RGD Data Release ---------------------------------------------------------- RGD will periodically release its data to this directory. All data use tab as a delimitor unless otherwise noted. See http://labs.rgd.mcw.edu for technical discussion News ---------- 06/21/2008 - format of the ontology association files changed. Column 2 of the files is now only the numeric RGD id. So, "RGD:1234" is now just "1234". This brings the file format into line with the gene ontology specification. The database prefix is specified in column 1. 06/10/2008 - new ortholog file "RGD_ORTHOLOGS" released. Rat genes mapped to human and mouse orthologs. See header of file for details. 06/09/2008 - annotation files in "annotated_rgd_objects_by_ontology" no longer have suffix on file name. - Major clean up of data release directory. A copy of the old files is available in the directory "old_data_release". Please contact RGD.Data@mcw.edu with any questions.