================================================================== LEGBA FTP SERVER at the Informatics Research Center, Medical College of Wisconsin, Milwaukee. ================================================================== rhdata ================================================================== File Information: rh_panel_info.txt -- panel information used in the rh data so far we have T55v1 and T55v2. rh_data_T55v1.csv -- rh data (genetic SSLP markers) using panel T55v1. released in May 1999. rh_data_T55v2.csv -- rh data (genetic SSLP markers) using panel T55v2. released in May 1999. Please see the related ftp site: ftp://ftp.ebi.ac.uk/pub/databases/RHdb ==================================================================== Informatics Research Center (http://goliath.ifrc.mcw.edu) Laboratary for Genetic Research (http://goliath.ifrc.mcw.edu/LGR)