Serpina6 1558331 12401 MGI:88278 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:1540 Serpina7 619833 81806 SERPINA7 1351148 6906 HGNC Serpina7 1623691 331535 MGI:3041197 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:11583 Serpina9 1304789 299274 SERPINA9 1312435 327657 HGNC Serpina9 1312436 71907 MGI:1919157 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:15995 Serpinb10 628853 266775 SERPINB10 733342 5273 HGNC Serpinb10 733343 241197 MGI:2138648 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:8942 Serpinb11 1306497 304689 SERPINB11 1315147 89778 HGNC Serpinb11 1315148 66957 MGI:1914207 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:14221 Serpinb12 1566382 304692 SERPINB12 1343942 89777 HGNC Serpinb12 1557422 71869 MGI:1919119 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:14220 Serpinb13 1304661 304690 SERPINB13 1312230 5275 HGNC Serpinb13 1312231 241196 MGI:3042250 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:8944 Serpinb1a 1306203 291091 SERPINB1 1314687 1992 HGNC Serpinb1a 1314688 66222 MGI:1913472 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:3311 Serpinb2 621823 60325 SERPINB2 1343432 5055 HGNC Serpinb2 734213 18788 MGI:97609 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:8584 Serpinb3 1549766 304688 SERPINB3 1346118 6317 HGNC Serpinb3d 1621173 394252 MGI:2683295 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:10569 Serpinb3a 1562868 498209 SERPINB4 1351173 6318 HGNC Serpinb3a 1557305 20248 MGI:3573933 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:10570 Serpinb5 69342 116589 SERPINB5 69089 5268 HGNC Serpinb5 736347 20724 MGI:109579 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:8949 Serpinb6a 735108 291085 SERPINB6 1348161 5269 RGD Serpinb6a 1552475 20719 MGI:103123 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:8950 Serpinb7 71063 117092 SERPINB7 736732 8710 HGNC Serpinb7 733832 116872 MGI:2151053 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:13902 Serpinb8 1309833 288937 SERPINB8 1320387 5271 HGNC Serpinb8 1320388 20725 MGI:894657 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:8952 Serpinb9 1549730 361241 SERPINB9 1318666 5272 HGNC Serpinb9 1556995 20723 MGI:106603 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:8955 Serpinc1 1307404 304917 SERPINC1 1316583 462 HGNC Serpinc1 1316584 11905 MGI:88095 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:775 Serpind1 619854 79224 SERPIND1 732320 3053 HGNC Serpind1 732321 15160 MGI:96051 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:4838 Serpine1 3249 24617 SERPINE1 69014 5054 HGNC Serpine1 11055 18787 MGI:97608 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:8583 Serpine2 3748 29366 SERPINE2 70076 5270 HGNC Serpine2 70077 20720 MGI:101780 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:8951 Serpine3 1585042 691375 SERPINE3 2301110 647174 HGNC Serpine3 1321460 319433 MGI:2442020 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:24774 Serpinf1 631369 287526 SERPINF1 1342519 5176 HGNC Serpinf1 1332124 20317 MGI:108080 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:8824 Serpinf2 1306692 287527 SERPINF2 1315455 5345 HGNC Serpinf2 1315456 18816 MGI:107173 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:9075 Serping1 735225 295703 SERPING1 1344082 710 HGNC Serping1 1552805 12258 MGI:894696 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:1228 Serpinh1 69302 29345 SERPINH1 732731 871 HGNC Serpinh1 737440 12406 MGI:88283 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:1546 Serpini1 619896 116459 SERPINI1 731505 5274 HGNC Serpini1 731506 20713 MGI:1194506 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:8943 Serpini2 619897 171149 SERPINI2 737028 5276 HGNC Serpini2 737029 67931 MGI:1915181 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:8945 Sertad1 1549778 361526 SERTAD1 1353244 29950 HGNC Sertad1 1558246 55942 MGI:1913438 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:17932 Sertad2 1564049 498423 SERTAD2 1350169 9792 HGNC Sertad2 1557431 58172 MGI:1931026 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:30784 Sertad3 1564271 499108 SERTAD3 1603398 29946 HGNC Sertad3 1620655 170742 MGI:2180697 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:17931 Sertad4 1565408 360899 SERTAD4 1351903 56256 HGNC Sertad4 1558164 214791 MGI:2443496 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:25236 Sertm1 1597355 690333 SERTM1 1601910 400120 HGNC Sertm1 1617974 329641 MGI:3607715 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:33792 Sertm2 7673510 102554851 SERTM2 7249247 401613 HGNC Sertm2 1614070 319764 MGI:2442684 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:48576 Sesn1 1307517 294518 SESN1 1316757 27244 HGNC Sesn1 1316758 140742 MGI:2155278 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:21595 Sesn2 1566319 502988 SESN2 1346813 83667 HGNC Sesn2 1618969 230784 MGI:2651874 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:20746 Sesn3 1309470 315427 SESN3 1319828 143686 HGNC Sesn3 1551273 75747 MGI:1922997 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:23060 Sestd1 1562244 295678 SESTD1 1349123 91404 HGNC Sestd1 1557021 228071 MGI:1916262 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:18379 Set 41368318 120101889 SET 1316679 6418 RGD Set 1316680 56086 MGI:1860267 RGD HGNC:10760 Setbp1 1306229 291423 SETBP1 1314725 26040 HGNC Setbp1 1314726 240427 MGI:1933199 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:15573 Setd1a 1311624 309001 SETD1A 1605414 9739 HGNC Setd1a 1323179 233904 MGI:2446244 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:29010 Setd1b 2323325 100359816 SETD1B 1602124 23067 HGNC Setd1b 1317574 208043 MGI:2652820 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:29187 Setd2 1305576 316013 SETD2 1602894 29072 HGNC Setd2 1621311 235626 MGI:1918177 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:18420 Setd3 1309550 299295 SETD3 1319950 84193 RGD Setd3 1319951 52690 MGI:1289184 RGD HGNC:20493 Setd4 619899 245975 SETD4 1353006 54093 HGNC Setd4 731499 224440 MGI:2136890 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:1258 Setd5 1310433 297514 SETD5 1605381 55209 HGNC Setd5 1321331 72895 MGI:1920145 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:25566 Setd6 1560538 291844 SETD6 1605343 79918 HGNC Setd6 1557133 66083 MGI:1913333 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:26116 Setd7 1586346 689954 SETD7 1606498 80854 HGNC Setd7 1620753 73251 MGI:1920501 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:30412 Setd9-ps1 2318781 100362101 SETD9 1602299 133383 HGNC Setd9-ps 30309830 102633089 MGI:3705835 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:28508 Setdb1 1308370 689883 SETDB1 1318101 9869 RGD Setdb1 1558610 84505 MGI:1934229 RGD HGNC:10761 Setdb2 2319564 100361710 SETDB2 1321179 83852 HGNC Setdb2 1614147 239122 MGI:2685139 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:20263 Setmar 1565882 500281 SETMAR 1348585 6419 HGNC Setmar 1558346 74729 MGI:1921979 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:10762 Setsip 1307467 307947 SETSIP 6480423 646817 RGD HGNC:42937 Setx 1565575 362096 SETX 1347866 23064 HGNC Setx 1622872 269254 MGI:2443480 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:445 Sez6 619780 192247 SEZ6 1320435 124925 HGNC Sez6 1320436 20370 MGI:104745 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:15955 Sez6l 1563628 304554 SEZ6L 1344560 23544 HGNC Sez6l 1558061 56747 MGI:1935121 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:10763 Sez6l2 1565281 308988 SEZ6L2 1606022 26470 HGNC Sez6l2 1558605 233878 MGI:2385295 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:30844 Sf1 620645 117855 SF1 1346504 7536 HGNC Sf1 1551753 22668 MGI:1095403 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:12950 Sf3a1 1311477 305479 SF3A1 1322957 10291 HGNC Sf3a1 1322958 67465 MGI:1914715 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:10765 Sf3a2 1308627 299620 SF3A2 1318510 8175 HGNC Sf3a2 1618410 20222 MGI:104912 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:10766 Sf3a3 1308726 313583 SF3A3 1318668 10946 HGNC Sf3a3 1318669 75062 MGI:1922312 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:10767 Sf3b1 620148 84486 SF3B1 1346641 23451 HGNC Sf3b1 1552266 81898 MGI:1932339 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:10768 Sf3b2 1307159 293671 SF3B2 1316185 10992 HGNC Sf3b2 1316186 319322 MGI:2441856 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:10769 Sf3b3 1311636 292019 SF3B3 1323197 23450 HGNC Sf3b3 1551843 101943 MGI:1289341 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:10770 Sf3b4 1309667 295270 SF3B4 1320131 10262 HGNC Sf3b4 1320132 107701 MGI:109580 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:10771 Sf3b5 1586993 680891 SF3B5 1345762 83443 HGNC Sf3b5 1615132 66125 MGI:1913375 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:21083 Sf3b6 2318878 100365504 SF3B6 1602118 51639 HGNC Sf3b6 1615905 66055 MGI:1913305 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:30096 Sfi1 1560636 305467 SFI1 1347387 9814 HGNC Sfi1 1617443 78887 MGI:1926137 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:29064 Sfmbt1 61999 58967 SFMBT1 1343140 51460 HGNC Sfmbt1 737561 54650 MGI:1859609 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:20255 Sfmbt2 1305027 307106 SFMBT2 1312812 57713 HGNC Sfmbt2 1616410 353282 MGI:2447794 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:20256 Sfn 1304729 313017 SFN 1312341 2810 HGNC Sfn 1312342 55948 MGI:1891831 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:10773 Sfpq 727923 252855 SFPQ 1343285 6421 HGNC Sfpq 1558342 71514 MGI:1918764 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:10774 Sfr1 1305481 294030 SFR1 1313532 119392 HGNC Sfr1 1313533 67788 MGI:1915038 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:29574 Sfrp1 621074 84402 SFRP1 735754 6422 HGNC Sfrp1 735755 20377 MGI:892014 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:10776 Sfrp2 735163 310552 SFRP2 1345643 6423 HGNC Sfrp2 1550582 20319 MGI:108078 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:10777 Sfrp4 621075 89803 SFRP4 1350997 6424 HGNC Sfrp4 731352 20379 MGI:892010 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:10778 Sfrp5 1310369 309377 SFRP5 1321235 6425 HGNC Sfrp5 1321236 54612 MGI:1860298 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:10779 Sfswap 1305004 304431 SFSWAP 1312773 6433 HGNC Sfswap 1312774 231769 MGI:101760 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:10790 Sft2d1 1359119 292305 SFT2D1 1343304 113402 HGNC Sft2d1 1557681 106489 MGI:1918689 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:21102 Sft2d2 1310623 360868 SFT2D2 1605217 375035 HGNC Sft2d2 1558115 108735 MGI:1917362 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:25140 Sft2d3 1561764 364835 SFT2D3 1603003 84826 HGNC Sft2d3 1617551 67158 MGI:1914408 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:28767 Sfta2 1303180 415052 SFTA2 1347220 389376 HGNC Sfta2 1621901 433102 MGI:3643293 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:18386 Sftpa1 3665 24773 SFTPA1 736369 653509 RGD Sftpa1 1552674 20387 MGI:109518 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:10798 Sftpb 621700 192155 SFTPB 737197 6439 HGNC Sftpb 737198 20388 MGI:109516 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:10801 Sftpc 3666 50683 SFTPC 736728 6440 HGNC Sftpc 733829 20389 MGI:109517 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:10802 Sftpd 3667 25350 SFTPD 735702 6441 HGNC Sftpd 11287 20390 MGI:109515 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:10803 Sfxn1 1308482 364678 SFXN1 1318276 94081 HGNC Sfxn1 1318277 14057 MGI:2137677 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:16085 Sfxn2 1306131 294011 SFXN2 1314569 118980 HGNC Sfxn2 1314570 94279 MGI:2137678 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:16086 Sfxn3 620716 65042 SFXN3 1345797 81855 HGNC Sfxn3 1552687 94280 MGI:2137679 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:16087 Sfxn4 1306088 361778 SFXN4 1314503 119559 HGNC Sfxn4 1314504 94281 MGI:2137680 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:16088 Sfxn5 628706 261737 SFXN5 1343188 94097 HGNC Sfxn5 1553400 94282 MGI:2137681 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:16073 Sgca 1308062 303468 SGCA 1317616 6442 HGNC Sgca 1317617 20391 MGI:894698 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:10805 Sgcb 1594202 680229 SGCB 1312050 6443 HGNC Sgcb 1312051 24051 MGI:1346523 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:10806 Sgcd 1306638 497892 SGCD 1315366 6444 HGNC Sgcd 1315367 24052 MGI:1346525 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:10807 Sgce 1303201 432360 SGCE 1352882 8910 HGNC Sgce 1553181 20392 MGI:1329042 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:10808 Sgcg 1359577 305941 SGCG 1347979 6445 HGNC Sgcg 1552804 24053 MGI:1346524 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:10809 Sgcz 1307788 364605 SGCZ 1317183 137868 HGNC Sgcz 1317184 244431 MGI:2388820 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:14075 Sgf29 1310609 293488 SGF29 1604249 112869 HGNC Sgf29 1332198 75565 MGI:1922815 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:25156 Sgip1 1564957 313413 SGIP1 1346308 84251 HGNC Sgip1 1622259 73094 MGI:1920344 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:25412 Sgk1 3668 29517 SGK1 731028 6446 HGNC Sgk1 731029 20393 MGI:1340062 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:10810 Sgk2 620232 171497 SGK2 1347154 10110 HGNC Sgk2 1552377 27219 MGI:1351318 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:13900 Sgk3 620242 171498 SGK3 1354188 23678 HGNC Sgk3 1550757 170755 MGI:2182368 RGD HGNC:10812 Sgms1 727912 353229 SGMS1 1352309 259230 HGNC Sgms1 1553375 208449 MGI:2444110 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:29799 Sgms2 1305778 310849 SGMS2 1605563 166929 HGNC Sgms2 1331987 74442 MGI:1921692 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:28395 Sgo1 1593238 363174 SGO1 1344948 151648 HGNC Sgo1 1317754 72415 MGI:1919665 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:25088 Sgo2 1308450 316425 SGO2 1318224 151246 HGNC Sgo2a 1318225 68549 MGI:1098767 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:30812 Sgpl1 628599 286896 SGPL1 1347742 8879 HGNC Sgpl1 1552269 20397 MGI:1261415 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:10817 Sgpp1 727829 81536 SGPP1 1343984 81537 HGNC Sgpp1 1552921 81535 MGI:2135760 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:17720 Sgpp2 1565739 301543 SGPP2 1346522 130367 HGNC Sgpp2 1620392 433323 MGI:3589109 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:19953 Sgsh 1591134 688293 SGSH 1345995 6448 HGNC Sgsh 1615937 27029 MGI:1350341 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:10818 Sgsm1 1308178 288743 SGSM1 1317805 129049 HGNC Sgsm1 1317806 52850 MGI:107320 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:29410 Sgsm2 1306957 303304 SGSM2 1315867 9905 HGNC Sgsm2 1550615 97761 MGI:2144695 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:29026 Sgsm3 735113 362963 SGSM3 1353613 27352 HGNC Sgsm3 1332436 105835 MGI:1916329 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:25228 Sgta 620815 64667 SGTA 735887 6449 HGNC Sgta 733259 52551 MGI:1098703 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:10819 Sgtb 727976 294708 SGTB 1353974 54557 HGNC Sgtb 1552415 218544 MGI:2444615 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:23567 Sh2b1 620132 89817 SH2B1 1603671 25970 RGD Sh2b1 731403 20399 MGI:1201407 RGD HGNC:30417 Sh2b2 69284 114203 SH2B2 736917 10603 HGNC Sh2b2 732395 23921 MGI:1345171 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:17381 Sh2b3 68411 58838 SH2B3 68607 10019 HGNC Sh2b3 68608 16923 MGI:893598 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:29605 Sh2d1a 1562408 501502 SH2D1A 1346207 4068 HGNC Sh2d1a 1557879 20400 MGI:1328352 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:10820 Sh2d1b 1563935 501869 SH2D1B 1606747 117157 HGNC HGNC:30416 Sh2d1b2 1589042 102556681 Sh2d1b2 1618684 545378 MGI:3622649 RGD Sh2d2a 1303076 310688 SH2D2A 1345635 9047 HGNC Sh2d2a 1550627 27371 MGI:1351596 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:10821 Sh2d3a 2322080 100360476 SH2D3A 1348075 10045 HGNC Gm46575 12798277 108168318 MGI:5826212 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:16885 Sh2d3c 1307287 362111 SH2D3C 1316391 10044 HGNC Sh2d3c 1316392 27387 MGI:1351631 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:16884 Sh2d4a 1307991 306376 SH2D4A 1317502 63898 HGNC Sh2d4a 1317503 72281 MGI:1919531 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:26102 Sh2d4b 1311591 290612 SH2D4B 1323129 387694 HGNC Sh2d4b 1558189 328381 MGI:1925182 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:31440 Sh2d5 1305952 366489 SH2D5 1602949 400745 HGNC Sh2d5 1618152 230863 MGI:2446215 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:28819 Sh2d6 1587427 691161 SH2D6 1606407 284948 HGNC Sh2d6 1558250 71130 MGI:1918380 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:30439 Sh2d7 1309791 300718 SH2D7 2923266 646892 HGNC Sh2d7 1320320 244885 MGI:2441692 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:34549 Sh3bgr 1563599 498066 SH3BGR 1346069 6450 HGNC Sh3bgr 1321088 50795 MGI:1354740 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:10822 Sh3bgrl1 1560520 302363 SH3BGRL 1352415 6451 HGNC Sh3bgrl 1558240 56726 MGI:1930849 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:10823 Sh3bgrl2 1591931 501026 SH3BGRL2 1314135 83699 HGNC Sh3bgrl2 1552309 212531 MGI:1915350 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:15567 Sh3bgrl3 1308118 298544 SH3BGRL3 1317706 83442 HGNC Sh3bgrl3 1317707 73723 MGI:1920973 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:15568 Sh3bp1 1306275 300067 SH3BP1 1314801 23616 HGNC Sh3bp1 1314802 20401 MGI:104603 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:10824 Sh3bp2 1310588 305450 SH3BP2 1321583 6452 HGNC Sh3bp2 1321584 24055 MGI:1346349 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:10825 Sh3bp4 620219 64634 SH3BP4 731485 23677 HGNC Sh3bp4 731486 98402 MGI:2138297 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:10826 Sh3bp5 620220 117186 SH3BP5 733305 9467 HGNC Sh3bp5 1552598 24056 MGI:1344391 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:10827 Sh3bp5l 1590939 690898 SH3BP5L 1606500 80851 HGNC Sh3bp5l 1553860 79566 MGI:1933124 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:29360 Sh3d19 1304885 295171 SH3D19 1605862 152503 HGNC Sh3d19 1331895 27059 MGI:1350923 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:30418 Sh3d21 1305090 362598 SH3D21 1605948 79729 HGNC Sh3d21 1312915 66938 MGI:1914188 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:26236 Sh3gl1 708456 81922 SH3GL1 1351797 6455 HGNC Sh3gl1 732914 20405 MGI:700010 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:10830 Sh3gl2 620276 116743 SH3GL2 1343139 6456 HGNC Sh3gl2 732654 20404 MGI:700009 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:10831 Sh3gl3 620578 81921 SH3GL3 731323 6457 HGNC Sh3gl3 1551861 20408 MGI:700011 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:10832 Sh3glb1 1304859 292156 SH3GLB1 1312539 51100 HGNC Sh3glb1 1312540 54673 MGI:1859730 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:10833 Sh3glb2 1305886 311848 SH3GLB2 1314186 56904 HGNC Sh3glb2 1314187 227700 MGI:2385131 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:10834 Sh3kbp1 620904 84357 SH3KBP1 732890 30011 HGNC Sh3kbp1 732891 58194 MGI:1889583 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:13867 Sh3pxd2a 1311185 309460 SH3PXD2A 1322510 9644 HGNC Sh3pxd2a 1322511 14218 MGI:1298393 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:23664 Sh3pxd2b 1309926 303021 SH3PXD2B 1349978 285590 HGNC Sh3pxd2b 1320533 268396 MGI:2442062 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:29242 Sh3rf1 735154 306417 SH3RF1 1348094 57630 HGNC Sh3rf1 1551894 59009 MGI:1913066 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:17650 Sh3rf2 1308415 307472 SH3RF2 1318168 153769 HGNC Sh3rf2 1318169 269016 MGI:2444628 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:26299 Sh3rf3 1589772 294557 SH3RF3 1344960 344558 HGNC Sh3rf3 1558111 237353 MGI:2444637 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:24699 Sh3tc1 1305610 305441 SH3TC1 1313741 54436 HGNC Sh3tc1 1313742 231147 MGI:2678949 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:26009 Sh3tc2 1309038 307393 SH3TC2 1348846 79628 HGNC Sh3tc2 1550799 225608 MGI:2444417 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:29427 Sh3yl1 1306440 362724 SH3YL1 1315058 26751 HGNC Sh3yl1 1315059 24057 MGI:1346118 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:29546 Shank1 621011 78957 SHANK1 734100 50944 HGNC Shank1 1617308 243961 MGI:3613677 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:15474 Shank2 628772 171093 SHANK2 736232 22941 HGNC Shank2 736233 210274 MGI:2671987 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:14295 Shank3 69264 59312 SHANK3 732251 85358 HGNC Shank3 732252 58234 MGI:1930016 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:14294 Sharpin 631353 81859 SHARPIN 1603608 81858 HGNC Sharpin 1549996 106025 MGI:1913331 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:25321 Shb 1565350 362513 SHB 1350494 6461 HGNC Shb 1558467 230126 MGI:98294 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:10838 Shbg 3671 24775 SHBG 736172 6462 HGNC Shbg 11289 20415 MGI:98295 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:10839 Shc1 620446 85385 SHC1 1346921 6464 HGNC Shc1 1551749 20416 MGI:98296 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:10840 Shc2 1307137 314612 SHC2 1350366 25759 HGNC Shc2 1316153 216148 MGI:106180 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:29869 Shc3 69348 114858 SHC3 737159 53358 HGNC Shc3 737160 20418 MGI:106179 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:18181 Shc4 1583644 679845 SHC4 1602620 399694 HGNC Shc4 1319380 271849 MGI:2655364 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:16743 Shcbp1 1590844 364648 SHCBP1 1354140 79801 HGNC Shcbp1 1616832 20419 MGI:1338802 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:29547 Shcbp1l 1305609 289101 SHCBP1L 1313739 81626 HGNC Shcbp1l 1313740 71836 MGI:1919086 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:16788 Shd 1590885 316507 SHD 1601984 56961 HGNC Shd 1557201 20420 MGI:1099461 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:30633 She 1583215 685088 SHE 1605584 126669 HGNC She 1623825 214547 MGI:1099462 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:27004 Shf 1562705 362205 SHF 1602197 90525 HGNC Shf 1622638 435684 MGI:3613669 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:25116 Shfl 1565995 500956 SHFL 1605065 55337 HGNC Shfl 1617995 319278 MGI:2441788 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:25649 Shh 3673 29499 SHH 736829 6469 HGNC Shh 736830 20423 MGI:98297 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:10848 Shisa2 1561256 498528 SHISA2 1353356 387914 HGNC Shisa2 1618173 219134 MGI:2444716 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:20366 Shisa3 1565710 498356 SHISA3 2292184 152573 HGNC Shisa3 1614803 330096 MGI:3041225 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:25159 Shisa4 1312041 360848 SHISA4 1323817 149345 HGNC Shisa4 1617455 77552 MGI:1924802 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:27139 Shisa5 1359661 301013 SHISA5 1602716 51246 HGNC Shisa5 1619194 66940 MGI:1915044 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:30376 Shisa6 1564618 497926 SHISA6 1602039 388336 HGNC Shisa6 1614798 380702 MGI:2685725 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:34491 Shisa7 1583944 691429 SHISA7 3160565 729956 HGNC Shisa7 1622954 232813 MGI:3605641 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:35409 Shisa8 1563996 315163 SHISA8 1345156 440829 HGNC Shisa8 1610529 435145 MGI:2146080 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:18351 Shisa9 2320726 100361134 SHISA9 3160513 729993 HGNC Shisa9 1615842 72555 MGI:1919805 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:37231 Shisal1 1566029 500913 SHISAL1 2303456 85352 HGNC Shisal1 1617505 72301 MGI:1919551 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:29335 Shisal2a 1593542 689322 SHISAL2A 1601694 348378 HGNC Shisal2a 2289779 545667 MGI:3651644 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:28757 Shisal2b 1564672 499520 SHISAL2B 2293813 100132916 HGNC Shisal2b 1615017 77803 MGI:1925053 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:34236 Shkbp1 1309281 292735 SHKBP1 1352927 92799 HGNC Shkbp1 1331878 192192 MGI:2385803 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:19214 Shld1 1597982 681292 SHLD1 1606148 149840 HGNC Shld1 1616725 73747 MGI:1920997 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:26318 Shld2 1565067 364514 SHLD2 1354134 54537 HGNC Shld2 1320663 75698 MGI:1922948 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:28773 Shld3 41350418 120101079 SHLD3 13782118 112441434 HGNC Shld3 13782310 113002583 MGI:6194609 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:53826 Shmt1 1312011 287379 SHMT1 1323770 6470 HGNC Shmt1 1323771 20425 MGI:98299 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:10850 Shmt2 1308582 299857 SHMT2 1318437 6472 HGNC Shmt2 1318438 108037 MGI:1277989 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:10852 Shoc1 1586646 686050 SHOC1 1351188 158401 HGNC Shoc1 1623871 100155 MGI:2140313 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:26535 Shoc2 1308146 309548 SHOC2 1317750 8036 HGNC Shoc2 1317751 56392 MGI:1927197 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:15454 Shox1 1586239 691272 SHOX 1349053 6473 HGNC Rhox10 1619628 434769 MGI:3580249 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:10853 Shox2 3674 25546 SHOX2 736918 6474 HGNC Shox2 11290 20429 MGI:1201673 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:10854 Shpk 1308004 287479 SHPK 1317524 23729 HGNC Shpk 1317525 74637 MGI:1921887 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:1492 Shprh 1310342 308282 SHPRH 1321190 257218 HGNC Shprh 1321191 268281 MGI:1917581 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:19336 Shq1 1310610 297483 SHQ1 1345880 55164 HGNC Shq1 1552628 72171 MGI:1919421 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:25543 Shroom1 1308066 287285 SHROOM1 1605292 134549 HGNC Shroom1 1332440 71774 MGI:1919024 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:24084 Shroom2 1565163 317435 SHROOM2 1343092 357 HGNC Shroom2 1614985 110380 MGI:107194 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:630 Shroom3 1310470 305230 SHROOM3 1602873 57619 HGNC Shroom3 1557949 27428 MGI:1351655 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:30422 Shroom4 1563434 317391 SHROOM4 1606521 57477 HGNC Shroom4 1620640 208431 MGI:2685570 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:29215 Shtn1 1311558 292139 SHTN1 1347565 57698 HGNC Shtn1 1323081 71653 MGI:1918903 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:29319 Si 3675 497756 SI 1352166 6476 HGNC Sis 1615864 69983 MGI:1917233 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:10856 Siae 1310431 363045 SIAE 1604014 54414 HGNC Siae 1332119 22619 MGI:104803 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:18187 Siah1 620449 140941 SIAH1 1351073 6477 HGNC Siah1a 1557696 20437 MGI:108064 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:10857 Siah2 620778 140593 SIAH2 734303 6478 HGNC Siah2 734304 20439 MGI:108062 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:10858 Siah3 1592168 692004 SIAH3 1603255 283514 HGNC Siah3 1623686 380918 MGI:2685758 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:30553 Sidt1 1559616 288109 SIDT1 1346888 54847 HGNC Sidt1 1621987 320007 MGI:2443155 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:25967 Sidt2 1308311 315617 SIDT2 1351240 51092 HGNC Sidt2 1623819 214597 MGI:2446134 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:24272 Sigirr 1306732 309106 SIGIRR 1604804 59307 HGNC Sigirr 1315519 24058 MGI:1344402 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:30575 Siglec1 1311953 311426 SIGLEC1 1323674 6614 HGNC Siglec1 1323675 20612 MGI:99668 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:11127 Siglec10 1307441 292844 SIGLEC10 1316634 89790 HGNC HGNC:15620 Siglec15 1565948 498888 SIGLEC15 1604713 284266 HGNC Siglec15 1622604 620235 MGI:3646642 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:27596 Siglec5 1305432 292843 SIGLEC6 1348004 946 HGNC HGNC:10875 Siglec8 1563073 292846 SIGLEC8 1351533 27181 HGNC HGNC:10877 Siglecl1 2324488 690483 SIGLECL1 1602049 284369 RGD Siglecl1 2308386 100039946 MGI:3780678 RGD HGNC:26856 Sigmar1 68364 29336 SIGMAR1 68519 10280 HGNC Sigmar1 68520 18391 MGI:1195268 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:8157 Sik1 69407 59329 SIK1 69451 150094 HGNC Sik1 69452 17691 MGI:104754 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:11142 Sik2 1559698 315649 SIK2 1346987 23235 HGNC Sik2 1558433 235344 MGI:2445031 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:21680 Sik3 1593938 684112 SIK3 1603681 23387 HGNC Sik3 1323064 70661 MGI:2446296 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:29165 Sike1 1311316 362007 SIKE1 1602207 80143 HGNC Sike1 1332556 66641 MGI:1913891 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:26119 Sil1 735103 291673 SIL1 1605350 64374 HGNC Sil1 1550077 81500 MGI:1932040 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:24624 Silc1 2318102 100362486 SILC1 2303661 150622 RGD Silc1 5685853 636791 MGI:3643118 RGD HGNC:26403 Sim1 1309949 309888 SIM1 1320567 6492 HGNC Sim1 1320568 20464 MGI:98306 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:10882 Sim2 1308016 304071 SIM2 1317540 6493 HGNC Sim2 1317541 20465 MGI:98307 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:10883 Simc1 2319689 100361684 SIMC1 1604161 375484 HGNC Simc1 1614077 319719 MGI:2442599 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:24779 Sin3a 1311598 363067 SIN3A 1323140 25942 HGNC Sin3a 1323141 20466 MGI:107157 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:19353 Sin3b 1587989 683381 SIN3B 1348412 23309 HGNC Sin3b 1616827 20467 MGI:107158 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:19354 Sinhcaf 1595037 686611 SINHCAF 1347576 58516 HGNC Sinhcaf 1620862 56306 MGI:1929091 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:30702 Sipa1 1303184 361710 SIPA1 1346963 6494 HGNC Sipa1 1553084 20469 MGI:107576 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:10885 Sipa1l1 708497 246212 SIPA1L1 733053 26037 HGNC Sipa1l1 1332242 217692 MGI:2443679 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:20284 Sipa1l2 1306269 361442 SIPA1L2 1314792 57568 HGNC Sipa1l2 1314793 244668 MGI:2676970 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:23800 Sipa1l3 1311432 292771 SIPA1L3 1322892 23094 HGNC Sipa1l3 1322893 74206 MGI:1921456 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:23801 Sirpa 3449 25528 SIRPA 736759 140885 HGNC Sirpa 10243 19261 MGI:108563 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:9662 Sirpal1 2321536 100360722 Gm5150 2301980 381484 MGI:3779469 RGD Sirpb3 1566226 296149 SIRPB3P 7384218 105369219 RGD F830045P16Rik 1615691 228592 MGI:3045317 RGD HGNC:49209 Sirt1 1308542 309757 SIRT1 1318374 23411 RGD Sirt1 1318375 93759 MGI:2135607 RGD HGNC:14929 Sirt2 621481 361532 SIRT2 733995 22933 HGNC Sirt2 1558122 64383 MGI:1927664 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:10886 Sirt3 1308374 293615 SIRT3 1318106 23410 HGNC Sirt3 1318107 64384 MGI:1927665 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:14931 Sirt4 1310413 304539 SIRT4 1321303 23409 HGNC Sirt4 1614280 75387 MGI:1922637 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:14932 Sirt5 1303285 306840 SIRT5 1351920 23408 HGNC Sirt5 1332358 68346 MGI:1915596 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:14933 Sirt6 1305216 299638 SIRT6 1313110 51548 HGNC Sirt6 1313111 50721 MGI:1354161 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:14934 Sirt7 1305876 303745 SIRT7 1314170 51547 HGNC Sirt7 1314171 209011 MGI:2385849 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:14935 Sit1 1559919 500449 SIT1 1601761 27240 HGNC Sit1 1615919 54390 MGI:1889342 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:17710 Siva1 1561872 362791 SIVA1 1603317 10572 HGNC Siva1 1558070 30954 MGI:1353606 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:17712 Six1 620906 114634 SIX1 731648 6495 HGNC Six1 1550080 20471 MGI:102780 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:10887 Six2 1310792 366542 SIX2 1321897 10736 HGNC Six2 1321898 20472 MGI:102778 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:10888 Six3 620909 78974 SIX3 733474 6496 HGNC Six3 1550672 20473 MGI:102764 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:10889 Six4 1306726 299138 SIX4 1315508 51804 HGNC Six4 1315509 20474 MGI:106034 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:10890 Six5 1305040 308406 SIX5 1312832 147912 HGNC Six5 1312833 20475 MGI:106220 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:10891 Six6 1310497 314221 SIX6 1321431 4990 HGNC Six6 1321432 20476 MGI:1341840 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:10892 Six6os1 1559456 500673 C14orf39 1350418 317761 HGNC 4930447C04Rik 1620733 75801 MGI:1923051 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:19849 Ska1 1310784 291441 SKA1 1321886 220134 HGNC Ska1 1321887 66468 MGI:1913718 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:28109 Ska2 1307084 287598 SKA2 1316064 348235 RGD Ska2 1316065 66140 MGI:1913390 RGD HGNC:28006 Ska3 1307201 361047 SKA3 1316254 221150 HGNC Ska3 1316255 219114 MGI:3041235 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:20262 Skap1 708436 286975 SKAP1 1354438 8631 HGNC Skap1 1620709 78473 MGI:1925723 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:15605 Skap2 620159 155183 SKAP2 1345057 8935 HGNC Skap2 734438 54353 MGI:1889206 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:15687 Ski 1565591 313757 SKI 1342955 6497 HGNC Ski 1616826 20481 MGI:98310 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:10896 Skic2 1303059 294260 SKIC2 1351044 6499 HGNC Skic2 1550527 108077 MGI:1099835 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:10898 Skic3 1306062 294595 SKIC3 1314461 9652 HGNC Skic3 1314462 218343 MGI:2679923 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:23639 Skic8 1308228 363064 SKIC8 1601957 80349 HGNC Skic8 1551430 66317 MGI:1917493 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:30300 Skida1 1588196 680770 SKIDA1 1606383 387640 HGNC Skida1 1615051 72668 MGI:1919918 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:32697 Skil 621399 114208 SKIL 1314830 6498 HGNC Skil 1314831 20482 MGI:106203 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:10897 Skint10 1587504 689876 BTNL8 1351143 79908 HGNC Skint10 1619845 230613 MGI:2685416 RGD HGNC:26131 Skint2 1566327 313485 Skint2 1615548 329919 MGI:3649629 RGD Skint4 6490949 100911772 SKINT1L 2306854 391037 HGNC Skint4 1617230 320640 MGI:2444425 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:33993 Skor1 1307687 315748 SKOR1 1605497 390598 HGNC Skor1 1553205 207667 MGI:2443473 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:21326 Skor2 1598071 681200 SKOR2 3160638 652991 RGD Skor2 1619466 664805 MGI:3645984 RGD HGNC:32695 Skp1 1359648 287280 SKP1 1347276 6500 HGNC Skp1 1553334 21402 MGI:103575 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:10899 Skp2 1562456 294790 SKP2 1607086 6502 HGNC Skp2 1552631 27401 MGI:1351663 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:10901 Sla 631373 338477 SLA 1351693 6503 HGNC Sla 1332235 20491 MGI:104295 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:10902 Sla2 1562071 499931 SLA2 1320351 84174 HGNC Sla2 1320352 77799 MGI:1925049 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:17329 Slain1 1308626 361087 SLAIN1 1603921 122060 HGNC Slain1 1318509 105439 MGI:2145578 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:26387 Slain2 1311593 305310 SLAIN2 1602874 57606 HGNC Slain2 1332076 75991 MGI:1923241 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:29282 Slamf1 1560634 498286 SLAMF1 1344109 6504 HGNC Slamf1 1558615 27218 MGI:1351314 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:10903 Slamf6 1561848 498287 SLAMF6 1345807 114836 HGNC Slamf6 1558045 30925 MGI:1353620 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:21392 Slamf7 1560190 364049 SLAMF7 1345987 57823 HGNC Slamf7 1558484 75345 MGI:1922595 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:21394 Slamf8 1306263 289237 SLAMF8 1314782 56833 HGNC Slamf8 1314783 74748 MGI:1921998 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:21391 Slamf9 1305945 289235 SLAMF9 1314275 89886 HGNC Slamf9 1314276 98365 MGI:1923692 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:18430 Slbp 1584682 681062 SLBP 1350910 7884 HGNC Slbp 1616825 20492 MGI:108402 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:10904 Slc10a1 3681 24777 SLC10A1 737174 6554 HGNC Slc10a1 11295 20493 MGI:97379 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:10905 Slc10a2 3682 29500 SLC10A2 736402 6555 HGNC Slc10a2 736403 20494 MGI:1201406 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:10906 Slc10a3 1563513 501665 SLC10A3 1354490 8273 HGNC Slc10a3 1623003 214601 MGI:95048 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:22979 Slc10a4 1309536 305309 SLC10A4 1319926 201780 HGNC Slc10a4 1614924 231290 MGI:3606480 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:22980 Slc10a5 1306036 310230 SLC10A5 1314423 347051 HGNC Slc10a5 1623755 241877 MGI:2685251 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:22981 Slc10a6 727800 289459 SLC10A6 1604951 345274 HGNC Slc10a6 1552165 75750 MGI:1923000 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:30603 Slc10a7 1564388 291942 SLC10A7 1351041 84068 HGNC Slc10a7 1316406 76775 MGI:1924025 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:23088 Slc11a1 1601463 316519 SLC11A1 736532 6556 HGNC Slc11a1 736533 18173 MGI:1345275 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:10907 Slc11a2 3684 25715 SLC11A2 737578 4891 HGNC Slc11a2 737579 18174 MGI:1345279 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:10908 Slc12a1 3685 25065 SLC12A1 731943 6557 HGNC Slc12a1 11297 20495 MGI:103150 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:10910 Slc12a2 620809 83629 SLC12A2 732816 6558 HGNC Slc12a2 732817 20496 MGI:101924 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:10911 Slc12a3 3686 54300 SLC12A3 733325 6559 HGNC Slc12a3 735991 20497 MGI:108114 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:10912 Slc12a4 3687 29501 SLC12A4 736767 6560 HGNC Slc12a4 736768 20498 MGI:1309465 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:10913 Slc12a5 620811 171373 SLC12A5 731044 57468 HGNC Slc12a5 731045 57138 MGI:1862037 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:13818 Slc12a6 1311335 691209 SLC12A6 1322734 9990 HGNC Slc12a6 1322735 107723 MGI:2135960 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:10914 Slc12a7 1359672 308069 SLC12A7 1348814 10723 HGNC Slc12a7 1550903 20499 MGI:1342283 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:10915 Slc12a8 628730 266733 SLC12A8 1345509 84561 HGNC Slc12a8 1553135 171286 MGI:2443672 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:15595 Slc12a9 620747 171443 SLC12A9 1347947 56996 HGNC Slc12a9 733689 83704 MGI:1933532 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:17435 Slc13a1 61919 58980 SLC13A1 1346909 6561 HGNC Slc13a1 62212 55961 MGI:1859937 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:10916 Slc13a2 61920 65202 SLC13A2 736607 9058 HGNC Slc13a2 62213 20500 MGI:1276558 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:10917 Slc13a3 628786 64846 SLC13A3 69657 64849 HGNC Slc13a3 69658 114644 MGI:2149635 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:14430 Slc13a4 1359715 503568 SLC13A4 1345589 26266 HGNC Slc13a4 1558400 243755 MGI:2442367 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:15827 Slc13a5 631374 266998 SLC13A5 1351292 284111 HGNC Slc13a5 1552454 237831 MGI:3037150 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:23089 Slc14a1 3688 54301 SLC14A1 1354455 6563 HGNC Slc14a1 737280 108052 MGI:1351654 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:10918 Slc14a2 3689 54302 SLC14A2 731952 8170 HGNC Slc14a2 736297 27411 MGI:1351653 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:10919 Slc15a1 621736 117261 SLC15A1 730868 6564 HGNC Slc15a1 730869 56643 MGI:1861376 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:10920 Slc15a2 61972 60577 SLC15A2 731699 6565 HGNC Slc15a2 62265 57738 MGI:1890457 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:10921 Slc15a3 628663 246239 SLC15A3 1348958 51296 HGNC Slc15a3 731836 65221 MGI:1929691 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:18068 Slc15a4 708469 246280 SLC15A4 733038 121260 HGNC Slc15a4 733039 100561 MGI:2140796 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:23090 Slc15a5 1564925 502918 SLC15A5 2302456 729025 HGNC Slc15a5 1616457 277898 MGI:3607714 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:33455 Slc16a1 3690 25027 SLC16A1 737474 6566 HGNC Slc16a1 11299 20501 MGI:106013 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:10922 Slc16a10 69197 170566 SLC16A10 731538 117247 HGNC Slc16a10 1331929 72472 MGI:1919722 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:17027 Slc16a11 1311125 287450 SLC16A11 1322416 162515 HGNC Slc16a11 1322417 216867 MGI:2663709 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:23093 Slc16a12 1311468 309525 SLC16A12 1606094 387700 HGNC Slc16a12 1550000 240638 MGI:2147716 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:23094 Slc16a13 1359138 287451 SLC16A13 1354212 201232 HGNC Slc16a13 1550515 69309 MGI:1916559 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:31037 Slc16a14 1309675 316578 SLC16A14 1320146 151473 HGNC Slc16a14 1320147 71781 MGI:1919031 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:26417 Slc16a2 628608 259248 SLC16A2 737451 6567 HGNC Slc16a2 737452 20502 MGI:1203732 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:10923 Slc16a3 620603 80878 SLC16A3 731750 9123 HGNC Slc16a3 1550543 80879 MGI:1933438 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:10924 Slc16a4 1359655 295356 SLC16A4 1348929 9122 HGNC Slc16a4 1553341 229699 MGI:2385183 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:10925 Slc16a5 1582896 690212 SLC16A5 1351583 9121 HGNC Slc16a5 1622106 217316 MGI:2443515 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:10926 Slc16a6 735117 303772 SLC16A6 1343675 9120 HGNC Slc16a6 1551492 104681 MGI:2144585 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:10927 Slc16a7 3691 29735 SLC16A7 1346247 9194 HGNC Slc16a7 736523 20503 MGI:1330284 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:10928 Slc16a8 69282 65200 SLC16A8 736227 23539 HGNC Slc16a8 736228 57274 MGI:1929519 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:16270 Slc16a9 1596295 687808 SLC16A9 1347871 220963 HGNC Slc16a9 1620036 66859 MGI:1914109 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:23520 Slc17a1 620099 171080 SLC17A1 1350724 6568 HGNC Slc17a1 732387 20504 MGI:103209 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:10929 Slc17a2 1308821 306950 SLC17A2 1318813 10246 HGNC Slc17a2 1553058 218103 MGI:2443098 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:10930 Slc17a3 628815 266730 SLC17A3 1344101 10786 HGNC Slc17a3 732000 105355 MGI:2389216 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:10931 Slc17a4 1584758 679784 SLC17A4 1314119 10050 HGNC Slc17a4 1623709 319848 MGI:2442850 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:10932 Slc17a5 1311388 363103 SLC17A5 1322823 26503 HGNC Slc17a5 1322824 235504 MGI:1924105 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:10933 Slc17a6 620531 84487 SLC17A6 730912 57084 HGNC Slc17a6 730913 140919 MGI:2156052 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:16703 Slc17a7 620101 116638 SLC17A7 733841 57030 HGNC Slc17a7 1552743 72961 MGI:1920211 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:16704 Slc17a8 628870 266767 SLC17A8 733222 246213 HGNC Slc17a8 1553740 216227 MGI:3039629 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:20151 Slc17a9 1311940 362287 SLC17A9 1323655 63910 HGNC Slc17a9 1622961 228993 MGI:1919107 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:16192 Slc18a1 3693 25693 SLC18A1 737319 6570 HGNC Slc18a1 734259 110877 MGI:106684 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:10934 Slc18a2 3694 25549 SLC18A2 734009 6571 HGNC Slc18a2 11300 214084 MGI:106677 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:10935 Slc18a3 62072 60422 SLC18A3 732691 6572 HGNC Slc18a3 62364 20508 MGI:1101061 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:10936 Slc18b1 1306962 309570 SLC18B1 1315874 116843 HGNC Slc18b1 1616706 76306 MGI:1923556 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:21573 Slc19a1 3695 29723 SLC19A1 737399 6573 HGNC Slc19a1 737400 20509 MGI:103182 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:10937 Slc19a2 1308611 289175 SLC19A2 1318484 10560 HGNC Slc19a2 1318485 116914 MGI:1928761 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:10938 Slc19a3 1311413 316559 SLC19A3 1322863 80704 HGNC Slc19a3 1551788 80721 MGI:1931307 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:16266 Slc1a1 3696 25550 SLC1A1 732972 6505 HGNC Slc1a1 11301 20510 MGI:105083 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:10939 Slc1a2 3697 29482 SLC1A2 732300 6506 HGNC Slc1a2 736773 20511 MGI:101931 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:10940 Slc1a3 3698 29483 SLC1A3 732126 6507 HGNC Slc1a3 736549 20512 MGI:99917 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:10941 Slc1a4 735146 305540 SLC1A4 1345199 6509 HGNC Slc1a4 1552859 55963 MGI:2135601 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:10942 Slc1a5 708512 292657 SLC1A5 1347799 6510 HGNC Slc1a5 1550772 20514 MGI:105305 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:10943 Slc1a6 620340 84012 SLC1A6 732902 6511 HGNC Slc1a6 732903 20513 MGI:1096331 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:10944 Slc1a7 1311928 366432 SLC1A7 1323639 6512 HGNC Slc1a7 730910 242607 MGI:2444087 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:10945 Slc20a1 621079 81826 SLC20A1 1349725 6574 HGNC Slc20a1 733033 20515 MGI:108392 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:10946 Slc20a2 3699 29502 SLC20A2 733735 6575 HGNC Slc20a2 736588 20516 MGI:97851 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:10947 Slc22a1 3224 24904 SLC22A1 732626 6580 HGNC Slc22a1 737278 20517 MGI:108111 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:10963 Slc22a12 621628 365398 SLC22A12 1323543 116085 HGNC Slc22a12 1323544 20521 MGI:1195269 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:17989 Slc22a13 1306840 316062 SLC22A13 1315683 9390 RGD Slc22a13 1315684 102570 MGI:2143107 RGD HGNC:8494 Slc22a14 1306470 316061 SLC22A14 1315106 9389 HGNC Slc22a14 1614018 382113 MGI:2685974 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:8495 Slc22a15 1311184 310732 SLC22A15 1322509 55356 HGNC Slc22a15 1621290 242126 MGI:3607704 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:20301 Slc22a16 1592810 682934 SLC22A16 1344136 85413 HGNC Slc22a16 1619141 70840 MGI:1918090 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:20302 Slc22a17 631405 305886 SLC22A17 1348088 51310 HGNC Slc22a17 1332531 59049 MGI:1926225 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:23095 Slc22a18 1303323 309131 SLC22A18 1350768 5002 HGNC Slc22a18 1553822 18400 MGI:1336884 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:10964 Slc22a19 628885 286961 SLC22A24 1603866 283238 HGNC Slc22a19 735527 207151 MGI:2442751 RGD HGNC:28542 Slc22a2 61936 29503 SLC22A2 1342518 6582 HGNC Slc22a2 62229 20518 MGI:1335072 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:10966 Slc22a20 1311460 293686 SLC22A20P 1602395 440044 HGNC Slc22a20 1551797 381203 MGI:2685809 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:29867 Slc22a21 1561735 303140 Slc22a21 1619214 56517 MGI:1929481 RGD Slc22a22 1304605 299944 SLC22A10 1602951 387775 HGNC Slc22a22 1312141 210463 MGI:2446114 RGD HGNC:18057 Slc22a23 620302 64559 SLC22A23 1347503 63027 HGNC Slc22a23 1621497 73102 MGI:1920352 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:21106 Slc22a25 621104 192273 SLC22A9 1343950 114571 HGNC HGNC:16261 Slc22a3 3701 29504 SLC22A3 1351828 6581 HGNC Slc22a3 735816 20519 MGI:1333817 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:10967 Slc22a4 621149 64037 SLC22A4 733281 6583 HGNC Slc22a4 733282 30805 MGI:1353479 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:10968 Slc22a5 3702 29726 SLC22A5 733710 6584 HGNC Slc22a5 736544 20520 MGI:1329012 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:10969 Slc22a6 69338 29509 SLC22A6 619572 9356 HGNC Slc22a6 619573 18399 MGI:892001 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:10970 Slc22a7 621699 89776 SLC22A7 732686 10864 HGNC Slc22a7 732687 108114 MGI:1859559 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:10971 Slc22a8 632286 83500 SLC22A8 732952 9376 HGNC Slc22a8 732953 19879 MGI:1336187 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:10972 Slc23a1 619875 50621 SLC23A1 1342862 9963 HGNC Slc23a1 731389 20522 MGI:1341903 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:10974 Slc23a2 619876 50622 SLC23A2 1353786 9962 HGNC Slc23a2 733830 54338 MGI:1859682 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:10973 Slc23a3 1307402 367298 SLC23A3 1345783 151295 HGNC Slc23a3 1316580 22626 MGI:104516 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:20601 Slc24a1 620080 56814 SLC24A1 736859 9187 HGNC Slc24a1 732353 214111 MGI:2384871 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:10975 Slc24a2 628650 84550 SLC24A2 730928 25769 HGNC Slc24a2 730929 76376 MGI:1923626 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:10976 Slc24a3 69256 85267 SLC24A3 735914 57419 HGNC Slc24a3 731693 94249 MGI:2137513 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:10977 Slc24a4 1305926 314396 SLC24A4 1314247 123041 HGNC Slc24a4 1620579 238384 MGI:2447362 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:10978 Slc24a5 1310565 311387 SLC24A5 1321543 283652 HGNC Slc24a5 1553523 317750 MGI:2677271 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:20611 Slc25a1 3703 29743 SLC25A1 1343333 6576 HGNC Slc25a1 737245 13358 MGI:1345283 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:10979 Slc25a10 621430 170943 SLC25A10 1350550 1468 HGNC Slc25a10 732071 27376 MGI:1353497 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:10980 Slc25a11 708476 64201 SLC25A11 732504 8402 HGNC Slc25a11 732505 67863 MGI:1915113 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:10981 Slc25a12 1305181 362145 SLC25A12 1313056 8604 HGNC Slc25a12 1313057 78830 MGI:1926080 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:10982 Slc25a13 1565889 362322 SLC25A13 1323000 10165 HGNC Slc25a13 1323001 50799 MGI:1354721 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:10983 Slc25a14 621433 85263 SLC25A14 736693 9016 HGNC Slc25a14 733804 20523 MGI:1330823 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:10984 Slc25a15 1311488 306574 SLC25A15 1322973 10166 HGNC Slc25a15 1622381 18408 MGI:1342274 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:10985 Slc25a16 1311311 361836 SLC25A16 1322697 8034 HGNC Slc25a16 1322698 73132 MGI:1920382 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:10986 Slc25a17 1311498 300083 SLC25A17 1322988 10478 HGNC Slc25a17 1322989 20524 MGI:1342248 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:10987 Slc25a18 1590470 681896 SLC25A18 1350192 83733 HGNC Slc25a18 1621510 71803 MGI:1919053 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:10988 Slc25a19 1359554 303676 SLC25A19 1343771 60386 RGD Slc25a19 1551315 67283 MGI:1914533 RGD HGNC:14409 Slc25a2 1310667 291640 SLC25A2 1347291 83884 HGNC Slc25a2 1321705 83885 MGI:2137907 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:22921 Slc25a20 621443 117035 SLC25A20 732535 788 HGNC Slc25a20 732536 57279 MGI:1928738 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:1421 Slc25a21 621444 171151 SLC25A21 1350119 89874 HGNC Slc25a21 1552659 217593 MGI:2445059 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:14411 Slc25a22 1307826 309111 SLC25A22 1317247 79751 HGNC Slc25a22 1317248 68267 MGI:1915517 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:19954 Slc25a23 1588586 301113 SLC25A23 1343183 79085 HGNC Slc25a23 1558452 66972 MGI:1914222 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:19375 Slc25a24 1311982 310791 SLC25A24 1607032 29957 HGNC Slc25a24 1323723 229731 MGI:1917160 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:20662 Slc25a25 628666 246771 SLC25A25 1351086 114789 HGNC Slc25a25 1550142 227731 MGI:1915913 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:20663 Slc25a26 1308811 362403 SLC25A26 1318797 115286 HGNC Slc25a26 1553057 67582 MGI:1914832 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:20661 Slc25a27 620787 85262 SLC25A27 1344458 9481 HGNC Slc25a27 732894 74011 MGI:1921261 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:21065 Slc25a28 1584155 688811 SLC25A28 1312988 81894 HGNC Slc25a28 1312989 246696 MGI:2180509 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:23472 Slc25a29 1308104 314441 SLC25A29 1317684 123096 HGNC Slc25a29 1317685 214663 MGI:2444911 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:20116 Slc25a3 70986 245959 SLC25A3 732727 5250 HGNC Slc25a3 732728 18674 MGI:1353498 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:10989 Slc25a30 1359702 361074 SLC25A30 1606937 253512 HGNC Slc25a30 1614353 67554 MGI:1914804 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:27371 Slc25a31 1596195 689108 SLC25A31 1606496 83447 HGNC Slc25a31 1619970 73333 MGI:1920583 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:25319 Slc25a32 1565789 315023 SLC25A32 1605933 81034 HGNC Slc25a32 1558601 69906 MGI:1917156 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:29683 Slc25a33 1583942 691431 SLC25A33 1604265 84275 HGNC Slc25a33 1318057 70556 MGI:1917806 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:29681 Slc25a34 1359157 298606 SLC25A34 1606920 284723 HGNC Slc25a34 1619669 384071 MGI:2686215 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:27653 Slc25a35 1598229 497933 SLC25A35 1605787 399512 HGNC Slc25a35 1620762 71998 MGI:1919248 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:31921 Slc25a36 1591928 501039 SLC25A36 1605658 55186 RGD Slc25a36 1551793 192287 MGI:1924909 RGD HGNC:25554 Slc25a37 1359361 306000 SLC25A37 1605395 51312 HGNC Slc25a37 1558169 67712 MGI:1914962 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:29786 Slc25a38 1311914 301067 SLC25A38 1606272 54977 HGNC Slc25a38 1323620 208638 MGI:2384782 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:26054 Slc25a39 1306193 360636 SLC25A39 1604622 51629 HGNC Slc25a39 1620825 68066 MGI:1196386 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:24279 Slc25a4 620352 85333 SLC25A4 732748 291 HGNC Slc25a4 732749 11739 MGI:1353495 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:10990 Slc25a40 1308774 296813 SLC25A40 1607018 55972 HGNC Slc25a40 1318743 319653 MGI:2442486 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:29680 Slc25a41 1588585 301114 SLC25A41 1604180 284427 HGNC Slc25a41 1557853 103775 MGI:2144215 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:28533 Slc25a42 1592346 689414 SLC25A42 1604178 284439 HGNC Slc25a42 1313867 73095 MGI:1920345 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:28380 Slc25a43 1559928 298318 SLC25A43 1605262 203427 HGNC Slc25a43 1615734 194744 MGI:2684854 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:30557 Slc25a44 1307244 365841 SLC25A44 1605709 9673 HGNC Slc25a44 1316323 229517 MGI:2444391 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:29036 Slc25a45 1589953 689625 SLC25A45 1604185 283130 HGNC Slc25a45 1323511 107375 MGI:2147731 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:27442 Slc25a46 1305072 291709 SLC25A46 1606754 91137 HGNC Slc25a46 1332229 67453 MGI:1914703 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:25198 Slc25a47 1303247 299316 SLC25A47 1345966 283600 HGNC Slc25a47 1616657 104910 MGI:2144766 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:20115 Slc25a48 1563703 361206 SLC25A48 1601716 153328 HGNC Slc25a48 1618792 328258 MGI:2145373 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:30451 Slc25a5 620353 25176 SLC25A5 732042 292 HGNC Slc25a5 10163 11740 MGI:1353496 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:10991 Slc25a51 1305190 313241 SLC25A51 1313070 92014 RGD Slc25a51 1623784 230125 MGI:2684984 RGD HGNC:23323 Slc25a53 1591860 679135 SLC25A53 1603463 401612 HGNC Slc25a53 1618376 67062 MGI:1914312 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:31894 Slc25a6 1560896 498885 SLC25A6 1349745 293 HGNC HGNC:10992 Slc26a1 620136 64076 SLC26A1 736905 10861 HGNC Slc26a1 733955 231583 MGI:2385894 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:10993 Slc26a10 1564851 366909 SLC26A10P 1345527 65012 HGNC Slc26a10 1619006 216441 MGI:2143920 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:14470 Slc26a11 1306178 360670 SLC26A11 1314648 284129 HGNC Slc26a11 1550415 268512 MGI:2444589 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:14471 Slc26a2 620622 117267 SLC26A2 732217 1836 HGNC Slc26a2 732218 13521 MGI:892977 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:10994 Slc26a3 620623 114629 SLC26A3 1346275 1811 HGNC Slc26a3 1550421 13487 MGI:107181 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:3018 Slc26a4 3293 29440 SLC26A4 736428 5172 HGNC Slc26a4 736429 23985 MGI:1346029 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:8818 Slc26a5 69334 83819 SLC26A5 1603482 375611 HGNC Slc26a5 1621439 80979 MGI:1933154 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:9359 Slc26a6 1310197 301010 SLC26A6 1320955 65010 HGNC Slc26a6 1320956 171429 MGI:2159728 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:14472 Slc26a7 1310846 297910 SLC26A7 1321983 115111 HGNC Slc26a7 1321984 208890 MGI:2384791 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:14467 Slc26a8 1308898 309646 SLC26A8 1347727 116369 HGNC Slc26a8 1318932 224661 MGI:2385046 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:14468 Slc26a9 1310441 304784 SLC26A9 1321344 115019 HGNC Slc26a9 1321345 320718 MGI:2444594 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:14469 Slc27a1 620927 94172 SLC27A1 1604940 376497 HGNC Slc27a1 1553168 26457 MGI:1347098 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:10995 Slc27a2 71103 65192 SLC27A2 1346073 11001 HGNC Slc27a2 737177 26458 MGI:1347099 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:10996 Slc27a3 1310605 295219 SLC27A3 1321607 11000 HGNC Slc27a3 1321608 26568 MGI:1347358 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:10997 Slc27a4 1307383 311839 SLC27A4 1316551 10999 HGNC Slc27a4 1316552 26569 MGI:1347347 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:10998 Slc27a5 708535 79111 SLC27A5 1349953 10998 HGNC Slc27a5 734459 26459 MGI:1347100 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:10999 Slc27a6 1311977 291582 SLC27A6 1323714 28965 RGD Slc27a6 1618986 225579 MGI:3036230 RGD HGNC:11000 Slc28a1 621223 116642 SLC28A1 733249 9154 HGNC Slc28a1 1623567 434203 MGI:3605073 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:11001 Slc28a2 61840 60423 SLC28A2 732572 9153 HGNC Slc28a2 62131 269346 MGI:1913105 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:11002 Slc28a3 621224 140944 SLC28A3 731872 64078 HGNC Slc28a3 731873 114304 MGI:2137361 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:16484 Slc29a1 61899 63997 SLC29A1 737565 2030 HGNC Slc29a1 62192 63959 MGI:1927073 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:11003 Slc29a2 69296 65194 SLC29A2 733577 3177 HGNC Slc29a2 736354 13340 MGI:1345278 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:11004 Slc29a3 727811 353307 SLC29A3 1351725 55315 HGNC Slc29a3 1552344 71279 MGI:1918529 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:23096 Slc29a4 1310545 288499 SLC29A4 1321510 222962 HGNC Slc29a4 1558196 243328 MGI:2385330 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:23097 Slc2a1 3704 24778 SLC2A1 737272 6513 HGNC Slc2a1 11305 20525 MGI:95755 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:11005 Slc2a10 1306552 366251 SLC2A10 1315233 81031 HGNC Slc2a10 1315234 170441 MGI:2156687 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:13444 Slc2a12 1310175 308028 SLC2A12 1320922 154091 HGNC Slc2a12 1617207 353169 MGI:3052471 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:18067 Slc2a13 621814 171147 SLC2A13 731999 114134 HGNC Slc2a13 1620576 239606 MGI:2146030 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:15956 Slc2a2 3705 25351 SLC2A2 730861 6514 HGNC Slc2a2 11306 20526 MGI:1095438 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:11006 Slc2a3 3706 25551 SLC2A3 737055 6515 HGNC Slc2a3 11307 20527 MGI:95757 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:11007 Slc2a4 2711 25139 SLC2A4 731478 6517 HGNC Slc2a4 731479 20528 MGI:95758 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:11009 Slc2a4rg 41152591 120101713 SLC2A4RG 1343076 56731 HGNC HGNC:15930 Slc2a5 68328 65197 SLC2A5 68456 6518 HGNC Slc2a5 68457 56485 MGI:1928369 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:11010 Slc2a6 1309317 296600 SLC2A6 1319599 11182 HGNC Slc2a6 1319600 227659 MGI:2443286 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:11011 Slc2a7 1583902 100362644 SLC2A7 1344587 155184 HGNC Slc2a7 2290339 435818 MGI:3650865 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:13445 Slc2a8 620611 85256 SLC2A8 730862 29988 HGNC Slc2a8 730863 56017 MGI:1860103 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:13812 Slc2a9 1597012 501925 SLC2A9 1351405 56606 HGNC Slc2a9 1314451 117591 MGI:2152844 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:13446 Slc30a1 61918 58976 SLC30A1 731339 7779 HGNC Slc30a1 62211 22782 MGI:1345281 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:11012 Slc30a10 1305098 289353 SLC30A10 1604615 55532 HGNC Slc30a10 1312928 226781 MGI:2685058 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:25355 Slc30a2 3707 25362 SLC30A2 733874 7780 HGNC Slc30a2 733875 230810 MGI:106637 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:11013 Slc30a3 1359689 366568 SLC30A3 1346114 7781 HGNC Slc30a3 1552396 22784 MGI:1345280 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:11014 Slc30a4 619750 64469 SLC30A4 1343503 7782 HGNC Slc30a4 732161 22785 MGI:1345282 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:11015 Slc30a5 1306931 294698 SLC30A5 1315825 64924 HGNC Slc30a5 1315826 69048 MGI:1916298 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:19089 Slc30a6 1309250 298786 SLC30A6 1319489 55676 HGNC Slc30a6 1319490 210148 MGI:2386741 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:19305 Slc30a7 1307873 310801 SLC30A7 1317319 148867 HGNC Slc30a7 1317320 66500 MGI:1913750 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:19306 Slc30a8 1308282 299903 SLC30A8 1317968 169026 HGNC Slc30a8 1317969 239436 MGI:2442682 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:20303 Slc30a9 1593180 498358 SLC30A9 1315097 10463 HGNC Slc30a9 1315098 109108 MGI:1923690 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:1329 Slc31a1 620059 171135 SLC31A1 735683 1317 HGNC Slc31a1 735684 20529 MGI:1333843 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:11016 Slc31a2 1307963 298091 SLC31A2 1317461 1318 HGNC Slc31a2 1317462 20530 MGI:1333844 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:11017 Slc32a1 621402 83612 SLC32A1 1346344 140679 HGNC Slc32a1 1553492 22348 MGI:1194488 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:11018 Slc33a1 620653 64018 SLC33A1 732825 9197 HGNC Slc33a1 732826 11416 MGI:1332247 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:95 Slc34a1 3708 25548 SLC34A1 733686 6569 HGNC Slc34a1 736512 20505 MGI:1345284 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:11019 Slc34a2 620889 84395 SLC34A2 733113 10568 HGNC Slc34a2 733114 20531 MGI:1342284 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:11020 Slc34a3 708551 246234 SLC34A3 1348656 142680 HGNC Slc34a3 1332118 142681 MGI:2159410 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:20305 Slc35a1 1311359 313139 SLC35A1 1322776 10559 HGNC Slc35a1 1322777 24060 MGI:1345622 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:11021 Slc35a2 2293497 100158233 SLC35A2 1353471 7355 HGNC Slc35a2 1557322 22232 MGI:1345297 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:11022 Slc35a3 1308615 310808 SLC35A3 1318491 23443 HGNC Slc35a3 1318492 229782 MGI:1917648 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:11023 Slc35a4 628792 257647 SLC35A4 1348037 113829 HGNC Slc35a4 734250 67843 MGI:1915093 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:20753 Slc35a5 1564361 498081 SLC35A5 1344135 55032 HGNC Slc35a5 1557591 74102 MGI:1921352 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:20792 Slc35b1 727783 287642 SLC35B1 1351742 10237 HGNC Slc35b1 1616642 110172 MGI:1343133 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:20798 Slc35b2 1565318 501103 SLC35B2 1349281 347734 HGNC Slc35b2 1615831 73836 MGI:1921086 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:16872 Slc35b3 1307183 306866 SLC35B3 1316221 51000 HGNC Slc35b3 1316222 108652 MGI:1913978 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:21601 Slc35b4 1308985 296969 SLC35B4 1319077 84912 HGNC Slc35b4 1615909 58246 MGI:1931249 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:20584 Slc35c1 1309463 311204 SLC35C1 1319816 55343 HGNC Slc35c1 1617366 228368 MGI:2443301 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:20197 Slc35c2 1311250 311637 SLC35C2 1322607 51006 HGNC Slc35c2 1322608 228875 MGI:2385166 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:17117 Slc35d1 1309843 298280 SLC35D1 1320404 23169 HGNC Slc35d1 1320405 242585 MGI:2140361 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:20800 Slc35d2 1309518 290959 SLC35D2 1319900 11046 HGNC Slc35d2 1553248 70484 MGI:1917734 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:20799 Slc35d3 1309428 308717 SLC35D3 1319766 340146 HGNC Slc35d3 1618281 76157 MGI:1923407 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:15621 Slc35e1 1561342 498599 SLC35E1 1319908 79939 HGNC Slc35e1 1616466 270066 MGI:2142403 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:20803 Slc35e2b 1309076 313765 SLC35E2B 4109106 728661 HGNC Slc35e2 1319215 320541 MGI:2444240 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:33941 Slc35e3 1564876 362883 SLC35E3 1352847 55508 HGNC Slc35e3 1556871 215436 MGI:2448489 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:20864 Slc35e4 708484 266687 SLC35E4 1602959 339665 HGNC Slc35e4 734095 103710 MGI:2144150 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:17058 Slc35f1 1559576 502421 SLC35F1 1353208 222553 HGNC Slc35f1 1557249 215085 MGI:2139810 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:21483 Slc35f2 1311242 300713 SLC35F2 1344599 54733 HGNC Slc35f2 1322596 72022 MGI:1919272 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:23615 Slc35f3 1589548 679321 SLC35F3 1347980 148641 HGNC Slc35f3 1618194 210027 MGI:2444426 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:23616 Slc35f4 1561109 305865 SLC35F4 1351439 341880 HGNC Slc35f4 1615030 75288 MGI:1922538 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:19845 Slc35f5 1308125 288993 SLC35F5 1317716 80255 HGNC Slc35f5 1317717 74150 MGI:1921400 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:23617 Slc35f6 1309228 298851 SLC35F6 1319452 54978 HGNC Slc35f6 1617478 74919 MGI:1922169 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:26055 Slc35g1 1595908 294072 SLC35G1 1354059 159371 HGNC Slc35g1 1558292 240660 MGI:2444789 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:26607 Slc35g2 1306109 315957 SLC35G2 1314532 80723 HGNC Slc35g2 1618936 245020 MGI:2685365 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:28480 Slc35g3 1308025 691976 SLC35G6 1345092 643664 HGNC HGNC:31351 Slc36a1 619801 155205 SLC36A1 736301 206358 HGNC Slc36a1 731954 215335 MGI:2445299 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:18761 Slc36a2 620492 246235 SLC36A2 1354285 153201 HGNC Slc36a2 731332 246049 MGI:1891430 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:18762 Slc36a3 1309092 303148 SLC36A3 1319236 285641 HGNC Slc36a3 1319237 215332 MGI:2665001 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:19659 Slc36a4 1311528 315439 SLC36A4 1323033 120103 HGNC Slc36a4 1323034 234967 MGI:2442595 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:19660 Slc37a1 1308587 294321 SLC37A1 1318445 54020 HGNC Slc37a1 1318446 224674 MGI:2446181 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:11024 Slc37a2 1564160 500973 SLC37A2 1313712 219855 HGNC Slc37a2 1313713 56857 MGI:1929693 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:20644 Slc37a3 1310346 312255 SLC37A3 1321198 84255 HGNC Slc37a3 1321199 72144 MGI:1919394 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:20651 Slc37a4 62066 29573 SLC37A4 1351082 2542 HGNC Slc37a4 62358 14385 MGI:1316650 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:4061 Slc38a1 69645 170567 SLC38A1 735316 81539 HGNC Slc38a1 731314 105727 MGI:2145895 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:13447 Slc38a10 1306356 303740 SLC38A10 1601937 124565 HGNC Slc38a10 1314927 72055 MGI:1919305 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:28237 Slc38a11 1306005 362141 SLC38A11 1605863 151258 HGNC Slc38a11 1314371 320106 MGI:2443383 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:26836 Slc38a2 69420 29642 SLC38A2 736694 54407 HGNC Slc38a2 736695 67760 MGI:1915010 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:13448 Slc38a3 628620 252919 SLC38A3 730997 10991 HGNC Slc38a3 730998 76257 MGI:1923507 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:18044 Slc38a4 621836 170573 SLC38A4 1347009 55089 HGNC Slc38a4 731870 69354 MGI:1916604 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:14679 Slc38a5 620702 192208 SLC38A5 730905 92745 HGNC Slc38a5 1550754 209837 MGI:2148066 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:18070 Slc38a6 1310330 299139 SLC38A6 1321172 145389 HGNC Slc38a6 1615396 625098 MGI:3648156 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:19863 Slc38a7 1303268 291840 SLC38A7 1602480 55238 HGNC Slc38a7 1619828 234595 MGI:2679005 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:25582 Slc38a8 1560237 502208 SLC38A8 2290191 146167 HGNC Slc38a8 1618141 234788 MGI:2685433 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:32434 Slc38a9 1311881 310091 SLC38A9 1604225 153129 HGNC Slc38a9 1323568 268706 MGI:1918839 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:26907 Slc39a1 1305241 361986 SLC39A1 1313154 27173 HGNC Slc39a1 1557571 30791 MGI:1353474 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:12876 Slc39a10 1307321 363229 SLC39A10 1316445 57181 HGNC Slc39a10 1316446 227059 MGI:1914515 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:20861 Slc39a11 1311981 287796 SLC39A11 1323721 201266 HGNC Slc39a11 1323722 69806 MGI:1917056 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:14463 Slc39a12 1309305 291328 SLC39A12 1319582 221074 HGNC Slc39a12 1619719 277468 MGI:2139274 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:20860 Slc39a13 1304695 295928 SLC39A13 1312289 91252 HGNC Slc39a13 1551989 68427 MGI:1915677 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:20859 Slc39a14 1307026 306009 SLC39A14 1315975 23516 HGNC Slc39a14 1315976 213053 MGI:2384851 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:20858 Slc39a2 1306291 305846 SLC39A2 1314826 29986 HGNC Slc39a2 1314827 214922 MGI:2684326 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:17127 Slc39a3 1310863 314637 SLC39A3 1322010 29985 HGNC Slc39a3 1322011 106947 MGI:2147269 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:17128 Slc39a4 1306701 300051 SLC39A4 1315470 55630 HGNC Slc39a4 1552511 72027 MGI:1919277 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:17129 Slc39a5 1310322 362812 SLC39A5 1321159 283375 HGNC Slc39a5 1321160 72002 MGI:1919336 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:20502 Slc39a6 1304664 291733 SLC39A6 1312236 25800 HGNC Slc39a6 1312237 106957 MGI:2147279 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:18607 Slc39a7 1593280 294281 SLC39A7 1344767 7922 HGNC Slc39a7 11204 14977 MGI:95909 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:4927 Slc39a8 1308236 295455 SLC39A8 1317894 64116 HGNC Slc39a8 1317895 67547 MGI:1914797 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:20862 Slc39a9 1311236 314275 SLC39A9 1322587 55334 HGNC Slc39a9 1322588 328133 MGI:1914820 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:20182 Slc3a1 3709 29484 SLC3A1 1345624 6519 HGNC Slc3a1 736530 20532 MGI:1195264 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:11025 Slc3a2 3073 50567 SLC3A2 735716 6520 HGNC Slc3a2 735717 17254 MGI:96955 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:11026 Slc40a1 620180 170840 SLC40A1 733072 30061 HGNC Slc40a1 733073 53945 MGI:1315204 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:10909 Slc41a1 1311397 363985 SLC41A1 1322838 254428 HGNC Slc41a1 1322839 98396 MGI:2444823 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:19429 Slc41a2 1307292 362861 SLC41A2 1316398 84102 HGNC Slc41a2 1550688 338365 MGI:2442940 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:31045 Slc41a3 1589573 641603 SLC41A3 1343810 54946 RGD Slc41a3 1623170 71699 MGI:1918949 RGD HGNC:31046 Slc43a1 1308229 311168 SLC43A1 1317883 8501 HGNC Slc43a1 1317884 72401 MGI:1931352 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:9225 Slc43a2 1305819 287532 SLC43A2 1350504 124935 HGNC Slc43a2 1550006 215113 MGI:2442746 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:23087 Slc43a3 1312016 311170 SLC43A3 1323779 29015 HGNC Slc43a3 1323780 58207 MGI:1931054 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:17466 Slc44a1 621426 85254 SLC44A1 1352703 23446 HGNC Slc44a1 1557932 100434 MGI:2140592 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:18798 Slc44a2 1309680 363024 SLC44A2 1601745 57153 HGNC Slc44a2 1615873 68682 MGI:1915932 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:17292 Slc44a3 1305808 295417 SLC44A3 1602189 126969 HGNC Slc44a3 1620626 213603 MGI:2384860 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:28689 Slc44a4 1303167 294255 SLC44A4 1349303 80736 HGNC Slc44a4 1557086 70129 MGI:1917379 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:13941 Slc44a5 1564620 365962 SLC44A5 1604721 204962 HGNC Slc44a5 1620563 242259 MGI:3035141 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:28524 Slc45a1 708502 246258 SLC45A1 731828 50651 HGNC Slc45a1 731829 242773 MGI:2653235 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:17939 Slc45a2 1306690 310152 SLC45A2 1315452 51151 HGNC Slc45a2 1315453 22293 MGI:2153040 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:16472 Slc45a3 1309764 304785 SLC45A3 1346444 85414 HGNC Slc45a3 1552261 212980 MGI:1922082 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:8642 Slc45a4 1309971 315054 SLC45A4 1607016 57210 HGNC Slc45a4 1320603 106068 MGI:2146236 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:29196 Slc46a1 1309472 303333 SLC46A1 1606750 113235 HGNC Slc46a1 1319830 52466 MGI:1098733 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:30521 Slc46a2 1310485 298034 SLC46A2 1321413 57864 HGNC Slc46a2 1321414 30936 MGI:1353616 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:16055 Slc46a3 1307594 288454 SLC46A3 1606669 283537 HGNC Slc46a3 1332502 71706 MGI:1918956 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:27501 Slc47a1 1311123 360539 SLC47A1 1605371 55244 HGNC Slc47a1 1322414 67473 MGI:1914723 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:25588 Slc47a2 1562382 497921 SLC47A2 1603576 146802 HGNC Slc47a2 1614799 380701 MGI:3588190 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:26439 Slc48a1 1562880 300191 SLC48A1 1604345 55652 HGNC Slc48a1 1623208 67739 MGI:1914989 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:26035 Slc49a3 1304688 305625 SLC49A3 1604571 84179 HGNC Slc49a3 1312279 243197 MGI:2442629 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:26177 Slc49a4 1310939 303902 SLC49A4 1322124 84925 HGNC Slc49a4 1322125 224132 MGI:2387188 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:16628 Slc4a1 3710 24779 SLC4A1 737027 6521 HGNC Slc4a1 11309 20533 MGI:109393 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:11027 Slc4a10 631407 295645 SLC4A10 1348028 57282 HGNC Slc4a10 1332479 94229 MGI:2150150 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:13811 Slc4a11 1310188 311423 SLC4A11 1320941 83959 HGNC Slc4a11 1320942 269356 MGI:2138987 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:16438 Slc4a1ap 1307080 298805 SLC4A1AP 1316058 22950 HGNC Slc4a1ap 1316059 20534 MGI:1196608 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:13813 Slc4a2 3711 24780 SLC4A2 733302 6522 HGNC Slc4a2 11311 20535 MGI:109351 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:11028 Slc4a3 3712 24781 SLC4A3 733142 6508 HGNC Slc4a3 733143 20536 MGI:109350 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:11029 Slc4a4 68936 84484 SLC4A4 68964 8671 HGNC Slc4a4 1332483 54403 MGI:1927555 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:11030 Slc4a5 1303009 297386 SLC4A5 731047 57835 HGNC Slc4a5 1618147 232156 MGI:2443220 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:18168 Slc4a7 621208 117955 SLC4A7 730989 9497 HGNC Slc4a7 736860 218756 MGI:2443878 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:11033 Slc4a8 735164 315311 SLC4A8 1346907 9498 HGNC Slc4a8 1551581 59033 MGI:1928745 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:11034 Slc4a9 628811 266612 SLC4A9 730837 83697 HGNC Slc4a9 1332055 240215 MGI:2443384 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:11035 Slc50a1 1308478 295245 SLC50A1 1607017 55974 HGNC Slc50a1 1622372 19729 MGI:107417 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:30657 Slc51a 1311100 303879 SLC51A 1604974 200931 HGNC Slc51a 1322376 106407 MGI:2146634 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:29955 Slc51b 1565748 300790 SLC51B 1604245 123264 HGNC Slc51b 1617967 330962 MGI:3582052 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:29956 Slc52a2 1560410 362942 SLC52A2 1349767 79581 HGNC Slc52a2 1557825 52710 MGI:1289288 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:30224 Slc52a3 1304644 311536 SLC52A3 1312203 113278 HGNC Slc52a3 1312204 69698 MGI:1916948 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:16187 Slc5a1 3713 25552 SLC5A1 732146 6523 HGNC Slc5a1 11313 20537 MGI:107678 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:11036 Slc5a10 1305232 303205 SLC5A10 1313138 125206 HGNC Slc5a10 1313139 109342 MGI:1926089 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:23155 Slc5a11 621410 252854 SLC5A11 1347645 115584 HGNC Slc5a11 1551103 233836 MGI:1919316 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:23091 Slc5a12 1311652 362188 SLC5A12 1345162 159963 HGNC Slc5a12 1550723 241612 MGI:2138890 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:28750 Slc5a2 620217 64522 SLC5A2 731434 6524 HGNC Slc5a2 731435 246787 MGI:2181411 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:11037 Slc5a3 621530 114507 SLC5A3 734339 6526 HGNC Slc5a3 734340 53881 MGI:1858226 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:11038 Slc5a4 1306923 294341 SLC5A4 1315814 6527 HGNC Slc5a4a 1315815 64452 MGI:1927848 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:11039 Slc5a5 69267 114613 SLC5A5 731751 6528 HGNC Slc5a5 731752 114479 MGI:2149330 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:11040 Slc5a6 69648 170551 SLC5A6 69654 8884 HGNC Slc5a6 737040 330064 MGI:2660847 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:11041 Slc5a7 69270 85426 SLC5A7 1348839 60482 HGNC Slc5a7 736894 63993 MGI:1927126 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:14025 Slc5a8 1564146 500820 SLC5A8 1352176 160728 HGNC Slc5a8 1556910 216225 MGI:2384916 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:19119 Slc5a9 1311383 366441 SLC5A9 1322816 200010 HGNC Slc5a9 1619846 230612 MGI:2140201 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:22146 Slc66a1 1311627 362642 SLC66A1 1323183 54896 HGNC Slc66a1 1553790 212555 MGI:2384837 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:26001 Slc66a2 1305223 361352 SLC66A2 1313123 80148 HGNC Slc66a2 1552149 66943 MGI:1914193 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:26188 Slc66a3 1306818 298906 SLC66A3 1315648 130814 HGNC Slc66a3 1553713 217430 MGI:2444067 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:28503 Slc6a1 620533 79212 SLC6A1 731475 6529 HGNC Slc6a1 731476 232333 MGI:95627 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:11042 Slc6a11 628737 79213 SLC6A11 732372 6538 HGNC Slc6a11 1557910 243616 MGI:95630 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:11044 Slc6a12 620255 50676 SLC6A12 731509 6539 HGNC Slc6a12 731510 14411 MGI:95628 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:11045 Slc6a13 620788 171163 SLC6A13 733725 6540 HGNC Slc6a13 733726 14412 MGI:95629 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:11046 Slc6a14 1561810 298340 SLC6A14 1347984 11254 HGNC Slc6a14 1558044 56774 MGI:1890216 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:11047 Slc6a15 628664 282712 SLC6A15 735866 55117 HGNC Slc6a15 735867 103098 MGI:2143484 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:13621 Slc6a16 1561338 292902 SLC6A16 1353315 28968 HGNC Slc6a16 1616393 381884 MGI:2685930 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:13622 Slc6a17 1587185 613226 SLC6A17 1603474 388662 HGNC Slc6a17 1616554 229706 MGI:2442535 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:31399 Slc6a18 69352 29323 SLC6A18 1346320 348932 HGNC Slc6a18 737123 22598 MGI:1336892 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:26441 Slc6a19 1594328 664630 SLC6A19 1604954 340024 HGNC Slc6a19 1622255 74338 MGI:1921588 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:27960 Slc6a2 621822 83511 SLC6A2 731947 6530 HGNC Slc6a2 731948 20538 MGI:1270850 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:11048 Slc6a20a 621651 113918 SLC6A20 1603308 54716 HGNC Slc6a20b 736373 22599 MGI:1336891 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:30927 Slc6a21 1562492 499151 SLC6A21P 2303486 652969 RGD Slc6a21 1623901 76713 MGI:1923963 RGD HGNC:31400 Slc6a3 3715 24898 SLC6A3 733809 6531 HGNC Slc6a3 11315 13162 MGI:94862 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:11049 Slc6a4 3714 25553 SLC6A4 732932 6532 HGNC Slc6a4 11314 15567 MGI:96285 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:11050 Slc6a5 621824 171148 SLC6A5 732915 9152 HGNC Slc6a5 732916 104245 MGI:105090 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:11051 Slc6a6 61912 29464 SLC6A6 69004 6533 HGNC Slc6a6 62205 21366 MGI:98488 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:11052 Slc6a7 620928 117100 SLC6A7 734004 6534 HGNC Slc6a7 1332525 240332 MGI:2147363 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:11054 Slc6a8 619711 50690 SLC6A8 1342978 6535 HGNC Slc6a8 733405 102857 MGI:2147834 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:11055 Slc6a9 621243 116509 SLC6A9 732096 6536 HGNC Slc6a9 732097 14664 MGI:95760 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:11056 Slc7a1 3716 25648 SLC7A1 736349 6541 HGNC Slc7a1 11316 11987 MGI:88117 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:11057 Slc7a10 621672 114518 SLC7A10 731925 56301 HGNC Slc7a10 731926 53896 MGI:1858261 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:11058 Slc7a11 1309275 310392 SLC7A11 1319531 23657 HGNC Slc7a11 1319532 26570 MGI:1347355 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:11059 Slc7a12 1309208 294881 Slc7a12 1319423 140918 MGI:2156159 RGD Slc7a13 1311633 313089 SLC7A13 1323193 157724 HGNC Slc7a13 1323194 74087 MGI:1921337 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:23092 Slc7a14 1594375 499587 SLC7A14 1605648 57709 HGNC Slc7a14 1622922 241919 MGI:3040688 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:29326 Slc7a2 68387 64554 SLC7A2 68562 6542 HGNC Slc7a2 68563 11988 MGI:99828 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:11060 Slc7a3 68342 29485 SLC7A3 733970 84889 HGNC Slc7a3 68480 11989 MGI:1100521 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:11061 Slc7a4 1305905 303787 SLC7A4 1314214 6545 HGNC Slc7a4 1314215 224022 MGI:2146512 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:11062 Slc7a5 620639 50719 SLC7A5 1354186 8140 HGNC Slc7a5 733672 20539 MGI:1298205 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:11063 Slc7a6 1309193 307811 SLC7A6 1319397 9057 HGNC Slc7a6 1553153 330836 MGI:2142598 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:11064 Slc7a6os 708394 246187 SLC7A6OS 1602091 84138 HGNC Slc7a6os 1623230 66432 MGI:1916951 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:25807 Slc7a7 619902 83509 SLC7A7 733448 9056 HGNC Slc7a7 733449 20540 MGI:1337120 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:11065 Slc7a8 619904 84551 SLC7A8 1345085 23428 HGNC Slc7a8 733687 50934 MGI:1355323 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:11066 Slc7a9 619905 116726 SLC7A9 734403 11136 HGNC Slc7a9 734404 30962 MGI:1353656 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:11067 Slc8a1 3717 29715 SLC8A1 731021 6546 HGNC Slc8a1 731022 20541 MGI:107956 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:11068 Slc8a2 620194 140447 SLC8A2 731774 6543 HGNC Slc8a2 736037 110891 MGI:107996 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:11069 Slc8a3 620197 140448 SLC8A3 732656 6547 HGNC Slc8a3 732657 110893 MGI:107976 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:11070 Slc8b1 1565818 498185 SLC8B1 1349643 80024 HGNC Slc8b1 1557234 170756 MGI:2180781 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:26175 Slc9a1 3718 24782 SLC9A1 736585 6548 HGNC Slc9a1 11317 20544 MGI:102462 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:11071 Slc9a2 3719 24783 SLC9A2 730959 6549 HGNC Slc9a2 11318 226999 MGI:105075 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:11072 Slc9a3 3720 24784 SLC9A3 730978 6550 HGNC Slc9a3 11319 105243 MGI:105064 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:11073 Slc9a4 3721 24785 SLC9A4 1606087 389015 HGNC Slc9a4 11320 110895 MGI:105074 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:11077 Slc9a5 620473 192215 SLC9A5 732088 6553 HGNC Slc9a5 1615579 277973 MGI:2685542 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:11078 Slc9a6 1563582 302863 SLC9A6 1352693 10479 HGNC Slc9a6 1558403 236794 MGI:2443511 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:11079 Slc9a7 1561385 317170 SLC9A7 1350922 84679 HGNC Slc9a7 1557845 236727 MGI:2444530 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:17123 Slc9a8 1308193 311651 SLC9A8 1317829 23315 HGNC Slc9a8 1317830 77031 MGI:1924281 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:20728 Slc9a9 1560736 363115 SLC9A9 1314947 285195 HGNC Slc9a9 1314948 331004 MGI:2679732 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:20653 Slc9b1 1305087 365946 SLC9B1 1605279 150159 HGNC Slc9b1 1312910 74446 MGI:1921696 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:24244 Slc9b2 1598112 679958 SLC9B2 1604997 133308 HGNC Slc9b2 1323561 97086 MGI:2140077 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:25143 Slc9c1 1309075 288117 SLC9C1 1351436 285335 HGNC Slc9c1 1553119 208169 MGI:2685456 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:31401 Slc9c2 1565820 364029 SLC9C2 1354032 284525 HGNC Gm6185 1617869 620839 MGI:3648765 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:28664 Slco1a4 621389 170698 SLCO1A2 1607085 6579 RGD Slco1a4 735963 28250 MGI:1351896 RGD HGNC:10956 Slco1a5 70985 80900 Slco1a5 1332084 108096 MGI:1351865 RGD Slco1a8 621387 80899 Slco1a8 1620296 625716 MGI:3647159 RGD Slco1b2 69300 58978 SLCO1B3 1350750 28234 HGNC Slco1b2 732053 28253 MGI:1351899 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:10961 Slco1c1 628660 84511 SLCO1C1 731528 53919 HGNC Slco1c1 731529 58807 MGI:1889679 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:13819 Slco2a1 3051 24546 SLCO2A1 736966 6578 HGNC Slco2a1 736967 24059 MGI:1346021 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:10955 Slco2b1 621391 140860 SLCO2B1 736486 11309 HGNC Slco2b1 736487 101488 MGI:1351872 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:10962 Slco3a1 620227 140915 SLCO3A1 733471 28232 HGNC Slco3a1 733472 108116 MGI:1351867 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:10952 Slco4a1 620228 171144 SLCO4A1 735453 28231 HGNC Slco4a1 732999 108115 MGI:1351866 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:10953 Slco4c1 1303048 432363 SLCO4C1 1354473 353189 HGNC Slco4c1 1552434 227394 MGI:2442784 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:23612 Slco5a1 1307132 312907 SLCO5A1 1316144 81796 HGNC Slco5a1 1316145 240726 MGI:2443431 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:19046 Slco6b1 620278 170925 SLCO6A1 1353358 133482 HGNC Slco6b1 732919 67854 MGI:1915104 RGD HGNC:23613 Slco6c1 708431 287006 Slco6c1 1550832 74441 MGI:1921691 RGD Slf1 1304857 294601 SLF1 1312535 84250 HGNC Slf1 1312536 105377 MGI:2145448 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:25408 Slf2 1560300 499360 SLF2 1349080 55719 HGNC Slf2 1614178 226151 MGI:1924968 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:17814 Slfn14 1561538 287569 SLFN14 1602272 342618 HGNC Slfn14 1614149 237890 MGI:2684866 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:32689 Slfn2 1308645 303380 SLFN12L 2291763 100506736 HGNC Slfn2 1318537 20556 MGI:1313258 RGD HGNC:33920 Slfn3 1564411 501712 Slfn3 1615946 20557 MGI:1329005 RGD Slfn4 620455 114247 SLFN12 1605673 55106 HGNC Slfn4 1615945 20558 MGI:1329010 RGD HGNC:25500 Slfn5 1312025 303377 SLFN5 1603889 162394 HGNC Slfn5 1323793 327978 MGI:1329004 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:28286 Slfn9 1359139 303378 SLFN11 1605312 91607 HGNC HGNC:26633 Slfnl1 1564075 500540 SLFNL1 1603541 200172 HGNC Slfnl1 1619894 194219 MGI:3045330 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:26313 Slirp 1585290 688717 SLIRP 1323602 81892 HGNC Slirp 1323603 380773 MGI:1916394 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:20495 Slit1 69307 65047 SLIT1 733848 6585 HGNC Slit1 736743 20562 MGI:1315203 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:11085 Slit2 69310 360272 SLIT2 733021 9353 HGNC Slit2 735484 20563 MGI:1315205 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:11086 Slit3 69311 83467 SLIT3 733245 6586 HGNC Slit3 735860 20564 MGI:1315202 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:11087 Slitrk1 1308858 306147 SLITRK1 1318872 114798 HGNC Slitrk1 1551107 76965 MGI:2679446 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:20297 Slitrk2 1561361 309349 SLITRK2 1344547 84631 HGNC Slitrk2 1557207 245450 MGI:2679449 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:13449 Slitrk3 1310506 310519 SLITRK3 1321448 22865 HGNC Slitrk3 1558493 386750 MGI:2679447 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:23501 Slitrk4 1588563 302473 SLITRK4 1348582 139065 HGNC Slitrk4 1557049 245446 MGI:2442509 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:23502 Slitrk5 1310957 306152 SLITRK5 1322151 26050 HGNC Slitrk5 1322152 75409 MGI:2679448 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:20295 Slitrk6 1306550 290467 SLITRK6 1315229 84189 HGNC Slitrk6 1315230 239250 MGI:2443198 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:23503 Slk 3780 54308 SLK 733761 9748 HGNC Slk 733762 20874 MGI:103241 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:11088 Slmap 1307674 290533 SLMAP 1317000 7871 HGNC Slmap 1317001 83997 MGI:1933549 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:16643 Sln 1305224 367086 SLN 1313124 6588 HGNC Sln 1313125 66402 MGI:1913652 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:11089 Slpi 621768 84386 SLPI 1350976 6590 RGD Slpi 1551752 20568 MGI:109297 RGD HGNC:11092 Sltm 1307526 315792 SLTM 1605637 79811 HGNC Sltm 1332069 66660 MGI:1913910 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:20709 Slu7 631432 303057 SLU7 1606825 10569 HGNC Slu7 1618204 193116 MGI:2385598 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:16939 Slurp1 1308768 300016 SLURP1 1346067 57152 HGNC Slurp1 1551559 57277 MGI:1930923 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:18746 Slurp2 1308195 315074 SLURP2 13434568 432355 HGNC Slurp2 1317833 69462 MGI:1916712 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:25549 Slx1b 1311568 293489 SLX1A 1603444 548593 HGNC Slx1b 1551164 75764 MGI:1915220 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:20922 Slx4 1566009 302953 SLX4 1347724 84464 HGNC Slx4 1557108 52864 MGI:106299 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:23845 Slx4ip 1563120 499895 SLX4IP 1352856 128710 HGNC Slx4ip 1623153 74243 MGI:1921493 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:16225 Slx9 1311257 294333 SLX9 1322617 85395 HGNC Slx9 1322618 108707 MGI:1916334 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:15811 Smad1 3030 25671 SMAD1 1353457 4086 HGNC Smad1 734156 17125 MGI:109452 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:6767 Smad2 3031 29357 SMAD2 1347299 4087 HGNC Smad2 736957 17126 MGI:108051 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:6768 Smad3 3032 25631 SMAD3 1343311 4088 HGNC Smad3 735647 17127 MGI:1201674 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:6769 Smad4 3033 50554 SMAD4 1352527 4089 HGNC Smad4 69092 17128 MGI:894293 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:6770 Smad5 620158 59328 SMAD5 1349958 4090 HGNC Smad5 1550273 17129 MGI:1328787 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:6771 Smad6 1305069 367100 SMAD6 1312880 4091 HGNC Smad6 1312881 17130 MGI:1336883 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:6772 Smad7 69314 81516 SMAD7 1344957 4092 HGNC Smad7 69141 17131 MGI:1100518 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:6773 Smad9 71004 85435 SMAD9 1350114 4093 HGNC Smad9 733518 55994 MGI:1859993 RGD HGNC:6774 Smagp 727777 300236 SMAGP 1607014 57228 HGNC Smagp 1614968 207818 MGI:2448476 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:26918 Smap1 1585595 684800 SMAP1 1347252 60682 HGNC Smap1 1617439 98366 MGI:2138261 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:19651 Smap2 1308418 298500 SMAP2 1601981 64744 HGNC Smap2 1550880 69780 MGI:1917030 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:25082 Smarca1 1561046 317575 SMARCA1 1350342 6594 HGNC Smarca1 1557834 93761 MGI:1935127 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:11097 Smarca2 1302988 361745 SMARCA2 1348339 6595 HGNC Smarca2 1617553 67155 MGI:99603 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:11098 Smarca4 621728 171379 SMARCA4 1348890 6597 HGNC Smarca4 1550820 20586 MGI:88192 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:11100 Smarca5 1308832 307766 SMARCA5 1318831 8467 HGNC Smarca5 1623060 93762 MGI:1935129 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:11101 Smarcad1 1309640 312398 SMARCAD1 1320088 56916 HGNC Smarcad1 1320089 13990 MGI:95453 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:18398 Smarcal1 1306134 316477 SMARCAL1 1314575 50485 HGNC Smarcal1 1314576 54380 MGI:1859183 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:11102 Smarcb1 1308761 361825 SMARCB1 1318721 6598 HGNC Smarcb1 1318722 20587 MGI:1328366 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:11103 Smarcc1 1304850 301020 SMARCC1 1312524 6599 HGNC Smarcc1 1312525 20588 MGI:1203524 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:11104 Smarcc2 1597704 685179 SMARCC2 1315563 6601 HGNC Smarcc2 1552525 68094 MGI:1915344 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:11105 Smarcd1 1305406 363002 SMARCD1 1313419 6602 HGNC Smarcd1 1313420 83797 MGI:1933623 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:11106 Smarcd2 69289 83833 SMARCD2 734113 6603 HGNC Smarcd2 737120 83796 MGI:1933621 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:11107 Smarcd3 1311869 296732 SMARCD3 1323550 6604 HGNC Smarcd3 1323551 66993 MGI:1914243 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:11108 Smarce1 1304726 303518 SMARCE1 1313743 6605 HGNC Smarce1 1313744 57376 MGI:1927347 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:11109 Smc1a 61991 63996 SMC1A 737070 8243 HGNC Smc1a 62283 24061 MGI:1344345 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:11111 Smc1b 1308791 300121 SMC1B 1318766 27127 HGNC Smc1b 1318767 140557 MGI:2154049 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:11112 Smc2 1305227 362519 SMC2 1313128 10592 HGNC Smc2 1313129 14211 MGI:106067 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:14011 Smc3 62006 29486 SMC3 1354451 9126 HGNC Smc3 62298 13006 MGI:1339795 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:2468 Smc4 1306680 295107 SMC4 1315434 10051 HGNC Smc4 1315435 70099 MGI:1917349 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:14013 Smc5 1307492 293967 SMC5 1316718 23137 HGNC Smc5 1316719 226026 MGI:2385088 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:20465 Smc6 1311214 313961 SMC6 1322555 79677 HGNC Smc6 1322556 67241 MGI:1914491 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:20466 Smchd1 1307234 316732 SMCHD1 1601772 23347 HGNC Smchd1 1553193 74355 MGI:1921605 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:29090 Smco1 1562500 498096 SMCO1 1604495 255798 RGD Smco1 1619150 69576 MGI:1916826 RGD HGNC:27407 Smco2 2320294 100361371 SMCO2 2303335 341346 HGNC Smco2 1620802 69371 MGI:1916621 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:34448 Smco3 1560652 108348150 SMCO3 1605173 440087 HGNC Smco3 1616239 654818 MGI:2443451 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:34401 Smco4 1309410 363020 SMCO4 1601987 56935 HGNC Smco4 1319742 170748 MGI:3039636 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:24810 Smcp 3069 24899 SMCP 737432 4184 HGNC Smcp 737433 17235 MGI:96945 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:6962 Smcr8 1564621 497918 SMCR8 1345463 140775 HGNC Smcr8 1614898 237782 MGI:2444720 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:17921 Smdt1 1311310 315166 SMDT1 1602445 91689 HGNC Smdt1 1322696 69029 MGI:1916279 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:25055 Smg1 1563508 691397 SMG1 1602127 23049 HGNC Smg1 1558333 233789 MGI:1919742 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:30045 Smg5 1584731 681012 SMG5 1603683 23381 HGNC Smg5 1320184 229512 MGI:2447364 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:24644 Smg6 1595918 287522 SMG6 1320039 23293 HGNC Smg6 1616658 103677 MGI:2144117 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:17809 Smg7 1310761 360855 SMG7 1321852 9887 HGNC Smg7 1321853 226517 MGI:2682334 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:16792 Smg8 1306862 287596 SMG8 1602698 55181 HGNC Smg8 1332571 74133 MGI:1921383 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:25551 Smg9 1309888 365215 SMG9 1606789 56006 HGNC Smg9 1320474 71997 MGI:1919247 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:25763 Smim1 1564257 500595 SMIM1 6767479 388588 HGNC Smim1 1614341 68859 MGI:1916109 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:44204 Smim10l1 2322729 100360120 SMIM10L1 9845236 100129361 HGNC Smim10l1 1616404 381820 MGI:1914379 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:49847 Smim10l2a 9296500 103694491 SMIM10L2A 1605492 399668 NCBI Smim10l2a 1620470 320237 MGI:2443645 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:34499 Smim10l3 402395049 134481267 SMIM10L3 150429726 122526779 NCBI HGNC:56768 Smim11 2299853 100174909 SMIM11 1351649 54065 HGNC Smim11 1623974 68936 MGI:1916186 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:1293 Smim12 1591379 685634 SMIM12 1606189 113444 HGNC Smim12 1616670 80284 MGI:1933141 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:25154 Smim13 1591023 690806 SMIM13 5508051 221710 HGNC Smim13 1615760 108934 MGI:2652854 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:27356 Smim14 1311122 364154 SMIM14 1606130 201895 HGNC Smim14 1322412 68552 MGI:1915802 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:27321 Smim15 2324600 100359861 SMIM15 2293892 643155 HGNC Smim15 1622241 75616 MGI:1922866 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:33861 Smim17 1559613 499067 SMIM17 7205118 147670 HGNC Smim17 2314118 100042450 MGI:4365374 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:27114 Smim18 6501537 100909793 SMIM18 7204607 100507341 HGNC Smim18 1608075 72632 MGI:1919882 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:42973 Smim19 2318364 100362321 SMIM19 1602660 114926 HGNC Smim19 1619053 102032 MGI:2142501 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:25166 Smim20 1565192 501923 SMIM20 3418804 389203 HGNC Smim20 1614366 66278 MGI:1913528 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:37260 Smim22 1563547 360478 SMIM22 7247217 440335 HGNC Smim22 1623569 432995 MGI:3643379 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:48329 Smim23 1306625 360508 SMIM23 2298816 644994 HGNC Smim23 1315349 69351 MGI:1916601 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:34440 Smim24 2324237 100366121 SMIM24 3380006 284422 HGNC Smim24 1618310 72273 MGI:1919523 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:37244 Smim26 1566320 296207 SMIM26 5509666 388789 HGNC Smim26 1614176 228715 MGI:2685407 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:43430 Smim27 7573721 102552818 SMIM27 1625806 100129250 HGNC Smim27 1613189 100504309 MGI:1913684 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:31420 Smim29 1564450 294291 SMIM29 1605841 221491 HGNC Smim29 1623861 106672 MGI:2146839 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:1340 Smim3 628864 286910 SMIM3 1605605 85027 HGNC Smim3 1622164 106878 MGI:1917088 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:30248 Smim30 40946677 120099334 SMIM30 7248189 401397 HGNC Smim30 2302589 66520 MGI:1913770 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:48953 Smim32 41214609 120097875 SMIM32 13208753 389332 HGNC Smim32 15000861 115488204 MGI:5791459 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:53640 Smim33 41099412 120098311 SMIM33 13208899 111064649 HGNC Smim33 1619107 73449 MGI:1920699 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:53645 Smim34 11445134 134480973 SMIM34 13208721 388820 HGNC Smim34 12797875 108168308 MGI:5826205 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:39601 Smim35 7587328 102546809 SMIM35 6770075 100526771 HGNC Smim35 1607632 408059 MGI:3040681 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:44179 Smim36 150341045 134480635 SMIM36 38625759 101927367 NCBI HGNC:53654 Smim38 628800 246306 SMIM38 14394829 107984345 HGNC Smim38 2299665 100040049 MGI:1916283 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:54074 Smim39 402135253 134480355 SMIM39 15036975 113523639 NCBI Smim39 127338467 121811709 MGI:6848416 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:54076 Smim40 11496771 108349036 SMIM40 14700595 113523636 HGNC Smim40 1616348 474160 MGI:3054967 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:54073 Smim41 9071826 103692985 SMIM41 14924335 113523638 HGNC Smim41 1615795 77717 MGI:1924967 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:54075 Smim43 11384727 108349997 SMIM43 1604239 132332 HGNC Smim43 5136450 100503068 MGI:3650339 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:55077 Smim44 7506385 102552675 SMIM44 150429673 122405565 HGNC Gm48552 28912631 117934532 MGI:6098105 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:55815 Smim45 1586487 688613 SMIM45 6892816 339674 HGNC Smim45 1615028 76505 MGI:1923755 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:27930 Smim46 402346267 134483329 SMIM46 155598609 127138866 NCBI HGNC:56307 Smim47 9421087 103691109 SMIM47 16563219 105372440 HGNC Gm15517 11084438 628854 MGI:3782964 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:53452 Smim5 1586374 689926 SMIM5 5132337 643008 HGNC Smim5 1622326 66528 MGI:1913778 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:40030 Smim6 7720946 102552551 SMIM6 5134215 100130933 HGNC Smim6 2311399 68528 MGI:1915778 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:40032 Smim7 1588793 688495 SMIM7 1601966 79086 HGNC Smim7 1620042 66818 MGI:1914068 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:28419 Smim8 1305158 297971 SMIM8 1313022 57150 HGNC Smim8 1614364 66291 MGI:1913541 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:21401 Smkr1 9298384 103692109 SMKR1 7204969 100287482 HGNC HGNC:43561 Smlr1 1586664 686032 SMLR1 7205347 100507203 HGNC Smlr1 1622244 100504474 MGI:1922856 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:44670 Smn1 620755 64301 SMN1 736439 6606 HGNC Smn1 1551835 20595 MGI:109257 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:11117 Smndc1 1309151 287768 SMNDC1 1319332 10285 HGNC Smndc1 1551171 76479 MGI:1923729 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:16900 Smo 3726 25273 SMO 733306 6608 HGNC Smo 735969 319757 MGI:108075 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:11119 Smoc1 1303126 314280 SMOC1 1348217 64093 HGNC Smoc1 1552814 64075 MGI:1929878 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:20318 Smoc2 1306681 292401 SMOC2 1315436 64094 RGD Smoc2 1315437 64074 MGI:1929881 RGD HGNC:20323 Smokl1 1560303 292948 Gm4922 1618139 237300 MGI:3644318 RGD Smox 1306049 308652 SMOX 1314443 54498 RGD Smox 1314444 228608 MGI:2445356 RGD HGNC:15862 Smpd1 1549719 308909 SMPD1 1349414 6609 HGNC Smpd1 1557572 20597 MGI:98325 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:11120 Smpd2 619753 83537 SMPD2 732430 6610 HGNC Smpd2 732431 20598 MGI:1278330 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:11121 Smpd3 619754 94338 SMPD3 1347416 55512 HGNC Smpd3 1551964 58994 MGI:1927578 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:14240 Smpd4 1310674 303790 SMPD4 1604348 55627 HGNC Smpd4 1321716 77626 MGI:1924876 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:32949 Smpd5 2323312 100359829 SMPD5 10449059 392275 HGNC Smpd5 1642410 100503915 MGI:3709877 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:52275 Smpdl3a 1359277 294422 SMPDL3A 1347939 10924 HGNC Smpdl3a 1551109 57319 MGI:1931437 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:17389 Smpdl3b 1307458 362619 SMPDL3B 1316663 27293 HGNC Smpdl3b 1316664 100340 MGI:1916022 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:21416 Smpx 69233 84416 SMPX 736270 23676 HGNC Smpx 736271 66106 MGI:1913356 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:11122 Smr3a 1563299 498341 SMR3A 1349580 26952 RGD Smr3a 1615942 20599 MGI:102763 RGD HGNC:19216 Smr3b 3953 24867 SMR3B 1345383 10879 RGD Smr2l 1623431 665615 MGI:3646267 RGD HGNC:17326 Sms 1564826 363469 SMS 1345734 6611 HGNC Sms 1557826 20603 MGI:109490 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:11123 Smtn 1310216 289734 SMTN 1320987 6525 HGNC Smtn 1320988 29856 MGI:1354727 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:11126 Smtnl1 1311701 311167 SMTNL1 1601815 219537 HGNC Smtnl1 1323295 68678 MGI:1915928 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:32394 Smtnl2 1585960 679629 SMTNL2 1605229 342527 HGNC Smtnl2 1323518 276829 MGI:2442764 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:24764 Smu1 620694 117541 SMU1 1343755 55234 HGNC Smu1 734351 74255 MGI:1915546 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:18247 Smug1 631403 315344 SMUG1 1606814 23583 HGNC Smug1 1553270 71726 MGI:1918976 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:17148 Smurf1 1594738 690516 SMURF1 1603623 57154 HGNC Smurf1 1553292 75788 MGI:1923038 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:16807 Smurf2 1310067 303614 SMURF2 1345810 64750 HGNC Smurf2 1552490 66313 MGI:1913563 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:16809 Smyd1 1305105 297333 SMYD1 1312941 150572 HGNC Smyd1 1552115 12180 MGI:104790 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:20986 Smyd2 727785 289372 SMYD2 1354091 56950 HGNC Smyd2 1552013 226830 MGI:1915889 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:20982 Smyd3 1562635 498295 SMYD3 1348508 64754 HGNC Smyd3 1617531 69726 MGI:1916976 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:15513 Smyd4 1307369 287525 SMYD4 1316528 114826 HGNC Smyd4 1316529 319822 MGI:2442796 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:21067 Smyd5 1309153 312503 SMYD5 1319335 10322 HGNC Smyd5 1319336 232187 MGI:108048 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:16258 Snai1 620758 116490 SNAI1 1347076 6615 HGNC Snai1 1553692 20613 MGI:98330 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:11128 Snai2 3722 25554 SNAI2 735659 6591 HGNC Snai2 11321 20583 MGI:1096393 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:11094 Snai3 1309658 307919 SNAI3 1320115 333929 HGNC Snai3 1320116 30927 MGI:1353563 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:18411 Snap23 620221 64630 SNAP23 1604652 8773 HGNC Snap23 732152 20619 MGI:109356 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:11131 Snap25 3728 25012 SNAP25 734151 6616 HGNC Snap25 734152 20614 MGI:98331 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:11132 Snap29 620225 116500 SNAP29 735746 9342 HGNC Snap29 731590 67474 MGI:1914724 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:11133 Snap47 735194 303183 SNAP47 1601832 116841 HGNC Snap47 1332461 67826 MGI:1915076 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:30669 Snap91 69276 65178 SNAP91 731271 9892 HGNC Snap91 735275 20616 MGI:109132 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:14986 Snapc1 1304671 314228 SNAPC1 1312249 6617 HGNC Snapc1 1312250 75627 MGI:1922877 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:11134 Snapc2 1304589 304204 SNAPC2 1312116 6618 HGNC Snapc2 1312117 102209 MGI:1914861 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:11135 Snapc3 1305172 362537 SNAPC3 1313043 6619 HGNC Snapc3 1313044 77634 MGI:1916338 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:11136 Snapc4 1309048 362088 SNAPC4 1319171 6621 HGNC Snapc4 1319172 227644 MGI:2443935 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:11137 Snapc5 1582813 691501 SNAPC5 1313202 10302 HGNC Snapc5 1313203 330959 MGI:1914282 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:15484 Snapin 1560377 295217 SNAPIN 1351269 23557 HGNC Snapin 1615164 20615 MGI:1333745 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:17145 Snca 3729 29219 SNCA 733186 6622 HGNC Snca 735748 20617 MGI:1277151 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:11138 Sncaip 1309283 307309 SNCAIP 1319545 9627 HGNC Sncaip 1319546 67847 MGI:1915097 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:11139 Sncb 70992 113893 SNCB 733869 6620 HGNC Sncb 736763 104069 MGI:1889011 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:11140 Sncg 70996 64347 SNCG 1345963 6623 HGNC Sncg 736643 20618 MGI:1298397 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:11141 Snd1 631340 64635 SND1 733231 27044 HGNC Snd1 733232 56463 MGI:1929266 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:30646 Sned1 1566079 316638 SNED1 1349916 25992 HGNC Sned1 1558447 208777 MGI:3045960 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:24696 Snf8 1310144 287645 SNF8 1604833 11267 HGNC Snf8 1621568 27681 MGI:1343161 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:17028 Snhg11 1563912 362256 SNHG11 1601936 128439 RGD Snhg11 1617240 319317 MGI:2441845 RGD HGNC:25046 Snip1 1359268 313588 SNIP1 1605941 79753 HGNC Snip1 1550612 76793 MGI:2156003 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:30587 Snn 3730 29140 SNN 736222 8303 HGNC Snn 736223 20621 MGI:1276549 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:11149 Snora11e 40948519 120099522 SNORA11E 1642113 101340250 HGNC Gm24907 15000404 115489243 MGI:5454684 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:33623 Snora11g 41018428 120094017 SNORA11G 12738313 109616961 HGNC Gm24595 9605519 115489244 MGI:5454372 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:52190 Snora12 41366654 120100467 SNORA12 1602596 677800 HGNC Gm24336 14997895 115489055 MGI:5454113 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:32600 Snora16b 41251909 120094448 SNORA16B 1602536 692157 HGNC Gm24896 15003134 115487265 MGI:5454673 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:32606 Snora18 41370090 120094472 SNORA18 1602591 677805 HGNC Gm24455 15554284 115487282 MGI:5454232 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:32608 Snora19 9685075 104795676 SNORA19 1602603 641451 HGNC Snora19 2303927 100217439 MGI:3819491 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:32609 Snora1b 41124952 120094464 SNORA1B 12738276 109617001 HGNC Gm22620 15554223 115487278 MGI:5452397 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:52193 Snora20 41087412 120100365 SNORA20 1602590 677806 HGNC Snora20 2313362 100303746 MGI:3819492 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:32610 Snora21 41325536 120095422 SNORA21 1602246 619505 HGNC Snora21 3678847 100302498 MGI:3819493 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:32611 Snora22c 41347348 120096112 SNORA22C 12738351 109616965 HGNC Gm23245 15002525 115490273 MGI:5453022 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:52197 Snora23 41029790 120100350 SNORA23 1602588 677808 HGNC Snora23 3726652 100379145 MGI:3819494 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:32613 Snora24 40962896 120101243 SNORA24 1602587 677809 HGNC Snora24 2313704 100306957 MGI:4360223 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:32614 Snora25b 41156851 120094458 SNORA25B 12743395 109623459 HGNC Gm22579 15554306 115487276 MGI:5452356 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:52199 Snora26 41244228 120096831 SNORA26 1602586 677810 RGD Snora26 2314806 100313943 MGI:3819495 RGD HGNC:32616 Snora27 40978574 120096115 SNORA27 1602377 619499 HGNC Gm23202 15554542 115490276 MGI:5452979 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:32617 Snora28 41035339 120093420 SNORA28 1602585 677811 HGNC Snora28 2315489 100316932 MGI:3819496 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:32618 Snora29 41161183 120100389 SNORA29 1602584 677812 HGNC Gm26130 15554271 115488839 MGI:5455907 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:32619 Snora2b 41344582 120093960 SNORA2B 1602756 677794 HGNC Snora2b 2302634 100217416 MGI:3819497 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:32585 Snora30 41103194 120100380 SNORA30 1602583 677813 HGNC Snora30 2302613 100217442 MGI:3819499 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:32620 Snora31 41070333 120097216 SNORA31 1602582 677814 HGNC Snora31 2313454 100303751 MGI:3819500 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:32621 Snora32 41070124 120093426 SNORA32 1602747 692063 HGNC Gm22358 14998603 115488216 MGI:5452135 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:32622 Snora33 41244766 120100393 SNORA33 1602249 594839 HGNC Snora33 4891089 100529074 MGI:3819501 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:32623 Snora34 41256975 120093961 SNORA2C 1602581 677815 HGNC Snora34 2302633 100217417 MGI:3819502 RGD HGNC:32624 Snora35 40929687 120099516 SNORA35 1602580 677816 HGNC Snora35 2313366 100303736 MGI:3819503 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:32625 Snora35b 41266373 120099517 SNORA35B 12738316 109617004 HGNC Gm25107 15000414 115486124 MGI:5454884 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:52202 Snora36c 2325445 100314170 SNORA36C 1642102 100124535 HGNC Gm25136 11576567 115490469 MGI:5454913 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:33616 Snora38 41318103 120099072 SNORA38 1602576 677820 HGNC Gm23442 15001734 115488838 MGI:5453219 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:32631 Snora3A 41330851 120100353 SNORA3A 1602245 619562 HGNC Snora3 3678846 100302499 MGI:3819498 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:32586 Snora3B 40942925 120100352 SNORA3B 1602571 677826 RGD HGNC:32638 Snora3c 41071958 120094452 SNORA3C 12738312 109616997 HGNC Gm24888 15554544 115485611 MGI:5454665 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:52203 Snora4 41216067 120095733 SNORA4 1602240 619568 HGNC Gm24616 15554273 115488691 MGI:5454393 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:32587 Snora41 41148168 120094888 SNORA41 1602239 619569 HGNC Snora41 2302596 100217464 MGI:3819505 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:32634 Snora41b 41230475 120094459 SNORA41B 12738296 109617005 HGNC Gm25409 14997009 115485613 MGI:5455186 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:52206 Snora44 41070385 120102636 SNORA44 1602572 677825 HGNC Snora44 2302632 100217418 MGI:3819506 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:32637 Snora46 41267296 120098680 SNORA46 1602570 677827 HGNC Gm26493 14999289 115487044 MGI:5456270 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:32639 Snora47 41122070 120101373 SNORA47 1602569 677828 HGNC Snora47 2303924 100217450 MGI:3819507 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:32640 Snora49 41255462 120096121 SNORA49 1602568 677829 HGNC Gm26079 15554513 115490290 MGI:5455856 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:32642 Snora50c 41231368 120095463 SNORA50C 1602555 677842 HGNC Gm22711 14998792 115487905 MGI:5452488 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:32662 Snora50d 41013569 120093478 SNORA50D 12738306 109616958 HGNC Gm23786 14996606 115489242 MGI:5453563 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:50433 Snora51 41099731 120102021 SNORA51 1602566 677831 HGNC Gm24451 15554285 115489609 MGI:5454228 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:32644 Snora52 41303933 120100381 SNORA52 1602242 619565 HGNC Snora52 2302631 100217419 MGI:3819508 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:32645 Snora53 40960245 120094011 SNORA53 1602565 677832 HGNC Gm24119 14998986 115487534 MGI:5453896 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:32646 Snora54 41081613 120100390 SNORA54 1602564 677833 HGNC Gm23297 14998755 115486827 MGI:5453074 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:32647 Snora57 41153492 120099446 SNORA57 1602535 692158 HGNC Snora57 30310181 118027464 MGI:5455599 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:32651 Snora58 7489013 102466146 SNORA58 1602561 677836 HGNC Mir3068 4888626 100526546 MGI:4834241 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:32652 Snora5c 41248356 120096786 SNORA5C 1602754 677796 HGNC Snora5c 2302594 100217467 MGI:3819509 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:32590 Snora6 41176157 120094435 SNORA6 1602253 574040 HGNC Gm24044 15554259 115485682 MGI:5453821 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:32591 Snora60 41074242 120101986 SNORA60 1602560 677837 HGNC Gm25129 14996211 115489591 MGI:5454906 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:32654 Snora61 41032323 120103281 SNORA61 1602559 677838 HGNC Snora61 2302615 100217440 MGI:3819510 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:32655 Snora62 41387479 120094436 SNORA62 1350000 6044 HGNC Snora62 1620677 104433 MGI:2148179 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:10107 Snora64 41048632 120095398 SNORA64 1342964 26784 HGNC Snora64 1621411 104366 MGI:2148175 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:10221 Snora65 41059769 120102007 SNORA65 1345878 26783 HGNC Snora65 1621410 104367 MGI:2148176 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:10222 Snora66 41178013 120096778 SNORA66 1343246 26782 HGNC Gm26387 14998452 115490267 MGI:5456164 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:10223 Snora67 41317947 120095401 SNORA67 1352748 26781 HGNC Gm24151 15002388 115487879 MGI:5453928 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:10224 Snora69 40952207 120099060 SNORA69 1344266 26779 HGNC Snora69 1621408 104369 MGI:2148180 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:10226 Snora70j 41167813 120100342 SNORA70J 12738299 109616973 HGNC Gm24175 10001763 115486330 MGI:5453952 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:52216 Snora71a 41397284 120101989 SNORA71A 1351285 26777 HGNC Gm26003 15554253 115489593 MGI:5455780 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:10232 Snora71c 40927043 120101985 SNORA71C 1602558 677839 HGNC Gm24031 14999180 115488396 MGI:5453808 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:32656 Snora71e 41024476 120101988 SNORA71E 1602575 677821 HGNC Gm25187 15554322 115489592 MGI:5454964 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:32632 Snora72 41207541 120097208 SNORA72 16551388 124900425 HGNC Gm23758 15002940 115488403 MGI:5453535 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline Snora73b 41297211 120103240 SNORA73B 1345459 26768 RGD Snora73b 2313708 100306945 MGI:4360049 RGD HGNC:10116 Snora74a 40940619 120098348 SNORA74A 1345962 26821 HGNC Snora74a 1615453 436583 MGI:3646921 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:10119 Snora75 41013737 120094881 SNORA75 1602778 654321 HGNC Snora75 2313364 100303740 MGI:3819511 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:32661 Snora77b 41291498 120095775 SNORA77B 12738285 109617010 HGNC Gm25777 15002943 115488712 MGI:5455554 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:52221 Snora80b 41218949 120093421 SNORA80B 2312689 100302743 HGNC Gm22748 14999519 115488064 MGI:5452525 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:34355 Snora80d 41017670 120095417 SNORA80D 12738304 109616999 HGNC Gm24696 15000284 115488555 MGI:5454473 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:50435 Snora81 41259569 120095781 SNORA81 1602550 677847 HGNC Snora81 2303931 100217420 MGI:3819513 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:32667 Snora84 41226141 120097277 SNORA84 1642103 100124534 HGNC Gm25394 14999601 115488237 MGI:5455171 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:33615 Snora9 41070336 120096790 SNORA9 1602752 677798 HGNC Snora9 15554214 115487884 MGI:5452234 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:32597 Snorc 1311447 363276 SNORC 1606085 389084 HGNC Snorc 1322914 73234 MGI:1920484 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:33763 Snord10 40947074 120095474 SNORD10 1602940 652966 HGNC Gm25835 14996566 115487914 MGI:5455612 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:32706 Snord100 41230696 120100476 SNORD100 1602250 594838 HGNC Snord100 4891088 100529075 MGI:3819514 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:32763 Snord101 41042371 120100344 SNORD101 1602251 594837 HGNC Gm23130 15554530 115487513 MGI:5452907 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:32764 Snord102 41011142 120096105 SNORD102 1602329 26771 HGNC Gm25091 15554511 115490268 MGI:5454868 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:10099 Snord104 41075578 120095408 SNORD104 1602352 692227 HGNC Snord104 2302463 100216537 MGI:3819515 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:32768 Snord105 41075974 120094524 SNORD105 1602351 692229 HGNC Gm24067 15554555 115487308 MGI:5453844 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:32769 Snord105b 40945856 120094528 SNORD105B 1626531 100113382 HGNC Gm23008 15556944 115487312 MGI:5452785 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:33572 Snord107 41054606 120100480 SNORD107 1606194 91380 HGNC Snord107 15556881 115486845 MGI:4358283 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:32771 Snord11 41004670 120094946 SNORD11 1602748 692058 HGNC Snord11 2303930 100217421 MGI:3819516 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:32707 Snord110 41232419 120102094 SNORD110 1602359 692213 HGNC Snord110 2302606 100217452 MGI:3819517 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:32775 Snord111 41114231 120098708 SNORD111 1602358 692214 HGNC Snord111 2302595 100217465 MGI:3819518 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:32776 Snord111b 40931516 120098709 SNORD111B 1626520 100113402 HGNC Gm22193 15554700 115485679 MGI:5451970 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:33579 Snord113-3 41224543 120093404 SNORD113-3 1602530 767563 HGNC Gm24564 14998704 115488063 MGI:5454341 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:32982 Snord113l1 40939369 120093375 SNORD114-16 1602508 767594 HGNC HGNC:33004 Snord113l3 41348930 120093405 SNORD114-31 1602339 767612 HGNC Gm24598 14997859 115489207 MGI:5454375 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:33019 Snord114-4 41328737 120093409 SNORD114-4 1602520 767580 HGNC Gm23787 15001559 115488058 MGI:5453564 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:32992 Snord114-9 41276988 120093408 SNORD114-9 1602515 767585 HGNC Gm25854 15002733 115488049 MGI:5455631 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:32997 Snord118 41278287 120095383 SNORD118 2859191 727676 HGNC Snord118 2302470 100216530 MGI:3819519 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:32952 Snord11b 41128145 120094947 SNORD11B 1626523 100113392 HGNC Gm26287 14996754 115487683 MGI:5456064 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:33571 Snord12 40949806 120102088 SNORD12 1602749 692057 HGNC Snord12 2302612 100217443 MGI:3819520 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:32708 Snord121a 41193020 120103357 SNORD121A 1626534 100113379 HGNC Gm24837 15002216 115490071 MGI:5454614 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:33560 Snord121b 41162930 120103359 SNORD121B 1626528 101340252 HGNC Gm22888 15003000 115490072 MGI:5452665 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:33569 Snord123 41356687 120101370 SNORD123 1626529 100113384 HGNC Snord123 7207768 66835 MGI:5297223 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:33562 Snord124 41094310 120095471 SNORD124 1626525 101340251 HGNC Gm22059 15556445 115487912 MGI:5451836 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:33563 Snord125 41389389 120096836 SNORD125 1626533 100113380 HGNC Gm24958 15556632 115487911 MGI:5454735 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:33564 Snord127 41104710 120093481 SNORD127 1626526 100113389 HGNC Gm25970 14999379 115488080 MGI:5455747 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:33555 Snord12c 41171735 120102090 SNORD12C 1602330 26765 HGNC Gm25878 15554536 115486178 MGI:5455655 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:10105 Snord13 41010522 120097633 SNORD13 1602742 692084 HGNC Snord13 2303929 100217422 MGI:3819521 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:32711 Snord13l1 41174787 120093482 SNORD13P3 1353610 6078 HGNC HGNC:10112 Snord14a 41025316 120100120 SNORD14B 1351969 85388 HGNC Snord14a 2314045 100302592 MGI:3851608 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:31803 Snord14d 40965335 120094548 SNORD14D 2798093 85390 HGNC Snord14d 2314044 100302593 MGI:3851602 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:30353 Snord15a 40952513 120100226 SNORD15A 1343552 6079 HGNC Snord15a 1614693 449630 MGI:3645887 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:10114 Snord15b 41322136 120100225 SNORD15B 1352212 114599 HGNC Snord15b 2303916 449631 MGI:3779515 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:16649 Snord16 41253506 120094441 SNORD16 1602022 595097 HGNC Snord16a 2302605 100217453 MGI:3819522 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:32712 Snord17 41276891 120102082 SNORD17 1602740 692086 HGNC Snord17 2314646 100313519 MGI:3819523 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:32713 Snord18b 41376305 120094437 SNORD18B 1602020 595099 HGNC Gm23344 15002796 115487262 MGI:5453121 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:32715 Snord18c 40980514 120094439 SNORD18C 1601897 595100 HGNC Gm22455 15554215 115487261 MGI:5452232 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:32716 Snord19 41001347 120097627 SNORD19 1602737 692089 HGNC Snord19 2302630 100217423 MGI:3819524 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:32717 Snord19b 41160895 120097632 SNORD19B 1626532 100113381 HGNC Gm24916 15556357 115488429 MGI:5454693 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:33570 Snord1c 41259286 120095395 SNORD1C 1602547 677850 HGNC Snord1c 2302464 100216536 MGI:3819527 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:32677 Snord2 41145464 120095782 SNORD2 1602241 619567 HGNC Snord2 2302468 100216532 MGI:3819528 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:32678 Snord20 41153847 120094885 SNORD20 1351179 6082 HGNC Gm24148 9618130 102465895 MGI:5453925 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:10143 Snord21 40932177 120096776 SNORD21 1352254 6083 HGNC Snord21 14700768 108638 MGI:102855 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:10144 Snord22 41100346 120095728 SNORD22 1344519 9304 HGNC Snord22 1620697 100127111 MGI:1933385 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:10145 Snord23 41052366 120100469 SNORD23 1602735 692091 HGNC Snord23 2302614 100217441 MGI:3819529 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:32718 Snord24 41058081 120101998 SNORD24 1349393 26820 HGNC Gm23969 14998880 115489598 MGI:5453746 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:10146 Snord26 40944949 120100230 SNORD26 1348733 9302 HGNC Gm25894 15554298 115489084 MGI:5455671 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:10148 Snord27 41049731 120100229 SNORD27 1352918 9301 HGNC Gm24452 15554283 115489083 MGI:5454229 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:10149 Snord28b 41229892 120100228 SNORD28B 12738301 109617011 HGNC Gm24453 15554282 115489082 MGI:5454230 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:52225 Snord30 41373488 120100231 SNORD30 1349433 9299 HGNC Gm22680 15554315 115489086 MGI:5452457 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:10157 Snord33 41332605 120100338 SNORD33 1348219 26818 HGNC Snord33 1614401 27208 MGI:1351323 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:10160 Snord34 41172090 120094443 SNORD34 1350805 26817 HGNC Snord34 1614399 27210 MGI:1351325 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:10161 Snord35a 41294442 120100348 SNORD35A 1353609 26816 HGNC Snord35a 1614398 27211 MGI:1351319 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:10162 Snord35b 41357901 120100347 SNORD35B 1346245 84546 HGNC Snord35b 1614397 27212 MGI:1351321 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:17365 Snord37 40984152 120093964 SNORD37 1352874 26812 HGNC Snord37 2302604 100217454 MGI:3819530 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:10166 Snord38a 41246695 120103263 SNORD38A 1342819 94162 HGNC Snord38a 2302629 100217424 MGI:3819531 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:30355 Snord38b 41105011 120103262 SNORD38B 1346070 94163 HGNC Gm22980 14998081 115490044 MGI:5452757 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:30356 Snord41 41239658 120098707 SNORD41 1344851 26810 HGNC Gm25506 15554540 115487056 MGI:5455283 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:10179 Snord42a 41313827 120095387 SNORD42A 1354029 26809 HGNC Snord42a 4891086 100529076 MGI:3819532 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:10180 Snord42b 41015986 120095386 SNORD42B 1351888 26808 HGNC Snord42b 4891085 100529077 MGI:3819533 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:10181 Snord43 41020681 120093947 SNORD43 1346020 26807 HGNC Snord43 3645631 100302600 MGI:3819534 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:10182 Snord45a 41349006 120101234 SNORD45A 1342927 26805 HGNC Gm24494 15002993 115489817 MGI:5454271 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:10184 Snord45b 40960960 120101235 SNORD45B 1351466 26804 RGD Snord45b 2302593 100217468 MGI:3819535 RGD HGNC:10185 Snord45c 41213597 120101233 SNORD45C 1602741 692085 HGNC Snord45c 2302628 100217425 MGI:3819536 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:32720 Snord46 41375413 120103264 SNORD46 1346025 94161 HGNC Gm26330 15554233 115490046 MGI:5456107 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:10186 Snord48 41104675 120099062 SNORD48 1352935 26801 HGNC Gm25744 15557364 115488834 MGI:5455521 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:10188 Snord49a 41005054 120095405 SNORD49A 1353404 26800 HGNC Snord49a 2302603 100217455 MGI:3819538 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:10189 Snord49b 41093985 120095404 SNORD49B 1602739 692087 HGNC Snord49b 2302627 100217426 MGI:3819539 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:32721 Snord4a 40960684 120095399 SNORD4A 1345375 26773 HGNC Snord4a 2302461 100216539 MGI:3819540 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:10097 Snord5 41262081 120094526 SNORD5 1602746 692072 HGNC Gm24299 15556732 115487311 MGI:5454076 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:32702 Snord51 40960633 120094886 SNORD51 1347366 26798 HGNC Gm26457 15001850 115487641 MGI:5456234 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:10201 Snord52 41062511 120099061 SNORD52 1344796 26797 HGNC Snord52 2302626 100217427 MGI:3819541 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:10202 Snord53 40956032 120093416 SNORD53 1346681 26796 HGNC Snord53 2302602 100217456 MGI:3819542 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:10203 Snord53b 41351625 120093417 SNORD53B 12738272 109617012 HGNC Gm22858 14999620 115488835 MGI:5452635 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:52229 Snord54 41164745 120103360 SNORD54 1344613 26795 HGNC Gm24016 15556518 115490074 MGI:5453793 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:10204 Snord55 41205584 120103255 SNORD55 1351914 26811 HGNC Snord55 2302467 100216533 MGI:3819543 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:10205 Snord56 41084667 120102006 SNORD56 1349350 26793 HGNC HGNC:10206 Snord57 41234200 120102005 SNORD57 1345494 26792 HGNC Snord57 2302625 100217428 MGI:3819544 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:10207 Snord58b 41259955 120098353 SNORD58B 1345763 26790 HGNC Snord58b 2303923 100217457 MGI:3819545 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:10209 Snord59a 41357914 120093949 SNORD59A 1345043 26789 HGNC Snord59a 14999586 115487514 MGI:5454983 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:10210 Snord6 41269736 120094453 SNORD6 1602744 692075 HGNC Gm24357 15554239 115487272 MGI:5454134 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:32703 Snord60 41275348 120095400 SNORD60 1344326 26788 HGNC Snord60 15554235 115488833 MGI:5453296 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:10217 Snord61 40982944 120099450 SNORD61 1354078 26787 HGNC Snord61 1615530 353374 MGI:2148805 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:10218 Snord62a 41368742 120102000 SNORD62A 1351384 26786 HGNC Gm22192 14999286 115489599 MGI:5451969 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:10219 Snord62b 41397579 120102002 SNORD62B 1602733 692093 HGNC Gm25632 14997871 115489600 MGI:5455409 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:23031 Snord64 41266353 120100466 SNORD64 1605532 347686 HGNC Snord64 2302624 100217429 MGI:3819546 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:32725 Snord65 40963995 120095460 SNORD65 1602544 692106 HGNC Snord65 2302611 100217444 MGI:3819547 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:32726 Snord66 40973363 120095772 SNORD66 1602543 692107 HGNC Snord66 2302623 100217430 MGI:3819548 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:32727 Snord67 41225679 120102085 SNORD67 1602542 692108 HGNC Snord67 2302601 100217458 MGI:3819549 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:32728 Snord69 40956320 120097628 SNORD69 1602541 692109 HGNC Snord69 2302622 100217431 MGI:3819551 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:32730 Snord7 40983522 120095406 SNORD7 1602743 692076 HGNC Snord7 2312711 100302731 MGI:3819552 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:32704 Snord70 41160946 120094942 SNORD70 1602540 692110 HGNC Snord70 2302600 100217459 MGI:3819553 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:32731 Snord70b 40961944 120094943 SNORD70B 12738266 109616995 HGNC Gm26293 15554522 115485825 MGI:5456070 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:52233 Snord71 41012179 120098706 SNORD71 1602539 692111 HGNC Snord71 2302621 100217432 MGI:3819554 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:32732 Snord72 41328657 120101363 SNORD72 1602243 619564 HGNC Snord72 3662869 100302529 MGI:3819555 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:32733 Snord73a 41361011 120101224 SNORD73A 1347544 8944 HGNC Snord73a 1612343 19870 MGI:1321388 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:10235 Snord73b 41128133 120101225 SNORD73B 1345267 114655 HGNC Snord73b 1612342 19871 MGI:1321387 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:30357 Snord78 41128275 120096421 LOC124900539 16551853 124900539 HGNC Snord78 15554512 115487677 MGI:5453213 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline Snord8 41338009 120097217 SNORD8 1348850 319103 HGNC Snord8 2302610 100217445 MGI:3819556 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:20159 Snord81 41168241 120096375 SNORD81 16551090 124900422 HGNC Gm25789 15554275 115487640 MGI:5455566 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline Snord82 40940351 120094883 SNORD82 1352574 25826 HGNC Snord82 1622198 80828 MGI:1931502 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:10240 Snord83 41374192 120099057 SNORD83 16552561 124903098 HGNC Gm25128 14998036 115488831 MGI:5454905 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline Snord83b 40986000 120094014 SNORD83B 1349705 116938 HGNC Snord83b 3645630 100302601 MGI:3819557 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:17132 Snord86 41029490 120102091 SNORD86 1602371 692201 HGNC Gm25432 9647938 102635008 MGI:5455209 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:32745 Snord87 41182145 120103285 SNORD87 1602235 641648 HGNC Snord87 1612415 266793 MGI:2387894 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:32746 Snord88a 41012795 120100470 SNORD88A 1602370 692202 RGD Snord88a 2302620 100217433 MGI:3819560 RGD HGNC:32747 Snord88b 41364498 120100473 SNORD88B 1602369 692203 HGNC Gm23991 15554739 115486842 MGI:5453768 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:32748 Snord88c 41292810 120100472 SNORD88C 1602368 692204 HGNC Gm26247 15554655 115486841 MGI:5456024 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:32749 Snord89 41016240 120094944 SNORD89 1602367 692205 HGNC Snord89 2302598 100217461 MGI:3819562 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:32750 Snord90 41133334 120102086 SNORD90 1602366 692206 HGNC Snord90 2302618 100217435 MGI:3819563 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:32751 Snord92 41332489 120093418 SNORD92 1602363 692209 HGNC Snord92 2302597 100217462 MGI:3819565 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:32754 Snord93 41215821 120102742 SNORD93 1602362 692210 HGNC Snord93 2302617 100217436 MGI:3819566 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:32755 Snord94 41156854 120102744 SNORD94 1602354 692225 HGNC Snord94 25824929 115490493 MGI:5452263 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:32756 Snord95 41362314 120095393 SNORD95 1602238 619570 HGNC Snord95 2302516 100216540 MGI:3819567 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:32757 Snord96a 41268997 120095379 SNORD96A 1602237 619571 HGNC Snord96a 2302466 100216534 MGI:3819568 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:32758 Snord97 41129599 120100488 SNORD97 1602356 692223 HGNC Gm23262 15556741 115486847 MGI:5453039 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:32760 Snord98 41352887 120099034 SNORD98 1602361 692211 HGNC Snord98 2303922 100217463 MGI:3819569 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:32761 Snord99 41019850 120103352 SNORD99 1602360 692212 HGNC Snord99 2302616 100217437 MGI:3819570 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:32762 Snph 1305867 296267 SNPH 1314155 9751 HGNC Snph 1314156 241727 MGI:2139270 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:15931 Snrk 69653 170837 SNRK 735399 54861 HGNC Snrk 69661 20623 MGI:108104 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:30598 Snrnp200 1561120 296126 SNRNP200 1351534 23020 HGNC Snrnp200 1557203 320632 MGI:2444401 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:30859 Snrnp25 1310922 287170 SNRNP25 1322103 79622 HGNC Snrnp25 1322104 78372 MGI:1925622 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:14161 Snrnp27 1310925 362392 SNRNP27 1605404 11017 HGNC Snrnp27 1322108 66618 MGI:1913868 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:30240 Snrnp35 1310724 360803 SNRNP35 1602490 11066 HGNC Snrnp35 1321797 76167 MGI:1923417 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:30852 Snrnp40 1309198 313056 SNRNP40 1606327 9410 HGNC Snrnp40 1550882 66585 MGI:1913835 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:30857 Snrnp48 1309020 291060 SNRNP48 1319128 154007 HGNC Snrnp48 1623198 67797 MGI:1915047 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:21368 Snrnp70 1307120 361574 SNRNP70 1316126 6625 HGNC Snrnp70 1316127 20637 MGI:98341 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:11150 Snrpa 1307416 292729 SNRPA 1316600 6626 HGNC Snrpa 1316601 53607 MGI:1855690 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:11151 Snrpa1 2320494 100361269 SNRPA1 1321959 6627 HGNC Snrpa1 1321960 68981 MGI:1916231 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:11152 Snrpb 621301 171365 SNRPB 733493 6628 HGNC Snrpb 733494 20638 MGI:98342 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:11153 Snrpb2 1310194 362223 SNRPB2 1320950 6629 HGNC Snrpb2 1320951 20639 MGI:104805 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:11155 Snrpc 1306065 361808 SNRPC 1314465 6631 HGNC Snrpc 1314466 20630 MGI:109489 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:11157 Snrpd1 1306345 291794 SNRPD1 1314912 6632 HGNC Snrpd1 1314913 20641 MGI:98344 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:11158 Snrpd2 1593018 680309 SNRPD2 1312873 6633 HGNC Snrpd2 1312874 107686 MGI:98345 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:11159 Snrpd3 1597573 687711 SNRPD3 1345342 6634 HGNC Snrpd3 1615893 67332 MGI:1914582 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:11160 Snrpe 2321675 100360682 SNRPE 1313167 6635 HGNC Snrpe 1313168 20643 MGI:98346 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:11161 Snrpf 1588229 680737 SNRPF 1313451 6636 HGNC Snrpf 1616756 69878 MGI:1917128 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:11162 Snrpg 1584713 681031 SNRPG 1353294 6637 RGD Snrpg 1620834 68011 MGI:1915261 RGD HGNC:11163 Snrpgl1 1583028 687679 SNRPGP15 7393682 100130932 HGNC HGNC:49371 Snrpn 621306 81781 SNRPN 1343749 6638 HGNC Snrpn 735464 20646 MGI:98347 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:11164 Snta1 1307068 362242 SNTA1 1316039 6640 HGNC Snta1 1316040 20648 MGI:101772 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:11167 Sntb1 1307728 299940 SNTB1 1317088 6641 HGNC Sntb1 1317089 20649 MGI:101781 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:11168 Sntb2 1592340 689421 SNTB2 1318541 6645 HGNC Sntb2 1318542 20650 MGI:101771 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:11169 Sntg1 1560290 500394 SNTG1 1347731 54212 HGNC Sntg1 1617506 71096 MGI:1918346 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:13740 Sntg2 1311276 298936 SNTG2 1350202 54221 HGNC Sntg2 1322647 268534 MGI:1919541 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:13741 Sntn 1562356 498456 SNTN 2306150 132203 HGNC Sntn 1621354 218739 MGI:3045373 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:33706 Snu13 1303103 300092 SNU13 1347136 4809 RGD Snu13 1550293 20826 MGI:893586 RGD HGNC:7819 Snupn 1303191 316108 SNUPN 1353124 10073 HGNC Snupn 1615903 66069 MGI:1913319 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:14245 Snurf 69269 113938 SNURF 736038 8926 RGD Snurf 736039 84704 MGI:1891236 RGD HGNC:11171 Snw1 1561926 500695 SNW1 1321977 22938 HGNC Snw1 1624001 66354 MGI:1913604 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:16696 Snx1 68935 84471 SNX1 68962 6642 HGNC Snx1 68963 56440 MGI:1928395 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:11172 Snx10 1305782 297096 SNX10 1314019 29887 HGNC Snx10 1314020 71982 MGI:1919232 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:14974 Snx11 1307319 303493 SNX11 1316444 29916 HGNC Snx11 1552665 74479 MGI:1921729 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:14975 Snx12 1565585 363478 SNX12 1350610 29934 HGNC Snx12 1557395 55988 MGI:1919331 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:14976 Snx13 1309778 362731 SNX13 1320299 23161 HGNC Snx13 1320300 217463 MGI:2661416 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:21335 Snx14 1310921 315871 SNX14 1322101 57231 HGNC Snx14 1322102 244962 MGI:2155664 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:14977 Snx15 1305803 293691 SNX15 1314058 29907 HGNC Snx15 1314059 69024 MGI:1916274 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:14978 Snx16 620295 64088 SNX16 733907 64089 HGNC Snx16 733908 74718 MGI:1921968 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:14980 Snx17 1306424 298836 SNX17 1315030 9784 HGNC Snx17 1315031 266781 MGI:2387801 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:14979 Snx18 1310367 310097 SNX18 1321231 112574 HGNC Snx18 1321232 170625 MGI:2137642 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:19245 Snx19 1309857 315478 SNX19 1604682 399979 HGNC Snx19 1320424 102607 MGI:1921581 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:21532 Snx2 1310291 291464 SNX2 1321108 6643 HGNC Snx2 1321109 67804 MGI:1915054 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:11173 Snx20 1307787 307742 SNX20 1604540 124460 HGNC Snx20 1317182 71607 MGI:1918857 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:30390 Snx21 2323753 100362940 SNX21 1322486 90203 HGNC Snx21 1615776 101113 MGI:1917729 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:16154 Snx22 1305042 300796 SNX22 1312835 79856 HGNC Snx22 1614769 382083 MGI:2685966 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:16315 Snx24 1306864 361328 SNX24 1315725 28966 HGNC Snx24 1552562 69226 MGI:1916476 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:21533 Snx25 1310150 306471 SNX25 1320883 83891 HGNC Snx25 1618257 102141 MGI:2142610 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:21883 Snx27 628705 260323 SNX27 1349647 81609 HGNC Snx27 1558291 76742 MGI:1923992 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:20073 Snx29 1596162 689142 SNX29 1604256 92017 HGNC Snx29 1558343 74478 MGI:1921728 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:30542 Snx3 1595151 684097 SNX3 1345268 8724 RGD Snx3 1617570 54198 MGI:1860188 RGD HGNC:11174 Snx30 1311367 298033 SNX30 1601789 401548 HGNC Snx30 1322788 209131 MGI:2443882 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:23685 Snx31 1309483 366915 SNX31 1603261 169166 HGNC Snx31 1332495 66696 MGI:1913946 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:28605 Snx32 1560591 361708 SNX32 1605258 254122 HGNC Snx32 1616563 225861 MGI:2444704 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:26423 Snx33 1307898 315696 SNX33 1603528 257364 HGNC Snx33 1550252 235406 MGI:2443239 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:28468 Snx4 1309763 360725 SNX4 1320273 8723 HGNC Snx4 1320274 69150 MGI:1916400 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:11175 Snx5 1310190 296199 SNX5 1320945 27131 HGNC Snx5 1320946 69178 MGI:1916428 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:14969 Snx6 1304647 362738 SNX6 1312208 58533 HGNC Snx6 1312209 72183 MGI:1919433 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:14970 Snx7 1305480 310815 SNX7 1313530 51375 RGD Snx7 1313531 76561 MGI:1923811 RGD HGNC:14971 Snx8 1305791 288504 SNX8 1314037 29886 HGNC Snx8 1314038 231834 MGI:2443816 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:14972 Snx9 1584466 683687 SNX9 1353452 51429 HGNC Snx9 1621547 66616 MGI:1913866 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:14973 Soat1 621641 81782 SOAT1 731038 6646 HGNC Soat1 731039 20652 MGI:104665 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:11177 Soat2 628865 266770 SOAT2 730963 8435 HGNC Soat2 730964 223920 MGI:1332226 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:11178 Sobp 1560479 309860 SOBP 1605982 55084 HGNC Sobp 1623860 109205 MGI:1924427 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:29256 Socs1 69272 252971 SOCS1 1347441 8651 HGNC Socs1 732457 12703 MGI:1354910 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:19383 Socs2 69273 84607 SOCS2 1352815 8835 HGNC Socs2 1332166 216233 MGI:1201787 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:19382 Socs3 621087 89829 SOCS3 730833 9021 HGNC Socs3 730834 12702 MGI:1201791 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:19391 Socs4 1306503 305828 SOCS4 1315155 122809 HGNC Socs4 1315156 67296 MGI:1914546 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:19392 Socs5 1564914 500616 SOCS5 1346055 9655 HGNC Socs5 1557367 56468 MGI:2385459 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:16852 Socs6 1304632 307200 SOCS6 1312180 9306 HGNC Socs6 1312181 54607 MGI:1924885 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:16833 Socs7 1307720 287659 SOCS7 1317076 30837 HGNC Socs7 1317077 192157 MGI:2651588 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:29846 Sod1 3731 24786 SOD1 730855 6647 HGNC Sod1 11329 20655 MGI:98351 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:11179 Sod2 3732 24787 SOD2 730872 6648 RGD Sod2 11330 20656 MGI:98352 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:11180 Sod3 3733 25352 SOD3 736515 6649 HGNC Sod3 11331 20657 MGI:103181 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:11181 Sohlh1 1564440 362085 SOHLH1 1605184 402381 HGNC Sohlh1 1622972 227631 MGI:2684956 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:27845 Sohlh2 1589577 619575 SOHLH2 1603036 54937 HGNC Sohlh2 1312378 74434 MGI:1921684 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:26026 Son 1309013 304092 SON 1319118 6651 HGNC Son 1319119 20658 MGI:98353 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:11183 Sorbs1 1586598 686098 SORBS1 1320080 10580 HGNC Sorbs1 1320081 20411 MGI:700014 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:14565 Sorbs2 620061 114901 SORBS2 732975 8470 HGNC Sorbs2 1550523 234214 MGI:1924574 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:24098 Sorbs3 628900 282843 SORBS3 1604395 10174 HGNC Sorbs3 1332088 20410 MGI:700013 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:30907 Sorcs1 1305910 309533 SORCS1 1314224 114815 HGNC Sorcs1 1314225 58178 MGI:1929666 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:16697 Sorcs2 1310621 305438 SORCS2 1321631 57537 HGNC Sorcs2 1321632 81840 MGI:1932289 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:16698 Sorcs3 1310974 294043 SORCS3 1322178 22986 HGNC Sorcs3 1322179 66673 MGI:1913923 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:16699 Sord 3734 24788 SORD 735508 6652 HGNC Sord 11332 20322 MGI:98266 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:11184 Sorl1 619914 300652 SORL1 1322123 6653 HGNC Sorl1 1615161 20660 MGI:1202296 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:11185 Sort1 619999 83576 SORT1 731682 6272 HGNC Sort1 731683 20661 MGI:1338015 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:11186 Sos1 1310949 313845 SOS1 1322140 6654 HGNC Sos1 1322141 20662 MGI:98354 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:11187 Sos2 620435 85384 SOS2 1346295 6655 HGNC Sos2 1553448 20663 MGI:98355 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:11188 Sost 69358 80722 SOST 737334 50964 HGNC Sost 737335 74499 MGI:1921749 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:13771 Sostdc1 628877 266803 SOSTDC1 1343094 25928 HGNC Sostdc1 1551201 66042 MGI:1913292 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:21748 Sowaha 1564616 497903 SOWAHA 1602435 134548 HGNC Sowaha 1614902 237761 MGI:2687280 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:27033 Sowahb 1311994 289501 SOWAHB 1605533 345079 HGNC Sowahb 1323742 78088 MGI:1925338 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:32958 Sowahc 1595666 503306 SOWAHC 1349983 65124 HGNC Sowahc 1619728 268301 MGI:3606051 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:26149 Sowahd 1563086 367699 SOWAHD 1606099 347454 HGNC Sowahd 1616508 245381 MGI:3045274 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:32960 Sox1 6487636 100912302 SOX1 1348976 6656 HGNC Sox1 1615160 20664 MGI:98357 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:11189 Sox10 3735 29361 SOX10 731681 6663 HGNC Sox10 735897 20665 MGI:98358 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:11190 Sox11 69351 84046 SOX11 735734 6664 HGNC Sox11 735735 20666 MGI:98359 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:11191 Sox12 1586313 689988 SOX12 1318728 6666 HGNC Sox12 1318729 20667 MGI:98360 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:11198 Sox13 1309674 289026 SOX13 1320144 9580 HGNC Sox13 1320145 20668 MGI:98361 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:11192 Sox14 1309654 300954 SOX14 1320109 8403 HGNC Sox14 1320110 20669 MGI:98362 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:11193 Sox15 1312022 363632 SOX15 1323788 6665 HGNC Sox15 1323789 20670 MGI:98363 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:11196 Sox17 1305371 312936 SOX17 1313358 64321 HGNC Sox17 1313359 20671 MGI:107543 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:18122 Sox18 1311718 311723 SOX18 1323321 54345 HGNC Sox18 1323322 20672 MGI:103559 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:11194 Sox2 1565646 499593 SOX2 1344695 6657 HGNC Sox2 1558014 20674 MGI:98364 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:11195 Sox21 1304724 306168 SOX21 1312334 11166 HGNC Sox21 1312335 223227 MGI:2654070 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:11197 Sox3 1591839 679158 SOX3 1347884 6658 HGNC Sox3 11333 20675 MGI:98365 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:11199 Sox30 1586382 689918 SOX30 1602491 11063 HGNC Sox30 1313914 214105 MGI:1341157 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:30635 Sox4 1309488 364712 SOX4 1319854 6659 HGNC Sox4 1319855 20677 MGI:98366 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:11200 Sox5 620471 140587 SOX5 1603322 6660 HGNC Sox5 1615159 20678 MGI:98367 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:11201 Sox6 1309000 293165 SOX6 1319098 55553 HGNC Sox6 1319099 20679 MGI:98368 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:16421 Sox7 1310038 290317 SOX7 1320707 83595 HGNC Sox7 1320708 20680 MGI:98369 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:18196 Sox8 1309072 302993 SOX8 1319208 30812 HGNC Sox8 1319209 20681 MGI:98370 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:11203 Sox9 620474 140586 SOX9 1322513 6662 RGD Sox9 1322514 20682 MGI:98371 RGD HGNC:11204 Sp1 3738 24790 SP1 732035 6667 HGNC Sp1 11334 20683 MGI:98372 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:11205 Sp100 1359550 363269 SP100 1348100 6672 RGD Sp100 1558598 20684 MGI:109561 RGD HGNC:11206 Sp110 1310173 301570 SP110 1320919 3431 HGNC Sp110 1320920 109032 MGI:1923364 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:5401 Sp140 1306355 316580 SP140 1314926 11262 HGNC HGNC:17133 Sp2 1592078 303499 SP2 1347414 6668 HGNC Sp2 1558393 78912 MGI:1926162 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:11207 Sp3 1583765 367846 SP3 1319818 6670 HGNC Sp3 1319819 20687 MGI:1277166 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:11208 Sp4 3741 25162 SP4 731794 6671 HGNC Sp4 11335 20688 MGI:107595 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:11209 Sp5 1308499 296510 SP5 1318302 389058 HGNC Sp5 1318303 64406 MGI:1927715 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:14529 Sp6 1306768 363672 SP6 1315575 80320 HGNC Sp6 1556994 83395 MGI:1932575 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:14530 Sp7 631377 300260 SP7 736995 121340 HGNC Sp7 1332486 170574 MGI:2153568 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:17321 Sp8 1307619 299499 SP8 1316919 221833 HGNC Sp8 1316920 320145 MGI:2443471 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:19196 Sp9 1559457 366078 SP9 2303677 100131390 HGNC Sp9 1558322 381373 MGI:3574660 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:30690 Spa17 620154 85244 SPA17 1353517 53340 HGNC Spa17 731295 20686 MGI:1333778 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:11210 Spaar 41374908 120102861 SPAAR 7246751 158376 HGNC Spaar 1614327 71406 MGI:1918656 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:27244 Spaca1 1560284 500432 SPACA1 1344211 81833 HGNC Spaca1 1623982 67652 MGI:1914902 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:14967 Spaca3 1306684 287557 SPACA3 1315441 124912 HGNC Spaca3 1315442 75622 MGI:1922872 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:16260 Spaca4 1587464 691120 SPACA4 1343720 171169 HGNC Spaca4 1620806 69363 MGI:1916613 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:16441 Spaca5 1584964 314431 SPACA5 1346531 389852 HGNC Spaca5 1623718 278203 MGI:2685564 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:31353 Spaca6 1588836 688452 SPACA6 2301581 147650 HGNC Spaca6 1615041 75202 MGI:1922452 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:27113 Spaca7 1597409 689077 SPACA7 1606982 122258 HGNC Spaca7 1619075 78634 MGI:1925884 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:29575 Spaca9 727909 296610 SPACA9 1353846 11092 HGNC Spaca9 1615862 69987 MGI:1917237 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:1367 Spacdr 11442159 100362783 SPACDR 1602147 402573 HGNC Tsc22d4 150340542 122152370 MGI:1926079 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:22135 Spag1 1310702 315033 SPAG1 1321762 6674 HGNC Spag1 1321763 26942 MGI:1349387 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:11212 Spag11b 2324475 100362580 SPAG11B 1352554 10407 RGD Spag11b 1623534 546038 MGI:3647173 RGD HGNC:14534 Spag16 1565062 501158 SPAG16 1352269 79582 HGNC Spag16 1620847 66722 MGI:1913972 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:23225 Spag17 1592218 690746 SPAG17 1601710 200162 HGNC Spag17 1622249 74362 MGI:1921612 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:26620 Spag4 620151 83623 SPAG4 734255 6676 RGD Spag4 734256 245865 MGI:2444120 RGD HGNC:11214 Spag5 620152 252918 SPAG5 736242 10615 HGNC Spag5 736243 54141 MGI:1927470 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:13452 Spag6 1305616 291340 SPAG6 1313749 9576 RGD Spag6 1620435 381350 MGI:3040687 RGD HGNC:11215 Spag6l 1310892 360747 Spag6l 1615147 50525 MGI:1354388 RGD Spag7 1305473 303260 SPAG7 1313520 9552 HGNC Spag7 1313521 216873 MGI:107380 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:11216 Spag8 1307079 362508 SPAG8 1316057 26206 HGNC Spag8 1617161 433700 MGI:3056295 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:14105 Spag9 1311289 360600 SPAG9 1322667 9043 RGD Spag9 1322668 70834 MGI:1918084 RGD HGNC:14524 Spam1 620547 117037 SPAM1 1347791 6677 RGD Spam1 1551203 20690 MGI:109335 RGD HGNC:11217 Sparc 3742 24791 SPARC 731035 6678 HGNC Sparc 11336 20692 MGI:98373 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:11219 Sparcl1 2531 25434 SPARCL1 736595 8404 HGNC Sparcl1 736596 13602 MGI:108110 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:11220 Spart 1305900 295053 SPART 1314206 23111 HGNC Spart 1314207 229285 MGI:2139806 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:18514 Spast 1308494 362700 SPAST 1318293 6683 HGNC Spast 1623254 50850 MGI:1858896 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:11233 Spata1 1359500 362056 SPATA1 1353083 100505741 HGNC Spata1 1618328 70951 MGI:1918201 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:14682 Spata13 1307364 305938 SPATA13 1316520 221178 HGNC Spata13 1316521 219140 MGI:104838 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:23222 Spata16 1563726 294932 SPATA16 1351808 83893 HGNC Spata16 1557391 70862 MGI:1918112 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:29935 Spata17 1565282 498305 SPATA17 1604999 128153 HGNC Spata17 1557576 74717 MGI:1921967 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:25184 Spata18 735208 289586 SPATA18 1606969 132671 HGNC Spata18 1619102 73472 MGI:1920722 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:29579 Spata19 620628 171403 SPATA19 1606425 219938 HGNC Spata19 731901 75469 MGI:1922719 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:30614 Spata2 620754 114210 SPATA2 731260 9825 HGNC Spata2 731261 263876 MGI:2146885 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:14681 Spata20 735087 360604 SPATA20 1603970 64847 HGNC Spata20 1623815 217116 MGI:2183449 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:26125 Spata21 1302954 366491 SPATA21 1602628 374955 HGNC Spata21 1615544 329972 MGI:3607787 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:28026 Spata22 1565378 360565 SPATA22 1606760 84690 HGNC Spata22 1607688 380709 MGI:2685728 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:30705 Spata24 1311742 291676 SPATA24 3005862 202051 RGD Spata24 1323357 71242 MGI:1918492 RGD HGNC:27322 Spata25 1564523 499943 SPATA25 1351206 128497 HGNC Spata25 1622236 75642 MGI:1922892 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:16158 Spata2L 1560840 498963 SPATA2L 1605588 124044 HGNC Spata2l 1618264 78779 MGI:1926029 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:28393 Spata3 1308164 363270 SPATA3 1317781 130560 HGNC Spata3 1615076 70060 MGI:1917310 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:17884 Spata31 727950 353306 SPATA31A6 2303681 389730 HGNC Spata31 1623102 78124 MGI:1925374 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:32006 Spata31c2 6497608 100910585 SPATA31C2 4109369 645961 HGNC HGNC:24508 Spata31d1 1565972 498693 SPATA31D1 1601912 389763 HGNC Spata31d1a 1618319 72219 MGI:1919469 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:37283 Spata31d1c 1562630 502109 C5orf60 3104049 285679 HGNC Spata31d1c 1618130 238683 MGI:3588241 RGD HGNC:27753 Spata31d3 1311452 306725 SPATA31D3 4140036 389762 HGNC HGNC:38603 Spata31e1 6489933 100911971 SPATA31E1 1351279 286234 HGNC Spata31e1 9592773 102632152 MGI:5589461 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:26672 Spata31f1 2320471 100361292 SPATA31F1 5477831 259308 HGNC Spata31f1a 2294577 433698 MGI:3651059 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:41911 Spata31f3 1561387 500445 SPATA31F3 5487895 100129969 HGNC Spata31f3 1617241 277773 MGI:2679716 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:42673 Spata31g1 2321337 100360821 SPATA31G1 1604527 138724 HGNC Spata31g1 1615895 67317 MGI:1914567 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:31418 Spata31h1 7513610 102556504 SPATA31H1 1352942 84226 HGNC Spata31h-ps1 5145638 102638085 MGI:4937329 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:25275 Spata32 1359156 287747 SPATA32 1603588 124783 HGNC Spata32 1620462 328019 MGI:3045340 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:26349 Spata33 1561507 292078 SPATA33 1602656 124045 HGNC Spata33 1615560 320869 MGI:2444920 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:26463 Spata4 1303065 306441 SPATA4 1348615 132851 HGNC Spata4 1550557 69281 MGI:1916531 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:17333 SPATA45 1593182 498316 SPATA45 1606701 149643 RGD Spata45 1623127 75558 MGI:1922808 RGD HGNC:33709 Spata45-ps1 1591344 685669 SPATA45 1606701 149643 RGD HGNC:33709 Spata46 1565283 498274 SPATA46 1603514 284680 HGNC Spata46 1622223 76925 MGI:1924175 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:27648 Spata6 628657 171413 SPATA6 732866 54558 HGNC Spata6 732867 67946 MGI:1915196 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:18309 Spata6l 1310039 361747 SPATA6L 1320709 55064 HGNC Spata6l 1320710 381218 MGI:1918036 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:25472 Spata7 621010 192225 SPATA7 1345087 55812 HGNC Spata7 1617430 104871 MGI:2144877 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:20423 Spata9 1308291 294594 SPATA9 1317981 83890 HGNC Spata9 1623124 75571 MGI:1922821 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:22988 Spatc1 1565316 315091 SPATC1 1344287 375686 HGNC Spatc1 1623148 74281 MGI:1921531 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:30510 Spatc1l 1562578 499418 SPATC1L 1344058 84221 HGNC Spatc1l 1615021 76573 MGI:1923823 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:1298 Spats1 631367 301255 SPATS1 736705 221409 HGNC Spats1 1331942 71020 MGI:1918270 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:22957 Spats2 1304780 300221 SPATS2 1312420 65244 HGNC Spats2 1312421 72572 MGI:1919822 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:18650 Spats2l 1309930 316426 SPATS2L 1607063 26010 HGNC Spats2l 1332259 67198 MGI:1914448 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:24574 Spc24 1307631 363028 SPC24 1604521 147841 RGD Spc24 1623986 67629 MGI:1914879 RGD HGNC:26913 Spc25 1307811 295661 SPC25 1606531 57405 HGNC Spc25 1623224 66442 MGI:1913692 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:24031 Spcs1 1309125 290555 SPCS1 1346470 28972 HGNC Spcs1 1550125 69019 MGI:1916269 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:23401 Spcs2 1311253 293142 SPCS2 1345346 9789 HGNC Spcs2 1553144 66624 MGI:1913874 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:28962 Spcs3 1588184 680782 SPCS3 1353202 60559 HGNC Spcs3 1614264 76687 MGI:1923937 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:26212 Spdef 1594842 689210 SPDEF 1318473 25803 HGNC Spdef 1318474 30051 MGI:1353422 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:17257 Spdl1 1306908 303037 SPDL1 1606284 54908 HGNC Spdl1 1332014 70385 MGI:1917635 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:26010 Spdya 621730 192209 SPDYA 1352707 245711 HGNC Spdya 731526 70891 MGI:1918141 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:30613 Spdye4 1561076 498146 SPDYE4 2303837 388333 HGNC Spdye4b 1623700 330228 MGI:3612701 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:35463 Spdye4c 1561675 499886 Spdye4c 1614889 241634 MGI:2685201 RGD Specc1 1309718 303208 SPECC1 1606479 92521 HGNC Specc1 1616365 432572 MGI:2442356 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:30615 Specc1l 1309570 361828 SPECC1L 1603682 23384 HGNC Specc1l 1332016 74392 MGI:1921642 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:29022 Spef1 1311267 311429 SPEF1 1322632 25876 HGNC Spef1 1552440 70997 MGI:3513546 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:15874 Spef2 620450 64555 SPEF2 1605340 79925 RGD Spef2 1553027 320277 MGI:2443727 RGD HGNC:26293 Speg 2124 363256 SPEG 734132 10290 HGNC Speg 10167 11790 MGI:109282 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:16901 Spem1 1593311 691981 SPEM1 1602954 374768 HGNC Spem1 1623145 74288 MGI:1921538 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:32429 Spem2 1565061 497938 SPEM2 1604207 201243 HGNC Spem2 1616649 108803 MGI:1918293 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:27315 Spem3 7642598 102546484 SPEM3 13208913 107983988 HGNC Spem3 10010246 105243794 MGI:5622451 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:53651 Spen 1589867 690911 SPEN 1350979 23013 HGNC Spen 1558566 56381 MGI:1891706 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:17575 Spesp1 1563468 501010 SPESP1 1349587 246777 HGNC Spesp1 1620849 66712 MGI:1913962 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:15570 Spg11 1562529 311372 SPG11 1347040 80208 HGNC Spg11 1557291 214585 MGI:2444989 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:11226 Spg21 1359141 300791 SPG21 1351182 51324 HGNC Spg21 1550519 27965 MGI:106403 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:20373 Spg7 727940 353231 SPG7 1342736 101930112 HGNC Spg7 1551589 234847 MGI:2385906 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline Sphk1 620048 170897 SPHK1 1346404 8877 HGNC Sphk1 733320 20698 MGI:1316649 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:11240 Sphk2 1307757 308589 SPHK2 1317131 56848 HGNC Sphk2 1317132 56632 MGI:1861380 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:18859 Sphkap 1311951 316561 SPHKAP 1604287 80309 HGNC Sphkap 1323672 77629 MGI:1924879 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:30619 Spi1 1359607 366126 SPI1 1344411 6688 HGNC Spi1 1553307 20375 MGI:98282 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:11241 Spib 1565899 499146 SPIB 1347644 6689 HGNC Spib 1557143 272382 MGI:892986 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:11242 Spic 1306272 314711 SPIC 1314796 121599 HGNC Spic 1314797 20728 MGI:1341168 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:29549 Spice1 1310729 288111 SPICE1 1606953 127898559 HGNC Spice1 1332173 212514 MGI:1196252 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline Spidr 1566036 498119 SPIDR 1603315 23514 HGNC Spidr 1620622 224008 MGI:1924834 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:28971 Spin1 1306210 361217 SPIN1 1314698 10927 RGD Spin1 1314699 20729 MGI:109242 RGD HGNC:11243 Spin2a 1560898 317395 SPIN2A 1348781 54466 RGD HGNC:20694 Spin2b 1584901 367746 SPIN2B 1603797 474343 HGNC HGNC:33147 Spin4 1564004 299038 SPIN4 1602297 139886 HGNC Spin4 1558361 270624 MGI:2444925 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:27040 Spindoc 1308106 361719 SPINDOC 1604233 144097 HGNC Spindoc 1619180 68229 MGI:2147611 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:25115 Spink1 3749 24833 SPINK1 1350719 6690 RGD Spink1 1551337 20730 MGI:106202 RGD HGNC:11244 Spink13 1591057 689570 SPINK13 2949691 153218 HGNC Spink13 1624787 100038417 MGI:3642511 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:27200 Spink14 1303288 408231 SPINK14 1601681 408187 HGNC Spink14 1621892 433178 MGI:3646952 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:33825 Spink2 1302956 408234 SPINK2 1349585 6691 RGD Spink2 1552067 69982 MGI:1917232 RGD HGNC:11245 Spink4 1303188 408233 SPINK4 1342974 27290 HGNC Spink4 1553095 20731 MGI:1341848 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:16646 Spink5 1306540 361319 SPINK5 1315213 11005 HGNC Spink5 1550511 72432 MGI:1919682 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:15464 Spink6 1303338 408235 SPINK6 1351307 404203 RGD Spink6 1621891 433180 MGI:3648654 RGD HGNC:29486 Spink7 1303077 408237 SPINK7 1606769 84651 HGNC Spink7 1613949 408198 MGI:3644691 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:24643 Spink8 1307150 301016 SPINK8 1606051 646424 HGNC Spink8 1316173 78709 MGI:1925959 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:33160 Spink9 1596746 100911241 SPINK9 1603723 643394 HGNC Spink12 1622208 78242 MGI:1925492 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:32951 Spint1 1303138 311331 SPINT1 1606832 6692 HGNC Spint1 1550885 20732 MGI:1338033 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:11246 Spint2 735123 292770 SPINT2 1351424 10653 HGNC Spint2 1552601 20733 MGI:1338031 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:11247 Spint3 1597746 685136 SPINT3 1353929 10816 HGNC Spint3 1624876 629747 MGI:3651470 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:11248 Spint4 2319289 100361889 SPINT4 1603467 391253 HGNC Spint4 1622209 78239 MGI:1925489 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:16130 Spire1 1305892 307348 SPIRE1 1354236 56907 HGNC Spire1 1314195 68166 MGI:1915416 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:30622 Spire2 1305837 307925 SPIRE2 1314110 84501 HGNC Spire2 1314111 234857 MGI:2446256 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:30623 Spmap1 1587402 691189 SPMAP1 2299180 388381 HGNC Spmap1 1618320 72215 MGI:1919465 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:34492 Spmap2 1309240 299599 SPMAP2 1319470 51298 HGNC Spmap2 1319471 21830 MGI:1338756 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:13706 Spmap2l 1562571 498350 SPMAP2L 5688605 100506564 HGNC Spmap2l 1557757 71868 MGI:1919118 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:43771 Spmip1 9472094 103692087 SPMIP1 13524988 100130705 HGNC Spmip1 1623355 668210 MGI:3644212 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:52392 Spmip10 1561039 498870 SPMIP10 1605198 389320 HGNC Spmip10 1615890 67343 MGI:1914593 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:33767 Spmip11 1305928 300207 SPMIP11 7245055 255411 HGNC Spmip11 1314250 73863 MGI:1921113 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:48628 Spmip2 1566255 499643 SPMIP2 1602179 152940 HGNC Spmip2 5147262 100233207 MGI:4936993 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:26342 Spmip3 1588722 689766 SPMIP3 1603542 200159 HGNC Spmip3 1620012 69428 MGI:1916678 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:30435 Spmip4 1563788 500124 SPMIP4 1349806 136895 HGNC Spmip4 1619144 70821 MGI:1918071 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:21722 Spmip5 1584737 681006 SPMIP5 1352905 143379 HGNC Spmip5 1614358 67507 MGI:1914757 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:28500 Spmip6 1561916 500441 SPMIP6 1322222 84688 HGNC Spmip6 1322223 73721 MGI:1920971 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:19919 Spmip7 1309870 289778 SPMIP7 2902413 100130988 HGNC Spmip7 1320445 73862 MGI:1921112 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:22564 Spmip8 735198 291850 SPMIP8 1602955 374739 HGNC Spmip8 1550352 73407 MGI:1920657 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:33745 Spmip9 1562720 500197 SPMIP9 1602971 200523 HGNC Spmip9 1623159 74221 MGI:1921471 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:26341 Spn 3750 24796 SPN 737577 6693 HGNC Spn 11339 20737 MGI:98384 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:11249 Spns1 1305613 361648 SPNS1 1602314 83985 HGNC Spns1 1313746 73658 MGI:1920908 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:30621 Spns2 2303312 100270678 SPNS2 1625643 124976 HGNC Spns2 1615706 216892 MGI:2384936 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:26992 Spns3 1561884 497946 SPNS3 1601816 201305 HGNC Spns3 1315769 77577 MGI:1924827 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:28433 Spo11 1306454 366261 SPO11 1315081 23626 HGNC Spo11 1315082 26972 MGI:1349669 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:11250 Spocd1 1560989 313060 SPOCD1 1345460 90853 RGD Spocd1 2295316 622480 MGI:3652045 RGD HGNC:26338 Spock1 1311496 306759 SPOCK1 1322984 6695 HGNC Spock1 1322985 20745 MGI:105371 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:11251 Spock2 1308568 361840 SPOCK2 1318416 9806 HGNC Spock2 1318417 94214 MGI:1891351 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:13564 Spock3 1305672 306404 SPOCK3 1313840 50859 HGNC Spock3 1313841 72902 MGI:1920152 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:13565 Spon1 619918 64456 SPON1 1343453 10418 HGNC Spon1 1331873 233744 MGI:2385287 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:11252 Spon2 708584 171569 SPON2 1352786 10417 HGNC Spon2 731918 100689 MGI:1923724 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:11253 Spop 1311613 287643 SPOP 1323163 8405 HGNC Spop 1323164 20747 MGI:1343085 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:11254 Spopfm2 41005203 120093093 Spopfm2 2307902 100043188 MGI:3702972 RGD Spopl 1305847 296532 SPOPL 1605812 339745 HGNC Spopl 1314125 76857 MGI:1924107 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:27934 Spout1 1563514 499770 SPOUT1 1343592 51490 HGNC Spout1 1622967 227695 MGI:106544 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:26933 Spp1 3752 25353 SPP1 736066 6696 HGNC Spp1 11340 20750 MGI:98389 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:11255 Spp2 708488 94168 SPP2 1344565 6694 HGNC Spp2 1553775 75396 MGI:1922646 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:11256 Sppl2a 1563001 311401 SPPL2A 1602994 84888 HGNC Sppl2a 1557460 66552 MGI:1913802 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:30227 Sppl2b 1308556 362828 SPPL2B 1601988 56928 HGNC Sppl2b 1318398 73218 MGI:1920468 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:30627 Sppl2c 1560562 287753 SPPL2C 1606947 162540 HGNC Sppl2c 1623763 237958 MGI:3045264 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:28902 Sppl3 1562826 360822 SPPL3 1605007 121665 RGD Sppl3 1620736 74585 MGI:1891433 RGD HGNC:30424 Spr 3753 29270 SPR 1346391 6697 HGNC Spr 736908 20751 MGI:103078 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:11257 Spred1 1308735 296072 SPRED1 1318683 161742 HGNC Spred1 1318684 114715 MGI:2150016 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:20249 Spred2 1309304 305539 SPRED2 1319580 200734 HGNC Spred2 1319581 114716 MGI:2150019 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:17722 Spred3 1311713 308478 SPRED3 1606081 399473 HGNC Spred3 1550004 101809 MGI:2142186 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:31041 Spring1 1562310 498188 SPRING1 1602859 79794 HGNC Spring1 1623892 76792 MGI:1924042 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:26128 Sprn 1561845 541462 SPRN 1602790 503542 HGNC Sprn 1619016 212518 MGI:3582583 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:16871 Sprr1a 1593163 499660 SPRR1A 1320715 6698 HGNC Sprr1a 1320716 20753 MGI:106660 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:11259 Sprr1b 1587862 685912 SPRR1B 1323772 6699 HGNC Sprr1b 1323773 20754 MGI:106659 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:11260 Sprr2a 41376513 120100584 SPRR2A 1352721 6700 HGNC Sprr2h 1614419 20762 MGI:1330343 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:11261 Sprr2a2 11469006 108350059 SPRR2E 1354484 6704 HGNC Sprr2a2 2313363 100303744 MGI:3845026 RGD HGNC:11265 Sprr2b 7630239 102552651 SPRR2B 1348618 6701 HGNC Sprr2b 1614424 20756 MGI:1330352 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:11262 Sprr2d 7559659 102550699 SPRR2D 1344812 6703 HGNC Sprr2d 1614423 20758 MGI:1330347 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:11264 Sprr2f 7654558 102550416 SPRR2F 1350197 6705 HGNC Sprr2f 1614421 20760 MGI:1330349 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:11266 Sprr3 1309589 310575 SPRR3 1354373 6707 HGNC Sprr3 1320006 20766 MGI:1330237 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:11268 Sprr4 2324572 100361607 SPRR4 1350265 163778 HGNC Sprr4 1618161 229562 MGI:2654508 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:23173 Sprr5 11493370 108350276 SPRR5 13208275 110806278 NCBI HGNC:53428 Sprtn 1559496 292101 SPRTN 1605027 83932 HGNC Sprtn 1622027 244666 MGI:2685351 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:25356 Spry1 1309293 294981 SPRY1 1319561 10252 HGNC Spry1 1319562 24063 MGI:1345139 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:11269 Spry2 1311472 306141 SPRY2 1322949 10253 HGNC Spry2 1322950 24064 MGI:1345138 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:11270 Spry3 1562172 498159 SPRY3 1349769 10251 RGD Spry3 1614155 236576 MGI:1345188 RGD HGNC:11271 Spry4 1305324 291610 SPRY4 1313286 81848 HGNC Spry4 1313287 24066 MGI:1345144 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:15533 Spryd3 1561500 315327 SPRYD3 1602855 84926 HGNC Spryd3 1621350 223918 MGI:2446175 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:25920 Spryd4 1306649 288772 SPRYD4 1603522 283377 HGNC Spryd4 1315383 66701 MGI:1913951 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:27468 Spryd7 1306437 290303 SPRYD7 1315052 57213 HGNC Spryd7 1315053 66674 MGI:1913924 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:14297 Spsb1 1309319 313722 SPSB1 1604788 80176 HGNC Spsb1 1619953 74646 MGI:1921896 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:30628 Spsb2 1310854 297592 SPSB2 35315959 84727 HGNC Spsb2 1620906 14794 MGI:1315199 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:29522 Spsb3 1310936 302981 SPSB3 1603939 90864 HGNC Spsb3 1615788 79043 MGI:1891471 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:30629 Spsb4 1562307 300950 SPSB4 1603370 92369 HGNC Spsb4 1558086 211949 MGI:2183445 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:30630 Spta1 1305194 289257 SPTA1 1313077 6708 HGNC Spta1 1313078 20739 MGI:98385 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:11272 Sptan1 621714 64159 SPTAN1 733239 6709 HGNC Sptan1 1614426 20740 MGI:98386 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:11273 Sptb 1303243 314251 SPTB 1349727 6710 HGNC Sptb 1557994 20741 MGI:98387 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:11274 Sptbn1 727922 305614 SPTBN1 1351608 6711 HGNC Sptbn1 1551425 20742 MGI:98388 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:11275 Sptbn2 3751 29211 SPTBN2 731487 6712 HGNC Sptbn2 1552030 20743 MGI:1313261 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:11276 Sptbn4 1304682 308458 SPTBN4 1312269 57731 HGNC Sptbn4 1312270 80297 MGI:1890574 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:14896 Sptbn5 1311047 296090 SPTBN5 1322297 51332 HGNC Sptbn5 1616244 640524 MGI:2685200 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:15680 Sptlc1 1307140 361213 SPTLC1 1315336 10558 HGNC Sptlc1 1315337 268656 MGI:1099431 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:11277 Sptlc2 1305447 366697 SPTLC2 1354205 9517 HGNC Sptlc2 1614415 20773 MGI:108074 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:11278 Sptlc3 1310030 296188 SPTLC3 1351339 55304 HGNC Sptlc3 1320696 228677 MGI:2444678 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:16253 Sptssa 1565821 500651 SPTSSA 1350858 171546 HGNC Sptssa 1618252 104725 MGI:1913399 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:20361 Sptssb 2324614 100362555 SPTSSB 1605564 165679 HGNC Sptssb 1615120 66183 MGI:1913433 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:24045 Spty2d1 2319415 100365259 SPTY2D1 1603901 144108 HGNC Spty2d1 1622176 101685 MGI:2142062 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:26818 Spx 1587448 691138 SPX 1606773 80763 HGNC Spx 1615573 319552 MGI:2442262 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:28139 Spz1 1562395 499510 SPZ1 1606768 84654 HGNC Spz1 1623096 79401 MGI:1930801 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:30721 Sqle 3755 29230 SQLE 736675 6713 HGNC Sqle 736676 20775 MGI:109296 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:11279 Sqor 1564504 691966 SQOR 1353757 58472 HGNC Sqor 1620057 59010 MGI:1929899 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:20390 Sqstm1 69287 113894 SQSTM1 736484 8878 HGNC Sqstm1 736485 18412 MGI:107931 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:11280 Sra1 621148 252891 SRA1 1353576 10011 HGNC Sra1 731266 24068 MGI:1344414 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:11281 Srarp 1566083 298602 SRARP 1603359 149563 HGNC Srarp 1617242 277744 MGI:2685540 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:28339 Srbd1 1562788 301665 SRBD1 1602705 55133 HGNC Srbd1 1619924 78586 MGI:1925836 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:25521 Src 620795 83805 SRC 1350530 6714 HGNC Src 733401 20779 MGI:98397 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:11283 Srcap 1565642 361652 SRCAP 1606024 10847 HGNC Srcap 1623538 100043597 MGI:2444036 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:16974 Srcin1 708439 56029 SRCIN1 1606779 80725 HGNC Srcin1 734075 56013 MGI:1933179 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:29506 Srd5a1 3757 24950 SRD5A1 736446 6715 HGNC Srd5a1 11341 78925 MGI:98400 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:11284 Srd5a2 621480 64677 SRD5A2 737503 6716 HGNC Srd5a2 737504 94224 MGI:2150380 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:11285 Srd5a3 1308828 305291 SRD5A3 1606233 79644 HGNC Srd5a3 1332323 57357 MGI:1930252 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:25812 Srebf1 69423 78968 SREBF1 69473 6720 HGNC Srebf1 69474 20787 MGI:107606 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:11289 Srebf2 1307751 300095 SREBF2 730972 6721 HGNC Srebf2 730973 20788 MGI:107585 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:11290 Srek1 621696 56763 SREK1 1352789 140890 HGNC Srek1 1552123 218543 MGI:2145245 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:17882 Srek1ip1 1305356 361888 SREK1IP1 1604479 285672 RGD Srek1ip1 1313334 67288 MGI:1914538 RGD HGNC:26716 Srf 1559787 501099 SRF 1321393 6722 HGNC Srf 1321394 20807 MGI:106658 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:11291 Srfbp1 1359398 291469 SRFBP1 1603357 153443 HGNC Srfbp1 1616791 67222 MGI:1914472 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:26333 Srgap1 1566260 314903 SRGAP1 1348930 57522 HGNC Srgap1 1557733 117600 MGI:2152936 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:17382 Srgap2 1566016 360840 SRGAP2 1603684 23380 HGNC Srgap2 1614456 14270 MGI:109605 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:19751 Srgap3 1563152 500287 SRGAP3 1345309 9901 HGNC Srgap3 1557097 259302 MGI:2152938 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:19744 Srgn 619969 56782 SRGN 1346396 5552 HGNC Srgn 1550179 19073 MGI:97756 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:9361 Sri 1584485 683667 SRI 1603229 6717 RGD Sri 1621397 109552 MGI:98419 RGD HGNC:11292 Srl 1306564 302948 SRL 1315254 6345 HGNC Srl 1615767 106393 MGI:2146620 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:11295 Srm 620796 84596 SRM 732806 6723 HGNC Srm 732807 20810 MGI:102690 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:11296 Srms 1306602 296472 SRMS 1315310 6725 HGNC Srms 1624077 20811 MGI:101865 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:11298 Srp14 1308506 296076 SRP14 1318313 6727 HGNC Srp14 1318314 20813 MGI:107169 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:11299 Srp19 1308437 291685 SRP19 1318204 6728 HGNC Srp19 1318205 66384 MGI:1913634 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:11300 Srp54a 621390 116650 SRP54 1350478 6729 HGNC Srp54a 1552033 24067 MGI:1346087 RGD HGNC:11301 Srp68 1305376 363707 SRP68 1313366 6730 HGNC Srp68 1550190 217337 MGI:1917447 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:11302 Srp72 1564787 498351 SRP72 1314481 6731 HGNC HGNC:11303 Srp9 1597343 690345 SRP9 1348001 6726 HGNC Srp9 1615935 27058 MGI:1350930 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:11304 Srpk1 1308272 361811 SRPK1 1317950 6732 HGNC Srpk1 1317951 20815 MGI:106908 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:11305 Srpk2 1305107 296753 SRPK2 1312944 6733 HGNC Srpk2 1312945 20817 MGI:1201408 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:11306 Srpk3 727856 293854 SRPK3 1349288 26576 HGNC Srpk3 1550773 56504 MGI:1891338 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:11402 Srpra 1311504 315548 SRPRA 1322997 6734 HGNC Srpra 1322998 67398 MGI:1914648 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:11307 Srprb 1304698 300965 SRPRB 1312294 58477 HGNC Srprb 1624076 20818 MGI:102964 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:24085 Srpx 70950 64316 SRPX 733583 8406 HGNC Srpx 733584 51795 MGI:1858306 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:11309 Srpx2 1562444 317181 SRPX2 1350450 27286 HGNC Srpx2 1557026 68792 MGI:1916042 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:30668 Srr 735094 303306 SRR 1352406 63826 HGNC Srr 1550738 27364 MGI:1351636 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:14398 Srrd 1562579 288717 SRRD 1606069 402055 HGNC Srrd 1614331 70118 MGI:1917368 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:33910 Srrm1 1311258 313620 SRRM1 1322619 10250 HGNC Srrm1 1322620 51796 MGI:1858303 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:16638 Srrm2 1310163 302969 SRRM2 1320904 23524 HGNC Srrm2 1320905 75956 MGI:1923206 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:16639 Srrm3 1587868 685890 SRRM3 1601811 222183 HGNC Srrm3 1615916 58212 MGI:1920309 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:26729 Srrm4 1560213 498189 SRRM4 1603376 84530 RGD Srrm4 1316565 68955 MGI:1916205 RGD HGNC:29389 Srrm5 2323012 100363433 SRRM5 2801093 100170229 HGNC HGNC:37248 Srrt 1591241 686980 SRRT 1604811 51593 HGNC Srrt 1619923 83701 MGI:1933527 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:24101 Srsf1 1587490 689890 SRSF1 1350049 6426 HGNC Srsf1 1621394 110809 MGI:98283 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:10780 Srsf10 1311067 362630 SRSF10 1322327 10772 RGD Srsf10 1322328 14105 MGI:1333805 RGD HGNC:16713 Srsf11 1559953 502603 SRSF11 1343968 9295 HGNC Srsf11 1557378 69207 MGI:1916457 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:10782 Srsf12 1561162 297962 SRSF12 1606967 135295 HGNC Srsf12 1621249 272009 MGI:2661424 RGD HGNC:21220 Srsf2 1359422 494445 SRSF2 1343626 6427 HGNC Srsf2 1553658 20382 MGI:98284 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:10783 Srsf3 1309233 361814 SRSF3 1319459 6428 RGD Srsf3 1319460 20383 MGI:98285 RGD HGNC:10785 Srsf4 1561347 362612 SRSF4 1350526 6429 HGNC Srsf4 1623244 57317 MGI:1890577 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:10786 Srsf5 3664 29667 SRSF5 734021 6430 HGNC Srsf5 736985 20384 MGI:98287 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:10787 Srsf6 1359241 362264 SRSF6 1342668 6431 HGNC Srsf6 1550070 67996 MGI:1915246 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:10788 Srsf7 1307425 362687 SRSF7 1316615 6432 RGD Srsf7 1316616 225027 MGI:1926232 RGD HGNC:10789 Srsf9 1309495 288701 SRSF9 1319864 8683 HGNC Srsf9 1319865 108014 MGI:104896 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:10791 Srxn1 1307332 296271 SRXN1 1316466 140809 HGNC Srxn1 1614270 76650 MGI:104971 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:16132 Sry 3759 25221 SRY 737205 6736 HGNC Sry 737206 21674 MGI:98660 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:11311 Ss18 1311919 361295 SS18 1323627 6760 HGNC Ss18 1323628 268996 MGI:107708 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:11340 Ss18l1 621847 192352 SS18L1 1345361 26039 HGNC Ss18l1 1332001 269397 MGI:2444061 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:15592 Ss18l2 1590139 687029 SS18L2 1347853 51188 HGNC Ss18l2 1616819 26901 MGI:1349474 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:15593 Ssb 620804 81783 SSB 1348902 6741 HGNC Ssb 733285 20823 MGI:98423 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:11316 Ssbp1 3760 54304 SSBP1 736464 6742 HGNC Ssbp1 736465 381760 MGI:1920040 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:11317 Ssbp2 1562968 361877 SSBP2 1344325 23635 HGNC Ssbp2 1558429 66970 MGI:1914220 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:15831 Ssbp3 621502 84354 SSBP3 731988 23648 HGNC Ssbp3 736343 72475 MGI:1919725 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:15674 Ssbp4 1359619 364534 SSBP4 1350792 170463 HGNC Ssbp4 1557483 76900 MGI:1924150 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:15676 Ssc4d 1306970 304401 SSC4D 1315886 136853 HGNC Ssc4d 1550623 109267 MGI:1924709 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:14461 Ssc5d 1565772 308341 SSC5D 1604711 284297 HGNC Ssc5d 1618011 269855 MGI:3606211 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:26641 Ssh1 1306038 304580 SSH1 1345208 54434 HGNC Ssh1 1622076 231637 MGI:2686240 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:30579 Ssh2 1309389 303342 SSH2 1319710 85464 HGNC Ssh2 1558272 237860 MGI:2679255 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:30580 Ssh3 1308679 365396 SSH3 1318592 54961 HGNC Ssh3 1553026 245857 MGI:2683546 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:30581 Ssmem1 1559502 500068 SSMEM1 1604235 136263 HGNC Ssmem1 1622234 75647 MGI:1922897 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:29580 Ssna1 1310259 311802 SSNA1 1321056 8636 HGNC Ssna1 1617539 68475 MGI:1915725 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:11321 Sspn 1559723 500364 SSPN 1347504 8082 HGNC Sspn 1615967 16651 MGI:1353511 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:11322 Sspo 1549716 474348 SSPOP 1604386 23145 HGNC Sspo 1557257 243369 MGI:2674311 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:21998 Ssr1 1310961 361233 SSR1 1322158 6745 HGNC Ssr1 1322159 107513 MGI:105082 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:11323 Ssr2 1308365 295235 SSR2 1318091 6746 HGNC Ssr2 1318092 66256 MGI:1913506 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:11324 Ssr3 621630 81784 SSR3 1349375 6747 HGNC Ssr3 1552019 67437 MGI:1914687 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:11325 Ssr4 62034 29435 SSR4 736749 6748 HGNC Ssr4 62326 20832 MGI:1099464 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:11326 Ssrp1 621143 81785 SSRP1 734366 6749 HGNC Ssrp1 734367 20833 MGI:107912 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:11327 Sst 3761 24797 SST 734231 6750 HGNC Sst 737256 20604 MGI:98326 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:11329 Sstr1 3762 25033 SSTR1 737191 6751 HGNC Sstr1 737192 20605 MGI:98327 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:11330 Sstr2 3763 54305 SSTR2 1346941 6752 HGNC Sstr2 1552204 20606 MGI:98328 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:11331 Sstr3 620308 171044 SSTR3 1343520 6753 HGNC Sstr3 1551363 20607 MGI:98329 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:11332 Sstr4 3764 25555 SSTR4 735550 6754 HGNC Sstr4 735551 20608 MGI:105372 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:11333 Sstr5 3765 25354 SSTR5 736501 6755 HGNC Sstr5 736502 20609 MGI:894282 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:11334 Ssu72 1307854 298681 SSU72 1605688 29101 HGNC Ssu72 1552892 68991 MGI:1916241 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:25016 Ssuh2 1562010 500286 SSUH2 1603044 51066 HGNC Ssu2 1557646 243612 MGI:2443733 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:24809 Ssx1 1593374 691903 SSX1 1354257 6756 RGD Ssxb2 1615490 387132 MGI:2446771 RGD HGNC:11335 Ssx2 9097277 103690782 SSX2B 1626582 727837 HGNC HGNC:22263 Ssx2ip 708490 308023 SSX2IP 736522 117178 HGNC Ssx2ip 1332362 99167 MGI:2139150 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:16509 St13 621312 81800 ST13 733794 6767 HGNC St13 733795 70356 MGI:1917606 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:11343 St14 69288 114093 ST14 733374 6768 HGNC St14 733375 19143 MGI:1338881 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:11344 St18 708566 266680 ST18 736954 9705 HGNC St18 732420 240690 MGI:2446700 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:18695 St3gal1 1309373 362924 ST3GAL1 1603709 6482 HGNC St3gal1 1551241 20442 MGI:98304 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:10862 St3gal2 68413 64442 ST3GAL2 1348054 6483 HGNC St3gal2 1551351 20444 MGI:99427 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:10863 St3gal3 68414 64445 ST3GAL3 1603708 6487 HGNC St3gal3 1553114 20441 MGI:1316659 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:10866 St3gal4 1303068 363040 ST3GAL4 1353529 6484 HGNC St3gal4 1550578 20443 MGI:1316743 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:10864 St3gal5 620875 83505 ST3GAL5 1346095 8869 HGNC St3gal5 1552922 20454 MGI:1339963 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:10872 St3gal6 1303279 304023 ST3GAL6 1349452 10402 HGNC St3gal6 1553568 54613 MGI:1888707 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:18080 St6gal1 3676 25197 ST6GAL1 1601776 6480 HGNC St6gal1 736316 20440 MGI:108470 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:10860 St6gal2 1559663 301155 ST6GAL2 1348221 84620 HGNC St6gal2 1556967 240119 MGI:2445190 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:10861 St6galnac1 1562048 287920 ST6GALNAC1 1349171 55808 HGNC St6galnac1 1558378 20445 MGI:1341826 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:23614 St6galnac2 1560747 303692 ST6GALNAC2 1343813 10610 HGNC St6galnac2 1557630 20446 MGI:107553 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:10867 St6galnac3 3677 29758 ST6GALNAC3 1345799 256435 HGNC St6galnac3 1553719 20447 MGI:1341828 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:19343 St6galnac4 1303005 407764 ST6GALNAC4 1350452 27090 HGNC St6galnac4 1616828 20448 MGI:1341894 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:17846 St6galnac5 1564252 365984 ST6GALNAC5 1352256 81849 HGNC St6galnac5 1557501 26938 MGI:1349471 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:19342 St6galnac6 1303196 407765 ST6GALNAC6 1354318 30815 HGNC St6galnac6 1622348 50935 MGI:1355316 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:23364 ST7 1303148 296911 ST7 1343912 7982 RGD St7 1550912 64213 MGI:1927450 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:11351 St7l 1359336 295344 ST7L 1342887 54879 HGNC St7l 1550657 229681 MGI:2386964 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:18441 St8sia1 3679 25280 ST8SIA1 1603707 6489 HGNC St8sia1 737260 20449 MGI:106011 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:10869 St8sia2 621843 117523 ST8SIA2 1351358 8128 HGNC St8sia2 1553612 20450 MGI:106020 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:10870 St8sia3 3680 25547 ST8SIA3 1606293 51046 HGNC St8sia3 1550464 20451 MGI:106019 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:14269 St8sia4 621845 116696 ST8SIA4 1603321 7903 HGNC St8sia4 1551967 20452 MGI:106018 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:10871 St8sia5 1302934 364901 ST8SIA5 1349184 29906 HGNC St8sia5 1549984 225742 MGI:109243 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:17827 St8sia6 1303161 291325 ST8SIA6 1605541 338596 HGNC St8sia6 1552956 241230 MGI:2386797 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:23317 Stab1 2324745 100363145 STAB1 1321166 23166 HGNC Stab1 1321167 192187 MGI:2178742 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:18628 Stab2 628822 282580 STAB2 1349105 55576 HGNC Stab2 1615743 192188 MGI:2178743 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:18629 Stac 1305745 363152 STAC 1313960 6769 HGNC Stac 1313961 20840 MGI:1201400 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:11353 Stac2 1305548 363674 STAC2 1313639 342667 HGNC Stac2 1552231 217154 MGI:2144518 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:23990 Stac3 1308964 362895 STAC3 1319045 246329 HGNC Stac3 1615660 237611 MGI:3606571 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:28423 Stag1 1310744 315958 STAG1 1321827 10274 HGNC Stag1 1321828 20842 MGI:1098658 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:11354 Stag2 1562042 313304 STAG2 1343297 10735 HGNC Stag2 1624074 20843 MGI:1098583 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:11355 Stag3 621333 114522 STAG3 737601 10734 HGNC Stag3 737602 50878 MGI:1355311 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:11356 Stam 1564499 498798 STAM 1320313 8027 HGNC Stam 1320314 20844 MGI:1329014 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:11357 Stam2 1311497 311030 STAM2 1322986 10254 HGNC Stam2 1322987 56324 MGI:1929100 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:11358 Stambp 619963 171565 STAMBP 1606575 10617 HGNC Stambp 731974 70527 MGI:1917777 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:16950 Stambpl1 1583011 687696 STAMBPL1 1603015 57559 HGNC Stambpl1 1614275 76630 MGI:1923880 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:24105 Stap1 1311584 305269 STAP1 1603225 26228 HGNC Stap1 1323119 56792 MGI:1926193 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:24133 Stap2 1566020 363334 STAP2 1601996 55620 HGNC Stap2 1623042 106766 MGI:2147039 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:30430 Star 3770 25557 STAR 735413 6770 HGNC Star 11350 20845 MGI:102760 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:11359 Stard10 1306548 293150 STARD10 1315225 10809 HGNC Stard10 1315226 56018 MGI:1860093 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:10666 Stard13 1564816 498130 STARD13 1344085 90627 HGNC Stard13 1557364 243362 MGI:2385331 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:19164 Stard3 1549768 363675 STARD3 1347857 10948 HGNC Stard3 1557130 59045 MGI:1929618 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:17579 Stard3nl 1308633 291182 STARD3NL 1318520 83930 HGNC Stard3nl 1318521 76205 MGI:1923455 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:19169 Stard4 1309475 291699 STARD4 1319833 134429 HGNC Stard4 1319834 170459 MGI:2156764 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:18058 Stard5 1561783 502348 STARD5 1317618 80765 HGNC Stard5 1317619 170460 MGI:2156765 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:18065 Stard6 1359639 291527 STARD6 1351128 147323 HGNC Stard6 1552856 170461 MGI:2156774 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:18066 Stard7 1307613 296128 STARD7 1316908 56910 HGNC Stard7 1316909 99138 MGI:2139090 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:18063 Stard8 1560770 312113 STARD8 1351860 9754 HGNC Stard8 1558418 236920 MGI:2448556 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:19161 Stard9 1593360 691920 STARD9 1349851 57519 HGNC Stard9 1618449 668880 MGI:3045258 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:19162 Stat1 3771 25124 STAT1 732184 6772 HGNC Stat1 732185 20846 MGI:103063 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:11362 Stat2 1311649 288774 STAT2 1323217 6773 HGNC Stat2 1323218 20847 MGI:103039 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:11363 Stat3 3772 25125 STAT3 737517 6774 HGNC Stat3 69005 20848 MGI:103038 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:11364 Stat4 1305747 367264 STAT4 1313964 6775 RGD Stat4 1313965 20849 MGI:103062 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:11365 Stat5a 3773 24918 STAT5A 737523 6776 HGNC Stat5a 11351 20850 MGI:103036 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:11366 Stat5b 3774 25126 STAT5B 730906 6777 HGNC Stat5b 11352 20851 MGI:103035 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:11367 Stat6 1309063 362896 STAT6 1319194 6778 HGNC Stat6 1319195 20852 MGI:103034 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:11368 Stath 1589974 689604 STATH 1352585 6779 RGD HGNC:11369 Stau1 621778 84496 STAU1 734025 6780 HGNC Stau1 734026 20853 MGI:1338864 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:11370 Stau2 621479 171500 STAU2 1351558 27067 HGNC Stau2 732938 29819 MGI:1352508 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:11371 Stbd1 1311800 305234 STBD1 1604058 8987 HGNC Stbd1 1323443 52331 MGI:1261768 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:24854 Stc1 621776 81801 STC1 730961 6781 HGNC Stc1 734316 20855 MGI:109131 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:11373 Stc2 621777 63878 STC2 1352877 8614 HGNC Stc2 733904 20856 MGI:1316731 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:11374 Steap1 1311543 297738 STEAP1 1323057 26872 HGNC Steap1 1323058 70358 MGI:1917608 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:11378 Steap2 1307050 312052 STEAP2 1316015 261729 HGNC Steap2 1316016 74051 MGI:1921301 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:17885 Steap3 708552 170824 STEAP3 1605372 55240 HGNC Steap3 1551194 68428 MGI:1915678 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:24592 Steap4 1560331 499991 STEAP4 1347045 79689 HGNC Steap4 1558602 117167 MGI:1923560 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:21923 Steep1 1564541 313433 STEEP1 1603201 63932 HGNC Steep1 1616692 77644 MGI:1924894 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:26239 Stil 1304972 313506 STIL 1312720 6491 HGNC Stil 1312721 20460 MGI:107477 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:10879 Stim1 1306831 361618 STIM1 1315668 6786 HGNC Stim1 1315669 20866 MGI:107476 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:11386 Stim2 1304641 117087 STIM2 1312198 57620 HGNC Stim2 1312199 116873 MGI:2151156 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:19205 Stimate 735152 361110 STIMATE-MUSTN1 5013865 100526772 HGNC HGNC:38834 Sting1 1562552 498840 STING1 1602274 340061 HGNC Sting1 1615847 72512 MGI:1919762 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:27962 Stip1 621599 192277 STIP1 733337 10963 HGNC Stip1 733338 20867 MGI:109130 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:11387 Stk10 3779 29398 STK10 733000 6793 HGNC Stk10 735452 20868 MGI:1099439 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:11388 Stk11 1308653 314621 STK11 1318548 6794 HGNC Stk11 1318549 20869 MGI:1341870 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:11389 Stk11ip 1305046 301535 STK11IP 1312841 114790 HGNC Stk11ip 1312842 71728 MGI:1918978 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:19184 Stk16 629474 286927 STK16 1342506 8576 HGNC Stk16 1550619 20872 MGI:1313271 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:11394 Stk17b 620457 170904 STK17B 732463 9262 HGNC Stk17b 732464 98267 MGI:2138162 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:11396 Stk19 1359601 361800 STK19 1347475 8859 RGD Stk19 1615143 54402 MGI:1860085 RGD HGNC:11398 Stk24 1561742 361092 STK24 1345827 8428 HGNC Stk24 1557771 223255 MGI:2385007 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:11403 Stk25 727809 373542 STK25 1342524 10494 HGNC Stk25 1550341 59041 MGI:1891699 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:11404 Stk26 1563568 317589 STK26 1604356 51765 HGNC Stk26 1557835 70415 MGI:1917665 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:18174 Stk3 68412 65189 STK3 732933 6788 HGNC Stk3 735377 56274 MGI:1928487 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:11406 Stk31 1564384 500120 STK31 1606534 56164 HGNC Stk31 1557352 77485 MGI:1924735 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:11407 Stk32a 1308338 364858 STK32A 1318050 202374 HGNC Stk32a 1318051 269019 MGI:2442403 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:28317 Stk32b 1306173 305431 STK32B 1314640 55351 HGNC Stk32b 1314641 64293 MGI:1927552 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:14217 Stk32c 1305864 365381 STK32C 1314150 282974 HGNC Stk32c 1314151 57740 MGI:2385336 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:21332 Stk33 1590972 690861 STK33 1315072 65975 HGNC Stk33 1315073 117229 MGI:2152419 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:14568 Stk35 1310247 311419 STK35 1321037 140901 HGNC Stk35 1553435 67333 MGI:1914583 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:16254 Stk36 1307318 301516 STK36 1316442 27148 HGNC Stk36 1550700 269209 MGI:1920831 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:17209 Stk38 1309455 361813 STK38 1319806 11329 HGNC Stk38 1319807 106504 MGI:2442572 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:17847 Stk38l 1564793 691337 STK38L 1353936 23012 HGNC Stk38l 1614923 232533 MGI:1922250 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:17848 Stk39 621643 54348 STK39 734214 27347 HGNC Stk39 734215 53416 MGI:1858416 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:17717 Stk4 1312035 311622 STK4 1323808 6789 HGNC Stk4 1323809 58231 MGI:1929004 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:11408 Stk40 727884 360230 STK40 1605028 83931 HGNC Stk40 1552891 74178 MGI:1921428 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:21373 Stkld1 1307355 311825 STKLD1 1316505 169436 HGNC Stkld1 1316506 279029 MGI:2685557 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:28669 Stmn1 2992 29332 STMN1 68960 3925 HGNC Stmn1 736201 16765 MGI:96739 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:6510 Stmn2 68947 84510 STMN2 69000 11075 HGNC Stmn2 732607 20257 MGI:98241 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:10577 Stmn3 3628 29246 STMN3 69018 50861 HGNC Stmn3 69019 20262 MGI:1277137 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:15926 Stmn4 69349 79423 STMN4 733859 81551 HGNC Stmn4 736753 56471 MGI:1931224 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:16078 Stmnd1 1564013 102554838 STMND1 7205150 401236 RGD Stmnd1 1614029 380842 MGI:2686420 RGD HGNC:44668 Stmp1 1591053 689574 STMP1 5480038 647087 HGNC Stmp1 2293036 67705 MGI:1914955 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:41909 Stn1 1305637 294025 STN1 1313785 79991 HGNC Stn1 1550272 108689 MGI:1915581 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:26200 Stom 1305109 296655 STOM 1312947 2040 HGNC Stom 1550119 13830 MGI:95403 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:3383 Stoml1 1559463 300748 STOML1 1347763 9399 HGNC Stoml1 1557498 69106 MGI:1916356 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:14560 Stoml2 1308285 298203 STOML2 1317972 30968 HGNC Stoml2 1317973 66592 MGI:1913842 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:14559 Stoml3 1311090 295041 STOML3 1322361 161003 HGNC Stoml3 1322362 229277 MGI:2388072 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:19420 Ston1 727878 360202 STON1 1602494 11037 HGNC Ston1 1552980 77057 MGI:1924307 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:17003 Ston2 1311502 314349 STON2 1604566 85439 HGNC Ston2 1322995 108800 MGI:1918272 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:30652 Stox1 1310622 294388 STOX1 1321633 219736 HGNC Stox1 1622111 216021 MGI:2684909 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:23508 Stox2 708477 306459 STOX2 1601982 56977 HGNC Stox2 1617511 71069 MGI:1918319 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:25450 Stpg1 1560169 500566 STPG1 1604766 90529 HGNC Stpg1 1617448 78806 MGI:1926056 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:28070 Stpg2 1591946 499719 STPG2 1602169 285555 HGNC Stpg2 1619678 381476 MGI:2685863 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:28712 Stpg3 1561978 499746 STPG3 1604889 441476 HGNC Stpg3 1621475 74472 MGI:1921722 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:37285 Stpg4 1591638 681766 STPG4 1602960 285051 HGNC Stpg4 1623906 75467 MGI:1922717 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:26850 Stra6 1307551 363071 STRA6 1347443 64220 HGNC Stra6 1332061 20897 MGI:107742 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:30650 Stra6l 1305807 298077 STRA6LP 13524496 112272565 RGD Stra6l 1314065 74152 MGI:1921402 RGD HGNC:53830 Stra8 1562852 500079 STRA8 1604701 346673 HGNC Stra8 1624070 20899 MGI:107917 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:30653 Strada 727905 303605 STRADA 1606991 92335 HGNC Strada 1551270 72149 MGI:1919399 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:30172 Stradb 1559449 501146 STRADB 1350818 55437 HGNC Stradb 1557735 227154 MGI:2144047 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:13205 Strap 1311114 297699 STRAP 1322398 11171 HGNC Strap 1322399 20901 MGI:1329037 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:30796 Strbp 620673 84476 STRBP 1352738 55342 HGNC Strbp 733610 20744 MGI:104626 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:16462 Strc 1593345 691937 STRC 1344167 161497 HGNC Strc 1623848 140476 MGI:2153816 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:16035 Strip1 1564249 362012 STRIP1 1352338 85369 HGNC Strip1 1557451 229707 MGI:2443884 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:25916 Strip2 1588437 500066 STRIP2 1344527 57464 HGNC Strip2 1617234 320609 MGI:2444363 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:22209 Strit1 7663730 102546391 STRIT1 14394521 100507537 HGNC Strit1 9592078 102637511 MGI:5593461 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:52297 Strn 3782 29149 STRN 736385 6801 HGNC Strn 736386 268980 MGI:1333757 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:11424 Strn3 621827 114520 STRN3 737101 29966 HGNC Strn3 732514 94186 MGI:2151064 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:15720 Strn4 1307030 308392 STRN4 1315983 29888 HGNC Strn4 1315984 97387 MGI:2142346 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:15721 Sts 3783 24800 STS 735809 412 HGNC Sts 11358 20905 MGI:98438 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:11425 Stt3a 1565793 500972 STT3A 1342989 3703 HGNC Stt3a 1557396 16430 MGI:105124 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:6172 Stt3b 1311563 363160 STT3B 1606939 201595 HGNC Stt3b 1323089 68292 MGI:1915542 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:30611 Stub1 1306167 287155 STUB1 1314629 10273 HGNC Stub1 1314630 56424 MGI:1891731 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:11427 Stum 1592263 689499 STUM 1605215 375057 HGNC Stum 1620442 381310 MGI:2138735 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:30491 Stx11 1304744 292483 STX11 1312365 8676 HGNC Stx11 1312366 74732 MGI:1921982 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:11429 Stx12 620977 65033 STX12 737034 23673 HGNC Stx12 737035 100226 MGI:1931027 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:11430 Stx16 1309423 362283 STX16 1319758 8675 HGNC Stx16 1553214 228960 MGI:1923396 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:11431 Stx17 708499 252853 STX17 1352651 55014 HGNC Stx17 734033 67727 MGI:1914977 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:11432 Stx18 1310058 360953 STX18 1320740 53407 HGNC Stx18 1320741 71116 MGI:1918366 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:15942 Stx19 1597703 685180 STX19 1605776 415117 HGNC Stx19 1620024 68159 MGI:1915409 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:19300 Stx1a 69430 116470 STX1A 69485 6804 HGNC Stx1a 69486 20907 MGI:109355 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:11433 Stx1b 3784 24923 STX1B 736110 112755 HGNC Stx1b 736111 56216 MGI:1930705 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:18539 Stx2 2558 25130 STX2 732157 2054 HGNC Stx2 10530 13852 MGI:108059 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:3403 Stx3 621005 81802 STX3 735349 6809 HGNC Stx3 732917 20908 MGI:103077 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:11438 Stx4 621019 81803 STX4 731468 6810 HGNC Stx4a 731469 20909 MGI:893577 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:11439 Stx5 68426 65134 STX5 68634 6811 HGNC Stx5a 68635 56389 MGI:1928483 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:11440 Stx6 61915 60562 STX6 731983 10228 HGNC Stx6 62208 58244 MGI:1926235 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:11441 Stx7 619747 60466 STX7 737314 8417 HGNC Stx7 734257 53331 MGI:1858210 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:11442 Stx8 61917 59074 STX8 731411 9482 HGNC Stx8 62210 55943 MGI:1890156 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:11443 Stxbp1 3785 25558 STXBP1 737322 6812 HGNC Stxbp1 11361 20910 MGI:107363 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:11444 Stxbp2 619967 81804 STXBP2 733592 6813 HGNC Stxbp2 733593 20911 MGI:107370 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:11445 Stxbp3 619968 114095 STXBP3 732509 6814 HGNC Stxbp3 1557883 20912 MGI:107362 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:11446 Stxbp4 1307903 303443 STXBP4 1317366 252983 HGNC Stxbp4 1317367 20913 MGI:1342296 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:19694 Stxbp5 708517 81022 STXBP5 1347913 134957 HGNC Stxbp5 1550059 78808 MGI:1926058 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:19665 Stxbp5l 1311561 288080 STXBP5L 1323085 9515 HGNC Stxbp5l 1551824 207227 MGI:2443815 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:30757 Stxbp6 1306117 362734 STXBP6 1314544 29091 HGNC Stxbp6 1314545 217517 MGI:2384963 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:19666 Styk1 1564211 500340 STYK1 1348462 55359 HGNC Styk1 1557231 243659 MGI:2141396 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:18889 Styx 1594806 100912536 STYX 1312345 6815 HGNC HGNC:11447 Styxl1 1305845 360792 STYXL1 1353281 51657 HGNC Styxl1 1551800 76571 MGI:1923821 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:18165 Styxl2 1560598 498267 STYXL2 1603599 92235 HGNC Styxl2 1621292 240892 MGI:2685055 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:25034 Sub1 621582 192269 SUB1 1605698 10923 HGNC Sub1 1620097 20024 MGI:104811 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:19985 Sucla2 1309397 361071 SUCLA2 1319721 8803 HGNC Sucla2 1319722 20916 MGI:1306775 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:11448 Suclg1 619821 114597 SUCLG1 731609 8802 HGNC Suclg1 731610 56451 MGI:1927234 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:11449 Suclg2 1305008 362404 SUCLG2 1312779 8801 HGNC Suclg2 1312780 20917 MGI:1306824 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:11450 Sucnr1 1303193 408199 SUCNR1 1353653 56670 HGNC Sucnr1 1550021 84112 MGI:1934135 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:4542 Suco 735185 360863 SUCO 1347236 51430 HGNC Suco 1621340 226551 MGI:2138346 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:1240 Suds3 1305986 360819 SUDS3 1605050 64426 HGNC Suds3 1314342 71954 MGI:1919204 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:29545 Sufu 1559462 361769 SUFU 1346700 51684 HGNC Sufu 1556878 24069 MGI:1345643 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:16466 Sugct 1308114 361253 SUGCT 1317700 79783 HGNC Sugct 1317701 192136 MGI:1923221 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:16001 Sugp1 1310496 290666 SUGP1 1321429 57794 HGNC Sugp1 1321430 70616 MGI:1917866 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:18643 Sugp2 1306042 361126 SUGP2 1314432 10147 HGNC Sugp2 1314433 234373 MGI:2678085 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:18641 Sugt1 1307550 290408 SUGT1 1316810 10910 HGNC Sugt1 1316811 67955 MGI:1915205 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:16987 Sulf1 708554 171396 SULF1 733350 23213 HGNC Sulf1 1550796 240725 MGI:2138563 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:20391 Sulf2 1305078 311642 SULF2 1312895 55959 HGNC Sulf2 1312896 72043 MGI:1919293 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:20392 Sult1a1 3767 83783 SULT1A1 735435 6817 HGNC HGNC:11453 Sult1b1 708534 64305 SULT1B1 1354463 27284 HGNC Sult1b1 733270 56362 MGI:2136282 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:17845 Sult1c2a 1305885 316153 SULT1C2 1314184 6819 HGNC Sult1c2 1623189 69083 MGI:1916333 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:11456 Sult1c3 3768 65185 SULT1C3 1606856 442038 HGNC Sult1c1 1624072 20888 MGI:102928 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:33543 Sult1e1 3776 360268 SULT1E1 1351097 6783 HGNC Sult1e1 11353 20860 MGI:98431 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:11377 Sult2a1 621337 24912 SULT2A1 1344997 6822 RGD Sult2a1 11354 20859 MGI:98430 RGD HGNC:11458 Sult2b1 1308882 292915 SULT2B1 1318906 6820 HGNC Sult2b1 1318907 54200 MGI:1926342 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:11459 Sult4a1 69292 58953 SULT4A1 736677 25830 HGNC Sult4a1 736678 29859 MGI:1888971 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:14903 Sult6b1 1598187 503103 SULT6B1 1626598 391365 HGNC Sult6b1 1617484 73671 MGI:1920921 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:33433 Sult6b2 1561551 500359 SULT6B2P 13464316 107984497 RGD Sult6b2 1621969 330440 MGI:2685612 RGD HGNC:53737 Sumf1 1309939 362409 SUMF1 1320552 100130207 HGNC Sumf1 1553352 58911 MGI:1889844 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline Sumf2 1563253 360800 SUMF2 1349479 25870 HGNC Sumf2 1621540 67902 MGI:1915152 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:20415 Sumo1 1306919 301442 SUMO1 1315807 7341 HGNC Sumo1 1315808 22218 MGI:1197010 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:12502 Sumo2 621761 690244 SUMO2 1346569 6613 HGNC Sumo2 731866 170930 MGI:2158813 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:11125 Sumo3 1561022 499417 SUMO3 1346388 6612 HGNC Sumo3 1557723 20610 MGI:1336201 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:11124 Sun1 1359142 360773 SUN1 1343381 23353 HGNC Sun1 1550518 77053 MGI:1924303 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:18587 Sun2 1563141 315135 SUN2 1322098 25777 HGNC Sun2 1558078 223697 MGI:2443011 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:14210 Sun3 1591975 498412 SUN3 1352324 256979 HGNC Sun3 1614216 194974 MGI:3041199 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:22429 Sun5 1306357 296289 SUN5 1314928 140732 HGNC Sun5 1314929 76407 MGI:1923657 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:16252 Suox 619994 81805 SUOX 733312 6821 HGNC Suox 733313 211389 MGI:2446117 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:11460 Supt16h 1310032 305851 SUPT16H 1320698 11198 HGNC Supt16 1320699 114741 MGI:1890948 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:11465 Supt20h 1307812 361946 SUPT20H 1343879 55578 HGNC Supt20 1317223 56790 MGI:1929651 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:20596 Supt20hl1 1563909 367830 SUPT20HL1 1344534 100130302 HGNC HGNC:30773 Supt20hl2 1565951 314107 SUPT20HL2 1347213 170067 HGNC HGNC:31797 Supt3h 1591316 685697 SUPT3H 1313449 8464 HGNC Supt3 1313450 109115 MGI:1923723 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:11466 Supt4h1 1306372 287608 SUPT4H1 1314951 6827 HGNC Supt4a 1623282 20922 MGI:107416 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:11467 Supt5h 1563807 308472 SUPT5H 1346289 6829 HGNC Supt5 1557280 20924 MGI:1202400 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:11469 Supt6h 1309290 303281 SUPT6H 1319556 6830 HGNC Supt6 1319557 20926 MGI:107726 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:11470 Supt7l 1562206 313905 SUPT7L 1602227 9913 HGNC Supt7l 1557303 72195 MGI:1919445 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:30632 Supv3l1 1305565 294385 SUPV3L1 1313667 6832 HGNC Supv3l1 1313668 338359 MGI:2441711 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:11471 Surf1 620527 64463 SURF1 732036 6834 RGD Surf1 732037 20930 MGI:98443 RGD HGNC:11474 Surf2 1565817 619345 SURF2 1345081 6835 HGNC Surf2 1623281 20931 MGI:98444 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:11475 Surf4 1561980 619346 SURF4 1322534 6836 HGNC Surf4 1322535 20932 MGI:98445 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:11476 Surf6 1307382 303076 SURF6 1316549 6838 HGNC Surf6 1316550 20935 MGI:98447 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:11478 Susd1 1306966 298031 SUSD1 1315881 64420 HGNC Susd1 2295020 634731 MGI:3651543 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:25413 Susd2 1308595 294335 SUSD2 1318458 56241 HGNC Susd2 1318459 71733 MGI:1918983 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:30667 Susd3 1310933 306810 SUSD3 1322117 203328 HGNC Susd3 1553614 66329 MGI:1913579 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:28391 Susd4 1564043 289335 SUSD4 1605987 55061 HGNC Susd4 1557643 96935 MGI:2138351 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:25470 Susd5 1561132 301039 SUSD5 1607061 26032 HGNC Susd5 1614019 382111 MGI:2685972 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:29061 Susd6 1595528 678893 SUSD6 1349623 9766 HGNC Susd6 1619863 217684 MGI:2444661 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:19956 Suv39h1 1565028 302553 SUV39H1 1348120 6839 RGD Suv39h1 1558556 20937 MGI:1099440 RGD HGNC:11479 Suv39h1-ps1 1565692 501653 SUV39H1 1348120 6839 RGD Suv39h1 1558556 20937 MGI:1099440 RGD HGNC:11479 Suv39h2 1306969 364785 SUV39H2 1315884 79723 HGNC Suv39h2 1315885 64707 MGI:1890396 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:17287 Suz12 1593621 688041 SUZ12 1344509 23512 HGNC Suz12 1619223 52615 MGI:1261758 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:17101 Sv2a 619715 117559 SV2A 1604842 9900 HGNC Sv2a 733212 64051 MGI:1927139 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:20566 Sv2b 619716 117556 SV2B 1343420 9899 HGNC Sv2b 1332062 64176 MGI:1927338 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:16874 Sv2c 619718 29643 SV2C 1346779 22987 HGNC Sv2c 1551020 75209 MGI:1922459 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:30670 Svbp 1311232 362578 SVBP 1605525 374969 HGNC Svbp 1621523 69216 MGI:1916466 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:29204 Svep1 1588987 685899 SVEP1 1350967 79987 HGNC Svep1 1557866 64817 MGI:1928849 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:15985 Svil 1306354 361256 SVIL 1314924 6840 HGNC Svil 1314925 225115 MGI:2147319 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:11480 Svip 1565432 499157 SVIP 2306136 258010 HGNC Svip 1621469 75744 MGI:1922994 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:25238 Svop 620277 171442 SVOP 732263 55530 HGNC Svop 1332005 68666 MGI:1915916 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:25417 Svopl 1566053 500085 SVOPL 1603906 136306 HGNC Svopl 1557536 320590 MGI:2444335 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:27034 Swap70 1305579 293410 SWAP70 1604631 23075 HGNC Swap70 1313692 20947 MGI:1298390 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:17070 Swi5 1559966 499779 SWI5 1350090 375757 HGNC Swi5 1558235 72931 MGI:1920181 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:31412 Swsap1 1308026 363029 SWSAP1 1601725 126074 HGNC Swsap1 1317557 66962 MGI:1914212 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:26638 Swt1 1308695 289088 SWT1 1318617 54823 HGNC Swt1 1318618 66875 MGI:1914125 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:16785 Syap1 1303113 302678 SYAP1 1353710 94056 HGNC Syap1 1550770 67043 MGI:1914293 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:16273 Sybu 1564335 500865 SYBU 1604347 55638 HGNC Sybu 1332511 319613 MGI:2442392 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:26011 Syce1 1559853 502372 SYCE1 1352832 93426 HGNC Syce1 1614295 74075 MGI:1921325 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:28852 Syce1l 2320134 100361431 SYCE1L 2902459 100130958 HGNC Syce1l 1613701 668110 MGI:1922247 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:37236 Syce2 1311867 364976 SYCE2 1603348 256126 HGNC Syce2 1323548 71846 MGI:1919096 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:27411 Syce3 1586367 689933 SYCE3 2303881 644186 HGNC Syce3 1623908 75459 MGI:1922709 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:35245 Sycn 620862 245917 SYCN 1604473 342898 HGNC Sycn 733709 68416 MGI:1915666 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:18442 Sycp1 3794 25276 SYCP1 1347800 6847 HGNC Sycp1 11367 20957 MGI:105931 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:11487 Sycp2 69429 83820 SYCP2 69483 10388 HGNC Sycp2 69484 320558 MGI:1933281 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:11490 Sycp2l 1564922 364688 SYCP2L 1604969 221711 HGNC Sycp2l 1615703 637277 MGI:2685114 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:21537 Sycp3 3795 25561 SYCP3 733070 50511 HGNC Sycp3 11368 20962 MGI:109542 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:18130 Sycp3l1 1559891 309028 FAM9C 1345371 171484 HGNC HGNC:18405 Syde1 1305857 362842 SYDE1 1602201 85360 HGNC Syde1 1553533 71709 MGI:1918959 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:25824 Syde2 1564206 308021 SYDE2 1602090 84144 RGD Syde2 1621363 214804 MGI:3036264 RGD HGNC:25841 Syf2 621592 170933 SYF2 1603674 25949 HGNC Syf2 1616766 68592 MGI:1915842 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:19824 Syk 3796 25155 SYK 736160 6850 HGNC Syk 731871 20963 MGI:99515 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:11491 Sympk 1306735 292683 SYMPK 1315523 8189 HGNC Sympk 1557655 68188 MGI:1915438 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:22935 Syn1 3797 24949 SYN1 731422 6853 HGNC Syn1 11370 20964 MGI:98460 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:11494 Syn2 3798 29179 SYN2 736267 6854 HGNC Syn2 736268 20965 MGI:103020 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:11495 Syn3 3799 29130 SYN3 736491 8224 HGNC Syn3 736492 27204 MGI:1351334 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:11496 Synb 1566115 290348 Gm27174 1614143 115488278 MGI:5521017 RGD Sync 1307970 362606 SYNC 1346585 81493 HGNC Sync 1317471 68828 MGI:1916078 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:28897 Syncrip 1305683 363113 SYNCRIP 1313857 10492 HGNC Syncrip 1557624 56403 MGI:1891690 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:16918 Syndig1 1310753 362235 SYNDIG1 1321842 79953 HGNC Syndig1 1619639 433485 MGI:3702158 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:15885 Syndig1l 1589004 685882 SYNDIG1L 1602232 646658 HGNC Syndig1l 1619520 627191 MGI:2685107 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:32388 Syne1 620546 499010 SYNE1 1348942 23345 HGNC Syne1 733674 64009 MGI:1927152 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:17089 Syne2 1305248 366669 SYNE2 1312719 23224 HGNC Syne2 1615570 319565 MGI:2449316 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:17084 Syne3 1304563 299356 SYNE3 1312072 161176 HGNC Syne3 1312073 212073 MGI:2442408 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:19861 Syne4 1304580 292781 SYNE4 1602427 163183 HGNC Syne4 1331866 233066 MGI:2141950 RGD HGNC:26703 Syngap1 621090 192117 SYNGAP1 1353044 8831 HGNC Syngap1 1617329 240057 MGI:3039785 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:11497 Syngr1 3801 29205 SYNGR1 736639 9145 HGNC Syngr1 736640 20972 MGI:1328323 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:11498 Syngr2 621334 89815 SYNGR2 732040 9144 HGNC Syngr2 732041 20973 MGI:1328324 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:11499 Syngr3 1311801 302975 SYNGR3 1323444 9143 HGNC Syngr3 1323445 20974 MGI:1341881 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:11501 Syngr4 1307737 292916 SYNGR4 1317104 23546 HGNC Syngr4 1317105 58867 MGI:1928903 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:11502 Synj1 69434 85238 SYNJ1 69491 8867 HGNC Synj1 69492 104015 MGI:1354961 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:11503 Synj2 69436 84018 SYNJ2 69494 8871 HGNC Synj2 69495 20975 MGI:1201671 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:11504 Synj2bp 69400 64531 SYNJ2BP 736800 55333 HGNC Synj2bp 736801 24071 MGI:1344347 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:18955 Synm 727872 308709 SYNM 1354169 23336 HGNC Synm 1550455 233335 MGI:2661187 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:24466 Synpo 620668 60324 SYNPO 735343 11346 HGNC Synpo 735344 104027 MGI:1099446 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:30672 Synpo2 1564779 499702 SYNPO2 1344756 171024 HGNC Synpo2 1557608 118449 MGI:2153070 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:17732 Synpo2l 1565434 305675 SYNPO2L 1348800 79933 HGNC Synpo2l 1556881 68760 MGI:1916010 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:23532 Synpr 708366 66030 SYNPR 731737 132204 HGNC Synpr 731738 72003 MGI:1919253 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:16507 Synrg 620684 84479 SYNRG 1348030 11276 HGNC Synrg 1550690 217030 MGI:1354742 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:557 Syp 3802 24804 SYP 737494 6855 HGNC Syp 11373 20977 MGI:98467 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:11506 Sypl1 1359569 366595 SYPL1 1346991 6856 HGNC Sypl1 1551812 19027 MGI:108081 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:11507 Sypl2 1309907 362018 SYPL2 1603517 284612 HGNC Sypl2 1551380 17306 MGI:1328311 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:27638 Sys1 1583224 685079 SYS1 1602841 90196 HGNC Sys1 1623221 66460 MGI:1913710 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:16162 Syt1 3803 25716 SYT1 736944 6857 HGNC Syt1 736945 20979 MGI:99667 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:11509 Syt10 62041 60567 SYT10 1346254 341359 HGNC Syt10 62333 54526 MGI:1859546 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:19266 Syt11 62042 60568 SYT11 1343002 23208 HGNC Syt11 62334 229521 MGI:1859547 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:19239 Syt12 621876 191595 SYT12 737534 91683 HGNC Syt12 734414 171180 MGI:2159601 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:18381 Syt13 621877 80977 SYT13 735243 57586 HGNC Syt13 731251 80976 MGI:1933945 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:14962 Syt14 1592654 684293 SYT14 1345341 255928 HGNC Syt14 1620456 329324 MGI:2444490 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:23143 Syt15 727964 306285 SYT15 30308885 83849 HGNC Syt15 1332273 319508 MGI:2442166 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:17167 Syt16 1564654 299142 SYT16 1346455 83851 HGNC Syt16 1556893 238266 MGI:2673872 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:23142 Syt17 708576 192189 SYT17 734045 51760 HGNC Syt17 1552802 110058 MGI:104966 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:24119 Syt2 3804 24805 SYT2 735278 127833 HGNC Syt2 731270 20980 MGI:99666 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:11510 Syt3 3805 25731 SYT3 736653 84258 HGNC Syt3 732216 20981 MGI:99665 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:11511 Syt4 68397 64440 SYT4 68582 6860 HGNC Syt4 68583 20983 MGI:101759 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:11512 Syt5 3806 54309 SYT5 731962 6861 HGNC Syt5 736312 53420 MGI:1926368 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:11513 Syt6 62012 60565 SYT6 737166 148281 HGNC Syt6 62304 54524 MGI:1859544 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:18638 Syt7 62013 59267 SYT7 736086 9066 HGNC Syt7 62305 54525 MGI:1859545 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:11514 Syt8 68399 60566 SYT8 1347431 90019 HGNC Syt8 68586 55925 MGI:1859867 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:19264 Syt9 621169 60564 SYT9 1354462 143425 HGNC Syt9 1552025 60510 MGI:1926373 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:19265 Sytl1 1310715 297872 SYTL1 1321784 84958 HGNC Sytl1 1321785 269589 MGI:1933365 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:15584 Sytl2 1307647 361604 SYTL2 1316959 54843 RGD Sytl2 1316960 83671 MGI:1933366 RGD HGNC:15585 Sytl3 1561992 499017 SYTL3 1352944 94120 HGNC Sytl3 1557072 83672 MGI:1933367 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:15587 Sytl4 620204 140594 SYTL4 734138 94121 HGNC Sytl4 734139 27359 MGI:1351606 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:15588 Sytl5 631342 302538 SYTL5 736279 94122 HGNC Sytl5 1332020 236643 MGI:2668451 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:15589 Syvn1 1310488 361712 SYVN1 1603603 84447 RGD Syvn1 1321418 74126 MGI:1921376 RGD HGNC:20738 Szrd1 1560286 500575 SZRD1 1607050 26099 HGNC Szrd1 1622117 213491 MGI:1098672 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:30232 Szt2 1308616 362573 SZT2 1603692 23334 HGNC Szt2 1318493 230676 MGI:3033336 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:29040 Taar1 621621 113914 TAAR1 1346236 134864 HGNC Taar1 1553140 111174 MGI:2148258 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:17734 Taar2 1311240 294121 TAAR2 1606827 9287 HGNC Taar2 1557087 209512 MGI:2685071 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:4514 Taar3 1359566 494319 TAAR3P 1343570 9288 HGNC Taar3 1552316 493809 MGI:3527427 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:4513 Taar5 1359185 294123 TAAR5 1603706 9038 HGNC Taar5 1552024 215854 MGI:2685073 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:30236 Taar6 631384 294124 TAAR6 1348964 319100 HGNC Taar6 1553824 215855 MGI:2685074 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:20978 Taar8a 631391 319104 Taar8a 1623817 215859 MGI:2685076 RGD Taar8b 631386 319106 TAAR8 1345308 83551 HGNC Taar8b 1558427 382348 MGI:2685995 RGD HGNC:14964 Taar8c 631390 319105 Taar8c 1619608 494546 MGI:3527452 RGD Taar9 631383 319107 TAAR9 1352345 134860 HGNC Taar9 1620357 503558 MGI:3527454 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:20977 Tab1 1306216 315139 TAB1 1314707 10454 HGNC Tab1 1314708 66513 MGI:1913763 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:18157 Tab2 1309527 308267 TAB2 1319911 23118 HGNC Tab2 1319912 68652 MGI:1915902 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:17075 Tab3 1594527 317546 TAB3 1603527 257397 HGNC Tab3 1620846 66724 MGI:1913974 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:30681 Tac1 3807 24806 TAC1 619560 6863 HGNC Tac1 11379 21333 MGI:98474 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:11517 Tac3 3809 29191 TAC3 1353248 6866 HGNC Tac2 736131 21334 MGI:98476 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:11521 Tac4 628842 282829 TAC4 735700 255061 HGNC Tac4 735701 93670 MGI:1931130 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:16641 Tacc1 1303120 306562 TACC1 1342908 6867 HGNC Tacc1 1552766 320165 MGI:2443510 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:11522 Tacc2 1303004 309025 TACC2 1349981 10579 HGNC Tacc2 1552326 57752 MGI:1928899 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:11523 Tacc3 1302948 360962 TACC3 1353438 10460 HGNC Tacc3 1550045 21335 MGI:1341163 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:11524 Taco1 1306784 360645 TACO1 1602721 51204 HGNC Taco1 1332470 70207 MGI:1917457 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:24316 Tacr1 3811 24807 TACR1 731008 6869 HGNC Tacr1 731009 21336 MGI:98475 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:11526 Tacr2 3812 25007 TACR2 736836 6865 HGNC Tacr2 733901 21337 MGI:98477 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:11527 Tacr3 3810 24808 TACR3 735782 6870 HGNC Tacr3 11380 21338 MGI:892968 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:11528 Tacstd2 1359498 494343 TACSTD2 1342963 4070 HGNC Tacstd2 1553238 56753 MGI:1861606 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:11530 Tada1 1306774 360874 TADA1 1606748 117143 HGNC Tada1 1620079 27878 MGI:1196415 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:30631 Tada2a 1309959 360581 TADA2A 1320582 6871 HGNC Tada2a 1320583 217031 MGI:2144471 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:11531 Tada2b 1561605 289717 TADA2B 2979550 93624 HGNC Tada2b 1615684 231151 MGI:3035274 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:30781 Tada3 1564009 362414 TADA3 1314884 10474 HGNC Tada3 1314885 101206 MGI:1915724 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:19422 Taf1 1562050 317256 TAF1 1349671 6872 HGNC Taf1 1558234 270627 MGI:1336878 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:11535 Taf10 1305907 293345 TAF10 1314218 6881 HGNC Taf10 1314219 24075 MGI:1346320 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:11543 Taf11 1305626 309638 TAF11 1313766 6882 RGD Taf11 1313767 68776 MGI:1916026 RGD HGNC:11544 Taf12 1592841 682902 TAF12 1348553 6883 RGD Taf12 1623219 66464 MGI:1913714 RGD HGNC:11545 Taf13 1305398 310784 TAF13 1313406 6884 HGNC Taf13 1313407 99730 MGI:1913500 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:11546 Taf15 1309595 287571 TAF15 1320016 8148 RGD Taf15 1320017 70439 MGI:1917689 RGD HGNC:11547 Taf1a 1305698 360893 TAF1A 1313879 9015 HGNC Taf1a 1313880 21339 MGI:109578 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:11532 Taf1b 1596058 690450 TAF1B 1314966 9014 HGNC Taf1b 1314967 21340 MGI:109577 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:11533 Taf1c 1305658 361420 TAF1C 1313816 9013 HGNC Taf1c 1313817 21341 MGI:109576 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:11534 Taf1d 1309627 363017 TAF1D 1601854 79101 HGNC Taf1d 1320067 75316 MGI:1922566 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:28759 Taf2 621487 170844 TAF2 1353856 6873 HGNC Taf2 1622856 319944 MGI:2443028 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:11536 Taf3 2324594 100360100 TAF3 1323524 83860 RGD Taf3 1323525 209361 MGI:2388097 RGD HGNC:17303 Taf4 1588072 682097 TAF4 1345040 6874 HGNC Taf4 1622962 228980 MGI:2152346 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:11537 Taf4b 1562997 291773 TAF4B 1319196 6875 HGNC Taf4b 1615849 72504 MGI:2152345 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:11538 Taf5 1311332 294018 TAF5 1322729 6877 HGNC Taf5 1322730 226182 MGI:2442144 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:11539 Taf5l1 1310215 307927 TAF5L 1320985 27097 RGD Taf5l 1320986 102162 MGI:1919039 RGD HGNC:17304 Taf6 1311608 288533 TAF6 1323155 6878 HGNC Taf6 1323156 21343 MGI:109129 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:11540 Taf6l 1310123 309194 TAF6L 1320845 10629 HGNC Taf6l 1320846 225895 MGI:2444957 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:17305 Taf7 1309935 307485 TAF7 1320545 6879 HGNC Taf7 1619226 24074 MGI:1346348 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:11541 Taf7l 1564898 363493 TAF7L 1350801 54457 HGNC Taf7l 1557972 74469 MGI:1921719 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:11548 Taf8 1308423 316216 TAF8 1318181 129685 RGD Taf8 1318182 63856 MGI:1926879 RGD HGNC:17300 Taf9 727861 373541 TAF9 1314621 6880 RGD Taf9 1557232 108143 MGI:1888697 RGD HGNC:11542 Taf9b 621116 171152 TAF9B 1351331 51616 HGNC Taf9b 1617181 407786 MGI:3039562 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:17306 Tafa1 1563030 500266 TAFA1 1347131 407738 HGNC Tafa1 1620466 320265 MGI:2443695 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:21587 Tafa2 1589429 680647 TAFA2 1345895 338811 HGNC Tafa2 1619726 268354 MGI:2143691 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:21589 Tafa3 1587462 691123 TAFA3 1354085 284467 HGNC Tafa3 1617223 329731 MGI:3046463 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:21590 Tafa4 1597443 689043 TAFA4 1345564 151647 HGNC Tafa4 1616442 320701 MGI:2444563 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:21591 Tafa5 1562115 500915 TAFA5 1342880 25817 HGNC Tafa5 1618249 106014 MGI:2146182 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:21592 Tafazzin 1588532 363521 TAFAZZIN 1351979 6901 HGNC Tafazzin 11393 66826 MGI:109626 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:11577 Tagap 1308618 308097 TAGAP 1318496 117289 HGNC Tagap 1615843 72536 MGI:3615484 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:15669 Tagln 3723 25123 TAGLN 11324 6876 HGNC Tagln 11323 21345 MGI:106012 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:11553 Tagln2 1310840 304983 TAGLN2 1321972 8407 HGNC Tagln2 1321973 21346 MGI:1312985 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:11554 Tagln3 69301 63837 TAGLN3 1348892 29114 RGD Tagln3 736619 56370 MGI:1926784 RGD HGNC:29868 Tal1 1306748 313507 TAL1 1315543 6886 HGNC Tal1 1315544 21349 MGI:98480 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:11556 Tal2 1596467 685229 TAL2 1351744 6887 HGNC Tal2 1558129 21350 MGI:99540 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:11557 Taldo1 620674 83688 TALDO1 733188 6888 HGNC Taldo1 733189 21351 MGI:1274789 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:11559 Tamalin 70554 192254 TAMALIN 733545 160622 HGNC Tamalin 733546 56149 MGI:1860303 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:18707 Tamm41 1586150 362419 TAMM41 1602301 132001 HGNC Tamm41 1623966 68971 MGI:1916221 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:25187 Tanc1 1302949 311055 TANC1 1604561 85461 HGNC Tanc1 1332359 66860 MGI:1914110 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:29364 Tanc2 1309285 303599 TANC2 1603312 26115 HGNC Tanc2 1621448 77097 MGI:2444121 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:30212 Tango2 1310348 360738 TANGO2 1606461 128989 HGNC Tango2 1321201 27883 MGI:101825 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:25439 Tango6 1559841 307816 TANGO6 1606243 79613 HGNC Tango6 1617244 272538 MGI:2142786 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:25749 Tank 628859 252961 TANK 734196 10010 HGNC Tank 734197 21353 MGI:107676 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:11562 Taok1 708455 286993 TAOK1 1351422 57551 HGNC Taok1 1614954 216965 MGI:1914490 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:29259 Taok2 621590 64666 TAOK2 1351729 9344 HGNC Taok2 1550296 381921 MGI:1915919 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:16835 Taok3 1562861 304530 TAOK3 1605388 51347 HGNC Taok3 1614048 330177 MGI:3041177 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:18133 Tap1 3817 24811 TAP1 736475 6890 HGNC Tap1 11387 21354 MGI:98483 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:43 Tap2 3818 24812 TAP2 1348865 6891 HGNC Tap2 11388 21355 MGI:98484 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:44 Tapbp 3819 25217 TAPBP 735382 6892 HGNC Tapbp 735383 21356 MGI:1201689 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:11566 Tapbpl 1307893 297602 TAPBPL 1317352 55080 HGNC Tapbpl 1317353 213233 MGI:2384853 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:30683 Tapt1 1309656 305386 TAPT1 1605561 202018 HGNC Tapt1 1320112 231225 MGI:2683537 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:26887 Tarbp1 1589526 679346 TARBP1 1347235 6894 HGNC Tarbp1 5144854 212728 MGI:4936930 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:11568 Tarbp2 1307375 363006 TARBP2 1316539 6895 HGNC Tarbp2 1316540 21357 MGI:103027 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:11569 Tardbp 1310906 298648 TARDBP 1322081 23435 RGD Tardbp 1617357 230908 MGI:2387629 RGD HGNC:11571 Tarm1 1564272 499065 TARM1 3399181 441864 HGNC Tarm1 1618104 245126 MGI:2442280 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:37250 Tars1 1359527 294810 TARS1 1347839 6897 HGNC Tars1 1551784 110960 MGI:106314 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:11572 Tars2 1308283 310672 TARS2 1344526 80222 HGNC Tars2 1553726 71807 MGI:1919057 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:30740 Tars3 1311308 308701 TARS3 1351710 123283 HGNC Tars3 1552926 272396 MGI:2444486 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:24728 Tas1r1 61891 29407 TAS1R1 732021 80835 HGNC Tas1r1 62184 110326 MGI:1927505 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:14448 Tas1r2 61894 100270683 TAS1R2 1353489 80834 HGNC Tas1r2 62187 83770 MGI:1933546 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:14905 Tas1r3 620539 170634 TAS1R3 1344836 83756 HGNC Tas1r3 733394 83771 MGI:1933547 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:15661 Tas2r106 2314260 100310878 TAS2R10 1347690 50839 HGNC Tas2r114 1550214 387346 MGI:2681218 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:14918 Tas2r108 1561194 554302 TAS2R4 1342891 50832 HGNC Tas2r108 1624021 57253 MGI:2681210 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:14911 Tas2r116 2314261 100310877 TAS2R14 30305929 50840 HGNC Tas2r140 1621932 387616 MGI:2681298 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:14920 Tas2r118 620735 78980 TAS2R16 1343606 50833 HGNC Tas2r118 1557525 387347 MGI:2681247 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:14921 Tas2r119 620733 78979 TAS2R1 1352499 50834 HGNC Tas2r119 1553331 57254 MGI:2681253 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:14909 Tas2r120 1596060 690448 TAS2R20 1350205 259295 HGNC HGNC:19109 Tas2r121 620738 78983 TAS2R13 1344570 50838 HGNC Tas2r121 1557348 387349 MGI:2681259 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:14919 Tas2r126 727853 246219 TAS2R41 1353850 259287 HGNC Tas2r126 1552906 387353 MGI:2681273 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:18883 Tas2r130 1597354 690334 TAS2R7 1347137 50837 HGNC Tas2r130 1613986 387355 MGI:2681278 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:14913 Tas2r135 1561078 502757 TAS2R60 1347652 338398 HGNC Tas2r135 1622787 387512 MGI:2681302 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:20639 Tas2r136 2314262 100310876 TAS2R31 1345755 259290 HGNC Tas2r136 1617209 353165 MGI:2681304 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:19113 Tas2r137 1560602 500089 TAS2R3 1345631 50831 HGNC Tas2r137 1614664 574417 MGI:3606604 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:14910 Tas2r138 1560649 500091 TAS2R38 1346793 5726 HGNC Tas2r138 1558560 387513 MGI:2681306 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:9584 Tas2r139 1595436 680188 TAS2R39 1350058 259285 HGNC Tas2r139 1617210 353148 MGI:2681308 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:18886 Tas2r144 1562314 500101 TAS2R40 1351253 259286 HGNC Tas2r144 1558233 387515 MGI:2681312 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:18885 Tas2r145 2324836 100363053 TAS2R42 1344406 353164 HGNC Tas2r131 1613985 387356 MGI:2681280 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:18888 Tasl 1565785 501570 TASL 1347440 80231 HGNC Tasl 1556906 71398 MGI:1918648 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:25667 Tasor 1595469 680155 TASOR 1604038 23272 HGNC Tasor 1318652 218850 MGI:1921694 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:30314 Tasor2 1564456 361269 TASOR2 1343867 54906 HGNC Tasor2 1614234 105203 MGI:2145274 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:23484 Tasp1 1308591 311468 TASP1 1318453 55617 HGNC Tasp1 1318454 75812 MGI:1923062 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:15859 Tat 3820 24813 TAT 736963 6898 HGNC Tat 11391 234724 MGI:98487 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:11573 Tatdn1 1585145 690068 TATDN1 1313148 83940 HGNC Tatdn1 1313149 69694 MGI:1916944 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:24220 Tatdn2 1586017 500295 TATDN2 1349644 9797 HGNC Tatdn2 1616408 381801 MGI:3576210 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:28988 Tatdn3 1589779 289378 TATDN3 1604534 128387 HGNC Tatdn3 1557582 68972 MGI:1916222 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:27010 Tax1bp1 708579 246244 TAX1BP1 1348047 8887 HGNC Tax1bp1 732526 52440 MGI:1289308 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:11575 Tax1bp3 1308924 360564 TAX1BP3 1318972 30851 HGNC Tax1bp3 1318973 76281 MGI:1923531 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:30684 Tbata 1561665 499429 TBATA 1322498 219793 HGNC Tbata 1322499 65971 MGI:1923820 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:23511 Tbc1d1 1304562 360937 TBC1D1 1349688 23216 HGNC Tbc1d1 1312071 57915 MGI:1889508 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:11578 Tbc1d10a 1311641 360968 TBC1D10A 1605322 83874 HGNC Tbc1d10a 1615771 103724 MGI:2144164 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:23609 Tbc1d10b 1309191 365372 TBC1D10B 1607066 26000 HGNC Tbc1d10b 1553100 68449 MGI:1915699 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:24510 Tbc1d10c 1311490 361697 TBC1D10C 1606878 374403 HGNC Tbc1d10c 1553262 108995 MGI:1922072 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:24702 Tbc1d12 9377071 685933 TBC1D12 1343312 23232 RGD Tbc1d12 1320363 209478 MGI:2384803 RGD HGNC:29082 Tbc1d13 1591937 499768 TBC1D13 1318412 54662 HGNC Tbc1d13 1318413 70296 MGI:2385326 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:25571 Tbc1d14 1309993 360956 TBC1D14 1320638 57533 HGNC Tbc1d14 1553367 100855 MGI:1098708 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:29246 Tbc1d15 1307920 366896 TBC1D15 1317393 64786 HGNC Tbc1d15 1317394 66687 MGI:1913937 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:25694 Tbc1d16 1588560 303734 TBC1D16 1345819 125058 HGNC Tbc1d16 1617401 207592 MGI:2652878 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:28356 Tbc1d17 1309686 292886 TBC1D17 1320164 79735 HGNC Tbc1d17 1320165 233204 MGI:2449973 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:25699 Tbc1d19 1304958 289657 TBC1D19 1343247 55296 HGNC Tbc1d19 1553444 67249 MGI:1914499 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:25624 Tbc1d2 1306860 313234 TBC1D2 1315719 55357 HGNC Tbc1d2 1617961 381605 MGI:2652885 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:18026 Tbc1d20 1303293 362237 TBC1D20 1346411 128637 HGNC Tbc1d20 1551722 67231 MGI:1914481 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:16133 Tbc1d21 1310243 363072 TBC1D21 1353455 161514 HGNC Tbc1d21 1552071 74286 MGI:1921536 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:28536 Tbc1d22a 1306588 689443 TBC1D22A 1602007 25771 HGNC Tbc1d22a 1551453 223754 MGI:1289265 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:1309 Tbc1d22b 1564987 502414 TBC1D22B 1353872 55633 HGNC Tbc1d22b 1622804 381085 MGI:2681867 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:21602 Tbc1d23 1307925 304019 TBC1D23 1601860 55773 HGNC Tbc1d23 1332562 67581 MGI:1914831 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:25622 Tbc1d24 1306143 287110 TBC1D24 1606524 57465 HGNC Tbc1d24 1314590 224617 MGI:2443456 RGD HGNC:29203 Tbc1d25 1559711 302552 TBC1D25 1351229 4943 HGNC Tbc1d25 1557516 209815 MGI:2444862 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:8092 Tbc1d2b 1307436 315880 TBC1D2B 1604393 23102 HGNC Tbc1d2b 1316630 67016 MGI:1914266 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:29183 Tbc1d30 1305255 299824 TBC1D30 2291766 23329 HGNC Tbc1d30 1313177 74694 MGI:1921944 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:29164 Tbc1d31 1587370 299949 TBC1D31 1603593 93594 HGNC Tbc1d31 1316343 210544 MGI:2684931 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:30888 Tbc1d32 2323599 100359595 TBC1D32 1345789 221322 HGNC Tbc1d32 1613911 544696 MGI:2442827 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:21485 Tbc1d4 1561609 306117 TBC1D4 1345136 9882 HGNC Tbc1d4 1623009 210789 MGI:2429660 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:19165 Tbc1d5 1561626 501088 TBC1D5 1321047 9779 HGNC Tbc1d5 1321048 72238 MGI:1919488 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:19166 Tbc1d7 1307661 361227 TBC1D7 1316981 107080638 HGNC Tbc1d7 1316982 67046 MGI:1914296 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline Tbc1d8 1595491 680133 TBC1D8 1347118 11138 HGNC Tbc1d8 1624031 54610 MGI:1927225 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:17791 Tbc1d8b 1563084 315912 TBC1D8B 1606538 54885 HGNC Tbc1d8b 1614127 245638 MGI:1918101 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:24715 Tbc1d9 1308221 304645 TBC1D9 1604383 23158 HGNC Tbc1d9 1317871 71310 MGI:1918560 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:21710 Tbc1d9b 1310147 360520 TBC1D9B 1604633 23061 HGNC Tbc1d9b 1320879 76795 MGI:1924045 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:29097 Tbca 1311538 366995 TBCA 1323048 6902 RGD Tbca 1323049 21371 MGI:107549 RGD HGNC:11579 Tbcb 1309965 292777 TBCB 1320593 1155 HGNC Tbcb 1320594 66411 MGI:1913661 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:1989 Tbcc 1306756 316221 TBCC 1315555 6903 HGNC Tbcc 1315556 72726 MGI:1919976 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:11580 Tbccd1 1309604 303830 TBCCD1 1605661 55171 HGNC Tbccd1 1621512 70573 MGI:1917823 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:25546 Tbcd 2320148 100361417 TBCD 1317676 6904 HGNC Tbcd 1317677 108903 MGI:1919686 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:11581 Tbce 1305533 361255 TBCE 1313614 6905 HGNC Tbce 1313615 70430 MGI:1917680 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:11582 Tbcel 1308880 315591 TBCEL 1606678 219899 HGNC Tbcel 1550784 272589 MGI:1925543 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:28115 Tbck 1307816 295446 TBCK 1606987 93627 HGNC Tbck 1332270 271981 MGI:2445052 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:28261 Tbk1 1588588 299827 TBK1 1313752 29110 HGNC Tbk1 1313753 56480 MGI:1929658 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:11584 Tbkbp1 631328 266764 TBKBP1 731934 9755 HGNC Tbkbp1 731935 73174 MGI:1920424 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:30140 Tbl1x 1563868 302711 TBL1X 1346534 6907 HGNC Tbl1x 1558026 21372 MGI:1336172 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:11585 Tbl1xr1 1560053 365755 TBL1XR1 1348910 79718 HGNC Tbl1xr1 1558421 81004 MGI:2441730 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:29529 Tbl2 1595038 686610 TBL2 1354068 26608 HGNC Tbl2 1624053 27368 MGI:1351652 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:11586 Tbl3 1305142 287120 TBL3 1313000 10607 HGNC Tbl3 1313001 213773 MGI:2384863 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:11587 Tbp 67398 117526 TBP 68980 6908 HGNC Tbp 68981 21374 MGI:101838 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:11588 Tbpl1 1597456 689030 TBPL1 1315592 9519 HGNC Tbpl1 1315593 237336 MGI:1339946 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:11589 Tbpl2 1596837 680050 TBPL2 1342829 387332 HGNC Tbpl2 1622976 227606 MGI:2684058 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:19841 Tbr1 1591773 680427 TBR1 1343708 10716 HGNC Tbr1 1557526 21375 MGI:107404 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:11590 Tbrg1 1305123 300521 TBRG1 1312969 84897 RGD Tbrg1 1312970 21376 MGI:1100877 RGD HGNC:29551 Tbrg4 1309737 360977 TBRG4 1320236 9238 HGNC Tbrg4 1320237 21379 MGI:1100868 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:17443 Tbx1 1307734 360737 TBX1 1317100 6899 HGNC Tbx1 1317101 21380 MGI:98493 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:11592 Tbx10 1584144 688822 TBX10 1342498 347853 RGD Tbx10 1557082 109575 MGI:1261436 RGD HGNC:11593 Tbx15 1308094 295315 TBX15 1317666 6913 HGNC Tbx15 1557550 21384 MGI:1277234 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:11594 Tbx18 1309856 315870 TBX18 1350500 9096 HGNC Tbx18 1320423 76365 MGI:1923615 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:11595 Tbx19 1310145 304935 TBX19 1320875 9095 RGD Tbx19 1320876 83993 MGI:1891158 RGD HGNC:11596 Tbx2 1311014 303398 TBX2 1322243 6909 HGNC Tbx2 1322244 21385 MGI:98494 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:11597 Tbx20 1309396 315497 TBX20 1319719 57057 RGD Tbx20 1319720 57246 MGI:1888496 RGD HGNC:11598 Tbx21 1308264 303496 TBX21 1317938 30009 HGNC Tbx21 1317939 57765 MGI:1888984 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:11599 Tbx22 1589764 302369 TBX22 1343120 50945 HGNC Tbx22 1557584 245572 MGI:2389465 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:11600 Tbx3 735203 353305 TBX3 1345948 6926 HGNC Tbx3 1557562 21386 MGI:98495 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:11602 Tbx4 1309057 303399 TBX4 1319185 9496 HGNC Tbx4 1319186 21387 MGI:102556 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:11603 Tbx5 1305702 304514 TBX5 1313887 6910 HGNC Tbx5 1313888 21388 MGI:102541 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:11604 Tbx6 1307716 365371 TBX6 1317068 6911 HGNC Tbx6 1317069 21389 MGI:102539 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:11605 Tbxa2r 3825 24816 TBXA2R 735834 6915 HGNC Tbxa2r 733229 21390 MGI:98496 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:11608 Tbxas1 3826 24886 TBXAS1 736923 6916 HGNC Tbxas1 11394 21391 MGI:98497 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:11609 Tbxt 1310141 292301 TBXT 1320869 6862 HGNC T 1320870 20997 MGI:98472 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:11515 Tc2n 1563876 500707 TC2N 1349748 123036 HGNC Tc2n 1557309 74413 MGI:1921663 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:19859 Tcaf1 1565474 362353 TCAF1 1602499 9747 HGNC Tcaf1 1617453 77574 MGI:1914665 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:22201 Tcaf2 6487302 100912372 TCAF2 1603511 285966 RGD Tcaf2 1312466 232748 MGI:2385258 RGD HGNC:26878 Tcaim 1560717 363169 TCAIM 1605240 285343 HGNC Tcaim 1614017 382117 MGI:1196217 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:25241 Tcap 1592387 688173 TCAP 1348921 8557 RGD Tcap 1620095 21393 MGI:1330233 RGD HGNC:11610 Tcea1 1309880 362479 TCEA1 1320461 6917 HGNC Tcea1 1320462 21399 MGI:1196624 RGD HGNC:11612 Tcea2 61825 29575 TCEA2 731353 6919 HGNC Tcea2 62116 21400 MGI:107368 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:11614 Tcea3 1311369 298559 TCEA3 1322790 6920 HGNC Tcea3 1322791 21401 MGI:1196908 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:11615 Tceal1 1549724 302593 TCEAL1 1352968 9338 HGNC Tceal1 1558146 237052 MGI:2385317 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:11616 Tceal3 1562504 501628 TCEAL3 1346044 85012 HGNC Tceal3 1557779 594844 MGI:1913354 RGD HGNC:28247 Tceal5 1594149 680282 TCEAL5 1354272 340543 RGD Tceal5 1623692 331532 MGI:3036236 RGD HGNC:22282 Tceal7 1593009 680319 TCEAL7 1347340 56849 HGNC Tceal7 1617536 100040972 MGI:1915746 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:28336 Tceal8 1359631 367909 TCEAL8 1352350 90843 HGNC Tceal8 1552360 66684 MGI:1913934 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:28683 Tceal9 1592975 680354 TCEAL9 1352656 51186 HGNC Tceal9 1558471 22381 MGI:109567 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:30084 Tceanc 1584894 367782 TCEANC 2303433 170082 HGNC Tceanc 1614120 245695 MGI:2685236 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:28277 Tceanc2 1359481 366431 TCEANC2 1606976 127428 HGNC Tceanc2 1622327 66526 MGI:1913776 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:26494 Tcerg1 1311748 307474 TCERG1 1323365 10915 HGNC Tcerg1 1323366 56070 MGI:1926421 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:15630 Tcerg1l 1562437 361669 TCERG1L 1346689 256536 HGNC Tcerg1l 1621513 70571 MGI:1917821 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:23533 Tcf12 3829 25720 TCF12 731955 6938 HGNC Tcf12 731956 21406 MGI:101877 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:11623 Tcf15 1308464 296272 TCF15 1318246 6939 HGNC Tcf15 1318247 21407 MGI:104664 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:11627 Tcf19 1302974 406195 TCF19 1345711 6941 HGNC Tcf19 1550178 106795 MGI:103180 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:11629 Tcf20 1594486 366964 TCF20 69146 6942 HGNC Tcf20 1558109 21411 MGI:108399 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:11631 Tcf21 620523 252856 TCF21 1351692 6943 HGNC Tcf21 1552041 21412 MGI:1202715 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:11632 Tcf23 1586500 688600 TCF23 1606698 150921 HGNC Tcf23 1557984 69852 MGI:1934960 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:18602 Tcf24 1589398 680678 TCF24 1602784 100129654 HGNC Tcf24 2299783 100039596 MGI:3780500 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:32275 Tcf25 1309054 292082 TCF25 1602223 22980 HGNC Tcf25 1319180 66855 MGI:1914105 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:29181 Tcf3 620914 171046 TCF3 1351290 6929 HGNC Tcf3 1553595 21423 MGI:98510 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:11633 Tcf4 69271 84382 TCF4 732921 6925 HGNC Tcf4 735359 21413 MGI:98506 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:11634 Tcf7 1305894 363595 TCF7 1314197 6932 HGNC Tcf7 1314198 21414 MGI:98507 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:11639 Tcf7l1 1311671 312451 TCF7L1 1323251 83439 HGNC Tcf7l1 1323252 21415 MGI:1202876 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:11640 Tcf7l2 1583621 679869 TCF7L2 1317786 6934 HGNC Tcf7l2 1317787 21416 MGI:1202879 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:11641 Tcfl5 1305899 311715 TCFL5 1348705 10732 HGNC Tcfl5 1620481 277353 MGI:2672878 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:11646 Tchh 1309635 310588 TCHH 1320079 7062 HGNC Tchh 1617438 99681 MGI:2177944 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:11791 Tchhl1 1308305 295193 TCHHL1 1605587 126637 HGNC Tchhl1 1552050 71325 MGI:1918575 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:31796 Tchp 1310813 304547 TCHP 1604269 84260 HGNC Tchp 1321932 77832 MGI:1925082 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:28135 Tcim 6499724 684871 TCIM 1346279 56892 HGNC Tcim 1623193 69068 MGI:1916318 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:1357 Tcirg1 735136 293650 TCIRG1 1603702 10312 HGNC Tcirg1 1552412 27060 MGI:1350931 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:11647 Tcl1a 1594686 690575 TCL1A 1318064 8115 HGNC Tcl1 1318065 21432 MGI:1097166 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:11648 Tcn2 620681 64365 TCN2 1347590 6948 HGNC Tcn2 733974 21452 MGI:98534 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:11653 Tcof1 1309850 291571 TCOF1 1320415 6949 HGNC Tcof1 1320416 21453 MGI:892003 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:11654 Tcp1 3832 24818 TCP1 732136 6950 HGNC Tcp1 11399 21454 MGI:98535 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:11655 Tcp10b 1307454 308169 TCP10L2 1343977 401285 HGNC Tcp10a 1316656 21461 MGI:98541 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:21254 Tcp11 1359387 309641 TCP11 1351114 6954 HGNC Tcp11 1551188 21463 MGI:98544 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:11658 Tcp11l1 1562313 499846 TCP11L1 1602322 55346 HGNC Tcp11l1 1332370 320554 MGI:2444263 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:25655 Tcp11l2 1307494 314683 TCP11L2 1605554 255394 HGNC Tcp11l2 1316721 216198 MGI:2444679 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:28627 Tcp11x2 1598081 679989 TCP11X2 7243979 100996648 HGNC Tcp11x2 1621505 71841 MGI:1919091 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:48335 Tcrg 7503535 100912942 TARP 1604885 445347 HGNC Tcrg 11403 110067 MGI:98623 RGD Tcta 1359333 306587 TCTA 1342729 6988 HGNC Tcta 1623864 102791 MGI:1918829 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:11692 Tcte1 1305744 316242 TCTE1 1604203 202500 HGNC Tcte1 1313959 21645 MGI:98640 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:11693 Tctn1 1566266 304486 TCTN1 1606246 79600 RGD Tctn1 2314892 654470 MGI:3603820 RGD HGNC:26113 Tctn2 1591895 689779 TCTN2 1605624 79867 HGNC Tctn2 1314988 67978 MGI:1915228 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:25774 Tctn3 1305166 309486 TCTN3 1313033 26123 RGD Tctn3 1313034 67590 MGI:1914840 RGD HGNC:24519 Tdg 620959 114521 TDG 1346610 6996 HGNC Tdg 1617602 21665 MGI:108247 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:11700 Tdh 1310214 290315 TDH 1343478 157739 HGNC Tdh 1320984 58865 MGI:1926231 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:15547 Tdo2 68370 64206 TDO2 68531 6999 HGNC Tdo2 68532 56720 MGI:1928486 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:11708 Tdp1 1309618 314380 TDP1 1320052 55775 HGNC Tdp1 1617429 104884 MGI:1920036 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:18884 Tdp2 1560342 498749 TDP2 1348894 51567 HGNC Tdp2 1557333 56196 MGI:1860486 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:17768 Tdpoz2 41312520 120100600 Tdpoz2 1619649 399673 MGI:3027902 RGD Tdrd1 1306140 292129 TDRD1 1314584 56165 HGNC Tdrd1 1314585 83561 MGI:1933218 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:11712 Tdrd12 1562792 689639 TDRD12 2292096 91646 HGNC Tdrd12 1557331 71981 MGI:1919231 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:25044 Tdrd15 7716193 102556253 TDRD15 7207353 100129278 HGNC HGNC:45037 Tdrd3 1310126 306066 TDRD3 1320851 81550 HGNC Tdrd3 1320852 219249 MGI:2444023 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:20612 Tdrd5 1307078 289129 TDRD5 1316056 163589 HGNC Tdrd5 1623822 214575 MGI:2684949 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:20614 Tdrd6 1305956 316254 TDRD6 1314293 221400 HGNC Tdrd6 1314294 210510 MGI:2679727 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:21339 Tdrd7 619724 85425 TDRD7 1350621 23424 HGNC Tdrd7 734230 100121 MGI:2140279 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:30831 Tdrd9 1306942 299343 TDRD9 1315843 122402 HGNC Tdrd9 1619947 74691 MGI:1921941 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:20122 Tdrkh 1311196 310652 TDRKH 1322527 11022 HGNC Tdrkh 1322528 72634 MGI:1919884 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:11713 Tdrp 1559733 498662 TDRP 1602978 157695 HGNC Tdrp 1619121 72148 MGI:1919398 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:26951 Tead1 1549742 361630 TEAD1 1351522 7003 HGNC Tead1 1557345 21676 MGI:101876 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:11714 Tead2 1593252 308582 TEAD2 1344942 8463 HGNC Tead2 11404 21677 MGI:104904 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:11715 Tead3 1311583 294299 TEAD3 1323117 7005 HGNC Tead3 1323118 21678 MGI:109241 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:11716 Tead4 1585671 683522 TEAD4 1605719 7004 HGNC Tead4 1617596 21679 MGI:106907 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:11717 Tec 620973 84492 TEC 732236 7006 HGNC Tec 732237 21682 MGI:98662 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:11719 Tecpr1 1306873 304285 TECPR1 1601877 25851 HGNC Tecpr1 1315739 70381 MGI:1917631 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:22214 Tecpr2 1307503 314456 TECPR2 1316735 9895 HGNC Tecpr2 1316736 104859 MGI:2144865 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:19957 Tecr 620376 191576 TECR 733590 9524 HGNC Tecr 733591 106529 MGI:1915408 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:4551 Tecrl 1304608 364134 TECRL 1604717 253017 HGNC Tecrl 1312145 243078 MGI:2444966 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:27365 Tecta 1309824 300653 TECTA 1320369 7007 HGNC Tecta 1320370 21683 MGI:109575 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:11720 Tectb 1305835 292124 TECTB 1314106 6975 HGNC Tectb 1314107 21684 MGI:109574 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:11721 Tedc1 1596085 690422 TEDC1 1322363 283643 HGNC Tedc1 1322364 104732 MGI:2144738 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:20127 Tedc2 2293499 100158225 TEDC2 1604787 80178 HGNC Tedc2 1332045 72016 MGI:1919266 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:25849 Teddm1a 1593124 664710 Teddm1a 1621296 240819 MGI:2668439 RGD Teddm1b 1586783 684709 TEDDM1 1606464 127670 HGNC Teddm1b 1620390 433365 MGI:3646829 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:30233 Teddm3 1560559 303817 Teddm3 1557745 66561 MGI:1913811 RGD Tef 3841 29362 TEF 1345103 7008 HGNC Tef 735649 21685 MGI:98663 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:11722 Tefm 1306595 287554 TEFM 1605945 79736 HGNC Tefm 1332241 68550 MGI:1915800 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:26223 Tek 620980 89804 TEK 1342531 7010 HGNC Tek 1552464 21687 MGI:98664 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:11724 Tekt1 619913 85270 TEKT1 732609 83659 HGNC Tekt1 732610 21689 MGI:1333819 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:15534 Tekt2 1311065 298532 TEKT2 1322323 27285 HGNC Tekt2 1322324 24084 MGI:1346335 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:11725 Tekt3 1310582 287392 TEKT3 1321573 64518 HGNC Tekt3 1321574 71062 MGI:1918312 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:14293 Tekt4 1308075 302991 TEKT4 1604519 150483 HGNC Tekt4 1317638 71840 MGI:1919090 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:31012 Tekt5 1307081 363538 TEKT5 1605283 146279 HGNC Tekt5 1316060 70426 MGI:1917676 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:26554 Tektip1 1593449 690617 TEKTIP1 2301120 100128569 HGNC Tektip1 1617166 432479 MGI:1921072 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:34496 Tektl1 1594374 500800 TEKTL1 1602986 126402 HGNC Tektl1 1618324 70976 MGI:1918226 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:26866 Telo2 1305553 302986 TELO2 1605097 9894 HGNC Telo2 1331890 71718 MGI:1918968 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:29099 Ten1 1311078 360664 TEN1 2801979 100134934 HGNC Ten1 1322344 69535 MGI:1916785 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:37242 Tenm1 1561678 298168 TENM1 1350445 10178 HGNC Tenm1 1557588 23963 MGI:1345185 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:8117 Tenm2 727907 117242 TENM2 732274 57451 HGNC Tenm2 736748 23964 MGI:1345184 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:29943 Tenm3 1306641 306451 TENM3 1315371 55714 HGNC Tenm3 1315372 23965 MGI:1345183 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:29944 Tenm4 1304658 308831 TENM4 1312224 26011 HGNC Tenm4 1312225 23966 MGI:2447063 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:29945 Tent2 1306438 361878 TENT2 1315054 167153 HGNC Tent2 1315055 100715 MGI:2140950 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:26776 Tent4a 1307356 306672 TENT4A 1316507 11044 HGNC Tent4a 1316508 210106 MGI:2682295 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:16705 Tent4b 1309587 307745 TENT4B 1320003 64282 HGNC Tent4b 1320004 214627 MGI:1917820 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:30758 Tent5a 1311381 300870 TENT5A 1604353 55603 HGNC Tent5a 1322813 212943 MGI:2670964 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:18345 Tent5b 1308967 313019 TENT5B 1344774 115572 HGNC Tent5b 1331889 100342 MGI:2140500 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:28273 Tent5c 1359446 310721 TENT5C 1352086 54855 HGNC Tent5c 1553679 74645 MGI:1921895 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:24712 Tent5d 1559589 302368 TENT5D 1348599 169966 HGNC Tent5d 1612426 213449 MGI:2685223 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:28399 Tep1 3869 64523 TEP1 736009 7011 HGNC Tep1 731740 21745 MGI:109573 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:11726 Tepsin 1307410 360673 TEPSIN 1601823 146705 HGNC Tepsin 1316592 78777 MGI:1926027 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:26458 Terb1 1310400 307615 TERB1 1605833 283847 HGNC Terb1 1332022 320022 MGI:2443187 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:26675 Terb2 1593334 691952 TERB2 1606959 145645 HGNC Terb2 1621487 74401 MGI:1921651 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:28520 Terc 727802 378461 TERC 1353130 7012 HGNC Terc 1616824 21748 MGI:109558 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:11727 Terf1 1311574 297758 TERF1 1323104 7013 HGNC Terf1 1323105 21749 MGI:109634 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:11728 Terf2 1310881 361403 TERF2 1322035 7014 HGNC Terf2 1322036 21750 MGI:1195972 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:11729 Terf2ip 1309684 307861 TERF2IP 1320161 105371348 HGNC Terf2ip 1320162 57321 MGI:1929871 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline Tert 70494 301965 TERT 1353510 7015 HGNC Tert 70505 21752 MGI:1202709 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:11730 Tes 1566346 500040 TES 1603311 26136 HGNC Tes 1313347 21753 MGI:105081 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:14620 Tesc 1566317 288689 TESC 1606266 54997 HGNC Tesc 1557510 57816 MGI:1930803 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:26065 Tesk1 62059 29460 TESK1 732889 7016 HGNC Tesk1 62351 21754 MGI:1201675 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:11731 Tesk2 619984 170908 TESK2 734237 10420 HGNC Tesk2 737273 230661 MGI:2385204 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:11732 Tesmin 1309788 309142 TESMIN 1320315 9633 HGNC Tesmin 1320316 17771 MGI:1340029 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:7446 Tet1 1310993 309902 TET1 1322209 80312 HGNC Tet1 1322210 52463 MGI:1098693 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:29484 Tet2 1311625 310859 TET2 1606790 54790 HGNC Tet2 1323180 214133 MGI:2443298 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:25941 Tet3 1590584 680576 TET3 2291813 200424 HGNC Tet3 1619031 194388 MGI:2446229 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:28313 Tex10 1312045 298065 TEX10 1323824 54881 HGNC Tex10 1323825 269536 MGI:1344413 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:25988 Tex101 621373 207113 TEX101 1354475 83639 HGNC Tex101 732550 56746 MGI:1930791 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:30722 Tex11 1560239 501588 TEX11 1347600 56159 HGNC Tex11 1557728 83558 MGI:1933237 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:11733 Tex12 1597300 690393 TEX12 1351277 56158 HGNC Tex12 1621545 66654 MGI:1913904 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:11734 Tex13a 2323888 100362891 TEX13A 1352852 56157 HGNC Tex13a 1621530 67944 MGI:1915194 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:11735 Tex13b 1587018 680865 TEX13B 1347068 56156 HGNC Tex13b 1621434 83555 MGI:1890544 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:11736 Tex13c 1563975 298164 TEX13C 10449326 100129520 HGNC Tex13c1 1622936 637093 MGI:2685208 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:52277 Tex14 1305437 287603 TEX14 1313466 56155 HGNC Tex14 1313467 83560 MGI:1933227 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:11737 Tex15 1311266 290803 TEX15 1322630 56154 HGNC Tex15 1322631 104271 MGI:1934816 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:11738 Tex16 2321964 100363993 Tex16 1621433 83556 MGI:1890545 RGD Tex19.2 1588608 691099 TEX19 1603143 400629 HGNC Tex19.2 1618326 70956 MGI:1918206 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:33802 Tex2 1305112 303611 TEX2 1603633 55852 HGNC Tex2 1312952 21763 MGI:102465 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:30884 Tex22 1597257 691636 TEX22 5132216 647310 HGNC Tex22 1622229 75671 MGI:1922921 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:40026 Tex26 1560846 498133 TEX26 1603922 122046 HGNC Tex26 1620725 75860 MGI:1923110 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:28622 Tex261 1305851 297392 TEX261 1346300 113419 HGNC Tex261 1314132 21766 MGI:1096575 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:30712 Tex264 1359353 300988 TEX264 1347640 51368 HGNC Tex264 1616823 21767 MGI:1096570 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:30247 Tex28 1582832 690282 TEX28 1342529 1527 HGNC Tex28 1619661 385380 MGI:2686384 RGD HGNC:2563 Tex29 1565377 498664 TEX29 1353968 121793 HGNC Tex29 1623135 75528 MGI:1922778 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:20370 Tex30 1309095 301381 TEX30 1605014 93081 HGNC Tex30 1319241 75623 MGI:1922873 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:25188 Tex35 1595460 680164 TEX35 1348676 84066 HGNC Tex35 1619108 73435 MGI:1920685 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:25366 Tex36 1566410 499279 TEX36 1352588 387718 HGNC Tex36 1615838 73808 MGI:1921058 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:31653 Tex38 1585134 690079 TEX38 2298822 374973 HGNC Tex38 1615818 75173 MGI:1922423 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:29589 Tex44 1564629 501180 TEX44 1606945 165100 HGNC Tex44 1621502 71863 MGI:1919113 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:28563 Tex46 7515741 102552669 TEX46 7256452 729059 HGNC Tex46 1323552 67663 MGI:1914913 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:44651 Tex47 1564345 499993 TEX47 1603879 219557 HGNC Tex47 1618333 70920 MGI:1918170 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:22402 Tex48 1584073 688893 TEX48 12799636 100505478 HGNC Tex48 1623136 75524 MGI:1922774 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:52393 Tex50 7711400 102551559 TEX50 12879508 730159 HGNC Tex50 1617476 100502590 MGI:1922183 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:52382 Tex51 7590894 102546724 TEX51 12879657 101929926 HGNC Tex51 9640312 102638514 MGI:5594219 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:52387 Tex52 2323784 100362909 TEX52 13208664 101929469 HGNC Tex52 1616748 71149 MGI:1918399 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:53643 Tex54 41086944 120099984 TEX54 13439351 111216277 HGNC Tex54 1622258 74307 MGI:1921557 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:53729 Tex55 1306995 100362538 TEX55 1606145 152405 HGNC Tex55 1315926 74663 MGI:1921913 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:26553 Tex56p 1307537 291077 TEX56P 1354340 404220 HGNC Tex56 1316790 66761 MGI:1914011 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:21620 Tex9 1304772 300822 TEX9 1606392 374618 HGNC Tex9 1312409 21778 MGI:1201610 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:29585 Tf 3845 24825 TF 1342593 7018 HGNC Trf 11406 22041 MGI:98821 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:11740 Tfam 620682 83474 TFAM 1605718 7019 HGNC Tfam 733567 21780 MGI:107810 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:11741 Tfap2a 1310267 306862 TFAP2A 1321067 7020 HGNC Tfap2a 1321068 21418 MGI:104671 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:11742 Tfap2b 1306321 301285 TFAP2B 1314875 7021 HGNC Tfap2b 1314876 21419 MGI:104672 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:11743 Tfap2c 1303185 362280 TFAP2C 1346626 7022 HGNC Tfap2c 1551127 21420 MGI:106032 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:11744 Tfap2d 1304864 301284 TFAP2D 1347905 83741 HGNC Tfap2d 1312549 226896 MGI:2153466 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:15581 Tfap2e 1563297 313596 TFAP2E 1352189 339488 HGNC Tfap2e 1557098 332937 MGI:2679630 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:30774 Tfap4 1308357 360482 TFAP4 1318080 7023 HGNC Tfap4 1552940 83383 MGI:103239 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:11745 Tfb1m 727795 308140 TFB1M 1351892 51106 HGNC Tfb1m 1550091 224481 MGI:2146851 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:17037 Tfb2m 1307091 289307 TFB2M 1316077 64216 HGNC Tfb2m 1316078 15278 MGI:107937 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:18559 Tfcp2 1306738 315309 TFCP2 1315527 7024 HGNC Tfcp2 1315528 21422 MGI:98509 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:11748 Tfcp2l1 1305456 304741 TFCP2L1 1313494 29842 HGNC Tfcp2l1 1552211 81879 MGI:2444691 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:17925 Tfdp1 1560344 361178 TFDP1 1346598 7027 HGNC Tfdp1 1557272 21781 MGI:101934 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:11749 Tfdp2 1305814 300947 TFDP2 1314075 7029 HGNC Tfdp2 1552301 211586 MGI:107167 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:11751 Tfe3 1559642 317376 TFE3 1351703 7030 HGNC Tfe3 1557519 209446 MGI:98511 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:11752 Tfeb 1309583 316214 TFEB 1319997 7942 HGNC Tfeb 1319998 21425 MGI:103270 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:11753 Tfec 3846 26296 TFEC 735415 22797 HGNC Tfec 735416 21426 MGI:1333760 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:11754 Tff1 620707 117270 TFF1 1344671 7031 HGNC Tff1 732017 21784 MGI:88135 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:11755 Tff2 620709 116592 TFF2 731368 7032 HGNC Tff2 731369 21785 MGI:1306805 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:11756 Tff3 3847 25563 TFF3 736458 7033 HGNC Tff3 11407 21786 MGI:104638 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:11757 Tfg 1309751 360709 TFG 1320255 10342 RGD Tfg 1320256 21787 MGI:1338041 RGD HGNC:11758 Tfip11 1311449 288718 TFIP11 1322916 24144 HGNC Tfip11 1322917 54723 MGI:1930075 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:17165 Tfpi 61914 29436 TFPI 1344546 7035 HGNC Tfpi 62207 21788 MGI:1095418 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:11760 Tfpi2 628629 286926 TFPI2 736798 7980 HGNC Tfpi2 736799 21789 MGI:108543 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:11761 Tfpt 620839 85423 TFPT 733579 29844 HGNC Tfpt 733580 69714 MGI:1916964 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:13630 Tfr2 1310152 288562 TFR2 1320887 7036 HGNC Tfr2 1320888 50765 MGI:1354956 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:11762 Tfrc 70488 64678 TFRC 733275 7037 HGNC Tfrc 70503 22042 MGI:98822 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:11763 Tg 3848 24826 TG 735819 7038 HGNC Tg 11408 21819 MGI:98733 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:11764 Tgds 1306544 306164 TGDS 1315219 23483 HGNC Tgds 1552485 76355 MGI:1923605 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:20324 Tgfa 3849 24827 TGFA 736273 7039 HGNC Tgfa 11411 21802 MGI:98724 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:11765 Tgfb1 69051 59086 TGFB1 69095 7040 HGNC Tgfb1 69096 21803 MGI:98725 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:11766 Tgfb1i1 620173 84574 TGFB1I1 732522 7041 HGNC Tgfb1i1 732523 21804 MGI:102784 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:11767 Tgfb2 70491 81809 TGFB2 730953 7042 HGNC Tgfb2 730954 21808 MGI:98726 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:11768 Tgfb3 3851 25717 TGFB3 735686 7043 HGNC Tgfb3 733158 21809 MGI:98727 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:11769 Tgfbi 620017 116487 TGFBI 1351420 7045 HGNC Tgfbi 1553285 21810 MGI:99959 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:11771 Tgfbr1 3852 29591 TGFBR1 733386 7046 HGNC Tgfbr1 736083 21812 MGI:98728 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:11772 Tgfbr2 69651 81810 TGFBR2 734332 7048 HGNC Tgfbr2 734333 21813 MGI:98729 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:11773 Tgfbr3 61821 29610 TGFBR3 736539 7049 HGNC Tgfbr3 62112 21814 MGI:104637 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:11774 Tgfbr3l 1586419 688681 TGFBR3L 6770737 100507588 HGNC Tgfbr3l 2304167 100044509 MGI:3833469 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:44152 Tgfbrap1 1310772 301373 TGFBRAP1 1321869 9392 HGNC Tgfbrap1 1621492 73122 MGI:2447427 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:16836 Tgif1 1310517 316742 TGIF1 1321463 7050 HGNC Tgif1 1321464 21815 MGI:1194497 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:11776 Tgif2 1560115 499929 TGIF2 1344249 60436 HGNC Tgif2 1557804 228839 MGI:1915299 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:15764 Tgif2lx2 1561826 367885 TGIF2LX 1351295 90316 HGNC Tgif2lx1 1558046 245583 MGI:2387796 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:18570 Tgm1 61838 60335 TGM1 731987 7051 HGNC Tgm1 62129 21816 MGI:98730 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:11777 Tgm2 621081 56083 TGM2 732487 7052 HGNC Tgm2 732488 21817 MGI:98731 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:11778 Tgm3 1561831 366189 TGM3 1343492 7053 HGNC Tgm3 1556985 21818 MGI:98732 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:11779 Tgm4 620785 64679 TGM4 1343082 7047 HGNC Tgm4 1617218 331046 MGI:3027002 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:11780 Tgm5 1593350 691932 TGM5 1318367 9333 HGNC Tgm5 1318368 74176 MGI:1921426 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:11781 Tgm6 1565348 296152 TGM6 1349690 343641 HGNC Tgm6 1614888 241636 MGI:3044321 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:16255 Tgm7 7615199 102552199 TGM7 1316891 116179 HGNC Tgm7 2292252 640543 MGI:2151164 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:30790 Tgoln2 620445 192152 TGOLN2 1351226 10618 HGNC Tgoln1 1624067 22134 MGI:105080 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:15450 Tgs1 1309953 312947 TGS1 1320573 96764 HGNC Tgs1 1320574 116940 MGI:2151797 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:17843 Th 3853 25085 TH 733897 7054 HGNC Th 11414 21823 MGI:98735 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:11782 Tha1 1591140 688286 THA1P 1602161 390816 RGD Tha1 1622271 71776 MGI:1919026 RGD HGNC:18004 Thada 1560519 313865 THADA 1323240 63892 HGNC Thada 1616523 240174 MGI:3039623 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:19217 Thap1 1307589 306547 THAP1 1316870 55145 HGNC Thap1 1316871 73754 MGI:1921004 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:20856 Thap11 1310268 307806 THAP11 1321069 57215 HGNC Thap11 1321070 59016 MGI:1930964 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:23194 Thap12 1309679 308845 THAP12 1320154 5612 HGNC Thap12 1320155 72981 MGI:1920231 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:9440 Thap2 1593643 688019 THAP2 1349583 83591 HGNC Thap2 1620044 66816 MGI:1914066 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:20854 Thap3 1308109 362667 THAP3 1351040 90326 HGNC Thap3 1552154 69876 MGI:1917126 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:20855 Thap4 1359473 363291 THAP4 1342863 51078 HGNC Thap4 1550760 67026 MGI:1914276 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:23187 Thap6 1310094 305244 THAP6 1320801 152815 HGNC HGNC:23189 Thap7 1308061 287944 THAP7 1317614 80764 HGNC Thap7 1317615 69009 MGI:1916259 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:23190 Thap8 9345801 103691099 THAP8 1343379 199745 HGNC Thap8-ps 15019266 108167479 MGI:6364894 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:23191 Thbd 621299 83580 THBD 1349382 7056 HGNC Thbd 1553030 21824 MGI:98736 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:11784 Thbs1 1588455 445442 THBS1 1345942 7057 RGD Thbs1 1615939 21825 MGI:98737 RGD HGNC:11785 Thbs2 1310979 292406 THBS2 1322186 7058 HGNC Thbs2 1322187 21826 MGI:98738 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:11786 Thbs3 1596780 681309 THBS3 1314326 7059 HGNC Thbs3 1314327 21827 MGI:98739 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:11787 Thbs4 62046 29220 THBS4 735475 7060 HGNC Thbs4 62338 21828 MGI:1101779 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:11788 Them4 1304723 361992 THEM4 1603281 117145 HGNC Them4 1312333 75778 MGI:1923028 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:17947 Them5 1562059 361993 THEM5 1601923 284486 HGNC Them5 1615115 66198 MGI:1913448 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:26755 Them6 1359378 300015 THEM6 1602485 51337 HGNC Them6 1623808 223626 MGI:1925301 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:29656 Them7 1588621 691083 THEM7P 10400384 106480297 RGD Them7 1315919 74088 MGI:1921338 RGD HGNC:50386 Themis 1560849 498985 THEMIS 1603481 387357 HGNC Themis 1623011 210757 MGI:2443552 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:21569 Themis2 1561016 500561 THEMIS2 1353481 9473 HGNC Themis2 1618968 230787 MGI:2446213 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:16839 Themis3 1591029 689599 THEMIS3P 7380467 100420484 RGD Themis3 1620737 74556 MGI:1921806 RGD HGNC:49196 Thg1l 1359513 303067 THG1L 1603030 54974 HGNC Thg1l 1621546 66628 MGI:1913878 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:26053 Thnsl1 1564213 498805 THNSL1 1343746 79896 HGNC Thnsl1 1557518 208967 MGI:2139347 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:26160 Thnsl2 1309144 297332 THNSL2 1605368 55258 HGNC Thnsl2 1319322 232078 MGI:3041254 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:25602 Thoc1 1308657 291797 THOC1 1318555 9984 HGNC Thoc1 1318556 225160 MGI:1919668 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:19070 Thoc2 1561623 313308 THOC2 1353819 57187 HGNC Thoc2 1614044 331401 MGI:2442413 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:19073 Thoc2l 1583596 679894 Thoc2l 2299998 100042165 MGI:3040669 RGD Thoc3 1311669 290519 THOC3 1323248 84321 HGNC Thoc3 1323249 73666 MGI:1920916 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:19072 Thoc5 1304991 360972 THOC5 1349222 8563 HGNC Thoc5 1312750 107829 MGI:1351333 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:19074 Thoc6 708553 79227 THOC6 1601739 79228 HGNC Thoc6 1619659 386612 MGI:2677480 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:28369 Thoc7 1305475 305714 THOC7 1602206 80145 HGNC Thoc7 1313524 66231 MGI:1913481 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:29874 Thop1 68330 64517 THOP1 68460 7064 HGNC Thop1 68461 50492 MGI:1354165 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:11793 Thpo 621438 81811 THPO 1351706 7066 RGD Thpo 731584 21832 MGI:101875 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:11795 Thra 3857 81812 THRA 736295 7067 HGNC Thra 11415 21833 MGI:98742 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:11796 Thrap3 1306129 313591 THRAP3 1314565 9967 HGNC Thrap3 1314566 230753 MGI:2442637 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:22964 Thrb 3858 24831 THRB 734423 7068 HGNC Thrb 737557 21834 MGI:98743 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:11799 Thrsp 3859 25357 THRSP 734265 7069 HGNC Thrsp 11417 21835 MGI:109126 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:11800 Thsd1 1306998 364630 THSD1 1315930 55901 HGNC Thsd1 1315931 56229 MGI:1929096 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:17754 Thsd4 1566296 315728 THSD4 1605622 79875 HGNC Thsd4 1617400 207596 MGI:2672033 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:25835 Thsd7a 1566201 500032 THSD7A 1602056 221981 HGNC Thsd7a 1623698 330267 MGI:2685683 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:22207 Thsd7b 1306938 289007 THSD7B 1606777 80731 HGNC Thsd7b 1557496 210417 MGI:2443925 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:29348 Thsd8 41288257 120098655 THSD8 13464311 111644133 HGNC Adam26a 1620125 13525 MGI:105985 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:53785 Thtpa 727917 305889 THTPA 1344933 79178 HGNC Thtpa 1551356 105663 MGI:2446078 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:18987 Thumpd1 1308854 309041 THUMPD1 1318865 55623 HGNC Thumpd1 1318866 233802 MGI:2444479 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:23807 Thumpd2 1306878 313851 THUMPD2 1315745 80745 HGNC Thumpd2 1315746 72167 MGI:1919417 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:14890 Thumpd3 1560852 500288 THUMPD3 1348857 25917 HGNC Thumpd3 1558347 14911 MGI:1277973 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:24493 Thumpd3-as1 6491660 100911652 THUMPD3-AS1 7152200 440944 HGNC Gt(ROSA)26Sor 2303939 14910 MGI:104735 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:44478 Thy1 3860 24832 THY1 735861 7070 HGNC Thy1 11418 21838 MGI:98747 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:11801 Thyn1 1359525 300470 THYN1 1606014 29087 HGNC Thyn1 1557675 77862 MGI:1925112 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:29560 Tia1 1305742 312510 TIA1 1313955 7072 HGNC Tia1 1313956 21841 MGI:107914 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:11802 Tial1 1595845 361655 TIAL1 1345557 7073 HGNC Tial1 1557567 21843 MGI:107913 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:11804 Tiam1 1307455 304109 TIAM1 1316657 7074 HGNC Tiam1 1316658 21844 MGI:103306 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:11805 Tiam2 2324148 100362710 TIAM2 1345903 26230 HGNC Tiam2 1318593 24001 MGI:1344338 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:11806 Ticam1 1590868 363328 TICAM1 1603893 148022 HGNC Ticam1 1557557 106759 MGI:2147032 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:18348 Ticam2 1308258 364867 TICAM2 1317929 353376 HGNC Ticam2 1550939 225471 MGI:3040056 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:21354 Ticrr 1308541 308768 TICRR 1602448 90381 HGNC Ticrr 1621459 77011 MGI:1924261 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:28704 Tie1 621642 89806 TIE1 1346429 7075 HGNC Tie1 1551713 21846 MGI:99906 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:11809 Tifa 1359151 310877 TIFA 1606192 92610 HGNC Tifa 1556897 211550 MGI:2182965 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:19075 Tifab 1311681 364674 TIFAB 2291818 497189 HGNC Tifab 1323265 212937 MGI:2385852 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:34024 Tigar 1560038 502894 TIGAR 1317526 57103 HGNC Tigar 1317527 319801 MGI:2442752 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:1185 Tigd2 1559612 100912924 TIGD2 1348664 166815 HGNC Tigd2 1557040 68140 MGI:1915390 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:18333 Tigd3 1305393 309174 TIGD3 1313398 220359 HGNC Tigd3 1550196 332359 MGI:2681860 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:18334 Tigd4 1305780 102550932 TIGD4 1314017 201798 HGNC Tigd4 1622774 403175 MGI:2685264 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:18335 Tigd5 1311576 300034 TIGD5 1323107 84948 HGNC Tigd5 1553778 105734 MGI:2145902 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:18336 Tigit 1563191 363784 TIGIT 1606681 201633 HGNC Tigit 2294384 100043314 MGI:3642260 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:26838 Timd2 1359571 287222 Timd2 1557019 171284 MGI:2159681 RGD Timd4 1564516 497891 TIMD4 1353666 91937 HGNC Timd4 1557669 276891 MGI:2445125 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:25132 Timeless 620939 83508 TIMELESS 731567 8914 HGNC Timeless 731568 21853 MGI:1321393 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:11813 Timm10 621741 64464 TIMM10 734114 26519 HGNC Timm10 734115 30059 MGI:1353429 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:11814 Timm10b 71097 84384 TIMM10B 736128 26515 HGNC Timm10b 736129 14356 MGI:1315196 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:4022 Timm13 628845 252928 TIMM13 1352849 26517 HGNC Timm13 1331985 30055 MGI:1353432 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:11816 Timm17a 3862 54311 TIMM17A 733790 10440 HGNC Timm17a 1551763 21854 MGI:1343131 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:17315 Timm17b 1561744 317374 TIMM17B 1350623 10245 HGNC Timm17b 1558588 21855 MGI:1343176 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:17310 Timm21 1307279 307210 TIMM21 1351951 29090 HGNC Timm21 1316380 67105 MGI:1920595 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:25010 Timm22 68406 79463 TIMM22 1345582 29928 HGNC Timm22 68598 56322 MGI:1929742 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:17317 Timm23 3863 54312 TIMM23 732380 100287932 RGD Timm23 736895 53600 MGI:1858317 RGD HGNC:17312 Timm29 1309188 315463 TIMM29 1602195 90580 HGNC Timm29 1319390 69773 MGI:1917023 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:25152 Timm44 3864 29635 TIMM44 734087 10469 HGNC Timm44 737090 21856 MGI:1343262 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:17316 Timm50 1587684 687295 TIMM50 1606193 92609 HGNC Timm50 1622328 66525 MGI:1913775 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:23656 Timm8a1 621801 84383 TIMM8A 1350353 1678 HGNC Timm8a1 1551300 30058 MGI:1353433 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:11817 Timm8b 619840 64372 TIMM8B 734090 26521 HGNC Timm8b 1332009 30057 MGI:1353424 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:11818 Timm9 621656 171139 TIMM9 1352655 26520 HGNC Timm9 1623256 30056 MGI:1353436 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:11819 Timmdc1 1359380 303922 TIMMDC1 1351318 51300 HGNC Timmdc1 1553621 76916 MGI:1922139 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:1321 Timp1 621675 116510 TIMP1 1347215 7076 HGNC Timp1 731433 21857 MGI:98752 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:11820 Timp2 61312 29543 TIMP2 733906 7077 HGNC Timp2 62178 21858 MGI:98753 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:11821 Timp3 3865 25358 TIMP3 735741 7078 HGNC Timp3 11419 21859 MGI:98754 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:11822 Timp4 69077 680130 TIMP4 69155 7079 HGNC Timp4 69156 110595 MGI:109125 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:11823 Tinag 1359482 300846 TINAG 1346434 27283 HGNC Tinag 1552254 26944 MGI:1349477 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:14599 Tinagl1 70956 94174 TINAGL1 1352792 64129 HGNC Tinagl1 1550008 94242 MGI:2137617 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:19168 Tincr 9685200 104940696 TINCR 1349388 257000 HGNC Tincr 5137760 100504425 MGI:5012404 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:14607 Tinf2 1359192 290232 TINF2 1354058 26277 HGNC Tinf2 1617589 28113 MGI:107246 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:11824 Tiparp 1306171 310467 TIPARP 1314636 25976 HGNC Tiparp 1314637 99929 MGI:2159210 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:23696 Tipin 1564084 363076 TIPIN 1606275 54962 RGD Tipin 1557299 66131 MGI:1921571 RGD HGNC:30750 Tiprl 1310442 360869 TIPRL 1605834 261726 HGNC Tiprl 1553549 226591 MGI:1915087 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:30231 Tirap 1595496 680127 TIRAP 1322402 114609 HGNC Tirap 1322403 117149 MGI:2152213 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:17192 Tjap1 1308708 316233 TJAP1 1318637 93643 HGNC Tjap1 1318638 74094 MGI:1921344 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:17949 Tjp1 1306305 292994 TJP1 1314849 7082 HGNC Tjp1 1314850 21872 MGI:98759 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:11827 Tjp2 619807 115769 TJP2 733146 9414 HGNC Tjp2 733147 21873 MGI:1341872 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:11828 Tjp3 1309247 314640 TJP3 1319483 27134 HGNC Tjp3 1319484 27375 MGI:1351650 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:11829 Tk1 621014 24834 TK1 736473 7083 HGNC Tk1 11421 21877 MGI:98763 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:11830 Tk2 1309279 291824 TK2 1319538 7084 HGNC Tk2 1319539 57813 MGI:1913266 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:11831 Tkfc 1311026 361730 TKFC 1607064 26007 HGNC Tkfc 1322261 225913 MGI:2385084 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:24552 Tkt 621036 64524 TKT 732645 7086 HGNC Tkt 732646 21881 MGI:105992 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:11834 Tktl1 1593490 689374 TKTL1 1351621 8277 HGNC Tktl1 1621435 83553 MGI:1933244 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:11835 Tktl2 1304767 290685 TKTL2 1604771 84076 HGNC Tktl2 1312402 74419 MGI:1921669 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:25313 Tlcd1 1359195 287472 TLCD1 1602658 116238 HGNC Tlcd1 1553488 68385 MGI:1915572 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:25177 Tlcd2 1562631 497955 TLCD2 2292702 727910 HGNC Tlcd2 1557575 380712 MGI:1917141 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:33522 Tlcd3a 1307493 100360533 TLCD3A 1605629 79850 HGNC Tlcd3a 1316720 116972 MGI:2151840 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:29646 Tlcd3b 1308215 293493 TLCD3B 1605610 83723 HGNC Tlcd3b 1332551 68952 MGI:1916202 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:25295 Tlcd4 1563041 365924 TLCD4 1602981 148534 HGNC Tlcd4 1557855 99887 MGI:1923195 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:26477 Tlcd5 1565079 315593 TLCD5 1603164 219902 HGNC Tlcd5 1623775 235300 MGI:2685030 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:28280 Tldc2 1561343 502689 TLDC2 1348581 140711 HGNC Tldc2 1621935 383766 MGI:2686178 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:16112 Tle1 1309237 362533 TLE1 1319465 7088 HGNC Tle1 1319466 21885 MGI:104636 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:11837 Tle2 1306665 299636 TLE2 1315408 7089 HGNC Tle2 1315409 21886 MGI:104635 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:11838 Tle3 620292 84424 TLE3 1351900 7090 HGNC Tle3 733929 21887 MGI:104634 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:11839 Tle4 3868 25565 TLE4 733230 7091 HGNC Tle4 11422 21888 MGI:104633 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:11840 Tle5 2731 29466 TLE5 737345 166 HGNC Tle5 737346 14797 MGI:95806 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:307 Tle6 1561530 299637 TLE6 1343822 79816 HGNC Tle6 1557715 114606 MGI:2149593 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:30788 Tle7 6498598 100910419 TLE7 13208788 102723796 HGNC Tle7 9595588 102638837 MGI:5439433 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:53648 Tlk1 1310370 311118 TLK1 1321237 9874 HGNC Tlk1 1321238 228012 MGI:2441683 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:11841 Tlk2 1310907 303592 TLK2 1322082 11011 HGNC Tlk2 1322083 24086 MGI:1346023 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:11842 Tll1 1306120 678743 TLL1 1314549 7092 HGNC Tll1 1550401 21892 MGI:106923 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:11843 Tll2 1559756 365460 TLL2 1312462 7093 HGNC Tll2 1312463 24087 MGI:1346044 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:11844 Tln1 1306247 313494 TLN1 1314756 7094 HGNC Tln1 1550435 21894 MGI:1099832 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:11845 Tln2 1565416 315776 TLN2 1350417 83660 HGNC Tln2 1621514 70549 MGI:1917799 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:15447 Tlnrd1 1311666 308795 TLNRD1 1323243 59274 HGNC Tlnrd1 1622196 80889 MGI:1891420 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:13519 Tlr1 1309975 305354 TLR1 1320607 7096 RGD Tlr1 1320608 21897 MGI:1341295 RGD HGNC:11847 Tlr10 1311569 305355 TLR10 1323096 81793 HGNC HGNC:15634 Tlr11 1564460 498491 Tlr11 1614895 239081 MGI:3045226 RGD Tlr2 735138 310553 TLR2 1353654 7097 HGNC Tlr2 1551003 24088 MGI:1346060 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:11848 Tlr3 735171 364594 TLR3 1343581 7098 HGNC Tlr3 1553513 142980 MGI:2156367 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:11849 Tlr4 3870 29260 TLR4 737013 7099 HGNC Tlr4 737014 21898 MGI:96824 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:11850 Tlr5 631351 289337 TLR5 1348706 7100 HGNC Tlr5 1331979 53791 MGI:1858171 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:11851 Tlr6 1303030 305353 TLR6 1344850 10333 HGNC Tlr6 1552386 21899 MGI:1341296 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:16711 Tlr7 1563357 317468 TLR7 1353456 51284 HGNC Tlr7 1558497 170743 MGI:2176882 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:15631 Tlr8 1590327 684440 TLR8 1605396 51311 RGD Tlr8 1620654 170744 MGI:2176887 RGD HGNC:15632 Tlr9 631352 338457 TLR9 1346715 54106 RGD Tlr9 1549988 81897 MGI:1932389 RGD HGNC:15633 Tlx1 1563655 499361 TLX1 1351719 3195 HGNC Tlx1 1557716 21908 MGI:98769 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:5056 Tlx2 1595506 680117 TLX2 1320082 3196 HGNC Tlx2 1320083 21909 MGI:1350935 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:5057 Tlx3 1564190 497881 TLX3 1353737 30012 HGNC Tlx3 1615148 27140 MGI:1351209 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:13532 Tm2d1 1305442 362545 TM2D1 1602315 83941 HGNC Tm2d1 1552206 94043 MGI:2137022 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:24142 Tm2d2 1306769 290833 TM2D2 1602456 83877 HGNC Tm2d2 1552483 69742 MGI:1916992 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:24127 Tm2d3 1564929 292995 TM2D3 1602099 80213 HGNC Tm2d3 1557398 68634 MGI:1915884 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:24128 Tm4sf1 1309652 295061 TM4SF1 1320105 4071 HGNC Tm4sf1 1320106 17112 MGI:104678 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:11853 Tm4sf19 1560486 288044 TM4SF19 1605592 116211 HGNC Tm4sf19 1621248 277203 MGI:3645933 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:25167 Tm4sf20 1588633 691066 TM4SF20 1605628 79853 HGNC Tm4sf20 1614373 66261 MGI:1913511 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:26230 Tm4sf4 621784 116467 TM4SF4 731779 7104 HGNC Tm4sf4 731780 229302 MGI:2385173 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:11856 Tm4sf5 1308709 303256 TM4SF5 1318639 9032 HGNC Tm4sf5 1318640 75604 MGI:1922854 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:11857 Tm6sf1 1307978 361600 TM6SF1 1317482 53346 HGNC Tm6sf1 1317483 107769 MGI:1933209 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:11860 Tm6sf2 1597457 689029 TM6SF2 1318158 53345 RGD Tm6sf2 1319684 107770 MGI:1933210 RGD HGNC:11861 Tm7sf2 1311205 293688 TM7SF2 1322541 7108 HGNC Tm7sf2 1322542 73166 MGI:1920416 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:11863 Tm7sf3 1306752 297725 TM7SF3 1315548 51768 HGNC Tm7sf3 1315549 67623 MGI:1914873 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:23049 Tm9sf1 1307085 361043 TM9SF1 1316066 10548 HGNC Tm9sf1 1316067 74140 MGI:1921390 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:11864 Tm9sf2 1359230 306197 TM9SF2 1343017 9375 HGNC Tm9sf2 1552548 68059 MGI:1915309 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:11865 Tm9sf3 1564625 309475 TM9SF3 1604607 56889 HGNC Tm9sf3 1557032 107358 MGI:1914262 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:21529 Tm9sf4 1307768 296279 TM9SF4 1317150 9777 HGNC Tm9sf4 1317151 99237 MGI:2139220 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:30797 Tma16 1305222 290686 TMA16 1605071 55319 HGNC Tma16 1313122 66282 MGI:1913532 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:25638 Tma7 1584795 679747 TMA7 1605384 51372 HGNC Tma7 1615125 66167 MGI:1913417 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:26932 Tma7b 6497475 100910678 TMA7B 38647726 112268293 HGNC Gm15610 9647762 101055761 MGI:3783056 RGD HGNC:53893 Tmbim1 1359409 316516 TMBIM1 1605964 64114 HGNC Tmbim1 1558557 69660 MGI:1916910 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:23410 Tmbim4 735173 362884 TMBIM4 1602117 51643 HGNC Tmbim4 1557664 68212 MGI:1915462 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:24257 Tmbim6 3842 24822 TMBIM6 736097 7009 HGNC Tmbim6 11405 110213 MGI:99682 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:11723 Tmbim7 1306626 362319 TMBIM7P 12791100 105375396 HGNC Tmbim7 1315350 75010 MGI:1922305 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:49212 Tmc1 1308682 361739 TMC1 1318596 117531 HGNC Tmc1 1551056 13409 MGI:2151016 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:16513 Tmc2 1310073 296153 TMC2 1320766 117532 HGNC Tmc2 1320767 192140 MGI:2151017 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:16527 Tmc3 1308063 293065 TMC3 1352795 342125 HGNC Tmc3 1557911 233424 MGI:2669033 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:22995 Tmc4 1304811 308310 TMC4 1312473 147798 HGNC Tmc4 1312474 353499 MGI:2669035 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:22998 Tmc5 1307037 365360 TMC5 1315994 79838 HGNC Tmc5 1315995 74424 MGI:1921674 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:22999 Tmc6 1591146 688280 TMC6 1351267 11322 HGNC Tmc6 1622102 217353 MGI:1098686 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:18021 Tmc7 1564267 499254 TMC7 1344679 79905 HGNC Tmc7 1557266 209760 MGI:2443317 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:23000 Tmc8 1591150 688276 TMC8 1353841 147138 HGNC Tmc8 1622101 217356 MGI:2669037 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:20474 Tmcc1 1311909 312654 TMCC1 1349742 23023 RGD Tmcc1 1621972 330401 MGI:2442368 RGD HGNC:29116 Tmcc2 1311960 305095 TMCC2 1346306 9911 HGNC Tmcc2 1614339 68875 MGI:1916125 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:24239 Tmcc3 1307241 314751 TMCC3 1346901 57458 HGNC Tmcc3 1623708 319880 MGI:2442900 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:29199 Tmco1 1359178 289196 TMCO1 1601866 54499 HGNC Tmco1 1552997 68944 MGI:1921173 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:18188 Tmco2 2321463 100360795 TMCO2 1603584 127391 HGNC Tmco2 1620003 69469 MGI:1916719 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:23312 Tmco3 1306586 306607 TMCO3 1315285 55002 HGNC Tmco3 1552924 234076 MGI:2444946 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:20329 Tmco4 1566357 500573 TMCO4 1606122 255104 HGNC Tmco4 1557304 77056 MGI:1924306 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:27393 Tmco5a 1565206 499865 TMCO5A 1606151 145942 HGNC Tmco5 1615888 67356 MGI:1914606 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:28558 Tmco5b 1561237 366158 TMCO5B 2306722 100652857 HGNC Tmco5b 1615031 75275 MGI:1922525 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:34243 Tmco6 1309263 291661 TMCO6 1605060 55374 HGNC Tmco6 1319510 71983 MGI:1919233 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:28814 Tmdd1 41006567 120093738 TMDD1 15037003 112163659 HGNC Tmdd1 39130619 118568222 MGI:6097044 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:53646 Tmed1 1311679 315461 TMED1 1354453 11018 HGNC Tmed1 1623304 17083 MGI:106201 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:17291 Tmed10 620970 84599 TMED10 731656 10972 HGNC Tmed10 1616768 68581 MGI:1915831 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:16998 Tmed2 69243 65165 TMED2 735876 10959 HGNC Tmed2 1620859 56334 MGI:1929269 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:16996 Tmed3 1303327 300888 TMED3 1347293 23423 HGNC Tmed3 1551901 66111 MGI:1913361 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:28889 Tmed4 1306319 305502 TMED4 1352955 222068 HGNC Tmed4 1553401 103694 MGI:1915070 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:22301 Tmed5 1359437 289883 TMED5 1349482 50999 HGNC Tmed5 1553675 73130 MGI:1921586 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:24251 Tmed6 1305260 291991 TMED6 1346090 146456 HGNC Tmed6 1553422 66269 MGI:1913519 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:28331 Tmed7 727954 252889 TMED7 1342694 51014 HGNC Tmed7 1621542 66676 MGI:1913926 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:24253 Tmed8 1589336 681943 TMED8 1347349 283578 HGNC Tmed8 1620424 382620 MGI:1923480 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:18633 Tmed9 1307627 361207 TMED9 1344143 54732 HGNC Tmed9 1551320 67511 MGI:1914761 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:24878 Tmeff1 62005 63845 TMEFF1 735335 8577 HGNC Tmeff1 62297 230157 MGI:1926810 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:11866 Tmeff2 1308839 363228 TMEFF2 1318843 23671 RGD Tmeff2 1318844 56363 MGI:1861735 RGD HGNC:11867 Tmem100 1560541 497979 TMEM100 1602475 55273 HGNC Tmem100 1622306 67888 MGI:1915138 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:25607 Tmem101 1306490 303564 TMEM101 1601840 84336 HGNC Tmem101 1315138 76547 MGI:1923797 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:28653 Tmem102 1559450 497937 TMEM102 1604962 284114 HGNC Tmem102 1614797 380705 MGI:1921591 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:26722 Tmem104 1307953 303670 TMEM104 1606542 54868 HGNC Tmem104 1317448 320534 MGI:2444222 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:25984 Tmem106a 1309043 287722 TMEM106A 1603282 113277 HGNC Tmem106a 1552576 217203 MGI:1922056 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:28288 Tmem106b 1303037 312132 TMEM106B 1603394 54664 HGNC Tmem106b 1550447 71900 MGI:1919150 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:22407 Tmem106c 1311532 315286 TMEM106C 1601972 79022 HGNC Tmem106c 1323039 380967 MGI:1196384 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:28775 Tmem107 1595972 691750 TMEM107 1603948 84314 HGNC Tmem107 1619200 66910 MGI:1914160 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:28128 Tmem108 1311530 300967 TMEM108 1604309 66000 HGNC Tmem108 1323037 81907 MGI:1932411 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:28451 Tmem109 1359538 361732 TMEM109 1601968 79073 HGNC Tmem109 1616777 68539 MGI:1915789 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:28771 Tmem11 1309817 303196 TMEM11 1320357 8834 HGNC Tmem11 1320358 216821 MGI:2144726 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:16823 Tmem114 1560593 501675 TMEM114 2292465 283953 HGNC Tmem114 1558202 74720 MGI:1921970 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:33227 Tmem115 1310540 363136 TMEM115 1605401 11070 HGNC Tmem115 1321502 56395 MGI:1930765 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:30055 Tmem116 1596066 690442 TMEM116 1603287 89894 HGNC Tmem116 1618273 77462 MGI:1924712 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:25084 Tmem117 1562562 500921 TMEM117 1604277 84216 RGD Tmem117 1616440 320709 MGI:2444580 RGD HGNC:25308 Tmem119 1307573 304581 TMEM119 1602276 338773 HGNC Tmem119 1316846 231633 MGI:2385228 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:27884 Tmem120a 1311474 288591 TMEM120A 1605325 83862 HGNC Tmem120a 1557241 215210 MGI:2686991 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:21697 Tmem120b 1584031 690137 TMEM120B 1626589 144404 HGNC Tmem120b 1614046 330189 MGI:3603158 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:32008 Tmem121 1597216 691678 TMEM121 1606775 80757 HGNC Tmem121 1622290 69195 MGI:1916445 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:20511 Tmem121b 1565302 500307 TMEM121B 1349802 27439 HGNC Tmem121b 1620694 94047 MGI:2136977 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:1844 Tmem123 1305625 363013 TMEM123 1605596 114908 HGNC Tmem123 1313765 71929 MGI:1919179 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:30138 Tmem125 1311937 313545 TMEM125 1604757 128218 RGD Tmem125 1331991 230678 MGI:1923409 RGD HGNC:28275 Tmem126a 1305677 293113 TMEM126A 1604272 84233 HGNC Tmem126a 1313846 66271 MGI:1913521 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:25382 Tmem126b 1308371 293114 TMEM126B 1603632 55863 HGNC Tmem126b 1318102 68472 MGI:1915722 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:30883 Tmem127 1309744 311405 TMEM127 1601991 55654 HGNC Tmem127 1331860 69470 MGI:1916720 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:26038 Tmem128 1310481 360952 TMEM128 1602670 85013 HGNC Tmem128 1321408 66309 MGI:1913559 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:28201 Tmem129 1310828 305458 TMEM129 1606992 92305 RGD Tmem129 1321955 68366 MGI:1915616 RGD HGNC:25137 Tmem130 1563248 304280 TMEM130 1605559 222865 HGNC Tmem130 1622033 243339 MGI:3607706 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:25429 Tmem131 1309266 316335 TMEM131 1606821 23505 HGNC Tmem131 1319515 56030 MGI:1927110 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:30366 Tmem131l 1583677 679811 TMEM131L 1604047 23240 HGNC Tmem131l 1332492 229473 MGI:2443399 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:29146 Tmem132a 727936 338474 TMEM132A 1606273 54972 HGNC Tmem132a 1619060 98170 MGI:2147810 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:31092 Tmem132b 1566191 304458 TMEM132B 1606181 114795 HGNC Tmem132b 1623017 208151 MGI:3609245 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:29397 Tmem132c 1583824 363915 TMEM132C 1601730 92293 HGNC Tmem132c 1313836 208213 MGI:2443061 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:25436 Tmem132d 735062 288750 TMEM132D 1606177 121256 HGNC Tmem132d 1622916 243274 MGI:3044963 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:29411 Tmem132e 1565522 287564 TMEM132E 1603364 124842 HGNC Tmem132e 1620485 270893 MGI:2685490 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:26991 Tmem134 1305824 361695 TMEM134 1604784 80194 HGNC Tmem134 1314089 66990 MGI:1914240 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:26142 Tmem135 1309948 293098 TMEM135 1603382 65084 HGNC Tmem135 1320566 72759 MGI:1920009 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:26167 Tmem138 735168 361728 TMEM138 1604817 51524 HGNC Tmem138 1552974 72982 MGI:1920232 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:26944 Tmem139 1594187 680244 TMEM139 1602298 135932 HGNC Tmem139 1623859 109218 MGI:1924444 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:22058 Tmem140 1549759 362334 TMEM140 1605364 55281 HGNC Tmem140 1617537 68487 MGI:1915737 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:21870 Tmem141 1561492 499755 TMEM141 1602669 85014 HGNC Tmem141 1615145 51875 MGI:1098773 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:28211 Tmem143 1305013 308593 TMEM143 1602477 55260 HGNC Tmem143 1312789 70209 MGI:1917459 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:25603 Tmem144 1565845 361968 TMEM144 1605072 55314 HGNC Tmem144 1557037 70652 MGI:1917902 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:25633 Tmem145 1595911 292722 TMEM145 1602052 284339 HGNC Tmem145 1621964 330485 MGI:3607779 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:26912 Tmem147 1304706 292792 TMEM147 1607077 10430 HGNC Tmem147 1312308 69804 MGI:1915011 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:30414 Tmem14a 1307710 363206 TMEM14A 1317058 28978 HGNC Tmem14a 1552771 75712 MGI:1922962 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:21076 Tmem14c 621692 171432 TMEM14C 1313920 51522 HGNC Tmem14c 1313921 66154 MGI:1913404 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:20952 Tmem14cl1 2319087 100361993 TMEM14EP 2301123 645843 HGNC HGNC:34386 Tmem150a 619998 245966 TMEM150A 1605297 129303 HGNC Tmem150a 732337 232086 MGI:2385244 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:24677 Tmem150b 1306181 308346 TMEM150B 2304150 284417 HGNC Tmem150b 1314654 330460 MGI:2679718 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:34415 Tmem150c 1306105 360916 TMEM150C 3564030 441027 HGNC Tmem150c 1314527 231503 MGI:3041258 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:37263 Tmem151a 1310680 309158 TMEM151A 1606118 256472 HGNC Tmem151a 1321724 381199 MGI:2147713 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:28497 Tmem151b 1562074 301253 TMEM151B 1350981 441151 HGNC Tmem151b 1614206 210573 MGI:2685169 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:21315 Tmem154 1563262 361972 TMEM154 1603167 201799 HGNC Tmem154 1616429 320782 MGI:2444725 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:26489 Tmem156 1562424 498365 TMEM156 1605045 80008 HGNC Tmem156 1614135 243025 MGI:2685292 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:26260 Tmem158 708473 117582 TMEM158 733049 25907 HGNC Tmem158 733050 72309 MGI:1919559 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:30293 Tmem160 1564549 292654 TMEM160 1606276 54958 HGNC Tmem160 1623188 69094 MGI:1916344 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:26042 Tmem161a 1307703 364535 TMEM161A 1603037 54929 HGNC Tmem161a 1317045 234371 MGI:2384577 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:26020 Tmem161b 1309660 309953 TMEM161B 1603558 153396 HGNC Tmem161b 1320119 72745 MGI:1919995 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:28483 Tmem163 1306212 360839 TMEM163 1604280 81615 HGNC Tmem163 1332328 72160 MGI:1919410 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:25380 Tmem164 1563286 367763 TMEM164 1604569 84187 HGNC Tmem164 1623013 209497 MGI:2148020 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:26217 Tmem165 1306983 364137 TMEM165 1601750 55858 HGNC Tmem165 1315908 21982 MGI:894407 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:30760 Tmem167a 2323318 100359823 TMEM167A 1603559 153339 HGNC Tmem167 1615902 66074 MGI:1913324 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:28330 Tmem167b 1564454 499690 TMEM167B 1604335 56900 RGD Tmem167b 1558264 67495 MGI:1914745 RGD HGNC:30187 Tmem168 1307778 312135 TMEM168 1605052 64418 HGNC Tmem168 1317167 101118 MGI:1921794 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:25826 Tmem169 1582820 690294 TMEM169 1602990 92691 HGNC Tmem169 1316079 271711 MGI:2442781 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:25130 Tmem17 1310566 360985 TMEM17 1321545 200728 HGNC Tmem17 1321546 103765 MGI:2144205 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:26623 Tmem170a 1559505 498953 TMEM170A 1604539 124491 HGNC Tmem170 1620043 66817 MGI:106426 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:29577 Tmem170b 1561506 361230 TMEM170B 2293893 100113407 HGNC Tmem170b 1619548 621976 MGI:3647046 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:34244 Tmem171 1359492 293634 TMEM171 1606157 134285 HGNC Tmem171 1614025 380863 MGI:2685751 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:27031 Tmem174 1561129 499516 TMEM174 1606156 134288 HGNC Tmem174 1618357 68344 MGI:1915594 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:28187 Tmem175 1309712 305623 TMEM175 1604263 84286 HGNC Tmem175 1332425 72392 MGI:1919642 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:28709 Tmem176a 1310725 297077 TMEM176A 1602320 55365 HGNC Tmem176a 1321798 66058 MGI:1913308 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:24930 Tmem176b 708403 171411 TMEM176B 1606306 28959 HGNC Tmem176b 733079 65963 MGI:1916348 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:29596 Tmem177 1310320 304735 TMEM177 1606772 80775 HGNC Tmem177 1332078 66343 MGI:1913593 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:28143 Tmem178a 1303057 362691 TMEM178A 1602302 130733 HGNC Tmem178 1332223 68027 MGI:1915277 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:28517 Tmem178b 1585938 679651 TMEM178B 6767208 100507421 HGNC Tmem178b 1614722 434008 MGI:3647581 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:44112 Tmem179 1310269 314472 TMEM179 1346739 388021 HGNC Tmem179 1321071 104885 MGI:2144891 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:20137 Tmem179b 1582850 690263 TMEM179B 1601691 374395 HGNC Tmem179b 1315105 67706 MGI:1914956 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:33744 Tmem18 1359389 362722 TMEM18 1344776 129787 HGNC Tmem18 1623829 211986 MGI:2387176 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:25257 Tmem181 1566403 502228 TMEM181 1350892 57583 HGNC Tmem181a 1620723 77106 MGI:1924356 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:20958 Tmem182 1563696 501129 TMEM182 1604752 130827 HGNC Tmem182 1620436 381339 MGI:1923725 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:26391 Tmem183a 1309892 289034 TMEM183A 1320480 92703 HGNC Tmem183a 1320481 57439 MGI:1914729 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:20173 Tmem184a 1306702 304325 TMEM184A 1603256 202915 HGNC Tmem184a 1315471 231832 MGI:2385897 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:28797 Tmem184b 1306591 362959 TMEM184B 1315295 25829 HGNC Tmem184b 1315296 223693 MGI:2445179 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:1310 Tmem184c 727852 291946 TMEM184C 1349593 55751 HGNC Tmem184c 1552265 234463 MGI:2384562 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:25587 Tmem185a 1563037 309357 TMEM185A 1347995 84548 HGNC Tmem185a 1622053 236848 MGI:2448555 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:17125 Tmem185b 1309602 304731 TMEM185B 1345380 79134 HGNC Tmem185b 1320028 226351 MGI:1917634 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:18896 Tmem186 1561167 497863 TMEM186 1604027 25880 HGNC Tmem186 1314814 66690 MGI:1913940 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:24530 Tmem19 735209 299800 TMEM19 1351529 55266 HGNC Tmem19 1552935 67226 MGI:1914476 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:25605 Tmem190 1583927 691446 TMEM190 1604743 147744 HGNC Tmem190 1623887 78052 MGI:1925302 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:29632 Tmem191c 1587016 680867 TMEM191C 1641960 645426 HGNC Tmem191 1620621 224019 MGI:107238 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:33601 Tmem192 1309341 361137 TMEM192 1602829 201931 HGNC Tmem192 1319636 73067 MGI:1920317 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:26775 Tmem196 1562527 500750 TMEM196 1606932 256130 HGNC Tmem196 1617379 217951 MGI:2685374 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:22431 Tmem198 2319152 100361928 TMEM198 1605296 130612 HGNC Tmem198 1622849 319998 MGI:2443133 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:33704 Tmem199 1566425 303332 TMEM199 1348837 147007 HGNC Tmem199 1623842 195040 MGI:2144113 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:18085 Tmem200a 1564024 498987 TMEM200A 1345256 114801 HGNC Tmem200a 1619936 77220 MGI:1924470 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:21075 Tmem200b 1585251 688757 TMEM200B 1606080 399474 HGNC Tmem200b 1619545 623230 MGI:3646343 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:33785 Tmem200c 1561734 501201 TMEM200C 3302319 645369 HGNC Tmem200c 1613862 622645 MGI:3646281 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:37208 Tmem201 1583947 691426 TMEM201 1604210 199953 HGNC Tmem201 1617355 230917 MGI:1196277 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:33719 Tmem202 1585107 691306 TMEM202 2289768 338949 HGNC Tmem202 1615827 73893 MGI:1921143 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:33733 Tmem203 1306304 311800 TMEM203 1605598 94107 HGNC Tmem203 1314848 227615 MGI:2443597 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:28217 Tmem204 1359314 287129 TMEM204 1350691 79652 HGNC Tmem204 1616371 407831 MGI:3039635 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:14158 Tmem205 1563250 300441 TMEM205 1605798 374882 HGNC Tmem205 1615669 235043 MGI:3045495 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:29631 Tmem207 2322856 100360091 TMEM207 1602436 131920 HGNC Tmem207 2299488 100043057 MGI:2685386 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:33705 Tmem208 1560953 291963 TMEM208 1605689 29100 HGNC Tmem208 1558223 66320 MGI:1913570 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:25015 Tmem209 1309682 312200 TMEM209 1605919 84928 HGNC Tmem209 1320159 72649 MGI:1919899 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:21898 Tmem210 2318321 100362365 TMEM210 2292188 100505993 HGNC Tmem210 1622210 78217 MGI:1925467 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:34059 Tmem212 1563109 499586 TMEM212 2300031 389177 HGNC Tmem212 1619027 208613 MGI:2685410 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:34295 Tmem213 1588740 689748 TMEM213 2293900 155006 HGNC Tmem213 1617458 77522 MGI:1924772 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:27220 Tmem214 1311324 362711 TMEM214 1606543 54867 HGNC Tmem214 1332269 68796 MGI:1916046 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:25983 Tmem215 1589861 690918 TMEM215 1601903 401498 HGNC Tmem215 1322965 320500 MGI:2444167 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:33816 Tmem216 1304607 361727 TMEM216 1602714 51259 HGNC Tmem216 1312144 68642 MGI:1920020 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:25018 Tmem217 1585322 102547645 TMEM217 1343464 221468 HGNC Tmem217 2311271 71138 MGI:3646280 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:21238 Tmem217b 402399625 134478813 TMEM217B 127285489 121725057 NCBI Tmem217b 9660613 102640495 MGI:4937291 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:55922 Tmem218 1311364 300516 TMEM218 2293899 219854 HGNC Tmem218 1332286 66279 MGI:1913529 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:27344 Tmem219 1560566 308986 TMEM219 1604542 124446 HGNC Tmem219 1615095 68742 MGI:1915992 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:25201 Tmem220 1309576 287405 TMEM220 1604450 388335 HGNC Tmem220 1319987 338369 MGI:2443691 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:33757 Tmem221 2319149 100361931 TMEM221 2307389 100130519 HGNC Tmem221 1622659 434325 MGI:3525074 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:21943 Tmem222 1304793 313021 TMEM222 1604776 84065 HGNC Tmem222 1312442 52174 MGI:1098568 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:25363 Tmem223 1582829 690285 TMEM223 2303656 79064 HGNC Tmem223 1620038 66836 MGI:1914086 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:28464 Tmem225 1562358 500980 TMEM225 1605235 338661 HGNC Tmem225 1622230 75667 MGI:1922917 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:32390 Tmem229a 1590212 685756 TMEM229A 3102903 730130 HGNC Tmem229a 1623710 319832 MGI:2442812 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:37279 Tmem229b 1562622 503035 TMEM229B 1348278 161145 HGNC Tmem229b 1618015 268567 MGI:2444389 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:20130 Tmem230 1307399 681315 TMEM230 1316576 29058 HGNC Tmem230 1316577 70612 MGI:1917862 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:15876 Tmem231 1306153 361410 TMEM231 3008206 79583 HGNC Tmem231 1314606 234740 MGI:2685024 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:37234 Tmem232 1559548 501199 TMEM232 3029048 642987 HGNC Tmem232 1621957 381107 MGI:2685786 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:37270 Tmem233 1597489 687797 TMEM233 2923596 387890 HGNC Tmem233 2295224 545798 MGI:3651514 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:37219 Tmem234 1583487 682404 TMEM234 1606787 56063 HGNC Tmem234 1623890 76799 MGI:1924049 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:28837 Tmem235 1591141 688285 TMEM235 4892151 283999 HGNC Tmem235 2294470 546519 MGI:3651706 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:27563 Tmem236 1590637 680523 TMEM236 1349731 653567 HGNC Tmem236 1611387 625286 MGI:1919309 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:23473 Tmem237 1306705 316412 TMEM237 1315474 65062 HGNC Tmem237 1621191 381259 MGI:2138365 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:14432 Tmem238 1565210 499072 TMEM238 5488447 388564 HGNC Tmem238 1618567 664968 MGI:1922935 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:40042 Tmem238l 7617190 102554819 TMEM238L 6893029 100289255 HGNC Tmem238l 1623946 71576 MGI:1918826 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:44356 Tmem239 1592450 100365450 C20orf141 1347173 128653 HGNC 1700020A23Rik 1622232 75656 MGI:1922906 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:16134 Tmem240 2318117 100362471 TMEM240 1603247 339453 HGNC Tmem240 1618748 381582 MGI:3648074 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:25186 Tmem241 1590602 680558 TMEM241 1351617 85019 HGNC Tmem241 1557048 338363 MGI:2442435 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:31723 Tmem242 1307262 292228 TMEM242 1316350 729515 HGNC Tmem242 1316351 70544 MGI:1917794 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:17206 Tmem243 1562351 499990 TMEM243 1349104 79161 HGNC Tmem243 1621035 652925 MGI:3606159 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:21707 Tmem245 1308958 298020 TMEM245 1319034 23731 HGNC Tmem245 1319035 242474 MGI:2445107 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:1363 Tmem247 1588160 682006 TMEM247 6482527 388946 HGNC Tmem247 1620710 78469 MGI:1925719 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:42967 Tmem248 1303319 288616 TMEM248 1602880 55069 HGNC Tmem248 1623173 71667 MGI:1918917 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:25476 Tmem249 6496784 100910811 TMEM249 6767351 340393 HGNC Tmem249 1616197 666504 MGI:3647471 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:44155 Tmem25 1596132 689172 TMEM25 1350182 84866 HGNC Tmem25 1623171 71687 MGI:1918937 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:25890 Tmem250 1564379 499758 TMEM250 1349018 90120 HGNC Tmem250 1623853 109299 MGI:1924939 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:31009 Tmem252 1359349 361744 TMEM252 1353835 169693 HGNC Tmem252 1614939 226040 MGI:3583948 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:28537 Tmem253 1597322 690368 TMEM253 1626192 643382 HGNC Tmem253 1619576 619301 MGI:3588246 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:32545 Tmem254 1305689 290529 TMEM254 1313865 80195 HGNC Tmem254 1313866 66039 MGI:1196450 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:25804 Tmem255a 727788 313453 TMEM255A 1605993 55026 HGNC Tmem255a 1616507 245386 MGI:3045722 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:26086 Tmem255b 1566042 290877 TMEM255B 1602045 348013 HGNC Tmem255b 1618008 272465 MGI:2685533 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:28297 Tmem256 1563438 287442 TMEM256 1606934 254863 RGD Tmem256 1622295 69186 MGI:1916436 RGD HGNC:28618 Tmem258 1560328 499317 TMEM258 1351820 746 RGD Tmem258 1623196 69038 MGI:1916288 RGD HGNC:1164 Tmem259 1311136 299608 TMEM259 1322435 91304 HGNC Tmem259 1322436 216157 MGI:2177957 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:17039 Tmem26 1309273 309724 TMEM26 1319527 219623 HGNC Tmem26 1622845 327766 MGI:2143537 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:28550 Tmem260 1562018 361030 TMEM260 1354503 54916 HGNC Tmem260 1619861 218989 MGI:2443219 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:20185 Tmem262 2318452 100365733 TMEM262 7409565 100130348 HGNC Tmem262 1611946 433215 MGI:3690536 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:49389 Tmem263 1563325 362857 TMEM263 1602311 90488 HGNC Tmem263 1619913 103266 MGI:2143652 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:28281 Tmem265 7523242 102554586 TMEM265 9686025 100862671 RGD Tmem265 9701369 105180375 MGI:5613213 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:51241 Tmem266 1562084 501002 TMEM266 1351477 123591 HGNC Tmem266 1620550 244886 MGI:2142980 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:26763 Tmem267 1562550 499532 TMEM267 1605053 64417 HGNC Tmem267 1619492 633640 MGI:3648543 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:26139 Tmem268 1304595 298104 TMEM268 1312125 203197 HGNC Tmem268 1312126 230279 MGI:1913920 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:24513 Tmem269 1563015 500537 TMEM269 11563379 100129924 HGNC Tmem269 1557285 75180 MGI:1922430 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:52381 Tmem270 1561903 288604 TMEM270 1602434 135886 HGNC Tmem270 1321641 76629 MGI:1923879 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:23018 Tmem271 41203179 120096548 TMEM271 13542112 112441426 HGNC Tmem217rt 14995607 115490131 MGI:5662654 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:53639 Tmem273 1561145 498580 TMEM273 1344407 170371 HGNC Tmem273 1623192 69069 MGI:1916319 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:27274 Tmem275 41051438 120103172 TMEM275 13825229 105378696 HGNC Tmem275 1617463 76237 MGI:1923487 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:53938 Tmem30a 1303315 300857 TMEM30A 1345323 55754 HGNC Tmem30a 1551850 69981 MGI:106402 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:16667 Tmem30b 1308732 314224 TMEM30B 1318678 161291 HGNC Tmem30b 1551069 238257 MGI:2442082 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:27254 Tmem30c 1306090 288175 TMEM30CP 1349126 644444 HGNC Tmem30c 1314507 71027 MGI:1918277 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:30443 Tmem33 708371 59303 TMEM33 1353146 55161 HGNC Tmem33 733060 67878 MGI:1915128 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:25541 Tmem35a 1303093 308134 TMEM35A 1345227 59353 HGNC Tmem35a 1614352 67564 MGI:1914814 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:25864 Tmem35b 2319741 100361631 TMEM35B 5132761 100506144 HGNC Tmem35b 2292378 100039968 MGI:3758095 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:40021 Tmem37 628689 245953 TMEM37 1606154 140738 HGNC Tmem37 1550409 170706 MGI:2157899 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:18216 Tmem38a 1307901 306327 TMEM38A 1351909 79041 HGNC Tmem38a 1550335 74166 MGI:1921416 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:28462 Tmem38b 1305703 362521 TMEM38B 1347417 55151 HGNC Tmem38b 1550568 52076 MGI:1098718 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:25535 Tmem39a 1306421 288092 TMEM39A 1353039 55254 HGNC Tmem39a 1622314 67846 MGI:1915096 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:25600 Tmem39b 1359450 362608 TMEM39B 1351966 55116 RGD Tmem39b 1618970 230770 MGI:2682939 RGD HGNC:25510 Tmem40 1587025 680858 TMEM40 1343546 55287 HGNC Tmem40 1618259 94346 MGI:2137870 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:25620 Tmem41a 1591692 681708 TMEM41A 1352042 90407 HGNC Tmem41a 1621543 66664 MGI:1913914 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:30544 Tmem41b 1310870 361626 TMEM41B 1347999 440026 HGNC Tmem41b 1615674 233724 MGI:1289225 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:28948 Tmem42 1307118 363171 TMEM42 1348470 131616 HGNC Tmem42 1615900 66079 MGI:1277176 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:28444 Tmem43 1549711 362401 TMEM43 1348900 79188 HGNC Tmem43 1558188 74122 MGI:1921372 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:28472 Tmem44 1563737 288028 TMEM44 1344878 93109 HGNC Tmem44 1620616 224090 MGI:1924489 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:25120 Tmem45a 6495353 100911041 TMEM45A 1344791 55076 HGNC Tmem45a 1551721 56277 MGI:1913122 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:25480 Tmem45a2 1310935 360707 Tmem45a2 1322120 69457 MGI:1916707 RGD Tmem45b 1305586 315524 TMEM45B 1348060 120224 HGNC Tmem45b 1550758 235135 MGI:2384574 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:25194 Tmem47 1564799 501569 TMEM47 1343840 83604 HGNC Tmem47 1614975 192216 MGI:2177570 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:18515 Tmem50a 1305638 298552 TMEM50A 1606813 23585 HGNC Tmem50a 1553816 71817 MGI:1919067 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:30590 Tmem50b 1307561 360698 TMEM50B 1316828 757 HGNC Tmem50b 1552986 77975 MGI:1925225 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:1280 Tmem51 1565452 500578 TMEM51 1602878 55092 HGNC Tmem51 1614959 214359 MGI:2384874 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:25488 Tmem52 2318502 100362283 TMEM52 1603246 339456 HGNC Tmem52 1618343 69671 MGI:1916921 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:27916 Tmem52b 1586337 689963 TMEM52B 1606983 120939 HGNC Tmem52b 1621970 330428 MGI:2442838 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:26438 Tmem53 1307066 313529 TMEM53 1603008 79639 HGNC Tmem53 1553430 68777 MGI:1916027 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:26186 Tmem54 1304886 362605 TMEM54 1606187 113452 HGNC Tmem54 1614374 66260 MGI:1913510 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:24143 Tmem59 1310313 100196907 TMEM59 1321145 9528 HGNC Tmem59 1620855 56374 MGI:1929278 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:1239 Tmem59l 1305557 306349 TMEM59L 1313653 25789 HGNC Tmem59l 1313654 67937 MGI:1915187 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:13237 Tmem60 1308939 296761 TMEM60 1318999 85025 RGD Tmem60 1623007 212090 MGI:2673965 RGD HGNC:21754 Tmem61 1584102 100909776 TMEM61 1604209 199964 HGNC Tmem61 1608359 329909 MGI:3041156 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:27296 Tmem62 1305647 311350 TMEM62 1605041 80021 HGNC Tmem62 1552205 96957 MGI:2139461 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:26269 Tmem63a 1306829 289318 TMEM63A 1605419 9725 HGNC Tmem63a 1551304 208795 MGI:2384789 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:29118 Tmem63b 1305862 363197 TMEM63B 1314147 55362 RGD Tmem63b 1552901 224807 MGI:2387609 RGD HGNC:17735 Tmem63c 1310207 314332 TMEM63C 1320973 57156 HGNC Tmem63c 1551588 217733 MGI:2444386 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:23787 Tmem64 1596128 689176 TMEM64 1606436 169200 HGNC Tmem64 1551231 100201 MGI:2140359 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:25441 Tmem65 1563224 500874 TMEM65 1603356 157378 HGNC Tmem65 1618291 74868 MGI:1922118 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:25203 Tmem67 1586167 313067 TMEM67 1606753 91147 HGNC Tmem67 1316347 329795 MGI:1923928 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:28396 Tmem68 1309006 312946 TMEM68 1603902 137695 HGNC Tmem68 1619977 72098 MGI:1919348 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:26510 Tmem69 1561569 619582 TMEM69 1605680 51249 HGNC Tmem69 1619842 230657 MGI:3045357 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:28035 Tmem70 1566224 500384 TMEM70 1603032 54968 HGNC Tmem70 1557127 70397 MGI:1915068 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:26050 Tmem71 1593414 690657 TMEM71 1606965 137835 HGNC Tmem71 1614962 213068 MGI:2146049 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:26572 Tmem72 1308850 362424 TMEM72 1354072 643236 HGNC Tmem72 1318859 319776 MGI:2442707 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:31658 Tmem74 1566279 500864 TMEM74 1605858 157753 HGNC Tmem74 1622046 239408 MGI:2443417 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:26409 Tmem74b 1564048 499917 TMEM74B 1354046 55321 HGNC Tmem74b 1616645 108832 MGI:1918629 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:15893 Tmem74bos 2323360 100363280 C20orf202 1602798 400831 HGNC Tmem74bos 1614174 228767 MGI:3039588 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:37254 Tmem79 1309886 310626 TMEM79 1601945 84283 HGNC Tmem79 1332023 71913 MGI:1919163 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:28196 Tmem80 1308399 309109 TMEM80 1603868 283232 HGNC Tmem80 1318146 71448 MGI:1918698 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:27453 Tmem81 1561544 498229 TMEM81 1606867 388730 HGNC Tmem81 1619955 74626 MGI:1921876 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:32349 Tmem82 1566169 298605 TMEM82 1603825 388595 HGNC Tmem82 1618181 213989 MGI:2384869 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:32350 Tmem86a 1305749 308602 TMEM86A 1601825 144110 HGNC Tmem86a 1331998 67893 MGI:1915143 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:26890 Tmem86b 1593455 690610 TMEM86B 1603160 255043 HGNC Tmem86b 1619173 68255 MGI:1915505 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:28448 Tmem87a 1309417 366170 TMEM87A 1603672 25963 HGNC Tmem87a 1332405 211499 MGI:2441844 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:24522 Tmem87b 1307907 362212 TMEM87B 1605922 84910 HGNC Tmem87b 1317372 72477 MGI:1919727 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:25913 Tmem88 1561781 497936 TMEM88 1601835 92162 HGNC Tmem88 1618381 67020 MGI:1914270 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:32371 Tmem88b 1588243 680723 TMEM88B 2802463 643965 HGNC Tmem88b 1617983 320587 MGI:2444329 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:37099 Tmem89 1564575 501056 TMEM89 1606359 440955 HGNC Tmem89 1620797 69384 MGI:1916634 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:32372 Tmem8b 1310012 313490 TMEM8B 1320668 51754 HGNC Tmem8b 1618941 242409 MGI:2441680 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:21427 Tmem9 1307922 289046 TMEM9 1317397 252839 HGNC Tmem9 1317398 66241 MGI:1913491 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:18823 Tmem91 2323264 100359879 TMEM91 1602234 641649 HGNC Tmem91 1620476 320208 MGI:2443589 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:32393 Tmem92 1593405 690666 TMEM92 1603555 162461 RGD Tmem92 1622636 544806 MGI:3034723 RGD HGNC:26579 Tmem94 7685108 102553252 TMEM94 1605409 9772 HGNC Tmem94 1319591 71947 MGI:1919197 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:28983 Tmem95 1593310 691982 TMEM95 1603857 339168 HGNC Tmem95 2306601 100503361 MGI:3779488 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:27898 Tmem97 1307423 303330 TMEM97 1607046 27346 HGNC Tmem97 1316612 69071 MGI:1916321 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:28106 Tmem98 1359736 303356 TMEM98 1607062 26022 HGNC Tmem98 1615770 103743 MGI:1923457 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:24529 Tmem9b 1310775 293415 TMEM9B 1321873 56674 HGNC Tmem9b 1321874 56786 MGI:1915254 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:1168 Tmf1 620551 114206 TMF1 732153 7110 HGNC Tmf1 1617347 232286 MGI:2684999 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:11870 Tmie 1562523 501061 TMIE 1343102 259236 HGNC Tmie 1614414 20776 MGI:2159400 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:30800 Tmigd1 1307444 363654 TMIGD1 1604448 388364 HGNC Tmigd1 1316639 66601 MGI:1913851 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:32431 Tmigd3 2324712 100363178 TMIGD3 9590048 57413 HGNC Tmigd3 9589839 69296 MGI:5604098 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:51375 Tmlhe 620629 170898 TMLHE 736195 55217 HGNC Tmlhe 733461 192289 MGI:2180203 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:18308 Tmod1 3874 25566 TMOD1 1605431 7111 HGNC Tmod1 735256 21916 MGI:98775 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:11871 Tmod2 61948 58814 TMOD2 1351754 29767 HGNC Tmod2 62241 50876 MGI:1355335 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:11872 Tmod3 1311030 300838 TMOD3 35316010 29766 HGNC Tmod3 1322267 50875 MGI:1355315 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:11873 Tmod4 1308940 295261 TMOD4 1319001 29765 HGNC Tmod4 1319002 50874 MGI:1355285 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:11874 Tmpo 3875 25359 TMPO 735785 7112 HGNC Tmpo 11425 21917 MGI:106920 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:11875 Tmppe 7696429 102555172 TMPPE 2304158 643853 HGNC Tmppe 6483301 100504715 MGI:5317335 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:33865 Tmprss11a 1596322 686581 TMPRSS11A 1605232 339967 HGNC Tmprss11a 1617402 194597 MGI:2684853 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:27954 Tmprss11b 1303278 365265 TMPRSS11B 1606722 132724 HGNC Tmprss11b 1553560 319875 MGI:2442893 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:25398 Tmprss11c 1302967 408213 TMPRSS11CP 3340240 100381178 RGD Tmprss11c 1621147 435845 MGI:3521861 RGD HGNC:31934 Tmprss11d 620654 64565 TMPRSS11D 1606328 9407 HGNC Tmprss11d 1553572 231382 MGI:2385221 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:24059 Tmprss11e 1561698 305265 TMPRSS11E 1606302 28983 HGNC Tmprss11e 1557119 243084 MGI:3513175 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:24465 Tmprss11f 1560675 498345 TMPRSS11F 1602625 389208 HGNC Tmprss11f 1557936 243083 MGI:2442348 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:29994 Tmprss12 2323781 100362912 TMPRSS12 1606922 283471 HGNC Tmprss12 1616722 75002 MGI:1922252 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:28779 Tmprss13 1310872 300682 TMPRSS13 1604778 84000 HGNC Tmprss13 1623826 214531 MGI:2682935 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:29808 Tmprss15 1311046 288291 TMPRSS15 1322295 5651 HGNC Tmprss15 1322296 19146 MGI:1197523 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:9490 Tmprss2 620766 156435 TMPRSS2 1354092 124905021 HGNC Tmprss2 733656 50528 MGI:1354381 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline Tmprss3 1310135 309665 TMPRSS3 1320861 64699 HGNC Tmprss3 1320862 140765 MGI:2155445 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:11877 Tmprss4 1305033 367074 TMPRSS4 1312821 56649 HGNC Tmprss4 1312822 214523 MGI:2384877 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:11878 Tmprss5 628625 266681 TMPRSS5 732836 80975 HGNC Tmprss5 732837 80893 MGI:1933407 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:14908 Tmprss6 1307138 315388 TMPRSS6 1316154 164656 HGNC Tmprss6 1316155 71753 MGI:1919003 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:16517 Tmprss7 1304655 288118 TMPRSS7 1312220 344805 HGNC Tmprss7 1623014 208171 MGI:2686594 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:30846 Tmprss9 1309581 314636 TMPRSS9 1319995 360200 HGNC Tmprss9 1617167 432478 MGI:3612246 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:30079 Tmsb10 62022 50665 TMSB10 731359 9168 HGNC Tmsb10 62314 19240 MGI:109146 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:11879 Tmsb15b2 708373 286978 TMSB15A 1602496 11013 HGNC Tmsb15b2 2307390 100034363 MGI:3843061 RGD HGNC:30744 Tmsb4x 621622 81814 TMSB4X 736781 7114 HGNC Tmsb4x 1550785 19241 MGI:99510 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:11881 Tmt1a 1308407 315306 TMT1A 1601879 25840 HGNC Tmt1a 1332303 70152 MGI:1916523 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:24550 Tmt1b 1305205 366792 TMT1B 1603260 196410 HGNC Tmt1b 1332417 71664 MGI:1918914 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:28276 Tmtc1 1564868 362465 TMTC1 1605326 83857 HGNC Tmtc1 1613998 387314 MGI:3039590 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:24099 Tmtc2 1309848 299762 TMTC2 1605852 160335 HGNC Tmtc2 1552066 278279 MGI:1914057 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:25440 Tmtc3 1306351 314785 TMTC3 1605568 160418 HGNC Tmtc3 1314920 237500 MGI:3036255 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:26899 Tmtc4 1560183 290501 TMTC4 1606198 84899 HGNC Tmtc4 1556885 70551 MGI:1921050 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:25904 Tmub1 735120 362301 TMUB1 1349176 83590 HGNC Tmub1 1332015 64295 MGI:1923764 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:21709 Tmub2 1304758 303567 TMUB2 1604292 79089 HGNC Tmub2 1332244 72053 MGI:1919303 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:28459 Tmx1 1308455 362751 TMX1 1318232 81542 HGNC Tmx1 1318233 72736 MGI:1919986 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:15487 Tmx2 1359456 295701 TMX2 1603042 51075 HGNC Tmx2 1550743 66958 MGI:1914208 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:30739 Tmx3 1592777 682967 TMX3 1348440 54495 HGNC Tmx3 1621526 67988 MGI:2442418 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:24718 Tmx4 1305146 296182 TMX4 1603023 56255 HGNC Tmx4 1617582 52837 MGI:106558 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:25237 Tnc 621057 116640 TNC 1354144 3371 RGD Tnc 1615156 21923 MGI:101922 RGD HGNC:5318 Tnf 3876 24835 TNF 1344192 7124 RGD Tnf 11429 21926 MGI:104798 RGD HGNC:11892 Tnfaip1 3877 287543 TNFAIP1 1346510 7126 HGNC Tnfaip1 1550978 21927 MGI:104961 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:11894 Tnfaip2 1594556 299339 TNFAIP2 1312234 7127 HGNC Tnfaip2 1312235 21928 MGI:104960 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:11895 Tnfaip3 1589275 683206 TNFAIP3 1351803 7128 HGNC Tnfaip3 1615155 21929 MGI:1196377 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:11896 Tnfaip6 621359 84397 TNFAIP6 1345645 7130 HGNC Tnfaip6 1615154 21930 MGI:1195266 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:11898 Tnfaip8 1305908 307428 TNFAIP8 1314220 25816 HGNC Tnfaip8 1314221 106869 MGI:2147191 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:17260 Tnfaip8l1 1588574 301131 TNFAIP8L1 1603272 126282 HGNC Tnfaip8l1 1557103 66443 MGI:1913693 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:28279 Tnfaip8l2 1310519 310663 TNFAIP8L2 1606238 79626 HGNC Tnfaip8l2 1550908 69769 MGI:1917019 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:26277 Tnfaip8l3 1311533 315673 TNFAIP8L3 1604925 388121 HGNC Tnfaip8l3 1620551 244882 MGI:2685363 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:20620 Tnfrsf10b 1308041 364420 TNFRSF10A 1317580 8797 HGNC Tnfrsf10b 1317581 21933 MGI:1341090 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:11904 Tnfrsf11a 1563614 498206 TNFRSF11A 1321639 8792 HGNC Tnfrsf11a 1321640 21934 MGI:1314891 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:11908 Tnfrsf11b 619802 25341 TNFRSF11B 730969 4982 HGNC Tnfrsf11b 11035 18383 MGI:109587 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:11909 Tnfrsf12a 631329 302965 TNFRSF12A 1343569 51330 HGNC Tnfrsf12a 1550230 27279 MGI:1351484 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:18152 Tnfrsf13b 1595998 103693341 TNFRSF13B 1344563 23495 HGNC Tnfrsf13b 1618388 57916 MGI:1889411 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:18153 Tnfrsf13c 1560810 500910 TNFRSF13C 1354073 115650 HGNC Tnfrsf13c 1557427 72049 MGI:1919299 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:17755 Tnfrsf14 1310115 366518 TNFRSF14 1320832 8764 HGNC Tnfrsf14 1320833 230979 MGI:2675303 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:11912 Tnfrsf17 1304703 287034 TNFRSF17 1312303 608 HGNC Tnfrsf17 1312304 21935 MGI:1343050 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:11913 Tnfrsf18 1565872 500598 TNFRSF18 1604651 8784 HGNC Tnfrsf18 1615153 21936 MGI:894675 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:11914 Tnfrsf19 1564996 290300 TNFRSF19 1344271 55504 HGNC Tnfrsf19 1558479 29820 MGI:1352474 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:11915 Tnfrsf1a 621237 25625 TNFRSF1A 737288 7132 HGNC Tnfrsf1a 734247 21937 MGI:1314884 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:11916 Tnfrsf1b 621238 156767 TNFRSF1B 1298224 7133 HGNC Tnfrsf1b 731571 21938 MGI:1314883 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:11917 Tnfrsf21 1307308 316256 TNFRSF21 1316426 27242 HGNC Tnfrsf21 1316427 94185 MGI:2151075 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:13469 Tnfrsf22 1586688 686008 TNFRSF10C 1350284 8794 HGNC Tnfrsf22 1614255 79202 MGI:1930270 RGD HGNC:11906 Tnfrsf25 1598206 500592 TNFRSF25 1312746 8718 HGNC Tnfrsf25 1312747 85030 MGI:1934667 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:11910 Tnfrsf4 3920 25572 TNFRSF4 737374 7293 HGNC Tnfrsf4 737375 22163 MGI:104512 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:11918 Tnfrsf8 3879 25069 TNFRSF8 737226 943 HGNC Tnfrsf8 737227 21941 MGI:99908 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:11923 Tnfrsf9 1598208 500590 TNFRSF9 1312546 3604 HGNC Tnfrsf9 1312547 21942 MGI:1101059 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:11924 Tnfsf10 628734 246775 TNFSF10 1344832 8743 HGNC Tnfsf10 732827 22035 MGI:107414 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:11925 Tnfsf11 620784 117516 TNFSF11 1347343 8600 HGNC Tnfsf11 1551655 21943 MGI:1100089 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:11926 Tnfsf12 1359620 360548 TNFSF12 1350160 8742 HGNC Tnfsf12 1553794 21944 MGI:1196259 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:11927 Tnfsf13 1305871 287437 TNFSF13 1314162 8741 HGNC Tnfsf13 1314163 69583 MGI:1916833 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:11928 Tnfsf13b 1561519 498666 TNFSF13B 1345205 10673 HGNC Tnfsf13b 1557043 24099 MGI:1344376 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:11929 Tnfsf14 1588572 301133 TNFSF14 1352930 8740 HGNC Tnfsf14 1557415 50930 MGI:1355317 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:11930 Tnfsf15 628735 252878 TNFSF15 737096 9966 HGNC Tnfsf15 737097 326623 MGI:2180140 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:11931 Tnfsf18 1305066 364031 TNFSF18 1312875 8995 HGNC Tnfsf18 1312876 240873 MGI:2673064 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:11932 Tnfsf4 619816 89814 TNFSF4 1345164 7292 HGNC Tnfsf4 733125 22164 MGI:104511 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:11934 Tnfsf8 1590403 683163 TNFSF8 1351958 944 RGD Tnfsf8 1615150 21949 MGI:88328 RGD HGNC:11938 Tnfsf9 727974 353218 TNFSF9 1343892 8744 RGD Tnfsf9 1615149 21950 MGI:1101058 RGD HGNC:11939 Tnik 1561817 294917 TNIK 1346178 23043 HGNC Tnik 1558507 665113 MGI:1916264 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:30765 Tnip1 1309380 363599 TNIP1 1319697 10318 HGNC Tnip1 1319698 57783 MGI:1926194 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:16903 Tnip2 1307717 305451 TNIP2 1317070 79155 HGNC Tnip2 1317071 231130 MGI:2386643 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:19118 Tnip3 1588732 689756 TNIP3 1346864 79931 HGNC Tnip3 1618716 414084 MGI:3041165 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:19315 Tnk1 1310113 303247 TNK1 1320828 8711 HGNC Tnk1 1320829 83813 MGI:1930958 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:11940 Tnk2 1305957 303882 TNK2 1346409 10188 HGNC Tnk2 1314295 51789 MGI:1858308 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:19297 Tnks 1308784 290794 TNKS 1343497 8658 HGNC Tnks 1318757 21951 MGI:1341087 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:11941 Tnks1bp1 1312021 295707 TNKS1BP1 1323786 85456 HGNC Tnks1bp1 1323787 228140 MGI:2446193 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:19081 Tnks2 1305026 309512 TNKS2 1312811 80351 RGD Tnks2 1552096 74493 MGI:1921743 RGD HGNC:15677 Tnmd 620938 64104 TNMD 731806 64102 HGNC Tnmd 731807 64103 MGI:1929885 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:17757 Tnn 1306002 304913 TNN 1314366 63923 HGNC Tnn 1314367 329278 MGI:2665790 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:22942 Tnnc1 1309921 290561 TNNC1 1320524 7134 HGNC Tnnc1 1553347 21924 MGI:98779 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:11943 Tnnc2 1311973 296369 TNNC2 1323707 7125 HGNC Tnnc2 1323708 21925 MGI:98780 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:11944 Tnni1 621765 29388 TNNI1 732918 7135 HGNC Tnni1 735350 21952 MGI:105073 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:11945 Tnni2 62050 29389 TNNI2 1344978 7136 HGNC Tnni2 62342 21953 MGI:105070 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:11946 Tnni3 62052 29248 TNNI3 737204 7137 HGNC Tnni3 62344 21954 MGI:98783 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:11947 Tnni3k 727908 295531 TNNI3K 1345235 51086 HGNC Tnni3k 1557651 435766 MGI:2443276 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:19661 Tnnt1 621852 171409 TNNT1 733051 7138 HGNC Tnnt1 733052 21955 MGI:1333868 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:11948 Tnnt2 3882 24837 TNNT2 732398 7139 HGNC Tnnt2 11434 21956 MGI:104597 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:11949 Tnnt3 3883 24838 TNNT3 737137 7140 HGNC Tnnt3 11436 21957 MGI:109550 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:11950 Tnp1 3884 24839 TNP1 733923 7141 HGNC Tnp1 11437 21958 MGI:98784 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:11951 Tnp2 3885 24840 TNP2 736031 7142 HGNC Tnp2 11438 21959 MGI:98785 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:11952 Tnpo1 1308372 309126 TNPO1 1318103 3842 HGNC Tnpo1 1318104 238799 MGI:2681523 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:6401 Tnpo2 1310356 304670 TNPO2 1321214 30000 HGNC Tnpo2 1321215 212999 MGI:2384849 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:19998 Tnpo3 1308938 296954 TNPO3 1318997 23534 HGNC Tnpo3 1318998 320938 MGI:1196412 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:17103 Tnr 3886 25567 TNR 732585 7143 HGNC Tnr 737228 21960 MGI:99516 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:11953 Tnrc18 1307540 304302 TNRC18 2291816 84629 HGNC Tnrc18 1316794 231861 MGI:3648294 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:11962 Tnrc6a 1307268 308971 TNRC6A 1607049 27327 HGNC Tnrc6a 1557944 233833 MGI:2385292 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:11969 Tnrc6b 621428 192178 TNRC6B 1350349 23112 HGNC Tnrc6b 1618182 213988 MGI:2443730 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:29190 Tnrc6c 1310027 303774 TNRC6C 1349772 57690 HGNC Tnrc6c 1553306 217351 MGI:2443265 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:29318 Tns1 68427 301509 TNS1 68636 7145 HGNC Tns1 1552102 21961 MGI:104552 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:11973 Tns2 1310917 315326 TNS2 1322097 23371 HGNC Tns2 1615728 209039 MGI:2387586 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:19737 Tns3 1564174 360980 TNS3 1323398 64759 HGNC Tns3 1622858 319939 MGI:2443012 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:21616 Tns4 1310402 303517 TNS4 1605916 84951 HGNC Tns4 1550150 217169 MGI:2144377 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:24352 Tnxa-ps1 3887 25602 TNXA 1343878 7146 RGD Tnxa 1642514 100043024 MGI:2148489 RGD HGNC:11975 Tnxb 1594402 415089 TNXB 1345578 7148 RGD Tnxb 1614249 81877 MGI:1932137 RGD HGNC:11976 Tob1 621126 170842 TOB1 1352967 10140 HGNC Tob1 731920 22057 MGI:1349721 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:11979 Tob2 1359722 315159 TOB2 1342508 10766 HGNC Tob2 1550938 57259 MGI:1888525 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:11980 Toe1 1309094 298443 TOE1 1319240 114034 HGNC Toe1 1553125 68276 MGI:1915526 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:15954 Togaram1 1310474 314169 TOGARAM1 1321397 23116 HGNC Togaram1 1321398 328108 MGI:2684313 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:19959 Togaram2 1310677 313892 TOGARAM2 1603353 165186 HGNC Togaram2 1321719 320159 MGI:2443498 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:33715 Tollip 1304676 361677 TOLLIP 1312257 54472 HGNC Tollip 1312258 54473 MGI:1891808 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:16476 Tom1 1308024 361370 TOM1 1317553 10043 HGNC Tom1 1317554 21968 MGI:1338026 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:11982 Tom1l1 1562626 287622 TOM1L1 1351961 10040 HGNC Tom1l1 1620768 71943 MGI:1919193 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:11983 Tom1l2 1306728 360537 TOM1L2 1315512 146691 HGNC Tom1l2 1552516 216810 MGI:2443306 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:11984 Tomm20 708467 266601 TOMM20 735635 9804 HGNC Tomm20 733127 67952 MGI:1915202 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:20947 Tomm20l 1586305 689996 TOMM20L 1602627 387990 HGNC Tomm20l 1607978 75266 MGI:1922516 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:33752 Tomm22 1303260 300075 TOMM22 1342792 56993 HGNC Tomm22 1623801 223696 MGI:2450248 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:18002 Tomm34 1309029 311621 TOMM34 1319142 10953 HGNC Tomm34 1319143 67145 MGI:1914395 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:15746 Tomm40 1303022 308416 TOMM40 1343121 10452 HGNC Tomm40 1331920 53333 MGI:1858259 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:18001 Tomm40l 1562006 304971 TOMM40L 1604579 84134 HGNC Tomm40l 1620252 641376 MGI:3589112 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:25756 Tomm5 1596808 680080 TOMM5 1347873 401505 RGD Tomm5 1616779 68512 MGI:1915762 RGD HGNC:31369 Tomm6 1583567 681123 TOMM6 2300132 100188893 HGNC Tomm6 1615134 66119 MGI:1913369 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:34528 Tomm7 1591393 685620 TOMM7 1317904 54543 HGNC Tomm7 1317905 66169 MGI:1913419 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:21648 Tomm7-ps4 2319497 100361777 C17orf114 40818091 119139905 HGNC Gm40193 10030640 105244603 MGI:5623078 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:55343 Tomm70 1303049 304017 TOMM70 1343038 9868 HGNC Tomm70a 1551718 28185 MGI:106295 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:11985 Tonsl 1307483 366953 TONSL 1316704 4796 HGNC Tonsl 1614311 72749 MGI:1919999 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:7801 Top1 621246 64550 TOP1 733198 7150 HGNC Top1 733199 21969 MGI:98788 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:11986 Top1mt 1303177 300029 TOP1MT 1351494 116447 HGNC Top1mt 1331949 72960 MGI:1920210 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:29787 Top2a 62048 360243 TOP2A 1352729 7153 HGNC Top2a 62340 21973 MGI:98790 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:11989 Top2b 1586156 361100 TOP2B 1350637 7155 RGD Top2b 1557448 21974 MGI:98791 RGD HGNC:11990 Top3a 1309320 303194 TOP3A 1319604 7156 HGNC Top3a 1319605 21975 MGI:1197527 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:11992 Top3b 1309468 287930 TOP3B 1319825 8940 HGNC Top3b 1319826 21976 MGI:1333803 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:11993 Top6bl 1563323 361702 TOP6BL 1605958 79703 HGNC Top6bl 1621945 381196 MGI:2685806 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:26197 Topaz1 1563398 301075 TOPAZ1 2311615 375337 HGNC Topaz1 2306857 671232 MGI:3779933 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:24746 Topbp1 1562949 315969 TOPBP1 1321299 11073 HGNC Topbp1 1321300 235559 MGI:1920018 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:17008 Topors 1305270 362501 TOPORS 1313199 10210 HGNC Topors 1313200 106021 MGI:2146189 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:21653 Toporsl 1309291 298051 TOPORSLP 8550904 347281 RGD Toporsl 1319558 68274 MGI:1915524 RGD HGNC:50276 Tor1a 628863 266606 TOR1A 1345813 1861 HGNC Tor1a 1615931 30931 MGI:1353568 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:3098 Tor1aip1 628851 246314 TOR1AIP1 1607052 26092 HGNC Tor1aip1 1622136 208263 MGI:3582693 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:29456 Tor1aip2 735059 304881 TOR1AIP2 1604221 163590 HGNC Tor1aip2 1621295 240832 MGI:3582695 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:24055 Tor1b 1308431 311854 TOR1B 1318195 27348 HGNC Tor1b 1318196 30934 MGI:1353605 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:11995 Tor2a 1359111 362112 TOR2A 1345727 27433 HGNC Tor2a 1553425 30933 MGI:1353596 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:11996 Tor3a 1310101 304884 TOR3A 1320812 64222 HGNC Tor3a 1320813 30935 MGI:1353652 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:11997 Tor4a 1308019 311795 TOR4A 1606545 54863 HGNC Tor4a 1317546 227612 MGI:2442720 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:25981 Tox 1310455 362481 TOX 1605410 9760 HGNC Tox 1321364 252838 MGI:2181659 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:18988 Tox2 735184 311615 TOX2 1350992 84969 HGNC Tox2 1625908 269389 MGI:3611233 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:16095 Tox3 1311529 291908 TOX3 1323035 27324 HGNC Tox3 1551816 244579 MGI:3039593 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:11972 Tox4 708449 286990 TOX4 1350277 9878 HGNC Tox4 1553718 268741 MGI:1915389 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:20161 Tp53 3889 24842 TP53 70502 7157 HGNC Trp53 11440 22059 MGI:98834 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:11998 Tp53bp1 1308039 296099 TP53BP1 1317577 7158 HGNC Trp53bp1 1317578 27223 MGI:1351320 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:11999 Tp53bp2 1305461 305025 TP53BP2 1313500 7159 HGNC Trp53bp2 1313501 209456 MGI:2138319 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:12000 Tp53i11 1308395 311209 TP53I11 1318140 9537 HGNC Trp53i11 1619720 277414 MGI:2670995 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:16842 Tp53i13 1559818 287550 TP53I13 1605319 90313 HGNC Trp53i13 1614955 216964 MGI:1915125 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:25102 Tp53i3 41235940 120093231 TP53I3 1602900 9540 HGNC Gm20348 5137028 100504680 MGI:5012533 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:19373 Tp53inp1 631423 297822 TP53INP1 1349699 94241 HGNC Trp53inp1 1332277 60599 MGI:1926609 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:18022 Tp53inp2 735085 362246 TP53INP2 1352381 58476 HGNC Trp53inp2 1615099 68728 MGI:1915978 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:16104 Tp53rka 1591394 685619 TP53RK 1317644 112858 RGD Trp53rka 1619687 381406 MGI:1918294 RGD HGNC:16197 Tp53rkb 1304911 362272 Trp53rkb 1312622 76367 MGI:1914050 RGD Tp53tg5 1561934 499940 TP53TG5 1350426 27296 HGNC Trp53tg5 1617493 73603 MGI:1920853 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:15856 Tp63 620863 246334 TP63 1604844 8626 HGNC Trp63 736710 22061 MGI:1330810 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:15979 Tp73 1307083 362675 TP73 1316062 7161 HGNC Trp73 1316063 22062 MGI:1336991 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:12003 Tpbg 621453 83684 TPBG 1345613 7162 HGNC Tpbg 1552370 21983 MGI:1341264 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:12004 Tpbgl 1596774 681316 TPBGL 6770651 100507050 HGNC Tpbgl 1618101 100503386 MGI:3646425 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:44159 Tpcn1 708494 246215 TPCN1 1344084 53373 HGNC Tpcn1 733444 252972 MGI:2182472 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:18182 Tpcn2 1311779 309139 TPCN2 1323411 219931 HGNC Tpcn2 1323412 233979 MGI:2385297 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:20820 Tpd52 1306767 294900 TPD52 1315573 7163 HGNC Tpd52 1315574 21985 MGI:107749 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:12005 Tpd52l1 1594796 689256 TPD52L1 1320807 7164 HGNC Tpd52l1 1320808 21987 MGI:1298386 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:12006 Tpd52l2 735167 296480 TPD52L2 1352243 7165 HGNC Tpd52l2 1332200 66314 MGI:1913564 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:12007 Tpd52l3 1309391 293894 TPD52L3 1606756 89882 HGNC Trpd52l3 1319713 66745 MGI:1913995 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:23382 Tpgs1 1588613 691093 TPGS1 1323455 91978 HGNC Tpgs1 1323456 110012 MGI:106618 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:25058 Tpgs2 1310571 361301 TPGS2 1321554 25941 HGNC Tpgs2 1321555 66648 MGI:1913898 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:24561 Tph1 3895 24848 TPH1 735482 7166 HGNC Tph1 735483 21990 MGI:98796 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:12008 Tph2 631332 317675 TPH2 736716 121278 HGNC Tph2 1332580 216343 MGI:2651811 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:20692 Tpi1 3896 24849 TPI1 737023 7167 RGD Tpi1 1552331 21991 MGI:98797 RGD HGNC:12009 Tpk1 1589408 680668 TPK1 1348190 27010 HGNC Tpk1 1558263 29807 MGI:1352500 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:17358 Tpm1 3898 24851 TPM1 737098 7168 HGNC Tpm1 11445 22003 MGI:98809 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:12010 Tpm2 1559479 500450 TPM2 1605428 7169 HGNC Tpm2 1557001 22004 MGI:98810 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:12011 Tpm3 621546 117557 TPM3 1605427 7170 RGD Tpm3 731511 59069 MGI:1890149 RGD HGNC:12012 Tpm4 3899 24852 TPM4 736665 7171 HGNC Tpm4 736666 326618 MGI:2449202 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:12013 Tpmt 1585162 690050 TPMT 1350168 7172 HGNC Tpmt 1552535 22017 MGI:98812 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:12014 Tpo 3900 54314 TPO 735786 7173 HGNC Tpo 733214 22018 MGI:98813 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:12015 Tpp1 621296 83534 TPP1 1603717 1200 HGNC Tpp1 732982 12751 MGI:1336194 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:2073 Tpp2 621584 81815 TPP2 734318 7174 HGNC Tpp2 734319 22019 MGI:102724 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:12016 Tppp 1310121 361466 TPPP 1605400 11076 HGNC Tppp 1320842 72948 MGI:1920198 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:24164 Tppp2 1566185 498497 TPPP2 1343731 122664 HGNC Tppp2 1618993 219038 MGI:2684923 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:19293 Tppp3 1305061 291966 TPPP3 1604620 51673 HGNC Tppp3 1312867 67971 MGI:1915221 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:24162 Tpr 1310664 304862 TPR 1321699 7175 HGNC Tpr 1321700 108989 MGI:1922066 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:12017 Tpra1 620858 85494 TPRA1 1354338 131601 HGNC Tpra1 1618402 24100 MGI:1345190 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:30413 Tprg1 1306226 360731 TPRG1 1605237 285386 HGNC Tprg1 1314722 71338 MGI:1918588 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:24759 Tprg1l 1590079 687090 TPRG1L 1601827 127262 HGNC Tprg1l 1622316 67808 MGI:1915058 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:27007 Tprkb 1309786 297411 TPRKB 1603050 51002 HGNC Tprkb 1320312 69786 MGI:1917036 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:24259 Tprn 1562935 499749 TPRN 1352518 286262 HGNC Tprn 1557673 97031 MGI:2139535 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:26894 Tpsab1 3066 54271 TPSAB1 1605426 7177 RGD Tpsab1 1621615 100503895 MGI:96943 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:12019 Tpsb2 3065 29268 TPSB2 1348891 64499 RGD Tpsb2 735971 17229 MGI:96942 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:14120 Tpsg1 631355 302990 TPSG1 1344751 25823 HGNC Tpsg1 1550171 26945 MGI:1349391 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:14134 Tpst1 1308473 288617 TPST1 1318261 8460 HGNC Tpst1 1318262 22021 MGI:1298231 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:12020 Tpst2 1305331 288719 TPST2 1313297 8459 HGNC Tpst2 1313298 22022 MGI:1309516 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:12021 Tpt1 621623 116646 TPT1 735250 7178 HGNC Tpt1 732860 22070 MGI:104890 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:12022 Tpte2 1305825 364629 TPTE2 1314090 93492 HGNC HGNC:17299 Tpx2 1311894 311546 TPX2 1323589 22974 HGNC Tpx2 1551918 72119 MGI:1919369 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:1249 Tra2a 1562563 500116 TRA2A 1603645 29896 HGNC Tra2a 1615001 101214 MGI:1933972 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:16645 Tra2b 619886 117259 TRA2B 732515 6434 HGNC Tra2b 732516 20462 MGI:106016 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:10781 Trabd 1310875 300142 TRABD 1601961 80305 HGNC Trabd 1322027 67976 MGI:1915226 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:28805 Trabd2b 1586386 689914 TRABD2B 6770286 388630 HGNC Trabd2b 2290037 666048 MGI:3650152 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:44200 Tradd 621313 246756 TRADD 1350695 8717 HGNC Tradd 1623178 71609 MGI:109200 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:12030 Traf1 1596290 687813 TRAF1 1351243 7185 HGNC Traf1 1614413 22029 MGI:101836 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:12031 Traf2 1310457 311786 TRAF2 1321367 7186 HGNC Traf2 1321368 22030 MGI:101835 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:12032 Traf3 1304633 362788 TRAF3 1312182 7187 HGNC Traf3 1312183 22031 MGI:108041 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:12033 Traf3ip1 1309252 363286 TRAF3IP1 1319493 26146 HGNC Traf3ip1 1614304 74019 MGI:1921269 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:17861 Traf3ip2 1593240 361857 TRAF3IP2 1312403 10758 HGNC Traf3ip2 1312404 103213 MGI:2143599 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:1343 Traf3ip3 1304848 360900 TRAF3IP3 1604284 80342 HGNC Traf3ip3 1618179 215243 MGI:2441706 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:30766 Traf4 1306708 303285 TRAF4 1315478 9618 HGNC Traf4 1315479 22032 MGI:1202880 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:12034 Traf5 1593883 684173 TRAF5 1605425 7188 HGNC Traf5 1614412 22033 MGI:107548 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:12035 Traf6 1306853 311245 TRAF6 1315706 7189 HGNC Traf6 1315707 22034 MGI:108072 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:12036 Traf7 1559653 360491 TRAF7 1604273 84231 HGNC Traf7 1557836 224619 MGI:3042141 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:20456 Trafd1 620171 114635 TRAFD1 1605702 10906 HGNC Trafd1 1550103 231712 MGI:1923551 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:24808 Traip 1309761 367167 TRAIP 1601884 10293 HGNC Traip 1320271 22036 MGI:1096377 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:30764 Trak1 1307844 316085 TRAK1 1604830 22906 HGNC Trak1 1317275 67095 MGI:1914345 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:29947 Trak2 620915 171086 TRAK2 1352646 66008 HGNC Trak2 1331913 70827 MGI:1918077 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:13206 Tram1 1359100 312903 TRAM1 1346981 23471 HGNC Tram1 1553416 72265 MGI:1919515 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:20568 Tram1l1 1306398 310846 TRAM1L1 1314990 133022 HGNC Tram1l1 1314991 229801 MGI:2443503 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:28371 Tram2 1589151 100361830 TRAM2 1345669 9697 RGD Tram2 1319051 170829 MGI:1924817 RGD HGNC:16855 Trank1 1563130 316022 TRANK1 2937319 9881 HGNC Trank1 1618803 320429 MGI:1341834 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:29011 Trap1 1359733 287069 TRAP1 1346837 10131 HGNC Trap1 1550473 68015 MGI:1915265 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:16264 Trappc1 1311365 287427 TRAPPC1 1322784 58485 HGNC Trappc1 1622911 245828 MGI:1098727 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:19894 Trappc10 1311263 309678 TRAPPC10 1322626 7109 HGNC Trappc10 1621362 216131 MGI:1336209 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:11868 Trappc11 1309765 290746 TRAPPC11 1604800 60684 HGNC Trappc11 1320276 320714 MGI:2444585 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:25751 Trappc12 1566054 314013 TRAPPC12 1343529 51112 HGNC Trappc12 1558397 217449 MGI:2445089 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:24284 Trappc13 1306583 294709 TRAPPC13 1605046 80006 HGNC Trappc13 1315282 66975 MGI:1914225 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:25828 Trappc14 1305455 288545 TRAPPC14 1605367 55262 HGNC Trappc14 1313493 231807 MGI:2385896 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:25604 Trappc2 1306925 501550 TRAPPC2 1350228 6399 RGD Trappc2 1558022 66226 MGI:1913476 RGD HGNC:23068 Trappc2l 1304906 292074 TRAPPC2L 1604619 51693 HGNC Trappc2l 1312614 59005 MGI:1916295 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:30887 Trappc3 1309135 362599 TRAPPC3 1319308 27095 HGNC Trappc3 1319309 27096 MGI:1351486 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:19942 Trappc3l 2318506 100362279 TRAPPC3L 1342888 100128327 HGNC Trappc3l 2311281 692132 MGI:3642034 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:21090 Trappc4 1302991 367073 TRAPPC4 1348300 51399 HGNC Trappc4 1550274 60409 MGI:1926211 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:19943 Trappc5 1563971 363858 TRAPPC5 1344244 126003 HGNC Trappc5 1558413 66682 MGI:1913932 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:23067 Trappc6a 1591735 680465 TRAPPC6A 1601965 79090 HGNC Trappc6a 1618367 67091 MGI:1914341 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:23069 Trappc6b 1309325 299075 TRAPPC6B 1319611 122553 HGNC Trappc6b 1319612 78232 MGI:1925482 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:23066 Trappc8 1309102 291750 TRAPPC8 1319254 22878 HGNC Trappc8 1319255 75964 MGI:2443008 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:29169 Trappc9 1309461 315059 TRAPPC9 1605926 83696 HGNC Trappc9 1319814 76510 MGI:1923760 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:30832 Trarg1 1307639 360576 TRARG1 1316946 286753 HGNC Trarg1 1614153 237858 MGI:3029307 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:29592 Trat1 1563011 498075 TRAT1 1350612 50852 HGNC Trat1 1616691 77647 MGI:1924897 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:30698 Trav12-3 1564212 691058 TRAV12-3 1343077 28672 HGNC Trav7n-6 11316524 100126457 MGI:3704442 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:12107 Trav13-1l 2322894 100360051 TRAV13-2 1350924 28670 HGNC HGNC:12109 Trav34l 11454121 108353026 TRAV34 1348642 28648 HGNC Trdv1 11315038 627813 MGI:3649381 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:12133 Trav6-1 6489577 100911980 TRAV9-2 1345192 28677 HGNC Trav6-1 1619360 667449 MGI:3644497 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:12154 Travl-ps1 9441284 103693831 TRAV23DV6 1348363 28660 HGNC Trav14n-1 32722508 100043204 MGI:3642439 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:12120 Travl2 2321661 100360696 TRAV3 1351724 28690 HGNC HGNC:12128 Trbvl1 6493911 100911271 TRBV12-3 1349383 28577 HGNC HGNC:12185 Trdmt1 1306292 291324 TRDMT1 1606039 1787 HGNC Trdmt1 1314829 13434 MGI:1274787 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:2977 Trdn 619856 59299 TRDN 735791 10345 HGNC Trdn 11038830 76757 MGI:1924007 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:12261 Treh 61831 60576 TREH 736593 11181 HGNC Treh 62122 58866 MGI:1926230 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:12266 Trem1 1309467 301229 TREM1 1319823 54210 HGNC Trem1 1319824 58217 MGI:1930005 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:17760 Trem2 1309841 301227 TREM2 1320401 54209 HGNC Trem2 1320402 83433 MGI:1913150 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:17761 Treml1 1565175 501096 TREML1 1344660 340205 HGNC Treml1 1557798 71326 MGI:1918576 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:20434 Treml2 1587039 680844 TREML2 1353340 79865 HGNC Treml2 1614059 328833 MGI:2147038 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:21092 Treml4 1587021 680862 TREML4 1347933 285852 HGNC Treml4 1614182 224840 MGI:1923239 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:30807 Trerf1 1307167 316219 TRERF1 1316196 55809 HGNC Trerf1 1316197 224829 MGI:2442086 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:18273 Trex1 1311998 100049583 TREX1 1323748 11277 HGNC Trex1 1320018 22040 MGI:1328317 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:12269 Trex2 1562245 309275 TREX2 1354135 11219 HGNC Trex2 1557578 24102 MGI:1346343 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:12270 Trh 3903 25569 TRH 69154 7200 HGNC Trh 11452 22044 MGI:98823 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:12298 Trhde 728895 366894 TRHDE 730936 29953 HGNC Trhde 730937 237553 MGI:2384311 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:30748 Trhr 3904 25570 TRHR 737056 7201 HGNC Trhr 11453 22045 MGI:98824 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:12299 Triap1 1586233 691278 TRIAP1 1602327 51499 RGD Triap1 1623190 69076 MGI:1916326 RGD HGNC:26937 Trib1 621596 78969 TRIB1 1354037 10221 HGNC Trib1 1332442 211770 MGI:2443397 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:16891 Trib2 1564451 313974 TRIB2 1351441 28951 HGNC Trib2 1557842 217410 MGI:2145021 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:30809 Trib3 708432 246273 TRIB3 1345491 57761 HGNC Trib3 732371 228775 MGI:1345675 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:16228 Tril 1310827 362364 TRIL 4143834 9865 HGNC Tril 1321954 66873 MGI:1914123 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:22200 Trim10 1359438 294210 TRIM10 1349784 10107 HGNC Trim10 1553199 19824 MGI:1338757 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:10072 Trim11 1305448 360534 TRIM11 1313482 81559 HGNC Trim11 1313483 94091 MGI:2137355 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:16281 Trim13 1307609 364398 TRIM13 1316901 10206 HGNC Trim13 1316902 66597 MGI:1913847 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:9976 Trim14 1311514 313236 TRIM14 1323013 9830 HGNC Trim14 1323014 74735 MGI:1921985 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:16283 Trim15 6496746 100910806 TRIM15 1322537 89870 HGNC Trim15 1322538 69097 MGI:1916347 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:16284 Trim16 1309749 303214 TRIM16 1348776 10626 HGNC Trim16 1320253 94092 MGI:2137356 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:17241 Trim17 69290 64702 TRIM17 736909 51127 HGNC Trim17 736910 56631 MGI:1861440 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:13430 Trim2 1310981 361970 TRIM2 1322189 23321 HGNC Trim2 1322190 80890 MGI:1933163 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:15974 Trim21 1305795 308901 TRIM21 1345175 6737 HGNC Trim21 1314046 20821 MGI:106657 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:11312 Trim23 621587 81002 TRIM23 1606340 373 HGNC Trim23 1332026 81003 MGI:1933161 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:660 Trim24 1560596 500084 TRIM24 1350727 8805 RGD Trim24 1615938 21848 MGI:109275 RGD HGNC:11812 Trim25 1594396 494338 TRIM25 1343933 7706 HGNC Trim25 1614192 217069 MGI:102749 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:12932 Trim26 1359126 309586 TRIM26 1346405 7726 HGNC Trim26 1550505 22670 MGI:1337056 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:12962 Trim27 1310105 291171 TRIM27 1320820 5987 HGNC Trim27 1320821 19720 MGI:97904 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:9975 Trim28 620289 116698 TRIM28 736265 10155 HGNC Trim28 736266 21849 MGI:109274 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:16384 Trim29 1307858 300656 TRIM29 1317296 23650 HGNC Trim29 1317297 72169 MGI:1919419 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:17274 Trim3 70074 83616 TRIM3 731725 10612 HGNC Trim3 735974 55992 MGI:1860040 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:10064 Trim31 1308607 294208 TRIM31 1318479 11074 HGNC Trim31 1553005 224762 MGI:2385051 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:16289 Trim32 1305238 313264 TRIM32 1313150 22954 HGNC Trim32 1313151 69807 MGI:1917057 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:16380 Trim33 1307339 365894 TRIM33 1316478 51592 HGNC Trim33 1316479 94093 MGI:2137357 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:16290 Trim34 7240857 101241893 TRIM34 1322062 53840 HGNC Trim34a 1322063 94094 MGI:2137359 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:10063 Trim35 1564642 498538 TRIM35 1344257 23087 HGNC Trim35 1557744 66854 MGI:1914104 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:16285 Trim36 1308714 291597 TRIM36 1318648 55521 HGNC Trim36 1318649 28105 MGI:106264 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:16280 Trim37 1308349 360592 TRIM37 1318066 4591 HGNC Trim37 1318067 68729 MGI:2153072 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:7523 Trim38 1596868 680019 TRIM38 1349740 10475 HGNC Trim38 1616586 214158 MGI:2684869 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:10059 Trim39 1303115 309591 TRIM39 1345253 56658 HGNC Trim39 1557214 79263 MGI:1890659 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:10065 Trim40 1359645 365528 TRIM40 1346356 135644 HGNC Trim40 1621376 195359 MGI:2684881 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:18736 Trim41 1308885 303088 TRIM41 1318911 90933 HGNC Trim41 1318912 211007 MGI:2384814 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:19013 Trim42 1359699 301106 TRIM42 1353293 287015 HGNC Trim42 1551426 78911 MGI:1926161 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:19014 Trim43a 1561074 300884 TRIM43 1353905 129868 HGNC Trim43a 1614674 547109 MGI:3645218 RGD HGNC:19015 Trim44 1304877 362172 TRIM44 1312571 54765 HGNC Trim44 1621436 80985 MGI:1931835 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:19016 Trim45 1309168 295323 TRIM45 1319359 80263 HGNC Trim45 1319360 229644 MGI:1918187 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:19018 Trim46 1305993 310641 TRIM46 1314352 80128 HGNC Trim46 1314353 360213 MGI:2673000 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:19019 Trim47 1597317 690374 TRIM47 1322764 91107 HGNC Trim47 1322765 217333 MGI:1917374 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:19020 Trim5 1304579 308906 TRIM5 1343210 85363 HGNC Trim5 1616137 667823 MGI:3646853 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:16276 Trim50 631346 288596 TRIM50 735660 135892 HGNC Trim50 735661 215061 MGI:2664992 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:19017 Trim52 1565615 290458 TRIM52 1347364 84851 HGNC Trim52 1623008 212085 MGI:3045276 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:19024 Trim54 1306453 362708 TRIM54 1354245 57159 HGNC Trim54 1550492 58522 MGI:1889623 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:16008 Trim55 1306943 365751 TRIM55 1603290 84675 HGNC Trim55 1550609 381485 MGI:3036269 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:14215 Trim56 40958426 120095910 TRIM56 1342742 81844 HGNC Trim56 1617190 384309 MGI:2685298 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:19028 Trim58 1566174 303167 TRIM58 1349557 25893 HGNC Trim58 1616576 216781 MGI:2684862 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:24150 Trim59 1311956 365813 TRIM59 1349912 286827 HGNC Trim59 1550345 66949 MGI:1914199 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:30834 Trim6 1310896 293294 TRIM6 1316640 117854 RGD Trim6 1316641 94088 MGI:2137352 RGD HGNC:16277 Trim60 2324264 100362694 TRIM60 1350779 166655 HGNC Trim60 1621318 234329 MGI:2387430 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:21162 Trim62 1586169 313045 TRIM62 1346151 55223 HGNC Trim62 1557724 67525 MGI:1914775 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:25574 Trim63 619964 140939 TRIM63 1345707 84676 HGNC Trim63 1617155 433766 MGI:2447992 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:16007 Trim65 1559497 303684 TRIM65 1352380 201292 HGNC Trim65 1621208 338364 MGI:2442815 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:27316 Trim66 1595847 361623 TRIM66 1344439 9866 HGNC Trim66 1557244 330627 MGI:2152406 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:29005 Trim67 1560667 307938 TRIM67 1352641 440730 HGNC Trim67 1610450 330863 MGI:3045323 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:31859 Trim68 1593867 684189 TRIM68 1344713 55128 HGNC Trim68 1621418 101700 MGI:2142077 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:21161 Trim69 1305074 311373 TRIM69 1312888 140691 HGNC Trim69 1312889 70928 MGI:1918178 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:17857 Trim7 1307328 303089 TRIM7 1316458 81786 HGNC Trim7 1316459 94089 MGI:2137353 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:16278 Trim71 1566388 301042 TRIM71 1606726 131405 HGNC Trim71 1613794 636931 MGI:2685973 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:32669 Trim72 1562778 365377 TRIM72 1603795 493829 HGNC Trim72 1623559 434246 MGI:3612190 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:32671 Trim75l-ps1 1565534 502072 TRIM75 1602800 391714 NCBI Trim75 1619692 333307 MGI:2685640 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:32686 Trim8 1585223 688785 TRIM8 1319835 81603 HGNC Trim8 1319836 93679 MGI:1933302 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:15579 Trim9 621540 155812 TRIM9 736868 114088 HGNC Trim9 736869 94090 MGI:2137354 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:16288 Triml1 1305337 290767 TRIML1 1605231 339976 HGNC Triml1 1313306 244448 MGI:2687279 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:26698 Triml2 1565382 290766 TRIML2 1602827 205860 HGNC Triml2 1617861 622117 MGI:3642989 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:26378 Trio 1308360 310192 TRIO 1318084 7204 HGNC Trio 1614946 223435 MGI:1927230 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:12303 Triobp 1308485 362956 TRIOBP 1605399 11078 HGNC Triobp 1318281 110253 MGI:1349410 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:17009 Trip10 621145 116717 TRIP10 732056 9322 HGNC Trip10 732057 106628 MGI:2146901 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:12304 Trip11 1586166 314393 TRIP11 1318006 9321 HGNC Trip11 1557313 109181 MGI:1924393 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:12305 Trip12 1306607 316575 TRIP12 1315318 9320 HGNC Trip12 1315319 14897 MGI:1309481 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:12306 Trip13 1308516 292206 TRIP13 1318331 9319 HGNC Trip13 1318332 69716 MGI:1916966 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:12307 Trip4 1306838 315769 TRIP4 1315680 9325 HGNC Trip4 1552551 56404 MGI:1928469 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:12310 Trip6 1583180 686323 TRIP6 1353366 7205 HGNC Trip6 1614410 22051 MGI:1343458 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:12311 Triqk 1561260 500413 TRIQK 2299991 286144 HGNC Triqk 1617399 208820 MGI:3650048 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:27828 Trir 1564093 288920 TRIR 1604305 79002 HGNC Trir 1616776 68544 MGI:1922833 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:28424 Trit1 1304781 362586 TRIT1 1312422 54802 HGNC Trit1 1312423 66966 MGI:1914216 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:20286 Trmo 1305420 298072 TRMO 1313441 51531 HGNC Trmo 1313442 74753 MGI:1922003 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:30967 Trmt1 1305992 288914 TRMT1 1601995 55621 HGNC Trmt1 1331938 212528 MGI:1289155 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:25980 Trmt10a 1594565 295496 TRMT10A 1319496 93587 HGNC Trmt10a 1319497 108943 MGI:1920421 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:28403 Trmt10b 1310735 298081 TRMT10B 1321812 158234 HGNC Trmt10b 1321813 69934 MGI:1917184 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:26454 Trmt10c 1306333 304012 TRMT10C 1314894 54931 HGNC Trmt10c 1314895 52575 MGI:1196261 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:26022 Trmt11 727798 378794 TRMT11 1314969 60487 HGNC Trmt11 1552155 73681 MGI:1920931 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:21080 Trmt112 1309710 293700 TRMT112 1604820 51504 HGNC Trmt112 1320198 67674 MGI:1914924 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:26940 Trmt12 1307127 314999 TRMT12 1605990 55039 HGNC Trmt12 1619172 68260 MGI:1915510 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:26091 Trmt13 1565211 499697 TRMT13 1604003 54482 HGNC Trmt13 1616552 229780 MGI:1925219 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:25502 Trmt1l 1307890 304851 TRMT1L 1317348 81627 HGNC Trmt1l 1553343 98685 MGI:1916185 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:16782 Trmt2a 1310418 287953 TRMT2A 1604368 27037 HGNC Trmt2a 1321310 15547 MGI:96270 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:24974 Trmt2b 1565132 503462 TRMT2B 1350620 79979 HGNC Trmt2b 1558508 215201 MGI:2442530 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:25748 Trmt44 1308380 305443 TRMT44 1602178 152992 HGNC Trmt44 1318114 78890 MGI:1926140 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:26653 Trmt5 1306567 362754 TRMT5 1315256 57570 HGNC Trmt5 1616705 76357 MGI:1923607 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:23141 Trmt6 1308877 311441 TRMT6 1604623 51605 HGNC Trmt6 1318901 66926 MGI:1914176 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:20900 Trmt61a 1359191 314462 TRMT61A 1343016 115708 RGD Trmt61a 1552035 328162 MGI:2443487 RGD HGNC:23790 Trmt9b 1304810 306504 TRMT9B 1602875 57604 HGNC Trmt9b 1312472 319582 MGI:2442328 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:26725 Trmu 1311229 362976 TRMU 1322577 55687 HGNC Trmu 1619985 72026 MGI:1919276 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:25481 Trnau1ap 619995 65241 TRNAU1AP 733380 54952 HGNC Trnau1ap 1622269 71787 MGI:1919037 RGD HGNC:30813 Trnp1 1582917 688990 TRNP1 1601688 388610 HGNC Trnp1 1619162 69539 MGI:1916789 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:34348 Trnt1 1308857 312616 TRNT1 1318871 51095 RGD Trnt1 1557806 70047 MGI:1917297 RGD HGNC:17341 Tro 6488256 100912141 TRO 1605121 7216 HGNC Tro 1622343 56191 MGI:1928994 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:12326 Troap 1306870 300219 TROAP 1315734 10024 RGD Troap 1332518 78733 MGI:1925983 RGD HGNC:12327 Trpa1 1303284 312896 TRPA1 1344231 8989 HGNC Trpa1 1553598 277328 MGI:3522699 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:497 Trpc1 619783 89821 TRPC1 734058 7220 RGD Trpc1 734059 22063 MGI:109528 RGD HGNC:12333 Trpc2 628819 64573 TRPC2 1350987 7221 RGD Trpc2 734117 22064 MGI:109527 RGD HGNC:12334 Trpc3 61973 60395 TRPC3 733864 7222 HGNC Trpc3 62266 22065 MGI:109526 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:12335 Trpc4 621276 84494 TRPC4 733150 7223 HGNC Trpc4 733151 22066 MGI:109525 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:12336 Trpc4ap 1309914 362247 TRPC4AP 1320513 26133 HGNC Trpc4ap 1620067 56407 MGI:1930751 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:16181 Trpc5 619787 140933 TRPC5 733334 7224 HGNC Trpc5 733335 22067 MGI:109524 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:12337 Trpc5os 6503255 100909489 TRPC5OS 5144676 100329135 HGNC Trpc5os 1624660 100503240 MGI:3641805 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:40593 Trpc6 619788 89823 TRPC6 1347433 7225 HGNC Trpc6 732721 22068 MGI:109523 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:12338 Trpc7 628820 282822 TRPC7 1349355 57113 HGNC Trpc7 1551250 26946 MGI:1349470 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:20754 Trpm1 1597140 361586 TRPM1 1312607 4308 HGNC Trpm1 1312608 17364 MGI:1330305 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:7146 Trpm2 1311889 294329 TRPM2 1323582 7226 HGNC Trpm2 1558477 28240 MGI:1351901 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:12339 Trpm3 1304888 309407 TRPM3 1312585 80036 HGNC Trpm3 1312586 226025 MGI:2443101 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:17992 Trpm4 620244 171143 TRPM4 1348019 54795 HGNC Trpm4 1551863 68667 MGI:1915917 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:17993 Trpm5 1310620 365391 TRPM5 1321629 29850 HGNC Trpm5 1321630 56843 MGI:1861718 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:14323 Trpm6 1309942 293874 TRPM6 1320558 140803 HGNC Trpm6 1320559 225997 MGI:2675603 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:17995 Trpm7 620053 679906 TRPM7 1353386 54822 HGNC Trpm7 1557461 58800 MGI:1929996 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:17994 Trpm8 620762 171384 TRPM8 732182 79054 HGNC Trpm8 732183 171382 MGI:2181435 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:17961 Trps1 1311883 299897 TRPS1 1323571 7227 HGNC Trps1 1323572 83925 MGI:1927616 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:12340 Trpt1 1310831 293704 TRPT1 1349455 83707 HGNC Trpt1 1618243 107328 MGI:1333115 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:20316 Trpv1 628841 83810 TRPV1 733197 7442 HGNC Trpv1 1552559 193034 MGI:1341787 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:12716 Trpv2 3965 29465 TRPV2 1346359 51393 HGNC Trpv2 1332143 22368 MGI:1341836 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:18082 Trpv3 1564531 497948 TRPV3 1344610 162514 HGNC Trpv3 1557695 246788 MGI:2181407 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:18084 Trpv4 69337 66026 TRPV4 1604803 59341 HGNC Trpv4 735797 63873 MGI:1926945 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:18083 Trpv5 620636 116469 TRPV5 1350143 56302 HGNC Trpv5 1551251 194352 MGI:2429764 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:3145 Trpv6 69335 114246 TRPV6 731367 55503 HGNC Trpv6 735419 64177 MGI:1927259 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:14006 Trrap 1305446 288471 TRRAP 1313479 8295 HGNC Trrap 1550217 100683 MGI:2153272 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:12347 Trub1 1308502 361775 TRUB1 1318307 142940 HGNC Trub1 1552982 72133 MGI:1919383 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:16060 Trub2 1359394 366012 TRUB2 1346955 26995 HGNC Trub2 1557985 227682 MGI:2442186 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:17170 Try5 1560283 103690254 Try5 2315721 103964 MGI:102756 RGD Tsacc 1304953 361979 TSACC 1604756 128229 HGNC Tsacc 1331902 76927 MGI:1924177 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:30636 Tsbp1 1597063 414826 TSBP1 1346663 10665 HGNC Tsbp1 1617180 407788 MGI:3039565 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:13922 Tsc1 620124 60445 TSC1 736947 7248 HGNC Tsc1 733994 64930 MGI:1929183 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:12362 Tsc2 3908 24855 TSC2 736193 7249 HGNC Tsc2 11457 22084 MGI:102548 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:12363 Tsc22d1 3850 498545 TSC22D1 1604401 8848 HGNC Tsc22d1 1615941 21807 MGI:109127 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:16826 Tsc22d2 1593169 499624 TSC22D2 1602336 9819 HGNC Tsc22d2 1551686 72033 MGI:1919283 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:29095 Tsc22d3 621654 83514 TSC22D3 1605734 1831 HGNC Tsc22d3 1550809 14605 MGI:1196284 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:3051 Tsc22d4 1584380 684980 TSC22D4 1601955 81628 RGD Tsc22d4 1551585 78829 MGI:1926079 RGD HGNC:21696 Tsen15 1308584 289083 TSEN15 1318440 116461 HGNC Tsen15 1318441 66637 MGI:1913887 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:16791 Tsen2 1309946 312649 TSEN2 1603298 80746 HGNC Tsen2 1551317 381802 MGI:2141599 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:28422 Tsen34 1359564 292534 TSEN34 1348893 79042 HGNC Tsen34 1552791 66078 MGI:1913328 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:15506 Tsen54 1597379 690308 TSEN54 1602635 283989 HGNC Tsen54 1617461 76265 MGI:1923515 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:27561 Tsfm 1593058 679068 TSFM 1346120 10102 HGNC Tsfm 1623991 66399 MGI:1913649 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:12367 Tsg101 3909 292925 TSG101 1349732 7251 HGNC Tsg101 1551168 22088 MGI:106581 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:15971 Tsga10 621142 252923 TSGA10 731470 80705 HGNC Tsga10 1617389 211484 MGI:2685063 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:14927 Tsga10ip 1302964 361707 TSGA10IP 1346501 254187 HGNC Tsga10ip 1621447 78306 MGI:1925556 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:26555 Tsga13 1584118 688848 TSGA13 1314383 114960 HGNC Tsga13 1314384 116732 MGI:1891413 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:12369 Tshb 3910 25653 TSHB 732605 7252 HGNC Tshb 732606 22094 MGI:98848 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:12372 Tshr 3911 25360 TSHR 737021 7253 HGNC Tshr 11458 22095 MGI:98849 RGD HGNC:12373 Tshz1 1311684 307217 TSHZ1 1323269 10194 HGNC Tshz1 1323270 110796 MGI:1346031 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:10669 Tshz2 6490867 100911757 TSHZ2 1353516 128553 HGNC Tshz2 1622965 228911 MGI:2153084 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:13010 Tshz3 1306322 308523 TSHZ3 1314877 57616 HGNC Tshz3 1314878 243931 MGI:2442819 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:30700 Tsks 727784 292890 TSKS 1602690 60385 HGNC Tsks 1624068 22116 MGI:1347560 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:30719 Tsku 1359311 308843 TSKU 1601763 25987 HGNC Tsku 1558481 244152 MGI:2443855 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:28850 Tslp 1586479 688621 TSLP 1604556 85480 HGNC Tslp 1621562 53603 MGI:1855696 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:30743 Tsn 621107 60381 TSN 1351634 7247 HGNC Tsn 1553298 22099 MGI:109263 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:12379 Tsnare1 9421138 103692937 TSNARE1 1606429 203062 HGNC Gm32168 9619526 102634630 MGI:5591327 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:26437 Tsnax 621574 64028 TSNAX 1346427 7257 HGNC Tsnax 1551641 53424 MGI:1855672 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:12380 Tsnaxip1 1565341 498944 TSNAXIP1 1348366 55815 HGNC Tsnaxip1 1556862 72236 MGI:1919486 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:18586 Tspan1 1303308 298436 TSPAN1 1354320 10103 HGNC Tspan1 1553747 66805 MGI:1914055 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:20657 Tspan10 1590062 688308 TSPAN10 1602455 83882 HGNC Tspan10 1619025 208634 MGI:2384781 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:29942 Tspan11 1305424 312727 TSPAN11 1604416 441631 HGNC Tspan11 1552634 68498 MGI:1915748 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:30795 Tspan12 1311102 362326 TSPAN12 1322379 23554 HGNC Tspan12 1551712 269831 MGI:1889818 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:21641 Tspan13 1311788 366602 TSPAN13 1323423 27075 HGNC Tspan13 1551886 66109 MGI:1913359 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:21643 Tspan14 1305714 306324 TSPAN14 1342494 81619 HGNC Tspan14 1553869 52588 MGI:1196325 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:23303 Tspan15 1588304 679462 TSPAN15 1351907 23555 HGNC Tspan15 1622289 70423 MGI:1917673 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:23298 Tspan17 1311167 306771 TSPAN17 1346680 26262 HGNC Tspan17 1553676 74257 MGI:1921507 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:13594 Tspan18 1560411 311210 TSPAN18 1605907 90139 HGNC Tspan18 1558172 241556 MGI:1917186 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:20660 Tspan2 620982 64521 TSPAN2 1344307 10100 HGNC Tspan2 1553173 70747 MGI:1917997 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:20659 Tspan3 1359444 300733 TSPAN3 1602131 10099 HGNC Tspan3 1551242 56434 MGI:1928098 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:17752 Tspan31 1309876 362890 TSPAN31 1320454 6302 HGNC Tspan31 1617557 67125 MGI:1914375 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:10539 Tspan32 1308721 365390 TSPAN32 1318659 10077 HGNC Tspan32 1318660 27027 MGI:1350360 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:13410 Tspan33 1560915 500065 TSPAN33 1604171 340348 HGNC Tspan33 1558464 232670 MGI:1919012 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:28743 Tspan4 1305810 293627 TSPAN4 1314069 7106 RGD Tspan4 1552299 64540 MGI:1928097 RGD HGNC:11859 Tspan5 1303176 362048 TSPAN5 1602132 10098 HGNC Tspan5 1621556 56224 MGI:1928096 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:17753 Tspan6 1560160 302313 TSPAN6 1347181 7105 HGNC Tspan6 1557189 56496 MGI:1926264 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:11858 Tspan7 1589725 363447 TSPAN7 1352570 7102 HGNC Tspan7 1615157 21912 MGI:1298407 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:11854 Tspan8 621783 171048 TSPAN8 736010 7103 HGNC Tspan8 1552118 216350 MGI:2384918 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:11855 Tspan9 1304740 312728 TSPAN9 1602896 10867 HGNC Tspan9 1553233 109246 MGI:1924558 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:21640 Tspear 1563108 365546 TSPEAR 1344496 54084 HGNC Tspear 1618095 252974 MGI:2671932 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:1268 Tspo 2228 24230 TSPO 737564 706 HGNC Tspo 10254 12257 MGI:88222 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:1158 Tspo2 1594018 682829 TSPO2 1606125 222642 HGNC Tspo2 1615080 70026 MGI:1917276 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:21256 Tspoap1 708563 287609 TSPOAP1 1346920 9256 HGNC Tspoap1 1332420 207777 MGI:2450877 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:16831 Tspy1 3912 25223 TSPY1 1351486 7258 RGD HGNC:12381 Tspy26 1310192 296280 TSPY26P 1603270 128854 HGNC Tspyl3 1614138 241732 MGI:2139328 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:16256 Tspyl1 1307726 29544 TSPYL1 1348944 7259 HGNC Tspyl1 1552777 22110 MGI:1298395 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:12382 Tspyl2 1563283 302612 TSPYL2 1346364 64061 HGNC Tspyl2 1557059 52808 MGI:106244 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:24358 Tspyl4 1306653 309828 TSPYL4 1315389 23270 HGNC Tspyl4 1550547 72480 MGI:106393 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:21559 Tspyl5 1311262 314555 TSPYL5 1322624 85453 HGNC Tspyl5 1551760 239364 MGI:2442458 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:29367 Tsr1 2322150 100360406 TSR1 1603994 55720 HGNC Tsr1 1321247 104662 MGI:2144566 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:25542 Tsr2 1562416 317418 TSR2 1602842 90121 HGNC Tsr2 1619999 69499 MGI:1916749 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:25455 Tsr3 1565744 360494 TSR3 1352414 115939 HGNC Tsr3 1558345 68327 MGI:1915577 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:14175 Tssc4 1307043 361682 TSSC4 1316004 10078 HGNC Tssc4 1316005 56844 MGI:1861712 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:12386 Tssk1b 1307352 288358 TSSK1B 1605025 83942 HGNC Tssk1 1552675 22114 MGI:1347557 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:14968 Tssk2 1304951 304181 TSSK2 1606567 23617 HGNC Tssk2 1550072 22115 MGI:1347559 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:11401 Tssk3 1359231 297891 TSSK3 1347200 81629 HGNC Tssk3 1552060 58864 MGI:1929914 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:15473 Tssk4 1560814 290229 TSSK4 1345321 283629 HGNC Tssk4 1557156 71099 MGI:1918349 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:19825 Tssk6 1559764 290670 TSSK6 1605019 83983 HGNC Tssk6 1557737 83984 MGI:2148775 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:30410 Tst 3913 25274 TST 735470 7263 HGNC Tst 11460 22117 MGI:98852 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:12388 Tstd1 2323815 100359478 TSTD1 2859136 100131187 HGNC Tstd1 1620609 226654 MGI:3648482 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:35410 Tstd2 1310893 362514 TSTD2 1322057 158427 HGNC Tstd2 1322058 272027 MGI:3039624 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:30087 Tstd3 1563572 500420 TSTD3 6769372 100130890 HGNC Tstd3 1557685 77032 MGI:1924282 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:40910 Ttbk1 1559518 316229 TTBK1 1350960 84630 HGNC Ttbk1 1623043 106763 MGI:2147036 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:19140 Ttbk2 1311661 311349 TTBK2 1347811 146057 HGNC Ttbk2 1323236 140810 MGI:2155779 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:19141 Ttc1 1359604 287208 TTC1 1345432 7265 HGNC Ttc1 1552341 66827 MGI:1914077 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:12391 Ttc12 1303264 300696 TTC12 1347109 54970 HGNC Ttc12 1332282 235330 MGI:2444588 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:23700 Ttc13 1310186 292095 TTC13 1320938 79573 HGNC Ttc13 1320939 234875 MGI:2384573 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:26204 Ttc14 1310045 310314 TTC14 1320720 151613 HGNC Ttc14 1320721 67120 MGI:1914370 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:24697 Ttc16 2318922 100362059 TTC16 1321657 158248 HGNC Ttc16 1551595 338348 MGI:2443048 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:26536 Ttc17 1305410 311224 TTC17 1313426 55761 HGNC Ttc17 1550206 74569 MGI:1921819 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:25596 Ttc19 1582808 691506 TTC19 1353382 54902 HGNC Ttc19 1614305 72795 MGI:1920045 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:26006 Ttc21a 1308806 301065 TTC21A 1348204 199223 RGD Ttc21a 1551133 74052 MGI:1921302 RGD HGNC:30761 Ttc21b 1565122 295654 TTC21B 1344161 79809 HGNC Ttc21b 1557198 73668 MGI:1920918 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:25660 Ttc22 1561518 298300 TTC22 1605998 55001 HGNC Ttc22 1620603 230576 MGI:3045307 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:26067 Ttc23 1310409 308708 TTC23 1601741 64927 HGNC Ttc23 1618383 67009 MGI:1914259 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:25730 Ttc23l 1564928 502510 TTC23L 1603175 153657 HGNC Ttc23l 1558255 75777 MGI:1923027 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:26355 Ttc24 2319887 100361582 TTC24 1602975 164118 HGNC Ttc24 1616584 214191 MGI:2443841 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:32348 Ttc27 1305264 298782 TTC27 1604350 55622 HGNC Ttc27 1332208 74196 MGI:1921446 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:25986 Ttc28 1594541 304558 TTC28 1601773 23331 HGNC Ttc28 1621374 209683 MGI:2140873 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:29179 Ttc29 1589777 291944 TTC29 1605320 83894 HGNC Ttc29 1315913 73301 MGI:1920551 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:29936 Ttc3 1308654 360702 TTC3 1318550 7267 HGNC Ttc3 1318551 22129 MGI:1276539 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:12393 Ttc32 1585566 684830 TTC32 1605580 130502 HGNC Ttc32 1623138 75516 MGI:1922766 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:32954 Ttc33 1564042 294774 TTC33 1606815 23548 HGNC Ttc33 1557276 67515 MGI:1914765 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:29959 Ttc34 1304840 366517 TTC34 2293894 100287898 HGNC Ttc34 1312512 242800 MGI:2445205 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:34297 Ttc36 1359544 300676 TTC36 2293598 143941 HGNC Ttc36 1622143 192653 MGI:2384760 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:33708 Ttc38 1306041 300125 TTC38 1602885 55020 HGNC Ttc38 1314431 239570 MGI:2146198 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:26082 Ttc39a 1311126 298366 TTC39A 1322418 22996 RGD Ttc39a 1322419 230603 MGI:2444350 RGD HGNC:18657 Ttc39b 1305797 298186 TTC39B 1314048 158219 HGNC Ttc39b 1314049 69863 MGI:1917113 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:23704 Ttc39c 1585423 686179 TTC39C 1345290 125488 HGNC Ttc39c 1614313 72747 MGI:1919997 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:26595 Ttc4 1308529 362556 TTC4 1318353 7268 HGNC Ttc4 1318354 72354 MGI:1919604 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:12394 Ttc41 1302940 362863 TTC41P 10002693 253724 RGD Ttc41 1626389 103220 MGI:2387653 RGD HGNC:49210 Ttc5 1311284 305837 TTC5 1322658 91875 HGNC Ttc5 1322659 219022 MGI:2683584 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:19274 Ttc6 1560556 366631 TTC6 1323287 319089 HGNC Ttc6 1619866 70846 MGI:2684915 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:19739 Ttc7a 1306211 362696 TTC7A 1314700 57217 HGNC Ttc7 1314701 225049 MGI:1920999 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:19750 Ttc7b 1305920 362768 TTC7B 1314238 145567 HGNC Ttc7b 1618253 104718 MGI:2144724 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:19858 Ttc8 1307769 299246 TTC8 1317152 123016 HGNC Ttc8 1317153 76260 MGI:1923510 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:20087 Ttc9 1565985 500689 TTC9 1318967 23508 HGNC Ttc9 1551119 69480 MGI:1916730 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:20267 Ttc9b 1306256 361528 TTC9B 1603894 148014 HGNC Ttc9b 1314772 73032 MGI:1920282 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:26395 Ttc9c 1359253 309196 TTC9C 1601809 283237 HGNC Ttc9c 1558015 70387 MGI:1917637 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:28432 Ttf1 1565673 499766 TTF1 1352742 7270 HGNC Ttf1 1558173 22130 MGI:105044 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:12397 Ttf2 1309145 295324 TTF2 1319323 8458 HGNC Ttf2 1319324 74044 MGI:1921294 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:12398 Tti1 1562582 499935 TTI1 1605708 9675 HGNC Tti1 1322193 75425 MGI:1922675 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:29029 Tti2 1310414 290811 TTI2 1604785 80185 HGNC Tti2 1321304 234138 MGI:2384576 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:26262 Ttk 1305558 315852 TTK 1313655 7272 HGNC Ttk 1313656 22137 MGI:1194921 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:12401 Ttl 621113 171572 TTL 732112 150465 HGNC Ttl 732113 69737 MGI:1916987 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:21586 Ttll1 1309124 362969 TTLL1 1319289 25809 HGNC Ttll1 1319290 319953 MGI:2443047 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:1312 Ttll10 1560839 298692 TTLL10 1602419 254173 HGNC Ttll10 1614807 330010 MGI:1921855 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:26693 Ttll11 1588742 689746 TTLL11 1322671 158135 HGNC Ttll11 1621486 74410 MGI:1921660 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:18113 Ttll12 1305319 300105 TTLL12 1604381 23170 HGNC Ttll12 1313277 223723 MGI:3039573 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:28974 Ttll13 1310399 308762 TTLL13 1604421 440307 HGNC Ttll13 1617248 269954 MGI:1920845 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:32484 Ttll2 1305200 292311 TTLL2 1313087 83887 HGNC Ttll2 1619527 100216474 MGI:3644030 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:21211 Ttll3 1311255 362415 TTLL3 1322614 26140 HGNC Ttll3 1615777 101100 MGI:2141418 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:24483 Ttll4 1594742 690512 TTLL4 1315312 9654 HGNC Ttll4 1550532 67534 MGI:1914784 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:28976 Ttll5 1563583 299208 TTLL5 1350630 23093 HGNC Ttll5 1620469 320244 MGI:2443657 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:19963 Ttll6 1311922 287646 TTLL6 1605245 284076 RGD Ttll6 1323632 237930 MGI:2683461 RGD HGNC:26664 Ttll7 1566117 310982 TTLL7 1605943 79739 HGNC Ttll7 1619134 70892 MGI:1918142 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:26242 Ttll8 1306462 315214 TTLL8 2290198 164714 HGNC Ttll8 1315095 239591 MGI:1922902 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:34000 Ttll9 1359622 311548 TTLL9 1345675 164395 HGNC Ttll9 1553313 74711 MGI:1913589 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:16118 Ttn 621114 84015 TTN 1605120 7273 RGD Ttn 1624066 22138 MGI:98864 RGD HGNC:12403 Ttpa 3915 25571 TTPA 731914 7274 HGNC Ttpa 731915 50500 MGI:1354168 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:12404 Ttpal 1305754 296349 TTPAL 1313976 79183 HGNC Ttpal 1313977 76080 MGI:1923330 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:16114 Ttr 3916 24856 TTR 737331 7276 HGNC Ttr 11463 22139 MGI:98865 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:12405 Ttyh1 1310103 292597 TTYH1 1320816 57348 HGNC Ttyh1 1320817 57776 MGI:1889007 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:13476 Ttyh2 1562969 287803 TTYH2 1354269 94015 HGNC Ttyh2 1557354 117160 MGI:2157091 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:13877 Ttyh3 1309549 304315 TTYH3 1319948 80727 HGNC Ttyh3 1553258 78339 MGI:1925589 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:22222 Tub 3918 25609 TUB 1343505 7275 RGD Tub 732108 22141 MGI:2651573 RGD HGNC:12406 Tuba1a 619717 64158 TUBA1A 1607082 7846 HGNC Tuba1a 1550064 22142 MGI:98869 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:20766 Tuba1b 1565476 500929 TUBA1B 1603700 10376 HGNC Tuba1b 1624065 22143 MGI:107804 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:18809 Tuba1c 1307226 300218 TUBA1C 1606486 84790 RGD Tuba1c 1316292 22146 MGI:1095409 RGD HGNC:20768 Tuba3a 1565719 500319 TUBA3E 1604550 112714 HGNC HGNC:20765 Tuba3b 1565155 500363 TUBA3D 1606186 113457 HGNC Tuba3b 1557104 22147 MGI:1095408 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:24071 Tuba4a 1359623 316531 TUBA4A 1344170 7277 HGNC Tuba4a 1553315 22145 MGI:1095410 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:12407 Tuba8 1566041 500377 TUBA8 1352677 51807 HGNC Tuba8 1556904 53857 MGI:1858225 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:12410 Tubal3 1305289 291287 TUBAL3 1313230 79861 HGNC Tubal3 1619822 238463 MGI:3588215 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:23534 Tubb1 1589557 679312 TUBB1 1345439 81027 HGNC Tubb1 1617888 545486 MGI:107814 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:16257 Tubb2a 1588452 498736 TUBB2A 1347978 7280 HGNC Tubb2a 1558572 22151 MGI:107861 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:12412 Tubb2b 1309427 291081 TUBB2B 1602407 347733 HGNC Tubb2b 1319765 73710 MGI:1920960 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:30829 Tubb3 628595 246118 TUBB3 1347965 10381 HGNC Tubb3 1550181 22152 MGI:107813 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:20772 Tubb4a 619730 29213 TUBB4A 1348861 10382 RGD Tubb4a 735794 22153 MGI:107848 RGD HGNC:20774 Tubb4b 735101 296554 TUBB4B 1601774 10383 HGNC Tubb4b 1557719 227613 MGI:1915472 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:20771 Tubb5 628596 29214 TUBB 1606428 203068 HGNC Tubb5 1624063 22154 MGI:107812 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:20778 Tubb6 1305887 307351 TUBB6 1343714 84617 HGNC Tubb6 1551944 67951 MGI:1915201 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:20776 Tubd1 1311967 287592 TUBD1 1323696 51174 HGNC Tubd1 1323697 56427 MGI:1891826 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:16811 Tube1 1306048 361856 TUBE1 1314442 51175 HGNC Tube1 1550384 71924 MGI:1919174 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:20775 Tubg1 628606 252921 TUBG1 732715 7283 HGNC Tubg1 1550439 103733 MGI:101834 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:12417 Tubg2 1585798 680991 TUBG2 1316944 27175 HGNC Tubg2 1615769 103768 MGI:2144208 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:12419 Tubgcp2 1309597 309098 TUBGCP2 1320019 10844 HGNC Tubgcp2 1623155 74237 MGI:1921487 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:18599 Tubgcp3 1305726 306599 TUBGCP3 1313927 10426 HGNC Tubgcp3 1313928 259279 MGI:2183752 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:18598 Tubgcp4 1306924 362203 TUBGCP4 1603663 27229 HGNC Tubgcp4 1315816 51885 MGI:1196293 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:16691 Tubgcp5 1304689 308663 TUBGCP5 1312280 114791 HGNC Tubgcp5 1312281 233276 MGI:2178836 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:18600 Tubgcp6 1307743 362980 TUBGCP6 1317114 85378 HGNC Tubgcp6 1608904 328580 MGI:2146071 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:18127 Tufm 1305501 293481 TUFM 1313566 7284 HGNC Tufm 1552222 233870 MGI:1923686 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:12420 Tuft1 1310373 365864 TUFT1 1321243 7286 HGNC Tuft1 1321244 22156 MGI:109572 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:12422 Tug1 9685395 100125371 TUG1 1605999 55000 HGNC Tug1 1623542 544752 MGI:2144114 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:26066 Tulp1 1311062 309900 TULP1 1322319 7287 HGNC Tulp1 1322320 22157 MGI:109571 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:12423 Tulp2 1310551 361576 TULP2 1321519 7288 HGNC Tulp2 1321520 56734 MGI:1861600 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:12424 Tulp3 1585259 688749 TULP3 1348382 7289 HGNC Tulp3 1557674 22158 MGI:1329045 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:12425 Tulp4 1564487 499016 TULP4 1350994 56995 HGNC Tulp4 1557029 68842 MGI:1916092 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:15530 Tunar 41061531 120103614 TUNAR 6484644 100507043 NCBI Tunar 1608813 69952 MGI:1917202 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:44088 Tusc1 41074883 120102916 TUSC1 1606109 286319 HGNC Tusc1 1622302 69136 MGI:2684283 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:31010 Tusc2 1561664 501052 TUSC2 1343391 11334 HGNC Tusc2 1615786 80385 MGI:1931086 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:17034 Tusc3 1303318 290783 TUSC3 1606831 7991 HGNC Tusc3 1551857 80286 MGI:1933134 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:30242 Tut1 1561043 499314 TUT1 1345565 64852 HGNC Tut1 1557247 70044 MGI:1917294 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:26184 Tut4 1310138 313481 TUT4 1320865 23318 HGNC Tut4 1320866 230594 MGI:2445126 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:28981 Tut7 1586015 501515 TUT7 1344359 79670 HGNC Tut7 1615714 214290 MGI:2387179 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:25817 Tvp23a 1566405 360467 TVP23A 1343449 780776 HGNC Tvp23a 1616390 383103 MGI:3665441 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:20398 Tvp23b 1586539 687358 TVP23B 1314909 51030 HGNC Tvp23b 1314910 67510 MGI:1914760 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:20399 Twf1 1311872 315265 TWF1 1323555 5756 HGNC Twf1 1323556 19230 MGI:1100520 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:9620 Twf2 1591460 684352 TWF2 1312984 11344 HGNC Twf2 1312985 23999 MGI:1346078 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:9621 Twist1 621455 85489 TWIST1 1349130 7291 HGNC Twist1 1553211 22160 MGI:98872 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:12428 Twist2 621286 59327 TWIST2 735468 117581 HGNC Twist2 735469 13345 MGI:104685 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:20670 Twnk 1307884 309441 TWNK 1317337 56652 HGNC Twnk 1317338 226153 MGI:2137410 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:1160 Twsg1 1311215 363294 TWSG1 1322557 57045 RGD Twsg1 1322558 65960 MGI:2137520 RGD HGNC:12429 Txk 1306481 305311 TXK 1315122 7294 HGNC Txk 1315123 22165 MGI:102960 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:12434 Txlna 1583435 682457 TXLNA 1603882 200081 HGNC Txlna 1620671 109658 MGI:105968 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:30685 Txlnb 1307979 308622 TXLNB 1317484 167838 HGNC Txlnb 1553268 378431 MGI:2671945 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:21617 Txlng 1564371 302680 TXLNG 1347306 55787 HGNC Txlng 1617206 353170 MGI:3590652 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:18578 Txn1 621157 116484 TXN 732441 7295 HGNC Txn1 732442 22166 MGI:98874 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:12435 Txn2 71040 79462 TXN2 737462 25828 HGNC Txn2 737463 56551 MGI:1929468 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:17772 Txndc11 1307538 302899 TXNDC11 1348266 51061 HGNC Txndc11 1553374 106200 MGI:1923620 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:28030 Txndc12 1305960 298370 TXNDC12 1606291 51060 HGNC Txndc12 1551513 66073 MGI:1913323 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:24626 Txndc15 1304696 307180 TXNDC15 1312290 79770 HGNC Txndc15 1312291 69672 MGI:1916922 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:20652 Txndc16 1306755 361025 TXNDC16 1315553 57544 HGNC Txndc16 1315554 70561 MGI:1917811 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:19965 Txndc17 1308868 287474 TXNDC17 1318890 84817 HGNC Txndc17 1318891 52700 MGI:1289248 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:28218 Txndc2 1359251 316777 TXNDC2 1352753 84203 HGNC Txndc2 1551081 213272 MGI:2389312 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:16470 Txndc5 2323973 100362805 TXNDC5 1313292 81567 HGNC Txndc5 1313293 105245 MGI:2145316 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:21073 Txndc8 1303121 362525 TXNDC8 1345541 255220 HGNC Txndc8 1552769 67402 MGI:1914652 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:31454 Txndc9 708355 280671 TXNDC9 1352767 10190 HGNC Txndc9 1332179 98258 MGI:2138153 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:24110 Txnip 620886 117514 TXNIP 1343574 10628 HGNC Txnip 732141 56338 MGI:1889549 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:16952 Txnl1 621717 140922 TXNL1 1354026 9352 HGNC Txnl1 1550199 53382 MGI:1860078 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:12436 Txnl4a 6492735 100911462 TXNL4A 1347193 10907 HGNC Txnl4a 1318532 27366 MGI:1351613 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:30551 Txnl4b 1305127 292008 TXNL4B 1344635 54957 HGNC Txnl4b 1552589 234723 MGI:2443724 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:26041 Txnrd1 61959 58819 TXNRD1 732119 7296 HGNC Txnrd1 62252 50493 MGI:1354175 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:12437 Txnrd2 61960 50551 TXNRD2 1606823 10587 HGNC Txnrd2 62253 26462 MGI:1347023 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:18155 Txnrd3 1308363 297437 TXNRD3 1318088 114112 HGNC Txnrd3 1318089 232223 MGI:2386711 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:20667 Tyk2 2320469 100361294 TYK2 1316192 7297 HGNC Tyk2 1316193 54721 MGI:1929470 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:12440 Tymp 1305756 315219 TYMP 1313979 1890 HGNC Tymp 1313980 72962 MGI:1920212 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:3148 Tyms 3921 29261 TYMS 732334 7298 HGNC Tyms 736838 22171 MGI:98878 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:12441 Tyr 1589755 308800 TYR 1346000 7299 HGNC Tyr 11466 22173 MGI:98880 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:12442 Tyro3 3923 25232 TYRO3 736404 7301 HGNC Tyro3 11467 22174 MGI:104294 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:12446 Tyrobp 1303081 361537 TYROBP 1351113 7305 HGNC Tyrobp 1624060 22177 MGI:1277211 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:12449 Tyrp1 1593266 298182 TYRP1 1351708 7306 HGNC Tyrp1 11468 22178 MGI:98881 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:12450 Tysnd1 1307354 365571 TYSND1 1316504 219743 HGNC Tysnd1 1331903 71767 MGI:1919017 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:28531 Tyw1 1310420 304423 TYW1 1345301 55253 HGNC Tyw1 1550205 100929 MGI:2141161 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:25598 Tyw3 1559623 499731 TYW3 1603913 127253 HGNC Tyw3 1557566 209584 MGI:2445040 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:24757 Tyw5 1311269 301419 TYW5 1604998 129450 HGNC Tyw5 1322635 68736 MGI:1915986 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:26754 U2af1 1584190 687575 U2AF1 1349504 7307 HGNC U2af1 1622162 108121 MGI:98884 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:12453 U2af1l4 1305600 361542 U2AF1L4 1343980 199746 HGNC U2af1l4 1313724 233073 MGI:2678374 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:23020 U2af2 1310690 308335 U2AF2 1321740 11338 HGNC U2af2 1321741 22185 MGI:98886 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:23156 U2l1 41049173 120094025 U2 16567481 124904143 HGNC U2l2 40933449 120094035 U2 16568464 124900916 HGNC Gm25007 14999200 115488563 MGI:5454784 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline U2l3 41148093 120093432 U2 16567218 124904145 HGNC Gm24497 14997511 115487688 MGI:5454274 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline U2surp 1307882 315903 U2SURP 4892414 23350 HGNC U2surp 1332539 67958 MGI:1915208 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:30855 U3l1 41016925 120093492 U3 16551896 124901860 HGNC Uaca 1560011 315732 UACA 1352491 55075 RGD Uaca 1558458 72565 MGI:1919815 RGD HGNC:15947 Uap1 1561967 498272 UAP1 1319461 6675 HGNC Uap1 1319462 107652 MGI:1334459 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:12457 Uap1l1 1310630 296560 UAP1L1 1321645 91373 HGNC Uap1l1 1553541 227620 MGI:2443318 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:28082 Uba1 1359327 314432 UBA1 1604847 7317 HGNC Uba1 1550651 22201 MGI:98890 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:12469 Uba1y 3925 25225 Uba1y 737107 22202 MGI:98891 RGD Uba2 1312023 308508 UBA2 1602133 10054 HGNC Uba2 1323790 50995 MGI:1858313 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:30661 Uba3 621084 117553 UBA3 737348 9039 HGNC Uba3 734283 22200 MGI:1341217 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:12470 Uba5 1311702 300968 UBA5 1323296 79876 HGNC Uba5 1323297 66663 MGI:1913913 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:23230 Uba52 68344 64156 UBA52 68482 7311 HGNC Uba52 68483 22186 MGI:98887 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:12458 Uba6 1308324 305268 UBA6 1605374 55236 HGNC Uba6 1318029 231380 MGI:1913894 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:25581 Uba7 1308323 301000 UBA7 1318027 7318 HGNC Uba7 1318028 74153 MGI:1349462 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:12471 Ubac1 1359542 362087 UBAC1 1346576 10422 HGNC Ubac1 1552773 98766 MGI:1920995 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:30221 Ubac2 1311689 361094 UBAC2 1323278 337867 HGNC Ubac2 1614336 68889 MGI:1916139 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:20486 Ubald1 1359443 302941 UBALD1 1604544 124402 RGD Ubald1 1615732 207740 MGI:1916255 RGD HGNC:29576 Ubald2 1311298 287840 UBALD2 1605547 283991 HGNC Ubald2 1322681 319370 MGI:1914635 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:28438 Ubap1 1305186 362502 UBAP1 1313064 51271 HGNC Ubap1 1313065 67123 MGI:2149543 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:12461 Ubap1l 1582742 691572 UBAP1L 5476950 390595 HGNC Ubap1l 1623839 208080 MGI:2685360 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:40028 Ubap2 1311717 313169 UBAP2 1323319 55833 HGNC Ubap2 1323320 68926 MGI:1916176 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:14185 Ubap2l 1308707 361984 UBAP2L 1354268 9898 HGNC Ubap2l 1622248 74383 MGI:1921633 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:29877 Ubash3a 1310305 309666 UBASH3A 1321132 53347 HGNC Ubash3a 1321133 328795 MGI:1926074 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:12462 Ubash3b 1310357 315579 UBASH3B 1605914 84959 HGNC Ubash3b 1331955 72828 MGI:1920078 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:29884 Ubb 621562 192255 UBB 1344008 7314 RGD Ubb 1552783 22187 MGI:98888 RGD HGNC:12463 Ubc 621244 50522 UBC 1346853 7316 HGNC Ubc 1624057 22190 MGI:98889 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:12468 Ubd 69418 29168 UBD 69468 10537 HGNC Ubd 69469 24108 MGI:1344410 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:18795 Ube2a 1359534 298317 UBE2A 1346006 7319 HGNC Ube2a 1553259 22209 MGI:102959 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:12472 Ube2b 708345 81816 UBE2B 1349526 7320 HGNC Ube2b 734012 22210 MGI:102944 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:12473 Ube2c 1305382 296368 UBE2C 1313378 11065 HGNC Ube2c 1313379 68612 MGI:1915862 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:15937 Ube2d1 1307886 361831 UBE2D1 1317341 7321 HGNC Ube2d1 1317342 216080 MGI:2384911 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:12474 Ube2d2 1591897 641452 UBE2D2 69475 7322 HGNC Ube2d2a 69476 56550 MGI:1930715 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:12475 Ube2d2b 69425 79435 UBE2D4 1347506 51619 RGD Ube2d2b 1619973 73318 MGI:1920568 RGD HGNC:21647 Ube2d3 619912 81920 UBE2D3 1344235 7323 HGNC Ube2d3 1553849 66105 MGI:1913355 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:12476 Ube2d4l1 2323338 100359803 UBE2DNL 1603496 100131816 HGNC HGNC:28656 Ube2e1 2324438 100366017 UBE2E1 1354241 7324 HGNC Ube2e1 1624056 22194 MGI:107411 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:12477 Ube2e2 1305644 361013 UBE2E2 1346022 7325 HGNC Ube2e2 1313795 218793 MGI:2384997 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:12478 Ube2e3 1308894 295686 UBE2E3 1318925 10477 HGNC Ube2e3 1318926 22193 MGI:107412 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:12479 Ube2f 1307608 363284 UBE2F 1350782 140739 HGNC Ube2f 1316900 67921 MGI:1915171 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:12480 Ube2g1 620392 64631 UBE2G1 1353011 7326 HGNC Ube2g1 733202 67128 MGI:1914378 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:12482 Ube2g2 1304860 294331 UBE2G2 1312541 7327 HGNC Ube2g2 1312542 22213 MGI:1343188 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:12483 Ube2h 2319288 296956 UBE2H 1320678 7328 HGNC Ube2h 1320679 22214 MGI:104632 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:12484 Ube2i 3926 25573 UBE2I 734464 7329 HGNC Ube2i 11469 22196 MGI:107365 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:12485 Ube2j1 1305067 297961 UBE2J1 1312877 51465 HGNC Ube2j1 1312878 56228 MGI:1926245 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:17598 Ube2j2 1359523 298689 UBE2J2 1343973 118424 HGNC Ube2j2 1623844 140499 MGI:2153608 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:19268 Ube2k 1311626 289623 UBE2K 1323181 3093 HGNC Ube2k 1323182 53323 MGI:1858216 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:4914 Ube2l3 1308361 363836 UBE2L3 1318085 7332 HGNC Ube2l3 1557759 22195 MGI:109240 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:12488 Ube2l6 1307960 295704 UBE2L6 1317456 9246 HGNC Ube2l6 1317457 56791 MGI:1914500 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:12490 Ube2m 1307614 361509 UBE2M 1316910 9040 HGNC Ube2m 1316911 22192 MGI:108278 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:12491 Ube2n 621096 116725 UBE2N 1348630 7334 RGD Ube2n 1553395 93765 MGI:1934835 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:12492 Ube2o 1310297 303689 UBE2O 1606786 63893 HGNC Ube2o 1321118 217342 MGI:2444266 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:29554 Ube2q1 1305305 295252 UBE2Q1 1313256 55585 HGNC Ube2q1 1552177 70093 MGI:1917343 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:15698 Ube2q2 1307680 363065 UBE2Q2 1605308 92912 HGNC Ube2q2 1614226 109161 MGI:2388672 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:19248 Ube2ql1 1598121 679949 UBE2QL1 2798685 134111 HGNC Ube2ql1 1321324 76980 MGI:1924230 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:37269 Ube2r2 1594826 689226 UBE2R2 1321905 54926 HGNC Ube2r2 1321906 67615 MGI:1914865 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:19907 Ube2s 1564746 292588 UBE2S 1343646 27338 HGNC Ube2s 1558595 77891 MGI:1925141 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:17895 Ube2t 1310816 360847 UBE2T 1606013 29089 HGNC Ube2t 1552159 67196 MGI:1914446 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:25009 Ube2u 1565480 500511 UBE2U 1606149 148581 HGNC Ube2u 1618757 381534 MGI:3588216 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:28559 Ube2v1 1305503 296390 UBE2V1 1346082 7335 RGD Ube2v1 1313569 66589 MGI:1913839 RGD HGNC:12494 Ube2v2 727838 287927 UBE2V2 1318163 7336 HGNC Ube2v2 1550988 70620 MGI:1917870 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:12495 Ube2w 6503620 100909445 UBE2W 1605362 55284 RGD Ube2w 1620836 66799 MGI:1914049 RGD HGNC:25616 Ube2z 1308347 303478 UBE2Z 1606510 65264 HGNC Ube2z 1318063 268470 MGI:1343160 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:25847 Ube3a 1306361 361585 UBE3A 1314934 7337 HGNC Ube3a 1314935 22215 MGI:105098 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:12496 Ube3b 1583074 687633 UBE3B 1350438 89910 RGD Ube3b 1623028 117146 MGI:1891295 RGD HGNC:13478 Ube3c 1559986 362294 UBE3C 1348358 9690 HGNC Ube3c 1558277 100763 MGI:2140998 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:16803 Ube3d 1306773 315863 UBE3D 1315581 90025 HGNC Ube3d 1315582 70348 MGI:1917598 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:21381 Ube4a 1303173 315608 UBE4A 1351066 9354 HGNC Ube4a 1551064 140630 MGI:2154580 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:12499 Ube4b 1304738 298652 UBE4B 1312355 10277 HGNC Ube4b 1312356 63958 MGI:1927086 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:12500 Ubfd1 1306614 293454 UBFD1 1606788 56061 HGNC Ubfd1 1315331 28018 MGI:107301 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:30565 Ubiad1 1309588 313706 UBIAD1 1603400 29914 HGNC Ubiad1 1551920 71707 MGI:1918957 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:30791 Ubl3 1305431 363869 UBL3 1313456 5412 HGNC Ubl3 1313457 24109 MGI:1344373 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:12504 Ubl4a 1563983 293864 UBL4A 1348580 8266 HGNC Ubl4a 1558520 27643 MGI:95049 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:12505 Ubl4b 1589125 120100913 UBL4B 1602973 164153 HGNC Ubl4b 1614351 67591 MGI:1914841 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:32309 Ubl5 1564644 500954 UBL5 1351956 59286 HGNC Ubl5 1615122 66177 MGI:1913427 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:13736 Ubl7 1303055 300744 UBL7 1602843 84993 HGNC Ubl7 1550160 69459 MGI:1916709 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:28221 Ublcp1 1310386 360514 UBLCP1 1605293 134510 HGNC Ublcp1 1552325 79560 MGI:1933105 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:28110 Ubn1 1311582 302935 UBN1 1323115 29855 HGNC Ubn1 1323116 170644 MGI:1891307 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:12506 Ubn2 1310722 312248 UBN2 2302451 254048 HGNC Ubn2 1558459 320538 MGI:2444236 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:21931 Ubox5 1305440 296161 UBOX5 1605087 22888 HGNC Ubox5 1313471 140629 MGI:2154658 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:17777 Ubp1 1564700 301038 UBP1 1345367 7342 HGNC Ubp1 1558580 22221 MGI:104889 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:12507 Ubqln1 620745 114590 UBQLN1 731465 29979 HGNC Ubqln1 731466 56085 MGI:1860276 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:12508 Ubqln2 1563566 317396 UBQLN2 1350173 29978 HGNC Ubqln2 1557414 54609 MGI:1860283 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:12509 Ubqln3 1304920 308905 UBQLN3 1312638 50613 HGNC Ubqln3 1615636 244178 MGI:3045291 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:12510 Ubqln4 1308273 310633 UBQLN4 1344813 56893 HGNC Ubqln4 1550028 94232 MGI:2150152 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:1237 Ubqlnl 1307202 293287 UBQLNL 1605287 143630 HGNC Ubqlnl 1316256 244179 MGI:2685336 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:28294 Ubr1 1562326 499877 UBR1 1347280 197131 RGD Ubr1 1623272 22222 MGI:1277977 RGD HGNC:16808 Ubr2 1593237 363188 UBR2 1313853 23304 HGNC Ubr2 1614185 224826 MGI:1861099 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:21289 Ubr3 1565257 311115 UBR3 1346219 130507 HGNC Ubr3 1615087 68795 MGI:1861100 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:30467 Ubr4 1563121 313658 UBR4 1350466 23352 HGNC Ubr4 1557858 69116 MGI:1916366 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:30313 Ubr5 621236 117060 UBR5 1605385 51366 HGNC Ubr5 1552737 70790 MGI:1918040 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:16806 Ubr7 1359144 314399 UBR7 1344986 55148 HGNC Ubr7 1552964 66622 MGI:1913872 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:20344 Ubtd1 1308172 309373 UBTD1 1317795 80019 HGNC Ubtd1 1317796 226122 MGI:2385092 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:25683 Ubtd2 1305506 287178 UBTD2 1601834 92181 HGNC Ubtd2 1313574 327900 MGI:2444752 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:24463 Ubtf 3927 25574 UBTF 734082 7343 HGNC Ubtf 737074 21429 MGI:98512 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:12511 Ubtfl1 1304745 300381 UBTFL1 1312367 642623 RGD Ubtfl1 1622623 546118 MGI:3588290 RGD HGNC:14533 Ubtfl2 41128381 120094361 UBTFL2 2302195 120126 RGD HGNC:35169 Ubtfl6-ps1 1597382 690305 UBTFL6 2302194 643615 HGNC HGNC:35406 Ubxn1 1309471 293719 UBXN1 1606294 51035 HGNC Ubxn1 1319829 225896 MGI:1289301 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:18402 Ubxn10 1308335 298577 UBXN10 1318044 127733 HGNC Ubxn10 1318045 212190 MGI:2443123 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:26354 Ubxn11 620769 192207 UBXN11 737092 91544 HGNC Ubxn11 1550360 67586 MGI:1914836 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:30600 Ubxn2a 1589027 685859 UBXN2A 1320427 165324 HGNC Ubxn2a 1320428 217379 MGI:2442310 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:27265 Ubxn2b 1308557 312965 UBXN2B 2299012 137886 HGNC Ubxn2b 1318399 68053 MGI:1915303 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:27035 Ubxn4 1307451 304766 UBXN4 1316650 23190 HGNC Ubxn4 1316651 67812 MGI:1915062 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:14860 Ubxn6 1590866 363332 UBXN6 1347744 80700 HGNC Ubxn6 1557668 66530 MGI:1913780 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:14928 Ubxn7 1306346 303878 UBXN7 1607058 26043 RGD Ubxn7 1314914 224111 MGI:2146388 RGD HGNC:29119 Ubxn8 1306023 290802 UBXN8 1603319 7993 HGNC Ubxn8 1622160 108159 MGI:1337129 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:30307 Uchl1 3928 29545 UCHL1 733510 7345 HGNC Uchl1 736277 22223 MGI:103149 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:12513 Uchl3 1561196 498560 UCHL3 731673 7347 HGNC Uchl3 731674 50933 MGI:1355274 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:12515 Uchl5 1305414 360853 UCHL5 1313432 51377 HGNC Uchl5 1313433 56207 MGI:1914848 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:19678 Uck1 1308313 311864 UCK1 1318012 83549 HGNC Uck1 1318013 22245 MGI:98904 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:14859 Uck2 620742 304944 UCK2 1602230 7371 HGNC Uck2 1312516 80914 MGI:1931744 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:12562 Uckl1 1565465 499956 UCKL1 1342858 54963 HGNC Uckl1 1616772 68556 MGI:1915806 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:15938 Ucma 1308977 291312 UCMA 1350104 221044 HGNC Ucma 1319065 68527 MGI:1915777 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:25205 Ucn 3929 29151 UCN 1349219 7349 HGNC Ucn 735588 22226 MGI:1276123 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:12516 Ucn2 620765 170896 UCN2 1348669 90226 HGNC Ucn2 1614218 171530 MGI:2176375 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:18414 Ucn3 1562213 498791 UCN3 1352070 114131 HGNC Ucn3 1622194 83428 MGI:1932970 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:17781 Ucp1 3931 24860 UCP1 735821 7350 HGNC Ucp1 735822 22227 MGI:98894 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:12517 Ucp2 3932 54315 UCP2 69170 7351 HGNC Ucp2 69171 22228 MGI:109354 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:12518 Ucp3 3933 25708 UCP3 733835 7352 HGNC Ucp3 11474 22229 MGI:1099787 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:12519 Uevld 1587416 691172 UEVLD 1605360 55293 HGNC Uevld 1332126 54122 MGI:1860490 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:30866 Ufc1 1303313 445268 UFC1 1604819 51506 HGNC Ufc1 1615128 66155 MGI:1913405 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:26941 Ufd1 619822 84478 UFD1 732948 7353 HGNC Ufd1 732949 22230 MGI:109353 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:12520 Ufl1 1309308 313115 UFL1 1319587 23376 HGNC Ufl1 1319588 67490 MGI:1914740 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:23039 Ufm1 1304890 365797 UFM1 1344837 51569 HGNC Ufm1 1550713 67890 MGI:1915140 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:20597 Ufsp1 7536909 102550903 UFSP1 1604425 402682 HGNC Ufsp1 1623958 70240 MGI:1917490 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:33821 Ufsp2 1311161 361151 UFSP2 1605068 55325 HGNC Ufsp2 1322473 192169 MGI:1913679 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:25640 Ugcg 621870 83626 UGCG 1349188 7357 HGNC Ugcg 1552745 22234 MGI:1332243 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:12524 Ugdh 621879 83472 UGDH 734073 7358 HGNC Ugdh 734074 22235 MGI:1306785 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:12525 Uggt1 619710 171129 UGGT1 1343925 56886 HGNC Uggt1 1552130 320011 MGI:2443162 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:15663 Uggt2 1563520 361091 UGGT2 1351683 55757 HGNC Uggt2 1623228 66435 MGI:1913685 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:15664 Ugp2 1310210 289827 UGP2 1320978 7360 HGNC Ugp2 1320979 216558 MGI:2183447 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:12527 Ugt1a1 3935 24861 UGT1A1 1350018 54658 RGD Ugt1a1 11476 394436 MGI:98898 RGD HGNC:12530 Ugt1a2 1549741 396527 UGT1A3 1352957 54659 HGNC Ugt1a2 1558284 22236 MGI:3576049 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:12535 Ugt1a3 1549728 396551 UGT1A5 1346830 54579 HGNC HGNC:12537 Ugt1a5 1583689 574523 UGT1A4 1343519 54657 HGNC Ugt1a5 1619654 394433 MGI:3032634 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:12536 Ugt1a6 620949 113992 UGT1A6 1349499 54578 HGNC Ugt1a6b 1619652 394435 MGI:3580629 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:12538 Ugt1a9 1549771 396552 UGT1A9 1348090 54600 RGD Ugt1a9 1619653 394434 MGI:3576092 RGD HGNC:12541 Ugt2a1 69432 63867 UGT2A1 69489 10941 HGNC Ugt2a1 69490 94215 MGI:2149905 RGD HGNC:12542 Ugt2a3 1308444 289533 UGT2A3 1605934 79799 RGD Ugt2a3 1551260 72094 MGI:1919344 RGD HGNC:28528 Ugt2b1 708541 286954 UGT2B17 1350006 7367 HGNC Ugt2b1 1553791 71773 MGI:1919023 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:12547 Ugt2b34l1 1559459 501907 UGT2B28 1349165 54490 HGNC HGNC:13479 Ugt2b7 708417 286989 UGT2B7 1351542 7364 RGD Ugt2b34 1619055 100727 MGI:2140962 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:12554 Ugt3a1 1564365 294793 UGT3A1 1601933 133688 HGNC Ugt3a1 1615701 223337 MGI:2145969 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:26625 Ugt8 3938 50555 UGT8 1343181 7368 HGNC Ugt8a 1550779 22239 MGI:109522 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:12555 Uhmk1 2968 246332 UHMK1 1344907 127933 HGNC Uhmk1 1550948 16589 MGI:1341908 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:19683 Uhrf1 1595855 316129 UHRF1 1352913 29128 HGNC Uhrf1 1332040 18140 MGI:1338889 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:12556 Uhrf2 1309990 309331 UHRF2 1320632 115426 HGNC Uhrf2 1320633 109113 MGI:1923718 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:12557 Uimc1 1307009 290997 UIMC1 1601999 51720 HGNC Uimc1 1332567 20184 MGI:103185 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:30298 Ulbp1 7509852 102547056 ULBP1 1345767 80329 RGD Ulbp1 1615790 77777 MGI:1925027 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:14893 Ulk1 1589743 360827 ULK1 1344835 8408 HGNC Ulk1 1557076 22241 MGI:1270126 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:12558 Ulk2 1310181 303206 ULK2 1320930 9706 HGNC Ulk2 1320931 29869 MGI:1352758 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:13480 Ulk3 1587417 691171 ULK3 1349871 25989 HGNC Ulk3 1557888 71742 MGI:1918992 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:19703 Ulk4 1565726 363167 ULK4 1346964 54986 HGNC Ulk4 1608439 209012 MGI:1921622 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:15784 Umod 3940 25128 UMOD 737075 7369 HGNC Umod 11477 22242 MGI:102674 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:12559 Umodl1 1566039 365544 UMODL1 1351162 89766 HGNC Umodl1 1624035 52020 MGI:1929785 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:12560 Umps 1311908 288051 UMPS 1323612 7372 HGNC Umps 1323613 22247 MGI:1298388 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:12563 Unc119 3942 29402 UNC119 1343859 9094 HGNC Unc119 1332505 22248 MGI:1328357 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:12565 Unc119b 1309359 288702 UNC119B 1345863 84747 HGNC Unc119b 1319666 106840 MGI:2147162 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:16488 Unc13a 619722 64829 UNC13A 1345956 23025 HGNC Unc13a 1614780 382018 MGI:3051532 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:23150 Unc13b 619723 64830 UNC13B 734027 10497 HGNC Unc13b 1551198 22249 MGI:1342278 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:12566 Unc13c 628592 286931 UNC13C 1354378 440279 HGNC Unc13c 735420 208898 MGI:2149021 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:23149 Unc13d 628593 192177 UNC13D 1604204 201294 HGNC Unc13d 1550647 70450 MGI:1917700 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:23147 Unc45a 1305357 308759 UNC45A 1603630 55898 HGNC Unc45a 1313335 101869 MGI:2142246 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:30594 Unc45b 1305666 303373 UNC45B 1313830 146862 HGNC Unc45b 1313831 217012 MGI:2443377 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:14304 Unc50 621749 192356 UNC50 1343022 25972 HGNC Unc50 732168 67387 MGI:1914637 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:16046 Unc5a 621755 60629 UNC5A 1344019 90249 HGNC Unc5a 731997 107448 MGI:894682 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:12567 Unc5b 621756 60630 UNC5B 736493 219699 HGNC Unc5b 733680 107449 MGI:894703 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:12568 Unc5c 735109 362049 UNC5C 1347353 8633 HGNC Unc5c 1551856 22253 MGI:1095412 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:12569 Unc5cl 1587368 301225 UNC5CL 1342658 222643 HGNC Unc5cl 1558068 76589 MGI:1923839 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:21203 Unc5d 1309245 306534 UNC5D 1319479 137970 HGNC Unc5d 1319480 210801 MGI:2389364 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:18634 Unc79 1311117 314401 UNC79 1322833 57578 HGNC Unc79 1322404 217843 MGI:2684729 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:19966 Unc80 1309976 689991 UNC80 1350674 285175 RGD Unc80 1621973 329178 MGI:2652882 RGD HGNC:26582 Unc93a 1583290 685007 UNC93A 1343732 54346 HGNC Unc93a 1622814 381058 MGI:1933250 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:12570 Unc93b1 1311984 361689 UNC93B1 1323726 81622 HGNC Unc93b1 1615140 54445 MGI:1859307 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:13481 Uncx 69361 29375 UNCX 1626690 340260 HGNC Uncx 733184 22255 MGI:108013 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:33194 Ung 1307200 304577 UNG 1316252 7374 HGNC Ung 1316253 22256 MGI:109352 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:12572 Unk 1309224 360663 UNK 1319446 85451 HGNC Unk 1551197 217331 MGI:2442456 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:29369 Unkl 1565247 302987 UNKL 1604323 64718 HGNC Unkl 1556888 74154 MGI:1921404 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:14184 Upb1 620091 116593 UPB1 734439 51733 HGNC Upb1 734440 103149 MGI:2143535 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:16297 Upf1 1589127 684558 UPF1 1313946 5976 HGNC Upf1 1313947 19704 MGI:107995 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:9962 Upf2 1309178 361271 UPF2 1319373 26019 HGNC Upf2 1319374 326622 MGI:2449307 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:17854 Upf3a 1308778 361176 UPF3A 1318748 65110 HGNC Upf3a 1318749 67031 MGI:1914281 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:20332 Upf3b 1560264 313449 UPF3B 1346078 65109 HGNC Upf3b 1557102 68134 MGI:1915384 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:20439 Upk1a 1309849 365227 UPK1A 1320413 11045 HGNC Upk1a 1620672 109637 MGI:98911 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:12577 Upk1b 1307806 303924 UPK1B 1317213 7348 HGNC Upk1b 1623269 22268 MGI:98912 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:12578 Upk2 1597393 689093 UPK2 1353269 7379 HGNC Upk2 1623268 22269 MGI:98913 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:12579 Upk3a 1310633 315190 UPK3A 1321651 7380 HGNC Upk3a 1321652 22270 MGI:98914 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:12580 Upk3b 1309615 360790 UPK3B 1320049 105375355 HGNC Upk3b 1320050 100647 MGI:2140882 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:21444 Upk3bl1 1598237 367994 UPK3BL1 2801955 100134938 HGNC Upk3bl 1618344 69665 MGI:1916915 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:37278 Upp1 1305566 289801 UPP1 1313669 7378 HGNC Upp1 1313670 22271 MGI:1097668 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:12576 Upp2 1308188 295620 UPP2 1317821 151531 HGNC Upp2 1317822 76654 MGI:1923904 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:23061 Uprt 1564806 317237 UPRT 1605870 139596 HGNC Uprt 1614040 331487 MGI:2685620 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:28334 Uqcc1 1585681 683512 UQCC1 1345532 55245 RGD Uqcc1 1623250 56046 MGI:1929472 RGD HGNC:15891 Uqcc2 1306917 361805 UQCC2 1315803 84300 HGNC Uqcc2 1315804 67267 MGI:1914517 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:21237 Uqcc3 1597344 690344 UQCC3 2298819 790955 HGNC Uqcc3 1619903 107197 MGI:2147553 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:34399 Uqcc4 1565784 497874 UQCC4 1605551 283951 HGNC Uqcc4 1614199 214489 MGI:2670966 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:27558 Uqcc5 1307583 361111 UQCC5 1603140 440957 HGNC Uqcc5 1316861 66487 MGI:1913737 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:37257 Uqcc6 1593359 691921 UQCC6 2301389 728568 HGNC Uqcc6 1623544 544717 MGI:3698433 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:34450 Uqcr10 1595126 685322 UQCR10 1604015 29796 RGD Uqcr10 1615129 66152 MGI:1913402 RGD HGNC:30863 Uqcr11 1590985 690848 UQCR11 1348323 10975 RGD Uqcr11 1622318 66594 MGI:1913844 RGD HGNC:30862 Uqcrb 1311971 362897 UQCRB 1323703 7381 HGNC Uqcrb 1323704 67530 MGI:1914780 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:12582 Uqcrc1 1303314 301011 UQCRC1 1342599 7384 HGNC Uqcrc1 1551847 22273 MGI:107876 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:12585 Uqcrc2 1359150 293448 UQCRC2 1352193 7385 HGNC Uqcrc2 1618384 67003 MGI:1914253 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:12586 Uqcrfs1 628838 291103 UQCRFS1 1350936 7386 HGNC Uqcrfs1 1557988 66694 MGI:1913944 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:12587 Uqcrh 1305987 366448 UQCRH 1314343 7388 HGNC Uqcrh 1550364 66576 MGI:1913826 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:12590 Uqcrq 1562350 497902 UQCRQ 1604364 27089 HGNC Uqcrq 1558050 22272 MGI:107807 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:29594 Urad 1595191 684055 URAD 1626260 646625 HGNC Urad 1619839 231903 MGI:3647519 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:17785 Urb1 1304621 304104 URB1 1353651 9875 HGNC Urb1 1614214 207932 MGI:2146468 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:17344 Urb2 1307980 292087 URB2 1346688 9816 HGNC Urb2 1317486 382038 MGI:2681124 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:28967 Urgcp 1564681 305493 URGCP 1604342 55665 HGNC Urgcp 1557848 72046 MGI:1919296 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:30890 Uri1 1310358 308537 URI1 1321217 8725 HGNC Uri1 1321218 19777 MGI:1342294 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:13236 Urm1 1306599 311840 URM1 1315307 81605 HGNC Urm1 1315308 68205 MGI:1915455 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:28378 Uroc1 1587777 685999 UROC1 1347314 131669 HGNC Uroc1 1550403 243537 MGI:2385332 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:26444 Urod 3946 29421 UROD 1351123 7389 HGNC Urod 735366 22275 MGI:98916 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:12591 Uros 1310396 309070 UROS 1321278 7390 HGNC Uros 1321279 22276 MGI:98917 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:12592 Usb1 1305215 307643 USB1 1606230 79650 HGNC Usb1 1313109 101985 MGI:2142454 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:25792 Use1 1306660 290627 USE1 1603634 55850 HGNC Use1 1332218 67023 MGI:1914273 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:30882 Usf1 620974 83586 USF1 733910 7391 HGNC Usf1 1551792 22278 MGI:99542 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:12593 Usf2 620975 81817 USF2 734370 7392 HGNC Usf2 734371 22282 MGI:99961 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:12594 Usf3 1560175 303946 USF3 1602969 205717 HGNC Usf3 1614969 207806 MGI:2685454 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:30494 Ush1c 1303329 308596 USH1C 1604645 10083 RGD Ush1c 1553848 72088 MGI:1919338 RGD HGNC:12597 Ush1g 1304551 287819 USH1G 1312053 124590 HGNC Ush1g 1549969 16470 MGI:2450757 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:16356 Ush2a 628777 289369 USH2A 736503 7399 HGNC Ush2a 733684 22283 MGI:1341292 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:12601 Ushbp1 1310859 290629 USHBP1 1322004 83878 HGNC Ushbp1 1322005 234395 MGI:1922920 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:24058 Uso1 621604 56042 USO1 733099 8615 HGNC Uso1 735590 56041 MGI:1929095 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:30904 Usp1 1306461 313387 USP1 1315093 7398 HGNC Usp1 1315094 230484 MGI:2385198 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:12607 Usp10 1561965 307905 USP10 1352341 9100 HGNC Usp10 1558121 22224 MGI:894652 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:12608 Usp11 1303052 408217 USP11 1347156 8237 HGNC Usp11 1550499 236733 MGI:2384312 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:12609 Usp12 1308045 360763 USP12 1317587 219333 HGNC Usp12 1317588 22217 MGI:1270128 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:20485 Usp13 1306044 310306 USP13 1314436 8975 HGNC Usp13 1552359 72607 MGI:1919857 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:12611 Usp14 1311825 291796 USP14 1323483 9097 HGNC Usp14 1323484 59025 MGI:1928898 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:12612 Usp15 628795 171329 USP15 733296 9958 HGNC Usp15 733297 14479 MGI:101857 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:12613 Usp16 1307192 288306 USP16 1316236 10600 HGNC Usp16 1316237 74112 MGI:1921362 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:12614 Usp17l8 1588758 689730 USP17L8 2312703 392188 HGNC HGNC:37181 Usp17la 41059698 120098474 Usp17la 1620124 13531 MGI:107699 RGD Usp17la2 6500127 100910107 USP17L2 1605214 377630 HGNC HGNC:34434 Usp18 1359153 312688 USP18 1353279 11274 RGD Usp18 1551994 24110 MGI:1344364 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:12616 Usp19 1303276 361190 USP19 1344113 10869 HGNC Usp19 1551608 71472 MGI:1918722 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:12617 Usp2 621073 115771 USP2 731337 9099 HGNC Usp2 735358 53376 MGI:1858178 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:12618 Usp20 1305621 311856 USP20 1313758 10868 HGNC Usp20 1313759 74270 MGI:1921520 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:12619 Usp21 1588822 688466 USP21 1349681 27005 HGNC Usp21 1615930 30941 MGI:1353665 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:12620 Usp22 1310354 303201 USP22 1321210 23326 HGNC Usp22 1321211 216825 MGI:2144157 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:12621 Usp24 1306799 313427 USP24 1315618 23358 HGNC Usp24 1315619 329908 MGI:1919936 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:12623 Usp25 1309003 304150 USP25 1319103 29761 HGNC Usp25 1319104 30940 MGI:1353655 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:12624 Usp26 1563443 302488 USP26 1354275 83844 HGNC Usp26 1557856 83563 MGI:1933247 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:13485 Usp27x 1564628 302566 USP27X 1350698 389856 RGD Usp27x 1556921 54651 MGI:1859645 RGD HGNC:13486 Usp28 1311555 315639 USP28 1323075 57646 HGNC Usp28 1323076 235323 MGI:2442293 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:12625 Usp29 1306648 361495 USP29 1315382 57663 HGNC Usp29 1550545 57775 MGI:1888998 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:18563 Usp3 1308852 363084 USP3 1318862 9960 HGNC Usp3 1318863 235441 MGI:2152450 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:12626 Usp30 1307949 304579 USP30 1317441 84749 HGNC Usp30 1317442 100756 MGI:2140991 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:20065 Usp31 1308183 308959 USP31 1317813 57478 HGNC Usp31 1618276 76179 MGI:1923429 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:20060 Usp32 1306657 303394 USP32 1315395 84669 HGNC Usp32 1315396 237898 MGI:2144475 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:19143 Usp33 1307848 310960 USP33 1317280 23032 HGNC Usp33 1317281 170822 MGI:2159711 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:20059 Usp34 1565181 360990 USP34 1318847 9736 HGNC Usp34 1616844 17847 MGI:109473 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:20066 Usp35 1565984 308834 USP35 1353275 57558 HGNC Usp35 1615637 244144 MGI:2685339 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:20061 Usp36 1309937 303700 USP36 1320548 57602 HGNC Usp36 1551390 72344 MGI:1919594 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:20062 Usp37 2319715 100361658 USP37 1315889 57695 HGNC Usp37 1552592 319651 MGI:2442483 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:20063 Usp38 1311974 307764 USP38 1323709 84640 HGNC Usp38 1323710 74841 MGI:1922091 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:20067 Usp39 1308103 297336 USP39 1317682 10713 HGNC Usp39 1317683 28035 MGI:107622 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:20071 Usp4 1587387 290864 USP4 1344173 7375 HGNC Usp4 1558494 22258 MGI:98905 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:12627 Usp40 1309613 316599 USP40 1320045 55230 RGD Usp40 1320046 227334 MGI:2443184 RGD HGNC:20069 Usp42 1305231 288482 USP42 1313136 84132 HGNC Usp42 1623119 76800 MGI:1924050 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:20068 Usp43 2303824 100147704 USP43 1317758 124739 HGNC Usp43 1317759 216835 MGI:2444541 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:20072 Usp44 1308216 314746 USP44 1317864 84101 HGNC Usp44 1622843 327799 MGI:3045318 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:20064 Usp45 1310976 313098 USP45 1322181 85015 HGNC Usp45 1551688 77593 MGI:101850 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:20080 Usp46 1564808 289584 USP46 1344409 64854 HGNC Usp46 1557334 69727 MGI:1916977 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:20075 Usp47 1310411 308896 USP47 1321301 55031 HGNC Usp47 1553480 74996 MGI:1922246 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:20076 Usp48 735213 362636 USP48 1351270 84196 HGNC Usp48 1551945 170707 MGI:2158502 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:18533 Usp49 1310513 316211 USP49 1601875 25862 HGNC Usp49 1614183 224836 MGI:2685391 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:20078 Usp5 1308438 297593 USP5 1318206 8078 RGD Usp5 1550992 22225 MGI:1347343 RGD HGNC:12628 Usp50 1564751 311399 USP50 1343119 373509 HGNC Usp50 1558505 75083 MGI:1922333 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:20079 Usp51 1562211 317398 USP51 1603172 158880 HGNC Usp51 1618708 635253 MGI:3588217 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:23086 Usp53 1306615 295425 USP53 1315332 54532 HGNC Usp53 1550534 99526 MGI:2139607 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:29255 Usp54 1303206 408223 USP54 1343407 159195 HGNC Usp54 1618263 78787 MGI:1926037 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:23513 Usp6nl 1311786 291309 USP6NL 1323420 9712 HGNC Usp6nl 1553831 98910 MGI:2138893 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:16858 Usp7 1306915 360471 USP7 1315800 7874 HGNC Usp7 1550602 252870 MGI:2182061 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:12630 Usp8 1304979 296121 USP8 1312730 9101 HGNC Usp8 1312731 84092 MGI:1934029 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:12631 Usp9x 1560056 363445 USP9X 1606030 8239 HGNC Usp9x 1557828 22284 MGI:894681 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:12632 Usp9y 9087771 103694559 USP9Y 1342718 8287 RGD Usp9y 1614228 107868 MGI:1313274 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:12633 Uspl1 1310835 288447 USPL1 1321964 10208 HGNC Uspl1 1321965 231915 MGI:2442342 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:20294 Ust 1304743 361450 UST 1312363 10090 HGNC Ust 1550016 338362 MGI:2442406 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:17223 Ust5r 620985 171398 SLC22A25 1606386 387601 HGNC HGNC:32935 Utf1 1589375 681901 UTF1 1346918 8433 HGNC Utf1 1623267 22286 MGI:1276125 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:12634 Utp11 621412 313581 UTP11 731994 51118 HGNC Utp11 1553864 67205 MGI:1914455 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:24329 Utp14a 1359313 317579 UTP14A 1347961 10813 HGNC Utp14a 1552134 72554 MGI:1919804 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:10665 Utp15 1310992 310019 UTP15 1604578 84135 HGNC Utp15 1623863 105372 MGI:2145443 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:25758 Utp18 1309957 303456 UTP18 1349005 51096 HGNC Utp18 1550847 217109 MGI:1923402 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:24274 Utp20 1560606 314713 UTP20 1607048 27340 HGNC Utp20 1620784 70683 MGI:1917933 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:17897 Utp23 1307179 299900 UTP23 1601941 84294 HGNC Utp23 1332163 78581 MGI:1925831 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:28224 Utp25 1359148 305076 UTP25 1604367 27042 HGNC Utp25 1619010 215193 MGI:2138080 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:28440 Utp3 1308540 305258 UTP3 1603977 57050 HGNC Utp3 1318372 65961 MGI:1919230 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:24477 Utp4 1311341 291987 UTP4 1322745 84916 HGNC Utp4 1616822 21771 MGI:1096573 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:1983 Utp6 1311017 360574 UTP6 1603639 55813 HGNC Utp6 1332524 216987 MGI:2445193 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:18279 Utrn 3947 25600 UTRN 731341 7402 HGNC Utrn 731342 22288 MGI:104631 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:12635 Uts2 3930 29180 UTS2 737599 10911 HGNC Uts2 737600 24111 MGI:1346329 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:12636 Uts2b 727977 378939 UTS2B 1603529 257313 HGNC Uts2b 1551954 224065 MGI:2677064 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:30894 Uts2r 621884 57305 UTS2R 1342744 2837 HGNC Uts2r 1332177 217369 MGI:2183450 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:4468 Uty 1565481 100310845 UTY 1342500 7404 RGD Uty 1623266 22290 MGI:894810 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:12638 Uvrag 1589754 308846 UVRAG 1317170 7405 HGNC Uvrag 1619081 78610 MGI:1925860 RGD HGNC:12640 Uvssa 1306371 314061 UVSSA 1605974 57654 HGNC Uvssa 1314950 71101 MGI:1918351 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:29304 Uxs1 628680 246232 UXS1 735996 80146 HGNC Uxs1 733326 67883 MGI:1915133 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:17729 Uxt 1359326 299313 UXT 1347196 8409 HGNC Uxt 1550650 22294 MGI:1277988 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:12641 Vac14 631410 307842 VAC14 1347283 55697 HGNC Vac14 1551146 234729 MGI:2157980 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:25507 Vamp1 3948 25624 VAMP1 736120 6843 HGNC Vamp1 736121 22317 MGI:1313276 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:12642 Vamp2 3949 24803 VAMP2 735448 6844 HGNC Vamp2 735449 22318 MGI:1313277 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:12643 Vamp3 61880 29528 VAMP3 736779 9341 HGNC Vamp3 62172 22319 MGI:1321389 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:12644 Vamp4 1309753 364033 VAMP4 1320258 8674 HGNC Vamp4 1320259 53330 MGI:1858730 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:12645 Vamp5 620419 89818 VAMP5 1350486 10791 HGNC Vamp5 732080 53620 MGI:1858622 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:12646 Vamp7 621558 85491 VAMP7 1350434 6845 HGNC Vamp7 1551875 20955 MGI:1096399 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:11486 Vamp8 620421 83730 VAMP8 1347649 8673 HGNC Vamp8 731713 22320 MGI:1336882 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:12647 Vamp9 7709406 102557303 VAMP9P 13703085 105377307 RGD Vamp9 9666607 102639650 MGI:5595070 RGD HGNC:53817 Vangl1 1597324 690366 VANGL1 1319967 81839 HGNC Vangl1 1319968 229658 MGI:2159344 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:15512 Vangl2 1309442 289229 VANGL2 1319787 57216 HGNC Vangl2 1319788 93840 MGI:2135272 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:15511 Vapa 61803 58857 VAPA 737415 9218 HGNC Vapa 62095 30960 MGI:1353561 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:12648 Vapb 68326 60431 VAPB 68452 9217 HGNC Vapb 68453 56491 MGI:1928744 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:12649 Vars1 3950 25009 VARS1 735744 7407 HGNC Vars1 735745 22321 MGI:90675 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:12651 Vars2 1303122 309596 VARS2 1346332 57176 HGNC Vars2 1332485 68915 MGI:1916165 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:21642 Vash1 1564082 503052 VASH1 1352548 22846 HGNC Vash1 1620582 238328 MGI:2442543 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:19964 Vash2 1564105 498309 VASH2 1602689 79805 HGNC Vash2 1618984 226841 MGI:2444826 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:25723 Vasn 1598149 679921 VASN 1605593 114990 HGNC Vasn 1620549 246154 MGI:2177651 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:18517 Vasp 1311542 361517 VASP 1323055 7408 HGNC Vasp 1323056 22323 MGI:109268 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:12652 Vat1 1308943 287721 VAT1 1319007 10493 HGNC Vat1 1319008 26949 MGI:1349450 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:16919 Vat1l 1598315 361414 VAT1L 1605968 57687 HGNC Vat1l 1616463 270097 MGI:2142534 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:29315 Vav1 3951 25156 VAV1 737234 7409 HGNC Vav1 732594 22324 MGI:98923 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:12657 Vav2 1306285 296603 VAV2 1314818 7410 HGNC Vav2 1314819 22325 MGI:102718 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:12658 Vav3 1565941 295378 VAV3 1343957 10451 HGNC Vav3 1558102 57257 MGI:1888518 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:12659 Vax1 621132 64571 VAX1 1351722 11023 HGNC Vax1 1551361 22326 MGI:1277163 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:12660 Vax2 621133 64572 VAX2 731657 25806 HGNC Vax2 731658 24113 MGI:1346018 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:12661 Vbp1 1590535 681825 VBP1 1352433 7411 HGNC Vbp1 1622356 22327 MGI:1333804 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:12662 Vcam1 3952 25361 VCAM1 730988 7412 HGNC Vcam1 11481 22329 MGI:98926 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:12663 Vcan 619940 114122 VCAN 1349729 1462 HGNC Vcan 731396 13003 MGI:102889 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:2464 Vcf1 1563409 619573 VCF1 1602856 84923 HGNC Vcf1 1320193 28081 MGI:106351 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:25918 Vcf2 2323310 100359832 VCF2 1353979 90736 HGNC Vcf2 1623669 382245 MGI:1923420 RGD HGNC:25085 Vcl 1311217 305679 VCL 1322560 7414 HGNC Vcl 1322561 22330 MGI:98927 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:12665 Vcp 621595 116643 VCP 731621 7415 HGNC Vcp 731622 269523 MGI:99919 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:12666 Vcpip1 708520 286761 VCPIP1 1604797 80124 HGNC Vcpip1 1552825 70675 MGI:1917925 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:30897 Vcpkmt 7565188 102548559 VCPKMT 1314724 79609 HGNC Vcpkmt 1614212 207965 MGI:2684917 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:20352 Vdac1 621575 83529 VDAC1 732557 7416 HGNC Vdac1 732558 22333 MGI:106919 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:12669 Vdac2 621576 83531 VDAC2 731822 7417 HGNC Vdac2 1552139 22334 MGI:106915 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:12672 Vdac3 621577 83532 VDAC3 733844 7419 HGNC Vdac3 733845 22335 MGI:106922 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:12674 Vdr 3959 24873 VDR 619561 7421 HGNC Vdr 11484 22337 MGI:103076 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:12679 Vegfa 619991 83785 VEGFA 731072 7422 HGNC Vegfa 731073 22339 MGI:103178 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:12680 Vegfb 619799 89811 VEGFB 1343221 7423 RGD Vegfb 1622354 22340 MGI:106199 RGD HGNC:12681 Vegfc 619800 114111 VEGFC 732214 7424 HGNC Vegfc 732215 22341 MGI:109124 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:12682 Vegfd 620695 360457 VEGFD 731830 2277 HGNC Vegfd 731831 14205 MGI:108037 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:3708 Ventx 2320944 100361016 VENTX 1354153 27287 HGNC HGNC:13639 Veph1 1308217 361954 VEPH1 1353776 79674 HGNC Veph1 1552569 72789 MGI:1920039 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:25735 Vezf1 1308058 287615 VEZF1 1317608 7716 HGNC Vezf1 1317609 22344 MGI:1313291 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:12949 Vezt 1359117 299738 VEZT 1602106 55591 HGNC Vezt 1619874 215008 MGI:2143698 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:18258 Vgf 69399 29461 VGF 69439 7425 HGNC Vgf 69440 381677 MGI:1343180 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:12684 Vgll1 1564038 363508 VGLL1 1352400 51442 HGNC Vgll1 1619899 170828 MGI:2655768 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:20985 Vgll2 1311903 309772 VGLL2 1323604 245806 HGNC Vgll2 1323605 215031 MGI:2447460 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:20232 Vgll3 1560030 498038 VGLL3 1602804 389136 HGNC Vgll3 1618297 73569 MGI:1920819 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:24327 Vgll4 1311653 297523 VGLL4 1323223 9686 HGNC Vgll4 1323224 232334 MGI:2652840 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:28966 Vhl 3960 24874 VHL 737311 7428 HGNC Vhl 11485 22346 MGI:103223 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:12687 Vil1 1307048 316521 VIL1 1316011 7429 HGNC Vil1 1550636 22349 MGI:98930 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:12690 Vill 1304843 301057 VILL 1347824 50853 HGNC Vill 1551799 22351 MGI:1201781 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:30906 Vim 621646 81818 VIM 733128 7431 HGNC Vim 733129 22352 MGI:98932 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:12692 Vinac1 1561442 311416 VINAC1P 14394828 114515517 RGD Vinac1 2294508 668894 MGI:3649276 RGD HGNC:53736 Vip 621647 117064 VIP 1348931 7432 HGNC Vip 732375 22353 MGI:98933 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:12693 Vipas39 1589291 681989 VIPAS39 1351893 63894 HGNC Vipas39 1618250 104799 MGI:2144805 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:20347 Vipr1 3961 24875 VIPR1 735637 7433 HGNC Vipr1 11486 22354 MGI:109272 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:12694 Vipr2 3962 29555 VIPR2 1351062 7434 HGNC Vipr2 737317 22355 MGI:107166 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:12695 Virma 1559904 313061 VIRMA 1603673 25962 HGNC Virma 1322321 66185 MGI:1913435 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:24500 Vit 1564128 313831 VIT 1353199 5212 HGNC Vit 1557402 74199 MGI:1921449 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:12697 Vkorc1 1303107 309004 VKORC1 1604306 79001 HGNC Vkorc1 1332416 27973 MGI:106442 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:23663 Vkorc1l1 1303249 399684 VKORC1L1 1353419 154807 RGD Vkorc1l1 1551455 69568 MGI:1916818 RGD HGNC:21492 Vldlr 3963 25696 VLDLR 733926 7436 HGNC Vldlr 733927 22359 MGI:98935 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:12698 Vma21 1566155 501658 VMA21 1604972 203547 RGD Vma21 1618377 67048 MGI:1914298 RGD HGNC:22082 Vmac 1303340 363327 VMAC 1606370 400673 HGNC Vmac 1623862 106639 MGI:2146912 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:33803 Vmo1 1559861 360553 VMO1 1605251 284013 HGNC Vmo1 1621234 327956 MGI:2685587 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:30387 Vmp1 70367 192129 VMP1 731420 81671 HGNC Vmp1 1619944 75909 MGI:1923159 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:29559 Vnn1 1310075 29142 VNN1 1320770 8876 HGNC Vnn1 1320771 22361 MGI:108395 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:12705 Vnn3 1560609 498992 VNN3P 1351839 55350 HGNC Vnn3 1557148 26464 MGI:1347055 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:16431 Vom1r10 1359612 494302 VN1R2 1353808 317701 HGNC Vmn1r224 1613775 665525 MGI:3645524 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:19872 Vom1r100 1549727 297439 VN1R5 1352631 317705 HGNC HGNC:19870 Vom1r113 11394442 108348146 Vmn1r83 1550904 171243 MGI:2159647 RGD Vom1r21 1359719 494229 VN1R4 1347041 317703 HGNC Vmn1r237 1557754 171234 MGI:2159637 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:19871 Vom1r30 1359155 494230 VN1R3 1313180 317702 HGNC Vmn1r70 1318566 171262 MGI:2159699 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:19867 Vom1r51 1359291 494281 VN1R1 1318565 57191 HGNC Vmn1r82 1616607 171268 MGI:2159656 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:13548 Vom1r86 1549696 494247 VN1R17P 3378732 441931 HGNC Vmn1r13 1557509 113862 MGI:2148526 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:37331 Vopp1 1306494 362374 VOPP1 1602094 81552 HGNC Vopp1 1315143 232023 MGI:2141658 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:34518 Vpreb1a 1588558 303782 VPREB1 1347336 7441 RGD Vpreb1a 11487 22362 MGI:98936 RGD HGNC:12709 Vpreb1b 1564601 363830 Vpreb1b 1558402 22363 MGI:98937 RGD Vpreb3 1306807 365550 VPREB3 1315630 29802 HGNC Vpreb3 1315631 22364 MGI:98938 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:12710 Vps11 1308038 315600 VPS11 1317575 55823 HGNC Vps11 1317576 71732 MGI:1918982 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:14583 Vps13a 1311340 309243 VPS13A 1312307 23230 HGNC Vps13a 1553666 271564 MGI:2444304 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:1908 Vps13b 1311183 315036 VPS13B 1317598 157680 HGNC Vps13b 1322508 666173 MGI:1916380 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:2183 Vps13c 1560364 363087 VPS13C 1348377 54832 HGNC Vps13c 1557361 320528 MGI:2444207 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:23594 Vps13d 1308403 313825 VPS13D 1318152 55187 HGNC Vps13d 1332095 230895 MGI:2448530 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:23595 Vps16 1359414 296159 VPS16 1345721 64601 HGNC Vps16 1552685 80743 MGI:2136772 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:14584 Vps18 1311556 296083 VPS18 1323077 57617 HGNC Vps18 1323078 228545 MGI:2443626 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:15972 Vps25 1584685 681059 VPS25 1603949 84313 HGNC Vps25 1618396 28084 MGI:106354 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:28122 Vps26a 1359254 361846 VPS26A 1343417 9559 HGNC Vps26a 1552080 30930 MGI:1353654 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:12711 Vps26b 1597170 300472 VPS26B 1603929 112936 HGNC Vps26b 1558604 69091 MGI:1917656 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:28119 Vps26c 1306879 360703 VPS26C 1315747 10311 HGNC Vps26c 1315748 13185 MGI:1206040 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:3044 Vps28 1306537 300052 VPS28 1315210 51160 HGNC Vps28 1550509 66914 MGI:1914164 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:18178 Vps29 1308332 288666 VPS29 1318040 51699 HGNC Vps29 1318041 56433 MGI:1928344 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:14340 Vps33a 620643 65081 VPS33A 731826 65082 HGNC Vps33a 731827 77573 MGI:1924823 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:18179 Vps33b 620644 64060 VPS33B 732726 26276 HGNC Vps33b 737437 233405 MGI:2446237 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:12712 Vps35 1589784 25479 VPS35 1350372 55737 HGNC Vps35 10891 65114 MGI:1890467 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:13487 Vps35l 1564485 361635 VPS35L 1603979 57020 HGNC Vps35l 1623952 71517 MGI:1918767 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:24641 Vps36 1309754 290851 VPS36 1320260 51028 HGNC Vps36 1550369 70160 MGI:1917410 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:20312 Vps37a 1560016 290775 VPS37A 1604528 137492 HGNC Vps37a 1557967 52348 MGI:1261835 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:24928 Vps37b 1304576 288659 VPS37B 1605953 79720 HGNC Vps37b 1614045 330192 MGI:1916724 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:25754 Vps37c 11384366 108348178 VPS37C 1605989 55048 RGD Vps37c 1618244 107305 MGI:2147661 RGD HGNC:26097 Vps37d 1587769 687208 VPS37D 1349183 155382 RGD Vps37d 1619032 194309 MGI:2159402 RGD HGNC:18287 Vps39 1304858 362199 VPS39 1312537 23339 HGNC Vps39 1312538 269338 MGI:2443189 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:20593 Vps41 1560511 306991 VPS41 1353898 27072 HGNC Vps41 1557316 218035 MGI:1929215 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:12713 Vps45 621267 64516 VPS45 732754 11311 HGNC Vps45 732755 22365 MGI:891965 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:14579 Vps4a 628810 246772 VPS4A 732193 27183 HGNC Vps4a 732194 116733 MGI:1890520 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:13488 Vps4b 1305969 360834 VPS4B 1314314 9525 HGNC Vps4b 1314315 20479 MGI:1100499 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:10895 Vps50 1304751 312083 VPS50 1604352 55610 HGNC Vps50 1312377 73288 MGI:1920538 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:25956 Vps51 2319165 120097389 VPS51 1351540 738 HGNC Vps51 1616781 68505 MGI:1915755 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:1172 Vps52 3618 25218 VPS52 1604402 6293 HGNC Vps52 736567 224705 MGI:1330304 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:10518 Vps53 1311391 287535 VPS53 1605366 55275 HGNC Vps53 1322829 68299 MGI:1915549 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:25608 Vps54 628718 286932 VPS54 1350552 51542 HGNC Vps54 1553179 245944 MGI:2178798 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:18652 Vps72 1306121 310661 VPS72 1314551 6944 HGNC Vps72 1619245 21427 MGI:1202305 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:11644 Vps8 1309443 287990 VPS8 1603690 23355 HGNC Vps8 1319789 209018 MGI:2146407 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:29122 Vps9d1 1565149 307923 VPS9D1 1352238 9605 HGNC Vps9d1 1557760 72325 MGI:1914143 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:13526 Vrk1 1306069 362779 VRK1 1314472 7443 HGNC Vrk1 1314473 22367 MGI:1261847 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:12718 Vrk2 1311585 360991 VRK2 1323120 7444 HGNC Vrk2 1323121 69922 MGI:1917172 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:12719 Vrk3 1549692 361565 VRK3 1350616 51231 HGNC Vrk3 1558006 101568 MGI:2182465 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:18996 Vrtn 1587174 679509 VRTN 1347442 55237 HGNC Vrtn 1615472 432677 MGI:3588197 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:20223 Vsig1 1565570 315920 VSIG1 1347101 340547 HGNC Vsig1 1557094 78789 MGI:1926039 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:28675 Vsig10 1565800 304529 VSIG10 1607028 54621 HGNC Vsig10 1622074 231668 MGI:2448533 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:26078 Vsig10l 1564982 308556 VSIG10L 3440350 147645 HGNC Vsig10l 1622227 75690 MGI:1922940 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:27111 Vsig10l2 11474175 108351843 VSIG10L2 12801887 338667 HGNC Vsig10l2 1614772 115487164 MGI:2685959 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:27879 Vsig2 1561274 300520 VSIG2 1344618 23584 HGNC Vsig2 1558539 57276 MGI:1928009 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:17149 Vsig4 1564659 312102 VSIG4 1354021 11326 HGNC Vsig4 1558365 278180 MGI:2679720 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:17032 Vsig8 1562464 289236 VSIG8 1603819 391123 HGNC Vsig8 1620569 240916 MGI:3642995 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:32063 Vsir 1590938 690899 VSIR 1605963 64115 HGNC Vsir 1614298 74048 MGI:1921298 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:30085 Vsnl1 3966 24877 VSNL1 737420 7447 HGNC Vsnl1 1616814 26950 MGI:1349453 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:12722 Vstm1 2322891 100360054 VSTM1 1604181 284415 HGNC HGNC:29455 Vstm2a 1596197 689106 VSTM2A 1604199 222008 HGNC Vstm2a 1319033 211739 MGI:2384826 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:28499 Vstm2b 1306235 361560 VSTM2B 1626689 342865 HGNC Vstm2b 1314735 58188 MGI:1914525 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:33595 Vstm2l 1305725 362255 VSTM2L 1313925 128434 HGNC Vstm2l 1313926 277432 MGI:2685537 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:16096 Vstm4 1310423 361112 VSTM4 1321317 196740 HGNC Vstm4 1321318 320736 MGI:2444633 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:26470 Vstm5 1563328 500947 VSTM5 2301112 387804 HGNC Vstm5 1558348 69137 MGI:1916387 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:34443 Vsx1 1305667 689704 VSX1 1313832 30813 HGNC Vsx1 1313833 114889 MGI:1890816 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:12723 Vsx2 621215 171360 VSX2 1348218 338917 HGNC Vsx2 1551249 12677 MGI:88401 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:1975 Vta1 1305031 292640 VTA1 1312819 51534 HGNC Vta1 1552739 66201 MGI:1913451 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:20954 Vtcn1 1311204 295322 VTCN1 1606221 79679 HGNC Vtcn1 1550514 242122 MGI:3039619 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:28873 Vti1a 621490 65277 VTI1A 736863 143187 HGNC Vti1a 736864 53611 MGI:1855699 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:17792 Vti1b 2323682 100359512 VTI1B 1352901 10490 HGNC Vti1b 1621559 53612 MGI:1855688 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:17793 Vtn 3967 29169 VTN 736955 7448 RGD Vtn 736956 22370 MGI:98940 RGD HGNC:12724 Vwa1 1311476 298683 VWA1 1603968 64856 HGNC Vwa1 1550446 246228 MGI:2179729 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:30910 Vwa2 1562000 307988 VWA2 1603244 340706 RGD Vwa2 1558280 240675 MGI:2684334 RGD HGNC:24709 Vwa3a 1311670 293449 VWA3A 1641961 146177 HGNC Vwa3a 1323250 233813 MGI:3041229 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:27088 Vwa3b 1562560 501126 VWA3B 1603168 200403 HGNC Vwa3b 1619139 70853 MGI:1918103 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:28385 Vwa5a 735145 301097 VWA5A 1323359 4013 HGNC Vwa5a 1550542 67776 MGI:1915026 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:6658 Vwa5b1 1308559 313653 VWA5B1 1606163 127731 HGNC Vwa5b1 1332265 75718 MGI:1922968 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:26538 Vwa5b2 1564491 303812 VWA5B2 2300034 90113 HGNC Vwa5b2 1615556 328643 MGI:2681859 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:25144 Vwa7 1303137 309611 VWA7 1342662 80737 HGNC Vwa7 1620866 27762 MGI:1306798 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:13939 Vwa8 1308772 290381 VWA8 1604630 23078 HGNC Vwa8 1318741 219189 MGI:1919008 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:29071 Vwc2 1589624 501231 VWC2 1603838 375567 HGNC Vwc2 1557545 319922 MGI:2442987 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:30200 Vwc2l 1565501 501160 VWC2L 2859445 402117 HGNC Vwc2l 1618800 320460 MGI:2444069 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:37203 Vwce 1309910 309209 VWCE 1602968 220001 HGNC Vwce 1332003 71768 MGI:1919018 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:26487 Vwde 1561223 502731 VWDE 2299987 221806 HGNC Vwde 1614921 232585 MGI:2685313 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:21897 Vwf 621759 116669 VWF 1347936 7450 HGNC Vwf 1553644 22371 MGI:98941 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:12726 Vxn 1561849 500393 VXN 1601708 254778 HGNC Vxn 1622215 76982 MGI:1924232 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:28498 Wac 1562407 307029 WAC 1605391 51322 HGNC Wac 1558548 225131 MGI:2387357 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:17327 Wapl 1590924 290577 WAPL 1319037 23063 HGNC Wapl 1319038 218914 MGI:2675859 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:23293 Wars1 1308278 314442 WARS1 1317961 7453 HGNC Wars1 1317962 22375 MGI:104630 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:12729 Wars2 1593417 690654 WARS2 1318471 10352 HGNC Wars2 1318472 70560 MGI:1917810 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:12730 Was 1563567 317371 WAS 1349471 7454 RGD Was 1558289 22376 MGI:105059 RGD HGNC:12731 Wasf1 1561954 294568 WASF1 1343996 8936 HGNC Wasf1 1558118 83767 MGI:1890563 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:12732 Wasf2 1307299 313024 WASF2 1316411 10163 HGNC Wasf2 1316412 242687 MGI:1098641 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:12733 Wasf3 1592807 682937 WASF3 1346468 10810 HGNC Wasf3 1622906 245880 MGI:2658986 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:12734 Washc1 1310196 367328 WASHC1 1626557 100287171 RGD Washc1 1320954 68767 MGI:1916017 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:24361 Washc2c 735230 297530 WASHC2C 1349964 253725 HGNC Washc2 1618400 28006 MGI:106463 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:23414 Washc3 1563761 299707 WASHC3 1606297 51019 HGNC Washc3 1616783 67282 MGI:1914532 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:24256 Washc4 1309995 314690 WASHC4 1603694 23325 HGNC Washc4 1320642 319277 MGI:2441787 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:29174 Washc5 1564420 362919 WASHC5 1605096 9897 HGNC Washc5 1557506 223593 MGI:2146110 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:28984 Wasl 735144 682507 WASL 1347655 8976 HGNC Wasl 1553011 73178 MGI:1920428 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:12735 Wbp1 1304961 297381 WBP1 1312705 23559 HGNC Wbp1 1312706 22377 MGI:104710 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:12737 Wbp11 1307911 297695 WBP11 1317378 51729 HGNC Wbp11 1317379 60321 MGI:1891823 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:16461 Wbp1l 1305793 309456 WBP1L 1314041 54838 HGNC Wbp1l 1314042 226178 MGI:107577 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:23510 Wbp2 620032 192645 WBP2 1348215 23558 HGNC Wbp2 1552367 22378 MGI:104709 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:12738 Wbp2nl 1586458 688642 WBP2NL 1604730 164684 HGNC Wbp2nl 1319631 74716 MGI:1921966 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:28389 Wbp4 620033 114765 WBP4 1348548 11193 HGNC Wbp4 1551941 22380 MGI:109568 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:12739 Wdcp 1563701 500623 WDCP 1601962 80304 HGNC Wdcp 1622929 238037 MGI:3040699 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:26157 Wdfy1 1305996 301549 WDFY1 1314357 57590 HGNC Wdfy1 1620804 69368 MGI:1916618 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:20451 Wdfy2 1307337 305956 WDFY2 1316474 115825 HGNC Wdfy2 1316475 268752 MGI:2442811 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:20482 Wdfy3 1307097 305164 WDFY3 1316086 23001 HGNC Wdfy3 1316087 72145 MGI:1096875 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:20751 Wdfy4 1564142 498582 WDFY4 1350991 57705 HGNC Wdfy4 1621132 545030 MGI:3584510 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:29323 Wdhd1 1310200 305827 WDHD1 1320961 11169 HGNC Wdhd1 1553418 218973 MGI:2443514 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:23170 Wdpcp 1309501 305552 WDPCP 1603046 51057 HGNC Wdpcp 1319875 216560 MGI:2144467 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:28027 Wdr1 1305789 360950 WDR1 1314033 9948 HGNC Wdr1 1314034 22388 MGI:1337100 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:12754 Wdr11 1587347 309016 WDR11 1318273 55717 HGNC Wdr11 1618197 207425 MGI:1920230 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:13831 Wdr12 735072 363237 WDR12 1353160 55759 HGNC Wdr12 1552647 57750 MGI:1927241 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:14098 Wdr13 1560982 317370 WDR13 1347566 64743 HGNC Wdr13 1557622 73447 MGI:1914661 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:14352 Wdr17 1590843 364653 WDR17 1349408 116966 HGNC Wdr17 1557358 244484 MGI:1924662 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:16661 Wdr18 1310646 314617 WDR18 1321673 57418 HGNC Wdr18 1621360 216156 MGI:2158400 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:17956 Wdr19 1306997 305349 WDR19 1353133 57728 HGNC Wdr19 1549987 213081 MGI:2443231 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:18340 Wdr20 1306499 314453 WDR20 1315150 91833 HGNC Wdr20 1618347 69641 MGI:1916891 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:19667 Wdr24 1304803 360497 WDR24 1344935 84219 HGNC Wdr24 1551186 268933 MGI:2446285 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:20852 Wdr25 1562505 314443 WDR25 1606781 79446 HGNC Wdr25 1622124 212198 MGI:3045255 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:21064 Wdr26 1565589 498301 WDR26 1348746 80232 HGNC Wdr26 1558443 226757 MGI:1923825 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:21208 Wdr27 1309633 308222 WDR27 1351994 253769 HGNC Wdr27 1552001 71682 MGI:1918932 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:21248 Wdr3 1307480 310720 WDR3 1316699 10885 HGNC Wdr3 1316700 269470 MGI:2443143 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:12755 Wdr31 1309367 298096 WDR31 1319678 114987 HGNC Wdr31 1319679 71354 MGI:1918604 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:21421 Wdr33 1309230 307524 WDR33 1319455 55339 HGNC Wdr33 1319456 74320 MGI:1921570 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:25651 Wdr35 1564116 503018 WDR35 1315220 57539 HGNC Wdr35 1315221 74682 MGI:1921932 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:29250 Wdr36 1586463 688637 WDR36 1313630 134430 HGNC Wdr36 1550247 225348 MGI:1917819 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:30696 Wdr37 1306189 307075 WDR37 1314666 22884 HGNC Wdr37 1314667 207615 MGI:1920393 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:31406 Wdr38 1562587 366035 WDR38 1625454 401551 HGNC Wdr38 1557712 76646 MGI:1923896 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:23745 Wdr4 1585179 690032 WDR4 1320425 10785 HGNC Wdr4 1320426 57773 MGI:1889002 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:12756 Wdr41 1306363 361879 WDR41 1314938 55255 HGNC Wdr41 1623810 218460 MGI:2445123 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:25601 Wdr43 1565005 362703 WDR43 1344839 23160 HGNC Wdr43 1558074 72515 MGI:1919765 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:28945 Wdr44 727965 246152 WDR44 1348946 54521 HGNC Wdr44 1550897 72404 MGI:1919654 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:30512 Wdr45 1359718 302559 WDR45 1348509 11152 HGNC Wdr45 1550935 54636 MGI:1859606 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:28912 Wdr45b 1305141 360682 WDR45B 1350558 56270 HGNC Wdr45b 1553369 66840 MGI:1914090 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:25072 Wdr46 2209 309628 WDR46 1353590 9277 HGNC Wdr46 1551804 57315 MGI:1931871 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:13923 Wdr47 1309181 310785 WDR47 1343602 22911 HGNC Wdr47 1550965 99512 MGI:2139593 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:29141 Wdr48 1309702 363164 WDR48 1347511 57599 HGNC Wdr48 1550376 67561 MGI:1914811 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:30914 Wdr49 1564622 499640 WDR49 1354020 151790 HGNC Wdr49 1623827 213248 MGI:3645287 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:26587 Wdr5 1305159 362093 WDR5 1349800 11091 HGNC Wdr5 1313023 140858 MGI:2155884 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:12757 Wdr53 1559546 498097 WDR53 1344468 348793 HGNC Wdr53 1557878 68980 MGI:1916230 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:28786 Wdr54 1561494 500226 WDR54 1347717 84058 HGNC Wdr54 1557556 75659 MGI:1922909 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:25770 Wdr59 1592213 690751 WDR59 1605950 79726 HGNC Wdr59 1550506 319481 MGI:2442115 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:25706 Wdr5b 1308567 303907 WDR5B 1318414 54554 HGNC Wdr5b 1318415 69544 MGI:1916794 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:17826 Wdr6 1307649 301007 WDR6 1316962 11180 HGNC Wdr6 1316963 83669 MGI:1930140 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:12758 Wdr62 1306714 308492 WDR62 1315489 284403 HGNC Wdr62 1553526 233064 MGI:1923696 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:24502 Wdr64 1591103 689524 WDR64 1605299 128025 HGNC Wdr64 1620731 75820 MGI:1923070 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:26570 Wdr7 619836 66031 WDR7 736419 23335 HGNC Wdr7 1332042 104082 MGI:1860197 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:13490 Wdr70 1309487 294783 WDR70 1605675 55100 HGNC Wdr70 1319853 545085 MGI:1921020 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:25495 Wdr72 1563550 300834 WDR72 1602418 256764 HGNC Wdr72 1622619 546144 MGI:3583957 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:26790 Wdr73 1306429 308751 WDR73 1602852 84942 HGNC Wdr73 1620767 71968 MGI:1919218 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:25928 Wdr74 1582881 690229 WDR74 1603395 54663 HGNC Wdr74 1553186 107071 MGI:2147427 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:25529 Wdr75 1564869 314545 WDR75 1604581 84128 HGNC Wdr75 1557986 73674 MGI:1920924 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:25725 Wdr76 1309616 311361 WDR76 1605336 79968 HGNC Wdr76 1552308 241627 MGI:1926186 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:25773 Wdr77 1310479 310769 WDR77 1604293 79084 HGNC Wdr77 1553146 70465 MGI:1917715 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:29652 Wdr81 1311334 303312 WDR81 1606736 124997 HGNC Wdr81 1322733 192652 MGI:2681828 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:26600 Wdr82 1584269 686295 WDR82 1604285 80335 HGNC Wdr82 1558303 77305 MGI:1924555 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:28826 Wdr83 1306947 288924 WDR83 1601942 84292 HGNC Wdr83 1332476 67836 MGI:1915086 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:32672 Wdr83os 1564058 288925 WDR83OS 1605383 51398 HGNC Wdr83os 1618717 414077 MGI:3041257 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:30203 Wdr86 1566180 311956 WDR86 1604947 349136 HGNC Wdr86 1619724 269633 MGI:1915466 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:28020 Wdr87 9407641 103691095 WDR87 1602453 83889 RGD Wdr87-ps 11084010 114675 MGI:2149781 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:29934 Wdr88 1560122 292809 WDR88 1606735 126248 HGNC Wdr88 1614761 384605 MGI:2686275 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:26999 Wdr89 1307393 314243 WDR89 1316567 112840 HGNC Wdr89 1316568 72338 MGI:1919588 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:20489 Wdr90 7520481 102555298 WDR90 1604213 197335 HGNC Wdr90 1557717 106618 MGI:1921267 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:26960 Wdr91 1306697 312225 WDR91 1606020 29062 HGNC Wdr91 1315464 101240 MGI:2141558 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:24997 Wdr93 1559862 499189 WDR93 1604328 56964 HGNC Wdr93 1615389 626359 MGI:3646885 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:26924 Wdr97 1562063 500896 WDR97 1601920 340390 HGNC Wdr97 9637517 102638882 MGI:5594498 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:26959 Wdsub1 1359296 362137 WDSUB1 1346298 151525 HGNC Wdsub1 1552114 72137 MGI:1919387 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:26697 Wdtc1 1310362 313020 WDTC1 1321224 23038 HGNC Wdtc1 1618967 230796 MGI:2685541 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:29175 Wee1 1307895 308937 WEE1 1317355 7465 HGNC Wee1 1317356 22390 MGI:103075 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:12761 Wee2 1587197 502750 WEE2 1352233 494551 HGNC Wee2 1617198 381759 MGI:3027899 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:19684 Wfdc1 68938 171112 WFDC1 68974 58189 HGNC Wfdc1 68975 67866 MGI:1915116 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:15466 Wfdc10a 1596480 685216 WFDC10A 1315782 140832 HGNC Wfdc10 1619500 629756 MGI:3616889 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:16139 Wfdc11 1596469 685227 WFDC11 1351256 259239 HGNC Wfdc11 2295209 629761 MGI:3651686 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:20478 Wfdc12 1303229 408227 WFDC12 1349049 128488 HGNC Wfdc12 1551325 192200 MGI:2183434 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:16115 Wfdc13 2319575 100365199 WFDC13 1352525 164237 HGNC Wfdc13 1613955 408190 MGI:3582777 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:16131 Wfdc18 619957 171059 Wfdc18 737112 14038 MGI:107506 RGD Wfdc2 628757 286888 WFDC2 1344525 10406 HGNC Wfdc2 1551892 67701 MGI:1914951 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:15939 Wfdc21 1303147 360228 SEPTIN5 1350777 100526833 HGNC Wfdc3 1305295 296366 WFDC3 1313240 140686 HGNC Wfdc3 1621504 71856 MGI:1923897 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:15957 Wfdc5 1304986 296352 WFDC5 1312741 149708 HGNC Wfdc5 1550079 209232 MGI:2384800 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:20477 Wfdc6a 1597730 685153 WFDC6 1352143 140870 HGNC Wfdc6a 1623836 209351 MGI:2684968 RGD HGNC:16164 Wfdc8 1597713 685170 WFDC8 1347537 90199 RGD Wfdc8 1620483 277343 MGI:2685552 RGD HGNC:16163 Wfdc9 1303087 408228 WFDC9 1350341 259240 HGNC Wfdc9 1624875 629754 MGI:3652032 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:20380 Wfikkn1 1565835 363555 WFIKKN1 1342711 117166 HGNC Wfikkn1 1619875 215001 MGI:2670967 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:30912 Wfikkn2 1305361 287631 WFIKKN2 1346693 124857 HGNC Wfikkn2 1551437 278507 MGI:2669209 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:30916 Wfs1 68954 83725 WFS1 731649 7466 HGNC Wfs1 731650 22393 MGI:1328355 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:12762 Whamm 1563506 293057 WHAMM 1606472 123720 HGNC Whamm 1623566 434204 MGI:2142282 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:30493 Whrn 631330 313255 WHRN 1349509 25861 HGNC Whrn 1553310 73750 MGI:2682003 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:16361 Wif1 619774 114557 WIF1 731989 11197 HGNC Wif1 1552191 24117 MGI:1344332 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:18081 Wipf1 620887 117538 WIPF1 736993 7456 HGNC Wipf1 736994 215280 MGI:2178801 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:12736 Wipf2 1561080 360620 WIPF2 1603178 147179 HGNC Wipf2 1557921 68524 MGI:1924462 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:30923 Wipf3 708559 259242 WIPF3 1605143 644150 HGNC Wipf3 1622835 330319 MGI:3044681 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:22004 Wipi1 1307754 303630 WIPI1 1605986 55062 HGNC Wipi1 1317128 52639 MGI:1261864 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:25471 Wipi2 1359154 288498 WIPI2 1606810 26100 HGNC Wipi2 1550007 74781 MGI:1923831 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:32225 Wiz 1307771 314598 WIZ 1607009 58525 HGNC Wiz 1317156 22404 MGI:1332638 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:30917 Wls 735139 362065 WLS 1605334 79971 HGNC Wls 1550386 68151 MGI:1915401 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:30238 Wnk1 621141 116477 WNK1 1343905 65125 HGNC Wnk1 1616541 232341 MGI:2442092 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:14540 Wnk2 1307284 306811 WNK2 1349205 65268 HGNC Wnk2 1622243 75607 MGI:1922857 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:14542 Wnk3 1563131 317420 WNK3 1346670 65267 HGNC Wnk3 1623715 279561 MGI:2652875 RGD HGNC:14543 Wnk4 631401 287715 WNK4 1353270 65266 HGNC Wnk4 1557765 69847 MGI:1917097 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:14544 Wnt1 1597195 24881 WNT1 1344355 7471 HGNC Wnt1 11491 22408 MGI:98953 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:12774 Wnt10a 1307015 316527 WNT10A 1315958 80326 HGNC Wnt10a 1315959 22409 MGI:108071 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:13829 Wnt10b 1304988 315294 WNT10B 1312744 7480 HGNC Wnt10b 1312745 22410 MGI:108061 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:12775 Wnt11 621463 140584 WNT11 1344477 7481 HGNC Wnt11 1551956 22411 MGI:101948 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:12776 Wnt16 1562253 500047 WNT16 1345805 51384 HGNC Wnt16 1558269 93735 MGI:2136018 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:16267 Wnt2 621346 114487 WNT2 736431 7472 HGNC Wnt2 736432 22413 MGI:98954 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:12780 Wnt2b 69346 116466 WNT2B 733303 7482 HGNC Wnt2b 733304 22414 MGI:1261834 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:12781 Wnt3 3972 24882 WNT3 30308771 7473 HGNC Wnt3 11492 22415 MGI:98955 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:12782 Wnt3a 1308057 303181 WNT3A 1317606 89780 HGNC Wnt3a 1317607 22416 MGI:98956 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:15983 Wnt4 621348 84426 WNT4 733867 54361 HGNC Wnt4 733868 22417 MGI:98957 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:12783 Wnt5a 69250 64566 WNT5A 1353257 7474 HGNC Wnt5a 734385 22418 MGI:98958 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:12784 Wnt5b 628850 282582 WNT5B 1346792 81029 HGNC Wnt5b 1551592 22419 MGI:98959 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:16265 Wnt6 1304559 316526 WNT6 1312067 7475 HGNC Wnt6 1312068 22420 MGI:98960 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:12785 Wnt7a 69079 114850 WNT7A 69159 7476 HGNC Wnt7a 69160 22421 MGI:98961 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:12786 Wnt7b 1311441 315196 WNT7B 1322906 7477 HGNC Wnt7b 1322907 22422 MGI:98962 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:12787 Wnt8a 1306312 291678 WNT8A 1314861 7478 HGNC Wnt8a 1314862 20890 MGI:107924 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:12788 Wnt8b 1307644 293990 WNT8B 1316953 7479 HGNC Wnt8b 1316954 22423 MGI:109485 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:12789 Wnt9a 1305018 287357 WNT9A 1312797 7483 RGD Wnt9a 1312798 216795 MGI:2446084 RGD HGNC:12778 Wnt9b 1309574 303586 WNT9B 1319983 7484 HGNC Wnt9b 1319984 22412 MGI:1197020 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:12779 Wrap53 1359624 287432 WRAP53 1605665 55135 HGNC Wrap53 1558239 216853 MGI:2384933 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:25522 Wrap73 1359137 366515 WRAP73 1350775 49856 HGNC Wrap73 1620058 59002 MGI:1891749 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:12759 Wrn 1564788 290805 WRN 1318280 7486 HGNC Wrn 1557552 22427 MGI:109635 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:12791 Wrnip1 628836 282835 WRNIP1 1346094 56897 HGNC Wrnip1 1332258 78903 MGI:1926153 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:20876 Wsb1 1307835 303336 WSB1 1317261 26118 HGNC Wsb1 1317262 78889 MGI:1926139 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:19221 Wsb2 1359599 288692 WSB2 1346731 55884 HGNC Wsb2 1552820 59043 MGI:2144041 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:19222 Wscd1 1308212 287466 WSCD1 1603698 23302 HGNC Wscd1 1317859 216881 MGI:2448493 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:29060 Wscd2 1589744 360824 WSCD2 1605710 9671 RGD Wscd2 1614818 320916 MGI:2445030 RGD HGNC:29117 Wt1 3974 24883 WT1 69122 7490 HGNC Wt1 11493 22431 MGI:98968 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:12796 Wtap 1563824 499020 WTAP 1321461 9589 HGNC Wtap 1321462 60532 MGI:1926395 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:16846 Wtip 1306411 361552 WTIP 1343375 126374 HGNC Wtip 1623056 101543 MGI:2141920 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:20964 Wwc1 1308329 303039 WWC1 1601880 23286 HGNC Wwc1 1318037 211652 MGI:2388637 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:29435 Wwc2 1559427 498630 WWC2 1605043 80014 HGNC Wwc2 1621565 52357 MGI:1261872 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:24148 Wwc3 1560666 317439 WWC3 1601752 55841 HGNC HGNC:29237 Wwox 1309927 292041 WWOX 1320534 51741 HGNC Wwox 1320535 80707 MGI:1931237 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:12799 Wwp1 1311734 297930 WWP1 1323344 11059 HGNC Wwp1 1551873 107568 MGI:1861728 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:17004 Wwp2 1310091 291999 WWP2 1320797 11060 HGNC Wwp2 1320798 66894 MGI:1914144 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:16804 Wwtr1 1559609 295062 WWTR1 1349820 25937 HGNC Wwtr1 1617441 97064 MGI:1917649 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:24042 Xab2 621217 245976 XAB2 1342496 56949 HGNC Xab2 734094 67439 MGI:1914689 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:14089 Xaf1 1585988 679600 XAF1 1606793 54739 HGNC Xaf1 2290334 327959 MGI:3772572 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:30932 Xbp1 1303073 289754 XBP1 1352787 7494 HGNC Xbp1 1332312 22433 MGI:98970 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:12801 Xcl1 620452 171371 XCL1 1350360 6375 HGNC Xcl1 733993 16963 MGI:104593 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:10645 Xcr1 1311480 301086 XCR1 1322962 2829 HGNC Xcr1 1322963 23832 MGI:1346338 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:1625 Xdh 62043 497811 XDH 1348452 7498 HGNC Xdh 62335 22436 MGI:98973 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:12805 Xiap 620692 63879 XIAP 1353417 331 HGNC Xiap 731857 11798 MGI:107572 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:592 Xirp1 1304776 100910104 XIRP1 1312413 165904 HGNC Xirp1 1312414 22437 MGI:1333878 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:14301 Xirp2 1302980 311098 XIRP2 1347436 129446 HGNC Xirp2 1552200 241431 MGI:2685198 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:14303 Xist 6492187 100911498 XIST 1353468 7503 RGD Xist 1619878 213742 MGI:98974 RGD HGNC:12810 Xk 1359650 497078 XK 1351512 7504 HGNC Xk 1621581 22439 MGI:103569 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:12811 Xkr4 1549780 297801 XKR4 1606184 114786 HGNC Xkr4 1620359 497097 MGI:3528744 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:29394 Xkr5 1359335 497083 XKR5 1604445 389610 HGNC Xkr5 1615568 319581 MGI:2442327 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:20782 Xkr6 1310719 305960 XKR6 1321790 286046 HGNC Xkr6 1321791 219149 MGI:2447765 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:27806 Xkr7 1359224 311549 XKR7 1605535 343702 HGNC Xkr7 1614170 228787 MGI:3526711 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:23062 Xkr8 1305649 313033 XKR8 1602706 55113 HGNC Xkr8 1313802 381560 MGI:2685877 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:25508 Xkr9 1359260 497099 XKR9 1604439 389668 HGNC Xkr9 1621192 381246 MGI:2686466 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:20937 Xkrx 1359223 497101 XKRX 1345703 402415 HGNC Xkrx 1623695 331524 MGI:3584011 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:29845 Xndc1 7692537 102549471 XNDC1N 38617851 100133315 HGNC Xndc1 8548915 102443350 MGI:5546359 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:54661 Xpa 1308769 298074 XPA 1318735 7507 HGNC Xpa 1318736 22590 MGI:99135 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:12814 Xpc 1305760 312560 XPC 1313986 7508 HGNC Xpc 1313987 22591 MGI:103557 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:12816 Xpnpep1 621274 170751 XPNPEP1 733430 7511 HGNC Xpnpep1 733431 170750 MGI:2180003 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:12822 Xpnpep2 621277 117522 XPNPEP2 734376 7512 HGNC Xpnpep2 734377 170745 MGI:2180001 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:12823 Xpnpep3 1589063 685823 XPNPEP3 1603202 63929 HGNC Xpnpep3 1313263 321003 MGI:2445217 RGD HGNC:28052 Xpo1 620517 85252 XPO1 735365 7514 HGNC Xpo1 732925 103573 MGI:2144013 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:12825 Xpo4 1312015 290280 XPO4 1323777 64328 HGNC Xpo4 1323778 57258 MGI:1888526 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:17796 Xpo5 1311522 363194 XPO5 1323025 57510 HGNC Xpo5 1323026 72322 MGI:1913789 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:17675 Xpo6 1311491 293476 XPO6 1322976 23214 RGD Xpo6 1322977 74204 MGI:2429950 RGD HGNC:19733 Xpo7 1310928 361070 XPO7 1322111 23039 HGNC Xpo7 1322112 65246 MGI:1929705 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:14108 Xpot 1305562 314879 XPOT 1313662 11260 HGNC Xpot 1313663 73192 MGI:1920442 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:12826 Xpr1 1306554 289424 XPR1 1315237 9213 HGNC Xpr1 1315238 19775 MGI:97932 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:12827 Xrcc1 619823 84495 XRCC1 732968 7515 HGNC Xrcc1 732969 22594 MGI:99137 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:12828 Xrcc2 1564823 499966 XRCC2 1349181 7516 HGNC Xrcc2 1557193 57434 MGI:1927345 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:12829 Xrcc3 1306849 102551085 XRCC3 1315699 7517 HGNC Xrcc3 1315700 74335 MGI:1921585 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:12830 Xrcc4 1359573 309995 XRCC4 1353234 7518 HGNC Xrcc4 1550337 108138 MGI:1333799 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:12831 Xrcc5 3976 363247 XRCC5 733855 7520 HGNC Xrcc5 11495 22596 MGI:104517 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:12833 Xrcc6 2643 25019 XRCC6 732846 2547 HGNC Xrcc6 1552438 14375 MGI:95606 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:4055 Xrn1 1309713 300944 XRN1 1348971 54464 RGD Xrn1 1332329 24127 MGI:891964 RGD HGNC:30654 Xrn2 1310218 362229 XRN2 1320991 22803 HGNC Xrn2 1320992 24128 MGI:894687 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:12836 Xrra1 1305502 365313 XRRA1 1313568 143570 HGNC Xrra1 1621868 446101 MGI:2181647 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:18868 Xxylt1 1308154 363799 XXYLT1 1345440 152002 HGNC Xxylt1 1317763 268880 MGI:2146443 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:26639 Xylb 1307372 316067 XYLB 1316534 9942 HGNC Xylb 1615773 102448 MGI:2142985 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:12839 Xylt1 620093 64133 XYLT1 737486 64131 HGNC Xylt1 732773 233781 MGI:2451073 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:15516 Xylt2 619765 64134 XYLT2 731564 64132 HGNC Xylt2 731565 217119 MGI:2444797 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:15517 Yae1 1306613 306994 YAE1 1315329 57002 RGD Yae1d1 1315330 67008 MGI:1914258 RGD HGNC:24857 Yaf2 1582851 690262 YAF2 1314010 10138 HGNC Yaf2 1314011 67057 MGI:1914307 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:17363 Yap1 1306035 363014 YAP1 1314421 10413 HGNC Yap1 1550378 22601 MGI:103262 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:16262 Yars1 1307616 313047 YARS1 1316914 8565 HGNC Yars1 1316915 107271 MGI:2147627 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:12840 Yars2 1311696 287924 YARS2 1606290 51067 HGNC Yars2 1550943 70120 MGI:1917370 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:24249 Ybey 1308722 361822 YBEY 1318661 54059 HGNC Ybey 1318662 216119 MGI:2656825 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:1299 Ybx1 61843 500538 YBX1 732883 4904 HGNC Ybx1 1620094 22608 MGI:99146 RGD HGNC:8014 Ybx2 1305068 303250 YBX2 1606288 51087 HGNC Ybx2 1332070 53422 MGI:1096372 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:17948 Ybx3 621056 83807 YBX3 733766 8531 HGNC Ybx3 733767 56449 MGI:2137670 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:2428 Ydjc 1359227 287938 YDJC 1604990 150223 HGNC Ydjc 1551061 69101 MGI:1916351 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:27158 Yeats2 1566176 498112 YEATS2 1347752 55689 HGNC Yeats2 1322031 208146 MGI:2447762 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:25489 Yeats4 1305741 299810 YEATS4 1353043 8089 HGNC Yeats4 1551159 64050 MGI:1927224 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:24859 Yes1 3977 24884 YES1 1321347 7525 HGNC Yes1 1550106 22612 MGI:99147 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:12841 Yif1a 628749 171441 YIF1A 732225 10897 HGNC Yif1a 1551949 68090 MGI:1915340 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:16688 Yif1b 735199 292768 YIF1B 1604767 90522 HGNC Yif1b 1550646 77254 MGI:1924504 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:30511 Yipf1 735206 298312 YIPF1 1604013 54432 HGNC Yipf1 1553104 230584 MGI:1915532 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:25231 Yipf2 1307512 363027 YIPF2 1604600 78992 HGNC Yipf2 1551075 74766 MGI:1922016 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:28476 Yipf3 1308185 301245 YIPF3 1317816 25844 HGNC Yipf3 1553232 28064 MGI:106280 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:21023 Yipf4 1310157 362699 YIPF4 1604267 84272 HGNC Yipf4 1551269 67864 MGI:1915114 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:28145 Yipf5 1359165 361315 YIPF5 1602093 81555 HGNC Yipf5 1553159 67180 MGI:1914430 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:24877 Yipf6 1566154 363476 YIPF6 1605821 286451 HGNC Yipf6 1558354 77929 MGI:1925179 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:28304 Yipf7 1310766 364147 YIPF7 1604708 285525 HGNC Yipf7 1552057 75581 MGI:1922831 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:26825 Yjefn3 1563236 498608 YJEFN3 1605797 374887 HGNC Yjefn3 1621315 234365 MGI:2681845 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:24785 Yju2 1589601 501285 YJU2 1603997 55702 RGD Yju2 1316496 72886 MGI:1920136 RGD HGNC:25518 Yju2b 1307598 304656 YJU2B 1604584 81576 HGNC Yju2b 1332380 67736 MGI:1914986 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:28118 Ykt6 70897 64351 YKT6 735770 10652 HGNC Ykt6 735771 56418 MGI:1927550 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:16959 Ylpm1 1564946 299199 YLPM1 1351286 56252 HGNC Ylpm1 1619211 56531 MGI:1926195 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:17798 Yme1l1 620764 114217 YME1L1 733459 10730 HGNC Yme1l1 733460 27377 MGI:1351651 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:12843 Yod1 1359726 363982 YOD1 1604806 55432 HGNC Yod1 1550942 226418 MGI:2442596 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:25035 Ypel1 2321291 100360867 YPEL1 1351763 29799 HGNC Ypel1 1556956 106369 MGI:1913303 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:12845 Ypel2 1311564 360590 YPEL2 1604154 388403 HGNC Ypel2 1551032 77864 MGI:1925114 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:18326 Ypel3 1564579 293491 YPEL3 1347620 83719 HGNC Ypel3 1615899 66090 MGI:1913340 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:18327 Ypel4 1560142 502643 YPEL4 1345149 219539 HGNC Ypel4 1615648 241525 MGI:3605071 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:18328 Ypel5 1309657 298792 YPEL5 1320113 51646 HGNC Ypel5 1320114 383295 MGI:1916937 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:18329 Yrdc 708492 319113 YRDC 1606217 79693 HGNC Yrdc 1557885 230734 MGI:2387201 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:28905 Ythdc1 621706 170956 YTHDC1 732940 91746 HGNC Ythdc1 732941 231386 MGI:2443713 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:30626 Ythdc2 1563192 307446 YTHDC2 1348696 64848 HGNC Ythdc2 1615653 240255 MGI:2448561 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:24721 Ythdf1 1308932 296467 YTHDF1 1318986 54915 HGNC Ythdf1 1318987 228994 MGI:1917431 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:15867 Ythdf2 1311321 313053 YTHDF2 1322711 51441 HGNC Ythdf2 1322712 213541 MGI:2444233 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:31675 Ythdf3 1305234 361920 YTHDF3 1313142 253943 HGNC Ythdf3 1313143 229096 MGI:1918850 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:26465 Ywhab 61998 56011 YWHAB 737527 7529 HGNC Ywhab 62290 54401 MGI:1891917 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:12849 Ywhae 62000 29753 YWHAE 1350802 7531 HGNC Ywhae 62292 22627 MGI:894689 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:12851 Ywhag 62002 56010 YWHAG 736065 7532 HGNC Ywhag 62294 22628 MGI:108109 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:12852 Ywhah 3978 25576 YWHAH 737555 7533 HGNC Ywhah 11496 22629 MGI:109194 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:12853 Ywhaq 3979 25577 YWHAQ 734393 10971 HGNC Ywhaq 11497 22630 MGI:891963 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:12854 Ywhaz 3980 25578 YWHAZ 736756 7534 HGNC Ywhaz 11498 22631 MGI:109484 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:12855 Yy1 3982 24919 YY1 736235 7528 HGNC Yy1 11500 22632 MGI:99150 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:12856 Yy2 2324567 103690827 YY2 1354472 404281 HGNC Yy2 2306382 100073351 MGI:3837947 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:31684 Zan 1305044 304379 ZAN 1312837 7455 HGNC Zan 1312838 22635 MGI:106656 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:12857 Zap70 3983 301348 ZAP70 1349191 7535 HGNC Zap70 11501 22637 MGI:99613 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:12858 Zar1 727972 353228 ZAR1 1351487 326340 HGNC Zar1 1619714 317755 MGI:2180337 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:20436 Zar1l 1591034 689594 ZAR1L 2311474 646799 HGNC Zar1l 1614686 545824 MGI:3690051 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:37116 Zbbx 1308632 361964 ZBBX 1602864 79740 HGNC Zbbx 1332222 213234 MGI:2674085 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:26245 Zbed3 1309665 361881 ZBED3 1320128 84327 HGNC Zbed3 1553288 72114 MGI:1919364 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:20711 Zbed4 1305949 315211 ZBED4 1314283 9889 RGD Zbed4 1622984 223773 MGI:2682302 RGD HGNC:20721 Zbed5 1559988 288622 ZBED5 1603615 58486 HGNC Zbed5 1557484 71970 MGI:1919220 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:30803 Zbed6 9238526 103693666 ZBED6 3322020 100381270 HGNC Zbed6 2315118 667118 MGI:3828086 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:33273 Zbp1 619956 171091 ZBP1 1351033 81030 HGNC Zbp1 1551084 58203 MGI:1927449 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:16176 Zbtb1 1303095 314246 ZBTB1 1343689 22890 HGNC Zbtb1 1332366 268564 MGI:2442326 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:20259 Zbtb10 708377 80338 ZBTB10 1348951 65986 HGNC Zbtb10 1550146 229055 MGI:2139883 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:30953 Zbtb11 1308275 304010 ZBTB11 1317955 27107 HGNC Zbtb11 1550947 271377 MGI:2443876 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:16740 Zbtb12 1302958 309613 ZBTB12 1342499 221527 HGNC Zbtb12 1552092 193736 MGI:88133 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:19066 Zbtb14 628712 282825 ZBTB14 1345499 7541 HGNC Zbtb14 1331904 22666 MGI:1195345 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:12860 Zbtb16 727921 353227 ZBTB16 1352454 7704 HGNC Zbtb16 1313496 235320 MGI:103222 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:12930 Zbtb17 1307143 313666 ZBTB17 1347626 7709 HGNC Zbtb17 1550658 22642 MGI:107410 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:12936 Zbtb18 621548 64619 ZBTB18 1346592 10472 HGNC Zbtb18 1551787 30928 MGI:1353609 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:13030 Zbtb2 1306621 308126 ZBTB2 1315344 57621 HGNC Zbtb2 1615510 381990 MGI:2685949 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:20868 Zbtb20 1560387 288105 ZBTB20 1351632 26137 HGNC Zbtb20 1557085 56490 MGI:1929213 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:13503 Zbtb21 1310841 304056 ZBTB21 1321974 49854 HGNC Zbtb21 1321975 114565 MGI:1927240 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:13083 Zbtb22 1359627 309630 ZBTB22 1352119 9278 HGNC Zbtb22 1615784 81630 MGI:1931870 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:13085 Zbtb24 1306951 365590 ZBTB24 1315856 9841 HGNC Zbtb24 1550613 268294 MGI:3039618 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:21143 Zbtb25 735076 314245 ZBTB25 1344853 7597 HGNC Zbtb25 1557667 109929 MGI:99197 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:13112 Zbtb26 1308561 311910 ZBTB26 1318405 57684 HGNC Zbtb26 1552993 320633 MGI:2444402 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:23383 Zbtb3 1561140 499313 ZBTB3 1353634 79842 HGNC Zbtb3 1557818 75291 MGI:1922541 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:22918 Zbtb32 1584121 688845 ZBTB32 1604369 27033 HGNC Zbtb32 1615917 58206 MGI:1891838 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:16763 Zbtb33 1566309 501506 ZBTB33 1351169 10009 RGD Zbtb33 1557407 56805 MGI:1927290 RGD HGNC:16682 Zbtb34 1596130 689174 ZBTB34 1353753 403341 HGNC Zbtb34 1617319 241311 MGI:2685195 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:31446 Zbtb37 1308731 304918 ZBTB37 1352612 84614 HGNC Zbtb37 1550237 240869 MGI:2444467 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:28365 Zbtb38 1310136 315936 ZBTB38 1603531 253461 HGNC Zbtb38 1553184 245007 MGI:2442866 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:26636 Zbtb39 1306532 299510 ZBTB39 1605102 9880 HGNC Zbtb39 1551055 320080 MGI:2443316 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:29014 Zbtb4 1307184 287441 ZBTB4 1316223 57659 HGNC Zbtb4 1552637 75580 MGI:1922830 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:23847 Zbtb40 1309866 362635 ZBTB40 1604838 9923 HGNC Zbtb40 1551049 230848 MGI:2682254 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:29045 Zbtb41 1560834 289052 ZBTB41 1603485 360023 HGNC Zbtb41 1557945 226470 MGI:2444487 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:24819 Zbtb42 1582758 691556 ZBTB42 2290506 100128927 HGNC Zbtb42 1620423 382639 MGI:3644133 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:32550 Zbtb43 1310287 311872 ZBTB43 1321100 23099 HGNC Zbtb43 1321101 71834 MGI:1919084 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:17908 Zbtb44 1308984 363035 ZBTB44 1606019 29068 HGNC Zbtb44 1552909 235132 MGI:1925123 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:25001 Zbtb45 1310920 308366 ZBTB45 1322100 84878 HGNC Zbtb45 1622946 232879 MGI:2685003 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:23715 Zbtb46 1307408 311718 ZBTB46 1345627 140685 HGNC Zbtb46 1316590 72147 MGI:1919397 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:16094 Zbtb47 1562434 316087 ZBTB47 1343623 92999 HGNC Zbtb47 1614837 270210 MGI:2670992 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:26955 Zbtb48 1311581 362668 ZBTB48 1346774 3104 HGNC Zbtb48 1323114 100090 MGI:2140248 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:4930 Zbtb49 1306733 305428 ZBTB49 1315520 166793 HGNC Zbtb49 1315521 75079 MGI:1922329 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:19883 Zbtb5 1307367 298084 ZBTB5 1316525 9925 HGNC Zbtb5 1316526 230119 MGI:1924601 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:23836 Zbtb6 1306007 366029 ZBTB6 1314374 10773 HGNC Zbtb6 1550368 241322 MGI:2442998 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:16764 Zbtb7a 620946 117107 ZBTB7A 1350408 51341 HGNC Zbtb7a 1551307 16969 MGI:1335091 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:18078 Zbtb7b 1305963 295248 ZBTB7B 1314302 51043 HGNC Zbtb7b 1557107 22724 MGI:102755 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:18668 Zbtb7c 1591841 679155 ZBTB7C 1606940 201501 HGNC Zbtb7c 1619886 207259 MGI:2443302 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:31700 Zbtb8a 1308756 313049 ZBTB8A 1318711 653121 HGNC Zbtb8a 1318712 73680 MGI:1920930 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:24172 Zbtb8b 1562327 500553 ZBTB8B 2307066 728116 HGNC Zbtb8b 1558049 215627 MGI:2387181 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:37057 Zbtb8os 1562249 297885 ZBTB8OS 1603245 339487 RGD Zbtb8os 1558119 67106 MGI:1914356 RGD HGNC:24094 Zbtb9 1303050 294289 ZBTB9 1354226 221504 HGNC Zbtb9 1332213 474156 MGI:1918022 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:28323 Zc2hc1a 1311970 310244 ZC2HC1A 1602891 51101 HGNC Zc2hc1a 1323702 67306 MGI:1914556 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:24277 Zc2hc1b 2319701 100361672 ZC2HC1B 1349089 153918 HGNC Zc2hc1b 1615825 75122 MGI:1922372 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:21174 Zc2hc1c 1307122 314321 ZC2HC1C 1316129 79696 HGNC Zc2hc1c 1316130 72350 MGI:1919600 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:20354 Zc3h10 1587846 685928 ZC3H10 1602996 84872 HGNC Zc3h10 1619912 103284 MGI:2143670 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:25893 Zc3h11a 1308290 360845 ZC3H11A 1605103 9877 HGNC Zc3h11a 1553303 70579 MGI:1917829 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:29093 Zc3h12a 1306776 313587 ZC3H12A 1602205 80149 HGNC Zc3h12a 1618974 230738 MGI:2385891 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:26259 Zc3h12b 1560891 296864 ZC3H12B 1601698 340554 HGNC Zc3h12b 1614670 547176 MGI:2442133 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:17407 Zc3h12c 1565078 315658 ZC3H12C 1602083 85463 HGNC Zc3h12c 1620552 244871 MGI:3026959 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:29362 Zc3h12d 1597152 308266 ZC3H12D 1345806 340152 HGNC Zc3h12d 1618953 237256 MGI:3045313 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:21175 Zc3h13 1307729 305955 ZC3H13 1317090 23091 HGNC Zc3h13 1317091 67302 MGI:1914552 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:20368 Zc3h14 621850 192359 ZC3H14 732811 79882 HGNC Zc3h14 1551806 75553 MGI:1919824 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:20509 Zc3h15 1359234 362154 ZC3H15 1601751 55854 HGNC Zc3h15 1552553 69082 MGI:1919747 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:29528 Zc3h18 1303257 292067 ZC3H18 1602304 124245 HGNC Zc3h18 1553476 76014 MGI:1923264 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:25091 Zc3h3 1307276 300032 ZC3H3 1316375 23144 HGNC Zc3h3 1623806 223642 MGI:2663721 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:28972 Zc3h4 1596943 678741 ZC3H4 1316321 23211 HGNC Zc3h4 1316322 330474 MGI:2682314 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:17808 Zc3h6 1311061 311415 ZC3H6 1322317 376940 RGD Zc3h6 1551702 78751 MGI:1926001 RGD HGNC:24762 Zc3h7a 1311225 360466 ZC3H7A 1322571 29066 HGNC Zc3h7a 1558293 106205 MGI:2445044 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:30959 Zc3h7b 1307064 315158 ZC3H7B 1601882 23264 HGNC Zc3h7b 1618407 20286 MGI:1328310 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:30869 Zc3h8 1310458 311414 ZC3H8 1321369 84524 HGNC Zc3h8 1553491 57432 MGI:1930128 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:30941 Zc3hav1 628694 252832 ZC3HAV1 736106 56829 HGNC Zc3hav1 736107 78781 MGI:1926031 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:23721 Zc3hav1l 1309236 362341 ZC3HAV1L 1601938 92092 HGNC Zc3hav1l 1319464 209032 MGI:2443387 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:22423 Zc3hc1 1561099 296957 ZC3HC1 1347342 51530 HGNC Zc3hc1 1557238 232679 MGI:1916023 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:29913 Zc4h2 1561708 367838 ZC4H2 1349237 55906 HGNC Zc4h2 1614877 245522 MGI:2679294 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:24931 Zcchc10 1308149 360524 ZCCHC10 1317755 54819 HGNC Zcchc10 1550909 67966 MGI:1196228 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:25954 Zcchc12 1359439 313436 ZCCHC12 1342670 170261 HGNC Zcchc12 1552702 72693 MGI:1919943 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:27273 Zcchc13 1589760 302399 ZCCHC13 1346047 389874 HGNC Zcchc13 1557292 75064 MGI:1922314 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:31749 Zcchc14 1309494 365018 ZCCHC14 1349569 23174 HGNC Zcchc14 1551154 142682 MGI:2159407 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:24134 Zcchc17 1565267 500555 ZCCHC17 1604815 51538 HGNC Zcchc17 1557061 619605 MGI:1919955 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:30246 Zcchc2 1310626 304695 ZCCHC2 1343061 54877 HGNC Zcchc2 1558271 227449 MGI:2444114 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:22916 Zcchc24 1306164 361104 ZCCHC24 1314625 219654 HGNC Zcchc24 1620774 71918 MGI:1919168 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:26911 Zcchc3 1585203 690005 ZCCHC3 1352502 85364 HGNC Zcchc3 1621536 67917 MGI:1915167 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:16230 Zcchc4 1311414 360946 ZCCHC4 1322864 29063 HGNC Zcchc4 1553728 78796 MGI:1926046 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:22917 Zcchc7 1310467 298086 ZCCHC7 1321384 84186 HGNC Zcchc7 1623707 319885 MGI:2442912 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:26209 Zcchc8 1309774 288661 ZCCHC8 1320291 55596 HGNC Zcchc8 1320292 70650 MGI:1917900 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:25265 Zcchc9 1307450 309986 ZCCHC9 1316648 84240 HGNC Zcchc9 1316649 69085 MGI:1916335 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:25424 Zcrb1 1309851 362990 ZCRB1 1604568 85437 HGNC Zcrb1 1320417 67197 MGI:1914447 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:29620 Zcwpw1 1305405 304368 ZCWPW1 1313418 55063 RGD Zcwpw1 1617950 381678 MGI:2685899 RGD HGNC:23486 Zcwpw2 1596709 681381 ZCWPW2 1347606 152098 HGNC Zcwpw2 1619954 100039681 MGI:1921888 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:23574 Zdbf2 1560005 501153 ZDBF2 1605970 57683 HGNC Zdbf2 1615828 73884 MGI:1921134 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:29313 Zdhhc1 1589775 291967 ZDHHC1 1348828 29800 HGNC Zdhhc1 1313262 70796 MGI:1918046 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:17916 Zdhhc11 1564281 499000 ZDHHC11 1343630 79844 HGNC HGNC:19158 Zdhhc12 1306593 366014 ZDHHC12 1315298 84885 HGNC Zdhhc12 1315299 66220 MGI:1913470 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:19159 Zdhhc13 1309736 365252 ZDHHC13 1320234 54503 HGNC Zdhhc13 1320235 243983 MGI:1919227 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:18413 Zdhhc14 1565877 499014 ZDHHC14 1352800 79683 HGNC Zdhhc14 1558404 224454 MGI:2653229 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:20341 Zdhhc15 1562075 317235 ZDHHC15 1345155 158866 HGNC Zdhhc15 1558080 108672 MGI:1915336 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:20342 Zdhhc16 1591893 654495 ZDHHC16 1604262 84287 HGNC Zdhhc16 1623929 74168 MGI:1921418 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:20714 Zdhhc17 1595790 366889 ZDHHC17 1351838 23390 HGNC Zdhhc17 1557918 320150 MGI:2445110 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:18412 Zdhhc18 1309334 362613 ZDHHC18 1319625 84243 HGNC Zdhhc18 1551232 503610 MGI:3527792 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:20712 Zdhhc19 1309014 288045 ZDHHC19 1346417 131540 HGNC Zdhhc19 1319120 245308 MGI:2682948 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:20713 Zdhhc2 628681 246326 ZDHHC2 736613 51201 HGNC Zdhhc2 736614 70546 MGI:1923452 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:18469 Zdhhc20 1305755 305923 ZDHHC20 1606124 253832 HGNC Zdhhc20 1553018 75965 MGI:1923215 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:20749 Zdhhc21 1305750 298184 ZDHHC21 1313969 340481 HGNC Zdhhc21 1313970 68268 MGI:1915518 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:20750 Zdhhc22 1308446 299211 ZDHHC22 1318218 283576 HGNC Zdhhc22 1620581 238331 MGI:2685108 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:20106 Zdhhc23 1303254 363783 ZDHHC23 1345232 254887 HGNC Zdhhc23 1618774 332175 MGI:2685625 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:28654 Zdhhc24 1565630 293665 ZDHHC24 1602172 254359 HGNC Zdhhc24 1557474 70605 MGI:1917855 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:27387 Zdhhc3 1309041 301081 ZDHHC3 1319160 51304 RGD Zdhhc3 1319161 69035 MGI:1926134 RGD HGNC:18470 Zdhhc4 1308389 304291 ZDHHC4 1318128 55146 HGNC Zdhhc4 1318129 72881 MGI:1920131 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:18471 Zdhhc5 1589737 362156 ZDHHC5 1314627 25921 HGNC Zdhhc5 1314628 228136 MGI:1923573 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:18472 Zdhhc6 1304657 361771 ZDHHC6 1312223 64429 HGNC Zdhhc6 1551983 66980 MGI:1914230 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:19160 Zdhhc7 620205 170906 ZDHHC7 1351877 55625 HGNC Zdhhc7 1332314 102193 MGI:2142662 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:18459 Zdhhc8 1308875 303796 ZDHHC8 1318899 29801 HGNC Zdhhc8 1557928 27801 MGI:1338012 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:18474 Zdhhc9 1561389 302808 ZDHHC9 1348132 51114 HGNC Zdhhc9 1556934 208884 MGI:2444393 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:18475 Zeb1 3831 25705 ZEB1 1299953 6935 HGNC Zeb1 1552190 21417 MGI:1344313 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:11642 Zeb2 1307272 311071 ZEB2 1316368 9839 HGNC Zeb2 1316369 24136 MGI:1344407 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:14881 Zeb2-as1 9273023 103691779 ZEB2-AS1 2800586 100303491 HGNC Zeb2os 1619643 433424 MGI:3652108 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:37149 Zer1 1310284 311842 ZER1 1321095 10444 HGNC Zer1 1553660 227693 MGI:2442511 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:30960 Zfand1 1309519 361917 ZFAND1 1605942 79752 HGNC Zfand1 1551743 66361 MGI:1913611 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:25858 Zfand2a 1310991 360772 ZFAND2A 1604554 90637 HGNC Zfand2a 1621419 100494 MGI:2140729 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:28073 Zfand2b 1306260 363253 ZFAND2B 1602437 130617 HGNC Zfand2b 1614345 68818 MGI:1916068 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:25206 Zfand3 1307113 361816 ZFAND3 1316115 60685 HGNC Zfand3 1316116 21769 MGI:1096572 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:18019 Zfand4 628707 286998 ZFAND4 1347960 93550 HGNC Zfand4 1615104 67492 MGI:1914742 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:23504 Zfand5 1310776 293960 ZFAND5 1349305 7763 HGNC Zfand5 1321875 22682 MGI:1278334 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:13008 Zfand6 1359317 293067 ZFAND6 1345898 54469 HGNC Zfand6 1553096 65098 MGI:1929510 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:30164 Zfat 1310886 362925 ZFAT 1322045 57623 HGNC Zfat 1322046 380993 MGI:2681865 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:19899 Zfc3h1 1306287 314836 ZFC3H1 1606690 196441 HGNC Zfc3h1 1314821 216345 MGI:2446143 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:28328 Zfhx2 735143 305888 ZFHX2 1351762 85446 HGNC Zfhx2 1558576 239102 MGI:2686934 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:20152 Zfhx3 1560268 307829 ZFHX3 1319399 463 HGNC Zfhx3 1319400 11906 MGI:99948 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:777 Zfhx4 1563022 310250 ZFHX4 1346362 79776 HGNC Zfhx4 1557549 80892 MGI:2137668 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:30939 Zfp1 1565049 498952 ZFP1 1351790 162239 HGNC Zfp1 1557749 22640 MGI:99154 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:23328 Zfp105 1309905 316096 ZNF35 1320503 7584 HGNC Zfp105 1320504 22646 MGI:1277119 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:13099 Zfp106 1593644 688018 ZNF106 1343281 64397 HGNC Zfp106 1616834 20402 MGI:1270153 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:12886 Zfp11 2324824 100363065 ZNF546 1354009 339327 HGNC Zfp11 1319903 22648 MGI:99156 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:28671 Zfp110 1306339 308362 ZNF274 1347715 10782 HGNC Zfp110 1314905 65020 MGI:1890378 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:13068 Zfp111 620595 170849 ZNF226 1343710 7769 HGNC HGNC:13019 Zfp112 1305757 308420 ZNF112 1313981 7771 HGNC Zfp112 1313982 57745 MGI:1929115 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:12892 Zfp113 6489147 100912096 ZNF3 1348770 7551 HGNC Zfp113 1556877 56314 MGI:1929116 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:13089 Zfp12 1564396 288486 ZNF12 1349914 7559 HGNC Zfp12 1620598 231866 MGI:99157 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:12902 Zfp120 7747897 102554315 ZNF177 1353253 7730 HGNC Zfp120 1621414 104348 MGI:1345179 RGD HGNC:12966 Zfp13 1304577 287095 ZNF205 1312095 7755 HGNC Zfp13 1312096 22654 MGI:99159 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:12996 Zfp131 1307638 310375 ZNF131 1353025 7690 HGNC Zfp131 1316945 72465 MGI:1919715 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:12915 Zfp133 1566283 499900 ZNF133 1343941 7692 HGNC HGNC:12917 Zfp14 1560188 499124 ZFP14 1605971 57677 HGNC Zfp14 1617312 243906 MGI:99160 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:29312 Zfp141 1597345 690343 ZNF816 1604241 125893 HGNC HGNC:26995 Zfp142 1309648 316524 ZNF142 1320100 7701 HGNC Zfp142 1551328 77264 MGI:1924514 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:12927 Zfp143 1305662 361627 ZNF143 1313824 7702 HGNC Zfp143 1313825 20841 MGI:1277969 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:12928 Zfp146 7630088 102555183 ZNF146 1342677 7705 HGNC Zfp146 1620868 26465 MGI:1347092 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:12931 Zfp148 62063 58820 ZNF148 732332 7707 HGNC Zfp148 62355 22661 MGI:1332234 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:12933 Zfp157 1359435 360775 ZNF157 1344228 7712 RGD Zfp157 1619120 72154 MGI:1919404 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:12942 Zfp160 2319215 100365363 ZNF665 1605935 79788 HGNC Zfp160 1551364 224585 MGI:108187 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:25885 Zfp169 1304631 306816 ZNF169 1312178 169841 HGNC Zfp169 1551976 67911 MGI:1915161 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:12957 Zfp174 7498198 102551846 ZNF174 1322583 7727 HGNC Zfp174 1617182 385674 MGI:2686600 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:12963 Zfp18 1305130 303226 ZNF18 1312982 7566 HGNC Zkscan6 1312983 52712 MGI:1289293 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:12969 Zfp180 631380 246279 ZNF180 1348239 7733 HGNC Zfp180 1553409 210135 MGI:1923701 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:12970 Zfp182 6490591 100911831 ZNF182 1342789 7569 HGNC Zfp182 1615574 319535 MGI:2442220 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:13001 Zfp184 1304798 306966 ZNF184 1312451 7738 HGNC Zfp184 1552007 193452 MGI:1922244 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:12975 Zfp185 1586351 689949 ZNF185 1352809 7739 HGNC Zfp185 1620088 22673 MGI:108095 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:12976 Zfp189 1306510 313219 ZNF189 1315167 7743 HGNC Zfp189 1315168 230162 MGI:2444707 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:12980 Zfp2 1562610 497897 ZFP2 1604799 80108 HGNC Zfp2 1558434 22678 MGI:99167 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:26138 Zfp202 1562294 500981 ZNF202 1353784 7753 HGNC Zfp202 1557895 80902 MGI:1933401 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:12994 Zfp207 1308121 303763 ZNF207 1317710 7756 HGNC Zfp207 1317711 22680 MGI:1340045 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:12998 Zfp212 1307836 297066 ZNF212 1317263 7988 HGNC Zfp212 1317264 232784 MGI:2682609 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:13004 Zfp213 1305919 287094 ZNF213 1314237 7760 HGNC Zfp213 1615452 449521 MGI:3053094 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:13005 Zfp217 1308451 311764 ZNF217 1318226 7764 HGNC Zfp217 1622964 228913 MGI:2685408 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:13009 Zfp219 1359259 305848 ZNF219 1347695 51222 HGNC Zfp219 1552087 69890 MGI:1917140 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:13011 Zfp236 1309670 291409 ZNF236 1320136 7776 HGNC Zfp236 1320137 329002 MGI:1926950 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:13028 Zfp239 6502210 100909657 ZNF239 1351594 8187 HGNC Zfp239 1323802 22685 MGI:1306812 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:13031 Zfp24 727963 360204 ZNF24 1344102 7572 HGNC Zfp24 1553743 59057 MGI:1929704 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:13032 Zfp248 1561270 500304 ZNF248 1349221 57209 HGNC Zfp248 1557307 72720 MGI:1919970 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:13041 Zfp251 1311138 366954 ZNF251 1322438 90987 HGNC Zfp251 1551728 71591 MGI:1918841 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:13045 Zfp26 1565847 367033 ZNF778 1604215 197320 HGNC Zfp26 1557142 22688 MGI:99173 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:26479 Zfp260 621205 53982 ZNF260 1606913 339324 HGNC Zfp260 1552100 26466 MGI:1347071 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:13499 Zfp263 1307301 287076 ZNF263 1316415 10127 HGNC Zfp263 1316416 74120 MGI:1921370 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:13056 Zfp266 1308643 367034 ZNF562 1354483 54811 HGNC Zfp266 1617460 77519 MGI:1924769 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:25950 Zfp267 2323100 100359945 ZNF267 1343571 10308 HGNC Zfp267 1622920 241944 MGI:1098769 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:13060 Zfp27 2318958 100362022 ZNF585A 1604726 199704 HGNC HGNC:26305 Zfp273l-ps1 1587241 501406 ZNF728 1603326 388523 HGNC HGNC:32463 Zfp275 1564630 293849 ZNF275 1347058 105373378 HGNC Zfp275 1615934 27081 MGI:1350985 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline Zfp276 1307469 307924 ZNF276 1316682 92822 HGNC Zfp276 1316683 57247 MGI:1888495 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:23330 Zfp277 1583856 298977 ZNF277 1353791 11179 HGNC Zfp277 1557795 246196 MGI:1890393 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:13070 Zfp28 7679103 102548693 ZFP28 1347669 140612 HGNC Zfp28 1556907 22690 MGI:99175 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:17801 Zfp280b 1565460 294343 ZNF280B 1348223 140883 HGNC Zfp280b 1557487 64453 MGI:1927865 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:23022 Zfp280c 1564669 302812 ZNF280C 1349297 55609 HGNC Zfp280c 1558003 208968 MGI:2387585 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:25955 Zfp280d 1560796 315798 ZNF280D 1323434 54816 HGNC Zfp280d 1323435 235469 MGI:2384583 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:25953 Zfp281 1305139 305083 ZNF281 1312996 23528 HGNC Zfp281 1312997 226442 MGI:3029290 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:13075 Zfp282 1306278 297065 ZNF282 1314806 8427 HGNC Zfp282 1314807 101095 MGI:2141413 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:13076 Zfp286a 1561950 497923 ZNF286A 1350825 57335 HGNC Zfp286 1622144 192651 MGI:2384758 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:13501 Zfp287 1308617 303212 ZNF287 1318494 57336 HGNC Zfp287 1318495 170740 MGI:2176561 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:13502 Zfp292 61931 50552 ZNF292 1354082 23036 HGNC Zfp292 62224 30046 MGI:1353423 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:18410 Zfp296 1595818 365511 ZNF296 1343580 162979 HGNC Zfp296 1557694 63872 MGI:1926956 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:15981 Zfp3 1565881 497944 ZFP3 1346211 124961 HGNC Zfp3 1619034 193043 MGI:99177 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:12861 Zfp300 2321626 100364132 ZNF567 1346041 163081 HGNC HGNC:28696 Zfp316 1311647 304293 ZNF316 1323214 100131017 HGNC Zfp316 1323215 54201 MGI:1860402 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:13843 Zfp317 1565419 500950 ZNF317 1345905 57693 HGNC Zfp317 1557989 244713 MGI:107775 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:13507 Zfp318 1583221 685082 ZNF318 1318587 24149 HGNC Zfp318 1551053 57908 MGI:1889348 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:13578 Zfp319 1306198 291849 ZNF319 1314677 57567 HGNC Zfp319 1314678 79233 MGI:1890618 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:13644 Zfp322a 1594230 680201 ZNF322 1347331 79692 HGNC Zfp322a 1615705 218100 MGI:2442566 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:23640 Zfp324 1306631 365192 ZNF324B 1603828 388569 HGNC HGNC:33107 Zfp326 1592829 682914 ZNF326 1601703 284695 HGNC Zfp326 1615923 54367 MGI:1927246 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:14104 Zfp329 1565029 308361 ZNF329 1348045 79673 HGNC Zfp329 1558491 67230 MGI:1921283 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:14209 Zfp330 1307510 361387 ZNF330 1316746 27309 HGNC Zfp330 1316747 30932 MGI:1353574 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:15462 Zfp334 1592574 685574 ZNF334 1318499 55713 HGNC Zfp334 1318500 228876 MGI:2388656 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:15806 Zfp335 628751 259270 ZNF335 732123 63925 HGNC Zfp335 1618781 329559 MGI:2682313 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:15807 Zfp34 2319680 100361693 ZNF34 1343773 80778 HGNC Gm7072 1614612 631624 MGI:3648314 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:13098 Zfp341 1564726 296300 ZNF341 1346802 84905 HGNC Zfp341 1558114 228807 MGI:2682937 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:15992 Zfp346 1308068 306765 ZNF346 1317625 23567 HGNC Zfp346 1317626 26919 MGI:1349417 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:16403 Zfp347 620185 170902 ZNF14 1351207 7561 HGNC HGNC:12924 Zfp35 1312031 307547 ZNF79 1350135 7633 HGNC 2610008E11Rik 1619125 72128 MGI:1919378 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:13153 Zfp353 1310095 298232 KLF18 10045909 105378952 HGNC Zfp352 1320802 236537 MGI:2387418 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:51793 Zfp354a 2967 24522 ZNF354A 1353304 6940 HGNC Zfp354a 10838 21408 MGI:103172 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:11628 Zfp354c 69405 78972 ZNF354C 736972 30832 HGNC Zfp354c 69448 30944 MGI:1353621 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:16736 Zfp358 1310416 360754 ZNF358 1321306 140467 HGNC Zfp358 1321307 140482 MGI:2153740 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:16838 Zfp36 620722 79426 ZFP36 737182 7538 HGNC Zfp36 737183 22695 MGI:99180 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:12862 Zfp362 1306498 297879 ZNF362 1602182 149076 HGNC Zfp362 1315149 230761 MGI:2652839 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:18079 Zfp365 1565986 499425 ZNF365 1605085 124902436 HGNC Zfp365 1558401 216049 MGI:2143676 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline Zfp366 2322904 100360041 ZNF366 1314635 167465 HGNC Zfp366 1616531 238803 MGI:2178429 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:18316 Zfp367 1307136 306695 ZNF367 1316151 195828 HGNC Zfp367 1316152 238673 MGI:2442266 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:18320 Zfp36l1 62009 29344 ZFP36L1 732154 677 HGNC Zfp36l1 736581 12192 MGI:107946 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:1107 Zfp36l2 1308913 298765 ZFP36L2 1318953 678 HGNC Zfp36l2 1318954 12193 MGI:107945 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:1108 Zfp37 620723 115768 ZFP37 736935 7539 RGD Zfp37 736936 22696 MGI:99181 RGD HGNC:12863 Zfp382 708385 246264 ZNF382 1352355 84911 HGNC Zfp382 1621326 233060 MGI:3588204 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:17409 Zfp384 708346 171018 ZNF384 1345674 171017 HGNC Zfp384 1618013 269800 MGI:2443203 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:11955 Zfp385a 1593784 685474 ZNF385A 1315468 25946 HGNC Zfp385a 1315469 29813 MGI:1352495 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:17521 Zfp385b 1311181 311137 ZNF385B 1322504 151126 HGNC Zfp385b 1322505 241494 MGI:2444734 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:26332 Zfp385c 1563442 303537 ZNF385C 1604507 201181 HGNC Zfp385c 1622867 278304 MGI:3608347 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:33722 Zfp385d 1359606 305691 ZNF385D 1354143 79750 HGNC HGNC:26191 Zfp386 2985 25165 ZNF519 1352204 162655 HGNC Zfp386 736215 56220 MGI:1930708 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:30574 Zfp39 1306633 303173 ZNF717 1606870 100131827 HGNC Zfp39 1315359 22698 MGI:99183 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:29448 Zfp394 628654 252860 ZNF394 1354133 84124 HGNC Zkscan14 734050 67235 MGI:1914485 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:18832 Zfp395 1307849 305972 ZNF395 1317282 55893 HGNC Zfp395 1317283 380912 MGI:2682318 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:18737 Zfp397 6504280 100909408 ZNF397 1314512 84307 HGNC Zfp397 1621521 69256 MGI:1916506 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:18818 Zfp398 1562129 500108 ZNF398 1345407 57541 HGNC Zfp398 1557875 272347 MGI:1917856 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:18373 Zfp407 1310645 307213 ZNF407 1344883 55628 HGNC Zfp407 1551117 240476 MGI:2685179 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:19904 Zfp41 1307587 100910508 ZFP41 1606662 286128 HGNC Zfp41 1331965 22701 MGI:99186 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:26786 Zfp410 1305636 314310 ZNF410 1313783 57862 HGNC Zfp410 1552255 52708 MGI:1289280 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:20144 Zfp414 1308123 299647 ZNF414 1603942 84330 HGNC Zfp414 1332570 328801 MGI:1915641 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:20630 Zfp418 1311663 292548 ZNF416 1346172 55659 HGNC Zfp418 1622950 232854 MGI:2444763 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:20645 Zfp42 2319133 100361947 ZFP42 1606971 132625 RGD Zfp42 1316150 22702 MGI:99187 RGD HGNC:30949 Zfp420 2323829 103690163 ZNF420 1349955 147923 HGNC Zfp420 1621327 233058 MGI:2444666 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:20649 Zfp422 620229 360389 ZNF22 1318379 7570 HGNC Zfp422 1318380 67255 MGI:1914505 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:13012 Zfp423 621664 94188 ZNF423 1344492 23090 HGNC Zfp423 734395 94187 MGI:1891217 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:16762 Zfp426 1590942 690895 ZNF426 1318534 79088 HGNC Zfp426 1318535 235028 MGI:1920248 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:20725 Zfp428 1564862 361519 ZNF428 1603271 126299 HGNC Zfp428 1558107 232969 MGI:1916463 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:20804 Zfp438 1307214 307024 ZNF438 1603538 220929 HGNC Zfp438 1332488 240186 MGI:2444919 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:21029 Zfp442 7551590 102555033 Zfp442 1617662 668923 MGI:3651999 RGD Zfp444 1304847 292569 ZNF444 1312520 55311 HGNC Zfp444 1550044 72667 MGI:1923365 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:16052 Zfp445 1559144 301076 ZNF445 1349162 353274 HGNC Zfp445 1557362 235682 MGI:2143340 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:21018 Zfp446 7612453 102552463 ZNF446 1351503 55663 HGNC Zfp446 1551279 269870 MGI:2442185 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:21036 Zfp449 1584453 684901 ZNF449 1348166 203523 HGNC Zfp449 1619078 78619 MGI:1925869 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:21039 Zfp451 1305865 316312 ZNF451 1314152 26036 HGNC Zfp451 1314153 98403 MGI:2137896 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:21091 Zfp457 2322273 100360380 ZNF845 2298741 91664 HGNC Zfp457 1622675 431706 MGI:2664334 RGD HGNC:25112 Zfp458 1559684 499563 ZNF43 1349254 7594 HGNC Zfp729a 1621368 212281 MGI:3036250 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:13109 Zfp46 1310584 298558 ZNF436 1321577 80818 HGNC Zfp46 1321578 22704 MGI:99192 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:20814 Zfp462 1562123 362522 ZNF462 1352850 58499 HGNC Zfp462 1318312 242466 MGI:107690 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:21684 Zfp467 1561603 500110 ZNF467 1350118 168544 HGNC Zfp467 1557833 68910 MGI:1916160 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:23154 Zfp469 1583874 691499 ZNF469 1316175 84627 HGNC Zfp469 1622141 195209 MGI:2684868 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:23216 Zfp470 11436011 108348090 ZNF470 1603830 388566 HGNC HGNC:22220 Zfp472 727944 314587 ZNF788P 2304142 388507 HGNC Zfp119a 1621413 104349 MGI:1345189 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:33112 Zfp473 1305084 292884 ZNF473 1352232 25888 HGNC Zfp473 1552774 243963 MGI:2442697 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:23239 Zfp474 1311600 307310 ZNF474 1606968 133923 HGNC Zfp474 1323143 66758 MGI:1914008 RGD HGNC:23245 Zfp475 1564428 498866 ZNF475 38639344 100505841 HGNC 1700034E13Rik 1620717 78414 MGI:1925664 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:53564 Zfp483 727958 170955 ZNF483 1604223 158399 HGNC Zkscan16 1622959 100041581 MGI:3510405 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:23384 Zfp488 1309835 290571 ZNF488 1320391 118738 HGNC Zfp488 1618741 382867 MGI:2686052 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:23535 Zfp496 1304611 287361 ZNF496 1312150 84838 HGNC Zkscan17 1549986 268417 MGI:2679270 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:23713 Zfp502 6494479 100911237 ZNF502 1343425 91392 HGNC Zfp141 1613919 434178 MGI:3584269 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:23718 Zfp503 1312018 305687 ZNF503 1323782 84858 HGNC Zfp503 1323783 218820 MGI:1353644 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:23589 Zfp507 1307017 292816 ZNF507 1315962 22847 HGNC Zfp507 1550630 668501 MGI:1916378 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:23783 Zfp51 9163837 103691005 Zfp51 1619238 22709 MGI:99198 RGD Zfp511 1308585 293586 ZNF511 1318442 118472 HGNC Zfp511 1617526 69752 MGI:1917002 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:28445 Zfp512 1561526 313906 ZNF512 1349628 84450 HGNC Zfp512 1557887 269639 MGI:1917345 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:29380 Zfp512b 1305284 311721 ZNF512B 1606523 57473 HGNC Zfp512b 1621251 269401 MGI:2685478 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:29212 Zfp513 1310456 313913 ZNF513 1321365 130557 HGNC Zfp513 1321366 101023 MGI:2141255 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:26498 Zfp516 1306817 291406 ZNF516 1343458 9658 HGNC Zfp516 1553592 329003 MGI:2443957 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:28990 Zfp518a 1305314 309478 ZNF518A 1348764 9849 HGNC Zfp518a 1550714 72672 MGI:1919922 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:29009 Zfp518b 1564150 498390 ZNF518B 1604562 85460 HGNC Zfp518b 1557165 100515 MGI:2140750 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:29365 Zfp521 1307345 307579 ZNF521 1316488 25925 HGNC Zfp521 1316489 225207 MGI:95459 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:24605 Zfp523 1306239 361809 ZNF76 1314742 7629 HGNC Zfp523 1314743 224656 MGI:2687278 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:13149 Zfp524 1565485 365179 ZNF524 1351738 147807 HGNC Zfp524 1556997 66056 MGI:1916740 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:28322 Zfp526 1588959 687127 ZNF526 1602838 116115 HGNC Zfp526 1617393 210172 MGI:2445181 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:29415 Zfp532 1311719 307362 ZNF532 1323323 55205 HGNC Zfp532 1551867 328977 MGI:3036282 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:30940 Zfp536 1563363 292820 ZNF536 1351769 9745 HGNC Zfp536 1558626 243937 MGI:1926102 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:29025 Zfp541 1310756 308108 ZNF541 1321846 84215 HGNC Zfp541 1616183 666528 MGI:3647699 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:25294 Zfp551 1592780 682964 ZNF551 1348729 90233 HGNC Zfp551 1619567 619331 MGI:3588205 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:25108 Zfp560 2323078 100359967 ZNF121 1342983 7675 HGNC HGNC:12904 Zfp566 1563239 502316 ZNF566 1349368 84924 RGD Zfp566 1558411 72556 MGI:1919806 RGD HGNC:25919 Zfp568 11363847 108348102 Zfp568 1617313 243905 MGI:2142347 RGD Zfp57 1302981 361783 ZFP57 1344217 346171 HGNC Zfp57 1332036 22715 MGI:99204 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:18791 Zfp574 1311420 308434 ZNF574 1322875 64763 HGNC Zfp574 1553731 232976 MGI:2442951 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:26166 Zfp575 1305025 308430 ZNF575 1312810 284346 HGNC Zfp575 1623055 101544 MGI:2141921 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:27606 Zfp579 1308475 308339 ZNF579 1318265 163033 HGNC Zfp579 1552975 68490 MGI:1915740 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:26646 Zfp58 1593979 682870 ZNF429 1349572 353088 RGD Zfp58 1618128 238693 MGI:99205 RGD HGNC:20817 Zfp580 1306892 308336 ZNF580 1315767 51157 HGNC Zfp580 1315768 68992 MGI:1916242 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:29473 Zfp583 1562044 499068 ZNF583 1350167 147949 HGNC Zfp583 1557134 213011 MGI:2682297 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:26427 Zfp592 1308705 293038 ZNF592 1318632 9640 HGNC Zfp592 1318633 233410 MGI:2443541 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:28986 Zfp593 1310179 298546 ZNF593 1320928 51042 HGNC Zfp593 1620829 68040 MGI:1915290 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:30943 Zfp597 628674 266774 ZNF597 1351139 146434 HGNC Zfp597 733124 71063 MGI:1918313 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:26573 Zfp598 1304900 287119 ZNF598 1312605 90850 HGNC Zfp598 1312606 213753 MGI:2670965 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:28079 Zfp599 9236890 103690166 ZNF577 1350365 84765 HGNC Zfp599 1322862 235048 MGI:2679006 RGD HGNC:28673 Zfp600 9286049 103690343 ZNF300 1349700 91975 HGNC HGNC:13091 Zfp605 2318406 100365779 ZNF605 1353121 100289635 HGNC Zfp605 1615558 675812 MGI:2444933 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:28068 Zfp606 1309810 292610 ZNF606 1320347 80095 HGNC Zfp606 1320348 67370 MGI:1914620 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:25879 Zfp608 1306824 307296 ZNF608 1315658 57507 HGNC Zfp608 1550577 269023 MGI:2442338 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:29238 Zfp609 1561651 363412 ZNF609 1349333 23060 HGNC Zfp609 1556960 214812 MGI:2674092 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:29003 Zfp612 1307197 307839 ZNF23 1316246 7571 HGNC Zfp612 1316247 234725 MGI:2443465 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:13023 Zfp618 1310743 313253 ZNF618 1321825 114991 HGNC Zfp618 1614319 72701 MGI:1919950 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:29416 Zfp619 7710512 102548231 ZNF850 2302450 342892 RGD Zfp619 1623961 70227 MGI:1917477 RGD HGNC:27994 Zfp62 1560191 497894 ZFP62 1353379 643836 HGNC Zfp62 1557139 22720 MGI:99662 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:23241 Zfp622 1309146 294846 ZNF622 1319325 90441 HGNC Zfp622 1332256 52521 MGI:1289282 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:30958 Zfp623 7635192 102547932 ZNF623 1345531 9831 HGNC Zfp623 1557121 78834 MGI:1926084 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:29084 Zfp628 2323809 100359484 ZNF628 1606755 89887 HGNC Zfp628 1622953 232816 MGI:2665174 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:28054 Zfp629 1306257 308998 ZNF629 1314773 23361 HGNC Zfp629 1552392 320683 MGI:2444524 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:29008 Zfp637 1559850 362425 ZNF32 1350572 7580 HGNC Zfp637 1616542 232337 MGI:2448537 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:13095 Zfp638 1309746 312491 ZNF638 1349975 27332 HGNC Zfp638 1320250 18139 MGI:1203484 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:17894 Zfp639 1585689 683504 ZNF639 1353900 51193 HGNC Zfp639 1623201 67778 MGI:1915028 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:30950 Zfp64 1307948 311661 ZFP64 1317439 55734 HGNC Zfp64 1317440 22722 MGI:107342 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:15940 Zfp641 1310412 300197 ZNF641 1606174 121274 HGNC Zfp641 1553530 239652 MGI:2442788 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:31834 Zfp644 1306805 305127 ZNF644 1604575 84146 HGNC Zfp644 1552127 52397 MGI:1277212 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:29222 Zfp646 1561579 309003 ZNF646 1351485 9726 HGNC Zfp646 1614163 233905 MGI:3665412 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:29004 Zfp647 1308203 102555083 ZNF250 1349906 58500 HGNC Zfp647 1550924 239546 MGI:3052806 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:13044 Zfp648 2323778 100362915 ZNF648 1606465 127665 HGNC Zfp648 1616591 100503355 MGI:2685049 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:18190 Zfp652 1566329 497984 ZNF652 1350708 22834 HGNC Zfp652 1618848 268469 MGI:2442221 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:29147 Zfp653 1308754 300446 ZNF653 1347968 115950 HGNC Zfp653 1553866 319601 MGI:2442362 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:25196 Zfp654 1308321 288354 ZNF654 1345360 55279 HGNC Zfp654 1551594 72020 MGI:1919270 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:25612 Zfp655 1309158 360764 ZNF655 1351627 79027 HGNC Zfp655 1551704 72611 MGI:1919861 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:30899 Zfp658 7541917 102546648 ZNF782 1603891 158431 RGD Zfp175 1617398 210104 MGI:2652821 RGD HGNC:33110 Zfp663 2318893 100362089 ZNF487 1605144 642819 HGNC Zfp763 1314785 73451 MGI:1920701 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:23488 Zfp664 7677226 102556092 ZNF664 1606961 144348 HGNC Zfp664 1618842 269704 MGI:2442505 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:25406 Zfp667 1359114 308326 ZNF667 1603200 63934 HGNC Zfp667 1552946 384763 MGI:2442757 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:28854 Zfp668 1308623 309002 ZNF668 1605939 79759 HGNC Zfp668 1553685 244219 MGI:2442943 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:25821 Zfp672 1359094 303165 ZNF672 1602674 79894 HGNC Zfp672 1553413 319475 MGI:2442105 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:26179 Zfp677 7689541 102552527 Zfp677 1614210 210503 MGI:3053207 RGD Zfp68 1310463 304337 ZNF84 1351858 7637 HGNC Zfp300 1616510 245368 MGI:3045326 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:13159 Zfp683 2323855 100359438 ZNF683 1601926 257101 HGNC Zfp683 5146065 100503878 MGI:3650254 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:28495 Zfp687 2323182 100363361 ZNF687 1606250 57592 HGNC Zfp687 1551259 78266 MGI:1925516 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:29277 Zfp688 1310765 102554302 ZNF688 1602068 146542 RGD Zfp688 1551118 69234 MGI:1916484 RGD HGNC:30489 Zfp689 628696 286996 ZNF689 1603925 115509 HGNC Zfp689 1551837 71131 MGI:1918381 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:25173 Zfp69 2322990 100363455 ZFP69 1343701 339559 HGNC Zfp69 1557129 381549 MGI:107794 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:24708 Zfp691 1308150 313548 ZNF691 1603045 51058 HGNC Zfp691 1619889 195522 MGI:3041163 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:28028 Zfp692 1306740 303164 ZNF692 1604343 55657 HGNC Zfp692 1615000 103836 MGI:2144276 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:26049 Zfp697 1308711 295310 ZNF697 1603938 90874 HGNC Zfp697 1553642 242109 MGI:2139736 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:32034 Zfp7 1310636 315101 ZNF7 1321655 7553 RGD Zfp7 1321656 223669 MGI:99208 RGD HGNC:13139 Zfp703 1588249 680717 ZNF703 1602208 80139 HGNC Zfp703 1615537 353310 MGI:2662729 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:25883 Zfp704 1563869 310233 ZNF704 1605749 619279 HGNC Zfp704 1557157 170753 MGI:2180715 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:32291 Zfp706 1563959 500855 ZNF706 1602889 51123 HGNC Zfp706 1557242 68036 MGI:1915286 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:24992 Zfp707 1311188 315088 ZNF707 36174119 286075 HGNC Zfp707 1331915 69020 MGI:1916270 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:27815 Zfp707l1 1562665 362936 ZNF707 1603343 101928160 HGNC Zfp708 6502425 100909688 ZNF90 1350332 7643 HGNC Zfp708 1614725 432769 MGI:3040674 RGD HGNC:13165 Zfp709 628698 266773 ZNF443 1345334 10224 HGNC Zfp709 1332472 236193 MGI:2384299 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:20878 Zfp710 1306491 293044 ZNF710 1606391 374655 HGNC Zfp710 1315139 209225 MGI:1921747 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:25352 Zfp711 1562768 302327 ZNF711 1347410 7552 HGNC Zfp711 1558126 245595 MGI:3045342 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:13128 Zfp712 11447466 108350175 ZNF28 1352869 7576 RGD Zfp712 1622203 78251 MGI:1925501 RGD HGNC:13073 Zfp715 1624201 100360772 ZNF829 2292093 374899 HGNC HGNC:34032 Zfp719 7510716 102556967 ZNF175 1346277 7728 HGNC HGNC:12964 Zfp729 7697243 102551340 ZNF729 5133819 100287226 HGNC HGNC:32464 Zfp729b 1594173 680258 Zfp729b 1614026 100416706 MGI:2145180 RGD Zfp74 1563223 365224 ZNF569 1354291 148266 HGNC Zfp74 1556971 72723 MGI:107784 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:24737 Zfp746 1306209 312303 ZNF746 1606138 155061 HGNC Zfp746 1314697 69228 MGI:1916478 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:21948 Zfp748 7600894 102549842 Zfp748 1621369 212276 MGI:1916455 RGD Zfp758 1594701 690559 Zfp758 1616565 224598 MGI:2385044 RGD Zfp75d 1584423 684932 ZNF75D 1345365 7626 HGNC HGNC:13145 Zfp764 7540019 102553866 ZNF747 1602103 65988 HGNC Zfp764l1 1315820 101604 MGI:2141981 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:28350 Zfp764l1 1594599 102553962 ZNF764 1606477 92595 HGNC HGNC:28200 Zfp768 7609558 102553763 ZNF768 1605951 79724 HGNC Zfp768 1318060 233890 MGI:2384582 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:26273 Zfp77 6497573 100910577 ZNF77 1346753 58492 HGNC 2010315B03Rik 1621051 630836 MGI:1919321 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:13150 Zfp770 1597283 691610 ZNF770 1606270 54989 HGNC Zfp770 1322524 228491 MGI:2445100 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:26061 Zfp771 1305903 308992 ZNF771 1605390 51333 HGNC Zfp771 1314211 244216 MGI:2442050 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:29653 Zfp775 1304910 312309 ZNF775 1603510 285971 HGNC Zfp775 1312621 243372 MGI:2683557 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:28501 Zfp777 1566056 502764 ZNF777 1604021 27153 HGNC Zfp777 1617504 72306 MGI:1919556 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:22213 Zfp78 1586242 103690110 ZNF471 1350704 57573 HGNC Zfp78 1621968 330463 MGI:107783 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:23226 Zfp780b 1592570 102554136 KRBOX5 30308386 124411 HGNC HGNC:26987 Zfp786 2293500 100158223 ZNF786 1604748 136051 HGNC Zfp786 1558319 330301 MGI:3026883 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:21806 Zfp787 1310536 365176 ZNF787 1603274 126208 HGNC Zfp787 1321496 67109 MGI:1914359 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:26998 Zfp790 150344952 102547413 ZNF790 1603835 388536 RGD Zfp790 1556944 233056 MGI:1923431 RGD HGNC:33114 Zfp791 2323544 100363196 ZNF791 1605566 163049 HGNC Zfp791 1622914 244556 MGI:3648473 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:26895 Zfp799 1359692 494339 ZNF799 1604764 90576 HGNC Zfp799 1553858 240064 MGI:2443934 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:28071 Zfp800 1560157 500057 ZNF800 1603887 168850 HGNC Zfp800 1620285 627049 MGI:1889334 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:27267 Zfp804a 1305239 295695 ZNF804A 1349576 91752 HGNC Zfp804a 1332515 241514 MGI:2442949 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:21711 Zfp804b 1589640 499994 ZNF804B 1601814 219578 HGNC Zfp804b 1642241 207618 MGI:2685287 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:21958 Zfp808 41004382 120097792 Zfp808 1624946 630579 MGI:3704127 RGD Zfp81 1583951 691422 Zfp81 1615699 224694 MGI:1890752 RGD Zfp82 6499485 100910231 ZFP82 1345340 284406 HGNC Zfp82 1621223 330502 MGI:1890753 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:28682 Zfp821 1306674 307834 ZNF821 1604613 55565 HGNC Zfp821 1332574 75871 MGI:1923121 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:28043 Zfp827 1560620 291940 ZNF827 1606144 152485 HGNC Zfp827 1558203 622675 MGI:2444807 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:27193 Zfp830 1562573 497967 ZNF830 1605313 91603 HGNC Zfp830 1558412 66983 MGI:1914233 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:28291 Zfp831 1565819 100328908 ZNF831 1316121 128611 HGNC Zfp831 2294075 100043757 MGI:3641861 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:16167 Zfp839 1562557 500723 ZNF839 1343787 55778 HGNC Zfp839 1558055 72805 MGI:1920055 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:20345 Zfp84 1309815 308482 ZNF565 1344264 147929 RGD Zfp84 1320355 74352 MGI:107780 RGD HGNC:26726 Zfp846 1564241 363022 ZNF846 36947464 162993 HGNC Zfp846 1621286 244721 MGI:1924012 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:27260 Zfp853 1563095 102555274 ZNF853 2302454 54753 HGNC Zfp853 1623699 330230 MGI:2685638 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:21767 Zfp862 1598054 681217 ZNF862 2299992 643641 HGNC Zfp862-ps 1621549 58894 MGI:1889827 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:34519 Zfp865 1565545 308337 ZNF784 1602066 147808 HGNC Zfp784 1616241 654801 MGI:3606042 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:33111 Zfp866 2318899 100362083 ZNF700 1604763 90592 HGNC Zfp997 2292246 628709 MGI:3642406 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:25292 Zfp870 1597136 362845 ZNF670 1603930 93474 HGNC Zfp870 1617327 240066 MGI:3029586 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:28167 Zfp873 6487604 100912294 ZNF441 1350882 126068 HGNC Zfp873 1614742 408062 MGI:3040689 RGD HGNC:20875 Zfp874b 1566325 498682 Zfp874b 1614740 408067 MGI:3040702 RGD Zfp878 7600751 102548917 ZNF878 3207633 729747 HGNC HGNC:37246 Zfp879 1563273 497896 ZNF879 3029695 345462 HGNC Zfp879 1557181 214779 MGI:3053099 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:37273 Zfp9 2293498 100158232 ZNF25 1344079 219749 HGNC Zfp9 1619235 22750 MGI:99210 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:13043 Zfp90 1563077 498945 ZFP90 1350266 146198 HGNC Zfp90 1619234 22751 MGI:104786 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:23329 Zfp91 628736 246282 ZFP91 1354161 80829 HGNC Zfp91 1618233 109910 MGI:104854 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:14983 Zfp92 1559446 503487 ZFP92 1344727 139735 HGNC Zfp92 1557629 22754 MGI:108094 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:12865 Zfp931 6489349 100912009 Zfp931 1616415 353208 MGI:2441662 RGD Zfp933 1586231 691280 Zfp933 1622242 242747 MGI:1922865 RGD Zfp936 6486156 100912656 Zfp936 1620158 668620 MGI:3642994 RGD Zfp938 9374119 103690119 Zfp938 1617341 237411 MGI:3621440 RGD Zfp94 1560430 499095 ZNF45 1354120 7596 RGD Zfp94 1557375 22756 MGI:107610 RGD HGNC:13111 Zfp948 7563768 102550851 Zfp948 1622810 381066 MGI:3040683 RGD Zfp950 7570552 102550291 ZNF80 1350909 7634 HGNC Zfp950 1623585 414758 MGI:2652824 RGD HGNC:13155 Zfp950l10 7644011 102554666 ZNF625-ZNF20 7244081 100529855 HGNC Zfp1003 2295664 665205 MGI:3652188 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:48368 Zfp951 2301011 100188984 ZNF844 2300035 284391 HGNC Zfp961 1620591 234413 MGI:3583954 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:25932 Zfp955b 41319471 120093538 Zfp955b 2302588 100043468 MGI:4834573 RGD Zfp958 2311392 100302405 Zfp958 1614161 233987 MGI:2385298 RGD Zfpl1 1586738 684755 ZFPL1 1350269 7542 HGNC Zfpl1 1623880 81909 MGI:1891017 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:12868 Zfpm1 1582810 691504 ZFPM1 1314245 161882 RGD Zfpm1 1314246 22761 MGI:1095400 RGD HGNC:19762 Zfpm2 1306021 314930 ZFPM2 1314398 23414 HGNC Zfpm2 1550372 22762 MGI:1334444 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:16700 Zfr 1311890 365703 ZFR 1323583 51663 HGNC Zfr 1323584 22763 MGI:1341890 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:17277 Zfr2 1304737 314639 ZFR2 1312353 23217 HGNC Zfr2 1312354 103406 MGI:2143792 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:29189 Zfta 1560108 499309 ZFTA 2910589 65998 HGNC Zfta 1616643 108899 MGI:1919667 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:28449 Zftraf1 11425062 108348051 ZFTRAF1 1344193 50626 RGD Zftraf1 1557821 54151 MGI:1859320 RGD HGNC:17806 Zfx 1562664 367832 ZFX 1344344 7543 HGNC Zfx 1558097 22764 MGI:99211 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:12869 Zfy1 9203794 103694540 ZNF837 2293901 116412 HGNC Zfy1 1619232 22767 MGI:99212 RGD HGNC:25164 Zfyve1 1307795 299188 ZFYVE1 1317194 53349 HGNC Zfyve1 1317195 217695 MGI:3026685 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:13180 Zfyve16 1564784 499508 ZFYVE16 1348980 9765 HGNC Zfyve16 1558542 218441 MGI:2145181 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:20756 Zfyve19 1561576 499871 ZFYVE19 1345411 84936 HGNC Zfyve19 1557318 72008 MGI:1919258 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:20758 Zfyve21 1311036 362789 ZFYVE21 1322277 79038 HGNC Zfyve21 1322278 68520 MGI:1915770 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:20760 Zfyve26 1307820 314265 ZFYVE26 1317236 23503 HGNC Zfyve26 1317237 211978 MGI:1924767 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:20761 Zfyve27 735177 309376 ZFYVE27 1352080 118813 HGNC Zfyve27 1553219 319740 MGI:1919602 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:26559 Zfyve28 1310151 305454 ZFYVE28 1320885 57732 HGNC Zfyve28 1553404 231125 MGI:2684992 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:29334 Zfyve9 1310856 313477 ZFYVE9 1321999 9372 HGNC Zfyve9 1322000 230597 MGI:2652838 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:6775 Zg16 620346 171449 ZG16 732666 653808 HGNC Zg16 732667 69036 MGI:1916286 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:30961 Zg16b 1562673 363551 ZG16B 1605005 124220 HGNC Sbpl 1623446 638345 MGI:3694550 RGD HGNC:30456 Zglp1 2322460 100360291 ZGLP1 3418338 100125288 HGNC Zglp1 1618444 100009600 MGI:3696042 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:37245 Zgpat 1310801 296478 ZGPAT 1606771 84619 HGNC Zgpat 1551036 229007 MGI:2449939 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:15948 Zgrf1 1305834 310880 ZGRF1 1602323 55345 HGNC Zgrf1 1314105 71643 MGI:1918893 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:25654 Zhx1 620010 171159 ZHX1 1346071 11244 HGNC Zhx1 731596 22770 MGI:109271 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:12871 Zhx2 727926 314988 ZHX2 1342946 22882 HGNC Zhx2 1551442 387609 MGI:2683087 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:18513 Zhx3 631431 311604 ZHX3 1342474 23051 HGNC Zhx3 1332232 320799 MGI:2444772 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:15935 Zic1 620110 64618 ZIC1 735694 7545 HGNC Zic1 735695 22771 MGI:106683 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:12872 Zic2 1311174 361096 ZIC2 1322491 7546 HGNC Zic2 1322492 22772 MGI:106679 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:12873 Zic3 1561261 367944 ZIC3 1347201 7547 HGNC Zic3 1557273 22773 MGI:106676 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:12874 Zic4 1307298 315882 ZIC4 1316409 84107 HGNC Zic4 1316410 22774 MGI:107201 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:20393 Zic5 1310160 361095 ZIC5 1320899 85416 HGNC Zic5 1320900 65100 MGI:1929518 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:20322 Zik1 1590949 102554457 ZIK1 1604492 284307 RGD Zik1 1619230 22775 MGI:108070 RGD HGNC:33104 Zim1 1310930 308322 ZNF74 1353341 7625 HGNC HGNC:13144 Zim3 6499280 100910305 ZIM3 1352082 114026 HGNC HGNC:16366 Zkscan1 1560616 498160 ZKSCAN1 1347183 7586 HGNC Zkscan1 1557179 74570 MGI:1921820 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:13101 Zkscan2 1359568 368120 ZKSCAN2 1605808 342357 HGNC Zkscan2 1553677 210162 MGI:2444060 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:25677 Zkscan3 1305753 306977 ZKSCAN3 1313974 80317 HGNC Zkscan3 1614314 72739 MGI:1919989 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:13853 Zkscan4 1309004 291164 ZKSCAN4 1319105 387032 HGNC Zkscan4 1621867 544922 MGI:3649412 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:13854 Zkscan5 1311175 304275 ZKSCAN5 1322493 23660 HGNC Zkscan5 1322494 22757 MGI:107533 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:12867 Zkscan7 1305242 363170 ZKSCAN7 1313155 55888 HGNC Zkscan7 1313156 382118 MGI:3040678 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:12955 Zkscan8 1308983 306974 ZKSCAN8 1319074 7745 HGNC Zkscan8 1319075 93681 MGI:1913815 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:12983 Zmat1 1565344 308654 ZMAT1 1345896 84460 HGNC Zmat1 1556982 215693 MGI:2442284 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:29377 Zmat2 1583592 679898 ZMAT2 1353598 153527 HGNC Zmat2 1552811 66492 MGI:1913742 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:26433 Zmat3 620134 64394 ZMAT3 1602466 64393 HGNC Zmat3 1552389 22401 MGI:1195270 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:29983 Zmat4 1584398 684961 ZMAT4 1606216 79698 HGNC Zmat4 1558085 320158 MGI:2443497 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:25844 Zmat5 1559774 501926 ZMAT5 1607019 55954 HGNC Zmat5 1617547 67178 MGI:1914428 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:28046 Zmiz1 1311620 361103 ZMIZ1 1323172 57178 HGNC Zmiz1 1617978 328365 MGI:3040693 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:16493 Zmiz2 1309256 289783 ZMIZ2 1605930 83637 HGNC Zmiz2 1319499 52915 MGI:106374 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:22229 Zmpste24 1305570 313564 ZMPSTE24 1313677 10269 HGNC Zmpste24 1313678 230709 MGI:1890508 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:12877 Zmym1 1307027 313604 ZMYM1 1315977 79830 HGNC Zmym1 1315978 68310 MGI:1915560 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:26253 Zmym2 1593255 305913 ZMYM2 1317868 7750 HGNC Zmym2 1317869 76007 MGI:1923257 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:12989 Zmym3 1564967 317260 ZMYM3 1350026 9203 HGNC Zmym3 1557015 56364 MGI:1927231 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:13054 Zmym4 1309545 313598 ZMYM4 1319940 9202 HGNC Zmym4 1319941 67785 MGI:1915035 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:13055 Zmym5 1306353 305911 ZMYM5 1343268 9205 HGNC Zmym5 1314923 219105 MGI:3041170 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:13029 Zmym6 1561833 362602 ZMYM6 1345857 9204 HGNC Zmym6 1557514 100177 MGI:106505 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:13050 Zmynd10 1303250 363139 ZMYND10 1351816 51364 HGNC Zmynd10 1551456 114602 MGI:2387863 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:19412 Zmynd11 1303252 291259 ZMYND11 1606319 10771 HGNC Zmynd11 1553407 66505 MGI:1913755 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:16966 Zmynd12 1307175 313552 ZMYND12 1316209 84217 HGNC Zmynd12 1622830 332934 MGI:2140259 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:21192 Zmynd15 1309845 287457 ZMYND15 1320408 84225 HGNC Zmynd15 1614663 574428 MGI:3603821 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:20997 Zmynd19 735079 311791 ZMYND19 1353400 116225 HGNC Zmynd19 1332189 67187 MGI:1914437 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:21146 Zmynd8 1309544 296374 ZMYND8 1319938 23613 HGNC Zmynd8 1553257 228880 MGI:1918025 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:9397 Znf16l-ps1 7613843 102555319 ZNF16 1342906 7564 HGNC HGNC:12947 Znf235 7536417 102548230 ZNF235 1350686 9310 HGNC Zfp235 1619213 56525 MGI:1929117 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:12866 Znf235-ps1 7498933 102548600 ZNF233 1353655 353355 HGNC Zfp61 1558149 22719 MGI:99663 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:30946 Znf354b 7562538 102556119 ZNF354B 1346578 117608 HGNC Zfp354b 1557079 27274 MGI:1351476 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:17197 Znf408 2318583 100362202 ZNF408 1315189 79797 HGNC Zfp408 1619685 381410 MGI:2685857 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:20041 Znf454 7529496 102555919 ZNF454 1346228 285676 HGNC Zfp454 1614903 237758 MGI:2679253 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:21200 Znf48 9115869 103690203 ZNF48 1343499 197407 HGNC Zfp553 1557171 233887 MGI:2384725 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:13114 Znf568l-ps1 1559509 499123 ZNF568 1342686 374900 HGNC HGNC:25392 Znf599l-ps1 6499588 100910258 ZNF599 1603572 148103 HGNC HGNC:26408 Znf624l 6503044 100909569 ZNF624 1342948 57547 HGNC HGNC:29254 Znf660 11394460 108351806 ZNF660 1346042 285349 HGNC Zfp660 1618544 666257 MGI:3645415 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:26720 ZNF69l 7547607 102555578 ZNF69 1348158 7620 HGNC HGNC:13138 Znf709l 6493372 100911320 ZNF709 1605565 163051 HGNC Zfp872 1619573 619310 MGI:3588272 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:20629 Znf740 1589052 685834 ZNF740 1603524 283337 HGNC Zfp740 1615094 68744 MGI:1915994 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:27465 Znf750 1590044 688328 ZNF750 1602862 79755 HGNC Zfp750 1615575 319530 MGI:2442210 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:25843 Znf773 7559893 102547412 ZNF773 1605527 374928 HGNC Zfp773 1558398 76373 MGI:1923623 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:30487 Znf780b 6500398 100910046 ZNF780B 1602429 163131 HGNC Zfp780b 1621211 338354 MGI:2444764 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:33109 Znf783 401990273 134486880 ZNF783 4140607 100289678 NCBI HGNC:27222 Znf8 41193534 120099766 ZNF8 1321682 7554 HGNC Zfp128 1321683 243833 MGI:2389445 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:13154 Znf81 2323171 100363372 ZNF81 1349324 347344 HGNC HGNC:13156 Znf829l-ps1 7617005 102548162 ZNF582 1353424 147948 HGNC Zfp582 2299649 100416477 MGI:3782026 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:26421 Znf865 6494165 100911196 ZNF865 4109409 100507290 HGNC Zfp865 1320656 319748 MGI:2442656 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:38705 Znf892 402443982 134486435 ZNF892 38617539 344065 NCBI HGNC:38707 Znfx1 1306344 296384 ZNFX1 1603622 57169 HGNC Znfx1 1314911 98999 MGI:2138982 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:29271 Zng1a 708495 171057 ZNG1A 1348830 55871 HGNC Zng1 1552833 226043 MGI:2385089 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:17134 Znhit1 2322870 100360077 ZNHIT1 1318185 10467 HGNC Znhit1 1552959 70103 MGI:1917353 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:21688 Znhit2 1307918 309177 ZNHIT2 1348570 741 HGNC Znhit2 1550052 29805 MGI:1352481 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:1177 Znhit3 1598226 497975 ZNHIT3 1315114 9326 HGNC Znhit3 1558381 448850 MGI:3051596 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:12309 Znhit6 1308723 292160 ZNHIT6 1607024 54680 HGNC Znhit6 1614926 229937 MGI:1916996 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:26089 Znrd2 1593467 689397 ZNRD2 1323499 10534 HGNC Znrd2 1323500 56390 MGI:1913482 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:11328 Znrf1 1592195 690769 ZNRF1 1349961 84937 HGNC Znrf1 1315378 170737 MGI:2177308 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:18452 Znrf2 1306645 362367 ZNRF2 1352531 223082 HGNC Znrf2 1622781 387524 MGI:1196246 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:22316 Znrf3 1593771 685487 ZNRF3 1342950 84133 HGNC Znrf3 1616373 407821 MGI:3039616 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:18126 Znrf4 1563631 301127 ZNRF4 1345671 148066 HGNC Znrf4 1557178 20834 MGI:1341258 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:17726 Zp1 620604 85271 ZP1 1347809 22917 HGNC Zp1 734032 22786 MGI:103073 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:13187 Zp2 620605 81828 ZP2 735363 7783 HGNC Zp2 732923 22787 MGI:99214 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:13188 Zp3 620606 114639 ZP3 1352592 7784 HGNC Zp3 732255 22788 MGI:99215 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:13189 Zp4 628708 282833 ZP4 1345250 57829 HGNC HGNC:15770 Zpbp 1563985 498415 ZPBP 1351452 11055 RGD Zpbp 1557380 53604 MGI:1855701 RGD HGNC:15662 Zpbp2 1549726 363676 ZPBP2 1603918 124626 HGNC Zpbp2 1558392 69376 MGI:1916626 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:20678 Zpld1 1308138 363768 ZPLD1 1606973 131368 HGNC Zpld1 1317738 239852 MGI:2443415 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:27022 Zpr1 1562173 500989 ZPR1 1323503 8882 HGNC Zpr1 1323504 22687 MGI:1330262 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:13051 Zranb1 2321751 100360606 ZRANB1 1318817 54764 HGNC Zranb1 1551093 360216 MGI:106441 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:18224 Zranb2 61854 58821 ZRANB2 736628 9406 HGNC Zranb2 62146 53861 MGI:1858211 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:13058 Zranb3 1564952 304761 ZRANB3 1349256 84083 HGNC Zranb3 1557935 226409 MGI:1918362 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:25249 Zrsr2 1559763 302670 ZRSR2 1346246 8233 RGD Zrsr2 1624058 22184 MGI:103287 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:23019 Zrsr2-ps1 1561824 498425 Zrsr2-ps1 1624059 22183 MGI:98885 RGD Zscan10 1310745 302962 ZSCAN10 1321829 84891 HGNC Zscan10 1617965 332221 MGI:3040700 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:12997 Zscan12 628738 266716 ZSCAN12 1346257 9753 HGNC Zscan12 732347 22758 MGI:1099444 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:13172 Zscan18 1560671 499083 ZSCAN18 1343704 65982 HGNC Zscan18 1624941 232875 MGI:3643810 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:21037 Zscan2 1584548 683603 ZSCAN2 1606268 54993 HGNC Zscan2 1323744 22691 MGI:99176 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:20994 Zscan20 1562996 500549 ZSCAN20 1353276 7579 HGNC Zscan20 1558039 269585 MGI:2679268 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:13093 Zscan21 1309981 304342 ZSCAN21 1320617 7589 HGNC Zscan21 1320618 22697 MGI:99182 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:13104 Zscan22 7606541 102553002 ZSCAN22 1315325 342945 HGNC Zscan22 1315326 232878 MGI:2443312 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:4929 Zscan25 1308619 363872 ZSCAN25 1318498 221785 HGNC Zscan25 1617753 666311 MGI:3647079 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:21961 Zscan26 727885 266792 ZSCAN26 1345585 7741 HGNC Zscan26 1614735 432731 MGI:3531417 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:12978 Zscan29-ps1 41187367 120101640 ZSCAN29 1605867 146050 NCBI Zscan29 1619918 99334 MGI:2139317 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:26673 Zscan30 1306095 364827 ZSCAN30 2290512 100101467 HGNC Zscan30 1314513 328918 MGI:2685600 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:33517 Zscan4f 1563625 503124 ZSCAN4 1351601 201516 HGNC Zscan4d 1613908 545913 MGI:3645954 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:23709 Zscan5b 1559143 292566 ZSCAN5B 2293895 342933 RGD Zscan5b 1557387 170734 MGI:2159640 RGD HGNC:34246 Zswim1 1305715 311631 ZSWIM1 1313910 90204 HGNC Zswim1 1313911 71971 MGI:1919221 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:16155 Zswim2 1311373 296455 ZSWIM2 1322798 151112 HGNC Zswim2 1556990 71861 MGI:1919111 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:30990 Zswim3 1309789 311630 ZSWIM3 1320317 140831 HGNC Zswim3 1320318 67538 MGI:1914788 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:16157 Zswim4 1308020 304655 ZSWIM4 1345804 65249 HGNC Zswim4 1317547 212168 MGI:2443726 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:25704 Zswim5 1310741 313524 ZSWIM5 1321821 57643 HGNC Zswim5 1321822 74464 MGI:1921714 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:29299 Zswim6 1306624 310062 ZSWIM6 1352510 57688 HGNC Zswim6 1315348 67263 MGI:1914513 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:29316 Zswim7 1310324 287388 ZSWIM7 1606167 125150 HGNC Zswim7 1321162 69747 MGI:1916997 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:26993 Zswim8 1309414 361004 ZSWIM8 1344378 23053 HGNC Zswim8 1319747 268721 MGI:1919156 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:23528 Zswim9 1310257 308381 ZSWIM9 1602629 374920 HGNC Zswim9 1321053 321008 MGI:2447816 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:34495 Zup1 1307672 294390 ZUP1 1316997 221302 HGNC Zup1 1316998 72580 MGI:1919830 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:21224 Zw10 1309197 363059 ZW10 1319405 9183 HGNC Zw10 1551187 26951 MGI:1349478 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:13194 Zwilch 1583880 691493 ZWILCH 1602882 55055 HGNC Zwilch 1620833 68014 MGI:1915264 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:25468 Zwint 628671 257644 ZWINT 1347195 11130 HGNC Zwint 733387 52696 MGI:1289227 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:13195 Zxda 1563355 314119 ZXDA 1347860 7789 RGD Zxda 1558583 668171 MGI:1921689 RGD HGNC:13198 Zxdb 41201263 120099132 ZXDB 1351401 158586 RGD Zxdb 1613679 668166 MGI:3694898 RGD HGNC:13199 Zxdc 1561296 362399 ZXDC 1607003 79364 HGNC Zxdc 1558386 80292 MGI:1933108 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:28160 Zyg11a 1309582 313482 ZYG11A 1601783 440590 HGNC Zyg11a 1319996 230590 MGI:2446208 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:32058 Zyg11b 1307814 362559 ZYG11B 1606215 79699 HGNC Zyg11b 1622676 414872 MGI:2685277 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:25820 Zyx 620698 114636 ZYX 1347879 7791 HGNC Zyx 1550839 22793 MGI:103072 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:13200 Zzef1 1311189 287476 ZZEF1 1322516 23140 HGNC Zzef1 1557479 195018 MGI:2444286 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:29027 Zzz3 1565468 310958 ZZZ3 1351388 26009 HGNC Zzz3 1615759 108946 MGI:1920453 Transitive Ortholog Pipeline HGNC:24523