# RGD-PIPELINE: ftp-file-extracts # MODULE: interactions build 2021-01-11 # GENERATED-ON: 2024/10/19 00:25:04 # CONTACT: rgd.data@mcw.edu # FORMAT: tab delimited text # NOTES: # This file provides a set of protein-protein binary interactions for species (Bonobo). # The file is in the tab-delimited format. # The interaction data is sourced from the IMEx consortium. # Multiple values in a single column are separated by ';' # SPECIES: Bonobo # COUNT: 2 interactions Interactor A Interactor A Gene Interactor A Gene RGD_ID Interactor B Interactor B Gene Interactor B Gene RGD_ID Species A Species B Interaction Type Attributes P01857 IGHG1 1344505 P69906 HBA1 12025398 Human Bonobo association imex:IM-19123; intact-miscore:0.35; interaction_ac:IM-19123-6; pubmed:15174051; sourcedb:IntAct P02768 ALB 735404 P69906 HBA1 12025398 Human Bonobo association imex:IM-19123; intact-miscore:0.35; interaction_ac:IM-19123-7; interaction_ac:IM-19123-9; pubmed:15174051; sourcedb:IntAct